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Aptitude Questions: Freshers Resource Center

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Aptitude Questions
1.One of the following is my secret word: AIM DUE MOD OAT TIE .ith the list
in front of you! if I were to tell you "ny one of my secret word! then you would #e
"#le to tell me the num#er of $owels in my secret word .hich is my secret
&.In the following figure:A ' (
E ) *
E"ch of the digits 1! &! ,! -! .! /! 0! 1! "nd 2 is:
"34epresented #y " different letter in the figure "#o$e.
#35ositioned in the figure "#o$e so th"t e"ch of A 6 ' 6 (!( 6 D 6E!E 6 ) 6 *!
"nd * 6 + 6 I is e7u"l to 1,.
hich digit does E represent%
,.One of Mr. +orton!his wife!their son!"nd Mr. +orton8s mother is " doctor "nd
"nother is " l"wyer.
"3If the doctor is younger th"n the l"wyer! then the doctor "nd the l"wyer "re not
#lood rel"ti$es.
#3If the doctor is " wom"n! then the doctor "nd the l"wyer "re #lood rel"ti$es.
c3If the l"wyer is " m"n! then the doctor is " m"n.
hose occup"tion you 9now%
-.+ere is " picture of two cu#es:

"3The two cu#es "re e:"ctly "li9e.
#3The hidden f"ces indic"ted #y the dots h"$e the s"me "lph"#et on them.
hich "lph"#et;7! r! w! or 9 is on the f"ces indic"ted #y the dots%
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First Job. Dream Job. Freshersworld.com
..In the following figure:
' * E
( )
E"ch of the se$en digits from <! 1! &! ,! -! .! /! 0! 1! "nd 2 is:
"34epresented #y " different letter in the figure "#o$e.
#35ositioned in the figure "#o$e so th"t A='=(!'=*=E! "nd D=E=) "re e7u"l.
hich digit does * represent%
/.Mr. "nd Mrs. Aye "nd Mr. "nd Mrs. 'ee competed in " chess tourn"ment.Of the
three g"mes pl"yed:
"3In only the first g"me were the two pl"yers m"rried to e"ch other.
#3The men won two g"mes "nd the women won one g"me.
c3The Ayes won more g"mes th"n the 'ees.
d3Anyone who lost g"me did not pl"y the su#se7uent g"me.
ho did not lose " g"me%
0.Three piles of chips;;pile I consists one chip! pile II consists of chips! "nd pile
III consists of three chips;;"re to #e used in g"me pl"yed #y Anit" "nd
'rind".The g"me re7uires:
"3Th"t e"ch pl"yer in turn t"9e only one chip or "ll chips from >ust one pile.
#3Th"t the pl"yer who h"s to t"9e the l"st chip loses.
c3Th"t Anit" now h"$e her turn.
)rom which pile should Anit" dr"w in order to win%
1.Of A#dul! 'inoy! "nd (h"ndini:
"3E"ch mem#er #elongs to the Tee f"mily whose mem#ers "lw"ys tell the truth
or to the El f"mily whose mem#ers "lw"ys lie.
#3A#dul s"ys 88Either I #elong or 'inoy #elongs to " different f"mily from the
other two.?
hose f"mily do you n"me of%
1&.A coffee shop #lends & 9inds of coffee!putting in & p"rts of " ,,p. " gm. gr"de
to 1 p"rt of " &-p. " gm.If the mi:ture is ch"nged to 1 p"rt of the ,,p. " gm. to
& p"rts of the less e:pensi$e gr"de!how much will the shop s"$e in #lending 1<<
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First Job. Dream Job. Freshersworld.com
1,.There "re &<< 7uestions on " , hr e:"min"tion.Among these 7uestions "re .<
m"them"tics pro#lems.It is suggested th"t twice "s much time #e spent on e"ch
m"ths pro#lem "s for e"ch other 7uestion.+ow m"ny minutes should #e spent on
m"them"tics pro#lems
1-.In " group of 1.!0 h"$e studied @"tin! 1 h"$e studied *ree9! "nd , h"$e not
studied either.+ow m"ny of these studied #oth @"tin "nd *ree9
1..If 1, A 1,wBC1;w3 !then C&w3
1/. If " "nd # "re positi$e integers "nd C";#3B,.. A -B0! then
CA3 # D "
C'3 # E "
C(3 # A "
CD3 # EA "
10. In >une " #"se#"ll te"m th"t pl"yed /< g"mes h"d won ,<F of its g"me
pl"yed. After " phenomen"l winning stre"9 this te"m r"ised its "$er"ge to
.<F .+ow m"ny g"mes must the te"m h"$e won in " row to "tt"in this "$er"ge%
A. 1&
'. &<
(. &-
D. ,<
11. M men "gree to purch"se " gift for 4s. D. If three men drop out how much
more will e"ch h"$e to contri#ute tow"rds the purch"se of the giftB
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A. DBCM;,3
'. MDB,
(. MBCD;,3
12. A comp"ny contr"cts to p"int , houses. Mr.'rown c"n p"int " house in / d"ys
while Mr.'l"c9 would t"9e 1 d"ys "nd Mr.'lue 1& d"ys. After 1 d"ys Mr.'rown
goes on $"c"tion "nd Mr. 'l"c9 #egins to wor9 for " period of / d"ys. +ow m"ny
d"ys will it t"9e Mr.'lue to complete the contr"ct%
A. 0
'. 1
(. 11
D. 1&
&<. & hours "fter " freight tr"in le"$es Delhi " p"ssenger tr"in le"$es the s"me
st"tion tr"$elling in the s"me direction "t "n "$er"ge speed of 1/ 9mBhr. After
tr"$elling - hrs the p"ssenger tr"in o$ert"9es the freight tr"in. The "$er"ge speed
of the freight tr"in w"s%
A. ,<
'. -<
D. /<
&1. If 2:;,yA1& "nd ,:;.yA0 then /:;&y A %
'. -
(. &
D. 1
&&. There "re . red shoes! - green shoes. If one dr"w r"ndomly " shoe wh"t is
the pro#"#ility of getting " red shoe
&,. h"t is the selling price of " c"r% If the cost of the c"r is 4s./< "nd " profit
of 1<F o$er selling price is e"rned
&-. 1B, of girls ! 1B& of #oys go to c"nteen .h"t f"ctor "nd tot"l num#er of
cl"ssm"tes go to c"nteen.
&.. The price of " product is reduced #y ,<F . 'y wh"t percent"ge should it #e
incre"sed to m"9e it 1<<F
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First Job. Dream Job. Freshersworld.com
&/. There is " s7u"re of side /cm . A circle is inscri#ed inside the s7u"re. )ind the
r"tio of the "re" of circle to s7u"re.
&0. There "re two c"ndles of e7u"l lengths "nd of different thic9ness. The thic9er
one l"sts of si: hours. The thinner & hours less th"n the thic9er one. 4"mesh
lights the two c"ndles "t the s"me time. hen he went to #ed he s"w the thic9er
one is twice the length of the thinner one. +ow long "go did 4"mesh light the two
c"ndles .

&1. If MBG A /B.!then ,M6&G A %
&2. If pB7 A .B- ! then &p67A %
,<. If 5Q4HT is " p"r"llelogr"m wh"t it the r"tio of tri"ngle 5QH I p"r"llelogr"m
5Q4HT .

,1. The cost of "n item is 4s 1&./<. If the profit is 1<F o$er selling price wh"t is
the selling price %

,&. There "re / red shoes I - green shoes . If two of red shoes "re dr"wn wh"t
is the pro#"#ility of getting red shoes
,,. To 1. lts of w"ter cont"ining &<F "lcohol! we "dd . lts of pure w"ter. h"t is
F "lcohol.
,-. A wor9er is p"id 4s.&<B; for " full d"ys wor9. +e wor9s 1!1B,!&B,!1B1.,B-
d"ys in " wee9. h"t is the tot"l "mount p"id for th"t wor9er %
,.. If the $"lue of : lies #etween < I 1 which of the following is the l"rgest%
C"3 :
C#3 :
Cc3 ;:
Cd3 1B:
,/. If the tot"l dist"nce of " >ourney is 1&< 9m .If one goes #y /< 9mph "nd
comes #"c9 "t -<9mph wh"t is the "$er"ge speed during the >ourney%
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,0. A school h"s ,<F students from M"h"r"shtr" .Out of these &<F "re 'om#ey
students. )ind the tot"l percent"ge of 'om#"y%
,1. An e7uil"ter"l tri"ngle of sides , inch e"ch is gi$en. +ow m"ny e7uil"ter"l
tri"ngles of side 1 inch c"n #e formed from it%
,2. If AB' A ,B.!then 1.A A %
-<. E"ch side of " rect"ngle is incre"sed #y 1<<F .'y wh"t percent"ge does the
"re" incre"se%
-1. 5erimeter of the #"c9 wheel A 2 feet! front wheel A 0 feet on " cert"in
dist"nce! the front wheel gets 1< re$olutions more th"n the #"c9 wheel .h"t is
the dist"nce%
-&. 5erimeter of front wheel A,<! #"c9 wheel A &<. If front wheel re$ol$es &-<
times. +ow m"ny re$olutions will the #"c9 wheel t"9e%
-,. &<F of " / litre solution "nd /<F of - litre solution "re mi:ed. h"t
percent"ge of the mi:ture of solution
--(ity A8s popul"tion is /1<<<! decre"sing "t " r"te of 1< people per ye"r. (ity '
h"$ing popul"tion -&<<< is incre"sing "t " r"te of 1&< people per ye"r. In how
m"ny ye"rs #oth the cities will h"$e s"me popul"tion%
-.Two c"rs "re 1. 9ms "p"rt. One is turning "t " speed of .<9mph "nd the other
"t -<9mph . +ow much time will it t"9e for the two c"rs to meet%
-/A person w"nts to #uy , p"ise "nd . p"ise st"mps costing e:"ctly one rupee. If
he #uys which of the following num#er of st"mps he won8t "#le to #uy , p"ise
-0There "re 1& #oys "nd 1. girls! +ow m"ny different d"ncing groups c"n #e
formed with & #oys "nd , girls.
-1hich of the following fr"ctions is less th"n 1B,
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C"3 &&B/&
C#3 1.B-/
Cc3 &B,
Cd3 1
-2There "re two circles! one circle is inscri#ed "nd "nother circle is circumscri#ed
o$er " s7u"re. h"t is the r"tio of "re" of inner to outer circle%
.<Three types of te" the "!#!c costs 4s. 2.B9g!1<<B9g "nd0<B9g respecti$ely.
+ow m"ny 9gs of e"ch should #e #lended to produce 1<< 9g of mi:ture worth
gi$en th"t the 7untities of #"nd c "re e7u"l
.1. in " cl"ss! e:cept 11 "ll "re "#o$e .< ye"rs.
1. "re #elow .< ye"rs of "ge. +ow m"ny people "re there
C"3 ,<
C#3 ,,
Cc3 ,/
Cd3 none of these.
.&. If " #o"t is mo$ing in upstre"m with $elocity of 1- 9mBhr "nd goes
downstre"m with " $elocity of -< 9mBhr! then wh"t is the speed of the stre"m %
C"3 1, 9mBhr
C#3 &/ 9mBhr
Cc3 ,- 9mBhr
Cd3 none of these
.,. )ind the $"lue of C <.0. = <.0. = <.0. ; <.<<1 3 B C <.0. = <.0. ; <.<0. 6
C"3 <.1-.
C#3 1.2<1
Cc3 &.,1&
Cd3 <.<<1
.-. A c"n h"$e " piece of wor9 done in 1 d"ys! ' c"n wor9 three times f"ster
th"n the A! ( c"n wor9 fi$e times f"ster th"n A. +ow m"ny d"ys will they t"9e to
do the wor9 together %
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C"3 , d"ys
C#3 1B2 d"ys
Cc3 - d"ys
Cd3 c"n8t s"y
... A c"r tr"$els " cert"in dist"nce t"9ing 0 hrs in forw"rd >ourney! during the
return >ourney incre"sed speed 1&9mBhr t"9es the times . hrs.h"t is the
dist"nce tr"$elled
C"3 &1< 9ms
C#3 ,< 9ms
Cc3 &< 9ms
Cc3 none of these
./. Inste"d of multiplying " num#er #y 0! the num#er is di$ided #y 0. h"t is the
percent"ge of error o#t"ined %
.0. )ind C0: 6 -y 3 B C:;&y3 if :B&y A ,B& %
C"3 /
C#3 1
Cc3 0
Cd3 d"t" insufficient
.1. A m"n #uys 1& lts of li7uid which cont"ins &<F of the li7uid "nd the rest is
w"ter. +e then mi:es it with 1< lts of "nother mi:ture with ,<F of li7uid.h"t is
the F of w"ter in the new mi:ture%
.2. If " m"n #uys 1 lt of mil9 for 4s.1& "nd mi:es it with &<F w"ter "nd sells it
for 4s.1.! then wh"t is the percent"ge of g"in%
/<. 5ipe A c"n fill " t"n9 in ,< mins "nd 5ipe ' c"n fill it in &1 mins.If ,B-th of the
t"n9 is filled #y 5ipe ' "lone "nd #oth "re opened! how much time is re7uired #y
#oth the pipes to fill the t"n9 completely %
/1. If on "n item " comp"ny gi$es &.F discount! they e"rn &.F profit. If they
now gi$e 1<F discount then wh"t is the profit percent"ge.
C"3 -<F
C#3 ..F
Cc3 ,.F
Cd3 ,<F
/&. A cert"in num#er of men c"n finish " piece of wor9 in 1< d"ys. If howe$er
there were 1< men less it will t"9e 1< d"ys more for the wor9 to #e finished. +ow
m"ny men were there origin"lly%
C"3 11< men
C#3 1,< men
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Cc3 1<< men
Cd3 none of these
/,. In simple interest wh"t sum "mounts of 4s.11&<B; in - ye"rs "nd 4s.1&<<B;
in . ye"rs %
C"3 4s. .<<
C#3 4s. /<<
Cc3 4s. 1<<
Cd3 4s. 2<<
/-. If " sum of money compound "nnu"lly "mounts of thrice itself in , ye"rs. In
how m"ny ye"rs
will it #ecome 2 times itself.
C"3 /
C#3 1
Cc3 1<
Cd3 1&
/.. Two tr"ins mo$e in the s"me direction "t .< 9mph "nd ,& 9mph respecti$ely.
A m"n in the slower tr"in
o#ser$es the 1. seconds el"pse #efore the f"ster tr"in completely p"sses #y him.
h"t is the length of f"ster tr"in %
C"3 1<<m
C#3 0.m
Cc3 1&<m
Cd3 .<m
//. +ow m"ny m"shes "re there in 1 s7ur"re meter of wire g"uge if e"ch mesh
is 1mm long "nd .mm wide %
C"3 &.<<
C#3 &.<<<
Cc3 &.<
Cd3 &.<<<<
/0. :F of y is yF of %
C"3 :By
C#3 &y
Cc3 :
Cd3 c"n8t #e determined
Freshersworld.com Resource Center
First Job. Dream Job. Freshersworld.com
/1. The price of sug"r incre"ses #y &<F! #y wh"t F should " housewife reduce
the consumption of sug"r so th"t e:penditure on sug"r c"n #e s"me "s #efore %
C"3 1.F
C#3 1/.//F
Cc3 1&F
Cd3 2F
/2. A m"n spends h"lf of his s"l"ry on household e:penses! 1B-th for rent! 1B.th
for tr"$el e:penses! the m"n deposits the rest in " #"n9. If his monthly deposits
in the #"n9 "mount .<! wh"t is his monthly s"l"ry %
C"3 4s..<<
C#3 4s.1.<<
Cc3 4s.1<<<
Cd3 4s. 2<<
0<. The popul"tion of " city incre"ses J -F p.". There is "n "ddition"l "nnu"l
incre"se of -F of the popul"tion due to the influ: of >o# see9ers! find the F
incre"se in popul"tion "fter & ye"rs %
01. The r"tio of the num#er of #oys "nd girls in " school is ,:& Out of these 1<F
the #oys "nd &.F of girls "re schol"rship holders. F of students who "re not
schol"rship holders.%
0&. 1. men t"9e &1 d"ys of 1 hrs. e"ch to do " piece of wor9. +ow m"ny d"ys of
/ hrs. e"ch would it t"9e for &1 women if , women do "s much wor9 "s & men%
C"3 ,<
C#3 &<
Cc3 12
Cd3 &2
0,. A cylinder is / cms in di"meter "nd / cms in height. If spheres of the s"me
siKe "re m"de from the m"teri"l o#t"ined! wh"t is the di"meter of e"ch sphere%
C"3 . cms
C#3 & cms
Cc3 , cms
Cd3 - cms
0-. A rect"ngul"r pl"n9 C&3
meters wide c"n #e pl"ced so th"t it is on either
side of the di"gon"l of " s7u"re shown #elow.C)igure is not "$"il"#le3h"t is the
"re" of the pl"n9%
0.. The difference #Bw the compound interest p"y#le h"lf ye"rly "nd the simple
interest on "
cert"in sum lent out "t 1<F p." for 1 ye"r is 4s &.. h"t is the sum%
C"3 4s. 1.<<<
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C#3 4s. 1&<<<
Cc3 4s. 1<<<<
Cd3 none of these
0/. h"t is the sm"llest num#er #y which &11< must #e di$ided in order to m"9e
it into "
perfect s7u"re %
C"3 ,
C#3 -
Cc3 .
Cd3 /
00. A f"ther is ,< ye"rs older th"n his son howe$er he will #e only thrice "s old "s
the son "fter . ye"rs
wh"t is f"ther8s present "ge %
C"3 -< yrs
C#3 ,< yrs
Cc3 .< yrs
Cd3 none of these
01. An "rticle sold "t " profit of &<F if #oth the cost price "nd selling price would
#e 4s.&<B; the profit would #e 1<F more. h"t is the cost price of th"t "rticle%
&2. If "n item costs 4s., in 822 "nd 4s.&<, in 8<<.h"t is the F incre"se in price%
C"3 &<<B, F
C#3 &<<B/ F
Cc3 1<<F
Cd3 none of these
1<. . men or 1 women do e7u"l "mount of wor9 in " d"y. " >o# re7uires , men
"nd . women to finish the >o# in 1< d"ys how m"ny wom"n "re re7uired to finish
the >o# in 1- d"ys.
"3 1<
#3 0
c3 /
d3 1&
11. A simple interest "mount of rs .<<< for si: month is rs &<<. wh"t is the "nu"l
r"te of interest%
"3 1<F
#3 /F
c3 1F
d3 2F
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1&. In o#>ecti$e test " correct "ns score - m"r9s "nd on " wrong "ns & m"r9s "re
;;;. " student score -1< m"r9s from 1.< 7uestion. how m"ny "ns were
"3 1&<
#3 1,<
c3 11<
d3 1.<
1,. An "rtic"l sold "t "mount of .<F the net s"le price is rs -&. .wh"t is the list
price of the "rtic"l%
"3 .<<
#3 -11
c3 -1<
d3 .1<
1-. A m"n le"$es office d"ily "t 0pm A dri$er with c"r comes from his home to
pic9 him from office "nd #ring #"c9 home
One d"y he gets free "t .:,< "nd inste"d of w"iting for dri$er he st"rts
w"l9ing tow"rds home.
In the w"y he meets the c"r "nd returns home on c"r +e re"ches home &<
minutes e"rlier th"n usu"l.
In how much time does the m"n re"ch home usu"lly%%
1.. A wor9s thrice "s much "s '. If A t"9es /< d"ys less th"n ' to do " wor9 then
find the num#er of d"ys it would t"9e to complete the wor9 if #oth wor9
1/. +ow m"ny 18s "re there in the #in"ry form of 8*1024 + *!4 +
10. In " digit"l circuit which w"s to implement CA '3 6 CA3LO4C'3! the designer
implements CA '3 CA3LO4C'3
h"t is the pro#"#ility of error in it %
11. A #oy h"s 4s &. +e wins or loses 4e 1 "t " time If he wins he gets 4e 1 "nd if
he loses the g"me he loses 4e 1.
+e c"n loose only . times. +e is out of the g"me if he e"rns 4s ..
)ind the num#er of w"ys in which this is possi#le%
12. If there "re 1<&-=1&1< pi:els on " screen "nd e"ch pi:el c"n h"$e "round 1/
million colors
)ind the memory re7uired for this%
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2<. On " p"rticul"r d"y A "nd ' decide th"t they would either spe"9 the truth or
will lie.
( "s9s A whether he is spe"9ing truth or lying%
+e "nswers "nd ' listens to wh"t he s"id. ( then "s9s ' wh"t A h"s s"id '
s"ys ?A s"ys th"t he is " li"r?
h"t is ' spe"9ing %
C"3 Truth
C#3 @ie
Cc3 Truth when A lies
Cd3 ("nnot #e determined
21. h"t is the "ngle #etween the two h"nds of " cloc9 when time is 1:,<
2&. A student is r"n9ed 1,th from right "nd 1th from left. +ow m"ny students "re
there in tot"lity %
2,. A m"n w"l9s e"st "nd turns right "nd then from there to his left "nd then
-.degrees to
his right.In which direction did he go
2-. A student gets 0<F in one su#>ect! 1<F in the other. To get "n o$er"ll of
0.F how much should get in third su#>ect.
2.. A m"n shows his friend " wom"n sitting in " p"r9 "nd s"ys th"t she the
d"ughter of my gr"ndmother8s only son.
h"t is the rel"tion #etween the two
2/. +ow m"ny s7u"res with sides 1B& inch long "re needed to co$er " rect"ngle
th"t is - ft long "nd / ft wide
C"3 &-
C#3 2/
Cc3 ,-./
Cd3 1,1&-
Ce3 1-&//
20. If "A&B,# ! #A&B,c! "nd cA&B,d wh"t p"rt of d is #B
C"3 1B&0
C#3 -B2
Cc3 &B,
Cd3 0.F
Ce3 -B,
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&.21Huccessi$e discounts of &<F "nd 1.F "re e7u"l to " single discount of
C"3 ,<F
C#3 ,&F
Cc3 ,-F
Cd3 ,.F
Ce3 ,/
22. The petrol t"n9 of "n "utomo#ile c"n hold g liters.If " liters w"s remo$ed
when the t"n9 w"s full! wh"t p"rt of the full t"n9 w"s remo$ed%
Cc3 "Bg
Cd3 Cg;"3B"
Ce3 Cg;"3Bg
1<<. If :ByA- "nd y is not 8<8 wh"t F of : is &:;y
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