The document discusses the conceptual framework project of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). It describes the early attempts to develop a conceptual framework, including committees that specified user information needs. It outlines the objectives of the FASB's conceptual framework project and the qualitative characteristics of accounting information addressed in the Statements of Financial Accounting Concepts (SFAC). The SFACs define key elements of financial statements and discuss recognition and measurement principles. The document also covers principles-based versus rules-based accounting standards, international convergence efforts, and the FASB-IASB financial statement presentation project.
The document discusses the conceptual framework project of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). It describes the early attempts to develop a conceptual framework, including committees that specified user information needs. It outlines the objectives of the FASB's conceptual framework project and the qualitative characteristics of accounting information addressed in the Statements of Financial Accounting Concepts (SFAC). The SFACs define key elements of financial statements and discuss recognition and measurement principles. The document also covers principles-based versus rules-based accounting standards, international convergence efforts, and the FASB-IASB financial statement presentation project.
The document discusses the conceptual framework project of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). It describes the early attempts to develop a conceptual framework, including committees that specified user information needs. It outlines the objectives of the FASB's conceptual framework project and the qualitative characteristics of accounting information addressed in the Statements of Financial Accounting Concepts (SFAC). The SFACs define key elements of financial statements and discuss recognition and measurement principles. The document also covers principles-based versus rules-based accounting standards, international convergence efforts, and the FASB-IASB financial statement presentation project.
The document discusses the conceptual framework project of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). It describes the early attempts to develop a conceptual framework, including committees that specified user information needs. It outlines the objectives of the FASB's conceptual framework project and the qualitative characteristics of accounting information addressed in the Statements of Financial Accounting Concepts (SFAC). The SFACs define key elements of financial statements and discuss recognition and measurement principles. The document also covers principles-based versus rules-based accounting standards, international convergence efforts, and the FASB-IASB financial statement presentation project.
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Chapter 2
The Pursuit of the
Conceptual Framework Introduction nWhat is the conceptual framework? Early Authoritative and Semi-authoritative Organizational Attempts to Develop the Conceptual Framewor o! Accounting "he "rue#lood Committee n Committee report specified the following four information needs of users: Statement on Accounting "heory and "heory Acceptance n Rationale for the committees approach n The approaches to accounting theory were condensed into n Classical n Decision sefulness n !nformation "conomics# n Criticisms of the approaches to theory "he FAS$%s Conceptual Framewor &ro'ect n The o$%ecti&es identify the goals and purposes of financial accounting' whereas( the fundamentals are the underlying concepts that help achie&e those o$%ecti&es# n These concepts are designed to pro&ide guidance in: n )electing the transactions( e&ents and circumstances to $e accounted for n Determining how the selected transactions( e&ents( and transactions should $e measured n Determining how to summari*e and report the results of e&ents( transactions and circumstances# SFAC (o) * +O#'ectives o! Financial ,eporting $y $usiness Enterprises- n +ssess cash flow prospects n Report on enterprise resources( claims against resources and changes in them n Report economic resources( o$ligations and owners e,uity n Report enterprise performance and earnings n "&aluate li,uidity( sol&ency( and flow of funds n "&aluate management stewardship and performance n "-plain and interpret financial information (o) 2 +.ualitative Characteristics o! Accounting In!ormation n+ddresses the ,uestion: What makes accounting information useful? nDe&elops a .ierarchy of +ccounting /ualities A Hierarchy of Accounting Qualities (o) / +,ecognition and 0easurement in Financial Statements o! $usiness Enterprises- n)ets forth recognition criteria and guidance on what information should $e incorporated into financial statements and when this information should $e reported nDefined comprehensi&e income as: Re&enues "arnings 0ess: "-penses Plus or minus cumulati&e accounting ad%ustments Plus: 1ains Plus or minus other non2owner changes in e,uity 0ess: 0osses 3 "arnings 3 Comprehensi&e !ncome (o) / +,ecognition and 0easurement in Financial Statements o! $usiness Enterprises- n 4easurement !ssues n Definitions. n The item meets the definition of an element contained in SFAC No. 6# n 4easura$ility# n !t has a rele&ant attri$ute measura$le with sufficient relia$ility# n Rele&ance# n The information a$out the item is capa$le of making a difference in user decisions# n Relia$ility. n The information is representationally faithful( &erifia$le( and neutral# (o) 1 +"he Elements o! Financial Statements- nDefines the ten elements of financial statements that are used to measure the performance and position of economic entities nThese elements are discussed in more depth in Chapters 5 and 6# SFAC No. 7 +2sing Cash Flow In!ormation and &resent 3alue in Accounting 0easurements- n+ccounting measurement is a &ery $road topic# nConse,uently( the F+)7 focused on a series of ,uestions rele&ant to measurement and amorti*ation con&entions that employ present &alue techni,ues# +mong these ,uestions are: SFAC No. 7 +2sing Cash Flow In!ormation and &resent 3alue in Accounting 0easurements- n +n estimate of the future cash flows SFAC No. 7 +2sing Cash Flow In!ormation and &resent 3alue in Accounting 0easurements- n +pproaches to present &alue n Traditional n "-pected cash flow &rinciples $ased vs) ,ules $ased Accounting Standards nContinuum ranging from n highly rigid standards on one end nPre&ious practice: n 1oodwill is to $e amorti*ed o&er a 89 life until it is fully amorti*ed# FAS$ .uestions n Do you support the 7oards proposal for a principles2$ased approach to # )# standard setting? n Will that approach impro&e the ,uality and transparency of # )# financial accounting and reporting? n )hould the 7oard de&elop an o&erall reporting framework as in !+) :? n !f so( should that framework include a true and fair o&erride? n nder what circumstances should interpreti&e and implementation guidance $e pro&ided under a principles2$ased approach to #)# standard setting? n )hould the 7oard $e the primary standard setter responsi$le for pro&iding that guidance? n Will preparers( auditors( the )"C( in&estors( creditors( and other users of financial information $e a$le to ad%ust to a principles2$ased approach to #)# standard setting? n !f not( what needs to $e done and $y whom? n What other factors should the 7oard consider in assessing the e-tent to which it should adopt a principles2$ased approach to #)# standard setting? n What are the $enefits and costs ;including transition costs< of adopting a principles2$ased approach to #)# standard setting? n .ow might those $enefits and costs $e ,uantified? &rinciples $ased vs) ,ules $ased Accounting Standards nThe +++s position International Convergence nF+)7 = !+)7 pledged n +chie&e compati$ility n 4aintain compati$ility FAS$-IAS$ Financial Statement &resentation &ro'ect n"sta$lish common standard n1oals n nderstand past and present financial position n nderstand changes and causes of changes n "&aluate future cash flows FAS$-IAS$ Financial Statement &resentation &ro'ect n > Phases n What constitutes complete set of statements? n Financial position n "arnings and comprehensi&e income n Cash flows n Changes in e,uity FAS$-IAS$ Financial Statement &resentation &ro'ect n > Phases n Fundamental issues for presentation of information n Presentation of interim financial information in #)# 1++P