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What Technologies Are Used in UPS

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What technologies are used in UPS?

Technology is UPSs major asset in relation to reach customer oriented efficiency

and to acquire a higher level of productivity. Flexibility is the ey !ords in relation to the
technological advancements of UPS. "n the recent years# the technology progress !as
directed in !ay to create more flexibility to both employees $ customers. Through a
suite of applications# UPS offers optimised route planning# real%time !ireless dispatch
and &PS# strategic territory planning# !eb%based reporting# live remote support so as to
give freedom to its staeholders 'customers $ employees(.
These technologies can be separated in sections so as to afford a better
comprehension such as sending shipment to a third party# the tracing facilities of
shipments $ to create billing information as !ell as non shipping activities.
Send shipment to a third party.
)efore any shipment is sent there need to be a cost calculation of freight# route
planning etc.
'a( The use of UPS WorldShip to utilise the companys existing customer data to
create shipping labels and other types of forms# it captures the receiver billing
information# maing accounting more efficient.
'b( Geminis Windows-based soft!are saves UPS customers valuable time on
information gathering# documents preparation before and air freight shipment
can be sent. *oreover# it can be added on the senders address boo.
'c( ConnectShip offers a !ide range of shipping activities designed to meet the
multi%carrier small pacage and other freight needs of UPS customers.
+onnectShip lo!ers systems management costs# increases efficiency and
improves shipping processes.
'd( MyFreight is another UPS technology does not require any heavy
do!nloadable applications. "t is an environment friendly !eb based solution.
*yFreight gives you ease access to shipment booings and many other
The technologies mentioned above are in relation to customer ease of access to
information ho!ever# on the playing field to send a parcel the UPS drivers or the branch
receiver uses the ,elivery "nformation -cquisition and ,elivery ',"-,( technology. This
is a technology on a net!or of handheld scanners related to a mother server and on
!hich all the other technologies of interfaces !ith UPS customers depend on.
The tracking facilities of shipments & billing activities
The other technologies used by UPS are the -pplication Programming "nterfaces
'-P"( !hich helps customers to integrate tracing tools on their !ebsites. -nd this is a
very important tool as it increases the versatility of the internet# access to information
and mobility. The customer receiving need not to access UPS !ebsite to have access
to tracing information but can do it via the !ebsite of the UPS customer sending
The !ant!m "iew #pplication Programming $nter%ace &#P$' is a .eb%based
service that provides shipment manifest information# status updates# and affords event
alerts for inbound and outbound shipment. The soft!are ho!ever is compatible to /*0
resources. "t is very important for fully customer oriented enterprises !hich might !ant
to integrate so as to render high value services to its customers to their +1* systems.
2uantum vie! manager $ 2uantum vie! data and 2uantum vie! notifyer are
derivatives applications of the -P" technology. They help customers in vie!ing
information of shipment as !ell as billing procedures to be performed by receiver.
Tracing information can be sent via emails and also do!nloading of shipment data and
graphics on selected format.
The (ocator #P$) ,o!nloading the -P" 0ocator !ill help the user of various type
of location information such as the UPS store locations# mail boxes# customer centres#
drop in boxes# UPS alliance locations and authorised shipping outlets and UPS service
providers. 3no!ing !here these different locations are situated helps customers the
routing# access and the viability of these locations.
Time in Transit #P$) This !eb application set the lins to on UPS customers
!ebsite for the shipment receiver to dra! out the pace in !hich and the speed the
shipment is said to travel. For multiple shipments# to different location the receiver has
the ability to synchronise all the parcels to reach their destinations at the same time.
There are also other delivery options !hen the shipment receiver placed order on the
senders !ebsite. This po!erful -P" displays all available UPS shipping services to
every location UPS delivers around the planet. ,elivery date can be set prior sending
of shipment as !ell as the transit time to reach destination. -nd all these information
can be retrieved at any point in time.
The Collection #P$ is another !eb based application deriving from the -P"
characteri4ed soft!are. "t helps to categorised shipments services to three types of
sections5 small pacages# less Than Truc 0oad '0T0( and the truc load freight.
+orporate customers therefore have access to more targeted services to as to respond
more accurately to demands customer !hether being a sender or receiver of the
shipment. The +ollection -P" also affords option to reschedule an already processed
shipment 'in transit( to a ne! location agreed by the receiver and all this via the !ebsite
of the UPS sender customer.
The Tradeability #P$ is another -P" suite !hich helps enterprise by anticipating
and managing trade regulations compliance and evaluating international partners. "t
helps businesses to get a!are of the current commercial legislation in a particular
country. "n terms also of financial cost relating licensing# landing cost etc.
Fle* Global "iew) This is a supply chain solution for businesses !hich are
engaged in hundreds of shipment every day. *anagers that get involved !ith this ind
of soft!are are distribution managers and supplier6vendor managers. &lobal shipping
and supply chain management responsibilities have been increasing since globali4ation5
therefore modern managers should be equipped !ith high calibre tools overloaded
procedures and tas. Flex global vie! has been created in the vie! to achieve these
objectives. Flex &lobal 7ie! affords total visibility of products# via UPS Tracing
8umbers# freight references or signature specimen. -part from its shipment tracing
abilities# it can inform about the means of transportation using live connections.
Proactively monitor distribution centre inventories# by informing the receiver# the amount
of stoc left on shelves and the promised quantity for reception of products. Therefore#
it helps '9ust "n Time( order from the part of the UPS customer receiver so as not to run
out of stoc. "t is also an -P" based soft!are.
UPS +illing ,ate %iles are small formats !hich help UPS business customers to
integrate billing tools on their !ebsite to ease billing calculations as !ell as to reach for
information retrieving easiness. These files are available in +S7# /*0 or :," ;<=
formats and it helps in reducing memory occupancy on UPS customer hard dis. "t
helps to cut cost on accounting activities 'lo!er labour cost(.
-lectronic ,ata $nterchange &-,$') The :," helps in the integration of all
shipping activities such as shipment# tracing and billing. Using the -8S" / <; format
ensure compatibility in the exchange of information on the net!or but also in complete
security bet!een UPS business customers. .hen all information activities are
integrated as a !hole# it ensures more productivity on the part of employees 'lesser idle
Non shipping activities
.oadnet) UPS is not only involved in shipping activities but provides soft!are
solutions for companies themselves dealing in shipping activities. ,ispatchers are
afforded !ith a high po!ered soft!are !hich design out the best route planning.
1oadnet tactical routing tool to optimise daily delivery operations taing little time as
possible. "ntegrating all the possible obstacles to quic delivery in the application and it
!ill trace out the best possible route plan. "t benefits the company by decreasing
routing time# set expectations for the driver and lesser fuel consumption.
Fleetloader) "t is another solution finder application for big delivery vehicles. "t
helps in finding the best uploading and do!nloading strategies !ith vie! of cost
reductions and reaching efficiency. "t is also used to comply !ith the best !arehousing
requirements. "t allo!s the follo!ing benefit such as# multiple load strategies# quic load
design for multiple routes and reduces product breaage etc.
Territory planner) "t is an expert system using the >!hat if? scenarios to dra! out
plans to sho!s out possible obstacles that may arise !hen considering possible
strategies. Unconsidered obstacles can be inputted in the system so as to create more
realistic prevision in the future. "t helps to balance !orload so as to decrease pressure
on system and employees# it determine !hether the enterprise asset 'e.g. trucs( is
sufficient to meet out ne! customers. "t has the advantages of to creating valuable
reports as !ell as routes procedures for drivers.
MobileCast) -n application !hich is mainly based on the &PS technology !here
it each vehicle of the companys fleet is traceable. The system is also compatible !ith
!ireless voice and data net!ors. "t ensures higher productivity by vehicles drivers and
related staff in transportation. "t benefits the company !ith a higher level of customer
service by ensuring clients quic delivery conditions. *obile+ast is also highly
compatible !ith the other suite of UPS application such as 1oadnet etc. This means
that *obile+ast receive the best route plan from 1oadnet and it ensures that the said
route plan is respected. "t ensures also proactive actions by management ensuring
customers ne! scheduled delivery time in case driver has been delayed.
What problems does UPSs information system solve? What would happen if
these system were not available.
UPSs information system provides solutions for both the enterprise and
customers 'individual or businesses(. UPS solutions help to solve problems such as5
"t reassures UPS employees about precision in their tas as the information
system ensures that action !ill be performed at the right time and performed as it
should be. The ris of doing things a different !ay is minimised as !ith the
establishment of "nformation System in the enterprise# procedures !ould be
standardised all the over the branches round the globe. For example# it is a !orld!ide
procedure for UPS driver !hen collecting pacage to use the ,elivery "nformation
-cquisition and ,elivery ',"-,( that is the handheld barcode reader to scan the
pacage !hen the driver taes possession of the shipment. This ensure that the time is
!ell recorded# the place via &PS technology.
"n the customer side# the information system put in place by UPS also provide for
assurance from the part of the client to no! exactly !here the shipment during the
pacage transit. Thus# it can be said that the tracing ability of the information system#
creates a sense assurance that the pacage !ill not be loss in nature.
"dle time and unproductive !astage of time is reduced at its minimum. Thus#
productivity is enhanced !hich leads better financial results of the enterprise. )y using
information system# the organisation organigram becomes flatter productivity is
increased and this !ith a lesser quantity of employees. The levels of hierarchies are
thus decreased as communication is enhanced throughout the organisation and thus
lesser expenses for the organi4ation in terms of !ages and salaries.
The fact that the business expense falls# cost of service is reduced to consumer
is also lo!ered. Therefore# the customer benefit also benefits from a reduction in the
billing of service through the use of suitable soft!are offered by the enterprise. Thus
the increase in productivity benefits not only the enterprise but creates more
opportunities for customers to invest their time and energy on the services offered by
UPS employees are secure in their jobs as through the use of information
technology the enterprise in itself is ahead of competition. - sense of total security is
important# for the mental stability and thus leading to more productivity by employees.
)eing ahead of competition# the UPS enjoys also financial security.
+ommitment to information technology in itself is gives a sense of security to the
UPS customers. The fact that customers can be able to trac do!n their shipment as
!ell as their past billing activities helps them to be more confident in their actions !ith
The information resources available at UPS helps the enterprise its ability to
access data from any place in the !orld. 1eports can be sent for in @T*0 version
'compatible !ith any bro!ser( as !ell as /*0 version. "nformation can be sent in terms
of email or S*S. 7ersatility of various !eb%based applications maes it easy for
customers to find an adapted one !hich most suits the enterprise. The ubiquity
characteristic of the management information system maes more convenient to access
!ebsite and a major opportunity for e%commerce.
@o!ever# if the information system !ere not implemented first of all UPS !ould
have been in the forefront of the shipping industry. -ll the procedures !ould manual
ones and it !ould have resulted in the follo!ing dra!bacs5
In the short term
o 8o billing service through !ebsite.
o +ustomer inability to trac shipment through !ebsite.
o 8o real time access to information through emails or S*Ss.
o The ris of loss of shipment !ould be increased 'insecurity# no bac up
and security of information(.
o 8o soft!are# to enhance the !ebsite of the business customer.
o &reater !orload for employees as much processes !ould be via
o @igher pricing of services.
o &reater delays of shipment to reach customer. Unable to respect
o 8o control over employees as in the case of *obile+ast application 'truc
drivers are located via &PS(.
In the long term (snoball effect!
o ,ecrease in customer service.
o ,issatisfaction by customers.
o ,ecrease in sales output 'customers diverging to competitors(.
How does this website enhance UPSs competitive positions?
Change the way it conducts business?
UPS through the information technology investments has reached a lo!er cost of
operations. The !ebsite facilitates for more lo! cost channel per unit of services.
+ustomers easy access to a friendly environment !ebsite has increase the
demand for UPS transfer services of goods and services. The !ebsite# also facilitates
more business to business transactions because of the ability to create lin !ith UPSs
business customers !ebsite !ith UPS !ebsite. Thus# the UPS !ebsite technology
leads to greater maret share.
UPS has also created an internal interface !here decisions are made !hether to
put hard!are on scrap or disposed off 'sold( or recycled.
+ommitment to information technology has also resulted to a sense of security
and assurance for UPSs customers but also to its employees. .here# their !or load
has been reduced considerably. - happy employee !ould result in more productivity by
the latter. Thus in a !ay both the mindset of UPS corporate customers and internal
employees have influenced to revie! the !ay business is conducted locally and
internationally through out its branches all round the globe.
How does it relate to UPS strategy? How does it benefit UPSs customers?
How is UPS becoming partners with its corporate customers?
The strategy of UPS has been to use his !ebsite as a tool to focus on elements
that have determinants in its expansion process. Thus helping UPS to be present all
around the globe and also to be a !itness of all spheres !here business transactions
are concerned. )y using its interface as an asset for its e%strategy so as to gain in
maret share by5
'i( Using its multifaceted technology to facilitate access to shipments information
and tracing.
'ii( To ease up the daily operations steps and proceedings of business
'iii( The UPS business culture is to focus on business to business transactions.
Thus this strategy comforts UPS in the achievement of this goal.
The UPS !ebsite affords the follo!ing benefits to its customers5
"t ensures ubiquity to its independent of corporate customers. "t means that
customers can access its !ebsite from any!here all around the !orld and at
"t develops a sense of reliability and security of UPS customers in relation to the
quality of service offered. For some customers the aspect of efficiency is
"t helps UPS corporate customers to really apply their strategy by invoing
possibilities of dis%intermediaries by these enterprises. This !ould mean direct
processing of products from manufacturers to consumers.
*any languages option available on the site this also a sense of versatility of
information through the management information system.
The customer relationships no!adays are interconnected from business to customer
$ more importantly from business to business. UPS and its business partners have
no! shared goals form instance5
'a( To have the shipment of UPS customer to reach destination the most quicly
$ safely as possible.
'b( To have a greener society. )y the >greener global trade? activities are
focused so as to minimise fuel consumption and the use of biodegradable
'c( To !or in a society free of fraudulent activities 'such as spam or phishing(.
Protecting the intimacy of its customers help UPS to have a positive image.
'd( "mplementing business solutions that contribute to the global supply chain
success of enterprises.
These factors sho! ho! UPS are becoming partners to its corporate customers
that through all the various strategic actions and goals of enterprises# some of
them do have similarities. )y !oring together these goals# !hether long term or
short term# are sure to be met.
What ind of information and services does the website provide for individuals!
small businesses! and large businesses? "ist these services and write several
paragraphs describing one of them! such as UPS #rade $irect or %utomated
Shipment Processing. &'plain how your business would benefit from the
UPS has various inds of services through the information technology it allo!s to
business customers. )usiness to consumer transactions has been the traditional focus
of UPS by offering shipment services !hich through the years has been evolved to
paperless invoices billing via technology. Small businesses has also benefit from UPS
advancement in information technology by the ability to trac their shipment from their
!oring station and therefore give assurance to their customers. Special soft!are
applications have been designed to respond to UPSs small business customers such
as *yFreight and &emini .indo!s%based soft!are. .hereas# large businesses have
taen advantages from UPSs development in technology# !hether dealing in shipping
or non shipping activities. *ultinationals businesses have huge supply chains to !ith
hundreds of destinations for their shipments. .hile# non shipping activities are
consultancies in soft!are management in truc tracing as !ell as driver tracing
through &PS technology.
The services offered by UPS through its information technology dedication are5
UPS Trade ,irect ',irecting shipment straight to end custmers(.
-utomated Shipment Processing 'ordering shipment !ith paperless order forms
and invoices(.
&lobal Freight services 'shipment services for heavy !eight pacages all round
the !orld(.
+ollections option 'UPS employee collecting pacages at the senders office or at
+ustoms broerage solutions 'tools and consultancies to eliminate customs
UPS mobile solutions 'S*S tracing# email responses help to be in contact !ith
shipment any!here in the !orld(.
UPS 1eturns 'applications helping customers to ease returns of goods to the
UPS 1eturns Plus 'more easiness to help returns through collection services
from sender point of sales or office(.
1outing and ,elivery services 'the ability to select best possible route# to trac
drivers position# planning the journey and forecast time of arrival for none
shipment activities(.
)illing ,ata and )illing -nalysis tools (:asiness to retrieve billing data and
analyses the best option of freight in terms of cost effectiveness(.
+onnectShip .arehouse application for distribution and !arehousing services
'Aver BC million sq ft of centralisation of shipment all around the !orld#
shipments are centralised and thereafter despatched to a single or fe!er
#!tomated Shipment Processing &ad/antages o% s!ch a system'
"t is a very versatile shipment processing !hich is suitable for any enterprise no
matter its si4e. The -utomated Shipment Processing is a more ecological !ay of doing
business !here paper use is reduced to its minimum !here all orders or returns are
performed on the internet. "n fact# all soft!are applications on UPS are in relation to
-utomated Shipment Processing !hich reduces considerably the use of manual entries
and thus eliminating double entry errors in relation to cost and billing calculations. The
ability for a customer 'receiver( to enter the !ebsite of customer 'supplier( and to order
directly !ithout entering the UPS !ebsite is another benefit of automated processing.
-pplications lie UPS .orldShip# 2uantun 7ie! -pplications '-P"(# Flex &lobal
vie! and others form part of this -utomated Shipment Processing concept. @o!ever
through Flex &lobal vie! !hich have a more integrated options to vie! out the stoc
management abilities. :.& automated calculations is stored on the system !here for
instance# if only ten units are left on shelves and automating reordering process is
engaged. This is an option !hich has been put in place so as to help to reduce out of
stoc situation !hich !ould mean loss in sales opportunities for the business. This is
another aspect of -utomated Shipment Processing. The advantage of this system is
that it reduces the frequencies of physical inventories. Purchases and sales are
automatically stored in databases !hich can give quic theoretical inventories.
The -utomated Shipment Processing is also very versatile because it is more
suitable to enterprise dedicated to information technology !here they can integrate the
process in an :nterprise 1esource Planning ':1P( system. This for instance !ould
ease the financial accounting and corporate decision maing of the business.

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