The document outlines an Abraham chiasm structure found in Genesis chapters 12-21. It begins with Abraham going forth from his father's house and ends with Hagar and Ishmael being sent into the wilderness. The structure mirrors events in Abraham's life back and forth between the beginning and end. Key moments include God's promises to Abraham, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham rescuing Lot, the covenant of circumcision, and the birth of Isaac as the promised seed.
The document outlines an Abraham chiasm structure found in Genesis chapters 12-21. It begins with Abraham going forth from his father's house and ends with Hagar and Ishmael being sent into the wilderness. The structure mirrors events in Abraham's life back and forth between the beginning and end. Key moments include God's promises to Abraham, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham rescuing Lot, the covenant of circumcision, and the birth of Isaac as the promised seed.
The document outlines an Abraham chiasm structure found in Genesis chapters 12-21. It begins with Abraham going forth from his father's house and ends with Hagar and Ishmael being sent into the wilderness. The structure mirrors events in Abraham's life back and forth between the beginning and end. Key moments include God's promises to Abraham, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham rescuing Lot, the covenant of circumcision, and the birth of Isaac as the promised seed.
The document outlines an Abraham chiasm structure found in Genesis chapters 12-21. It begins with Abraham going forth from his father's house and ends with Hagar and Ishmael being sent into the wilderness. The structure mirrors events in Abraham's life back and forth between the beginning and end. Key moments include God's promises to Abraham, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham rescuing Lot, the covenant of circumcision, and the birth of Isaac as the promised seed.
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Abraham Chiasm
A Go forth from your father's house (Gen. 12:1-6)
B Unto thy seed I will i!e this land (12:"-#) $ A%ram says &arai is his sister and 'haraoh ta(es her (12:1)-2)) * +ot settles in &odom (1,:1-1-) . A%raham res/ues +ot (10:1-20) 1 God 2romises A%ram an heir (13:1--) G 4he $o!enant Between the 'ie/es (13:#-21) 5 Birth of Ishmael (16:1-16) G' 4he $o!enant of $ir/um/ision (1":1-2") 1' &arah is informed that she will ha!e a /hild (1-:1-13) .' Anels res/ue +ot (1-:16-1#:22) *' God destroys &odom (1#:2,-,-) $' A%raham says &arah is his sister and A%imele/h ta(es her (2):1-1-) B' Birth of Isaa/6 the 2romised seed (21:1--) A' 5aar and Ishmael sent into wilderness (21:#-10) After 7a/hel 8ud(ows(y6 htt2:99:%;.:ewish%i%le.or9assets9U2loads9,329,32</hiasm.2df6 7a%%i *a!id 1ohrman6 htt2:99www.da!idfohrman./om9download./fm=id>1)"6 and ?e!in &/ott6 htt2:99storae./lo!ersites./om9metro2olitan%i%le/hur/h9do/uments9'entateu/h@2)-@2) Abraham Chiasm a Go forth from your father's house (12:1-6) % Unto thy seed will I i!e this land (12:"-#) / A%ram says &arai is his sister (12:1)-1,) d 'haraoh ta(es &arai6 treats A%ram well (12:10-16) e God re!eals (12:1") f 'haraoh sends A%ram oB (12:1--2)) A%ram and +ot o!er-2o2ulate the land (1,:1-") h A%ram i!es +ot his /hoi/e of land (1,:--1,) i God i!es A%ram the whole land (1,:10-1-) : ?ins of the !alley destroy ea/h other (10:1-12) ( A%raham res/ues +ot (10:1,-16) l 4he (in of &odom 2raises God for A%ram (10:1"-1-) m Cel/hiDede( %lesses A%ram (10:1#-20) n Ene from your own %ody will %e your heir (13:1--) o 4he $o!enant Between the 'ie/es - A%ram's 2art (13:#-12) 2 8our seed will %e straners in a forein land (13:1,-16) ; 4he $o!enant Between the 'ie/es - God's 2art (13:1") r 4o your des/endants I ha!e i!en this land (13:1--21) s &arai had %orne no /hildren (16:1-2) t A%ram had li!ed 1) years (16:),) u 5e went in to 5aar6 and she /on/ei!ed (16:0a) ! 5er mistress was dis2ised in her siht (16:0%) w Cay the wron done to me %e u2on you (16:3a) F 4he +ord :ude %etween us (16:3%) y A%ram s2ea(s to &arai (16:6a) D 8our maid is in your 2ower (16:6%) G &he fled from her 2resen/e (16:6/) H 4he anel finds 5aar and says (16:)") I 5aar6 &arai's maid6 (16:-a) J Ahere ha!e you /ome from and (16:-%) K Ahere are you oin= (16:-/) L 5aar re2lies (16:-d) K I am fleein from (16:-e) J the 2resen/e of (16:-f) I my mistress &arai (16:-) H 4he anel s2ea(s to 5aar (16:#a) G 7eturn to your mistress (16:#%) D &u%mit yourself to her authority (16:#/) y 4he anel s2ea(s to 5aar (16:1)) F 4he +ord has i!en heed to his aMi/tion (16:11) w 5is hand will %e aainst all6 and theirs aainst him. (16:12) ! 8ou are a God who sees (16:1,-10) u 5aar %ore A%ram a son (16:13) t A%ram was eihty-siF (16:16a) s 5aar %ore Ishmael (16:16%) r I will i!e to you and to your oBs2rin after you the land (1":1--) ; 4he $o!enant of $ir/um/ision - God's 2art (1":#-10) 2 ?ins of 2eo2les shall /ome from &arah (1":13-22) o 4he $o!enant of $ir/um/ision - A%ram's 2art (1":2,-2") n &arah your wife shall ha!e a son (1-:1-13) m God a/ts %e/ause A%raham will %e %lessed (1-:16-1#) l A%raham 2leads with God for &odom (1-:2)-,,) ( Anels res/ue +ot (1#:1-22) : God destroys /ities of the !alley (1#:2,-26) i A%raham loo(s down on the destru/tion of the !alley (1#:2"-2-) h God remem%ered A%raham and +ot (1#:2#) +ot's dauhters re-2o2ulate the land throuh their father (1#:,)-,-) f A%raham says &arah is his sister (2):1-2a) e A%imele/h ta(es &arah (2):2%) d God tells (2):)") / A%imele/h restores &arah and wel/omes A%raham with ifts (2):--1-) % Birth of Isaa/6 the 2romised seed ( 21:1--) a 5aar and Ishmael sent into wilderness (21:#-10) After 7a/hel 8ud(ows(y6 htt2:99:%;.:ewish%i%le.or9assets9U2loads9,329,32</hiasm.2df6 7a%%i *a!id 1ohrman6 htt2:99www.da!idfohrman./om9download./fm=id>1)"6 and ?e!in &/ott6 htt2:99storae./lo!ersites./om9metro2olitan%i%le/hur/h9do/uments9'entateu/h@2)-@2) Abraham Chiasm Go forth from your father's house 12:1-6 21:#- 10 5aar and Ishmael sent into wilderness Unto thy seed will I i!e this land 12:"-# 21:1-- Birth of Isaa/6 the 2romised seed A%ram says &arai is his sister 12:1)- 1, 2):-- 1- A%imele/h restores &arah and wel/omes A%raham with ifts 'haraoh ta(es &arai6 treats A%ram well 12:10- 16 2):" God tells God re!eals 12:1" 2):2% A%imele/h ta(es &arah 'haraoh sends A%ram oB 12:1-- 2) 2):1- 2a A%raham says &arah is his sister A%ram and +ot o!er-2o2ulate the land 1,:1-" 1#:,)- ,- +ot's dauhters re-2o2ulate the land throuh their father A%ram i!es +ot his /hoi/e of land 1,:-- 1, 1#:2# God remem%ered A%raham and +ot God i!es A%ram the whole land 1,:10- 1- 1#:2"- 2- A%raham loo(s down on the destru/tion of the !alley ?ins of the !alley destroy ea/h other 10:1- 12 1#:2,- 26 God destroys /ities of the !alley A%raham res/ues +ot 10:1,- 16 1#:1- 22 Anels res/ue +ot 4he (in of &odom 2raises God for A%ram 10:1"- 1- 1-:2)- ,, A%raham 2leads with God for &odom Cel/hiDede( %lesses A%ram 10:1#- 20 1-:16- 1# God a/ts %e/ause A%raham will %e %lessed Ene from your own %ody will %e your heir 13:1-- 1-:1- 13 &arah your wife shall ha!e a son 4he $o!enant Between the 'ie/es - A%ram's 2art 13:#- 12 1":2,- 2" 4he $o!enant of $ir/um/ision - A%ram's 2art 8our seed will %e straners in a forein land 13:1,- 16 1":13- 22 ?ins of 2eo2les shall /ome from &arah 4he $o!enant Between the 'ie/es - God's 2art 13:1" 1":#- 10 4he $o!enant of $ir/um/ision - God's 2art 4o your des/endants I ha!e i!en this land 13:1-- 21 1":1-- I will i!e to you and to your oBs2rin after you the land &arai had %orne no /hildren 16:1-2 16:16% 5aar %ore Ishmael A%ram had li!ed 1) years 16:, 16:16a A%ram was eihty-siF 5e went in to 5aar6 and she /on/ei!ed 16:0a 16:13 5aar %ore A%ram a son 5er mistress was dis2ised in her siht 16:0% 16:1,- 10 8ou are a God who sees Cay the wron done to me %e u2on you 16:3a 16:12 5is hand will %e aainst all6 and theirs aainst him. 4he +ord :ude %etween us 16:3% 16:11 4he +ord has i!en heed to his aMi/tion A%ram s2ea(s to &arai 16:6a 16:1) 4he anel s2ea(s to 5aar 8our maid is in your 2ower 16:6% 16:#/ &u%mit yourself to her authority &he Ned from her 2resen/e 16:6/ 16:#% 7eturn to your mistress 4he anel Onds 5aar and says 16:" 16:#a 4he anel s2ea(s to 5aar 5aar6 &arai's maid6 16:-a 16:- my mistress &arai Ahere ha!e you /ome from and 16:-% 16:-f the 2resen/e of Ahere are you oin= 16:-/ 16:-e I am Neein from 5aar (16:-d) After 7a/hel 8ud(ows(y6 htt2:99:%;.:ewish%i%le.or9assets9U2loads9,329,32</hiasm.2df6 7a%%i *a!id 1ohrman6 htt2:99www.da!idfohrman./om9download./fm=id>1)"6 and ?e!in &/ott6 htt2:99storae./lo!ersites./om9metro2olitan%i%le/hur/h9do/uments9'entateu/h@2)-@2) 4hat is not riht. 5aar does not %elon there. 4his is what it would loo( li(e if Ishmael was dro22ed from the Bi%le: Abraham Chiasm Go forth from your father's house 12:1-6 21:#-10 5aar and Ishmael sent into wilderness Unto thy seed will I i!e this land 12:"-# 21:1-- Birth of Isaa/6 the 2romised seed A%ram says &arai is his sister 12:1)- 1, 2):--1- A%imele/h restores &arah and wel/omes A%raham with ifts 'haraoh ta(es &arai6 treats A%ram well 12:10- 16 2):" God tells God re!eals 12:1" 2):2% A%imele/h ta(es &arah 'haraoh sends A%ram oB 12:1-- 2) 2):1-2a A%raham says &arah is his sister A%ram and +ot o!er-2o2ulate the land 1,:1-" 1#:,)- ,- +ot's dauhters re-2o2ulate the land throuh their father A%ram i!es +ot his /hoi/e of land 1,:--1, 1#:2# God remem%ered A%raham and +ot God i!es A%ram the whole land 1,:10- 1- 1#:2"- 2- A%raham loo(s down on the destru/tion of the !alley ?ins of the !alley destroy ea/h other 10:1-12 1#:2,- 26 God destroys /ities of the !alley A%raham res/ues +ot 10:1,- 16 1#:1-22 Anels res/ue +ot 4he (in of &odom 2raises God for A%ram 10:1"- 1- 1-:2)- ,, A%raham 2leads with God for &odom Cel/hiDede( %lesses A%ram 10:1#- 20 1-:16- 1# God a/ts %e/ause A%raham will %e %lessed I will i!e you and your oBs2rin after you the land 13:1- 21P 1":1-- 1-:1-13 &arah will %ear a /hild 4he $o!enant of $ir/um/ision - God's 2art 1":#-10 1":2,- 2" 4he $o!enant of $ir/um/ision - A%ram's 2art God s2ea(s to A%raham 1":13 1":22 God Onished tal(in with A%raham I will i!e you a son %y &arah 1":16a 1":21% &arah will %ear Isaa/ neFt year I will %less her 1":16% 1":21a I will /o!enant with him &he shall %e nations 1":16/ 1":2)d I will ma(e him a reat nation ?ins of 2eo2le will /ome from her 1":16d 1":2)/ 1ather of twel!e 2rin/es Ae are too old to ha!e /hildren 1":1" 1":2)% I will ma(e him fruitful and multi2ly him eF/eedinly. I will /o!enant with him 1":1# 1":2)a I will %less him .!erlastin /o!enant (1":1#)
Qust oes to show that you /an't ma(e these thins /om2letely u2 R they ha!e to /onform to what's really there. After 7a/hel 8ud(ows(y6 htt2:99:%;.:ewish%i%le.or9assets9U2loads9,329,32</hiasm.2df6 7a%%i *a!id 1ohrman6 htt2:99www.da!idfohrman./om9download./fm=id>1)"6 and ?e!in &/ott6 htt2:99storae./lo!ersites./om9metro2olitan%i%le/hur/h9do/uments9'entateu/h@2)-@2)