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Unit 1

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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Academic Year 2011 -12
III year B.E. Mechanical Engineering V semester
1. What is fluid power?
The technology of generating, controlling and transmitting power using pressurized
fluids is termed as fluid power.
2. State the basic methods of transmitting power.
1. Electrical - Power transmission over large distance.
2. Mechanical - Power transmission to short distance and
3. Fluid power - Power transmission for intermediate distance.
3. State the type of fluid systems.
Fluid power systems
- used to perform work.
Fluid transport systems
-used for transporting fluids from one place to another.
4. State the law of conservation of energy.
Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed but can be changed from one form
to another.
5. State the Pascals law.
Pressure applied on a confined fluid at rest is transmitted undiminished in all
directions and acts with equal force on equal areas, and at right angles to them.
6. What is the difference between liquids and gases?

The spacing of molecules is
lower than that of gases.


incompressible in nature
It has definite mass and
volume but no definite

The spacing of molecules in gases is much
larger than that of liquids & for this reason
gases flow more readily than liquids.
It has definite mass but no definite volume &
definite shape.

7. Name some of hydraulic fluids.

Water, petroleum oils, water glycols, water oil emulsion, phosphate esters and
silicones are some of the hydraulic fluids used in fluid power.
8. Name few properties which a hydraulic fluid should posses?
Viscosity, Demulsibility, Viscosity Index, Lubricity, Rust Prevention, Pour point,
Flash Point and fire point and Oxidation stability.
9. What is demulsibility?
The ability of hydraulic fluid to separate rapidly from moisture and successfully
resist emulsification is known as demulsibility.

10. What is called lubricity?

The property of oil to lubricate itself the moving components is called lubricity.
11. Define viscosity.
Viscosity is defined as the measure of a liquids resistance.
The viscosity depends on (i) thickness and (ii) temperature.
12. Define the term viscosity index.
The rate of change of viscosity with temperature is called viscosity index.
13. What are the applications of hydraulics in material handling field?
Hydraulic jacks, hydraulic rams, conveyor systems, hoists and cranes are some of the
applications in material handling field.
14. Why must hydraulic fluid have good lubricating property?
All the moving parts of the hydraulic components must be properly lubricated to
prevent damages and breakdown. The oil having good lubricating property serves this
15. What should be the range of flash and fire point of hydraulic fluid?
The range of flash and fire point of hydraulic fluid should be high enough to
prevent fire accident.
16. What will be the causes if the oil is too viscous?
The viscous oil may not be able to pass freely through the pipes.
The working temperature will increase because there will be internal friction.
The consumption of power will increase.
17. What will be the causes if the oil is less viscous?
The less viscous oil will cause both internal and external leakages and also it cannot
lubricate the moving parts properly.
18. List any two fire resistant fluids.
Water, Water Glycols, Water Oil Emulsion and Phosphate Esters.
19. What is Neutralization number?
The neutralization number is a measure of acidity or alkalinity of a hydraulic fluid.
This is referred to as the PH value of the fluid.
20. What are the two factors responsible for the high responsiveness of hydraulic
Multiplication of small forces and step less variable speed control are the factors
responsible for the high responsiveness of hydraulic devices
21. List five fields of application where fluid power can be used more effectively.
Agriculture : Farm equipment
Construction: Earth moving equipment
: Controllable pitch propellers
: Hydraulic retractable landing wheels
: Missile launch systems, navigation controls

22. What are the four primary functions of hydraulic fluid?

A hydraulic fluid must be able to i) Transmit power ii) Lubricate moving parts
iii) Seal the clearances between moving parts and iv) Dissipate heat.
23. What is Bulk modulus?
The Bulk Modulus is a measure of the degree of compressibility of the fluid and is
the reciprocal of compressibility.

Bulk Modulus () = - -------

24. What are the broad tasks of hydraulic oil in a hydraulic machine?
To transfer hydraulic energy
To lubricate all parts
To avoid corrosion
To remove impurities and abrasion
To dissipate heat
25. What is the use of finding Reynolds number?
The Reynolds number used to know whether the flow is laminar or turbulent.
26. Define the term Laminar flow.
In laminar flow, a particle of fluid in a given layer stays in that layer. This type of
fluid motion is called as streamline flow because all the particles of fluid are moving in
parallel paths.
27. Define the term Turbulent flow.
The movement of particles when it becomes random and fluctuates up and down in a
direction perpendicular as well as parallel to the mean flow direction, it is named as
28. Why should to have a proper size of pipes, valves and fittings in hydraulic systems?
Energy losses due to friction associated with the flow of a fluid inside a pipeline and
also occur in valves and fittings. It is important to keep all energy losses in a fluid power
system to a minimum acceptable level. This requires proper selection of the size of pipes,
valves and fittings that make up the Hydraulic systems.
29. What are the important conclusion resulting from Reynolds Experiment?
* If R is less than 2000, the flow is laminar.
* If R is greater than 4000, the flow is turbulent.
* If R is between 2000 and 4000, the flow covers a critical zone between
laminar and turbulent flow. (State of flow transition)
30. What is the formula for calculating the K factor of a valve or fitting?
Head losses in valves and fitting are proportional to the square of the velocity of the fluid.
HL = K (-----)
where, K Loss co-efficient of the valve or fitting

31. What is the use of Darcys Equation?

Darcys equation can be used to calculate the head loss due to friction in pipes for
both laminar and turbulent flow.
32. What is the formula for calculating Head loss(HL) in a system?
HL = f (-----)(---------)
where f - Friction factor
L - Length of pipe
D - Pipe inside diameter
- Average fluid velocity
g - Acceleration of gravity
33. What is the formula for calculating the equivalent length of a valve or fitting?
Equivalent length of a valve or fitting ( Le ) =
34. Differentiate oil hydraulics and pneumatics.
Oil hydraulics employs pressurized liquid and pneumatics employs compressed air.
Oil hydraulics systems operate at pressures up to 200 bars or even much higher.
Pneumatic systems operate in a pressure range of 5 to 10 bar.
Oil hydraulics systems are used in high load applications and accurate speed control
or positioning is required. Pneumatic systems are used in low or medium load application
and high velocities are required.
35. Why should a hydraulic fluid have good lubricating ability?
If the hydraulic fluid does not have good lubricating ability it will not lubricate
moving parts properly, causing wear. Wear results in increased clearance, which leads to
all sorts of operational difficulties including fall of efficiency.
36. Define the term pour point and it importance.
The temperature at which oil will congeal is referred to as the pour point, i.e. the
lowest temperature at which the oil is stable to flow easily. It is of importance in cold
countries where the system is exposed to very low temperatures. The pour point must be
well below the minimum temperature expected in normal conditions.
37. Mention the advantages of the fluid power.
Multiplication of small forces to achieve greater forces for performing work.
It easily provides infinite and step less variable speed control which is difficult
to obtain from other drives.
Accuracy in controlling small or large forces with instant reversal is possible
with hydraulic system.
38. What are the types of fluid power system?
Fluid power system can be categorised in different ways,
Based on control system
Based on the type of control.
39. List the three basic types of fluid power control system.
Fluid logic control
ii. Electrical control

iii. Electronic control

40. Define open loop control system.

Open loop system does not use feedback and performance is based on the
characteristics of individual components of the system. The open loop system is not as
accurate as closed loop system but the error can be reduced by careful calibration.
41. Define closed loop control system
Closed loop system uses feedback. The output of the system is fed back by a
measuring element to comparator. The comparator compares the actual output to the
desired and gives an error signal to the control element.
42. Define pour point.
The temperature at which oil will congeal is referred to as the pour point. That
is the lowest temperature at which the oil is able to flow easily.



1. Compare the use of fluid power to a mechanical system by listing advantages and
2. Comment on the difference between using pneumatic fluid power and hydraulic fluid
3. Explain the basic components of Hydraulic & Pneumatic system with neat sketch.
4. Explain the applications of Hydraulic & Pneumatic system.
5. Explain the primary functions of a Hydraulic fluid.
6. State Pascals law and explain with neat diagram along with applications.
7. A hydraulic pump delivers oil at 60bar, 120lpm into a circuit laid on a horizontal
plane. There are 4 elbows (k=0.75), one globe valve fully opened (k=10) and a
direction control valve (pressure drop = 3bar) with the inside diameter of the pipe as
30mm. The total length of the straight run pipe is 20m and the specific gravity of the
oil is 0.9. The kinematic viscosity of the oil is 0.0001 m 2/s. Determine the pressure in
bar at the exit point of the pipe.
8. What are the desirable properties of hydraulic fluids? Discuss any eight of them in
9. Compare and contrast hydraulic, pneumatic and electromechanical power systems.

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