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0901 Gtsat

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GT-TC40, GT-QDC40 and

Excellent LNB’s for Twin
Tuner HD Receivers
Today’s modern receivers often have 2
tuners on board. To take full advantage of
such receiver you need to use a twin LNB.
If more than one receiver is in the house,
you should think of a quad or quattro LNB.
Only then will you have a full freedom of
what to view and what to record at the same
moment. On the other hand, we have more
and more HD channels worth watching. They
are often coded in DVB-S2 with high FEC
values and because
of that they require
a signal of somewhat
better carrier-to-noise
ratio than the common
SDTV channels we got
used to. Such signal we
can get either from a
bigger dish or a better
(low noise) LNB.
Excellent performance with outstanding
low noise performance perfectly suited
for twin tuner HD receivers

TELE-satellite World www.TELE-satellite.com/...

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Available online starting from 28 November 2008
58 TELE-satellite & Broadband — 12-01/2009 — www.TELE-satellite.com
the final results are more cred-
ible for our respected readers.
Due to large number of meas-
urements, you can see a lot
of graphs. Let’s try to analyze
them one by one.

Figure 1 shows the output

power (signal strength) at
the output of the twin GT-
TC40 and quattro GT-QTC40
device compared to the refer-
ence LNB (single, 0.2 dB). It
is significantly greater what
means that we can use longer
cables between an LNB and a
receiver without spoiling the

■ Fig. 1. Output power for the twin

and quattro LNB’s.

GT-Sat company is already

familiar to our readers. We pre-
sented their high output power
LNB’s in the TELE-satellite issue
09/2008. The products were sur-
prisingly good having increased
output power without compro-
mising the noise performance.
No wonder that we were anxious
to test their new line of LNB’s.
This time we received: GT-
TC40, GT-QDC40 and GT-QTC40
devices. Twin, quad and quattro
LNB’s respectively.

Our first impression: very

good workmanship and small
size. The small size is especially
true for the quad and quat-
tro version. We even made a
photo to show you the differ-
ence between the quad LNB ■ Fig. 2. Output power for the quad LNB’s.
described in the previous issue
and the current one (GT-QD40D pared with the quads of other We received two LNB’s of The performance of quad
vs. GT-QDC40). Of course the manufacturers, GT-QDC40 is every type and we measured devices is presented in figure
bigger one has the increased smaller and also somewhat all of them. It meant more 2. Although the output is not
output power but even if com- lighter. work for us but thanks to that greater than our reference

■ GT-QDC40 is really smaller

than other quad LNB’s

60 TELE-satellite & Broadband — 12-01/2009 — www.TELE-satellite.com

– that it was worse. All tested
LNB’s were better than our ref-
erence device almost for every
transponder we chose for test-
ing! And the difference of 1 dB
or greater really counts. As you
can see the performance was
especially magnificent for the
higher portion of Ku-Band. We
expected worse performance
for the quad models. But to our
big surprise, also they proved to
■ Fig. 3. MER as compared to the reference LNB for twin and quattro models. be excellent. You can see that in
figure 4. Again very good results
near the higher end of Ku-Band.

DC power consumption was

typical for such devices. Twin
models consumed 150~170 mA,
quad: 200~230 mA and quat-
tro: 260~280 mA. Typically, the
receivers are prepared to deliver
at least 500 mA. Not a single
receiver shall have a problem to
power any of the LNB’s.

Finally, we checked the per-

formance for a weak transponder
■ Fig. 4. MER as compared to the reference LNB for quad models. reception. We tuned to 11670 on
5˚ East and got C/N = 9 dB for
model it is not smaller either. need very strong signal (those Now, in figure 3 can you a reference LNB. After installing
We can say the quad models who need to use long cables) see what our measurements twin LNB’s (one by one) we got
produce as strong signal as our but practically all of us need revealed for twin and quattro the same result: 9 dB. No matter
very good reference LNB. signal with low noise content. LNB’s. The positive bars mean what we measured: MER or C/N,
Low noise means possibility to that the modulation error ratio strong or weak transponders,
As usually, we were even receive weak transponders and (MER) was better than that the noise performance of the
more interested in noise per- bigger margin for bad weather for a reference LNB, negative tested LNB’s was excellent!
formance. Why? Only some of us conditions.
Expert Opinion
Excellent LNB’s with outstanding noise per-
formance for all models and additionally increased
output power for twin and quattro types. Products
especially suited for new twin tuner HD receivers.

- Jacek Pawlowski
Test Center
none Poland

Quattro outputs are

described at the bottom ■

■ Sliding connector cover

62 TELE-satellite & Broadband — 12-01/2009 — www.TELE-satellite.com

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