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Seatel'S Five-Satellite Antenna: Alexander Wiese

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COMPANY REPORT Maritime 3-Axis Dish Manufacturer

SeaTel’s Five-Satellite
Antenna ■ DTV04 HD Antenna, 5-Satellite
System with the dish system by
Alexander Wiese DirecTV

Self-adjusting satellite antennas

are typically used on ships: they
automatically adjust the position
of the antenna according to the
movement of the ship so that
the antenna is always properly
pointed to the desired satellite.
The emphasis here is on “one
satellite”. But what if you want to receive
five satellites at the same time? SeaTel, a
division of Cobham, Plc, a large group of
companies manufacturing and engineering
many different communication systems
TELE-satellite World www.TELE-satellite.com/...
for avionic, transport, government, etc, Download this report in other languages from the Internet:
Arabic ‫ﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﻴﺔ‬ www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-0911/ara/seatel.pdf
recently developed just such a system. Indonesian
TELE-satellite reported on their first Czech
English English www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-0911/eng/seatel.pdf
prototype back in the 12-01/2009 issue. Spanish
But now that they are mass producing French
Croatian Hrvatski www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-0911/hrv/seatel.pdf
these antennas, we want to see one of Italian
these systems in normal operation. So Mandarin
Polish Polski www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-0911/pol/seatel.pdf
off we go to Florida to SeaTel’s regional Portuguese
office in Fort Lauderdale where one of the Russian
Turkish Türkçe www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-0911/tur/seatel.pdf
first of these five-satellite antennas were Available online starting from 2 October 2009
recently shipped to.
This regional office was opened in even from the technicians in Florida. lisation - this typically would occur on a
2002 and for the longest time was a one- Who are SeaTel’s customers? Vincent second day.”
man office. However at the end of 2008 a explains, “We reach our end users via our
large warehouse with a number of offices vast network of authorized and specially And what are sales like for these
was rented near Fort Lauderdale’s Hol- trained dealers who install, support and antenna systems? We posed this ques-
lywood International Airport. It’s also service Sea Tel products.” We asked him tion to Peter Broadhurst, SeaTel’s Vice
just a few minutes by car away from how long a typical installation can take. President and always on the go from one
the many coastal marinas where count- “On average, two technicians need just SeaTel office to the next. “Here in Florida
less luxury yachts are anchored. Vincent one day”, explains Vincent and contin- we sold 300 systems in 2008 and 2009”,
Valldeperas is the Manager of SeaTel’s ues: “A significant part of any installation says Peter Broadhurst, “but for 2010
Fort Lauderdale’s office and explains, is the running of cables, once these are we expect a slight increase over 300
“We employ here two additional techni- installed the system must be lifted into systems.” Such an excellent automatic
cians that work together with technicians place, after which the connection and satellite tracking system is high-tech
from SeaTel’s headquarters in Concord, commissioning process should take only in conjunction with high-quality. “The
California and also from SeaTel in South- a few hours. Typically our dealers would installed price of our new five-satellite
hampton, England.” The moment a SeaTel take a day to install and commission a system will be around $35K”, comments
customer anywhere in the world has a system, although we would recommend Peter Broadhurst and brings it into per-
problem with his antenna system, he has a sea trial as this is when you really get spective: “This is an insignificant amount
access to 24-hour technical assistance to test the full functionality of the stabi- compared to the value of the vessel and

82 TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber-Optic — 10-11/2009 — www.TELE-satellite.com

■ Vincent Valldeperas in his office.
His official title is Technical Support
Supervisor. Vincent, born in Venezuela
and able to speak both English and
Spanish fluently, has spent many
years working on the technical side
of marine applications installing and
maintaining Autopilots, GPS units
and V-SAT systems. He has been
running the SeaTel regional office in
Fort Lauderdale since the end of 2008.
He explains, “We work here locally in
Florida together with about 15 dealers,
with another 30 dealers on the east
coast of the USA and six more in South
America. All of these dealers receive
technical support from the regional Fort
Lauderdale office. Every year in March
and August we hold technical seminars
for our dealers here in our conference
room”, explains Vincent, “giving every
participant an opportunity to get to
know a SeaTel system in detail.”

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the service it provides.” In Fort Lauder-
dales’s nearby yacht harbor, Vincent
shows us the yachts with SeaTel antenna
systems. “Here in the Bahia Mar Marina
you will find the most expensive yachts”,
says Vincent as he gestures to all of the
shiny clean super yachts.

We couldn’t find a single yacht that

didn’t have at least one radome installed;
most of them had two radomes. Vincent
explains, “The completely white radomes
are from SeaTel; those with a gray stripe
near the bottom are from a competi-
tor and the oval ones are from another
competitor.” More than three-quarters of
the yachts we saw carried radomes from

So what about this five-satellite dish

antenna? This concept really put our
technicians to the test”, explains Vincent,
“but our TVRO Product Manager Bobby
Jones managed to produce a market-
able product.” This new system utilizes
a multi-satellite dish from DirecTV with
a special feed holder that holds a single
LNB and two monoblock LNBs as well as
a special multiswitch.

This setup takes the signals from the

99 west satellite’s Ka-band, on which can
be found an large number of HD chan-

■ The SeaTel regional office in Fort Lauderdale,

Florida. The office is part of SeaTel’s Global ■ Tom Torpey is a Field Technician. If there’s a problem with a SeaTel system,
Support Team with particular focus on the the dealers call him up. If the problem can’t be solved over the phone, Tom
East Coast and South America regions. goes on-site and fixes the problem.

84 TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber-Optic — 10-11/2009 — www.TELE-satellite.com

■ Steven Calice is also a Field Service
Support Technician. Here we see him
installing the new five-satellite system
with DirecTV dish. The radome can be
seen in the background and serves to
protect the system on the yacht from
weather and waves.

nels, and performs a frequency conver- was enough to control azimuth and ele-
sion on them. Vincent gestures to the vation; now the entire antenna had to
multiswitch output on the feed holder: follow polarization as well.
“Here we connect four extremely thin,
extremely low-loss and extremely robust Vincent shows us exactly how this works
coax cables that are linked to this con- using an actual production sample: he
nector box on the inside of the radome.” moves the palette on which the antenna
is mounted to simulate the movement of
The reason, of course, is that the dish a ship. The motorized mechanism of the
antenna inside the radome is constantly antenna reacts instantly and regulates
moving so that it can stay focused on the the dish such that it continuously points
five satellites, therefore the coax cables to the DirecTV satellites.
need to be especially stable. Normal
coax cable is then used to connect this Obviously, a satellite antenna system
connector box to a receiver. “One of meant only for DirecTV will have a lim-
the multiswitch output is connected to ited group of buyers. “This system is
the SeaTel control modul as a reference designed for Yachts, commercial vessels,
signal”, explains Vincent, “this leaves oil platforms, etc. that operate in US ■ Close-up view of the connector unit: from
three outputs to either connect directly coastal waters within the DirecTV cover- the multiswitch integrated into the feed
horn, four very thin cables emerge. The box
to three individual DirecTV receivers or age area”, comments Vincent, “since the
on the left contains the connection for the
to a wide band multiswitch, when a lot DirecTV satellite footprints are focused motor and control cables. The two black
more DirecTV receivers should be con- only on the USA.” SeaTel is working on cables that go to SeaTel’s control module
can be seen in the picture. This means that
nected.” an upgrade: “Soon we will expand the three receivers can be connected to the
five-satellite system to a six-satellite remaining three outputs.
“The primary challenge”, explains system adding an LNB for DirecTV Latin
Vincent “was that we were not going America.” our customers travel to Europe and the
to be using a prime focus antenna with Meditarranean, we will adapt the system
Cassegrain like we have used with all of Vincent looks even further into the to linear polarized LNBs. “Then we should
our other systems. Instead it involved a future: “The LNBs for the American sat- have the ability to receive in all ocean
specially formed offset dish.” It no longer ellites are circularly polarized; as soon as regions,” highlights Vincent.

86 TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber-Optic — 10-11/2009 — www.TELE-satellite.com

That’s quite an outlook for the future!
SeaTel is always looking to go beyond
technological limits. They also don’t limit
themselves to maritime applications.
TELE-satellite has already reported on
SeaTel’s automatic satellite tracking sys-
tems for trains. “We can visualize sys-
tems like this for airplanes as well”, says
Vincent, and adds: “perhaps in the near
future one of our sister companies will
offer such a system for airplanes.”
■ Vincent shows us the inside of the control module: there are
no mechanical movement sensors. “Mechanical parts are more
No doubt, SeaTel will surprise us with likely to fail”, explains Vincent, “electronic parts are much
exciting new products in the future! more reliable.”

■ Severe ship movements need to be absorbed. This picture shows

the first generation of shock absorber: a simple spring with an
internal rubber stopper. The problem: “You couldn’t tell if the rubber
inside the spring was still in good shape”, explains Field Technician
Steven Calice.

■ Then came the second generation: a screw holds a larger rubber

stopper. “The system was good but there tended to be after-vibrations
and thus was not optimal”, says Steven Calice.

■ It’s the little details that show the care and foresight
that SeaTel puts into its products: a replacement V-belt is
installed in the system in such a way that if the original
V-belt should fail, the replacement merely needs to be
moved into place. “It’s not necessary anymore to take apart
the entire system”, comments Vincent Valldeperas,
“I have yet to see a torn V-belt.” Vincent points to the Kevlar ■ Vincent Valldeperas shows us the newest generation that is
insert: “The belt is extremely tear resistant.” used on the five-satellite system: “A rubber strip is placed in this
But as is always the case, if the user knows that the V-belt holder. It can easily be seen if it’s still in good shape or if it’s torn.
can be quickly and easily replaced, he’ll be Replacement is easy with the help of a wooden wedge.” In this way
more at ease and relaxed when SeaTel has step-by-step solved problems that simply appear but can
using the system. often be quite complex.

88 TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber-Optic — 10-11/2009 — www.TELE-satellite.com

■ In Fort Lauderdale’s
Bahia Mar Marina:
Vincent Valldeperas in
front of a yacht with a
SeaTel system
■ The high point: does
this new reception
system work? The
picture shows that, yes,
the active transponders
on 119 west are being
received. SeaTel’s SeaTel Reports in TELE-satellite
control module is to the Backlist: Reports on SeaTel in previous issues of TELE-satellite:
lower left. It controls the SeaTel in Southampton, UK: www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-0803/eng/seatel.pdf
system motors based SeaTel in Concorde, California, USA: www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-0901/eng/seatel.pdf
on actual reception SeaTel in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA: www.TELE-satellite.com/TELE-satellite-0911/eng/seatel.pdf
data. The control Note: Replace eng with corresponding language code - see page 4
module receives one
of the signals from
the multiswitch. The
receiver is DirecTV’s HD
model. The white box is
a projector that acts as
the TV for demonstration

■ The DirecTV receiver’s system display shows that all five satellites are
being received. (99 west in Ku and Ka band)

90 TELE-satellite — Broadband & Fiber-Optic — 10-11/2009 — www.TELE-satellite.com

■ SeaTel radomes on
every ship, sometimes
more than one. One
system is often used
for TV reception while
the second is used for

■ Even here:
SeaTel radomes.
Most of the time
the yachts here in
Fort Lauderdale
are anchored and
constantly being
attended to.

■ Wherever you look:

nearly every yacht has a
SeaTel reception system.
Even without the logo, they
are easily recognizable by
the characteristic shape of
the radome.

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