AMSY-6 System Description
AMSY-6 System Description
AMSY-6 System Description
System Description
Document released in July 2013
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without the permission of Vallen Systeme GmbH.
Trademarks and Licenses
The hardware and/or software described herein are furnished under a license and may be used
or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license.
AMSY-5, AMSY-6, ASIP-2, VisualAE, VisualClass and VisualTR are trademarks of Vallen
Systeme GmbH
The material contained in this document is provided as is and is subject to being changed,
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we, Vallen Systeme GmbH, disclaim all warranties, either expressed or implied with regard to
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shall not be liable for errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the
furnishing, use, or performance of this document or any information contained herein.
We shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or incidental damage arising out of
the use or inability to use of the AMSY-6 and the equipment delivered with it. We reserve the
right to charge for any efforts taken to remedy any problems for which we are not responsible.
Safety Notices
Do not use described product in any manner not specified by Vallen.
Do not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification to the product. In case
of malfunction the product shall be returned to Vallen for service and repair.
If Vallen advices technical maintenance or service to the equipment only qualified, servicetrained personnel shall remove the cover from the instrument after unplugging the product from
wall outlet, removing power cord and assuring a power free status of the equipment.
Revision Record
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Speaker ................................................................................................................ 19
External PC ................................................................................................................... 21
VisualAE ....................................................................................................................... 26
Visuals .................................................................................................................. 27
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TR-Combi ............................................................................................................. 42
TR-Copy ............................................................................................................... 42
TR-Filter ............................................................................................................... 42
TR-Unifier ............................................................................................................. 42
Alarm Manager..................................................................................................... 43
Scheduler ............................................................................................................. 44
Hardware Reporter............................................................................................... 44
Pri-Glue ................................................................................................................ 44
Accessories ..................................................................................................................... 47
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Above ground storage tanks (AST) are tested by use of AE for corrosion and leakage.
Integrity testing by use of AE assesses the condition of the test object by judging the
evolution of micro cracks.
The structural damage of CFR polymer objects can be assessed by use of AEmeasurement technique.
Leakage can be detected and located in pipelines or storage tanks by use of AE.
Material science and material development uses AE to learn about the failure mechanisms
of materials and use this knowledge to design new, tougher materials.
Everyone is familiar with AE which can be heard when wood cracks and glass breaks. AMSY-6
is much more sensitive than the human hearing sense. It is sensitive enough to detect
displacements of a surface in the order of a fracture of an atomic diameter. It is able to
characterize non-audible acoustic emissions and their AE sources in a very detailed manner,
e.g. strength of a source, position of it, frequency content, etc. The features of the acoustic
emission signals may indicate the source mechanism (cracking, friction...) and help
discriminating interesting AE signals from undesired noise.
With the help of AMSY-6 the AE phenomenon can be used for non-destructive inspection of
small and large-sized structures, such as pressure vessels, pipelines, bridges, storage tanks,
and for other components for which the early detection of reduced structural integrity is
Major advantages of AMSY-6 measurement technology are:
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Acoustic Emission
Ultra sound
Audible sound
Figure 1: Frequency range of infra-, audible- and ultra sound. Frequency range of Acoustic
Emission is between 5 kHz and 5 MHz. The frequency range of the ASIP-2 is between
1.6 kHz and 2.4 MHz.
An AE-sensor converts the displacement into an electrical signal (AE-signal). An AE-signal can
be displayed on an oscilloscope or a transient recorder display or can be processed by the
hard- and software of the AMSY-6.
Figure 2: Schematic drawing of cracks emitting an acoustic wave (wave front is indicated as red
line) which is picked up by a sensor and displayed as transient
Typically one is interested in burst emissions since crack formation and crack propagation
cause short bursts of elastic waves. A burst emission is characterized by a sharp increase of
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wave energy. The amplitudes of a burst emission reach one or more peaks and then decrease
(see figure 3). The AMSY-6 processes burst emissions if they cross a pre-defined fixed or
floating threshold. Once a burst emission crosses the threshold it is called a hit and will be
processed by the hard- and software. In addition, the AMSY-6 can monitor and analyze
continuous emission as produced by leaks or wear as well.
Figure 3: Schematic of a burst emission that is a hit because it exceeds the threshold.
AMSY-6 extracts a set of features from a hit. This set of numerical features is suitable for
describing the raw AE-burst signal. Important hit features include: arrival time, peak amplitude,
energy, rise time, counts and duration. In addition AMSY-6 has the capability to record the
waveform of the hit (transient recorder) and to analyze it in the frequency domain.
Figure 4: Selection of hit features that are extracted for every hit. Additionally hit energy and
RMS before hit is measured by the ASIP-2
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One of the most important requirements of the AMSY-6 is the location of AE-sources since
operators are not only interested in the existence of defects but also in their location. For the
location of an AE-source, AE-sensors have to be mounted at different positions on the test
object. The transient wave emitted by the AE-source will arrive at the sensors at different times.
AMSY-6 software automatically groups hits from the same AE-source into an event set. The
arrival times of the hits of an event set lead to a series of arrival time differences. These time
differences are processed by the AMSY-6 software and produce a location result of the hit
source. The calculated locations can be plotted in diagrams and assigned to coordinates in the
drawings of the object.
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Hardware Description
AMSY-6 is a multi-channel Acoustic Emission AE-measurement system consisting of parallel
measurement channels and a system front end software running on an external PC.
A measurement channel consists of an AE-sensor (see section 3.1), preamplifier (see section
3.2) and one channel of an ASIP-2 (dual channel acoustic signal processor, see section 3.3).
Each channel combines an analogue measurement section and a digital signal processing unit.
AE-features, such as time of the first threshold crossing (arrival time), risetime, duration, peak
amplitude, energy and counts, are extracted by the ASIP-2. In parallel to the feature extraction,
the complete waveform can be stored to an optional transient recorder module.
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parametric data: data of external parametric sensors which are measured at regular time
intervals. Parametric data is stored with every hit or at user specified time intervals.
Cost efficient
AMSY-6 does also allow for different sensor designs or different brands of sensors as long as
the sensor output meets the specified input of the pre-amplifier or the ASIP-2.
Using Vallen AE-sensors ensures compatibility with the remaining measurement equipment of
Vallen (plug & measure).
More information about AE sensors can be found in the according document Acoustic Emission
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Supply power to the preamplifier by choosing the appropriate input device (see section
Condition the analogue signal for optimum signal-to-noise ratio in the measurement range,
to avoid anti-aliasing effects (see section 3.3.3) and to avoid saturation of ADC by
unwanted (low) frequencies.
Convert the analogue sensor signal to a digital stream (see section 3.3.3).
Apply application specific digital band pass filters to the digitized AE-signal (see section
3.3.4) for further reduction of unwanted noise.
Store waveforms to a dedicated memory chip if it is available (see section 3.3.7) and
transient recording is enabled. The waveform data can be used for frequency domain
feature extraction and in-depth analysis of source mechanisms.
Provide a loop-through for a test pulse (see section 3.3.9) that enables monitoring the
coupling state of AE-sensors.
Two more generic input devices with user selectable supply voltage for preamplifiers (see
section 3.3.1) enabling the operator to use a wide variety of preamplifiers and sensors.
A programmable gain (see section 3.3.2) for additional amplification (in addition to preamplifier) of small signals increasing the signal resolution.
About 500 application specific filters (see section 3.3.4) for noise reduction and improving
signal to noise ratio in every testing situation.
A notch filter stage (see section 3.3.5) for rejecting up to four unwanted frequencies.
Feature extraction at higher sample rates (see section 3.3.6) for a higher time resolution of
AE-features which improves location accuracy in small samples.
Transient recording from different data sources (see section 3.3.7), e.g. the unfiltered signal
right after ADC for unbiased analysis of AE-wave modes.
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Figure 7: Simple block diagram of ASIP-2. Black blocks and grey arrows indicate functions and
data paths of the ASIP-2/S. Red blocks and data paths indicate additional features of
the ASIP-2/A.
Input devices
An input device ensures that a correct power supply and gain is initiated for the pre-amplifier
that is connected to the channel. This eases a correct setup and avoids mistakes during gain
and supply voltage settings.
A separate input device exists for each Vallen preamplifier and sensor with integrated
preamplifier. Additionally an ASIP-2/S offers two more input devices:
28V@50Ohm: input device that supplies 28 VDC and has input impedance of 50 Ohm. This
device can be used if non-Vallen preamplifiers that utilize 28 V and match the 50 Ohm
impedance are used.
AC@100K: input device that does not supply power and has an input impedance of
100 kOhm. This device can be used to parallel measurement channels (e.g. measure the
same signal at different channels each with its own threshold setting), when only one of
them provides power to a preamplifier.
An ASIP-2/A provides two more generic input devices for higher flexibility in using non Vallen
8-28V@200R: the DC voltage for preamplifier power supply is programmable in the range 8
to 28 V and the input impedance is 200 Ohm
8-28V@50Ohm: the DC voltage for preamplifier power supply is programmable in the range
8 to 28 V and the input impedance is 50 Ohm.
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For any kind of application, the optimum bandwidth can be selected without interfering with
the hardware.
The ADC noise is filtered out. For low bandwidth applications, e.g. tank floor testing, the
system noise can be drastically reduced compared to earlier models.
With same filter setting, there is zero tolerance of filter behaviour between the channels.
Filters can be added any time by simply importing a new firmware file.
Over 500 band pass filters are available with the ASIP-2/A. 8 band pass frequencies are
selectable with the ASIP-2/S (see AMSY-6 specification for details). Any available filter
configuration can be added to the ASIP-2/S standard filters.
A bypass to the band pass filter is also included. This filter shall be used to verify analog band
pass filters or for sensor verification by using the Vallen Sensor Tester.
AE-Feature extraction
The output of the digital filter is fed into the AE-feature extraction. The routines for feature
extraction are given by firmware and can be updated in the course of future developments.
Feature extraction is conducted at 20 MHz sample rate (ASIP-2/S). In a sequential step the
sample rate is reduced to 10 MHz relieving the data transfer on the internal bus. The reduction
of sample rate also reduces the resolution of arrival time to 100ns.
In case of an ASIP-2/A feature extraction can also be done at 20 MHz and 40 MHz with a time
resolution of 50 ns and 25 ns, respectively. A higher sample rate puts a higher load on the
internal bus but may increase accuracy of location in small samples.
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The following features are processed according to EN 13477-1: Arrival time, peak amplitude,
rise time, duration, counts, true energy and signal strength, as well as background noise (before
a hit) as true RMS and absolute average level.
Transient Recorder
For transient recording the ASIP-2 has to be equipped with an optional TR-memory module. If it
is available and TR is enabled the digitized AE signal will be fed to the transient recorder stage
in parallel to the feature extraction. Transient recording is useful for in-depth analysis of AEsignals e.g. to classify the source mechanism.
The length of recording (page size) and the sample rate can be defined globally for all channels.
For ASIP-2/A higher sampling rates are available than for ASIP-2/S.
Waveforms are buffered in a fast TR-memory. This ensures that a sudden high activity does not
cause data loss because of high data rates. Data from TR-memory is continuously transferred
to PC.
Continuous and seamless waveform streaming is supported for up to 254 channels
simultaneously until on board TR buffer memory is full. TR-data will be rejected while buffer
memory is full. AE-feature data is not affected by this.
Special Feature:
The ASIP-2/A allows for different data sources of the transient data (see figure 7). Transient
data source can be the FIR filter after ADC, the output of the application specific filter stage or
the output of the notch filter. Especially selecting the FIR filter as transient data source allows
for wideband waveform capture with narrowband hit triggering.
Audio signal
If the ASIP-2 audio output is selected the AE-signal will be passed to the audio-selection subsystem. The filtered signal is sent by a separate bus to the audio DAC. The signal envelope of
all selected channels of a chassis is converted to an analogue signal which is output at the
speaker. This function is useful if the operator desires to have an audio indication of hit activity.
The speaker signal is externally available at the audio jack (see section
Pulse through
Pulse through describes a functionality where voltage pulses are produced by the chassis own
pulser module and connected through ASIP-2 and preamplifier to the AE-sensor. An AE-sensor
converts an electrical pulse into a mechanical impulse. As a result, the objects surface is
mechanically excited and an elastic wave propagates through or along the material. The elastic
wave will be picked up by other AE-sensors. If this is done regularly, comparison of AE-sensor
responses can be used to verify constant coupling quality.
One or more voltage pulses can be produced by the chassis own pulser module. Voltage
pulses can be up to 450VPP. The pulse is also fed into the signal processing path of the pulsing
AE-channel. This produces an accurate time stamp of the pulse.
High pulsing amplitude (up to 450 VPP) is useful for materials with high attenuation or wide
sensor spacing. This ensures that receiving sensors will pick up the acoustic wave emitted by
the pulsing AE-sensor.
Additionally the ASIP-2/A also supports the automatic sensor test (AST) function.
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EB21 is an extension to a MBx chassis and it does not have a CP module and cannot be
operated standalone.
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Parametric inputs
The parametric input channels can be used to monitor environmental conditions such as
temperature, load, etc. and correlate it to AE-data. Parametric data sets are generated at a user
defined time interval and automatically with every hit.
By default, there are four parametric input channels labeled PA0 to PA3. Up to a maximum of
16 parametric channels can be used in a multi chassis setup (see section 3.5). A maximum of 8
parametric channels is supported per chassis. In case of an MB19 the additional 4 parametric
input channels occupy 2 ASIP-2 slots (see section 3.4.6).
The parametric data set also contains the parametric counters PCTA (up to 63 bit analogue
controlled) and PCTD (16 bit digital controlled) as well as the CYSL (cyclic load slope) and CAL
PCTD counter can be controlled via input pins of the external connector (see section
PCTA counter is controlled by PA0 and can be used to count load cycles.
CYSL (cyclic load's slope) reflects the direction of the movement of the analog input voltage at
PA0. CYSL can be used as filter criterion distinguishing events, generated during increasing
load, from events, generated during decreasing load.
CAL flag can be used to filter data generated while test pulse sequence was either on or off.
Any of the parametric input channels can be used to control the data recording. Data recording
is disabled when the voltage at the selected parametric input channel is outside the userdefined limits.
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AE enable switch
This switch is located left of the AE Disable LED. Pushed to the right (towards the LED), the
switch disables data acquisition (AE and TR). It is recommended to disable data acquisition
before someone works on the test object e.g. if sensors need to be remounted.
TR enable switch
This switch is located left of the TR Disable LED. Pushed to the right, it disables TR-data
(waveform) acquisition only, but AE-data will still be recorded. This can be used to reduce the
amount of data stored to disk: e.g. enable TR recording only from time to time still provides
useful information but reduces the data volume considerably.
Various LEDs indicate the operating status of the AMSY-6 (see figure 9).
No Poll
Red LED indicating that the system was not polled by the acquisition
program for at least 5 seconds.
This LED is controlled for each chassis individually.
Yellow LED indicating that at least one channel in the chassis entered
long duration mode.
This LED is controlled for each chassis individually.
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AE Disable
Blinking yellow LED indicating that the acquisition of AE-data and TRdata is disabled by hardware switch.
Ext Disable
TR Disable
Figure 10: Back panel elements with UD1(USB interface and D/A Converter) on right hand side
and power inlet on left hand side.
USB Interface
The USB Interface is the data transfer and control port of the chassis. The USB interface allows
for easy connectivity. The chassis can be connected to any PC or laptop which supports USB2.0
AE-, TR-, parametric- and status data sets are transferred to the PC via USB interface.
Acquisition software running on the PC controls the functions that the chassis and its
components provide.
Alarm Connector
The alarm connector provides an interface to read out the status of Warning, Alarm, SP0 and
SP1 LEDs. These LEDs can be set by the Alarm Manager software indicating certain states
(e.g. alarm, warning, etc.) of the analysis or the PC.
Additionally these LEDs can be set by externally applied digital inputs. In this case they have no
influence on the Alarm Manager.
The Alarm connector should be used in a master chassis only. In a slave chassis the outputs
are undefined and the inputs will only enable the corresponding LEDs.
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Externals Connector
The external connector provides digital input to enable or disable recording (both AE and TR),
and four other inputs to manipulate digital counter PCTD.
Additionally the external connector provides an IC interface and a user definable analogue
output voltage. Up to date the IC interface is limited to internal use.
The Externals connector should be used in a master chassis only. In a slave chassis the signals
at the Externals connector are undefined.
Address switch
In a multiple chassis setup, each chassis has to have a unique address. The chassis address is
set by the rotary switch.
Audio jack
The Audio jack provides an audio output to a passive speaker of 8 impedance. The peak
envelope of waveforms of all audio enabled channels will be output. In case a speaker is
connected the internal speaker of the chassis will be disabled.
Use TRS connector, only. Other connector type will cause a short circuit and lead to damage of
Do not plug in a headset since it might be damaged. Because of the power rating of the audio
jack, headphones may cause acoustic injury to individual wearing the headset.
Do not plug in an active speaker since it may get damaged.
Pulser Output
The pulser output is a BNC socket to which the internally generated pulse will be put out apart
from being fed to the selected ASIP-2. It is a test output, only.
Pulser output of multiple chassis must not be connected together (as was the case with AMSY-5
chassis). Each AMSY-6 chassis provides pulses from its internal pulser unit.
The panel speaker is used for audio output. The audio signal is the envelope over all signals
that are selected for audio output (see section 3.3.8).
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Rear panel speaker: used in MB19 and EB21 at the rear of the chassis.
Power inlet
The power inlet module provides the power connector. In case of the MB2 and MB6 it also
includes the power on/off switch.
PA471: four parametric inputs with additional speaker, used in MB19 chassis.
PA472: four parametric inputs with speaker, used in MB6 chassis instead of standard front
panel speaker.
PA471 (can only be used in MB19 chassis) will reduce the maximum possible number of AEchannels by 4. Front and rear panel speaker work in parallel.
PA472 can only be used with MB6 chassis. It can be mounted instead of the MB6 speaker
panel (see front panel speaker on right side of chassis in figure 8) and has no influence on the
maximum possible channel number.
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External PC
The external PC is used to configure the hardware, control it during data acquisition, display and
analyze measurement results and store measurement data.
The system front-end provides access to hardware settings and its configuration. It provides
means to analyze the data and manage data storage.
Any kind of PC, e.g. laptop, desktop, lunchbox, 19 rack industry or standard PC can be used.
As PC and MBx chassis are separate items it is possible utilizing always state of the art PC
technology. The minimum PC requirements can be found in the System Specification.
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Software Description
Vallen AE-Suite software has a number of programs that interact with the measurement
hardware such as Acquisition or Vallen Sensor Tester, ADC Test, etc. (see Util. in block
diagram of figure 11). Analysis software has no hardware access and only read access to
stored acquired data. Various utilities can manipulate and concatenate transient data files (see
TRA-file Utilities in figure 11) and primary data files (see PRI-file Utilities in figure 11) or extract
data and store it to a new file. (e.g. TR-Copy, TR-Combi, Pri-Glue, etc. see according file utilities
in figure 11). System verification software helps verifying the functionality of AMSY-6 according
to specification (e.g. SysVeri).
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Data acquisition
An acoustic emission test should detect the presence of acoustic emission sources and provide
as much information as possible about them. The first step to successful data analysis is
obtaining unbiased raw data. The program Acquisition (from now on referred to as Acquisition)
provides a front-end which controls and configures the measurement hardware, processes data
and manages data storage (see subsequent sections). The operator is guided by graphical user
interfaces through the correct hardware and measurement set-up.
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Additionally it may be necessary to narrow the frequency range of the AE-signal due to noise.
For this task over 500 different band-pass filter configurations are available in case of the ASIP2/A.
If TR-memory modules are available (3.3.7) transients can be recorded with every hit at a user
specified sample rate (from 625 kHz up to 10 MHz / 40 MHz in case of ASIP-2/A) for a user
specified duration.
The source for recording TR-data can be the same as for the AE-feature extraction or right
before the application specific filtering. The last option enables to record wideband transients
while the record trigger is obtained from the filtered signal. Especially for analysis of AE-wave
modes a wideband transient recording is necessary.
Transients can be recorded in different ways, so called trigger modes. Available trigger modes
are Normal, Master, Slave or Pool. An AE-channel that is configured Normal will produce TRdata with every hit it measures. In Master mode the AE-channel will not only trigger its own
transient recording but also the transient recording of all Slave and Pool channels. In Slave
mode an AE-channel will only record TR-data if it is triggered by a Master. A Pool configured
channel will act as master if it is hit first; otherwise it acts as a Slave.
In parallel to the AE and TR-data parametric data from e.g. pressure sensors, temperature
sensors, etc. can be recorded. This type of data is used to correlate the AE-results to certain
environmental conditions. So called parametric data is generated time based. In case of high
AE-activity the time interval between two consecutive sets of parametric data is short. In periods
of low AE-activity the sample interval is longer.
There is also a second type of time triggered data, the so called status data sets. Status data
sets are collected for each AE-channel and provide the status (energy and RMS) of the AEchannel for certain time intervals (whether or not hits occur).
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A frontend filter rejects AE- and TR-data or TR-data only. The logical filter conditions are based
on an AE-feature set. Employing the TR front end filter requires at least TR-2/512MB memory
Acquisition manages storage of measurement data. Two different data files are generated:
Primary data file (file extension: pridb): contains AE-feature-, status- and parametric data
sets as well as label data sets. Label data sets (text strings) can be inserted by an operator
anytime during data acquisition. Each label generates a data set with a time stamp derived
from PC timer. Labels can be used as start- and termination criteria for analysis, i.e.
specifying at what point loading started, when it ended, etcAll data sets are time sorted
before stored to disk.
Transient data file (file extension: tradb): contains only waveforms, i.e. the sampled AEsignal. Its time stamp and a unique id identify which transient belongs to which AE-data set.
Storing TR-data and AE-data to different files has many advantages over storing them to just
one file. TR-data is usually very large. Even in modern PC-systems transfer of large amounts of
data to or from hard disk poses a bottleneck. If there is only one data file it may occur that while
TR-data is written to hard disk, hits are buffered in the pipe and not available for analysis. This
is especially dangerous in applications which require real time monitoring. Mixing different types
of data in one file also slows down the reading performance. Vallen Acquisition ensures that hit
data is always available for analysis.
Acquisition manages data within a primary data file in sections. A section contains data
recorded with same acquisition settings. Every time acquisition parameters are changed,
Acquisition introduces a new section. During a test the operator usually conducts a sensor
mounting verification, a noise test, the actual inspection job and some posttests. It is very
probable that each of the tests has to be conducted with different acquisition settings. However
the operator still wants to have the whole measurement data in one file. Acquisition
automatically manages different settings and makes sure they do not get mixed up. Tracking of
acquisition settings is possible in post analysis.
Start pulsing of AE-channels via software in single cycle-, single channel- or iterative cycle
Online threshold control: change the acquisition threshold of each channel separately while
data acquisition is running.
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VisualAE provides a framework for all data analysis tasks in online mode or in a post process
(offline). VisualAE can be configured on a modular basis to fit a certain analysis task. The
individual configuration is based on the selection of individual software modules (e.g. location
modules, processor modules, etc.) which can be implemented any time.
VisualAE provides tools for processing or manipulating data (see section 4.2.3, 4.2.5, 4.2.6 and
4.2.7), displaying data (see section 4.2.1) and integrated auxiliary functionality (see section
4.2.4). So called Processors (from now on referred to as processors) allow the manipulation of
data, while Visuals (from now on referred to as visuals) display data in diagrams. Any number
of processors or visuals can be defined and used to even enable the most complex analysis.
VisualAE strictly separates data from data presentation. The information of the processing
structure (i.e. the number of visuals, processors and their arrangement) is stored in a separate
setup file. This enables to use the same setup on different raw data files.
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The time sorted data stream is stored to the primary data file as it is captured. A long acquisition
period often makes analysis of the whole file difficult. To this end, time intervals can be selected
on basis of defined labels or data set numbers. Analysis can be configured to start and stop with
user selectable starting and ending criterion, respectively.
Visuals display measurement data and results. Their number in VisualAE is limited by PC
resources, only. Visuals can be freely positioned in the data processing tree and on individual
pages within VisualAE. A page in VisualAE usually holds more than one visual. To overcome
the limited resolution of TFT screens, visuals can be zoomed for a better resolution.
Visuals are linked to each other if they are on the same branch of the processing tree. The link
ensures that a selected data point is highlighted in all linked visuals. This feature effectively
speeds up data analysis.
Diagrams are used to display results of AE-measurement and processors. Diagrams can be of
2D or 3D (requires VAE1+2, see section 4.2.2) type.
TR Diagrams
TR-diagrams show waveforms (transient data) in time and/or frequency domain. If VisualTR
(see section 4.8.1) is installed, the corresponding extra functions (e.g. digital filtering and more)
are available for the TR Diagrams in VisualAE.
A TR-diagram can have a master and a client window, whereby the client window shows only
data range selected in the master window.
The axes of a TR-diagram can be scaled automatically or set to fixed user specific limits.
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There are two basic diagram types: distributions and correlations (point plots). In the standard
configuration a diagram can show only one plane; enabling more planes requires module
VAE1+2, see section 4.2.2. Data represented on each plane can be filtered (e.g. show a certain
amplitude range or a certain channel) and the color and shape of symbols can be selected.
Multiple planes are necessary if for example data of multiple channels should be displayed
distinctively in one diagram.
Figure 16: Correlation diagram on the left hand side; distribution diagram on the right hand side.
In this example correlation diagram has just one plane while the distribution diagram
has a total of four planes.
Almost all properties of diagrams can be adjusted:
Left and right axis legend: can be made visible/invisible or printable/not printable.
Caption (top) and comment text (bottom) can be added; needs module VAE1+2, see
section 4.2.2.
A background image can be inserted into diagrams and adjusted to fit the diagram scale
(requires VAE1+2, see section 4.2.2).
3D-diagrams (requires option VAE1+2, see section 4.2.2) can be rotated around each axis and
each axis can be scaled.
The data plotted in a diagram can be exported to clipboard and file as:
Bitmap with selectable resolution and size (requires module VAE1+2, see section 4.2.2)
A listing presents data in columns. The number of columns, the properties listed in each column
and their order can be defined by the user. Additionally simple listing filters can be selected, e.g.
to show first-hits of a sensor group only, include/exclude time driven data such as parametric
data or status sets.
A fast forward and backward scrolling accelerates navigation within large data files.
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Still images
Still images are regarded as a visual in VisualAE. Any number of still images (e.g. a logo, a
picture of the test object, etc.) can be inserted on different pages of the data analysis. Still
images can be used to place a company logo on a VisualAE page.
Enables second (right) vertical axis result for distribution, history or point plot, e.g. to show
external parameters within an AE-diagram
Multi-plane support: unlimited number of planes at each axis, individual plane settings
(style, colour, symbol, filter, legend), for each plane multiple filter conditions can be used.
Caption and multi-line comment text for each diagram and listing can be activated
Visual-IDs, to indicate the position of each Visual in the analysis tree and to identify the
Visuals (for transparent analysis structure)
Display of the Free disk space history is available, indicating currently free HDD space
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Provides 3D diagrams: any result combination possible, can be rotated around any axis
and stretched into any direction
Diagram: picture overlay (a bitmap or vector graphic can be placed behind a diagram),
background black or white selection
Diagram/Listing position on page can be changed: Exchange, Shift, or Move to other page
Page: layout selection from a number of predefined arrangements; the name of a page
(tabs), caption, and multi-line comment text for each page can be entered
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A Location Processor cannot be positioned on a subsequent branch of the processing tree that
originates from a preceding Location Processor. However, there is no limit to the number of
other processors and visuals behind a Location Processor. Visuals and processors behind a
location processor can process results of the event builder (e.g. first-hit channel number for
zonal location, arrival time differences), location results according to the used location module
(e.g. location coordinates, location uncertainty), AE parameters (e.g. amplitude, duration, rise
time, etc.), and external parameters. For AE parameters, the user can define that for each
event-set only the first or all hit data sets shall be processed.
Grading Processor
For pressure vessel integrity testing (metal as well as FRP vessels) an interpretation scheme for
results of AE tests has been proposed and published by T. Fowler et al. The Monpac system,
Journal of AE, Vol. 8, No. 3, 1989, pp 1 8.
A Grading Processor delivers a Historic Index and a Severity Value, which can be used in
visuals or in other processors. Historic Index compares signal strength of most recent hits to
signal strength of all hits (per channel). Severity is a measure of the average of a user specified
number of largest signal strength hits striking a sensor (evaluated per channel).
Currently VisualAE contains a preliminary version of the Vallen Grading Processor (VGP) that is
still in development. Presently it is included in VisualAE for testing and feedback purposes.
Alarm Processor
The Alarm Processor monitors user-defined alarm and warning criteria within VisualAE and
triggers the Alarm Manager (see section 4.8.1) when the user-defined limits are exceeded.
Within the Alarm Processor the user can define a warning- and an alarm condition based on any
available results. As soon as these conditions are fulfilled a signal is fired to the Alarm Manager
which in turn triggers the actions bound to the signal. This supports monitoring of safety related
tests where various criteria may lead to a halt or even abort of the test.
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Coupling Table
During an inspection it is important to ensure that the sensor coupling does not change. A
degradation in sensor coupling leads to less sensitivity in a channel and it will effectively
measure lower amplitudes. This is potentially dangerous and the operator needs to check that
sensor coupling is constant throughout an inspection. The pulsing function (see section 3.3.9) is
a tool to verify sensor coupling. Measured amplitudes of each pulsing cycle can be displayed in
a Coupling Table. Coupling Tables can be automatically compared pair wise (e.g. Coupling
Table before inspection to Coupling Table after inspection) revealing any changes in sensor
Additionally a Coupling Table provides a tool to calculate the speed of sound for each sensor
pair that is considered (requires a location processor).
Attenuation Profile
Next to the speed of sound, the attenuation is the second most important material property in
AE. The attenuation in the material determines the maximum possible sensor spacing in case
location of AE-sources is necessary. The Attenuation Profile is a tool which aids creating an
attenuation profile according to EN14584.
Parametric conversion
Parametric data is recorded in units of mV no matter if it is a temperature sensor, pressure
sensor, force sensor, etc. A parametric conversion converts the mV scale to engineering units
such as C (temperature), bar (pressure), N (force), etc.
Variable editor
During data analysis filter conditions are frequently used in diagrams and processors.
Sometimes filter conditions in different diagrams or processors are the same. If the values of the
filter conditions are defined in many visuals individually, changing every single one to reflect
new analysis criteria can be a tedious task. The variable editor can be used to ease the
situation. It provides means to define the name and value of up to 32 variables. These variables
can be used in setting up filter conditions where applicable. Changing the value of the filter
condition can be done at a single location for all filter conditions using the according variable.
Once results are derived the next important step is to include them in reports. Reporting of
results is aided by
printing functions with preview, size, and format selection. In this context still images (see
section may be useful to incorporate the corporate identity of a header and footer
into the print out.
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Set-up reports for all analysis and acquisition parameters which can be output on screen,
printer or file. This is important to keep track of all the settings made during analysis.
Language selection
One out of seven different languages (English, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, German, French
and Italian) can be selected for the graphical user interface. The language is switched
immediately and does not require restarting VisualAE.
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Filter Processor
Filter Processors are a powerful tool to modify the data flow and to separate meaningful from
not so important data. Filter Processors do not change stored data. They just prevent some data
from being processed further. A Filter Processor rejects AE-data sets based on user specified
logical criteria.
Polygon Processor
The Polygon Processor basically is a graphic filter. It allows defining arbitrary polygons on any
kind of diagram. Each hit data set will be either inside or outside the defined area and can be
filtered accordingly. This allows the definition of very complex filters that are not possible with
the Filter Processor (see section In contrast to the Filter Processor it does not reject
any data but adds a polygon ID to the data set.
Four polygon groups are available (Poly-A, Poly-B, Poly-C, Poly-D), each having a unique
index. Each polygon group can be linked to an AE-diagram and can contain an arbitrary number
of polygons.
The Polygon Processor provides a tool for drawing polygons, ellipses or any arbitrary shape by
using the mouse and according drawing tools. Vertices of shapes can be specified by their xand y-coordinate. All polygons will be displayed in appropriate diagrams that are located behind
the Polygon Processor.
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Cluster Processor
Cluster Processor clusters data sets according to certain attributes and color codes their
quantity. The most prominent way to use Cluster Processor is to cluster local densities of
(located) AE-sources. This provides a measure of how active an AE-source is.
Cluster Processor adds density levels as defined by thresholds and provides additional statistics
about clusters. The density levels, color codes, thresholds and cluster statistics can be defined
by the user.
Diagrams linked to a Cluster Processor (i.e. located on the branch of the cluster processor) and
showing the cluster attributes will display color-coded clusters along with a cluster-legend.
Clusters are drawn as color coded rectangles or circles around clusters of AE-data.
User Processor
In some cases of analysis it is desirable to produce results which are not provided by VisualAE,
e.g. summing up the energy of hits. User Processors can extend the range of results by
mathematical operations on all kind of incoming data. The user can choose from a list of
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The possibility of defining more than one channel group within a Location Processor is useful in
case of complex structures that need to be covered by use of e.g. triangulation. In such case
only one Location Processor needs to be defined for the structure. Also, if a cylindrical vessel
has to be monitored, the cylindrical part and the end caps can be combined in one location set
by using multiple sensor arrays.
For each channel group the maximum number of hits that contribute to the location result can
be defined. Only the nearest neighbors of the first hit channel should contribute.
Figure 25: Outline of cylindrical pressure vessel with spherical end caps. AE-sources on end
caps can be located by use of a spherical location processor, while AE sources on
cylindrical hull can be located with planar location algorithm. Sensors can be part of
more than one sensor array.
Lin3D: linear location on imaginary straight line segments between two neighboring
sensors. Data display and location processor setup account for 3D locations of sensors.
Both location algorithms account for arbitrary sensor placement. Sensor array can be arranged
as an open line with two ends (e.g. a line) or as a closed loop (e.g. circular).
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Numerical, analytical and mixed algorithms are available. Each algorithm evaluates a location
uncertainty in case of an over determined system. The location uncertainty gives an indication
of how reliable a result is (from a mathematical point of view).
For a cylindrical hull the required minimum number of sensors is 4 (an over determined system
would consist of at least 5 sensors). In case of a plane the required minimum number of sensors
is 3 (an over determined system would consist of at least 4 sensors).
It is recommended to exceed the minimum number of sensors contributing to a location result.
This way a location uncertainty can be calculated and regarded as a measure of reliability for
location result.
Several channel groups can be used within one location processor and a global coordinate
system, allowing for processing complex geometries like cones or end caps of pressure
Each channel group with its own co-ordinates and location algorithm
Arbitrary sensor locations, i.e. position the sensors according to the test objects
The location algorithm needs hits from at least 3 sensors. It is recommended to have 5
sensors contribute to location result.
The spherical location algorithm together with the planar location algorithm can be used to
locate AE-sources on a pressure vessel. The spherical location algorithm is used to locate AEsources on the end caps of the vessel while the planar location algorithm is used to locate AEsources on the hull. All three location algorithms (2x end caps, 1x hull) can be setup within a
single location processor (see figure 25).
Results can be shown in 3-dimensional dot-plots, rotated and zoomed (needs VAE1+2, see
section 4.2.2), or in several 2-dimensional dot-plots from different views.
In small diameter (up to 16m diameter) above-ground storage tanks the 3D location algorithm
can be used to locate corrosion, leakage, water droplets, etc. AE-sources, such as water
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droplets from the roof, are easily discriminated by their height position.
Nakamura, Hideyuki / Arakawa, Takahiro / Sekine, Kazuyoshi / Kasai, Naoya, Study of
Identification and Removal Method for Drop Noise at AE Measurement of a Tank, 19th
International AE-Symposium December 9-12, 2008, IAES-19 Kyoto, Japan
VAECPU: ECP-User: allows one to run an ECP, but not modify or view the source code.
VAECPP: ECP-Programmer: allows one to create ECP and write code for it (includes
Special Feature:
The ECP is useful when service providers (or any other user) want to implement their own
analysis routines. These routines can be protected so that other operators cannot access the
source code. This secures the intellectual property right of the inventor. This enables a licensing
model where analysis routines can be licensed by the IP-owner to different entities identified by
the Vallen license number.
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Available functions:
No ECP license
Delete ECP
Copy/duplicate ECP
Move ECP
Create ECP
Run validated ECP
FFT Averager
FFT Averager can be used to calculate and display the average spectrum of all waveforms in a
transient data file. It can be used to discover lowest level spectral compositions out of the white
noise. Averaging the spectra reduces the white noise level shown and pronounces other
spectral components, if any. It can also be used to discover changes in the averaged spectrum,
e.g. when comparing files from different kinds of sources, or after filtering a file by spectral
criteria, e.g. using spectral ratios.
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From all FFTs, for each frequency bin, 3 averaging methods are calculated and shown in 3
As an additional result the RMS subtracted by AVG[dB] is provided. The result gives an
indication which frequencies are equally distributed in the analyzed data, (difference is very
small) and at which frequencies the waveforms differ.
Feature Extractor
Feature Extractor is a tool that makes frequency domain features of waveforms available to
VisualAE (online and offline). Similarly to AE-feature data, the frequency domain provides
characteristic features too, e.g. peak frequency (frequency of maximum amplitude, FMAX),
mean frequency (frequency center of gravity, FCOG), spectral ratios and more.
Figure 26: Feature Extractor and how it interacts with analysis software.
Feature Extractor provides an interface to the FFT Feature Extractor, Spectral Ratios Extractor
and VisualClass Classifier (requires VisualClass, see section 4.3.1).
FFT Feature Extractor extracts frequency of peak amplitude and center of gravity frequency
from frequency spectra.
Spectral Ratios Extractor extracts features from 4 user definable time and 5 frequency
segments and generates (spectral) ratios from this data.
Feature Extractor can run in real time parallel to the acquisition software.
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Results of the classifier are written to a feature file. These results can be used by VisualAE for
combined analysis with other AE-features.
TR-Combi is a utility developed for use in conjunction with VisualClass. It eases the selection of
learning data sets for the VisualClass classifier. Learning data sets should contain
representative waveforms of each class. By use of TR-Combi waveforms of multiple input files
can be exported to one or more output files. Usually the output files constitute classes into
which a VisualClass classifier (see section 4.3.1) should classify the waveform data.
TR-Copy is a tool that copies selected waveforms from one input file to one or more output files.
Similarly to TR-Combi (see section 4.6.1) it can be used to build a training data set for
VisualClass. In contrast to TR-Combi the export of waveforms can be governed by a single
script file (i.e. export is done automatically). The script file can be generated by use of VisualAE.
TR-Filter applies a digital (software) filter to already recorded TR data. This is useful to limit the
frequency range of broad band acquired transients in order to match small band frequency
range of existing TR-data. Frequency range matched transients of different transient data files
can be combined and used in VisualClass or as input to a classifier.
TR-Unifier is a tool that changes sample rate and page length (number of samples per
waveform) of a TR-file. This utility is used to unify different transient data files to a common
format so that they can be combined to a single file or used with classifier or VisualClass.
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Alarm Manager
Alarm Manager is a utility running in the background. Usually the operators first contact with the
Alarm Manager is when Acquisition program indicates that it does not receive any data (blinking
in the task bar). This is triggered by the Alarm Manager. Apart from that the Alarm Manager
provides an interface for other predefined Watchdogs and Alarm Processors. Alarm Processors
can be inserted into VisualAE analysis process to derive alarm criteria from any kind of AE data
analysis (see section
Alarm Manager is independent from acquisition or analysis programs. It receives signals from
Watchdogs and Alarm Processors and triggers the action(s) that are bound to the signal. Such
actions can be:
sending a message to a machine or user within the network (using the Microsoft net
send command), and/or
turning on an AMSY-5 LED and pull down the corresponding line at the Alarm Connector
(on rear), and/or
triggering a custom action which can be any user-written routine using the Active-X Alarm
Manager Programming Interface
Watchdogs are pre-defined and monitor the run status of VisualAE and Acquisition as well as a
number of PC resources, such as free disk space for data and temporary files. Watchdogs
trigger alarm actions via the Alarm Manager, before a lack of such resources may endanger
reliable data acquisition and online analysis. Alarm and warning limits of Watchdogs are set
within the Alarm Manager.
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Scheduler is used for communication between simultaneously running acquisition and analysis
programs, triggering the analysis programs to read newly acquired data in online data analysis.
Key Reporter
Key Reporter is a tool that displays or prints out the complete list of available software modules
and marks the ones that are currently installed. A printout of the KeyReporter, the
KeyCertificate, is provided with every KeyFile that Vallen Systeme distributes.
Key Setup
If new modules are to be added to the AE-Suite software or software update contract is
prolonged a new KeyFile is provided by Vallen Systeme. The new KeyFile has to be activated
via the Key Setup utility to make changes available.
Hardware Reporter
HW-Reporter is a tool providing a detailed hardware configuration report of the connected
AMSY-6 hardware.
Pri-glue is a tool to concatenate several primary data and transient data files into one larger
primary data and transient data file.
PRI2DB is a conversion tool that converts files with PRI and TRA extension from binary format
to a free file format based on SQLite. The new file extensions are PRIDB and TRADB.
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By providing software and hardware for AMSY-6 one complies with the standard EN 13477-2,
Non-destructive testing Acoustic Emission Equipment characterisation Part 2: Verification
of operation characteristics.
SWupd is the term for a software update contract lasting for 12 months. A valid software update
contract enables the installation of software updates published during the validity period of the
update contract. It covers all Vallen Systeme GmbH AE software modules.
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A valid update contract is required for software extensions (e.g. purchasing new software
Help Text
Context sensitive help is available for Acquisition32, VisualAE, VisualTR, VisualClass and many
utility programs. Online help should be the first point of reference in case of questions. It
provides information and explanations about settings.
Application (alphabetical
3D location
Alarm Manager
Classifier decoder
Cluster processor
Control Panel
DTA Converter
ECP programmer
ECP user
ECP validator
Feature Extractor
FFT Averager
Filter processor
Firmware updater
Hardware Reporter
Key Reporter
Key Setup
Linear location
Planar location
Polygon processor
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Application (alphabetical
Spherical location
System Verification
User processor
VAC Editor
VisualAE extension 1
VisualAE extension 2
VTR recommended
Accessories to expand or enhance the AMSY-6 such as cables, magnetic holders, verification
equipment, etc can be found in the according document: Accessories for Acoustic Emission.
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AMSY-6 supports ASIP-2 only. Predecessor of ASIP-2, ASIPP cannot be used within an
AMSY-6 chassis. Focusing on the ASIP-2 boost the speed performance of the AMSY-6
making it much faster than the AMSY-5
AMSY-6 uses USB2.0 port for data transfer and hardware control. The new interface
makes the AMSY-6 more flexible, easy to use (plug & measure) and increases the
performance of multi chassis setups tremendously.
Utilizing the USB2.0 bus 8 chassis can be connected in parallel (compared to 6 AMSY-5
chassis in series) making multi chassis setup more flexible and much faster. The only
influence on speed performance is the chassis internal speed making a hit processing rate
of 100.000hits/s per chassis possible (for each chassis that is used in a multi chassis
Different chassis are available. The smallest one being a MB2 for a total of 4 AE-channels.
The medium sized MB6 is comparable in size to AMSY-5 M6. The MB19 and EB21 offer
more ASIP-2 slots at the same form factor as AMSY-5 M16 and E20, respectively.
Parametric input channels are software controlled in range 1V or 10V. Input impedance
does not change with range setting anymore. Software control provides more flexibility in
using them.
Volume front panel elements have been removed for more compactness. Volume can be
adjusted by use of Acquisition software.
Pulser front panel elements have been removed. The pulsing amplitude is controlled online
(no need to stop Acquisition anymore) via a software menu.
The chassis address selector is a robust rotary switch. It is easier to handle than the dip
switches of the AMSY-5.
Each AMSY-6 chassis has own pulser and audio unit. Multiple chassis must not be
connected by a pulser cable.
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ADC noise is filtered by a dedicated filter stage at 40MSPS and additionally filtered by the
application specific filters. The result is extremely low noise.
Application specific filters are implemented digitally. This results in zero tolerance between
For any application the optimum bandwidth can be selected without interfering with the
Filters can be added any time by simply importing a new firmware file.
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