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Planar Flaw Height Sizing by Ultrasonics: Standard Guide For

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Designation: E2192 – 08

Standard Guide for

Planar Flaw Height Sizing by Ultrasonics1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2192; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 3. Terminology
1.1 This guide provides tutorial information and a descrip- 3.1 Definitions—Related terminology is defined in Termi-
tion of the principles and ultrasonic examination techniques for nology E1316.
measuring the height of planar flaws which are open to the 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
surface. The practices and technology described in this stan- 3.2.1 bi-modal—ultrasonic examination method that uti-
dard guide are intended as a reference to be used when lizes both the longitudinal (L-wave) and shear (S-wave) modes
selecting a specific ultrasonic flaw sizing technique as well as of propagation in order to estimate or measure flaw height.
establishing a means for instrument standardization.2 3.2.2 corner reflector—the reflected ultrasonic energy re-
1.2 This standard guide does not provide or suggest accu- sulting from the interaction of ultrasound with the intersection
racy or tolerances of the techniques described. Parameters such of a flaw and the component surface at essentially 90 degrees.
as search units, examination surface conditions, material com- 3.2.3 doublet—two ultrasonic signals that appear on the
position, etc. can all have a bearing on the accuracy of results. screen simultaneously and move in unison as search unit is
It is recommended that users assess accuracy and tolerances manipulated toward and away from the flaw. During tip-
applicable for each application. diffraction flaw sizing, the flaw tip signal and flaw base signal
1.3 This document does not purport to provide instruction to (corner reflector) will appear as a doublet.
measure flaw length. 3.2.4 far-surface—the surface of the examination piece
1.4 This standard guide does not provide, suggest, or opposite the surface on which the search unit is placed. (For
specify acceptance standards. After flaw-sizing evaluation has example, when examining pipe from the outside surface the
been made, the results should be applied to an appropriate code far-surface would be the inside pipe surface).
or standard that specifies acceptance criteria. 3.2.5 focus—the term as used in this document applies to
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the dual crossed-beam search units that have been manufactured so
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the that they have a maximum sensitivity at a predetermined depth
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- or sound path in the component. Focusing effect may be
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- obtained with the use of dual-element search units having both
bility of regulatory requirements prior to use. refracted and roof angles applied to each element.
3.2.6 near-surface—the surface of the examination piece on
2. Referenced Documents which the search unit is placed. (For example, when examining
2.1 ASTM Standards:3 pipe from the outside surface the near-surface would be the
E1316 Terminology for Nondestructive Examinations outside pipe surface).
3.2.7 sizing—measurement of the through-wall height or
depth dimension of a discontinuity or flaw.
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E07 on Nondestruc-
tive Testing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E07.06 on Ultrasonic 3.2.8 30-70-70—term that is applied to the technique (and
Method. sometimes the search unit) using an incident angle that
Current edition approved July 1, 2008. Published July 2008. Originally approved produces a nominal 70° L wave in the examination piece.
in 2002. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as E2192 - 07. DOI: 10.1520/
Provided that a parallel far-surface exists, the 30° shear wave,
This Standard Guide is adapted from material supplied to ASTM Subcommittee produced simultaneously at the refracting interface, reflects as
E07.06 by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). a 30° shear wave and generates a nominal 70° L wave as a
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or result of mode conversion off the far-surface. The 70° L wave
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on reflects off a planar flaw and is received by the search unit as
the ASTM website. a 70° L wave.

Copyright (C) ASTM International. 100 Barr Harbour Drive PO box C-700 West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428-2959, United States

E2192 – 08
4. Summary of Guide cations outside these 1⁄3 zones provided a proper reference
4.1 This guide describes methods for the following flaw block and technique is demonstrated.
sizing techniques.
4.1.1 Far-surface creeping wave or mode conversion 6. Ultrasonic Flaw Sizing Methods
method, 6.1 30-70-70 Mode Conversion or Far-surface Creeping
4.1.2 Flaw-tip-diffraction method, Wave Method—The far-surface Creeping Wave or 30-70-70
4.1.3 Dual element bi-modal method, and Mode Conversion method (as illustrated in Fig. 1) provides
4.1.4 Dual element, (focused) longitudinal wave or dual qualitative additional depth sizing information. This method
element, (focused) shear wave methods. has considerable potential for use when approximating flaw
4.2 In this guide, ultrasonic sound paths are generally size, or, determining that the flaw is far-surface connected.
shown diagrammatically by single lines in one plane that 6.1.1 Excitation of Creeping Waves—The excitation of
represent the center of the ultrasonic energy. refracted longitudinal waves is always accompanied by re-
4.3 Additional information on flaw sizing techniques may fracted shear waves. In the vicinity of the excitation, the
be found in the references listed in the Bibliography section. separation between these two wave modes is not significantly
distinct. At the surface, a longitudinal wave cannot exist
5. Significance and Use independently of a shear wave because neither mode can
5.1 The practices referenced in this document are applicable comply with the boundary conditions for the homogeneous
to measuring the height of planar flaws open to the surface that wave equation at the free surface alone; consequently, the
originate on the far-surface or near-surface of the component. so-called headwave is formed. The headwave is always gen-
These practices are applicable to through-wall sizing of me- erated if a wave mode with higher velocity (the longitudinal
chanical or thermal fatigue flaws, stress corrosion flaws, or any wave) is coupled to a wave mode with lower velocity (the
other surface-connected planar flaws. direct shear wave) at an interface. The longitudinal wave
5.2 The techniques outlined describe proven ultrasonic flaw continuously energizes the shear wave. It can be concluded that
sizing practices and their associated limitations, using refracted the longitudinal wave, which in fact “creeps” along the surface,
longitudinal wave and shear wave techniques as applied to is completely attenuated a short distance from the location of
ferritic or austenitic components. Other materials may be the excitation. (See Fig. 2 for generation of the near-side
examined using this guide with appropriate standardization creeping wave). With the propagation of the near-surface
reference blocks. The practices described are applicable to both creeping wave and its continuous conversion process at each
manual and automated examinations. point it reaches, the energy converted to shear is directed into
5.3 The techniques recommended in this standard guide use the material as shown in Fig. 3. Thus, the wave front of the
Time of Flight (TOF) or Delta Time of Flight (DTOF) methods headwave includes the head of the creeping wave, direct and
to accurately measure the flaw size. This guide does not include indirect shear waves.
the use of signal amplitude methods to determine flaw size. 6.1.2 Far-Surface Creeping Wave Generation—When the
5.4 Generally, with these sizing methods the volume of headwave arrives at the far-surface of the component, the same
material (or component thickness) to be sized is divided into wave modes will be generated which were responsible for
thirds; the inner 1⁄3 , the middle 1⁄3 and the outer 1⁄3 . Using the generating the shear wave energy, due to the physical law of
far-surface Creeping Wave Method the user can qualitatively reciprocity. Thus, the indirect shear wave and part of the direct
segregate the flaw into the approximate 1⁄3 zone. shear wave will convert into a far-surface creeping wave and a
5.5 The sizing methods are used in 1⁄3 zones to quantita- 70-degree longitudinal wave. The far-surface creeping wave
tively size the crack, that is, Tip-diffraction for the inner 1⁄3 , will be extremely sensitive to small surface-breaking reflectors
Bi-Modal method for the middle 1⁄3 , and the Focused Longi- and the longitudinal wave will be engulfed in a bulk longitu-
tudinal Wave or Focused Shear Wave Methods for the outer 1⁄3 dinal beam created by beam spread. Additionally, these reflec-
. These 1⁄3 zones are generally applicable to most sizing tion mechanisms are responsible for a beam offset so that there
applications, however, the various sizing methods have appli- is a maximum far-surface creeping wave sensitivity at about 5

FIG. 1 Wave Generation for the Far-surface Creeping Wave/30-70-70 Mode-Conversion Search Unit

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FIG. 2 Near-Surface Creeping Wave Occurs for a Short Distance in Association with the Incident Longitudinal Wave

FIG. 3 Generation of S-Waves (Headwaves) by an L-Wave with Grazing Incidence

to 6 mm (0.20 to 0.24 in.) from the ideal conversion point on Direct Longitudinal Wave Signal—If the flaw ex-
the far surface. The sensitivity range of the far-surface creeping tends to within approximately 0.375 to 0.625 in. (9.5 to 15.9
wave extends from approximately 2 to 13 mm (0.080 to 0.52 mm) of the scanning surface (near surface), the direct longitu-
in.) in front of the index point. The far-surface creeping wave, dinal wave will reflect from the upper extremity of the flaw
as reflected from the base of a far-surface notch or flaw, will face, which is very similar to the high-angle longitudinal wave
convert its energy into a headwave since the same principles sizing method discussed later.
apply as established earlier for the near-surface creeping wave. Mode Converted Signal—If the flaw exceeds a
The shear wave will continue to convert at multiple V-paths if height of 10 to 20 % of the wall thickness, an indication from
the material has low attenuation and noise levels. the mode converted signal will occur at a typical wall
6.1.3 Typical Echoes of the Far-Surface Creeping Wave/30- thickness-related position. This mode converted signal results
70-70 Mode Conversion Technique—When the search unit from the headwave or direct shear wave, which mode converts
approaches a far-surface connected reflector, three different the 70-degree longitudinal wave that impinges on the reflector
signals will occur in sequence: (1) 70-degree longitudinal wave at its highest part; it is reflected as a 70-degree longitudinal
direct reflection; (2) 30-70-70 mode-converted signal; and (3) wave back to the search unit as depicted by position 1 in Fig.
A far-surface creeping wave signal, as a result of mode 4. The presence of the mode-converted echo is a strong
conversion of the indirect shear wave. indication of a flaw with a height greater than 10 to 20 % of the

1—Mode-Converted Signal
2—Far-Surface Creeping-Wave Signal
FIG. 4 Search Unit Index Point Position

E2192 – 08
wall thickness. In the case of smooth or at least open flaws, tion and measuring techniques for tip-diffraction sizing: (1)
amplitude versus height function curves can give a coarse The Time of Flight (TOF) technique that measures the arrival
estimate of flaw height. time of the tip-diffracted signal from the top of the flaw and Far-Surface Creeping Wave Signal—If a far-surface locates the top of the flaw with respect to the near surface; and
connected reflector is within the range of sensitivity (as (2) The Delta Time of Flight (DTOF) technique that measures
described above), the far-surface creeping wave will be re- the difference in arrival time of the tip-diffracted signal and the
flected and mode converted into the headwave or shear wave corner reflector signal at the far surface.
directed to the search unit (Fig. 5). Since the far-surface 6.2.1 Time of Flight (TOF) Sizing Technique—The TOF
creeping wave is not a surface wave, it will not interact with sizing technique is a tip-diffraction technique that takes advan-
weld root convexity and will not produce an indication from tage of uniquely locating the flaw tip. The signal from the flaw
the root as shown by position 1 in Fig. 6. However, if the tip is peaked (maximized), and its arrival time or sound path is
search unit is moved too far toward the weld centerline, the measured without regard to the arrival time of other signals.
direct shear wave beam could result in a root signal, but there This time of flight or sound path is then a direct measurement
is at least 5 mm (0.2 in.) difference in positioning as shown in of the remaining ligament (material) above the flaw, or the
Fig. 6. The far-surface creeping wave signal is a clear, sharp distance from the flaw tip to the examination surface. This
signal with a larger amplitude than the mode converted signal. technique is illustrated in Fig. 9. Note that here the second
It does not have as smooth an echo-dynamic behavior as does half-V path is possible also. When the search unit is moved
the mode converted signal, and it cannot be observed over as away from the flaw, the tip echo may again be obtained after
long a distance as shown in Fig. 7. the tip-diffracted signal reflects off the opposite surface of the
6.2 Tip-Diffraction Method—Ultrasonic diffraction is a phe- component. With the second half-V path technique, the tip
nomenon where ultrasound tends to bend around sharp corners signal will occur later in time than the signal from the flaw
or ends of an object placed in its path, as illustrated in Fig. 8. corner reflector.
While the flaw tends to cast a shadow, diffraction occurs at the NOTE 1—It is very important that the user be extremely conscious of
flaw tips and ultrasonic energy is bent to fill part of the shadow the weld geometry when using the second half-V path since, for example,
region. Sharp edges are diffraction centers tending to radiate the counterbore can exaggerate flaw height.
spherical or cylindrical wave fronts as though they were NOTE 2—Longitudinal waves should not be applied when practicing the
actually ultrasonic point or line sources. If the screen signals second half-V path technique as this can cause mode conversions that may
correlating to these diffraction centers are identified, it is interfere with the ability to interpret the instrument display.
possible to determine their positions relative to the thickness of 6.2.2 Delta Time of Flight (DTOF) Technique—The DTOF
the component. The tip-diffraction method relies on this Technique is applied by observing the arrival time difference
principle. Although the tip-diffraction concept sounds simple, between the flaw corner reflector signal and the diffracted
there are many other signals that may complicate screen signal from the flaw tip while both are simultaneously present
interpretation. This is due to the fact that the ultrasound/planar on the ultrasonic instrument display. While using this tech-
flaw interaction is very complex. When ultrasound strikes a nique, the ultrasonic beam diameter must be greater than the
flaw, specular reflection from the main plane of the flaw and projected height of the flaw (actual height multiplied by the
texture reflections from flaw surface facets occur in addition to sine of the refracted beam angle) and the flaw must be
diffraction and mode conversions. There are two standardiza- essentially perpendicular to the examination surface. In this

FIG. 5 Generation of Far-Surface Creeping Wave Signal

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1—Flaw indication maximized for mode-converted wave signal

2—Flaw indication maximized for creeping-wave signal
FIG. 6 Far-Surface Creeping Wave Search Unit Position Related to Index Point

situation, the tip-diffracted signal will occur earlier in time due allows measurement when the weld crown is wide, preventing
to its shorter sound path. The tip signal amplitude is very small maximization of the tip signal. It may also be possible to note
in comparison to the flaw corner reflector signal; and the flaw a tip signal after reflection from the back surface (second
tip and corner signals are out of phase due to one signal being half-V path). The principles are the same as for the first half-V
diffracted and the other reflected twice. To measure flaw path except that the tip signal will appear later in time than the
height, it is necessary to note the difference in the time of corner reflector signal. Whether using the first or second half-V
arrival between the two signals, then apply the following path, accuracy of the height measurement depends on the flaw
formula: orientation. If the flaw is vertical, then the measurement is
v~dt! accurate. If the flaw is oriented toward the search unit, the first
h 5 2cosu
half-V path measurement will overestimate the height and the
second half-V path measurement will underestimate the height.
where: The opposite occurs for flaws oriented away from the search
h = flaw height,
v = ultrasonic velocity in the material,
dt = difference in arrival time, and 6.2.3 Application Considerations—For all of the physics
u = refracted beam angle. involved in tip diffraction, the method relies on the user’s
Alternately, the ultrasonic instrument may be standardized to ability to uniquely identify the location of the flaw tip. The
read directly in flaw height. This standardization method will signal need not originate singly from diffraction, since reflec-
be addressed in the standardization section. Separation be- tion can also occur very near the flaw tip. In fact, reflection is
tween the doublets should remain constant as the signals move the mechanism that will primarily be observed when using
across the screen. The echo dynamic of the doublet is asyn- notched reference blocks. It is reasonable to expect some
chronous; however, since it is the fixed interval between the reflection to occur at an actual flaw tip. The associated rough
doublet arrival times that is measured, it is not necessary to texture will often act as a good scattering center. It should be
maximize the response from either signal. This technique noted, however, that this may not be true in every case and the

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FIG. 7 Echo-Dynamic Behavior of Mode-Converted Echo Signal and Far-Surface Creeping-Wave Signal

FIG. 8 Corners or Ends of Reflectors are Diffraction Centers and Tend to Radiate Spherical or Cylindrical Waves

amplitudes of the signals received may be 20-30 dB below the and mask tip signals. In cases of clustered cracks, the depth of
flaw corner-reflector signal amplitude. Each component and the peaked signal may be the only reliable means to distinguish
material type examined should be considered as a separate the tip signals from the corner signals. The tip-diffraction
examination problem. The flawed area should be adequately methods can be valid for a wide range of flaw heights. The
scanned so that all signals, which occur in the region, can be prerequisites are that the tip of the flaw and the tip signal be
identified. Care should be taken to define the tip signal since distinguishable from other signals. For very shallow flaws, the
some geometries or weld flaws produce signals that can be tip signal may be masked by the flaw corner-reflector signal
readily confused with the true tip signal. Some flaws produce due to poor resolution. A search unit with a shorter pulse
multiple tip signals that must be resolved. The ability of the duration will improve this limitation. Broadband search units
operator to distinguish between tip and corner signals can be have been noted for their short pulse durations; however, due to
compromised if several cracks are clustered in the same area. dispersion in austenitic stainless steel weld metal, it may be
In areas of clustered cracks, corner reflections will dominate beneficial to select a narrow-band search unit with greater

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FIG. 9 Various Metal Paths (MP) from Different Search Unit Positions Used in the TOF Technique

penetrating characteristics. This argument holds true for very in the thickness range of 10 to 40 mm (0.4 to 1.6 in.). Flaw
deep flaws also. When the flaw is located in the weld region or height may then be read directly on the screen in percent of
very near the weld region, longitudinal waves may be consid- wall thickness. The extent of the flaw is indicated by the signals
ered for the tip-diffraction method. Longitudinal waves may that are observed in the left half of the instrument screen. The
help locate weak tip-diffracted signals in highly attenuative further the direct longitudinal wave is peaked, or the greater the
stainless steel but reflection from the component far surface separation of the signals from the mode-converted signal, or
should be avoided due to mode conversion. A very important peaks from mid-screen, the deeper the flaw. Signals originating
factor in the sizing of planar flaws using the tip-diffraction from the interaction of shear waves with the base of the flaw,
method is signal pattern recognition. To size with this method, with or without mode conversion, are confined to the right half
the user must be able to identify two signals: (1) a signal that of the instrument screen and merely indicate that the flaw is
is diffracted from the flaw tip and (2) a second signal that is far-surface connected.
reflected from the base of the flaw. The task of identifying the 6.3.1 Wave Propagation Through the Material—It is ac-
two signals is complicated by the high-amplitude noise signals knowledged that shear waves cannot interact effectively with
and geometric signals from the component surface. Some the upper extremities of tight and branched, medium to large
ultrasonic instruments allow the user the option of using the flaws that are located near the sound-scattering fusion lines of
un-rectified or rectified display (RF display) signals. In many austenitic welds. These may not produce readily recognizable
cases, an RF display facilitates in distinguishing the tip signal tip-diffracted signals for flaw sizing purposes. The Bi-Modal
from noise signals by identifying the phase of the signals. The search unit is designed specifically for austenitic weld exami-
signal from the tip of the flaw must always peak when the nation, however, this is also applicable to carbon steel materi-
search unit is moved forward from the point where the corner als. As shown in Fig. 10, the Bi-Modal search unit transmits
signal is maximized (for first half-V path) or backed up from one longitudinal wave, and two shear waves and receives two
the point where the corner signal is maximized (for second longitudinal waves (one from the tip of the flaw and one from
half-V path). This distance traveled is directly related to flaw the base of the flaw), one mode-converted signal from the flaw
height. The examiner must become accustomed to the search face, and one far-surface Creeping wave signal from the base
unit movement as it relates to flaw height by becoming familiar of the flaw when the search unit is operated in its normal dual
with the characteristics observed when sizing notches of element mode. Depending upon search unit design, either
known heights. element can be used as the transmitter or the receiver. The
6.3 Dual-Element Bi-Modal Method—The Bi-Modal Sizing directivity patterns of the Bi-Modal search units are quite broad
Method is based on the use of a dual-element search unit. This due to the relatively small active element size and low
dual-element search unit is designed to insonify the entire wall operating frequency in the region of 3 MHz. Therefore, the
thickness by transmitting and receiving high-angle refracted high-angle longitudinal waves and the low-angle shear waves
longitudinal waves as well as low-angle shear waves. For this insonify the entire component wall thickness. Four associated
reason, the Bi-Modal sizing methods that feature the dual- signals that move together on the instrument screen can be
element search unit are applicable to far-surface connected expected when the search unit is scanned over a far-surface
planar flaws from 10 to 90 % through-wall. The TOF technique connected flaw with broad back-and-forth movements, (Fig.
requires that the first signal, the longitudinal wave, be maxi- 11). This follows from the premise that while the longitudinal
mized or peaked and the peaked first signal is measured along waves interact effectively with both extremities of the flaw (the
the instrument time base which is standardized in through-wall tip and the base), the shear waves interact only with the flaw
depth. The DTOF technique is particularly useful because the base. The first signal originates from the upper tip of the flaw.
flaw height-related separation between the direct longitudinal If each element were a transmitter, the longitudinal wave
wave and mode-converted signal can be measured before the energy from the two elements would converge to this area. The
search unit is restricted by the weld crown. For the DTOF usually weak tip-diffracted signal is enhanced while the back-
technique, both measurements are independent of signal am- ground of irrelevant indications is suppressed by restricting the
plitudes. A20 % far-surface notch and an 80 % far-surface longitudinal wave beams to the upper flaw tip area. The next
notch are sufficient to standardize the time base for components signal can sometimes be observed from a flaw and is usually

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Subscript ’a’ denotes travel to the receiver and subscript ’b’ denotes travel from the transmitter. Enlarged detail note refers to Fig. 11.
FIG. 10 Bi-Modal Search Unit Longitudinal Wave and Shear Wave Signals

observed from a far-surface notch as a result of the longitudinal illustrate the nearly linear relationship between normalized
wave from the transmitter reflecting at the flaw base and being flaw height and this signal separation. The most useful feature
received as a longitudinal wave by the receiver. The third of the Bi-Modal sizing method is that the flaw height can be
signal is usually the strongest because it results from the measured anywhere along the length of the flaw as long as both
mode-converted shear wave from the face of the flaw. The the longitudinal wave and the mode-converted signals are seen
reflection of the incident shear wave at the flaw opening results moving in unison on the screen, allowing height measurements
in the fourth signal which is analogous to the far-surface to be made even when a wide weld crown is present. A second
creeping wave signal. The echo-dynamic curve is broadest for DTOF measurement may sometimes be used to confirm the
the longitudinal wave signal and narrowest for the creeping flaw height. This second measurement is obtained by noting
wave signal as shown in Fig. 12. The mode-converted signal the difference in arrival time of the longitudinal wave signal
peaks shortly after the flaw is insonified. It follows from and the longitudinal wave signal reflected from the flaw base.
geometrical considerations that the echo-dynamic curves for These two signals also move in unison and form a linear
the longitudinal wave signal and the far-surface creeping wave relationship when the flaw is oriented vertically.
signal are nearly synchronous for a large flaw (that is, the rise 6.4 Focused Longitudinal Wave or Dual-Elements Focused
in the amplitude of one signal is in unison with the amplitude Shear Wave Methods—The dual-element focused longitudinal
rise of the other). When the center of the incident longitudinal or dual-element focused shear wave flaw sizing techniques are
wave beam is directed toward the flaw tip, the center of the essentially the TOF or sound-path measurement techniques
incident shear wave beam is directed toward the flaw base, and with the use of focused longitudinal or shear wave search units,
the amplitude of the longitudinal wave signal, as well as that of generally greater than 50 % from the far surface in depth.
the far-surface creeping wave signal, is maximized. Upon These techniques are particularly suitable for sizing flaws
moving the search unit closer to the flaw, the longitudinal wave which are mid-wall to very deep. The use of high beam angles
signal will again recede into the background of irrelevant results in this technique being the most accurate for very deep
indications. To determine the arrival time of this signal, the flaws. As with the tip-diffraction method, the signal from the
user typically moves the search unit toward the flaw until the flaw tip is maximized or peaked and its time of flight or sound
amplitude drops. path is recorded without regard to the arrival time of other
6.3.2 Principles of Bi-Modal TOF Technique—Weld crown signals. The focused longitudinal wave and focused shear wave
permitting, the search unit may be moved toward the weld far sizing techniques are used to measure the remaining ligament
enough to peak the longitudinal wave signal. Fig. 13 shows that of good material between the flaw and the scanning surface.
the relationship between the signal arrival time in screen Actual flaw height is obtained by subtracting the remaining
divisions and the flaw height in percent of wall thickness is ligament from the local wall thickness. Occasionally, the signal
very nearly linear and independent of wall thickness. associated with the upper extreme of a flaw is due to beam
6.3.3 Principles of the DTOF Technique—The longitudinal reflection rather than diffraction. This is most prevalent when a
wave signal may be considered as a satellite of the mode- flaw follows the weld fusion line toward the outside surface of
converted signal since their separation, measured in screen the weld and is oriented away from the weld and the search unit
divisions, is practically independent of the axial coordinate of is placed on the weld reinforcement and directed at the flaw. In
the search unit relative to that of the flaw. Figs. 14 and 15 this case instead of a diffracted wave returning to the search

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Subscripts as in Fig. 10.

FIG. 11 Interaction of the Incident L-Wave and S-Wave from a Bi-Modal Search Unit with a far-surface Connected Flaw Resulting in
Four Associated Signals

unit, the upper extreme of the flaw face reflects ultrasonic the selection of a search unit that produces a beam shape
energy back to the search unit. The result is a high-amplitude appropriate to the application. When sizing a flaw in thin-wall
signal with a long or broad echo-dynamic pattern. Due to an material, select a beam angle that does not penetrate very
obliquely oriented flaw, a flaw height measurement obtained in deeply into the component. For thicker-wall material, increase
this manner tends to undersize the flaw when the location of the the penetration depth by reducing the frequency to increase
peak reflection is used as the tip location. The user must beam spread or by reducing the incident angle for a lower
compensate by moving the search unit toward the flaw until the central refracted angle, that is, a 60-degree or a 45-degree
signal drops by about 3 dB or by finding the slight rise in longitudinal wave or shear wave search unit. It is essential to
amplitude along the leading edge of the echo-dynamic pattern, measure the focal depth of the search unit using a reference
which is due to the diffracted wave from the flaw tip. block that contains a series of known reflectors at different
NOTE 3—A limitation of this method with a focused longitudinal wave
search unit is that associated shear waves (if not properly identified) may
cause confusion and could result in mode-converted signals that may 7. Ultrasonic Flaw Sizing Standardization Requirements
produce erroneous measurements. 7.1 Far-Surface Creeping Wave Method—The far-surface
Search unit frequency, refracted angle, element size, and Creeping Wave Sizing Method depends upon pattern recogni-
focal depth are factors for determining the effective range of tion of the three potential signals that may be observed, for
the technique. Common search unit frequencies are 2 MHz and example, 70-degree L wave, the mode converted signal or the
4 MHz, with the lower frequency preferred for coarse grain far-surface creeping wave signal. By observing the absence or
materials, for example, austenitic. The effectiveness of sizing presence of these three signals, the echo dynamics of the
with high-angle longitudinal waves is strongly dependent on signal, and the time of flight of the 70-degree L wave signal, a

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FIG. 12 Asynchronous Echo-Dynamic Curves for a 50 % Deep far-surface Notch

FIG. 13 Correlation of Normalized Flaw Height With Time Delay, t, Obtained by the Bi-Modal Time of Flight Technique

user can classify a far-surface connected crack into the inner 1⁄3 various depths, 20 %, 40 %, 60 %, and 80 %. There may be
, middle 1⁄3 , or the outer 1⁄3 zone of the material thickness to be significant variations between search units with identical face-
inspected. plate parameter values, even if they are from the same
7.1.1 Search Unit—The pattern of the three signals strongly manufacturer. Generally, a single-element search unit is suit-
depends on several search unit parameters. Before attempting able for most applications.
to apply this method with a new search unit, the sound wave Beam Angle—The primary intent when sizing with
patterns should be evaluated using known notch reflectors at the far-surface Creeping Wave method is to produce different

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FIG. 14 Relationships Among Normalized Flaw Height, h/t, Doublet Separation, s and Time Delay, t

FIG. 15 Correlation of Normalized Flaw Height With Doublet Separation, s, Obtained by the Bi-Modal DTOF Technique

beams at the far surface and utilize the responses from these 70-degree longitudinal waves or refracted longitudinal waves
beams to categorize flaw height. This goal is met by using at 55 degrees and higher.

E2192 – 08 Frequency—To limit beam spread and its degrada- Adjust the delay to display the initial pulse at the left
tion of sizing accuracy, higher frequencies than those com- side of the screen.
monly used during examination are suggested. Narrow-band Place the search unit near the end of the reference
search units will avoid the beam spread caused by the block. Observe the 70-degree mode converted L wave signal
low-frequency components of the spectrum. A frequency of 2 and creeping wave signals.
MHz seems ideal for austenitic material, while 4 MHz seems Peak the creeping wave signal, and adjust delay and
more effective for carbon steel materials. range controls to position the 70-degree mode converted L Elements—Specially designed search units with wave and creeping wave signals at 4 and 5 screen divisions
single- or dual-element search units may be used. It is very respectively.
difficult to eliminate internal wedge reflections and entry Adjust the creeping wave signal amplitude to 80 to
surface noise with a 70-degree, single-element search unit. 100 % full screen height. Then increase the instrument ampli-
These single-element problems can only be avoided with long tude by 8 dB. This reference level is now the primary scanning
wedge paths. This can lead to increased beam size and make and evaluation level.
search unit movement difficult. Element size is significant. Place the search unit to peak the creeping wave
Very small elements will have excessive angular beam spread, signal from the 20 % notch. Record echo dynamic movement
and very large elements may produce beams with too much of the 70-degree mode converted L wave signal as the search
penetration. The optimal size will probably be a function of unit is scanned toward and away from the far-surface con-
wall thickness, with larger elements being acceptable for nected notch.
greater thickness. Generally, a 10 mm or a 0.375 in. diameter Place the search unit to peak the creeping wave
or square search unit will work for most applications.
signal from the 40 % notch. Record the echo dynamic move- Contact Area—The search unit contact area or ment of the 70-degree mode converted L wave signal as the
“footprint” should be as small as practical. With dual search search unit is scanned toward and away from the far-surface
units, small search unit width is necessary for proper coupling connected notch. If present, record the amplitude of the
of both elements to the scanning surface. Short length is 70-degree L wave signal.
desirable for adequate coupling in pipe weld conditions of Place the search unit to peak the creeping wave
diametrical weld shrinkage, especially if the shrinkage is made signal from the 60 % notch. Then record echo dynamic
more severe by grinding of the weld crown. If the search unit movement of the 70-degree mode converted L wave signal as
is too long, there may be entry angle variations with strong the search unit is scanned toward and away from the far-
effects on the refracted angle. surface connected notch. If present, record the amplitude of the
7.1.2 Instrument—A pulse-echo ultrasonic instrument ca- 70-degree L wave signal. Increase the gain to bring the
pable of generating and receiving frequencies in the range of at 70-degree L wave signal up to at least 40 % full screen height
least 1 to 5 MHz should be suitable for sizing with the (FSH). Peak the longitudinal wave signal and record the
far-surface Creeping Wave or 30-70-70 mode conversion horizontal screen division position, for example, 2.5 divisions.
method. The instrument should exhibit adequate resolution and Place the search unit to peak the creeping wave
high filtering capabilities. signal from the 80 % notch. Then record echo dynamic
7.1.3 Reference Block—Standardization for the far-surface movement of the 70-degree mode converted L wave signal as
Creeping Wave technique requires special far-surface notch the search unit is scanned toward and away from the 80 %
reference blocks. The block must have a set of notches located notch. Record the amplitude of the 70-degree L wave signal.
at various depths from the far surface. The simplest design is a Increase the gain to bring the 70-degree L wave signal up to at
flat plate or pipe section with far-surface notches located at least 40 % FSH. Peak the L wave signal and record the
increments of 10 % or 20 % depths, for example, 10 %, 20 %, horizontal screen division position, for example, 1.8 divisions.
40 %, 60 %, 80 %. The user should become familiar with the A typical sequence of recordings is shown below.
absence or presence of the 70-degree L wave signal, the time of These values will be relative to the search unit design and
flight of the 70-degree L wave signal, the amplitudes and frequency, and material type and thickness.
echo-dynamic patterns of the mode-converted signal and the Creeping Wave 70-degree Mode Converted
Notch Depth 70° L Wave
far-surface creeping wave signal as different depth notches are Signal L Wave Signal
20 % none 2.5 divisions yes
encountered. If these notches are used to familiarize the user 40 % none 3.5 divisions yes
with various signals that may be encountered, the block should 60 % 2.5 divisions 4.5 divisions yes
equal the thickness of the component to be examined. 80 % 1.8 divisions 5.5 divisions yes

7.1.4 System Standardization—The far-surface Creeping 7.2 Tip-Diffraction Method—The tip-diffraction method de-
Wave or 30-70-70 mode conversion technique does not depend pends primarily on the arrival time of the flaw tip signal and,
on the arrival time of the flaw tip signal, so the system does not in some cases, on the arrival time of the flaw base or corner
have to be standardized accurately for distance. The same signal. Consequently, it is important to standardize the screen
search unit used for the refracted longitudinal wave sizing accurately for sound path, however, it is always acceptable to
method may be used for the far-surface Creeping Wave standardize the screen to read directly in depth as a function of
technique. Use a notched block for standardization following a percent of component thickness. This approach is generally
these steps: more convenient.

E2192 – 08
7.2.1 Search Units—When selecting a search unit for sizing tion. Longitudinal waves are impractical with the second
planar flaws using the tip-diffraction method, the following half-V path technique since the search unit also produces a
guidelines should be considered: (1) A very high signal-to- shear wave which may cause confusion. Also, the longitudinal
noise ratio is desired. This characteristic is governed by the wave tends to mode convert to shear wave as the ultrasonic
frequency, diameter, and wave mode; (2) High-resolution beam reflects at the opposite surface. The large amount of
search units (higher frequency, shorter pulse length) will aid in mode conversion reduces the signal-to-noise ratio even more.
sizing very shallow flaws because the tip and base signals are Additionally, the presence of many spurious signals from the
close together and nearly coincident in time; (3) High- various mode converted signals may present the user with more
resolution search units work well with the time of flight (TOF) opportunities to select the wrong signal and misidentify it as
technique; (4) Large beam spread may be beneficial when the flaw tip.
sizing suspected midrange flaws with the delta time of flight 7.2.2 Instrument—A pulse-echo instrument capable of gen-
technique because this technique requires viewing of the tip erating and receiving frequencies in the range of at least 1 to 5
and base signals simultaneously; (5) The characteristics of the MHz is suitable for sizing with the tip-diffraction method.
search unit selected should be thoroughly investigated with Avoid screen displays showing signals that have minimal
reference blocks before attempting any sizing techniques; (6) filtering. Horizontal linearity should be within 2 % of full
Longitudinal waves can enhance the tip signal but may produce screen width. The ability to view the full, unrectified RF
spurious mode-converted indications; (7) The distance from waveform is helpful during sizing. It is recommended that
the front of the search unit to the beam index point should be ultrasonic instruments capable of displaying the RF waveform
minimal in order to maximize the diffracted signal from the be used.
flaw tip when a wide weld crown is present; and (8) Beware of
7.2.3 Reference Blocks—The reference block (or blocks)
reflections that may occur from within the search unit wedge.
should contain special reference reflectors (for example,
These can occur in the area of interest on the display and can
notches having various depths) that pertain to the standardiza-
increase the difficulty of identifying the tip signal. Various
tion for specific sizing technique(s). To standardize the time
search unit designs with different element sizes and arrange-
base, use 1-in. thick, flat plate of material similar to the
ments can be used. It must be pointed out that the individual
component to be examined. This plate should have notches
search unit design parameters greatly influence their effective-
from 10 to 90 % deep in steps of 10 %. The most desirable
ness. For the Tip-diffraction method using delta time of flight
technique, a search unit that is highly damped to a maximum reference block is the same thickness as the component
pulse length of one and one half to two cycles at the -6 dB containing the flaw to be sized, but standardization can be
points is desirable. This will improve resolution for sizing very accomplished with any known thickness.
shallow flaws, that is, less than 10 % wall thickness. Search 7.2.4 System Standardization—The tip-diffraction method
unit characteristics must be documented adequately prior to use depends primarily on arrival time differences between the
if examination repeatability is necessary. pulses from the base of the flaw and the flaw tip. It is, therefore, Beam Angle—Refracted beam angles in the range of important that the screen be standardized accurately for sound
40 to 60° can generally be used with the tip-diffraction method. path. Sound path standardization may be accomplished in
Due to the long sound paths involved in the second half-V path exactly the same fashion as the standardization for flaw
technique, it is preferable to use refracted angles in the range of detection if it is limited to second half-V path. The horizontal
40 to 52° from the perpendicular. Higher beam angles require sweep is standardized in inches or mm of sound path along the
longer metal path distances and the energy may be attenuated beam path. Any reference block used for sweep distance
to an almost nonexistent level. standardization may be used, for example, IIW, DSC, etc.
There is an alternative sweep standardization which is simple Frequency—Search units may have either single or
and results in higher accuracy. In this case, the horizontal
dual elements in the nominal frequency range of 2 to 5 MHz.
sweep is standardized in depth. A reference block consisting of
Favorable results have been obtained with nominal frequencies
of 4 and 5 MHz when the sizing is limited to the first half-V a series of far-surface connected notches is required (see Fig.
path and height of the flaw is minimal. To maintain penetration 16).
of shear waves through large-grain base metal structures, low Standardization for the Time of Flight (TOF) Tech-
frequencies such as 2.25 MHz are desirable. However, this low nique To standardize for direct flaw depth measurements when
frequency does result in a sizeable amount of beam spread, using the time of flight (TOF) technique:
which reduces the accuracy of the sizing method. Occasionally, NOTE 4—The first 5 steps are a simple technique to establish a coarse
tip-diffracted signals are detected with lower frequencies (for standardization.
example, 1.5 MHz). The tip signal should be noted if identified
during the flaw detection process. The flaw depth should then (1) Select a suitable reference block with at least two
be measured using higher frequencies. notches of known depths, bracketing the flaw depth range of Propagation Mode—Either shear or longitudinal interest, for example, 20 % and 80 % deep notches.
waves may be used for the tip-diffraction sizing techniques (2) As a ranging technique, place the search unit to obtain
when using the first half-V path technique. Due to the high the far-surface corner of the end of the reference block.
attenuation of stainless steel, longitudinal waves may present (3) Peak this half-V path signal and using the delay control
higher amplitude tip-diffracted signals, but decreased resolu- adjust this signal to 5 horizontal screen divisions.

E2192 – 08

FIG. 16 Sizing Reference Block

(4) Move the search unit from the end of the block to peak With the deeper notches, that is, 60 % and 80 %, the tip and
the near-surface signal at the edge of the reference block and, the base signal may not be seen on the instrument screen due
using the range control, adjust this full-V path signal to 10 to limited beam spread of the search unit.
screen divisions. 7.3 Bi-Modal Technique:
(5) Alternate between the delay and range controls to set 7.3.1 Search Unit—The Bi-Modal search unit consists of
the far-surface corner to 5 divisions and the near-surface corner two moderately damped search units, one mounted behind the
to 10 divisions. other (tandem design) on a plastic wedge with two refracting
(6) Locate the base signal or corner signal of the 80 % wedge angles. Both elements are bi-modal, that is, each is
far-surface notch. Move the search unit forward to peak the capable of transmitting and receiving both a longitudinal wave
tip-diffracted signal from the tip or edge of the notch. Using the and a shear wave signal. The roles of the two elements can be
delay control adjust this signal to 1 horizontal screen division. interchanged.
(7) Locate the 20 % far-surface notch to obtain the base or
corner signal. Move the search unit forward to peak the Beam Angles—In the transmit-receive mode of op-
tip-diffracted signal from the tip or edge of the notch. Using the eration, one element transmits a high-angle longitudinal wave
fine range control adjust the peaked signal to 4 screen beam as well as a low-angle shear wave. The other element is
divisions. directed to receive all sound waves emanating from the upper
(8) Alternate between the delay and range controls to set and lower extremities of a far-surface connected flaw.
the 80 % tip signal to 1 screen division and the 20 % tip signal Mode of Propagation—The search unit transmits
to 4 divisions. and receives both longitudinal and shear wave signals.
Screen Divisions Depth from Far-Surface 7.3.2 Instrument—A pulse-echo, ultrasonic instrument ca-
0 100 % pable of generating and receiving frequencies in the range of at
1 80 %
2 60 %
least 1 to 5 MHz with linear and stable time base should be
3 40 % suitable for sizing with the multi-pulse observation sizing
4 20 % method. An RF display mode is not required, but is desirable.
5 0%
7.3.3 Reference Block—Standardization for this sizing Standardization for Delta Time of Flight Technique method also requires special reference blocks. As with the
(Direct Flaw Depth Measurement)—Standardize the ultrasonic other sizing methods referenced in this document, the reference
instrument as in, record the screen divisions of separa- block must have a set of planar notches located at various
tion for the base and tip-diffracted signals for each of the depths from the far surface. Using additional blocks, the user
notches. They will be approximately as follows: should become familiar with the echo-dynamic patterns of the
Notch Depth Divisions of Separation various signals expected from components of known thickness.
20 % 0.5 Divisions
40 % 1.0 Divisions 7.3.4 System Standardization—A reference block contain-
60 % 1.5 Divisions ing far-surface notches as in Fig. 16 or Fig. 17 is necessary to
80 % N/A standardize the time base of the ultrasonic instrument. Each

FIG. 17 A Bi-Modal Search Unit Positioned on the Reference Block for Maximum L-wave Signal Amplitude from the Fourth Step

E2192 – 08
notch in a 25 mm (1-in.) thick reference block increases by 5 (outer 1⁄3 thickness), 45, 60, 70 degree L-waves or shear waves,
mm (0.2 in.) or 20 % depth increments. and near-surface Creeping Waves may be used. Standardization for the Time of Flight technique Frequency—To limit beam spread and its negative
should be conducted as follows: effect on sizing accuracy, it is desirable to use higher frequen-
(1) Position the Bi-Modal search unit at the edge of the cies than those commonly used during flaw detection. Narrow-
reference block to display the three primary signals, that is, the band search units should be used to limit the beam spread
refracted L wave signal, the mode converted shear wave signal, caused by the low-frequency components of the spectrum.
and the far-surface Creeping wave signal. Ideally, the transmitting element should have a tuning circuit
(2) As a ranging technique, using the range control, that will optimize the effects of possible pulser impedance
separate the second and third signals by approximately 2.0 variations on the frequency spectrum. If the frequency is too
screen divisions. high, then the penetration depth will be inadequate for locating
(3) Position the Bi-Modal search unit to peak the refracted any but the deepest flaws. A search unit of 4 or 5 MHz should
L wave signal from the 80 % far-surface connected notch. permit quantitative sizing of flaws that reach to the outer 1⁄3
Adjust the delay control to position this to 1 horizontal screen thickness of the near surface. Lower frequencies of 2 and 3
division. MHz are acceptable dependent upon the depth of penetration
(4) Position the Bi-Modal search unit to peak the refracted desired.
L wave signal from the 20 % far-surface connected notch. Elements—Either single or dual-element search
Adjust the range control to position this to 4th horizontal
units may be used. Note that it is very difficult to eliminate
screen division.
internal wedge reflections and entry surface noise when using
(5) Alternating between delay and range controls ensure
a single-element search unit for high-angle longitudinal wave
the signal from the 80 % notch is at screen division 1 and the
examination. These single-element problems can only be
40 % notch signal is at the screen division 4.
avoided with the use of larger wedges, however, this can lead
(6) The instrument is now standardized such that 5 screen
to increased beam size and difficult search unit manipulation.
divisions equals 0 % and 0 screen divisions equals 100 %
Element size is an important consideration. Very small ele-
through-wall depth.
ments will have excessive angular beam spread, and very large Standardization for the Delta Time of Flight tech- elements may produce beams with too much penetration. The
nique should be conducted as follows. With the Time of Flight optimal size will probably be a function of depth of penetration
standardization set, record the separation in horizontal screen and wall thickness, with larger elements being acceptable for
divisions between the refracted L wave and mode converted greater thicknesses.
signals. Approximate values are shown below: Contact Area—The search unit contact area or “foot
20 % Notch 2.1 Screen Divisions
40 % Notch 2.5 Screen Divisions print” should be small. With dual-element search units, small
60 % Notch 2.9 Screen Divisions search unit width is necessary for proper coupling of both
80 % Notch 3.3 Screen Divisions elements to the surface. Short length is desirable for adequate
7.4 Dual-Element Focused Longitudinal or Focused Shear coupling in conditions of diametrical weld shrinkage, espe-
Wave Methods—As with the tip-diffraction TOF technique, cially if the shrinkage is made more severe by grinding of the
high-angle focused longitudinal wave or focused shear wave weld crown.
methods also depend primarily on the sound path travel of the Focal Depth or Focal Sound Path—Dual-element
flaw tip signal. It is important that the screen be standardized search units focus at a point directly beneath or only slightly
accurately for sound path distance; however, it is always ahead of the housing to maximize the signal. This is the point
possible to standardize the screen to read directly in depth. The at which the sound beams would cross or Beam Crossover
depth approach is preferred. Point. This may result in insufficient access to deep flaws if the
7.4.1 Search Units—The focal depth of the longitudinal weld crown is present. The exit point-to-front of search unit
wave and shear wave search units depends on several search distance should be as small as practical and the crossover point
unit parameters. Before attempting to apply this sizing method distance should be as long as practical. The focal sound path is
with a new search unit, it is essential to determine the focal generally noted for each type of focused dual-element search
depth of the search unit with known reflectors at known depths. unit. The more important measurement is the focal depth of the
Results between search units having identical faceplate param- search unit. This can be calculated by the following formula:
eter values may vary significantly even if they are from the FD 5 FS ~Cos of the refracted angle of the search unit!
same manufacturer. Search unit selection should be based on
the component thickness and depth of penetration. The objec- where:
tive is to insonify a layer of the component thickness under the FD = focal depth, and
near surface without penetrating to the opposite surface. FS = focal sound path. Beam Angle—The primary intent when sizing with 7.4.2 Instrument—A pulse-echo ultrasonic instrument ca-
the focused longitudinal or focused shear wave techniques is to pable of generating and receiving frequencies in the range of at
limit the penetration of the beam into the component in order least 1 to 5 MHz should be suitable for sizing using the
to avoid confusion from unidentifiable ultrasonic signals. high-angle longitudinal wave method. Horizontal linearity
Focused search units should only be used with the first half-V should be within 2 % of full screen width. The system should
path technique. Dependent upon the examination volume exhibit adequate resolution and high filtering capabilities.

E2192 – 08
7.4.3 Reference Block—Standardization for the focused lon- be recognized by the fact that it usually travels more along the
gitudinal wave or focused shear wave sizing techniques re- screen baseline than the mode converted signals.
quires special reference blocks. The block must have a set of When the focused L wave or focused shear wave
planar or rounded reflectors located at various depths from the signal is maximized, visually verify that the search unit index
examination surface. An example is a flat plate or pipe section point is in the proper position to detect the reflector with a high
with far-surface notches located at increments of 0.10 in. in beam angle. Adjust the delay control to place this signal at 1
depth below the near surface, that is, 0.10 in., 0.20 in., 0.30 in., division.
0.40 in., etc. or if metric, 2 mm, 4 mm, 6 mm, etc. Alterna- Obtain and maximize the high-angle longitudinal
tively, a reference block with side-drilled holes located at wave or shear wave signal from the notch or hole located at the
increments of 0.10 in. (or metric equivalent) in depth below the desired depth below the near surface, for example, 0.500 in. or
near surface can be used. The signals noted from the holes are typically 12.5 mm if using metric reference blocks. Adjust the
due to reflection rather than diffraction, and the central part of range control to place this signal at 5 screen divisions.
the ultrasonic beam is apparently bent as it propagates into the Continue with the other notch or hole signals until
component, resulting in the beam interacting with the holes at they are too far from the near surface to be detected with a
various depths. The beam may reflect off of the side of the hole signal-to-noise ratio of at least 3. Increase instrument gain as
at the 0.1-in. depth and near the top of the hole at the 0.4-in. necessary.
depth. This is dependent upon the refracted angle of the search 7.4.5 The screen setup should now be as follows:
unit and the depth of the hole. Starting with the notch or hole Reflector Signal Horizontal Divisions
located 0.10 in. (or metric equivalent) in depth below the near End of block 0
0.1 in. deep 1
surface, set the ultrasonic response from the notch tip at 1 0.2 in. deep 2
horizontal screen division. Standardize the instrument screen 0.3 in. deep 3
so that each horizontal division represents 0.10 in. (or metric 0.4 in. deep 4
0.5 in. deep 5 (may not be detectable:
equivalent) of depth into the component. The beam entry point dependent on search unit)
is placed at the extreme left side of the screen. It is also useful (For metric standardization, select accordingly). See Fig. 18.
to observe the response from either a near-surface notch or the
end of the block. These signals appear at the same horizontal The standardized region of the screen is from 1 division to
position as a 100 % through-wall flaw. When a planar flaw the position of 0.500 in. below the surface. As a general rule,
signal is obtained and maximized, its distance below the near do not attempt to size cracks outside this standardized range.
surface will be indicated by the time-of-flight (sweep position), Instrument gain will likely need to be increased to obtain the
or depth from the near surface. This dimension is subtracted last one or two signals. Also, the near-surface notch signal
from the local thickness of the component to determine the would be well over 100 % full screen height. Note that the area
flaw height. If notches are used, the block should be of the of the screen where the mode converted shear wave signals
same thickness as the component. If the reference block is used appear from the far surface is to the right half of the screen
only for establishing the screen distance standardization, its outside the standardization region.
thickness is not important provided that it is a known thickness
and it is thick enough to fully characterize the ultrasonic beam. 8. Sizing Applications
7.4.4 System Standardization—The focused longitudinal 8.1 Far-Surface Creeping Wave or Mode Conversion
wave or focused shear wave techniques depend primarily on Technique—Once the flaw’s existence has been verified with
the time of flight or sound path. The instrument must be the detection and characterization techniques, the next decision
standardized accurately for distance or depth. Standardization is to estimate the vertical extent of the flaw as measured from
may be performed using a notched block. the far surface. The far-surface Creeping Wave or Mode
Conversion Method will place the flaw into 1⁄3-depth zones. Adjust the delay to display the initial pulse at the left
The far-surface Creeping Wave method will provide a qualita-
side of the screen.
tive estimate of the flaw depth. The technique also confirms Obtain a signal from the end of the reference block that a flaw is surface connected by the presence of the Creeping
with the index point placed very near the block end. This will Wave signal. The component thickness is divided into 1⁄3
not be a corner reflection from the bottom of the block; it will thickness zones; inner 1⁄3 , middle 1⁄3 and the outer 1⁄3 volume
be a reflection from the top part of the end of the block. Verify or zone. Using the far-surface creeping wave, the user can
that the correct signal is obtained by finger-damping near the approximate the flaw depth into one of the 1⁄3 zones. Once the
top of the end face. flaw is qualitatively sized, for example, 20 to 30 % deep, then Adjust the delay and range controls to place the the other sizing methods and techniques are used to provide a
end-of-block signal at 0 horizontal divisions. finite flaw depth estimate, for example, 23 % through-wall. Place the search unit index point directly above the Generally, the following steps are used for evaluation with the
reference notch or hole located at 0.10 in. (or metric equiva- far-surface creeping wave to approximate the flaw depth.
lent) from the near surface. Move the search unit backward, However, the standardization performed on the reference
slowly. With focused L waves, one or more signals from the blocks addressed in Section 7 is used for comparison with
associated shear wave component may appear. Continue to signals observed on an actual far-surface connected flaw. If
move back until a separate signal appears. This will be the only the far-surface creeping wave signal is observed, the flaw
focused longitudinal wave or focused shear wave signal. It can is approximated to less than 10 to 15 % depth. If the far-surface

E2192 – 08

FIG. 18 Focused Longitudinal Wave or Focused Shear Wave Standardization

creeping wave signal and the mode converted signal, are 8.2.1 First Half-V Path Technique:
observed, the flaw is approximated to greater than 15 to 20 % Time of Flight Technique—After the specific area
depth. If the far-surface creeping wave signal, the mode containing the far-surface connected planar flaw is identified,
converted signal, and a 70-degree L wave are observed, the position the search unit to obtain a signal from the flaw base at
flaw is approximated to greater than 40 to 50 % depth. half-V path. Move the search unit forward to obtain the
NOTE 5—These estimates are a typical evaluation from a far-surface- diffracted signal from the flaw tip. If the signal is observed,
notch reference block. These estimates will vary with type of search unit, peak the diffracted wave signal from the flaw tip, then measure
frequency, size, material thickness and type. Another key point is to the sound-path distance to the signal. This distance reveals the
observe the echo dynamics of the mode converted signal. A broad echo amount of material above the flaw tip. The flaw height is then
dynamic movement of the mode converted signal would confirm the determined by subtracting this dimension from the local
presence of a 70-degree L wave signal to verify a deep flaw greater than
40 to 50 % through wall.
material thickness. Fig. 19 shows the display of a first half-V
path TOF standardization and the ultrasonic beam paths related
8.2 Tip-Diffraction Technique—Tip-diffraction sizing may to that standardization.
be performed using the first or second half-V path techniques, Delta Time of Flight Technique—After the specific
and the user may choose either the Time of Flight (TOF) or the
area containing the planar flaw is identified, position the search
Delta Time of Flight (DTOF) techniques. The results should be
unit to obtain a signal from the flaw base at half-V path. Move
the same if the flaw is vertical and the actual material thickness
the search unit toward the flaw and back again and look for
is known. If more than one of these combinations of methods
evidence of a tip-diffracted signal moving in unison with the
is used and different results are obtained, the user must
flaw base signal (a doublet). If the doublet is observed, measure
determine whether to accept the results of one method or
disregard all results and attempt sizing with one of the other the time difference between the two signals, (the tip signal and
two methods. If the flaw is not vertical, the DTOF technique the flaw base signal). The separation indicates the height of the
will provide inaccurate results; therefore if the flaw is sus- flaw, according to the standardization. Fig. 20 shows the
pected to be oriented other than essentially vertical, the user instrument display of a first half-V path Delta Time of Flight
should choose the TOF technique. Experience has shown that Technique standardization and a sketch of the ultrasonic beam
occasionally the second half-V path, TOF technique may paths relative to the far-surface notches in the reference block.
exaggerate the flaw height as the ultrasonic beam may be 8.2.2 Second Half-V Path Technique:
redirected slightly at the reflection. This leads to the conclusion Time of Flight (TOF) Technique—After the specific
that the first half-V path technique is more accurate and the area containing the planar flaw is identified, position the search
second half-V path data is used only for confirmation of flaw unit to obtain a signal from the flaw base at half-V path. Move
height in the middle to outer 1⁄3 volume of material. the search unit away from the flaw to obtain the diffracted wave

E2192 – 08

FIG. 19 Example of First Half-V Path Time of Flight (TOF) Standardization

FIG. 20 Example of First Half-V Path Delta DTOF Standardization

signal from the tip of the flaw after reflecting from the far top of the flaw. Manipulate the search unit back and forth and
surface. If the signal is observed, peak the diffracted wave look for a doublet. If the doublet is observed, measure the time
signal from the flaw tip, then measure the distance to the signal. difference between the two signals. The separation indicates
Subtracting the local wall thickness from this measurement the height of the flaw, according to the standardization. Fig. 23
reveals the flaw height. Fig. 21 shows the display of a second shows the instrument display of a second half-V Delta Time of
half-V path Time of Flight (TOF) Technique standardization Flight standardization and a sketch of the ultrasonic beam paths
and the ultrasonic beam paths related to that standardization. related to that standardization.
This technique may be effective for wide weld crowns which 8.3 Bi-Modal Method—Flaw sizing on the basis of time of
would not allow for effective use of the first half-V path flight or the delta time of flight techniques should be performed
technique. If the tip signal is not observed but there is the as follows:
presence of a second half-V path corner reflector signal, this 8.3.1 Connect the search unit to the instrument operated in
would indicate the presence of a very deep flaw. This signal
the transmit-receive mode.
would only provide qualitative information that the flaw was
very large. This may occur in highly attenuative material, such 8.3.2 Standardize the instrument for the appropriate wall
as with austenitic stainless steel, or when the tip signal cannot thickness using the nomograms prepared from Fig. 13 or the
be resolved from the upper corner reflector signal. If both the table prepared from the nomograms. Check the standardization
tip and the upper corner signal are present, which can occur by observing the initial pulse at t = 0 from the edge of a block
with less attenuative material, then both a quantitative and a and a tip-diffracted signal from the reference block.
confirming qualitative signal are attained as illustrated in Fig. 8.3.3 Using the notches in the most appropriate reference
22. block, review the echo-dynamic behavior of the various signals Delta Time of Flight Technique—After the specific that are expected from all flaw sizes.
area containing the planar flaw is identified, position the search 8.3.4 Scan a component volume void of flaws from both
unit to obtain a signal from the flaw base at half-V path. Move opposing directions and observe the irrelevant indications, both
the search unit back to obtain a tip-diffracted signal from the statically and dynamically, to the left of mid-screen. Adjust the

FIG. 21 Example of Second Half-V Path Time of Flight Standardization

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FIG. 22 Example of the Presence of Both the Tip Signal and the Upper Corner Signal

FIG. 23 Example of Second Half-V Path Delta Time of Flight Standardization

gain so that the average background noise is approximately weld crown, this method can work as well through weld metal
10 % of full screen height. as through base metal.
8.3.5 Scan over the flawed area with broad back-and-forth 8.4.1 Signal Presentation
movements. Look for the mode-converted and creeping wave NOTE 6—Instrument gain for investigating the flaw should be set such
signals to the right of mid-screen. If the flaw is perpendicular that the noise level from an unflawed area is low in amplitude but visible,
to the surface, only two signals separated by about 2.2 screen that is, 10 to 20 % full screen height. The examiner should only be
divisions and peaking between divisions 5 and 7 should be concerned with the noise level in the part of the screen that is standard-
observed. The longer the signal duration, the deeper the flaw. ized. Noise at the extreme left and right sides of the screen will have no
8.3.6 Scan the area from the opposite direction with broad effect.
movements and look for signals only to the right of mid-screen. Select the area of the component where the flaw is located.
If the signal patterns are essentially the same when the flaw is Scan the area and look for signals in the standardized area of
viewed from the two directions, it is likely that the flaw has the screen. Signals near 2 divisions should be expected to have
grown perpendicular to the surface and is oriented vertically. higher amplitude and signal-to-noise ratio than those occurring
8.3.7 Look for a tip-diffracted longitudinal wave signal to deeper into the wall (a strong signal at 2 divisions indicating a
the left of mid-screen, from both sides of the component. If the through-wall flaw). The screen may display the longitudinal
amplitudes of the tip-diffracted signals are comparable and wave extremity signals and the shear wave flaw opening
smaller than that of the appropriate reference signal, then it is signals moving in unison. As the search unit is scanned toward
still likely that the flaw is oriented vertically. The separation the flaw, the shear wave signal will appear late in time at high
measured between the tip-diffracted longitudinal wave signal amplitude, and the high-angle longitudinal wave signal will
and the mode-converted signal along the component from each appear earlier in time (in the standardized region), probably
side of the flaw yields the first two estimates of flaw height with less amplitude. If signals were obtained in either of the
according to the appropriate curve in Fig. 15. The more previous investigations, return to the unflawed area of the weld
extensive the flaw, the larger the distance between the signals. and try to reproduce them. If similar signals are obtained in the
8.3.8 Move the search unit toward the flaw far enough to unflawed area, the recorded signals were probably not flaw-
maximize the tip-diffracted longitudinal wave signal (weld related; if the signals cannot be reproduced in the unflawed
crown permitting). The time between the peaked tip-diffracted area, they were probably flaw-related. Time permitting, repeat
signal and the mid-screen mark yields a third estimate of height the investigation at several points along the flaw. If the flaw is
in percent of local wall thickness. large enough to penetrate into the beam center, the signal-to-
8.3.9 If possible, repeat these measurements from the other noise ratio should be sufficient to resolve the indications. In the
direction and profile the flaw from both directions. If a shallower, less intense areas of the beam, it is possible to miss
longitudinal wave signal from the flaw base is received, then the tip signal. The distinction between the high- and low-
relative arrival time measurements between the tip-diffracted intensity areas can be very clear, particularly for search units
longitudinal wave signal and the longitudinal wave signal from with a very high refracted angle and relatively low beam
the flaw base provide additional confirmation of flaw height. spread. When evaluating a signal in a low-intensity area of the
8.4 Focused Longitudinal Wave and Shear Wave Method— beam, the user should confirm the result using another sizing
Longitudinal waves are not strongly affected by weld metal. technique. When a large beam is used (large due to high
Given a suitable surface, ideally a flush-ground and blended angular beam spread or large elements), the tip signals may

E2192 – 08
exhibit extensive travel across the time-base. Such signals are combined to complement one another so that the user is more
difficult to maximize accurately and therefore should be used confident of the flaw size measurement obtained from several
non-quantitatively. Use a smaller beam or a different sizing methods than of a flaw size obtained from only one method.
method to obtain a numerical value for the flaw height. The methodology described in this document assumes that all
8.4.2 Calculation of Flaw Height—If no relevant signals of the necessary search units are available to the user to
were obtained in the standardized region, then the high-angle combine the methods in the prescribed manner. The extent to
longitudinal wave method has not found any evidence that the which complementary flaw sizing methods may be useful in a
flaw penetrates near the near surface. If relevant signals were field environment will depend on the physical conditions of the
present in the standardized region but excessive signal travel component, the flaw morphology, the search unit selection and
precluded accurate definition of their sweep positions at the time constraints imposed. Fig. 24 shows the optimum
maximum amplitude, then a quantitative value for flaw height ranges of applicability for the three most important sizing
cannot be obtained. The only conclusion is that the flaw was methods.
deep enough to approach the near surface to within the 9.2 General Guidelines for Flaw Sizing Evaluations—To
standardized depth range. If accurately maximized signals are provide optimum conditions for flaw sizing in welds, the weld
obtained, calculate the indicated height by the formula: crown should be ground flush with the weld for the entire flaw
h 5 t 2 0.1 in. ~s 2 2! length. Prior to attempting to size a planar flaw, the user must
first verify its location and extent. This is typically accom-
where: plished with the original equipment used for detection. The
h = height, next step involves searching for evidence of an extremely large
t = wall thickness at the flaw location, and flaw. The initial approach is to use the creeping wave tech-
s = sweep position of the maximized recordable signal, nique. The two methods of determining that a planar flaw is
expressed as the number of major sweep positions. large (High-Angle Longitudinal Wave Method and obtaining a
NOTE 7—The 2 in the parenthesis results from placing the beam center signal from the second half-vee path corner reflection) should
entry point at 2 major sweep divisions. The constant in front of the both be attempted to provide greatest confidence. If neither of
parenthesis is shown in inches. This would be converted to the applicable these show that the flaw is large, the tip-diffraction method
value in mm if metric standardization was used. should be attempted with the first half-V path technique. The
Compare the height measurements obtained from both sides Mode Conversion and Bi-Modal Methods should add confi-
of the flaw. They should be almost equal. For weld inspection, dence to the results obtained. It is recommended that whatever
the measurement made from the weld side may be slightly results are obtained, the user must confirm them using a
lower if the flaw follows the weld fusion line because the complementary method. Additionally, if the results show that
received signal will be a reflected wave from the top of the flaw the flaw is small, the user should also prove that it is not large
face instead of the extreme tip. If the heights are very different by using a High-Angle Longitudinal Wave technique. This is
(more than two wavelengths), then one of the signals may have important since flaws can be multifaceted and a lower facet
been a misinterpreted noise signal. If confirmation is achieved, may provide signals indicating flaws less than 50 % through-
the conservative approach should be taken. Compare the height wall while there are other facets that may be virtually 100 %
measurements obtained from different points along the length through-wall. It is very important that large flaws are not
of the flaw. A flaw profile can be constructed from these missed and that small flaws are not called large. Flaw height
measurements. If the profile shows large height changes with a determinations should also be made at several locations along
small position change (small compared to the flaw length), the flaw length to increase confidence levels and to increase the
suspect that some of the measurements are incorrect. chances of finding the deepest point of the flaw. In the case
where two or more methods produce different estimations of
9. Use of Complementary Methods for Flaw Sizing flaw height, the user should be knowledgeable enough to select
9.1 General Guidelines for Complementary Methods—The the correct data. This requires understanding of the theory
various sizing methods have certain limitations that prohibit behind each method as well as the limitations. The diagram
their application to all flaw sizes. By understanding each shown in Fig. 25 presents a flaw evaluation and sizing flow
method in detail with its limitations, the methods must be chart with five possible sequences for estimating flaw height.

FIG. 24 Optimum Ranges of Applicability for Flaw Sizing Methods

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FIG. 25 Guide to Confirm Flaw Existence, Location, and Depth Sizing

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9.3 Principles for Flaw Sizing—The activities as listed 9.3.6 If evidence of a small flaw exists:
should be accomplished. Confirm with complementary method,
9.3.1 Verify location and extent of flaw. Confirm that a large flaw does not exist, and
9.3.2 Approximate the flaw depth with the far-surface Confirmation may also be achieved by a different
Creeping Wave or Mode Conversion Method. angle of approach or by the opposite direction of approach.
9.3.3 Search for evidence of a very large flaw: 9.3.7 If two or more methods exhibit differing results: Focused Longitudinal Wave or Focused Shear Wave Eliminate those results with lowest confidence based
Method, on range of applicability or repeatability or result, Second Half-V Path Corner Reflection, and In case of doubt, take value with greater height, and Tip-Diffraction.
9.3.4 Search for evidence of a small flaw: Be aware of possible indications from weld fabrica- Tip-Diffraction, and tion flaws. Bi-Modal Method.
9.3.5 If evidence of a large flaw exists: 10. Keywords Confirm with complementary method, and 10.1 evaluation; examination; flaw-height sizing; flaw siz- Prove that a small flaw does not exist. ing; nondestructive testing; ultrasonic


(1) Advanced Ultrasonic Flaw Sizing Handbook, 1998 Edition, J. Mark (11) IIW Handbook on the Ultrasonic Examination of Austenitic Clad
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(2) Advanced Ultrasonic Flaw Sizing Training Course, Davis NDE, IIS/IIW 1080-90 ex.doc. V-939-90, published by European Com-
Inc., June 1999. mission, Joint Research Centre, Institute of Advanced Materials,
(3) A Time-of-Flight Method for Crack Evaluation Using Focused 1994.
Ultrasonic Probes, L. Paradis, Y. Serruys, and R. Saglio, Materials (12) Ultrasonic Defect Sizing—Japanese Tip Echo Handbook, second
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(4) Changes in Ultrasonic Defect Sizing, by M.G.Silk, NDT Interna- M. D. C. Moles, N. Miura Published by: Tip Echo Working Group
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(5) Crack Height Measurement-An Evaluation of the Accuracy of Destructive Inspection, 1996.
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(6) Creeping Wave Probes in Ultrasonic Testing—Physical Principles,
(14) On the Nature of the So-Called Subsurface Longitudinal Wave
Application in Welded Constructions, A. Erhard, H. Wustenberg, E.
and/or the Surface Longitudinal “Creeping” Wave, K.J.Langenberg,
Schulz, E. Mundry and B. Ludwig, Welding and Cutting, May
P. Fellinger, R. Marklein, Research in Nondestructive Evaluation,
Springer-Verlag, 1990, pp 61-81.
(7) Defect Identification and Sizing by the Ultrasonic Satellite—Pulse
Technique, G.J. Gruber, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol. (15) Sizing of Planar Defects by Use of Double-Angle Ultrasonic Beams
1, No.4, December 1980, pp 263-276. and Tip-Echo Times, M.A.M. Mahmoud, G.A. Hewitt and D.J.
(8) Detection of Near-Surface Cracks with Creeping-Longitudinal Burns, Materials Evaluation, Vol. 44 No. 9, August 1986, pp
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(9) Electric Power Research Institute Training Course, “UT Operator Energy Pipeline Association (CEPA), Inspection Modu1e, Same
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(10) Full Characterization of Near-surface Flaws with Multimode (17) The Use of the Head-type Waves for Ultrasonic Monitoring, I.N.
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Journal of Pressure Vessels & Piping, # 22, 1986. NDT, S 27/33, 1978.

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