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Iso TC 108 SC 2 N 666

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Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

ISO/TR 19201
Mechanical vibration
Methodology for selecting appropriate machinery vibration standards

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

Mechanical vibration
Methodology for selecting appropriate machinery vibration standards
1 Scope
In this Technical Report, guidance is provided for selecting the appropriate vib
ration standards
for specific machine types, and thus selecting the appropriate measurement and e
method. Synopses are given of ISO 10816 (evaluation of machine vibration on nonrotating
parts) and ISO 7919 (ev aluation of machine vibration on rotating parts), togeth
er with further
International Standards related to machinery.
This Technical Report is an overview of the relevant International Standards, gi
ving an
introduction of their scopes. Its aim is not to equip the reader with all the te
chnical details
provided in the International Standards necessary to carry out a measurement or
task on a particular machine: rather, it guides the reader to the appropriate In
Standards. It is these International Standards that provide the necessary detail
s; and, then, with
suitable training, the reader will be in a position to carry out the measurement
or evaluation task.
2 International Standards ISO 7919 and ISO 10816
NOTE Amendments and Corrigenda, if any, are included.
ISO 7919-1, Mechanical vibration of non-reciprocating machines
shafts and evaluation criteria Part 1: General guidelines

Measurements on r

ISO 7919-2, Mechanical vibration Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements

rotating shafts
Part 2: Land-based steam turbines and generators in excess of 50
MW with
normal operating speeds of 1500 r/min, 1800 r/min, 3000 r/min and 3600 r/min
ISO 7919-3, Mechanical vibration Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements
rotating shafts
Part 3: Coupled industrial machines
ISO 7919-4, Mechanical vibration Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements
rotating shafts
Part 4: Gas turbine sets with fluid-film bearings
ISO 7919-5, Mechanical vibration Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements
rotating shafts
Part 5: Machine sets in hydraulic power generating and pumping p
ISO 10816-1, Mechanical vibration

Ev aluation of machine vibration by measuremen

ts on
non-rotating parts

Part 1: General guidelines

ISO 10816-2, Mechanical vibration

Ev aluation of machine vibration by measuremen
ts on
non-rotating parts Part 2: Land-based steam turbines and generators in excess of
50 MW
with normal operating speeds of 1500 r/min, 1800 r/min, 3000 r/min and 3600 r/mi
ISO 10816-3, Mechanical vibration
Ev aluation of machine vibration by measuremen
ts on
non-rotating parts Part 3: Industrial machines with nominal power abov e 15 kW a
nd nominal
speeds between 120 r/min and 15000 r/min when measured in situ
ISO 10816-4, Mechanical vibration
Evaluation of machine vibration by measurement
s on
non-rotating parts Part 4: Gas turbine sets with fluid-film bearings
ISO 10816-5, Mechanical vibration
Evaluation of machine vibration by measurement
s on
non-rotating parts Part 5: Machine sets in hydraulic power generating and pumpin
g plants
ISO 10816-6, Mechanical vibration
Ev aluation of machine vibration by measuremen
ts on
non-rotating parts Part 6: Reciprocating machines with power ratings above 100 k
ISO 10816-7, Mechanical vibration
Ev aluation of machine vibration by measuremen
ts on
non-rotating parts Part 7: Rotodynamic pumps for industrial applications, includ
measurements on rotating shafts

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

3 Related machinery vibration standards
NOTE Amendments and Corrigenda, if any, are included.
ISO 3046-5, Reciprocating internal combustion engines
Part 5: Torsio
ISO 8579-2, Acceptance code for gears Part 2: Determination of mechanical vibrat
ions of
gear units during acceptance testing
ISO 13373-1, Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines
monitoring Part 1: General procedures
ISO 13373-2, Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines

Vibration conditio
Vibration conditio

Part 2: Processing, analysis and presentation of vibration data

ISO 13373-3, Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines

Vibration conditio
monitoring Part 3: Diagnostic techniques 1)
ISO 14694, Industrial fans
Specifications for balance quality and vibration leve
ISO 14695, Industrial fans Method of measurement of fan vibration
4 Additional machinery vibration standards
NOTE Amendments and Corrigenda, if any, are included.
ISO 1925, Mechanical vibration
ISO 2041, Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring
ISO 2954, Mechanical vibration of rotating and reciprocating machinery
nts for
instruments for measuring vibration severity
ISO 5348, Mechanical vibration and shock Mechanical mounting of accelerometers
ISO 10817-1, Rotating shaft vibration measuring systems
Part 1: Relative and abs
sensing of radial vibration
5 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this Technical Report, the terms and definitions given in IS
O 1925 and
ISO 2041apply together with the following.
shaft absolute vibration
vibration of the shaft measured from the absolute coordinate
shaft relative vibration
vibration of the shaft measured from the sensor support (e.g. bearing housing)

pedestal vibration
bearing support structure vibration
dynamic stiffness of bearing
stiffness of the bearing including damping and mass effects
dynamic stiffness of pedestal
stiffness of the bearing support structure including damping and mass effects
At the time of publication of this Technical Report, this International Standard
was under preparation.

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

6 Evaluation of machine vibration
6.1 General
ISO 10816 provides guidelines for the measurement and ev aluation of vibration f
or different
machine types based on measurements made on non-rotating parts of the machines.
ISO 7919 provides guidelines for the measurement and ev aluation of vibration ba
sed on
measurements made on rotating elements of the machines.
Further guidance is provided in the referenced related and additional machinery
standards listed in Clauses 3 and 4.
6.2 Machinery vibration standards and criteria
In the development of International Standards, it has been found that machinery
can be
subdiv ided into four categories for the purposes of vibration measurement and e
1. Reciprocating machinery having both rotating and reciprocation components, su
ch as diesel
engines and certain types of compressors and pumps. The vibration is usually mea
sured on the
main structure of the machine at low frequencies, typically in the range 2 Hz to
1000 Hz.
2. Rotating machinery having rotors with rigid behaviour, such as certain types
of electric
motors, single-stage pumps and slow-speed pumps. The vibration is usually measur
ed on the
main structure (such as on the bearing caps or pedestals) where the vibration ma
gnitudes are
indicativ e of the excitation forces generated by the rotor because of unbalance
, thermal bows,
rubs and other sources of excitation.
3. Rotating machinery having rotors with flexible behaviour, such as large steam
generators, multi-stage pumps and compressors. The machine may be set into diffe
rent modes
of vibration as it accelerates through one or more resonance speeds to reach its
serv ice speed.
On such a machine, the vibration magnitude measured on a structural member may n
ot be
totally indicative of the vibration of the rotor. For example, a flexible rotor
may experience very
large displacements resulting in failure of the machine, ev en though the vibrat
ion magnitude
measured on the bearing cap is low. Therefore, it is essential to measure also t
he vibration on
the shaft directly.
4. Rotating machinery having rotors with quasi-rigid behaviour, such as some ste
am turbine
rotors, axial-flow compressors, and fans. Such machinery contains a special clas
s of flexible
rotor where vibration magnitudes measured on the bearing cap are indicative of t
he shaft

An analytical approach to determine the most beneficial method (or International
Standard) to
use on a particular machine, based on the physical and structural characteristic
s of the
machine, is included in detail in Clause 10.
6.3 Classification of severity of machine vibration
In the classification of severity of machine vibration, the motion variable that
is used
(displacement, velocity or acceleration) depends on the applicable International
Standard, the
frequency range and other factors. In classifying machinery vibration in the ran
ge e.g. from
10 Hz to 1000 Hz, vibration velocity is normally used because it is relatively i
ndependent of
frequency in this range, and thus yields a simple measure of sev erity of a new
machine. For lower and higher frequency vibration, the preferred measurement qua
ntities are
displacement and acceleration, respectively.
For simple harmonic motion, either peak or r.m.s. values of the motion variable
may be used.
However, for machines whose motion is complex, the use of these two metrics prov
distinctly different results, mainly because of particular wav eforms such as pu
lse-like wav es or
higher frequency harmonics and are given different weights. For rotating machine
ry whose
rotational speed is in the range of 600 r/min to 12000 r/min, the r.m.s. values
of the velocity
magnitudes correspond most closely with vibration severity. Therefore, there is
a special
measure, vibration sev erity, which has been defined in the past as the highest
v alue of the
broadband r.m.s. value of the velocity magnitude in the frequency range from 10
Hz to 1000 Hz,
as ev aluated on the structure at prescribed points (generally tri-axial arrays
on the bearing caps
or pedestals).

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

6.4 Measurement procedures and instrumentation
Included in the referenced International Standards are procedures for measuring
shaft-to-housing signals, absolute measurements and seismic applications, as sho
wn in
Figures 1 and 2.
The transducers recommended and described include displacement, velocity and acc
and, their mounted and un-mounted ranges and limits of application, magnitudes a
frequencies are included. ISO 2954 provides specifications of instruments measur
ing vibration
of machinery housings. ISO 5348 provides recommendations for mounting accelerome
ters to
the machinery housing, which in most cases are also applicable to velocity trans
ISO 10817-1 describes the sensing device (transducer), signal conditioning, atta
methods and calibration procedures for instrumentation to measure shaft vibratio
6.5 Vibration standards summaries
Clauses 7 and 8 contain brief descriptions of the most prominent machinery vibra
tion standards,
either issued or under development. They contain broadband measurement procedure
s and
limit v alues and zones. Clause 7 includes: measurements on non-rotating parts;
machines; measurements on non-reciprocating rotating shafts; and machines having
units. Clause 8 includes similar measurement procedures, limit values and zones
on rotating
parts. Also considered are measurements on machines with rotors with rigid or fl
behaviour. Consult each individual International Standard for details regarding
machinery type
and size and vibration limits for zones of operation, from acceptable to critica
Clause 9 includes brief summaries of the International Standards considered most
relevant to
the use of the above-referenced standards.
7 Measurements made on non-rotating parts
7.1 ISO 10816-1 provides general guidelines that describe procedures for the mea
and evaluation of vibration based on measurements made on non-rotating parts of
the machine.
This is the first part of a series of International Standards that provide indiv
idual criteria for each
general class of machine covered, which are unique to those machines. These crit
eria, which
are presented in terms of both vibration magnitude and change of vibration, rela
te to operational
monitoring and acceptance testing.

ISO 10816 has been written to accomplish the following:

to cover the broadband frequency range of both low and high speed machines;
to set the vibration criteria to include various operational zones;
to incorporate vibration criteria through a worldwide survey; and
to include unique criteria and measurement procedures for specific types of mach
General guidelines for establishing ev aluation zones under steady-state operati
ng conditions
are described. These provide the basis for the machine-specific evaluation crite
ria in the
subsequent parts of ISO 10816. The zones are defined as follows:
Zone A: The vibration of newly commissioned machines normally falls within this
Zone B: Machines with vibration within this zone are normally considered accepta
ble for
unrestricted long-term operation.
Zone C: Machines with vibration within this zone are normally considered unsatis
factory for
long-term continuous operation. Generally, the machine may be operated for a lim
ited period in
this condition until a suitable opportunity arises for remedial action.
Zone D: Vibration values within this zone are normally considered to be of suffi
cient severity to
cause damage to the machine.
The vibration limits for the zone boundaries provide guidelines for ensuring tha
t gross
deficiencies or unrealistic requirements are av oided. E.g. the evaluation crite
ria for new or

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

refurbished machines should be subject to agreement between suppliers and custom
ers, and
would normally be based on past satisfactory experience. Howev er, where there i
s a lack of
such experience, the vibration limits for the zone boundaries serv e as a basis
for defining such
specifications which would normally fall within zone A or the lower region of zo
ne B.
The measure of vibration is broadband and the frequency range is sufficient to e
nsure that the
particular machine is adequately covered, which depends on the type of machine u
consideration. E.g. the frequency range necessary to assess the integrity of a m
achine with
rolling element bearings should include frequencies higher than those on machine
s with fluid
film bearings. In addition to vibration velocity measurements, which were the pr
imary criteria in
earlier International Standards because they related to vibration energy, ISO 10
816 also
includes alternative criteria such as displacement, acceleration and peak values
instead of
r.m.s., as these criteria may be preferred for machines designed for extra low-o
r high-speed
7.2 ISO 10816-2 provides specific guidance for assigning the sev erity of vibrat
ion measured on
the bearings or pedestals of large steam turbine generating sets. Measurements a
t such
specified locations reasonably characterize the overall state of vibration of th
ese machines.
The vibration measurement system should be capable of measuring broadband r.m.s.
(mm/s) ov er a frequency range from at least 10 Hz to 500 Hz. If, howev er, the
instrumentation is
also to be used for diagnostic purposes, or for monitoring during machine run-up
or run-down,
or ov erspeed, a wider frequency range may be required.
This International Standard includes the vibration criteria that are based on be
aring housing or
pedestal r.m.s. vibration velocity magnitude for turbine generator sets exceedin
g 50 MW, and
with nominal speeds of 1500 r/min, 1800 r/min, 3000 r/min and 3600 r/min. The va
lues apply to
in-situ application under steady-state conditions and they address various zones
of operation.
The zone descriptions are the same as in ISO 10816-1.
7.3 ISO 10816-3 provides specific guidance for assessing the severity of vibrati
on on bearings,
bearing pedestals or the housings of coupled industrial machines when measured i
n situ. This
International Standard covers steam turbines up to 50 MW and steam turbine sets
with power

greater than 50 MW and speeds below 1500 r/min or abov e 3600 r/min. Also includ
ed are
compressors, industrial gas turbines with power up to 3 MW, generators, electric
motors of any
type, and all blowers and fans with power greater than 300 kW and other fans tha
t are not too
flexibly mounted. It also covers those pumps which are not dealt with by ISO 108
Significant differences in design, type of bearings and type of support structur
es require a
division of this International Standard into two machinery groups, namely:
large machines with rated power abov e 300 kW or electrical machines with shaft
ov er 315 mm; and
medium size machines with a rated power abov e 30 kW up to and including 300 kW
electrical machines with shaft heights from 180 mm up to 315 mm.
The larger machines normally have sleev e bearings and the range of operating or
speeds is relatively broad with ranges from 120 r/min to 15000 r/min.
Classifications of the vibration severity zones for large industrial machines wi
th rated power
from 300 kW to 50 MW (Group 1) are included. Classifications of the vibration se
v erity zones for
medium size industrial machines with rated power from 30 kW to 300 kW (Group 2)
are also
included. The zone descriptions are the same as in ISO 10816-1.
7.4 ISO 10816-4 provides specific guidance for assessing the severity of vibrati
on measured on
the bearing housings or pedestals of gas turbine sets.
This International Standard applies to heavy duty gas turbines used in electrica
l and mechanical
drive applications covering the power range abov e 3 MW and a speed range under
between 3000 r/min and 20000 r/min. Generally, the criteria apply to both the ga
s turbine and
the driv en equipment; however, for generators abov e 50 MW, the criteria of ISO
10816-2 should

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

be used for assessing the vibration severity.
The evaluation of zone boundaries based on bearing housing or pedestal vibration
for industrial
gas turbines is included. These criteria assume that the gas turbines incorporat
e fluid film
bearings and the vibration measurements are broadband v alues taken in situ unde
r normal
steady-state operating conditions. Transient operating conditions, such as load
changes and
speed changes, are also covered. This International Standard encompasses machine
s which
may have gears or rolling element bearings but does not address the ev aluation
of the condition
of those gears or bearings. The zone descriptions are the same as in ISO 10816-1
7.5 ISO 10816-5 provides specific guidance for assessing the sev erity of vibrat
ion measured on
bearings, bearing pedestals or housings of hydraulic machines when measured in s
itu. It
applies to machine sets in hydraulic power generation and pump plants where the
machines have speeds from 120 r/min to 1800 r/min, shell or shoe type sleev e be
arings and
main engine power of 1 MW or more. The position of the line shaft may be vertica
l, horizontal or
at an arbitrary angle between these two directions.
This International Standard includes: turbines and generators, pumps and electri
cal machines
operating as motors, pump-turbines and motor generators, including auxiliary equ
ipment (e.g.
starting turbines or exciters in line with the main shaft). This International S
tandard also includes
single turbines or pumps connected to generators or electric motors through gear
s and/or
flexible couplings.
The recommended r.m.s. vibration criteria vs. shaft rotational speed for hydraul
ic machines with
nominal power abov e 1 MW and nominal speeds between 120 r/min and 1800 r/min ar
7.6 ISO 10816-6 establishes procedures and guidelines for the measurement and cl
of mechanical vibration of reciprocating machines. In general, this Internationa
l Standard refers
to vibration measurements made on the main structure of the machine and the guid
e v alues are
defined primarily to secure a reliable and safe operation of the machine, and to
avoid problems
with the auxiliary equipment mounted on the structure.
In the case of reciprocating machines, the vibration measured on the machine mai
n structure,
and qualified according to this International Standard, may only giv e a rough i
dea of the

stresses and vibratory states of the components within the machine itself. E.g.
vibration of rotating parts cannot generally be determined by measurements on th
e structural
parts of the machine. Based on experience with similar machines, the damage that
can occur
when exceeding the guide v alues is sustained predominately by the machine-mount
components (e.g. turbo chargers, heat exchangers, governors, pumps, filters) con
elements of the machine with peripherals (e.g. pipelines) or monitoring instrume
nts (e.g.
pressure gauges, thermometers).
This International Standard generally applies to reciprocating piston machines m
ounted either
rigidly or resiliently with power ratings abov e 100 kW. Typical examples of app
lication are:
marine propulsion engines, marine auxiliary engines, engines operating in diesel
sets, gas compressors and diesel locomotives. Maximum magnitudes of vibration
displacement, v elocity and acceleration are given in Annex A, and a vibration s
nomograph is included in Annex C.
7.7 ISO 10816-7 provides guidance for the evaluation of vibration on rotodynamic
pumps for
industrial application with nominal power above 1 kW. It describes the requireme
nts for
ev aluation of vibration measurements on non-rotating parts. It also provides gu
idance for
assessing the sev erity of vibration measured on the bearings, both in situ or a
t the
manufacturer s test facility, or in the plant. Zones and limits are provided for a
cceptance tests at
the manufacturer s test facility, if specified, and special criteria are given. Th
e included zone
limits are for the vibration of horizontal and vertical pumps, irrespective of t
heir support
For long-term operation, two additional criteria are provided. One criterion con
siders the
magnitude of the observed vibration and the second considers changes in magnitud
e. The
criteria are applicable for the vibration produced by the machine itself, and no
t for vibration

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

transmitted to the machine from external sources. Therefore, vibration velocity
limits are
provided for the two categories, with both zone and test acceptance values given
for pumps
200 kW and > 200 kW. Zone and test acceptance limiting values of displacement ar
e also
8 Measurements made on rotating parts
8.1 ISO 7919-1 provides specific guidelines for vibration measurements on the ro
members of machines. Such machines generally contain flexible rotor-shaft system
s and
changes in the vibration condition may be detected more decisively and more sens
itively by
measurements on these rotating elements. Also, machines having relatively stiff
and/or heavy
casings, in comparison to the rotor mass, are typical of those classes of machin
es for which
shaft vibration measurements are frequently preferred.
Machines such as industrial steam turbines, gas turbines and turbo-compressors,
all of which
hav e several modes of vibration in their service speed range and their response
s due to
unbalance, misalignments, thermal bows, rubs and the unloading of bearings may b
e better
observ ed by measurements on the shafts.
There are three principle factors by which the vibration magnitude of a machine
is judged,
bearing kinetic load;
absolute motion of the rotor; and
rotor clearance relative to the bearing.
If the bearing kinetic load is of concern to ensure against bearing damage, the
vibration of the
shaft relative to the bearing structure should be monitored as the ov er-riding
criteria. If the
absolute motions of the shaft (a measure of rotor bending stress) or rotor-beari
ng clearance are
of concern, the type of measurement used depends on the vibration magnitude of t
he structure
which supports the relative motion transducer. Hence, if the vibration magnitude
of this support
structure is significant, the absolute shaft vibration will be the more valid me
asurement. The
rotor clearance to the bearing needs to be monitored to ensure against rotor sea
l and blading
rubs which can cause rotor or blading failures.
The shaft vibration of machines, measured close to the bearings, is ev aluated o

n the basis of
two criteria:
Criterion I: The reliable and safe running of a machine under normal operating c
requires that the shaft vibration displacement remains below certain limits cons
istent with
e.g. acceptable kinetic loads and adequate margins on the radial clearance envel
ope for
the machine. The maximum shaft vibration is assessed against evaluation zones.
Criterion II: Changes in shaft vibration displacement, even though the limits in
a) are not
exceeded, may point to incipient damage or some other irregularity. Consequently
, such
changes relative to a reference value should not be allowed to exceed certain li
mits. If this
reference value changes by a significant amount, steps should be taken to ascert
ain the
reasons for the change and, if necessary, appropriate action taken. In this cont
ext, a
decision on what action to take, if any, should be made after consideration of t
he maximum
magnitude of the vibration, and whether the machine has stabilized at a new cond
General guidelines for establishing ev aluation zones under steady-state operati
ng conditions
are described which provide the basis for the machine-specific evaluation criter
ia in the
subsequent parts of ISO 7919. The definition and application of the different zo
nes are the
same as those adopted for ISO 10816 (see Clause 7).
8.2 ISO 7919-2 provides the special features required for measuring shaft vibrat
ion on the
coupled rotor systems of steam turbine generating sets for power stations, havin
g rated speeds
in the range of 1500 r/min to 3600 r/min, and power outputs greater than 50 MW.
criteria, based on experience, are presented which may be used as guidelines for
assessing the
vibratory conditions of such machines.

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

The vibration magnitudes specified are for both relative and absolute shaft vibr
ation measured
at, or close to, the main load carrying bearings, at rated speed and under stead
conditions. Higher magnitudes of vibration can be permitted at other measuring p
ositions and
under transient conditions, such as start-up and run-down (including passing thr
resonance speed ranges).
The recommended shaft vibration values for large steam turbine generator sets me
relative to the bearings are included for relative shaft-to-bearing vibration an
d for absolute
vibration. These limit values are graphically shown as sev erity zones. The defi
nition of these
zones is the same as that in ISO 7919-1. Also included are the bearing clearance
effects on the
zone boundaries.
8.3 ISO 7919-3 gives guidelines for application of evaluation criteria for shaft
measured close to the bearings under normal operating conditions. These guidelin
es are
presented in terms of both steady-state conditions and any changes that may occu
r in these
steady v alues. This International Standard applies to coupled industrial machin
es with fluid film
bearings, comprising: turbo compressors, turbines, turbine generators and electr
ic drives, all
having maximum rated speeds in the range of 1000 r/min to 30000 r/min, and power
s between
30 kW and 50 MW.
The numerical values specified are not intended to serve as the only basis for a
specifications. In general, the vibratory condition of these machines is usually
assessed by
consideration of both the shaft vibration and the associated structural vibratio
n. As a result, this
International Standard should be used in conjunction with 10816-3. The zone desc
riptions are
the same as those in 7919-1.
8.4 ISO 7919-4 applies to industrial gas turbine sets (including those with gear
s) with fluid film
bearings, power outputs greater than 3 MW and shaft rotational speeds from 3000
r/min to
30000 r/min. Aircraft type gas turbines are excluded, since they differ fundamen
tally from
industrial gas turbines, both in the type of bearings (rolling element) and in t
he stiffness and
mass ratios of the rotors and support structures. Depending on the construction
and mode of
operation, there are three types of industrial gas turbines:
single-shaft constant-speed;
single-shaft v ariable-speed; and,
gas turbines having separate shafts for hot-gas generation and power delivery.

Guidelines are given for the application of criteria for shaft vibration measure
d close to the
bearings of industrial gas turbines under normal operating conditions. The zone
are the same as those in 7919-1.
8.5 ISO 7919-5 lists the special features required for measuring shaft vibration
on coupled
hydraulic sets. This International Standard applies to all types of hydraulic ma
chines hav ing
nominal speeds between 60 r/min and 3600 r/min, with fluid film bearings and rat
ed powers of
1 MW or more. These machines may consist of turbines, pumps, pump turbines, gene
motors and motor generators, including couplings, gears or auxiliary equipment i
n the shaft line.
The position of the shaft may be vertical, horizontal or at an arbitrary angle b
etween these two
The guidelines are given for the application of criteria for shaft vibration mea
sured close to the
bearings of coupled hydraulic sets, under normal operating and steady-state cond
itions, and
any changes that may occur in these steady v alues. The numerical values specifi
ed present
rotor displacements relative to the bearings vs. shaft rotational speed.

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

9 Related standards
9.1 ISO 3046-5 includes the establishment of general requirements and definition
s for the
torsional vibration in shaft systems driven by reciprocating internal combustion
(RIC) engines.
This International Standard covers sets driven by internal combustion engines fo
r land,
rail-traction and marine use, excluding sets used to propel road construction an
d earthmoving
machines, agricultural tractors, industrial types of tractors, automobiles and t
rucks, and aircraft.
This International Standard defines the methods used to analyse free vibration a
nd forced
vibration, and the calculation results will determine, amongst others, the follo
the natural frequencies, natural vectors and resonant speeds;
the torsional stresses in the shaft system;
the vibratory techniques in elastic couplings and other items influenced by thes
the vibratory magnitudes at given points of the shaft line;
the thermal power generated in couplings and the other damping sources.
The results can also be used, if necessary, to obtain the vibratory acceleration
s in gears.
9.2 ISO 8579-2 specifies the methods for determining mechanical vibration of ind
housed, enclosed, speed increasing and speed reducing gear units. The methods in
measuring housing and shaft vibrations, and the types of instrumentation, measur
methods and testing procedures for determining vibration magnitudes. Vibration g
rades for
acceptance are included.
This International Standard applies only to gear units under test and operating
within their
design speeds, loads, temperature ranges and lubrication for acceptance testing
at the
manufacturer s facility. Other standards may be required for measuring gear unit v
ibration in
field service. In addition, it does not apply to special or auxiliary drive trai
ns such as integrated
gear-driven compressors, pumps, turbines and power take-off gears.
9.3 ISO 13373-1 includes the general guidelines for the measurement and data col

functions necessary for the assessment of machinery vibration for condition moni
toring and
diagnostics. This International Standard is applicable to all kinds of rotating
machines. It
describes the v arious transducer types and their ranges, and the narrowband ana
procedures and techniques recommended to perform discrete frequency analyses of
vibration signals. Also taken into consideration are transducer resonant frequen
characteristics and mounted frequency concerns.
Data collection techniques include continuous, periodic and intermittent, and pr
recommended for trending the vibration data are described. Annex A is a table of
machine types
(turbines, generators, motors, pumps, etc.), and their recommended transducer lo
cations and
types to achieve the best results. Annex C includes a comprehensiv e list of the
most common
causes of vibration-related machine problems.
9.4 ISO 13373-2 provides guidelines for processing vibration data, the time and
domains, analysing the vibration signatures, displaying the data and applying th
e results of the
analyses to machinery condition and then to diagnostics. Analogue and digital eq
uipment and
analysis techniques and filtering types are described.
Various signature characteristics are displayed and brief descriptions are given
to identify what
they represent. The windows and the descriptions included are some of the most c
used machinery analysis tools used by analytical engineers and technicians when
a machinery problem, tools such as: wav eform characteristics, beating and modul
ation, Bode
and polar plots, time and frequency domain av eraging, cascade (waterfall) diagr

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

9.5 ISO 13373-3 is to be used by vibration practitioners, engineers and technici
ans as it
provides a framework for the selection and application of vibration diagnostic t
echniques for a
range of machine and component types and their associated fault symptoms.
The systematic approach to diagnostics starts with a series of pertinent questio
ns that
establishes the information base on the machine s operating characteristics. This
procedure is
followed by a series of flow charts that delineate logical diagnostic step-by-st
ep procedures for
various machine and component types. At the time of publication of this Technica
l Report, this
International Standard was under preparation.
9.6 ISO 14694 gives the specifications for vibration and balance limits of fans
for all applications
except those designed solely for air circulation, e.g. ceiling fans and table fa
ns. Howev er, it is
limited to fans of all types installed with power of less than 300 kW, or to a c
available standard electric motor with a maximum power of 355 kW (following an R
20 series).
For fans of greater power than this, the applicable limits are those given in IS
O 10816-3.
This International Standard recognizes that vibrational measurements may be reco
rded as
velocity, acceleration or displacement, either in absolute units or on decibels
above a given
reference v alue. The magnitude of the vibration measurements may be affected by
practices at balancing machines. The preferred parameter is v elocity in millime
ters per second
(mm/s); however, both root-mean-square (r.m.s.) and peak-to-peak, or peak, value
s are also
Factory tests are usually conducted with the fan unconnected to a ducting system
, such that its
aerodynamic duty may be different from the installed conditions. It may also be
supported on
foundations of different mass and stiffness v alues to those in situ. Accordingl
y, such tests are
specified with vibration measured filter-in . In-situ tests are specified filter-out
and as such
represent a measure of overall severity. This International Standard does not in
clude the final
installed conditions such as foundation characteristics, aerodynamics, cleanline
9.7 ISO 14695 contains a method of measuring the vibrational characteristics of
fans of all
types, except as in ISO 14694 those designed solely for air circulation, and all
types installed
with a power of less than 300 kW. For fans of greater power than this, the metho
ds described in

ISO 10816-1 and the applicable limits in ISO 10816-3 may be used. This Internati
onal Standard
gives a general method only and does not give criteria for the interpretation of
data (for that aim,
see ISO 14694).
This International Standard specifies the measurement of vibration that may be r
ecorded as
ov erall r.m.s. velocity, acceleration or displacement, or in terms of a frequen
cy spectrum, within
the appropriate frequency range. Methods of testing when suspended on elastic ro
pes or when
installed on resilient mountings are included. Also, it is recognized that the o
scillatory forces at
mounting points can be a useful measurement for analysing the effects on support
but such measurements are outside the scope of this International Standard.

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

10 Analytical guidelines for selecting the appropriate vibration standard for a
specific machinery
10.1 General
The following describes an analytical method that can be used when selecting an
Standard, based on the dynamics of a giv en machine, characterized by the dynami
c stiffness
ratio a. The method is particularly applicable to ISO 7919 and ISO 10816. The gu
ideline for this
approach is shown on the flow chart in Figure 1.
Figure 1

Flow chart for the evaluation of machine vibration

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

The guideline is composed of two checkpoints:
One is the check of the shaft displacement from the journal centre, which repres
ents the
distance effect of measuring the point distance from the journal centreline. In
the case of
very flexible rotors, the error will be a significant value; howev er, it is not
so dominant in
most rotor bearing systems.
The other important check point is the stiffness ratio a between the pedestal an
d the
bearing, which determines the ratio of the shaft relative vibration to the pedes
tal vibration.
These criteria are determined by the database of existing machines and existing
criteria of each machine type. Figure 2 is the diagram that is used to ev aluate
the dynamic
stiffness ratio of the pedestal and the bearing. Actual examples are given in An
nex E.
Figure 2

Diagram for determination of dynamic stiffness ratio a

The flow chart presented in Figure 1 is convenient for the engineers and designe
rs of rotating
machinery. Howev er, most of the field engineers may not know the dynamic charac
teristics of
the bearing and the pedestal. In these cases, field engineers do have access to
the actual
machines. Therefore, Annex F gives an alternative method for establishing a valu
es that is
based on data which will be provided by the vibration measurements of an existin
g machine.

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

10.2 Basic relations for the rotating shaft and pedestal vibration
10.2.1 Basic components to be considered for vibration evaluation
The basic components to determine the vibration characteristics of the rotor-bea
system are illustrated in Figure 3 and a simplified dynamic model is shown on th
e right hand
side of Figure 3.
The simplified model of Figure 3 is based on Equations (A.3) and (A.4).
Figure 3

Basic components of a rotor-bearing-pedestal system

10.2.2 Basic relation of components characteristics for vibration response

The following three component characteristics play an important role in determin
ing the
vibration response of the rotor bearing system:
a) rotor flexibility,
b) bearing dynamic stiffness,
c) pedestal dynamic stiffness.
The basic points are to be considered for ev aluating rotating shaft vibration a
nd pedestal
vibration. The evaluation of machine vibration is performed based on the followi
ng two points:
dynamic force transmitted to the bearing,
relative displacement to evaluate the clearance between the rotor and a non-rota
ting part.
The dynamic force for evaluating bearing reliability is measured by two methods:
The first is the pedestal vibration which is calculated as follows:
This factor is ev aluated using ISO 10816 as the vibration of a non-rotating par
The second factor is the shaft relative vibration which is calculated as follows


Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

The shaft absolute vibration is the sum of the pedestal vibration and shaft rela
tive vibration, or
Z2 Z1 Z1Z2 Equivalent
( )
Z1 +
The only error in Equations (2) and (3) is in the shaft displacement at the meas
urement plane,
which has an additional displacement from the bearing centre because of shaft be
deformation, and the distance between measurement plane and the bearing centre p
lane, as
shown in Figure 3. The description of Xf is giv en in Annex C. It is found that
it is negligible for
relatively stiff rotors.
A small Xf value, which represents the shaft deformation effect, needs to be add
ed to Equation
(2) and Equation (3) for flexible rotors.
These v arious vibrations are summarized in Table 1.
Table 1
Relation of vibrations
Rigid rotor Flexible rotor
Pedestal vibration pX
Shaft relative vibration X

Shaft absolute vibration Bp

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

Annex A
Bearing dynamics
A.1 Symbols
In order to understand the relationships in the following analytical equations,
the symbol
definitions are:
x, y relative displacement of the journal to the bearing
x., y.
relative velocity of the journal to the bearing
.x., .y.
relative acceleration of the journal to the bearing
Fx bearing force in the x direction
Fy bearing force in the y direction
mxx , mxy , myx , myy acceleration coefficients of the bearing oil film (mass ef
Cxx , Cxy , Cyx , Cyy damping coefficients of the bearing oil film
kxx , kxy , kyx , kyy stiffness coefficients of the bearing oil film
Z = k + i.C
complex representation of the dynamic stiffness of the bearing and the pedestal.
Generally, the bearing dynamics are represented by the following matrix form:

Except for low-viscosity lubricant bearings, such as water-lubricated bearings,
the mass effects
can be neglected. The model is then simplified as Equation (A.2):



Except for sleeve type journal bearings, cross terms will be neglected, then the
model takes the
simplified form of Equation (A.3). Ev en for sleeve type journal bearings, a sim
ilar simplified

presentation is possible for limited applications, such as unbalance response es




The dynamic characteristics of the pedestal are also presented in a similar way.
A simplified
analysis of the dynamic characteristics of the pedestal can be performed based o
n Equation



These factors will be evaluated by ISO 7919 as shaft relative vibration.

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

A.2 Characteristics of bearing dynamic stiffness
The dynamic stiffness of the bearing depends on the bearing type. The dynamic st
iffness of the
bearings need to be ev aluated for two characteristics. One is the speed-depende
characteristic, while the other is the excitation frequency-dependent characteri
stic for the
selected speed. The following presents dynamic stiffness considerations for v ar
ious types of
a) Rolling element bearing
High stiffness depends on the load, while low damping is a typical characteristi
c of a rolling
element bearing. The stiffness and damping values are almost constant for varyin
g rotating
speeds and exciting frequencies, as shown by the horizontal lines in Figure A.1.
b) Tilting pad type oil film bearing
The tilting pad type oil film bearing has simple characteristics. Speed affects
the dynamic
stiffness and has smooth characteristics as a function of the excitation frequen
cy, as shown
in Figures A.1 and A.2.
This type of bearing has stable characteristics and moderately good damping capa
c) Sleeve type oil film bearing
The sleev e type oil film bearing has special complex characteristics. Its speed
dynamics are similar to those of the tilting pad bearing. Howev er, dynamic stif
fness for the
excitation frequency at a specified speed has complex characteristics, especiall
y for
marginal stability limits. It can then be seen that there is very low dynamic st
iffness at about
half rotating frequency, as shown in Figure A.2.
Figure A.1

Speed-dependent characteristics of bearing dynamic stiffness

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

Figure A.2

Frequency-dependent characteristics of bearing dynamic stiffness

In summary, rolling element bearings hav e high stiffness and low damping, indep
endent of
speed. Tilting pad bearings hav e moderate stiffness and damping. Sleeve bearing
s hav e
moderate stiffness and damping for the rotating speed components; however, they
have very
complex excitation frequency-dependent characteristics. These relationships are
as follows.
Rolling element bearing > Tilting pad bearing > Sleev e bearing
Sleeve bearing > Tilting pad bearing > Rolling element bearing
Complex stiffness at half rotating speed
Rolling element bearing > Tilting pad bearing > Sleev e bearing (almost zero on
stability limit)

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

Annex B
Pedestal dynamic stiffness
The dynamic stiffness of structures under the bearings are of sev eral types, as
shown in Figure
Figure B.1

Dynamic stiffness of pedestal

Factors to consider when evaluating stiffness characteristics are:

The most simple case is the spring effect and small damping.
Most of the pedestals are represented by mass-spring-damper systems.
The complex stiffness supporting the bearing has very complex frequency-dependen
characteristics. They have many natural frequencies and mode shapes.
A large bearing vibration can be observ ed at the resonance of the bearing suppo
rt. However,
the shaft relative vibration will not be significantly high, ev en at pedestal r
esonant speed.

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

Annex C
Sensor location error
All bearings hav e finite widths. If the displacement sensor location is not on
the bearing centre,
and if the rotor tilts in the bearing or bends in the span, then the measured di
splacement can
hav e a different value for Xf. Examples of simplified cases are shown in Figure
Figure C.1

Examples of sensor location error

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

Annex D
Dynamic stiffness of the bearing part combined with the
The total dynamic stiffness of the model in Figure D.1 is presented as Equations
(D.1) and (D.2)
and is shown in Figure D.2. The total dynamic stiffness and displacements of eac
h part are
represented by a series of springs, as shown in Figure D.1.

.) +
121212 12 21 1 2
2 2
') +
12 12

.) (C

1212 21 1 2 1212
')2 +
12 12
Figure D.1

Model for total dynamic stiffness

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

Figure D.2

Ratio of dynamic stiffness

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

Annex E
Typical values of dynamic stiffness for bearings and pedestals
Figure E.1 shows typical examples of dynamic stiffnesses for various bearings an
d pedestals,
and for different type machines. Figure E.1 provides information for selecting a
measuring method.
Figure E.1

Dynamic stiffness of bearings

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

Table E.1 includes typical examples of pedestal and bearing stiffness v alues an
pedestal/bearing ratios for sev eral types of machines.
Table E.1

Examples of dynamic stiffness values for pedestals and bearings

Machine type Pedestal stiffness

Bearing stiffness
Industrial ST HP 3,43E+09 4,66E+08 7,4
Industrial ST LP 5,13E+09 1,71E+09 3
Industrial ST LP 3,21E+09 1,83E+09 1,8
Industrial ST LP 5,13E+09 2,18E+09 2,4
Industrial ST LP 3,21E+09 1,85E+09 1,7
Generator appr. 100 MW 2,47E+09 4,24E+09 0,6
Industrial GT Generator 8,33E+07 2,54E+08 0,3
Industrial GT Power Turbine 1,43E+08 4,29E+08 0,3
Industrial GT Power Turbine 2,00E+08 8,85E+07 2,3
Table E.2 contains typical pedestal/bearing dynamic stiffness ratios a for sev e
ral machine
types. Also included are evaluations of the conditions of the pedestal and beari
ng stiffness.
Table E.2

Selection guideline (typical examples)

Machine Dynamic
ISO 10816
ISO 7919
High Pressure Turbine 3 moderate good
Low Pressure Turbine 1,5 moderate good
Large Generator 1,5 moderate good
High pressure
5 not good good
Large Fan 0,67 good moderate
Small Fan and Pump 0,33 good moderate
Vertical Pump 0,10 good not good
Large Steam Turbine
Generator 1,5 to 3 moderate good

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

Annex F
Alternative method for selecting machinery vibration
It is possible to obtain the value of an equivalent vibration ratio for an appoi
nted dynamic
stiffness ratio as given in Figure D.2. Table F.1 shows the equivalent vibration
for the
selection of the vibration measuring method. The equivalent vibration ratio
is defined as:
Table F.1

Vibration ratio guidance

Equivalent vibration
Stiffness ratio a
as giv en
in Figure 2
Pedestal Vibration Measurement < 1 (0,2) 0 to 1 (5)
Shaft Absolute Vibration Measurement 5 to 0,2 0,2 to 5
Shaft Relative Vibration Measurement > 1 (5) (0,2) 1 to 8
((Note by the secretariat: not correct for = 1/a))

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

Annex G
International machinery vibration standards shown by
application area
((Note by the secretariat: some text needed to explain the aim of Table G.1))
NOTE Corrigenda, if any, are included.
Table G.1

International machinery vibration standards shown by application area

ISO Standard Title

Vibration application areas
vibrationRotating machinesReciprocating
ISO 2041:2009 Mechanical vibration, shock and condition
monitoring Vocabulary
ISO 3046-5:2001 Reciprocating internal combustion engines
Performance Part 5: Torsional vibrations
x x
ISO 7919-1:1996 Mechanical vibration of non-reciprocating
machines Measurements on rotating shafts and
evaluation criteria
Part 1: General guidelines
x x x
ISO 7919-2:2009 Mechanical vibration Evaluation of machine
vibration by measurements on rotating shafts
Part 2: Land-based steam turbines and generators
in excess of 50 MW with normal operating speeds
of 1 500 r/min, 1 800 r/min, 3 000 r/min and
3 600 r/min
x x
ISO 7919-3:2009 Mechanical vibration Evaluation of machine
vibration by measurements on rotating shafts
Part 3: Coupled industrial machines
x x
ISO 7919-4:2009 Mechanical vibration Evaluation of machine
vibration by measurements on rotating shafts
Part 4: Gas turbine sets with fluid-film bearings
x x
ISO 7919-5:2005 Mechanical vibration of non-reciprocating
machines Measurements on rotating shafts and
evaluation criteria
Part 5: Machine sets in
hydraulic power generating and pumping plants
x x
ISO 8528-9:1995 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven
alternating current generating sets
Part 9:
Measurement and evaluation of mechanical
x x
ISO 10816-1:1995 Mechanical vibration Evaluation of machine

vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts

x x x

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

ISO Standard Title
Vibration application areas
vibrationRotating machinesReciprocating
Part 1: General guidelines
ISO 10816-1:1995
Amd 1:2009
Amendment 1 x x
ISO 10816-2:2009 Mechanical vibration
Evaluation of machine
vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts
Part 2: Land-based steam turbines and generators
in excess of 50 MW with normal operating speeds
of 1 500 r/min, 1 800 r/min, 3 000 r/min and
3 600 r/min
x x
ISO 10816-3:2009 Mechanical vibration Evaluation of machine
vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts
Part 3: Industrial machines with nominal power
above 15 kW and nominal speeds between
120 r/min and 15 000 r/min when measured in situ
x x
ISO 10816-4:2009 Mechanical vibration Evaluation of machine
vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts
Part 4: Gas turbine sets with fluid-film bearings
x x
ISO 10816-5:2000 Mechanical vibration Evaluation of machine
vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts
Part 5: Machine sets in hydraulic power generating
and pumping plants
x x
ISO 10816-6:1995 Mechanical vibration Evaluation of machine
vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts
Part 6: Reciprocating machines with power ratings
above 100 kW
x x
ISO 10816-7:2009 Mechanical vibration Evaluation of machine
vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts
Part 7: Rotodynamic pumps for industrial
applications, including measurements on rotating
x x x
ISO 10817-1:1998 Rotating shaft vibration measuring systems
Part 1: Relative and absolute sensing of radial
x x
ISO 13373-1:2002 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines
Vibration condition monitoring
Part 1: General
x x x x
ISO 13373-2:2005 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines
Vibration condition monitoring
Part 2:
Processing, analysis and presentation of vibration

ISO 14694:2003 Industrial fans
Specification for balance quality
and vibration levels
x x
ISO 14695:2003 Industrial fans Method of measurement of fan
x x
ISO 14839-1:2002 Mechanical vibration
Vibration of rotating
machinery equipped with active magnetic bearings

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

ISO Standard Title
Vibration application areas
vibrationRotating machinesReciprocating
Part 1: Vocabulary
ISO 14839-2:2004 Mechanical vibration
Vibration of rotating
machinery equipped with active magnetic bearings
Part 2: Evaluation of vibration
ISO 14839-3:2006 Mechanical vibration
Vibration of rotating
machinery equipped with active magnetic bearings
Part 3: Evaluation of stability margin
ISO 18436-2:2003 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines
Requirements for training and certification of
Part 2: Vibration condition monitoring
and diagnostics
ISO 22266-1 Mechanical vibration Torsional vibration of
rotating machinery Part 1: Land-based steam
and gas turbine generator sets in excess of 50 MW

Working draft for ISO/TR 19201

ISO 1940-1, Mechanical vibration
Balance quality requirements for rotors in a co
nstant (rigid)
Part 1: Specification and verification of balance tolerances
ISO 8528-9, Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current
sets Part 9: Measurement and evaluation of mechanical vibration
ISO 10814, Mechanical vibration

Susceptibility and sensitivity of machines to un

ISO 10816-8, Mechanical vibration Ev aluation of machine vibration by measuremen

ts on
non-rotating parts Part 8: Guidelines for vibrations in reciprocating compressor
systems 1)
ISO 10816-21, Mechanical vibration
Evaluation of machine vibration by measuremen
ts on
non-rotating parts Part 21: Onshore wind turbines with gearbox 1)
ISO 11342, Mechanical vibration
Methods and criteria for the mechanical balancin
g of
flexible rotors
ISO 13381-1, Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines
General guidelines
ISO 14839-1, Mechanical vibration


Part 1

Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with

magnetic bearings Part 1: Vocabulary

ISO 14839-2, Mechanical vibration
Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with
magnetic bearings Part 2: Evaluation of vibration
ISO 14839-3, Mechanical vibration

Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with

magnetic bearings Part 3: Evaluation of stability margin

ISO 14839-4, Mechanical vibration
Vibration of rotating machinery equipped with
magnetic bearings Part 4: Technical guidelines
ISO 15242 (all parts), Rolling bearings
Measuring methods for vibration
ISO 17359, Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines
General guidelines
ISO 19499, Mechanical vibration Balancing
Guidance on the use and application of
balancing standards
ISO 20283-4, Mechanical vibration Measurement of vibration on ships
Part 4:
Measurement and evaluation of vibration of the ship propulsion machinery
ISO 20806, Mechanical vibration Criteria and safeguards for the in-situ balancin
g of medium

and large rotors

ISO 21940-14, Mechanical vibration
balance errors
ISO 22266-1, Mechanical vibration

Rotor balancing

Part 14: Procedures for asses

Torsional vibration of rotating machinery


Land-based steam and gas turbine generator sets in excess of 50 MW

ISO 81400-4, Wind turbines Part 4: Design and specification of gearboxes
IEC 60034-14, Rotating electrical machines
Part 14: Mechanical vibration of cert
machines with shaft heights 56 mm and higher

Measurement, evaluation and limits

vibration severity
IEC 60994, Guide for field measurement of vibrations and pulsations in hydraulic
(turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines)
At the time of publication of this Technical Report, this International Standard
was under preparation.

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