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For checking new, unknown data required for the study of any problem we use various devices,
instruments, apparatus and appliances. For each and every type of research we need certain
instruments to gather new facts or to explore new fields. The instruments thus employed as
means for collecting data are called tools.
The major tools of research in education can be classified broadly into the following categories-

Opinion is what a person says on certain aspects of the issue under considerations.
It is a special form of inquiry, used by the researcher to collect the opinions of a
sample of population on certain facts or factors the problem under investigation.
Opinionnaire are usually used in researches, which demands survey of opinions of
the concerned individuals.
The opinionnaire makes use of statements or questions on different aspects of the
problem under investigation.
Responses are expected either on three point or five point scales.
It uses favourable or unfavourable statements.
It may be sub-divided into sections.
The gally poll ballots generally make use of questions instead of statements.
The public opinion polls generally rely on personal contacts rather than mail ballots.
Samples of opinionnare:
The following statements are from the opinionnaire on the reforms in educational
administration introduced in A. P. during 1956-66.
1) Democratic decentralization has helped to develop democratic
Values and practices in rural people.
2) There has been consequent improvement of educational standards.
3) Specified subject inspectorate is better than Panel type of inspectorate.
4) Inspection stripped of Administrative powers does not help much.
5) Primary education should be brought under a separate directorate
as was done in some status.





A questionnaire is a form prepared and distributed to secure responses to certain
It is a device for securing answers to questions by using a form which the
respondent fills by himself.
It is a systematic compilation of questions that are submitted to a sampling of
population from which information is desired.
It is mostly used in uses in cases where one can not readily see personally all of
the people from whom he desires responses.
Types :
Structured v/s Non-Structured Questionnaire :
The structured questionnaire contains definite, concrete and directed questions, where as
non-structured questionnaire is often used in interview and guide. It may consist of
partially completed questions.
Closed v/s Open Questionnaire :
The question that call for short check responses are known as restricted or closed form
type. For Example, they provide formarking a yes or no, a short response or checking an
item from a list of responses. Here the respondent is not free to wrote of his own, he was to
select from the selected from the supplied responses. On the other hand, increase of open
ended questionnaire, the respondent is free to response in his own words. Many
questionnaire also included both close and open type questions. The researcher selects
the type of questionnaire according to his need of the study.
Fact and Opinion:
Incase of fact questionnaire, the respondent is expected to give information of facts
without any reference to his opinion or attitude about them. But incase of opinion
questionnaire the respondent gives the information about the facts with his own opinion
and attitude.
Characteristics of A Good Questionnaire :
Questionnaire should deal with important or significant topic to create interest among
It should seek only that data which can not be obtained from other sources.
It should be as short as possible but should be comprehensive.
It should be attractive.

Directions should be clear and complete.

It should be represented in good Psychological order proceeding from general to more
specific responses.
Double negatives in questions should be avoided.
Putting two questions in one question also should be avoided.
It should avoid annoying or embarrassing questions.
It should be designed to collect information which can be used subsequently as data
for analysis.
It should consist of a written list of questions.
The questionnaire should also be used appropriately.
When is it appropriate to use a questionnaire for research?

When used with large numbers of respondents.

When what is required tends to be fairly straight forward information.
When there is a need for standardize data from indentical information.
When time is allows for delays.
When resources allow for the cast of printing and postage.
When respondents can be expected to be able to read and understand the questions.

Advantages of Questionnaire :

It is easier to arrange.
It supplies standardized answers
It encourages pre-coded answers.
It permits wide coverage.
It helps in conducting depth study.

Disadvantages of Questionnaire :

It is reliable and valid, but slow.

Pre-coding questions can deter them from answering.
Pre-coded questions can bias the findings towards the researcher.
Postal questionnaire offer little opportunities to check the truthfulness of the answers.
It can not be used with illiterate and small children.

Interview is particularly appropriate when the researcher wishes to collect data based on:
Emotions, experiences and feelings.
o Sensitive issues.
o Privileged information.
It is appropriate when dealing with young children, illiterates,language difficulty and
limited, intelligence.
It supplies the detail and depth needed to ensure that the questionnaire asks valid
questions while preparing questionnaire.
It is a follow up to a questionnaire and complement the questionnaire.
It can be combined with other tools in order to corroborate facts using a different
It is one of the normative survey methods, but it is also applied in historical,
experimental, casestudies .
Types of Interview :
Structured Interview:
It is like a questionnaire which is administered face to face with a respondent.
This type of interview is rigidly standardized and formal.
Structured interviews are often associated with social surveys where researchers are
trying to collect large volumes of data from a wide range of respondents.
Semi-structured interview:
In semi-structures interview, the interviewer also has a clear list of issues to be
addressed and questions to be answered. There is some flexibility in the order of the
In this type, interviewee is given chance to develop his ideas and speak more widely
on the issues raised by the researcher.
The answers are open-ended and more emphasis is on the interviewee elaborating
points of interest.
Unstructured interview:
In case of unstructured interview, emphasis is placed on the interviewees thoughts.

The researcher introduces a theme or topic and then letting the interviewee develop
his or her ideas and pursue his or her train of thought.
It gives opportunity for in depth investigations if we allow interviewees to speak
their minds is a better way of discovering things about complex issues.

Single interview:
It involves a meeting between one researcher and one informant.
It helps the researcher to locate specific ideas with specific people.
Group interview:
In case of group interview, more than one informant is involved.
Group interviews have several advantages over individual interviews. In particular,
they help to reveal consensus views, may generate richer responses by allowing
participants to challenge one anothers views, may be used to verify research ideas
of data gained through other methods and may enhance the reliability of responses.
The disadvantages of this type of interview is that the views of quieter people does
not come out. Certain members may dominate the talk.
The most disadvantage is that whatever opinions are expressed are acceptable by the
group irrespective of their opinions contrary to it.
Requirements of good interview:
Proper preparation.
Skillful execution
Adequate recording and interpretation.
Advantages of interview:

Depth information
Simple equipments
Information priorities
High response rate

Disadvantages of interview:
Time consuming

Difficult in data analysis

Less reliability
Invasion of privacy
Interviewer effect

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