Minimization The Current Ripple of A Three-Phase Buck+Boost PWM Unity Power Factor Rectifier
Minimization The Current Ripple of A Three-Phase Buck+Boost PWM Unity Power Factor Rectifier
Minimization The Current Ripple of A Three-Phase Buck+Boost PWM Unity Power Factor Rectifier
Johann W. Ko1,ar
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich
Power Electronic Systems Laboratory
ETH-Zentrum / ETI, H22
CH - 8092 Zurich Swit,zerland
phone: +41-1-632 2834, ax: 1-41-1-632 1212
= 400V
= 50Hz
= 23.4kHz
(fN denotes the mains frequency, f,p denotes the pulse frequency). There are different modulation methods available,
which differ concerning
0 switching losses,
1 Introduction
0 input filter capacitor voltage ripple,
In [l]a novel three-phase three-switch buck-type unity power
0 time behavior of the buck+boost inductor current
.factor PWM rectifier with integrated DC/DC boost converter output stage (three-phase buck+boost P W M rec- and concerning the minimum load at which the
tifier) has been presented (cf. Fig. l), which does al0 transition between continuous buck+boost inductor
low to control the output voltage to a constant value of
current (CCM) and discontinuous buck+boost inducUo = 400V within an universal input voltage range of
tor current (DCM) does occur.
UN,I-I= (208. . ,480) Vrms line-to-line [2].
In [4 an optimization of the modulakion scheme concerning
the C side system behavior has been proposed which does
provide a minimum rms value of the input filter capacitor
voltage ripple and minimum switching losses. However, as
a comparison of the size and/or of the weight of the input
filter capacitors and of the buck+boost inductor shows, an
optimization concerning the DC side could be more useful
as compared to an AC side optimization in order to reduce
the size and the weight of the heavy buck+boost inductor
and to increase the specific power i,W/kg). Currently, the
size of the buck+boost inductor is 327 cm31, the input filter
capacitors are approximately 40 % smaller in size. The difference in weight is even more significant: the weight of the
buck+boost inductors is 1500g, the weight of the input filter capacitors is only 300 g. The implemented components
are depicted in Fig. 2(a), Fig. 2(b) shows the relations between size and weight.
In this paper the modulation of the three-phase buck+
Fig. 1: Structure of the power circuit of the three-phase boost PWM rectifier for operation in a wide input voltage
buck+boost PWM rectifier.
range is optimized concerning the buck+boost inductor current ripple, and all theoretical considerations are verified by
The three-phase buck+boost PWM rectifier shows the fol- simulations and by measurements on the DSP-controlled
lowing main advantages:
5kW prototype of the system. It is interesting to note,
that to the knowledge of the authors the ripple of the DC
0 sinusoidal shape of the input currents
output current of a high frequency three-phase buck type
0 resistive fundamental mains behavior
PWM converter has not been considered in the optimization of modulation schemes in the literature so far. (Also
0 possibility of limiting the input current and/or the
current in the buck+boost inductor for mains over- for boost-type systems only a very limited number of papers is available on the analysis of t he ripple of the DC side
quantity, cf. e.g. [3].) In section 2! of the paper the basic
0 high efficiency (up to 77 = 97%)
principle of operation of the three-phase buck+boost PWM
rectifier is described briefly. Sectiom 3 treats the different
0 high power density ( p = 965 W/dm3 or 15.8W/in3).
Furthermore, in contrast to rectifier systems with boost'Dimensions: diameter M 6cm(2.4i11),
height M 6cm(2.4in)
type input stage
Key words: three-phase PWM rectifier, buck type converter, buck+boost inductor, inductor current ripple minimization.
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PCC-Osaka 2002
Fig. 2: Comparison of weight and volume of the input filter
capacitors CF and of the buck+boost inductors L employed in (where IN denotes the amplitude of the mains phase current
the prototype of the 5kW three-phase wide input voltage range
buck+boost PWM rectifier: (a) Physical appearance and (b) (fundamental); U denotes the average value of the output
voltage of the buck input stage, and U N J - 1 denotes the
volume and weight.
Principle of Operation
In the following, the basic principle of operation of the sys~ ( 2 0 8 . ..480)V
tem shown in Fig. 1 is discussed briefly. Based on the in- Considering an input voltage range U N , I -=
vestigation of the conduction states several possibilities for and an output voltage UO = 400V the operating modes
arranging the switching states within one pulse period, re- given in Tab. 1 can be distinguished.
sulting in different modulation methods are analyzed.
Due to the phase symmetry of the converter structure
and based on the assumed symmetry of the mains voltage
Operating Mode
system, the investigation can be limited to a ;-wide interval
(208.. .360) V
0.43. . . 0
of the mains period. In the case at hand we will consider a
combination of the mains phase voltages
(360. . .480) V 0 . 9 . . .0.68
UN,R > 0 > UN,S > U N ~ T
Table 1: Operating modes of the three-phase buck+boost PWM
being valid within the mains angle interval cpu E (0; f ) ,in rectifier for wide in ut voltage range and a controlled output
case the mains voltage U N , is
voltage of UO = 4 0 0 e .
~ defined as
For the characterization of a switching state of the system
we use the combination j = ( S R S S S T ) of the phase switching functions si. There, the switching function does define
the switching state of the corresponding power transistor,
where si = 0 denotes the off-state, and s; = 1 denotes the
on-state. In Fig. 3 the conduction states of the buck stage
are given for the considered mains interval (cf. (1 ).
For achieving a resistive fundamental mains behavior,
i N , ; N U N , ~ and
for neglecting the fundamental of the input filter capacitor currents (iN,i x iu,(l),i)fundamentals
Modulation Methods
There are several possibilities for arranging the system switching states within one pulse half eriod. The resultin
different switching state sequences rmodulation methods7
are depicted in Fig. 4. The active switching states can
either be arranged symmetrically (cf. (l),( 2 ) in Tab. 2 )
or asymmetrically (cf. (3) in Tab. 2 with reference to the
middle of the pulse period, and the ree-wheeling state can
be placed in the middle ( 2 ) or at the beginning and/or
at the end of a pulse half period, respectively (1). The
different modulation methods are given in the following for
a mains interval cpu E (0; E)! for the sake of clearness, the
free-wheeling state is shown in bold face.
If the switching power losses are assumed to be proportional to the switched current I and to the switched voltage,
the modulation methods given in Tab. 2 show a ratio of the
average values of switching power losses within one mains
period of
P ( 1 ) : P(2) : P(3)= 1 : & : 2
for given pulse frequency f p . Accordingly, for equal switching losses pulse frequencies showing a ratio
- 473 -
: f P , ( 2 ) : f P , ( 3 ) = 1 : l/& : 1/2
t,, =o
(101) (110)(000)
(101) (000)
t,, =Tp / 2
Table 2: Different switching state sequences (modulation methods) for the buck input stage within one pulse period. t , denotes
the local time being counted within the pulse period T p , i.e.,
t , E (0,TP).
have to be selected [5].
For each switching state j with on-time 6j, a line-toline voltage is switched to the output of the buck stage. In
Tab. 3 the analytical expressions for the on-times 6j and
for the corresponding instantaneous values of the output
voltage of the buck stage uj are given for a mains phase
voltage condition according to (1).
one pulse period for different modulation methods and deactivated boost stage (6 = 0, Le., u = const. = UO).
The global rms value of the DC current ripple within one Fi 7: Comparison of the results of a simulation (cf. Fi 10)
mains period can now be calculated incorporating the rela- an8 of an analytical calculation of the rms value of the Dd'cuftive on-times 6, and the output voltages uj given in Tab. 3, rent ripple AIrms,(i)for the different modulation methods (i) in
(10) and (12) as well as the condition concerning the pulse case of deactivated boost output stage (6 = 0).
frequencies (7); there the integration (12) can be limited to
a :-wide mains interval and yields
according to (1). One can see immediately, that modulation
method (2) having the freewheeling state in the middle
of one pulse half period does partly provide a lower DC
4240~ M(6OOJ[j 352) M2(45J[j 180a), current ripple. The comparison of Fig. 11 and Fig. 8 again
shows the consistence between analytical calculation and
simulation results.
The envelope of the DC current ripple of modulation
method (3) does approximately equal modulation method
(1) at fp,(3) = 2fp,(l), a figure showing its dependency
on the modulation index M and on the mains angle cpu is
where 6 = 0 at the case at hand. For modulation methods
(2) and (3) one receives for the global rms value of the DC
current ripple
-e J 1 8 0 a
- 90&
- 736M
+ M2(180a - 135&),
L= k
- 475 -
modulation method (1).1 and (1).2 shows, the current ripple is clearly dependent on placing the switching function
of the boost power transistor within the pulse (half) period: placing the active state of the boost power transistor
during the active switching states of the buck input stage
(cf. Fig. 5(b)) results in a rms value of the buck+boost inductor current ripple being M 4.5 times higher in the worst
case as compared to modulation method (l).l,where the
boost stage power transistor turn-on interval is centered
in the freewheeling interval of the buck input stage (cf.
Fig. 5(a)).
Experimental Results
Simulation Results
In Fig. 12 a comparison of the local and global time beThe time behavior of the buck+boost inductor current rip- havior of the buck+boost inductor current ripple Ai beple for the different modulation methods has been analyzed tween simulation results and experimental results is given
PO = 2.5kW,U~,t-t = 440V,8Uo = 400V. There is
by simulation using CASPOCB
with respect to 7) and for
a very good conformity of the simulated and experimenthe global rms value of the DdGLurrent ripple A$r,s,(i) tal waveforms. Accordingly, the sirnulation results and/or
was determined for the wide input voltage range U ~ , t - t= the theoretical considerations can be considered to provide
(208. . ,480) V for an output voltage of UO= 400V by cal- a sufficiently accurate description of the actual circuit beculating the rms value online during the simulation. The re- havior.
sults are normalized using (15) and are compiled in Fig. 10.
Figure 11 shows the simulation results of the time behavior of the buck+boost inductor current ripple Ai for the
different modulation methods for
disabled boost stage: UNJ-1 = 380V, UO = 400V,
i.e., M = 0.9, and for
0 boost converter operating: U N J - ~= 230V, UO =
400V, i.e., M = 0.9 and 6 = 0.4.
Fig. 10: Normalized rms value of the global buck+boost inductor current ripple AIrm8,(;)for the different modulation methods
within a wide input voltage range.
- 476 -
j , l , , , l (1), l
0 01
0 0 2 2 -O- 6 0
0 01
0.6 1
,4 . 4 1
TIME t I s
Fig. 11: Time behavior within one mains period of the normalized current ripple of the different modulation methods for disabled
~ 380V, Uo = 400V (top), and for boost stage
boost output stage (6 = 0) and maximum modulation index M = 0.9 where U N , I - =
operating at b = 0.4 and M = 0.9 where U N , I - ~= 230V,Uo = 400V (below). For modulation method (2) the turn-on interval
of the boost stage power transistor is centered around the middle of each pulse period. For modulation method (3) the turn-on
interval of the boost stage power transistor is placed just before the end of each pulse half period; the switching frequency is twice
the buck stage pulse frequency and therefore is equal to modulation method (1) (cf. (7)).
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