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Code No: 35110

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Code No: 35110 R05 Set No - 1

III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations,Nov/Dec 2009

Common to Instrumentation And Control Engineering, Electronics And
Instrumentation Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. Write about the rotating shaft valves? [16]

2. In a jacketed tank, the temperature of process stream θ1 is preheated to a tem-
perature θ2 by means of steam with temperature θs through the jacket. Assume
that the capacity of the tank wall is negligible and that the temperature inside the
jacket is uniform.
(a) Derive the transfer function of this system to study the temperature response
if the rate of flow of process stream is constant.
(b) Make correction in the transfer function if the rate of flow of the process stream
is also a variable. Also discuss about the time constants for a high flow rate
and a low flow rate. [8+8]
3. (a) Explain the design procedure of feed forward controller.
(b) Discuss the principles of feed back- Augmented feed forward controller. [8+8]
4. (a) What is the importance of ac motor and briefly explain its principle.
(b) Differentiate between ac motor and dc motor.
(c) A stepper motor has 7.50 per step. Find the rpm produced by a pulse rate of
2000 pps on the input. [8+4+4]
5. (a) Say whether heated tank and an immersed thermometer with negligible inter-
action is interacting or non-interacting. Justify your answer.
(b) Write the differential equations and determine the transfer functions individ-
ually for heated tank and thermometer.
(c) Determine the overall transfer function of this combination. How is this trans-
fer function related with the individual transfer function? [3+9+4]
6. (a) Explain briefly the principle of floating controller mode.
(b) Explain the characteristics and applications of floating controller mode.
(c) The rate constant of a single speed floating controller is +4% per second.
Suppose a process error lies within the neutral zone with the controller output
of 25% find the time when the output saturates. [6+5+5]
7. (a) Develop an electronic two position controller with 0-5 volts input and a 0.0 or
10.0 volt output. The set point is 2.5v and the neutral zone is to be 1v about
this setpoint.

Code No: 35110 R05 Set No - 1
(b) A proportional pneumatic controller has equal area bellows. If 3-15 psi signals
are used on input and output, find the ratio of pivot distances that provides
a 25% proportional band. [8+8]

8. (a) A proportional - integral controller is used on a pure time - delay process.

Calculate the response to a step change in load if the controller gain is half
the maximum value and the reset time is half the time delay. Calculate the
integral of the absolute error.
(b) Suggest and explain the control schemes for better control of process with
dead time. [8+8]


Code No: 35110 R05 Set No - 2
III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations,Nov/Dec 2009
Common to Instrumentation And Control Engineering, Electronics And
Instrumentation Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Write the differential equations of the following liquid level process as shown
in figure1a.

Figure 1a
(b) Derive the transfer function H(S) / M(S) of this liquid level process.
(c) What is the order of this system? [7+7+2]

2. Where do you introduce the feed forward and feed back controls? What is the effect
of adding feedback control to the feed forward control system? [16]

3. (a) Differentiate between a “Servo operation” and “Regulator operation”.

(b) Give a typical example for servo operation and explain.
(c) Explain the regulator operation with an example. [4+6+6]

4. Describe with necessary sketches, the principle of the following controllers.

(a) force type pneumatic PI controller.

(b) hydraulic PI controller. [8+8]

5. Explain different types of electrical actuators and give their applications. [16]

6. (a) Determine the controller actions present in the controllers given below figure6a.
Also find the proportional gain, derivative and integral time if they exist.

Code No: 35110 R05 Set No - 2

Figure 6a
(b) A PI controller has Kp =5 and KI =6 sec. Find the controller output for an
error given by ep =4 sin(πt). Also find the phase shift between error and
controller output. [8+8]

7. A heating furnace requires a control valve passing 10gpm preheated light fuel oil
(SP.gr. = 0.8) at full load and only 2 gpm at the smallest heating load. The source
pressure constant at 50psi gage, but there is 10psi drop in the oil pre heater and
20 psi drop at the furnace burner nozzles. Remaining pressure drop occurs only at
control valve when it is fully opened.

(a) Find out control valve size required for the above application.
(b) Find out required rangeability of the valve
(c) Find out characteristic coefficient (α). [6+4+6]

8. (a) What is a self-tuning control? What is parameter estimation as required in a

self-tuning control system?
(b) The level in a tank is controlled by throttling the discharge stream and the
entire pressure drop occurs across the control valve. The flow to the tank
varies over a three-fold range.
i. What type of control valve would permit and almost constant overall gain.
ii. Would the charging time constant of the tank influence the desired gain
and selection of the valve? [6+10]


Code No: 35110 R05 Set No - 3
III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations,Nov/Dec 2009
Common to Instrumentation And Control Engineering, Electronics And
Instrumentation Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) An equal percentage control valve has a range ability of 32. If the maximum
flow rate is 100 ms3 /hr. Find the flow at 2/3 and 4/5 open settings.
(b) Explain
i. quick opening
ii. linear
iii. equal percentage characteristics of a control valve. [8+8]

2. (a) Explain in detail, the realization of proportional-integral action with the aid
of bellows, flapper-nozzle etc.
(b) Draw a three mode electronic controller and derive the expression for the
output voltage. [8+8]

3. (a) Derive the transfer function H(S)/Q(S) for the liquid level system shown below
figure3a. The resistances are linear. H and Q are deviation variables. Derive
the transfer function of the system.

Figure 3a
(b) What modification you have to make in the transfer function if a disturbance
U occurs in inflow.
(c) Write the expression for the response if the above system experiences a step
change in Q. [6+5+5]

4. (a) Is the Thermometer Bulb and well arrangement a non-interacting system?

Justify your answer.
(b) Write the differential equations and determine the transfer function for
Thermometer bulb and well arrangement. [6+10]

Code No: 35110 R05 Set No - 3
5. (a) The area of opening of a valve versus lift is given by A = a + bx2 . Derive the
flow versus lift characteristic for this parabolic valve?
(b) Liquid Glycerin (density 78lb/ft3 ) is require at a maximum flow of 18gpm.
The line drop is 40 psi and the valve pressure drop is 10 psi what size plug
valve is required? [8+8]

6. (a) Explain the principle of different types of discontinuous controller modes with
examples. Mention their applications.
(b) Distinguish between multi position controller mode and floating control mode
with neat sketches. [10+6]

7. (a) State the necessity of split range control for a process.

(b) Explain the principles of split range control for multiple inputs by taking
simple examples. [8+8]

8. (a) What are the different tuning schemes of PID controllers? When do you
propose single loop control schemes?
(b) How are proportional and integral actions realized in a pneumatic controller?
Obtain the transfer function of such a controller. How do you adjust the
integrating time of a PI pneumatic controller? [6+10]


Code No: 35110 R05 Set No - 4
III B.Tech I Semester Supplimentary Examinations,Nov/Dec 2009
Common to Instrumentation And Control Engineering, Electronics And
Instrumentation Engineering
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of cascade control? For what
kind of processes can you employ cascade control? [16]

2. Write short notes on.

(a) Sliding stem Valves

(b) Rotating shaft Valves. [8+8]

3. (a) Explain the baffle - Nozzle system with the help of its characteristic curves.
(b) Explain the pneumatic booster and what is its need.
(c) Differentiate between direct and reverse action final control operation.[6+6+4]

4. (a) Determine the transfer function for the following interacting flow system as
shown in figure4a.

Figure 4a
(b) Obtain the effective time constants of this interacting system. [8+8]

5. (a) Give one example for Interacting first order elements in series.
(b) Write the differential equation for this combination and determine the transfer
(c) Comment on the transfer function. [3+10+3]

6. (a) A two position controller is used to open and close a fill valve with an open flow
2cub.met./min in to a 5m diameter cylindrical tank. The tank has a constant
outflow of 1cub.met./min. The level in the tank has to be maintained at a
setpoint of 12m with neutral zone of 1m.
i. Calculate the cycling period.
ii. Plot the level vs time graph.
(b) Distinguish between continuous & discontinuous controller modes. [12+4]

Code No: 35110 R05 Set No - 4
7. (a) Explain with a neat sketch, the working principle of a displacement type pneu-
matic proportional controller. Discuss the effect of adding the negative feed-
(b) With necessary diagrams, describe a hydraulic integral controller. Explain
how integral time can be adjusted. [8+8]

8. (a) What is a optimum - tuning control? What are its different approaches?
(b) How are the interactions in control being channelized to optimize the control
action in a boiler? [8+8]


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