Project NPCIL
Project NPCIL
Project NPCIL
MBA (2015)
Enrolment No 20140837
This is to certify that the work entitled Implementation of Recruitment and Selection in
NAPS .is a piece of research work done by Miss Priyanka Chandra under my guidance &
Supervision. for the degree of MBA from Mangalayatan University Aligarh. I
Certified that the candidate has put 45 days in industry training at NARORA ATOMIC
To the best of knowledge and belief the report:
1. Embodies the work of the candidate herself.
2. Has duly been completed.
3. Fulfils the requirement of the Ordinance relating to the MBA degree of the
University and
4. Up to the standard both in respect of contents and language for being referred to
the examiner
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For the compulsory vocational training for my course i.e. MBA I have
selected NAPS
[NARORA ATOMIC POWER STATION]. It is a repudiated public sector unit under the
DEPARTMENT OF ATOMIC ENERGY engaged in generation of electricity through
Atomic energy. During my training I have been associated with the different sections
human resource department of NAPS and learned how these departments works.
Firstly, I would like to thanks station director & training superintendent NAPS, who
permitted me to complete my training project at prestigious organization of India i.e. NAPS.
I would like to extend my thanks to MR Rajesh Kumar Sr. Manager HRM for his valuable
time & guidance.
I am very thankful to NAPS station management for extending me a chance to do the project
work on human resource management areas of NAPS at their plant site.
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This report has in accordance with the Mangalayatan University, Beswan, Aligarh for
the M.B.A.
For the training I have selected Narora Atomic Power Station (NAPS) a unit of Nuclear
Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL). It is a reputed electricity generating company.
Though in power sector India has achieved a remarkable improvement, even then we are
producing only 25% - 30% of electricity of our requirement. In this situation the role of
nuclear power station becomes important as far as availability of raw material is concerned in
comparison to other sources of generation of electricity. The reputed status, latest
technology, bright future, good working environment etc. are some important factors which
has forced me to select a nuclear power station for getting on the job training.
During my training I have been associated with different areas of human resource department
of Narora atomic power station (NAPS) and learned about how to bridge gap between
theoretical knowledge and practical working. Mainly I have experienced the working of
different HR sections.
I would like to extend my thanks to the station authority and human resource officers.
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S. No.
Research papers
1. NPCIL, an introduction.....9-18
2. NAPS, an introduction 19-20
Objective of NAPS... 21
Staff of NPCIL with category.......................22
3. Identification of the organization.29
4. Objective of the study ...30
5. Hypothesis...30
6. Research methodology..31
Research design...32
Sampling design...32
Source of data ......32
Data collection tools/instruments..32
Method of data collection ..32
Tools and techniques ..33
Analyses of data ..33
7. Introduction of human resource 34-37
8. Department in NPCIL..38
Establishment section..39
General administration...40
Public section..41-42
Estate management section.43
Legal section..44
Human resource management section..45
9. Recruitment procedure in NPCIL..46-61
10. Selection procedure in NPCIL.62-64
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For every organization it is important to have a right person on a right job.
Recruitment, selection and career growth plays a vital role in this situation. Shortage
of skill and the use of new technology are putting considerable pressure on how
employees go about recruitment and selecting staff it is recommended to carry out a
strategic analysis of recruitment, selection and career growth.
This project is being prepared to put the light on employee satisfaction regarding of
NAPS, and to find the need of revised methodology for recruitment, selection, career
growth by helping eye on employees point of view.
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The Atomic Energy Commission was reconstituted in 1958 with full executive and
financial powers. The major functions and activities of the DAE are Nuclear Power
Programme, Research and Development, Industrial and Mineral Sector Development,
Regulation and Safety and the management of the public Sector Undertakings set up
under DAE.
The responsibility for implementation of the Nuclear Power Programme was
entrusted to the erstwhile Power Projects Engineering Division
(PPED) which was later converted into the Nuclear Power Board (NPB) and now the
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL).
NPCIL was incorporated as a public limited company wholly owned by the
Government of India under the Companies Act 1956 and commenced its business
with effect from September 17, 1987.
The board of director manages the company. In forming the company in1987, all the asset
(with the exception of RAPS -1) of NPB were transferred to NPCIL with 50 percent of the
assets being treated as equity and the remaining as loan in perpetuity from the Government.
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RAPS-1, being the first pressurised heavy water, reactor, was retained by NPCIL on behalf
of DAE.The composition of the NPCIL Board of Directors is broad based .it includes
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This figures illustrates capacities, numbers and approximate locations of nuclear power
In Operation - 21 Units - 5,780 MW under Commissioning & Construction - 6 Units - 4,300
MW Proposed Projects
Rawatbhata (Rajasthan)
Kalpakkam (Tamil Nadu)
Gorakhpur (Haryana)
Jaitapur (Maharashtra)
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Nuclear power generation utilizes the heat energy from the atomic fission of natural uranium
U-235 to produce steam. This steam in turn drives the turbo generator to produce electricity.
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Petroleum prices are escalating. The amount of coal required for 400Mwe power generation
is of the order of 5x106 kgs per day. Whereas a nuclear power station of the same capacity
needs only 200 kg of atomic fuel per day. Transportation of coal of such magnitude over long
distances is not economical.
Several years ago, the DAE has selected heavy water moderated natural uranium reactors as
the type with the greatest promise under Indian conditions. Reactors of this type use fuel
available within the country & do not require large capital and operating outlays for fuel
enrichment. With collaboration of Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL), who had
considerable experience in the design and operation of such reactors at the time, a research
reactor CIRCUS was built which provided the required operating experience for the
personnel and confidence for the management .Nuclear power plants are considerably more
expensive to build than alternative thermal plants. To be economic they must therefore
operate at high capacity factor throughout their lifetime. But to command high utilization,
any plant must have low operating costs. In this connection, the low fuelling cost of heavy
water natural uranium reactors are of major economic importance, and are expected to result
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in lower operating costs that can be achieved either in conventional thermal plants or other
The strategy adopted for Indian nuclear power program is that heavy water power
reactors using natural uranium would produce power and plutonium in the first stage.
The plutonium produced from these reactors would be used to set up high breeding ratio
fast reactors to produce additional power and plutonium in the second stage.
In the third stage thorium would be utilized in both the fast and the thermal reactors,
which would give unlimited source of power. Consequently it was decided to build twin
PHWR (pressurized heavy water reactor) type of power reactors.
The site is selected by a high-powered committee, based on the need of electrical power, the
potential for industrial expansion, availability of large quantities of water and less population.
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Achieve installed capacity of 20,000 Mw by the year 2020.
"To develop nuclear power technology and to produce nuclear
power as a safe, environmentally benign and economically
viable source of electrical energy to meet the increasing
electricity needs of the country."
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1. To maximize the power generation and profitability from nuclear power stations in
operation with a motto of achieving the excellence in "safety first and production
2. To increase nuclear power generation capacity in the country consistent with available
resources in a safe, economical and rapid manner in keeping with the growth of energy
demand in the country.
3. To continue and strengthen QA activities relating to nuclear power program within the
organisation and those associated with it.
4. To develop personnel at all levels through an appropriate Human Resources
Development (HRD) program in the organisation with a view to further improving their
skills and performance consistent with the high technology operations.
5. To continue and strengthen the environmental protection measures relating to nuclear
power generation.
6. To continue and strengthen the public awareness programmes for enhancing and
improving the public perception for Nuclear Power in the country.
7. To share appropriate technological skills and expertise at national and international
8. To bring about modernization and technological innovation in its activities.
9. To explore and promote participation of Indian Industry, SEB's and PSUs in the nuclear
power capacity addition programme by forming Joint Venture Projects.
10. To coordinate and endeavour to keep the sustained association
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(i) DGM/Sr.Manager
(ii) Manager
(iii) Deputy Manager
(iv) Asstt. Manager
(v)SRA-2,SRA-1(Sr. Asstt)
(vi)AG-3, AG-2, AG-1 (Assistant Grade)
(vii) Stenographer.
2. Technical Staff -
3. Auxiliary Staff-
Power minister awarded the Merit Certificate for Good Performance for the year
2000-2001 and 2003-2004.
Station was awarded AERB industrial safety award for the year 2001, 2002 and 2004
by atomic energy regulatory board of India.
Safety Innovation Award 2005- instituted by safety and quality forum, the institution of
engineers (India).
Green tech safety gold award by Green tech foundation of India
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Narora Atomic Power Station (NAPS), a unit of Nuclear Power Corporation of India
Limited (NPCIL), engaged in generation of electricity from Nuclear Energy at Narora, is
committed to perform all its Station operations with high degree of technical competence
and poised fail safe systems to ensure paramount safety at par with International Safety
To maximize safety at all levels and at all stages in day-to-day Station activities.
To adhere to commitments made in International Conventions on Nuclear Safety.
To maintain effective communication, supervision and control for enhancing. Safety
NPCIL is committed to:
Comply with applicable safety regulations & legislations
Regular identification and assessment of Station Safety requirements.
Extensive orientation and appropriate training to employees and others involved in
Appropriate safety awareness to surrounding community.
Ensuring adequate use of suitable personal protective equipment during work at NAPS.
Supervision & Monitoring for compliance of safe practices.
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NAPS, a unit of Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL), engaged in
generation of electricity from nuclear energy at Narora, is committed to perform all its station
operation with high degree of technical competence and poised fail safe systems to ensure
paramount safety at par with international safety standards.
Quality objectives:
To maximize customer satisfaction at all levels.
To attain and maintain high technical competence and professional standards.
To provide continuous, efficient and effective services.
NAPS is committed to:
Implement the policy and achieve quality objectives.
Practice and maintain a documented quality system.
Constantly endeavor to upgrade the knowledge and skills of employees.
Provide a participative work environment to foster excellence and teamwork.
Regular evaluation and improvement of quality in station operations and services.
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NAPS is engaged to put continual efforts in reduction of collective radiological doses to
occupational radiation workers and the public.
To minimize the external and internal radiological doses of occupational radiation
workers, to as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA).
NAPS is committed to:
Any job in radioactive area shall be carried out only if there is a net positive benefit.
All jobs in radioactive areas shall be planned before hand.
Individual doses shall be reviewed daily and suitable actions, if required, shall be
initiated for further reduction of dose.
All individuals shall observe the prevailing instructions on radiological safety.
Routinely carry out training and re-training of occupational radiation workers.
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The GOAL of maintenance i.e. SAFE, RELIABLE and EFFICIENT operation of equipment is only
possible when maintenance policy is understood and effectively Implemented by all maintenance
personnel in consistent manner. This policy is to assure the quality of maintenance work and
required reliability of performance of the equipment. It covers the maintenance activities and forms
the basis of adequate maintenance programme.
Maintenance Objectives:
Have effective maintenance organization and administration.
Have better work control.
Conduct of maintenance in effective and efficient manner.
Up to date maintenance facility and equipment.
Have effective material management.
Energy conservation.
Have effective control of modification work process.
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This is study focouses on the stoudy of Recruitment and Selection in NAPS which involve
the process ,and effectivness of recruitment and selection in NAPS
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To know the working of the human resource department of NAPS.
To study the recruitment procedure in NAPS.
To study the Selection process in NAPS.
To explore the effectiveness of the present day facilities provided by NAPS.
To suggest areas in which improvement is required in Recruitment and selection.
Null hypothesis (Ho): Recruitment and Selection process is no significance.
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The methodology employed for the study of the project Implementation of Recruitment &
Selection in NAPS is through the collection of primary and secondary data.
Primary data is obtained through the observation, interviews and discussion with the
officers of the NAPS.
Secondary data is derived from the published and unpublished sources, like company
publications such as annual reports, annual plan, magazines and publications from
Department of Atomic Energy and Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited.
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Descriptive research design is a scientific method which involves observing and describing
the behaviour of a subject without influencing it in any way. Descriptive research is used to
obtain information concerning the current status of the phenomena to describe what exists
with respect to variables or conditions in a situation.
The methods involved range from the survey which describes the status quo, the correlation
study which investigates the relationship between variables, to developmental studies which
seek to determine changes over time.
Main advantage of choosing this design in our project is that the subject is being observed in
a completely natural and unchanged natural environment.
To understand the recruitment and selection process and what the employees really feels
about the recruitment and selection process they have undergone and further what kind of
recruitment process they look for .
Simple random sampling
Source of data is both primary and secondary collected here.
Data was collected by survey method and by reviewing the published literature that includes
official documents of the NAPS and questionnaires were also distributed to the employees to
get the data. And help by Pie chart
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The Questionnaire
Keeping in view the objective of the study, questionnaire was designed and tested on few
employees. After getting the proper response and sanction from the concerned department
the questionnaire was finalized.
Personal Interview
We have gathered information through personal interview from the person of HR department
of the company. Many questions regarding the performance management in the company
was asked.
The secondary data was gathered from the books related to H.R NPCIL HR BOOK, NPCIL
website, Annual plan, Magazines & publication from DAE & NPCIL/NAPS.
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Management today has become the most significant part of an organization and it is the basic
function for the application of technology and utilization of human and material resources in
industry. Employee development in public sector undertakings is very important growth. In
view of the huge investments in PSEs by the Government the performance in Public Sectors
will have a telling effect on the socio economic growth of the Nation. Organisational set up
of Public Sector Undertakings should be planned and streamlined keeping in view the
following national objectives of he Public Sector.
To promote economic development and growth.
To promote self-reliance in strategic sectors and diversify the economy.
To reduce regional and social imbalances.
To generate surplus for reinvestment.
These objectives can be achieved only when each of the public Sector Units are
converted into profit centres, which is the primary goal of the industry.
The attainment of the goal is only possible through HRD, which in other words means
achieving perfection in all areas of operation.
In a dynamic and fast changing world, organisations also have to be dynamic.
Organisations would like to grow in various ways and possess ability
to respond to
its environment and may even like to have considerable impact on them. To be able
to do these, they should be able to induce dynamism through developing human
capabilities by applying HRM (Human Resources Management) strategies to personnel
Development strategies to personnel practices. HRM system aims at developing and
enabling capabilities of people in the organization.
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Human Resource Management is a process not merely a set of mechanism and techniques. It
is needed by any organization / industry that want to be dynamic and growth oriented in fast
changing environment and technological advancement. Organisations can become dynamic
and grow only through the efforts and competencies of their human resources.
The existing systems of the personal management functions in the PEs have been reviewed
with a view to improve the effectiveness of the system by emphasizing HRM approach to
these systems.
Development of Human Resources.
The organizational health and self-renovating capabilities (i.e. attitudes, knowledge,
skill values) and industrial climate.
Better utilization of manpower.
To improve quality work life.
To improve the feeling of commitment and involvement i.e. Total employees
To improve productivity.
To achieve the HRM objectives in the PSUs have included following mechanisms:
Performance Appraisal.
Potential Appraisal and development.
Career Planning and Manpower Planning.
Succession Planning, job rotation.
Incentive Schemes, Suggestion schemes, Employee welfare.
Quality of work life, Training.
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HRM involves long-term perspective, which visualizes change through involvement and
ownership of such changes by the participants. The HRM takes a positive view of the people
and their potential and tries to foster a climate conductive to growth and development.
Hence its scope is vivid to different fields and it fast changing up management principles.
Following will be the advantages after implementing the HRM system:
Improvement in productivity.
Improvement in capabilities of the employees.
Motivation factor will be high.
Performance and potential appraisal system will improve.
Creation of opportunities for advancement.
Improvement in performance related reward systems.
Human Resource Management (HRM) itself becomes very broad based as stated by
enthemkuzhy wherein it is process undertaken to promote, the intellectual, more
psychological cultural social and economic development of the individual so as to help him
to achieve hi9s highest human potential as resources for the country. It means a total all
round development of the person so that he can contribute his best to the community and the
nation. HRM is undoubtedly a universal panacea.
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The employee in this section maintains the record of around each and every employee. They
maintain the record of the employee personnel information plus whatever, benefits he has
acquired out of the organization in terms of schemes published by the NPCIL. These records
are maintained in two books i.e.
SERVICE BOOK: The service book contains the permanent entries about the employee
career progression details, the increment details, LTC availed by an employee, insurance
details and all important events taking place during the service period.
PERSONAL BOOK/FILE: This file contains the particulars of an employee i.e. their biodata, permanent and temporary addresses and all the papers an employee has submitted to the
organization for fulfilling various terms and conditions and availing facilities.
The establishment section also administers the different schemes of NAPS for its employees
such as
Manpower plant
Administration audit or HR audit
service Book
pay fixation
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This section provides general facilities to the employees. The most important being medical
facilities. DAE provides medical facilities to all its employees under the CHSS (contributory
health services scheme) rule. The main functions of the general section are as follows Allotment of government quarters to employees.
Maintaining discipline.
Issuing dress, shoes etc. to the employees.
Taking disciplinary actions if the employees are found doing misconducts.
Issuing medical card to employees.
The general administration the different schemes of NAPS for its employees
such as
Medical facilities under Chss rule (naps)
Chss scheme
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Public relations and welfare activity are embedded part of the personnel
Public relation covers the area related with personals engaged with organization as well as
outside of the organization, which involves liaison work and co-ordination etc. welfare
activities are being provided in this organization.
Unions / associations
Grievance handling
Dispute settlement
Contract labors
Workmans compensation
Monitoring activities
Health and family welfare
Recreation, sports and cultural activities
Transport facility
Canteen and hostel
Marketing, banking, postal facilities etc.
Amenities co-operative
Security organization and planning
Standing order
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Estate Management is an important section in an organization. Every organization has an aim
to get maximum out of its employees. For this purpose it gives many facilities to them so
that, they can live happily and work happily. One of the important facilities is to provide
accommodation. Estate management does the job of providing accommodation to its
Accommodation Criteria:
For providing accommodation there are two factors, which are considered. One is type of
accommodation & another is eligibility of employees. When we talk of the type of
accommodation, area and facilities in a type of accommodation are considered. In the other
hand to consider the eligibility of employees their pay, date of joining, date of becoming
eligible for certain type of accommodation, date of birth and the important factors that are
considered. While considering accommodation for an employee his eligibility and type of
accommodation are correlated
Diary means to receive the dak of different place, make entry about it in a register, get it
sorted out and distributed among recipient. On the other hand in the work of dispatch, the dak
is entered in to a register, after that posted stamps are pasted on the dak which send to the out
of station places. It is send through post office, private courier. the dak meant for different
section of the organization are delivered by hand & it does not need and postage stamp.
At NAPS entries about received dak & the dak meant for dispatch are made in computer,
instead of paper & register besides posting of postage stamps on the dak to be dispatch is
done through with a machine called Franking machine.
Liveries are the general facilities given to the employee besides the salary. Such as dresses,
safety shoes, soaps, socks etc.
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Recruitment is one of the most critical and important functions of HR in any organization
because unless the right types of people are hired, even the best plans of the organization will
not succeed. It is a linking activity bringing together those with jobs and those seeking jobs.
It is the first stage in the process, which continues with selection and ceases with the
placement of the candidate.
In NAPS the recruitment section carries out the procedures for the promotion of the of the
employees, pay fixation, issue of confidential reports, reservation matters etc. Recruitment
procedure starts from HRP i.e. Human Resource Planning.
Human resource planning is the process of getting the right number of qualified people into
right job at the right time.
Planning is a process of preparing a set of decisions for action in the future. Human resource
planning may then be interpreted as a process of preparing a set of decisions on human
resources development for action by human resources in future.
Micro level Human Resource planning is made at the enterprise or company level. At this
level the forecasts are needed for planning recruitment, promotion and training. Forecasts
will have to be in greater details as well as precise. A well-defined manpower information
system built up on the basis of personal history record of each individual employee is a prerequisite for making detailed and precise forecasts at the company level.
contributes to the objectives of the Organisation in which the function or discipline has a
Level of a Post:
The post is created at the optimum level so that it gives the job just the required
representation for maximum effectiveness towards achieving function and Organisation goals
in an effective manner.
Classification of posts
Posts in the Company have been classified into three Groups, as below:SN
Grade Pay
Group A
Group B
Group C
7600, 6600, 5400
5400 4800, 4600,
2800,2400, 2000,
1900, 1800
Number of Posts:
Creation of adequate number of posts, in both quality and quantity is the pre-requisite for
quality, safety, reliability and economy in the Corporation. But over-manning would
adversely affect all the above objectives.
Time of Creation:
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The posts are created for approved work programs and operated at the time considering the
lead-time for recruitment, training and work schedules.
Job Description and Job Specification:
The posts are created to match identified job descriptions with the skills and qualifications
needed by the person who is to perform it as part of an assigned work programme.
Long Term Implication of Creation of Post:
The creation of a post is to be seen in the context of long-term implication in regard to
upward reporting structures, career planning or a chain down series of posts. Cost of
recruitment or redeployment or transfer and training required for filling at the lowest level is
to be compared with costs and advantages of creation and filling with the appropriate persons
at the higher levels.
Career Planning:
The proposal for creation of posts should be scrutinised for its impact on the career plans of
the proposed incumbent, his future growth prospects as well as those of superior, peer and
subordinate levels. The intention is to see if the new function has wide enough range for
future growth and if not whether the job envisaged could be clubbed with an existing
function or discipline for common career growth. The decision to create posts includes an
examination of whether the post would result in maximum long-term benefits to the
Organisation as well as to the job incumbent.
Role of the Corporate Directorate/Group:
The corporate directorates or groups have their own yardstick to decide the utility of a post
for the corresponding group at the unit. The Annual plan proposal for creation of posts is thus
referred to a nodal agency, i.e. The HRD group which has an expert cell processes the
proposal for a decision for approval or otherwise of the competent authority.
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Creation of a new or additional post is subject to strict scrutiny to keep control on costs
of the work force and to avoid overstaffing in the long run. The Annual HR plan is
derived from the overall standard sanction of posts and acts as a control mechanism for
this purpose. Suitable and timely feedbacks are given to the unit for economising on
Administrative Controls:
Administrative audit and corrective action at periodic interval will ensure compliance with
the prescribed procedures. The purpose of the manpower control measures can be nullified if
a close watch is not maintained on overtime worked and the casual labour employed. Such
data are made available to the HRD group for correlation with proposals for creation of posts
and for consideration by the respective corporate directorates/groups.
Objective of creating posts is to meet the needs for additional manpower as approved and to
ensure that the Organisation is run with optimum manpower. Need for additional manpower
may arise because of expansion plans/new job requirements.
Powers for creation of posts are delegated to board of directors, managing director and
executive director.
Conditions of Delegation
No posts shall be created unless there already exists a post of similar character on a scale
of pay approved by Central Government.
No post shall be created retrospectively but this condition does not apply to creation of
scientific and technical posts to cover promotions made under the merit promotion
The authority to authorise actual operation of the post created with due approval may be
vested in the unit head in respect of posts in Groups B, C, D and Group A with CMD.
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Government guidelines and directives should be strictly followed as and when they are
issued. Approval of MD/CMD is required for filling up vacant posts in all groups where there
is a ban.
needs norms.
Recruitment rules will cover the following aspects.
Designation and classification of posts, duration, scale of pay and mode of filling up of
the posts such as by direct recruitment, promotion, deputation and absorption.
Qualification, age, experience, length of service etc.
Reservation for specified categories, such as SCs/STs, OBCs handicapped personnel,
etc., and exemption from reservation.
General conditions imposed by the constitution of India such a domicile, bigamous
Promotional avenues.
Appointing authority.
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Recruiting authority.
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Forwards the Screening Committee Report to Appointing Authority and have the Minutes
of the Committee approved.
Identify appropriate Selection Committee and take further action.
Conduct the selection and prepare panel.
Selection Committee Minutes to be approved by Appointing Authority and clearance for
release of offers of appointment to be obtained.
Carry out the verification of C&A and SSQ.
Issue of offer and conduct Medical Examination.
Complete joining formalities.
Determine the postings.
Issue orders.
Proposals for extension/ reemployment of service beyond the age of superannuating should
not be ordinarily considered.
Extension/ reemployment of service can be justified only in very rare and exceptional
circumstances. Even in such cases, 62 years of age should be the deadline. The overriding
Consideration for the grant of extension / reemployment of service is that it must be clearly
in public interest and in addition satisfy one of the following two conditions:
Those other officers are not ripe enough to take over the job.
That the retiring officer is of outstanding merit.
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) conducts following training programmes/ Courses
at their Training School.
Graduate Engineering Training
Orientation Course for Engineering Post Graduates (OCEP)
Scientific Assistant Training in Health Physics.
After the training these trainees are absorbed to various Department of Atomic Energy
(DAE) organizations, including NPCIL.
The Corporation has the following three stipendiary training programmes/courses for
induction of operation and maintenance personnel who need adequate technical training prior
to actual positioning on jobs.
Engineer Trainee
Category I trainees (Diploma Holders)
Category II Trainees (Operator Trainees)
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Certificate to be produced:
A person claiming to belong to SC/ST should produce a certificate in the prescribed form
signed by any District Magistrate/ Additional District Magistrate/ Collector/ Deputy
Commissioner/ Additional Deputy
Commissioner / Deputy Collector/ I Class Stipendiary Magistrate/ Sub-Divisional Magistrate
(not below the rank of I Class Stipendiary Magistrate)/ Taluka Magistrate/Executive
Magistrate/Extra-Assistant Commissioner.
SC candidate to intimate change of religion:
Every SC member should immediately inform the appointing authority in the event of any
change of his/her religion.
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Method of recruitment
% of reservation
100-point roster
applicable to the
post-based roster
respective States
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Land affected persons are also known as Project Affected Persons (PAPs). PAPs are those
whose lands/houses/other immovable properties are acquired by the Project/Department for
establishing the Power Station, exclusion zone and associated facilities.
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Towards the rehabilitation of PAPs no assurance shall be given that the one person of
each family of project affected persons would be engaged. The titleholder of the land/house,
his spouse and dependants form a family. But preference in employment will be given for
PAPs for Group C & D posts. Group A & B posts shall be filled on all India basis through
open advertisements. It may be noted that relaxation in recruitment norms should not be
granted to candidates from PAPs and it is irregular to consider more than one member per
family in the preferred category of a PAP.
Reservation admissible only to those falling under the groups (b), (c) and (d) above.
The minimum degree of disability for any concession is 40%.
Applicable to all grades/services, for direct recruitment and in promotions where the element
of direct recruitment does not exceed 75%.
Percentage of reservation.
Three percent @ 1% for each of the three categories.
Inter se exchange.
If a candidate of a particular category is not available or if the nature of vacancy is such that
a given category cannot be employed, the vacancy may be exchanged for a vacancy against
another, among the 3 categories.
Carry forward of reservation.
Unfilled reserved vacancies will be carried forward to the next block in the same year first.
Unfilled vacancies at the end of the year will be carried forward to the three subsequent
Relaxations and Concessions. Age. For Groups C&D posts/services 10year for recruitment through Employment
Exchange For Groups A&B posts/services 10 year for recruitment through
Open Competitive examinations and 5 years in other cases. In respect of SC/ST/OBC
candidates, this is over and above the admissible relaxation.
Fee. -Candidates are exempted from examination fee/application fee for competitive
examination and selection.
Standards in direct recruitment/promotion. - Same as for SC/ST, i.e., those not in the
merit list can also be considered if they are not found unfit. But no relaxation in
Transport allowance. Admissible in lieu of conveyance allowance.
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Entry Pay in the revised pay structure for direct Recruits appointed
PB-1 (Rs 5200-20200)
Grade pay
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The Candidates who Cracks the rounds of the Test and there fitness is positive in the fitness
test round. Then they are selected for the job in the organization.
There are 2 types of committee in the NPCIL after selection they are continue
Screening Committee.
Selection Committee.
Screening Committees for different groups of employees shall be constituted by
CMD for Group A posts.
Concerned Directors for Group B non-technical posts.
Head of units for group C&D posts. But the Corporate Office gives broad guidelines.
Size of the Screening Committee shall be generally 5 members. Objective of the Screening
Committee is the check the applications for determining the applicant who fulfil the
advertised norms.
Constituting authority of Selection Committee for different groups of employees are the
same as that of Screening Committee. Selection Committee is responsible for the recruitment
of right candidate for the organisation. Size of the Selection Committee shall be generally 5
members. One or two outside experts are also called from outside organisations. It is
mandatory to have one member belonging to SC/ST community and one member from
minority community.
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Approval of the Appointing Authority is required before making offer of appointment.
An offer of appointment will be issued in all cases of direct recruitment incorporating
the standard terms and conditions after the verification of character and antecedents. The
letter of offer of appointment will contain the important terms and conditions, e.g.,
designation, scale of pay of the post, (probation) provision for termination with notice during
the period of service.
The letter of offer of appointment should be sent by Registered Post Acknowledgement Due
giving a reasonable time, say, a fortnight, for acceptance and reporting for duty.
exceptional cases, permission for extension of time for joining may be given at the request of
the candidate.
Engineer trainees are required to execute a bond as prescribed binding themselves for
service of three years after absorption. Category I trainees (Diploma holders) and category II
trainees (Operator trainees) are required to execute a bond as prescribed binding themselves
for service of 5 years after absorption.
Production of Medical Certificate is necessary in the following cases.
In all cases of initial appointment (including part-time), except for those not exceeding three
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For persons initially appointed for three months or less but continued beyond in the same
office or at another office.
For persons re-employed after resignation (other than technical resignation), or after
forfeiture of past service.
Appropriate medical authority for conducting the medical examination for all posts is the
DAE/NPCL hospital authorities.
JOINING TIME- Usually one month joining time is given at the time of offer of
appointment. Extension of joining time is granted in deserving cases.
Following forms has to be filled by the new recruited employees at the time of joining.
Acceptance to the offer of appointment
Employee Information
Joining Report
Other Form
Hometown Declaration
Declaration form for movable/ immovable property.
CHSS Forms
PF Forms
HRA Form
Residential Address Form
Identity Card Form
Transport Pass Form
DAE-FRS (family relief scheme)
Group insurance
Application form for allotment of residential
Nomination Forms for-Gratuity, Provident fund, Insurance
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1. Are attempt made to fill jobs from within their department prior to
communicating their availability to other employees?
Can't say
Can't say
Page | 65
2. Does the human resources department have published policy regarding when to
fill jobs internally and externally?
Can't say
Can't say
Page | 66
3. Have all people who interview candidates been trained in proper Interviewing
Can't say
Can't say
Page | 67
Can't say
Can't say
Page | 68
Can't say
Can't say
Page | 69
6. Have all employees involved in the employment process been made aware of
appropriate legislation and regulation?
Can't say
Can't say
Page | 70
7. Are required employment notices posted on a bulletin board in the hiring area
and ,
If applicable, on the organizations web site?
Can't say
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Page | 73
10. What are your recruitment and suggestions regarding the current recruitment
Employees feedback regarding the question is following .
Many Employees NO comments regarding the Feedback.
Other employee comments are following.
Requirements procedure OK
Present procedure OK
This process kindly import cal lance OK
Define process should be encouraged keeping in view the time constrain.
Page | 74
Here I have found that there are good hormonal relationship between management and
employee. They are concerned for their human assets .It provides a participative work
environment to foster excellence and teamwork .It focuses on the regular evaluation and
improvement of quality in the station operation & services. As it is a sensitive plant it is
following safety norms under AERB (Atomic Energy of Regularity Board)
After the studying the performance Appraisal in NAPS. I have found that it is non bias & if
any employees CR is average or fair then he or she is inform with reason & they get chance
to improve it. Here Carrier progression is totally based on Confidential Report.
Good thing in confidential Report that task is defined for next year & employee can improve
his or her performance by completing task because they have full knowledge about his/her
As the slogan goes safety first and production next, so obviously safety measures are taken
with utmost care on account of this naps won many safety awards for strictly adopting the
safety rules/norms. NPCIL is concerned for its social responsibility .it gives chance to poor
children in Narora for better education career progression .it organizes time to time health
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As according to study it is clear that all the employees are satisfied with their pay structure,
promotion opportunities are available.. Their senior encourage them for good work, boss
accepts their suggestions, if suggestion is beneficial to the organization.
Every section has good teamwork & properly planned work system. Employees have good
relationship with their colleagues as well as with management. Employees are quality
conscious, they always look for better ways of doing the work & they keep on putting new
ideas of doing their job, which motivate them to do more work or better work. Employees are
satisfied with the prevailing working conditions.
According to majority of employees existing motivational factors are enough to improve the
performance level but NAPS must bring some changes in their motivational process like in
training programmed, promotion policy & job rotation process & must conduct quality circle
process regularly to discuss the problem.
In overall employees at NAPS are enjoying good quality of work life, they are enjoying their
work, satisfied with all the benefits & working condition prevailing at NAPS.
An organization that fulfills mostly all the physiological, social, safety & self-esteemed needs
of their employees.
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Then again in this section was held during 01/07/2015-03/07/2015. Because this important
part for us.
After the completion of training programme in HRS my training got started in establishment
section and its time period was from 04/07/2015 - 09/07/2015.
Here I came to know about works which are described as follows Leave travel concession(LTC)
In LTC employees get facility to travel and to visit different visit different places.
LeaveWe came to know about different kinds of leave of NPCIL /NAPS. There were different
kinds of leave like Commuted leave, half earned leave, casual leave, special casual leave,
extraordinary leave, paternity leave, maternity leave, retirement.
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Communication system may be improved, so that all employees may be acquainted with
various rules and regulations of the organization and know the benefits available to them.
. There may be better set-up, more space and better furniture for the employees so that
they may be able to perform more efficiently.
. NAPS may bring some changes in their motivational processes like on the job training,
promotion policy, job rotation and must conduct quality circle process regularly in order
to retain employees and lower the recruitment cost.
NPCIL may go for campus interviews and job fair and advertisement should also be
posted on various job sites to get more suitable employees
. It may also go for internal recruitment process. There may help the company to reduce
cost of recruitment, retain talent and experience in the company.6. NPCIL may explore
campus selection also
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The sample size was small and hence the results can have a degree of variation.
Due to pre-occupations concerned officials could not be available at the time of survey
Time and other factors which are beyond the human limitations have also a bearing on
the study
The response of the employees in giving information may not be correct.
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As a management student, if I consider overall experience at NPCIL/NAPS it was fantastic. I
learned and came to know many different and new things which were apart from the bookish
knowledge. I saw the strict culture and rules of NPCIL/NAPS as it is a sensitive organization
related to atomic power and main things which I learned in this strict culture was that how
that culture was maintained by the employees and their loyal adoption towards work in such
a working environment.
My all training guides of different sections were very cooperative and helpful their
method of teaching and discussing about different works was very good. Though mostly in
fact a large proportion of employees of this organization were very senior persons with very
high experience but they never let us feel their attitude as per with the designation they we
beholding. If I talk about the example of my guide Mr. Rajesh Kumar who took my classes
of HRS. He was HR manager but his way of talking, teaching was outstanding. He always
uses to ask me many times that I have understood about the particular topic or section clearly
or not.
I am totally satisfied with my training programme at NPCIL/NAPS and I really
enjoyed my summer internship in this organization as I got the satisfactory knowledge about
HR section which would be helpful to me in future while doing job. Here I faced real
working climate of corporate and management cultures.
Page | 81
NPCIL hr Handbook
NPCIL magazines
Swamis book for central staff by Muthuswamy and Brinda
Human resource management by sun India publication
Page | 82
Employee Name:
Designation: .
.Employee No: ...
A () Please respond to all the questions. It will be highly appreciable if you filled honestly.
(B) Please tick [ ] the appropriate option for your choice.
1. Are attempt made to fill jobs from within their department prior to communicating
their availability to other employees?
Cant say
2. Does the human resources department have published policy regarding when to fill
jobs internally and externally?
Cant say
3. Have all people who interview candidates been trained in proper Interviewing
Cant say
4. According to you, The medium of advertisement by NAPS according is effective?
Cant say
5. Are employees procedures and activities regularly reviewed to ensure compliance
with applicable legislation and regularly?
Cant say
6. Have all employees involved in the employment process been made aware of
appropriate legislation and regulation?
Cant say
7. Are required employment notices posted on a bulletin board in the hiring area and ,
If applicable, on the organizations web site?
Cant say
8. You feel branding of the Organization contributes to the effective Recruitment and
Selection process because of :
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10. What are your recommendation and suggestions regarding the current recruitment
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