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2, FEBRUARY 2005


Harmonic Suppression With Photonic Bandgap and

Defected Ground Structure for a Microstrip Patch
Haiwen Liu, Student Member, IEEE, Zhengfan Li, Xiaowei Sun, Member, IEEE, and Junfa Mao, Senior Member, IEEE

AbstractThis letter presents a microstrip patch antenna integrated with two-dimensional photonic bandgap (PBG) and onedimensional defected ground structure (DGS) jointly in ground
plane. It is demonstrated that application of both PBG and DGS
eliminates the second and third harmonics and improves the return loss level. Moreover, the combination use of PBG and DGS
decreases the occupied area by 70% compared to the conventional
PBG patch antenna.
Index TermsDefected ground structure (DGS), harmonics,
patch antenna, photonic bandgap (PBG).


ILTERING is one of the most important technologies in

microwave circuit design. Conventionally, filters are implemented with shunt stubs or stepped-impedance lines, but the
approaches provide a narrow band and a spurious in stopband.
Recently, there has been an increasing interest in studying the
microstrip patch antenna with various periodic structures including photonic bandgap (PBG) [1][4] and defected ground
structure (DGS) [5][7]. For example, a microstrip patch antenna with two-dimensional (2-D) PBG to control harmonic is
reported in [1]. Lin proposed a compact PBG to suppress harmonics for CPW-fed loop-slot antenna [2]. Also, the high-order
harmonics can be reduced by PBG microstrip circuits [3]. Besides, Sung uses a H-shaped DGS to reduce harmonics of patch
antenna [5].
In this letter, based on the microstrip patch antenna with 2-D
PBG described in [1], a one-dimensional (1-D) DGS microstrip
circuit is used to enhance the ability of harmonics suppression.
Moreover, the combination use of PBG and DGS decreases the
occupied area by 70% compared to the conventional PBG patch
The structure of the microstrip patch antenna with PBG and
mm square
DGS substrate is presented in Fig. 1. A
patch is fabricated on the glass-epoxy substrate with dimensions

Manuscript received April 22, 2004; revised July 28, 2004. The review of this
letter was arranged by Associate Editor J.-G. Ma.
H. Liu, Z. Li, and J. Mao are with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, China (e-mail:
haiwen_liu@hotmail.com; zfli@sjtu.edu.cn).
X. Sun is with Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LMWC.2004.842809

Fig. 1. Antenna with PBG and DGS in ground plane.

Fig. 2. Schematics of DGS and PBG microstrip circuits. (a) Structure of 1-D
DGS. (b) Structure of 2-D PBG.

mm and the relative permittivity of

4.8. Source signal is fed directly to the antenna by the 50microstrip line with 2.8-mm strip width. The 3 3 circles with
the diameter of 18 mm are etched in the ground plane at the
period of 38 mm. At the same time, 1-D DGS with two unit
cells is etched in the ground plane. The structure is presented
in Fig. 2(a). The 2-D PBG has 4 3 circles in [1] is presented
in Fig. 2(b) while the bottom row circles is replaced by the 1-D
DGS in this letter. Comparison of transmission characteristics
between 1-D DGS and 2-D PBG described in Fig. 2 is given
in Fig. 3. Table I summarizes the results. The selectivity of the
low-pass filter is defined as [8]
sensitivity in dB/GHz,
3-dB attenuation
20-dB attenuation point, and
20-dB stoppoint,
band frequency.

1531-1309/$20.00 2005 IEEE



mm . The replacement
dimension of 1-D DGS is
decreases the occupied area by 70%. So PBG is used in the 2-D
patch region of the antenna while DGS is used in the 1-D microstrip region of the antenna in this letter.
The return loss of the proposed antenna was simulated by EM
software Ensemble 8.0. The results are shown in Fig. 4 compared to the results in [1]. It is clear from the results that the
resonant frequency (fundamental) of the proposed antenna is
0.9 GHz. Its second and third harmonics (corresponding to 1.8
and 2.7 GHz) were perfectly suppressed. Moreover, the ripples
of the proposed antenna are below 0.5 dB while ripples of the
PBG antenna are below 1 dB. Therefore, the return loss level of
the antenna has improved.
Fig. 3.

Transmission characteristics of PBG and DGS microstrip circuits.


This letter studies a microstrip patch antenna using PBG
and DGS in ground plane. Simulated results indicate the novel
design is quite effective for the harmonics suppression of
microstrip patch antenna. Moreover, the application of both
PBG and DGS decreases the occupied area by 70% compared
to the conventional PBG patch antenna. The compact antenna
with ultra-low harmonics has potential application future in
next-generation mobile communication system. Also, this letter
is the first report on the combination use of PBG and DGS in
microwave circuit design as we know.

Fig. 4.

Return loss for the microstrip patch antenna.

As can be seen in Table I, the bandwidth of the rejection band

and the selectivity has increased considerably in 1-D DGS compared to 2-D PBG while the occupied area is reduced dramatimm and the
cally. The dimension of one row circles is

[1] Y. Horri and M. Tsutsumi, Harmonic control by photonic bandgap on

microstrip patch antenna, IEEE Microw. Guided Wave Lett., vol. 9, no.
1, pp. 1315, Jan. 1999.
[2] X. Lin, L. Wang, and J. Sun, Harmonic suppression by photonic
bandgap on CPW-fed loop-slot antenna, Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol.
41, pp. 154156, Apr. 2004.
[3] A. Andrenko, Y. Ikeda, and O. Ishida, Application of PBG microstrip
circuits for enhancing the performance of high-density substrate patch
antenna, Microw. Opt. Tech. Lett., vol. 32, pp. 340344, Mar. 2002.
[4] T. Kim and C. Seo, A novel photonic bandgap structure for low-pass
of wide stopband, IEEE Microw. Guided Wave Lett., vol. 10, no. 1, pp.
1315, Jan. 2000.
[5] Y. Sung, M. Kim, and Y. Kim, Harmonics reduction with defected
ground structure for a microstrip patch antenna, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 2, no. 8, pp. 111113, Aug. 2003.
[6] I. Chang and B. Lee, Design of defected ground structures for harmonic
control of active microstrip antenna, in Proc. IEEE Antennas Propagation Soc. Int. Symp., vol. 2, CA, Jun. 2002, pp. 852855.
[7] Y. Chung, S. Jeon, and D. Ahn et al., High isolation dual-polarized
patch antenna using integrated defected ground structure, IEEE Microw. Wireless Comp. Lett., vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 46, Jan. 2004.
[8] N. C. Karmakar, Theoretical investigations into binomial distributions
of photonic bandgaps in microstripline structures, Microw. Opt. Tech.
Lett., vol. 33, pp. 191196, May 2002.

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