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Michelson Interferometer

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Michelson interferometer

In Michelson interferometer the two coherent sources are derived from the principle of
division of amplitude. The parallel light rays from a monochromatic source are incident
on beams splitter (glass plate) G1 which is semi silvered on its back surface and
mounted at 45 to the axis. Light ray incident O' is refracted into the glass plate and
reaches point A , where where it is partially reflected (ray 1) and partially transmitted ray
2. These rays then fall normally on mirrors M1 (movable) and M2 (fixed) and are reflected
back. These reflected rays reunite at point Aagain and follow path AT. Since these two
rays are derived from same source(at A) and are therefore coherent, can interfere and
form interference pattern.
In this geometry, the reflected ray 1, travels an extra optical path, a compensating
plate G2 of same thickness as plate G1 ) is inserted in the path of ray 2 such that G2 is
parallel to G1 . This introduces the same optical path in glass medium for ray 2 as ray 1
travels in plate G1 (therefore is called a compensating plate). Any optical path difference
between the ray 1 and ray 2 is now equal to actual path difference between them.
To understand, how the fringes are formed, refer to fig. An observer at 'T' will see the
images of mirror M2 and source S ( M'2 and S' respectively) through beam splitter along
with the mirror M1. S1 and S2 are the images of source in mirrors M1 and M2 respectively.
The position of these elements in figure depend upon their relative distances from
point A .

Fig.11.2.1: Michelson Inferometer (Experimental Set-up)

Fig. 11.2.2 : Formation of Fringes

Light from a point (say P ) from extended source appears to come from corresponding
coherent points P1 and P2on S1 and S2 .


If d ' is the separation between mirrors M1 and M2' then 2d' is the separation between
virtual sources S1 and S2 The path difference between the two parallel rays coming from
point P1 and P2 respectively and reaching the eyepiece is equal to

These fringes are concentric rings or straight line depending upon the mutual inclination
of mirrors M1 and M2(M2' ). If mirrors M1 and M2 are parallel to each other the case similar
to the air film between two parallel plate and fringes formed are concentric rings.
Michelson interferometer is used to determine the wavelength of monochromatic source,
the difference between two wavelengths, determination of thickness/refractive index of
thin transparent sheet. The experimental procedure is described below.
Determination of wavelength( )
(A) If the mirror M2 is not exactly perpendicular to mirror M1 (in this case mirror M1 and
image M'2 of mirror M2 will not be exactly parallel), a wedge shaped air film is formed
between M1 and M'2. The two reflected waves from M1and M2 are no longer parallel but
appear to diverge from some point near M1 (see fig) and are localised fringes.

These localized fringes are equidistant straight lines, parallel to the edge of wedge
provided d' is small so that variation in path difference is practically due to variation in
film thickness only. If d is increased, the fringes will not be exactly straight due to some
variation of path difference with the angle between M1 and M'2. In this case fringes
become convex towards the edge of wedge.(fig 9). If the separation
between M1 and M'2 is decreased the fringes move across the field towards the thick part
of wedge. As d is changed by
gradually become straighten.

, a new fringe crosses the center. At this time, fringes

Now if we change the position of movable mirror M2, then the path difference is changed.
When the distance between the mirror is changed by
, the next order bright ring
appears at the center. Thus by recording the position of movable mirror and the
number N of central bright rings moved, can determine

using following relation.

where x is the difference between the position of movable mirror during which n' new
bright ring appear at the center.
Determination of difference in wavelength :
When the light coming from the source consists of two closely spaced wavelength (such
as D1 and D2 lines of sodium vapour lamp
) each wavelength
produces its own fringe pattern. When the separation between M1 and M'2 is small. The
rings due to


almost coincide.

When separation d' between the mirrors M1 and M'2 is increased the two rings patterns
have different spacing (fringe width due to two are different) and rings of
separated by those due to
coincides with bright rings of

is gradually

. At certain spacing d ' between mirrors, the dark ring of

and the rings have maximum indistinctness.

As the mirror M1 is moved further away ( d increases) the rings due to

most distinct and indistinct periodically. Let x is the distinct by which the mirror M1 is
moved for two consecutive situations when ring due to
indistinct. During the movement, n fringes of
the center (only then dark ring of
time mirrorM1 is moved by



fringes of


are maximum
have appeared at

will again coincide with bright ring of

). Since each

, a new ring appear at the center hence,


Since and are close together,

Thus we have

product can be replaced by

and x , we can determine the difference in wavelength of two very close
wavelengths using michelson inferometer.
Febry-Perot Interferometer :
In the previous section, while discussing the coherent waves produced by division of
amplitude, we have taken into account partial reflection and transmission only at one
surface. In this case the interference phenomenon was observed between the reflected
wave from the first surface and transmitted wave after getting reflected from the second
surface. The path difference
between these wave had been
, where was
angle of refraction in the case when two surfaces were parallel to each other, d is
separation between the two surfaces. For near normal incidence, (
2d, phase difference =

is small),

However, in general, if both the surface are partially silvered, transmitted wave from the
first surface undergoes multiple reflections at both the interfaces. Each time this wave
reaches an interface, it gets partially reflected and partially transmitted (Fig.11.3.1).
The resultant waves in two mediums 1 & 3 are actually the sum of several waves which
have path difference (thus phase difference) among them selves. The interference
pattern is then observed in both the medium 1 (reflected wave) and medium 3
(transmitted wave). Fabry-Perot interferometer and Fabry-Perot Etalon are based on the
principle of multiple beam interferometry. Before discussing the Fabry perot
Interferometer, we will first find out the resultant intensity of reflected and transmitted
wave and determine the interference conditions. We will also be dealing with the
complex representation of light wave (light wave is a transverse electromagnetic wave).
Let, for simplicity assume that medium 3 is same as medium 1.

Fig. 11.3.1 : Multiple reflection and transmission from partially silvered


Let the incident light wave at the point of incidence(near normal condition) at first plane
be represented by
and let
be the magnitude of the wave vector of
this wave. The wave gets partially reflected and partially transmitted at the first interface.
If r1 and r2 be the reflection coefficients for reflection medium 1 and medium 2
respectively and t1 and t2 be the transmission coefficients for transmission in medium 2
and medium 1 and 3 respectively.
Let us represent the waves in medium 1 by a's, medium 2 by b's and medium 3
by c's. The first reflected wave in medium 1 will be
will be

. The first wave in medium 2

The transmitted wave in medium 2, (

) will again undergo a partial reflection

) in medium 2 and partial transmission (
) in medium 3 which is
same as medium 1. The reflected wave upon reaching interface 1, again undergoes
partial reflection and transmission and the process goes on. If d is the thickness of
medium 2, then each time the wave crosses this medium it undergo a phase change
given by

The resultant wave in medium 1 is

We can write different waves in medium 1, 2 & 3 as :

---------------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------------------The resultant wave in medium 1 is:

Further since


. Including the time dependent factor.


The reflected flux density


is given


Where Iinc is the incident flux density (

finesse .

) and

is co - efficient of

If no observation takes place the net transmitted intensity in medium 3 is given by

Thus we see that the resultant intensity in medium 1 (reflected wave) and medium 3
(transmitted wave) is a function of
(phase difference introduced by medium 2). Also,
when the intensity is maximum for reflected wave, it is minimum for transmitted wave.
Thus interference in reflected waves is complementary to that in transmitted waves.
These can be used to make more precise study of the contour of the surfaces. So far,

we have assumed that no absorption takes place, while the wave transmits through the
surfaces so that
. If there is some absorption by the surfaces, this relation
does not hold and transmitted intensity as given in Eq.(5) is to be multiplied
, where t1t2 and r2 are the factors of intensity transmitted and reflected
by a single surface.
Fabry Perot Interferometer and Fabry Perot-Etalon
The Fabry- Perot interferometer is based on the fringes produced by the phenomenon of
multiple beam interference in transmitted light. Here two plate (partialy silvered on inner
surfaces) are separated by a distance dsuch that the inner surfaces are parallel to each
other. The separation d between the inner surface is large (usually 0.1 10 cm) and the
observations are made near the normal direction. Light ray from a point P1 of the broad
source S is incident on plate E1 at an angle and a series of parallel rays are emergent
after the plate E2 . The rays are brought to focus at a point P2 using a lens. The condition
for a maxima is given by

Where n is the refractive index of the medium between the two plates (which is usually
This condition of maxima is fulfilled by all the point on a circle through P2 with their center
at O'. ( O is the point of intersection of axis of lens with the screen). Different order
maxima are obtained by varying

We thus have a series of concentric rings similar to those obtained with Michelson
interferometer when mirrors M1and M2 are parallel to each other. The interferometer can
be used to determine the wavelength of monochromatic light and the difference between

the two closely spaced wavelengths by varying the separation between plates as
discussed in the case of Michelson interferometer. The interferometer is frequently used
to determine the detailed structural lines.
Fabry-Perot Etalon :
In a Fabry Perot interferometer, it is essential that the two inner surfaces remain
parallel to each other. In order to avoid any mismatch during the process of changing
separation between the two plates, the two plates with inner surfaces exactly parallel to
each other are fixed for a given d . The whole assembly is now enclosed such that the
two plates can not be moved separately and only their inclination with respect to incident
light can be changed. The assembly is known as Fabry Perot Etalon and is used to
determine the refractive index of the medium between the plates.

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