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Electric Arc Furnace Injection System For Oxygen

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Electric arc furnace injection system for Oxygen,

Carbon and flux

Many devices, that combine burner mode and oxygen injection have improved overall energy balance,
foamed slag conditioning and metallic yield. While most of the available systems on the market provide
effective oxygen injection for decarburisation and oxidation reactions, the efficient injection of solids, such as
fuel carbon and foaming carbon, or lime and dololime for slag conditioning, has been a challenge.
MORE chemical energy technology includes a variety of fixed injectors and associated control devices such
as valves stands, carbon / fluxes dispensers and system automation.

Fixed shell injector

The equipment on board of the EAF shell can be made-up of four different tools. Each injector has been
developed to satisfy a very specific requirement of the melting/refining process:
HI_JET : For deep injection of fines at high speed. This equipment injects the fines shrouded by an annular
supersonic stream of oxygen. As a result the highly coherent, high speed injection of the fines penetrate into
the steel bath.
OXYGENJET : For supersonic oxygen injection. This injector delivers a highly coherent supersonic stream of
oxygen that penetrates into the steel bath for C oxidation and other oxidizing reactions in the steel/slag
CARBONJET : For soft carbon injection. The carbon injection into the slag promotes FeO and MnO reduction
with consequent early slag foaming metallic yield better control.
LIMEJET : For the injection of the fluxes into the slag. Typical injected solids are lime and/or dololime used to
control slag chemistry and its foaming (V-ratios).

Door operated oxygen and carbon water cooled lances
The PARPI system consists of two water cooled lances; one is used to inject oxygen at supersonic velocity
and one injects carbon fines. The lances are supported and moved by a manipulator installed on the rigid
platform at a certain distance from the slag door on the right or left side.

Use of oxygen/carbon lances for decarburization and slag foaming.

Remote control from furnace control room.

Sturdy and precise piece of equipment.

Water cooled shields protect from heat radiation and slag/steel splashes.

Manipulator and lances movements done by hydraulic pistons.

MSF-Mixed Swirl Flame burner mode in the carbon lance to melt the scrap in the slag tunnel in
the starting phase.






with respect







continuous charging process: scrap, DRI, HBI) by dedicated hardware/software and specific working

Fast lances removal by a rear quick connection device.

Easy replacement of oxygen and carbon tips by steel-to-steel welding.

Easy and fast maintenance operation.

For more information please visit: www.more-oxy.com

The electric arc furnace operates as a batch melting process producing batches of molten steel
known "heats". The electric arc furnace operating cycle is called the tap-to-tap cycle and is made
up of the following operations:

Furnace charging





Furnace turn-around
Modern operations aim for a tap-to-tap time of less than 60 minutes. Some twin shell furnace
operations are achieving tap-to-tap times of 35 to 40 minutes.
Furnace Charging
The first step in the production of any heat is to select the grade of steel to be made. Usually a
schedule is developed prior to each production shift. Thus the melter will know in advance the
schedule for his shift. The scrap yard operator will prepare buckets of scrap according to the needs
of the melter. Preparation of the charge bucket is an important operation, not only to ensure proper
melt-in chemistry but also to ensure good melting conditions. The scrap must be layered in the
bucket according to size and density to promote the rapid formation of a liquid pool of steel in the
hearth while providing protection for the sidewalls and roof from electric arc radiation. Other
considerations include minimization of scrap cave-ins which can break electrodes and ensuring
that large heavy pieces of scrap do not lie directly in front of burner ports which would result in
blow-back of the flame onto the water cooled panels. The charge can include lime and carbon or
these can be injected into the furnace during the heat. Many operations add some lime and carbon
in the scrap bucket and supplement this with injection.
The first step in any tap-to-tap cycle is "charging" into the scrap. The roof and electrodes are
raised and are swung to the side of the furnace to allow the scrap charging crane to move a full
bucket of scrap into place over the furnace. The bucket bottom is usually a clam shell design - i.e.
the bucket opens up by retracting two segments on the bottom of the bucket. The scrap falls into
the furnace and the scrap crane removes the scrap bucket. The roof and electrodes swing back
into place over the furnace. The roof is lowered and then the electrodes are lowered to strike an
arc on the scrap. This commences the melting portion of the cycle. The number of charge buckets
of scrap required to produce a heat of steel is dependent primarily on the volume of the furnace
and the scrap density. Most modern furnaces are designed to operate with a minimum of backcharges. This is advantageous because charging is a dead-time where the furnace does not have
power on and therefore is not melting. Minimizing these dead-times helps to maximize the
productivity of the furnace. In addition, energy is lost every time the furnace roof is opened. This
can amount to 10 - 20 kWh/ton for each occurrence. Most operations aim for 2 to 3 buckets of
scrap per heat and will attempt to blend their scrap to meet this requirement. Some operations
achieve a single bucket charge. Continuous charging operations such as CONSTEEL and the
Fuchs Shaft Furnace eliminate the charging cycle.
The melting period is the heart of EAF operations. The EAF has evolved into a highly efficient
melting apparatus and modern designs are focused on maximizing the melting capacity of the
EAF. Melting is accomplished by supplying energy to the furnace interior. This energy can be
electrical or chemical. Electrical energy is supplied via the graphite electrodes and is usually the
largest contributor in melting operations. Initially, an intermediate voltage tap is selected until the
electrodes bore into the scrap. Usually, light scrap is placed on top of the charge to accelerate
bore-in. Approximately 15 % of the scrap is melted during the initial bore-in period. After a few
minutes, the electrodes will have penetrated the scrap sufficiently so that a long arc (high voltage)
tap can be used without fear of radiation damage to the roof. The long arc maximizes the transfer
of power to the scrap and a liquid pool of metal will form in the furnace hearth At the start of
melting the arc is erratic and unstable. Wide swings in current are observed accompanied by rapid
movement of the electrodes. As the furnace atmosphere heats up the arc stabilizes and once the
molten pool is formed, the arc becomes quite stable and the average power input increases.

Chemical energy is be supplied via several sources including oxy-fuel burners and oxygen lances.
Oxy-fuel burners burn natural gas using oxygen or a blend of oxygen and air. Heat is transferred to
the scrap by flame radiation and convection by the hot products of combustion. Heat is transferred
within the scrap by conduction. Large pieces of scrap take longer to melt into the bath than smaller
pieces. In some operations, oxygen is injected via a consumable pipe lance to "cut" the scrap. The
oxygen reacts with the hot scrap and burns iron to produce intense heat for cutting the scrap.
Once a molten pool of steel is generated in the furnace, oxygen can be lanced directly into the
bath. This oxygen will react with several components in the bath including, aluminum, silicon,
manganese, phosphorus, carbon and iron. All of these reactions are exothermic (i.e. they generate
heat) and supply additional energy to aid in the melting of the scrap. The metallic oxides that are
formed will end up in the slag. The reaction of oxygen with carbon in the bath produces carbon
monoxide, which either burns in the furnace if there is sufficient oxygen, and/or is exhausted
through the direct evacuation system where it is burned and conveyed to the pollution control
system. Auxiliary fuel operations are discussed in more detail in the section on EAF operations.
Once enough scrap has been melted to accommodate the second charge, the charging process is
repeated. Once the final scrap charge is melted, the furnace sidewalls are exposed to intense
radiation from the arc. As a result, the voltage must be reduced. Alternatively, creation of a foamy
slag will allow the arc to be buried and will protect the furnace shell. In addition, a greater amount
of energy will be retained in the slag and is transferred to the bath resulting in greater energy
Once the final scrap charge is fully melted, flat bath conditions are reached. At this point, a bath
temperature and sample will be taken. The analysis of the bath chemistry will allow the melter to
determine the amount of oxygen to be blown during refining. At this point, the melter can also start
to arrange for the bulk tap alloy additions to be made. These quantities are finalized after the
refining period.
Refining operations in the electric arc furnace have traditionally involved the removal of
phosphorus, sulfur, aluminum, silicon, manganese and carbon from the steel. In recent times,
dissolved gases, especially hydrogen and nitrogen, been recognized as a concern. Traditionally,
refining operations were carried out following meltdown i.e. once a flat bath was achieved. These
refining reactions are all dependent on the availability of oxygen. Oxygen was lanced at the end of
meltdown to lower the bath carbon content to the desired level for tapping. Most of the compounds
which are to be removed during refining have a higher affinity for oxygen that the carbon. Thus the
oxygen will preferentially react with these elements to form oxides which float out of the steel and
into the slag.
In modern EAF operations, especially those operating with a "hot heel" of molten steel and slag
retained from the prior heat, oxygen may be blown into the bath throughout most of the heat. As a
result, some of the melting and refining operations occur simultaneously.
Phosphorus and sulfur occur normally in the furnace charge in higher concentrations than are
generally permitted in steel and must be removed. Unfortunately the conditions favorable for
removing phosphorus are the opposite of those promoting the removal of sulfur. Therefore once
these materials are pushed into the slag phase they may revert back into the steel. Phosphorus
retention in the slag is a function of the bath temperature, the slag basicity and FeO levels in the
slag. At higher temperature or low FeO levels, the phosphorus will revert from the slag back into
the bath. Phosphorus removal is usually carried out as early as possible in the heat. Hot heel
practice is very beneficial for phosphorus removal because oxygen can be lanced into the bath
while its temperature is quite low. Early in the heat the slag will contain high FeO levels carried
over from the previous heat thus aiding in phosphorus removal. High slag basicity (i.e. high lime
content) is also beneficial for phosphorus removal but care must be taken not to saturate the slag
with lime. This will lead to an increase in slag viscosity, which will make the slag less effective.
Sometimes fluorspar is added to help fluidize the slag. Stirring the bath with inert gas is also
beneficial because it renews the slag/metal interface thus improving the reaction kinetics.

In general, if low phosphorus levels are a requirement for a particular steel grade, the scrap is
selected to give a low level at melt-in. The partition of phosphorus in the slag to phosphorus in the
bath ranges from 5 to 15. Usually the phosphorus is reduced by 20 to 50 % in the EAF.
Sulfur is removed mainly as a sulfide dissolved in the slag. The sulfur partition between the slag
and metal is dependent on slag chemistry and is favored at low steel oxidation levels. Removal of
sulfur in the EAF is difficult especially given modern practices where the oxidation level of the bath
is quite high. Generally the partition ratio is between 3 and 5 for EAF operations. Most operations
find it more effective to carry out desulfurization during the reducing phase of steelmaking. This
means that desulfurization is performed during tapping (where a calcium aluminate slag is built)
and during ladle furnace operations. For reducing conditions where the bath has a much lower
oxygen activity, distribution ratios for sulfur of between 20 and 100 can be achieved.
Control of the metallic constituents in the bath is important as it determines the properties of the
final product. Usually, the melter will aim at lower levels in the bath than are specified for the final
product. Oxygen reacts with aluminum, silicon and manganese to form metallic oxides, which are
slag components. These metallics tend to react with oxygen before the carbon. They will also react
with FeO resulting in a recovery of iron units to the bath. For example:
Mn + FeO = MnO + Fe
Manganese will typically be lowered to about 0.06 % in the bath.
The reaction of carbon with oxygen in the bath to produce CO is important as it supplies a less
expensive form of energy to the bath, and performs several important refining reactions. In modern
EAF operations, the combination of oxygen with carbon can supply between 30 and 40 % of the
net heat input to the furnace. Evolution of carbon monoxide is very important for slag foaming.
Coupled with a basic slag, CO bubbles are tapped in the slag causing it to "foam" and helping to
bury the arc. This gives greatly improved thermal efficiency and allows the furnace to operate at
high arc voltages even after a flat bath has been achieved. Burying the arc also helps to prevent
nitrogen from being exposed to the arc where it can dissociate and enter into the steel.
If the CO is evolved within the steel bath, it helps to strip nitrogen and hydrogen from the steel.
Nitrogen levels in steel as low as 50 ppm can be achieved in the furnace prior to tap. Bottom
tapping is beneficial for maintaining low nitrogen levels because tapping is fast and a tight tap
stream is maintained. A high oxygen potential in the steel is beneficial for low nitrogen levels and
the heat should be tapped open as opposed to blocking the heat.
At 1600 C, the maximum solubility of nitrogen in pure iron is 450 ppm. Typically, the nitrogen levels
in the steel following tapping are 80 - 100 ppm.
Decarburization is also beneficial for the removal of hydrogen. It has been demonstarted that
decarburizing at a rate of 1 % per hour can lower hydrogen levels in the steel from 8 ppm down to
2 ppm in 10 minutes.
At the end of refining, a bath temperature measurement and a bath sample are taken. If the
temperature is too low, power may be applied to the bath. This is not a big concern in modern
meltshops where temperature adjustment is carried out in the ladle furnace.

De-slagging operations are carried out to remove impurities from the furnace. During melting and
refining operations, some of the undesirable materials within the bath are oxidized and enter the
slag phase.
It is advantageous to remove as much phosphorus into the slag as early in the heat as possible
(i.e. while the bath temperature is still low). The furnace is tilted backwards and slag is poured out
of the furnace through the slag door. Removal of the slag eliminates the possibility of phosphorus
During slag foaming operations, carbon may be injected into the slag where it will reduce FeO to
metallic iron and in the process produce carbon monoxide which helps foam the slag. If the high
phosphorus slag has not been removed prior to this operation, phosphorus reversion will occur.
During slag foaming, slag may overflow the sill level in the EAF and flow out of the slag door.

The following table shows the typical constituents of an EAF slag:



Composition Range



40 - 60 %


Oxidation product

5 - 15 %


Oxidation product

10 - 30 %


Charged as dolomite



Charged - slag fluidizer


Oxidation product

Absorbed from steel

Oxidation product

2 - 5%

Once the desired steel composition and temperature are achieved in the furnace, the tap-hole is
opened, the furnace is tilted, and the steel pours into a ladle for transfer to the next batch
operation (usually a ladle furnace or ladle station). During the tapping process bulk alloy additions
are made based on the bath analysis and the desired steel grade. De-oxidizers may be added to
the steel to lower the oxygen content prior to further processing. This is commonly referred to as
"blocking the heat" or "killing the steel". Common de-oxidizers are aluminum or silicon in the form
of ferrosilicon or silicomanganese. Most carbon steel operations aim for minimal slag carry-over. A
new slag cover is "built" during tapping. For ladle furnace operations, a calcium aluminate slag is a
good choice for sulfur control. Slag forming compounds are added in the ladle at tap so that a slag
cover is formed prior to transfer to the ladle furnace. Additional slag materials may be added at the
ladle furnace if the slag cover is insufficient.

Furnace Turn-around
Furnace turn-around is the period following completion of tapping until the furnace is recharged for
the next heat. During this period, the electrodes and roof are raised and the furnace lining is
inspected for refractory damage. If necessary, repairs are made to the hearth, slag-line, tap-hole
and spout. In the case of a bottom-tapping furnace, the taphole is filled with sand. Repairs to the
furnace are made using gunned refractories or mud slingers. In most modern furnaces, the
increased use of water-cooled panels has reduced the amount of patching or "fettling" required
between heats. Many operations now switch out the furnace bottom on a regular basis (2 to 6
weeks) and perform the hearth maintenance off-line. This reduces the power-off time for the EAF
and maximizes furnace productivity. Furnace turn-around time is generally the largest dead time
(i.e. power off) period in the tap-to-tap cycle. With advances in furnace practices this has been
reduced from 20 minutes to less than 5 minutes in some newer operations.

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