1.2.1 Idealization of A Continuum
1.2.1 Idealization of A Continuum
1.2.1 Idealization of A Continuum
structure needs to be subdivided into smaller elements. The whole structure is then analyzed by the
assemblage of all elements representing the complete structure including its all properties.
The subdivision process is an important task in finite element analysis and requires some
skill and knowledge. In this procedure, first, the number, shape, size and configuration of elements
have to be decided in such a manner that the real structure is simulated as closely as possible. The
discretization is to be in such that the results converge to the true solution. However, too fine mesh
will lead to extra computational effort. Fig. 1.2.2 shows a finite element mesh of a continuum using
triangular and quadrilateral elements. The assemblage of triangular elements in this case shows
better representation of the continuum. The discretization process also shows that the more accurate
representation is possible if the body is further subdivided into some finer mesh.
For the linear-elastic-static analysis of structures, the final form of equation will be made in the form
of F=Kdwhere F, K and d are the nodal loads, global stiffness and nodal displacements respectively.
Actual Structure
x y z
+ F = 0
x y z
(Partial Differential Equations)
Equilibrium Equations
Stress-Strain Law
Compatibility Conditions
Structural Model
{F } = [ K ]{d }
(Algebraic Equations)
Varieties of engineering problem like solid and fluid mechanics, heat transfer can easily be solved by
the concept of finite element technique. The basic form of the equation will become as follows
where action, property and response parameter will vary for case to case as outlined in Table 1.2.1.
{ F } = [ K ] {d }
OR {d } = [ K ]
Body force
1. Proper engineering judgment is to be exercised to interpret results.
2. It requires large computer memory and computational time to obtainintend results.
3. There are certain categories of problems where other methods are more effective, e.g., fluid
problems having boundaries at infinity are better treated by the boundary element method.
4. For some problems, there may be a considerable amount of input data. Errors may creep up
in their preparation and the results thus obtained may also appear to be acceptable which
indicates deceptive state of affairs. It is always desirable to make a visual check of the input
5. In the FEM,many problems lead to round-off errors. Computer works with a limited number
of digits and solving the problem with restricted number of digits may not yield the desired
degree of accuracy or it may give total erroneous results in some cases. For many problems
the increase in the number of digits for the purpose of calculation improves the accuracy.
1.2.7 Errors and Accuracy in FEA
Every physical problem is formulated by simplifying certain assumptions. Solution to the problem,
classical or numerical, is to be viewed within the constraints imposed by these simplifications. The
material may be assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic; its behavior may be considered as
linearly elastic; the prediction of the exact load in any type of structure is next to impossible. As
such the true behavior of the structure is to be viewed with in these constraints and obvious errors
creep in engineering calculations.
1. The results will be erroneous if any mistake occurs in the input data. As such, preparation of
the input data should be made with great care.
2. When a continuum is discretised, an infinite degrees of freedom system is converted into a
model having finite number of degrees of freedom. In a continuum, functions which are
continuous are now replaced by ones which are piece-wise continuous within individual
elements. Thus the actual continuum is represented by a set of approximations.
3. The accuracy depends to a great extent on the mesh grading of the continuum. In regions of
high strain gradient, higher mesh grading is needed whereas in the regions of lower strain,
the mesh chosen may be coarser. As the element size decreases, the discretisation error
4. Improper selection of shape of the element will lead to a considerable error in the solution.
Triangle elements in the shape of an equilateral or rectangular element in the shape of a
square will always perform better than those having unequal lengths of the sides. For very
long shapes, the attainment of convergence is extremely slow.
5. In the finite element analysis, the boundary conditions are imposed at the nodes of the
element whereas in an actual continuum, they are defined at the boundaries. Between the
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nodes, the actual boundary conditions will depend on the shape functions of the element
forming the boundary.
6. Simplification of the boundary is another source of error. The domain may be reduced to the
shape of polygon. If the mesh is refined, then the error involved in the discretized boundary
may be reduced.
7. During arithmetic operations, the numbers would be constantly round-off to some fixed
working length. These roundoff errors may go on accumulating and then resulting accuracy
of the solution may be greatly impaired.