In Charge - Finding The Leader W - Myles Munroe
In Charge - Finding The Leader W - Myles Munroe
In Charge - Finding The Leader W - Myles Munroe
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Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from the
1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by
permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. Scripture
quotations marked (kjv) are taken from the King James Version
of the Holy Bible. Scripture quotations marked (nkjv) are taken
from the NEW KING JAMES VERSION, 1979, 1980, 1982, by
Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations and source information have sometimes
been set italic for authors emphasis.
Hachette Book Group
Authors Foreword
1: Im In Charge: The Battery and the Wire
2: Born to Lead, Prepared to Serve
3: Why Lead?
4: Who Is the Greatest?
5: This Is My Spot: Go Find Yours
6: Who Died and Left You in Charge?: The Dominion Mandate
7: Jockeying for Position: The Sons of Zebedee
8: Its Greek to Me: Out With Old Ideas
9: Check the Reservations: Your Name Is on the Roll
10: It Isnt Yours to Keep: Sharing the Riches
11: Leaders Are Made, Not Born: Self-Discovery Is the Main
Every accomplishment in life is the result of corporate effort.
Just as it takes a village to raise a child, so it takes a team to
author a book. Being aware that we are all a sum total of all that
we have learned from all the people and experiences we have
met and had in our lives, no one can claim full credit of any
measure of success in any endeavor. This book is no different.
I want to thank my beloved wife Ruth, and my children,
Charisa and Chairo (Myles Jr.), for their support, patience and
corporation while I pursue the many projects included in my
earthly assignment. You are all my principle treasures. Thanks
for helping me manifest my inherent gift and allowing me to
serve it to the world.
Adrienne Ingram, who coordinated this project, for
encouragement, input, dedication, motivation and continued
pursuit of me in getting this project done.
Angela Dodson for your incredible gift, inspiration and skill
in bringing the best of this content out of me. This work could
not have been completed without you as you continually and
consistently demonstrated the very principle in this book
servant leadership. I am eternally grateful and will always
remember your contribution through your gift.
My Journey of Discovery
From this context, I emerged to face life and grapple with the
internal need to find significance. The mental conditioning that
I was born to be ruled and destined by providence to be a
slave were my opposing forces. When I was young, I had no
idea that this was a psychological oppression practiced as far
back as the Egyptian civilization that permeated the empires of
the Greeks and Romans, and became the thread running
through the fabric of the colonial tapestry of the so-called New
So standing there in the heat of the Caribbean sun, I was
beginning a journey to discover that I was not born to be
ruled nor destined to be a follower trapped by providence to a
life of subjugation.
It took years for my mind to be delivered from the historical
damage of oppression and to understand not only that I was
capable of becoming a leader, and destined to be one, but also
that every human on this planet was created for the purpose of
leadership and possessed leadership capacity and potential.
This book is about that discovery. Its about you and the
potential you possess to become an influence in your world
and future generations.
destroy that corn and fold it back into the ground so they can
create a shortage.
People in Zambia, Malawi, and Botswana need corn, but
because the price is not right, farmers in North Dakota destroy
it rather than ship it to Africa.
When food is sent to poor countries, distribution problems
often keep it from getting to those who need it most. Some of
those countries leaders will store the food for themselves and
let their own people go hungry. There is no real poverty in the
world; rather, there are political, business, and investment
leaders who are motivated by other agendas.
Then there are international health issues. Every sixty
seconds, seven people contract AIDS. The health threat is
unimaginable, and our medical leaders seem helpless to
address it.
There are religious and cultural clashes. When I was in
England recently, they were debating what to do about the
Muslim communities because some British citizens of Muslim
descent were organizing and plotting to destroy the country.
When your own citizens become terrorists based on religious
differences, you have a national leadership problem.
Similarly, France is grappling with the growing influx of
Muslims from Turkey. They are afraid they have to change the
school system to accommodate Islamic clothing and language.
Government leaders do not know what to do with the
educational system because immigration seems to be shaking
its foundation.
The United States is facing its own immigration issues. Some
debate whether or not to build a wall along its border with
Mexico. At the same time, many congressional leaders fight for
immigrants to receive status and privileges.
The search for leaders to fill the vacuum causes us to ask the
question, What does it mean to be a leader? What qualities
should we be looking for in the ideal leader?
Im In Charge: The Battery and the
The value in each human is the gift they were born to deliver
to humanity.
Born to Lead, Prepared to Serve
Each person is like a star in the galaxy. You have your own
radiance, but the traditions and conventions of man have told
you that you have no light. The cultures of oppression have
snuffed out the belief that you can lead in an area of gifting.
A leader is born when you discover your gift. Finding out
what excites you and consumes you, discovering your
passion, helps to determine your gift. This requires a process
of self-discovery. How will you know what your gift is? Here
are some clues: Your gift is fun. You enjoy it, you can do it all
day, and people will even pay you to do what you like to do. It
is your passion. You could do it without pay, 24/7 for 365 days
of the year.
Leadership consists of finding, refining and passing on
ones unique gift that brand only you have. If you refine
your gift, develop your gift, and then serve your gift to the
world, you become great.
True leaders never retire, because you cannot retire from
yourself. When you are known for your gift, the world will
come to you for it.
My passion is leadership. I have devoted much of my life,
thousands and thousands of hours, to the study of leadership,
listening to and reading the ideas of experts on business and
economics and philosophy but ultimately finding the answer in
servant leadership.
I live to teach and to share ideas that make people discover
who they are, what their value is, what their worth is, what they
can do, what they can achieve and what they can become. To
me, the ultimate we can do for our fellow humans is to help
them become the best they can become and to have a life
where they can do more with their gifts.
I became fascinated with leadership early in life and began
A Firm Foundation
When I went on for my graduate degree, I studied all the
theories about leadership. I thought, Something is wrong with
these theories, but I will study them anyway. When I returned
home after my studies, I went to work for the government and
continued studying leadership.
My parents had introduced me to the Scriptures early in life.
My father, Mathias, a lay minister, and mother, Louise, a
community volunteer, also provided outstanding examples of
unselfish service to others, always feeding others and sharing
what little we had.
The Bible instilled in me a sense of self-worth to counter the
low expectations society had for us under colonialism before
the Bahamas became independent. I began my public ministry
around age 15, sharing ideas about the value of humans, based
on my understanding of the lifestyle of Jesus Christ. My
ministry was partly an outgrowth of my role in a music group
that was known all over the Bahamas.
As an adult, I started a Bible study that became a church
of about seven members. It is now the largest church in the
islands, Bahamas Faith Ministries International. Its work
reaches 1.8 billion people in the world through direct ministry,
books and broadcasts each week in more than eighty-seven
countries. I have written numerous books that have been
translated into twenty-one languages. I receive seven hundred
to eight hundred invitations a year to speak and travel 250,000
miles a year. I have flown all over the world preaching,
teaching, and sharing my ideas on leadership with churches,
corporations, and governments.
My teacher, mentor, and coach is Jesus Christ, whom I
Living to Serve
My father is also one of the best examples of servant
leadership I have known. Not only did he and my mom work
together to help others, but he also gave his whole life to serve
our family, eleven children, and a wife. He served my mother for
all fifty-one years of their marriage, and I was able to observe
Everything he did was to make us better. He never sought to
do anything for himself. Being a lay minister in the church
meant that he always wanted to serve outside the home as well.
Today, even at age 83, he is still speaking in churches around
the country and helping people.
He served in World War II. The British, who ruled our
islands at the time, recruited many of the natives of African
descent, the subjects, in an auxiliary to the Royal Air Force of
the British Empire. They never saw any action, but apparently
(RAF) worked to assist the aircrafts that were landing and
taking off in the Bahamas. When the war ended, the British
provided a contract of pension for their service.
My father is one of the last living members of that group and
for the past ten years has served in a leadership position for
them. Today, he is the appointed chairman. He keeps track of
where the members are and takes the pension to them every
week. It is just amazing to see him do it. He is driving around in
a car, collecting their checks from the government, and finding
where they live. Some of them live in the low-income areas of
the island. He goes to them and makes sure that they get what
they need and provides for them. He is 83 years old and still
serving his comrades.
I sit back and just see a tremendous example of servant
leadership to never stop serving. He did not seek leadership.
He just sought to serve people. Sometimes I ask him, Where
are you going? Why dont you rest? He says, I have got to
go find my comrades and make sure they get their checks that
they need to live. I need to take care of them. You would think
he needs someone to take care of him, but he is the healthiest
and most vibrant of them all. Maybe this is because he is
serving them all.
Servant leadership is self-fulfilling, and he feels fulfilled in
what he is doing. Everything is coming back to him as a
harvest now.
Why Lead?
Never underestimate the power of One-self.
Who Is the Greatest?
Every human came to earth with something humanity needs.
kingdom, you dont own people. You dont control people. You
dont manipulate people. You dont oppress people. You dont
threaten people. You dont use people in My system.
Leadership in My kingdom, My country, is serving yourself to
the people.
Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great
among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be
first must be your slave (Matthew 20:2627, emphasis
added). He meant this: whoever wants to be the first one
people look for when they want something done has to be the
slave of his gift.
If you want to be great, the greatest will be the one who is
the servant of all. He serves everyone what he has. What does
he have? He has his gift. If you refine your gift, develop your
gift and then serve your gift to the world, you become great.
You can read the great thinkers on management, business,
and philosophy, from the philosopher Plato to the
organizational management expert Peter Drucker, and you will
not find in any other book the idea expressed in this lesson.
Even in Christs additional sessions on leadership with His
disciples, it is the same idea (Matthew 20:26, Matthew 23:11,
Mark 10:43, Luke 22:26).
We can isolate Jesus as a philosopher, not as the Son of
God, to test how His leadership theories stack up against
others and to observe how He modeled it in His own life. When
we do, His idea outshines all the other theories. That idea is
that leadership has nothing to do with ruling people. It has
more to do with your giftidentifying it, maximizing it, and
serving that gift to the world.
call on you. I will clean the bathroom, I will clean it. I! Me,
When you hide from responsibility, God hides greatness
from you. When you make yourself valuable, people look for
you. If they do not miss you, you are in trouble. You are a
nuisance. Greatness is evident when they miss you. You rule
so much when you are around that they miss you when you
are absent. Your gift is so valuable, people send for you.
Scripture says a persons gift opens the way and brings him
into the presence of the great.
Proverbs 18:16
A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the
presence of the great.
I have been in meetings with heads of state, heads of
corporations and heads of churches. I sit in these meetings
with these great leaders who want my advice, and I think,
What am I doing here? How did I get here? Why is this man
asking me these questions? These questions affect the whole
country, and I am thinking: They called for my gift. They dont
know me personally, but they know my gift. Top-level
companies and governments sometimes call on me because of
my gift.
It humbles me, and it recalls the story of Joseph of the Old
Testament. Joseph had a gift. He had a reputation for
interpreting dreams, but he was in prison.
Genesis 41:1415
14 So Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and he was quickly brought
from the dungeon. When he had shaved and changed his
Luke 22:25
Jesus said to them, The kings of the Gentiles Lord it over
them; and those who exercise authority over them call
themselves Benefactors.
Benefactors is a telling word. These rulers Lorded it over the
people but claimed their motivation was really to help them.
They said they were just being benevolent, doing good things
for them. They used people for their own purposes and
pretended it was for the peoples benefit.
The traditional paradigm is that leaders benefit from
followers: Use them to benefit yourself. Tax them without
representation. Take the biggest portion of their crop and keep
them in debt to you. Keep wages low and maximize profit.
Discriminate against and harass the female aides. Require
overtime but provide no benefits. Play hardball in the labor
negotiations. Give the contract to the one who will pay you a
This is not leadership. Yet this describes much leadership in
the world today. Using the people to benefit the rulers. Feeding
off peoples fears to intimidate them. Threatening people to
maintain control.
The Creator is preparing you for what he has prepared for you.
Your position of leadership preceded your conception. You
were built with spiritual, mental and physical circuitry for your
specific leadership gift.
2. Leadership is a prepared position. In Gods kingdom,
everybody has a place set aside. It is a leadership
position, and it is prepared for you. God predesigned
your spot before he made you. He made you to fit the
spot. You dont go looking for it, Jesus says. The
Father has already prepared it. He has set aside places
for everyone who is supposed to have them (see
Matthew 20:23). When you prepare something, it
means you establish it beforehand. What you were born
to do is, in effect, predestined. You can refuse to fulfill
it, but you will suffer bitterly as you turn into something
God did not intend.
3. Leadership demands a price. To get to your spot, you
have to pay a price. Jesus said, You have to drink the
cup to sit in your spot. Matthew 20:22 You dont
know what you are asking, Jesus said to them. Can
you drink the cup I am going to drink? We can,
they answered. Even though you were born to be a
leader in your arena, it comes at a price. It is a process
of preparation, training, development, and refinement.
The position is prepared for you, but you have to
prepare yourself for that position.
4. Leadership is inherent. Leadership is not given to you
by request or by prayer. You are born with it. Whether
you develop it, whether you use it, whether you
actualize it, whether you deploy it, is totally up to you,
This Is My Spot: Go Find Yours
There is room for everyone at the top.
the time they moved it over to the new location, most of the
clay had fallen away.
The workers were so depressed, and the government was
afraid the people would rebel against it. The whole village
stood around the Buddha as the clay continued to fall to the
ground. Suddenly, the people saw something they never knew
existed there appeared under all that clay a pure gold
Buddha statue. Their ancestors had hidden it under clay so
thieves would not steal the pure gold one.
The Buddha could not shine until somebody moved it. It
had been in the wrong spot.
Leaders are born when people discover their gift and find
their place. They must first discover what is inside, underneath
the clay. In the same way, leaders have to discover what is
inside them to connect with their spot. When you connect with
your spot, your gift comes alive.
When you feel your arm fall off as you continue to read
about servant leadership, do not panic. When you feel the
identity that you love so much come apart, let it go. When your
old concepts begin to crack, let them.
Every human has a place in the universe of humanity. The
universe has a place for your gift. Nevertheless, if you are like
the average person, you probably have lived most of your life
in a job that is not right for you, placing you in constant stress
and conflict with who you are.
Each of us must find our spot. Only you can occupy your
spot, and no one need be jealous of anyone elses spot. Our
spot is the place we are supposed to be, being who we simply
are by nature.
In My Fathers House
The opposite of stress is peace. Peace. Imagine earning pay for
being at peace. Imagine leaving home every day to enter peace.
Peace all the time was Gods original plan for you. That is why
we call Him the Prince of Peace (see Isaiah 9:6). He is the God
of peace. He is not a god of stress.
My goal is to help you find a home. You were born to stay
home. I am not talking about a house. Home is similar to when
including these:
Mansion estate
Place of authority
Position of power
Place of influence
Authorized position
Home natural place (Estate)
Position of impact
When a person is out of their spot gift, position, strength
life torments them. They are unfulfilled, angry, bitter,
confused, frustrated, and sad. They make others around them
uncomfortable. When a person is not in their place, their
mansion, their home, their position of authority where they
have their full gifting, they are frustrated.
But when they are in their spot they are in their zone of
destiny and can function at maximum potential. Your leadership
spot is like a screw finding its right nut. It is like the last
missing piece of a puzzle finding its slot. For me, when I am not
speaking to people about leadership, writing about it, or
thinking about it, I am under stress. This is home for me. My
enjoyment of life comes from being in my leadership spot. I
would pay to do it. I should pay you for letting me be myself,
who I am. I do not have stress in my life because I have found
my spot. It is beautiful to find your spot. God has a spot for
will simply be the big rat. Stop running in the competition. The
only person you should compete with in life is yourself. Ask
yourself, How well am I performing in my leadership spot?
The battery does not compete with a spark plug, because
the battery knows the spark plug can never be a battery, and
vice versa. They sit in the engine in their spots and serve the
engine their gift without competing against each other.
None of the billions of people on earth right now is a
substitute for you. The Creator has prepared a place among
them just for you. Servant leadership was the only concept of
leadership Jesus taught. He believed that every human being
possessed leadership potential. The reason you suffer from
jealousy is that you think people can take your spot. The
reason you are suspicious of everybody is that you are afraid
someone can take your place in life. The reason you covet
other peoples goods is that you believe they can take what
belongs to you. The reason you compete with other people for
positions in life is that you believe places of advancement and
advantage are scarce.
The tendency of people to pull down those in their own
group the poor, minority people, women, other interns, fellow
vice presidents who are trying to get ahead is where the
phrase crabs in a barrel comes from. If you understand and
adopt a servant-leadership mentality, there is no need for that.
When you understand leadership as Jesus taught it, you will
never be jealous again. Jealousy is only possible when you
believe someone has something that belongs to you. If I
understand that you never can have what belongs to me and
that I never can have what belongs to you and what belongs to
me can only fit me, then I will never envy you.
You can be confident in your gifting and your place in the
What a Deal!
Those who know their leadership spot and understand their
gift are the happiest. Your gift is fun. You enjoy it, you can do it
all day, and, remember, they pay you to do it.
Somebody asked Tiger Woods, What is your hobby?
He said, Golf.
The interviewer asked, What do you enjoy?
When are you the happiest? he was asked next.
When Im playing golf.
It makes him happy, he looks happy doing it, and companies
pay him millions because people enjoy watching him. He is in
his spot.
If you were to ask him who he was, he would say, Man, I
am golf and I give my life to this game. I think it, drink it, smell
it, smoke it; I sleep it. When I am doing nothing, I am thinking
about it.
He gives it for the multitudes. We get the pleasure from
seeing him playing it. Tiger Woods is having fun, but we get
the pleasure. He gives it to the world.
The beauty of serving your gift is that your wealth is coming
from what you enjoy. You enjoy being yourself. Nobody
should pass up this deal. This is a perfect deal.
It is like a bird saying, I am a bird, they pay me to fly. I like
Its My Pleasure
When you are in your leadership spot, work is joy. When you
Leadership has nothing to do with titles either. It has to do with
function. I respect you because of your gift, not because of
your title. If you have no title at all, once I discover your
function and its value to me, I will protect you. I will pay you to
give it to me. That is what makes you wealthy. Wealth does not
come from your job; it comes from your gift.
Respect is a result of your gift. It does not come because
you seek it. Respect is from the manifestation of your function,
your gift, your leadership spot. That is why they call on me,
and that is why people who need your gift call on you. When
you have a dental problem, who do you look for? A dentist.
You respect him because he has a function. You will drive
twenty minutes to find him, and then give him your money too.
The same thing is true about all of life. Your specialty makes
you valuable, and everyone was born with a specialty.
Disrespect is ignorance of function. What about you? Have
you shaken off the clay? Are you in the right leadership spot?
Who Died and Left You in Charge?:
The Dominion Mandate
He who would lead others must first become his own
In the King James Version of the Bible, the Hebrew word for
rule radah translates as have dominion. The Creator
made man, the species, in His own nature and own character so
that the humans could rule, have dominion, or have kingdom
over the earth. Therefore, the first thing the Creator and King
gave to humanity was a kingdom to oversee. I define kingdom
as the governing authority of a king over a territory, who
impacts it with his will, purpose, and intent. He created earth
to be a kingdom in which the offspring of the King would rule
with His authority, and the children would impact it with their
will, purpose, and intent.
The psalmist wrote, The highest heavens belong to the
Lord, but the earth he has given to man (Psalms 115:16).
Heaven is the Creators main territory or domain. He wanted
His children to have an active role in His government, so He
created a domain for them. In the human kingdoms we know
the heir to a throne cannot become the monarch until the king
or queen dies. For Prince Charles to be king while Queen
Elizabeth is still alive, he would have to rule over a foreign
territory. Prince Charles becomes king of England only if Queen
Elizabeth is no longer alive. Likewise, the heir to the head of
state in Japan becomes emperor only when the current emperor
Yet the Creator of all things is eternal. He will not die, so
there is no succession to the throne of God. Because He
lovingly wants Hs children to share in His rule, He created a
brand-new kingdom the visible, physical world of earth to
give humankind a territory to oversee, under the Kings
ultimate rule. The Creator is the King of kings; we are His
offspring on earth.
Humanity has the authority to rule over five main earthly
Establishing Domain
The Creator intended us to be rulers in charge of our
physical environment. This we can summarize in the term
dominion mandate. Here is how this concept relates to servant
Gods kingdom is one of servant kings who serve it with
their gifts.
God created you to minister to or serve your gifts to the
world, fulfilling His purpose on earth.
Jesus taught that leadership and greatness come from
effectively serving your gift to the world.
Servant leaders measure true leadership by how many
people they serve, not by how many people serve them.
You will always have what you need if you help other
people achieve what they want.
You rule your domain when you serve your gift.
You supply the world with your gift and your gift will
make room for you in the world.
How does this dominion mandate translate to your servant
leadership today? To carry out the mandate, you first have to
discover your particular domain on earth that you are to rule.
way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the
great (Proverbs 18:16).
When I discovered this truth, everything changed in my life,
because I became free from the control of other people and
became free to serve the world. Solomon did not say your
education or connections would make room for you. Some
people can have a Ph.D., have famous relatives, or win a lottery
and still be broke.
Others can start with little or nothing and create a fortune.
Bill Gates quit college to start the venture that eventually
became Microsoft. Why? He discovered his gift. Steve Jobs,
cofounder of Apple computers, quit college after only a
semester. Why? He discovered his gift. They discovered gifts
they could serve to the world. They developed products the
world needed, and they became rich and famous. Their gifts
have brought them before kings and queens.
Please understand that I am in favor of education, but
education cannot give you your gift; it can only help you
refine and develop it, make you more skillful at executing your
gift. School, in itself, will not make you successful. Your gift
makes you a success. Your gift makes room for you, and it will
bring you before kings.
Daniel 7:27
Then the sovereignty, power and greatness of the kingdoms
under the whole heaven will be handed over to the saints, the
people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting
kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey him.
This will be a kingdom of rulers worshiping and governing
under the ultimate King.
The origins of humanity suggest five principles for
understanding your prepared position.
1. Every human being was created to lead and designed
for dominion. You have the capacity and ability to
dominate in an area of gifting. The Creator gave you a
domain to influence on the earth. God created you for
dominion. Dominion is the key to servant leadership.
God said, Let them have rulership, mastery,
governorship, authority, control, and leadership over
the sea, birds of the air, the cattle of the field, and all the
earth and everything that creeps upon the ground. He
says over all the earth (Genesis 1:26).
2. Trapped in every follower is a hidden leader. Everyone
who thinks he or she is merely a follower is really a
leader trapped in the mind-set of a follower. You do not
know who you are. Your enemies may not know who
you are either, but they may suddenly want to be your
friend when you discover your leadership.
They do not know you, because you do not know
yourself. Your employer pays you a little salary and
gives you a little title, and you are proud of that. What a
tragedy. You are worth more to the world than anyone
A Built-In Capacity
When we think of the word leadership, we think of leading
people, mastering people, dominating people, or controlling
people. Most people who say that they are leaders are really
controllers. They try to control people. According to God,
humans are off limits to control.
What does God mean when he says man is to dominate?
God has given humanity dominion, and whatever God calls for,
he provides for. That means whatever God created he designed
with the capability to do its job and serve its purpose. If God
created birds to fly, then he designed the birds with flight
capability on the inside. Whatever God calls for He provides
for. When God said let Me make a creature that will have
dominion leadership, rulership, power, control, mastery He
had to create you out of His own material.
If we want a creature that can do all of those things, one
who possesses the spirit of dominion and power and authority
and mastery and rulership and governorship, we have to build
it that way. When the car designers want a model that will run
longer and faster on less fuel or a combination of fuels, they
have to design it that way and build it to certain specifications.
Birds do not become fliers; they are fliers. They are born
with the capacity. They just have to wait to come of age. When
the time is right and their wings are strong enough, the mother
will push them out of the nest, and they will know what to do.
Likewise, fish do not become swimmers; they are born to swim.
The ability to float and maneuver in the water is in them.
Humans do not become rulers or leaders. They are born with
the capability. They just wait for a season. Everything has its
season. Every purpose has its time. There is a time for
Created He Them
God created humans, male and female. And both received the
assignment of dominion over fish and birds and cattle and
trees and creeping things. God commissioned both male and
female equally to be rulers, governors, leaders, managers, and
masters of the earth.
Genesis 1:2728 kjv
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God
created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful,
and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,
and over every living thing that moveth.
Yet we see men treating women unequal, at best, and at
worst like animals. Most cultures have also oppressed women
in some way and cast them in a less-than-equal role.
Governments have created laws that burdened them. Churches
have denied them positions of authority. Corporations have
discriminated against them. Schools have often denied them
opportunities or educated them to be subservient. Even their
own families have sometimes held them back from their dreams.
These things are the opposite of what the Bible teaches. The
Word of God explains that God created both man and woman
and gave them dominion.
The word man is the name God gave to His species. In the
biblical account of Adams line, when God created man, it says
he made him in the likeness of God. It says He created the male
and female, then blessed them and called them man.
Genesis 5:12 kjv
1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that
God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;
2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and
called their name Adam, (emphasis added) in the day when
they were created.
Man is the name of the species. Therefore, my wife is a
man. Inside of my wife is a man a spirit that is the same
image as mine, same value, same ability, same dominion.
1 Peter 3:7
Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with
your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner
and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that
nothing will hinder your prayers.
God created them, male and female, and blessed them. He
told both of them to have dominion. This is Gods purpose and
plan. Thus, every woman is a powerful leader, and every man is
a powerful leader as well. Male and female are both leaders with
the same ability. You cannot treat a woman as less than a man
in value. God blessed them and told them to have dominion
together over the earth.
Jockeying for Position: The Sons of
Never follow and live for what a man is not willing to die for.
you might have had to sell your car or sleep in it, or remortgage
your house, to pay for training or supplies. They do not know
what it cost you to get through graduate school and how much
you still pay in student loans. No one knows how many hours
you had to practice and how many injuries you suffered. None
of those who covet your position realize how many months
you did not earn enough commission to feed your family. Who
knows about the discrimination and discouragement you
suffered as a woman to get there? Do any of those folks know
about the handicap you concealed to avoid obstacles or pity?
Leaders are known not by the medals on their chests but by
the scars on their backs.
People might envy Stephen Wynn, for example, a billionaire
casino developer who is one of the richest people in America.
Do they know he had to take on his familys bingo business
before his college graduation when his father suddenly died?
Do they realize Wynn has a degenerative eye disease that
severely limits his sight? Did they hear on the news that
because of his wealth, his daughter was once kidnapped?
Would they want to suffer the things he did to get where he is
today? Many people might like to be a leader in the gambling
world and enjoy his riches, but they would not want his
A Mothers Plea
The question is never about the position you hold or to which
you aspire; it is about the cost.
Remember those two students in the leadership training
class of Jesus Christ James and John, Zebedees sons? Their
After the first hour, you will say, Forget being on TV around
the world. Im going back to driving a van.
It is easy to criticize Oral Roberts evangelist, healer, and
founder of the university I attended. Easy! You do not know
the cup.
Titles do not make leaders; cups make leaders.
To James and John, Jesus said, Can you drink the cup?
and He was thinking, They want to sit on My level.
He said, Oh, you want to sit on My level? Then you have
to drink the cup. You have to pay the same price that I paid to
sit here.
They said, We can.
Now watch his response: You will indeed drink watch
this word from My cup.
He did not say, You will drink my cup.
His cup is crucifixion. If you study history, you will find that
both James and John died horrific deaths. Scripture says James
was executed by sword, and tradition holds that John was
exiled and later boiled in hot oil.
Acts 12:12
1 It was about this time that King Herod arrested some who
belonged to the church, intending to persecute them.
2 He had James, the brother of John, put to death with the
gifts and that we are prepared to pay the price. Leaders like
Abe Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. ultimately did pay with
their lives, as did many of the early Christians.
The day before his death, Martin Luther King Jr. talked
about the cup. He mentioned an earlier attack on his life when a
deranged woman stabbed him, and he marveled at all he had
been able to accomplish since he survived that threat. He
talked about the threats on his life that were still swirling in the
air that day and some of the precautions that had been taken.
Yet he chose to show up in Memphis and deliver a rousing
speech on April 3, 1968, prepared to march for freedom the next
Nearing the conclusion of that speech, he said that although
he didnt know what would happen to him with all the threats
on his life, it didnt matter to him. Even though he wanted to
live a long life, hed been to the mountaintop and wasnt
concerned about longevity now. I just want to do Gods will,
he said.
The rest of that final speech, about seeing the Promised Land,
is better known, but the main point is that he talked about
serving up his gift, and like Jesus, his life as ransom.
Gandhi, the model for nonviolent protest that King used so
effectively, had spoken of the cup as well: There are many
causes that I am prepared to die for but no causes that I am
prepared to kill for.1 He was aware of the price.
Perhaps your cup will merely be completing that graduate
degree to teach at an urban college, practice medicine in
Appalachia, or fight AIDS in Africa. Maybe it will require
giving up a high salary to enter the ministry or care for a dying
come. You know the leaders of this world, Jesus said, They
like to Lord it over people. Control people. They like to oppress
people. Exercise authority over people. But it shall not be so
with you, He said. Instead, whoever wants to become great
among you must be your servant. Whoever wants to be first
must be your slave.
Matthew 20:2527
25 Jesus called them together and said, You know that the
rulers of the Gentiles Lord it over them, and their high
officials exercise authority over them.
26 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great
among you must be your servant,
27 and whoever wants to be first must be your slave.
Then He said, Look at Me. The Son of Man did not come to
be served but to serve and to give His life as ransom for many
Matthew 20:28
Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to
serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Another word that the Bible uses for servant is leitourgos
meaning a public servant, a minister, a servant. This means to
discharge an office at ones expense. You even pay to serve.
This applies more to some politicians or pastors or business
leaders. It means you use your gift to serve a country, a
congregation, or a company at your own expense. The whole
concept of servant leadership is that you are not doing it for
gain. You are doing it because serving your gift is an extension
of who you are.
Just ask:
What sacrifice am I prepared to make?
What price would I pay to be a leader?
What do these positions cost, Jesus?
Its Greek to Me: Out With Old Ideas
As a tree is hid in a seed so your future as a leader is not
ahead of you, its within you.
Defining Leadership
Among the traditional concepts of leadership are these:
Leadership is controlling and imposing ones will on people.
Or so the world teaches. But that is not leadership, only
control! It is manipulation and dictatorship. Leaders serve the
needs of others and act in accordance with the will of God and
for the good of the people. The greatest leader of all time said,
If you love me, you will obey what I command ( John 14:15).
If you what? Love Him. Not if you are afraid of Him.
Leadership is management of people. You have to manage
those people. You must manage those members. You should
manage that group better. This is nonsense. People are so
complex that you cannot manage them. They may fake it, lie
and make you think you are in charge, but you cannot manage
the human spirit. It is the most unpredictable spirit with which
you can deal. You can manage things like machines and
equipment and resources, but you cannot manage people. God
never intended you to do so. Servant leaders manage things
but develop people. You develop people, not manage them.
Leadership is superior to following. If I am the leader, then
obviously I am superior. If I am the manager, then obviously all
the staff must be less than I am in value. If I am the boss, then
everybody else must be less than me. This is why the minute
your friends are promoted they treat you differently. They were
simply waiting for a title. They do not speak to you anymore. I
cant eat with you anymore. I have to eat with the other
supervisors. I cannot have lunch with you anymore. Im up in
the executive suite. This is not servant leadership. Servant
leaders value others, respect their function, and appreciate
their gifts. The greatest is the servant, slave, youngest, and
Leaders are served by followers. Leadership is measured by
how many people serve you. They say, How large is your
church? How many do you have on staff? How many aides do
you have? You only have two? I have ten. How many people
serve me? This is backward. I must be the servant. Serve your
Leadership is cultivating and manipulating the fear of
people. We develop the skill to manipulate peoples emotions.
The one who can do that the most and is more skillful is the
leader. Therefore, if I can make you fearful and use that fear
against you so you can submit to me, I am a great leader. The
Bible says, Perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18).
You should not obey a man because you are afraid of him;
that is dictatorship. That is not leadership.
Leadership is a product of providence. When a man believes
it is Gods will for him to be a slave, that man is in trouble.
Providence means the gods chose certain people to lead; the
others they chose to follow. The gods did it. The concept of
divine leadership is a Greek idea. The pharaohs of Egypt had it.
The Romans had it. The Greeks taught that God chose me to
oppress you. God establishes your position. You are a slave by
appointment. I am a leader by appointment.
Check the Reservations: Your Name
Is on the Roll
True Leadership is not a product of a course of study but a
course in self-discovery.
Zebedees family that the privilege to sit at His right and left is
not His to grant.
Jesus said basically, Look, God has already prepared that
position, and I cannot give you anyone elses position.
Matthew 20:23
Jesus said to them, . . . To sit at my right or left is not for me
to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have
been prepared by my Father.
A reservation for your leadership spot is already on file and
the deposit is paid. A place has been secured for you. Your
leadership spot is already reserved.
Leadership is a divine deposit.Deposit means put there at
conception. Every human being was conceived by divine
prerogative to deliver a gift of service to humanity. It is by
divine decree or providential decree.
Providence has placed in every person a packaged gift that
no human gave him or her, but that each is supposed to give to
other humans. Everyone on this planet is carrying a divine
treasure that the world needs and that each is responsible for
delivering to the world.
In Gods plan, every human has a place set aside. Each is
born to meet a need in creation. That is your place. God has
prepared it for you. He has a plan to fit you, and He has built
you to fit the plan.
To this end, we need to realize . . .
Whatever the Creator calls for, He provides for.
Whatever He demands, He supplies.
Whatever He expects, He injects.
Buried Treasure
In life, the greatest tragedy is not death; it is living without a
purpose. It is worse than death. It is more tragic to be alive and
not know why than to be dead and not know life. If you are 40,
50, 60 years old and do not know why you are living, and still
do not know your purpose, or why you came to this planet,
know this: You were not born just to make a living. You are here
to live out an assignment on this planet. You were born to make
a difference in the world.
Each inhabitant of our world carries in them a seed of
greatness to deliver to the planet. Greatness is in everybody. A
good supervisor brings out the greatness in each employee.
Leadership is creating an environment that allows people to
manifest their gifts for the corporate good. That is good
business, and that is great leadership.
Many people die without manifesting this seed of greatness,
however. They will take that gift to the grave without using it.
They will be buried with untapped treasure. The wealthiest
place on earth is not the gold mines of South America or the
diamond mines of South Africa. It is not the oil fields of Iran,
Iraq, Kuwait, or the silver mines of Central America. The
wealthiest place on earth is the cemetery. It holds the treasures
that people never served to humanity.
It is wealthy because buried in the cemetery are books that
were never written. In the graveyard is music that no one had a
chance to hear, songs that were never sung! The graveyard is
filled with magazines that were never published. The cemetery
is filled with businesses that were never opened. What a
The graveyard is filled with visions that never became
Planting a Forest
You have no time left to sit down and look back at your past.
God is saying, Stop it! The seed of everything is in itself.
Your future is not ahead of you. The future is in you. The
future of everything is in the thing itself.
If I held out an apple seed and asked you, What do you see
in my hand? you would say, An apple seed. That would be
a fact but not the full truth. The truth is I have a tree in my
hand. That is, in my hand is the seed of a tree. In my hand, I
have an apple seed with an apple tree that has apple fruit. In
my hand is an apple seed with an apple tree that has apples
with fruit, with apple seeds. You see a seed, but God says, It is
a forest! In my hand is an apple orchard, a forest of apple
God hides the future of everything in itself. In every tree,
God hid a forest. In every bird, God hid a flock. In every fish,
there is a school of fish. God is amazing. In every little boy, God
hides a man. In every little girl, God hides a great woman. In
them together, a generation, a dynasty of generations.
You are a seed in which He has placed a generation. The
cemetery that gets your forest will not deliver your fruit. Men
look at the facts, but God looks at the truth. Men look at the
outer part of the matter; God looks at the heart of the matter.
When God looks at people, He does not see what you see.
Your own mother does not even know you. Your father does
not know you. They do not see what God sees. Christ asked
His own mother, Did you not know who I am? I was in your
stomach for nine months. Did you not know?
Luke 2:49
Coming Soon!
Whatever you are doing on your job, do not let them destroy
your forest. It is on the inside! Vision is when the seed sees its
own forest. That is why you have big dreams. Your dreams are
real. Do not die and go to the cemetery with them. Do not die
without accomplishing your dreams. Some of you are thinking
about retirement. God says, What are you talking about? The
word retirement is not recognized. It is not in My program,
God says. Keep working. Get busy and deliver your stuff.
God told Abraham at 75, You still have something on the
inside. This is going to be the best year in your life! You aint
seen nothing yet! What you have done is OK, but God is
disappointed in the things in which you take pride. God says,
Put your pants back on and get busy. There is no time to get
tired now. Keep serving your gift.
I was driving in Florida, when I saw a dirty, messy property
with dirt and mud in the front and bushes, dirt, and mud in the
back. On the front, someone had put a sign with a picture of a
beautiful building that said, Coming Soon! It reminded me
that you might look at what is true right now, but God has
planted in your life a picture that is already finished. Coming
child is already realistic. The Holy Spirit has already told her
that she wants to be the president. If that is Gods purpose
divinely deposited in her, it is what she should pursue. The
position is already set aside. Do not kill your childrens dreams!
Jesus says, Unless you become like a little child, you cant
live in my kingdom (see Matthew 18:3). Never grow up. Grow
old, but never up.
I believe the redemptive work of God as presented in the
Scriptures is not just the salvaging and redeeming of a human
soul but the reclaiming of a forest with a destiny. That is why
He loves you so much, because He knows what He put on the
inside of you. Salvation means to salvage the forest. He did not
save us to go to heaven; He saved us to do good works that
were put inside us before the foundation. For we are Gods
workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians
2:10). So much is still inside of you.
You need to die as Jesus died empty. On the cross, He
said, It is finished (see John 19:30). It is amazing that Jesus
never said, I am finished; He said, It is finished.
He was referring to an assignment. He was 33 years old, and
He said that He was finished finished at 33. How are you
doing? Can we be finished at 33? The answer is yes, if you
knew why you were born. Age could be incriminating. If you
are still living at 99, maybe you have failed to complete your
assignment. Perhaps you are not finished. Maybe God is
keeping some of us alive so that we can have some more time
to discover why we were born.
Maybe we should die like the apostle Paul, who said, I have
finished my course. I have kept the faith. I have been poured
out like a church offering.
2 Timothy 4:68
6 For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and
the time has come for my departure.
7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have
kept the faith.
8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness,
which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that
day and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for
his appearing.
There is nothing left inside of me, he declares. I served it
all, and I am now ready to depart from here.
Can you die with joy? What are your dreams? Stir them up
and take the gift out of you. Serve the gift to the world now.
2 Timothy 1:6 kjv
Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift
of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.
It Isnt Yours to Keep: Sharing the
The value of all creation is in its contribution to others.
the planet. I sat there pondering his words and the aircraft rose
over the tarmac and into the clouds streaming above the green
carpet of trees and fields. I silently began to thank the creator
for the green trees and every plant that provides us with lifesustaining oxygen. In this moment of deep appreciation for
nature I suddenly was reminded of the truth that everything in
creation existed for the sustaining of everything else. The
plants need the sun, we need the oxygen of the plants, the
plants need the carbon dioxide we produce, and the cycle
This principle is also true in relation to every human being;
you were created to serve an important purpose in the cycle of
humanity and your generation needs you. Your gift is
necessary for humanity. You exist not for yourself but for
others. The essence of becoming a leader is discovering what
you were given to serve your generation. Leadership is never
for the leader but for those he serves.
Without a Shepherd
One of the most profound yet simple assessments of
humanitys condition that I have ever read is from the
incomparable first-century philosopher and teacher Jesus of
Nazareth. His observation of the state of humanity, His
assessment of our condition, and His identification of the
solution is found in one statement. Matthew, one of Jesus
students and leadership trainees, wrote: When [Jesus] saw
the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were
harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
This assessment applies to the condition of humanity today.
The same challenges and frustrations persist in every
generation. The word harassed used here means to be under
the control or involuntary influence of external forces to
have no internal peace. Harassed means to be a victim of
circumstances for which you have no resistance. Harassed
people are trapped in a cycle of life, struggling to obtain the
basics: food, clothing, and shelter.
Our contemporary society has not changed much. Even the
economically privileged in the most industrialized nations are
harassed. We might have even more stress as we multitask to
keep up in our cyber-driven culture: responding to our
BlackBerry when we should be enjoying dinner with our
families; checking our voice mail at home by calling on our
mobile phone from the beach, where we are supposed to be
vacationing; using our laptops on the weekend to tap into the
office computer to squeeze in more work on what is supposed
to be our sabbath.
You rise early every morning, get stuck in traffic, go to a job
you hate and work twelve or more hours. This is doing
something you really do not want to do and for which you earn
less-than-fair wages. You cannot wait to get off work, only to
become stuck in traffic again. At home, you eat an unhealthy
carryout dinner in front of the depressing news of crime and
sleazy politics, and then you watch a reality show that is not
Finally, you take sleeping pills to get some rest. Too often,
you climb into bed, lying back-to-back with your spouse
because you are not speaking to each other, or you are so tired
that just talking is an effort. Six hours later, you wake up still
groggy and start all over again. You get through the day hyped
up on overpriced, over-caffeinated coffee.
If you are lucky, you will work every year until you are 65 or
70, unless the company downsizes or moves overseas before
then and leaves you or they replace you with a young person
who has no experience but will work for less. You hope you will
still have a pension fund, Social Security, and health insurance.
That is not life. That is harassment one form of it.
We have professionals who pretend to be successful,
happy, and fulfilled. They attract the six-figure salaries and
drive the latest car. To get away from undesirable elements,
they live in gated communities or penthouses. They take
expensive vacations. At the same time, their family lives are
shattered, marriages are wrecked, children are on drugs and
birth control. The parents live a secret life of depression, fear,
alcohol, or all the above. They are harassed. Poverty, hunger,
homelessness, lack of health care, and a host of other evils
harass those less privileged.
When you are harassed, life is beating up on you.
Jesus saw life beating people to a pulp. When He saw the
condition of the people, He had compassion. He felt moved by
A Failure to Lead
He saw humanity as helpless lacking the capacity to
generate change. Helpless means that you live under
circumstances that imprison your hope and suffocate your will.
This means you not only have problems, but you also cannot
seem to do anything about them. The first-century crowds
could do nothing to drive away the occupying Romans or
relieve their heavy taxation. They could not wish away their
Jesus identified the cause of humanitys central problem:
they are like sheep. He did not say they are sheep, but that
they are like sheep without a shepherd. He could have said,
They are without leadership. They were in a poor state
because they had no leaders or had defective leaders.
It is interesting that, in this instance, Jesus did not say the
cause of their helplessness was sin or evil. This was not a
religious description. He said it was the absence of effective,
appropriate leadership.
Jesus Christ made this observation two thousand years ago
in a culture where many people held powerful positions of
leadership the teachers of the law, priests, the Pharisees,
King Herod and the Roman governors, Caesar. Those people
had titles, positions, authority, power, and money, but He
concluded that real leadership was absent. The ideas of
philosophers such as Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle had been
around for seven hundred years by then. Yet, Jesus said, in
effect, The people have no leader.
The leaders of the day had either by design or default
failed the people. They had led them into a state of harassment
and helplessness. The source of the peoples condition was
Abuse of Power
Jesus said that you must serve yourself to the world, serve
your gift. The leadership gift that you came to earth to serve is
not to benefit you, but others. You become a great leader when
you serve your gift, not when you prostitute your gift, not
when you use it to destroy, oppress, or take advantage of other
Leadership is supposed to enhance, help, develop, and
inspire others, not destroy, demean, and corrupt people. Of
course, history is replete with those like Hitler, Mussolini, and
others who found their gifts, but they used them for their own
personal ambition, not for the advancement of humanity.
An example of misuse of power comes from Jesus
admonition to the same two disciples who sought to sit at His
right or left. These two, James and John, were the first wouldbe religious terrorists in Christianity. They were the first ones
He had to correct when they wanted Him to call down fire from
heaven and burn who did not follow their particular system. I
did not come to destroy peoples lives, He said.
Luke 9:5456 kjv
54 And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said,
Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from
heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did?
55 But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not
what manner of spirit ye are of.
56 For the Son of man is not come to destroy mens lives, but
to save them. And they went to another village.
Jesus was really the greatest model of leadership, even when
What are they doing that will affect our children and future
Servant leadership is not only personal, it is social. It is
public. It is national. It is international. It is global.
Servant leadership is necessary for the world to become a
better place, whether it is our personal world or the global
community. Leadership is for the benefit of others.
Who will lead those who are harassed and helpless?
How can you use your gifts in service to the world?
Leaders Are Made, Not Born: SelfDiscovery Is the Main Ingredient
Greatness is measured by how much of yourself you lose in
service to the others.
must offer to others. You must learn who you are, and then
reveal yourself to the world. This will set you on a path of
freedom from the restraints of culture, society, and other
people, so you can become the leader God intends you to be.
No one else can make you a leader. You cannot decide to
take a course and become a leader. Greatness is not something
you pursue. Greatness is serving to the world what you
discover in yourself. That means anyone whether you were a
slave like Joseph, a jailed man like Nelson Mandela, or a 53
Indian, who loved your people like Mahatma Gandhi can be
great. None of these people fits the mold of a great leader.
What they did was discover the gift that they had on the
inside, the passion, and then they decided to serve it to the
world at the expense of their own safety and preservation.
Greatness in the concept of Jesus is discovering your true
self and your true gifts, and then, humbling yourself, your true
self, to serve. The word humble is from the Latin word humus,
which means earth, earthy. It means to be dirt. Humble also
means to be yourself. It is a compliment.
realization, to see God face to face . . . I live and move and have
my being in pursuit of this goal.1
Most of the great leaders of history were not looking for
leadership. Something happened that made them the leaders
God intended.
Consider these examples:
Jesus was a carpenter who accepted His assignment
that, as the Son of God, His real work was to teach a
new way of living and then die for us. When He was
arrested, He got His chance.
Martin Luther King Jr. was a relatively inexperienced
preacher and newcomer to the city when a bold woman
decided to stay in her bus seat. The community leaders
asked him to lead Montgomerys black citizens in a
boycott to demand equality.
Lyndon Johnson became a stronger voice for civil rights
than most people would have imagined when he had to
lead America after John F. Kennedys assassination.
Katherine Graham grabbed the reins of the Washington
Post after her husbands suicide and took risks to
protect the nation in publishing the Watergate scoops.
Mother Teresa wanted to serve poor people in India and
attracted others to follow her example, which ultimately
brought her into the courts of kings, presidents, and
Called to Lead
True leaders never seek leadership. A sense of purpose that
To Know Thyself
How do you begin the process? First, ask yourself, Who am
I? Not, What do I do? Jesus never said, I do ransom. He
says, I am the ransom.
To explore your spot and your purpose, ask yourself some
more questions:
Can I be a servant?
Do I really want to be the slave?
Am I willing to be the youngest?
What is my function?
What is my purpose?
What is my gift?
10 Steps to Self-Discovery
The first step in discovering your personal leadership is to
recognize the desires the Creator has placed into your heart. If
you know your desires, you can begin to identify purpose,
which is the heart of servant leadership. Think about each of
these questions carefully and answer them honestly. Record
your responses.
1. What is my deepest desire?
What are the things you want most in life?
2. What is my passion?
What is the thing you simply must do? What animates and
energizes you? What makes you forget to eat or sleep?
Believe: The Power of Philosophy
No one lives beyond the limits of their belief system.
Even today, we, the average people, accept this philosophy.
Our destiny derives from what others think of us. As we
discuss how to prepare you for your leadership spot, the
prepared place that the Father reserved for you for each of
us what you think of you is key. What are your beliefs about
you? What is your philosophy?
Philosophy is powerful. Thought is the source of
philosophy. The word philosophy comes from philo, love, and
sophy, to think or to know. It addresses our way of thinking,
our system of belief. You live your ideas. You become your
thoughts. Solomon says that what you think determines who
you are: For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he (Proverbs
23:7 kjv).
The word we translate as heart in Solomons statement is a
Hebrew word for the center of reasoning. This does not refer
to the conscious mind but the hidden mind. Psychology calls
it the subconscious mind. Whatever is stored in your
subconscious mind is generally the real you.
Jesus of Nazareth said: Out of the abundance of the heart
the mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34 nkjv).
He also said:
Matthew 15:1820
18 Those things which proceed out of the mouth come from
the heart, and they defile a man.
19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders,
adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, and blasphemies.
20 These are the things which defile a man.
What comes out of the heart can be either constructive or
A Can-Do Perspective
Until you discover yourself, however, self-doubt will
contaminate your attitude. You cannot fake having confidence.
That comes from understanding yourself by self-discovery.
You can read a thousand positive-thinking books and still think
negatively. A positive attitude is a product of belief. You have
Reflected Glory
Among the great problems of humanity is self-doubt. Those
who doubt themselves do not know who they are; they try to
be everybody else; they doubt their abilities; they put on other
peoples identities.
I have studied the life of Jesus for over thirty years, and He
continues to intrigue me. He never automatically accepted
others opinions of Him.
Someone might have called you stupid, and you believe you
are stupid. Perhaps you even quit school because of it. People
might have called you ugly, and now you think you are ugly.
Someone might have called you inadequate in something, and
so you do not even try it anymore. What others say, you
believe: that you cannot paint, swim, play the piano, do math,
or you fill in the blank and so you do not! You believe
someone elses opinion because you do not know who you
really are or what your potential is.
It takes a completely secure person to ask others, Who do
you say I am? as Jesus inquired of His students (Matthew
You need to know the answer before you ask the question,
because you are likely to get an opinion that is flawed.
Jesus came to give us back our self-image. But He could not
do so unless He could show us what it would look like.
Therefore, the Bible says God became flesh and lived among
us, and we were able to behold, to see His glory. The Word
became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen
his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the
Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:14).
We could see ourselves in Him. That is why we are so
and go into the sea. That takes a God kind of faith. Say it: Go!
In the name of Jesus, by the authority of my image, go! Crawl
into the sea! Go away in the name of Jesus! Mountain, get out
of my way, I say.
Believe it.
One old song says, You dont have to move the mountain.
Just give me strength to climb. Forget that, you can move the
You have to say it until the mountain is history. Have you
heard people use the acronym P.U.S.H. Pray Until Something
Happens? Push the mountain. You have the power to do that.
Whatever He calls you for, you can do. First, you have to
believe. The Bible says you only need faith the size of a tiny
seed, the mustard seed:
He replied, Because you have so little faith. I tell you the
truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you
can say to this mountain, Move from here to there and it
will move. Nothing will be impossible for you (Matthew
I Am a Leader
It is not easy reversing years of not being trained to believe in
yourself, but you can nurture that belief, reminding yourself
you can do anything.
Greatness is separating yourself from other peoples
opinions of you. Greatness is delivering yourself from peoples
expectations of you. Greatness is discovering that you are
more than what society thought you were.
To help you achieve greatness, I have adapted these
affirmations from some of my earlier writings. Read them
periodically to help maximize your potential to lead:
1. I possess a deep, guiding purpose, the meaning and the
reason for my existence.
2. I have a clear vision, a personal and a corporate vision
that I can communicate to others.
3. I love to serve others with a passion to see their lives
improve and to help them maximize their potential and
develop their own leadership.
4. I have established clear goals in accordance with my
gift and Gods purpose for me.
5. I cultivate my spiritual reserves through Scripture,
prayer, and faith practices.
6. I am teachable, as I demonstrate through study,
reading, listening to those from whom I can learn, and
benefiting from my mistakes.
7. I am constantly refining my skills through practice,
innovation, and adaptation to achieve excellence.
Prepare: The Toolbox of a Leader
Ability without skill is the source of mediocrity.
coworkers as well.
Matthew 28:1820
18 All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations . . .
20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded
you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the
When you discover who you are, and are able to live it out,
you can be authentic. There are many unauthorized dealers
in this world. They are doing things they were not born to do.
The reason they have to work so hard is that they do not have
any authority in that area. A fish is authorized to swim, so
swimming is easy for it. Yet, if a fish leaped off a steep cliff and
tried to fly, it would die. Unauthentic leadership requires high
maintenance. It is hard work maintaining something not meant
to be.
This is why you must find your gift, start working on it, and
let it grow. When your gift kicks in, everything you need to
sustain it already exists.
Luke 12:24, 2728
24 Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have
no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more
valuable you are than birds! . . .
27 Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin.
Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was
dressed like one of these.
28 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is
here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much
more will he clothe you, O you of little faith!
The flowers do not feel stress. They do not toil. They are
not concerned about paying rent and mortgages, or feeding
kids and affording tuition. They are not trying to do anything
but just be flowers, and God has clothed them brilliantly for
that. The birds and the fish have everything they need to fulfill
their purpose. The Creator wants you to be yourself and fulfill
your purpose. When you do, the Creator supplies everything
you need.
Two Birds
One day on my way to Australia to speak at a leadership
conference, I had a brief layover in Atlanta, Georgia. As I sat
near the window watching the aircrafts land, suddenly I was
attracted to the arrival of another bird of flight, a seagull.
Standing there spellbound, I realized I was watching two birds
at work one naturally born to fly, the other a fabricated
One bird is authentic, the other unnatural. One is original,
the other a copy. One with natural authority, the other with
unnatural authority.
The seagull, gliding on the natural currents of the wind,
gently landed right in front of the massive aircraft that arrived
to take me to my next destination. Suddenly, over two dozen
men and women went into action with machines, hoses, blocks,
guiding lights, generators, and all sorts of equipment to service
the big bird that approached the jet bridge.
No one moved toward the sea gull.
One of the men ran to the front of the big bird, two to the
side, one grabbed an air-conditioning hose; another was in a
fuel truck, another in a catering van, and still another drove a
conveyer belt vehicle; there were baggage handlers,
mechanics, engineers, and cabin cleaners. No one moved
toward the seagull. The natural bird needed no one to service
him. He needed no artificial oxygen supply, catering, cleaning,
fuel, and the like. It was amazing.
In that moment, I learned one of the most important lessons
in life: when you are natural and do what you were naturally
created to do, then maintenance is low. If you try to do
something you were not naturally born to do, then you will
If you help other people get what they need, you will always
have what you need.
Intrinsic Value
True servant leaders derive their self-worth from their
conscious conviction that they are important to the world and
are obligated to contribute to humankind.
When you discover who you are, you understand your
value to the world and your importance to the human race. You
recognize you have a contribution to make.
What is important here is that your value does not come
from the world. Rather, you give your value to the world. Your
value comes from the recognition that you can supply
something no one else on earth has. That is your significance.
When you know who you are, you do not need to impress
anyone. You do not have to prove anything to anybody. You
can just be yourself and understand your value to the world.
No Competition
True servant leaders never compete or strive with other
leaders but find pleasure in the success of others and
contribute their gift to the success of others.
When you discover who you are, there is no one to compete
with because you are an original. Other peoples gifts or
successes do not threaten you because you know that others
can never replace or become you. You cannot take my place,
and I cannot take yours, so the competition is over. Building on
our earlier analogy, the battery does not need to compete with
the spark plug, because the battery can never fulfill the
function of the spark plug, and vice versa. They all need to sit
in their spots and serve the engine with their individual gifts.
No Comparison
True servant leaders compliment, not compare, themselves
with others. Their sense of values gives them a sense of
security that allows them to never be threatened by the
success of others.
When you discover who you are, you become distinctive. If
you are a true servant leader, you do not compare yourself to
anyone else because you know there is no one like you.
Measuring yourself and your gifts against other people
becomes a non-issue.
It is counter productive to compare a battery with a spark
plug to try to decide which is better; both are unique and
needed. Likewise, you cannot compare two servant-leader
business executives, teachers, store owners, veterinarians,
artists, beauticians, journalists, or economists. Each has a
place, and none is inferior or excluded.
Two servant leaders in the same field can actually help each
other succeed, because they cannot damage each others
success. However, people who are not sure who they are
remain insecure and grasping. They are constantly comparing
such things as the relative size of businesses, attendance,
academic degrees, income, and even looks.
Yet what do some businesses do? They have so much
confidence in the uniqueness of what they have to offer that
they will build right down the street from a business that sells
to a similar consumer. McDonalds and Burger King do this.
Lowes and Home Depot do the same. Each has unique
what you have been given to do, cancels out the fear of others
undermining you.
The Master said, If you love Me, keep My commandments
(John 14:15 nkjv). He did not say, If you fear me . . . We
cannot love what we fear. The condition for doing what this
Leader asks is love, not coercion. Most insecure leaders
present God as a tyrant in order to get you to fear them. Jesus
of Nazareth taught that the Creator is our Father and we should
worry for nothing, like lilies of the field. The Creator is a good
Father, not someone who desires to destroy us. Likewise, we
are not to cultivate fear to manipulate others.
Internal Motivation and Passion
True servant leaders are motivated from within by their
passion and purpose.
When you discover your gift and its corresponding areas of
authority and authenticity, you no longer need external
motivation or prodding. You recognize your assignment. You
discover what you are supposed to provide to the world, and
you can get busy. This will motivate you for the rest of your
life. Your passion gets you up in the morning, fills you with
energy throughout the day, and keeps you looking ahead to
the future with confidence.
Refine: Be a Limited Edition
The key to success is discovering your uniqueness and
Let us say you want to open a shoe store, but your city
already has one thousand of them. How do you get people to
come to yours? The first question you should address is how
your area of gifting applies in this realm. Where is my
leadership spot?
You have a natural-born gift for selling, and you already
have experience in shoe sales at the retail and wholesale levels.
Now, you have to refine your idea and make your shop unique.
You decide: I will only sell shoes for babies and toddlers,
children under 2 years old, because I do that well, I love small
children, there are many young families in this area, and I know
no one else is specializing in baby shoes.
That will make your store unique. You have done your
business plan, studied the market, and advertised your
specialty. You have set fair prices and stocked a broad
selection. You decide to sell at retail in a brick-and-mortar store,
as well as worldwide on the Internet.
Whenever people want baby shoes, the first place they
think of will be your store. They will drive across town to take
advantage of your selection, prices, and expertise. They will go
An Unexpected Visitor
Les Brown is a well-known motivational speaker and author in
the United States. He had read my books and had been using
some of my materials. When he came to the Bahamas several
years ago, he asked a taxi driver, Do you know Dr. Myles
The driver said, Yes.
Brown said, Take me to his house.
Because our island is so small, everybody knows where
everyone lives. The taxicab brought him to my house. My
housekeeper called me at my office to say there was a guy in
my house who wanted to meet me. His name was Les Brown.
Who is Les Brown? I thought, and then I said, Put him
on the phone.
This man was in my house talking to me on my own
telephone. He said, I am Les Brown, and he explained who he
I said, Oh yeah, I think I do know you. What are you doing
in my house? He told me of his interest in my work.
I hurried home, and we sat together the entire afternoon. He
asked me a whole lot of questions questions about my
writings and about my concepts of human value. How did I get
to understand principles that he thought were very profound?
He wanted to know my secret to understanding these things. I
shared my convictions with him, and we have become very
good friends, even working or appearing together on occasion
always trying to improve the lot of our fellow humans.
Les Brown was already famous in his own right. He could
have figured out what I shared with him some other way. Yet,
he went out of his way to find me, because he was that
Luke 19:10
For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.
Matthew 20:28
The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to
give his life as a ransom for many.
The world desperately needed him. His knowledge of his
significance made him a confident servant of the CreatorFather. He knew he had to reveal his gift to the world.
Get an Attitude
Personal leadership success depends on an attitude of servant
leadership that comes from understanding our value to others.
Peter, one of Jesus leadership graduates, thoroughly
understood this. He wrote, Be shepherds of Gods flock that is
under your care, serving as overseers not because you must,
but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not
greedy for money, but eager to serve; not Lording it over those
entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock (1 Peter
It is only when we are convinced of our value to the world
that we are able to serve others willingly, eagerly, faithfully, and
with integrity. Along with such an attitude of service, the
qualities of personal servant leadership must be manifest in a
leaders life. These qualities are qualities of our Creator. The
first-century theologian Paul wrote a letter to the Creators
servant leaders in the Roman province of Galatia and listed
them. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control
(Galatians 5:2223).
Servant leadership does not make demands on people or
treat them harshly. Instead, it serves the world with these
qualities or fruit of the Spirit.
Perceived Value
The key to leading others is that they perceive your gift as
significant. You are significant if you have refined and
developed your gift to the point that others will want it and
know they can receive it only if they come to you. They will
see that you are the only one who can meet that specific need.
Whether you have goods or a service to offer, you must
demonstrate that it has been refined and is unique.
When you want a Big Mac, you cannot go to Burger King;
and when you want a Whopper, you cannot go to McDonalds.
Both are billion-dollar companies, and both sell sandwiches.
They are both successful because they have refined their
sandwiches. They have it down to a science. You cannot
exactly reproduce these sandwiches or make them in your own
house. These companies have refined their product and
become significant to consumers.
Likewise, every human being comes equipped with a unique
gift that has value, that makes him or her significant to the
world. This is equally true whether you have just graduated
from high school, or are 50 years old and hold a Ph.D. If you
want to be a great leader, find your gift and serve it to the
As I have noted, education alone cannot give you a gift; it
can help you refine a gift. Many of us waste time studying
things that have no relationship to our area of gifting. Many
have earned degrees in something they hate. We do this
because our parents, teachers, preachers, or counselors advise
us that we will make more money or have a more secure future
if we study what they say is the up-and-coming thing.
I know you want to act, but get a teaching certificate just
in case.
I know you want to write poetry, but why dont you get a
degree in accounting just to fall back on.
You might not make it as an artist. Why dont you get a
nursing degree or go to secretarial school?
A parent may tell his or her child, Im paying for your
tuition, so you have to study this instead. As a parent, you
may not realize what the Creator has given to your child.
Cultivate his or her interests. Observe your childs passion and
encourage it. Young people should not study what their
guidance counselors or parents tell them to study in college,
even if it is one of the fastest-growing fields. They should
study the subject that is their passion.
Do not get a degree in something you hate. Your degree may
kill you. The work it leads to will give you tension, stress, and
high blood pressure. That is like paying for a degree in
For the same reasons, people should not just seek jobs but
seek their purpose. You must find your passion and study it.
Remember these points:
Do not work for money.
Work for fulfillment.
Financial success will follow.
The secret of servant leadership is that your leadership is in
your gift of value. Remember Solomons wisdom: A mans gift
makes room for him, and brings him before great men
(Proverbs 18:16 nkjv). He did not say ones education or even
connections make room for him in the world, but rather mans
gift. When you refine your gift and really work on it until it
please advise you of how high I plan to fly just in case you
have any ideas of building a cage around my life? I am an
eagle. If youre a pigeon, go somewhere else. If you are an
eagle, do not marry a pigeon. Pigeons cannot fly where eagles
Perhaps your parents are opposed to your career plans.
While you have to respect them, you also have to live your life.
You know your heart and your gift. If it is right for you, they
will have to learn to live with it. You have to conduct the
Fathers business. Now, you might have to leave their home
and do without their support to get into the right environment,
but you have to do what you have to do. It is important that
you be true to yourself and pursue your personal vision and
passion because this will be your only source of fulfillment.
This passion is your context of contribution to humanity.
Whatever you were created to do, the Creator is obligated to
supply the provisions for your assignment, so be persistent.
Maybe you will need many years of schooling to make the
best use of your gift. Your gift might be music. You are
naturally gifted. You have perfect pitch. You play by ear and
sing like a nightingale, but to use this gift effectively, to
perform at a professional level, to compose music others can
reproduce, or to teach people in church or in a college, you will
need to study music formally. You have to get into the right
music school or apprentice with the right voice coach. You
might have to get experience with several orchestras or travel
to Europe to study in the right opera houses. You have to get
into the right environment to manifest the gift. Even if you
want to specialize, you will still need to broaden your horizons.
You might have to learn classical music and bluegrass banjo,
even if you plan to spend your life directing and playing for a
Action Steps
You have a lot of work to do before you can make the most of
your leadership spot. How are you going to get into position?
First, you must set aside time for quiet reading, prayer,
meditation, and study. Make it a project. That is how you
discover yourself and begin to discern your Creators purpose.
You cannot lead if you cannot hear Gods will for you and if
you cannot hear yourself think.
Your leadership attitude, the leadership spirit, will come alive
when you discover and start living according to your true
nature. You and the Father are one, because you are the very
image of God. The only way to discover you is to discover
To prepare to lead, you must:
hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes
(Matthew 13:1415).
Do you really desire to know your purpose? Tell the Creator
you want to know more. He will open your mind.
You need to spend time with the Manufacturer and say,
Introduce me to myself again. You need to receive the
original vision He had for your life. Take everything you
thought you were and give it to Him. Let Him show you
something you never saw before.
Envision: Order My Steps
The greatest Gift given to mankind is the gift of Vision not
How do you know that the vision you have for your life is
from God? How do you distinguish between personal ambition
and divine vision?
The answer to those questions is simple: if your vision
improves only your life, focuses only on your needs, and
fulfills only your private dreams, it is not a divine vision. Any
true vision, motivated by the Creator, will improve the lives of
those around you. Servant leadership is about the others. It is
not about us. Servant leadership is becoming yourself for the
advantage of others. True vision will always benefit and
improve others, never harm or destroy them.
True vision does not exist to benefit the visionary, as the car
does not exist to get itself around. Your vision might be to have
a big house, but that is not a vision from God unless He
wants you to have it so you can fill it up with children
orphaned by AIDS or the homeless. If your vision is to have a
big car, that is not a vision from God unless He wants you to
have it to transport the needy, the infirmed, and the elderly to
get medical help. Your desire for the big house or the big car is
ambition, not vision. A truly authentic vision will always serve
A mission statement deals with a general concept of what
you want to accomplish. It states your philosophy, your
beliefs, and then it justifies your existence.
Vision is opposite to that.
A case in point: McDonalds, Burger King, Pizza Hut,
Wendys, Dennys, Kentucky Fried Chicken all provide fast
food. They all have the same mission. Churches are like that.
They have one mission, but they do not all see it that way.
Every church has the same mission. Ask a pastor, What is
your vision? And the pastor might say, To win the lost at
any cost.
But every church is supposed to win the lost at any cost.
That is a mission, not a vision, and that is why a church only
has twenty people. People are attracted to vision, not to
Ask another pastor, What is your vision?
Well, to win the city for Jesus. That is not a vision; it is
another mission. Jesus said everyone should go and win the
world and the city for Him. That is general. That is the
co-mission. The commission. Go into all the world and
preach the gospel. Co means together; mission means
general assignment. Leadership is born when vision is
captured, and without it, all activity is simply the management
of goals.
why people with vision have the ability to say no. Sometimes
that insults people, but vision keeps the visionary disciplined.
Just say no, as an American anti-drug campaign used to say.
No to having your time wasted. No to giving up on your
vision. No to moral temptation that would take you off
Vision is inspired by God. It is the direct result of godly
inspiration. It is the breath of God, as you recall from Chapter
13. It is as if you are an empty balloon. Your life is shapeless,
without form, when God takes hold of you and breathes into
you the gifts, the purpose, and the vision He has. He breathes
the stuff of leadership into you. You become stuffed inflated
with the things God puts in you. Vision fills your whole life
with the right stuff, like the astronaut movie. You are inflated
with the will of God. When you have vision, you begin to
understand what the Creator placed inside you.
David L. Steward, chairman of the board for World Wide
Technology Inc., says people laughed at him in 1990 when he
revealed his plans to start a company to provide advanced
technological solutions for industry. No one laughs anymore.
The company, based in Saint Louis, Missouri, has surpassed
$2 billion in sales and has become a major international player.
The company is considered to be one of the largest African
Americanowned businesses in the United States. Its
philosophy, Steward says, is, I try to encourage people that all
things are possible through Christ who strengthens us. Weve
been consistently trying to do the right thing in serving people
and putting their best interest first.
He had a purpose in mind that would benefit others. He had
godly inspiration, and his servant leadership brought him
success. But first, he had a vision.
Mac will not satisfy the hunger for Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Even the owner of McDonalds goes next door if he wants
KFC. He wants something unique today that only the Colonel
has. McDonalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken have different
visions. They know a taste for one cannot be satisfied by the
Integrity: Protecting Your Gift
Never let Your Leadership Gift take you where your Character
cannot keep you.
the light. Character is present in what you say, and what you
do is who you are. This is the missing ingredient in leadership
today and must be restored to the position of number-one
priority. Most of our leaders seem to be characters but have
Queen Victoria demonstrates the difference between being
a character and having character. Character is what you do
when no one is watching or what you would do if no one
would ever find out. Victoria is the same all night as she is all
This is the very nature of God himself. He possesses
ultimate character. He boasts that He never changes and is
always the same. This is why we can trust Him He is
predictable. He is always there.
Stop Sinning
I challenge and admonish every leader who enters my circle of
influence to pursue this vital life-protecting, vision-protecting,
people-protecting, purpose-protecting principle of leadership.
Character is the principle that protects your purpose and
May all leaders be like Victoria and develop the qualities of a
statue who does not react or succumb to the external elements
or internal voices that attempt to lure us away from the spiritual
anchors of the Holy One in whose image we were sculpted.
Here is some good advice for leaders from another leader
who kept his character intact. The first-century apostle Paul,
speaking of this vital leadership quality, states:
1 Corinthians 15:3334
idea for you in His kingdom is for you to fulfill your vision in
His kingdom.
I encourage you to go back and be a child today
teachable, struggling to be obedient. Children still have a
desire to please their parents. Pick up your dreams that you
threw away, and say, Yes, I heard God. I will go back and do
what I was born to do. I will become who God gave me breath
to be. I am unstoppable.
Train: Who Will Come After You?
Authorizing a Transition
That is just what Jesus did. The earthbound Leader succeeded
in His mission, then left, sending out His authorized
successors putting them in charge of the global initiative to
communicate the Good News.
This sets an example for us and demonstrates some truths
about preparing others to lead:
Servant leaders produce servant leaders.
A leader inspires others to become leaders and fulfill their
own purposes. In essence, true leadership success is measured
by the diminishing dependence of your followers. Colleagues
will need the leader less, be less dependent, if the leader is
doing a good job. If your staff, congregation, or family can
function well when you are not around, you are an effective
leader. If they can carry on even after you have retired,
resigned, or gone to Glory, you have fulfilled your mission.
Leadership effectiveness is measured not by what happens in
your presence but by what happens in your absence.
If your household dissolved in chaos every time you went
out on an errand, or worse, your family disintegrated upon
your death and never recovered, something was wrong with
your leadership. The test of a leader is how many others are
leading or at least trained to lead.
Success produces successors.
The disciples had been the trainees of Jesus for three years,
following Him around, listening to everything He had to say,
and assisting in His ministry. His death came as a terrible blow
to them. The hours between His death and the revelation of His
resurrection must have been devastatingly depressing and
terrifying. Someone might be coming for them next. Yet, if the
1 Corinthians 12:1420
14 Now the body is not made up of one part but of many.
15 If the foot should say, Because I am not a hand, I do not
belong to the body, it would not for that reason cease to be
part of the body.
16 And if the ear should say, Because I am not an eye, I do
not belong to the body, it would not for that reason cease to
be part of the body.
17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of
hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the
sense of smell be?
18 But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every
one of them, just as he wanted them to be.
19 If they were all one part, where would the body be?
20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body.
An example of the impact that leaders can have on those
who come after is Mother Teresa, who founded a religious
order, the Missionaries of Charity, and won the Nobel Peace
Prize in 1979 for her work among the destitute. I do not think
Mother Teresa wanted to start an order of sisters per se. She
was trying to help the lepers and others who were
downtrodden in Calcutta. Of free choice, my God, and out of
love for you, I desire to remain and do whatever be your Holy
will in my regard, she once said.
Yet she inspired those who worked with her to follow her
example, even to dress like her. Pope John Paul II, presiding
over her beatification by the Roman Catholic Church in 2003
called her one of the greatest missionaries of the twentieth
We need more missionaries like her who spawn other
Eighty percent of all leadership conflict in the developing
countries takes place at transition, either at the death of a
leader or because of a coup. Conflict comes whenever there is a
change in leadership in an organization or a political party. It is
the same in the so-called developed nations. Even the election
process of democracies is a messy business. I have sat down
to eat with renowned religious and corporate leaders. I have
had the opportunity to sit with civic leaders and serve with
some of them. Failure to plan for succession is common to all,
as well as in churches, nonprofit organizations, and schools.
you, you failed. It does not matter how great your vision is. It
does not matter how great your ideas about your company,
ministry, country, or church may be. If, when you die, it all dies,
you were a failure. A vision that is genuinely from God will
always be bigger than your lifetime. So do not ever attempt to
complete your vision in your lifetime. God is too big for that.
He will always give you a vision that will outlive you. A part of
your responsibility as a visionary is to prepare your
replacement to continue the work. If your work dies when you
die, you have failed. Many people have done work on earth
that people admired and that benefited people while they were
living, but they failed if they took to the cemetery everything
that they were supposed to leave with us.
Jesus said, Feed my sheep.
The Lord Jesus, the greatest leader of all time, often taught
by showing people what to do. He was a man of action. He
demonstrated service. On His final night of freedom, He began
washing the feet of His disciples (see John 13:117).
Later, Jesus asked those whose feet He had washed, if they
understood what He was trying to teach and explained that He
was being a role model for how He wanted them to act. He
served them, so that they would see how they should serve.
John 13:1217
12 When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his
clothes and returned to his place. Do you understand what I
have done for you? he asked them.
13 You call me Teacher and Lord, and rightly so, for that is
what I am.
14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet,
you also should wash one anothers feet.
15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have
done for you.
16 I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master,
nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.
17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you
do them.
They gain experience so they can teach the next person exactly
how to do it. They can show the next generation of leaders, not
just tell them or send them a book. It is hard to groom a
successor if you came in at the top and never had to work your
way up through the ranks. Go back and be a slave, a servant,
the youngest.
Do not look for power. Look for opportunity. True leaders do
not walk into a bathroom, see a piece of paper on the floor, and
ask, Where is the maintenance man? No, the piece of paper
and the maintenance of bathroom sanitation become their
personal responsibility.
Be the model of responsibility for the next generation.
Servant leadership is serving your gift at every opportunity,
not only when people can see you doing it. Be a slave to it, and
serve others as you do.
Then, turn it over to the one who loves to serve.
When Jesus Christ was about to change leadership, He
called a final meeting, a breakfast meeting by the Sea of
Tiberias. He was in resurrected form. He was ready to change
leadership. He called everyone together for a staff meeting. He
was about to identify His successor.
John 21:1517
15 When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter,
Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?
Yes, Lord, he said, you know that I love you. Jesus said,
Feed my lambs.
16 Again Jesus said, Simon son of John, do you truly love
me? He answered, Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.
Jesus said, Take care of my sheep.
17 The third time he said to him, Simon son of John, do you
love me? Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third
time, Do you love me? He said, Lord, you know all things;
you know that I love you. Jesus said, Feed my sheep.
Jesus the CEO did not say to Simon Peter, Simon, are you
famous? Are you intelligent? Do you have good personality?
Do you have competence, skills, expertise? Do you have
experience? Do you love My vision? Do you like My power?
Do you love My mission?
No! He asks, Do you love Me? This is the test. Do you
love me, Peter?
Peter essentially says, Yes, Lord. Master, You know I love
You. I have been tested. Among other things, Peter had cut
off a mans ear to defend the Master and risked waiting nearby
when He was on trial.
Jesus says, in effect, Then you are in charge. Feed My
lambs; you are going to take over the company. Take it to the
next level. Go forth and produce leaders.
To review, true leaders:
Know themselves and develop themselves according to
their gifting
Declare independence from the expectations and
opinions of others
Learn from others, but never copy them
Are more concerned with expressing themselves than
proving themselves
Measure leadership not by how many people serve
them, but by how many people they serve
5. Earn Trust
Be trustworthy so that others can have confidence in
6. Preserve Integrity
Guard your heart and make sure your motives are pure
and your actions are in accordance with the nature of
the Creator.
Chapter 6 Who Died and Left You in Charge?: The
Dominion Mandate
1. Page 45, James Weldon Johnson, ed. The Book of American
Negro Poetry (New York: Bartleby, 1922). (back to text)
Chapter 7 Jockeying for Position: The Sons of Zebedee
1. Page 62, Mahatma Gandhi, Gandhi An Autobiography: The
Story of My Experiments with Truth, (Ypsilanti, MI: Beacon
Press, 1993). (back to text)
Chapter 11 Leaders Are Made, Not Born: Self-Discovery Is
the Main Ingredient
1. Page 102, Mahatma Gandhi, The Essential Gandhi: An
Anthology of His Writings on His Life (New York: Vintage,
2002). (back to text)