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In Charge - Finding The Leader W - Myles Munroe

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Copyright 2008 by Myles Munroe All rights reserved.

as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of
this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted
in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or
retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the
Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from the
1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by
permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. Scripture
quotations marked (kjv) are taken from the King James Version
of the Holy Bible. Scripture quotations marked (nkjv) are taken
from the NEW KING JAMES VERSION, 1979, 1980, 1982, by
Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations and source information have sometimes
been set italic for authors emphasis.
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First eBook Edition: November 2008

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ISBN: 978-0-446-54485-6


Authors Foreword
1: Im In Charge: The Battery and the Wire
2: Born to Lead, Prepared to Serve
3: Why Lead?
4: Who Is the Greatest?
5: This Is My Spot: Go Find Yours
6: Who Died and Left You in Charge?: The Dominion Mandate
7: Jockeying for Position: The Sons of Zebedee
8: Its Greek to Me: Out With Old Ideas
9: Check the Reservations: Your Name Is on the Roll
10: It Isnt Yours to Keep: Sharing the Riches
11: Leaders Are Made, Not Born: Self-Discovery Is the Main


12: Believe: The Power of Philosophy
13: Prepare: The Toolbox of a Leader
14: Refine: Be a Limited Edition
15: Envision: Order My Steps
16: Integrity: Protecting Your Gift
17: Train: Who Will Come After You?


Applying the Kingdom: Understanding Gods Priority and

Primary Interest
Glory of Living: Keys To Releasing Your Personal Glory
In Pursuit of Purpose
Kingdom Parenting
Kingdom Principles: Preparing for Kingdom Experience and
Expansion. (Understanding the Kingdom)
Maximizing Your Potential
Most Important Person on Earth
Myles Munroe 365 Day Devotional
Rediscovering the Kingdom Devotional and Journal
Releasing Your Potential
Single, Married, Separated, & Life After Divorce
The Principles and Power of Vision
The Purpose and Power of Love & Marriage
The Spirit of Leadership
Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men: Study Guide
Understanding the Purpose and Power of Prayer: Earthly
License for Heavenly Interference
Understanding the Purpose and Power of Vision
Understanding the Purpose and Power of Woman
Understanding Your Potential
Waiting and Dating: A Sensible Guide to a Fulfilling Love
The Principle of Fatherhood

To the 6.7 billion people on earth searching for meaning and

significance in life, believing deep inside that they were born to
do more than survive, make a living and die.
To the individual stuck in the human rat race and imprisoned
by the notion that success in life is the accumulation of
material things. My hope is that you be set free from the cycle
of futility in pursuing goals set in life by your culture and
society and discover the secret to your personal fulfillment.
To the youth of our nations who seek purpose and meaning
in life. May you discover the value and power of your inherent
gift and become a leader in your generation by serving that gift
to the world.
To all the trustees and members of the International Third
World Leaders Association! May you continue to manifest and
maximize the leadership capacity in you and others.
To my son and daughter, Charisa and Chairo (Myles Jr.),
whos leadership potential inspired many of the principles in
this work. May you continue to follow your destiny to serve
your leadership gift to your generation.
To the Source of all true gifts, the Creator of destinies and
Sustainer of life. May your truth explode in the hearts of all
who read these pages.

Every accomplishment in life is the result of corporate effort.
Just as it takes a village to raise a child, so it takes a team to
author a book. Being aware that we are all a sum total of all that
we have learned from all the people and experiences we have
met and had in our lives, no one can claim full credit of any
measure of success in any endeavor. This book is no different.
I want to thank my beloved wife Ruth, and my children,
Charisa and Chairo (Myles Jr.), for their support, patience and
corporation while I pursue the many projects included in my
earthly assignment. You are all my principle treasures. Thanks
for helping me manifest my inherent gift and allowing me to
serve it to the world.
Adrienne Ingram, who coordinated this project, for
encouragement, input, dedication, motivation and continued
pursuit of me in getting this project done.
Angela Dodson for your incredible gift, inspiration and skill
in bringing the best of this content out of me. This work could
not have been completed without you as you continually and
consistently demonstrated the very principle in this book
servant leadership. I am eternally grateful and will always
remember your contribution through your gift.


Taught to Serve, Not to Lead

It was a beautiful sun-drenched morning in my village called

Bains Town on the little island twenty miles long and seven
miles wide called New Providence, also home of our capital,
Nassau. Over two hundred of us, just six and seven years old,
stood outside on the hard dirt ground, wearing our neatly
pressed green and white school uniforms. Each of us held a
twelve-inch stick to which was attached a cloth print of the
Flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, called the Union
Jack. At nine oclock in the morning, the temperature was
already ninety degrees, but we were commanded to not move a
muscle. Droplets of perspiration fell from my brow and into my
mouth. It was Commonwealth-Flag Day, and we were keeping a
long-standing tradition of our imperial rulers.
All over the island, every school was mandated to gather all
students in assemblies to honor the Queen of Great Britain
through patriotic songs, recitations of British poetry and
corporate pledges to our monarch and the empire for which
they stood. We were all called colonies and knew we were
considered second-class subjects of Her Majesty and the Great
United Kingdom of Great Britain.
I was participating in the same ceremony as countless
millions of others throughout the commonwealth of Great
Britain. We were all subjects of colonies of European

kingdoms. These kingdoms included Great Britain, France,

Spain, Portugal, Belgium and Holland. Colonization impacted
most of the world, including Central and South America, Africa,
India, the Pacific Islands, Asia, North America, and the
Caribbean Islands, where I was born.
On that hot Commonwealth Day morning under that
scorching, uncovered sun, we sang the songs of the Empire, as
we did every morning. As uniformed children, we enjoyed
singing these songs, each of us straining to be heard above
the others. I did not know the mental impact of these imperial
psalms. They were brainwashing, converting, conditioning and
eventually shaping the self-concept, self-worth, self-esteem,
and perception of the world in which we would live. These
songs also reinforced the books used in each classroom by our
British teachers, volumes that only spoke of the English life,
culture and history. We were to be convinced that all that was
British was good, and honorable, superior, and just.
However, the most vile impression on our young minds was
that we were born to serve and worship the empire, that we
were not capable of leadership. We were conditioned to
depend on the colonial powers for life and value, trained that
we could not determine our own destinies, chart our own
future, plan our lives.
The precepts we, and those in colonies on every continent,
were taught from the cradle throughout the entire span of life
still affect us this very day in our post-colonial era. Here are
words of songs we were made to sing every day; keep in mind
that these were sung by the offspring of those who had been
enslaved: When Britain first at Heavns command
Arose from out the azure main;
Arose, arose from out the azure main;

This was the charter, the charter of the land,

And guardian angels sang this strain:
Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves!
Britons never, never, never shall be slaves!
Rule, Britannia! Britannia, rule the waves!
Britons never, never, never shall be slaves!
Or the favorite one:
God save our gracious Queen
Long live our noble Queen
God save the Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us,
God save the Queen!
The statements that had the greatest impact on our
impressionable minds were: Britons never, never, never shall
be slaves and Long to reign over us.
These songs were sung by millions in the colonies of Africa,
Asia, the Americas, and the Caribbean. We sang both of these
statements while we were slaves and subjects of the imperial
powers. They would never be slaves while we were enslaved
at the time we sang. Can you imagine the psychological
The results of this experience was independent nations led
by and composed of peoples who were robbed of their sense
of self, self-worth, self-confidence, and belief in their abilities to
lead. Most nations that are products of this colonization-

mental conditioning have struggled and continue to struggle

with the leadership issues.
It is ironic that the former colonizers and imperial powers
blame and accuse these new, developing nations for their lack
of effective leadership, when in fact they created the poor
leaders who often govern these nations.
Colonization and imperial oppression throughout history
resulted in the failure to mentor, develop, cultivate, and
produce leaders. The oppression that permeated the American
society had the same result. The Found-ing Fathers of America
were products of the society that perpetrated colonization and
the philosophy of superiority through domination. Hence, the
slave trade thrived in the early years of the Federation of the
United States of America, and the formally oppressed peoples
of the American society such as the American Indians and
the Negro slaves struggle today with the issue of effective
leadership development in their communities.
Oppression never produces leadership but suffocates the
great leadership potential that resides in every human.

My Journey of Discovery
From this context, I emerged to face life and grapple with the
internal need to find significance. The mental conditioning that
I was born to be ruled and destined by providence to be a
slave were my opposing forces. When I was young, I had no
idea that this was a psychological oppression practiced as far
back as the Egyptian civilization that permeated the empires of
the Greeks and Romans, and became the thread running
through the fabric of the colonial tapestry of the so-called New
So standing there in the heat of the Caribbean sun, I was
beginning a journey to discover that I was not born to be
ruled nor destined to be a follower trapped by providence to a
life of subjugation.
It took years for my mind to be delivered from the historical
damage of oppression and to understand not only that I was
capable of becoming a leader, and destined to be one, but also
that every human on this planet was created for the purpose of
leadership and possessed leadership capacity and potential.
This book is about that discovery. Its about you and the
potential you possess to become an influence in your world
and future generations.

True leadership does not maintain followers but produces

leaders. That is what this book is about. I will address this
historical scar on the psyche of the human race and provide
the insight, tools and understanding necessary to free each
individual from the shackles of oppression. I want to challenge

and dare you, as an aspiring leader, to discover the truth about

leadership that no human can cancel if you embrace it.


Questions from the Heart

Is leadership about power, position, talent, skill, authority,

some unique physical trait, social status, family heritage, or
special charisma? Is leadership a product of birth privilege or
the result of casting lots or a democratic vote? Is leadership a
corporate appointment or the reward bestowed after a
struggle with competitive forces? Is leadership reserved for
just an elite few chosen by providence and separated from the
masses of us normal mortals who struggle for a sense of
Does leadership require followers? Is it necessary for
leaders to have titles? Is leadership a distinction of
superiority, a disposition of advantage and qualities of
greatness that separate one from the rest? Is leadership a
manifestation of superior intellect or cognitive capacity? Is
leadership reserved only to a specific race or class of people?
Are leaders smarter, wiser, better, greater, more intelligent,
more equipped, more skillful, and more charismatic than
followers are?
These are questions I struggled with from my youth growing
up in my native Caribbean home of the Bahamas, and I
believe I have found the answers.

Nothing happens without leadership. Nothing changes

without leadership. Nothing develops without leadership.

Nothing improves without leadership. Nothing is corrected

without leadership. Everyone, everywhere, every time is always
being led. Whatever conditions, circumstances or predicament
in which a person, family, community, organization or nation
may find itself, someone led it there.
We are always, directly or indirectly, consciously or
unconscientiously, being led. Leadership is perpetually
exercised over us, whether by a politician, priest, parent, boss
or teacher. Even the blind can lead, according to the young
Jewish rabbi Jesus Christ.
It is said that we all get the leaders we deserve. In essence,
we are usually led by the persons to whom we choose to
submit ourselves whether by vote, choice, or agreement.
Of all the challenges our twenty-first-century world must
confront, such as terrorism, wars, epidemics, global warming,
and corporate corruption, the greatest challenge is finding
effective leaders. Europeans are looking for leaders to address
immigration and economic concerns. Former Soviet nations are
looking for leaders to solve business production and crime
issues. African countries are looking for leadership that will
end the culture of corruption and end civil war and other dire
crises such as drought, famine, and AIDS. Emerging nations,
such as Iraq, hope for leadership that will adequately represent
the various factions and needs in their country.

Many Leaders, Little Leadership

It is not that we do not have people occupying offices of
leadership in our world. We have many leaders today but,

sadly, not much leadership. We have leaders in social,

religious, political, and other arenas, but what kind of world
have all these leaders and their predecessors produced?
Our world is dealing with crucial issues that must be
addressed. Our global conditions demand good leadership. Yet
our dilemma is that either leaders have helped to create these
problems, or they are overwhelmed by the problems they have
inherited. Every dire condition of humanity is the result of poor
For example, technological advancement is outpacing
culture. Only about 10 percent of the worlds population has
access to technology that can improve and even save lives,
which means we are isolating billions of people from
advancement. Yet, at the same time, nations that have access to
the latest technology are being advanced beyond their
abilities to keep pace with all the developments. Change is
occurring so rapidly that people cannot absorb and apply it in
their lives in a healthy way. So-called conveniences of
communication and business have become a burden, rather
than the benefit that technology leaders envisioned.
Another problem is unequal distribution of the earths
resources. Poverty, per se, does not exist in the world. It is
caused largely by a leadership problem that does not allow the
earths resources to go to those who need them.
I was in Minnesota to conduct seminars and appear on some
television programs. During my time there, my host drove me to
Fargo, North Dakota. You can drive for three or four hours in
that region, and all you see is beautiful farmland.
My host asked me, Do you see the corn? The reason why
they are not harvesting it, even though it is ready, is that the
price is not right yet. And if the price is not right, they will

destroy that corn and fold it back into the ground so they can
create a shortage.
People in Zambia, Malawi, and Botswana need corn, but
because the price is not right, farmers in North Dakota destroy
it rather than ship it to Africa.
When food is sent to poor countries, distribution problems
often keep it from getting to those who need it most. Some of
those countries leaders will store the food for themselves and
let their own people go hungry. There is no real poverty in the
world; rather, there are political, business, and investment
leaders who are motivated by other agendas.
Then there are international health issues. Every sixty
seconds, seven people contract AIDS. The health threat is
unimaginable, and our medical leaders seem helpless to
address it.
There are religious and cultural clashes. When I was in
England recently, they were debating what to do about the
Muslim communities because some British citizens of Muslim
descent were organizing and plotting to destroy the country.
When your own citizens become terrorists based on religious
differences, you have a national leadership problem.
Similarly, France is grappling with the growing influx of
Muslims from Turkey. They are afraid they have to change the
school system to accommodate Islamic clothing and language.
Government leaders do not know what to do with the
educational system because immigration seems to be shaking
its foundation.
The United States is facing its own immigration issues. Some
debate whether or not to build a wall along its border with
Mexico. At the same time, many congressional leaders fight for
immigrants to receive status and privileges.

These are all leadership dilemmas.

Family disintegration is another issue. Fifty-one percent of
the children in American and other Western societys
classrooms come from families without fathers. We have
dysfunctional families that are expected to produce citizens
who can function in society. When these children are sent to
school, things become chaotic because they do not know what
it means to respect authority. They lack parental leadership in
the home.
Inadequate leadership has also led us to an era of confused
sexual orientation. When those who are making the laws are
not sure if marriage should be between a man and a woman, a
lack of leadership is evident. We have leaders challenging the
ideal structure of the traditional family, and the very definition
of family is being debated. When two men or two women who
are in a sexual relationship can adopt a baby, this reflects a
challenge in leadership.

These are all leadership dilemmas.

The Human Condition

As a result of this void of effective, competent leadership,
many people have developed destructive attitudes and
perspectives that dominate their lives.
Fear. People are afraid of terrorism, ethnic clashes, disasters,
war, disease, and economic collapse. This is the real world in
which we live. I was in Oklahoma City when the bombing took
place. The problem of terrorism homegrown or international
was real in Oklahoma and New York City, and it is real all
over the world.
Disillusionment. People are losing hope for their lives. For
example, some young people are wondering, Why should I
finish school or start a career when I can sell drugs and buy
whatever I want? Older people are wondering why they
should tell the truth on their tax forms or keep their integrity at
Anger. People are angry about their inabilities to deal with
their lives. A growing bitterness pervades the world, and it
spills over into domestic violence, road rage and racial strife.
Young people are angry with their parents who were not there
for them, or who would not show them love and discipline.
Then they take their bitterness out on society through
destructive lifestyles and actions.
Distrust. A spirit of distrust and suspicion is growing.
People are weary of broken promises in government, dishonest
business practices, and unfaithfulness in the home.
Compromise. People who are distrustful and bitter find it
easier to compromise their values and morals to try to get by in
life. They may sleep with the boss for advancement or with the
teacher to get good grades. They may steal from their

employers if they do not feel they are paid enough.

Selfishness. Our leaders have encouraged a self-centered
environment. People are tempted to ignore others around them,
and even those in need look out only for themselves. Certain
lawyers will list a myriad of reasons and ways you can sue
people just to get some money.
Over-competitiveness. People believe there are not enough
resources to go around, so they compete with others, rather
than cooperate.
Covetousness or greed. People are flooded with material
goods and advertisements for these goods, so they begin to
covet things they cannot afford. If a teenager cannot buy Nike
shoes, he beats up someone who can and takes them. If a man
cannot afford to buy the same kind of car his co-worker has, he
uses his childrens tuition money to buy it. If a family does not
have the money for a vacation or a wide-screen television, they
purchase on credit.
Devaluation of life. This issue is dangerous because when
human life is devalued, it signals the demise of a society. When
the termination of unborn babies is considered legal, then
human life is considered to be of no consequence. Yet abortion
is considered an option whenever its inconvenient to have a
baby. Euthanasia and assisted suicide are gaining proponents.
Abuse. Parents are abusing children through violence and
incest. Husbands are beating their wives because, for various
reasons, these men feel worthless. Wives stay in these
situations because they also feel worthless.
Violence. We live on a violent planet. Although the United
States is the leading democracy in the world, it has the highest
number of homicides among the nations. More murders take
place in Washington, D.C., the seat of government, than in any

other place in the country.

In the Middle East, the daily suicide bombings that kill
innocent adults and children are becoming such a common
occurrence that it is now just another footnote on the daily
serving of news reports. The abuse, rape, and killings of
refugees in developing nations baffle the imagination.
War. The world is at war. There is war in our homes between
husbands and wives or children and parents, war in our
schools between students and teachers, war in our businesses
between managers and staff, war in our churches between
members and pastors, wars between religions and sects, and
war between our nations. Innocent bystanders of these wars
suffer the most.

We need to understand that the state of the world described

above is the product of leadership throughout history. Our
global, national and community conditions are simply proof
that the nature, quality, and characteristics of leadership
mankind has produced over the years have not served us well.
A vacuum exists lack of proper, effective, efficient, spiritually
sensitive, genuine leadership on all levels.
Yet here is the catch: our leaders come from among
ourselves. Our cultures produce inadequate leaders and breed
problems that leadership cannot fix, which generates further
problems that new leaders cannot address. There is a principle
of life, Everything produces after its kind. You cannot
produce something better than yourself. Perhaps that is why
the leaders we continue to produce throughout generations do
not improve nor can they bring improvement.

Everyone Wants to Be a Leader!

Politicians fight for it, clergy jockey for it, athletes abuse drugs
for it, businesspeople compromise for it, competitors scheme
for it, and students cheat for it. Yet few would admit their deep
aspiration to leadership. This secret desire for leadership is
inherent in the human spirit.

The search for leaders to fill the vacuum causes us to ask the
question, What does it mean to be a leader? What qualities
should we be looking for in the ideal leader?

Why Is Leadership Failing?

Traditionally, leaders have been trained in schools of business
and government. Yet something must be lacking in these
institutions and their teachings if their graduates are unable to
address crucial leadership issues or exhibit genuine leadership
Despite the fact that leadership in all areas of society seems
to be falling short, and trustworthy leaders are in short supply,
the desire for the perfect leader is still a deep desire in us all.
However, no matter how we try, our leaders continue to fall
short of our expectations. The failure of leadership today is
two-edged: (1) Peoples inability to lead creates and
perpetuates poor human conditions. (2) The failure of
leadership does not allow for the emergence of much-needed
leadership development in the majority of the people in the

world who are considered mere followers.

Would-be emerging leaders are squelched before they have
an opportunity to develop. The process of mentoring leaders
through training and coaching is gravely lacking. This is a
tragedy for individuals, their families, communities, nations,
and the world that cannot benefit from effective competent
Yet when you understand what it means to become a true
leader, you can begin to address the problems in the world,
because you will be free from the mind-sets and practices that
prevent true leadership and keep people defeated. You cannot
lead if you are trapped by the followers.
I believe it is possible to find leadership that can improve the
lot of humanity. We can each be an example of that perfect
leader we all desire.


Im In Charge: The Battery and the
The value in each human is the gift they were born to deliver
to humanity.

W hich one of these is the most important part of a car: the

battery or the terminal wire? Youve probably never heard of
the little red wire that connects the battery to the rest of the
engine in the car. If youre like most people you will say, The
battery. It has the power.
Your car has about 60,000 parts. The battery says, Im in
charge of all of them. Nothing starts without me. Im the
battery. I have the power. Power! Power! Power! Im the one
who starts everything. Nothing starts until I arrive. Im the
power. Ive got the power to start the engine.
Does that sound like some people you know?
Well, if the battery is the most important part of the car, lets
disconnect the wire. The battery costs about $150. The little
red wire missing from the car costs about $10. You have 59,999
working parts and only a $10 wire missing. Without it, the car
will not start. Your car may be worth $40,000, $50,000 or
$100,000, but it can be immobilized by this $10 wire. You want

to go somewhere. You have something to do! The car says,

Im ready, but theres a little $10 wire missing.
The battery says, Ive got the power.
A spark plug says, Ive got the fire.
The engine says, I run the car!
That little wire is very quiet. He does not have to say, You
need me. You cant start without me. All the other parts soon
realize it, and they say, Go find the wire. The terminal wire
was created to transmit electrical current from the battery to the
generator and to the engine to ignite the spark plugs that
provide the fire to turn the pistons and turn the engine over. In
essence, the little terminal wire was designed to be the leader
in the area of electrical transmission. In the domain of the
terminal wire, the terminal wire is in charge. It might be just a
little wire, but it could shut down the engine.
If that spot is empty, the car shuts down.
Each one of the cars parts is a leader. A spark plug can
never be a battery. A battery can never be a manifold. A
manifold can never be a generator. Therefore, in the domain of
the battery, the battery is in charge. It is unique because only it
can be the battery no matter how jealous the battery or the
spark plug gets, no matter how much the steering wheel wishes
to be a battery.
Each part is important. Every component of the car was
designed to lead in a specific area and to serve a purpose or
function in the context of the whole. Each one is a leader!
This concept of leadership contradicts the philosophy that
leadership is reserved for a small, elite group of individuals
chosen by providence and entitled to lead the masses of
incapable subordinates in need of guidance by those of
superior status. It is a direct challenge to what I was taught in

the colonial experience of my childhood.

My view of leadership is this: each of us has an inherent gift
and must serve that gift to the world. You are a leader. You
have power. Your gift is your power. You are in charge in your
area of gifting, your domain. You have a leadership spot to fill
and a function to carry out. Your gift determines that spot and
that function. Just as the value of the terminal wire is
determined not by size or cost but by function, your value is
not determined by anything but your gift. Someone needs your
gift, and you must serve it to the world. You also need the gifts
others bear to live.
So whos in charge? You are! Whos got the power? Every
one of us.

Born to Lead, Prepared to Serve


The desire not to be anything is the desire not to be.
Ayn Rand

You are a leader. You were created to lead. You have

leadership potential. Trapped within you is a hidden leader.
If your first reaction is to say, Oh, no! Not me, you are not
alone. The vast majority do not believe that they are leaders,
have leadership ability or could even achieve leadership
positions. All cultures devalue humanity in some way, and this
mental conditioning is the result in even the best
circumstances. The brainwashing I shared in the Foreword is
among the worst, but few recognize their God-given leadership.
When I encounter people who think they cannot be leaders,
I tell them that they can, they must and they should, because
they owe it to their generation. You have to start believing you
are a leader.

Each person is like a star in the galaxy. You have your own
radiance, but the traditions and conventions of man have told
you that you have no light. The cultures of oppression have
snuffed out the belief that you can lead in an area of gifting.
A leader is born when you discover your gift. Finding out
what excites you and consumes you, discovering your
passion, helps to determine your gift. This requires a process
of self-discovery. How will you know what your gift is? Here
are some clues: Your gift is fun. You enjoy it, you can do it all
day, and people will even pay you to do what you like to do. It
is your passion. You could do it without pay, 24/7 for 365 days
of the year.
Leadership consists of finding, refining and passing on
ones unique gift that brand only you have. If you refine
your gift, develop your gift, and then serve your gift to the
world, you become great.
True leaders never retire, because you cannot retire from
yourself. When you are known for your gift, the world will
come to you for it.
My passion is leadership. I have devoted much of my life,
thousands and thousands of hours, to the study of leadership,
listening to and reading the ideas of experts on business and
economics and philosophy but ultimately finding the answer in
servant leadership.
I live to teach and to share ideas that make people discover
who they are, what their value is, what their worth is, what they
can do, what they can achieve and what they can become. To
me, the ultimate we can do for our fellow humans is to help
them become the best they can become and to have a life
where they can do more with their gifts.
I became fascinated with leadership early in life and began

studying it while earning degrees in education, fine arts, and

theology from Oral Roberts University and a masters degree in
leadership administration from the University of Tulsa. I had
considered studying in London, as many people in my country
do because we were a British colony, but I had heard of this
Christian university and wanted to go there. As a freshman, I
was appointed to a committee that met with the president of the
college every week. As a result, I was able to observe and learn
directly from Oral Roberts, who founded the university in
Tulsa, Oklahoma, in 1963 and remains chancellor.
Roberts is one of the greatest examples of servantleadership living. I do not believe a day went by that I did not
hear the word heal come out of his mouth. Healing is his
passion. He lives and works out his dream, his vision and his
gift for the benefit of so many millions of people. His desire to
improve the lives of people is the motivation for everything he
does. He has passion and compassion in perfect balance. This
is what leadership really is.
Leadership is passion, but it must also be balanced by the
sensitivity and the desire to see peoples lives healed,
improved and developed. That is the compassion component.
Because of that passion and compassion, he is constantly
trying to find as many ways as possible to serve the needs of
the people. That was the example I saw in him.
For me, born as the middle child in a family of eleven in one
of the poorest areas of the Bahamas, I was also inspired by the
way that Roberts, who was part Cherokee and from a family of
modest means, had overcome obstacles to become a great
leader. I was able to observe and learn from a mentor who had
achieved against the odds. He would tell me, Dream no small
dreams around here, because nothing is impossible.

A Firm Foundation
When I went on for my graduate degree, I studied all the
theories about leadership. I thought, Something is wrong with
these theories, but I will study them anyway. When I returned
home after my studies, I went to work for the government and
continued studying leadership.
My parents had introduced me to the Scriptures early in life.
My father, Mathias, a lay minister, and mother, Louise, a
community volunteer, also provided outstanding examples of
unselfish service to others, always feeding others and sharing
what little we had.
The Bible instilled in me a sense of self-worth to counter the
low expectations society had for us under colonialism before
the Bahamas became independent. I began my public ministry
around age 15, sharing ideas about the value of humans, based
on my understanding of the lifestyle of Jesus Christ. My
ministry was partly an outgrowth of my role in a music group
that was known all over the Bahamas.
As an adult, I started a Bible study that became a church
of about seven members. It is now the largest church in the
islands, Bahamas Faith Ministries International. Its work
reaches 1.8 billion people in the world through direct ministry,
books and broadcasts each week in more than eighty-seven
countries. I have written numerous books that have been
translated into twenty-one languages. I receive seven hundred
to eight hundred invitations a year to speak and travel 250,000
miles a year. I have flown all over the world preaching,
teaching, and sharing my ideas on leadership with churches,
corporations, and governments.
My teacher, mentor, and coach is Jesus Christ, whom I

believe taught the ultimate lessons on leadership through

words and example. His idea is simple: to lead, you must serve.

Living to Serve
My father is also one of the best examples of servant
leadership I have known. Not only did he and my mom work
together to help others, but he also gave his whole life to serve
our family, eleven children, and a wife. He served my mother for
all fifty-one years of their marriage, and I was able to observe
Everything he did was to make us better. He never sought to
do anything for himself. Being a lay minister in the church
meant that he always wanted to serve outside the home as well.
Today, even at age 83, he is still speaking in churches around
the country and helping people.
He served in World War II. The British, who ruled our
islands at the time, recruited many of the natives of African
descent, the subjects, in an auxiliary to the Royal Air Force of
the British Empire. They never saw any action, but apparently
(RAF) worked to assist the aircrafts that were landing and
taking off in the Bahamas. When the war ended, the British
provided a contract of pension for their service.
My father is one of the last living members of that group and
for the past ten years has served in a leadership position for
them. Today, he is the appointed chairman. He keeps track of
where the members are and takes the pension to them every
week. It is just amazing to see him do it. He is driving around in
a car, collecting their checks from the government, and finding
where they live. Some of them live in the low-income areas of

the island. He goes to them and makes sure that they get what
they need and provides for them. He is 83 years old and still
serving his comrades.
I sit back and just see a tremendous example of servant
leadership to never stop serving. He did not seek leadership.
He just sought to serve people. Sometimes I ask him, Where
are you going? Why dont you rest? He says, I have got to
go find my comrades and make sure they get their checks that
they need to live. I need to take care of them. You would think
he needs someone to take care of him, but he is the healthiest
and most vibrant of them all. Maybe this is because he is
serving them all.
Servant leadership is self-fulfilling, and he feels fulfilled in
what he is doing. Everything is coming back to him as a
harvest now.

First of All, Serve

What is leadership? It is, above all, service. A leader is a
servant of the people. This is the teaching of Jesus Christ. How
do you become a leader by serving? Simple, you have to serve
something to the world. What do you serve? You serve your
gift. When you find your gift and you serve it to the world, you
become great. Jesus said greatness happens to you while you
are serving your gift and because you are serving yourself to
the world. Having others serve you does not make you great.
Leadership has more to do with releasing yourself and
deploying yourself, rather than employing people.
Whatever your gift in life is, it is not for you to keep; it is for
you to give to the world. God gave it to you. Pass it on.

Servant leadership is serving your gift at every opportunity.

Servant leadership is serving yourself to the world. Servant
leadership is self-distribution to your generation. Distributing
Servant leadership is being prepared to serve your gift at
every opportunity. Stop waiting until you are great to start
serving. Do not put it off until you get your degree, title, or
promotion. Clean the bathroom and serve. Make tea and serve.
Rearrange the chairs and serve. Run the cameras and serve.
Sing in the choir and serve. Mow the lawn and serve. You
serve at every opportunity.
If you want to become great, you first have to serve your
gift without charge or compensation. Volunteer your service. I
meet people barely out of school who want to charge fees for
what they do. I do not understand this, but I tell them, You
cant even blow your sax well, and you want pay? You had
better find a mentor who will even allow you to stand on the
stage or carry the equipment.

Why Lead?
Never underestimate the power of One-self.

Not long ago, the security personnel made me loosen my belt

at an airport for the first time in my life. I thought my pants
would fall off. They said they wanted to make sure my buckle
was not a knife. When my wife travels with me, she cannot
even carry her personal toiletries on the plane. The fear is here.
It is against this background of global convulsions that this
international cry for competent, effective, capable, and spiritfilled leadership rises up. We need leaders now.

In Times Like These

Every week the media tells us about an election process
somewhere as nations seek leaders who will better peoples
lives. Often this process produces a cadre of leaders on every
continent, who continues to disappoint the voters and their
communities with defective character, abuse of power,
corruption, and a bankruptcy of ideas to address known
problems. So the search for true leaders goes on. For example,
every four years in the United States, two dozen presidential
hopefuls begin the political season by declaring their
candidacies for the highest elected office in the nation. That
season has become longer and longer and the process more
grueling with countless caucuses, primaries, campaign stops,
and debates with scandals and meaningless backbiting along
the way. Increasingly, it seems that no matter how many people
run for this office, the citizens find it hard to name one worthy
of their vote.
The United States is not alone in this problem. A void of
leadership exists all over the world in both industrialized and
developing nations. People wonder where they can find strong
leaders they can trust.

Our government, military, businesses, schools, and churches

need effective leaders who have the peoples best interests at
You must be one of those leaders, and you are now. In the
darkest moments of despair, we have always looked to our
leaders to take us through tough times. These include such
biblical heroes as Moses, Joshua, Nehemiah, Esther, Deborah,

David, and Daniel, and even such historic legends as Teddy

Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, and Sir Winston Churchill, who
stirred a generation to believe that it could emerge from the
Second World War. We had Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma
Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela to sound contemporary alarms
for freedom and civil liberty.
Having visionary leaders competent leadership, skillful
leadership, and principal centeredleadership is imperative.
Most importantly, leadership today cannot look merely to
human wisdom or intellect, to meet the challenges of our day.
We need leadership. We need leadership that can tap into
another world and into some other wisdom and some other
solutions that we cannot invent on earth.
I believe that every need in the world would be met if
everybody discovered and maximized the leadership potential
within. Every human being was born to contribute to his or her
generation. No one was given life to take up space. If everyone
were to discover his or her own value, balanced by the
understanding that everyone else has a contribution to make,
all the needs in the world would be met.
It is my belief that every human need is a result of someone
else not leading or not serving a gift to the world.
Everything rises and falls on leadership. So go the leaders,
so goes the nation. So go the leaders, so goes the family. So go
the leaders, so go our communities. If all of us serve our gifts
to the world, we can improve our lives and others lives. If all
the parts work together, then humanity will run like a beautiful
If we all become the leaders we were meant to be, we could
solve many of the worlds problems. But most people have not
discovered who they are, what it is they have and how to serve

it to the world. Servant leadership is a philosophy of leadership

with a basic message:
Every human being was created to lead. Your desire and
predisposition to lead is inborn.
Every human possesses leadership potential. You have the
ability to lead in an area of gifting.
Trapped in every follower is a hidden leader. If you accept
false ideas about who can or cannot become a leader, it can
smother your potential.
Though everyone was born to lead, most will die as
followers. If you do not identify and tap into your giftedness, it
will be wasted and be buried with you.
Leadership is your history and your destiny. You were
created to be a leader and designed to fulfill your assignment.
The world needs your leadership. You exist to meet a
specific need on earth that no one else can meet.

Who Is the Greatest?
Every human came to earth with something humanity needs.

Everyone wants to play in the bandno one wants to just

stand on stage or haul the equipment. Every human wants to
be great! The desire for greatness is inherent in the human
spirit and is a principal motivation for all human action and
decisions. However, few would admit this reality, and most
would deny it. Many parade their denial in a display of false
humility claiming they only want to serve, when in fact their
motivation for service is attention, recognition, and admiration.
In essence, self-serving is disguised as humility. Perhaps even
the definition of greatness must be rediscovered and the
traditional concept challenged, especially in our generation.
Greatness in our materialistic world is defined as fame,
popularity, scholastic or economic achievement, and notoriety.
Greatness may result from these qualities, but they are not the
definition of greatness.
Greatness may best be defined by the people throughout
history whom we consider great. Among those who would be
considered great in the context of their influence and impact on
human society are such names as Mother Teresa, Nelson

Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther, Martin Luther King

Jr., Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, George Washington Carver,
Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Mahatma Gandhi, Henry
Ford, Bill Gates, Walt Disney, Alexander Graham Bell, Albert
Einstein, Babe Ruth, Jesse Owens, Florence Nightingale, Helen
Keller, Pablo Picasso, Sam Walton, Oprah Winfrey, Steven
Spielberg, the Wright Brothers, Steven Jobs, and Bessie
A careful study of each individual will reveal that greatness
was not a product of academic studies or formal education,
social status or superior breeding, but surprisingly the
greatness of each was related to the discovery, development,
refinement, and serving of a unique gift to their fellow men.
It is also essential to note that not one of them desired to be
great or pursued greatness as a goal, but rather they were all
preoccupied with pursuit of their unique gift in service to
mankind. They were all possessed with an idea that would
benefit humanity.
Greatness, therefore, has very little to do with the pursuit of
popularity, fame, recognition, or power, but rather it is the result
of serving ones gift to the world.
When you serve your gift to the world you become
significant to humanity and people will describe you as
great. In sum, greatness is significance. It comes from the
value you bring to life with your gift. That is what this book is
about, because every human on earth came with an inherent
gift. That makes us all potentially great!
About two thousand years ago in a little village in the
northern region of Israel, a young 30-year-old Jewish rabbi,
who is considered the greatest human specimen that ever lived
on earth, Jesus Christ, defined greatness to His students in this

unique way. Let us review His class on greatness in leadership.

The Lesson in Capernaum

Traveling from Galilee to Capernaum one day, Jesus apparently
overheard an argument among his students. When they
arrived, He asked them about it. They grew silent, rather than
admit to arguing about who was the greatest. Maybe He
sensed it, because He immediately called all twelve together to
explain His concept of greatness:
Mark 9:3335
33 They came to Capernaum. When he was in the house, he
asked them, What were you arguing about on the road?
34 But they kept quiet because on the way they had argued
about who was the greatest.
35 Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, If anyone
wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of
Scripture also says the students Jesus had around Him at
His last Passover meal began to argue after He predicted one of
them would betray Him:
Luke 22:24
Also a dispute arose among them as to which of them was
considered to be greatest.
Once again, they were considering who was the greatest
among them. Whos the leader? It was a leadership struggle.
Jesus said to them, The kings of the Gentiles Lord it over them
[the people.] (V. 25) He corrects them. He rebukes them. He
does not rebuke their desires to be great. He rebukes the
process they use.

Earlier, the disciples James and John had tried to achieve

greatness by gaining advantage over others, by association, or
inside information, or abuse of privilege, or violating
Matthew 20:2021
20 Then the mother of Zebedees sons came to Jesus with her
sons and, kneeling down, asked a favor of him.
21 What is it you want? he asked. She said, Grant that
one of these two sons of mine may sit at your right and the
other at your left in your kingdom.
They were trying to do what everyone does to get ahead.
They were trying to become great at the expense of their
friends, at the expense of the family they lived with for three
years, at the expense of people who trusted them. They did not
care about the other ten. The desire for greatness and position
of leadership can cause people to sell their souls, violate their
consciences, isolate their relationships, and abuse peoples
trust. That is what God rejects, not our desire for greatness.
The Creator of humankind is not against our grasp for
greatness. God is against the process that people use to
achieve it. Jesus did not discourage the desire for greatness. In
fact, He encouraged the desire for it and showed the disciples
how to achieve it. When His own men wanted to be great, He
showed them how to become great. Jesus takes greatness and
purifies it. Everyone on earth desires to be great, all of us, and
Jesus says that desire is not ungodly.
Who is the greatest? is an eternal argument. Everybody
wants to be the greatest. You want greatness, even if you do
not admit it. Deep in the heart, everyone has a secret agenda to

rise to the top. That is why we scheme. That is why we network

and develop contacts, why we get an education and why we
look for promotions. We want greatness. It is not just an
ancient quest. It is still going on.
Moreover, we should be concerned when people do not
want to be great. If your children or others in your environment
do not desire greatness, something is wrong with them. They
need attention. Someone has broken their spirit, discouraged
them, or frustrated them. They have lost something. Anyone
who swears they do not desire to be great is being dishonest.
The desire for greatness is sometimes defined or described
as ambition, but this inherent desire is healthy for human
development and feeds the human need for passion and
pursuit. The desire for greatness is the source of purpose and
inspires meaning. It gives the human spirit the motivation to
aspire. The desire for greatness is where the incentive for
progress, development and inventions is birthed. Greatness is

Heres How to Become Great . . .

When I was young, I wanted to be great, but I had a problem. I
had the church telling me I should not desire it. I had my white
foreign teacher telling me I do not deserve to be great. Then I
had parents who said, Well, try your best to survive. I had
my environment and the poverty reinforcing the fact that
greatness was out of reach. I had all of this around me, and
here comes this guy Jesus telling me, Anyone can be great.
I was taught, Dont desire greatness, dont try to be great.
Look, if you want to be great . . . , Jesus says. Look, he

that will be great . . . Christ says, Look, Im going to show

you how to become great. I know its natural. Heres the
process. You become great by serving yourself to the world.
Matthew 20:2627
26 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great
[emphasis added] among you must be your servant,
27 and whoever wants to be first must be your slave.
When Jesus spoke to His leadership trainees, a.k.a.
disciples, about this, He did not tell them that it was wrong to
want to be great. He acknowledged that it is natural to want
greatness, and He told them how to achieve it. He did not
discourage the desire for greatness. That may shock you,
because that is the opposite of your image of Jesus.
Everything we think about Him is the opposite of that, that He
was a humble, nice fellow who wanted everyone to be a
doormatturn the other cheek and so on. Most of us were
taught that this man Jesus said to be humble, be kind to
everybody, and not desire to be great. We were taught to be
subservient as the mark of humility and therefore of spiritual
Jesus said whosoever will be great. That means the guy
under the bridge or the guy sleeping in the castle. He places
greatness in the grasp of every human. This takes leadership
out of the hand of the elite few, the privileged few, and into the
hand of any human who learns the secret. He is saying that
greatness is not only possible but also accessible; and it is
accessible to every humanwhoever.
Here He is, in essence, saying, Hey, guys, you want to be
great? Ive got the secret. If you want to become great in My

kingdom, you dont own people. You dont control people. You
dont manipulate people. You dont oppress people. You dont
threaten people. You dont use people in My system.
Leadership in My kingdom, My country, is serving yourself to
the people.
Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great
among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be
first must be your slave (Matthew 20:2627, emphasis
added). He meant this: whoever wants to be the first one
people look for when they want something done has to be the
slave of his gift.
If you want to be great, the greatest will be the one who is
the servant of all. He serves everyone what he has. What does
he have? He has his gift. If you refine your gift, develop your
gift and then serve your gift to the world, you become great.
You can read the great thinkers on management, business,
and philosophy, from the philosopher Plato to the
organizational management expert Peter Drucker, and you will
not find in any other book the idea expressed in this lesson.
Even in Christs additional sessions on leadership with His
disciples, it is the same idea (Matthew 20:26, Matthew 23:11,
Mark 10:43, Luke 22:26).
We can isolate Jesus as a philosopher, not as the Son of
God, to test how His leadership theories stack up against
others and to observe how He modeled it in His own life. When
we do, His idea outshines all the other theories. That idea is
that leadership has nothing to do with ruling people. It has
more to do with your giftidentifying it, maximizing it, and
serving that gift to the world.

Defying Conventional Thinking

The concept of leadership Jesus introduced is so radical that it
demands a paradigm shift from the idea that followers serve
leaders to the idea that leaders serve the world. His
philosophy of leadership defies the contemporary leadership
status quo. By conventional thinking, the concept of
greatness, or leadership, is: How many people do you
control? If you are a leader, how many people work under you?
How many people look to you, how many people worship you?
How many people admire you? How many are afraid of you?
How many direct reports do you have? How many people are
on your payroll? How many people do you influence? All
these are the old concepts of greatness.
The philosophy of Jesus turns these concepts on their
heads. The concept of greatness from the world is, How many
people serve you? He reverses it: How many people do you
serve? He bases His idea of leadership on completely different
values. You cannot measure true leadership by how many
people serve you, but by how many people you serve. He
says, in essence, and I paraphrase this, [I] did not come to be
served, but to serve myself to the world.
Matthew 20:28
Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve,
and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Baby of the Family

Jesus shifts the balance. He says, I am introducing a new
leadership philosophy today. The greatest among you shall be
the youngest.
Luke 22:26
But you are not to be like that. Instead, the greatest among
you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like
the one who serves.
Remember before, He said servant. In this seminar for the
disciples, He shifts it. He changes the word. He uses the
phrase the youngest.
Let me tell you my experience as the youngest. I am from a
family of eleven children in which I am number six. For a time, I
was the youngestwith five older siblings. The youngest is
the one who all the other five call on to do everything. Go get
my shoes. Bring me a glass of water. Turn the TV off.
Bring that paper here. Bring me that book. Shut up. Go
over there. Clean that. Get out of here.
The youngest is the one who does everything. They call on
him to do everything.
It is amazing to me that I serve my elder brothers and sisters
even today. They are members of my organization. The majority
of our family is serving in leadership positions somewhere in
our community today. I think it is because of how we have seen
the model of leadership from our parents. My eldest brother,
Oscar, would go out of his way to help people, give his money
away, and use his service to help other people. He is a
contractor and a builder who sometimes helps other people

build their homes and turns it over to them as a gift. I want to

say, What are you doing? but I think that is leadership.
My elder sister, Sheila, is my administrative assistant. She
constantly wants to help other people become better. All of my
elder sisters have worked all their lives as public servants, in
leadership positions. My whole family has served the
community in some area of significance. The influence of
servant leadership has always been with me.

The First Person They Call

The Bible says you are great when they keep calling on you.
You are great when you develop your gift so well that the first
person they think of when they want something done is you.
Do not consider that abuse. That is greatness. The other
people are not producing; you are.
That is why the busy are busy. You know the old saying, If
you want something done, give it to a busy person? They
already know how to get things done. Most of those who are
not busy are not looking for anything to do. If you give them
something to do, they will not get it done.
The greatest among you shall be like the youngest, the child
who has to do everyone elses bidding. Why me again?
Because you are great! Pick on somebody else! No, you
are great. I can trust you. You get things done.
Jesus says, basically, If you want to be the greatest, be like
the youngest, and the one who rules will be like the one who
serves. He says, Look. You want to be the one ruling
everything? The way you get into a ruling position is to be the
one who seems to be serving all the time.
If the company you work for avoids calling on you, you
have a problem. The word done means execute, taken from
the word executive. An executive gets things done. If they do
not call on you, that is a bad sign.
When a company like Disney or AT&T begins to lose
money, they do not fire the workers; they fire the CEO. The
chief executive officer. Why? He just is not getting things
God hates laziness. God loves volunteers. People who run
from responsibility will never have it. Do not wait for them to

call on you. I will clean the bathroom, I will clean it. I! Me,
When you hide from responsibility, God hides greatness
from you. When you make yourself valuable, people look for
you. If they do not miss you, you are in trouble. You are a
nuisance. Greatness is evident when they miss you. You rule
so much when you are around that they miss you when you
are absent. Your gift is so valuable, people send for you.
Scripture says a persons gift opens the way and brings him
into the presence of the great.
Proverbs 18:16
A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the
presence of the great.
I have been in meetings with heads of state, heads of
corporations and heads of churches. I sit in these meetings
with these great leaders who want my advice, and I think,
What am I doing here? How did I get here? Why is this man
asking me these questions? These questions affect the whole
country, and I am thinking: They called for my gift. They dont
know me personally, but they know my gift. Top-level
companies and governments sometimes call on me because of
my gift.
It humbles me, and it recalls the story of Joseph of the Old
Testament. Joseph had a gift. He had a reputation for
interpreting dreams, but he was in prison.
Genesis 41:1415
14 So Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and he was quickly brought
from the dungeon. When he had shaved and changed his

clothes, he came before Pharaoh.

15 Pharaoh said to Joseph, I had a dream, and no one can
interpret it. But I have heard it said of you that when you hear
a dream you can interpret it.
When the king needed that gift, he sent for Joseph. It does
not matter where people are. If word gets out about their gift,
they are the first ones people think about, and people in need
of the gift call for them. A gift brought Joseph before great
men. It brought him before the great leader of Egypt. Joseph
was not important. His gift was.
People will never make you great. Your gift will make you
great. The more efficiently you serve that gift to the world, the
greater you become to the world.

Leaders for Today

Since Jesus, no oneno philosopher, no professor, no
ideologyhas ever introduced anything to improve on His
idea that we exist to serve humanity, not to be served by it.
Every college in our contemporary world needs a special
course on servant leadership. Our contemporary world leaders
need to be reintroduced to the idea of Jesus and to His idea of
leadership. We keep producing corporate leaders whose goal is
to serve their own coffers, rather than to serve the community.
If companies want to succeed, they should strive not to be
great companies but to be serving companies. Maybe
presidents of companies and CEOs should ask different
questionsnot, how much money can we get from a customer,
but how much better can we serve the customer? How can we
make customers lives easier and more convenient? How can
we give them better quality? If the organizations of the world
strive to become servant leaders, they will become great
companies and entities in their generation.
I believe that the demise of any organization is when
individuals who are more concerned about the organization
than they are about the market that they serve become the
heads of it. The corporate leaders become so interested in their
personal perquisites and their personal salaries that they lose
the very purpose on which they founded the company, which
was to provide an improvement or pleasure for the customer.
The twenty-first century is still in desperate need of the firstcentury idea that Jesus introduced in servant leadership.
Defective leadership always attempts to use authority to
control people. Defective leaders exercise authority over
people and call themselves Benefactors.

Luke 22:25
Jesus said to them, The kings of the Gentiles Lord it over
them; and those who exercise authority over them call
themselves Benefactors.
Benefactors is a telling word. These rulers Lorded it over the
people but claimed their motivation was really to help them.
They said they were just being benevolent, doing good things
for them. They used people for their own purposes and
pretended it was for the peoples benefit.
The traditional paradigm is that leaders benefit from
followers: Use them to benefit yourself. Tax them without
representation. Take the biggest portion of their crop and keep
them in debt to you. Keep wages low and maximize profit.
Discriminate against and harass the female aides. Require
overtime but provide no benefits. Play hardball in the labor
negotiations. Give the contract to the one who will pay you a
This is not leadership. Yet this describes much leadership in
the world today. Using the people to benefit the rulers. Feeding
off peoples fears to intimidate them. Threatening people to
maintain control.

How Would Jesus Lead?

Jesus was born as a member of a colony of the Roman Empire.
He was born as a subject of an imperial power, and the solution
He gave to oppression by the most powerful imperial
government in history was servant leadership. His answer to
the problem was that we can just serve, rather than be served.
He used the Roman Empire as an example of what happens to

society when government does not serve the people. He said

to reverse that because good government is focused on
serving the people, rather than being served.
If Jesus Christ came back to earth today, I believe His first
reaction would be to disassociate Himself with 90 percent of
the people who claim they represent Him. He would rebuke
every other system that is controlling, pressing, manipulating,
or ruling humanity. If you consider the world two thousand
years ago, the situation is not much different today. Instead of
one empire, we have multiple empires, but their policies have
the same results.
Jesus would probably say that the rulers of this world love
to Lord over the people, love to exact tribute from the people,
instead of serving, but it will not be so with youthis new
generation of servant leaders in the making. He might ask,
What government today has the genuine interest of the
people at heart? What corporation? What school? What
It will not be so with you.

Understanding the Principles

The words servant and leader together would seem to be a
paradox, an oxymoron, but the term fits the concept of Jesus. I
have studied it and distilled it into seven principles for
audiences all over the world. The principles are these:
Leadership Is . . .
1. Leadership is predetermined, not preference.
Leadership is not something you do; it is something
you are. You cannot retire from it, as a bird cannot retire
from flight. Just before Jesus laid out His idea that you
had to be a servant, a mere slave even, to be great, the
disciples were arguing about position, wanting
preferred slots. We prefer to sit there, they said. He
said, Look, you cant prefer in Gods kingdom. Its
already predetermined.
Matthew 20:23
Jesus said to them, You will indeed drink from my cup, but to
sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places
belong to those for whom they have been prepared by my
There is a place in Gods Kingdom administration for you
and every other human on earth. No one can take your unique
spot of gifting, and you cannot take anyone elses spot either.
These placesthese positions of authority, greatness, and
leadershipbelong to each one of us specifically designed,
preselected and fashioned for that particular spot of gifting.

The Creator is preparing you for what he has prepared for you.
Your position of leadership preceded your conception. You
were built with spiritual, mental and physical circuitry for your
specific leadership gift.
2. Leadership is a prepared position. In Gods kingdom,
everybody has a place set aside. It is a leadership
position, and it is prepared for you. God predesigned
your spot before he made you. He made you to fit the
spot. You dont go looking for it, Jesus says. The
Father has already prepared it. He has set aside places
for everyone who is supposed to have them (see
Matthew 20:23). When you prepare something, it
means you establish it beforehand. What you were born
to do is, in effect, predestined. You can refuse to fulfill
it, but you will suffer bitterly as you turn into something
God did not intend.
3. Leadership demands a price. To get to your spot, you
have to pay a price. Jesus said, You have to drink the
cup to sit in your spot. Matthew 20:22 You dont
know what you are asking, Jesus said to them. Can
you drink the cup I am going to drink? We can,
they answered. Even though you were born to be a
leader in your arena, it comes at a price. It is a process
of preparation, training, development, and refinement.
The position is prepared for you, but you have to
prepare yourself for that position.
4. Leadership is inherent. Leadership is not given to you
by request or by prayer. You are born with it. Whether
you develop it, whether you use it, whether you
actualize it, whether you deploy it, is totally up to you,

but the capacity is built in. Few of us will ever need to

drive our car ninety miles an hour, but the capability is
there. The manufacturer put it there. Humanity is the
only part of creation that has this choice, this problem
of whether to use our capabilities. God built in this
unique component called the will. We can decide to not
be what we are supposed to be.
5. Leadership is a divine deposit. When Jesus told his
colleagues James and John that their Father had already
secured a place for you (John 14:3), He was implying
that they were requesting someone elses position, and
they were appealing to Him to get it for them. It was not
His decision, not His to give, but the decision had been
made and the security deposit had been paid. We do
not get to decide what our leadership gift is. It is
deposited in our very being. He says to us, Look, God
has arranged this, and I cannot give you anyone elses
position. You can fast and pray, but I cant change the
6. Leadership is not for you, but for others. What you
were born to do is serve. Your gift is not for you. It is
there so you can serve it to others. Leadership is like a
smile. When you smile, others can see it, but you
cannot. It benefits others more than it does you. The car
does not exist just to get itself from place to place. It
exists to transport someone. Leadership is service.
7. Leadership is becoming yourself for the benefit of
others. Become yourself. Leadership is not something
you do; it is something you become. You have to find
out what you were born to become. That is your area of
domain. Becoming yourself is a process that begins

with self-discovery. If you are ready to take the journey,

ask yourself:
Who am I?
What is my gift?
How and whom can I serve?


This Is My Spot: Go Find Yours
There is room for everyone at the top.

Government leaders wanted to build a highway that would

come right through a little town. In the highways path was a
Buddhist temple, a most sacred place. The government spent
so much money on the highway that it could not change the
routing of it, so the authorities decided to relocate the temple
to a beautiful place on a hill.
They brought in archaeologists, architects, other specialists,
and workers, and they began to dismantle this temple, stone by
stone, so they could later replicate the original. In the middle of
the old temple was its most precious object a huge statue of
Buddha. The people had come there to worship every day for
The workers brought in a crane to lift the Buddha. They put
the big fastening chains around it and prayed, Dont let
anything happen to this Buddha; for they, too, had come here
most of their lives to worship before this massive clay Buddha.
As they lifted the Buddha above the ground, suddenly the arm
fell off. Everybody began to weep, and then the other arm
broke, and then the ear fell off, and it was too late to stop. By

the time they moved it over to the new location, most of the
clay had fallen away.
The workers were so depressed, and the government was
afraid the people would rebel against it. The whole village
stood around the Buddha as the clay continued to fall to the
ground. Suddenly, the people saw something they never knew
existed there appeared under all that clay a pure gold
Buddha statue. Their ancestors had hidden it under clay so
thieves would not steal the pure gold one.
The Buddha could not shine until somebody moved it. It
had been in the wrong spot.

Leaders are born when people discover their gift and find
their place. They must first discover what is inside, underneath
the clay. In the same way, leaders have to discover what is
inside them to connect with their spot. When you connect with
your spot, your gift comes alive.
When you feel your arm fall off as you continue to read
about servant leadership, do not panic. When you feel the
identity that you love so much come apart, let it go. When your
old concepts begin to crack, let them.
Every human has a place in the universe of humanity. The
universe has a place for your gift. Nevertheless, if you are like
the average person, you probably have lived most of your life
in a job that is not right for you, placing you in constant stress
and conflict with who you are.
Each of us must find our spot. Only you can occupy your
spot, and no one need be jealous of anyone elses spot. Our
spot is the place we are supposed to be, being who we simply
are by nature.

When we are not ourselves, we experience stress. When we

are not where we should be physically, emotionally,
spiritually we experience stress. The Creator did not build
humans to live with stress, and much of the stress we
experience results from being in the wrong spot. Most human
illness and disease is a result of stress, the fight or flight
hormones that get out of control.
The hormone adrenaline exists to give us bursts of energy
that we need temporarily to cope with danger to run from a
lion or engage in hand-to-hand combat with the invading tribe,
for instance. We have all heard stories of petite mothers lifting
cars off babies in the heat of crisis a feat attributed to
Danger is usually a short-term situation, but when a
situation is chronic wrong job, wrong marriage, wrong habit
the body becomes stuck in crisis mode. It keeps pumping up
the adrenaline over the long haul, like gunning the accelerator
and keeping the brake on. Even a pleasurable activity that the
body reads as stress driving a race car or playing computer
games can pump up our adrenaline. Some people seem to
seek out stress, drama, and constant crisis to maintain the rush,
for the thrill of it. Whatever the cause, the body, mind, and
emotions do not handle long-term stress well. This eventually
takes its toll on the heart and other systems of the body.
Many people become stuck in this stress mode. Unhappy
with their jobs, they produce adrenaline because stress
activates their flight instinct. Maybe they need the money
and feel they have to stay on the job, living every day under
stress. Conflict with the boss may trigger the body to fight
even when the mind knows that is out of the question in the
civilized setting of the workplace in the corporate

boardroom, or during labor negotiations.

These frustrated workers cannot wait to get home, because
for them home is like freedom from prison the prison of
stress. You want to leave your job, but you have to stay there
because of a thing called salary. That means you live your
whole day under stress.
Or maybe your situation is just the opposite. You love your
work and practically live at the office to escape a bad home
environment. You work long hours to avoid a nagging spouse
or bad children or overbearing parents.
By the word spot, I mean your place in the universe of
humanity. About 6.7 billion people live in the world today, and
God has designed a spot for each of us, including one just for
you. The average person dies never finding that spot, doing
something they were not born to do. This is why their lives are
miserable and why they are frustrated.
Stress is pressure placed on your life your body, your
soul, and your spirit that you were not designed to handle.
Premature death is a product of people being out of their spot
in life, because stress kills.

In My Fathers House
The opposite of stress is peace. Peace. Imagine earning pay for
being at peace. Imagine leaving home every day to enter peace.
Peace all the time was Gods original plan for you. That is why
we call Him the Prince of Peace (see Isaiah 9:6). He is the God
of peace. He is not a god of stress.
My goal is to help you find a home. You were born to stay
home. I am not talking about a house. Home is similar to when

people in sports refer to being in the zone. Boy, Tiger is

really in the zone today. He is home, in his spot, his mansion.
When Jesus was preparing His aides for His departure, they
brought up the issue of greatness again. Everybody was
jockeying for position, but He more or less said, Why are you
worrying? I do not want you to panic. Theres a mansion for
John 14:12 kjv
1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe
also in me.
2 In my Fathers house are many mansions: if it were not so, I
would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
The word that is translated mansion in the King James
Version in Hebrew means place of authority. We have
actually distorted that to mean something else, and this has
caused many problems. The word mansion is a poor
translation. The NIV uses the word rooms. Then Jesus adds, I
go to prepare a place.
John 14:12 niv
1 Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also
in me.
2 In my Fathers house are many rooms; if it were not so, I
would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for
He used the same word when He told James and John He
could not give them the positions they wanted, when He said,
These places belong (Matthew 20:23).
By contemporary definitions, place has many meanings,

including these:
Mansion estate
Place of authority
Position of power
Place of influence
Authorized position
Home natural place (Estate)
Position of impact
When a person is out of their spot gift, position, strength
life torments them. They are unfulfilled, angry, bitter,
confused, frustrated, and sad. They make others around them
uncomfortable. When a person is not in their place, their
mansion, their home, their position of authority where they
have their full gifting, they are frustrated.
But when they are in their spot they are in their zone of
destiny and can function at maximum potential. Your leadership
spot is like a screw finding its right nut. It is like the last
missing piece of a puzzle finding its slot. For me, when I am not
speaking to people about leadership, writing about it, or
thinking about it, I am under stress. This is home for me. My
enjoyment of life comes from being in my leadership spot. I
would pay to do it. I should pay you for letting me be myself,
who I am. I do not have stress in my life because I have found
my spot. It is beautiful to find your spot. God has a spot for

Its Not a Competition

I invite you to get out of the rat race. After all, if you win, you

will simply be the big rat. Stop running in the competition. The
only person you should compete with in life is yourself. Ask
yourself, How well am I performing in my leadership spot?
The battery does not compete with a spark plug, because
the battery knows the spark plug can never be a battery, and
vice versa. They sit in the engine in their spots and serve the
engine their gift without competing against each other.
None of the billions of people on earth right now is a
substitute for you. The Creator has prepared a place among
them just for you. Servant leadership was the only concept of
leadership Jesus taught. He believed that every human being
possessed leadership potential. The reason you suffer from
jealousy is that you think people can take your spot. The
reason you are suspicious of everybody is that you are afraid
someone can take your place in life. The reason you covet
other peoples goods is that you believe they can take what
belongs to you. The reason you compete with other people for
positions in life is that you believe places of advancement and
advantage are scarce.
The tendency of people to pull down those in their own
group the poor, minority people, women, other interns, fellow
vice presidents who are trying to get ahead is where the
phrase crabs in a barrel comes from. If you understand and
adopt a servant-leadership mentality, there is no need for that.
When you understand leadership as Jesus taught it, you will
never be jealous again. Jealousy is only possible when you
believe someone has something that belongs to you. If I
understand that you never can have what belongs to me and
that I never can have what belongs to you and what belongs to
me can only fit me, then I will never envy you.
You can be confident in your gifting and your place in the

world. Any success I have can never have a negative effect on

you. Likewise, your success cannot have a negative effect on
me. It is my prayer that, as you find your spot and explore your
area of gifting, you will put aside all your jealousy. All of your
competition, all of your fear, and all of your suspicion of other
people will be left behind. When you stake a claim on your
spot, your gifting, you will never wonder again whether
someone can take your spot. You will know that if anybody
tries to fit in your spot, the spot will destroy them, because the
Creator did not build it for them.

God Prepared Your Spot

James and John were two of Jesus favorites. James, John, and
Peter were the big three. Yet even as the favorites, they could
not get the spots they requested (Matthew 20:2023),
because leadership is prepared by God, not by preference. You
cannot tell God, I prefer to be there. Why? He did not
prepare you for that spot there and did not prepare that spot
there for you. Both are prepared. You belong to it and it
belongs to you. The spot belongs to you, and you belong to
the spot.
When you connect with your spot, your gift comes alive
and so do you. When you are not in your place, you have
stress and burnout. The burnout is probably a sign that you
are in the wrong spot. If you have to struggle, you are out of
your spot. If it wears you out, you are out of your spot. Your
spot will give you energy, not deplete it.
The shape of the spot has already predetermined your
shape, so if anybody attempts to squeeze into your spot, the
irritation will kill them. It will wear them out. They will have to
struggle and fight to be in that spot. It takes energy and pain
that will cause burnout. Why? Your spot does not fit them.
Matthew 20:24
When the ten heard about this, they were indignant with the
two brothers.
It causes irritation in the whole organization when you are
out of place.
A human out of spot is like a virus. He infects the whole
organization. If he is not built for it, he will disrupt the whole

organization. This disruption is an infection. A virus is a

foreign body. It is not supposed to be there, and it can make
the whole body sick.
Sometimes on the job you wonder, Why is this not
working? It is because the people are in the wrong spots.
They irritate you all day. They are always gossiping, angry,
frustrated. They irritate others because they are not fitting the
position for which you hired them. They are in places prepared
for someone else.
If you run an organization, a company, or a home, and you
hire people or place your children and spouse in arbitrary
positions, based on their credentials or on favoritism This
one has a degree; That one has always been special to
me not on their gifting, you will see problems. The person
in the wrong spot becomes disruptive. The organization
becomes dysfunctional. We might have to fire them or
To know the right places for people, we must know their
areas of gifting. They may not even know it. Leaders recognize
the gifts in others. A teacher might discover that the
stammering child who can hardly utter a sentence sings like an
angel and can direct the Christmas production. The boss who
is a true leader discovers that the kid with the dreadlocks
working in the mailroom is a genius at designing interactive
Web sites and places him in the right spot.

The Wrong Spot

History is full of stories of people who were not in their proper
spots. One of the first who comes to mind is Adam. The fall of
humankind, as related in the biblical text by Moses, was the
road that Adam took. God created Adam to serve Eve. The fall
of man came after Eve served Adam. She gave him something,
when he should have been the one serving her. He took the
fruit from her, and that was the turning of the tables.
Genesis 3:17
To Adam he said, Because you listened to your wife and ate
from the tree about which I commanded you, You must not eat
of it, cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil
you will eat of it all the days of your life.
The second one not in his proper spot who comes to mind is
Abrahams nephew Lot. God positioned Lot to serve with
Abraham, yet Lot decided that he would go off by himself and
separate himself from his uncle. Of course, the results were
disastrous, and he ended up in an environment where he
should not have been. It was destructive for him, and his
presence affected the whole city in Sodom.
Genesis 13:1112
11 So Lot chose for himself the whole plain of the Jordan and
set out toward the east. The two men parted company.
12 Abram lived in the land of Canaan, while Lot lived among
the cities of the plain and pitched his tents near Sodom.
Jonah was another Bible figure out of his leadership spot.
He was given an assignment and decided to go in another

direction. He hopped aboard a ship to run away from Gods

Jonah 1:3
But Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish.
He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that
port. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for
Tarshish to flee from the Lord.
He affected everyone on that ship (see Jonah 1:5). That is
the issue. When you are out of position, you affect other
people. Jonah also affected the whole city of Nineveh; he
could have actually caused the disaster or destruction of the
whole city by his disobedience. He also personally suffered.
Everything around him was wrong: a city could be destroyed, a
ship was out in the stormy sea, and a fish swallowed him. This
is an example of the power of dislocation, of being out of
For a more recent example, consider Hitler. He was a very
talented and gifted man in oratory, in persuasive speech, in
being able to communicate effectively. As we know, he became
preoccupied with the destruction of a group of people, rather
than the improvement of a nation, and the results were
horrendous. Today we almost hate to call his name. He was out
of position. In his right spot he might have improved
Germanys lot, not devalued and destroyed a group of people. I
do not think the German people wanted to kill six million Jews,
but Hitler led them in that direction. Today many Germans are
ashamed of that, but the question is, how did they allow that?
How did they let someone lead them to devalue human life, to
introduce an ideology to justify it?

Any time you devalue people, you are out of position.

Servant leadership is about serving the interests of the people
and meeting their needs. All of humanity becomes your

What a Deal!
Those who know their leadership spot and understand their
gift are the happiest. Your gift is fun. You enjoy it, you can do it
all day, and, remember, they pay you to do it.
Somebody asked Tiger Woods, What is your hobby?
He said, Golf.
The interviewer asked, What do you enjoy?
When are you the happiest? he was asked next.
When Im playing golf.
It makes him happy, he looks happy doing it, and companies
pay him millions because people enjoy watching him. He is in
his spot.
If you were to ask him who he was, he would say, Man, I
am golf and I give my life to this game. I think it, drink it, smell
it, smoke it; I sleep it. When I am doing nothing, I am thinking
about it.
He gives it for the multitudes. We get the pleasure from
seeing him playing it. Tiger Woods is having fun, but we get
the pleasure. He gives it to the world.
The beauty of serving your gift is that your wealth is coming
from what you enjoy. You enjoy being yourself. Nobody
should pass up this deal. This is a perfect deal.
It is like a bird saying, I am a bird, they pay me to fly. I like

flying. They call me great because I can fly. I am the first

creature they think of when they want to know about flight.
Did you know we birds are leaders in the category of flight?
A bird gets energy from flying. That is how a bird can leave
Alaska and fly nonstop to Brazil.
Some people come to my seminars and wonder, How can he
teach for two hours straight and still be excited and energetic?
It is because I am in my spot. You can listen to some people
speak, and after ten minutes you have to turn them off because
even they seem bored. They are probably supposed to be
doing something else.
Leadership is having something for which everybody is
going to come to you. They line up for it. Whatever gift you
have attracts people customers, potential employees, new
church members, or voters. That is the ultimate principle of
servant leadership.
You dont go looking for it, Jesus essentially says. The
Father has already prepared it.
Matthew 20:23
Jesus said to them, You will indeed drink from my cup, but to
sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places
belong to those for whom they have been prepared by my
He has prepared a place. Your leadership is in your spot
your area of gifting.

Its My Pleasure
When you are in your leadership spot, work is joy. When you

find that spot, going to work is pleasure.

Drew Carey, a popular American stand-up comic, accepted
the job to replace Bob Barker when he retired after thirty-five
years as host of the television show The Price Is Right.
Someone asked Carey if he ever needed a break from being
He replied that he hoped hed never need a break and that
he didnt feel there was such a thing as too much fun. He
relished his role as someone who helped others feel good.
When the reporter asked Carey why he took the job, he said,
he thought giving away prizes didnt really seem like a job to
him, but more like a good time.
He told the New York Times that the most important factor
was that he looked forward to giving away a new car,
refrigerator, or vacation to someone who might really need it.
He added that, away from the show, he often personally tips
people at least $100 even for a hamburger or a cola and
sometimes much more. He enjoyed sharing his own wealth, and
was looking forward to doing that on an even larger scale on
The Price Is Right.
He is in his spot. He can use his gift for the benefit of others.
In a similar fashion, when an American television interviewer
asked the comedian and actor D. L. Hughley whether he might
be interested in political leadership, he said, Me, I tell jokes.
Hughleys gift is comedy too. He and Carey earn their
money by making other people laugh. People pay them to make
them happy for a few minutes. They are leaders in the domain
of comedy.
Neither article about Carey suggested, nor did he say, that
religious beliefs had anything to do with his motivation to give.
The idea of using your gifts to benefit others transcends

religion. It works whether one is a student and follower of the

rabbi Jesus or not.

Leadership has nothing to do with titles either. It has to do with
function. I respect you because of your gift, not because of
your title. If you have no title at all, once I discover your
function and its value to me, I will protect you. I will pay you to
give it to me. That is what makes you wealthy. Wealth does not
come from your job; it comes from your gift.
Respect is a result of your gift. It does not come because
you seek it. Respect is from the manifestation of your function,
your gift, your leadership spot. That is why they call on me,
and that is why people who need your gift call on you. When
you have a dental problem, who do you look for? A dentist.
You respect him because he has a function. You will drive
twenty minutes to find him, and then give him your money too.
The same thing is true about all of life. Your specialty makes
you valuable, and everyone was born with a specialty.
Disrespect is ignorance of function. What about you? Have
you shaken off the clay? Are you in the right leadership spot?

Who Died and Left You in Charge?:
The Dominion Mandate
He who would lead others must first become his own

At a recent seminar I conducted, a woman asked: I wanted to

know if you could just make something clear for me. You said
that everyone is a leader. If everyone is a leader, but doesnt
have dominion over people, what are they leaders over?
You were born to dominate an area of gifting, not to
dominate people, I told her. When you dominate your area of
gifting, you attract people. So do not focus on the people.
Focus on your gift.
You were created to dominate, but not over people.
You were created to dominate in your area of gifting.
Your leadership is in your area of gifting.
Humans, both men and women, were specifically entrusted
with, endowed with, dominion over the things of the earth, but
not the authority to dominate other human beings.
Dominion means to govern, rule, control, manage, lead, to

have authority over, to master. We have government,

rulership, control, management, leadership, authority over
the fish, the birds, the cattle, the creeping things. God created
you and me to exercise leadership over the earth.
Genesis 1:26
Then God said, Let us make man in our image, in our
likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the
birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over
all the creatures that move along the ground.

You Are Royalty

Ancient Scriptures describe the origins of leadership. If I were
to summarize the Bible in one statement, it would be this: it is
about a King, His kingdom, and the Kings children.
The beginning of the first book of Moses declares that in
the beginning the King created the physical universe. In the
beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis
The original purpose of the Creator of the world was to
extend His heavenly kingdom on earth. His idea was to transfer
His influence from his invisible kingdom to a visible realm that
he created. His program for transferring that influence was
through the leadership of His children.
When I was growing up, the Bahamas Islands constituted a
colony of Great Britain under a constitutional monarchy. The
queen and her family were royalty. The people of the Bahamas
were subjects. In the Creators kingdom, all the citizens are
members of the royal family.
The first book of Moses specifies the purpose for
humanitys creation: God states His intention to make humans,
male and female, in His own image and likeness to rule the fish,
the birds, the livestock, the creatures on the ground in short,
the whole earth.
Genesis 1:2627
26 Then God said, Let us make man in our image, in our
likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the
birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over
all the creatures that move along the ground.
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God

he created him; male and female he created them.

The word man in this scripture is plural. It includes both men
and women. Further, the King was not creating just two people,
but an entire species. In His own image refers to humanitys
character or nature. The whole species called man embodies
the image and likeness of the Creator, the King, with His
characteristics, qualities, substance, and essence.
In his poem The Creation, James Weldon Johnson, one of
the great Harlem Renaissance writers, puts it this way:
This Great God,
Like a mammy bending over her baby,
Kneeled down in the dust
Toiling over a lump of clay
Till He shaped it in His own image;
Then into it He blew the breath of life,
And man became a living soul.1
The Almighty created humans to be kings. The King created
humanity in His image and likeness so man and woman could
rule. The first book of Moses emphasizes this sovereign
authority and legal right to rule. The Creator told the first man
and woman to multiply and rule the things of the earth:
Genesis 1:28
God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful and increase
in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of
the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature
that moves on the ground.

In the King James Version of the Bible, the Hebrew word for
rule radah translates as have dominion. The Creator
made man, the species, in His own nature and own character so
that the humans could rule, have dominion, or have kingdom
over the earth. Therefore, the first thing the Creator and King
gave to humanity was a kingdom to oversee. I define kingdom
as the governing authority of a king over a territory, who
impacts it with his will, purpose, and intent. He created earth
to be a kingdom in which the offspring of the King would rule
with His authority, and the children would impact it with their
will, purpose, and intent.
The psalmist wrote, The highest heavens belong to the
Lord, but the earth he has given to man (Psalms 115:16).
Heaven is the Creators main territory or domain. He wanted
His children to have an active role in His government, so He
created a domain for them. In the human kingdoms we know
the heir to a throne cannot become the monarch until the king
or queen dies. For Prince Charles to be king while Queen
Elizabeth is still alive, he would have to rule over a foreign
territory. Prince Charles becomes king of England only if Queen
Elizabeth is no longer alive. Likewise, the heir to the head of
state in Japan becomes emperor only when the current emperor
Yet the Creator of all things is eternal. He will not die, so
there is no succession to the throne of God. Because He
lovingly wants Hs children to share in His rule, He created a
brand-new kingdom the visible, physical world of earth to
give humankind a territory to oversee, under the Kings
ultimate rule. The Creator is the King of kings; we are His
offspring on earth.
Humanity has the authority to rule over five main earthly

realms: the fish kingdom, the bird kingdom, the animal

(livestock) kingdom, the plant kingdom, and the reptile
kingdom (creatures that move along the ground). Notice that
the Creator gave human beings dominion over the earth and
the animals, but not over each other. God created no human to
be dominated by another. The Creators command to humanity
was a corporate command: Let them have dominion.

Establishing Domain
The Creator intended us to be rulers in charge of our
physical environment. This we can summarize in the term
dominion mandate. Here is how this concept relates to servant
Gods kingdom is one of servant kings who serve it with
their gifts.
God created you to minister to or serve your gifts to the
world, fulfilling His purpose on earth.
Jesus taught that leadership and greatness come from
effectively serving your gift to the world.
Servant leaders measure true leadership by how many
people they serve, not by how many people serve them.
You will always have what you need if you help other
people achieve what they want.
You rule your domain when you serve your gift.
You supply the world with your gift and your gift will
make room for you in the world.
How does this dominion mandate translate to your servant
leadership today? To carry out the mandate, you first have to
discover your particular domain on earth that you are to rule.

As a royal offspring of the King, You are expected to use your

gift to influence the environment around you, your realm of
leadership. Leadership is about manifesting your gift. King
Solomon said your gift makes room for you in this world and
brings you into the presence of the great. A gift opens the

way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the
great (Proverbs 18:16).
When I discovered this truth, everything changed in my life,
because I became free from the control of other people and
became free to serve the world. Solomon did not say your
education or connections would make room for you. Some
people can have a Ph.D., have famous relatives, or win a lottery
and still be broke.
Others can start with little or nothing and create a fortune.
Bill Gates quit college to start the venture that eventually
became Microsoft. Why? He discovered his gift. Steve Jobs,
cofounder of Apple computers, quit college after only a
semester. Why? He discovered his gift. They discovered gifts
they could serve to the world. They developed products the
world needed, and they became rich and famous. Their gifts
have brought them before kings and queens.
Please understand that I am in favor of education, but
education cannot give you your gift; it can only help you
refine and develop it, make you more skillful at executing your
gift. School, in itself, will not make you successful. Your gift
makes you a success. Your gift makes room for you, and it will
bring you before kings.

The Master Plan

You may still be thinking, If everybody was born to lead, then
whos going to follow?
We see a concept of collective human leadership throughout
the Scriptures, not just in the first book of Moses. The
Creators original purpose and plan was a kingdom of kings
ruling earth. It was for corporate kingship. His purpose was
not an organization with a leader, but an organization of
In Exodus, the second book of Moses, the Creator told the
Israelites their nation would be a treasure if they obeyed Him
and kept His covenant. He said the whole earth belonged to
Him, but theirs would be a kingdom of priests and a holy
Exodus 19:56
5 Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of
all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the
whole earth is mine,
6 you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.
These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.
Though the King spoke the words to the Israelites, they
were to apply to all peoples of the earth. The Israelites were to
be an example to the world of what happens when people
follow the Creators original plan.
Later in the history of Israel, the prophet Daniel recorded the
Creators ongoing plan for His offspring to rule that the
people would have sovereignty and His kingdom would be

Daniel 7:27
Then the sovereignty, power and greatness of the kingdoms
under the whole heaven will be handed over to the saints, the
people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting
kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey him.
This will be a kingdom of rulers worshiping and governing
under the ultimate King.
The origins of humanity suggest five principles for
understanding your prepared position.
1. Every human being was created to lead and designed
for dominion. You have the capacity and ability to
dominate in an area of gifting. The Creator gave you a
domain to influence on the earth. God created you for
dominion. Dominion is the key to servant leadership.
God said, Let them have rulership, mastery,
governorship, authority, control, and leadership over
the sea, birds of the air, the cattle of the field, and all the
earth and everything that creeps upon the ground. He
says over all the earth (Genesis 1:26).
2. Trapped in every follower is a hidden leader. Everyone
who thinks he or she is merely a follower is really a
leader trapped in the mind-set of a follower. You do not
know who you are. Your enemies may not know who
you are either, but they may suddenly want to be your
friend when you discover your leadership.
They do not know you, because you do not know
yourself. Your employer pays you a little salary and
gives you a little title, and you are proud of that. What a
tragedy. You are worth more to the world than anyone

could ever pay you. I am convinced that every human in

the world was born to solve some problem. You are
carrying something that your generation needs. How
can you know who you are? Your Creator will introduce
you to yourself. He already knows you, even though
you or other people do not.
3. Every human being possesses leadership potential. All
these principles are progressive. Since there is a leader
trapped inside every follower, then every human being
possesses leadership potential including you. In the
traditional way of thinking, every time you think of
leadership, you think of certain elite people. Servant
leadership says leadership has to do with gifts, and
everyone has gifts. Giftedness is not confined to a finite
number of people.
4. Leadership is not only your history but also your
destiny. Dominion mandate is not an abstract idea
about the origins of humanity. It is just as true today as
it was in the beginning. It is what you were meant to do.
Every human has a place for his or her gift in the
universe of humanity. There is a place for your gift. If
you find your gift, you will find your place. If you find
your place, you will find your leadership.
5. Though every person was born to lead, each must take
action to become a leader. Every human being must
cultivate the spirit of leadership. Just because you were
born to be a leader does not mean you will become one.
When you discover your place and gift and serve it to
the world, the leader within you is born.

A Built-In Capacity
When we think of the word leadership, we think of leading
people, mastering people, dominating people, or controlling
people. Most people who say that they are leaders are really
controllers. They try to control people. According to God,
humans are off limits to control.
What does God mean when he says man is to dominate?
God has given humanity dominion, and whatever God calls for,
he provides for. That means whatever God created he designed
with the capability to do its job and serve its purpose. If God
created birds to fly, then he designed the birds with flight
capability on the inside. Whatever God calls for He provides
for. When God said let Me make a creature that will have
dominion leadership, rulership, power, control, mastery He
had to create you out of His own material.
If we want a creature that can do all of those things, one
who possesses the spirit of dominion and power and authority
and mastery and rulership and governorship, we have to build
it that way. When the car designers want a model that will run
longer and faster on less fuel or a combination of fuels, they
have to design it that way and build it to certain specifications.
Birds do not become fliers; they are fliers. They are born
with the capacity. They just have to wait to come of age. When
the time is right and their wings are strong enough, the mother
will push them out of the nest, and they will know what to do.
Likewise, fish do not become swimmers; they are born to swim.
The ability to float and maneuver in the water is in them.
Humans do not become rulers or leaders. They are born with
the capability. They just wait for a season. Everything has its
season. Every purpose has its time. There is a time for

everything, and a season for every activity under heaven

(Ecclesiastes 3:1).
Trapped in you right now is a hidden leader. You live in a
trap set by your environment, by your conditions, by peoples
opinions, by a culture, by all kinds of traditions, but leadership
is built into you.

Created He Them
God created humans, male and female. And both received the
assignment of dominion over fish and birds and cattle and
trees and creeping things. God commissioned both male and
female equally to be rulers, governors, leaders, managers, and
masters of the earth.
Genesis 1:2728 kjv
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God
created he him; male and female created he them.
28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful,
and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air,
and over every living thing that moveth.
Yet we see men treating women unequal, at best, and at
worst like animals. Most cultures have also oppressed women
in some way and cast them in a less-than-equal role.
Governments have created laws that burdened them. Churches
have denied them positions of authority. Corporations have
discriminated against them. Schools have often denied them
opportunities or educated them to be subservient. Even their
own families have sometimes held them back from their dreams.

These things are the opposite of what the Bible teaches. The
Word of God explains that God created both man and woman
and gave them dominion.
The word man is the name God gave to His species. In the
biblical account of Adams line, when God created man, it says
he made him in the likeness of God. It says He created the male
and female, then blessed them and called them man.
Genesis 5:12 kjv
1 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that
God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;
2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and
called their name Adam, (emphasis added) in the day when
they were created.
Man is the name of the species. Therefore, my wife is a
man. Inside of my wife is a man a spirit that is the same
image as mine, same value, same ability, same dominion.
1 Peter 3:7
Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with
your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner
and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that
nothing will hinder your prayers.
God created them, male and female, and blessed them. He
told both of them to have dominion. This is Gods purpose and
plan. Thus, every woman is a powerful leader, and every man is
a powerful leader as well. Male and female are both leaders with
the same ability. You cannot treat a woman as less than a man
in value. God blessed them and told them to have dominion
together over the earth.

If a man can dominate a woman, it would suggest that she is

not the image of God. She must be a bird or fish or snake. No,
God said He made her in His image and gave her dominion
along with her partner. She is the image of God, manifested in
the beautiful female body. The Bible also says that in the body
of Christ, there is neither male nor female.
Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor
female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Each must serve the kingdom their gifts, and each is a leader.
I do not understand the problem some people have
comprehending the womans role. In our church, my wife, Ruth,
is co-pastor, a role many ministers wives play without the
formal recognition. I rarely begin a lecture without declaring my
love for her. The PowerPoint for my talks begins with a picture
of her and our two children, Charissa and Chairo, with me. In
our church, in our home, and in my heart, Ruth has dominion.

Jockeying for Position: The Sons of
Never follow and live for what a man is not willing to die for.

One of the greatest lessons I learned in life is never aspire to

attain or be jealous of another persons position or achievement in life until I know the price that person paid to get there.
All true success demands a cost, and all great leaders have a
story! The price of greatness is the greatness of the price.
Have you ever seen a flashy, new car you really wanted, but
realized you would have to make do with your old, beat-up van
because the sticker price of the new one was out of your price
Leadership also comes at a cost. Many people aspire to it,
but not all will pay the price to obtain it. If you do, many want
to take your position or at least to be your deputies or in your
Cabinet, entourage, or posse, but they may not know or be
willing to pay the price you paid. If you are the president of the
bank, quarterback of the team, or head of sales, many line up to
take your place, but they do not know what you went through
to get there. They do not know about the hassles you had and
the depression you endured along the way. They do not know

you might have had to sell your car or sleep in it, or remortgage
your house, to pay for training or supplies. They do not know
what it cost you to get through graduate school and how much
you still pay in student loans. No one knows how many hours
you had to practice and how many injuries you suffered. None
of those who covet your position realize how many months
you did not earn enough commission to feed your family. Who
knows about the discrimination and discouragement you
suffered as a woman to get there? Do any of those folks know
about the handicap you concealed to avoid obstacles or pity?
Leaders are known not by the medals on their chests but by
the scars on their backs.
People might envy Stephen Wynn, for example, a billionaire
casino developer who is one of the richest people in America.
Do they know he had to take on his familys bingo business
before his college graduation when his father suddenly died?
Do they realize Wynn has a degenerative eye disease that
severely limits his sight? Did they hear on the news that
because of his wealth, his daughter was once kidnapped?
Would they want to suffer the things he did to get where he is
today? Many people might like to be a leader in the gambling
world and enjoy his riches, but they would not want his

A Mothers Plea
The question is never about the position you hold or to which
you aspire; it is about the cost.
Remember those two students in the leadership training
class of Jesus Christ James and John, Zebedees sons? Their

desire to become leaders and attain positions of influence and

greatness among their peers was conveyed by their mother to
their Master-Teacher, Jesus Christ, in this statement:
Grant that one of these two sons of mine will sit on Your
right and the other on Your left in Your kingdom . . . Look, I
want my sons to be Your vice presidents (Matthew 20:21).
Jesus more or less responded: You dont know what you
are asking. Number one: Can you drink the cup that I am going
to drink? (see Matthew 20:22).
The word cup here is not literal. It is a Hebrew idiom, a
symbol for price or cost. Jesus used this word again in the
Garden of Gethsemane:
Matthew 26:39
Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and
prayed, My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken
from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.
As the story in Matthew 20 goes, the mother of Zebedees
sons came to this great master and philosopher Jesus Christ
asking that her two sons have preferred positions of leadership
in his organization. The question is: why did she go to Him? It
could be that her sons sent her. Scripture does not say that
they sent her, but it says she came.
Matthew 20:20
Then the mother of Zebedees sons came to Jesus with her sons
and, kneeling down, asked a favor of him.
They might have told their mother: You talk to Jesus for us,
and tell him that you would like for your two sons to have the
top positions when He establishes His kingdom.

Is this a woman motivated by motherly love, looking out for

her kids, as your mother would look out for you? Or are the
sons so embarrassed or so secretive that they want advantage
over the other ten that they hide behind their mother? Or are
they playing to the emotions of the Master, thinking, Oh, He
listens to a woman more than He listens to us. Oh, we will be in
trouble because the other guys will be angry. If they get mad,
well say, It was not we who asked. It was our mother.
Maybe her husband told her to petition Jesus on behalf of
their sons. Perhaps she did it on her own. Parents desire
greatness for their children. Zebedees wife wanted her sons to
be great. Parents want their kids to be great even if they do not
have money and cannot afford to help them. They do anything
to usher their children to greatness nag the teacher if they
feel their child is being held back, pressure the coach to put
Sonny in a game, spend their lifes savings on their childrens
education. It is why people in poor countries risk so much to
immigrate to wealthier nations, even if they must do it illegally
and expose themselves to danger.
Most parents today would admit, Boy, thats true, I want
my kids to be great. I want my kids to make it.
Jesus is saying, Your kids can make it. And you dont need
to have an Ivy League education for your kids to make it; and
they dont need that either. They need to discover their gift.
So, here was a mother being a typical parent who wanted her
kids to be great. I want my two boys when You come into
power, when you establish your domain I want one to be on
Your left, one on Your right. Make an offer to my boys. Forget
the other ten. Let their parents take care of them. Take care of
my boys.
The desire for greatness is normal. The common way people

attempt to achieve it is to try to beat the system. The sons of

Zebedee, James and John, were trying to beat the system,
lining up all their ducks in a row, making sure there is a place
for them when Jesus takes command.
This is a normal human experience, but Jesus exposes it.
Jesus responded to her in an interesting way. He was tender
with her, very tender. His answer was, Do you know what you
are asking? His question is loaded. It could have multiple
1. You do not know what you are saying.
2. What you are asking for is not fair to the others.
3. What you are asking for, I really cannot give you.
All of these could be a part of the answer, but the third one
is more likely the principal one.
The Bible says He turned to the sons, which implies that
they were probably standing behind Him or aside, letting their
mother do the talking, and asked, Can you drink of the cup
that I drink?
Matthew 20:23
Jesus said to them, You will indeed drink from my cup, but to
sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places
belong to those for whom they have been prepared by my
That idiom sacrifice and cost.
His response to them was, First of all, what you are asking
you dont understand that you dont get it this way. The
way you are trying to do this is not the way you are supposed

to go about it. I know people do it this way. I understand the

system. I can accept the fact that you are trying to do it, but
this is not going to work. It never works.
Continuing to explain, He, in effect said, First of all, lets
start off with the question of cost. I didnt get where I am,
because I preferred to be here. I got where I am, because I paid
a price.
When the other ten heard what James and John asked, Jesus
had to deal with discord among His own staff. They were
angry, arguing about who was the greatest. They were
jockeying for position trying to get into other peoples
spots. His response? Ultimately, that whoever wanted to be
great must first be a servant, a slave even (see Matthew
In explaining this to His associates, He did not use the Greek
word for servitude,diakonos. He used the word that means to
give yourself out. The word in Greek is doulos, meaning
slave, bond, voluntary servant.

Prepared for Greatness

Leadership requires preparation, and the preparation is part of
the cost. You have to prepare yourself for that which is
prepared for you. If you look at leaders in history, they had to
go through a process to accomplish greatness. Abraham
Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., and Mahatma Gandhi were
born for greatness, but each had to pay a price. Like the
princes and princesses who will grow up in the kings
household and will inherit the kingdom, they had to be trained
for leadership. Ultimately, each of them paid with their lives;
each was assassinated for their causes.
The New York real-estate tycoon Donald Trump has children
who would no doubt inherit a great deal of money if they had
never studied or worked a day in their lives, but like him, they
have gone to the finest business schools. They are working
their way up in his operation to prepare for greatness, just as
he worked in his fathers real-estate business. His television
program The Apprentice, has been wildly popular in the United
States, perhaps because people are fascinated by how one
prepares for greatness. Each seasons winner has paid a price
in time, sweat, and tears to make it.
Likewise, when the sons of the publishers of newspapers
like the Washington Post or the New York Times succeed them,
the general reader thinks, Of course, he gave it to his own
flesh and blood. What they do not see is that often those
heirs have worked at the paper or one owned by someone
else every day for years, maybe decades, paying dues and
learning the workings of the company, from delivering papers
to reporting news to selling ads. They paid a price.
For you to get to your leadership spot, you, too, have to

prepare and pay a price, as Jesus taught. It is going to cost

you. Just settle down, get ready to pay the price. No one will
hand it to you.
God does not establish the price; it is set by your
environment. When you find what you were born to do, your
enemies come alive. When you are not in your leadership spot,
people may like you because you are just like them lost.
However, when you find out who you really are and decide to
go for it, all hell will break loose on you. Even in your own
house, your enemies can rise. When you find your true self,
others may hate you, because now they cannot make you who
they want you to be anymore. When you discover your real
self, they cannot manipulate you anymore.
People hate it when they cannot control you. Friends may
turn on you. Your own family may turn on you. The company
may decide, This is just not the right fit. We are going to have
to let you go. You might even be put out of your church or
your condo building.
You can always tell when you are getting close to your
leadership spot, because people suddenly begin to say, Who
do you think you are?
Let me assure you, however, it is worth the price. You are
going to find that place, and you are going to set people free.

When You Ask the Wrong Question

Jesus was concerned about the fact that His leadership
students desired to pursue greatness by the same process
taught in their culture, and the culture of the Romans, which is
where we get our leadership philosophy. He was correcting

that, when He began by saying, If you want to be great, you

have to ask the right question. The question that the mother
of James and John should have asked was, What is the price
to sit on Your right and left? What is the cost? What would
they have to do to earn it, Lord?
As you recall, she had asked that her two sons have the top
positions in the company in your kingdom. A kingdom is
the governing influence of a king over a territory. It is a
government, not a religion.
Imagine the conversation:
The mother: Look, I want my sons to be your vice
Jesus: You dont know what you are asking. Number one, can
you drink the cup that I am going to drink? Can you really make
these sacrifices to be leaders?
James and John: Oh, Yes, Jesus! We can! We can!
Jesus: You will drink from it all right, but I cant do anything
for you. Those jobs are not mine to hand out.
It is amazing how quickly we can respond when power is at
stake. When Jesus used the word cup again in the Garden of
Gethsemane, he was praying and struggling with the price He
had to pay for humanity (see Matthew 26:39). Here James and
John are asking for positions of leadership and power. He
connects the position with a cup. He said, Every position has
a price. That means you do not ask for positions. Wrong
question. You ask, What is the cost to sit there?
The question is never about the position; it is about the
What does it cost, Dr. Munroe, to be on television all over
the world? Sit down for two days and let me tell you, because
thats how long it will take to introduce what I went through.

After the first hour, you will say, Forget being on TV around
the world. Im going back to driving a van.
It is easy to criticize Oral Roberts evangelist, healer, and
founder of the university I attended. Easy! You do not know
the cup.
Titles do not make leaders; cups make leaders.
To James and John, Jesus said, Can you drink the cup?
and He was thinking, They want to sit on My level.
He said, Oh, you want to sit on My level? Then you have
to drink the cup. You have to pay the same price that I paid to
sit here.
They said, We can.
Now watch his response: You will indeed drink watch
this word from My cup.
He did not say, You will drink my cup.
His cup is crucifixion. If you study history, you will find that
both James and John died horrific deaths. Scripture says James
was executed by sword, and tradition holds that John was
exiled and later boiled in hot oil.
Acts 12:12
1 It was about this time that King Herod arrested some who
belonged to the church, intending to persecute them.
2 He had James, the brother of John, put to death with the

Even at the Risk of Death

His cup would be His life. He asks the same of us. Not
necessarily that we die, though there may well be things in
your life worth dying for, but that we serve to the world our

gifts and that we are prepared to pay the price. Leaders like
Abe Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. ultimately did pay with
their lives, as did many of the early Christians.
The day before his death, Martin Luther King Jr. talked
about the cup. He mentioned an earlier attack on his life when a
deranged woman stabbed him, and he marveled at all he had
been able to accomplish since he survived that threat. He
talked about the threats on his life that were still swirling in the
air that day and some of the precautions that had been taken.
Yet he chose to show up in Memphis and deliver a rousing
speech on April 3, 1968, prepared to march for freedom the next
Nearing the conclusion of that speech, he said that although
he didnt know what would happen to him with all the threats
on his life, it didnt matter to him. Even though he wanted to
live a long life, hed been to the mountaintop and wasnt
concerned about longevity now. I just want to do Gods will,
he said.

The rest of that final speech, about seeing the Promised Land,
is better known, but the main point is that he talked about
serving up his gift, and like Jesus, his life as ransom.
Gandhi, the model for nonviolent protest that King used so
effectively, had spoken of the cup as well: There are many
causes that I am prepared to die for but no causes that I am
prepared to kill for.1 He was aware of the price.
Perhaps your cup will merely be completing that graduate
degree to teach at an urban college, practice medicine in
Appalachia, or fight AIDS in Africa. Maybe it will require
giving up a high salary to enter the ministry or care for a dying

parent. Maybe it will merely be to get up an hour earlier to give

someone a ride to work or take a meal to a sick person.

The Price to Serve

Going to bottom line, Jesus says, But to sit at My right or left
is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom
they have been prepared by my Father (see Matthew 20:23).
Jesus says, Look. The prayer I can never answer.
You cannot pray for leadership positions in the kingdom of
God. There is a prayer Jesus cannot answer. You are sincere,
you are praying, and you are serious, He says, but I cannot
answer this prayer. This prayer is not part of the deal. You
dont pray for leadership positions.
So, you pray to be a manager. God says, No, you dont
pray for that.
You pray to be a pastor. No, dont pray to be a pastor. No,
no, no, I cant answer that.
You pray to be a deacon. No, no, no, dont pray to be a
deacon. No, dont pray for that.
I want to be a leader. He says, No, dont pray for that!
Shut up!
Look, I cant answer those prayers, He says. These
places I cannot grant. There is a spot in Gods kingdom that is
designed just for you. It is a leadership spot, and no one else
can get it. They cant even pray for it. These places are ready
for someone the Father has already picked. I dont even get
into that business. My Father has predetermined your spot.
When the ten heard what went down with James, John, and
their mother, they were angry, but not because those two guys
went ahead of them. They were angry because they did not
think to ask first. It is called jockeying for position.
Jesus decided to have a leadership seminar right then. He
called them together, and the seminar went like this: Come,

come. You know the leaders of this world, Jesus said, They
like to Lord it over people. Control people. They like to oppress
people. Exercise authority over people. But it shall not be so
with you, He said. Instead, whoever wants to become great
among you must be your servant. Whoever wants to be first
must be your slave.
Matthew 20:2527
25 Jesus called them together and said, You know that the
rulers of the Gentiles Lord it over them, and their high
officials exercise authority over them.
26 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great
among you must be your servant,
27 and whoever wants to be first must be your slave.
Then He said, Look at Me. The Son of Man did not come to
be served but to serve and to give His life as ransom for many
Matthew 20:28
Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to
serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
Another word that the Bible uses for servant is leitourgos
meaning a public servant, a minister, a servant. This means to
discharge an office at ones expense. You even pay to serve.
This applies more to some politicians or pastors or business
leaders. It means you use your gift to serve a country, a
congregation, or a company at your own expense. The whole
concept of servant leadership is that you are not doing it for
gain. You are doing it because serving your gift is an extension
of who you are.

True leadership always demands a price.

Jesus served His gifts so well to them that He cannot be
erased from history. This is how people live forever in the
context of human memory. If you serve well, history treats you
well. If your motivation is always to protect the human value,
rather than destroy it, history will always remember you well.

What Is the Price?

Leadership demands a high price. Often the more successful
the leader, the higher the price. Some of the costs that you
should consider as we move forward are these:
1. Self-sacrifice. A leader will no doubt have to give time
and treasure, as well as forego many pleasures, rewards,
or vices.
2. Rejection. A leader will find that people may not accept
him or her as a decision maker, person, or friend.
3. Criticism. A leader will face scrutiny and analysis,
because people often resent the one who steps forward
or challenges their thinking.
4. Loneliness. A leader who dares to stand alone or who
accepts a special role will find that isolation is part of
the deal.
5. Pressure. A leader will be tempted to use position for
personal gain, will be petitioned constantly to do this or
that, and will be filled at times with self-doubt.
6. Fatigue. A leader will experience mental, physical, and
spiritual exhaustion that come with serving and giving
more of his time, energy, and soul for the benefit of

7. Relationships. A leader may see her family, friends, and

colleagues suffer because of their association with her,
and those close to her will have to share their loved one
with others, as well as share the pains.
According to the biblical account of the last leadership
meeting (Matthew 26:23-25), in that last meeting over dinner,
Jesus accurately predicted that one associate would hand Him
over to His enemies and another would swear three times
before the night was over that he did not even know that man
When our Leader went to pray about His cup, the board
members fell asleep, not once but three times, although He
needed them to watch out for danger for an hour or so.
Matthew 26: 2021, 4445
20 When evening came, Jesus was reclining at the table with
the Twelve.
21 And while they were eating, he said, I tell you the truth,
one of you will betray me.
44 So he left them and went away once more and prayed the
third time, saying the same thing.
45 Then he returned to the disciples and said to them, Are
you still sleeping and resting? Look, the hour is near, and the
Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.
They had failed at even small sacrifices, as we all do. Later,
most of them were able to redeem themselves and become great
leaders in preaching and spreading the teachings of Jesus.
Sacrificing much, they traveled widely to form small clusters of
believers to carry on the work and spread the teachings of their

leader. Some even died for the cause.

If you desire leadership and accept the call to serve up your
gift, now is the time to calculate what you are prepared to pay.
Starting a journal or making notes as you continue reading this
book will help you assess the cost.

Just ask:
What sacrifice am I prepared to make?
What price would I pay to be a leader?
What do these positions cost, Jesus?

Its Greek to Me: Out With Old Ideas
As a tree is hid in a seed so your future as a leader is not
ahead of you, its within you.

Our contemporary philosophy of leadership comes from the

Greek thinkers. Our schools teach those philosophies in
courses on management, leadership, or psychology and
throughout the curriculum.
That is why schools make you read Plato, Aristotle, and
other classic philosophers. They have to get those ideas in
your head, so that when you come out, you will behave
yourself and be a nice follower or an entitled leader. (Its also
the reason why we have IQ tests, to separate losers from the
When I was in school, teachers sent to educate us in the
colony of the Bahamas had nearly dismissed me as incapable
of learning. I was considered retarded. My teachers told me,
You will never learn. I was getting Fs. It was common for us
native Bahamians to be treated this way, and we rebelled.
From reading the Bible, however, I discovered that my
leadership potential was inherent. I began making As. That
school where I was getting Fs and that labeled me a half-breed

monkey now has my books in its library.

When I was 15, I began to speak publicly and to share my
convictions about the value of humans. Reading scriptures, I
had learned to appreciate my own value. I understood that
every human being is equal in value before God and in the
family of humankind and deserves to be treated equally. That
discovery came from my encounter with the leadership style of
Jesus Christ, and that is the foundation of my entire life to this
Discovering my value before God and in the human family as
revealed in the Bible enabled me to resolve my issues that
resulted from living under oppression by colonial powers in the
Bahamas. It resolved my issues with racism. It resolved my
issues with segregation and discrimination. When I began my
ministry in 1980 with a small Bible study, I did not want to
become a pastor. I had a desire to share my ideas about human
value. That idea attracted people to my ministry and allowed it
to grow and touch people all over the world.

Gifting of the Gods

The Greeks and the Romans, led by great philosophers like
Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates, believed that leadership was a
product of natural endowment, of birth traits, of divine
providence. The Greeks were the first ones to formalize
leadership theories. When the Romans invaded them, the
empire incorporated the Greek philosophies into its structure of
government and leadership. The Romans became the most
successful empire in history, ruling from Africa to London,
England, and Scotland for more than two hundred years, using
Greek philosophy as their leadership system. When the Roman
Empire eventually disintegrated, its philosophies lived on as
Europe flourished. As Europeans explored the Western world
and spread their empires, the Roman philosophy dominated
and still does today.
Throughout history, this idea of an elite based on divine
traits has justified many atrocities: slavery, Jim Crow, the
Holocaust, apartheid, sexism, and other manifestations of
domination of people thought to be inferior or lacking in the
divine traits. This philosophy maintains that leaders were born
with certain natural advantages. It says the gods endowed
them with a certain uniqueness that makes them different from
the rest of us.
This thinking is simply wrong, outmoded, and not in keeping
with Christs model of servant leadership. Nevertheless, the
concept exists in our seminaries. It exists in our universities, in
our business schools, and in our political science courses. It
existed in the colonial system under which I grew up.
To become leaders or recognize leaders, we must reject the
old way of thinking and accept that all of us have an inherent

potential for leadership.

Sitting in your chair, reading this right now, is one of the
most awesome leaders in the world, and I will prove that you
are going to make a difference in the world.
The Greeks believed that leadership is a product of
charismatic personality charisma. We hear this word often,
right? It is of Greek origin, denoting gift or gifting and is
also translated as a gift of grace, a gift involving grace,
referring to ability and empowerment. The Greeks used the
word to refer to their leadership concept of being empowered
by the gods and the unique position and advantage this gifting
gave an individual over others.
Greeks used it to justify their leadership. They said, Look, if
the gods give you certain gifts, then you were born to be the
leader of the masses. Charisma, they say, means you have
special personality traits that make you different for example,
being an extrovert, one who is always up front, one who is
always conspicuous, energetic, and well spoken. Oh, that one
was born to be the leader! The quiet one? Oh, no, no, no.
Introvert? Oh, no, no, no. That is a slave. But this one? She has
nice looks and she speaks well and she has a big smile that
is a leader!
These are aspects of personality, and your personality has
nothing to do with your leadership ability. Jesus never used
the word charisma because the word represented a pagan
concept. He never said, Im charismatic.

God Chooses the Imperfect

If you study history and learn about all the true leaders, their
examples defy the traditional thinking about the charismatic
God frequently used people whom others would dismiss,
who were not perfect to do great things. Moses had a
stammering tongue. No charisma. God said, Tell you what.
Youre in charge of a million people.
Many questions remain about what kind of impediment
Moses had, but obviously it had something to do with his
speech because he complained to God.
Exodus 4:1012
10 Moses said to the Lord, O Lord, I have never been
eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to
your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.
11 The Lord said to him, Who gave man his mouth? Who
makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him
blind? Is it not I, the Lord?
12 Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to
The discourse came to a climax when he suggested that God
send someone else to do his work. God said something like, I
am quite aware of what you can and cannot do. As a matter of
fact, I have something to do with it as the Creator.
God did not heal Moses. That is important. Instead, He
explained to Moses why He would not heal his impediment. He
replied, Even now your brother Aaron is on the way. He will
be your mouth. If I were to heal you, Aaron wouldnt have a

purpose in life. Moses always had his impediment, and Aaron

always had a job.
Exodus 4:1516
15 You shall speak to him and put words in his mouth; I will
help both of you speak and will teach you what to do.
16 He will speak to the people for you, and it will be as if he
were your mouth and as if you were God to him.
Everything that you lack as a human is someone elses
purpose. If we could do everything, then we would not need
anybody else. The Creator did not make anything insignificant.
Every plant needs the sun, fish need water, and human beings
need other human beings. Each brings something to serve
humanity. That is why servant leadership is so important,
because it helps you constantly appreciate the value of people,
and it also protects you from trying to devalue them by
attempting to become all things and to do everything yourself.
Everybody is a leader. That is the heart of God. Leadership is

Under New Management

If anyone tells you that God told him to rule you, watch out.
People think that because they have certain traits, they are
better than you are. Jesus said the gentiles tried to Lord it over
people or oppress people, demean people, devalue people, and
then they tried to justify it by providence. That still exists
today. People think that greatness is a result of pedigree
being of a certain class or occupation, being a certain color or
being from a certain place. Jesus challenges that. His
philosophy destroys the idea that only a few elite can be great.
You will not be like the Romans, Jesus said, because they loved
to Lord it over one another, but it shall not be so among you.
For the greatest among you shall be the servant of all and the
first shall be the last, and the leader shall be the slave (see
Matthew 20:2527).
He turned the idea of ruling others upside down, because
true leadership is not measured by how many people serve you
but by how many people you serve.

Defining Leadership
Among the traditional concepts of leadership are these:
Leadership is controlling and imposing ones will on people.
Or so the world teaches. But that is not leadership, only
control! It is manipulation and dictatorship. Leaders serve the
needs of others and act in accordance with the will of God and
for the good of the people. The greatest leader of all time said,
If you love me, you will obey what I command ( John 14:15).
If you what? Love Him. Not if you are afraid of Him.
Leadership is management of people. You have to manage
those people. You must manage those members. You should
manage that group better. This is nonsense. People are so
complex that you cannot manage them. They may fake it, lie
and make you think you are in charge, but you cannot manage
the human spirit. It is the most unpredictable spirit with which
you can deal. You can manage things like machines and
equipment and resources, but you cannot manage people. God
never intended you to do so. Servant leaders manage things
but develop people. You develop people, not manage them.
Leadership is superior to following. If I am the leader, then
obviously I am superior. If I am the manager, then obviously all
the staff must be less than I am in value. If I am the boss, then
everybody else must be less than me. This is why the minute
your friends are promoted they treat you differently. They were
simply waiting for a title. They do not speak to you anymore. I
cant eat with you anymore. I have to eat with the other
supervisors. I cannot have lunch with you anymore. Im up in
the executive suite. This is not servant leadership. Servant
leaders value others, respect their function, and appreciate
their gifts. The greatest is the servant, slave, youngest, and

Leaders are served by followers. Leadership is measured by
how many people serve you. They say, How large is your
church? How many do you have on staff? How many aides do
you have? You only have two? I have ten. How many people
serve me? This is backward. I must be the servant. Serve your
Leadership is cultivating and manipulating the fear of
people. We develop the skill to manipulate peoples emotions.
The one who can do that the most and is more skillful is the
leader. Therefore, if I can make you fearful and use that fear
against you so you can submit to me, I am a great leader. The
Bible says, Perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18).
You should not obey a man because you are afraid of him;
that is dictatorship. That is not leadership.
Leadership is a product of providence. When a man believes
it is Gods will for him to be a slave, that man is in trouble.
Providence means the gods chose certain people to lead; the
others they chose to follow. The gods did it. The concept of
divine leadership is a Greek idea. The pharaohs of Egypt had it.
The Romans had it. The Greeks taught that God chose me to
oppress you. God establishes your position. You are a slave by
appointment. I am a leader by appointment.

A Few Questions for the CEO

Just as this Greek philosophy permeated entire cultures, the
thinking of a company or organizations leadership can spread
to all within it. The question in the boardroom, when you are
interviewing a CEO for the top job, should be, What do you

think about people? How do you perceive human value? How

important are people to you?
These questions are different from those we usually ask
CEOs. We usually talk about their accomplishments and their
experiences. Ask a CEO, Tell me in one sentence: what is your
philosophy of leadership? The answer is very dangerous. The
person may not even have a philosophy; or he might have one
but not be able to articulate it, which is even more dangerous.
Hiring the kind of person who both leads and develops
leaders requires that we do not ask the right questions.
To ensure that servant leadership filters down into the
management system of the organization, servant leadership
needs to be in every level of responsibility. For example, you
have a director who has a servant-leadership philosophy but a
manager who has a Greco-Roman philosophy. That
organization would be in conflict, because the director believes
that people have gifts and talents, but the manager believes
that you control people.

Turning the Tables

If we can correct our leadership, we can correct our world. We
must correct our leadership with the right philosophy and
ideology, and the most effective, efficient, and viable ideology
is that of servant leadership by Jesus Christ.
The solution Jesus Christ offered to oppression of His day
by the most powerful imperial government in history, the
Roman Empire, is servant leadership. It is amazing that He was
born under oppression. He was born as a member of a colony
of the Roman Empire. He was born as a subject of an imperial
power, but His answer to the problem was servant leadership.
He used the Roman Empire as an example of what happens to
society when government does not serve the people. He said,
But it shall not be so among you. Good government focuses
on serving the people, Jesus says, rather than being served.
I know leadership is not a product of divine birthrights.
Remember, I was number six in a family of eleven children. In
the poorest part of my tiny island, we lived in a wooden house
with two bedrooms one for my mother and father, one for my
seven sisters. The boys slept on the floor in the room that also
served as the kitchen, living room, and dining room. Our house
sat up on four big rocks to keep the rats and roaches out. At
school, my teachers told me I could not be educated: You are
retarded. You cannot learn. I survived, found my area of
gifting, and claimed my leadership spot because leadership is
inherent. It is in all of us. Servant leadership demands that we
tap into our gift and give it to the world.

Check the Reservations: Your Name
Is on the Roll
True Leadership is not a product of a course of study but a
course in self-discovery.

W hen I used to arrive at a hotel late at night after a long trip,

I would worry that the rooms were all taken. I have now,
however, gotten used to my room being guaranteed by
reservation with a credit card. My number is on file. Not only
has my room been prepared, but it is also the best available, a
luxury suite, the upgrade. I am often pleasantly surprised to
find out that it has been set aside for me at the price of a
standard room.
When a reservation for my late arrival is in the computer, the
hotel secures a place for me. When people without
reservations try to get a suite before I get there, the desk clerk
tells them, I cannot rent these rooms. The manager has
already set them aside for guaranteed late arrivals. The
manager often keeps some of the finest suites for this purpose.
These places belong to those for whom they have been
prepared, Jesus said when His aides were locked in a power
struggle. You might recall from His conversation with

Zebedees family that the privilege to sit at His right and left is
not His to grant.
Jesus said basically, Look, God has already prepared that
position, and I cannot give you anyone elses position.
Matthew 20:23
Jesus said to them, . . . To sit at my right or left is not for me
to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have
been prepared by my Father.
A reservation for your leadership spot is already on file and
the deposit is paid. A place has been secured for you. Your
leadership spot is already reserved.
Leadership is a divine deposit.Deposit means put there at
conception. Every human being was conceived by divine
prerogative to deliver a gift of service to humanity. It is by
divine decree or providential decree.
Providence has placed in every person a packaged gift that
no human gave him or her, but that each is supposed to give to
other humans. Everyone on this planet is carrying a divine
treasure that the world needs and that each is responsible for
delivering to the world.
In Gods plan, every human has a place set aside. Each is
born to meet a need in creation. That is your place. God has
prepared it for you. He has a plan to fit you, and He has built
you to fit the plan.
To this end, we need to realize . . .
Whatever the Creator calls for, He provides for.
Whatever He demands, He supplies.
Whatever He expects, He injects.

Whatever He assigns, He designs.

Whatever He calls out, He puts in.
When God designs a human for something, He builds into
them the capacity for it.
People think that you have to get leadership from
associations from whom you know and from opportunities
people give you. Jesus is saying, No, you are being prepared
in advance by divine providence.
To a corporate leader, He might explain that every human
being carries within them an inherent gift given to them by their
Creator, whether they manifest it or not. An effective
supervisor or manager is one who has the capacity to help that
person discover that gift and manifest that gift.

What God Had in Mind

Most insecure leaders present God as a stern master and killer,
because they want you to fear them. That is not the nature of
God. Jesus tells us, He is your Father; your Father knows
what you need. So do not worry about your food, your
clothes; just seek first His kingdom, and His righteousness,
and all the things you need shall be added as well (see
Matthew 6:33).
What a beautiful way to present God. He is a Father. He will
pay your mortgage, take care of your tuition, be with you when
you are sick, take care of your marriage problems, and even
find you a good spouse to marry. He is a good Father, not a
killer. Corrupt leaders may say, If you sin, Hell kill you!
Disobey me and He will kill you! God will punish you.
Therefore, if you disobey me, as His representative, I must
punish you or kill you.
Servant leaders do not cultivate fear or manipulate.
Everybody is a leader, and great leaders develop leaders.
The Bible tells us that men and women might make plans,
but in the end, the purpose that God has established prevails
(Proverbs 19:21).
You might have many plans for your life, but He already
gave you purpose. He already designed you with a purpose.
Solomon was a great leader who understood that. He says,
Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of
understanding will draw it out (see Proverbs 20:5 kjv).
If you are a corporate leader or small-business owner, when
you hire someone, that person comes into your operation with
a purpose that is like deep water, a gift buried deep inside. The
Word of God says the man, or person, of understanding can

draw that out of them.

That is a beautiful concept. My lifes work is to help people
draw out the deep water of purpose. Purpose means original
intent, what they were born to do. Everybody is born to do
something. A person of understanding a leader draws that
out of them.
God has a plan for you, and He already gave you the
potential to fulfill it. He gave you what it takes to claim your
leadership spot. He built the capacity into you. He has high
expectations for you, so He gave you the ability to carry them
out. He designed you for leadership. He established a purpose
for you. At one point, Christ even asked the disciples, What
are you so worried about? Look at the flowers. God has taken
care of every detail. If He took care of them, He will do the same
for you.
Luke 12:2528
25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
26 Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you
worry about the rest?
27 Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin.
Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was
dressed like one of these.
28 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is
here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much
more will he clothe you, O you of little faith!
He has provided you to the world to fulfill a mission. He has
given you the gift and determined a purpose. Not only that, He
has given you the tools to carry it out and expects you to serve
your gift.

He has already set aside a room, a place for you to serve

your gift.

Buried Treasure
In life, the greatest tragedy is not death; it is living without a
purpose. It is worse than death. It is more tragic to be alive and
not know why than to be dead and not know life. If you are 40,
50, 60 years old and do not know why you are living, and still
do not know your purpose, or why you came to this planet,
know this: You were not born just to make a living. You are here
to live out an assignment on this planet. You were born to make
a difference in the world.
Each inhabitant of our world carries in them a seed of
greatness to deliver to the planet. Greatness is in everybody. A
good supervisor brings out the greatness in each employee.
Leadership is creating an environment that allows people to
manifest their gifts for the corporate good. That is good
business, and that is great leadership.
Many people die without manifesting this seed of greatness,
however. They will take that gift to the grave without using it.
They will be buried with untapped treasure. The wealthiest
place on earth is not the gold mines of South America or the
diamond mines of South Africa. It is not the oil fields of Iran,
Iraq, Kuwait, or the silver mines of Central America. The
wealthiest place on earth is the cemetery. It holds the treasures
that people never served to humanity.
It is wealthy because buried in the cemetery are books that
were never written. In the graveyard is music that no one had a
chance to hear, songs that were never sung! The graveyard is
filled with magazines that were never published. The cemetery
is filled with businesses that were never opened. What a
The graveyard is filled with visions that never became

realities. The cemetery is filled with poetry that no one is ever

going to write. Films no one produced. Ministries no one
started. Dreams never pursued. Grants and scholarships for
which no one applied. The graveyard is filled with ideas that
were never carried out, inventions that were never massproduced, campaigns never run, and sermons never preached.
What a wealthy place! If I could mine the cemetery, I would be
a rich man.
Someone reading this is a candidate to add to the wealth of
the cemetery. Is it you? You may be getting closer to the grave
without having delivered your treasure. You still have
marathons you have not run, graduate courses for which you
have not enrolled, and plays you have never staged. You keep
procrastinating and putting off that dream. Some of you have
planned to become something for twenty or thirty years, and
you still have not done it. You are getting closer to the
If you sing other peoples songs but long to be a
songwriter/-producer, God says, It is time to write your own
songs. Compose the music. Produce your CD. Sing unto the
Lord a new song. Your time has come. If you buy other
peoples art, but dream of painting your own, you need to
create your masterpiece. Bring out of you what is on the inside
of you. Do not let the cemetery take what is inside of you.
Serve your gifts to the world before you get there.

But You Have Potential

What do we call this wealth in the cemetery? Potential! The
cemetery is filled with potential. Potential is untapped power,
unused strength, dormant ability, unrealized success. Potential
is who you are when no one knows it yet. Potential is what you
can do that no one knows about yet. Potential is how far you
can go in life but have not traveled yet. Potential is who you
really are but have not revealed. Potential is what you could be
but have not so far.
God is bored by what you have already done. Once you
have done something, God is not excited about it anymore.
Potential is what is left on the inside. God is a God of potential.
God never remains impressed at what you have accomplished.
God is concerned that you are celebrating history so much that
you do not have a future.
God is potential: Omni (all) + Potent (power, ability,
strength). God calls Himself all-potential or the omnipotent one.
(Omnipotent means, I am all-potential.) Even though God
gave life to thousands of galaxies, billions of stars, multiple
planets, milky ways, He still says, You aint seen nothing yet!
I am still all-potential. I still have stuff on the inside. I am
God works with the potential.
When God introduced Himself in the Bible, He introduced
His potential program. Then God said, Let the land produce
vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear
fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds (Genesis
God says, I have placed a seed of everything in itself. This
is a mind-blowing concept. The last part of that verse, to

paraphrase the Hebrew is, I have put whatever something is

supposed to be in the thing. I have put everything that the
seed is supposed to become in it. Look, the seed of everything
is in itself.
Genesis 1:12
The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed
according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it
according to their kinds.
You were born with the seed of greatness in you.

Planting a Forest
You have no time left to sit down and look back at your past.
God is saying, Stop it! The seed of everything is in itself.
Your future is not ahead of you. The future is in you. The
future of everything is in the thing itself.
If I held out an apple seed and asked you, What do you see
in my hand? you would say, An apple seed. That would be
a fact but not the full truth. The truth is I have a tree in my
hand. That is, in my hand is the seed of a tree. In my hand, I
have an apple seed with an apple tree that has apple fruit. In
my hand is an apple seed with an apple tree that has apples
with fruit, with apple seeds. You see a seed, but God says, It is
a forest! In my hand is an apple orchard, a forest of apple
God hides the future of everything in itself. In every tree,
God hid a forest. In every bird, God hid a flock. In every fish,
there is a school of fish. God is amazing. In every little boy, God
hides a man. In every little girl, God hides a great woman. In
them together, a generation, a dynasty of generations.
You are a seed in which He has placed a generation. The
cemetery that gets your forest will not deliver your fruit. Men
look at the facts, but God looks at the truth. Men look at the
outer part of the matter; God looks at the heart of the matter.
When God looks at people, He does not see what you see.
Your own mother does not even know you. Your father does
not know you. They do not see what God sees. Christ asked
His own mother, Did you not know who I am? I was in your
stomach for nine months. Did you not know?
Luke 2:49

Why were you searching for me? he asked. Didnt you

know I had to be in my Fathers house?
My father is 83 years old. He sat in the front of my church
not long ago, and I looked up and saw him crying. I was
teaching, and I was wondering what was wrong with my dad.
When I asked him later, he said, I have eleven children, and I
didnt know this was in my family. He saw the great ministry
we have grown from a seed.
You do not even know your own children. Only God can
look at a murderer, a fugitive, a killer and see greatness. Moses
was a fugitive who had killed an Egyptian soldier for beating a
Hebrew and then fled, but God looked at this killer and saw
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. He
saw a multitude inside of this man in the Bible. The next time
you read Exodus, you are reading the writings of a murderer.
Exodus 2: 1115
11 One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where
his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He
saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people.
12 Glancing this way and that and seeing no one, he killed
the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.
13 The next day he went out and saw two Hebrews fighting.
He asked the one in the wrong, Why are you hitting your
fellow Hebrew?
14 The man said, Who made you ruler and judge over us?
Are you thinking of killing me as you killed the Egyptian?
Then Moses was afraid and thought, What I did must have
become known.
15 When Pharaoh heard of this, he tried to kill Moses, but

Moses fled from Pharaoh and went to live in Midian, where he

sat down by a well.
People can discount you, but God knows you on the inside.
Only God can look at a dirty shepherd boy, David; a fisherman,
Peter; and a persecutor, Paul, and use them for great things.
God never throws people away. He knows what is inside of
you. You are a forest.

Coming Soon!
Whatever you are doing on your job, do not let them destroy
your forest. It is on the inside! Vision is when the seed sees its
own forest. That is why you have big dreams. Your dreams are
real. Do not die and go to the cemetery with them. Do not die
without accomplishing your dreams. Some of you are thinking
about retirement. God says, What are you talking about? The
word retirement is not recognized. It is not in My program,
God says. Keep working. Get busy and deliver your stuff.
God told Abraham at 75, You still have something on the
inside. This is going to be the best year in your life! You aint
seen nothing yet! What you have done is OK, but God is
disappointed in the things in which you take pride. God says,
Put your pants back on and get busy. There is no time to get
tired now. Keep serving your gift.
I was driving in Florida, when I saw a dirty, messy property
with dirt and mud in the front and bushes, dirt, and mud in the
back. On the front, someone had put a sign with a picture of a
beautiful building that said, Coming Soon! It reminded me
that you might look at what is true right now, but God has
planted in your life a picture that is already finished. Coming


Dream No Small Dreams

Our dreams are built-in. You do not have to teach kids how to
dream. They come packaged, but parents can destroy purpose
if they try to make their children solve their failures. Why do
you want to study that? Theres no money in that, a mother
may say.
If your parents tell you that, tell them you must be about
your Fathers business.
If your child has a passion for music, buy him a piano. If she
has a passion for painting, buy her some brushes and paint.
Let the children follow their passions. You follow yours. Leave
them alone. They came with their own assignment. They must
be about the Fathers business. Leadership is built in.
The first person to kill your dream is often your parents.
They like to tell you what to choose for your career. They like
to tell you, Be like your brother or sister and go get a real job.
Why do you want to be different? What is your problem? Why
dont you just get a job like your brother or sister? (And be
depressed like them!)
Jesus said if any man is going to enter His kingdom, he has
to become again like a little child. He means, I dont care if you
are 50 years old. When you come into My kingdom, I am going
to make you go back to your childhood and see your dreams
Children are bigger dreamers than adults. Being an adult is
dangerous, because we stop dreaming, and all we want is a
paycheck. Children believe anything is possible. You ask a 4year-old what she wants to be, and she says, The president!
Your first response is, Be realistic! You are the one who is
not being realistic. You have already stopped dreaming. The

child is already realistic. The Holy Spirit has already told her
that she wants to be the president. If that is Gods purpose
divinely deposited in her, it is what she should pursue. The
position is already set aside. Do not kill your childrens dreams!
Jesus says, Unless you become like a little child, you cant
live in my kingdom (see Matthew 18:3). Never grow up. Grow
old, but never up.
I believe the redemptive work of God as presented in the
Scriptures is not just the salvaging and redeeming of a human
soul but the reclaiming of a forest with a destiny. That is why
He loves you so much, because He knows what He put on the
inside of you. Salvation means to salvage the forest. He did not
save us to go to heaven; He saved us to do good works that
were put inside us before the foundation. For we are Gods
workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians
2:10). So much is still inside of you.
You need to die as Jesus died empty. On the cross, He
said, It is finished (see John 19:30). It is amazing that Jesus
never said, I am finished; He said, It is finished.
He was referring to an assignment. He was 33 years old, and
He said that He was finished finished at 33. How are you
doing? Can we be finished at 33? The answer is yes, if you
knew why you were born. Age could be incriminating. If you
are still living at 99, maybe you have failed to complete your
assignment. Perhaps you are not finished. Maybe God is
keeping some of us alive so that we can have some more time
to discover why we were born.
Maybe we should die like the apostle Paul, who said, I have
finished my course. I have kept the faith. I have been poured
out like a church offering.

2 Timothy 4:68
6 For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and
the time has come for my departure.
7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have
kept the faith.
8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness,
which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that
day and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for
his appearing.
There is nothing left inside of me, he declares. I served it
all, and I am now ready to depart from here.
Can you die with joy? What are your dreams? Stir them up
and take the gift out of you. Serve the gift to the world now.
2 Timothy 1:6 kjv
Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift
of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands.

Its Just a Job, Man

God will never tell you to do anything that is not already in
you. Some of you hate Mondays because you hate your job.
You were not created to be employed. Your job is only
temporary in Gods eye. Your job is what they pay you to do.
Your work is what you were born to do. Never confuse your
job with your work.
You were born to solve a problem in the world, and you
become more valuable based on the problem you solve. What
you must do in life is find the problem you are here to solve.
Find your place, your spot. Most of us are so busy making a

living that we do not know the problem we are destined to

You will become wealthy based on the problem you solve,
not on the job you fill. If you want to progress on your job,
identify the problems in the workplace and volunteer to solve
them. Your promotion will come. Your company, church,
agency, or school pays you for solving problems, not for just
showing up. Your specialty is solving that particular kind of
Do not work for money. Work for fulfillment. Society often
tries to keep you away from your gift, because it wants you to
replace your gift with a career.
God has given you a great gift, but the cemetery will take it if
you do not get busy now.
What is your potential? What will you take to the grave if
you do not make your dreams a reality? Have you fulfilled the
purpose God put in you? Is your assignment here completed?
The Father has prepared a leadership spot for you and placed
in you the gift you need to secure it. Take possession of it.

It Isnt Yours to Keep: Sharing the
The value of all creation is in its contribution to others.

It was a cold winter day as I entered the aircraft and

proceeded to my seat. A few minutes later an elderly man
helped by a younger man came and sat next to me. Hello, I
said, noticing a plastic tube running to a transparent plastic
cup over his nose. The young man who helped him to his seat
handed him a cylinder tank, which he held close to his chest, as
if he were hanging on for dear life. In a voice that seemed to
gasp for life he responded, Hello. I was tempted to continue
the conversation but felt guilty about placing pressure on the
mans capacity to engage in any lengthy conversation.
Suddenly he turned to me with a smile under his plastic mask
and said, I guess you are wondering about this contraption
here. Well, I am holding my life in my hands. This is my source
of oxygen and without it, I would die.
For a moment I thought it was a simple answer, but then I
suddenly realized the profound implications of his words. It is
amazing how we can take the simple act of breathing oxygen
for granted without realizing how vital it is for sustaining life on

the planet. I sat there pondering his words and the aircraft rose
over the tarmac and into the clouds streaming above the green
carpet of trees and fields. I silently began to thank the creator
for the green trees and every plant that provides us with lifesustaining oxygen. In this moment of deep appreciation for
nature I suddenly was reminded of the truth that everything in
creation existed for the sustaining of everything else. The
plants need the sun, we need the oxygen of the plants, the
plants need the carbon dioxide we produce, and the cycle
This principle is also true in relation to every human being;
you were created to serve an important purpose in the cycle of
humanity and your generation needs you. Your gift is
necessary for humanity. You exist not for yourself but for
others. The essence of becoming a leader is discovering what
you were given to serve your generation. Leadership is never
for the leader but for those he serves.

My brothers, sisters, and I grew up in an area that anyone in

the Bahamas would call poor. The minute you say the name of
our community, Bains Town, locals would immediately
recognize it as a low-income area.
We were not aware, however, of how disadvantaged we
were, because everybody else around us was poor, too, or
worse off. My parents, especially my mother, who has passed
now, constantly gave to other people. As models for servant
leadership, my mother and father were the greatest influence on
my life.
Being in a large family and having one parent working, you
would think that our familys focus would be on our own

needs, but every week other young kids from the

neighborhood were in our house, eating our food. At least
three times a year, my parents also would bring a large group of
elderly people into our yard to feed them and give them treats.
On any given day, my mother would bake ten loaves of bread.
You would think it was for us, but she would say she wanted
to give those away to guarantee our bread, which was strange
to us. This was a belief she had, that if you kept giving to other
people, your needs would be met.
These were the foundational experiences that taught me the
principle that when you serve others needs, yours will always
be served. Focus must always be on the needs of other people,
not on your needs. That, to me, was the epitome of servant
Because of their charity and compassion, my parents
became leaders in the neighborhood, not because they sought
to lead people, but because they sought to serve people. Our
family earned the respect of the community, not because they
sought respect, but because they sought to respect other
people and the value of other people.
Today, all my siblings are living off that experience. All of us
have that same attitude that other peoples needs are more
important than ours are. Any one of my brothers and sisters
would be willing to give whatever they have to help other
people, because we saw that example in our parents. Whether a
parent or not, a person who exercises servant leadership
influences others to become servant leaders.

The Greatest Commandment

Maybe this was what Jesus meant when He ended His
discourse with the disciples saying, Even I your master did
not come to be served, but to serve (see Matthew 20:28).
He used Himself as the model to inspire them to emulate
Him. Good parents and mentors do likewise.

Leadership is not for you; it is for others. If you wish to lead,

you must serve. If we all discovered the gift God gave us and
served it to the world, we could solve all the needs of
humanity. I think that is what Jesus meant when He said that
the greatest commandment in the law is to love God and then
love your neighbors as yourself, as reiterated in several places
in the Gospels. (See Luke 10:27: Love the Lord your God with
all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength
and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as
How do you love your neighbor? You serve your neighbor.
Jesus resolves the problems of humanity with one sentence.
He says, Thats it; love God and then love your neighbor as
much as you value yourself.
Servant leadership is the solution to the human dilemma. If
our leaders in every arena of human influence apply the
principles of servant leadership, they would have an immediate
impact on their environment, their society. If government
leaders were to take these principles and apply them,
government would become what it is supposed to be and do
what it is supposed to do: that is, to serve people, not just

preserve government. If religious leaders were to capture the

principles, religion would no longer be a mechanism used to
separate people from each other or divide people, but rather it
would bring them together to serve humanity.

The Servant Corporation

Even businesses can be servant leaders.
If corporations took servant leadership as their business
model, how different would the world be?
When I visited Omaha, Nebraska, in the United States not
too long ago, my host took me to see Warren Buffets house. I
was thinking, This is one of the richest men in the world, but
his environment is so humble. He drives a common car. He is
involved in many community projects, and people see him
drive the streets as a normal person, not chauffeured. He does
projects for kids in the area. He still lives where he grew up in a
house he bought in 1958. Most people move out somewhere,
but he wants to be where the people are. I admire this kind of
He realizes that everything he has gained is for other
peoples benefit. That makes Warren Buffet one of the greatest
examples in modern times of servant leadership. He is using his
resources to improve the lives of other people.
In a similar fashion, I really admire Bill Gates, the chairman of
Microsoft and co-founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation. He is more concerned about serving his gift than
he is about being served by his organization. He is a good
example of leadership. He seems more committed to following
his internal dream than pursuing external expectations. This is
where servant leadership begins, when you discover yourself
and decide to pursue becoming yourself for the benefit of your
generation. Your service to humanity becomes almost a byproduct.
Companies like Microsoft keep coming up with new
products, and the question is, what is a new product? My

answer is that each new product is an attempt to serve

humanity, to make work more efficient for humanity. The focus
of companies should not be to sell products but to improve the
lives of customers. Greatness as a company is a natural byproduct of that.
Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple Inc., is another example. He
continues to use his gift to make other peoples lives more
convenient, more efficient, more effective, and his philosophy
constantly drives his corporation. How can we improve human
technology to make peoples lives easier?
Anytime you serve humanity, success is a natural byproduct. These companies may seem to be technical giants that
are mindless of social concerns, but their goal is service. For
example, when I first saw Jobs unveiling the iPhone, he never
said, Well, my organization is producing something important
that will no doubt make Apple richer. Instead he spoke about
how we are going to make this easier for you to do, how we
are going to make it more convenient to do this, and how can
we make this do more for peoples lives? Here are ten things
that I am going to do for you to make your life better.
His selling of the product emphasizes what he did for the
user, not what he did for the Apple company. That is a good
example for all of us.
Of course, as soon as he unveiled it, many consumers ran to
get the product, but his interest was not just in his company,
but in serving. He uses his tremendous technological gift to
make lives better every day. Benefiting others is what servant
leadership is about.
Jesus always mentioned the fact that He was a ransom for
many, not how important He was because everyone needed His
ransom. He did not talk about how important He was to the

world, but about what He wanted to do for the world.

My own experiences, my success as an author and as a
minister are not about me. If you read my previous books, you
will see that they are not about me. They are about making
your life better.
Wal-Mart is another example. I think about Sam Walton, who
founded the retail chain in 1962, after starting with a five-anddime in Arkansas. His business model was How do I get the
most for the least for my customers? Wal-Mart has become
the greatest retailer in the world, and he became the richest man
in America. He did not desire to become the greatest, so much
as he desired to become the most effective provider of
inexpensive goods to people. Wal-Mart is a simple example of
the servant leader as a corporation.
In religious life, I see a great example in the life of William
Booth, who founded a mission in 1865 that became the
Salvation Army. His desire to take Christianity away from the
self-centered aristocrats of Britain and to put it in the streets
where the poor people were was what drove him. He wanted to
provide for and serve those people. Here is a person who made
an organization into a servant leader. It began with a person.
When organizations churches or companies begin to
focus more on themselves and forget about the customer they
want to serve, that is the day the company begins its demise.
The death of an organization is when the present leadership
becomes more self-serving and less a servant leader in the

The Master Demonstrates Leadership

If everyone becomes the servant leader he or she was meant to
be, what would the earthly world look like? Look at Jesus
master class on servant leadership, the washing of the
disciples feet.
John 13: 59
5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash
his disciples feet, drying them with the towel that was
wrapped around him.
6 He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, Lord, are you
going to wash my feet?
7 Jesus replied, You do not realize now what I am doing, but
later you will understand.
8 No, said Peter, you shall never wash my feet. Jesus
answered, Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.
9 Then, Lord, Simon Peter replied, not just my feet but my
hands and my head as well!
It is a model for how we might eradicate poverty on the next
block or in the third world. It could be a call for direct ministry
to those who have AIDS, those who are on drugs, or those in
Christs protection of that woman at the well teaches us
about equality of women, among other things. Her conversion
from instant prejudice against Him as a Jew, to become His PR
person in that town, is a model for how we should overcome
racism, sexism, and other isms that are alive and well today.
John 4:9

The Samaritan woman said to him, You are a Jew and I am a

Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink? (For
Jews do not associate with Samaritans.)
The story also tells us to give others their due and sing their
praises no matter how different they are from us and no
matter what we think about those people.
John 4: 2830
28 Then, leaving her water jar, the woman went back to the
town and said to the people,
29 Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did.
Could this be the Christ?
30 They came out of the town and made their way toward him.
Christs lesson of the talents (see Matthew 25: 1430)
might be our wake-up call about stewardship over global
warming, the issue to which Al Gore, the former vice president
of the United States, has devoted his energies and for which he
was awarded a Nobel Prize. This is an example of how servant
leadership might apply in the world at large today. We have
dominion over a rich planet. Will we leave it better or worse
than we found it? Have we maximized the Lords treasure?
Matthew 25: 14, 30
Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called
his servants and entrusted his property to them. . . . And throw
that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there
will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Our dominion is over the things of the earth, but our
leadership, our gift, is for the benefit of others.

Without a Shepherd
One of the most profound yet simple assessments of
humanitys condition that I have ever read is from the
incomparable first-century philosopher and teacher Jesus of
Nazareth. His observation of the state of humanity, His
assessment of our condition, and His identification of the
solution is found in one statement. Matthew, one of Jesus
students and leadership trainees, wrote: When [Jesus] saw
the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were
harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
This assessment applies to the condition of humanity today.
The same challenges and frustrations persist in every
generation. The word harassed used here means to be under
the control or involuntary influence of external forces to
have no internal peace. Harassed means to be a victim of
circumstances for which you have no resistance. Harassed
people are trapped in a cycle of life, struggling to obtain the
basics: food, clothing, and shelter.
Our contemporary society has not changed much. Even the
economically privileged in the most industrialized nations are
harassed. We might have even more stress as we multitask to
keep up in our cyber-driven culture: responding to our
BlackBerry when we should be enjoying dinner with our
families; checking our voice mail at home by calling on our
mobile phone from the beach, where we are supposed to be
vacationing; using our laptops on the weekend to tap into the
office computer to squeeze in more work on what is supposed
to be our sabbath.
You rise early every morning, get stuck in traffic, go to a job
you hate and work twelve or more hours. This is doing

something you really do not want to do and for which you earn
less-than-fair wages. You cannot wait to get off work, only to
become stuck in traffic again. At home, you eat an unhealthy
carryout dinner in front of the depressing news of crime and
sleazy politics, and then you watch a reality show that is not
Finally, you take sleeping pills to get some rest. Too often,
you climb into bed, lying back-to-back with your spouse
because you are not speaking to each other, or you are so tired
that just talking is an effort. Six hours later, you wake up still
groggy and start all over again. You get through the day hyped
up on overpriced, over-caffeinated coffee.
If you are lucky, you will work every year until you are 65 or
70, unless the company downsizes or moves overseas before
then and leaves you or they replace you with a young person
who has no experience but will work for less. You hope you will
still have a pension fund, Social Security, and health insurance.
That is not life. That is harassment one form of it.
We have professionals who pretend to be successful,
happy, and fulfilled. They attract the six-figure salaries and
drive the latest car. To get away from undesirable elements,
they live in gated communities or penthouses. They take
expensive vacations. At the same time, their family lives are
shattered, marriages are wrecked, children are on drugs and
birth control. The parents live a secret life of depression, fear,
alcohol, or all the above. They are harassed. Poverty, hunger,
homelessness, lack of health care, and a host of other evils
harass those less privileged.
When you are harassed, life is beating up on you.
Jesus saw life beating people to a pulp. When He saw the
condition of the people, He had compassion. He felt moved by

what He saw. He hurt for them. He desired to help them.

A Failure to Lead
He saw humanity as helpless lacking the capacity to
generate change. Helpless means that you live under
circumstances that imprison your hope and suffocate your will.
This means you not only have problems, but you also cannot
seem to do anything about them. The first-century crowds
could do nothing to drive away the occupying Romans or
relieve their heavy taxation. They could not wish away their
Jesus identified the cause of humanitys central problem:
they are like sheep. He did not say they are sheep, but that
they are like sheep without a shepherd. He could have said,
They are without leadership. They were in a poor state
because they had no leaders or had defective leaders.
It is interesting that, in this instance, Jesus did not say the
cause of their helplessness was sin or evil. This was not a
religious description. He said it was the absence of effective,
appropriate leadership.
Jesus Christ made this observation two thousand years ago
in a culture where many people held powerful positions of
leadership the teachers of the law, priests, the Pharisees,
King Herod and the Roman governors, Caesar. Those people
had titles, positions, authority, power, and money, but He
concluded that real leadership was absent. The ideas of
philosophers such as Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle had been
around for seven hundred years by then. Yet, Jesus said, in
effect, The people have no leader.
The leaders of the day had either by design or default
failed the people. They had led them into a state of harassment
and helplessness. The source of the peoples condition was

the absence, lack, or abuse of true leadership. After identifying

the problem, Jesus told His twelve top leadership trainees that
plenty of work was available and necessary, but few workers
were on hand and ready to do it. Few were stepping up.
Among other things, He was telling His students they needed
to be workers in the harvest field among the harassed and
helpless humanity in need of true leadership.
Matthew 9:3538
35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in
their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom
and healing every disease and sickness.
36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them,
because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a
37 Then he said to his disciples, The harvest is plentiful but
the workers are few.
38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers
into his harvest field.
Leadership is finding your place so you can meet the needs
in the world with the gifts you have. Jesus students did not
have titles. Yet He commissioned them as leaders. His
instruction implied that we could change the human condition
if we take responsibility to break the chains of the harassed
and empower the helpless. It is an invitation to all, male and
female, who wish to make not just a living but also a difference
in the world.

Abuse of Power
Jesus said that you must serve yourself to the world, serve
your gift. The leadership gift that you came to earth to serve is
not to benefit you, but others. You become a great leader when
you serve your gift, not when you prostitute your gift, not
when you use it to destroy, oppress, or take advantage of other
Leadership is supposed to enhance, help, develop, and
inspire others, not destroy, demean, and corrupt people. Of
course, history is replete with those like Hitler, Mussolini, and
others who found their gifts, but they used them for their own
personal ambition, not for the advancement of humanity.
An example of misuse of power comes from Jesus
admonition to the same two disciples who sought to sit at His
right or left. These two, James and John, were the first wouldbe religious terrorists in Christianity. They were the first ones
He had to correct when they wanted Him to call down fire from
heaven and burn who did not follow their particular system. I
did not come to destroy peoples lives, He said.
Luke 9:5456 kjv
54 And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said,
Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from
heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did?
55 But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not
what manner of spirit ye are of.
56 For the Son of man is not come to destroy mens lives, but
to save them. And they went to another village.
Jesus was really the greatest model of leadership, even when

He was dealing with people who did not believe what he

believed. His philosophy was that you dont destroy people.
He said, I came to save them.
True leadership salvages human life and human dignity. No
matter what that particular human being may feel, think, or
believe about you, you never destroy him. That flies in the face
of servant leadership.
Leadership is not for our personal benefit. It is for the
advancement, progress, development, protection, and
enhancement of other human beings in the process of finding
their own gifts to serve.
Religion that encourages or justifies the destruction of any
human mind, body, or spirit is not in keeping with the ideals of
the teachings and the principles of Jesus. Any policy, whether
it is political or religious, that does not salvage human life is
not servant leadership. Servant leadership is about salvaging
humans, valuing humans, placing worth and equality on
humans. It is not about superiority. The way some people use
religion has more to do with competition than it has to do with
compassion. Politics also often has more to do with selfelevation than the elevation of other people. Both of these
strong forces need a heavy dose of servant leadership, so we
can see solutions in the world.
We all focus too much on the irrelevant issues and ignore
the most important issues. Jesus made a statement that if the
blind lead the blind, they both fall into the ditch (see Luke
6:39). He was defining the value of their leadership. He was
saying leadership is so valuable, that whoever is in charge will
take everybody with Him, even if it is a ditch.
We have to make sure that we ask the right questions of our
leaders: What is their philosophy? What do they believe?

What are they doing that will affect our children and future
Servant leadership is not only personal, it is social. It is
public. It is national. It is international. It is global.
Servant leadership is necessary for the world to become a
better place, whether it is our personal world or the global
community. Leadership is for the benefit of others.
Who will lead those who are harassed and helpless?
How can you use your gifts in service to the world?

Leaders Are Made, Not Born: SelfDiscovery Is the Main Ingredient
Greatness is measured by how much of yourself you lose in
service to the others.

True success in life is not measured by how much you

accumulate but by how much you lose. A full life is determined
not by how long you live but how much you donated to your
generation. In essence self-service is greater than being selfserving.
I do not think I could have found a greater example of a
woman who wants to be a servant than in my beautiful wife
and partner in work, Ruth. She is the epitome of compassion in
much the same way my parents were. Every time I think of her, I
think of the perfect spirit. In that way, she has the same spirit
as my mother, who was so generous she shared what little we
had with others.
Ruth always wants to make sure that people are comfortable
and have what they need. She is always working or initiating
projects to help young women, girls, or older people. Her
compassion encourages and inspires me. My wife works with

all of my projects and is constantly there to be a support.

I met her when I was in high school, involved in community
groups to help other young people. She already knew who I
was, though I did not know her. Later, she also attended Oral
Roberts University. She was learning secretarial skills, which at
that time were thought to be a natural choice for females. In the
community where I grew up, most women were expected to go
into secretarial work or nursing, or similar fields.
In the twenty-nine years that we have been married, it has
been very gratifying for me to watch Ruth evolve. But taking a
public role did not come easily to her at first. She was afraid of
up-front involvement and quite introverted. Ruth never had a
desire to be seen and preferred to be in the background to help.
Today, she is a public speaker and she can represent me, if I am
not able to serve. Sometimes she will do a better job!
She has completely transformed because she simply wanted
to serve. She found purpose and acted on her desire to serve
her gifts to the world. This is the source of greatness. If you
serve, you become great.
We misunderstand what Jesus taught, because our concept
of servant has more to do with servitude than it has to do with
serving oneself to the world. Our concept has to do with
subservience. It has to do with belittling yourself or making
yourself inferior or less. That is the opposite of what Jesus
meant. He meant that the significance of your gift matters so
much that if you do not serve it to the world, you rob the world
of your unique contribution. He was not asking you to make
yourself less, but make yourself more significant by serving
your gift.
True leadership is self-discovery followed by selfmanifestation. It is finding your personal purpose that you

must offer to others. You must learn who you are, and then
reveal yourself to the world. This will set you on a path of
freedom from the restraints of culture, society, and other
people, so you can become the leader God intends you to be.
No one else can make you a leader. You cannot decide to
take a course and become a leader. Greatness is not something
you pursue. Greatness is serving to the world what you
discover in yourself. That means anyone whether you were a
slave like Joseph, a jailed man like Nelson Mandela, or a 53
Indian, who loved your people like Mahatma Gandhi can be
great. None of these people fits the mold of a great leader.
What they did was discover the gift that they had on the
inside, the passion, and then they decided to serve it to the
world at the expense of their own safety and preservation.
Greatness in the concept of Jesus is discovering your true
self and your true gifts, and then, humbling yourself, your true
self, to serve. The word humble is from the Latin word humus,
which means earth, earthy. It means to be dirt. Humble also
means to be yourself. It is a compliment.

How a Leader Is Born

People always ask me, Are leaders born? Or are leaders
made? The answer is not simple. Perhaps the question is not
the correct one. The question should be, Are we all born with
leadership potential? The answer is, Yes, we are all born with
leadership potential and the capacity to develop that potential,
but many will never discover, develop, or manifest that
wonderful potential.
A leader can be born at any age. A leader can be born at the

point of pressure, overwhelming circumstances, tragedy or

disaster, or when an individual discovers his or her true
purpose and passion. You may discover your leadership
potential while reading this book.
If you are like Jesus and you connected with your gift at 12
years old, the leader in you was born at that age. Do you know
the Bible story? His parents had taken Him to Jerusalem for the
Passover. Heading home, they panicked when they could not
find Him in their caravan. The couple went back to the temple,
where they found Him in dialogue with the teachers, amazing
them with His questions and His insights. He chided His
earthly parents for worrying. Did you not know that I must be
about My assignment?(see Luke 2:49). Why were you
searching for me? he asked. Didnt you know I had to be in
my Fathers house?
His statement tells us He had discovered His gift. He was
becoming Himself and taking on His assignment for the benefit
of others.
Everyone was born to lead, but everyone must become that
leader, just as one is born male but requires a maturing process
to become a man a father, a husband, an elder.
A seed is a tree. The tree is its gift to the world. But for a
seed to bring forth its tree, it has to go through a process; the
seed actually dies. For you and me to become what we are born
to be, we have to put in an effort. The old self dies. Our
greatness has to come out through the effort of serving. Serve
means to manifest through effort. It also means to perform.
Gandhi, who used nonviolent tactics to free his people from
colonization, understood the need for self-knowledge and selfmanifestation. What I want to achieve, he said, what I have
been striving and pining to achieve these thirty years is self-

realization, to see God face to face . . . I live and move and have
my being in pursuit of this goal.1
Most of the great leaders of history were not looking for
leadership. Something happened that made them the leaders
God intended.
Consider these examples:
Jesus was a carpenter who accepted His assignment
that, as the Son of God, His real work was to teach a
new way of living and then die for us. When He was
arrested, He got His chance.
Martin Luther King Jr. was a relatively inexperienced
preacher and newcomer to the city when a bold woman
decided to stay in her bus seat. The community leaders
asked him to lead Montgomerys black citizens in a
boycott to demand equality.
Lyndon Johnson became a stronger voice for civil rights
than most people would have imagined when he had to
lead America after John F. Kennedys assassination.
Katherine Graham grabbed the reins of the Washington
Post after her husbands suicide and took risks to
protect the nation in publishing the Watergate scoops.
Mother Teresa wanted to serve poor people in India and
attracted others to follow her example, which ultimately
brought her into the courts of kings, presidents, and

Called to Lead
True leaders never seek leadership. A sense of purpose that

reveals their gift and inspires others to participate in their

purpose drives them. Your personality type is not a factor in
your leadership ability. Since every human being is here to be a
leader, leaders come with all types of personalities. What they
have in common is a compelling purpose.
Leadership in the lives of reluctant leaders or unlikely
leaders often comes from these two sources:
Circumstances and pressure. Leadership comes out of
crisis, challenge and the cry of destiny.
Intentional training and development. Leadership grows out
of opportunities and projects.
The Bible gives us many examples of leadership. Remember
Moses had a stammering tongue and no charisma. Moses
said to the Lord, O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither
in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am
slow of speech and tongue (Exodus 4:10).
God says, Tell you what. Youre in charge of three million
people. God told him to go, taking Aaron to speak for him and
the staff to perform miracles.
In a similar way, God picked David. When Samuel went to
the house of Jesse in 1 Samuel 16 to find which one was the
king, the father brought out seven sons the charismatic, the
educated, the athletic, the trained, the handsome, the cool
and said, Its got to be one of these.
Samuel says, Nope. Any more left?
Jesse said, Oh, I just remembered. I have my youngest son
out there tending the sheep.
He said, Go bring him in.
The little boy came in and said, Yes, Daddy. Samuel turned

around, grabbed a bottle of oil, and said, Theres the king.

Now David had a gift for using the sling. He discovered and
refined that gift. When he met his brothers on the battlefield
when Goliath was taunting Gods people, he never thought of
being great. He thought of saving his people and Gods honor.
If David had chosen greatness, he would not have gone
against Goliath. (I will wait for an easier opponent, he might
have thought. I can beat someone my own size and
everybody will think I am great.) Something deeper motivated
him; and he knew that he had a gift he could use. Those with
traditional leadership ideas tried to give him their gift of armor,
but it did not fit. David said, I have an inherent gift. I know
how to use this slingshot.
1 Samuel 17:50
So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a
stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the
Philistine and killed him.
Our world has legions of potential leaders. We need to
recognize and nurture the gifts in ourselves and in others. We
all must achieve our own potential and help others achieve
Oprah Winfrey led a summer leadership class at the school
she started in South Africa in January 2007. In a television
interview, Oprah said she based her lesson on The Wizard of Oz
in particular the Good Witch of the North, Glindas
admonition to Dorothy that she had possessed the power to
go home to Kansas all along.
Like Dorothy, you have had the power to lead all along.

Follow the Process

People who try to pursue greatness are usually not yet
leadership material. To tap into that power and step out as a
leader, you must follow a process. When Jesus told the
disciples they had to become servants, He was describing a
process. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become
great among you must be your servant (Matthew 20:26).
Greatness is accessible to everyone.
We can dissect His meaning:
Whoever = Everyone, anyone
Wants to become = desires leadership
Great = powerful, significant
Must = is required to
Be a servant = minister to others, administer endeavors,
meet needs
He says that whoever must follow a process required of all
true leaders. If you want to be great, there is no shortcut. You
must follow this process. Anytime you violate the process, you
are breaking the laws of greatness. One example again is Hitler.
Here was a man who had communication skills. He was an
orator. He mesmerized people. In that way, he was awesome,
but what did he do? He did not use the gift to serve humanity.
He used it to control, murder, and abuse people.
Just because we find our gift, does not mean we know how
to serve it. It can become destructive.
Toward the other end of the spectrum is the great Italian
opera singer Luciano Pavarotti, who died in September 2007.
Obituaries noted that he wanted to be a soccer player but had

begun singing in choirs as a young boy. Soon his music took

over. He had such a powerful gift that people wanted him to
keep singing, and he wanted to do so. Known for popularizing
opera, even more than voice or skill, he said once that he was a
musician not anything else and cared about sharing his
music with other people so that they could experience the spirit
music provided for them.
He once said he entered the world of opera at a time when
many predicted it was on its way out as an art form. In 1961, he
had an opportunity to do the first Live from the Met telecast.
The next day, people stopped him on the street. He realized the
importance of giving everyone the opportuinty to enjoy opera
maybe even people who didnt know what opera was. The
world came to know opera largely because he served his gift.
He did not speak in terms of what singing did for him but rather
what it did for those who heard it.

To Know Thyself
How do you begin the process? First, ask yourself, Who am
I? Not, What do I do? Jesus never said, I do ransom. He
says, I am the ransom.
To explore your spot and your purpose, ask yourself some
more questions:
Can I be a servant?
Do I really want to be the slave?
Am I willing to be the youngest?
What is my function?
What is my purpose?
What is my gift?

Does it bring me joy?

Does it benefit others?
Other people cannot answer those questions for you, and
you cannot take a course to learn the answers.
Other people will try to classify you, however. People are
judging you all the time, pigeonholing you and trying to tell
you what is best for you. Your parents will say, Oh, I dont
think that is a good career for you, honey. You will be broke.
Your husband might say, I think you should stay home.
People will prejudge you and try to tell you what you cannot
do. You are not cut out for that. None of your people has
ever . . . But women cannot . . . Black people are not suited
for. . . Christians are not supposed to . . . What would
people think? People with our kind of money and breeding
do not . . . You are too young to . . . (Or too old, too poor,
too rich, too something.)
People prejudge. They are prejudiced because they are
ignorant. They prejudge something they do not know anything
about. They think that if they can classify you in some way,
they can cancel you out in their own minds. Many people you
meet, at the bus stop, on a plane, in a classroom, in church, or
at a social gathering will immediately begin a process of
trying to classify you:
Where are you from?
What is your family background?
What is your political affiliation?
What religion are you?
Where do you work?

They keep prying in order to classify you and decide

whether to dismiss you or not. But they cannot fully know you
by these things.
Jesus student John recorded an incident of such an
encounter between Jesus and the woman who thought she
knew all about Him. She was both judge and jury.
John 4:9
The Samaritan woman said to him, You are a Jew and I am a
Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink? (For
Jews do not associate with Samaritans.)
She was saying, in effect, I cant give You any water
because Ive already classified You according to Your
background. Jews dont even speak to Samaritans, and we
cant associate. Why are we even having this conversation?
Jesus answered the woman from His perspective of a
servant leader prepared to offer the world His gift: If you knew
the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you
would have asked him and he would have given you living
water (John 4:10, emphasis added).
If you knew is a powerful phrase. She thought she already
knew who He was, so she prejudged Him. Yet because Jesus
served His gift to her, she could receive this living water.
John 4:11, 42
11 Sir, the woman said, you have nothing to draw with
and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? . . .
42 They said to the woman, We no longer believe just
because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves,
and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.

I wonder how many people miss a blessing because they do

not see the giver of the gift.
Jesus knew Himself. The woman was looking at superficial
characteristics. Jesus told her, in essence, You are spiritually,
psychologically, and emotionally thirsty, but Im a walking well
When we really know people and their gifting, we change
our attitudes toward them. When you discover the leader
trapped inside you, you will see others differently, and they will
see you differently.
Do not let others define you. You have to discover who you
are and define yourself. Then you have to show people who
you are and what your purpose is. Only you can tell others
what your gift is and how you plan to serve it.

10 Steps to Self-Discovery
The first step in discovering your personal leadership is to
recognize the desires the Creator has placed into your heart. If
you know your desires, you can begin to identify purpose,
which is the heart of servant leadership. Think about each of
these questions carefully and answer them honestly. Record
your responses.
1. What is my deepest desire?
What are the things you want most in life?
2. What is my passion?
What is the thing you simply must do? What animates and
energizes you? What makes you forget to eat or sleep?

3. What makes me angry?

What do you wish you could change about the world?
What are the things you consider unjust, inadequate, or
inferior in quality?
4. What ideas are persistent?
What ideas, inventions, or innovations keep coming back to
5. What do I constantly imagine?
What is your vision for your life or others lives?
6. What do I want to do for humanity?
What problem would you like to solve? What need would
you fill?
7. What are my recurring dreams?
What do you daydream about doing or accomplishing?
What do you wish you could do if you could do anything?
8. What brings me the greatest fulfillment?
What activities, projects, courses, jobs, and hobbies have
brought you the most fulfillment?
9. What could I do forever even if there was no monetary
What would you do most of the time even if you never
earned any money for it?
10. What would I rather be doing?
What would you prefer to be doing right now? What would
you do today if you had the day off to do anything you
Review your answers, highlighting recurring themes and
noting how your answers fit into the picture of who you are
and what you enjoy doing.

Consult With God

It is not enough, however, to look inward. While the process
begins with self-discovery, you must also determine if what
you have in mind is what your Creator has in mind. Many times
when we fail at something, or things do not turn out as we
would like, it is because we failed to discern Gods will for us
first. We did not check with the Manufacturer.
King Solomon and the psalmist David promised that our
desires would be met if we glory in the Lord:
Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in a mans heart, but it is the Lords
purpose that prevails.
Psalm 37:4
Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires
of your heart.
If you delight in your Creator and in how He has made you,
then live as Jesus set the example, and you will fulfill your
desire for personal leadership.
We have seen that every human being has a prepared
place a leadership spot where one belongs and can
accomplish a purpose in life. Each one of us must find our true
work to be effective and fulfilled. Your job is what they pay you
to do. Your work is what you were born to do. When you
become yourself through work, you serve yourself to the
world. It is a natural thing. If someone asks you, what do you
do? that is not the right question; the question should be, who
are you? The greatest thing in the world a person should
discover is not something to do but someone to be. True

leadership is discovering who we are supposed to be.

Leadership is becoming oneself for the benefit of others.
Who are you?
If you know the answer to that, accept your destiny as a
leader, and understand the seven principles of servant
leadership, you can move forward and begin to prepare for the
practice of leadership.


Believe: The Power of Philosophy
No one lives beyond the limits of their belief system.

If everyone was born to lead, why do so many fall by the

wayside and fail to live up to their potential? The reasons are
probably many, but self-doubt would rank high among them.
When I discuss leadership, most people do not think I am
talking about them. I would estimate that 10 percent of the
people listening to me or reading this book might be convinced
they have some leadership ability. Ninety percent feel I am
talking about someone else.
No, I am indeed talking to you! You must begin to believe in
yourself, if you have not already. Let what is inherent but
trapped within you develop and come out. It is time to change
the way you think.
We have explored the seven principles of servant leadership,
among them that leadership is inherent, Principle 4. However,
many people believe leadership is reserved for the elite, an idea
that derived from Greek philosophy and later spread
throughout the world by the Roman Empire. This philosophy,
as we discussed in Chapter 8, teaches that some are born to
lead, and others to follow, and therefore leadership is reserved
for a very minute, elite percentage of the worlds population.
The masses live in the shadow of the outstanding, gifted, elite

Even today, we, the average people, accept this philosophy.
Our destiny derives from what others think of us. As we
discuss how to prepare you for your leadership spot, the
prepared place that the Father reserved for you for each of
us what you think of you is key. What are your beliefs about
you? What is your philosophy?
Philosophy is powerful. Thought is the source of
philosophy. The word philosophy comes from philo, love, and
sophy, to think or to know. It addresses our way of thinking,
our system of belief. You live your ideas. You become your
thoughts. Solomon says that what you think determines who
you are: For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he (Proverbs
23:7 kjv).
The word we translate as heart in Solomons statement is a
Hebrew word for the center of reasoning. This does not refer
to the conscious mind but the hidden mind. Psychology calls
it the subconscious mind. Whatever is stored in your
subconscious mind is generally the real you.
Jesus of Nazareth said: Out of the abundance of the heart
the mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34 nkjv).
He also said:
Matthew 15:1820
18 Those things which proceed out of the mouth come from
the heart, and they defile a man.
19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders,
adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, and blasphemies.
20 These are the things which defile a man.
What comes out of the heart can be either constructive or

destructive. Jesus taught that the heart gives birth to actions.

The actions are committed there, and then they come out in
deeds. His student John echoed this teaching when he wrote,
Whoever hates his brother is a murderer (1 John 3:15 nkjv).
People often think it is all right to hate someone if we do no
physical harm to that person. Yet what is in our hearts tells the
real story of who we are. Our innermost thoughts and ideas are
hugely important because they guide our attitudes and lives.
Why in a book on leadership should we focus on the
subject of philosophy? Philosophy is at the heart of our ideas
on leadership. To improve or change our quality of leadership,
we must address the philosophical dimension.

What You Believe

What others think of us is important, because we derive a large
part of our self-image from them, especially when we are
young. That includes what our parents think, what our peers
think, and what our teachers think. We can even internalize
what those who have never met us think.
If you hear something often enough, you might begin to
believe it. Once you believe it, you react to life out of your
belief system. If others tell you often enough and effectively
enough that you cannot lead, you are likely to believe you
cannot be a leader. You see through your beliefs, not through
your eyes. Philosophy is more powerful than sight, because by
your philosophy you interpret what you see with your eyes.
You can resist self-limiting philosophy with spiritual recondi-tioning, and your parents, your church, or mentors can
help you develop a strong self-awareness that inoculates you
from what the world thinks. The Bible says do not believe
anyones opinion of you. As the apostle Paul puts it, Let God
be true and every man a liar (Romans 3:4).
Whenever they say, You cant make it, they are lying.
Youll never be somebody. They are lying. The old folks
say flat out, The devil is a liar. The only person you should
believe is God. You can do what God established for you.
Anything less is a lie. If the car manufacturer built a car to drive
at speeds up to 110 miles an hour, it can. If God specifies that
you can lead, you can and you should.
Tell me what you believe, and I will tell you what kind of a
leader you are.
I am not concerned with how many management courses
you have taken, how much education and training you have, or

even how many followers you have gained. I am keenly

interested in what you believe about yourself, other people,
and the world.
Philosophy is probably the most powerful force in the world.
Philosophy begins with thoughts or ideas and ideas control
the world. The power of an idea is that it can create reality.
Everything begins with an idea.
Perhaps you are sitting in a chair right now. That chair used
to be someones idea. The clothes you are wearing came from
someones idea. Inventions, businesses, works of art, musical
compositions, sports franchises, charitable organizations,
hospitals, schools, and nations were all once ideas concepts
that became reality.
To have effect, ideas must be communicated from the mind
of one person to the minds of others. It is words whether
written or spoken that transmit those ideas.
If I have certain ideas in my head, I can transmit those ideas
to you through the words on these pages. All the words we
receive are idea packages that are delivered to us by the
written or spoken word.
The great power of words is reflected in a statement made by
a first-century student of the master philosopher and teacher
Jesus of Nazareth.
John 1:13
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
2 He was with God in the beginning.
3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was
made that has been made.

Everything that has been made began in this Word. The

Greek term translated here as Word in English actually
reflects a more complex concept than we might first think. The
Greek word is logos, which literally means something said
(including the thought) or a word (as embodying an idea).
Logos is the expression of an idea. To paraphrase Johns
statement, In the beginning was the expression of the
Creators idea. This expression was with the Creator in the
beginning and was inseparable from Him. All things were made
by the expression of the Creators idea. Everything even
our physical world began with the expression of an idea.
This is a principle that applies to all aspects of our lives,
including leadership.

How Do You Think?

Ideas are vital, but our way of thinking about ideas is even
more significant. When we receive ideas, our brains begin to
work on them, analyzing them to see whether we accept them
or not. If we accept the idea, our conscious minds take them
and transfer them to an account, called the subconscious
mind, that stores them. If our brains do not accept the idea, we
reject it and expel it from our thoughts. The accumulation of the
ideas we accept becomes our belief system our philosophy
of life. These are the ideas we embrace, retain, and live by. It is
our way of thinking, our system of belief, concept of truth, and
perception of life.
All human beings are philosophers, because each of us has
a philosophy of life, whether we realize it or not. Our
philosophies are formed by ideas we have taken from others or

have personally formed, which we have assimilated into our

lives. These ideas help to create the reality we live in.
You live the ideas you accept. You become your thoughts.
This is why thoughts and ideas are so crucial. People can make
you who they want you to be, if you accept their words into
your life. If you hear something long enough, you can begin to
believe it and live it. If the ideas overwhelm you, eventually
you might embrace them and store them in your subconscious
mind. You become the thing people say you are if you accept
what they say.
Once you believe something, you have a different
experience of life, because now you react to life out of those
beliefs. You see more through your beliefs than you do
through your physical eyes. Philosophy is therefore more
powerful than sight, because you interpret what you see with
your eyes through what you believe in your heart and mind. Be
careful what ideas you accept, because they can be either
helpful or harmful.
On the one hand, the transfer of ideas can be hugely
beneficial. For example, parents teach their children the value of
honesty and self-discipline, and it stays with the children for
the rest of their lives. A community passes on to new
generations its values and traditions of helping the less
fortunate and treating others with respect to ensure the
continuance of a peaceful society.
The majority of us think we are born followers, and by
design, the system keeps most people followers. Our political
systems and our governments, even democracies, reinforce the
idea that a few people will lead and others will follow. Every
form of government in the world whether it is Communism,
Socialism, Democracy, or a dictatorship implies that

leadership is reserved for a few, so we do not even aspire to be

leaders. Education produces followers. Most people learn to
become employees, not business owners. We have few classes
now in trades or in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs would be
leaders. Entrepreneurship begins when people discover that
they have a gift and pursue their dreams. They start
businesses and build the economy. They build strong nations.
Instead, our schools teach students to get jobs and work for
someone else. Students learn to be good employees. Even
parents tell children, Get an education so you can get a job.
Most parents encourage this, without realizing they are
handicapping their childrens potential. The whole system is
set up this way, whether intentionally or by default. Could they
not say, Get an education so that you can own a business or
be an employer?
The culture destroys the real you and produces the you
that the power structure wants. This is why schools have a
curriculum. A curriculum is a system to produce a product that
is predetermined. The educational system can predetermine
and predict what kind of person the system will produce if that
person submits to that system. The system requires that all
teachers study the same writers, the same version of history,
the same philosophers, and so on so they can produce more
teachers just like them.
The average human being never discovers who he or she is.
They become what everyone expects except what our
Creator-God expects. Systems of philosophy have sabotaged
the great wealth of human ability in you and the people around
you so that most people are achieving far below their ability.
They do not know themselves. And no one else will know them
if they do not change.

The idea of leadership that the master philosopher and

teacher Jesus of Nazareth came to reintroduce returns to us the
knowledge of who we are as human beings. His heart is that
the potential and capacity for leadership is inherent in all
people, not exclusive to some. This knowledge will change the

Then Came Jesus

Jesus Christ was the ultimate example of what a leader was not
supposed to be under the traditional philosophy. He lived in a
town with eleven houses and one street. He remained within
the confines of a relatively small area during His life. He was
born under Roman colonial oppression without any
advantages, no high-society position. He was not even a
Roman citizen. The Romans considered Him subhuman,
second-class, a non-citizen. All the things that could work
against a person becoming great were present. Even His best
friends had low self-esteem, so He could not get His esteem
from His associations. Yet his influence became global. How do
you do that? How could a person with all those disadvantages
and none of the advantages emerge and become the most
significant person in history?
He says that it was not because He was the Son of God.
Instead He refers to Himself using a term the Scriptures use
frequently to describe Him. He calls Himself the Son of Man,
as if to say, I am a human just like you all, but I used what I
had in such a unique way that I was able to emerge above all of
the disadvantages unscathed, and then lift others up.
Matthew 11:19
The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say,
Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors
and sinners. But wisdom is proved right by her actions.
Jesus Christ knew that every human being is a leader in an
area of gifting. His concept is for each person to be a leader
among leaders. The Creator created every human to be a leader,

so we have a world of leaders. Each person has a place in

Gods human program and must believe that the place exists.
All must be sure that they can function in that place and can
contribute to their community and our world.
In order to lead, each must first become the servant. Servant
leadership is not new, but it has been lost for so long that
those who hear it today perceive it as new.
The philosophy of Jesus Christ concerning leadership is
important because societys philosophies restricting leadership
have not allowed leaders to emerge. Most have accepted the
idea that they do not have the right stuff to be leaders. They
have bought into an idea that is not true.
Jesus came to reassert Gods plan. God created us in His
image to have dominion over the earth, for leadership, and that
leadership is inherent in all of us. Jesus reminded us that
leadership is service.
The key to personal success is the discovery of your
personal gifting. God designed and conceived you for an
assignment. You were born to lead in an area of gifting, and
your attitude toward life and leadership will be a product of
discovering your gift and your function, so that you can serve
it to the world.

A Can-Do Perspective
Until you discover yourself, however, self-doubt will
contaminate your attitude. You cannot fake having confidence.
That comes from understanding yourself by self-discovery.
You can read a thousand positive-thinking books and still think
negatively. A positive attitude is a product of belief. You have

to change your beliefs about yourself to unearth that trapped

leader, the seed of greatness born in you and your area of
With servant leadership, intimidation disappears. When you
know who you are, you automatically keep everyone else in
perspective. If you think you are small and inadequate, others
will appear large and threatening.
When the Israelites were about to cross the Jordan River
and enter the Promised Land, twelve spies were sent
beforehand to check out the land. The twelve all looked at the
same inhabitants there. Ten of them said, We seemed like
grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to
them. The other two said, We should go up and take
possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.
Numbers 13:3033
30 Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said,
We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can
certainly do it.
31 But the men who had gone up with him said, We cant
attack those people; they are stronger than we are.
32 And they spread among the Israelites a bad report about
the land they had explored. They said, The land we explored
devours those living in it. All the people we saw there are of
great size.
33 We saw the Nephilim there (the descendants of Anak come
from the Nephilim). We seemed like grasshoppers in our own
eyes, and we looked the same to them.
Notice the ten said they seemed like grasshoppers in their
own eyes. If I think I am a grasshopper, you look big to me.

Thus, my image of you is completely dependent on my image

of myself. That can breed fear. Let me assure you of something:
99 percent of the people you are afraid of are not worth it. They
may even see you as a giant and themselves as a grasshopper.
Fear is self-generated.
God had told the people to take the land because the land
was theirs. Instead of fulfilling their purpose, they believed
they were something less than they were.
The result of oppression and negative reinforcement is selfhatred, self-devaluation, a sense of unworthiness, a lack of
self-concept, low self-esteem, and self-destruction. They come
from teaching people that they cannot do or become anything
other than what society dictates.
Young people absorb what society tells them they must be.
How many young men and women have said, Why do I need
an education? Its not going to do anything for me anyhow.
Society has sold them an idea that their life is not worth
anything, and their dream is not worth pursuing, so they quit
school and join a gang that promises them greatness.
They are empowered as leaders in the domain of crime. They
become antisocial. They hate society. They rob stores to feel
the rush that comes from being able to dominate someone
with a gun, even if only for a moment. If they go to prison, they
do the same thing when they get out so they can enjoy that
power rush again.
Potential leaders remain trapped, disillusioned, and
confused. Yet, some of these same young people can
extemporaneously compose and orate syncopated, original
poetry while choreographing and performing original dance
routines to complex, polyrhythmic beats. What if they could
use those same skills in a productive manner to lead churches,

schools, or nations? How much better would our world be?

Confused young people turn to crime to exert control over
their lives. They desire greatness. Even the smallest child
desires greatness. A toddler going through the terrible twos is
simply expressing the desire for greatness. It is a struggle
against adults for control, power. The two-year-old has not yet
learned to use gifting to influence the world.
If every human being understood that one is born with a gift
and with the potential to release that gift to serve humanity,
instead of employment, we would have deployment. Everyone
would start employing their gifts and talents, and we could
deploy leaders to the world. Each person born of woman has a
place in the world where he or she is supposed to shine.

Reflected Glory
Among the great problems of humanity is self-doubt. Those
who doubt themselves do not know who they are; they try to
be everybody else; they doubt their abilities; they put on other
peoples identities.
I have studied the life of Jesus for over thirty years, and He
continues to intrigue me. He never automatically accepted
others opinions of Him.
Someone might have called you stupid, and you believe you
are stupid. Perhaps you even quit school because of it. People
might have called you ugly, and now you think you are ugly.
Someone might have called you inadequate in something, and
so you do not even try it anymore. What others say, you
believe: that you cannot paint, swim, play the piano, do math,
or you fill in the blank and so you do not! You believe
someone elses opinion because you do not know who you
really are or what your potential is.
It takes a completely secure person to ask others, Who do
you say I am? as Jesus inquired of His students (Matthew
You need to know the answer before you ask the question,
because you are likely to get an opinion that is flawed.
Jesus came to give us back our self-image. But He could not
do so unless He could show us what it would look like.
Therefore, the Bible says God became flesh and lived among
us, and we were able to behold, to see His glory. The Word
became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen
his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the
Father, full of grace and truth (John 1:14).
We could see ourselves in Him. That is why we are so

attracted to the man called Jesus and why we embrace His

philosophy of life so readily. He personified every humans
secret desire and aspiration to take control of life,
circumstances, and situations to lead life.
In the New Testament, we learn that two thousand years ago
people followed Him because they liked what they saw. They
saw what it looked like to walk on water, to speak to trees and
watch them die, to speak to fish and fill a net, or to stop a
storm. They saw the human spirit controlling the earth and
they said, I like that. For that reason, they followed Him
everywhere He went, to the point of risking hunger, before He
multiplied a few loaves and fish to feed thousands.
Matthew 14:1421
14 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had
compassion on them and healed their sick.
15 As evening approached, the disciples came to him and
said, This is a remote place, and its already getting late.
Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy
themselves some food.
16 Jesus replied, They do not need to go away. You give them
something to eat.
17 We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish, they
18 Bring them here to me, he said.
19 And he directed the people to sit down on the grass.
Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to
heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave
them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the
20 They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up

twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.

21 The number of those who ate was about five thousand men,
besides women and children.
He told the disciples, Go out and do it. They went out, and
they did it. They cast out demons, raised the dead, and healed
the sick.
Luke 9:12, 6
1 When Jesus had called the Twelve together, he gave them
power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure
2 and he sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to
heal the sick.
6 So they set out and went from village to village, preaching
the gospel and healing people everywhere.
When they came back, they said they were amazed at their
own success and effectiveness in controlling circumstances
and exercising power over lifes situations.
They said, Look what we did, yes sir! Christ says, Do not
rejoice because of these things. What is the big deal? This is
normal for you. He says what you should rejoice in is that you
reconnected to heaven. Now your name is back in the book.
You should rejoice over that. You are back in touch with your
You merely did what the Master expected of you. The Bible
implies that merely carrying out the normal duties of leadership
is not cause for great praise. It is supposed to be natural.
Leadership is your nature. Its genetic.
Luke 17:710

7 Suppose one of you had a servant plowing or looking after

the sheep. Would he say to the servant when he comes in from
the field, Come along now and sit down to eat?
8 Would he not rather say, Prepare my supper, get yourself
ready and wait on me while I eat and drink; after that you
may eat and drink?
9 Would he thank the servant because he did what he was told
to do?
10 So you also, when you have done everything you were told
to do, should say, We are unworthy servants; we have only
done our duty.
Note carefully that this scripture states that your leadership
service is your duty not an issue of exception. When you
are exercising and serving your gift to the world, you are doing
what is natural and expected, so praise and applause are not
necessary. Just like a servant, we are expected to serve.
Essentially, true leaders do not work for recognition,
appreciation, accolades, or pride, but as an obligation to
humanity. In other words, leadership to a true leader is a
privilege, not a right. True servant leadership, therefore, is seen
as a duty one has to humanity. Wow! What a difference this
philosophy would make in the marketplace of life.

Move the Mountain!

Jesus urges us to believe we can do more than the ordinary,
even more than the extraordinary. He tells humanity to believe.
Let me just caution, however, that belief is not enough,
because you can believe the wrong thing. He qualifies it by
prescribing whom you should believe. Believe what God says

about you. He is the Creator. Believe the Maker, not other

peoples opinions.
One day, Jesus spoke to a tree, and the disciples became
shocked. He said, in essence, Why do you worry about
speaking to a tree? You could speak to mountains.
Matthew 21:1822
18 Early in the morning, as he was on his way back to the
city, he was hungry.
19 Seeing a fig tree by the road, he went up to it but found
nothing on it except leaves. Then he said to it, May you
never bear fruit again! Immediately the tree withered.
20 When the disciples saw this, they were amazed. How did
the fig tree wither so quickly? they asked.
21 Jesus replied, I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do
not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree,
but also you can say to this mountain, Go, throw yourself into
the sea, and it will be done.
22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in
He more or less said, You have fallen so low from who you
really used to be that being natural is exceptional. My speaking
to a tree shocks you, but you have the power to speak to a
God is not impressed when you cast out a demon. God is not
impressed when we take authority over the germ of
tuberculosis or take authority over the AIDS virus. God is not
surprised and shocked when you bind and loose and cast out
disease and infirmity.
Jesus says you can speak to that mountain, tell it to move

and go into the sea. That takes a God kind of faith. Say it: Go!
In the name of Jesus, by the authority of my image, go! Crawl
into the sea! Go away in the name of Jesus! Mountain, get out
of my way, I say.
Believe it.
One old song says, You dont have to move the mountain.
Just give me strength to climb. Forget that, you can move the
You have to say it until the mountain is history. Have you
heard people use the acronym P.U.S.H. Pray Until Something
Happens? Push the mountain. You have the power to do that.
Whatever He calls you for, you can do. First, you have to
believe. The Bible says you only need faith the size of a tiny
seed, the mustard seed:
He replied, Because you have so little faith. I tell you the
truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you
can say to this mountain, Move from here to there and it
will move. Nothing will be impossible for you (Matthew

I Am a Leader
It is not easy reversing years of not being trained to believe in
yourself, but you can nurture that belief, reminding yourself
you can do anything.
Greatness is separating yourself from other peoples
opinions of you. Greatness is delivering yourself from peoples
expectations of you. Greatness is discovering that you are
more than what society thought you were.
To help you achieve greatness, I have adapted these
affirmations from some of my earlier writings. Read them
periodically to help maximize your potential to lead:
1. I possess a deep, guiding purpose, the meaning and the
reason for my existence.
2. I have a clear vision, a personal and a corporate vision
that I can communicate to others.
3. I love to serve others with a passion to see their lives
improve and to help them maximize their potential and
develop their own leadership.
4. I have established clear goals in accordance with my
gift and Gods purpose for me.
5. I cultivate my spiritual reserves through Scripture,
prayer, and faith practices.
6. I am teachable, as I demonstrate through study,
reading, listening to those from whom I can learn, and
benefiting from my mistakes.
7. I am constantly refining my skills through practice,
innovation, and adaptation to achieve excellence.

8. I believe in others and value their worth, their

differences, and their weaknesses.
9. I am bold and decisive, trusting in my strengths and my
inherent, God-given leadership.
10. I have integrity in all my dealings with people.
11. I maximize my opportunities and my time to achieve
12. I am a leader created in the image of God and
committed to serving my gifts.

Prepare: The Toolbox of a Leader
Ability without skill is the source of mediocrity.

If I was born to lead, why do I have to prepare for it?

You would be justified in asking that. Preparation is
necessary before one undertakes any endeavor. You might
have the capacity to do a task and the potential for success,
but to achieve it you will need some tools. The Saviors
admonition that whoever wants to become great implies a
process of preparation (Matthew 20:26, emphasis added).
Without some training, your chances of fulfilling your
purpose are slim. Whosoever becomes the CEO probably spent
some time as the intern.
While leadership is inherent, success at it will require some
preparation, study, prayer, or contemplation. To carry out the
mission, orders, or contract, a leader must have some assets.
Are there characteristics that effective leaders have in
common? If you studied the lives of great leaders even those
in your company or neighborhood who run a staff, a team, or a
family you would probably be able to list some similarities.
At the top of the list is probably the ability to inspire.
Leaders inspire. To inspire is to activate, to mobilize. To inspire
is to make others internalize your decisions, your values or
your goals.

Leaders who cannot inspire people often try to manipulate

them, but true leadership is setting an example for others to
emulate because they are inspired. Those who play on peoples
fears, threaten, promise, or coerce are not leaders; they are
professional manipulators. Their aim is to control, oppress,
What is the difference? If I order you to do something and I
threaten you with consequences perhaps a pay cut, a
demotion, or even violence that is coercion. If I lead by
example, if I make you want to do what I ask you to do, that is
inspirational leadership. If I wash the feet of my friends and
coworkers, as Jesus did to demonstrate servant leadership, and
I urge you to do likewise for others, and you do, that is
inspiration at work.

The Breath of God

The meaning of the word inspire comes from the Latin for
inhale to breathe in. The Hebrew word for inspire means
Gods breath.
Our Maker breathes the capacity into us. Inspiration is the
very breath of a leader. Inspiration is as critical as the air we
breathe. It is so critical it defines true leadership. In this book,
our working definition of leadership is:
Leadership is the capacity to influence others through
inspiration generated by a passion, motivated by a vision,
birthed by a conviction, produced by a purpose.
Let us review these key words:
The fundamental evidence of true leadership is influence.
The essence of leadership is influence. Again, influence can be
confused with or mistaken for manipulation.
To lead anyone anywhere or to get someone to do
something, you must influence him or her. As a servant leader,
threats and oppression are not options for you. You have a
better chance of influencing others if you can inspire them. You
inspire them through your own passion for the task or the

Most parents do not inspire their children. They manipulate

them or order them to do things. They threaten or harass to try
to control them and often fail. If you want to inspire your
children to read, for example, then you must first develop a
passion for books. If you tell your kid, Dont watch TV, but
they see you spending hours watching it, they will too. If,
instead, they see you buying books or newspapers and
spending hours reading instead of watching television, they
may be inspired to read. Whatever you are passionate about
inspires others.
That is the heart of leadership. Passion produces inspiration.
If you can inspire people, you can influence them. Through
inspiration, a leader can motivate followers to rearrange their
priorities for the sake of a greater vision.
Oprah Winfrey is an example of someone who leads by
inspiration. While her humble beginnings might have been an
impediment to others, they appear to be a stabilizer in her
present life. Maybe that is why she still has the knack for
giving things away, helping people, and building schools. She
is always doing projects and assisting people. I believe it is her
way of staying in touch with herself, and she is a great
inspiration, especially to women who see her as a symbol of
what you can accomplish. At the same time, I think women are
attracted to her because she likes to serve. She has a nurturing
spirit, a great example of servant leadership. An inspired leader,
she influences people.

A Reason for Being

So where does passion come from? How do we get this kind of
Passion is motivated by a vision, birthed from a conviction,
and produced by a sense of purpose.
The first thing you need to do is discover your purpose.
Purpose is original intent. You have to find out the original
intent for your life. The word purpose means reason for
creation: To intend, resolve or plan. Purpose is the reason for
which we exist, the thing the Creator sent us to do.
We accomplish our purpose through persistence and
perseverance. Passion, a deep desire and commitment fuel
Leaders do not pursue leadership, because they are busy
pursuing their purpose. True leaders do not pursue followers;
followers are attracted to true leaders. Leadership is a noble
privilege given by inspired followers, in partnership to
accomplish a shared vision. Conviction, passion, and purpose
attract others to designate a leader. True leadership has very
little to do with pursuing and securing followers and more to
do with personally pursuing a sense of purpose. The source of
successful leadership is this resolute passion for a vision,
fueled by a conviction that produces a sense of obligation. In
essence, a leader is willing to pursue his purpose even if she or
he has to go it alone. Perhaps this is why true leaders are
internally motivated. They go toward their dream even without
followers. If a leader is not willing to pursue his or her
purpose with a passion deep enough to go it alone, that leader
is not worthy to be followed.
Mother Teresa used to say, Do not wait for leaders. Do it

alone, person to person.

The other leaders might not show up. You are a leader alone
in your passion and conviction. When you discover your
personal passion and are willing to pursue it at all cost, a leader
is born.
Leadership is the discovery of a purpose and vision that
drive the visionary beyond the boundary of personal
preservation. Vision produces true leaders. Vision separates
leaders from managers.
All visions have only one believer at first. Everyone who
dares to cultivate leadership will have his or her vision tested.
The time will come when no one else believes in your purpose
but you. Leadership will be like that sometimes.
The only person who knows your purpose is God.
Everything that exists, including the shoes on your feet and
the chair upon which you sit, has a purpose, but the original
purpose for that thing is in the mind of the Manufacturer. If
you do not know your Manufacturer, it will be difficult at best
to determine your purpose. Your life will have no meaning
without a relationship with God, because He is the only One
who knows why He conceived you. Until you learn why God
made you, you are a follower.
To discover Gods purpose, you will also need His manual
for us, the Bible. One of the most powerful scriptures I have
ever read holds the key to life. It says, Many are the plans in a
mans heart, but it is the Lords purpose that will prevail
(Proverbs 19:21).
This verse teaches us three things:
Purpose is more important than plans.
Purpose is more powerful than plans.

Purpose precedes plans.

Look at Gods mind again. God says that many are the plans
in a mans heart but Gods purpose will prevail over all plans. It
means God is not too interested in your plans. He is interested
in His purpose for your life. The word plan means schemes,
ideas, and devices. You come up with your own ideas of what
you want to be, what you want to do, where you want to go,
where you want to live, where you want to move, whom you
want to be with, where you want to go on a vacation, what you
want to study as a career. God is saying, however, Wait a
minute, come to Me first.
How many have gone to college and earned a degree in the
wrong thing? They went to college before they went to God.
They made their own plans. Then they had to run to God when
their plans did not come to fruition. God is saying, Before you
make plans for your life, consult Me for your purpose. Plans
are what you create. Purpose is what God establishes, so to
God, purpose is more important than plans. Your plans should
come from Gods purpose.
When you discover your purpose, you become immune to
your past. When you discover your purpose, you become
immune to opposition. It is like a seed that has been
germinated. Have you ever seen a plant that broke up concrete
to grow through it a tree sticking up through a sidewalk or
parking lot? Maybe you have seen a tree that bends around a
barrier and continues to grow on the other side. That is how it
is when you find your purpose. You push through anything or
go around any obstacle to pursue your vision. No matter what
people do to try to hold you down, they cannot because you
have purpose. The purpose inside of you is your driving force.

You are unstoppable. Nothing can hold you down.

Paul said, For this purpose I was appointed a herald and an
apostle to the Gentiles (1 Timothy 2:7). He knew his purpose.
Who is a leader?

Leaders are simply people who have discovered themselves

and decided to become who they really are.
Leaders are simply people who dare to be who the Creator
made them to be and are committed to expressing themselves
fully to the world through their gifts.

The Strength of Your Convictions

The next step is developing conviction. Once you discover
your purpose, it becomes a conviction. You begin to believe
that you were born to do this thing. That is why leaders can
seem possessed. They become self-possessed.
What was the conviction that made us follow Nelson
Mandela? His conviction that humans are equal was so strong
that the government sent him to prison. The Rev. Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. also went to jail repeatedly and used the
experience to make his point. Jesus was arrested, tried, and
executed. What is great about the gift of conviction is that the
jailer can lock it up but not destroy it.
Purpose is more powerful than problems. It is more powerful
than opposition, more powerful than criticism. Criticism can be
proof that you are moving toward your purpose. Your purpose
separates you from the crowd. Folks who are going nowhere
want you to be just like them. Those who are doing nothing
want you to do it with them. When you discover your purpose,
you also discover your enemy, and sometimes it is in your own
house. Your mother, father, spouse, or child may oppose you
and become an obstacle. You keep pressing on because you
have purpose and conviction.
Conviction leads to passion. A leader is a passionate
person. When you find your purpose, you develop a passion
for it. When you have a passion, you will work on it without
stopping, sometimes without eating, without sleeping, without
taking weekends off. It is your leadership spot. You are in the
zone. If you look at your watch more than you look at your
future, however, you are a follower.
True leaders set no time limit on performance. They are

motivated by finishing. It is finished, said Jesus. The reward

is in the assignment. They do not care about pay or overtime.
They work for themselves, not for the monetary reward. If you
are ready to clock out every day at five oclock, you are not a
leader in your workplace. You are an employee. A follower.
Perhaps that is not your spot.

The Mind of a Leader

When leaders discover their passion, they begin to develop
strange behaviors. The first one is a positive attitude, because
your passion gives you hope. Your purpose gives you answers
to life. You suddenly realize, Wow! I was born to do
something about something. I was born to do this! Everyone
is an answer to a question. You were born to answer a question
on earth, and that gives a leader a positive attitude. What were
you born to do? People who have discovered their purpose are
rarely depressed. They may get discouraged, because they
have big dreams. They are not depressed, though, because
they know what they are going to do next. There is a difference
between being depressed and discouraged.
People who know their purpose are never bored. Their
greatest complaint is that twenty-four hours is not enough
hours in a day because they have found something that is
bigger than life. When people say they are bored, the people
with purpose wonder why the others cannot find anything to
The Bible talks about hating sleep. A great man, a man of
purpose, hates sleep too much sleep and you become poor.
Do not love sleep or you will grow poor; stay awake and you
will have food to spare (Proverbs 20:13).
When you find your purpose and develop a passion for it,
you may actually hate weekends because the break interferes
with your momentum and energy. One time, Jesus students,
knowing He was tired from a journey, urged Him to eat some
food they had gotten from a nearby town:
John 4:3235

32 He said to them, I have food to eat that you know nothing

33 Then his disciples said to each other, Could someone
have brought him food?
34 My food, said Jesus, is to do the will of him who sent
me and to finish his work.
35 Do you not say, Four months more and then the harvest? I
tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe
for harvest.
Jesus was so passionate about His purpose that it was more
important than food to Him. When you find something to do
that is more important than your mealtimes, you are becoming a
leader. If you cannot skip lunch or be late for dinner, perhaps
you are not the leader you need to be yet.
Passion inspires others. The passion comes from your
vision. You see a plan to carry out your purpose. You see what
can result from the mission. You envision the end product, and
you can sell others on helping you accomplish it.
Ronald Reagan, the former United States president, had a
passion to see those oppressed by Communist ideology set
free. The desire to see those people liberated moved him so
much that he made a statement to the leader of the Soviet
Union that did not seem necessarily political for someone in his
position: Tear down this wall.
A politician is not supposed to say that, but at that moment,
he was no longer a politician. He was really a civil rights leader.
We do not think of him that way, and we do not always
appreciate the significance of what he did. He caused the
dismantling of that regime, and the freeing of millions of
people. He was serving the interest of other people, and that is

why he is so significant. No, he did not balance the budget. He

did not necessarily produce a strong economy, but he changed
the world. History, therefore, will probably treat him in a
positive manner. He is one of those modern leaders whom I
admire as an example of serving yourself to the world. You
have to take risks as a leader, and he took that great risk of
stepping out and doing something that no one thought was
possible. And it was possible. He brought passion to the task.

Better Than Money

Some of the greatest leaders in the world are those who lead
charitable organizations. When people are not paid to serve,
they must have some other reason to do it. Leading that kind of
organization demands a passion. It demands a conviction.
You have to gain peoples commitment without money.
People have to work for you because they want to be involved.
You have to have something better than money, like
inspiration. Jesus never paid the disciples any money, but they
left their businesses to follow Him.
Matthew 4:1822
18 As Jesus was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two
brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They
were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen.
19 Come, follow me, Jesus said, and I will make you
fishers of men.
20 At once they left their nets and followed him.
21 Going on from there, he saw two other brothers, James son
of Zebedee and his brother John. They were in a boat with
their father Zebedee, preparing their nets. Jesus called them,
22 and immediately they left the boat and their father and
followed him.
One example of inspiring someone to do the work you have
in mind involves some of the richest people in the world. Bill
and Melinda Gates built a foundation that spends billions to
solve global problems. They do so using innovative thinking
and methods, applying not only their fortune but also wisdom
they gained from the business world while running Microsoft.

Through the foundation, they wield tremendous influence.

That would be admirable enough and a good example of
servant leadership, but the big story is that they inspired
Warren Buffet, another one of the richest business leaders, to
give the foundation billions of his dollars to use toward its
He was impressed with the way they managed their domain,
and he saw no need to reinvent the horse by creating
something of his own. That is the fruit of inspiration. He could
have kept the money. He could have found a deserving
relative, friend, or another cause, but Buffet not only shared
the Gatess purpose and passion, but he also bought into their
Another example of a servant leader was Jimmy Carter. Many
people did not admire him or consider him the greatest U.S.
president, but he was a leader with compassion. At the very
least, he wanted to provide decent houses for people. I have
little doubt that he brings value to people. His compassion is
evident, and I admire that in him. He is still often called on to
work on behalf of the nation because of that quality of
compassion and passion that people sense in him.
Another example of a servant leader is Billy Graham, the
evangelist who dedicated his life to improving other peoples
lives. Everything he did was to seek the value of a persons
soul. He gave himself to his ministry. Even Americas
presidents called him to minister to them personally.
All of these leaders had purpose and passion. All of them
inspired people to carry out their vision.

Putting on the Whole Armor

Ephesians 6:11
Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand
against the devils schemes.
What are some of the other tools a leader needs? Here are
twenty qualities a leader must have to be effective:
Optimism Once you discover your purpose, you have a
positive attitude.
Energy All of a sudden, you will have lots of energy to
put into it. You can work nearly nonstop.
Warmth You realize that everybody is important. God
made each in His image. You love everybody and treat all with
warm regard.
Integrity You can be true to yourself and conduct all of
your affairs with integrity.
Trustworthiness Integrity leads others to trust you. You
must earn trust by being worthy of it.
Responsibility True leaders do not stop until the job is
finished. They never make excuses. They may give reasons but
not excuses.
Self-Image Leaders do not need outside confirmation of
their worth. They know who they are and what they have to
Knowledge Leaders have an insatiable appetite for
knowledge, constantly expanding their minds. A leader is a
reader. A leader pursues wisdom.
Submission Leaders must be followers too when
necessary. They must submit to the will of God, to higher

authorities, to those with greater knowledge of a subject, to

those with a different area of gifting and often to the will of the
people. If your car is broken down, you must submit to the
Self-Discipline Discipline involves meeting standards for
a greater purpose. Self-discipline calls for self-imposed
standards of excellence for a greater purpose. It calls for
behavior change, denying yourself certain things to achieve
something else. The word Jesus uses for His followers is
Morality A leader cannot be effective if they have moral
failings. It saps energy and destroys purpose. A leader does
not have time to let personal or marital problems detract from
the mission. Keep your house in order.
Friendliness A leader has to have people skills and must
make people feel drawn to him. It is difficult to lead people who
are angry with you or who just do not like you. You must be
personable, and likewise you have to like people. As a leader,
you cannot always be everybodys friend, but you can be
friendly, friend-like.
Humor To be an effective leader you have to laugh at life
and not take it too seriously. Humor helps win people over to
your point of view. Laugh at yourself and have fun. Be able to
laugh at mistakes, yours and others. Laugh at things that you
cannot control anyway. Be able to laugh in the midst of crisis.
Resilience A leader has to be able to bounce back from a
fall or a catastrophe. Deal with it and get back in there.
Experience A leader has a track record for success. A
leader comes with a history. The problems you are going
through right now are qualifying you for leadership. Do not
rush through them. Learn as you go, because God is preparing

you. He is not finished with you yet. It is on-the-job training

for greatness.
Creativity Leaders know more than one way to solve a
problem. Leaders are always suspicious of those who say,
This is the way or We have never done it that way or even
It has to be done my way. A leader has the ability to walk
around a problem and see it from twenty different angles. A
leader loves new approaches, suggestions, and ideas, even
when they are not her own.
Flexibility Leaders are not afraid to change. They know
how to adapt and can make adjustments for other peoples
opinions, needs, or comfort. Adjusting to others or to a
situation is not a weakness.
Humility A true leader does not care who gets the credit.
Leaders are more concerned about results than about awards,
recognition, praise, or even thanks for what they do.
Courage A leader must be willing to take risks, to act on
instinct, and to act alone when no one else will help. The leader
also must be willing to do right when no one else does, and to
make the call when no one else will make a decision.
Concepts Leaders see the big picture and do not let
details overwhelm them. Leaders have a sense of being able to
see concepts that no one else can see. They can look at a
situation and see the relationships between the parts, like the
parts of a car: how the terminal wire relates to the battery, the
battery to the engine, and the engine to the mission of travel.

A Leadership Tools Inventory

Different leaders will be stronger on one quality than on
another. Some can make up for what they lack on one point by
being strong on another, but all leaders should have some
degree of strength in most, if not all, of them. If you are lacking
on any one quality, work on it. Integrity, trustworthiness,
morality, and self-discipline especially must seem obvious, but
we have had so many recent scandals in public life, we must be
vigilant in our own leadership and selecting whom we will
All of the qualities along with the essential tools of
purpose, passion, conviction, and inspiration will help you
to be a leader in your designated, prepared spot, located in
your area of gifting, serving it to the world.
To determine if you are ready to fulfill your assignment, ask
Can I inspire people?
Do I know my purpose?
What is my passion?
How do I show conviction?
Do I have integrity?
Am I trustworthy?
Do I take risks and welcome the unknown?
Do I have the other qualities of a leader?
Am I willing to work on those in which I am weak?

The Benefits of Servant Leadership

When you discover your purpose, you can tap into your
authority to fulfill your leadership role. You may begin to
wonder what is in it for you. What do I get out of it? When
can I begin to enjoy some of the benefits of the job? When
our earthly jobs provide things like health insurance, pensions,
and paid vacation time, we call those benefits. The perks of a
leadership assignment are somewhat different, and they
become part of the arsenal you need to carry out the mission.
Here are some of the benefits servant leadership provides to
you and to those you serve:
True servant leaders exercise inherent authority to do what
they were born to do and fulfill their purpose.
When you discover your gift, you find your arena of
authority in this world. Authority is the inherent ability not
only to execute your gift but also to do what you were born to
do. If you are not doing that, you are working against your
own authority and doing something your Maker did not design
you to do.
A bird that is flying is authentic because it is doing what the
Creator designed it to do. The Creator designed and authorized
the bird to fly.
After Jesus resurrection, He appeared to His students (who
were about to graduate from leadership school and become
fellow workers with Him) and said that since He had been given
all authority by the Creator-Father, He was giving them
authority to go train other students who would learn to be

coworkers as well.
Matthew 28:1820
18 All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations . . .
20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded
you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the
When you discover who you are, and are able to live it out,
you can be authentic. There are many unauthorized dealers
in this world. They are doing things they were not born to do.
The reason they have to work so hard is that they do not have
any authority in that area. A fish is authorized to swim, so
swimming is easy for it. Yet, if a fish leaped off a steep cliff and
tried to fly, it would die. Unauthentic leadership requires high
maintenance. It is hard work maintaining something not meant
to be.
This is why you must find your gift, start working on it, and
let it grow. When your gift kicks in, everything you need to
sustain it already exists.
Luke 12:24, 2728
24 Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have
no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more
valuable you are than birds! . . .
27 Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin.
Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was
dressed like one of these.
28 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is

here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much
more will he clothe you, O you of little faith!
The flowers do not feel stress. They do not toil. They are
not concerned about paying rent and mortgages, or feeding
kids and affording tuition. They are not trying to do anything
but just be flowers, and God has clothed them brilliantly for
that. The birds and the fish have everything they need to fulfill
their purpose. The Creator wants you to be yourself and fulfill
your purpose. When you do, the Creator supplies everything
you need.

Two Birds
One day on my way to Australia to speak at a leadership
conference, I had a brief layover in Atlanta, Georgia. As I sat
near the window watching the aircrafts land, suddenly I was
attracted to the arrival of another bird of flight, a seagull.
Standing there spellbound, I realized I was watching two birds
at work one naturally born to fly, the other a fabricated
One bird is authentic, the other unnatural. One is original,
the other a copy. One with natural authority, the other with
unnatural authority.
The seagull, gliding on the natural currents of the wind,
gently landed right in front of the massive aircraft that arrived
to take me to my next destination. Suddenly, over two dozen
men and women went into action with machines, hoses, blocks,
guiding lights, generators, and all sorts of equipment to service
the big bird that approached the jet bridge.
No one moved toward the sea gull.
One of the men ran to the front of the big bird, two to the
side, one grabbed an air-conditioning hose; another was in a
fuel truck, another in a catering van, and still another drove a
conveyer belt vehicle; there were baggage handlers,
mechanics, engineers, and cabin cleaners. No one moved
toward the seagull. The natural bird needed no one to service
him. He needed no artificial oxygen supply, catering, cleaning,
fuel, and the like. It was amazing.
In that moment, I learned one of the most important lessons
in life: when you are natural and do what you were naturally
created to do, then maintenance is low. If you try to do
something you were not naturally born to do, then you will

need high maintenance and depend on artificial sustenance.

The cost of upkeep will be extreme.
There at the window at the airport I learned again the power
of discovering your natural area of gifting and dedicating
yourself to developing, refining, and exercising your gift. If you
attempt to do something you were not created or designed to
do by your Creator, then you will spend most of your life on
maintenance and not in service. Life becomes a struggle, a
torture, and a burden.
The bird is a leader in the area of flight and does it without
heavy maintenance. When you find your spot and exercise
your gift in service to the world, your leadership becomes
natural and effortless.
True servant leaders are not copies but originals.
Until you discover your gift, you can only be an imitation.
When you discover who you are, you become an original; you
are no longer a copy. As a leader, you are unique. Leaders are
self-contained. By this, I mean they do not get the meaning of
their lives from other people. They are originals. Servant
leadership is born when people discover their authentic selves
and naturally become one of a kind.
Genuine Confidence
True servant leaders possess a natural confidence, emanating
from a sense of self-knowledge, produced by an awareness of
their true value and potential in the world.
When you find your gift, you also find your confidence.

That confidence is not a cover-up for feeling inadequate; it is

genuine. As you exercise your natural abilities, you find you
do not need to try to impress others anymore. You do not need
to brag. You are who you are, focusing on your purpose, not
on building your ego.
What usually makes a person lack confidence is
incompetence. When you have a good command of the
execution of something, then confidence is natural. Those who
are insecure in themselves will sometimes interpret that
confidence in you as arrogance or pride, when, in fact, it is the
ultimate expression of humility because you are not trying to
be something you are not; you are being yourself. By
understanding and moving forward with your purpose, you
can know exactly who you are and be confident that you can
fulfill it using your inherent gifts.
Personal Fulfillment
True servant leaders find fulfillment in serving their gift to
others, not for a price but for pleasure and fulfillment.
Once you are pursuing your purpose and using your gifts,
you experience what is foreign to so many people: fulfillment.
Suddenly you have joy, peace, and satisfaction because you
are doing what you were born to do. You are fulfilled because
using your gift is its own reward for you. You are filled with
purpose. You have taken charge of your leadership spot.
How much luckier can you be than to spend your time doing
something that pleases you and pleases God? You are pleased
because you can use your area of gifting, and God is pleased
because you are carrying out His assignment. Other people are
pleased because you are helping them fulfill their assignments.

If you help other people get what they need, you will always
have what you need.
Intrinsic Value
True servant leaders derive their self-worth from their
conscious conviction that they are important to the world and
are obligated to contribute to humankind.
When you discover who you are, you understand your
value to the world and your importance to the human race. You
recognize you have a contribution to make.
What is important here is that your value does not come
from the world. Rather, you give your value to the world. Your
value comes from the recognition that you can supply
something no one else on earth has. That is your significance.
When you know who you are, you do not need to impress
anyone. You do not have to prove anything to anybody. You
can just be yourself and understand your value to the world.
No Competition
True servant leaders never compete or strive with other
leaders but find pleasure in the success of others and
contribute their gift to the success of others.
When you discover who you are, there is no one to compete
with because you are an original. Other peoples gifts or
successes do not threaten you because you know that others
can never replace or become you. You cannot take my place,
and I cannot take yours, so the competition is over. Building on
our earlier analogy, the battery does not need to compete with
the spark plug, because the battery can never fulfill the

function of the spark plug, and vice versa. They all need to sit
in their spots and serve the engine with their individual gifts.
No Comparison
True servant leaders compliment, not compare, themselves
with others. Their sense of values gives them a sense of
security that allows them to never be threatened by the
success of others.
When you discover who you are, you become distinctive. If
you are a true servant leader, you do not compare yourself to
anyone else because you know there is no one like you.
Measuring yourself and your gifts against other people
becomes a non-issue.
It is counter productive to compare a battery with a spark
plug to try to decide which is better; both are unique and
needed. Likewise, you cannot compare two servant-leader
business executives, teachers, store owners, veterinarians,
artists, beauticians, journalists, or economists. Each has a
place, and none is inferior or excluded.
Two servant leaders in the same field can actually help each
other succeed, because they cannot damage each others
success. However, people who are not sure who they are
remain insecure and grasping. They are constantly comparing
such things as the relative size of businesses, attendance,
academic degrees, income, and even looks.
Yet what do some businesses do? They have so much
confidence in the uniqueness of what they have to offer that
they will build right down the street from a business that sells
to a similar consumer. McDonalds and Burger King do this.
Lowes and Home Depot do the same. Each has unique

products and services that allow them to do this.

Instead of comparing yourself to others, servant leadership
allows you to develop your own gifts and strengths to their
fullest capacity.
No Jealousy
True servant leaders rejoice in the progress and the success of
others. Servant leaders understand and value the gift and
contribution others bring to their lives.
Servant leadership naturally eliminates jealousy, because
when you discover your authenticity, you know you are one of
a kind. You cannot be me, and I cannot be you; we can never
be threats to one another. Your spot belongs to you, and my
spot belongs to me.
Jealousy is only possible when you believe that someone
can take away what you have, or that someone has something
you do not have. Servant leadership cancels that because no
one can take away your purpose and gifts. You have infinite
value through your unique contribution to the world.
No Fear
True servant leadership expresses a calm security and
confidence that is a by-product of convictions that the leader
is unique and irreplaceable to the world. Fear is the
manifestation of insecurity, low self-esteem, and a lack of
personal vision and a sense of purpose.
Servant leadership also eliminates feelings of fear. You do
not have to be alarmed or suspicious of anyone elses actions.
Your belief about and in yourself, based on who you are and

what you have been given to do, cancels out the fear of others
undermining you.
The Master said, If you love Me, keep My commandments
(John 14:15 nkjv). He did not say, If you fear me . . . We
cannot love what we fear. The condition for doing what this
Leader asks is love, not coercion. Most insecure leaders
present God as a tyrant in order to get you to fear them. Jesus
of Nazareth taught that the Creator is our Father and we should
worry for nothing, like lilies of the field. The Creator is a good
Father, not someone who desires to destroy us. Likewise, we
are not to cultivate fear to manipulate others.
Internal Motivation and Passion
True servant leaders are motivated from within by their
passion and purpose.
When you discover your gift and its corresponding areas of
authority and authenticity, you no longer need external
motivation or prodding. You recognize your assignment. You
discover what you are supposed to provide to the world, and
you can get busy. This will motivate you for the rest of your
life. Your passion gets you up in the morning, fills you with
energy throughout the day, and keeps you looking ahead to
the future with confidence.

These constitute the toolbox of the servant leader. Are you

ready to begin putting the tools to work? First, you have a little
more work to do as you refine your gifts.

Refine: Be a Limited Edition
The key to success is discovering your uniqueness and

Let us say you want to open a shoe store, but your city
already has one thousand of them. How do you get people to
come to yours? The first question you should address is how
your area of gifting applies in this realm. Where is my
leadership spot?
You have a natural-born gift for selling, and you already
have experience in shoe sales at the retail and wholesale levels.
Now, you have to refine your idea and make your shop unique.
You decide: I will only sell shoes for babies and toddlers,
children under 2 years old, because I do that well, I love small
children, there are many young families in this area, and I know
no one else is specializing in baby shoes.
That will make your store unique. You have done your
business plan, studied the market, and advertised your
specialty. You have set fair prices and stocked a broad
selection. You decide to sell at retail in a brick-and-mortar store,
as well as worldwide on the Internet.
Whenever people want baby shoes, the first place they
think of will be your store. They will drive across town to take
advantage of your selection, prices, and expertise. They will go

to your e-commerce site on the Worldwide Web and buy baby

shoes in multiples. They will tell their friends. You are fulfilling
a specific need serving your gift, your specialty, your
uniqueness, your knowledge of shoes for the infant-to-toddler
market. It is not a coincidence that you are dominating the
market and making a handsome profit.
Each of us makes ourselves valuable to the world by
identifying a gift so unique that no one can find our skills and
contributions anywhere else.
Go to a discount store and look at the racks of clothes.
Dozens of shirts, slacks, and dresses fill the racks, but they all
look alike. That is why they are so inexpensive. The store
makes its profit off the volume of sales. Next, visit the finest
jewelry store in town, and you are likely to see only one of
each gemstone on display. Each stone may be the only one of
its kind in the world known to exist, and the stonecutter has
taken care to shape and polish it in a way that will bring out its
rare brilliance. Uniqueness makes things valuable. Similarly,
when you learn to reflect your one-of-a-kind gift, you will be
valuable to the world.
Being different rare, one-of-a-kind, exclusive, a limited
edition makes things expensive and desirable.
Even gold has little use in its raw form. It requires a process
of refinement to expose its beauty and purity. As valuable as
oil is, it too must be refined from a crude form to make it useful
to us. Likewise, we must refine our gifts to make them valuable
so that we can serve them to others most effectively and
Refine has several meanings. It means to be free from
impurities, imperfections, or coarseness. It can mean to remove
moral imperfection or to improve by introducing subtleties or


Value + Refinement = Success

Someone asked me, What is the key to success? I said, If
you want to be successful, first of all, stop seeking success.
Value plus refinement equals success. Success is becoming a
person of value. Stop trying to be successful; seek to be a
person of value. Make yourself valuable to the world.
You become valuable by making yourself so unique that
people cannot find anything like you or your product
anywhere else. Your uniqueness makes you valuable. When
you make yourself valuable, people will come to you for your
gift. You need not pursue success. Success will result from
your value to others. You succeed by helping others achieve
their mission and fulfill their needs.
Value is the key to servant leadership.
Value is determined by refined uniqueness.
Success is becoming a person of value.

An Unexpected Visitor
Les Brown is a well-known motivational speaker and author in
the United States. He had read my books and had been using
some of my materials. When he came to the Bahamas several
years ago, he asked a taxi driver, Do you know Dr. Myles
The driver said, Yes.
Brown said, Take me to his house.
Because our island is so small, everybody knows where
everyone lives. The taxicab brought him to my house. My
housekeeper called me at my office to say there was a guy in
my house who wanted to meet me. His name was Les Brown.
Who is Les Brown? I thought, and then I said, Put him
on the phone.
This man was in my house talking to me on my own
telephone. He said, I am Les Brown, and he explained who he
I said, Oh yeah, I think I do know you. What are you doing
in my house? He told me of his interest in my work.
I hurried home, and we sat together the entire afternoon. He
asked me a whole lot of questions questions about my
writings and about my concepts of human value. How did I get
to understand principles that he thought were very profound?
He wanted to know my secret to understanding these things. I
shared my convictions with him, and we have become very
good friends, even working or appearing together on occasion
always trying to improve the lot of our fellow humans.
Les Brown was already famous in his own right. He could
have figured out what I shared with him some other way. Yet,
he went out of his way to find me, because he was that

determined to refine his own message.

When you know your purpose, you will seek out others who
can help you. You will go a great distance to find them. You will
try to learn what others have to say about the thing you do.
You will read everything you can get your hands on about it.
You will never accept that you already know all there is to
know about it. Those who have found their spot and are
serving their gift continue to refine.

Putting a Value on You

The pursuit of success is in our psyche, especially in the fields
of business and government. Yet success in leadership for
anyone, in any area of life is contingent upon a sense of
personal value to the world.
We often have a hard time understanding the concept of
personal value. If another person deserves our respect and
honor, this does not mean he or she is superior to us. Many of
our societies promote the personality cult idolizing
celebrities in entertainment, sports, business, and even
religion. The Internet is even helping to create instant
celebrities of people we never heard of the day before. We hear
endless humiliating gossip, self-serving publicity, and intimate
details about people who are often famous just for being
famous, not for great talent. Our children even spend countless
hours trying to look, sound, or live like these celebrities.
Idolizing or worshiping another human being is a sign that
you do not believe you are very valuable. To be a servant
leader, you must understand that no other human being on the
planet is more or less valuable than you are. If anyone
suggests he or she is more valuable than you are, my
recommendation is that you avoid that person.
The greatest discovery in human experience is selfdiscovery, because with it comes an understanding of our
origin in the Creator, our inherent value, and the manner in
which we are to fulfill our personal leadership purpose.
Personal leadership is the divine assignment for which God
designed and made you. Your leadership attitude will come
alive when you discover and start living according to your true

When you discover who you really are, peoples opinions of

you suddenly fall to the ground. I have discovered that the
greatest deliverance in the world is not deliverance from evil
spirits, but from other people. An attitude of freedom and
confidence is a by-product of our self-discovery.
True servant leaders have a sense of divine obligation to the
betterment of mankind. They believe they owe a debt to their
generation and are committed to pay it. But you cannot help
people when you still need their approval. You have to be free
from them first; then you can help them.
The only way to discover yourself is to discover the Creator.
You and your Creator are of the same nature. Your life on earth
will make no sense if you do not know yourself. And only the
Creator truly knows you, because no one knows a product like
its manufacturer. Since only your Creator knows why He made
you, you have to go to Him to discover your true self.
True leadership is more discovery of self than a position to
Personal leadership is not a matter of employment but of
deployment. It is to deploy yourself in your generation for the
benefit of all generations. An employer should hire people with
the understanding that he is providing an opportunity for them
to deploy their gifts, making them better and greater. A job is an
opportunity to be paid to refine and deploy your gift in the
interest of serving the vision and mission of your organization.
The key is in knowing that you have a contribution to make
to the world that no one else can make, that the Creator has
bestowed you with a gift to give to humanity that no one else
can give. Jesus knew, for example, that He came to earth to be
the ransom for humanity. That made Him of ultimate importance
to the human race. He stressed His purpose many times:

Luke 19:10
For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.
Matthew 20:28
The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to
give his life as a ransom for many.
The world desperately needed him. His knowledge of his
significance made him a confident servant of the CreatorFather. He knew he had to reveal his gift to the world.

Get an Attitude
Personal leadership success depends on an attitude of servant
leadership that comes from understanding our value to others.
Peter, one of Jesus leadership graduates, thoroughly
understood this. He wrote, Be shepherds of Gods flock that is
under your care, serving as overseers not because you must,
but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not
greedy for money, but eager to serve; not Lording it over those
entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock (1 Peter
It is only when we are convinced of our value to the world
that we are able to serve others willingly, eagerly, faithfully, and
with integrity. Along with such an attitude of service, the
qualities of personal servant leadership must be manifest in a
leaders life. These qualities are qualities of our Creator. The
first-century theologian Paul wrote a letter to the Creators
servant leaders in the Roman province of Galatia and listed
them. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,
kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control
(Galatians 5:2223).
Servant leadership does not make demands on people or
treat them harshly. Instead, it serves the world with these
qualities or fruit of the Spirit.

Perceived Value
The key to leading others is that they perceive your gift as
significant. You are significant if you have refined and
developed your gift to the point that others will want it and
know they can receive it only if they come to you. They will
see that you are the only one who can meet that specific need.
Whether you have goods or a service to offer, you must
demonstrate that it has been refined and is unique.
When you want a Big Mac, you cannot go to Burger King;
and when you want a Whopper, you cannot go to McDonalds.
Both are billion-dollar companies, and both sell sandwiches.
They are both successful because they have refined their
sandwiches. They have it down to a science. You cannot
exactly reproduce these sandwiches or make them in your own
house. These companies have refined their product and
become significant to consumers.
Likewise, every human being comes equipped with a unique
gift that has value, that makes him or her significant to the
world. This is equally true whether you have just graduated
from high school, or are 50 years old and hold a Ph.D. If you
want to be a great leader, find your gift and serve it to the
As I have noted, education alone cannot give you a gift; it
can help you refine a gift. Many of us waste time studying
things that have no relationship to our area of gifting. Many
have earned degrees in something they hate. We do this
because our parents, teachers, preachers, or counselors advise
us that we will make more money or have a more secure future
if we study what they say is the up-and-coming thing.
I know you want to act, but get a teaching certificate just

in case.
I know you want to write poetry, but why dont you get a
degree in accounting just to fall back on.
You might not make it as an artist. Why dont you get a
nursing degree or go to secretarial school?
A parent may tell his or her child, Im paying for your
tuition, so you have to study this instead. As a parent, you
may not realize what the Creator has given to your child.
Cultivate his or her interests. Observe your childs passion and
encourage it. Young people should not study what their
guidance counselors or parents tell them to study in college,
even if it is one of the fastest-growing fields. They should
study the subject that is their passion.
Do not get a degree in something you hate. Your degree may
kill you. The work it leads to will give you tension, stress, and
high blood pressure. That is like paying for a degree in
For the same reasons, people should not just seek jobs but
seek their purpose. You must find your passion and study it.
Remember these points:
Do not work for money.
Work for fulfillment.
Financial success will follow.
The secret of servant leadership is that your leadership is in
your gift of value. Remember Solomons wisdom: A mans gift
makes room for him, and brings him before great men
(Proverbs 18:16 nkjv). He did not say ones education or even
connections make room for him in the world, but rather mans
gift. When you refine your gift and really work on it until it

becomes significant, the world will make room for you.

Opportunity Finds You

Ron Kenoly, a well-known singer and recording artist, told me
that for seventeen years he served as a worship leader at a
church on the West Coast. He said he worked hard, developing
musicians and writing music. A man came to the church one
day and stood in the back. He listened to Ron, and he heard
the worship team. After the service, he came up and greeted
the pastor.
The pastor said, Who are you?
The man said he was president of a record label. Im in the
area, he said. I came to visit your church. Whos that guy?
he asked, looking at Ron Kenoly. What he could have said
was, Whos that diamond?
Ron told me that he had been so busy having fun in serving
his gift in the local church that he never thought of greatness.
He was serving his gift to the worshipers.
The pastor called him over and introduced him to the visitor,
who said, Id like to talk with you for a few minutes, you and
your pastor. They went back in the office and talked.
Kenoly said that within five minutes, the stranger said, Ill
offer you a recording deal. Wed like you to come in, please
bring all of your equipment, and record a live concert. We want
to put you on our label.
Rons first album, Jesus Is Alive, was recorded live at his
Jubilee Christian Center church in San Jose, California, in 1991
by Integrity/Hosanna records [Wikipedia], and he has recorded
more than a half dozen successful gospel albums since then.
He now heads Ron Kenoly Ministries International and the
Academy of Praise, based in Orlando, Florida.
My own career got a similar boost from a chance occurrence

a divine opportunity. I was in a 10 10 foot office in a

shopping center when I received a phone call. Someone asked
me to speak for one evening at a conference because the main
speaker could not be there. I said, Sure.
I was used to speaking to two hundred people. When I
arrived at the meeting, I learned fifteen thousand were
attending! I spoke, never looking at one note, because what I
was teaching I had refined for fifteen years. A television
network showed up, and I have been on television ever since.
Your gift makes room for you when you serve yourself to the
The better you become at your gift, at serving your gift, the
more people are attracted to you. True leaders do not seek
followers. Followers seek leaders. And most important, leaders
seek other leaders who can serve them in their special area of
gifting. That is where that magnetic combination comes into
play. Jesus maximized His gifts so effectively that the people
came looking for the gift. Followers do not really follow
leaders; they seek the gift being served.
When your gift becomes refined, those in need of it will look
for you, and they will pay you to give of yourself. People will
come looking for you to eat from your tree, and they will even
pay for the fruit. Your prosperity is in your gift, not in your
What do you do when you have more than one gift?
Develop all of them but maximize one of them. Be mindful of the
old saying jack of all trades, master of none. Never abandon
any of your gifts, but master at least one. And use your gifts in
cooperation with each other, while you focus on one. Your
primary gift becomes your significant contribution. I spent a lot
of my life developing my musical gifts, and I studied art. I still

use my music, and I sometimes paint for friends, but I have

maximized my gifts of communicating to focus on the mission
of developing leaders.

The Right Environment

Part of the process of refining your gift might be deciding
whether your present circumstances allow you to find out who
you really are. Can you develop your leadership where you
Suppose I put an apple seed on a windowsill and leave it
there for fifty years. What happens? Nothing. Is an apple tree
in that seed? Yes, but you have to move from the windowsill
and get into the soil of possibilities. Make a decision now that
you are going to manifest yourself to the world. You will bless
the world with your fruit and bring forth the Creators blessing.
Getting into the right atmosphere and environment is very
important. A bird cannot fly if you lock it away in your house in
a 2 2 foot cage something like your job. You are capable of
doing some great things, but your job traps you in a cubicle
that is maybe 5 5 feet if you are lucky. You are just like a caged
bird, or a fish in a bowl. God did not design the fish to be in
your house in a little bowl so you can watch it, or even in a
large aquarium. The Creator designed fish to be in the ocean, to
enjoy the unlimited vastness of the sea. We trap ash in a
container as some jobs trap people.
You may have even trapped yourself in a marriage. That is
why the Bible says, Marriage should be honored by all
(Hebrews 13:4). The word honored means to be esteemed
highly, highly respected, and to be considered with sober
judgment. You can dream as big as you want, go as far as you
want, but if you marry the wrong person, your home can
become like a birdcage.
Before you get married, talk to the perspective lucky person
and say to him or her, Before we proceed any further, can I

please advise you of how high I plan to fly just in case you
have any ideas of building a cage around my life? I am an
eagle. If youre a pigeon, go somewhere else. If you are an
eagle, do not marry a pigeon. Pigeons cannot fly where eagles
Perhaps your parents are opposed to your career plans.
While you have to respect them, you also have to live your life.
You know your heart and your gift. If it is right for you, they
will have to learn to live with it. You have to conduct the
Fathers business. Now, you might have to leave their home
and do without their support to get into the right environment,
but you have to do what you have to do. It is important that
you be true to yourself and pursue your personal vision and
passion because this will be your only source of fulfillment.
This passion is your context of contribution to humanity.
Whatever you were created to do, the Creator is obligated to
supply the provisions for your assignment, so be persistent.
Maybe you will need many years of schooling to make the
best use of your gift. Your gift might be music. You are
naturally gifted. You have perfect pitch. You play by ear and
sing like a nightingale, but to use this gift effectively, to
perform at a professional level, to compose music others can
reproduce, or to teach people in church or in a college, you will
need to study music formally. You have to get into the right
music school or apprentice with the right voice coach. You
might have to get experience with several orchestras or travel
to Europe to study in the right opera houses. You have to get
into the right environment to manifest the gift. Even if you
want to specialize, you will still need to broaden your horizons.
You might have to learn classical music and bluegrass banjo,
even if you plan to spend your life directing and playing for a

gospel choir. Similarly, if you are planning to devote your life to

classical music, you will probably be required to have an
understanding of folk music, African American spirituals, jazz,
and the blues.
You are carrying your future like a pregnancy. You must
develop; you have to go through your nine months; perhaps
you experience some morning sickness and discomfort. If you
cannot persevere through the morning sickness, you will not
get to enjoy the laughter of the baby. When my wife was
pregnant, she would say, I feel so bad. But you cannot quit
because you feel bad. You do not quit because the baby is
taking too long to come. You have to go through the process
to birth your refined leadership gift.
Like a pregnant woman who has to get different clothes
eventually, because she has outgrown her regular clothes, you
might have to shed some people. Some who started out with
you before the pregnancy cannot stand to be around you
when you are big. Sometimes you need different people around
you. You need midwives, not critics. Some people are with you
at the conception but cannot handle growth. The birthing
process is not easy.

Action Steps
You have a lot of work to do before you can make the most of
your leadership spot. How are you going to get into position?
First, you must set aside time for quiet reading, prayer,
meditation, and study. Make it a project. That is how you
discover yourself and begin to discern your Creators purpose.
You cannot lead if you cannot hear Gods will for you and if
you cannot hear yourself think.
Your leadership attitude, the leadership spirit, will come alive
when you discover and start living according to your true
nature. You and the Father are one, because you are the very
image of God. The only way to discover you is to discover
To prepare to lead, you must:

Spend time alone in thought

Write down your desires and visions
Read books on leadership and other topics
Identify people who can help you
Take advantage of opportunities to learn
Develop a plan to fulfill your purpose

Prepare to carry it out

Volunteer your services

These steps are a necessary part of refining your gift
The Creator will reveal your purpose only if you have a
passion to know it. If you have no desire to discover your
gifting, you will probably never find it.
The Creator will only tell you what you want to know. If you
do not desire information, He will not force it on you. I have
come to believe that God only gives information on a desire-toknow basis.
The Creator will only show you what you want to see. If you
do not want to have a vision for your life, you will not get one.
The Creator will only take you as far as you want to go. If
you do not want to go any further, you will stay wherever you
One of the ways these concepts have been proven to me is
not only by experience but also by statements the Creator
Himself makes. You will seek me and find me when you seek
me with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13). Many people think
that because God is everywhere, He is always easy to find. It
is not so. We have to be serious about seeking Him. We cannot
just seek Him casually, but must search with all our hearts.
How badly do you want to know your purpose? This is what
the Creator is always checking. This is why most of the
Pharisees could never understand Jesus. They had decided
they knew enough. They did not want to know more about Him
than their presuppositions led them to think. They were those
the prophet Isaiah spoke about: You will be ever hearing but
never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never
perceiving. For this peoples heart has become calloused; they

hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes
(Matthew 13:1415).
Do you really desire to know your purpose? Tell the Creator
you want to know more. He will open your mind.
You need to spend time with the Manufacturer and say,
Introduce me to myself again. You need to receive the
original vision He had for your life. Take everything you
thought you were and give it to Him. Let Him show you
something you never saw before.

The Vision Statement

By reading this book, you have already begun the process of
learning to see what you never saw before of refining your
purpose and finding your leadership spot. Now you are ready
to begin writing down your dreams and putting your purpose
on paper. To define your leadership edge and refine your
uniqueness, try this mission statement or vision statement
Write the answers to these questions:
My purpose: Why do I exist? What is Gods plan for me?
My vision: What is the end or result I can foresee?
My goals: What do I plan to do? What do I want to do? How
can I make it unique?
My objectives: Why am I doing this? What are my reasons and
My plan: How will I do it? With whom? When? Where?
My strategy: How can I refine it? How long will it take?
What is my timetable? What resources will I need?
Some answers will be more important than others will,
depending on your specific leadership spot. Redraft your
answers into a short mission statement or leadership
statement. Take your time to rewrite and refine it as often as
necessary until you can state it in one or two paragraphs, or
eventually a sentence.
In Christs example: I came to serve and to give my life as a
ransom for many (see Matthew 20:28).
I might express mine like this: I teach servant leadership
principles to help people find and refine their leadership spot
and serve their gifts to benefit humanity and help create the
world God intended.

Someone elses might be, I live for golf. I am good at it and I

play it professionally to give others pleasure.
I tell jokes to make people laugh and forget their troubles
for a few minutes.
I specialize in selling shoes for the newborn-to-toddler
market in stores and on the Internet to corner that market, make
a profit, and be a service to young families.
I teach the principles of nonviolence to free my people and
heal a nation.

K eep your statement where you can see it and refer to it

often. It is a foundation for your leadership assignment.
Now you are ready to explore your vision.

Envision: Order My Steps
The greatest Gift given to mankind is the gift of Vision not

How do you know that the vision you have for your life is
from God? How do you distinguish between personal ambition
and divine vision?
The answer to those questions is simple: if your vision
improves only your life, focuses only on your needs, and
fulfills only your private dreams, it is not a divine vision. Any
true vision, motivated by the Creator, will improve the lives of
those around you. Servant leadership is about the others. It is
not about us. Servant leadership is becoming yourself for the
advantage of others. True vision will always benefit and
improve others, never harm or destroy them.
True vision does not exist to benefit the visionary, as the car
does not exist to get itself around. Your vision might be to have
a big house, but that is not a vision from God unless He
wants you to have it so you can fill it up with children
orphaned by AIDS or the homeless. If your vision is to have a
big car, that is not a vision from God unless He wants you to
have it to transport the needy, the infirmed, and the elderly to
get medical help. Your desire for the big house or the big car is
ambition, not vision. A truly authentic vision will always serve

humanity to make it better. It will always advance humanity,

develop people, benefit people. If so, it is probably a vision
from God.
Selling drugs is not a vision from God. Stealing property is
not a vision from God. A vision from God will always benefit
other people.
A woman told me not long ago, My passion is to become a
model. I asked, OK, why? When she could not answer, I
said, Then, that is not Gods call for your life. If you cant tell
me how its going to benefit humanity, you had better go check
God again.
Vision flows from your purpose. Purpose is why you were
born. Vision comes when you see your purpose. When you
can feel your purpose, you can see your vision.
For example, you may have a passion that comes from your
desire to help children. You just love children. It makes you
angry to see them hurting. That is a sign: whatever makes you
angry probably is tied to your purpose.
Whenever you say, Someone has to fix that . . . someone
should do something about that, God is revealing your
purpose. You are that someone. You feel this thing for kids.
You cannot figure out what it is. You do not know why, but you
just hate to see kids who are abused, wayward, and lost. It
really eats you up. The person next to you is not moved by it,
but seeing children suffer can make you cry. You do not even
know the children. When you see visions of how you can make
changes, when you begin to see pictures in your mind of what
you can do about it, you are moving into vision.

Having a wider field of vision in your area of gifting than

others do is part of your gift as a leader. When you serve your

vision to others, they benefit. You were born with a vision, and
your passion in life is to bring that vision out for the benefit of
humanity. When you become a passionate visionary for the
benefit of others, you are a leader.
In matters pertaining to your area of gifting, I will follow you
because you have shown me a picture of the world, as you see
it. It is a vision worthy of my cooperation with you. You have
made me see the value of working with you or through you to
fulfill this picture you painted. I can see where you are taking
Recall that in Chapter 13, we learned:
Passion is motivated by a vision, birthed from a conviction,
and produced by a sense of purpose.
Vision is purpose in pictures. Vision is conviction in
Technicolor. Vision is the capacity to see beyond what your
eyes take in.

True leadership is the manifestation of passion generated by

a vision that regulates the priority and energy of a leader. The
leader possesses the vision. Then the vision possesses the
leader. All true visionary leaders possess a sense of destiny.
It is my conviction that leadership without vision is simply
management. While the transition from manager to leader may
be a natural progression, it is not an automatic promotion. In
general, leaders were previously managers, but not all
managers will become leaders. Managers maintain well,
organize well. Leaders have vision. They make things happen.
To visionary leaders, the vision is their reality and is the
purpose for their leadership. It is vision that provides the

momentum for leadership, and it is the end for which leadership

exists. It is vision that gives meaning to leadership. Vision is
the heart of leadership and is the measure of effective
leadership. Vision is the inspiration of leadership. Vision gives
legitimacy to leadership as it gives followers the noble
justification for submitting their energies, talents, resources,
and dedication to a cause. Vision provides the direction and
force for leadership. Leadership begins and ends with vision.

Conveying the Vision

However, the most important practical role of true leadership is
to communicate the vision. Leaders effectively transfer
ownership of the vision. True leaders train others to fulfill the
vision; they think generationally. The goal of communicating
the vision to others is to blend and submit everyones personal
visions in the corporate vision.
Communication in leadership is like blood to the body.
Vision should be reduced to one sentence if it is to be
communicated and executed effectively. Without
communication, leadership cannot be successful. The leader
must share his or her passion with infectious self-confidence,
vitality, energy, and personal dynamism.
The leader must express feelings for the vision assertively,
using animated facial and physical expressions to manifest the
passion. Communication must be optimistic. By communicating
the vision, the leader inspires people, giving them a broader
purpose than their immediate jobs, providing energy,
excitement, and direction. The leader must communicate the
vision in such a way that others take ownership of it. The
vision itself should be concise; be easily remembered;
represent a future better than the present; reflect the values
and aspirations of the people; and transcend the daily
activities of life. The vision should uplift and inspire others to
believe in the future.
The purest form of leadership is influence through
inspiration. Inspiration is the opposite of intimidation and
absent of manipulation. It comes from the divine deposit of
destiny in the hearts of men and women who have a vision of
the purpose for which the Creator made them.

To summarize: practical leadership is the capacity to

influence, inspire, rally, direct, encourage, motivate, induce,
move, mobilize, and activate others to pursue a common goal or
purpose, while maintaining commitment, momentum,
confidence, and courage.

Write It Down: Documented Purpose

What is vision?
Vision is the product of purpose.
Vision is the source of true leadership.
Vision is documented purpose.
You cannot say you have a vision if it remains only in your
head. Have you ever sat down and written a vision for your life
for the next forty years with the years listed? Here is what I
want to do by the year 2009 and 2020 and 2025 and 2048 . . .
In my office, I have put my whole life in a three-ring binder.
Based on my vision, I have to live to be 97. That is why I
cannot die any sooner. Death and I have a date.
The first-century leader apostle Paul of Tarsus had a deep
sense of his life and his purpose for his generation and
mankind. He spoke of completing his work and being ready to
die as a natural part of life. He expressed this in a letter to his
mentee, a young man named Timothy:
2 Tim 4:67 kjv
6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my
departure is at hand.
7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have
kept the faith.

Christ says, My time is not yet.

John 7:6 kjv
Then Jesus said unto them, My time is not yet come: but your
time is always ready.
You have to know when your time is. If you do not know
your purpose and your assignment, death will sneak up on

Document Your Vision

That is what God did. The Bible is Gods written document of
His vision. From beginning to end, God knows the end. He
knows what it will be like. It is already on paper. How about
your vision? Have you written it down?
If you do not write things down, it is as if they never
happened. Civilization did not move forward very far until we
learned to write things down. The difference between prehistoric and historic time is that we learned to write and
humanity used this skill to document and communicate with
each other what we were doing here on earth. Writing is
essential, not only because it serves to remind you, but it
records and documents what happened so others can learn.
William Still was a visionary leader who understood this. He
was a black man born free in the northern United States, the
son of a man whose father had bought his own freedom from
slavery and a mother who stole freedom for herself and some of
her children. He grew up to work for an anti-slavery society in
Philadelphia and eventually envisioned and carried out, along
with his many associates, an effective system of safe houses,
guides, and transport that formed the backbone of the system
we know as the Underground Railroad, bringing nearly eight
hundred souls to freedom.
Although others like Harriet Tubman, as well as many white
abolitionists, were active in and often better known for this
work, Stills vision included keeping and publishing a record.
To this day, it remains invaluable to understanding the history
of aid to the liberated. He documented the vision.
Write your vision down, because your vision is what gives
you power in life to become important, essential, and valuable.

Vision is not a mission; they are different. Most people

confuse the two. A mission is a broad general statement about
what you wish to accomplish. The mission is essentially a
philosophical statement that undergirds the heart of your
actions. A written mission statement defines the purpose and
justification for your personal, corporate existence.
The key words here are:



A mission statement deals with a general concept of what
you want to accomplish. It states your philosophy, your
beliefs, and then it justifies your existence.
Vision is opposite to that.
A case in point: McDonalds, Burger King, Pizza Hut,
Wendys, Dennys, Kentucky Fried Chicken all provide fast
food. They all have the same mission. Churches are like that.
They have one mission, but they do not all see it that way.
Every church has the same mission. Ask a pastor, What is
your vision? And the pastor might say, To win the lost at
any cost.
But every church is supposed to win the lost at any cost.
That is a mission, not a vision, and that is why a church only
has twenty people. People are attracted to vision, not to
Ask another pastor, What is your vision?
Well, to win the city for Jesus. That is not a vision; it is
another mission. Jesus said everyone should go and win the
world and the city for Him. That is general. That is the
co-mission. The commission. Go into all the world and
preach the gospel. Co means together; mission means
general assignment. Leadership is born when vision is
captured, and without it, all activity is simply the management
of goals.

The Characteristics of Vision

Vision is a product of a clear sense of purpose and a deep
inspiration. Vision is detailed, customized, distinctive, unique,
and reasonable. Every word is power packed. I could teach an
hour on each word or write pages on it because all of them are
very important, but here is the short version.
Vision is the capacity to see beyond your eyes. It is a
conceptual manifestation of purpose in pictures. Vision is a
glimpse of the future in Technicolor.
Vision is detailed: vision is a conceptual view of the future in
such detail that the leader can visit the future, explore its varied
components and return to the present and communicate that
future in fine description.
Vision is customized: vision is specific to the individual and
is the leaders response to a need in his or her environment.
The vision is a fit for the leader and separates him or her from
other leaders.
Vision is unique: true vision is a tailor-made revelation of a
future that gives the leader a picture of hope that becomes his
source of inspiration. Vision is a divine assignment that
provides a unique view of the world in a preferred future state.
Vision is distinctive: the unique and customized nature of
true vision distinguishes it from other visions and places the
leader in a preferred position.
Vision is reasonable: although vision may be a lofty
conceptual view of the future that stretches the imagination
and breaks the boundaries of experiences and the familiar, it is
always possible.
Vision is what makes a leader a leader and engenders
confidence, trust, dedication, and commitment from others.

Without it, there is no leadership, only management.

The Dynamics of Vision

Vision begins to make things happen in the life of a leader and
in the workings of a group. It takes on a life of its own,
grooming the leader and shaping the mission.
Vision never maintains the status quo. If you have a vision
for your life, you have to break out of the status quo, the
present condition. Vision is what separates you from the norm.
Vision demands change. It has a preferred future. Once you
have captured a vision for your organization or your personal
life or your church or your business, you will find that you
have to change. Sometimes you have to change companies and
change friends because the old ones no longer fit into your
vision or they might hamper you from accomplishing it. You are
not in the right environment to carry out your vision.
Vision creates self-discipline. It is your vision that
disciplines you. If you know where you are going, you know
where you do not want to go. Young girls get pregnant and
drop out of school because they have no vision of a future that
is different. Young men join gangs and commit crimes because
too often they have no vision of a future at all. Yet many other
young people survive life in urban ghettos and go on to
succeed because they know where they do not want to go.
They see it all around them. They have a vision of where they
want to end up. Vision makes self-discipline easier. Such inner
discipline involves imposing standards on yourself, and it is
the toughest thing in the world. If you know where you are
going, however, you can stay on the roadway.
Vision is future focused. It makes you narrow minded, and it
is OK to be narrow minded with vision. Leaders have tunnel
vision. They keep seeing one thing as they go after it. That is

why people with vision have the ability to say no. Sometimes
that insults people, but vision keeps the visionary disciplined.
Just say no, as an American anti-drug campaign used to say.
No to having your time wasted. No to giving up on your
vision. No to moral temptation that would take you off
Vision is inspired by God. It is the direct result of godly
inspiration. It is the breath of God, as you recall from Chapter
13. It is as if you are an empty balloon. Your life is shapeless,
without form, when God takes hold of you and breathes into
you the gifts, the purpose, and the vision He has. He breathes
the stuff of leadership into you. You become stuffed inflated
with the things God puts in you. Vision fills your whole life
with the right stuff, like the astronaut movie. You are inflated
with the will of God. When you have vision, you begin to
understand what the Creator placed inside you.
David L. Steward, chairman of the board for World Wide
Technology Inc., says people laughed at him in 1990 when he
revealed his plans to start a company to provide advanced
technological solutions for industry. No one laughs anymore.
The company, based in Saint Louis, Missouri, has surpassed
$2 billion in sales and has become a major international player.
The company is considered to be one of the largest African
Americanowned businesses in the United States. Its
philosophy, Steward says, is, I try to encourage people that all
things are possible through Christ who strengthens us. Weve
been consistently trying to do the right thing in serving people
and putting their best interest first.
He had a purpose in mind that would benefit others. He had
godly inspiration, and his servant leadership brought him
success. But first, he had a vision.

What Do You Want for Lunch?

The owner of McDonalds on our island of the Bahamas called
one day to say, Pastor Myles, I want to take you for lunch. I
want to talk to you about some things. I need some advice. So
we went for lunch. He came to pick me up, and I am thinking,
This guy owns McDonalds chain restaurants. I know what
we are having for lunch. I am going to get a free McDonalds
lunch today; I can order anything I want, man. Im with the
He headed to a retail area where McDonalds, Burger King,
and Kentucky Fried Chicken are located. He drove past
McDonalds, and I said, Where are you going?
He said, We are going for lunch.
I said, But isnt that . . .
He said, Yeah, I know it, thats our place, but I dont feel
like eating McDonalds, I feel like eating chicken.
We went right next door to Kentucky Fried Chicken. We
walked inside, and the franchise owner met us at the door. Of
course, the owners knew each other because they were in the
same business, and they greeted each other. I watched them
hug each other. The owner welcomed us, shook my hand, and
gave us a good seat. He said, What do you want? He took
our order and put before us everything we wanted and we ate.
Now I was intrigued by this, and I started to ask questions.
Why did you come here?
He said, I told you, I want to eat Kentucky Fried Chicken.
I said, But why didnt you go to your own place?
He said, Because I wanted to eat Kentucky Fried
McDonalds does not sell Kentucky Fried Chicken. A Big

Mac will not satisfy the hunger for Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Even the owner of McDonalds goes next door if he wants
KFC. He wants something unique today that only the Colonel
has. McDonalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken have different
visions. They know a taste for one cannot be satisfied by the

Every gift and divine assignment is designed to meet the

needs of a specific market. Not everyone is your market. You
will attract the market in keeping with your assignment and gift.
Your market will find you.
In our organization in the Bahamas, BFM International, we
are identified as the leadership organization. As an
organization, we are synonymous with the words leadership,
purpose,destiny, and kingdom, because these have become the
watchwords of our corporate vision and mission. Just as
McDonalds and Burger King do not cater to the fine-dining,
evening-tuxedo market, we in our organization know that not
everybody is attracted to us. The vision of our major
organization is transforming followers into leaders, and
leaders into agents of change. Therefore, those who desire to
discover, develop, and refine their leadership potential are the
ones who come to us from all over the world.

Integrity: Protecting Your Gift
Never let Your Leadership Gift take you where your Character
cannot keep you.

Integrity is the manifestation of character, which is oneness of

self. Integrity and character are the protectors of leadership
and the preservers of vision. Integrity is the essential
prerequisite for successful leadership.
The past few years have not been good for those who have
been looking to leaders to guide them through the alternatives
of daily living. We trust leaders to be examples. Many leaders
could not themselves navigate the temptations of life.
Just a few names remind us of the reality of this fact
names like President Bill Clinton, televangelists Jimmy
Swaggart and Jim Baker, celebrity entrepreneur Martha Stewart,
the Enron Corporation chiefs, and more recently, mega church
leader Ted Haggard. Each has been at the center of scandals.
Whether it is politics, religion, corporate business, sports,
entertainment, or medicine, defects in leadership occur too
Let us look at an example of character. There is a lady
downtown in the center of the capital city of my country,
Nassau, in the Bahamas. I always know where she is, what she
is wearing, what she is doing, what she will say, how she feels

about everything, and what she is holding in her hand. This

ladys name is Victoria, Queen Victoria, that is. She has been
sitting in the same chair all my life, and she has never moved.
As a child, I remember resting under her shadow from the hot
Bahamas sun during the parades and watching her stare at me
without saying a word. I remember talking to her and calling her
names, but she just looked at me and smiled. All my life, I
wondered what she was thinking, but she just sits there and
What has amazed me about Queen Victoria is that she just
sat through the fierce winds and driving rain of the major
hurricanes that have hit the islands of our nation, smiling,
never reacting to them. The ninety-degree heat of our Bahamas
summer sun never makes her sweat. When the pigeons and
other birds use her head as a resting place in route to their
destination and decide to release themselves on her body, she
just sits and smiles. She never yields to temptation.
Victoria is a statue. Statues are intriguing. As I studied
Queen Victoria, I realized that she was teaching me one of the
greatest lessons of my life, especially as a growing leader. In
fact, I have concluded that she has taught me the greatest
practical prerequisite for leadership character.

Cracks in the Wall of Character

Throughout the pages of recorded history, in the wake of
human development and civilization, are scattered the sad
stories of great men and women who rose to impressive
positions of leadership influence. They exercised skill, courage,
bravery, expertise, passion, power, vision and charisma, a sense

of purpose, faith, resilience, commitment, dedication, and all the

other qualities and characteristics we admire in all leaders. Yet
most of them failed in the most common area of human
experience, the area of character.
Among biblical leaders, Abraham succumbed to the
compromise of his wife, Moses lost control of his temper, Saul
became a victim of his jealousy, King David surrendered to his
lust, Samson laid his strength at the feet of beauty, and
Solomon used his influence to indulge his passions. What is
the common denominator among all of these leaders? A
character defect.
I am convinced that the future of leadership will be
determined by the return to character as the priority. Over the
past few years, much of the focus of leadership, both in formal
and informal training, has been on titles, power, position, skills,
gifts, talent, education, charisma, personality, and management
competence. It is as if reputation has become more important
than personal responsibility and position more than
disposition. We need leaders with character.
What is character? The foundational concept of the word
character is from four principles: fixed, predictable, image, and
statue. It implies something that is unchanging and firm. Fixed
means it is stable and set; predictable means it can be trusted
and sustain expectations; image means its nature is inherent
and reflects its essence. Integrity is from the root meaning
integrated or to be one.
In other words, having character and integrity means having
an integrated self. Who you are, what you say, what you do,
and how you appear are all one. It means there is no dichotomy
or division in your person. You are not one thing in public and
another in private. You are the same in the dark as you are in

the light. Character is present in what you say, and what you
do is who you are. This is the missing ingredient in leadership
today and must be restored to the position of number-one
priority. Most of our leaders seem to be characters but have
Queen Victoria demonstrates the difference between being
a character and having character. Character is what you do
when no one is watching or what you would do if no one
would ever find out. Victoria is the same all night as she is all
This is the very nature of God himself. He possesses
ultimate character. He boasts that He never changes and is
always the same. This is why we can trust Him He is
predictable. He is always there.

Stop Sinning
I challenge and admonish every leader who enters my circle of
influence to pursue this vital life-protecting, vision-protecting,
people-protecting, purpose-protecting principle of leadership.
Character is the principle that protects your purpose and
May all leaders be like Victoria and develop the qualities of a
statue who does not react or succumb to the external elements
or internal voices that attempt to lure us away from the spiritual
anchors of the Holy One in whose image we were sculpted.
Here is some good advice for leaders from another leader
who kept his character intact. The first-century apostle Paul,
speaking of this vital leadership quality, states:
1 Corinthians 15:3334

33 Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good

34 Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning;
for there are some who are ignorant of God I say this to your
Romans 5:35
3 Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because
we know that suffering produces perseverance;
4 perseverance, character; and character, hope.
5 And hope does not disappoint us.
It is important to note that character is developed through
tests, pressure, and challenges. Face the temptations and
challenges like a statue and respond only to the Sculptor. Make
character your priority. I challenge and encourage you as a
leader to commit yourself to making the cultivation and
development of your character your major priority and be an
example of one whose integrity can endure to the end.

Among daring, visionary leaders today whom I admire is Lee

Iacocca, the top executive who revived Chrysler in the 1980s.
He stands out because of his tenacity, his willingness to
confront tradition and shake up the old ways of doing things,
his ability to make people feel important, and yet at the same
time to restructure them in their areas of strength, to be willing
to be considered a rebel when in fact he was a revolutionary. I
saw those admirable traits in him. To go into an organization
and change it from the ground up, while salvaging the value of
the people, is incredible servant leadership. He saved peoples

jobs, and he created products that benefited many, saving fuel

and making cars that served the needs of families. This
generation needs what he has to offer.

You Are Right on Time

It is important to know that you are not a mistake. Your life is
not an experiment with God, but rather an intentional program.
It is important to know you are so valuable God would not let
you be conceived in your mothers womb unless you were
already finished in His mind. God did not choose you recently,
and you are not a choice of your parents.
The Bible says God chose you in him. When? Before the
creation of the world. You existed before you manifested.
Ephesians 1:45
4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be
holy and blameless in his sight. In love
5 he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus
Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.
What is amazing about God is that He timed your entrance.
He also chose you in Him, according to the vision of Him that
works everything out through the plan of His purpose. He
chose you according to the plan He had for your life. In him
we were also chosen, having been predestined according to
the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with
the purpose of his will (Ephesians 1:11).
You are not one in a million. You are one in millions. He
chose you before He made the earth. God timed your arrival on
earth. To everything, there is a season, and to every purpose,
there is a time. There is a time for purpose.
Ecclesiastes 3:12
1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every

activity under heaven:

2 a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a
time to uproot.
Now, you were born for a purpose, and the purpose was
already finished. God gave you breath to start it, but He timed
your arrival. Whatever you were born to do, is needed in this
generation. There is a time to be born. Whatever you were
born to do is supposed to happen in this generation, this time
that you are on earth.
You are destined at this particular time to change the
atmosphere of your city, your home, your business, or your
church. Purpose is timed. Your birth was timed. Some of your
parents might have said to you, We did not expect you, but
you were right on time. Some of you think that you are a
mistake, but you are an appointment. God had a vision. You
have what this generation needs now. You need what I have. I
need what you have. In this generation, whatever you were
born to do, we need it now. Maintain your integrity to do it!
If you do not have the character to do what you were born
to do, you could be guilty of generational robbery by allowing
your gift to remain latent and dormant.
You will experience a whole lot of internal and external
opposition. God says, My purpose will stand.
Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in a mans heart, but it is the Lords
purpose that prevails.
You just stay steady. We will get to where you will be
established. No one can stop what you were born to do. You
are earmarked for success. Go to the end of your dreams. Gods

idea for you in His kingdom is for you to fulfill your vision in
His kingdom.
I encourage you to go back and be a child today
teachable, struggling to be obedient. Children still have a
desire to please their parents. Pick up your dreams that you
threw away, and say, Yes, I heard God. I will go back and do
what I was born to do. I will become who God gave me breath
to be. I am unstoppable.

Your Caravan Is on the Way

I went to Egypt a few years ago with my wife, Ruth. Our hosts
took us to the pit that Josephs brothers threw him in.
When your enemies or your brothers put you in a pit, do not
lose your integrity.
Your job may have put you in the pit. Your family may put
you in a pit. God says, Dont move. A caravan is coming to
pick you up. Stay steady.
God will shake you up to move you from your comfort zone
and put you in a pit to take you to your purpose in life. When
you go through some tough times down in the pit, God is
preparing your character for your promotion.
Sometimes you feel stuck in a pit, and nothing is working
out. You try and nothing works. You feel depressed. You begin
to think that God forgot you. God says, No, theres a caravan
coming to pick you up and take you to your next purpose.
When Joseph was down in the pit, he knew this was not the
vision he had. When his brothers sold him to traders in the
caravan, he thought, This was not in my dream.
I imagine that Joseph did not cry in the pit. He did not get

mad at God or complain in the pit. He just sat in the pit,

thinking, This is not what I saw, so it has to be temporary.
Whatever pit you are going through is temporary.
Purpose is more important than a pit. Purpose is more
powerful than a pit. Stay in the pit for now if you have to,
because God put you there for a reason; He is coming to get
you when it is time. He will take you to your destination, if you
maintain your integrity.
When the caravan came and Josephs brothers sold him,
they thought they were selling him into slavery. It was an
excursion to his purpose all expenses paid. Think of Joseph
staggering behind a camel in the hot desert sun, walking in
camel dung, walking in the heat. His brothers sold him into
slavery, but he was on his way to the throne to become
Pharaohs right-hand man.
Genesis 41:41
So Pharaoh said to Joseph, I hereby put you in charge of the
whole land of Egypt.
Even when you are staggering, wondering what is about to
happen, God says, Just hold to the rope, I am taking you to
your throne.
Your vision is bigger than this! What God called you to do is
bigger than this! The pit is not the end.
There did come a time when Josephs family had to come to
him for food:
Genesis 42:6
Now Joseph was the governor of the land, the one who sold
grain to all its people. So when Josephs brothers arrived,

they bowed down to him with their faces to the ground.

Some of you feel imprisoned in your employment. God said,
Thats OK. Dont get mad. Do what Joseph did dont get
mad; maximize the moment.
You are great. No one knows you yet. People think they
know who you are, but on the inside of you is a leader they
have not seen yet. Even your parents or your spouse has not
seen the leader you have inside of you. You are still on your
way to your end. They do not know who you are.
Should you maintain your integrity, no one can stop what
you were born to do. So stay steady, stay committed, and stay
focused. You are in your leadership spot. You have your
assignment. You are secure in your area of gifting. The place is
prepared for you. Be about the Fathers business, with
excellent character.

Train: Who Will Come After You?

Leadership is mentoring! Identifying, developing, training,

and preparing your replacements as a leader is one of your
primary contributions to the world.
Imagine your boss promoted you and came into your office
the day you started working in your new position and said,
Congratulations! You are a servant leader now. You are in
your leadership spot, pursuing the vision and carrying out the
plan. You really seem to know your purpose, and you have an
extraordinary gift in this arena of leadership. Dont get
comfortable, though. It is time to start preparing your
But I just got here, you might respond. I dont want
people to think they can replace me take over my job. At
the same time, you might be thinking, I know shes crazy if she
thinks I am going to train my competition.
If so, you are not yet a true leader.
It is time to graduate.
The marks of true leadership include these:
True leaders do not maintain followers. They produce
leaders. Insecure leaders with poor self-esteem are afraid to
develop people. They need dependent followers to prop them
up. These are not leaders.

True leaders believe that leadership potential resides in

everyone around them. They create an environment for that
leadership to blossom. The heart of a true leader is not just
serving ones gift, but also helping other people to find their
prepared places, to discover their gifts and strengths, and to
give them an opportunity to develop.
True leaders create an environment for others to find their
authority. You have authority in your area of gifting. My job as
an authority is to help you find your area of authority, so you
can go and serve the world.

Authorizing a Transition
That is just what Jesus did. The earthbound Leader succeeded
in His mission, then left, sending out His authorized
successors putting them in charge of the global initiative to
communicate the Good News.
This sets an example for us and demonstrates some truths
about preparing others to lead:
Servant leaders produce servant leaders.
A leader inspires others to become leaders and fulfill their
own purposes. In essence, true leadership success is measured
by the diminishing dependence of your followers. Colleagues
will need the leader less, be less dependent, if the leader is
doing a good job. If your staff, congregation, or family can
function well when you are not around, you are an effective
leader. If they can carry on even after you have retired,
resigned, or gone to Glory, you have fulfilled your mission.
Leadership effectiveness is measured not by what happens in
your presence but by what happens in your absence.
If your household dissolved in chaos every time you went
out on an errand, or worse, your family disintegrated upon
your death and never recovered, something was wrong with
your leadership. The test of a leader is how many others are
leading or at least trained to lead.
Success produces successors.
The disciples had been the trainees of Jesus for three years,
following Him around, listening to everything He had to say,
and assisting in His ministry. His death came as a terrible blow
to them. The hours between His death and the revelation of His
resurrection must have been devastatingly depressing and
terrifying. Someone might be coming for them next. Yet, if the

disciples had remained scattered in silent exile after the

Crucifixion or huddled in fear and never emerged from the
mountain where Matthew says the risen Jesus revealed
Himself, Christs mission would have ended in failure. His
message would never have gotten out. We might be colonized
subjects of pagan Rome today, Jews still waiting for the
Messiah or otherwise oblivious to Christs teachings.
Matthew 28: 57
5 The angel said to the women, Do not be afraid, for I know
that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.
6 He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see
the place where he lay.
7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples: He has risen from the
dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will
see him. Now I have told you.
Matthew 28:1619
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain
where Jesus had told them to go.
17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, All authority in
heaven and on earth has been given to me.
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Jesus says, All authority is given to Me.
He adds, In heaven and earth.
He says, Therefore, [you] go and make disciples . . .

That is what is essential to understand here. The reason God

gives us authority is not to use it on people but to release
In this encounter, He is the resurrected Savior, back from the
dead. He went to hell, picked up some keys, rose again. He is
on the back side of the cross. He is victorious over death, hell,
and the grave. He is powerful in all of His glory, and He is now
ready to take on the world, declaring, All authority in heaven
and in earth has now been given unto Me.
He said, basically, I have authority; therefore, you go and
be in authority in your area of gifting, in your prepared spot.
He gave us authority not so that we can use it on people, but
to release people into the purposes for which the Creator made
them. He was saying, in effect, I have authority; therefore,
you go and be yourself; fulfill your calling and find your
leadership spot.
At the Passover meal (the Last Supper), after instructing His
Seder companions on servant leadership and warning of His
impending betrayal, the rabbi Jesus handed over a kingdom:
Luke 22:2830
28 You are those who have stood by me in my trials.
29 And I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred
one on me,
30 so that you may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom
and sit on thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.
This is a vital point that many do not realize: oppressing or
suppressing others leads to loss for both the oppressor and
the oppressed, because the oppressor can never benefit from
the true gifts of those he is oppressing. I observed this

firsthand once when I traveled to South Africa. There was

poverty everywhere, and the wealth of the land was in the
hands of only 4 percent of the population. The potential of
multitudes of people was wasted, and they were living in
cardboard boxes. I looked at it and just wept. South Africa had
squandered the talents and gifts of so many, robbing itself of
their potential. I have made it a personal mission to go back to
South Africa as often as possible to help develop leaders there.
Oppression destroys gifts. South Africa could not benefit
from the many and splendid gifts of those it held down,
ignored, and oppressed until leaders dismantled apartheid.
Germany could not benefit from the enormous gifts and
contributions of the people Hitler destroyed. Slaveholding
nations like the United States and Brazil could not fully benefit
from the tremendous potential of the Africans while they held
them in bondage. The Soviet Union could not benefit from the
stunted, untapped gifts of its own people while it ruled with an
iron fist.
Put another way, the true purpose for authority is to release
other peoples authority, not to control it.
True authority releases more authority.
The true joy for leaders is not to see others serve them
You are not to be like that but to see others discover
themselves. But you are not to be like that. Instead, the
greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one
who rules like the one who serves (Luke 22:26). The leader
knows that if others merely follow him, he cannot benefit from
their gifts. If others find their gifts and serve them to the world,
it will improve his life as well, and he can benefit from them.

Self-centered leadership produces self-centered followers.

Maybe this is the problem with most leaders in the world
today. We are seeing more people who are self-centered, who
are motivated for self-promotion or motivated by financial gain
and looking out for Number One, rather than by the desire to
Sometimes friends treat you differently when they get into a
position of power. And when some people receive authority, it
goes to their heads. Instead of using it to help people, they use
it to keep people down, to oppress people, to make sure others
do not compete with them. Competition for positions of power
is evidence of insecurity. If the leaders were secure in their
positions and confident of their visions, their gifts, and their
assignments, they would not need to worry. On that final night
with Jesus, you recall, the disciples argued again over which
one was the greatest (see Luke 22:24).

In teaching leadership, I have discovered a lot about myself

and how to be God-centered, rather than self-centered. In my
organization, we develop potential. Every human being
possesses potential. I have to keep testing my leadership by
leaving. That manifests other peoples gifts. To develop leaders
I have to be secure in my own leadership. Insecurity is what
prevents people from mentoring. If you have a clear conviction
regarding your own value as a leader, then your greatest joy
will be to help others discover theirs and give them room to
execute and manifest it. You will have no place for jealousy,
fear, suspicion, and other emotions that are so pervasive in
traditional leadership, where people jockey and fight for

position, afraid of someone taking their place.

As a leader, I realize that you and I are equal before God. My
goal is to try to bring you up and push you up beyond where I
am, because I want to find the gift that you are supposed to
serve to me. You respect my gift. I respect your gift.

The Next Generation

When people come in to see our staff work at our organization
in the Bahamas, they find a spirit of responsibility, selfmotivation, and purpose. Our people are excited and highly
We do a lot of work with young people to develop
leadership. My conviction is if we can get the youth to
understand the concept of leadership, then the future is secure.
Teaching leadership begins at home. Parents must prepare their
children to carry on, to take up leadership in the next
The Kennedy family is a good example of that. For
generations, it has suffered the loss of its leaders: Joseph Sr.,
Joseph Jr., John, Robert, John Jr., Rose. As blessed as it was
with material things, the family suffered many tragedies. All the
while, it kept a high profile in public service. In each
generation, someone seems to step to the forefront, and the
familys legacy, influence, and leadership goes on.
In recent times, it seems the role has fallen to Caroline, the
daughter of President John F. Kennedy, especially after the
death of her brother, John Jr. In a similar manner, Edward
Teddy Kennedy had to step up following the death of his
brothers, John and Robert, in relatively quick succession.
Despite deaths, setbacks, and scandals, the family always
seems to have trained someone in the next generation in their
values of faith, philanthropy, and government service their
gifts of servant leadership.
When my own children, Charissa and Charo, were growing
up, I paid them to read my books and encouraged them to
become leaders. Now they are becoming real leaders. Both of

them are compassionate people, and I think that is

generational. My wife and I are living what we learned from our
parents to serve others and I anticipate that our children
will be greater servants than we are.
My daughters choice of career is social work, and I am
astonished at her empathy for people. She was considering
going into medicine and had jobs at a local hospital on the
island from the time she was a teenager. Later, she decided,
No, I would rather be among the people than just working on
a body. She is working on a doctorate and has a job with a
community organization in Texas. I hear stories about her and
how, at age 24, she is touching lives.
My son, Charo, who has been in graduate school in the
United States, wants to go into business. I asked him, Why
do you want to go into business. He said, So I can make
money to help people. His motivation again is probably the
same one I had when I was his age. It is good to hear a young
man at age 23 say, I want to generate resources not to buy a
boat or a big car but rather to serve people. It is very
fulfilling to hear that.

I cannot overemphasize that both male and female are born to

lead equally. Even though they are different, different does not
mean that one is inferior or superior. Different means unique.
We train both genders male and female with the same
conviction that everyone has a gift. We do not discriminate.
Nor do we deal with any leadership experiences based on
race. We believe that all humanity has equal value. We are all
parts of one body, as Paul puts it in his first Letter to the

1 Corinthians 12:1420
14 Now the body is not made up of one part but of many.
15 If the foot should say, Because I am not a hand, I do not
belong to the body, it would not for that reason cease to be
part of the body.
16 And if the ear should say, Because I am not an eye, I do
not belong to the body, it would not for that reason cease to
be part of the body.
17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of
hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the
sense of smell be?
18 But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every
one of them, just as he wanted them to be.
19 If they were all one part, where would the body be?
20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body.
An example of the impact that leaders can have on those
who come after is Mother Teresa, who founded a religious
order, the Missionaries of Charity, and won the Nobel Peace
Prize in 1979 for her work among the destitute. I do not think
Mother Teresa wanted to start an order of sisters per se. She
was trying to help the lepers and others who were
downtrodden in Calcutta. Of free choice, my God, and out of
love for you, I desire to remain and do whatever be your Holy
will in my regard, she once said.
Yet she inspired those who worked with her to follow her
example, even to dress like her. Pope John Paul II, presiding
over her beatification by the Roman Catholic Church in 2003
called her one of the greatest missionaries of the twentieth
We need more missionaries like her who spawn other

missionaries, leaders who make leaders.

Leading for Succession

True leadership provides the resources, policies, and
assistance to help people discover their gifts. Look at the
failure of Communism; it could not work even though it
preaches equality. It still resulted in the elite versus the masses.
The masses were not motivated to work because the system
did not allow them to exercise their gifts. They were
commanded to do what the state said. That worked against
personal development. Poverty, low self-esteem, lack of
incentive, lack of entrepreneurial spirit all of these are
products of any culture that does not encourage people to
discover their personal leadership.
If leaders provide an environment that encourages people to
discover their own gifts, everybody benefits. No one is just a
servant, and everybody is a leader who serves a gift to others.
The economy becomes powerful and strong because small
businesses are the strength of economic growth.
Entrepreneurship enables people to discover their gift of
Governments often fail to plan for their succession. I have
had the privilege of meeting many leaders. I have sat with the
president of Israel. I have received one of the highest honors
from the queen of England, called the Order of the British
Empire (OBE) award. I have been the guest of the Queen
Mother and the king of Swaziland. I have had the opportunity
to sit with Nelson Mandela as president of South Africa. I have
advised and dined with the president of Namibia. I have slept
in the house of the president of Zambia.
From all of these wonderful experiences, I have concluded
that the aspect of leadership that is most lacking is training for

Eighty percent of all leadership conflict in the developing
countries takes place at transition, either at the death of a
leader or because of a coup. Conflict comes whenever there is a
change in leadership in an organization or a political party. It is
the same in the so-called developed nations. Even the election
process of democracies is a messy business. I have sat down
to eat with renowned religious and corporate leaders. I have
had the opportunity to sit with civic leaders and serve with
some of them. Failure to plan for succession is common to all,
as well as in churches, nonprofit organizations, and schools.

The Principles of Leadership Transfer

Nothing is more difficult than transition in leadership. We keep
making the same mistakes, because we do not understand the
principles of leadership transfer. Let us look at some principles.
Leadership is never given to just one generation. If you
grasp that concept, suddenly you realize that every leader is
temporary. Sometimes our greatest temptation or weakness as
leaders is to think that the world begins and ends with us.
Leadership is always transitional. Any leader who thinks that
he or she is permanent will face one neutralizing agent death.
No matter how terrorizing or wonderful a leader may be, death
will eventually terminate them. It is important to keep your
mortality constantly in your mind as a leader.
Leadership that serves only its generation is destined for
failure. You should never lead with only your generation in
mind. Whether you are a Sunday school teacher, a teacher in a
public-school classroom or a company executive responsible
for an entire department, remember that your responsibility is
to not only serve your generation but also provide for the
God is a generational God. God always addresses the
unborn. God acts generationally. Leadership that is genuine,
that is from God, always thinks generationally.
Success without a successor is failure. It does not matter
how successful you are as a leader. If you have no successor, it
does not matter how much people may talk about the great
things you have accomplished and the good things you have
done. You have been a failure.
If your business, your ministry, or your vision dies with

you, you failed. It does not matter how great your vision is. It
does not matter how great your ideas about your company,
ministry, country, or church may be. If, when you die, it all dies,
you were a failure. A vision that is genuinely from God will
always be bigger than your lifetime. So do not ever attempt to
complete your vision in your lifetime. God is too big for that.
He will always give you a vision that will outlive you. A part of
your responsibility as a visionary is to prepare your
replacement to continue the work. If your work dies when you
die, you have failed. Many people have done work on earth
that people admired and that benefited people while they were
living, but they failed if they took to the cemetery everything
that they were supposed to leave with us.

The Final Class

The average leader employs other people. The true leader
deploys other people.
I do not want employees in my company. I am after deployees. I have to create an environment in which they can deploy
their gifts and serve their gifts to the world. I do not want to
control people; I want to release people. That is why Christ
says in effect, I have authority in heaven and the earth and
under the earth and because I have all the authority in all these
areas, you go and release yours.
True leaders are not afraid of the success of their followers.
If you become nervous when people around you succeed, you
are not a true leader. You are a manipulator; you are insecure.
Leaders who are serving their gifts to the world, who have
attracted and inspired people, who know they are not here
forever, get their replacements up to speed.
Train your successor. Teach them everything you know
about leading your particular kind of endeavor, be it a church
or a circus. Help them to refine their gifts, which may be
different from yours.
Do not get comfortable. It is time to start preparing your
Jesus chose Peter as the one to build His church (Matthew
16:18), but first He had to teach Him to serve:
John 21:17
The third time he said to him, Simon son of John do you love
me? Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time,
Do you love me?
He said, Lord, you know all things; you know that I love

Jesus said, Feed my sheep.
The Lord Jesus, the greatest leader of all time, often taught
by showing people what to do. He was a man of action. He
demonstrated service. On His final night of freedom, He began
washing the feet of His disciples (see John 13:117).
Later, Jesus asked those whose feet He had washed, if they
understood what He was trying to teach and explained that He
was being a role model for how He wanted them to act. He
served them, so that they would see how they should serve.
John 13:1217
12 When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his
clothes and returned to his place. Do you understand what I
have done for you? he asked them.
13 You call me Teacher and Lord, and rightly so, for that is
what I am.
14 Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet,
you also should wash one anothers feet.
15 I have set you an example that you should do as I have
done for you.
16 I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master,
nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him.
17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you
do them.

Now That You Know . . .

Leadership is serving at every opportunity.
The world-famous basketball icon Michael Jordan is a great

example of servant leadership. Today, he is considered a leader

and generates respect wherever he goes. He is also one of the
wealthiest men in the U.S., and his name alone is worth
millions. Yet it is amazing that Michael never did set out to
become a leader. He simply desired to be himself and to
maximize his athletic gift. He became a slave to his gift and
served it to us all for years and now we call him great.
He got to this point because he is a slave. When you and I
were sleeping, he was practicing. When we were relaxing, he
was jogging. When we were shopping, he was in the gym.
When we were watching television, he was shooting baskets
for hours. He was a slave to his gift. That is why people seek
him out and reward him for the gift he served the world. This is
what Jesus meant when He said, in effect, He who would be
great among you must be the slave of all.
Have you found something that you can be a slave to, so
you can serve it to the world?
Or, are you looking and waiting for a chance to lead? The
opportunities are all around you. Clean the bathroom, dust the
floor, hand out books, park cars, be a greeter at church,
volunteer at the library, or work at Wal-Mart. Opportunity is
what servants seek.
I used to do everything that needed doing at my church:
open the building, fix chairs, play the piano, lead the praise
team, and then preach afterward. I ran the camera and also the
soundboard. I duplicated tapes myself. Now, we have a staff of
60 full-time workers and another 120 to help with ministry, but I
used to do everything they do. I used to clean the floor.
Whatever I ask others to do, I once did.
One reason leaders do the little things is to prepare
themselves. They refine their gifts by serving in all the roles.

They gain experience so they can teach the next person exactly
how to do it. They can show the next generation of leaders, not
just tell them or send them a book. It is hard to groom a
successor if you came in at the top and never had to work your
way up through the ranks. Go back and be a slave, a servant,
the youngest.
Do not look for power. Look for opportunity. True leaders do
not walk into a bathroom, see a piece of paper on the floor, and
ask, Where is the maintenance man? No, the piece of paper
and the maintenance of bathroom sanitation become their
personal responsibility.
Be the model of responsibility for the next generation.
Servant leadership is serving your gift at every opportunity,
not only when people can see you doing it. Be a slave to it, and
serve others as you do.
Then, turn it over to the one who loves to serve.
When Jesus Christ was about to change leadership, He
called a final meeting, a breakfast meeting by the Sea of
Tiberias. He was in resurrected form. He was ready to change
leadership. He called everyone together for a staff meeting. He
was about to identify His successor.
John 21:1517
15 When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter,
Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?
Yes, Lord, he said, you know that I love you. Jesus said,
Feed my lambs.
16 Again Jesus said, Simon son of John, do you truly love
me? He answered, Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.
Jesus said, Take care of my sheep.
17 The third time he said to him, Simon son of John, do you

love me? Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third
time, Do you love me? He said, Lord, you know all things;
you know that I love you. Jesus said, Feed my sheep.
Jesus the CEO did not say to Simon Peter, Simon, are you
famous? Are you intelligent? Do you have good personality?
Do you have competence, skills, expertise? Do you have
experience? Do you love My vision? Do you like My power?
Do you love My mission?
No! He asks, Do you love Me? This is the test. Do you
love me, Peter?
Peter essentially says, Yes, Lord. Master, You know I love
You. I have been tested. Among other things, Peter had cut
off a mans ear to defend the Master and risked waiting nearby
when He was on trial.
Jesus says, in effect, Then you are in charge. Feed My
lambs; you are going to take over the company. Take it to the
next level. Go forth and produce leaders.

To review, true leaders:
Know themselves and develop themselves according to
their gifting
Declare independence from the expectations and
opinions of others
Learn from others, but never copy them
Are more concerned with expressing themselves than
proving themselves
Measure leadership not by how many people serve
them, but by how many people they serve

Lead others to leadership

Set others free to become leaders, instead of
maintaining followers
Create an environment and provide opportunity for
others to discover and fulfill their Creator-given purpose
and potential
Deploy others, while traditional leaders employ others
Release others into their own unique gifting
Understand that success without a successor is failure
Consider it their own success when those they have
empowered can lead others into their own purposes and
Produce leaders who produce other leaders who
produce other leaders
Remember and embrace the seven major principles of
Servant Leadership and find your spot in the galaxy of
humanity. spot in the galaxy of humanity.
Leadership is a prepared position.
Leadership demands a price.
Leadership is inherent.
Leadership is a divine deposit.
Leadership is not for you but for others.
Leadership is becoming yourself for the benefit of others.
Go unto all the world and produce the leaders that the world
needs. Remember the greatest leadership principle and
philosophy of all time, wise words from the Leader of all
leaders: Instead, whoever wants to become great among you
must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be
your slave (Matthew 20:2627).

Leadership is predetermined and not a preference.

The world is waiting for your leadership.

May the Lord make you increase, both you and your
May you be blessed by the Lord, the Maker of heaven
and earth.
The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth he
has given to man.
It is not the dead who praise the Lord, those who go
down to silence;
it is we who extol the Lord, both now and forevermore.
Psalm 115:1418


10 Keys to Becoming a Leader

1. Confirm Your Purpose

Verify the original vision God had for your life. Take
everything you thought you were, give it to him and
let him show you what you have never seen.

2. Document Your Vision

Visualize your destiny. What plans do you need to
make to accomplish it? Who could help you fulfill
your purpose while fulfilling their own?

3. Discover Your Potential

Assess your gifts, skills and abilities. Then develop
and refine them.

4. Maintain Your Passion

Do this through prayer, nurturing an active desire to
see your purpose manifested and being persistent.

5. Earn Trust
Be trustworthy so that others can have confidence in

6. Preserve Integrity
Guard your heart and make sure your motives are pure
and your actions are in accordance with the nature of
the Creator.

7. Establish Values and

Know who you are and for what you stand. Learn
discipline and self-management. Know the nature and
qualities of a servant leader and practice them.

8. Cultivate the Spirit of

Cultivate a trust in the Creator through prayer and
acquaintance with Gods Word. Have faith that he will
fulfill his purposes for your life so you can be the
leader He created you to be.

9. Dare to Explore the

Explore the dreams, ideas, people and resources you
need to serve your gift to the world.
10. Be Yourself by Serving Yourself
Practice servant leadership by actively serving your
gifts on behalf of those around you. When you cease
functioning, you lose your value.

Chapter 6 Who Died and Left You in Charge?: The
Dominion Mandate
1. Page 45, James Weldon Johnson, ed. The Book of American
Negro Poetry (New York: Bartleby, 1922). (back to text)
Chapter 7 Jockeying for Position: The Sons of Zebedee
1. Page 62, Mahatma Gandhi, Gandhi An Autobiography: The
Story of My Experiments with Truth, (Ypsilanti, MI: Beacon
Press, 1993). (back to text)
Chapter 11 Leaders Are Made, Not Born: Self-Discovery Is
the Main Ingredient
1. Page 102, Mahatma Gandhi, The Essential Gandhi: An
Anthology of His Writings on His Life (New York: Vintage,
2002). (back to text)

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