Shunt Reactors
Shunt Reactors
Shunt Reactors
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General statement
Shunt reactors are inductive loads that are used to absorb reactive power to reduce the
over voltages generated by line capacitance.
An inductive load consumes reactive power versus a capacitive load generates reactive
A transformer, a shunt reactor, a heavy loaded power line, and an under magnetized
synchronous machine are examples of inductive loads. Examples on a capacitive load are
a capacitor bank, an open power line and an over magnetized synchronous machine.
Although shunt reactors are inductive loads similar to transformers but they are different
than transformers in terms of construction and some electrical characteristics.
To describe the shunt reactors better, we need to look at the different designs of shunt
reactors and their electrical characteristics.
employing single pole auto-reclosing, there are two optional ways to achieve such a
return path for the zero-sequence flux. These are:
. To use a three phase -limb core (or shell type core).
. To use single phase units.
One major advantage with a five leg reactor (or shell type) compared with a three leg
reactor is that the construction to reduce vibrations and the long term use is much more
stable and stronger.
The design is divided in gapped core and core-less reactors. The gapped core has a
subdivided limb of core steel with air gaps inside the winding and no limb at all for the
core less concept. The gapped core gives compact design with low losses and low total
mass, low sounds and low vibrations.
Higher energy density can be achieved in a gapped core compared to an air core.
The slope of the permeability is greater in a gapped core versus an air core reactor.
The primary advantages of dry-type air-core reactor, compared to oil-immersed types, are
lower initial and operating costs, lower weight, lower losses, and the absence of
insulating oil and its maintenance. The main disadvantages of dry-type reactors are
limitations on voltage and kVA rating and the high-intensity magnetic field. There is no
magnetizing inrush current when the reactor is energized.
Unit ratings for existing single phase or three phase shunt reactors are:
Three phase up to: Mvar
Single phase up to: Mvar
System voltages up to: kV
Single Phase reactors
Single phase reactors are used when the power is above the limits for a three phase shunt
Three phase (-leg or -leg shunt reactors)
Most three phase shunt reactors are designed with five limbs, because of a more robust
construction and to reduce vibrations over time, since shunt reactors should last -
The unwound side limbs results in that the zero sequence impedance is equal to the
positive sequence impedance.
In a high voltage star connected shunt reactor the zero sequence reactance is dependent
on the core arrangement.
The physics are the same as the case with a star/star connected transformer. Under
symmetrical excitation the sum of momentary flux values in the three phases is zero. But
under earth fault conditions this is not the case and the resulting flux must find a way
back external to the three phase coils. In three limb reactors, this resulting flux would go
through the air from yoke to yoke; it means that the zero sequence reactance is lower than
the normal reactance and also non-linear, leads to higher zeros sequence current.
In some applications it is a distinct advantage if the reactor has high and constant zero
sequence reactance. This is the case when single pole reclosing is either required from the
beginning, causing zero sequence flux each time a single pole is opened, or considered
for future development of the system to limit the zero sequence flux. In certain cases (e.g.
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line connected shunt reactors) it is also recommended that the zero sequence reactance be
tuned to a fixed, high value by the addition of an auxiliary neutral reactor.
As for transformers, a high zero sequence reactance requires a low reluctance unwound
return path in the magnetic circuit, leads to smaller zero sequence current which is
achieved with a five-limb core. In a reactor this will result in a next to absolute
decoupling of the phase limbs from each other because the wound limbs are gapped and
the outer limbs are not. This is easily verified by measuring non-induced voltage on the
other phases when one phase is energized Error! Reference source not found.].
Split winding
The split winding is used when the current have exceeded the maximum of mechanical
reasons in the construction, then two windings per phase will be parallel in the reactor.
Shunt reactors equipped with auxiliary power windings
Because shunt reactors are used to control voltage at the receiving ends of long Extra
High-Voltage and Very High-Voltage transmission lines, these reactors often are located
in remote regions that may not have an extensive or reliable distribution grid. Obtaining
reliable station power for the reactor switching station can be a problem. The highvoltage reactor application usually calls for oil-immersed reactors that look very similar
in appearance to power transformers. When designed with an air-gapped iron core, these
reactors can be equipped with a secondary core and winding such that a low-voltage can
be extracted from the high-voltage line, see Error! Reference source not found.] and
Error! Reference source not found.].
Shunt reactor in the neutral
For line connected shunt reactors, an additional single-phase reactor (neutral reactor) is
sometimes connected between neutral and ground. The purpose of this reactor is to
increase the overall zero sequence reactance of the overhead line. In this way, the fault
current is kept small in the event of single-phase line faults cleared by single-pole
opening of the line breakers. As a result, there will be a high probability that the arc at the
fault location is extinguished and that the reclosing operation is successful.
Variable shunt reactor (VSR), with tap-changer
Shunt Reactors are used in high voltage energy transmission systems to stabilize the
voltage during load variations. A traditional shunt reactor has a fixed rating and is either
connected to the power line all the time or switched in and out depending on the load.
Recently Variable Shunt Reactors (VSR) have been developed and introduced on the
market. The rating of a VSR can be changed in steps, The maximum regulation range
typically is a factor of two, e.g. from - Mvar. The regulation speed is normally in
the order seconds per step and around a minute from max to min rating. VSRs are today
available for voltages up to kV.
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The variability brings several benefits compared to traditional fixed shunt reactors. The
VSR can continuously compensate reactive power as the load varies and thereby securing
voltage stability. Other important benefits are: - reduced voltage jumps resulting from
switching in and out of traditional fixed reactors, - flexibility for future (today unknown)
load and generation patterns, - improved interaction with other transmission equipment
and/or systems such as coarse tuning of SVC (Static Var Compensation) equipment, limiting the foot print of a substation if parallel fixed shunt reactors can be replaced with
one VSR, - a VSR can be used as flexible spare unit and be moved to other locations in
the power grid if needed.
Shell type core
The reactor design is said to follow either a core or shell type concept Error! Reference
source not found.].The difference in the two concepts was originally attributed to the
arrangement of the core. In the core type transformers the coils appear to surround the
core and in the shell type the core appear to surround the windings, see Figure .
This simple definition does not always hold. The way reactors are built today; a
description as follows would be more adequate:
In a core type reactor the core limb has a shape of a cylinder around which the
coils are arranged. For normal core type power reactors the coils too are
cylindrical and arranged concentrically. Each terminal is connected to one coil or
several coils in series. Further the coils are slid down around a pre-made core
limb to which yokes are connected after the windings are in position. Most often
the core limbs and yokes are in vertical position.
In the shell type reactor the separate coils have rectangular cross section and they
are wound in one plane. After the winding work the coils for one terminal are
stacked up on each other and connected together. The groups of coils are then in
turn, stacked together to form a winding packet for the complete circuit. The
packets for each phase are then raised to the upright and adjusted position it has in
the reactor. In and around these packets the core is now built up.
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A five leg shunt reactor of core type has similar characteristics as a three leg shell type
reactor (to have a low vibration and noise level, low zero sequence current), so the reason
for a manufacturer to keep to a certain concept may today be historical.
. Electrical characteristics
The electrical characteristics of a shunt reactor that needs to be studied are:
Air-gap of the shunt reactor core.
Switching in a shunt reactor
Disconnection of the shunt reactor
Dominating harmonics
Losses in shunt reactors
.. Inrush
When switching in air core or iron core reactors, long DC components up to second can
occur, some differences distinguishes between inrush in air respective iron core reactors.
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e = E sin( t + )
e uL
= iL
uL = L L
eL L
dt = i
i L + i L =
i L = i AC + i DC
sin( t + ) sin( ) e
Z = R + (L)
The first term in eq. states the time function for the steady state condition which is an
AC current and the second term indicates the transient condition which is a damped DC
The time constant of the damping is =
The time constants for shunt reactors are longer than transformers and can be up to
second. Transformers have DC constants up to a couple of hundred milliseconds.
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= I k cos( t + ) cos( ) e L =
= I k cos( t + ) sin( ) e L =
tan ( ) = tan( ) =
{ = , = , = , }
The maximum inrush current ik max appears when using realistic power system
impedances, approximately at the same time when the steady state current reaches its first
ik = I k + sin( ) e
We observe that the current time derivative is zero in the short circuit moment and that
the DC component initial value is not the maximal imaginable, since
in the
expression of .
In this case has the steady state short circuit current the (negative) top value in the short
circuit moment and the DC component has in consequence hereby largest possible value.
Installed in eq. the short circuit current can be derived:
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RL t
i k = I k e
cos( t )
and is:
Because the asymmetry in a certain (some) degree here is largest it is close to expect that
this maximum value not is much less then the theoretic correct value that can be derived
in the case = . This is also correct for a power network characteristic data and one can
with good approximation use this simple expression when deriving the inrush current.
Observe the ideal case with
damped case is:
A short circuit current with DC component is often called unsymmetrical short circuit
current, and speaks about greater or less degree of asymmetry that is dependent on the
instantaneous time of the short circuit. With maximum asymmetry it is meant a current
which DC component has the same value as the AC components un-damped top value.
Observe that the word symmetry and asymmetry here is used in another meaning then
three phase symmetry and three phase asymmetry.
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Voltage [pu]
Current [pu]
Description of parameters
L = inductance [H]
N = number of windings
l FE = length of flux in iron yoke and limb [m]
= permeability in air [Vs/Am]
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H l FE
By introducing the inductance in eq. the magnetic flux over the inductance follows in
eq. :
di ~
(e Ri )
dt d
= (e~ Ri ) = u L
To derive the magnetizing voltage and the total magnetic flux the recursive equations
(Euler equations Error! Reference source not found.]) are used in eq. and eq. :
Starting conditions:
, B[] = BR , [] = BR AFE N
u L [k ] = e~[k ] R i L [k ]
[k + ] = [k ] + t u L [k ]
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The magnetic field intensity (H) can be derived from the graph in Error! Reference
source not found.] after calculating of the magnetic flux density (B):
[k + ]
B[k + ] =
H [k + ]
Calculate the magnetizing current iL :
H [k + ]
i L [k + ] =
l FE
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E [V]
Im [A]
Um [V]
B - [T=Vs/m]
H [A/m]
Phi [Vs]
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During inrush the permeability can move up over the threshold knee and cause a transient
current greater than I k ( to I k ) and after several seconds reaching steady state
current, see Figure and Figure .
As the shunt reactor is moving from saturation region to steady state region, the
permeability increases towards the constant value ( ) and the current decreases to steady
state value. The damping time also increases with less saturation as the permeability of
the shunt reactor moves towards steady state.
Both above statements can be seen from the following equations:
iN =
r A
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Figure Phase C winding currents during shunt reactor switching in and tripping out
.. Harmonics
The zero, nd and rd harmonics in a shunt reactor are described below.
... nd Harmonic
Inrush current in a shunt reactor doesnt appear as a differential current like that which
appears in a transformer, unless the CT saturates after some time due to long DC time
constant. The level of nd harmonic is small in shunt reactors compared to transformers.
... rd Harmonic
The rd harmonic is the dominant harmonic in shunt reactors during normal operating
condition, due to asymmetries in the reactor windings.
The rd harmonic can be seen in the neutral point of the shunt reactor or as residual using
all phases Error! Reference source not found.].
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.. Hysteresis
There is practically no remanence in a shunt reactor compared to a transformer. The
small air gaps along the reactor winding create a thin hysteresis in the B-H curve for the
reactor and therefore very small remanence.
.. Losses
The fundamental losses in a shunt reactor are winding resistance and magnetization
losses, eddy current losses are also present but small in comparison.
The resistance loss is proportional to the weight of the winding material and to the square
of the current density. The magnetization loss in the core steel also rises by
approximately the square of the flux density.
The total loss is generally .% active power (W) of the total reactive power of the shunt
reactor distributed as follows Error! Reference source not found.]:
Resistance losses in winding, P = RI
Core steel loss
Eddy current losses, winding
and mechanical parts
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Shunt reactors are used to compensate for large line charging capacitance of long high
voltage power transmission lines and cables.
Their major applications are:
Preventing over voltages that occur when the line is lightly loaded (Ferranti
Providing voltage control.
Compensating for line charging reactive power demand of the open-circuit line.
Suppressing the secondary arc current for successful single pole reclosing.
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Figure Three phase and neutral reactor connected to bus or line via circuit switcher or circuit breaker
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Figure Shunt reactor connected to transformer tertiary winding switching via circuit switcher or circuit
breaker on supply side
Figure Shunt reactor connected to transformer tertiary winding switching via circuit switcher or circuit
breaker on neutral side
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To derive Vs from the above circuit (Figure ), we note that the current in the
capacitance at the receiving end is VrY/ and the current in the series arm is Ir + VrY/,
Vs = (VrY / + Ir ) Z + Vr
Vs = ( ZY / + )Vr + ZIr
Is would be the summation of the current in the shunt capacitance at the sending end
which is VsY/, and the current in the series arm.
Is = VsY / + VrY / + Ir
Is = VrY ( + ZY / ) + ( ZY / + ) Ir
The equations eq. and eq. can be expressed in the following form:
Vs = AVr + BIr
Is = CVr + DIr
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A = D = ZY / +
C = Y ( + ZY / )
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A and D are dimensionless and B and C are in ohms and mhos, respectively.
Now let us look at an example of a line and using the above equations and compare the no load
receiving-end voltage before and after applying the shunt reactors.
Example: A single-circuit kV, mile transmission line has the following series
impedance and shunt admittance per mile:
z = .. /mi
y = . S/mi
Z = z l = ..
Y = y l = . S
We can also derive the no load receiving-end voltage (Vr,nl) by substituting
Ir = in Vs equation eq. .
Vs = AVr , nl
Vr , nl = Vs / A
Vs = .. kV
Vr , nl = Vs / A = . kV
Now we calculate the no load receiving-end voltage for the same transmission line when
identical shunt reactors are connected at both ends of the line (see Figure ), compensating for
% of the total shunt admittance of the line.
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Figure Nominal- circuit with shunt reactors added to both end of the transmission line
Vs would be the same, but A would change since adding shunt reactors changes the value of Y:
Z = ..
Y = ( .) . = . S
A = ZY / + = ..
Vr , nl = Vs / A = . kV
This example shows that adding shunt reactors can limit the rise of the no load voltage at the
receiving end of the line from . kV to . kV.
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The modes of failure differ from air-core to oil-immersed designs and this affects their protection
requirements and schemes.
Because of the proximity of the winding with the core and tank winding-to-ground failures can
occur. The magnitude of this fault decreases as the fault is located closer to the neutral side of the
reactor. Turn-to-turn faults start out as a small change in phase currents but increase operating
temperature internal pressure, and accumulation of gas. If these are not quickly detected they will
evolve into a major fault.
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with winding insulation moisture content above %. This critical temperature will decrease as
the moisture concentration increases.
Figure Equilibrium chart relating water vapor pressure over oil to water concentration in insulation (kraft) paper
vs. temperature.
The risk with excessive water in insulation paper can be mitigated by using an on-line
monitoring system with algorithms to determine water content in paper and bubbling
temperature, so as to issue warnings when the reactor is close to a dangerous condition, before a
turn-turn fault happens.
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. Bushing failure
Overvoltages due to lightning impulses or even due to the reactor switching can bring about very
high dielectric stresses to the reactor bushings. Specifically in case of externally generated
overvoltages, the bushings will be the first ones to suffer the stress. This fact can lead to
bushings insulation deterioration, which ultimately would cause a phase-ground fault with severe
damages to the reactor itself or even to neighbor devices due to porcelain shards being thrown.
This is a severe risk also to people working close to the equipment.
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