Sesi Member Details
Sesi Member Details
Sesi Member Details
I. Name
The Society shall be called the Solar Energy Society of India (SESI), hereinafter referred to as
"The Society". It will have its headquarters in New Delhi.
The Society shall function as the Indian Section of the International Solar Energy Society,
(hereinafter referred to as `ISES'), a tax-exempt, not-for-profit corporation chartered under the
laws of the State of Arizona, United States of America.
II. Activities
The activities of the Solar Energy Society of India are to advance, promote, and propagate the
use of renewable energy by encouraging basic and applied research in renewable energy;
By collecting, compiling, and disseminating information relating to renewable energy;
By organizing seminars and conferences; by publishing books, memoirs, journals, and
proceedings in the field of renewable energy;
By instituting awards;
By establishing formal education curriculum in collaboration with other institutions;
By establishing renewable Energy Centres in collaboration with Corporates, NGOs,
Foundations, individuals and government bodies; and
By collaborating and co-operating with other scientific societies, institutions, and academies
in the country and abroad for research, development, and furtherance of renewable energy
The activities of the Society are for dissemination of information in the field of research and
development on renewable energy.
(Amendment made vide resolution at the special meeting of the General Body held on 13 December 1979 in Bomb ay).
III. Membership
The membership of the Society shall consist of (1) Members, (2) Student Members, (3)
Organizational Members, (4) Fellows and (5) Patrons. Some Fellows may be inducted as
Distinguished Fellows by resolution of the Council, who will be honorary in terms of payments.
Students with an interest in renewable energy and who are regularly enrolled in an accredited
college, university or any other academic body shall be considered qualified as Student
Members. Student Members shall have all rights and privileges of membership but shall not
have the right to nominate, to vote or to hold office.
Organizational Members shall be industrial and scientific organizations interested in science and
technology of renewable energy and with an active interest in promoting the objectives of the
Society. Each Organizational Member shall be entitled to nominate three representatives to the
Society. All references to `Members' shall hereinafter include such representatives.
Members of long standing may get upgraded to Fellows on application. They have to be
approved by the Governing Council. Maximum of 5 (five) persons per year can be considered
for up gradation or for fresh entry approval in exceptional cases e.g. from other fields or on
returning to India from abroad after distinguished work in the field of Renewable Energy.
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Distinguished Fellow will be limited to no more than 1 percent of total membership at any time.
These will be conferred by the Governing Council and approved by the General Body at its
annual meeting in the year. This will be the highest honour of the society for exceptional record
of achievement in the solar energy field or meritorious service of highest standard to realize the
objectives of the society. These will be normally awarded on special occasions such as Silver
Jubilee etc. These fellowships will be for life subject to the statutes in Section XVII. No
subscription fees etc.
Patrons shall be organizations or individuals interested in solar energy research and application
who make a voluntary contribution of at least Rs 10,000/- to the Society. Patrons shall receive
all benefits of the Society except office holding rights. In case an organization is elected a
Patron, one person shall be designated to receive such benefits.
The accreditation of representatives of Patrons and Organizational Members may be changed
by their organizations from time to time provided that the Council will always have the power to
reject or request the withdrawal of such credentials.
Fees. Admission fees and annual subscriptions shall be fixed from time to time by the Council.
The rates applicable till further revision are given below.
Amount in Rupees
Membership Category
Admission Fee
Annual dues
20000* (min)
20000 (min)
Life Member
a. residing in India
b. residing abroad
Individual Member
a. residing in India
Student Members
a. residing in India
Organizational Member
a. residing in India
b. residing abroad
* One-time payment;
(The membership fees was revised last vide Resolution passed by the Annual General Body of the Society on 06 December 2012 in
Gandhinagar, Gujarat)
The fiscal year of the Society shall begin on the 1st April but the annual fee shall be due for
each calendar year on 1st of January of the year. The prescribed period for payment will
extend only until 31st of March of the year. New members shall be liable to pay the annual fee
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for the full year in which they are admitted to membership, before the end of the three months
from the date of their admission or before 31st December, whichever is earlier. Members who
have paid their dues within the prescribed period will be considered as in good standing.
Subventions and donations. The Society may seek or accept annual grants or donations from
the central and state governments, industrial and commercial houses, universities, public or local
authorities and other bodies. The Society may also secure donations from corporate bodies and
individuals interested in promoting the objectives of the Society.
Subscriptions or proceeds realized from the sale of the Society's publications shall form a source
of revenue.
The surplus funds of Society not needed for immediate research work may be invested in
deposits in nationalized banks, government securities or any other forms of investments as may
be permissible under the various provisions of the income tax act with the approval of the
Council, with power to vary such investments, and securities from one approved security to
another as the Council may in its absolute discretion think proper.
(The above resolution was passed by the General Body of SESI during the 23 rd Annual General Meeting held
on 20 December 1999 in Indore)
V. Management of affairs
The affairs and property of the Society shall be administered by a Council of twenty consisting
of the President, one Vice President, 5 Regional Vice Presidents, a Treasurer, a Secretary
General , and 11 members of whom one shall be the immediate past-President (ex-officio). The
Council shall have the power to create additional offices and positions, as it may deem fit,
subject to the approval of the total membership of the Society. The Council shall be elected by
the members biennially as per Statutes in Section X.
The office bearers, namely the President, Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, and Secretary General
shall hold office for a period of two years. No office bearer shall serve for more than two
consecutive terms in the same office. The immediate past-President will be a member of the
Council for two terms after the conclusion of his or her term of office, subject to the provision
that there will be only one ex-officio member in the Council at any time.
No member shall serve individually for more than two consecutive terms as member of the
Casual vacancies that may occur in the Council during a biennium, either due to death,
resignation, or other causes shall be filled in by the President from amongst the members of the
Society till the next following election. In case of a vacancy in the office of the President, one
of the Vice-Presidents shall, in consultation with the other, cause the Council to be summoned
for the election of a new President from amongst the members of the Council for the rest of the
term of office. Vacancy for any other office bearer shall be filled by the President for the rest
of the term of office from amongst the members of the Council. Vacancy, if any, for the
immediate past-President will not be filled.
All property, movable, immovable, and of any other kind, belonging to the Society shall vest in
the Council, which shall have full powers and authority to deal with and dispose of the same for
the purpose of the Society as it deems fit. The Council shall be entitled to exercise all such
powers and to do all such acts and things as the Society is authorized to exercise.
Five members including the President shall form a quorum for all Council meetings. If, at the
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time announced for the commencement of a meeting, the quorum is not present, then the
meeting shall stand adjourned by half an hour and the meeting shall then take place with the
number of members present forming the quorum for the meeting, provided that at least the
President and two other members are present. All decisions shall be by a simple majority of
votes. Decisions may also be taken by the Council through circulation of papers.
VI. The President
The President shall be the Chairperson of the Council; the President shall also be the
administrative in charge of the Society, its properties, and affairs subject to the provisions in
Paragraph 21.
In the absence of the President, one of the Vice-Presidents nominated by the President or by
the Council shall act as the President's deputy, and may do all such acts as the President himself
or herself could do, if present.
In case of doubt as to the interpretation of any of the Statutes, the President's interpretation
shall hold good until the Council decides otherwise.
The Vice President will exercise such powers as may be delegated to him by the
President/Council. Five Regional Vice presidents will represent the society ex-officio in the
Regional Chapters or local chapters in their areas. They will strive for increased membership as
well as higher intensity of yearlong activities in their respective regions. Activities of each
Regional Chapter will be presented to the respective Vice Presidents and to the membership of
the society at its Annual General Meeting in addition to the reports from the Secretary
General and Treasurer.
VIII. The Treasurer
The Treasurer will be directly elected by the membership along with other office bearers. He
shall be responsible to the Council for the general conduct of the Society's finances and
resources. The Treasurer shall receive for the use of the Society all sums of money due or
payable to the Society; and shall keep a correct account of all receipts and payments. The
Treasurer may, with the approval of the Council, appoint a person to carry out the duties of the
Treasurer in the latter's absence. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for getting the
accounts audited.
At the Council meeting in November-December, the Treasurer shall present a list of the names
of those Members who have not paid their current subscriptions before 15th of November and
shall submit it for the orders of the Council.
IX. The Secretary General*
The Secretary General will be directly elected by the membership along with other office
bearers. He shall be responsible to the Council for the general conduct of the Society's
correspondence, and all other business, excepting that relating to finance. The Secretary General
shall also be responsible for calling the meetings of the Council and general meetings of the
Society; for the recording and reading of the Minutes; and to carry out the decisions of the
Council, excepting those relating to finance.
*The post of Secretary was re-designated as Secretary General vide a resolution passed by the General Body of SESI on 6-7 October,
2009 in New Delhi.
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X. Elections
Elections to the Council of the Society shall be by postal ballot, the procedure for such ballot
being as stated below. However, the Council may make such changes in it and in the calendar
of dates as it deems fit from time to time. No procedural irregularity not affecting the merits
shall vitiate any election or proceedings.
During the year in which elections to the Council become due, that fact shall be notified to the
Members before 15th August of that year and nominations invited from them. Nominations for
the President, Vice President, Five Regional Vice Presidents, Secretary General, Treasurer, and
10 other members of the council shall be filed not later than the 15th of September in a format
prescribed by the Council. A consolidated list of those Members whose nomination papers are
in order shall be prepared by the office of the Society and sent by post to all the Members
before the 15th of October.
The ballot paper containing the names thus selected and recommended shall be returned to the
Society, recording the vote and duly signed, by the 1st of December. The Members who
receive the ballot paper may, if they so desire, delete any of the recommended names from the
ballet list and substitute for the names thus deleted any other names from the list of valid
nominations circulated to the Members previously.
Two Members of the Society shall be appointed by the President as scrutators, who will open
the envelopes containing the ballot papers and report the results of the ballot to the President.
Every person whose name has been validly voted for in the majority of the ballot papers
received by the Society before the appointed date will be declared by the President to have been
elected. Every member of the Council so elected shall be informed in a written communication
of his or her election before the 20th of December.
The newly elected office bearers and Council Members will commence their terms of office on
the day following the annual general meeting but not before first of January of the year for
which elections are held.
The Society shall submit annually a list of all members of the Council, giving their names,
complete residential addresses, occupation, and designation to the Registrar of Societies, Delhi.
XI. Committees
The following committee shall be appointed annually by the Council from amongst the voting
members of the Society: Finance Committee, Membership Committee, Programme Committee,
and Publications Committee. The Council shall also appoint Chairman for each Committee.
The Finance Committee shall advise the Council on policies relating to financing, budgeting, and
membership contributions.
The Membership Committee shall examine each membership application and report to the
Secretary General on the applicant's eligibility under these statutes for membership in the class
for which the applicant has applied.
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The Programme Committee shall plan and arrange the general meetings of the Society; arrange
lectures and organize discussion meetings under the auspices of the Society in various
institutions; and generally undertake activities that will promote the objectives of the Society
The Publications Committee shall establish basic policies for all publications and shall
recommend to the Council, the editors and the editorial advisory boards for various publications
of the Society. All editors will be permanent invitees to the deliberations of this committee The
editorial board of the Journal will have members representing major branches of renewable
Energy Research & Design e.g. in line with editorial advisory board of ISES Journal Solar
energy so as to have a fair balance in the reviewing, presentation of material, and quality of
Other functional and technical committees may be appointed by the Council, members of those
committees being selected from amongst the voting members of the Society.
XII. Auditor
The Council shall appoint a professional Auditor every year for checking the account books and
for certifying the accuracy of receipts and expenditure.
XIII. Meetings
Twenty members shall constitute a quorum for any General Meeting of the Society.
There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the Society after the elections, sometime in
December-January, at the headquarters or at a centre to be decided by the Council. Notice of
this Meeting shall ordinarily be given to members one month in advance. The Members present
shall themselves constitute the quorum for an adjourned meeting.
The President shall have the power to call an emergency General Meeting of the Members at a
place decided by the President. The President on a written request signed by 20 Members may
also summon such an emergency meeting. Notice of such emergency meetings shall be sent out
by post to all the Members at least one week in advance.
Meetings of the Council shall be held at any suitable place, as and when summoned by the
Secretary General by direction of the President or on a written request by three members of the
Council. Meetings shall be held at least twice a year, one during April-May and the other
during November-December. Notice of such meetings shall be sent at least two weeks in
Ordinary meetings of the Society for the formal presentation of papers as well as special
meetings for symposia and public lectures shall be held from time to time, as decided by the
Accidental omissions to issue the notice or its non-receipt by a Member shall not invalidate the
meetings or proceedings.
XIV. Chapters
It shall be the policy of the Society to encourage the formation of Local Chapters having
structure approved by the Governing Council. Such chapters shall be composed of not fewer
than 20 members of the Society and shall be self governing, subject only to such limitations as
may be necessitated by the Statutes and policies of the Society. The local chapters shall, as part
of their objectives, promote the aims and objectives of the Society and shall represent the
Society technically in their designated areas. Each local chapter shall keep the Society's
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headquarters informed of the interests, activities, and progress in its area. All local chapters
shall assist the Society's headquarters in obtaining increased participation in the Society's
Each local chapter, to be able to represent the Society officially, will have to seek an
authorization from the Council of the Society. No local chapter shall incur any expenses in the
name of the Society without prior permission in writing from the Council of the Society.
Local Chapters (and/or Solar Clubs) within a state can combine to form a State Chapter with
the permission of the Governing Council. Each State Chapter will have right to nominate one
member to Zonal Chapter. Similarly, several State Chapters can combine to form a Zonal
Chapter with the permission of the Governing Council. The Governing Council can suggest
zone composition (names of the states). Each Zonal Chapter will have right to nominate one
member to the Governing Council of SESI.
There will be five Regional Chapters of the Society North, East, West, South and Central,
with regional Vice Presidents being ex-officio members of their executive committees. These
Regional Chapters will promote existing chapters with their area, initiate new ones, and generally
help and promote their activities and local initiatives. If a City Chapter decides, they could also
request Regional Chapter to coordinate the activities of all chapters.
XV. Publications
The Council may issue such publications as may be deemed necessary. The Council shall
nominate from amongst the voting members of the Society, an editor or editors of publications,
who will be responsible to the Council for conduct of all the publications issued by the Society.
The editor or editors of publications shall, if not already a member of the Council, be invited to
all the Council meetings when matters relating the publications are discussed.
XVI. Privileges of members
Following categories of rights and privileges are available to members of the Society in good
standing as per provisions of Statute 55:
To be nominated for election to the Council
To vote and to nominate for elections to the Council
To attend all General Meetings and to vote at Annual General Meetings
To receive copies of the publications of the Society from time to time, either free of
charge or on such terms of payments as the Council may decide from time to time
To serve on Committees appointed by the Council
Membership including Fellows and Distinguished fellows shall cease by death, resignation, or
Any member who has not paid the subscription by 1st of July of the current year shall be
notified of this by a letter (sent under certificate of posting) addressed to his or her last known
address. If the dues remain unpaid till 15 November, he or she will cease to be a member of
the Society. The Council may, however, re-instate him or her if all the dues are paid by 31
December along with the re-admission fee of Rs.10/- (Vide Resolution No.15 of the meeting held
on 20 December 1980).
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If any member of the Society willfully disobeys the Statues or orders of the Society or Council,
or speaks, writes, or prints publicly to defame the Society, or maliciously or dishonestly do
anything to the damage or dishonour thereof, he or she shall be removed from the Membership.
Whenever there shall appear to be cause for the removal of any Member, the subject shall be
laid before the Council and, if the Council, after due deliberation, proposes to the Membership
that the Member be removed, the President shall at any General Meeting of the Society
announce the decision of the Council and seek the approval of the Meeting. If the decision
were approved at the General Meeting, the member shall cease to be a Member from that date.
XVIII. Standing orders of the Society
The Council may from time to time give standing orders for the regulation of the affairs of the
Society provided that such Standing Orders are not contrary to anything contained in the
Statutes of the Society. Such Standing Orders may be made, amended, or repeated at any
meeting of the Council.
XIX. Making, amending, and repealing of statutes
The Statutes may be added to, amended, or repealed if a Resolution to that effect is passed by
the Membership at a meeting specifically called for the purpose and the votes cast in favour of
the resolution are not less than two times the number of votes cast against it.
XX. Suits by and against the Society
All the suits by and against the Society shall be made in the name of the Secretary General in a
court of law in Delhi/New Delhi only.
XXI. Dissolution
If the dissolution is duly passed, the assets of the Society shall be liquidated by the Council and
surplus assets on realization, if any, shall be disposed of at the discretion of the Council to any
other Society with similar objects.
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