Version 2: May 13, 2003
Note. This utility is only available for Microsoft Office 2000 and specifically needs
c:\WINNT\system32\msxml.dll. Some applications have been known to overwrite this file with
another version possibly causing the utility not to work. Always ensure that you work with the
vanilla version of the msxml.dll.
This chapter discusses how to:
Create a template.
Blocking Factor
The value for the Action field is populated when the component interface is retrieved from the
database. The different actions are Create, Update, and UpdateData.
Note. If you are unable to connect to the server or the connection fails, you will be prompted for a
User ID and password again.
Your login information is needed for both creating the template and submitting it to the database.
You will be prompted for your User ID and Password when you attempt either of these functions
for the first time after opening the document. The information will be saved and reused as long
as you keep the Excel document open.
Note: The Web Library SOAPToCI and the component interface being used must be in the
permission list for the User ID entered at connection time on the ExcelToCI.xls spreadsheet. For
more information, see PeopleTools Security PeopleBook.
If you are having trouble setting up the connection, note the following:
During the login there is a prompt asking you if you want to create a debug log. If you specify
Yes, two log files are created. One that logs the ExcelToCI.xls and the other logs the SOAPTOCI
Web Library. The log for ExcelToCI.xls is created on the workstation running the Excel
spreadsheet in the temp directory, while the one for the Web Library is created on the application
server in <PS_HOME>\appserv\<DOMAIN>\files directory. Log files are written for each
<Blocking Factor> number of records. However, unless you are receiving error messages that
are not being returned to the Status column of the spreadsheet, PeopleSoft recommends that
you specify this to No, the default
Creating a Template
Select the Template tab in ExcelToCI.xls to create your template. Enter your User ID, password,
and the component interface name for which you want the template created. Select the Generate
Log checkbox to create a log file.
Template tab
Some values are required to trigger the creation of child or scroll level records.
Unlike Import Manager, you do not have to specify all required field values. As a result of the
PeopleCode triggered during the instantiation and execution of the PeopleSoft component,
many of the default fields are provided. You do not have to specify a value for every field in
the record.
When providing field level values for translate fields, provide the translate value (the one
stored in the database) not the short or long description. If you are unsure of the field values,
check in the record definition in Application Designer.
Clear Template
Note. You should unit test the template you created with a few sample entries, and then verify
your results before using the interface for mass input. If your results are expected, continue
entering data. If you forgot to select a property, you will need to build a new template
Defaulting Values
Some fields have default values associated with them, either in the record definition or at run time
when the record is created on the database (the input for these fields is usually either blank or
"NEXT"). To accept the database default, do not select the field and no value for this field will be
There may be some fields for which you want to create your own default. For example, if you
want the field "Status as of Effective Date" to be set to A, enter the default value in the template
for that field. Then, do not mark the cell for use on the input page. The field will not appear on
the Data Input page, but will be filled in on the Submit to Database page. This is useful for
Effective Dates, Status fields, Set Ids for simple imports, and so on.
After the setup is complete, there will be a row of labels indicating the values that can be used for
input. Once you have entered your data, you are ready to submit it to the database.
Importing Data
Select the Data Input tab in ExcelToCI.xls.
Tags and Data contains the tags and data for the component interface row or rows.
Sample Updatedata Request
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAPENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:SOAPENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
Getting a Response
Sample Response if Row Already Exists
This is one example of the error response. The messages vary depending on the type of error.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAPENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<MessageText>Row already exists with the specified keys.
{USER_PROFILE} (91,49)</MessageText>
<ExplainText>A rows already exists in the database with
the specified keys.</ExplainText>
Sample Get Request
The following XML code gets an SDK_BUS_EXP component interface row for an employee with
an employee ID of 8052.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SDK_BUS_EXP action="GET">