Rubric New
Rubric New
Rubric New
implementing assessment into their ECE program meeting the rubric criteria.
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Routinely provides Usually provides
provides useful Rarely provides
useful ideas when useful ideas when
ideas when useful ideas when
participating in the participating in the
participating in the participating in the
group and in group and in
group and in group and in
Contributions classroom classroom
classroom classroom
discussion. A discussion. A
discussion. A discussion. May
definite leader who strong group
satisfactory group refuse to
contributes a lot of member who tries
member who does participate.
effort. hard!
what is required.
Almost always
Often listens to,
listens to, shares Usually listens to, Rarely listens to,
shares with, and
with, and supports shares, with, and shares with, and
supports the efforts
Working with the efforts of supports the efforts supports the efforts
of others, but
Others others. Tries to of others. Does not of others. Often is
sometimes is not a
keep people cause \"waves\" in not a good team
good team
working well the group. player.
Information clearly
Information clearly Information clearly
relates to the main Information has
relates to the main relates to the main
Quality of topic. It includes little or nothing to
topic. It provides 1- topic. No details
Information several supporting do with the main
2 supporting details and/or examples
details and/or topic.
and/or examples. are given.
Almost no
No grammatical, A few grammatical Many grammatical,
Mechanics spelling or spelling, or spelling, or
spelling or
punctuation errors. punctuation errors. punctuation errors.
punctuation errors
Information is very
Information is Information is
organized with well- The information
organized with well- organized, but
Organization constructed appears to be
constructed paragraphs are not
paragraphs and disorganized.
paragraphs. well-constructed.
All 10 strategies All 10 strategies All 10 strategies Not all strategies
are thoroughly are explained with are explained with are given or
Amount of
explained with at at least 3 at least 1 explanations about
least 5 sentences sentences about sentences about strategies are
about each. each. each. missing.
Wiki Wiki is neat, Wiki is accurate Wiki is mostly Wiki is not accurate
accurate and
accurate and adds and adds to the OR does not add to
sometimes adds to
to the reader's reader's the reader's
the reader's
understanding of understanding of understanding of
understanding of
the topic. the topic. the topic.
the topic.