Fundamentals of Beam Bracing PDF
Fundamentals of Beam Bracing PDF
Fundamentals of Beam Bracing PDF
INTRODUCTION infinity when the buckling load is reached if the ideal brace
stiffness is used. Thus, a brace system will not be satisfac-
T he purpose of this paper is to provide a fairly compre-
hensive view of the subject of beam stability bracing.
Factors that affect bracing requirements will be discussed
tory if the theoretical ideal stiffness is provided because the
brace forces get too large. If the brace stiffness is overde-
signed, as represented by L = 2i and 3i curves in Figure
and design methods proposed which are illustrated by
2(b), then the brace forces will be more reasonable. For a
design examples. The design examples emphasize simplic-
brace stiffness twice the ideal value and a o = Lb/500, the
ity. Before going into specific topics related to beam brac-
brace force is only 0.8%Pe at P = Pe, not infinity as in the
ing, some important concepts developed for column bracing
ideal brace stiffness case. For a brace stiffness ten times the
by Winter (1960) will be presented because these concepts
ideal value, the brace force will reduce even further to 0.44
will be extended to beams later.
percent. At Pcr the brace force cannot be less than 0.4%P
For a perfectly straight column with a discrete midheight
corresponding to T = o (an infinitely stiff brace) for o =
brace stiffness L, the relationship between Pcr and L is
Lb/500. For design Fbr = 1%P is recommended based on a
shown in Figure 1 (Timoshenko and Gere, 1961). The col-
brace stiffness of twice the ideal value and an initial out-of-
umn buckles between brace points at full or ideal bracing;
straightness of Lb/500 because the Winter model gives
in this case the ideal brace stiffness i = 2Pe/ Lb where Pe =
slightly unconservative results for the midspan brace prob-
2EI/Lb2. Any brace with stiffness up to the ideal value will
lem (Plaut, 1993).
increase the column buckling load. Winter (1960) showed
Published bracing requirements for beams usually only
that effective braces require not only adequate stiffness but
consider the effect of brace stiffness because perfectly
also sufficient strength. The strength requirement is
straight beams are considered. Such solutions should not be
directly related to the magnitude of the initial out-of-
used directly in design. Similarly, design rules based on
straightness of the member to be braced.
strength considerations only, such as a 2 percent rule, can
The heavy solid line in Figure 2(a) shows the relationship
result in inadequate bracing systems. Both strength and
between T, the total displacement at midheight, and P for
stiffness of the brace system must be checked.
a column with a hinge assumed at the midheight brace point
(Winters model), an initial out-of-straightness o at mid-
height and a midheight brace stiffness equal to the ideal
value. For P = 0, T = o. When P increases and Beam bracing is a much more complicated topic than col-
approaches the buckling load, 2EI/Lb2, the total deflection umn bracing. This is due mainly to the fact that most col-
T becomes very large. For example, when the applied load umn buckling involves primarily bending whereas beam
is within five percent of the buckling load, T = 20o. If a buckling involves both flexure and torsion. An effective
brace stiffness twice the value of the ideal stiffness is used, beam brace resists twist of the cross section. In general,
much smaller deflections occur. When the load just reaches
the buckling load, T = 2o. For L = 3i and P = Pe, T
= 1.5o. The brace force, Fbr, is equal to (T - o )L and is
directly related to the magnitude of the initial imperfection.
If a member is fairly straight, the brace force will be small.
Conversely, members with large initial out-of-straightness
will require larger braces. If the brace stiffness is equal to
the ideal value, then the brace force gets very large as the
buckling load is approached because T gets very large as
shown in Figure 2(a). For example, at P = 0.95Pcr and o =
Lb/500, the brace force is 7.6 percent of Pe which is off the
scale of the graph. Theoretically the brace force will be
The uniform moment condition is the basic case for lateral
buckling of beams. If a lateral brace is placed at the
midspan of such a beam, the effect of different brace sizes
(stiffness) is illustrated by the finite element solutions for a
W1626 section 20-ft long in Figure 6. For a brace
attached to the top (compression) flange, the beam buckling
capacity initially increases almost linearly as the brace
stiffness increases. If the brace stiffness is less than
1.6 k/in., the beam buckles in a shape resembling a half sine
curve. Even though there is lateral movement at the brace
point, the load increase can be more than three times the
unbraced case. The ideal brace stiffness required to force
the beam to buckle between lateral supports is 1.6 k/in. in
Fig. 7. Midspan load at centroid. Fig. 8. Effect of brace and load position.
Fig. 14. Torsional brace at midspan. Fig. 16. Effect of cross-section distortion.
_Mo = buckling capacity of the unbraced beam, kip-in.
b = attached torsional brace stiffness (in.-k/rad per in.
Equation 5, which assumes no cross section distortion, is
shown by the dot-dash line in Figure 19. The solid lines are
finite element results for a W1626 section with no stiffen-
ers and spans of 10 ft, 20 ft, and 30 ft under uniform
moment with braces attached to the compression flange.
Cross-section distortion causes the poor correlation
between Equation 5 and the BASP results. Milner (1977)
showed that cross-section distortion could be handled by
Fig. 17. Effect of load position.
Fig. 18. Multiple torsional braces. Fig. 19. Approximate buckling formula.
sec = 3.3
E F ( N + 1.5h ) t 3
w t s b 3s I (8)
h GH 12 +
12 JK The portion of the web within hb can be considered infi-
nitely stiff. The unstiffened depths, hc and ht, are measured
where from the flange centroid. For rolled sections, if the
tw = thickness of web, in.
h = distance between flange centroids, in.
Fig. 22. Beam load from braces. Fig. 23. Effective web width.
Fig. 24. Partially stiffened webs.
Cbu and Cbb = two limiting Cb factors corresponding to an
c , s , t =
F I FG b N + 1.5h gt
3.3E h
t s bs3 I
Cross-section distortion reduces the system stiffness to
GH JK H 12
hi hi 12 16,900 in.-k/radian, which is less than the required value. If
this same cross frame was placed at the girder midheight,
where (17) the two 7-in. unstiffened web zones top and bottom would
hi = hc, hs or ht be stiff enough to satisfy the brace requirements. For a
N = bearing length (see Figure 23) fixed depth of cross frame, attachment at the mid-depth pro-
b = stiffness of attached brace (see Figs. 20 and 21); vides more effective brace stiffness than attachment close to
g = 24(ng - 1)2S2EIx/(L3ng) (18) either flange.
where ng is the number of interconnected girders
Two general structural systems are available for bracing
The torsional brace requirements, Equations 14 and 15, beams, lateral systems and torsional systems. Torsional
must be adjusted for the different design specifications as bracing is less sensitive than lateral bracing to conditions
= 2