Writing and Assessing Course-Level Student Learning Outcomes
Writing and Assessing Course-Level Student Learning Outcomes
Writing and Assessing Course-Level Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes
Although the term Expected Learning Outcome may be new, the process of
identifying the key concepts or skills that students are expected to learn during
specific courses is not. Many people are more familiar with the terms course
objective or course competency. Expected learning outcomes are really very
similar to both of these concepts, so if you already have course objectives or
competencies, you are close to having expected leaning outcomes for your class.
This handbook will provide information on exactly what expected learning outcomes
are and what methods can be used to assess them.
This handbook is designed to assist faculty with the process of developing expected
learning outcomes and methods for assessing those outcomes in their courses. This
handbook begins by providing basic information related to (1) course purpose; (2)
expected learning outcomes; (3) methods for assessing expected learning outcomes;
(4) criteria for grade determination; and (5) a course outline. The second section of
the handbook provides a work area to aid in the development of these elements.
After reading and completing this handbook, individuals will be able to:
Create an assessment plan that outlines the specific methods that will be
used to assess the expected student learning outcomes for a course;
This publication uses some terminology related to expected learning outcomes and
assessment. A brief glossary of terms has been provided below for reference purposes.
Assessment plan the proposed methods and timeline for assessment-related activities in
a given course (e.g., when are you going to check what/how well the students are learning
and how are you going to do that?).
Classroom Assessment Technique (CAT) Angelo and Cross (1993) developed a variety
of techniques/activities than can be used to assess students learning. These CATs are
often done anonymously and are not graded. These activities check on the class learning
while students are still engaged in the learning process. An example of a CAT is a non-
graded quiz given a few weeks before the first exam.
Course description a formal description of the material to be covered in the course. This
description is usually taken or adapted from the course description found in the universitys
course catalog.
Course purpose the course purpose describes the intent of the course and how it
contributes to the major. The course purpose goes beyond the course description.
Criteria for grade determination indicates how the methods of assessment will be used
to determine the final grade for the course (may include percent or weight associated with
specific assignments test = 20%, project = 30%, etc. and categories for scores into grades
A = 90-100, B = 80-89, etc.). Obviously, other approaches to determining final grades are
possible but a statement of how the grade is determined should be included.
Expected learning outcome - a formal statement of what students are expected to learn in
a course (synonyms for expected learning outcome include learning outcome, learning
outcome statement, and student learning outcome).
Evaluation making a judgment about the quality of students learning/work and assigning a
grade based on that judgment. Evaluation activities (such as exams, papers, etc.) are often
seen as formal ways to assess the expected learning outcomes for a course.
Methods for assessing student learning outcomes this term refers to any technique or
activity that is used to investigate what students are learning or how well they are learning.
Formal methods for evaluating student learning outcomes include graded quizzes, exams,
papers, homework assignments, etc. Informal methods for assessing student learning
outcomes include Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) such as class discussion,
non-graded quizzes, etc. Both formal and informal assessment methods are used to
investigate how the well students have acquired the learning outcomes for the course.
One of the first steps in identifying the expected learning outcomes for a course is
identifying the purpose of teaching in the course. By clarifying the purpose of the
course, faculty can help discover the main topics or themes related to students
learning. These themes help to outline the expected learning outcomes for the
This section of a syllabus is distinct from the Course Description section that many
faculty members already use. While the Course Description provides general
information regarding the topics and content addressed in the course, the Course
Purpose goes beyond that to describe how this course fits in to the students
educational experience in the major.
1. What faculty members want students to know at the end of the course AND
2. What faculty members want students to be able to do at the end of the course.
3. They specify an action that is done by the students/learners (rather than the
faculty members)
When stating expected learning outcomes, it is important to use verbs that describe
exactly what the learner(s) will be able to do upon completion of the course.
Compile, identify, create, plan, revise, analyze, design, select, utilize, apply,
demonstrate, prepare, use, compute, discuss, explain, predict, assess,
compare, rate, critique, outline, or evaluate
There are some verbs that are unclear in the context of an expected learning
outcome statement (e.g., know, be aware of, appreciate, learn, understand,
comprehend, become familiar with). These words are often vague, have multiple
interpretations, or are simply difficult to observe or measure (American Association of
Law Libraries, 2005). As such, it is best to avoid using these terms when creating
expected learning outcome statements.
Both of these learning outcomes are stated in a manner that will make them difficult
to assess. Consider the following:
These expected learning outcomes are more effectively stated the following
The students will be able to identify and describe the major theories of
human development.
The students will be able to identify the characteristics of music from other
Incorporating Critical Thinking Skills
Into Expected Learning Outcomes Statements
Many faculty members choose to incorporate words that reflect critical or higher-
order thinking into their learning outcome statements. Bloom (1956) developed a
taxonomy outlining the different types of thinking skills people use in the learning
process. Bloom argued that people use different levels of thinking skills to process
different types of information and situations. Some of these are basic cognitive skills
(such as memorization) while others are complex skills (such as creating new ways
to apply information). These skills are often referred to as critical thinking skills or
higher-order thinking skills.
Bloom proposed the following taxonomy of thinking skills. All levels of Blooms
taxonomy of thinking skills can be incorporated into expected learning outcome
statements. Recently, Anderson and Krathwohl (2001) adapted Bloom's model to
include language that is oriented towards the language used in expected learning
outcome statements. A summary of Anderson and Krathwohls revised version of
Blooms taxonomy of critical thinking is provided below.
4. Analyze the ability to break information down into its component parts.
Analysis also refers to the process of examining information in order to make
conclusions regarding cause and effect, interpreting motives, making
inferences, or finding evidence to support statements/arguments.
6. Create the ability to creatively or uniquely apply prior knowledge and/or skills
to produce new and original thoughts, ideas, processes, etc. At this level,
students are involved in creating their own thoughts and ideas.
List of Action Words Related to Critical Thinking Skills
Here is a list of action words that can be used when creating the expected student
learning outcomes related to critical thinking skills in a course. These terms are
organized according to the different levels of higher-order thinking skills contained in
Anderson and Krathwohls (2001) revised version of Blooms taxonomy.
Focus on knowledge and skills that are central to the course topic and/or
Focus on the learning that results from the course rather than describing
activities or lessons in the course.
The following pages depict some sample expected learning outcome statements from
selected courses.
Introduction to Business
General Psychology
Identify and define basic terms and concepts which are needed for advanced
courses in psychology
Outline the scientific method as it is used by psychologists
Apply the principles of psychology to practical problems
Compare and contrast the multiple determinants of behavior (environmental,
biological, and genetic)
Analyze current research findings in the areas of physiological psychology,
perception, learning, abnormal, and social psychology
Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy physical, mental, and emotional
General Nutrition
What is assessment?
In other words, assessment is the process of investigating (1) what students are
learning and (2) how well they are learning it in relation to the stated expected
learning outcomes for the course. This process also involves providing feedback to
the students about their learning and providing new learning opportunities/strategies
to increase student learning.
For example, Dr. Doe initiates a class discussion on material from Chapter One and
determines that most students are confused about Topic X. This class discussion
served as a method for assessing student learning and helped determine the fact
that student learning related to Topic X is somewhat lacking. Dr. Doe now has the
opportunity to (1) inform the students that there is some confusion and (2) make
adjustments to address this confusion (e.g., ask student to re-read Chapter One, re-
lecture over Topic X, etc.). This assessment process helps increase students
What is involved in the assessment process?
a) provide feedback to students about their learning (or lack thereof) AND
The Muddiest Point Exercise is a Classroom Assessment Technique (CAT) and is an example of
a method that can be used to assess learning outcomes. At the end of a class period or major topic,
faculty ask students to anonymously write down what point(s) were the most unclear or muddy to
them. After class, faculty members review these responses and then re-teach or re-address any
confusing topics, thus increasing student learning (Angelo & Cross, 1993).
Assessment Resources
Angelo, T.A. & Cross, K.P. (1993). Classroom assessment techniques: A handbook
for college teachers (2nd Ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Meyers, C. & Jones, T.B. (1993). Promoting active learning: Strategies for the
college classroom. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Suskie, L. (2004). Assessing student learning: A common sense guide. Bolton, MA:
Anker Publishing.
Muddiest Point exercises are active learning techniques typically conducted at the
end of a topic, chapter or class period. In a Muddiest Point exercise, students are
anonymously asked to report what idea, topic, etc. about the previous lesson was
confusing or unclear. Faculty members collect all Muddiest Point responses and
later read and analyze them to see what areas of the lesson or assignments students
are unclear about.
In this activity, at the end of a lesson/class period/chapter, faculty members ask their
students to write down:
These papers allow faculty to assess general learning. These papers are not graded
and often done anonymously. They also allow faculty to judge whether the students
are focusing on the appropriate major points, or if they are getting caught up in the
little details.
Non-Graded Quizzes
Non-graded quizzes can provide great feedback on student learning. These are non-
threatening and non-punitive, so students tend to like them. Non-graded quizzes can
be given in a variety of formats (paper & pencil, questions in a PowerPoint
presentation, etc.). Be sure to provide students with the correct answers to the quiz
items, so they can learn from their mistakes!
Student-Generated Exam Questions
In this assessment activity, students (either alone, in pairs, or in groups) are asked to
generate potential exam questions. This helps you assess student learning as well
as their expectations for an upcoming exam.
Be sure to discuss the answers to each question with the class. Also discuss with
the class which questions are too easy or too hard and which questions are
reasonable and similar to those that they will actually see on the upcoming exam.
Application Cards
This activity assists faculty in determining if students can apply the knowledge from
the course, which is often tricky. After students have heard or read about an
important concept, theory, or procedure, pass out note cards to each student or to
small groups of students. Ask them to record two or three different ways to apply the
new information to a real-world situation.
Reaction Papers
Reaction papers require students to write down their reactions (thoughts, feelings,
attitudes, etc.) to course material or topics. Although reaction papers can be formal
graded assignments, they can also be used solely for the purposes of assessing
student learning. In this case, faculty members ask their students to take a few
minutes of class time and write down their reaction to a fact, opinion, skill, procedure,
attitude, critique, etc. that was addressed in the course. By reviewing student
responses, faculty can gain knowledge regarding their students understanding of
these concepts. It can also give faculty insight into students attitudes and ways of
thinking about class material, which can often be a challenge to assess.
Polling the Class
If you dont have either the access or the desire to use this technology, you have
other options!
Have students vote on an answer with a thumbs up or thumbs down
Pass out cards with A, B, C, or D printed on them and have students use the
cards to vote on answers
While you cant project graphs of how students respond to your questions using
these methods, you can still get a good idea of how well the class understands the
Active learning techniques get the students engaged in the learning process. In
these activities, faculty members ask students to think, discuss, share their ideas,
etc. The way that students participate in these active learning techniques can
provide assessment feedback on how well the students truly understand a topic.
Here are some common Active Learning Techniques that can be used to assess
student learning:
Active Learning Techniques Continued
This is one way to directly assess how well students feel that they have mastered the
expected learning outcomes for the course. In this method, faculty members have
students complete a brief survey at the end of the class that asks students to rate
how well they have learned each outcome. The simplest way to do this is to list each
stated expected learning outcome and have students indicate on a scale how well
they feel they have mastered each outcome.
For example (using the course from the sample syllabus) students would be asked:
Criteria for grade determination is a common element of many course syllabi. This
section is often referred to as Grading Information, Grading Policy, Course
Assignments/Grades, etc. This section of a syllabus describes how faculty members
will calculate or determine whether or not a student will receive an A, B, C, D, or F on
an assignment or in the course.
Suggested topics to include in the criteria for grade determination section include:
The point values and/or percent of the final grade in the course related to each
of these assignments/projects/activities
Note: This list is only a suggested list of things to consider including as criteria for
how grades are determined. This list is not meant to be exhaustive or to serve as a
list of mandatory inclusions. It is meant only to provide examples and potential areas
that may be included in a syllabus.
When planning a course and determining the Learning Outcomes for that course, it is
important to examine the courses purpose within the context of the university, the
college, and/or the department/program. This process will assist faculty in
determining the intent of the course as well as how the course fits into the curriculum.
This will help identify the essential knowledge, skills, etc. that should be incorporated
into the course and the stated expected learning outcomes for the course.
The course purpose section should clarify the courses standing within the major
(e.g., is the course required or an elective?, does this class have a pre-requisite?,
etc.). It should also describe the courses role in the departmental/programmatic
curriculum by addressing the intent (importance, main contribution, intrinsic value,
etc.) of the class.
STEP ONE A: Determine if the course is part of the Texas Tech Core
Texas Tech University has established a list of Core Curriculum courses in order to
provide all students with the opportunity to gain a general knowledge base. The core
curriculum covers classes in the natural and applied sciences, social sciences,
humanities, visual and performing arts, and the tools of language and thought. If a
course is part of the Core Curriculum, it plays a role in the general education of
Texas Tech students.
The Stated Outcomes/Objectives for this Area of the Core Curriculum (if
STEP ONE B: Determine how the course fits into the departmental or
programmatic curriculum
Here are some questions to ask to help determine how a course fits in the
departmental/programmatic curriculum:
Is this course required for some students and an elective for others?
Can I expect the students taking this course to know anything about the
course topic?
Are other faculty members counting on students who have taken this course to
have mastered certain knowledge or skills?
When students leave this course, what do they need to know or be able to do?
Is there specific knowledge that the students will need to know in the future?
Are there certain practical or professional skills that students will need to apply
in the future?
Five years from now, what do you hope students will remember from this
What is it about this course that makes it unique or special?
What is the value of taking this course? How exactly does it enrich the
program or department?
Notice that the course purpose is different from the course description that many
faculty members commonly include in their syllabi. Information related to the course
description is usually found in the Texas Tech University 2005-06 Undergraduate &
Graduate Catalog (http://www.depts.ttu.edu/officialpublications/catalog/GenInfo.pdf ).
The course description outlines the actual content of the course (topics, facts, skills,
etc. that will be addressed). The course purpose explains the intent of the course
and how it contributes to the major.
STEP TWO: State the PURPOSE of the Course
Answers to the questions from the previous pages should help determine the
purpose of this course. In the space provided write a paragraph that explains why
the course is important and/or taught and how it fits into the major.
What are the most essential things the students need to know or be able to do
at the end of this course?
What knowledge and skills will they bring with them?
What knowledge and skills should they learn from the course?
When you begin thinking about the expected learning outcomes for a course, it is a
good idea to think broadly. Course-level expected learning outcomes do not need to
focus on small details; rather, they address entire classes of theories, skill sets,
topics, etc.
In the space provided, list the major elements that you want your students TO KNOW
(facts, theories, concepts, models, etc.) at the end of the course.
In the following space, list the major things you want your students TO BE ABLE TO
DO (skills, abilities, procedures, etc.) after taking the course.
Checkpoint! Please make sure your outcomes do not refer simply to the course content (the facts the
students will know). Be sure to include learning outcomes that describe what the student can do and
who they are. Brainstorm as many outcomes as you like in this section. Later on, you will have the
opportunity to narrow down and prioritize these outcomes.
STEP TWO: List the Expected Learning Outcomes
Rewrite the expected learning outcomes you listed under Steps 1A and 1B. In this
section, be sure that these learning outcomes follow the guidelines discussed in the
first section of this workbook.
Checkpoint! Are all of your expected learning outcomes (1) observable; (2) measurable; and (3)
phrased so they state what the learners will do? If a learning outcome is content-centered, can it be
re-phrased to focus on the students skills/development/attitudes as well?
STEP THREE: Prioritize the Expected Learning Outcomes
For this section, please refer to the list of expected student learning outcomes you
provided on page 26. Put a number next to each of the learning outcomes to show
the value you place on each specific outcome. For example, place a 1 next to the
outcome you believe to be the most important, a 2 next to the second most
important learning outcome, etc.
Assessment tells faculty members if their students have actually learned what the
faculty planned for them to learn. Assessment goes beyond simply evaluating each
students work and assigning grades. While it is true that some assessment
techniques may result in the assignment of a grade, many of the assessment
exercises faculty engage in are done simply to explore students learning.
STEP ONE: In the column on the left, please list all Traditional Evaluation Methods
(e.g., exams, paper, etc.) you plan to use in the course. Next, in the column to the
right, list the Related Expected Learning Outcome(s) that each Traditional
Evaluation Method will help assess.
_____________________________ ___________________________________
_____________________________ ___________________________________
_____________________________ ___________________________________
_____________________________ ___________________________________
_____________________________ ___________________________________
_____________________________ ___________________________________
_____________________________ ___________________________________
_____________________________ ___________________________________
_____________________________ ___________________________________
_____________________________ ___________________________________
_____________________________ ___________________________________
_____________________________ ___________________________________
STEP TWO: In the column on the left, please briefly list each Expected Learning
Outcome for the course. In the column to the right, list the different Assessment
Methods you plan to use to assess this expected learning outcome (e.g., classroom
discussion, muddiest point exercises, etc.).
___________________________________ ____________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________
You should now have a list of all traditional evaluation methods and all additional
assessment methods that will be used to assess each expected learning outcome in
the course. It is important to use BOTH traditional evaluation methods and
assessment methods to assess each expected learning outcome.
Now that you have selected the methods you will use to assess the expected
learning outcomes in the course, you are ready to incorporate those methods into an
assessment plan for the course.
Note: The list of traditional Evaluation Methods and Assessment Methods you
just created should be included in the syllabus as Methods for Assessing the
Expected Learning Outcomes.
STEP THREE: Creating an Assessment Plan
Now that you have determined what methods you will use to assess the expected
learning outcomes in the course, you will want to establish a plan that outlines when
and how you will engage in these assessment activities.
Please use the worksheet on the following page to help you design a plan to assess
student learning in your course.
Expected Learning Outcome (please use a separate form for each course-level learning outcome)
How will this expected When will this expected If these assessments show
learning outcome be learning outcome be deficiencies in students
assessed? What methods assessed? (Please list the mastery of this expected
will you use to measure prospective dates for each of learning outcome, what are
students the assessment techniques your plans for improving
mastery of this outcome? listed in the first column) student learning related to
this outcome?
SAMPLE Plan for Assessing Expected Learning Outcomes
Expected Learning Outcome (please use a separate form for each course-level learning outcome)
Expected Learning Outcome # 1 Upon completion of this course, students will be able to
describe developmentally appropriate guidance practices.
How will this expected When will this expected If these assessments show
learning outcome be learning outcome be deficiencies in students
assessed? What methods assessed? (Please list the mastery of this expected
will you use to measure prospective dates for each of learning outcome, what are
students the assessment techniques your plans for improving
mastery of this outcome? listed in the first column) student learning related to this
Non-Graded Quizzes At the end of every Grade quiz with the class,
chapter/unit being sure to provide the
correct answers. Clarify
any confusing areas; re-
teach as necessary.
Here are some areas to help brainstorm the Criteria for Grade Determination
section of a course syllabus:
The following section helps organize these assignments for the course:
Other common areas addressed under Criteria for Grade Determination include:
A description of how final grades (As, Bs, Cs, Ds, and Fs) are determined and
Note: This list is only a suggested list of things to consider including as criteria for
how grades are determined. This list is not meant to be exhaustive or to serve as a
list of mandatory inclusions. It is meant only to provide examples and potential
areas that may be included in a syllabus.
A schedule that includes the tentative dates for course topics (this can be
daily, weekly, or by topic)
This section is not a list of required elements of a course outline this list is merely
meant to provide ideas of things to include in a course outline.
Writing the Expected Learning Outcomes for the course (these statements
are on page 26);
Developing an assessment plan that outlines the methods used to assess the
expected learning outcomes for a course (the methods for assessing each
expected learning outcome for the course are listed on pages 28 and 29, the
assessment plan is outlined using the Plan for Assessing Expected Learning
Outcomes Worksheet found on page 31); and
Outlining the Description of How Grades are Determined (see page 33); and
Now that these are prepared, all that is left is to insert them into the course syllabus!
Child and Adolescent Guidance
Child Development (CD) 4000 - Section 001
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 10:00 a.m. 10:50 a.m.
Course Description
Course Purpose
This course is a required course for all Child Development majors with a focus in
Early Child Education. It is also an elective class for all Child or Adolescent
Development majors. This course introduces students to concepts and techniques
for working with and guiding both children and adolescents. Course materials relate
to several theories of human development and how those theories contribute to or
influence the development of guidance techniques/strategies. Thus, this course
relates to material from several other courses in the department (e.g., Child
Development, Adolescent Development, and Theories of Development). One goal
of the course is to help students to learn to apply the information from the class to
real-life situations.
Expected Learning Outcomes (Option A)
The expected learning outcomes for the course will be assessed through:
Expected Learning Outcomes & Methods for Assessing those Outcomes
(Option B)
Methods for Assessing this Expected Learning Outcome: Exams 1-3, In-
class Application Activities, Muddiest Point Classroom Assessment
Techniques (CATs), and Non-Graded Quiz (CATs)
Methods for Assessing this Expected Learning Outcome: Exams 1-3, In-
Class Application Activities, Active Learning Activities, Polling the Class
CATs, and Muddiest Point CATs
Course Assignments/Description of How Grades are Determined
There will be three exams; each exam is worth 200 points. Each exam will include a
variety of questions (e.g., multiple choice questions, matching, short-answer). Exam
Three is cumulative. Exam dates are listed in the Course Schedule.
Application Activities
Throughout the course of the semester, there will be 10 group and/or individual
activities; each is worth 20 points. For example, application activities may include
brief reaction papers, small group discussions, etc. These activities will supplement
the material from course readings and lectures as well as assist students in applying
their knowledge of developmental issues to real life guidance situations.
Research Paper
Students will be required to write a research paper related to Child and/or
Adolescent Guidance. This paper is to be 15 20 pages in length, should use APA
citation style, and must incorporate at least 10 scholarly sources. More information
will be handed out and discussed at a later date.
Grading Scale
A = 900-1000 points (90% - 100%)
B = 800-899 points (80% - 89%)
C = 700-799 points (70% - 79%)
D = 600-699 points (60% - 69%)
F = 0-599 points (0 - 59%)
Grade Appeals
Students initiating grade appeals should follow the official Grade Appeal Procedures
outlined by the college. Please see the course website for a link to this policy.
Tentative Course Outline
* Application Activities will occur throughout the semester. There are no set dates for these
activities. Announcements regarding all Application Activities will be made in class.
Other Commonly Included Sections of a Course Syllabus:
APPENDIX B: Plan for Assessing Expected Learning Outcomes Worksheet
Expected Learning Outcome (please use a separate form for each course-level learning outcome)
How will this Learning When will this Learning If these assessments show
Outcome be assessed? Outcome be assessed? deficiencies in students
What methods will you use (Please list the prospective mastery of this learning
to measure students dates for each of the outcome, what are your plans
mastery of this outcome? assessment techniques listed for improving student learning
in the first column) related to this outcome?