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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Research 1

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Methods of Qualitative Research

I. Objectives
After the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Understand the methods in creating a simple qualitative research;
b. Enumerate the methods that is important in creating a qualitative research and;
c. Appreciate the value of doing qualitative research in a local setting.

II. Subject matters

Topic: Methods of Qualitative Research
Materials: Cartolina, Colored paper

III. Procedure
Teachers Activity Students Activity

A. Motivation

- The teacher will post a set of

questions on the board. The
students shall be grouped by pairs ( Student predicted response)
and will be tasked to answer it.
The questions are: - Basketball
1. What is your favorite sports? - Because it promotes rigorous body
2. Why is it your favorite sport? movement that may promote good
3. Who is you favorite player? health
4. How did you appreciate the said - LeBron James
sport and who influenced you? - When I was just in elementary, my
father used to watch NBA game in
Have the students. TV. He was once also a basketball

B. Presentation

Ask the students about the relevance of

the activity. Then present to them the
next lesson to be discussed: Methods of
Qualitative Research.
C. Discussion

The lesson is all about the methods in

creating qualitative research.

In the activity, you may have noticed that

youre asking and answering questions is
pretty much like a short interview.

Ask the students if what have you Maam I understand in our activity
understand in our activity. we gathered information in such
different question.

Ok thats good.

So in that activity one of the methods in

qualitative research is gathered data or

I have here a word Qualitative Research.

What comes in your mind when you here

that word. Maam Qualitative Research is a
one way of getting the specific
information or opinions.

Very Good.

Qualitative Research is a general term

used to describe a way of knowing in
which a researcher gathers, organizes
and interprets information obtained from
humans in natural and social settings.

They have four Methods in Qualitative


First is Participant Observation

-discusses how to enter the context, the
role of the researcher as a participant, the
collection and storage of field notes, and
the analysis of field data.
Second Direct Observation
-suggests a more focused than
participant observation. The researcher is
observing certain sampled situations or
people rather than trying to become
immersed in the entire context.

Third Unstructured interviewing

-involves direct interaction between the
researcher and a respondent or group.

Fourth Case Studies

-is an intensive study of a specific
individual or specific context.

So these are the four methods in

qualitative research. Maam The four methods in
qualitative research are first
What are the four methods in qualitative participant observation second
research? direct observation third
unstructured interviewing and
fourth case studies.

Very Good.
Maam The difference between the
What is the difference between two in participant observation it
participant and direct observation? requires that the researcher
become a participant in the culture
or context being observed. While
in a direct observation suggest a
more detached perspective, the
researcher is watching rather than
taking part.

Ok. Very Good.

You really know the difference of methods

in a qualitative research.

So lets have an activity.

D. Generalization
Our activity called get all you want
I have here an envelope with Maam I got three different color.
different colored paper. I want you They are orange, blue, and pink.
to pick a colored paper and after
that you pick, you raised your hand
what colored have you pick. If you
pick four pieces or above different
colors. All you have to do is said
four important details have you
learned in our topic. Each color
has corresponded word that you
may come up your answer based
on what have you understand in a
particular methods. Maam In a color orange which is
qualitative research I learn that on
Orange Qualitative Research how we gathered information in
Green- Participant Observation different forms, second color blue a
Yellow Direct Observation case studies we all know that
Pink- Unstructured Interviewing doing case study has a specific
Blue- Case studies context so we use to combine a
method of unstructured and direct
Since you got three colored paper observation lastly color pink it has
you need to give each answer in useful in exploring a topic broadly.
particular colors.

That great.

E. Application
I want you to group into four A, B,
C, D each group should select a
method that can use in research
and present a sample problem in a

Group A Participant Observation

Group B- Direct Observation
Group C- Unstructured
Group D- Case studies

Since you present all in the class. I

will give you 5 minutes to come up
your answer.
IV. Evaluation
In you group A, B, C, D should list down. What are the importance of the following
methods in making a research? (10 points)

Answer the question: How important is it to create a qualitative research by your

own understanding of its methods? (10 points)

V. Assignment
Research the different methods of quantitative research and site examples of
these type of research.

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