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Founded 1928 ‫ ׀‬Recognized by the Government

Candelaria, Quezon 4323


At the end of the period, students are expected to;
1. Define technical terms about sampling and observation;
2. Differentiate the sampling methods;
3. Pick out an appropriate sampling method for your chosen research topic;
4. Compare and contrast observation types and methods;
5. Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of observation;
6. Describe the importance of observation in research.


Topic: Lesson 11 and 12: Sampling and Observation
References: Practical Research 1, pp. 97-112, Esther L. Baraceros, PhD
Instructional Materials: Reference book, powerpoint presentation, downloaded
pictures and videos
Values Integrated: Rationality and critical thinking



A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings
Good Morning/Afternoon, class!
I’m Sir Jomarc Cedrick T.
Gonzales. I will be your subject
teacher in your Research in
Daily Life (RIDL).
✓ Good morning sir!
I hope everyone is doing good
and has a safe place to connect.
Let’s wait for the others to join
our online class.
✓ (Students are joining in the Virtual
2. Prayer
Before we begin the lesson this
morning/afternoon, let us ask
the guidance of Almighty God
and enlighten our minds to
understand our study this
morning/afternoon thoroughly.
We’ll be praying a catholic
prayer. If you have other beliefs,
I respect and honor you. You
can pray to your own source.
✓ (The students will listen to the prayer.)
LINK: https://drive.google.com
Founded 1928 ‫ ׀‬Recognized by the Government
Candelaria, Quezon 4323

3. Checking of Attendance
(Before and after the discussion,
the teacher will do a screenshot
of the student's attendance.)

4. Online Class Rules

a. Have a convenient and
comfortable place.
b. Dedicate your full attention
to the discussion.
c. Place your learning
materials beside you.
d. Respond virtually.
e. Relax, engage and find
enjoyment in today's lesson.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Activity
a. Review
How’s your examination last
✓ Sir! I find it easy/difficult.
What part of exam is
easy/difficult for you?
✓ Sir! In Essay/identification part.
Do you think you got a passing
✓ Yes, Sir!
Very good! I'm happy to know
that all of you take the exam.

b. Motivation
Now, before we start our
discussion, I will present a
situation that is needed to be
solve. I want all of you to observe
and take notes to answer my

Here’s our first activity, called

“Stolen Cookies”.
Founded 1928 ‫ ׀‬Recognized by the Government
Candelaria, Quezon 4323

One day, John, a father of four

children, went for a walk for the
evening. But he wasn't out to get
some fresh air. He was planning
to snack on some peanut butter

He couldn't do it at home since his

wife has a really bad peanut
allergy, and his kids were
grounded and not supposed to eat
sweets for a week.

However, when John opened the

bag, it was empty! The cookies
were gone.

First question. Who do you think

ate the cookies?
✓ Sir! One of the four children of John.
Okay, that’s right! Let’s continue.

When John got home, he invited

all the kids to the living room and
asked who'd eaten the cookies.
Christopher, the youngest, said
that he had been playing with his
toy train. Robert answered that he
had been helping his Mom to bake
a pie in the kitchen. Lisa
mentioned that she was in the
kitchen as well. She was helping
her Mom to make a peanut butter
fudge. The oldest child, David,
said that he had been upstairs
doing his homework.

Next question. Who is the one

among the four children ate the
cookies? Figure it out in only 10
✓ Sir! Lisa ate the cookies.
Why do you say so?
Founded 1928 ‫ ׀‬Recognized by the Government
Candelaria, Quezon 4323

✓ Sir! Since John's wife is extremely

allergic to peanuts. It's highly unlikely
that she'll be making a peanut butter
fudge with her daughter.

Okay! That's right, based on the

information we have, Lisa ate the

2. Analysis

After observing and taking notes,

describe the importance of having
an observation in one sentence.
✓ Sir! The importance of having an
observation is, it fosters an in-depth
and rich understanding of a
phenomenon, situation, and/or setting
and the behavior of the participants in
that setting.
That’s right! We can have depth
and reach understanding through

How about the others?

✓ Observing is the most important,
especially when we’re doing research,
because it provides the most accurate
information about people, their tasks,
and their needs.
That is right! It has a big help for
those who are doing research.
Because, observations can be
made in just about any situation.
We can see and hear things all the
time, and it’s all data that can be
turned into evidence. So, now you
know the importance of having an

All of you may have an idea about

our topic for today. We'll be
discussing sampling and

But before that, here are our

learning objectives.
Founded 1928 ‫ ׀‬Recognized by the Government
Candelaria, Quezon 4323

(The teacher will call a student to

read the learning objectives.)
✓ (The student will read the learning
Thank you. Those are our
learning objectives for this day.

3. Abstraction
(The topic and sub-topic will be
presented in a graphic organizer.)

Again, we'll be discussing

sampling and observation.

Let us first understand the

difference between these two
terms: Population and Sample.

I know that all of you already

talked this in your Statistics and
Probability. So, this means all of
you have a prior knowledge about
population and sample.

Okay, please define the word

“sample” (student’s name).

✓ Sample is a small group selected from

a population to represent the entire

That’s right! Sample is drawn from

the population. Because it is
almost impossible to collect data
from every person in that group.
Instead, you select a sample. And
that sample is a group of
individuals who will actually
participate in the research and will
represent the entire population.

How about population, (student’s

name)? Define the word
✓ Sir! Based on what I’ve understand
from what you’ve said, population is a
group from which the sample is
Founded 1928 ‫ ׀‬Recognized by the Government
Candelaria, Quezon 4323

drawn. The exact population will

depend upon the scope of the study.
Correct! Let’s understand with
some real-life examples. “Millions
around the world are infected
because of this of COVID -19. And
many companies are doing
clinical trials. So they select a
small portion of people from
different backgrounds probably
age and gender who are infected
with COVID 19 as a sample and
then they will perform a study on
these. These samples would
represent millions of people who
are infected worldwide. Because it
is not possible to conduct the test
on Millions of individuals at one

So, that is the difference between

the population and sample.

Now, let’s move on to understand

what sampling is.

As I’ve said earlier, based on your

prior knowledge define the word
“sampling” (student’s name).
✓ Sir! It is the method or the process of
selecting respondents or people to
answer questions meant to yield data
for a research study.
That’s right! Sampling is the way
to make a research study easier to
obtain high-quality information
and to draw a valid conclusion
from your result. Always
remember, you have to carefully
decide how will you select a
sample, that is representative of a
group as a whole.

So, broadly speaking there are

two different categories of

Do you have any idea of what are

those categories?
✓ Sir! One is probability sampling and
the next is non-probability sampling.
That’s right! Probability Sampling
and Non-Probability Sampling.
Founded 1928 ‫ ׀‬Recognized by the Government
Candelaria, Quezon 4323

Okay, define the word “probability

✓ Sir! probability sampling is based on
the fact that every member of the
population has a known and equal
chance of being selected.
Correct! So, this method is based
on the theory of probability. For
example, when you flip a coin,
there is a 50/50 chance of getting
a head or tail. And if you flip a coin
once more, again the chance of
getting the head or tail is 50/50.
Even if you flip a coin a hundred
times, the next time you flip a coin
the chance of getting the head or
tail will still 50/50. And in that
case, you still want to investigate
the coin and why it is coming up
head or tail every time. The
bottom line of the random
selection process here is that
equal probability and the
independence of events.

That is probability sampling.

Moving on, when we talked about
“Non-Probability sampling”. Do
you have any idea, (student’s
name) about it?
✓ Sir! It’s the sampling process that
disregards the random selection of
That’s right! Non-Probability
Sampling is allowing you to select
a sample based on your

Now, you know the categories of

sampling. So, this time we are
going to talk about “Types of
Probability Sampling and Non-
Probability Sampling.

There are four (4) types of

probability sampling.

Do you have any idea (student’s

name) of what are those 4 types
of probability sampling?
✓ Sir! Simple Random Sampling,
Systematic Sampling, Stratified
Sampling, and Cluster Sampling.
Correct! Those are the 4 types of
probability sampling!
Founded 1928 ‫ ׀‬Recognized by the Government
Candelaria, Quezon 4323

Okay, define simple random

sampling, (student’s name).
✓ Every individual has an equal and fair
chance for selecting from the sample.
There are many ways we can do
to get data using simple random
sampling. It could be Fishbowl,
Roulette, or Lottery-based. Listing
all the names of the population
then choosing names through
pure-chance selection.

Next, define systematic sampling

(student’s name).
✓ Sir! In systematic sampling, selecting
the first sample randomly and then
select every nth sample based on
some logical sequence.
That’s right! Let’s take an example
wherein all employees of the
company as per alphabetical
order. In a group of 100 people,
you randomly select the 1st
number as 5 and apply a rule to
select every 10th from onwards.
So samples will include (5, 15, 25,
35, and so on), and you end up
with a sample of 100 people.

The next is Stratified Sampling.

Define it (student’s name).
✓ In stratified sampling, we divide the
population into groups also known as
Strata. Then within each Strata, you
can select samples randomly. We
normally use this technique when the
population has mixed characteristics
(Age, Gender, Zone, Income, and
Correct! For example: Company
“X” has 100 employees, out of
which 60 are male and 40 are
female. In this case, you can
divide the group into two strata
Male and Female. You can select
10 samples (6 Males and 4
Females) to represent the

Next is define cluster sampling

(student’s name).
✓ Dividing the group into clusters.
That’s right! For example: dividing
the population and then randomly
Founded 1928 ‫ ׀‬Recognized by the Government
Candelaria, Quezon 4323

selecting each and every sample

from that particular cluster.

We’re done talking about

Probability Sampling and its
types. We are now proceeding to
Non-Probability Sampling and its

There are five (5) types of non-

probability sampling.

Do you have any idea (student’s

name) of what are those 5 types
of non-probability sampling?
✓ Sir! Quota Sampling, Voluntary
sampling, Purposive or Judgmental
Sampling, Availability Sampling, and
Snowball Sampling are the 5 types of
non-probability Sampling.
That’s right! The first is Quota
Sampling, define it (student’s
✓ Sir! It means that the sample is
selected based on some particular
traits or qualities. For example: You
divided a population by the state they
live in, income or education, or maybe
male or female. This sampling is often
used by market researchers, where
interviewers are given a quota of
Right! For example: An
interviewer might be told to go to
and select 20 adult men,20 adult
women, 10 teenage girls, and 10
teenage boys. So that they could
interview them about their
television viewing.

Another type is Voluntary

Sampling, define it (student’s
✓ Sir! The sample is composed of
individuals who completely made up
their minds to volunteer.
Correct! Example is when you
have a friend who were voluntarily
want to be a respondent in your

Next, define Purposive or

Judgmental Sampling (student’s
name). ✓ Sir! In Purposive or Judgmental
sampling, it is a technique that relies
Founded 1928 ‫ ׀‬Recognized by the Government
Candelaria, Quezon 4323

on the judgment of the researchers

who choose the samples based on
their own experiences.
Right! This approach is often used
by the media when canvassing
the public for opinions in
qualitative research.

Then we also have Availability

Sampling. Please define it,
(student’s name).
✓ It is the willingness of a person as your
subject to interact with you that counts
a lot in this non-probability sampling
Correct! For example: If during the
data-collection time, you
encounter people walking on a
school campus, along corridors,
and along the park or employees
lining up at an office, and these
people show a willingness to
respond to your questions, then
you automatically consider them
as your respondents.

The last type is Snowball

Sampling, define it (student’s
✓ In this technique, the research
participants recruit other participants
for a test or a study. This is used when
the participants are hard to find or
don’t want to be found.
For example: exam cheaters,
shoplifters, and prostitutes.

Okay! Now we’re done discussing

Sampling, Probability, Non-
Probability, and its types.

Is there any question or

clarification in Sampling?
✓ Nothing Sir!
Okay, since you have no more
questions, so I have a question

Direction: Identity what is being

asked on the following statement.
Using our chat box, write P if the
statement is Probability, then NP
if its Non-Probability.
Founded 1928 ‫ ׀‬Recognized by the Government
Candelaria, Quezon 4323

1. Checking every 10th student in ✓ Sir! P.

the list.
2. Interviewing some persons, ✓ Sir! NP.
you meet on the campus.
3. Dividing 100 persons into ✓ Sir! P.
4. Letting all members in the ✓ Sir! P.
population join the selection
5. Having people willing to be ✓ Sir! NP.
chosen as respondents
6. Matching people’s traits with
✓ Sir! NP.
the population members’ traits.

Okay! I’m happy to know that all of

you understand what sampling is.

We are now talking about what is

observation, its types, and its

Earlier, we talked about a story

entitled ‘stolen cookies’. I asked
all of you to observed to seek an
answer in the situation. After that
all of you have learned the
importance of having an
observation. And (student’s
name) says, “Observation is a
technique of gathering data
whereby you personally watch,
interact or communicate with the
subjects of your research. It lets
you record what people exactly do
and say in their everyday life.”

There are two types of

observation. Anyone from the
group has an idea of what are
✓ Nothing Sir!
Okay, listen carefully! The first is
Participant observation and the
second is Non-participation or
Structured Participation.

Define Participant Observation,

(student’s name)
✓ The observer, who is the researcher,
takes part in the activities of the
individual or group being observed.
Right! It uses the diary method or
logbook. Descriptive observation
Founded 1928 ‫ ׀‬Recognized by the Government
Candelaria, Quezon 4323

is the first part, and narrative

account is the second part.

Then the Non-Participation or

Structured Participation. Define it
(student’s name).
✓ This type of observation completely
detaches you from the target of your
observation. You just watch and listen
to them do their own thing, without
participating in any of their activities.
Okay! That’s right!

And now, we also have methods

of observation. Do you have an
idea of what are those methods
(student’s name)?
✓ Sir! Direct and indirect observation.
What is Direct observation,
(student’s name)?
✓ Sir! It is an observation method that
allows you personally to see or listen
to everything that happens in the area
of observation.
Then, how about indirect
observation, (student’s name)?
✓ It is also called "behavior
archaeology". Because, it involves
observing traces of past events to get
information or a measure of behavior,
trait, or quality of your subject. Central
to this method of observation are
things you listen to through tape
recordings and those you see in
pictures, letters, notices, minutes of
meetings, business correspondence,
garbage cans, and so on.
Now, what do you think are the
advantages and disadvantages of
✓ Advantages
1. It uses simple data collection
technique and data recording method.
2. It is inclined to realizing its
objectives because it just depends on
watching and listening to the subjects
without experiencing worries as to
whether the people will say yes or no
to your observation activities.
3. It offers fresh and firsthand
knowledge that will help you come out
with an easy understanding and deep
reflection of the data.
4. It is quite valuable in research
studies about organizations that
Founded 1928 ‫ ׀‬Recognized by the Government
Candelaria, Quezon 4323

consider you, the researcher, a part of

such entity.

✓ Disadvantages
1. It requires a long time for planning.
2. Engrossed in participating in the
subjects’ activities, you may eclipse or
neglect the primary role of the
3. It is prone to your hearing
derogatory statements from some
people in the group that will lead to
your biased stand toward other group
So, that’s all about Observation.

Is there any question or

clarification about it?
✓ Nothing sir!
Okay, since you have no more
questions, so I have a question

Direction: Choose the letter of the

correct answer. Write your answer
in our chat box.

Multiple Choice
A. Indirect Observation
B. Direct Observation
C. Participant Observation
D. Non-Participation Observation

1. The observer is physically ✓ Sir! B.

present to monitor.
2. The observations are recorded ✓ Sir! A.
(audio, video, or other).
3. Observers use concealment to
shield themselves from the object ✓ Sir! D.
of their observation.
4. Observer is involved in the
✓ Sir! C.
activity being observed.

Now, we’re done discussing

Sampling and Observation.

4. Application

Before anything else, I will post a

quiz in our Edmodo. Kindly visit
our class in Edmodo and answer
the questions. (this is for online)
Founded 1928 ‫ ׀‬Recognized by the Government
Candelaria, Quezon 4323

Before I let you go, I have here

some questions to test your
understanding of sampling and

1. Differentiate the Sampling


✓ Yes, sir! There are two methods of

sampling. Probability and
nonprobability sampling. In probability
sampling, it is unbiased in the
selection of the samples. It also has
four types: Simple random sampling,
systematic sampling, stratified
sampling, and cluster sampling. Then
the Non-probability sampling is not a
scientific way of selecting the
respondents/samples. Same in
probability sampling, it also has 5
types. The first is quota sampling.
Second is voluntary sampling, next is
purposive or judgmental sampling,
availability sampling, and the last is
snowball sampling.
2. Now, I want all of you to pick out
an appropriate sampling method
for your chosen research topic.
(Asking the students about their
research topic and their sampling
method they will used.)
✓ (The students will justify their chosen
sampling method.)
3. Compare and contrast the
observation types and methods?
✓ In types of observation, there is
participation and non-participation
observation. The researcher which is
the observer is a participant in the
activities in observation, that is
Participation observation. Then,
nonparticipation observation is the
researcher is only an observer they
are using records and checklist. But,
both types of observation were done
by the researchers.
✓ In methods of observation, there is
Direct and indirect observation. The
researcher is personally observing a
situation that is happening by looking,
listening, and so on, that is Direct
observation. Then, indirect
Founded 1928 ‫ ׀‬Recognized by the Government
Candelaria, Quezon 4323

observation is getting some

information through tape recording,
pictures, letters, and more secondary
materials. But, both methods of
observation were done by the
So, that’s all about Sampling and

Is there any question or

clarification about it?
That’s all for today and thank you ✓ Nothing sir!
so much for attending and
listening to our online discussion.

Goodbye and Laus Deo!



✓ Activity: Do your own graphic organizer and make a comparison between

probability sampling and non-probability sampling. (30 points)

✓ Essay: Write an essay with a minimum of 100 words that shows the
importance of observation in research.


Jomarc Cedrick T. Gonzales

Practice Teacher


Mr. Louie Cezar P. Leocadio

Cooperating Teacher

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