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Ram Raksha

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Ram Raksha Stotra (Sanskrit: ) is a Sanskrit stotra, hymn of praise, used as

a prayer for protection to Lord Rama, it was written by a saint Budha Kaushika during the Vedic
period. Literally, Ram Raksha can be translated as 'Protection given by Lord Rama (to us)'. One
who sincerely recites it and understands its meaning, he receives faith that Lord Rama protects
his mind & prepares it to know the Ultimate Truth. It is said that Lord Shiva came into saint
Budha Kaushika's dream and sung these 38 stanzas.

Special public recitation of the stotra is organized during religious festivals, especially during
Navaratri celebrations, when continuous recitation takes place from Gudi Padwa till Rama
Navami day, the birthday of Lord Rama.[1] In Hindu astrology chanting of the stotra is
recommended as a remedial measure for "squabblings, enmity, losses, hurdles".[2]

Sanskrit Marathi English Translation -

() () Hymn (of Lord) Rama (for)
( ) protection (from spiritual

: ( ) Salutations to the Lord

Ganesh (Lord of

- . Thus begins the hymn of
: . [3] Lord Rama for protection
( ) .
() . The author of this hymn is
: () -
. The deity is Sri Sita-
: Ramachandra

The meter is eight syllables

in a quarter [3]

: Power (energy of mother
nature) is Sita

Limit (protector) is

The usage is recitation for

(devotion to) Sita-

Then meditate

May he be meditated upon,
, who has arms reaching his
, .
knees, who is holding a bow

and arrows, who is seated in
. a lotus pose
who is wearing yellow
. clothes, whose eyes
-- - compete with petals of a

fresh lotus, who looks

Whose sight is fixed on the
lotus face of Sita, sitting on
his left thigh, whose color is
like that of rain cloud

Who shines in various

ornaments and has matted
hair which can reach till
thighs, the Ramchandra

Thus meditate

The life story of Sri Rama
. has a vast expanse

Recitation of each and
every word is capable of
destroying even the greatest
sins 1

complexioned-, Let us meditate on the dark-

. complexioned, blue lotus-
eyed Rama

2 Who is accompanied by
Sita and Lakshmana, and is
well-adorned with crown of
matted hairs 2

, , Who has sword, bows and

. arrows, who destroyed the
birthless ( demons
Who is birthless (beyond
birth and death) but is
incarnated by his own will
to protect this world 3

, May the wise, read the

: () () Hymn (of Lord) Rama (for)
, . protection, which destroys
, ()
all sins and grants all
. ,
: () desires
: 4
May Rama, Raghu's
descendant (Rama) protect
my head. May Rama,
Dasharatha's son (Rama)
protect my forehead 4

Kausalya May Kausalya's son protect

Vishvamitra my eyes, may favorite
: () . (disciple) of Vishvamitra
protect my ears

: May savior of sacrificial
fire protect my nose, may
affectionate to Lakshmana
protect my mouth 5

toungue And may ocean of wisdom

: Bharatha protect my toungue, may he
: who is saluted by Bharatha

protect my neck
: berear (
: ) May berear of celestial
,6 weapons protect my
shoulders, may he who
broke (Lord Shiva's) bow
protect my arms 6

, May husband of Sita protect

: : my hands, may he who won
. over Parasurama protect my
Khara ()
Jambavad ,

: May slayer of Khara
(demon) protect my
abdomen, may he who gave
refuge to Jambavad protect
my navel 7

May master of Sugreeva

: protect my waist, may
: hips master of Hanuman protect
. my hips
: Sions
: May the best of Raghu
Linge Thigs scions and destroyer of the
8 lineage of demons protect
my thighs 8

May establisher of the

Stablisher bridge (Ramasetu) protect
: ( Sethu) , my knees, may slayer of
ten-faced (Ravana) protect
: -Fsd my shins
S : ()
. May consecrator of wealth
Kansekretr to Bibhishana protect feet,
Bibisn Srirma may SriRama protect my all
9 my body 9

May the good man read this

: (Hyamn) (hymn) equable to all the
Akwable power of Rama
: , would live long, be blessed
, Humiliti with children, be victorious
and possess humility 10

They who travel in the hell,

, earth and heaven and who
: Sekretli ( ) travel secretly (changing
. forms)
: Reds) Would not be able to see
11 (the one who reads) the
protective chant of Rama by
the power of chant 11

(The one who) remembers

( ) , Rambdra Rama, Rambhadra and
( Ramachandra (The poet has
) . used these names for the
same Lord Rama)
Sins never get attached, he
gets good life and salvation

In all three worlds, one who

wears the hymn of the name
Hyamn , of Rama
Prada .
: : , as a protection round his
: neck, would get all the
13 powers on his hand 13

He who recites this hymn of

''Vajrapanjaranmedam yo the name of Rama called as
Imn Resits cage of diamond

: . Would be obeyed by
, everywhere and he will get
Obiad Averywhere victory in all things 14
This protective hymn of
Hyamn Rama, as told by Shiva
: , () (Hara) in the dream
: ( )
: Anligtened ( Was written down (as told)
Visittion) Budkaushika by the enlightened (by
( )15 Shiva's visitation)
Budhakoushika in the
morning (upon waking up)

Who is like a wish giving

: : tree and who stops all
. obstacles

: , '' 16 And who is the praise of all
: : three worlds, SriRama, is
our 'Lord' 16

Who are young, full of

''Tarunau rpasampannau beauty, clever and very
sukumrau mahbalau'' strong

''Pundrkavishlkshau Who have broad eyes like

chrakrishnjinmbarau'' 17 lotus, who wear the hides of
trees 17

''Falamlashinau dntau Ones who are subsisting on

tpasau brahmachrinau'' roots and fruits and
practicing penance and
''Putrau Dasharathasyetau celibacy
bhrtarau RmLakshmanau''
18 Two brothers, sons of
Dasharatha, Ram and
Lakshmana (protect us)

''Sharanyau sarvasatvnm Who give protection to all

shreshtthau beings and who are
sarvadhanushmatm'' foremost among all the
: ''Rakshahkulanihantrau
tryetm no raghuttamau'' Who destroy whole race of
19 demons, protect us, o best
of scions of Raghu 19
''ttasajjadhanush Who bows pulled and
vishusprish vakshy ready, their hands on the
shuganishang sanginau'' arrows packed in ever full
quivers carried on their
: ''Rkshnya mam backs
Rmalakshman vagratah
pathi sadaiv gachhtm'' 20 May Rama and Lakshmana
always escort me in my
path for my protection

''Sannadah kavachi khadgi Young men, prepared and

: chpabnadharo yuv'' armed with sword, shield,
bow and arrows
S : Rmah ptu salakshmanah'' Rama is like our cherished
: 21 thoughts come to life. May
he,along with Lakshman,
protect us 21

''Rmo dsharatih shro Valiant Rama, the son of

: lakshmannucharo bal'' Dasaratha and ever
accompanied by powerful
''Kkutsthah purushah purnah Lakshmana
: : : Kausalyeyo raghuttmah''
: 22 The scion of Raghu, the son
of Kausalya, is all powerful
and is the perfect man 22

''Vedntavedyo yadneshah He who can be perceived by

: purn purushottamah'' Vedanta, lord of sacrificial
: fire, ancient and best among
''Jnakvallabhah all men
: shrimnaprameya
: parkramah'' 23 dearest of Sita, whose
bravery is immeasurable

''Ityetni japannityam (Thus lord Shiva said) My

: madabhaktah devotee who recites these
: shraddhynvitah'' names of Rama with faith

''Ashvamedhdhikam punyam He, without any doubt, is

: samprpnoti na sanshayah'' blessed more than the
24 performance of Aswamedha
(Sacrifice of white horse)
etc. 24

''Rmam drvdalashymam Ram, dark-complexioned

padmksham ptavsasam'' like leaf of green grass, who
is lotus-eyed and dressed in
''Stuvanti nmabhirdivyern te yellow clothes
sansrino narah'' 25
: Who sing the praise of him
are no longer ordinary men
trapped in the world 25

''Rmam Lakshman prvajam Rama, the elder brother of

- Raghuvaram Stpatim Lakshmana, best of the
sundaram'' scions of the Raghu, the
husbandof Sita, handsome
''Kkutstham karunarnvam
gunanidhim viprapriyam Ocean of compassion,
dhrmikam'' treasure of virtues, the most
beloved of the religious
''Rjendram satyasandham people
Dashrathatanayam shymalam
shntmurtium'' Lord emperor of kings,
follower of truth, son of
''Vande Lokbhirmam Dasharath, dark-
Raghukultilakam Rghavam complexioned, idol
Rvanrim'' 26 tranquillity

Salute to cynosure of eyes

of all people, the crown
jewel of the Raghu dynasty
and the enemy of Ravana

''Ramy Rambhadry I salut to Ram, beloved

Ramchandry Vedhasey'' Ram, moon like peaceful
''Raghunthy nthy Styah
: pataye namah'' 27 To Lord of Raghu Scion,
: Lord (of all), husband of
Sita, I salut 27
''ShriRm Rm Raghunandan Rama who is the delight of
Rm Rm'' the Raghus

''ShriRm Rm Bharatgraj Rama who is elder brother

Rm Rm'' of Bharata

''ShriRm Rm Runkarkashya Rama who is tormentor of

Rm Rm'' his enemies

''ShriRm Rm Sharanam I come under refuge of God
bhav Rm Rm'' 28 Rama.28

''ShriRmchandra Charanau I remember the feet of Sri

manas smarmi'' Ramachandra in my mind

''ShriRmchandra Charanau I praise the feet of Sri
vachas grinmi'' Ramachandra by my speech

''ShriRmchandra Charanau
Shiras nammi'' I salut the feet of Sri
Ramachandra by bowing
''ShriRmchandra Charanau down my head
Sharanam prapadye'' 29
I take refuge on the feet of
Sri Ramachandra by
bowing myself down 29

''Mt Rmo matpit Mother is Rama, my father

: Rmchandrah'' is Ramachandra

: ''Swmi Rmo matsakh Lord is Rama, my dearest

Rmchandrah'' friend is Ramachandra

''Sarvasvam me Ramchandro My everything is merciful
Daylu'' Ramachandra

''Nnyam jne naive jne na I know of no other like him,

jne'' 30 I really don't! 30

''Dakshiney Lakshmano yasya who has Lakshmana on his

vme cha janaktmaj '' right and daughter of Janaka
(Sita) on the left
''Purato marutir yasya tama

vande Raghunandanam ''31 And who has Hanuman in
his front, I salute to delight
of the Raghus (Rama) 31

''LokbhiRmam cynosure of eyes of all

ranarangadhram people, courageous in war,
Rajvanetram lotus-eyed, lord of the
Raghuvanshantham '' Raghu race

''Krunyarpam Personification of
karnkarantam compassion, I surrender to
ShriRamchandram Sharanama (that) Lord Sri Rama 32
prapadye ''32

''Manojavam Who is as fast as the mind,

mrutatulyavegam equals his father (wind) in
Jitendriyam buddhimatm speed, master of senses,
varishttham '' foremost amongst brilliants

vnaraythamukhyam Son of the Wind, leader of
ShriRmdtam Sharanam the Monkey forces and
prapadye ''33 messenger of Sri Rama, I
bow down to him 33

''Kjantam Rmarmeti Who sings the sweet name

- madhuram madhurksharam of Rama as
a cuckoo will sing sitting
''ruhya Kavitshakhm vande atop a tree, I salute to that
Vlmikilokilam ''34 Valmiki 34

''pdmapaharatram dtram Who is destroyer all

sarvasampdm '' dangers and consecrator of
all sorts of wealth
''Lokbhirmam ShriRamam
bhyo bhyo nammyaham '' I again and again salute that
35 Rama who is cynosure of
eyes of all people35

''Bharjanam Destructs of the cause of

bhavabjnmarjanam rebirth (cause of liberation),
sukhasampdm '' generates happiness and

''Tarjanam yamadtnm
RamRameti garjanam ''36 Scares Yama's (lord of
death) messengers, the roar
of the name of Rama 36

''Rmo Rjamanihi sad I worship Rama whose

: vijayate Rmam Rmesham jewel (among kings) who
bhaje '' always wins and who is lord
of Lakshmi (goddess of
''Rmenbhiht wealth)
: nishcharcham Rmy
tasmai namah'' Through whom the hordes
of demons who move at
''Rmannsti paryanam night have been destroyed, I
parataram Rmasya salut that Rama
: dsosmyaham''
There is no place of
''Rme Chittalayah sad surrender greater than
bhavatu me bho Rama, (and thus) I am
Ramammudhhar'' 37 servant of Rama

My mind is totally absorbed

in Rama. O Rama, please
lift me up (from lower to
higher self) 37

Fair-faced lady (Parvati) !

''Rm Rmeti Rmeti Ramey My mind enjoys saying
Rme manoramey'' Rama Rama

''Sahastranm tattulyam Uttering once the name of

Rmanm varnaney'' 38 Rama is equal to the
uttering of any other name
of God, a thousand times

''Iti Thus ends Hymn (of Lord)

ShriBudhaKaushikavirachitam Rama (for) protection and

ShreeRmrakshastotram composed by Budha-
sampurnam'' Koushika

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