Ram Raksha All
Ram Raksha All
Ram Raksha All
Special public recitation of the stotra is organized during religious festivals, especially during
Navaratri celebrations, when continuous recitation takes place from Gudi Padwa till Rama
Navami day, the birthday of Lord Rama.[1] In Hindu astrology chanting of the stotra is
recommended as a remedial measure for "squabblings, enmity, losses, hurdles".[2]
Limit (protector) is
Then meditate
May he be meditated upon,
, who has arms reaching his
, .
knees, who is holding a bow
and arrows, who is seated in
. a lotus pose
who is wearing yellow
. clothes, whose eyes
-- - compete with petals of a
fresh lotus, who looks
Whose sight is fixed on the
lotus face of Sita, sitting on
his left thigh, whose color is
like that of rain cloud
Thus meditate
The life story of Sri Rama
. has a vast expanse
Recitation of each and
every word is capable of
destroying even the greatest
sins 1