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La Météo Unit Plan Jordan Logan Overview

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Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D

Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)

Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

La Mto Unit Plan Jordan Logan


This unit centered on La mto or the weather in English has been structured around 3 core

concepts within the French language that all attribute to each other: the weather, locational pronouns, and

the verb tense faire. Through the scaffold methods of the unit, the objectives in the unit are designed to

provide the students with opportunities to acquire, apply, and test their knowledge within the 3 concepts.

The students will be challenged to demonstrate their comprehension through oral, written, and reading

formats by which they will be presented through, and further assessed in, based on their abilities. Each

comprehension will address various desired specific outcomes from the grade 7, 9 year Alberta program of

studies, and the intended outcomes will be addressed in both instruction and assessment.

The unit plan table is set up in a format that outlines lesson descriptions, teaching strategies,

objectives from the PoS, SMART objectives based on the PoS outcomes, and finally any resources or

materials that will be included in the lesson. In the description and teaching strategies portion I will break

up what exactly the students are doing in the lesson, any differentiation that takes place in the lesson (at

least until I get to know my students better), and then how the teacher is responding or what the teacher
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

should be doing during the lesson. In the objectives section I will pull direct outcomes from the PoS that are

being touched on in the lesson. The SMART objectives section will include a variety of SMART goals for the

lesson based on the PoS outcomes that are being sought after in the instruction of the lesson. The final

section of the unit plan will list any resources or materials that will be used in the lesson. There will be

several of these resources attached with the unit plan, however most of the resources will be constructed

throughout the unit as I become more familiar with my students and their learning preferences.

The second document associated with the unit plan is the unit assessment plan. In the assessment

plan I will initially detail any of the GLOs addressed in the unit and then breakdown the SLOs that are

associated with the GLOs based on the desired student understandings or abilities to apply their

knowledge. Further on in the assessment I will breakdown each objective in the unit and note any of the

assessments that will incorporate the objective. Finally, I will provide a detailed breakdown of each

assessment and how it will effectively assess the learning objectives. In each breakdown I will provide the

assessment description as to how the assessment will be structured and any specific parts that are

included in the assignment.

Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

The context of the classroom plays an important role in the unit and my associated planning of it. My

class size is relatively small (14 students) in which allows me to create a more hands-on approach to the

lessons and associated activities. There are no officially stated exceptionalities in the classroom which

means that I do not have to differentiate to suit any learning needs that may be associated, however as I

become more familiar with the students I will be able to alter my lesson to agree with the preferred

learning needs. Within the classroom I plan to address any issues that need attending to as they arise, this

will include alterations to my unit due to time restrictions, differentiation for various students, and any

other circumstances that may arise.

Lesson Description Objectives from PoS Smart Objectives Resources

and Name
Pre- The pre-assessment for this unit will Any PoS objectives for By the end of the Inventory
assessment be done prior to the beginning of the this pre assessment assessment the checklist
unit. I will have opportunities to are the same as the students will be able
address the students in the classroom assigned objectives for to identify important
prior to beginning the unit which will in the Unit Assessment competency areas in
allow me to conduct an student Plan. (see unit the class.
inventory list. The list will be handed assessment plan) By the end of the
out amongst the students which will assessment the
inquire as to who the students are as student will be able
people, how competent they are in to identify the ways
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

the French language, and various in which that they

learning preferences. The pre- work best in.
assessment will be used to help
assess where the students are prior
to starting the unit, and allow me to
make adjustments as necessary to
differentiate to the different learning
styles that are in the classroom.
During the pre-assessment the
teacher will provide guiding questions
and statements to help the students
adequately fill out the assignment.
After the students are finished the
pre-assessment they will be collected
by the teacher for further
examination and other

1.La Mto- Overview- This lesson will be the E.1. Weather By the end of the Vocabulary
Introductio first of my unit, and the first after the E.2. Weather conditions lesson the students Handout
n term change in which the students E.3. Climate will be able to PowerPoint
(still continuing) will be back from Co.1. understand, in identify various with images,
spring break. I will have explained weather conditions popular
guided situations, by
some of my expectations from the based on acquired sayings, and
identifying key words
prior semester so the students will be vocabulary various
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

familiar with what to expect. In this or expressions By the end of the images.
lesson I will introduce the topic of previously taught, the lesson the students Activity
weather by introducing them to a set main idea(s) or isolated will be able to handout
of vocabulary words on the topic, and details about a variety comprehend and Vocabulary
some common sayings through their of concrete topics produce basic book with
handouts and a PowerPoint that will contained in authentic utterances and assessment
include a variety of pictures. In this or adapted oral texts phrases regarding portion.
lesson I will be explaining the A.2.1. Vocabulary the weather forecast.
vocabulary book to the students and associated with the
handing out copies so the students fields of experience
keep track of their progress. I will and their subfields
explain my expectations for them Various Strategies
with the handout and review when I regarding autonomy in
will be looking at their progress. learning through their
During the lesson the teacher will vocabulary book in
encourage students to seek out any which their keep track
unknown words in a bilingual of their own progress.
dictionary or by asking the teacher
for clarification.
Teaching Strategies- In this lesson
there would be a good amount of
direct instruction incorporated with a
rule exploration to contribute to a PPP
style of lesson design. I feel that this
may be best for integrating the
students slowly into the new
semester and efficiently covering
essential material for the following
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

2. La Mto- Overview- This lesson will begin with E.1. Weather By the end of the Dice Outline
Dice a quick overview of vocabulary and E.2. Weather conditions lesson the students
Activity various terms and sayings. The E.3. Climate will identify various
students will then be provided with L.1.5. Adjectives vocabulary
two templates: one that includes associated with the
A.2.6. expressions with
various pictures of different weather weather and climate.
conditions, and the other with various faire (e.g., Il fait beau.
Il fait du ski.) By the end of the
temperatures. The students will use lesson the students
the time provided to cut out and A.2.1. Vocabulary
will be able to
make their own dice all while associated with the
articulate basic
studying the terms and sayings fields of experience
phrases associated
included. and their subfields
with the weather.
Once the students have finished they By the end of the
will then be split up into teams where lesson the students
they will compete against each other. will pronounce the
The activity will be conducted as the associated words
dice is rolled and then the student and phrases to the
who states the correct answer gets a best of their abilities.
point awarded to their team. This
activity will be conducted for the
remainder of the class as the teacher
circulates the room to monitor
answers and pronunciation. The goal
is to lead towards student autonomy
as they will hopefully run the activity
on their own.
Teaching Strategies- The review
portion will be relatively direct
instruction with a lot of question and
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

answers with the students. The

activity itself will be mostly student
ran, with the teacher acting more as
a moderator of the activity and the
student responses.

3. La Mto- Overview- The lesson will begin with E.1. Weather By the end of the Various
Communica a brief review on important concepts E.2. Weather lesson the students image
tive such as the associated vocabulary conditions will identify various example.
Drawing and various common sayings used in E.3. Climate vocabulary Blank paper
the last few classes. The students will Co.1. Listening associated with the for students
be asked various questions from a comprehension- weather and climate.
sample of images and be required to understand, in guided By the end of the
use their vocabulary in a full situations, by identifying lesson the students
sentence. After a brief review the key words or expressions will be able to
students will transfer into the previously taught, the articulate basic
communicative drawing activity. In main idea(s) or isolated phrases associated
this activity one partner will have an details about a variety of
with the weather.
image that involves various weather concrete topics contained
conditions, this partner will read off in authentic or adapted By the end of the
oral texts. lesson the students
the various conditions that are going will pronounce the
Co.3. Oral Production-
on in the picture. The other partner associated words
name, list, describe, ask
will draw the scenery as described by and answer questions, and phrases to the
the other partner. The students will give simple directions, best of their abilities.
circulate to various partners until the indicate basic needs or By the end of the
end of the lesson. preferences orally, with lesson the students
Teaching Strategies- The review of limited spontaneity, in a
will be able to
the concepts will be done as direct defined, highly structured
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

teaching method with a question and and modelled fashion, describe various
answer period between the teacher resulting in a prepared scenes involving
and students. The communicative message, expressed in weather.
activity is student led and allows for the present, that is
By the end of the
comprehensible and
some autonomous learning in the lesson the students
classroom. During the activity the will be able to
L.1.5. Adjectives
teacher would be able to circulate comprehend oral
and aid with pronunciation and aid L.1.6. Adjectival
descriptions of
with any student confusion regarding agreements weather.
the activity and its concepts. A.2.1. Vocabulary
associated with the
fields of experience
and their subfields
A.2.6. expressions with

4. Quiz and Overview: This lesson will be a testing Any PoS objectives for By the end of the iPad for
work period in which the teacher will pull this lesson align with lesson the students displaying
period. individual students aside to complete a
small oral quiz in which the students will be
the objectives outlined will demonstrate weather
Introductio explaining the weather. At the beginning of in the assessment plan their knowledge of conditions
n of Event the lesson the teacher will introduce and (see assessment plan). weather to the best for the
exploration explain the event exploration activity and of their ability student.
. provide an assignment description that through the oral Assignment
outlines the task and expectations for the quiz. description.
presentation (see unit assessment plan).
By the end of the Laptops for
While the students are being tested on
their oral abilities the rest of the students lesson the students student use
will have the period to work on their will create a plan to
presentations. The quiz will be a simple direct their
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

task where the students will say what the presentation in order
weather is in a country of the teachers to meet
choice. The students will have 3 minutes to expectations.
prepare what they will say and then 2
minutes to deliver communicate the task
to the teacher. During the lesson the
teacher will demonstrate to the students
how to go about finding authentic French
sources that can aid them in their
Teaching Strategies: During this
lesson the teacher will initially be
explaining both the quiz format and
presentation guidelines. The teacher
then branches off and focuses on testing
individual students on the basis of the
quiz. During the quiz the teacher is to
ensure that they pay attention to the
student being tested, as well as taking
the time to attend to other issues in the
class as they arise. It is important to note
that 2 periods are designated for this
task so the teacher is able to take
portions of time to focus on classroom
5. Quiz and Overview: This lesson will be a Any PoS objectives for By the end of the iPad for
work period testing period in which the teacher this lesson align with lesson the students displaying
(continuati will pull individual students aside to the objectives outlined will demonstrate weather
on of prior complete a small oral quiz in which in the assessment plan their knowledge of conditions
lesson) the students will be explaining the (see assessment plan). weather to the best for the
weather. While the students are being of their ability student.
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

tested on their oral abilities the rest through the oral Assignment
of the students will have the period to quiz. description.
work on their presentations. The quiz By the end of the Laptops for
will be a simple task where the lesson the students student use
students will say what the weather is will create a plan to
in a country of the teachers choice. direct their
The students will have 3 minutes to presentation in order
prepare what they will say and then 2 to meet
minutes to deliver communicate the expectations.
task to the teacher. By the end of the
Teaching Strategies: During this lesson the students
lesson the teacher will initially be will identify
explaining both the quiz format and important issues
presentation guidelines. The teacher that they are to
then branches off and focuses on study to create their
testing individual students on the presentation.
basis of the quiz. During the quiz the
teacher is to ensure that they pay
attention to the student being tested,
as well as taking the time to attend to
other issues in the class as they arise.
It is important to note that 2 periods
are designated for this task so the
teacher is able to take portions of
time to focus on classroom
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

6. Location Overview- In this lesson the content Co.4. Written By the end of the PowerPoint
Pronouns- regarding location pronouns will be Production- label, list, lesson the students with
Introductio introduced. Through the PowerPoint describe, ask and will be able to use explanations
n the students will be exposed to a, en, answer questions, give the proper form of Activity
and au and the appropriate usage of simple directions, location pronoun in worksheet
each pronoun when discussing indicate basic needs or the proper context.
countries, provinces, islands, and preferences, in written By the end of the
cities. The class will go through a form, in a defined, lesson the students
series of activities regarding the highly structured and will be able to
material on the PowerPoint, and then modelled fashion, identify the
be provided with an activity sheet. resulting in a prepared characteristics that
The activity sheet will provide quick message, expressed in warrant the use for
notes on the subject, and then the present, that is the various pronouns
involve various questions that expose comprehensible and presented in class.
the students to more usage with the accurate By the end of the
material. L.1.10. The present lesson the students
Teaching Strategies- The lesson tense will create various
will use a direct teaching strategy in A.1. Use, with a higher sentences and
which the students will deductively level of accuracy, in phrases that involve
learn the material and various rules. oral and written form, the proper use of
This method adopts a PPP style in linguistic elements location pronouns.
which the rule is exposed and then defined in grades 46,
the student does a variety of tasks needed to
like the activity sheet based on the communicate a
confines of the rule. These types of message
pronouns are more effectively learned A.2.7. prepositions of
through the rule first method and
place and prepositional
then the application of the rule that
follows. While the students do the
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

activity sheet it will give the teacher * Material requested by

the opportunity to circulate and help TA*
clarify any confusion that the
students may have with the content.

7. Work Overview- This period will be Any PoS objectives are By the end of the Laptops for
period for provided to the students as a work associated with the lesson the students student use
Event period. The classroom becomes an assignment objectives. will be able to
Exploration autonomous environment as the (see unit assessment identify the
students are responsible for plan) characteristics of
completing their own assignments. various locational
There will be laptops provided for the pronouns.
students to do their research and to By the end of the
complete their presentations. It is lesson the students
noted that in the beginning the will be able to use
teacher draws attention to the fact their knowledge of
that the students have to incorporate locational pronouns
the pronouns from the lesson prior in in various contexts.
their presentation. This period is used By the end of the
for the students to make the lesson the student
necessary adjustments to ensure this will use their
requirement is met. During the lesson knowledge of good
the teacher will demonstrate to the presentations and
students how to go about finding research to progress
authentic French sources that can aid towards completion
them in their research. of the assignment.
Teaching Strategies- This strategy
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

creates a very student led and

autonomous lesson by which the
students are responsible for their own
success. The teacher in this approach
acts as more of a guide on the side
by which they help the students
research, present guiding questions,
and aid in any issues regarding their
completion of the assignment.
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

8. Overview- During this class the Any PoS objectives are By the end of the Rubrics for
Presentatio students will present their associated with the lesson the students grading
n of Event assignments of the event exploration. assignment objectives. will use their skills of students
exploration The students will take turns (see unit assessment good presenting in Hamburger
presenting their assignments to the plan) their presentations. peer
class, and during the presentations By the end of the feedback
the rest of the class will fill out lesson the students sheets.
hamburger reflection sheets that will will provide
provide feedback to the presenting meaningful feedback
group based on the presentation. to their peers to help
Teaching Strategies- The teachers develop better
role in this strategy is to assess the presenting skills.
presentations within the confines of
the rubric. The teacher will include
feedback based on grammar and
pronunciation errors during the
presentation. The teacher will also
examine the peer feedback and
remove student names prior to
handing back the peer feedback.
There are not many instructional
strategies involved in this lesson
other than the facilitation of student
behaviors with respect to their peers
who are presenting.
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

9. Faire- Overview- This lesson will be an E.1. Weather By the end of the PowerPoint
Introductio introduction to the verb faire in the E.2. Weather lesson the students explaining
n (je, tu, present tense. So far the students have will be able to verb
conditions Co.1.
il/elle) been using the verb form in their
Listening identify appropriate conjugation
weather exercises without even knowing
it. The verb concept will be split up into 2 comprehension- uses of the verb with
lessons with the subject pronouns je, understand, in guided faire within examples
tu, and il/elle being the first pronouns situations, by contexts. from prior
of the verb to be presented and then identifying key words By the end of the weather unit.
applied. There will be a PowerPoint or expressions lesson the students Activity sheet
associated that will introduce the previously taught, the will apply their
conjugation and provide many examples main idea(s) or isolated knowledge of the
with visuals for the students to observe, details about a variety verb tense and apply
and then participate through as a class.
of concrete topics it within written and
After the PowerPoint there will be an
activity sheet provided to the students
contained in authentic oral situations.
that will provide various written forms of or adapted oral texts. By the end of the
the verb usage within a variety of Co.4. Written Production- lesson the students
concepts. The students will be provided label, list, describe, ask will create a context
the remainder of the period to complete and answer questions, in which they use
the activity sheet and ask any questions. give simple directions, both the verb tense
The activity sheets will be submitted at indicate basic needs or
and their prior
the end of the lesson for formative preferences, in written
form, in a defined, highly
knowledge of
structured and modelled weather.
Teaching Strategies- This lesson involves
a lot of direct teaching to the students. The fashion, resulting in a
verb concept has been a long term prepared message,
inductive exploration of the concept. The expressed in the present,
presentation of the concept as a whole that is comprehensible
stray from the concept of TBLT and leans to and accurate.
PPP, however since the students have A.2.4. present tense of
already explored the usage in their
avoir, tre, faire, aller
assignments it proves as a hybrid between
with all personal
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

10. Faire- Overview- This lesson will be integrated E.1. Weather By the end of the PowerPoint
Continued with the lesson prior, by which the verb E.2. Weather lesson the students explaining
(nous, concept faire is presented to the will be able to verb
conditions Co.1.
vous, students. The structure will be very
Listening identify appropriate conjugation
similar to the lesson prior in which the
ils/elles). comprehension- uses of the verb with
student is presented with an activity and
Introductio a worksheet, however this lesson will be understand, in guided faire within examples
n of final presented in the reverse order. The situations, by contexts. from prior
presentatio lesson will begin with the student activity identifying key words By the end of the weather unit.
n. worksheet and exploration of nous, or expressions lesson the students Activity sheet
vous, and ils/elles form for the verb previously taught, the will apply their Final
faire in the present tense. After the main idea(s) or isolated knowledge of the presentation
activity sheet a PowerPoint will be details about a variety verb tense and apply assignment
presented that will officially introduce the
of concrete topics it within written and sheet with
concepts to the students and provide
examples that will be reviewed as a
contained in authentic oral situations. description
class. The activity sheets will be handed or adapted oral texts. By the end of the and
in for formative assessment at the end of Co.4. Written Production- lesson the students expectations
the lesson. label, list, describe, ask will create a context .
Teaching Strategies- The teaching and answer questions, in which they use
strategy initially aligns with a TBLT style by give simple directions, both the verb tense
which the teacher allows the students to indicate basic needs or
and their prior
explore the concept through the preferences, in written
form, in a defined, highly
knowledge of
assignment. The teacher acts as a guide
during the activity worksheets to provide structured and modelled weather.
any clarity when necessary. During the fashion, resulting in a
PowerPoint the teachers role switches to a prepared message,
more instructional approach by which they expressed in the present,
are presenting the information to the that is comprehensible
students. This is a good opportunity for the and accurate.
teacher to address any of the confusion A.2.4. present tense of
that the students might have been having
avoir, tre, faire, aller
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

with the activities or concepts. The with all personal

remaining 5-7 minutes of the lesson will be subject pronouns.
used to introduce the final presentation of
A.2.6. expressions with
the unit where the students will be creating
a news cast. There will be a lesson faire (e.g., Il fait beau.
description and expectations sheet Il fait du ski.)
provided to the students for them to think
about for the next lesson.
11. Overview- At the very beginning of Any PoS objectives are By the end of the Example of
Presentatio the lesson the guiding question of associated with the lesson the students weather
n work what makes a good newscast or assignment objectives. will use their forecast in
period presentation is. The class will (see unit assessment knowledge of French.
brainstorm various thoughts and they plan) weather and apply it Laptops for
will be recorded on the board. An to their presentation. student use
example of a French weather forecast By the end of the
will be viewed by the class and then lesson the students
the students will transition to working will apply their
on their presentations. This period knowledge of various
will be provided to the students as a verb tenses such as
work period. The classroom becomes faire and apply it to
an autonomous environment as the their presentation.
students are responsible for By the end of the
completing their own assignments. lesson the student
There will be laptops provided for the will use their
students to do their research and to knowledge of good
complete their presentations. During presentations and
the lesson the teacher will research to progress
demonstrate to students how to cite towards completion
authentic French sources within their of the assignment.
work. This demonstration of citation
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

will contribute to the completion of

the assignment.
Teaching Strategies- This strategy
creates a very student led and
autonomous lesson by which the
students are responsible for their own
success. The teacher in this approach
acts as more of a guide on the side
by which they help the students
research, present guiding questions,
and aid in any issues regarding their
completion of the assignment.

12. Overview- This period will be Any PoS objectives are By the end of the Laptops for
Presentatio provided to the students as a work associated with the lesson the students student use
n work period. The classroom becomes an assignment objectives. will use their
period autonomous environment as the (see unit assessment knowledge of
students are responsible for plan) weather and apply it
completing their own assignments. to their presentation.
There will be laptops provided for the By the end of the
students to do their research and to lesson the students
complete their presentations. will apply their
Teaching Strategies- This strategy knowledge of various
creates a very student led and verb tenses such as
autonomous lesson by which the faire and apply it to
students are responsible for their own their presentation.
success. The teacher in this approach By the end of the
acts as more of a guide on the side lesson the student
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

by which they help the students will use their

research, present guiding questions, knowledge of good
and aid in any issues regarding their presentations and
completion of the assignment. research to progress
towards completion
of the assignment.

13.Faire- Overview-This lesson will be used as E.1. Weather By the end of the PowerPoint
Question a break lesson to create some E.2. Weather lesson the students with
Creation engagement within the students who conditions Co.1. will be able to recall question
at this point have been working hard Listening their knowledge of exemplars.
to complete the other tasks. In this comprehension- the verb tense to Blank paper
lessons the students will be taking understand, in guided create a variety of for student
the verb concepts of faire that had situations, by questions. use.
been covered prior and create identifying key words By the end of the
questions that warrant a response or expressions lesson the students
that uses a form of the verb. Once previously taught, the will verbally question
the students have scripted about 3 main idea(s) or isolated their peers and
questions they will go around and ask details about a variety record their answers.
at least 5 students their list of of concrete topics By the end of the
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

questions. Once the students contained in authentic lesson the students

completed asking their peers, they or adapted oral texts. will be able to
will return to their seats where the Co.4. Written Production- identify proper
students and teacher will interact label, list, describe, ask interjections and
through a small question and answer and answer questions, responses that are
where the students will present their give simple directions, associated with the
findings, and even ask the teacher a indicate basic needs or verb tense and
few of their questions. preferences, in written context.
form, in a defined, highly
Teaching Strategies- This lesson is
structured and modelled
being used to get the students fashion, resulting in a
moving around and conversing with prepared message,
different people around the expressed in the present,
classroom, while still ensuring that that is comprehensible
the communication is key, the and accurate.
teacher is a facilitator in this lesson, A.2.4. present tense of
and is just circulating for the purpose avoir, tre, faire, aller
of correcting pronunciation and with all personal
grammatical errors as they show up. subject pronouns.
It is important that the teacher stay A.2.6. expressions with
very bubbly in the sense that this faire (e.g., Il fait beau.
lesson is to be used as a light lesson Il fait du ski.)
day for the students to have some
fun in their use of the language.
14.Review Overview- During this lesson the All PoS outcomes By the end of the Jeopardy
Period- teacher will be reviewing important associated with this lesson the students version of
Jeopardy concepts that are relevant to the unit lesson are connected will use their weather,
test that will take place the following to the same outcomes communication Faire, and
day. The teacher will use a jeopardy as the final unit test. abilities to location
format that they created to pose a participate in the pronouns.
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

variety of different style questions in lesson to the best of

all material. The students will be split their abilities.
up into equal teams and then points By the end of the
will be rewarded as they game is lesson the students
played. The questions in the jeopardy will be able to recall
game are to be worded in a way that important
pertains to the upcoming test, information
however it is important to ensure that regarding the
the questions do not mirror the exact concepts introduced
questions that will be on the test. The in class.
idea behind this lesson is to By the end of the
encourage engagement in important lesson the students
review to aid in student success for will use their
the upcoming test. communication
Teaching Strategies- The teacher abilities to
in this lesson is purely a facilitator of communicate any
the review period. The teacher should confusion in any
pose questions that further thinking, concepts prior to the
and also revisit or review further any unit test.
concepts that raise any confusion
during the review. It is important that
the teacher does not intervene in the
process by which the students think
of there own response to encourage
critical thinking. Differentiation is
obvious in this one by ensuring the
groups are evenly divided and that
students are placed with other
students that they are able to work
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

well with.
15.Unit Overview- This lesson will be used Any PoS objectives are Students will Socrative
Test as a testing period that will be broken associated with the complete the test to online test.
up into 2 separate portions. The first assignment objectives. the best of their Hard copies
portion will be a quick socrative test (see unit assessment ability and of test.
in which the students will use some plan) knowledge.
form of device (iPhone or iPad) to Students will use
register to the site and then answer their communication
the quick questions as presented on skills to
the screen. The second portion of the communicate any
test will be a hard copy test that the clarity issues that
students will be handed (face down) they need attended
during the socrative test. The to.
students will be provided the rest of
the class to finish the test and hand it
in to the teacher.
Teaching Strategies- The teacher
will play a role as facilitator during
the presentation of the socrative
questions. It is important that the
teacher circulates efficiently, and
states prior that no cheating of any
kind will be tolerated during the test.
In the second portion of the test the
teacher will solely circulate and aid in
any questions that the students may
have regarding clarity of any
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

16.Present Overview- During this class the Any PoS objectives are By the end of the Rubrics for
ation Day students will present their associated with the lesson the students grading
assignments of the weather forecast. assignment objectives. will use their skills of students
The students will take turns (see unit assessment good presenting in Hamburger
presenting their assignments to the plan) their presentations. peer
class, and during the presentations By the end of the feedback
the rest of the class will fill out lesson the students sheets
hamburger reflection sheets that will provide
provide feedback to the presenting meaningful feedback
group based on the presentation. It is to their peers to help
important that in this section the develop better
peers fill out their comments, their presenting skills.
name, name of the presenter and
then assign a mark for the presenter.
This assigned mark will play a role in
the assessment that takes place later
Teaching Strategies- The teacher
plays an audience role in this lesson,
apart from the assessment part. The
teacher is to assess the presentation
based on the rubric, it is also
important that the teacher provide
meaningful feedback on the students
pronunciation, or any grammatical
corrections that may have needed to
be made.
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

This unit was constructed to instruct the concept of weather at a fairly basic level. I decided it would

be most effective to split the concept of weather into 3 associated portions to help build a scaffold of

concepts to build towards the overall task of using all concepts. I begin my unit with introducing the basic

vocabulary and common phrases associated with weather. The students will use these various terms and

phrases in the following communicative activities (dice and drawing activity). The students will be

formatively assessed in these activities based on their ability to communicate the information gap, rather

than their accuracy of the grammatical concepts. The activities will hopefully create engagement in the

lessons as the students will be encouraged to compete, share, and just simply interact with their peers.

The weather portion of the unit is pulled directly from the PoS along with the incorporation of creating

simple phrases, knowledge of vocabulary, and other associated concepts.

The continuation of the unit will introduce the students to location pronouns a, en, et au, these

pronouns will be linked to geographical locations and connected to telling the forecast later in the lesson. I

centered the presentation assessment in this portion of the unit on exploring an event in French speaking

country to force the students to research other countries that they may have not looked at earlier. The
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

choice in not specifying locations opened the exploration for the students and hopefully will inspire them to

explore the various cultures further and open them to a more intercultural examination of the assignment.

Through the instruction of the lesson I will be sure to encourage the students to focus in on elements of

the culture and how they attributed to the event that they are researching. The students will have a few

work periods (some of which will be done at the same time as the weather quiz) to complete the task

which should be ample time for the expectations that they will be provided. The location pronouns will be

incorporated in the presentation, these pronouns are associated with various grammatical outcomes from

the PoS that will be addressed in the instruction, materials provided, and the presentations.

The final portion of the lesson will introduce the verb tense faire explicitly to the students. The

students will have been exposed to and applied the verb tense during their work in the weather unit

without even being conscious of it. The students will be able to piece together the rules inductively which

should make the instruction of the tense rather simple. I have decided to split the verb tense into 2 lessons

based on the singular and plural subject pronouns in an effort to not overwhelm the students and make the

material more comprehensible. The first lesson will focus on the singular pronouns of the verb tense
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

conjugation and will be taught to the students in an deductive manner by which they will be presented

with the rule and practice it on the PowerPoint and then later further their application of the rules in a

worksheet. The second lesson will be done in an inductive manner as the students are presented with a

work sheet that uses the rules and then once the students have a firm grasp we will review the rules as a

class and ensure that everyone has a firm understanding of the concept. The verb faire is important in

the French language and is highlighted in the PoS as an outcome in the grammatical concepts. I will use

this verb tense to tie all the concepts previously in the unit together as the students move towards their

final performance task.

Each portion of the unit will have formative and summative assessment throughout the unit, whether

it be during teacher observation, worksheets, presentations, or tests. The first quiz will be done orally with

the individual students, this will allow me to assess the communication abilities of the students with focus

on the fluency of the speech, straying away from the accuracy emphasis that is normally associated with

second language acquisition classes. The event exploration presentation is the cultural core of the unit by

which the students will explore other countries and cultures from around the world. I have incorporated

this portion to further expose the students to other cultures in the French speaking world and hopefully
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

build towards a base for more cultural awareness in the students. The final unit test has been structured in

a manner that includes a quick socrative portion and then a hard copy test portion. I have included the

socrative portion into the test and grading to hopefully get the ball rolling and get the students in the

proper mindset prior to writing the test. Both portions will include questions from all of the units with more

emphasis on the weather portion due to the higher importance in the PoS and in the students learning. The

final presentation is the grand scaffold product of the unit with all of the portions playing a role in the

assignment. The students will conduct a forecast with the inclusion of the verb tense, covered vocabulary,

and locational pronouns that are all linked and should encourage a well constructed product. I have

incorporated a final presentation to combat the unit test that will take place. Some students have a strong

distaste for testing hence why I have included the presentation and made it equal weight of the final unit


This unit includes many choices that are outlined and only some of which that are covered in this

rationale, and the truth is that many of the decisions and plans that have been made will probably change

prior to me being able to teach the lessons. The students in the classroom will determine the direction of
Name and Section Jordan Logan- Section D
Grade and Subject Grade 7 French (FSL)
Topic La mto- The weather
Length of Unit 16 days- 45 minute lessons

the unit based on their abilities, preferences, and attitudes towards the French class. I have strong hopes

towards being able to teach this entire unit with all of its specific decisions, and to take the experience

from building and instructing a unit and put it towards helping me grow as an educator.

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