FlowCon FAC6HP Software Instruction 05.2013 PDF
FlowCon FAC6HP Software Instruction 05.2013 PDF
FlowCon FAC6HP Software Instruction 05.2013 PDF
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- must be chosen
Project Details
Multi-Block Window - auto hides
- for setting up wafers
(slightly left) - this is the overview of the project. All Depending on the system, it is recommended to
valves must be listed under a group/level/area and include one or two extra valves in each group/
thus even large projects with many valves can be level/area to deal with valves not specified on the
sorted by dividing them into obvious groups/levels/ drawings/plans.
areas. Both the defined valves and their settings can be
To add/remove more groups/levels/areas or valves altered on the commissioning meter if necessary,
click the buttons just above the project tree. By but no new valves can be added (thus the above
default, the naming of the groups/levels/areas are recommendation).
Level 1, Level 2, Level 31 and so on, and the
naming of the valves are Valve 1-1, Valve 1-2, All the valves imported from the FAC6HP are
Valve 1-3 and so on, where the first number cor- shown in the valve list on the left side of the
responds to the group/level/area number so that screen, where they are divided into maker, then
valves in Level 2 will be named Valve 2-1, Valve type/series, then model and lastly size. To find
2-2, Valve 2-3 and so on. fx. a FlowCon Green.0, choose FLOWCON, then
Green, then Green.0 and lastly 15-25mm.
Each group/level/area and valve can be renamed To define each valve in the project tree, find the
in the project tree by clicking 2 times on the cur- respective valve in the left side of the screen, click
rent name (please be sure not to double click). The on it (the size) and then drag and drop it onto the
recommended maximum name length of the valve in the project tree to define that particular
group/level/area and valve in total is 18 characters, valve. To change an already defined valve, just
so abbreviations are recommended. repeat the procedure of defining it (click, then drag
and drop). If an already defined valve is defined
again, the previous valve and settings will be over-
Note 1: However in the default project the levels are named written by the new valve. To undo a defined valve,
Group 1, Group 2, Group 3 etc. right-click it and choose clear.
The right side of the screen is the project list, where By clicking on each cartridge (type) in the wafer,
the details for every valve can be seen. The cells the cartridges can be checked to verify the flow
with green background can be edited and thus the (which is shown in the lower part of the multi-block
settings (of valves with adjustable settings) can be window).
changed to reflect the specified maximum flow. Af-
ter changing settings please press the reset button Exporting to/importing from FAC6HP.
(2 green arrows) to update the cells. When the project is ready to use, you can export it
to a commissioning meter thus:
To save the project press the save button, which 1. Have the relevant project open in the program.
will turn green when everything is saved and be 2. Turn on the commissioning meter and connect
red when there has been changes to the project it with the USB cable.
since the last save. 3. Press the export button (with the red arrows)
and choose Yes when prompted.
Setting up wafers. 4. Wait while the project is transferred, then press
To make a wafer consisting of several stainless OK.
steel cartridges, please use the multi-block window 5. Now you can turn off the commissioning meter
by clicking the button with the circle and several and remove the USB cable.
dots. Add a new multi-block for every new wafer
configuration. The multi-blocks can be named in To use the project in the memory of the commis-
the same way as levels and valves (clicking twice). sioning meter, please follow the notes in the general
instruction for the FAC6HP commissioning meter
Cartridges are added to a multi-block in the same in the chapter on memory and the section about
way that they are to valves (click, then drag and repeating measurements.
drop). However, you will be prompted for how
many of this particular cartridge you wish to add A project can also be imported from the commis-
to the wafer and the summarized flow of the sioning meter thus:
cartridges will be added to the wafer. The multi- 1. Have the program open.
plied cartridges will function as one, so in case 2. Turn on the commissioning meter and connect
of alterations of numbers, the old cartridges will it with the USB cable.
need to be deleted (right-click and choose delete) 3. Press the import button either from the quick
and new cartridges must be added. Adding an- start or from the button with the blue arrow
other cartridge to a wafer will not overwrite the old (above an open project).
cartridge(-s), but simply add the new cartridge to 4. When prompted, choose a name for the project.
the list and the flow of the cartridge to the total flow 5. The setup will now be the same as for projects
of the wafer. made in the program, but the column D.P. will
be updated with the measured differential pres-
When the wafer is finished, it can be added to a sures and the column Auto Flow with the sub-
valve in the project tree like every other valve (click sequent flow rate.
then drag and drop). However as soon as a wafer
is added to a project, it is locked for further altera-
Show/Hide the multi-block (wafer)
or window
Project Tree
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Project List
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or show more than the project list
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