Making Basic Strain Measurements: Using 24-Bit Hardware
Making Basic Strain Measurements: Using 24-Bit Hardware
Making Basic Strain Measurements: Using 24-Bit Hardware
The full-bridge circuit provides the largest output with minimum errors. All four arms of the bridge are active; two
are in tension while the two on the opposite side are in compression.
Measurement Computing • 10 Commerce Way • Norton, MA 02766 • (508) 946-5100 • •
An example of a full-bridge is the full bending bridge configuration Half-Bridge Circuits
containing four strain gages mounted on a test member shown in When physical conditions do not allow mounting a full-bridge
Figure 1. Two gages are mounted on the top surface to measure gage, a half-bridge might fit. Typically, two strain gages are
tension and the other two are mounted on the opposite surface mounted on a test member, and two highly stable discrete resis-
to measure compression when the beam is forced downward. As tors or a highly stable resistor network complete the bridge. The
the member deflects, the two gages in tension increase in resis- output voltage is:
tance while the other two decreases, unbalancing the bridge and
producing an output proportional to the displacement. Upward
Equation 2: Half-Bridge Output Voltage
motion reverses the roles of the strain gages. The bridge output
voltage is given by: Vo = Vex (X/2)
Where: Vo = bridge output voltage, V
Equation 1: Full-Bridge Output Voltage
Vex = excitation voltage applied to the bridge, V
Vo = (Vex)(X)
X = relative change in resistance, ∆R/R
Where: Vo = bridge output voltage, V
Vex = excitation voltage applied to the bridge, V For a large ∆R, half-bridge and quarter-bridge circuits can intro-
duce an additional nonlinearity error. (See Figure 2.) Also, the
X = relative change in resistance, ∆R/R readings are not accurate when the temperature coefficients
among the bridge completion resistors and strain gages are dif-
The bridge nulls out potential error factors such as temperature ferent and the resistances do not change proportionally with
changes because all four strain gages have the same temperature temperature. Furthermore, bridge completion resistors are not
coefficient and are located in close proximity on the specimen. usually located near the strain gages, so temperature differences
The resistance of the lead wire does not affect the accuracy contribute additional errors. In systems with long lead wires,
of the measurement as long as the input amplifier has high the bridge completion resistors should be attached close to the
input impedance, and the bridge excitation is remotely sensed. gages. However, this may not always be practical due to test
For example, an amplifier with a 100 MΩ input impedance fixture limitations or other physical conditions.
produces negligible current flow through the measurement leads,
minimizing voltage drops due to lead resistance.
R3 R1
+ R1 Motion
Vexc VOUT R2
R4 R2
In a half-bridge circuit, only two arms are active. Two strain gages are on the specimen while the two fixed resistors
that complete the bridge are not.
Measurement Computing • 10 Commerce Way • Norton, MA 02766 • (508) 946-5100 • •
Figure 3: Quarter-Bridge Circuit Figure 4: Kelvin Strain Gage Bridge Circuit
A quarter-bridge circuit uses only one active arm and is the
least sensitive of the three types. It is also the most prone to
noise and errors. The Kelvin bridge circuit uses one pair of wires to provide the
excitation voltage directly at the bridge, and another to sense the
excitation voltage. A third pair of wires measures the bridge output
voltage. This arrangement removes the voltage-drop error in the
Quarter-Bridge Circuits excitation wires from the measured strain signal.
A quarter-bridge circuit uses one strain gage and three bridge
completion resistors. The output voltage is:
Equation 3: Quarter-Bridge Output Voltage two symmetrical terminals equals the value of one of the resis-
Vo = Vex (X/4) [approximate] tance arms. For example, four 350 Ohm arms make a 350 Ohm
bridge. The load current equals the excitation voltage divided by
Where: Vo = bridge output voltage, V the bridge resistance; in this case, 10V/350 Ω = 0.029 A = 29 mA.
Vex = excitation voltage applied to the bridge, V
X = relative change in resistance, ∆R/R Heating
Resistive heating in strain gages also should be considered because
This arrangement has the smallest output, so noise is a potential the gages respond to temperature as well as stress. The excitation
problem. Furthermore, all the error sources and limitations voltage must be coordinated with the gage and the material to
in the half-bridge circuit apply to the quarter-bridge circuit. which it is bonded. Like most engineering endeavors, strain mea-
(See Figure 3). surement involves making compromises, in this case it is errors
due to self-heating versus signal to noise ratio. Higher excitation
PROCEDURE results in a signal that is less affected by external electrical noise
sources but will result in higher errors due to self-heating. Self-
Excitation Source heating errors are more prevalent when the strain gage is bonded
The Wheatstone bridge is a ratiometric transducer; it’s output to a material that doesn’t heat quickly, such as wood, plastic,
voltage to excitation voltage ratio is proportional to the resis- or glass materials. Also, heat can become a problem when the
tive bridge unbalance. The 6224 makes use of a true ratiometric strain gages are uncommonly small, or numerous gages occupy
measurement system; it’s measured output is proportional to a limited space.
the bridge output voltage to excitation voltage ratio. As such,
this instrument is not sensitive to excitation voltage changes. For full- and half-bridge configurations, consider a Kelvin connec-
The only excitation requirement is low short-term noise and the tion for applying the excitation voltage. Because the excitation
voltage is between 2V and 10 VDC. leads carry a small current, they drop a correspondingly small
voltage; V = I/Rl, which reduces the voltage reaching the bridge
An ideal data acquisition system provides an excitation source terminals. As illustrated in Figure 4, Kelvin connections eliminate
for each channel, independently adjustable from 1.5 to 10.5V this drop with a pair of leads added at the excitation terminals
with a current limit of 100 mA. An excitation voltage, V, used to measure and regulate the bridge voltage. For example, when
with a strain gage of resistance R, requires a current of I = V/R. ie = 50 mA, Rl = 5 Ω, and the combined voltage drop in the two
The resistance of a Wheatstone bridge measured between any leads is 500 mV, no voltage drops in the sense wires.
Measurement Computing • 10 Commerce Way • Norton, MA 02766 • (508) 946-5100 • •
An MCC strain gage module uses a Kelvin connection to measure Strain Gage Signal Conditioning
and regulate the voltage at the bridge. It supplies the voltage to Most strain gage based transducers and load cells are assigned
the strain gage with one pair of leads and measures it with another units of measure for weight, force, tension, pressure, torque, and
pair as shown in Figure 5. The six wires are used in pairs for Sense, deflection with a full-scale value measured in mV/V of excita-
Excite, and Measure. The Sense lead is a feedback loop to ensure tion. For example, a load cell with a 10V excitation supply and
that the Excite voltage is constantly held within specifications. a 2 mV/V gain factor generates an output of 20 mV at full load,
whether the load cell was designed to handle 10, 100, or 1,000
In the quarter-bridge configuration it is not possible to re- lbs. The difference is in the resolution of the system. That is, the
motely sense around the lead wire resistances, so a three-wire small 10-lb load cell produces 0.5 lbs/mV, and the large 1,000 lb
connection is recommended. This configuration relies on the load cell produces 50 lbs/mV.
resistances of the lead wires being equal. Note, in Figure 3, that
if RL plus R3 equals RL plus R4 and R1 equals R2, then –AI equals Conductors carrying such low level signals are susceptible to noise
+AI and the bridge will be balanced. The MCC CN-269 and interference and should be shielded. Low-pass filters, differential
CN-270 provide the bridge completion resistor R4. It is up to voltage measurements, and signal averaging are also effective
the user to run the three wires (denoted by RL) to the gage; do techniques for suppressing noise interference. Furthermore,
not tie pins 1 and 2 together at the CN unless the gage wires instrumentation amplifiers usually condition the extremely low
are extremely low resistance. strain gage signals before feeding them to ADCs.
100k Shunt
SC Cal.
An MCC strain-gage module provides adjustable excitation, gain, and offset for each channel. This lets it make
use of the instrument’s entire dynamic range.
Measurement Computing • 10 Commerce Way • Norton, MA 02766 • (508) 946-5100 • •
Figure 6: Wheatstone Bridge Circuit Figure 7: Shunt Bridge Circuit
Strain gage +10V
347Ω 350Ω +V
350Ω 350Ω
20 mV IA (+)
350Ω Rs = 100 kΩ
350Ω 350Ω 5.00V –V
RTN Close
to shunt
Normally the strain gage signal in a Wheatstone bridge is super- (–)
imposed on a common-mode voltage equal to half of the excitation
voltage. Consequently, a high CMRR is necessary to reject the A bridge may be calibrated with a shunt resistor, which is switched
common-mode voltage and amplify the strain gage signal. with a software command into either one of the two lower legs.
Measurement Computing • 10 Commerce Way • Norton, MA 02766 • (508) 946-5100 • •
Strain Diaphragm Pressure Gages of the strain gages themselves. Transducers must contain temperature
compensation circuits to maintain accurate pressure measurements
A strained diaphragm pressure gage consists of two or four strain
in environments with widely varying temperatures.
gages mounted on a thin diaphragm. The gages are wired in a
Wheatstone bridge circuit, including bridge completion resistors
All strained diaphragm pressure gages require a regulated excitation
when needed, so the pressure gage is electrically equivalent to a
source. Some gages contain internal regulators, so users can connect
load cell. The output voltage is specified in mV/V of excitation
an unregulated voltage from a power supply. Some strained
for a full-scale pressure differential across the diaphragm.
diaphragm pressure gages also employ internal signal conditioning,
which amplifies the mV signal output of the Wheatstone bridge
When one side of the diaphragm (called the reference pressure
to a full-scale voltage from 5 to 10V. Gages of this type have low-
side) is open to the ambient atmospheiore, the gage compares the
impedance outputs. In contrast, other pressure gages have no
inlet pressure to the ambient pressure, which is about 14.7 psi at
internal signal conditioning so their output impedance equals
sea level. When the gage measures ambient pressure, the reference
the Wheatstone bridge resistance (several kΩ for semiconductor
chamber must be sealed with either a vacuum reference (near zero
types), and their full-scale output is in mV.
psi) or the sea-level reference.
Temperature variations can affect the accuracy of strained diaphragm MCC Contact Information
pressure gages. A pressure gage with a sealed non-zero reference 10 Commerce Way
pressure exhibits temperature variations consistent with the ideal Norton, MA 02766
gas law. For example, a 5˚C change in ambient temperature near Phone: (508) 946-5100
normal room temp (25˚C) produces an error of 1.7% in the pressure Fax: (508) 946-9500
measurement. Temperature variations can also affect the performance Email:
• Includes Encore interactive measurement software for
setup, acquisition, display, logging, analysis, and reporting Software Overview
• Advanced feature set with no programming required Encore is the premier Out-of-the-Box data acquisition software
• True drag-and-drop functionality package and is included with each 6224 module. Encore
• Easy-to-use set-up wizards combines ease of use with advanced functionality, including
• Drag data directly to Excel® customizable data layouts, powerful analysis, and reporting
• Included data analysis tools capabilities. Instead of having a program to log data, another
• Playback mode to analyze, and a third to develop report data, Encore includes
• Sophisticated test report capability the functionality of all three into one package, thus shortening
• Incorporate multiple 6224 devices into one application the learning curve, and saving time and cost.
• Supported Windows® Operating Systems:
Windows 7 and Windows Vista (32-bit or 64-bit),
6000 Series, 6224, and Encore software, are the property of MCC. All other trademarks and
Windows XP SP2 (32-bit), Windows 2000 SP4 tradenames are the property of their respective holders.
Measurement Computing • 10 Commerce Way • Norton, MA 02766 • (508) 946-5100 • •