Solution Tu's Manifolds Exer1 - 2
Solution Tu's Manifolds Exer1 - 2
Solution Tu's Manifolds Exer1 - 2
Exercise 1.2
Let (
e1/x : x>0
f (x) = .
0 : x0
(a) Show by induction that for x > 0 and k 0, the k th derivative f (k) (x) is of the form
p2k (1/x)e1/x for some polynomial p2k (y) of degree 2k in y.
Factoring e1/x from the right-hand side, we see we have a 2n + 1 degree polynomial
summed with a 2n degree polynomial, hence the overall degree is 2n. Thus, weve
established our inductive step and we know that
for all n N.
(b) Calculating the limit using lHopitals rule and the substitution y = 1/x as
x 0+ , we have
l0 H
p2n (y) z}|{ a2n (2n)!
lim y
= lim = 0,
y e y ey
where a2n is the leading coefficient of the degree 2n polynomial. Thus, f is clearly a
smooth function on R.