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1327 754 107

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Setting up and

Updating Servicing for

1327 754 107

Subject to alterations in design

Copyright by ZF

This documentation is protected by copyright.

Any reproduction or dissemination in whatever form
which does not comply fully with the intended
purpose of this documentation is prohibited without
the consent of ZF Friedrichshafen AG.

Printed in Germany

ZF Friedrichshafen AG, MC-C

Edition: 2005-05

1327 754 107

ZF-AS Tronic Table of Contents


Preconditions for Setting up and Updating Servicing................................................................................... 5

OEM Delivery Check at 0-km ..................................................................................................................... 6

Form for OEM Delivery Check ...................................................................................................................... 7
OEM Delivery Check for ZF-AS Tronic Transmissions on the NAFTA Market ........................................... 9

ZF-AS Tronic Maintenance Levels ................................................................................................................. 11

Troubleshooting in the Vehicle ...................................................................................................................... 12

ZF-Testman pro ZF Diagnosis System .......................................................................................................... 13
Diagnosis Tool ............................................................................................................................................... 15
Transmission Repair ...................................................................................................................................... 16
ZF-AS Tronic Special Tool ............................................................................................................................ 17

Workshop Equipment..................................................................................................................................... 19
Workshop Layout............................................................................................................................................ 20
Universal Tools and Basic Equipment ........................................................................................................... 21

Function Test Rig............................................................................................................................................ 26

Technical Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 27

Spare Parts...................................................................................................................................................... 28

Lubricants ...................................................................................................................................................... 28
ZF-Ecofluid M Product Data Sheet................................................................................................................ 28

Attendance of Training Sessions ................................................................................................................... 31

Career Progression Through Special Courses............................................................................................... 32

Documentation ............................................................................................................................................... 33

Warranty Processing ...................................................................................................................................... 34

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 3

ZF-AS Tronic Requirements

Preconditions for Setting up and Updating Servicing

Servicing means: Servicing may also be limited to individual repair

both serving the customer directly and providing
ZF Friedrichshafen AG with service. Fulfillment of the preparations required for this
must first be achieved before approval for
independently supervising the ZF products used Servicing (a service contract) is issued. Approval
in the region for which you are responsible with is also associated with receipt of important docu-
a focus on ZF corporate objectives. mentation, such as Service Information memos.

A certificate or other similar jointly produced docu-

Setting up and updating servicing means: ment then authorizes the relevant ZF-SERVICE.

satisfying the conditions listed in this brochure

for TQM and ISO 9002 in order to offer the
customer an optimum service.


1327 754 107 - 2005-05 5

ZF-AS Tronic OEM Delivery Check

OEM Delivery Check at 0-km


1327 754 107 - 2005-05 6

ZF-AS Tronic OEM Delivery Check

Vehicle manufacturer: .............................................. End customer: ..............................................................

Vehicle type: ............................................................ Acceptance/ Name: .......................................................

Location: .................................................................. Phone/ Fax/Dept.: ..........................................................

Truck Bus Crane Rail

Chassis no.: .....................................................................................................

km reading: .....................................................................................................

Transmission parts list no.: ..............................................................................

Transmission no.: ............................................................................................


Transmission actuator parts list no.: .................................................................

Transmission actuator no.: ...............................................................................

Error memory cleared? Yes No

Report / Comments / Special info.:

Vehicle parameters: Rear axle ratio (irear axle) ........................................................................................

Central vehicle computer ........................................................................................

Intarder (yes/no) ........................................................................................

Engine type/Rating .........................................................................................

Please, complete this page in full and return to ZFF, dept. LML, OEM support,
Fax: 0049-7541-77-5171

NOTE: All warranty requirements only come into force once the fully completed OEM delivery check form has
been returned!

Date: ............................. Location: ............................ Signature:...................................................................

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 7 1327 52D 030_en

1327 754 107 - 2005-05

Oil check Transmission actuator Check plug-in connections Check wiring harness routing Check air lines
Oil level Connector (11) Correct installation position -> Manual for installation, -> refer to pneu-
(+ operating - Connector plugged in Fully snapped in functions, and initial start-up matic diagram
- Connector output not at top Installation corresponds
- Access to transmission actuator to pneumatic diagram
Oil grade according to ZF and connector Correct cross-section
List of Lubricants TE-ML 02
- Load compensation Damage, chafing points

1 2 3 4 5
Vehicle safety
check ZF-ASTronic OEM Delivery Check 1 Shift lever
Free access to
-> Undertake actuator
according to
details provided by
* 2
Transmission actuator
vehicle manufacturer 4 Clutch actuator
5 Transmission
* Please keep access to the
6 Accelerator
1 transmission actuators
7 Brake pedal removal / installation space
8 Rotary switch free for service purposes
10 Neutral switch 50*

3 11 Central connector from vehicle
2 10 12 Bleed screw

6 8 5 14 Connector (Intarder)
20 Pneumatic tank 20 dm3

* Option
Connect up test device
! Undertake all checks with parking ZF-Testman pro
20 brake applied.
NOTE: Note the vehicle manufacturers Read and clear error
12 memory
details for starting the engine.

14 -> Observe safety

Test after Error memory Test run ZF-Testman pro - test
test run Read Undertake test with
Transmission oil Gearshift quality ZF-Testman pro - test vehicle stationary
If necessary, undertake
level another test run Noise Undertake test
Transmission and Vibrations during vehicle
pneumatic circuit sealed? test run
1327 52D 030_en

11 10 9b 9a 8 7
OEM Delivery Check for
ZF-AS Tronic ZF-ASTronic Transmissions in the NAFTA Market

Manufacturer/OEM: .......................................................... Transmission type: ................................................................

Chassis serial no.: .............................................................. Transmission serial no.: ........................................................

Location: ............................................................................ Phone/Fax/Department: ......................................................

Section Process Yes No

1 Inspection before initial start-up
1.1 Is the cover (access to clutch release mechanism) screwed on?
1.2 Is the plug on the clutch actuator tightened to the specified torque? (nominal: 22 Nm)
NOTE: This test is required if the clutch actuator has had to be vented with an incorrectly fitted release bearing.
(If the transmission is energized before the clutch release bearing is in contact with the circlip, the clutch
actuator is subjected to pressure and prevents the clutch release bearing from engaging until the clutch actuator
has been vented via this plug.)

1.3 All plug connections and wiring on the transmission (i.e. transmission connection cable, vehicle-end
connection, ABS cable SAE 1939/1587 cable) checked?
1.4 Are the air lines on the transmission actuator and clutch actuator connected up?
1.5 Is there enough oil in the transmission?
Remove oil filler plug and check that the oil level reaches up to the lower edge of the oil filler aperture.
If necessary, top up oil and screw in oil filler plug. (Tan: 60 Nm)

1.6* Is the transmission de-energized when the ignition key is in the ACC position?
Move ignition key to ACC. If the LED on the range selector button does not light up, the control unit (TCU)
is not energized.

2 Check the start/setting off function

2.1* Does CH (CH/AL) appear on the display when the ignition key is turned to ON/EIN?
Turn ignition key to ON/EIN without starting the engine. CH appears on the display (if necessary, alternate
between CH and AL if the transmission has not yet reached the 85 PSI level of air pressure required).

2.2* Initial system tests after starting the engine (display showing N).
NOTE: When the vehicle is first being started during assembly, the transmission runs through an
automatic clutch adjustment procedure. The teach-in process for the clutch is carried out during this initial
adjustment procedure. The engine idling speed changes during the adjustment. This behavior is normal.

2.3 Once full operating pressure has been reached, check the pneumatic system for air loss.
2.4 Reverse travel light on vehicle checked?
Reverse travel light is switched on when the foot-operated brake and the R. button on the vehicle are pressed.

2.5 Errors saved in error memory deleted?

Some error displays are normal during the first start and can be put down to possible assembly factors
encountered during chassis wiring. Check errors of this kind, if necessary rectify the cause.
DELETE ERRORS: Park vehicle and apply parking brake. Switch engine and ignition to OFF/AUS.
Connect up diagnosis system and delete error memory.

2.6* Check that all errors have been deleted?

Switch on ignition, shift transmission into Neutral. Active errors can be called up at any time by pressing
(holding down) the upshift button and can be shown on the range selector button display.
NOTE: The transmission shifts into Neutral when the Neutral button is pressed.
Inactive errors can be displayed when the upshift button and foot-operated brake are pressed at the
same time

* depending on vehicle manufacturer, the displays and controls may differ from those described here.

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 9 1327_52D_040_en

OEM Delivery Check for
ZF-AS Tronic ZF-ASTronic Transmissions in the NAFTA Market

Section Process Yes No

3 Performance test rig (dyno testing) Press the FN function button until the transmission
changes over to manual mode.
NOTE: The dyno test can only be undertaken manually. The transmission needs roadspeed information
from the front wheels in order to change over to automatic mode. If this information is not provided, the
transmission remains in the same gear until a change is made to manual. All automatic tests must therefore be
undertaken on a test track or similar environment.

3.1 Starting gears checked?

Select forwards and reverse starting gears and check Neutral. The LED displays on the range selector button
(D, N, and R) must display the transmission status.

3.2 Clutch checked when setting off?

Ensure that the clutch engages without juddering, note down all noticeable problems which arise when shifting/
engaging the clutch. The clutch should be checked when accelerating gently in the forwards and reverse starting
gears and when accelerating assertively.

3.3 Pressure checked on secondary pneumatic tank after ten rapid shifts?
Upshift and downshift transmission rapidly ten times (for example 2-3, 3-2, 2-3 etc.).
Ensure that the system pressure is 6.5 bar or higher (95 PSI or more).

3.4 Upshifts / Downshifts checked?

Shift through all gears on the transmission, including R gear. The transmission status must be visible on the

3.5 Jumping of gears during upshifts and downshifts checked?

Jump gears when upshifting and downshifting by pressing the upshift and downshift buttons.

3.6 Engine brake function checked?

If the vehicle has an engine brake, this should be activated. Jump gears when accelerating
(engine brake function can be heard during the upshift).
NOTE: The engine brake can be activated by the transmission electronics for faster and comfortable upshifts.
Once the vehicle has reached the necessary speed, request a single downshift.
The engine brake must not interfere with the gearshift process.

3.7 Speedo function checked?

4* Test run Press the FN function button, the transmission shifts to automatic mode
NOTE: Test runs should be undertaken on a test track or another suitable environment.

4.1 Drive program for automatic function checked?

Appropriate shift points must be reached during slow and fast acceleration. All the gears must be
passed through in automatic mode.

4.2** Easy start function checked? (Aid for setting off on slopes)
When using the Easy start function, the vehicle is held on a slope for a max. of 2 sec via the braking pressure
initiated by the foot brake. During this time, you must move from the brake pedal to the accelerator
to improve setting off on a slope. The vehicle must not roll backwards.

5 Delivery check
5.1 Before switching off the ignition, note down any active and/or inactive errors which may have arisen.
5.2 Check transmission for leaks (oil/air), if necessary rectify leak.
5.3 Transmission oil level checked?
Open filler plug and undertake visual check to establish that the oil level is at the lower edge of the oil filler
aperture. If necessary, top up oil and screw in filler plug and tighten to the torque specified. (Tan: 60 Nm

5.4** Is the ZF-AS Tronic operating manual 1337 758 001 available in the vehicle?
5.5** Has the Setting off on slope sticker (1337 753 001) been stuck to the windscreen?
* depending on vehicle manufacturer, the displays and controls may differ from those described here.
** Option

Signature: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date of final testing: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 10 1327 52D 040_en

ZF-AS Tronic Maintenance Levels

Maintenance Levels for ZF-AS Tronic

Level 0: PDI (Pre Delivery Inspection) Level 2: Repairs on transmission / vehicle

in accordance with repair manual
A PDI check is undertaken with a zero km read- 1327 751 101 - truck
ing and in the event of repair work. This is 1337 751 101 - bus
undertaken following the checklist attached.
Replacement of a module.

Replacement of software.
Level 1: Preventive maintenance
Other system elements.
Oil change with ZF-Ecofluid M at 500 000 km*
(300 000 miles) or every 3 years in accordance
with Level 3: Transmission overhaul in repair
ZF List of Lubricants TE-ML 02 center
(http://www.zf.com). in accordance with repair instructions
1327 751 102
Visual inspection of wiring.
These repairs are undertaken by the ZF Service
Diagnosis check. Organization, other contractual arrangements
are possible. The decision as to whether defec-
tive parts are repaired or replaced by genuine ZF
spare parts lies with ZF. Replaced (old) parts are
transferred to ZF at no cost.


* Precondition of hose ventilation in a dry room

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 11

ZF-AS Tronic Diagnosis and Component Replacement

Troubleshooting in the Vehicle


8 7


Diagnosis with Testman pro. Key

1 ZF range selector
Replacement of peripheral parts in accordance 2 ZF display
with 1337 751 101 - bus / 1327 751 101 - truck 3 E-module
4 Transmission actuator with integrated electronic
Reprogram transmission. transmission control
5 Clutch actuator
6 Transmission
7 Accelerator
8 Brake pedal

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 12

ZF-AS Tronic Diagnosis and Component Replacement

ZF-Testman pro ZF Diagnosis System

Statistics data
All the statistics data which is saved on the control
unit is displayed.

Current error display; read error memory;
clear error memory; read identification block.
Vehicle log book.

Test inputs and outputs

System check when stationary; system check dur-
ing travel; test device (display showing all inputs
and outputs); displays showing digital and analog
parameters e.g. speeds, current strengths, and
voltage levels.

All the necessary, transmission-specific data for a

rapid and comprehensive diagnosis can be called Repair aids
up using the ZF Testman pro diagnosis system. Tightening torques; setting data; special tools; test
The data is supplied on CD and is saved on the devices.
hard disk during an installation routine. Maintenance; repairs.
Pressure levels; circuit diagrams; electr.
Targeted troubleshooting allows staff trained by ZF measurements.
to rapidly find the error in the transmission system. As PDF file.
Once the error has been detected, the diagnosis
system proposes remedial measures. ZF telephone directory
Telephone directory of all ZF service centers.
Communication occurs in the form of a serial inter-
face. Vehicle configuration
Data can be transferred online via a mobile phone Depending on the product, all vehicle-specific data
network. Each screen page can be printed out or can be set here and/or switching programs selected
saved for error documentation. The diagnosis and adapted.
software is available in all major languages.

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 13

ZF-AS Tronic Diagnosis and Component Replacement

ZF-Testman pro ZF Diagnosis System

System requirements

Windows 95 / 98 / NT 4.0, Windows 2000, ME or XP

Pentium 233 Mhz or more
RAM 16 MB / NT 4.0 32 MB
Free hard disk space 20 MB
Serial interface Com 1 or Com 2
Colors High Color
CD drive
Modem for data transfer by mobile phone

Scope of supply

1 2 3 4


6 5

1 T adapter 9/6/3 pins 5 RS 232 cable

2 ZF diagnosis adapter DPA 05 6 ZF diagnosis software for Testman pro on CD
3 USB cable (without PC)
4 CAN universal cable

Installation instructions for ZF-Testman pro (order

no. 6008 758 104) see Annex

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 14

ZF-AS Tronic Diagnosis Tool

Fig Photo Order no Application Qty. Comments


6008 208 503 Only for

ZF-Testman pro complete ZF Sales
and Service
1 Scope of supply:
- 6008 208 100 ZF-Testman pro 1 without laptop
with DPA05 + cable
- 6008 208 015 Application CD
- 6008 208 016 License

6008 208 501 Only for

ZF-Testman pro diagnosis ZF Sales
and Service
software Organizations
2 Scope of supply:
- 6008 208 100 ZF-Testman pro 1
with DPA05 + cable
- 6008 208 015 Application CD
- 6008 208 016 License

6008 208 003 following

ZF-Testman pro for ZF customers agreement with
ZF Friedrichshafen
Scope of supply: AG
3 - 6008 208 100 Diagnosis tool
(complete) 1 without laptop
- 6008 208 900 ZF-Testman pro
software for user interface (basic
CD installation)

ZF-AS Tronic 2 application Single user license


4 6008 308 819


6008 207 003 Adapter cable for

programming and
AS Tronic table mode adapter purposes and for
5 diagnosis outside
1 the vehicle

NOTE: Please inquire as to packaging unit before ordering.

1327 754 107 - 2004-09 15

ZF-AS Tronic Diagnosis

Transmission Repairs


Preventive maintenance

Ad hoc repairs

Major overhaul

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 16

Special tools ZF-AS Tronic
1X56 137 795 1X56 138 203 1X56 138 207 1X56 138 208

3-section chain Retaining plate Bracket Retaining bolt

for raising the transmission for holding and centring main range-change synchronizer for securing R-gear
shaft assembly intermediate gear

Variant A Variant B
1T66 154 240 1X56 138 095

Lifting lug M10 Setting xture

for lifting the housing for selector rails
Only M10 bolts of 8.8-plus
quality may be used

1X56 138 443 1X56 138 215

Support Special tool

for moving transmission into for tting the bushes and shaft
vertical position seals of the release fork

1X56 136 740 1P01 181 850

Gripper insert Assembly stand (stationary)

pulling off tapered roller in combination with base plate
bearing of countershafts 1X56 138 297 and clamping
(in conjunction with basic tool plate 1X56 139 608.
1X56 122 304)

1X56 122 304 1X56 137 450

Basic tool
in conjunction with tool Transmission swivel stand
1X56 136 740 or (mobile)
1X56 138 195 in conjunction with adapter
1X56 138 232

1X56 122 314

1X56 138 063
for ball bearings with 10 balls
1X56 138 295 ! * CAUTION ** NOTE
for ball bearings with 11 balls Only use load-pickup equipment with Tool is already included in the list of special tools for Drift key
Extractor for pulling ball bearings CE designation. ZF-AS Tronic step 1-2! for driving out dowel pins
(31.020) off planetary carrier
Caution: Both extractors are not
suited for impact wrench use.

1X56 138 087 1X56 138 097 1X56 138 081 1X56 138 205

Extractor Assembly plate Assembly sleeve Assembly xture

inner bearing race (32.310/1) synchronizer (02.200) synchronizer (02.200) pipe (04.020) on main shaft
on planetary carrier

ZF FRIEDRICHSHAFEN AG D-88038 Friedrichshafen, Commercial Vehicle and Special Driveline Technology Service Werk 2, Tel.: ++49 (0) 7541 77-0 / Fax: ++49 (0) 7541 77-908000 / Internet: www.zf.com
Special tools ZF-AS Tronic
1X56 138 191 1X56 099 063

Bush (pressure piece) Special tool

to protect shaft when pulling for shaft seal in release ange

1X56 138 195 1X56 137 124

Extraction xture Special tool
ball bearing (02.080) on input
shaft for tting shaft seal to output
(in conjunction with spacer ring
1X56 138 189)

1X56 138 200 1X56 138 189

Assembly tool Spacer ring

centring oil pipe (01.430) for 105 x 125 x 12 shaft
seal on output cover (in
conjunction with special tool
1X56 137 124)

1X56 138 201 240





Assembly tool Setting aid

100.1 9H7 9H7
centring oil pipe (01.420) 200.1 14
2120.1 for piston rods on transmission



2x45 2x45


1X56 138 216 1X56 138 420

Fixture Extractor
lifting and extracting for Clutch body (32.280) on
assembly and of input shaft planet carrier in conjunction
with pressure plate
1X56 138 424.

1X56 045 808 1X56 138 424

Extraction xture Only use load-pickup equipment with Tool is already included in the list of special tools for Pressure plate
input shaft CE designation. ZF-AS Tronic step 1-2!
in conjunction with
1X56 138 216

1X56 138 197 1X56 138 426

Assembly xture Fork

Retaining ring (32.290)

ZF FRIEDRICHSHAFEN AG D-88038 Friedrichshafen, Commercial Vehicle and Special Driveline Technology Service Werk 2, Tel.: ++49 (0) 7541 77-0 / Fax: ++49 (0) 7541 77-908000 / Internet: www.zf.com
ZF-AS Tronic Workshop Equipment

Workshop Equipment


Workshop layout

Universal tools and basic equipment

Function test rig

Test rig

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 19

ZF-AS Tronic Workshop Equipment

Workshop Layout

4,50 m 2,50 m 5,00 m 3,50 m

Kran 8 Hydraulik
3,50 m

Demontage und Montage

4 (oder E-Teile)

5,50 m
9 6
3,00 m


5 10 10

Demontage und Befundung Montage

5,65 m
4,50 m

8 3 3

5 8
1 1

7,10 m 8,70 m

The basic situation is a repair workshop fitted

with the appropriate equipment

1 Workbench 7 Hand press

2 Extraction washing machine 8 Lifting fixture
3 Special tools and assembly block (min. load bearing capacity: 500 kg)
4 Transmission test rig 9 Brush washer
5 Assembly carriage 10 Tool equipment
6 High rack 11 Desk

- - - Repair diagram

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 20

ZF-AS Tronic Universal Tools and Basic Equipment

Figure Description Comments

Overhead crane for electric block and tackle

Electric chain hoist for up to 500 kg

Hand press

Washing machine, cleaning system for small

parts. Floor-mounted device, suitable for 200 liter
DIN drums, with 4 removable feet made out of
square pipes. Galvanized collection dish and dish
3 splash protection plates, 2 annular brushes; soft
and hard. Electric pump 220 V, flow rate 40 l/min,
can be set using the regulation cock.
Extraction fan 220 V, 11m3/min. foot-operated

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 21

ZF-AS Tronic Universal Tools and Basic Equipment

Figure Description Comments

Pneumatic compressor

Hydraulic carriage

Dishes for small parts and/or oil

Low steel workbench for assembly and

disassembly of units
Plate length: 2 000 mm,
Depth: 750 mm; Multiplex.
Length of sub-assembly: 1 820 mm
Depth: 600 mm
Height: 800 mm

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 22

ZF-AS Tronic Universal Tools and Basic Equipment

Figure Description Comments

Workshop workbench, industrial model

Vehicle for technical support

Plates for devices and special tools

Pneumatic screwdriver

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 23

ZF-AS Tronic Universal Tools and Basic Equipment

Figure Description Comments

Torque wrench, Nm:

8 - 40 Nm with 3/4
40 - 200 Nm with 1/2
50 - 200 Nm with 1/2

Depth gage micrometer (depth gage)

0 - 200 mm

External micrometer (micrometer)

0 - 25 mm
25 - 50 mm

Digital gage (sliding caliper)

0 - 150 mm

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 24

ZF-AS Tronic Universal Tools and Basic Equipment

Figure Description Comments

1P01 139.724

Gage, 40 mm height,
and support blocks, 50 mm height

Length: 1 000 - 10 000 mm
Depth: 315 - 835 mm
4 - 6 adjustable shelf bases

Workshop cabinet

Cabinet with drawers

Height: 850 - 1 000 mm
Drawers: 5 - 9

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 25

ZF-AS Tronic Test Rig

Function Test Rig


A function test rig is specified for repair approval If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to
for the ZF-AS Tronic. put them to your ZF contact:

The ZF workshop services can supply you with Sales manager

three function/sample test rigs. Test rigs already in Mr. Birnbaum Phone +49 (0)7541/77-5318
place can be fitted with adaptation parts.
The service center in question is responsible for the Ms. Gussmann Phone +49 (0)7541/77-5335
test rigs level of technology if it was not purchased
in full from ZF. Project management
Mr. Van Elsacker Phone +49 (0)7541/77-5044
Mr. Merz Phone +49 (0)7541/77-4355

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 26

ZF-AS Tronic Test Rig

Technical Overview

System type: Transmission function test rig with adaptations

Power / Connection data:

CH-EG 39 (39 kW) 400 V / 50 Hz / 100 A back-up fuse

CH-EG 80 (76 kW) 400 V / 50 Hz / 178 A back-up fuse

CH-EG 110 (110 kW) 400 V / 50 Hz / 300 A back-up fuse

Mains: 3L / N / PE

Weight: 1 500 kg test rig + 200 kg console

Speed: 2 600 rpm preset

Manufacturer: ZF & Chiarlone


Test rig 1 500 x 1 050 x height 1 800

Center height 1 000 mm (optional 1 160 mm)

Console 1 200 x 950 x height 1 950

Compressed air quality

acc. to ISO 8573.1: 6 - 8 bar pre-controlled, cleared

Operating conditions: Air temperature range of +5 C to max. +40 C

Rel. air humidity max. 85% in the specified temperature range

Installation site: Separate room for retarder check (noise level of approx. 100 dB(A))

Installation area: min. L 5 000 x W 4 000

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 27

ZF-AS Tronic Spare Parts

Spare Parts

One precondition for servicing is a spare parts Initial stocking up must follow warehousing (logis-
warehouse. tics) adapted to the service business. Responsibility
The ZF plant after-sales service can produce for this lies with the corresponding ZF service.
volume-based spare parts suggestions which take
business targets into consideration. The stocking of assemblies or complete spare
transmissions should be agreed on with the ZF
The suggestion is produced in relation to timescales plant after-sales service.
and according to repair levels.


ZF recommends ZF-Ecofluid M. For other oils

authorized by ZF, refer to ZF List of Lubricants
TE-ML 02 (http://www.zf.com).

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 28

ZF-AS Tronic Lubricants

ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Product Data Sheet

ZF - Ecofluid M
Fully synthetic SAE 75W-80 manual transmission fluid

Product Description:

The fully synthetic manual transmission fluid ZF-Ecofluid M was specifically developed for all
ZF commercial vehicle manual transmissions. It combines high temperature resistance with
high gear and bearing protection, as well as a friction behavior that is adapted to various
synchronization lingings.


ZF-Ecofluid M is a fully synthetic oil for all ZF commercial vehicle manual

transmissions (trucks, buses, light commercial vehicles, vans) where API GL4
lubricants or SAE 30 engine oils are required.

ZF-Ecofluid M is recommended for commercial vehicle transmissions that are

subjected to high loads and temperatures.

ZF-Ecofluid M fulfils the requirements of the TE-ML 02 List of Lubricants and enables
extended oil change.


- Less downtimes Through long oil change intervals, due to

- Reduced service costs excellent temperature resistance and oxidation
- Savings in fuel Through reduction of friction and splash
- High degree of reliability Through excellent wear protection, due to a
- Long transmission service lifetime extraordinaty shear stability and a highly
efficient additive.
- Improved shift comfort Through optimal coordination of viscosity and
friction characteristics.
Product characteristics:
- Environment friendly Through long oil change and savings in fuel, as
well as easy waste oil disposal.

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 29

ZF-AS Tronic Lubricants

ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Product Data Sheet

ZF - Ecofluid M
Fully synthetic SAE 75W-80 manual transmission fluid

Product characteristics:

Product no.
Jerrican 20 l 0671 072 150

Barrel 208 l 0671 072 160

Container as of 1,000 l 0671 072 170

Characteristics (typical values)

Density at 15C kg/m 8 48
Viscosity at 40C mm /s 55

Viscosity at 100C mm /s 9.1

Viscosity Index - 150

Brookfield Viscosity at -40C mPa.s 1 9.000

Pour Point C -57
Flash Point (COC) C 256

Shear stability
Viscosity at 100C after 192 h taper roller mm /s 9,0
bearing shear test. (TRB)
FZG A/8,3/90C Damage load stage >12
FZG A10/16,6R/90C Damage load stage 10

ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Customer Service, 88038 Friedrichshafen

Fax: 0049 (0)7541 / 77 90 5947 eMail: zf-service@zf.com

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 30

ZF-AS Tronic Training

Attendance of Training Sessions

The Service-Training-Center runs product and

diagnosis training sessions in order to train
ZF-Service staff. For conditions of attendance and
session dates, please refer to the corresponding
annual Training course brochure.

Attendance of plant training courses is a contrac-

tual condition.
The first training course is free, repeat courses
incur a charge. Special agreements apply for train-
ing sessions on-site at ZF-Service.

Course Period (days) Content

ZF-AS Tronic 2.5 Levels 1 and 2

transmission course
1.5 Level 3 and inspection

Electrics 1 1 CBT (Computer based training)

Electrics 2 3.5 Circuit diagrams and wiring

Electrics 3 4 CAN principles

Electrics 4 4.5 Testman pro / data logger

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 31

ZF-AS Tronic Training

Career Progression Through Special Courses

Example: The route to becoming a system technician / range of training modules

Electrics 4
Electrics 3
Program Testman Pro
AS Tronic modifications CAN data logger
AS Tronic Intarder setup index lists
AS Tronic mid ECU 18 function programming
Levels 1-2 ZF
Ecomat 2 lite Testman pro with
Levels 1-2 Basic CAN system
Electrics 1 slip time trouble- Testman pro
Levels 1-2 Basic CAN function technician
Transmission Function measurement shooting AS Tronic
Basic CAN function electric 2005
courses Principles electric on the vehicle Intarder
function electric connection
automotive connection Dadoks PC Ecomat 2 Ecomat 2
electric connection diagrams with
Ecolite electrics diagrams AS Tronic
connection diagrams diagnosis certificate in
Ecomid as CBT diagnosis Intarder
diagrams diagnosis customer
Ecosplit component service
Torque con- replacement
verter clutch repairs
Level 3 Level 3 Level 3
repairs Repairs Repairs
+1.5 days +1.5 days +1.5 days

2-4 days each 1 day 2.5 days 3 days 2.5 days 2.5 days 4.5 days 4 days 5 days

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 32

ZF-AS Tronic Documentation


Upon conclusion of the service contract, a set of Operating instructions

the documentation required is made available.

ZF-Service appoints a contact required to satisfy

DIN 9002 who administers and updates this
documentation. Spare parts catalogue

On request, a customer CD featuring documenta-

tion on spare parts lists can be supplied.

List of Lubricants

Testman pro

Repair Manual


Special Tools

Circuit diagrams




Delivery Check

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 33

ZF-AS Tronic Warranty

Warranty Processing

The ZF service center checks on-site whether the Customer complaint

customers warranty and goodwill claims are The customer complaint should be noted in
justified in accordance with the relevant warranty the warranty application. A defect should be
obligations of ZFF to OEMs. When processing rectified on the basis of the customer complaint.
warranty and goodwill claims, the costs must be The costs for a major overhaul on the unit (i.e.
submitted to the factory along with the correspond- normal wearing parts) are not covered by ZF.
ing warranty/regress or goodwill application. The
following criteria should be taken into considera- Cause of failure
tion: Skilled and trained workshop staff are required
to establish the cause of failure and a correct
Warranty application number damage code. Corresponding information can
The warranty application must have a consecu- be taken from the damage pattern catalogue
tive number which serves as reference for all 0000 754 702 (German/English) amongst other
correspondence relating to the case in hand places.
(e.g. ZFGB960001 = office/year/consec. no). Establishing the cause of damage is of great
importance since the assignment of costs
Warranty deadlines depends on this.
i.e. the warranty claim depends on:
- delivery ex-factory (transfer of risk), Damage coding
- day of failure, Each instance of damage should be coded with
- mileage (km, miles, operating hours) and reference to the component causing the damage
- possibly previous repairs undertaken as well as and in conjunction with the customer com-
mileage after repairs. plaint. If the component cannot be defined, a
detailed description of the damage is needed.
Transmission and vehicle data The location of damage, type and cause of dam-
Transmission type (parts list), transmission age should be specified for the primary damaged
product no., vehicle type, chassis no., vehicle part. The Technical manual - damage coding
manufacturer, owner, type of use should be 1200 754 001 (German) or 1200 754 101 (Eng-
specified. lish) (other languages available on request) form
the basis for this.
External appearance / maintenance Related training sessions are conducted by ZFF.
When the transmission is received, a visual
report is produced on the external appearance Modifications
of the unit. The units should be repaired following the
details provided in Service Information memos.
Missing parts / Damage after removal The costs for modifications should be charged as
Missing parts from the unit and transport or specified.
corrosion damage which has occurred after
removal should be charged to the customer.

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 34

ZF-AS Tronic Warranty

Reimbursement of costs Conversion and recall actions

The rates for reimbursement for material and The standard warranty conditions cease to apply
staff costs are agreed on with the ZF plants. in the event of conversion and recall actions.
The hourly rates are adjusted annually taking Individual cost agreements must be reached.
price increases, parity, and tariff changes into
account. Overtime supplements are only Replacement components
reimbursed if agreed to (e.g. repairs by the field Various parts, components, and units are
service). available from ZF as replacements. The parts
are always supplied with an invoice.
The material costs are reimbursed at the cost
price plus freight, customs, and an individual In recognized cases of warranty, the invoice is
handling cost or one agreed on separately. settled by credit note if the old part is returned
to ZF and replacement of the part is approved
Other costs, such as expenses, accommodation, of. New units and components may only be
etc., are settled with the plant individually or used if there is no replacement unit available.
once receipts have been provided. If a company
car is used, 0.13 is charged per kilometer. Service
The ZF service center itself holds replacement
General operating costs, such as test rig costs, units for a corresponding number of items on
incidentals, cars, etc., as well as administration the market.
costs are included in the hourly rate for
If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to
Approximate repair times contact your regional warranty department contact
The approximate repair times apply to repairs (LKS-G dept.).
carried out under warranty and goodwill.
The approximate times are working values for
repair work. Only the actual repair times needed
should ever be charged for warranty work.

Goodwill decisions should always be agreed on
with the factory.
Under certain circumstances, the goodwill
model should be taken into consideration for
key areas of damage.
The customer is expected to shoulder some of
the cost. Depending on the individual case, the
ZF service center will also shoulder some of the

1327 754 107 - 2005-05 35

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