Checklist AS-Tronic / AS - Mid
Checklist AS-Tronic / AS - Mid
Checklist AS-Tronic / AS - Mid
Vehicle data:
Vehicle operator:
Vehicle manufacturer:
Chassis number (VIN):
Engine type: Engine power :
Mileage: Date in service:
Model type : License no.:
Transmission data:
Transmission type: Spec. list:
Serial number:
TCU No. (ZF): Wabco GS No.:
Clutch actuator no.:
Oil temperature by complain resp. error warning: C
Problem with communication: Communication in order
No communication via vehicle diagnose interface
No communication via table modus adapter
Interrupt via programming P1
Interrupt via programming P2
Error memory:
Error code Frequency Countdown Natural language text
!! Do not delete the error memory in replaced transmission actuators !!
Clutch data: (Has to read out if the transmission is removed due to clutch problems)
Clutch type:
Clutch disc:
Pressure plate:
Release bearing:
Release fork:
System pressure (GS3)
System pressure Druck_Luft 7,0 – 7,8 bar
Sig. brake pedal switch
Signal exhaust brake
Power take off (PTO)
Measurement of this signal is only necessary if there are any problems regarding PTO
Request PTO switch SN1A Signal activ 1
check signal ECU Astronic SN1F Signal activ 1
PTO engaged (feedback) SN1R Signal activ 1
Statistic memory
Data get of vehicle value memory
(Filename = serial number gearbox)
CAN - measurement
Measurement of the CAN is only necessary if there are any problems regarding CAN-errors
Measurement CAN H and CAN L 59 - 61 Ohm
Short circuit H to L
Interrupt connection to resistance actual app. 0 Ohm
Interrupt both resistances actual app. 120 Ohm
app. infinite Ohm
Remarks / Measures:
Note: You have to add the tag 1327 754 701 for faulty parts or the checklist to the
replaced parts!
Filename Remarks