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Ijetr022661 PDF
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Application of Digital System with Clock Speed in Phase Locked Loop Clock Multipliers
one type of thin oxide transistors on the same wafer. On the generation and in digital systems, microprocessor,
other hand, analog integrated circuits have evolved from networking, parallel and serial data communication, and
simple amplifiers made of a few transistors to very large frequency synthesizers. Because of the increase in the speed
mixed-mode systems, which are capable of interfacing the of the circuit operation, there is a need for a PLL circuit with
real world for complicated computation systems, handling faster locking ability. Many present communication systems
continuous or discrete time signals, detecting signals as small operate in the GHz frequency range and we are going to
as nano-volts or pico-amperes, or operating at frequencies examine the application of 1GHz clock bit range relying on
beyond 100 GHz. The diversity of analog functions have ON-Chip PLL which must operate in the GHz range with less
enabled countless new applications [4-5]. lock time. The PLL performance and stability of the whole
New emerging applications such as software-defined radios PLL system depends on the order of the loop filter. The
or highly integrated test instrumentation require a frequency voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) is the heart of the
synthesizer with ultra wide frequency coverage and ultra low PLL[10].
phase noise. Two approaches are presented to achieve these
challenging design and application objectives by exploiting 3.1 Clock Recovery System
the capabilities of nanometer transistors. A wideband Some data streams, especially high-speed serial data streams
synthesizer covering from 125 MHz to 32 GHz with a (such as the raw stream of data from the magnetic head of a
constant jitter performance across the entire frequency range disk drive), are sent without an accompanying clock. The
is described; the scaling and design methodologies to achieve receiver generates a clock bit from an approximate frequency
constant jitter performance across the ultra-wide frequency reference(1Ghz) and then phase-aligns to the transitions in the
range are discussed. Finally, an ultra low noise, two-step data stream with a PLL. This process is referred to as clock
synthesizer is presented to show how ultra-low phase-noise recovery. In order for this scheme to work, the data stream
fractional-N frequency synthesis can be achieved by taking must have a transition frequently enough to correct any drift in
the full advantage of nano-scale CMOS transistors [2][3]. the PLL's oscillator.
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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-10, October 2014
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frequency and is divided into low frequency clocks by a McGraw-Hill
feedback divider. The architecture is a third-order, type-2
charge pump PLL. The simulated settling time is less than AUTHORS
4s. The RMS value of period jitter of the PLLs output is 2.1
ps. The PLL core occupies an area of 0.12 mm2, one fourth of Engr. Ogbonna A. Ekwe is a highly motivated Electronic Engineer
which is occupied by the MiM loop capacitors. The total with a bias in Communications. He is currently lecturing in the department
of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Michael Okpara University of
current consumption of the chip is 16.5 mA. The chip has Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria and also pursuing his Phd in the
been sent for fabrication in 0.13 m complementary metal same department. His research interest are in the areas of Interference
oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology [11][12]. management for cellular network, Channel fading mitigation for fixed and
mobile wireless communication systems, etc.
IV. CONCLUSIONS Nwaogu, C. C is an undergraduate student in the department of
Phase-locked loops are widely used for synchronization electrical/electronic engineering, MOUAU, Abia, State Nigeria
purposes; in space communications for coherent carrier Abunike E.C holds a Bachelor degree in Electrical/Electronic
tracking and threshold extension, bi synchronization, and Engineering from University of Nigeria Nsukka, and currently pursuing a
symbol synchronization. Phase-locked loops can also be used master degree program in the department of Electrical and Electronic
to demodulate frequency-modulated signals. In radio Engineering, Micheal Okpara university of Agriculture, Umudike. He is
presently lecturing in the department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering,
transmitters, a PLL is used to synthesize new frequencies Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria.
which are a multiple of a reference frequency, with the same His research interest are in the areas of Electrical and power Systems
stability as the reference frequency. Engineering.
[1]. F. Heaton et al., A single chip terabit switch, in Proc. Hot Chips
Symp., Stanford, CA, Aug. 2001.
[2]. Alper Demir, Computing Timing Jitter From Phase Noise Spectra for
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