Famous Personalities
Famous Personalities
Famous Personalities
1st house lord Sun in his own sign had given him birth in
the Family of Rulers/ Kings
Chart 2
Chart 3
Chart 4
First house has exalted Saturn and lord of the 1st house is
in 11th with 2ndand 7th lord Mars.
Chart 5
You can see lord of the 1st house lord Mars is placed in
12th house. She lived for healthy 82 years and how can you
say she was poor? Her empire spread in all continents of
the world. Lord of the 1st house is not only in 12th house,
it is also with dreaded natural malefics Rahu and Saturn.
Chart 7
Navamsha D9 Chart
Birth 09-03-1951
A very powerful Rajayoga is caused in the Lagna.
Moon + Jupiter's Yoga is greatly auspicious combination
and so is Mars + Jupiter's. Trikonas are the houses of merit
and all the Trikona lords in this chart are in the Lagna.
Thus, counting from the Lagna the evil and auspicious
nature of the planets arising out of their rulership of
various houses have been told. But other aspects such as
Nabhasa yogas etc. are also to be considered then only the
results should be proclaimed.
Readers are thus reminded that the placements,
combinations, aspects of the planets are all very important
features to be considered while judging the auspiciousness
and evil. These are available generally in all the texts of
Hindu astrology. What has been told in this work is an
addition to decide characteristics of various planets
according to their house ruler ship. It must be clear that
Parasara does not want the rules stated here to be used
verbatin without considering the placement etc. In the
judgement of Marakas etc one has to exercise utmost
caution in every respect.
Thus the wise man should understand the good and bad
results in respect of the twelve houses. The results in
respect of the twelve houses from the Lagna onwards
should be carefully combined together.
In this way a wise man should understand the results of
the planets in a horoscope in every possible way. The
combination of the lords of Trikona and Kendra houses are
capable of producing all types of auspicious results.
Notes-The horoscope gives details about every aspect of
Ones life. For results of one's brother, consider the 3rd
house as Lagna. The 9th there from will be the
Bhagyasthana for the brother. The 7th there from would
denote his wife. The 10th there from, his profession.
Similarly we can apply the rules of Yogakarakas etc.The
same can be repeated with other houses of the horoscope
and information can be gained about every aspect of life.
Lagna Rashi Chart KRAN BEDI 9/6/1949 @ DELHI
DOB 15/02/1967
The chart hereunder is of a woman born in very humble
circumstances Due to potential of the chart the girl was
brought up in a well to do family of his father's friend. She
did not have much education. The girl was married to a
millionaire of her caste simply due to the potential of the
chart. The Lagna lord Moon is in the 10th house aspected
by the 1Oth lord and Rajayogakaraka Mars. She is under
the Moon's Dasa since 28-10-1995.
As she is not a working lady, therefore the results of
Rajayoga occur to her through her husband. Her husband
is making' steady progress in business since the start of
her Moon's Dasa. Hamsa yoga is also present due to
exaltation of Jupiter in the Lagna.
Example- The lady of the following chart enjoyed some of
The Yoga like public acceptance and social honour till her
husband was alive. This was due to house exchange
between the 9th and 1Oth house lords Saturn and Jupiter.
l.Lagna considerations: