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Weekly Newsletter May 1-5 2017

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May 1-5, 2017

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Hello Everyone,

We created prayer journals We will be learning about

and planted a mini garden the Holy Spirit and using
for our prayer table in our journals in Religion. In
Religion. In Language Arts Language Arts we will be
we practised our Daily 5 working on Daily 5 choices
strategies, especially with different mini lessons.
practising sight words. In In Math we will continue
Math we learned different learning about division
division strategies. In strategies using our
Science we learned about foldable and division fact of
earth and rocks. We played the day. In Science we will
cooperative games in gym be learning more about
and worked in Art, Coding, rocks and minerals. We will
and Health! We also had keep working in Phys. Ed,
Superhero Day and tried Art, Coding and Health!
out some new centres!

Monday May 1st- One School One Book kick off assembly!
Wednesday May 3rd- Library, Alice in Wonderland Field Trip (at U of
L), Hats off to Mental Health Day (wear a hat!)
Thursday- May the 4th Be With You (Star Wars Day)
Friday May 5th- Marion Mass at 10:30 (St. Teresa Gathering Space)
**Bring 2 rocks for Science on Monday!

Thank you for joining the weekly email list. We have quite an eventful week coming up!

I hope you have a great weekend! Thank you for such a wonderful
week back, it is so nice to be with you again each day. :) - Love,
Miss Besplug

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