December 1 Newsletter
December 1 Newsletter
December 1 Newsletter
News December 1, 2017
Religion: We are learning about the season of
Advent. We read about the seasons of the church
liturgical year. We read about the Holy Family.
*December book order is due on
Reading: We are working with short and long
Wednesday, December 6.
vowel sounds. We are adding endings to short
vowel words. We are working with long vowel
*There is an All School Mass on
words that follow the consonant vowel pattern
Friday, December 8 at 8:15 AM.
(we). We reading stories in Unit 6 in our reading
text. We are writing in our December journals.
*Pajama Drive ends on Friday,
December 15. All sizes are needed.
Math: We are solving addition problems using
different strategies. We reviewed the strategies of
using tens and counting on to solve addition
problems. We started using ten frames to help us
find the sums.
Gingerbread Fred
Gingerbread Fred and his
friend Gingerbread Frieda
have started visiting first
We are celebrating! grade families. This week
Six students earned Mathletics certificates they visited 2 homes. We are
this week. They are: Arin, Ellie, Mia, enjoying listening to each
Hillary, Alaric, and Magdalena. child describe what
Our class total for the month of happened at his/her home.
November is 21 certificates!