March 23 Newsletter
March 23 Newsletter
March 23 Newsletter
News March 23, 2018
Religion: We have completed our Stations of the
Cross prayer services with Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd,
and 3rd grades. We are focusing on the stories of
Holy Week. We are reading and drawing pictures
*Return all library books this week.
of these stories.
*Talent Show is this Monday, March
Reading: We are learning about the vowel sound
26. It will follow our regular Morning
spelled ‘ar and or’. We are reading leveled readers
Meeting in the gym.
and the Super Duper magazines. We are
discussing the main idea and cause and effect of
*Game Day is Tuesday, March 27.
events in a story.
Bring your favorite board or card game
to school. You must be able to teach
Math: We are using base 10 blocks to model 2 and
the game to others.
3 digit numbers. We practiced using a 120 number
chart to add 10 to a given number. In geometry,
*All School Stations of the Cross:
we are describing and identifying 3 dimensional
Wed., March 28, 1:30PM.
shapes. We also combined 3 dimensional shapes
to make new shapes in a variety of ways.
*Easter Break begins
on Thursday,
Science: We are learning about weather tools and
March 29.
describing different types of weather.
Classes resume on
Monday, April 9.
Social Studies: We are learning about different
types of transportation from the past and present.
We reviewed goods and services, and needs and
Bronze Mathletics
Happy Easter! Magdalena, Alaric,
Mia and Joseph.
Silver Certificate: