Isplice3: A New Simulator For Mixed Analogidigital Circuits
Isplice3: A New Simulator For Mixed Analogidigital Circuits
Isplice3: A New Simulator For Mixed Analogidigital Circuits
13.1. I
A major issue in all mixed-mode simulators is the inter-
facing of two or more simulation algorithms. Two problems
arise at the iiitcrface of two different modes of simulation:
signal mapping and evcnt scheduling. T h e use of an
Figure 1 : Using the "expand-down" command integrated simulation environment greatly simplifies the pro-
cessing requirements compared to the coinbineti-si/nulator
approach since the algorithms can he tailored specifically for
the mixed-mode application. For example, in iSI'LICE3, all
signals are representctl in terms their of real voltage values.
This includes the logic simulation mode which must be
I T A subcircuit schedules its ELogic fanouts if its voltage
waveform has encountered an ELogic state during its last
voltage transition. This is consistent with the scheduling
i s y used between ELogic subcircuits. Logic subcircuits also
schedule ELogic fanouts at each ELogic state along a transi-
tion of the logic waveform. Input source events follow simi-
lar rules as described above and are dependent on the types
of devices connected to them.
O n e additional complicating factor in inter-simulation
scheduling is due to rollbacks or step rejections. It may
occasionally be necessary to cancel a pending event or reject
a time-step and start reprocessing at an earlier time. When
this occurs, the scheduler must be backed up and the subcir-
cuits rescheduled and reprocessed accordingly. Initially, the
subcirciut which encountered the rejection is processed.
Then, its fanout subcircuits are scheduled and processed.
For efficiency, the fanouts simply compare their newly com-
puted solutions with previous solutions and only schedule
their fanouts if the new solutions are different from the old
Figure 2 : Automatic Expansion for Consistency solutions [SAL87]. Both ELogic and Logic schedule events
on fixed grid boundaries so that slight variations in the com-
puted schedule times are not inferred as different solutions.
This rollback strategy ensures that accurate solutions will be
modified slightly to accommodate this rule. Both I T A and obtained in an efficient manner.
Elogic already use voltage values in their calculations so this
requirement has no impact on them. Therefore, most of the 6. Mixed DC Solution Technique
signal mapping problems in the programs are resolved. iSPLICE3 uses a mixed-DC solution scheme to initial-
A second feature to resolve signal mapping problems is ize the circuit and processes the I T A and ELogic nodes
based on the devices connected to a given node. Logic gates using the standard Newton method. The efficiency of the
can be connected to the gate input of I T A or ELogic transis- Newton-Raphson method in terms of speed and convergence
tors, but cannot be connected to the drain or source termi- depends on the initial guesses of the node voltages provided
nals. If this is done by the designer, the logic gate is to it. iSPLICE3 attempts to generate a "good" initial guess
automatically expanded down to the appropriate level, as for the Newton method by employing switch-level analysis
described earlier and shown in Fig. 2(b). However, if a [BRY80]. Briefly, the entire circuit is first solved using zero
logic-level transistor is used in place of the electrical transis- delay switch-level logic simulation to derive the initial condi-
tor, no expansion is required. Elogic and I T A transistors tions at each node. Then, the standard Newton-Raphson
can be connected to one another in any manner since both method is applied to the non-Logic portions obtain the
modes use voltage, current and conductance information in correct solution. Since this technique usually provides an
their computations. initial guess that is close to the final solution, it ensures
T h e next issue is that of event scheduling between dif- proper and reliable convergence and reduces the total
ferent levels. O n e filtering operation that must be per- number of Newton-Raphson iterations. It has been found to
formed for I T A is to schedule only I T A fanout subcircuits be 4-5 times faster than the standard approach on digital cir-
during the iterative process, and schedule non-ITA fanouts cuits and has been incorporated as part of the mixed dc solu-
only when convergence occurs. This prevents non-ITA tion technique.
fanouts from unnecessarily being processed with partial solu- The X state deserves some special attention since all
tions during the iterations of I T A . A n ELogic subcircuit nodes are initialized to X as the first step of the switch-level
schedules its fanout subcircuits whenever the ELogic subcir- DC solution. iSPLICE3 processes the nodes from the inputs
cuit reaches a new voltage statz. A wakeup-call() event is to the outputs but if there are feedback paths in the network,
issued to I T A subcircuits from ELogic. That is, instead of some of the node values may be unknown (i.e., X) and this
scheduling the I T A events at the current time, it simply may result in the propagation of X's throughout the circuit.
schedules them when the other I T A subcircuits are already Obviously, this does not lead to a "useful" initial guess for
scheduled. This scheme prevents the overhead of reschedul- the Newton method. To avoid this problem, iSPLICE3
ing I T A subcircuits that already exist in the queue at some guesses the values of initial unknowns whenever required to
other time. Errors are controlled by the automatic time-step be either logic 0 or logic 1, depending on which one will shut
selection/rejection scheme of I T A . Note that if all I T A sub- off the feedback path. If an incorrect guess is made, the
circuits are latent, the fanout I T A subcircuits are scheduled feedback path will act to correct the situation later. This
normally at the current time. The same mechanism is used technique removes most of the X states at the output, partic-
when Logic schedules I T A except that ndeup-cnll()'s are ularly in troublesome circuits such as flip-flops. However,
issued along transitions of logic .vaveforms. some nodes may retain the X state if the correct state can
I T A subcircuits schedule their ELogic fanouts in the not be determined during the logic solution. These nodes
following way. After all I T A subcircuits have converged, an are reset to 0 V for NMOS and V,, for PMOS (rather than
VDD/2) since it places the transistors in the cutoff region of
operation rather than in the high-gain region.
I SPLICE3 I 70 310 I
Table 1: Runtimes on Microvax-I1
As the results indicate, SPICE2 takes a long time for
this simulation whereas iSPLICE3 in I T A mode is already
approximately 10 times faster. A n overall improvement for
the mixed-mode simulation of 35x over SPICE2 was obtained
while producing comparable accuracy in the necessary por-
tions of the circuit as shown in the figure. A factor of 4x
over I T A was obtained in the full mixed-mode simulation
but, of course, roughly half of the circuit was simulated at I
the transistor level, so this is expected. 0- 300m'