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Gomputer Techniques Power System Analysis: I A. ",.,... "'.,.,, B. A : 1

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USN 108871

Seventh Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Dec.2014 I Jan.20l5

Gomputer Techniques in Power System Analysis
Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100
Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting
atleast TWO questions from each part. ,t ,,.
o. PART _ A
I a. Explainwith an example the following: i) Oriented graph; ii) Basic cutsets; iii) Basic loops.
(06 Marks)
For the network shown in Fig.Q.1(b) consider elements (1,2, 3liJ, .. branches and node-4
o b.
! as reference arld'obtain i) Bus incidence matrix, A; ii) Branifr-path incidence matrix, K.
There from show that A6Kr : 1. (08 Marks)

.= c\


:' a)
c. Define primitive network. The data relating to passive elements is given in Table 1(c),

obtain: i) Primitive impedance matrix; ii) Primitive admittance matrix. (06 Marks)
able l(c
>! Element no. Self imoedance Z^^^. (ou) Mutual impedance 2.n," (pu)
1 0.4
2 0.5 0.1 (with element 1)
3 0.8 :
i1 b,
2a. Deqve an expression for bus admittance matrix Yuu, using Singular transformata6;nt*i;
b. The positive sequence impedance data for the sample power system shown in Fig.Q"2(b) is
5.v given in Table 2(b). Neglecting resistance form the positive sequence bus admittance matrix
>\'* Y6u, using Singular transformation. Take ground as reference. (08 Marks)

vg qe_
L.)< Line-^ 3

able b
Element G' Gr Line-l Line-2 Line-3
Positive seouence imoedance 0.2 0.25 0 + J0.1 0.02 + 10.2 0.03 + J0.4

I of3
c' The bus impedance matrix of a 5 node network with node 5 as reference is given below.
Find the topology of the network and parameters of the elements by using Zru, brildiog
algorithm. All values are in per unit reactance's (06 Marks)
'rrr=' l: 3 :;l
[o 2 o 3]
J ',,,.,'a. Discuss the importance of Load flow analysis in a power system. Enumerate the data
,, ,reeuired for carrying out load flow studies. (06 Marks)
b. ,For an n-bus power system, obtain the power flow equations in polar form. (04 Marks)
c. For the network shown in Fig.Q.3(c), determine the complex voltage at bus-2 at the end of
frst iteration. Line impedances shown in figure are in p.u. Given that bus-l is a slack bus
Vr : lL!,,4-E ,,,,t Pz t JQ, : -5.96 + Jl.46 pu and lVrl = f .OZ pu. Use Gauss-Seidel method.
(10 Marks)

2 o,o+*ro,rr
3 our+a-o,oE
, .ii,,, Fig.Q.3(c) ..,,,,.. i"

4 a. Using NR method, determine the values of xr and x z'after two iterations. Given that:
x; -4x, -4 =0
2x2 - x1- 2: 0 Assume xfo) :- -1 , r!o) :I (08 Marks)
Differentiate between GS method and NR method for load flow studies based on following
' b. factors:
i) Computer time requirement per iteration.
ii) Computer memory storage requirement.
iii) Computationalefficiency.
iv) Convergence characteristics. (04 Marks)
Enumerate the step by stbp procedure for achieving a load flow solution using FDLF
analYsis' I (08Marks)
,.",;,,, r ,,,,
5 a. Derive an expression for transmission loss as a function of plaff.generation for a two plant
system. (10 Marks)
b. The fuel input in calories per hour for plant I and2 are given as: ,,,,,,,''

x 10" cal/ hr
F, = (0.024 P,- + 8P, + 80J
/^ ^. _ 1 \
F2 = p.04 Pi +6Pr+120)x 10" cal/hr
,I'he mrnrmum and maximum loads on the units are 10MW and i00MW respectively.
t' Determine the minimum cost of generation per day, if the load curve is as shown in
Fig.Q.5(b). Take the cost of fuel as Rs.l0 per million caloric. (l0lVlarks)
Lo"4 'i" ur^r

6lm lzrb\ 'f tl-0,


2 of3

6a. Discuss the problem formulation and solution procedure of optimal scheduling for hydro
thermal plants. (10 Marks)
b. For the power system shown in Fig.Q.6(b), with bus-l as reference bus with voltage of
(1 + J0) pu. Find the loss coefficients if the branch currents and impedances in pu are:
Iu:(1 -J0.i5), Zu:(0.02 +J0.15)
16: (0.5 - J0.1), Z,o: (0.03 + J0.15)
I.: (0.2 + J0.05), Z": (0.02 + J0.25)
If the base is 100MVA, what will be the magnitudes of B-coefficients in recipr,pcal MW?
Also find the transmission loss in pu. (10 Marks)



7a. With the aicl of relevant equations'ui.dlforplotting the swing curve discuss how a suitable
protecting scheme can be designed to avoid the system from falling out of step (Point by
point method of solution of swing equation). (10 Marks)
b. Explain clearly representation of loads in a power system during transient period. (10 Marks)

8a. Providing relevant expres*jons explain the modified Euler's method for transient stability
b. Illustrate the steps involved in estimating internal voltage ar-rgles and machine speeds using
Runge-Kutta method during transient period.


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