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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.



Subject Code:3131103 Date:01-08-2023
Subject Name:Network Theory
Time:02:30 PM TO 05:00 PM Total Marks:70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.

Q.1 (a) Explain Ideal and Practical Current and Voltage sources with their 03
characteristics and differentiate them with respect to ideality and
(b) Briefly describe active, passive, lumped and distributed elements. 04
(c) In the network of Fig-1, the switch k is closed at t=0 and the circuit was 07
in steady state before. Determine particular solution of current i.

Q.2 (a) State the possible types of controlled sources and draw their symbols. 03
(b) Define: Tree, Connected Graph, Co-tree, Sub-graph. 04
(c) Determine current through 4 Ω resistor using mesh analysis for network 07
of Fig-2.
(c) State and explain maximum power transfer theorem with necessary 07

Q.3 (a) Explain Initial and final conditions of R, L and C elements. 03

(b) Discuss rules for source transformation. 04
(c) For the network of Fig-3, obtain current through 1 Ω resistor using 07
Thevenin’s theorem.
Q.3 (a) Define time constant and state its importance in circuit analysis. 03
(b) State and explain Norton’s theorem with an example. 04
(c) Determine voltage across 6Ω resistor of Fig-4 using node analysis. 07

Q.4 (a) Explain dot convention for coupled coils with suitable example. 03
(b) Give statements for Reciprocity Theorem and Superposition Theorem. 04
(c) 𝑑𝑖 𝑑2 𝑖 07
Find values of 𝑖, , at t=0+ . for the network of Fig-5, if
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡 2
switch k is changed from position 1 to 2 at t=0.
Q.4 (a) Derive ABCD parameters in terms of z-parameters. 03
(b) Determine h-parameters in terms of y-parameters. 04
(c) Derive relationship between incidence matrix, fundamental tie-set 07
matrix and fundamental cut-set matrix.

Q.5 (a) Define: oriented graph, node, tie-set matrix. 03

(b) Determine h-parameters in terms of z-parameters. 04
(c) Determine h parameters for network of Fig-6 07
Q.5 (a) Define: Incident Matrix, cut-set, graph. 03
(b) Briefly explain PRF. 04
(c) Derive the condition for the network to be symmetrical for g- 07


Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code:3131103 Date:27-02-2023
Subject Name:Network Theory
Time:02:30 PM TO 05:00 PM Total Marks:70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.

Q.1 (a) Differentiate between an open circuit and a short circuit. Draw their 03
characteristics in v-i plane.
(b) Discuss the following: (1) Linear and Non-Linear elements (2) Bilateral 04
and Unilateral elements (3) Active and Passive elements (4) Lumped
and Distributed Networks.
(c) The figure:1 shows three windings on a magnetic core. Using different 07
shaped dots, establish polarity markings for the windings, and write
KVL equations for this network.

Q.2 (a) How many types of controlled sources are possible? Draw their 03
(b) How are ideal current and voltage sources defined? Show the conversion 04
of a voltage source into a current source and vice versa.
(c) Find the current I1 and I2 in the network of figure:2 using mesh analysis. 07
(c) In the network of figure:3, use node analysis to determine ix. 07

Q.3 (a) How the following elements will behave at t=0 and t=∞. (1) Resistance 03
(2) Inductor (3) Capacitor.
(b) An exponential voltage 𝑣(𝑡) = 4 𝑒 −5𝑡 is applied at time t=0 to a series 04
R-C circuit having R= 0.2Ω and C=1F. Obtain current 𝑖(𝑡) through the
(c) Explain how to obtain the transient response of a first order system using 07
an appropriate example.
Q.3 (a) What is time constant? What is its significance? 03
(b) Define the terms critical resistance, damping ratio, natural frequency 04
and settling time for a series R-L-C circuit.
(c) In the network of figure:4, a steady state is reached with the switch k 07
open. At t=0, the switch is closed. Find the voltage across capacitor for

Q.4 (a) Obtain Laplace transform of (1) Unit Step function (2) Unit Ramp 03
function (3) Unit Impulse function.
(b) State (1) Millman’s theorem (2) Maximum Power Theorem. 04
(c) State and explain maximum power transfer theorem. Also derive the 07
condition for maximum power transfer to the load for DC and AC
Q.4 (a) Obtain Laplace transform of (1)𝑢(𝑡 − 𝑎)(2) 𝑟(𝑡 − 𝑎)(3)𝛿(𝑡 − 𝑎). 03

(b) State (1) Reciprocity Theorem (2) Superposition’s theorem. 04
(c) Find the Norton’s equivalent circuit at the terminals A-B of the circuit 07
shown in figure:5.

Q.5 (a) Define (1) Graph (2) Cut –set (3) incidence matrix. 03
(b) Test whether the following polynomial is Hurwitz or not : 𝑠 3 + 4𝑠 2 + .04
5𝑠 + 2 .
(c) (1) Determine y-parameters in terms of h-parameters. 07
(2) Determine z-parameters in terms of h-parameters.
Q.5 (a) Define (1) Oriented graph (2) Tieset matrix (3) Node. 03
(b) Determine the range of values of ‘K’ so that the polynomial 𝑃(𝑠) = 04
𝑠 3 + 3𝑠 2 + 2𝑠 + 𝐾 is Hurwitz.
(c) (1) Determine h-parameters in terms of z-parameters. 07
(2) Determine h-parameters in terms of y-parameters.

Figure:1 Figure:2

Figure:3 Figure:4


Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code:3131103 Date:18-07-2022
Subject Name:Network Theory
Time:02:30 PM TO 05:00 PM Total Marks:70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.

Q.1 (a) Determine the Laplace transform of 𝑓(𝑡) = 𝑒 −3𝑡 sin5t. 03

(b) How the following elements will behave at t=0 and t=∞. Draw equivalent 04
network as well. A) Inductor B) Capacitor.
(c) Determine the mesh currents i1, i2 and i3 in the network shown in fig.1 07
using mesh analysis.
Q.2 (a) Determine z-parameters in terms of y-parameters. 03
(b) Define 1) Tree 2) Connected Graph 3) Co-tree 4) Sub-graph 04
(c) State and explain maximum power transfer theorem. Also derive the 07
condition for maximum power transfer to the load for DC and AC
(c) For the network shown in fig.2, the capacitor is initially charged to a 07
voltage V0, with the polarity indicated on the diagram. The switch is
closed at t=0. Determine the particular solution for the current in the
Q.3 (a) State and explain Superposition theorem. 03
(b) Reduce the network of fig.3 into an equivalent network across 04
terminals AB with one equivalent current source.
(c) In the network shown in fig.4, the switch k is closed at t=0. For the 07
element values given, determine the values of va(0-) and va(0+).
Q.3 (a) Derive the condition for network to be reciprocal for ABCD 03
(b) Explain characteristic of an ideal current source. 04
(c) In the network of Fig.5, the switch k is closed at t=0, a steady state 07
having previously been attained. Find the particular solution for the
Q.4 (a) State and explain initial value theorem of Laplace transform. 03
(b) Find the Thevenin’s equivalent network across A and B terminal for 04
the fig.6
(c) Derive relationship between incidence matrix (A), fundamental tie- 07
set matrix (Bf) and fundamental cut-set matrix (Qf).
Q.4 (a) What is network synthesis? 03
(b) Obtain step response to R-L series circuit using Laplace 04
(c) Find the current in the 5ohm resistor using Norton’s theorem from the 07
fig. 7
Q.5 (a) Determine the inductance of the individual winding shown in fig.8 03
and the equivalent inductance when mutual inductance is 8H.
(b) Briefly explain Positive Real Function (PRF). 04
(c) For the network of Fig.9, determine z-parameters. 07
Q.5 (a) Define fundamental loop and cut-set. 03
(b) Derive the condition for network to be symmetrical for g-parameters. 04
(c) Obtain the general solution and the particular solution for the current 07
i(t) in the fig. 10 .Also, obtain the value of current at time t=0.1sec.


Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code:3131103 Date:23-02-2022
Subject Name:Network Theory
Time:10:30 AM TO 01:00 PM Total Marks:70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.
Q.1 (a) Define the following : (1) Oriented Graph (2) Tie-Set (3) Incidence Matrix. 03
(b) Discuss the following: (1) Linear and Nonlinear Network (2) Bilateral and 04
Unilateral Network (3) Active and Passive Network (4) Lumped and Distributed
(c) Using source transformation, find the Voltage 𝑉𝑥 in the figure:1. 07

Q.2 (a) Obtain Laplace transform of the following functions: (1) Unit Step Function (2) 03
Unit Ramp Function (3) Unit Impulse Function.
(b) Solve for the response 𝑦(𝑡) in the following integrodifferential equation> 04
+ 5𝑦(𝑡) + 6 ∫ 𝑦(𝜏)𝑑𝜏 = 𝑢(𝑡), 𝑦(0) = 2
𝑑𝑡 0
(c) For the circuit of figure:2, compute the voltage across each current source using 07
nodal analysis.
(c) Determine 𝑣3 in the circuit of figure:3 using mesh analysis. 07
Q.3 (a) A parallel RLC circuit has 𝐿 = 2 𝐻 and 𝐶 = 0.25 𝐹. Find the value of 𝑅 that will 03
produce unity damping factor.
(b) For the source free series RC circuit, 04
𝑣(𝑡) = 56 𝑒 −200𝑡 𝑉, 𝑡 > 0
𝑖(𝑡) = 8 𝑒 −200𝑡 𝑚𝐴, 𝑡 > 0
(1) Find the value of R and C. (2) Calculate the time constant 𝜏.
(c) At 𝑡 = 0.15 𝑠 in the circuit of figure: 4, find the value of (1) 𝑖𝐿 (2) 𝑖1 (3) 𝑖2 . 07
Q.3 (a) Consider a parallel RLC circuit having an inductance of 10mH and a capacitance 03
of 100 µF. Determine the resistor values that would lead to overdamped and
underdamped responses.
(b) In a source free series RL circuit, find the numerical value of the ratio: 04
(1) 𝑖(2𝜏)/𝑖(𝜏) (2) 𝑖(0.5𝜏)/𝑖(0)
(3) 𝑡/𝜏 if 𝑖(𝑡)⁄𝑖(0) = 0.2 (4) 𝑡/𝜏 if 𝑖(0) − 𝑖(𝑡) = 𝑖(0) ln 2.
(c) After being open for a long time, the switch in figure:5 closes at 𝑡 = 0. 07
Find (1) 𝑖𝐿 (0− ) (2) 𝑣𝐶 (0− ) (3) 𝑖𝑅 (0+ ) (4) 𝑖𝐶 (0+ ) .
Q.4 (a) Find Laplace transform of cosh 𝑎𝑡. 03
(b) Find the Norton’s equivalent with respect to terminals 𝑎 − 𝑏 in the circuit shown 04
in figure: 6.
(c) Determine the value of 𝑅𝐿 that will draw the maximum power from the rest of the 07
circuit of figure: 7. Calculate the maximum power.
Q.4 (a) 3 5𝑠 03
Find the inverse Laplace Transform of : 𝐹(𝑠) =1+ −
𝑠+4 𝑠 2 +25
(b) Determine 𝑅𝑇ℎ and 𝑉𝑇ℎ at terminals 1-2 for the circuit of figure: 8. 04
(c) Use superposition to solve for 𝑣𝑥 in the circuit of figure: 9 07
Q.5 (a) For the resistive network shown in the figure : 10, draw the oriented graph and tree. 03
(b) Test whether 𝑃(𝑠) is Hurwitz 𝑃(𝑠) = 𝑠 4 + 3𝑠 3 + 4𝑠 2 + 3𝑠 + 1 using Routh’s 04
(c) Determine the hybrid parameters for the network in figure: 11. 07
Q.5 (a) For the resistive network shown in the figure: 10, Develop the incidence matrix 𝐴. 03
(b) Test whether 𝑃(𝑠) is Hurwitz 𝑃(𝑠) = 𝑠 8 + 5𝑠 6 + 2𝑠 4 + 3𝑠 2 + 1 using Routh’s 04
(c) Obtain the 𝑦 − parameters for the circuit in figure: 12 07

Figure: 2

Figure: 3

Figure: 6

Figure: 8
Figure: 7



Figure: 11 Figure: 12

Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code:3131103 Date:06/10/2021
Subject Name: Network Theory
Time:10:30 AM TO 01:00 PM Total Marks:70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.
Q.1 (a) Define following: 1. Charge 2. Current 3. Potential difference 03
(b) Find the equivalent inductance for following cases. 04
1. Series connections of L1 and L2 if their mutual inductance is M.
2. Parallel connections of L1 and L2 if their mutual inductance is M.
(c) With the help of example, explain nodal analysis technique. 07

Q.2 (a) Define the time-constant of RL and RC networks and explain the significance of 03
the time-constant.
(b) Find equivalent current source of the given circuit in figure 1. 04
(c) State the Norton’s Theorem. Show the mathematical steps to find out the load 07
current of given network using Norton’s theorem with suitable example.
(c) State and explain reciprocity theorem. 07

Q.3 (a) Find the current through the 5ohm resistor in given figure 2 using mesh analysis. 03
(b) Obtain Step response to R-C series circuit. 04
(c) State the Initial and final condition of R, L and C at t=0+ and t=∞. (Initially all are 07
Q.3 (a) Apply superposition theorem, find the current through 2.5-ohm resistor in given 03
figure 3.
(b) Find the current through the 5-ohm resistor in given figure 4. 04
(c) Plot the response of series RLC circuits for ζ =1(Critically damped system) ζ 07
>1(Over damped system), ζ <1(Under damped system). Explain it with necessary
Q.4 (a) Define following: 1. Connected Graph 2. Degree of Node 3. Path 03
(b) Find the Z parameters for given network in figure 5. 04
(c) How to analyze a circuit in the s-domain? Why to operate in the s-domain? 07
Q.4 (a) Determine the Laplace transform of 𝑓(𝑡)= t2 03
(b) Find out Laplace transform of f(t) = cos(t) 04
(c) What is the transfer function of any circuit? How to find poles and zeros of any 07
transfer function? What is the significance of poles and zeros?
Q.5 (a) Derive conditions of symmetry and reciprocity of the two-port network in terms of Y 03
(b) Explain Fundamental Loop Matrix with suitable example. 04
(c) Find out values of Y parameters from given h parameters equations. 07


Q.5 (a) Define (1) Planner Graph (2) Tree (3) Subgraph 03
(b) What is Hurwitz polynomial? Explain with the help of example. 04
(c) What is Incidence Matrix? Explain the procedure to make incidence matrix for any 07
directed graph with suitable example.

Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code:3131103 Date:05/03/2021
Subject Name:Network Theory
Time:10:30 AM TO 12:30 PM Total Marks:56
1. Attempt any FOUR questions out of EIGHT questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.


Q.1 (a) Determine the Laplace transform of 𝑓(𝑡) = 𝑒 −3𝑡 cos4t. 03

(b) Explain the terms: 1) Tree 2) Bilateral 3) Oriented Graph 4) Linear 04
(c) In the circuit of Fig.1, switch k is closed at t=0. For the elements 07
values given, obtain the general solution and particular solution for
current i(t). Obtain the value of current at time t=0.1 sec.
Q.2 (a) Determine y-parameters in terms of z-parameters. 03
(b) How the following elements will behave at t=0 and t=∞. Draw 04
equivalent network as well. A) Inductor B) Capacitor.
(c) State and explain maximum power transfer theorem. Also derive the 07
condition for maximum power transfer to the load for DC and AC

Q.3 (a) What is time constant? What is its significance? 03

(b) Briefly describe Millman’s theorem. 04
(c) For the network of Fig.3, find the current through R=1ohm by 07
applying Thevenin’s theorem. All resistances are in ohms.

Q.4 (a) Derive the condition for network to be reciprocal for ABCD 03
(b) Explain characteristic of an ideal voltage source. 04
(c) In the network of Fig.4, the switch k is closed at t=0, a steady state 07
having previously been attained. Find the particular solution for the
Q.5 (a) State and explain final value theorem of Laplace transform. 03
(b) Determine the current in 1ohm resistor of the network shown in Fig.5 04
using source transformation method.
(c) In the network of Fig.6, the switch k is closed at t=0. Find the values 07
of i, 𝑑𝑡 and d2i/dt2 at t=0+, if V=100V, R=10ohm, L=1H and C=10-5F.

Q.6 (a) What is network synthesis? 03

(b) Obtain step response to R-L series circuit using Laplace 04
(c) Derive relationship between incidence matrix (A), fundamental tie- 07
set matrix (Bf) and fundamental cut-set matrix (Qf).

Q.7 (a) List advantages of Laplace transformation method over classical 03

(b) Briefly explain Positive Real Function (PRF). 04
(c) For the network of Fig.7, determine h-parameters. 07

Q.8 (a) Define fundamental loop and cut-set. 03
(b) Derive the condition for network to be symmetrical for g-parameters. 04
(c) In Fig.8, the switch is in the position 1 long enough to establish steady 07
state conditions and at t=0 is switched to position 2. Find expression
for current in the circuit.


Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code:3131103 Date:05/03/2021
Subject Name:Network Theory
Time:10:30 AM TO 12:30 PM Total Marks:56
1. Attempt any FOUR questions out of EIGHT questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.


Q.1 (a) Determine the Laplace transform of 𝑓(𝑡) = 𝑒 −3𝑡 cos4t. 03

(b) Explain the terms: 1) Tree 2) Bilateral 3) Oriented Graph 4) Linear 04
(c) In the circuit of Fig.1, switch k is closed at t=0. For the elements 07
values given, obtain the general solution and particular solution for
current i(t). Obtain the value of current at time t=0.1 sec.
Q.2 (a) Determine y-parameters in terms of z-parameters. 03
(b) How the following elements will behave at t=0 and t=∞. Draw 04
equivalent network as well. A) Inductor B) Capacitor.
(c) State and explain maximum power transfer theorem. Also derive the 07
condition for maximum power transfer to the load for DC and AC

Q.3 (a) What is time constant? What is its significance? 03

(b) Briefly describe Millman’s theorem. 04
(c) For the network of Fig.3, find the current through R=1ohm by 07
applying Thevenin’s theorem. All resistances are in ohms.

Q.4 (a) Derive the condition for network to be reciprocal for ABCD 03
(b) Explain characteristic of an ideal voltage source. 04
(c) In the network of Fig.4, the switch k is closed at t=0, a steady state 07
having previously been attained. Find the particular solution for the
Q.5 (a) State and explain final value theorem of Laplace transform. 03
(b) Determine the current in 1ohm resistor of the network shown in Fig.5 04
using source transformation method.
(c) In the network of Fig.6, the switch k is closed at t=0. Find the values 07
of i, 𝑑𝑡 and d2i/dt2 at t=0+, if V=100V, R=10ohm, L=1H and C=10-5F.

Q.6 (a) What is network synthesis? 03

(b) Obtain step response to R-L series circuit using Laplace 04
(c) Derive relationship between incidence matrix (A), fundamental tie- 07
set matrix (Bf) and fundamental cut-set matrix (Qf).

Q.7 (a) List advantages of Laplace transformation method over classical 03

(b) Briefly explain Positive Real Function (PRF). 04
(c) For the network of Fig.7, determine h-parameters. 07

Q.8 (a) Define fundamental loop and cut-set. 03
(b) Derive the condition for network to be symmetrical for g-parameters. 04
(c) In Fig.8, the switch is in the position 1 long enough to establish steady 07
state conditions and at t=0 is switched to position 2. Find expression
for current in the circuit.


Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code: 3131103 Date: 3/12/2019
Subject Name: Network Theory
Time: 02:30 PM TO 05:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Draw Ideal and Practical Current and Voltage source 03
characteristics. In what respect practical current and
voltage sources are different from ideal current and
voltage sources.
(b) Derive current, voltage, power and energy equations of 04
two terminal elements Resistor, Inductor and Capacitor.
(c) Determine the current in 4Ω resistor using mesh analysis 07
for the network shown in figure 1.

Q.2 (a) Derive the conduction of maximum power transfer for the 03
variable resistance as a load circuit.
(b) What is equivalent circuit of the charged and uncharged 04
inductor and capacitor at t=0+ and t=∞.
(c) Determine the value of I1 using superposition theorem for 07
the circuit shown in figure 2.
(c) Find the current in 4Ω resistor for the circuit shown in 07
figure 3 using Thevenin’s theorem and also find maximum
power dissipation by the 4Ω.
Q.3 (a) Define the time-constant of RL and RC networks and 03
explain the significance of the time-constant.
(b) In the network shown in figure 4, the switch k is moved 04
from position 1 to 2 at t=0, steady state having previously
been attained. Determine the current i(t) for the t≥0.
(c) In the network shown in figure 5, the switch k is changed 07
from position 1 to 2 at t=0. Find values of i, di/dt and
d2i/dt2 at t=0+ if R=1000Ω, L=1H, C=0.1µF and V=100V.
Q.3 (a) In the network shown in figure 6, the switch k is closed at 03
t=0, a steady state having previously been attained. Find
i(t) for t≥ 0.
(b) An exponential voltage v(t)=4e-3t is applied at time t=0 to 04
a series R-L circuit consisting of a resistor R=0.5Ω and
inductor L=0.25H as shown in figure 7 Obtain the
expression of current i(t) for t≥0. Assume zero current
through the inductor before switching.
(c) Obtain z-parameters for the network shown in figure 8. 07
Q.4 (a) Write the procure to obtain Thevenin’s equivalent voltage 03
and resistance for the different types of network.
(b) In the network shown in figure 9 the switch k is moved 04
from position a to b at t=0, a steady state existing in
position a before t=0. Solve for the current i(t) using the
Laplace transformation method.
(c) Find the Norton’s equivalent circuit for the network 07
shown in figure 10 and obtain current in 10Ω (load
Q.4 (a) Find the Laplace transform of the signal f(t)=e-atsin(wt). 03
(b) Obtain the voltage across the capacitor in the LC circuit 04
shown in figure 11 using Laplace transformation
technique, if initial voltage across capacitor is 2V.
(c) Using nodal analysis determine the current I in the circuit 07
shown in figure 12.
Q.5 (a) Define (1) Oriented Graph (2) Tree and (3) Incidence 03
(b) Define symmetry and reciprocity conditions for two port 04
network also derive conditions of symmetry and
reciprocity of the two port network in terms of Z
(c) For the circuit shown in figure 13 draw the oriented graph 07
and obtain the (1) Incidence matrix (2) f-cutset matrix and
(3) tieset matrix.
Q.5 (a) List out the necessary and sufficient conditions for 03
positive real function.
(b) Determine the inductance between the terminals for three 04
coil shown in figure 14.
(c) For the circuit shown in figure 15 draw the oriented graph 07
and obtain the (1) Incidence matrix (2) f-cutset matrix and
(3) tieset matrix.

Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 3 Figure 4

Figure 5 Figure 6

Figure 7 Figure 8

Figure 9 Figure 10

Figure 11 Figure 12

Figure 13 Figure 14

Figure 15


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