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Typical Anchor Bolts

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1Anchorage foundation bolts and connection between column and foundation design

1.1 Design resistance for individual fasteners subjected to shear and/or tension according to Ta

Table 1.1 - Nominal values of the yield strength fyb and the ultimate tensile strength fub for bolts

Bolt class 4.6 4.8 5.6 5.8 6.8

fyb [N/mm2] 240 320 300 400 480
fub [N/mm2] 400 400 500 500 600

M2= - partial factor for resistance of cross-sections in tens

to fracture

1.1.1 Shear resistance

_(,)=(__)/_(_2 )

d= 56 mm - diameter of the bolt

Class 4.6 - bolt class
fyb = 240 N/mm2 - yield strength of the bolt
fub = 400 N/mm2 - ultimate strength of the bolt
Ab = 2463 mm 2
- area of the bolt
As = - area in the threaded portion of
2069.0 mm2

partially threaded
type of the bolt =
The length of the threaded portion of a fit bolt included in the bearing length should not exceed
of the thickness of the plate according to the sketch above
v = 0.6
A= 2069.0 mm2 - calculation area of the bolt

Fv,Rd= 397248 N = 397.25

1.1.2 Tension resistance

_(,)=(_2__)/_(_2 )

k2 = 0.9
As = - area in the threaded portion of
2069.0 mm2

Ft,Rd= 595872 N = 595.87

1.1.3 Combined shear and tension


_(,)/_(,) +_(,)/(1.4_(,) )1.0

Fv,Ed= - the design shear force per bolt fo

1.5 kN
ultimate limit state;
Ft,Ed= - the design tensile force per bolt f
38.34 kN
the ultimate limit state;

Fv,Rd= 397.25 kN - the design shear resistance per b

Ft,Rd= 595.87 kN - the design tension resistance per

check = 0.050 < 1.0 OK

1.2 Design resistance for individual fasteners subjected to bond stress according to 8.4.2 (EN 19

1.2.1 Ultimate bond stress tension

The design value of the ultimate bond stress, fbd, for ribbed bars may be taken as:


fctd= is the design value of concrete tensile strength

h1= coefficient related to the quality of the bond condition and the position of
the bar

h1= 1 for anchor bolt Type 1 and for Type 2 - the length of th
h2= coefficient related to the bar diameter
h2= 1,0 for 32 mm for anchor bolt Type 1 an

h1= 0.7 for the length of the sleeve of anchor bolt Type 2 and
h2= 0.52 for the length of the sleeve of anchor bolt Type 2 and

The value of the design compressive strength (according to 3.1.6 - EN 1992-1-

1:2004) is defined as:

_=(a_ _(,0,05))/g_

gC= is the partial safety factor for concrete

gC= 1.5
act= is a coefficient taking account of long term effects on the tensile strength
and of
unfavourable effects, resulting from the way the load is applied

act= 1
fctk,0,05= 2.46 N/mm2

fctd= 1.64 N/mm2

fbd= 3.69 N/mm2 for anchor bolt Type 1 and for Type

fbd= 1.34316 N/mm2 for the length of the sleeve of anch

1.2.2 Bond stress capacity

d= 36 mm - diameter of the bolt

Class 4.6 - bolt class
fyb = 240 N/mm2 - yield strength of the bolt
fub = 400 N/mm2 - ultimate strength of the bolt
Pb = 113 mm - perimeter of the bolt
Ps2 = 251 mm - perimeter of the sleeve type 2
Lbtype 1 = 830 mm - anchorage length type 1
Lbtype 2anchor = 380 mm - anchorage length of the bolt type
Lbtype 2sleeve = 300 mm - anchorage length of the sleeve ty
Lbtype 4 = 500 mm - anchorage length type 4
Ps4 = 314 mm - perimeter of the sleeve type 4


_2=(___2 )+
(__2_2 )


Pbtype1= 346.207608 kN - bond stress capacity for anchor b

Pbtype2= 436.583088 kN - bond stress capacity for anchor b

Pbtype4= 579.33 kN - bond stress capacity for anchor b

1.3 Design resistance for column bases according to 8.4.2 (EN 1992-1-1:2004)

1.3.1 Design efforts:

NEd= 18.21 kN - the design value of the internal axial force in membe
My,Ed= 11.46 kNm - the design value of the bending moment for y-y axis
Mz,Ed= 10.23 kNm - the design value of the bending moment for z-z axis

1.3.2 Materias:

tmin= 0 C - minimum temperature of the environment

Quality of
JR - minimum quality of the steel according to minimu
the steel:
temperature of the environment

Quality of
S235JR - according to EN 10025-1, EN 10025-2, EN 1021
the steel:

fy = 235 N/mm2 - the yield strength

fu= 360 N/mm2 - ultimate strength
E= 210000 N/mm2 - modulus of elasticity
G= 81000 N/mm2 - shear modulus
= 0.000012 - coefficient of linear thermal expansion
= 1.00 - ultimate strain
E= 93.913 - coefficient of slenderness Euler


Class of the
C25/30 - according to EN 1992-1

fck= 25 N/mm2 - characteristic compressive cylinder strength of conc

fctk= 1.8 N/mm2 - characteristic axial tensile strength of concrete
Ecm= 31 GPa - secant modulus of elasticity of concrete

1.3.3 Partial factors:

M0= 1.00 - partial factor for resistance of cross-sections whatever the class is
M1= 1.00 - partial factor for resistance of members to instability assessed by member c
M2= 1.25 - partial factor for resistance of cross-sections in tension to fracture
C= 1.50 - partial factor for concrete

1.3.4. Caracteristici geometrice ale sectiunii:

Profil: laminated

Laminated profile UB 203 x 133 x 25

hw= 352 mm - inaltimea inimii profilulu

tw= 11 mm - grosimea inimii profilulu
Welded plates profile
Welded plates profile
bf = 300 mm - latimea talpii profilului
tf = 19 mm - grosimea profilului

hi = 203 mm - heigth of profile

bf = 133 mm - width of the flange
tf = 8 mm - thickness of the flange
hw= 188 mm - heigth of wedge
tw= 5.7 mm - thickness of the wedge
h= 195.4 mm - the design heigth of the profile
Aw= 1069 mm2
Af= 1039 mm2
= 1.943
A= 32.0 cm2 - area of the profile
Av,y= 10.7 cm 2
- shear area on y-y
Av,z= 20.8 cm2 - shear area on z-z
Iy = 2340 cm4 - moment of inertia on y
Iz = 308 cm4 - moment of inertia on z
Wel,y= 230 cm3 - section modulus on y
Wel,z= 46 cm3 - section modulus on z
Wpl,y= 258 cm3 - plastic section modulus on y
Wpl,z= 71 cm 3
- plastic section modulus on z
i y= 9 cm - radius of gyration on y
i z= 3 cm - radius of gyration on z
It = 6 cm 4
- moment of resistance on torsion
I= 29 cm6 - moment of resistance on bending

Base plate:
tp= 10 mm - thickness of the plate
a= 100 mm - width of the plate
b= 100 mm - length of the plate
t= 30 mm - thickness of the grout]

ar= - the distance to the edge of the

175 mm
concrete block

br= - the distance to the edge of the

175 mm
concrete block

Foundation block:

a f= 450 mm - width of the concrete block

b f= 450 mm - length of the concrete block
h f= 500 mm - height of the concrete block

4. Calculation of the column base:

The section of the concrete block is given by:

_1=(+2_,5,+_,5_ )

a1= 450 mm
b1= 450 mm

Factorul de concentrare a eforturilor este:


k j= 4.50

Rezistenta la presiune a betonului sub placa de baza se poate calcula



fj= #DIV/0! N/mm2

Se inlocuieste placa de baza flexibila cu o placa rigida cu latimea efectiva c, situata imprejurul
sectiunii stalpului

(3__0 ))
(3__0 ))

c= #DIV/0! mm
nd foundation design

nsion according to Table 3.4 (EN

le strength fub for bolts

8.8 10.9
640 900
800 1000

of cross-sections in tension

of the bolt
ength of the bolt
strength of the bolt
he bolt
n the threaded portion of the
ength should not exceed 1/3

on area of the bolt


n the threaded portion of the



gn shear force per bolt for the

mit state;
gn tensile force per bolt for
te limit state;

gn shear resistance per bolt;

gn tension resistance per bolt;

cording to 8.4.2 (EN 1992-1-1:2004)

be taken as:

and the position of

r Type 2 - the length of the anchor bolt without sleeve

for anchor bolt Type 1 and for Type 2 - the length of the anchor bolt without sleeve

anchor bolt Type 2 and Type 4

anchor bolt Type 2 and Type 4

the tensile strength

is applied
bolt Type 1 and for Type 2 - the length of the anchor bolt without sleeve

gth of the sleeve of anchor bolt Type 2 and Type 4

of the bolt
ength of the bolt
strength of the bolt
r of the bolt
r of the sleeve type 2
ge length type 1
ge length of the bolt type 2
ge length of the sleeve type 2
ge length type 4
r of the sleeve type 4

ess capacity for anchor bolt type 1

ess capacity for anchor bolt type 2

ess capacity for anchor bolt type 4


nal axial force in member

ding moment for y-y axis
ding moment for z-z axis
ure of the environment

teel according to minimum

the environment

-1, EN 10025-2, EN 10210-1

- according to EN 1992-1-1

cylinder strength of concrete at 28 days

trength of concrete
of concrete

ver the class is

assessed by member checks
ion to fracture

- inaltimea inimii profilului

- grosimea inimii profilului
- latimea talpii profilului
- grosimea profilului
Clasa fyb [N/mm2] fub [N/mm2]
4.6 240 400
5.6 300 500
5.8 400 500
6.8 480 600
8.8 640 800
10.9 900 1000

partially threaded screw

total screw thread


end bolts
inner bolts

S235 235 360

S275 275 430
S355 355 510
S450 440 550

edge bolts
inner bolts

Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4

Diameter embedded embedded Perimeter embedded embedded
length length length length
12 360 160 37.68
16 380 180 50.24 300 200
20 450 200 62.8 350 250
22 510 210 69.08 350 250
24 520 220 75.36 400 300
27 685 285 84.78 450 300
30 750 350 94.2 600 450
33 765 365 103.62 600 450
36 830 380 113.04 650 500
39 700 550
42 750 600
45 800 650
48 850 700
56 900 750

Profil laminat
din table sudate

t40mm t80mm
Materiale S235JR 235 360 215
S235J0 235 360 215
S235J2 235 360 215
S275JR 275 430 255
S275J0 275 430 255
S275J2 275 430 255
S355JR 355 510 335
S355J0 355 510 335
S355J2 355 510 335
S450JR 440 550 410
S450J0 440 550 410
S450J2 440 550 410

Profil laminated
welded plates

h b tw tf r
mm mm mm mm mm mm
UB 127 x 76 x 13 127 76 4 7.6 7.6
UB 152 x 89 x 16 152.4 88.7 4.5 7.7 7.6
UB 178 x 102 x 19 177.8 101.2 4.8 7.9 7.6
UB 203 x 102 x 23 203.2 101.8 5.4 9.3 7.6
UB 203 x 133 x 25 203.2 133.2 5.7 7.8 7.6
UB 203 x 133 x 30 206.8 133.9 6.4 9.6 7.6
UB 254 x 102 x 22 254 101.6 5.7 6.8 7.6
UB 254 x 102 x 25 257.2 101.9 6 8.4 7.6
UB 254 x 102 x 28 260.4 102.2 6.3 10.0 7.6
UB 254 x 146 x 31 251.4 146.1 6 8.6 7.6
UB 254 x 146 x 37 256 146.4 6.3 10.9 7.6
UB 254 x 146 x 43 259.6 147.3 7.2 12.7 7.6
UB 305 x 102 x 25 305.1 101.6 5.8 7.0 7.6
UB 305 x 102 x 28 308.7 101.8 6 8.8 7.6
UB 305 x 102 x 33 312.7 102.4 6.6 10.8 7.6
UB 305 x 127 x 37 304.4 123.4 7.1 10.7 8.9
UB 305 x 127 x 42 307.2 124.3 8 12.1 8.9
UB 305 x 127 x 48 311 125.3 9 14.0 8.9
UB 305 x 165 x 40 303.4 165 6 10.2 8.9
UB 305 x 165 x 46 306.6 165.7 6.7 11.8 8.9
UB 305 x 165 x 54 310.4 166.9 7.9 13.7 8.9
UB 356 x 127 x 33 349 125.4 6 8.5 10.2
UB 356 x 127 x 39 353.4 126 6.6 10.7 10.2
UB 356 x 171 x 45 351.4 171.1 7 9.7 10.2
UB 356 x 171 x 51 355 171.5 7.4 11.5 10.2
UB 356 x 171 x 57 358 172.2 8.1 13 10.2
UB 356 x 171 x 67 363.4 173.2 9.1 15.7 10.2
UB 406 x 140 x 39 398 141.8 6.4 8.6 10.2
UB 406 x 140 x 46 403.2 142.2 6.8 11.2 10.2
UB 406 x 178 x 54 402.6 177.7 7.7 10.9 10.2
UB 406 x 178 x 60 406.4 177.9 7.9 12.8 10.2
UB 406 x 178 x 67 409.4 178.8 8.8 14.3 10.2
UB 406 x 178 x 74 412.8 179.5 9.5 16 10.2
UB 457 x 152 x 52 449.8 152.4 7.6 10.9 10.2
UB 457 x 152 x 60 454.6 152.9 8.1 13.3 10.2
UB 457 x 152 x 67 458 153.8 9 15 10.2
UB 457 x 152 x 74 462 154.4 9.6 17 10.2
UB 457 x 152 x 82 465.8 155.3 10.5 18.9 10.2
UB 457 x 191 x 67 453.4 189.9 8.5 12.7 10.2
UB 457 x 191 x 74 457 190.4 9 14.5 10.2
UB 457 x 191 x 82 460 191.3 9.9 16 10.2
UB 457 x 191 x 89 463.4 191.9 10.5 17.7 10.2
UB 457 x 191 x 98 467.2 192.8 11.4 19.6 10.2
UB 533 x 210 x 82 528.3 208.8 9.6 13.2 12.7
UB 533 x 210 x 92 533.1 209.3 10.1 15.6 12.7
UB 533 x 210 x 101 536.7 210 10.8 17.4 12.7
UB 533 x 210 x 109 539.5 210.8 11.6 18.8 12.7
UB 533 x 210 x 122 544.5 211.9 12.7 21.3 12.7
UB 610 x 229 x 101 602.6 227.6 10.5 14.8 12.7
UB 610 x 229 x 113 607.6 228.2 11.1 17.3 12.7
UB 610 x 229 x 125 612.2 229 11.9 19.6 12.7
UB 610 x 229 x 140 617.2 230.2 13.1 22.1 12.7
UB 610 x 305 x 149 612.4 304.8 11.8 19.7 16.5
UB 610 x 305 x 179 620.2 307.1 14.1 23.6 16.5
UB 610 x 305 x 238 635.8 311.4 18.4 31.4 16.5
UB 686 x 254 x 125 677.9 253 11.7 16.2 15.2
UB 686 x 254 x 140 683.5 253.7 12.4 19 15.2
UB 686 x 254 x 152 687.5 254.5 13.2 21 15.2
UB 686 x 254 x 170 692.9 255.8 14.5 23.7 15.2
UB 762 x 267 x 147 754 265.2 12.8 17.5 16.5
UB 762 x 267 x 173 762.2 266.7 14.3 21.6 16.5
UB 762 x 267 x 197 769.8 268 15.6 25.4 16.5
UB 838 x 292 x 176 834.9 291.7 14 18.8 17.8
UB 838 x 292 x 194 840.7 292.4 14.7 21.7 17.8
UB 838 x 292 x 226 850.9 293.8 16.1 26.8 17.8
UB 914 x 305 x 201 903 303.3 15.1 20.2 19.1
UB 914 x 305 x 224 910.4 304.1 15.9 23.9 19.1
UB 914 x 305 x 253 918.4 305.5 17.3 27.9 19.1
UB 914 x 305 x 289 926.6 307.7 19.5 32 19.1
UB 914 x 419 x 343 911.8 418.5 19.4 32 24.1
UB 914 x 419 x 388 921 420.5 21.4 36.6 24.1
UB 1016 x 305 x 222 970.3 300 16 21.1 30
UB 1016 x 305 x 249 980 300 16.5 26 30
UB 1016 x 305 x 272 990.1 300 16.5 31 30
UB 1016 x 305 x 314 1000 300 19.1 35.9 30
UB 1016 x 305 x 349 1008.1 302 21.1 40 30
UB 1016 x 305 x 393 1016 303 24.4 43.9 30
UB 1016 x 305 x 415 1020 304 26 46 30
UB 1016 x 305 x 438 1026 305 27 49 30
UB 1016 x 305 x 494 1036 309 31 54 30
UB 1016 x 305 x 584 1056 314 36 64 30

UC 152 x 152 x 23 152.4 152.2 5.8 6.8 7.6

UC 152 x 152 x 30 157.6 152.9 6.5 9.4 7.6
UC 152 x 152 x 37 161.8 154.4 8 11.5 7.6
UC 203 x 203 x 46 203.2 203.6 7.2 11 10.2
UC 203 x 203 x 52 206.2 204.3 7.9 12.5 10.2
UC 203 x 203 x 60 209.6 205.8 9.4 14.2 10.2
UC 203 x 203 x 71 215.8 206.4 10 17.3 10.2
UC 203 x 203 x 86 222.2 209.1 12.7 20.5 10.2
UC 254 x 254 x 73 254.1 254.6 8.6 14.2 12.7
UC 254 x 254 x 89 260.3 256.3 10.3 17.3 12.7
UC 254 x 254 x 107 266.7 258.8 12.8 20.5 12.7
UC 254 x 254 x 132 276.3 261.3 15.3 25.3 12.7
UC 254 x 254 x 167 289.1 265.2 19.2 31.7 12.7
UC 305 x 305 x 97 307.9 305.3 9.9 15.4 15.2
UC 305 x 305 x 118 314.5 307.4 12 18.7 15.2
UC 305 x 305 x 137 320.5 309.2 13.8 21.7 15.2
UC 305 x 305 x 158 327.1 311.2 15.8 25 15.2
UC 305 x 305 x 198 339.9 314.5 19.1 31.4 15.2
UC 305 x 305 x 240 352.5 318.4 23 37.7 15.2
UC 305 x 305 x 283 365.3 322.2 26.8 44.1 15.2
UC 356 x 368 x 129 355.6 368.6 10.4 17.5 15.2
UC 356 x 368 x 153 362 370.5 12.3 20.7 15.2
UC 356 x 368 x 177 368.2 372.6 14.4 23.8 15.2
UC 356 x 368 x 202 374.6 374.7 16.5 27 15.2
UC 356 x 406 x 235 381 394.8 18.4 30.2 15.2
UC 356 x 406 x 287 393.6 399 22.6 36.5 15.2
UC 356 x 406 x 340 406.4 403 26.6 42.9 15.2
UC 356 x 406 x 393 419 407 30.6 49.2 15.2
UC 356 x 406 x 467 436.6 412.2 35.8 58 15.2
UC 356 x 406 x 551 455.6 418.5 42.1 67.5 15.2
UC 356 x 406 x 634 474.6 424 47.6 77 15.2
Diameter Aria bruta Aria neta

12 113 84.0 0.742723068

14 154 115.0 0.747053815
16 201 157.0 0.78085394
18 254 192.0 0.754512323
20 314 245.0 0.779859221
22 380 303.0 0.797090046
24 452 353.0 0.780301318
27 573 459.0 0.801669343
30 707 561.0 0.79365265
33 855 647.0 0.75646096
36 1018 817.0 0.802651781
39 1195 974.0 0.815342088
42 1385 1129.0 0.81490218
45 1590 1320.0 0.829963555
48 1810 1502.0 0.830037238
56 2463 2069.0 0.840029534


Perimeter of Perimeter of Perimeter of

Type 2 sleeve
the plate type the sleeve the sleeve h2=
3&4 type 2 type 4
100 157 0.82
300 100 157 157 0.82
300 150 157 157 0.82
400 200 251.2 251.2 0.52
500 200 251.2 251.2 0.52
500 250 251.2 314 0.52
500 250 251.2 314 0.52
500 250 251.2 314 0.52
600 300 251.2 314 0.52
600 314 0.32
600 314 0.32
800 314 0.32
800 314 0.32
900 314 0.32

fck fck,cube fcm

[MPa] [MPa] [MPa]
C12/15 12 15 20
t80mm C16/20 16 20 24
360 C20/25 20 25 28
360 C25/30 25 30 33
360 C30/37 30 37 38
410 C35/45 35 45 43
410 C40/50 40 50 48
410 C45/55 45 55 53
470 C50/60 50 60 58
470 C55/67 55 67 63
470 C60/75 60 75 68
550 C70/85 70 85 78
550 C80/95 80 95 88
550 C90/105 90 105 98

otel= 7850 kg/m3

A G hi d Pmin Pmax
mm2 kg/m mm mm mm mm
16.5 13 112.0 96.6 - - -
20.3 16 137.0 121.8 - - -
24.3 19 162.0 146.8 M10 50.0 58.00
29.4 23.1 184.6 169.4 M10 54.0 58.00
32.0 25.1 187.6 172.4 M16 64.0 70.00
38.2 30 187.6 172.4 M16 66.0 70.00
28.0 22 240.4 225.2 M10 50.0 58.00
32.0 25.2 240.4 225.2 M10 52.0 58.00
36.1 28.3 240.4 225.2 M12 54.0 54.00
39.7 31.1 234.2 219.0 M16 66.0 82.00
47.2 37 234.2 219.0 M16 66.0 82.00
54.8 43 234.2 219.0 M16 66.0 84.00
31.6 24.8 291.1 275.9 M10 56.0 58.00
35.9 28.2 291.1 275.9 M10 58.0 58.00
41.8 32.8 291.1 275.9 M10 58.0 60.00
47.2 37 283.0 265.2 M16 67.0 69.00
53.4 41.9 283.0 265.2 M16 68.0 70.00
61.2 48.1 283.0 265.2 M16 69.0 71.00
51.3 40.3 283.0 265.2 M22 76.0 84.00
58.8 46.1 283.0 265.2 M22 76.0 84.00
68.8 54 283.0 265.2 M22 78.0 84.00
42.1 33.1 332.0 311.6 M12 62.0 74.00
49.8 39.1 332.0 311.6 M12 62.0 74.00
57.3 45 332.0 311.6 M22 82.0 90.00
64.91 51 332 311.6 M22 82 90
72.56 57 332 311.6 M22 82 90
85.49 67.1 332 311.6 M22 84 92
49.65 39 380.8 360.4 M16 68 78
58.64 46 380.8 360.4 M16 68 78
68.95 54.1 380.8 360.4 M24 88 90
76.52 60.1 380.8 360.4 M24 88 90
85.54 67.1 380.8 360.4 M24 88 90
94.51 74.2 380.8 360.4 M24 88 92
66.64 52.3 428 407.6 M20 76 76
76.23 59.8 428 407.6 M20 76 76
85.55 67.2 428 407.6 M20 78 78
94.48 74.2 428 407.6 M20 78 78
104.5 82.1 428 407.6 M20 80 80
85.51 67.1 428 407.6 M27 90 90
94.63 74.3 428 407.6 M27 90 90
104.5 82 428 407.6 M27 92 92
113.8 89.3 428 407.6 M27 92 92
125.3 98.3 428 407.6 M27 92 92
104.7 82.2 501.9 476.5 M27 90 108
117.4 92.1 501.9 476.5 M27 92 110
128.7 101 501.9 476.5 M27 92 110
138.9 109 501.9 476.5 M27 94 108
155.4 122 501.9 476.5 M27 94 110
128.9 101.2 573 547.6 M27 92 126
143.9 113 573 547.6 M27 92 126
159.3 125.1 573 547.6 M27 94 128
178.2 139.9 573 547.6 M27 94 128
190 149.1 573 540 M27 100 202
228.1 179 573 540 M27 104 206
303.3 238.1 573 540 M27 108 210
159.5 125.2 645.5 615.1 M27 98 152
178.4 140.1 645.5 615.1 M27 100 152
194.1 152.4 645.5 615.1 M27 100 152
216.8 170.2 645.5 615.1 M27 102 154
187.2 146.9 719 686 M27 104 164
220.4 173 719 686 M27 104 164
250.6 196.8 719 686 M27 106 166
224 175.9 797.3 761.7 M27 106 190
246.8 193.8 797.3 761.7 M27 108 190
288.6 226.5 797.3 761.7 M27 108 192
255.9 200.9 862.6 824.4 M27 110 202
285.6 224.2 862.6 824.4 M27 110 202
322.8 253.4 862.6 824.4 M27 112 204
368.3 289.1 862.6 824.4 M27 114 206
437.3 343.3 847.8 799.6 M27 126 312
494.2 388 847.8 799.6 M27 128 314
282.2 222 928 868 M27 132 198
316.8 249 928 868 M27 132 198
346.8 272 928 868 M27 132 198
400 314 928 868 M27 134 198
444.2 349 928 868 M27 138 198
500.2 393 928 868 M27 142 198
528.7 415 928 868 M27 144 198
557.2 438 928 868 M27 144 200
629.1 494 928 868 M27 148 204
743.7 584 928 868 M27 154 208

29.25 23 138.8 123.6 M20 72 76

38.26 30 138.8 123.6 M20 72 76
47.11 37 138.8 123.6 M20 74 78
58.73 46.1 181.2 160.8 M27 90 104
66.28 52 181.2 160.8 M27 90 104
76.37 60 181.2 160.8 M27 90 106
90.43 71 181.2 160.8 M27 92 106
109.6 86.1 181.2 160.8 M27 94 110
93.1 73.1 225.7 200.3 M27 100 152
113.3 88.9 225.7 200.3 M27 102 154
136.4 107.1 225.7 200.3 M27 104 156
168.1 132 225.7 200.3 M27 108 160
212.9 167.1 225.7 200.3 M27 112 164
123.4 96.9 277.1 246.7 M27 102 204
150.2 117.9 277.1 246.7 M27 104 206
174.4 136.9 277.1 246.7 M27 106 208
201.4 158.1 277.1 246.7 M27 108 210
252.4 198.1 277.1 246.7 M27 112 212
305.8 240 277.1 246.7 M27 116 216
360.4 282.9 277.1 246.7 M27 120 218
164.3 129 320.6 290.2 M27 98 262
194.8 152.9 320.6 290.2 M27 100 264
225.5 177 320.6 290.2 M27 102 266
257.2 201.9 320.6 290.2 M27 104 268
299 235.1 320.6 290.2 M27 106 288
365.7 287.1 320.6 290.2 M27 112 294
433 339.9 320.6 290.2 M27 118 292
500.6 393 320.6 290.2 M27 122 296
594.9 467 320.6 290.2 M27 128 300
701.9 551 320.6 290.2 M27 134 306
807.5 633.9 320.6 290.2 M27 140 312
fctm fck,0.05 fck,0.95 Ecm
[MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [GPa]
1.6 1.1 2.0 27
1.9 1.3 2.5 29
2.2 1.5 2.9 30
2.6 1.8 3.3 31
2.9 2.0 3.8 33
3.2 2.2 4.2 34
3.5 2.5 4.6 35
3.8 2.7 4.9 36
4.1 2.9 5.3 37
4.2 3.0 5.5 38
4.4 3.0 5.7 39
4.6 3.2 6.0 41
4.8 3.4 6.3 42
5.0 3.5 6.6 44

ly Wel.y Wpl.y iy Avz lz

AL AG kg/m mm4 mm3 mm3 mm mm2 mm4
m2/m m2/t (x 104) (x 103) (x 103) (x 10 ) (x 102) (x 104)
0.537 41.4 13.00 473 74.6 84.15 5.35 6.43 55.74
0.638 40.0 16.00 834 109.5 123.30 6.41 8.18 89.75
0.738 38.7 19.00 1356 152.5 171.30 7.48 9.85 136.7
0.79 34.2 23.10 2105 207.2 234.10 8.46 12.38 163.9
0.915 36.5 25.10 2340 230.3 257.70 8.56 12.82 307.6
0.923 30.8 30.00 2896 280.0 314.40 8.71 14.58 384.7
0.89 40.5 22.00 2841 223.7 259.00 10.07 15.62 119.3
0.897 35.7 25.20 3415 265.5 305.50 10.32 16.7 148.7
0.904 31.9 28.30 4005 307.6 352.80 10.54 17.79 178.5
1.062 34.1 31.10 4413 351.1 393.10 10.55 16.37 447.5
1.072 29.0 37.00 5537 432.6 483.20 10.83 17.59 570.6
1.081 25.1 43.00 6544 504.1 566.30 10.93 20.2 677.4
0.992 40.0 24.80 4455 292.1 342.00 11.87 18.85 122.9
1 35.5 28.20 5366 347.6 402.90 12.23 19.83 155.4
1.009 30.7 32.80 6501 415.8 480.80 12.47 22.06 194.1
1.073 29.0 37.00 7171 471.1 539.40 12.33 23.44 336.2
1.08 25.8 41.90 8196 533.6 613.50 12.39 26.44 388.8
1.09 22.7 48.10 9575 615.7 710.70 12.5 29.9 461
1.24 30.8 40.30 8503 560.5 623.10 12.87 20.09 764.4
1.247 27.1 46.10 9899 645.7 720.00 12.98 22.53 895.7
1.257 23.3 54.00 11700 753.6 846.10 13.04 26.56 1063
1.17 35.4 33.10 8249 472.7 542.90 13.99 23.06 280.2
1.18 30.2 39.10 10172 575.6 658.50 14.3 25.69 357.8
1.356 30.1 45.00 12070 686.7 774.60 14.51 26.79 811.1
1.364 26.76 51 14140 796.4 896 14.76 28.66 968.3
1.371 24.07 57 16040 896 1010 14.87 31.49 1108
1.384 20.62 67.1 19460 1071 1211 15.09 35.74 1362
1.333 34.2 39 12508 628.6 723.7 15.87 27.57 409.8
1.344 29.2 46 15685 778 887.6 16.35 29.83 538.1
1.483 27.4 54.1 18720 930 1055 16.48 33.28 1021
1.491 24.82 60.1 21600 1063 1199 16.8 34.6 1203
1.499 22.32 67.1 24330 1189 1346 16.87 38.58 1365
1.507 20.31 74.2 27310 1323 1501 17 41.85 1545
1.476 28.22 52.3 21370 950 1096 17.91 36.47 645
1.487 24.85 59.8 25500 1122 1287 18.29 39.35 794.6
1.496 22.27 67.2 28930 1263 1453 18.39 43.82 912.6
1.505 20.29 74.2 32670 1414 1627 18.6 47.08 1047
1.514 18.45 82.1 36590 1571 1811 18.71 51.67 1185
1.632 24.31 67.1 29380 1296 1471 18.54 40.94 1452
1.64 22.08 74.3 33320 1458 1653 18.76 43.68 1671
1.648 20.09 82 37050 1611 1831 18.83 48.11 1871
1.656 18.54 89.3 41020 1770 2014 18.99 51.3 2089
1.665 16.94 98.3 45730 1957 2232 19.11 55.92 2347
1.851 22.52 82.2 47540 1800 2059 21.31 54.19 2007
1.861 20.2 92.1 55230 2072 2360 21.69 57.61 2389
1.87 18.51 101 61520 2292 2612 21.87 61.89 2692
1.877 17.22 109 66820 2477 2828 21.94 66.56 2943
1.889 15.49 122 76040 2793 3196 22.12 73.24 3388
2.073 20.48 101.2 75780 2515 2881 24.24 66.86 2915
2.084 18.44 113 87320 2874 3281 24.63 71.3 3434
2.095 16.75 125.1 98610 3221 3676 24.88 76.88 3932
2.107 15.06 139.9 111800 3622 4142 25.05 84.96 4505
2.392 16.03 149.1 125900 4111 4594 25.74 78.78 9308
2.412 13.47 179 153000 4935 5547 25.9 94.25 11408
2.452 10.3 238.1 209500 6589 7486 26.28 123.9 15837
2.318 18.52 125.2 118000 3481 3994 27.2 84.33 4383
2.331 16.64 140.1 136300 3987 4558 27.64 90.16 5183
2.341 15.36 152.4 150400 4374 5000 27.83 96.35 5784
2.354 13.83 170.2 170300 4916 5631 28.03 106.2 6630
2.515 17.11 146.9 168500 4470 5156 30 102.4 5455
2.534 14.65 173 205300 5387 6198 30.52 115.4 6850
2.552 12.97 196.8 240000 6234 7167 30.94 126.8 8175
2.778 15.8 175.9 246000 5893 6808 33.14 123.7 7799
2.791 14.4 193.8 279200 6641 7640 33.63 130.8 9066
2.814 12.42 226.5 339700 7985 9155 34.31 144.9 11360
2.956 14.72 200.9 325300 7204 8351 35.65 144.2 9423
2.973 13.26 224.2 376400 8269 9535 36.3 153.2 11240
2.991 11.8 253.4 436300 9501 10940 36.76 167.8 13300
3.012 10.42 289.1 504200 10880 12570 37 189.8 15600
3.417 9.955 343.3 625800 13730 15480 37.83 191.1 39160
3.44 8.866 388 719600 15630 17670 38.16 211.9 45440
3.06 13.8 222 406500 8380 9777 37.95 172.2 9501
3.08 12.37 249 481100 9818 11350 38.97 180.7 11750
3.1 11.37 272 553800 11190 12820 39.96 184.6 14000
3.11 9.91 314 644700 12890 14860 40.15 212.5 16280
3.13 8.98 349 722300 14330 16570 40.32 235 18460
3.14 8.01 393 807700 15900 18540 40.18 271.3 20500
3.15 7.6 415 853100 16728 19571 40.17 288.6 21710
3.17 7.24 438 909800 17740 20770 40.41 300.9 23360
3.19 6.47 494 1028000 19845 23413 40.42 344.5 26820
3.24 5.56 584 1246100 23600 28039 40.93 403.2 33430

0.89 38.72 23 1250 164 182 6.54 9.97 399.9

0.9 29.99 30 1748 221.8 247.7 6.76 11.56 560.5
0.91 24.66 37 2210 273.2 308.8 6.85 14.27 706.2
1.19 25.79 46.1 4568 449.6 497.4 8.82 16.98 1548
1.2 22.99 52 5259 510.1 567.4 8.91 18.75 1778
1.21 20.12 60 6125 584.4 656.1 8.96 22.16 2065
1.22 17.18 71 7618 706 798.8 9.18 24.27 2537
1.24 14.38 86.1 9449 850.5 976.7 9.28 30.69 3127
1.49 20.35 73.1 11410 897.9 992.1 11.07 25.62 3908
1.5 16.9 88.9 14270 1096 1224 11.22 30.81 4857
1.52 14.21 107.1 17510 1313 1484 11.33 38.11 5928
1.55 11.71 132 22530 1631 1869 11.58 46.21 7531
1.58 9.45 167.1 30000 2075 2424 11.87 58.86 9870
1.79 18.48 96.9 22250 1445 1592 13.42 35.62 7308
1.81 15.34 117.9 27670 1760 1958 13.57 43.16 9059
1.82 13.32 136.9 32810 2048 2297 13.72 49.81 10700
1.84 11.65 158.1 38750 2369 2680 13.87 57.32 12570
1.87 9.46 198.1 50900 2995 3440 14.2 70.45 16300
1.91 7.94 240 64200 3643 4247 14.49 85.85 20310
1.94 6.86 282.9 78870 4318 5105 14.79 101.5 24630
2.14 16.58 129 40250 2264 2479 15.65 42.47 14610
2.16 14.09 152.9 48590 2684 2965 15.79 50.26 17550
2.17 12.27 177 57120 3103 3455 15.91 58.81 20530
2.19 10.84 201.9 66260 3538 3972 16.05 67.55 23690
2.28 9.69 235.1 79080 4151 4687 16.25 75.71 30990
2.31 8.05 287.1 99880 5075 5812 16.53 93.78 38680
2.35 6.9 339.9 122500 6031 6999 16.82 111.7 46850
2.38 6.05 393 146600 6998 8222 17.11 130.1 55370
2.424 5.191 467 183000 8383 10000 17.54 155.2 67830
2.475 4.492 551 226900 9962 12080 17.98 185.9 82670
2.524 3.981 633.9 274800 11580 14240 18.45 214.6 98130
Wel.z Wpl.z iz Ss lt lw
mm3 mm3 mm mm mm4 mm6
(x 103) (x 103) (x 10 ) (x 104) (x 109)
14.67 22.58 1.84 28.1 2.8 1.98
20.24 31.18 2.1 28.8 3.55 4.69
27.02 41.59 2.37 29.5 4.42 9.85
32.19 49.75 2.36 32.9 7.02 15.37
46.19 70.94 3.1 30.2 6.1 29.33
57.45 88.22 3.17 34.5 10.43 37.34
23.49 37.27 2.06 28.2 4.35 18.16
29.18 46.01 2.15 31.7 6.56 22.92
34.94 54.85 2.22 35.2 9.66 27.89
61.26 94.13 3.36 32.1 8.68 65.88
77.96 119.4 3.48 37 15.37 85.61
91.97 141.1 3.52 41.5 23.97 103.1
24.2 38.81 1.97 28.7 4.98 27.18
30.53 48.45 2.08 32.5 7.51 34.79
37.91 60.04 2.15 37.1 12.29 44.04
54.49 85.41 2.67 38.93 14.96 72.26
62.55 98.41 2.7 42.63 21.42 84.32
73.59 116.1 2.74 47.43 32.18 101.2
92.65 141.7 3.86 36.83 14.74 164.1
108.1 165.5 3.9 40.73 22.2 194.4
127.4 195.6 3.93 45.73 34.9 233.6
44.69 70.29 2.58 34.95 8.97 80.97
56.8 89.05 2.68 39.95 15.15 104.7
94.81 146.6 3.76 38.35 16.16 236.4
112.9 174.2 3.86 42.35 24 285.2
128.7 198.8 3.91 46.05 33.59 329.2
157.3 243 3.99 52.45 55.9 410.9
57.8 90.85 2.87 35.55 10.99 154.9
75.68 118.1 3.03 41.15 19.07 206.2
114.9 178.3 3.85 41.45 23.5 391
135.3 209 3.97 45.45 33.49 465.2
152.7 236.6 3.99 49.35 46.4 531.7
172.2 267 4.04 53.45 63.1 607.1
84.64 133.3 3.11 41.35 21.71 309.7
103.9 163.1 3.23 46.65 34.02 385.8
118.7 186.7 3.27 50.95 47.95 446.2
135.6 213.1 3.33 55.55 66.18 516.3
152.5 240.4 3.37 60.25 89.65 589.1
152.9 237.3 4.12 45.85 37.54 703.8
175.5 272.1 4.2 49.95 52.14 816.6
195.6 303.9 4.23 53.85 69.72 920.1
217.8 338.4 4.29 57.85 91.26 1035
243.5 378.9 4.33 62.55 122.1 1173
192.3 300.4 4.38 50.88 52.54 1328
228.3 355.6 4.51 56.18 76.34 1596
256.4 399.4 4.57 60.48 101.6 1811
279.2 435.8 4.6 64.08 127.3 1989
319.7 499.7 4.67 70.18 179.6 2312
256.1 400.2 4.75 54.98 78.16 2512
301 469.3 4.88 60.58 112.3 2985
343.4 535.4 4.97 65.98 155.2 3444
391.4 611.4 5.03 72.18 217.8 3978
610.7 937.3 7 70.53 200.4 8165
743 1144 7.07 80.63 341.6 10140
1017 1574 7.23 100.5 790.6 14430
346.5 542.4 5.24 61.91 118.3 4786
408.6 638.2 5.39 68.21 170.3 5708
454.5 710.2 5.46 73.01 221.3 6407
518.4 811.4 5.53 79.71 309.8 7402
411.4 647.2 5.4 67.13 162.2 7377
513.7 807.5 5.58 76.83 270.3 9364
610.1 958.6 5.71 85.73 407.3 11290
534.7 841.9 5.9 72.45 226.2 12950
620.1 973.8 6.06 78.95 309.6 15160
773.3 1212 6.27 90.55 516.5 19230
621.4 982 6.07 77.88 297.9 18300
739 1163 6.27 86.08 427.2 22010
870.8 1371 6.42 95.48 630.5 26280
1014 1601 6.51 105.9 933.6 31090
1871 2890 9.46 111.6 1199 75650
2161 3341 9.59 122.8 1741 88690
633.4 1016 5.8 93.15 403.4 21280
784 1245 6.09 103.6 584.4 26620
933.6 1470 6.35 113.6 822.4 32070
1085 1716 6.38 126.1 1254 37640
1222 1940 6.45 136.1 1701 43020
1353 2168 6.4 147.3 2332 48080
1428 2298 6.41 153.1 2713 51080
1532 2464 6.47 160.1 3200 55290
1736 2818 6.53 174.1 4433 64010
2130 3475 6.7 199.1 7230 81240

52.55 80.16 3.7 28.3 4.86 21.18

73.31 111.6 3.83 34.2 10.67 30.75
91.48 139.6 3.87 39.9 19.49 39.84
152.1 230.9 5.13 41.2 22.34 142.9
174 264.2 5.18 44.9 31.97 166.6
200.6 305.3 5.2 49.8 47.78 196.9
245.9 373.7 5.3 56.6 80.63 249.7
299.1 456.2 5.34 65.7 138.3 317.7
307 465.4 6.48 51.9 57.74 562
379 575.3 6.55 59.8 102.7 716.6
458.1 697 6.59 68.7 173.9 897.5
576.4 878.4 6.69 80.8 321.5 1185
744.3 1137 6.81 97.5 633.8 1632
478.7 726.1 7.69 58.5 91.8 1562
589.4 895.4 7.77 67.2 162.3 1980
692.1 1053 7.83 75 251.1 2386
807.8 1230 7.9 83.6 381.6 2865
1037 1581 8.04 99.7 741.2 3873
1276 1951 8.15 116.2 1287 5025
1529 2342 8.27 132.8 2062 6341
792.8 1199 9.43 63.2 152.7 4174
947.5 1435 9.49 71.5 251.2 5110
1102 1671 9.54 79.8 383.5 6084
1264 1920 9.6 88.3 561.4 7151
1570 2383 10.2 96.6 817.7 9529
1939 2949 10.28 113.4 1455 12320
2325 3544 10.4 130.2 2370 15460
2721 4154 10.52 146.8 3592 18900
3291 5034 10.68 169.6 5896 24260
3951 6058 10.85 194.9 9402 31050
4629 7108 11.02 219.4 13990 38660

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