Holy Week
Holy Week
Holy Week
The different levels of devotion of the Catholic faithful are visible this week, as they
reflect on the agony and sacrifice of the Son of God to deliver the world from sin.
Here's a quick overview of rites and rituals during Holy Week in the Philippines.
In the morning of Palm Sunday, churches reenact the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ
in Jerusalem, days before his Passion on the cross.
In churches like the Mary Mirror of Justice Parish (MMJP) in Comembo, Makati City, for
instance, a Palm Sunday celebration starts with a procession called latag or laying a
thing (like a a cloth) on the floor. Pieces of cloth are laid on the priest's path as he
makes his way to the church for Mass. Meanwhile, the parishioners wave
their palaspas or palm fronds, which the priest blesses. The palm fronds are brought
home by churchgoers.
Meanwhile, the pabasa or the chanting in public of the Pasyon a 16th to 17th century
epic poem narrating the life of Jesus Christ from birth to resurrection also begins
during the Holy Week (or sometimes earlier in some areas).
Maundy Thursday
Holy Thursday starts with the "Chrism mass," where the Chrism oil used during
baptism, confirmation rites, and the anointing of the sick is blessed. Priests also renew
their vows during the Chrism mass.
Later in the day, the priest officiates the Mass of the Lord's Supper, where he
commemorates Jesus' Last Supper and performs the washing of the feet ritual with 12
people, like what Jesus did with his 12 apostles.
After the Mass, the altar is stripped bare, and church bells will not be rung until the
Easter Vigil.
The Blessed Sacrament is then repositioned at the Altar of Repose, where the hosts
(ostiya) for communion, consecrated during the Mass of the Lord's Supper, are placed.
Churchgoers can pray before these reposed hosts during their Visita Iglesia, the
tradition of visiting nearby churches to do a vigil on the Blessed Sacrament. (READ: 8
beautiful Metro Manila churches for Visita Iglesia)
Trivia: According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, the word "Maundy" comes from
the Middle English word maunde, which then derives from the Latin
word mandatum(command). It was lifted from Jesus' words while washing the Apostles'
feet, as told in John 13:34: "A new command, I give you: Love one another. As I have
loved you, so you must love one another."
Good Friday
At noon, the church remembers Jesus' "Seven Last Words." Priests and select
parishioners share lessons and reflections on each of the 7 expressions of Jesus Christ
while on the cross.
At 3 pm, around the time Jesus was said to have died, the Veneration of the Holy Cross
is observed.
Afterwards, the procession of the Santo Entierro a wooden sculpture depicting the
dead body of Christ and other holy images is held.
In many areas, parishioners perform the senakulo or "passion play", dramatizing Jesus'
Passion. (READ: The colorful characters of Pasay's Malibay cenaculo)
In Barangay San Pedro Cutud, San Fernando, Pampanga, some penitents willingly
experience Jesus' suffering themselves, from being whipped or lashed on the back (by
himself or by others) to carrying the cross, and even up to being tied or nailed to the
cross. (WATCH: San Pedro Cutud: Via Crucis)
Black Saturday
The church is in a state of mourning after Jesus' death. The cross over the altar remains
covered by a black cloth. (Some parishes cover the cross for the entire Lenten season
or from Ash Wednesday, while others do it only from Palm Sunday.)
The Easter Vigil commences at night. The Paschal candle representing the
resurrected Christ, the light of the world is lit at the start of the vigil. Adults and
children may also receive the sacrament of baptism during the vigil.
Easter Sunday
The culmination of the Holy Week is full of rejoicing, as Catholics commemorate Jesus
Christ's resurrection.
Early morning of Easter Sunday, parishioners perform what is called a salubong (a form
of meeting or welcoming someone).
Usually, groups of men and women have separate processions, with the men
accompanying an image or statue of the risen Christ, while the women have the image
of the Virgen Maria Alegria or the Virgin of Joy.
Their paths converge in front of the church, reenacting the reunion of Jesus and his
mother, the Virgin Mary. The Easter Mass follows, ending the obsevance of Holy
Week. Rappler.com
Penitent's crucifixion photo from Shutterstock. Tondo Church photo by Rhea Claire