Nov BVR Mech
Nov BVR Mech
Nov BVR Mech
Sr. Divisio Divisi Name of Work/ Milestone Project Code Budget Actual Actua Act AA TS DTP Tendered Project AA
n/ on/ Amoun l ual Amount Amount Amount Amount Start Date approval
2016-17 t Spent financ phy date
Circle Circle
(financ ial sical
ial progr pro
progre ess in gres
6 Mech-BVR SITC of 25 Mtr Tower at Bhavnagar BHV/BVN/SE/0 5 ss) till Rupe s in
Port 0851 date in es till Rup
FY date ees
2014- till
15 date
8 Mech-BVR SITC of 4 Nos. of 18 mtr High mast ALG/ALG/SE/01 2
Tower at Alan-sosiya yard 032 23.4 21.63
Sr. Divisio Divisi Name of Work/ Milestone Project Code Budget Actual Actua Act AA TS DTP Tendered Project AA
n/ on/ Amoun l ual Amount Amount Amount Amount Start Date approval
2016-17 t Spent financ phy date
Circle Circle
(financ ial sical
ial progr pro
progre ess in gres
50 Mech-BVR Upgradation of Power Supply for ss) till Rupe s in
infrastructure projects at Bhavanagar BHV/BVN/15/0 date in es till Rup
100 FY date ees
Port 1145
2014- till
15 date
51 Mech-BVR Fire Fighting Facilities for Bhavnagar
Port Phase - II BHV/BVN/15/0 1
52 Mech-BVR Upgradation in electrification at S.T.I, ALG/ALG/15/01
Alang 2
53 Mech-BVR Providing and Errecting Solar System
in STI Office Building, Alang ALG/ALG/SE/00 18
Sr. Divisio Divisi Name of Work/ Milestone Project Code Budget Actual Actua Act AA TS DTP Tendered Project AA
n/ on/ Amoun l ual Amount Amount Amount Amount Start Date approval
2016-17 t Spent financ phy date
Circle Circle
(financ ial sical
ial progr pro
progre ess in gres
77 Mech-BVR Renovation of street light by LED ss) till Rupe s in
lighting at Bor talav port colony date in es till Rup
BHV/BVN/15/01 5 FY date ees 4.73 3.91
Bhavnagar 2014- till
15 date
78 Mech-BVR Replacement of old Water Taker
No.GJ-4U-8174 at Alang ALG/BVN/15/01 20
79 Mech-BVR Procurement of new bolero in
replacement of GJ-4AM-9302 ALG/BVN/15/01 8 6.995
80 Mech-BVR Replacement of old Water Taker
No.GJ-4U-5390 at Alang ALG/BVN/15/01 20
81 Mech-BVR SITC of 60KVA DG set in Admin
building at Alang ALG/ALG/SE/010 9 8.185
82 Mech-BVR Providing & Erecting Solar system in
Admin Office Building Alang ALG/BVN/15/01 15
Dropped To be dropped.
Dropped To be dropped.