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The document provides snippets of text from different pages of 'The Cambridge History of English Literature' book. It discusses the publication history and intentions of the original work.

It appears to be about the publication history and contents of 'The Cambridge History of English Literature' reference book.

The document mentions that The Cambridge History of English Literature was first published between 1907 and 1916, with the General Index Volume issued in 1927.







London Office: Bentley Honne, N.W.I
American Branch New York

Agents for Canada, India, and Pakistan Macmillan

First edition 1927

Cheap edition 1932
Reprinted 1934

First printed in Great Britain at the University Press, Cambridge

Reprinted by Blackie & Son, Ltd, Glasgow

The Cambridge History of English Literature was first pub-

lished between the years 1907 and 1916. The General Index
Volume was issued in 1927-
In the preface to Volumethe general editors explained

their intentions* They proposed to give a connected account

of the successive movements of English literature, to describe
the work of writers both of primary and of secondary import-
ance, and to discuss the interaction between English and
foreign literatures. They included certain allied subjects such
as oratory, scholarship, journalism and typography, and they
did not neglect the literature of America and the British
Dominions. The History was to unfold itself, "unfettered by
any preconceived notions of artificial eras or controlling dates/'
and its judgments were not to be regarded as final.
This reprint of the text and general index of the History is
issued in the hope that its low price may make it easily available
to a wider circle of students and other readers who wish to have
on their shelves the full story of English literature.
Entries in the General Index to pages beyond the following
are references to the Bibliographies of the original edition,
which are not included in the present reprint of the text:
Volume I page 418
II 429
III 465
IV 434
V 380
VI 409
VII 397
VIII 390
IX 414
X 410
XI 387
XII 371
XIII 463

XIV 463


Prefatory note page v

A List of Contents of the Cambridge History of
English Literature ix

General Index 1

Chap. 1 The Beginnings A. R. WALLER

2 Runes and MSS. Miss A. C.PAUES
3 Early National Poetry H. M. CHADWICK
4 Old English Christian Poetry Miss M. BENTIKCK
5 Latin Writings in England to the Time
of Alfred M. R. JAMES
6 Alfred and the Old English Prose of his
Reign P. G. THOMAS
7 From Alfred to the Conquest J. S.WESTLAKE
8 The Norman Conquest A. R. WALLER
9 Latin Chroniclers from the Eleventh to
the Thirteenth Centuries W. LEWIS JONES
10 English Scholars of Paris and Franciscans
of Oxford Sir J. E. SANDYS
11 Early Transition English J. W. H. ATKINS
12 The Arthurian Legend W. LEWIS JONES
13 Metrical Romances, 1200-1500. I W. P. KER
14 Metrical Romances, 1200-1500. II J. W. H. ATKINS
15 Pearl, Cleanness, Patience and Sir Ga-
vvayne Sir I. GOLLANCZ
16 Later Transition English I. Legendaries

and Chroniclers Miss C. L. THOMSON

17 Later Transition English: II. Secular
Lyrics. Tales. Social Satire A. R. WALLER
18 The Prosody of Old and Middle English G. SAINTSBURY
19 in the Language to the Days of
20 The Anglo-French Law Language W. MAITLAND


Chap. 1 Piers the Plowman and its Sequence J. M. MANLY

2 Religious Movements in the Fourteenth
Century J. P. WHITNEY
8 The Beginnings of English Prose Miss A. D. GREENWOOD
4 The Scottish Language G. GREGORY SMITH
5 The Earliest Scottish Literature P. GILES
6 John Gower G. C. MAOAULAY
8 The English Chaucerians G. SAINTSBURY
9 Stephen Hawes W. MUEISON
10 The Scottish Chaucerians G. GREGORY SMITH
11 The Middle Scots Anthologies: Anony-
mous Verse and Early Prose G. GREGORY SMITH
12 English Prose in the Fifteenth Century:
I. Pecock. Fortescue. The Paston
Letters Miss A. D. GREENWOOD
13 The Introduction of Printing into Eng-
land and the Early Work of the Press E. GORDON DUFF
14 English Prose in the Fifteenth Century:
II. Caxton. Malory. Berners Miss A. D. GREENWOOD
15 English and Scottish Education. Univer-
sities and Public Schools to the Time
of Colet T. A. WALKER
16 Transition English Song Collections F. M. PADELFORD
17 Ballads F. B. GUMMERE
18 Political and Religious Verse to the Close
of the Fifteenth Century Final
Words A. R. WALLER


Chap. 1 Englishmen and the Classical Renascence T. M. LINDSAY

2 Reformation Literature in England J. P. WHITNEY
3 The Dissolution of the Religious Houses R. H, BENSON
4 Barclay and Skelton A. KOELBING
5 Progress of Social Literature in Tudor
Times H. V. ROUTH
6 Sir David Lyndsay and the Later Scot-
tish 'Makaris' T F. HENDERSON
7 Reformation and Renascence in Scotland P. HUME BROWN
8 The New English Poetry H. H. CHILD
9 A Mirror for Magistrates J. W. CUNLIFFE
10 George Gascoigne J. W. CUNLIFFE
11 The Poetry of Spenser W. J. COURTHOPE
12 The Elizabethan Sonnet Sir SIDNEY LEE
13 Prosody from Chaucer to Spenser G. SAINTSBURY
14 Elizabethan Criticism G. SAINTSBURY
15 Chroniclers and Antiquaries C. WHIBLEY
16 Elizabethan Prose Fiction J. W. H. ATKINS
17 The Marprelate Controversy J. DOVER WILSON
18 Of the Laws of Ecclesiastical Polity F. J. FOAKES- JACKSON
19 English Universities, Schools and Scholar-
ship in the Sixteenth Century W. H. WOODWARD
20 The Language from Chaucer to Shake-
speare J. W. H. ATKINS

Chap. 1 Translators C. WHIBLEY
2 The Authorised Version and its Influence A. S. COOK
3 Sir Walter Ralegh Mrs L. CREIGHTON
4 The Literature of the Sea C. N. ROBINSON
5 Seafaring and Travel C. N. ROBINSON
6 The Song-Books and Miscellanies H. H. CHILD
7 Robert Southwell. Samuel Daniel H. H. CHILD
8 Thomas Campion S. P. VIVIAN
9 The Successors of Spenser H. DE SELINCOURT
10 Michael Drayton H. H. CHILD
11 John Donne H. J. C. GRIERSON
12 The English Pulpit from Fisher to Donne F. E. HUTCHINSON
13 Robert Burton, John Barclay and John
14 The Beginnings of English Philosophy W. R. SORLEY
1 5 Early Writings on Politics and Economics W. CUNNINGHAM
16 London and the Development of Popular
Literature H. V. ROUTH
17 Writers on Country Pursuits and Pastimes H. G. ALDIS
18 The Book-Trade, 1557-1625 H. G. ALDIS
19 The Foundation of Libraries J. B. MULLINGER

Chap. I Origins of English Drama
The Sir A. W. WARD
2 Secular Influences on the Early English
Drama H. H. CHILD
3 The Early Religious Drama W. CREIZENACH
4 Early English Tragedy J. W. CUNLIFFE
5 Early English Comedy F. S.BOAS
6 The Plays of the University Wits G. P.BAKER
7 Marlowe and Kyd G. GREGORY SMITH
8 Shakespeare: Life and Plays G. SAINTSBURY
9 Shakespeare: Poems G. SAINTSBURY
10 Plays of Uncertain Authorship attributed
to Shakespeare F. W. MOORMAN
11 The Text of Shakespeare E. WALDER
12 Shakespeare on the Continent J. G. ROBERTSON
13 Lesser Elizabethan Dramatists RONALD BAYNE
14 Some Political and Social Aspects of the
Later Elizabethan and Earlier Stewart
Period Sir A. W. W ARD

Chap. 1 Ben Jonson A. H. THORNDIKE
2 Chapman. Marston. Dekker W. MACNEILE DIXON
3 Middleton and Rowley ARTHUR SYMONS
4 Thomas Heywood Sir A. y?. WARD
5 Beaumont and Fletcher G. C. MACAULAY
6 PhiJip Massinger EMIL KOEPPEL
7 Tourneur and Webster C. E. VAUGHAN
8 Ford and Shirley W. A. NEILSON
9 Lesser Jacobean and Caroline Dramatists RONALD BAYNE
10 The Elizabethan Theatre H. H. CHILD
11 The Children of the Chapel Royal and
their Masters J. M. MANLY
12 University Plays F. S. BOAS
13 Masque and Pastoral RONALD BAYNE
14 The Puritan Attack upon the Stage J.DOVER WILSON

Chap. 1 Cavalier Lyrists F. W. MOORMAN
2 The Sacred Poets F. E. HUTCHINSON
3 Writers of the Couplet A. H. THOMPSON
4 Lesser Caroline Poets G. SAINTSBUBY
6 Caroline Divines W. H. HUTTON
7 Jolm Bunyan. Andrew Marvell JOHN BROWN
8 Historical and Political Writings : I. State
Papers and Letters Sir A. W. WARD
9 Historical and Political Writings II. His-

tories and Memoirs Sir A. W. WARD

10 Antiquaries G. SAINTSBURY
11 Jacobean and Caroline Criticism J. E. SPING-ARN
12 Hobbes and Contemporary Philosophy W. R. SORLEY
13 Scholars and Scholarship, 1600-1660 FOSTER WATSON
14 English Grammar Schools J. B. MULLINGER
15 Beginnings of English Journalism J. B. WILLIAMS
16 The Advent of Modern Thought in Popu-
lar Literature H. V. ROUTH

Chap. 1 Dryden Sir A. W. WARD
2 Samuel Butler W. F. SMITH
3 Political, and Ecclesiastical Satire C. W. PREVIT&-ORTON
4 The Early Quakers EDWARD GRUBB
5 The Restoration Drama. I F. E. SCHILLING
6 The Restoration Drama. II C. WHIBLBY
7 The Restoration Drama. Ill A. T. BARTHOLOMEW
8 The Court Poets C. WHIBLEY
9 The Prosody of the Seventeenth Century G. SAINTSBURY
10 Memoir and Letter Writers. I and II a H. B. WHEATLEY
Memoir and Letter Writers. II b Sir A. W. WARD
11 Platonists and Latitudinarians J. B. MULLINGER
12 Divines of the Church of England, 1000-
1700 W. H. HUTTON
13 Legal Literature. I F. J. C.HEARNSHAW
Legal Literature. II Sir A. W. WARD
14 John Locke W. R. SORLEY
15 The Progress of Science Sir A. E. SHIPLEY
16 The Essay and the Beginning of Modern
English Prose A. A. TILIJEY

Chap. 1 Defoe The Newspaper and the Novel W. P. TRENT
2 Steele and Addison H. V. ROUTH
3 Pope E. BENSLY
4 Swift G. A. AlTKEN
5 Arbuthnot and Lesser Prose Writers G. A. AlTKEN
6 Lesser Verse- Writers. I T. SECCOMBE
Lesser Verse- Writers. II G. SAINTSBURY
7 Historical and Political Writers: I. Burnet Sir A. W. WAPJD
8 Historical and Political Writers: II.
Bolmgbroke Sir A. W. WARD
9 Memoir- Writers, 1715-1760 T. SECCOMBE
10 Writers of Burlesque and Translators C. WHIBLEY
11 Berkeley and Contemporary Philosophy W. R, SORLEY
12 William Law and the Mystics Miss C. F. E. SPURGEON
13 Scholars and Antiquaries. I. Bentley, etc. J. D. DUFF
Scholars and Antiquaries. II. Antiquaries H. G. ALDIS
14 Scottish Popular Poetry before Burns T. F. HENDERSON
15 Education J. W. ADAMSON
Chap. 1 Richardson L. CAZAMIAN
2 Fielding and Smollett H. H. CHILD
3 Sterne, and the Novel of his Times C. E. VAUGHAN
4 The Drama and the Stage G. H. NETTLETON
5 Thomson and Natural Description in
6 Gray D. C. TOVEY
7 Young, Collins and Lesser Poets of the
Age of Johnson G. SAINTSBUKY
8 Johnson and Boswell D. N. SMITH
9 Oliver Goldsmith H. A. DOBSON
10 The Literary Influence of the Middle
Ages W. P. KJER
11 Letter- Writers. I H. B. WHEATLEY
Letter- Writers. II. Warwickshire Coterie W. H. HUTTON
12 Historians. I. Hume and Modern His-
torians W. HUNT
13 Historians. Gibbon
II. Sir A. W. WARD
14 Philosophers I. David Hume. II. Adam

Smith. III. Other Philosophical

Writers W. R. SORLEY
15 Divines W. H. HUTTON
16 The Literature of Dissent, 1660-1760 W. A. SHAW
17 Political Literature, 1755-1775 C. W. PREVIT&-ORTON

Chap. 1 Edmund Burke H. J. C. GRIERSON
2 Political Writers and Speakers C.W. PREVIT^-ORTON
3 Bentham and the Early Utilitarians W. R. SORLEY
4 William Cowper H. H. CHILD
5 William Wordsworth EMILE LEGOUIS
6 Coleridge C. E. VAUGHAN
7 George Crabbe H. H. CHILD
8 Southey. Lesser Poets of the Later
Eighteenth Century G. SAINTSBURY
9 Blake J. P. R. WALLIS
10 Burns. Lesser Scottish Verse T. F. HENDERSON
11 The Prosody of the Eighteenth Century G. SAINTSBURY
12 The Georgian Drama H. V. ROUTH
13 The Growth of the Later Novel G. SAINTSBURY
14 Book Production and Distribution, 1025-
1800 H. G. ALDIS
15 The Bluestockings Mrs H. G. ALDIS
16 Children's Books F. J. H. DARTON

Chap. 1 Sir Walter Scott T. F. HENDERSON
2 Byron F. W. MOORMAN
3 Shelley C. H. HERFORD
4 Keats C. H. HERFORD
5 Lesser Poets, 1790-1837 G. SAINTSBURY
6 Reviews and Magazines in the Early
Years of the Nineteenth Century Hon. A. R. D, ELLIOT
7 Hazlitt W. D. HOWE
9 The Landors. Leigh Hunt. De Quincey G. SAINTSBURY
10 Jane Austen H. H. CHILD
11 Lesser Novelists H. H. CHILD
12 The Oxford Movement W. H. HUTTON
13 The Growth of Liberal Theology F. E. HUTCHINSON
14 Historians Sir A. W. WARD
15 Scholars, Antiquaries and Bibliographers Sir J. E. SANDYS

Chap. 1 Carlyle J. G. ROBERTSON
2 The Tennysons H. J. C.GRIERSON
3 Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett
Browning Sir HENRY JONES
4 Matthew Arnold. Arthur Hugh Clough.
James Thomson W. LEWIS JONES
5 The Rossettis. William Morris. Swin-
burne and others A. H. THOMPSON
6 Lesser Poets of the Middle and Later
Nineteenth Century G. SAINTSBURY
7 The Prosody of the Nineteenth Century G. SAINTSBURY
8 Nineteenth-Century Drama H. H. CHILD
9 Thackeray A. H, THOMPSON
10 Dickens G. SAINTSBURY

1 1The Political and Social Novel Sir A. W. WARD
12 The Brontes A. A. JACK
13 Lesser Novelists W. T. YOUNG
14 George Meredith. Samuel Butler. George
Gissing W. T. YOUNG

Chap, 1 Philosophers W. R. SORLEY
2 Historians, Biographers and Political
Orators Sir A. W. WARD
3 Critical and Miscellaneous Prose HUGH WALKER
4 The Growth of Journalism J. S. R. PHILLIPS
5 University Journalism V. H. RENDALL
6 Caricature and the Literature of Sport H. H. CHILD
7 The Literature of Travel, 1700-1900 F. A. KIRKPATRICK
8 The Literature of Science :

(a) Physics and Mathematics W. W. ROUSE BALL

(b) Chemistry M. M. P. MUIR
(c) Biology Sir A. E. SHIPLEY
9 Anglo-Irish Literature A. P. GRAVES
10 Anglo-Indian Literature OATEN
E. F.
11 English-Canadian Literature PELHAM ED GAB
12 The Literature of Australia and New
Zealand H. H. CHILD
13 South African Poetry Sir T. H. WARREN
14 Education J. W. ADAMS ON
15 Changes in the Language since Shake-
speare's Time W. MXJRISON

A,' v. 480 Abel, in The Cytezen and Uplondyshman
'A. B.' iv. 117 m. 63
A., The Passionate Morrice, v. 480 Abel, Niels HenrJk, xiv. 258
'A. W.' iv. 117, 124, 125; 'Thine eyes so Abelard, Peter, L 183, 184, 191, 216; v. 38;
bright/ iv. 125; The Tomb of the Dead, vn. 312; ix. 71, 477, 538
IV. 125 Abercorn, earl of. See Hamilton, James
A. Apple Pie. XL 386, 487 Abercrombie, H. R., xiv. Add. 9
A? the Blue Bonnets are over the Border, Abercrombie, John (1780-1844), xiv. 467
xiv. 377 Abercromby,Patrick(1656-1716?),ix*552
'A was an Apple-pie,' XL 368 Aberdare, baron. See Bruce, Henry Austin
A was an Archer, XL 370 Aberdeen, n, 88, 102, 127, 128, 369, 371;
Aaohen, n. 74 m. 122, 137, 155; IX. 372, 374, 542 ff.;
Aaron, in Titils Andronicus, v. 147, 179 x. 355; xn. 31, 359, 394, 513; xiv. 23,
Abacuk, in The Police of Honour, n. 261 209, 428
Abbey and Overton, English Church in the King's college, n. 369; vn. 254; x. 347
ISth century, ix. 326; xiv. 101, 496 Marisohal college, ix. 129; X, 38, 347
Abbey, Charles John, ix. 326; xrv. 101, Aberdeen, earl of. See Gordon, George
496 Hamilton
Abbey Mill farm, in Jane Austen's Emma, Aberdeen Breviary, rv. 412
xn. 240 Aberdeen Intelligencer, The, ix. 563
Abbey of the Holy Ghost, n. 308, 438 Aberdeen printers, iv. 547; XL 469
Abbo of Heury, I. 120, 121, 131 Aberdeen university, x. 230; xn. 296, 333,
Abbot, Charles, 1st lord Colchester (1757- 342
1829), xiv. 601, 502 Aberdeenshire, n. 99, 100, 103, 259; iv.
Abbot, George (1562-1633), archbishop of 253; ix. 372, 373; xm. 431
Canterbury, iv. 63, 265, 424; TO. 187, Aberdon&nsis, Musa Latma, ix. 554, 555
316 Aberfoil, xn. 17
Abbot, John (fl. 1623), vn. 406 Abergavenny, x. 386, 387
Abbotsford, n. 284; xn. 6, 20, 28, 154, Aberigh-Maokay, George Robert (1848-
372, 378 ff., 430; xiv. 278, 375 1881), xrv. 341, 574; Twenty-one Days
Abbotsford club, xn. 358, 377 in India, xiv. 340
Abbott, Edwin Abbott, xm. 511; Philo- Aberystwyth, University college, xiv. 433
mythus, xn. 460; A Shakespearian Abgarus, legend of, L 120
Grammar, xnr. 248; xiv. 445 Abzngdon, I. 113, 114; IV. 409; v* 330;
Abbott, Evelyn (1843-1901), xn* 479, vn. 454
482, 486; xrv. 503 Abingdon, Thomas. See Hahington
Abbott, Jacob (1803-1879), XL 492 Abingdon, William, VHL 412
Abbreochy, diocese of Moray, n. 115 Abingdon Chronicle, L 109-112
Abdalrahman, caliph, x. 298 Abington, Frances (1737-1815), x. 264;
Abdullah, the peasant, xiv. 248 XL 257
1 Beckett, Arthur William, xiv. 238, 648 Abishag, iv. 231
A Beckett, Gilbert Abbott (1811-185$), Ablancourt, Nicolas Perrot d% vn. 263;
xiv. 235 ff., 541, 548; Comic JBlack&tone, ix. 267
The, xrv, 237 ; Comic History of England, Ablett, J., Literary Hows, xn. 440
The, xiv. 237; Comic History of Rome, Ablewhite, Godfrey, in The Moonstone,
The, xiv. 237 xm. 437
A Beckett, Gilbert Arthur (1837-1891), Abou ben Adhem, Leigh Hunt's, *TTT, 308
xiv. 238 Abra, in Jacob and Msau, v. 112
Abeken, Caspar, Life and letters qf Cicero, Abraham, L 46; n. 424; vn, 377; XIL
xn. 306 321
Abel, ! 30, 74 Abraham, in Cowley's Dwvideis, vn* 66
Abraham (or Faith), in Piers the Plowman, Acland, Sir Thos. Dyke (1809-1898), xiv.
n. 27 136, 596
Abraham and Isaac, y. 17, 46, 390 Acolastus. See under Gnaphaeus
Abraham man, the, in The Fraiernitye of Acres, Bob, in Sheridan's Rivals, XL 266,
vacabones, m. 102 267; xm. 64
Abram, pere, Histoire de runiversite* et du Act for the Encouragement of Learning,
College de Pont-d-Mousson, iv. 256, 499 xi. 314
Abrey Hatch, iv. 240 Act of Settlement, ix. 200; xiv. 57
Abry, Louis, n. 81 Act of Succession, ix. 197
Absalom, in Absalom and Achitophel, vm. Act of Supremacy, ix. 197
36, 38, 39 Act of Uniformity, ix. 573
Absalom's Conspiracy, vm. 37 Ada Regia, x. 280

Absence, hear thon my protestation,' iv. Acta Sanctorum, x. 2&2

209 Actaeon, iv. 196
Absence, Song of, n. 283 Actaeon's hounds, in Sandys's Ovid, vu. 51
Absolute, Sir Anthony, in Sheridan's Actium, battle of, v. 171
Rivals, xi. 266, 267; xni. 64; xiv. 387 Activa Vita, in Piers the Plottman, n. 26,
Absolute, captain, in Sheridan's Rivals, 27; V. 4
xi. 266, 269 Acton, John Emerich Edward Dalberg-
Abury, ix. 540 Acton, lord (1834-1902), x. 299; xii.
Abyndon, or Abingdon, Henry, vi. 281 272, 430; xm. 383; xiv. 100, 101, 116 H,
Abyssinia, x. 179, 460, 461; xiv. 241, 246, 484
247 Conflicts with Rome,' xiv. 118
Abyssmians, the, x. 160 'Dollinger's Historical Work,' xiv. 118
Academia Secretorum Naturae of Naples, 'German Schools of History,' xiv. 118
vin. 364 Lectures on Modern History, xiv. 117
Academic, The, rx. 414 Letters of Quirinus, xiv. 1 18
Academico, in The Returnefrom Pernassus, 'Mill On Liberty; xiv. 118
vi. 313 On the Study of History, xn. 303
Acade'mie des Inscriptions, x. 282 Open Letter to a German Bishop, xiv. 118
Acad&nie Freu^aise, ix. 397; xiv. 397, Acton common, x. 395
460 Actors Remonstrance, The, vi. 407, 492
Academy, The, xn, 347; xiv. 200, 533 Acts of the Apostles, MS. Laud. Gr. 35 at
Acapuloo, iv. 100 Oxford, i. 72
Acca, Bede's letters to, I. 80 Adah, in Byron's Cain, xn. 48
Accent and Rhythm. See Blake, J. W. Adam, I. 134, 353; v. 56; vn. 301; vm.
Accoram boni, Vittoria, story of, vi. 174 341; ix. 28, 60,327
Account of the sickness and death of Dr Adam, in As You Like It, v. 374; vi. 248
Woodward, ix. 132 Adam, in Paradise Lost, vn. 101, 119;
Account of the state of learning in the Em- xii. 85
pire of Littiput, ix. 132 Adam, in The Cytezen and Uplondyshman,
Accursius, n. 350, 363 m. 63
Aceronia, in Gray's Agrippina, X. 119 Adam, in The Golden Legend, n. 335
Achaians, iv. 33 Adam (play), v. 11, 39, 390
Acheron, n. 265 Adam, Book of, i. 133
Acheson, lady, in Swift's Grand Question Adam, James (1860-1907), The Religious
debated, is. 119 Teachers of Greece, xn. 333, 479; The
Achilles, in. 231; iv. 21; vi. 106; vm. 25, Vitality of Platonism, xn. 333
76 Adam, Thomas (1701-1784), ix. 313; xn.
Achilles, in The Birth of Merlin, v. 249 471
Achilles, in Confessio Amantis, II. 148 Adam and Eve, m. 130
Achilles Tatius,Chtophon and Leucippe, Adam Bell, Clim of the Clough, and William
m. 351; iv. 435; vu. 489 of Cloudesley, I. 300; n. 408, 416, 501
Achitophel, in Absalom and Achitophel, Adam du Petit Pont, I. 186
vm. 37, 38, 41, 75; xiv. 113 Adam house, an, XL 377
Achitophel, in The Police of Honour, n. Adam of Domerham (d. after 1291), IX.
260, 261 535
Acignius, in Euphormio, iv. 255, 258, 259 Adam of Usk (JL 1400), n. 496
Acircius, Aldhelm's letter to, i. 76 Adam Spencer, in Gamdyn, I. 298
Acis and Galatea, in Confessio Amantis, n. *Adam Unparadized,' vn. 117
147, 151 Adamites, the, vn. 387
Ackermann, Rudolph (1764-1834), xiv. Adamnan, St (625?-704), L 82, 98, 433;
216, 217, 221, 222 n. 131 ; Life of St Columba, xn. 361, 518
Aokermann Rudolph, the younger, xiv. Adams, Clement (1519W587), rv. 72
233 Adams, Clement (tfl. 1510), 71. 282
Adams, Francis, printer^. 1585), iv. 386 Addison,
Adams, Francis (1796-1861), xn. 479 On the Pleasures of the Imagination,'
Adams, Francis, of Birmingham, xiv. 590 ix. 61
Adams, Francis William Lauderdale(1862 Oratio de nova philosophia, rx. 43
-1893), xm. 560; xiv. 369, 584 Remarks on Italy, ix. 44
Adams, George (d. 1773), x. 470 Travels in Italy, ix. 94
Adams, Jean, ix. 374 See, also, Spectator, The, and Tatler, The
Adams, Jolin, xiv. 590 Addison, Lancelot (1632-1703), ix. 38, 438
Adams, John Couch (1819-1892), XIY. 262, Adeane, Jane, The Girlhood of Maria Jo-
264, 555 sepha Holroyd, x. 299
Adams, John Quincy, xi. 266 Adela of Louvain, n. 419
Adams, parson, in Fielding's Joseph An- Adelaide, xiv. 365
drews, IX. 408; x. 24 ft, 28, 206; XL Adelard or Aethelard of Bath (12th cen-
143; xiv. 218 tury), iv. 68; De Eodem et Diverso. etc.,
Adams, Sarah Flower (1805-1848), xn. 1.153
413; xni. 498; Nearer, my God, to Thee, Adelbright, in Albion's England, iv. 136
xni. 53, 176; Vivia Perpetua, xm. 176 Adeline, in La Cousine Bette, xm. 290
Adams, Thomas (jL 1612-1653), vn. 423 Adeline, in Mrs Radcliffe's Romance of the
Adams, William (d. 1620), iv. 99 ff. Forest, XL 302
Adams, William (1814^1848), xn. 447 Adeline, Tennyson's, xm. 29
Adams, William Davenport (1851-1904), Adis, Henry, vn. 515
xm. 513 Adlard, H., engraver, xn. 323
Adams, W. E., xiv. 533 Adlington, William, The Golden Ass, iv. 3,
Adams, William Henry Davenport (1828- 9,435
1891), xiv. 515 Admetus, in The Court of Love, n. 220
Adamson, Henry (d. 1639), ix. 554 Admirable Crichton, vn. 250, 255; vm.
Adamson, John (d. 1653), ix. 542, 554 195
Adamson, John Ernest, xiv. Add. 4 Admiral's company, the, v. 136, 316, 333;
Adamson, John William, xiv. Add. 11 VL 83, 89, 90, 93, 245, 247, 249, 250,
Adamson, Robert (1852-1902), xiv. 467, 255, 259, 269, 274
475 Admonition to the Parliament, An, iv. 411
Development of Modern Philosophy, The, Ado of Vienne, i. 81
xiv. 49 Adolphus, John Leycester (1795-1862),
Fichte, xiv. 48 xn. 377
On the Philosophy of Kant, xrv. 48 Adonais, in Shelley's poem, xn. 74
Short History of Logic, A, xiv. 48 Adonis, xnr. 183
Adderley, William, vn. 316 Adonis, in Venus and Adonis, V. 226
Addington, Henry, viscount Sidmouth Adoptionist controversy, I. 84
(1757-1844), xiv. 506 Adorni, in The Maid of Honour, vi. 158,
Addison, Joseph (1672-1719), n. 163, 192, 164
415; in. 304, 373; IV. 30, 213, 335, 525; Adraien van Berghen, printer, of Antwerp,
vn. 30, 72, 108, 109, 176, 244, 266, 388, n. 320
390; vm. 174, 194, 220, 292, 293, 296, Adria, in the tale of Colkelbitfs sow, n. 126
303, 428, 430; ix. 5, 26, 27, 41, 43 ff. Adrian VI, pope, xrv. 100
(main entry), 67, 75, 78, 86, 94, 125, Adrian, in Confessio Amantis, n. 151
142, 151, 165, 166, 170 ff., 180 ft, 220, Adriana, in The Comedy of Errors, v. 169,
237, 434 ff., 440, 442, 444, 445, 448, 483, 178
485, also see Add. ; x. 1, 2, 20, 26, 27, 56, Adrianus and Eitheus, I. 218
80, 110, 119, 139, 140, 143, 172, 173, Adriatic sea, x. 119; xn. 33, 63
193, 199, 205, 215, 219, 220, 226, 241, Adso, Libettus de Antichristo, i. 343
279, 352, 353, 458, 484, also see Add.; Adson, John, iv. 463
XL 2, 206, 280, 320, 330; xn. 177, 218, Adullam, in Davideis, vn. 67
221; xm. 170, 312, 429, 445; xiv. 62, Adurni, in The Ladies TriaU, vi. 194
169, 197, 209, 211, 396, 441, 442, 444, Adventurer, The, x. 171, 175, 466; xn. 363
461, 550 Adventures of Dr Comicus, The, xiv. 219
Campaign, The, ix. 44 Adversyte, in Magnyfycence, m. 77
Goto, IX. 63, 64, 77, 171, 184, 474; X. 69, Advertisement of a Sale of Choice Goods,
81, 83; xi. 273 vnL99
X. 178 Advice to a Young NoUeman, XL 371
Coyerly papers,
Dialogues upon. . .Ancient Medals, rx. 43 Advices to a Painter, vm. 91 Second and ;

Dissertatio de Eomanorum poetis, ix, 43 Third (1667), vn, 409; New Advice
Drummer, (The, ix. 172 (1679), vm. 91
Essay on Travel, ix. 44 Ady, Thomas, vn. 396; A Candle in the
First Vision of Mirza, ix. 63 Dark, VIL 395, 507
Musae Anglicanae, ix. 43 &., xiv. 573
Aeacus, in Locrine, v. 240 Aethelard. $eeAdelard
Aecius, in Valentinian, VL 122, 129, 130 Aethelbriht, laws of, i. 98
Aeditio (Colet's), vn. 332 Aethelflaed, the Lady of Mercia (d. 918?),
of Syracuse, in The Comedy I. 110, 141, 143
Aegeon of
Errors, iv. 79 Aethelmaer, i. 125, 143
Aegisthus, in Agamemnon, v. 79 Aethelney, I. 89
Aeglamour, in The Sad Shepherd, VL 11, Aethelred II, king (979 ?-1016),L 112, 127,
369, 370 129, 130, 145; v. 31
Aelfheah (St Alphege) (954r-1012), 1. 109, Aethelred, king of Mercia, i. 11
127, 139, 153 Aethelred, ealdorman of Mercia, i. 104
Aelfhere, I. 138 Aethelstan (Athelstan), king (925-940),
i. 62, 108, 123, 137, 305; vni. 310
Aelfnoth, I. 144
Aelfric (fl. 1006), I. 86, 96, 107, 113 ff., Aethelstan, abbot of Abingdon, i, 110
116-129 (main entry), 131, 133, 136, Aethelstan of Kent, prince, xiv. 83
142, 143, 148, 150, 218, 221, 224, 369; Aethelweard, the ealdorman, L 120, 122,
IX. 536, 539; XL 366 123
Advice to a Spintudl Son, trans, from Aethelweard the chronicler (d. 998 ? ), i. 443
St Basil, I. 124 Aethelwold, in Havelok, i. 303, 351
Colloquy, I. 118, 119; XL 367 Acthelwold or Ethelwold, St (908?-984),
De Veteri et de Novo Testamento, I. 126 bishop of Winchester, abbot of Abing-
Deuteronomy, I. 119 don, i. 16, 113, 114, 117, 118, 121, 125,
Grammar, i. 118, 119 127, 148
Hexameton, trans, from St Basil, 1. 122, Aethelwulf , i. 104
124 Aethilwald or Ethelbald, I. 78, 87
Homilies, i. 86, 96, 115, 116 ff., 120, Aethiopians, in The Masque of BlacJcnesse,
127 ff., 133; iv. 37, 397; ix. 402 vi. 342, 343
Letter to the Monks of Eynsham, L 114 Fred's ring, i. 11
Lives (Passions) of the Saints, The, I, Aetion, v. 171
120, 121, 122, 128; IV. 424 Aetna, xn. 335, 337
Pastoral letter, I. 127 Affections, the, in Pathomachia, VL 324
Version of Bede's De Temporious, 1. 122 Affections, the four, in Hymenaei, vi. 346
Vita Aethelwoldi, I. 125 Affery, in Little Dorrit, xm. 331
Vocabulary, i. 118, 119 Affirmation bill, the, xiv. 135
Aelfric society, xn. 355 Affonso, Pedro, iv. 70
Aelfwine (Alboin), in Widsith, L 35 Afghanistan, xn. 352
Aelfwine, in The Battle of Maldon, I. 144 Africa, ix. 19; xi. 112; xm. 362; xiv.
Aelian, iv. 435 192, 247, 252 ff., 434
Aeneas, vni. 67; ix, 45, 60, 256, 257; xm. African church, the, m. 411
123 African languages, xiv. 459
Aeneas, in Dido, v. 146 Africander's War Song, The, xiv. 377
Aeneas, James I described as, in The Sue Africans, the, xi. 159
and Cry after Cupid, vi. 347 Agamemnon, in Confessio Amantis, n. 148
'Aeolian lyre,' x. 128 Agape, St, i. 74
Aeolus, vn. 370 Agar, Anne (born Milton), vn. 108
Aeschere, in The Battle of Maldon, L 145 Agar, Ralph (1540?-1621), vi. 462
Aeschere, in Beowulf, L 23 Agatha, St, i. 74
Aeschines, vii. 147; ix. 528; xn. 493 Agathocles, xn. 316
Aeschylus, iv. 4, 248; v. 30; vn. 83; ix. Agathon (Plato's), in. 216
477; xn. 93, 99, 265, 324, 328, 331, Age, in Nature, v. 54
333, 480 ff., 485, 487 ff., 491, 494, 495; Age, in Piers the Plowman, n. 25
xm. 191, 497; xiv. 211, 515 Age, in The Parlement of the Thre Ages,
Agamemnon, xn. 318, 329, 334; xm. 145 n. 37
Ohoephoroe, xn. 329, 334 Age, in The Passefyme of Pleasure, n. 226
Persae, VL 92; xn:. 329 Ager, captain, in A Faire Quarrell, VL
Prometheus Bound, xn. 64, 65, 329; 73,74
xm. 70 Aggas, Edward (fl. 1564-1 601 ),iv. 445, 447
Seven against Thebes, xn. 329 Agincourt, battle of, n. 423; in. 314, 325;
Aesculapius, in The Faerie Queenet m. iv. 298; vn. 343; poems on, n. 499, 501
234 Agincourt song, the, TV. 462
Aeson, VL 163 Agnellus, friar, L 203
Aesop, ix. 102, 275, 391, 418, 473, 524, 525, Agnes, in David Oopperfield, TITT. 327
561 ; x. 196; xi. 366, 425, 479, 490, 491; Agnes, St, i. 74
Fdf)les, i. 106, 355; n. 245, 3L4, 334, Agnes, St, Tennyson's, rot. 29
484; HL 22; iv. 427, 435; V. 157; VL Agnoli, G., XIL 377
250; viir. 59 Agra, iv. 90, 99
'Agra,' ship, xra. 428 Ajax, vnr. 68
Agricola, xiv. 95 Ajax, in Troilus and Cressida, vi. 44
Agricola, Rodolphus, m. 50, 424 Ajax, An Anatomie of the Metamorpho-sed,
Agrigentum, ix. 332 iv. 533

Agrippa, Henricus Cornelius, of Nettes- Ajax Flagellifer, VL 298, 317

heim, m. 11, 112, 363, 365; TO. 370, Ajmere, rv. 90
509 ff., 514, 517; vra. 64; ix. 315; Be Akenside, Mark (1721-1770), ix. 190, 220,
incertitudine et vamtate scientiarum, VL 475; x. 39, 125, 138, 147, 152-153 (main
377, 492; vn. 394; Be Occulta Philo- entry), 156, 452; XL 324; xn. 97
sophia, m. 112; vra. 67, 407 Epistle to Curio, x. 152, 153
Aguecheek, Sir Andrew, in Twelfth Night, Hymn to the Naiads, ix. 191 ; x. 152, 153
V. 194; XL 266 Inscriptions, x. 153
Ahania, Blake's, XL 194 Odes, x. 153
Ahlwardt, Christian Wilhelm, x. 488 Pleasures of Imagination, ix. 62; x. 122,
Ahmed, the cobbler, xiv. 248 152, 153; XL 323
Aholibamah, in Byron's Heaven and Earth, Akerman, John Yonge (1806-1873), xn.
xn. 48 507
Aidan (d. 651), L 42, 82, 121, 148 Akinetos, in Home's Orion, xn. 118
Aikin, Anna Laetitia. See Barbauld Alabaster, William (1567-1640), Roxana,
Aikin, John (1747-1822), x. 385, 446, 449, VI. 266, 268, 302, 463, 469, 470
452, 455; XL 382, 384, 477; xiv. 603 Alain de Lille (1114-1203), i. 452; A*nti-
Aikin., J. and A. L., Miscellaneous Pieces Claudianus and De Planctu Naturae, L
in Prose, x. 188 193, 256
Aikin, Lucy (1781-1864), XL 477 Alamanni, Luigi, nr. 173
Ailesbury, Susanna, countess of (d. 1783), 'Alamode Castle,' x. 250

XI. 282 Alane (Alesius), Alexander (1500-1565),

Ailred or Ethelred of Rievaulx (1109 1- ra. 140, 141, 500
1166), 1. 161, 230, 337, 450 Cohortatio ad Concordiam, ra. 141
Aimonius of Fleury, n. 366 Description of Edinburgh, ra. 141
Aimwell, in Farquhar's Beaux Stratagem, Epistola contra Decretum quoddam Epis-
vin. 172 coporum in Scotia, ra. 141
Ainderby, near Northallerton, n. 45 Eeaponsio ad Oochlaei Oalumnias, in.
Ainger, Alfred (1837-1904), XL 403, 410, 141
416, 419, 438; xn. 377, 418, 435, 473; Alanius (Yong's), rv. 122
xra. 476, 542, also see Add. 2; xiv. 515; Alans, the, xiv. 302
Crabbe, XL 146, 475 Alarcon y Mendoza, Juan Ruiz de, vra. 130
Ainger, Arthur Campbell, xiv. 597 Alasco, Albertus, JPoIish prince palatine,
Ainsworth, Henry (1571-1623?), vn. 481, v. 128
490 Alasi, prince, in Beckford's Episodes, XL
Ainsworth, Robert (1660-1743), ix. 526, 291
668 Alba, vi. 317
Ainsworth, William Francis (1807-1896), Alban, Scottish settlers in, n. 89
xn. 429 Alban, St, Passion of, i. 81
Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-1882), Albanact, ra, 192
xn. 429 fL, 447, 448; XHL 279, 307, 418 Albania, x. 77; xn. 32, 42, 43; xiv. 252
Guy FawJces, xn. 250 Albany, duke of. See Stewart, John
Jack Sheppard, xn, 250 Albemarle, earls of. See Keppel, Arnold :

Lancashire Witches, The, xn. 250 Keppel, George

Old St Paul's, xn. 250 Albemarle Papers, the, DL 663
Bookwood, xn. 250 Alberic, master, L 184
South Sea Bubble, The, xn. 250 Albert, prince consort (1819-1861), xn.
Tower of London, The, xn. 250 311; xiv. 189,415
Aird, Thomas (1802-1876), xra. 498 Albert of Aix, n. 80
Airedale, xn. 421 Albert of York, L 84
Airy, Sir George Biddell (1801-1892), xiv. Alberti, George William (1723-1758), vra.
258, 555 402
Airy, Osmund, ix. 203, 209 Alberti, L. B., iv. 441
Aitken, Edward Hamilton (1851-1909), Albertini di Prato, Nicool6, cardinal, v. 61
xiv. 674; Behind the Bungalow, xiv. 341 Albertino (Mussatus), Eccerinia, v. 62
Aitken, George A., ix. 12, also see Add. ; Albertus Magnus (1193-1280), i. 200, 210,
3X438 211; n. 350; ra. 494; vn. 603; Philo-
Aitken, J. 0., xra. 467 aophia, n. 363
Aix-la-Chapelle, ix. 162; xra. 61 Albery, James (1838-1889), xm. 273, 616
Aix-la-diapelle, treaty of, x. 40 Albigenses, the, xrv. 79, 110
Aii-les-Bains, n. 74 in Layamon, L 234
Albina, in Racine's Britannicus, X. 119 Aleman, M., The Rogue, or the Life of
Albinus of Canterbury, I. 82 Guzman de Alfarache, iv. 395, 441; vr
Albion, in Blake's Jerusalem, xi. 198, 199 139
Albion, in The Masque of Blacknesse, vi. Alembert, Jean B. le Rond d', xi. 354
342 Alembic Club Reprints, xiv. 557, 558
Albion, The, xn. 187, 188 Aleppo, iv. 84, 90; vn. 308; x. 466
Albion Knight, v. 58, 124, 393 Aleppo, basha of, in The Renegado, vr. 156
Alboin, in Confessio Amantis, n. 151 Alesius, Aless. See Alane, Alexander
Alboin, in Widsith, i. 35 Alessio, iv. 441
Albumazar, G-albrion, vn. 509 Alethea, in Butler's The Way of all Flesh,
Alcaeus, vn. 65; xn. 329 xm. 454
Alcala, iv. 69 Alexander I, emperor of Russia, xn. 39
Alcazar, battle of, vm. 31 Alexander III, king of Scots, r. 283; n.
Alceone, in Confessio Amantis, n. 151 100, 101, 109; xiv. 95
Alceste (Moliere's), v. 194 Alexander, in Lee's Rival Queens, vm. 186
Alcester, x. 112, 271 Alexander, Mrs Cecil Frances, born Hum-
Alcester academy, x. 385 phreys (1818-1895), xm. 498; xiv. 567;
Alcestis, i. 321; vn. 105, 227; x. 108 Burial of Moses, The, xiv. 321; Irish
Alcestis, in The Court of Love, n. 220 Mother's Lament, The, xrv. 321; Siege
Alcestis, in The Legend of Good Women, of Deny, The, xiv. 321
n. 176 Alexander, John (d. 1743), x. 385
Alchemists, in Mercury Vindicated, VI. 357, Alexander, Patrick Proctor, xm. 470,
358 xiv. 525
Alchfrith, i. 12 Alexander, The BuiJc of, n. 104, 448
Alciati, Andrea, m. 423; vn. 47 Alexander, The Wars of, i. 291, 333, 334,
Alcides, vi. 163 466
Alcilia, iv. 469 Alexander, W. F., xiv. 584
Alcimus Avitus, i. 76 Alexander, Sir William, earl of Stirling
Alcina, in Orlando Furioso, m. 231 (1567?-1640), n. 95; m. 266; iv. 152,
Alcinous, xn. 198 311, 413, 509; v. 473; vi. 19; vn. 273;
Alcluyd, n. 74 vm. 133; ix. 554; Anacrisis, vn. 263;
Akmaeon, v. 123 Aurora, m. 257, 267, 522; Monarchic^
Alcmaeon, xn. Add. Tragedies, v. 335
Alcmena, in Amphitruo, v. 107 Alexander, William (1826-1894), xm. 560
Alcmena, in The Silver Age, vi. 93 Alexander, William (1824-1911), arch-
Alcock, John (1430-1500), bishop of Ely, bishop of Armagh, xiv. 321, 567
n. 323, 355, 358; m. 66; iv. 494 Alexander de Villa Dei, n. 359, 366; Doc-
Alcofribas, Messer, iv. 9 trinale Puerorum, n. 363
Alcon, in ALooking Olassefor London and Alexander Hieronymus, iv. 259
England, v. 354 Alexander of Blois, i. 166, 167
Alcon, in The Queenes Arcadia, vi. 318 Alexander of Hales (d. 1245), I. 199 ff.,
Alcott, Louisa May, xi. 492 205, 207, 452; iv. 269, 271; vn. 504
Alcuin or Ealhwine (735-804), r. 5, 59, Alexander of Lincoln, i. 156, 169, 258
79, 84 ff., 89, 117, 121, 145, 153, 433; Alexander the Great, x. 27; xn. 309, 313,
IV. 269; xi. 366 315,331; xiv. 579
Alcuine's Bible, xn. 517 Alexander the Great, in romance, i. 135,
Aldeburgh, xi. 140, 141, 143, 144, 146, 148, 169, 279, 285, 291, 307, 308, 333,
147, 419 334, 342, 466; n. 112, 301; ni. 24, 61;
Alden, Raymond Macdonald, TTTT. 511 iv. 196
Alderton, Suffolk, iv. 164, 165 See, also, Alisaunder, Secreta Secretorum
Aldfrith (d. 705), king of Northumbria, i. Alexander to Aristotle, The Letter of, i. 35;
76,77 n. 80
Aldhehn (640?-709), bishop of Sherborne, Alexandri, Historia, n. 151
I. 15, 17, 60, 61, 72 ff., 82, 83, 86, 87, Alexandria, n. 13, 131; xm. 362; xrv. 247
91, 102, 230, 433; XL 366 Alexandrian poets, vn. 9
Aldingar, Sir, n. 412 Alexandrines, xi. 246; xn. 88, 229; xm.
Aldis, Harry Gidney (d. 1919), IV. 547; 35, 151, 238, 251
XL469;xn.519 Alexis (Virgil's), m. 264
Aldred, the glossator (10th century), i. Alexis, or the young Adventurer (1746), IX.
132, 460 563
Aldrich, Henry (1647-1710), ix. 528; xiv. Alexius, St, i. 293, 356
476; Artis logicas rudimenta, xrv. 13 Alfieri, Vittorio, count, xn. 33, 40, 47, 49,
Aldus Manutius, Romanus, nL 5, 427 397, 438
Aldwinkle, Northants, vn. 244; vm. 2 Alford, Henry (1810-1871), xn. 340, 500;
Alec-Tweedie, Mrs Ethel Brilliana, xiv. 533 xm. 24, 476

Alfoxden, XL99, 102, 405 Allen, Grant (pseud. Cecil Power, 1848-
Alfred, king of West-Saxons (849-901?), 1899), xm. 560; xiv. 343, 467, 535
I. 19, 84, 87 ff., 109, 113, 115, 123, 128, Allen, Henry Ellis, xn. 337, 479
136, 144, 150, 198, 219, 239, 363, 380ff., Allen, John (1771-1843), xn. 144, 426;
436 ff. ; n. 341 ; m. 160; iv. 74; v. 2; vm. xiv. 54, 485, 492
310; rx. 534 Allen, John (1810-1886), archdeacon of
Falconry attributed to, i. 106 Salop, xm. 142
Handbook, i. 91 Allen, Joseph, Punch artist, xiv. 236
Translations: of Augustine, i. 102, 103; Allen, Joshua, viscount (1685-1758), ix.
of Bede, i. 96; of Boethius, L 99 ff.; 121
n. 186; of Gregory, I. 91 ff.; of Orosius, Allen, Ralph (1694r-1764), ix. 443; x. 29,
i. 93 ff. 33, 276
Alfred, Proverbs of, i. 218, 438, 459, 460 Allen, Thomas (1803-1833), xn. 507
Alfred aetheling, I. 139, 374 Allen, William (1532-1594), cardinal, in.
Alfred of Beverley (fi. 1143), I. 262; n. 76; 422; Modest Answer to the English Per-
ix. 634 secutors, vn. 432
Algarotti, Francesco, Newtonianismo per Allen, William (1770-1843), xiv. 603
le Dame, xi. 356 Alley, William (1510T-1570), The Poore
Algeria, xn. 480 Man's Librarie, vi. 378, 492
Algiers, vn. 364 Alleyn, Edward (1566-1626), iv. 407;
Ali, i. 26, 27 v. 144; vi. 41, 51, 87, 247, 249, 250,
Ali pasha, xn. 32 255, 258, 278, 292
Alicante, xiv. 73 Alleyn, Ellen, pseud. See Rossetti, Chris-
Alice, in Lamb's Essays of Elia, xii. 182, tina Georgina
186 Alleyn's college, Dulwich, vn. 339
Alice, in Mrs Gaskell's Mary Barton, xrn. Allibone, S. Austin, xn. 519
375 Allingham, Helen, xm. 498
Alinda, in Rosalynde, m. 358 Allingham, William (1824-1889), xn. 409;
Alinda, in The Pilgrim, vi. 123 xm. 189, 498; xiv. 567; Lovely Mary
Alington, Syr Giles, knight, m. 57 Donnelly, xm. 190; Up the Fairy Moun-
Alipur, near Calcutta, xni. 276 tain, xm. 190
Alisaunder, King, I. 288, 306, 308, 309, AHington, Kent, m. 167
317, 356, 399 Allison, Thomas (fl. 1697), iv. 453
Alison, Archibald (1757-1839), xiv. 467; Allison Gross, n. 414
Xiv. 57, 94, 485; Autobiography, xiv, 66; Alliterative revival, i. 291
History of Europe, xiv. 66; History of All-Night, countess of, in Goldsmith's
Scottish Criminal Law, xiv. 66 Citizen of the World, x. 206
Alison, Richard (/. 1606), rv. 113, 463 Allot, Robert (fl. 1600), England's Par-
Alison, in Misogonus, v. Ill nassus, iv. 394, 467; v. 134, 162
Alithia (Philosophy), in Wyclif s Trialogus AUoway, XL 219, 435
n. 65 Allsop, Thomas (1795-1880), xi. 415, 416;
Alken, Henry (fl. 1816-1831), xiv. 225, xn. 199, 200
232 ff., 542; National Sports of Great Allworthy, in Fielding's Tom Jones, x. 28,
Britain, xiv. 232; Specimens of Riding, 29,31
xrv. 232; Symptoms of being amazed, Alma, battle of the, xm. 173; xrv. 94
xrv. 232 Alma, house of, in The Faerie Queene,
Alken, in The Sad Shepherd, vi. 370 m. 233
Alkington academy, x. 387 Alma Mater (Aberdeen), xrv. 209
Alkmaar, iv. 246 Alma redemptoris mater, in Chaucer's The
All Fools, game of, v. 179 Prioress's Tale, n. 359
All is True, vi. 256 Almaigne, Song against the King of, L 368
All the Tear Round, xm. 178, 315, 323, Almanacs, m. 19
326, 332, 335, 376, 437 Almanzor, in Dryden's Conquest of Qra-
All un/ckednes doth beginne
to amende, etc., nada, vm. 25, 27
m. 491 Almerine, in Brennoralt, vr. 238
Allam, Andrew (1655-1685), ix. 351 Almira, in A Very Woman, vi. 156
Man, David (1744r-1796), IX. 567 Almon, John (1737-1805), x. 522, 524 ff.;
Allan-a-Maut, n. 279 Anecdotes of Eminent Persons, x. 400
Allardyce, Alexander (1846-1896), xiv. Almond, Hely Hutohinson (1832-1903),
574; The City of Sunshine, xiv. 339 xrv. 590, 601
Allbut, Robert, xm. 542 Almond for a Parrat, An, vi. 393
Allde, Edward (fl. 158^-1634), iv. 384, Alms, in The Exeter Book, i. 428
390 ;v. 158 Alne, Robert, fellow of Peterhouse, n. 366
Allde, John(jl 1555-1592), v. 92, 312 Alnwick, ix. 566; XL 469; xrv. 227
Allen, Giles, vi. 252, 253 Alonso, in The Tempest, v. 206
Alonzo, in The Bashful Lover, VL 158 Amarillis (Herrick's), vn. 12, 13
Alojtee, in Bossetti's Bride's Prelude, xm. Amaryllis, in The Shepheards Calender,
114 m. 222, 226
Alpers, 0. T. J., xiv. 584 Amatus Lusitanus, in Burton's Anatomy,
Alphabet, Irish and Roman, I. 13 IV. 246
Alphege, St. See Aelfheah Amaziah, in Cowley's Davideis, vn. 67
Alphere, in Waltharius, I. 32 Amazon, river, xrv. 250
Alphonso, in The Mourning Bride, vm.152 'Amazon,' ship, xrv. 251
Alphonso I, king of Aragon and Navarre, Amazonian maids in Ralph Roister
V, 137 Doister, v. 106
Alphonso V, king of Aragon, Sicily and Amazons, the, iv. 57, 61 ; x. 464
Naples, v. 137 Ambassadorial despatches and newslet-
Alphus (Mantuan's), m. 223 ters, vn. 436 fi.
Alpine Journal, The, xrv. 255 Ambodexter, in A Dialogue. . .against the
Alps, the, n. 119; rv. 6; v. 101; vm. 245; fever Pestilence, m. 109
X. 119, 202, 510; XL 96; xn. 44, 47, 61, Amboyna (Amboina), outrage at, rv. 99;
63, 64; xm. 443; xiv. 254, 255, 292, 294 vi. 183; vm. Add.
Alresford, vn. 207, 454 Amboyna, Atrue relation of the unjust,
Alscrip, in Burgoyne's Heiress, xi. 275,276 cruel and barbarous proceeding against the
Alscrip, Miss, in Burgoyne's Heiress, XL English at, vn. 433
275; xiv. 387 Ambroise, Histoire de la Guerre Sainte,
Algop, Vincent (d. 1703), EC. 503 n. 420, 507
Alspice, in Morton's Way to get Married, Ambrosden, parish of, ix. 536; x. 517
xi. 281 Ambrose, St, i. 59, 74, 75; n. 365; vn.
Altamont, in Rowe's Fair Penitent, vm. 483; xn. 266
196 Ambrose, in The Example of Virtue, n. 227
Altamont, colonel, in Pendennis, xm. 291 Ambrose's tavern, xn. 159
Altdorf, v. 285 Ambrosius Aurelianus, Aurelius Ambro-
Althaus, Friedrich, xm. 70 sius (G. of M.), Embreis Guletic (Nen-
Althorp, vi. 4, 339 nius), Emrys Wledig in Welsh literature,
Althorp, viscount. See Spencer, John I. 66, 247, 268
Charles Ambusheer,' the, x. 198
Althorp library, xn. 365, 366 Amelia, x. 33, 34
Alton, Miss, in Burgoyne's Heiress, XL 275 Amelia, in George Eliot's Amos Barton,
Alton, Hampshire, grrr 381 T xm. 388
Altrive farm, in Yarrow, xi. 239 Amelia, in Fielding's novel, x. 23, 28, 33,
Altus prosator, I. 69 34
Alucius, History of, vi. 286 Amelia, in Thomson's Seasons, x. 103
Alva, duke of, v. 344; vn. 306; vm. 160 Amelotte, in Rossetti's Bride's Prelude,
Alran, Sigismund, in Meredith's The Tragic xm. 114
Comedians, xm. 444 America, iv. 73, 74, 86, 95, 96, 101, 311;
Alvanley, baron. See Arden, Richard vn. 176, 305, 308; vm. 101, 243, 257,
Pepper 314, 341, 342; ix. 19, 212; x. 43, 199,
Alvar, in Coleridge's Remorse, xi. 414 200, 364, 504; XL 3, 7, 10 ft, 15, 20, 75,
Alvarez Espriella, Don Manuel, in South- 119, 189, 190, 235, 236, 275, 380, 383;
ey'a Letters from Spain, xi. 163 xn. 89, 165, 316; xm. 10, 58, 88, 107,
Alys Esry, in GocJce Lorell's bote, in. 84 150, 152, 294, 321, 322, 334, 455; xiv.
Amada, Philip, rv. 85 86, 98, 166, 207, 255, 263, 267, 293,
Amadas and Ydoine, I. 286 318, 397, 457. See, also, United States
Amadas, Sir, i. 293, 294, 470 America, Central, xiv. 297
Amadeus, in The Bugbears, v. 115 America, South, ix. 23; XL 60; xiv. 249,
Amadine, in Mucedorus, v. 253 250, 252
Amadis, iv. 9; vn. 76, 235 America, discovery of, m. 97; IV. 68, 69,
Amadis and Palmerin cycles, nL 359 76
Amadis of Gaul, vn. 74; x, 220; xn. 422; America, first English books on, n. 330;
XUT. 35 iv. 69, 70
Amalekites, n. 10; vm. 78 America, study of Shakespeare in, v. 308
Amalteo, Geronimo, iv, 264 American Celt 9 The, xiv, 318
Amanda, in Sheridan's Trip to Scar- American character, xrv. 346
borough, xi. 268 American church, x. 366
Amanda, in Thomson's Seasons, x. 95, 99, American civil war, xiv. 91, 143, 182, 326
102 American colonies, x. 306; XX 6, 22; xiv.
Amanda, ia Vanbrugh's Relapse, vm. 161 ; 361
xi.268 American congress, x> 182
Amaranta, in The Spanish Curate, VL 134 American constitution, xi. 71

American declaration of independence, Amsterdam, rv. 402,
403; v. 286; vi. 22,
xi. 71 324; vn. 286, 289, 308, 344; ix. 197,
American languages, xrv. 459 199, 306, 515, 519; x. 296
American philosophy, ix. 281 Amsterdam, Letter from, to a Friend in
American politics, xiv. 346 England, vm. 100
American scholars, xn. 340 Amurath, vi. 481
American slang, xrv. 211 Amwell, Hertfordshire, xn. 191
American war of independence, x. 251, Amyas, in Westward Hoi, xm. 364
393; xi. 5, 6, 16, 24; xrv. 89 Amyntas, in The Cytezen and Uplondysh-
Americans, the, xi, 11, 15, 19, 62 man, m. 63
Amersham, vn. 53, 54 Amyntas, in The Queenes Arcadia, vi. 317
Ames, Joseph (1689-1759), Typographical Amyot, Jacques, rv. 3, 10, 11
Antiquities, ix. 356, 530; xn. 362, 366, Anacreon, iv. 123 ff., 186; vn. 1, 2, 4, 9,
520 18, 83, 489; vm. 444; ix. 526; X. 454;
Ames, William (1576-1633), vn. 308; De XI. 426; xn. 223, 410
Conscientia et ejus jure vel casibus, vn. Anacreon, the pseudo-, vn. 83
280, 469 Anaides, in Cynthia's Revels, VL 18, 41
Amesbury, ix. 163 Analysis of the Hunting Field, The, xrv.
Amhurst, Nicholas (1697-1742), ix. 220. 232,234
411, 433, 491, 574; XL 172 Analytical Review, The, XL 402
Amie, in The Sad Shepherd, vi. 370 Ananias, in The Alchemist, VL 22
Amiel, Henri Fre'de'ric, xm. 99 Anastasius, emperor, x. 314
Amiens, x. 118; xn. 341 Anatolia, xiv. 251
Amiens, in As You Like It, vn. 3; vm. Anatolia, St, i. 74, 76
225 Anatomy of Wit, VL 394
Amiens, peace of, xrv, 120, 184 An Bispel, i. 227, 228, 458, 459
Aminta, in Meredith's Lord Ormont and Ancient Buildings, society for the pro
hia Aminta, xni. 444 tection of, xm. 128
Amintor, in The Maides Tragedy, vi. 120, Ancient Pistol, in Henry IV. See Pistol,
126 ff. Ancient
Amis and Amiloun, i. 314, 315, 467 Ancor, river, rv. 169, 173 ff., 190
Amitiez de Ami et Am^le, Li, ix. 39 Ancren Riwle, I. 222, 230, 234, 398,
Amlet, Mrs, in The Confederacy, van. 162 458, 459; n. 300; m. 440
Amletims (Hamlet) in Saxo Grammaticus, Anderdon, J., ix. 518
I. 9. See, also, under Hamlet
Andersen, Hans Christian, XL 387, 491
Ammianus Marcellinus, I. 35 Anderson, Alexander (1845-1909), xm.
Ammonius, Andreas, in. 14 498
Amner, John (d. 1641), iv. 463 Anderson, George (16767-1756), ix. 547
Amoret (Spenser's), m. 236 Anderson, James (1662-1728), ix. 552;
Amoret (Vaughan's), vn. 38, 40 x. 498
Amoret (Waller's), vn. 65 Anderson, James (1739-1808), ix. 560;
Amoretta, in The Ladies Triall, vi. 194 xrv. 467; Enquiry into the Nature of
Amoretto, in The Pilgrimage to Parnassus, Corn-Laws, xrv. 3
vi. 310 Anderson, John P., x. 421, 483; XL 456;
Amoretto, in The Returnefrom Parnassus, xn. 382, 397, 404, 407, 447; xm. 464,
vi. 313 480, 531, 554
Amorgen, incantation of, xrv. 303 Anderson, Joseph (b. 1832), xn. 507
Amorous La-Foole, Sir, in The Silent Anderson, Robert (1750-1830), ix. 187,
Woman, vi. 22, 152 479; x. 138, 469, 473; xn. 413; xm,
Anaorphus, in Cynthia's Revels, VL 41, 224; The Works of the British Poets, x.
44 452

Amory, Blanche, in Pendennis, xrrr. 290 ff. Andre (Bernard Andreas) of Toulouse,
Amory, J., in Pendennis, xm. 291 vn. 203; Lea Douze Triomphes de
Amory, Thomas (1691^-1788), x. 386, Henry VII, n. 223, 471
423; xi. 285ff. (main
entry), 307; Life Andrea, ghost of, in Jeronimo, v. 160
of JoJm Bunde, x. 56; XL 285 ff., 328, Andrea, Joannes, n. 364
329; Memoirs of Several Ladies, XL 285, Andreae, Antonius, commentary on Aris-
287 totle's Metaphysics, n. 318
Amos, Andrew, xiv. 694 Andreae, Johann Valentin (?j*. 1619),
Amos, hermit, L 74 Menippus, iv. 248; vn. Add.
Amours, Francis Joseph, n. 113, 115, 121, Andreas, i. 51 ff., 58, 143, 430
126, 450 Andremi, Giovanni Battista, Adamo, vrc.
Amphitryon, TO. 125 118,-xi. 403
Amphitryon, in Confessio Amantis, n. 148 '
Andreos, in The Purple Island, nr. 166
Amsarey, in Disraeli's Tanared, xm. 851 *> i. 64
Andrew, merchant in Lyme Regis, x. 21 Anglo-catholic movement, the, xm. 435
Andrew, St, I. 54, 115. See, also, Andreas Anglo-French law language, the, i. 407 ff. ;

Andrew Lammie, n. 412 vm. 319

Andrew of Wyntoun. See Wyntoun Anglo-French literature, xiv. 307
Andrewe, Laurence (fl. 1510-1537), printer, Anglo-Indian literature, xiv. 331 ff.
n. 330; IV. 542 Anglo-Irish, the, xiv. 308
Andrewes, George, xiv. 539; Dictionary Anglomanie, the, x. 16
of the. Slang and Cant Languages, xiv, Ajiglo-Norman chanson, xiv. 67
224 Anglo-Norman works, n. 419 ff., 503
Andrewes, Lancelot (1555-1626), bishop 507ff.;v. 38
of Winchester, TV. 228, 237 ff., 491, 494, Anglo-Normans, the, in Ireland, xiv. 306,
509; TO. 28, 139, 157 ff., 309, 310, 317, 308
333; vm. 293, 294, 301; x. 359, 360; Anglo-Roman hierarchy, xn. 274
Private Devotions, rv, 238; vn. 43 Anglo-Saxon chair, at Cambridge, xn. 344;
Andrews, Alexander, xiv. 531; The His- at Oxford, ix. 413; xn. 344; xrv. 385
tory of British Journalism, xrv. 178, Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, xn. 344; xiv. 69
184, 204 Anglo-Saxon language, i, 379 ff. ; vn. 319
Andrews, Apology for the Life of Mrs Angus, Archibald, 5th earl of (1449?-
Shamela, x. 6 1514), 'Bell the Cat,' n. 259
Andrews, John (fl. 1615), iv. 473 Anian, strait of, iv. 78
Andrews, Joseph, in Fielding's novel, Anicetus, in Gray's Agrippina, x. 119
x. 24 ff . Anima, in Piers the Plowman (also called
Andrews, Thomas (1813-1885), xiv. 595 Will, Reason, Love, Conscience), n. 19,
'Andrian, Solomon,* ix. 471 21, 22, 27, 28
Andromache, in the Iliad, vm. 50 Anima, in Mind, Will and Understanding,
Andromache, in Dry den's Troilus and v. 52
Cresaida, vm. 29 Animalibus, De, n. 363
Andromana, or The Merchant's Wife, vi. Anjou, Francis, duke of (formerly duke
451 of Alengon), v. 341; vn. 191
Andromeda (a giant), n. 79 Anlaf, i. 109, 144, 305
Andronicus, LMus, ix. 270 Anlaf Cuaran, i. 287
Andronicus Commenus, vi. 481 Anna Matilda.' See Cowley, Hannah
Androphilus, in The Purple Island, iv. 166 Annalia Dubrensia, iv. 487
Androse, Richard (fl. 1569), iv. 441 Annals and Magazines of Natural History,
Andrugio, in Promos and Cassandra, V. The, xiv. 288, 565
120 Annals of Agriculture, xi. 72
Aneirin (Aneurin) (fl. 603?), Oododin, i. Annals of England, iv. 424
248, 249, 461 Annals of the Pine Arts, xiv. 539
Angantyr, x. 223, 224 Annals of the Pour Masters, xn. 360, 518
Angel of Death, xi. 31 xiv. 309
Angela, sister (St Beatrix), xm. 178 Annan, Dumfriesshire, xm. 2, 3
Angelica, in Congreve's Love for Love, Annand, James (1843-1906), xiv, 533
vm. 151, 156 Annand, William (1633-1689), ix. 545
Angelica, in Farquhar's Sir Harry Wildair, Annas, in the York plays, v. 46
vm. 169 Anne, in The Misfortunes of Arthur, v. 78
Angell, John (/. 1758), X. 469 Anne, mastres, friend of John Skelton,
Angellier, Auguste, xi. 115, 438 m. 71
Angelo, in Measure for Measure, v. 190 Anne, queen of Great Britain, iv. 251,
Angelo, in The Virgin Martir, vi. 54 433; vm. 96, 113, 220, 261, 373; IX. 30,
Angelo, Michael, iv. 222, 223; vn. 176 44, 72, 78, 96, 97, 103, 113, 124, 130,
Angels, The treatise of the Song of, n. 327 131, 139, 150 ff., 155, 160, 161, 169, 175,
Anger, in Oonfessio Amantis, n. 147 177,180, 200, 202, 205, 208, 216, 217,
Angevin reigns, the, xiv. 72 219,222, 228, 231, 232, 309, 394, 395,
Angevins, the, vm. 311 407,408; x. 67 ff., 73, 139, 196, 352,
Angharad, in The Misfortunes of Arthur, 374,502; xi. 370, 372; xn. 488; xm,
v. 78 300,453; xiv. 212, 383,463
Angier of St Frideswide, n. 608 Anne, queen, in Richard ///, vi. 129 j
Angiolieri, Cecco, xm. 118 vm. 123
Anglia, ix. 106 Anne Boleyn, 2nd queen of Henry VIII
Anglican church, the, xn. 134, 275, 291, ra. 16, 26, 167, 168, 175, 332, 336, 337;
299; xm. 138 V. 103 ; VI. 335 ; X. 27 ; xn, 477 ; xm. 201
Anglican clergy, xi. 309 Anne of Bohemia, n. 62, 170
Anglicans, ix. 100 Anne of Cleves, m. 175
Angling, writers on, iv. 541 Anne of Denmark, queen consort of
Anglo-Canadians, xiv. 346 James I, iv. 134, 143; yt 83, 337

330 348, 350, 361, 366; vn. 79, 205;
ff. f
Antiquaries, society of (founded 1572),
xiv. 93; companies of, VL 104, 254, 258 iv. 55; vn. 305
Annesley, Arthur, earl of Anglesea (1614 Antiquaries of London, society of (founded
1686), vn. 229 1717-18), ix. 352, 357, 358, 531 ;xn.506,
Annesley claimant, the, xra. 426 610
Annet, Peter (1693-1769), ix. 288, 504; Anti-Romish propaganda in stage plays,
Resurrection of Jesus examined, ix. 294 vi. 150
Annibal, in George Eliot's The Spanish 'Anti-Sejanus/ x. 401
Gypsy, xm. 398 Anton, Robert (/. 1616), iv. 616, 520, 533;
Annie of Lochryan, i. 300 Moriomachia, TV. 359
Annual Register, x. 357, 474, 482, 483; Antoninus, in The Virgin Martir, VL 154
xi. 145, 324; xn. 138; xiv. 228 Antoninus Bassianus Caracalla, VL 481
Annual Review, The, xiv. 98 Antonio, in Albumazar, vi. 323
Annus Mirabilis primus et secundus, vm. 10 Antonio, in Otway's Venice Preserved,
*Az>o5o?, pseud, of Mary E. Coleridge, xm. vm. 94, 184
183 Antonio, in The Case is Altered, v. 321
Anselm, St (1033-1109), archbishop of Antonio, in The Coxcombe, VL 133
Canterbury, I. 16, 128, 149, 151, 154, Antonio, in The Dutchesse of Malfy, VI.
162, 163, 186, 217, 222, 224, 228, 231, 181, 182
234, 355, 446; n. 365; xn. 455; xiv. 113 Antonio, in The Merchant of Venice, v.
Anson, George, baron Anson (1697-1762), 183, 355
xiv. 243, 550 Antonio, in The Tempest, v. 206
Anson, Sir William Keynell (1843-1914), Antonio de Eslava, Noches de Invierno,
xiv. 485, 487 vm. 126
Anster, John (1793-1867), xiv. Add. 3 Antonius, in A Dialogue. . .against the
Anstey, Christopher (1724^1805), ix. 481; fever Pestilence, m. 108
xi. 158, 160, 172, 424; xn. 7, 120; New Antonius, in Ignoramus, VL 322
Bath Guide, XL 173 Antony, in Antony and Cleopatra, v. 199
Anstey, John (d. 1819), XL 424 Antony, in Julius Caesar, v. 197
Anstis, John (1669-1744), ix. 355, 531 Antony, in Romeo and Juliet, v. 182
Anstruther, Fife, xi. 243 Antony, Life of, Athanasius's, I. 75
Anstruther, lady Margaret, ix. 369 Antrobus, Dorothy, mother of Thomas
Answerall, lady, in Swift's Complete Col- Gray, x. 116
lection of. . Conversation, ix. 106
Antrobus, Mary, x. 116, 121, 127
Antarctic exploration, xiv. 245 Antrobus, Robert, x. 116, 117
Ante Crucem Virgo Stabat, n. 383 Antrobus, William, x. 116
Antenorius, in Argenis, iv. 259 Antwerp, n. 319, 320, 329, 330; m. 18,
Anthea (Herrick's), vn. 6, 9 43, 208; iv. 69, 266, 274, 316, 324, 396,
Anthony, Now-Now, in The Gentle Craft, 402, 403; v. 90, 113, 114; vn. 460;
ra. 370 vm. 141; xn. 365; xm. 433
Anthropological society, the, xn. 350 Antwerp, Plantin Museum at, I. 72
Anti-christ, VL 374 Antwerpe, Tragical Historic of the citit of,
Antichrist, in Dunbar's Vision, n. 256 TV. 324
Antichrist, in Piers the Plowman, n. 28 Apelles, iv. 14
Antidoteagainst Melancholy, rv. 536 ;vn. 512 Apennines, the, xn. 63
Antigone, xn. 68 Apicius Caelius, ix. 478
Antigone, in Phoenissae, v. 71, 72 Apius and Virginia. See R. B.
Antigonus, in. The Humorous Lieutenant, Apocrypha, the. See under Bible
vi. 122 Apollinaris (Laodicean bishop), v. 6
Antigonus, in The Winter's Tale, v. 206 Apollo, n. 78; iv. 196; VL 368; vn. 370;
Anti-Jacobin, The, XL 39 F., 167, 392; vm. 204; ix. 257; xm. 69, 191, 213
xn. 150; xm. 260; xiv. 194, 214 Apollo, in Keats's The Fan of Hyperion,
Anti- Jacobin Review, The, XL 392; xn. 626 xn. 80, 86
Antioch, xn. 107 Apollo, in Suckling's Session of the Poets,
Antiochus, Asiatio king, in Believe as you vn. 274
List, VL 147 flf. Apollo press, XL 326
Antiochus, in The Tatter, EC. 38 Apollodorus, m. 86
Antipodes, the, xiv. 255 Apollonius, hermit, i. 74
Anti-projector, The, iv. 308, 509 Apollonius Rhodius, XL 426
Antiquaries, in Stuart times, vn. 232-258, Apollonius of Tyre, in Confessio Amantis,
460 A n. 149, 152
Antiquaries, in Tudor times, m. 313-338, Apottonius of Tyre, I. 135, 151
527 S. Apostolic Fathers, the, x. 353; xn. 501
Antiquaries, Scottish society of, DC. 372; Apostolical Constitutions, ix. 221
xn. 349 Apothecaries' company, the, xrv. 286

Apperley, Charles James (pseud. Nimrod, 424, 473, 493, also see Add. ; xi. 289, 296,
1779-1843), xiv. 216, 232, 542, 598; 344, 349, 354, 458, 473; xn. 133, 447
Life of a Sportsman, The, xrv. 233; Camilla, x. 64, 66, 261; xn. 231
Memoirs of. . , John Mytton, xrv 233 Cecilia, x. 63, 64, 66
Appian, iv. 435 Diary and Letters, x. 63, 65, 260, 261
Applebee, John, ix. 16, 22, 433 Early Diary, x. 260
Appleton, Charles Edward Cutts Birch Evelina, x. 15, 64 ff., 259; XL 365; xn.
(1841-1879), xiv. 533 233
Appletree, Thomas, in Parquhar's Re- Wanderer, The, x. 63, 64, 66
cruiting Officer, me. 171 Arbury, Warwickshire, x. 113
Appplyn of Thyre, King, n. 324, 325, 484 Arbuthnet, Alexander (d. 1585), printer,
Aprile, in Browning's Paracelsus, xm. 57, iv. 412
59 Arbuthnot, Alexander (1538-1583), in.
vm. 270
Apsley, Lucy, 137, 498
Apthorpe, East (1753-1816), x. 507; Let- Arbuthnot, Archibald (fl. 1746), ix. 563
ters on the Prevalence of Christianity, Arbuthnot, Charles, ix. 469
x. 308 Arbuthnot, George, ix. 133
Apuleius, i. 135; iv. 9, 242, 414, 435; vi. Arbuthnot, John (1667-1735), ix. 72, 78,
82; vn. 77, 370, 503 96, 98, 124, 127, 129 ff. (main entry),
Apuleius, in Loves Maistresse, vi. 103 152, 161, 163, 171, 220, 249, 445 ff.,
Apuleius, The Golden Ass, xiv. 311 452, 466 ft, 481, 498; xn. 168
Aquila, ix. 330 Account of the. .death of Dr Woodward,

Aquilegiensis, Laurence, Practicasive Usus rx. 132

Dictaminis ('Complete Letter Writer'), Art of Political Lying, ix. 131, 136
n. 363 Brief account of Mr John Ginglicutfs
Aquinas, St Thomas, i. 200, 210 f. ; n. 350, Treatise, ix. 133, 138, 4C4
363; in. 4, 9, 19, 416; vn. 277, 279, 312, Essay concerning the effects of Air.. .,
504, 510; xn. 201; Summa, n. 365; rv. ix. 133, 138
272 Essay concerning the nature of Ailments,
Aquitania, in The Masque of Blacknesse, ix. 133, 138
vi. 342 Examination of Dr Woodward's Account
Ara Fortunae, vi. 319, 474 of the Deluge, ix. 129
Arabella, in The Pickwick Papers, xm. 314 History of John Bull, ix. 131, 133, 137
Arabi pasha, xn. 342 Humble Petition of the Colliers, ix. 132
Arabia, vi. 35; xn. 342; xrv. 252 John Bull in his Senses, ix, 131
Arabian learning, i. 153 John Butt still in his Senses (and Ap-
Arabian Nights, The, i. 286; in. 485; ix. pendix), ix. 131
106; XL 161, 291, 477; xn. 342, 499; Know Yourself, IX. 133, 138
xra. 124, 305; xiv. 338 Law is a Bottomless Pit, ix. 130
xiv. 212;

Arabian tales, xi. 290, 374 Lewis Baboon turned Honest, ix. 131
Arabians, n. 362, 365 Miscellaneous Works, IX. 133
Arabic chair, at Cambridge, ix. 413 On the Usefulness ofMathematicalLearn'
Arabic language, vn. 317 ff,, 491 ing, ix. 130, 138
Arabic language and literature, ix. 291; Seasons humbly offered by the Company
xi. 290, 291, 355; xn. 341, 342, 362; ...of Upholders,!*. 132
xiv. 416, 457, 458 Sermon. . .at the Mercat Cross, IX 130,
Arabin, dean, Trollope's, xm. 422 138
Arabs, the, xiv. 238, 252, 253 Tables of , ..Measures, Weights and
Arachne, in Ovid's Metamorphoses, DC. Coins, ix. 130, 132
160 Arbuthnott, Robert, 2nd viscount(d. 1682),
Arachne and Pallas, ix. 115 IX, 129
Aragon, v. 183 Arcadia, vi. 11, 317, 318, 341, 364, 368;
Aram, Eugene (1704-1759), ix. 574; xn. x. 179; XI. 142, 287
418 Arcadia and Arcadianism, m. 265, 340,
Aram, Eugene, lord Lytton's, THT. 418 348, 352, 353, 356, 357 &., 367, 370
Arator, i. 76 Arcadian shepherds, in Piers Plainnes
Arbaoes, in A King and no King, vi. 120, seaven yeres Prentiship, m, 367
127 Arcana Aulica; or WalsingJwtfs Manual,
Arber, Edward (1836-1912), iv. 69, 70, vn. 518
110, 388; vm. 182, 422; XI. 311, 339, Archaeologia, rx. 358, 530, 531; xn. 506
466, 467, 470, 471; xn. 357, 515 Archaeologia Cambrensis, xn. 506
Arblay, Alexandre G. P. d', X, 63, 261 Archaeological association, xn. 349
Arblay, Prances Burney, Madame d' Archaeological association, British, Journal,
(1752-1840), x. 46, 63 ff. (main entry), xn. 506
135, 150, 254, 259 ff. (main entry), 267, Archaeological Journal, xn. 506

Archangel, ix. 240 Argentile, in Albion's England, m. 357
Archas, in The, Loyal Subject, vi. 122, 130 iv. 136
Archdall, Mervyn (1723-1791), xn. 349 Argentine, Richarde (d. 1568), rv, 447, 448
Archdeacon, Daniel (fl. 1588), iv. 453 Argogastis, xrv. 303
Archer, in Farquhar's Beaux' Stratagem, Argonauts, the, iv. 62
vm. 172 Argus, Arabella, XL 477; Adventures of a
Archer or Frizer, or Ingram, murderer of Donkey, XL 383; Juvenile Spectator, xi.
Marlowe. See Erizer 383
Archer, Thomas (1554-1630?), vn. 344 Argyll, Elizabeth, duchess of. See Gunning,
Archer, Thomas (1894), xni. 532 Elizabeth
Archer, William (1856-1924), vi. 266, 269; Argyll, dukes of. See Campbell, George
xi. 447, 453; xm. 513 Douglas; Campbell, John
Archer-Hind, Eichard Dacre (1849-1910), Argyll, marquis of. See Campbell, Archibald
xn. 333, 479 Argyll commission (Scottish schools), xiv.
Archibald, Raymond Clare, xni. 470 421
Archie o' Cawfield, n. 415 Argyllshire, XTTT. 431
Archimago, in The Faerie Queene, in. 231 Ariadne, x. 199
Architectural Magazine, The, xrv. 149 Ariadne, Titian's, xrv. 171
Architecture, Anglo-Norman, i. 155, 222, Ariana, mistress (Etherege's), vm. 138
223 Arianism, ix. 295, 297; x. 360, 362, 371,
Architecture, Elizabethan and Jacobean, 372, 377 ff., 384 ff.
v. 372 Ariel, in The Tempest, v. 207, 317; vn. 3;
Architrenius, or Arch-Mourner, of Jean ym. 28, 225; xn. 196, 220; xm. 62
de Hauteville, i. 193 Arimanes, spirits of, in Byron's Manfred,
Archombrotus, in Argenis, iv. 258, 259 xn. 47
Archon, lord, in Oceana, vn, 299, 300 Ariodante and Genevora, v. 102, 116
Arohytas, i. 279 Arion, xm. 50
Arcite, in Palamon and Arcyte, vi. 299 Ariosto, Ludovico, m. 23, 176, 204, 210
Arcite, in The Knightes Tale, xm. 123 229 ff., 236, 244, 262, 305; iv. 23, 24,
Arcite, in The Two Noble Kinsmen, v. 256 196, 441, 540; v. 116, 132, 191, 220;
Arctic regions, xrv. 241, 245, 248, 358 vn. 74, 78, 271; vm. 22; ix. 338, 481;
Arctic voyages, iv. 76 X. 221, 234, 241, 435; XI. 157; xn. 3, 80;

Ardagh, vn. 318; x. 197 Orlando Furioso, in. 230 ff., 236; v.
Ardelia, in The Dukes Mistris, vi. 200 102, 137; ix. 61; Oli Suppositi, v. 71,
Ardelia' (Winchilsea, Anne, countess of),
IX. 169 Ariosto (trans.), xn. Add.
Arden, forest of, nr. 355; v. 192; VL 27; 'Aristarch,' an, rx. 191
xm. 382 Aristarchus, xn. 332
Arden, Mary, v. 1C7; xiv. 307 Aristides, x. 154; xm. 182
Arden, Mrs, vn. 55 Aristippus, in Damon and Pithias, v. 118
Arden, Richard Pepper, baron Alvanley Aristophanes, m. 20; iv. 526; v. 22;
(1745-1804), xrv. 115, 127 vi. 18, 24, 79, 315, 322, 327, 352, 362,
Arden of Peversham, V. 162, 237, 240 ff., 363; vm. 38, 58, 164; ix. 336; x. 25,
324, 441, 443; vi. 95; x. 73, 436; xn. 186 34, 53, 415; XI. 392; xn. 309, 324, 325,
Ardens, Radulphus, L 221 329 f ., 480, 483 ff,, 488 ff., 494, also see
Areopagus, the, vn. 140 Add.; xm. 81, 82, 175,445
Arethusa, in Keats's Endymion, xn. 82 Birds, xn. 329
Aretine, in Jonson's Volpone, vn. 274 or Pax, VI. 294
Aretino, Leonardo, n. 325; iv. 441; Plutus, vi. 25, 294
Poliscene, v. 101 Wasps, The, VL 25
Aretino, Pietro, iv. 322 Aristophanes, in D'Avenant's First Day's
Aretino, in The Unfortunate Traveller , m. Entertainment, vm, 117
366 Aristophanic comedy, xrv. 13
ArfeviUe, Nicolas d', m. 156 Aristotle, L 153, 185, 187, 204, 205, 210,
Argalia, in Chamberlayne's Pharonnida, 212, 213; n. 21, 129, 186, 201, 207, 231,
vn. 75 301, 350, 354, 360 ff., 370, 371; m. 6,
Argall,Anne, iv. 141 20, 23, 50, 109, 233, 291, 305, 416, 420,
Argall, Thomas, iv. 141 425, 430; iv. 3, 24, 269, 271, 273 ff.,
Argante, in Layamon's Brut, I. 235, 236, 286, 287, 291, 298, 430, 521; v. 65, 167,
265, 266 172, 204, 206, 214, 295 ff.; vi. 6, 225,
Argemone, in Kingsley's Yeast, xm. 360; 232, 296; vn. 182, 228, 261, 265, 267,
xxv. 84 277, 278, 282, 288, 302 ff., 323, 376,
Argensola, Bartolomeo de, vi. 139 377; vm. 8, 29, 170, 203, 221, 277, 278,
Argensola, Bartolomeo de (the younger), 287, 289, 291, 329, 350; rx. 51, 59, 60,
vm.129 64, 383, 386, 562; x. 137 r 514; XL 17,

Aristotle Arne, Thomas Augustine (1710-1778),
134; xn. 211, 230, 311, 476, 480 ff., vm. 426; x. 109, 199, 425, 426, 429,
484 f., 488, 489, 492, 494, also see Add. ; 433, 447
xm. 152, 167, 169, 172, 312; xiv. 9, 16, Arngosk, The Lady of, n. 411
23, 140, 398, 473, 475 Arao river, xm. 136, 149
Constitution of Athens, xn. 340 Arnold, A. S., xm. 470
Ethics, i. 204, 213; m. 430; iv. 5, 335, Arnold, Sir Edwin (1832-1904), xm. 194,
414, 428, 435; vi. 233; xn, 334 203, 498; xiv. 191, 192, 574, 575; He
History of Animals, I. 199 and She, xm. 201; The Light of Asia,
Metaphysics, I. 201; n. 318 xm. 200; xiv. 340
Nichomachean Ethics, xn. 520 Arnold, Fanny, xm. 103
Organon, I. 187, 207; iv. 276 Arnold, Frances Lucy, born Wightman,
Physics, I. 201, 204, 211, 212 xm. 87
Poetics, v. 70; vi. 8; vn. 265; vm. 375, Arnold, Frank Bishop, xm. 513
376; xn. 334 Arnold, Rev. Frederick, xiv. 493
Politics, i. 213; iv. 5, 435; xn. 333, 334 Arnold, Frederick Octavius, xiv. 536
Rhetoric, iv. 335, 347; xi. 16; xn. 328, Arnold, Matthew (1822-1888), i. 249, 251,
331 254, 274, 275; n. 107, 180; iv. 132, 135,
Aristotle, Aldine edition, in. 5; IV. 422 139; vi. 57; IX. 31, 169; x. 361; xi. 136,
Aristotle, in The Police of Honour, n. 260 161, 388, 406, 408, 411, 438; xn. 77,
Aristotle, The Letter of Alexander to, n. 80 108, 154, 177, 178, 207, 208, 297, 384,
Aristotelian society, xiv. 39 392, 402, 406, 527; xm. 85 ff. (main
Arithmetic, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, entry), 147 ., 155, 159, 160, 174, 183,
n. 225 188 ff., 221, 223, 486 ff. (main entry),
Arms, iv. 214 557, also see Add. 2; xiv. 141, 144, 147,
Arkinholm, n. 113 159, 172, 180, 191, 304, 306, 307, 350,

Arley,' Bella Cruscan poet, XL 177 351, 420, 422 ff., 432, 433, 453, 601, 603
Arley Regis, Worcester, i. 234 Balder Dead, xm. 89, 94
Arlington, 1st earl (1618-1685). See Ben- Cromwell, xm. 87
net,Henry Culture and Anarchy, xm. 88, 101; xiv.
Armada, the, m. 188, 211, 244; iv. 136, 425
142; v. 77, 81, 136, 309, 345, 361; vi. Democracy, xm. 88
27, 53, 92, 174; vn. 157; xm. 135, 136 Discourses in America, xm. 87, 88, 99
Armado, don, in Love's Labour's Lost, v. Dover Beach, xm. 89, 96
178, 239 Empedodes on Etna, xm. 89, 91, 95
Armageddon, xm. 153 Essays in Criticism, xni. 98, 100, 101
Armagh, vn. 139, 301, 318; xiv. 309, 321 Forsaken Merman, The, xm. 91, 251
Armenia, n. 13, 79 Fragment of an 'Antigone? The, xm.
Armida, in Orlando Furioso, ni. 230 90
Armin, Robert (1564?-1612?), vi. 273, French Eton, A, xm. 88
452 Friendship's Garland, xm. 101, 451
Foole upon Foole, vr. 218 Geisfs Grave, xm. 89
Italian Taylor and his Boy, The, vc. 218 God and the Bible, xm. 101
Nest of Ninnies, A, iv. 532; vi. 218 Heine's Grave, xm. 89
Two Maids of More-clacke, The, vi. 217 '

Joubert,' xm. 100

Arminianism, vn. 437; x. 367, 377, 381 Last Essays on Church and Religion,
Arminius, i. 20; vm. 291, 292 xm. 101
Armorican Bretons, I. 256 Last words on Translating Homer, xm.
Armour, Jean, xi. 222 103
Armstrong, Cecil Ferard, xm. 513; Letters, xm. 85, 94, 99, 103
Shakespeare to Shaw, xi. 269 and Dogma, xm. 101
Armstrong, Edmund John (1841-1865), Memorial Verses, xm. 94
xiv. 567 Merope, a Tragedy, vn. 122; xm. 89,
Armstrong, G. F. Savage- (1845-1906), 91,95
xiv. 567 Mixed Essays, xm. 88, 99
Armstrong, John (1709-1779), x. 138, 147, Mycerinus, xm. 90
148, 452; Art of Preserving Health, The, New Poems, xm. 89, 95
X. 148; *TTTr 200;
Economy of Love, X. New Sirens, The, YTTT. 90
Numbers,' ^m- 99
148; Epistle Wilkes, x. 148

Armstrong, Johnny, in Pendennis, TTTT. Obermann, yni 98 r

291 Obermann Once More, TOT. 89, 94

Armys, The Buke of the Law of, or Buke On Translating Homer, XL 90: TTTT.
of Bataillis, n. 284 88,98
Armytage, Mrs, Mrs Gore's, xn. 246 Poems (1853), xiv. 139
Arnall, William (1715?-1741?), ix. 433 Poems (1854), xm. 98
Arnold, Matthew Art and Poetry, yrrT, 111
Poems, Second Series, xm. 89 Art de, bien vivre et de bien mourir, L\ n.
Popular Education of France, XIIT. 88; 329
xiv. 422 Art of good living and dying, The, n. 324,
Reports on Elementary Schools, xm. 88 328, 329
Requiescat, XTTT. 96 Artaban, in La Calprenede's CUop&tre,
Resignation, xn. 220; xm. 90 vm. 25
Rugby Chapel, xm. 89, 96 Artegall, in The Fa&ne Queene, n. 234;
St Paul and Protestantism, XITL 101 m. 231, 234, 236; vn. 209
Scholar-Gipsy, The, xin. 89, 92, 93, 96, Artfiour and Merlin, i. 269, 317, 399, 467
251 Arthur, Death of, I. 190. See, also, under
Schools and Universities on the Continent, Morte
xm. 88; xiv. 422 Arthur, king, x. 231; xn. 13, 354
Self-Dependence, xm. 94, 97 Arthur, Kyng (Southey's), XI. 422
Separation, xm. 89 Arthur, prince, in The Faerie Queene, m.
Sick King in Bokhara, The, xm. 90, 230, 232 ff., 237
91 Arthur, prince, in King John, v. 185
Sohrab and Rustum, xin. 89, 92, 94, 95, Arthur, prince (1486-1502), son of Henry
251 VII, m. 6, 8; vi. 332, 333
Southern Night, A, xni. 89, 96 r 251 Arthur, Tennyson's, *TTT 37, 38

Speech at Eton, A, xm. 99

Arthur, The Dethe of, begynyng at Cassa-
Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse, xm. belaun, n. 308
95 Arthur, The Misfortunes of, v. 78, 79
Stanzas in Memory of the Author of Arthur and the Arthurian legend, i. 70,
'Obermann,' xm. 93, 94 133, 148, 158, 169, 170, 177, 198, 223,
Strayed Revetter, The, xm. 89, 90, 252 235 E., 243-276 (main entry), 279, 284,

Study of Celtic Literature, The, xm. 88, 286, 296, 309, 311 ff., 326, 336, 342,
98, 100 350, 351, 461 ff., 467, also see Add.-,
Summer Night, A, xm. 94, 251 n. 112, 115, 116, 118 fi., 181, 184, 228,
Thyrsis, vn. 114; xin. 89, 92, 96, 102 230, 234, 307, 337 ff., 428; m. 359; iv
To a Gipsy Child, xm. 90 67; v. 10, 108, 250; x. 228; xm. 36;
Tristram and Iseult, xm. 93, 251 xiv. 304, 306
Westminster Abbey, xin. 89, 96 See, also, under the separate title of the
Arnold, Richard (d. 1521), Chronicle, n. Arthurian romances, Wace, Layamon,
320, 329, 484; m. 532 etc.
Arnold, Samuel (1740-1802), x. 425, 428, Arthur and King Cornwatt, King, n. 414
429 Arthur of Little Britain, n. 322, 339
Arnold, Samuel James (1774r-1852), xra. Arthur e, Gret Gest of, n. 116
517 Arthurian ballads, i. 464
Arnold, Thomas (1795-1842), i. 167; vn. Articles, Ten, m. 13
152; x. 355; xn. 153, 259, 287-288, 292, Articles, the XXXIX, xn. 260, 296
294, 302 ff. (main entry), 309, 318, 321, Articles of Grievance andOppression,vi.275
338, 464, 474; xm. 86, 103 ff., 109, 370, Articuli ad Novas Narrationes (1561), vm.
433; xiv. 70, 409, 411, 413, 414, 594, 465, 466
601 f 603; History of Rome, xn. 303, 304, Artotrogos, in Miles Gloriosus, v. 106
339; History of the later Roman Com- Arundel, earls of. See Howard, Philip;
monwealth, xn. 303; Life and Corre- Howard, Thomas
spondence, xn. 303, 304, 320 Arundel, Thomas, archbishop (1353-1414),
Arnold, Thomas (junior) (1823-1900), xn. n. 59, 62, 67, 68, 154, 348; m. 42
504 Arundel, William, earl of (1417-1487),
Arnold, William Delafield (182&-1859), Caxton's patron, n. 314
xiv. 575; Oakfield, xiv. 338, 339 Arundel, the horse in Sir Beves, L 292
Arnold, William Thomas (1852-1904), xn. Arviragus, in Layamon's Brut, i. 237
405, 474; xiv. 533; Roman System of Arviragus, in The Franklin's Tale, n. 184
Provincial Administration, xn. 304 Arwaker, Edmund (d. 1730), vn, 405;
Arnold's Magazine, rrv. 539 vm. 411
Arqua, rv. 429 Aryan origin of ballads, n. 417
Arran, isles of, xiv. 312 As I came in by Edinburgh town, ix. 363
Arrets d* Amour, Les, vm. 59 Asbies mortgage, v. 219
Arrivall, The History of the (1471), n. 302 Asbjo'rnsen, Peter Christen, xi. 491
Arrogance, in Mirour de VOmme, n. 140 Ascanius, vm. 70
Arrowsmith, Reformation (1673), vm. 26 Ascapart the giant, in Sir Beves, 1. 293, 343
Ars Moriendi, v. 53 Ascensio, y. 12
Arsilius (Yong's), rv. 122 Ascension island, xiv. 242
Art, in Cowley's The Muse, vn. 65 Ascham, Anthony (fl. 1553), iv. 542
Ascham, Roger (1515-1568), m. 290 ft., Askesian society, xiv. 287
308, 310, 311, 317, 318, 327, 341, 348, Aslackton, Nottinghamshire, m. 32
419, 421, 425, 431 ft, 438, 444, 446, 447, Asloan MS., n. 478
454, 526, 549; iv. 6, 7, 276, 320, 345, Asolo, xm. 61, 62, 84
390; v. 350, 394; vr. 378, 480, 492; vn. 'Aspasia* (Lady Elizabeth Hastings
315, 329, 335; x. 177, 184, 469 (1682-1739), ix. 38
De Imitatione, m. 433 Aspatia, in The Maides Tragedy, vi. 120,
Report and Discourse of the affairs of 123, 126
Germany, m. 432 Asper, in Every Man out of his Humour,
Scholemaster, The, n. 213; m. 311, 341, VI. 17, 39
433 ff.; rv. 344, 397; vi. 295; ix. 55; Aspland, Robert (1782-1845), xn. 428,
xn. 488; xm. 104 465
Toxophilus, m. 308, 433, 445; iv. 16 Aspley, William (fl. 1588-1637), rv. 393 ff.
Asohillus, in The Misfortunes of Arthur, Assaye, battle of, xn. 98
v. 78 Asser (d. 909?), bishop of Sherborne, i.
Ascolot, maid of, i. 313 89 ft, 101, 105; Aelfredi regie res gestae,
Ascue, Sir G., vm. 218 iv. 397
Ascyltus, ix. 266 Asses, feast of, v. 8
AagiU, John (1659-1738), ix. 11 Assisi, i. 200, 210, 364
Ashantee, xiv. 254 Assmann, i. 124
Ashburnham, John (1603-1671), vn. 449 Association for the protection of the
Ashburnham, lady, ix. 125 queen's person, v. 345
Ashburton, Devonshire, XL 39 Assoucy, Charles Coypeau d', ix. 256
Ashby, George (d. 1475), n. 209, 469; Assumptio Mariae, I. 232, 458, 459
Active Policy of a Prince, n. 210 Assurbanipal, Annals of, xn. 499
Ashby-de-la-Zouch, vn. 335; xi. 340 Assyria, n. 296; xn. 342, 477
Aahe, St George (1658?-1718), IX. 166 Assyrian host, in fizechiaa, vi. 298
Ashe, Simeon (d. 1662), Intelligence, vn. Assyrians, iv. 31
351 Astarte, in Byron's Manfred, xn. 47, 393,
Ashe, Thomas, Carolina (1682), rv. 453 395, 396
Ashe, Thomas (1836-1889), XL 412, 415, Astell,Mary (1668-1731), DC. 244, 498;
416; xm. 194, 498; The Sorrows of Serious proposal to the Ladies, ix. 404,
Hypsipyle, xm. 206 569
Ashfield, dame, in Morton's Speed the *Asteria (lady Luxborough). See Knight,
Plough, xi. 281 Henrietta
Ashford, Kent, in, 395; vn. 341 Asthall, i. 126
Ashley, Sir Anthony (1551-1627), iv. 453 Astley, John (d. 1595), iv. 444, 540
Ashley, A.. Evelyn M., xiv. 505 Astley, Sir John Dugdale (1828-1894),
Ashley, Sir John, rv. 383 xrv, 540
Ashley, William James, xrv. 477 Astley, Philip (1742-1814), xm. 264, 265
Ashley-Cooper, ITrederick Samuel, xrv. Aston, colonel, vm,
545 Aston, Edward, rv. 442
Ashmole, Elias (1617-1692), vn. 369; vm. Aston, John (fl. 1382), n. 61
247; IX. 355, 413, 531; xrv. 285, 558; Aston, lady Gertrude, rv, 194
Antiquities of Berkshire, ix. 353; Thea- Aston, R., Plarita Latine Mediviva (1661),
trum Chemicum, n. 211, 212 vm. 467
Ashton, John, xi. 475; xn. 418; xiv, 540 Aston, Walter, baron Aston (1584-1639),
Ashton, Lucy, in Scott's Bride of Lam- IV. 173, 176, 179, 184, 188, 210
mermoor, xn. 22 Astragon, in D'Avenant's Qondibert, vn.
Ashton, Thomas (cL 1578), in. 428, 429; 71
v. 103; vn. 337
Astrology and occultism, vn. 508 iL
Ashton, Thomas (1716-1775), x. 117, 119, Astronomia, in Technogomia, VL 323
123, 243, 251 Astronomy, in The Passetyme of Pleasure,
Ashton, Sir William, in Scott's Bride of n. 225
Lamnermoor, xn. 22 Astrophel (Waller's), vn. 54
Ashworth, Caleb (1722-1775), x, 384 Astrophell (i.e. Sidney), iv. 110
Ashworth, John (1813-1875), xm. 560 Astrophil, vm. 61
Asia, xi. 16, 190; xn. 66; xrv. 246, 247, Astrophill, v. 349
252, 457, 458 Atalantis Major, XX. 13
Asia Minor, v. 37 Ate", inJ&ocme, v, 84
Asiatic society, Greek, xn. 506 AteuMn, in James IV, y. 1S8
Asiatic society of Bengal, xn. 352; xrv. Athanase, in Shelley's Prince
334, 337 xn. 61
Aske, Christopher, Kingsley's, xrn, 366 Athanasian controversy, X. 363
Aske, Robert, Kingsley'a, xm. 366 Athanaflian. creed, vin. 42; x 360

Athanasius, 74, 75; n. 79, 86; xi. 287;
Atterclifie, ix. 393
Festal Letters, xn. 341 Attercliffe academy, x. 386
Atheist's Tragedie, The (ballad), v. 143 Attey, John (c, 1622), iv. 463
Athelstan. See Aethelstan Attic democracy, the, xiv. 134
Athelston, i. 287, 467 Attic drama, v. 1, 5; vi. 232. See, also,
Athenaeum, The, ix. 106; xn. 349, 359, Greek drama
365, 437; xin. 54, 69; xiv. 144, 145, Attic dramatists, ix. 330
171, 174, 193, 200, 364, 530, 531, 533, Attic eloquence, XL 13
534 Attic idiom, xn. 328
Athenaeus, vn. 311; xn. 325; Deipno- Attic law, xn. 327
sophia, vi. 102 Attic orators, xn. 329
Athenais, in The Emperour of the East, vi. Attic prose, xm. 99
158, 163 Attic tragedy, vmr. 90
Athenian democracy, xn. 311, 312 Atticus, T. Pomponius, is. 198
Athenian Gazette (Dunton's), ix. 5 Atticus,' in Dibdin's Bibliomania, xn. 365
Athenian Letters, xi. 475 Atticus, in Graves's Columella, x. 277
Athenian Mercury (Dunton's), IX. 6, 34, Attila, i. 20, 32, 34
41, 92 Attilia, in Fedele and Fortunio, v. 315
Athenians, the, ix. 223; xiv. 120 Atwit, colonel, in Swift's Complete Col-
Athena, iv. 1, 270, 335; v. 64; vi. 308; lection of. .
.Conversation, ix. 106
xn. 32, 72, 312, 313; xm. 129, 133, 135, Atwood, William (d. 1705?), x. 498
136, 256; xiv. 122, 205, 211 Auban, Vie de fieint, xn. 362
Parthenon, xn. 340 Auberon, in Euon of Bordeaux, n. 339
Temple of Theseus, xn. 39 Aubignac, abb6 d', Pratique du fhtdtre,
Athens, in The Anatomy of Wit, in. 345 vin. 375
Atherstone, Edwin (1788-1872), xn. 129, Aubrey, Augusta, in Cumberland's Fash-
413; The Fail of Nineveh, xn. 128 ionable Lover, xi. 265
AtSils, king of the Svear, I. 25 fi. Aubrey, John (1626-1697), m. 323; rv.
Athlone, x. 196, 197 509; V. 167; vn. 22, 38, 42, 56, 58, 59,
Atholl, 3rd duke of. See Murray, John 61, 70, 107, 118, 153, 282 ff., 290, 329,
Athos, mount, xiv. 252 362, 507, also see Add.; vm. 295, 322,
Atkins, John Black, xiv. 535 361; ix. 267, 351 (main entry), 531, 536,
Atkins, Samuel, vm. 257 574; XI. 393
Atkinson, Henry George, xiv. 476 Brief Lives, ix. 308, 351
Atkinson, Joseph, The Mutual Deception, Miscellanies, ix. 351
x. 429 M onumenta Britannica, ix. 354
Atkinson, Robert, xn. 361, 362, 515 Perambulation of Surrey, ix. 351, 353
Atkinson, Thomas (1600-1639), vi. 470 Surrey, iv. 308
Atkyns, Sir Robert (1647-1711), Qloces- Wilts, iv. 308
tershire, ix. 353, 531 Aubrey, Mary (K. Philips's 'Rosania'),
Atkynson, William (d. 1509), translator of vn. 88
Imitatio Chnsti, n. 321 Auburn, in Goldsmith's Deserted Village,
Atldmal, in the Edda, I. 21 x. 212
Atlante, in Orlando Furioso, m. 231 Aubusson regiment, the, x. 203
Atlantic, the, IV. 68; xi. 190 Aucassin et Nicolette, ix. 39
Atlantic ocean, xm. 88 Auohinleck, x. 190, 191, 193; xi. 235, 236,
Atlantis, xi. 190 442
Atlantis (of Plato), iv. 73 Auchinleck MS., I. 370, 465; xn. 376
Atlas, in Pleasure Reconciled, VL 359 ff. Auchinleok press, xn. 357
Atlas, sign of, on the Globe theatre, vi. Audax, grammarian, i. 76
256 Audax, in The Floating Island, VI. 325
Atlas, The, xn. 444 Audelay, John (fl. 1426), n. 496, 504
Atlay, James Beresford (1860-1913), xiv. Auditor, The, x. 390, 392, 522
500, 507, 508, 511 Auditus, in Lingua, VL 315
Atli, the hall of, xm. 126 Audlem, Cheshire, vn. 341
Atossa, in Pope's Characters of Women, Audley, in Edward 111, v. 246
ix. 82, 89 Audley, George, lord, iv. 161
Atreus, in Thyesfes, VL 301 Audley, James de (1316?-1369), n. 336
Atropos, in Filosfrato e Panjtta, v. 62 Audley, Thomas, baron Audley of Walden
Attendant spirit, the, in Comus, vn. 113 (1488-1544), n. 358
Atterbury, Francis (1662-1732), vn. 410, Audley, Thomas (/. 1643), vn. 494; Jfer-
444; vm. 394; IX. 131, 147, 153, 176, curius Britannicus, vn. 350; M
196, 234, 333, 334, 337, 340, 425, 525; Diutmus, vn. 351
x. 351 ff., 515, 517; xrv. 61; Discourse Audoin, in Widsith, i. 35
on the death of the Lady Outte, X. 352 Audry, St, ix. 343

Aue. See Hartmann von Austen, Cassandra, xn. 232, 237
Aufidius, in Coriolanus, v. 198 Austen, Charles, xn. 239
Augsberg Interim, ni. 34 Austen, Jane, n. 192; ix. 338; XI. 285,
Augusel, in Arthurian legend, I. 259 286; xn. 24, 231 ff. (main entry), 246,
Augusta, princess of Wales, x. 108, xiv. 247, 252, 379, 446, also see Add.; xni.
287 307, 313, 377, 430, 431; xiv. 208
Augustalis, Threnodia. See Cornelys, Mrs Elinor and Marianne, xn. 233, 236
Theresa Emma, xn, 151, 234, 239
Augustan age, iv. 330 First Impressions (Pride and Prejudice),
Augustan school of poetry, xn. 36, 40, 41, xn. 233, 234
43,77 Kitty, or the Bower, xn. 233
Augustine, St, of Hippo, I. 93, 94, 102, Lady Susan, xn. 233
103, 117, 120, 124, 126, 127, 213, 224, Mansfield Park, x. 66; xn. 234, 238, 241
231, 234, 355, 436, 438, 440; n. 20, 52, Northanger Abbey, xi. 299; xn. 233 ff.,
53, 182, 199, 230, 308, 324, 355, 365; 247
in. 9, 19, 400, 416; iv. 220, 241, 395, Persuasion, xn. 234, 235, 237, 238,
441; vii. 312, 370, 372,376, 504, 510; 240, 241
vm. 348; xn. 260; Confessions, vn. 170; Pride and Prejudice, xn. 233 ff., 237,
vm. 103; De Civitate Dei, m. 15, 16; 238, 241, 243
iv. 395; IX. 318; Meditations, n. 383 Sense and Sensibility, X. 15; xn. 233 ff.,
Augustine, St (d. 604), archbishop of 241
Canterbury, I. 1, 5, 13, 41, 42, 71, 72, 351 Susan, xn. 234
Augustinian monastery in London, v. 104 Watsons, The, xn. 234
Augustinianism, in. 12 Austen, lady Anne, xi. 83, 87, 88
Augustinians (Austin Mars), n. 287, 349, Austen-Leigh, J. E., Memoir of Jane
367 Austen, xn. 233, 234, 446
Augustus, emperor of Rome, iv. 416; xn. Austen-Leigh, R. A., xiv. 597
304, 493 Austen-Leigh, W. and R. A,, Jane Austen,
Augustus Frederick, duke of Sussex xii. 232, 234, 239
(1773-1843), xn. 367; xrv. 411 Austerlitz, battle of, xn. 166
Aulay, i. 287 Austin, Alfred (1835-1913), xm. 194, 498,
Auld Guidman, The, ix. 360 499; xiv. 189; Human Tragedy, The,
'Auld Hornie,' xi. 212 xm. 203; Prince Lucifer, xm. 203
'Auld Licht' clergy, act. 212, 213, 216 Austin, John (1613-1669), vn. 406
Auld Maitland, n. 408, 493 Austin, John (1790-1859), vm. 321; xrv.
Auld Nick, in Burns's Tarn o' Shanter, 468
xi. 219 Austin, lieutenant, xm. 427
Auld Reekie, ix. 379 Austin, Mrs, Shakespeare in Paris, xn. 153
Auld Rob Morris, ix. 360 Austin, Sarah (1793-1867), XI. 491; xm.
Auld Wife ayont the Fire, ix. 360 560
Aulnoy, Mary Catherine, countess de, xi. Austin, St, in Layamon, i. 234
375, 485, 491 Austin, William (1587-1634), vn. 423, 512
Aulus, in Owen's Epigrammata, iv. 265 Austin, WiHiam (fl. 1662), ix. 429
Aulus Gellius, m. 20 Australasia, xrv. 289
AungerviUe, Sir Richard (1281-1345), I. Australasian, The, xiv. 367
213 Australasian languages, xrv. 459
Aurelia, duchess of Siena, in The Maid of Australia, iv. 100; xn. 119; xiv. 86, 137,
Honour, vi. 152, 155 241, 289, 319, 331, 361 ft, 434, 457
Aurelia, in The Prophetesse, vi. 152 Australian Journal, The, xiv. 370
Aurelian, emperor of Rome, xn. 304 Australian journalism, xrv. 371
Aurelian, in Congreve's Incognita, vm. 146 Australian literature, xiv. 361 ff.
Aurelio, in The Ladies Triall, VI. 194 Australian tales, xm. 432, 433
Aurelius, Caninus, I. 67 Austria, ix. 232; xn. 50; xiv. 383
Aurehus, Marcus, ix. 300; x. 275; xn. 307; Austria-Hungary, n. 310
xm. 98; Meditations, xn. 335 Authority, in Respublica, v. 60
Aurelius, in The Franklin's Tale, n. 184 Autolycus, in The Winter's Tale, m. 356;
Auria, a Genoese, in The Ladies Triatt, v. 95, 206 ;xm. 64
vi. 194
Auvergne, xiv. 293, 294
Aurifaber, John (fl. 1566), vm. 321 Auvergne (La Chaise Dieu), m. 100
Aurora, in The Penates, vi. 341 Avalon, isle of, i. 243, 264, 266, 272, 311;
Aurora, The, xrv. 177 n. 120
Aurungzebe the Great, x. 110; xnr. 333 Avantance, in Mirour de POmme, n. 140
Ausonius, m. 173, 187; iv. 250, 267, 435; Avarice, in Confessio Amantis, n. 147, 149
vn. 83, 489, Collige, vtrgo, rosas, vn. 2 Avarice, in Nature, v. 54
Aust, prebend of, n. 49 Avarice, in Negromamir, m. 77

Avarice, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, n. Ayrer, Jacob, v. 284, 457; Comedia von
226 der schonen Sidea, v. 220, 285; Schone
Avarice, in Piers the Plowman, n. 23, Phoenicia, v. 285
28 Ayres, Philip (1638-1712), vn. 88, 405,
Avarice, in Two Lamentable Tragedies, v. 412
326 Ayrshire, in. 45; x. 191; xi. 220, 235,
Avaritia, in The Castle of Perseverance, 440 ft, 445; xm. 432
v. 52
Ayscough, George Edward (d. 1779),
Avaritia, in Psychomachia, v. 60 Semiramis, x. 86, 439
Avarus, in ADialogue. .against the fever
Aytoun or Ayton, Sir Robert (1570-1638),
Pestilence, ra. 109 n. 95; vn. 412
Ave Maria, n. 359 Aytoun, William Edmonstoune (1813-
Ave maris Stella, iv. 129 1865), xn. 421; xm. 147, 187, 189, 499;
Avebury, Sir John Lubbock, lord (1834r- xrv. 504
1913), xn. 511 ; xiv. 476, 562; Prehistoric Bon Gaultier Ballads, The (with Sir
Times, xn. 348; The Origin of Civiliza- Th. Martin), xm. 161
tion, xn. 348 Firmilian, xm. 160, 161
Averroes, n. 363 Island of the Scots, The, xm. 160
Averroists, the, I. 213 Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, xm. 160
Avianus, xn. 337 Azalais, in Morris's Love is Enough, xm.
Avicenna, i. 205 125
Avignon, i. 212, 213, 216; n. 53, 57; v. 61; Azarias, i. 48, 428
ix. 245, 483; xiv. 22 Azo of Bologna, i. 181; n. 364; vm. 312,
Avila y Zuniga, Luis de, iv. 441 465; Brocardica, n. 364; Summa, n. 364
Avison, Charles (1710?-1770), musician, Azores, iv. 200; vi. 101; ix. 175
xm. 84 Azov, sea of, xiv. 294
Avitus of Vienne, I. 47
Avogadro, count Amadeo, xiv. 277, 557 B., Mr, in Richardson's Pamela, x. 5, 7
Avon, river, iv. 190; x. 112 B. B. See Nairne, Caroline Oliphant
Avondale, lord, in Morton's School of B. R. (fl. 1584), iv. 4, 436
Reform, xi. 281 B[oreman], R[obert] (d. 1675), vn. 342
Avowing of Arthur, I. 313 Bab, lady, in Burgoyne's Maid of the Oaks,
Awa Whigs Awa, ix. 377 xi. 265
Awdeley or Awdelay, John (./L 1559-1577), Babbage, Charles (1792-1871), xrv. 258,
IV. 317, 318, 320, 390; The Fraternitye 288, 555
of vacabones, m. 87, 102, 103, 104, 343, Babees* Boke, The, etc., n. 499; m. 341;
360, 448, 484, 492; iv. 509, 521; v. xi. 368
480 Babel, tower of, in Alfred's Boethius, 1. 101
Awntyrs [Adventures] of Arthure at the Babes in the Wood, The, iv. 393; xi. 385
Terne Wathelyne, I. 291, 312; n. 112, Babes in Wood, Italian version, v. 325;
116, 121 ff., 450; m. 278 VI. 96
Axon, William Edward Armytage, vn, Babilon, Saudan of, in Eortescue's M on*
247, 462; xi. 467; xm. 542, 549, 553 archia, n. 298
Axtell, col. Daniel (d. 1600), vm. 470 Babington, Churchill (1821-1889), xn.
Ayenbite oflnwyt, I. 353 ff., 388, 396, 397, 331, 480
475 Babington, Gervaso (1550?-1610), rv.
Aylesbury, vn. 440; x. 391 495; Very Fruitful Exposition of the
Aylesford, earl of. See Finch, Heneage Commandments, vi. 396, 492
Aylett, Robert (1583-1655?), iv. 521; Babington, William (1756-1833), xiv.
vn. 406 287, 658
Ayliffe,John (167&-1732), ix. 570 Bab-lock-hithe, xm. 93
Aylmer, Brabazon, xi. 319, 332 Baboon, Lewis, in Arbuthnot's History
Aylmer, John (1521-1594), bishop of of John Bull, ix. 134, 135; ix. 134
London, m. 145, 376, 385,386, 397, 593; Babrius, xi. 479; xn. 339
rv. 382, 410, 509; v. 482; vn. 316; ix. Babson, J. E., xn. 435
496 Baby-Cake, in The Masque of Christmas,
Aylmer, Rose, xn. 441 vi. 358

Ayloffe, John (d. 1685), vm. 408, 410; Babylas, martyr, i. 74

ix. 266, 499 iv. 84; v. 49; vm. 122;
Babylon, n. 13, 71 ;
Aylott and Jones, publishers, xm. 415 x. 117, 228; xm. 214
Aylward, Alfred, xrv. Add. 5 Babylon, in Blake's poems, xi. 197, 199
Aymon, The Four Sons of, L 292. See, also, Babylon, paynim porter of, in Huon of
under Caxton Bordeaux, n. 339
Aynard, Joseph, XL 416 Babylon, sultan of, L 302. See, also,
Ayre, William (fi. 1744), ix. 447 Babilon

19 8-2
Babylon, n. 403, 410 ff. Bacon, Nathaniel (1593-1660), vn. Add.;
Babylonia, xn. 342, 477 vm. 142, 467
Babyngton, Anthony, v. 345, 371 Bacon, Sir Nicholas, iv. 278
Baby's Del>ut, i. 289 Bacon, Robert, i. 202
Bacchus, m. 317; vn. 370; VEIL 203; Bacon, Roger (1214?-1294), I. 199 ff.,
xm. 247 204 ff., 452, also see Add.; n. 50, 350,
Bacchus, in Keats's Endymion, xn. 82 366; iv. 269, 271, 273; vn. 367, 372,
Bacchus, in Lingua, VL 315 504, 510; xiv. 82, 467, 469; De Gram-
Bacchus, in The Penates, VL 341 matica, n. 363; De multiplication spe-
BacchyUdes, xn. 332, 485 Odes, xn. 340
j cierum cum perspectiva ejusdem, n. 362
Bacha, in Cupid's Revenge, YE. 128 Baconian philosophy, xiv. 418
Back, John, XL 335 Baconthorpe, John (d. 1346), the "Reso-
Backbite, Sir Benjamin, in The School for lute Doctor," i. 213, 452
Scandal, iv. 114 Bactria, vi. 302
Backstead, rv. 360 Baden, treaty of, ix. 228
Bacon, in Lamb's Mr H , xn. 189 Badenoch, x. 230, 232
Bacon, lady Ann (1528-1610), iv. 278; Badger, squire, in Fielding's Don Quixote
vn. 193 in England, x. 22
Bacon, Anthony (1558-1601), iv. 123, 278, Badham, Charles (1813-1884), xn. 330,
279; vn. 343, 436; x. 295, 498 480
Bacon, Francis, 1st baron Verulam and Badius, Jodocus, m. 59, 485
viscount St Albans (1561-1626), m. Badmington Library of Sports, The, xiv.
308, 324, 325, 337, 392, 417, 425, 438, 539
445, 459, also see Add.; rv. 31, 77, 237, Badon, mount, i. 66, 246 ff.
269, 273, 275, 277, 278-292 (main Baffin, William (d. 1622), iv. 99, 107
entry), 298, 318, 325, 343 fi., 348, 375, Bagdad. See Baghdad
434, 504 ff., 521, 524, 525, 542; v. 77, Bage, Robert (1728-1801), x. 423; XL
167, 222, 357, 367, 477; VL 2, 112, 356; 295 ff., 459
vn. 95, 163, 193, 221, 238, 259, 264 ff., Barham Downs, XL 295, 296
269, 270, 272, 277, 283, 289, 290, 298, Fair Syrian, XL 295
303, 306, 319, 323, 339, 366, 379, 433, Hermsprong, or Man as he is not, x. 69 ;
438, 440 ff., 453, 465, 469; vm. 8, 273, XL 292, 295
275, 278, 317, 321, 332, 351, 367, 368, James Wallace, XL 295
377, 467; rx. 47, 351, 381, 385, 386, 388, Man as he is, XL 295, 296
396, 608, 529, 573; xi. 11, 57, 432; Mount Henneth, XL 295, 296
xn. 363, 427, 455, 505; xm. 169, 212; Bagehot, Walter (1826-1877), x. 509, 512;
xiv. 29, 63, 82, 169, 460, 472, 506 XI. 408; xn. 179, 377, 402, 431; xm
A Heading on the Statute of Uses, vm. 104, 155, 476, 483, 489, 542; xiv. 141 ff.,
316 164, 199, 493, 515
Advancement of Learning, rv. 268, 279, Biographical Studies, xiv. 142
282, 283, 285, 290, 291, 349; vn. 314; Economic Studies, xiv. 36
ix. 388 Enghsh Constitution, The, xiv. 36, 58,
Augmentis Scientiarum, De, iv. 279, 280, 142, 143
283, 290, 291; vn. 190, 374; vm. 316; Literary Studies, xn. 152; XIV. 142
ix. 388 Lombard Street, xiv. 36, 142, 143
Considerations Touching the War with Physics and Politics, xiv. 36, 142
Spain, iv. 87 Bagford, John (1650-1716), m. 97
Coulers of good and evill, The,' iv. 343 Bagford Ballads, vm. 411
Essays, iv. 279, 290, 343, 347, 524; Baggily hall, Cheshire, n. 40
v. 338, 357; VL 8, 189; vm. 376; ix.
Baghdad, I. 153
44; x. 206 Baghdad, caliph of, xn. 65
History of Henry VII, IV. 279, 408; vi. Bagley wood, xm. 93
193; vn. 201ff.;ix. 227 Bagnet, Mrs, xn. 125
History of Henry VIII, vn. 442 Bagstock, major, in Dombey and Son, xm,
Instauratio Magna, rv. 401 ; vn. 194 325
Letter to the King, vn. 194
Bagwell, William (fl. 1655), vn. 515
Maxims of the Law, vm. 316 Bailey, J. C., The Poems of Wittiam Cowper,
New Atlantis, rv. 280, 281; vn. 299, XL 83
303, 470; IX. 388 Bailey, J. E., vn. 247
Novum Organum, iv. 279, 284, 285, 287, Bailey, Nathan [<L 1742), Universal Ety-
289; vn. 276, 314 mological Dictionary, x. 173 ff., 236
Sapientia Veterum, De, rv. 279; vn. 260 Bailey, Philip James (1816-1902), xm
Sylva Sylvarum, iv. 280, 283 147, 148, 157, 161, 187, 223, 499
Witty Apophthegms, vn. 392 Angel World, The, xm. 154
Bacon, friar, xi. 373 Festus, xn. 114; xm. 152 ff., 159

Bailey, Philip James vn. Add.; Theatrum Redivivum, VL
Mystic, The, xin. 154 406 460 496
Spiritual Legend, The, xin. 154 Baker, Samuel (d. 1788), XL 336, 467
Universal Hymn, xin. 154 Baker, Sir Samuel White (1821-1893),
Bailey, Samuel (1791-1870), xiv. 468 xiv. 550
Baillie, lady Grizel (1665-1746), XL 231; Baker, Thomas (1656-1740), EC. 354, 477,
The Ewe-biLchtiri's bonnie, ix. 364; Were 531, 541, 568; xn. 481; Reflections on
na my Heart licht, ix. 364 Learning, DC. 354, 531; History of St
Baillie, Joanna (1762-1851), xi. 149, 231 John's College, xn. 326, 488
(main entry), 442, 456; xn. 12, 373, 413; Baker, Thomas, dramatist (fl. 1703), The
xin. 467 Yeoman of Kent, xi. 321
Chough and the Crow, The, xn. 125 Baker, W. T., xm. 513
De Montfort, xi. 274 Baker, 'collonel,' The Blazing-Star, vn.
Fugitive Pieces, xi. 231 383
Good night, xn. 125 Baker, Jesuit father, x. 301
// was on a morn, XL 231 Bakewell, C. M., xiv. 472
Metrical Legends, xi. 231 Bala, Merionethshire, x. 115
'My Bride he is winsome and bonnie,' Bala rocks, xiv. 292
xi. 231 Balaam, yn. 370; xm. 170
On xn. 124
the passions, Balaam, in Cowley's Davideis, vn. 66
Poverty parts Good Company, xi. 231 Balaam, Sir, in Pope's Epistles, DC. 81
Saw Ye Johnie Comin, xi. 231 'Balaam/ newspaper, xm. 308
Tarn o' the Lin, xi. 231 Balaustion, Browning's, TTTT 80, 81 T

Baillie, Robert (1599-1662), vn. 455; xn. Balboa, Vasco Nunez de, iv. 68
517 Balcanqual, or Balcanquhall, W. (1586?-
Baillie, Sir William, of Lamington (fl. 1645), vn. 435; ix. 542
1648), vn. 455 Balcarres, Kfe, XL 231
Baily, in Gammer Gurton's Nedle, vi. 297 Balcarres, house of, xn. 377. See, also,
Baily, or Bayly, Lewes (d. 1631), The Lindsays
Practice of Piety, vn. 147, 423 Balclutha, I. 275
Bain, Alexander (1818-1903), xn. 476; Baldassare, in Bomola, xm. 395
Xiv. 5, 48, 97, 98, 468, 473, 477 ft, 495, Balderstone, Caleb, in Scott's Bride of
594, 601, 604 Lammermoor, xn. 23
Education as a Science, xiv. 428 Baldi, Octavio (i.e. Sir Henry Wotton),
Emotions and the Will, The, xiv. 23 iv. 163
On teaching English, xiv. 429 Baldock, Herts, vm, 243
Senses and the Intellect, The, xiv. 23 Baldwin (d. 1190), archbishop of Canter-
The British Song, xiv. 377
Settler's bury, i. 194, 195
Bain, James, xiv. 358, 583 Baldwin, Edwin, newspaper owner, xiv.
Bain, Joseph, xn. 516 188
Bainbridge, John (1582-1643), DC. 530 Baldwin, Edwin (pseud, of William God-
Baines, Edward (1774-1848), xn. 507; win), xi. 394
xiv. 533 Baldwin, Prudence, vn. 6
Baines, Sir Edward (1800-1890), xiv. Baldwin, Sir, I. 313
604 Baldwin, William (fl. 1547), editor of
Bajazet (Louis XIV), inBowe'slTamerZawe, A Mirrorfor Magistrates, which also see,
vni. 195 HL 192 ft, 198, 200, 494; BriefA
Baker, Arthur E., xm. 476, 567 Memorial, m. 194; The Canticles, m.
Baker, David (Augustin) (1575-1641), vn. 194; A Treatise of Moral Philosophy,
143, 144, 423 m. 194; IV. 436, 507
Baker, David Erskine (1730-1767), vm. Baldwin, William (,/Z. 182^-1826), xiv. 228
423; X. 442; Biographia Dramatica, Bale, John (1495-1563), bishop of Ossory,
xrv. 334; Companion to the playhouses, n. 36, 39, 40, 152, 225, 441; m. 65, 123,
xi. 453 124, 531; v. 103, 104, 391, 392, 395, 399,
Baker, E. A., ix. 327 401; VI. 374, 482; xiv. 485; Catalogus,
Baker, Geoffrey (fl. 1350), n. 496 V. 58; King John, m. 123, 280; v. 65,
Baker, George (1540-1600), iv. 444 66, 152, 153; The Three Laws, v. 58
Baker, George (1781-1851), xn. 507; His- Bale, Robert (fl. 1461), m. 48, 57, 77, 81
tory and Antiquities of Northampton- Balfour, Alexander (1767-1829), xn. 448
xn. 346
shire, Balfour, Sir Andrew (1630-1694), rx. 652,
Baker, George Pierce, VL 266; TTTT. 642 558
Baker, Henry (169&-1774), EC. 24, 25, Balfour, Arthur James, earl of, nv. 609
433; x. 452 Balfour, Francis Maitlaud (1851-1882),
Baker, James, xiv. 601 xrv. 558; Text-look of Embryology, xiv.
Baker, Sir Richard (156&-1045), IY* 625; 300

Balfour, lady F., xrv. 507 Balsham, Hugo de, i. 205
Balfour, Graham, xrv. 526, 590 Baltic, the, iv. 67, 310
Balf our, John, xi. 342 Baltimore, xiv. 263
Balfour, Robert, 2nd baron Burleigh Baltinglas, viscount, vn. 245
(<L 1663), iv. 265 Balzac, HononS de, ix. 20; XL 290, 305;
Balguy, John (1686-1748), IX. 504; Foun- xn. 20; xm. 286, 301, 339, 422, 456
dation of Moral Goodness, ix. 299 Beatrix,xm. 283
Balibari, the chevalier de, in Thackeray's Chefd'dJuvre inconnu, ix. 39
Barry Lyndon, TTTT. 282 Come'die Humaine, La, xn. 54; xm. 292
Balin and Balan, i. 269 Cousine Bette, La, xm. 290
Baliol, Edward, i. 357 Curtde Tours, Le, xm. 283
Baliol, John de (1249-1315), n. 104 Eugenie Grandet, xm. 283
Balkan peninsula, xn. 32, 42 Pere Goriot, Le, xm. 283
BaU, Edward. tfeeFitzball Balzac, Jean Louis Guez de, iv. 221, 525;
BaU, John (d. 1381), i. 369, 477; n. 63 vn. 263, 391; Letters, vm. 371 ff.
BaU, John (1818-1889), xiv. 553 Bamberg, iv. 429
Ball, John, in Morris's Dream of John Ball, Bamford, Rev., xiv. 604
xm. 128 Bamf ord, Samuel, Passages in the Life of
BaU, John, of Honiton, x. 387 a Radical, xn. 397; xrv. 202
BaU, Sir Robert StaweU (1840-1913), xiv. Bampfield, Joseph (,/Z. 1639-1685), vn. 450
263, 265, 500, 555 Bampfylde, Coplestone Warre (d. 1791),
BaU, W. V., xiv. 536 xi. 424; xiv. 214
Ballad in Imitation of Martial, xi. 174 Bampfylde, John Codrington (1754-1796),
Ballad society, n. 493; xn. 355, 504 X. 453; XI. 178; XII. 132, 413
BaUada, in Fucus Histriomastix, vi. 324 Country enjoyment, xn. 133
Ballade of Ballades, iv. 249 Evening, xn. 133
Balladino, in The Case is Altered, v. 314, Morning, xn. 133
321 The Sea, xn. 133
BaUads, n. 492 ff., 395-418 To the River Teign, xn, 133
Ballads (street), m. 19, 491; IV. 535 Bampton lectures, x. 309; xn. 273, 286,
BaUantine, A., xn, 377 294; xrv. 13
BaUantyne, James (1772-1833), xi. 342, Banaster, Gilbert, vi. 281, 283
469; xn. 6, 12, 372 Banbury, xi. 373
BaUantyne, John (1774-1821), xn. 2, 366, Banbury, Roman amphitheatre at, vi. 252
375 Bancks, J., pubUsher of Prior's Miscel-
BaUantyne, Robert Michael (1825-1894), laneous Works, ix. 482; also see Add.
xi. 387 Bancroft, John (d. 1696), vm. 400
Ballantyne, Thomas (1806-1871), xra. Bancroft, Richard (1544-1610), arch-
464, 466 bishop of Canterbury, m. 391, 392, 394,
Ballantyne Humbug handled, The, xn. 377, 544; iv. 382, 422, 424, 425, 491, 519,
380 545; vn. 327, 332; Sermon preached at
Ballantyne novels (the Novelist'sLibrary), Paules crosse, m. 392, 543
xi. 295; xn. 2, 366, 375 Bancroft, Thomas (fl. 1633-1658), vn. 412
BaUantyne press, xi. 342, 469; xn. 377 Bancrofts, the, xm. 513
BaUantyne' s Annual Register, xi. 162 Band, Cuffe and Ruffe, VL 481
BaUard, Edward (d. 1796), xi. 332 BandeUo, Matteo, m. 343; rv. 3, 6, 7, 377,
BaUard, George (1706-1755), xi. 426, xiv. 441, 442; v. 191, 220, 221, 244, 245,
599 247; vi. 49, 99, 100, 123, 180; vin
BaUards, the, XL 336, 337 126
BaUengeich, the Gudeman of (= James V Bandon, county Cork, xn. 165
of Scotland), n. 244, 270 Banff, n. 100; xn. 513
BaUer, Joseph, ix. 164 Bang, W., VI. 102
BaUincollig, county Cork, xm. 107; xiv. Bangor, rx. 309, 310, 541; x. 354, 362
326 Bangor, antiphonary hymns of, I. 65
BallioL See Baliol Bangor coUege, xiv. 433
Ballitore, Ireland, XL 1
Bangorian controversy, ix. 17, 19, 309,
Ballymahon, x. 195, 196, 199 477, 610, 511
BaUymote, Book of, xn. 362, 515 Banim, John (1798-1842), xrv. 312, 314,
'Balmquhapple,' Fife, xi. 242
4 J
Balnaves, Gattandis All I cry and call, Aileen, xrv. 316
m. 131 Damon and Pythias, xrn. 259; xiv. 316
Balochistan, xn. 352 Nowlans, The, xiv. 316
Balormy, John, in Lives of the Saints, n. Revelations of the Dead, xrv, 310
128 Soggarth Aroon, xrv. 316
Balsara, rv. 84 Tales by the O'Hara Family, xrv. 316

Banim, Michael (1796-1874), xiv. 312, Barbauld, Anna
314, 567; Father Council, xiv. 316, 317; Hymns inProse, XI. 384
Tales by the O'Hara Family, xiv. 316; 'On Romances, x. 188
Town of the Cascades, The, xiv. 317 'Barber, Francis,' x. 472
Banishment of Poverty, The, ix. 366 Barber, Margaret Fairless (pseud. Michael
'Banjo Byron' (Alfred Austin), xm. 203 hairless, 1869-1901), xiv. 515
Bank of England, xi. 39 Barber, Mary (1690?-1757), ix. 106, 460,
Bankes, G. N., xiv. 597 484; XI. 426
'Bankes his Curtail,' IV. 366 Barberini, cardinal, iv. 259
Banks (a Scotsman), iv. 366, 367, 531, 540 Barbes, Armand, xm. 283
Banks, John (fl. 1696), vm. 21, 195, 401, Barbeyrac, Jean, x. 308
434; The Unhappy Favourite, or the Earl Barbones parliament, ix. 386
of Essex, v. 346; vm. 194; Barbour, John (c. 1320-1395), n. 100 fE.,
x. 86; Vertue

Betrayed or Anna Sullen, vm. 194 114, 117, 127, 129, 130, 447 fE.; IV. 413;
Banks, Sir Joseph (1743-1820), vm. 361; X. 224
XIV. 245, 289, 290, 550, 558 The Bruce, I. 359; n. 88, 91, 101, 104-

Bannatyne, George (1545-1608?), rr. 282, 108 (main entry), 239, 280, 447; xn. 13,
478; m. 132; xn. 358, 377 344
Bannatyne, Richard, The Memorials of Other works attributed to Barbour:
the Transactions of Scotland, in. 148, The Brut, n. 103 ; Lives or Legends of the
149, 500 Saints, n. 103, 127, 128, 239; Siege of
Bannatyne club, xi, 231; xn. 358, 359, Troy, n. 104; The Stewartis Oryginalle,
361, 370, 377, 378; xiv. 94 n. 103
Bannatyne MS., n. 478; m. 122, 131, 132, Barckley, Sir Richard, A Discourse of the
499; ix. 361, 365, 367, 369, 553, 567 fdicitie of man: or his Summum bonum,
Bannatyne Miscellany, iv. 414 iv. 268, 507, 531

Bannister, John (1760-1836), xn. 171; Barclay, Alexander (1475?-1552), n. 210;

xiv. 217 m. 56 fE., 75, 85, 95, 185, 478 fE.; iv.
Bannockburn, battle of, i. 357, 370; n. 4, 322, 439, 476
101, 102, 109; x. 224; xn. 1;
xiv. 95 Bellum Jugurthinum, translation of, m.
iv. 467 56
Banquet of Daintie Conceits, A,
Banquo, in an Interlude, vi. 318 Chasteau de labour, Le, translation of
Banquo, in Macbeth, n. 104; v. 255 vi. 318
Gringore's, n. 329; m. 56
Bansley, Charles (fl. 1548), iv. 317 ;
v. 477 ; Codrus and Minalcus, m. 64
The Pryde and Abuse of Women, m. 97, Contra Skeltonum, m. 66
491; iv. 328 Cytezen and Uplondyshman, in. 63, 64
Banville, Theodore de, xm. 162, 211 Eclogues, m. 56, 57, 62 ff.
Baptist education society, x. 387 Introductory to write and to pronounce
Baptist general assembly, x. 378 Frenche, m. 56, 57
387 Myrrour of Good Maners, The, transla-
Baptist general association, X. 378,
historical society, x. 519 tion of, m. 57, 341
histories, x. 519 St George, Life of, m. 57
Baptist Rawdon college, x. 387 8t Thomas of Canterbury, Life of, m. 57
Baptists, x. 622 Sallust, m. 57
Barabas, in The Jew of Malta, v. 145, 326, Ship of Fools, The (trans. Narrenschiff),
366; vi. 250 n. 321; m. 56, 67, 60 ff., 64 fE., 71, 74,
Barabas, in the Passion play, v. 18 79, 485, 489; iv. 320, 400, 521, 531, 532
Barabbas, in Marlowe's Jew of Malta, xn. Barclay, David (1610-1686), vm. Ill
68 Barclay, James, x. 474
Baradoun, Henry (fl. 1483), n. 502 Barclay, John (1582-1621), iv. 242, 243,
Barak, iv. 170 253 ff., 499 ff.
Barante, Pierre A. P. B., baron de, xn. Apologia Euphormionis pro se, iv. 255 ff.
322; Histoire des Dues de Bourgogne, Argeni*, IV. 245, 254, 255, 267, 260;
xiv. 107 vn. 315
Barbadoes, xi. 279, 280 Euphormionis Satyricon, iv. 254 ff.;
Barbarisme, in The Tears of the Muses, m. vn. 315
241 Icon Animorum, iv. 254, 257, 260
Barbaras, Hermolas, m. 5 Paraenesis ad sectaries, iv. 254
Barbary, iv. 4, 99; xiv. 246 Pietas, sive publicae pro regibus ac prin-
Barbauld, Anna Laetitia, born Aikin cipibus etprivatae, pro 0. Barclaio contra
(1743-1825), X. 11, 412, 452, 454; XL BeUarminum Vindiciae, iv. 254
132, 343, 382, 477; xn. 4, 124, 133, 447; Thebais, commentary on, iv. 253
xm. 324; xiv. 393, 603 Barclay, John (1734-1798), Dialogue be-
Easy Lessons, xi. 384 twixt William Lickladle and Thomas
Evenings at Home, xi. 384 Cleancogue, ix. 373

Barclay, Robert (1648-1690), vm. 415; fashions, m. 80; Proper Dialogue be-
IX. 520, 546; An Apology for the True twene a Gentillman and a Husbandman,
Christian Divinity, vm. Ill, 112 m. 80; Rede me and be not wrothe, m.
Barclay, Robert (1779-1854), xiv. 230; 80, 105
Religious Societies of the Commonwealth, Barlow, Mr, in Sandford and Merton, xi.
IX. 307 381, 382
Barclay, William (1570?-! 630?), iv. 253, Barlow, William (d. 1613), iv. 382; vn.
254; De Potestate Papae, iv. 254; Ne- 316
penthes, iv. 531 Barn Elms, on the Thames, vm. 377
'Bard, The,' Delia Cruscan poet, xi. 177 Barnabas, Gospel of, ix. 291
Bardell, Mrs, in The Pickwick Papers, Barnabas, St, vn. 318
xm. 313 Barnabees Journal, vn. 390
Bardolph, Shakespeare's, V. 187, 367; Barnaby, in The New Inn, iv. 361
XI. 289; xiv. 125 Barnaby Bunch the botcher, in The weak
est goeth to the Wall, v. 316
Bardsey, near Leeds, vm. 146
Bardus, in Confessio Amantis, n. 151 Barnacle, in The Gamester, vx. 202
Bareacres, house of, in Thackeray's Vanity Barnakill, in Eangsley's Yeast, xm. 360
Fair, xm. 287 Barnard, lady Anne (lady Anne Lindsay,
Barebone's parliament, vn. 190; xiv. 452 1750-1825), xi. 442; xn. 377; xiv.
Barents, IV. 460 Add. 5; Auld Robin Gray, xi. 231;
Baret, John (fl. 1441-1446), n. 198 Why Tarries My Love, xi. 232
Baret, John (d. 1580?), m. 555 Barnard, Edward, xi. 346
Baret, M., iv. 540 Barnard, Frederick, xm. 540, 641
Baretti, Giuseppe, v. 293; X. 159, 468 ff. Barnard, Sir John, x. 84
Bargrave, John (1610-1680), vn. 35 Barnard Castle, xm. 317
Barham, Richard Harris (1788-1845), X. Barnes, Barnabe (1569?-1609), m. 256,
154; xi. 160; xn. Ill, 122-123 (main 264, 265, 271, 522; iv. 115, 468; The
entry), 138, 413; xiv, 200; .4s / lay a Devil's Charter, vr. 150, 452; Partheno-
thynkynge, xn. 122; Ingoldsby Legends, phil and Parthenope, ra. 265
The, vm. 96; XL 38; xn. 122, 123; Barnes, Joseph, in. 427; iv. 410, 411
xm. 161 Barnes or Berners, Juliana. See Berners
Bari, v. 37 Barnes, J. H., xm. 513
Barillon, Paul, marquis de Brangee, x. 290 Barnes, Robert (1495-1540), m. 27, 37,
Baring, Evelyn, earl of Cromer, xm. 546 43, 53, 474
Baring, Mrs H., xiv. 507 Barnes, Thomas (? 1624), iv. 437
Baring-Gould, S., xn. 417 Barnes, Thomas (1747-1810), xiv. 386,
Barker, Christopher (1529 ?~1599), queen's 599, 604
printer, iv. 384, 386, 387, 389, 395, 398, Barnes, Thomas (1785-1841), Xiv. 179 f.,
400 198
Barker, Edmund Henry (1788-1839), xn. Barnes, William (1801-1886), i. 240; xn.
327, 490, 491 134, 413; xiv. 459
Barker, John (fl. 1464), m. 99 Barnet, vm. 351 xm. 276

Barker, Matthew (1619-1698), vn. 316 Barnett, Percy Arthur, xiv. Add. 5
Barker, Robert (d. 1645), iv. 398, 400, 406 Barnfield, Richard (1574-1627), iv. 117,
Barker, T. (fl. 1651), The Art of Angling, 121, 468; v. 224
vn. 463 Affectionate Shepherd, The, iv. 120, 126
(fl. 1572), iv. 444
Barker, William Another of the same shepherd's, IV. 120
Barkham, John (15727-1642), m. 324 *As it fell upon a day,' iv. 119
Barkiarokh, in Beckford's Episodes, xi. Complainte of Poetne for the Death of
291 Liberalise, The, iv. 120
Barking, n. 157; iv. 141 Cynthia, with certaine Sonnets, ra. 256,
Barkstead, John, goldsmith in the 264, 522; iv. 120
Strand' (d. 1662), vn. 512 Encomion of Lady Pecunia, The, rv. 119,
Barkstead, William (fl. 1611), Hiren, or 120, 519
the Faire Oreeke, vi. 49; Mirrha, the Hellene Rape, or a light Lanthorne for
Mother of Adonis, VL 49 light Ladies, iv. 120
Barlaain and Josaphat, I. 286, 467; n. 150, 'If Musique and sweet Poetrie agree,*
507; V. 53 iv. 113, 119
Barley, William (fl. 1596), iv. 113, 463 Poems in divers Humors, IT. 119, 120
Barleycorn, John (alias 'AUan-a-Maut'), Barnham, Alice, iv. 280
n. 279 Barnstaple, ix> 160
Barlow, Arthur, iv,85 Barnwell, George, in Lillo's London M&r*
Barlow, George, xm, 542 chant, x. 75 E., 79
Barlow, Jerome (/?. 1528-1533), m. 80; Barnwell priory, Cambridge, n. 343, 347.
upon the origin of the protestant 352, 500; xn. 348, 508
Barocci, Giacomo, rv. 431 Bairy, Spranger (1719-1777), XL 257, 260,
Baron, George (fl. 1652), vn. 512 450, 454
Baron, Robert (1593?-1639), ix. 542 Bartello, iv. 441
Baron, Robert (fl. 1645), vn. 88, 137, 412; Bartello, in Dem Bartholmetv of Bathe, m.
Yin. 434 205, 206
Baron lull, x. 115 Barter, Charles, xrv. Add. 5
Baron o' BracUey, The, n. 412 Barth, Caspar, iv. 253; Amphitheatrum
Baron- Wilson, Margaret, XL 462 Seriorum Jocorum, rv. 266; Scioppius
Baroni, Leonora, vn. 99 excelUns, rv. 266
Baronius, Caesar, cardinal, vn. 311; A n- Barthe'le'inon, EranQois H., XL 258
nales Ecclesiastici, vn. 310 Barthelemy, E., xm. 465, 466, 470
Baronius, Justus, rv. 249 Bartholinus, Thomas, x. 225
Barontus, St, of Pistoja, I. 86 Bartholomaeus Anglicus (fl. 1230-1250),
Barot, 0., xm. 465 I. 184, 452; rv. 521 ; De Proprietatibus
Barratt, Alfred (1844r-1881), xrv. 468 Rerum, n. 71, 72, 74, 76, 80, 86, 311,
Barrels, near Henley-in-Arden, x. 271, 323, 443; rv. 320
273, 278 Bartholomew, A. T., TTTT. 572, also see
Barret, Robert (fl. 1600), iv. 473 Add, 1; xrv. 539
Barret, WiUiam (fl. 1609), rv. 395 Bartholomew de Cotton (d. 1298?), I. 449
Barretier, Johann Philipp, X. 164, 460, Bartholomew fair, vm. 115, 193
464, 465 Bartholus, n. 363
Barrett, Charlotte, x. 260 Bartlet, John (fl. 1662), rv. 113, 463
Barrett, E., xm. 464 Bartolozzi, Francesco, xrv. 216
Barrett, Eaton Stannard (1786-1820), xi. Barton, Amos, George Eliot's, xm. 387,
299, 459 388
Barrett, Edward Moulton, xm. 70 Barton, Bernard (1784-1840), vm. 113;
Barrett, Elizabeth. See Browning, Eliza- xr. 483; xn. 135, 198 ff., 413, 438; xm.
beth Barrett 142, 143
Barrett, J. A. S., xm. 465 Barton, John, Mrs GaskelTs, xm. 373
Barrie, Sir J. M., xm. 569; AuULicht Barton, Mary, Mrs Gaskell's, xm. 372
Idylls, xiv. 436; When a Man's Single, Barton, in Jane Austen's Sense and Sensi-
xiv. 447 bility, xn. 241
Barrington, Daines, x. 269 Barton, Sir Andrew, n. 408, 414
Barrington, Emilie I., xrv. 515 Barty, lord Charles, in Henry Kingsley's
Barrington, John Shute, 1st viscount Bar- Austin Eliot, xm. 433
rington (1678-1734), x. 380 Basedow, Johann Bernhard (1724-1790),
Barrington, Sir Jonah (1760-1834), xrv. rx. 401; xrv. 382, 402
567; Personal Sketches, xrv. 322 Basel, m. 41, 58, 100, 333, 532; rv. 374,
Barrington, Rutland, xm. 513 389, 403; v. 71, 101
Barrington, William Wildman, 2nd vis- Basil, St, r. 74, 75, 77, 122, 124; xn. 266
count Barrington (1717-1793), X. 405, Basilisco, in Solimon and Perseda, v. 161,
408, 410 162
Barrosa, x. 230 Basilissa, martyr, r. 74
Barrow or Barrowe, Henry (d. 1593), m. BasiUus, in The lie of (Ms, VL 212
389, 390 Basilius, St, bishop of Caesarea, vn. 503
Barrow, Isaac (1630-1677), vn. 487; vm. Basing, vn. 246, 454
295 ff., 301, 308, 389, 458, 476; Exposi- Basire, Isaac (1607-1676), vm. 459
tion of the Greed, Decalogue and Sacra- Basire, James (1730-1802), XT. 181
ments, vm. 297; On the Pope's Supre- BaskerviUe, John (1706-1775), xr. 341, 469
macy, vm. 296; Works, vm. 296 Basoche, Confre'rie de la, v. 22, 25
Barrow, Sir John (1764-1848), xn. 154, Bassandyne, Thomas (d. 1577), rv. 412,
426 xrv. 550 ; Autobiographical Memoir,
; 547
xrv. 248; Travels in China, xiv. 248; Bassanes, in The Broken Heart, VL 191
Voyage to Cochin-China, A 9 xrv, 248 Basse or Bas, William (d. 1653?), TV. 150,
Barrow, John, xrv 596 479
Barrow, WiUiam (1754-1836), xiv. 604 Basset, Thomas, vm. 464
Barrowists, the, m. 408 Bassett, lady, in Reade's A T&rnble
Barry, Mrs Elizabeth (1658-1713), vm. Temptation, xm. 426
136, 179, 182, 184, 191, 439 Bassingbourne* v. 34
Barry, Henry Boothby, xrv. 596 Bastard, Thomas (1566-1618), rv. 334,
Barry, Lodowick, Ram-AUey or Merrie- 335, 519
Trickes, v. 367; vi. 218, 219, 452 Bastiat, fVederiok, rv. 299; xrv. 509
Barry, M. J., xrv, 672 Baston, Robert (fl. 1300), n. 496
Barry, Redmond, in Thackeray's Barry Bastwick, John (1593-1654), vn. 145, 423,
Lyndon, xnr. 281 ff. 433, 466, 498

Basyn, The Tale of the, n. 501 Bavaria, vn. 200
Bat Burst, in The New Inne, VI. 25 Baxter, Andrew (1686-1750), ix. 504
Bateman, Christopher, xi. 331, 332, 336 Baxter, Lucy W., xin. 530
Bateman, Thomas (1821-1861), xn. 507 Baxter, Nathaniel (fl. 1606), IV. 473
Bateman, William (12987-1355), bishop Baxter, Richard (1615-1691), iv. 433;
of Norwich, n. 354 vn. 145, 146, 207, 424, 427, 433; ix. 574;
Bates, CadwaUader John, xn. 507; Border X. 373, 377, 499, 519; xi. 334; xn. 523
Holds of Northumberland, xn. 349, 507 Call to the Unconverted, xi. 369
Bates, Charley, in Oliver Twist, xm. 316 Holy Commonwealth, vn. 433
Bates, Henry Walter (1825-1 892), xiv. 550 Life and Times, vm. 297
Bates, Miss, in Jane Austen's Emma, xn. Quaker's Catechism, vm. 110
240 Reliquiae Baxterianae, vn. 145; vm.
Bates, William, Harmony of the divine at- 462, 463; ix. 307, 383; xi. 316
tributes, xi. 316 Saints' Everlasting Rest, The, vn. 146;
Bateson, Mary (1865-1906), xiv. 485 ix. 269; x. 383; xi. 316
Borough Customs, xrv. 81 Baxter, William (1650-1723), ix. 526
Charters of the Borough of Cambridge, Baxter's Dead, A
Winding Sheet for Mr,
The, xrv. 81 514
Laws of Breteuil, The, xiv. 81 Bayard, in Pour Sons of Aymon, I. 292
Medieval England, I. 446 Bayes, in The Rehearsal, vn. 184; vm. 26;
Origin and Early History of Double ix. 147. See, also, ix. 476
Monasteries, The, xiv. 81 Bayham, Frederick, in The Newcomes,
JRecordsoftheBoroughofLeicester,'xiv.8l xm. 297
Bateson, Thomas (1580?-1620?), iv. 113, Bayle, Pierre, v. 286, 292; ix. 211, 477,
463,- First Set of English Madrigals, 529; x. 177; Dictionary, xi. 320
vn. 8 Bayley, John [Whitcombl (d. 1869), xn.
Bath, 1. 40; vra. 159, 363; IX. 34, 163, 167, 507
172, 538; x. 22, 28, 29, 35, 39, 42, 206, Bayly, Lewis, bishop of Bangor (d. 1631),
207, 261, 276, 277, 409, 427; xi. 149, iv. 495; The Practice of Piety, xi. 369
173, 175, 283, 344, 347, also see Add.; Bayly, Thomas Haynes (1797-1839), vn.
xn. 232, 236, 513; xiv. 220, 225, 324 84; xn. 130, 414; xin. 154; xiv. 200
Bath, colonel, in Fielding's Amelia, x. 34; Bayne, Alicia, xiv. 602
xi. 265 Bayne, Peter (1830-1896), xm. 470, 483;
Bath, earl of. See Pulteney, William xiv. 515, 522
Bath, knights of the, xi. 282 Baynes, A. H., xrv. Add. 5
Bath, marquis of. See Thynne, Thomas Baynes, Mrs, in Thackeray's Adventures
Bath, marquis of, Papers, ix. 96, 99, 141, of Philip, xm. 299
443, 483. See, also, Longleat Papers Baynes, Thomas Spencer (1823-1887),
Bath Easton, x. 277, 456 xn. 402; xrv, 468, 474; Essay on the
Bath school, vn. 330 New Analytic, xiv. 9
Bathurst, Allen, 1st earl Bathurst (1684- Baynham, W., xm. 513
1775), ix. 79, 152, 228, 443, 445 Bayreuth, v. 305
Bathurst, Ralph, M.D. (1620-1704), x. 492 Bazalgette, Mrs, in Reade's Love me Little,
BatracTiomyomachia, vra. 64 Love me Long, xm. 426
Batt, in Dan Bartholmew of Bathe, in. 205 Be Domes Daege, i. 129, 145 ff., 220, 227,
Battie, J., iv. 509 444
Battle of Falkirk Muirt ix. 378 Be Merry and Wise, vn. 393
Battle Royal, The, vra. 92 Beach, Joseph Warren, xm. 570
Bauoida, xn. 201 Beach, Michael Hicks, xn. 143
Baucis, xn. 201 Beaconsfield, Burke's residence, xi. 142
Baucis and Philemon, vn. 252 Beaconsfield, earl of. See Disraeli, Ben-
Baucis and Philemon, in Sandys' s Ovid, jamin
vn. 51 Beadnell, Maria, xm. 542
Baudelaire, Charles Pierre, iv. 218; xn. Beaduhild, in Deor, I. 36
525; xm. 129, 133, 490 Beagle, Sir Harry, in Colman's Jealous
Baudissin, count, v. 303; VI. 165
Wife, x. 89, 90
Bauermeister, actor, v. 306 Beagle,' ship, xiv. 250, 296, 298
Bauhusius of Antwerp, iv. 266 BeagnoK owner of the Thames runic
Baumgarten, 0., xm. 470 sword, I. 11
Baur, Frederick Christian, ix. 291 Beale, Catherine Hutton, xiv. 520
Bavand or Bavande, William (fl. 1559), Beale, Dorothea (1831-1905), xiv. 429, 599
VI. 377, 409; A WoorJce of Joannes ler- Bear, the, in Mum, Sothsegger, n. 36
rarius Montanus touchynge the good Beard, Thomas (d. 1632), m. 652; vi. 492
orderynge of a Common Weale, vi. 377, Beardsley, Aubrey, xm. 502
493 Beare, Johnlsaac (1857-19 18), xn. Add. 3

Beare, Philip O'Sullivan (1590?-1660), vn. 7, 82, 272; vm. 13, 127, 132, 226,
xrv. 308 425; ix. 140, 145; x. 91; xn. 89, 186,
Beaton, David (1494r-1546), archbishop of 444, 504; xm. 144, 289. See,, also, under
St Andrews, n. 369 Fletcher, John
Beaton or Bethune, James (d. 1539), arch- Beaumont, Sir George Howland, of Cole-
bishop of St Andrews, n. 369; in. 160 orton (1753-1827), xi. 130, 416; xn. 376
Beatrice (Dante's), m. 234; TV. 210, 217; Beaumont, Jeanne Marie, le prince de
xn, 85, 86 (c. 1775), XI. 491
Beatrice, in Middleton's Changeling, YI. Beaumont, lady, of Coleorton, ix. 328,
76, 77; xn. 222 xi. 408, 416; xn. 376
Beatrice, in The Dutch Courtezan, vi. 48 Beaumont and Fletcher, plays and poems
Beatrice, in Much, Ado about Nothing, v. attributed to, whether singly, jointly,
191, 193, 214, 379; VL 46, 100, 123; or in collaboration with others, VL,
vm. 120, 154 435 ff.; xi. 319; xm. Add. 2
Beatrix, in Esmond, xm. 292, 293, 296, *AU ye woods and trees and bowers,'
298 VI. 125
Beatrix, St (sister Angela), xm. 178 'Arm, arm,' VL 125
Beattie, James (1735-1803), x. 138, 154, 'Away, delights,' vr. 128
155, 347, 453, 480, 512, 514; xi. 206, Barnavelt, Sir Jolin van Olden, VL 116,
342, 350; xn. 100, 132; xin. 235; xiv. 123, 130, 138
601 604 Beauty clear and fair/ VL. 125
Essay on Truth, x. 155, 348; XL 351 Beggars Bush, The, v. 376; VL 121, 125,
Judgment of Paris, x. 155 131, 139; vm. 121
Minstrel, The, ix. 374; x. 132, 154; Bloody Brother, The, vi. 26, 125, 129,
XI. 247, 351; xm. 149 138
Pastorals, x. 155 Bonduca, VL 123, 128, 138; x. 429
Retirement, x. 155 Captaine, Tie, vi. 125, 128, 137
To Mr
Alexander Ross, ix. 374 Cardenio, The History of, vi. 140; vm.
Beattie, William (1793-1875), xn. 410; 127

xiv. 56, 595 Care-charming Sleep,' vr. 125

xiv. 192 'Cast our caps and cares away,' vi. 125
Beatty-Kingstpn, William,
Beau Bunter, in Sir Harry Wildair, vnr. Chances, The, VL 135, 136, 140; vm.
169 128; x. 433
Beau Clincher, in Farquhar's The Constant Coronation, The. See under Shirley
Couple, vni. 175 Coxcombe, The, v. 362; VL 119, 120,
133, 137; vm. 128
Beauchamp, George Meredith's, xm. 446
Beaudhamp, Philip (see Bentham, Jeremy), Cvpitfs Revenge, m. 355; VL 114, 119,
xi. 398 127, 137
Warwick Custome of the Countrey, The, v. 366;
Beauchamp, Richard de, earl of
VL 122, 130, 138; vm. 128
(1382-1439), n. 76, 335
Demetrius and Enanthe, vi. 138
Beauchamp court, Warwickshire, iv. 159
Devil of Dowgate, The, vi. 140
Beauclerk, Charles, 1st duke of St Albans
Double Marriage, The, VL 131, 139; vm.
(1670-1726), vni. 376
Beauclerk, Topham, x. 207
Elder Brother, The, VL 121, 125, 136, 140
Beaudesert, Warwickshire, x. 112
Beauford, in D'Urf ey's The Virtuous Wife, Elegy on lady Penelope Clifton
vm. 175 (daughter of Sidney's Stella), vi. 113
Beaufort, cardinal, bishop of Winchester, Elegy on lady Markham, VL 113
in Henry VI, v. 186 Elegy on the countess of Rutland (Sid-
Beaufort, duke of. See Somerset, Henry ney's daughter), VL 113
Charles Faire Maide of the Inne, The9 VL 132,
Beaufort, Henry (d. 1447), n. 352, 355 140, 183; vm. 128
Beaufort, Joan, II. 244 Faithfull Shepherdesse, The, VL 31, 112,
Beaufort, Margaret (1443-1509), countess 114, 117, 125, 126, 137, 340, 353, 363
of Richmond and Derby, n. 300, 309, 366, 367, 369, 490; vm. 18, 271
False One, The, VL 111, 121, 123, 131,
316, 321, 324, 325, 358; in. 8, 13, 67;
iv. 224, 226, 227, 426; xn. 488, 515
Beaumarchais, Pierre A. C. de, Figaro, Four Plays in One, vr. 119, 128, 137
xi. 262 'God Lyaeus, ever young,' vi. 125
Hence, all you vain delights,' VL 124,

Beaumaris, x. 115
Beaumont, Charles, vm. 284 134
Beaumont, Francis (1584-1616), iv. 65, Honest man's Fortune, The, VL 128, 137
115, 194; v. 347; VL 2, 5, 27, 107-140
Humorous lieutenant, The, VL 134, 138
Island Pr incesse, The, VL 123, 131, 139;
(main entry), 145, 177, 195, 205, 208,
248, 272, 320, 435 ff., 488, and see Add. ; vm. 120, 129, 443

Beaumont and Fletcher Beaumont and Bletoher
Jeweller of Amsterdam, The, VL 140 Two Noble Kinsmen, The, vi. 132, 139,
King and no King, A, vi. 114, 119, 120, 299. See, also, under Two Noble Kins-
126, 127, 129, 137 men
Knight of Malta, The, VI. 130, 138 Valentinian, VL 122, 123, 125, 129, 138
Knight of the Burning Pestle, The, I. 292 ; Wandering Lovers, The, VL 139
iv. 359; 363; V. 130; VI. 89, 114, 119, Wife for a Month, The, vi. 122, 132, 139
133, 137, 234; vm. 121, 128, 425; x. Wild-Goose Chase, The, VI. 135, 139;
220 vm. 120
Lawes of Candy, The, vi. 131, 139 WitAtseverallWeapons,vi. 119, 134,138
'Let the bells ring,' vi. 125 Wit Without Money, VL 134, 138
Little French, Lawyer, The, vr. 119, 134, Woman Hater, The, vi. 27, 112, 114, 119,
138, 152, 184 124, 132, 137
Lovers' Progress, The, VL 131, 139 Woman's Plot, A, VL 140
Loves Cure, vi. 119, 124, 136, 140; vm, Womans Prize, The, vi. 134, 135, 138
128 Women pleas' d, VL 130, 138; vm. 128
Loves Pilgrimage, VL 132, 140; vm. 31, See, also, under Middleton and Shirley
128 Beaumont, Sir Francis (d. 1598), VL 111
Loyal Subject, The, VL 100, 130, 138 Beaumont, Sir John (1583-1627),iv. 194,
Mad Lover, The, VL 130, 138, 152 435, 436, 487; vn. 56, 57, 75, 90, 406;
Mador, King of Great Britain, VL 140 vm. 228, 447; Bosworfh Field, VT. Ill;
Maid in the Mill, The, VL 69, 70, 132, To His Late Majesty, concerning the True
139; vm. 128, 129 Forme of English Poetry, vn. 49
Maides Tragedy, The, vr. Ill, 114, 119, Beaumont, Joseph (1616-1699), vn. 34,
120, 124, 126, 127, 129, 137, 199; vm. 406, also see Add.; vm. 283 P., 453;
120, 215 Psyche, vm. 283, 284
Masque of Grayes Inne and the Inner- Beaupre", in The Parliament of Love, VL 155
Temple, The, vi. 137, 353, 356, 488 Beaupuy, Michel, XL 98
Monsieur Thomas, vi. 123, 135, 138 Beauty, in The Golden Targe, II. 253
Nice Valour, The, iv. 251; VL 119, 134, Beauty of the World, I. 294
140 Beaw or Beo, son of Scyld (Sceldwea), 1. 28
Night-Walker, The, vi. 134, 135, 140 Bee, monastic school at, 1. 153; Geoffrey
Noble Gentleman, The, VL 136, 140 Arthur's" book at, i. 170
how my lungs do tickle,' VL 125 Beccaria, Cesare Bonesana, marquis di,
Ovid's Salmacis and Hermaphroditus, xi. 66, 70; Crimes and Punishments,
iv. 20; vi. 112 xi. 64; Dei Delitti e delle Pene, ix. 302
Philaster, vi. Ill, 113, 114, 119 fi% 126, Beche, Sir Henry Thomas de la (1796-
128, 129, 137, 190; vm. 441; x. 429 1855), xiv. 294, 560; A
Pilgrim, The, vi. 122, 131, 139; vm. Manual, xiv. 292; Report on the Geology
31, 52, 54, 120, 396, 401, 431 of Cornwall, etc., xiv. 292
Prophetesse, The, vi. 123, 131, 139, 152; Becher, Anne. See Thackeray, Anne
vm. 120, 128, 135, 401 Becher, Miss, TTTT. 276
Queene of Corinth, The, v. 350; VL 130, Becke, Edmund (fl. 1550), iv. 443
138; vm. 128 Becke, George Louis (1848-1913), xiv. 584
Eight Woman, A, VL 140 Becker, Wilhelm Adolph, Charicles, xn,
Rule a Wife and have a Wife, v. 356; 230; Gallus, xn. 230
VL 135, 139; vm. 128 Becket, St Thomas a, archbishop of Canter-
Scorneful Ladie, The, vi. 114, 119, 133, bury,!. 173, 185, 186, 191, 202, 339, 341,
137 448; n. 84, 87, 342; m. 12, 332; iv. 417,
Sea Voyage, The, v. 347; VL 131, 139; 418; v. 38, 56, 58; XI. 315; xn. 253,
vm. 120
321, 416
'Sit, soldiers, sit and sing,' vi. 125 Becket, St Thomas a, in Oaxton'a Golden
Spanish Curate, The, VL 125, 134, 139, Legend, n. 334
183; vm. 20, 128 Becket and Dehorde, booksellers, x. 191
Tamer Tamed, vm. 121 Beckford, Peter (1740-1811), xiv. 542;
'Tell me, dearest, what is love,' VL Essays on Hunting, xiv. 232; Thoughts
125, 128 upon Hare and Fox Hunting, xrv. 232
Thierry and Theodoret, VL 114, 123, Beckford, Richard, x. 388
129, 138 Beckford, William (1709-1770), X- 485
'Three merry boys,' VL 125 Beokford, William (1759-1844), x. 43,
"Tia late and cold,' VI. 125 also see Add.; XL 289 ft, 306, 307, 459
Triumph of Death, The, VL 128, 137 Azemia, XL 289
Triumph of Honour, The, VL 128, 137 Dreams, Waking Thoughts &nd Incidents,
Triumph of Love, The, VL 120, 128, 137 xi. 289
Triumph of Time, The, vi. 128, 137 Episodes, XL 290 ff.

Beckford, William Bedford missal, xn. 510
History of Extraordinary Painters, xi. Bedford school, vn. 330
289 Bedfordshire, n. 206; vm, 60; IX. 145;
Letters from Portugal, xi. 289 xn. 345; xm. 145
Modern Novel Writing, xi. 289 Bedingfield, lady, xiv. 503
Vathek, xi. 161, 289 ff., 304 Bedingfield, Thomas (d. 1613), iv. 7, 398,
Bockington, Somerset, rv. 133 442, 443, 540
Beoon, Thomas (1512-1567), m. 27; iv. Bedivere. See Bedwyr
380, 397, 491, 495 Bedlam, x. 56
Bedam, Historia post, I. 174 Bedwell, WilHam (d. 1632),rv. 453; vn. 470
Beddoe, John (1826-1911), xn. 507; An- Bedworth academy, x. 385
thropological History of Europe, xn. 351 ; Bedwyr or Bedivere, Arthurian knight, I.
Contributions to Scottish Ethnology, xn. 250, 254, 255, 260; n. 119
350; The Races of Britain, xn. 350 Bee, The (Anderson's), ix. 560; xi. 236
Beddoes, Thomas Lovell (1803-1849), xn. Bee, The (BudgelTs), ix. 492
107, 115 ff. (main entry), 126, 139, 414; Bee and the Spider, The, in Swift's Battle
xm. 141, 149, 198, 230, 238, 517 of the Books, ix. 102
Bnde's Tragedy, The, xn. 115 Beech, Robert (d. 1594), V. 325
Death's Jest Book or The Fool's Revenge, Beeching, Henry Charles (1859-1919), xi.
xn. 115, 116; xm. 239 434; xn. 257, 453, 455; xrv. 515;
Dirge for Wolfram, xn. 116 Francis Atterbury, x. 352
Dream-Pedlary, xn. 116 Beedome, Thomas (d. 1641?), vn. 88, 412
Improvisatore, The, xn. 115 Beef-steak club, ix. 139
Letter from Oxford, xn. 116 Beelzebub, v. 33
Old Adam, the carrion crow, xn. 116 Beer-Hofmann, Der Graf von Charolais,
Pygmalion, xn. 116 VL 165
/Song of the Stygian Naiades, xn. 116 Bees, writers on, iv. 542
Bede, in The Example of Virtue, n. 227 Beesly, Edward Spencer (1831-1915), xiv
Bede or Baeda, the Venerable (673-735), 468
L 5, 10, 14, 19, 20,43 ff., 53, 55, 57, 59, Beeston, Christopher, vr. 103
66, 68, 70, 71, 79-84 (main entry), 89, Beethoven, Ludwig van, xn. 64, 268
96, 117, 119 ff., 131, 145, 148, 159 ff., Beets, Hemrich, ix. 515
163 ff., 167 ff., 172, 198, 224, 257, 342, Beghard communities, n. 47
347, 350, 351, 380, 433, 434, 436, 437, Begum, the, in Pendennis, TTTT. 291
439; iv. 67; vn. 510; xiv. 69, 302 Beha-ed-din Zoheir, xn. 499
Death Song, I. 61 Behaim, Martin, of Niirnberg, iv. 82
De Natura Rerum, I. 80. Behmen, Jacob. See Boehme
De Temporibus, I. 81 Behmenists, rx. 306
Historia Ecclesiastica, i. 81 ff., 93, 96, Behn, Mrs Aphra or Aphara (1640-1689),
101, 106, 110, 112, 234, 434, 436, 437, vm. 140, 168, 416, 422, 424, 425; rs. 18,
439; iv. 37; vm. 309; ix. 539; xn. 487 174; x. 72; xn. 246
M artyrology, I. 80 City Heiress, The, vm. 142
Retractationes, I. 80 Debauchee, The, vm. 141
Other works, I. 80-81, 224 Dutch Lover, The, vm. 131, 141
Bede, Adam, George Eliot's, xm. 382, False Count, The, vm. 131, 142
389 ff. Forced Marriage, The, vm. 141, 181
Bede, Cuthbert, pseud. See Bradley, Ed- Maximes, trans, of La Rochefoucauld's,
ward vm. 373
Bede, Seth, George Eliot's, xm. 389, 391 Moor's Revenge, The, vm. 141, 195
Bedell, William (1571-1642), vn. 308, 318, Nun, The, or The Perjured Beauty, vm.
442; ix. 489 ;xn. 488 191
Bedford, n. 336; m. 202; vn. 167 ff., 172; Oronooko, or the Royal Slave, vm. 141,
ix. 169 191
Bedford, Arthur (1668-1745), vm. 432; Roundheads, The, vm. 122, 142
ix. 528 Itover, The, or the Banished, Cavaliers,
Bedford, countess of (d. 1627). See vm. 131, 141
Russell, Lucy Toum Fop, The, vm. 142
Bedford, dukes of. See Lancaster, John Widow Eanter, The, vm. 142, 401
of; Russell, Francis; Russell, John; Toung King, The, vm. 141
Russell, Wriothesley Beid, iv. 363
Bedford, Grosvenor, the elder, XL 154 Bek, Thomas, of Castlef ord, I. 335, 338
Bedford, Grosvenor, the younger, xi. 164, Bekinsau, John (1496?-1559), vm. 466
169, 172 Bekynton,orBeckiagton,T.(1390?-1465 ,

Bedford, H, xm. 670 n. 303, 482

Bedford gaol, vn, 170, 172 Bel-Anna, in The Masque of Queenst VL 349
Bedford level, ix. 343 Belarius, in Cymbeline, v. 205

Belcarre, lord, xiv. 284 Bellamont, in North- Ward Hoe, vi. 172
Belch, Sir Toby, in Twelfth Night, v. 194 Bellamy, Daniel, the elder (b. 1687), xi.
Belcour, in Cumberland's West Indian, 172, 424
xi. 264, 265, 275 Bellamy, David, the younger (d. 1788),
Belfast, xi. 283; xiv. 311, 317, 327 xi. 424
Belfast, books printed in, xi. 470 Bellamy, Miss George Anne (17317-1788),
Belfast, Queen's college, xiv. 417, also xi. 260, 453
see. Add. 3
Bellamy, Henry (fl. 1630), vi. 470
'Belfast man, the,' Francis Davis, xiv. Bellamy, Thomas (1745-1800), xi. 448
326 'Bellamy's' in Dickens's Parliamentary
Belfastman's Journal, The, xiv. 327 Sketch,' xm. 309
Belfield, in Cumberland's Brothers, XL 264 Bellario, in Philaster, vi. 126
Belgarde, in The Unnaturatt Combat, vi. Bellarmine, cardinal, m. 414; iv. 500;
160 ff. vn. 301, 309; vm. 462; Disputationes,
Belgian writers, ix. 314 iv. 199
Belgic Kymrys, xiv. 68 Bellasis, Edward (1800-1873), xn. 454
Belgioioso, duchess of, xrr. 440 Bellaston, lady, in Fielding's Tom Jones,
Belgium, n. 310; xm. 88, 112 x. 31, 32, 89
Belgrade, ix. 244; xiv. 251 Belief orest, F. de, iv. 3; v. 159, 221; Bis-
Belial, xn. 36 toires Tragiques, VI. 180
Belial, in Paradise Lost, vn. 121; x. 310 Bellenden, Edith, in Scott's Old Mortality,
Belianis, don, in The Tatler, xi. 373 xn. 22
Belinda, in Congreve's Old Bachelor, vm. Bellenden, John (fl. 1533-1587), m. 131,
148 156, 319, 500; The Banner of Pietie,
Belinda, Miss Edgeworth's, xi. 297 m. 131; Scottish translation of Livy,
Belinda, in Vanbrugh's Provotfd Wife, n. 285; m. 156; translation of Boece's
vm. 161 History of Scotland, n. 285; IV. 412
Belisante, in Amis and Amiloun, r.314 Bellenden, Mary, ix. 250
Beljame, Alexandre, x. 444; xi. 466; xn. Bellenden, William (fl. 1616), xn. 326
400, 524 Sellers, John (1654-1725), Proposals for
Bell, Alfred Henry Haynes, xiv. Add. 4; Raising a Colledye of Industry, ix. 406,
Knight of Avelon, xiv. 378; Last Stand, 570
The, xiv. 378; To a Sea Conch, xiv. 378 'Belleville,' Badenoch, x. 232
Bell, Andrew (1753-1832), xi. 422; xiv. Bellimperia, in The Spanish Tragedie, v.
395, 403, 404, 590, 601, 604; Experi- 161 ff.
ments in Education, xiv. 401 Bellingham, Northumberland, xm. 129
Bell, Sir Charles (177^1842), x. 513; Sellings, Richard (d. 1677), History of the
xiv. 559 Irish Confederation, vn. 212, 448
Bell, Charles Dent (d. 1898), xm. 499 Bellisant, in The Parliament of Love, vi.
Bell, Henry (1767-1830), xiv. 258 155
Bell, Henry Glassford (1803-1874), xn. Bellmour, in Congreve's Old Bachelor,
414 vm. 148
Bell, Henry Thomas Mackenzie, xm. 496 Belloc, L. Sw., xm. 551
Bell, James (fl. 1551-1596), iv. 446 Bellot, J., rv. 541
Bell, John (1691-1780), ix. 560; xi. 325, Belloy, Pierre L. B. de, Le Siege de Calais,
342, 453, 456; Poets of Great Britain xi. 274
from Chaucer to Churchill, ix. 479; Bellum grammaticale, vi. 482; rx. 551
x. 451 Belmarfs Brother, The, rv. 354
Bell, Paul, pseud. See Chorley, Henry Beloe, William (1756-1817), x. 473; xn.
Fothergill 491, 520; Anecdotes of Literature, xn.
Bell, Peter, in Wordsworth's poem, xn. 70 363; The Sexagenarian, xn. 363
Bell, Robert (1800-1867), xi. 422; xiv. 533 Belphegor, in The Devil and his Dame,
Bell, Thomas (fl. 1573-1610), iv. 509 v. 329
Bell, Thomas (fl. 1672), ix. 545 Belphoebe, in The Faerie Queene, m, 233,
Bell, Thomas (1792-1880), x. 269, 270 237
BelVs Life in London, xiv. 231, 232, 234, Belsham, Thomas (1750-1829), xn. 465
235, 239 Belshazzar, xii. 229, 477
Bell's Life in Victoria, xiv. 366, 367 Belshazzar, in Cleanness, I. 323
BeWs Weekly Messenger, xi. 325 Belson, Mrs. See Elliott, Mary
Bellafront, in The Honest Whore, v. 251; Beltayne, At, n. 244
vi. 53, 172 Beltrees, Renfrewshire, ix. 364, 556
Bellafront, in A Woman is a WeathercocJce, Belvedere Or The Garden Of The Muses,
vi. 221 iv. 467
Bellair, in Etherege's The Man of Mode, Belvidera, in Otway's Venice Preserved,
vm. 138 vm. 183, 184
Bellamia, in The Example, vi. 202 Belvoir, Leicestershire, xi. 143, 144

Belzoni, Giovanni Battista (1778-1823), Bennett, James (1774-1862) and Bogue*
xiv. 248, 550 D., History of Dissenters, x. 518
Bembo, Pietro, cardinal, m. 262; iv. 428 Bennett, Joseph, xiv. 192
Bemerton, Wilts, vn. 29; vm. 348 Bennett, Samuel (1815-1878), xiv. 584;
Ben, in Congreve's Love for Love. vm. History of Australian Discovery, xrv. 371
150 ff. Bennett, William Cox (1820-1895), xm.
Ben, sailor, in Congreve's Love for Love. 499
x. 90 Benoit, historiographer, n. 419, 507
Benares, rajah of, xi. 14 Benoit de Ste More, i. 280, 306, 467;
Benatzi, in The Ladies Triall, vi. 194 n. 150; Roman de Troiz, n. 172
BendaU, Cecil (185&-1906), xn. 502 Bensley, Robert (1738?-1817?), xi. 257
Bendo, Alexander, i.e. Rochester, earl of, Bensly, Robert Lubbock (1831-1893), xn.
vm. 208 341, 503
Bendz, E., xm. 488 Benson, Arthur Christopher (1862-1925),
Benedetti, Anna, TOTT. 570 xm. 476, 486, 490, 497, 503, 555, 557;
Benedick, in Much Ado about Nothing. xiv. 523, 524
v. 191; vm. 120, 155 Benson, George (1699-1762), x. 386, 521
Benedict of Peterborough (d. 1193), 1. 160, Benson, Thurston, in Mrs GaskelTs Ruth,
173, 174, 449; rv. 417; ix. 349; Gesta xm. 372
Regis Henrici, xrv. 74 Benson, William (1682-1754), ix. 562
Benedict Biscop (628?~690), abbot of Bent, James Theodore (1852-1897), xn
Wearmouth, I. 5, 71, 84, 89, 151 496
Benedict, St, I. 74, 105; vn, 391 Bent, William (fi. 1770), ax 339
Benedict XII, pope, n. 349 Bentham, Edward (fl. 1748), xiv. 595
Benedict XIII, pope, n. 368 Bentham, George (1800-1884), xiv. 468
Benedict,' Delia Cruscan poet, xi. 177 Bentham, James (1708-1794), xn. 507;
Benedictbeuern, monastery in Bavaria, History of Ely Cathedral, rx. 354, 532
I. 190
Bentham, Jeremy (1748-1832), m. 425;
Benedictines, the, n. 2, 245, 349, 350, 354, vn. 104; vm. 321; ix. 299, 301, 409;
362; m. 48, 51, 57; rv. 416 ff.; vn. 143; x. 335, 346; xi. 57 ff. (main entry), 136,
x. 282; xiv. 53 397; xn. 152, 309, 430; xiv. 2, 4, 8,
Benedix, Roderich, Aschenbrodel, xm. 14 ff., 20, 59, 98, 127, 187, 194, 198,
272 290, 336, 407, 559, 604
Benet, St, Rule of, I. 15, 230, 458, 459 Anarchical Fallacies, xi. 71
Bengal, xi. 242; xiv. 338 Book of Fallacies, xi. 71
Bengal army, the, xrv. 337 Chrestomathia, ax 72; xiv. 404
Bengali literature, xrv. 341 Codification Proposals, ax 72
Benger, Elizabeth Ogilvy (1778-1827), xi. Constitutional Code, xi. 71
460 Defence of Usury, xi. 58
Benham, Allen Rogers, I. Add. Deontology, ax 61
Benion, Samuel (fl. 1706), x. 386 Fragment on Government, xi. 58, 61 ff., 71
Benkhausen, chevalier George de, TTTT, 55 Influence of Time and Place in Matters of
Benlow (or Bruce), Mrs Marinda, in Legislation, ax 72
Amory's Memoirs of Several Ladies, xi. Introduction to the Principles of Morals
287 and Legislation, xi. 58, 59, 64, 65, 69
Benlowes, Edward (1603?-1676), vn. 73, Introductory view of the Rationale of Evi-
88 ff., 94, 137, 412; xm. 218; TheopMa dence, XI. 61
or Love's Sacrifice, vn. 90 Poor Laws and Pauper Management, xi.
Benn, Alfred William, xrv. 467 72
Bennet, Benjamin (1674^1726), ix. 476; Rationale of Evidence, xi. 61
x. 521 Table of the Springs of Action, xi. 61, 65
Bennet, Elizabeth, in Jane Austen's Pride Theory of Legislation, xi. 68
and Prejudice, xn. 237 ff., 243 Worlcs, xi. 60, 61
Bennet, Henry, 1st earl of Arlington Bentham, Samuel (brother of Jeremy
(1618-1685), vn. 363; vm. 92, 198, Bentham), xi. 58
376, 379, 380, 384, 480, 482 Benthamism, xm. 22
Bennet, James (fl> 1761), x. 177, 469 Bentinck, countess, vnr. 272
Bennet, Jane, in Jane Austen's Pride and Bentinck, lord George (1802-1848), xm.
Prejudice, xn. 238 353, 546; xiv. 115, 129, 130, 336, 508
Bennet, John (fl. 1600), iv. 463 Bentinck, William, 1st earl of Portland
Bennet, Mr, in Jane Austen's Pride and (1649-1709), ix. 149, 150, 206
Prejudice, xn. 238 Bentinck, William, 2nd duke of Portland
Bennet, Mrs, in Jane Austen's Pride and (1709-1762), x. 262; XL 347, 389
Prejudice, xn. 238 Bentinck, William Henry Cavendish, 3rd
Bennet, Mrs, in Fielding's Amelia* x. 33 duke of Portland (1738-1809), x. 403
Bennett, Edward Turner, x. 270 Bentivoglio, cardinal, x. 291

Bentley, Richard (1662-1742), rv. 250; x. 35, 328 ff., 342, 343, 348, 381; XL
v. 273; vn. 109; vm. 230, 385: ix. 80, 57, 100; xn. 60; xiv. 8, 19, 41, 43, 47,
86, 88, 103, 132, 138, 139, 297, 329 ff. 468, 473
(main entry), 381, 382, 411, 412, 449, Alciphron, ix. 282, 283, 286, 301, 302
478, 504, 524 ff., 561, 572, 574; x. 309,- Analyst, The, rx. 282
xi. 341, 380; xn. 324, 325, 332, 485, Common-place Book, ix. 280, 283, 287
488: xiv. 283 De Motu, ix. 280
Confutation of Atheism,' ix. 331 Essay towards a new theory of vision,
Dissertation on the Epistles of Phalaris, ix. 61, 280, 283, 284
ix. 329, 330, 333, 338, 391 Essay towards preventing the ruin of Great
Epistola ad Millium, ix. 330, 331 Britain, ix. 280
Horace, rx. 336, 337 Miscellany, ix. 282
Manilius, ix. 338 Principles of human knowledge, IX. 280,
Milton, ix. 338, 339 284, 286, 287
Remarks upon a late Discourse of Free- Querist, The, ix. 282
thinking, ix. 292, 293, 337 Siris, rx. 282, 287
Terence, rx. 338 Theory of Vision, ix. 282, 284
Bentley, Richard (1708-1782), x. 245, 248; Three Dialogues between Hylas andPhilo-
xi. 456; Designs for six Poems by Mr nous, ix. 131, 280, 286
T. Gray, x. 126, 450; Philodamus, XL Verses on the prospect of planting arts. . .

274 in America, ix. 281

Bentley and Newton correspondence, x. Works, xrv. 48
466 Berkeley, Hon. George (1712-1767), rx.
Bentley 8 Miscellany, xn. 413, 447; xm.
315, 316; xiv. 316 Berkeley, George Monck (1763-1793),
Bentworth, near Alton, Hampshire, iv. vm. 428; ix. 453, 470
154 Berkeley, Jane Martha, dowager lady,
Beowa, I. 27, 28 afterwards countess of Portland (1672-
Beowanhara, I. 27 1751), vm. 380
Beowulf 1. 1 ff., 11, 12, 20, 21, 22-30 (main
9 Berkeley, Sir John (d. 1678), vn. 449
entry), 34, 35, 41, 43, 54, 58, 63, 99, Berkeley, Miles Joseph (1803-1889), xiv.
115, 124, 137, 143, 277, 306, 421, also see 559; Phytophthora infestans, xiv. 290
Add. to third impression; n. 1, 398; Berkeley, Thomas, 5th lord (1353-1417),
rv.517; v. 26; xn. 344; xni. 127; xiv. n. 74, 76, 77
453 Berkeley, Sir William (d. 1677), vm. 434;
Beppo, in Byron's poem, xn. 53 The Lost Lady, VI. 452
Berachyah Nakden, I. 478 Berkeley, Gloucestershire, 11. 74, 77
Beranger, Gabriel (d. 1817), xn. 514 Berkeley castle, iv. 181
Berdoe, Edward, xrn. 483 Berkenhead or Birkenhead, Sir John
Berdok, King, n. 276 (1616-1679), vi. 136; vn. 494; Mer-
Bere, Richard (d. 1524), m. 49 cunus Aulicus, vn. 348; Mercurius
Bereblock or Bearblock, John (fl. 1566), Betticus, vn. 349
v.400; vi. 299 Berkshire, m. 368; rv. 431 ; IX. 531 ; x. 356;
Bereker, W., rv. 441 xm. 367
Berengarius, I. 154 Berkshire, 3rd earl of, father of Sir Robert
Berenger, Richard (d. 1782), XL 362 Howard, vm. 8
Bergen, vm. 202 Berlin, vn. 309 ; vm. 330 ; xm. 385 ; xiv. 382
Bergenroth, Gustav Adolph (1813-1869), Berlioz, Hector, v. 302
xiv. 485 Bermuda, ix. 281; xn. 103
Bergerac, Cyrano de. See Cyrano Bermudas, the, iv. 78; V. 220, 347
Bergers, Calendrier des, n. 328 Bernard, Charles de, xm. 283
Bergetto, in Tis Pitty Shees a Whore, vi. Bernard, Edward (1638-1696), IX. 356, 532
192 Bernard, John (1756-1828), XL 447
Berghen. See Adraien van Bernard, Little, St, xn. 496, 497
Berinthia, in Sheridan'a Trip to Scar- Bernard, Mountague (1820-1882), xn. 454
borough, XL 268 Bernard, Richard (1568-1641), iv. 440;
Berinthia, in Vanbrugh's Relapse, vm. vn. 374; Guide to Grand Jury Men, vn.
161; XL 268 375, 507
Berkeley, Charles, 2nd earl of Berkeley Bernard, Sir Thomas (1750-1818), xiv.
(1693?-1746), ix. 93 601, 604
Berkeley, Elizabeth, countess of, rx. 93 Bernard, St, I. 185, 221, 231, 355; n. 230,
Berkeley, George, 1st earl of (1628-1698), 365; m. 189; iv. 235; xrv. 504; Tractat,
n. 77 II. 383; Sayings of, n. 425

Berkeley, George (1685-1753), bishop of Bernard, William Bayle (1807-1875), xm.

Cloyne, m. 416; vn. 278, 289, 290; vm. 617; xrv. 569
428; ix. 171, 279 ff., 502, also see Add.; Doge of Venice, The, xm. 266

Bernard, William Bayle Berwickshire, x. 323
Marie, Ducange, xin. 266 Berwyn mountains, x. 115
Passing Cloud, The, xm. 266 Beryn, The Tale of, or The Second Mer-
Round of Wrong, The, xm. 266 chant's Tale, i. 298, 299, 467; n. 162,
Bernard, in Specula Stultorum, i. 193 164, 215, 216, 469
Bernard of Chartres, I. 184, 188 Besan9on, Etienne de, in. 489
Bernard of Clugny or Morlaix, De Con- Besant, Sir Walter (1836-1901), xn. 507;
temptu Mundi, xm. 172, 173 438, 560; A Survey of London,
Bernardo, in Shelley's The Cenci, xn. 69 xn. 349; All Sorts and Conditions of
Bernays, Jacob, Life of Scaliger, xiv. 109 Men, xm. 458
Berners, Isopel, Sorrow's, xm. 442 Besler of Niirnberg, iv. 247
Berners, Juliana (b. 1388?), iv. 538; The Bess the Gawkie, ix. 374
Book of St Allans, n. 318, 323, 420, 485, Besse, Joseph (1683?-1757), vm. 413, 414
496. Besselaar, G., xiv. Add. 4
Berners, Lord (1467-1533). See Bourchier, Bessus, in A King and no King, vi. 127
John Bessy, the, in folk plays, v. 31 ff.
Berni, Francesco, xn. 33, 52, 56 Bessy Bell and Marie Gray, rx. 368
Bernier, Francois, xiv. 333; Voyage, X. 110 Best, Charles (ft. 1602), iv. 124
Bernlak de Hautdesert, the Green Knight. Best, captain George (d. 1584), True A
See Sir Qawayne discourse of the late voyages ...to Cathay a,
Bernstein, baroness, in The Virginians, iv. 74, 453
xm. 298 Best, Paul (1590?-1657), x. 377
Bernysdale, n. 309 Best, William Draper, 1st baron Wynford
Beroaldus, Phihppus (d. 1505), IV. 249, 429 (1767-1845), vm. 317
Beroul (c. 1150), I. 273, 310 Bestiaries, Old English, i. 59; Middle
Berquin, Arnaud, 491; IS Ami des
xi. English, i. 226, 227, 239, 292, 458 ff.
Enfans, xi. 378, 382; Le Petit Qrandis- Beta (queen Elizabeth), in Drayton's Idea.
son, xi. 382 iv. 172, 173, 184
Berrow's Worcester Journal, xiv. 169 Betham, Mary Matilda (1776-1852), XL
Berry, Arthur, xiv. 555 423
Berry, Mary (1763-1852), x. 249 ff., Bethell, Eichard, 1st baron Westbury
494 fi.
(1800-1873), xiv. 124, 507
Berry, Mrs, George Meredith's, xin. 447 Bethlehem, n. 13; v. 37
Berryer, Pierre Antoine, xiv. 127 Bethulia, I. 142, 143
Berrys, the (Robert, Mary and Agnes), Bethune, Alexander (1804-1843), xn. 414
x. 495 Betokis hour, in Gyre Carhng, n. 275,
Bert, Edmund, iv. 541 277
Bertha, in Keats's JEve of St Mark's, xn. Betraying of Christ, The, v. 17
87 Betsey, Miss, in David Copperfield, xm.
Bertha, mother of Charles the Great, v, 40 327
Berthe aux grands pieds, I. 468 Betteridge, Wilkie Collins's, xm. 438
Berthelet, Thomas, printer to Henry VHI, Betterton, Thomas (1635?-1710), vi. 47,
in. 315, 486; IV. 400, 405, 546 248, 271; vm. 29, 31, 121, 146, 150,
Bertholdi, in The Imposture, vi. 205 166, 177, 179, 182, 184, 186, 191, 192,
Bertoldo, in The Maid of Honour, vi. 155, 194, 195, 422, 423, 439; ix. 144, 476;
156, 162 X. 442; xi. 257, 447, 454; Henry IV,
Bertram, Charles (1723-1765), IX. 540; version of, vm. 120; The Prophetesse,
xn. 336 vm. 120, 401
Bertram, Edmund, in Jane Austen's Mans- Betty, in PMUips's Don Quixote, ix. 269
field Park, xn. 238, 239 Betty, William Henry West (1791-1874),
Bertram, Godfrey, laird of Ellangowan, xi. 283, 452
in Scott's Guy Mannering, xn. 29, 151 Betuleius, Xystus, v. 101
Bertram, in Scott's JKokeby, xn. 12 Beuchame, Lewes, iv. 446
Bertram, lady, in Jane Austen's Mansfield Beulah, daughters of, in Blake's Four
Park, xn. 239 Zoos, xi. 196
Bertram, Lucy, in Scott's Guy Mannering, Beulah, land of, xn. 175, 253
xn. 22 Beulan, teacher of Nennius, i. 70
Bertram, Sir Stephen, in Cumberland's Beveridge, William (1637-1708), vn. 490;
Jew, XI. 282 vm. 298, 301, 302, 457; ix. 528
Bertram, Sir Thomas, in Jane Austen's Beverley, v. 41, 45, 103
Mansfield Park, xn. 239, 241 Beverley. See Alfred of; St John of
Bertram, the misses, in Jane Austen's Beverley, in Sheridan's Rivals, xi. 266
Mansfield Park, xn. 238, 243 Beverley, Mrs, in Moore's Gamster, x.
Berwick Advertiser, The, xiv. 203 80
Berwick, siege of, n. 101 Beverley, Yorks., ix. 470
Berwick-upon-Tweed, xi. 469; TTTT. 372 Beversham, James (ft. 1618), iv. 93

Bcves or Bevis of Hamtoun, I. 218, 282, Bible, Versions o the:
287, 291 ft, 303, 305, 306, 470; n. 320, Douay, iv. 41, 49; x. Add.
323; v. 108; vn. 167 Early translations, sv. 37, 39; vn. 127
Bevil junior, in Steele's Conscious Lovers, English, m. 474, iv. 26 ff. (mam entry)
ix. 64 Genevan, n. 94; m. 45, 46; iv. 41,
Beville, William (fl. 1782), x. 475 403
Bevis, in The Tatter, xi. 373 Great, the, m. 44, 45
Bew, M., m. 189 Greek Testament, ix. 336; xn. 340, 500
Beware the Cat, m. 112, 494 Hebrew, ix. 330,- xn. 341
Bewcastle column, Cumberland, L 12, 426 Matthew's, m. 45
Bewick, Thomas (1753-1828), ix. 481; Polyglot, iv. 427
XL 377, 436, 485, 487, 489, 490, 492; Rheims translation of, in. 446; IV. 38,
xiv. 201, 227, 235, 236, 540, 542 41, 42, 49; x. Add.
Bewick and Graham, n. 411 Sanskrit, xn. 343
Bexley, 1st lord. See Vansittart, Nicholas Septuagmt, I. 77; vn. 316; iv. 46

Bexley heath, xin. 119 Syriac (Gospels), xn. 341

Beyle, Henri (De Stendhal), xn. 381, 392, Tindale's, m. 41 &.; iv. 38 fZ
397; Racine et Shakespeare, x. 181 Trevisa's, n. 77
Beyrout, xiv. 251 Vulgate, the, i. 46, 84, 85, 91, 97, 208,
Beza, Theodore, ra. 45, 46, 174; iv. 429; 400; n. 59, 60, 62, 94, 431; m. 41, 45,
vm. 277, 363; Abraham's Sacrifice, v. 463, 464; iv. 36, 46
394; Praefatio Poetica, ni. 174 Wychfite, n. 300, 430, 431, 440; iv.
Bhagalpur, xiv. 334 38, 39, 42, 428
Bhagavadgita, the, xn. 343, 503 Bible, single vols. or MSS. of:
Biagi, Guido, xni 552 Codex Amiatmus at Florence, I. 72
Bianca, in Loves Sacrifice, VL 192 Codex Argenteus at Upsala, I. 16
Bianca, in The Taming of the Shrew, v. 181 King Philip's, iv. 427
Bianca, in Women beware Women, vi. 78, Metz, i. 89
176 Rushworth Gospels, the, i. 132
Biberach, v. 298 St Denis, i. 89
Bible, the, I. 72, 89; n. 150, 151, 230, 289, Sir Walter RalegVs, iv. 65
291, 314, 366, 367; m. 10, 11, 13, 25, Thomas Cromwell's, iv. 426
27, 28, 29, 31, 40 ff., 44, 45, 47, 53, 58, Bible, books and parts of:
86, 110, 130, 133, 140, 141, 145, 157, Acts of the Apostles, iv. 32; ix. 534; xiv.
163, 214, 339, 363, 400, 407, 410 ff., 416, 449
423, 445, 455, 462, 463; iv. 26 ff., 81, Apocalypse. See Revelation
230, 241, 248, 270, 303, 347, 389, 396, Apocrypha, the, n. 120, 230, 430; ni.
412, 421, also see Add.; v. 17, 40, 44, 43 ff.; vn. 316, 317; XEL 502
101, 111, 342; VI. 91, 375, 378, 401, 402, Baruch, n. 61
405; vn. 6, 151, 157, 164, 169, 171, 177, Canticles. See, post, Song of Songs
236, 253, 269, 296, 297, 303 ., 315 ff., Chronicles, m. 44; IV. 43
321 ff., 371, 375, 382, 396; vra. 42, 78, Colossians, xn. 501
86, 91, 92, 101, 103, 105, 110 ff., 164, Corinthians, rv. 38; vn. 140, 322; xi. 355
274 ff., 278, 294, 298, 302, 326, 346, 364; Corinthians 7, xn. 483, 501
ix. 42, 118, 393, 402; x. 154, 229, 236; Corinthians H, xn. 501
xi. 48, 89, 181, 188, 189, 237, 326, 363, Daniel, xn. 501, 503
369; xn. 156, 177, 280, 282 ff., 293, 295, Deuteronomy, iv. 170; vn. 140, 395;
318, 331, 488, 501, 502, 520, 521; xm. xn. 501
102; xiv. 148, 329, 405 Ecclesiastes, nr. 271; vn. 317; xn. 341,
See, also, Old and New Testament 501; xin. 138
New Testament, ix. 294, 330; xn. 286, Ephesians, n. 234, 431; ix. 560
290, 293, 297, 298, 340 (revised version), Esther, vn. 316
501; the first printed English, xn. 515; Exodus, iv. 30, 36, 37, 39; xn. 499, 501
in Scots, xiv. 101 Exodus (Old English), I. 46 fi., 58, 63,
Old Testament, ix. 296; xn. 501; xiv. 428
132 Exodus (Wyclifite), n. 430
Bible, Versions of the: Ezekiel, vn. 322; xn. 501
Authorised Version, the, in. 45, 423, Four Gospels, ix. 561
465; iv. 26-50, 185, 238, 398, 449; xiv. Galatians, xn. 486, 501
435, 441, 446 ff. Genesis, n. 14; rv. 31 ; VII. 140; vm. 352;
Bassandyne, the, n. 94, 285 xn. 48, 499, 501, 503; XIV. 149
Bishops', the, m. 45, 423; iv. 400, 401 Genesis, A
and B, Old English, i. 46 ff.,
Challoner's Roman Catholic, iv. 49 63, 428
Chinese, xn. 342, 500 Genesis and Exodus, Middle English,
Coverdale's, in. 45; iv. 41, 402 I.225, 376, 387, 399, 458, 459
Cranmer's, in. 44 Gospels, the, iv. 39, 424

Bible, books and parts of: Biblical parodies, ix. 563
Gospels, x. 365; xn. 280, 503, 505 Biblical studies, vn. 311, 318, 321, 481
Eabakkuk, xn. 501 Bibliographical society, xn. 355, 369, 519
Hebrews, iv. 43; xn. 340, 503 Bibliotlieque universelle, vm. 331
Hosea, vn. 322 Bickerstaff, Isaac (d. 1812?), ix. 35, 39,
Isaiah, n. 430; m. 101; IV. 77, 170; 40, 46 fif., 50, 51, 54; x. 71, 425; XL 451;
xn. 501 xiv. 461
Jeremiah, xn. 501 Lionel and Clarissa, x. 89
Job, TV. 30, 33, 47, 48; vn, 317, 322; Love in a Village, x. 89
x. 458; XL 434; xn. 341, 416, 501, 502 Maid of the Mill, x. 89
Joel and Amos, xn. 501 Padlock, The, x. 89; XL 262
John, epistles of St, xn. 340 Schools for Fathers, x. 89
John, First Epistle of St, x. 309 Bickerstaif, Isaac, of The Taller, XL 373
John, Gospel of St, n. 365; iv. 37, 38; Bickersteth, Edward (1786-1850), xn. 471
v. 37, 42; vn. 322; x. 463; xn. 340, 481, Bickersteth, Henry, lord Langdale (1783-
489, 490 1851), xn. 355, 356, 516
Jonah, m. 44; vn. 46 Bickham, George (d. 1758), xiv. 212, 214
Judges, iv. 43, 170 Bickley, Francis, ix. Add.
2 Kings, iv. 33 Bickley, Francis L., xm. 488
Leviticus, xn. 501 Bicknell, Alexander (d. 1796), XL 453
Luke, Gospel of St, iv. 41; xn. 503 Bidding prayer, m. 31
Maccabees iv, xn. 503 Biddle, John (1615-1662), x. 359, 377, 376
Mark, Gospel of St, I. 132; m. 42; v. 42; Bideford, Devon, xiv. 84
xn. 505 Bidpai, fables of, XL 479; xn, 499
Matthew, Gospel of St, I. 132; m. 42; Biffen, in Gissing's New Grub Street, TTTL
vn. 140 460
Nahum, xn. 501 Big Endians, ix. 229
Paul, Epistles of St, iv. 27, 30; xn. 340, Bigg, Charles, ix. 321, 324
506 Bigg, John Stanyan (1828-1865), xm. 499
Paul, speech of St, iv. 29 Bigg, Mrs, x. 119
Pentateuch, m. 44; iv. 39, 238; xn. 296 Biggs, Noah, vn. 511
Phileinon, xn. 501 Bigland, Ralph (1711-1784), xn. 5iu
Philippians, xn. 501 Bigmore, E. 0., xiv. 535
Proverbs, n. 14; iv. 34; vn. 317 Bignell, Mrs, in D'Urfey's The Modem
Psalm czix, XIV. 74 Prophets, vm. 175
Psalms, m. 46, 101, 174; iv. 30, 33, 34, Bignold, Thomas Francis (d. 1888), xiv.
44, 81, 131, 407; V. 21; vn. 31, 109, 575; Lewora, xiv. 340
215, 322; ix. 63, 78, 556, 559, 562; Bigod, Ralph, in Lamb's Essays of Mia,
x. 456, 457; XI. 206, 237; xn. 419 xn. 188
Psalms, Buchanan's version, m. 162, Bijapur army, the, xrv. 338
164 Bilberg, John, iv. 453
Psalms in metre, m. 476; iv. 384, 395, Bilboe, in Wilson's The Cheats, vm. 122
397 Biliotti, iSdouard, xn. 339
Psalms, versions of Stemhold and Hop- Bill, John, Books printed in English, iv.
kins, m. 46 403, 404
Psalter, iv. 28, 31, 384 Bill, William (d. 1561), m. 421
Psalter, Gallican, rv. 422 Billings, Robert William (1813-1874), xn.
Psalter, the Genevan, ni. 46 507
Psalter, Irish, IV. 426 Billingsgate, in Trevisa, n. 78
Psalter, Prayer Book version, rv. 41 Billingsley, Sir Henry (d. 1606), m. 551;
Psalter, the Scots (1564), in. 46 iv. 436, 453
Revelation of St John (Apocalypse), n. Billy, Jacques de, iv. 24
60; iv. 28, 30, 47; vn. 170; vni. 286; 'Billy, perfidious,' xiv. 116
XI. 197; xn. 501; xm. 139; xiv. 149 Bilney, Thomas (d. 1531), m. 27, 36;
Romans, m. 45; iv. 38, 42; xn. 484, iv. 231
486, 492 Bilson, Thomas (1547-1616), nr. 265, 491;
Samuel, iv. 33 vn. 318, 484; Christian subjection, IV.
Song of Songs, The (Canticles, Song of 411
Solomon), n. 48; rv. 170, 249; vn. 109, Bindley, Charles (pseud. Harry Hieover,
317; X. 489, 522; xn. 341, 501 1795-1859), xiv. 542
Thessalonians, xn. 486 Binfield, ix. 67, 68, 161, 167
Zephaniah, xn. 501 Bing, Thomas (fl. 1603), Sorrowed Joy,
Bible societies in Scotland, XL 469 iv. 351
Bible society, the, IX. 247; XI. 259; xiv. Bingham, Joseph (1668-1723), x. 615;
146 Origines Ecclesiasticae, x. 357
Bibles, prices of, n. 308 Bingham, Peregrine (1788-1864), XL 398

5 3~2
Bingley, in Jane Austen's Pride and Preju- Birmingham, Mason's college, xiv. 432
dice, xn. 238 Birmingham Journal, x. 159
'Bingo,' Japan, iv. 99 Birmingham school, vn. 330
Binney, E., xiv. 492 Birnam wood, in Wyntoun's Cronykil,
Binney, Edward William (1812-1881), n. 132
xiv, 290, 559 Birnie, Pat, ix. 366
Binning, Hugh (1627-1653), IX. 542 Biron, in Love's Labour's Lost, v. 178,
Binning, Thomas, rv. 453 315
Binns, Henry Bryan, xiv. 590, 592 Biron, in Southerne's Fatal Marriage, vm.
Binyon, Laurence, xn. 406 191, 192
Biographia Bntannica, ix. 472, 530; x. 184 Birrell,Augustine, xi. 466; xn. 437, 445;
Biographia Dramatica, vin. 188, 423; xm. 470, 479, 484, 488, 505, 557
xi. 453 Birrenswark, in Dumfriesshire, xn. 350
Biographical Dictionary (society for the Birth of Merlin, The, v. 236, 238, 249 f.,
Diffusion of Useful Knowledge), xn. 441,443; vi. 69, 70
307; xiv. 409 Birtha, in D'Avenant's Gondibert, vn. 71;
Biographisches Jahrbuch, xn. 332 vnr. 9
Bion, m. 218, 221, 222, 223; vn. 83, 489; Bishop, George (fl. 1590), iv. 82, 389,
ix. 526; x. 454; xi. 426; xii. 495 398
Bion, Greek pastoral translated by Old- Bishop, Sir Henry Rowley (1786-1855),
ham, vrrr. 86 xm. 264
Birch, John (1616-1691), Negotiations, Bishop, Isabella L., born Bird (1831-
vn. 190 1904), xiv. 550
Birch, Samuel (1813-1885), xn. 500; Boole Bishop, Richard (fl. 1645), vn. 361
of the Dead, xn. 342; HieroglypJiical Bishops' Book, The, in. 13, 36
Grammar and Dictionary, xn. 342; His- Bishop's court, Kirk Michael, x. 359
tory of Ancient Pottery, xn. 342 Bishop's wood, in Pecock, n. 291
Birch, Thomas (1705-1766), vm. 453, 461, Bishopsbourne, in. 406
462, 477, 479; ix. 529; x. 294, 498, also Bisland, Elizabeth, xiv. 519
^ee Add.; xi. 356, 475 Bismarck, prince von, xm, 20; xrv. 183,
The Court and Times of James I, vn. 192, 194
193, 433, 436 Bisset, James (1762?-1832), xi. 452, 484
Court and Times of James I and Charles Bisset, Robert (1759-1805), rx. 441; xi.
I, x. 295 390
History of the Eoyal Society, x. 466 Bisset, William (d. 1747), IX. 478
Inquiry into Transactions of Glamorgan, Bithynia, queen of, in Believe as you List,
x. 294 vr. 148, 149

Life of Dr John Tillotson, x. 295 Bjorkman, E., xm. 573

Life of Henry, Prince of Wales, x. 295 Blachford, lord. See Rogers, Frederic
Memoirs of the Reign of Elizabeth, x. 295 Black, A. and 0., publishers, xn. 372
Negotiations, x. 295 Black, John (1783-1855), xiv. 187
Thurloe papers, x. 294 Black, John Sutherland, xn. 470
Birch, Walter, xn. 440 Black, Joseph (1728-1799), xiv. 272 ft,
Birch, Walter de Gray, I. 451; xrv. 491 406, 557; Magnesia alba, Quicklime, and
Birchenough, Charles, xiv. 590 other alcaline substances, xiv. 274
Birchington, near Margate, xm. 112 Black, Stephen, xrv. Add. 5
Birckbek, Simon (158^1656), vn. 484 Black, William (1841-1898), xm. 431,
Birckman, Arnold (fl. 1568), iv. 403 560; xiv. 199; Daughter of Heth, A,
Birckmans, the, iv. 402 xm. 432; Macleod of Dare, xm. 432;
Bird, John, xrv. Add. 5 Strange Adventures of a Phaeton, The,
Bird, William (fl. 1780), xn. 181 xm. 432
Bird, in The Muses Looking -Qlasse, vi. 234 Black Almaine, the (a tune), m. 190
Birde, W. (fl. 1602), v. 333 Black Bateman of the North, v. 325
Birel, Robert, The Diary of, m. 149, 501 Black Book of Carmarthen, i. 243, 249
Btringaccio, Vannuccio, Pyrotechmca, iv. 250, 251, 461
70 Black Death, the, i. 371; n. 41, 42, 45
Birkabeyn, in Havelok, L 303 70, 71, 354
Birkbeck, George (1776-1841), xrv. 407 fl, Blacke Dogge of Neiugate, The, in. 99
601 Black Friars. See Dominicans
Birkenhead or Berkenhead, Sir John Black hole of Calcutta, the, xiv. 334
(1616-1679), vi. 136 Black Knight, the, in A Game at Chesse,
Birks, Thomas Rawson (1810-1883), xn. vi. 79
471 Black Knight, the, in Scott's Ivanhoe, xn.
Birmingham, m. 427; x. 159, 160, 163, 18
176, 187, 476; xi. 338, 340, 341, 469,484; Black Magic, vn. 368
xn. 174, 184, 279, 511; xra. 119, 427 'Black Mny vm. 212, 219

Black Prince, the, n. 22; iv. 182: vi. 330; Blague, hi The Merry DeviU, v. 252
XL 131
Blague, mistress, in Edward 7F VL 91
Black Prince, the, in Edward III, v. 246 Blaiman, Irish tale, I. 293
Blackall, Offspring, ix. 41; x. 354 Blair, Hugh (1718-1800), ix, 560; x.
Blackbird, The, XL 234 227 ft, 324, 488; xn. 426; xrv. 604;
Blackbourne, Richard (b. 1652), vn. Add, Lectures on Rhetoric, xiv. 398, 399;
Blackburn, Douglas, xiv. Add. 5 Sermons, XL 327
Blackburn, Henry, xrv. 536 Blair, John(/. 1300), n. 110
Blackfriars, children of, vi. 292 Blair, Robert (1593-1666), vn. 456
'Blackfriars preachers, vi. 257 Blair, Robert (1699-1746), ix. 167; x. 138,
'Black-Fryers, Sanctified Fraternity of,' 144, 147 (main entry), 453; The Grave,
the, vi. 234 x. 147; xi. 244
Blackie, John Stuart (1809-1895), XL 439; Blake, J. W., Accent and Rhythm explained
xii. 335, 480; xiv. 515, 516
by the law of Monopressures, xm. 249,
Blacklock, Thomas (1721-1791), IX. 556; 511
x. 477; xi. 233, 234, 442 Blake, Robert (1599-1657), x. 164, 464
Blackman, John, xiv. 601 Blake, William (1757-1827), VL 71; vm.
Blackmantle, Bernard, pseud. See West- 230; x. 147, 236, 458; XL 176, 181 ft
macott, Charles Molloy (main entry), 245, 250, 395, 431, also see
Blackmore, Sir Eichard (d. 1729), vm. Add.; xm. 43, 108, 151, 195, 197, 198,
32, 54, 168, 428, 432; ix. 29, 78, 177, 225, 406, 489, 495; xiv. 363, 525
178, 180-181 (main entry), 477, 484; Africa, XL 194
X. 72, 148, 183; xn. 128 America, XL 189, 190, 193
Alfred, ix. 180 Augunes of Innocence, XL 200
Arthur, ix. 180 Birds, The, XL 200
Creation, ix. 180, 181, 184 Blossom, The, XL 185
Eliza, ix. 180 Book of Ahania, XL 193, 194
King Arthur, vra. 52 Book of Los, XL 193, 194
Prince Arthur, vm. 163 Book of Thel, XL 186, 187
Satyr on Wit, vm. 52 Book of Urizen, XL 193 ft
Blackmore, Richard Doddridge (1825- Chimney Sweeper, The, XL 185, 186
1900), xm. 560; Lorna Doone, xm. 434, Clod and the Pebble, XL 191
435; Springhaven, xm. 435 Cradle Song, XL 186, 193
Blackstone, Sir William (1723-1780), vm. Crystal Cabinet, The, XL 199
321; x. 275, 499; xiv. 80; Commentaries, Descriptive Catalogue, XL 200
vm. 315; XL 61, 62, 66; Law Tracts, Divine Image, The, XL 184
xi. 61 Dream, A, XL 185
Blackwater, river, xiv. 308 Earth's Answer, XL 192
Blaokwater river (Battle of Maldon), i. 144 Echoing Green, The, XL 185
Blaokwell, B. H., xrv. 528 Europe, XL 193, 194, 197
Blaokwell, Thomas (1660?-1728), ix. 547 Everlasting Gospel, The, XL 200
Blackwell, Thomas (1701-1767), ix. 552; Fair Elenor, XL 182
Memoirs of the Court of Augustus, x. 466 Four Zoos, The, XL 196, 197
Blackwood, Frederick Temple Hamilton- French Revolution, XL 189, 190
Temple, marquis of Dufferin (1826- Ghost of Abel, XL 199
1902), xiv. 98, 552, 568; Letters from Golden Net, The, XL 199
High Latitudes, xiv. 240 Grey Monk, The, XL 199
Blaokwood, Helen Selina, born Sheridan, Holy Thursday, XL 185, 191
countess of BufEerin (1807-1867), xm. 'How sweet I roam'd from field to field,
177, 499; xrv. 309, 508; Bay of Dublin, XL 182
The, xiv. 310; I'm sitting on the stile, 'I laid me down upon a bank/ XL 192
Mary, xiv. 310 / love the jocund dance, XL 185
Blackvood, John (1818-1879), xn. 425 / told my love, XL 193
Blackwood, William (177&-1834), xn. Infant Joy, XL 186
156, 167, 159, 161, 425; Annals of a Infant Sorrow, XL 192
Publishing House, xn, 159 Introduction, XL 192
Blackwood, Tales from, xn. 426 Island in the Moon, XL 183
Blackwood' s Edinburgh Magazine ('Maga'), Jerusalem, XL 197 ft
xn. 36, 141, 163, 154, 166 ft (main King Edward the Third, XL 183
entry), 221, 409 ft, 425; XL 148; xm. Lamb, The, XL 186
5, 160, 187, 372, 386, 396, 425; xiv. Land of Dreams, XL 199
66, 160, 161, 188, 232, 313, 319, 327, 373 Laocoon, XL 199, 201
Bladen, William (fl. 1640), iv. 414 Laughing Song, XL 185
Blades, William (1824-1890), xn. 520 Little Black Boy, XL 186
Little Boy Lost, XL 192
Blagrave, John (d. 1611), The Mathe-
matical Jewel, m. 549; iv. 463 Mad Song, XL 170, 183
Blake, William Blanchefleur, I. 308
Marriage of Heaven and Hett, XL 187 F., Blanco, E. Gonzalez, xm. 465
192, 200 Bland, Tobias (JL 1563?-1604), m. Add.
Mary, 33. 200 Blandish, Mr and Mrs, in Burgoyne's
Memorable Fancies, 33. 188 Heiress, XL 276
Mental Traveller, The, XL 200 Blandford, x. 94
Milton, XL 188, 197 Blandy, William (fl. 1580), iv. 444
Morning, XL 199 Blane, William, xiv. Add. 4
My silks and fine array, XL 183 Blaneford, Henry (fl. 1330), n. 496
Jfy Spectre around me, XL 200 Blaquiere, captain, xn. 38
tf^fa, XL 185 Blasour, in Gyre, Carling, n. 275
No Natural Religion, XL 187 Blastist, xm. 214
Note on Tfte Canterbury Tales, XL 200 Blaydes, Frederick H. M. (1818-1908),
On Homer's Poetry, XL 201 xn. 480
Oi FtrgtZ, XL 201 Bleek, Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel, xiv.
Passions, The, XL 182 Add. 5
Poetical Sketches, XL 181, 182, 184, 185 Bleheris of Wales, n. 451
Prophetic Books, xm. 226 Bleking, in Ohthere's voyage, I. 94
Public Address, XL 201 Bleloch, William Edwin, xiv. Add. 5
Schoolboy, The, XL 192 Blencowe, John, vr. Add. 2
Smile, The, XL 199 Blenerhasset, Thomas (1550?~1625?), m.
ott0 of Liberty, XL 189
#07Z0 of Los, XL 193, 194 Blenheim, ix. 44, 150, 151, 155, 182
SongofPhebe, XL 184 Blenheim palace, vm. 163; xn. 173, 192
j&wigrso/ Experience, 33. 190 ff. Bier bio wan, in Colkelbie's sow, n. 127
owgrs ofInnocence, xi. 184 ff., 191, 192, Blessednes of Brytaine, The, V. 340
196, 197, 384 Blessington, Charles John Gardiner, 1st
Spring, XL 185 earl of, xn. 37
Sunflower, The, XL 192 Blessington, Marguerite, countess of (1789
Zfyer, Tfo, XL 191, 192 -1849), xiv. 567
TmeZ, 33. 187 Conversations, xn. 37, 384, 392, 441
To -% Jfyrfle, 33. 193 Idler in France, The, xiv. 322
To J&e Christians, XL 200 Idler in Italy, The, xiv. 322
To tae Dmte, xi. 200 Journal of Conversations with Lord
To toe Muses, 33. 182 Byron, xrv. 322
FoZa, XL 195, 196 Bletchinglev, Surrey, vt. 282
7won o/ /fte Last Judgment, XL 197 Bhckling Homilies, I. 114, 129, 442
Fwion* of the Daughters of Albion, XL Blifil, in Fielding's Tom Jones, vm. 148;
190, 192 x. 26, 31, 89
War Song to Englishmen, XL 183 Bligh, William (1754-1817), xiv. 550
When old corruption first begun, XL 184 Blimber, Dr, in Dombey and Son, xm. 325
Wild Flower's Song, XL 193 Blind, Mathilde (1841-1896), xm. 181,
WflKam .Bond, 33. 200 499, 553
Lambeth books, XL 189, 193, 195 ff. Blind Devotion, in A
True Inventory, vn.
199 382
Pickering MS., XL 199, 432 Bliss, Philip (1787-1857), ix. 342, 535
Rosaetti MS., XL 191, 197, 199, 200, 431 Bliss, bower of, in The Faerie Queene, m.
Blakeney, colonel, x. 65 233, 237
Blakesley, Joseph Williams (1808-1885), Blith, Walter (fl. 1649), iv. 509
xn. 330, 480; xiv. 593 Bloet, Robert, bishop of Lincoln (d. 1123),
Blakesley, Northants., vm. 2 i. 166
Blakesware, in Widford, xn. 182, 186, Blois, vm. 245; XL 97
189, 191 Blois. See Alexander, and Peter, of
Blamire, Susanna (1747-1794), x. 453; Blome, Richard (d. 1705), The Gentle-
And ye shall walk in Silk Attire, XL 232; man's Recreation, xrv. 232
#0606, XL 232; What ails this heart of Blomefield, Francis (1705-1752), ix. 532;
Mine, XL 232 History of Norfolk, ix. 353
Blamsdon, Yorkshire, in. 314 Blomfield, Alfred, xn. 481
Blanchard, Edward Litt Laman (1820- Blomfield, Charles James (1786-1857), xn.
1889), xra. 517 291, 325, 327, 328, 329 (main entry),
Blanchard, Samuel Laman (1804-1845), 454, 481, 483, 488, 491
xn. 131, 414, 419, 428, 450; xiv. 188, Blomfield, Edward Valentine (1788-1816),
192, 196 xn. 481
Blanche blab-it-out, in The Disobedient *Bloomerism,' 33V. 239
Child, v. 109 Bloomfield, Robert (1766-1823), XL 484
Blanche of Lancaster, n. 170 xn. 131, 132, 139, 414, 508
Blou wyndt n. 393
nortTierne Boadicea, vi. 128; vn. 443
Bloudy Newes, iv. 389 Boadicea, in Milton's England, vn. 129
Blougram, bishop, Browning's, xm. 63, Boake, Barcroft Henry (1866-1892), xiv.
72 369, 584
Blount, Charles, earl of Devonshire (1563- Board of Works, xiv. 285
1606), rv. 132, 133; v. 347; vi. 196; vn. Boas, Frederick Samuel, iv. 164; v 414,
211 424; vt Add. 2
Blount, Charles (1654^1693), vm. 403, Boas, Henrietta O'Brien, Mrs F. S., xm.
also see Add.; ix. 288, 289, 475, 504 490
Anima Mundi, IX. 288 Boase, George Clement (1829-1897), xn.
Great is Diana of the Ephesians, ix. 288 521; xiv. 512
Miscellaneous Works, ix. 289 Boaz, x. 104
Oracles of Reason, ix. 289 Bobadil, captain, in Solimon and Perseda,
Sale of Esau? 8 Birthright, vm. 97 v. 161
Two first books of Philostratus, ix. 288 Bobadill, in. Jonson's Every Man in His
Blount or Blunt, Edward (fl. 1588-1632), Humour, TV. 15; v. 33, 315, 361, 367;
iv. 341, 395, 443, 526, 546; v. 122, 125, vi. 16, 26, 28, 127, 249, 272; vm. 127,
148 147, 171; xi. 283
Blount, Sir Henry (1602-1682), iv. 453 Bobbin, Tim. See Collier, John
Blount, Martha (1690-1762), ix. 71, 72, Boccaccio, Giovanni, I. 199, 214, 360; n.
82, 443, 444 134, 145, 168, 174, 176, 182, 184, 199,
Blount, Teresa, ix. 71, 443, 444 204, 262, 264, 321, 325; m. 65, 130, 181,
Blount, Thomas (1618-1679), vn. 517; 192, 198, 337, 339, 343, 375; iv. 6, 441,
vm. 468; ix. 528 442; vm. 4, 51, 52, 183, 433; xn. 58,
Blount, William, 4th lord Mountjoy (d. 168, 217, 365
1534), m. 3, 4, 7, 8, 14 Admeto, vi. 364
Blow, John (1648-1708), vm. 395 Decameron, i. 286; n. 177; m. 356; iv.
Blowbol. See Colin Blowbol 7, 361; v. 62, 72, 73, 75, 103, 116, 220,
Blowitz, Henri G. S. A. 0. de (1832-1903), 221; vi. 48, 137, 138, 205, 304, 364, 484;
xw. 183, 533 xn. 53, 82; xm. 400, 401
Bloxam, John Bouse (1807-1891), xn. De Casibus Virorum Illustrium, m. 130,
459, 460 192, 198
Bloxam MSS., Magd, Coll. Oxford, xn. Fiammetta, iv. 7
460 Filocopo, i. 286; iv. 7
Bluebeard, xi. 375; xm. 415 Filostrato, II, n. 172
Bluebeard, a female, m, 88 Olympia, L 323
Blue Stockings, the, x. 261, 268; xi, Teseide, n. 180
343 ff., 473 Boccalini, T., Ragguagli di Parnaso, vn,
Bluffe, captain, in Congreve's Old Bachelor, 274
vm. 147, 152 Booking, vm. 269
Bluhm, G. R., xm. 542 Boddeker, K., i. 477; xm. 564
'Blumine,' in Carlyle's Sartor jResartus, Bodel, Jean, Chanson de Saisnes, i. 279,
xm. 3 302
Blundell, James (1780-1877), xm. 53 Bodenham, John (fl. 1600), m. 522; iv.
Blundell, James, prosodist, xm. 241 117, 526; Belvedere, vi. 312
Blunden, Humphrey (fl. 1648), ix. 515, Bodenstedt, F. von, v. 303
517, 518 Bodin, Jean, m. 145; iv. 296, 298, 509;
Blunderbore, giant, an. 374 vi. 377, 492; vn. 394, 405; Dfmonomie
Blunderhead family, in Anstey's New Bath des Sorciers, m. 112
Guide, xi. 173 Bodley, John, father of Sir Thomas Bod-
Blundeston, friend of Barnabe Googe, m. ley, rv. 429
185 Bodley, Sir Thomas (1545-1613), Hi. 425;
Blundeville, M. t His exercises. .in Cos-
. iv. 56, 403, 406, 415, 429 ff., 433; vn.
mographie. . ., in. 425, 549; Jr. 453 153; ix. 342, 349, 534
Blundeville, Thomas (fl. 1561), iv. 443, Bodli, in Morris's The Lovers of Qudrun,
444,540 xm. 125
Blunt, Henry (1794-1843), xn. 471 Bodmer, Johann Jakob, v. 290
Blunt, John James (1794^1855), xn. 490 Body and Soul. See Soul and Body
Blunt, Reginald, xm. 470 Boece or Boethius, Hector (1465?-1536),
Blurt, in Blurt Master-Constable* v. 362 n. 114, 251, 370, 371; in. 131, 148, 154,
Blyth, Edmund Kell, xiv. 601 155, 156, 319, 501; Historia Oentis Sco-
torum, II. 104; m. 148, 155, 156; iv. 412;
Blyth, John/ n. 279
Blyth (near Rotherham), xn. 512 Vitae Episcoporum MurtJdacensium et
Blyihesome Bridal, The, IX. 363 fc Aberdonensium, m. 155
Boaden, James (1762-1839), X. 263, 264; Boeckh, Philipp August, The Public Eco-
XL 428, 452 ft, 461 nomy of Athens, xn. 301, 339
Boehme, Jacob, vu. 303, 351; ix. 307, Bolingbroke, viscount. See St John,
308, 314 ff., 327, 328, 511 ff., 521 ff.; Henry
xm. 431 Bolingbroke, in King Richard II, v. 271
Forty Questions, IX. 307 Bolmer, in Yorkshire, v. 90
Mysterium Magnum, ix. 317 Bologna, n. 350, 364; m. 5, 7, 49, 167,
Signatura Rerum, is. 307, 316 423; vm. 5, 312
Three Principles, ix. 307 Bologna, schools of, I. 187, 192, 199, 200
Threefold Life of Man, ix. 316 Bolomyer, Henry, canon of Lausanne, n.
Boehme, Johann, iv. 442 315
Bolton, Edmund ('Philanac tophi!') (157, ?

Boeotia, rv. 10
Boeotia (i.e. Germany), in Euphormio, iv. -1633?), m. 199, 201, 306; iv. 117, lib,
256 436, 482, 543; vn. 205, 443; Corpus
Boer war (1898), xrv. 193, 456 Eerum Anglicarum, yn. 205; Florus's
Boer zijn Zaterdag Aand, Die, xiv. 377 Epitome of Roman History (trans.), vn.
Boerhaave, Hermann, x. 164, 464 205; Hypercritica, m. 201, 528; vn. 262,
Boers, the, xrv. 173, 254 265, 273, 465
Boethius, I. 213, 355; II. 241, 247, 355, Bolton, M. P. W., xiv. 474
360, 363, 456; IV. 417, 442; Arithmetica, Bolton, Lancashire, xiv. 195
n. 362; De Consolatione Philosophiae, Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire, vn. 342
m, 290; iv. 409, (Alfred's version, i. 91, Bolts, William (1740?-1808), xiv. 334, 575
99 ff., 107, 436, 437, 439) Bombay, xrv. 59, 336
Boffin, Mr, in Our Mutual Friend, xm. Bon Gaultier Ballads, The, xm. 150, 161
336 Bona, Jaonnes, Guide to Eternity, ix. 274,
Bogue, David and Bennett, J. (1750- 418
1825), History of Dissenters, x. 618 Bonarelli, Filli di Sciro, vr. 321
Bohemia, n. 69, 292, 298; m. 355, 357, Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889), xn. 471
359; v. 167, 205, 206; vn. 344 Bonaventura, St, I. 110, 154, 206; Medita-
Bohemian, the, in The Fyrste Boke of the tions, v. 42
Introduction of Knowledge, m. 105 Bond, Sir Edward Augustus (1815-1898),
Bohemian scholars in England in Wyclif s xi. 396;xn. 356, 515
day, n. 67 Bond, Henry, iv. 453
Bohemianism, xm. 162, 163, 290; xrv. 176 Bond, John (1550-1612), vn. 486
Bohenmnd, in Orlando Furioso, m. 230 Bond, K. Warwick, v. 123, 125, 401, 402,
Bohn, Henry George (1796-1884), x. 410; 415
xn. 520; xrv. 612; Antiquarian Library, Bond, Thomas (1765-1837), xn, 508
xn. 368; Guinea Catalogue, xn. 368 Bond, William (fi. 1726), ix. 21
Boiardo, Matteo Maria, xn. 3; Orlando Bonducci, Andrea, x. 447
Innamorato, rv. 442; xn. 422 Bone Aventure, in The Bowge of Courte,
Boiastuan, m. 109 in. 73
Boice, Sir, in Morte Arthur e, n. 119 Bonet, Honore", n. 284
Boileau, Abbe", x. 501 Bongrace, in Jacke Jugeler, v. 107
Boileau-Despre'aux, Nicolas, v. 176; vm. Bonheur de ce Monde, ix. 170
133, 203, 214, 219, 220, 373 ff., 385; Bonhill, x. 36
ix. 140, 150, 155, 257, 473; x. 115; xn. Boniface, in Farquhar's Beaux* Stratagem,
104 vm. 171
L Art Poetique, vm.
373, 375; x. 169 Boniface VIII, pope, 11. 148; Liber Sextus,
Lufrin, vm. 197, 373, 436, 440; ix. n. 364
70, 179 Boniface IX, pope, 11. 348
Ode sur la Prise de Namur, ix. 148 Boniface, St, i. 73, 78, 86, 435, also see
Satire (second), vm. 63 Add. to third impression
Satire touching Nobility, vm. 88 Boniface, Sir, in The Wise-woman Of
Bois, John (1561-1644), vn. 316, 318, 482 Hogsdon, vr. 83
Boisil, i. 148 Bonn, xn. 302
Bokenam, Osbern (1393^-1447?),
n. 469; Bonn university, xiv. 410
Lives or Legends of Saints, n. 198, 214 Bonner or Boner, Edmund (1500?-1069),
Bokyngham, John (d. 1398), Super Sen- bishop of London, m. 167, 186, 337
tentias, n. 366 Bonner, Hypatia Bradlaugh (1833-1891),
Bolas, Thomas, xrv. 535 xrv. 501
Bold, Henry (1627-1683), vn. 88, 412 Bonner, W. S., xrv. 513
Bold, Samuel (1649-1737), vm. 347, 472 Bonnie Annie, n. 413
Boldon BuJce, xn. 510 Bonnie Charlie, ix. 378
Boldrewood, Rolf, pseud. See Browne, Bonnie Dundee, in. 184
Thomas Alexander Bonnie James Campbell, IL 413
Boleyn, Anne. See Anne Bonnie Scotch Lad, The, ix. 363
Boleyn, Sir Thomas, earl of Wiltshire Bonnivard, in Byron's Prisoner of OhiUon,
(1477-1539), m. 32, 167 xn. 46

Bonny Baby Livingstone, rr, 411 Borck, 0. W.
von, v. 294, 300, 462; Julius
Bonny Earl of Murray, The, n. 413 Caesar, v. 290, 296
Bonoeil, John, iv. 453 Bord-a-Plouffe, Canada, xrv. 355
Bononcini, rx. 326 Bordeaux, m. 161; vi. 295, 322; vn. 309
Bonstetten, Charles-Victor de, x. 134 Bordeaux, College de Guyenne, m, 160,
Bonwiok, James (1817-1906), xrv. 531, 161, 426
584, 585; Daily Life and Origin of the Border, Daniel, anabaptist (ft. 1643-
Tasmanians, xrv. 371; Last of the Tas- 1650), vn. 351
manians, The, xrv. 371 England's Moderate Messenger, vn. 351
Bonwicke, Ambrose (1652-1722), xn. Impartial Scout, The, vn. 351
4;88;APatternfor Young Students,*. 356 Kingdoms Faithfull Scout, The, vn. 351
Bonwicke, Ambrose (1692-1714), ix. 412, Kingdoms Weekly Post, The, vn. 351
574 Perfect Weekly Account, The, vn. 351
Booby, lady, in Fielding's Joseph An- Weekly Accompt, A, vn. 351
drews, x. 24 Weekly Account, The, vn. 351
Booby, squire, in Fielding's Joseph An- Border, the, n. 128, 251; vn. 26; ix. 361
drews, x. 24 568; xn. 255; xiv. 96
'Boojum,' Lewis Carroll's, xm. 167 Border ballads, xn. 3
Book of Anzac, The, xrv. 367 Borderers, the, n. 415
Book of Common Prayer, iv. 384, 396, Boreman, Robert (d. 1675), ix. 570
407, 414; vn. 149, 455, 488; xiv. 402, Borgias, the, xrv. 99
444, 450, 451 Irish version of, IV. 414
; Borkowsky, T., rx. 106
Boole of Kelts, The, xrv. 309 Borlase, William (1695-1772), rx. 532;
Boole of the Universal KM of Scotland, X. 466
The, vn. 208, 448 Borough muir, the, in Scott's Marmion,
Book production and distribution, n. xn. 10
331 &., 483 ff.; iv. 378 ff., 544 ff.; xi. Boroughbridge, battle of, n. 81
466 ff. Borowlaski, count, xn. 22
Bookbinding, 1557-1625, iv. 548-549 Borromeo, cardinal, rv. 429
Booke of Honor and Armes, The, IV. 525, Borron, Robert de, i. 268, 271
543 Borrow, George (1803-1881), I. 275; vi.
Booker, John (1603-1667), vn. 501; The 230; rx. 247; xm. 442; xrv. 138, 180,
bloudy Almanac, vn. 352, 499, 509; 251, 516; also see Add. 2
Several Speeches at a Conference, vn. 352 Bible in Spain, The, xrv. 145, 240, 241,
Bookwit, in Steele's Lying Lover, ix. 30 250
Boole, George (1815-1864), xiv. 263, 469, Lavengro, xrv. 145
555; The Laws of Thought, xiv. 10 Romany Rye, The, xrv. 145
Boon, Martin James, xrv. Add. 5 Wild Wales, xrv. 146
Boor, John (fl. 1389), vi. 280 Borrowdale, XL 110
Boorde, Andrew (1490?-1549), in. 105 ff., Borsa, Mario, xrv. 531
488, 493; rv. 343, 523; v. 359; A Com- Borthwick, Sir Algernon, lord Glenesk,
pendyous Regyment or a Dyetary of xrv. 185, 533
Helth, rn. 91, 106; The Fyrst boke of the Borthwick, Peter (1804-1852), xrv. 185
Introduction of Knowledge, m. 105, 106; Bos, C., xm. 466
iv. 320 Bosanquet, Bernard, xrv. 469
Booth, Barton (1681-1733), x. 21, 444; Boscan-Almogaver, Juan, vn. 83
xi. 257 Boscawen, Mrs F., wife of admiral Bosca-
Booth, Edwin, v. 308 wen, xi. 348, 354, 361 ff.
Booth, James (1806-1878), xrv. 556, 604 Boscombe, near Salisbury, rectory of,
Booth, Junius Brutus (1796-1852), v. 308; m. 406
xn. 171 Bosham. See Herbert of Bosham
Booth, William, In darkest England and Bosman, H. S., xrv. 380
the way out, vn. 292 Bosman, John, xrv. 244
Booth, in Fielding's Amelia, x. 23, 33 Bosman, Walter, xrv. Add. 5
Boothby, Guy Newell (1867-1905), xiv. Bosola, in The Dutchesse of Malfy, vi.
370, 585 180 ff.
Boothby, Miss Hill (1708-1756), x. 463 Bossewell, John (fl. 1572), rv. 376, 543
Boothby, Richard, Briefe Discovery., .of Bossuet, Jacques-Be'nigne, bishop of
Madagascar, rv. 102, 454 Meaux, vm. 303, 305, 456
Boots, in Our Mutual Friend, xm. 337 Conference avec M. Claude, vm. 373
Boquet, Monsieur, XL 258 Discours sur VHistoire Universelle, vm.
Borachia, in A Very Woman, vi. 157 373
Borachio, in The Atheist's Tragedie, VI. 168 Exposition de la Doctrine de
Boraskie, in The Loyal Subject, vi. 130 Catholique, vm. 373
Borbonius, Matthew, iv. 264 Eiatoire dee Variations, ix. 198
Borbonius, Nicholas, Nugae, iv. 264 Boston, Thomas (167&-1732), rx. 548

Boston, U.S.A., xiv. 318, 322 Boteler, Nathaniel (fl. 1625-1627), iv. 107;
Boston Pilot, The, xiv. 318, 322 Six Dialogues about Sea Services, iv.
Boswell, Sir Alexander (1775-1822), x. 108, 454
192, 478; xi. 442; xn. 357, 515; xiv. Botener, John (fl. 1376), iv. 423
188 Botero, Giovanni, iv. 442, 454
Ah! Mary, sweetest maid. Farewell, xi. Botes, m. 482
235 Botfield, Beriah (1807-1863), xn. 355,
East Neuk of Fife, xi. 236 365, 515
Jenny Dang the Weaver, xi. 236 Botha, Louis, xiv. Add. 5
Jenny's Bawbee, XL 236 BooVarr Biarki, I. 27
New Whig Song, xi. 236 Bothwell, 1st earl of. See Hepburn, Patrick
Paddy O'Eafferty, xi. 236 Bothwell Bridge, n. 415
Sir Albyn, xi. 236 Botolph, St, v. 49
Sheldon Haughs or the Sow flitted, xi. Bottger, C., xm. 546
236 Bottom, in A Midsummer-Night" s Dream,
Songs Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, xi. v. 74, 317; vi. 207, 285; xm. 64
236 Bouchain, ix. 455, 461
Taste Life's Glad Moments, xi. 236 Boucicault, Dion (1820?-1890), xm. 264,
Boswell, G. (fl. 1657), vn. 390 266 ff., 517, 522; xiv. 567
Boswell, James (1740-1795), TIT. 336; iv. Arrah-na-Pogue, xm. 267
247; rx. 325, 330; X. 157, 158, 161, 164, Colleen Bawn, The, xm. 267
167, 168, 172, 174, 176, 181 ff., 187, Corsican Brothers, The, xm. 267
189 ff. (main entry), 200, 207, 213, 215, London Assurance, xm. 269
216, 259, 263, 312, 459 f., 477 &., 482, Louis XI, xm. 267
also see Add.; xi. 38, 235, 326, 333, Shaughraun, The, xm. 267
344 ff., 364; xiv. 188, 503, 550 V
Boudoin, J., Artisan de laFortune(t?&n$.
Account of Corsica, x. 192 of Bacon's Essays), iv. 347
Boswelliana, x. 193 Boufflers, Louis-FranQois, due de, ix. 256
British Essays in favour of the Brave Bough, Samuel (1822-1878), xi. 437
Corsicans, x. 192 Boughton hall, Boughton Malherbe, Kent,
Critical Strictures on M
attach* s Elvira iv. 163
(by Boswell, Erskine, and Dempster), Boughton-under-Blee, n. 184
x. 477 Bouhours, Dominique, vm. 402; Maniere
Cub at NewmarJcet, The, X. 191 de penser sur les ouvrages de V esprit,
Dorando, x. 191 vm. 376
Elegy on the death of an amiable young Boulainvilliers, count de, x. 283
lady, x. 191 Boulge, near Woodbridge, xm. 142
Essence of the Douglas Cause, x. 191 Boulogne, m. 175; x. 193, 395
Hypochrondriack, The, x. 192 Boulter, Hugh (1672-1742), archbishop
Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, x. 194 of Armagh, ix. 407; x. 468
Life of Johnson, vm. 322; ix. 313, 340; Boulton, Matthew (1728-1809), xiv. 381
x. 181, 184, 186, 189, 190, 193, 194, Bouncer, Mrs, in Verdant Green, xiv. 225
260, 267, 289, 291; XI. 13, 253, 325, Bounderby, Josiah, in Dickens's Hard
344; xii. 363; xiv. 63 Times, xm. 330
'Memoirs' (in The European Magazine), Bounteous Progress, Sir, in A Mad World,
x. 193 My Masters, vi. 64
No Abolition of Slavery, x. 193 Bourbon, the constable de, m. 167
Ode Tragedy, x. 191, 193
to Bourbon, house of, ix. 215; xm. 258
On the Alarming Attempt to infringe the Bourchier family, the, 11. 208
Articles of the Union, x. 193 Bourchier, John, 2nd lord Beraers (1467-
On the present state of the Nation, x. 193 1533), n. 332, 337 ff., 484; iv. 435, 445;
Songs in the Justiciary Opera, x. 192 v. 123
Boswell, James, the younger (1778-1822), Castle of Love, The, 11. 322
v. 276; x. 172 Froissart's Chronicle, n. 322, 340; in.
Boswell, John (1698-1756), x. 498 348
Bosworth, Joseph (1789-1876), I. 91; Golden Book of Marcus Aurelius, The,
xn. 344, 504 n. 340
Bosworth, or Boxworth, William (1607- History of Arthur of Little Britain, n.
1650?), vn. 412; Chaste and Lost Lovers, 322, 339
The, or Arcadius and Sepha, vn. 79, 80; Huon of Bordeaux, n, 322, 339, 340
Hinc Lachrimae, vn. 80; To Aurora, vn. Bourchier, Thomas (1404?-1486), arch-
80 bishop of Canterbury, n. 289
Bosworth, battle of, n. 41 ; vi. 301 Bourdaloue, Louis, vm. 303
Bosworth, battlefield of, v. 171 Bourgeois, Maurice, xiv. 571
Botanical Magazine, The, xiv. 288, 565 Bourget, Louis, xiv. 484
Botany bay, XL 58; xn. 195 Bourget, Paul, xi. 408
Bourgh, lady Catherine de, in Jane Bowles, William LdsJe
Austen's Pride, and Prejudice, xn. 238 Sonnets, XL 172
Boungnon, Antoinette (1616-1680), ix. Tynemouth, XL 178
307, 314, 519, 523 Vindiciae Wykehamicae, xiv. 406, 598
Bourinot, Sir John George (1837-1902), Bowley, Sir Joseph, in Dickens's The
Xiv. 581, 582; The Story of Canada, Chimes, xm. 324
xiv. 359 Bowling, Tom, in SmoUett's Roderick
Bourn, Samuel (1689-1754), Address to Random, x. 37, 50
Protestant Dissenters, x. 380 Bowring, Sir John (1792-1872), XL 61,
Bourne, Henry (1696-1733), ix. 532; 397, 398; xn. 38, 310, 430; xiv. 512,
Antiquities of the Common People, The, 550, 604
ix. 355; xn. 346, 508 Bows, Mr, in Pendennis, xm. 292
Bourne, Henry Richard Fox, Life of John Bowyer, Richard, alias Styrley or StryUy
Locke, ix. 406; English Newspapers, or StreUey, vi. 282
xiv. 179, 190, 531 Bowyer, W. (fl. 1710), vm. 461
Bourne, Nicholas (fl. 1622). iv. 398; vn. Bowyer, William, The Valiant Scot (1637),
344,345 VI. 453
Bourne, Vincent (1695-1747), ix. 173, Bowyer, William, the younger (1699-
526; xi. 83 1777), XL 327, 471; Literary Anecdotes
Bourne, WiUiam (d. 1583), iv. 82, 104, 454 of the Eighteenth Century, xn. 345
Bournemouth, xn. 331 Box hiU, xm. 440
Boursault, Edme, vrn. 162 Boxley, vn. 53
BouteU, Charles (1812-1877), xn. 508 Boy, the, in Tfit Play of the wether, v. 94
Bouterwek, K. W., I. 147 Boy and the Mzr*le, The, i. 464; n. 414
Bovaldo, in Loves Crudtie, vi. 199 Boy bishop, v. 8; vi. 294
Bove, Jean de, Des trois larrons, ix. 39 Boy of Battlesdon, vn. 375
Bow Bells, xn. 448 Boy of Bilson, the, iv. 535; vn. 375
Bowden, John Edward, xn. 456; xm. 502 Boyce, Samuel (d. 1775), x. 453
Bowden, John WiUiam (1798-1844), xn. Boyce, William B., xiv. Add. 5
258, 454, 455, 459; xm. 507 Boycotting system, xrv. 320
Bowdler, Thomas (1754-1825), xi. 260 Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchinson (1825
Bowdler, in The Fayre Mayde of the Ex- -1899), xiv. 516; Last Tears of St
change, vi. 86 Andrews, The, xiv. 161; Eecreations of
Bowdlerising, v. 187 a Country Parson, xiv. 161
Bowen, Edward Ernest (1836-1901), xiv. Boyd, Hugh (1746-1794), xrv. 335, 575
597, 601, 606 Boyd, Robert (1578-1627), ix. 542
Bowen, Herbert Courthope, xiv. 590 Boyd, William, 4th earl of Kilmarnock
Bower, Alexander (fl. 1804-1830), x. 453 (1704-1746), ix. 564
Bower, Archibald (1686-1766), x. 115, Boyd, Zachary (1585?-1653), ix. 542
499; History of the Popes, x. 292, 293 BoydeU, John (1719-1804), xiv. 215, 216,
Bower, George Spencer, xiv. 477 221
Bower, Richard (d. 1561?), vi. 282, 286, Boyer, Abel (1667-1729), vm. 261, 451;
and see Bowyer, Richard ix. 17, 236, 237, 433, 491
Bower or Bowmaker, Walter (d. 1449), Achilles, or Iphigenia in Aulis (Ra-
n. 128, 129, 451 cine's), vm. 181
Bower of Bliss, in The Faerie Queene, vi. History of Queen Anne, ix. 236
335; vn. 2 History of the Reign of Queen Anne. .

Bowes, Sir Hierome, m. 315 ix. 236

Bowes, Sir Jerome, in Milton's Moscovia, History of William III, ix. 236
vn. 128 Boyer, Clarence Valentine, VL Add.
Bowes, Robert, XL 468 Boyle, Charles, 4th earl of Orrery and
Bowes, Thomas (fl. 1586), in. 356, 437; 1st baron Marston (1676-1731), vm.
The French Academy, ni. 437, 552 385; ix. 103, 139, 216, 332, 333, 391,
Bowes's academy, ix. 393 443, 492, 525, 572; XL 316
Bowker, Richard Rogers, xiv. 536 Boyle, Dorothy, countess of Burlington
Bowles, Caroline. See Southey, Mrs Caro- xiv. 213
line Anne Boyle, Frederick, xiv. Add. 5
Bowles, John (fl. 1807),
Letter to Whit- Boyle, George David (1828-1901), xiv
bread, xiv. 403, 590 501
Bowles, WiUiam Lisle (1762-1850), ix. 69, Boyle, John, 5th earl of Orrery (1707-
451; xi. 118, 148, 177, 413, 424; xn. 1762), ix. 460, 467
100, 133, 183, 384, 392; xm. 46 Boyle, Miss, xn. 440
Bamborough Castle, XL 178 Boyle, Richard, 1st earl of Cork (1566-
Fourteen Sonnets, XL 178 1643), vm. 268
Hope, XL 178 Boyle, Richard, 3rd earl of Burlington
Influence of Time on Orief, XL 178 (1695-1753), ix. 79, 162, 445

Boyle, Robert (1627-1691), vn. 266, 288, Bradley, Andrew Cecil, XL 408; xn. 77,
396, 470; Yin. 247, 363 ff., 476; ix. 199, 402, 406, 447; xin. 476; A
331, 332, 389, 412, 489; x. 498; xn. 363; on Tennyson's 'In Memoriam/ xm. 33
Xiv. 281, 283; Origins, of Formes.. .and Bradley, Arthur Granville, xiv. 598
Qualities, vra. 338; Seraphic Love, vm. Bradley, Edward (pseud. Cuthbert Bede,
268; Tracts, vm. 338 1827-1889), xm. 560,- Verdant Green,
Boyle, Robert, v. 257, 444 xiv. 225, 238
Boyle, Roger, lord Broghill and 1st earl Bradley, JEYancis Herbert (1846-1924),
of Orrery (1621-1679), vn. 23; vni. 21, xiv. 469, 480
121, 124, 133, 190, 218, 268, 420, 424, Appearance and Reality, xrv. 46
444 Essays on Truth and Reality, xiv. 47
Black Prince, The, vm. 18, 22 Ethical Studies, xrv. 46
English Adventures. By a Person of Principles of Logic, xiv. 46
Honour (1676) (attributed to Roger Bradley, George Granville, xn. 470, 478
Boyle),vm. 182 Bradley, Henry (1845-1924), I. 87, 419;
Guzman, vm. 124, 131 n. 35, 36, 39
History of Henry the Fifth, The, vm. Bradley, James (1693-1762), xiv. 258, 55fi
18,22 Bradley, Katharine Harris. Bee Eield,
Mr Anthony (attributed to Roger Boyle), Michael
vm. 123 Bradley, Richard (d. 1732), xiv. 280,
Mustapha, vm. 22
18, 559
Parihenissa, iv. 260; vn. 391; vm. 22, Bradshaw, in Arden of Feversham, v. 24 1
185, 371 Bradshaw, Henry (d. 1513), II. 210, 469;
Boyle lectures, EX. 297, 298, 331, 412, 524, Life of Saynt Werburghe, m. 66
529; xn. 306 Bradshaw, Henry (1831-1886), n. 45, 62,
Boyne, William, The Yorkshire Library, 103, 167, 448; IV. 423, 425, 432; xn.
xn. 519 520; Collected Papers, xn. 369; 'Memo-

Boyne, battle of, x. 358 randa, xn. 369

Boynton, P. Holmes, xni. 567; xiv. 528 Bradshaw, John (1602-1659), vn. 219;
Boys, John (1571-1625), iv. 415 vm. 312; ix. 258
Boys' Own Book, The, vm. 359 Bradshaw, Mrs, Gissing's, xni. 460
Boyse, Samuel (1708-1749), ix. 563; 33. Bradshaw, Richard (fl. 1650), vn. 438
172, 331, 425 Bradshaw, William (fl. 1700), 33. 329;
Boythorn, in Dickens' s Bleak House, xn. Parable of the Magpye, vm. 99; XL 330
205, 208; xm. 328 Bradshaw's Guide, m. 330
Bozon, Nicole, n. 420, 507 Bradsheet, Anne (1612-1672), vn. 412
Brabant, xm. 436 Bradwardine, baron of, in Waverley, vn.
Brabant, in Jacke Drums Entertainment, 231
vi. 41 Bradwardine, Thomas, Doctor profundus
Brabine, Thomas, v. 121 (1290?-1349), i. 213, 452; n. 18, 31,
Brabourne, n. 134 355; IV. 269
Bracebridge, in Kingsley's Yeast, xm. 360 Brady, Nicholas (1659-1726), vm. 91, 92,
Bracegirdle, Anne (1663?-1748), vm. 146, 411, 431; Psalms, version of, by Nairn m
159, 166, 177 Tate and Nicholas Brady, vm. 41, 443
Brachiano, in The White Divel, vi. 176 Brady, Thomas John Bellingham, xn.
Bracken, Thomas (1843-1898), xrv. 368, 494
585; Not Understood, xiv. 368 Braes o' Yarrow, The, n. 412
Brackley, m. 430 Brahma, XL 194
Brackyn, Francis, VL 313, 314, 322 Brahmanioal religion, XL 18
Bracton or Bratton, Henry de (d. 1268), Brahmi alphabet, the, xn. 352
x. 181, 449; vm. 313, 465; De Legibus Brailsford, Henry Noel, Shelley, Godwin
et Consuetudinibua Angliae, vm. 312; and their Circle, XL 276
xiv. 80 Braintree, V. 104
Bradamante, in Orlando Furioso, m. 231, Brainworm, in D'Urfey's Virtuous Wife,
236 vnL 175
Bradbury, Thomas (1677-1759), x. 380 Bramber, Sussex, vn. 22
Braddon, Laurence (d. 1724), ix. 490 Bramble, Matthew, in Smollett's Humphrey
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs John Max- Clinker, x. 38, 43, 206
well, 1837-1915), xm. 438, 560 Bramble, Mrs Tabitha, in Smollett's Hum-
Bradfield school, xiv. 414 phrey Clinker, x. 43; XL 266
Bradford, x. 385 Bramdean, vn. 454
Bradford school, vn. 330, 342 BramhaU, John (1594-1663), vn. 285, 288,
Bradford, John (1510?-1555), iv. 232 ff,, 289, 470; vm. 369; Castigations of Mr
446, 448, 491, 495; Meditations, iv, 414 Eobbes, vm. 301; A
Defence of the True
Bradlaugh, Charles (1833-1891), xm. 107; Liberty of Human Actions, vm. 301
HV. 501 Brampton, Thomas (fl. 1414), n. 496
Bramston, James (16947-1744), ix. 189, Braybrook, near Leicester, n. 67
484 Braybrooke, lord. See Neville, R. G.
Bramston, Sir John (1611-1700), vn. 335 Brayley, Edward Wedlake (1773-1854),
Brand, Hannah, (d. 1821), xi. 456 xn. 345, 508
Brand, John (1744-1806), ix. 532; xn. Brayne, father-in-law of J. Burbage, VL
346, 508 252
Brand, Robert Henry, xrv. Add, 6 Brayne, John, vn. 509
Brandan, St, xni. 199 Brazil, iv. 72; xiv. 250
Brandenburg, Frederick William, elector Breach, mistress, xi. 332
of, vm. 329 Breca, in Beowulf, i. 22
Brandes, Georg, I. ix; v. 308; XT. 409, Breca, in Widsith, i. 34
416; xn. 524; xm. 21, 546 Lrecon, vn. 37
Brandl, Alois, I. ix, 421; xi. 409, 416 Bredfield, Suffolk, xra. 142, 143
Brandon, Charles, duke of Suffolk (d. Bredt, P., xm. 466, 467
1545), iv. 182; vm. 182 Brehons, xiv. 302
Brandon, colonel, in Jane Austen's Sense Breisach on the Rhine, n. 74
and Sensibility, xn. 327 Brek, Simon, in Wyntoun's CronyTdl,
Brandon, George, in Thackeray's A Shabby n. 130
Genteel Story, xm. 280, 299 Bremen, ix. 231
Brandon, Richard (d. 1649), vn. 513 Bremner, Christina S., xiv. 599
Branghtons, the, in Burney's.EWiwa;,x. 64 Bremner, Robert, xrv. 550
Brankston (Branxton) hill or moor, n. Bremond, abbe, xn. 299
371; in. 70; and see Hodden Brendan, St, i. 339, 474; n. 419, 507; xiv.
Brant, Sebastian, Das Narrenschiff, m. 306
57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 74, 82, S3, 85, 480; Brende, John, iv. 2; Quintus Gurtius, iv.
IV. 528; vm. 59. See, also, under Bar- 4,436
clay, Alexander Brent, Charlotte (d. 1802), xi. 260
Brantham, Suffolk, in. 183 Brent, Sir Nathaniel (1573?-1652), iv. 448
Brant6me, m. 94 Brent hall, Essex, vn. 89
Brantwood, xii. 372 Brentford, YE. 171; x. 385
Branwell, Elizabeth (d. 1822), xin. 404, Brentford, battle of, vm. 245
405 Brentwood school, vn. 331
Branwell, Maria. See Bronte, Maria Brenz, J., iv. 442
Branwen, daughter of Llyr, i. 252 Brer Rabbit, xiv. 314
Brash and Reid's Poetry Ancient and Select, Brereton, Austin, xm. 513
XL 243 Brerewood, Edward (1565?-1613), vn. 479
Brasidas, rv. 43 Brescia, ix. 245
Brass, in Vanbrugh's Confederacy, vm. 162 Brest, m. 64
Brasses, the, in The Old Curiosity Shop, Bretherne and systars, The rule of the living
xm. 319 of the, n. 325
Brassey, Anna, lady (1839-1887), xrv. 550 Bretherton, print-seller, xrv. 216
Brathwaite, Richard (1588?-1673), m. Breton, Nicholas (1545?-! 626?), m. 114,
114; IV. 520, 521, 522, 524, 525, 631, 203, 249, 359, 367, 487, 522, 536; rv.
533, 534; v. 477 114, 116 ft., 345, 360, 411, 468, 469,
Barndbae Itinerarium or Barnabee's 473, 519, 522, 525, 526, 534; v. 478;
Journal, iv. 361, 533 vn. 7, 16, 390
The Prodigals Teares : or His fare-well to Characters upon Essays, iv. 346
Vanity, iv. 323 Chesse Play, The, iv. 116
The Smoking Age, or the Man in the Countesse of Pembrootts love, The, rv. 1 18
Mist, iv. 349, 531 Excellent dreame of ladies, and their
Whimzies, iv. 102 riddles, An, rv. 116
Brattle, Carry, in Trollope's The Vicar of Miseries of Mavilha, m. 367
Bullhampton, xin. 423 Passionate Shepherd, The, m. 249; iv.
Braun, Mrs C., xm. 515 118
Braune, Wilhclm, i. ix Pilgrimage to Paradise, The, iv. 118
Braunschweig, H,, iv. 442 Poste with a Packet of Mad Letters, A,
Brawne, Fanny, xn. 92, 406 vn. 391
Brawny Bishop's Complaint, The, vm. 97 Soules immortaU Crowne, The, iv. 118
Braxfield, Robert Macqueen, lord (1722- Strange description of a rare garden plot,
1799), x. 478 A, iv. 116
Bray, Charles (1811-1884), xn. 465; xin. Strange Fortunes of two excellent princes,
384, 553; The Philosophy of Necessity, m. 359
xm. 383 Wit's Trenchmour, vn. 463
Bray, William (1736-1832), vm. 242; xn. Breton, cape, iv. 66
508, 511 Breton language, xiv. 458
Bray, vicar of, in Prior's Dialogues, ix. 16 Breton lays, i. 294

Breton saints, I. 68 'Briefless, Mr,' pseud, of A Beckett, Gil-
Bretons, Oeste des, i. 337 bert Abbott, xiv. 237
Briefless, Junior, A.,' pseud, of A Beckett,
Brett, Thomas (1667-1744), X. 356, 515
Bretts (or Welsh'), n. 89 Arthur William, xiv. 238
Breval, John Durant (1680?-1738), IX. Brieriey,Benjamin (1825-1896), xm. 560
472; Remarks on several parts of Europe, Brigden, Mrs. See Richardson, Mary
xi. 322 Briggs, Arabella, in Thackeray's Vanity
Breviaries, m. 19; Roman, nr. 31; Sarum, Fair, xm. 287
ni. 30, 31 Briggs, Henry (1561-1630), m. 426; ix.
Brewer, George (b. 1766), xi. 485 530
Brewer, John Sherren (1810-1879), I. Briggs, John (1785-1875), xiv. 337, 575
202 ff., 207, 210; xn. 356; xiv. 485, 489; Briggs, William, xiv. 536
English Studies, xiv. 82; Reign of Briggs, Mr, in Burney's Cecilia, x. 64
Henry VIII , The, xiv. 82 Briggs, Mr, Leech's, xrv. 239
Brewer, Robert Frederick, A Manual of Brigham, Nicholas (d. 1558), i. 332; n.
English Prosody, xm. 247, 511
Brewer, Thomas (fl. 1624), The Merry Bright, Edward Brailsford, xiv. 613
Devill of Edmonton, v. 253 Bright, John (1811-1889), XL 31; xiv.
Brewster, Sir David (1781-1868), xm. 4; 129, 131 ff., 179, 181, 190, 508, 509
xiv. 259, 288, 555, 556 Bright, William (1824^1901), xii. 454,
Brewster, Thomas (fl. 1656), vn. 359 474, also see Add. 3; Chapters of Early
Briareus, legend of, iv. 347 English Church History , xn. 322; History
Brice, Andrew (1690-1773), xi. 471 of the Church, xn. 321
Bricot, m. 50 Bright, lady, in Amends for Ladies, vi. 223
Bricriu's Feast, I. 296, 327; xiv. 307 Brightland, John, xi. 250
Bridall, John (b. 1635?), vm. 468 Brighton, xn. 291, 508; xm. 287; xiv.
Bride, in Tie Golden Legend, n. 335 225, 414
Bridegroom Greets when the Sun gae's doon, Brigittine order, iv. 418
xi. 231 Brihtwold, bishop of Ramsbury (d. 1045),
Bridekirk, DC. 170 i. 133
BrideU-Pox, E. P., xm. 498 Brill,m. 203
Bridges, Besse, in The Fair Maid Of The Brimblecombe, John, in Kingsley's West-
West, vi. 101, 102 ward Ho/, xn. 102
Bridges, G., vn. 518 Brimley, George (1819-1857), xm. 148,
Bridges, John (d. 1618), dean of Sarum, 365, 367, 466, 476; xiv. 139, 208, 516
bishop of Oxford, m. 383, 384, 385, 386, Brindley, John, xi. 323, 332
392; vi. 296; A Defence of the Govern- Brine, John (1703-1765), x. 387
ment established in the Church of England Brine, Punch artist, xiv. 236
for ecclesiastical matters, m. 383, 539 Brink, Melt J., Orappige Stories, xiv. 377
Bridges, John (1666-1724), ix. 532; x. 505 Brinkelow, Henry (d. 1546), m. 87, 477;
Bridges, John Henry (1832-1906), xiv. 469 iv. 317; The Complaynt of fioderyck
Comte'a General View of Positivism, xiv. Mors, m. 99, 105, 491
24 Brinsley, John, the elder (fl, 1663), ix.
Comte's System of Positive Polity (trans.), 387, 405, 568; Aesop, xi. 490; Ludus
xiv. 24 Literarius, vn. 314, 335, 478, 479, 491
Essays and Addresses, XIV. 25 Brinton, Sybil G., Old Friends and New
five Discourses on Positive Religion, Fancies, xn. 244
xiv. 25 Brisbane, John, ix. 203
The Unity of Comtek Life and Doctrine, Briscoe, Samuel, ix. 264
xiv. 25 Briseida, i. 306
Bridges, Robert, poet laureate, xn. 406, BrisK, Fastidious, in Every Man out of his
456; xm. 197, 211, 246, 501, 511; Humour, x. 50
Prosody of Milton, xm. 249 Brisk, Mr, in Congreve's Double-Dealer,
Bridges, Thomas (fl. 1759-1775), nr. 18 vm. 149, 156, 375
Bridgewater, earl of. See Egerton, John Bristol, n. 212, 338, 423; m. 40; iv. 68, 87,
Bridgewater, Mrs. See Hazlitt, Mrs 94, 106, 409; vi. 110, 281, 301, 319,
Bridgewater treatises, xiv. 290 386; vn. 245, 350; ix. 163, 407; x. 165,
Bridgman, or Bridgeman, Sir Orlando 236, 237, 268, 269, 322, 353, 362; xi. 6,
(1606?-1674), vn. 42; vm. 380, 468 15, 30, 132, 155, 156, 159, 283, 340,
Bridgman, Richard Whalley (1761?- 341, 359, 361, 390, 413, 414, 420, 421,
1820), xn. 520 474; xn. 340
Bridgnorth, vn. 145; xiv. 117 Bristol, Colston's hospital, x. 237
Bridgnorth academy, x. 385, 387 Bristol, earldom of, ix. 251
Bridgwater, ix. 237 Bristol, earls of. See Digby, George;
Bridlington, n. 211 Digby, John; Hervey, Augustus John;
Bridlington, Augustinian priory, i. 344 Hervey, John
Bristol, StMary RcdcliSe church, x. 236, Broadhurst, Frances, xrv. 599
486; xn. 345, 508 Broadhurst, Thomas, xiv. 599
Bristol academy, x. 387 Broadley, Alexander Mayrick, xrv. 541
xi. 133, 134, 461 Broadlev, A. M. and Seccomhe, Thomas,
Bristol university, xiv. 432 Doctor Johnson and Mrs Thrale, x. 157
Bristow, W., ix. "574 Broadsides and Street Ballads, m. 490,
Britain, n. 342, 396; ix. 214 494; iv. 530, 535
Britain, Benjamin, in Dickens's Battle of Broadwindsor, vn. 245, 258
Life, xiii. 323 Brobdingnag, rx. 104, 128
Britain, Book of, I. 70 ff. Broceliande, fountain of, in Ywain and
Britain, early, xiv. 69 Gawain, i. 312
Britain, Roman, xn. 347 Brockett, Lawrence (fl. 1703), x. 131, 133
Britain's Buss, iv. 509 Broderip, Mrs Frances Freeling (1830-
Britannia, ix. 154 1878), xn. 418
Britannia, in Thomson's Castle of Indo- Brodie, Alexander (1617-1680), ix. 551
lence, x. 107 Brodmeier, C., VL 265, 266
Bntanmae, De Situ, xn. 336 Brodrick, George Charles, Memorials of
Britanny, v. 16 Merton, rx. 411; xiv. 383
Britanny, duchess of, in Morte Arthur e, Broke, Arthur (d. 1563), iv. 441; v. 221
n. 118 Brokesby, Francis (1637-1714), Life of By.
Britanny, duke in Froissart, n. 338
of, Dodwetl, vra. 307, 459; Of Education,
British academy, vm. 220; xn. 332 ix. 405, 568
British and Foreign school society, XIY. Brome, Alexander (1620-1666), VL 453,
403 ff., 419 492; vn. 512
British archaeological association, xn. 347 Brome, Charles (fl. 1687-1700), vra. 405,
British association, the, xiv. 259, 288 412
British constitution, XL 8, 10, 12, 20, 26 Brome, Joanna (fl. 1681), vm. 412
British empire, XL 13, 18 Brome, Richard (d. 1652?), v. 311, 315;
British kings, line of, in The Faerie Queene, vi. 153, 211, 212,224-232 (main entry),
ra. 234 234, 236, 431, 453, and see Add. 2; vn,
British parliament, xi. 20 513; vm. 124, 142; xra. Add. 2
British school of archaeology at Athens, Antipodes, The, vi. 226, 227, 231
xn. 340 City Witt, The, vi. 225, 226, 228
British school of archaeology at Rome, Court Beggar, The, vi. 226
xn. 340 Covent^
Garden Weeded, vi. 226
British school of archaeology in Egypt, Damoisellc, The, vi. 226
xir. 339 English Moor, The, vi. 230
Fault in Friendship, A , VL 224
British shell,' x. 143
British Album, XL 177 Joviall Crew, A, VL 229 ff.

British Censor, The, ix. 438 Love-sick Court, The, VL 230, 231
British Critic, The, xn. 259, 273, 453, 455, Madd Couple well matcht, The, vr. 226:
460, 461 vm. 141
British Journal, ix. 571 New Academy, The, vr. 226
British Magazine, The, x. 41, 205, 421; Northern Lasse, The, vi, 224, 226 fl.
xi. 260; xn. 257, 453, 454; xiv. 79 Novella, The, vr. 230
British Poets, The, ix. 183; XL 325, 326 Queen and Concubine, The, vi. 230, 231
Brito, William (d. 1356), Quaestiones, n. Queenes Exchange, The, VL 230, 231
363; Summa de expositione verborum Sparagus Garden, The, VL 226, 227
Bibliae, n. 363 'What if a day, or a month, or a year,'
Britomart, in Spenser's Faerie Queene, vi. 231
m. 231, 234, 236; xn. 61, 87 See, also, under Heywood
Briton, The, x. 41, 390 ff., 421, 522 Brome, Stephen (d. 1652?), VL 224
Britons, the, xiv. 68 Brome play, the (Abraham and Isaac),
Britons, Caesar on, reproduced in Mande- n. 426
ville, n. 80 Bromion, in Blake's Visions of the
Britton, John (d. 1275), vm. 313, 465 Daughters of Albion, XL 190
Britton, John (1771-1857), xn. 508 Bromley, Mrs Beatrice, xrv. Add. 4
Architectural Antiquities of Great Britain, Bromley, Sir George, vn. 438
xn. 345 Bromley, Thomas (d. 1691), ix. 307, 513,
Beauties of England and Wales, xn. 345 515
Beauties of Wiltshire, xn. 345 Brommerton, William, vn. 509
Cathedral Antiquities, xn. 345 Bromsgrove, XL 340
'Picturesque Antiquities of English Bromyarde, John de (fl. 1390), Summa
Cities,' xn. 345 Praedicantium, I. 367
Brixen, xiv. 247 Bronte, Anne (1820-1849), xm. 403 ff.,
Broad churoh, xn. 464 409, 554, 555, 557; Agnes Grey, xm
Bronte, Anne Brooke, Stopford Augustus (1832-1916),
408, 414; Tenant of Wildfdl Hall, The, Pref. x; I. 2ff., 47, 48, 51, 59; XI. 403,
xm. 408, 414 406,407,409,412,416, 434, 439; xii.399,
Bronte, Charlotte (1816-1855), xn. 446; 400, 402, 406, 469; xm. 476, 484, 488 ff. ;
xm. 379, 403 ff. (main entry), 483, 495, xiv. 516, 517, 573, also see Add. 2, 3;
550, 554 ff., also see Add. 3; xiv. 515 The Need and Use of getting Irish Litera-
Emma, xni. 410 ture into the English Tongue, xiv. 305
Jane Eyre, xm. 404, 406 ff., 410 2., 414, Brooke, William, 7th lord Cobham (d.
415 1597), vi. 385
Poems (by Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell), Brooke, Sir William, m. 321
xm. 406, 415 Brooke family, the, iv. 216
Professor, The, xm. 406, 409, 414 Brookfield, Charles, xm. 530
Shirley, xm. 408, 409 Brookfield, Frances, xni. 530
VilleUe, xm. 409, 410 Brookfield, Jane Octavia, xm. 530
Bronte, Elizabeth, 2nd daughter of Brookfield, William Henry (1809-1874),
Patrick Bronte, xm. 404 xm. 277
Bronte, Emily Jane (1818-1848), xni. Brooks, Charles William Shirley (1816-
175, 214, 404, 405, 410 ff.
(main entry), 1874), xm. 264, 266, 517; xiv. 196, 238,
554 St.; xiv. 349 548; The Exposition, xni. 271
Old Stoic, The, xm. 412 Brooks, Henry, xrv. Add. 6
Remembrance, xm. 412 Brooks, Van Wyck, xrv. 527
Stanzas, xm. 412 Brooks's club, xi. 52
Wuthenng Heights, xni. 408, 410 ff. Broom o' Cowden knowes, The, n. 413
Bronte, Maria (born Branwell), xni. 404 Broome, William (1689-1745), ix. 75, 76,
Bronte, Maria, daughter of Patrick Bronte, 181, 183, 184, 443, 484; xi. 246
xni. 404 Broome of Cowden Knowes, ix. 363
Bronte, Patrick (1777-1861), xm. 403, Broomfield Hill, The, H. 414
557; xiv. 567 Brosch, Moritz, Lord Bolingbroke, ix. 226
Bronte, Patrick Branwell (1817-1848), Brotanek, R., v. 85
xm. 404 ff., 508, 557 Brother, The Cruel, n. 412

Brook, Benjamin (1776-1848), x. 520 Brotherhood, the/ xm. 119, 120

Brooke, Charles Frederick Tucker, v. 237, Brothers, Richard (1757-1824), xi. 163
255 Brothers, The Twa, n. 412
Brooke, Charlotte (d. 1793), xiv. 305, 567, Brothers club, ix. 96, 151
572; Beliques of Irish Poetry, xiv. 311 Brough, John, in Thackeray's Great Hog-
Brooke, Christopher (d. 1628), iv. 117, garty Diamond, xm. 281
121, 157, 158, 200, 201, 479 Brough, Robert Barnabas (1828-1860),
Brooke, Frances (1724-1789), x. 426; xm. 499, 517
XI. 448; The History of Emily Montague, Brough, Westmorland, x. 133
xrv. 359, 582 Brougham, Henry Peter, 1st lord Brougham
Brooke, Henry (1703?-1783), ix. 181, and Vaux (1778-1868), vm. 316; x. 513;
184, 185, 513; x. 46, 55, 58 ff. (main xn. 32, 143 ff., 147, 393, 426, 427;
entry), 423, 437, 460 xiv. 54, 60, 115, 116, 123 ff., 180, 186,
Conrade, ix. 185 197, 403 ff., 418, 485, 508, 512, 555, 601,
Fables, ix. 185 604
Farmer's Letters, x. 58 Letter to Samuel jRomilly . .
.upon the
Fool of Quality, The, ix. 181, 184, 327, abuse of charities, xiv. 405, 408
328; x. 15, 49, 58 ff. Life and Times, xiv. 112
Oustavus Vasa, x. 175 Practical Observations upon the education
History of Henry Earl of Moreland, ix. of the people, xrv. 408
328 *The Crisis in the Sugar Colonies,' xn.
Juliet Qrenville, x. 60 145
Universal Beauty, ix. 184 Brougham, John (181^-1880), The Duke's
Brooke, Henry, of Dublin, ix. 327 Motto, xm. 525
Brooke, lord. See Greville, Sir Fulke; 2nd Broughamiana, xrv. 123
lord. See Greville, Robert Broughton, Hugh (1549-1612), iv. 491
Brooke, Mr, in Middlemarch, xm. 299 Broughton, Jack (1705-1789 , xrv. 229,
Brooke, rajah, XTTT. 364 231
Brooke, Ralph (1553-1625), m. 328, 528 Broughton, John (fl. 1703), vm. 347, 472
Brooke, Sir Robert, vm, 466; Abridge- Broughton, Richard (d. 1634), ix. 532
ment of the Year Books, vm. 315 Broughton de Gyfford, lord. See Hob-
Brooke, Rupert Chawner (1887-1915), house, John Cam
vi. Add.; xm. 499, 574 Broughton Papers, the, xn. 390
Brooke, Samuel (d. 1G32), iv. 201; vj. Brouncker, lady, in Pendennis, xrv. 440
470; Adelphe, vi. 321, 323; Melanthe, Brounker, William, 2nd viscount Brounker
VL 323; Scyroa, vi. 321, 323 (1620?-1684), vm. 61, 218

Brounsmith, J., x. 443 Brown, Thomas Edward
Brown, Andrew (fl. 1700), rx. 558, 560 White Foxglove, xni. 196
Brown, Charles Armitage (1786-1842), Brown, Vanbeest, in Scott's Guy Man-
xn. 83 ff., 91, 93 nering, xn. 17, 18
Brown, Ford Madox (1821-1893), xn. 384; Brown, William (fl. 1671), vrn. 468
xni. 110, 140 Brown, William (fl. 1768), XL 335
Brown, George Douglas (pseud. George Brown, William Harvey, xrv. Add. 6
Douglas, 1869-1902), xm. 561 Brown Dozen of Drunkards. ..,A, iv. 361,
Brown, Horatio F., xiv. 527 522
Brown, John (16107-1679), ix. 545 Brown Robin, n, 411
Brown, John (1715-1766), ix. 508; x. 426 ; Brown Robyrfs Confession, n. 413
xxv. 604; The Estimate, x. 133, 136; Browne, a serving man, vr. 243
Thoughts on Civil Liberty, xiv. 400 Browne, Edgar A., xm. 540
Brown, John (1722-1787), ix. 548 Browne, Edward (1644-1708), son of Sir
Brown, John, xiv. 590 Thomas Browne, vn. 233, 244
Brown, John (1810-1882), xi. 476; xiv. Browne, Edward Granville, xn. 503
517, 543, also see Add. 2; Sorae Sub- Browne, Mrs. See Hemans, Felicia
secivae, xm. 437; Rob and his Friends, Dorothea
xiv. 160 Browne, mistress Frances, wife of Sir J.
Brown, John Croumbie, xrv. Add. 6 Reresby, vm. 266
Brown, lady, x. 126 Browne, Frances (1816-1879), xrv. 567
Brown, Lucky, xn. 3 Browne, George (d. 1556), archbishop of
Brown, M. J., xiv. 574 Dublin, m. 426
Brown, Mrs, of Falkland, n. 409 Browne, Hablot Knight (pseud. Phiz,
Brown, Oliver Madox (1855-1874), xm. 1815-1882), xn. 447, 452; xm. 540,
216, 499, 561 541; xiv. 234, 238, 545 ff.

Brown, P. Hume, xrv. 491; History of Browne, Henry (1804-1875), xn. 454
Scotland, x. 281 Browne, Henry, pseud. See Erskine
Brown, Robert (1773-1858), xiv. 289, Francis Robert St Claire
290, 559 Browne, Isaac Hawkins (1705-1760), rx.
Brown, Robinson, xm. 557 484; Pipe of Tobacco, ix. 188, 191
Brown, Thomas, Nature's Cabinet Un- Browne, Mary, wife of John Evelyn. See
lock'd, 1657, vn. 510 Evelyn, Mary
Brown, Thomas (1663-1704), vin. 48, Browne, Ned, in The Blacke BooTces Mes-
168, 404, 405, 432, 445, 480; ix. 256, senger, m. 361
260, 263 ff., 329, 499 Browne, Patrick (17207-1790), x. 467
Amusements Serious and Comical, ix. Browne, Peter (d. 1735), rx. 504; Answer
262, 263 (to Toland), rx. 282; Divine Analogy,
Colloquies of Erasmus, rx. 275 rx. 283; Procedure, extent and hmits of
Elegy on Mr Edward Milhngton, 31. human understanding, ix. 282
336 Browne, Sir Richard (d. 1669), vm. 245,
Miscellanea Aulica, ix. 496 246
Brown, Thomas (1778-1820), xrv. 6 ff., Browne, Robert (1550?-! 633?), m. 389,
10, 12, 469; Lectures on the Philosophy 422, 548
of the Human Mind, xrv. 6; Observations Browne, Simon (1680-1732), x. 521, 522
on the. .Doctrine of Mr Hume, xrv. 6;
Browne, Thomas (1604?-1673), translator
Observations on the Zoonomia of Erasmus of Camden, m. 326, 528, 554
Darwin, xrv. 6 Browne, Sir Thomas (1605-1682), m. 463;
Brown, Thomas Edward (1830-1897), rv. 216, 221, 252; vi. 187; vn. 99, 130,
xin. 194 499; xrv. 145
ff., 132, 163, 232-244 (main entry), 249,
Bella Qorry, xm. 196 250, 253, 256 ff., 366, 460 ff., 511, also
Betsy Lee, xm. 194 see Add.; vm. 292, 357, 368, 378, 386;
Dartmoor pieces, xm. 196 XI. 2 S 28; xn. 169, 176, 197; xm. 195;
English woman on the Pincian,' xm. xrv. 457, 460
195 Christian Morals, vn. 239, 241, 243;
Fo'c'sle Yarns, "STTT, 194 x. 177, 466, 468
Mary Quayle, xrn. 196 Dreams, vn. 241
Opifex, xm. 196 Garden of Cyrus, The, vn. 237, 241, 242 ;

Peel Life Boat, The, xm. 195 xn. 197

Prayer, The, xm. 196 Eydnotaphia or Urn Burial, vn. 237,
Risus Dei, xni. 196 241, 242
Roman Women, xm. 195 Eydriotaphia, xn. 197
Schooner, The, xm. 196 Letter to a Friend, A, vn. 241, 243
Sermon at Church on Good Friday, A, Miscellanies, vn. 241
xm. 185 Pseudodoxia Epidemica (Vulgar Errors),
Sinking of the Victoria, The, XTTT. 196 vn. 236, 238, 241; xn. 197

Browne, Sir Thomas Browning, Robert
Religio Medici, iv. 246; vn. 44, 233, Agamemnon of Aeschylus, The, xm. 58,
234 ff., 239, 241, 313, 449; vm. 42; 81
xi. 318 Any Wife Any Husband, xm. 76

Aristophanes Apology, vi. 232; xm. 81


Works, vn. 241

Browne, Tom, son of Sir Thomas Browne, Asolando, xm. 52, 78, 84
vn. 234, 244 At the 'Mermaid,' xm. 82
Browne, Thomas Alexander (pseud. Rolf Balaustiori* s Adventure, xm. 80
Boldrewood, 1826-1915), xiv. 585 Bells and Pomegranates, xn. 101; xm.
Colonial Reformer, A, xiv. 370 61, 62, 228
Miner's Eight, The, xiv. 370 Bishop Blougram's Apology, xm. 55
Robbery under Arms, xiv. 370 Bishop orders his Tomb, The, xni. 69
Squatter's Dream, The, xrv. 370 Blot in the 'Scutcheon, A, xm. 62, 68
Browne, William (of Tavistock) (1591- Caliban upon Setebos, xm. 55, 78
1643?), m. 311; IV. 117, 124, 150, 154, Caponsacchi, xm. SO
155, 157 ff. (main entry), 194, 479; Christmas Eve and Easter Day, xn. 100;
vi. 10, 113, 329; vn. 75, 83, 112, 113; xm. 75, 76
vm. 227; xn. 79, 93; Britannia's Pas- Cleon, xm. 76
torals, iv. 157, 158; vi. 215; vn. 38; Chve, xni. 84
Inner Temple Masque, IV. 159; Shepherd's Colombe's Birthday, xm. 62, 69
Pipe, iv. 121, 158 Confessional, The, xm. 03
Browne, W., trans, of Oomberville's Confidence lit swift the forehead up,'
Polexandre, vn. 391 xm. 62
Browne medal, the, xm. 45 Crislma, xni. 76
Brownell, William Crary, xm. 470, 488, Death in the Desert, A, xni. 78
570, 574 Dramatic Idyls, xm. 83
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (1806-1861), Dramatic Lyrics, xni. 76
II. 233; x. 141; xn. 106, 118, 124; xm. Dramatic Romances and Lyrics, xni. 62,
46, 49 ff., 57, 61 ff., 70 ff. (main entry), 63, 76
139, 147, 148, 160, 161, 175, 177, 180, Dramatis Personae, xtn. 63, 77 ff., 81
181, 480, 481 ff., also see Add. 2; xiv.515 Epilogue (m Asolando), xm. 84
Aurora Leigh, xm. 70, 72, 74, 75, 179 Fenshtah's Fancies, xni. 55, 84
Battle of Marathon, The, xm. 70 Fifine at the Fair, xirr. 50, 77, 81, 82,
Casa Ouidi Windows, xni. 74 251
Child's Grave at Florence, A, xm. 75 Flight of the Duchess, The, xm. 69
Cowper's Grave, xni. 75 Fra Lippo Lippi, xm. 72
Cry of the Children, The, xm. 75 Garden Fancies, xm. 65
Drama of Exile, XTTT. 71 Glove, The, xm. 63
Essay on Mind and other Poems, An, Gold Hair: a Story of Pornic, xm. 77
xm. 70 Guido, xm. 80
Greek Christian poets and the English Hervd Rid, xm. 80
poets,xm. 69, 77 Home Thoughts from the Sea, xm. 61
Lady Geraldine's Courtship, xm. 69

Hope rose a-tiptoe,' xm. G2

Last Poems, xm. 74 House, xm. 82
Lost Bower, The, xm. 70 How they brought the Good News, xni. 83
Poems (1844), xm. 69, 71 In a Gondola, xm. 76
Poems before Congress, xni. 74 Incondita, xm. 53
Rhyme of the Duchess May, xm. 75 Inn Album, The, xni. 81, 82
Seraphim and other Poems, The, xm. Introduction to Certain Letters of Percy
70, 71 Bysshe Shelley, xm. 75
Sonnets by E. B. B., xm. 71 Ivan Ivanovitch, xm. 83
Sonnets from the Portuguese, xm. 49, 50, Im,on, xm. 84
70, 71, 75 James Lee's Wife, xm. 55
Trans, of Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound, Jocoseria, xm. 84
xm. 70 Karshish, An Epistle. .
.of, xm. 76
Browning, Oscar, xm. Add. 3 King Victor and King Charles, xm. 61,
Browning, Robert (1812-1889), v. 231; 62
vn. 91; x. 236, 457; xi. 409; xn. 106, Laboratory, The, 63 xm.
113, 115, 118, 154, 177, 178, 219, 223, Last Ride Together, The, xm. 78
402; xm. 10, 43 ff., 47, 49 ff. (main Lost Mistress, The, xra. 76
entry), 85, 89, 108, 120, 121, 131, 147, Luria, xm. 62
152, 153, 155, 157 f., 165, 179, 180, 184, Martin Rclph, xm. 83
186, 187, 190, 194, 195, 202, 219, 221, Men and Women, xm. 72, 75 ff.
230, 250 ff., 309, 401, 442, 448, 479 ff., Mr Sludge, "The Medium,' xni. 46, 72,
494, also see Add. 2; xiv. 132, 255, 320, 78
354, 365, 368, 445, 453, 456, 517 Mulfykeh, xm. 84

Browning, Robert Bruce, Robert (1559-1631), ix. 543
Ned Bratts, xm. 83 Bruce's Anglo-Saxon Version of the Book
Never the Time and the Place, xni. 84 of Psalms, i. 106
Numpholeptos, xni. S3 Bruces, the, in Robert, Earle of Huntington,
One Way of Love, xin. 76 v. 323, 324
One Word More, xin. 72 Brueys and Palaprat, Le Grondeur, vm.
Pacchiarotto, xm. 64, 82, 203 139
Paracelsus, xin. 55 ff., 60, 70, 75 Bruges, n. 54, 311, 312, 338; m. 18
Parleyings with Certain People, xm. Brugis, Thomas (f. 1640?), iv. 454
52, 84 Bruliferius, m. 50
Pauline, xm. 52 ft, 58, 75, 116 Brumoy, father, x. 469
Plieidippides, xm. 83 Brumpton, lord, in Steele's Funeral, rx. 30
Pied Piper of Hamelin, The, xnr. 64 Brunanburh, battle of, i. 137, 141, 150,
Pippa Passes, xin. 61, 62, 75 fi., 84 167, 287, 443; n. 400
Pompilia, xm. 80 Brunanburh, x. 487
Pope, The, xin. 80 Brunellus, the donkey of Nigel Wireker,
Porphyria's Lover, xm. 55 i. 192
Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau, xin. 55, Brunetiere, Ferdinand, ix. 20
74,81 Brunetto Latioi, Tr&or, n. 80, 149, 150
Prospice, xm. 78 Brunhalt, in Thierry and Theodoret, vi.
Tta&M -Berc #zra, xm. 78 122, 129

Rapture drooped the eyes,' xm. 62 Brunnewake in Kestevene, i. 344

Red Cotton Night-cap Country, xni. 77, Brunnow, baron, xiv. 129
81, 82 Brunnus, in The Scourge of Folly, iv. 334
Return of the Druses, The, xm. 61, 62 Bruno, Giordano, II Candelaio, vi. 22
Ring and the Book, The f iv. 249; xm. Brunswick, v. 298
50, 60, 65, 77 ft Brunswick-Luneburg, vn. 438
St Martin's Summer, xm. 83 Brunton, Mary (1778-1818), xi. 459; xm.
Saisiaz, La, xm. 83 561
Saul, xm. 76 Brunton, Thomas (fi. 1373-1389), bishop
Sibrandus Schafnaburgensis, xm. 64 of Rochester, n. 55, 58
Sordello, xni. 52, 55, 58 ft, 64, 76, 82 Brunty, Patrick. See Bronte
Soul's Tragedy, A, xm. 62 Brushfield, Thomas Nadauld, iv. 450
Still ailing, Wind?' xin. 55 Brussels, I. 57; m. 431; vm. 267; xn. 365;
Strafford, vn. 17; xm. 55, 58, 59 xm. 282, 406, 409
Two Poets of Oroisic, The, xin. 77, 83 Brussels, Rue d'lsabelle, xm. 405
Waring, xiv. 241 Brut, Brute, the Bruts, the Brutus legend,
Woman's Last Word, A, xm. 76 I. 170, 175, 234 &., 258, 306, 336, 375;
Youth and Art, xm. 65 n. 301, 322, 482; m. 315; iv. 136; vn.
Browning, Robert Wiedemann Barrett, 117; X. 231
xm. 71 Brute, The Chronicle of the, n. 313, 334,482
Browning society, the, xn. 504 Brut, Layamon's, i. 137, 170, 223, 234 &.,
Brownists, the, rv. 52 265, 375, 397, 398
Brownlow, William Robert, xn. 508, 512 Brut, Tysilio's, i. 235
Bruce, Alexander (brother of Robert Brut, Wace's, I. 234, 235, 350
Bruce), i. 344 Brute, lady, in Vanbrugh's Provok'd Wife,
Bruce, Alexander Balmain (1831-1899), vm. 161
xn. 465; xiv. 469 Brute, Sir John, in Vanbrugh's Provotfd
Bruce, Edward (d. 1318), n. 101; in Bar- Wife, vm. 161, 162, 168
bour's Bruce, n. 105, 106 Bruton, William (fl. 1638), xiv. 333, 575
Bruce, Henry Austin, 1st baron Aberdare Brutus, ix.28
(1815-1895), xiv. 107, 496, 590 Brutus, in Julius Caesar, v. 197, 379; vi.
Bruce, James (1730-1794), xiv. 246, 247, 127
550; Travels in Abyssinia, xiv. 241 Brutus, in Milton's England, vn. 129
Bruce, John (1745-1826), xn. 354, 515; Brutus legend, the. See Brut
xiv. 97, 485 Brutus of Troy, ix. 74
Bruce, John (1802-1869), xiv. 486 Bruyere, la, vm. 373
Bruce, John Collingwood (1805-1892), xn. Bryan, Sir JTrancis (d. 1550), n. 340; m.
508; Lapidar ium Septentrionale, xii. 346 173, 181; iv. 445
Bruce, Michael (1746-1767), ix. 557; x. Bryan, John (d. 1676), x. 385
484; xi. 442; CucJcoo, The, XL 244; Bryant, Jacob (1715-1804), x. 485, 486
Elegy on Spring, xi. 244; Poems on Bryant, Sophie, xiv. 599
Several Occasions, xi. 244 Bryce, James Bryce, viscount, xn. 271;
Bruce, Robert (1274-1329), I. 344, 352; xrv. 71, 74, 525; Studies in Contem-
n. 100, 101 ft, 109, 114, 130, 280; x. porary Biography, xiv. 118
224; XIV. 95 Bryce, M. A. L., xiv. 483

Bryce commission (1896), xrv. 423, 433 Buchanan, George
Brydall, John. See Bridall Ptolomaeum Luxium Tastaeum et Jaco-
Bryden, H. Anderson, xrv. Add. 6 bum Taevium cum articulari morbo labo-
Brydges, Grey, 5th lord Chandos (1579?- ravit, Ad, in. 161
1621), IV. 524 Quam miserasit conditio docentium literas
Brydges, James, 1st duke of Chandos humaniores Lutetiae, m. 158
(1673-1744), ix. 81 JKerum Scoticarum Histona, m. 164
Brydges, Sir Samuel Egerton (1762-1837), iv. 412
iv. 54; vn. 84; xi. 471; xn. 384, 393, m. 163
Sphaera, De,
520 ; Xiv. 232,512; British Bibliographer, Somnium (How Dunbar wes desyrd to be
The, xn. 364; Censura Literaria, XII. ane freir), in. 159
363; Restitute, xn. 364 Buchanan, Robert Williams (1841-1901),
Brylinger, N., v. 412 xm. 117, 207 ft, 217, 490, 500, 517, 561 ;

Brynllywarch academy, x. 386, 387 Ballad of Judas Iscariot, The, xm. 209;
Bryskett, Lodowick or Lewis (fl. 1571- Ratdiff Meg, xm. 209; Vision of the
1611), in. 229, 521; iv. 444, 525; The Man Accurst, The, 209xm.
Mourning Muse of Thestylis, xi. 179 Buchanan-Hamilton, Francis (1762-1829),
Brysson, George (c. 1649-c. 1730), xiv. xiv. 575; An account of the Kingdom of
493, 507 Nipal, xiv. 335
Bubble, in Greenes Tu Quoque, VI. 219 Buchell, Arend von, vr. 260
Buc See Buck Buck or Buc, Sir George (d. 1623), iv.
Bucan, earl of. See Erskine, David 383; vn. 443; x. 291; History of the
Steuart Life and Eeigne of Richard III, m.
Buccleuch, dukes of. See Scott, Charles 334
W. H.; Scott, Henry BuckbasJcet Mishap, The, vm. 116
Buccleugh, in Scott's Lay of the Last Buckeridge, John (1562?-1631), iv. 239
Minstrel, xn. 8 Buckhurst, lords. See Sackville, Charles;
Bucephalus, i. 307 Sackville, Thomas
Bucer, Martin (1491-1551), m. 34, 53, 419, Buckhurst, Sir Charles, in Disraeli's
428, 474; iv. 233; vn. 417; De honestis Coningsby, xm. 350
ludis, vi. 374, 492 Buckingham, ix. 541
Buchan, Peter (1790-1854), n. 409; ix. Buckingham, duke of, in King Hemtry VIII,
371, 565; Gleanings of ..Ballads, IX.
. v. 346
374 Buckingham, dukes of. See Stafford, Ed-
Buchan, the harrying of, by Robert ward; Stafford, Henry; Villiers, George
Bruce, n. 100 Buckingham, James Silk (1786-1855), xrv.
Buchanan, George (1506-1582), n. 96; 533
m. 6, 16, 116, 123, 138, 143,
1, 151, Buckingham and Normanby, duchess of,
152, 156, 157-165 (main entry), 301, ix. 82
424, 466, 501; IV. 253, 254, 261, 304, Buckingham and Normanby, duke of. See
509; v. 394; ix. 526, 552, 562; xn. 520, Sheffield, John
522 Buckinghamshire, m. 11; vn. 98, 107;
Ad Carolum V Imperatorem, m. 160 x. 351; xn. 511
Admonition to the trew Lordis, The, m. Buckland, Charles Edward, xiv. 574
164 Buckland, Francis Trevelyan (1826-1880),
Adventus in Galliam, m. 162 xiv. 559
Alcestis, translation of, m. 161 Buckland, William (1784-1856), xiv. 292 ft,
Baptistes, in. 16, 161; v. 82; vi. 295 559; Reliquiae Diluvianae, xrv. 292
Book m. 158
of Elegies, Buckle, George Earle, xm. 345, 547; xiv.
Chamaeleon, n. 285; m. 164 504
Detectis, in. 164 Buckle, Henry Thomas (1821-1862), xm.
JEpithalamium, an, m. 163 383; xiv. 486; History of Civilisation in
Franciscanus, m. 159; vm. 85 England, xiv. 102 ff.
Genethliacon, a, m. 164 Buckley, Michael B., xiv. 570
Jephthes, m. 161; v. 82; vi. 296 Buckley, Samuel, Daily Courant, EC. 5
Jure Regni apud Scotos, De, m. 165; Buckman, Sydney S., xiv. 562
rv. 303 Buckstone, John Baldwin (1802-1879),
Masque, a (for Mary's marriage with xm. 265, 270, 518; Bear-hunters (The);
Darnley), m. 164 or, The Fatal Ravine, xm. 266; Flower
Medea, translation of, m. 161 of the Forest, The, xm. 266; Green
Odea on the capture of Calais and of Bushes (The); or, A
Hundred Years Ago,
Metz, m. 163 xm. 266
Palinodia, m. 159 Budaeus, vn. 307, 320
Psalmorum Davidis Paraphrases Poetica, Budd, Thomas, rv. 454
m. 162 Buddeus, Johan JFranz, v. 286
Psalms, translation of the, m. 162 ft Buddha, x. 286; ^TTT, 400
Buddhism, xm. 200 Bulwer-Lytton. See Lytton, lord
Buddhist topes, xn. 353 Bulwer, William Henry Lytton Earle (Sir
Bude, Guillaume, in. 1, 18, 20, 325 Henry Bulwer) (1801-1872), xn. 384;
BudgeU, Eustace (1686-1737), ix. 86, 220, xrv. 505
436, 492, 568 Bumble, in Oliver Twist, xm. 316
Budleigh, Devon, iv. 51 Bunbury, Henry William (1750-1811), X.
Buelt, Builth or BuaUt, I. 247 215, 482; xiv. 215, 232, 542
Buffer, in Our Mutual Friend, xm. 337 Academy for Ghroton Horsemen. . .ty
Buffle, Sir Raffle, Trollope's, xm. 422 Geoffrey Gambado, Esq., xrv. 216
Buffon, George Louis Leclerc, comte de, Chop House, A, xrv. 216
IX. 321; x. 135; xin. 450 Long Minuet, A, xrv. 216
Buffone, Carlo, in Every Man out of his Propagation of a lie, The, xiv. 216
Humour, vx. 17, 40 Buncle, John, in Amory's Life of John
Bufo, in Pope's Epistle to Arbuthnot, Buncle, xi. 288, 296
IX. 147 Bungay. See Thomas de
Bugbears, The, v. 115, 117, 413 Bunion, Miss, in Thackeray's Mrs Per-
Bugge, Sophus, n. 417 kins's Ball, xn. 125
Bugnot, L. G. (attributed to), Alitophilus Bunn, Alfred, xm. 513
castigatus, iv. 257, 500 Bunny, Edmund (1540-1619), iv. 495
Buist, G., xiv. 496 Bunsen, Christian Carl Josias, baron, xu.
Buke of Order of Knighthood, The, xn. 283, 302, 303, 500; Biblical Researches,
515 xn. 295; Memoir, xm. 363
Bukton (Chaucer's), n. 161, 187 Bunting, Edward (1773-1843), Ancient
Bui], George (1634-1710), bishop of St Irish Music, xiv. 311
David's, vm. 308, 459; x. 359; Har- Bunyan, John (1628-1688), I. 58; n. 201;
monia Apostolica, vm. 305; Judicia iv. 45, 50; vn. 154, 155, 166-178 (main
Ecclesiae Catholicae, vm. 305; Sermon entry), 251, 428 ff., also see Add.; vm.
on the Fall, vni. 305 105, 293; ix. 18, 98; x. 1, 9, 20, 26, 383;
Bull, Henry (d. 1575?), iv. 446, 495 xi. 38], 477; xn. 169; xm. 388; xiv.
Bull, John (1563?~1628), IV. 464 61, 461
'Bull, John,' x. 29, 182; xn. 230; xiv. Book for Boys and Girls, xi. 372
212, 213 Confession of my Faith, A, vn. 172
Bull, John, in Arbuthnot's History of John Divine Emblems, XL 372
Bull, ix. 134, 135 Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners,
Bull, Mrs, in Arbuthnot's History of John vn. 168, 170, 171, 177; vm. 104
Bull, ix. 134, 135 Holy City or the New Jerusalem, The,
Bullein, William (d. 1576), m. 66, 87, vn. 170, 177
107 ff. (main entry), 493; iv. 317, 343, Life and Death of Mr Badman, The,
523; vn. 366; Bulioarke of Defence, in. vn. 177
107; rv. 326; Dialogue. ..against the Pilgrim's Progress, The, n. 200, 229;
fever Pestilence, m. 66, 107 ff.; iv. 330 m. 221, 230, 234; rv. 47; vn. 172-177
BuUen, Arthur Henry (1857-1920), m. (main entry), 178; vm. 284; x. 2; xi.
182; IV. 110, 113, 117, 119, 125; v. 221; 334, 422; xm. 452; xiv. 444; trans-
VL 10, 58, 65, 102, 214, 459; vn. 453; lations of, vn. 176
x. 161 ;xn. 428 Some Gospel Truths Opened, vn. 169;
Buller, Charles (1806-1848), xm. 5; xiv. vm. 110
125, 508, 512 Buonaparte, Louis, xn. 377
Buller, William Archer, xiv. 469 Burana, Carmina, I. 190
Bullinger, Heinrich ('Black Bullinger'), Buranio verse, n. 385
m. 127; iv. 380 Burbage, Cuthbert, son of Richard Bur-
Bullock, Henry (d. 1526), m. 27 bage, vi. 253, 255, 276, 277
Bullock, William, Virginia Impartially Burbage, James (d. 1597), vi. 246, 249,
examined, iv. 96, 454, 510 251 ff., 257, 276, 289
Bulloign, earl of, in Godfrey of Bulloigne, Burbage, Richard (1567?-1619), v. 169;
vi. 89 VI. 170, 220, 247, 248, 253, 255, 256,
Bullokar, William (fl. 1586), m. 444, 550; 258, 272, 274, 276, 277, 289, 358, and
iv. 435 see Add. 2
Bulstred, Mrs, Donne's elegy on, rv. 216 Burbage, Richard, in TTie Returns from
Bulstrode, Buckinghamshire, xi. 347 Pernassus, VI. 44, 312
Bulstrode, Sir Richard (1610-1711), vn. Burbon, in The Faerie Queene, n. 234
436; vm. 266, 452; Life of James II, Burbridge, Thomas, xm. 104
vm. 267; Memoirs and Reflections, vm. Burby, Cuthbert (fl. 1594r-1600), iv. 394
267; Original Letters, vm. 267 Burch, R. M., xiv. 536
Bulteel,John (fl. 1683), vm. 422 Burchard Wonnaciensis, vn. 372, 504
Bulwer, John (fl. 1654), Antkropometa- Burchell, Mr, in Vicar of WaTcefield, x.
morphosiz, vn. 387
Burchell, William John (1782-18G3), xiv. Burke, Edmund
550 Address to the British Colonists, XI. 5
Burckhardt, John Lewis (1784-1817), xiv. Address to the King, XL 5, 21
247, 248, 250, 550 Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs,
Burden, Jane. See Morris, Jane xi. 7, 21 ff.

Burdet, Sir Nicholas (fl. 1541), m. 197 Letter... to a Member of the National
Burdett, Sir Francis (1770-1844), xiv. Assembly, xi. 7
121, 408, 508 Letter. .to a Nolle Lord,
. XL 7, 29; xn.
Burdy, Samuel (1760?-1820), xiv. 486, 166
567 Letter... to... Sheriffs of .. .Bristol, XL
Burel or Burrel, John (fl. 1590), The De- 5, 13
scription of the Queenis Majesties most Letter to William Smith, xi. 25
'honourable entry in the Town of Edin- Letters on a Regicide Peace, xi. 25,
burgh, m. 137; The Passage of the Pil- 31, 138
grim, m. 137, 498 Letters .. .on the 'proposals for peace,
Burford, Oxfordshire, Yin. 206 XL 7
Burger, Gottfried August, 33. 303; xn. Observations on. . .'The Present State of
6, 7, 373, 422, 526; Der wilde Jager, xn. the Nation,' XL 5, 7
4; Leonore, xn. 4 On American Taxation, xi. 5, 12, 21
Burgersdijk, Leendert, v. 307 On moving his Resolutions for Concilia-
Burgersdyck, Francis, x. 198 tion, xi. 5, 11, 12, 20, 26
Surges, George (17867-1864), xn. 327 On Mr Fox's East-India Bill, XI. 16,
Burges, Sir James Bland (Sir James 18,19
Lamb) (1752-1824), xi. 177, 425 On the Sublime, x. 202
Burgess, Anthony (fl. 1652), vn. 322 Philosophical Enquiry into... the Sub-
Burgess, Cornelius 1589?-! 665), vn. 314
lime and Beaut'ifv?, XL 2, 3
Burgess, Thomas (1756-1837), xn. 481 Reflections, x. 251, 344
Burgh, Benet or Benedict (d. 1483), n. Reflections on the Revolution in France,
199, 208, 469; in. 277, 290 XL 4, 7, 20, 22, 138, 413
A Christmas Game, n. 209 Remarks on the Policy of the Allies, XI. 7
Aristotle's ABC, n. 209 Short Account of a Short Administration,
Goto, n. 209, 312, 427 x. 399
Poem to Lydgate, n. 209 Speech at the Guildhall in Bristol, xi. 6,15
Secrets of Philosophers, n. 208 Speech on the. Nabob of Arcofs Private
. .

Burgh, Elizabeth de, duchess of Clarence, Debts, xi. 6, 16, 18, 31

n. 156 Thoughts on French Affairs, XL 7
Burgh, James (1714-1775), xrv. 604 Thoughts on the. .Present Discontents,

Burgh, John de, Pupilla Oculi. n. 498 x. 503: xi. 5, 8 9; xiv. 438, 439
Burgh, Thomas (fl. 1447), n. 214 To a peer of Ireland on the Penal Laws,
Burgh, Thomas (fl. 1790), xi. 6 XL 15
Burs;h, William (1741-1808), Enquiry, x. To Sir Hercules Langrishe, xi. 15
308, 507; Political Disquisitions, x. 308 Tracts relative to the Laws against
Burgher, the, and wife, in A Dialogue. . .
Popery, xi. 14, 24
against the fever Pestilence, in. 109 Two Letters ...to Gentlemen . of Bristol, . .

Burghley, lord. See Cecil, William xi. 6, 15

Burgon, John William (1813-1888), iv. Vindication of Natural Society, ix. 232;
263; xn. 274, 455 XL 2 ff.
Burgonians Tragedy, The, iv. 362 Burke, Richard, brother of Edmund
Burgos, v. 99 Burke, XL 6, 361
Burgoyne, John (1722-1792), xi. 31, 456; Burke, Richard, son of Edmund Burke
Heiress, The, xi. 275, 276; xrv. 387; XL 6
M aid of the Oaks, xi. 265, 275 Burke, Robert O'Hara (1820-1881), xrv
Burgundian court, n. 312 364
Burgundy, Margaret, duchess of (1446- Burke, Thomas Henry (1829-1882), xiv.
1503), n. 307, 309 320
Burgundy, Philip TIT, duke of, n. 311 Burke, William (d. 1798), XL 2, 6, 388
Burhill or Burghill, Robert (1572-1641), Burke, William (1792-1829), xiv. 453
iv. 59 Burke, W. T., vm. 54
Burke, Edmund (1729-1797), m. 235, Burleigh, Bennet (d. 1914), xiv. 192
236; vm. 56; rv. 233; x. 63, 64, 207, Burleigh, lord. See Balfour, Robert
215, 262, 264 ff., 306, 316, 317, 405 ff., Burleigh or Burley, Walter (1275-1345?)
503, 522; xi. 1 ff. (main entry), 34, 42, i. 213, 452; n. 363

47, 48, 52, 58, 93, 139, 142, 143, 145, Burleigh house, ix. 148
146, 262, 324, 360, 388 ff., 395, 396, 399; Burlesques, iv. 516, 533
xn. 168, 179, 175; xm. 487; xiv. 58, Burleus, m. 50
105, 110, 119, 120, 122, 143, 323, 402 Burley, in Scott's Old Mortality, XIL 22

Burlington, countess of. See Boyle, Burnet, Gilbert
Dorothy Vindication from the two Letters con-
Burlington, earl of. See Boyle, Richard taining some Reflections on His Majesty's
Burman, Francis, ix. 574; xn. 488 Proclamation, ix. 199
Burmann, Peter (1668-1741), rx. 336; Vindication of the. Church of Scotland,
. .

x. 164, 465 194

Burn, Robert (1829-1904), xn. 496 Burnet, Thomas (1635?-1715), vm. 292,
Burnaby, Frederick Gustavus (1842- 472, 473, 474; ix. 434, 474, 572; Sacra
1885), xiv. 550 telluns theoria, vm. 347; The Theory
Burnaby, J., ix. 266, 499 of the Earth, ix. 390
Burnand, Sir Francis Cowley (1836-1917), Burnet, Thomas, of Kemnay, vm. 347
xiv. 548 Burnet, Sir Thomas (1694-1753), ix. 204
Burne, Nicol(^. 1581), n. 285 Burnet, Thomas (Sir Iliad Doggrel) (fl.
Burne- Jones, Sir Edward Coley (1833- 1715), ix. 258, 448
1898), xm. 118, 119, 137, 139, 297, 493 Burnett, James, lord Monboddo (1714-
Burnell, Arthur Coke (1840-1882), xn. 502 1799), ix. 562; x. 513, xi. 250
Burnet, Gilbert (1643-1715), bishop of Burney, Charles (1726-1814), x. 63, 260,
Salisbury, vn. 185, 214, 476; vm. 23, 46, 263, 473
97, 202, 206, 207, 209, 213, 214, 216, Burney, Charles (1757-1817), xn. 325
272, 298, 299, 300 ff., 360, 459; ix. 94, Burney, Frances. See Arblay, Madame d'
112, 132, 192 ff. (main entry), 211, 213, Burney, J xiv 550

214, 217, 221, 234, 247, 335, 402, 488 ft., Burney, Martin Charles, xn. 188, 192, 434
541; x. 115, 117, 354, 373, 379; xiv. 604 Burnham, baron. See Lawson, Edward
Censure of M. de Meaux* History 9 ix. 198 Levy
Discourse of the Pastoral Care, ix. 201 Burnham, Cant's hall at, x. 117
Discourse on. .Sir Robert Fletcher, IX.
. Burnham Thorpe, n. 301
192 Burnouf, Jean Louis, xn. 343
Eighteen papers, ix. 199 Burns, Gilbert, xi. 436, 437
Enquiry into the measures of submission, Burns, Robert (1759-1796), i. 290; n. 247,
ix. 199 267, 274, 278, 413; m. 129, 136, 188;
Essay on. . .the late Queen Mary, ix. 200 iv. 112, 212; vn. 13; ix. 360, 363,
Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles, 367 fi., 372 ff., 376 ff., 567; X. 224, 226;
vm. 300; ix. 200 xi. 182, 183, 203 ff. (main entry), 233 ff.,
History of My Own Time, vm. 48, 273, 237 ff., 242, 243, 408, 419, 435, 441,
278, 445, 463; ix. 199, 202 fi., 212 469, 472, also see Add.; xn. 1, 19, 30,
History of the Reformation, iv. 228, 239; 125, 132, 134, 382, 429, 480, 505; xm.
vm. 250; ix. 110, 195, 197, 198, 200, 9, 13, 16, 178, 226, 233, 242, 465, 468;
210, 212 xiv. 357, 375
Letter. .on the two papers writ by King
. Address to Edinburgh, xi. 217
Charles II, ix. 199 Address to the Deil, n. 255; xi. 212, 213
Life and Death of Sir Matthew Hale, Address to the Unco Ouid, XL 218
vm. 10; ix. 198 Auld Farmer's New Year Salutation,
Memoiresofthe. . .Dukes of Hamilton and XI. 212, 214
Castieherald, vn. 435; ix. 193, 194, 196 Auld Lang Syne, xi. 225, 228, 232
Memoirs or Secret History, ix. 199, 200, Author's Earnest Cry and Prayer, xi. 212
202 ff. Banks o' Doon, xi. 230
Memorial... of the Constitution and Bard's Epitaph, XL 208
Policy of England, ix. 201 Birthday Ode, XT. 208
Modest and Free Conference, ix. 192 Blue-eyed Lassie, xi. 230
Pastoral Care, The, vm. 300 Brigs of Ayr, ix. 380; XL 218
Reasons against Repealing the Test, Captain Matthew Henderson, XL 211, 219
vm. 48 Centenary Burns, The, xrv. 148
Reflections on the Declaration for Liberty Charlie AeV my Darling, xi. 229
of Conscience, ix. 199 Chevalier's Lament, ix. 377
Reflections on the pamphlet Parliamen- Comin Thro' the Rye, XL 230
tum Pacificum, ix. 199 Corn Rigs, XL 205
Review of the Reflections on the Prince's Cotter's Saturday Night, The, XL 144,
Declaration, ix. 200 206; xiv. 377
Second Collection of Several Tracts, Death and Doctor Hornbook, XL 212
ix. 200 Death and Dying Words of Poor Mailie,
Some letters, ix. 199 n. 255; ix. 366 372; XL 214
Some passages in the Life and Death of Despondency, XL 206, 217
the right honorable John Earl of Rochester, Dream, A, XL 215
vm. 300, 445 Duncan Davison, XL 229
Thoughts on Education, ix. 192; xiv. 604 Duncan Gray, xrv. 377
Utopia, trans, of, ix. 198 Epistle to a Young Friend, XL 218

Bums, Robert Burns, Robert
Epistle to Davie, XL 207, 217 On tffo _afe Jf iss Burnet of Monboddo,
Epistle to Lord Daer, XL 218 XL 208
Epistles, xi. 234 On TFiZZie ^icofs 3/are, xi. 208
Epistles to Graham of Fintry, XL 208 Ordination, The, XI. 213, 215
Farewell, The, XL 217 Poems (Kilmarnock, 1786), xi. 204 ff.,

Fintry My Stay, XL 218 220, 221, 342

From Esopus toMaria, XL 208 Poems (Edinburgh, 1787), XL 205
Gloomy Night, XL 205 Poei's TTeZcome io Ms Love-Begotten
Green grow the Hashes o\ xi. 205 Daughter, XL 212
Guildford Good, xi. 218 Poor JtfatZie, xi. 211, 214
Halloween, XL 215, 216, 235 Prayer in the prospect of Death, xi, 200
Handsome Nell, xi. 206 Pan^in Dopr ^
Z>a^^ie 0% XL 230
'Hear, land o' Cakes; xn. 349 .Rea", 22ecZ ose, xi. 225, 229
Here's to the Health, XL 206 Remorse, XL 206
#oZy XL 213, 215
.Fair, .SepZy to a Trimming Epistle, XL 211
Holy Willie's Prayer, XL 212, 213 Ruined Farmer, XL 206
flow? Z/angr am? Drearie is the Night, XL Dnnfc, n. 278; xr. 212
229 If Aa ^ae, xi. 229
In Lamington Kirk, XL 208 Strathallari* s Lament, ix. 377
Inscribed on a Work of Hannah Jfore's, iTam o' Shanter, xi. 215, 217 fit., 224,
xi. 217 238; xnr. 377
Inscribed to the Hon. C. J. Fox, XL 208 iTam Samson, xi. 211
/s therefor Honest Poverty, XL 229 iTo a Xowse, xi. 214
Jtf was a' /or owr Richtfu' King, XL 225, jfo a Mountain Daisy, XL 214
229; xn. 14 2*0 a Jkfowse, xi. 214
Jamas miZ/J, XL 211 To John Rankine, XL 211
JoAn Anderson My Jo, xi. 229 ^o JSmn, xi. 206, 217
Jo/m Barleycorn, n. 279 To the Guidwife of Wauchope House,
Jb&n Lapraik, XL 211 XL 217
Jc% Beggars, m. 131, 136, 188; XL 206, Tragic Fragment, XL 206
215, 217
IE., 224 ^wa Do^s, XL 214, 217
-STen. ye ow^^i o' Captain Grose, XTT. 349
^^a ^Ter^s, XL 213
Zir&'s Alarm, XL 213 Up in the Morning Early, XL 229
Lament, The, XL 206, 217 Ffcsion, XL 207, 214
.Lass o/ Cessnock Banks, XL 206 TFto can a Young Lassie, XL 229
.Lines on &e PaZZ o/ Fyers, xi. 208 TFAo is ito a ^y -Bower Door, XL 229
Logan Water, XL 235 W/ie Brew'd a Peck o' Afawi, XL 230
MacPhersorfs Farewell, xi. 228 TTiZZie Simpson, xi. 211
Jfan was made to Mourn, XL 206, 217 For&s (1834-5), xi. 237
jfefary Morison, XL 230 Written with a Pencil at Taymouth,
Mauchhne Wedding, XL 215 xi. 208
Jfy Father was a Farmer, XL 206 Te Banks and Braes, XL 230
JVo Churchman am I, XL 205 Yestreen I had a pint o' Wine, XL 230
eeze me on mi/ Spinnin Wheel, XL 230 Burnt Njal, xm. 125
If em/ #ae / 6een, xi. 229 Burrhua, in Racine's Britannicus, x. 119
TiZ>foe / Aae seen *Ae .Day, XL 206 Burrough or Borough, Christopher (fl*
Fer* zfa in te CawZd 6ZasJ, xi. 230 1579-1587), iv. 69
Oa*e Sacred to the Memory of Mrs Oswald, Burrough, Edward (1634-1662), vn. 169,
xi. 208 428; vni. 110
Ode to General Washington's Birthday, Burrough, Sir John (d. 1643), iv. 454
xi.208 Burrough, Stephen (1525-1584), iv. 84
Ode to %e Departed Regency Bill, XL 208 Burroughs, Jeremiah (1599-1646), vn
O^e to ^e Departed Year, XL 208 322
0/a' theAirts, XL 230 Burroughs, John, xm. 470
On a PFa<7 in Mauchline, XL 208 Burroughs, Ronald Montague (1867-
On Captain Grose, XL 208 1920), xn. Add. 2
On Grizzel Grimme, XL 208 Burrowes, Robert (fl. 1787), x. 475
On #ofy TTtZZie, xi. 208 Burstall, Sara A., xiv. 599
On /o/m Dove, Innkeeper, XL 208 Burthogge, Richard (1638?-! 694?), vm.
On ^am tffo Chapman, XL 208 472; An Essay upon Reason and the
On f^e Deai^ of jor(? President Dundas, Nature of Spirits, vm. 347; Organum
30. 208 vetus et novum, vm. 347
On JAe jDea/A o/ #o&er Ruisseaux, xi. 208 Burton, Alfred, pseud. See Mitford, John
On &e Z>ea^A of ^r James Hunter Blair, Burton, Alfred Richard Edward, xiv.
xi. 208 Add. 6
Burton, Henry (1578-1648), vn. 145, 424, Busiris, in Alfred's Boethius,i. 100

433, 441, 456, 498 Busleiden (Buslidianus), Jerome, m. 7

Burton, Hezekiah (d. 1681), vm. 292 Buss, Frances Mary, xrv. 429, 599
Burton, Isabel, lady (1831-1896), xiv. 550 Bussey, H. Findlater, xrv. 533
Burton, John (1710-1771), ix. 563 Bussy-Rabutin, Histoire Amoureuse de
Burton, John Hill (1809-1881), XL 397; Qaule, vm. 385
xn. 445, 520; xrv. 486 Busteed, Henry Elmsley (1833-1912), xiv.
Boole-Hunter, The, xn. 359, 360, 371; 575; Echoes from Old Calcutta, xiv. 338
xiv. 95 Bustus, Matthaeus, vn. 4:82
History of Scotland, xn. 371; xrv. 95 Busy Body, The, x. 205
History of the Reign of Queen Anne, But, John, n. 21, 22, 35
xiv. 95 Butcher, Samuel Henry (1850-1910), ix.
Life of David Hume, X. 283, 284, 289, 64; xn. 332, 333, 481; xiv. 521
293, 321, 323, 511; xiv. 95 Bute, 3rd earl of. See Stuart, John
Scot Abroad, The, xiv. 95 Bute, Mary, countess of (d. 1794), ix.
Burton, Richard, pseud. See Crouch, 245, 246, 248, 403
Nathaniel Butler, Alban (1711-1773), x. Add.
Burton, Sir Richard Francis (1821-1890), Butler, Arthur Gray (1831-1909), xm. 500
xrv. 246, 252, 337, 551; The Lake Butler, Arthur John (1844r-1910), xn. 137;
Regions of Central Africa, xiv. 253 xiv. 501 ; Dante, his Times and his Work,
Burton, Robert (1577-1640), m. 532; iv. xiv. 113
242-253 (main entry), 257, 260, 261, Butler, Charles (d. 1647), iv. 542
267, 496 ff., 519, also see Add.; vn. 163, Butler, Charles (1750-1832), xi. 422; xiv.
253, 366; x. 50; xiv. 460; Anatomy of 55, 115, 492, 512; The Book of the Roman
Melancholy, iv. 244 ff. (main entry), Catholic Church, xrv. 53
411, 432; vi. 187, 190, 191; vn. 313; Butler, George (1819-1889), xiv. 598
vm. 357, 378; xn. 86, 88, 187, 188, Butler, James, 4th earl of Ormonde and
434, 436; Philosophaster, iv. 244; vi. earl of Wiltshire (1420-1461), n. 302
470 Butler, James, 1st duke of Ormonde (1610
Burton, Thomas (ft. 1656-9), vn. 440 -1688), vn. 212, 224, 356, 436
Burton, William (d. 1461), iv. 496 Butler, John (fl. 1680), vn. 510; vm. 455
Burton, William (1575-1645), in. 532; Butler, Joseph (1692-1752), bishop of Dur-
Description of Leicester Shire, ix. 352, ham, vm. 296; ix. 289, 296, 303, 304,
532 326, 393, 394, 502, 504; x. 351, 358,
Burton, William (1609-1657), vn. 482, 360 ff., 381, 386; xn. 269; Analogy of
487; Commentary on Antoninus, his Religion, The, ix. 303, 304; x. 361, 362;
Itinerary, ix. 355, 532 xn. 270; Sermons, ix. 303; x. 361,
Burton, Annals of, i. 178 362
Burton Hall, vm. 96 Butler, Josephine E. (1828-1906), xrv.
Burton-on-Trent, v. 97 501, 598
Bury. See Richard of Butler, Nathaniel (d. 1664), IV. 394; vn.
Bury, Arthur (1624-1713), The Naked 344
Gospel, x. 378 Butler, Pierce, n. 335
Bury, lady Charlotte Susan Maria (1775- Butler, Samuel (1612-1680), m. 95; iv.
1861), xi. 434; xn. 448 342, 522; vn. 72, 92, 167, 238, 345;
Bury, John BagneU, x. 313 ff., 318, 506; vm. 17, 26, 43, 58-79 (main entry),
xn. 475; xiv. 538 88, 215, 232, 372, 373, 402, 406 ff.;
Bury, Richard de (1281-1345), bishop of ix. 119, 260; xi. 247; xra. 218
Durham. See Richard of Bury Characters, vm. 60, 62 ff., 75
Bury St Edmunds, or St Edmundsbury, Contradictions, vm. 61
Benedictine abbey of, I. 162, 176, 182, Critics who judge of modern plays by the,
213; n. 197, 198, 307; rv. 418; v. 9; VL rules of the Ancients, Upon, vm. 375
282; vn. 61, 234; vm. 357; x. 464; XL Cynarctomachy, or Battle between Bear
140; xn. 192, 201, 331; xm. 15 and Dogs, vm. 65, 68
Bury St Edmunds, King Edward VTs Elephant in the Moon, The, vm. 61, 62,
school, vn. 330; xm. 142 366
Busby, John (fl. 1600), rv. 393 Genuine Remains in Verse and Prose, of
Busby, Richard (1606-1695), vn. 317, 341, Mr Samuel Butler, Tlie, vm. 60, 62, 63
486, 487; ix. 146, 272; Dryden's transl. Eudibras, rv. 359; vn. 167; vm. 19, 37,
of Fifth Satire of Persiu& ascribed to, 49, 59 ff., 64-67 (main entry), 90, 92, 93;
vm. 2 ix. 145, 154, 158, 201, 259, 272, 308,
Busher, Leonard (fl. 1614), vn. 456; x. 520 418, 476, 477 (c/. 499, 502, 567); x. 396;
Bushnell, Edmund, iv. 454 xi. 318; xm. 233, 451; xrv. 206
Busino (chaplain to Venetian embassy), Miscellaneous Thoughts, vm. 63
VL 181 Observations and Reflexions, vm. 60
Busirane, castle of, r. 295 Occasional thoughts, vm. 62

Butler, Samuel Byng, John, admiral (1663-1733), ix. 185,
On Philip Nye's Tliariksgiving Beard, 254; x. 244, 467
vm. 63 Bynneman, Henry (d. 1583), iv. 384, 398,
Posthumous Works, vm. 62 546
Ejections, vm. 61 Byrd, William (15387-1623), iv. 110,
Repartees between Cat and Puss at a 112 ff., 121, 126, 384, 463, 464
Caterwauling, vni. 17 Byrhtferth (fl. 1000), i. 131
Small Poet, A, vn. 89 Byrhtnoth, in The Battle of Maiden, I. 41,
Thoughts on Learning and Knowledge, 109, 137, 143, 144, 306
vm. 61 Byrhtwold, I. 137
Butler, Samuel (1774H839), bishop of Byrne, Desmond, xiv. 584
Lichfield,vn.336;xn.327ff.,481; xm. Byrne, Thomas (fl. 1730), x. 196, 197
449, 572; xiv. 413, 594, 598, 601; Atlas Byrom, John (1692-1763), ix. 191, 309,
of Ancient Geography, xn. 328 314, 325 ff. (main entry), 513, 515, 518,
Butler, Samuel (1835-1902), xi. 426; xm. 520, 523; xi. 248; xm. 239; xiv. 230
449 ff., 570 ff., also see Add. 1 Enthusiasm, IX. 326; x. 350
Alps and Sanctuaries, xm. 450, 451, 454 Epistle to a Gentleman of the Temple,
Authoress of the Odyssey, The, xm. 450 ix. 326
Darioin among the Machines, xm. 449 Journal, rx. 307, 313, 318, 325
Darwin on the Origin of Species, xm. 449 Poems, ix. 322, 327
Deadlock in Darwinism, The, xm. 449 Redemption, nc. 327
Erewhon, vn. 378; x. 42; xm. 420, 449, Universal Beauty, ix. 327
451 ff.
Byron, Augusta, xn. 382
Erewhon Revisited, xin. 450 ff. Byron, George Gordon, 6th lord (1788-
Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus '1824), I. 275; iv. 89, 252; vi. 239; X. 152,
Christ, xm. 449 154, 155, 236, 242, 253, 254; xi. 83, 91,
Evolution Old and New, xm. 449 102, 108, 109, 117, 124, 144, 150, 158,
Ex xm. 450
Voto, 166, 167, 171, 178, 179, 300, 302 ff.,
Fair Haven, The, xm. 449, 453 306, 308, 410, 414, 420, 423; xn. 15,
First Year in a Canterbury Settlement, 30, 31 ff. (main entry), 57, 60 ff., 67,
A, xm. 449 74, 76, 81, 92, 96, 98, 100, 102, 106,
God the Known and God the Unknown, 111, 120, 122, 126, 131, 135, 136, 162,
xm. 449, 453 174, 179, 180, 199, 205, 219, 228, 247,
Life and Habit, xm. 449 314, 318, 382 ff., 402 ff., 407, 412, 426,
Life and Letters of Dr Samuel Butler, 441, 443, 450, 485, 505, also see Add.;
xm. 450, 453 xm. 7, 10, 23 ff., 52, 94, 101, 109, 135,
Luck or Cunning, xm. 449 136, 157, 161, 184, 203, 230, 239, 258,
Note-Books, xm. 450, 451 259, 307, 346, 352, 417, 418, 421, 436,
On the Trapanese origin of the Odyssey, 495, 503, 512, 514; xiv. 56, 126, 187,
xm. 450 198, 206, 230, 322, 327, 373, 399
Psalm of Montreal, A, xm. 449, 451, 452 *
Adieu, adieu, my
native land,' xiv. 374
Quis Desiderio. .? xm. 455
Age of Bronze, The, xn. 37
Shakespeare's Sonnets reconsidered, xm. Assyrian came down, The, xm. 235
450 Beppo, xn. 33, 34, 52, 53, 63; xm. 236;
Unconscious Memory, xm. 449 xiv. 438
Way of all Flesh, The, xm. 449, 451, 453 Blues, The, xn. 37
Butler, Thomas, earl of Ossory (1634- Bride of Abydos, The, xn. 32, 45
1680), vm. 202 British Bards, xii. 382
Butler, Thomas (1806-1886), xm. 449 Cain, xi. 106, 199; xn. 35, 47, 48
Butler, William Archer (1814?-1848), xiv. Childe Harold, n. 413; m. 246; x. 301;
37, 312, 469, 567 xi. 131; xn. 32, 34, 38, 42 ff., 60, 145,
Butler, Sir William Francis (1838-1910), 158, 382; xm. 236, 253; xiv. 249, 374,
xiv. 551, 567 436
Butler, William John (1818-1894), xn. 454 Childish Recollections, xn. 41
Buttes, Henry (fl. 1599), Dyets Dry Dinner, Corsair, The, xn. 32, 44, 45
IV. 349, 530, 543 Darkness, xn. 51
Button, Ralph (d. 1680), x. 385 Death of Calmar and Orla, The, xn. 40
Button, Sir Thomas (d. 1634), iv. 99 Deformed Transformed, The, xn. 37, 50
Button's coffee-house, ix. 165, 171 Don Juan, vn. 79; xn. 32 ff., 37, 40,
Butts, captain Thomas, xi. 196 46, 51, 52, 54 ff., 71, 95, 383; xin. 236;
Buzzard, the, in Dryden's Fables, vm. 48 xrv. 244
Byblis, The Passion of, DC. 473 Dorset, To the Dulce of, xn. 41
By-Ends, Mr, in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Pro- Dream, The, xn. 51
gress, vn. 173 Elegy on Newstead Abbey, xn. 41
Byerlev, Thomas (d. 1826), XL 472 English Bards and Scotch Reviewers,
Byfield, Nicholas (1579-1622), iv. 495 xn. 32, 41, 49, 52, 147

Byron, George Gordon Byse, Mrs, Fanny, vn. 93
Epistle to Augusta, xn. 52 Bysset, Abacuek, n. 93, 479; Eolment
Epitaph on a Friend, xn. 41 of Courtis, n. 285
Francesco, of Rimini, xn. 33, 35 Bysshe, Sir Edward (1615?-1679), iv. 376
Fugitive Pieces, xn. 31 Bysshe, Edward (fl. 1712), vm. 230, 231,
Giaour, The, xn. 32, 45 240; rs. 529; xm. 228, 229, 240, 249;
Heaven and Earth, xn. 35, 37, 47, 48 Art of Poetry, XL 249, 250, 256; Art of
Hints from Horace, xn. 382
English Poetry, The, xm. 228, 512
Hours of Idleness, xn. 31, 33, 40, 147 Bysshe Vanolis', pseud. See Thomson,
I would I were a careless child, xn. 40, 41 James B. V.
Island, The, xn. 38, 45, 46, 52 Bythner, Victorinus (1605?-! 670?), vn.
Isles of Greece,' xn. 54 490
Lachin y Gair, xn. 40 Bywater, Ingram (1840-1914), xn. 334,
Lament of Tasso, The, xn. 33, 50 481, 482, also *ee Add. 3
Lara, xn. 45, 408 Bywater, Mrs Henry Wood's, xm. 430
Letter to John Murray Esq. on... Byzantine empire, x. 314; xn. 315
Bowles's Strictures on the Life. .of Pope, .

xn. 35 C., 0. S. See Calverley, Charles Stuart

Letters, xn. 382 C Merry Talys, A, IK. 39
Letters and Journals, xiv, 107 Cabal ministry, vn. 42
Maid of Athens, xiv. 377 Cabal the hound, in Nennius, I. 247
Manfred, xn. 34, 35, 41, 47, 48, GO Cabala, sive Scnnia Sacra (1654), vn. 191,
Marino Faliero, xn. 35, 47, 49 433; vm. 281
Mazeppa, xn. 34, 45, 46 Cabala (1663), vm. 99
Memoirs, xn. 34, 103 Cabala, The Prince's, vn. 188, 191, 458
Ode to the Framers of the Frame Bill, Cabbala, the Jewish, ix. 315
xn. 390 Cabbalistica, Coniectura, vm. 455
Oscar of Alva, xn. 40 Cabillavus, rv. 266
Parisina, xn. 45, 46 Cabot, John, rv. 66, 68, 69, 85
Prisoner of Ohillon, Thl, xn. 34, 45, 46 Cabot, Sebastian (1474-1557), iv. 69 ff.,
Prophecy of Dante, The, xn. 33, 35, 75,85
50,56 Cacurgus, in Misogonus, v. Ill
Romance, To, xn. 41 Cade, Jack, in Henry VI, v. 186, 248
Sardanapalus, xn. 33 ff., 47 ff. Cade's rebellion, n. 302, 424; iv. 137, 300,
Siege of Corinth, xi. 127; xn. 32, 45 529
Some Observations, xn. 36 CaddeU, W. Waithman, xiv. Add. 5
Sonnet on Chillon, xn. 46 Cadell, Jessie Ellen (1844-1884), xiv. 575;
Speech on Frame- work bill, xn. 382 Ida Craven, xrv. 339
Stanzas to Jessy, xn. 382 CadeU, Thomas (1742-1802), x. 213; xi.
Trans, of Pulci's Morgante Maggiore, 326, 327, 361
xn. 35, 37 CadeU, Thomas, the younger (1773-1836).
Two Foscari, The, xn. 35, 47, 49 XL 327; xn. 234
Venetian tragedies, xn. 48, 49 Cadesia, battle of, x. 281
Vision of Judgment, The, v. 96; xn. 36, Cadiou, Andrew, n. 284
37,53 Cadiz, iv. 85, 103, 200, 221 v. 361 ; vn. 454

Werner, xn. 37, 47, 50 Cadmus, in Dialogues of the Dead, XL 351

When I roved a young Highlander, xn. 40 Cadoc, St(d. 570?), i. 262
When we two parted xn. 51t Cadogan, William Bromley, xn. 473
Conversations of (Medwin's), xn. 37 Cador, in Layamon, i. 266
Life and Works of (ed. Moore), xn. 53 Cador, in Ernare, I. 311
See, also, Astarte Cador, in The Misfortunes of Arthur, v.
Byron, George Gordon (natural son of the 78,79
poet), xn. 382 Cadwalader, in Layamon, I. 234
Byron, Harriet, Richardson's Sir
in Cadwalader, in Mannyng, I. 351
Charles Grandison, x. 10, 62 Cadwallader, x. 154
Byron, Henry James (1834-1884), xin. Cadwallader, Mrs, in Middlemarch, xm.
271, 518; CyriCs Success, xm. 273; 399
Our Boys, xm. 273; Uncle Dick's Caedmon (fl. 670), L 14, 30, 41 ff., 56,
Darling, xm, 273 57, 61, 63, 82, 89, 96, 119, 142, 382, 383,
Byron, John, 1st baron (d. 1652), vn. 436 428; xn. 344; xm. 241 ; Genesis, vn. 118
Byron, John (1723-1786), xiv. 244, 551 Caelia, in Whitehead's School for Lovers,
Byron, lady (Anne Isabella Milbanke), x. 86
xn. 32 Caelius Rhodiginus, Ludovicus, vm. 407
Byron, lady, xn. 392, 393, 396, 398 Caelo et Olympo, vi. 93
Byron, 'Mad Jack' (1756-1791), xn. 31 Caen, vm. 220
Byron, William, 5th lord (d. 1798), xn, 31 Caer Rigor, L 251

Caer Sidi, I. 251 Calandrino, in The Oreat Duke of Florence,
Caerleon, or Caerlleon, or Carleon, upon vi. 161
Usk, i. 197, 246, 260; n. 303; xn. 346, Calantha, in Ford's The Broken Heart,
511 vi. 191, 195; xn. 190
Caesar, in The False One, TO. 131 Calcraft, John (1726-1772), x. 409, 410
Caesar, in The Poetaster, TO. 42 Calcutta, xn. 138; xm. 276; xiv. 334 E.
Caesar, Julius, i. 13, 71, 81, 93, 187, 197, Hindu college, xiv. 336, 337
342; n. 80, 111, 339; m. 24, 164, 329, Sanskrit college, xn. 343
429; vn. 159, 164, 443; vm. 67, 76; University, xrv. 341
ix. 63, 204; x. 27, 119, 284, 319; xm. Calcutta Review, The, xiv. 337, 339, 574
221; Commentaries, IX. 297 Caldecott, Randolph (1846-1886), xi. 478,
Caesar, Julius, in Byron's The Deformed 491
Transformed, xn. 50 Calder, Robert (1658-1723), ix. 548, 549
Caesar, P., iv. 510 Calderon de La Barca, Pedro, rv. 353;
Caesar and Pompey, TO. 483 v. 207, 303; TO. 140; xin. 143, 144, 497;
Caesar's Ghost, vm. 93 xiv. 318
Caesars, the, v. 4; xn. 182, 487 Dama Duende, vm. 120, 130
Caffyn, Matthew (162S-1714), x. 378 El Maestro de Danzar, vm. 131, 144
Cagliostro, Alessandro, count, XL 293; M Magico Prodigioso, xm. 146
xm. 468 La Vida es Sueno, xm. 145
Cahergillagh court, in Le Eanu's story, No Siempre lo Peor es Cierto, vm. 130
xm. 415 Calderwood, David (1575-1650), m. 122,
Caiaphas, v. 46, 47 141; vn. 448; Historie of the Kirk of
Caigniez, Louis Charles, xm. 264 Scotland, vn. 209; Recantation (so-
Cairn, n. 443 called), vn. 209
Cain, i. 30; n. 20; iv. 214; x. 376 Calderwood, Henry (1830-1897), xiv. 470
Cain, Byron's, xi. 106, 199; xn. 45, 48 Calderwood, Margaret (1715-1774), x. 493
Cain, Grendel's ancestor, in Beowulf, i. 22 Calderwood, W., xiv. 470
Cain, in the Toumeley Mysteries, v. 47 Caldoro, in The Guardian, vi 158
Cain and Abel, v. 45, 388 Caldwell, Mrs Anne, afterwards Marsh
Caine, Sir T. H. Hall, xm. 491 (1791-1874), xm. 561; Chronicles of
Caird, Edward (1835-1908), xiv. 45 ff., Dartmoor, xm. 430
469; Critical Account of the Philosophy Caledonia, x. 231
of Kant, xrv. 45 ; Critical Philosophy of Caledonian Musical Museum, xi. 436, 442
Immanuel Kant, The, xiv. 45; Evolution Caledonian Musical Repository, xi. 442
of Religion, The, xiv. 45 Caledonian verse, x. 232
Caird, John (1820-1898), xu. 465; xiv. Calendar of Letters and Papers of the Reign
469; An Introduction to the Philosophy of Henry Vlll, n. 393; xrv. 82
of Religion, xiv. 45 Calendars of State Papers, xiv. Ill
Cairnes, John Elliot (1823-1875), xiv. 470 Caletfwlch (Excalibur), xrv. 307
Cairns, Hugh McCalmont, 1st earl (1819- Calfhill or Calfield, James (1530?-1570),
1885), xiv. 124, 508 vi, 320; Progne, TO. 299
Cairo, n. 80, 82, 298; xiv. 192, 251 Caliban, Browning's, TTTT. 63
Caithness, bishop of, m. 194 Caliban, in The Tempest, v. 207; vm. 28.
Caius, Dr, in The Merry Wives of Windsor, 72; xn. 128
v. 268 Caliburn, Arthur's sword, I. 266
Caius, John (1510-1573), m. 419 f., 466; Caliburnus (Excalibur), xiv. 307
iv. 442, 541 California, xiv. 241, 245, 325
Caius, Thomas (d. 1572), ix. 535 Caligula, in Orosius, i. 95
Caius Cestius, TO. 37 Calipso, in The Guardian, TO. 157
Caius Martius, in Coriolanus, v. 198 Calis, princess, in The Mad Lover, TO. 152
Caladbolg, xiv. 307 Calista, in Eowe's Fair Penitent, vm. 196;
Calahorra, Diego Ortunez de, iv. 442 x. 74
Calais, n. 338, 423, 424; m. 3, 163, 167, Calisto and Melebea, v. 99, 100, 409: vm
328; IV. 200; TO. 185; vn. 232; vm. 271; 125
xi. 97; xiv. 233 Wathen Mark xm.
Call, Wilks, 167, 500;
Calais, siege of, Minot's poem on, i. 357, Bird and the Bower, The, xm. 174;
358 M anoli, xm. 174
Calais, Chronicle of, m. 532 Callaghan, Sir, in Macklin's Love a-la-
Calamy, Edmund (1600-1666), vn. 145, mode, xi. 257
312, 416, 424 Callaman, Jeremiah John (1795-1829)
Calamy, Edmund (1671-1732), ix. 574; xrv. 305, 567
X. 373, 386, 387, 499, 519, 521; Abridge-
Callander, John (d. 1789), ix. 560; x. 475,
ment of the Life of Baxter, x. 374; 490
Defence of Moderate Conformity, x. 374; Callaway, Henry, xiv. Add.
historical Account of my oton Life, X. 377 Calle, Kichard, n. 305

Callet, Auguste, x. 485
Callianax, in The Maidea Tragedy,
vi. 127 327, 336, 364, 437, 441, 476 ft; vm. 60,
Calhdamus et 483
Callanthia, vi. 108, 122, 273, 286, 317, 361, 472; ix.
Calibres, Francois de, Le Combat des Livrcs, 130, 142, 150, 165, 184, 188, 195, 235,
ix. 102 294, 295, 308, 309, 313, 321, 325, 326,
Callimachus, ix. 331; xn. 329 330, 335, 336, 340, 341, 354, 355, 382,
Callmgton, Cornwall, x. 244 383, 386, 387, 390, 395, 406, 410 ft,
Gallic, in Euphormio, iv. 255 485, 526, 532, 571, 573, 574; x. 47,
CallioDe, in The Police, of Honour, n, 117, 118, 121, 122, 128, 130, 131, 133,
260^ 262, 300, 310, 357, 359, 360, 397, 450,
Callis,Robert (fl. 1634), vm. 468 457; xi. 57, 118, 150, 173, 335, 338
Caiman, A. L., xm. 560 340, 347, 355, 407; xn. 132, 198, 200,
Calne, Wiltshire, xn. 191 256, 273, 294, 296, 298, 305, 306, 325
Calpurnia, in Julius Caesar, v. 197 327 ft, 338 ft, 342, 354, 357, 369, 370
Calton in Craven, x. 386 467, 488, 508, 515, 522; xm. 23, 25, 40,
Calvary, hill of, v. 44 46, 143, 165, 172, 174, 203, 206, 209,
Calverley, Charles Stuart (1831-1884), iv. 240, 277, 278, 346, 361, 362, 368, 369,
249; vm. 9; XI. 379; xm. 162, 165 ft, 414, 449; xiv. 25, 26, 37, 64, 79, 90 ft,
246, 500, 543; xiv. 205, 537; Fly Leaves, 100, 109, 110, 117, 119, 168, 205 ft
xin. 165; Remain$,xnx. 166; Wanderers, 215, 247, 257 ft, 262 ft, 268, 269, 284,
xm. 36 300, 362, 383 ft, 395, 403, 409, 414,
Calverley hall, in A Yorkshire Tragedy, v. 416, 417, 429 ft
242,243 Cambridge, Dominicans and Franciscans
Calvert, Adelaide H., xm. 513 at, I. 200; IL 349, 350
Calvert, Judy, artist, xiv. 239 Cambridge, Richard Owen (1717-1802),
Calvert, W., xin. 513 XL 350, 365, 425
Calvin, John (1509-1564), in. 10, 46, 144, Cambridge, South Africa, xrv. 377
145, 383, 399, 400, 402, 403, 407, 411, Cambridge, University of (Ackermann's),
431; iv. 21, 214, 220, 303, 380, 429, xrv. 222
433, 442, 510; V. 114, 365; vi. 374; Cambridge books and printers:
vn. 152, 159, 160, 208, 308, 309, 321, Books, xi. 468
477; vm. 108, 111, 277, 279, 291, 295, Printers, IV. 546 ft; XL 468
299, 306, 407; x. 370; xiv. 102; Insti- Cambridge buildings and churches:
tutes of the Christian Religion, m. 145, Augustinian priory, m. 37
400; vn. 306 Benedictine school, n. 349
Calvinism, vn. 143, 148, 152, 153, 157, Botanic garden, xrv. 286
279, 280; x. 364, 367, 368, 376, 381, Cavendish laboratory, xrv. 270
383; xi. 43, 213; xn. 279, 284; xm. 431; Churches, xn. 489
xrv. 428 Fitzwilliam museum, xn. 498
Calvinistic methodists, x. 364, 365 Gaol, x. 280
Calvinists, the, rv 276, 296 ; xi. 19; attacked St Bene't's church, vn. 244
in Loiola, vi, 324 St Edward's Church, m. 37
Cam, river, vi. 93, 327; vn. 327 St John, hospital of, n. 353
Cambert, Robert, vm. 135; Pomone, vm. St Mary's church, m. 389; vn. 34;
134 vm. 290
Cambert and Perrin, P., Ariane, ou le St Radegund, priory of, n. 358
Mariage de Bacchus, vm. 134 Sedgwick museum, xrv. 291
Cambray, congress of, ix. 221 Senate house, xrv. 384, 412
Cambrensis, Giraldus. See Giraldus Sturbridge fair, rv. 409; XL 340
Cambriae Annales, I. 246, 248, 461
Trinity church, vm. 274
Cambrian rocks, xiv. 292 University library, rv. 424, 426, 432;
Cambridge, I. 184, 382; n. 67, 103, 104, ix. 632; xn. 323, 341, 342, 369, 480, 502,
130, 199, 221, 305, 307, 341 ft, 367, 503, 518; xiv. 484
368, 487, 488; m. 8, 13, 14, 26, 27, 28, University press, rv. 277, 409 ft; vm.
34, 36, 37, 39, 43, 50, 51, 53, 56, 67, 278; xi. 341; xn. 324, 328, 329
151, 175, 179, 183, 185, 213, 214, 290, White Horse, the (Little Germany), m.
292, 293, 301, 318, 321, 337, 355, 362, 34,37
366, 418 ft, 427, 429 ft, 436; iv. 70, Cambridge college magazines, xrv. 538-
131, 190, 198, 200, 224, 228, 229, 539
274 ft, 374, 381, 398, 403, 406, 409 ft, Cambridge colleges :
416, 418, 419, 422 ft, 433; V. 104, 109, Bene't, or Corpus Christi college, n. 346,
121, 132 ft, 343, 363 ft, 368, 369; 354. See Corpus Christi college
vi. 86, 105, 218, 220, 232, 293 ft, 300, Buckingham college. See Magdalene
303, 311 ft, 316, 374; vn. 5, 9; 28, 32, college
42, 46, 78, 85, 98, 143, 148, 155, 180, Caius college. See Gonville and Caius
189, 223, 228, 245, 305, 312, 316, 317 ft, college
Cambridge colleges : Cambridge colleges:
Catherine hall, vi. 196, vn. 301, and 397; vn. 4, 84, 89, 91, 329, 330, 337,
see St Catharine's college 362; vm. 243; IX. 147, 152, 153, 165,
Christ's college, n. 354; m. 14, 328; 182, 330, 341, 354, 381, 411, 412, 483,
v. Ill; vi. 295, 296; vn. 91, 92, 97, 531, 573; x. 393, 525; xi. 96; xn. 280,
114, 279, 342; vm. 278 fi., 287, 290, 326, 328, 329, 331, 335 ft, 341, 345,
292, 360; xii. 344, 490, 516 481,488,517; xm. 45, 404
Clare hall or college, n. 354; in. 36; St John's college magazine, The Eagle,
v. 132; vi. 307, 308, 322; vin. 281, 292; TV. 275; xn. 487
ix. 250, 516 Sidney Sussex college, m. 422; vn. 244;
Corpus Christi college, n. 354; iv. 4, 18, vm. 360
423, 426; v. 142, 143; vi. Ill; x. 131; Trinity college, n. 354, 358; m. 202,
xn. 344, 363, 498, 517; xiv. 283; Parker 418, 420, 422, 424; iv. 12, 164, 274, 278,
MSS., iv. 424 427, 431; v. 103; VI. 232, 294, 295, 302,
Emmanuel m. 432;
college, iv. 159, 303, 306, 314, 321, 322, 324 ft, 397;
329, 424 ft; 317; vn. 224,
VI. 279, 317, vni. 3, 4, 21, 185, 277, 278, 295, 297,
339, 340, 354; vm. 274, 276, 277, 281, 366; ix. 240, 241, 335, 340, 411, 412,
288, 290, 359, 461. 482; ix. 308; xn. 525; xi. 417; xn. 31, 288, 302, 308, 323,
187, 326, 333, 493, 516 328 ft, 335, 344, 347, 353, 369, 491
Girton college, xiv, 430 499, 516, 523; xm. 45, 142, 189, 276^
God's house, n. 358 xiv. 60, 251, 282, 283, 295; and see
Gonville and Caius college, m. 420, 422; Michael house; King's hall
vi. 216, 301, 306; vn. 188, 320, 321, Trinity college library, xm. 473
345; vm. 4, 363; ix. 386; xn. 187, 333, Trinity hall, n. 354; in. 183, 424, 426;
341, 517; xm. 241 vn. 4, 21, 27, 62, 117, 179, 317, 333
Jesus college, n. 358; m. 20, 32; TV. 342, 361; vm. 253; xn. 517
159, 424; vi. 307; vn. 310; vm. 282; University hall. See Clare college
ix. 240; x. 342; xn. 326; xiv. 298 Cambridge English Classics, xi. 150
King's college, 11. 288, 357, 358, 489; Cambridge Essays, xn. 324; xiv. 139
m. 183, 265, 315, 431; iv. 165, 275, Cambridge Modern History, The, xiv. 81,
407, 410; v. 70; vi. 285, 294, 298, 317, 101, 119
321; vn. 53, 326, 328, 329; vm. 274, Cambridge Observer, The, xiv. 208, 537
275, 279, 292; x. 117, 243; xn. 333 Cambridge Platonists, the, vn. 278, 279,
King's college chapel, m, 320 302, 316; vm. 110, 273 ft, 301, 330;
King's hall, n. 352, 354, 358; iv. 426 rx. 209, 300, 306
Magdalene college, n. 358; m. 32; iv. Cambridge Review, The, xiv. 207, 208, 537
427; vm. 242, 253, 292, 355; x. 359; Cambridge Review, The Boole of the, xiv.
xn. 517; xm. 355 207
Magdalene college, Pepysian library, n, Cambridge Shakespeare, The, v. 271, 275,280
224, 316, 423; in. 133; iv. 427; vm. Cambridge societies:
242, 250, 260 Antiquarian, xn. 506
Michael house, n. 354, 358, 366; m. 13;

Apostles,* the, "mi. 24

iv. 426; vi. 294 Philosophical, xiv. 238, 289
Newnham college, xiv. 430 Cambridge University:
Pembroke college, iv. 427; vi. 296; vn. Clark lectures, xn. 331
32, 33, 83; DC. 257; x. 117, 123, 124, Local' Examinations, xiv. 429
128, 131, 132, 281, 450; xn. 327, 516 Moral Sciences tripos, xiv. 416
Pembroke hall or college, n. 355; m. Natural Sciences tripos, xrv. 416
213, 422; iv. 238 Rede lecture, xiv. 81
Peterhouse, I. 205; n. 302, 308, 347, Cambridge University Magazine, The, xiv.
352, 353 ft, 362 ft, 371; m. 67; iv. 141, 208
142, 422, 423, 432; vi. 83, 99, 307; Cambridge University Prize, Townshend's,
vn. 33 ft, 326, 406, 449; vm. 284, 295; xiv. 385
ix. 341; x. 116, 117, 133; xn. 330, 516; Cambridge University professors :

xin. 241; xiv. 109, 121, 385 Anglo-Saxon (Elrington and Bos worth),
Peterhouse, chained library at, n. 362, xn. 344
364 ft Arabic (Lord Almoner's), ix 413
Queens' college, n. 358; m. 27; rv. 426; Archaeology (Disney), xn. 331
v. 103, 108; vj. 305, 324; vn. 244; vm.
Astronomy (Plumian), vn. 342; ix. 412,
288; ix. 169, 340; xn. 516, 522 413
St Catharine's college, n. 358; iv. 426; Astronomy and Geometry (Lowndean),
vm. 290 ix. 413
St John's college, n. 358; m. 292, 293, Chinese, xn. 343
420, 422, 425, 430, 432; iv. 31, 91, 232, Divinity (Lady Margaret's), m. 13, 14
274, 277, 426; v. 81, 132, 140; vi. 3, Experimental Physics (Cavendish), xrv.
294, 296, 301, 304, 306 ft, 312, 321, 269

Cambridge University professors :
Campbell, Archibald (1726?-1780), x.
Geology (Woodwardian), xiv. 291 131, 474
Greek (Regius), xn. 323, 328 ff., 332 Campbell, Colin Turing, xiv. Add. 6
Latin (Kennedy), xn. 335 Campbell, Duncan, ix. 21, 428; Secret
Mathematics (Lucasian), xrv. 266 Memoirs, ix. 22
Natural Philosophy (Jacksonian), xiv. Campbell, Frank B. F., The Battle of
385 Bibliography, xn. 519
Sanskrit, xn. 343 Campbell, George (1719-1796), ix. 561;
Cambridgeshire, n. 197; x. 280; xi. 347; x. 347, 512; Dissertation on Miracles,
xni. 216; xiv. 221, 282 x. 348 j Philosophy of Rhetoric, The,
Cambuscan, n. 184 x. 348; xiv. 399, 605
Cambyses, TV. 232 Campbell, George Douglas, 8th duke of
Camden, earl of. See Pratt, Charles Argyll (1823-1900), xiv, 468
Camden, William (1551-1623), I. 89, 381; Campbell, James Dykes, xi. 412, 416
m. 157, 237, 313, 315, 318, 321, 324 ff., Campbell, John, 2nd duke of Argyll (1678-
330, 331, 334, 428, 438, 451, 527; nr. 59, 1743), xn. 19
159, 325, 327; v. 477; vi. 3, 6, 9; vn. Campbell, John, 1st lord (1779-1861),
337, 338, 442, 487; vm. 318; ix. 350 ff., xiv. 124, 186, 501, 508; Lives of Lord
551; x. 293 Lyndhurst and Lord Brougham, xiv. 1 12 ;
Britannia, m. 327, 328, 331, 438; iv. Lives of the Lord Chancellors, xiv. 112;
190, 401, 442; ix. 353, 534; xn. 345, 353 Lives of the Lord Chief Justices, xrv 112
Greek Grammar, iv. 407 Campbell, John Francis (1822-1885),
Remains, iv. 266 Popular Tales of the West Highlands,
Eerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum An- I. 294; xm. 561

nales, m.
325, 326, 550: iv. 262, 299, 510 Campbell, John McLeod (1800-1872), xii.
Camden society, n. 500; ix. 212; xn. 353, 283, 289, 465; The Nature of the Atone-
354, 368, 369; xni. 15; xiv. 87, 88 ment, xn. 284
Cameiros, necropolis of, xn. 339 Campbell, Lawrence Dundas, xiv. 575
Camel, river, I. 261 Campbell, Le^is (1S30-1908), xn. 220,
Camelford (Camlan), battle of, I. 248, 250, 409, 468, 479, 480, 482, 486; xm. 310;
266 xiv. 503, 594
Camelford, lord. See Pitt, Thomas Campbell, major, in Kingsley's Two fears
Camelot, I. 326 Ago, xm. 365
Camerarius, Joachim, rv. 249 Campbell, Thomas (1733-1795), x. 473
Cameron, Archibald (1707-1753), ix. 563 Campbell, Thomas (1777-1844), vn. 73;
Cameron, George Frederick (1854-1885), IX. 451, also see Add.; xi. 148, 150, 178;
xiv. 357, 582 xn. 95, 96, 98 ff. (main entry), 102,
Cameron, Jenny, rx. 563 126, 138, 139, 148, 384, 385, 409, 429;
Cameron, Lucy Lyttleton (1781-1858), xm. 186, 230; xiv. 186, 410 ff., 595
xi. 485 Argyllshire, Lines on Revisiting a Scene
Cameron, Richard (d. 1680), ix. 549 in, xn. 99
Cameronians, the, xn. 18, 25 Battle of the Baltic, Tlie, vm. 11; xn. 90
Camfield, B., vn. 507 Gertrude of Wyoming, xn. 100
Camilla, in Owen's Epigrammata, rv. 265 Hohenlinden, xn. 99, 101 ; xiv. 437
Camilla Lacey, Mme d'Arblay's house, How delicious is the winning, ^tr 99
x. 261 Last Man, The, xn. 99, 161
Camilla (Lyly's), m. 346 Lectures on Poetry, xn. 161
Camillo, in The White Divel, vi. 177 Life and Letters, xiv. 56
Camiola, in The Maid of Honour, vi. 150, LochieVs Warning, xn. 98, 99
156, 163, 164 Lord Ullirts Daughter, xn. 98, 99
Camlan. See Camelford Pilgrim of Qlencoe, The, xn. 100
Cammelli, Antonio, Filostrato e Panfila, Pleasures of Hope, The, xn. 41, 100
V. 62, 69 Soldier's Dream, The, xn. 99
Camoens, Luis de, vm. 271; x. 456; xn, Song of Hybrias the Cretan, The, xn. 99
422 Specimens, xn. 99, 100
Campagna, the, xn. 69 Theodoric, xn. 100
Campan, Mme de, xni. 343 Withdraw not yet those lips and fingers,
Campanella, Tommaso, vn. 298, 470 xn. 99
Campania, vi. 299 Ye Mariners of England, xn. 99
Campbell, Alexander (1764-1824), xn. Campbell, William Wilfred, xiv. 582
373; Albyrta Anthology, xi. 236, 442 Campion, Edmund (1540-1581), iv. 127,
Campbell, Archibald, marquis of Argyll 237, 411, 536; xiv. 118, 308; Descrip-
and 8th earl (1598-1661), xn. 21, 29 tion of Ireland, m. 319
Campbell, Archibald, bishop of Aberdeen Campion, John (d. 1576), rv. 141
(d. 1744), x. 355 Campion, Lucy, afterwards Steward (d.
Campbell, Archibald (1691-1756), ix. 548 1580), IV. 141
Campion. M. t A true reporte of the death. . .
Canning, George
of, vi. 387, 498 506, 508, 597 ; On unlawful Societies in

Campion, Hose, iv. 141 Ireland,' xrv. 122; Speeches, xrv. 122;
Campion, Thomas (d. 1619), m. 178, 295, The New Morality, xi. 42
306, 307, 526; rv. 112, 113, 124 ff., Canning, Stratford, 1st viscount Stratford
141 (main entry), 266, 463, 478; vi.
ff. de Redcliffe (1786-1880), xrv. 179, 182
231, 329, 354; vm. 229, 231, 237, 239; Canon or Canonicus, John (fl. 1329), L
XL 160, 161, 179; xni. 245 211, 452
Ayres that were sung and played at Canonbury tower, x. 212
Brougham Castle, rv. 143 Canons, iv. 424
Book of Ayres, rv. 142, 143, 146 Canons, ix. 81
Canons-Ashby, Northants, vm. 2
Follow your Saint,' rv. 148
Earke, al you ladies,' rv. 145, 148 Cantalupo, in The Bugbears, V. 115
Lords' Maske, m. 353; iv. 143, 145, 146 Canterbury, i. 50, 71, 127, 139, 202; m.
Man of Life upright, The, rv. 126 30, 49, 375, 407; rv. 381, 382, 409;
Masques, vi. 488 v. 21, 56, 103, 371; vn. 157, 301, 309;

'My sweetest Lesbia,' vn. 2 viii. 3, 302 y 303, 305; ix. 151, 210, 532,
New Way of Making Fowre Parts in 539; x. 362; XL 354; xn. 320, 340, 364,
Counter-point, A, TV. 143, 144 478; xiv. 390
'Now hath Flora,' rv. 145 Christ church priory, m. 5; rv. 417, 424
Observations in the Art of English Poesie, King's school, v. 102, 142
m. 306; iv. 133, 142, 144 Lee Priory, xn. 520
Poemata, rv. 142 St Augustine's abbey, rv. 417, 424
Shrine of Thomas & Beckett, m. 12
So be it ever,' iv. 145
Songs of Divers Noblemen and Gentle- Canterbury, convocation of, x. 360
men, iv. 145 Canterbury, early school and culture of,
Songs of Mourning, iv. 143 i. 13, 79, 87

Canterbury, Franciscans at, i. 202; m. 57

There is a garden in her face,' rv. 145;
vn. 8 Canterbury, in JEuphues and his England,
'Young and simple though I am,' iv. in. 345
145 Canterbury, in Shakespeare's King Henry
Campion, in Westward Ho! xni. 364 V, n. 77
Canaanites, in The Silver Age,, VL 93 Canterbury, monk-chronicler of, n. 301
Canace, in Confessio Amantis, n. 151, 152 Canterbury Chronicle at Christ church, 1. 109
Canada, xrn. 449; xiv. 125, 293, 318, 323, Canters' college, the, in The Staple of
331, 343 ff., 434 Newes, VL 25
Canada balsam, xrv. 445 Cantilena^ v. 26, 29 ff., 34
Canadian Fiction, Bibliography of, xrv. Cant's hall, Burnham, x. 117
359 Canute, king of the English (994?-1035),
Canadian house of commons, xiv. 359 i. Ill, 127, 150, 337; vm. 310

Canadian literature, xiv. 343 ff. Canute Song, The, I. 219, 458; II. 397 ff.
Canaries, the, m. 358; v. 139; xiv. 293 Canutus, Benedict, Regimen contra pesti-
Canby, Henry Seidel, xm. 567 lentiam, n. 319
Cancer: Comoedia, VL 483 Canynge's coffer, x. 236
Cancioneros, Spanish, n. 268 Canynges, the, x. 485, 486
Cancrone, in Sicelides, vi. 323 Canzonets to foure voyces, vn. 2
Candido, in The Honest Whore, VL 172 Cape Argus, The, xrv. 588
Candidus (Mantuan's), in. 223 ff. Cape Colony, xiv. 372, 374, 377
Candish, Richard See Cavendish Cape Monthly Magazine, The, xiv. 588
Candlemas, n. 378 Cape of Good Hope, xiv. 192, 241
Candlish, Robert Smith (1806-1873), XH. Cape Town, xiv. 373
471 Cape-Dutch language and literature, xrv.
'Candor,' x. 399, 400, 405, 523 373, 374, 377, 458
Candy, Pennyloaf, in Gissing's The Nether Capel, of Hoxton square academy, x. 385
World, xni. 458 Capel family, xrv. 286
Canmore, Malcolm, n. 130 Capell, Edward (1713-1781), v. 267, 274,
Cannae, vni. 11 275; x. 433; xn. 369; Prolusiones, ^
Cannan, Gilbert, xm. 572 243; Shakespeare, xi. 320
Canne, John (d. 1667), vn. 360, 361 Caper Sauce, xrv. 377
Cannes, x. 42 Caperwit, in Changes, VL 202
Canning, Hon. Albert S. G., xni. 542 Capgrave, John (1393-1464), n. 287, 295,
Canning, Elizabeth (1734-1773), x. 34 479 ;m. 440
Canning, George (1770-1827), vm. 38; Annals, n. 287
XL 39, 40, 42, 52, 174, 175, 392; xn. Chronicle, n. 287
120, 136, 150, 155; xm. 24, 161, 166, Famous Henries, n. 287
238; xiv. 123, 126, 128, 134, 188, 214, Guide to Rome, n. 287
Capgrave, John Carew, Thomas (1598?-! 639?), rv. 139,
Life of Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, 168, 197, 213, 214; vi. 11, 363; vn. 4,
n. 287 7, 13, 15 ff. (main entry), 22, 23, 25,
Life of St Augustine, n. 480 57, 81, 87, 398; vm. 141
Life ofSt Gilbert ofSempringham, n, 287 'Ask me no more where Jove bestows,
Life of St Kathenne, n. 287 vn. 19
Life of St Norbert, n. 480 Boldness in Love, vn. 18
Capheaton, Northumberland, xm. 129 Coelum Bntannicum, vi. 363; vn. 16,
Capodistrias, Joannes Antonios, count, 19
xrc. Elegy upon the Death of Dr Donne,
Capon's Tale, in The Miscellany, ix. 85 vn. 17, 18
Caponsacchi, in The Ring and the Book,
Fair copy of my Celia's face,' vn. 19
xm. 64, 66, 80 He that loves a rosy lip,' vn. 19

Caporali, vn. 274 'I'll gaze no more on her

Capriccio, in The Masque of the Middle face,' vn. 17
Temple, vi. 355 "Mark how the bashful mom, in vain,'
Capro, in Maraton's Scourge of Villanie, vn. 18
iv. 332 Murdering Beauty, vn. 18
Captain Oar, n. 406, 408, 412 Rapture, The, rv. 210; vn. 19
Captain Stukeley, vm. 125 Spring, The, vn, 20
Captain Wedderourn's Courtship, n. 409 'Sweetly breathing vernal air,' vn. 19
Capuchin, friars, x. 499 Upon the Death of the King of Sweden,
Capulet, in Romeo and Juliet, v. 172, 182 vn. 20
Capystranus, metrical romance, n. 326 Carew papers, vn. 436
Carabas, in Disraeli's VivianGrey,'Kni.34:9 Carey, David, xrv. 225, 542
Caracalla, baths of, xn. 67 Carey, George, 2nd lord Hunsdon (1547-
Caracona, in Casti's II Poema Tartaro, 1603), vi. 247, 385
xn. 55 Carey, George Savffle (1743-1807), XL
Caractacus, vi. 128 451
Caradoc or Caradog of Llancarvan (d. Carey, Henry (d. 1743), n. 272; rx. 484;
1147?), i. 65,262 x 71, 426; Chrononhotonthologos, IX.
Carados, in Conte del Graal, i. 328 190; x. 83; Dragon of Wantley, x. 83;
Carannog, St (fl. 450), i. 262 Sally in our Alley, ix. 165, 190
Carathis, in Beckford's Vathek,xt. 290,291 Carey, Henry, 1st lord Hunsdon (1524?-
Carbery, lady, vm. 456 1596), vi. 247
Carbery, earl of. See Vaughan, Richard Carey, James, xrv. 320
Carbonari movement, xn. 33, 36, 38, 51 Carey, John, 3rd lord Hunsdon (d. 1617),
Carcam, Giulio, v. 306 IV. 19, 161; vi. 161
Card or rutter of the Sea lyenge betwene Carey, Patrick^. 1651), vn. 412; xn. 376;
Holland and Ffryseland, iv. 399 xm, 211; Trivial Poems and Triolets,
Cardan, Jerome, in. 113, 420; iv. 249 vn. 88
Cardano, Girolamo, rv. 442 Carey, Robert, earl of Monmouth (1560?-
Cardenio, in Don Quixote, ix. 269 1639), vn. 449; Memoirs, vn. 221, 449
Carder, Peter (fl. 1577-1586), iv. 93 Carey, WUUam (1761-1834), xn. 343, 502
Cardiff, iv. 192 Cargill, Daniel or Donald (1619?-1681),
Cardiff castle, iv. 421 ix. 549
Cardiff, University college, xrv. 433 Carinthia, George Meredith's, xm. 444 ft.
Cardross, x. 36 Carinus, in The Prophetesse, VL 152
Cards, Monopolies of,* vn. 440 Carisbrooke, vn. 39
Care, Henry (1646-1688), vm. 403, 412; Carisophus, in Damon and Pithias, v. 118
Pacguet of Advice from Rome, ix. 4; Carker, James, in Dombey and Son, xm.
Weekly Pacguet, ix. 4 317, 325, 331
Carew, Sir George (d. 1612), vm. 468 Carle an' the King come, ix. 377
Carew, Sir George, afterwards lord Carew Carlell,Lodowick (fl. 1629-1664), vi. 239,
of Clopton and earl of Totnes (1555- 240; vm. 119, 400; Corneille's Hdradius
1629), vn. 211, 437, 438, 448; Relation translated by, vm. 133, 180
of the State of France, vn. 190 Carleton, Sir Dudley, viscount Dor-
Carew, John (d. 1660), vm. 470 chester (1573-1632), vi. 3, 291; vn. 16,
Carew, lady, iv. 211 152, 193, 343, 394, 437; x. 502
Carew, Sir "Matthew (d. 1618), vn. 16 Carleton, George (1559-1628), ASTPOAO-
Carew, Peter (fl. 1566),
vi. 287 TOMANIA: the madness of astrologers,
Carew, Richard (1555-1620), rv. 18, 23, vn. 377, 508
445, 448, 510; vi. 89; IX. 352; The Ex* Carleton, captain George (fl. 1728), ix.
cdlency of the English Tongue, in. 305, 23; XII. 376; Military Memoirs, xn. 16
330, 446, 526; A
Survey of Cornwall, Carleton, William (1794-1869), xiv. 312,
m. 330, 528; v. 15 314 ff., 567

Carleton, WUJiam Carlyle, Thomas
Anne Gosgrave, xiv. 315 On the Choice of Books, xm. 19
Black Prophet, The, xiv. 315 Past and Present, i. 176; xm. 14
Fardorougha the Miser, xiv. 315 Reminiscences, xm. 2
Tales of Ireland, xiv, 315 Sartor Resartus, ix. 100; xn. 163, 431;
Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry, xm. 2, 3, 5 ff., 9 if., 60; xiv. 416
xiv. 315 Trans, of Goethe's Wilhelm Meister's
Valentine McClutchy, xiv. 315 Apprenticeship, xm. 4, 5
Carlia, in Whitehead's ScJwol for Lovers, Trans, of Goethe's Wilhelm Meister's
x. 86 Travels, xm. 5
Carlile, Richard (1790-1843), xi. 395; Trans, of Legendre's Elements of Geo-
xiv. 187, 470 metry and Trigonometry, XTTT. 4
Carlisle, n. 116, 122, 411; x. 193, 352; W otton Remfred, xm. 9
xi. 240; xii. 511; xm. 196; xiv. 100 Carmarthen, x. 386
Carlisle, in Arthurian romance, i. 312, 313 Carmarthen, Presbyterian college, x. 387
Carlisle, bishop of, in Richard II, v. 249 Carmarthen, Roman walls at, I. 197
Carlisle, lady, in Browning's Strafford, Carmarthen. See Black Book of
xm. 59 Carmelites, the, i. 213; n. 349, 350; iv. 419
Carlisle, Lucy Hay, countess of (1599- Carmen Heroicum, m. 293
1660), vn. 17, 55 Carmichael, Grace Jennings (1867?-1904),
Carlisle, Nicholas (1771-1847), vn. 333; xiv. 369, 585
IX. 408; xii. 419; Endowed Grammar Carmichael-Smyth, major, xm. 276
Schools, vn. 333; xiv. 389 Carnan, Thomas, XL 377
Carlo Alberto, king, xn. 440 Carnarvon castle, XL 131
Carlton or Carleton, Richard (1560?- Carnarvon, earls of. See Dormer, Robert;
1638?), iv. 113,463 Herbert, H. H. M.
Carlton house, xn. 232 Carnarvonshire, iv. 262; x. 115
Carlyle, Alexander ('Jupiter* Carlyle) Carnatic, the, XL 19
(1722-1805), ix. 561; XI. 220; xn. 472; Caro (Flesh), in Piers the Plowman, IT. 19
xm. 467, 470 Carol, in The Masque of Christmas, vi. 358
Carlyle, John Aitken (1801-1879), xn. Carolina, South, ix. 12
137, 522 Caroline, in Thackeray's A
Shabby Genteel
Carlyle, J. E., xrv. Add. 6 Story, xm. 280, 299
Carlyle, Jane Welsh (1801-1866), xm. Caroline (1683-1737), queen of George II,
5, 6, 467, 470 ix. 132, 175, 187, 222, 249 ff., 281, 338;
Carlyle, Thomas (1795-1881), m. 147; x. 274, 353; xn. 19
iv. 45; vi. 239; vn. 91, 189, 191, 194, Caroline (1768-1821), queen of George IV,
225, 356, 440, 501; x. 42, 66, 288, 315, xiv. 121, 201
316, 476, 480; XL 28, 137, 209, 218, Caroline divines, xn. 253, 255, 261, 262,
228 ff., 409, 417, 439, 491; xn. 23 ff., 265, 277
97, 159, 162, 177, 178, 219, 253, 273, Caroline dramatists, x. 108
283> 378, 430, 431, 445, 505; xm. 1 ff. Caroline essayists, ix. 36
(main entry), 57, 58, 71, 77, 81, 86, 128, Caroline literature, vni. 222, 227, 389
143, 158, 185, 320, 343, 355, 361, 362, Caroline poetry, xm. 192, 218, 237
364 fl., 420, 422, 425, 436, 442, 447, Caroline poets, vn. 1, 2, 10, 17; x. 151;
451, 458, 464 ff. (mam entry), 483, 552; xn. 127, 221
xiv. 1, 14, 42, 63, 83, 84, 86, 112, 113, Carolingian empire, vm. 310
138, 144, 153, 180, 318a, 462, 470, 486, Caroliagian romances, I. 302, 309. See,
515, 518 also, under Charlemagne
Characteristics, xm. 8 Carolings, the, v. 4
Chartism, xm. 14 Carolks, Chnstmasse (Wynkyn de Worde's).
and Miscellaneous Essays, xm. 5
Critical n. 393
Early Kings of Norway, The, xm. 20 Carolostadius, m. 363
Essay on Goethe's Faust, xm. 4 Carols, n. 373 ff.
xm. 17
Frederick the Great, F.
Carols, Christmas, m. 19
German Romance, xm. 4, 5 Carols sung at Queen's College, Oxford,
History of the French Revolution, xm. n. 326
11 ff., 17, 19, 278, 332, 333, 384; xiv. 15 Carove, Friedrich Wilhelm, XL 491
Latter Day Pamphlets, xm. 15 Carow, black nuns at, v. 8
Lectures on Heroes, mr. 3 Carow, in Phyllyp Sparowe, m. 71
Letters and Speeches of Oliver Cromwell, Carpenter, Agricola, Pseuchographia An-
xm. 17, 19 thropomagica (1652), vn. 509
Life of John Sterling, xi. 136; xm. 18 Carpenter, J. Estlin, xn. 468; xiv. 470, 477
Life of Schiller, xm. 1, 4 Carpenter, Nathaniel (1589-1628?), Philo-
On Heroes, Hero- Worship and the Heroic sophia libera, iv. 278, 507
in History, xm. 12 ff.
Carpenter, Richard (d. 1670?), vn. 509

Carpenter, William Benjamin (1813-1885), Cartwright, William (1611-1643), v. 371;
xiv. 296, 470, 559 vi. 11, 28, 109, 240; vn. 4, 39, 272
Carpenter" $ Tools, Debate of the, u, 501 Lady Errant, The, vi. 237
Can, Henry, iv. 390 Ordinary, The, VL 237
Carr, James Anderson, xrv. 572 Royall Slave, The, VL 237, 326; vm.
Carr, J. Comyns, xm. 522 118
Carr, Robert, earl of Somerset (d. 1645), Siedge or Love's Convert, The, vi. 237
iv. 202; vi. 31, 37, 344; vn, 441 Cartwright, William (d. 1687), VL 83,
Carre, H,, Histoire de France, x. 283 480
Carre, Jerome,' v. 292 Cartwright, William Cornwallis, xrv. 485
Carre, Thomas, pseud. See Pinkney, Miles Carve, Thomas (1590-1672?), vn 453
Carrie, i. 236 Carver, Jonathan (1732-1780), xrv. 551
Carroll. See under Centlivre, Susannah Carving, book on, in. 19
Carroll, Lewis, pseud. See Dodgson, Gary, Elizabeth L., xni. 476, 491, 493,
Charles Lutwidge 496, 574
vm. 473
Carroll, William, Cary, Sir George, VL 257
Carrow. See Carow Gary, Sir Henry, 1st viscount Falkland
Camithers, B. (1799-1878), XL 439,- xiv. (d. 1633), The Marriage Night, vm.
517, 574 130, 418
Carsons, the, in Mrs GaskelPs Mary Barton, Cary, Henry Francis (1772-1844), xi. 402;
xm. 374 xn. 137, 415; Dante, xn. 85, 202; xm.
Carstares, William (1649-1715), rs. 492; 174
X, 295; xrv. 507 Cary, Lettice, wife of 2nd viscount Falk-
Cartagena, x. 36, 37, 41 land, vn. 151, 155
Carte, Thomas (1686-1754), x. 291, 293, Cary, Sir Lucius, 2nd viscount Falkland
355, 498 ff. History of England, x. 280;
; (1610?-1643), vi, 6; vn. 21, 52, 88, 143,
Life of James, Duke of Ormond, x. 280, 150 ff., 218, 305, 424, 441, 484; vm.
294, 295 63, 298; Discourse of Infallibility, vn.
Carte MSS., the, xiv. 96 150, 151
Carter, Elizabeth (1717-1806), x. 171, Gary, Sir Robert, Memoirs, xn. 16
464, 473; XI. 343, 350 ff., 354 ff.
(main Caryl, Joseph (1602-1673), vn. 316, 322
entry), 361, 363, 365, 473 Caryll, John (1666?-1736), ix. 70, 73, 82,
Epictetus, XL 356 ff. 84, 85, 443
Examination of Mr
Pope's Essay on Casa, G. della, II Oalateo, in. 341
Man, XL 356 Casa Guidi, Florence, xm. 70, 73, 79
Memoirs, XL 356 Casa Magni, xn. 76
Ode to Wisdom, XL 356 Casas, Bartolome de las. ix. 500
Sir IsaacNewton's Philosophy Ex- Casaubon, Isaac (1559-1614), m. 424;
plained, xi. 356 iv. 161, 238, 353, 500, 521; vn. 109,
Carter, Huntley, xm. 513 250, 307 ft, 311, 312, 314, 319, 320,
Carter, Matthew (fl 1660), ix. 532 324, 477, 485 ff.; ym. 63; ix. 331; xiv.
Carter, Nicholas (fl. 1717), XL 3o4 109 ; De rebus sacris et ecclesiasticis exer-
Carter, Thos. Fortescue, xiv. Add. 6 citationes XVI ad Baronii annales, vn.
Carter, William (d. 1584), iv. 381 310, 484
Carteret, John, 1st earl Granville (1690- Casaubon, Meric (1599-1671), vn. 109,
1763), ix. 88, 172, 458, 459, 465 322, 477, 486, 487, 488, 510, 517
Carteret, lady, ix. 457, 459, 463 Commentary on the Hebrew and (Anglo-
Carteret, Philip (d. 1796), xiv. 244 Saxon language, vn. 319
Cartesian philosophy, XL 57 .
Epictetus, vii. 319
Cartesianism, VIL 303. See, also, Descartes Marcus Antoninus, vn. 319
Carthage, IL 74; vm. 65; ix. 258; xn. Of Credulity and Incredulity, vn. 395,
301, 316, 475, 478, 480 484, 507
Carthage, in Alfred's Orosius, 1. 95 Treatise concerning Enthusiasm, A, vn
Carthusian order, I. 189; n. 61; vn. 338; 393
xin. 95 Casaubon, Mr, in Middlemarch, xni. 399
Cartier, J., iv. 442 Casby, Flora, in Little Dorrit, xm. 331
Cartmell, Lancashire, xn. 514 Casby, Mr, in Little Dorrit, xm. 331
Carton, Sydney, in A Tale of Two Cities, Casca, in Julius Caesar, v. 197
xm. 333 Case, John (d. 1600), iv. 507; vi. 398;
Cartwright, Christopher (1602-1658), vn, Speculum moralium questionum in uni-
424 versam ethicen Aristotelis, rv. 274; VL
Cartwright, Mrs, xrv. 599 39S
Cartwright, Thomas (1535-1603), m. 213, Casere, in Widsith, L 35
214, 389, 405, 413, 422, 426, 548; IV. Casey, Elizabeth Owens Blackburne
411, 433; IX. 235; XI. 32 (1845?-1894), Xiv. 567; A bunch of
Cartwright, Thomas (1034-1689), xn. 516 Shamrocks, xiv. 327

67 5-2
Casey, John (1820-1891), xrv. 555 Catalogue of Books (term catalogue), xi.
Casimir, vn. 87 339
Casimir, m
Coleridge's Zapolya, xi. 414 Catalogue of the most vendible Books, xi. 338
Casket, The, a Miscellany (1829), XL 419 Catalogues, xi. 470
Casket letters, vn. 161 Catalogus Bibliothecae Earleianae, x. 166
Caspian sea, rv. 84 Cataneo, Girolamo, iv. 443, 454
Cassandra, iv. 120 Catch, Nehemiah, vm. 122
Cassandra, in Promos and Cassandra, v. Catchpole, in Rabelais, vm. 67
119 Catesby, Monsignore, in Disraeli's Lothair,
Cassano library, xn. 366 xm. 350
Cassell, John (1817-1865), xiv. 533, 612 Catharine II, empress of Russia, v. 308;
Cassels, Walter Richard (1826-1907), xn. X. 246, 266, 288; XL 358, 430; xn. 52, 55
465 Catharine, St, in Tyrannick Love, vm. 22
Cassilis, Catherine, in Black's A Daughter Catharine of Alexandria, St, v. 7, 37, 38
of Heth, xin. 432 Catharine of Braganza, queen, rx, 278
Cassillis, earls of. See Kennedy, Gilbert Cathay, iv. 66, 71 ff., 76, 86
Cassio, in Othello, v. 202 Cathcart, lord, in Glover's Boadicea, xi.
Cassiodorien, in Richard Coeur de Lion, 258
1.307 Catherine, in Emily Bronte's Wuthering
Cassiodorus, I. 20, 213; n. 363, 366; xn. Heights, xm. 411
272, 322, 476; xni. 461 Catherine, in Thackeray's novel, xm. 280
Cassitis, in Julius Caesar, v. 197; VI. 127; Catherine de' Medici, iv. 429
xm. 221 Catherine of Aragon (1485-1536), 1st
Cassius Longinus, Gaius, ix. 28 queen Henry VIII, in. 15, 16; v. 201;
Cassius Severus, iv. 349; vn. 272 vi. 332, 333; rx. 197
Castabala, xrv. 53 Catherine of Aragon, queen, in Henry
Castalio, in Otway's Orphan, vm. 183 VIH, v. 195; vi. 231
Castalio, Sebastian, m, 145 Catherine of Aragon, queen, song in praise
Castamela, in The, Fancies, vi. 193, 194 of, n. 394
Castanheda, Hernan Lopes de, iv. 442 Catherine of Valois, queen of Henry V,
Castelain, Maurice, vi. 5, 9, 10, 362, 370 iv. 182
Castell, Edmund (1606-1685), vn, 490, Catherine Parr (1512-1548), 6th queen of
491 Henry VIII, iv. 231, 495
Castelvetro, Lodovico, vn. 265 Catherlough, Robert Knight, earl of (lord
Casti, Giambattista, xn. 33, 51, 52, 56; Luxborough), x. 272, 273
II Poema Tartaro, xn. 55 Catholic emancipation, xm. 24
Castiglione, Balthazar or Baldasarre, m. Catholic reaction, the, v. 337
174, 344; iv. 135, 159, 342, v. 132; Catholic Standard, The, xn. 463
II Cortegiano, m. 171, 235, 341, 434, Cathohcon Anghcum, n. 483; in. 555
437, 438, 505, 550; iv. 7, 397, 443; Catiline, in The Police of Honour, n. 261
v. 124, 349; ix. 396
Catley, Ann (1745-1789), XL 450, 453
Castillo, John (1792-1845), xn. 415 Catling, Thomas, xiv. 533
Castle, Egerton, xiv. 503 Catnach, James (1792-1841), XI. 373, 469;
Castle Howard, vm. 162 xiv. 226 ff., 540, 542
Castle inn, in The Fair Maid Of The West, Cato, ix. 28, 63, 64
vi. 101 Cato, in Caesar and Pompey, vx. 35
Castle of Perseverance, The, v. 52, 391, 392 Cato, Distichs of, I. 119
Castle of Pleasure, The, n. 327 Cato street conspiracy, xiv. 201, 228
Castlemaine, countess of. See Villiers, Cats, Vader, Maechden-Pflicht, vi. 87
Barbara Cattaro, Dalmatia, m. 262
Castlemaine, earl of. See Palmer, Roger Cattraeth, I. 249
Castlereagh, viscount. See Stewart, Robert Cattuna, empress, in Casti's II Poema Tar-
Castlewood, lady, in Esmond, xm
293, taro, xn. 55
296, 407 Catullus, I. 362; iv. 197, 334, 516; vr. 346;
Castlewood family, in The Virginians, THTTT, vn. 1, 12, 13, 36; xn. 337, 483, 488, 490;
298 xm. 42, 45, 175; Attis, xm. 449; Viva-
Castro, Guillen de, vi. 124, 136, 140; mus, mea Lesbia, et amemus, vn. 2;
vm. 128 Lucius in morte passeris, vn. 9
Caswall, Edward (181^1878), xn, 455 Caucasus, the, xn. 65, 70
'Cataline, Colonel,' x. 393 Caulah, in Ockley's History of the Saracens,
Catalogi Librorum Manuscriptorum, ix. X. 281
356 Causidicade, The, x. 28
Catalogue, complete, of modern books, Caussin, N., VL 140
XI. 339 Caustic, in Morton's Way to get Married,
Catalogue of all the Book* .. .since the XI. 281
Dreadful Fire, xi. 339 Cavalcanti, Guido, iv. 197; xm. 118

Cavalier songs and jests, vn. 512 Cavendish, William, 3rd earl of Devon-
Cavaliers OatecJiisme and confession of his shire (1617-1684), vn. 284
faith, The, vn. 383 Cavour, Camillo, count di, rrrr, 73
Cavaliers' Catechisme, or the Reformed Pro- Caw, G., Poetical Museum, rx. 565
testant the anti-christian
catechising Cawarden, Sir Thomas (d. 1559), VL 257
Papist, vn. 382 Cawline, Sir, u, 414
Cavaliers' Diurnall, The, vn. 388 Cawood, John (151^1572), m. 59; iv.
Cavaliers Letanie, The, vn. 383 397,400
Cavall, the hound. See Cabal Caxton, William(1421 -8-1491),!. 245, 285;
Cavallilly Man, The, vm. 96 n. 73, 77, 97, 160, 161, 198, 209, 228,
Cave, Edward (1691-1754), 162 fif.,
x. 245, 264, 310 ft, 316, 332 ft, 421, 429,
175, 465, 466; XL 323, 355, 467; xn. 483 ft; m. 19, 67, 289, 290, 308, 339,
428; xrv. 169 439 ft, 443 ft, 459, 460, 526; iv. 343,
Cave, Henry, Narration of the Fatt of Paris 353, 427, 428, 523; v. 53; ix. 536; xn.
Garden, VL 393 520; xiv. 491
Cave, R., xn. 428 Aesop's Fables, n. 314, 334
'Cave of Adullam,' the, xiv. 133 Art of good living and good dying, n. 324
Cave of Envy, in Sandys's Ovid, vn. 51 Aymon, The History of the Four Sons of,
Cave of Harmony, the, in The Newcomes, n. 316, 332, 484; iv. 397
xm. 296
Blanchardyn and Eglantine, The History
Cave of Mammon, in The Faerie Queene, o/,316
VL 335 Bonne meurs, Le livre des, n. 315
Cavenagh, E. A., xiv. 525 Cato, n. 209, 314
Cavendish family, vn. 282, 289. See, also, Charles the Great, The Life of, n. 314, 315
under Devonshire and Newcastle Chesse, Game and playe of the, n. 309,
Cavendish, lord Frederick Charles (1836- 312, 313; iv. 300, 510
1882), XTV. 320 Chivalry, The Order of, n. 228, 314
Cavendish, George (1500-1561?), m. 198, Chronicle of Brute, n. 313, 334
325, 334 ft, 528; IV. 428; vn. 514; Curtesye, Book of, n. 313, 427
Life and Death of Thomas Woolsey, m. Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers,
325, 335; Metrical Visions, m. 198 n. 313, 427, 485
Cavendish, Georgiana, duchess of Devon- Eneydos, n. 316; m. 19, 67; iv. 39
shire (1757-1806), xi. 456
Fayttes of Arms, The, n. 316
Cavendish, Gilbert, iv. 524 Godfrey of Bologne, The History of, n.
Cavendish, Henry (1731-1810), xrv. 258, 313
272, 274, 275, 556, 557 Golden Legend, The, n. 314; iv. 39
Cavendish, Margaret, duchess of New- Good Manners, The Book of, n. 314, 333,
castle (1624?-1674), iv. 193; vn. 229, 420
452; vin. 124, 149, 419, 424; The ccxi Knight of the Tower, The Book of, n.
Sociable Letters, vn. 228; The Life of 314, 333, 420
William Cavendish, duke of Newcastle, Mirror of the World, The, n. 313
vn. 227; True Relation of the Birth, Paris and Vienne, The History of, n.
Breeding and Life of Margaret, duchess 314, 315, 319, 332
of Newcastle, vn. 228 Recuyell of the Histories of Troy, n. 230,
Cavendish, Richard (d. 1601), rv. 436 311 ft; m. 289; iv. 397
Cavendish, Spencer Compton, 8th duke Reynard the Fox, n. 245, 313, 314, 332
of Devonshire, marquis of Hartington Royal BooJc, The, n. 315
(1833-1908), xrv. 131, 509 Trevisa's Higden's Polychronicon, Cax-
Cavendish, Thomas (1560-1592), m. 358, ton's revision of, n. 313
359; iv. 78,92; v. 139 Vitae Sanctorum Patrum, n. 323
Cavendish, William, 1st duke of Devon- Caxton society, xn. 355
shire (1640-1707), vm. 411 Cayet, Pierre Victor Palma, VL 148, 149
Cavendish, William George Spencer, 6th Cayley, Arthur (1821-1895), xrv. 262, 264,
dukeofDevonshire(1790~1858),xn.368 556
Cavendish, Sir William, 7th duke of Cayley, Charles Bagot, xm. 246, 247
Devonshire (1808-1891), xiv. 270 Cayley, George John (1826-1878), xiv. 551
Cavendish, William, marquis and 1st duke Cazamian, L., xm. 470, 545, 546, 548, 551 ;
of Newcastle (1592-1676), vi. 6, 197;vn. Le .Roman Social en Angleterre, ^TIT.
226, 227, 229, 285; vm. 17, 149, 398, 344,348
420, 424; The Humorous Lovers, vm. Ceadda (Chad), iv. 421. See, also, Chad
124; The Triumphant Widow, vm. 124 Cearbhall (d. 888), Irish king, i. 287
Cavendish, Sir William (d. 1557), m. 335 Cebes, X. 468
Cavendish, William, 1st earl of Devon- Cebes his Table, vn. 489
shire (d. 1626), vn. 282 Cecil, Edward, Aemilia, VL 321
Cavendish, William, 2nd earl of Devon- Cecil, in Kelly's False Delicacy, x. 91;
shire (159H-1628), vn. 287 XI. 263
Cecil, Richard (1748-1810), xn. 471 Centlivre, Susannah
Cecil, Sir Robert, 1st earl of Salisbury Busy-Body, The, x. 72
(1563?-1612), iv. 82, 83, 94, 225; v. 345; Marplot in Lisbon, x. 72
vn. 331. 435, 438, 440; x. 501 Perjured Husband, The, x. 72
Cecil, William, lord Burghley (1520- Perplexed Lover, The, vm. 131
1598), m. 185, 241, 242, 319, 326, 380, Wonder, The, x. 72
419, 421; iv, 1, 8, 10, 225, 275, 277 ff., Ceolfrid, saint (642-716), I. 55, 82
281, 300 8., 307, 308, 312, 382, 386, Ceolwulf, saint (d. 764), king of North-
401, 405, 410, 510; v. 64, 89, 90, 341, umbria, I. 82
343, 345, 362; vr. 47, 305, 381, 382, Cephalonia, island of, xn. 38
384; vn. 191, 325, 328, 331; vm. 8; Cephalus, in Confessio Amantis, n. 152
x. 500; xiv. 86; Precepts, TV. 343, 344, 'Cerbera' (Mrs Schwellenberg), x. 260
523 Cerberon, in Drayton's Eglogs, iv. 173 176
Cecilia, St, I. 74 Cerberus, in Hudibras, vm. 73
Cecilia, St, The Life of, n. 503 Cerdic, i. 236
Cecilia de Chaumpaigne, n. 159 Cerdogni, Camillo, vn. 100
Cecils, the, TV. 278, 279; vr. 6 Cerdon, the cobbler, in Hudibras, vm.
Cedd, St 82
(d. 664), I. 68,69
Ceix, in Confessio Amantis, n. 151 Ceres, vn. 370
Celadon, in Dry den's Secret Love, vm, 20 Ceres, in Lingua, vi. 315
Celadon, in Thomson's Seasons, x. 103 Ceriol, Federico Furi6, iv. 443
Celand, in Britannia's Pastorals, iv. 157 Cerne, abbey of, in Dorsetshire, and Bool
Celesia, Dorothea (Mallet, 1738-1790), xi. of, i. 86, 116, 120, 125, 150, 434
263; Almida, x. 86, 439; XI. 456 Cervantes-Saavedra, Miguel de, vi. 132,
Celestial Hierarchy, The, m. 6, 214 135, 136, 138, 140, 154; vrn. 67, 425;
Celestina, in Calisto and Melebea, v. 99, X. 26, 44, 50 ff., 414; xn. 168
100 Curioso Impertinente, VI. 133, 137, 223,
Celestina, in The Lady of Pleasure, vi. 202 236
Celestine, pope, n. 148 Don Quixote, iv. 360, 395, 443; vi. 133,
Celia, in As You Like. It, L 298 137, 223, 236; vm. 65, 68, 70, 126 ff.,
Celia, in The Humorous Lieutenant, vi. 123 189, 191; ix. 268, 269, 272, 275, 278,
Celia (Carets), vn. 17, 20 600 ff., 529; x. 25, 40, 51, 52, 417;
Celia (Waller's), vn. 55 Xi. 280, also see Add.; xm. 305; xiv.
Celimene, in The Spectator, ix. 57 249, 251
Cellier, Francois A., xm. 519 M Viejo cekso, vm. 129
Celling. See Tilly, William La Fuerza de la Sangre, vm. 129
Cellini, Benvenuto, Memoirs, xrv. 108 La Gitanilla, vm. 129
Celsus, xn. 521 Los Banos de Argel, vm. 129
Celtic ancestry, xm. 122, 440 Novelas Exemplares, rv. 9; vi. 123, 139,
Celtic influence on English literature, I 140; vm. 128, 129
274 ff. Persiles y Sigismunda, vr. 123, 130, 138;
Celtic language and literature, xn. 327, vm. 128
343, 344, 361, 362; xm. 100, 101, 196; Voyage to Parnassus, vn. 274
xiv. 303, 307, 434, 457 Cesario, in The Faire Maide of the Innc,
Celtic legend, xm. 36, 42 vi. 140
Celtic minstrels, v. 27 'Cesario,' Delia Cruscan poet, xi. 177
Celtic mysticism, vn. 15, 42 Cesarotti, x. 488
Celtic scholars, xiv. 307 Cespedes, Gonzalo de, vm. 128, 129;
Celtic society, xn. 361 Gerardo, VI. 123, 139, 183
Celtic tales, n. 407 Cestre, C., xi. 417
Celticism, x. 230, 296 Ceylon, n. 80
Celts, xiv. 68, 69 Chabot, Madame, x. 248
Cenci, Beatrice, in Shelley's The Cenci, Chad, St (d. 672), r. 82; iv. 421
xn. 67 ff., 113 Chad, St, in The Golden Legend, n. 335
Cenci, count, in Shelley's Tfa Cenci, xn. 68 Chadderton, William ( 1540 ?-1608), xn. 493
Cenci, Francesco, vi. 159 Chaderton, Laurence (1536?-1640), VIL
Cenci family, the, VI. 153 317, 340
Cenci palace, xn. 70 Chadwick, Esther E., xm. 557
Cenis, Mont, xn. 496 Chadwick, Hector Munro, I. 419, 425
Censor of Great Britain/ ix. 41 Chaeronea, iv. 10
Censure of the Rota on Mr Dryderfs Con- Chaffanbrass, Trollope'a, xm. 422
quest of Granada, The, vm. 4 Chagford, vn. 86
Centlivre, Susannah (1667?-! 723), vm. Chalcedon, xn. 262
132, 168, 176, 426; x. 71 ff., 427; xi. 322 Chalcondylas, Demetrius, m. 5, 6
Artifice, The, x. 72 Chaldea, xn. 477
Bold Stroke for a Wife, X. 72 Chaldee language, ix. 393

Chaldee learning, vn. 318, 319; vm. 364 Chambers, Edmund Kerchever, vx. 267;
'Chaldee MS., the,' xn. 156, 157, 160, 163 Mediaeval Stage, The, n. 380
Chaldee Targums, vn. 319 Chambers, Raymond Wilson, i. Add.
Chalfont St Giles, Bucks., vn. 107, 120 Chambers, Robert (1802-1871), ix. 566;
Chaliz, vn. 173 rr. 437, 440, 442; xn. 378, 425, 465;
Chalk farm, xn. 161 xm. 500; xiv, 159, 517, 533, 559, 612;
Chalkhill, John (fl. 1600), vn. 77 fi., 81, Vestiges of Creation, xrv. 298
113, 252; vm. 227; xm, 237; Thealma Chambers, Sir William, x. 199
and Clearchus, n. 218; vn. 76, 78, 250, Chambers, William (1800-1883), xn. 425;
412 xiv. 159, 533, 612
Challenger,' H.MS., xiv. 297 Chambers'*s Cyclopaedia of English Litera-
ChaUoner, Luke (fl. 1603), iv. 433 ture, i. ix; xiv. 145, 527, 528, 574
ChaUoner, Richard (1691-1781), iv. 49; Chambers' s Journal, xn. 425; xrv 159, 326
x. Add. Chambray, Roland Freart, Sieur de, vm.
Chalmers, Alexander (1759-1834), vi. 1; 449
IX. 187, 190, 480; x. 138, 153, 154, 172, Chamfort, Nicolas, xi. 175
452, 462, 476, 478: xi. 467; xm, 224 Chamier, Anthony (1725-1780), x. 405
Chalmers, George (1742-1825), ix. 562; Chamier, Frederick (1796-1870), xn. 251,
x. 459, 463; XL 395, 470; xn. 508 448; xiv. 490
Caledonia, xn. 350 Chamisso de Boncourt, L. C. A. von, yrrr.
'Political Annals of the Colonies,' xn. 192
350 Chamont, in Otway's Orphan, vm. 184
'Treaties,' xn. 350 Champfleury (pseud. ), xrv. 540
Chalmers, James (1841-1901), xiv. 551 Champion, The, x. 23, 24, 27, 417; xn.
Chalmers, J. A., xrv. Add. 7 171, 434
Chalmers, Thomas (1780-1847), xn. 472; Champneys, Arthur Charles, xrv. 598
xiv. 119, 470 Champneys, Basil, xm. 507, 508
Chalmers, William, xiv, 517 Chance, J. F., x. 295
Chalmers's Poets, n. 199 Chancellor, Richard (d. 1556), iv. 68, 71,
Chalon-sur-Sa6ne, i. 34 72, 84, 88
Chaloner, Sir Thomas (1521-1565), iv. Chancery, court of, XL 315
443; De Re Publica Anglorum instaur- Chandler, Edward (16687-1750), vm. 282,
anda, iv. 261 453
Chaloner, Sir Thomas (1561-1615), iv. 84 Chandler, Frank Wadleigh, rv. 530; xm.
Cham, the Great, n. 79, 86 513; xiv. 540 ; The Literature of Roguery,
Chamber, John (1546-1604), iv. 535; vn. xm. 437
394; A Confutation of Astrological De- Chandler, Henry William (1828-1889),
monology, vn. 377; A Treatise against xn. 520
Judicial Astrologie, vn. 376, 508 Chandler, Richard (1738-1810), xn. 496;
Chambe'ri, ix. 245 Antiquities of Ionia, xn. 338
Chamberlain or Chamberlayne, Edward Chandler, Samuel (1693-1766), DC. 476,
(1616-1703), vn. 514 570; x. 386, 499, 521; Case of Sub-
Chamberlain, John (1553-1627), VL 291, scription, x. 374; History of Persecution,
324; vn. 193, 343, 345, 437 X. 374
Chamberlain, Joseph, xiv. 134, 186 Chandler, or Chaundler, T. (1418?-1490),
Chamberlain, Robert, XTTT. 244 vn. 326
Chamberlaine, Frances. See Sheridan, Chandos, duke of. See Brydges, James
Frances Chandos, lord. See Brydges, Grey
Chamberlain's company, the lord, v. 309; Chandra Sen, Keshab, xiv. 341
VI. 3, 4, 40, 182, 245, 247, 250, 253, 255, Channel islands, iv. 190; xiv. 434
256, 258, 274, 275, 312 Channing, William Ellery, xn. 378
Chamberlayne, Dr, IX. 464 Chansons de geste, I. 279, 291, 447; v. 3,
Chamberlayne, Edward (1616-1703), An- and see 34
gliae Notitia, ix. 352, 532 Chanteloup, ix. 226
Chamberlayne, John (1666-1723), Magnae Chantrey, Sir Francis Legatt (1781-1842).
Britanniae Notitia, ix. 353, 532 xi. 242; xn. 323
Chamberlayne, William (1619-1689), vn. Chantries act (1547), m. 418; vn. 326
73, 81, 94, 113, 412; vm. 227, 435; xm. Chapbook editions of children's books,
237 xi. 477
England's Jubile, vn. 74; vm. 229 Chapbooks, XL 475, 476
Love's Victory, vn. 74 Chapel Royal, the, VL 279. See, also,
Pharonnidia, vn. 49, 74, 76 ff., 80; under Children of the Chapel Royal
vm. 229; xm. 238, 244 Chapel Royal, The Old Cheque Book of the,
Wits led by the Nose, vn. 74 vi. 280, 282
Chamberlen, P., The Poore Man's Advo- Chapelain, Jean, vn. 268; vm. 374; x.
cate, iv. 510 220; La PuceUe, vn. 268

Chapman, George (1559?-1634), m. 191, Chapone, Mrs Hester, born Mulso (1727-
199, 271, 292, 305, 449, 452, 526, 550; 1801), x. 171, 270; XL 356, 473; xiv.
TV. 22, 266, 393 ff. ; v, 148, 224, 311, 312, 599; Letters, XT. 365, 379
344, 371, 422; vi. 2, 16, 19, 28-57 (main Chappell, Jennie, xiv. 517
entry), 147, 202, 225, 250, 329, 353 ff., ChappeU, William (1582-1649), vn. 97, 98
420 ff., 451, 488, also see Add.; vn. 51, Chappell, William, x. 233
465; is. 75; xn. 191; xm. 448, 495, also Chappell, W., Popular Music of the Olden
see Add. 2 Time, rx. 361 ff., 568
Achilles Shield, vi. 37 Chapter books, xi. 325
Al Fooles, vi. 15, 32, 290 Character of a Coffee-house, The, vn. 389
Alphonsus Emperour of Germany, VI. 35 Character of Italy, The, vrr. 392
Amorous Zodiac, The, vi. 30, 31 Character of Spain, The, vn. 392
Andromache Literata, vi. 31 Character of Warre, The, vn. 386
Batrachomyomachia, vi. 37 Character sketches, vn. 517
BHnde begger of Alexandria, The, vi. 15, Character writers, rv. 521, 522
31 Charissa, in The Faerie Queene, vr. 335
Byron, The Conspiracie, And Tragedie Chariton, Chereas and Calhrrhoe, m. 351
of Charles Duke of, vi. 30, 33 ff., 175, 258 Charity, in Confessio Amantis, n. 148
Caesar, trans, of, rv. 435 Chanty, in The Example of Virtue, n. 227,
Caesar and Pompey, vs.. 35, 172 228
Chabot, Admiratt of France, vi. 35, 207 Charity, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, n.
Comodey of Umers, The, vi. 32 228
Coronet for his Mistress Philosophy, A, Charity, the tree of, in Piers the Plowman,
vi. 31 n. 24, 27
De Guiana Carmen, TV. 88 Charity commission, xrv. 422, 433
Eastward Hoe, m. 191; v. 255; vi. 4, 20, Charity schools, ix. 570, 571
30, 32, 43, 47, 48, 171, 173, 258, 355; Charivari, xrv. 235, 326
vn. 433 Charlemagne in romance, I. 169, 281, 283,
Euthymiae Raptus, vi. 29 284, 302, 342, 467
Fatal Love, a French tragedy, vi. 36 Charlemont, in The Atheist's Tragedie, YL
Gentleman Usher, The, vi. 32, 290 168
Gyles Goosecappe, 459
Sir, vr. 35, 290, Charles I, rv. 92, 107, 195, 238 ff., 265,
Hesiod's Works and Days, Chapman's 301, 302, 312, 366, 381, 411, 426; v. 222,
trans, of, rv. 436; vi. 37 348, 360; vr. 6, 7, 83, 147 ff., 201, 203,
Homer, m. 305; rv. 2, 19, 21, 394, 437, 208, 232, 237, 238, 240, 243, 245, 246,
516, 526; vr. 29, 30, 32, 37; XT. 90; 271, 278, 321, 324 ff,, 336, 359, 360,
xn. 79, 190 363, 403; vn. 1, 6, 16, 17, 24, 29, 35,
Homeric Epigrams, vr. 37 39, 50, 52 ff., 59, 61, 63, 79, 80, 106,
Homeric Hymns, vi. 37 140, 142, 144, 146 ff., 154, 159, 161 ff.,
Humerous Dayes Myrth, An, v. 331; 165, 179, 188, 191, 192, 194, 195, 198,
VI. 15,31 205, 212, 214, 215, 218, 219, 221 ff.,
Marlowe's Hero and Leander, Chap- 229, 254, 280, 300, 306, 335, 340, 352,
man's continuation of, vr. 31 353, 361, 382, 383, 392, 433, 435, 436,
Masque... of the Middle. Temple and 438 ff., 447, 449, 450, 455; vm. 2, 67,
Lyncolnes Inn, vr. 36, 353 101, 119, 130, 134, 245, 246, 267, 277,
May-Day, m. 199; v. 34; vi. 32, 290 294, 295, 297, 312, 318, 319, 323, 358,
Monsieur D' Olive, vr. 32 361, 371, 383, also see Add.; rx. 27,
Musaeus, translation of, vr. 30 201, 222, 233, 235, 240, 250, 307, 309,
Ovid's Banquet of Sence, iv. 19, 439; 403; x. 279, 283, 286, 287, 290, 295,
vi. 31 318, 355, 498 ff.; xi. 280, 311; xn. 253,
Revenge for Honour, vi. 35 260, 521; xiv. 93, 396
Revenge of Bussy D'Ambois, The, vr. Charles I, in Shelley's drama, xn. 75
33 ff., 178, 223 Charles I, Just Defence of the Royal Martyr
Shadow of Night, The, vr. 31 King, vn. 225
Tears of Peace, The, vr. 31 Charles I, pamphlets on, vn. 513
Widdowes Teares, The, vi 32 Charles II, I. 282; rv. 204; v. 237, 375;
World runs on Wheels, The (Al Fooles), vi. 250, 271; vn. 61, 62, 150, 161, 179,
vr. 32 180, 183, 188, 196, 197, 206, 213 ff.,
Yorkshire Gentlewoman and her Son, 219, 234, 250, 254, 285, 314, 360, 365,
The, vr.36 434, 436, 441, 455; vm. 6, 7, 9, 18, 20,
See, also, under Marston and Shirley 21, 30, 34, 35, 37, 39, 43 ff., 61, 62, 64,
Chapman, George (1723-1806), xrv. 605 77, 80, 82, 88, 92 ff., 97 ff., 118, 122,
Chapman, John (1822-1894), xn. 430; 123, 131, 132, 155, 158, 174, 185, 198,
xm. 383, 385 199, 206, 207, 213, 247, 248, 254, 256,
Chapman, Maria Weston, xnr. 343, 554 261, 262, 264 ff., 269, 272, 291, 293,
Chapman and Hall, publishers, xm. 440 295, 297, 302, 304, 358, 370, 372, 382,

(fl. 1815-1825), XL 419
Charles II Charter. Elizabeth
387, 481, 482; is. 2, 194, 199, 201, 203, Charter Rolls, the, xn. 516
205, 206, 208, 213, 225, 233, 234, 239, Charterhouse, xn 288, 329, 332; xm. 276;
307, 362, 363; x. 287, 290, 351, 373; xiv. 404, 422
xm. 434 Charteris, Francis (1675-1732), ix. 469, 470
Charles II, king of Spain, ix. 8, 133; xiv. Charteris, Henry (d. 1599), m. 123; iv. 413
212 Chartier, Alain, n. 164, 216, 485; m. 489,
Charles V, emperor, x. 504 502; iv. 443; vm 59; Le Quadrilogue
Charles V. king of Spain, n. 83, 338, 340; Invectif, m. 152, 153
m. 32, 160
Chartley, in The Wise woman of Hogsdon,
Charles VIII, king, in Romola, xm. 394 vi. 99
Charles VIH, king of Prance, x. 303 Chartres, school of, i. 183 ff., 216
Charles IX, king of France, vm 87 Chase, John Centlivres, xiv. Add. 6, 11
Charles XII, king of Sweden, ix. 19; x. 169 Chase side, Enfield, xn. 201
Charles, archduke of Austria, ix. 134 Chasles, Ph., xn. 524
Charles Edward, prince (the Young Pre- Chastitie, in Ane Pleasant Satyre, m. 125,
tender), ix. 371, 373, 563 ff.; xn. 26; 126
xiv. 360 The Passetyme
Chastity, tower of, in of
Charles, Edwin, xm. 537 Pleasure, n. 231
Charles, ]mile, I. 208 ff. Chateaubriand, Francois Rene, vicomte
Charles Frederick, king of Prussia, x. 463 de, iv. 43; v. 301; xn. 396, 524; xiv.
Charles Lewis (Karl Ludwig), elector Pala- 107; Genie du Christianisme, XL 108;
tine, v. 284; vn. 231 xn. 254
Charles the Bald, i. 88, 89; iv. 270 Chatham, vm. 249, 381
Charles the Bold, n. 307 Chatham, earl of. See, Pitt, William
Charles the Great (Charlemagne), i. 5, 84, Chatteris, Cambridgeshire, xm. 216
88 ff.; n. 112, 181, 339, 416; m. 211, Chatteris, in Thackeray's Pendennis, 'STTT.

245, 437; iv. 24, 269; v. 40; X. 314; 276

xn. 322, 476 Chatterji, Bankim Chandra, xiv. 341
For Romances, see under Charlemagne Chatterton, Thomas (1752-1770), x.
and Carolingian 234 (main entry), 239, 485, 486, 525,
Charles the Great, in Rauf Coifyear, n. also see Add.; XL 181, 245, 250, 390,
125, 126 422; xn. 81, 86; xm. 225, 226; xiv. 504
Charles the Great, Life of, n. 314, 315, 485 Bnstowe Tragedie, x. 234
Charles's men, prince, vi. 232 Consuliad, x. 399
Charleton, Walter (1619-1707), vm. 362, Elinoure and Juga, x. 235, 238
395, 476; Chorea Gigantum, ix. 354, 532 Excelente Balade of Charitie, x. 235
Charlett, Arthur (1655-1722), ix. 57, 470 Revenge, The, x. 237
Charley, in Mrs GaskelTs Mary Barton, Ryse of Peyncieymng in Englande, x. 237
xm. 376 Saxon Achievements, X. 237
Charlie ismy Darling, ix. 376 Songe to Mia, x. 235
Charlotte, in Cumberland's West Indian, Unknown Knight, The, x. 236
xi. 264 Works, xn. 146
Charlotte, in Goethe's W
striker, x. 227 See, also, Rowley, Thomas, and the
Charlotte, in Oliver Twist, xra. 317 Rowley Poems
Charlotte, in Thackeray's Adventures of Chattuarii, the, I. 26
Philip, xm. 299 Chaucer, Agnes, wife of John Chaucer,
Charlotte, Augusta, princess (1796-1817), n. 156
xi. 166; xn. 401; xm. 276; xiv. 227 Chaucer, Elizabeth, n. 157
Charlotte, Sophia (1744-1818), queen of Chaucer, Geoffrey (1340?-1400), I. 16, 99,
George III, x. 63, 65, 260 155, 170, 177, 193, 213, 270, 275 ff.,
'Charlotte Elizabeth.' See Tonna, Char- 280, 282, 283, 288, 289, 292, 298, 299,
lotte Elizabeth 309, 316, 319, 332, 335, 348 ff., 355,
Charlton, Sir Job (1614-1697), ix. 392 366, 367, 380, 382, 386 ff., 394 ff.; n. 18,
Charlton, Stephen, vn. 438 39, 41, 72, 92 ff., 103, 110, 134, 135,
Charlton, Wilts., vm. 9 142, 143, 145, 146, 150 ff., 156-196
Charlwood, John (d. 1592), iv. 394 (main entry), 197, 198, 200, 204, 205,
Charm for Barren Land, I. 64 207, 208, 210, 211, 213 ff., 222, 225,
Charmer, The, ix. 371, 566 227 ff., 236, 239, 240, 243 ff., 247, 248,
Charms, Old English, L 40, 422, 423 250, 252 ff., 257, 258, 261, 263 ff., 272,
Charnock, Richard, prior, m. 3, 4, 11, 49 295, 308, 314, 317, 323, 332, 334, 337,
Charolais, in The Fatall Dowry, vr. 158 340, 351, 352, 355, 364, 391, 403, 412,
Charon, vn. 381 416, 422, 429, 455 ff., 488; m. 24, 68,
Charon, in Dialogues of the Dead, XL 351 70, 73, 79, 98, 108, 116, 117, 119, 120,
Charon, in Friar Rush, VL 53 130, 138, 149, 168, 169, 173, 174, 177,
Chart, near Leeds in Kent, i. 353 178, 188, 192, 200, 212, 227, 239, 244,

Chaucer, Geoffrey Chaucer, Geoffrey, works by, or attributed
246, 273 ff., 280 ff., 286, 287, 289, 290 ff., to:
296 ff., 301, 303, 308, 324, 325, 327, Lack of Steadfast-ness, n. 161, 162, 186
435, 439, 441 ff., 448, 449, 555; iv. 22 Legend of Good Women, The, u. 145,
194, 207, 246, 248, 421, 432; v. 22, 96; 150, 160 ff., 164, 167 ff., 174, 175, 217,
98, 103, 196, 220, 221, 226, 227, 234, 219; (prologue), in. 71
327; vi. 52, 113, 137, 299, 311; vn. 75, 20??,, The book of the, n. 160, 161

132, 135, 156, 173, 235; vm. 20, 48, Man of Law's Prologue and Tale, The,
51, 52, 55, 222, 227, 228, 230, 232, 233, I. 181, 292; n. 161, 181
433; ix. 68, 151, 158, 362, 369, 446; Man of Law's Tale, ix. 185
x. 183, 218, 219, 221, 223, 227, 236, Manciple's Tale, The, n. 184
239, 241, 491; xi. 161, 251, 255, 368, Melibeus, The tale of, n. 180, 182, 185;
394, 431; xn. 54, 98, 120, 168, 177, 344, m. 178
354, 443; xm. 104, 119, 128, 211, 238, Merchant's Prologue and Tale, The, n.
242, 423 184, 215
Chaucer, Geoffrey, works by, or attributed Merciles Beaute, n. 187
to: Miller's Tale, The, n. 216; v. 19
A.B.C., n. 161, 162, 164, 167, 170 Monk's Tale, The, n. 216; m. 192
Anelida and Arcite, II. 161, 162, 164, Nun's Priest's Tale, The, I. 193, 290;
167, 171, 217, 312; nr. 116 n. 183, 187; m. 241
Assembly of Fowls, The See Parliament Palamon and Arcite, n. 161
Assembly of Ladies, The, IL 162, 164, Pardoner's Tale, The, n. 183, 215
215, 217, 223 Parliament of Fowls, The, n. 160 ff.,
Astrolabe, u. 157, 161, 162, 185 164, 167, 170, 172, 312; m. 98; iv. 184
Ballade in Commendation of our Lady, Parson's Prologue and Tale, The, I. 355 ;
A, n. 162 n. 160, 185, 194, 216
Boethius, n. 160ff., 185, 186, 317; iv. 422 Phyllis and Demophoon (Legend of
Bukton, The Envoy to, n. 162, 187 Good Women], n. 217
Canon's Yeoman's Tale, The, n. 211 Physician's Tale of Virginia, n. 182, 183
Canterbury Tales, I. 16, 193, 213, 286, Praise of Women, A,n. 162
298, 352; n. 135, 143, 145, 160 ff., 167, Prioress's Tale, The, n. 169, 180 ff.,
168, 174, 177, 180, 185, 187, 194, 215, 190 ff., 359
216, 218, 313, 314, 320, 323; m
235, Prologue, The, n. 168, 178 ff., 182, 185,
241, 285, 290, 298; IV. 330; XI. 200 191, 193; m. 441
Circumstance, n. 162 Reeve's Tale, The, n. 216
Clerk's Tale, The, 11. 183, 188, 192, 350, Romaunt of the Rose, n. 161, 162, 164
413; V. 117 167 ff., 170, 240, 244
Complaint of Mars, The, n. 161, 162, Rosemounde ballade, The, n. 161, 186
164, 167, 170 St Cecily. See Second Nun's Tale, The
Complaint of Venus, The, n. 161, 162, Sapience, II, 162
164, 187 Scogan, The Envoy to, n. 187
Complaint to his Lady, The, n. 167, 170 Second Nun's Tale, The, n. 174, 178
Complaint unto Pity, The, n. 161, 164, 184; iv. 38
167, 170 Shipman's Tale, The, n. 181
Cook's Tale, The, n. 181 Sir Thopas, I. 277, 281, 282, 289, 291,
Death of Pity, The, n. 162 292, 295, 299, 319, 365 ff.; n. 167, 180,
Dream, The. See Duchess, The book of 181, 188, 189, 195, 196; m. 289; iv.
Duchess, The book of the [Death of 173; v. 3; x. 154; xi. 218
Blanche], n. 160 ff., 164, 167, 168, 170; Squire's Tale, The, I. 3, 9; n. 174; m. 130
xm. 124 Temple of Brass, n. 312
Empty Purse, Complaint of Chaucer to Troilas and Cnseyde, I. 332; n. 135,
his, n. 161, 162, 187 145, 160 ff., 167, 168, 170 ff,, 176, 185,
Flower of Courtesy, The, n. 162 188, 193, 230, 308, 314, 391, 474; vn
Former Age, The, n. 161, 186 78, 314, 487; xrn. 124
Fortune, n. 161, 162, 186 Truth, n. 161, 162, 186
Franklin's Tale, The, n. 184 Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale, The,
Qentdesse, n. 161, 186 I.177, 295; n. 169, 179, 180, 183, 192,
Good Counsel, Ballad of. See Truth 218, 254, 413; m. 88, 486; iv. 340;
Goodly Ballade of Chaucer, A,TL. 162 vi. 138
House of Fame, I. 170; n. 160 ff., 167, Yeoman's Tale, The, I. 298

174, 175, 187, 188, 261, 314, 412; m. Chaucer, John (d. 1366), n. 156, 159
70, 117; xm. 124 Chaucer, Philippa, wife of Geoffrey
Knight's Tale, The, n. 168, 171, 174, Chaucer, 11. 157
176, 178, 180, 188, 191, 193, 243; v. Chaucer, Robert le, n. 156
256; vi. 139, 299, 300; x. 230; xni. Chaucer, Thomas (1367?-1434), n. 157
122, 123 Chaucer society, n. 166, 210; xn. 355, 504.
Chaucer's Lewis,' n. 157, 185
'little Cheshire, m. 319; vn. 214, 232, 341;
Chaucerian school, i. 321, 334 ix. 166, 536; xi. 469; xn. 355, 509, 511,
Chauceriana, n. 215 ff., 469, 470 512, 514; xm. 372, 377
Chaucerians, the English, n. 197 ff., 467 ff. Cheshire (and Lancashire) Record society,
Chaucerians, the Scottish, u. 239 ff., xn. 506
471 ff. Chesney, Sir George Tomkyns (1830-
Chauncy, Sir Henry (1632-1719), Antiqui- 1895), xiv. 575; Battle of Dorking, The,
ties of Hertfordshire, ix. 353, 532 xiv. 339; Dilemma, The, xiv. 339
Chauncy, Isaac (1632-1712), x. 384; Neo- Chess, in Reason and Sensuality, n. 202
Nomianism Unmasked, x. 377 Chess, The Book of the, xn. 515
Chaundler, Thomas (1418?-! 490), dean Chesse, A
Game at (1624), vn. 433
of Hereford, m. 5 Chesse, The Game of (1643), vn. 385
Chaunteclere, in Phyllyp Sparowe, m. 71 Chessington hall, x. 260
Chaworth, Mary Ann, xn. 31, 51 Chester, n. 71, 210; m. 429; iv. 190, 408;
Chawton, Hampshire, xn. 236 vn. 319; vm. 297, 313, 369; ix. 167;
Cheadle, Walter Butler, xiv. 553 X 309; xi. 12, 469; xn. 329, 509; xni.
Cheats of London, The, ix. 264 103, 369; xiv. 74
Cheddar Hole, m. 322 Chester, Charles, vi. 40
Chedreux, vm. 375 Chester, St Werburgh's, n. 71, 210
Cheem, Aliph, pseud. $ee Yeldham, Walter Chester, Sir John, in Barnaby Rudge, x.
Cheerybles, the, in Nicholas Nickleby, 255; xm. 321, 333
xm. 318 Chester, Philippa, in Reade's The Wan-
Cheke, Sir Hatton, vn. 232 dering Heir, Tnrrr. 426
Cheke, Henry (1548?-! 586?), rv. 441 Chester, Robert (1566?-1640?), Loves
Cheke, Sir John (1514-1557), m. 290, 291, Martyr, iv. 473; v. 224; vi. 423
293, 348, 418, 419, 424, 425, 430 ff., Chester Plays (or Mysteries), n. 426; in.
446 ff., 550, 555; ix. 496 91; v. 12 ff., 17, 19, 20, 46 ff., 124, 389
Cheldrich, in The Misfortunes of Arthur, Chester Rolls, xn. 355
v. 78 Chesterfield, earl of. See Stanhope, Philip
Chelmsford school, vn. 330 Dormer, and Stanhope, Philip
Chelsea, vm. 269; xni. 107 Chesterfield free school, ix. 393
Chelsum, James (1740?-1801), Remarks Chesterton, near Harbury, x. 112
on,. .Mr Gibbon's History, x. 307, 507 Chesterton, Gilbert Keith, xn. 476, 484,
Cheltenham, x. 277; xm. 46, 287; xiv. 532, 539, 543
225, 414 Chesterton, George Luval, xiv. 551
Chelwood, Knightly (1650-1720), vm. 446 Chestre, Thomas (fl. 1430), Launfal Miles,
Chenery, Thomas (1826-1884), xiv. 182, i. 295
183 Chetham, Humphrey (1580-1653), iv.
Chenevix, Richard (1698-1779), bishop 432, 433
of Waterford, x. 256, 257 Chetham society, rx. 322 xn. 355 ;

Cheney, Sir Thomas, ni. 167 Chettam, Sir James, in Middlemarch, xm.
Chenier, Marie-Joseph, v. 294 399
Chepman, Walter (14737-1538?). See Chettle, Henry (d. 1607?), m. 114, 367,
Cnepman and Myllar 536; iv. 514; v. 117, 138, 166, 171, 219,
Chepman and Myllar, n. 92, 123, 284, 478, 221, 310 ff., 319, 321 ff., 330 ff., 361,
479; 412; ix. 359
IV. 473, 475; VI. 12, 13, 51, 54, 97, 218,
Cherbuliez, Victor, xni. 470 424, 459; vn. 395
Cherokee, x. 57 Black Bateman of the North, vi. 96
Cherry, in Farquhafa Beaux' Stratagem, Englandes Mourning Garment, IV. 184,
vm. 172 351; v. 328
Cherry, Andrew (1762-1812), xiv. 567 Hoffman, The, Tragedy of, v. 310, 323,
Cherry, Francis (1665?-1713), X. 356 324, 326, 327; vi. 178, 217
Cherry, J. L., Life of John Clare, xn. Italian Tragedy, The, vi. 96
132, 415 Kind Hart's Dream, m. 545; iv. 363,
Chertsey, Andrew (fl. 1508-1532), n. 324, 530; v. 323; vi. 397, 492
329 Matilda's Tragedy, v. 327
Craft to live, wett and to die well, n. 324 Patient Grissill, v. 117, 323
The Flower of commandments of God, Piers Plainnes seaven yeres Prentiship,
n. 324 m. 367
The Lucydarye, n. 324 Shore, VI. 90
The Ordinary of Christian Men, n. 324 See, also, under Bay
The Treatise of *he Passion of Christ, Chettle and Dekker, Kinge Sebastiane of
n. 324 Porting alle, vm. 126
Chertsey, Cowley at, vn. 63; vm. 378 Chetwood, William Rufus (d. 1766) vm,
Chertsey abbey, Denham on, vn. 59 190; x. 442; xi. 317, 448
Cherwell, vale of the, x. 112 Chevalerie, ISOrdre de, n. 284

Chevalier de Coucy, 300 I. Chinese imperial yellow dye, xiv. 286
Chevallier (of Geneva), iv. 429 Chinese language and literature, XL 381;
Chevelere Assigne (Swan-Knight), L, 291, xn. 342, 343, 362; xiv. 421
467 Chinese Letters, x. 205, 206
Cheveril, in Holcroft's Deserted, Daughter, Chinese poetry, x. 489
XL 277 Chinese room, Mrs Montagu's, XL 348
Cheviot, n. 398, 408, 415 Chionia, St, I. 74
Chevrillon, Andre", xn. 427 Chippenham, m. 430
Chevy Chase, n. 395, 415; m. 280, 300; Chipping Campden, x. 113
vm. 96; ix. 59, 370; x. 219, 220, 226, Chipping Wycombe, vn. 54
484 Chisholm, John, xn. Add. 1
Chew, Samuel C., 514 3m ChisweU, Richard (1639-1711), XL 323
Cheyne, Elspeth, in Scott's Antiquary, Chiswick, vn. 333; ix. 566
xm. 234 CUt-Chat ix. 442

Cheyne, George (1671-1743), IK. 307, 325, 'Chits,' vm. 94

5l3, 519 Chivalry, tower of, in The Passetyme of
Cheyne, Thomas Kelly (1841-1915), xn. Pleasure, n. 225
465, also see Add. 4 Chloe, xn. 133
Cheynell, Francis (1608-1665), vn. 495; Chloe, in Pope's Characters of Women, ix. 82
X, 175, 466 Chloris (Waller's), vn. 55
Chicheley, or Chichele, Henry (1362?- Chohilaicus (Chlochilaicus) or Huiglaucus,
1443), n. 358; vn. 326 1.26
Chichester, n. 288; iv. 422; vn. 377, 459; Choice Drollery (1656), vn. 512
vm. 301; ix. 530; xi. 403, 427; xn. 86, Choice Song-Books, XL 218
274, 327; xiv. 112 Chorley, Henry Fothergill (pseud. Paul
Chicksands, vtn. 15 Bell, 1808-1872), xn. 417; xm. 483;
Chiffinch, William (1602?~1688), ix. 240 xrv. 517
Child, Francis James, x. 233; Ballads, i. Chorlton, John (1666-1705), x. 385, 386
295; n. 395, 399 ft, 408, 409, 413 ft Chrestomathic day school, xiv. 404
Child, Sir Josiah (1630-1699), vm. 342, Chretien de Troyes, I. 263, 268, 269, 271
473 273, 279 ft, 285, 299, 462
Child Christ, the, n. 380 ft, 392, 427 Chevalier de la Charrettet I. 270
Child Maurice, n. 410, 412 Clig&s, i. 286
Child of Ell, n. 410 Conte del Graal, i. 253, 269, 271, 284,
Child Waters, n. 413 294, 328
Childe, L., iv. 454 Erec, I. 250, 253, 274
Childe Harold, in Byron's poem, xn.43, 45 Le Chevalier au Lion (Yvain), i. 253,
Childe of Bristowe, The, n. 500 274, 279, 280, 284
Childers, Robert Caesar (1838-1876), xn. Perceval le Gallois, n. 124, 450
502 Tristan (ascribed to C. de T.), i. 273
Childhood of Jesus, I. 368 Chrisoganus, 'Master Pedant,' in Histrio-
Children in the Wood, The, n. 408; ix. 59, mastix, vi. 40
166; x. 226 Christ, in religious plays, v. 15, 37, 41,
Children of the Chapel Royal and other 42, 44 ft, 49
children's companies, v. 64, 118, 122 ft, Christ, Bull on, vm. 305
161; VI. 4, 41, 212, 220, 221, 246, 258, Christ, Bunyan on, vn. 169
262, 279-292 (main entry), 402, 467 Christ, hymns of, n. 426. See, also, under
Children of the Chapel Stript and Whipt, Child Christ and Jesus
The, VE. 280 Christ, life of (Cornish play), v. 15
Children's books, XL 475 ft Christ (Milton's), vn. 119, 121, 136
Children's books, magazine articles on, Christ, On Serving i. 227, 458
xi. 476 Christ, on the lowering of, from the cross
Childrey, Joshua (1623-1670), TO. 509 (play), v. 43
Childric, in Layamon, I. 237 Christ, R. Barclay on, vm. 112
Chile, xiv. 243 Christ, The Passion of (various works),
Chillingworth, William (1602-1644), iv. n. 266, 284, 324, 328, 329
433; vn. 150, 153, 157, 163, 218, 424, Christ, The Suffering (Xptorta irdcrxuv),
427 ; ix. 401 ; The Religion of Protestants, V. 5
xiv. 102 r
yn. 151, 304, 484; Christalel, 148, 376
Chillip, Mr, in David Copperfield, xm. 327 Christchurch, Hampshire, vi. 38
Chilmead, Edmund (1610-1654), vn. 488 Christchurch, New Zealand, xm. 449
Chimenti, F. e G., xra. Add. 2 Chnstendome, The present estate of, vn, 385
China, n. 79; iv. 92, 98; ix. 391; x. 465; Christian, in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress,
xn. 188; xiv. 169 i. 58; vn. 173, 177
China goods, IX. 263, 271 Christian IV, of Denmark, rv. 151; vi
Chinaman, Goldsmith's, xm. 445 189; vn. 231

Christian Brethren, association of, m. 40 Christmas numbers, xm. 376
Christian commonwealth of Hobbes, vn. Christmas plays, v. 15, 32, 37 ff., 44, 47,
296 ff. 48,68
Christian doctrine, xn. 259, 264, 275, Christmas stories, xm. 323, 326, 334, 335
278 ff., 292, 295 ff. Christmas Prince, The, YL 319, 474
Christian drama, v. 36, 37 Christopher, in Diekens's Somebody's Lug-
Christian mysticism, vm. 108, 110 gage, xm. 335
Christian scholarship, xn. 280, 298 Christopher, The, English warship, I. 357
Christian science, vm. 359 Christopherson, John (d. 1558), Jephtha,
Christian socialism, xm. 359 vi. 295
Christian socialist, xn. 290 Christ's college, Attercliffe, x. 386
Christian Examiner, The, xiv. 315 Christ's Descent into HeU, i. 428
Christian Instructor, xii. 472 Christum Patiens, v. 6
Christian Observer. The, XL 404; xn. 281 Chronica Monasterzi de Melsa, xn. 356
Christian Paradoxes, vm. 276 Chronicle, the Old English, L 5, 62, 89,
Christian Remembrancer, The, xn. 454 ff., 90, 104, 107 ff., 137 ff., 145, 150, 161,
459 167, 219, 236, 245, 317, 352, 369, 374,
Christian Socialist The, xni. 358 443; n. 400, 420; m. 458; vm. 313
Christiana, in Banyan's Pilgrim's Pro- See, also, under Peterborough, Win-
gress, vn. 177 chester, etc.
Christianity, v. 21, 29; vi. 373; vn. 305, Chronicle, English (1377-1461), n. 301,
367; vm. 42, 100, 102, 276, 346, 389; 482
ix. 28, 83, 100, 101, 108, 112, 290 ff., Chronicle, The, xiv. 118
300, 305, 331; x. 7, 114, 308, 309, 313, Chronicle of the Brute, The, n. 313, 334, 482
317, 363; xi. 18, 48, 194, 196, 198, 199, Chronicle plays, rx. 136; v. 35, 142, 151 ff.,
287, 380; xn. 254, 269, 270, 276 ff.,
286, 199, 425
283, 290 ff., 297 ff., 322; xnr. 24,
282, Chronicle to Edwarde the Hi, n. 308
75, 76, 113, 138, 174, 366, 436;
40, Chroniclers, transition, I. 335 ff.
13, 46, 110, 253, 302, 303, 401, 402, Chroniclers, 14th and 15th century, n.
409, 411, 414 496 ff.

Chnstianorum Tractatus de decem na- Chroniclers in Tudor times, m. 313 ff.,

tionibus, n. 330 527 ff.

Christians, in Tyrannic^ Love, vm. 22 Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain

Christians, Duty of, I. 228 and Ireland, xn. 356
Presby teromastix = Sir
* '
Christianus Chronicles of England, The, n. 301, 318,
Thomas Urquhart, vn. 253 319
Christie, Albany, xn. 460 Chronicon Boguphali Episcopi, I. 32
Christie, Jonathan, xn. 161, 163 Chrysanthus, martyr, I. 74
Christie, Richard Copley (1830-1901), Chrysoloras, Manuel, grammar of, m. 14
xn. 333, 369, 515, 520; xiv. 601; Chrysostom, St John, I. 154; n. 365; m.
tftienne Dolet, xn. 334; xrv. 109 4, 431; iv. 235, 265, 325, 411; vn. 304;
Christie, Robert (1788-1856), xrv. 358, vm. 449; xn. 266, 501 Eton edition of

582 his works, vn. 312

Christie, William Dougal (1816-1874), vm. Chrystal, George, xn. 470
3, 4; ix. 212; xiv. 501; Life of the First Chubb, Thomas (1679-1747), ix. 288, 294,
Earl of Skaftesbury, xiv. 113 504; x. 521
Christie's sale room, x. 471 Chudleigh, Devon, rv. 418
Christina, queen, in Milton's Defensio, vn. Chudleigh, James (d. 1643), vn, 348
130 Chudleigh, John (fl. 1650), vn. 31
Christina, queen of Sweden, vn. 230; vm. Church, Frederick John (1854-1888), xn.
20 455
Christina, St, I. 74, 75; V- 49 Church, Mary C., xn. 455
Christine de Pisan, n. 208, 316; m. 90; Churoh, Nathanael, Cheap Riches, 1654,
City of Ladies, n. 327; Moral Proverbs vn. 517
of, n. 313, 485 Church, Richard William (1815-1890),
Chnstis Kirk on the Grene, n. 244, 250, xn. 255, 261, 271 ff. (main entry), 319,
270, 271, 273, 274, 471, 473; m. 130, 453 ff., 459, 460; xrv. 113, 486, 501;
135; ix. 366, 367, 379, 560; x. 223, 226; on Anselm, I. 164; vn. 210; The Oxford
xi. 215, 218 Movement, xn. 256, 265, 272
Christmas, in The Masque of Christmas, Church, Holy, in Piers the Plowman, n.
vi. 355, 358 2, 6 ff., 11, 17, 32
Christmas, tracts against, vn. 514 Church, The Last Age of the, n. 49
Christmas Abbess,' v. 8 Church Missionary society, the, xn. 471
Christmas carols, xin. 125, 140 Church of England Quarterly Bemew, The,
Christmas eve, xm. Ill xn. 491
Christmas lord,' v. 8 Church of Evil Men and Women, The, n. 324

Churchill, Awnsnam, xi. 323 Cibber, Colley
Churchill, Charles (1731-1764), x. 40, An Apology for his Life, vm 177, 179;
207, 393 ., 522, 524; xi. 34, 42, 78, 82, rx. 143
246, 450 Apology, x. 24, 70, 71
Apology, The, x. 395 Careless Husband, vm. 168; x. 72
Author, The, x. 397 Hamlet, xi. 258
Bard, The, x. 394 Love's Last Shift, vm. 160, 176; xi. 321
Candidate, The, x. 397 Non-Juror, x. 89
Conclave, The, x. 394 Richard III, v. 298
Conference, The, x. 397 She Would and She Would Not, vm. 132
Duellist, The, x. 396, 397 Cibber, Susannah Maria, vm. 191; x. 264;
Epistle to William Hogarth, x. 396, 398 XL 260
Farewell, The, x. 397 Cibber, Theophilus 1 1703-1 758), vm. 422;
Ghost, The, v. 273; x. 179, 397 rx. 480; x. 24, 85, 444, 445; Lives of the
Gotham, x. 397 Poets, x. 77, 184
Independence, x. 397, 398 Ciccotti-D'Errico, Ernestina, xm. Add. 2
Journey, The, x. 397 Cicero, M. Tullius (Tully), i. 76, 100, 185,
Night, x. 395 187; ir. 359, 360, 363; m. 20, 23, 24,
Prophecy of Famine, The, x. 394, 396, 90, 92, 157, 180, 187, 345, 416, 424, 429;
398 rv. 255, 260, 322, 342, 435, 436, 470,
Rosciad, The, x. 394, 395, 398 525; v. 123; vi. 406; vn. 131, 261, 313,

Times, The, x. 397 390, 392; vm. 273, 278, 282, ix. 28,
Churchill, G. B., v. 82 54, 55, 204, 218, 229, 334, 337, 340,
Churchill, Henrietta, duchess of Marl- 418, 527, 528; x. 159, 197, 319, 509,
borough, wife of Francis Godolphin, 510; xi. 2, 30, 31; xn. 230, 326, 338,
vm. 159; ix. 82 476, 479, 483, 485, 487, 492 fi., also see
Churchill, J., collection of voyages, TV. 103 Add.; xiv. 303
Churchill, John (publisher), xi. 323 De Amicitia, n. 308; m. 345; iv. 5, 264
Churchill, John, 1st duke of Marlborough De Natura Deorum, m. 345
(1650-1722), vm. 220; rx. 44, 94, 96, De Officiis, m. 180; IV. 5, 6, 24; ix. 274,
124, 130, 134, 139, 174, 200, 206, 217, 525, 526; xn. 332
218, 261, 336, 435, 494; x. 502; xiv. 65 De Oratory, xr. 13; xn. 335, 337
Churchill, lord Randolph (1849-1894), De Senectute, rv. 5; vn. 61
xrv. 509 In Verrem, xi. 16, 17, 274
Churchill, Sarah (born Jennings), duchess Letters, m. vn. 315
67, 429;
of Marlborough (1660-1744), vm. 208; Life and Letters, xn. 306
ix. 82, 98, 130, 185, 217, 218, 220; x. 465 Pro Milone, n. 331
Churchill, Winston Spencer, xiv. 509 Second Philippic, xn. 336
Churchyard, Thomas (1520?-1604), m. Speeches against Catiline, xn. 337
114, 182, 183, 189, 197, 198, 201, 506; Tusculan Questions, iv. 5
rv. 114, 322, 411, 434, 456 Cicero,Don, in ThePilgnmageto Parnassus,
Churchy ardes Chippes, m. 182 vi. 310
Myrrour of man, The, in. 182; xn. 357, Cicero, in Catiline, vi. 19, 20
515 Cicero, translators of, iv. 5
Omtfs De Tristibus, iv. 20, 439 Ciceronian manner, the, xrv. 121
Praise of Poetrie, TJie, in. 183 Cid, The, n. 412; xi. 422
Shore's Wife, in A Mirror for Magis- Cieza, Peter de, ix. 501
trates, m. 182, 198; rv. 134; vr. 90 Cigarette, in Under Two Flags, xm. 436
Sieges of Leith and Edinburgh, de- Cincinnati, xiv. 165
scriptions of, m. 182 Cinderella, xi. 380
W arres, A Generatt Rehearsatt of (Church* Cino da Pistoia, xm. 118
yard's Choise), in. 182 Cinqbars, lord, Thackeray's, TTTT, 280
Wofull Warres in Maunders, The, m. Cinque ports, iv. 84; ix. 536
182 Cinque ports, barons of the, xi. 282
Worthines of Wales, The, m, 183 Cinric, I. 236
Churne, William, xi. 374 Cinthio, Giambattista Giraldi, iv. 443;
Churton, Edward, Life of Joshua Watson, v. 63, 65, 220, 221, 409; VL 139, 199;
xn. 256 Hecatommithi, v. 119, 137, 138; Orecche,
Chusi, in Absalom, vi. 296 v. 62
Chuzzlewit, Jonas, Dickens's, yrrr t
317, Cintra convention, the, xiv. 187
322 Cinus of Pistoja (d. 1336), n. 363
Chuzzlewit, Martin, Dickens's, xin. 322 Cipriano, in Calderoa's El Magico Pro-
Cibber, Colley (1671-1757), vm. 146, 151, digioso, xm. 144
152, 159, 166, 189, 426, 431; ix. 86, Circe, vn. 370
88, 89, 449; x. 21, 39, 67, 68, 81, 92, Circle of the Sciences, xi. 367, 376
216, 425, 428, 442 Circumcision, feast of, v. 8

Circumlocution office, the, in Little Dorrit, Clarendon, earls of. See Hyde, Edward;
xin. 331 Villiers, George W. F.
Cirencester, vi. 237; vin. 106 Clarendon commission (Public Schools),
Cirencester, Richard of (d. 1401?), xn. xiv. 413, 421, 422
366 Clarges, Sir Thomas (d. 1695), vn. 362,
Cis, the shoemaker's wife, in Piers the 363
Plo'wman, II. 16 Clarice, in Piers the Ploioman, n. 16
Cistercian nuns, n. 45 dannda. See Maclehose, Mrs Agnes
Cistercians, i. 189; 11. 351; m. 51 (1759-1841)
Citherea, palace of, in The Court of Love, Clariodus, i. 291, 467
n. 220 Clarissa, in Loves Crueltiet VL 199
Citizen of the World, Letters from a, x. 53, Clarissa, in Richardson's novel, x. 2, 7 ff.,
171, 199, 206, 207, 209, 229 17; xm. 288
City Dames Petition, The, vn. 382 Clarissa, in The Tatler, ix. 50
City of Prague, The. See Prowse, W. J. dark, Andrew, ix. 346; Life of Anthony
Civil (Civil Law), in Piers the Plowman, Wood, ix. 341, 382, 383, 413, 541
n. 7 Clark, George Thomas (1809-1898), XIL
Civil war, the, in. 87, 114; iv. 55, 156, 508; Mediaeval Military Architecture
342, 363; xiv. 57, 59, 87 in England, xn. 349
Civil war pamphlets and broadsides, vn. dark, Mrs Godfrey, xi. 348
512, 514, 515; xi. 470 Clark, James (d. 1724), ix. 546
Civis, in A Dialogue . against the fever
. .
Clark, John (fl. 1759), vm. 62
Pestilence, rn. 109 Clark, John (d. 1807), x. 471
Civyle and uncivyle life, On, v. 349 Clark, John, xrv. Add. 4
Clack, Miss, Wilkie Collms's, xin. 438 Clark, J. S., Life of James the Second', ix.
Clack the miller, in The Devil and his 213
Dame, v. 329 Clark, John Willis (1833-1910), xn. 508;
Claire, in Rousseau's La Nouvelle H&oise, xrv. 539, 563; The Care of Books, XXL
x. 17 348
Clairmont, Allegra, XIL 37 Clark, William (fl. 1685), ix. 556
Clairmont, Clara Mary Jane (1798-1879), Clark, William George (1821-1878), v.
xn. 37, 401 280; xiv. 516; Peloponnesus, xn. 331
Clairmont, Mary Jane. See Godwin, Mrs darke, Abraham, vn. 107
Clairon, Mile, x. 264 darke, Adam (1762?-1832), xn. 491, 520;
Clan vo we, Sir Thomas, The Cuckoo and xiv. 567
215 ff.
the Nightingale, u. 162, 164, 166, Clarke, Charles (1787-1877) and Mary
Clapham, vin. 258 Cowden (1809-1898), xi. 437; xn. 79,
Clapham, John Harold, xin. 545 406, 437, 444,- and see Clarke, Mary
'Clapham sect/ the, xn. 281; xiv. 110 Cowden
Clapp, H. A., xin. 514 darke, Sir Edward, xni. 543
Clapperton, In Bowdin on Blak Monan- Clarke, Edward Daniel (1769-1822), xu.
daij, m. 132 484, 491; xrv. 241, 551; Travels, xrv.
Clara, in Bailey's Festus, xni. 153 247
Clara, in The Scowrers, ix. 362 Clarke, Sir Ernest, vm. 28; x Add.
Clara, in Scott's Marmion, xn 11 Clarke, Sir G. S., xiv. 491
Clara, Sta., xn. 260 Clarke, Helen A., xm. 479
Clarange, ia The Lovers Progress, vi. Clarke, Henry Butler (1863-1904), xiv.
131 486
Clare. See Osbert de Clarke, Herbert Edwin, XITT. 500
dare, Allan, in Lamb's Rosamund Gray, By the Washes, xm. 216
xn. 185, 186 Chant d?'Amour, xni. 216
Clare, Elinor, in Lamb's Rosamund Gray, Failure, xm. 216
xn. 186 Nocturn at Twilight, A, xm. 216
Clare, Elizabeth de (1291?-1360), n. 354 Poems and Sonnets, xm. 215
Clare, in Mrs GaskelTs Wives and Daughters, Poems in Exile, xm. 215
xm. 381 Storm-Drift, xm. 215
dare, John (1793-1864), xn. 131, 134, Tannhduser and other Poems, xm. 215
415; The Last of March, xn. 132 Voluntary, A, xm. 216
Clare, Robert Nugent. See Nugent, CUrke, Hyde (b. 1815), xn. 508
Robert, earl Nugent Clarke, John, Paroemiologia ( 1 639 ), vn. 479
Clarence, George, duke of (1444-1478), Clarke, John (1682-1757), ix. 505
m. 334 Clarke, John (1687-1734), ix. 568
Clarence, George, duke of, in Richard 111, Clarke, John (d. 1730), IX. 505
v. 186 darke, John, xiv. 604
Clarence, Reginald, xin. 516 Clarke, Joseph (d. 1749), ix. 505
Clarendon, Constitutions of, I. 337 Clarke, J. S., x. 295, 454; xn. 232

Clarke, Marcus Andrew Hislop (1846- Clemens, T^ain, Mark
S. L. See
1881), xiv. 367, 585; His Natural Life, Clement IV, pope, I. 206
xiv. 370; Long Odds (Heavy Odds), Clement VI, pope, v. 13
xiv. 370 Clement VII, pope, n. 56
Clarke, Mary Cowden (1809-1898), xi. 4=85 dement VIII, pope, m. 415
Clarke, Matthew (1664-1726), x. 386 Clement, Gregory (d. 1660), vm. 470
Clarke, Samuel (1599-1683), vn. 479, 484 Clement, Justice, in Every Man tn His
Clarke, Samuel (1625-1669), vn. 319 Humour, v. 350
Clarke, Samuel (1675-1729), vm. 473; Ctement, Nicolas, v. 285
rs. 279, 281, 289, 293, 294, 296, 297 ff. Clement, saint, xn. 266, 340
(main entry), 394, 505, 507; X. 345; Clement, William Innell (d. 1852), xrv,
xi. 481; xrv. 37 228, 235
Being and Attributes of God, ix. 292, 297 Clement of Alexandria, m. 409, 416
Boyle Lectures, ix. 297, 298 Clement of Llanthony (d. 1190?), Har-
Discourse concerning . Natural
. . Reli- mony of the Gospels, n. 60
gion, ix. 297 Clement of Rome, i. 74, 118; xn. 501;
Lives, vm. 278 Recognitions of, I. 75
Scripture Doctrine of the Trinity, ix. 297; dementina, in Richardson's Sir Charles
x. 359, 379 Grandison, x. 10
Clarke, T. E. S., Life of Gilbert Burnet, dementines, n. 364
ix. 202 Clenard, Nicholas, m. 429
Clarke papers at Worcester college, Ox- Clene Maidenhod, n. 503
ford, vn. 347, 435, 438 Clennan family, in Little Dorrit, xm.
Clarkson, Laurence (1615-1667), vn. 509 331
Clarkson, Mrs, xi. 121 dennell, Luke (1781-1840), xiv. 227
darkson, Thomas (1760-1846), xiv. 373, Cleobulus, in Argenis, iv. 259
486 Cleobury Mortimer, n. 2
Classus, in The Scourge of Folly, IV. 334 Cleomades, French romance, n. 184
Claude, in Kingsley's Two Years Ago, Cleopatra, i. 95; n. 177; vm. 216
xm. 365 Cleopatra, in Antony and Cleopatra, v.
Claude de Pontouz, m. 258, 263; L'ldee, 180, 183, 199, 213, 214; vx. 72, 273
m. 263 Cleora, in The Bond-man, vi. 154, 155,
Claude Lorraine, xn. 172, 173 157, 158
Claudia, in Oismond of Sakrne, v. 75 Clephane, Dr John (d. 1758), X, 284
Claudian, I. 68; rv. 250, 417, 436 dergy (Learning), in Piers the Plowman,
Claudio, in Measure for Measure, I. 1 n. 20, 21, 27
Claudio, in Much Ado about Nothing, xnr. Clerical subscription act, xn. 296
262 Clencus and Puella, dialogue between,
Claudius, in Hamlet, v. 200 ff., 211 i. 365; v. 25, 55, 91
Claus, P., xiv. 524 derimont, in Steele's Tender Husband,
Clavell, John (1603-1642), iv. 530 ix. 30
Clavell, Robert (d. 1711), xi. 339, 471 derk, John, n. 274
daverhouse, John Graham of. See Clerk, Sir John, of Penicuik (1684-1755),
Graham, John, viscount Dundee ix. 553; xn. 350; Merry may the Maid,
davering, in Pendenms, xm. 276, 291 ix. 371
davermg, Mary. See Cowper, countess Clerk Colvill, n. 413
daverton, x. 276 Clerk Saunders, n. 413
Clams Apocalyptica, vm. 286 derk of Tranent, n. 122
Clavius, C., vii. 320 Clerke, Agnes Mary, xiv. 265, 555
Clay, James (1806-1873), v. 173 Clerke, Gilbert (1626-1697?), x. 359, 377
day, Mrs, in Jane Austen's Persuasion, Clerke, Henry (d. 1687), vm. 358
xn. 240 Clerkenwett News, The, xiv. 193
Clay, William F., xiv. 557 Clerk-Max well, James (1831-1879), xiv.
Claypole, Noah, in Oliver Twist, xra. 317 261, 265, 266, 268 ff., 556
Clayton, J., vm. 468
Clerselius, vm. 455
Clean contrary way, The,' vin. 96 dry, Jean Baptiste, xiv. 66
Cleanness, I. 320 fi., 343, 472 Cleveland, Yorkshire, xi. 174
Cleanness, lady, in The Example of Virtue, Cleveland, or Cleiveland, John (1613-
n. 227, 234 1658), iv. 342, 522; vn. 73, 85, 88,
Ckges, Sir, I. 315, 470 91 ff., Ill, 356, 412, 495, 496, 502, 513,
deland, J. The Institution of a Nobleman,
, 518 ff.; vm. 80, 88, 91
m. 437 Character of a London Diurnall, vn.
Cleland, William (1661?-1689), vni. 408; 348, 384
IX. 556 Mark Antony, vn. 93; vm. 231
dem, in The Fair Maid Of The West, vi. Mercunua Pohticus, Character of, vn.
102 358

Cleveland, or deiveland, John Clive, Robert dive, lord (1725-1774), xrv.
Mercurius Pohticus, The Second Cha- 63, 578
racter of, vii. 353 Cliveden, x. 108, 109
Mixed Assembly., The, vn. 92 Clodd, Edward, XHL 569
Rebel Scot, The, vn. 92 Cloe, in The Faithfull Shepherdesse, vi. 368
Square-Cap, vm. 231 Cloete, Henry, xiv. Add. 6
Cleveland, duchess of. See Villiers, Bar- Clogher, ix. 166
bara Clogy, or Clogie, Alexander (1614-1698),
deves, la princesse de, xn. 381 vn. 442
Cliefdon. See Cliveden Clokyd Colusyon, in Magnyfycence, m. 77
lady Anne (1590-1676), iv. 132, Cloncurry, lord, xiv. 324
133 138 Clongowes college, xrv. 316
Clifford, Arthur (1778-1830), xix 376 Clonmacnoise, xrv. 312
Clifford, Christopher, iv.368 The Schoole
; 'Clootie,' n. 409; XL 212
of Horsemanship, iv 369, 540 dorin, in The Faithfutt Shepheardesse,
Clifford, George, 3rd earl of Cumberland vr. 368
(1558-1605), IV. 455 dorinda, in Orlando Furioso, m. 230
Clifford, Margaret, countess of Cumber- Cloris, in The Queenes Arcadia, vi. 317, 318
land, iv. 132, 133 Close, Francis (1797-1882), xn. 472; xiv.
Clifford, Martin (d. 1677), vm. 23, 25, 590, 598
26, 48, 402, 404 dose, John (1816-1891), xm. 500
Clifford, Paul, lord Lytton's, xm. 418 Close Bolls, xn. 355, 516
Clifford, Thos. (1630-1673), vin. 380 Closet, A, for ladies and gentlewomen,
Clifford, William Kingdon (1845-1879), iv. 543
xrv. 34, 470, 556 Cloten, in Layamon, I. 237
Clifford, in Burgoyne'a Heiress, XL 275, Cloth-Breeches, in A Quip for an Upstart
276 Courtier, m. 361
Clifford, in Henry VI, v. 186 Clough, Arthur Hugh (1819-1861), XL
Clifford Chambers, near Evesham, rv, 409; xn. 255, 293; xm. 87, 91, 102 ff.
174 (main entry), 174, 245 ff., 488, 489
Clifton, Henry (fl. 1587-1600), vi. 290, (main entry)
291 Ambarvalia, xm. 104
Clifton, Thomas
(b. 1587), VL
290, 291 Amours de Voyage, xm. 104
Climenson, Emily J., Elizabeth Montagu, JBothie of Tober-na-Vuolich, The, XTTT
xi. 328 103 ff.
Clincher, in Farquhar's The Constant Dipsychus, xm. 104, 105
Couple, vm. 169, 170 Duty, xm. 104
Clinker, Humphrey, in Smollett's novel, Higher Courage, The, xm. 104
x. 43 Mari Magno, TTTTT, 104, 105
Clinton, Henry Fiennes, 9th earl of Lin- New Sinai, The, xm. 104
coln (1720-1794), x. 244 Prose Remains, ^TIT 91
Clinton, Henry Fynes (1781-1852), xii. Qua Cursum Ventus, xm. 104
496; Fasti Hellenici, xn. 310, 339; Fasti Questioning Spirit, The, XIIL 104
Romani, xn. 310, 339 Qui Laborat Oral, xm. 104
Clinton, H. P. F. Pelham, 5th duke of Bay not the struggle nought availeth, xm.
Newcastle (1811-1864), xiv. 510 106
Clinton, Mr, in Brooke's Fool of Quality, Sic Itur, xm. 104
ix. 327, 328 Songs in Absence, XTTT. 104, 106
Clinton (pirate), in Fortune by Land and dough, Blanche Athena, XTTT. 103; xiv.
Sea, VL 104 599
Clio, xn. 136 Clouston, W. A., n. 216
Clisthenes, xn. 313 Clove, in Every Man out of His Humour,
Clithero, Yorks., xn. 514 vi. 225
dive, Caroline Archer, 'V (1801-1873), Clovesho, synod of, I. 50
xn. 448; xm. 180, 500, 561 Clovis,!. 20, 21; xrv. 68
Death, xm. 176 Clowes, Alice A., xrv. 613
Heart's Ease, xm. 176 dowes, John, vu. 352
/ watched the Heavens, xm. 176 Clowes, Sir William Laird (1856-1905),
Paul Ferrott, xm. 175, 437 xrv. 486
Valley of the Morlas, The, xin. 176 down, the, in a broadside, m. 87
Venice, xm. 176 doyne, ix. 166
Why Paul Ferrott killed his Wife* xm. 'Club, The,* x. 181, 187, 192, 207, 212,
176 214, 260, 261, 264
IX Poema by V9 xni. 176 Club-Law, VI. 307, 308, 313, 315, 327, 483
dive, Catherine (mi-FSS), x. 22, 254, Clubs, Varlet of, in Terminus et non Ter-
264, 439; XL 257 minus, VL 307

Clumsey, Sir Tunbelly, in.
Vanbrugh's The Cockburn, Henry Thomas Cockburn, lord
Relapse, VTO. 161/162 (1779-1854), xn. 426; xiv. 501
Cluniao order, the, iv. 419 Journal, x. 324
Chist, son of Clustveinad, I. 255 Life of Jeffrey, x. 188
Clustveinad, i. 255 Memorials of His Time, xiv. 112
Clutterbuck, Robert (1772-1831), xn. 509
Scottish Criminal Jurisprudence,' xii.
Glutton-Brock, Arthur, xin. 493, 572 153, 378
Cluverius, Phihppus, vn. 307; x. 305 Cockburn, John (1652-1729), IX. 520, 551
Clwyd, vale of, 115 Cocke, J., iv. 339, 518
Clyde, the, n. 89 Cocke LorelFs bote, ra. 61, 83 ff., 482;
Clytemnestra, in. Agamemnon, v. 79 iv. 362, 521, 529
Clytemnestra, m Thomson's Agamemnon, Cocker, Edmund (fl. 1664), VOT. 256
x. 108 Cockeram, Henry (fl. 1650), ix. 529
Clytemnestra, in Heresies, v. 64, 65 Cockeram, Richard (fl. 1468-1482), iv. 432
Clytophon, vi. 483 Cockerell, Sydney Carlyle, xm. 491, 493
Cnidos, xn. 339 Cockerell, Thomas, XL 332
Cnitthon. See Knighton Cockermouth, XL 94
Cnossos, palace of, xn. 339 Cockledemoy, in The Dutch Courtezan, vi.
Cobalt, Canada, xrv. 356 46
Cobb, James (1756-1818), XL 281, 456 Cocklorrel's song, in The Masque of the
Cobbe, Prances Power (1822-1904), xiv. Metamorphosed Gypsies, vi. 362
470, 517, 599 Cockney school of poetry, xn. 157, 160
Gobbes Prophecies, rv. 534 Cockshutt of the Inner Temple, friend of
Cobbett, William (1762-1835), i. 370; Henry More, vm. 456
XI. 49 ff., 393; xn. 170, 179; xrv. 125, Cockton, Henry (1807-1853), xii. 448
137, 197, 202, 461; Political Register, Cockwood, lady (Etherege's), vin. 138
xi. 49; xiv. 197; Rural Rides, XI. 51; Codex Alexandrinus, xn. 501
State Trials, xi. 49 Codex Augiensis, the, xn. 501
Cobbold, Thomas Spencer (1828-1886), Codex Bezae, the, xn. 501
xiv. 301 Codex Galeanus, xn. 325, 491
Cobden, Richard (1804-1865), xiv. 78, Codlin and Short, in The Old Curiosity
131-132 (main entry), 137, 173, 179, Shop, xm. 319
181, 190, 509, 512 Codlo, Antonio, Los Empenos de Seis
Cobet, Carel Gabriel, xn. 330 Horas, vm. 130
Cobham, Eleanor, duchess of Gloucester Codronchus, rv. 247
(d. 1446?), iv. 182 Codrus, in Juvenal's Third Satire, vm. 89
Cobham, lady, x. 126 Codrus, in Misogonus, v. Ill
Cobham, lord. See Brooke, William Coelia, in The Faerie Queene, VL 335
Cobham, lord. See Oldcastle, Sir John Coelum, in Lingua, vi. 315
Cobham, Thomas de (d. 1327), iv. 430 Coffee (1727), ix. 434
Cobham, viscount. See Temple, Sir Coffee, A
Brief Description of the Excellent
Richard Virtues o that sober and wholesome drink
Cobler of Canterburie, The, rv. 362, 521, called, vn. 389, 390
523, 531 Coffee, A Cup of, vn. 389
Cobnrg, house of, ix. 338; xn. 232 Coffee pamphlets, vn. 516
Cocai, Merlin (Teofilo Folengo), Baldus, Coffee-House Dialogue, A, vn. 390; ix. 32
viri. 59
Coffee-house, News from the, vn. 389
Cochrane, John George (1781-1852), xn. Coffee-house, Rules and Orders of the, vn.
378 390
Cochrane, Thomas, 10th earl of Dun- Coffee-houses, vn. 389
donald (1775-1860), xiv. 502, 552 Coffee-houses Vindicated, The, vn. 389
Cock and the Jewel, in Henryson's Fables, Coffee-Scuffle, The, vn. 390; ix. 32
n. 246 Coffey, Charles (d. 1745), x. 439; xiv. 567;
Cock lane ghost, x. 179, 206, 465, 481 The Beggar's Wedding, xi. 218
Cock Lawrel (tune), vm. 96 Coffin, Robert Aston (1819-1885), xn. 460
Cock up your Bonnet, ix. 377 Coffin for King Charles, A, vn. 381
Cockayne, Oswald, I. 105, 135, 136 Cogan, Thomas (15457-1607), vn. 486,488
Cockayne, or Cokayne, Thomas (1587- Coggeshall. See Ralph of
1638), vn. 316 Coghill, Mrs Harry, xm. 565
Cockburn, Sir .Alexander J. E. Cockburn, Coghlan, C. H., A Quiet Rubber, xm. 525
lord (1802-1880), xiv. 124, 509, 513 Cohen, Francis. See Palgrave, Sir Francis
Cockburn, Alison (1712?-1794), XL 231, Cohen, H. T., xiv. 509
232; */ have seen the Smiling,' ix. Coignet, Matthieu. iv. 443
373 Coil lard, Fransois, xiv. Add. 6
Cockburn, Mrs Catherine (born Trotter) Coimbra, in. 162
(1679-1749), vin. 347, 435, 473 Cokaygne. See Land of

Cokayne or Cokain, Sir Aston (1608-1684), Coleridge, Hartley
vr.114, 142, 144, 145; vm. 417 Poietes Apoietes, xn. 108
Cokayne, Sir Thomas (1519?-1592), rv, Prayer, xn. 108
541 Prometheus, xn. 107
Coke, Sir Edward, lord Coke or Cooke Shakespeare, xn. 108
(1552-1634), m. 424; rv. 265; v. 367; Youth, xn. 108
vni. 309, 312 ff., 321, 465, 466, 468; Coleridge, Henry Nelson (1798-1843), XL
Institutes, vnL 317, 320; Law Reports, 405, 415, 417
vni. 316, 317; The Lord OoJce Ms Speech Coleridge, Sir John Duke, 1st lord (1820-
& charge, vi. 400, 492 1894), xiv. 596
Coke, Thomas (1747-1814), x. 518 Coleridge, Sir John Taylor (1790-1876),
Cokes, a booby, in Bartholomew Fayre, xn. 153, 429, 457; xm. 504
vi. 23 Coleridge, Mary Elizabeth (1861-1907),
Coke town, in Dickens' s Hard Times, xm. xm. 182 n., 197, 198, 500, 501
330 Day-dream, A xm,
t 184
Cokwold's Daunce, The, i. 464; n. 501 A, xm. 184
Colax, in The Queenes Arcadia, VL 317 Ee came unto His Own, xm. 184
Colbrand, in Guy of Warwick, i, 304 ff., 343 On the Arrival of a Visitor, xm. 184
Colburn, Henry (d. 1855), xn. 161, 200 Other Side of a Mirror, The, xm. 184
Colburae, v. 108 Unwelcome, xm. 183
Colby and Mrs Colby, in Club Law, VL 308 Witch, The, xm. 184
Colchester, n. 208; m. 428; vn. 82; vra. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834), i.
101, 363; ix. 537 148, 376; n. 186, 190, 205; m. 465;
Colchester, lord. See Abbot, Charles rv. 43, 46, 50, 236, 241, 259, 260; v. 209,
Coldicott, H. B, S., 'How Cowper got his 222, 270, 304; vi. 23, 129, 131; vn. 163,
pension,' xi. 90 236, 247; vm. 298; is. 106, 277, 328;
Cole, Alfred Whaley, xiv. Add. 6 x. 137, 186, 316, 526; XL 28, 71, 99 ff.,
Cole, Charles Nelson (1723-1804), ix. 533 104, 112, 113, 117 ff. (main entry), 150,
Cole, Sir Henry ('Felix Summerly,' 1808- 154 ff., 162, 163, 168, 171, 172, 178,
1882), XI. 462, 478; The Home Treasury, 201, 202, 250, 294, 305, 308, 309, 341,
xi. 386 405, 407, 409, 411, 412, 421, 423, 468;
Cole, John (1792-1848), xi. 474 xn. 39, 48, 57 ff., 77, 78, 93, 95, 101,
Cole, John William, xiu. 514 107, 120, 147, 158, 159, 166, 169, 170,
Cole, Thomas (d. 1571), iv. 491 175, 176, 178, 180 ff., 187, 188, 191,
Cole, Thomas (1627?-1697), x. 385 196, 197, 201, 203, 205, 211, 218, 219,
Cole, William, A
Rod for theLawyers (1659), 223, 255, 280, 282-283, 289, 399, 402,
vn. 515 405, 434, 436, 445, 465, 471, 527, and see
Cole, William (1714-1782), ix. 354, 532; Add. 1; xin. 7 ff., 18, 23 ff., 40, 46, 52,
x. 249, 255, 495 57, 86, 148, 183, 196, 198, 225, 230 ff., 241,
Colebrooke, E xrv. 576
243 ff., 258 ff., 276, 312, 318, 420, 442;
Colebrooke, Henry Thomas (1765-1837), xiv. 1, 8, 15, 16, 40, 138, 144, 146, 170,
xn. 502; xrv. 335; Essays on Sanskrit 177, 180, 275, 373, 374, 471, 518, 560
literature, xn. 343 Aids to Reflexion, ix. 328; XL 138; xn-
Coleman, Edward (d. 1669), vrn. 117 283
Ooleman, John, xm. 514, 566 Ancient Mariner, x. 217, 234; XL 101,
(Joleman, Mrs (fl. 1656), vni. 118 120, 123 ff., 130, 132, 160, 169, 170, 201;
Coleman, Thomas (1598-1647), ix. 544 xn. 71, 108, 110, 113, 124, 133; xm
Colenso, Durnford E., xiv. Add. 6 231, 233, 244, 324; xiv. 255
Colenso, Frances, Ellen (1849-1887), xiv. Anima Poetce, XL 129, 130
Add. 6 Biographia Literaria, ix. 328; XL 122,
Colenso, John William (1814-1883), bishop 123, 126, 133, 135 ff., 176, 304; xn. 157;
of Natal, xii. 296, 297, 314, 465, 474; xiv. 184, 403
xrv. Add. 6 Christabel, in. 286, x. 236; XL 120,
Coleorton, xi. 410, 416, 423; xn. 376 126 ff., 131, 132, 169, 170, 200, 20L;
VTL xn. 7, 8, 46, 62, 71, 87, 108; xm. 184,
Colepeper, John, 1st baron (d. 1660),
218 228, 231, 233, 244
XL Collection of Political Tracts, ix. 223
Coleridge, Derwent (1800-1883), 412,
415, 417; xn. 415, 421; xm. 355 Condones ad populum, XL 138
Coleridge, Ernest Hartley, XL 412, 416; Confessions of an Enquiring Spirit, xn.
xn. 385, 388; also see Add. 1 282, 283, 288
Constitution of Church and State, XL 138
Coleridge, Hartley (1796-1849), XL 127,
162, 417; also see Add.; xn. 104, 107- Dejection, xi. 104, 120, 123, 129, 130
108 (main entry), 124, 127, 415; xm. Devil's Thoughts, The, xiv. 184
183 Eolian Harp, XL 119
Homer, xn. 108 Essays on his own Times, XL 139; xiv.
Medley, A, xn. 108 184

83 6-2
Coleridge, Samue] Taylor College of Arms, ix. 344, 355
Fall of Robespierre, XL 161 Colles, H. CressweU, rv. Ill
Fears in Solitude, XL 115 Collet, Collet Dobson, xrv. 590
friend, The, XL 122, 138, 139 Collet, Mary, rv. 406; vn. 154
KM* Khan, x. 153; ax 120, 124, 125, Collett, John (1725?-1780),xrv. 214
169; xn. 59, 108 Collier, Arthur (1680-1732), ix. 287, 288,
Lay Sermons, XL 139 505; Clams Universalis, rx. 287
Letters, XL 122, 131, 139 Collier, James, xrv. 481
Lyrical Battads, x. 217; XL 86, 101, 123, Collier, Jeremy (1650-1726), VL 408, 492;
150, 151; xn 40, 42 vm. 33, 52, 54, 145, 146, 157, 164 ff.,
Nightingale, The, XL 129 194, 427, 432 ff. ; rs. 29, 141, 142, 210 E.
Ode to France, XL 115 (main entry), 492; x. 70, 72; XL 282
Ode to the Departing Year, xr. 124 Dissuasive from the Playhouse, vm. 167
Poems (Oct. 1797), xn. 184 Duelling, ix. 211
Poems on Various Subjects, xn. 183 Ecclesiastical History, vin. 32; ix. 211,
Preliminary Treatise on Method, XL 133 212
Religious Musings, XL 124; xn. 183 Essays, rx. 211
Sibylline Leaves, XL 119 Historical Dictionary, rx. 211, 212
Spiritual Philosophy, XL 121 Of Lying, rx. 211
Statesman's Manual, XL 139 Office of a Chaplain, rx. 211
Table Talk, iv. 139; XL 131 Short mew of the. . .English Stage, vm.
This lime-tree bower, my prison, XL 129 32, 163, 197; rx. 211; x. 67
Three Graves, The, XL 132 Collier, John ['Tim Bobbin'] (1708-1786),
Wallenstein (trans.), xnL 260 x. 453
Watchman, The, XL 138 Collier, John Payne (1789-1883), v. 10,
Coleridge, Mrs Sara (1802-1852), born 13, 54, 143, 146, 277 ft, 286, 314, 315;
Fricker, XL 119, 412, 415, 417; also see vi. 33, 50, 89, 249, 281, 398; xr. 133;
Add.; xn. 124, 128, 415; 183xm xn. 353, 520
Envoy, xn. 127 Extracts from the Registers of the Sta-
False Love, too long thou hast delayed, Company, xn. 368
xn. 127 Notes on Hare English Books, xn. 368
One face alone, xn. 127 Hoxburghe Ballads, The, xrr. 368
Phantasmion, xn. 127 Shakespeare's Library, xn. 368
Coles, Francis (fl. 1626-1681), TO. 347 Collier, Thomas (fl. 1691), x, 377
Coleshill, vn. 53 Cottier, The Historie of the, v. 329
Colet, John (1467?-1519), n. 48, 61, 341, CoUin (ie. Spenser), rv. 180
367, 489; m. 1, 3, 4, 6, 8-13 (main Collings, Samuel (fl. 1780-1790?), x. 479
entry), 15, 17, 18, 26, 66, 428, 466; Collingtree, x. 365
iv. 224, 225, 227, 228, 491; vn. 332 .; Collingwood, Ralph, dean of Lichfield, rv
IX. 529; An Exposition of St Paul's 225
First Epistle to Corinthians, m. 1 1 ;
Collingwood, Stuart Dodgson, xm. 501
An Exposition of St Paul's Epistle to Collingwood, William Gershom, xiv.
the Romans, m. 11; lectures on the Add. 3
Epistle to the Romans, m. 10 Collins,Anthony (1676-1729), vm, 332,
Colet, John (d. 1637), xrv. 79 471; rx. Ill, 288, 292, 293, 505, 512
Colgan, John (d. 1657?), xiv. 308, also Discourse of Free-thinking, rx. 292, 293,
see Add. 3 337, 456
Colgrim, in Layamon, r. 237 Discourse of the, . .Christian Religion,
Colin, in The Shepheards Calender, m. 222, ix. 293
224 226, 228. See, ako, under Spenser Essay concerning the use of jReasont rx.
Colin (or Colyn) Blowbctfs Testament, n. 293
501; in. 84, 86, 483 Philosophical Inquiry concerning Human
Colkelbeis Feist, n. 277 Liberty, rx. 293
Colkelbie, Stewarton, Ayrshire, in Col- Priestcraft in perfection, rx. 293
kettie's sow, n. 126, 127 Collins, Arthur (1690?-1760), vm. 267;
Colkelbie''s sow, n. 126, 127 rx. 496; x. 500; Peerage, XL 327
Collatinus, in The Mope ofLucrece, VL 101 Collins, Benjamin (fl. 1762), x. 207, 209,
Collbrande (Excalibur), in M
orte Arthure, 210, 482
n. 119 Collins, Charles Allston (1828-1873), xm,
Collection of Fundamental Liberties and 326, 332, 561
Laws, vm. 319 Collins, Charles MacCarthy, xrv. 573
Collection of Original Poems, lyy the Rev* Collins, F. H., xrv. 481
Mr Blacklock and other Scottish Gentle- Collins, John Churton (1848-1908), rv.
men, x. 191 43; v. 133 ff.; VL 166; IX. 230; x. Add.;
College, Stephen (1635?-1681), vnL 36, xn. 504; xm. 476, 486, 488; xiv. 517,
97, 188 518, 594; Bohngbrolce, xx. 218, 224

Collins, Mortimer (1827-1876), xm. 500; CoJeman, George, the younger
British Birds, The, xm. 163; To F. C. t Surrender of Calais, XL 280
sin. 163 Turk and no Turk, XL 279
Collins, Mr, in Jane Austen's Pride and Two to One, XL 279
Prejudice, xn. 234, 238, 240, 243, 245 Colne river, vn. 98
Collins, Thomas (fi. 1615), vn. 406 Cologne, n. 311, 312, 321: m. 42; TV. 402,
Collins, William (1721-1759), v. 205; ix. 403; vi. 295; vn. 212; vm. 261, 262
167,169, 179, 191, 481; x. 60, 87, 93, 132, Cologne, Three Kings of, n. 323, 335, 486,
138, 142 ff. (main entry), 147, 149, 153, 503
156, 164, 183, 186, 230, 447, 453, 454, Colombe, Browning's, xm. 64
469, also see Add.; XL 77, 86, 124, 158, Colomies or Colomesius, Paul (1638-
160, 161, 248, 250, 255; xn. 101, 177 1692), vn. 484
Dirge in Cymbeline, x. 126, 144 Colon, the ostler, in Hudibras, vm. 68
Eclogues, x. 143 Colonial and Indian Exhibition, xiv. 369
Evening, xn. 124 Colonial Monthly, The, xiv. 367
'How sleep the brave,' x. 143, 144 Colonna palace, xn. 67
Ode. .death of Mr Thomson, x. 109
Colour, in Lingua, vi 315
Ode to Evening, x. 125, 143, 144, 218; Colquhoun, Archibald Ross, xrv. Add. 6
xi. 85, 179 Colquhoun, John (1805-1885), xiv. 542
Ode Liberty, x. 144
to Colquhoun, John Campbell (1803-1870),
Ode Simplicity, x. 128
to xiv. 605
Odes, x. 142 ff. Colquhoun, Patrick (1745-1820), xiv. 605
Superstitions of the Highlands, x. 144 Colson, Nathaniel, rv. 454
Collins, William Edward (1867-1911), 'Colson, Tom,' in The Tafter, ix. 34
xiv. 101, 486 Colt, the, in Mum, Sothsegger, n. 36
Collins, William Lucas, xrv. 597 Colton, John xn.
(d. 1404), 518
Collins, William Wilkie (1824-1889), xra. Columba, St (521-597), L 42, 69, 435;
326, 335, 336, 420, 423, 425, 437-438 xn. 518
(main entry), 538, 541, 542, 561 Columban, St (543-615), L 65, 435
Antonina, xm. 434 Columbus, Christopher, L 209; rv. 68,
Moonstone, The, xm. 437 70-82, 86, 92, 101; vn. 305; x. 289
No Name, xm. 437 Columbus, in Perfidus Hetruscus, VL 302
Woman in White, The, xm. 437 Columella, n. 363; rv. 371
Collinson, James (1825?-1881), xm. 110 Columne, Jacob, iv. 454
Collinson, John (17577-1793), xn. 509 Coluthus, vn. 87
Collis, Ramsay, xiv. 533 Coluthus, in The Rape of Helen, v. 143
Collison-Morley, L., Giuseppe Baretti, x. Colvile, George (fl. 1556), rv. 442
159 Colvill, Robert (d. 1788), ix. 557
Collop, John (JL 1660), vn. 88, 412, 465 Colvill, Samuel (fl. 1681), DC. 499, 556
Collyer, N., xiv. 591 Colvin, Ian D., xiv. Add. 6
Colman, Francis (d. 1733), x. 430 Colvin, Sir Sidney, xn. 219, 405 ff., 439,
Colman, George, the elder (1732-1794), 441, 499, also see Add. 2; xm. 484; xiv.
X. 77, 89 211, 214, 428 ff., 432, 436,
ff., 526
441, 474; XI. 78, 270; xm. 269; xiv. Colwell, Thomas, iv. 390; v. 116; VL 296
590, 594 Colyton academy, x. 385
Clandestine Marriage, x. 91 ff. Combe, George (1788-1858), xiv. 414,
Connoisseur, The, XL 448, 451; xiv. 471, 542, 543, 605
590, 594 Combe, William (1741-1823), xiv. 217 ff.,
Deuce is in Him, x. 90 542, 543
English Merchant, x. 86 Anti-DiabO'lady, The, xiv. 217
Jealous Wife, x. 89 ff. Dance of Life, The, xrv. 219
Man of Business, XL 265 Diabo-lady, The, xiv. 217
Musical Lady, x. 90 Diabohad, The, xrv. 217
New Brooms, XL 282 English Dance of Death, The, xiv. 219
Philaster, x. 90 Johnny Quae Genus, xiv. 220
Polly Honeycombe, X. 89 Letters of the late Lord Lyttelton, xiv. 217
Vt Pictura Poesis, XL 282 Letters of Sterne to Eliza, xiv. 217
Colman, George, the younger (1762-1836), Life of Napoleon, xiv. 223
xi. 276, 278 ff., 453, 455, 457 Second Tour of Dr Syntax, The, xiv. 220
Battle of Hexham, XL 280 Third Tour of Dr Syntax, The, xrv. 220
Heir at Law, XL 280 Tour of Dr Syntax, The, xrv. 218, 219,
Inkle and Tarico, XL 279 221
Iron Chest^ The, XL 280, 393 Combe abbey, rv. 175
John Bull, xi. 280 Comber, Thomas (1645-1699), vn. 342
Mountaineers, The, XL 280 Comedies of Italian or Romantic origin,
Siege of Paris, XL 257 Anonymous, v. 413
Comedus, in Lingua, vi. 315 Conms, in Milton's Comus, vn. 113
Comedy, early English, v. 401 ft. Comus, in Pleasure Reconciled, vi. 359 ff.
Comedy, in Mucedorus, v. 254 Corny ns, the, n. 100
Comedy, in The Muses Looking -Glasse, vi. Conan, hi The Misfortunes of Arthur, v.
233 78,79
Comedy, in A Warning for Faire Women, Conant, John (1608-1694), vn. 317
v.326 Concanen, Matthew (1701-1749), IX. 434;
Comenius, John Amos, ix. 381, 403, 569; xrv. 568
Didactica Magna, ix. 388; Opera Di- Conceits, m Cowley's The Muse, vn. 65
dactica Omnia, ix. 388, 568, 573 Concini, marshal d'Ancre, rv. 259, vi.

Comestor, Peter, Magister Histonarum^ 181

Historia Scholastics, of, n. 365; iv. 39, 60 Concordia Regularis, v. 36, 37
Comet, The, xiv. 318er Concupiscenna-carnis, in Piers the Plow-
Comic dialogues, vn. 516 man, n. 23
Comic Magazine, The, xiv. 235 Conde, Louis II de Bourbon, prince de,
Comines, Philippe de, M^moires, xn. 26 vm. 246
Coming of Antichrist, The, v. 15 Conde Lucanor, vm. 126
Comment, Cuthbert. See Tucker, Abraham Condell, Henry (d. 1627), v. 169; vi. 248,
Commines or Comines, Philippe de, in. 249, 276 ff.
315; rv. 3, 443 Conder, Claude Reignier (1848-1910), xiv.
Commodus, i. 95 551
Common Conditions, v. 117, 130, 138, 413; Conder, Eustace B., xrv. 533
vi. 284 Conder, Josiah (1789-1855), xn. 415
Common Thift, in Ane Pleasant Satyr e, Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de Marly de,
m. 128 vni. 335, 336
Commons, house of, m. 402; iv. 162, 279, Condorcet, marquis de, XL 399, 414;
305, 306; ix. 64, 194, 195, 216, 219, 225, Esquisse. tfun tableau histonque, XI. 73,
232, 240, 281; X. 3, 84, 94, 1G3, 244, 276
283, 284, 296, 306, 320, 399, 401, 404; Conestaffgio, G., iv. 443
XL 2, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 21, 29, 34, 50, 52; Coney-Catching pamphlets, rv. 515
xn. 307; xm. 305 Confessio, in The Castle of Perseverance,
Commons Journals, The, vm. 255 v. 52
Commonwealth, the, iv. 396, 433; XL 394 Confession, in Every -man, v. 54
Commonwealth acts, vm. 468 Confucian canon, the, xn. 343
Commonwealth pamphlets, etc., XL 470 Confucius, xn. 500
Communis Sensus, in Lingua, vr. 314, 315 Conger, the, XL 325
Comnenus, Andronicus, vn. 248 Congleton, ix. 166
Comoedia, in Fucus Histriomastix, vi. 324 Congleton, lord. See Parnell Henry
Compassio Mariae and Assumptio Mariae, Brooke
I. 232, 458
Congo, the, xiv. 192
Compendious Boolce of Godly and Spirituall Congregational Historical society, x. 519
Songs, ix. 361, 362 Congregational histories, x. 519
Complaint, in Davison's Rapsody, iv. 124 Congreve, Richard (1818-1890), xn. 334;
Complaint of a lover's life, The, n. 485 xiv. 471; The Catechism of Positive Re-
Complaynt of Scotlande, The, n. 93, 94, 97, ligion translated, xiv. 24
98, 251, 268, 279, 280, 285; m. 131, Congreve, William (1670-1729), iv. 185;
152, 153, 5Q2 v. 127, 189; vi. 492; vm. 57, 137, 139,
Complaynte of the Heart, The, n. 326 146 ff. (main entry), 161, 163, 165 ff.,

Compleat Devotions, X. 356 171, 172, 176, 189, 191, 423, 427, 428,
Compleat History of England, EC. 233, 234 430, 432, 433, 442; DC. 38, 69, 75, 91,
Complete Courtier, iv. 344 124, 131, 163, 228, 270, 436, 439, 440,
Compters Common Wealth, in. 99 473, 475; x. 21, 22, 67, 185, 446; XL
Compton, Charles, 7th earl of North- 248; xn. 168, 443; xm. 269
ampton (d. 1763), x. 113 Amendments, vni. 168
Compton, Henry (1632-1713), bishop of Double Dealer, The, vni. 55, 148, 149,
London, ix. 170; Emscopalia, vin. 305, 375, 396
459 Incognita, or Love and Duty Reconciled,
Compton, Spencer, earl of Wilmington vm. 146
(1673?-1743), IX. 252; x. 94 Love for Love, vm. 150, 152, 157, 158,
Compton Wynyates, x. 113 168; x. 90
Comput. See Thaun, P. de Mourning Bride, The, vm. 152, 166
Comte, Auguste, xm. 22, 385, 457; XTV. 168; x. 218
22, 24, 32, 33, 102 ff., 468, 469, 471, Ode to the Queen, x. 127
475 Cours de philosophie positive,
ff.; Old Bachelor, The, vm. 146, 147
xrv. 17; Systeme de Pohtique Positive, Way of the World, The, vm. 150, 153
xm. 397 155 ff., 168

Congreve, Vanbrugh and Walsh, Squire Contarine, Jane (Mrs Lawder) (fl. 1750),
Trelooby, vm. 157 x. 199, 481
Coningham, James (1670-1716), x. 385 Contarine, Thomas (uncle of Goldsmith,
Coningsby, Disraeli's, xni. 350 Oliver), x. 198, 200, 209
Coningsby, Sir Thomas (d. 1625), vn. 449 Contarini, Gaspar, rv 443
Conington, John (1825-1869), ix. 74; Contemplacio, in Coventry plays, v. 12, 49
x. 124; xn. 334, 337, 482; xin. 175, 500 Contemporary Review, The, xrv. 523, 534
Conjecture, Essays of, rv. 524 Contention, The First Part of the, iv. 393
Connoisseur, The, x. 171, 202, 429; XL 402 Contention, The, betwixt the two famous
Connolly, Daniel, xiv. 573 Houses of Yorke and Lancaster, v. 135,
Connor, Ireland, xn. 361 147, 153, 184, 220, 237, 238, 260,397,433
Connycatching, The Groundworks of, v. 480 Contention between Liberalitie and Prodi-
Conquest, the Norman, m. 193, 196, 197, galitie, V. 394
440; iv. 60, 137 Conies de ma mere
VOie, xi. 374, 375
Conrad, in Byron's Corsair, xn. 46 Con-Test, The, x. 389, 390, 522
Conscience, in an estrif by Barnfield, iv. Conti, Antonio, 11 Cesar e 9 v. 288, 289
120 Contrition, in Piers the Plowman, n. 28
Conscience, in. Mirour de POmme, n. 140 ff. Contrition, in Tlie Passetyme of Pleasure
Conscience, in Piers the Plowman, n. 8 if., and The Example of Virtue, n. 228
16, 19, 20, 26 if. Conventicle Act of 1593, vn. 170, 172
Conscience, in Robin Conscience, m. 97 Conversion of St Paul, The, v. 19
Conscience, in The Palice of Honour, n. 261 Conway, Anno, viscountess (d. 1679), vni
Consolation, The Rote or mirror of, n. 323 110, 280
Constable, Archibald (1774-1827), XL 342, Conway, Edward, 1st viscount (d. 1631),
459, 469; xn. 142, 144, 155, 156, 378, vn. 434; vm. 2SO
427, 450; xiv. 612 Conway, George, x. 199
Constable, George, xn. 350 Conway, Gilbert, Treatise of Versification,
Constable, Henry (1562-1613), m. 522; xni. 248, 512
iv. 117, 124; Diana, m. 247, 256, 260, Conway, Henry Seymour (1721-1795), x.
261, 271 245, 249, 251, 399, 495, 523; XI. 12
Constable, Thomas (1812-1881), XL 477; Conway, Hugh, pseud. See Fargus, Fred-
xn. 378, 427, 450; XIV. 612 erick John
Constable country, xn. 305 Conway, lord. See Seymour- Conway
Constance, Browning's, xm. 64 Conway, Moncure Daniel, XL 395 xm. 470 ;

Constance, council of, n. 69 Conybeare, William John (1815-1857),

Constance, in Confessw Amantis, n. 147 xn. 293, 464, 472
Constance, in King John, v. 185 Conyngton. See Richard de
Constance, in Scott's Marmion, xn. 10 Cook, Albert Stanburrough i. 50, 57, 59,
Constance, in The Man of Law's Tale, 419, Add.; x. Add.; xm. 507
i. 311; ii. 181, 182 Cook, Dutton, xra. 514
Constance, in The Northern Lasse, vi. 226 Cook, Eliza (1818-1889), xm. 177, 189,
Constancy, legend of, in The Faerie 500
Queene, in. 238 Cook, Ernest Thomas, xiv. 153, 524 ? 533,
Constantina, St, i. 74 534
Constantino, Breviary ( Viaticus] of, n. 365 Cook, George (1772-1845), xiv. 487
Constantme, in Confessio Amantis, 11. 148, Cook, captain James (1728-1779), rv. 102
151, 152 Cook, James, xni. 531; xrv. 244, 289,
Constantme, in Layamon, i. 266 459, 551; Narrative, xiv. 241; To the
Constantino, in Morte Arthur e, n. 120 Pacific Ocean, xrv. 245; Towards the
Constantino, Lexicon graeco-latinum, IV. South Pole, xiv. 245
429 Cook, John (d. 1660), vm. 470
Constantino, the donation of, m. 179 Cook, John Douglas (1808J-1868), xiv.
Constantino of Devon and Cornwall, i. 67 533
Constantino the Great, I. 55; n. 58, 293; Cook, William (fl. 1632-1641), vn. 347
v. 16; x. 317; xn. 305, 321 Cook, William (d. 1824), xi. 448
Constantinople, n. 131; iv. 90; vn. 437; Cooke, Sir Anthony (1604r-1576), iv. 175,
vm. 291, 295; ix. 240, 244, 246, 391; 177, 278
x. 391; xn. 273; xiv. 251 Cooke, George Frederick (1756-1811), XL
'Constantinus Afer,' x. 204 453
Constantius, Life of St Germanus of Cooke, George Wingrove (1814-1865),
Auxerre, I. 81 xn. 426; xm. 553
Constantius Chlorus, i. 34 Cooke, J. (fl. 1614), Greene's Tu Quoque or
Constanza, in The Spanish Gipsie, VL 77 The Cittie Gallant, VL 219, 454
Constitutional, The, xni. 278; xiv. 196 Cooke, Sir J., Unum necessarium (1648),
Consultation, The, of Hermann of Wied, iv. 510
m.31 Cooke, John (1731-1810), XL 326; xiv. 573

Cooke, Thomas (1703-1756), vn. 430; Cooper, William Durrant (1812-1875),
ix. 78. 220, 526 xi. 429, 485; xn. 511
Cooke, Thomas Potter (1786-1864), xm. 'Cooper,' earl, A
Letter to Isaac Bicker-
264, 265 staffe, Esq., ix. 217
Cooke, W. (d. 1814), x, 195, 445, 470, 471, Cooper's hill, vn. 59
483 Coorson, Margery, in The foure P. P.,
Cookery books, H. 483, 500; m. 19 v. 96
Ooolcery, Boke of, TV. 543 Coote, Edmund (fl. 1597), The English
Cookesley, William, si. 40 Schoolmaster. ., m. 556

Cookson, Anne. Bee Wordsworth, Anne Coote, Henry Charles (1815-1885), xn.
Coolidge, William Augustus Brevoort, 515
XIV. 552 Cope, Sir Antony (d. 1551), iv. 4, 438
Coolin district, Skye, xm. 209 Cope, Edward Meredith (1818-1873), xn.
Cooling Garde for all Fond Lovers, A, in 331, 475, 482
The Anatomy of Wit, m. 345, 346 Cope's Tobacco Plant, xm. 108, 489
Coolney, xrv. 304 Copeland, C. T., xm. 470
Cooper, Anthony Ashley, 1st earl of Copeland, William John (1804-1885), xn
Shaftesbury (1*621-1683), vn. 451; vm. 454, 459
17, 30, 36 ff., 40, 75, 90, 92 ff., 97, 100, Copenhagen, v. 283, 307; ix. 165; xn.
184, 188, 190, 329, 330, 440; IX. 3, 234 336, 344
Cooper, Aiithony Ashley, 3rd earl of Coperario or Coprario, Giovanni, or John
Shaftesbury (1671-1713), vm. 457, Cooper (d. 1626), rv. 463
471; ix. 204, 288, 295, 299 ff. (main Copernicus, Nicholas, m. 163, 425; iv. 66,
entry), 302, 303, 506, 508, also see Add.; 278, 290; vn. 238, 314; vm. 283, 350,
x. 122, 337, 426, 469 352; ix. 391; xrv. 27
Characteristics, vra. 329; ix. 300 Copinger, Walter Arthur (1847-1910),
Inquiry concerning Virtue, ix. 300 xn. 427, 520; xrv. 536; Incunabula
Letter concerning Enthusiasm, ix. 204, Eiblica, xn. 369
300 Copland, Robert (fl. 1508-1547), n. 312,
Miscellaneous Reflections, ix. 300 324, 325, 329; m. 62, 82, 94, 101, 102,
Moralists, The, ix. 300 105, 360; iv. 317, 397, 521, 546
Notion of the Historical Draught... of Art of good^ living and dying, n. 329
the Judgment of Hercules, ix. 300 Helios Knight of the Swan, n. 325
Sensus Communis, ix. 300 Eye, Way to the Spyttell House, The,
Soliloquy : or Advice to an Author, rx. 300 n. 324, 485, 501; m. 62, 101, 360, 492
Cooper, Charles A. (1829-1916), xrv. 533; Jyl of Braintfortfs Testament, n. 324,
Fifty Years of Newspaper Work, xrv. 176 485
Cooper, Charles Henry (1808-1866), xn. Kalendar of Shepherds, n. 324
488, 515 Kynge Appolyn of Thyre, n. 324
Annals of Cambridge, xn. 357 Mirror of the Church, The, n. 324
, Athenae Cantdbrigienses, xn. 357 Copland, William (fl. 1556-1569), rv. 397,
Memoir of Margaret Countess of Rich- 448, 518, 542; v. 92
mond and Derby, xn. 357 Cople Hoo, near Bedford, vm. 60
Memorials of Cambridge, xn. 357 Cople Woodend, vn. 167
Cooper, Charles Purton (1793-1873), xn. Copleston, Edward (1776-1849), xn. 284,
515; An Account of the Public Records, 427; xrv. 596, 601; Replies (to the Edin-
xn. 354 burgh Review), xiv. 410
Cooper, Edith Emma. See Field, Michael Copleston, Reginald Stephen, xrv. 209
Cooper, Edward Herbert (1867-1910), Copley, Anthony (1567-1607?), iv. 119,
xm. 561 469
Cooper, Elizabeth (fl. 1737), The Muses' Copley, John Singleton, lord Lyndhurst
Library, vn. 193, 199 (1772-1863), xm. 347; xiv. 112, 124
Cooper, John Gilbert (1723-1769), X. 452 510
Cooper, Lane, XL 409 Copperfield, David, Dickens's, xm. 305,
Cooper or Couper, Thomas (15172-1594), 307, 326, 339
m. 385 ff., 391, 392, 537; An Admoni- Coppin, Richard (fl. 1646-1659), x. 377
tion to the People of England, m. 386,
Coptic language, xn. 362
387, 391, 392, 537; Advertisement Copyright act, the, XL 313 ff., 317, 342;
touching the Controversies of the Church XIV. 89
of England, ra. 392 Coquerel, J. G., XL 430
Cooper, Thomas (fl. 1626), rv. 535; vn. 506 Corah (Titus Gates), in Dryden's Absalom,
Cooper, Thomas (fl. 1744), XL 323, 375 vm. 39
Cooper, Thomas (1805-1892), xm. 500; Goran. See Koran
XIV. 471, 601 Corantos, rv. 389; vn. 345, 385;
Cooper, Thompson, xm. 564 ix. 1, 5
Cooper, William (d. 1689), XL 335, 336 Corbet, John (1603-1641), re. 643

Corbet, Richard (1582-1635), rv. 362; Cornelius Tacitus, in The City Witt, TO, 225
vn. 412; XT. 374; The Fairies Farewell, Cornelys, Mrs Theresa (Threnodia Augus-
s. 233 talis) (1723-1797), x. 482
Corbie. See John of Cornford, L. C., xm. 503; xiv. 526
Corbould, E. H., xn. 448 Cornhill Magazine, The, x. 204, XL 90;
Corbulo, in Appius and Virginia, TO. 182 xn. 426, 431; xm. 299, 300, 380, 425;
Cordelia, in King Lear, v. 203, 204 xiy. 143, 152, 194, 316
Cordelia, in King Leir, v. 83, 84 Corniche road, x. 42
Corder, William (180^1828), xiv. 228 Cornish, bishop, m. 56
Cordier, Mathurin, m. 429; Pueriks Con- Cornish, Francis Warre, xn. 447, 464;
fabulatiunculae, XI. 367 xm. 503
Cordifiamma, in Kingsley's Two Years Cornish, Joseph (1750-1823), xiv. 605
Ago, xm. 365 Cornish dialect, xiv. 434
Cordova, in Alfred's Orosius, I. 95 Cornish drama, xn. 512
Cordus, Euricms, iv. 264 Cornish giant, a, TTTT. 278
Cordyale, n. 313 Cornish miracle plays, v. 15, 16, 391
Corfe castle, xn. 508 Cornish rounds,' TO, 252
Corfesgeat, I. 138 Cornishman, the, in The Fyrste BoJce of
Coridon, in Barclay's Epilogues, ni. 65 the Introduction of Knowledge, m. 105
Corineus, in Layamon, i. 237 Comix:, in Barclay's Eclogues, m. 65
Corineus, in Locrine, v. 240 Cornis, in Barnabe Googe's Eclogues, m.
Corineus of Cornwall, rv. 190 186
Corinna (Herrick's), n. 393; vn. 6 Cornwall, iv. 190, 200; vr. 242; vn. 16,
Corinth, vi. 163, 317 86; vm. 119; ix. 532; x. 77, 193, 244,
Corinthian pillars, x. 110 365, 490; XL 37; xn. 346, 417, 521;
Coriolanus, m. 24; iv. 11 xiv. 434
Coriolanus (Shakespeare's), iv. 11 Cornwall. See John of
Corippus, I. 76 Cornwall, Barry, pseud. See Procter,
Cork, m. 244; rx. 282; xn. 159; xm. 107; Bryan Waller
xrv. 263, 311, 316 Cornwallis, Caroline Frances (1786-1858),
Cork, countess of. See Monckton, Mary xiv. 471
Cork, county, xn. 165; xiv. 326 Cornwallis, Frederick (1713-1783), arch-
Cork, earl of. See Boyle, Richard bishop of Canterbury, x. 308
Cork, Queen's college, xiv. 417 Cornwallis, Sir William (d. 1631), iv.
Corkine, William, iv. 113, 463 343 ft, 362, 517, 524, 525; TO. 341;
Cormac, Irish scholar (831-903), I. 246 vn. 389
Corn law, the, xiv. 132 Cornyshe, or Cornish, William (d. 1524?),
Corn law agitation, xm. 14 TO. 281 ff., 287; Triumphe of Love and
'Corn Law Rhymer,' xn. 136, 416 Bewte, The, vr. 284, 287
Cornaro, Luigi (1475-1566), vn. 402 Coromandel, x. 204
Cornbury, viscount. See Hyde, Henry Coronation stone, the, n. 130
Corneille, Pierre, v. 292, 293, 295; vi. 49; Corporation act, x. 374
vn. 275; vin. 14, 18, 24, 30, 31, 33, 56, Corpus Christi, feast of, m. 81 ; and plays,
131, 134, 165, 376, 422, 424, 483; ix. v. 9, 12, 13, 44, 45, 48, 52, 56, 389
256; x. 83, 444; XL 353 Corpus Historicurn, xn. 355
Cid, Le, vin. 13, 180, 371; x. 69 Corpus juris, n. 350, 363; vm. 312
Cinna, x. 69 Corpus Poetarum Infantilium, XL 375
Discours,vm. 23, 374 Correggio, Antonio, vn. 176
Examens, vm. 23, 374 Correspondence between, Frances Countess
Heradius, vm. 133, 180 of Hertford and Henrietta Louisa Coun-
Horace, vn. 88; vm. 180; rx. 276, 499; tess of Pomfret, x. 274
X.86 Correspondent, The, ix. 460
Lyer, The, vm. 373 Corrupt Doctrine, in A True Inventory,
Mtdte, vm. 13 vn. 382
Menteur, Le, vm. 13, 373; ix. 30; see Cony, Isaac (1755-1813), XL 156
also, The Lyer and The Mistaken Beauty Corsica, x. 190, 192, 477, 479
Mistaken Beauty, The, vm. 373 Corsica, the Syracusan, in
NicomSde, vm. 180 TO, 157
vm. 180 Corstopitum, Corbridge, Northumberland,
Pompe e, vn. 88; vm. 133, 180 xn.509
Corneille, Thomas, x. 86 Corstorphine, George Stewart, xiv. Add. 7
Cornelia, in The White Divel, TO. 177, 187 Corte, Claudio, iv. 443
Cornelius, in Memoirs of Martinus Scri- Cortes, Martin, Breve compendio de la
blerus, ix. 136 Sphera y de la arte. de navigar, iv. 71,
Cornelius Agrippa, IV. 249 104, 443, 455
Cornelius Nepos, L 195 Coruisk district, Skye, YTTT. 209
Conms, raisins of, n. 305 Cottle, Joseph (1770-1853), x. 485, 486;
Cory, G. E., xrv. Add. 6 xr. 341, 409, 417, 422, 423, 468; Early
Cory, William Johnson (1823-1892), xm. Recollections, XL 133
189, 503; xrv. 597, 606; Invocation, An, Cotton. See Bartholomew de
xin. 193; lomca, xm. 193; Mimnermus Cotton, Charles (1630-1687), iv. 16, 18;
in Church, xin. 193 vi. 115; vn. 251, 463; IX. 257, 272, 276 r

Coryate, George (father of Thomas), iv. 277, 499

89 Burlesque upon Burlesque, ix. 257
Coryate, Thomas (1577?-! 617), iv. 89 ff., Compleat Gamester, ix. 277
392, 454; v. 350; vi. 138, 219; XIV. Horace, Corneille's, translation of, vm.
333 180
Coryats Cramb, IV. 90 Montaigne, vm. 387
Coryats Crudities, rv. 89, 203; vn. 201; Planter's Manual, ix. 277
x.200 Scarronides, or Virgil Travestie, vm
Odcombian Banquet, The, rv. 90 372; ix. 257
Thomas Coriate Traveller for the English Transactions, ix. 276
WitsGreeting, iv. 90 Cotton, Geo. Edw. Lynch (1813-1866),
Coryate, T., in Love Restored, vi. 351 xiv. 598
Corydon (Vergil's), m. 264 Cotton, Sir Henry, vn. 442
Cosimo II, grand duke of Tuscany, vm. Cotton, Henry (1789-1879), xi. 468; xn.
358 520
Cosin, John (1594-1672), iv. 421; vn. 34, Cotton, John (1584-1652), m. 422
424, 482; vm. 294 ff., 459; ix. 630; x. Cotton, Sir John (1621-1701), ix. 196, 197
360; A Collection of Private Devotions, Cotton, Nathaniel (1705-1788), XL 186
vn. 147; vrn. 294; Correspondence, vm. Cotton, Sir Robert Bruce (1571-1631),
296; Historia Transubstantionis Papalis, m. 55, 324, 326; iv. 55, 59, 60, 429;
vm. 296 vn. 203; vm. 318, 323; ix. 357; xiv.
Cosin Cutpurse, vi. 285 285, 566; Henry III, vn. 433, 514
Cosma, in Sicelides, vr. 323 Cotton, Sophia Anne, xiv. 598
Cosmas, martyr, I. 74 CottoniPosthuma (1651), vm. 470
Cosmo, in The Traytor, vi. 199
Cottonian library, ix. 349, 357; xiv. 52,
Cosmopolis,' ix. 292 560
Cosroe, in Tamburlaine, v. 151 CottreU, Sir Charles (1615-1687), transla-
Cossacks, xn. 46 tion of La Calprenede's CUopdtre, vm.
Coss, Charles du, comte de Brissac, m. 371
163 Coucy, Raoul de, xi. 274
Cosse, Timoleon du, in. 163 Coues, Elliott, xiv. 583
Costar Pearmain, in Farquhar's Recruiting Coulson, Walter (1794?-1860), xiv. 533
Officer, vm. 171 Council, the King's, n. 286
Costard, in Love's Labour's Lost, v. 178 Counsel, in The Passetyme of Pleasure,
Coste, Pierre (1668-1747), vm. 472; ix. n. 225
400 Countenance, in The Assembly of Ladies,
Costeker, John Littleton, The Fine Gentle- ii. 217

man, ix. 397, 569 Counterfesaunce, in The Tears of the

Costigan, captain, Thackeray's, xm. 283, Muses, in. 241
292, 296 Counterfet Countenaunce, in Magnyfy-
Cosilie WJiore, The, m. 81 cence, m. 77
Costume, poems on, n. 502 Country Gentleman, The, ix. 220
Cotentin, the, n. 118 Country pursuits and pastimes, writers on,
Cotes, Roger (1682-1716), ix. 335, 412 iv. 364 ff., 537 ff.
Cotgrave, John (fl. 1655), vn. 512; Le Couper, A. S., xrv. 557
Mercure Anglois, vn. 360 Courage, in The Example of Virtue, n.
Cotgrave, Randle (d. 1634?), Dictionary, 227
rx. 255, 271, 529 Courier, The, xm. 259; xiv. 172, 184,
Cotswolds, the, iv. 190; vm. 83; x. 113; 187, 188, 194
xn. 256, 257, 265 Court of Good Company,' n. 208
Cotta, in Owen's Epigrammata, iv. 265 Court of High Commission, v. 371, 372
Cotta, John (1575?-! 650?), IV. 535; vn. Court of Love, The, n. 162, 164, 166, 167,
375, 394, 506, 511; Discovery of... 215, 217, 218, 220, 221, 223, 240, 243,
Ignorant Practicers of Physice, vn. 374; 261
The Triall of Witchcraft, vn. 374 Court Poems, ix. 78, 247; xi. 328
Cottenham, manor of, n. 343 Courtall, in She Would if She Could, vnL
Cottin, Sophie, Elisabeth, xm. 522 138
Cottington, Francis, lord (1578?-1652), Courtenay, Edward, earl of Devonshire
vn. 215 (1526?-1556). iv. 447
Cottle, Amos Simon (17GS?-1800), x. 487 Courtenay, John (1741-1816), x. 472, 480

Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine (1782- Covetyse-of-eyes5 in Piers the Plowman,
1841), xiv. 513 n. 25
Courtenay, William (13427-1396), n. 55, Covilla, in Landor's Count Julian, xn. 211
56 Coward, William (1657J-1725), vm. 394
Courtes, The Booke of the Diversities of Coward, William (fl. 1729-1751), x. 384
(1561), vni. 465, 466 Coward trustees, x. 384
Courtesy, in The Pastyme of Pleasure, n. Cowden Knowes, x. 233
229, 234 CoweU, Edward Bytes (1826-1903), xn.
Courtesy, in The Faerie Queene, n. 234 343, 489, 502; xm. 143, 145; xiv. 487
Courtesy books, ix. 569 CoweU, John (1554r-1611), m. 424; rv.
Courthope, William John (1842-1917), 510; vm. 468; Institutiones Juris An-
I. 419; IX. 76; xn. 524; History of glicani,vm. 317; Interpreter, The, law
English Poetry, I. 240; n. 139; m. 180, dictionary, VL 322, 477; vn. 433; vm.
181; iv. 146;'vm. 423; ix. 153 317
Courtier's Calling, The, ix. 396, 570 Cowen, Joseph (1831-1900), xrv. 533
Courtly Abusyon, in Magnyfycence, m, 77 Cowes, xrv. 225
Courtly Nice, Sir (Crowne's), vm. 188 ff. Cowes castle, vn. 70
Courtney, William Leonard, xm. 514; Cowley, Abraham (1618-1667), rv. 163,
XIV. 478 187, 223, 261; vr. 471; vn. 61-70 (main
Courtney, William Prideaux (1845-1913), entry), 89, 91, 109, 268, 275, 315, 407,
IX. 191; xn. 521; xiv. 508, 512, 531; 411, 465, 467; vm. 4, 5, 43, 51, 56,
A Register of National Bibliography, xn. 84, 228, 233, 234, 239, 292, 366, 369,
369 371, 376 ff., 381, 386, 389, 390, 417,
Courts of Justice Corrected and Amended, 480, also see Add.; ix. 47, 119, 158, 168,
The, vn. 388 264, 406, 570; x. 96, 127, 183, 219, 225;
Cousin, Victor, xrv. 11; History of Modern xn. 182; xm. 429; xrv. 281, 448
Philosophy, xii. 371 Anacreontiques, vn. 63
Coutances, Andre de, Roman des Franceis, Battle ofNewbury, vn. 63
1.236 Change, The, vn. 64
Coutts, Jas., xiv. 595 Chronicle, The, vn. 63
Covenant, the, vn. 455 Complaint, The, vn. 69
Covent Garden Drolery (1672), vm. 395 Constantia and Philetus, vn. 62
Covent-Garden Journal, x. 33, 34, 39, 417 Cutter of Coleman-Street, vi. 326; vn.
Coventry, n. 61; m. 381, 382, 386; iv. 190, 62, 63; vm. 122, 377
409; vi. 37; ix. 196; xm. 276, 383, 384 Danger of Procrastination, The, vm. 378
Coventry, Francis (d. 1759?), XL 459; Dangers of an Honest Man in Such
Pompey the Little, ix. 245, 391, 409, 574 Company, The, vm. 378
Coventry, Mick Parke, iv. 174 Damdeis, vn. 63, 66, 67, 269; vm. 229
Coventry, Thomas, 1st baron (1578-1640), Discourse "by way of Vision concerning
vn. 219 the Government of Oliver Cromwell, vn.
Coventry, Sir William (1628?-1686), vm. 63, 68; vm. 377
255, 256, 259, 387, 481 Extasie, The, vn. 66
Coventry academy, x. 385 Garden, The, vm. 378
Coventry family, vn. 87 Guardian, The, YL 326; vn. 62; vm. 122
Coventry grammar school, rv. 12 Hymn to Light, ix. 176
Coventry Plays, n. 425; v. 10, 12, 13, 16, Inconstant, The, vn. 64
17, 19 ff., 30, 31, 44, 46, 48, 49, 56, 69, Love and Life, vn. 64
389, and see Add. 1 'Love in her Sunny Eyes does basking
Coveras, $on Francisco de las (imaginary play,' vn. 64
author), vm,141 Love's Riddle, vn. 62
Coverdale, Miles (1488-1568), m. 27, 43, Miscellanies, vn. 63
44, 79, 96, 473, 486; iv. 41, 380, 402, Mistress, The, vn. 25, 63, 64
421, 442; Goostly Psalmes and Spiritual Muse, The, vn. 65, 66
Songes, m. 79 Naufragium Joculare, vr. 102, 326; vn.
Coverdale' s Bible, xn. 521 62
Coverley, Sir Roger de, iv. 342; ix. 50 ff.; Ode Sitting and Drinking in the Chair,
x. 56; xi. 146 made out of the Reliques of Sir Francis
Coverly hall, xiv. 231 Drake's Ship, vn. 68
Coverly papers, x. 56 Ode upon His Majesties Restoration and
Coverte, Robert, IV. 455 Return, vn. 68
Covetousness, in an estrif by Barnfield, Odes, vn. 70
iv. 120 Of Agriculture, vm. 378
Covetousness, in Ane Pleasant Satyre, Of Greatness, vni. 378
TII. 127, 128 Of My Self, vn. 61 vm. 378

Covetousness, in Piers the Plowman, n. 12 Of Obscurity, vm. 378

Covetousness, Ballet agaynst, m. 491 Of Sohtude, vm. 378
Cowley, Abraham Cowper, William
On Death of Mr Crashaw, vn. 35, C3
the Invitation into the Country, XL 83
On the Death of Mr William Hervey, Jesus! where'er thy people meet, XL 80
vn. 63; vm. 362 John Gilpin, XT. 79, 87; xiv. 43S
Parting, The, vn. 64 Letters,XL 85
Passions, The, vn. 64 with God, XL 80
Oh for a closer walk
Pindarique Odes, vn. 63, 64, 264 *Qld Tiney, surliest of his kind,' XT.
Poeticall Blossomes, vn. 35, 62 88
Poeticall Revenge, A, vn. 62 Olney Hymns, XL 80
Prophet, The, vn. 64 On her endeavouring to conceal her Grief
Proposition for the Advancement of Ex- at Parting, XL 78
perimental Philosophy, vn. 68; vm. 365; On receipt of my Mother's Picture, XL
ix. 389, 390 78,87
Puritan and the Papist, The, vn. 68 On Loss of the Eoyal George,
the XL 88
Pyramus and Thisbe, vn. 62 Poems (1782), XL 83
Resurrection, The, vn. 65 Poplar Field, The, XL 88
Several Discourses by way of Essays in Progress of Error, XL 81, 82
Verse and Prose, vn. 68, 69; vni. 379 Retirement, XL 81 ff,
Shortness of Life and uncertainty of Hose, The, XL 87
Riches, The, vm, 378 Shrubbery, The, XL 79, 83
Spring, The, vn. 64 Sofa, The, XL 84 ff.
Sylva, vn. 62 Table Talk, XL 81
To Dr Scarborough, vn. 65 Task, The, XL 81, 83 ft.

To Mr Hobs, vn. 65 There is a fountain filled with blood,

To the Royal Society, vn. 68 XL 80
Verses on Several Occasions, vn. 68 Time-piece, The XL 86, 87

Vote, The, vn. 62 Tirocinium, XL 78, 87; xiv. 386

Written in Juice of Lemmon, vn, 64 To Mary, XL 80, 88
Cowley, Hannah, 'Anna Matilda' (1743- To Mrs Unwin, XL 80, 88
1809), xi. 273, 425; Belle's Stratagem, Truth, xi. 81
xi. 177, 275; Bold Stroke for a Husband, Verses supposed to be written by Alex-
xi. 275; Runaway, The, XL 274 ander Selkirk, XL 83
Cowper, Ashley, XL 78 Winter Evening, XL 86
Cowper, Harriet. See Hesketh, lady Winter Morning Walk, XL 86
Cowper, John, xi. 79 Winter Walk at Noon, XL 86
Cowper, John, Ramsay's elegy on, ix. 367, Yardley Oak, XL 248
370 Cowper manuscripts, ix, 249
Cowper, Mary, countess (1685-1724), ix. Cowslip green, XL 363
249, 497 Cox, captain (fi. 1575), in. 489, 496
Cowper, Spencer, ix. 249, 497 Cox, E. G.," n. 407
Cowper, Theodora, xi. 78 Cox, Geo. Valentine (1786-1875), xiv.
Cowper, major William, xi. 79 596
Cowper, William, 1st earl Cowper (d. Cox, Sir George William (1827-1902),
1723), ix. 249 xn. 465, 474; xiv. 70, 488; History of
Cowper, William (1731-1800), in. 184; Greece, xn. 313, 314; Poems Legendary
iv. 260, 267; vn, 176; vni. 230; ix. 154, and Historical, xn. 314
1G2, 169, 410; x. 60, 242, 300, 397, 521; Cox, Harold, xn. 426
xi. 77 ff. (main entry), 145, 150, 152, Cox, Richard (1500-1581), vn. 327, 328,
167, 175, 176, 179, 246, 247, 251, 252, 516
254, 259, 327, 362, 401, 427; xn. 132, Cox, Sir Richard (1650-1733), ix. 476;
177, 231, 473; xm. 239, 244; xiv. 435, x. 293
498, 590 Cox, Robert, vm. 417; Humours of
Absence and Bereavement, xi. 78 Simpleton the Smith, vm. 116; Jolm
Anti-Thelyphthora, XL 81 Swabber, vm. 116
Boadicea, xi. 83 Cox, Samuel (1826-1893), xn. 465
Castaway, The, XL 90 Cox, Thomas (d. 1734), Magna Britannia
Charity, XL 81 et Hibernia, ix. 353, 537
Colubriad, The, XL 88 Cox of Oollumpton, v, 325
Conversation, XL 81 Coxe, Leonard, of Reading, m. 290, 050
Dog and the Water-lily, XL 87 Coxe, William (1747-1828), ix. 481; XL
Expostulation, XL 81 430; xiv. 501; House of Austria, The,
Garden, The, XL 86 xiv. 89; Memoirs of the Duke of Marl-
God moves in a mysterious way, XT. 80 borough, xiv. 89; Memoirs of Sir Robert
Hark, my soul! it w
the Lord, XL 80 Walpole, xiv. 88
Homer, XL 88 ft, Coxeter, Thomas (1689-1747), x. 429
Hope, XL 81 Coxhoe hall, Durham, zm. 70
Coy, dame, in Jacke Jugeler, v. 107 Cradock, Mrs Harriet, Hulse House, xn.
Coyne, Joseph Stirling (1803-1868), xm. 247
266, 270, 518; xiv. 236 Cradock, Joseph (1742-1826), x. 473;
Coy se vox, Antoine, ix. 153 Zobeide, x. 86, 439; XL 265
Crabbe, George (1754-1832), ix. 154, 161; Cradock, Samuel (1621-1706), x. 387
x. 277; xi. 86, 111, 140 ff. (main entry), Cradok, Sir, in Morte Arthure, n. 120
418, also see Add. ; xn. 36, 42, 95, 136, Craft ofDeyng, n. 284, 479
231, 232, 268; xm 40, 186, 191, 230, Craftsman, The, ix. 98, 132, 219 ff., 252,
373, 497; xiv. 200, 515 433, 491, 492, 497; x. 389. See, also,
Amusements, XL 151 Amhurst, Nicholas
Ancient Mansion, The, xi. 150 Crafty Conveyaunce, in Magnyfycence,
Birth of Flattery, The, xi. 147 m.77
Borough, The, XL 140, 146 ft, 151 Craig, Alexander, of Rosecraig (1567?-
Confidant, The, xi. 148 1627), ix. 555
Delay has Danger, XL 149, 151 Craig, Isa. See Knox, Isa
Ellen Orford, XL 140 Craig, John (1512?-1600), m. 502
Epistle from the Devil, xi. 141 Craig, R. S., xin. 470
Epistle to Mira, xi. 142 Craig, Sir Thomas (1538-1608), rx. 549
Equal Marriage, The, XL 150 Craig-Ereri, in Pleasure Reconciled, VL 361
Farewell and Return, The, XL 150 Craigenputtock, xm. 5, 10
Foes of Mankind, XL 141 Craigie, Pearl Mary Teresa(pseud. John
Frank Courtship, The, XL 148 Oliver Hobbes, 1867-1906), xm. 561
Gentleman Farmer, The, XL 148 Craigie, William Alexander, XL 438, 439;
Hall of Justice, The, XL 147 xiv. 611
His Mother's Wedding -Ring, XL 150 Craik, Dinah Maria. See Mulock, Dinah
Inebriety, XL 140, 141 Maria
Library, The, xi. 143, 145 Craik, George Lfflie (1798-1866), L viii;
Lover's Journey, XL 141 xn. 504; xiv. 487, 612
Midnight, XL 141 Craik, Sir Henry, vn. 241; xiv. 502, 590
Natural Death of Love, XL 149 Crakanthorp, Richard (1567-1624), vn.
Netvspaper, The, XL 145 470, 484 bis; Logicae libri quinque de
Parham Revisited, XL 150 Praedicabilibus, vn. 276
PamA Register, The, XL 140, 145 ff. Crake, Augustine David (1836-1890), XL
Parting Hour, The, XL 148; xin. 38 485
Patron, T&e, xi. 143, 148, 151 Crambe, in Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus,
Readings from Crabbe, xin. 143 ix. 137
&7/orcZ #aZZ, XL 150 Cramer, John Anthony (1793-1848), xn.
$ir Eustace Grey, XL 147 496
Smugglers and Poachers, XL 149 Cramond, cocks of, n. 276
STafeff, XL 141, 148, 149, 151 Cranborne Chase, xn. 512
2Wes o/ &c fa#, XL 149, 151 ; xm. 377, Crane, mistress, m. 379, 380
380 Crane, Ralph (fl. 1625), vn. 406
To the Authors of the Monthly Review,' Crane, Walter (1845-1915), XL 476, 491

XI. 142 Crane, William (jZ. 1530), yi. 282, 284

Vittage, TJie, x. 186; XL 143 ff. f 150 Cranfield, Lionel, earl of Middlesex (1575-
Widow, The, XL 149 1645), vn. 440
Wish, The, XL 140 Cranford, vn. 246
Works, XL 143 Cranford, Mrs GaskelTs, xin. 372
For^ of Dreams, The, XL 147 Cranley, Thomas (fl. 1635), vn. 412
Crabbe, George (1785-1857), XL 150 Cranmer, George (1563-1600), m. 406
Crabbe, George, grandson of the poet, Cranmer, Thomas (1489-1556), n. 62;
xm. 143 m. 13, 26, 30 ff., 38, 44, 471; rv. 41,
Crabbe, Maria, XL 383 298, 301, 380; v. 58; vn. 250; DC. 235,
Crabbe, Mrs Sarah, born Elmy (d. 1813), 496
XL 140 ff., 145, 148 Answer, m. 33
Crabs, earl of, Thackeray's, xm. 279 Appeal to a Council, m. 35
Crabshaw, Timothy, in Smollett's Sir Defence of the true and Catholic Doctrine
Launcelot Greaves, x. 41 of the Sacrement of the Body and Blood
Crackanthorpe, Hubert (d. 1897), xm. of Ghrixt, m. 33
500; xiv. 518, also see Add. 2 Homilies, m. 35
Crackstone, captain, in Fedele and For- Institution of a Christian Man, The, m.
tunio, v. 314, 315; vi. 304 35
Cradle of Security, The, v. 57, 394 Reply to the Three Articles, m. 33
Cradock, Catherine, x. 23 Cranmer's Bible, xil. 521
Cradock, Charlotte. See Fielding, Char- Crape, Sir, in Oldham, Satyr addressed to
lotte a Friend, vin. 88

Crashaw, Richard (1613?-1649), I. 232; Crawford, Miss, in Jane Austen's Hans-
iv. 218, 260; vn. 15, 26, 32 ff.
(main field Park, xn. 238
entry), 42, 47, 63, 91, 142, 317, 400, Crawford, Robert (d. 1733), ix. 370, 566
467, 489, also see Add.; x. 369; si. 81, Allan Water, ix. 371
318;xnr. 431; xiv. 460 Bush aboon Traquair, ix. 371
An Apologie, vn. 34 Down the Burn Davie, ix. 371
Carmen Deo Nostro, vn. 34, 35 Tweedside, rx. 371
Come and let us live my dear, vn. 36 Crawfurd, George (d. 1748), x. 500
Death, what dost? o hold thy Blow, vn. 33 Crawfurd, Thomas (d. 1662), ix. 550
Ddiglits of the Muses, The, vn. 36 Crawiey, Josiah, Trollope's, xm. 424
Dies Irae, vn. 36 Crawley, lady Jane, in Vanity Fair, xm.
Epigrammatum Sacrorum Liber, vn. 33 289
Flaming Heart, The, vn. 37; xm. 113 Crawley, Sir Pitt, in Vanity Fair, vm,
Hymne to St Teresa, vn. 33, 36; xni. 162; xm. 287, 289
113, 218 Crawley, Rawdon, in Vanity Fair, xm.
'Know you faire on what you look,* 287 ff.
vn. 32 Crawleys, the, in Vanity Fair, xm. 286 ff.
Loves Horoscope, vn, 36 Crawleys, the, Trollope's, xm. 422
Musicks Duell, vn. 36 Crayke, near York, monastery at, I. 86
Odes to John Tournay, vn. 33 Crayon, Geoffrey. See Irving, ^Washington
On a Treatise of Charity, vn. 33, 153 'Crazy Castle,' xi. 174
Sospetto d'Herode, vn. 36 Creakle, Mr, in David Copperfield, xm.
Steps to the Temple, vn. 29, 32, 34, 35 325
To the Countess of Denbigh, vn. 37 Creation, the, iv. 59 .
To thy Lover, Deere, discover, vn. 36 Crecy, battle of, i. 357, 359; II. 120
Translations of Latin hymns, vn. 36 Credenhill, Herefordshire, vn. 42
Vexilla Regis, vn. 36 Creditoa, X. 375
Weeper, The, vn. 31, 33, 37 Crediton school, vn. 330
Wishes. To his (supposed) Mistresse, Credo a Pusener, La, m. 90, 487
vn. 36 Creech, Thomas (1659-1701), vm. 408;
Crashawe or Crashaw, William (1572- ix. 526
1626), vi. 375, 492; vn. 32, 33; vm. 324; Creech, William (1745-1815), xi. 220, 221,
The Honour of Vertue, vn. 32; The 342, 469
Jesuittes Gospel, vn. 33; 4 Manuallfor Creed, a play on the, v. 52
true Catholickes, vn. 33 Creede, Thomas (d. 1616?), iv. 377
Crassus,' in The Examiner, ix. 218 Creevey, Thomas, xiv. 116, 501; The
Crasy, Mr, in The City Witt, vi. 228, 229 Creevey Papers, xiv. 115
Cratander, Ephesian captive, in The Royall Creichton, captain John, ix. 459
Slave, vi. 326 Creighton, Charles, VI. 284
Cratchits, the, in A Christmas Carol, xin. Creighton, Louise, xn. Add.; xiv. 487;
324 Life and Letters of Mandell Creighton,
Crathie, ix. 373 xiv. 101, 487
Crauford, in Lytton's The Disowned, xm. Creighton, MandeU (1843-1901), bishop
418 of London, vn. 208; xn. 271; xiv.
Craven, Henry Thornton (1818-1905), 81, 99 487, 500, 605; History of the
xm. 518 Papacy, xiv. 99, 100
Craven, James Brown, x. 357 Creizenach, Wilhelm, v. 284, 341, 344,
Craven, Pauline M. A. A., xm. 562 345, 365, 367
Craven scholar, xn. 323 Creole, in Miss Edgeworth's Belinda, xi.
Craven, Yorks., xn. 514 297
Crawfoot, J. R., vni. 461 Creon, v. 72
Crawford, Charles, v 85, 87, 238; vi. 180, Creon, in The Bond-man, vi. 157
see also Add. Cresseid, in Henryson's Testament of
Crawford, David (1665-1726), ix. 559 Cresseid, n. 247, 248
Crawford, earl of. See Lindsay, J. L. Cressy, father Hugh Paulinus (1605-
Crawford, Mrs Emily, xiv. 190 1674), vn. 143, 424; Sancta Sophia, or
Crawford, Francis Marion (1854-1909), Holy Wisdom, vn. 142, 143
xm. 562 Crete, v. 64; xn. 339
Crawford, Henry, in Jane Austen's Mans- Crevecceur, J. Hector St John (1731-
field Park, xn, 239 1813), xi. 399
Crawford, Isabella Valancy (1850-1886), Crewe hall, xi. 390
xiv. 348 ff., 582 Crewe, marquess of, x. 193
Helot, The, xiv. 349 Creweltie of a Stepmother, The, v. 117,
Love's Forget Me Not, xiv. 349 325
Malcolm's Katie, xrv. 349 Crib, Tom (1781-1848), xn. 411; xiv.
Old Spookses* Pass, xiv. 349 231

Crichton, Admirable, vn. 254, 255; vm. Croly, George (1780-1860), xn. 416, 448;
195 also see Add ; Marston, xn. 249: Sa-
Crichton, Andrew, xiv. 493 lathiel, xn. 249
Crichton castle, in Scott's Marmion, xn. Cromarty, vn. 253, 254, 258
10 Cromarty, earl of. See Mackenzie, George
Crichton-Browne, Sir J., xm. 467, 471 Crome, the shrine of Our Lady at, v. 97
Cricket, in Club Law, vr. 308 Cromek, Robert Hartley (1770-1812), ix.
Crimean war, the, xn. 154, 227; xm. 566; x. 456; XL 436, 437, 441, 443;
103, 156, 363 ff., 433; xiv. 165, 173, Remains of Nithsdale and Galloway
176, 181, 182, 187, 190, 196, 239, 251 Songs, ix. 374, 377; xi. 234, 242
Crimsworth, in Charlotte Bronte's The Cromer, earl of. See Baring, Evelvn
TTTT. 414
Professor, Crompton, Richard(^. 1573-1 599), vm. 466
Cripple, the, inThe Fayre Mayd of the Crompton, proprietor of The Morning
Exchange, vx 86, 100 Post, xiv. 185
Cripps, Arthur Shearley, xiv. Add. 4 Cromwell, Henry (1628-1674), vn. 436;
Crisp, Samuel (miscalled Henry, d. 1783), vm. 343; ix. 34, 68, 73, 83 ff., 447
x. 260, 430 Cromwell, Oliver (1599-1658), IV. 64, 141,
Crisp, Tobias (1600-1643), x. 376, 377 156, 310, 421, 426, 432, 434; VL 316;
Crispinella, in The Dutch Courtezan, vi. 48 vn. 54, 56, 68, 85, 91, 105, 148, 178,
Crispinus, in The Poetaster, vr. 18, 42, 43 187, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 218, 225,
Crist. See Cynewulf 227, 231, 254, 299, 306, 344, 349, 350 ff.,
Crist and Satan, I. 48, 49, 428 365, 383, 434, 449, 450, 451, 45r>, 458,
Crites, in Cynthia's Revels, vi. 39, 41 460, 513, also see Add.; vm. 2, 3, 5, 7,
Crites (Sir Robert Howard), in Dryden's 21, 60, 68, 73, 74, 116, 119, 198, 265,
A n Essay of Dramatick Poesie, vm. 2 1 , 24 267, 360; ix. 2, 160, 203, 212, 234, 258,
Critical Remarks on Capt. Gulliver's 267, 269, 387, 392, 443; X. 279, 372,
Travels, by Doctor Bantley, ix. 132 373, 464; xi. 312; xm. 13, 17, 19, 268,
Critical Review, The, x. 40, 201, 395, 421, 469; xiv. 88, 91, 96, 113, 114, 242, 507;
467, 474; xi. 339, 353 Proclamation, vm. 274
Critici Sacri, vn. 322, 481 Cromwell, Richard (1626-1712), rv. 64;
Criticisms of the Rolhad, XI. 34 vn. 190; vm. 3, 118, 119
Crito Cantabrigienses, A Vindication of Cromwell, Thomas (1485?-1540), earl of
the Literary Character of Prof. Porson, Essex, i. 211; m. 42, 43, 160, 167, 244,
xn. 325 332, 336, 337, 490; iv. 8, 297; v. 58, 59,
Croaker, in The Good-Natur*d Man, x. 102, 104; x. 233
211, 212 Cromwell, Milton's, in Defensio, vn. 130
Crochallan club, xi. 221 Cromwell, Vindication of Oliver, vn. 225
Crocker, Thomas, vn. 513 Cromwetts Nose, A Case for Nol, vn. 383
Crockett, Samuel Rutherford (1860-1914), Cromwell's widow, vm. 121
xm. 467 Cronica duo Anglica, i. 110
Croese, G., The General History of Quakers Cronke, Dickory (the 'Dumb Philo-
(1696), vm. 413 sopher'), ix. 21
Croft, Sir Herbert (1751-1816), x. 183, Crooke, Andrew, vn. 235; xi. 318
476, 486; Love and Madness, XL 231 Crooke, William ( fl. 1682), rx. 385
Crofts, H. H. S., in. 302 Crooke, W., xiv. 576
Crofts, John (fl. 1629), vn. 17 Crosfeild, Robert (fl. 1693), iv. 102, 455
Croisic, xm. 77 Cross, John Walter, xm. 402, 553? George
Croisnel, Rene'e de, in Meredith's Beau- Kiwi's Life, xiu 373, 381 ff., 388, 389,
champ's Career, xm. 446 391 ff.
Croke, Richard (14897-1558), m. 27, 467 Cross, Lancelot, pseud. Carr, F., xn. 442
Croker, John Wilson (1780-1857), ix. 250, Cross, Mary Aim, born Evans. See Eliot,
252; x. 158, 473, 476, 478; XI. 346; George
xn. 150, 154, 155, 162, 163, 363, 380, Cross, Thomas, The Autobiography of a
412, 429; xm. 240, 350; xiv. 63, 129, Stage Coachman, xiv. 233, 540
322, 323, 501; The Croker Papers, xiv. Cross, Wilbur L., x. Add.; xm. 567
115 Cross, festivals and legends of the, i. 55,
Croker, Thomas Crofton (1798-1854), xn. 56, 134; AeLfric's homily, I. 118. See,
353, 412, 516; xiv. 312, 315, 568, 572 also, Dream of the Rood
Fairy Legends and Traditions, xn. 360 Crosse, Mrs Andrew, xn. 441
Fairy Legends and Traditions of Ireland, Crossen, siege of, vn. 22
xiv. 314 Crossley, James (1800-1883), rv. 252; VL
Legends of the Lakes, xn. 360 105; ix. 15
Popular Songs, xn. 360 Grossman, Samuel (1624?-1684), vn. 406;
Researches in the South of Ireland, xn. XI. 370, 478
360 Crosthwaite, x. 386
Crole, Robert. See Crowley Crotch, W. Walter, xm. 543

Crouch, Edward Heath, xrv. 377, 588, Crowne, John
also see Add. 4 Justice Busy, vm. 189
Crouch, John (fl. 1660-1681) Married Beau, The, vm. 189
Fumigosus, vn. 357 Misery of Civil- War, The, vm. 188
Man in the Moon, vn. 357 Pandion and Amphigenia, vn. 39 1 vm. ;

Mercurius Democritus, vn. 357 187

Mercurius Melancholicus, counterfeit Regulus, vm. 189
of, vn. 357 Sir Courtly Nice, or It cannot 5e, vm.
Pragmaticus, counterfeit of, vn. 357 131, 179, 188, 189
Crouch, Nathaniel ('Richard Burton') Thyestes, vm. 188
(1632?-1725?), ix. 18; XL 330, 478; Crowne, William, father of Crowne, John,
Winter Evening Entertainments, si. 370 vm. 187
Croucher, John (/. 1408-1453?), iv. 432; Croumed, King, The, n. 40, 432, 435
VI. 280 Crowquill, Alfred, pseud. See Forrester,
Crousaz, Jean-Pierre de, ix. 83, 449; x. Alfred Henry
465; xi. 356 Crowther, Joseph, vr. Add. 2
Crow, William (fl. 1663), vn, 479 CroxaU, Samuel (d. 1752), xi. 172, 425,
Crow and Pie, n. 414 490; Fables, xm. 52
Crowdero, in Hudibras, vm. 68, 70 Croxton play, the, v. 391
Oowdy, Wallace Lowe, xm. 540 Croydon, m. 57; v. 119, 141; vi. 287;
Crowe, captain, in Smollett's Sir Laun- xiv. 406
celot Greaves, x. 41 Croydon, Whitgift's school, vm. 83
Crowe, Catherine (1800?-1876), xn. 448; Croyland, abbey of, i. 89; n. 343;
TTTTT. 430; Adventures of Susan Hopley, rv. 417; forged chronicle of, n. 399,
xn. 249; Night Side of Nature, The, 497
xn. 248; Story of Lilly Dawson, The, Croyland. See Felix of
xn. 249 Crozier, John Beattie, xni. 470
Crowe, Sir Joseph Archer (1825-1 896), xiv. Cruden, Alexander (1701-1770), Concord-
533 ance, xi. 327, 467
Crowe, William (1745-1829), x. 454; xn. Cruelty, in Chronicle plays, v. 151
416; xm. Add. 2; Treatise on English Cruikshank, George (1792-1878), x. 416,
Versification, xm. 240, 512 418, 421; xi. 386, 402, 478, 491; xn.
Crowland, xm. 366 447; xm. 526, 540, 542; xiv. 188, 221 ff.,
Crowley (Crole or Croleus), Robert (1518?- 232, 234, 237, 520, 539, 541, 543 ff.;
1588), m. 87, 100, 101, 492; iv. 324, Comic Almanac, xiv. 235; George Cruik-
328, 334, 382; ix. 51 shank's Magazine, xiv. 234; Table Book,
Epigrams, The one and thirty, m, 100; xm. 284
iv. 328, 334 Cruikshank, George and Robert, ix. 567
Information and Peticion agaynst the Cruikshank, Isaac Robert or Robert
oppressours of the pore commons of the (1789-1856), xiv. 222, 223, 225, 226,
realme, m. 101 235, 236, 543
Pleasure and pain, heaven and hell, Crummloses, the, in NicJiolas NicJdeby,
m. 101 xm. 317, 318
Voice of the Last Trumpet, The, m. 100 Crump, Charles G., xn. 439, 440
Way to Wealth, The, in. 100 Crump, James, XL 334
Crowne, Dryden and Shadwell, Note* and Crump, Mrs Lucy, xiv, 503
Observations, vm. 193, 441 Crump, Mrs and Miss, in Thackeray's
Crowne, John (d.1703?), vm. 21, 133, The Ravenswing, xm. 281
213, 214, 400, 401, 435, 441 Cruncher, Jerry, in A Tale of Two Cities,
Ambitious Statesman, The, vm. 188 xm. 332
Andromache, vm. 181, 187 Crusade, first, in Wm. of Malmesbury, i.

Caligula, vm. 189 165

Calisto, or the Chasl Nymph, vm. 187 Crusades, the, n. 337
City Politiques, vm. 122, 188 Cruso, Aquila, VI. 471
Country Wit, The, vm. 134, 188 Crusoe, Robinson, x, 66; xni. 438
Darius, vm. 189 Crux de te Volo Conqueri, n. 383
Destruction of Jerusalem, The, vm. 188, Cuchulinn, in Fled Bricrend (Bricriu's
190 Feast), i. 296, 327
English Frier, The, vm. 134, 188, 189 Cuchullain, X. 231; xm. 18$; xiv. 307
Henry the Sixth, the First Part With the Cuculo, in A Very Worn/an, VL 161
Murder of Humphrey, Duke of Qlocester, Cuddie, in The Shepheards Calender, m.
vm. 188 225
History of Charles the Eighth of France, Cuddy, in Davison's Eapsody, iv. 125
The, vm. 187 Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688), vn. 279,
Juliana, or the Princess of Poland, vm. 302; vm. 273, 274, 279 ff., 286, 290 ff.,
187 330, 453 ff.; ix. 299, 401 x, 345 ; XL 57;

Cudworth, Ralph Cunningham, Alexander (16557-1730), rx.
Moral Good or Evil, or Natural Ethics, 561
vm. 281; Treatise concerning Eternal Cunningham, Sir Alexander (1814r-1893),
and Immutable Morality, vm. 282; xn. 352, 509
The true Intellectual System of the Uni- Ancient Geography of India, xn. 353
verse, vm. 287 Architecture of the Temples of Kashmir,
Cuff e or Cuff, Henry (1563-1601), iv. 114; xn. 353
vn. 329, 343 Bhilsa Topes, The, xn, 353
Cuirass, See Lorica
Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum. xn.
Cujas, Jacques de, m. 423 353
Cujus contranum verum est, yn. 381 Cunningham, AUan (1784-1842), ix. 566;
Cul de Jatte, in The Cloister and the XL 234, 434, 437, 439, 443; xm. 54
Hearth, xm. 429 Biographical and Critical History of
Culdees at St Andrews, n. 367 British Literature, xn, 365, 378, 437
Cullercoats, xiv. 297 Bonnie Lady Anne, XL 243
Cullinan, Maxwell Cormac, xn. 494 Hame Hame, Hame, XL 243
Culloden, ix. 563 ff. John Grumlie, XL 243
Culpeper, Nicholas (1616-1654), vn. 509 Maid of Elvar, XL 242
Culpeper, Sir Thomas, the elder (1578- My Nanme 0, XL 243
1662), iv. 510 She's Gane to dwett in Heaven, XL 243
Culpeper, Sir Thomas (1626-1697), MoraU Sir MarmaduJce, XL 242
Discourses and Essay es, vn. 517 Songs of Scotland, XL 242
Culross, n. 131 Wee, Wee German Lairdie, ix. 377; XL
Culross, lady (Elizabeth Melville) (fl. 243
1603), ix.555 Wet Sheet and a Flowing Sea, XL 243
Culverwel, Nathaniel (d. 1651), vn. 280; Young Maxwell, XL 242
vm. 287, 292, 454; Commonplaces, vm. Cunningham, lady Elizabeth, XL 223
290; Light of Nature, vn. 279, 470; Cunningham, Francis (1820-1875), v. 143
vm. 288, 289 Cunningham, James, 14th earl of Glen-
Cumberland, ix. 170; xi. 232, 410; xn, cairn (1749-1791), XL 220, 223
17, 511; xm. 426; xrv. 221 Cunningham, John William (1780-1861),
Cumberland, ship, x. 36 XL 401
Cumberland, countess of. See Clifford, Cunningham, Mary (d. 1615), iv. 152
Margaret Cunningham, Peter (1816-1869), x. 247,
Cumberland, duke of. See William Augus- 249; xn. 409
tus (1721-1765)
Cunningham, Thomas Mounsey (1776-
Cumberland, earl of. See Clifford, George 1834), Hairst Kim, XL 243; Hills o*
Cumberland, Richard (163 1-1718), bishop Gallowa, XL 243
of Peterborough, vr. 9; ix. 506, 525; Cunningham, William, 9th earl of Glen-
x. 351; De Legibus Naturae, vn. 303, cairn (1610?-1664), xn. 377
470; vm. 292, 468 Cupar-Fife, m. 123; xn. 513
Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811), ix. Cupid, m. 17; iv. 196, 330; xn. 90; xrv.
574; x. 90, 473, 483; XI. 263 ff., 270, 311
272, 448, 457, also see Add.; xiv. 592 Cupid (lap-dog), IX. 46
Brothers, The, xi. 263, 264. 277, 279, 414 Cupid, god of love, in Confessio Amantis,
Choleric Man, The, XL 265 n. 146
Fashionable Lover, The, xi. 265 Cupid, in Gismond of Salerne, v. 73 ff.
Jew, The, XL 282 Cupid, in The Hue and Cry after Cupid,
T^mon of Athens, XL 265 vi. 346, 347
West Indian, The, x. 92, 214; XL 257, 264 Cupid, in Love Restored, vi. 351, 352
Cumbrian dialect, xn. 413 Cupid, in Loves Maistresse, vi. 103
Gumming, fiddler, x. 196 Cupid, in The Masque of Christmas, VL
Cumming, Joseph George (1812-1868), 358, 359
xn. 509 Cupid, in The Police of Honour, n. 260
Cumner hills, xm. 93 Cupid, in The Testament of Cresseid, n. 248
Cundall, Joseph, XL 386 Cupid God of Love, The book of, n. 216
Cuneburga, abbess, i. 79 Cupid's Court of Salutations, XL 334
Cuneglasus, king, I. 67 Cupids, in The Masque of Beauty, VL 347
Cuningham or Cunningham, William (fl. Cur, Sir John, in Barnabe Googe's
1586), The Cosmographical Olasse, m. Eclogues, m. 186
550; iv. 400 Curan, in Albion's England, HL 357; rv.
Cunliffe, John William, v. Add. 2; xm. 136
572, also see Add. 1 Curchod, Suzanne. See Neoker
Cunningham, Alexander, 5th earl of Glen- Cures for the Itch, m. 487
cairn (d. 1574), Epistle direct from the Cureton, William (1808-1864), xn. 341,
.Holy hermit of Allant, m. 132 503

Curious Impertinent, The,' in Don Cutwode, Thomas, Caltha Poetarum, IT.
Quixote, VL 133, 137, 223, 236; vm. 469
189, 191 Cuvelier de Trye, Jean G. A., xin. 264
Curie, James, xn. 509 Cuvier, Georges L. C. F. D., xiv. 295
Curie, Richard H. P., xm. 570 Cybele, in Keats' s Endymion, xn. 82
Curlicism, xi. 328 Cyclope, in Mercury Vindicated, vi. 357
Curll, Edmund (1675-1747), rx. 78, 83, Cyclopes, in The Hue and Cry after Cupid,
84, 86, 123, 165, 247, 446, 447, 452, VI. 347, 348

462, 469, 475, 535; xi. 288, 327 ff., Cymbeline, in Geoffrey of Monmouth, 1. 171
467 Cymmodorion, Honourable society of, xn.
Curran, John Philpot (1750-1817), xiv. 508
311; Cushla ma Chree, xiv. 319; De- Cymric language and literature, I. 464
serter's Meditation, xiv. 319 Cynara, Dowson's, xm. 220
Curran, William Henry, Sketches of the Cynewulf (fl. 1750), i. 38, 41, 49 ff., 133,
Irish Bar, xiv. 319 134, 143, 325, 428, 430; xi. 366; also
Currawn, county Leitrim, xiv. 355 see xm. Add. 2
Currie, A. E., xiv. 584 Crist, i. 49, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 63, 64;
Currie, James (1756-1805), XL 408, 436, runes in, r. 12; Cook's edn., i. 59; iv. 37

437 Elene, i. 50 ff., 55, 57, 62, 63, 134, 143;

Currie, Mary Montgomerie, lady, born runes in, i. 12
Lamb (pseud. Violet Fane, 1843-1905), Fata Apostolorum, I. 52 ff.; runes in,
XIH. 180, 504 i. 12
Curson of Kedleston, cardinal (d. 1218), Juliana, I. 52, 53; runes in, i. 12
I. 199, 453 Cynewulf, bishop of Lindisfarne, i. 49,
Cursor Mundi, I. 134, 341 ff., 348, 399, 430
474; n. 189; m. 289; v. 15, 389 Cynewulf, king, in O.E. Chronicle, i. 107
Curtasy, The Boke of, n. 502 443
Curteis, T., ix. 463 Cynthia, iv. 196
Curtin, Hero Tales of Ireland, I. 293 Cynthia, in Congreve's Double-Dealer,
Curtis, William (1746-1799), xiv. 288, 559 "vm.
148, 150
Curtius, Ernst, xrr. 322, 476 Cynthia, in Kndimion, v. 341
Curtius, George, Principles of Greek Ety- Cynthia, in The Faerie Queene, in. 233, 238
mology, xn. 337; The Greek Verb, xn. Cynthia, in Mrs Gaskell's Wives and
337 Daughters, xm. 381
Curtius, Quintus, iv. 2, 4, 436 Cynthio, ix. 50, 57
Curwen, Henry (1845-1892), xi. 466; xiv. Cynulf of Clovesho, i. 50
339, 575 Cynus super Codicem, n. 364
Curzon, lord, of Kedleston, xiv. 597 Cyprian, bishop of Toulon, xn. 487
Curzon, Robert, lord Zouche (1810-1873), Cyprian, St, n. 365; m, 411; vi. 375;
xrv. 551; The Monasteries of the Levant, IX. 527; xii. 266
xrv. 252 Cyprians,' xiv. 227
Cusack, Mary Frances, xrv. 510 Cypnanus (Juvencus), I. 76

Cusanus, C., vn. 517 Cyprus, xiv. 251, 253

Cussans, John Edwin (1837-1899), xn. 509 Cyrano de Bergerac, S., Histoire comique,
Gust, Lionel, xn. 499 ix. 106
distance, dame, in Ralph Roister Doister, Gyrene, xn. 339
v. 105, 106 Cyril, xn. 503
Cut pursses, A ballett. ., m. 492 .
Cyril, in Tennyson's The Princess, xm. 31
Cutchery court, XL 12 Cyrus, m. 437
Cute, alderman, in Dickens's The Chimes, Cyrus, Le Grand, i. 280
xm. 324 Cytherea: or poems upon Love and In-
Cuthbert, abbot of Wearmouth and Jar- trigue, ix. 78
row, i. 61, 79 Cythna, in Shelley's Revolt of Islam, xn. 61
Cuthbert Cutpurse, n. 232
Cuthbert, St, of Lindisfarne (d. 687), I. 64, Daantjie Gouws, xiv. 377
80, 82, 83, 85, 117, 118 148, 435; iv. Daborne, Robert (d. 1628), vr. 116, 146,
421; xn. 10 454; A Christian turned Turke, v. 366
Cuthbertson, James Lister (1851-1910), Dacia, in Geoffrey of Monmouth, i. 259
xiv. 369, 585 Dacier, Andre", ix. 75; Aristotle's Poetics,
Cuthwin, i. 61, 71, 79 trans, of, vm. 375; Essai sur la Satire,
Cutter, Cowley's Cutter of Coleman
in viii. 374
Street, vm.
122 Dacier, Madame, x. 27
Cutting Capers, xiv. 377 Dacier, m Meredith's Diana of the Cross-
Cuttle, captain, in Dombey and Son, XHL ways, xm. 445
325 Dacre, lord, friend of Gavin Douglas, 11.

Cutts, John, lord (1661-1707), vui. 410 260

Dacre, Mary, in Disraeli's The. Young Dalrymple, James (JL 1596), n. 398; in,
Duke, XIH. 348 loo
Dacres, Edward, iv. 8, 446 Dalrymple, James, viscount Stair (1619-
Daedalus, in. 86 1695), vm. 4CS; ix. 560
Daeghrefn, in Beowulf, i. 24, 27 Dalrymple, Sir James (fl. 1714), ix. 551
Daffy's Elixir Salutis, xi. 333 Dalrymple, Sir John, 1st earl of Stair
Dagon's Fall, vm. 97 (1648-1707), ix. 495
Dahlia, in Meredith's Ehoda Fleming, Dalrymple, John, 2nd earl of Stair (1693-
xm. 447 1747), ix. 152, 495
Dahra, xiv. 238 1 Dalrymple, Sir John, 4th baronet of
Daille, John, Traite de V employ des saincis Cranstoun (1726-1810), ix. 553; x. 294,
ptres, vn. 313, 484 500; Memoirs of Great Britain and Ire-
Daily Advertiser, The, xi. 391 land, x. 290, 291
Daily Chronicle, The, xiv. 192, 193 Dalrymple of Orangefield, xi. 220
Daily Courant, The, ix. 5; XL 333 Dalton, in Norton's Ordinall, n. 213
Daily Express, The, xiv. 193 Dalton, tutor to lady Hertford's son,
Daily Gazetteer, The, x. 467 x. 272
Daily Graphic, The, xiv. 201 Dalton family, the, patrons of Rolle, n. 44
Daily Mail, The, xiv. 193 Dalton, Sir Cornelius Neale, ix. Add.
Daily News, The, xm. 324; xiv. 90, 173, Dalton, John (1766-1844), xiv. 259, 261,
188 ff., 316, 530, 535 271, 272, 275 ff. (main entry), 556, 557,
Daily Post, The, ix. 21, 433; xiv. 201 605; A new system of Chemical Philo-
Daily Telegraph, The, xiv. 180, 183, 188, sophy, xiv. 275
190 ff., 196, 328, 530, 534 D' Alton, John (1792-1867), xiv. 312, 568;
Daily Universal Register, The, xiv. 177 Annals of Boyle, The, xiv. 325; Dermid.
Dakins, William (d. 1607), vn. 316 XIV. 325; History of County Dublin, The,
Dalbeattie, xi. 444, 445
Dale, Alfred William Winterslow, xn. 465 Dalton, Michael (d. 1648?), vra. 468
Dale, David (1739-1806), xiv. 404 Dalyell, Sir John Graham (1775-1851),
Dale, Edmund, i. Add. xn. 516; The Darker Superstitions of
Dale, Robert William (1829-1895), xn. Scotland, xn. 350
465, 471 Dalyell, in Perkin Warbeck, vi. 193
D'Alembert, J. le Rond, v. 293 Dalziel, Edward George, xrv. 239
Dales, the, in Trollope's novels, xni. Damascus, xiv. 251
422 Damasus, pseudo-, n. 293
Daley, Victor James (1858-1905), xiv. D'Ambois, Clcrmont, in The Revenge of
369, 585 Bussy D'Ambois, VI. 34
Dalgairns, John Dobree (1818-1876), xn. D' Am bra, Cofanaria, v. 69
275, 456, 460 Dame and he? Donkey's Five, xi. 386
Dalgetty, Dugald, in Scott's Legend of Dame Siriz, i. 365, 366, 479
Monfrose, x. 43; xn. 21, 25, 29 Dame Wiggins of Lee, xi. 386
Dalhousie, marquis J. See Ramsay, Damerval, rv. 527
J. A. B. Dametas, in Sidney's Arcadia, in. 353
Dalila, in Samson Agonistes, vn. 122, 137; Dametas, in The Ik of Guls, vi. 213
vin. 154 Damian, martyr, i. 74
Dalkeith, xi. 469 Dammee Cavaliers Warning piece (1643),
Dalkeith, countess xn. 7 of, vn. 382
Dallas, Rev. Alexander Robert Charles Damocles, in The Usurper, vm. 21
(1791-1869), xn. 386 Damoetas, in Barnabe Googe's Eclogues,
Dallas, Eneas Sweetland (1828-1879), xn. m. 186
398; xm. 245, 512; xiv. 142, 147, 518; Damon, in Thomson's Bummer, x. 104
Gay Science, The, xrv. 140; Kettner's Dampicr, H., x. 485
Book of the Table, xiv. 140; Poetics, an Dampier, William (1652-1715), ix. 100,
Essay on Poetry, xiv. 139 492, also see Add.; xiv. 242, 551;
Dallas, Robert Charles (1754^1824), xn. Journals, xrv. 241
384, 386 Dampit, in A Trick to catch the Old-one,
Dallas, William Sweetland, xiv. 559 vi. 65

DaUaway, James (1763-1834), ix. 246 D'Amville, in The Atheist's Tragedie, vi.
Dalquhurn, Cardross, x. 36 167
Dalrymple, Sir David, lord Hailes (1726- Dan Michel of Northgate, Kent, i. 353 ff.,
1792), vra. 262; ix. 553; x. 192, 245, 400, 475
294, 501, 507; xi. 273, 341 Dan Robert of Malton, I. 350
Ancient Scottish Poems, XL 204 Danae, in The Bird in a Cage, vi. 204
Annals of Scotland, x. 290 Danaides, in Phoenissae, v. 71
Inquiry, x. 310 Dance of Death, The, m. 87, 100, 484;
Memorials and Letters, x. 290 xiv. 219

[) 7-2
Dancer, John (fl. 1675), vi. 490; Nice- Daniel, Samuel
mede (Corneille's), translated by, vm. Queenes Arcadia, The, TV. 134; YL 317,
180 318, 327, 366
D'Ancourt, Florent Carton, Les Bour- Senecan tragedies, TV. 134
geoises a la Mode, vm. 162, 431 Sonnets to Delia, iv. 139
D'Ancre, marshal, vi. 138 Tethys Festival, TV. 134; vi. 350
Dane Hew Monk of Leicestre, A Mery Jest Ulisses and the Syren, iv. 134, 138, 140;
of, n. 501 xni. 141
Danelaw, the, vm. 311 Vision of Twelve Goddesses, The, iv. 134;
Danes, the, iv. 417, 418; v. 31; ix. 354; vi. 337, 345, 350
laws and customs of, vui. 311, 318 Daniel, Story of, by Hilarius, i. 191
Danes, the, in Morte Arthure, II. 120 Daniel of Morley, i 153
Danett, Thomas (fl. 1566-1601), iv. 3, Daniell, John Frederick, xiv. 557
443, 445; Commmes, iv. 8 Daniell, John Jeremiah, vn. 28, 403
'Dangerus Fortrees,' vi. 283 Danielle, m. 290
Dangle, in Sheridan's Critic, xi. 272 Danish fleet, the, xrv. 120, 122
Daniel I. 74; v. 48; x. 222 Danish Tragedy, The, v. 327
Daniel, bishop of Winchester (d. 745), I. Danse Macabre, n. 199, 256; m. 87
82 Dante, Alighieri, i. 43, 99, 199, 200, 227,

Daniel, Charles Henry Olive (b. 1836- 232, 270, 363; n. 80, 133, 134, 161, 175,
1919), xn. Add, 5 179, 180, 188, 231, 258, 435; m. 200,
Daniel, George, of Berwick (1616-1657), 234, 245, 300, 305, also see Add. ; iv. 23,
vn. Add. 45, 196, 197, 210, 217, 527; v. 213, 214,
Daniel, George (1789-1864), xni. 516; 324; vn. 95, 101, 122, 136 ff., 240;
xiv. 518 vm. 67, 78, 351 ; x. 9, 220, also see Add. ;
Daniel, John (fl.
1625), Songs for the Lute, xn. 50, 58, 137, 221, 222, 229, 272, 394,
Viol and Voice, iv. 113, 133, 134, 463 396, 398, 403, 415, 525; xni. 13, 42,
Daniel, Mary, x. 28 195, 312; xiv. 113, 306
Daniel (Donellan), Nehemias (d. 1609?), Commedia, xn. 51, 85
archbishop of Tuam, iv, 414 De Monarchia, xn. 455
Daniel, Old English poem, i. 46, 48, 428; De vulgari eloquentia, xin. 186
runes in, i. 11 Inferno, x. 240; xn. 202
Daniel, Peter Augustin, v. 85 La Divina Commedia, xin. 30
Daniel, Samuel (1562-1619), m. 198, 247, La Vita Nuova, xn. 73; xni. 112, 118
256, 260, 261, 264 E., 270, 295, 304, 306, Paradiso, I. 99, 154; v, 233, 339; xn. 76
307, 312; iv. 24, 25, 88, 115, 118, 127, Purgatorio, xni. 32
132-140 (main entry), 158, 159, 179 ff., Danter, John, iv. 393; v. 322, 323
191, 248, 265, 266, 398, 434, 444, 474; Danton, Georges Jacques, xni. 12
v. 63, 226, 338, 371, 473; vi. 4, 23, 37, 'D'Anvers, Caleb' (N. Amhurst), ix, 220,
39, 40, 44, 317, 337, 339, 343, 345, 350, 225, 491
366, 471, 489, 490; vn. 444; vm. 237, Danvers, Jane (wife of George Herbert),
239 vn. 29
Certaine Small Poems, TV. 134 Danvers, lady (mother of George Herbert),
Civil Wars, The, m. 198; IV. 132 ft, IV. 240; vii. 28
136 ff., 140 Danzig, y, 283
Cleopatra, iv. 133, 139; v. 334 Dapper, in The A Ichemist, vi. 22
Complaynt of Rosamund, The, in. 198; Dapper, Tim, in The Tatler, ix, 41
IV. 133, 134, 140, 176 Darbishire, Arthur Duckinfield, XIIL 572
Defence of Ryme, m. 304, 306, 307, 526; D'Arblay, Frances Burney, Mnae. See
iv. 132, 133, 135 Arblay, Madame d'
Delia, m. 256, 260, 522; iv. 133, 177 Darbyshire, Thomas (1518-1604), iv. 127
England, history of, iv. 134 Daren, Robert, x. 386
Epistle to the Lady Margaret, iv. 126, Darcie, Abraham (fl. 1625), m. 326, 528
137, 138 Darcy, in Jane Austen's Pride and Preju-
Epistles, TV. 138 dice, xn. 237, 238, 243, 247
Hymen's Triumph, TV. 134, 138, 140; D'Arcy, Robert, 4th earl of Holdernesse
vi. 190, 366 (1718-1778), x. 118
Musophdus, or a General Defence of Dares Phrygius, i. 170, 467, 469; n. 172
Learning, m, 446; iv. 88, 133, 135, 140 Daria, martyr, I. 74
Octavia to Marcus Antoninus, Epistle of, Darien expedition, ix. 214, 215, 542
TV. 133, 138, 140 Darius, I. 307
Panegi/rike Congratulatorie, IV. 132, 134, Dark Blue, The, xiv. 206
135, 140 Darley, George (1795-1846), xn. 107,
Philotas, TV. 132, 134, 135; v. 334, 346, 114-115 (main entry), 139, 201, 416;
371; vi. 339; vn. 122 xni. 230, 238; xiv. 214
PoeticaU Essai/ey, iv. 133 Beckett, xn. 114

Darley, George D'Audiguier, VL 123, 139
Enchanted, Lyre, The, xn. 115 Daughters of God, the Four, in Piers the
Errors of Ecstacie, xn. 114 Plowman, n. 27
Ethelstan, xn. 114 D'Aulnoy, countess, Travels into Spain,
It is not Beauty I demand, xn. 115 vm. 191
Pve been roaming, xn. 115 Daunce and Song of Death, The, m. 87
Labours of Idleness, xn. 114 Daunger, in The Bowge of Courte, m. 73
Maiden's Grave, The, xn. 115 Daunses, A Treatise, of, vi. 391, 498
Nepenthe, xn. 114, 119; xm. 204 Dauphine, Sir, in The Silent Woman, VL 22
Sylvia, xn. 114, 115; xm. 239 Daus, John (ft. 1561), rv. 448
Darling, James (1797-1862), xn. 521 D'Auvergne, Martial, vi. 154
Darlington, xiv. 193 Davenant, Charles (1656-1714), vm. 400,
Darlow, Thomas Hult, xiv. 516 473; ix. 11; An Essay on the East India
Darmesteter, James, xi. 409 Trade, vm. 342
Darnal, Sheffield, vn. 353 Davenant, Judith (mother of Thomas
Darnaway (Moray), n. 112, 115 Fuller), vn. 244
Darnley, earl of. See Stewart, Henry D'Avenant, Sir William (1606-1668), iv.
DarreU, John (fl. 1562-1602), iv. 535 115, 159; VI. 212, 262, 271, 454, 489;
Dart, John (d. 1730), ix. 532 vn. 16, 39, 105, 106, 267, 269, 270, 274,
Darter, Adrian, xiv. Add. 6 275, 333, 408, 411, 465, 467; VHL 26,
Dartle, Rosa, in David Copperfield, 34, 116 ff., 132 ft, 179, 398, 417, 418,
327 422, 423, 424; ix. 157; x. 78; XL 318
Dartmoor, vn. 5; x. 115 Albovine, vm. 226
Dartmouth, x. 387 Britannia Triumphant, vn. 433
Dartmouth, earl of. See Legge, William Cruelty of the Spaniards in Peru, The,
Darton, F. J. Harvey, XL 482; xiv. 590 vm. 118
Darton, William, xi. 377, 485 Fair Favourite, The, VL 240
Darton and Clarke, publishers, xi. 481 First Day's Entertainment at Rutland
Darwin, Charles Robert (1809-1882), iv. House, The, vm. 117, 118
290; XI. 75, 426; xni. 470, 571, 572, Oondibert, vn. 70, 71, 73, 263, 266 f.;
also see Add. 1; xiv. 28, 29, 34, 35, 296, vm. 9, 371, 374
298 ff. (main entry), 479, 501, 551, 559 History of Sir Francis Drake, The, vm.
Descent of Man, The, xrv. 32 118
Expression of the Emotions, The, xiv. 32 Law Against Lovers, The, vrn. 120
Life and Letters, xiv. 293 Love and Honour, VL 240; vm. 120,
Origin of Species, The, xiv. 27, 293, 121, 132
298 ff., 381 Macbeth, D'Avenant s alteration, vm. 20
Voyage of the Beagle, The, xiv. 241, 250 Platonicb Lovers, The, VL 240; vm. 120,
Darwin, Erasmus (1731-1802), XL 41, 172, 132
175 ff., 180, 246, 425; xn. 247; xm. Playhouse to be Let, The, vm. 118, 134
450; xiv. 298, 469, 560; Botanic Garden, Preface to Oondibert, vm. 9
XL 175; Loves of the Plants, XL 41, 175, Rivals, The, vm, 120
176 Romeo and Juliet, vm. 120
Darwin, Sir Francis, xiv. 284, 501, 559 Salmacida Spolia, vi. 363
Darwin, Sir George Howard (1845-1912), Siege, The, x. 73; XL 282
xiv. 265, 556 Siege of Rhodes, vm. 18, 117,
118, 121,
Darwinism, xn. 154, 269; xm. 451 137, 194, 261
Dasent, Sir George Webbe (1817-1896), Sir Martin Mar-att, vm. 134
XL 491 Tempest, The, or The Enchanted Island
Dashall, Dick, in Morton's Way to get (with Dryden), vm. 28, 120
Married, XL 281 Temple of Love, The, vm, 132
Dashall, Tom, in Eeal Life in London, Unfortunate Lovers, The, VL 240
xiv. 227 Wits, The, vm. 120
Dashwood, Elinor, in Jane Austen's Sense, Davenport, Elizabeth, vm. 261
and Sensibility, xn. 237, 241, 243 Davenport, J., The, Witches of Huntingdon
Dashwood, John, in Jane Austen's Sense (1646), vn. 507
and Sensibility, xn. 237 Davenport, Mrs, in. Mrs GaskelTs Mary
Dashwood, Marianne, in Jane Austen's Barton, xm. 375
Sense and Sensibility, xn. 235, 237, 241 Davenport, Robert (fl. 1623), VL 235,
Dashwood, Mrs, in Jane Austen's Sense 236, 454;The City -Night-Cap, vi. 236,
and Sensibility, xn. 237 also see xm. Add. 2; A New TricJce to
Dassent, Arthur Irwin, xrv. 533 Cheat the Divett, VL 236
Dastin or Daustin, John (fl. 1320), L 453 Davenport, William Bromley (1821-1884),
Daubeny, Mr, Trollope's, xm. 423 xiv. 543
D'Aubigny, lord, v. 370; vi. 4, 6 Daventry, x, 384
Daudet, Alphonse, XTTT. 544 Davers, lady, in Richardson's JPomeZa, x. 5

Davey, Samuel, xm. 470 Davies, John, of Hereford
David, L 74, 93, 147; n. 15, 106;
134, Mirum in Modum, iv. 131
m. 174; iv. 33, 195, 231; x. 229; xm. Scourge of Folly, The, rv. 334, 517; yi.
369 137
David, in Cowley's Davideis, vn. 66, 67 Summa Totalis, rv. 131
David, in Watson's Absalom, vi. 296 Davies, John, of Kidwelly, Clelie, trans.
David I, king of Scotland, n. 100, 101, 129 of, vm. 372; CUopdtre, trans, of, 372
David n, king of Scotland, n. 102, 117, Davies, John Llewelyn, xrv. 591
129 Davies, Myles (1662-1715?), The Critical
David, king, in Absalom and Achitophel, History of Pamphlets, x. 166
vm. 37, 39 Davies, Richard (1635-1708), vm. 106,
David, St (d. 601), I. 67 415
Davids, C. A. F. Rhys, xiv. 479 Davies, Richard (d. 1762), xrv. 592
Davidson, Andrew Bruce (1831-1902), Davies, Robert (1793-1875), xi. 468; xiv.
xn. 341, 501 531
Davidson, James (d. 1866), xn. 519 Davies, Sneyd (1709-1769), x. 454
Davidson, John (printer, 1541), iv. 412 Davies, Thomas, chaplain at Aleppo (fl.
Davidson, John (1549?-1603), m. 122, 1624-1627), vn. 308
150, 502; Ane Schort Liscurs of the Davies, Thomas (1712?-1785), vm. 423;
Estaitis quha hes caus to deploir the x. 191, 212, 433, 436, 445, 471, 483;
Deith of this excellent Servand of God, xi. 327, 448, 453; Dramatic Miscellanies,
m. 150 vm. 159; Life of Garrick, xi. 326, 333;
Davidson, John (1857-1909), xn. 113; Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, x.
xm. 216 ff., 223, 501 459, 463
Ballad of Heaven, A, xm. 217 Davies, William, xiv. 525
Bruce, xm. 216 Davila, Enrico Caterino, vm. 30
Fleet Street Eclogues, xm. 217 Davis, Alexander, xrv. Add. 6
For Lovers, xm, 217 Davis, Francis, xiv. 326, 327, 568
Kinnoull Hill, xm. 217 Davis, Henry Edwards (1756-1784), Ex-
London, xm. 217 amination of. . Mr Gibbon's History,

Lutanist, The, xm. 217 x. 308, 507

Scaramouch in Naxos, xm. 216 Davis, James, xrv. 51
Smith, xm. 216 Davis, John (d. 1622), m. 327
Davidson, Samuel (1806-1898), xn. 466 Davis, Sir John Francis (1795-1890), xii.
Davidson, Thomas (1838-1870), xm. 501 500
Davidson, Thomas (1840-1900), xiv. 472 Davis, Lockyer (1719-1791), XI. 336
Davidson, W. L., xrv. 468 Davis, Miss, vn. 103
Davies, Emily, xiv. 429, 430, 599 Davis, Nathan (1812-1882), xn. 316, 475
Davies, Evan, x. 386 Davis, Richard, x. 371
Davies, George, xiv. 591 Davis, Thomas Osborne (1814-1845), xiv.
Davies, Sir John (1569-1626), m. 201, 317 ff., 568
268; iv. 123, 150, 161 ff., 166, 31 L, 334, Boatman of Kinsale, xiv. 317
479, 480, 519; v. 422, 477; vn. 110, Lament for Owen Roe O'Neill, xiv. 317
211, 432, 448, 470 My Grave, xrv. 317
Contention betwixt a Wife, a Widdow and the Marriage, xiv.317
a Maide, A, 357
rv. 161, Sack of Baltimore, The, xrv. 317
Dialogue between a Gentleman Usher and Davis strait, iv. 76
a Poet, ,4 f iv. 161 Davison, Francis (fl. 1602), m. 523
Discoverie of the true causes why Ireland Davison, Francis and Walter (fl. 1602),
has never been intirdy subdued, iv. 161, In praise of a beggar's hfe, iv. 124;
162; vn. 212 A Poetical Rapsody, iv. 109, 117, 118,
Epigrammes, m. 201 ; vn. 432 123 ff., 138, 196, 357, 467; Relation of

Hymns to Astrsea, TV. 161, 163 Saxony, rv. 123

Lark, Tothe, iv. 163 Davison, John (1777-1834), xn. 466; xiv.
Lottery, A, rv. 161 596
Nosce Teipsum, rv. 131, 161, 162; vn. Davison, William (1541?-1608), rv. 123,
277, 278; vm. 9 124
Orchestra, iv. 161, 162 Davisson, John (d. 1721), x. 387
Davies, John (16277-1693), iv. 455; vn. D'Avolos, in Loves Sacrifice, vi. 192
390, 505 Davy, Adam (fl. 1308?), i. 335, 353, 355,
Davies, John (1679-1732), ix. 340, 526, 474
528 Davy, Sir Humphry (1778-1829), xiv.
Davies, John, of Hereford (1565?-1618?), 260, 272, 278 ff., 287, 294, 557
rv. 132, 146, 158, 159, 161, 335, 475, Davy Diceplayer, n. 232
487, 520, 521, 533; vi. 248; vn. 501 Davy Drunken-nole, n. 232
Microcosmos, iv. 131, 411 Davyd ap Gwilym, I. 275
Davys, John (1550?~1605), iv. 78, 455; Day (a lady's name), in The, Lover asketh
The Seaman's Secrets, rv. 76, 82, 104; pardon of his dere, m. 180
The Worlde's Hydrographical Descrip- Day and Chettle, Orphan's Tragedy, v. 323
tion, iv. 76 Day and Haughtoo, Thomas Merry, or
Daw, in The Silent Woman, vi. 22 Beech's Tragedy, v. 325, 326
Dawes, Richard (1708-1766), iv. 265; Day and William Rowley, Travailes of
xn. 325; Miscellanea Cntica, is. 341, The three English Brothers, v. 366
526 Daye or Day, Richard (1552-1607?), iv.
Dawes, Richard (1793-1867), xiv. 414, 495; v. 394
601, 605 Dayot, Armand, xiv. 540
Dawes, Sir William (1671-1724), arch- Dayrolles, Solomon, x. 257
bishop of York, x. 360 Deacon, Thomas (1697-1753), x. 355, 356,
Dawks, Ichabod (1661-1730), ix, 5 516
Dawkyn, in Turnament of Totenham, I. 366 Dead Man's Song, The, iv. 353
Dawley, ix. 81, 226 De adventu Normannorum in Angliam
Dawney, Edmund, xiv. 533 et de
jure quod habuit Willelmus bas-
Dawson, Coningsby William, xiv. 501 tardus ad regnum Angltae, n. 366
Dawson, George (1821-1876), xn. 472 Deakin, Mary H., xm. 553
Dawson, Phoebe, in Crabbe's Parish Re- Deal, xi. 354, 358
gister, XT. 146 Dean Prior, Dartmoor, vn. 5 fE., 11, 13, 17
Dawson, S., xm. 471 Deane, Sir Anthony (1638?-1721), vm.
Dawson, T., The good huswifes Jewell, iv. 257
543 Deans, David, in Scott's Heart of Mid-
Dawson, William Harbutt, xm. 488 lothian, xn. 25
Dawson, William James, xiv. 501 Deans, Jeanie, in Scott's Heart of Mid-
Dawsonfield, Westmorland, x. 386 lothian, xn. 18, 25
Daxara, in Thomson's Edward and Eleo- Death, I. 227, 458
nora, x. 109 Death, in a broadside, m. 87
Day, Angell (fl. 1586), iv. 438, 525; Death, in Death and Liffe, n. 40
English Secretary, vn. 391 Death, in JEvery-man, v. 53
Day, Isaac, xi. 383, 485 Death, in folk plays, v. 31
Day, John, printer (1522-1584), in. 80, Death, in Mirour de POmme, n. 140
333, 494; iv. 384, 386, 389, 397, 399, Death, in Piers the Plowman, n. 22, 27,
400, 546 28,38
Day, John (# 1606), v. 147, 311, 312, 323, Death, m
The Example of Virtue, u. 227
326, 328, 332 3., 361, 332, 474; vi. 211- Death, in The Parlement of the Three Ages,
217 (main entry), 231, 309, 371, 455 n. 38
Blind Beggar of Bednal Green, The, V. Death, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, n
332, 474 226
'Characters,' vi. 216 Death, in The Wonderfull Yeare, iv. 351
'Colloquies,' vi. 216 Death, king of, in The Pride of Life, v. 3
Cox of Collumpton, vi. 96 Death, The Doctrinal of, n. 323
Humour out of Breath, vi. 215 Death and Liffe, n. 40, 41, 432, 435
lie of Quls, The, III. 355; vx. 212 f. Death-Song of Ragnar Lodbrok, x. 221,
Italian Tragedy, The, v 325 222, 224; xiv. 51
Law Trickes, vi. 215 Debarrys, the, in Felix Holt, xm. 397
Debates, n. 500, 501. See, also, The Con-
Maiden 8 Holiday, The, v. 146

Orphan's Tragedy, The, vi. 96 troversy between a lover and a Jay, n.

Parliament of Bees, The, v. 332, 334; 224, 326
vi. 212, 215 ft., 233 Debates and speeches in Jacobean times,
Peregrinatio Scholastica, VI. 216 xn. 439 ff.
Thomas Merry, vi. 96 D&ats, i. 239; v. 2, 31, 92, 94
Travailes of The three English Brothers, Debauched Cavalier, The, vn. 382
The, vi. 69 Deben, river, xm. 142
See, also, under Chettle, Dekker and Debet, Sir Daniel, in The Serving Marts
Marlowe Comfort, v. 374
Day, John, Hathway, R. and Haughton, De Bonnefons, F., vm. 449
W., The Conqueste of Spayne by John Deborah, rv. 170
a Gaunt, vm. 126 Deborah, in Jacob and Esau, v. 112
Day, Lai Behan, xiv. 575, 576; Folk Tales Deceit, in The World tost at Tennis, VL
of Bengal, xiv. 342; Govinda Sdmanta,
xiv. 342 Declaration of the Rights of Maix and
the Citizen,' xi. 71
Day, Thomas (1748-1789), X. 424; xi.
478; xiv. 601; Sand ford and Merton, Declaratory act, xi. 10
XI. 381, 382; xiv. 392, 393; History of Decle, Lionel, xiv. 192
LittleJack, xi. 382 Decretals of Gregory IX, vm. 312

Dedekind, Friedrich, m. 82; Qroliands Defoe, Daniel
Nuptials, m. 82; Grobianus (trans, as Memoirs of a Cavalier, ix. 22
The School of Slovenrie), m. 82; iv. Memoirs of Captain George Carleton,
355, 443, 528; Grobianus et Grobiana, ix. 23
m. 82 Memoirs of the Church of Scotland, ix. 17
Dedlock, lady, in Bleak House, xm. 329 Mercator, rs. 14, 15
Dee, John (1527-1608), IV. 73, 436, 453, Minutes of Mesnager, rx. 17
455, 534; v. 377, 477; vi. 294; vn. 222, Moll Flanders, ix. 22; x. 48
369, 510, 511; vm. 350; ix. 530; British Mrs Veal, ix. 19
Monarchy, rv. 95 New 9
Test, ix.
Dee valley, x. 115 New Voyage round the World, ix. 23
Deer, The Book of, xn. 513 Of Royall Education, ix. 406
Deeside, xn. 31 Original Power o* the Collective Body,
Defence for Mylke Maydes, A, m. 486 ix. 8
De Flores, in Middleton's The Changeling, Periodicals with which he was con-
vi. 76, 77, 80; xii. 222 nected, ix. 432
Defoe, Daniel (1661?~1731), I. 257; n. 82; Plan of the English Commerce, ix. 24
m. 363; iv. 93, 108; vi. 51, 56; vii. 167; Political History of the Devil, ix. 24
vm. 141; ix. 1 fE. (main entry), 80, Reasons against the Succession of the
110, 394, 415 f., 465, 476, 546, 569, House of Hanover, ix. 14
570; x. 1, 2, 5, 14, 18, 20, 26, 46, 386, Religious Courtship, ix. 22
412; xn. 175, 201, 231, 250, 522; xm. Review, The, rx. 1, 4, 5, 10, 11, 13, 14,
314, 427; xiv. 197,213,461 34,432
Appeal to Honour and Justice, ix. 14 f. Robinson Crusoe, ix. 1, 11, 17, 19, 20,
Atalantis Major (attr. to Defoe), ix. 13 21, 25, 106, 141, 142; x. 84; xi. 323,
Augusta Triumphans, IX. 23 366, 373, 477; xn. 251; xm. 201, 265;
Captain Singleton, ix. 22 xiv. 255, 438
Colonel Jacque, ix. 22 Roxana, ix. 22 .

Complete English Gentleman, ix. 24, Secret History of the October Club, ix. 19
398, 404 Secret History of the White Staff, ix. 15, 16
Complete English Tradesman, ix. 24 Serious Reflections during the Life. . .

Consolidate, The, ix. 12, 19 of JRobinson Crusoe, ix. 19

Dissenters in England Vindicated, IX. Shortest Way with the Dissenters, ix.
547 7 ft, 19; x. 374
Due Preparations, ix. 22 System of Magic, ix. 24
Dyet of Poland, The, ix. 12 Tour thro* the Whole Island of Great
Enquiry into the occasional Conformity, Britain, ix. 21, 23
x. 374 True-Born Englishman, ix. 8
Essay on. . .Apparitions, ix. 24 True Relation of the Apparition, ix 12
Essay upon Projects, IX. 7, 397, 404 Defoe, Daniel, the yotmger, ix. 24
Experiment, The, ix. 12 Defoe, Hannah, ix. 21
Family Instructor, The, ix. 16, 19 Defoe, Sophia, ix. 24
Farther Adventures of JRobinson Crusoe, Degare, Sir, i. 311, 471
ix. 19 Degge, Sir Simon (1612-1704), vm. 468
Fortunate Mistress. See Roxana Degrevant, Sir, I. 289, 471
Four Tears Voyages of Capt. George Deguileville, Guillaume, n. 170, 200, 201,
Roberts, ix. 23 503 ; Pilgrimage of the Soul, iv. 353
Friendly Demon, ix. 21 De Heretico^ Comburendo,
n. 67, 422
General History of Trade, ix. 15 Deianeira, in Confessio Amantis, n. 148
Giving Alms no Charity, ix. 11 d'Eichthal, G., xiv. 477
Great Law of Subordination Considered, Deunling, Hermann, ed. of Chester Plays,
ix. 23 n. 426
History of. . .Mr Duncan Campbellt rs. Deirdre's Lament, xiv. 304
21 Deism, xi. 286, 287
History of Peter the Great, ix. 22 Dekker, Thomas (1570?-1641?), m. 114,
History of the Union, IX. 13 371, 485; iv. 115, 323, 351 &., 363, 393 f
History of the Wars of Charles XII, ix. 434, 526 f., 532, 534; v. 117, 184, 251,
16 254, 311, 312, 319, 323, 327, 332, 334,
Hymn to the Pillory, ix. 9 345, 371; vr. 4, 13, 18, 29-57 main
Impartial History of Peter Alexowitz, entry), 64, 66, 68, 69, 95 ft, 142, 145,
ix. 22 146, 165, 168 &., 184, 190, 195, 218,
Journal of the Plague Year, ix. 22 226 ft, 231, 250, 345, 424 fi., 427, 443,
Jure. Dimno, ix. 12 and see Add.; vn. 389, 395; vin. 162;
Legion* s Address, ix. 8 ix. 32, 51, 262
Letter to Mr Howe,
x. 374 Belman of London, The, rv. 354, 517
Manufacturer, The, ix. 14 Canaan's Calamitie, iv. 324

Dekker, Thomas Dell, William (d. 1664), vn. 316; ix. 386,
Civil Wars in France, The, vr. 55 570, 571
Dead Tearme, The, VL 57 Delia Cruscan poets, xi. 40, 158, 172, 176
Dekker his Dreame, VL 51, 57 (main entry), 178, 180; xn. 124
Fowre Birds of Noahs Arke, vr. 57 Delia Porretta family, in Richardson's
Friar Rush, vi. 53 Sir Charles Grandison, x. 11
GuTs Hornbooke, m. 82; iv. 356; vn. Delia Porta, G. B., L* Attrologo, vi. 322,
379; ix. 263 479; La, Cintia, vi. 305; La Fantesca,
Honest Whore, The, vi. 53, 54, 62, 95, vi. 305; Trappolaria, vr. 322, 477
173 Delolme, Jean-Louis, x. 500; The Con-
If It Be Not Good, the Divel is in it, stitution of England, x. 296
vi. 53; vm. 123 Deloney, Thomas (1543?-1607?), n. 415;
Knight's Conjuring, A, rv. 354 m. 340, 343, 359 &., 367 ft, 533; IV.
Lady Jane, vi. 168 390, 536
Lanthorne and Candle-light, iv. 354 The Gentle Craft, m. 368, containing the
Match mee in London, vr. 53, 98 following tales: Crispine and Crispinus,
N ewes from Hell, iv. 352, 353; vn. 381 m. 368; Jack of Newbury, m. 368;
North-Ward Hoe, VL 54, 170 &. Master Peachey and his men, m. 369;
Old Fortunatus, VL 52 Richard Casteler, m. 369; Simon Eyre,
Page of Plymouth, VL 12, 54, 96 m. 368, 369, 371; Sir Hugh, m. 368;
Patient Ghrissill, vi. 54, 97, 100, 231 Thomas of Reading, m. 368, 370, also see
Phaeton, VL 51, 54 Add.; v. 373
Robert the Second, VL 13, 54 Deloraine, in Scott's Lay of the Last Min-
Hod for Runaway es, A, VL. 56 strel, xn, 46
Satiro-Mastix, VL 4, 42, 53, 171, 173 Delphic Oracle, in Saturnalia, vi. 319
Seven Deadly Sinnes of London, The, Delphium (i.e. Pont-a-Mousson), in Eu-
iv. 352, 510,516; vra. 10 phormio, ix. 256
Shoemaker's Holiday, The, m. 371; v. Deluge, the, xiv. 192
255, 357, 373; vi. 52 Delves, in Norton's Ordinall, n. 213
Spanish Moor's Tragedy, The, vi. 55 Demands, Budget of, m. 489
Strange Horse Race, A, iv. 356 Demaundes joyous, m. 95, 489
Sun's Darling, The, v. 125 Dembley, John Malham, xm. 557
Troilus and Cressida, vr. 51 De Mere, chevalier (afterwards marquis),
West-Ward Hoe, vi. 54, 170 ft, 212 vm. 376
Whore of Babylon, The, vi. 53, 91, 150 Demetrias, St, i. 74
Wonder of A Kingdom, The, vi. 54, 215 Demetrius, in Confessio Amantis, n. 147
Wonderfutt Yeare, The, iv. 351; vr. 56 Demetrius, in The Poetaster, vr. 18, 42,
Worke for Armorours, vi. 56 44
Wyat, The Famous History of Sir De Mille, James (1836-1880), xiv. 360,
Thomas, vi. 54, 169, 173 581
Delacour, lady, in Miss Edge-worth's Be- Democritus, vm. 338
linda, xi. 297 Democntus, riddles of, m. 489
Delacroix, Eugene, v. 302 Demogorgon, in Shelley's Prometheus Un-
Delamere, Lord, n. 414 bound, xn. 67
Delane, John Thaddeus (1817 1879), xiv. Demonio, in Calderon's El Magico Pro-
172, 180 #., 533 digioso, xm. 144
Delany, Mrs Mary Granville (1700-1788), Demonology, vn. 367 f., 503 ff.
xi. 343, 347, 354, 365, 473 De Morgan, Augustus (1806-1871), iv.
Delany, Patrick (1685?-1768), IX. 97, 459, 263; xn. 370, 521; xiv. 10, 262, 263,
464, 466, 467 472, 474, 556
Delap, John (1725-1812), XL 457; Royal Demosthenes, m. 420, 429; iv. 1, 436;
Suppliants, XI. 274 vn. 130, 131, 313, 316; DC. 229, 528;
De La Quintinye, vm. 449 xi. 13; xn. 329, 332, 481, 485, 486, 489,
De La Rame, Louise. See Ouida 493, 495; De Falsa Legatione, xn. 330
de la Rochejaquelin, xn. 377 Dempster, George (1732-1818), x. 191, 477
Delectable Demaundes, in. 489 Dempster, Thomas (1579?-1625), iv. 253;
Delft, n. 327 vn. 315, 486; xn. 522
Delgan, in Layamon, L 236 Dempster, in George Eliot's Janefs Re-
Delight, in The Playe of Playes and Pas- pentance, xm. 387
times, VL 392 Denania, x. 237
Delight, in The Tears of the Muses, in. 241 Denbigh, earl of. See Feilding, William
De 1'Isle, Alain, Anti-Claudianus, vm. 69 Dence, Jael, in Reade's Put Yourself in
De Lisle, Ambrose Lisle March Phillipps his Place, xm. 425
(1809-1878), xn. 276, 454 Denham, Henry (fl. 1591), iv. 400, 546
Delitiae Poetarum Scotorum, TSL 550, 554 ff. Denham, Sir John, father of the poet
Delias, Mcolaus, v. 257, 278, 279, 305 (1559-1639), vn. 59

Denham, Sir John (1615-1669), iv. 156; Den ward, Mrs E., xiv. 390
vn. 58 63, 67, 69, 70, 409, 431, 465;
ff., Denys, in The Cloister and the Hearth,
vm. 3, 91, 247, 371, 410; ix. 67 xiii. 429
Aeneid, trans, of second book, vn. 59 De Oculo Morall, n. 365
Cooper's Hill, vn. 38, 59, 60; ix. 69, Deor, Complaint of, I. 4, 19 n% 36, 373,
179; x. Ill 423, 428 ;n. 397; V. 26
Destruction of Troy, The, vn. 59, 61 De Palacio Garcia, rv. 455
Elegy on the Death of Henry, Lord Depazzi, in The Traytor, vr. 199
Hastings, vn. 61 Depden, Suffolk, x. 294
Essay on Translation, vn. 264 De PMhde et Flora, i. 460
Horace (Corneille's), begun by Mrs Deptford, v. 142; vm. 260
Philips, finished by Sir John Denham, De Quincey, Thomas (1785-1859), x. 476,
vra. 180 483; XI. 246, 344, 409, 417, 423; xn
Instructions to a Painter , vm. 81, 408 159, 160, 164, 174, 178, 203 n ., 219,
Of Justice, vn. 61 223, 224 fi. (mam entry), 249, 430, 433,
Of Old Age, vn. 61 437, 441, 444 (main entry), 490, also
Of Prudence, vn. 61 see Add xra. 148, 158; xiv. 184,
; 203,
On Mr Abraham Cowky's Death, vn. 61 313, 462, 532
Passion of Dido for Aeneas, The, vn. 61 Autobiography, xn. 204
Poems, vn. 61 Confessions of an Opium-Eater, xi. 147
Second Western Wonder, vn. 350 Confessions of an English Opium Eatey ,

Sophy, The, vn. 59, 61 xn. 160, 194, 215, 224

Version of the Psalms of David, A, vn. 61 Miscellanea, xn. 206
Western Wonder, vn. 348 On Murder as one of the line Arts, xii
Deniehy, Henry (1828-1865), xiv. 362, 585 175, 225
Denino, Fife, xi. 243 Our Ladies of Sorrow, xn. 226
Denis, St, n. 102 Suspiria de Profundis, xm. 109
Denison, Gedge Anthony (1805-1896), De Raaf, v. 53
xiv. 591 Derar, in Ockley's History of the Saracens,
Denison, John Evelyn, 1st viscount Os- x. 281
sington (1800-1873), xn. 307 Derby, x. 28; xi. 426, 431; xiv. 28, 437
Denman, admiral Joseph, xiv. 512 Derby Ale-house, ix. 261

Denman, Thomas Denman, lord, Parlia- Derby, countess of. See Stanley, Alice
ment and the Courts,' xn. 153 Derby, earl of, in Edward III, v. 246
Denmark, v. 171, 200, 222, 307; vn. 197; Derby, earls of. See Stanley
vm. 267; xn. 351; xrv. 293 Derbyshire, vn. 289; vm. 106; ix. 277;
Denmark, king of, in Faire Em, v. 252 x. 2, 131, 386; xn. 230, 507, 511; xm.
Dennis, John (1657-1734), v. 189; vi. 28; 390
vn. 265; vm. 4, 143, 428, 433, 436, 438; De Refuge, E., iv. 526
IX. 73, 78, 122, 140, 142 (main entry), Derham, William (1657-1735), ix. 506,
143, 168, 435, 442, 448, 456, 473 ff., 529; x. 512; Physico-Theology, x. 346
512; XL 250 Derham, William (1846), xiv. 563
Advancement and Reformation of Modern Dermg, Edward (1540?-1576), iv. 236,
Poetry, ix. 142, 143 492; vn. 316
A Plot and No Plot, vm. 194 Bering or Deering, Sir Edward (1598-
Essay on. .Shakespeare, ix. 142
1644), vn. 440
Essay on the Operas, ix. 142 Dermody, Thomas (1775-1802), xiv. 568
Grounds of Criticism in Poetry, ix. 143 Dermot and the Earl, n. 502
Impartial Critic, The, vm. 375 Deronda, Daniel, George Eliot's, xm. 400
Reflections on Pope's Essay on Criticism^ De Eos, William L. L. Fitz-G., lord, xn.
vm. 61 509
Refections upon . . . An Essay upon Derosne, C. B., xm. 546
Criticism, IX. 77 Derozio, Henry Louis Vivian, xiv. 575;
Rinaldo and Armida, vm. 194 The lakeer of Jungheera, xiv. 336
Three Letters on the Genius and Writings Derrick, Samuel (1724r-1769), x. 442; xi.
of Shakespeare, vm. 193 448
Usefulness of the Stage, vm. 167 Derry, iv. 311; vn. 285,301
Dennis, John (1873), ix. Add.; XL 423 Derry, deanery of, ix. 281
Dennis, Ned, in Barnaby Rudge, XTTT. 321 Derwent river, xi. 95
Denny, Sir Anthony (1501-1549), vn. 329, 'De Sawdust, Thomas' (De Quincey), xn.
330 225
Dennys, John (d. 1609), Secrets of Angling, Descartes, Bene", vn. 266, 284, 292, 302,
iv. 374, 541; vn. 464 303, 394; vm. 279, 285, 286, 290, 329,
Dent, John Charles (1841-1888), xiv. 583; 334, 338, 340, 347, 348, 455, 472; ix.
LastJForty Yeais,The, xiv.358 Story of the ; 61, 229, 282, 285, 287, 298, 314; x.
Upper Canadian Rebellion, The, xiv. 358 322, 348; xiv. 8, 268

Descartes, Rene* Devereux, Walter, 1st earl of Essex (d.
Dioptrique, vn. 285 1576), m. 254, 508, also see Add.; IV.
Discours de la Methode, vn. 285 466; v. 346
Meditationes de prima phtlosophia, vn. Devereux, Walter (brother of Robert, earl
285, 286 of Essex), iv. 376
Objections, vn. 285 de Vigny, Alfred, xn. 412
Traite des passions de Vdme, vm. 372 Devil, the, n. 366, 409
Deschamps, Eustache, n. 159, 467 Devil, The, seen at St Albans, vn. 507
Deschamps, J., ix. 435, 436 Devil, in Mirour de VOmme, n. 140
Deschapelles, v. 173 Devil o'er Stirling, The, TX. 376
Desdemona, in Othdlo, iv. 78; v. 202, 203; Devils, The Parliament of, n. 325, 501
vi. 95; vni. 164 Devine, Molly, Charlotte Eccles's, xiv. 325
Desire, in prince Arthur's marriage Devizes. See Richard of
pageant, vi. 332 Devon booksellers and printers, XL 468
Desire, in The Bowge of Courte, in. 73 Devonian system, the, xrv. 294
Desire, in TomTyler, v. 117 Devonshire, iv. 157, 190, 235, 314; v. 255;
Des Maizeaux, Pierre (1673?-1745), vin. vi. 188, 237; vn. 1, 6, 9, 17, 386; ix.
471, 481; IX. 509 162, 538; x. 21, 385, 490; XI. 34, 39;
Desmarets de Saint Sorlin, J., vn. 270 xn. 132. 345, 346, 514, 519; xra. 276,
Desmond, earl of. See Fitzthomas, 355, 360, 363, 364, 368; xiv. 84, 292
Maurice Devonshire, duchesses of. See Cavendish,
Despair, in Piers the Plowman, 11. 28 Georgiana; Cavendish, Margaret
Despair, cave of, in The Faerie Queene, Devonshire, dukes of. See Cavendish,
m. 237 Spencer Compton; Cavendish, William
Despair, giant, in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Devonshire, earls of. See Blount, Charles;
Progress, vn. 173 Cavendish, William
Despauterius, Johannes, m. 429 Devotion, in Ane Pleasant Satyre, m. 125
Despenser or Spencer, Henry le (d. 1406), Devotion, in Mirour de rOmme, n. 142
bishop of Norwich, 11. 56 De Waal, Daphne, xrv. Add. 4
Desportes, Philippe, m. 251, 257, 258, Dewart, E. H., xiv. 582
260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 523, also see Dewes, Giles (d. 1535), m. 550
Add.; IV. 24, 196, 223, 377, 443; rs. D'Ewes, Sir Simonds (1602-1650), vi. 486;
167; Diane, in. 258, 261 vn. 440, 441, 449; Autobiography, vn.
Despr6aux, Boileau, ix. 482. See, also, 223, 224
Boileau De Wet, Christiaan Rudolf, xiv. Add 6
De Stefani, A., xm. Add. 2 De Witt, Dutch traveller, vi. 252, 260, 261
Destiny, in Tom Tyler, v. 117 Dewsbury, William (1621-1688), vni. 110,
Destouches, Philippe-Nericault, x. 68, 78; 415
Philosophe marid, x. 79 Dey, Lai Behari, xrv. 575, 576
D'Estrades, count, vm. 263 Deyverdun, George (fl. 1768-1783), x. 311,
De Tabley, lord. See Warren, John Byrne 507, 508
Leicester Dialogue between James II and his Italian
Detection of Damnable Drifts, vn. 373 queen, vm. 93
Detraction, in Confessio Amantis, n. 147 Dialogue between the devil and George II,
Detraction, in The Faerie Queene, n. 234 ix. 371
Deuceace, Thackeray's, xm. 277, 279 f. Dialogus duarum sororum, m. 81
Deusdedit (d. 663/4), I. 82 Dialogue linguae et ventns, n. 321
Deuteromelia, m. 84; iv. 536 Diana, m. 179; iv. 122, 196; vi. 163
Deutschbein, M., Enghsche Sagenge- Diana, in Colin Blowbol's Testament, m. 86
schichte, i. 293 Diana, in Frier Bacon, v. 340
Deventer, m. 13 Diana, in The Flower and the Leaf, n. 219
De Vere, Sir Aubrey (1788-1846), XL 409; Diana, in Reason and Sensuality, n. 202
xn. 416 Diana, George Meredith's, xm. 444
De Vere, Aubrey Thomas (1814r-1902), Diaper, William, Eclogues, ix. 126
xn. 441, 456; xm. 188,501 Diaries and personal memoirs in Jacobean
Devereux, lady Jane, of Merivale, iv. 170 times, vn. 449
Devereux, Penelope (lady Rich), vi. 189 Dibben, Thomas (d. 1741), ix. 482
Devereux, Robert, 2nd earl of Essex Dibdin, Charles (1745-1814), vm. 423;
(1566-1601), m. 212, 254, 508; IV. 103, X. 89, 425, 426, 443; XI. 281, 448, 453,
114, 132, 133, 135, 142, 163, 164, 170, 457; xiv. 224
200, 214, 215, 239, 276, 282, 376, 466; Dibdin, James C,, Annals of the Edinburgh
v. 346, 361, 371; vi. 30, 37, 101, 166, Stage, x. 192, 444; xm. 514
248, 339, 344, 385; vn. 194, 343, 447, Dibdin, Thomas Frognall (1776-1847),
454; xii. 440; Xiv. 308 xn. 350, 362, 520, 521
Devereux, Robert, 3rd earl of Essex Aedes Althorpianae, xn. 366
(1591-1646), vn. 383, 447; vni. 71 Bibliographical Decameron, The, xn. 367

Dibdin, Thomas Frognall Dickens, Charles
Bibliographical Tow, A, xn. 367 Haunted Man, The, xm. 323, 324, 326
Bibliomania, xn. 365, 366 Holiday Romance, A, xm. 334
Bibliophobia, xn. 367 Hunted Down, xm. 334
Island of Silver-store, The,' xm. 335
Bibliotheca Spencenana, xn. 366
Introduction to the Greek and Latin Letters of Charles Dickens to Wilkie
Classics, xn. 366, 367 Collins, xm. 438
Library Companion, The, xn. 367 Little Dorrit, xm. 317, 330, 331
Reminiscences of a Literary Life, I. 216; Martin Chuzzlewit, xm. 322, 324, 325
xn. 367 Master Humphrey's Clock, xm. 308, 318,
Dibdin, Thomas John (1771-1841), XL 321
447; xm. 514, 516 Message from the Sea, A (with Wilkie
Dibelius, W., xm. 543; Engliscfie, Roman- xm. 335
Jcunst, xm. 341 MrsLirriper, xm. 335
Diccon, in Gammer Gurtons Nedle, VI. 297 Mudfog Papers, The, xm. 308
Dice Play, ix. 51 Mugby Junction, xm. 335
Diceto. See Ralph of NicholasNicUeby, xni. 314, 315, 317, 325
Dicey, Albert Venn, xiv. 536 No Thoroughfare (with Wilkie Collins),
Dicey, Edward, xrv. 192 xm. 335
Dick, Ernst, xin. 570 Old Curiosity Shop, The, xm. 318, 319,
Dick, in Mrs Trimmer's Robins, XT. 379 325
Dick, Mr, in David Copperfield, xm. 327 Oliver Twist, x. 49; xm. 315 ff., 325, 334
Dick Amlet, in Vanbmgh's Confederacy, Our Mutual Friend, xnr. 314, 319, 334 ff.
vm. 162 'Our Parish,' xm. 309, 313
Dick o' the Cow, n. 415 'Parliamentary Sketch,' xm. 309
Dicke Droora, in The Glasse of Governe- Perils of Certain English Prisoners, The,
ment, v. 113, 114 xni. 335
Dicke of Devonshire, VL 432; vn. 453 Pickwick Papers, The, x. 45; xn. 119;
Dickens, Charles (1812-1870), n. 177; xni. 305, 307, 308, 310 ff., 318, 319,
vi. 24, 28, 359; vn. 137; vm. 20; x. 37, 322, 323, 325, 333, 377, 418; xiv. 218,
64; xi. 287, 385, 478; xn. 25, 219 ff., 234, 255
250 ff., 431; xm. 57, 178, 263, 265, 267, Pictures from Italy, xm. 314, 324
275, 294, 301, 303 ff. (main entry), 344, Seven Poor Travellers, The, xm. 335
351, 376, 377, 386, 388, 420, 422, 423, Sketches by Boz, xn. 221; xm. 305,
427, 442, 447, 458, 459, 461, 470, 495, 307 ff., 319
514, 516, 518, 523, 530 ff., 573, also see Sketches of Young Couples, xm. 308
Add. 3; xiv. 148, 163, 170, 187, 189, Sketches of Young Gentlemen, xm. 308,
190, 236, 326, 444, 445 313
All the Jear Round, xn. 441 Somebody's Luggage, xm. 335
American Notes, xm. 322, 323; xiv. 348 Tale of Two Cities, A, xm. 268, 313,
Barnaby Rudge, X. 255; xm. 318, 320, 320, 332, 333, 337
325, 332, 457 Tom Tiddler's Ground, xm. 335
Battle of Life, The,xm. 323 Uncommercial Traveller, The, xn. 119;
Bleak House, xm. 328, 332 xm. 307, 332, 335
'Boots at the Holly Tree Inn,' xm, 335 Works (Rochester ed.), xm. 456
Child's History of England, A, xm. 320, Wreck of the Golden Mary, The, xm. 335
329 Dickens, Charles, Forster'sZi/e of, 305 xm
Chimes, The, xm. 323, 324 Dickens, Mary, xm. 532
Christmas Books, xm. 323, 326 Dickenson, John (fl. 1594), m. 350, 367,
Christmas Carol, A t xm. 323, 324 536; rv. 117, 469; Shepheardes Com-
Christmas stories, xm. 305 plaint, rv. 119
Cricket on the Hearth, The, xm. 323, 324 Dickins, Bruce, I. Add.
David Copperfield, xm. 305, 322, 326 ff. f Dickinson, Francis Henry, xiv. 488
331, 333, 337, 391 Dickinson, Henry, vm. 42
Doctor Marigold's Prescriptions, ~sin.. 335 Dickinson, William (1746-1823), xiv. 216
Dombey and Son, xm. 317, 324, 325 Dickson, David (158a-1663), ix. 543
Edwin Drood, The mystery of, xm. 310, Dickson, Robert, xn. 521
334, 335 Dickson, William Purdie (1823-1901), xn.
George Silverman's Explanation, TTTT T
371, 521
323, 334
Dictionaries, English-Latin, m. 444
Ghost inMaster B's room, The,* xm. 335 Dictionary, The New English, iv. 46
Great Expectations, xm. 314, 328, 330, Dictionary of National Biography, ix. 236,
333, 421 346, 347; x. 269; xn. 307, 309; xiv,
Hard Times, xm. 310, 313, 328 ff., 332, 111, 143
336, 337, 375, 378 Dictys Cretensis, I. 170, 467; n. 172
Haunted House, The, xm. 335 Dicuil (fl. 825), i. 434

Didactic Literature, Old French, n. 507 Diggon Davie, in The Shepheards Galenderf
Diderot, Denis, I. 209; v. 292; vi. 82; m. 224
ix. 301; x. 68, 78, 79, 81, 264; ax 292, Dighton, Robert (1752?-1814), xiv. 225
295, 296; xm. 9, 468 Diligence, in Ane Pleasant Satyre, in.
De la Poesie Dramatique, x. 79 125, 126, 127, 128
$loge de Richardson, x. 17, 413 Diligence, in The Assembly of Ladies, n.
Fils Naturel, Le, x. 79 217
Paradoxe sur le Comedien, xi. 448 Dilke, Charles Wentworth (1789-1864),
Pere de Famille, Le, x. 79; xi. 275 ix. 84; xi. 390; xrr. 407
Dido, ix. 45, 60, 257, 258; xin. 123 Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth (1843-
Dido, in The Legend of Good Women, n. 264 1911), xiv. 184, 200, 551; Greater
Dido, in The Shepheards Calendar, in. 224 Britain, xrv. 98, 255; Problems of
Dido, queen of Carthage, rv. 18; v. 74, Greater Britain, xiv. 255
102; vm. 65 Dillenius, John James (1687-1747), xiv.
Dido, tragedy on, in Vergilian hexa- 286, 560
meters, vi. 300 Dillingham, John (fl. 1649), vn. 360;
Dido, v. 70 The Moderate Intelligencer, vn. 349;
Didot, printing press of, rv. 267 The Parliament Scout, vn. 349
Didot Percival, in the Graal legend, L 271 Dillon, John Blake (1816-1866), xrv.
'Didymus Mountain' (i.e. Thomas Hill), 317
IV. 375 Dillon, Peter (1785?-! 847), xiv. 551
Diego, in Arbuthnot's History of John Dillon, Wentworth, 4th earl of Roscom-
Bull, ix. 135 mon (1633?-1685), vn. 109; vm. 219 ff. f
Diego di Miranda, Don, in Don Quixote, 409, 444, 446; DC. 70, 181, 473, 476;
ix. 269 x. 183, 465; Ars Poetica, vm. 221;
Dieppe, iv. 142; xni. 381 Essay on Translated Verse, vm. 220,
Dies Irae, ix. 178; XH. 9; xm. 170 221, 395
Dietary of ghostly health, The, n. 327 Dilly, Charles (1739-1807), x. 479; xi. 326,
Dietrich, Franz, i. 49, 123 327
Dietrich von Bern, i. 36 Duly, Edward (1732-1779), X. 203, 481;
Dieu save Dame Emme, in Piers the Plow- xi. 325 ff.
man, n. 5 Dilnot, Frank, xrv. 533
Diffidence, in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Pro- Dilworth, W. H., ix. 447, 466
gress, vn. 173 Dimnet, Ernest, xm. 557
Digby, Everard (fl. 1590), iv. 274 ., 507; Dingelstedt, Franz, v. 306
vn. 278 Dingley, Francis, of Munston, in. 197
Arte natandi, De t rv. 275 Dingley, Rebecca, rx. 93, 95, 99, 126;
Dissuasive from talcing away the lyvings xiv. 197
and goods of the Church, iv. 275
Dinmpnt, Dandie, hi Scott's Guy Man*
Duphci methodo, De, rv. 275 nering, xn. 17, 25
Theoria analytica, viam ad monarchiam Dinsdale, Frederick T., ix. Add.
scientiarum demonstrans, rv. 275 Dio Cassius, vi. 154
Digby, George, 2nd earl of Bristol (1612- Dio Chrysostomus, xn. 495
1677), vn. 440; Elvira, vm. 130, 417 Diocletian, i. 309
Digby, John, 1st earl of Bristol (1580- Diocletian, in The Prophetesse, vr. 139
1653), vn. 440 Diodati, Charles (1608?-1638), vn. 100.
Digby, Sir Kenelm (1603-1665), iv. 432; 131 ;x. 122
vn. 223, 238, 281, 302, 449, 470; vm. Diodati, Giovanni, vn. 481, 482
64, 76, 323, 354, 359, 407; xiv. 281; Diodati, villa, xn. 60
Journal of a Voyage into the Mediter- Diodorus Siculus, in. 67; vn. 488; xrv.
ranean, vn. 222 Observations on Religio
; 579; Bibliothecae Historicae, xn. 49
Medici, vn. 235; Private Memoirs of, Diogenes, in D'Avenant's First Day's
vn. 222 Entertainment, vm. 117
Digby, Kenelm Henry (1800-1880), xn. Diogenes, in The Police of Honour, n.
448 260
Digby, Venetia, lady (born Stanley) (1600 Diogenes Laertius, v. 125
-1633), vn. 222 Diogenes Laertius, in The Gity Witt, vi.
Digby plays, v. 19, 44, 390
Digby' s Farewell, vm. 96 Diomed, vm. 76
Digges, Sir Dudley (1583-1639), rv. 310, Diomed, in Confessio Amantis, n. 148
510; vn. 441, 456; The Compleat Am- Diomede, in The Testament of Cresseid,
bassador, v. 477; vn. 191, 437 n. 248
Digges, Dudley, the younger (1613-1643), 'Dion, Halicarnasseus,' vn. 65
vn. 456, 457 Dionysia, in Alls Lost by Lust, vi. 72
Digges, Leonard (1588-1635), iv. 436; Dionysius, iv. 436
vm. 129 Dionysius Longinus, xn. 494

Dionysius the Areopagite, I. 204; in. 6, Disraeli, Isaac (1766-1848), m. 78; XL
214; iv. 270; rx. 314 466; xii 366, 3G7, 521
Dionysius of Halicarnassus, vi. 182 Amemties of Literature, xn. 364
Dionysius, in Damon and Pithias, Y. 118 Calamities of Authors, xn. 364
Dionysius, Pseudo-, ni. 6, 9, 216 Curiosities of Literature, xn. 353, 364
Dionysius the Tyrant, The History of, in. Literary Miscellanies, xn. 370
122, 141 Quarrels of Authors, xn. 364
Dionysius* s Geography, ix, 393 Diss, Norfolk, n. 258; m. 67, 70, 72,
Diotima (Plato's), in. 216 93
Directioun, in Douglas's Aeneid, n. 264 Dissaifc,in Ane Pleasant Satyr e, in. 124
Director, The, ix. 433 Dissertation sur la poe'sie anglaise, v. 287
Dtrectonum Sacerdotum, n. 315 'Dissidence of Dissent,' the, xm. 101
Discipline Clericalis, I. 365; n. 150 Dissimulation, in Kynge, Johan, v. 66
Discipline, The First Book of, in. 146. Distaff, Jenny, in The Taller, ix. 39, 40,
See, also, under Knox, John 53
Discobolus, xni. 452 Distaff -lane, in The Masque of Christmas,
Discordia, in Arbutlmot's History of John vi. 359
Bull, ix. 134 Distracted Emperor, The, vi. 459
Discourse of Poesy, A, vni. 240 Ditchley, near Woodstock, vm. 206
Discovery c/29 Sects, A, vn. 386 Diu Krone, by Hemrich von dem Turlin,
Discretion, in Ane Pleasant Satyre, in. 1.269
125 Diurnall of Remarkable Occur ents 9 The,
Discretion, in Piers the Plowman, n. 19 m. 149, 502
Discretion, in The Example of Virtue, n. Diurnalls, vn. 346, 385
227, 230 Dives and Pauper, n. 321, 323
Discretion, in The Police of Honour, n. Dives Pragmaticus, v. 335
261 Divine Oorrectioun, in Ane Pleasant Satyre,
Disdain, in The Faerie Queen e, in. 230 m. 126, 128
Disdain, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, Divine Poems, XL 370
n. 234 Divinity, lady (in an anti-Martinist
Disney, John, xiv 593 play), m.
Disobedience, m
MirourdeVOmme, n. 140 Divyavadana, xn. 489
Dispatch, in Thomson's Castle of Indo- Dixie, Sir Woolstone (1525-1594), v. 131
lence, x. 106 Bison, Henry Hall, The Druid* (1822-
Disputational learning, 1600-1660, vn. 1870), xiv. 543
484 Dixon, Richard Watson (1833-1900), xm.
Disraeli, Benjamin, earl of Beaconsfield 119, 184, 194, 203, 501; xiv. 487
(1804-1881), ix. 243; xrn. 20, 258, 340, Fallen Rain, xm. 197
345 ff. (main entry), 400, 423, 545 ft; Feathers of the Willow, The, xm. 197
any. 115, 124, 127, 129, 130, 164, 183, Last Poems, xm. 198
195, 196, 198, 488, 508 Love's Consolation, xm. 197
Alroy, xni. 347, 349 Memo, xm. 196, 197
Coalition, xm. 353 Ode on Advancing Age, xm. 198
Coningsby, xii. 155; xm. 288, 346 ff., Poems, xm. 197
352, 360, 373 To Shadow, xm. 198
Contarini Fleming, xni. 346, 352 Dixon, Eobert (d. 1688), vn. 507; ix 409
Count Alarcos, xni. 353 Dixon, William Hepworth (1821-1879),
Endymion, xm. 348 ff , xn. 451; xiv. 193, 253, 501, 551, 570
Henrietta Temple, xm. 346 ff., 350, 352 Dixon, William Macneil, xm. 476, 488,
Infernal Marriage, The, xm. 351 497, 570; Edinburgh Book of Scottish
Ixion in Heaven, xni. 351 Verse, XL 443
Letters of Runnymede, xm. 347, 348 Dixon, W. W., xiv. 533
Lothair, xm. 348 ft Dobbin, major William, in Thackeray's
Popanilla, xni. 351 Vanity Fair, xni. 287, 289, 293
Revolutionary EpicJc, The, xni. 352 DobeU, Bertram (1837-1914), vi 5 vn. ;

Rise of IsJcander, The, xni. 347 42; xn. 400 flL; xm. 108, 489, 501
Runnymede Letters, The, xiv. 181 DobeU, Sydney Thompson (1824^1874)
Spirit of Whiggism, The, xm. 347 xra. 156 ft., 411, 501, 557, 558
Sybil, xm. 347, 348, 350, 352, 373 Balder, xn. 114; xm. 158 ft
Tancred, xni. 345, 346, 348 ft, 352 England in Time of War, xm. 159
Fewfitoa, xm. 346, 347, 352 Keith of Ravelston, xm. 159
Vindication of the English Constitution, Nuptial Song, A xm. 159

xm. 347 Roman, The, xni. 159

Vivian Grey, xm. 346, 349, 351, 352,436 Tommy's Dead, xm. 159
Whigs and Whiggism, xm, 348 Do-bejib, in Piers 1he Plowman, u. 2 ff.,
Young Duke, The, xm. 347, 350 18 ft, 24, 26, 28

Do- better, in Piers the Plowman, n. 2 ff., Dodwell, Henry, the younger (d. 1784),
18 ff., 24, 26, 28 ix. 288 ; Christianity not founded on argu-
Dobree, Peter Paul (1782-1825), xn. 325, ment, ix. 295, 506, 507
327, 328, 482, 491; Adversaria, xn. 328; Dodwell, Miss, rx. 511
Lexicon rhetoncum Cantabngiense, xn. Doe, Charles, vn. 430
328 Notes on Inscriptions, xn. 328
Doeg, in The Second Part of Absalom and
Dobson, Austin (1840-1923), ix. 73; x. 3, Achitophel, vm. 41, 42, 192
12, 261, 413, 418, 483, also see Add.; Doesborch or Desborowe, John of, n.
XT. 374, 458, 4GS, 469, 475; xn. 444, m.
329, 330; 82; iv. 69; (printed by),
446; xm. 211, 504; xiv. 540; Horace Of the newelandes and of ye people founde
Walpole, x. 245 by the messengers of the Kynye of Por-
Dobson, William (fl. 1734), ix. 482 tyngale named Emanuel, n. 330; IT.
Doctor, in Ane Pleasant Satyre, in. 128 70, 71
Doctor Syntax in Pans, xiv. 219 Dogberry, in Much Ado about Nothing,
Doctrinal of Death, The, n. 323 iv.
360; v. 191, 362; vi. 46, 217; xi.
Doctrine, tower of, in The Passetyme of 266; xm. 64
Pleasure, n. 225, 231 Doggrel, Sir Iliad [Bornet, Thomas], ix.
Dodd, A., ix. 79 258, 448
Dodd, William (1729-1777), x. 470 Dol Common, in The Alchemist, v. 377;
Dodd, in Readers Hard Cash, xni. 428 vr. 22
Doddridge, Philip (1702-1751), DC. 563; Doiben, Digby Mackworth (1848-1867),
X. 371, 381 fi\, 521; Rise and Progress of xii. 271, 276, 456; xm, 502
Religion in the Soul, x. 383 Doiben, John (1625-1686), vm. 302
Doderidge, Sir John (1555-1628), vin. Dolby, George, xm. 532
468, 470 Dolce, Lodovico, ra. 359; v. 63, 72, 76
Dodger, the, in Oliver Twist, xm. 316 Didone, v. 74 fi.
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge (pseud. 'Lewis Giocasta, v. 71
Carroll,' 1832-1898), xi. 477, 478; xm. Phoenissae, iv. 4
501; xiv. 163, 206,472 Troiane, v. 69
Alice in Wonderland, vn. 30; xi. 387; Dole, Nathan Haskell, xm. 497
xm. 166 Dolet, Etienne, iv. 322, 517
Hunting of the Snark, The, xm. 167 Do-little Lane, in TheMasqueof Christmas,
Jabberwocky, xm. 167 vi. 358
Rhyme? and Reason? xm. 167 Doll, in Henry IV, v. 187
and Bruno, xi. 387; xm. 167
Sylvie Dolleans, Edouard, xiv. 478
Walrus and the Carpenter, The, xm. 167 Dolling, Robert William Radclyffe (1851-
Dodington, George Bubb, lord Melcombe 1902), xiv. 502
(1691-1762), ix. 86, 188, 253, 254, 497; Dollinger, Johann J. I., xrv. 117
x. 94, 103; Diary, ix. 254 Dolman, John (fl. 1551), rv. 5, 435
Dodoens, Rembert, iv. 542; A Niewe Her- Dolman, Miss, x. 273, 496
ball, in. 551; iv. 374, 408; Pemptades, Dombey, Paul, Dickens's, xm. 325
iv. 374 Domesday, Fifteen Signs before, I. 356, 458
Dodona, site of, xn. 329 Domesday Book, L 390; vm. 313; xn. 509,
Dodsley, James (1724-3797), xi. 142, 324 511
Dodsley, Robert (1703-1764), v. 41, 54; Domestic drama, English, vi. 97, 133
ix. 177, 188, 189, 190-191 (main entry), Domestic tragedies, English, v. 376
475, 484; x. 123, 124, 132, 135, 138, Domett, Alfred (1811-1887), xm. 502;
144, 167, 170, 177, 245, 271, 273, 439, xiv. 585
445, 456; XI. 318, 323, 324, 327, 332, Centuries ago,' xm. 187
334, 468, 490 Christmas Hymn, A, xm. 187
Collection of Poems, vm. 44; ix. 190, Flotsam and Jetsam, xrv. 368
191 ;x. 274, 454, 496; XI. 324 Ranolf and Amohia, yrn\ 186; xiv. 368
Compendium of Voyages, x. 41 Dominic, St, I. 200, 339
Muse in Livery, ix. 190 Dominica, xrv. 214
Select Collection of Old Plays, vm. 129; Dominicans, i. 200, 355; n. 370; m. 68,
ix. 190; xi. 324 70; VI. 257; vm. 59; X. 282
The ToysJiop, xi. 323 Dominicans, in Cambridge and Oxford,
Dodsworth, Roger (1585-1654), ix. 342, n. 349
343, 348, 350, 532, 533, 539; xn. 349 Dominicans, in Paris, n. 349, 350
Dodwell, Edward (1767-1832), xn. 496; Dornmichi, Lodovico, m. 93
ClassicdlandTopographical Tour through Dominis, Antonio de, vn. 308
Greece, xn. 338 Dominus, in Saturnalia, vi. 319
Dodwell, Henry, the elder (1641-1711), Domitia, in The Roman Actor, VL. 155, 159*
vm. 306, 307, 459; ix. 329, 330, 505, Domitian, I. 226; m. 433
606, 515, 527, 534; x. 308, 356, 516, Domitian, in The Roman Actor, VL 153,
52l;DeCycli3, ix. 330 155, 159

Domitilla, in The Royatt Master, YL Donne, John
205 Dialogue, rv. 209
Don Armado, in Love's Labour's Lost, vm. Divine Poems, iv. 204, 205; vn. 27, 31
127 Dream, The, rv. 210, 212
Bon Diego, in Jonson's The Alchemist, Ecstacy, The, rv. 212
vm. 127 Eighty Sermons, iv. 241
Don Gayferos, I. 293 EUgie on Prince Henry, iv. 204
Don Juan, in ShadwelTs Libertine, vm. Elegies, iv. 203, 205, 208 ff., 213
174 Epigrams, iv. 205
Don Quixote, i. 293; vm. 67, 68, 70 Epistles to rv. 215
Don, the children of, i. 252 Epithalamiums, rv. 203, 205
Donald, in Holcroft's Deserted Daughter, Essays in Divinity, iv. 219
XL 277 Expiration, The, iv. 212
Donaldson, Alexander, xi. 315, 342 'For Godsake hold your tongue,' iv. 212
Donaldson, Augustus Blair, xm. 504 Funerall, The, rv. 211
Donaldson, David, n. 118 Funerall Elegies, rv. 202, 205, 213, 215
Donaldson, James (fl. 1713), ix. 559 'Go catch a falling star,' iv. 210; vn. 23
Donaldson, Sir James, xrv. 538, 597 Holy Sonnets, iv. 217
Donaldson, John William (1811-1861), Ignatius his Conclave, TV. 203, 218
xii. 482 1 love to talk with some old lover's
Classical Scholarship and Classical ghost,' vn. 23
Learning, xn. 331 Indifferent, The, TV. 210
New Cratylus, The, xn. 330 4
Kind pity checks my spleen,' rv. 197
Theatre of the Greeks, The, xn. 330 La Corona, iv. 217
Varromanus, xn. 330 Lamentations of Jeremy, The, rv. 205,
Donati, Eduardo, in. 296 217
Donatists, the, xn. 260 Letters to countess of Bedford, rv. 216
Donatus, grammars of, 1. 114, 118; n. 359 Letters to Severall Personages, IV. 205,
Doncaster, n. 45, 88, 321; xi. 168; xn. 215
516; xm. 351; xrv. 225 Litany, The, iv. 217; vn. 15
Doncaster, viscount. See Hay, James Love's War, TV. 209
'Done oracio,' v. 160 'Now thou hast loved me one whole
Doni, rv. 443 day,' vn. 23
Donne, John (1573-1631), m. 173, 426; Paradoxes, iv. 203, 208 ; 218
rv. 55, 145, 163, 169, 187, 196-223 Perfume, The, rv. 210
(main entry), 224, 226, 239 ff., 329, 390, Picture, The, rv. 210
434, 488 ff., 492, 495; v. 338; VI. 2, 9 ff., Primrose, The, TV. 211
15, 72, 177, 185, 187; vn. 3, 10, 17, 19, Problems, rv. 203, 218
26, 38, 46, 49, 62, 64, 69, 81, 82, 85, Progresse of the Soule, The, rv. 203, 205,
86, 130, 148, 157, 163, 166, 180, 250, 214
252, 258, 463, 488; vm. 228, 229, 238, Pseudo-Martyr, TV. 203, 208, 217 ff.

292, 293, 365, 366; ix. 157, 446; x. 226; Satyres, iv. 203, 205, 213
xn. 259; xm. 191, 219, 448; xrv. 460, 'Send home my long stray' d eyes to
491 me,' iv. 210
Aire and Angels, iv. 210 Sermons, rv. 204
Anatomy of the World, The, iv. 204 Songs and Sonets, rv. 205, 208, 209;
Anniversaries, iv. 212 ff,, 216, 217 vn. 2
Annunciation and Passion, iv 217 'Soul's joy,' iv. 209
Apparition, The, rv. 210 Storm, The, rv. 200, 215
'At Court,' iv. 200 Sun-rising, The, rv. 212
Autumnal, iv. 209 To Christ, iv. 217
Bait, The, vn. 8 To God, my God, rv. 217
BIA6ANAT02, rv. 202, 208, 219 To God tlie Father, rv. 217
Blossom, The, iv. 211 'To make the doubt clear,' iv. 209
Break of Day, The, IV. 212 To Sir Nicholas Smith, TV. 206
'By our first strange and fatal inter- Twickenham Garden, TV. 211
view,' IV. 212 Upon Mr Thomas Coryafs Crudities,
Calme, The, iv. 200, 215 rv. 204
Canonization, The, iv. 212 Valediction: forbidding Mourning, rv.
Chain, The, rv. 210, 215 212
(?)' Come Fates,' iv. 209 Valediction: of Weeding, rv. 211
'Dear Love, continue nice,' iv. 209 Woman 8 9

Constancy, rv. 210

Death be not proud, rv. 216 Donne, John (1604-1662), rv. 240
Death I recant, iv. 216 Donne, William Bodham (1807-1882), XH.
Death's Duel, iv. 204 475; xm. 142; Essays on the Drama, xn.
Devotions , iv. 204, 219 305

Donusa, in The Renegado, vi. 155 ff. Douay, m. 426; iv, 127, 274, 402; vn.
Doolittle, Thomas (1632?-1707), x. 386; 302, 303; xiv. 53
Sufferings of Christ, iv. 388 Douay commentary, vn. 481
Doomsday, I. 227, 458 Double Falsehood, v. 444
Doomsday (a broadside), rv. 414 Doubledick, Richard, in Dickens's Seven
Doomsday poems, i. 444 Poor Travellers, xm. 335
Doon, river, si. 235 Douce, Francis (1757-1834), n. 122, 329
Doones, the, in Blackmore's Lorna Doone, Douglas, in Mrs Oliphant's Kirsteen, xm.
xm. 434 431
Dora, in David Copperfield, xin. 327, Douglas, captain (1667), vm. 381
331 Douglas, Catherine, duchess of Queeas-
Doran, Cecily, Gissing's, xm. 461 berry (d, 1777), ix. 162 ff.
Doran, Joan (1807-1878), xi. 447, 474; Douglas, Charles, 3rd duke of Queens-
xiv. 518 berry (1698-1778), ix. 163, 164; x. 102;
A Lady of the last Century, x. 261, 262 xi. 317
Kmghts and their Days xiv. 139 t Douglas, Charles Mackinnon, xiv. 478
Mann and Manners at the Court of Douglas, Francis (1710?-1790?), ix. 557,
Florence, x. 249 563; X. 477, 478, 479
Their Majesties' Servants, xiv. 139 Douglas, Gawin or Gavin (1475?-! 522),
Dorastus, in Pandosto, m. 356 n. 91, 92, 94, 96 ff., 126, 239, 244,
Dorax, in Dryden's Don Sebastian, vm. 31 249 ff., 258-265 (main entry), 275,
Dorchester, xn. 326; Roman amphi- 476 fi\; m. 115, 116, 117, 119, 120,
theatre at, vi. 252 138, 185, 200, 278; x. 223, 239; XL
Dorchester, viscount. See Carle ton, Sir 203, 204, 431
DudJey Aeneid, trans, of, n. 240, 259, 261 H;
Dorigen, in The Franklin's Tale, n. 184 iv. 397
Dorilant, Sir John, in Whitehead's School Aurae Orationes, n. 259
for Lovers, x. 86 Conscience, n. 259, 262
Dorimant, in Etherege's Man of Modef King Hart, n. 228, 259, 262
vm. 138, 214 Police of Honour, The, n. 126, 259, 260,
Dorislaus of Holland, iv. 159 262, 266, 268; m. 117, 119; iv. 397,
Dorlandus, Petrus, Elckerlijk, n. 329 412; vn. 174; ix. 359
Dormer, Robert, 1st earl of Carnarvon Vergil, ix. 359, 562
(d, 1643), rv. 157; vi. 143 Douglas, George,
pseud. See Brown,
Dormer's News Letter, ix. 432 George Douglas
Dornton, in Holcroft's Road to Ruin, xi. Douglas, Sir George Brisbane Scott, n,
277 390; xn. 453; Book of Scottish Poetry,
Dorothea, I, 74, 75 The, xi. 443
Dorothea, in James IV, v. 137, 138 Douglas, Sir James (12867-1330), n. 114
Dorothea, in Massinger's The Virgin Mar- Douglas, James, xm. 510
tir, VL 54, 150, 154, 165; XH. 68 Douglas, James, 4th duke of Hamilton
Dorothea, in Mtddlemarch, xm. 392, 398 (1658-1712), ix. 424
Dorrington, Edward (
pseudonym), XI. Douglas, Dr James (1675-1742), xu. 363
489 Douglas, James of, in Bruce, n. 101, 105
Dorrits, the, Dickens's, xm. 320, 331 Douglas, John (1721-1807), x. 292, 293,
D'Oraay, Alfred Guillaume Gabriel, count 499; Criterion of Miracles, x. 346, 512
(1801-1852), xiv. 115 Douglas, lady Juliana, in Susan Ferrier's
Dorset, II. 414; vn. 74; IX. 146; x. 20, 25; Marriage, xn, 245, 246
xi. 99; xn. 346, 511, 513, 520; XHL Douglas, M. A., xiv. 599
320; xiv. 292 Douglas, William, 8th earl of Douglas
Dorset dialect, xn. 413 (14257-1452), n. 113
Dorset, Catherine Ann (1750?-1817?), xi. Douglas, William (fl. 1660), ix. 543
476, 478; Lion's Masquerade, xi. 386; Douglas, William Scott (1815-1883), xi,
Peacock at Home, xi. 386 438,440
Dorset, countess of, ix. 148 Douglas ballad, the, n. 398
Dorset, earls of. See. Sackville, Charles, Douglas cause, x. 191
Richard, Thomas Douglas family, n. 113, 114, 115; m. 118
Dort, iv. 402, 403 Douglas Tragedy, I. 300; n. 410
Dort, synod of, vn. 152, 322, 437 Douglas-Albany quarrels, the, n. 259
D'Orville, xn. 484 Douglasdale, n. 105
Dory, John, n. 414 Douglass, Arthur, xrv. Add. 6
Dostdevsky, F. M., The Brothers Kwa- Douse, Francis, xn. 376
mazov, ym. 462 Dove, Sir Benjamin and lady, in Cumber-
Dotheboys hall, in Nicholas Nickleby, xm. land's Brothers, xi. 264, 279
,317 Dove, Dr Daniel, in Southey'a Doctor, n.
Douady, Jules, xn, 343 168

Dove, Jane Prances, xiv. 599 Drake, Sir Francis (1540?-1596), m. 52,
Dove cottage, xi. 102, 103, 409 327; iv. 1, 68, 72, 73, 78, 85 ff., 92,
Dover, m. 3; iv. 418; vn. 183; vm. 202, 93, 96, 102, 103, 261, 299, 454, 510;
263; is. 240, 268; x. 118, 201, 244, 395 v. 345, 361; vn. 248; x. 164, 464; xm.
Dow, Alexander (d. 1779), xiv. 576; 364
Sethona, xiv. 334; Zingis, xiv. 334 Drake, Sir Francis (the younger), Sir
'Doway,' university of, v. 113 Francis Drake Revived, iv. 96, 455
Dowden, Edward (1843-1913), XL 404, Drake, Francis (1696-1771), York, ix. 353,
406, 409, 412, 413, 417, 420, 422, 423; 532
xii. 399, 401 fi., 415, 423; xni. 65, 464, Drake, James (1667-1707), vm. 91, 410,
465, 476, 480, 487, 495, 553; Xiv. 211, 433
487, 518, 527; Life of Shelley, xiv. 147; Drake, Nathan (1766-1836), Essays illus-
Shakespeare. .his Mind and Art,
. xrv. trative of the Rambler, x. 172, 461, 476,
147 483
Dowel, John, vn. 470 Drake, The, vi. 53
Do- well, in Piers the Plowman, n. 2 ff., Drakenberg, the, xiv. 372
15, 18 ff., 24, 26, 28 Drama and the stage in the age of John-
Dowland, John (1563?-1626?), iv. 114, son, the, x. 67 ff., 425 ff.
463, 464; xiv. 307; A Pilgrim's Solace, Drames v. 192
IV, 113 Drane, Augusta Theodosia (1823-1894),
Dowland, Robert (17th cent.), iv. 113, 464 xiv. 601
Dowler, Mr, in The Pickwick Papers, XTTT. Drant, Thomas (d. 1578?), m. 201; iv.
314 23, 437, 492, 518; v. 156
Dowling, Richard, xiv. 568; Mystery of Draper, Mrs Eliza (1744-1778), x. 47
Killard, The, xiv. 327; On Bab^e8 and Draper, Sir William (1721-1787), x. 403,
Ladders, xiv. 327 407, 526
Down, county, xii. 361; xm. 404 Drapier, M. B. (Swifts pseudonym), ix.
Down, Kent, xiv. 298 115
Down hall, Essex, ix. 152, 153 Drawoansir, in The Rehearsal, vm. 27
'Down Survey,* the, of forfeited lands, Drawcansir, Sir Alexander (Fielding's
vm. 343 pseudonym), x. 34
Downefall of Dagon, The, vn. 382 Drayton, Michael (1563-1631), I. 170;
Downefall of temporizing poets, The, vn, m. 183, 220, 247, 256, 258, 260, 263 ff.,
386 268, 270, 286, 305, 523, 526; iv. 87,
Downes, Andrew (1549?-! 628), m. 425; 95, 117, 118, 121, 136, 138, 153, 158,
vn. 312, 488; De Caede Eratosthenis, 168-195 (main entry), 211, 248, 266,
vn. 316; De Pace, vn. 316 351, 357, 401, 434, 455, 485 ff., 530;
Downes, John (fl. 1662-1710), Eoscius v. 148, 226, 228, 236, 311, 312, 319,
Anglicanus, vni. 189, 192, 423 323, 332, 338, 371, 474; VI. 2, 61, 113,
Downey, Edmund, xiv. 569 250, 312; vn. 50, 52, 56, 58, 250, 264,
Downing, Emanuel (fl. 1650), vn. 353 387, 465; vm. 226, 228, 237, 239
Downing, Sir G-eorge (16S4?-1749), vm. Agincourt, Ballad of, iv. 170, 188, 192
253 Agincourt, The Battaile of, iv. 192
Downman, Hugh (1740-1809), xi. 451 Amours, iv. 178
Dowsabell, in Drayton's Eglogs, TV. 173
eviU spirit,' iv. 179
Dowsing, William (1596?-1679?), vn. 34 Baron's Wars, The, m. 198, 305; iv.
Dowson, Ernest (1867-1900), xm. 212, 174, 181, 182, 191, 192
220, 502; / have been faithful to thee, Cromwell, The Legend of Great, ill. 198;
Cynara, ymr. 219 iv. 176, 177, 188
Dowson, John (1820-1881), xn. 516; xiv. David and Goliah, iv. 194
337 Eclogues, in. 220; rv. 118, 172, 173
Dowson, M. E. See Palmer, William Scott Elegies upon sundry occasions, iv. 192,
Doyle, Sir Francis Hastings Charles (1810- 194
1888), xm. 45, 502; xiv. 597; Private of Endimion and Phoebe, rv. 173, 175, 176,
the Buffs, A, xm. 186; Red Thread of
180, 181, 183, 195
Honour, The, xm. 186 England's Heroicall Epistles, m. 198;
Doyle, James E. (1822-1892), xiv. 502 iv. 169, 175, 182 ff., 206; vn. 49
Doyle, John Andrew (1844-1907), xiv. Epistle to George Sandys, iv. 184
98, 487 Harmonie of the Church, The, rv. 170,
Doyle, Martin, xiv. 312 171, 173, 357
Doyle, Richard (1824-1883), xi. 480, 487; Heavenly Harmonie of Spirituall Songs,
xm. 294, 499; xrv. 238, 548, 549 A, iv. 171
D'Oyly, Christopher, x. 405, 410 'How many 179
paltry,' iy.
Dracontius, i. 76 Hymn Ladies Birth-Place, rv. 174
to his
Drage, William (1637KL669), vn. 507 Idea, tJie Shepheard's Garland, m. 256,
Draghi, John Baptist (17th cent.), vm. 394 258, 260; IV. 118, 170 ff., 184, 193

Dray ton, Michael Drogheda, vn. 196, 351, 353, also see Add.
Ideas Mirrour, in. 263; iv. 177, 178, 180
Drogheda, lady (d. c. 1681), wife of
*Into these loves,' iv. 179
Wycherley, W., vm. 143

Man in the Moone, The, rv. 181, 185 Drogheda, St Peter's church, vn. 354
'Many there be excelling,' rv. 179 Dromios, in The Comedy of Errors, v. 178
Matilda, m. 198; iv. 176, 177, 182 Dromodotus, in Pedantius, VL 306
Miseries of Queene Margarite, The. rv. Dromore, deanery of, ix. 280
193 Dromore, Ireland, vm. 290; xn. 354, 361
Moone-Calfe, The, rv. 185, 194 'Drone Hall,' Oxford, IX. 414
Mortimer lados, m. 305; rv. 175, 176, Drosomell (Herriek's), vn. 12
181, 182 Droyn, Jehan, m. 59
Moses, his Birth and Miracles, TV. 185, Druce, George Claridge, xiv. 5(30, 5G2
194 Drugger, Abel, in The Alchemist, vr. 22;
Mouses in a Map of his Miracles, TV. x. 265; XI. 257
185, 194 Druidism, ix. 352, 354
Muses Elizium, The, TV. 193, 194 Druids, i. 13
Noah's Floud, TV. 194, 195 Drummond, Henry (1851-1897), xn. 466
Nymphidia, I. 289; iv. 193 Drummond, J., xm. 467
Odes, TV. 174, 185 ff., 193 Drummond, John, 1st earl MeJfort (1649-
Of his Ladies not Coming to London, 1714), vm. 263
TV. 194 Drummond, Sir John (d. 1610), iv. 150
Of Poets and Poesy, Epistle to Henry Drummond, Margaret (1472?-1501), n.
Reynolds, m. 201; iv. 138, 194; vn. 273 253, 281
Owle, The, TV. 184, 185 Drummond, Peter Robert (1802-1879),
Paen Triumphall, TV. 184 xm. 507
Piers Gaveston, in. 198; iv. 176, 177, 182 Drummond, William, of Hawthornden
Poems, Lyric and Pastoral, TV. 118, 168, (1585-1649), m. 267, 269, 523, alw see
172 Add.; iv. 130, 138, 139, 150 ff. (main
PolyolUon, 11. 209; m. 183; iv. 136, entry), 157, 159, 166, 189, 196, 197,
174, 177, 183, 188 ff., 401 201, 205, 209, 214, 413, 434, 480; v.
Quest of Cynthia, The, TV. 193 343; vi. 1, 2, 5, 11, 36, 38, 39 44, 47,
Remedy for Love, His, in. 264 58, 112, 221, 353; vn. 30, 273, 274 466;
Robert, Duke of Normandy, m. 198; vm. 227, 322; ix. 69; x. 484
iv.175 ff., 182 Cypress Grove, The, TV. 153
Shepheards Sirena, The, TV. 193 Flou-ers of Sion, TV. 153, 154
'Since there's no help,' iv. 179 Forth Feasting, TV. 152
To his Coy Love, TV. 187 Hymn of the Fairest Fair, TV. 153
To His Rivall,^ TV. 186 Madrigals and Epigrams, vn. 14
To the Majestic of King James, TV. 184 Tears on the Death of Modiades, iv. 151,
To the New Teere, TV. 186 152
To the Virginian Voyage, TV. 187 Drummond, William Hamilton (1778-
'Whilst thus my pen,' TV. 179 1865), xiv. 568, 573
See, also,under Middleton, Rowland Drummond, William Henry (1854-1907),
Drayton Beauchamp, m. 406 xiv. 343, 354 ff., 360, 582
Dread, in Piers the Plowman, n. 8 Canadian Country Doctor, xiv. 355
'Dread Maria's Universal Fall,' rx. 148 Great Fight, The, xrv. 355, 336
Dream of the Cabal, vm. 81 Habitant, The, xrv. 354, 356
Dream of the Rood ( ? Cynewulf ), L 42, Johnnie Courteau, xrv. 356
51 ff., 56, 57, 63, 133, 430 Ole Doctor Fiset, xrv. 355
Dream of the Rood, Ruthwell Cross, I. 12; Philoruirfs Canoe, xrv. 356
n. 88 Vieux Temps, Le9 xiv. 355
Drede, in The Bowge of Courte, m. 73 Voyageur, The, xrv. 3.56
Drelincourt, Charles (1644-1722), ix. 12 Wreck of the Julie Plante, The, xrv. 355
Drennan, William (1754r-lS20), xiv. 311, Drumsoy, ix. 370
568; Erin, xrv. 310; Letters of Orettana, Drunkard's Character, The, vn. 384
xiv. 310; Wake of William Orr, The, Drury, Elizabeth (d. 1610), rv: 202, 214,
xiv. 310 216
Dresden, vi. 165; ix. 515; xin. 388 Drury, Joseph (1750-1834), xrv. 386
Drift, Adrian, ix. 149, 151, 153, 217, 482, Drury, Sir Robert (.#. 15747-1613}, rv. 202
also see Add. Drury, Robert (b. 1687), xrv. 551; Journal,
Dring, Thomas, vn. 123 ix. 23
Drinkwater, John, xm.
493, 495 Dryburgh abbey, i. 333

Driver, Samuel Rolles (1846-1914), xn. Dryden, Elizabeth, rx. 91

466, 501; Introduction to the Literature Dryden, Erasmus, vm. 2
of the Old Testament, xn. 341 Dryden, Sir Erasmus Henry (1669-1710),
Droeshout, E. P., v. 89 rx. 91

115 8-2
Dryden, Honor, daughter of Sir John Dryden, John
Dryden, vm. 4 Defence of an Essay ofDramatick Poesie,
Dryden, John (1631-1700), i. 283; 11. 165, A, vox. 16, 24
168, 186, 195, 219, 220; m. 157, 165, Defence of the Epilogue, A, vm. 17, 25,
312; iv. 2, 4, 25, 131, 140, 168, 177, 370
183, 208, 214; v. 174, 206, 209, 222, Discourse Concerning the Original and
347; vi. 7, 9, 11, 25, 28, 34, 57, 109, Progress of Satire, A, vm. 19, 26, 36,
111, 112, 122, 125, 126, 133, 240, 323, 39, 40, 44, 49, 373, 374
479; vn. 7, 12, 61, 68, 72, 73, 76, 87 ft, Don Sebastian, vin. 31, 32, 164; xm. 523
92, 93, 105, 107, 109, 126, 138, 176, Duke of Guise, The (with Lee), vm. 16,
183, 184, 244, 259, 262, 264, 268, 270; 30, 186
vm. 1-57 (main entry), 62, 75, 79, 89, Epigrams, lines by J. Dryden of Trin.
90, 92, 94, 121, 130, 136, 139, 143, 146, C. in, vm. 4
150, 158, 166, 168, 174, 178, 179, 181, Epilogue to the Second Part of the Con-
185, 193, 201, 202, 204, 205, 209, 212, guest of Granada, vm. 25
214, 215, 217, 219 220, 222, 227, 229, Essay of Dramatick Poesie, An, n. 163;
231 ft, 292, 293, 302, 369, 372 ft, 389, vi. 136; vn. 275; xi. 171; xiv. 460
391 ft, 410, 411, 418, 427, 428, 434, 437, Essay of Heroick Plays, vin. 18, 22 ft, 26
441, 442, 447, also see Add.; ix. 67 ft, Evening's Love, An, vm. 16, 17, 53,
73, 77, 119, 122, 141, 146, 147, 157, 127, 131, 134, 367
173 ft, 177, 180, 184, 185, 187 ft, 199, Examen Poeticum, vm. 50, 57
237, 263, 264, 266, 267, 270, 271, 348, Fables, Ancient and Modern, vn. 48, 53,
362, 444, 473, 482; x. 27, 67, 120, 126, 57; vm. 32, 51, 433; x. 241; xi. 171;
145, 153, 156, 158, 167, 169, 185, 202, xn. 46; xm. 238
218, 219, 221, 226, 232, 398, 432, 433, Granville, on his excellent Tragedy, called
484; xi. 27, 40, 170, 171, 174, 201, 206, 'Heroick Love,' To Mr, vrn. 55
316, 318, 320, 466; xn. 41, 88, 108, 136, Heroick Stanzas, vm. 5 fi.'.

177, 207, 221, 224, 253, 376, 494; xm. Hind and the Panther, The, vin. 43,
86, 96, 122, 233, 237 ft, 253, 312, 552; 45 235
xiv. 113, 396, 436, 448, 501 His Sacred Majesty, To, vni. 7
Absalom and Achitophel, vm, 31, 35 ft History of the League, Maimbourg's,
(mam entry), 40, 41, 77, 142, 192, 235; translation of, vm. 34
xi.36 Iliad, vm. 51
Account of theEnsuing Poem, in a letter Indian Emperor, The, vm. 21, 22, 24, 53
to Sir Robert Howard, An, vm. 9 Indian Queen, The, vm. 21, 123, 235
Aeneis, vin. 50, 239 Killigrew, To the Pious Memory of the
Albion and A Ibanius, vm. 30, 135, 375 Accomphsht Young Lady, Mrs Anne,
Alexander's Feast, vm. 44, 53, 234 vm. 32, 45, 53, 57, 234
All for Love, vm. 28, 33, 235, 375, 386; Lachrymae Musarum, contribution to,
ix. 140; xi. 171 vm. 2
Amboyna, vm. 7, 27 Letter to Sir George Etherege, vm. 49
Amphitryon, vm. 17, 134 Limberham, or the Kind Keeper, vm. 17
Annus Mirdbilis, vn. 71; vm. 8 ?., 34, Love Triumphant, vm. 20
38, 238; ix. 169; X, 124 Lucian, life of, vm. 402
Apology for Heroick Poetry, vm. 374 Mac Flecknoe, vm. 36, 40, 41, 235;
Assignation, or Love in a, Nunnery, The, ix. 79, 179
vm. 17, 140 Mall, The, or the Modish Lovers, vm. 399
Astraea Redux, vm. 6; xiv. 444 Marriage-d-la-Mode, vm. 17, 20, 140
Aureng-Zebe, vm. 16, 21, 22, 27, 235 Medal, The, vm. 35, 39, 40, 188
Author's Apology for Heroick Poetry and Miscellanies, vn. 86; vm. 44, 49, 50,
Poetic Licence, The, vm, 27 231, 375; ix. 148, 455; x. 223
Boccaccio, reproductions of, vm. 51 Mistaken Husband, The, vm. 399, 401,
Britannia Eediviva, vm. 44, 49 422
Character of a Good Parson, vm. 52 My Lord Chancellor, To, vm. 7
Charleton, To my Honoured Friend Dr, (Edipus, King of Thebes (with Lee), vm.
vm. 8, 362 30, 186
Chaucer, reproductions of, vm. 51 Palamon and Arcite, x. 120
Cleomenes, the Spartan hero, vm. 31, 53, Parallel of Poetry and Painting, A, vm.
190 20, 29, 49
Congreve, on his Comedy Catted The Plutarch, preface to a translation of,
Double Dealer, To my dear Friend, Mr, vm. 44
vm, 55 Poem upon Death of His Late High-
Conquest of Qranada, The, vnr, 22, ness, Oliver,Lord Protector of England,
25 ff., 53, 235 Scotland and Ireland, A, vin. 5
Dedication ofExamen Poeticum, vin. 375 Preface concerning the Grounds of Criti-
Dedication of the Aeneisf vin. 239 cism in Tragedy, vm. 29

Dryden, John Dublin
Preface to the Fables, vm. 52, 56, 57, 235, 261, 269, 311, 315, 3180, 319, 321, 323,
390 348, 397, 417
Prologue, addressed to Oxford, vm. 3, Dublin society. See Royal Dublin
4 society
Prologue Secret Love, vm. 24
to Historical society, xiv. 317
Prologue to the Duchess [of York], vm. Mountrath court, x. 199
34 Parliament square, x. 198
Prosodia, vm. 50 Phoenix park, xrv. 317
Laid,iv. 197; vm. 15, 41 fir., 46, Record
Eeligio office, xn. 360, 361
235 Reindeer tavern, x. 199
Rival Ladies, The, vn. 48; vni. 4, 17, St Patrick's cathedral, ix. 93, 96, 99,
19, 123, 131, 137, 370; xiv. 460 100, 119, 132
St John's JBve, vin. 54 Smock (or Smoke) Alley theatre, vm.
Satire on the Dutch, vm. 7 170 ;x. 426 ft.; XL 455
Secret Love, or the Maiden Queen, vm. Theatre royal, vm. 180; x. 425 ff.
20, 426 Trinity college, m. 426; iv. 276, 433;
Secular Masque, vni. 31 vn. 148; vm. 146, 170, 332; ix. 91, 92,
Sir Geoffrey Kneller, To, vm. 50 166, 280, 282, 362; x. 58, 197, 198, 293,
Sir Martin Mar-all, vm. 17, 134, 420 356, 358; XT. 1, 2; xn. 159, 338, 342,
Song for St Cecilia's Day, vm. 53 360, 362, 494; xrv. 211, 263, 309, 313,
Southern, on his Comedy Called 'The 318, 571, also see Add. 3
Wives' Excuse,' To Mr, vm. 55 Dublin, archbishopric of, xn. 272
Spanish Fryar, The, vm. 20, 33, 49 Dublin, books printed and published in,
Slate of Innocence and Fall of Man, The, XL 470
vm. 27, 422; ix. 58 Dublin Penny Journal, The, xrv. 312, 315,
Sylvae, VHI. 44 318a
Te Deum, translation of, vm. 54 Dublin printers, rv. 547, 548
Tempest, The (with. D'Avenant), vm. Dublin Review, The, xn. 260, 426, 460,
28, 120, 398, 418 461, 463
Threnodia Augustalis, vm. 44 Dublin Translations into Greek and Latin
Translations of: Juvenal, vm. 49, 77; Verse, xrv. 211
Latin Hymns, vm. 397; Lucretius, vm. Dublin University Magazine, TJie, TTTT.
396; Ovid, vm. 50, 51, 396, 397; Persius, 407, 414, 415; xiv. 313, 319, 326
vm. 2, 49, 77; Tacitus, vm. 402; Theo- Dublin University Review, The, xrv. 211,
critus, vm. 397; Vergil, vm. 50, 397 538
Troilus and Cressida, vin. 29; XL 319 Dubricius, archbishop of the "City of
Tyrannick Love, vm. 21, 22, 235 Legions," I. 259
Veni Creator Spiritus, paraphrase of, Ducarel, Andrew Coltee (1713-1785), iv.
vm. 54 422; ix. 532
Her Royal Highness the Duchess
Verses to Ducci, L., iv. 526
(ofYork), vm. 8 Du Chaillu, Paul B. (1835-1903), xiv. 551
Vindication of the Duke of Guise, vm. 30 Duchal, James (1697-1761), X. 521
Wild Gallant, The, vm. 16, 17, 131 Ducis, Jean Francois, v. 294, 298, 299,
Works, xn. 16 301, 306 ff.
Dryden, John, junior (1668-1701), vm. Duck, Sir Arthur (1580-1648), vm. 317,
400, 402 468
Dryden, Sir John, vm. 4 Duck, Stephen (1705-1756), rx. 187, 448,

Drydeniana, vm. 404 ff. 485

Drystan, son of Tallwch (Tristram), I. 273 Du Deffand, madame, 495
x. 248, 250,

Drythelm, vision of, I. 82, 86 Dudley, earl of. See Ward, John William
Drywood, Mr, of Trinity, vi. 397 Dudley, Edmund (1462?-1510), rv, 297,
Du Bartas, William de Salluste, ix. 269; 510
Semaines (trans, as Divine Weekes and Dudley, lord Guilford (d. 1554), rv. 169,
WorJces), iv. 23, 131, 331, 443 182
Du Baudner, Sieur, ix. 455 Dudley, Sir Henry Bate (1745-1824), xiv.
Du Bellay, Joachim, m. 250, 251, 258, 188
263; iv. 24, 264, 443; Lea Antiquites de Dudley, John, 1st duke of Northumber-
Rome, ra. 250 land (1502?-1553), vn. 325, 326
Dublin, IV. 142, 161, 414, 434; VI. 197, Dudley, Louisa, in Cumberland's West
200, 203, 205, 206; vn. 58, 148, 197, Indian, XL 264, 265
355; vin. 122, 220; ix. 79, 84, 91, 93, Dudley, Robert, earl of Leicester (1532?-
96 ff., 118, 126, 166,327, 330, 406, 413, 1588), m. 207, 241, 421, 422, 424; rv.
452 ff.; X. 58, 257, 258, 379, 408; XL 1, 10, 20, 116, 172, 274, 384, 390,
1, 283, 288, 340, 342, 373; xn. 285, 351, 401, 406, 410; v. 341, 345, 346, 365; VL
361; xra. 240, 258; xiv. 96, 104, 173, 246, 247, 302, 336, 381, 393; vn. 191, 306

Dudleys, the, in Cumberland's West In- 'Dumb Philosopher,' the, ix. 21
dian, xi. 264, 265 Dumb Wyf, The, n. 280
Duelling, vu. 204 Dumbarton, x. 36
Duessa, in Tike Faerie Queene, in. 231, 234 Dumbartonshire, x. 36
Duff, James Grant (1789-1858), xiv. 490, Dumbiedykes, laird of, in The Heart of
576; A. History of the Mahraitas, xiv. 337 Midlothian, vm. 35'">

Duff, Sir Mountstuart ElpMnstone Grant, Dumbleton, John (fl. 1340), Summa n. 363
xn. 147 ;xm. 497 Dumfries, ix. 565; xi. 225, 235, 237, 470
Dufferin, lady. See Blackwood, Helen Dumfries Journal, The, XI. 235
Selina Dumfriesshire, XL 222, 242, 444, 445;
Dufferin, marquis of. See Blackwood, xn. 350; xm. 2 ff., 10
Frederick Temple Dumfriesshire, The Poets of, ix. 568
Duffet, Thomas (fl. 1678), vin. 422 Dumont, ^tienne, xi. 59, 60, 70, 397, 398
Duffy, Sir Charles Gavan (1816-1903), Du Moulin, Peter, vn. 309, 418, 420;
xm 471; xrv. 317 ff., 370, 568, 572 Reg n Sanguinis Clamor, VTI. 105
Innishowen, xiv. 318 Dun Monidh, xrv. 304
Irish Chief, The, xiv. 318 Dunalbius, in Argenis, rv. 295
Irish Library, xrv. 325 Dunbar, Elizabeth, countess of Moray
Lay Sermon, xiv. 318 (d. 1591), n. 113
Patriot's Bride, The, xiv. 318 Dunbar, William (1460?-15201), I. 292;
Dufresnoy, Charles-Alphonse, vm. 49, n. 91, 93, 121, 122, 126, 154, 192, 221,
402; ix. 256, 444, 538 239, 244, 249, 250 ff., 259, 261, 265,
Dugdale, Sir William (1605-1686), vn. 266, 269, 275, 276, 278, 280, 331, 401,
438; vm. 318, 469; ix. 342 ff., 348, 355, 475, 507; m. 115 ff., 119, 121, 122, 131,
356, 533, 539, 540 133 ff., 159, 179, 486; iv. 322, 517, 527;
Antiquities of Warwickshire, rs. 341, vn. 351; is. 359; XI. 203, 204; xn, 95,
342, 345, 352 517
Baronage of England, ix. 344 Beauty and the Prisoner (Sen that I am
History of ImbanJcing, rv. 308, 510; a presoneir), n. 253
ix. 343 Slack Lady, n. 255
History qf St Paul's Cathedral, ix. 343, Bhtheness, n. 256
354 Complaint to the King, n. 257
Life,Diary and Correspondence, ix. 343 Dance of the Sevin Deidlie Synms. n.
Monasticon Anglicanum, rx. 342, 343, 228, 255, 256
350; xn. 346, 349 Dreme, The, m 116
Origines Juridicales, vm. 320, 464; ix. Epitaph on Donald Owe, The, n. 255;
344 m. 133
Short view of the late troubles, ix. 344 Flyting of Dunbar and Kennedie, The,
Duglas 259
river, battle of, i. n. 90, 99, 250, 256, 260; m. 72, 490
Du Guerins, the, xin. 98, 99 Freiris of Berwick, The, n. 253, 279;
Du Halde, Jean Baptiste, x. 206, 465 vm. 226
Dukas, Jules, iv. 257 General Satire, n. 255
Duke, Richard (1658-1711), vm. 408, 409, Golden Targe, The, II. 228, 231, 251
446; ix. 174, 176, 485 253, 260; m. 116; vn. 174
Duke and the Emperor, The Meeting of the, Good Counsel, n. 256
n. 308 How Dunbar wes desyrd to be ane freir,
Duke of York's company, the, vi. 262 n. 251
Duke Rowland and Sir Ohiel of Spayne, Interlude of the Droichis Part of the Play,
1.470 The, n. 253, 255, 275; m. 122
Dukes, Ashley, xm. 514 Joustis of the Tailjeour and the Sowtar,
Dulcimer, in The Faicne, vi. 48 u. 255; m. 121, 135
Dulcinea, in Don Quixote, x. 51 Kynd KittoTc, Ballad of, n. 255, 275
Dulcinea del Toboso, in Don Quixote, vm. Lament for the Makans, n. 109, 116,
70 245, 256, 257, 266, 268
'Dulness's Laureate Son,' in Pope's Dun- London thou art the flower of cities all,
dad, rx. 8"S n. 252, 331
Dulwich, vx 249, 278 Petition of the Grey Horse, ni. 120
Dumas, Alexandre, pere, V. 302; xi. 307, Satire on Edinburgh, u. 255
458; xn. 212, 381, 525; xm. 257, 263 Testament of Mr Andro Kennedy, 11.
Du Maurier, George Louis Palmella Bus- 256, 278, 501; m. 85, 483, 484
son (183^-1896), xm. 562; xzv. 235, Thnssil and the Rois, The, 11. 253; m.
239, 548 116, 120
History of the Jack Sprats, The, xm. 433 Tidings from the Session, n. 255
Martian, The, xm. 433 Tretis of the Tua Mariit Wcmen and the
Peter Ibbetson, xni. 433 Wedo, n. 192, 254:
Trilby, xm. 433 Vision, n. 256

Dunbar, William, friend of Burns, xi. 222, Dunstan, St, in The Devil and his Dame,
223 v. 329
Dunblane, n. 275; vm. 298 Dunstaple, ix. 535
Duncan, in Boece, ni. 156
Dunster, Somerset, m. 188
Duncan I, n. 89 Dunton, John (1659-1733), rv. 388; vm.
Duncan, Andrew (1744-1828), xi 442 99; ix. 4, 41, 267; XL 320, 329, 334, 340,
Duncan, David, xiv. 481 468; Athenian Gazette, ix. 5; Athenian
Duncan, Geilis, vn. 372 Mercury, ix. 5, 34, 41, 92; Life and
Duncan (Holinshed's), v. 241 Errors, ix. 5; XL 327, 330
Duncan, William, xiv. 533 Dupatys Lettres sur 1'Italie, xn. 395
Duncan Gray, n. 274 Dupely, in Burgoyne's Maid of the Oaks,
Dunckley, Henry (1823-1896), Crown and XL 265
Cabinet, xiv. 189, 504 Du Plessis, J., xrv. Add. 6
Duncombe, John (1729-1786), ix. 477 Dupont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel, x.
Duncombe, William (1690-1769), ix. 477; 336
Brutus, x. 82, 439 Du Pontavice de Heussey, R., xm. 543
Duncombe, in Mrs GaskelTs Mr Harrison's Duport, James (1606-1679), iv. 427; vn.
Confessions, xin. 372 317, 488
Duncon, John (fl. 1648), vn. 155 fL; Life Duport, John (d. 1617), vn. 316
of Lettice Falkland, vn. 151 Duport, Paul, v. 302
Duncumb, John (1765-1839), xn. 509 Duppa, Bryan (1588-1662), bishop of
Dundas, in. 69 Winchester, vi. 7
Dundas, Henry, 1st viscount Melville, xi. Duppa, Richard (1770-1831), x. 455, 463
16, 31, 35; xiv. 179 Durand, David (1680-1763), ix. 235, 495
Dundee, m. 122, 142; XL 399; xn. 350; Durand, Sir H. Mortimer, xm. 505; xrv.
xni. 51 493
Dundee, University college, xrv. 432 Durand, W. Y., v. 64
Dundee, viscount. See Graham, John, of Durand, Durandus, William (d. 1296),
Claverhouse Speculum Juris or Speculum Judiciale,
Dundee Advertiser, The, xrv. 531, 534 n. 364
Dundee Book, The, in, 141 Durandus, bishop of Meaux, commentary
Dundonald, earl of. See Cochrane, Thomas of, ii. 363
Dundreary, lord, in Our American Cousin, Durant, Gilles, rv. 24
vm. 176 Durastanti, Signora Margarita, ix. 468
Dunfermline, n. 245, 250 Durazzo, in The Guardian, VL 161
Dunk, George Montague, 2nd earl of Diirer, Albert, VL 333
Halifax (1716-1771), x. 243, 245, 249, D'Urfe, Honore", Astree, VL 123, 138, 239
251, 495 D'Urfey, Thomas (1653-1723), n. 414;
Dunkeld, n. 259; iv. 277 vi. 33; vm. 96, 166 ff., 174 ff., 408, 411,
Dunkin, William (1709?-1765), ix. 466 428; IX. 264, 475, 499
Dunkirk, ix. 135, 440, 455, 461; xiv. Campaigners, The, vm. 167
387 Famous History of the Rise and Fall of
Dunkirk, battle of, vn. 24, 452 Massaniello, The, vm. 175
Dunlop, Andrew, xrv. 533 Modern Prophets, The, vm. 175
Dunlop, Mrs Frances Anne Wallace (1730- New Reformation, The, vm. 167
1815), xi. 222, 223, 438 Pills to Purge Melancholy, vm. 232
Dunlop, John Colin (d. 1842), xiv. 487 Scotch Wedding, ix. 363
Dunlop, Robert, xiv. 510 Sea Voyage, The, vm. 120
Dunmow flitch, the, n. 20 Siege of Memphis, The, vm. 175
Dunn, Henry, xiv. 605 Trimmer, The, vm. 97
Dunn, William, xiv. 512 Durham, m. 49; rv. 416, 418, 421; vn. 84;
Dunnere, in The Battle of Maldon, L 145 vm. 282, 295; ix. 249, 303, 387, 392,
Dunois of Orleans, v. 83 393; x. 127; xi. 244; xn. 10, 327, 340,
Dunraven, earl of. See Quin, Edwin 348, 354, 508, 510 ff., 515; xm. 70, 427
Wyndham Durham, Benedictine priory at, n. 349
Duns Furens, vr. 307 Durham, earl of. See Lambton, John
Duns Scotus, John, Doctor subtilis (1265?- George
1308?), I. 200, 210 fi., 453; n. 350, 355; Durham, James (1622-1658), ix. 543
m. 4, 19, 48, 50, 416; rv. 269, 272; Durham. See Simeon of
vn. 505 Durham cathedral, xn. 507
Dunsinane, in Orygynale Cronyldl, n. 132 Durham university, vn. Add.; xrv. 411,
Dunstable, v. 7, 38 431
Dunstable, annals of, I. 178 Durham, Book of (or Lindisfarne Gospels),
Dunstan, St (924-988), I. 113, 114, 118, L 14
127, 131, 150, 151, 153, 243, 446; II. 76; Durham Field, n. 415
xrv. 76; Memorials of, xiv. 74 Durham, Poem on the city of, L 147

Durham Ritual, nines in, I. 12 Dyer, Sir Edward (d. 1607), m.
217, 303,
Durie. See Dury, John 507; IV. 113, 114, 116, 117, 163, 164,
Durlaven, prebend of, ix. 93 466; vn. 271; xi. 247; 'My mind to me
Dursley, lord, ix. 148 a kingdom is,' iv. 126; The Prayse of
Dury, Giles (fl. 1649), vn. 363 Nothing, vm. 213
Bury, John (1596-1680), iv. 549; rx. 194; Dyer, George (1755-1841), xn. 183, 186,
The Reformed School (1650), vn. 479; 187, 196, 198, also see Add. 2
ix. 389, 568 Dyer, Sir James (1512-1582), Law Re-
Duse, Eleanora, v. 307 ports, vm. 316, 466
'Dusky Night rides down the sky,' x. 22 Dyer, John (1700?-175S), vm. 230; ix. 5,
Diisseldorf, v. 305 169; x. 138, 144 ff. (main entry), 156,
Duszeperez, n. 116 452, 454
Dutch, the, ix. 134; in the East Indies, Country Walk, The, x 145
vi. 183 Fleece, The, x. 145
Dutch, HowelTs satire against the, vn. Grongar Hill, ix. 191; x. 97, 136, 137.
200 145, 146
Dutch, Low, xm. 112 Rums of Rome, The, x. 145
Dutch Annotations on the Bible, vu. 322 Dyraock, Cressy, IV. 511
Dutch artists, xiv. 212 Dymock, Edward, rv. 445; vi. 490
Dutch church, the, xiv. 380 Dymok, Roger (ft. 1390), n. 441
Dutch drama, v. 109, 284, 285, 307 Dysdayne, m
The m. 74
Bowge of Gourte,
Dutch India company, the, rv. 99 Dysert castle, ix. 280
Dutch language and literature, ix. 331, Dyson, Jeremiah (1722-1776), x. 452
385 ;x. 19, 291; xiv. 457 ft Dyspare, in Magnyfycence, in. 77
Dutch paper, xr. 377
Dutch people, vm. 7, 27, 140, 202, 247, 'E. B.' (probably Edmund Bolton), rv. 118
272, 342, 381, 382, 384 E. C., in. 256
Dutch printing presses, vn. 308, 344 E. I. 0., m. 283
Dutch scholars, vn. 263, 307 E. K. See Kirke, Edward
Dutch towns, English actors in, v. 283 E. S. ( ? Edward Sharpham), Discoverie of
Dutch trade in the far east, v. 345 the Knights of the Poste, rv. 350, 354
Dutch wars, vn. 183, 184, 234, 306, 434; Eachard, John (1636 ?-1697), vn. 156, 301,
vm. 10, 81, 218, 249, 252, 254, 329 471; ix. 418
'Dutch sublime, the,' xi. 126 Eadberg, L 148
Dutchman, the, in A Woman will have her Eadfrith, I. 148
Wzll, v. 329 Eadgils, Beoivulf&nd Widsith, i. 24, 25, 35
Dutchman, the, in The, Weakest Goeth to Eadmer (d. 1124?), 1. 162 fi., 168, 172, 449
the Wall, v. 316 Eadric, I. 126
Du Add. 6
Toit, S. J., xiv. Eadwine, in Widsith, i. 35
Dutt, Gorrind Chandra, xiv. 342, 576 Eagle, the, Henry of Lancaster in Mum,
Dutt, Michael Madhu Sadan, xiv. 576; Sothsegger, n. 36
The Captive Ladie, xrv. 342 Eagle, The, St John's college magazine,
Dutt, Komesh Chunder, xrv. 576; Lays of iv. 275; VI. 3; vm. 243; xn. 487
Ancient India, xiv. 341 Eagles, John (1783-1855), xn. 425
Dutt, Sasi Chandra, xiv. 342, 576 Eagles, Thomas (1746-1812), x. 485
Dutt, Torulata, xrv. 576; Ancient Ballads Eaha, in Finnsburh, I. 31
and Legends of Hindustan, xiv. 342; Eahfnd, I. 73
Sheaf Gleaned in French Fields, A, xrv. Ealhhild, in Widsith, I. 34, 35
342 Baling, x. 35
Dutton, John, vr. 249 Eames, John (d. 1744), x. 384
Dutton, Sir Thomas (step-father of Sir Eames, W., XL 470
Thomas Browne), vn. 232, 233 Eanmund, in Beowulf, I. 24, 26
Duty, in Horestes, v. 64, 65 Eanred's ring, I. 11
Du Vair, Guillaume, Moral Philosophy of Earl Brand, n. 410, 411
the Stoics, IX. 276, 499 Earle, John (1601-1665), bishop of Salis-
Duval, Dennis, Thackeray's, xm. 300 bury, in. 114; iv. 521; vi. 113; vn. 156,
Dux Morand, v. 390 218, 329, 366, 379; vm. 245, 407;
Dwerga, in Darley's Becket, xn. 114 Microcosmoqraphie, rv. 260, 341, 342,
Dyaloge betwene ij Beggers, A, m. 492 395, 522; v. 368, 477; vn, 151; vm, 63,
Dialogue du fol et du sage, v. 93 64
Dyboski, R., Tennyson's Sprache und Stil, Earle, John (1824-1903), i. 104, 141, 418;
xm. 29 xn. 504; xrv. 611; Philology of tht
Dyccon of Bedlam, vi. 296 English Tongue, xm. 248, 512
Dyce, Alexander (1798-1869), v. 129, 247, Early English dialect, ix. 361
278 ff.; vi. 58, 138, 169; IX. 145; x. 452, Early English Text society, n* 41, 166
454; xn. 353, 408, 491; xm. 175, 497 199, 500; XL 368; xn. 344, 355, 504

Earth upon Earth, n. 502 Ecglaf, L 145
Earthquake council, the, n. 64, 443 Ecgtheow, Beowulf's father, i. 22
Earwaker, John Parsons (1847-1895), TTT. Echard, Laurence (1670?-! 730), rx. 237,
509 238, 492; History of England, IX. 235,494
Easden, John, iv. 464 Jfichecs amoureux, n. 202
East, Thomas (1540?-! 608?), rv. 400, 546 Echo, in Narcissus, vr. 316
East Anglia, xrv. 78 Echo, The, xrv. 195
East Grinstead, rx. 150 Eckel, John C., xrn. 531
East India bill, si. 6 Eckermann, Johann Peter, xn. 379
East India company, the, iv. 98 ; vm. 342 ; Eckhart, Meister (1260?-1329?), rx. 315
xi. 6, 16, 17; xin. 275; xiv. 97, 248, 332 Eclectic Review, The, xm. 61
East Indies, VL 183; vm. 23; xrv. 241, ficole de Chartes, xrv. 53
250, 434, 457 Economist, The, xrv. 28, 141, 199
East Molesey, m. 379, 380 Mda, The, I. 8, 21, 62; x. 202, 228, 490
East Huston, Norfolk, xii. 323 Eddius Stephanus (jZ. 669), I. 85, 434
East Stour, x. 20, 23 Eden, garden of, m. 231, 244; rv. 60, 61;
Eastbrook, ix. 146 vn. 370
Eastbury Park, x. 94, 103 Eden, Richard (1521?-1576), rv. 79, 80,
Easter controversy, I. 73, 81, 82 101, 107, 455
Easter liturgical drama and plays, v. 11, Arte of Navigation, The, rv. 71, 443
36 ff. Compendium, rv. 104
Eastern church, xn. 478 History of Travayle, etc., The, rv. 75
Easthealon, I. 126 Trans, of Peter Martyr's The Decades
Eastlake, Sir Charles Lock (1793-1865), of the Newe World, rv. 70, 71, 75, 441
xrv. 238 Treatyse of the Newe India, A, TV. 70, 71
Eastlake, Elizabeth, lady, born Rigby Edern, son of Nu8, i. 255
(1809-1893), xni. 414, 558; xiv. 523 Edgar, Sir James (1841-1899), xrv. 357,
Eastland company, the, iv. 310 582
EastweU, ix. 168, 169 Edgar, Sir John (fi, 1720), rx. 439, 442,
Eastwood, iv. 91 473, 475
Easy, Sir Charles, in The Careless Hus- Edgar, king of the English (944-975), i.
band, vm. 176 110, 113, 114, 121, 123, 137 ff., 305;
Easy, Mr, in Marryat's Mr Midshipman n. 76; rv. 68; v. 36; vm. 310; x. Ill
Easy, xn. 250 Edgar, Matilda, lady (1844-1910), xrv.
Easy club, ix. 369 583 ; Colonial Governor in Maryland, A,
Eatanswill, in The Pickwick Papers, xm. xiv. 359; Life of Brock, xrv. 359; Ten
304 Years of Peace and War, xrv. 359
Eatanswill journalism, xiv. 170 Edgar, in King Lear, m. 448
Eaton, John Richard Turner, xn. 334 Edgcumbe, mount, x. 115
'Ebbaac, G.,' xi. 140 Edgcumbe, R. P., xrv. 537
Ebionite heresy, I. 224 Edge-hill, x, 112, 113, 271, 272
Eblis, in Beckford's Vathek, xi. 290, 291; Edgehill, battle of, vn. 195; vm. 361
xm. 357 Edgeman, Clarendon's secretary, vn. 188
Ebrington, x. 113 Edgeworth, R A., XL 460
Ebsworth, Joseph WoodfaU, ix. 361, 364; Edgeworth, Honora, born Sneyd (d. 1780),
Eoxburghe Ballads, ix. 378 xrv. 393
Eccho, in The Olasse of Governement, v. Edgeworth, Jane, born Lovell, xrv. 392
113, 114 Edgeworth, Maria (1767-1849), XT. 286,
Ecclefechan, xni. 2, 9, 20 296 ff. (main entry), 304, 381, 459, 475;
Eccles, Charlotte O'Conor (1860?-1911), xn. 2, 241, 245, 447; xm. 376, 377, 425;
xrv. Add. 3 xrv. 392, 598, 599, 605
Aliens of the West, xrv. 325 Absentee, The, x. 66; XT. 297
Matrimonial Lottery, A, xrv. 325 Amie Inconnue, La, XT, 299
Rejuvenation of Miss Semaphore, The, Belinda, XL 285, 297, 299
xrv. 325 Castle Rackrent, XL 297
Tom Connolly's Daughter^, xrv. 325 Frank, XL 382
Eccles division of Lancashire, xn. 337 Harry and Lucy, XL 382
Ecclesdown castle, in Arbuthnot's History Helen, XL 148, 297
of John Bull, ix. 135 Letters for Literary Ladies, xrv. 395
Ecclesiastes, n. 242 Moral Tales, XL 296, 382
Ecclesiastical learning (1600-1660), vn. Ormond, XT. 297
484, 485 Parent's Assistant, TTie, XL 382; xiv.
Ecclesiastick, The, xrv. 70 393, 394
Ecclesiologist, The, xrv. 70 Practical Education (with R. L. Edge-
Eccleston, Thomas de. See Thomas de worth), xrv. 393
Ecgfrith, L 10 Simple Susan, XL 299, 382

Edgeworth, Richard Lovell (1744-1817), Edinburgh Encyclopaedia, xm. 4
xi. 296, 460; xiv. 601, 605 Edinburgh Magazine, The, XI. 243, 439
Harry and Lucy, xiv. 393 Edinburgh Magazine and Review, x. 258
Memoirs, xiv. 392 Edinburgh Monthly Magazine, The, xn.
Practical Education (with M. Edge- 425; xiv. 373
worth), xiv. 393 Edinburgh Review, The (1755-1756), ix.
Professional Education, xiv. 394 561 ;x. 173, 474; xn. 426
Rational Primer, A, xiv. 394 Edinburgh Review, The (1802- ), x.
Edgeworths, the, xiv. 391, 601 232, 239; xi. 442; xn. 32, 33, 92, 141 ff.
Edgeworthstown, x. 197; xiv. 391 (main entry), 151 fE., 155, 156, 158, 162,
Edgware, x. 212, 214 163, 288, 293, 310, 325, 426; xm. 5, 8,
Edgworth, Roger (d. 1560), m. 51 29, 35, 38, 78, 241, 245, 359, 374, 467;
Edial, near Lichfield, x. 160, 161 xiv. 5, 7, 8, 54, 59 8., 71, 97, 138, 194,
Edinburgh, n. 92, 109, 126, 128, 284, 370; 395, 403, 405, 407, 409 &., 416, 596,
m. 120, 182, 426; iv. 150, 151, 215, 605, 609
267, 409, 412 ff., 547; vi. 5, 47, 369; Edinburgh University Magazine, The, xiv.
vn. 197, 452, 455; ix. 130, 214, 290, 210, 538
359, 366, 367, 369, 371, 379, 380, 537; Edith, in Donkey and Son, xm, 325
x. 40, 42, 55, 87, 94, 182, 190 ff., 200, Edith, in The Bloody Brother, vr. 129,
201, 230, 281, 283, 290, 296, 322, 324, 138
336; xi. 75, 149, 220 ff., 233 ft, 238, Edith, in Widow Edith, m. 88, 89
315, 327, 338, 341, 342; xn. 2, 5, 11, 18, Edkins, Joshua, xiv. 572
19, 23, 143, 155, 156, 158, 159, 321, Edmond, John Philip (1850-1906), xn.
349, 370; xm. 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 362, 372; 521
xiv. 139, 159, 176, 199, 204, 257, 263, Edmondes, Sir Clement (1564?-1622), iv.
267, 274, 294, 373, 374, 406 435
Advocates' library, m. 137; xn. 26, Edmondes, Sir Thomas (1563?-1639), vir.
358, 370 G., 372 436; x. 498
Apollo press, xi. 325 Edmonds, Charles, xi. 392
Bibliographical society, xi. 469, 470 Edmonton, v. 252; xn. 118, 201 fE.
Botanic garden, xiv. 286 Edmund, in King Lear, v. 204, 213, 262
Bruntsfield-links, ix. 366 Edmund Ironside (981 7-1016), 1. 127, 140,
Calton hill, m. 123 337
Canongate, ix. 366; xn. 2 Edmund Ironside, V. 399
Castle, m. 122, 148 Edmund, king of the East Angles (841-
College of Justice, in. 150 870), vm. 310
Corporation buildings, xi, 435 Edmund of Abingdon (d. 1240), I. 200
Cowgate, xn. 2 Edmund, St (1170?-1240), I. 121; v. 10
George street, xn. 149 Edmund, St, in The Example of Virtue,
High school, xn. 4; xiv. 404
3, n. 227
Holyrood house, vm. 394, 395 Edmund, St, in The Golden Legend, n. 335
Holyrood palace, xn. 29 Edmund (922?-946), son of Edward the
Infirmary, xm. 213 Elder, I. 137
Leith Walk, xm. 6 Edmundson, Henry (d. 1659), vn. 486
New college, xn. 371; xiv. 47 Ednam, Roxburghshire, x. 93
Periodical Press, the, vn. 502; XL 469 Edom o' Gordon, x. 233
Portrait Gallery, xi. 435 Edomites, in Cowley's Davideis, vn. 67
Printers and booksellers, xi. 469 Edstone, near Henley-in-Arden, x. 109,
Register house, xn. 359 112, 271
Royal society, xiv. 288; Transactions, Education, books on, ix. 568 ff.
xi. 76 Education, eaily books of, 11. 499
St Andrew's church, xi. 233 Education, English and Scottish, n.
St Giles, n. 259 341 E., 487 ff.
Signet library, xn. 358, 371, 521; xiv. Education act (1870), xrv. 415, 427;
101 (1902-3), xiv. 433
Theatre Royal, x. 479 Education department, xiv. 420, 421, 433
Tolbooth, xn. 17, 18 Education society of the northern coun-
University, iv. 150, 434; vm. 298; IX. ties, x. 385
550; x. 93, 287; xi. 222, 244; xn. 332, Edward I, king of England, I. 350, 351,
335, 350, 359, 372, 484; xm. 2, 3, 19; 370; n. 103, 130, 132; in. 104, 132;
xiv. 6, 7, 209, 210 ix. 535; x. 129; xiv. 75, 81, 101
University library, xi. 435 Edward I, Elegy on, I. 370
Edinburgh Annual Register, The, xn. 13, Edward II, I. 342, 355, 356, 370; n. 81,
373 352, 421, 502; m. 421; iv. 181; IX.
Edinburgh Courant, The, ix. 432; x. 479; 222, 535; x. 287
Xiv. 203 Edward II, Evil Times of, I. 370

Edward III, 213, 284, 292, 338, 344,
I. Edwin and Paulinus story, in IVIilton's
353, 357 ff.; n. 22, 37, 102, 117, 156, History of England, vn. 128
157, 296, 311, 356, 358, 421; m. 440; Edwin of JSTorthumbria (5857-633), I. 81;
IV. 181; v. 244; vi. 330 vn. 206; vm.
; iv. 67
313; IX. 535 Edwy, Dunstan and, n. 76
Edward III, v. 146, 237, 238, 243, 245, Egan, Pierce (1772-1849), xm. 418; xiv,
398, 441, 443 222 ff., 230, 233, 543
Edward III, in Barbour's Bruce, n. 106 Anecdotes, xiv. 226
Edward the Third, The Eaigne of King, Book of Sports, xrv. 231
iv. 394 Boxiana, xiv. 231
Edward IV, n. 211, 287, 298, 317, 338, Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry,
482; m. 196; iv. 137, 182; v. 28; vi. and Logic, The, xrv. 226
279, 280, 301 ; vn. 327 vm. 314; ix. 535
Life in London, xin. 265; Xiv. 222 ft,
Edward V, vm. 314 229, 238
Edward VI, n. 503; m. 30, 31, 33, 34, 36, Life of an Actor, The, xiv. 226
50, 51, 80, 81, 94, 107, 110, 143, 162, 181, Pierce Egarfs Life in London and Sport-
195, 198, 287, 338, 400, 403, 419, 427, ing Guide, xiv. 231
428, 430, 477; rv. 229, 230, 232, 234, Egbert, bishop of Lindisfarne, i. 86
300, 314, 379, 380, 396; v. 56, 59, 90, Egbert or Ecgberht of York (d. 766), i. 5,
104, 108, 109; vi. 297; vn. 208, 325 ff., 80, 83, 84, 87
330,331, 336, 337; ix. 197, 210; xn. 355; Eger, Sir, i. 291, 467
xiv. Ill Egerton, lady Alice, vn. 113
Edward VII, king of Great Britain, xn. 321 Egerton, Hugh Edward, xiv. 563
Edivard (ballad), n. 412 Egerton, John, 1st earl of Bridgewater
Edward, prince, in Henry VI, v. 186 (1579-1649), vn. 113
Edward, prince of Wales (1453-1471), n. Egerton, John, bookseller, xr. 336
210, 297 Egerton, Sir Thomas, baron Ellesmere and
Edward, son of Edgar, i. 138, 139 viscount Brackley (1540?-1617), iv
Edward aetheling, i. 140 138, 161, 199, 200, 214, 215, 221, 265,
Edward the Confessor (St Edward), i. Ill, vn. 112
140, 149, ISO, 337, 355, 390, 449; v. 31; Egerton, Thomas, iv. 200
vm. 310; xiv. 72 Egerton, T. and J., Theatrical Remem-
Edward the Confessor, in The Example of brancer, The (1787), xi. 448
Virtue, n. 227 Egerton Papers, v. 477
Edward the Elder, I. 137; vm. 310 Egeus, mA Midsummer-Night's Dream.
Edwardes, Sir Herbert Benjamin, xiv. 495 v. 172
Edwardian commissioners, iv. 427 Egham, vn. 59
Edwards, Amelia Blandford (1831-1892), Egidia, step-sister of Bobert II, n. 117
xrn. 562; xiv. 552 Egidius Romamis (d. 1316), n. 303
Edwards, Edward (1812-1886), xn. 521; Egil Skallagrimsson, i. 9, 62; x. 224
Lives of the Founders of the British Egilssaga, xn. 484
Museum, xn. 368; Memoirs of Libraries, Egisthus, in Thomson's Agamemnon, x
xn. 368 108
Edwards, Eliseus James, xiv. Add. 7 Egistus, in Horestes, V. 65
Edwards, Henry Sutherland, xiv. 238 Eglamor, xm. 59
Edwards, John (1637-1716), vm. 471, 473 Eglamour of Artois, Sir, i. 316, 471; II

Edwards, Jonathan (1629-1712), ix. 281 182

Edwards, Richard (1523?-1566), v. 120, Eglantine, Archibald, in Thackeray's The
126, 396, 402; vi. 283 ff. Ravenswing, xm. 281
Damon and Pithias, v. 63, 64, 70, 77, Egypt, n. 79, 87; iv. 89; vi. 301; x. 503;
118 ff., 123; vi. 284, 286, 299, 300 xn. 198, 317, 320, 339, 340, 351, 478;
In going to my naked bed, m. 189 xrv. 246, 247, 252
Palamon and Arcyte, v. 70, 118, 256; Egypt, Frederick Tennyson's ode on, xm.
VI. 284, 286, 299, 300, 471 45
Paradyse of Daynty Devises, The, m. Egypt, khedive of, xrv. 195
98, 189, 523 Egypt exploration fund, xn. 339, 340
Edwards, Thomas (fl. 1595), Oephalus and Egyptologists, xn. 342
Procris, iv. 469 Egyptology, vn. 318
Edwards, Thomas ( 1599-1647), Gangraena, Ehangwen, Arthur's hall, i. 254
vn. 386, 514 Eichler, A., xm. 502
Edwards, Thomas (1699-1757), v. 273; Eight Letters, vm. 277
ix. 475; Canons of Criticism, ix. 144; Eighty-eight, vm. 96
Gangraena, ix. 307 EiJcon Basilike. See Gauden, John
Edwards, Thomas (fl. 1810), x. 310, 507 Eilhart von Oberge, i. 273
Edwin, John (1749-1790), XL 257, 453 Einaudi, L., xm. Add. 2
Edwin, monk, i. 390 Einenkel, Eugen, i. 118

Einhart's Life of Charles the Great, I, 90 Eliot, George
Ekkehard of St Gall, I. 32, 33; v. 37 Impressions of Theophrastus Such, The,
Elaine, Tennyson's, xin. 37 xm. 382, 386, 401
Elbing, in Alfred's Orosius, I. 94 Janet's Repentance, xm. 386 ff.
Elbodugus. eeElfo$ Legend of Jubal, The, xm. 401
Elckerhjk, the Dutch, v. 53 Lifted Veil, The, xm.401
Eld, in Confessio Amantis, n. 148 'Looking Backward,' xm. 382
Eld, George, iv. 394 Middlemarch, xm. 382, 398 ff.
Elder, John (fl. 1555), m. 194 Mill on the Floss, The, xm. 391, 392,
Elderton, William (d. 1592), m. 201; IV. 394
169, 390, 535; V. 102; vi. 218; Doctor Minor Prophet, The, xm. 401
Stories stumblinge into Englonde, iv. 380 Mr GilfiVs Love Story, xm. 386 ff.
Eldon, earl of. See Scott, John Poems, xm. 382, 401
Eleanor, in Thomson's Edward and Meo- Romola, xm. 393 ff., 398
nora, x. 108 Scenes of Clerical Life, xm. 386 ff.
Eleanor, duchess of Augustine, queen of Silas Marner, xm. 393, 401
Henry II, I. 264 Spanish Gypsy, The, xin. 396, 397, 400
Eleanor, lady, in Mrs Inchbald's Every one Tales from Clerical Life, xm. 386
has Us Fault, xi. 279 Translations by, xm. 383, 385
Eleanor of Castile, queen of Edward I, Wise, Witty, and Tender Sayings of
vm. 125 George Eliot, xm. 388
Eleanor of Provence, queen of Henry III, Works, xm. 382
L 194, 361 Life of. See Cross, J. W.
Electra (Herrick's), vn. 6 Eliot, Sir John (1592-1632), vn. 440; x.
Elegant Extracts, xi. 472 287
Elena, in Taylor's Philip van Artevelde, Elipandus of Toledo, I. 85
xn. 113 Elisabeth of Schonau, St, i. 229
Elford, Staffordshire, xn. 277 Elisha, i. 74
Elfledes Boc, I. 110. See, also, Aethelflaed Eliza, in Barnfield's Cynthia, iv. 120
EifotS, or Elbodugus, bishop of Bangor Eliza, in Wycherley's Country Wife, vm.
(d. 809), I. 70, 246 145
Elgin, n. 100 Elizabeth, countess of Kent. See Grey,
Elginbrod, David and Margaret, in George Elizabeth
Macdonald's novel, xm. 432 Elizabeth, Epitaph on the lady, vn. 40
Elia. See Lamb,' Charles Elizabeth, princess (1635-1650), daughter
Elias of Jerusalem, I. 106 of Charles I, rx. 403
Elicea, in Cdestina, v. 99 Elizabeth, princess (1596-1662), daughter
Elidure, king, in No-Body, and Some-Body, of James I, afterwards queen of Bo-
92 hemia, iv. 143, 145, 154, 203; vi. 112,
Elidure the Just, iv. 190 250, 318, 353; vn. 46, 437, 439; the
Elie de Beaumont, J.-B.-J., x. 61
company of, VI. 261, 262
Eliensis, Historia, n. 397 Elizabeth, queen of England, I. 99, 319,
i. 67, 74
381; n. 359; m. 1, 34, 35, 45, 54, 81,
Elijah, in Cowley's The Muse, vn. 66 96, 97, 114, 145, 148, 172, 181, 198, 201,
Elinor, queen, in Robert, Earle of Hunt- 207, 212, 215, 219, 224, 226, 243, 245 ff.,
ington, v. 324 252, 254, 264, 267, 290, 311, 314, 322,
Eliot, Francis Perceval (1756?-1818), xiv. 326, 327, 331, 332, 337, 351, 374, 375,
513 377, 399 ff., 405, 406, 412, 418, 420 ff.,
Eliot, George (Mary Ann Cross, born 426, 432, 433, 437, 449, 454; IV. 1, 3,
Evana, 1819-1880), xi. 146; xn. 154, 6, 9, 16, 23, 51 ff., 57, 60, 64, 84, 87,
292, 446; xin. 108, 175, 292, 341, 345, 94, 95, 98, 104, 110, 111, 113, 120, 124,
373, 379, 381 ff. (main entry), 422, 431, 126, 127, 132, 135, 142, 144, 150, 160,
442, 445, 446, 551 ff., 570, also see 163, 165, 172, 173, 176, 184, 193, 195,
Add. 3; xrv. 199 208, 214, 232, 234, 298, 299, 301, 302,
Adam Bede, xm. 382, 383, 386, 388 fi. 305 ff., 312, 320, 329, 333, 351, 360, 380,
Address to Working-Men, xm. 396 384, 391, 401, 405, 442; v. 29 ff., 35,
Agatha, ynr. 401 66, 60, 65, 66, 68, 77, 78, 102, 104, 109,
Amos Barton, xm. 386 ff. 117, 118, 124, 152, 170, 247, 253, 256,
Armgart, xm. 401 262, 309, 311, 328, 336 ff., 345, 347,
'Brother and Sister,' xm. 382 348, 354, 360, 361, 363, 366, 371, 376,
Brother Jacob, xm. 401 377, 480 ff.; VI. 33, 53, 91, 110, 141, 175,
Daniel 2)eronda, xm. 384, 394 ff. 212, 217, 241 ff., 246, 251, 264, 270,
Evangelical Teaching o/ Lr Gumming, 272, 278, 285, 286, 291, 292, 297 ff.,
The, XIIL 385 301, 305, 309, 316, 320, 321, 326, 327,
Felix Holt, the Radical, xm. 396, 397 335, 336, 365, 374, 380, 896, 400, 401;
How Lisa loved the King, xin. 400 vn. 4, 28, 77, 157, 166, 190, 191, 196,

Elizabeth, queen of
England Elliot, Jane (1727-1805), xi. 231, Ewe
203, 221, 304 ff., 309, 314, 325, 326, Tve heard them Lilting at the 232;
331, 333, 337, 338, 343, 366, 369, 386, ix. 373
432; vm. 44, 115, 350, 351, 356, 371; Elliot, Miss, in Jane Austen's Persuasion,
is. 222, 271, 306, 534; x. 174, 287, 498, xn, 240, 243
499, 504; xi. 106, 350, 368; xn. 354, Elliot, Sir Walter, in Jane Austen's Per-
355, 512, 514; xni. 366; xiv. 52, 55, suasion, xn. 240
84, 86, 93, 100, 101, 396; trans, of Elliot, Sir Walter (1803-1887), xn. 509
Boethius, n. 186 Elliott, Charlotte (1789-1871), xn. 416
Elizabeth (1465-1503), queen of Henry Elliott, Ebenezer (1781-1849), xn. 135,
VII, n. 391 ;m. 17 416; xm. 156, 418; xiv. 327; Battle
Elizabeth Brownrigge, xm. 278 Song, xn. 136
Elizabeth de Burgh. See Burgh, Elizabeth Elliott, Mary (Mrs Belson, fl. 1810-1820),
de; Clare, Elizabeth de xi. 382, 478; Aunt Mary's Tales, xi.
Elizabethan age, vn. 26, 150, 440, 449; 383; Rambles of a Butterfly, XL 383;
x. 142; xi. 248, 369; xn. 80, 93, 168, Tales for Boys, XL 383
169, 358; xm. 255, 364, 423; xiv. 443 ff. Ellis, Alexander John (1814-1890), xn.
Elizabethan church settlement, vn. 208 504; xm. 248; xiv. 611; Early English
Elizabethan criticism, in. 289 fl., 526 ff. Pronunciation, xiv. 441
Elizabethan divines, vn. 306 Ellis, Annie Raine, x. 260
Elizabethan drama, ix. 56; x. 1, 5, 68, Ellis, Clement (1630-1700), ix. 395, 569;
69, 73, 78, 86, 92; XL 258; xn. 68, 69, The. Gentile. Sinner, ix. 397
112, 186; xm. 257, 259 Ellis, Edmund, Dia Poemata 1 655), vn. 412

Elizabethan English, x. 180, 236 Ellis, Edwin J., XL 431, 433, 434
Elizabethan grammar schools, vn. 317 Ellis, F. S., xn. 403, 405
Elizabethan literature, n. 200, 209, 267, Ellis, George (1753-1815), vn. 73, 86;
387, 429; vn. 1, 7 ff., 17, 20, 23 ff., 48, X. 234, 487, 491; xi. 35, 36, 39, 53, 391,
73, 93, 135, 148, 149, 155, 188, 256, 392; xn. 144, 149 ff., 357; Early English
261, 263, 264, 270, 275, 323, 387; vm. Poets, xn. 146; Specimens of Early
25, 28, 125 ff., 130, 152, 179, 180, 184, English Romances in Metre, XL 172;
187, 195, 222, 308, 321, 387; ix. 265, xn. 368
266; x. 184, 218, 221, 238; xn. 107, 113, Ellis, Sir Henry (1777-1869), xn. 508,
116, 253, 262, 364; xm. 233, 238, 241, 509; Introduction to Domesday Book,
269; xiv. 171, 460 xn. 346; Original Letters, illustrative of
Elizabethan lyrists, I. 362 English History, xn. 346
Elizabethan moralities, v. 393 Ellis, Hercules, xiv. 572, 573
Elizabethan poets, x. 130; xi. 182, 183; Ellis, James ( 17637-1830), xn. 376
xn. 47, 58, 79, 81; xm. 130, 244, 245 Ellis, John (1643?-1738), ix. 495
Elizabethan prose fiction, m. 339 fE., Ellis, Robert (1820-1885), xn. 496
533 J0E., also see Add. Ellis, Robert Leslie (1817-1859), iv. 280
Elizabethan public, xi. 262 TOlis, Robinson (1834^1913), XTL 483;
Elizabethan sonnet, the, m. 247 ., 522 fp. ; TTTT. 175, 502; Appendix Vergiliana,
xm. 117 xn. 337; CatuUus (trans.), xn. 337
Elizabethan wars, vn. 447 Ellis, Thomas, in The merry jests of the
Ellangowan, xm. 234 widow Edith, n. 327
Ellangowan, laird of. See Bertram, God- Ellis, Thomas, "sailer," iv. 456
frey Ellis, Thomas Mower (1796-1861), xrv.
Ellen, in Child Waters, n. 413 493
Ellen, in Scott's Lady of the Lake, xn. 12 Ellis,William (1800-1881), xiv. 414, 415,
Ellena, in Mrs RadchfiVs Italian, XL 302 601
JEllenberger, D. Frederic, xiv. Add. 7 EUisland, Dumfriesshire, XL 222
EUenborough, earl of. See Law, Edward Ellison, Henry, xm. 502
Elleray, lake Windermere, xn. 158 Ellison, 0., xm. 532
EUesmere, lord. See Egerton, Sir Thomas Elliston, Robert William (1774-1831),
EUicott, Charles John (1819-1905), rv. 46; xn. 189
xn. 340, 500 EUistone, John (fl. 1651), ix. 515, 517
Elliot, Anne, in Jane Austen's Persuasion, Ellwood, Thomas (1639-1713), vn. 107,
xn. 240, 242 118, 120, 121; vm. 104 ff. t 110, 414,
Elliot, the Hon. Arthur Ralph Douglas, xn. 415; ix. 406; A Collection of Poems on
426 Various Subjects, vm. 113; The History
Elliot, Charles, xi. 327, 342 of the Life of Thomas Ellwood, written by
Elliot, Edward Elliot, lord, x. 306 his own hand, vm. 105
Elliot, Sir Gilbert (1722-1777), My Apron Elmham, Thomas (d 1440?), n. 496; ix.
Dearie, ix. 373 535
Elliot, Sir Henry Miers (1808-1853), His- Elmsley, Peter (1736-1802), xr. 327
tory of India, xiv. 337, 576 Elmsley, Peter (1773-1825), xn. 327 ft,
Elliot, Hugh S. B., xrv. 477 333, 483

Elmy, Sarah. See Crabbe, Mrs Elyot, Sir Thomas
Eloisa, ix. 71 noble Emperour Alexander Sevents, The,
Elphin (i.e. Sir P. Sidney), in Drayton's m. 23
Idea, iv. 172 Of the Knowledge which maketh a wise
Elphin, Roscommon, x. 196, 197, 199 man, iv. 5
Elphinstone, Mountstuart (1779-1859), Rules of a Christian lyfe made by Piciis,
xiv. 487, 552, 576; The History of India, The, m. 23
xiv. 337 Elysian fields, xi. 107, 352
Elphinstone, William (1431-1514), n. 251, Elysium, Dekker's, iv. 354
369 Elze, Karl, v. 305
Ellington, Charles Richard (1787-1850), Elzevir press, Amsterdam, vn. 286
xiv. 572 Elzevir texts, vn. 315
Elrington, Thomas (1688-1732), ix. 457 Elzevirianum, the, x. 245
Elsinore, v. 159 Emancipation act, xiv. 54
Elstob, Elizabeth (1683-1756), ix. 402, Emare, I. 310, 311, 316, 467
533; Grammar, ix. 355; Homily on the Emaricdulfe (E. C.'s), in. 256, 523
Birthday of St Gregory, ix. 355 Emblem books, vn. 405, 479
Elstob, William (1C73-1715), ix. 355 Emdale, county Down, xm. 404
Elstow, Beds., vn. 167 Emelye, in The Kmghtes Tale, xm. 123
Elsynge, Henry (1598-1654), x. 491 Emerson, Oliver Farrar, xiv. 611
Eltham, vi. 283 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, xi. 153, 171, 409,
Elton, Charles Isaac (1839-1900), xn. 401, 439; xn. 440, 441; xm. 10, 15, 465,
403, 521; xiv. 199 466, 469, 471
Elton, Mary Augusta, xn. 521 Emery, Thomas, xiv. 591
Elton, Mr, in Jane Austen's Emma, xn. Emilia, in Othello, v. 202
234, 243 Emilia, in The Two Noble Kinsmen, v. 256
Elton, Mrs, in Jane Austen's Emma, xn. Emilie, in The Knighfs Tale, n. 243; v.
239, 240, 243 256
Elton, Oliver, i. 425; iv. 168, 178, 179, 180, Emily, in Palamon and Arcyte, vr. 299
183, 186, 188, 195; xn. 230, 433, 524; Emily, in Mrs Cowley's Runaway, xi. 274
xm. 477, 495,570,572, also seeAdd. 1, 3; Emily, in Mrs Radcliffe's Mysteries of
xrv. 497; Survey of English Literature, Udolpho, xi. 302, 303
xi. 20, 434, 439 Emily, in Richardson's Sir Charles Grandi-
Elton, Richard (fi. 1650), iv. 456 son, x. 10
Eltraine, iv. 363 Emily, in Wordsworth's White Doe of
Elwin, Whitwell (1816-1900), DC. 84; x. Rylstone, XL 106, 107
422, also see Add.; xi. 404; xn. 153, Emily, lady, in Burgoyne's Heiress, XL
429 275
Elwina, in Hannah More's Percy, xi. 274 Emily, little, in David Oopperfield, xm.
Elwood, Anne K., xi. 473, 463 ff. 327
Ely, n. 342, 347, 350, 352, 353, 358; Emin pasha, xiv. 192
iv. 190, 224, 238, 409, 422; vm. 288, Emlyn, m The boJce of Mayd Emlyn, in.
301; ix. 330, 335, 339, 343, 356, 532; 88
xn. 305, 325, 507; xin. 366; monastery Emlyn, Thomas (1663-1741), x. 386
of, I. 16, 114, 140; n. 397 Humble Enquiry, x. 379
Ely, Mr, in George Eliot's Amos Barton, Emma, in Jane Austen's novel, xn. 239,
xm. 387 243
Ely. See Thomas of Emmanuel, in The Weakest goeth to the
Elyot, Sir Thomas (14907-1546), m. Wall, v. 316
21 (main entry), 107, 302, 341, 423,
ff. Emmaus, v. 39
433, 445, 467, 486; iv. 437, 439, 495; Emmeline, in Dryden's King Arthur, vm.
vi. 492; vn. 304 31
Bankette of Science, The, m. 23 Empire, The, xiv. 364
Castel of HeltJi, The, m. 23, 107, 445 Empiric, The, vi. 28
Dictionary of Syr T. Eliot, Knyght Emulo, in Patient Grissill, VL 40
(Bibliothecae Eliotae), m. 23; vn. 315 Encyclopaedia Biblica, xn. Add.
Doctrine of Princes, made by the noble Encyclopaedia Britannica, XL 76, 235;
oratour Isocrates, The, in. 23 xn. 296, 370, 375; xiv. 5, 13, 59, 61,
Education or Bringinge up of Children, 63, 98, 144
translated out of Plutarche, The, m. 23 Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, XL 133, 415
Governour, The BoJce named the, in. xn. 474; xiv. 26, 428
21 ff., 105, 302, 341, 433 Encyclopedic, L', I. 207; v. 292
Holy Saynt Ciprian, A
swete and devout 'Endeavour,' ship, xiv. 289
sermon 23
of, m. Endimion (Lyly's), v. 341
Image of Governance, compiled of the Endor, witch of, vn. 370
actes and sentences notable of the moste Endowed Schools acts, xiv. 422
Endowed Schools commission, xn. 336; Enquirer, The (1797), XL 394
xiv. 421, 422, 429, 430 Ensor, George (1769-1843), xiv. 605
Endymion, in The Faithfull Shepheardesse, Ent, Sir George (1604-1689), vm. 356,
vi. 368 363, 476; xiv. 281
Endymion, in Keats' s poem, xn. 82
57, 81, Entepfuhl, in Carlyle's Sartor Resartus,
neas, Roman d\ I. 285 xm. 9
Eneydes, Le livre des, n. 316 Entick, John (1703?-1773), x. 522; Latin
Enfans sans souci, V. 22, 25 and English Dictionary, x. 388; Spelling
Enfield, xn. 79, 182, 186, 200, 201 Dictionary, x. 388
Enfield chase, v. 253 Entries (legal) (1546), vnr. 466
Enfield, WiUiam (1741-1797), x. 385; Envy, in Confessio Amantis, n. 147, 148
xiv. 606; The Speaker, xiv. 399 Envy, in Mucedorus, v. 254
Engagement, The, vrn. 275 Envy, in Piers the Plowman, n. 12
Engel, Carl (1818-1882), xn. 521 Envy, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, n.
Engelbrecht, Johann, ix. 519 229, 234
England, church of, iv. 204, 305; v. 365; Eoganesius, Janus Julius, ix. 292
vi. 3, 150; vn. 142 ff., 208, 214, 217, Eorinenric, in Beowulf and W idsith, L 26,
223, 310, 321, 340; vin. 43, 46, 273, 342.
286, 292, 293 ff.; ix. 210; x. 287, 351, Epaminondas, xn. 313
352, 359, 362, 364, 366, 370, 375, 377 ff., Epeircte, in Argenis, iv. 259
381; XI. 1, 167; xn. 254, 259 ff., 266, Ephraim, xm. 149
267, 274 ff., 295; xm. 103, 348, 453; Epicharmus, m. 433
xiv. 76, 383, 402, 411 Epicoene. See Jonson, Silent Woman, The
England, The. Political History of, xn. 322 Epictetus, i. 286; n. 308; iv. 436, 523;
England's Helicon, m. 178; iv. 52, 109, vi. 34, 50; vn. 489; ix. 54, 300; XL
113, 116 ff., 121, 122, 125, 159, 222, 356 ff., 473; xn. 335, 487; xm. 90;
467, 487; v. 148; vn. 2 Enchiridion, ix. 246; XL 357
England? s Joy, vi. 263 Epicurus, vin. 288, 289; xn. 340
England's Miserie, vn. 385 Epigrams and satires, rv. 518
England's Parnassus, v. 129, 134, 148, Epinasse, Francis, xiv. 519
162; xn. 113 Epiphany, festival of, n. 378
Englefield, Sir Henry C. (1752-1822), xn. Epistolae Cantuarienses, xiv. 74
509 Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum, m. 91,
English association, the, xm. 377 106, 107, 398, 496; vn. 370
English canon law, xiv. 80 Eppie Mome, n. 411
English dialect society, xn. 344 Epsom, vin. 136, 199; EC. 130, 268; x. 260
English, earliest documents in, m. 440 Epternach, I. 83
English grammar, xiv. 396 ff., 440 ff. Epworth, x. 364
English, history and literature, Old, xn. Equatoria, xiv. 192
344 Erasmus, Desiderius (1466?-1536), I. 363;
English language, I. 379 ff., 480; xiv. n. 67, 325, 330, 367, 369, 370; m. 1 ff.,
434 ff. 7, 8, 11 ff., 18, 26 ff., 32, 40 ff., 49, 52,
English language, Middle, I. 481 59, 67, 80, 93, 96, 104, 113, 155, 346,
English language, Old, I. 480 347, 363, 365, 429, 433, 466 ff., 487,
'English Men of Letters' series, xrv. 144 496, also see
Add.; iv. 225, 227, 228,
English Annotations of the Bible, vn. 322 322, 358, 414, 420, 422, 428, 430, 443,
English Courtier and the Countrey Gentle- 444, 491, 492, 530; vi. 9; vn. 261, 304,
man, The, m. 489; v. 349, 351, 478 310, 315, 331, 366; vm. 23; ix. 418,
English Historical Review, The, x. 295, 529; xi. 367; xn. 324, 332, 468, 477,
409; xiv. 100, 118 485; xiv. 79, 86
English Miscellany, An, iv. 119 Adagia, m. 4, 20, 347; vm. 59, 407
English Poets, XI. 325 Apophthegmata, m. 93, 347
English Post, The, XL 333 Colloquia, m. 1, 4, 20, 81, 104, 346, 347,

English Review, x. 310 429; iv. 347; VI. 87; vn. 370; IX. 273 ff.;

English Rogue, The (1665), vn. 516 xm. 428

English Spy, The, xrv. 238 Compendium xm. 428
Englishman, The, EC. 220, 441 m. 20, 21
Constructione, De,
Englishman, the, in The Fyrste BoJce of Gonvivium Fabulorum, m. 93
the Introduction of Knowledge, m. 105 Copia, in. 4, 12, 20. 21
Englishman's Magazine, The, xn. 437 Ecdesiastes, sive concionator Evangelicus,
Enid, I. 280 iv. 224
Enitharmon, Blake's, XL 194 if. Enchiridion Militia Christiani, m. 4,
Ennius, iv. 17, 264; vm. 58 20,27
Ennui, in Reynolds's Dramatist, XL 281 Encomium Moriae, m. 4, 18, 19 a 96;
Enoch, in Byron's Cain, xn. 48 v. 9, 13; vn. 376; vm. 36, 59, 407
Enoch, Book of, I. 133 Institutio Principis Christiani, m. 4
Erasmus, Desiderius Escott, Thomas Hay Sweet, xm. 564,
Jerome and Chrysostom, editions of and 567; xiv. 185, 531, 533; Masters of En-
commentaries on, in. 4 glish Journalism, xrv. 180, 187
Laudibus Britanniae, De, m. 67 Esdaile, Arundell, A chronological list oj
Novum Instrumentum, m. 4, 12 George Meredith's publications, xm. 440,
Paraphrase of the New Testament, v. 568
104 Esher, m. 337
Paraphrases, m. 4 Esmond, colonel, in The Virginians, xni.
Erastianism, vn. 296; ix. 193; x. 355, 298
370, 372; xn. 256 Esmond, Henry, Thackeray's, xm. 292,
Erce, "the mother of the Earth," i. 40 293, 297, 300, 407
Ereeldoune, Thomas of. See Thomas de Esmond, lady Maria, in The Virginians,
Erckmann-Chatrian, xiv. 322 xm. 298
Erdeswicke, Sampson (d, 1603), in. 532; Espanol Gerardo, El, vi. 123
ix. 533 Espinasse, Francis, ix. 236; xiv. Add. 2

Erebus,' ship, xiv. 296 Espriella, Don Manuel Alvarez (i.e.

Erec (Geraint), Sir, i. 284 Southey), xi. 421
Eremyt and the Outlawe, The, n. 503 Espronceda, xn. 393
Erewhon, Butler's, xin. 453 Esquemeling, John, iv. 456
Eiichto, in The Wonder of Women, VI. Essay, the, iv. 523 if.
49 Essay concerning the Origin of Sciences,
Erick, Abigail, IX. 91 ix. 137
Engena, John. See. Scotus Essay on Tragedy (1749), x. 161
Erm, port, Isle of Man, xrv. 297 Essay to revive the antient education of
Erkenwald, i. 333, 334 Gentlewomen, ix. 403
Erl of Tolous and the Emperes of Almayn, Essays and Reviews, xn. 285, 294 &., 466;
I. 471 xm. 452
Erlinton, n. 411 Essays on a liberal education, xrv. 425
Ermyn, in Beves, i. 305 Essex, n. 208; iv. 127; vn. 37, 46, 58, 89,
Ernley or Arley Regis, Worcester, i. 234 454; ix. 152, 153, 537, 539; x. 386, 393;
Ernulf (1040-1124), I. 449; Textus Roffen- xii. 305, 513, 514; xiv. 74, 221
sis, ix. 535 Essex, countess of. See Howard, Frances
Ernulphus, m
Sterne's Tristram Shandy, Essex, earls of. See Cromwell, Thomas;
x. 53, 55 Devereux, Robert; Devereux, Walter
Eromena, vn. 74 Essex-Head club, x. 187, 471
Erondelle, Peter, iv. 456 Estcourt, Richard (1668-1712), vm. 158,
Errand, Tom, in Farquhar's Constant 177
Couple, vm. 169 Este, house of, ra. 305
Error, in Time's Complaint, VL 320 Este, IsabeUa de, v. 69

'Ersch,* or Yrisch' speech, n. 90, 99 Este, Italy, xn. 63

Erse poetry, x. 487 Este, Leonora de, xn. 50
Erskine, Andrew, x. 191, 477 Este, Michael, iv. 113, 464
Erskine, David Steuart, llth earl of Estella, in Great Expectations, xm. 330,
Buchan (1742-1829), XL 220; xn. 149 334
Erskine, Ebenezer (1680-1754), ix. 548 Estesian proofs,' XL 163
Erskine, Francis Robert St Claire, earl of Esther, v. 106
Rosslyn (1853-1890), xni. 502 Estienne, Charles, vr. 484
Erskine, Henry (1746-1817), xi. 220; xn. Estienne, Henri, m. 157, 162, 424; iv. 8,
149 403, 408, 444; vn. 479
Erskine, J., xiv. Add. 3 Estienne, Robert, m. 162
Erskine, Ralph (1685-1752), ix. 548 Estlin, John Prior (1747-1817), xi. 416
Erskine, Thomas, 1st lord Erskine (1750- Estmere, King, n. 410, 411, 414
1823), XI. 139; xn. 149; xiv. 509, 513; Esto Perpetua club, xi. 34, 35
Defence of the Whigs, xiv. 121 Estrifs, v. 2, 27, 31
Erskine, Thomas, of Linlathen (1788- Estnld, in Locrine, v. 239, 240
1870), ix. 328, 521 ; xn. 283, 466 ; Brazen ^tat des hommes, n. 139
Serpent, The, xn. 289; Letters, xn. 284; Eternity, in The Passetyme of Pleasure*
Unconditional Jfreeness of the Gospel, H, 226
The, xn. 284 Etesia (Vaughan's), vn. 40
Erskine, William, lord Kinneder (1769- Ethelbald. See Aethilwald
1822), xn. 13, 375 Ethelbert, king of Kent, vm. 309, 310
Erythraeus, Eudemia, iv. 260 Ethelburga, St (d. 676?), i. 82
Esau, vi. 93; xni. 208 Etheldreda, St (630?-679), i. 82; n. 210
Esau, in Jacob and Esau, v. Ill, 112 Ethelred. See Aethelred
Eschenbach. See Wolfram von Ethelwold. See Aethelwold
Escheaburg, Johann Joachim, v. 298, 304 Ethelwulf s poem on ? Orayke, i. 86, 434

Etherege, Sir George (1635?-1691), vm. Euphuism, iv. 145, 146, 194, 328; v. 214,
136 142 ff., 155, 214, 401, 418, 423,
ff., 378; vi. 142, 163, 189, 387, 392. See,
424, 445; ix. 474; x. 67 also, under Lyly
Comical Revenge or Love in a Tub, The, Euripides, m. 161, 420, 429, 430; IV. 348,
vm. 18, 136, 137, 139, 143 436; v. 5; vi. 296; vn. 334; TOL 164,
Letter books, vm. 137, 138 194; rx. 477, 524, 527; xn. 68, 325, 330fp.,
Man of Mode, The, or Sir Fopling 475, 480, 483, 488, 489, 491, 493 fi.
Flutter, vm. 136 Akestis, xn. 329; TTTT. 81
She Would if She Could, vm. 136, 138 JBacchae, xn. 318, 327, 338
Ethiopians, rs. 138 Hecuba, xn. 324, 326
Ethiopic learning, vn. 319 Heraclidae, xi. 274; xn, 327
Etiquette, book on table, m. 19 Hippolytus, xn. 329
Eton college, n. 305, 321, 355, 357, 359, Iphigenia, xn. 329
489; m. 183, 315, 418, 420, 426 ff., 433, Medea, x. 124; xn. 101, 324, 327
434; IV. 164, 165, 275, 406, 431; v. 102, Orestes, xn. 324
104, 105; vi. 246; vn. 53, 152, 192, 312, v. 71; xn. 324
Phoemssae, iv. 4;
326 331, 334, 341, 492; vm. 279,
ff., European literature, x. 14, 16, 17
281; ix. 392, 405, 408 ff., 573; x. 20, European studies, x, 176
113, 114, 116, 117, 242, 247, 272; xi. European Magazine, x. 192, 193, 471,
173, 341, 346; xn. 58, 323, 324; xm. 473, 479, 483
24, 45, 129; xiv. 56, 121, 207, 225, 251, Euryalus and Lucrece, n. 329
386, 387, 390, 413, 422 Eurydice, I. 295, 311; x. 114
Eton Greek grammar, m. 429 Eurydice, in King Orfeo, n. 414
Eton, printing press, iv. 400, 411 Eurydice, in a Shetland ballad, n. 417
Etonian, The, xiv. 539 Eurymachus, in Ulysses Redux, vi. 303
Ettrick, xi. 239 Eusden, Laurence (1688-1730), ix. 181,
Ettrick Banks, rx, 374 188, 448, 485
Ettrick shepherd, the. See Hogg, James Eusebius, I. 66, 75; n. 293; xn. 484, 503
Etty, William (1787-1849), xiv. 203 Eusebius (Hwaetberct), i. 60, 78, 79
Etymologicum Magnum, xn. 328 Eusebius of Emesa, m. 416
Eubulus, in Damon and Pithias, V. 118 Eustace, count, i. Ill
Eubulus, in F. Davison's eclogue, rv. 124 Eustace, legend of St, I. 292, 315
Eubulus, in The Anatomy of Wit, m. 345 Eustace, lord, in Mrs Griffith's School for
Eubulus, in The Picture, vi. 161 Makes, xi. 263
Eucharist, Aelfric on the, I. 117, 127, 128 Eustace the Monk, n. 507, 508
Eucharist, Oanmer on the, m. 33, 34, Eustathius, ix. 75
404 Eustochium, St, I. 74
Eucharist, Lanfranc on the, I. 154 Eutheo, in The Third Blast of Retreat from
Eucharist, the, x. 354, 360; xn. 299 Plays and Theatres, v. 313
Eucherius, bishop of Lyons, vn. 405 Eutropius, i. 81; iv. 436
Euclid, i. 153; n. 362; m. 420; vn. 266, Evadne, in The Jealous Lovers, vi. 325
284, 287, 320; vm. 360; IX. 305, 410 Evadne, in The Maides Tragedy, VL 120,
Euclid, first English translation, m. 425, 126, 127
551; IV. 436 Evadne, in Shell's play, -gm; 259
Euclio, in Pope's Epistles, ix. 82 Evander, n. 231
Euganean hills, xn. 63; xiv. 293 Evans, Anne (1820-1870), xm. 180, 198,
Eugenia, in The Duke of Millaine, vi. 155 210, 502; Pevensey and Eurstmonceaux,
Eugenia, St, I. 74 xm. 177; Roses and Rosemary, xm. 177
Eugenius, in Sterne's Tristram Shandy, Evans, Arise (b. 1607), vn. 509
x. 47, 50; XI. 174 Evans, Sir Arthur (b. 1851), xn. 316, 339,
Eugonus, in Misogonus, v. 110, 111 also see Add. 4
Eulalia, queen, in The Queen and Concu- Evans, Arthur William, xm. 471
bine, vi. 231 Evans, Caleb, x. 387
Eulalia, St, I. 74 Evans, Elizabeth, xm. 389
Eulenspiegel, m. 79, 81, 82, 94, 490; IV. Evans, Evan (1731-1789), x. 487
356, 360, 448, 533 Evans, George Essex (1863-1909), xiv.
Eulogium, Latin compendium, n. 301 585; Australian Symphony, xiv. 309;
Eumolpus, ix. 266 Repentance of Magdalene Despar, The,
Eunapius Sardianus, IV. 436 xiv. 369
Eunomia, in The Masque of the Middle Evans, Gwenogvryn, I. 252
Temple, vi. 355 Evans, Henry, VL 258, 289 ff.
Eupelas, in Misogonus, v. 110 Evans, Hugh, x. 387
Euphorion, in Goethe's Faust, xn. 34 Evans, Sir Hugh, in The Merry Wives of
Euphormto (John Barclay's), iv. 255 Windsor, v. 189; xiv. 307
Euphrasia, in Phila&ter, vi. 120, 126 Evans, Isaac, xm. 382
Euphrates, the, iv. 90 Evans, John (1680?-1730), ix. 212

Evans, John (1767-1827), si. 486 Evelyn, Richard, father of John, vin. 244
Evans, Sir John (1823-1908), xn. 509; Evelyns, the, ix. 243
xirr. 198; Ancient Bronze Implements,
Evening News, The, xiv. 195
xii. 347; Ancient Stone Implements, xn. Evening Standard, The, xrv. 188, 189
347; Coins of the Ancient Britons, xn. Evening Star, The, xrv. 190
347 Everard, John (1575?-! 650?), vn. 488
Evans, Lewys, How to Wyve well, m. 486 Everett, George, iv. 456
Evans, Margaret, xiv. 595 Everett, James (1784-1872), xn. 420
Evans, Marian or Mary Ann. See Eliot, Everie Woman in her Humor, vi. 27, 459
George Eversfield, Sir Thomas, iv. 157
Evans, Mary, xi. 118 Eversfield, Tymothy, iv. 157
Evans, Maurice S., xiv. Add. 7 Eversley, Hampshire, xm. 355, 365, 369
Evans, Robert Wilson (1789-1866), Trea- Every-man, n. 328; v. 17, 53, 54, 392
tise of Versification, xm. 244, 512 Evesham, 11. 67; iv. 174, 190; ix. 535;
Evans, Sebastian (1830-1909), i. 258, 260, xiv. 185
271; xm. 194, 198,502; Brother Fabian's Evesham, battle of, I. 336, 338
Manuscripts, XTTT. 199; High History of Evesham, monastery of, I. 89
the Holy Graal, The, xm. 199; Shadows, Evesham, vale of, x. Ill
xm. 199 Evesham, Vision of the Monk of, n. 318.
Evans, Thomas, vr. 276 4SC, 503
Evans, Thomas (1742-1784), ix. 482; Evesham or Worcester Chronicle, I. 100,
xi. 327 111
Evans, Thomas Saunders (1816-1889), Evesham. See Walter of
xn.483 Ewaipanoma 78
race,' the, rv.
Evans, William (d. 1718), x. 387 Ewald, Georg Heinrich August von, xii.
Evan the, in A Wife for a Month, vi. 122, 321
132 Ewart, Nanty, in Scott's Eedgauntlet, xn.
Eve, I. 134; iv. 214; ix. 28, 60 21
Eve, in Dry den's The State of Innocence, Ewen, John (1741-1821), weel may the
vm. 28 Boatie Row, ix. 374
Eve, in Paradise Lost, vn. 101; xn. 85 Ewing, Alexander (1814^1873), xn. 466
Eve, in the Coventry play, n. 425 Ewing, Juliana Horatia (1841-1885), xi.
Eve, in The Cytezen and Uplondyshman, 387, 478; xiv. 163
m. 63, 64 Examen MisceUaneum (1702), vm. 444
Eve, in The Golden Legend, n. 335 Examen Poeticum Duplex, ix. 434
Eve, in the mystery plays, v. 56, 390, 391 Examiner, The, ix. 95, 131, 151, 217, 218,
Eveleigh, John (1748-1814), xn. 284 220, 440, 455, 446, 461, 465, 470, 491;
Eveleigh, William, xiv. Add. 7 xi. 128; xn. 157, 171, 172, 193, 194,
Evelina, in Mason's Caractacus, XL 273 432, 434, 436; xm. 258, also see Add. 1;
Evelyn, George, brother of John, vni. 244 xiv. 177, 197, 198, 324
Evelyn, John (1620-1706), iv. 426, 456; Excalibur, xiv. 307
vn. 54, 99, 234, 270, 394, 482, 486, 496, Excalibur, in Morte Arthure, n. 120
518; vm. 10, 163, 209, 241 ff. (main Excellencie of a Free State, The, vn. 359
entry), 258, 259, 264, 308, 354 355, 359, Exceptions ad Caesandum Brevia, vm. 465
365, 369, 371, 378, 448 ff., 477; ix. 32, Exchange, The, vn. 449
276, 331, 387, 396; xiv. 281 Exchange Ware, vr. 481
Diary, vm. 134, 265, 301; ix. 389, 574 Exchequer, Dialogue of the, TV. 511
Fumifugium, or The inconvenience of Excise bill, ix. 224
the Air and Smoke of London dissipated, Exclusion bill, the, vm. 36, 90; ix. 225
vm. 247 Exempla, collections of, in. 92, 93, 489;
Gardening, vm. 378 rv. 343
Golden Book of St John Chrysostom, The, Exeter, iv. 235, 350, 408, 422; v. 55; vi.
translation of, vm. 247 241; vn. 245, 246, 309; vm. 360; ix
Kalendarium Hortense, vm. 378 164, 538; x. 379, 380, 384; xm. 276
Liberty and Servitude, translated from Exeter, duke of. See Holland, John
an essay by Frangois de la Mothe Le Exeter, earl of, ix. 147
Vayer, vm. 246 Exeter academy, x. 384
Life of Margaret Oodolphin, vm. 250, Exeter Book, The, I. 12, 34, 39, 48, 52, 53,
251 60 &., 151, 374, 428
Sylva, vm. 248, 355 Exeter meetings, x. 373
Tyrannus, or the Mode, vni. 248 'Exodus, Desert of the,' the, xn. 342
Evelyn, lady, vm. 242 Exoniensis, Liber, iv. 422
Evelyn, Mrs John, born Browne, vm. 245, Expedients for Publique Peace, vn. 386
246 Extra vagants,' the, 11. 364
Evelyn, Richard, eldest child of John Eynsham, abbey of, I. 125, 127, 133
Evelyn, vm. 246 Eynsham, Aelfric's letters, 1. 114, 125, 126

Eynsham, synod of, i. 129, 130 Fairfax, Jans, in Jane Austen's Emma,
Eyrbiggia Saga, The, xii. 375 xn. 240
Eyre, Sir James, x. 406 Fairfax, Mary (b. 1638), vn. 180
Eyre, Jane, Charlotte Bronte's, xm. 408 Fairfax, Thomas, lord (1612-1671), vn,
Eyre, Simon, in The Shomakers Holiday, 178, 190, 225, 449, 512, 513
VT. 52, 172 Fairfax, William, vn. 83
Eyton, Robert William (1815-1881), xn. Fairfax Correspondence, the, vn. 439
509 Fairhaven, iv. 93
Eyton, Shropshire, iv. 292 Fairholt, Frederick William (1814r-1866),
Eyzat, Edward, ix. 560 xn. 509
Ezechias, v. 104 Fairless, Michael, pseud. See Barber,
Ezekiel, I. 92; TV. 238; v. 48; x. 130 Margaret Fairless
Ezra, fourth book of, xn. 341 Fairy Queen, n. 182
Fairy Queen, in Spenser, n. 234
Fabell, Peter, in The Merry De.mll, v. 252, Fairy tales, xi. 479
253 Faith, in Piers the Plowman, n. 27
Faber, Frederick William (1814-1863), Faith, in Portuus of NoUines, etc., n.
XH. 259, 275, 456, 460; xm. 167, 502; 284
Cherwell Water Lily, The, xm. 171; Faith of one God Who is only the Father,
Pilgrims of the Night, The, xm. 172; x. 378
Sorrowful World, The, xm. 172 Faithful Friends, The, vi. 132, 140
Fables, xi. 479 Faithorne, William (1616-1691), vn. 487
Fables bestiaires, vm. 59 Falconbridge the bastard, in Edward I V
Fabliaux, I. 158, 365; IT. 279, 280; in. 91, vi. 90
93, 487, 489; vn. 380 Falconbridge, in The Mercliant of Venice,
Fabricrus, n. 106 v. 359
Fabula Atettana, Old Italian (Campanian), Falconer, C. M., xiv. 522
v. 24 Falconer, Edmund. See O'ftourke, Ed-
Fabyan, Robert (d. 1513), Chronicles, I. mund
477; ii. 101, 302, 322, 485, 496; vn. 203 Falconer, Lanoe, pteud. See Hawker,
Fabyl, The Merry Pranks of, v. 253 Mary
FabyVs Ohoste, v. 253 Falconer, Thomas (1738-1792), Strabo,
Face, in The Alchemist, vi. 22 xiv. 409
Facetiae, m. 92, 93, 95, 489 Falconer, William (1732-1769), x. 154
Facetie et motti arguti di alcuni eccellent- (main entry), 155, 398, 453, 454, 525;
issimi ingegni et nobihssimi signori, m. The Shipwreck, x. 154
93 Falkiner, Caesar Litton (1863-1908), vn.
Faery, king of, in Gyre Carting, n. 275, 276 209, 436; xn. 410; xrv. 97, 487
Fag, in Sheridan's Rivals, xi. 266, 267 Falkirk, battle of, n. 108
Fagan, Louis Alexander, xiv. 540 Falkland, in Godwin's Caleb Wittiams,
Faggus, Tom, in Lorna Doone, xm. 434 xi. 46, 293
Fagin, in Oliver Twist, xm. 316, 317, 319 Falkland, lady. See Cary, Lettice
Fagius, Paul (1504-1549), in. 34, 53 Falkland, viscount. See Cary, Sir Henry;
Faiel, Eudes de, xi. 274 Cary, Sir Lucius
FainaJl, in Congreve's Way of the World, Falkland islands, x. 404, 462, 474
ym. 153, 154 Fall The, v. 391
Fainall, Mrs (Congreve's), vm. 155 Fallaw, Lance, xiv. Add. 4
Fair Annie, n. 410 False, in Piers the Plowman, n. 7, 8, 32
Fair Flower of Northumberland, The, n. 411 False Bachelor, the tale of, in Oonfessio
Fair Janet, n. 412 Amantis, n. 148
Fair Margaret and Sweet William, n. 412 False Semblant, in Oonfessio Amantis, n.
Fair Quiet (Marvell's), vn. 181 148
Fairbairn, John, xiv. 378 Falsehood of Man (Bi manne lease), I. 62
Fairbridge, Charles Aiken, xiv. Add. 4 Falset, in Ane Pleasant Satyre, m. 124
Fairbridge, Kingsley, xiv. Add. 4 Falstaff, Sir John (Shakespeare's), ni. 371;
Fairbrother, William Henry, xiv. 473 IV. 78; v. 187, 189, 194, 239, 269, 315,
Faire Em, v. 136, 161, 237, 238, 251, 252, 316, 321, 358, 367; vi. 15, 23, 249;
419, 441, 443 vn. 204; xn. 196, 280, 349; xm. 39,
Faire Maide of Bristow, The, vi. 96 64, 72
Fairfax, Edward (d. 1635), iv. 23, 448; Falstaff, Sir John, Original Letters, etc., of,
VII. 83; vm. 234 xn. 438
Discourse of Witch-craft, A, vn. 374, 506 Falstaff, The Bouncing Knight, vm. 116
Fairfax Correspondence, The, vn. 194 Fame, m Drayton's Robert of Normapdy,
Godfrey of Bulloigne, vn. 57, 374; ix. 418 rv. 177
Memorials of the Civil War, vn. 194 Fame, in Hudibras, vm. 70
Tasso, translation of, vn. 374; VUL 227 Fame, in The Masque of Queens, VL 34=9

131 9-2
Fame, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, n. Farnham, ix. 91
225, 226 Farnham castle, Surrey, rv. 156
Family Library, The, xn. 318; xiv. 67 Farnworth, Richard (d. 1666), vn. 507
'Family of Love' books, rv. 402 Faro, Portugal, iv. 56
Famous Battel of the Catts, The, vn. 409 Faroe version of The Maid Freed from the
Famous Flower of Serving Men, The, n. 411 Gallows, n. 405
Fancy, in Magnyfycence, m. 77 Faron, Jean, n. 312
Fancy, in The Floating Island, vi. 325 Farquhar, George (1678-1707), vm. 146,
Fancy, The, xiv. 231 168 ff., 178, 423, 427, 429, 430; x. 67,
Fane, Charles Fane, 2nd viscount, x. 249 72, 202, 211, 216; xn. 443
Fane, Sir Francis (d. 1689?), vm. 204, 422 Adventures of Covent Garden, The, vm.
Fane, Mildmay, 2nd earl of Westmorland 166, 170
(d. 1665), vn. 5, 407 Beaux' Stratagem, The 9 vm. 171, 172,
Fane, Violet, pseud. See Currie, Mary 173; xi. 322
Montgomerie, lady Constant Couple, The, vm. 169, 170, 175
'Fannikin' (Fanny Burney), x. 260 Inconstant, The, vi. 135; vm. 120
Fanny, in Fie] ding's Joseph Andrews, x. 26 Love and a Bottle, vm. 169, 170
Fanny, in ParnelTs Elegy, ix. 167 Recruiting Officer, The, vm. 171
Fanshawe, lady Anne (born Harrison), Sir Harry Wildair, vm. 169
(1625-1680), vm. 270, 359; Memoirs, Stage-Coach, The (with P. A. Motteux),
vm. 270, 452 vm. 171
Fanshawe, Catherine Maria (1765-1834), Twin Rivals, The, xi. 322
xn. 416 Farr, Dr Samuel (1741-1795), x. 209
Fanshawe, Sir Henry (1569?-1616), iv. Farra, Alessandro, vn. 264
265 Farrar, Frederic William (1831-1903),
Fanshawe, Sir Richard (1608-1666), vm. xn. 466; xiv. 425, 426, 606
130, 452; La Fida Pastora, Latin trans- FarreU, John (1851-1904), xiv. 369, 585
lation of Fletcher's Faithfull Shepheard- Farren, Robert, xn. 357
esse, vm. 271; version of Luis de Farrer, John, Virgo Triumphans (1650),
Camoens' Lusiads, vm. 271; translation IV. 462
of Guarinfs Pastor Fido, vi. 490; vn. Fastidious, British bishop, I. 65
61, 264; vm. 271, 441 Fastidious Brisk, in Jonson's Every Man
Fantosme, Jordan, Chronicle of the Scottish Out of his Humour, iv. 207; vi. 40, 44
Wars, i. 446; n. 420, 508 Fastnachtsspiele, m. 58, 81
Faques, Richard, ballads of Flodden Fastolf, Sir John (1378?-1459), n. 68,
printed by, n. 327; The booJce of the 308, 309; v. 187
pylgrymage of man (Le Pelennage de Fates of Men (Bi manna wyrdum), i. 61,
rhomme), n. 327 428
Faraday, Michael (1791-1867), xiv. 259 fE., 'Father of Candor, The,' x. 399
267 rL, 270, 280, 556, 557 Father's Blessing Penrfdfor the Instruction
Farces, v. 22, 91, 92, 97, 98, 115 of his Children, XL 370
Farces, A Collection of (1809), 21. 456 Father's Instruction, A, I. 62, 219, 363, 428
Farehaxn, xm. 276 Fathers, Lives of the, n. 127, 317, 323
Farel, William, m. 411 Fathers, the, n. 129; m. 11, 92, 145, 212,
Faret, N., IS Art de plaire a la Cour, TV. 409, 410, 416; vn. 305, 312, 313, 316,
345, 526 318, 321, 482, 483; vm. 112, 294, 296,
Fargus, Frederick John (pseud. Hugh 302; ix. 211; xn. 269, 277, 298, 355, 454
Conway, 1847-1885), xm. 562 Fathers of the Holy Cathohc Church, xn.
Faria y Sousa, M. de, ix. 501; The Portu- 259
guese Asia, ix. 278 Fathom, count, in Smollett's novel, x. 39
Faricius, i. 72 Fatum Vortigerni, vi. 483
Fanndon, Antony (1598-1658), vu. 152 Faucit, Helena, afterwards lady Martin
Farish, William (1759-1837), xiv. 385 (1817-1898), xm. 59, 69, 261; xiv. 112
Farjeon, Benjamin Leopold (1838-1903), Fauconbridge, Sir Richard, in Looke About
xiv. 370, 585 You, v. 321
Farley, F. E., xn. Add. 1 Faulkland, in Sheridan's Rivals, xi. 267
Farley's Bristol Journal, xi. 133, 134 Faulkner, George (1699?~1775), ix. 123;
Farman, priest of Harewood, Leeds, 1. 132 X. 257; XI. 342
Farmer, John (fi. 1591-1601), iv. 113, 464 Fauntelte (childishness), in Piers the
Farmer, Priscilla, xn. 436 Plowman, n. 25
Farmer, Richard (1735-1797), xn. 365, Fauntleroy, Henry (1785-1824), xm. 418
493 Faust, xm. 153, 274
Farnaby, Giles (fl. 1598), iv. 113, 464,- Faust, E. K. R., Richard Brome, VI, 225
vn. 2 Faust, in Goethe's drama, xn. 34, 47
Farnaby, Thomas (1575?-1647), vn. 307, Faust legend, the, vn. 369
335, 486, 488 Faustulus (Mantuan's), m. 224

Faustus, in (?) Ralegh's Dialogue, iv. 109 Felltham, Owen (1602-1668), fiesolvet, iv.
Faustus, in The Oytezen and Uplondysh- 248, 348, 524, 525
man, in. 63
Felpham, Sussex, xi. 195, 197
Fauvel, Henri, xm,. 465 Felsted, vn. 454; vm. 269, 359
Favel, in Piers the Plowman, n. 7, 8 Female dream,' the, in Blake's poems,
Faversham, Kent, v. 240; ix. 536; xn. 347 xi. 194
Favine, Andre", rv. 543 Fencer, the, in Pan's Anniversarie, VL
'Favonius' (Richard West), x. 118, 121 355, 361
Favour, in The Bowge of Courte, m. 73 Fenelon, Frangois de Salignac de la Mothe,
Favourite, The9 VL 28 iv. 260; vn. 176; vm. 303; ix. 307, 520,
Fawcett, Henry (1833-1884), xiv. 472, 521; x. 114, 134, 420, XL 424, 491;
509, 513, 606 Aventures de Tel4maque, xn. 190
Fawcett, Millicent Garrett, xiv. 606 Fenian Sagas, xiv. 304
Fawconbridge, in The Troublesome Raigne. Fenians, xiv. 313, 318, 321, 322
of King John, v. 83 Fenn, Eleanor, lady (1743-1813), XL 479,
Fawkes, Francis (1720-1777), x. 183, 454, 480; Cobwebs to Catch Flies, XL 379
469; xi. 172, 426, 431 Fennell, Charles Augustus Maude, xni.
Fawnia, in Pandosto, m. 356, 357 537
Fawsley, m. 380, 386 Fennor, William, iv. 518; The Compter's
Fay, Eliza, xiv. 576; Original Letters from Commonwealth, iv. 350, 530
Calcutta, xiv. 335 Fens, the. 17. 190, 308, 509; xn. 417
Fear, in Mir our de VOmme, n. 140 Fenton, Elijah (1683-1730), vn. 410, 414;
Featherston, of Ardagh, x. 197, 214 vm. 446; ix. 76, 181, 183, 184, 484,
Featley, Daniel (1582-1645), iv. 382, 495; 485; XL 246; Manamne, x. 83, 430
vn. 484, 502; Bntanicus Vapulans, vn. Fenton, Sir Geoffrey (1539?-1608), iv.
351; Dipper Dipt, or the Anabaptist 441,445; VL 390, 492; Forme of Christian
DucKt and Plung'd over Head and Ears pollicie gathered out of French, vi. 377,
in a Disputation, The, vn. 145; Her- 386; Tragicall Discourses, m. 343, 536;
curius Urbanus, vn. 351 iv. 2, 6, 7; VI. 377
Featley, John (1605?-1666), vn. 308 Fenton, Mr, in Brooke's Fool of Quality,
Fecamp, monks of, i. 202 ix. 327
Fedalma, in George Eliot's The Spanish Fenton, Richard (1746-1821), xn. 509
Gypsy, xm. 398 Fenton, Roger (1565-1615), iv. 313, 510;
Fedele, in Fedele and Fortunio, v. 315 vn. 316
Feenix, cousin, in Dombey and Son, xm. Fenwick, John, xn. 188
325 Fenwick, Mrs, XL 486
Fehr, Bernhard,
xm. 570 Ferars, in A Challenge for Beauty, VL 103
'Feilding, Beau, in The Toiler, ix. 34 Ferdia, xm. 188
Feilding, Mary, ix. 243 Ferdinand, in The Doubtfull Heir, VL 205
Feilding, Susan, countess of Denbigh, vn. Ferdinand, in The Dutchesse of Malfy, YL
35 182
Feilding, William, 3rd earl of Denbigh, Ferdinand, in The Tempest, v. 201, 206
ix. 243 vm. 9; xn. 54
Felice, in Guy of Warwick, I. 304 ff. Ferdinand, Don, in Don Quixote, ix. 269
Felismena, in Montemayor's Diana, vm. Ferdinand I, grand duke of Tuscany, iv
126 163; VL 175
Felix, anti-pope, rv. 322 Ferdinand EC, emperor, rv. 259; vn. 453
Felix, Don, in Mrs Oentlivre's The Wonder, Ferentes, in Loves Sacrifice, VL 192
x. 72 Fergus, in Gorboduc, v. 67
Felix, in Montemayor's Diana, vm. 126 Fergus's Gaist, Laying of Lord, n. 277
Felix, St(d. 647?), I. 74, 75 Ferguson, Adam (1723-1816), ix. 561;
Felix and Philiomena, The History of, vm. X. 285, 501, 512; XL 450; Essay on the
126 History of Civil Society, x. 296, 319;
Felix of Croyland, Life ofSt GutUac, L 58, History of the Roman Republic, x. 296,
85, 131, 434 319, 320
Felix of Urgel, I. 85 Ferguson, John, Bibliotheca Chemica, xn.
Fell, John (1625-1686?), vn. 457, 488; 371, 519; Some Aspects of Bibliography,
ix. 265, 329, 345, 348, 527; xi. 341 xn. 371, 519; Witchcraft Literature of
Fell Smith, Miss 0., vm. 270 Scotland, xn. 371, 519
Fellmar, lord, in Fielding's Tom Jones, Ferguson, J. W., xiv. 238
x. 89 Ferguson, Mary Catherine, lady, born
Fellowes, Robert (1771-1847), XL 312; Guinness (1823-1905), xn. 360; Sir
xn. 466 Samuel Ferguson, xrv. 319; Story of
Fellows, Sir Charles (1799-1860), xn. 339, Ireland, xiv, 319
496 Ferguson, Robert, 'the Plotter' (d. 1714),
Fellowship, in Every-man, v. 53 vm. 41
Ferguson, Sir Samuel (1810-1886), xn. Ferrier, James Frederick (1808-1864),
516; xiv. 305, 319 ft, 568 xn. 160, 425, 487; xiv. 40 ff., 472
At the Polo Ground, xiv. 320 Institutes of Metaphysic, The, xiv. 40, 41
Canary, xiv. 320 Lectures on Greek Philosophy, xiv. 41
Congal, xiv. 320 Philosophy of Consciousness, The,'
Curse of the Joyces, The, xiv. 320 xiv. 40
Deirdre, xiv. 320 Scottish Philosophy, xrv. 7
Forging of the Anchor, The, xiv. 319 Ferrier, James Walter, xrv. 210
In Carey's Footsteps, xiv. 320 Ferrier, Susan Edmonstone (1782-1854),
Lays of the Western Gael, xiv. 320 xn. 246, 449: xm. 431, 432
Ogham Inscriptions, xn. 360 Destiny, xn. 245
Return of Claneboy, The, xiv. 319 Inheritance, The, xn. 245
Tain Quest, The, xiv. 320 Marriage, xn. 245
Thomas Davis, xiv. 319 Ferris, Richard (fl. 1600), The Most dan-
Welshmen of Tirawley, The, xiv. 320 gerous and memorable Adventure, iv. 361
Fergusson, James (1621-1667), ix. 543 Ferumbras, Sir, I. 288, 291, 293, 302, 303,
Fergusson, James (180S-18S6), xn. 510 465, 471
Cave Temples of India, xn. 353 Feste, in Twelfth Night, v. 190, 193; vn. 3
Illustrated Hand-book of Architecture, Festing, Gabrielle, xm. 503
xn. 353 Festmiog, vale of, x. 115
ock~cut Temples of India, xn. 353 Festive songs of the 16th and 17th cen
Tree and Serpent Worship, xn. 353 turies, v. 477
Fergusson, Robert (1750-1774), L 290; Festus, Bailey's, xm. 153
ii. 267; ix. 378 ft, 562, 566; x. 226; Festus, in Browning's Paracelsus,xm. 57
xi. 204 ff., 209, 211, 217, 221, 228 Fet Asaver, vm. 465
Avid Reekie, IX. 380 Fethe, Fethy or Futhy, Sir John, Scots
Bill of Fare, ix. 380 poet, n. 282; m. 131
Death of Scots Music, ix. 378 Fetherstone, Henry, iv. 398, 403
Elegy on John Hogg, IX. 378 Feuerbach, Ludwig, Essence of Chris-
Farmer's Ingle, The, ix. 379, 380; xi. tianity, xm. 385, 553
206 Feuillerat, Albert, v. 341, 478, and see
Gowdspinlc, The, ix. 379 Add. 2; VI. 270; vn. 454
Hallow Fair, ix. 379; XL 215 Fever, in Piers the Plowman, n. 22
Leith Races, ix. 379; xi. 215, 216 Feverel, Sir Austin, Meredith's, xm. 445
Planestanes and Causeway, ix. 380 Feverel, Richard, Meredith's, xm. 443,
To the Bee, ix. 379 444
Ferishta, Mohamed Kasim, Muhammedan Few may fend for falsett,n. 280
Power in India, xiv. 337 Feylde, Thomas, The Controversy between
Ferishtah, Browning's, xm. 84 a Lover and a Jay, n. 224, 326
Fermor, Arabella, ix. 70 'Fiall,' in The Fair Maid Of the West, VL.
Fennor, Henrietta Louisa, countess of 101
Pomfret (d. 1761), ix. 248; x. 274, 496 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, XL 136; xm. 7,
Fernandez, Jer6nimo, iv. 444 13; xiv. 9, 41, 467, 478
Fernando, in Loves Sacrifice, VL 192, 194 Ficino, Marsilio, m. 8, 214 ff., 221
Ferndean, Charlotte Bronte's, xm. 408 Fickle, madame (D'Urfey's), vm. 175
Feme, Sir John (d. 1610), iv. 376, 543 Fiddes, Richard (1671-1725), Body of
Ferrabosco, Alphonso (fl. 1544-1587), iv. Divinity, xi. 322
113, 464; v, 125; VI. 348 Fidelia, in The Faerie Queene, vi. 335
Ferrar, Nicholas (1592-1637), iv. 406; Fidelia, in Wycherley's Country Wife, vm.
vn. 27 ft., 32, 46, 153 ft., 162, 402, 424, 145
427, 482; xn. 488 Fidelity, in The Passetyme of Pleasure,
Ferrara, m. 5, 7, 167; v. 62, 69, 114; vi. n. 229
365; vn. 100; xn. 50 Fidge, George, The English Gusman (1652),
Ferrara, duke of, in The Imposture, vi. 205 vn. 516
Ferrarius. See under Montanus 'Fidget' (Elizabeth Montagu), x, 262
Ferrars, Edward, in Jane Austen's Sense Fidus, in Euphues and his England, m. 345
and Sensibility, xn. 237, 239, 241 Field, Barron (1786-1846), vi. 104; xn.
Ferrers, George (1500?-1579), m. 193, 182, 199; xiv. 586; First Fruits of
195, 494 Australian Poetry, xn. 194; xiv. 362;
Ferret, in Smollett's Sir Launcelot Gfreaves, Kangaroo, The, xn. 195
x.41 Field, Elizabeth. See Lamb, Mrs Elizabeth
Ferrex, in Gorboduc, V. 66, 67 Field, Frederick (1801-1885), xn. 341, 501
Ferrex and Porrex, v. 396 Field or Feilde, John (d. 1588), in. 377,
Ferriar,John (1761-1815), iv. 252; vm. 378, 385, 390, 403, 548; vi. 220, 224;
442; x. 422; Bibliomania, xn. 366; Il- Admonition to Parliament, vi. 393
lustrations of Sterne, xn. 3G6 Godly Exhortation, vi. 393, 493

Field, Kate, xn. 441; xm.
514, 543 Fielding, Henry
"Field, Michael, pseud. (Katharine Harris Proposals for making an effectual pro-
Bradley and Edith Emma Cooper), TTTT T vision for the poor, x. 34
502; Callirrhoe, xm. 181 Provoked Husband, The, X. 92
Field, Mrs, Charles Lamb's grandmother, Temple Beau, The, x. 21
xn. 182 Tom Jones, ix. 405; x. 9, 15, 20, 22,
Field, Nathaniel (1587-1633), TV. 360; 26, 28 ff., 39, 48, 89, 92, 272, 508; xi.
v. 370; VI. 28, 33, 116, 128, 137, 138, 260, 448; xm. 295; xiv. 255
140, 145, 146, 165, 211, 212, 220-225 Tom Thumb, x. 22, 26, 73, 83
(main entry), 232, 274, 402, 403, 443, Tragedy of Tragedies, x. 22, 83
455, 491; vm. 195; Amends for Ladies, Voyage to Lisbon, x. 35, 252
vi. 223; Woman is a Weathercocke, A, Wedding Day, The, x. 23
vi. 221 Fielding, Sarah (1710-1768), XL 479, also
Field, Richard (1561-1616), Of the Church, see Add.; David Simple, x. 20, 28, 415;
vn. 323, 484; vra. 276, 277 Governess or Little Female Academy, The,
Field, Richard (fl. 1579-1624), iv. 394, xi. 376, 380; xiv. 600
400, 401 Fielding, William, x, 28
Field, The, xiv. 201 Fields, James T., xm. 543, 565
Field, TheophUus (1574^1636), bishop of Fiennes, Madame de, vrn. 248
Hereford, vi. 220, 402 Fiennes, Nathaniel (1608-1669), vn. 450
Field,William (1768-1851), xn. 490 Fient a crum of thee shefaws, ix. 360
Field of the Cloth of Gold, n. 228, 338; Fierabras, I. 284
m. 57, 175, 317; vi. 284, 334 Fiesole, xm. 73
Fielde, J., iv. 447 Fife, n. 89, 131, 371; ix. 364, 367, 552;
Fielding, Charlotte (d. 1744), x. 22, 23, xi. 242, 243; xn. 513
27,28 Fifeshire, xm. 3
Fielding, Edmund, x. 20 Fifteen Tokens, The (UArt de bien mourir],
Fielding, Henry (1707-1754), iv. 246, 255; ii. 329
vi. 24, 28; vm. 162, 168; ix. 243, 248, Figaro, xiv. 235
254, 471; x. 16, 20 ff. (main entry), 36, Figaro in London, xrv. 235, 236
37, 39, 41 ft, 50, 56, 71, 77, 78, 88, 211, Figg, James (d. 1734), ix. 191; xiv 229,
216, 317, 413 ff., 438, 440, also see Add. ; 231
XI. 264, 288, 296, 331; xn. 2, 168, 177, Figgis, John Neville, xiv. 484
231, 242, 251; xra. 285, 305, 307, 310, Figures, in Cowley's The Muse, vn. 65
352, 386, 388, 398; xiv. 223, 552 Fikenhild, in Horn, I. 304
Amelia, x. 21, 23, 33, 34; xi. 262, 265, Filidh (Pile), xiv. 302
279, 324 Fillingham, T., x. 492

Apology for the Clergy/ X. 24 Filmer, Edward (fl. 1707), vm. 433
Author's Farce, The, x. 21, 22; ax 329 Filmer, Sir Robert (d. 1653), vn. 301,
Charity, essay on, x. 24 420, 471, 507; vm, 341; An Advertise-
Coffee-House Politician, The, x. 21 ment to the Jury-men of England, vn.
Covent Garden Tragedy, x. 22, 83 395; Originall of Government, vn. 300;
Don Quixote in England, X. 22 Patriarcha, vn. 300
Enquiry into the causes of the late In- Filon, Augustin, xm. 514
crease of Robbers, x. 33 Finch, Anne, countess of Winchester (d.

Essay on Conversation,* x. 23 1720), ix. 483, 484; x. 145; xn. 124

Examples of the Interposition of Provi- Fanscombe Barn, ix. 169
dence, in the Detection. . .of Murder, x. Lines to Prior, ix. 169
34 Nocturnal Reverie, ix. 168
Good-Natured Man, The, x. 23 Sigh, The, ix. 169
Historical Register, The, x. 23, 84 Spleen, The, ix. 169
Intriguing Chambermaid, The, x. 22 To Mr F now Earl of W, EL 169
Jonathan Wild, x. 27, 30, 39; xm. 279, To Mr Jervas, ix. 169
280 To Mr Pope, ix. 169
Joseph Andrews, IX. 405, 407; x. 6, 20, To the Nightingale, ix. 169
24 ff., 30, 44; xn. 235; xin. 295; xiv. Finch, Daniel, 2nd earl of Nottingham
213 (1647-1730), ix. 9, 95, 135
Journey from this World to the Next, X. 27 Finch, Heneage, 1st earl of Aylesford
Love in Several Masques, x. 21 (16477-1719), vm. 410
Miscellanies, x. 21, 23, 26 ff. Finch, Heneage, 4th earl of Winchilsea,
Miser, The, x. 22 ix. 168
Mock Doctor, The, x. 22 Finch, Sir Henry (1558-1625), vm. 468
Pasquin, x. 23, 24, 84 Finch, Sir John (1584^-1660), vm. 110
Pleasures of the Town, x. 21 Finch-Hatton Correspondence, vn. 196
Proposals for erecting a country work* Finchley, xnr. 52
house, x. 29, 34 Findern, Derbyshire, x. 386

Findlay, John Ritchie (1824-1898), xn. Fisher, John
445 Sacri Sacerdotii Defensio contra Lu-
Findlay, Joseph John, xiv. 601 therwn, m. 15
Fine Arts Quarterly, xiv. 539 Fisher, John (1569-1641), vm. 300
Fingal, x. 227, 229, 231, 232, 487 Fisher, John, of Warwick (fl. 1500), iv.
Finglass, ix. 166 309, 510
Finical, Father, in Crowne's English Frier ', Fisher, Joseph Robert, xiv. 536
vm. 189 Fisher, Payne (1616-1693), vn. Add.;
Finland, n. 405 xi. 317
Finlason, Thomas, iv. 547 Fisher, Robert, m. 3, 7
Finlay, George (1799-1875), xn. 475 Fisher, Samuel (1605-1665), vm. Ill, 416
Greece under the Romans, xn. 314 Fishing with an angle, n. 323
History of Greece, xn. 314, 315 Fishwick, Henry (1835-1914), xn. 519
History of the Byzantine and Greek Em- Fitch, Sir Joshua Girling (1824^1903),
pires, xn. 314 xm. 48; xiv. 601, 606
History of the Greek Revolution, xn. 314 Fitch, Ralph (fl. 1583-1606), xrv. 332, 576
Finlayson, James (1840-1906), xn. 521 Fitch, Walter Hood, xiv. 561
Finn, in Beowulf, Finnsburh and Widsith, Fitela, in Beowulf, I. 23, 26
I. 23, 31, 34 Fitton, Anne, vn. 196
Finn, Irish tales of, X. 231 Fitton, Mary (fl. 1600), v. 229, 231; vn.
Finn, Phineas, Trollope's, xm. 423 196
Finnsburh, I. 30, 47, 423, also see Add.; Fitz-Alan, house of, n. 103
x. 223, 224 Fitzball, Edward (1792-1873), xm. 257,
Fiordespina, in Orlando Furioso, m. 231 264, 518
Fiorinda of Urbino, in The Great Duke of Fitz-Boodle, George Savage, pseud, of
Florence, yi. 156 W. M. Thackeray, xm. 281
Fionnonda, in Loves Sacrifice, vr. 192 Fitzdottrel, 'duke of Brownlands' and
Firdusi, I. 293 Mrs Fitzdottrel, in The Divdl is an
Fire of London, the great, vn. 289 Asse, vi. 24
Firebrace, lady, x. 464 Fitzgefiry, Charles (1575?-1637), rv. 168,
Firenzttola, Agnolo, 252m. 360, 475; vn. 406
Firmin, Giles (1614-1697), vn. 424; x. Fitzgerald, Edward (1809-1883), xi. 147,
359; A Brief Vindication of Mr Stephen 418, 439; xn. 135, 199, 305, 413, 438;
Marshal, yn. 145 xm. 31, 35, 47, 142 ff. (main
Firmin, Philip, in Thackeray's Adventures 172, 253, 277, 497 (main entry), 530;
of Philip, xm. 299, 300 xiv. 146, 519
Firmin, Thomas (1632-1697), x. 377 Agamemnon, xm. 145
Firouzkah, princess, in Beekford's Epi- Bir&s-eye View of Farid- Uddin Attar's
sodes, xi. 291 Bird-Parliament, xm. 145
Firth, Charles Harding, vn. 214, 218, 219, Euphranor, xm. 143, 146
432, 451; vm. 352; ix. 202, 204, 208; Meadows in Spring, The, xm. 143
xiv. 88, 493, 594 Mighty Magician, The, xm. 144
Fischer, Lisheth, Balzac's, xm. 287 Oedipus at Athens, xm. 144
Fischer, Thomas A., xm. 465, 466, 471 Oedipus at Thebes, xm. 144
Fish, Simon (d. 1531), m. 473; Sum of Painter of Us own Dishonour, The, xm.
Scripture, The, m. 39; Supplication for 144
the leggars, m. 26, 101, 105; iv. 314, Polonius, xm. 143
510; vn. 432 Headings in Crabbe, xm. 143
Fisher, George William, Annals of Shrews- Rubdiydt of Omar Khayyam, xm. 145,
bury School, xrv. 413, 598 174
Fisher, Herbert Albert Laurens, xiv. 494 Saldmdn and Absdl of Jami, xm. 145
Fisher, Jasper (fl. 1639), VI. 472 Six Dramas of Calderon, xm. 143
Fisher, John (1459-1535), bishop of Such Stuff as Dreams are Made of, xm.
Rochester, m. 7, 12 ff,, 19, 27, 36, 53, 144
332, 468, 473; iv. 224 ft, 231, 232, 492, Fitzgerald, lord Edward (1763-1798), xn.
495, also see Add.; rs. 197, 531; xn. 488 412
Assertio septem Sacramentorum, a de- Fitz-Gerald, lady Elizabeth (1528?-1589;
fence of Henry VIII' s, m. 15 m. 176
Confutatio Assertionis LutTieranae, m. Fitzgerald, George Francis (1851-1901),
15 xiv. 269, 556
De Eucharistia contra Johannem Oeco- Fitzgerald, Gerald, 9th earl of Kildare
lampadium libri quinque, nx. 15 (1487-1534), m. 176
Funeral sermon on Henry VII, n. 325 Fitzgerald, Percy H., xm. 514, 519, 532,
Mourning Remembrance, II. 325 543
Penitential Psalms, Sermons on the t it. FitzGerald, Shafto Justin Adair, xm. 643
325; IV. 226 Fitz-hamon, Robert (d. 1107), I. 256

Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony (1470-1538), TV. Flatterie, in Ane Pleasant Satyre, m. 124,
309, 369, 510; vm. 466; Abridgment 125, 126, 128, 129
of the Year Books, vm. 315 Flattery, A Discourse against, IX. 524
Fitzherbert, John of Norbury, iv. 307, Flattery, in Piers the Ploioman, n. 28
364, 371, 510, 541; Book of Husbandry, Flaubert, Gustave, xr. 293; xm. 456;
TV. 300, 369, 370, 510; Boole of Surveying Salammbd, xm. 461 ; Trois contes, ix. 39
TV. 369, 370 Flavel, John (1630?-1691), X. 387
Fitz- James, Richard (d. 1522), bishop of Flavia, in Law's Serious Call, rs. 323
London, me. 9 Flavia, in The Fancies, VL 194
Fitzmaurice, Edmund George Petty, 1st Flavia, in The Spectator, ix, 57
lord, xrv. 510 Flavia (Waller's), vn. 55
Fitzmaurice Kelly, James, vm. 126, 129 Flaxman, John (1755-1826), xi. 181; xn.
Fitz-Neale or -Nigel, Richard, bishop of 172
London (d. 1198), I. 173, 449; iv. 510; Fleance, son of Banquo, n. 104
Dialogue de Scaccario, I. 174 Fleay, Frederick Gard (1831-1909), m.
Fitzpatrick, Sir Percy, xiv. Add. 7 206; v. 146, 316, 318, 332; vi. 4, 5, 9,
Fitzpatrick, Richard (1747-1813), XL 35; 17, 23, 83 ff., 89, 90, 92, 93, 98, 100, 102,
Lyars, XL 36 103, 204, 216, 224, 228, 232, 233, 235,
Fitzpatrick, T., xi. 450 240, 274, 287, 288, 345, 348, 358, 459
Fitz-Patrick, William John (1830-1895), Flecker, James Elroy (d. 1915), xm. 502
xir. 379, 451; xiv. 568, 569 Flecknoe, Richard (d. 1678?), vn. 183,
FitzRalph, Richard (d. 1360), archbishop 412; vm. 40, 422; Short Discourse of the
of Armagh, n. 42, 44, 52, 53, 74, 308, English Stage, vn. 238, 251, 272, 441
355; Defensio Curatorum, De Pauperie Fled Brier end (the feast of Bricriu), I. 327
Salvatoris, n. 53 Fleet, publisher, xr. 375
Fitzroy, Augustus Henry, 3rd duke of Fleet prison, the, rv. 78
Grafton (1735-1811), x. 133, 402, Fleetwood, in Meredith's The Amazing
404 ff. f 523, 526, 527 Marriage, xm. 445
Fitzsimons, Frederick William, xiv. Add. 7 Fleetwood, Charles (d. 1692), vm. 121;
Fitz-Stephen, William (d. 1190?), I. 449; xi, 449
n. 505; v. 7, 38 Fleetwood, E., vn. 514
Fitzthomas, Maurice, 1st earl of Desmond Fleetwood, George (1605-1667), vn. 450
(d. 1356), x. 20 Fleetwood, William (1535?-1594), VL 382,
Fitztraver, in Scott's Lay of the Last 393
Minstrel, xn. 9 Fleming or Flemming, Abraham (1552?-
Fitzwarine, Folk, n. 399, 428, 503, 507 1607), iv. 435, 437, 439, 442
Fitz water, in Robert, Earle of Huntington, Fleming, Caleb (1698-1779), x. 521
v. 318, 324 Fleming, Contarini, Disraeli's, XTTT. 346,
Fitzwater, lady, in. 357 348, 361
Fitzwater, Matilda, iv. 182, 183 Fleming, Francis, xrv. Add. 7
Fitzwilliam, John (d. 1699), vm. 272 Fleming, John (fl. 1726), x. 385
Fitzwilliam, William, viscount Milton Fleming, Marjorie (1803-1811), XL 476
(1839-1877), xiv. 553 xiv. 228, 229, 543
Fitzwilliam, William Wentworth, 2nd Fleming, Mary, Scott's, xn. 27
earl Fitzwilliam (1748-1833), xi. 4, 388 Fleming, Rhoda, George Meredith's, xm.
Five Joys of the Virgin, I. 231, 458 447
Five Plays in One, vi. 87, 128 Fleming, Richard (d. 1431), n, 358
Five Starches, the, in The World tost at 'Fleming,' Be Merry Brethren, m. 131
Tennis, VL 75 Fleming, the, in The Fyrste Bolce of the
Flacius Illyricus, xm. 172 Introduction of Knowledge, HL 105
Flagellant, The, XL 155; xrv. 387 Flemings, vn. 306
Flamboroughs, the Miss, in The Vicar of Flemish clothmakers, n. 311
Wakefield, x. 210 Flemish towns, trade in, v. 355
Flamineo, in The White Divel, VL 175 Flemming or Fleming, Robert (d. 1483),
Flaminius, in Believe as you List, YL 148 dean of Lincoln, m. 5; iv. 428
Flaminius, in Laelia, vi. 305 Flesh of Man, in Mirour de VOmme, n. 140
Flamsteed, John (1646-1719), vm. 477; Fleta (c. 1290), vm. 313, 465
ix. 470 Fletcher, Andrew, of Saltoun (1655-1716),
Flanders, n. 56; vi. 3; x. 51, 200; xn. 43 ix. 492; x. 449
Flandria (Flanders), in Colkelbie's sow, Account of a Conversation, ix. 215
n. 127 Discorso ddle cose di Spagna, ix. 215
Flannislie, in Colkelbie's sow, n. 126 Discourse of, .
.Militias, ix. 214
Political Works, IX. 214
Flapsy, in Mrs Trimmer's Robins, XL
379 Speech upon the State of the Nation, rx*
Flatman, Thomas (1637-1688), vn. 88, 215
241, 251, 412; vm. 412, 444 Two Discourses, ix. 215

Fletcher, Charles Robert Leslie, xm. 465 Flora, in The Vision of the Twelve God-
Fletcher, Francis, TV. 87, 456 desses, vi. 338
Fletcher, Giles, the elder (1549 1-1611), Florabell (Hemck's), vn. 12
HI. 198, 256, 264, 265; Licia, m. 265, Florae, in The Newcomes, xm. 295, 297
523; Richard III, m. 198 Floras dames, The glyttenng showes of, m.
Fletcher, Giles, the younger (1588?-1623), 190
iv. 150, 164 ff. (main entry), 456, 481 ; Florence, n. 350; m. 5, 6, 8, 167; iv. 69,
vi. Ill 163; v. 61, 69, 115, 247, 350; Vi. 144;
Christe Victorie, iv. 164 vn. 99, 100, 284; x. 41, 119, 122, 249,
Death of Eliza, Canto upon the, rv. 164, 303; xn. 204, 324, 327, 401; xm. 46,
165 54, 70, 72, 73, 77, 79, 103, 393 ff.

Description of Encolpius, A, IV. 164 Laurentian library, IV. 429

Prince Henry* s Death, iv. 164 San Marco, xm. 394
Fletcher, John (1579-1625), iv. 115; v. Florence of Rome, I. 467
148, 181, 195, 217, 218, 256 ff 347, 356,
, Florence of Worcester (d. 1118), i. 90, 91,
362, 364, 371; vi. 2, 26, 27, 36, 65, 69, 160ff., 451; iv. 68
89, 107-136 (main entry), 142, 144, Florence wine, ix. 412
145, 151, 152, 157, 177, 182, 184, 185, Florent, tale of, in Gower, n. 183
195, 199, 205, 206, 208, 211, 223, 231, Florentine, in The Seven Sages, I. 309
234, 235, 239, 240, 248, 272, 340, 353, Florentine academy, xi. 176
363, 366 371, 372, 427, 435 ff., 490;
Florentine nobleman, in Congreve's In-
vn. 3, 39, 272, 275; vm. 12, 13, 29, cognita, vm. 146
31, 116, 119, 127, 128, 132, 133, HI, Florentine renascence, ix. 306
150, 162, 184, 192, 202, 219, 226, 425; Flores, Juan de, Historia de Aurelio y de
is. 140, 145; x, 91, 145; xn. 89, 186, Tsabela, vi. 123, 138; vm. 128
444; xm. 144, 218, 260, 289; Thierry Flores and Blancheflour, 1. 286, 303, 308,
and Theodoret, xn. 190. See, also, Beau- 309, 465, 468
mont and Fletcher Flores Histonarum, I. 449
Fletcher, John William (1729-1785), x. Florestan, king, in Disraeli's Endymion,
365 ff., 516; Scripture* Scales, x. 367; xm. 350
Zelotus and Honesties, x. 367 Florida, iv. 70, 81
Fletcher, Phineas (1582-1650), iv. 150, Floridan peat, x. 392
164 ff. (main entry), 481; VI. Ill, 321; Florimel, in Dryden's Secret Love, vm. 20
vn. 46; xn. 79; xm. 218 'Florimel,' in The Taller, ix. 34
Brittairi's Ida, rv. 165 Florinda, in Count Julian, xn. 211
Elisa, rv. 166 Florio, John (1553?-1625), iv. 442; vi.
Locusts or Apollyonists, The, rv. 166, 167 221; vm. 387; AWorlde of Wordes,
Piscatorie Eclogues, iv. 165 iv. 15, 395; xiv. 448; Montaigne, iv. 8,
Purple Island, The, iv. 164, 166 15, 248, 395, 447, 523; ix. 265, 276, 277
Sicelides, iv.165 Floripas, in Sir Ferurribras, i. 302, 303
Fletcher, Richard (father of John), vi. Florizel, inThe Winter's Tale, v. 217
110 Floras, Lucius Annaeus, iv. 436
Fletcher, Sir Robert, rx. 192, 488 Florus of Lyons, I. 81
Fletcher, R. H., The Arthurian Material Floud, Rachel (d. 1640), vn. 250
in the Chronicles, I. 257 Flower, Benjamin (1755-1829), xiv. 533
Fletcher, William Younger, xn. 519 Flower, Eliza (1803-1846), xm. 53
Fletching church, x. 312 Flower, 'Maister,' v. 77
Fleury, religious revival of, I. 113. See, Flower, Sir William Henry (1831-1899),
also, Ahboof xiv. 295, 560
Fleury's Ecclesiastical history, xn. 460 Flower and the Leaf, The, n. 162, 164, 166,
Fleury-sur-Loire, v. 37 167, 215, 217 f., 221, 223, 429
Flexney, bookseller, x. 191 Blowerdales, the, in The London Prodigall,
Flinders, Matthew (1774-1814), xrv. 289 V. 254
Flint, Robert (1838-1910), xiv. 472 Flowerdew, mistress, in The Muses LooJ:-
Flint cottage, Box hill, xm. 440 ing-Olasse, vi. 234
Flintwinch, in Little Domt, xm. 331 Flowers of the Forest, The, ix. 373; XL 232
Flodden, battle of, n. 40, 41, 109, 251, Fludd, Robert (1574-1637), iv. 278, 508;
327, 369; m. 70, 197; xn. 10, 11; xiv. vn. 378; ix. 386
185 Fluellen, in Henry V, v. 189, 195; xrv.
Flodden Field, n. 415 307
Flood, Henry (1732-1791), xiv. 311 Fliigel, Ewald, xm. 470, 471
Flood, the, in. 130, 318 Flute, in A Midsummer -Night's Dream.
Flora, in Beaumont's masque, vi. 356 vi. 285
Flora, in Owen's Epigrammata, iv. 265 Flutter, Sir Fopling, in Etherege's Man
Flora, in The Flower and the Leaf, n. 219 of Mode, vm. 138
Flora, in The Penates, VI. 341 My, in The New Inne, VL 25
Flying Island, in Gulliver's Travels, IX. Forbes, James (1749-1819), Oriental
104 Memoirs, xrv. 334
Flying Post, ix. 5, 15, 432; xi. 333; xiv. Forbes, James David (1809-1868) xiv.
230 552
Flyting between Thomas Smith and William Forbes, John (1593-1648), rx. 544
Gray, the, in. 490 Forbes, Patrick (1564-1635), ix. 544
Fly tings, TV. 517 Forbes, Robert (1708-1775), ix. 563, 564;
Foe, James, father of Defoe, Daniel, rx. Journals, x. 356
6 Forbes, Robert, in Pennecuick's Presby-
Foersom, P., v. 307 terian Pope, ix. 370
Fogg, Peter Walkden, xi. 250; xin. 240 Forbes, Sir William (1739-1808), x. 453,
Foggo, A., xni. 546 480, 512; xiv. 601
Fog's Weekly Journal, ix. 433 Forbes, William Henry (1851-1914), xn.
Foigny, Gabriel de, Journey of Jacques 483
Sadeur, ix. 106 Forbade, Eugene, xm. 558
Foix, count of, in Froissart, n. 338 Forcellini, Egidio, xn. 335
Foker, Henry, in Pendenms, xin. 291, Forcet, or Forsett, Edward, vi. 306, 481
292 Ford, in The Merry Wives of Windsor, v.
Folio, Tom, in The Tatler, rx. 46 206
Foliot, Gilbert (d. 1187), i. 173, 449 Ford, Charles (fl. 1726), ix. 103
Folk-drama and early pageantry, v. 24, Ford, E., Fair Play in the Lottery (1660),
385 vn. 516
Folk-Lore Journal, The. xn. 518 Ford, Emanuel (fl. 1607), Parismus, TTI
Folk-lore Society, xn. 506 359, 536; vi. 305; Parismenos, m. 350,
Follett, Sir William Webb (1798-1845), 536
xiv. 509 Ford, John 1639), rv. 353, 527; vi. 69,

Folly, in Ane Pleasant Satyre, m. 124, 129 96, 144, 182, 188-209 (main entry),
Folly, in Magnyfycence, in. 77 226, 424, 425, 447 ff.; vn. 3; xn. 415:

Folly, in The World and the Child, n. 233; xm. 426

v. 54 Beauty m
a Trance, YI. 195
Fonblanque, Albany, xm. 558; xiv. 186, Bristowe Merchant, The, vi. 195
198, 533 Broken Heart, The, v. 347; vi. 186, 191;
Fonblanque, E. B. de, xrv. 533 xn. 190
Fondlewife, in Congreve's Old Bachelor, Elegy on death of Charles Blount, earl
vm. 147, 149 of Devonshire, vi. 189
Fonseca, Jeronymo Osorio da, iv. 444 Elegy on Mountjoy's death, v. 347
Fontainebleau, v. 284 Fairy Knight, The, vi. 54, 195
Fontainebleau, library at, iv. 429 Fame's Memorial, vi. 189, 191
Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovyer de, vm. Fancies, Chart and Noble, The, YE. 193
261; IX. 477, 572; x. 464; Dialogues of Honor Triumphant, vi. 189
the Dead, ix. 143; Les Anciens et les III Beginning has a Good End, An, vi. 195

Modemes, ix. 390 Ladies Triall, The, vi. 194

Fonthill abbey, xi. 289; xn. 345, 508 Line of Life, A, vi. 189
Foolish Virgins, The, v. 11 London Merchant, The, YE. 195
Fools, feast of, v. 8 Lover's Melancholy, The, vi. 190; vn. 36
Foot, Jesse" (1744-1826), x. 438 Loves Sacrifice, vi. 192
Foote, G. W., xra. 489 Masque of Melancholy, vi. 190
Foote, Samuel (1720-1777), x. 82, 83, 87, Monarches Meeting, TJi-e, vr. 189
317, 430, 441; xi. 257, 260, 262, 448, Perkin Warbeck, VL 193
451, 453, 454; xin. 514 Royal Combat, The, YE. 195
The Cozeners, XI. 278 Sun's Darling, The: A Moral Masque.
Maid of Bath, x. 88 v. 125; VI. 54, 190
Minor, Tlie, x. 88; xi. 451 Tis Pitty Shees a Whore, YI. 192
Piety in Pattens, x. 214 See, also, under Rowley, W. and Webster
Fopling Flutters, x. 90 , Ford, joint lessee of Drury Lane theatre,
Foppington, lord, in Sheridan's A Trip to x. 265
Scarborough, xi. 269 Ford, mistress, in The Merry Wives of
Foppington, lord, in Vanbragh's The Re- Windsor, v. 169, 189
lapse, vm. 76, 160, 161, 164, 165, 170; Ford, Richard (1796-1858), xiv. 251, 552;
x. 90; xi. 257, 269, 283 Handbook for travellers in Spain, xiv. 250
Forbes, Alexander Penrose (1817-1875), Ford, Thomas (d. 1648), iv. 113, 115, 464
xn. 456 Ford Lectures, xiv. 81
Forbes, Archibald (1838-1900), xiv. 173, Forde, Thomas 1660), vn. 439, 457,
190 514, 517; vm.
481; Lusus Fortunae,
Forbes, Edward (1815-1854), xn. 339, vm. 377; Times Anatomised, vn. 384;
498; xiv. 210, 296, 560 Virtus JRediviva, vn. 444

Fordhook, Fielding's house, x. 35 Fortescue, Sir John (1394?-1476?), n.
Fordoun, Kincardineshire, n. 128 286, 296 ., 307, 336, 481, 482; vm.
Fordun, John (d. 1384?), u. 128, 129, 315, 318, 465, 466, 469
132, 280, 451 Scotichronicon, rx. 535
; De Laudibus Legum Angliaef n. 297;
Fordyce, William, xn. 510 rv. 297, 511; vm. 314
Foreign Quarterly Review, The, XTTT. 5 De Natura Legis Naturae, n. 296
Foreign Review, The, xm. 5 Declaration, etc., n. 298
Foresight, in Congreve's Love for Love, Monarchia (The Difference between an
vm. 151 Absolute and a Limited Monarchy], n.
Foresight, in King Hart, n. 262 297
Foresight, Mrs, in Congreve's Love for Understanding and Faith, n. 299
Love, vm. 152 Fortescue, Sir John (153U-1607), vi. 290
Forest, in Fortune, by Land and Sea, v. 361 Fortescue, Lucy. See Lyttelton, Lucy
Forest of Reason, in Reason and Sen- Fortescue, Thomas, Foreste or Collection
suality, n. 202 of Histories, trans, from French, m.
Forfarshire, ix. 372; xiv. 436 536 ;rv. 446; vm. 126
Forgues, F. D., xm. 549, 551 Fortescue, William (1687-1749), rx. 251
'Forland* (Caxton's egg-story), n. 316 Forth, firth of, n. 88, 89, 100, 131; rx.
Form of Living, The, or Mending of Life 552; xn. 11; xm. 6
(school of Rolle), n. 46, 47 Fortias-Santarelli, xrv. 490
Forman, Harry Buxton, xn. 399 ft, 403 fi.; Fortitude, in The Passetyme of Pleasure,
xm. 480, 481, 491, 570; xiv. 527 n. 229
Forman, Simon (1552-1611), v. 204; YL Fortnightly Review, The, xn. 296; xnr.
23, 460; vn. 369; vm. 357 425, 440, 467
Forme of Cury, n. 71, 500 'Fortoun buik, Ane lytill,' rv. 414
Fonney, J. H. S., x. 482 Fortrey, Samuel (1622-1681), vm. 367,
Fonnosus, in The Bugbears, v. 115 477
Forneron, H., Histoire de Philippe II, x. Fortune, in Ara Fortunae, vr. 319
291 Fortune, in Ira seu Tumulus Fortunae, vi
Forres, n. 100 320
Forrest, David William, xiv. 517 Fortune, in Drayton's Robert of Normandy,
Forrest, Edwin, v. 308 rv. 177
Forrest, Old, in Fortune by Land and Sea, Fortune, in Locrine, v. 240
VI. 104 Fortune, in Reason and Sensuality, n. 203
Forrest, Thomas (fl. 1580), iv. 437 Fortune, in The Bowge of Courte, rn. 73
Forrest, William (fl. 1581), iv. 476 Fortune, in The Example of Virtue, n. 227,
Forrester, Alfred Henry ('Alfred Crow- 228, 234
quill'), xiv. 201, 238 Fortune, in The Kingis Quair, n. 241,
Forrester, Thomas (1635?-1706), ix. 546 242
Forsett, Edward (d. 1630?). See Forcet Fortune, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, n.
ForshaU, Frederick Hale, xiv. 598 228, 231, 234, 235
Forshall, Josiah (1795-1863), n. 45, 73, Fortune, in Piers the Plowman, n. 25, 26
431 ;xn. 517 28
Forster, John (1812-1876), x. 195, 201, Fortune, lady, in Old Fortunatus, vi. 52
202, 483; xn. 206, 211, 230, 303, 439, Fortune, Sir Edward, in Jacke Drums En-
441; xm. 57, 58, 69, 471, 484, 485, 513, tertainment, vi. 41
530 ff.; xrv. 190, 198, 502, 598 Fortunia (play), vi. 486
Life of Charles Dickens, xm. 305; xrv. Forty -one, vm. 96
114 Forum, the (debating society), XT. 239
Life of Oliver Goldsmith, xrv. 113 Fosbroke, Thomas, Dudley (1770-1842),
Lffe of Simft, xiv. 114 xn. 510
Ltfe of Walter Savage Landor, xrv. 114 Foscari, in Byron's The Two Foscari, xn.
Lives of the statesmen of the Common- 49
wealth, xrv. 114 Foscari, in The Gratefull Servant, vi. 203
On English Freedom under Plantagenete Fosco, count, in Wilkie Collins's Woman
and Tudors, xrv. 114 in White, xm. 438
Forster, Max, I. 117; rn. 277 Foscolo, Ugo, xn. 384, 525; Lettere d^
Forster, William Edward (1818-1886), Jacopo Ortia, XL 288
xrv. 427, 505, 509 Foskett, Bernard, x. 387
Forster collection, x. 263 Foster, Elizabeth, Milton's grand-daughter
Forsyth, Joseph (1763-1815), xrv. 552 (d. 1754), vn. 107; x. 461
Forsyth, J. M., xrv. 467 Foster, Ernest, xrv. 531
Forsyth, William (1812-1899), xrv. 518 Foster, George, vn. 509
Forsyth, William (1818-1879), xiv. 533 Foster, Gregory, i. 143
Fortescue, George Knottesford (1847- Foster, James (1697-1753), x. 381, 521
1912), xn. 521 Foster, John (1731-1774), XT. 250

Foster, John (1770-1843), xn. 286, 466, Fox, William Johnson (1786-1864), xn.
472; xiv. 518; On the Aversion of Men 428, 466; xm. 53, 54, 57; xiv. 132, 137,
of Taste to Evangelical Religion, xn. 281 509, 591, 601
Foster, Sir Michael (1836-1907), xiv. 295, Foxcroft, A. B., xrv. 584
560 Foxcroft, H. C., Life of Gilbert Burnet,
Foster, Myles Birket (1825-1899), xiv. 201 ix. 195, 198, 202 ff., 208; Supplement
Foster, Samuel (d. 1652), vn. 488 to Burners History, rs. 201, 204, 205
Foster, W., xiv. 580 Foxe, John (1516-1587), 1 124; n. 60, 294;
Fotherby, Martin (1549?-1619), Afheo- v. 247; vi. 374; Actes and Monuments
mastix, vn. 277, 471 (Book of Martyrs], m. 26, 331 ff., 447,
Fotherby, Robert (fl. 1615), iv. 93 528; iv. 389, 397, 400, 403, 433; vn.
Fotheringay, Miss, in Pendennis, xin. 276, 322; Boole of Martyrs, The, xi. 326, 369;
291 xrv. 79; Christus Triumphans, v. 394
Fotheringham, Alma, Gissing's, xm. 460 Foxe or Fox, John, of Woodbridge (fl.
Fotheringham, James, xm. 484 1577), iv. 84
Fouche, Leo, xiv. Add. 7 Foxe or Fox, Richard (1448?-1528), m.
Foulis, Andrew (1712-1775), XT. 342, 470 468
Foulis, Robert (1707-1776), XL 342, 470 Foxwell, Herbert Somerton, xrv. 4
Foulis, R. and A., xn. 324, 530 Foy, vi. 101
Foulis press, ix. 262, 562, 567; x. 132 Fracastor, Girolamo, rs. 60
Fountain, Lacy, in Reade's Love me Little, Fracastorius, rv. 261
Love me Long, xm. 426 Fragmenta Aulica, vm. 470
Fountainhall, lord. See Lauder, Sir John Fragmenta Regalia, xn. 376
Fouque, Friedrich Karl Heinrich de la Frail, Airs, in Congreve's Love for Love,
Motte, xin. 4, 192, 465 vm. 152
Four Elements, A New Interlude and a Framlingham, n. 305
Merry of the nature of the, TV. 70 Frampton, in Mrs Griffith's School for
Four Sirens, the, in F^lostrato e Panfila, Makes, xi. 263
v.62 Frampton, John (fl. 1577-1596), rv. 446,
Four Sons of Aymon, I. 292. See under 530
Caxton Frampul, lord and lady, in The New Inne
Foure Ages of England, The, vn. 408 vi. 25
Fourier, baron de, xiv. 267 France, n. 340; v. 25 &., 34, 38, 43, 44,
Fowell, Frank, xiv. 536 49, 55, 58, 91, 121, 123, 137, 140, 222,
Fowler, Sir Henry Hartley, viscount 262, 284 ff., 288, 291, 299, 303, 306, 308,
Wolverhampton (1830-1911), xiv. 511 334, 341, 344, 355, 359; vr. 5, 90, 175,
Fowler, Thomas (1832-1904), xiv. 472 270, 271, 365; vn. 21, 22, 54, 61 ff.,
Fowler, William (fl. 1603), The Triumphs 180, 191, 197, 200, 205, 214, 221, 234,
of Petrarch, in. 137 282, 283, 285, 286, 301, 306 ff., 338, 381,
Fowler, William (1761-1832), xn. 510 437; vm. 11, 142, 206, 245, 256, 263,
Fowler, William Warde (1847-1921), xn. 265, 267, 296, 314, 330, 342, 364, 380,
Add. 3; xiv. 521 384, 385; IX. 6 ff., 11, 13, 37, 81, 89,
Fowles, William, iv. 437 95, 118, 130, 132, 142, 216, 218, 224 ff.,
Fox, Caroline (1819-1871), xrv. 502 228, 229, 231, 232, 237, 256, 257, 265,
Fox, Charles James (1749-1806), x. 306; 280, 332, 365, 390, 395, 396, 401, 406;
xi. 1, 2, 19, 34, 35, 51, 52 ff. (main X, 16, 17, 41, 47, 49, 63, 78, 79, 115,
entry), 143, 146, 389, 396, 405; xn. 151, 119, 159, 182, 200, 219 ff., 261, 264,
326, 439, 495; xm. 24; xiv. 98, 119 ff., 274, 282, 283, 302, 306, 322, 323, 335,
132, 184, 214, 502 336, 353, 388; XL 1, 7, 22 ff., 25, 26, 30,
Fox, Edward Long, xi. 414 39, 42, 44, 47, 50, 71, 73, 97, 98, 118,
Fox, Elizabeth, countess of Hchester, 136, 189, 344, 374, 380, 382; xn. 26,
xi. 174 27, 30, 31, 43, 59, 174, 254, 276, 282,
Fox, George (1624r-1691), vn. 169, 509; 343, 367; xm. 20, 88, 119, 132, 211,
vm. 101, 110, 413, 414; xi. 167; xn. 238, 357, 372, 428, 437, 444, 445; xiv.
198, 476; Journal, vn. 352; vm. 103 ff.; 42, 53, 57, 60, 110, 122, 151, 178, 179,
ix. 307, 523; The Great Mystery, vm. 182, 183, 188, 192, 215, 292 ff., 322,
Ill 324, 382, 383, 388, 392, 399, 404, 419,
Fox, Henry, 1st lord Holland (1705-1774), 437
x. 388, 389 France, Hazlitt in, xn. 432
JFox, Henry Richard Vassall, 3rd lord France, Martin de, Le Champion des
Holland (1773-1840), xi. 174; xiv. 603 Dames, vm. 59
Fox, Joseph, xiv. 606 France, trials for sorcery in, vi. 183
Fox, capt. Luke (1586-1635), iv. 107, France and Byron, xn. 392, 394 ff.

456; North West Fox; or Fox from the France and Shelley, xn. 403
North- West Passage, TV. 106 Frances, Madame, in The Toiler, is.. 50
Fox, Stephen, 1st earl of Hchester, xi. 174 Francesca, I. 363

Francesco, in Never too late, in, 360 Franks, Sir Augustus Wollaston (1826-
Francesco, grand duke of Florence, vi. 1897), xn. 347, 510
174, 175 Franks casket, I. 12, 426

Francillon, Robert E., sm. 567; ~s.iv. 'Frantics, in The Lords' Masque, vi. 353
528 Fraser, Alexander Campbell (1819-1914),
Francis I, king of France, m. 46, 158, 160, ix. 280; xiv. 473
163, 224, 437; x. 105 Berkeley, xiv. 47
Francis, John (1811-1882), xrv. 200, 534; Berkeley and Spiritual Realism, xiv. 47
History of the Athenaeum, xrv. 174 Biographia Philosophica, xrv. 48
Francis, Philip (170S?-1773), x. 389, 408, Essays in Philosophy, xiv. 47
455, 523; Letter from the Cocoa-Tree, x. Locke, xiv. 47
390 Philosophy of Theism, The, xrv. 48
Francis, Sir Philip (1740-1818), x. 400, Fraser, James (1818-1885), xrv. 606
401, 405, 408 ., 522, 526, 527; xi. 17; Fraser, Peter, xiv. 180
xiv. 513 Fraser, Simon, 12th lord Lovat (1667?-
Francis, St, I. 200, 201, 339; m. 159; 1747), ix. 563, 564
x. 367 Frasefs Magazine, xn. 159, 163, 427, 431,
Franciscans, the (Minorites, Grey Friars), 441; xm. 10, 95, 278 ?., 347, 356, 360,
i. 200 ff., 209; n. 66, 71, 251/255, 349, 362, 465; xiv. 20, 86, 152, 161, 316
350; m. 57, 92, 123, 159, 162; iv. 419; Fraunce, Abraham (/?. 1587-1633), in.
v. 13; vn. 303, 337; vm. 59; ix. 538 425, 432, 551; iv. 436, 476; vm. 238
Franciscans in Cambridge, I. 200; n. 349, Aminta, vi. 365, 490
3oO Arcadian Rlietonke, The, m. 432
Franciscans in Oxford, I. 200 ff., 452 .; Countess of Pembrokes Emanuell, The,
n. 349, 350 iv. 131
Franciscans in St Andrews, n. 370 Countess of Pembrokes Yvychurch, The,
Francisco, in The Duke of Hillaine, vi. iv. 131
155, 159 Nativity, The, rv. 131
Francisco, in The Renegado, vi. 157 Victoria, vi. 304, 472
Francisco, in The White Divel, vi. 176 Fraunhofer, Joseph von, xiv. 266
Francison, A., xni. 471 Fraus Pia, vi. 483
Franck, Richard (1624?-1708), xn. 376 Frazer, Hugh, xiv. 536
Franck, Sebastien, ix. 315 Frazer, James (1818-1885), bishop of
Francklin, Richard (16242-1708), ix. 220, Manchester, xm. 553
221 Frazer, Sir James George, XL 85
Francklin, Thomas (1721-1784), x. 41, Frazer, Robert Watson, xrv. 574
128, 420, 431; Orestes, x. 86, 439 Frazer, William (1817-1879), xrv. 602
Franckton, John, iv. 414 Frechette, Louis, xrv. 356
Franco-Prussian war, xiv. 173, 182, 190, Fredenca, in Jane Austen's Lady Susan,
192, 328 xii. 233
Francorum, Gesia Eegum, I. 26. See, also, Frederick, in A Wife for a Month, vi 122,
Gregory of Tours 132
Franeker university, in Friesland, vn. Frederick, in Mrs GaskelTs North and
308 South, xni. 378
Frank, in The Witch of Edmonton, TL. Frederick, in The Weakest goeth to the Wall,
190 v. 316
Frank, Elizabeth, xn. 505 Frederick II, emperor, I. 199; vn. 102,
Frank, Mark (1613-1664), vn. 147, 424 159
Frankenstein, in Mary Shelley's novel, Frederick V, elector Palatine and king of
xn. 248 Bohemia, iv. 259; vi. 148, 149, 250,
Frankford, Mrs, in A Woman Kilde with 321, 353
Kmdnesse, vr. 84, 98 Frederick, Don, in The Chances, vi. 135
Frankfort-on-the-Mam, ni. 144, 434; rv. Frederick, duke, in As You Like It, v.
366, 403, 545, 548; also see Add.; vn. 192
304, 308; xi. 331 Frederick, lord, in Nicholas Nickleby,
Frankish law, vm. 311 xra. 317
Frankland, Sir Edward (1825-1899), xrv. Frederick, Louis, prince of Wales (1707-
272, 277, 557 1751), ix. 230, 251; x. 94, 95, 108, 110;
Frankland, Richard (1630-1698), ix. 392; xiv. 287
x. 386 Frederick, Sir, in The Eeturne from Per-
Franklin, in Arden of Feversham, v. nassus, vi. 313
240 Frederick, William III, king of Prussia,
Franklin, Benjamin, xn. 165; xiv. 394 xiv. 416
Franklin, Sir John (1786-1847), xiv. 245, Frederick the Great, xn. 410; xni. 18,
552, 583 19; xiv. 63, 382, 416
Franks, in Beowulf, etc., I. 25, 26, 32, 34 Frederick of Jennen, n. 329

Freedom, in She Would if She Could, VUL French education, rx. 399; x. 283: xiv
138 391, 423, 428
Freedom's Farewell, is. 376 French 261
emigres, x. 66,
Freeholder, The, ix. 437 French empire, XL 103
Freelove, lady, in Colman's Jealous Wife, French fleet, x. 291
x. 89, 90 French historians, ix. 227; xn. 271; xiv.
Freeman, in Discoverie of the Knights of 102
the Poste, TV. 350 French institutions, x. 42
Freeman, in Wycherley's Country Wife, French interest in Shakespeare, v. 209,
vin. 145 287-296
Freeman, Anthony, in The Spectator, ix. French invasion panic, the, xrv. 137
57 French July revolution, xni. 357
Freeman, Edward Augustus (1823-1892), French king, the, in The Duke of Millaine,
I 163, 171, 197, 199; n. 399; vn. 330; vi. 158, 163
X. 313; xn. 261, 271, 321, 379, 475; French lady, in Godfrey of Bulloigne, vr.
xrv. 62, 67, 69 ff. (main entry), 76, 85, 89
86, 99, 101, 198, 487 French language and literature: ix. 4, 26,
Greek People and the Greek Kingdom, 30, 214, 233, 267, 276, 331, 385, 390,
The, xiv. 71 393, 395, 402 ff., 410, 412, 413; x. 17,
Historical Essays, xn. 308, 316 60, 69, 71, 90, 114, 120, 125, 135, 173,
Historical Geography, xiv. 72 174, 202 ff., 241, 250, 257, 259, 281,
History and Conquests of the Saracens, 283 ff., 288 ff., 296, 302, 303, 305, 313,
xiv. 71 316, 317, 319, 323; XL 58, 59, 181, 224,
History of Architecture, xiv. 71 289, 291, 292, 295 ff., 327, 330, 332,
History of Federal Government, xu. 315; 334, 347, 353 ff., 359, 382; xn. 3, 154,
Xiv. 71 208, 247, 254. 308, 328; xm. 99, 124,
History of the Norman Conquest, xn. 129, 162, 199, 208, 213, 219, 259, 263,
316; XIV. 71 ff. 346; xiv. 62, 107, 185, 224, 306, 327
History of Sicily, xn. 316 333, 342, 358, 360, 385, 387, 388, 391
History of Wells Cathedral, xn. 348 406, 408, 434, 438, 442, 455, 457, 458;
Old English History for Children, xiv. (French, Old): no more spoken in Eng-
72 land, n. 70; influence on our medieval
Poems, legendary and historical (with poetry, (carols), n. 376, (songs), 377,
G. W. Cox), xn. 314; xiv. 70 384 ff., 388 ff. ; in legal works, vin. 313
Reign of William Rufus, The, xiv. 73 ff., 319; writers of, n. 507 ff.; (Re-
Freeman, Thomas (jL 1614), iv. 520 nascence): influence of, on Chapman,
Freeman's Journal, The, xiv. 318 vi. 33, 172; on Hobbes, YH. 266, 268,
Freemantle, H. E. S., xiv. Add. 7 269; and translation, VTL 263; (17th
Freeport, Sir Andrew, in The Spectator, century): influence of, vm. 124, 186 ff.,
ix. 51, 52 194, 214, 270, 321, 322, 332, 371 ff.; on
Freher, Dionysius (1649-1728), ix. 308, Dryden, vm. 23, 56; on satire, vm. 59;
520 on Temple, vm. 381, 383, 385; see, also,
Freiligrath, Ferdinand, v. 303 Hamilton, Anthony. See, also, French
Freind, Robert (1667-1751), ix. 151, 153, poets and poetry; French stage, etc.
217, 250 French encyclopedists, xm. 19; xrv.
Freiris of Berwck, ix. 367 402
Freke, Harriot, in Miss Edgeworth's Be- French fabliaux, XL 175
linda, xi. 297 French fiction, xm. 283, 442, 456
Freke, William (1662-1744), x. 377 French novelists, x. 18
French, Samuel, xm. 516 French octave, the, or ballad royal, XL
French, the, x. 40, 255, 264, 282, 294; 217
xi. 28; xn. 326; xm. 282, 283, 339, 446; French law, xn. 354
xiv. 173, 195, 213, 223, 225, 230, 247, French mathematicians, xrv. 258
328 French m&odrame, xnr. 263, 264
French academy, v. 293, 294; vm. 369, French music, in Albion aiid Albanius,
371; x. 173; XI. 354; xiv. 264 vm. 30
French actresses, vi. 404; vm. 118 French mysticism, vn. 155
French artists, xiv. 214 French national assembly, XL 12, 21 ff.,
French characters in English plays, vm. 26; xn. 144
144 French national convention, ix. 386; XL
French constituent assembly, XL 71 47
French dancers, xi. 282 French opera, ix. 163; xm. 256
French directory, xi. 26 French oratory, xu. 268
French drama, x. 78, 81, 86, 211; XL 281, French periodicals, vn. 360
354; xm. 265, 267, 270, 272 French philosopher, x. 296
French economists, xrv. 381 French pietism, xn. 262

French poets and poetry, rs. 67; x. 79, Frisco, in A Womanwillhaveher Witt, v. 330
217, 219; xi. 209; xn. 4, 354; xm. 129, Friscobaldo, Orlando, in The Honest
140, 210 ff., 232 Whore, VL 53
French prosody, vm. 239 Friscus, in Marston's Scourge of Vittanie,
French romances, v. 314; VL 239, 240; iv. 332
vn. 74, 391 Frisians, xrv. 68
French romantic school, x. 181 xm. 9 ; Frisians, the, in Beowulf, i. 24 ff., 31
French sonnet writers, v. 173, 230 Frisius, Gemma, iv. 73, 74
French translations, vi. 124; vn. 263; 'Frissis, Duk of,' in Wyntoun's Chronicle,
vm. 123, 126 ff. n. 131
French troubadours, ix. 365 Frith, John (1503-1533), m. 26, 31, 40,
French press, v. 286, 295 41, 140, 473; IV. 40; Disputation of Pur.
French prints, xiv. 215 gatory, m. 40; The Revelation of Anti-
French publicists, xi. 42 Christ, m. 39; The Supper of the Lord,
French queen, in The Conspiracie and m. 40
Tragedie of Charles Duke of Byron, vi. Friuli, ix, 150
30 Frizer, Ingram, v. 142
French 'Reign of Terror,' xrv. 459 Frobel, John, of Basel, m. 41
French revolution, IL 81; v. 197, 294; Froben, J., n. 322; iv. 403
IX. 213, 233; x. 43, 59, 251, 318; XL 4, Frobisher, Martin (1535?-1594), iv. 73,
6, 14, 16, 19, 21, 22, 25 ff., 39, 44, 47, 74, 76, 85, 88, 456; vn. 305
79, 97, 106, 117, 118, 138, 155, 190, Froda, in Beoioulf, I. 24, 25
194, 225, 236, 430, 433, also see Add.; Froebel, Friedrich, ix. 389; xrv. 394, 600,
xn. 39, 107, 149, 164, 249, 279, 310, 608
429; xm. 2, 10, 11, 19, 257, 258, 300, Frog, Nicholas, in Arbuthnot's History of
345, 420; xiv. 50, 66, 187, 214, 215, 382 John Bull, ix. 134, 135
French society, ix. 243 Frogges of Egypt, rv. 530
French stage, the: Frohman, Daniel, xnr. 514
Classical, v. 1, 61, 63, 76, 91 Froissart, Jean, i. 213, 358; n.
159; v.
Medieval, v. 36, 39 ff., 46, 52 244; ix. 236; X. 133, 135; xm. 428;
Influence on English drama, vm. 13 ff., Chronicles, n. 228, 322, 336, 338, 340:
28, 29, 31, 131 ff., 157, 162, 179 ff., 187; v. 246; xn. 146
x. 108 Frollicke, Sir Frederick, in Etherege's She
French theatres, XL 265 Would if She Could, vm. 138
French theology, xn. 254 Frollo, i. 236
French wines, v. 358 Fronia, in The Misfortunes of Arthur, v. 78
French-Canadians, xiv. 348, 354 Frontinus, n. 366
Frenchman, in A Woman wiU have Ji&r Froschover, C., n. 322; in. 44
Will v. 329 Frost, Thomas, xm. 543: xiv. 534
Frend, William (1757-1841), xn. 279, 466, Frost, Walter, A Briefe Relation, vn. 354
467; xrv. 591, 593 Frost, The Great, iv. 532
Frere, Sir Bartle (1815-1884), XL 392 Frosfs Lives of Eminent Christians, xm.
Frere, John Hookham (1769-1846), XL. 455
39, 40, 392; xn. 52, 394; xm. 175, 236, Froth, Abraham, in The Spectator, ix. 57
238, 241, 246, 502; xiv. 206, 387; Froth, lady, in Congreve's Double-Dealer,
Brunanburh, x. 487 vm. 149, 375; xi. 266
Frere and the Boye, The, n. 501, 502 Froth, lord, in Congreve's Double-Dealer,
Freron, llie Catherine, x. 264 vm. 149, 156
Frescobaldi, in Cromwett, v. 247 Fr6tSi (Frotho IV), i. 25
Freund, Wilhelm, xn. 335 Frotho I, i. 28
Freyr (Old Norse alphabet), i. 10 Froude, James Anthony (1818-1894), rv.
Friar, The, and the Boy, XL 334 45, 96; vn. 178; xn. 179, 255, 292, 319,
Friar Rush, n. 507; m. 94, 488 430, 445, 456, 460, also see Add. 1, 2; xm.
Friars, poems against, n. 443 17, 18, 358, 424, 467, 469, 471, 547; xiv.
Friars Minor. See Franciscans 83 ff., 96, 152, 488, 552
Fribourg, xiv. 404 Council of Trent, The, xiv. 86
Fricker, Edith. See Southey, Mrs England's Forgotten Worthies, xiv 84
Fricker, Sara. See Coleridge, Mrs English in Ireland, The, xrv. 86, 105
Frideswide, in The Golden Legend, n. 335 English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century,
Friedrich, J., x. 454 xiv. 86
Friend, Sir John (d. 1696), vm. 163 History of England, xm. 369; xiv. 84 ff.
Friends, society of, vm. 112, and ante; Life and Letters of Erasmus, xrv. 86
xrv. 271 Life of Carlyle, xrv. 86
Friendship's Offering, xrv: 149 Nemesis of Faith, The, xiv. 84
Frigidianus, bishop, I. 105 'Scientific Method Applied to History.
Frische Haff, the, L 94 The/ xrv. 85

Froude, James Anthony Furly, Benjamin (1636-1714), vm. 414
Short Studies, xrv. 85, 86 Furneaux, Henry (1829-1900), xn. 483
Froude, Richard Hurrell (1803-1836), Furness, Horace Howard, v. 308; vi. 305
xii. 257 ff., 454 fE. t 461; Remains, xn. Furnivall, Frederick James (1825-1910), L
258, 259 ix, 344; n. 166, 216, 424 ff.; VL 375; ix.
Froumond, i. 101 361; x. 233; xn. 504; Tnrr 484; XIV. 408,
Frugal, Luke, in The City Madam, VL 160 506; An English Miscellany presented
Fry, Elizabeth (1780-1845), vni. 114 to, n. 504
Fry, Francis (1803-1886), xn. 521 Fursey, the Irish hermit, vision of, in
Fry, John (1609-1657), x. 377 Bede, I. 82, 86
Fryer, John (d. 1733), xiv. 576; New Ac-
*Fusbos, pseud.See Plunkett, Henry
count of East India and Persia, xiv. 333 Grattan
Fryer Bacon, The Famous Historic of, L Fuscara (Cleiveland's), vn. 93
210 Fuscus, in The Scourge of Folly, IV. 334
Fuess, Claude Moore, Lord Byron as a Fuseli, Henry (1741-1825), xiv. 214
Satirist in Verse, xii. 55
Futhy. See Fethe
Fueter, E., xiv. 484; Geschichte der neueren Fy, let us all to the Bridal, x. 233
Historiographie, Xiv. 107 Fyfe, Thomas Alexander, xm. 543
Fugitive tracts in verse, 1403-1600, v. 478 Fyffe, Charles Alan (1845-1892), xiv. 488
Fulbecke, William (1560-1603?), m. 551; Fyfield elm, the, xm. 93
vra. 468 Fyn, in Dunbar's Interlude, n. 255
Fulke, William (1538-1589), in. 446, 473; Fyshe, Simon. See Fish
IV. 508; Confutation of the Rhemish Fyve JBestis, Talis of the, n. 279, 280
Testament, iv. 389
Fuller, xn. 434 G. Al., v. 72
Fuller, Nicholas (1557?-1626), vn. 317, G. S. B., A
Study of the Prologue and Epi-
482 logue in English Literature, vm. 34
Fuller, Robert H., xiv. Add. 7 Oaberlunzie Man, The, m. 130; ix. 560;
Fuller, Thomas (1608-1661), n. 190, 353; XL 218
m. 50, 324, 328, 332, 426, 463, 473; Gaboriau, ]mile, xm. 437
iv. 12, 14, 245, 370, 420; vn. 158, 232, Gabriel, in Cowley's Davideis, vn. 66, 67
244-249 (main entry), 253, 256 fL, 462; Gabriel, in The Example of Virtue, n. 227
xiv. 460 Gabriel, the angel, L 115; n. 382
Abel Redivivus, vn. 248 Gabrielson, Arvid, xm. 512
Andronicus, yn. 248 Gace, William (fl. 1580), rv. 446
Appeal of Injured Innocence, vn. 246 Gadbury, John (1627-1704), vn. 509
Church History, vn. 207, 246 ff.; vm. 15 Gaddesden. See John of
Davids Heinous Sin, vn. 244 Gadshill place, ym. 332
Good Thoughts in Bad Times, vn. 245, Gaelic language and literature, I. 464;
247 IX. 377, 559; X. 225, 229 ff., 487; xn.
History of the University of Cambridge, 24; xiv. 302 ff., 357, 457, 458
The, vi. 307; vn. 248 Gaelic league, the, xiv. 305
Holy and Profane State, Thet vn. 245, Gage, Sir Henry (1597-1645), vn. 454
247, 248 Gage, Thomas (d. 1656), A New Survey
Holy War, The, vn. 245, 247, 248 of the West Indies, iv. 97, 456
'Pisgah Sights,' vn. 248 Gager, William (fl. 1580-1619), v. 82; vi.
Worthies of England, The, IV. 308, 511; 318, 324, 378, 399, 409, 472, 491
vn. 246 ff.
Dido, VL 303
Fuller, Thomas, father of Thomas Fuller, Mdeager, vi. 302
vn. 244 Oedipus, VL 303
Fuller, Sir Thos. E., xiv. Add. 7 Rivales, v. 128; vi. 302, 303, 398
Fullerton, lady Georgiana Charlotte (1812 Ulysses Eedux, vi. 303, 327, 398
-1885), xra. 562 Gaguin, Robert, m. 71
Fulman, William (1632-1688), DC. 533 Gahagan, major Goliah O'Grady, pseud.
Fulmers, the, in Cumberland's West In- of W. M. Thackeray, xm. 279
dian, XL 264 Gailhard, Jean, The Compleat Gentleman,
Fulston St Peter's, Wilts., vn. 29 ix. 397, 569
Fulwell, Ulpian (fl. 1586), Like, will to Gaillard, Michel, iv. 527
Like, v. 57, 393; vi. 284 Gaimar, Geoffrey (d. 1140), Estorie des
Fun, xiv, 196, 239 Engles, etc., i. 104, 170, 236, 264, 446;
Fungoso, in Every Man out of His Humour, n. 420, 508
VL 40 Gainsborough, Thomas (1727-1788), x.
Furetiere, Antoine, rx. 256; Le roman 267
Bourgeois, X. 26 Gainsford, captain Francis, vn. 345
Furlong, Thomas (1794-1827), XIV. 312, Gainsford, Thomas, vi. 493; Perkin War-
568 beck, VL 193

CHEL 145
Gair, J., ix. 371 Gait, John (1779-1839), xn. 30,
x. 445;
Gairdner, James (1828-1912), n. 67; xn. 384, 385, 394, 449; xin. 377; xiv. 188
356; xiv. 485, 489 Annals of the Parish, The, xi. 64; xn.
Divine Right of Kings, The, xiv. 83 251
Historical Element in Shakespeare's Fal- The Ayrshire Legatees, xn. 251
staff, The, xiv. 83 The Entail, xn. 251
History of the English Church, vol. iv, The Last of the Lairds, xn. 251
xiv. 83 Galton, Arthur Howard, xm. 488
Life of Richard III, xiv. 82 Galton, Sir Francis (1822-1911), xiv. 473,
Lollardy and the Reformation, xiv. 83 560
Studies in English History (with J. Galvano, Antony, Discoveries of the World,
Spedding), xrv. 82, 83 iv. 83, 444, 457
Gaisford, Thomas (1779-1855), xn. 327, Galway, Queen's college, xiv. 417
328, 333, 483, 484, 491 Gama, Vasco da, iv. 68, 82, 86
Gams, xn. 492 Gamba, count Pietro, xn. 35, 36, 38,
Galafridus de Vino Salvo. See Geoffrey 384
de Vinsauf Gamba family, the, xn. 36, 37
Galahad, in Arthurian legend, i. 271 Gambado, Geoffrey. See Bunbury, Henry
Galahad, Sir, Tennyson's, XIH. 29 William
Galdn escarmentado, El, vm. 16 Gamble, John (d. 1687), vn. 83
Galaor, vn. 75 Gamble, William, xiv. 532
Galatea, m. 224 Gambol, in The Masque of Christmas, vi.
Galathea, in Lyly's Galathea, v. 126 358, 359
Gale, Roger (1672-1744), rs. 355, 358, Game, The Master of, n. 286
533, 534; xn. 350 Game of Gardes, Comedie or Morrall de-
Gale, Samuel (1682-1754), DC. 358, 533 vised on, vr. 286
Gale, Theophilus (1628-1678), vn. 471, Gamelyn, Tale of, I. 289, 298, 299, 367,
also see Add.; x. 385; Court of the Gen- 468; n. 162, 164, 178, 194 ff., 211, 215,
tiles, vn. 303 216, 467; m. 279, 358; v. 193, 220;
Gale, Thomas (1507-1587), iv. 444 xm. 252
Gale, Thomas (1635?-! 702), ix. 355, 534 Gammer Gurton's Garland, xi. 375
Galen, Claudius, I. 192, 193; n. 365; m. Gammer Gurton's Needle, n. 233; v. Ill;
5, 6, 20, 21, 23, 427, 433; iv. 444; vm. vi. 296, 297, 478
350; xn. 521 Gamp, Sarah, in Martin Chuzzlewit, xm.
Galeron of Galloway, in Awntyrs of Ar- 304, 323
thure, I. 312; n. 122, 123 Gandersheim, v. 6, 7
Gali, Francisco de, Discourse of the East Gandy, Henry (1649-1734), x. 355
and West Indies, iv. 78 Ganymede, n. 175
Galicia, xiv. 294 Ganvmede (Barnfield's), in. 264; iv. 120,
Galignani's Messenger, xn. 383 126
Galileo Galilei, iv. 278, 290; vn. 100, 283, Gaping Wide-mouthed Waddling Frog, xi.
292; vm. 276, 282, 338, 350, 352, 358; 386
xiv. 27; Dialogue, vn. 284 Garbett, James (1802-1879), xm. 171
Galiot, in Golagros and Gawane, n. 124 Garcon et VAveugle, Le, v. 25
Gall, Richard (1776-1801), Farewell to Garden, Francis (1810-1884), xn. 454
Ayrshire, XI. 234; Now Bank and Brae, Garden, George (1649-1733), ix. 519,
xi. 234; Poems and Songs, xi. 234, 520
443 Garden, James (1647-1726), ix. 520
Gallant, A Treatise of a, m. 98, 491 Garden of Delight, in Eeason and Sen-
Gallant Grahams, The, IX. 373 suality, n. 202
Galley late come into England from Terra Gardening, writers on, rv. 542
Nova, m. 87, 482 Gardiner, Edmund, The Triall of Tobacco,
Gattia Christiana, x. 282 iv. 349, 531
Gallican liberties, vm. 308 Gardiner, col. James (1688-1745), ix. 563
Gallienus Redivivus, xiv. 65 Gardiner, K., England's Grievance Dis-
Gallic, in Hall's Virgidemiarum, iv. 331 covered, vn. 507
Gallipoli, xiv. 367 Gardiner, Samuel Rawson (1829-1902),
Galloway, n. 99, 101, 104; vn. 79; xi. iv. 42; vi. 148, 149; vn. 190; rx. 193;
446 xm. 480; xiv. 99, 489, 500
Galloway, lady, x. 64
Cromwell's Place in History, xiv. 88
Galloway poet,' the. See Nicholson, History of England, xiv. 87
William Letters and Documents illustrating the
Gallus, m. 224 England and Germany,
relations between
Gallus, Evaldus, Pueriles Confabulatiun- xiv. 88
culae, XL 367 Parliamentary Debates in 1610, xiv. 87
Gaily, Henry (1696-1769), xi. 250 Thirty Years War, The, xiv. 88

Gardiner, Stephen (1483?-1555), bishop 'Garrison, The,' in Smollett's Peregrine
of Winchester, in. 33, 81, 194, 418 ff.,
Pickle, x. 38
444, 474; V. 365; vi. 91, 296, 397, 475; Garter, Order of the, I. 328; n. 38; IX. 355
Contra Turner i vulpem, in. 81; Ex- Garth, Caleb, in Middlemarch, xm. 382
plication and Assertion of the true Catholic Garth, Sir Samuel (1661-1719), vni. 410,
Faith, m. 33 411; ix. 75, 151, 175, 177 ff. (main
Gardiner and Mullinger, Introduction to entry), 485; x. 156; XL 246; Claremont,
the Study of English History, xn. 356 ix. 179; Dispensary, The, ix. 179, 333
Gardner, Alan Gardner, 1st lord (1742- Gartha, in Ij'Avenant's Gondibert, vn. 71
1809), xiv. 245 Garulf, in Finnsburh, i. 31
Gardyne, Alexander (1585?-1634?), ix. Gascoigne, George (1525?-1577), m. 201-
555 210 (main entry), 248, 249, 281, 282,
Gaxeth, in Malory, i. 295 284, 285, 296 ff., 302, 303, 312, 447,
Garfit, Arthur, xiv. 591 448, 517 ff., 526, also see Add.; iv. 52,
Gargantua (Rabelais), n. 256, 258; iv. 8 73, 329, 441; v. 70 ff., 120, 181, 344, 386,
Gargantua his Prophecie, iv. 9 394, 402 ff.; vn. 271; xi. 248; xm. 253
Gargantua' s mare, vni, 67 Adventures of Master F. J., The, m.
Gargery, Joe, in Great Expectations, TTTT. 205, 206
334 Certayne notes of Instruction in English,
Garibaldi, Giuseppe, xm. 132 HL 206, 207, 281, 296
Garland, John, Organum, xrv. 308 Complaint of Phylomene, The* m. 207
Garlandia, Joannes de (fl. 1230), i. 193, Councett given to Master Bartholmew
194, 453; m. 84 WithipoU, m. 203, 205, 206
Garnesche, Christopher. See under Skelton Dan Bartholmew of Bathe, m. 203, 205,
Garnett, Edward, xiv. 527, 601 210, 484
Garnett, Henry (1555-1606), iv. 127; vm. Delicate Diet, for daintie mouthd Droon-
85, 86 Icardes, A, m. 207
Garnett, Richard (1835-1906), iv. Ill; Droome ofDoomes daie, The, m. 207, 208
xi. 412, 434, 462, 463; xn. 159, 248, Duke Bellum inexpertis, m. 202, 206
399 &., 412, 435, 444, 521; xm. 194, Ferdinando Jerommi, vi. 192
464, 467, 471, 476, 481, 499, 503; xiv. Fetters, Thefruite of, m. 206
509, 518, 601; Twilight of the Gods, The, Glasse of Government, The, m. 207; v
xiv. 144 113, 114
Garnett, Robert S., xm. 530 Gloze upon this text, Dominus Us opus
Gamier, Robert, v. 63, 163; vi. 366; vra. habet, A, m. 207, 208
13, 133; Marc-Antoine, v. 334; Cornell, Grief of Joye, The, m. 207
v. 157, 334; Porcie, v. 157 Hemetes the heremyte, The Tale of, m
Garnier de Pont-Sainte-Maxence, Vie de 202, 205, 207, 208
St Thomas Becket, n. 420, 508 Hollande, Voyage into, m. 203, 206
Garonne, river, xiv. 302 Hundreth sundrie Flowers, A, HL 205;
Garraway, Anne, vn. 232 iv. 399
Garret (a London character), iv. 360 Jocasta, m. 203, 206; iv. 4; v. 70 ff.,
Garrett, Edmund, xiv. 534 76, 77, 396, 399
Garrett, F. E., xiv. Add. 7 Posies, iv. 399
Garrick, David (1717-1779), v. 291, 298; Princelye Pleasures, The, m. 210
vi. 28, 262, 323; vm. 184, 191, 196; Spoyle of Antwerp, The, m. 208; iv. 324
x. 36, 39, 40, 71, 72, 82, 83, 85 ff. f Steele Glas, The, m. 202, 205, 207, 209:
90, 91, 128, 161, 172, 204, 211, vm. 223
212, 214, 215, 260, 261, 263 ff. (main Supposes, m. 203, 204, 206; v. 114, 115,
entry), 268, 395, 405, 426, 428, 429, 220; vm. 126
432 ff., 437 ff., 441, 445, 460, 461, 471, Weedes, m. 202
483, 493; xi. 257 ff., 264, 265, 271, 282, Gascoigne, Sir John (father of George
284, 360 ff., 448 ff., 453, 454; xn. 180, Gascoigne), m. 202
200 Gascoigne, Thomas (1403-1458), chan-
Bon Ton, x. 88 cellor of Oxford university, n. 66, 157,
Cymon, XL 282 294, 496; iv. 419, 428
Gamesters, x. 86 Gascony, n. 293
Irish Widow, X. 88 Gascoyne-Cecil, Robert A. T., 3rd mar-
Lethe, x. 85 quis of Salisbury (1830-1903), xn. 155,
Lying Valet, x. 88 430; xiv. 134, 196, 198, 511
Miss in her Teens, x. 88 Gashford, in Barnaby Rudge, xm. 320
Garrick, Eva Marie Violetti, x. 268 Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn (1810-1865),
Garrick and Colman, The Clandestine Mar- xm. 326, 345, 371 ff. (main entry), 386,
riage, x. 211 408, 431, 458, 549 ff., 555, 558
Garrick collection (British Museum), v. 35 Cousin Phdlis, xm. 371, 380, 403, 406
Garrick plays, xn. 436 Cranford, xm. 371, 376 ff., 381, 403, 430

GaskeD, Elizabeth Cleghom Gautier de Doulens, i. 328; n. 450
Life of Charlotte Bronte, xm. 379, 403, Gaveston, in Edward //, v. 154
414 Gaw, A., vm. 131
Lizzie Leigh, xm. 371, 373 Gawain, Gawayne (Walgainus), I. 243,
Manchester Marriage, The, xm. 379 260, 261, 269, 270, 295, 297, 309,
Mary Barton, xm. 362, 371 ff., 381, 403 311 ft, 336, 468; n. 100; m. 68; vn. 75.
Moorland Cottage, The, TJTT. 377 See, also, Gawayne and the Grene Knight
Mr 1
Harrison 8 Confessions, XTTT. 371, Gawain, Sir, in Awntyrs of Arthure, n. 116,
376, 377 121, 122
My Lady Ludlow, xm. 379 Gawain, Sir, in Golagros and Gawane, n.
North and South, xm. 375, 378, 381 123, 124, 450
Hound xm. 372, 379
the Sofa, Gawain, Sir, in Morte Arthur e, n. 119, 120
Huth, xm.371, 372, 377 ff., 381, 403 Gawain, Wedding of, L 295, 312, 471
Sketches among the Poor, xm. 372 Gawaine, The Marriage of Sir, n. 414
Sylvia's Lovers, xm. 378 ff., 403 Gawane, Anteris of, II. 116, 121
Wives and Daughters, xm. 372, 377, Gawayn, Syr, xrv. 307
378, 380, 381 Gawayne, Sir, and the Grene Knight, i. 281,
Gaskell, William, xm. 372 284, 285, 287, 296, 297, 312, 320, 325 ft,
Gasquet, cardinal Francis Aidan, xiv. 484 330 ft, 333, 334, 378, 462, 468, 471, 472;
Gassendi, Pierre, vn. 284, 286 n. 133, 272, 308, 379; vn. 75; xiv. 307
Gataker, Thomas (1574-1654), vn. 308, Gawdy, Philip (fl. 1601), vi. 291
315 fi., 320, 321, 488, 490; Annotations Gawdyfer at Gaddris, Alexander story of,
an the Bible, vn. 322; Cmnus, vn. 318; n. 112
Marcus Antoninus, vn. 316 Gawin, in The Misfortunes of Arthur, v. 78
Gate House, the, in The Martin Marpre- Gay, Florence, xiv. 584
late Controversy, m.
387 Gay, John (1685-1732), ix. 78, 98, 103,
Gath, vn. 67 106, 137, 139, 152, 160 ft (main entry),
Gatherer, J., n. 550 169, 220, 247, 249, 442, 446, 447, 452,
Gatty, Margaret (1807-1873), XL 248, 479 468, 472, 480, 483; x. 80, 84, 102, 202,
Gatty, mistress (Etherege's), vm. 138 429, also see Add.; xi. 88, 173, 248, 479;
Gatty laboratory, xiv. 297 xn. 122; xm. 239, 265
Gau," John (1493?-1553?), Richt Vay, n. Beggar's Opera, ix. 163; x. 71, 83, 428;
285, 479 XL 218, 260
Gaubius, Hieronymus David, x. 200 Birth of the Squire, ix. 164
Gauchos, the, xiv. 250 Black-eyed Susan, ix. 161
Gauden, John (1605-1662), bishop of Eclogues, XL 36
Worcester, m. 407; vn. 160 ft, 425; Fables, ix. 162
vm. 269; Anti-Baal-Berith, vn. 161; Fan, The, ix. 161
Eikon Basihke, vn. 140, 161, 162; vm. Funeral, The, ix. 164
67; x. 355, 517 Ladies' Petition, ix. 164
Gaudifer, in Golagros and Gawane, n, 124 Mr Pope's Welcome from Greece, IX. 75,
Gaufridus, Arturus, L 257 164
Gaul, xiv. 110 Potty, ix. 163
Gaul, joculatores in, n. 386 Rural Sports, ix. 160
Gaul, women of, I. 151 Shepherds Week, ix. 131, 161, 162, 164,
Gaule, John (fl. 1646-1660), vn. 507, 509; 165; XI. 144
ILvs-fjLavTta, The Mag-astromancert vn. Tea-Table, The, ix. 164
394 Three Hours after Marriage, vm. 168;
Gaulish scholars, xiv. 302, 303 XL 322
ix. 72, 132;
Gaulmin, Gilbert, iv. 249, 259 Toilette, The, ix. 164
Gauls, the, rv. 13 Tragical Comical Farce, ix. 160
Gaultier, abbe, ix. 151, 152 Tnvia, or The Art of Walking the Streets
Gaunt, Griffith, Charles Reade's, xm. 426 of London, ix. 161, 164; XL 322
Gaunt, John of, duke of Lancaster (1340- 'Twos when the Seas were roaring, rs. 161
1399), tfeeJohn What D'ye-Call-it, ix. 161; x. 83
Gaunt house, in Thackeray's Vanity Fair, Wife of Bath, ix. 161; XI. 322
xm. 287 Wine, ix. 160
Gauss, Karl Friedrich, xiv. 258, 268 Gay, John (1699-1745), Dissertation, x.
Gaussen, Alice, Percy: Prelate and Poet, 342; Gazetteer, The, x. 400, 525
x. 206 Gay, Joseph, XL 330
Gaussen, Francois S. R. L., xn. 283 Gay, Thomas, ix. 160
Gaussin, Mile, x. 118 Gay, William (d. 1695), ix. 160
Gautar, the, in Old Norse literature, I. 26 Gay, William (1865-1897), xiv. 369, 586
Gautier, archbishop of Sens, i. 190 Gay Lussac, xiv. 557
Gautier, Th^ophile, xm. 129, 307; xiv. Gay Goshawk, The, n. 411
349; La Chimere, xm. 208 Gayley,CharlesMills,v.l34ft,418;vi.Add.

Gaynour, queen (Guinevere), in Awntyrs Gengiscan the Great, x. 110
of Arthure, n. 122 Genius, priest of Nature, in Roman de la
Gay's Chair, is.. 164 Rose, n. 150
Gayton, Edmund (1608-1666), vn. 516 Genius, priest of Venus, in Confessio
Gayville, lord, in Burgoyne's Heiress, XL Amantis, n. 146, 150
275 Genius of the Wood, the, in Arcades, vn.
Gaza, Theodoras, grammar of, m. 14 113
Gazeau, J., xm. 471 Genlis, comtesse de, XL 491; TTTTT. 273;
Gazet, in The Renegade, vi. 161 xrv. 606; Adele et Theodore, XL 382;
Gazette, The, ix. 2, 4 xiv. 388; Tales of the Castle, XL 382
Gazette, The (Manchester), sir. 169 Genoa, n. 79, 118, 157, 305; iv. 68; vn.
Gazetteer, The, xiv. 186 99; ix. 245; x. 41, 469
Gazettes, vn. 345 Genoa, villa Saluzzo, xn. 37
Geat, in Deor, I. 36 Genovino, in D'Urfey's Famous History
Geatas, the, in Beowulf, I. 24 fi. of Massaniello, vm. 175
Geddes, Alexander (1737-1802), xn. 467 Gent, Thomas (1693-1778), XL 341, 469
Charming Highlandman, ix. 372 Gentile Christians, ix. 291
Iliad, ix. 372 Gentiles, the, xn. 209
Lewie Gordon, ix. 372 Gentili, Alberico (1552-1608), vi. 399;
Linton, ix. 372 vn. 309; vm. 466; De Jure Belli, m.
Wee Wifukie, ix. 372 423, 424; vm. 316; De Legatiombus,
Geddes, John (1735-1799), XL 223 m. 423
Geddes, William (1600K1694), ix. 546 Gentillet, Innocent, Discours sur le$
Geddes, Sir William Duguid (1828-1900), moyens de bien gouvemer et maintenir de
xn. 335, 484 bonne paix un royaume, rv. 8, 444
Gedell-Glaiss, son of Sir Newill, in Ory~ 'Gentle river,' x. 233
gynale Cronyfcil, n. 130 Gentleman, Francis (1728-1784), x. 443
Gedike, Friedrich, xiv. 382 Gentleman, Tobias (fl. 1614), iv. 511
Gee, J., vm. 453 Gentleman's Calling, The, IX. 397, 570
Geesh (Abyssinia), xiv. 246 Gentleman's Journal, ix. 270; x. 163
Geffe, or Goffe, N., The Perfect Use of Gentleman's Magazine, The, ix. 191; x.
Silk-wormes, rv. 487, 542 144, 159, 161 S., 168, 171, 173, 175, 181,
Geikie, Sir Archibald, xrv. 291, 559, 561 183, 193, 460, 461, 463, 464, 467, 471 E.,
Geikie, Walter (1795-1837), n. 270 479, 480; XL 323, 324, 339, 355; xn.
Geiler von Kaisersberg, John, in. 14, 59, 140, 181, 193, 345, 347, 365, 428; xiv.
482, 490 594
'Geist,' Matthew Arnold's dachshund, Gentleman a Magazine Library, xn. 506,
xni. 96 519
Gelasimus, Herod's fool in Archipropheto, Gentus, the, XL 17
vi. 295 Gentylnes and Nobylyte, v. 409
Gell, Sir William (1777-1836), xn. 497; Gentz, Friedrich von, ix. 233; x. 306
Pompeiana, xn. 338 Geoffrey de Vinsauf (fl. 1200), Art of
Gellert, Christian Fiirchtegott, Das Leben Poetry, I. 193, 453
der schwedischen Grdfen von G., x. 18 Geoffrey of Monmouth (11007-1154), L
Gelli, Giovanni Battista, rv. 444 68, 71, 158, 159, 168 175, 235, 237,
Gellia, in Owen's Epigrammata, iv. 265 245 ff., 250, 252, 257 fE., 264, 266 f.,
Gellibrand, Henry (1597-1636), rv. 456 284, 336, 338, 350, 351, 450, 451, 461;
Gellius, Aulus, IV. 6, 249, 348 n, 118; m. 234, 237, 314; rr. 67, 422;
Gelon, Sicilian ruler, xn. 316 v. 67, 68, 78, 239; VL 92; x. 231; xiv.
General Advertiser, The, x. 466 307
General assembly, the (1650), vn. 254 Geoffrey of Waterford, n. 508
General assembly of the Church of Scot- Geoffrey the cripple, in Tale of Beryn,i.2$8
land, ix. 129 Geoffrey the grammarian or Starkey (fl.
Generous, in The Late Lancashire Witches, 1440), Promptorium Parrndorum, n.
VL 105 483, 496; m. 555
Generydes, I. 291, 468 (Jeoffrey the Norman, bishop of St Albans,
Genest, John (1764-1839), vm. 123, 124, v. 7
168, 188; xi. 447, 456; Some Account Geological Magazine, The, xiv. 289, 566
of the English Stage, x. 85, 161, 443 Geological society of London, XTL 347;
Geneva, m. 45, 53, 144, 145, 399, 400, xiv. 287
402, 403; IV. 163, 276, 303, 402, 403, Geometry, in The Paasetyme of Pleasure,
429; v. 113; vi. 374; vn. 100, 304, 306, n. 225
308; vm. 245, 291; X. 296; XL 59; xm. George I, king of Great Britain (elector of
383 Hanover), rv. 251; vm. 299; IX 132,
Geneva, lake of, xn. 44 231, 235, 237, 238, 243, 249, 308, 309,
Genevieve, St, ix. 68 330, 407, 408; x. 283; xiv. 229

George II, king of Great Britain, ix 87, Germain, George Sackville, 1st viscount
104, 230, 243, 249, 250, 252 ff., 381, 407, Sackville (1716-1785), x. 526
408, 410, 413; x. 44, 295, 388; xiv. 57, German ballads, xn. 5
381 German criticism, xiv. 140
George III, king of Great Britain, v. 208; German doctor in Hymenaeus, vi. 3C4
ix. 230, 252, 253; x. 66, 136, 184, 206, German drama, XL 41, 281; xn. 372;
363, 389 ff., 400, 404, 406, 463, 469, xm. 265, 272
477; xi. 5, 11, 13, 37, 52, 166, 261; xn. German education, xiv. 382, 391, 423
36, 53, 475; xiv. 60, 90, 213, 215, 244, German flute, x. 198
328, 386, 389 German historians, ix. 227; xn. 271; xm.
George IV, king of Great Britain, ix. 213; 18; xiv. 102
xi. 49, 54; xn. 36, 70; xin. 295, 342; German history, xiv. 92, 99
xrv. 114, 201, 222, 229, 432 German interest in Shakespeare, v. 167,
George, duke of Saxe-Meiningen, v. 306 283, 284, 285, 289, 298
George, prince, in the mummers' play, German language and literature, TX. 314,
v. 33 331, 400; x. 18, 60, 79, 80, 217, 291,
George, prince, of Denmark (1653-1708), 296; XL 177, 300, 355, 356, 414; xn.
EC 33, 130 4, 113, 154, 157 221, 247, 254, 288,
George, St, vn. 167; XL 373 302, 308, 340; xm. 3 ff., 10, 12, 53,
George, St, in early drama, n. 309, 406; 227, 244, 247, 259, 263, 323, 383;
v. 32 ff., 49 xiv. 306, 318 a, b, 391, 406, 434, 457 ti.
George, St, in Richard Coeur de Lion, I. 308 German philosophy, xn. 270; xiv. 9, 13,
George inn, the, in the Paston Letters, n. 40,41
309 German politics, x. 388
George of Gorbals, in The Bon Gaultier German reiormation, xrv. 108
Ballads, xm. 161 German reforming princes, the, vn. 103
George tavern at Edmonton, v. 252 German romanticism, xm. 7 ff., 192, 259,
Georgia, ix. 324, 325 261
Georgian drama, xi. 257 ff. ? 272, 447, also German stage, Massinger and, vr. 165
seeAdd. German stage (medieval), v. 36, 39, 41,
Georgian era, ix. 192: x. 1, 142; xi. 284, 44,48
372, 373, 377 German stage (modern), v. 346; vr. 49,
Georgian poets, xn. 106 374
Georgian public, XL 259, 267, 268, 270 German theology, xn. 254, 318
Georgian theatre, xi. 269, 273 German universities, xm. 2, 9; xiv. 382,
Geraint (Sir Erec), I. 274, 284 410 ff.

Gerald of Wales. See Giraldus Cambrensis Germanic kingdoms, the, xrv. 68

Geraldine. See Fitz-Gerald, lady Elizabeth Germanic origins m Britain, xiv. 69, 70, 79
Geraldine, in Coleridge's ChristabeL xn. Germanist historical school, xrv. 51, 68,
88 69,75
Geraldine, in Heywood's History of Germanus, St, of Auxerre, I. 70, 81
Women, vi. 102 Germany, v. 25, 33, 43, 55, 101, 171, 222,
Geraldine, in The English Traveller, VL 102 284, 286, 294 ff., 298, 299, 303, 306 ? 359;
Geraldine, in The Unfortunate Traveller, vi. 35; vn. 201, 283, 306, 309, 314, 345,
m. 363 378; vm. 182, 265, 330; ix. 6, 22, 70,
Geraldine (Surrey's), iv. 182 89, 106, 222, 315, 401, 406; x. 18, 19,
Geraldtnes of Wales, the, I. 94 41, 63, 78, 79, 148, 200, 234, 353; XL
Gerard, in The Cloister and the Hearth, 102, 121, 136, 284, 303; xn. 34, 174,
xm. 428, 429 263, 280, 282, 315, 343, 365, 367; xni.
Gerard, John (1545-1612), Herball or 3, 20, 22, 156, 277, 281, 441, 455, 457;
generall historie of Plantes, m. 551 ; iv. xrv. 8, 42, 53, 184, 293, 294, 382, 383
374, 542 Germany and Byron, xn. 392 ff.
Gerard, John (1564-1637), vn. 444 Germany and De Quincey, xn. 445
Gerard of Cremona, n. 365 Germany and Shelley, xn. 402
Gerbel, v. 308 Gernutus, x. 234
Gerbelius, Nicholas, rv. 250 Gerrard, in The Triumph of Love, VL 120
Gerbert of Aurillac, I. 209 Gerrold, W., xiv. 536
Gerbier, Sir Balthazar (1591?-1667), vn. Gerson, Jean, vm. 59
353 Gerstenberg, H. W. von, v. 297, 298
Gerbier, Charles, vn. 514 Gert Beyers, xiv. 377
Geree, John (1601?-1649), vn. 509, 517 Gertrude, in Hamlet, v. 169
Gereint or Geraint, son of Erbin, in The Gervase of Canterbury (fl. 1188), I. 173,
Black Book, i. 250, 253, 255 175, 449; n. 34
Gerhoh of Reichersberg, vi. 374 Gervase (Gervasius) of Tilbury (ft. 1211),
Germ, The, xm. Ill, 112, 114, 120, 138; Otia Imperials, L 173, 176, 192, 449,
xiv. 139 453; vn. 504

Gervasius, i. 75 Gibbon, Edward
Gervinus, Georg Gottfried, v. 305 Private Letters, x. 299, 301, 306, 311
Gesner, Conrad, iv. 444 Remarks on Blackstone's Commentaries,
Gessner, Salomon, XL 181; Death of Abel, x. 305
xi. 182; xn. 48 Vindication of some Passages, x. 308, 315
Gesta Grayorum, v. 78 Gibbon, Hester, ix. 303, 514
Gesta Romanorum, I. 135, 365, 367, 477; Gibbon, Perceval, xiv. Add. 4
n. 85, 151, 207, 299, 300, 301, 314, 338, Gibbon Commemoration, Proceedings, x.
482; in. 92, 489, 490, 494; v. 49; VL 299
138, 139; XL 366, 372 Gibbons, Grinling (1648-1720), vm. 250
Geta, in Confessio Amantis, n. 148 Gibbons, Orlando (1583-1625), rv. 113,
Get Up and Bar the Door, n. 414 464
Geulincx, Arnold, vm. 347 Gibbs, J. W. M., xiv. 477, 506
Geystes of Skoggan, The, iv. 327 Gibicho, in Wal+harius, I. 32
Ghent, n. 338; v. 37; vni. 160; xn. 365; Gibraltar, xiv. 101
xni. 61 Gibson, Charles Dana, xm. 540
Ghent, church of Saint-Baron, xm. 112 Gibson, Edmund (1669-1748), bishop of
Ghibellines, xm. 59, 60 London, iv. 422; vm. 469; ix. 351, 353,
Ghismonda (Boccaccio's), v. 72, 73 355, 512, 534, 539; x. 223, 226, 484
Ghose, J. C., xiv. 580 Gibson, John (d. 1852), xm. 74
Ghost, the, in Hamlet, vi. 248 Gibson, J. Y., xrv. Add. 7
Ghost of King Charles II, The, vm. 93 Gibson, Leon, Tantara, m. 191
Ghulam Hussein Khan, Siyar-ul-Muta*akh- Gibson, Mr, in Mrs Gaskell's Wives and
Jchirin, xrv. 335 Daughters, xm. 331
'Giant Walker, The,' xrv. 320 Gichtel,Johann Georg, ix. 515, 523
Gibb, Elias John Wilkinson (1857-1901), Gide, Andre, xiv. 528
xn. 503; History of Ottoman Poetry, xn. Gideon, rv. 43
342 Gideon, in Confessio Amantis, n. 151
Gibbet, in Farquhar's Beaux' Stratagem, Gife Langour makis men licht, m. 131
vm. 171 Giffard, lady Martha, vm. 332; ix. 92,
Gibbon, Edward (1666-1736), ix. 308 98, 467; Letters, vm. 380; Life of Sir
Gibbon, Edward, father of the historian, William Temple, vm. 379, 482, 483
x. 299, 301, 305 Giffard, Stanley Lees (1788-1858), xxv.
Gibbon, Edward (1737-1794), I. 165, 244; 534
vn. 220, 248; ix. 323, 381, 436, 574; Gifford, Edwin Hamilton (1820-1905),
x. 216, 240, 248, 280, 288 ff., 294, xn. 484
297 ff. (main entry), 319, 320, 335, 390, Gifford, George (d. 1620), vn. 371, 372,
489, 506 9., 527, also see Add.; xi. 260, 390, 394, 395, 506; A Dialogue of
327, 400; xn. 300, 305, 318, 319, 322, Witches and Witchcraft, v. 478; vn. 371;
324, 477; xm. 461; xrv. 461, 504 Discourse of the subtile Practises of
Address (on Scriptores JRerum AngL), x. Devilles, rv. 325, 534, 535; vn. 371
312 Gifford, Humfrey (fl. 1580), m. 114, 188;
Antiquities of the House of Brunswick, vm. 231; For Souldiers, in, 188; Posie
x. 311 of Gillofloivers, in. 188
Critical Enquiries concerning the Title Gifford, John (1758-1818), XL 392
of Charles VI U, x. 305 Gifford, William (175&-1826), vi. 1, 339,
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 341, 346, 359, 361; XL 37, 39, 166, 177,
m. 332; x. 281, 298, 300, 304, 306 ff., 392, 393; xn. 142, 150 ff., 170, 175,
312 ff., 317, 318; xi. 71, 326 193, 429, 430, 432, 443, 526; xrv. 138;
Essai sur r$tude de la Litterature, x. The Baviad, XL 40; xn. 41; The Mae-
302 wad, XI. 40; xn. 41
Introduction a VHistoire. . .des Suisses, Gifford lectures, xn. 333; xrv. 45, 48
x. 304, 305 Gifica (Gibicho), in Widsith, i. 34
Letters (1814), x. 299 Gifts of Men (Bi monna craeftum), i. 61,
Memoire Justificatif, x. 306 428
Memoirs, IX. 308, 313, 326, 414; x. 279, Gil Brenton, n. 411
289, 292, 297 ff., 302 ff., 306, 307, 310 ff., Gilbert, in The Sparagus Garden, TL 227
316, 317 Gilbert, Henry March, xn. 519
Miscellaneous Works, x. 304 ff., 308, Gilbert, Sir Humphrey (1539?-1583), m.
310, 312 114, 341, 438; rv. 67, 74, 76, 85, 86, 88;
Nomina Gentesque Antiquae Italiae, x. Discourse of a Discoverie for a new pass-
305 age to Cataia, rv. 73, 456; Queene Eliza-
Observations on the... Vlth Book of the bethes Achademy, m. 341, 438, 551;
Aeneid, x. 305 rv. 355
Outlines of the History of the World Gilbert, Sir John (1817-1897), XL 483;
Ninth Century to Fifteenth, x. 305 xn. 448; xiv. 201, 238

Gilbert, Sir John Thomas (1829-1898), Gilfillan, George
xn. 515; xiv. 489, 568 442, 443; xn. 372, 379, 403, 407, 410,
Celtic Records and Historic Literature 412, 418, 431, 433, 437, 441, 445, 452,
of Ireland, xn. 361 472; xm. 471, 477, 484, 499, 501, 509,
Facsimiles of the National Manuscripts 530; xrv. 481, 525, 555
of Ireland, xn. 361 Gilfillan,Robert (1798-1850), xi. 443;
Historic and Municipal Documents of I my Home, XL 243
Why Left
Ireland, xn. 361 Gilkes, Arthur H., xrv. 606
History of Dublin, The, xiv. 328 Gill, Abraham, rx. 12
History of the Irish Confederation, The, Gill, Alexander, the elder (1565-1635),
vn. 212; xiv. 96 vn. 97, 98 Logonomia Anglica, vn. 332

History of the Viceroys of Ireland, The, Gill, Alexander, the younger (1597-1642),
xiv. 96 vn. 98
Gilbert, Mrs. See Taylor, Ann Gill, Sir David, xiv. Add. 7
Gilbert, William (1540-1603), IV. 278, Gill, Dr John (1697-1771), x. 387
286, 508; vm. 350; De Magnete, magne- Gill, John (1818-1910), xiv. 606
ticisque corporibus, m.
425; IV. 277 Gill,William Archer, xm, 504
Gilbert, William (1760?-1825?), xn. 416 Gilla Coemgin, r. 70
Gilbert, William (1804-1890), 562xm Gillamor, in The Misfortunes of Arthur,
Gilbert, Sir William Schwenck (1836- v. 78
1911), xm. 162, 513, 518; xrv. 206, Gillespie, George (1613-1648), ix. 544
544 Gillian, in Richard Casteler, 369 m.
Sab Ballads, The, xm. 274 Gillies, John (1712-1796), x. 518
Broken Hearts, xm. 273 Gillies, Robert Pearse (1788-1858), xn.
Engaged, xm. 274 379, 445; xiv. 502
Grand Duke, The, XHL 274 Gilliland, Thomas (fl. 1804r-1816), x. 443
Gretchen, xm. 274 Gillmgham, Kent, rv. 99; x. 25
Palace of Truth, The, xm. 273 Gilliver, Lawton, ix. 79; XL 323
Pygmalion and Galatea, xm. 273, 274 Gillman, James, XL 121, 129, 417
Sweethearts,xm. 274 Gillmans, the, of Highgate, XL 417
Trial by Jury, xm. 274 Gilhnore, Parker, xrv. Add. 7
Wicked World, The, xm. 273 Gillray, James (1757-1815), vm. 160;
Gilbert de la Porree, L 184, 185 xi. 392; xiv. 214, 216, 223, 225, 235,
Gilbert of Sempringham (1083?-1189), I. 540
229, 364 Gillus. See Gildas
Gilbert the Englishman (fl. 1250), I. 453 Gillyflower, Matthew, XL 332
Gilbertine order, i. 344 Gil Morrice (Percy's Reliques), X. 137
Gilby, Anthony (d. 1585), m. 45 Gilpin, Bernard (1517-1583), iv. 225, 234,
Gilby, Goddard (fl. 1661), iv. 436 492
Gilchrist, Alexander (1828-1861), XL 434; Gilpin, William (1724-1804), xrv. 217,
xrv. 525 543, 544; Observations on the River Wye,
Gilchrist, Mrs Anne (1828-1885), xn. 433, xrv. 221 ; Picturesque Remarks, xiv. 221;
437 Remarks on Forest Scenery, xrv. 221
Gilchrist, John, Collection of Scottish Gilpin, William Sawrey (1762-1843), xiv.
Ballafa, ix. 373 221
Gilchrist, J. D. F., xiv. Add. 7 Gilpin Homer, border legend, xn. 7, 8
Gilchrist, Octavius Graham (1779-1823), Oilpirfa Rig (1783?), XL 402
ix. 451 Gilston, xn. 182
Gildas (516?-570?), I. 5, 65 ff., 70, 71, Ginevra, in Rogers' s Italy, xn. 98
81, 247, 262, 350, 435, 461; m. 314

Gingerbread, Giles,' XL 377

Gildemeister, Otto, v. 303 Ginsburg, Christian David (1831-1914),
Gildon, Charles (1665-1724), vm. 423, xn. 501; Facsimiles of MSS. of the
428, 444, 445; ix. 86, 141, 142, 289, 475, Hebrew Bible, xn. 341
479, 504; x. 146; xi. 250; A
Comparison Gioliti's publishing house, v. 71
between the Two Stages, ix. 141; Life. . . Giordano, Paolo, duke of Bracciano, vi.
of Mr D De F , ix. 141 ; Lives of the 173
English Dramatic Poets, ix. 141, 479 Giovanna of Naples, xn. 212
Gilds, English, v. 389 Giovanni, in The, White Divel, vi. 175, 177
Giles, Jacob, vm. 373, 428 Giovanni, in Tis Pitty Shees a Whore, VL
Giles, Miss, x. 409 195
Giles, Nathaniel (d. 1634), V. 125; VL 221, Giovanni, prince, in Tfie Great Duke of
257, 258, 283, 287 ff. Florence, VL 156, 158
Giles, Peter (Aegidius), m. 18 Giovio, Paolo, rv. 132, 444
Giles, Thomas (fl. 1608), vi. 344, 348 Girafii, Alessandro, vn. 446
Gilfillan, George (1813-1878), XL 390, 393, Giraldo, Baptista, rv. 444
402, 409, 417, 419, 423, 424, 437 ff., Giraldus, x. 293

Giraldus Cambrensis (1146?-1220?), L Gladstone, William Ewart
160, 171, 173, 176, 177, 188 ft, 194 ft, State in its Relations iwfh the Church,
202, 243, 292, 449, 451, 453; n. 76; The, XTV. 135
m. 314, 319; TV. 67; xn. 5, 10; Topo- Studies on Homer, sn. 334
graphic, Hibernica, n. 342, 483, 488 Vatican Decrees, The, xrv. 136
Girard, father, xrv. 404 Vaticanism, xrv. 136
Girard, Guillaume, Life of the Duke of Glamorganshire, sn. 512
Espernon, is. 276, 499 Glanvill, Joseph (1636-1680), vn. 471,
Girardin, fimile de, sin. 273 507, 517, also see Add.; vm. 292, 454,
Girls* Public Day School company, srv. 456; ix. 436
430 Antifanatick Theologie, and Free Philo-
Girondists, the, si. 157 sophy, vn. 303
Gisborne, Thomas (1758-1846), xn. 472 Lux Orienialis, vm. 291
Gisippus, v. 103 Philosophical Considerations touching
Gismond of Salerne, v. 72, 73, 75 ft, 399 Witches and Witchcraft, vn. 395
Gissing, George Robert (1857-1903), sin. Plus Ultra, vm. 291
455 ft, 533, 543, 573 Sadducismus Triumphatus, vm. 291
Born in Exile, sm. 455, 458, 459 Scepsis Scientifica, vn, 302
By the Ionian Sea, sm. 456, 461
Vanity of Dogmatizing, The, vn. 302,
Charles Dickens: A
Gritical Study, SUL 393
456 Glanville, Ernest, srv.Add. 7
Crown of Life, The, sm. 456, 460 GlanviUe, Ranulf de (d. 1190), 1. 173, 181,
Demos, sm. 455, 458 195, 449; vm. 311, 312, 465
Denzil Quarrier, vrrr. 455 Glanville, Sir Reginald, in Lytton's Pel-
Dickens in Memory, sm. 456 ham, xm. 417
Emancipated, The, sm. 455, 460 Glapthorne, Henry (jL 1639), VL 240, 456;
Eve's Ransom, sm. 456, 458, 460 vn. 88
Forster's Life of Dickens (abridgment), Albertus Wallenstein, vi. 240
sm. 456 Argalus and Parthenia, m. 355; vi. 240
House of Cobwebs, sm. 456, 458 Ladies Privilege, The, vi. 240
Human Odds and Ends, TTTFT. 456, 458 The Paraside, a Revenge for Honour,
In the Year of Jubilee, sm. 455, 458 vi. 35
Isabel Clarendon, sm. 455, 457, 460 Glas, John (1695-1773), is. 548
Letters from Oeorge Gissing to Edward Glas Keraint, the Welsh, n. 412
Clodd, sm. 457 Glascock, William Nugent (1787?-1847),
Life'sMorning, A, sm. 455, 460 xn. 251, 449
'Mount of Refuge, The,' sm. 461 '

Glascurion,* in Chaucer's House of Fame,

Nether World, The, sin. 455, 458 n. 412
New Grubb Street, sm. 455, 458 ft Olasgerion, n. 412
Odd Women, The, sm. 455, 458 ft Glasgow, vm. 298; rx. 133, 193; x. 132,
Our Friend the Charlatan, sm. 456, 460 188, 191, 335, 348; XL 237, 244, 341,
Paying Quest, The, ynr. 456 373; xn. 17, 29, 350, 358, 370, 419, 513,
Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft, The, 515; xm. 161, 194; xrv. 279, 286, 410
xm. 456, 462 Glasgow, Andersonian institution, xrv.
Sleeping Fires, STTT. 455 407
Thyrza, xm. 455, 458, 459 Glasgow, Mechanics' institution, xrv. 407,
Town Traveller, The, sm. 456, 459 408
Unclassed, The, sm. 455 Glasgow, university of, n. 245, 369, 371;
Veranilda, xm. 456, 461 m 151, 426; rv. 276; rx. 290, 301; X. 36;
Whirlpool, The, sm. 456, 460 xn. 143, 157, 158, 165, 330, 332, 371,
Will Warburton, sm. 456, 459 409, 521; srv. 1, 43, 45, 267
Workers in the Dawn, sm. 455 Glasgow Courier, The, XL 237
Given, John L., xrv. 531 Glasgow Herald, The, xrv. 531
Gladstone, John Hall, srv. 557 Glasgow press, XL 470; sn. 520
Gladstone, Mary, xrv. 484 Glasgow Sentinel, The, xr. 236
Gladstone, William Ewart (1809-1898), Glasgow Theatrical Register, The, xr, 452
X. 358, 361; XL 4; xn. 152, 155, 255, Glasgow University Magazine, The, xrv
312, 426, 484; xm. 23, 24, 31, 38, 477; 209, 538
xrv. 119, 128, 131, 132, 134 ft (main Glasscook, Thomas, x. 386
entry), 195, 198, 199, 509, 513 Glastonbury, L 150, 164, 198, 243, 262,
Bulgarian Horrors, xrv. 136 272, 313; rv. 417; rx. 535; x. 20
Homeric Synchronism, sn. 334 Glastonia, abbey of, in Life of Gildas, L
Juventus Mundi, xn. 334 262
Lessons in Massacre, xrv. 136 Glaucilla, in Sicelides, vr. 323
Letters to the, Earl of Aberdeen, xrv. Glaucus, in Keats's Endymion, xn. 82
136 Gleanings from an Old Portfolio, xr. 348

Gleig, George Kobert (1796-1888), xn. Glover, Richard
303, 449, also see Add. Boadicea, XL 258
Glen, William (1789-1826), XL 443; xn. Leonidas, x. 148; XL 323
416; W
ae's me for Prince, Charlie, XL 243 Medea, XL 179
Glencairn, earls of. See Cunningham, Glover, Robert (1544-1588), m. 528
Alexander; Cunningham, James Glover, Stephen (d. 1869), xn. 501, 507
Glencoe, massacre of, ix. 564; xiv. 65 Glover, William, x. 195, 482, 483
Glendower, Owen, in Henry IV, v. 187; Gloys, James, chaplain to Margaret
xiv, 307 Paston, n. 306
Glenesk, lord. See Borthwick, Sir Al- Glutton, in Piers the Plowman, n. 12, 16,
gernon 23
Glenfallen, lord and lady, in Le Fanu's Gluttony, in Confessio Amantis, n. 147, 149
story, xin. 415, 416 Gluttony, in The Passetyme of Pleasure,
Glenkroden,' river, XL 287 n. 236
GlenriddeU MSS. (Burns), XL 435, 438 Gnaphaeus, William, Acolastus, in. 363;
Glewlwyd Gavaelvawr or Glewlwyd of v. 101, 109, 110, 112, 113, 410, 412
the Mighty Grasp, one of Arthur's Gnomaticus, in The Glasse of Governe-
porters, I. 251 ment, v. 113
Gliddon, George Robins (1809-1857), xn. Gnomic, Verses, O.E., i. 218, 428, 432
500 'Go from my Window,' ix. 362
Glisson, Francis (1597-1677), vm. 359, Goad, Caroline, x. Add.
363, 473, 477; xiv. 281 Gobble, Mrs, in Smollett's Sir Launcelot
Globe, Le, v. 302 Greaves, x. 41
Globe, The, xiv. 185, 194, 316, 530, 533 Gobbo, in The Merchant of Venice, v. 183
Globe and Blackfriars company, xin. 256 Gobelive, Godfrey, in The Passetyme of
Glogau, siege of, vn.* 22 Pleasure, n. 225, 232, 233, 235
'Glomery, Master of (Magister Glomerial), Gobrias, in Argenis, rv. 259
n. 346, 347, 356 God Ureism of ure Lefdi, On (A Good
Gloriana, in The Faerie Queene, m. 234, Orison of Our Lady), i. 232, 450
236, 246; v. 183 Godard, in Havelok, i. 303
Glories of Ireland, The, xiv. 307 Godard, J. G., xiv. 601
Glorious Tipto, Sir, in The New Inne, vi. Goddard, William (fl. 1615), iv, 520
25 Godden, Gertrude M., x. 29, 418
Glossaries, iv. 424 Godefroy of Le Mans, v. 38
Glossin, in Scott's Guy Mannering, xn. 21 Godfrey, in Orlando Furioso, TEL 230
Gloster, earl of, in Looke about You, v. Godfrey, captain, xiv. 229, 544; The Useful
320, 323 Art of Self-defence, xiv. 230
Gloster, earl of, in Thomson's Edward and Godfrey, Sir Edmund Berry (1621-1678),
Eleonora, x. 109 vm. 86, 189, 257; ix. 6
Gloucester, n. 349; vm. 245; ix. 296, 341, Godfrey, G. W., xm. 519
393, 531; XL 484; xn. 329, 340, 510; Godfrey, Walter H., vi. 269
xiv. 389 Godfrey of Bologne, n. 313, 485
Gloucester, duke of, in Henry VI, v. 186 Godfrey of Bouillon, cycle of, i. 291
Gloucester, dukes of. See Henry (1639- Godfrey of Cambrai and Winchester, I.
1660); Humphrey (1391-1447); Thomas 191, 454
(1355-1397); William (1689-1700) Godfrey of Viterbo, II. 144, 150
Gloucester, earl of, in King Lear, m. 355; Godiva, lady, i. 364; iv. 174
v. 204, 262 Godkin, Edwin Lawrence, xiv. 534
Gloucester, earl of. See Robert (d. 1147) Godley, Alfred Denis, xn. 410, 421, 422
Gloucester, or South English Legendary. Godley, A. D., xiv. 537
See Legendary Godly Queene Hester, v. 393
Gloucester academy, x. 386 Godman, Frederick Du Cane, xiv. 297
Gloucester Chromcle. See Robert of Glou- Godolphin, Cornwall, vn. 86
cester Godolphin, Francis, 2nd earl of (1678-
Gloucester Journal, The, xiv. 169 1766), vm. 159
Gloucestershire, m. 39; v. 187; vn. 312; Godolphin, John (1617-1678), iv. 456;
x. lll;xn. 346 vm. 468
Glover, Arnold, x. 44; XL 150; xn. 167, Godolphin, Mrs (Margaret Blagge) (1652
431 1678), vm. 250, 25 1; 264
Glover, James Mackey, xin. 514 Godolphin, Sidney (1610-1643), vn. 87,
Glover, Jean (1758-1801), ix. 374 218; vm. 133, 215
Glover, Julia (1779-1850), vni. 186 Aeneid, trans., vn. 86
Glover, Richard (1712-1785), ix. 183; Chorus, vn. 86
X, 148, 434, 455; xi. 402 Meditation, vn. 86
Admiral Hosier's Ghost, x. 148, 233 'No more unto my thoughts appear/
Atheniad, The, x. 148 vn. 86

Godolphin, Sidney Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Or love me less or love me more,* vn. 86

Shakespeare als Theaterdichter, xx 283

Poem to Sandys, vn. 86 Spruche in Prosa, x. 52
Psalms, paraphrase vn. 86
of the, Werther, x. 19, 60
Tis Affection but dissembled,' vn. 86 Wilhelm Meister, v. 299, 300, 304; X,
Godolphin, Sidney, 1st earl of (1G45- 49, 52; xm. 4, 5, 346
1712), vm. 251; is. 12, 13, 44, 94, 95, Goffe, Thomas (1591-1629), VL 144, 369,
150, 151 473, 491; vm. 436; TJie Careless Shep-
Godolphin. Sir William (d. 1613), vn. 86 herdess, VL 366
Godolphin, Sir William (1634 ?~1 696), vm. Gog and Magog, in Dickens's Master
380 Humphrey's Clock, xm. 319
Godric, in Battle, of Maldon, i. 145 Gog Magog, n. 275, 278
Godric, St (1065?-! 170), i. 375; Cantus Golagros and Gawane, I. 312, 333, 334, 468;
Beati Godrici, i. 220, 458 n. 112, 121, 123, 124, 126, 450
Godrich, household of, in Havelok, L 303, Goldberg, Isaac, xm. 519
304 Goldburgh, in Havelok, i. 303, 304, 351
Godstow bridge, xra. 93 Golden Cross, the, in The Pickwick Papery
Godwin, i.Ill, 139 xm. 310
Godwin, P., Voyage of Domingo Gonsalez, Golden Hind' (ship), iv. 74
ix. 106 Golden Legend, The, i. 55, 134, 343; n. 80,
Godwin, Francis (1562-1633), vn. 444 127, 300, 314, 316, 333 ff., 482, 485; v. 15
Godwin, Mrs Mary Jane (Mrs Clairmont), Golden Rump, The, x. 84
xi. 294; xn. 189, 191 Golden Treasury, The, xnr. 192
Godwin, Mrs Mary Wollstonecraft (1759- Golden Treasury series, xm. 95, 196
1797), xi. 43 ff., 189, 293, 394, 395; also Goldey (i.e. Lodge), iv. 180
see Add.; xn. 61, 191; xiv. 388, 600; Goldfinch, in Holcroft's Road to Ruin,
Vindication of the Rights of Women, xi. 277
xi. 43, 44; xiv. 400 Goldfinch, The, ix. 566
Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft ( 1797-1851). Goldhan, A. B., xm. 564
See Shelley. Mrs Golding, Arthur (1536?-1605?), m. 302,
Godwin, William (1756-1836), vn. 452; 303, 446, 448; iv. 4 ff., 8, 19 ff., 24, 397,
xi. 24, 43 ff., 48, 98, 119, 189, 277, 435, 437 ff., 441, 442, 445, 447, 448;
292 ff. (main entry), 393, 395, 399, also v. 394
see Add.; xn. 39, 59, 60, 64, 65, 67, Translations :
73, 93, 188, 190, 248, 401 ff.; xm. 258, Caesar's Gallic War, iv. 4, 21, 397,
427; xiv. 137, 237, 606 435
Caleb Williams, x. 59; xi. 43, 46, 280. Histories of Trogus Pompeius, TJ&
292 ff.; xni. 418, 437 abridgment of the, rv. 21
Cloudesley, XL 292 Ovid's Metamorphoses, iv. 19, 20, 397,
Enquiry concerning political justice*
xrv. 400 Politicke, Moral and Martial Discourses,
Fleetwood, xi. 292 iv. 21
Juvenile Library , xi. 385 Worke concerning Benefiting, The, iv. 6

Life of Chaucer, xn. 146 Goldingham, William, vi. 473

Mandeville, XL 292 Goldoni, Carlo, x. 19, 411
Political Justice, xi. 43, 46, 73, 276, 292, Goldring, Maude, xm. 558
294 Goldsborough, Miles, vi. 307
St Leon, xi. 43, 46, 285, 292, 293; xm. Goldsmith, Catharine, x. 198
419 Goldsmith, Charles, x. 196
See, also, Baldwin, Edwin Goldsmith, Henry, x. 197, 199, 201, 205,
Godwine, earl, xrv. 72 207, 209, 212
Goertz, baron de, ix. 20 Goldsmith, Oliver (1728-1774), n. 413;
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, v. 209, iv. 40; VI. 51; vm. 137; IX. 166, 167,
298 ff., 305, 465; vm. 49; x. 52, 227, 173, 220, 223, 325, 481; x. 39, 47, 68,
228, 232, 422, 488; XL 42, 135, 416; 195 ff. (main entry), 263, 317, 318, 344,
xn. 7, 38, 42, 64, 157, 168, 254, 375, 422, 475, 480 ff., 489, 501, also see Add. ;
377, 379, 380, 392, 394, 397, 402, 403, XI. 32, 163, 206, 207, 246, 252, 260, 262,
480, 526, 527; xm, 1, 6, 7, 9, 10, 18, 265, 266, 271, 376, 377, 385, 448, 466,
21, 90, 93, 94, 105, 153, 277, 417, 442, 479, 489; xn. 43, 97, 132; xm. 226,
464, 465; xiv. 109, 113 244, 269, 445; xiv. 61, 169, 223, 313,
Faust, v. 20; XL 131 ; xn. 34, 47, 48, 86; 320, 439, 446, 448, 451, 552
xm. 360, 467; xiv. 138, 367 Adventures of a Strolling Player, x. 205
Goetz von Berlichingen, v. 301; xn. 4 Beauties of English Poesy, x. 210
Hermann und Dorothea, xm. 105, 380 Bee, The, x. 205, 206, 208
Shakespeare ate Dichter uberhaupt, XL Captivity, The, x. 207, 480
284 City Night-Piece, A, x. 205

Goldsmith, Oliver Goncourt, Jules de, xm. 457
Description of an Author's Bedchamber, Gondibert, in D'Avenant's Gondibert, vii.
x. 205 71
Deserted Village, The, x. 134, 212, 213, Gondomar, don S. de Acuna, marquis de,
470; XI. 2, 144, 145, 361 ambassador, v. 365, 478; VI. 58, 79,
Double Transformation, x. 198, 208 248; vn. 205
Edinburgh, 1753,' x. 205 King Lear, v. 169
Goneril, in
Elegy on Mrs Mary Blaize, x. 201, 205
Gongora y Argote, Luis de, iv. 213; vn,
English Grammar, x. 210 83
Enquiry into the Present State of Polite Gongorism, m. 348; TV. 213
Learning, x. 92, 203 ff., 207, 211 Gonville, Edmund (d. 1351), n. 354
Essay on the Theatre, x. 92 Gonzalo, in The Tempest, v. 207
Essays, x. 208, 210 Gooch, George Peabody, xm. 545; xiv,
Fame Machine, The, x. 205 484; English History and Historians, xn.
Gift, The, x. 205 313; xiv. 117
Good-Natur'd Man, The, x. 91, 92, 211, Good, John Mason (1764-1827), x. 526
212, 214, 465, 470; XI. 261, 263 Good Counsel, n. 472, 473
Haunch of Venison, The, x. 214, 215 Good Hope, cape of, iv. 85, 86, 99
Hermit (The) or Edwin and Angelina, Good Hope, in The Kingis Quair, n. 242
x. 209 Good Old Cause Revived, vm. 91
History of Animated Nature, x. 212 Good Words, xn. 472; xm. 366
History of England, x. 212, 293, 501 Goodall, Walter (1706?-1766), x. 501;
History of England in Letters from a Examination of the [Casket] Letters, x.
Nobleman to his Son, x. 207 288
History of MecTdenburgh, x. 206 Goodcole, Henry (1586-1641), iv. 535
History of Philosophy, x. 210 Goodcoll, in Discoverie of the Knights of the
Life of Bolingbroke, x. 213 Poste, iv. 350
Life of Richard Nash, x. 206 Good-deeds, in Every-man, v. 54
Memoirs of a Protestant, x. 203 Goode, William (fl. 1644), Intelligence, vn.
Memoirs of Voltaire, X. 204, 206 351
New Simile, The, x. 208 Goode, William (1801-1868), xn. 472
Old House, a New Inn (She Stoops to Goodere, Anne (fl. 1595), iv. 174 ft, 190,
Conquer), x. 214 194, 211
On the Death of Wolfe, x. 205 Goodere, Frances, iv. 174
On the Stage,* x. 204 Goodere, Sir Henry, of Powlsworth, rv.
Plutarch's Lives, x. 206 169, 174, 204, 205, 216, 221, 265
Poems for Young Ladies, x. 210 Goodere, Sir Henry, the younger, iv. 170
Present State of Polite Learning, The, Goodhope, in Magnyfycence, m. 77
XI. 323, 331 Goodluck, in Ralph Roister Doister, v. 106
Retaliation, x. 215 Goodman, Christopher (1520?-1603), iv.
Reverie in the Boards Head Tavern, x. 205 303, 511
Roman History, x. 212, 213 Goodman, Gabriel (1529?-1601), vn. 333,
She Stoops to Conquer, x. 91, 197, 214, 450
479; xi. 265 Goodman, Godfrey (1583-1656), iv. 431;
Traveller, The, x. 128, 170, 201, 205, vn. 450
207, 208, 210, 213, 467, 470; xn. 42 Goodman, W., xm. 514
Vicar of WakefieU, The, x. 15, 25, 44, Goodrich, ix. 91
195, 200, 203, 206 fi.; xi. 2; xm. 524 Goodrich, Samuel Griswold, XL 387, 481.
Vida's Game of Chess, x. 480 See, also, Parley, Peter
Golgotha, v. 45 Goodwill, in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress,
Gohardi, v. 27 vn. 173
Goliardic literature, n. 256, 499 Good-win, Charles WycMe (1817-1878),
Golias, bishop, and Goliardic Poems, L xn. 294, 466
177, 189, 190, 364 Goodwin, Philip (d. 1699), vn. 510
Goliath, in Cowley's Davideisf vn. 67 Goodwin, Thomas, junior (1650?-1716),
Goliath, in Cursor Mundi, I. 343 x. 385
Gollancz, Sir Israel, i. 58, 61, 428; n. 37 Goody Two Shoes, XL 376
'Golldyn Arber in the Arche yerd of Googe, Barnabe (1540-1594), m. 177,
Plesyer, the,' vi. 283 185, 186, 187, 219, 302, 508; iv. 110,
G6mara, Prancisco Lopez de, rv. 444 121, 171, 370, 447, 538
Gomberville, M. Le Roy de, vm. 15; Cupido Conquered, n. 228; m. 185
Polexandre, vn. 391; vm. 371 Eclogs, Epytaphes and Sonettes, m. 185,
Gomersal, Robert (1602-1646?), vn. 88, 186, 523
412 Four looses of Husbandry, rv. 371, 511
Gomme, Sir Laurence, xn. 506 Zodiacus Vitae, translation of, m. 185
Gonoourt, Edmond de, xm. 457 Goose, mother, XL 375

Goranson, x. 490 Gosse, Edmund, rv. 203, 217, 241; vm.
Gorboduc, m.284, 301; iv. 397; v. 66 ff., 18; ix. 169; XL 491; xn. 115, 173, 414,
85, 152, 155, 239, 337, 395; vn. 271; 432; xm. 53, 211, 482, 484, 486, 494,
vm. 223, 224; x. 70; xn. 190 495, 508, 558, also see Add. 2; xiv. 526,
Gordale scar, x. 101 576; Questions at Issue, xm. 457
Gordon, Ada, xn. 32 Gosson, Stephen (1554W624), m. 491; iv.
Gordon, Adam Lindsay (1833-1870), xiv. 317, 323, 492, 518; v. 130, 359, 478;
365 ff., 371, 586 vi. 397, 461, 493
Ashtaroth, xrv. 367 Apologie for the Schoole of Abuse, An,
Bush Ballads, xiv. 366, 367 vi. 389, 392
Doubtful Dreams, xiv. 367 Captain Mario, The Comedie of, v. 116;
How we beat the Favourite, xiv. 367 VT. 387
Hide from the Wreck, The,, xiv. 367 Catalines Conspiracy, VT. 387
Sea Spray and Smoke Drift, xiv. 367 Ephemerides of Phialo, The, vi. 388, 389
Sick Stockrider, The, xiv. 366, 367 Playes Confuted in five Actions> v. 116;
Whisperings in Wattle-Boughs, xiv. vi. 391, 392, 406
oo7 Pleasant Quippes for Upstart Gentle-
Wolf and Hound, xiv. 366, 367 women, iv. 329; vi. 392
Gordon, Alexander (d. 1752), rs. 553 Pleasaunt invective against Poets, Pipers,
Gordon, Alexander (1692?-1754?), ix. Plaiers, Jesters and such like Cat&rpiUers
355; Itineranum Septentrionale, ix. 352, of a Commonwealth, vi. 387
534 Praise at Parting, vi, 387
Gordon, Catherine, of Gight, xrr. 31 School of Abuse, The, m. 299, 300, 526;
Gordon, Sir Cosmo, xn. 394 v. 360; vi. 387 ., 391
Gordon, lord George (1751-1793), xm. 'Gossouin, Maistre,' n. 313
320; xiv. 121 Goswell street, in The Pickwick Papers,
Gordon, George Hamilton, 4th earl of xm. 310
Aberdeen (1784-1860), xiv. 134, 181, Gosynhyll, Edward (fl. 1560), m. 486;
182, 184, 420, 508 M
The, Prayse of all women, called ulierum
Gordon, James (1615?-1686), ix. 550 paean, m. 90; The Schole-house of
Gordon, Jane, duchess of (1749?-1812), women, m. 84, 89, 90, 97
xi. 220 Gotaland, i. 26, 27
Gordon, Margaret, xm. 3 Gotar (Gautoi), I. 27
Gordon, Mrs Mary, xn. 445 Gothic architecture, x. 217, 218, 238;
Gordon, Patrick (fl. 1614-1650), ix. 555 xiv. 151, 246
Gordon, surgeon in Glasgow, x. 36 Gothic art, x. 219; XL 181
Gordon, Thomas (d. 1750), ix. 462, 471 'Gothic Castle, The,' x. 245
Gordon, William (fl. 1726), ix. 553 Gothic gospels, x. 223, 225
Gordon riots, xi. 27. See, also, Gordon, Gothic language, xn. 326, 327, 343
lord George Gothic nations, x. 222
Gore, Catherine Grace Frances (1799- Gothic' romances, x. 233
and Daughters,
1861), xn. 449; Mothers Gothic rule in Italy, xn. 322
xn. 246; Mrs Armytage, or Female Gothic taste, x. 239
Domination, xn. 246 *Gothick' manner, the, x. 219
Gorges, lord, ix. 343 Goths, the, I. 21, 35; xm. 363; xiv. 302
Gorges, Sir Arthur (d. 1625), iv. 438 Gott, Samuel, vn. 421, 517
Gorges, Sir Tristram, iv. 94 Gottfried von Strassburg, I. 268, 273, 316
Gorges, William, iv. 456 Gottingen, n. 327
Gorgious Gallery of Gallant Inventions, A, Gottlieb, T., iv. 419
m. 190, 191, 248, 511, 523; iv. 471. Gottsched, J. 0., v. 286, 290, 295
See, also, Proctor, Thomas Gouda, n. 314
Gorgo, in The Adoniazusae, m. 226 Gouge, William (1578-1653), vn. 322
Gorgoniua, in The Scourge of Folly, iv. Gough, Richard (1735-1809), ix. 530; X.
334 255; xn. 510; Anecdotes of British To-

Gorhambury, iv. 279; vn. 203, 283 pography, xi. 335; xn. 344, 345; His-
Goring, Charles, Irene, or the Fair Greek, tory of the Society of Antiquaries,' xn.
x. 161 345; Sepulchral Monuments of Great
Goring, George, lord (1608-1657), vn. 22 Britain, xn. 345
Gorion, Joseph Ben, iv. 323 Goujon, French cadet, x. 203
Gorlitz, ix. 314 Goulart, Histoires Admirdbles, vi. 183
Gorlois, in Arthurian legend, I. 259 Gould, G. M., xm. 471; xrv. 166, 519
Gorlois, in The Misfortunes of Arflvwr, Gould, Robert (d. 1709?), vm. 91, 404, 410
v. 77, 78 Gouldman, Francis (d. 1688?), vn. 486
Goscelin (fl. 1099), n. 479 Gouldsbury, Cullen, xrv. Ado!. 4, 7
Gosnold, Bartholomew (d. 1609), IV. 94 Goupy, Joseph (d. 1763), xiv. 213
Gospels, Early English, I. 444 Gourgand, General, xn. 379

Gourlaw, Robert (d. 1585), iv. 414 Graham, Dougal
Governance, a greyhound, in The Passe- Jocky and Maggie's Courtship, ix. 373
tyme of Pleasure, n. 229 Turmmspike, The, rx. 373
Governesses' Benevolent institution, xrv. Graham, George (d. 1767), Telemachus,
429 x. 467
Government of Princes, the pseudo- Aristo- Graham, H. G., xiv. 535
telian, n. 284 Graham, James (1612-1650), 1st marquis
Gow, Niel, xi. 233 of Montrose, rx. 193, 550, 556; xn. 21
Gowans, the, in Little Dorrit, xrn. 331 Graham, James (d. 1742), 4th marquis
Go-well, in Piers the Plowman, n. 19 and 1st duke of Montrose, ix. 215; x.
Gower, John (1325?-1408), i. 191, 204, 94
277, 280, 282, 332, 389; n. 133-155 Graham, Sir James, vi. 47
(main entry), 159, 162, 164, 174, 183, Graham, Sir James Robert George (1792-
197, 210, 214, 225, 227, 228, 243, 252, 1861), xiv. 130, 181, 326, 510
261, 262, 419, 422, 452 ff.; in. 57, 68, Graham, John, of Claverhouse, viscount
70, 192, 273 ff., 281, 301, 440; v. 221; Dundee (1649 ?-1689), rx. 264, 363, 564,
vi. 144, 311; vm. 232; x. 239; xii. 504; xn. 21; xrv. 65
xm. 211, 238 Graham, Patrick (d. 1478), n. 369
Carmen de pacis commendacione, In Graham, Richard (fl, 1CSO-1720), ix. 444
Praise of Peace, n. 153 Graham, R. B. Cunningham, xm. 493
Cinkante JBalades, n. 138, 154 Graham, Thomas, lord Lynedoch (1748-
Confessio Amantis, r. 135, 286, 291, 347, 1843), x. 230
352; n. 134, 142, 143, 145 ff. (main Graham, Thomas (1805-1869), xrv, 272,
entry), 155, 214, 219, 230, 314; m. 57 279, 557
Cronica Tnpertita, n. 137, 154 Graham, William (1839-1911), xrv. 473
Henry IV, English poem to, 11. 153 Graham of Balgowan, x. 230
Mir our de VOmme (Speculum Homi?iis, Graham's Town, xrv. 377
Speculum Meditantis), n. 134, 137 ff., Grahame, James (1765-1811), xr. 443,-
147, 174; m. 192 Birds of Scotland, xr. 244; Mary Queen
Vox Clamantis, n. 136 ff., 143 ff., 154 of Scots, XL 244; The Sabbath, xr. 244
Gower, Sir Robert, of Brabourne, n. 134 Grahame, Simion (1570?-1614), vn. 406;
Gownsman, The, xm. 277; xrv. 207 rx. 555
Gowrie conspiracy, the, vi. 347; vn. 454 Grail, Gilbert, in Gissing's Thyrza, xm.
Gowther, Sir, I. 311, 314, 471 459
Grabbe, Christian, v. 303 Grail, the Holy (St Graal), in Arthurian
Grabut, monsieur, vm. 135 , romance, I. 261, 270 &., 462, 469
'Gracchus,' xiv. 513 Grail, the Holy, Malory on, n. 336, 337
Grace, a greyhound, in The Passetyme of Grail, the Holy, Map and the prose Quest
Pleasure, n. 229 of, i. 190, 270 fl.
Grace, in The Example of Virtue, n. 227, Grainger, James (1721?-1766), x. 40, 455,
228 also see Add.; The Sugar Cane, x. 204,
Grace- dieu (Leicestershire), vr. Ill 467
Grace Dieu, house of, in de Guileville's Grammar, lady, in The Passetyme oj
Pilgrimage of the Sowle, vn. 173 Pleasure, n. 225
Gradgrmds, the, in Dickens's Hard Times, Grammar schools, English, n. 70, 356 .,
xm. 330 vn. 491 ff.

Gradus ad Pamassum, vin. 216 Gramont, marshal de, brother of P. de

Graeci, Poetae Minores, xn. 328 Gramont, vm. 263
Graelent, I. 295 Gramont, Phihbert, comte de, vnr. 207,
Graevius, John George, rx. 331, 332, 524 209, 262, 266, 359; key to the Memoirs
Graf, Urs, n. 329 of the Comte de Gramont, vm. 261;
Grafton, ni. 337 Mdmoires de Gramont, vnr. 199, 268;
Grafton, duke of. See Fitzroy, Augustus rx. 236
Henry Grampianclub, x. 193
Grafton, Richard (d. 1572), r. 170; m. Grampians, the, xn. 31
44, 316, 323, 332, 334, 337, 529; iv. 400; Gramsbergen, Matthus, v. 285
Abridgemen of the Chronicles of England, Granada, iv. 9
iv. 396; A Chronicle at Large, iv. 396; Granada, Luis de, iv. 444
Grammar of Oxford and Cambridge, rv. Granard, xrv. 311
407 Granby, marquis of. See Manners, John
Graham, colonel, of Gartmore, xi. 232 Grand Combatant, mounsier, French
Graham, Dougal (1724-1779), IX. 564, 566 braggadocio, in Club Law, vr. 309
Comical Transactions of Lothian Tarn, 'Grand Council,' The, x. 403
ix. 373 Grandcourt, in Daniel Deronda, xm. 399,
Full. .Account of the Rebellion, ix. 373
. 400
History of Buchhaven, ix. 373 Grande Chartreuse, vn. 338; x. 119, 127

Grandison, Sir Charles, in Eichardaon'a Grattan, Henry (1746-1820), xi. 55, 56,
novel, vm. 308; x. 2. 10, 11, 14, 18, 31, 396; xiv. 126,311,510
62; xi. 356; xn. 128; xm. 390 Grattan, Henry ('Fusbos'). See Plunkett,
Grandison, Charlotte, in Richardson's Henry Grattan
novel, x. 11 Grattan, Thomas CoUey (1792-1864), xiv.
Grandison, John (1292?-1369), bishop of 552
Exeter, v. 25, 55 Gratton, John (1641-1712), vm. 106, 416
Granger, James (1723-1776), xiv. 502 Graund Amour, in The Passeti/me
Grant, Sir Alexander (1826-1884), xn. Pleasure, n. 225, 226, 228, 229, 232,
334, 484, 487; xiv. 595 234, 235, 238
Grant, Mrs Anne, of Laggan (1755-1838), Graunt, John (1620-1674), vm. 473, 477;
M. 443; xiv. 502 Natural and Political Observations, vm.
Eighteen Hundred and Thirteen, xi. 232 367
Letters from the Mountains, xi. 232 Grave, The, L 147
Where tell me Where, xi. 232 Grave Diggers' Colloquy, The, vm. 116
Poems, xi. 232 Gravelot, H., xiv. 212
Grant, Charles, baron Glenelg ( 1778-1866), Graves, Alfred Perceval, xn. 361; xm.
xn. 417 556; xiv. 573, 574
Grant, or Graunt, Edward (1540?-1601), Graves, Charles (1812-1899), xn. 516;
Spicilegium, m. 429 xrv. 328
Grant, Mrs Elizabeth, of Carron (Mrs Graves, Charles Edward (1839-1920), xn.
Murray: 1745?-1814), Hoy's wife of Add. 3
Aldivalloch, xi. 232 Graves, James (1815-1886), xn. 510
Grant, George Monro (1835-1902), xiv. Graves, Richard (1715-1804), IX. 412;
359 583 x. 273, 275 ff., 497
Grant', James (1802-1879), xiv. 531; The Columella, or the Distressed Anchoret,
Newspaper Press, xiv. 177 x. 276, 277
Grant, James (1822-1887), xm. 471, 562 Eugenius or Anecdotes of the Golden Vale,
Grant, James (1840-1885), xiv. 591 x. 277
Grant, James Augustus (1827-1892), xiv. Euphrosyne, x. 275
552 Festoon, The, x. 275
Grant, Robert (1779-1838), xn. 417
Sir Plexippus, x. 277
Grant, Robert Edmond (1793-1874), xiv. Recollection of. . . Shenstone, x. 275
298, 560 Spiritual Quixote, x. 276, 277
Grant, Roger, ix. 41 Graves, Stanzas of the, I. 243, 249, 250
Grant Duff, James. See, Duff, James Grant Gravesend, m. 203; iv. 362
Grant Duff, Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone Gray, Andrew (1633-1656), ix. 544
(1829-1906), xiv. 494, 502, 594 Gray, D., iv. 457
Granta, The, xiv. 207, 208, 537 Gray, David (1838-1861), xm. 194, 503
Grantham, rv. 23; vm. 279 Gray, Dorothy, mother of Thomas Gray,
Grantham, Henry, iv. 441, 443 x. 116
Grantham school, vrr. 330 Gray, G. J., x. 457
Grantly, archdeacon, Trollope's, xm. 422 Gray, James (d 1830), xi. 408
Granville, Augustus Bozzi, Travels in Gray, John Hamilton, xiv. 593
Russia, xn. 302 Gray, Philip, father of Thomas Gray, x.
Granville, Sir Bevil (d. 1706), ix. 175 116
Granville, earls of. See Carteret, John; Gray, Rosamund, in Lamb's Rosamund
Leveson-Gower, Granville George Gray, xn. 186
Granville, George, baron Lansdowne Gray, Sir Thomas (d. 1369?), Scalacronica,
(1667-1735), vm. 221, 436, 444, 445; n. 128, 451
ix. 69, 174 ff., 476, 486; x. 432, 458 Gray, Thomas, parson of Liberton, n.
British Enchanters, The, vm. 53, 194 110
Heroick Love, vm. 55, 194, 396 Gray, Thomas (171&-1771), I. 275; n. 204,
'Love is by Fancy led about,' ix. 175 410; vm. 234; ix. 109, 173, 189 ff., 412,
Merchant of Venice, The, vm. 194 481; x. 87, 93, 109, 116 ff. (main entry),
'Myra,' ix. 174, 175 147, 149, 155, 198, 205, 220, 239, 241 ff.,
She-Gallants, The, vm. 194 251, 450, 475, 489, also see Add.; xi. 77,
'Thoughtful nights and restless waking,' 91, 124, 140, 207, 248, 250 ff., 255;

rs. 175 xn. 133, 177, 208; xm. 27, 29; xiv. 109,
Graphic, The, xiv. 196, 201, 530, 535 117, 385, 453, 507, 517
Grasby, Lincolnshire, xm. 46 Agrippina, x. 119, 120
Grasmere, XL 102, 103, 109; xn. 337 Alliance of Education and Government,
Grasse, admiral de, xiv. 214 x. 123
Grassi, Giacomo, rv. 457 Bard, The, x. 127 ff., 132, 136, 137, 186,
Gratian, ni. 50, 416 225
Gratian's Decretum, n. 350; vm. 312 De Principiis Gogitandi, x. 122

Gray, Thomas Greedy, in A New Way to pay Old Debts,
Descent of Odin, x. 129, 132, 221, 225, vi. 161
227 Greek anthologists, the, xm.193
Elegy, vi. 189; ix. 167; x. 118, 123 ff., Greek anthology, xn. 420, 0/50 see Add.
128, 132, 185, 186, 208, 273; XL 85, 144, Greek architecture, xn. 339
206, 248, 323; xn. 41; xra. 44, 149, 170 Greek atomic theory, xiv. 272
Fatal Sisters, The, x. 129, 132, 221, 225 Greek chair at Cambridge, ix. 341
Hymn to Adversity, x. 121 Greek chorus, XL 265; xm. 445
Hymn to Ignorance, x. 121 Greek church, vm. 297
Journal in the Lakes, x. 101 Greek coins, xn. 338
Letters, x. 134 Greek drama, v. 1, 5, 61, 62, 65, 71, 182,
Long Story, A, x. 126, 127, 132 296, 297, 334; VL 14, 215, 232, 294 ff.;
Metrum, x. 131; xi. 252 x. 78, 108; xn. 68, 113, 327; xin. 130,
Observations on the poems of Lydgate, 133
x. 131 Greek epigram, xm. 387
Ode. on the Death of a Favourite Cat, x. Greek heroes, xm. 354
123 Greek history, xiv. 175
Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College, Greek hymns, xn. 273
IX. 409; x. 121, 122; xi. 323 Greek inscriptions, xn. 339
Ode on the Spnng, x. 121 Greek kings, in The Four Ages, vi. 92
Odes, x. 202 Greek language and literature, v. 362;
On ihe pleasure arising from Vicissitude, vn. 3, 7, 9, 13, 14, 74, 80, 130, 164, 165,
x. 128, 129 237, 282, 283, 312, 313, 315 ff., 319,
Poems (1898 ed.), x. 123 320, 323, 329, 333, 340 ff., 348; vm,
Progress of Poesy, X. 119, 127 ff. 58, 86, 112, 229, 287, 353, 364; IX. 75,
Sonnet on the Death of Richard West, x. 144, 266, 267, 270, 273, 331, 334, 336,
121 337, 341, 382, 383, 385, 388, 390, 391,
Stanzas to Richard Bentley, x. 126 393, 396, 403, 404, 409, 410, 562; x. 202,
Gray, Thomas and Erasmus, m. 7 335; XL 2, 58, 90, 181, 343, 354 ff.;
Gray MS., n. 478 xn. 40, 60, 83, 89, 94, 208 ff., 212, 215,
Gray and his Friends, x. 121 230, 278, 308, 317, 323 ff., 329, 330,
GrayeS'Inne, Certaine devises and Shewes 334, 338, 340, 343; xra. 53, 71, 81, 90,
presented her Majestie by the Gentle-
to 92, 126, 129, 165, 175, 187, 245, 249,
men 77
of, v. 353; xiv. 209, 302, 307, 327, 382, 385,
Gray's Inn Journal, x. 466 388, 391, 405, 406, 413, 416, 426, 440,
Grazzini, A. R, v. 413; La Spiritata, V. 454, 455, 457, 458
115; La Strega, v. 69 Greek learning (1600-1660), vn. 487 ff.
Great Baddow, in. 57 Greek manuscripts, xn. 323
Great Berkhampstead, XL 78 Greek mythology, xn. 65, 111; xm. 271;
Great Braxted, vm. 321 xiv. 154
Great Malvern, x. 276 Greek poetry, ix. 67, 331; xn. 58, 329,
Great North road, the, xn. 19 330, 332, 333; xm. 36, 45, 95
Great Parham, XL 144 Greek press, Early Parisian, xn. 522
Great Eissington, ix. 145 Greek printing, 15th century, xn. 523
Great Tew, TO. 150 ff., 155, 305; vm. 63, Greek pronunciation, ix. 210
298 Greek revolution, xn. 314
Great Assizes holden in Parnassus, The, Greek, study of, n. 359, 367, 370, 371
vn. 387 Greek Testament, vn. 317, 339; ix. 336
Great Silkie of Sule Skerry, The, IL 413 Greek war of liberation, xn. 38, 75
Greaves, John (1602-1652), vn. 488; vm. Greek and Latin Measures in English
360; ix. 530 Poetry, xin. 244
Greaves, J. P., ix. 328 Greeks, the, XL 30, 273, 352, 363; xn.
Greaves, Sir Launcelot, in Smollett's 38,45, 69, 80; xm. 90, 205
novel, x. 41 Greeks, the, in Milton's England, vn. 129
Greaves, Thomas (fl. 1604), iv. 113, 154, Green, Alice S. A., xrv. 77, 490
464 Green, Mrs Everett, vn. 189
Grech, W. L., xm. 543 Green, George (1793-1 841), xiv. 265 ff., 556
Greece, n. 238; rv. 3, 64; v. 24, 29, 30; Green, Henry, xm. 549
VI, 8; vn. 99, 303; ix. 112, 138, 256; Green, John (1706?-1779),ix. 571
x. 104, 107, 128, 154, 202, 318; XL 57, Green, J. A., xm.
72; xn. 32, 38 ff., 44, 46, 56, 62, 82, Green, John Richard (1837-1883), I. 196,
89, 90, 93, 209, 272, 302, 304, 314 ff.. 201; vn. 168, 305; xn. 321; xm. 465;
329 ff., 338, 339, 411, 417; xm. 130. xiv. 64, 74, 76 ff. (main entry), 100,
461; XIV. 8,23,70,71 198,490
Greece, history of, xn. 300, 302, 307 ff.
Conquest of England, TJiet xiv. 77
Greece and Byron, xn. 392, 394 ff. Making of England, The, xiv. 77
Green, John Richard Greene, Robert
Short History of the English People, A, George a Greene, the Pinner of Wakefield,
Xiv. 76, 77 v. 35, 135, 373, 418
Studies from England and Italy, xiv. Greenes Mourning Garment, v. 133, 137
76 Groatsworth of Wit, m. 357, 360, 545;
Green, Joseph Henry (1791-1863), si, iv. 320; v. 322
417; xiv. 471 Gwydonius, m. 357
Green, Mary Anne Everett, born Wood James IV. v. 135, 137, 138, 245
(1818-1895), xiv. 502; Letters of Queen Job, v. 134
Henrietta Maria, xiv. Ill; Letters of Looking Glassefor London and England,
Royal Ladies o/ Great Britain, xiv. Ill; A, v. 135, 354
Lives of the Princesses of England, xiv. Mamillia, m. 350; iv. 398; v. 133, 161
Menaphon, m. 208, 256, 357, 545; IV.
Green, Matthew (1696-1737), x. 137, 138, 118; v. 80, 121, 133, 134, 140, 157
144, 146 (main entry), 156, 455, 480; Morando, v. 133
The Spleen, ix. 191; x. 146 Mourning Garment, m. 360
Green, rector of Kilkenny West, x. 196 Myrrour of Modestie, The, m. 350, 356
Green, Robert, 'EywicXoirtuSeLa, ix. 411 Never too late, m. 356, 360
Green, Thomas Hill (1836-1882), x. 511; Notable Discovery of Qoosnage, A t m.
xn. 298, 467; xiv. 38, 43 ff., 473 360,361; iv. 319; v. 132
Lectures on the Principles of Political Orlando Furioso, v. 134 L; VL 250
Obligation, xiv. 44 Orpharion, HL 357; vn. 2
Prolegomena to Ethics, xiv. 43 Pandosto, m. 356; v. 133, 220
Works, xiv. 43 Penelope's Web, m. 350
Green, William Charles (1832-1914), xn. Perimedes the Blacksmith, m. 356; v.
484 133 134 136
Green willow, Sing all of, in. 190 Philomela, ni. 357; v. 133; vr. 137
Greenaway, Kate, XL 475, 483, 485 Planetomachia, m, 356, 357; v. 133
Greene, Edward Burnaby (d. 1788), x. 485 Qmp for an Upstart Courtier, A, m.
Greene, John, A Refutation of the Apology 361, 396, 545; iv. 319
for Actors, vi. 401 Repentance of Robert Greene, The, m.
Greene, Robert (1560?-1592), m. 114, 360; y. 133, 136
208, 241, 243, 305, 340, 342, 343, 350, Spanish Masquer ado, m. 357; v. 133
351, 355 ff., 359 ff., 366, 367, 370, 371, Vision, v. 133 r 137
395, 396, 534, 545, 546; IV. 116 ff., Trans, of Anacreon, from Orpharion,
317 ff., 323, 324, 358, 363, 469, 470, IV. 124
472, 473, 514 ff., 517, 521, 527, 528, See, also, Faire Em
and Selimus
530, 535; v. 63, 85, 87, 121-141 (main Greene, Thomas, actor, vx, 219
entry), 147, 166, 169, 170, 175, 185, Greene, Thomas (1658-1738), bishop of
206, 219, 239, 246, 251, 309, 327, 353, Ely, ix. 335, 339
364, 370, 418 ff., 439, and see Add. 2; Greenham or Grenham, Richard (1535?-
vi. 13, 14, 249, 287, 300, 301, 365, 494; 1594?), m. 389
vn. 395; vm. 223; ix. 26, 51, 161; ax GreenhiU, William (1591-1671), vn. 322
262; xiv. 234 Greenhill, William Alexander (1814-
? A
most rare and excellent dreame, iv. 1894), vn. 235
116 Greenland, vn. 64; xn. 420
Akida, m. 357 Greenock, ix. 374; xi. 410
Alphonsus King of Arragon, v. 134 ff.; Greenough, George Bellas (177SM855),
vm. 125 xiv. 287, 560, 611
Arbasto, m. 357 'Greensleeves,' m. 190
Battell of Alcazar, vm. 125 Greenwell, Dorothy (Dora) (1821-1882),
Black BooJce's Messenger, The, m. 361 xm. 177, 503

Cupid abroad was lated in the night,* Greenwell, William (b. 1820), xn. 354,
vn. 2 510; British Barrows, xn. 348; The
Defence of Conny-Catching, A, m. 561; electrum coinage of Cyzicus, xn. 348
rv. 319 Greenwey, Richard, iv. 5, 440
Disputation between a He Oonny-Catcher Greenwich, n. 158; m. 80; V. 90, 170, 219;
and a She Conny -Catcher, A, m. 361; vm. 280; ix. 281
iv. 319 Greenwich hospital, vm. 249
Edward I, ym. 125 Greenwood, Frederick (1830-1909), xiv.
Euphues his Censure, to PMlautus, m. 189, 194, 195, 534
350, 356 Greenwood, G., xiv. 561
Farewell to Folly, v. 133, 252 Greenwood, James (d. 1737), ix. 474
Francesco's Fortunes, TV. 118; VI. 396 Greenwood, John (d. 1593), m. 390
Frier Bacon and Frier Bongay, i 210; Greenwood, T., xiv. 543
v. 135 ff., 252, 316, 340 Greenwood, William, PMlalethes, rv. 261

Greevou* Grones for the Poore, rv. 513 Greshams, the, in Trollope's novels, xm.
Greg, Walter Wilson, v. 253, 331; VL 96, 422
274, 365 Gresset, Jean-Baptiste-Louis, x, 137;
Greg, William Rathbone (1809-1881), xn. Sur ma
convalescence, x. 129
291, 467; xm. 359, 373, 377, 471, 548; GreswetU William, xxv. Add. 7
xiv. 519 GresweU, William Parr (1765-1854), xn.
Creed of Christendom, The, xiv. 164 522
Enigmas of Life, xiv, 164 Greta hall, xn. 188
Essays, xm. 374 Greta hall, Keswick, xi. 156, 168
Mistaken Aims, xni. 374; xiv. 164 Gretchen, xm. 153
Socks Ahead, xiv. 164 Grete herball, The, iv. 542
Grego, J., xin. 530; xiv. 540 Grettir, I. 27; xra. 125
Gregorian Gospels at Corpus Christi GrettisSaga, L 27, 28; xm. 125
college, Cambridge, i. 72 Greville, Charles Cavendish Fulke (1794-
Gregory VII, pope, xn. 418 1865), xiv. 123, 124, 171, 184, 187, 503;
Gregory IX, pope, I. 203; vn. 367; vm. The Greville Memoirs, xiv. 114, 115,
312 181, 182, 189; The Policy of England
Gregory XI, pope, n. 49 to Ireland, XTV. 115
Gregory, David (1661-1708), ix. 378 Greville, Sir Fulke, lord Brooke (1554-
Gregory, George (1754r-1808), x. 485; 1628), m
189, 257, 267; iv. 114, 117,
486; xm. 241 132, 133, 150, 159-161 (main entry),
Gregory, lady Isabella Augusta, xm. 514 465, 482; v. 204, 335, 474; vr. 19; vn.
Gregory. John, M.D. (1724-1773), xi. 486; 278, 337, 471, also see Add.; vm. 133
xiv. "600 Alaham, iv. 159; v. 334
Gregory, Olinthus Gilbert (1774-1841), CaeUca, m.
257, 267; iv. 160, 523, 551
XL 399 Certaine learned and elegant workers, iv.
Gregory, Padraic, xrv. 574 159
Gregory, Robert, xrv. 591 Inquisition upon Fame and Honour, An,
Gregory, T., vm. 459 iv. 159
Gregory, Saint, xn. 266 Monarchy and Religion, rv. 160
Gregory, St, T rentals of, I. 312 Mustapha, iv. 159; v. 334
Gregory, William (d. 1467), n. 302, 482 Of Fame and Honour, iv. 160
Gregory the Great, i 53, 61, 81, 85, 91, Of Humane Learning, rv. 160
92, 96, 117, 224, 231, 347, 355; n. 76, Of Warres, 160
264, 365; m. 9; iv. 424; Cura Pastoralis, Remains, 160
L 91, 92; Dialogues, I. 75, 86, 103, 105, Treatie of Warres, A, rv. 159
436, 437, 439; vn. 391 Treatise of Humane Learning, A, iv. 159
Gregory the Great and the English boy Greville, Robert, 2nd lord Brooke (1608-
slaves, i. 234, 351, 379, 380 1643), vn. 277 ff. The Nature of Truth,

Gregory Nazianzen, St, i. 74; n. 75; v. 5 vn. 278, 471; A Discourse .. .of ...
Gregory of Tours, i. 26, 67, 117 Episcopacy, vn. 278
Grein, C. W. M., i. ix, 48, 91, 420 Greville, Mrs, Prayer for Indifference, xn.
Grelot, Guillaume Joseph, Voyage to Con- 124
stantinople, ix. 268, 500 'Grewellers,' vm. 98
Grendel, in Beovmlf, i. 2, 11, 22, 23, 28, Grew, Nehemiah (1641-1712), vm. 477;
115; n. 398 xiv. 282, 560
Grendles mere, Wiltshire, I. 27 Grew, Obadiah (1607-1689), x. 385
Grenville, George (1712-1770), x. 399, Grey, Arthur (1536-1593), baron Grey de
402 408, 409, 523, 527; xi. 5, 7, 10 fi.
ff., Wilton, m. 202, 206, 207, 212, 229;
Grenville, George (master of Magdalene iv. 51, 53; vn. 211
college, Cambridge), vm. 242 Grey, Charles, 2nd earl Grey (1764^1845),
Grenville, lord George (Nugent Temple) xi. 52; xiv. 116, 120, 124, 125, 172,
(1753-1813), vm. 242 510
Grenville, Sir Richard (1541?-1591), IV. Grey, Douglas, xrv. 536
10, 56; vn. 75 Grey, Elizabeth, countess of Kent (1581-
Grenville, Richard Temple, earl Temple 1651), vm. 60
(1711-1779), X. 402, 409, 410, 523 Grey, Elizabeth, queen of Edward IV,
Grenville, William Wyndham, lord Gren- iv. 137
ville (1759-1834), xiv. 513 Grey, Sir George (1812-1898), xiv. 487
QrenviUe Correspondence, x. 400, 402 Grey, lady Jane (1537-1554), m. 431;
Grenville library, xn. 368 iv. 169, 182; vi. 54
Grenville party, the, xiv. 120 Grey, Vivian, Disraeli's, xm. 346, 417
Gresham, Sir Thomas (1519?-1579), m. Grey, William (d. 1478), bishop of Ely,
426; V. 354; YL 84, 91, 300; vn. 333; n. 303, 496, 499; m. 5; IV. 427
ix. 530; xiv. 186 Grey, Mrs William [Maria Georgina Grey,
Gresham's law, xrv. 186 born Shirreff], xiv. 600, 606

Grey, Zachary (1688-1766), v. 273; vm. Grimm, H., xni. 470
59, ix. 145, 212, 476, 494, 531 Grimm, Jacob, i. 55, 383, 420; xn. 344
Grey collection, tie (South Airica), xiv. Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Carl and Wilhelm
Add. 4 Carl, XL 381, 491; German Popular
Grey Friars, church of, n. 335 Stories, XL 386
Gride, Arthur, in Niclwlas NicUeby, xni. Grimm, Samuel Hieronymus (1734r-1794),
322 xiv. 214
Grierson, Constant la ( 1706 ?~1 733), XL Grimmelshausen, H. J. C. von, Simplicis-
172, 426 simus, iv. 256
Grierson, Sir George Abraham (b. 1851), Grimoard, comte, ix. 217
xn. Add. 4 Grimsby, in Havelok, L 303, 351, 364
Gneve, Airs, in Footers drama, x. 88 Gnmshawe, Thomas Shuttle worth (1778-
Griff house, xni. 382 1850), XL 401, 402; xn. 472
Griffin,Bartholomew (/. 1596), m. 256, Grimston, Sir Harbottle (1603-1685), ix.
264, 266; v. 224; Fidessa, m. 256, 260, 194
523; V ernes and Adorns, in. 266 Grindal, Edmund (1519?-1583), arch-
Griffin, Gerald (1803-1840), xiv. 568; bishop of Canterbury, m. 213, 214,
Collegians, The, xrv. 320; Gisippus, xiv. 374, 375, 468; iv. 493; v. 56, 482; vi.
320 297, 381; ix. 496
Griffin, maker of Arthur's spear, in Laya- Gringoire, Pierre, xni. 428; Ghasteau de
mon, 265
i. labour, n. 329; m. 56
Griffin, Mrs, vn. 360, 361 Grinseil, Thomas, vn. 250
Griffin, Sir, in John a Kent, v. 317 Grischow, J. H., x. 515
Griffin, W., publisher, x. 212 Gnselda (Chaucer's), v. 243
Griffin, W. H. and H. C. Minchin, The Griselda (Petrarch's), n. 184
Life of Robert Browning, xni. 71 Griseldis, in school plays, v. 103
Griffith, Mrs Elizabeth (17207-1793), XL Qriseldis-Motiv, in English drama, VL 97
457; School for Hakes, XL 263 Grisone, iv. 444
Griffith, Matthew (15992-1665), TO. 106, Gritsch, Johan, m. 489
141, 416 Grizzle,Dr Syntax's mare, xrv. 218, 219
Griffith, Ralph Thomas Hotchkin (1826- Grobian, St, ix. 32, 46
1906), xn. 502 Orobiand's Nuptiallv, VL 483
Griffith, Boger, x. 387 Grobianism, iv. 517, 528
Griffith and Farran, xi. 377 Grobianus, in Das Narrenschiff, m. 82
Griffiths, Ralph (1720-1803), ix. 563; Grobianus, in Orobiana's Nuptials, m. 82
x. 40, 201 ff., 206, 483 Grocer's Play, The, v. 390
Griffiths,Vavasor, x. 386 Grocyn, William (1446?-1519), n. 367;
Grignan, chateau de, x. 248 m. 3, 6, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 430; vn. 326
Grillparzer, Franz, v. 303 Grolier, Jean, iv. 406
Grim, in Damon and Pithias, v. 119 Grolier club, xm. 476
Grim, in Havelok, I. 303, 304 Gronovius, J. F., vn. 307; ix. 527
Grim, the collier, in The Devil and his Groome, Francis Hindes (1851-1902),
Dame, v. 329 Xiv. 519; In Gypsy Tents, xiv. 146;
Grimald or Grimoald, Nicholas (1519- Krieg spiel, xiv. 145, 146; Suffolk Par-
1562), m. 179 ff., 185, 508; IV. 5, 24, son, A, xiv. 146
435; v. 394; vi. 473 Grosart, Alexander Balloch (1827-1899),
Archipropheta, v. 82; VI. 295, 327 IV. 165; v. 80; vn. 11, 29, 34, 35; XL
Christus Redivivus, VL 295 407, 442, 445; xni. 508
Funerall song upon the deceas of Annes Grose, captain, n. 275
his mother, m. 180 Grose, Francis (17317-1791), xn. 510
The Garden, in. 180 Ancient Armour and Weapons, xn. 349
The Lover asketh pardon of his dere, m. Antiquities of England and Wales, xn.
180 349
Grimaldi, Joseph, xni. 514 Antiquities of Ireland, xn. 349
Grimalfi, in Perfidies Hetruscus, VL 302 Antiquities of Scotland, xn. 349
Grimbald of St Bertin (820?-903), abbot Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, xrv.
of Winchester, I. 89, 92 224, 540
Grime, in Holcroft's Deserted Daughter, Grose, T. H., x. 511; xiv. 473
xi. 277 Grosseteste, Robert (d. 1253), bishop of
Grimefield, J., The Sage Senator Delineated, Lincoln, i. 203, 204 ff., 209, 210, 342,
353; n. 42, 44, 48, 52, 345, 348, 350, 365;
yn. 518
Grimeston, Edward, Admirable and Memo- iv. 269, 307, 369, 370; v. 8, 39; vi. 374;
rable Histories, m.
536; translation of Chdleau d'Amour, L 204, 343, 454;
de Series's Inventaire General de VHiS' n. 26
toire de France, rv. 448; VL 33; transla- Grosvenor, Richard Grosvenor, 1st earl
tion of History of Polybius, vn. 488 (1731-1802), xi. 40

Grote, George (1794-1871), xi. 72, 398; Guardian, The, rx. 64, 69, 77, 161, 165,
xii. 307 ff., 318, 322, 475, 476; xiv. 14, 437 ff., 441, 446, 456, 462; xn. 454, 459;

187, 407, 473 xiv. 67, 71, 199, 202

Essentials of Parliamentary Reform, xn. Guardian of Education, The, xi. 380; xiv.
310 402
Fragments on Ethical Subjects, xiv. 23 Guarini, in Jonson's Volpone, vn. 274
History of Greece, xn. 311, 312 Guarini, Gian Battista, Pastor Fido, rv.
Plato and the Companions of Sokrates, 134, 445; vi. 21, 137, 317, 365, 366, 371,
xn. 311 485, 490; vm. 271, 441
Seven Letters on the Recent Politics of Guarino, Battista, m. 5; iv. 323
Switzerland, xn. 311 Guarna, A., Grammatical JHettum, vi. 482
Statement of the Question of Parliamen- Guarsi, Andrew, vi. 38
tary Reform, xn. 310 Guary miracles, v. 15
Grote, Harriet, Personal Life of George Guayaquil, xrv. 242
Grote, xn. 309, 476 Guazzo Stefano, Civile Conversation, m.
Grote, John (1813-1866), xn. 493; xiv. 432, 551; iv. 445
26, 473; Examination of the Utilitarian Guben, siege of, vn. 22
Philosophy, xiv. 25; Exploratio Philo- Gude and Godlie Ballatis, Thef m. 138,
sophica, xiv. 25; Treatise on the Moral 141, 502; ix. 359, 360, 365
Ideals, xiv. 25 Gude Counsell, in Ane Pleasant Satyre,
Grotius, Hugo, m. 157, 423; iv. 259, 293; m. 124, 125, 126
vn. 52, 99, 281, 300, 518; vm. 316; Gude Wallace, n. 399
ix. 331, 525; x. 291; Adamus Exul, vn. Gudgeon Credulous, Sir, in Wilson's The
118; Mare Liberum, vn. 307; vm. 318 Projectors, vm. 123
Groto, Luigi, v. 62; Pentimento Amoroso, Gudius, x. 457
vi. 317; La Dalida, vi. 302 Gudrun, in Morris's Sigurd the Volsung,
Groundolf, Agnes (Gower's wife), n. 135 xm. 126
Grove, Sir George (1820-1900), xn. 493 Gudrun, in Morris's The Lovers of Gudrun,
Grove, Henry (1684-1738), x. 386 xm. 125
Grove, Matthew (fl. 1587), ra. 508; Epi- xm. 59
grams, songes and sonnettes, m. 188; Guenevora, in The Misfortunes of Arthur,
The History of Pelops and Eippodamia, v. 78, 79
m. 188 Guericke, Otto von, vm. 364
Grove, Sir William Robert (1811-1896), Guernsey, xn. 328; TTTT. 135
xrv. 556 Guernsev, A. H., xni. 471
Grove, The, rv. 209 Guest, Edwin (1800-1880), I. 333; xn.
Grover, Henry Montague (1791-1866), 510; xni. 241 ff., 247, 248, 512; A His-
xm. 261, 519 tory of English Rhythms, xi. 170; xm.
Groves, a Jesuit, vm. 266 228, 232, 240, 512
Growoll, A., Three centuries of English Guest, lady Charlotte, Mabinogion, I. 247,
booktrade bibliography, xi. 339, 470, 471 252, 253", 276, 461
Grub, George (1812-1892), xn. 513; xrv. Guest, Stephen, in The Mill on the Floss,
490 xm. 392
Grab, J., xrv. 497 Guevara, Antonio de, n. 340; m, 341,
Grub street, vm. 91, 174; ix. 118, 122, 344 ff., 348, 551; iv. 9, 445, 525; El
256, 258, 261, 262, 264, 265, 268, 271, Relox de Pnncipes, m. 341; v. 123; VL
272; x. 139, 201, 389; xi. 317, 329, 330; 377; vn. 390
xn. 204; xni. 163; xrv. 168 Guiana, rv. 56, 57, 59, 61, 88; xiv. 249
Grub-street Journal, The, ix. 80, 449; x. Guiboux, Carolingian heroine, i. 303
162; xi. 466; XIV. 200 Guicciardini, P., rv. 445
Gruffydd ap Cynan, xrv. 307 Guiccioli, count, xn. 34

Grumio, in Lacy's Sawny the Scot, vm. 140 Guiccioli, Theresa, countess, xn. 33 ff .,
Grumio, Shakespeare's, xiv. 443 37, 49, 50, 383, 395
Grundtvig, S. H., n. 398, 413, 417 Guido, in Browning's The Ring and the
Grundy, Frances H., xm. 558 Book, xra. 66
Grundy, Mrs, in Morton's Speed the Plough, Guido de Baysio's Rosarium, n. 364
xi. 281 Guido delle Colonne, I. 170; Hystoria
Grundy, Sydney (1848-1914), xm. 519 Troiana, n. 104, 118, 150, 172, 201, 363
Grunnius Corocotta, Testament of, m. 482 Guido Reni, xn. 67
Gruter, J., rv. 261 Guiffardiere, M. de, x. 65, 254
Gryphius, Andreas, v. 285, 290, 458 Guild, William (1586-1657), ix. 544
Gryphius. Sebastian, m. 427 Guildenstern, in Hamlet, v. 201, 262
Guala, cardinal, I. 238 Guildford, m. 428
Gualter, Katherine, in Burton's Anatomy, Guildford. See Nicholas of
iv. 246 Guildford, Sir Richard (1455?-1506), IV.
Guardeloop, in The Tatler, ix. 41 457; Pilgrimage of, n. 321

Guileville, G. de, Pilgrimage of the Sowle, Guntharius, in Waltliarius (Waldhere), I.
TO. 173, 430 32
Guilford, earls of. See North, Francis; Gunthorpe, John (d. 1498), m. 5
North, Frederick Gunton, Simon (1609-1676), History of the
Guillaume de Lorris, n. 169, 219 Church of Peterborough, rx. 354, 534
Guillaume de Machaiilt, n. 467 Gurney, Edmund (1847-1888), xm. 248,
Guillaume de Palerme. See William of 512; xrv. 473
Palerne Gurney, Mary, xrv. 600
Guillaume de Tignoville, Les ditz moraulx Gurney, William Brodie (1777-1855), vm.
des philosophes, n. 313 243
Guillaume de Twice, n. 509 Gurton, Gammer, XL 375
Guillaume le Roy, n. 316 Gurwood, John (1790-1845), xiv. 107
Quillaume le Marechal, L'Histoire de, I. Gustavus Adolphus, king of Sweden, vn.
477; n. 420 20, 21, 231; vm. Ill; IX. 194
Guillemard, G., rx. 435 Gustus, in Lingua, VL 315
Guillemins, church of the, Mandeville's Gutch, John (1746-1831), ix. 346, 541
burial place, n. 81 Gutch, John Mathew (1776-1861), xn.
Guillim, John (1565-1621), Display of 187; xrv. 534
Heraldrie, iv. 376, 543 Guthere, in Waldhere and W
idsith, i. 33,
Guilpin, Edward, rv. 332, 362, 363; Slcia- 35
letheia, orA Shadowe of Truth, TV. 138, Guthkelch, Adolph Charles Louis, rx. Add.
331, 519, 533; vi. 461 Guthlac, St, in Old English. L 51, 52, 58,
Guilsborough, xn. 256 428, 430
Guinea, iv. 72, 75, 88 Guthlac, St, Life of, I. 85, 86, 131. See, also,
Guinevere or Guenever, r. 261, 262, 266, Felix of Croyland
270, 312, 313, 327; n. 122, 176; vn. 75 Guthlaf, in Beoioulf and Finnsourh, T, 31
Guinevere, Tennyson's, xm. 37, 38 Guthrie, Henry (1600?-1676). bishop of
Guiney, Louise Imogen, xm. 503 Dunkeld, x. 500
Guingelot, Wade's boat, L 218 Guthrie, Thomas (1803-1873), xn. 472
Guinicelli, IT. 196 Guthrie, William (1620-1665), ix. 546
Guinnioa, castle of, i. 246 Guthrie, William (1708-1770), ix. 553;
Guiomar, in The Custome of the Countrey, X. 163, 501, 523; History of England,
vi. 131 X. 291
Guirimir, or miracle-plays, VL 252 Guthry, Henry (1600?-1676), vn. 455
Guisburn, priory of, i. 181 Guy Faux, in Friar Rush, yr. 53
Guiscard, in Gismond of Salerne, V. 75 ff. Guy of Warwick, the traditional, i. 218;
Guiscard, marquis de, rx. 461 m. 68; iv. 190, 191; V. 108; vm. 68;
Guise, duke of, in The Massacre at Paris, 373
v. 145 Guy of Warwick, I. 282, 293, 294, 303 5.,
Guise, Henry, duke of, iv. 259; VL 34 468; n. 199, 308, 320, 321, 323, 500;
Guise, John (d. 1765), xn. 377 vn. 96
Guisnes, L 356; m. 175 Guy, The Goste of, n. 320, 485
Guizot, Frangois Pierre Guillaume, v. 301, Guy and Qolbronde, n. 308
302; x. 314, 317, 507; xn. 304; Histoire Guy's Porridge Pot, xn. 439
de la Civilisation, xrv. 56, 102 Guye, P. A., xiv. 557
Gules, Thomas, in The Tatier, ix. 53 Guyon, abbe" de, x. 464
Gull, Arctic, in King Berdok, n. 276 Guyon, madame (1648-1717), vm. 103;
Gulley, John (1783-1863), xiv. 231 IX. 307, 314, 520, 523; XL 90, 401, 403
Gullio, in The Returnefrom Parnassus, vi. Guyse, John (1680-1761), XL 479
311, 312 Guystarde and Sygysmonde, The History
Gulnare, in Byron's Corsair, xn. 46 of, n. 325, 486
Gummere, Francis Barton, v. 130 Gwalchmei =Gawain, in the Welsh Triads
Gundicarius (Gundaharius), king of the and in the Mabinogion, I. 269
Burgundians, i. 33 Gwendolen, in Daniel Deronda, xnr. 392,
Gunnar, in Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, 399, 400
xni. 126 Gwestad, L 255
Gunnell, Doris, Stendhal et FAngleterre, Gwevyl, son of Gwestad, i. 255
x. 181 Gwinne or Gwynne, Matthew (1558?-
Gunning, Elizabeth, duchess of Argyll 1627), vi. 318, 4=73; Vertumnus sive
(1734-1790), xi. 451 Annus JRecurrens, VL 317
Gunning, Henry (1780-1854), xiv. 601 Gwyneth, Owen, in Southey*a Madoc, xi.
Gunnings, the, XL 260 162
Gunpowder, plot, the, iv. 166, 254; vn. Gwynn, John (d. 1786), x. 469, 470
45, 162; vm. 85, 86 Gwynn, NeU (1650-1687), vm. 20, 93, 99,
Gunter, Edmund (1581-1626), iv. 457; 199, 213
vm. 356, 477 Gwynn, Stephen, xn. 410, 412; xm. 477

Gwynn, son of NtitS, r. 254 Haethcyn, in Beowulf, I. 24
Gwynne, John (jl. 1660), xn. 377 Hafiz, X. 144; xiv. 318 b
Gybbys, J., vn. 511 Hagall (Old Norse alphabet), I. 10
Gyles Goosecappe, Sir. See under Chapman Hagano, in Waldhere and Waltharius, L
Gyliane, in Eauf Coibear, n. 125 32, 33
Gyngalyn, in Libeanus Desconus, I. 312 Hagberg, Carl August, v. 307
Gyraldus, Lilius, rv. 249 Hagena, in Waldhere and Widsith, I. 33
Gyre, Carting, n. 275 Haggard, A. M., xiv. 515
Haggard, Sir Henry Rider, xiv. 208
H. B., The. Craftsmans Craft, vn. 386 Hagley park, x. 101, 102, 113, 115, 150
H. G., iv. 7 Hagthorpe, John (fl. 1625), iv. 457; vn.
Haak, Theodore (1605-1690), vn. 322, 481 406
Habbie Simson, piper of Kilbarchan, r. 290 Hague, the, iv. 430; v. 286; vn. 16, 152,
Bobbie Simson, rsu 365, 366, 374, 378, 379 188, 434, 437; vm. 267, 380; ix. 148,
Habeas Corpus act, vn. 441 149, 158, 199, 208, 235, 236
Haben's (or Hyberdine's) A Sermon in Hahn, Theophilus, xrv. Add. 4
praise of thieves, v. 480 Hahn-Hahn, countess, xiv. 138
Habert, P., Le Temple de la Mort, vm. 443 Haidee, in Byron's Don Juan, xn. 46, 54
Habmgton or Abingdon, Thomas (1560- Haig Brown, William (1823-1907), xiv.
1647), vn. 445, 479; ix. 530 597, 601
Habmgton, William (1605-1654), iv. 522; Haigh, Arthur Elam (1855-1905), xn. 484
vn. 25, 26, 38, 401 'Kail to the Knight of the post,' ballad,
Castara, v. 277 ; VL 30 vn. 4, 45, 46, 445
vm. 95
Cupio dissolvi, vn. 46 'Hail to the Myrtle Shades,* ballad, vni.
Et exultavit Humiles, vn. 46 95
History of Edward 1 V, begun by Thomas, Haile, Martin, xiv. 492
and completed by William, Habmgton, Hailes, lord. See Dalrymple, Sir David
vn. 45 Haileybury, xrv. 59
Nox nocti indicat Scientiam, vn. 46 Hain, Ludwig, Eepertorium Bibliogra-
Queene of Arragon, The, VL 456; vn. 46 phicum, xn. 369, 520
Hack, Maria (1777-1844), xi. 479; Fire- Hake, Edward (fl. 1579), m. 199; Newes
side Stories, xi. 384; Harry Beaufoy, out of Ponies Churcheyarde, iv. 329, 518
xi. 384 Hake, Thomas Gordon (1809-1895), xni.
Hacker, col. Francis (d. 1660), vni. 470 156, 187, 503; Maiden Ecstasy, xm.
Hacket, John (1592-1670), iv. 422; vn. 185; Old Souls, xm. 185; Palmist, The,
329, 333, 342, 477, 491 Life of Arch-
xni. 185
bishop Williams, vn. 334; ix. 165; Hakewill, George (1578-1649), vn. 323,
loiola, vi. 324, 473 425, 465, 471; An Apologie or Declara-
Hacket, Thomas (fl. 1550), v. 105 tion of the Power and Providence of God,
Hackluyt, John (ft. 1644), vn. 356, 494 vn. 277
Hackman, James (1752-1779), x. 479 Hakluyt, Richard (1552?-1616), I. 95;
'Hackney, Iscariot* (Richard Savage), xi. n. 424; m. 187, 438; iv. 9, 66, 69, 71 ff.,
330 78 ff., 87, 91 &., 101, 103, 191, 457, also
Hackney academy, x. 385 xn. 166 ; see Add.; v. 338; xiv. 332
Hack wood, Frederick William, xiv. 520 Divers Voyages touching the Discoverie
Haddan, Arthur West (1816-1873), xrv. of America, rv. 81
75, 499 Miraculous Victory achieved by the En-
Haddeby, in the Baltic, I. 94 glish flete, iv. 84
Hadden, R. H., xiv. 609 Notable Historie . voyages made by
. . . . .

Haddington, xm. 5 French Captains unto Florida, A, iv. 81

Haddington, hens of, n. 276 Principal Navigations, ra. 438, 551 j
Haddingtonshire, m. 151 ix. 214 ;
IV. 67, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82, 88, 94, 398
Haddon, Walter (1516-1572), m. 423; Virginia Richly Valued, iv. 94
vn. 328 Hakluyt, Richard (uncle of above), iv. 85
Hades, in Byron's Cain, xn. 48 Eakluyt society, the, IV. 81, 107; XII. 355
Hades, king of, in Prei&eu Annwvn, I. 251 'Hal wes thu, folde, fira modor,' i. 3
Hadington, viscount. See Ramsay, Sir Haldane, Elizabeth S., xiv. 472
John Haldenstone, or Haldenstoun, or Had-
Hadleigh, Suffolk, vm. 284; xn. 256, 257 denston, James (d. 1443), n. 368
Hadley, near Barnet, xm. 276 Hale, Lancashire, n. 122
Hadow, James (1670?-1764), ix. 548, 549 Hale, Sir Matthew (1609-1676), vn. 234,
Hadow, William Henry, xm. 514 323, 392, 476; vm. 319 ff., 357, 466,
Hadrian, abbot, I. 5, 71 ff., 77, 82 468; ix. 198, 240, 489; London Liberties,
Hadrian, emperor, x. 314 vm. 319
Hadrian IV, pope (Nicholas Breakspear), Hale, Thomas, iv. 457
I. 185 Hales. See Alexander of; Thomas de

Hales, John (d. 1571), Discourse, of the Hall, John
Commonweal, TV. 300. 307, 511; v. 478 Epilogue, The, vn, 85
Hales, John (fl. 1589), in. 381, 383 Height of Eloquence, The, vn. 85
Hales, John (1584-1656), iv. 431; v. 222; Horae Vacivae, vn. 84, 392, 517
vn. 21, 151 ff., 157, 163, 218, 316, 425, Julia Weeping^ vn. 85
465; Golden Remains, vn. 152, 479 Lure, The, vn. 85
Hales, John Wesley (1836-1914), v. 346; M&rcurius Bnttanicus, vn. 357
x. 233; XL 409; xn. 504; xiv. 426, 606 Mercurius Censorius, vn. 357
Hales, Stephen (1677-1761), x. 466; xiv. Morning Star, The, vn. 85
283, 284, 560 Ode, Descend, Lord,' vn. 85
Halevy, Elie, Formation du radicalisme Ode from an undergraduate to his tutor,
philosophique, XL 69, 397 Pawson, vn. 85
Halfdan, I. 25 Ode, 'Lord, send thine hand,' vn. 85
Halga, in Beowulf, L 25 Of Beauty, vn. 85
Halgoland, I. 94 Poems, vn. 84
Hali Meidenhad, I. 229, 234, 362, 458 Sedition Scourged (probably by John
Haliburton, Thomas Chandler (pseud. HaU), vn. 344
Sam Slick, 1796-1865), xn. 449; xiv. Self, vn. 85
343, 345 ff., 581, 583
Hall, John, of Gray's Inn, vn. 488, 489
Attache The, xrv. 348
, HaU, John Richard Clark, i. 421, Add.
Bubbles oj Canada, The, xiv. 359 HaU, Joseph (1574-1656), bishop of Exeter
Clockmalcer, The, xiv. 348 and Norwich, m. 173, 199, 207; iv. 129,
Historical and Statistical Account of 206, 207, 239, 329 ff., 336 ff., 341, 342,
Nova Scotia, xiv. 359 357, 363, 376, 519, 525; v. 338; vi, 15,
Nature and Human Nature, xrv. 348 38, 59; vn. 105, 124, 139, 250, 265, 383,
Rule and Misrule of the English in 425, 450, 471, 481; vm. 63
America, xrv. 359 Characters of Virtues and Vices, TV. 336,
Wise Saws, xiv. 348 521; vn. 280
Halicarnassus, mausoleum of, xn. 339 Decisions of Diverse Practicatt Cases oj
Halidon hill, battle of, I. 357 Conscience, vn. 280
Halifax, earl of. See Montague, Charles Episcopacy 'by Divine Right Asserted,
Halifax, marquis of. See Savile, Sir George vn. 158
Halifax, Nova Scotia, xiv. 346, 347 King's Prophecie, The, iv. 351
Halifax, Yorkshire, vn. 233, 235 Meditations and Vowes, TV. 265, 336
Halkett, George (d. 1756), ix. 371, 372; Mundus alter et idem, rv. 336
Logie O'Buchan, ix. 371, 372; Occa- Occasional Meditations, vni. 270
sional Poems, IX. 371; Wherry Whigs Quo Vadis? A
Just Censure of Travel!,
Awa, ix. 371 345
Halkett, Sir James, vn. 450 Six Decads of Epistles, vn. 391
Halkett, lady (Ann Murray) (1622-1699), HaU, Joseph, Satires, ix. 87; Virgide-
vn. 450 miarum,m. 173; IV. 329, 330, 337, 511,
Halkett, Samuel (1814-1871), xn. 522; 519; vn. 432
Dictionary of Anonymous. .
.Literature, HaU, Robert (1764^1831), XL 399; xn. 472
xn. 371 HaU, R. N., xiv. Add. 7
Halkirk, Caithness, n. 115 HaU, Samuel Carter (1800-1889), xn, 410;
Hall, Anna Maria (Mrs S. C. HaU) (1800- xiv. 519
1881), xi. 486; xiv. 312, 568 HaU, sergeant, in The Tatler, ix. 41
HaU, Anthony (1679-1725), xn. 7 HaU, Theophilus D., xn. 335
HaU, Arthur (jL 1563-1604), iv. 23, 437; HaU, Thomas (1610-1665), rt 571
vi. 37 HaU, William (1748-1825), xn. 417
HaU, Arthur Vine, xiv. 374, also see Add. 4 Hall-Stevenson, John (1718-1785), x. 47
Hall, Basil (1788-1844), xm. 562; xiv. HaUam, Arthur Henry (1811-1833), xm.
249, 552; Schloss Hainfeld, xm. 432 23, 24, 32, 40, 477
HaU, Edward (d. 1547), n. 339; in. 315 ff.; HaUam, Henry (1777-1859), m. 417; iv.
vi. 333 ff. ; Union of the two Noble and 45, 241, 264; v. 173, 234, 276; VL 115;
Ittustre famelies of Lancastre and Yorke vn. 175; vm. 262, 295; x. 284, 288;
(Chronicle), m. 315 ff., 320, 325, 334, xn. 144, 311, 433; xiv. 56 ff., 75, 102,
529; iv. 396; v. 58, 83, 247; vn. 432 143, 490; Constitutional History of Eng-
HaU, Hubert, v. 354 land, xrv. 57 ff.; Introduction to the
Hall, John (1575-1635), v. 219 Literature of Europe, xiv. 58; View of
Hall, John (1627-1656), vn. 86, 87, 94, the state of Europe during the Middle
111, 359, 412, 501, 517; vm. 229 Ages, xiv. 56, 57
Call, The,vn. 85 HaUam, Henry Fitzmaurice (1824-1850),
Crystal, The,vn. 85 494
Dithyramb, A, vn. 85 HaUamshire, xn. 516
Epicurean Ode, An, vn. 85 HaUe, Adam de la (c. 1235-1287), v. 34

Halle, John (d. 1479), m. 107, 108, 482, Hamilton, Janet (1795-1873), xn. 417
493 Hamilton, John (1511?-1571), archbishop
Halle, Joseph, The Ghyrurgens Boole, v. of St Andrews, n. 369; Gatechism, m.
369, 478 153, 503
Hallett, Joseph (1628?-1689), x. 384 Hamilton, John (fl. 1568-1609), Ant
Hallett, Joseph (1666-1722), x. 379, 384 CathohJc and Facile Traictise, n. 94
Eallett, Joseph (1691?-1744), x. 381, 521 Hamilton, John (1761-1814), XL 234, 440
Ealley, Edmund (1656-1742), vm. 361, Hamilton, J. A., xrv. 509 ff.
477 Hamilton, Mary, n. 414
Hattiburtons, Memorials of the, xn. 376 Hamilton, Nicholas, v. 278
Halliwell, Edward, vi. 303; Dido, vi, 298 Hamilton, Patrick (1504?-1528), m. 138,
Halliwell, J. 0. See Halliwell-Phillipps 140, 503; Patrikes Places, in. 140
Ealliwell-Phillipps (Halliwell), James Or- Hamilton, Richard (fl. 1688), vm. 263
chard (1820-1889), n. 199, 204, 422, Hamilton, Richard Winter (1794-1848),
425; v. 165, 278, 314, 315; vi. 276; si. xiv. 606
475; xn. 353, 369, 522; Dictionary of Hamilton, Thomas (1789-1842), xn. 449
Archaic and Provincial Words, xn. 369; Hamilton, Thomas, 6th earl of Hadding-
Dictionary of Old English Plays, xn. 369 ton( 1680-1735), ix. 422
Halloran, Henry, xiv. 362, 586 Hamilton, Walter, xm. 491
Eallward, N, L., xn. 437 Hamilton, Sir William (1788-1856), x.
Hallywell, Henry, vm. 456 274, 514; XL 400; xn. 158; xiv. 1, 2,
Halyblude, The, m. 122 7 ff. (main entry), 16, 29, 40, 41, 47,
Hama, in Beouwlf and Widsith, i. 26, 35 139, 140, 411, 412, 473, 474, 476, 477,
Haman, in Biblical plays, v. 101 481, 483, 596
Hamauorum, pagus, i. 34 Discussions on Philosophy and Litera-
Hambden, Mr (John Hampden -the ture, xn. 370; xiv. 7, 9
younger?), vm. 411 Lectures on Logic and Metaphysics, xn.
Hamber, captain, xiv. 180, 196 370; xrv. 8, 9
Hamburg, m. 42, 43; IV. 310; v.
298, 299, Logic,' xrv. 7
307; xi. 259; xn. 4; XTV. 201 'Philosophy of Perception, the,' xrv.
Eame, Eame, Name, ix. 377 7, 10, 12
Hamerton, Philip Gilbert (1834-1894), Philosophy
of the Unconditioned, the,'
xn. 524 xrv. 7, 11
Hamilton, 194
rx. 193, Hamilton, William, of Bangour (1704-
Hamilton, Alexander (d. 1732?), xrv. 576; 1754), ix. 566; Braes of Yarrow, ix. 371;
A New Account of the East Indies, xiv. Ode to the battle of Gladsmuir, ix. 371
333 Hamilton, William, of Gilbertfield (1665?-
Hamilton, Alexander (1762-1824), xn. 1751), n. 108; ix. 372, 566, 567; XL 204,
144, 343 211; Bonnie Heck, ix. 364, 366; Willie
Hamilton, Anne, duchess of (1636-1716), was a Wanton Wag, ix. 364 *

ix. 193 Hamilton, W. D., xrv. 486

Hamilton, Anthony (1646?-1720), vm. Hamilton, William, 2nd duke of Hamilton
208, 210, 262; xi. 290, 291, 307, 309; (1616-1651), ix. 194, 488
Mdmoires de la Vie du Gomte de Gra* Hamilton, William Gerard (1729-1796),
mont, vm. 261, 445, 446, 451; rx. 270; xi. 5, 173; Parliamentary Logic, x. 181,
x. 245 463
Hamilton, Archibald, printer, x. 40, 201 Hamilton, Sir WilliamRowan (1805-1865),
Hamilton, Charles, marquis of, vn. 21 xiv. 262, 263, 556
Hamilton, Charles (1753?~1792), xrv. 334, Hamilton papers, vn. 435; ix. 194; XL
576 290
Hamilton, Elizabeth, sister of Anthony, Hamilton-King, Harriet Eleanor, ^TTT,
married comte de Gramont, vm. 262, 503; The Disciples, xm. 179
263, 266 Hamlet, Shakespeare's, I. 292; iv. 336;
Hamilton, Elizabeth (1758-1816), xi. 460; xn. 196; xm. 34, 39, 60, 146
xm, 431; xrv. 600; Cottagers of Glen- Hamlet, W. H. W. Betty as, XL 283
burnie, XL 232; Ain Fireside, xi.
My Hamlet's Aunt, xm. 327

232 Hamley, Sir Edward Brace (1824-1893)

Hamilton, Emma, lady (1761 ?-1815), xiv. xm. 471
213 Hammer, Sir Thomas, xrv. 558
Hamilton, Gavin, xi 213 Hammersmith, rx. 254; x. 3, 95
Hamilton, Sir George (d. 1679), vm. 261, Hammerton, J. A., xm. 533, 544, 570
263 Hammond, Anthony (1668-1738), rx. 188,
Hamilton, James, 1st earl of Abercorn 485
(d. 1617), vm.
261 Hammond, Henry (1605-1660), iv. 228;
Hamilton, James, 1st duke of Hamilton vn. 148, 151, 157, 425; vm. 276, 293;
(160&-1649), ix. 193, 194, 488 Paraphrase and Annotations on the New

Hammond, Henry Hannay, Patrick
Testament, VIL 147; Poor Marts Tithing, Philomela, vn. 79
The, vu. 147; Practical Catechism, A 9 Sheretine and Mariana, vn. 79
vn. 147; vui. 277 Hannes, Edward 478
(d. 1710), ix.
Hammond, James (1710-1742), ix, 188, Hannibal, iv. 62; x. 510
485 Hannibal's passage of the Alps, xn. 496,
Hammond, Mary, vn. 83 497
Hammond, Col. Robert (1621-1654) x. Hanover, v. 33; vm. 50; ix. 45, 161, 200,
499 201, 251, 309; x. 311
Hammond, William (#. 1655), vn. 88, Hanover, elector of. See George I
412; ix. 188 Hanover, Sophia (princess), electress of,
Hamond, Walter (fl. 1643), iv. 457 V. 284; vm. 220, 452
Hampden, John (1594-1643), iv. 54, 55; Hanover archives, vm. 272; x. 295
vn. 219, 439; vm. 312 Hanover club, ix. 165
Hampden, Renn Dickson (1793-1868), Hanoverian period, x. 355; xiv. 88
xn. 259, 286 ff., 467 Hanoverian protestantism, x. 352
Hampden's, Mr, Speeches occasioned upon Hanoverian queens of England, xiv. Ill
the Londoner's Petition for Peace (1642), Hanoverian succession, ix. 14, 192, 440;
vii. 385 x. 354, 374
Hamper, William (1776-1831), ix. 343, Hansard, Thomas Curson (1776-1833),
344 xi. 49
Hampole. See Rolle, Richard Hansard's Analytical Parliamentary Di-
Hampole, near Doncaster, n. 45, 47, 88 gest, xrv. 508
Hampole' s Pricke of Conscience, xn. 504 Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, xiv.
Hampshire, m. 46; v. 103; xi. 49; xn. 508
231, 236, 346; xm. 355, 381; xiv. 221, Hanseatic league, n. 100; iv. 310; v. 355;
294 vn. 198; xiv. 72
Hampshire militia, x. 303, 320 Hanserd Knollys society, x. 520
Hampstead, XL 149; xn. 79, 89, 91 Hanway, Jonas (1712-1786), x. 467
Hampsthwaite, xm. 275 Hanway, Mary Ann, x. 475
Hampton, Benjamin, vni. 474 Haphazard, in Apius and Virginia, v. 64
Hampton, James (1721-1778), x. 466 Harapha, in Samson Agonistes, vn. 122,
Hampton, Middlesex, vn. 4; xi. 362 137
Hampton court, m. 208; v, 102; VI. 237, Harbord, William (16357-1692), vm. 257
274, 326, 337; vn. 4, 6, 42; vm. 245 Harbury, x. 112, 271
Hampton court conference, m. 34, 45 Harcourt, Lewis Vernon, xiv. 506
Hanan, in Jacob and Esau, v. Ill Harcourt, Robert (15747-1631), iv. 97,
Hanbury, David T., xiv. 583 457
Handel, George Frederick (1685-1759), Harcourt, Simon, 1st viscount Harcourt
vm. 428; ix. 326; xm. 250; xw. 213; (1661?-1727), ix. 162
Ariadne, x. 199; Scipio, XL 88 Harcourt, Simon (1684-1720), vm. 410
Handefull of pleasant delites, A, m. 190, Harcourt, Sir William Vernon, xrv.
191, 249, 511, 512, 524; iv. Ill 198
Handley, Clement, xiv. Add. 7 Hardcastle, Ephraim, pseud. See Pyne,
Hangman's Tree, The, n. 396 William Henry
Hanky and Paiiky, in Butler's Erewhon Hardcastle, Mr, ia She Stoops to Conquer,
Revisited, xm. 453 x. 214
Hanmer, Sir Thomas (1677-1746), v. 271, Hardcastle, Miss, in She Stoops to Conquer,
272, 274; ix. 145, 476; x. 167, 454, 460, x. 482
465 Harden, W. T., xm. 481
Hanna, William (1808-1882), xn. 472 Hardenberg, Friedrich Ludwig von. See
Hannah, in Swift's Grand Question de- Novalis
bated, ix. 119 Harder, H., iv. 267
Hannah, John (1818-1888), IV. 52, 53; Hardicanute, v. 31
vn. 82 Hardie, in Reade's Hard Cash, ^TTT. 428
Hannay, D., x. 421 ; xn. Add. Hardie, M., xiv. 540
Hannay, James (1827-1873), XL 392, 439, Hardie, William Ross (1862-1919), xn.
463; xm. 162, 466; xiv. 140, 203, 238, Add. 3
519, 583; Satire and Satirists, xiv. 141; Hardiman, James (1790?-! 855), xiv. 568;
Singleton Fontenoy, xrv. 141 Irish Minstrelsy, xiv. 305, 325
Hannay, James (1842-1910), xiv. 583; Harding, Septimus, Trollope's, xm. 422
History of Acadia, xiv. 359; The War Hardinge, George (1743-1816), x. 244,
of 1812, xiv. 359 248, 250; XL 390
Hannay, Patrick (d. 1629?), vn. 412 Hardinge, Henry Charles, viscount Hard-
Anne of Denmark, elegies on, vn. 79 inge (1857-1924), xiv. 505
Happy Husband, The, iv. 521; vn. 79 Hardres court, Canterbury, xiv. 390

Hardwick, vn. 283, 289 Harley, Henrietta, countess of Oxford, rs.
Hardwicke, earls of. See Yorke, Philip 248
Hardy, Alexandre (c. 1570-1631), Mari- Harley, lady Henrietta- Cavendish Holies,
anne, vm. 13 ix. 483
Hardy, Laetitia, in Mrs Cowley's BeUJs Harley, Margaret, duchess of Portland,
Stratagem, xi. 275 x. 262
Hardy, Thomas, I. 240; n. 414; iv. 48; Harley, Margaret Cavendish Holies, ix.
xm. Add. 2; xiv. 121 153, 155
Hardy, Sir Thomas Duffus (1804-1878), Harley, Mrs, in Kelly's False Delicacy,
xn. 516; Descriptive catalogue of ma- x. 91; xi. 263
terialsrelating to the history of Great Harley, Robert, 1st earl of Oxford (1661-
Britain and Ireland, xn, 355 1724), m. 97; ix. 5, 8, 10 ff., 20, 77,
Hardyng, John (1378-1465?), x. 498; 78, 94 ff., 99, 113, 117 ff., 124, 130, 131,
Chromcle, n. 496; m. 334; rv. 396 151 ff., 161, 166, 167, 217, 219, 336,
Hare, Augustus J. C. (1834-1903), xi. 460; 357, 443, 444, 455, 461, 465; x. 280,
xiv. 503, 519 386; xi. 317; xiv. 168, 462, 463
Hare, Augustus William (1792-1834), iv. Harlot, the, in a broadside, in. 87
40; xn. 467; Guesses at Truth, x. 218; Harlow, IX. 153
xn.301 Harlowe family, in Richardson's Clarissa,
Hare, Christopher, xm. 18 x. 9
Hare, David, xiv. 336 Harm an. Thomas (fl. 1567), m. 85, 87,
Hare, Francis (1671-1740), ix. 336, 455, 103, 104, 320; iv. 317, 318, 320, 354;
525 vn. 395; A Caveat or Waremng for
Hare, Julius Charles (1795-1855), xi. 491; Commen m. 103, 104, 320,
xn. 282, 289, 308, 425, 467, 478; 343, 448, 482, 492; iv. 521 ; v. 480
Guesses at Truth, x. 218; XII. 301; Harmar, John (1555?~1613), vn. 316, 482
Mission of the Comforter, The, xu. 288; Harmer, Anthony. See Wharton, Henry
Vindication of Niebuhr's History, xn. (1664-1695)
302 Harmer, Florence Elizabeth, i. Add.
Hare, Thomas, ix. 216 Harnack, Adolf, xn. 467
Haredales, the, in Barnaly Eudge, XTTT. Haro, Don Lewis de, vn. 391
320 Harold I, king of the English, I. 149, 150,
Harefield, Middlesex, vn. 113 278; xm. 366; xiv. 72
Harewood, Leeds, Rushworth Gospels, Harold the Fair-haired, I. 26
written by a priest of, i. 132 Haroun, in Beckford's VatheJc, xi. 290
Harflete, Henry (fl. 1653), iv. 503; vn, Haroun, Abraschid, xn. 499
509, 517 Harp of Caledonia, XL 443
Hargraves, the, in Mrs Cowley's Runaway, Harpagon, Moliere's, xm. 446
xi.274 Harpalus, in Owen's Epigrammata, rv. 265
Hargrove, William (1788-1862), xn. 510 Harper, Charles George, xrv. 540
Harington. Sir John (1561-1612), m. 199, Harper, Thomas Norton (1821-1893), xiv.
231, 252, 268, 270, 304, 305, 425, 509; 474
rv. 24, 263, 265, 267, 328, 334, 520, 533; Harpsfield, John (1516-1578), iv. 493
v. 82, 345, 478; vc. 314, 480; vn. 271 Harpur, Charles (1817-1868), xiv. 586
An Apologie of Poetrie, ix. 61 Bushrangers, The, xrv. 363
Ariosto, m. 199, 526; IV. 23, 248, 401, Creek of the Four Graves, The, xiv. 363
441 Thoughts, xrv. 363
Epigrams, m. 270, 523 Tower of the Dream, The, xrv. 363
Nugae Antiquae, IV. 55 Words, xiv. 363
Treatise of Playe, vi. 397 Harrington, James (1611-1677), vn. 300,
Hark, the thundering Cannons roar, vm. 96 362, 389, 421, 471, 472, 518, also see
Harland, Henry (1851-1905), xm. 563 Add.; ix. 201, 384, 570; Oceana, vn.
Harlaw, n. 415; xm. 234 298, 299; ix. 385; Political Aphorisms,
Harleian Collection of Voyages and Travels, vn. 299
x. 166 Harrington, John, 1st baron of Exton
Earleian library, rx. 357; x. 465, 468; (d. 1613), iv. 175
xi. 336, 467; xn. 363 Harrington, John, 2nd baron of Exton
Harleian manuscripts, ix. 356; xn. 491, (1592-1614), iv. 216
522 Harrington, or Harington, John (fl. 1550),
Harleian Miscellany, iv. 65; vn. 455; vm. trans, of Cicero On Friendship, iv. 5, 436
411; ix. 357, 534; x. 166,468 Harriot, in Colman's Jealous Wife, x. 89,
Harleian society, xn. 355 90
Harley, Edward, 2nd earl of Oxford (1689 Harriot, Thomas (1560-1621), iv. 55, 59,
-1741), ix. 79, 84, 87, 152, 153, 357, 452, 508
482; x. 166, 262; xi. 347 Harris, Benjamin, vm. 98
Harley, George Davies (d. 1811?), xi. 452 Harris, Edwin, xm. 543

Harris, E., xm. 465 Harte, Bret, xm. 543; xrv. 349, 368, 369;
Harris, Furlong Elizabeth Skipton, xn, Heathen Chinee, The, xrv. 206
456 Harte, Walter (1709-1774), rv. 368; XL
Harris, James (1709-1780), x. 512 472; Essay on Husbandry, rv. 371
Harris, James (Hermes Harris), XL 250 Hartington, marquis of. See Cavendish,
Harris, James, 1st earl of Malmesbury Spencer Compton
(1746-1820), xiv. 504 Hartis Tale, in Talis of the Fyve Bestis,
Harris, James Howard, 3rd earl of Malmes- n. 280
bury (1807-1889), xiv. 504 Hartleborough, x. 386
Harris, John, alias Sirrahniho or Oxford Hartley, David (1705-1757), x. 345, 513;
Jack, vn. 494, 495; Anti Mercurius, vn. xi. 100, 137; xn. 168, 431; xiv. 5, 23,
357; Mercurius Militaris, vn. 357 393, 477; Observations cm Man, x. 342,
Harris, John(1667?-1719),vn. 266; ix. 534 343
Harris, John (1756-1846), XL 377 Hartley, Elizabeth (1751-1824), xi. 273
Harris, John, xiv. 552 Hartley, Thomas (1709?-1784), ix. 512
Harris, Joseph (1661-1702), vm. 401, 436; Hartlib, Samuel 1670?), vn.
(d. 305, 310,
ix. 264 472; ix. 388; Considerations. .
.of Eng-
Harris, J. F., xm. 572 land's reformation, rs. 389; Macaria,
Harris, Thomas (d. 1820), xr. 451, 452; ix. 389, 570
xn. 69 Hartly House, xiv. 335, 574
Harris, Thomas Lake, xiv. 165 Hartmann, M., I. 102
Harris, William (1675?-1740), x. 381, 521 Hartmann von Aue, i. 268, 280
Harrison, Elizabeth, x. 467 Hartog, Philippe Joseph, xiv. 597
Harrison, Frederic (1831-1923), x. 299, Hartop, Job, rv. 73
302, 312, 316; xm. 471, 477, 509, 543. Hartshill, Warwickshire, rv. 168
548, 558, 573; xrv. 24, 469 Hartshorne, Charles Henry (1802-1865),
Harrison, George, xrv. 606 xn. 369, 522
Harrison, Ralph (1748-1810), xiv. 599 Hartson, Hall (d. 1773), x. 534
Harrison, Robert (d. 1585), m. 106 HartweU, A. (the elder?), vi. 298
Harrison, Thomas (1606-1660), vn. 219; Hartwell, Abraham (the younger) (fl.
vni. 470 1600), rv. 382, 445, 446
Harrison, William (1534r-1593), Chrono- Harun-ar-Rashid, 153 I.

logie, vi. 381; Description of England Harvard, vn. 29; x. 386

and Scotland, in. 319, 320, 321, 323, Harvard, Elizabethan stage at, vi. 266
328, 331; iv. 308, 511; v. 342, 348, 350, Harvard, John (1607-1638), vn. 339
352 ft, 357, 358, 360 ft, 367, 373 ft, Harvard college library, xn. 401, 405
478; vi. 394, 462 Harveian oration, ix. 132
Harrison, William (1685-1713), vra. 158; Harvey, Baldwin, Bustorum Aliquot Re-
ix. 125, 485; x. 140 liquiae, vm. 362
Harrison, William (1802-1884), xn. 519 Harvey, Charles, vn. 356, 501
Harrison, Rev, William, xm. 548 Harvey, Christopher (1597-1663), vn.
Harrovian, The, xrv. 539 405; Synagogue, vn. 44, 406
Harrow school, vn. 326, 336, 492; ix. 142, Harvey, Clarence, in Miss Edgeworth's
408; xn. 31, 41, 326, 329, 333; xm. 241; Belinda, XL 297
xiv. 386, 390, 413, 422 Harvey, Gabriel (1545 ?-1630),m. 179, 190,
Earrow-upon- the- Hill, vn. 336 201, 202, 213, 214, 217, 219, 220, 229,
Harrowby, earl of. See Ryder, Dudley 252, 271, 293, 294, 302, 305, 392, 393,
Harrowby, lady, xrv. 115 395, 396, 520, 526, 545, 546; rv. 8, 17,
Harrowing of hell, in Piers the Plowman, 18, 23, 54, 125, 131, 134, 322, 327, 360,
n. 27 399, 514, 517, 523; v. 122, 140, 372,
Harrowing of Hell, The, I. 48, 99, 251, 465; 394, 478; vi. 218, 288, 480, 494; vn.
v. 2, 14, 15, 20, 27, 41, 390 316; IX. 32
Harruney, Luke, i.e. Henry Walker, vn. A New Letter, m. 546
351, 352, 499 Advertisement to Papp-Hatchet, rv. 395,
Harry, Blind, or Henry the Minstrel (fl.
1460-1492), n. 108 ft; rv. 412, 413; Gfratulationes Valdinenses, m. 201
Wallace, n. 108 ft, 124, 239, 251, 280, Have with you to Saffron- W'olden, rv.
399, 447, 449; rv. 412; XL 204, 237 326
Harsnett, Samuel (1561-1631), rv. 535 Musarum Lachrymae, vx, 306
Hart, Andro (d. 1621), rv. 151, 413, 547 Pierces Supererogation, m. 252, 546;
Hart, Charles (d. 1683), vm. 186 rv. 323
Hart, John (d. 1574), m. 556; An ortho- Trimming of Thomas Nashe, m. 646;
graphie, rv. 397 vi. 307
Hart, S. Hopgood, xm. 564 Harvey, Gilbert, vi. 307
Hart, W. H., Index Expurgatorius Angli- Harvey, John (d. 1592), m. 545
canus, v. 482 Harvey, John (fl. 1729), ix. 557

Harvey, Joseph, XL 377 Hatherton, lord. See Littleton, Edward
Harvey, Richard (d. 16237), m. 393, 394, John
396; TV. 322; VL 307; Plaine Percevall Hathwaye, or Hathway, Richard (fl.
the Peace-maker of England, m. 393, 1602), v. 311, 312, 319, 328; vni. 126;
396, 543; A TheologicaU Discourse of King Arthur, vn. 331
theLamb of God and his enemies, m. 396, Hathwey or Hathaway, Anne, v. 168, 219
540 Hatred, in Pathomachia, vi. 324
Harvey, Thomas, translator of Owen's Hatter, Richard (fl. 1649), vn. 354
Latin Epigrams, iv. 503 Hatteraick, Dirk, in Scott's Guy Manner-
Harvey, William (1578-1657), iv. 278, ing, xn. 21
290, 292; vn. 314, 396, 478, 479; vm. Hatto, bishop (ballad), m. 81
276, 350, 351, 359, 361 ff., 477; is. 391; Hatton, Sir Christopher (1540-1591), iv.
xiv. 281, 283, 284; Exercitatio, vm. 361; 1; V. 72; vn. 196
Exercitationes de Generatione Ani- Hatton, Christopher, 1st viscount (1632-
malium, vm. 362 1706), vn. 196; ix. 344
Harvey, William Henry, xiv. Add. 7 Hatton, Correspondence of the Family of,
Harvey-Nashe controversy, m. 395, 545; vn. 196, 439
iv. 322, 332 Hatton, Joseph (1841-1907), xn. 428;
Harward, Simon (fl. 1572-1614), iv. 542 xm. 563; xiv. 532, 549
Harwich, vm. 257 Hatton, Warwickshire, xn, 326
Harwood, Edward (1729-1794), xn. 522 Hatton house, vm. 115
Harwood, Sir Edward (1586?-1632), iv. Hattuariorum, pagus, I. 34
457 Haughton, William (fl. 1598), v. 117, 311,
Harwood, Isabella (pseud. Boss Neil, 312, 326, 328, 474; vi. 54, 96, 97, 219,
1840?-1888), xm. 180, 503, 519 424
Harwood, Philip (1809-1887), xiv. 534 Conquest of Spayne, The, vm. 126
Haselrigge, Sir Arthur, is, 258 English Men For My
Money, v. 328
Hasely, village of, m. 380, 382 Grim the Collier of Groyden; or, The
Haslewood, Joseph (1769-1833), xn. 516 Demi and his Dame, v. 328; vm. 123
Hassall, Arthur, srv. 508 Hoben Hood's penerthes, v. 35
Hasted, Edward (1732-1812), XL 426; Woman will have her Will, A, v. 328 ff.
xn. 510 See, also, under Day, Dekker and Mar-
Hastings, vn. 54 lowe
Hastings, battle of, I. Ill, 149 ff., 157; Haukin, John, in The merry jests of the
si. 34 widow Edith, n. 327
Hastings, Charles, xm. 514 Haultain, Arnold, xrv. 498
Hastings, lady Elizabeth (1682-1739), ix. Eausted, Peter (d. 1645), vi. 473, 474;
38 The Rival Friends, VL 324
Hastings, Francis Rawdon, 2nd earl Hdvamdl, I. 62
Moira (1754^1826), xn. 103 Havard, William (17102-1778), XI. 257;
Hastings, Henry, lord, vn. 7; vm. 2 Regulus, XL 273
Hastings, Lucy, countess of Huntingdon, HaveU, Ernest Binfield (b. 1861), xn. Add. 5
iv. 161, 216 Havelolc the Dane, Lay of, I. 218, 277, 286,
Hastings, Selina, countess of Huntingdon 287, 288, 303, 305, 306, 309, 315, 351,
(1707-1791), x. 365, 366 360, 364, 367, 399, 468; n. 420; m.
Hastings, Warren (1732-1818), x. 260, 372; xn. 517
408; xi. 6, 14, 16 ff., 20, 25, 54, 78, 167, Haverfield, Francis John (1860-1919),
389, 390, 396; xn. 343, 515; xiv. 63, xn. 507, also see Add. 5
98, 333, 334, 493 Haverfordwest, x. 386
Hastings, William, lord (1430?-1483), m. Havergal, Frances Ridley (1836-1879),
335; x. 291 XL 479
Has well, in Mrs Inchbald's Such Tilings Haversham, lord. See Thompson, Sir John
Are, XL 278 Haviland, John, vn. 361
Hatch, Edwin (1835-1889), xn. 467 Havisham, Miss, in Gfreat Expectations,
Hatch, F. H., xiv. Add. 7 xm. 334
Hatcham, xm. 61 Havre, Le, xm. 119
Hatcher, Henry (1777-1846), xn. 510 Haward, Nicolas (fl. 1569), iv. 436
Hatcher, Orie Latham, vi. 122 Haweis, Rev. Hugh Reginald, xm. 483
Hatchett, William, Rival Father, x. 86 Hawes, Stephen (d. 1523?), n. 223, 225,
Hatchway, lieutenant, in Smollett's Pere- 231, 265, 325, 330, 428, 470, 471; m.
grine, Pickle, x. 38 168, 282, 291
Haterius, iv. 349 Comfort of Lovers, The, n. 224
Hatfield, vn. 435; x. 126 Conversion of Swearers, The, n. 224,
Hatfield, Thomas of (d. 1381), xn. 510 226, 230, 325
Hatfield Broadoak, n. 198 Example of Virtue, The, n. 224, 226,
Hathaway, Agnes, v. 168 228, 233

Hawes, Stephen Hawthorne, Nathaniel, XL 439, 492
Joyful Meditation to all England of the Hawthorne, The Testament of the, m. 483
Coronation of Henry the Eighth, A, n, Eawtrey, Edward Craven (1789-1862),
224, 226, 325 xiv. 413
Passetyme of Pleasure, The, n. 223 &., Haxey-hood contest, Lincolnshire, v. 30
228 fi., 325; vn. 174 Hay, Sir Gilbert (fl. 1456), n. 284, 479;
Hawes, William (1736-1808), x. 483 Buik of King Alexander, i. 291; n. 448;
Hawick, ix. 565 Buke of the Law of Armys, The, or Buke
Hawk, Sir Mulberry, in Nicholas Nickleby, of Bataittis, n. 284; Buke of the Order
xm. 317 of Knichthood, The, n. 284
Hawke, Sir John, The Englishman's Right Hay, James, 1st viscount Doncaster (d.
(1680), ym. 469 1636), iv. 202, 203; vn. 437
Hawke, Michael, The Groundes of the Laws Hay, John Barras, xiv. 595
of England (1657), vm. 469 Hay, Thomas, 8th earl of Kinnoul (1710-
Hawker, Mary (pseud. Lanoe Falconer, 1787), x. 408; XI. 351
1848-1908), xm. 563 Hay, William, xrv. Add. 5
Hawker, Robert Stephen (1803-1875), xn. Hay Now the Day daws, IX. 362
417 Haydn, Joseph, xi. 232
'And shall Trelawney die?' xn. 134 Haydocke, Richard (ft. 1605), rv. 445
Morwenna poems, xii. 134 Haydon, Benjamin Robert (1786-1846),
Pater Tester Pascit ilia, xn. 134 xn. 79, 81, 172, 173, 407, 433; xiv. 519,
Queen Gwennyvar's Hound ('Naiad for Autobiography, xrv. 156, 157; Lectures
Grecian Waters'), xn. 134 on Painting and Design, xiv. 156
Quest of the Sangraal, The, xn. 134 Hayes, Edward, xiv. 573
Sea-Bird's Cry, The, xn. 134 Hayes, lord (JL 1607), iv. 143, 144
Silent Tower of Bottreau, The (Bells of Hayes Barton, Budleigh, iv. 51
Bottreau), xn. 134 Hayley, William (1745-1820), xi. 90, 172,
Song of the Western Men, xn. 134 176 ff., 180, 195, 401 ft, 426, 457;
Hawkesworth, John (1715?-1775), vm. Triumph of Temper, XL 176
191, 442; IX. 124, 453; x. 175, 188, 465, Hayman, Henry (1823-1904), xn. 484
466; xi. 457; xiv. 244, 552; Account of Hayman, Robert (d. 1631?), iv. 502, 520
Voyages, xi. 327 Haymo, i. 117
Hawkesworth, Walter (d. 1606), VL 474; Haynie, Henry, xiv. 534
Labyrinthus, YI. 305; Leander, VL 305 Hayward, Abraham (1801-1884), x. 473,
Hawking, writers on, iv. 541 484; xi. 344, 392; xn. 408; xrv. 198,
Hawkins, Alexander (fl. 1601), VL 290 491, 519; Art of Dining, The, xiv. 138;
Hawkins, Henry (1571?-1646), Parthenia Faust (trans.), xiv. 138; More about
Sacra, vn. 88, 412 Junius, x. 409; xiv. 139
Hawkins, Sir John (1532-1595), m. 327; Hayward, Frank Herbert, xrv. 480
iv. 1, 08, 77, 85, 88; vn. 305; A True Hayward, Sir John (1564?-1627), in. 318,
Declaration of the Troublesome voyage of 334, 337, 338, 529, 530; iv. 302, 511
Mr John Hawkins... in the years... Henry IV, m. 338
1567 and 1568, iv. 72, 458 Lives of the Three Normans, Kings of
Hawkins, Sir John (1719-1789), x. 157, England, m. 338
158, 161, 163, 215, 459, 466, 471, 472; The Beginning of the Beigne of Queene
xi. 333; xn. 490; Life of Johnson, x. Elizabeth, m.
189, 190, 483 The Life and Reigne of King Edward the
Hawkins, Laetitia M., x. 473; n. 473 Sixt, m. 338
Hawkins, Sir Richard (1562?-1622), iv. Hayward, W., translator, vr. 482
77 ff.; Observations of Sir JR.. . H* . ., Haywood, Mrs Eliza (1693?-! 756), ix.
in his voiage into the South Sea, iv. 77, 18, 21, also see Add.
78, 458 Haywood, Ralph, rv. 160
Hawkins, William (d. 1554?), iv. 72 Hazard-Wilding plot, in The Gamester, VL
Hawkins, capt. William, rv. 99 202
Hawkins, W., vm. 460 Hazlitt, John, brother of W. Hazlitt, xn.
Hawkins, son-in-law of Izaak Walton, vn. 166
256 Hazlitt, Margaret, sister of W. Hazlitt,
Hawkshead grammar school, xi. 95 xn. 165
Hawkyn and Dawkyn and Tomkyn, in Hazlitt, Mrs (formerly Mrs Bridgewater),
The Turnament of Totenham, L 366 xn. 167
Hawley, Henry (1679?-1759), ix. 378 Hazlitt, Sarah (born Stoddart), xn. 167,
Haworth, Yorkshire, xm. 404 ff. 18'8

Haworth, Miss Euphrasia Fanny, xm. 61 Hazlitt, William (1778-1830), m. 255; IV.
Hawthorn, Jerry, in Egan's Life in Lon- 132; v. 222, 234, 252; vi. 53, 278; vn.
don, xrv. 223," 227, 230 104; EL 70, 87, 451; x. 43, 118; XI. 99,
Hawtkornden, rv. 151, 153; vm. 322 112, 120, 128, 151, 159, 168, 171, 284,

Hazlitt, William Headstrong, Jonathan, vm. 122
288, 391, 393, 394, 409, 417, 423, 439, Healey, John (d. 1610), m. 487; TV. 395,
447, 461; xn. 77, 79, 104, 108, 118, 160, 436," 441, 521; vn. 482, 489
164 ff. (main entry), 188, 192, 199, 203, Healfdene, in Beowulf, I. 22, 25, 31, 32
219, 223, 379, 410, 412, 430 ff., 438, Health, in The Pride of Life, v. 52
442, 444; xin. 148, 275 ff., 311, 429, Eeardred, in Beowulf, I. 24
513, 515; xiv. 138, 170, 171, 198, 230 Eearn, Lafcadio (1850-1904), xrv. 138,
Cant and Hypocrisy, xn. 177 519, also see Add. 3
Conversations of James Northcote, xn. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan, xiv. 166
173 Japan: an Attempt at Interpretation,
Disagreeable People, On, xn. 174 xiv. 166
Essay on the Principles of Human Karma, xiv. 166
Action, xn. 168 Two Years in the, French West Indies,
Familiar Style, On, xn. 174 xiv. 165
Fear of Death, On the, xn. 174 Hearne, Thomas (1678-1735). I. 143;
Feehng of Immortality in Youth, The, vm. 241, 463; ix. 57, 167, 170, 171, 342,
xn. 174, 176 349 (main entry), 391, 413, 467, 534,
Fight, The, xn. 174, 175 536, 541; x. 220, 355, 356; Ductor
Genius and Common Sense, xn. 177 Histoncus, ix. 349; Reliquiae Bodlei-
Going a Journey, On, xn. 174, 176 awae, ix. 349, 574
Lectures on the Dramatic Literature of Hearniana, Bibliotheca, xn. 515
the Age of Elizabeth, vm. 185 Heart, king, in King Hart, n. 262
Lectures on the, [English} Comic Writers, Hoartfree, in Congreve's Old Bachelor,
vm. 162: x. 44 vm. 147
Letter to William Gifford, xn. 175 Heartfree, in Fielding's Jonathan Wild,
Liber Amons, xir. 167 x. 27
My First Acquaintance with Poets, xn. Hear- well, in Piers the Plowman, 11. 19
166, 174, 176 Heath, Benjamin (1704-1766), v. 273; ix.
Past and Future, xn. 177 477; xn. 365; xiv. 386; A Revisal of
Patronage and Puffing, xn. 177 Shakespeare's Text, ix. 144, 145
Persons One Would Wish to have Seen, Heath, Charles (1785-1848), xiv. 225
Of, xn, 174 Heath, Douglas Denon, iv. 282
Reading New Books, On, xn. 174 Heath, John (fl. 1615), iv. 520; vn. 486
Reading Old Books, On, xn. 174 Heath, Robert (fi. 1650), Clarastella, vn.
Review of the English Stage, A, xn. 88, 412
171 Heathcliff, in Emily Bronte's Wuthering
Sick Chamber, The, xu. 174 Heights, -sin. 411, 412
Spirit of the Age, The, XL 150; xn. 170 Heathobeardan, the, in Beowulf, I. 24, 25
Taste, On, xn. 174 Heaviness, in The Ooldyn Targe, n. 253
Thought and Action, xn. 177 Heavitree, Exeter, in. 405
Wit and Humour, xn. 177 Heavysege, Charles (1816-1876), xiv. 350,
Writing and Speaking, xn. 177 582; Saul, xiv. 357
Hazlitt, William, Unitarian minister, father Hebbel, Christian Friedrich, v. 304
of above, xn. 165 Heber, Reginald (1783-1826), xn. 365,
Hazlitt, William Carew (1834^-1913), xn. 417, 467; xiv. 576; // fhou wert by my
433, 438, 522; Remains of the Early

side, my love, xn. 139; Morte d Arthur,

Popular Poetry of England, n. 500 xn. 138; Narrative of a Journey, xiv.
Hazlitts, the, xn. 192 336
Head, Barclay Vincent (1844-1914), xn. Heber, Richard (177^-1833), xn. 5, 365,
497 366, 377, 522
Head, Sir Francis Bond (1793-1875), xiv. Heberden, William (1710-1801), xi. 333
249, 552 Hebraism and Hellenism,' xm. 101
Head, G. 0. A., Disraeli's, xm. 351 Hebraists, xn. 262, 341
Head, Richard (1637W686?), vn. 516; Hebrew, knowledge of, in Elizabethan
rx. 500 days, V. 362
Headda, or Hedda, I. 77 Hebrew, study of, n. 370
Headlam, Walter George (1866-1908), Hebrew language and literature, vn. 53,
xn. 485, also see Add. ; A Book of Greek 316 ff., 333, 341, 348, 353, 490; vm. 75,
Verse,, xn. 333 112, 281, 288, 307, 323, 364; ix. 337,
Headley, Henry (1765-1788), x. 455 382, 385, 393, 403, 558; x. 229, 237;
Headpiece, Sir Francis, in Vanbrugh's xi. 181, 354; xn. 341, 362; xiv. 406, 459
Journey to London, vm. 162 Hebrew poetry, n. 406
Headrigg, Cuddie, in Scott's Old Mortality, Hebrew professor at Cambridge, ix. 335
xii. 25 Hebrew prophets, XL 32; xm. 36
Headrigg, Mause, in Scott's Old Mortality, Hebrews, the, iv. 27 ff.
xn. 25 Hebrides, the, ix. 560; XL 287; xm. 432

Hebron, in Absalom and Achitophd. vm. Helinand de Froidmont, Vers de la Mori,
37 11. 140, 142
Hecate, in. Macbeth, VL 76 Heiiodorus, m. 351; ix. 536; Aethiopian
Hecate, in The Wzich of Edmonton, vi. 76 Historie, rv. 3, 19, 436
Hecht, G., xm. 470 Hell, XI. 188
Hecht, Hans, rx. 360; Songs from David Hell, Eleven Pains of, i. 227, 458
Herd's Manuscript, ix. 374 Hellena, in A Challenge for Beauty, VL 103
Heckmondwike academy, x. 385 Hellenic studies, society for the promotion
Hector, in Dry den's Troilus and Cressida, of, xn. 340
vm. 29 Hellenism, xn. 34, 40; xm. 26, 36, 101,
Hector, in Iliad, vm. 50 123
Hector, in The Birth of Merlin, v. 249 Hellfire club, x. 391
Hector, Edmund (fl. 1732), x. 159 Hello, Ernest, v. 208, 209, 222
Hector of Sarum' (Burnet), ix. 217 HeUowes, Edward (fl. 1574-1600), iv. 44.5,
Hedderwick, J., xm. 503 458
Hedeiin, FranQois, abbe d'Aubignac, vn. Helm, William Henry, xm. 543
368, 504 Helmgisl, i. 87
Hedon, in Cynthia's Revels, vr. 41, 42, 44 Helmholtz, Hermann von, xiv. 269
Hedwig, i. 229 Heloise, ix. 477, 538
Hedworth, Henry, x. 377 Helps, Sir Arthur (1813-1875), xnr. 98,
Heenan, John C., pugilist, xiv. 183 503, 519, 520, also see Add. 3
Heep, Uriah, in David Copperfield, ynr. Brevia, xiv. 164
327; xiv. 437 Friends in Council, xiv. 163, 164
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, v. 304, Realmah, xiv. 164
305; ix. 328, 522; xi. 121, 139; xiv. 1, The Spanish Conquest of the New World,
9, 11, 16, 40 ff., 47, 48, 479, 481, 483; xiv. 99
Encyclopaedia, xiv. 45 Helston, vn. 86
Hegelian philosophy, XL 57 Helston school, Cornwall, xm. 355
Heger, Constantin, xm. 405, 406 Helstone, Caroline, in Charlotte Bronte's
Heichen, Paul, xm. 532 Shirley, xm. 408, 409
Heidegger, Gotthard, xiv. 213 Helstonleigh, Mrs Henry Wood's, xm. 430
Heidegger, John James (1659?-1749), ix. Helve tius, Claude Adrien, ix. 401; XL 70;
477 xn. 168, 431; xiv. 8; De V Esprit, xi.
Heidelberg, rv. 159 63
Heidelberg, Airs, in Colman's Clandestine Hemans, Felicia Dorothea (1793-1835),
Marriage, x. 90 Xi. 442; xn. 124 ff., 129, 417; XHL 149,
Heimskringla, the, xni. 127 175, 177; xrv. 311
Heine, Heinrich, XL 307; xn. 169, 396, Better Land, The, xn. 127
397; xm, 9, 98, 99, 108, 552 Casabianca, xn. 125, 127
Heinse, Johann J. W., xi. 303 England's Dead, xn. 127
Heinsius, Daniel, vi. 9; vn. 261, 307 They grew in beauty side by side, xn.
Heinsius, N., VIL 307 127
Helen, in Dr Faustus, v. 155 Heming, or Hemminge, or Heminge, John
Helen, in Goethe's Faust, xn. 34 (d. 1630), v. 169; VL 248, 249, 276, 358
Helen, in Shelley's Rosalind and Helen, Hemingburgh. See Walter of
xn. 62 Hemingford, Walter de (ft. 1300), ix. 535
Helen, in Tennyson's Helen's Tower, XHT. Hemming (/. 1096), ix. 535
177 Hempstead, iv. 411
Helen of Kirkconnel, ix. 364 Henbury, Gloucestershire, x. Ill
Helen of Troy, vn. 101 Henchman, Humfrey (1592-1675), bishop
Helena, in A Midsummer-Night's Dream, of London, vm. 302
v. 180, 272 Henderson, Alexander (1583?-! 646), rs.
Helena, St, finder of the Cross, L 55, 56, 544
133, 134 Henderson, Andrew (fl. 1734r-1775), rx.
Helfta, in Saxony, convent, L 229 564, 565; x. 475, also see Add.
Helgakviffa Hidrvarffssonar, Old Norse Henderson, Archibald, xm. 515, 570
poem, I. 21 Henderson, John (1747-1785), XL 402,
Hdgakviffa Hundingsbana II, Old Norse 454
poem, i. 21 Henderson, May J, S., xm. 570
Helgi, son of Half dan, L 25 Henderson, Thomas Finlayson, n. 413;
Heliand, i. 46, 47 XL 438, 439, 445; xn. 373, 451
Helias of Jerusalem, I. 136 Hendley, William (1691?-1724), ix. 571
Helios, Kmght of the Swan, The History Hendon, rx. 155; x. 214
n. 325, 485
of, Hendred, Dane William, prior of Leo-
Helicon, vi. 310; vm. 201 minster, ii. 327
E&ie de Barren, I. 273 Hendyng, Proverbs of, L 219, 363, 477

Eengest,in Finnsburh,!. 31, 32. See, also. Henry II, king of England, I. 156, 157,
i, 104, 246
167, 171 ff., 176, 181, 185, 188, 189,
Hengham, Ralph de (d. 131 1), vm. 465, 469 191, 197, 198, 202, 238, 243, 258, 264,
Hengo, in Fletcher's Bonduca, VL 128; 272, 307, 337, 397, 398, 449; n. 342,
vm. 31 504; iv. 182; vn. 206; vm. 311; ix. 535;
Henley, John (1692-1756), x, 21 x. 115, 292, 502; xiv. 72; Gesta Regis
Henley, Samuel (1740-1815), x. 423; XL Henrici Secundi, I. 449
289, 291, 460 Henry II, in Looke about you, v. 320, 321
Henley, W. E. (1849-1903), x. 418; XI. Henry III, king of England, i. 180, 184,
161, 438, 440; xn. 167, 179, 225, 384; 194, 233, 238, 337, 368; n. 343; vi. 33;
xm. 194, 197, 207, 211, 214 ff. (main vn. 386; x. 287; xi. 301
entry), 477, 499, 503, 523, 570; xrv. Henry IV, king of England, i. 322; n. 36,
199, 520, 535 70, 137, 138, 153, 154, 206, 217, 284,
Beau Austin (with R. L. Stevenson), 287, 303, 422; m. 316, 317; v. 44, 340;
xiv. 163 vn. 189, 190
Bric-a-Brac, xm. 213 Henry V, king of England, n. 40, 206,
xm. 214 286, 287, 303; iv. 137, 298; v. 373; vi.
Essay in The Century Burns, xiv. 148 280; ix. 534, 535; x. 303
Hawthorn and Lavender, ymr. 214 Henry VI, king of England, n. 210, 296,
Hospital Verses, xm. 213 297, 355, 357 ff.; m. 334; iv. 193, 243,
1 loved you once, in Old Japan, xm. 213 428; v. 9, 340; vn. 247, 248, 327: x, 291
In Hospital, xin. 214 Henry VII, king of England, n. 223, 224,
In the year that's come and gone, xm. 214 226, 228, 316, 325, 329, 338, 358, 375;
London Voluntaries, xm. 214 m. 5, 7, 8, 13, 17, 65, 67, 70, 97, 152,
Love, his flying feather, xm. 214 175, 316, 325; v. 29, 50; VL 246, 280,
Lyra Heroica, TTTT. 195 332; vn. 203; ix. 211; x. 283, 284;
Out of the Night that covers me, xm. 214 xiv. 53, 83
Pro rege nostro, xm. 214 Henry VIII, king of England, n. 161, 224,
Rhymes and Rhythms, xm. 214 325, 338, 354, 358, 375, 388, 389; m. 6,
Song of the Sword, The, xm. 214 14 ff., 23, 26, 30, 31, 32, 36, 39, 41 ff.,
Views and Reviews, xiv. 147 46, 50, 57, 61, 65, 67, 69, 70, 78, 95 ff.,
What is to come? xm. 213 110, 111, 160, 166, 167, 172, 181, 182,
Henley, Walter of, iv. 541 188, 316, 320, 328, 332, 368, 403, 418,
Henley-in-Arden, x. 109, 112, 271 478; iv. 63, 66, 72, 109, 113, 196, 225 ff.,
Henman, Charles, xn. 512 293, 299, 400, 405, 409; v. 10, 50, 54,
Hennell, Charles Christian (1809-1850), 56 ff., 90, 91, 102, 109, 124, 247, 375;
xn. 467; Origin of Christianity, The, vi. 91, 241, 256, 268, 280, 333 ff.; vn.
xm. 383 59, 103, 124, 192, 203, 333, 337, 442;
Hennell, Mrs Charles, xm. 383 vm. 125; ix. 197, 210, 355; x. 184, 290;
Hennell, Sara, Thoughts in Aid of Faith, xiv. 52, 59, 82, 84, 85, 329
xm. 383 Henry VIH, in When you see me, etc., v.
Henneman, iv. 119 333
Henning, Archibald S., xrv. 236 Henry VIII, Book of Payments, v. 89
Henning, F. "W. J., xrv. 540 Henry 7/77, Household Book of, VL 283
Henri II, king of France, m. 156 Henry VIII, Letters and Papers of, n. 393;
Henri III, king of France, m. 437; iv. 259, xiv. 232
376 Henry, Alexander (1739-1824), xiv. 583;
Henri IV (Henry of Navarre), king of Travels and Adventures, xiv. 358
France, m. 244; iv. 142, 256, 259, 312; Henry, Aurelia, vi. 22
v. 341; vm. 370
Henry, D., xn. 428
Henrietta, duchess of Orleans (1644r-1670), Henry, duke of Gloucester (1639-1660),
daughter of Charles I, vn. 245; vm. 180, vn. 58; vn. 383; vin. 254
248, 266 Henry, Frederick, prince of Wales 1594-

Henrietta, queen, in Shelley's Charles I9 1612), iv. 58, 59, 68, 90, 135, 143, 151,
xn. 75 154, 157, 188, 216, 263, 265, 366, 429,
Henrietta Maria (1609-1669), qneen of 431; vi. 30, 31, 37, 185, 250, 316, 318,
Charles I, V. 348; VI. 83, 148, 149, 197, 339, 345, 348, 350, 353; vm. 383; x. 499
237, 240, 262, 324 ff., 404; vn. 13, 35, 53 Henry, James (1798-1876), Aeneidea, xn.
61, 189, 195, 218, 439, 449; vm, 262, 338
294, 358, 371; x. 499; xiv. 93 Henry, Robert (1718-1790), History of
Henriot, in Lytton's Zanoni, xm. 420 England, x. 290, 502, 505; XL 326
Henrique, Don, in The Spanish Curate, vi. Henry, William Charles, xiv. 557, 601
139 Henry (Benedictine monk), rv. 417
Henry I, king of England, i. 151, 154, Henry de Bracton. See Bracton
157, 162, 222, 256, 278, 336; n. 343, Henry of Ghent (d. 1293), Questioner, n.
419; m. 368; V. 320; vm. 310; xiv. 73 365

Henry ofHuntingdon (1084?-! 155), I. HeraLdes, Debate Betwene the, iv. 296
159, 160, 162, 166 ff., 170, 172, 174, Heraldry, writers on, rv. 543
191, 218, 257, 262, 336, 337, 450, 454, Heraud, John Abraham (1799-1887), xn.
461 ;n. 399 128, 129, 417, 428; xm. 520
Henry of Saltrey (fl. 1150). r. 191, 454, 474 'Heraudee, Jawbrahim,' xn. 129
Henry of Susa (d. 1271), cardinal of Ostia, Herbatt, Grete, IV. 374
commentary of, n. 364 Herbals, rv. 542
Henry the Fifth, TJie Famous Victories of, Herbarium, Old English, i. 135
v. 82, 152, 187, 220, Herbarum, De virtuttbus, n. 364
Henry's (King) Mirth or Freemen's Songs, Herbert, prosodiat, xm. 241
m. 84 Herbert, Arthur, earl of Torrington (1647-
Henryson, Robert (1425?-1500?), n. 91, 1716), rx. 490
93, 115, 204, 239, 244, 245, 248, 249, Herbert, Auberon E. W, M. (1838-1906),
252 ff., 263 ff., 473 ff.; m. 85, 173, 484; xrv. 474
IV.413; xi. 203 Herbert, Charles, lord, vr. 144
Age, n. 249 Herbert, Edward, 1st baron Herbert of
Bludy Serlc, The, n. 249 Cherbury (1583-1648), rv. 292 ff., 508;
Death, n. 249 vn. 16, 26, 29, 222, 277, 278, 283, 412,
Hasty Credence, n. 249 413, 445; vm. 352, 353, 355; ix. 2S8;
Morall F.abillis ofEsope, n. 245 ft., 263; xm. 32
ES. 359 Appendix ad Sacerdotes, rv. 293
Orpheus and Eurydice, n. 247, 260 Autobiography, vn. 204, 205
Prayer for the Pest, A, n. 249 De. Causis Errorum, rv. 293
Eobene and Makyne, n. 245, 249; xi. 215 De Eeligione Gentilium, iv. 293
Sum Practysis of Medecyne, n. 249, 269 De Eeligione Laid, iv. 293; vnx 4i
Testament of Cresseid, n. 162, 164, 240, De Veritate, rv. 293
245, 247, 253, 264, 266 Dialogue between a Tutor and his Pup&>
Uponlandis Mous and the Burges Mous, rv. 293
The, n. 246 Life of, x. 245
Want of Wise Men, n. 249 Life and Reign of King Henry the Eighth,
Hensel, P., xm. 471 vn. 201, 204, 205
Henshaw, Thomas (1618-1700), vn. 360; Herbert, Sir Edward (1591 ?-1657), rv. 265
vm. 247 Herbert, Edward, earl of Powis (1785-
Henslow, John Stevens (1796-1861), xiv. 1848), nv. 578
289, 290, 560 Herbert, George (1593-1633), i. 232 j iv.
Henslowe, Francis (fl. 1593-1595), YL 277 123, 203, 240, 292; vn. 15, 26 ff. (main
Henslowe, Philip (d. 1616), v. 35, 135, entry), 42, 45, 47, 153, 162, 163, 252,
136, 143, 145, 157, 158, 160, 161, 236, 401 ff., 425, 463, also see Add.; vm.
251, 256, 309 ff., 316, 319, 321 ff., 327, 229, 299; X. 360, 369; xi. 79; xm. 169
328, 330 ff., 382, 473; VT.-3, 4, 7, 12, Aaron, vn. 30
17, 32, 33, 40, 45, 51, 53, 54, 83, 97, AntipTion, vn. 31
141, 146, 168, 178, 210, 212, 216, 247, Avarice, vn. 30
250, 254, 255, 258, 261, 267, 269, 271, Church, The, vn. 32
275, 278, 290, 395, 411, 454; vm. 123, Church Porch, The, vn. 32
125 Collar, The, vn. 30, 32
Hentzner, Paul, v, 356, 365, 369, 379, 478; Dauming, The, vn. 31
A Journey into England, x. 245 Decay, vn. 30
Heoden (Heolnn), in Deor, i. 37 Eastern Song, xm. 139
Heodeningas, the, in Deor, i. 37 Heaven, vn. 30
Heorogar, in Beowulf, i. 25 Home, vn. 30
Heorot, Hrothgaishall, in Beoivulf, i. 22 Hyyiasticon, vn. 32
Heoroweard, in Beowulf, I. 25 Jordan, vn. 30
Heorrenda, minstrel, in Deor, i. 37 Justice, vn. 30
Hepburn, George (fl. 1695), EC 560 Man, vn. 32
Hepburn, John (d. 1522), n. 369, 370 Odour, The, vn. 3
Hepburn, Patrick (d. 1508), 1st earl of Outlandish Proverbs, 32
Bothwell, n. 251 Parentalia, vn. 27
Hephaestion, Manual of Greek Metre, xn. Prayer, vn. 30
328 Priest to the Temple, A, vn. 26, 155, 156
Hepple, Norman, XL 409 Providence, vn. 31
Her Trippa, in Rabelais' s Pantagruel, vm. Puttey, The, vn. 30
67 Quip, The, vn. 30
Heraclitus, rv. 31; vm. 386; xm. 193 Temple, The, n. 226; iv. 218; vn. 26, 27,
Heraclitus* Dream, vn. 381 29, 30, 32, 40, 44
Heraclilw, ri$&es of, m. 489 Throw away
thy rod, vn, 32
Herald, the, in Horestes, v. 64 Shaped* verses, vn. 30

CHEL 177
Herbert, George Robert Charles, 13th earl Here Prophecy, 218, 459

of Pembroke (1850-1895), xiv. 554 Herebeald, in Beouwlf, I. 24

Herbert, Henry, 2nd earl of Pembroke Hereford, n. 61; m. 28; rv. 131, 190, 421;
(1534?-1601), in. 188; iv. 265 VL 220; vn. 42, 444; rx. 538; xn. 286;
Herbert, Sir Henry (1595-1673), iv. 383; xrv. 414
vi. 102, 147, 202, 246; vm. 118, 119 Hereford, Henry of. See Henry V
Herbert, Henry Howard Molyneux, 4th Hereford, Nicholas (fl. 1390), n. 60, 61,
earl of Carnarvon (1831-1890), x. 259 63,73
Herbert, Lucy, vn. 45 Herefordshire, n. 216; XT. 430; xn. 509,
Herbert, Mrs Magdalen, afterwards lady xm. 70
Danvers (b. 1565), iv. 197, 203, 210, Heremod, in Beowulf, I. 23, 26
211, 240; vn. 27 Heresye's Testament, m. 483
Herbert, Mary, countess of Pembroke Hereward the Wake (fl. 1070-1071), 1. 1 1 1,

(1561-1621), m. 241, 254; iv. 116, 124, 287, 364, 478; n. 399, 428, 507; v. 27;
132, 135, 172, 390, 434, 447; v. 63, 157, rx. 343
334, 476; vi. 9; Antonie, IV. 133; Dia- Hereward the Wake, Kingsley's, xm. 366
logue between two shepJieards, iv. 124 Herford, Charles Harold, VI. 17; XI. 409,'
Herbert, Matthew, vn. 37 xn. 433, 524; xm. 52, 56, 62, 79, 480,
Herbert, Sir Percy, vn. 515 484
Herbert, Philip, earl of Montgomery and Herford, John (fl. 1534), iv. 409
4th earl of Pembroke (1584-1650), v. Hergest. See Red Book of
347; vi. 143, 144, 149; vn. 5, 29, 450, Heriot, George (1766-1844), xrv. 583;
513 History of Canada, xrv. 358; Travels
Herbert, Philip, 5th earl of Pembroke through the Canadas, xrv. 358
(1619-1669), vn. 61 Heriricus, in Walthanus, I. 32
Herbert, Sidney, lord Herbert of Lea Herkomer, Sir Hubert von, xn. 330
(1810-1861), xiv. 131, 510 Herman, Guillaume, v. 21
Herbert, Thomas (fl. 1642), iv. 389 Herman, Henry (1832-1894), xm. 524
Herbert, Sir Thomas (1606-1682), vn. 450 Herman, Hugo, Pia Desidena, vn. 47
Herbert, Thomas Martin (1835-1877), Herman of Wied, archbishop of Cologne,
xiv. 474 m. 31
Herbert, William, 3rd earl of Pembroke Hermann. Johann Gottfried Jakob, xn.
(1580-1630), rv. 123, 132, 209, 390, 431; 324, 325
v. 174, 225, 347; VI. 143, 149, 150; vn. Hermegild, in D'Avenant's Oondibert, vn.
219; vm. 377 71
Herbert, William (1718-1795), ix. 531; Hermenegild, St, I. 105
xn. 520, 522 Hermes, iv. 45
Herbert, William (1778-1847), xiv. 298, Hermes, Johann Timotheus, Oeschichte der
561 Miss Fanny Wilkes, x. 18
Herbert family, the, iv. 157; v. 370; vi. Hermes, Trismegistus, vn. 488
141 Herminia, in Orlando Furwso, m. 230
Herbert of Bosham (fl. 1162-1186), I. 448 Hermione, in Horestes, v. 65
Herbert's Typographical Antiquities, n. Hermione, in The Winter's Tale, v. 169,
319 189, 206
Herbes, A Boke of the properties of, rv. 397 Hermogenes, m. 420
Herbier, Grand, rv. 374 Hennsprong, Bage's, xr. 295
Herculaneum, xn. 340, 413 Herne, Hierome, vi. 348, 349
Hercules, vm. 68; rx. 136, xm. 81 Hernishowe, in Trevisa, n. 78
Hercules, in Confessio Amantis, n. 148 Hero, in Much Ado about Nothing, v. 191
Hercules, in Dialogues of the Dead, xi. 351 Hero and Leander (Nashe's burlesque),
Hercules, in Pleasure Reconciled, vi. 360, rv. 327
361 Herod, m. 78; v. 17, 46, 50, 87, 151; VL
Hercules, in Saturnalia, VL 319 154, 295; x. 83
Hercules, in The Masque of Christmas, vi. Herodas, Mimes, xn. 340
359 Herodian, IV. 436
Hercules, captain, in The Champion, x. 23 Herodias, vi. 295
Hercules, duke, in Parasitaster, vi. 48
Herodotus, m, 430, 433; rv. 4, 6, 436
Hercules,' ship, xn. 38 rx. 39, 43; x. 135; xn. 328, 330, 334,
Herd, David (1732-1810), n. 409; rx. 360, 477, 479, 480, 484; xrv. 85
362 ff., 373, 374, 566; x. 487, 490; Heroic Virtue, in The Masque of Queens,
Ancient and Modern Scottish Songs, xi. vi. 349
204, 218 Heroical adventures of the Knight of the
Herd MS., XI. 229, 235 Sea, rv. 359
Herder, Johann Gottfried von, v. 290, Herolt's Promptuarium, m. 489
297, 298, 304; x. 232 Heron, Robert (1764-1807), x. 446, 526;
Here awa there awa, rx. 374 xi. 440, 472

Heron, The Vows of the (leus veus du Herring, Thomas (1693-1757), iv. 251;
hairon), n. 421 x. 362, 516
Herondas, xn. 492 Herringman, Henry, vm. 6, 392; xi. 318,
Herrenhausen, ix. 249 319
Herrera, Antonio de, is. 501 Hemngton, Sir Jasper, in Fanny Bur-
Herrick, Nicholas (d. 1592), vn. 4 ney's Wanderer, x. 65
Herrick, Robert (1591-1674), n. 393; iv. Herriott, Frank I., Sir William Temple
193; vi. 1, 11, 27, 215; vn. 1, 4-16 on the Origin and Nature of Government,
(main entry), 22, 23, 81, 180, 398, aho vm. 384
see Add.; vm. 3, 229, 231; XL 318, 383; Herrys, William, vn. 33
xn. 223; xni. 495 Herschel, Sir John Frederick William
Alas for me, that I have lost,' vn. 11
(1792-1871), xiv. 258, 288, 474, 555;

'Among the myrtles as I walked, vn. Discourse on the Study of Natural Philo-
sophy, xrv. 17
Apparition of his Mistress calling him Herschel, Sir William (1738-1822), xiv.
to Elysium, The, vn. 7 258, 556
Canticles to Bacchus, vn. 9 Hertford, m. 330
Cherry Ripe, TV. 145; vn. 8 Hertford, earl of. See Seymour, Edward
Christian Militant,
The^ vn, 10 Hertford, lady. See Somerset, Frances
Connna's Going a-Maying, vn. 8, 13 Hertford, marquis of. See Seymour-
Country Life: to his Brother, Mr Tho. Conway, Francis Charles
Herrick, A, vn. 4, 9, 11, 12 Hertfordshire, VL 29, 196; vn. 252; ix.
Cruel Maid, The, vn. 9 532, 538; X. 120; XL 78; xn. 180. 182,
Description of a Woman, The, vn. 7 183, 201, 509; xrv. 79
Dirge of Jephthah's Daughter, vn. 15 Hertogenbosch, m. 2
Farewell to Sack, A, vn. 6, 7 Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf, xiv. 269
Hesperides, vn. 1, 6 ft, 11, 13, 15, 19 Hervarar Saga, I. 35
His Age, vn. 9, 11 Hervet, Gentian, rv. 440, 543
His Content in the Country, vn. 6 Hervey, Augustus John, 3rd earl of
Sis Creed, vn. 15 Bristol (1724-1779), ix. 252
His Departure Hence, vn. 11 Hervey, Carr (1691-1723), ix. 250
His Farewell unto Poetry, vn. 5 Hervey, James (1714-1758), ix. 506; x.
His Ode for Ben Jonson, vn. 11 365 ft, 369
His Litany to the Holy Spirit, vn. 15 Contemplations, x. 365, 366
His Request to Julia, vn. 10 Meditations, x. 124, 365; XL 325
Hock-Cart, The, vn. 12 Reflections, x. 365
Mad Maid's Song, vn. 8 Theron and Aspasia, x. 365
May-pole is up, The, vn. 8 Hervey, John, 1st earl of Bristol (1665-
Night-Piece to Julia, vn. 10, 13 1751), ix. 250, 496
Noble Numbers, vn. 7, 10, 14 Hervey, John, lord (1696-1743), ix. 85,
Nuptial Song on Sir Clipseby Crew, A, 250 ft, 449, 497
vn. 11 Letters from a nobleman, ix. 86, 251
Oberon's Diet, vn. 7 Memoirs, ix. 250 ff.
Ode to Endymion Porter upon his Miscellaneous Thoughts, ix, 252
Brother's Death, An, vn. 11 Three Speeches, ix. 252
Panegyric to Sir Lewis Pemberton, vn. 10 Hervey, Mary, lady (1700-1768), ix. 85,
Primrose, The, vn. 7 250, 251; x. 248
Thanksgiving to God for his House, A, Hervey, Sir Thomas (1698-1775), ix. 250.
vn. 6, 15 496; xi. 394
Tinker's Song, The, vn. 8 Herveys, the, rs. 248, 251
To Anthea, vn. 13 Hervier, Paul Louis, ym. 532
To Daffodils, vn. 13, 14 Eervor, x. 223, 224
To his Book, vn. 14 Hesiod, I. 77; m. 429; iv. 436; ix. 220,
To Keep a true Lent, vn. 15 526, 527; xn. 331, 484, 489
To Phyllis to love and live with him, vn. Hesketh, Harriet, lady (born Cowper)
8,13 (1733-1807), XL 78, 88, 89, 91. 402,
To Primroses filled with Morning Dew, 404
vn. 11 ft Hesperus, x. 137
To the reverend Shade of his religious Hesse-Cassel, x. 466
lather, vn. 10 Hester, in Mrs Inchbald's To Marry or
Upon Himself, vn. 14 not to Marry, xi. 279
Upon the Death of his Sparrow, vn. 9 Hestemit, in Mandeville, n. 84
'When a daffodil I see,' vn. 14 Hesychius, ix. 330
Herrick, Sir William (1562-1653), vn. Hetel (Hetftnn), in Kudrun, i. 37
4,5 Hetherington, Henry (1792-1849), xiv.
Herries, John, XL 250; xm. 250 534

179 12-2
HeSinn, i. 37 Heywood, Thomas
Heton, Northumberland, n. 128 409, 430 ff., 445, 487, and see Add. 2;
Hettner, H-, i. viii vm. 169; xi. 286; xn. 191
Hetware (Chattuarii), in Beowulf, i. 25, 26 Actor's Vindication, The, VL 83, 408
Heurodys, in Sir Orfeo, i. 311 Ambrosius Merlin, Life of, vi. 88
Hew, Sir, of Eglintoun (c. 1376), n. 103, Apology for Actors, An, vi. 83 ff., 241,
116, 117, 123, 451 401, 408, 461, 494
Hewer, William, vm. 258 Blind eats many a fly, The, vi. 97
Hewes, John, rv, 170, 186, 188 Bold Beachams, The, VL 89
Hewett, Mrs, ix. 248 Brazen Age, The, VL 93
Hewitt, Bob, in Gissing's The Nether Captives, or The Lost Recovered, The,
World, xm. 458 vi. 102
Hewlett, Esther, XL 383, 486 Challenge for Beautie, A, VL 82, 103
Hewlett, Henry Gray, xrv. 517 Christmas comes but once a year, VL 97
Hewlett, Maurice (1861-1923), xm. 572, Edward IV, VL 84, 88, 90
also see Add. 1 England's Elizabeth, v. 342; vi. 86, 91
Hewson, the shoemaker, in the Mercuries, English Traveller, The, v. 351; VL 81,
vn. 356 84, 94, 97, 102; vm. 172
Hewson, John (d. 1662), vm. 121 Fair Maid of The West, The, VL 85,
Hexham, Henry (15851-1650?), vn. 454 97, 101
Hey, boys, Up we go! vm. 96 Fayre Mayde of the Exchange, The, vi.
Heydon, Sir Christopher (d. 1623), rv. 84, 86, 99
535; vn. 508, 510 ; A Defense of Judicial Fortune by Land and Sea, VL 69, 104
Astrologie, vn. 377 Four Ages, The, VL 92
Heydon, John (fl. 1667), vn. 378, 510 Foure Prentises of London, The, With
Heylyn, Peter (1600-1662), m. 478; rv. the Conquest of Jerusalem, VL 84. 88,
458; vn. 246 ff., 427, 445, 447, 479, 518 89
Aerius Redivivus, vn. 208 General History of Women, The, VL 86,
Cosmography, vn. 207 102, 103, 138
Cyprianus Anglicus, vn. 208 Godfrey 89
of Bulloigne, vi.
Ecclesia Restaurata, vn. 207 Golden Age, The, VL 93, 97
Examen Criticum, vn. 207 Hercules, VL 92
Geography, vn. 207 Hierarchy of the Blessed Angels, vi. 86,
Mercurius Aulicus, vn. 207 87
Microcosmus: a littte Description of the // you know not me, Tou know no bodie :
Great World (later edition Cosmographie), Or, The troubles of Queene Elizabeth, v.
iv. 89 342, 344, 345, 354, 365; VL 84, 85, 91,
Heyne, Christian Gottlob, xn. 490; TTO. 97, 300; vm. 125
468 Iron Age, The, VL 84, 92, 93
Heyse, Paul, y. 303 Jew of Malta, The, Heywood work in,
Heywood, Elizabeth (daughter of John VL 103
Heywood), iv. 198 Joan and my Lady, VL 97
Heywood, Ehzaeus (1530-1578), v. 90 Late Lancashire Witches, The, VT. 104
Heywood, Jasper (1535-1598), m. 189, Lives of all the Poets, VT. 86
198; iv. 440; v. 89, 395 Loves Maistresse, VL 84, 103
Heywood, John (1497?-1580?), n. 269, Marshal Osric, VL 100
328; m.124, 179, 279; IV. 198, 334, 518; Mayden-Head well lost, A, VL 84, 103
v. 25, 89 ff., 97, 110, 404 ff., 409 ff., and Nine Most Worthy Women of the World,
see Add. 2 vi. 91
Fours P. P., The, v. 92, 95, 97 Pleasant Dialogues and Drammas, VT.
Johan the husbande Johan Tyb his wyfe 87,88
and Syr Jhan the priest, v. 92, 96 ff., Porta Pietatis, VL 88
105, 111 Rape ofLucrece, The, v. 367; VT. 19, 101
Pardoner and the frere, The, v. 92, 96, Royall King, The, and the Loyall Sub-
97, 108 ject, vi. 81, 83, 97, 100, 102, 138
Play of Love, A, v. 92 ff. Silver Age, The, vi. 93
Proverbs, v. 105 Sovereign of the Seas, The, pamphlet on,
Wether, The, v. 92 ff., 97 VT. 84
Witty and Witless, v. 92 ff., 99 Troicus Britanwicuat or Great Britain's
Heywood, Oliver (1630-1702), XL 486 Troy, VT. 86
Heywood, Samuel (1753-1828), xrv. 490 Wise-woman of Hogsdon, The, vi. 83,
Heywood, Thomas 1650?), n. 202;
(d. 93, 97, 99
IV. 4, 115, 434, 438, 439, 458; v. 145, Woman KildewithKindnesse, A, v. 252;
158, 222, 224, 243, 254, 259, 263, 311, vi. 84,92 ff., 97, 99, 101; vn. 3; x. 73
312, 361, 370, 371, 373; VL 80-106 Hezekiah, English verse play on, VL 300
(main entry), 168, 204, 219, 378, 389, Hezekiah, in Ezechias, VT. 298

Hiarrandi, father of HetSinn, I, 27 Highlands, the, ix 215; xn. 19, 24, 26,

Hiaftningar, i. 37 83, 84, 255; xm. 106; xiv. 65, 434

Hiatt, Charles, xm. 515 'Hightest thou Urse,' i. 460
Hibernian society, xiv. 397, 398 Highwaymen, Lives of the, XL 352
Hibernica, vn. 211 Hilarion, I. 74
Hichyns (Tindale, William), in. 39 Hilarius or Hilary (fl. 1125), I. 191, 454;
Hick, in Piers the Plouman, n. 16 v. 7, 8, 11, 38; Image of St Nicholas,
Hick Scorner, v. 64, 392 i. 191; The Raising of Lazarua, I. 191;

Hickathrift, si. 373 v. 11

Hickeringill, Edmund (1631-1708), w. Hilda or Hild, St (614-680), abbess of
458; vm. 403 Streoneshalh, Whitby, i. 42, 43, 45, 82
Hickes, Francis (1566-1631), iv. 438; vn. Hildebrandslied, the, I. 36
316 Hildeburh, in Beowulf, i. 31
Hickes, George (1642-1715), I. 31, 147, Eildegard, St, of Bingen, I. 229
382; TO. 43; vm. 258, 306, 460; ix. Hildesham, Hildersam, or Hildershani,
212, 355, 535; x. 220, 224 ft, 229, 355, Arthur (1563-1632), vn. 322, 482
356; Constitution of the Catholic Church, Eildilid, or Hildelitha, St, abbess of
ix. 310, 511; Icelandic grammar, x. Barking (fl. 700), i. 74
223; Linguarum veterum septentriona- Hildr, daughter of Hogni, I. 37
lium thesaurus grammatico-criticus et Hildreth, Richard, XL 68, 398
archaeologicus, vm. 307; x. 223, 225, Hilgay, Norfolk, iv. 165
484 Hill, Aaron (1685-1750), DC. 160, 187, 447,
Hickes, William, Coffee-house Jests, vn. 485; x. 94, 434, 439; Alzira, x. 82;
390, 516 Merope, x. 82, 86; Zara, x. 81, $2
Hickes, Sir William, vm. 83 EiU, Abigail (d. 1734), ix. 130
Hickford, B., x. 485 Hill, Abraham (1635-1721), vm. 296, 458
Hickman, Francis (fl. 1690), vm. 394 Hill, Constance, xi. 365, 460; xn. 447
Hickman [? Henry], x, 387 Hill, David Octavius (1802-1870), XL 437
Hickman, Thomas, xiv. 230 Hill, Eleanor M., xiv. 599
Hickes, G. Dawes, xiv, 467, 474 Hill, Frederic (1803-1896), xrv. 591, 601
Hicks, Thomas, Dialogue between a Chris- Hill, George (1810-1900), xiv. 568
tian and a Quaker, vm, 110 Hill, George Birkbeck (1835-1903), rs.
Hickson, William Edward (1803-1870), 308, 313, 326; x. 181, 184, 186, 267,
xn. 430 279, 289, 297, 317; xi. 13, 344; xiv. 503,
Hicky, James Augustus (fl. 1780), xiv. 334 606
Hicfafs Bengal OazeHe, xiv. 334 Hill, John (d. 1765), DC, 455
Hidaspes, in Cupid's Revenge, VL 128 Hill, John (1716?-1775), XL 472
Hiero (Mantuan's), m. 224 Hill, Joseph, XL 87, 402
Hierocles, x. 464 Hill, Richard (c. 1500), n, 500
Hieroleauder, in Argenis, rv. 259 Hill, Richard, m. 189
Hieron Osorius, bishop, library of, iv. 56 Hill, Rowland (174^-1833), xn. 472
Hieroninio, in The Spanish Tragedie, v. Hill, Sir Rowland (1795-1879), xiv. 606
158, 162, 164, 240; vi. 13; vm. 87 Hill, Samuel Charles, xn. 437
Hierophilus, pseud. See McHale, John Hill, Thomas Pidymus Mountain') (fl.

Higden, Betty, in Our Mutual Friend, 1590), m.484; iv. 542; A

most briefe
xm. 336 and plea$aunt treatyse, etc., TV. 375; The
Higden, Henry (fl. 1693), vm. 395 profitable arte of gardening, iv. 375
Higden, Ranulf (d. 1364), Polychronicon, Hill, Thomas, uncle of Southey, XL 155
n. 71, 72, 74 E., 313, 333, 334, 444; Hill, Wills, 1st earl of Hillsborough (1718-
iv. 320, 521; xn. 480 1793), x. 403
Eigford, William (1581?-! 657), Institu- Hillard, George Stillman, xm. 73
tions of a Gentleman, ix. 396, 570 Hillier, Alfred P., xrv. Add, 8
Higgins, John (fl. 1570-1602), m, 196, Hills, Henry, XL 330
197; v, 407 Hillsborough, earl of See Kill, Willa

Higgins, Matthew James ('Jacob Om- Hiltgund, in Waldhere and Waltharius,

nium,' 1810-1868), xiv. 238, 534 I. 32 ft

Higgins, Mr, of St Mary Axe,' XL 43 Hilton, Arthur Clement (1851-1877), xiv.

Higgs, in Butler's JErewhon Revisited, xm. 537; Heathen Pass-ee, The, xrv. 206;
453 Octopus, The, xiv. 206; Vulture and the
Higgs, Griffin or Griffith (1589-1659), Husbandman, The, xiv. 206
Thomas Tucker, vi. 318, 320, 474 Hilton, John (d. 1657), iv. 464
High Dutch, vn. 314 'Hinchinbroke, lord,' in The Tatter, ix,
High Ercall, Shropshire, vn. 27 34
High Wycombe, vn, 53 Hmchingbrooke, x. 133
Highland Scots, ix. 373 Boncks, Edward (1792-1866), xn. 342, 499
Highlanders, the, x 28, 182, 230, 231 Hind, Arthur Mayger, xiv. 539

Hind, Henry Youle, xiv. 583 Hoadley or Hoadly, Samuel (1643-17051
Hind, James (d. 1652), ix. 258 vi. 482
Bind Horn, n. 410, 411, 414 Hoadly, Benjamin (1676-1761), ix. 20, 41,
Hindley, Charles, xiv. 540, 544 221," 309 ff., 428, 505, 506, 511; x. 354,
Hindlip hall, near Worcester, vu. 45 355, 357, 516,517
Hindoos, the, XT. 17 Nature of the Kingdom of Christ, rs.
Eindshaw, W., xiv. 592 310,311; X. 354
Hindu religion, xiv. 98 Plain Account of the. .Sacrament, x.

Hindu romance, XL 164 354

Hindustan, XL 12 Preservative against the ... Non- Jurors,
Hindustani language, XL 242; xm. 279 IX, 310; X. 354
Eine, Henry George (1811-1895), xiv. Reasonableness of Conformity, x. 374
238 Hoadly, Benjamin (1706-17157), x. 87,
Kingston, Edward Perron, xm. 515 435
Hinkson, Henry Albert, xiv. 573 Hoadly, John (1711-1776), x. 87, 433,
Einkson, Katharine Tynan, xiv. 316, 573 439
Hinnom, xir. 82 Hoare, Prince (1755-1834), x. 276; XL
Hinton, James (1822-1875), xn. 467; 281, 457; xn. 473
xiv. 475 Hoare, Sir Richard Colt (1758-1838), xn.
Einton, John Howard (1791-1873), xrv. 510; Wiltshire, xn. 346
591 Hoares, the, XL 149
Hinxman, John (fl. 1760), xi. 341 Hobbes, John Oliver, pseud. See Craigie,
Eiordis, in Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, Pearl Mary Teresa
xm. 126 Hobbes, Thomas (1588-1679), iv. 292,
Eiorvarftr, brother-in-law of Hr61fr, I. 25 297; vn. 54, 70, 71, 84, 85, 217, 259,
Hippel, x. 422 260, 265 ft, 275, 276-298 (main entry),
Hippocrates, n. 365; m. 427; rv. 436; 409, 465, 469 ft, also see Add. ; vm. 462,
vn. 488; vm. 350, 363; xn. 521 469, 475; IX. 75, 269, 301 ff., 351, 384,
Hippolito, in Loves Cru<=ltie, vi. 199 386, 397, 571; x. 325, 332, 335; XL 7,
Hippolyta, in A Midsummer -Night* 8 32, 57, 318; xrv. 16, 24, 29, 479
Dream, v. 183; vi. 213, 214 Behemoth, vn. 289, 445; ix. 385
Hippolyta, in The Custome of the Countrey, De Give, vn. 286, 291
vi. 122, 131 De Oorpore, vn. 287, 288, 291
Eippolytus, vi. 163 De Corpore Politico, vn. 285
Hippomedon. See Ipomedon De Homine, vn. 287
Hiram's hospital, in Trollope's TAe Warden, Decameron Physiologicum, vn. 289
xra. 422 Dialogue between a Philosopher and a
Hislop, Andrew, XL 237 Student of the Common Laws of England,
Hispanus, play, vr. 484 vn. 289
Hisperica lamina, I. 69, 70, 435 Elements of Law natural and politic,
Histoire Litterait e de la France, XL 172 vn. 284, 285, 291, 294
Historia, in Technogamia, vi. 323 Heresy, vn. 289
Historia Brittonum. See Nermius Historia Ecclesiastica, vn. 289
Historical MSS. commission, ix. 119, 141; Homer, vn. 267, 289
xrv. 89, 97 Human Nature, vn. 285
Histories and tragedies, early printed, Latin works, vn. 289, 291
and in MSS., v. 395 fi. Leviathan, The, vn. 286 ff., 296, 297,
History of Henry Earl of Moreland, ix. 301, 371; ix. 385; x. 372
328 Of Liberty and Necessity, vn. 288
History of Savarambes, ix. 106 Philosophical Rudiments concerning Go
History of tJte Sixteen Wonderful Old vernment and Society, vn. 286, 291
Women, XL 386 Short Tract on First Principles, vn. 2S4
History of the Union (1698), x. 377 Thucydides, vn. 284
History of the Works of the Learned, x. Tractatus Options, vn. 286
176 Hobbinol, in The Shepheards Calender,
Hitchcock, Eichard, translator of San- m. 224
sovino, rv. 448 Hobby-horse, v. 33
Hitchcock, Robert (fl. 1580-1591), IV. 309, Hobhouse, John Cam, lord Broughton de
511 Gyfford (1786-1869), xn. 32, 34, 382 ff.,
Hitchcock, Robert (d. 1809), x. 443 387, 393, 395; xiv. 407, 550
Hitchener, Elizabeth, xn. 401, 402 Hobhouse, Leonard T., xiv, 469
Hitchin, v. 103; vt. 29; xiv. 430 Hobhouse, Thomas, x. 472
Hitchman, Francis, xrn. 545, 547 Hobie Noble, n. 415
Hitopadesa, the, xn. 343, 502, 503 Foblyn, Robert (1710-1756), xn. 522
Hnaef, in Beowulf and Widsith, I. 23, 31, Hobs, the tanner of Tamworth, in Ed-
32,34 ward IV, v. 373; vi. 90, 91

Hobson (a London character), rv. 360 Hog, James (1658?-1734), rx. 520, 548,
Hobson, Mrs Carey, xrv. Addl 8 549
Hobson, Paul, x. 377 Hog (Hogaeus), Latin translations of
Hobaon, Thomas (15447-1631), vn. 244 Milton, vn. 118, 414
Hoby, Sir Edward (1560-1617), rv. 443, Hogarth, David George, xrv. 551
Hogarth, George, xm. 542
Hoby, Sir Thomas (1530-1566), m. 290,
Hogarth, William (1697-1764), ix. 122,
433, 437, 444; iv. 3; The Courtier, m. 145; x. 22, 263, 354, 396, 429, 524;
437, 505, 550; IV. 3, 7, 397, 443 xn. 177. 182, 192, 434; xm. 458; xiv.
Hoccleve. See Occleve 212 ff., 540, 541
Hocken, Thomas Morland, xrv. 587 Beer Street, xrv. 213
HockenhuU, prosodist, xm. 244 Calais Gate, xrv. 213
Hockley, William Browne (1792-1860), England, xrv. 213
xiv. 338, 557; Pandurang Hari, xrv.
Enraged Musician, The, XL 282; xiv.
337; Tales of the Zenana, xrv. 337 213
Hockliffe, or Hocelyve, in Bedfordshire, France, xrv. 213
n. 206 Gin Lane, x. 33; xrv. 213
Hocktide plays, v. 30, 31 Harlot's Progress, x. 24, 75; xrv. 213
Hocus, in Arbuthnot's History of John Marriage-a-la-Mode, x. 90; xn. 432
Bull, IX. 134 Rake's Progress, x. 24; xiv. 213, 214=
Hoddesdon, John (fl. 1650), vm. 395 Hogben, John, xrv. 534
Hodell, Charles W., xm. 484 Hogg, Alexander, XL 326
Hodge, in Cromwell, v. 247 Hogg, Ethel M., xrv. 602
Hodge, in Horestes, v. 64 Hogg, James (1770-1835), XL 237 ff., 437,
Hodge, in Piers the Plowman, n. 16 443, also see Add; xn. 5, 95, 96, 156,
Hodge, D., xin. 471 159, 160, 373, 379, 425, 444, 445, 449;
Hodges, Anthony, vn. 489 xm. 108
Hodges, Richard, xrv. 441 Bonny Kilmeny, XL 241
Hodges, Sir William (1645?-1714), iv. 102, Cam Ye by Athol, XL 242
458 Fate of Macgregor, XT. 241
Hodgetts, John, Terra Australia incognita, Forest Minstrel, XL 241, 243
iv. 101, 458 XL 242
Gathering of the Clans,
Hodgkin, Thomas (1831-1913), xn. 476, Haunted Glen, XL 242
also see Add.; Italy and her Invaders, Jacobite Relics, ix. 371 fL, 375 ff., 566
xn. 322 Lock the Door Lauriston, XL 242
Hodgkins, John, m. 382 M'Kinnon, XL 242
Hodgson, Francis (1781-1852), xn. 395 Mador of the Moot, XL 241
Hodgson, George R, xiv. 533 Mountain Bard, XL 239
Hodgson, Geraldine Emma, xiv. 591 Weel Befa\ XL 242
Hodgson, John (d. 1684), xn. 16, 376 Pilgrims of the Sun, XL 241
Hodgson, Shadworth Hollway (1832- Queen Hynde, XL 241
1912), xm. 248; xiv. 40, 474 Queen's Wake, XL 239 ff.
Metaphysic of Experience, The, xrv. 39 Rise Rise Loidand and Highland Man,
Philosophy of Reflection, The, xiv. 39 xi. 242
Theory of Practice, The, xrv. 39 Skylark, The, XL 242
Time and Space, xiv. 39 Spy, The, XL 239
Hodgson, WiUiam BaUantyne 1815-1880),
( When the Kye comes Same, XL 242
xiv. 414, 600, 601, 606, 607 Witch, of Fife, XL 240
Hodnet, xn. 365 Hogg, Quintin (1845-1903), xrv. 602
Hody, Humphrey (1659-1707), x. 354, Hogg, Thomas Jefferson (1792-1862), xn.
516 60, 79, 401, 403
Hoefu&lausn of Egill Skallagrimsson, L Hoggarty, Mrs, in Thackeray's Great
62 Hoggarty Diamond, xm. 281
Hoel, in The Misfortunes of Arthur, v. 78 Hoggins, Mary Ann, in Thackeray's Con-
Hoel, king of Brittany, I. 259, 260 tributions to Punch, xm. 279
Hoey, J. C., xrv. 510 Hogglestock, TrollopeX -KTTT. 424
Hotding, H., xrv. 467 Hogni, i. 37
Hoffmann, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm, xm. Hogsden. See Hoxton
4,465 Hogsflesh, in Lamb's Mr H
, xn. 189

Hoffmann, F., IX. 442 Hohenstiel-Schwangau, prince, Brown-

Hoffmanswaldau, Christian Hofman von, ing's, xm. 72
m. 348 Hoker, John, Piscator, or The Usher
Hofland, Mrs Barbara (1770-1844), XL Caught, VL 294
480; Clergyman's Widow, xi. 384; Son Holberg, Ludwig, x. 200
of a Genius, XL 384; Theodore, XL 384 Holborn, n. 233
Hofmeyr, J. H., xiv. Add. 8 Holbroke, John (d. 1437), n 347. 362

Holcot, Robert (d. 1349), m. 489 HoUand, Thomas (d. 1612), vn. 312, 317
Holcroft, Thomas (1745-1809), x. 443, Holland family, sin. 372
480; si. 119, 189, 270, 276 ft., 281, 295, HoUar, Wenceslaus (1607-1677), vi. 262;
454, 457, 461, also see Add.; xii, 432 TO. 487
Alwyn, xi. 294 HoUes, Denzil, lord (1599-1680), vn. 225,
Anna St Ives, XL 292, 294 451, 457; rx. 194
Autobiography, XL 294 Eollingford, in Mrs Gaskell's Wives and
Crisis, The, XL 277 Daughters, xm. 372
Deserted Daughter, The, XL 277, 278 Hollingshead, John, xm. 515
Duplicity, XL 277 HoUway, H. C. Schunke, xiv. Add. 4
Hugh Trevor, XL 294: HoUyband, Claudius, iv. 446
Road to Ruin, The, XL 277 HoUybush, J., iv. 442
Holden, Hubert Ashton (1822-1896), xn. Holm, in Norway, i. 179
331, 485 Holman, in Mrs GaskelTs Cousin Phillis,
Holdernesse, earl of. See D'Arcy, Robert xm. 372, 380
Holdsworth, Dr, vm. 473 Holme, Randle (1627-1699), Academy of
Holdsworth, Philip Joseph (1849-1902), Armory, xx. 355, 535
xiv. 369, 586 Holmes, Arthur (1837-1875), xn. 485
Holdsworth, Richard (1590-1649), rv. 425, Holmes, George (1662-1749), ix. 495
426 434 Holmes or Homes, Nathaniel (1599-
Hole, Richard (1746-1803), x. 487 1678), vn. 507, 515
Hole, Samuel Reynolds, xrv. 238, 503 Holmes, Oliver WendeU, xrv. 378; The
Hole, William (fl. 1600-1630), iv. 168 Last Leaf, -ynrT. 164
Holiday, Barten, Technogamia, or TTie Holmes, Thomas Rice Edward, xrv. 496
Marriage of the Arts, Yi. 323, 474 Holmes, William (fl. 1582), rv. 386
Holiness, house of, in The Faerie Queene, Holofernes, i. 142
n. 234; vi. 336 Holofernes, in Lovtfs Labour's Lost, v.
Holiness, in P^ers the Plowman, n. 25 178; vi. 30, 336
Holinshed, Raphael (d 1580?), I. 170; Holroyd, A., xni. 558
n. 104, 339; Chronicles of England,, Scot- Holroyd, John Baker, 1st earl of Sheffield
land and Ireland, m. Ill, 156, 237, 316, (1735-1821), x. 299, 301, 302, 310, 312,
318 ff., 438, 530; rv. 7, 192, 398 fit.; 508, 509
v. 100, 220, 221, 239 ff., 244, 271, 371; Holroyd, Maria Josepha (lady Stanley of
vi. 138, 301 j xiv. 308 Alderley), x. 509
Holkot, Robert, Moralitates, I. 214, 454 Holt, Felix, George Eliot's, xm. 342,
Holland, v. 101, 286, 288, 308; TO, 64, 397
180, 261, 285, 307, 360, 453, 456, 460; Holt, Joseph (1756-1826), xn. 516
ix. 3, 199, 203, 213, 214, 231, 255, 300, Holt, L. H., vi. 5
306, 350, 515; x, 203; XI. 19, 25, 321; HolweU, John Zephaniah (1711-1798),
xn. 165; xm. 88, 429; xrv. 212, 423, xrv. 577; India Tracts, xrv. 334; Narra-
459 tive of the. . .Slack Hole, xrv. 334
Holland, Abraham (d 1626), vn. 502 Holy aUiance, the, xi. 108; xn. 39, 40
Holland, Bernard, xrv. 509 'Holy Club, the, x, 364
Holland, earl of. See Rich, Sir Henry Holy Ghost, The Emission of the, v. 17
Holland, Henry (d. 1604), A Treatise Holy Grail, the, xn. 518
against Witchcraft, rv. 325, 534; vn. 371, Holy island, xn. 10
506, 511 Holy land, the, rv. 89
Holland, Henry (1583-1650?), m. 324; Holy Roman empire, r. 318 ; ni. 244
Basiliologia, rv. 543 Holy Rood, The, i. 445
Holland, Henry Scott,xn, 453, 455, 458 Holy Sepulchre, the, rv. 201; xrv. 252
Holland, Henry Wilkinson, xrv. 591 Holy week carols, n. 378
HoUand, John, duke of Exeter (1352?- Holybourne, Hampshire, YITT. 381
1400), n. 170 Holyhead, ix. 99
Holland, John (1794WL872), xn. 420 Holyoake, George Jacob, xrv. 478, 534
HoUand, lords. See Fox, Henry; Fox, Holyoke, Francis (1567-1653), Dictionary,
Henry Richard Vassall vn. 315, 486
olland, Mary Sibylla, xm. 549 Holyoke, Thomas (1616?-1675), vn. 486
HoUand, Philemon (1552-1637), m. 324, Holyrood, iv. 239; vn. 435
328, 528; rv. 1, 3 ff., 15, 21, 266, 438 ff., Holyrood press, the, xi. 470
442, 446, 523, 527; vn. 487; IX. 267; Holywood. See Johannes de Sacro Bosco
Plutarch, ix. 265; Plutarch's Moraha, Home, Daniel D., xm. 72
vn. 316; Xenopton's Cyropaedia, vn. 316 Home, Henry, lord Kames (1696-1782),
HoUand, Sir Richard (JL 1450-1482), Buke IX. 561, 547; x. 190, 513, 514; XL 250;
KoftheHowlat,^ 100, 112, 114, 115, 120, xrv. 606; Elements of Rhetoric, xrv.
272, 449 398; Loose Hints upon Education, xrv.
Holland, My Saba (d. 1806), xn. 427 391

Home, John (1722-1808), v. 297; ix. 557, Honour, in The Faerie Queene, m. 236
561, 564; x. 435; xi. 450, 457: Douglas, Honour, ladv, in Amends for Ladies, vi.
n. 410; ix. 549; x. 87, 202, 230, 3G9; 223
xi. 273; XTH. 258; Siege, ofAqmleia, XI. Honour, prince of, in The Police of
273 Honour, n. 261, 262
Home and Foreign Review, The, xrv. 118 Honourable society for the Advancement
Home 328
office, the, xiv. of Experimental Philosophy, ix. 389
Home Rule, xiv, 136, 198 Honyman, Andrew (d. 1676), ix. 546
Homer, i. 77, 170; n. 109, 110; m. 22, Hood, Edwin Pax ton, xm. 471
229, 230, 271, 272, 305, 420, 429, 452; Hood, Thomas (fi. 1582-1598), iv. 458
iv. 21 ff., 33. 42, 43, 47, 414, 418, 429, Hood, Thomas (1799-1845), x. 135; XL
437, 516, 526; v. 51, 71, 138, 214; Yi. 160; xn. 107, 108 ff. (main entry),
18, 31, 36, 82, 86, 93, 101, 197, 303, 347; 119 ff.,129, 131, 139, 418, 429, 449;
vn. 70, 117, 138, 267, 268, 274, 289, xm. 161, 230, 238
317, 334, 381; vm. 205, 219, 221, 372, Bridge of Sighs, The, xn. 109, 110; xm.
375. 433; IX. 44, 59, 68, 72, 74 ff., 88, 239
183, 256, 258, 338 ff., 366, 443, 446, Clapham Academy, xn. 109
448, 474, 481, 483, 484, 527; x. 27, Comic Annual, xrv. 235
128, 167, 180, 186, 220, 227, 232, 415; Death Bed, A, xn. 110
xi. 79, 88 ff., 355, 403, 433; xn, 99, 256, Desert Born, The, xn. Ill
310, 311, 422, 480, 482, 484, 485, 487 ff., Elm Tree, The, xn. 110
491, 492, 496, also see Add.; xm. 35, Eugene Aram, xn. 110
90, 92, 104, 312; xrv. 135, 164, 252, 365, Fair Ines, xn. Ill
375 Farewell, Life, xn. 110
Iliad, I. 293; vm. 9, 25, 50, 64; ix. Giver of glowing light, xn. Ill
297, 372, 410; x. 231, 232, 240; 2X 88, Haunted House, The, xn. 110, 111; xm
320, 322, 401; xn. 54, 280, 331, 334, 239
477; xm. 450; xiv, 329 Hero and Leander, xn. 110
Odyssey, IX. 410; XI. 321, 322; xn. 190, It was not in the Winter, xn. 110
333, 334, 500; xra. 125 ff., 175, 450 Lake and a Fairy Boat, A, xn. Ill
Homeric hexameter, the, xm. 127 Lytu* the Centaur, xn. 110
Eomerides, by 'Sir Iliad Doggrel,' ix. 258, Miss Kilmansegg, xn. 109, 111
448 Plea of the Midsummer Fames, The.
Homerton, x. 384 xn. 110, 111
Homes and Haunts of Famous Authors, Serious Poems, xn. 109
xm. 456 Song of the Shirt, The, xn. 109; XIV.
Homicide, in Two Lamentable Tragedies, 238
v. 326 Spring it is cheery, xn. Ill
Homilies (1547 and later), nr. 35; iv. 304, Stars are with the Voyager, xn. Ill
511 United Family, The, xn. 121
Homilies, Middle English, I. 221, 474 Up the Rhine, xn. 121
Homilies, Old English (see, also, Aelfric, Works, xn. 109
Wulfstan, etc.), i. 218, 458, 459; iv. 424 Hood, Thomas, the younger (1835-1874),
Hone, Percy F., xiv. Add. 8 xm. 512; xiv. 339; The. Rules of Rhyme,
Hone, William (1780-1842), xiv. 520; xm. 248
Every -Day Book, xn. 181; Table Book, Hood's Magazine, nrr. 69
xn. 200, 436, 437 Hooghe, Pieter de, xiv. 212
Hone's Year-Book, xm. 143 Hook, Theodore Edward (1788-1841), xn.
Honeycomb, Will, in The Spectator, ix. 51 103, 123, 429, 449; xm. 307 ff.; xrv.
Honeycombe, Polly, in Colman's drama, 200; Gfervase Skinner, xn. 251; xm.
X. 89 309; Sayings and Doings, xn. 251
Honeyman, Charles, in The Newcomes, Hook, Walter Farquhar (1798-1875), xn.
xm. 295 274, 457,- xrv. 101, 503, 507, 591; Lives
Honeyman, Martha, in The Neuxomes, of the Archbishops of Canterbury, xrv.
xm. 297 112
Honiton, x. 387 Hooke, Nathaniel (d. 1763), x. 509; Ac-
Honor, in The Masque of the Middle count of the. . .Duchess of Marlborough,
Temple, vi. 355 x. 319; Observations on the Roman
Honoria, in Dry den's The Rival Ladies, Senate, x. 319; Roman History, x. 319
vm. 4 Hooke, Robert (1635-1703), vm. 250,
Honoria, in The Picture, \n. 156, 158 364; xrv. 561; Micrographia, vm. 356.
Honorius I, n. 347 477; xiv. 283
Honorius of Auttm, Elucidarium of, r. Hooker, Joan, m. 406
343 Hooker, John (1526?-1601), m. 406
Honour, in Portuus of NoUines, etc., n. Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton (1817-1911),
284 xrv. 296, 299, 300, 550, 561

Hooker, Richard (1554-1600), n. 290; Horace
m. 319, 399-417, 459; iv. 221, 226, 561; x. 117, 124, 128, 197, 201, 430,
235 ff., 239, 268, 303, 411, 493, 511; 457, 464, also see Add.; xi. 2, 81, 82,
v. 338; vn. 125, 146, 158, 163, 236, 90, 134, 136, 403, 426; xn. 73, 318, 326,
252, 280, 295, 463; vm. 72, 308; x. 174, 335, 363, 419, 482, 484, 486 ff., 490,
360; XL 28, 32; xn. 253; Christian 491, 493 ff., 497, also see Add. ; xm. 294;
Letter, The, m. 415; Of the Laws of xiv. 205
Ecclesiastical Polity, m. 399-417 (main Ars Poetica, VL 6, 8; vm. 221; ix. 70
entry), 547; vn. 323; vm. 336 Beatus ille, vn. 9
Hooker, Sir William Jackson (1785-1865), Coelum non animum, VXL 100
xiv. 290, 561 Carmina, x. 130
Hookham, Edward, XL 463 Epistles, xn. 337
Hoole, Charles (1610-1667), v. 80; vn. Integer vitae, vn. 2
480; New Discovery of the Old Art of Odes, xi. 359
teaching Schoole, IX. 387, 569 Translations from, by Sir Richard Fan-
Hoole, John (1727-1803), x. 435, 469, 473; shawe, vm. 271
xi 246; Cyrus, x. 87, 435, 439; XL 263; Horace, in The Poetaster, vi. 18, 39, 42
Timanthes, XL 263 Horae Subsecivae, rv. 524
Hooly and Fairly, ix. 374 Horant, in Kudrun, I. 37
Hooper, John (d. 1555), bishop of Glou- Horatio, in Rowe's Fair Penitent, vm. 196
cester and Worcester, sermons upon Horatio, in The Dukes M'istris, VL 200
Jonah, m. 36, 474; iv. 232, 493 Horatio, don, in The Spanish Tragedie,
Hooper, Richard, vii. 51 V. 158, 163, 240
Hoosier writers, xiv. 349 Horatius Codes, in The Eape of Lucrece,
Hope (Spes), in Piers the Plowman, n. 27 vi. 101
Hope, in prince Arthur's marriage Horm, Danish viking, I. 287
pageant, vi. 332 Horman, William (d. 1535), n. 321; m.
Hope, Thomas (1770?-1831), XL 461; 555
Anastasius, XL 306, 307 Horn, cape, xm. 16
Hope, Sir William, iv. 369 Horn, John, EL 66
Hope, Sir William Henry St John (1854- Horn, The Gest of King, i. 218, 281, 286,
1919), xn. Add. 5 287, 291 ff., 299, 303 ff., 309, 468
Hope End, Herefordshire, xm. 70 Horn Childe, I. 282, 291, 468
Hopeful, in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, Hornby, near Lancaster, xiv. 54
vn. 173 Home, Andrew (d. 1328), vm. 465
fiope-Scott, James Robert (1812-1873), Home, George (1730-1792), ix. 512; x.
xn. 454; xiv. 505 472; xn. 467
Hopewell, the Rev. Mr, Haliburton's, xiv. Home, John. See Tooke, John Home
346 Home, Richard Henry or Hengist (1803-
Hopkins, Charles (1664-1700), vm. 437 1884), xi. 410; xn." 107, 117, 418, 428,
Hopkins, Ellice, xn. 467 441; xm. 471, 483, 484, 520, 543; xiv.
Hopkins, Gerard, TTTTT 207, 210 365, 520, 586
Hopkins, J. Castell, xrv. 581 Australian Autobiography, xrv. 371
Hopkins, John (d. 1570), m. 46; Psalms, Australian Facts and Fancies, xrv. 371
vm. 41 Cosmo de* Medici, xn. 118; xm. 262
Hopkins, Matthew (d. 1647), The Dis- Death of Marlowe, The, xn. 118; xm.
covery of Witches, vn. 375 262
Hopkins, Richard (d. 1594?), rv. 444 Gregory VII, xm. 262
Hopkins, Robert Thurston, xiv. 528 Judas Iscariot, xm. 262
Hopkins, William (1793-1866), xiv. 265, Laura Dibalzo, xn. 118
561 New Spirit of the Age, A, xn. 118
Hoppner, John (1758-1810), xn. 323 Orion, xn. 118; xiv. 363
Hoppus, John, xiv. 591 Home, Thomas (1610-1654), vn. 480
Hopton, Ralph, lord (1598-1652), vn. 86, Home, Thomas Hartwell (1780-1862), iv.
245, 246, 348, 454 426; xn. 472, 522
Horace, I. 76, 193, 221; n. 264; m. 20, Horneck, Anthony (1641-1697), vm. 301,
113, 173, 232, 259; iv. 2, 17, 23, 30, 302, 460
124, 186, 197, 206 ff., 235, 248, 250, Hornecks, Mrs and the Miss, x. 213
329, 332, 418, 437; v. 65; VL 221, 313, Horner, Francis (1778-1817), xn. 144,
348, 362, 406; vn. 1, 4, 12, 62, 69, 180, 426; 'The Paper credit of Great Britain,'
181, 265, 267, 334, 370; vm. 44, 58, xn. 145
61, 85, 89, 203, 214, 215, 220, 271, 278, Horning, L. E., xrv. 581
408, 446; ix. 39, 46, 58, 59, 72, 85 ff., Horologium, Old English, I. 136
119, 146, 158, 264, 269, 277, 336 ff., Horrocks, Jeremiah (d. 1641), vm. 477
445, 449, 455, 456, 458 ff., 462, 473, Horsa, I. 104
478, 482, 484, 497, 499, 525, 526, 528, Horse, book on care of, m. 19

Horse, the, in Mum, Sothsegger, n. 36 Housewifery, writers on, iv. 543
Horses, writers on, rv. 540 Housman, Laurence, XL 433
Horsfield, Thomas Walker (d. 1837), xn. Houyhnhnms, in Gulliver's Travels, IX. 105
511 Hoveden, John (d. 1275), i. 194, 454
Horsham, Sussex, x. 378; xn. 58 Hoveden, Roger of (d. 1201?), I. 160, 161,
Horsham school, vn. 342 172 ft, 178, 450; m. 314; IV, 68
Horsley, John (1685-1732), Britannia How, Frederick Douglas, xiv. 599
Romana, ix. 355, 536 How a man may chuse a good Wife from a
Horsley, Samuel (1733-1806), XL 399; bad, vi. 93, 96,432
xn. 279, 280 How a Merchande dyd Tiys Wyfe Betray,
Horsleydown, x. 382 n. 501
Horsman, Edward (1807-1876), xiv. 133, How the Good Wife taught her Daughter,
172, 510 n. 501, 502
Horstmann, Carl, I. 338, 340 How the Plowman lerned his Pater Noster,
Hort, Fenton John Anthony (1828-1892), n. 501
xn. 340, 465, 467, also see, Add.; The How the Wise man taught his Son, n. 501,
Way the Truth the Life, xn. 298 502
Hort, Josiah (1674?-1751), ix. 465; x. 385 How unhappy is Phyllis in love, vm. 96
Hortense, in Charlotte Bronte's Shirley, Howard, Charles, of Effingham, admiral,
xm. 409 1st earl of Nottingham (1536-1624), iv.
Hortensio, in The Bashful Lover, VL 155, 82; vi. 249, 250
158 Howard, Charles, llth duke of Norfolk
Hortensius, in Grave's Columella, x. 277 (1746-1815), xiv. 186
Horton, Bucks., vn. 98, 99, 107, 113 Howard, Edward (fl. 1669), vm. 217, 422;
Hosack, John (d. 1887), xiv. 503; Mary The Usurper, vm. 21; The Women's
Queen of Scots and her Accusers, xiv. Conquest, v. 277; version of Rochester's
94 British Princes, vn. 267
Hosein, in Ockley's History of the Sara- Howard, Sir Edward, lord high admiral
cens, x. 281 (d. 1513), in. 64
Hoskins, John (1566-1638), iv. 59, 209, Howard, Edward Granville George (d.
265 1841), xn.
Hoskins, Sir John (1634-1705), vm. 247 Howard, lady Elizabeth, Dryden's wife,
Hoskins, William (f. 1591), v. 322 vm. 8
Hospitall of incurable fooles, The, m. 482 Howard, Frances, countess of Essex (and
Hospitallers. See St John, knights of Somerset), iv. 143, 145, 202, 259; VL
Host, the, in the Canterbury Tales, m. 31, 344
192 Howard, Frederick, 5th earl of Carlisle
Hdtel de Rambouillet, vn. 391 (1748-1825), xi. 392
Hotham, Charles (1615-1672?), ix. 515, Howard, Henrietta, countess of Suffolk
517, 518 (1681-1767), ix. 82, 249, 470, 498; x.
Hotham, Durant (1617?-! 691), ix. 515, 257; Letters, ix. 250
518; The Spie, vn. 351 Howard, Henry, earl of Surrey (1517?-
Hotham, Sir John (d. 1645), vn. 351 1547), n. 213, 331; m. 23, 24, 168, 169,
Hothhroddus, i. 25 171, 174 ff. (main entry), 201, 210, 212,
Hothead, in Crowne's Sir Courtly Nice, 227, 247 ff., 281 ff., 285, 287, 293, 294,
vm. 189 298, 300, 302, 303, 363, 365, 442, 447,
Hotspur, n. 415; v. 256 509; iv. 108, 110, 116 ff., 130, 138, 182,
Hotspur, in Macbeth, xi. 284 183, 196, 197; vn. 1; vm. 222, 223
Hotten, John Camden (1832-1873), xn. Aeneid, v. 155; vn. 133
506; xm. 467, 532 Beautie, Frailtie and hurtfulnesse of, in.
Hottentots, x. 160; xiv. 375 176
Houbraken, x. 498 Complaint of a dying lover, m. 176
Houdancourt, Mile La Motte, vm. 262 Complaint of the absence of her lover,
Houghton, x. 246 m. 177
Houghton, lord. See Milnes, Bichard Complaint that his ladie after she knew
Monckton of his love kept Tier face alway hidden
Houghton Conquest, Beds., ix. 145 from him, m. 176
Hounslow heath, vni. 93 Liricks, vn. 271
Hour, The, xiv. 196 Phylida was a fayer mayde, m. 178
Hour before Marriage, An, XL 265 Richmond, Elegy on the Duke of, m. 178
Hours, Books of, n. 315; iv. 426 Spring, wherein eche thing renewes, m.
House of Commons, u. 286, 303 176
Household books, n, 503 Vow to love faithfully howsoever he be
Household Words, xn. 221; xm. 178, 315, rewarded, m. 176
323, 326, 328, 329, 332, 335, 373, Howard, Henry, 1st earl of Northampton
375 ff., 379 (1540-1614), VL 4; vn. 435

Howard, James (fl. 1674), vm. 422; All Howitt, William (1792-1879), xi. 387,
Mistaken, vm. 21; version of Romeo 410, 440, 480; xn, 379; xni. 549; xiv.
ind Juliet, vm. 21, 120 371, 520, 586; A Boy's Adventures in
H[oward], J., Panegyric on Xing William, the Wilds of Australia, xiv. 369
vm. 92 Howleglass, Tyll Eowleglas, n. 329; m.
Howard, John (1726?-1790), ax 16, 278, 82, 94, 488
424 427 Howson, Edmond W., xiv. 597
Howard, lady Margaret, vn. 23 Howson, John Saul (1816-1885), xn. 472
Howard, Philip, 1st earl of Arundel (1557- Hoxton (Hogsden), m. 316; rv. 361, 362;
1595), Fourefould Meditation, of the x. 384; xn. 183
foure last things, TV. 130 Hoy, Thomas (1659-1718?), vm, 404
Howard, Sir Bobert (1626-1698), vm. 6, Hoyden, Miss, in Vanbrugh's Relapse,
8, 26,395, 398, 419, 444 vm. 161
Committee, The, vm. 20, 121 Hoyden, Miss, in Vanbrugh's Relapse and
Foure New Plays, vm. 23 Sheridan's Trip to Scarborough, XL 209
Great Favourite, The, vm. 21, 24 Hoyden, Timothy, in The Sparagus Gar-
Indian Queen (with Dryden), vm. 123 den, vi. 227
Howard, Thomas, 2nd duke of Norfolk Hoyle, Joshua (d. 1654), vn. 322
(1443-1524), n. 503; m. 56, 174 Hrethel, in Beowvlf, I. 24
Howard, Thomas, 3rd duke of Norfolk Hrethric, in Beoumlf, i. 25
(1473-1554), m. 174 Hr6arr (Roe), son of Halfdan, i. 25
Howard, Thomas, 1st earl of Suffolk Hroerekr (Roricus), I. 25
(1561-1626), IV. 427; VI. 344; vn. 338 Hr61fr, i. 25
Howard, Thomas, 2nd earl of Arundel Hrolfr Kraki, i. 25, 27
and Surrey (1586-1646), vn. 219, 307 Hrdlfs Saga KraJca, i. 25, 27
Howe, Frederick A., v. 250 Hrothgar, in Beoivulf and Widsith, i. 20,
Howe, John (1630-1705), x. 379; Calm 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 32, 34; v. 26
and Sober Enquiry, x. 378; Some Con- Hrothwulf, in Beowulf and Widsith, i. 23,
siderations, x. 374 25, 34
Howe, Joseph (1804-1873), xiv. 346, 357, Hrotsvitha, Roswitha, Benedictine abbess
359, 582 of Gandersheim, v. 6, 101; vn. 503
Howe, Miss, in Richardson's Clarissa, x. Huarte Navarro, J. de D., Examen de
8,17 Ingenios, iv, 445; vn. 260
Howe, Perclval Presland, xm. 515 Hubba, x. 237
Howe Johan Splynter made Us testament, Hubbard, Frank Gaylord, v. 85, 87
A mery gest, n. 327 Hubbard, John, x. 384
Howell, James (1594?-1666), vn. 84, 99, Huber, Victor Aime, xiv. 593
197, 359, 439, 446, 457, 458, 466, 480, Hubert, in King John, v. 185
513; ix. 416 Hiibner, xn. 523
Brief Character of the Low Countries, A, Huchon, R., XL 419, 420, 474; Un Poete
vn. 200 Realiste Anglais, XL 142
Dendrologia, Lo&onrfe Grove, or the Huchoun of the Awle Ryale (fl. 14th cent )
Vocatt Forest, vn. 200 i. 284, 333; n. 100, 115 ff., 121, 123,
England's Tearesfor the present Wanes, 450, 451
vn.200 Eucknall Torkard, xn. 39, 393
familiar letters, vn. 197 .; xiv. 168 Huddesford, George (1749-1809), xn. 418
Instructions for Forreine Travell, vn. Euddesford, William (1732-1772), ix. 535,
200, 201 OT:!
Londinopolis, vn. 201 Hudibrastic couplet, the, XL 247
Perfect Description of ihe Country of 'Hudibrastics,' x. 151; xm. 233
Scotland, A, vn. 200 Hudson, Henry (d. 1611), iv. 99, 107
Howell, Thomas, translator of Ovid, iv. Hudson, Henry Norman, v. 277
Hudson, John (1622-1719), Dionysius, xi.
Howell, Thomas (fl. 1568), m. 509 o41
A Dreame, m. 188; si. 217 Hudson, Thomas (fl. 1610), iv. 443
Arbor of Amitie, The, m. 187 Hudson, William Henry, xm. 488, 489
Devises, m. 188; XL 217 Hue, Fran90is, xiv. 66
Newe /Sonets and pretie Pamphlets, m. Hue de Rotelande (c. 1185), i. 190, 270,
285, 470; Ipomedon, I. 190, 270, 281,
Howes, Edmund (fl. 1607-1631), vi. 254 285, 286, 291, 313, 314, 465, 468
Howgill, Francis (1618-1669), vm. 416 Hue and Cry after those rambling protono*
Howie, John (1735-1793), rs. 549 taries of the times, Mercurius
Howitt, Mary (1799-1888), XL 387, 480, Britanicus, Melancholicus and Aulicics,
491; xm. 373; xiv. 520 The, vn. 359, 502, 514
Howitt, Samuel (1765?-1822), The British HueSer, Ford H. Madox, xm. 499, 561,'
Sportsman, xrv. 232, 544 574

Hueil or Huel, king of Scotland, I. 262 Hull, Thomas (1728-1803), x. 273, 274
Huff, Ruff and Snuff, in Cambises, v. 64 447; XL 457
Hiigel, baron von, XIL 275 Hull Packet, The, xiv. 203
Hugessen, Edward Hugessen Knatchbull, Hull grammar school, vn. 179
1st lord Brabourne. Bee Knatchbull- Huloet, Richard (fl. 1552), in. 555
Hugessen Hulsean lectures, xn. 298
Huggins, William (1696-1761), x, 492 Hulton, Samuel Fletcher, xrv. 541
Huggins, Sir William (1824-1910), xrv. Humanities, the study of the, n. 366, 370
556 Humanity, in The Police of Honour, n.
Hugh, in Barnaby Budge, xm. 320, 321 261
Hugh, Sir, n. 414 Humanum Genus, in The Castle of Perse-
Hugh de Campden's Boctus and Sidrac, verance, v. 52
n. 214 Humber, the, n. 88, 100
Hugh of EarkstaU (# 1200), I. 450 Humble Address of the Atheists, The, vm.
Hugh Spencer's Feats in France, n. 414 100
Hughes, A. M. D., xm. Add. 2 Humboldt, Alexander von, xiv. 249
Hughes, Charles, vn. 201 Hume, Abraham (1814-1884), xn. 511
Hughes, H. R,, of Kinmel, iv. 262 Hume, or Home, Alexander (1560?-1609),
Hughes, Jabez (1685?-1731), vm. 405 Hymns and Sacred Songs, m. 137, 498
Hughes, John (1677-1720), vm. 395, 410, Hume, Alexander (fl. 1612), ix. 558
411, 437; is. 57, 71, 143 ff., 181, 183, Hume, Alexander (1811-1859), xm. 503
437, 438, 477; Apollo and Daphne, vm. Hume, Anna (JZ, 1644), rx. 555
194; Calypso and Telemachus, vm. 194; Hume, David, of Godscroft (1560?-1630?),
The Siege of Damascus, vm. 194; ix. IX. 550; History of Douglas and Angus,
144, 184; x. 73 ix. 555
Hughes, J. L., xm. 543 Hume, David (1711-1776), iv. 57, 292;
Hughes, Michael ( jL 1746), rx. 564 vn. 278, 289, 290; vm. 328, 335, 336,
Hughes, Patrick, x. 197 340, 472; ix. 287, 547, 561, 565; x. 41,
Hughes, Thomas (jL 1587), The Misfor- 87, 190, 263, 280, 281, 282 ff., 288,
tunes of Arthur, v. 77 ff., 152, 239, 397 291 ff., 296, 297, 301, 303, 305, 307,
Hughes, Thomas (1822-1896), xi. 480; 313, 316 ff., 321 ff. (main entry), 337,
xm. 355, 358, 547, 553; xiv. 408; Tom 341 ff., 347 ff., 502, 505, 507, 510;
Brown's School Days, xm. 370, 435; XL 57, 70, 71, 73, 74, 137, 139, 351;
xrv. 413 xn. 300; xiv. 5, 8, 17 ff., 41, 48, 469,
Hughes, Thomas McKenny, xn. 508 470, 473, 606
Hughes, W., Abridgment (1660-1662), vm. Dialogues concerning Natural Religion,
469 x. 324, 332, 333
Hughes, William Richard, xm. 543 Enquiry concerning Human Under-
Hugo, Herman, Pia Desideria, vn. 405 standing, x. 323, 327, 328, 331, 332
Hugo, Thomas, xiv. 540 Enquiry concerning the Principles of
Hugo, Victor, I. 279; v. 222, 234, 303; Morals, x. 323, 332
x. 221; xn. 208, 395; xm. 129, 134, Essay on Miracles, x. 332; xn. 285
137, 283, 425, 427, 428, 495 Essays, x. 322 ff., 362; xrv. 398
Art d'&re Gfrandpere, L\ TTTT. 135 Four Dissertations, X. 324
Chdtiments, Les, xm. 132 History, XL 324, 326
Cromwell, V. 302; xm. 133 History of England, X. 40, 283 ff., 289,
$gout de Rome, L' 9 xm. 133 290, 293, 323, 362; xrv. 50, 54
Les Mise'rahles, x. 49 History of Great Britain, x. 283 ff.
Notre Dame de Paris, x. 218; -mm-. Letters to Strahan, x. 290, 303
419 Natural History of Religion, ix. 296;
Eoi s'amuse, Le, TTT, 267 x. 332, 333
Scott's Quentin Durward, xn. Add. 1 'Of Morals,' x. 322
Hugo de Balsham (d. 1286), n. 346, 347, *0f the Origin of Government, x, 334
350, 351, 353, 355 Own Life, x. 321, 324
Hugo de Petra, in The Usurper, vm. 21 Philosophical Essays, x. 323
Hugo de St Victor, I. 228, 232, 234, 355; Political Discourses, x. 323
n. 365 Treatise of Human Nature, ix. 285; x.
Hugucio, bishop of Ferrara (cL 1213), 282, 322 ff., 330 ff., 335, 342; XL 63, 64;
Dictionary, n. 363, 366 xiv. 43
Huguenots, the, v. 286; vn. 308, 308, 322; Hume, David (1757-1838), x. 324
vm. 174, 261; rx. 236, 240; XL 354 Hume, Joseph (1777-1855), xiv. 198,
Hugues of Saxe-Gotha, Master, Brown- 407, 510
ing's, xm, 67 Hume, Martin Andrew Sharp, xiv. 490
Huish, Robert (1777-1850), xi. 393 Hume, Hugh, 3rd earl 01 Marcbmont
Hull, iv. 106, 310; vn. 184, 224 (1708-1794), X. 185
Hull, Eleanor, xiv. 574 Hume, Patrick (fl. 1695), vn. 109

Hume, Patrick, 1st earl of Marchmont Hunt, James Henry Leigh
(1641-1724), ra. 136, 137; ix. 364 Chat of the Week, The, xn. 443
Hume, capt. Tobias (d. 1645), iv. 113, Companion, The, xn. 443
464 Examiner, Tl&, xn. 442, 444
Humfrey or Humphrey, Laurence (1527?- Feast of the Poets, The, xn. 223
1590), m. 421, 422, 445; TV. 429; Opti- Feast of the Violets, The, xn. 223
mates, in. 445 Glove, The, xn. 223
Humil, in The two Maids of More-clacke, Hero and Leander, xn. 222
vi.217 Indicator, The, xn. 442, 443
Humilitas, in Psychomachia, v. 51 Jenny kissed me, xn. 222
Humility, in Piers the Plowman, n. 10 Journal, xn. 443
Humility, in The Example of Virtue, n. Liberal, The, m. 36, 37, 443
227, ?34 Literary Examiner, The, xn. 443
HumiiU, in The Faerie Queene, n. 234; Literary Pocket-Boole, The, xn. 442
vi. 335 London Journal, xn. 443
Hummun's Turkish bath, rx. 263 Man, Fish and Spirit, xn. 222
Humourist, The, xiv. 223 Monthly Repository, The, xn. 440, 443
Humours, the four, in Hymenaei, VL 345 Old Court Suburb, The, xn. 223
Humours, The Comedy of, v. 331 Palfrty, The, xn. 223
Humphrey, B., vn. 483 Poetical Works, xn. 222
Humphrey, duke of Gloucester (1391- Reflector, The, xn. 223, 442
1447), n. 198, 286 f., 318, 362, 497; Story of Rimini, The. xn. 222; xm. 237
iv. 182, 430; y. 367 Tatter, The, xn. 223, 443
Humphrey, Master, in Dickens's Master Hunt, John (-ft. 1805), xiv. 197
Humphrey's Clock, xm. 318 Hunt, John, D,D., Religions Thought in
Humphrey, squire, in Vanbrugh's Journey England, ix. 294
toLondon, vin. 162 Hunt, Joseph, xrv. 201
Humphris, E., and Sladen, D., Adam Hunt, Mary, xiv. 490
Lindsay Gordon, xiv. 365, 586 Hunt, Thornton Leigh (1810-1873), xn.
Huna, v. 31 443; rev. 191, 196, 202
Hundred Merry Tales, A, n. 327; m. 90, Hunt, Tufton, in Thackeray's Adventures
93, 104, 109, 486, 487, 489; iv. 327, 340, of Philip, xm. 299
360 Hunt, William, xiv. 83, 101, 532
Hundred Years' war, XL 280 Hunt, William Holman, xm. 110 ff., 491
Hunferth (Unferth), king's "orator," in Hunter, Mrs Anne (1742-1821), XL 444;
Beowulf, I. 22 Adieu, 7e Streams, XL 232; My Mother
Hungarian language, xrv. 458 lids me Und my hair, XL 232; Poems,
Hungary, n. 80; v. 308; vn. 79, 453 xi.232
Hunger, in Piers the Plotoman, n. 14, 22 Hunter, John (1728-1793), xiv. 286, 561
Hungerford, xiv. 230 Hunter, Joseph (1783-1861), xn. 516;
Hungerford, Margaret Wolfe (1855?- Hallamshire, m. 346; South Yorkshire,
1897), xiv. 568 xn. 346
Hungerford academy, x. 386 Hunter, Mrs Lea, x. 277
Hunnis, John, vi. 283 Hunter, Sir William Wilson (1840-1900),
Hunnis, Thomas, VL 283 xm. Add. 2; xiv. 338, 490, 577
Hunnis, William (d. 1597), m. 189; rv. Annals of Rural Bengal, They xiv. 339
121, 473, 495; v. 411; vi. 283, 286, 288, History of British India, A, xiv. 339
291, and see Add. 2 Imperial Gazetteer, The, xiv. 339
Huns, the, L 33, 35; xiv. 302 Old Missionary, The, xiv. 339
Hunsdon, lords. See Carey, George; Thackerays in India, The, xrv. 339
Carey, Henry ; Carey, John Hunterian club, ^TT, 358
Hunt, F. Knight, xiv. 532 Hunterian collection, xiv. 286
Hunt, Henry (1773-1835), xiv. 125, 510 Huntenan professor, xrv. 295
Hunt, James Henry Leigh (1784r-1859), Hunting, writers on, rv. 541
VL 58, 76; vm. 166, 167, 170; rs. 446; Hunting of the Cheviots, XL 215
x. 483; XL
326, 391, 449, 454; xn. 70, Hunting of the Hare, n. 502; ni. 483
74, 79 157, 160, 162, 171, 172, 178,
ff., Huntingdon, XL 80
192, 194, 199, 204 ff., 219, 220 ff. (main Huntingdon. See Henry of
entry), 227, 384, 395, 396, 399 ff., 403, Huntingdon, countesses of. See Hastings,
407, 428, 433, 437, 441 &., also see Add.; Lucy; Hastings,, Selina
xra. 148, 258, 259, 337 ff., 328, 401, Huntingdon grammar school, vm. 253
469, 484, 513; xrv. 171, 180, 191, 198, Huntingdonshire, vn. 342
202 Huntingford, George Isaac (1748-1832),
Abou ben Adhem, xn. 222 xn. 490
Autobiography, xiv. 197 Huntly, in Perkin WarbecJc, VL 193
Captain Stoord and Captain Pen, xn. 223 Huntly, earl of (Holland's Howlat), n. 113

Hunton, Philip (1604?-! 682), vn. Add. Hutton, Richard Holt
Hunt's Up, The, ix. 362 198, 515, 520, 521, 534; Aspects of Re-
Huon of Bordeaux, i. 292; H. 322, 339; ligiousand Scientific Thought, xiv. 141;
v. 220 Essays, Theological and Literary, xiv.
Hupe, i. 343 141
Hurault, Jacques, Politicke, Moral and Hutton, William (1723-1815), XL 338,
Martiatt Discourses, iv. 8, 21, 445 340, 469; xn. 511; xiv. 521
Hard, Richard (1720-1808), ix. 509; x. Button, William Holden, xi. 420; xiv.
241, 363, 516; si. 133, 449; Letters on 486, 488, 499
Chivalry and Romance, x. 240, 484 Huxley, Leonard, xiv. 603
Hurdis, James (1763-1801), xi. 427 Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825-1895). iv.
Hursley, xn. 277 42, 50; vm. 352; x. 511: xu. 297; xiv.
Hurstmonceaux rectory, xn. 288 296, 300, 474, 606
Hurtado, Luis, iv. 445 Collected Essays, xiv. 299
Eurwitz, Hyman (1770-1844), xi. 413 Ethics and Evolution, xrv. 34
Hus, John (1369-1415), n. 59, 69; m. 39, Life of Hume, xrv. 34
69 'On the Hypothesis that Animals are
Husbandman, Song of ike, L 370 Automata,' xiv. 34
Husbandry, writers on, iv. 541 'Physical Basis of Life, The,' xiv. 34
Husbands, J., A Miscellany of Poems by
Science and Morals,' xiv. 34
Several Hands, x. 159, 467 Huyche, William, translator of Calvin's
Husband's Message, The, I. 4, 39, 424, Common Praiers, TV. 442
428; runes in, I. 12 Huygens, Christian, ix. 129
Huskisson, William (1770-1830), xiv. 131 Hwaetberct. See Eusebius
Hussey, Edward, xi. 174 Hwon holy chirche is under uote L 226, 458

Hussey, Thomas (1741-1803), bishop of Hyatt, Stanley Portal, xiv. Add. 8

Waterford, XL 6 Hyberdme, parson, rv.319
Hutcheon, William, xm. 348, 547 Hyde, near Winchester, Benedictine abbey
Hutcheson, Francis (1694-1746), ix. 301, at, iv. 417
302, 506, 508, 548; x. 122, 332, 335, Hyde, Anne, duchess of York (1637-1671),
337; xi, 63, 67; Essay on the.. .Passions vn. 220
Jtnd Affections, ix. 301; Inquiry into.. .
Hyde, Douglas, xiv. 314, 573
Ideas of Beauty and Virtue, ix. 301; Hyde, Edward, 1st earl of Clarendon
System of Moral Philosophy, ix. 301 (1609-1674), v. 364; VL 6, 235; vn. 16,
Hutcheson, Mrs, ix. 308 85, 150, 183, 184, 212 ff. (main entry),
Hutcheson, W. G., xiv. 488 226, 229, 296, 434, 436, 438, 439, 441,
Hutchins, John (1698-1773), xn. 511 443, 449, 453, 454; vn. Add.; vm. 7,
Hutchinson, John (1615-1664), rv. 523; 8, 23, 38, 81, 206, 271, 295, 308, 323,
vn. 225, 226, 227 368, 384, 480; DC. 209, 214, 221, 226,
Hutchinson, Julius, vn. 226 237, 238, 347; x. 113, 315; XL 12, 28
Hutchinson, Lucy (b. 1620), vi. 402, 403; A Collection of Some of the Massacres
vn. 225, 226, 451; vm. 270 and MurtJiers committed on the Irish, vn.
Hutchinson, Mary, xi. 103 212
Hutchinson or Hutchenson, Ralph (1553? Against Multiplying Controversies, vn.
-1606), vn. 316 217
Hutchinson, Roger (d. 1555), iv. 493 An Active and Contemplative Life,, vn.
Hutchinson, Thomas (1698-1769), xn. 490 217
Hutchinson, Thomas (d. 1919), editor of Brief Survey of the dangerous and per-
Wordsworth and Lamb, XL 405 S., nicious Errors to Church and State in
410, 413; xn. 399, 434 E. Mr Hobbes's book, vn. 301
Hutchinson, William (1732-1814), xn. 511 Concerning Education, IX. H96
Hutten, Leonard (15577-1632), m. 80; Contemplations and Reflections upon the
vi. 482 Psalms of David, vn. 215, 217
Hutton, Arthur Wollaston, xiv. 509 Essays Divine and Moral, vn. 217. 221
Hutton, Catherine (1756-1846), XL 469; History of the Rebellion, vn. 188, 202,
xiv. 520 212, 214 ff.; vm. 63, 389; ix. 204. 206,
Hutton, Charles (1737-1823), xiv. 556 208, 227, 394; x 280; XL 341
Hutton, Hon. C. W., xiv. Add. 10 Life (autobiography), vn. 213, 216 ff..
Hutton, Henry (fl. 1619), iv. 520; v. 478 221; vm. 322 ;ix. 208
Hutton, James (1726-1797), xrv. 290 &., Miscellaneous Works, vn. 215, 217
561 Of Contempt of Death, vm. 389
Hutton, Luke (d. 1598), iv. 529, 530; The Of Friendship, vm. 389
Blacke Dogge of Newgate, iv. 350 Of Human Nature, vn. 217
Hutton, Richard Holt (1826-1897), XL Of Liberty, vn. 217
410; xn. 461, 467; xm. 91, 189, 394, Of Repentance, vn. 217; vm. 389
471, 477, 484, 488, 489, 553; xiv. 197, Of the. Want of Respect due to Age, ix. 396
Hyde, Edward Ibbtirranes, in Argenis* iv. 259
On Education, vu. 217, 220 Ibrahim Mollac, in Lyttelton's Persian
On the Reverence due to Old Age, vn. 217 Letters, x. 114
Reflections upon several Christian Duties, Ibrahim pasha, xiv. 252
vm, 389 Ibsen, Henrik, x. 77; xn. 116; xm. 273
Short View of tfie and Condition of
State Iceland, rv. 325; xm. 125; xiv. 289
the Kingdom of Ireland, A, vn. 212 Icelanders, the, x. 222
State Papers, vn. 188 Icelandic language and literature, x. 220,
Vindication, vn. 217 223 &., 489 fi.; xm. 124 f.; xiv. 458.
Hyde, Edward, 3rd earl of Clarendon See, also, Norse and Scandinavian
(1661-1724), ix. 161 Icelus, xm. 330
Hyde, Henry, 2nd earl of Clarendon (1638 Icilius, in Appzus and Virginia, VL 182
-1700), vm. 249, 250; is. 534 Ickworth, ix. 251, 252
Hyde, Henry, viscount Cornbury and Ida, in James IV, v. 138, 245
lord Hyde (1710-1753), is. 226, 227 Iden, Henry, iv. 444
Hyde, Jane, lady, ix. 162 Ider, I. 297
Hyde, Lawrence, 1st earl of Rochester Idler, The, xiv. 594
(1641-1711), vn. 218; vm. 43, 97, 268 Idolatry, in A True Inventory, vn. 382
Hyde, Thomas (1636-1703), rs. 529 Idumeans, the, vn. 382
Hyder All, xi. 17, 18 Iffley, river, xiv. 209
Bye Way to the Spyttel Sous, The, n. 324, Igerna, in Arthurian legend, I. 259
485, 501; m. 492 Igerna, in The Misfortunes of Arthur, v.
Hygd, in Beowulf, I. 23, 24 78
Hygeia, in Garth's Dispensary, is., 180 Ignatius, St, vn. 318; xn. 340; Epistles,
Hygelac, in Beowulf, L 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, vn. 149; vm. 297; xn. 341, 503
41 Ignatius, Epistles., rendering bv Grosse-
Eyland, Inez K. (1863-1892), xiv. 586 teste, 204

Hylton, or Hilton, Walter (d. 1396), n. Ignatius of Antioch, ix. 329

482; Ladder of Perfection or The Devout Ignorance, in MedwalTs interlude, x. 54
look to a temporal man, n. 299, 300; The Ignorance, in The Nature of the Pour Ele-
Treatise of the the Angels, n. 327 ments, v. 57
Song^ of
Hymen, in Hymenaei, vr. 345, 346 Ignorance, in The Tears of the Mvses, m.
Hymen, in The Sue and Cry after Cupid, 241
VI. 347 'Ignoto,' iv. 52, 116, 117; v. 224; The
Hymen, in The Jealous Lovers, vi. 325 Nymph's Reply, vn. 8
JSymenaeus, vi. 304, 327, 484 Dchester, i. 205; vn. 54
Hynd, James, vn. 513 Hissus, river, xrv. 132
Hynde, S., Iter Lusitanicum, rv. 458 Ilium (i.e. Paris), in Muphormio, iv. 256
Hyndlulioft, Old Norse poem, i. 23 Til teU thee, Dick,' vm. 96
Hypatia, Kingsley's, xin. 363 Eltyd, St, St Dtut or IZtuttts (fl. 520) of
Hyperides, xn. 331, 340 Lantwit Major, Wales, i. 66, 67, 69
Hyperion, in Keats's poem, xn. 86 Illustrated London News, The, xiv. 192,
Hypermnestra, n. 177 196, 201
Hypochondriack, The, x. 479 Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News,
Hypocrisy, in Ane Pleasant Satyre, m. 127 The, xiv. 201
Hypocrisy, in MedwalTs interlude, v. 54 Illustrated Times, The, xiv. 196
Hypocrisy, in Mirour de VOmme, n. 140
* s
Illustrations of Northern Antiquities, xn.
Hypolito, cardinall, of Est, in The Famous 358
Whore, iv. 376 Ulyrians, the, iv. 43
Hyslop, James (1798-1827), xn. 418; Umington, I. 126
Cameronian's Dream, xi. 243 Ilsington (Devonshire), vr. 188
Hyspanus (Petrus), iv. 445 Imaginative, in Piers the Plowman, n. 27
Imlay, Gilbert (fl. 1793), XL 44, 395
*I eanna come every day to Woo,' XL 235 Imma, in Bede, i. 10
I had a horse, rs. 374 Jmmalee, in Maturin's Mdmofh, XL 305
/ mak it kend, he that win spend, n. 279 Immerito, in The Eeturnefrom Pernassus,
'I saw a Peacock with a fiery Tail,' XL 370 vi. 314
/ sing of a maiden, in. 280 Immerito and G. H., Three proper and
lachuno, in Cymbeline, v. 205 unttie familiar Letters, vi. 388
lago, in Othello, m. 188; v. 202, 203, 213; Jmmermann, Karl, v. 305
vi. 274; xn. 171
Imogen, in Cymbeline, v. 169, 189, 205,
lanthe, in The Siege (D'Avenant's). vm. 206; xn. 87
118 Impartial Trimmer, The, vm. 92
Ibbitson, Robert (fl. 1650), vn. 352, 355, Impatient Poverty, v. 60, 393
356 Imperial Dictionary of Universal Bio-
Ibbotson, J., vm. 463 graphy, xiv. 326

Imperial Tragedy, The (1669), vm. 434 Ingelow, Jean (1820-1897), XL 387, 487;
Impey, Sir Elijah (1732-1809), XL, 78 xm. 503; Divided, XTTT. 179
In and In Medley, in A Tale of a Tub, VL Ingenioso, in The Pilgrimage to Parnassus,
26 vi. 310
In Diebus Domimcis, I. 227, 458 Ingenioso, in The Eeturnefrom Parnassus,
In January last, rs. 360 vi. 311
In May in a morning, n. 282 Ingialdr, I. 25
Inamorato and Misogamos, vn. 512 Ingleborough, x. 101
Incest, in Confessio Amantis, n. 149 Ingler, William (fi. 1643), Certaine In-
Inchbald, Mrs Elizabeth (1753-1821), m formations, vn. 350
435; XL 224, 270, 276, 281, 294-295 Inglis, Sir James, abbot of Cambus Ken-
(main entry), 454, 456, 457, 461 neth, m.
Every one has his Fault, XL 279 Inglis, Sir James, abbot of Oolross (d.
Til tell you What, XL 278 1531), m. 131, 153
Mogul Tale, The, XL 278 Inglis, Sir Robert Harry, xiv. 596
Nature and Art, x. 49, 59; XL 294 Ingoldsby, Lincolnshire, vm. 456
Simple Story, A, XT. 279, 292, 294 Ingram and Marlowe. See, Frizer
Such Things Are, XL 278 Ingram, David, rv. 73
To Marry or not to Marry, XL 278 Ingram, Herbert, xiv. 201
Wives as they Were, XL 279 Ingram, J, Forsyth, xrv. Add. 5, 8
Inchbald, Joseph (d. 1779), XL 278 Ingram, John H., xm. 484, 499, 561
Inchcolm, Kith of Forth, n. 128, 129 Ingram, John Kells (1823-1907), xrv. 568;
'Inche of Lowchlewyn,' n. 131 Who fears to speak of Ninety -Eight?
Inderwick, Frederick Andrew (1836- xrv. 318
1904), xiv. 503 Ingram, Robert Acklon (1763^-1809), xiv.
Index Expurgatorius Anglicanus, vn. 432 606; Necessity of introducing divinity9
Index librorum prohibitorum, xiv. 108 The, xrv. 385; Remarks upon the enor-
India, n. 79; IV. 92, 98, 99, 102; ix. 138; mous expense, xiv. 385
x. 294, 408, 491 (poems), 503, 504; Ingram, Thomas Dunbar (1826-1904),
XL 3, 5, 6, 11, 12, 14 ff., 27, 242, 381; xrv. 490
xn. 343, 352, 353, 361; xm. 199; xiv. Ingram, William (JL 1601), iv. 517
59, 61, 64, 78, 97, 98, 130, 133, 221, Ingulph of Croyland, Chronicle of the
331 ff. pseudo, n. 497; rv. 417
India office, xn. 502 Iniquity, in Nice. Wanton, V. 110
Indian alphabets, xn. 352 Inis Eogain, ix. 292
Indian antiquities, xn. 512 Inishowen, ix. 292
Indian architecture, xn. 509, 510 Injunctions given by the Queenes Majestic,
Indian army, the, xiv. 253 iv. 380, 381
Indian civil service, xm. 202 Inkle, in Colman's Inkle and Yarico, XL
Indian geography, xrv. 334 279
Indian languages, xrv. 457, 458 Innes, Alexander (fl. 1728), nc. 548
Indian law, xn. 327 Innes, Cosmo (1798-1874), xn. 516; Lec-
Indian mutiny, the, xn. 227; xiv. 176, tures on Scotch Legal Antiquities, xn. 359
339 Innes, captain Robert, vn. 361
Indian mythology, xrv. 339 Innes, Thomas (1662-1744), ix. 553
Indian poetry, xiv. 340 Innholders' play, v. 46
Indian princes, in The Masque of the Innocence, in MarvelTs The Garden, vn.
Middle Temple, vi. 355 181
Indian rebels, xm. 40 Innocent HI, I. 193; vm. 296; De Con-
Indian sage, rs. 317 temptu Mundi, m. 208
Indians, in The Moonstone, xm. 437 Innocent IV, i. 201
Indians, the, in Cowley's The Passions, Innocent VIII, m. 5
vn. 64 Innocents, Bov bishop at the feast of the,
Indicator, The, xn. 194, 436 v. 8
Indolence, in Thomson's Castte of Indo- Innocents, murder of, in early plays, v. 50
lence, x. 107 Inns of Court, n. 305
Ine, king of Wessex (d. 726), VHL 310 Inns of Court Masque (1623), vn. 230
Ine, laws of, I. 97, 98 Innsbruck, v. 283
Infant School society, xiv. 405 In.ny river, x. 199
Infida, in Never too late, m. 357 Inquisition, the, m. 16, 162; XL 414
Infidelity, inThe Faerie Queene, m. 234 Insolence, in JRespublica, v. 60
Ingannati, GF, v. 115; vi. 305; vm. 126 Institons, H., vn, 368, 504
Ingeld, in Beowulf and Widsith, L 24, 25, Institucion of a Gentleman, The, m. 552
34 Intellectus Agens, in The Floating Island,
Ingelend, Thomas (/. 1560), The Dis- VL 325
obedient Child, v. 109. 404; VL 94 Intelligencer, The, rs. 458

CHEL 193
Interludes, anonymous, of Heyivood's Irena, a Tragedy, x. 161
I. 118
period, v. 409 Irenaeus, Aelfric's homily on,
Intermedii, v. 69 Irenaeus (i.e. Edmund Spenser), vn. 210
Inverness, n. 100; vn. 254 Irene, Middleton's, xm. 220
Inverquharity, ix. 376 Irene, St, L 74
'Invisible College,' the, ix. 389 Ireton, Henry (1611-1651), vn. 383, 513
Inwit, Sir (Discretion), in Piers the, Plow- Iris, in Beaumont's masque, vi. 356
man, n. 19 Iris, in The Vision of the Twelve Goddesses,
lolante, in The Guardian, vi. 157 VL 337, 338
Jona, i. 30, 42 Irish airs,xiv. 314
lona society, xn. 361 Irish archaeological society, xn. 361
Ionian sea, xm. 38 Irish archaeology, xn. 351, 352, 360
Iphigenia, vn. 371 Irish bar, the, xiv. 126
Iphigenia, in The Bugbears, v. 115 Irish booksellers, x. 11; XI. 342
Iphigema, schoolboy play, v. 123 Irish catholics, x. 58; XL 7, 108
Iphis, in Confessio Amantis, n. 152 Irish channel, ix, 126
Ipreswel, or Hipswell, near Richmond, Irish church, the, xiv. 126
Yorkshire, n. 49 Irish clergy, IX. 394
Ipsden, lord, in Reade's Christie John- Irish cronan, ix. 362
stone, rm. 425 Irish dances, xiv. 328
Ipsen, A., xm. 532 Irish dialect, xrv. 447
Ipswich, n. 156; iv. 409; x. 355; xi. 140, Irish drama, xm. 264; xiv. 330
418; xrv. 190 Irish education, xiv. 328, 393
Ipswich, queen Elizabeth's school, xn. 331 Irish expedition, Essex's, v. 346
Ipswich, Wolsey's school at, n. 358; m. Irish folk-songs, xrv. 328
428, 429 Irish harpers, xrv. 311
Ipswich Journal, The, xm. 440 Irish history, x. 280; XL 15; xn. 360; xiv.
Ira, in Psychomachia, v. 51 96, 105, 328
Ira seu Tumulus Fortunae, VL 320, 474 Irish land acts, xiv. 97
Irato, in The Floating Island, vi. 325 Irish language and literature, vn. 318;
Irby, Adeline P., xiv. 553 x. 196; xn. 360 ff.; xiv. 302 ff., 458
Irby, Sir Antony, iv. 166 Irish literary societies, xiv. 319
Ireland. See John of Irish literary theatre, xiv. 329
Ireland, I. 71; n. 423; iv. 67; v. 137, 344, Irish manners, xm. 426
347; vi. 197; vn. 46, 58, 78, 79, 114, Irish music, x. 232
148, 149, 190, 207, 209 ff., 223, 225, Irish national anthem, xrv. 321
233, 253, 355, 358, 436, 442, 451, 458; Irish orators, xiv. 127, 128
vm. 122, 169, 170, 190, 267, 342, 343; Irish Ossianio poems, x. 232
ix. 91 ff., 110, 114 ff., 121, 123, 126, Irish parliament, ix. 290, 291; XL 6, 55,
130, 132, 139, 166, 167, 171, 280, 282, 344; xiv. 393
290; x. 58, 195, 200, 202, 203, 231, 256, Irish people, the, xiv. 127
293; xi. 1, 3 ff., 12, 14 ff., 19, 39, 342, Irish place names, xiv. 328
343; xn. 165, 337, 344, 351, 360, 361, Irish poets and poetry, xn. 114; xm. 188,
433; xm. 207, 348, 357, 364; xiv. 86, 190, 234; xiv. 211, 302 ff.
115, 128, 133, 201, 302 ff., 343, 391, Irish policy, x. 403
392, 417, 434, 437 Irish politics, xiv. 211, 311, 317
Ireland, Alexander (1810-1894), xn. 444 Irish potato famine, xrv. 318, 320
Ireland, Annie E. (d. 1893), xm. 52, 467 Irish rebellion of 1848, the, xiv. 242, 318
Ireland, John (d. 1808), xi. 454; Letter to Irish 'revolution,' XL 24
Henry Brougham, xiv. 406, 604 Irish saints, xiv. 303
Ireland, Richard (fl. 1600), vn. 27 Irish scenery, xm. 283
Ireland, Samuel (d. 1800), xn. 490 Irish scholars, x. 231
Ireland, William Henry (1777-1835), XL Irish sea, TTTT. 414
414, 457; xn. xiv. 203
36^; Irish sees, the, xn. 257
Ireland, Anglo-Irish political relations, Irish State papers, vn. 436
vm. 21 Irish stories, XL 297; xm. 42, 415, 421
Ireland, books printed in, xi. 470 Irish Text society, xn. 516, 518; xiv. 305,
Ireland, church of, x. 358; xn. 272 309
Ireland, National University, xiv. Add. Irish trade, XL 5, 6
Ireland, poems on, n. 502, 508 Irish university system, xiv. 432
Ireland, printers in, rv. 547 Irish Citizen, The, xiv. 326
Ireland, Ancient Laws of, xn. 360, 361 Irish Hudibras, The, ix. 258, 502
Ireland, English Conquest of, ir. 483 -
Irish Liber Hymnorum, xii. 515
Ireland, Good Newes from, iv. 389 Irish Monthly, The, xiv. 329
Ireland, TJie Glories of, xiv. 307 Irish Penny Journal, The, xiv. 312, 315

Ireland'' & Eye, xiv. 327 Irish People, The, xiv. 321

Irish-Canadians, xiv. 345 Isidore of Seville, i. 71, 75, 80, 224, 343,
Irishman, the stage, si. 257 436; n. 86, 319, 365; m. 109; My-
Irishmen, xm.
283, 284, 404 mologies of, L 119; n. 86, 363
'Irishmen, the Society of United/ xrv, 'Isis Idols/ xrv. 208
310, 325 Isis river, vn. 327
Irnerius, of Bologna, n. 349; vrn. 312 Ins, The, xrv. 208, 537
Irnham, Simon, lord, xrv. 217 Islam, ix. 184; xm. 13; xrv. 252, 338
Ironmongers' company, vn. 250 Island of Sorcerers, in GuLlwer's Travels,
Ironsides, Cromwell's, vn. 460 ix. 105
Irus, in Ulysses Redux, VL 303 Islands expedition (Azores, 1597), iv. 103,
Irvine, Christopher (JL 1638-1685), VL 200, 201
482; ix. 551 Isle of Birds, L 339
Irving, David (1778-1860), XL 440, 445; Isle of Man, in Horn, L 304
xn. 522; History of Scottish Poetry, xn. Isle of Wight, xn. 509
370; Lives of Scottish Poets, xn. 370; Isleworth, rv. 418
Memoirs of. . . George Buchanan, xn. Isley, Henry, vi. 112
370 Isley, Ursula (wife of Beaumont), 71. 112
Irving, Edward (1792-1834), xn. 472; Islington, m. 316, 371
xra. 3 ff., 467, 468 Islip, John (d. 1532), m. 69
Irving, Sir Henry (1838-1905), v. 306; Ismael, in The Loyal Brother, vm. 190
xi.448; xrn. 474, 513, 514 Ismail, siege of, in Byron's Don Juan,
Irving, Washington, x. 483; xn. 379, 409; xn. 55
Bracebridge Hall, xm. 323; The Sketch Isocrates, in. 429; rv. 437; x. 202
Book, xni. 429 Isola, Agostino, rx 412; xrv. 385
Irwin, in Mrs Inchbald's Every one has his Isola, Charles, xn. 200
Fault, XL 279 Isola, Emma. See Moxon, Mrs Emma
Irwin, Sidney, x. 202 Ispahan, x. 114
Irwin, Sidney Thomas, xm. 499; xiv. Israel, in Cowley*s Davideis, vn. 67
145, 521 Israel, people of, rv. 311; vrn. 78; xir. 299
Irwin, Thomas C. (1823-1892), xiv. 569 Israel, royal house of, in Absalom, VL 296
Irwine, Mr, in A dam Bede f XTTL 390 Istakar, in Beckford's Vathek, XL 289, 290
Isaac, L 46, 123 Isumbras, Sir, i. 289, 292, 315, 465, 471
Isaac, Arabian physician, n. 364, 365 Isyphena, in Amory's Memoirs of Several
Isaac, in the religious plays, n. 424, 426, Ladies, XL 287
427 It cannot rain but it pours, rx. 132
Isaac, in Jacob and Esau, v. Ill, 112 It was d for our Rightftf King, rx. 376
Isabel, in The Decameron, xn. 82 It was a lover and his lass, n. 393
Isabel, in Misogonus, v. Ill Italian art, xn. 33
Isabel of Castille, duchess of York, n. Italian characters, xm. 447
170 Italian epic, XL 39
Isabel, Lady, and the Mf-Knight, n. 410, Italian historians, ix. 227
411 Italian history, xrv. 99
Isabella, in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Italian humanists, xiv. 100
Heights, xm. 411 Italian interest in Shakespeare, v. 28/,
Isabella, in Keats's poem, xn, 86, 88 290
Isabella, in Laelia, VL 305 Italian language and literature, v. 61,
Isabella, in Measure for Measure, I. 1; 69 ff., 75, 76, 88, 114 ff., 314, 361; VL
v. 190, 191, 245 64, 96, 125, 302, 310, 317, 334, 335,
Isabella, in Southerne's Fatal Marriage, 366", 387; vn. 2, 3, 7, 10, 34, 155, 265,
vni. 191, 192 266, 268, 269, 271, 273, 308, 318, 439;
Isabella, in The White Divel, vi. 176, 177 vm 58, 126, 127, 135, 239, 352; rx.
Isabella, countess of Swevia, in The In- 54, 214, 384, 385, 402 ff., 412, 413;
satiate Countesse, VI. 45, 49 x. 159, 254, 303; XL 181, 347, 355,
Isabella, queen, in A Challenge for Beautie, 359; xn. 3, 52, 83, 137, 202, 308; xm.
vi. 103 110, 118, 231; xrv. 128, 135, 385, 391,
Isabella, queen, in Edward II, v. 153 434, 457 ff.
Isabella of France (1292-1358), queen of Italian medley-poets, xn. 51, 52
Edward II, n. 338 Italian novella, xn. 53
Isabella of France (1389-1409), queen of Italian novels attacked, VL 378
Richard II, rv. 1C9, 181, 182 Italian opera, vm. 134; rx. 58, 88, 163;
Isaiah, IL 106; ix. 69; x. 229 x. 70, 71, 83, 84; xm. 256; xiv. 213
Isenbarth, M., xm. 553 Italian oratory, xn. 268
Iseo, Lago di, ix. 245 Italian peasantry, xm. 453
Iseult,L 272 ff., 298, 310. See, also, Italian poets and poetry, rx. 67; xi. 134;
Tristram xn. 4, 33, 55, 71; xm. 116, 118, 236
Isadora, in Maturing Melmoth, XL 305 Italian renascence, xm. 259; xiv. 108

Italian romances, v. 127, 254, 319, 350, Jack, Sir T. Gresham's nephew, in // you
413 know not me, vi. 91
Italian sonnet writers, v. 173, 230 Jack and Jill, xi. 303, 385
Italian sonnets, XTTT. 46, 117, 252 'Jack in the Box,' m. 80
Italian sources and influence, v. 124. 127, Jack of Dover, TV. 532
Jack of Lent,' m. 80
157, 181, 191, 220, 225, 314; VL 45,
46, 94, 102, 174, 218, 304, 305, 322, 323, Jack of Newbery, XL 334
345, 364, 365, 377; vm. 14. See, also, Jack Napes, The Dirge of, n. 288, 424
under Boccaccio, Bandello, etc, Jack Presbyter, vn. 383
Italian theatre, XL 266 Jack Straw, v. 152, 397, 426
Italian theology, xn. 254 Jack the Giant Killer, XL 374
Italian, the, in A
Woman wtt have her Jacke Drums Entertainment, VL 41
WiU, 329
v. Jacke Jugder, v. 107, 411
Italianate Englishman, VL 219 Jacke Upland, n. 39, 40, 162, 432, 434
Italians, the, sin. 306 Jacke Upland, The Rejoinder of, n. 40
'Italomania,' xm. 159, 179 Jackman (traveller), iv. 88
Italy, n. 238, 310; v. 61, 63, 101, 110, 121, Jacks, Lawrence Pearsall, xiv. Add. 2
123, 132, 140, 286, 288, 301, 304, 306, Jackson, Andrew, XL 327
313, 350, 359; VL 154, 158, 159, 175, Jackson, B. D., xiv. 566
199, 203, 271; vn. 21, 100, 116, 154, Jackson, chaplain, in Foote's drama, x. 88
180, 201, 261, 283, 318; vm. 206, 245, Jackson, Henry (1586-1662), vn. 312, 486
296, 364, 365; is. 6, 138, 142, 245, 256, Jackson, Henry, xm. 537
280, 300, 396; x. 19, 41 ff., 47, 104, 115, Jackson, John (1686-1763), IX. 507
128, 200, 221, 249, 274, 292, 304; XL Jackson, John (fl. 1761-1792), x. 443;
302, 344; xn. 33 ff., 42 ff., 49, 50, 52, xi. 452
54, 57, 62, 64, 67, 82, 92, 248, 338, 422; Jackson, John, pugilist, xiv. 223, 230, 231
xra. 44, 46, 59, 61, 69 ff., 73 ff., 83, 84 Jackson, Mason, The Pictorial Press, xrv.
132, 133, 260, 324, 372, 393, 436, 441, 201, 532, 541
449, 461; xiv. 77, 102, 108, 118, 151, Jackson, Thomas (1579-1640), vn. 425
184, 217, 292 ff., 322 ff. Jackson, Thomas (d. 1646), vm. 276, 277
Italy and Byron, xn, 392, 395 S. Jackson, Thomas (1783-1873), Life of
Italy, Hazlitt in, xn. 432 Charles Wesley, IX. 325
Italy and Landor, xn. 440, 441 Jackson, William Hatohett, xiv. 300, 563
Italy and Shelley, xn. 402 Jacob, xm. 208
Item, in Holcroffc's Deserted Daughter, XL Jacob, Edward (1710?~1788), v. 240
277 Jacob, Giles (1686-1744), vm. 159; ix.
Ithaca, ix. 76; xn. 338 260; The Poetical Register, 1719-1720,
Ithamore, in The Jetv of Malta, v. 326 XI. 425
Ithocles, in The Broken Heart, VL 191 Jacob, Hildebrand (1693-1739), ix. 188,
Itinerarium. .
.Regis Bicardi, xrv. 74 486
Itis, vi.320 Jacob and Esau, v. 39, 111 ff., 411
Ivan the Terrible, in Milton's Moscovia, Jacobean dramatists, x. 108
vn. 128 Jacobean essayists, ix. 28, 36
Ive, Paul (fl. 1602), iv. 443 Jacobean poets, xn. 221; XTTT. 237
Ivernian society, Journal, xn. 351, 360 Jacobi, Karl Gustav Jacob, xiv. 258, 264
Ivry, duchesse d', in The Newcomes, xm. Jacobinism, XL 1, 7, 25 ff., 30, 32, 119,
295 138, 155, 156, 165, 380
Iwain and Gawain, i. 468 Jacobins, x. 119; XI. 40, 98, 118, 139, 157
Izarde, John, VL 287 Jacobite literature, ix. 563 ff.
Izoulet-Loubatteres, J., xm. 466 Jacobite rising, x. 251; xn. 1, 26; xiv. 95
Jacobite songs, ix. 371, 372, 375 ff.; XL
J. B., Heroick Education, vn. 393, 517 233, 242, 243, 443; xm. 190
J. C. R., The, xiv. 537 Jacobites, vm. 92, 99, 122, 194; ix. 11,
J. IX (1597), iv. 5, 435 13 ff., 110, 113, 117, 201, 211, 218, 219,
J. D. (1656), vm. 47, 238, 447 223, 226, 249, 325, 407, 413; x. 28, 58,
J. H. (John Hoskins), 'Absence, hearthou 251, 281, 300, 335, 338, 352, 360
my protestation,' iv. 209 Jacobites' Journal, The, x. 29, 417
J. 1C. S.See Stephen, James Kenneth Jacobitism, XL 233
Jacinta, in Alls Lost by Lust, vi. 72 Jacobs, Joseph, XL 480, 491
Jacinta, in The Brothers, vi. 203 Jacobs, J. and Wolf, L., Bibliotheca Anglo-
Jack, in Arbuthnot's History of John Bull, Judaica, XL 428
ix. 135 Jacobus a Voragine. See Voragine
Jack, in Damon and Pithias, v. 119 Jacobus de Cessolis, Lib&r de ludo scac-
Jack, in Swift's Tale of a Tub, ix. 100 chorum, n. 312
Jack, A. E., n. 34, 435 Jacomo, in The Qratefull Servant, vi. 204
Jack, Chaffing, Disraeli's, xm. 351 Jacques de Vitry (d. 1240), n. 80, 504

Jacquier, Nicholas (fl. c. 1458), vn. 368, James n
504 100, 113, 189, 202, 216, 221, 228, 249,
Jacuppus, in Machiavellus, vi. 315 254, 256, 266, 267, 302, 304, 305, 452;
Jaffa, n. 79 m 4, 7, 148, 175, 199, 200, 202, 203,
Jaffier, in Otway's Venice Preserved, vm. 207, 233, 235, 236, 253; x. 287, 295,
183, 184 351, 373, 503; XL 313, 396; xiv. 55,
Jaffray, Alexander (1614-1673), ix, 551 64, 65, 98
Jaggard, Isaac, iv. 395 Memoirs, ix, 213, 214, 493
Jaggard, William (1567?-1623), m. 266; James I (1394-1437), king of Scotland,
IV. 394, 395, 548; v. 221 3 223, 224, 234 n. 129, 171, 239 ff., 283, 284, 368; m.
Jaggers, Mr, in Great Expectations, xm. 138, 154, 197; The Kingis Quair, n. 91,
334 94, 154, 171, 219, 240, 241, 243, 244,
Jago, Richard (1715-1781), x. 110, 271 ff., 250, 253, 267, 270, 281, 471 ff.
275, 448 James II (1430-1460), king of Scotland,
Adam, x. 112 n. 113, 285; m. 148
Edge-Hill, x. 112, 113 James III (1451-1488), king of Scotland,
Goldfinches, The, x. 112 n. 284
To William Shenstone, esq., x. 112 James IV (1473-1513), king of Scotland,
Jahangir, court of, xiv. 333 n. 94, 251, 253, 260, 369; m. 61, 70,
Jahaziel, TV. 43 135, 152, 197; x. 193
Jamaica, vm. 158; x. 36, 467; xi. 37, 222; James IV and Flodden Field, The. Lamen-
xiv. 241, 242 tation of, m, 197
James I of England and VI of Scotland, James V
(1512-1542), king of Scotland,
n. 93; m. 34, 136, 137, 150, 160, 164, n. 270; m. 116, 123, 130, 132, 138, 149,
198, 271, 378, 498, 503; rv. 53, 57, 156, 159, 160; iv. 322; v. 59
59, 63, 64, 95, 132, 134, 135, 137, 149 James VI, king of Scotland. See James I,
ff., 154, 155, 161, 163, 165, 184, 187 king of England
ff., 203, 237, 239, 253, 254, 256, 259, James (1688-1766), prince of Wales (the
266, 276, 279, 293, 302, 304 ff., 310 ff., Old Pretender),ix. 150, 201, 211, 213,
334, 351, 374, 392, 403, 405, 406, 218, 219, 222, 223, 231; x. 353
427, 428, 531; v. 56, 219, 253, 262. 333, James, in Witty and Witless, v. 92, 93
340, 341, 348, 349, 352, 354, 358 ff., James, C. 0., xiv. 581
365, 375, 376, 478, 480 ff.; YL 4, 5, 7, James, George Payne Rainsford (1799-
38, 47, 86, 101, 107, 108, 147, 149, 172, 1860), I. 287; xn. 250, 449; xm. 307;
217, 220, 234, 243, 245, 250, 254, 255, Richelieu, xn. 249
258, 262, 271, 272, 278, 283, 290, 298, James, Henry (1843-1916), xm. 499, 553,
314, 316 ff., 321 ff., 327, 333, 336, 337, 558, 567, 574, also see Add. 3; xiv. 526,
342 ff., 358, 360 ff., 401, 403; vn. 4, 21, 548, also see Add. 2
49, 64, 158, 166, 188, 190, 191, 196, James, John (d. 1680), vm. 257
199, 203, 205, 206, 208, 209, 219, 223, James, John, xiv. 595
309, 310, 312, 314, 327, 331, 337, 340, James, John, seaman, iv. 76
343, 366, 390, 394, 433, 435, 436, 438, James, Montague Rhodes, rx. 424; xn.
439, 441, 450, 451, 454, 455, 458, 506, 516
also see Add.; vm. 127, 128, 130, 132, James, Richard (1592-1638), vn. 316,
143, 277, 316, 319, 323, 356, 363, 470; 489
ix. 202, 222, 235, 357, 359, 360, 558, also James, Robert (1705-1776), x. 467
see Add.; x. 84, 283, 286, 290, 295, James, R. A. Scott, xiv. 532
499 XL 217, 235; xn. 18, 21, 376;
ff.; James, St, I. 118, 231; n. 12; rv, 237
xm. 256; xiv. 55, 83, 84, 93, 95, 333, 396 James, St, shrine of, at Compostella, n.
Ane Schort Treatise, n. 285 313
Basilicon Doron, rv. 384 James, Stephen (d. 1725), x. 386
Counterblast to Tobacco, A, IV. 349, 531; James, Thomas (1573?-! 629), iv. 431,
VL 318 550; Catalogue... T. Bodteius, m.
Demonology, iv. 535; vn. 372, 373 552
Essays of a Prentice in the Divine Art of James, Thomas (15931-l6351),TheStrange
Poetry, I. 291; m. 137, 271 and Dangerous Voyage of Captain
King's Majesties Declaration to his Sub- Thomas James in his Intended Dis-
jects concerning Lawful Sports to be used, covery of the North West Passage, iv.
The, iv. 339 105 ff., 458
Poetical Exercises, m. 137 James, Thomas (1748-1804), ix. 408;
True Lawe of Free Monarchies, The> rv. xiv. 386
301, 304, 511 James, William (1635T-1663), vn. 486
Secret History of, xn. 16 James, William (d. 1827), xiv. 490
James II, king of England, n. 77; rv. James the Sext, The History and Life of,
426, 458; vn. 96, 183, 365; vm. 10, m.149
30, 31, 39, 46, 49, 82, 90, 92 ft, 99, James's powder, x. 215

Jameson, Mrs Anna Brownell, born Jean de HauteviUe (fl. 1184), I. 193, 454
Murphy (179^-1860), XL487; xiv. 503, Jean de Meun, i. 99; n. 169; m. 90; vn.
521, 569, 583 367
Characteristics of Women,xrv. 157 Jean d'Outremeuse, Myreur des Histors,
Diary of an Ennuyte, The, xiv. 323 n. 81, 82
Loves of the Poets, The, xiv. 157 Jean de Vignay, n. 312
Winter Studies and Summer Rambles, Jean de Waurin, n. 508
xiv. 323, 358 Jeanroy, Alfred, n. 392
Jameson, Robert, xiv. 323 Jeany where has thou been, ix. 360
Jameson, William (fl. 1689-1720), ix. 546 Jebb, John (1736-1786), xiv. 385, 593
Jami, Saldmdn and Absdl, XTTT. 145 Jebb, John (1775-1833), bishop of
Jamie, Don, in The Spanish Curate, VI. 139 Limerick, xn. 256, 457
Jamieson, John (1759-1838), xiv. 611; Jebb, Sir Richard Claverhouse (1841-
Barbour's Bruce, xn. 517 1905), xn. 324, 485, 486, 492; xm. 477;
Jamieson, Robert (17802-1844), xn. 358, xrv. 493
517,- Popular Ballads and Songs, xn. 357 Attic Orators, The, xn. 332
Jamnes, legend of, I. 135 Bentley, xn. 332
Jane, in A Chast Mayd, VL 75 Introduction to Homer, xn. 332
Jane, dame, v. 33 Pindaric Odes, xn. 332
Jane (Seymour) (1509?-1537), queen of Jebb, Samuel (1694?-1772), i. 207
Henry Vni, in. 175 Jed valley, x. 93
Jane, servant of S. Pepys, vm. 254 Jedburgh, x. 93; xi. 444
Janet, in George Eliot's Janetfs Repent- Richard (1848-1887), XL 480,
ance, xm. 387, 388 xrv. 521
Janeway, James ( 1636 ?-l 074), xr. 480; Field and Hedgerow, xrv. 166
Token for Children, xi. 371 Gamekeeper at Home, The, xiv. 166
Janeway, Richard, vin. 98 Hodge and his Master, xiv. 166
Janin, Jules, v. 302 Story of my Heart, The, xiv. 166
Janina, in Albania, xn. 43 Wood Magic, xrv. 166
Januarius, saint, xiv. 247 Jefferson, Samuel (1809-1846), xn. 511
Janus, xn. 139; xm. 460 Jeffery, John (1647-1720), vm. 457
Janus, temple of, I. 95 Jeffes, Abel (fl. 1595), rv. 383; v. 158
Janusa, in Chamberlayne's Pharonnida, Jeffrey, Alexander (1806-1874), xn. 511
vn. 75 Jeffrey, Francis, lord Jeffrey (1773-1850),
Japan, rv. 75, 92, 99, 100; x. 42; xrv. 138, IX. 127; x. 188, 413; XL 149, 440; xn.
165, 166 8 ff., 42, 92, 103, 142 ff., 152, 153, 156,

Japan wares, ix. 271 158, 161, 163, 378, 379, 384, 411, 426,
Japanese language, xrv. 421, 459 427; xm. 8, 467; xiv. 112, 138; Con-
Japp, Alexander Hay, xn. 444, 445; xm. tributions to the Edinburgh Review, xn.
471 146; 'Don Cevallos, and the French
Jaques, in Alls Lost by Lust, VL 70 Usurpation in Spain,' xn. 149
Jaques, in As You Like, It, m. 349; v. Jeffrey, in Edward IV, vi. 91
192, 193 Jeffrey or Jeffreys, Sarah, vn. 96
Jardine, David (fl. 1750), x 386 Jeffreys, George, 1st baron Jeffreys (1648-
Jardine, Sir William (1800-1874), x. Add. 1689), vn. 365; vm. 410, 411; ix. 5, 6,
Jarley, Mrs, in The Old Curiosity Shop, 240; x. 274; xm. 434
xm. 319 Jeffreys, John Gwyn (1809-1885), xrv.
Jarrow,!. 5;, 72, 78, 79, 83, 85, 89; rv. 418 296, 561, 562
Jarvie, Baillie Nicol, in Scott's Rob Roy, Jehan de Bourgoigne (John ad barbam),
xn, 25 in the Mandeville myth, n. 80 ff.
Jasher, the lost book of, xn. 331 Jehan de Bel, L 478
Jason, William Morris's, xm. 123, 134 Jehovah, xi. 194, 199
Jason, in Confessio Amantis, n. 151 Jekyll, Sir Joseph (1663-1738), x. 385
Jason, or Joshua, in Parlement of the Jena, xiv. 416
Thre Ages, L 333 Jeninges, Edward (fl. 1593), iv. 309, 511
Jason, The History of, n. 313, 319 Jenkin Careaway, in Jacke Jugeler, v. 107
Jataka, xn. 489 Jenkin, Henry Charles Fleeming (1833-
Javanese language, xrv. 459 1885), xm. 248
Jawleyford, Mr, Surtees's, xrv. 234 Jenkins, Elijah. See Mottley, John
Jay, Harriet, YTTT. 500, 517 Jenkins, Herbert, xiv. 516
Jeaffreson, John Cordy (1831-1891), TTTTT.
Jenkins, J,, x. 386
567; xiv. 503 Jenkins, Sir Leoline (1623-1685), ix, 213
Jeake, Samuel (1623^1690), ix. 536; Jenkins, Mrs Winifred, in Smollett's
Charters of the Cinque Ports, XL 322 Humphrey Clinker, x. 43; xin. 279
*Jeames,' Thackeray's, xm. 279, 284 Jenkinson, Anthony (d. 1611), iv. 84, 88
Jean & la Barbe. See Jehan de Bourgoigne Jenkinson, Ephraim, x. 202

Jenkinson, Robert Banks (1770-1828), Jersey, vn. 196, 214, 215, 217, 218, 316;
2nd earl of Liverpool, xi. 154; xn. 439; xm. 46
xiv. 407 See
Jersey, earl of. Villiers, Edward,
Jenks,* pseud. See Beckford, William 1st earl
Jenkyns, Patheryke, or Patrick, vn. 88, Jerusalem, L 134; n. 79, 80, 85, 114, 299,
413 321; m. 230; IV. 90, 323, 324; V. 49;
Jenner, Thomas, Sea Coasts of England, vi. 84, 89; vm. 23; xn. 107, 249, 260,
The, iv. 458 321, 514; xiv. 251
Jenner, Sir T., Speech to his Wife and Jerusalem, in The Faerie Queene, m. 231
Children, vin. 97 Jerusalem, Battle of, I. 356
Jennings, David (1691-1762), x. 384 Jervas, Charles (1675?-1739), ix. 169,
Jennings, John (d. 1723), x. 384 171, 444, 529; x. 40
Jennings, Mrs, in Jane Austen's Sense and Jervois, Miss, in Richardson's Sir Charles
Sensibility, xn. 236 Grandison, x. 11, 18
Jennings, Theodore (fl. 1647), vn. 515 Jespersen, Otto, xrv. 611
Jenny, Jenny, ix. 363 Jessamy Bride/ the, x. 213
Jenyns, Soame (170^-1787), x. 461, 523, Jesse, Edward (1780-1867), x. Add.; xiv.
525; XI. 350; Free Enquiry into the 544
Nature and Origin of Evil, x. 177 Jesse, John Heneage (1815-1874), xiv. 503
Jephson, Henry, xrv. 536 Jessica, in The Merchant of Venice, v. 183
Jephson, Robert (1736-1803), xi. 457; Jessopp, Augustus (1824-1914), ix. 198,
Count of Narbonne, XL 274 238, 494; xiv. 490; Arcadyfor better for
Jephthah, n. 151 worse, xiv. 78
Jeppe, Carl, xrv. Add. 8 Jest-books, m. 487 ff.; iv. 531; vn. 516
Jerdan, William (1782-1869), xi. 463; Jesu Christ, The Seven Sheddings of the
xn. 418; xiv. 177, 200, 534 blood of, n. 325
Jeremiah, L 74 Jesuit printing press, iv. 411
Jeremy, in Congreve's Love for Love, vm. Jesuits, the, m. 162; TV, 100, 127, 167,
151 202, 218, 220, 244, 255, 256, 296, 429;
Jermyn, Henry, 1st earl of St Albans v. 89, 90, 344, 345, 365, 371; VL 150,
(d. 1684), vii. 22, 63, 70, 219 157, 302, 324, 377; vn. 33, 36, 47, 88,
Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812), vn. 84; 151, 236, 305, 309, 311, 320, 335, 336,
x. 487 353, 392; vm. 85, 86, 88, 173, 175, 266,
Jerome, in Witty and Witless, v. 93 300, 305, 449; ix. 197; x. 282, 283, 292,
Jerome, Don, in Sheridan's Duenna, XL 300, 319, 322; xm. 210, 366, 435; xiv.
257 101, 127, 253, 308, 316, 329, 382
Jerome, Jerome K., xrn. 543 Jesus, Orm's treatment of the name of,
Jerome, St, and writings of, L 66, 70, 1. 225. See, also, Childhood
of, and under
75, 103, 117, 120, 189, 355; n. 293, Christ
365; m. 4; iv. 36, 37; vn. 304; xn. Jesus (a Samaritan), in Piers the Plowman,
496; Vitae Sanctorum Patrum, n. 317, n. 27
323 Jesus, in Cowley's Davideis, vn. 66
Jerome, St, in The Example of Virtue, n. Jesus, in Douglas's Aeneid, n. 264
227 Jesus, in. Mirour de VOmmt, n. 141
Jeronimo, in The Spanish Tragedie, v. Jesus, in transition songs, n. 383
180 ff. Jesus, in Wyclifs Dialogus, EL 65
Jeronimo, The First Part of, v. 158 ff.; See, also, under Christ and Child Christ
vi. 23; vm. 125 Jesus Christ, ix. 28, 29, 312, 325, 327;
Jerrold, WmBlanchard, xrv. 541 X. 371, 378; XL 185, 194, 196 ff., 326,
Jerrold, Douglas William (1803-1857), 369; xn. 40, 65, 67, 256, 259, 273, 284,
xm. 268, 620; xiv. 193, 196, 236 ff., 287. 290, 295 ff.; xm. 102; xiv. 444
544, 548 Jesu' s Psalter, v. 323
l 9

Blackey'd Susan; or, Att in the Doums, Jeux, v. 4, 27

xm. 265; xrv. 237 Jevons, Harriet A., xrv. 475
Catspaw, The, xm. 269 Jevons, William Stanley (1835-1882)
Men of Character, xrv. 237 xiv. 475
Mrs Caudle's Curtain Lectures, XIV. Principles of Science, The, xiv. 23
237 Pure Logic, xrv. 23
Punch's Complete Letter-uniter, xiv. 237 Substitution of Similars, The, xrv. 23
Punch's letters to his son, xrv. 237 Theory of Political Economy, The, xrv.
Prisoner of War, The, xm. 269 23
Time Works Wonders, xm. 269 Jew, in Machiavettus, VL 305
Jerrold, Walter, xra. 530, 533, 570; xiv. Jew, the, in Sheridan's Duenna, XL 267
548 Jewel, John (1522-1571), bishop of Salis-
Jerrold, William Blanohard (1826-1884), bury, m. 406, 548; rv. 236, 433, 493;
rm. 563; xiv. 193 Challenge sermon, rv. 235

Jewell for Gentrie, A, 1614, iv. 541 Johannes de Sacro Bosco (d. 1252), or
Jewish antiquities, is. 393 John of Holywood, i. 200, 456; n. 185
Jewish Christiana, ix. 291 Johannes Secundus, iv. 264; xn. 223
Jewish church, xn. 321, 478 Johannesburg, xrv. 380
Jewish doctor, in The, Duke of Millaine, Johannicius, Isagoge, n. 364, 365
vi. 159 John, in Witty and Witless, v. 92, 93
Jewish faith, xn. 14 John, in The Wotting of JoJc and Jynny,
Jewish history, ix. 227 n. 275
Jewish religion, xi. 48 John, Bon, in The Chances, yi. 123, 135
Jewish writers, I. 478 John, Don, in The two Maids of More-
Jewitt, Llewellyn Iftederick William dacke, vi. 217
(1816-1888), x. 473; xn. 511 John, Dr, in Charlotte Bronte's ViUette,
Jewkes, Mrs, in Richardson's Pamela, x. xm. 409
5 John, king of England, I. 175, 194, 198;
Jews, the, I. 63, 133, 176; n. 24, 343, 345, n. 342; iv. 182, 183; v. 318; VEL
350, 362, 365; v. 44, 49, 366; vi. 86, 194
154; vn. 102, 147, 198, 200, 281, 300, Joim, king (Shakespeare's), v. 153, 213,
319; vm. 274; ix. 297; x. 362; xn. 318, 318
477, 478; xm. 349, 353, 384, 400; xiv. Joim, king, in Robert, Earle of Buntington,
2, 67, 136, 309 v. 323, 324
Jews, the Council of the (Coventry Mys- John, king of England, The Troublesome
teries), v. 19 Raigne of, v. 82, 135, 147, 153, 236 ff.,

Jews, queen of the, in Gyre Garling, n. 344, 397, 434

276 John, king of France, n. 307
Jewsbury, Geraldine Endsor (1812-1880), Jolin II, king of Portugal, iv. 69
xni. 563 John HI, king of Portugal, m. 162
Jhan, Sir, the priest, in Johan Johan, v. John XXII, pope, i. 212
98,99 John XXIII, pope, n. 348
Jingle, Alfred, in Dickens's Picfaoick John, Passion of, by Pseudo-Melito, i. 75
Papers, x. 41; xin. 310, 351 John, prince, in LooTce about you, v. 321,
Jo, in Bleak House, ^mr. 328, 329 323
Joab, iv. 231 John, prior of Hexham (fl. 1180), I. 161,
Joab, in Cowley's Davideis, vn. 67 450
Joan, in The Devil and his Dame, v* 329 John, St, the Baptist, I. 74, 126; vi. 295
Joan, pope, n. 131; vn. 240 John, St, the Baptist, tragedy on, m. 141
Joan Go-to-'t, in The Birth of Merlin, John, St, the Baptist, in Baptistes, m.
v. 249, 251 161
Joan of Naples, vn. 248 John, St, of Beverley, i. 82
Joan of Navarre (1370?-1437), queen of John, St, evangelist, I. 74, 198, 354; n.
Henry IV, n. 217 79, 383; v. 37, 48
Joanna, in Holcroft's Deserted Daughter, John, Sir, the priest, in Misogonus, v. 110
xi. 277 John, Sir, the priest, in The Merry Devill,
Joanna, in Middleton's Changeling, TTTT. v. 252
222 John Bull, xiv. 200
Joannes de Garlandia. See Garlandia John Chrysostom, St. See Chrysostom
Joannides, A., xm. 515 John come kisse me, ix. 362
Job, vn. 370; xn. 64 John de Cella, I. 178
Job, in. school plays, v. 103 John de Janua, Gatholicon, n. 363
Jobson, Richard (fl. 1620-1623), rv. 458 John de Oxenedes, or Oxnead (d. 1293?),
JoceKn of Brakelond (fl. 1200), I. 176, 1.450
450, 451, 458; xm. 15 John de Tayster or Taxster (d. 1265), I.

Jocelyn, Hose, Meredith's, xm. 426 182, 450

Jock o' the Side, n. 415 John 453
George, elector of Saxony, vn.
Jockey club, x. 191 John Lemouicensis, Pharaoh's Dream, n.
Jockie, in Edward IV, 91
vi. 363
Jocty Fou and Jenny Fain, ix. 360 John Ochiltree, ix. 360
Jocky met with Jenny fair, ix. 360 John Uponlandis Complaint, n. 280
Jocky said to Jeany, ix. 360 John of Basingstoke (d. 1252), i. 204, 207
Jocviatores. See Jongleurs John of Bridlington, n. 443
Jodelle, iStienne, iv. 124; Cteopatre Cap- John of Bury ( fl. 1460), n. 497
tive, v. 63 John of Corbie, abbot of Aethelney, i. 89,
Joel, n. 106 92
Joffred, abbot of Crowland, n. 343 John of Cornwall, n. 70, 504
Johan Baptistes, Interlude of, v. 391 John of Doesborch. See Doesborch
Johan the Evangelist, v. 60, 391 John of Doncaster, i. 357
Johannes de Hese's Itinerarius, n. 330 John of Dunstable, iv. 462, 463

John of Gaddesden (d. 1361), L 453 Johnson, Michael, father of Samuel John-
John of Gaunt, duke of Lancaster (1340- son, XL 340
1399), ii. 55, 60, 73, 135, 157, 158; XL Johnson, Nathaniel, brother of Samuel
394 Johnson, x. 159
John of Gaunt, in Richard II, iv. 78 Johnson, Richard (1573-1659?), rv. 532,
John of Glastonbury (fl. 1400), ix. 535 536; Anglorum Lachrymae, iv. 351;
John of Guild* ord, I. 238 Looke on me, London, iv. 530; Seven
John of Hainault, Sir, n. 338 Champions, v. 34
John of Hildesheim, Historia Triurn Johnson, Reginald Brimley, xm. 477
Regum, n. 323, 503 Johnson, Robert (1540-1625), IV. 442,
John of Ireland, n. 94, 97; Opera, Theo- 525; vn. 340; Essaies or Rather Imperfect
logica, n. 284; On the Passioun, n. 284 Offers, iv. 345, 524; The Traveller's
John of Leyden, TV. 528 Breviat, iv. 89, 458
John of Lindebergh, I. 343 Johnson, Samuel (1649-1703), rector of
John of Salisbury (d. 1180), I. 173, 176, Corringham, ix. 507; x. 355, 464, 517;
183 ft., 202, 214, 216, 450, 454; iv. 269; Julian the Apostate, x. 351 ; Reflections
vn. 376, 505 on the History of Passive Obedience, x.
John ofTrokelowe (fl. 1330), I. 181, 450; 351
ix. 535 Johnson, Samuel (1691-1773), x. 439;
John of Usk (fl. c. 1360), abbot of Chert- Burlothrumbo, x. 463
sey, n. 54 Johnson, Samuel (1709-1784), m. 157;
John of Worcester, I. 162 iv. 247, 252; v. 209, 222, 235, 267, 270,
John the Common Weill, in Ane Pleasant 273 ff.; VL 7; vn. 31, 72, 89, 115, 119,
Satyre, m. 128, 129 135, 176, 235; vm. 40, 42, 47, 48, 52,
John the Common Weill, in The Dreme, 146, 151, 152, 159, 196, 197, 210, 213,
m. 117 217, 218, 220, 230, 237, 322, 323, 366,
John the Reeve, I. 468; n. 126, 280 386; ix. 133, 137, 140, 143, 144, 146,
Johnie Cock, n. 416 164 ff., 171 ff., 178 ff., 185, 186, 188 ff.,
Johnnie Cope, ix. 373 243, 254, 313, 325, 330, 340, 357, 380,
Johnny Armstrong, n. 413; ix. 166 538, also see Add.; x. 36, 39, 48, 63,
Johns, Claude Hermann Walter (1857- 64, 66, 95, 96, 120, 124, 138, 140, 145 ff.,
1920), xn. Add. 4 149, 157 ff. (main entry), 198, 201,
Johnson, in Buckingham's Rehearsal, ix. 206 ff., 210, 212 ff., 231, 252, 255, 260,
147 262, 263, 266 ff., 274, 285, 289, 290,
Johnson, Memoirs of the Life and Writings 312, 315, 355, 363, 392, 397 ff., 406, 407,
of, x. 177 438, 452, 454, 459 ff., 482, 484, 523,
Johnson, Abraham, vn. 340 also see Add; XL 2, 27, 31, 32, 38, 143,
Johnson, Charles (1679-1748), VL 471; 145, 146, 246, 247, 251 ff., 260, 331,
x. 89, 435; Caelia, x, 80, 414 333, 334, 345, 346, 350 ff., 355, 360 5.,
Johnson, Charles (fl. 1724-1736), ix. 500 364, 365, 448 ff., 472, 473, 475, 476;
Johnson, Charles Plumptre, xm. 531, 534 xn. 218, 357, 363, 490; xm. 13, 96,
Johnson, Esther (1681-1728) (Swift's 224, 226, 232, 250, 465, 468; xrv. 61,
'Stella'), ix. 93 ff., 97 ff., 120, 124, 126, 120, 122, 144, 160, 168, 169, 209, 216,
166; x. 168; XL 332; xiv. 197 437 ff., 448, 452, 454, 461 ff., 503, 552,
Johnson, E. Pauline (1862-1913), xrv. 554, 607
582; A Prodigal, xiv. 357 Account of the Harleian Library 9 x. 166
Johnson, James (1787-1803), Scots Mu- Charles of Sweden, x. 162
sical Museum, ix. 360, 361, 368, 373, Choice of Life, The, x. 178
376, 377, 566; xi. 225, 226, 231 ff., 435, Compleat Vindication of the Licensers of
444; xn. 14 the Stage, x. 165
Johnson, James (1850), xiv. 188 Considerations on the Corn Laws, x. 181
Johnson, John, father of Aphra Bonn, Dictionary of the English Language, vn.
vni. 140 307; x. 167, 169, 173 ff., 177, 184, 187,
Johnson, John (1662-1725), x. 516; The 205, 350; XL 324; xn. 504; xiv. 396,
Unbloody Sacrifice, x. 360 439,447,463
Johnson, John, LL.D. (d. 1833), XL 403, Dictionary (abridgement), x. 177
404,427 'Dissertation on Pope's Epitaphs/ x.
Johnson, Joseph (1738-1809), XL 189, 327 183
Johnson, Joseph (1905), xm. 564 'Easy Writing,' x. 178
Johnson, J. P., xiv. Add. 8
Engaging in Politicks with H n,
Johnson, Laurence or Laurentius Bari- 181
cona of Ketteringe (fl. 1603), Cometo- Essay on Epitaphs, x. 164
grapMa, v. 110 Essay on. . .Small Tracts, x. 166
Johnson, Lionel Pigot (1867-1902), xm. Falkland's Islands, x. 181
503, also see Add. 2; Posttiminium, XL False Alarm, The, x. 181, 182
30 Friendship, An Ode, x. 168

Johnson, Samuel Johnson, Samuel
Tv&6i a-eavrbv post Lexicon Anglicanum Young Authour, The,' x. 167
auctum et emendatum, x. 177 See, also, the bibliography by Courtney,
'Grammar of the English Tongue,' x. W. P., revised by Smith, D. Nichol
176 Johnson, Samuel (of New York), x. 463
'Hard Words,' x. 178 Johnson, Samuel (of Shrewsbury), x. 463
'History of the English Language,' x. Johnson, Thomas (d. 1644), TV. 375
176 Johnson, T. (fl. 1649), vn, 368
Idler, The, x. 171, 178, 179, 184 'Johnson, Will.' (viscount Bolingbroke),
Irene, x. 86, 161, 162, 170, 181 ix. 220
Journey to the Western Islands of Scot- Johnson, William, Valetudinarium, vi. 474
land, x. 181, 194 Johnson, William (fl. 1574), actor, vi. 246
Life of CoUins, x. 125 Johnson, William (fl. 1774), bookseller,
Life of Cowley, vn. 69; vm. 379 XL 325
Life ofDenham, vn. 61; X. 167 Johnson, William (1784-1864), XL 406
Life of Dryden, vm. 38 Johnson, William. See Cory, William
Life of Gray,
x. 188 Johnson
Life of Hammond, x. 475 Johnson, William Savage, xin. 471
Life of Milton, vi. 302; x. 161; XI. 84 Johnson's literary club, XL 345
Life of Pope, x. 168, 186 Johnston, Alexander Keith, xrv. 485
Life of Prior, x. 162 Johnston, Arthur (1587-1641), ix. 550,
Life of Savage, x. 162, 165, 166 169, 554, 555
170, 183 Johnston, Sir Harry Hamilton, xrv. 192
Life of Thomson, x, 96 Johnston, James (1643?-1737), ix. 203
Lives of the Poets, ix. 170, 438, 448, Johnston, Robert (1567-1639), ix. 550
453, 466, 477, 479, 480; x. 165, 172, Johnston's Edinburgh Magazine, xn 430
182 ft, 292; xi. 325; xn. 137; xra. 487; Johnstone, Charles (1719?-1800?), XL
xrv. 447 461; Chrysal, x. 524
London, x. 136, 168, 172; xi. 323 Johnstone, Christian Isobel (1781-1857),
M armor Norfolciense, x. 1G5 xin. 563
Miscellaneous Observations on the Tra- Johnstone, Christie, Charles Reade's, XTTT.
gedy of Macbeth, x. 167 425
Patriot, The, x. 181 Johnstone, John (1768-1836), xn. 490;
Plan of a Dictionary of the English Lan- xiv. 602
guage, x. 167, 173, 174, 176 Johnstone, Maggie, ix. 366
Prayers, x. 170 Johny's Escape from Bonny Dundee, ix.
Prince of Abissinia. See Rasselas 363
Proposals (for an edition of Shake- Joici et Sales. .ab Ottomaro Lusdnio, m.

speare), x. 167, 177, 460 93

Proposals (for printing the Harleian Joinville, John, Sieur de, rv. 30
Catalogue), x. 166 Jolles, Sir John (fl. 1617), vn. 339
Proposals (for printing the Harleian Jollie, Timothy (1659?-1714), x. 386
Miscellany], x. 166 Jolly, colonel, in Cutter of Coleman Street}
Rambler, The, x. 11, 157, 160, 170 ff. f vni. 122
175, 178, 181, 187, 188, 192, 205; XL Jolly, William, xrv. 609
253, 356, 365 Jolly Beggar, The, n. 414; ix. 364; XL
Easselas, x. 49, 159, 172, 178, 179 218
Shakespeare, x. 172, 179, 180, 186; XL Jolly Beggars, tune of, vnL 96
320, 352 Jolly's academy, ix. 393
'Sufficiency of the English Language,* Jolter, in Peregrine. Pickle, ix. 410
x. 178 Joly, Charles Jasper (1864-1906), xrv.
Taxation no Tyranny, x. 181, 182 263, 556
To Miss Hickman, playing on the Jonah, xrv. 282
Spinnet, x. 168 Jonah, in Pearl and Patience, I. 323, 325
Trans, of Pope's Messiah, x. 168 Jonathan, in Cowley's Davideis, vn. 66
Urbane, nuUis fesse laboribus, x. 163 Jones, D., vm. 380
Vanity of Human Wishes, The, rv. 329; Jones, Ebenezer (1820-1860), xm. 503
ix. 191 ;x. 160, 167 fi., 178 Face, The, xm. 157
Verses (on the opening of Garrick's Hand, The, xm. 157
theatre), x. 136 Eain, TTTT. 157
Vision of Theodore, the Hermit of Studies of Sensation and Event, xm. 156
Tenerijfe, X. 170 Jones, Ernest Charles (1819-1869), xm.
Voyage to Abyssinia, x. 159, 176, 179, 157, 504; Poet's Parallel, The, xm. 156;
187 Song of the Lower Classes, The, xm. 156 ;
Written at the request of a gentleman, Songs of Democracy, TTTT. 156
x. 168 Jones, Evan Rowland, xrv. 533

Jones, Henry (1721-1770), The Earl of Jonson, Benjamin
Essex, x. 86, 435 13, 16 ff., 25, 32, 116, 122 ff., 127, 132,
Jones, Henry, Sir, xm. 477, 484 133, 137, 138, 141, 142, 145, 147, 150,
Jones, Henry Arthur, xm. 515 155, 157, 173, 174, 214, 227, 229, 233,
Jones, H. Bence, xiv. 557 368, 443, 447; ix. 351; x. 50, 219, 220,
Jones, Henry Testing, xnr. 450, 570 ff., 505; xi. 170, 248, 266; xn. 105, 125,
also see Add. 1
177, 224; xm. 32, 108, 233, 495; xiv
Jones, Inigo (1573-1652), v. 125, 372, 481; 444, 527
vi. 6, 26, 30, 271, 326, 333, 335, 342, Alchemist, The, v. 365, 369; vi. 5, 22 ff.,
348, 350, 353, 354, 361; ix. 354, 536; 26, 28, 222; vm. 357, 366
Britannia Triumphans, vn. 433 Apologetical Dialogue, vr. 4
Jones, Jeremiah (1693-1724), x. 521 Ars Poetica (trans, of), with commen-
Jones, John, of Neyath, Brecon, vn. 515 tary from Aristotle, vi. 6
Jones, John, servant (fl. 1827), xi. 423 Bartholomew Fayre, v. 158, 365, 376;
Jones, col John (d. 1660), vm. 470 VT. 2, 4, 5, 19, 22 fi., 26, 28, 220, 224,
Jones, Oliver (fl. 1740), x. 196 261, 337; vm, 121
Jones, Kichard (fl. 1564-1602), iv. 390; Case is Altered, The, v. 321 ; VL 4, 5, 13,
v. 144 17, 290
Jones, Richard (1790-1855), xiv. 475 Catiline, VL 5, 19, 20, 112, 221, 235;
Jones, Robert 1616), rv. 113, 464;
(fl. vm. 85; xiv. 448
Second Book of Songs and Airs, iv. 109 Celebration of Claris, A,vi. 10
Jones, Rufus Matthew, Studies in Mys- Celia, To ('Drink to me only with thine
tical Religion, ix. 306, 307 eyes'), VL 10
Jones, Samuel (1680?-1719), ix. 393, 394; Challenge at Tilt, A, vi. 357
x. 386, 387 'Come, leave the loathed Stage,' VT. 25
Jones, Stephen (1763-1827), JBiographia 'Come, my Celia, let us prove/ vn. 17
dramatica, XL 453, 457 Conversations with William Drummond,
Jones, Sir Thomas (d. 1692), vm. 90 in. 269; v. 343; vi, 7; vm. 238, 322
Jones, Tom, in Fielding's novel, x. 30 ff., 89 CooJce Laurdl, m. 482
Jones, William (1559), iv. 383 Court Worm, vi. 9
Jones, William (1593), V. 145 Cynthia's Revels, iv. 337; v. 158, 359;
Jones, William (1690), x. 378 vi. 4, 18, 25, 41, 42, 170, 171,
220, 290,
Jones, William (1726-1800), ix. 512; xn. 336, 337; vn. 19; vm. 118
453 Discourse of Poesy, vm. 238, 239
Jones, Sir William (1631-1682), vm. 312; Divdl is an Asse, The, v. 252, 358; vi.
ix. 196 5, 24; vm. 123
Jones, Sir William (1746-1794), si. 427; Dreame, vi. 10
xn. 343, 353, 502; xiv. 334, 577, 602; English Grammar, An, n. 152; vi. 6 ff.;
Asiatic Researches, xn. 327; From the mi. 238
Persian, XL 180; Ode in imitation of JBpicoene, x. 429
Akaeus, XL 180 Epigrams, VT. 5, 9
Jones, William Basil (1822-1897), xiv. 488 Epistle a Friend, An, to perswade him

Jongleurs, v. 3, 26, 41 to the Warres (Master Colby), VL 10

Jonson, Benjamin (1573?-1637), m. 68, JSupheme; or, the faire fame... of...
81, 114, 228, 269, 271, 288, 308, 312, Lady Venetia Digby, vi. 10
444, 458, 482; iv. 46, 55, 59, 63, 115, Every Man in His Humour, TV. 137;
130, 138, 145, 153, 158, 185, 198, 199, v. 219, 331, 350; vi. 2, 3, 13, 15, 16,
206, 207, 209, 214 ff., 248, 266, 349, 390, 20, 26, 28, 39, 248; x. 432
392, 395, 406, 434, 437, 481, 501, 517, Every Man out of His Humour, TV. 333,
520, 521, 524, 529, 533; v. 125, 142 ff., 358; v 358; VI. 4, 16 fi., 40, 170, 225,
148, 158, 161, 164, 166, 167, 171, 206, vm. 16
222, 224, 254, 311, 312, 314, 315, 323 3 Execration upon Vulcan, An, vi. 6, 10
328, 330, 334, 338, 343, 344, 347, 355, Expostulation with Inigo Jones, v. 372
361, 368, 370 fi.; vi. 1-30 (main entry), Fan of Mortimer, The, VL 7, 19
32, 36, 38, 44, 47, 51, 53 fi., 58, 69, 85, Fit of Rhyme against Rhyme, vn. 3
95, 96, 107, 111, 116, 118, 120, 121, 129, For the Honour of Wales, VL 361, 371
133, 134, 138, 144, 151, 177, 188, 196, Forest, The, VL 5, 9; vn. 18
198, 202, 206, 210, 211, 213, 214, 219 fi., Fortunate Isles, The, VL 362
232 fi., 237, 239, 249, 250, 267, 271, Golden Age Restored, The, VL 358
274,291, 313, 329 fi., 339-355 (masques), Gipsies, The, TV. 361
372, 376, 413 ff., 422, 423, 427, 458, Henry V, A
history of, VL 6
487, 488, 489, 491, also see Add.; Hesperus's song in Cynthia's Revels,
vn. 2 fi., 7, 9, 14, 16 fi., 23, 25, 26, 33, VI. 10
38, 49, 77, 81, 82, 85, 176, 184, 250, Hot Anger Soon Cold, VL 12
259, 261 fi., 272 ff., 2S3, 335, 387, 413, Hue and Cry after Cupid, The, marriage
466, 467, 477, 502, also see Add.; vnL masque for lord Haddlngton, VL 346, 347
Jonson, Benjamin Jonson, Benjamin
Humbler gleanings in divinity,' YL 6 24, 28, 112, 153; vn. 275; vm. 120, 357,
Eymenaei, YL 344, 345, 347 401
Induction, The, iv. 333 'Slow, slow, fresh fount, keep time with
Irish Masque, The, YL 357, 361, 371 my salt tears,* vn. 19
Jeronimo, Jonson' s additions to, v, 311 Spanish Tragedie, The, additions to, YE.
Love, freed from Ignorance and Folly, 13, 17, 18, 369, 370
YL 350, 351 Staple of News, The, m. 81; iv. 137;
Love Restored, YL 351, 357, 358, 371 vi. 6, 25; vn. 345
Lovers Made Men, vr. 359 Tale of a Tub, A, YL 4, 6, 26, 290

Magnetic Lady, The: Or Humors Becon- Timber : or, Discoveries made upon men
ci?d, iv. 333; YL 6, 25 and matter, iv. 25, 336, 348, 524; VL 2,
Magnificent Entertainment, The: Given 6 ff.; vn. 262, 272, 273, 307, 466
toKing James, YL 55 Time Vindicated, YL 362
Masque of Augures, The, YL 345, 350; 'To my Bookseller,' xi. 335
vn. 3 Twelfth Night Masque, YE. 357
Masque of Beauty, The, YL 344 Underwoods, YE. 6, 9, 10; vn. 18; xi.
Masque of JBlacknesse, The, YL 5, 341, 181
344,347 Vision of Delight, The, YL 359
Masque of Christmas, The, YL 355, Volpone, m. 269; YL 5, 21, 22, 28, 112,
357 ff. 194, 221, 222, 348; vn, 261, 274
Masque of Lethe, The, i.e. Lovers made Voluptuous Beast, Sir, epigram on, YL 9
Men, YL 359 Wroth, sonnet to Lady Mary, YL 10
Masque of Owls, The, YE. 361 Beaumont and Fletcher,
See, also, under
Masque of Queens, The, YL 344, 345, Chapman, Bekker and Middleton
347, 348, 370 Jonson and Porter's Hot Anger soon Cold,
Masque of the Metamorphosed Gypsies, v. 331
A, -VI. 361; vn. 10 Jonson's son, vr. 224
May Lord, The, YL 11, 369 ff. Jonsonus Virbius, YL 7, 235, 237; vn. 3,
Mercury Vindicated from the Alchemists, 261, 272, 401, 466
YE. 357; vn. 3 Jonsson, Arngrim, i. 31
Miscellanies, XL 181 Jonston, Arthur (1587-1641), Dehtiae
Neptune's Triumph, VL 361 Poetarum Scotorum, iv. 261
JVetr Iwi, ^e, iv. 361; YL 6, 15, 25, Joppa, iv. 68
132, 140, 370 Jordan, in Absalom and Achitophel, vm.
Newes from the New World discovered 37
in the Moone, YL 361 Jordan, Denham ('A Son of the Marshes '),
Nymphs Passion, A,YL 10 XIV. 166, 521
Ooeron the Faery Prince, YL 340, 350, Jordan, Dorothea or Dorothy, born Bland
351 ;x. 429 (1762-1816), XL 452, 454
Ode to Himself, YE. 2 Jordan, Thomas (1612?-! 685), vn. 413,
Para's Anmversarie, YL 355, 361, 362 514; vm. 422; The Plotting Papists'
Penates, The, YE. 341 Litany, vm. 97
Penshurst, To, YL 9; vn. 10, 20 Jordanes, i. 35
Philological collections, YL 6 Jorrocks, Mr, Surtees's, X. Ill; xm. 311;
Pindaric ode on the death of Sir H. xiv. 234, 239
Morison, VL 10 Jortan, John (1698-1770), ix. 75; xn. 468
Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue, VL 359, Joseph, i. 74; ix. 42
361, 363 Joseph, in Emily Bronte's Wuthering
Poetaster, v. 187, 239; YL 4, 18, 39 ff., Heights, xm. 411
53, 166, 171, 172, 220, 290 Joseph, in the mysteries, v. 42, 47
Proserpine, a poem on the rape of, YL 6 Joseph I, emperor, ix. 228
Prosodia, vm. 239, 240 Joseph of Arimathaea, i. 133, 271, 272,
Queen and huntress' in Cynthia's 462, 468
Bevels, YL 10, 11 Joseph of Arimathea, v. 15
Richard Croolcback, YL 13, 18 Joseph of Exeter (fl. 1190), Flos Eegum
Sad Shepherd, The, v. 34; vi. 7, 11, 366, ArtJmrus (Antiocheis), I. 195, 454, 467,
369 ff., 491 468
Satyr, The, YL 339 Josephine, empress of the French, xm. 366
Scotland, poetical narrative of his Josephus, i. 224; n. 334; m. 173, 416;
journey to, YL 6 iv. 427, 437; YL 206; ix. 273, 275, 295,
Sejanus, v. 371; YE. 4, 19, 20, 28, 43, 418; XL 326
152, 235, 248 Joshua, n. 231
Shakespeare, poem to, YL 10 Joshua, in The Silver Age, YE. 93
Shift, Lieutenant, epigram on, YE. 9 Josian, in Beves, I. 305, 306
Silent Woman, The (Epicoene), VL 5, 22, Josselin, in Edward IV, YL 90

Josselin, or Joscelyn, John (1529-1603) Judge, the, in The, Daunce and Song of
secretary to Matthew Parker, in. 55 Death, m. 87
Josselyn, John (fl. 1675), iv. 458 Judicio, in The Returne from Parnassus,
Joubert, Andre, xm. 532 TV. 139; VL 311
Joubert, Joseph, rs. 175; xn. 527; xm. Judicium Essoniorumt vm. 465
98,99 Judith, iv. 170
Joule, James Prescott (1818-1889), xrv. Judith, i. 48, 49, 77, 110, 123, 137, 141 ff.,
261, 556 150, 230, 445
Jourdan, Philip, srv. Add. 8 Judith, in Amory's Memoirs of Several
Journal Britannique, x. 173 Ladies, xi. 287
Journal Encyclopedique, Le, v. 292 Judith, in Biblical plays, v. 101, 103
Journal litteraire, Le, v. 287 Judith, daughter of Charles the Bald, L
Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, The, 88
xrv. 289, 566 Judy, xiv. 239
Journal of Association, The, XTTT. 358 Jugge, Richard (fl. 1531-1577?), iv. 384,
Journal of Horticulture, The, xiv. 289 400, 401
Journalism, the beginnings of English, Juigne, Antoine ]5. L. Leclerc de, arch-
vn.,494 fL also see Add. bishop of Paris, XL 189
Journalism, English, vm. 412 Julia, in Morton's Way to get Married, XL
Jove, in Gismond of Salerne, v. 75 281
Joviall Crew, A, v. 376 Julia, in The Dutchesse Of Malfy, vi. 182
'Jovian Ferrerl Piedmontese,' m. 319 Julia, in The Poetaster, vi. 18
Jovis et lunonis nuptiae, VL 484 Julia, in Two Gentlemen of Verona, v. 180;
Jovius, Paulus, in. 478; vi. 137; vn. 406 VT. 157; vm. 126
Jowett, Benjamin (1817-1893), xn. 292 ft, Julia (Herrick's), vn. 6, 9, 17
333, 334, 442, 466, 468, 479, 482, 486; Julian, in Aldhelm's treatise on virginity,
xrv. 503, 607; The Epistles of St Paul, L 74
xn. 293 Julian, in Landor's Count Julian, xn. 211
Joy for another's grief, in Confessio Julian, coffee-house haunter, vm. 89
Amantis, n. 147 Julian, emperor, ix. 507; x, 27, 318; xn.
Joyce, in Greene's Tu Quoque, vr. 219 416, 497
Joyce, in the Mercuries, vn. 356 Julian, Epistle to Mr, vm. 394
Joyce, Patrick Weston (1827-1914), xn. Julian, J., xm. 498
517; xiv. 569 Julian house, the (Aeneid], m. 305
Ancient Irish Music, xn. 361 Julian of Toledo, i. 76
Irish Music and Song, xn. 361 Juliana, lady, in Susan. Ferrier's Marriage,,
Irish Names of Places, xn. 361 xn. 245
Irish Peasant Songs, xn. 361 Juliana, St, i. 53, 229, 459

Old Celtic Romances, xn. 361; xiv. 306, Juliana of Norwich (1342-1442), Revela-
328 tions of Divine Love, n. 300, 482
Social History of Ancient Ireland, xn. Julianus, in Alls Lost by Lust, vi. 77
361; xrv. 328 Julie, xn. 60
Joyce, Robert Dwyer (1836-1883), xrv. Juliet, in Romeo and Juliet, v. 169, 193,
569; Blacksmith of Limerick, The, xiv. 331; vi. 265, 335; xn. 54
321 ; Blanaid, xiv. 321 ; Deirdre, xrv. 321 Julio, Don, in Mrs Cowley's Bold Btrofo
Joye, George (d. 1553), in. 39, 40, 43, 473 for a Husband, XL 275
Joyner. William (1622-1706), vm. 437 Julius Agricola, ix. 552
Juan, Browning's, xm. 72 Julius Caesar, xn. Add.
Juan, Don, in Byron's poem, xn.46, 54, 55 Julius Caesar (Shakespeare's), IL 337
Juan, G., xrv. 552 Julius Caesar, translation of, rv. 4, 21, 435
Juan Fernandez, xiv. 242, 243 Julius Valerius, L 135
Juba, in Addison's Cato f ix. 63, 64 Julleville, L. Petit de, i. ix
Juby, Ed., v. 135 Jullien. A., L'Histoire du Costume au
Judaea, ix. 274 Theatre, XL 258
Judaic law, vm. 75 Jumping Jenny,' the, in Scott's Red-
Judaism, xn. 521 xn. 21
Judas, TTTT. 199 Junge, H., xm. 558
Judas, in The Second Part of Absalom and Jungfrau, the, xn. 47
Achitophel, vm. 41 Jung-Stilling. See Stilling
Judas, in The York Plays, v. 46 Junia, in Racine's Britannicus, x. 119
Judas (ballad), n. 194, 408 Junilius, I. 76
Judas Iscariot, L 340; vm. 86; ix. 234; Juniper hall, x. 63, 261
xiv. 306 Junius, x. 133, 182, 509; XI 34; xrc. 54;
Judd, John W., The Coming of Evolution, xrv. 335, 496
xiv. 298, 299, 301 Junius, Letters of, x. 305, 399 fi., 455,
Jude, St, L 354 525 ff.; XL 55; xm. 52, 347; xrv. 186

Junius, Franciscus (1589-1677), vn. 118, Kalendar of Shepherds, n. 233, 324, 328,
480; rs. 355, 536; x. 223, 225; xn. 504; 329, 485
Caedmon, edition of, vn. 307; De Pic- Kalendar of the new legend of England, TL
tura Veterum, vn. 307; Moeso-Gothic 322
text of TJlfilas, vn. 307 Kalendrier des Bergers, m. 221, 226; iv.
Juno, vn. 370 353
Juno, in Hymenaei, vi. 345, 346 Kalidasa, Sakuntala, xrv. 334; Vikra-
Juno, in Trpiane, v. 69 morvasi, xn. 502
Juno (Herrick's), vn. 13 Kalilah, in Beckford's Episodes, xi. 292
Jupiter, n. 276; m. 71, 433; vr. 313; Kalote, in Piers the Plowman, n. 34
xn. 64,80 Kaltoff, mechanician, vm. 359
Jupiter, in Alfred's BoetJiius, I. 101 Kaluza, Mas, xm. 512; xiv. 611
Jupiter, in Amphitruo, v. 107 Kames, lord. See Home, Henry
Jupiter, in Shelley's Prometheus Unbound, Kant, Immanuel, iv. 292; vm. 333; x.
xn. 65, 66 333, 348, 511, 512; xi. 121, 136 ff.;
Jupiter, in The Four Ages, vi. 92, 93 xiv. 8, 9, 11, 12, 37, 40, 42, 43, 45, 404,
Jupiter, in The Play of the Wether, v. 93, 467, 469, 478, 483
94,95 Kantian philosophy, xi. 57
Jupiter's satellites, vm. 350 Kapur-di-Giri rock-inscription, xn, 352
Jupps, Mrs, in Butler's The Way of all Karlamagnus Saga, i, 283
Flesh, xm. 454 Karlemeyne and the Duzeper, i. 226
Jusserand, J. J., i. is, 2; n. 2, 3, 24, 28 ff., Karolin, in The Sad Shepherd, vi. 370
32, 34; rv. 246; v. 4, 17, 285, 289, Karroo, the, xrv. 372
293; VI. 2; xiv. 518 Kashinath Trimback Telang, xiv. 341
Justamondj John Obadiah, x. 494 Kastrill, in The Alchemist, vr. 22
Justice, in Fortescue's De Natura Legis Kate, in Cocke LoreWs bote, m. 84
Naturae, n. 296 Kate, Corinthian, in Egan's Life in Lon-
Justice, in Pathomachia, vi. 324 don, xiv. 226
Justice, in The Example of Virtue, n. 227, Katharine, in A Woman is a Weather-
228 cocke, vi. 222
Justice, in The Faerie Queene, n. 234; Katharine, in The Taming of the Shrew,
ni. 233; vn. 209 v. 181
Justice, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, n. Katharine, in The Womans Prize, vr, 135
229, 234 Katharine, St, Life of, i. 229, 459, 460
Justin, rv. 437, 438; xiv. 579; The Katharine, the, a ship, vm. 202
abndgemente of the Histories of Trogus Katharine J affray, n. 41 1
Pompeius, iv. 21 Katherine, in Perkin Warbeck, vi. 193
Justina, St, I. 74 Katherme of Sems, The life of St, n. 327
Justinian, vm. 312; xn. 488, 492 Katrine, loch, xn. 11, 12
Coaex, n. 364; m. 113 Kaufmann, Moritz, Charles Kvngsley, xm.
Digestum, n. 364 356, 358, 548
Pandects, n. 350 Kavanagh, Julia (1824-1877), xm. 563;
Parvum Volumen, TL 364 xiv. 569; French Women of Letters, xiv.
Institutes, iv. 151 324; Natalie, xiv. 324; Summer and
Justiniano, in West-Ward Hoe, vi. 171 ff. Winter in the Two Sicilies, A, xiv. 324
Justitia, in the Coventry Plays, v. 21 Kavanagh, Morgan Peter (d. 1874), xrv.
Juvenal, I. 68, 76; m. 68, 429; rv. 17, 324
206, 207, 250, 321, 329, 331 ff., 349; Kavanagh, Eose, xrv. 329
vn. 335, 487, 503; vm. 58, 61, 85, 87, Kay, in Golagros and Oawane, n. 123
88, 165; IX. 63, 87, 257, 269, 473; Kay, Joseph (1821-1878), xiv. 607
x. 21; xi. 40, 81, 393; xn. 487, 493; Kay-Shuttleworth, Sir James Phillips
Third Satire, x. 169, 460 (1804-1877), xrv. 419, 420, 607
Juvencus. See Cyprianus Kaye, Sir John William (1814-1876), xn.
Juxon, William (1582-1663), iv. 306, 425; 450; xrv. 491, 495, 577, 579; A
VL 319; vn. 159 of the Sepoy War, xiv. 337
Jyl of Breyntfortfs Testament, n. 324, 485; Keach, Benjamin (1640-1704), x. 522;
m. 84, 85, 88, 483, 484 Travels of True Godliness, XL 334; War
with the Demi, xr. 334
Kabbalah, the, xn. 501 Keach in the Creel, The, n. 414
KaermertSin, L 266 Kean, Charles John (181U-1868), xm.
Kaffirs, the, xiv. 376 69, 255, 514
Kai or Kay, Sir, a knight of Arthur, I. Kean, Edmund (1787-1833), v. 302; vm.
250, 254, 255, 260, 312, 313 186, 423; rx. 190; xi. Add.; xn. 171,
Kaisersberg. See Geiler von 421 ;xm. 255,259
Kaled, in Byron's Lara, xn. 46 Kearney, John (d. 1600?), ABC and Gate.
Kalenborowe, The Parson of, u. 329, 486 chism, rv. 384, 386, 397, 409, 412, 414

Kearsley, George (jfZ. 1785), x. 459 Keats, John
Keary, Annie (1825-1879), XL 480; xiv. Sleep, To, xn. 92
569 Sleep and Poetry, xii. 80. 81, 85
Castle Daly, xiv. 324 Spenser, Imitation of, xn. 79
Doubting Heart, A, xiv. 324 Stephen, xn. 88
Heroes of Asgard, The, xrv. 324 Teignmouih, xn. 202
York and Lancaster Rose, A, xrv. 324 The Day is gone, I cry you mercy, xn. 92
Keate, George (1729-1797), XL 427 To...,xn.92
Keate, John (1773-1852), xiv. 387 To some ladies, xn. 80
Keating, Geoffrey (1570?-1644?), xiv. When I have fears, xn. 91
308, 569; Geoffrey Keating to his Letter, Kebbel, Thomas Edward, xm. 471, 509,
xiv. 309; The History of Ireland, xrv. 547; xiv. 508, 509
304, 309 Keble, John (1792-1866), vn. 147; vm.
Keatly, Joseph (jZ. 1704), vm. 157 308; x. 369, 518; xn. 153, 253 ff.,
Keats, George (1797-1842), xn. 84, 90 264 ff. (main entry), 271, 274, 277, 380,
Keats, Georgiana (born Wylie), wife of 454 ff.; xm. 147, 167 ff. (main entn 5,
Keats, George, xii. 81 504
Keats, John (1795-1821), L 275; m. 246; Christian Year, The, xn. 257, 261, 264;
vn. 73, 75, 77, 109; vm. 227; x. 122; xm. 167, 169 ff.
XL 102, 117, 129, 150, 171, 182, 192, Evening Hymn, xm. 170
202, 410, 440; xn. 40, 57, 58, 79 ff. for a sculptor's hand, xm. 170
(main entry), 106, 107, 113, 117, 126, Projections, xm. 168
139, 157, 160, 162, 205, 221, 222, 395 5 Red o'er the forest peers the setting sun,
399, 400, 403, 404, 405 ff. (main entry), xm.170
433, 438, 445, also see Add. 2 ; xin. 25 ff., See Lucifer like lightning fall, xm. 170
44, 101, 122, 185, 197, 198, 208, 219, What went ye out to see, xm. 170
229, 230, 236, 250, 420; xiv. 311, 350, Keble, Thomas (1793-1875), xn. 454, 457
373, 453 Keeling, William (d. 1620), rv. 99
Adonais, TTTT. 53 Keene, Charles Samuel (1823-1891), xiv
Autumn, To, xn. 72, 81, 89, 91 239, 548
Sards of Passion and of Mirth, xn. 89 Keene, Henry George (1S25-1915), xiv.
Belle Dame sans Merci, La XL
t 183; 338, 339, 577, 578
xn. 87, 88, 94; xm. 238 Keepsake, The, xiv. 149
Bright star! xn. 92 Keightley, Thomas (1789-1872), xn. 306,
Cap and Bells, The, xn. 88 476; xrv. 569
Endymion, 367; vn. 76; xn. 58,
vi. Fairy Mythology, XL 475; xn. 368
81 ff., 88, 89; xm. 237, 238, 240, 251 History of Greece, xn. 302
Eve of Saint Agnes, The, XL 131; xn. History of the War of Greek Independ-
81,86ff.;xm. 114,237,238 ence, xn, 302
Eve of Si Mark's, The, xn. 87; xm. 237, Mythology of Ancient Greece and Italy,
238, 252 xn. 302
Fall of Hyperion, The, xn. 85, 86 Outlines of General History, xn. 302
Fancy, xn. 89 Keill, John (1671-1721), vm. 474
Fanny, Ode to, xn. 92 Keith, George (16397-1716), ix. 546
Grecian Urn, Ode on a, xn. 58, 72, 90 Keith, Sir George, of Cowburn, rv. 151
Homer, To, xn. 92 Keith, Robert (1681-1757), x. 467
Hymn to Pan, xn. 82 Keith of Ewern, in Rossetti's Sister Helen,
Hyperion, xn. 74, 84 ff., 92, 94, 305, xm. 115
477; xin. 237, 238 Keith-Falconer, Ion Grant Neville (1S5G-
/ stood tiptoe, xn. 80 1887), xn. 499
Isabella, xn. 58, 83, 88; xm. 238 Kelke, Roger (1524-1576), vi. 297
June's sea, xn. 92 Keller, W., v. 82
King Lear, On sitting down to read, once Kellett, Ernest Edward, xiv. 537
again, xn. 58, 83, 91 Kellner, Leon, xiv. 528, 611
Lamia, iv. 252; vm. 237; XL 132; xn. Kelly, Charles Arthur, xiv. 339, 340, 578
88, 194; xm. 135, 237, 238; xiv. 436 Kelly, Cornelius (fl. 1740), x. 197
Maia, Ode to, xn. 89 Kelly, Edward (1555-1595), v. 377; vn.
Melancholy, Ode on, xn. 90 369; VEX 350
Mermaid Tavern, Lines on the, xn. 89 Kelly, Frances Maria (Fanny) (1790-
Nightingale, Ode to a, xn. 91, 92; xiv. 1882), xn. 194
352 Kelly, Hugh (1739-1777), x. 90 ff., 436;
Sorrow, xn. 82 xi. 451
Otho the Great, xn. 88 Clementina, x. 91
Oxford, On, xn. 202 False Delicacy, x. 91, 92, 212; XL 263
Psyche, Ode to, xir. 89, 90 Man of Reason, x. 92
Robin Hood, xn. 89 School for Wives, x. 92; XL 263

Kelly, Hugh Kenealy, Edward Vaughan Hyde (1819-
Word Wise, X. 91
to the 1880), xiv. 197, 238
Kelly, Michael (1764?-1826), si. 454 Kenelm, St, I. 336, 339
Kelmscott manor-house, xm. 120 Kenilworth, m. 207, 210; iv. 181; v. 30
Kelmscott press, the, xn. 405; ynr. 127, Kennedy, Benjamin Hall (1804-1889),
491 ff. xn. 331, 332, 336, 419, 486; Between
Kelsall,Thomas Forbes, xn. 115, 414 Whiles, xn. 329; Latin Primer, xn.
Kelso, XL 342, 444; xn. 5; xiv. 373 329 ; Public School Latin Grammar, xn.
Kelso, A. P., xm. 488 329
Kelvin, lord See Thomson, Sir William Kennedy, Charles Rann (1808-1867), xn.
Kemble, Charles (1775-1854), v. 302; 329, 419, 486; xm. 175, 504
vm. 186, 196 Kennedy, Edward Shirley, xiv. 553
Kemble, Frances Anne (Fanny) (1809- Kennedy, Gilbert, 2nd earl of Cassillis
1893), xm. 142, 177, 497, 504; xrv. 504 (d. 1527), m. 154
Kemble, John Mitchell (1807-1857), xm. Kennedy, Gilbert, 3rd earl of Cassillis

142, 177; xiv. 52, 68, 491; Codex Diplo- (1517?-1558), m.

158, 159
matics Aevi JSaxonici, xn. 344; xiv. 69; Kennedy, H. A., xiv. 236
Horae Perales, xn. 347; Saxons in Kennedy, James (1406?-1465), bishop of
England, The, I. 420; xn. 344; xiv. 69 St Andrews, n. 368, 369, 370
Kemble, John Philip (1757-1823), vm. Kennedy, John (1789-1833), xn. 419
184, 196, 437, 439, 440, 442; ix. 435; Kennedy, Patrick (1801-1873), xiv. 569
x. 458; XI. 260, 262, 283, 428, 454, 456, Banks of the Boro', xrv. 315
457; xm. 255; xiv. 319, 440; Gorio- Bardic Stories, xrv. 315
lanus, XT. 274; The Tempest, XT. 274 Evenings in the Duffrey, xrv. 315
Kembles, the, xn. 119, 171 Fireside Stories, xrv. 315
Kemerton, near Evesham, n. 67 Legendary Fictions of the Irish Celt,
Kemnay, Aberdeenshire, vm. 347 xrv. 315
Kemp, in The Eeturne from Pernassus, Kennedy, Quintan (1520-1564), m. 119,
VL 44, 312 153, 154, 503; rv. 322, 412; The Co-m-
Kemp, Flora van, in Le Fanu's story, TTTT. pendius Tractive, m, 154; Reasoning,
416 m. 154
Kemp, William (fl. 1600), v. 313, 316, 329; Kennedy, Rann (1772-1851), xn. 419;
VL 217, 247, 248, 273, 276, 467; Kemp's xm. 175
nine days wonder, rv. 361, 533 Kennedy, Walter (1460?-1508?), n. 250,
Kemp Oivyne, n. 414 261, 266, 268; XL 203
Kemp's Jigge, iv. 362 Ane agis Manis invective against Mouth-
Kempe, Alfred John, Losely Manu- thankless, n. 266
scripts, iv, 221 Ane Ballot in praise of Our Lady, n.
Kempe, ancresse of Lynn, The book of 266
Margery, n. 327 Pious Counsale, n. 266
Kempis, Thomas a, I. 99; n. 300; m. 291; The Passioun of Christ, n. 266
vm. 458; ix. 519; Imitatione Christi, The Praise of Aige, n. 266
De, n. 482 Kennett, Basil (1674-1715), x. 319
Ken, Anne, wife of Isaac Walton, vn. 250 Kennett, White (1660-1728), bishop of
Ken, Thomas (1637-1711), bishop of Bath Peterborough, vn. 442; rx.212, 234, 235,
and Wells, vn. 241, 250; vm. 460; 493, 536, 539, 541; X. 356, 517; Com-
Ichabod, vm.
Sermon for the
306; pleat History of England, vm. 384; rx.
Funeral of the Right Hon. the Lady 143; Parochial Antiquities ofAmbrosden,
Margaret Mainard, vm. 307 The, x. 354; Register and Chronicle, rx.
Kendal, v. 56; xi. 408; xiv. 203 234
Kendal, duchess of. See Schulenburg, Kenney, James (1780-1849), xm. 520;
countess Ehrengard xrv. 569
Kendal academy, x. 385, 386 Kenrick, John (1788-1877), xn. 511;
Kendall, Edward Augustus (1776?-1842), Ancient Egypt, xn. 348; Phoenicia, xn.
xi. 480 348; Primeval History, xn. 348
Kendall, Henry Clarence (1841-1882), Kenrick, William (1725?-1779), V. 274;
xrv. 368, 369, 586 x. 455, 474, 479; XL 451, 458, 472;
Leaves from an Australian Forest, xiv. Duellist, XL 265
364 Kensington, vn, 360
Poems and Songs, xrv. 364 Kent, n. 134, 158, 311, 424; m. 321, 344;
Songs from the Mountains, xrv. 364 rv. 190; v. 343; vi. 112; vn. 23, 24,
To a Mountain, xiv. 365 28, 53, 83, 176, 341, 361; vm. 309, 310;
Kendall, Thomas (fl. 1601), vi. 290 rx. 24, 534, 536, 539; x. 249; XL 426;
Kendall, Timothy (fl. 1577), Floweres of xn. 347, 510, 513; xm, 447; xiv. 128,
Epigrammes, TV. 23, 434, 438, 519 221, 298
Kendals, the, Trnr. 515 Kent, laws of, i. 98

Kent, Maid of, n, 330 Kickham, Charles Joseph (182S-1882 1

Kent, William (1684-1748), ix. 162 xrv. 321, 569; Irish Peasant
Girl, The,
Kent, William Charles Mark, xmy 543 xrv. 322; Knocknagow, xrv. 322
Kentish Chronicle, i. Ill, 112. See, also, Kidd, Dudley, xrv. Add. 8
under Chronicle, Kidd, Thomas (1770-1850), x. 508; STL
Kentish petitioners, is. 8 327, 486, 491
Kentish Sermons, Old, I. 221, 459
Kidder, Richard (1633-1703), vm. 460
Kenulph, bishop of Winchester, i. 125 Kidderminster, vn. 145, 146
Kenwigses, the, in Niclwlas Nickleby, xm. Kidderminster school, vn. 342
Kidwelly, vm. 372
Kenyon, Sir Frederick G., sin. 479 480 Kiel, v. 286
481, 484, 485, 502 Kiffin, William (1616-1701), xn. 523
Kenyon, John (1784-1856), xn. 419: xm Kiftsgate, Gloucestershire, x. Ill
69, 72, 74
Kilbarchau, L 290; rx. 364
Keper, John (fi. 1580), m. 438; rv. 448 Kilburne, Richard (1605-1678), rx. 536
Kepler or Keppler, Johann, iv. 278, 290- Kilburne, William, vn. 496
vm. 361 Kilby or Kilbye, Richard (1561?-1620),
Keppel, Arnold Joost van, 1st earl of
Albemarle (1669-1718), vm. 202 Kilcolman castle, m. 229, 244
Keppel, George Thomas, 6th earl of Albe- Kildare, earl of. See Fitzgerald, Gerald
marle (1799-1891), siv. 500, 598 Kildare. See Michael of
Ker, John, of Kersland (1673-1726), is. Kildare, Satire on the people of, n. 502
493; Memoirs, XL 328 Kilima-njaro, xrv. 192
Ker, John, 3rd duke of Roxburgh (1740- Kilkenny, vn. 436; vm. 146; xn. 510:
1804), xn, 365 xrv. 316
Ker, Robert, 1st earl of Roxburgh (1570?- Kilkenny, Roman Catholic council of
1650), vr. 366 1650, vn. 190
Ker, WiUiam Pater (1855-1923), i. 420, Kilkenny archaeological society, xn. 351
vm. 49; XL Add; xm. 239, 477, 484; Kilkenny school, rx. 91, 280
xiv. 487
Kilkenny West, x. 196, 207
Keroualle, Louise Rene*e de, duchess of Killaloe, bishopric of, x. 257
Portsmouth(1649-1734), vm. 93,99,268 Killearn, Stirlingshire, m. 157
Kerr, John, x. 385 Killiecrankie, rx. 373, 376
Kerr, J. (1887), xm. 472 Killigrew, Anne (1660-1685), vm. 395
Kerr, Robert (1755-1813), XL 440, 470 444; rx. 168
Kerr, Robert (fi. 1811-1824), xiv. 552 Killigrew, Henry (1613-1700), vr. 456;
Kersal moor, Manchester, xm. 373 vm. 419; Conspiracy, The, vnr. 120;
Kersey, John, Dictionarium Anglo-Britan- PaUantus and Eudora, first published
nicum, x. 236 as The Conspiracy, vm. 120, 139
Kester, in Mrs GaskelTs Sylvia's Lovers, Killigrew, Thomas, the elder (1612-1683)
xm. 380 vi. 240, 456; vm.
118, 119, 207, 419
Kestevene, I. 344 Cecilia and Clorinda, vm. 119
Keswick, x. 133,* XL 156, 161; xn. 84 ClaraciUa, vm. 119
Kethe, William (<L 1608?), m. 46 Parson's Wedding, The, vm. 120 130
Kett, [Francis (d. 1589), v. 143 Princess, The, vm. 119
Kett, Rev. George, xiv. Add. 5 Prisoners, The, vm. 119
Kettering, v. 110 Thomaso the Wanderer, vm. 141
Kettlewell, John (1653-1695), vm, 306, Killigrew, Thomas, the younger (1657-
307, 460,, 461; ix. 574 1719), vm. 120; Chit-Chat, XT. 322
Kettner, Gustav, vn. 176 Killigrew, Sir William (1606-1695), vm.
Kew, iv. 374
Kew, earl of, in The Newcomes, TTTTT, 295 Ormasdes, or Love and Friendship, vm
Kew, in The Newcomes, xm. 296 120
Kew gardens, xrv. 286, 287, 289 Pandora, vm,
Key, Thomas Hewitt (1799-1875), xn. Selindra, vm.
486; Latin Dictionary, xn. 335; Latin Siege of UrUn, The, vm. 120
Grammar, xn. 335 Killing no Murder, vn. 358
Keyber, Conny, x. 411 Killychrankie, XL 218
Keymor or Keymer, John (fl. 1610-1620), Kilmarnock, XL 342, 435, 438 ff.
iv. 309,511 Kilmarnock, earl of. See Boyd, William
Keynes, Geoffrey, XL 431 Kilmore, vn. 318, 442
Kharosthi alphabet, the, xn. 352 Kilner, Dorothy, XL 480; Adventures of a
Khatmanda, xrv. 165 Pincushion, XL 378; Jemima Placid, XL
Kiartan, in Morris's The Lovers of Gudrun, 379; Memoirs of a Peg-top, XL 378
xm.125 Kilner, Mary Jane, XL 480
Kibworth academy, x. 384 KQpin, Ralph, xrv. Add. 8
CHEL 209
Kilroot, re. 92 King Estmere, x. 233
Kilwardby, Robert (d. 1279), r. 210, 454; King James and Brown, n. 414
n. 363 Kingcote, Bernard, in Gissing's Isabel
KilytJ, I. 254 Clarendon, xrn. 457
Kimber, Isaac (1692-1755), vm. 459 Kinghorn, rs. 367
Kimcote, near Lutterworth, x. 112 Kinslake, Alexander William
Kinbelin, in Layamon, I. 237 1891), XL 307; xn. 199, 491, 552;
Kineardineshire, ix. 129 Eothen, xm. 346; xiv. 94, 240, 251, 252;
Kinch, Horace, in Diekens's Uncom- Invasion of the Crimea, xiv. 94
mercial Traveller, xn. 119 King's Book, The, m. 36
Kind (God), in Piers the Plowman, n. 19 King's Cliffe, ix. 308, 309, 326
Kind- Wit (Natural Intelligence), in Piers King's College Miscellany, The (Aber-
the Plowman, n. 10, 21 deen), xiv. 209
'Kinde-Kit of Kingstone,' iv. 361 Kind's companies, the, VI. 221, 247,
Kindred, in Every-man, v. 53 256 ff., 274, 275
King, Charles William (1818-1888), xn. 'King's Friends,' the, rs. 230, 231
335, 497 King's Head society academy, x. 384
King, Daniel (d. 1664?), EC. 536 King's pamphlets, the British Museum,
King, Edward (1612-1637), vn. 114, 131, vn. 455
415; xn. 74 Kingsborough, lady, xi, 43
King, Henry (1592-1669), TO. 81 ff., 413, Kingsford, William (1819-1898), xiv. 491,
425, also see Add. 583; History of Canada, xiv. 358, 359
Dirge, The, vn. 82 Kingsland, W. G., xm. 483, 484
Exequy, The, vn. 82 Kingsley, Charles (1819-1875), xi. 387,
Legacy, The, vn. 82 481; xn. 102, 267, 290, 291, 430, 431,
Poems, vn, 82 460, 468; xm. 147, 158, 160, 340, 345,
Sic Vita, vn. 82 353 ff. (main entry), 378, 384, 397, 547,
Silence, vn. 82 548; xiv. 86, 323, 408, 552, 607
*Tell me no more how fair she is, vn. 82 Alexandria and her Schools, xm. 362

King, John (1559?-1621), iv. 91, 92, 203, Alton Locke, xm. 189, 358 ff.
383; vn. 250 Ancien Regime, The, xm. 369
King, John (169&-1728), EC. 527 Andromeda, xm. 245, 368
King, J. E., xiv. 597 At Last, xm. 369
King, Leonard William (1869-1919), xn. Cheap Clothes, and Nasty, xm. 358, 359
Add. 4 Friends of Order, The, xm. 359
King, Richard John (1818-1879) ,xn. 517; Glaucus, xm. 363
xiv. 613 Hereward the Wake, xm. 366
King, Thomas, actor (1730-1805), xi. 257 Hypatia, xm. 362 ff., 394
King, Tom, prizefighter (1835-1888), xiv. Hypotheses Hypochondriacae, xm. 356
231 Lectures delivered in America, xm. 369
King, William (1650-1729), archbishop of Letters and Memories, xni. 354, 356,
Dublin, vra. 347, 474; ix. 97, 127, 139, 358, 365, 366
166, 461, 507; Origin of Evil, x. 342 Life and Works, xm. 368
King, William (1663-1712), ix. 174, 478 Limits of Exact Science as apphed to
Art of Cookery, IX. 139, 176 History, xm. 368
Dialogue showing the. way to Modern Nun's Pool, The, xm. 358
Preferment, ix. 139 Phaethon, xm. 363
Dialogues of the Dead, ix. 139 Plays and Puritans, xm. 356, 369
Journey to London, rs. 139 Prose Idylls, xm. 366, 369
Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, ix. 139 Psyche, a Rhapsody, TTTTT 356
Molly of Mountown, IX. 139 Roman and the Teuton, The, xm. 3G8
Orpheus and Eurydice, ix. 176 St Maura, xm. 368
Rufinus, ix. 139 Saint's Tragedy, The, xm. 356, 426
Transactioner, The, IX. 139 Sands of Dee, The, xm. 368
Useful Miscellanies, ix. 140 Three Fishers, The, xm. 368
Useful Transactions in Philosophy, ix. Two Years Ago, xm. 364 ff., 399
139 Village Sermons, xm. 369
King, William (1685-1763), ix. 174; The Water-Babies, The, xm. 369
Toast, ix. 139 Westward Ho! xm. 363, 364, 366; xiv,
King, W., bishop of Rochester, xi. 388 84, 255
King, Zoe, xn. 116 Who causes Pestilence ? xm. 365
King and the Barber, The, n. 451, 500 Why should we fear the Romish Prieste,
King and the Cobbler, The, xi. 334 xm. 356
King and the MiUer, The, n. 451, 500 Yeast, xm. 359 ff., 363, 420; xiv. 84
King Arthur, or the British Worthy, vni. 30 Kingsley, George Henry (1827-1892), xiv.
King Darius, v. 393 552, 554

Kingsley, Henry (1830-1876), xm.
563; Kirkpatrick, John, x. 385
Austin Elliot,xni. 433; Geoffrey Ham- Kirkpatrick, Mr, in Mrs Gaskell's Wives
tyn, xra. 432; xiv. 369,- Ravenshoe, and Laughters, xrrr. 381
xni. 433 Kirkstall. See Hugh of
Kingsley, Mary Henrietta (1862-1900), KirkstaU abbey, x. 131
xiv. 240, 552; Travels in West Africa, Kirkton, James (1620?-1699), ix. 551;
xiv. 254 xn. 518
Kingsmill, Sir William (fl. 1661), ix. 168 Kirkwood. Sidney, in Gissing's The Nether
Kingston, dukes of. See Pierrepont, World, xm. 458
Evelyn; Pierrepont, William Kirsteen, Mrs Oliphant's, xm. 431
Kingston, Felix, iv. 400 Kit, in The Old Curiosity Shop, xm. 319
Kingston-on-Thames, in. 379, 370, 383, Kitcat club, the, vm. 160; rs. 151, 456;
385, also see Add.; x. 300 xi. 320
Kingswood school, is. 313 Kitchener, Francis Elliot, xiv. 602
Kingussie, x. 230 Kitchin, George William (1827-1912), xn
Kinneder, lord. See Erskine, William 354, 517; History of France, xn. 348
Kinnoul, 8th earl of. See Hay, Thomas Kitchin, John, Jurisdictions, 1605, vm.
Kinross, ix. 552 469
Kinsale prison, xn. 165 Kitely, in Ev&ry Man in His Humour, vr.
'Kinsayder' (Marston), vi. 39, 43 16
Kintyre, Scotland, xn. 514 Kitte, in Piers the Plowman, n. 34
Kinwelmersh or Kindlemarsh, Francis Kitto, John (1804-1854), xn. 472
(d. 1580?), m. 203; IV. 4, 113, 436; v. Kitton, Frederick George (1856-1903),
70; A Vertuous Gentlewoman ^n the xm. 531, 532, 533, 539, 540, 543, 573;
praise of her love, m. 189; From Virgin's xiv. 549
wombe, m. 189; Ode to Concord, v. 71 Kittredge, George Lyman, i. ix; n. 400,
Kiomi, Meredith's, xra. 442, 446 405, 408; xiv. 611
Kipling, Rudyard, xiv. 208, 211, 372, 373, Kiuprili, in Coleridge's Zapolya, xi. 414
380 Klaas Gezwint en Zijn Paert, xiv. 377
Kippis, Andrew (1725-1795), x. 384; xi. Kleist, H. von, v. 303
472; xiv. 593. See, also, Biographia Klesmer, in Darnel Deronda, XTTT. 401
Britannica Klinger, Friedrich Maximilian von, v. 303
Kirby, Margaret (Margaret of A in derby), Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb, x. 18, 232
n. 45, 47 Knack to Know a Knave, A, v. 313; VL 217
Kirby, Thomas Frederick, xiv. 598 Knapdale, Scotland, xn. 514
Kirby, William (1817-1906), xiv. 581; Knapp, Andrew, and Baldwin, William,
Le Chien ffOr, xiv. 360 The Newgate Calendar, xiv. 228, 229;
Kirbye, George (d. 1634), iv. 113, 464 The New Newgate Calendar, xrv. 228,
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert, xiv. 267 229
Kirchmayer, Thomas (Naogeorgos), Pam- Knapp, William Ireland, xiv. 516
machius, n. 28; v. 101, 392; vi. 296, Knapton, James, XL 323
397, 474 Knap ton, J. and P., ix. 76
Kirchner, E., xiv. 490 Knaresborough, vn. 224; xn. 421; TTTT.
Kirk, John Foster, xn. 519 275
Kirk, Robert (1641?-1692). ix. 559 Knatchbull, Sir Norton (1602-1685), vn.
Kirk of Field, xm. 133 341
Kirk Michael, x. 359 Knatchbull-Hugessen, Edward Hugessen,
Kirkbride, xi. 470 1st lord Brabourne (1829-1893), XL 486
Kirkby, T., artist, xn. 323 Eoiebworth, xm. 417
Kirkcaldy, x. 335, 336; xm. 3 Kneller, Sir Godfrey (1646-1723), vm.
Kirkcaldy, Sir William, of Grange (d. 50; ix. 483; XL 319
1573), m. 503; A ne Ballat of the Captane Knichthood, the Buke of the Order of, n. 284
of the Castell, m. 150 Knight, Charles (1791-1873), v. 279; xn.
Kirkcudbrightshire, XL 234 445; xrv. 93, 409, 491, 495, 534, 597,
Kirke, Edward (1553-1613), m. 220, 227, 612; English Cyclopaedia, xn. 345;
240, 304, 526 Penny Cyclopaedia xn. 307; Shadows

Kirkham, Edward (fl. 1601), vr. 290, 292 of the Old Booksellers, XL 337, 466
Kirkham, monastery of, i. 342 Knight, Ellis Cornelia (1757-1837), x.
Kirkham's children of the queen's revels, 461; xn. 450
iv. 132 Knight, Henrietta, lady Luxborough (d.
Kirkley, J. (1705-1754), vm. 476 1756), x. 271 ff., 277, 278, 496
Kirkman, Francis (fl.1674), v. 249, 251; Knight, Joseph, xn. 428; xm. 490, 491,
vi. 69, 86, 185, 464; vm. 116, 417; 515; David Garrick, XL 258, 453
The Wits, vi. 266 Knight, Richard Payne (1750-4824), xn,
Kirkman. James Thomas, Memoirs of 490; ynTT 241; Progress of Civil Society,
Charles Macklin, XL 258 xi. 41

211 14-2
Knight, Robert. See Catherlough, earl of Knox, John
Knight, Robert, lord Luxborough, ix. 217 Epistle on Justification, The, m. 143
Knight, Samuel (1675-1746), ix. 529 Epistle to the Congregation of the Castle
Knight, the, in the Canterbury Tales, m. of St Andrews, An, m. 143
192 Exposition upon tJi& Sixth Psalm of
Knight, (The Baffled, n. 414 David, The, m. 143
Knight, William, editor of Wordsworth, Faithful Admonition to the Professors of
XL 406 ft, 407, 408, 410, 411, 416, 423; God's Truth in England, A, m. 144
xnr. 487; xrv. 472; Memorials of First Blast of the Trumpet against the
Coleorion, rx. 328 Monstruous Regiment of Women, The,
Knight, William A., xm. 507 m. 144, 385; iv. 303, 512
Knight and Shepherd's Daughter, n. 413 First Book of Discipline, The, m. 146
Knight of Arts and Industry, in Thom- Harlorowe for Paithfull and Trewe Sub-
son's Castle of Indolence, x, 107 jects agaynst the late blowne Blaste con-
Knight of Curtesy, r. 300, 468 cerning the Government of Women, m.
Knight of the Red Shield, I. 294 145
Knight of the Sea, The, TV. 533 History of the Reformation in Scotland,
Knightley, in Jane Austen's Emma, XIL TM, n. 285; m. 132, 141, 146, 148, 149
939 Narrative of the Proceedings and Troubles
Knightley, Sir Richard (1533-1615), m. of the, English Congregation at Frankfurt,
380, 381, 383 m. 144
Knighton, or Cnitthon, Henry (fl. 1363), Reasoning, m. 154
n. 30, 38, 59, 497 Summary according to the Holy Scrip-
Knighton, Sir William (1776-1836), xiv. tures of the Sacrament of the Lord's
504 Supper, A, m. 143
Knights Quarterly Magazine, X. 320; xrv. Two comfortable Epistles to his afflicted
60 Brethren in England, m. 144
Knock, Duncan, in Scott's Heart of Mid- Vindication of the. Doctrine that the Sacri-
lothian, XIL 19 fice of the Mass is Idolatry, A, m. 143
KnoUes, Bichard (15502-1610), rx. 247; Knox, Robert (1640?-1720), ix. 493
GeneraU Eistorie of the Turkes, rv. 58, Knox, Vicesimus (1752-1821), vm. 230;
88, 89, 458; X. 161 XI. 472; xiv. 385, 593, 600, 607; Essays,
Knott, Edward (1582-1656), vn. 151 Moral and Literary, xrv. 383; Letter to
Knowell, in Every Man in His Humour, Lord North, A, xrv. 334; Liberal Educa-
vi. 16 tion, xiv. 384, 388, 399
Knowle, x. 150 Knutsford, xm. 372
Knowledge, in Every-man, v. 54 Knyveth, Sir Henry, IV. 512
Knowles, Sir Charles (d. 1777), x. 40 Koeppel, Emil, v. 85, 238, 366; vi. 140,
Knowles, Herbert (1798-1817), xn. 419 xin. 480
Knowles, James Sheridan (1784H862), Kogel, R., i. 21
xm. 267, 268, 520; xiv. 309, 310, also Kok, Abraham, v. 307
see Add. 3 Kolax, in The Muses Looking-Glasse, vt.
Beggar's Daughter ofBethnal Green, The, 233
xm.269 Kolbe, !\ C., xiv. Add. 5
Caius Gracchus, xm. 261 Kolbing, E., i. ix
Hunchback, The, xm. 269 Konigsberg, v. 283
Virginius, xm. 261 Koran, the, i. 153; iv. 42; vm. 291; xn.
Wife, The, xm. 261 499
Wittiam TeU, xm. 261 Korea, ix. 248
Knowles, Sir James Thomas (1831-1908), Korting, G. E,, I. 420; IV. 257
xrv. 534 Kosciusko, in Campbell's Pleasures of
Knowles, John (fl. 1646-1668), x. 377 Hope, xn. 100
Knowles, Mrs Mary (1733-1807), x. 472 Koszue, A., xi. Add.
Knox, Alexander (1757-1831), XL 422; Koszul, A. H., xn. 401, 403
xn. 256, 457 Kottabos, xrv. 211
Knox, Isa, born Craig, YTTT. 178, 501; Kottabos, Echoes from, xiv. 211
The Woodruff, xm. 179 Kotzebue, August F. E. von, XL 42, 281,
Knox, John (1505-1572), m. 45, 116, 122, 414, 455; xn. 526; xm. 260
132, 138 ft (main entry), 154, 155, 157, Kraszewski, J. I., v. 308
385, 503; IV. 232; vn. 209; ix. 359; Krebs, H., i. 105
xn. 517; xm. 13, 133, 268, 467, 469; Kretschmar, A. von, xm. 464
xiv. 491, 493 Kreyssig, Friedrich, v. 305
Answer to a great Nomber of blasphemous Kritchev, Russia, XL 58
cavfflations, An, m. 145 Kruger, S. J. P., xrv. Add. 8, 10
Declaration of the True Nature and Ob- Ktesias, the Knidian, xrv. 579
ject of Prayer, A, UL 143 Kuchler, P., TTTTT. 465

Kudrun, Austrian poem, i. 37 La 412
Butte, Rene", is.
Kuffler, Dr, vrn. 355 La Calprenede, G. de C. de, vn. 391;
Kulhwch and Olwen, i. 247, 250 E
Cassandre, vm. 185, 371, 434; La Cleo-
Kiinzelsau, v. 48 patre,vn. 439; vm. 15, 25, 185, 272,
Kiister, LudoH, ix. 335 371; Pharamond, vm. 371; is. 55, 268,
Kyd, Benjamin, vi. 312 500
Kyd, Francis, v. 156 La Chaises, Father, Project for the Extirpa-
Kyd, John, v. 158 tion of Heretics, vm. 100
Kyd, Thomas (1558?-1594), v. 63, 81, 85, La Chalotais, Louis Rene de, ix. 401, xiv.
127, 134, 138, 142-164 (main entry), 382
239, 240, 242, 324, 327, 334, 370, 371, La Chapelle, Jean
de, Les Carrosses d? Or-
424; vi. 13, 167, 178, 316, also see Add.; leans, vm. 171
vm. 133 La Chaussee, Pierre Claude Nivelle de, x.
Cornelia, vn. 122 68, 79
Hamlet, v. 157 fi., 164; vi. 178 Lachrymae Husanim, vn. 180; vm. 395
Householders Philosophic, The, v. 157 Lackington, James (1746-1815), xi. 337,
Murthering of John Brewer, The, v. 157 338, 340, 468; Confessions, xi. 327, 472;
Pompey the Great, v. 157 Memoirs, XL 327, 337, 338
Richt Fontane of hailfull Sapience, The, Lacordaire, Jean Baptiste Henri, xn. 254
m. 131 Lacroix, P., xn. 380
Solimon andPerseda,v. 158, 159, 161, 162 Lactantius, i. 58, 76; m. 416; vn. 505;
Spanish Tragedie, The, v. 134, 138, 142, ix. 489
146, 156 8., 239, 240; vi. 4, 45, 46, 178, Lacy, in Frier Bacon, v. 137
300, 316, 370; vm. 125 Lacy, in The Shomaker's Holiday, v. 255
See, also, under Jeronimo and Jonson Lacy, Alexander, rv. 390
Kyffin, Maurice (d. 1599), iv. 440 Lacy, earl of Kent, in The Devil and his
Kylie, Edward, I. Add. Dame, v. 329
Kyllour, friar, his play against the Lacy, X, The Steeleids (1714), ix. 442
Papists, m. 122; The History of Christ's Lacy, John (d. 1681), vm. 419
Passion, m. 141, 504 Dumb Lady, The, vm. 140
Kymry, early poetry of, I. 249 Old Troop, The, vm. 122, 140
Kynaston, Sir Francis (1587-1642), n. Sawny the Scot, vm. 140
163, 474; TO. 34, 73, 80, 85, 87, 278, Sir Hercules Buffoon, vm. 140
413, 487 Lacy, Margaret de, countess of Lincoln
April is past, then do not shed,' vn. 81 (c. 1240), iv. 370
Cynthiades or Amorous Sonnets, vn. 81
Lacy, T. H., irm. 516
Dear Cynthia, though thou bear'st the Ladder of Perfection, The, n. 299, 300
name,' vii. 81 Ladies Collegiate, the, in The Silent
Do not conceal those radiant eyes,' vn. Woman, vi. 22
81 Ladislaus, in The Picture, vx. 158
Leoline and Sydanis, vn. 78 Ladislaw, Will, in Middlemarch, XTTT. 399
'Look not upon
me with those lovely Lads of Wamphray, The, n. 415
eyes, vn. 81 Lady, the, in Comus, vn. 113, 137
Troilus, Kynaston' s version of, n. 165; Lady, the, in Hudibras, vm. 77
vii. 78, 79, 314 Lady Jane, vi. 168
When I behold the heaven of thy face/ Lady of the Fountain, i. 253, 274
vn. 81 Lady's Magazine, The, x. 205, 206; ynr,
Kynaston, Herbert (1835-1910), xn. 486 430
Kynftylan, hall of, L 275 Ladysmith, South Africa, xiv. 193
Kynge, John (d. 1561?), m. 90 Laelia, vi. 305, 327, 484
Kyngeston, Richard (fl. 1403), vi. 280 Laertes, in Hamlet, v. 201, 262
Kyrle, John (1637-1724), x. 277 Laertius, Diogenes, iv. 5, 436
Kyteler or Kettle, Alice (fl. 1324), n. 500 La Fayette, countess de, La Princesse de
CUves, vm. 15, 186, 373; x. 58
*L. E. L.' See Landon, Laetitia Elizabeth Lafeu, in AWs Well that Ends Well, v. 180
Laban, n. 293 La Fteche, x. 282, 322
Labbe"'s Concilia, 190 i. La Mechere, J. W. See Metcher, John
Labeo 332
(Hall's), iv. William
Labouchere, Henry, xiv. 173, 190, 200, 534 La Fontaine, Jean de, vm. 373, 376,
Labourers, statutes of, n. 61 427; m
162, 168; x. 202; XL 38, 175,
Labrador, rv. 66, 73 491
La Broue, Solomon de, Le cavalerice Laga Eadwardi. See Leges
Francois, TV. 368 Lagado, in Gulliver's Travels, ix. 106
La Bruyere, Jean de, iv. 523; xm. 447; Lagden, Sir Godfrey, xiv. Add. 8
Caracteres, vm. 373, 389; Des Ouvrages Lagrange, Joseph Louis, comte, xrv. 258
de V Esprit, vra. 376 La Harpe, v. 293, 302
Lahore, iv. 90 Lamb, Charles
Lai du Corn, La, L 464 In the Album of Lucy Barton, xn. 202
Laidlaw, William (1780-1845). XL 238; John Woodvil (Pride's cure], xn. 186 ff.,
xn. 5; xm. 504; xiv. 278; Lucy's 191, 194; xm. 276
Flittin, XL
241 King and Queen of Hearts, The, XL 385

Latty Worm, The, n. 414 'Lady Blanch, xn. 187

Laing David (1793-1878), n. 115, 126, Last "Essays of Elia, xn. 200, 201
276; iv. 412; XL 444, 446; xn. 358, 372, Macbeth, in Tales from Shakespear, xn.
517, 520 189
Laing, John (1809-1880), xn. 371, 522 Mr H-, xn. 188, 189, 194
Laing, Malcolm (1762-1818), x. 229, 232, New Year's JBvfy xn. 197
487, 502; xiv. 491 Newspapers Thirty-five years ago, xn.
Laingr,Samuel, the elder (1780-1868), XIV. 188; xiv. 184
552 Old China, xn. 186
Lairesse, Gerard de, xm. 84 Old Familiar Faces, The, xn. 184, 202
Lake, Sir Francis (JL 1556), VL 242 On the Artificial Comedy of the Last Cen-
Lake, J. W., xn. 383, 395, 410 tury, vm. 156
Lake, Osmund, A Probe Theologicall, VL On the Inconveniences Resulting from
375, 494 being Hanged, xn. 193
Lake, William Charles (1817-1897), xn. Othello, in Tales from Shakespear, xn.
454 189
Lake poets, xi. 308 Oxford in the Vacation, xn. 187
Lake school, x. 363 Poems, XL 385
Lakes, the, x. 133; xi. 302; xiv. 220, 221, Popular Fallacies, xn. 197, 200
291, 292 Pride's Cure, xn. 186
Laleham, xn. 302; xm. 86 Prince Dorus, XL 385; xn. 191
Lamarck, Chevalier de, xm. 450 Quaker's Meeting, A, xn. 198
Lamartine, A. M. L. de, v. 302 Recollections of Chrisfs Hospital, xn.
Lamb, lady Caroline (1785-1828), xn. 193, 197
383, 397, 450 Recollections of the South-Sea House,
Lamb, Charles (1775-1834), m. 255; iv. xn. 195
154, 155, 160, 252, 327, 328; v. 145, Shakespeare, Tragedies of, xn. 193
222, 239, 252; VL 45, 55, 58, 61, 73, Specimens from the Writings of Fuller,
76, 100, 129; vn. 72, 185, 228, 236; xn. 193
vm. 386; rs. 22, 24, 86, 277, 300; x. 78, Specimens of English Dramatic Poets,
216, 242, 358; XL 40, 91, 118, 126, 200, xn. 190, 191
201, 284, 286, 407, 410, 413, 417, 453; Starkey. Captain, xn. 181
XXL 110, 114, 130, 131, 135, 164, 166, Superannuated Man, The, xn. 200
167, 172 ff., 176, 178, 179, 180 ff. (main Table-Talk, xn. 193
entry), 219, 221 ff., 282, 421, 433 ff., Tale of Rosamund Gray and Old Blind
also see Add.; xm. 9, 135, 143, 148, Margaret, xn. 185, 186, 194
158, 188, 198, 299, 307, 429; xiv. 109, Theses quaedam theologicae, xn. 185
138, 160, 161, 169 ff., 186, 198, 313, 361, Two Races of Men, The, xn. 198
515, 591, 597 Wife's Trial, The, XL 148
Adventures of Ulysses, The, xn. 189, 190 Witch Aunt, The, xn. 191
Album Verses, xn. 202 Witches and other Night Fears, xn. 191
Blakesmoor in H shire,, xn. 182 Works (1818), xn. 194
Blank Verse, by Charles Lloyd and Charles See, also, Tremebundus
Lamb, xn. 184 Lamb, Charles and Mary, xn. 433 ff.;

Confessions of a Drunkard, xn. 193 Mrs Leicester's School, XL

385; xn. 182,
Convalescent, The, xn. 200 191; Poetry for Children, XL 384; xn.
Curious Fragments, xn. 187, 188 191; Tales from Shakespeare, XL 383,
Dissertation on Roast Pig, xn. 160 481; xn. 188 ff.
Dream Children, xn. 182, 202 Lamb, Mrs Elizabeth (born Field), xn. 180
Essays of Mia, iv. 250; xn. 160, 183, Lamb, Sir James. See Burges, Sir Janaea
193, 196, 197, 201, 202 Bland
Extracts from the, Qarriclc plays, vm. 188 Lamb, John, father of Charles Lamb,
First Going to Chvrch, xn. 191 Poetical Pieces on Several Occasions, xn.
Genius and Character of Hogarth, The, 180
xn. 193 Lamb, John, brother of Charles Lamb, xn.
Gipsy' 8 Malison, The, xn. 202 181 ft, 195
Going or Gone, xn. 202 Lamb, Mary Ann (1764-1847), xn. 167,
Hester, xn. 194 173, 181 ff. (main entry), 434 ff.; xiv.
Hypochondriacus, xn. 187 198; 'Highborn Helen,' xn. 182, 186,
Imperfect Sympathies, xn. 198 188; Visit to the Cousins, xn. 191;
In His Oivn Album, xn. 202 Young Mahometan, The, xn. 182, 191
Lamb, Mary Montgomerie. See Currie, Lampman, Archibald
lady Monk, The, xiv. 351
Lamb, Sarah (d. 1797), xn. 184 Morning on the Lie-ore, xrv. 352
Lamb, William, 2nd viscount Melbourne September, xrv. 353
(1779-1848), xiv. 61, 115, 124, 125, Snow, xrv. 353
181, 194, 419, 510 Solitude, xrv. 353
Lambarde, William (1536-1601), 530; m. Lampranus, in Perfidus Hetruscus, VL 302
vm. 467; EL 352 Lanarkshire, rs. 366; xrv. 66
Archaionomia, vm. 315 Lancashire, m. 215, 448; rv. 190, 232;
Archeion, vm, 315 VL 104; vn. 342, 373; x. 358; XL 469;
Eirenarcha, vm. 315 xn. 337, 346, 355, 507, 514, 519; xm.
Perambulation of Kent, iv. 84 372, 373, 376; xrv. 185, 195
Lambe, John (d. 1628), vn. 369, 509 Lancashire and Cheshire Record society,
Lambert, Hetty, in The Virginians, xm. xn. 506
298, 299 Lancashire -witches, vn. 374
Lambert, John (1619-1683), vn. 230, 353; Lancaster, rr. 325; XL 383; xrv. 54
vm. 121 Lancaster, duke of, in Richard II, v. 185
Lambert, lady, vm. 121 Lancaster, house of, n. 296; v. 340; x. 254
Lambert, Martin, in The Virginians, TV. Lancaster, Henry Hill (1829-1875), xm.
253 467; xrv. 607
Lambert, Theo, in The Virginians, Trnr r Lancaster, Sir James (d. 1618), rv. 85, 92,
298, 299 98, 99
Lambeth palace, n. 55; vn. 356 Lancaster, John of, duke of Bedford
Lambinus, vn. 307; xn. 326 (1389-1435), 336n
Lambton, lady Betty, in Kelly's False Lancaster, John, v. 77
Delicacy, XL 263 Lancaster, Joseph (1778-1838), xrv. 404,
Lambton, John George, 1st earl of Bur- 405, 591, 602, 607, 610; Improvements
ham (1792-1840), xiv. 125, 509 in Education, xrv. 390, 393, 401 ff.
Lambwett,^ Sir,
I. 295 'Lancaster/ pseud, of lord de Tabley, xm.
Lamennais, Hugues Felicite" Robert de, 204
xn. 254 Lancastrian court, the, vm. 314
Lament of Outrun, The, x. 228 Lancastrian kings, ix. 222
Lamentable Lory, vm. 97 Lancastrian system of education, XL 133
Lamentation of Souls, I. 356 Lancastrian writers, x. 291
Lami, E., xn. 525 Lancelot, I. 236, 261, 267, 270, 313; n. 337;
Lamia, in Keats's poem, xn. 88 m. 68; vn. 75
Lamia, in Promos and Cassandra, v. 120 Lancelot, Tennyson's, ^rnr. 37
Lamia, in The Olasse of Government, v. 113 Lancelot, prose romance of (Lancelot de
Lamilia, inA Groatsworth of Wit, m. 357; Lake, du Lac], 1. 190, 264, 270, 271, 363.
iv.320 462
Lamkin, n. 412 Lancelot and Guinevere, n. 174
Lament, John (fl. 1671), rx. 551 Lancelot of the Laik, L 469; n. 91, 94
Lamont, L. M., xm. 562 Land of Cockaygne, I. 365, 477; x. 225
Lamont, T. E., xm. 433 Landells, Ebenezer (1808-1860), xrv. 236
XL Lander, Richard Lemon (1804-1834), xrv.

La Motte Fouque*, I H. 0. .
de, baron,
491 ;xn. 411 552
Lamp, The, xiv. 326 Landon, Laetitia Elizabeth, *L. E. L.'
Lampatho, in What You Witt,
VL 43 (1802-1838), xn. 124 ff., 129, 380, 419,
Lampe, John Frederick (1703?-1751), x. 450; xm. 175, 177; Ethel Churchill, xn.
426, 427, 440 247
Lampman, Archibald (1861-1899), xrv. Landor, Robert Eyres (1781-1869), xn.
343, 350 ff., 582 228 ff. (main entry), 442
Alcyone, xiv. 353 Count Arezzi, xn. 228
Among the Millet, xiv. 351 Earl of Brecon, The, xn. 228
April, April in the Hitts, Xiv. 352 FaitWs Fraud, xn. 228
Athenian Reverie, An, xrv. 351 Fawn of Sertoriua, The, xn. 228 ff.
Between the Hapids, xrv. 353 Ferryman, The, xn. 228
By an Autumn Stream, xrv. 353 Fountain of Areflmsa, The, xn. 229, 230
City of the End of Things, The, xiv. 354 Impious Feast, The, xn. 229
Comfort of the Fields, The, xiv. 352 Landor, Walter Savage (1775-1864), vn.
Frogs, The, xiv. 353 137; ix, 159; XL 153, 164, 396, 410, 423;
Heat, xiv. 353 xn. 204 (main entry), 223, 266 ff.,

June, xrv. 353 404, 407, 439 ff. (main entry) ; xm. 57,
Land of Pallas, The, xiv. 353 73, 129, 132, 148, 181, 187, 188, 193,
Lyrics of Earth, xrv. 353 228, 230, 328, 463; xrv. 462, 598
Meadow, The, xiv. 352 Acts and Scenes, xn. 211 ff., 215

Landor, Walter Savage Lang, Andrew
Andrea of Hungary, xn. 212 History of Scotland, xrv. 96
Browning sonnet, xn. 214 Library, The, xn. 371
'Cenei' scenes, xn. 213 Life and Death of Jeanne D*Arc, xrv. 96
Citation and Examination of Shake- Lockhart, Life of J. G., xn. 162
speare, The, xn. 215, 216, 220 Odyssey, The, xm. 210
Coresus and Callirrhoe, xn. 212 Orange Fairy Book, xiv. 164
Count Julian, VL 71; xn. 209, 211, 212, Lang, John, xiv. 339, 578
214 Lang, John Dunmore (1799-1878), xrv.
Dirce, xn. 214 586; Aurora Australis, xiv. 362; His-
Dream of Boccaccio, xn. 226 torical Account of New South Wales,

Dry Sticks, xn. 214 xrv. 371

Duke de Richelieu, Sir Firebrace Cotes, Langar, Nottingham, XTTT. 449
etc.,xn. 216 Langbaine, Gerard, the elder (1609-1658)
Essex and Spenser, xn. 220 vn. 316, 485, 489; ix. 536
Euihymedes, xn. 217 Langbaine, Gerard, the younger (1656
Oebir, XL 300; xn. 209 ft, 229 1692), iv. 376; vi. 69, 122, 200, 202;
Ouidone and Lucia, xn. 214 vm. 131, 141, 183, 423; Account of the,
Gunlaug, xn. 214 English Dramatic Poets, ix. 141, 357,
Hamadryad, xn. 213 475, 479
Hellenics, xn. 212, 213 Langcake, Thomas (fl. 1764-1781), ix.
lanfhe poems, xn. 214 318, 511, 512, 515, 516
Imaginary Conversations, xn. 205, 209, Langdale, lord. See Bickersteth, Henry
211, 215, 217, 230 Langelye, Robertus, alias Robertas Par-
Mendaus and Helen, xn. 212 terick, n. 35
Miscellanies, xn. 205 Langer, Ernst Theodor, x. 311
Neapolitan trilogy, xn. 211, 212 Langford Magna, ix. 287
Pentameron, The, xn. 215 Langham, W., The garden of health, TV.
Pericles and Aspasia, xn. 215, 217 542
Po&ms, xn. 205, 211, 217 Langhorne, John (1735-1779), x. 455
Rose Aylmer, xn. 214, 220 Langhorne, William (1721-1772), x. 455
Hose the Third, xn. 215 Langland or Langley, William (1330?-
Sensible OirTs Reply, A, xn. 215 1400?), i. 292; n. 2, 34, 35, 38, 433, 435,
Works, xn. 212 436; XL 368; xm. Add. 2. See, also,
Landers, the, xn. Add. Piers Plowman
Landreoy, siege of, m. 175 Langley, Francis (fl. 1589), vi. 259
Landseer, Sir Edwin (1802-1873), xrv. 545 Langley, Henry (1611-1679), x. 387
Land's End, xm. 204 Langres, I. 34
Lane, Edward William (1801-1876), xn. Langrishe, Sir Hercules (1731-1811), XL 6,
342,499 389
Lane, John (fl. 1620), V. 478 Langtoft. See Peter of
Lane, John, xm. 568 Langton, Bennet (1737-1801), x. 207, 215;
Lane, Theodore (1800-1828), xiv. 225, 226 XL 333, 346, 365; xiv. 590, 594
Laneham, John (fl. 1574), vi. 246, 249 Langton, Robert, XTTT. 532
Laneham, Robert (fl. 1575), m. 496, 518 Langton, Stephen (d. 1228), archbishop of
IV. 472; V. 30, 31, 386; VI. 466, 494 Canterbury, I. 200, 455; n. 365; v. 21,
Lanercost Chronicle, n. 497 65, 151
Lanferth, letter of, I. 120 Language, the English, from Chaucer to
Lanfranc (1005?-1089), archbishop of Shakespeare, m. 439 ff., 555 fl\; since
Canterbury, I. 128, 149, 153, 154, 222, Shakespeare, xrv. 434 ff., 611
446 Languet, Hubert, m. 351 ; Vindiciae contra
Lanfranc's Chirurgia Parva, n. 483; V. 478 Tyrannos, vn. 353, 499
Lang, Andrew (1844-1912), n. 398, 408, Languish, Lydia, in Sheridan's Rivals,
414; xi. 374, 438 f 481, 491, 492;
E. x. 89; XL 266
xn. 154, 362, 373, 374, 380, 430, 433. Langwith, Benjamin (1684?-1743), ix.
436, 493, 522; xm. 207, 210 fL, 467, 469, 472
477, 504, 509, 530, 533, 537, 543, 566; Laniere, Nicholas (1588-1666), vn. 5
xrv. 191, 206, 210, 491, 521, 522, 526, Larder, Sidney, xm. 553
538 La Noue, EVanois de, rv. 8, 446
Ballade of Jvis Choice of a Sepulchre, TTTT . Lanquet, Thomas, m. 530
210 Lansdowne, baron. See Granville, George
'Bibliomania in France,* xn. 371 Lansdowne, marquises of. See Petty-
Books and Bookmen, xn. 371 Ifttzmaurice, Henry; Petty, William
XTTT. 210 Lanson, G., xn. 525
Colonel^ Burndby,
'Elzevirs,' xn. 37 1 Lantwit, major (Wales), I. 66
Helen of Troy, xm. 210 Lanum, rv. 360
Lanval, I.295 Lathbury, Daniel Conner, xn. 455
Laocoon, 33. 432 Lathom almshouse, x. 358
Laodamia, Wordsworth's, si. 107 Latimer, Hugh (14853-1555), bishop of
Laon, in Shelley's Revolt of Islam, xn. 61 Worcester, n. 334; m. 27, 31, 36 fi.,
Laon, monks of, i. 250 42, 51, 81, 432, 471, 496, 532; iv. 227 ff.,
La Perouse, J. F. G. de, xrv. 553 238, 300, 324, 380, 493; vn. 236; x. 365;
Lapidaries, I. 460 XTTT. 184; Conferences, nr. 38; Sermon
La Place, P. A. de, v. 290 ff., 296 on the Plough, rv. 234; Sermons on tlie
Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de, xrv. Card, m. 36; rv. 229
258, 261 ; M&anigue Celeste, siv. 409 Latimer, William (1460?-1545), m. 6, 12
Lapraik, John (1727-1807), Jenny was Latin, early study of, n. 70, 283, 359, 367,
Frail and Unkind, XL 234; Poems, XL 370, 371
234; When I upon thy Bosom Lean, XL Latin, on the medieval stage, v. 37, 39,
234 43,46
La Primandaye, Pierre de, iv. 8, 445 Latin, written in Britain (to the time of
Laputans, the, in Gulliver's Travels, xm. Alfred), I. 65 ff., 433 ff.
452 Latin chroniclers, i 156 ff., 448 ff.
Lar, i. 146 Latin drama, v. 2, 24, 26, 37, 38, 61, 62,
Lara, in Boon's poem, xn. 46 69, 70, 72, 75, 80, 82, 100 ff., 103, 108 ff.,
Laracor, ix. 93 117 ff., 394; vi. 14, 21, 26, 64, 293 ff.,
La RameX Louise de. See Ouida 300, 398; XL 266
Lardner, Dionysius (179&-1859), srv. 556, Latin grammar, ix. 382, 390, 562
613 Latin Heptateuch, xn. 487
Cabinet Cyclopaedia, xn. 303, 376, 412; Latin hymns, XL 217; xn, 273; TTTTF. 135,
xrv. 59 172, 173
Critical Library, xn. 303 Latin hymns and carols, n. 375, 377, 383
Cyclopaedia, xn. 308 Latin language and literature, vn. 3, 4,
Edinburgh Cabinet Library, xn. 303 7, 9, 18,78, 90, 125, 165, 201, 204, 206,
Lardner, Nathaniel (1684-1768), rs. 507; 220, 221, 230, 235, 237, 241, 261, 263,
x. 380, 381, 513; Credibility of the Gospel 267, 272, 280, 282, 283, 302, 307, 308,
History, x. 346, 521 313 ff., 320, 322 ff., 326, 332, 335,
Large, Robert (fi. 1438), n. 311 339 ff., 453; vm. 49 ff., 58, 61, 87, 88,
Lariche, Benjamin, v. 302 112, 271, 277, 279, 281, 282, 310, 313,
Lark, The, ix. 373, 566; XL 206, 232 314, 319, 332, 353, 378, 381; ix. 43,
Larkbeare, Devon, xnr. 276 67, 68, 76, 253, 264, 266, 270, 292,
Larkins, Miss, in David Copperfield9 ^TTT. 329 ff., 337, 341, 382, 385, 388, 390,
327 393, 396, 402 ff., 409; x. 14, 97, 133,
Larminie, W., i. 294, 465 137, 158, 159, 163, 178, 187, 188, 205,
Lannor, Sir Joseph, xrv. 269 225, 257, 276, 289, 308, 335; XL 2, 54,
La Roche, Sophie, Geschichte des Frduleins 58, 83, 90, 181, 334, 343, 347, 354, 355,
von Stemheim, x. 18 359; xn. 40, 106, 134, 208, 223, 230,
La Rochefoucauld, Fran9ois, duo de, iv. 265, 278, 308, 317, 326, 327, 330,
523; v. 169; Tin. 385, 386; xn. 97; 335 ff., 343, 354; xm. 23, 29, 45, 53,
Maximes, vm. 373 124, 164, 165, 168, 169, 175, 249; xrv.
La RocheUe, vn. 306 91, 120, 209, 249, 302, 303, 306, 308,
Larwrnfor London or the siedge ofAntwerpe, 309, 316, 327, 374, 382, 385, 388, 391,
A, iv. 324; v. 146, 344 394, 405, 406, 410, 413, 424, 426, 454,
Lascelles, Anne, wife of Smollett, x. 36 455, 457, 460, 461
Lasco, Albertus, VL 303 Latin poets, x. 119
Las Coveras, Don Fenise, vm. 141 Latin Prayer Book, vn. 327
Lashmar, Dyce, Gissing's, xm. 460 Latin terms, on the stage, v. 255; VL 93,
Laska, in Coleridge's Zapolya, XL 414 162, 163, 225, 229, 354, 372
Lassalle, Ferdinand, TTTT. 444 Latin verse, X. 159, 177; xn. 58, 265, 305,
Lasseran-Massencone, B. de, rx. 499 329
Last, Joseph, xiv. 236 Latmus, in The FaithfuU Shepheardesse,
Last Judgment, The, L 428; XL 198 VL 368
'Last Sorrowful Lamentations,' xiv. 228 La Tour Landry, G., n. 483, 4S5, 508. See,
Last Witt and Testaments, m. 483 also, Caxton, Knight of the Tower
Latey, John (1842-1902), xrv. 534 Latria, shrine of (Day's), VL 216
Lathacan, Laidcenn or Loding, Irish Latta, Robert, xrv. 479
prince, L 68 Lanbe, Heinrich, v. 306, 346
Latham, Robert Gordon (1812-1888), xn. Laud, William (1573-1645), archbishop of
504; xm. 245 Canterbury, m. 388, 420; rv. 204, 239,
Latham, Simon (fl. 1618), Falconry, rv. 306, 411, 424, 426, 432; v. 365; vi. 196,
374, 541 319, 326, 405; vn. 35, 98, 115, 147, 148,
Lathbury, near Newport Pagnell, n. 61 150, 152, 154, 157 ff., 162, 163, 182,

Laud, William Law, in Piers the Plowman, n. 10
187, 207, 208, 216, 218, 223, 225, 334, Law, Edmund (1703-1787), vm. 474; ix.
349, 350, 425, 427, 441, 445, 459, 498, 507; x. 131, 342
also see Add.; vm. 274, 293, 301, 462; Law, Edward, 1st earl of Ellenborough
IX. 306; Diary, vn. 160, 451; Relation (1790-1871), xn. 401; xiv. 124, 130,
. . .Pretended Answer to T. C., vm. 300 502
Lander, George (fl. 555
1677), ix, Law, John, of Lauriston (1671-1729), ix.
Lander, Sir John, lord Fountainhall (1646 492, 559
-1722), ix. 553; xn. 376 Law, Robert (d. 1690?), ix. 551; xm. 518
Lander, Sir Thomas Dick (1784-1848", xn. Law, Thomas Graves (1836-1904), xn.
450 522; xiv. 101, 491 Collected Essays,
Lander, William (15207-1573), n. 497; xn. 371
m. 498; Tractate concerning the office Law, William (1686-1761), iv. 342, 522;
and dewtie of Kyngis, etc., m. 132 vi. 494; vn. 155; vm. 433; ix. 305 f.
Lander, William (d. 1771), vn. 109, 118; (main entry), 404, 507, 510 ff., 515, 519,
ix. 557; x. 175, 468 520, 569; x. 354, 355; xn. 284
Lauderdale, duke of. See Maitland, John Absolute Unlawfulness of the Stage, The,
Landerdale, earls of. See Maitland, James; x. 70
Maitland, John Appeal to aU that Doubt, ix. 318 ff., 328
Landian movement, the, xn. 253 Case of Reason, ix. 302, 311, 312
Laudian statutes, at Oxford, ix. 383 Malebranche, and the Vision of AU
Laudine, in Twain and Gawain, L 312 Things in God, IX. 313
Laughter, in The Tears of the Muses, m. Practical Treatise upon Christian Per-
241 fection, ix. 312, 318, 323, 325
Laughton, Sir John Knox (1830-1915), Remarks on the Fable of the Sees, ix. 302,
xn. 427; xiv. 491 311, 322 ff.
Launce, in The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Serious Call, VL 408; ix. 308, 309, 312,
v. 180, 190; xm. 64 313, 318, 321 ff., 402; x. 350, 362; xn.
Lanncelot, in Kingsley's 7eastt xrn. 360, 282
361 Some Animadversions upon Dr Tra/pp's
Launcelot, in The Merchant of Venice, V. lateReply, ix. 313, 326
190 Spirit of Love, ix. 314
Launceston, vn. 348 Spirit of Prayer, ix. 319, 320, 322 ff., 326
Lannfal (Landavall), i. 295 Three Letters to the Bishop of Bangor,
Launfal, Sir, I. 281, 291, 294, 295, 299, ix. 310
310. 462. 471 Way to Divine Knowledge, ix. 307,

'Launsknights,* v. 31 318 ff., 321

Laura, in Pendennis, xm. 290, 291, 293, Law, William John (1787-1869), xn. 497
295, 296 Lawder, Mrs (Jane Contarine), x. 481
'Laura, Delia Cruscan poet, XL 177 Lawes, Henry (1596-1662), vi. 325, 326;
Laura (Petrarch's), m. 225, 251, 252, 254, vn. 5, 22, 52, 113, 116, 123, 409, 413;
265, 268, 272; iv. 210 vra. 117
Laura, the, in Kingsley's Hypatia, TTTT. Lawes, William (d. 1645), vn. 5
363 Lawford, Essex, xn. 305
Laurence (actor), vi. 249 Lawkerry, Neh., vn. 499
Laurence, friar, in Romeo and Juliet, v. 357 Lawless, Emily (d. 1913), xiv. 569
Laurence, French (1757-1809), XL 35, Orania, xiv. 324
388, 391 Eurrish, xrv. 324
Laurence, R. V., xrv. 484 With Essex in Ireland, xiv. 324
Laurence, St, v. 49 With the Wild Geese, xiv. 324
Laurentian manuscripts, xn. 324, 327, 328 Lawley, Francis, xrv. 543
Laurie, Simon Somerville (1829-1909), Lawrence, bishop of Durham (d. 1154).
xiv. 475, 607 i. 191, 455

Laurie, William Ferguson Beatson, xiv. Lawrence, George Alfred (1827-1876),

574 xm. 563; Guy Livingstone, xm. 436
Lausanne, n. 315; x. 298, 301, 302, 304, Lawrence, Sir Henry (1806-1857), xiv.
311, 312 495
Lavater, J.-G., XL 432 Lawrence, John (1753-1839), xiv. 544
Laveleye, Emile de, xiv. 477 Lawrence, John Laird Mair, 1st baron
Lavenham, Richard (fl. 1380), 1. 455; IL 61 Lawrence (1811-1879), xn. 316, 478
Lavensforth, in Mrs Inchbald's To Marry Lawrence, Leonard, Arnalte and Lucenda,
or not to Marry, XL 279 vn. 80, 413
Lavington, John (1690?-1759), x. 384 Lawrence, Polly, of Bath, XL 175
Lavinia, in Thomson's Autumn, x. 104 Lawrie, Sir Archibald Campbell (1837-
Lavn-sier, Antoine Laurent, xiv. 271, 273, 1914), xn. 517; Annals of Malcolm and
278 Wittiam, xn. 360; Early Scottish

Lawrie, Sir Archibald Campbell Leakey, Caroline Woolmer (1827-1881),
Charters, xn. 360; Index to the Scots xrv. 587
Acts, xn. 360 Lean, Florence (born Marryat). See
La Writ, in The LitiU French Lawyer, VL Marryat, Florence
134 Leanchops, in Wilson's Projectors, vm. 123
Laws, Old English, I. 130. See, also, the Leander, Hero and, in Nashe's Prayse. of
chapter on Alfred, I. 97 ff., 436, 437, 439 the, Eed Herring, iv. 327

Laws, Bute MS. of, n. 284 Leandro,inr/*e Spanish Curate, VL 134, 139
Lawson, Edward Levy, lord Burnham, Leanthe, in Farquhar's Love and a Bottle,
xiv. 191 vm. 169
Lawson, George (d. 1678), vn. 473 Leapor, Mary (1722-1746), XL 172, 427
Lawson, Sir John (d. 1665), vm. 11, 218 Lear, in Shakespeare's play, xn. 47
Lawson, William (fl. 1618), A New Orchard Lear, Edward (1812-1888), XL 386, 481;
and Garden., iv. 373, 375, 542 xm. 167, 504; Book of Nonsense, XT.
Laxdaela saga, xm. 125 377; xm. 163; Jumblies, TTTT. 163; Owl
Lay by your pleading, vm. 96 and the Pussy-Cat, The, xm. 1C3
Lay Folk's Mass Book, I. 353; n. 48 Lear, Garrick as, x. 265; XL 360
Layamon (fl. 1200), L 137, 139, 170, 218, Lear or Leir, in the Bruts and Chronicles,
222, 234 ff., 264, 265, 278, 287, 288, I. 171, 235, 237, 336. See, also, Leir,
292, 337, 375, 378, 393, 398, 458, 459, Learning (Clergy), in Piers the Plowman,
462; n. 103, 189, 420; v. 6; Brut, xn. n. 20
356, 517 Learning-with-Money, in AH for Money,
Layard, Sir Austen Henry (1817-1894), v. 57
Early Adven- Learning-without-Money, in A U for Money,
TTT. 339, 497; xiv. 552;
tures in Persia, Susiana and Babylonia, v. 57
xrv. 253; Popular account of Discoveries Leask, W. Keith, xiv. 538, 594
at Nineveh, A, xiv. 253 Leasowes, x. 149, 271, 275, 276, 456
Layard, George Somes, xn. 441; TTTT. 536; Leathley, Mrs, XL 487
xiv. 548 Lebanon, iv. 33
LaysofHdgi, x. 228 Le Blanc, abbe, v. 289, 290
Layton, in Strype's Ecclesiastical Me- Le Bossu, Rene, vm. 375; Du poeme
morials, L 212 lUpique, vm. 374; ix. 59
Lazarillo, in Blurt Master-Constable (Mid- Le Bran, N., iv. 266
dleton), vm. 127 Lecher, in Piers the Plowman, n. 12
Lazarillo de Tormes, m. 94, 342, 364; Lechery, in Confessio A mantis, n. 147
vm. 127 Lechery, in Piers the Plowman, n. 20
Lazarus, in school plays, v. 103 Lechery, in The Example of Virtue, n. 234
Lea, James, iv. 458 Lecky, William Edward Hartpole (1838-
Leabhar Breac, the, xn. 362, 515 1903), vm. 167, 291, 292; x. 503; XL
Leabhar na g-Ceart, the Book of Rights, 396; xn. 464; xm. 552; xiv. 86, 89,
xn. 518 96, 103 ff. (main entry), 492, 509, 510
Leach, Arthur Francis, vn. 336; xiv. 591; Declining Sense of the Miraculous, The,,
History of WanvicJc School, iv. 261 xiv. 104
Leach, Edmund, vn. 515 Democracy and Liberty, xrv. 106
Leach, Francis (fl. 1643), vn. 347 History of England in the Eighteenth
Lead, Jane (1623-1704), ix. 307, 513 ft, Century, xrv. 86, 105
523 History of European Morals, xiv. 104
Leadbeater, Mary, born Shackleton (1758- History of the Spirit of Rationalism in
1826), xiv. 569 Europe, xiv. 104
Annals of Ballitore, xiv. 323 Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland,
Cottage Dialogues, xiv. 323 Xiv. 104
Extracts and Original Anecdotes, xiv. Map of Life, The, xiv. 106
323 Religious Tendencies of the Age, The,
Leadbeater Papers, The, xrv. 323 xiv. 104
Leader, The, xm. 385; xiv. 199 Memoir of, by his Wife, xiv. 104
Leader-Houghs and Yarrow, ix. 364 Leclerk, George Louis. See Buffon, comte
Leadhills, Lanarkshire, ix. 366 de
Leaf, Walter, xiv. 522 Le CLerc, Jean, or Johannes Qericus, vm.
League, the (French), m. 398; IY. 142; 472; EC. 336, 435, 495, 525; X. 177;
vi. 174; vm. 16 Bibliotheque universefte, vm. 330
Leake, William Martin (1777-1860), xn. L'Ecluse (dusius), iv. 374
497; xiv. 552 Leconte de Lisle, Charles-Marie, VlUpee.
Numismata Hdlenica, xn. 338 ffAngantyr, x. 223; Poemes barbares,
Researches in Greece, xn. 338 x.223
Topography of Athena, xn. 338 Lecount, Mrs, in WiMe Collins's No
Travels, xn. 338 Name, 437

Lediard, Thomas (1685-1743), X. 502; Leeu, Gerard, of Antwerp, n. 314, 319
History of the Reigns of William III and Chronicles of England, The. n. 319
Mary, and Anne, rs. 235; Life of John Dialogue or communing between the IMS?
Duke of Marlborough, ix. 235;' Naval king Solomon and Marcolphus, n. 319
History of England, ix. 235 History of Jason, The, n. 319
Lee, Edward (1482?-1544), archbishop of History of Paris and Vienne, The, n.
York. m. 20, 42 319
Lee, Elizabeth, xm. 565 Leeward islands, x. 95
Lee, Francis (1661-1719), ix. 307, 514, Lee- Warner, Sir William, xiv, 578
515 Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan (1814-1873),
Lee, Harriet (1757-1851), xi. 3C6, 461 xm. 407; xiv. 309, 569
Lee, Sir Henry (1530-1610), iv. 113 A Chapter in the History of a Tyrone
Lee, Henry(^. 1712), vm. 347, 474 Family, xm. 414
Lee, Miss Jane, v. 129, 135 Beatrice, xiv. 310
Lee, John (1779-1859), XL 469 House by the Churchyard, The, xiv. 310
Lee, John Edward (1808-1837), xn. 511; Legend of the Glaive,"The, xiv. 310
Imperial Profiles, xn. 346 Phaudrig Crohoore, xrv. 310
Lee, Nathaniel (1G53 7-1692), vi. 49; vm. Purcdl Papers, The, xm. 414, 555, 556
16, 21, 30, 185 flf., 189, 190, 194, 235, Room in the Dragon Volant, The, xiv.
395, 398, 400, 401, 437, 438; x. 67, 73 310
Alexander the Great, vm. 179 Shamus O'Brien, xiv. 310
Brutus, x, 82 Song of the Bottle, The, xrv. 310
Caesar Borgia, vm. 186 Uncle Silas, xiv. 310
Constantme the Great, vm. 186 Watcher, The, and other Weird Stories,
Gloriana, vm. 185 xm. 414; xiv. 310
Guise, Duke of (with Dryden), vm. 16, Le Fanu, W., xiv. 569
30, 186 Lefebvre, Denys (Syned), xiv. Add. 5
Lucius Junius Brutus, vm. 186, 187 Le Felure, vm. 354
Massacre of Paris, The, vm. 186 Le JTevre, in Sterne's Tristram Shandy,
Mithridates, King of Pontus, vm. 185 x. 54
Nero, Emperour of Rome, vm. 185 Le Fevre, Jean, m. 90
Oedipus, King of Thebes (with Dry den), Lefevre 6? Staples, Jacques, m. 20
vm. 30, 186 Leffmann, H., xm. 543
Princesse ofCleve, The, vm. 186 Lefroy, Edward Cracroft (1855-1891),
Rival Queens, The, vm. 185, 186, 261, xm. 216, 504
426 Le Gallienne, Richard, xm. 570
Theodosius, or the Force of Love, vm. 186 Legate, John (d. 1620), iv. 410
Lee, Samuel (18th century bookseller), Legeay, U., xiv. 485
xi. 330 Legenda Aurea. See Golden Legend and
Lee, Samuel (1783-1852), xn. 341, 501; Voragine
xiv. 593, 602 Legendaries, i. 317, 335 ff., 474. See, also,
Lee, Sir Sidney, v, 165, 173, 225, 230, under various saints
368; xi. 385, 447; Elizabethan Sonnets, Legendary, South English, I. 134, 335 ft,
IV. 24; Memoir of George Smith, xrv. Ill 340, 341
Lee, Sophia (1750-1824), XL 306, 461 L^gende de St Julien V Hospitalier, ix. 39
Lee, Sophia and Harriet, Legendre, Adrien Marie, Elements of
Tales, xn, 37, 50 Q-eometry and Trigonometry, xm. 4, 464
Lee, William (d. 1645), vn. 407 Leger, Augustin, John Wesley's Last Love,
Lea, William (1869), IX. 13, 15 ft, 24, 418; x. 368
xn. 522; xiv. 498 Leges Edwardi Confessoris, vm. 310, 465
Lee Priory press, xn. 364, 520 Leges Henrici, vm. 310, 311, 465
Lee-Hamilton, Eugene (1845-1907), xm. Leges Willelmi I, vm. 310, 465
504 Legge, Cantrell, iv. 164, 410
Leech, H. J., xrv. 508 Legge, George, 1st baron Dartmouth
Leech, John (fi. 1623), vn. 487 (1648-1691), vm. 257
Leech, John (1817-1864), xiv. 201, 232, Legge, James (1815-1897), xn. 343, 500
234, 236 ft, 541, 546 ft Legge, Thomas (1535-1607), Richardus
Leah-look, The, L 106, 135, 136 Tertius, v. 81, 82; vi. 301, 304, 327,
Leeds, rx. 540; XL 340, 341; xn. 274, 507, 475
514; XIV. 112 Legge, William, 1st earl of Dartmouth
Leeds, Yorkshire college, xiv. 432 (1672-1750), ix. 209, 216, 483
Leeds Mercury, The, xiv. 169, 199, 529, Legh, Gerard (d. 1563), Accedens of
533, 534 Armory, iv. 376, 543
Leeds school, vn. 330 Leghorn, x. 43; xn. 37, 38
Lees, Abraham, x. 384 Legion, Smec, in Butler's Hudibras. vm.
Leesehing, L F., xiv. 522 72

Legouifl, Emile,
XL 410; STTT. 570; The Lekpreuik, Robert (fl. 1561-1588), Scots
Early Life of Wordsworth, sin. 418 printer, n. 126; in. 149; iv. 412; EL 359
Legrand, Anloine, vn. 303, 474 Leland or Leyland, John (1506?-1552),
i. 131; n. 49, 399; m. 48, 54, 55, 313,
Legrand, Jacques, Le livre de bonnes meurs,
n. 315 321, 328, 330, 468, 530; rv. 461; v. 103;
Legrand, Joachim, is. 197, 488; s. 160, is. 345, 352, 534, 535, 541; Collectanea,,
460 m. 328; is. 349; Itinerary, m. 328, 330;
Le Grice, Charles Valentine (1773-1858), IV. 66, 308, 512; is. 349; XIL 518;
sn. 419 Journey and Serche, m. 329
Le Grys, Sir Robert (d. 1635), iv. 501 Leland, John (1691-1766), is. 502, 507;
Lelimann, Max, srv. 92 s. 520, 521
Lehrnann, Rudolph Chambers, sin. 542; Leland, Thomas (1722-1785), History of
siv. 537 Ireland, s. 293, 502
Leibbrandt, Hendrick Carel Vos, siv. Lelia, in The Captain, vi. 122, 128
Add. 8 Le Long, Gautier, La Veuve, m. 88
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, iv. 260, Lely, Sir Peter (1618-1680), is. 241
292; vin. 50, 300, 361; is. 200, 290, Lembcke, E., v. 307
291, 297, 301, 400, 505; s. 220, 312; Lemercier, N., v. 301
Siv. 8; Annales imperii occidentis Bruns- Le Moine, Peintures Morales, rv. 523
vicenses, s. 311; Nouveaux Essais, VHL Lemoine, Henry (1756-1812), XL 472
347; Reflexions, vm. 347 Lemon, Mark (1809-1870), XL 387, 487;
Leicester, n. 67; m. 337; vn. 4, 340; is. sm. 516; siv. 236, 238, 548, 549
91, 532; XL 431; sn. 512 Lemoyne, P., Saint Louis, vn. 268
Leicester, earl of, in Robert, Earle of 'Lend me Half-a-Crown,' s. 206
Huntmgton, V. 318, 324 Le Neve, John (1679-1741), is. 536; Fasti
Leicester, earls of. See Dudley, Robert; Ucclesiae Anghcanae, sn. 355, 516
Sidney, Philip; Sidney, Robert Le Neve, Peter (1661-1729), is. 353, 358
Leicester play, v. 391 Leng, Sir John (1828-1906), srv. 534
Leicester's company, vi. 246, 249, 251, 383 Leng, Sir William Christopher (1825-
Leicestershire, VL Ill; s. 159 1902), srv. 534
Leicht, A., L 102 Lennox, in Barbour's Bruce, n. 107
Leigh, Sir Amyas, in Westward Ho! TTTTT Lennox, Charles, 3rd duke of Richmond,
364 XL 36
Leigh, Augusta, sn. 34 Lennox, Charlotte (17207-1804), x. 467,
Leigh, Edward (1602-1671), vn. 480, 484; 469; XL 462; sm. 561; The Female
Advice on Travel, vn. 314; Gntica Quixote, s. 175, 468; Shakespear Illus-
Sacra, vn. 319, 482, 490 trated, s. 175; The Sister, XL 275
Leigh, Elizabeth Medora, sn. 396 Lennox, earls of. See Stewart, Esrne*;
Leigh, George (fl. 1788), XL 336 Stewart, Matthew
Leigh, Henry Sambrooke (1837-1883), Lennox, lord William Pitt (1799-1881),
sin. 162, 505; siv. 549 sm. 563; srv. 238
Leigh, John (1689-1726), vm. 177 Le Noir, Elizabeth Anne (1755?-1841),
Leigh, Percival (pseud. Paul Prendergast, sn. 450
1813-1889), sm. 162, 505; srv. 239, Lent, in Christmas carol, n. 379
549; The domic Latin Grammar, srv. Lenthall, William (1591-1662), TO. 190,
236 439,443
Leigh, Richard (b. 1649), vm. 403 Lenz, v. 298, 303
Leigh on Thames, rv. 91 Leo IV, pope, I. 88
Leigh ton, Alexander (1568-1649), vr. 403 Leo X, pope, rv. 334; srv. 99
Leighton, Robert (1611-1684), vm. 298, Leo XII, pope, srv. 54
299, 460; is. 193; si. 415; sn. 283, 284 Leo, emperor, n. 115
Leighton, Sir William (fl. 1603-1614), vn. Leo Africanus (Leo, John), rv. 445
406 Leofric (d. 1072), 1st bishop of Exeter,
Leighton Ecclesia, prebend of, vn. 28 L 161; IV. 422
Leinster, vm. 384 Leon, count Reginald de St, XL 394
Leinster, Book
of, sn. 362, 515 Leonard, St, v. 97
Leipzig, rv. 267; v. 284, 290; vn. 20, 21, Leonardo da Vinci, xn. 187
308; sn. 280 Leoni, Michele, v. 306
Leir, King, The True Chronicle History of, Leonid shooting stars, siv. 264
y. 83, 310, 399, 434;
vi. 92 Leonides, Nicolaus, m. 6
Leire, Danish royal residence, L 27 Leonora, in Fielding's Joseph Andrews,
Leith, siege of, m. 182 x.30
Leith, South, XL 244 Leonora, in The Devils Law-case, vi. 183, 187
Leitrim, county, srv. 355 Leonora, in The Oratefutt Servant, vi. 204
Le Kain, Henri Louis, s. 264 Leonora, in The Parliament of Love, VL154
Le Keux, John Henry, sn. 357 Leonore, in The Gamester, vr. 202

Leontes, in The Winter's Tale, v. 206 L'Estrange, Sir Roger
Leontius, in The Humorous Lieutenant, Fables of &sop, ix. 4, 275
vi. 122 Intelligencer, The, vn. 365
Leopardi, count Giacomo, xn. 72, 393, Josephus, IX. 273, 275
395, 396, 402, 405, 525; xm. 4S9 IS Estrange his Apology, ix. 2
Leopold, prince, of Coburg, xn. 232 News, The, vn. 365
Leosthenes, in The Bond-Man, vi. 155, 158 No Blinde Guides, ix. 2
Leoven, my Lady of, VL 291 Observator, The, vn. 365; ix. 3, 4
Lepanto, xn. 38 Seneca's Morals, ix. 273, 275
Lepell,Mary. See Hervey, lady Mary Spanish Decameron, ix. 274
Lepidus, I. 95 TuUy's Offices, ix. 274
Lepointe, E. L., xm. 469 Visions of Quevedo, ix. 3, 274
Leprohon, Rosanna Elenora (1832-1879), Le Sueur, Gordon, xiv. Add. 8
xiv. 581, 582; Antoinette de Mirecouri, Le Tourneur, Pierre Felicien, v. 292, 293,
xiv. 360 296, 301
Lerici, xn. 37 Let us a? to the Bridal, ix. 379
Leroy, Leys (dit Regius), iv. 3, 5 Leti, Gregorio, x. 291
Le Sage, Alain-Rene, vm. 162; ix. 35 Letter concerning Libels, Warrants, etc.,
x. 17, 216; xn. 168; Gil Bias, x. 37, 420 x. 399
Le Sage, J. M., xiv. 191 Letter from a Blacksmith, xi. 216
Lesbia, in The Returne from Pernassus, Letter from a friend of the universities, ix.
VI. 311 411
Lesbia (Catuilus's), vn. 2, 9 Letter from Avignon, ix. 218
Lescarbot, M., rv. 458 Letter to a schoolmaster in the country, A,
Lescurel, Jehannot de, TTTT. 211 xiv. 398
Leslie, Alexander, of
1st earl Leven Henry Brougham. .from an M.A.
Letter to .

(1580?-1661), vn. 22 of Queen's College, Oxford, xrv. 407

Leslie, Charles (1650-1722), ix. 11, 475, Letter to. .Lord John Russell, A, xiv. 416

507, 564; x. 355, 356; Rehearsal ix. 5; Letter to The Public Advertiser, x. 399
Short and Easy Method, ix. 289; Snake Letters between the Hon. Andrew Erskint
in the Grass, ix. 201, 520 and James Boswell, Esq., x. 191
Leslie, Charles Robert (1794-1859), xn. Letters from a Tutor to his Pupils, xi. 371
380 Letters from Corsica, xrv. 180
Leslie, Forbes, xn. 511 Letters of the Insurgent Leaders, n. 432, 434
Leslie or Lesley, John (1527-1596), bishop Letters, private and domestic, in Jacobean
of Ross, n. 285, 398, 415; De Origine, times, vn. 438, 439
Moribus et Rebus Scotorum, m. 154, Letters. ..to Sir Joseph Williamson, ix. 212
155, 504 Letton, John (/. 1480), n. 318; vm. 314
Leslie, Mary E., xiv. 339, 578 Leucippus, in Cupid's Revenge, vr. 128
Leslie, Thomas Edward CMe (1827?- Leusden, Jan, iv. 47
1882), xrv. 475; Essays in Political Levant, the, iv. 67, 80, 84, 98; vn. 201
Economy, xrv. 36 Levant company, vn. 308
Lesse, Nicholas (JL 1550), iv. 441 Levantine traveller, in The Fair Maid Of
Leasing, Gotthold Ephraim, iv. 265, 267; The West, VL 102
v. 287, 288, 290, 293 ft, 300, 463; vi. Le Vayer, Era^ois de la Mothe, Liberty
82; vra. 172, 430; ix. 61, 450, 466; and Servitude, vm. 246
xi. 121, 449; xn. 526, 527; Laocoon, Leve, Antoine De, Testament of, m. 483
xi. 3; Minna von Barnhelm, xi. 262; Levellers, the, vn. 190
Miss Sara Sampson, x. 76, 79 Leven, loch, XL 244
Lessingham, Mrs, xi. 451 Leven, vale of, x. 36 '

Lessius (1564-1623), vn. 402 Lever, Charles James (1806-1872), xm.

Lester, John Ashby, v. 63 307; xrv. 255, 314, 569; Cornelius
L' Estrange, Alfred Guy, TTTTT, 565 O'Dowd, xiv. 313; Lord Kilgo'bbin, xiv.
L'Estrange, Hamon (1605-1660), vn. 313
445, 446, 447 Lever, Christopher (fl. 1627), vn. 406
L'Estrange, Sir Roger (1616-1704), vn. Lever or Leaver, Ralph (d. 1585), Arte of
197, 363
ft, 390, 416, 496, also see Add.; Reason rightly termed Witcraft, vu. 276,
vm. 68, 387, 388, 412, 445, 481; ix. 474
2 ft, 265, 273 ft, 415 ft, xi. 312, 313, Lever, Robert (fl. 1641), vn. 342
331, 466; xiv. 461 Lever or Leaver, Thomas (1521-1577),
Bona's Guide to Eternity, rs. 274 m. 419, 473; rv. 232, 233, 493
Colloquies of Erasmus, ix. 273 ft Leverrier, Urbain J. J., xiv. 264
Considerations . . . Regulation of the Press Leveson-Gower, Granville George, 2nd
ix. 2 earl Granville (1815-1891), xiv. 131, 510
Discourse of the Fishery, ix. 3 Levett, Robert (1701?-1782), x. 187, 465,
Fables and Story es Moralized, ix. 4 467, 479

Levey, B. M., xm. 515 Leyden, John (1775-1811), XI. 444; xn.
Levi, Leone (1821-1888), xiv. 475 5, 419; xiv. 334, 578
Levi-Lawson family, xrv, 191 Gout of Keddar, The, xi. 242
Levidolche, in The Ladies Tnall, VL 194 Lord Soulis, XL 242
Levins, Peter, m. 555 Mermaid, The, xi. 242; xn. 133
Levis, Howard L., XTV. 541 Ode to an Indian Gold Coin, xiv. 335,
Levison, Sir Eichard, vu. 438 340
Levitt, William, vn. 515 Ode to Scottish Music, XL 242
Levy, Amy (1861-1889), xm. 181, 505 Scenes of Infancy, XL 242; xn. 133
Levy, Joseph Moses (1812-1888), xrv. 534 Leyden riddle, L 61
Levy-Bruhl, L., xrv. 477 Leyden, university, vm. 347; x. 21, 22,
Lewes, battle of, i. 368 200, 390
Lewes, George Henry (1817-1878), v. 276; Leyds, Willem Johannes, xiv. Add. 8
xm. 391, 393, 396, 401, 513, 515, 516, Leyland, Francis A., xm. 557, 558
558; xiv. 171, 199, 475, 504 Leyser, Polycarp, xm. 172
Aristotle, xiv. 32 Lhwyd, Edward (1660-1709), ix. 412, 536
Biographical History of Philosophy, The, Liancourt, due de, x. 66
xiv. 32, 113 Liar, in Piers the Plowman, n. 8
Comte's Philosophy of the Sciences, xiv. Libanius, vi. 22
32 Libeanus Desconus, or Sir Libeanus, or
Foundations of a Creed, The, xrv. 33 Libius Disconius, I. 282, 284, 289, 295,

Life of Goethe, xm. 385; xiv. 113 312, 469

On Actors and Acting, xm. 257 Libel of English Policy, The, n. 423, 424;
Problems of Life and Mind, xrv. 33 iv. 67, 84
Lewine, J., xiv. 541 'LibelT (Otway's), vm. 94, 95
Lewinsky (German actor), v. 306 Liber Hymnorum (Irish), xn. 362
Lewis, Charles Lee, xm. 552 Liber Monstrorum, L 26
Lewis, David (1683?-1760), ix. 188, 436, Liber Niger Domus Regis, VL 279, 280
445; Miscellany, x. 145; My
Winifreda, Liber Vagatorum, xm. 428
xn. 139 Liberal, Letitia, xiv. 591
Lewis, Erasmus (1670-1754), ix. 103, 456 Liberal, The, xn. 36, 37, 389, 391, 392
Lewis, Sir George Cornewall (1806-1863), Liberal Theology, The Growth of, xn. 464 E.
xn. 301, 310, 311, 426, 498 Liberate RoUs, xn. 355, 516
Astronomy of the Ancients, xn. 339 Liberton, n. 110
Credibility of Early Roman History, Liberty, in Cooper's EiU, vn. 60
xn. 305, 339 Liberty, in Thomson's poem, x. 104, 107
Essays on the administration of Great Liberty vindicated against slavery, vn. 388
Britain, 1864, xi. 396 Libido, in Psychomachia, v. 51

Legislation for the Working Class,' xn. Libius Disconius, x. 233

153 Libraries, the foundation of, iv. 415 ff.,
Lewis, John (1675-1747), n. 54; ix. 536 549 ff.

Lewis, Leopold David (1828-1890), xm. Library of Entertaining Knowledge, The,

520 xiv. 409
Lewis, Matthew Gregory ('Monk' Lewis) Library of the Fine Arts, The, xiv. 539
(1775-1818), L 287; x. 223; XL 160, Library of the lathers, The, xn. 274, 454
283, 286, 300, 303 fE., 414, 458, 462; Library of Useful Knowledge, The, xiv. 409
xm. 260, 264; Alonzo the Brave, XL 304; Licensing act (1662), vm. 89, 90; XT. 312
Monk, The, XL 303, 304; xm. 418 Licensing act (1737), x. 23, 24; XL 335
Tales of Wonder, xn. 5, 373, 405 Licensing act, rx. 5
Lewis, William Thomas (1748?-1811), Licentiousness of the Times, The, vm. 90
XI. 260 Lichfield, iv. 225, 421, 472; v. 38; vn.
Lewis Baboon' (Louis XIV), xiv. 212 278; ix. 196, 530; X. 158 ff.; XL 340;
Lewis of Bavaria, i. 212 xn. 124, 328; xm. 449
Lewis de Bretaylles, n. 313 Lichfield, Henry, iv. 464
Lewis the Pious, i. 47 Lichfield, John, rv. 411
Lewkenor, Lewis, rv. 443 Lichfield, Nicholas, iv. 442, 448
Lewte, in Piers the Plowman, n. 10, 25, Lichfield school, vn. 330
32 Lichtenberg, G. C., ix. 467
Lex Ecclesiae, in The Passetyme of Plea- Lichtounis JDreme, n. 277, 278
sure, n. 226 Ldddell, Henry George (1811-1898), xn.
Lexicon rhetoricum Cantabrigiense, xn. 328 333, 487
Leyboum, William (1626-1700?), iv. 459; Liddesdale, xn. 4, 19
vn. 509 Liddon, Henry Parry (1829-1890), xn.
Leycester, Sir Peter (1614-1678), ix. 536 254, 273, 454, 457, 458, 462
Leyden, iv. 402; vn. 233, 307, 308, 310, Lidia, in The Great Duke of Florence, VL
322; ix. 290; xiv. 282, 290 156, 158, 163, 164

LidiuB, in The Lovers Progress, VL 131 Lincoln, n. 49, 57, 116, 307, 341, 344, 348,
Liebermann, Felix, xiv. 494 358; IV. 190, 224, 228, 369, 382, 422,
Liege, ii. 80 ft 428; v. 39, 48, 50, 56; vn. 280, 338;
Lien CM Altangi, x. 206, 207 X. 387; xn. 180, 329, 330, 340, 507
Lieven, princess, xiv. 115, 172 Lincoln, Abraham, rv. 50
Life, in Death and Life, n. 40 Lincoln, countess of. See Lacy, Margaret
Life, king of, in The Pride of Life, V. 2 de
Life (lady Animal, in Piers the Plowman, Lincoln, earl of. See Clinton, Henry Kennes
n. 19, 21, 22, 28 Lincoln, earl of, the mad lord, vni. 380
Life, in Tfa Playe of Playes and Pastimes, Lincoln castle, in Havelok, i. 351
VL 391 Lincoln cathedral, vn. 28
Life in London (Catnach's), xiv. 227 Lincoln grammar school, iv. 275
Life in Paris, xiv. 225 Lincolnshire, v. 30, 32, 33; vi. 82; vn.
Life of James the Second, is.. 213; x. 295 330; xm. 23, 46; xiv. 101
Liggan Waters, The, ix. 363 Lincolnshire, Rebellion in (1470), n. 302,
Light Green, The, xiv. 206 482
'Light Within/ the, vm, 105, 110, 112 Linens, in The Queenes Arcadia, VL 318
Lightfoot, John (1602-1675), vn. 319, 482, Lindelof, L 132
490 Lindesay or Lindsay, Robert, of Pitscottie
Lightfoot, Joseph Barber (1828-1889), (l5Wt-l5Q51),TheHistorieandCronicle8
xn. 298, 340, 468, 501 of Scotland, n. 285; m. 147, 148, 504
Lighthall, William Douw, xiv. 582 Lindisfarne, i. 5, 83, 86, 89; xn. 10
Lightwood, James T., xm. 544 Lindtsfarne Gospels, The, I. 14, 72, 132
Ligon, Richard, History of Barbadoes, XL Lindley, John (1799-1865), xiv. 290, 562
280 Lindsay, lady Anne. See Barnard, lady
Lilbume, John (1614?~1657), vn. 456, Anne
458, 459, 509; vm. 75 Lindsay, James Ludovic, earl of Crawford
Lilius Giraldns, n. 160 (1847-1914), xn. 521; xiv. 541
Lilley, Alfred Leslie, xiv. 601 Lindsay, lord, in Scott's Abbot, xn. 27
LiUiburlero, x. 233 Lindsay family, XL 231
Lillie, Charles (JL 1725), ix. 56 Lindsays of Balcarres, the, xn. 377
lilliput, rx. 104, 128 Lindsey, Theophilus (1723-1808), X. 380,
Lilhput, Account of the state of learning in 519
the Empire of, ix. 132 Lingard, John (1771-1851), vn. 356; xiv.
Lilliputian Magazine, The, XL 376 52 ft, 71, 492; Antiquities of the Anglo-
lillo, George (1693-1739), vn, 176; X. 68, Saxon Church, xiv. 53; History of
73 ft, 92, 436 England, xiv. 53 ft; Vindication, A,
Arden of Feversham, X. 78, 84 xiv. 54
Britannia and Batavia, X. 78 Linger, Sir John, in Swift's Complete
Christian Hero, The, x. 77 Collection of. . Conversation, rx. 107

Mmerick, or Justice Triumphant, x, 78 Linlathen, ix. 328

Fatal Curiosity, x. 77, 79, 80, 83, 84, Lhiley, Elizabeth A Tine, afterwards Mrs
414, 429 Sheridan (1754-1792), x. 88
London Merchant, or The History of Linley, Thomas (1732-1795), x. 265
George Barmoell, IX. 163; x, 73 ft, 78 ft, Linlithgow, m. 123; ix. 552
84 Linnaean society, xiv. 287, 566
Marina, x. 78 Linnaean system, xiv. 287, 290
Silvia, x. 73 Linnaens (Carl Linne), x. 135; xiv. 287
Lilly, William (1602-1681), vn. 357, 369, Linnell, John (1792-1882), xi. 432
394, 446, 447, 501, 509; Observations, Linschoten, John Huighhen van, iv. 78,
vn. 207, 510 460
Lilly, W.xn. 459; xm. 492
S. f Linskill, Mary (1840-1891), xm. 563
Lily, William (146S?-1522), m. 11, 13, Linton, in Emily Brontd's Wuthering
14, 67, 72, 429, 468, 552; iv. 322; vn. Heights, xm. 411
335; Eton Latin Grammar, n. 367; m. Linton, A., iv. 459
12; Latin, Syntax, vn. 332; ix. 384 Linton, Elizabeth Lynn (born Lynn)
Limber Magna, Lincolnshire, I. 343 (1822-1898), xm. 563; xiv. 198
Limborch, Philip van, vm. 330 Linton, Kent, x. 249
Limerick, x. 293; xm. 364; xiv. 127, 311 Linton, William James (1812-1898), xn.
Limerick,' the, xm. 163 424; xm. 186, 505; ,4 Dream, xm. 187;
Unacre, Thomas (14602-1524), n. 367; Epicurean, xm. 187
m. 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 20, 158, Lintot, Barnaby Bernard (1675-1736),
468, 469, 532; iv. 428; Grammar, m. 158 ix. 162, 445, 446; XL 318, 320 ft, 327,
Linche or Lynche, Richard (fl. 1596- 335, 471; Miscellaneous Poems and
1601), Diella, m. 256, 266, 523 Translations, ix. 70, 160; XL 320;
Lincke, 0., xm. 465 Monthly Catalogue, XL 339

Lintot, Henry (1703-1758), 33.323 Littleton,Adam (1627-1694), ix. 527
Linwood, William (1817-1878), xn. 487 Littleton, Edward John, 1st baron
Linz, rv. 163 Hatherton (1791-1863), xrv. 323
Lion and the Mouse, in Henryson's Fables, Littleton, Sir Thomas (1402-1481), n.
n. 246 497; vm. 315; Tenures, vm. 314^ 317,
'Lion of the fold of Judah, The,' xiv. 329 466
Lion, The book of the, n. 160, 161 Littlewit, in Bartholomew Fayre, VL 23
Laonardi, Alessandro, Didlogi della Inven- Litton, Edward Arthur, xn. 472
tione Poetica, ix. 60 Lively, Edward (1545?-1605), vn. 317
Lionel, duke of Clarence, son of Edward Liverpool, xi. 338; xm. 89, 103, 348, 372
in (1338-1368), n. 156, 170 xiv. 115, 122, 134, 414
Lionel, Sir, n, 414 Liverpool, earl ol See Jenkinson, Robert
Lipscomb, George (1773-1846), xn. 511 Banks
Lipsius, Justus, rv. 248, 250, 260; vi. 9; Liverpool, University college, xiv. 432
vn. 261, 315 Liverpool Athenaeum, XL 435
Lisbon, x. 35, 91, 466; si. 155, 156 Liverpool Cour ant, The,^ xrv. 169
Lisbon inquisition, m. 16 Lives of the English Saints, xiv. 83
Liskeard, x. 306 Livia, in Women beware Women, VL 78
Lisle, William (1569?-1637), i. 123, 442; Livia (Lyly's), m. 346
ix. 536 Livingston, Luther S., xn. 434
Lismahago, captain, in Smollett's Hum- Livingstone, Christian, vn. 253
phrey Clinker, x. 38, 43 Livingstone, David (1813-1873), xm. 553;
Lismore's Book, the Dean of, x. 488 also see Add. 8
^xrv, 253, 375, 552,
Lisobeta, in The Decameron, xn. 82 Livingstone, Guy, in Lawrence's novel,
Lissoy, in Westmeath, x. 196, 209, 212 xm. 436
List of goods for Sale, vm. 99 Livingstone, James, 1st earl of Callander
Lister, Joseph Lister, lord, ynr. 213 (d. 1674), ix. 556
Lister, Martin (1638?-1712), ix. 139, 478 Livingstone, John (1603-1672), nu 546
Lister, Thomas Henry (1800-1842), Qran- Livingstone, Michael (fl. 1680), rx. 556
by, xn. 247, 450 Livio, in TJie Fancies, vi. 193, 194
Litany, the, m. 30 ff.; vi. 407 Livy, m. 131, 156, 164, 314, 337, 429, 432;
Litchfield, William (d. 1447), n. 497 iv. 1, 4, 6, 13, 15, 438; vi. 49, 182, 225;
Literary club, x. 91, 181, 207 x. 119, 197; xn. 493; xiv. 91, 98, 106
Literary Garland, The, xrv. 360 Lizie Wan, n. 412
Literary Gazette, The, xn. 348, 523; xiv. Llanbedr, xn. 440
177, 199 Llandaff, iv. 421; ix. 540
Literary Journal, The, xn. 301 Llangattock, vn. 37
Literary Magazine, x. 177, 181, 203, 463, Llangynwyd, x. 386, 387
466 Llansanturead, vn. 37, 42
Literary Miscellany (Ollier's), xn. 74 Llongborth (viz. Portsmouth), I. 250
Literature of dissent, the (1660-1760), x. Lloyd, Charles (1735-1773), x. 399, 523,
Add. 526
Lithgow, William (1582-1645?), ix, 366, Lloyd, Charles (1775-1839), XL 413, 417;
555 xn. 187, 419, 434, 436, 438; xrv. 184;
Lithuanians, rebel, in Brennoralt, vi. 238 Blank Verse, by Charles Lloyd and
Little, A. G., Grey Friars at Oxford, I. 209, Charles Lamb, xn. 184; Edmund Oliver,
210. See, also, Add. to third impression xn. 185; Nugae Canorae, xn. 194
Little, Richard, Mercuriua Academics, Lloyd, David (1635-1692), EC. 493;
vn. 351 Statesmen and Favourites of England,
Little Easton, Essex, Yin. 307 IV. 54
Little Endians, ix. 229 Lloyd, Edward (1745), XL 78
Little Gidding, rv, 406, 548; vn. 32, 34, Lloyd, Edward (1815-1890), xrv. 192,
153fE.;xm.435 193, 534
Little Gidding story books, vn. 154, 427 Lloyd, Lodowick (fl. 1573-1610), m. 189
Little Horkesley, Essex, YH. 58 Lloyd, Lucy C., xrv. Add. 8
Little John, in legend of Robin Hood, n. Lloyd, Kerson, x. 394
110, 402; Y. 35, 108; xn. 3 Lloyd, Robert (173a~1764), X. 394, 395,
Little Leighs park, Essex, vm. 268, 269 455,524
Littte Musgrave and Lady Barnard, n. 412 Lloyd, Robert, xn. 181, 185, 193
Little Pretty Pocket Boole, XL 376 Lloyd, William (1627-1717), vm. 297;
Little Sister, in Thackeray's Adventures rx. 196, 329, 335, 527
of Philip, xm. 288, 299 Lloyd's lUusfrated London Newspaper,
Little Sodbury, m. 39 xrv. 192
Littlebury, Isaac, vn. 451 Lloyd's Weekly London Newspaper, xrv.
Littledale, H., xm. 477 192, 530, 533, 534
Littlemore, Oxfordshire, xn. 260, 261 Lloyd's WeeUy Newspaper, xrv. 192, 193

CHEL 225
Llutf and Llevelys, i. 252 Locke, John
Lluelyn, Martin (1616-1682), IY. 497 Some Considerations of the Consequences
Llwyd, Humphrey (1527-1568), m. 531; of the Lowering of Interest, vm. 332, 344
iv. 436, 445 Some Thoughts concerning Education,
Llwyd, Morgan (1619-1659), IX. 514 vn. 341; vni. 332, 346; ix. 396 ft;
Llwynllwyd, x. 386 xiv. 396
Llyr, 252, 255. See, also, Lear
i. Two Treatises of Government, vm. 331,
Llywarch Hen (496?-646?), i. 248, 249, 341
275, 461 Vindication, A, vm. 332
Llywelyn, in Mannyng, i. 351 Locke, Matthew (1630?-1677), Psyche,
Llywelyn, prince of Wales, I. 180 vm. 135
Llywelyn ap GruffuS (d. 1282), r. 263 Locke, owner of Norbury Park, x. 261
Lobb, Stephen (d. 1699), x. 377, 386 Locker, John (1693-1760), ix. 529
Lobb, Theophilus (1678-1763), x. 385 Locker-Lampson, Frederick (1821-1895),
Lobban, John Hay, XL 473; xin. 476 xn. 121 ; xm. 505, 558
Lobeira, Vasco de, IV. 445; Amadis of London Lyrics, xm. 163
Gaul, XL 422 My Guardian Angel, xm. 165
L'Obel, Matthias de, iv, 374 My Neighbour Rose, xm. 165
Lober, Valentine, iv. 266 Our PMographs, xm. 165
Lobo, Jerome, x. 160, 179, 460 Patchwork, xin. 163, 164
Locabara, x. 237 To MyGrandmother, xm. 164
Local Education authorities, xrv. 433 Loekhart, Charles Stewart Montgomery
Locher, Jacob, in, 59, 60 xn. 380
Lochlee, ix, 372 Lockhart, George (1673-1731), ix. 493
Lochleven casttej xn. 27 Lockhart, John Gibson (1794-1854), iv.
Lochlin, king of, x. 231 45; XL 166, 305, 410, 419, 437, 439,
Lochmaben Gate, IX. 377 440, 459, also see Add,; xn. 2, 7, 10,
Lochnagar, xn. 31 19, 20, 26, 28, 153, 154, 156 ff., 161 ff.,
Locke, Alton, Kmgsley's, xm. 156, 160 372, 373, 376, 377, 380, 384, 425, 429,
Locke, John (1632-1704), vn. 266, 300, 430, 433, 449, also see Add. 2; xin. 25,
301, 396; vm. 295, 328-348 (main 207, 353, 434, 477, 563; xrv. 233, 313,
entry), 367, 372, 384, 472 ff., also see 327, 491, 504
Add.; ix. 61, 146, 150, 159, 180, 181, History of Napoleon, xiv. 106
233, 279, 282, 283, 286, 287, 292, 293, History of the late War, xiv. 106
297 ff., 301, 314, 331, 388, 390, 406, Life of Scott, xrv. 106, 278
412, 569, 574; x. 122, 296, 324 ft, 332, Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk, xn. 158
342 ff,, 347 ff., 350, 378, 379, 385; XL Valerius, xin. 419
22, 57, 65, 136; xiv. 8, 17, 41, 43, 383, Lockhart, John Hugh, xn. 375, 376
384, 391 ff., 397, 399, 405, 421, 428, Lockhart, Laurence William Maxwel
461, 472, 473 (1831-1882), xm. 563
Commentary on the Pauline epistles, Lockhart, Milton, xn. 430
VHL 332 Lockier, Lionel, vn. 518
Common-Place Book, Yin. 344 Lockit, in Gay's Beggar's Opera, ix. 163
Conduct of the Understanding, The, vm. Lockwood, in Emily Bronte's Wuthenng
332, 346; ix. 400 Heights, xm. 411
Ducourse on Miracles, vm. 332 Lockwood, Edward, xiv. 598
Epistola de Tolerantia, vm. 330, 331 Lockwood,Sir Frank (1846-1 897), xm. 544
Essay concerning Human Understand- Lockyer, Sir Norman, xm. 477
ing, vm. 328, 330 ff., 336, 346, 347; Lockyer, Winifred L., xm. 477
ix. 58, 282, 285, 290, 393, 400, 401, 411; Locnne, v. 84 ff., 129, 146, 152, 236,
xiv. 16, 48 238 ff., 398, 417, 442, 443
Examination of Father Malebranche's Loda, spirit of, x. 228, 229
Opinion of Seeing all things in God, An* Lodge, Thomas (1558?-1625), i. 298; ni.
vm. 332 114, 198, 249, 251, 256, 261, 262, 265,
Further Considerations on Value of 299, 340, 342, 350, 351, 355, 358, 363,
Money, vm. 332, 344 367, 370, 526, 534; iv 2, 6, 24, 25, 86,
Letter on Toleration, First, vm. 344 116 ff., 121, 122, 139, 318, 437, 440,
Letter on Toleration, Second, vm. 331 444, 470, 471, 473, 516, 517, 519, 521,
Letter on Toleration, Third, vm. 331 523, 528; v. 71, 85, 121-141 (main
Letter on Tolerationr fragment of a entry), 322, 353, 371, 420, 431; vi. 40,
fourth, vm. 332 249, 250, 378, 409, 494; ix. 275
Letter to the JBishop of Worcester, vm. Alarum against Usurers, An, m. 363;
331 iv. 317, 512; vi. 392
Letters on Toleration, x. 372 Bargmet of Antimachus, vn. 2
Reasonableness of Christianity, The, vm. Defence of Poetry, Music and titage-
332; IX. 289, 290 Playes, A, 7t 389, 391, 401

Lodge, Tliomas Loliee, Frederic, TTTT. 567
Euphues Shadow, m. 350; v. 139 Lollards, L 364, 371; n. 40, 43, 47, 49, 53,
'Fatall starre that at my birthday 57, 62, 63, 66 ff., 162, 288, 289, 290,
ehined, The,' iv. 116 292 3., 348, 422, 441 ff.; m. 25, 26, 45;
Fig for Momus, A, TV. 180, 328, 329; xiv. 83
v. 139; xn. 515 LoUards, An Apology for the, n, 49
Forbonius and Prisceria, in. 358; v. 139 Lollards, poems against, n. 443, 502
Honest Excuses, vi. 379 Lollio, in Hall's Virgidemzarum, rv. 331
'Like desart woods,* TV. 116 Lollius, in Chaucer's Troilus and Oriseyde,
Looking Glassefor London and England, n.172
A, v. 134, 139 Lomas, Mrs S. C., vn. 189, 190, 434
Margante of America, in. 358; TV. 77, Lomazzo, G. P., rv. 445
118; v. 139 Lombard, Peter (c. 1100-1164), Master of
'My bonnie Lasse thine eie,' iv. 117 the Sentences, L
201, 211, 212; n. 46,
Phyllis, m. 262, 523; iv. 116, 118; Y. 139 350, 365, 366, 371; Sentences, L 208;
Prosopopeta, TV. 357 n. 350, 365; HL 50, 400; vn. 405
Robert, Second Duke of Normandy, Lombards, the, v. 24, 248
Surnamed Robin the Dwell, v. 139
Lombards, the, in Confessio Amantis, n.
Rosalynde, ILL 355, 358; iv. 77, 118; 148
v. 139, 193, 220; vi. 365, 389 Lombardy, vm. 245; xn. 63
Scillaes Metamorphosis, v. 139, 140 Lombart, Pierre (1620?-1681), vn. 487
Seneca, ix. 265 Londeshorough, xn. 509
Tragical Complaynt of Elstred, The, London, n. 302, 318, 320, 322, 496, 505,
m. 198; v. 239 508; m. 3, 15, 18, 40, 63, 71, 183, 213,
William Longbeard, m. 367; v. 139 244, 267, 316, 317, 321, 330, 359 ff.,
"Wounds of Gimll War, The, v. 139; VL 367 ff., 371, 379, 381 ff., 386, 393, 395,
19 396, 399, 406, 427, 436, 440; iv, 3, 76,
Lodovico, in The White Divel, VL 176, 177 80 ff., 98, 106, 151, 154 ff., 161, 16S,
Lodowick, in Edward III, v. 244 190, 191, 198, 202 ff., 207, 224, 233,
Lodowick, in The Or atefutt Servant, VL 204 243, 253, 255, 292, 293, 300, 310, 311,
Loe, WiUiam (d. 1645), vn. 407 316 ff., 321, 323 ff., 327, 328, 334, 338,
Lofft, Capel, the younger (1806-1873), 341 ff., 349, 360 ff., 378 ff., 402, 407 ff.,
xm. 505 424 ff., 514 ff., 531 ff., 544 ff.; v. 30, 35,
Lofsong ofure Lefdi, On, T. 232, 458 38, 44, 57, 68 ff., 80, 104, 110, 128,
Lofsong of ure Louerde, On, I. 233, 459 134, 139, 143, 166, 169 ff., 248, 253 ff.,
Loftus, Adam (1533?-1605), archbishop of 290, 293, 308, 310, 312, 316, 320 ff.,
Armagh and Dublin, m. 426 325, 330, 342, 353, 358, 361, 366 ff.,
Loftus, Smyth, Reply to the Reasonings of 371, 376, 378; VL 4, 13, 15, 16, 23, 27,
Mr Gibbon, x. 308, 507 28, 50, 52 ff., 60, 72, 92, 104, 107, 110,
Lofty, in The Good-Natur'd Man, x. 211, 134, 135, 141, 149, 151, 196, 201, 211,
212 220, 233, 242, 243, 249 ff., 259 ff., 281,
Logan, George (1678-1755), IX. 561, 562 323, 330 ff., 345, 362, 365, 376, 378,
Logan, James ( 1794 ?~1 872), xn. 511; 381 ff., 386 ff., 397 ff., 400; vn. 6, 7, 9,
Clans of the Scottish Highlands, xn. 350; 54, 78, 88, 91, 98, 120, 151, 157, 183,
The Scottish Gad, xn, 350 188, 190, 200, 201, 227, 230, 283, 284,
Logan, John (1748-1788), ix. 557; XL 286, 287, 289, 305, 314, 322, 343, 346,
442, 444; Braes of Yarrow, The, XL 244; 348, 379, 380, 383, 437, 453; VHL 3 ff.,
Cuckoo, The, xi. 244; Runnamede, xi. 12, 37, 53, 60, 81, 83, 89, 94, 108, 113,
244 117, 118, 122, 127, 134, 160, 170, 180,
Logan, Sir Robert, of Restalrig (d, 1606), 182, 187, 190, 210, 247, 249, 250, 263,
ix. 551 265, 286, 297, 301, 302, 305, 329, 330,
Logan Water, ix. 363 333, 363, 373, 377; ix. 3. 6, 11, 24, 26,
Logan Water, XL 235 27, 31 ff., 36, 43, 44, 46, 51, 52, 57, 58,
Logic, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, n. 225 62, 64, 65, 67, 94 ff., 112, 120, 126,
Logic, Bob, in Egan's Life in London, 129 ff., 146, 149, 153, 160, 170, 194,
xiv. 223, 224, 226, 230 202, 212, 213, 215, 220, 234, 240, 246,
Logic land, in The Pilgrimage to Par- 249, 256, 261 ff., 277, 280 ff., 290, 331,
nassvA, VL 310 336, 345, 353, 354, 357, 359, 363, 369,
Logie, Margaret, n. 129 394, 406, 537, 539; x, 2, 21, 23, 28, 35,
Logres, in Arthurian legend, L 279 36, 39, 42, 77, 87, 94, 120, 149, 157,
Lohenstein, Daniel Caspar von, m. 348 160, 161, 169, 182, 192, 193, 200, 237,
Loir, river, x. 282; xrv. 302 261, 262, 276 ff., 296, 303, 305, 307,
Lok or Lock, Henry (15532-1608?), m. 311, 312, 323, 324, 344, 356, 358, 375 ff.,
523; iv. 159; Sundrie Sonets of Christian 382, 385 ff., 391, 394, 404, 408, 409, 460;
Passions, m. 271 Xi. 37, 44, 58, 59, 80, 81, 96, 104, 130,
Lok, Michael (fl. 1615), iv. 82, 84, 459 133, 148, 156, 181, 195, 263 ff., 270 ff.,

227 15-3
London London
278, 283, 286, 315, 325, 338, 340 ff., xi. 295; xn. 200, 339, 340, 342, 345 ff.,
346, 360, 363; xn. 18, 31, 32, 37, 38, 356, 368, 372, 382, 521, 523; xm. 54,
57, 81, 142, 150, 164, 166, 167, 169, 140, 455, 483, 486, 507, 531, 555, 571,
172, 181, 203, 232, 234, 290, 291, 310, 572; xrv. 51, 80, 87, 153, 226, 281, 284,
323, 325 : 329, 341, 347, 349, 511; xm. 285, 295, 524, 539, 558, 560, 566, 580,
5, 12, 14, 18, 20, 55, 72, 77, 84, 107, 610
142, 202, 216, 259 7 260, 266, 295, 325, Broad street, Golden square, XL 433
357, 358, 373, 383, 384, 409, 423, 455, Bromley-St-Leonard, vn. 339
458; siv. 13, 23, 34, 77, 91, 100, 101, Bryanstone square, xm. 295
119, 167ff., 173. 177, 179, 186, 189, Buckingham palace, vm. 358; xiv. 415
193, 199, 202 ff., 206, 213 c.,
195, 217, Bunhill fields, vn. 107; ix. 25
220, 252, 257, 263, 279, 293,
225, 295, Burlington gardens, ix, 163
298, 312, 323, 327, 332, 344,
311, 346, Burlington house, xiv. 281, 287
362, 373, 406, 407, 410
369, Calf s Head club, vn. 124
Adelphi, the, XL 362 Camberwell, xm. 51
Aldennanbury, VL 278 Camden town, xm, 305
Aldennary churchyard, XL 373 Cannon street, vn. 334
Aldersgate, IT. 399; vn. 100 Caversham house, rv. 143
Aldgale, Chaucer's house io, n. 157, 158 Chancery lane, VL 354; vii. 250; xn. 187
All Hallows, Lombard street, in. 57 Channel row, ix. 146
Angel sign, XL 335 Chapel Royal, the, v. 122
Antelope, sign of the, rv. 389 Chapel street, xn. 184
Antiquities, xn. 507, 513 Chapter coffeehouse, XL 325
Arcade (the New Exchange), vra. 138 Charmg Cross, vn. 513; vm. 409; ix.
Arches, court of, IV. 426 146, 260
Arlington street, x. 243, 246 Charles street, XL 142
Artillery garden, vi. 89 Charterhouse, the, v. 17; vm. 26, 38,
Artillery row, vn. 107 193, 292, 403; ix. 45; x. 364; xiv
Axe yard, Westminster, Yin. 254 222, 422
Baldwin's gardens, xiv. 404 Charterhouse school, vn. 24, 33, 338,
Bankside, Southwark, vi. Ill, 255, 258, 492
259, 261; x. 201 Cheapside, m. 371; v. 9, 366; VL 330;
Barbican, vn. 103, 116 vn. 96, 382; XL 332, 402
Barbican chapel, X. 381 Chelsea, vn. 310; ix. 126, 132; x. 39;
Bartholomew fair, ix. 263 xm. 10, 440
Bedford college, xiv. 429 Chelsea, college at, m. 391; iv. 424
Bedlam, VL 172; vm. 186 Chelsea physic garden, xrv. 286
Bell, the, Gracechurch street, YI. 251 Chester's inn, Strand, n. 206
Bell Savage, the, Ludgate hill, vi. 251 Cheyne row, xm. 10, 21
Berkeley square, x, 246, 248 Cheyne walk, xm. 372
Bible, sign, XL 332 Chiswick mall, xm. 276
Billingsgate, m. 371; iv. 361; vn. 130; Christ church, vn. 361
vm. 95, 372; ix. 257, 263, 272 Christ's hospital (Blue Coat school),
Birkbeck college, xiv. 408 m. 327; vn. 143, 326, 337, 492; vm.
Birkbeck schools, xiv. 414, 415 450; xi. 118; xn. 181, 183, 434
Bishopsgate, vi. 251 ix. 263 ;
Clapham, x. 385
Bishopsgate street, ix. 393, 471 Clarges street, XL 345, 359
Black Boy, sign, XL 335 ClerkenweU, VL 262; x. 385, 390; xm.
Blackfriars, VL 251, 257, 352; vm. 118; 457
XL 330 Cleveland row, ix, 168
Blackfriars bridge, X. 179, 467 Clifford's inn, rv. 157; xm. 449
Black Swan, Tower street, vm. 208 Clink liberty, Southwark, the, VL 254
Blue Coat school See Christ's hospital Colebrook row, xn. 198
Bolt court, x. 187 College street, x. 300
Bolton row, XL 345 Colonial office, xiv. 109
Bond street, xiv. 223 Conduit close, vn. 336
Bow, vn. 339 Cork street, ix. 133
Bow street, vm. 34, 199; xn. 128; Cornhill, ix. 6; x. 116; XL 141, 332, 335
xiv. 188 Counter in the Poultrey, the, VL 51
Brainford, rv. 361 Coutts old bank, Strand, vn. 363
Bread street, vn. 96, 107 Covent garden, vn. 246; vm. 34, 172,
Bread street, the
Mermaid, IV. 90, 91 218; IX. 160, 348; XL 333, 336; xn
Brick court, x. 212 187, 194
British museum, m.
190; iv. 117, 429; Cripplegate, vi. 251, 253, 258
EC. 11, 124, 234; x, 95, 131, 253, 295; Crosbie house, VL 84

London London
Cross Keys inn, Gracechurch street, VL Gracechurch street, VL 247, 251
247, 251 Gray's inn, m. 202, 315; v. 58, 70, 71,
Cross Keys, sign, XL 320 77, 78, 114, 219, 357, 367; VL 112, 197,
Crown inn, Islington, x. 212 356; vn. 21; vm. 369; ix. 211, 220
Crown Office row, xn. 181 Gray's-inn-gate, ix. 274
Curtain close, VL 253 Gray's inn gateway, XL 332
Curtain road, Shoreditch, YI. 251, 253 Great Coram street, xm. 278
Denmark house, VL 103 Great Eastern street, YL 251
Devereux court, si. 376 Great George street, ix. 246
Devil tavern, xi. 326 Great Portland street, xrv. 226
Devil tavern, Temple Bar, Apollo room Great St Andrew street, xiv. 227
in, vi. 6; vn. 3 Green Arbour court, x. 204
Doctors' Commons, ix. 139; sin. 305, Greenstreet house, East Ham, iv. 412
327 Gresham college, m. 420; vn. 309, 320;
Dog tavern, vn. 5 vm. 61, 249, 355, 365; ix. 385, 386,
Dover street, rs. 132; XL 348 390, 530, 573; xrv. 284
Downing street, vm. 253; x. 36 Grosvenor chapel, ix. 246
Drury lane, vi. 262; ix. 63; XL 327 Guildhall, m. 324
Duck lane, XL 325, 331 Gunpowder alley, vn. 24
Dulwich college, xn. 336 Guy's hospital, xm. 53
Dulwich gallery, TTTT. 52 Hackney, ix. 393; xn. 184
Earl street, xrv. 226 Hammersmith, xm. 120, 128
East India house, xn. 183, 192, 198, 200 Hampstead, ix. 133; x. 212
Essex street, xn. 279 Hanson street, rx. 166
Eyebright, iv. 361 Haymarket, x. 87
Fetter lane, xn. 181 Heralds' college, VTX 207
Finsbury, xrv. 326 Hickford's dancing-room, ix. 483
Finsbury fields, vi.251 ft, 255, 257 Highgate, VL 341; XL 121; xn. 201;
Finsbury pavement, xn. 79 xm. 112
Finsbury square, xi. 337 Highgate academy, x. 385
Fire, the Great, iv. 433; vm. 9, 10, 11, Hill street, x. 282; XL 348, 350
249, 253, 320 Holborn, YL 168; vn. 104; x. 191; XL
Fish lane, rx. 263 329, 332; xn. 183
Fish-market, the Old, n. 35 Holywell lane, vi. 251
Fish street hill, x. 201 Holywell, priory of, VL 251, 253
Fishmongers' company, iv. 386 Homer's Head, Fleet street, XL 323
Fleet, the, x. 393, 395 Howard house, vn. 338
Fleet prison, the, n. 209; m. 175, 389; Hoxton, XTTT. 457
v. 140, 320; vn. 197, 199; ix. 139; Hoxton academy, XL 43
xm. 322 Hoxton square academy, x. 385
Fleet street, n. 159; m. 371; iv. 390, Hyde park, xm. 20
398; vi. 218; vn. 61, 120, 250; x. 206, India office, Westminster vm. 254;
207, 397; XL 323, 339; xn. 188, 205; xn. 305; xrv. 14
xrv. 185 India office library, xrv. 574
Fleet street, sign of the Sun in, m. 194 Inner Temple, iv. 157; v. 68, 70, 72,
Fleet tavern, the, v. 321 73, 77; VL 112, 356; vn. 221; vm. 116,
Flesh-shambles, the, n. 35 142; ix. 51; xn. 180, 181, 183
Free-masons hall, XL 402 Inner Temple lane, x. 207; xn. 191, 192
Freemasons' tavern, xiv. 287 Inns of Court, m. 424; iv. 208; v. 368;
Fulham, x. 12; xn. 201 VL 218; vn. 62
Fulwood rents, rx. 260 Islington, rs. 261, 393; x. 207, 212;
Furnivars JT>n, ra. 15 xn. 184, 196, 198, 200, 201
Gatehouse prison, Westminster, vn. 24, Islington academy, x. 385, 386
357; vm. 258 Jermyn street, TTTT. 294
Gerrard street, x. 212 Jermyn street museum, xiv. 292, 294
Globe tavern, vn. 38 Jewin street, x. 385
'Globe,' Paternoster row, XL 323 Kelmscott house, xm. 128
Gloucester place, XTTT. 70 Kennington, manor of, YL 330
Goldsmiths' alley, vn. 335 Kensington, xn. 331, 440, 444; xm.
Goldsmiths' company, rv. 184 294, 300
Goldsmiths' row, Cheapside, v. 366; Kensington gardens, ix. 483
vn. 4 Kent street, ix. 269
Gore house, xrv. 322 King's Bench prison, xiv. 217
Gough square, x. Add. King's college, xn. 290; yTTT. 355; xiv.
Gower street, xrv. 290, 411 82, 411, 429

London London
Kingsland, vm. 253 National Portrait gallery, xiv. 89
Knightrider street, TV. 398 New Bond street, XL 323, 332
Knightsbridge, vm, 211 New Exchange, Strand, vn. 363; vrn.
Lambeth, rv. 422, 424; XT. 189, 432; 6,138
xn. 507, 508; xm. 457 Newgate (prison), n. 336; rv, 156, 381;
Lambeth palace, x. 223, 498 v. 54; vr. 330
Lambeth palace library, Yin. 463,- xn. Newgate, rx. 2, 9, 10, 30, 163, 263, 272;
367; xiv. 74, 79 x. 27, 351; xrv. 178, 228
Lant street, xm. 305 Newington butts, VL 58
Latine coffee-house, vn. 389 Newington green, rx. 393
Leadenhall, m. 369; xn. 198, 200 Old Bailey, xn. 279
Leadenhall street, xn. 183 Old Kensington palace, x. Add.
Leathersellers' company, rv. 391 Onslow square, TTTT. 294
Leicester fields, XL 333, 364 Palace green, xnr. 300
Limehouse, rv. 73, 99 Palace yard, vn. 389
Lincoln's inn, m. 15; rv. 199, 203, 219, Pall Mall, x. 266; XT. 323, 332, 333
240; v. 273; VI. 404; vn. 46, 59, 226; Paper office, rx. 197
vm. 320, 369; x. 362; xn. 354; xrv. 251 Paris garden, vr. 220, 255, 259, 383,
Lincoln's inn fields, VL 262; vn, 104; 393, 402
vm. 150, 153, 195 Park lane, xm. 295
Lindsay row, Chelsea, xm. 372 Park street, vr.256
Little Bartholomew's Well-yard, XL 334 Parliament, houses of, xn. 508
Little Britain, rv. 390; rx. 274; x, 3S5; Parson's dock, rx. 257
XL 331, 332, 335 Parson's green, x. 12
Little Old Bailey, x. 204 ; 206 Paternoster row, n. 307; rv. 398; x.
LittleQueen street, xn. 183 201, 202; XL 323, 325, 327, 332, 330,
Lombard street, XL 330 xn. 205
London academy, x. 3S6 Paul's Cross, n. 288, 289, 302; m. 406;
London bridge, rv, 390, 399, 546; VL rv. 234, 235; VL 375, 379, 386; vn.
330; vn. 339; vm. 11; xi. 332, 335, 467 146, 147
London institution, xn. 323 Peacock, sign, XT. 339
London library, xn. 519 Pelican, sign, XT. 335
London wall, iv. 418 PentonviUe, xn. 184, 186, 187, 194;
Lower mews, XL 333 xrv. 51
Ludgate hill, VL 251 Petre house, Aldersgate, vn. 24
Maiden lane, VL 255 Petty Prance,' or York street, vn. 104
Mall, the, rx. 256, 263 Pewter Platter inn, xr. 329
Marshalsea, the, rv. 155, 156; xm. 305, Physicians, royal college of, m. 6, 107
331; xrv. 194 Pimlico, rv. 362; xn. 365
Marylebone gardens, rx. 369 Pinners' hall, x. 377
Mechanics' institution, xrv. 408, 415 Pipe office, the, vr. 257
Mercers* company, m. 11, 12 Poor Jewry lane, x. 381
Mercers' school, the, vn. 332 Pope's Head' alley, Cornhill, vr. 358;
Merchant Taylors' school, m. 213, 428, vn, 344
435; rv.238; v. 102, 116, 122, 156; Portman square, x. 262
VL 196, 221, 246, 288; vn. 326, 334, Poultry, VL 51; xr. 326, 332
335, 493; xrv. 422 Primrose hill, xm. 269
Mermaid tavern, vr. 1, 5, 112; vm. 322; Prince's Arms, sign, XL 318
xn. 89 Priory, the, Regent's park, XTTT. 396
Middle Temple, the, rv. 80, 141; v. 220; Pudding lane, vr. 358
VL 37, 188; vn. 16; vm. 146, 464; Quaker's tavern, rx. 263
X. 23; XT. 2;xm.277 Queen-hive, rv. 361
Miles's coffee-house in Palace-yard, vn. Queen's college, xm. 355; xiv. 429
389 Ram-alley, vr. 217, 219; rx, 268
Milk street, n. 307 Ranelagh, xr. 259, 352
Mitre court buildings, xn. 187 Ranelagh house, x. 425
Monmouth court, xrv. 227 Record office, xrv. 87, 111
Monmouth house, x. 39 Red Lion square, xm. 119
Moorfields, rx. 25, 260; x. 385, 386 Red Pale, Westminster, sign of the,
Moorfields academy, x. 384 n. 312
Moorgate, VL 251 Regent's park, xrv. 289
Mulberry gardens, vm. 9, 138 Rhenish tavern, rx. 146
Munimento GildJidLlae Londoniensia Rolls chapel, rx. 195, 198
(Liber custumarum), n 428 Ropemakers' alley, rx. 25; x. 385
National gallery, xrv. 154, 238 Rota club and coffee-house, vn. 362, 389

London London
Royal Caledonian asylum, TTTT, 107 St Paul's, Co vent garden, vm. 301
Royal Cockpit, the, xiv. 222 St Peter's, Cornhill, vm. 301
Royal college of surgeons, xrv. 286, 295 St Saviour's church, Southwark, VL
Royal Exchange, in. 395; vi. 83, 100, 111, 144
300; ix. 49, 260; XL 141, 327, 332 St Saviour's school, Southwark, m.
Royal institution, xn. 343; xm. 369; 428; vn. 339
xiv. 259 ff. St Stephen's, Westminster, n. 208
Rummer tavern, ix. 146 Salisbury court, x. 201
Russell street, vm. 34; xi. 333; xn. Salisbury court in Whitefriars, thea-
194, 198 trical company at, vm. 118
St Andrew's, Holborn, iv. 141; vi. 168 Salisbury square, x. 12
St Augustine's, x. 377 Sailer's hall, x. 377, 379, 380
St Bartholomew's hospital, vn. 361 Savoy, the, vn. 63; vm. 319
St Clement Danes, iv. 237; rx. 195 Savoy chapel, vn. 245, 246; vm. 301
St Dunstan's church, xn. 191 Savoy hospital, vm. 249, 377
St Dunstan's churchyard, xi. 318 Savoy hospital, church of the, rv
St Dunstan's in the West, rv. 143, 219; 156
vn. 250 'Saynt Magnus Corner,' iv. 399
St Giles's in the Fields, VL 30 Seething lane, vm. 25o
St Giles without Cripplegate, vi. 258; Seven Dials, XL 469; xiv. 226, 227
vn. 107 Seven Stars, Strand, vn. 363
St Giles, Cripplegate, ix. 6 Shakespear's Head, sign, XL 319, 320
St Helen's, n. 306 Shoreditch, m. 316; VL 251, 253
St James's, xm. 269 Sion college, iv. 418, 433
St James's, court of, xrv. 348 Skinner street, xn. 191
St James's coffeehouse, rs. 247, 463, 471 Smithfield, n. 422; vn. 304; ix. 263
St James's palace, vm. 266; ix. 78, Smyrna coffee-house, ix. 471
249, 250, 331 Snow hill, vn. 361
St James's park, vm. 7; xrv. 284 Soho square, x. 482
St James's street, xm. 294 Somerset house, VL 366; vn. 353; xiv
St John street, ClerkenweU, vi. 262 284
St John's, Westminster, x. 393 Somerset place, x. 266
St Lawrence, Jewry, m. 15; vm. 369 South Audley street, ix. 246
St Leonard's, Eastcheap, vn. 223 South. Kensington museum, xrv. 284,
St Magnus, church of, XL 467 285
St Margaret Pattens, x. 294 South Molton street, XL 432
St Margaret's church, xn. 319 Southampton buildings, xn. 187, 191
St Martin's, Ludgate, iv. 91 Southampton street, CamberweU, xm.
St Martin in the Fields, vm. 250 51
St Martin's lane, vm. 173 South-Sea house, xn. 183, 195
St Martin's vintry, vn. 355 Southwark, rv. 361, 374; VL 111, 144,
St Mary's, Aldermanbury, vi. 278 247, 250, 254, 255; vn. 339; ix. 269
St Mary's, Westminster, Chaucer's Spencer house, xn. 356
house at, n. 158 Spital, the, rv. 225; vn. 146
St Mary Overy, vr. 224 Spread Eagle, the, Bread street, Cheap-
St Matthew's, Friday street, vn. 456 side, vn. 96
St Michael-le-Quern, Cheapside, vn. 232 Staining-lane, n. 35
St Mildred, Poultry, parish of, m. 183 Stationers' hall, m. 393, 397; rv. 170,
St Olave's school, vn. 339 171, 180, 184
St Pancras, rx. 257 Stationers' register and court, m. Add.
St Paul's cathedral, n. 208, 365, 367; Stepney, rv. 547
m. 9, 11, 183; rv. 203, 204, 219, 225, Stock exchange, xrv. 2
232, 240, 265, 320, 330, 332, 356, 366, Stocks market, XL 332
388, 398, 433, 546; v. 90, 122, 255, 367, Stoke Newington, rx. 393
374; vi. 57, 84, 251; vn. 59, 82, 345, Strand, n. 206; iv. 202; v. 9, 366; vn.
458; vm. 299, 304, 369; ix. 330, 343, 38, 362; XL 319, 323, 325, 332; xn. 181.
533; x. 358; XL 332; xn. 271 ft, 319, 188
320, 477; xnr. 34, 260; xiv. 13, 403 Stratford, vn. 339
St Paul's churchyard, m. 11; iv. 393, Stratford-le-Bow school, vn. 339
398, 403; vn. 146; x. 205; XL 318, 325, Sun tavern, vn. 5
331 339 376 Surgeon's hall, x. 204
St Paul's school, n. 489; m. 13, 428, Swan tavern, XL 328
435; v. 58, 102, 125; vi. 40, 41, 246, Synagogue, the Great, St James's place,
287, 288; vn. 96, 97, 326, 329, 332, 334; Aldgate, XL 413
vm. 253; DC. 573; x. 408; xiv. 422 Taverns, VL 101

London London
Temple, the, m. 406; iv. 238, 237; VL White Horse tavern, Strand, vm. 266
218; vn, 83; x. 212, 358; XL 79; xn. Whitefriars, vn. 349; vm. 174; ix. 268
183, 187, 194 Whitefriars monastery, VL 262
Temple bar, si. 326, 332 Whitehall, iv. 219; v. 64, 70, 253; vi.
Temple church, VL 38; vn. 197; vm. 36, 112, 237, 342, 348, 350, 351, 354,
251,304, 370; x. 215; xn. 191 356, 361, 404; vn. 1, 4, 5, 13, 16, 17,
Tenter alley, x. 384 20, 104, 215, 254, 264; vm. 11, 115,
Thames, the, n. 145, 233; m. 238, 380; 199, 206, 249, 268, 269, 358; IX. 215;
IV. 72, 77, 177, 392, 532; vs. 252, 258; X. 307
vn. 38, 59, 60, 334; vm. 24 Williams library, vn. 29
Thames embankment, rv. 418 Willis's rooms, xm. 294
Thames street, n. 156; v. 98 Will's coffee-house, vm. 34, 159, 172,
Thavies's inn, iv. 199 212, 370, 376
Threadneedle street, XL 280 Wimpole street, xm. 70
Three-legs, sign, XL 332 Winchester house, vr. 356
Three Pigeons, sign, XL 332 Wine Office court, x. 206, 207
Tottenham Court road, XTTT. 450; xiv. Wits' coffeehouse, ix. 263
229 Wood street, Cheapside, VXL 4
Tottenham cross, ix. 403 York buildings, Buckingham street,
To^er, the, m. 16, 17, 167, 176, 431; vm. 258
IV. 53, 57 ff., 103, 143, 181, 230, 425; York house, iv. 278
VL 90; vn. 203, 226, 254, 453; vm. 36, York street, XL 336
107, 111, 207, 253, 257, 259; DC. 175, York street, or 'Petty France,' vn. 104
348, 356; x, 352; xn. 507, 509 Young street, xm. 294
Tower hill, vn. 224 See, also, under Islington, Lambeth,
Tower street, vm. 208 Southwark, Westminster, etc.
Triple Tun tavern, vn. 5 London, xiv. 162
Tully's Head, sign, xi. 323 London, William (fl. 1658), vn. 480;
Turk's Head coffee-house in Palace vm. 464; Catalogue of the most vendible
yard, vn. 362 Books, xi. 338, 470
Turk's Head inn, x. 215 London and the development of popular
Tuttle fields, m. 369 literature, IV. 316 ff., 514 ff.
Tyburn, iv. 128, 381; vn. 2; vm. 163; London Chanticleer (1659), vn. 512
ix. 268; x. 351 London Chronicle, m. 532; x. 177, 467
University, sn. 350; xiv. 411, 412, 414, London Corresponding society, xiv. 121
417, 429, 430, 432 London Cries, XL 487
University college, xn. 297, 309, 335, London Daily Chronicle, The, xiv. 193

336; xm. 53; xiv. 24, 290, 412, 426, London Evening Courier, The, xiv. 176
429 London Gazette, The, vn. 363, 364; ix. 1;
University College hospital, xm. 107 XL 333; xiv. 167
Vauzhall gardens, XL 352 London Journal, ix. 221
Victoria and Albert museum, x. 263; London life, VL 225, 226, 228
xm. 482, 483, 516, 530, 531; xiv. 539 London Magazine, The, x. 192, 467, 474,
Walpole house, xm. 276 479; XL 339; xn. 141, 160-161 (main
Walworth, xm. 51 entry), 171, 193, 195, 199, 200, 428;
Wapping, xrr. 362 xm. 4, 257, 465
Wapping academy, x. 385 London Magazine, The, or Gentleman's
Warwick lane, XL 323 Monthly Intelligencer, xn. 428
Watling street, v. 255 London Magazine, The, and Monthly
Well Close square, X. 384; XL 452 Chronologer, xn. 428
Westminster, rz. 139, 146, 147, 397, London merchant, a, in A Woman will
539; x. 29, 33, 351, 352, 393, 394, 397, have her Will, v. 329
470; xn. 272, 275, 294, 411, 507, 513; London Missionary society, xm. 51
xiv, 181 London Monthly MisceUany, The, xiv. 149
Westminster abbey, ix. 55, 153, 164, London Packet, x. 474
532; x. 187, 232, 265; XL 181; xn. 312, London Post, ix. 432
319, 365, 383, 478, 508; xm. 20, 84, London ProdigaU, The, v. 236, 238, 254,
369; xrv. 222, 295 332; VI. 97
Westminster hall, rx. 160, 247; XL 332, London Review, The, xn. 430, 440; xiv.
467; xiv. 124 199
Westminster school, ix. 158, 188, 250, London Star, The, XL 235
333, 390, 405, 408 ff., 414, 483, 573; London theatres, xn. 508
x. 300, 393; XL 78, 83, 155, 157, 328, Adelphi, xn. 171; xm. 265, 270; xiv
421, 423; xn. 334; xiv. 225, 283, 386, 224
387, 422 Aquatic, xn. 171

London theatres Long parliament, the, m. 397; iv. 299;
Astley's, xiv. 222, 224 VL 235; TO. 6, 22, 24, 54, 206, 223, 224,
Blackfriars, v. 256; vn. 59 230, 285, 346, 440, 441, 456, 458; vm.
Coburg, xn. 171 79, 80, 323; ix. 387; XL 311
Cockpit, Dniry lane, vra. 115, 116, 118, Longcastell (Lancaster), in Wallace, n. 110
180 Longe, Julia G., ix. 92
Covent garden, x. 89, 91, 211, 212, 214, Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, I. 147;
425 ff., 444; si. 244, 259 ff., 264, 273, xm. 245, 246; xiv. 365, 378; Children
277, 278, 283, 448, 450 ff.; xn. 69, 171; of the. Lord's Supper, xm. 244; Evange-
xm. 256, 258; xiv. 227, 319 line, -ETTT. 241, 244
Dorset garden, vm. 119, 182, 193; x. Longford county, x. 195
70 Longing, the land of, in Piers the Plow-
Drury lane, Yin. 134, 148, 150, 189, man, n. 25
400; x. 21, 40, 70, 73, 85, 87 ff., 91, Longinus, vn. 85, 316, 489; ix. 51, 59,
161, 167, 209, 212, 265, 425 ff.; XL 188, 527; x. 144; xn. 324; On the Sub-
258 ff., 263, 264, 271, 273, 277, 283, lime, v. 234
304, 393, 402, 449 ff., 454 ff.; xn. 35, Longland, John (1473-1547), bishop of
171, 189, 194, 386, 390, 434; xm. 256, Lincoln, m. 36, 38; iv. 228, 493, 494;
265, 514, 515; xw. 334 Tres Condones, TV. 226
Drary lane Theatre Royal, Covent Longleat, rs. 153, 443
garden (1663), VIJL 119 Longleat Papers, ix. 147, 156, 443, 483.
Duke's, vm. 400 See, also, Bath, marquis of, Papers
East London, xn. 171 Longman, Thomas (1699-1755), XL 323
Globe, v. 218, 242 Longman, Thomas Norton (1771-1842),
Goodman's fields, X. 21, 427, 432, 440 XL 327
Eaymarket, vm. 162, 163; ix. 471; Longman and Rees, publishers, xn. 142
x. 21, 23, 426 ff., 444; xi. 259, 278, 279, Longman's Magazine, xn. 427
451, 452, 454; xn. 171; xm. 256 Longmore, George, xiv. Add. 5
King's, xn. 171 Longmuir, John (1803-1883), xn. 517
Lincoln's Inn fields, x. 426, 428, 430, Longside, ix. 372
434, 436, 439, 440; XL 258 Long-tongue, in The Disobedient Child, v.
Little theatre in the Haymarket, x. 23, 109
87; XL 452 Longueville, Charles, vm. 62
Lyceum, xn. 171; XTTT. 513 ff. Longueville, William (1639-1721), vm.
Newington, v. 256 60,62
Olympic, xiv. 224 Longus, iv. 438; vn. 489
Portugal row, Lincoln's Tirn fields, VL Longwood, St Helena, xm. 276
262; vm. 119, 152, 399 Looke about you, v. 35, 320, 328, 329, 476
Prince of Wales's, xm. 271 Looking Glass for George Fox, ix. 307
Bed Bull playhouse, vm. 115; theatrical LooJcing Glass for the Mind, XL 382
company at, vm, 118 Loolcing glasse for all proud, ambitious,
Rose, v. 316 covetous and corrupt Lawyers, A, vn. 388
Royalty, XL 452 Lope de Vega, Don Lope de Cardona, VL
Sadler's wells, vm. 184; XHL 264 204; M Mayordomo de la Duquesa de
Salisbury court, Meet street, vm. 119 Amalfi, TL 180; M
Peregrino en su
Surrey, xn. 171; xm. 264, 265 patria, VI. 139
Whitefriars, v. 346; VL 220, 251 Lopes, Duarte, iv. 445
Winter, XL 452 Lopez, in The MercMnt of Venice, V. 181
London Topographical society, xn. 506 Lopez, in The Spanish Curate, VI. 139
London and Westminster Heview, XL 398; Lopez, Trollope's, xm. 422
xn. 430 Lopez de Gomara, Francisco, Istoria de
Londonderry, vm. 122, 170; ix. 290 las Indias y conquista de Mejico, iv. 69
Long, Mrs Anne (1681?-1711), ix. 126, Lorain, P., TTTT. 545
456 Lorain, Charles Templeman, xiv. Add. 8
Long, George (1800-1879), xn. 487, also *Lord !Fanny,* in Pope's Imitations of
see Add.; Decline of the Roman Re- Horace, rx. 85, 251
public, The, xn. 307, 335 Lord Gov&rnaunce, v. 58
Long, Kingsmill, translator of Barclay Lord Love went maying, xm. 133
His Argenis, IV. 501 Lord Lovel, n. 412
Long, loch, XL 236 Lord MaxweWs Last Good Night, n. 413
Long, Roger (1680-1770), Life of Moham- Lord Randal, n. 407, 412
med, x. 281 Lord Thomas and Fair Annet, n. 412
Long Life, r. 228, 458 Lord's Prayer, XL 368
Long Meg of Westminster, in Richard Lord's Prayer, exposition on the, in
Casteler, m. 369, 487 Speculum Christiani, n. 319
Long Megg of Lincoln, rx. 268 Lord's Prayer, Rolle, IL 48

Lords, house of, in. 11; iv. 279; is. 195, Louisa, in Dickens's Hard Times, TTTT.
251; x. 192, 24t>, 397; XL 17, 29, 34, 321), 330
79, 315, 328; xn. 32, 285 Louisa, princess, ix. 162
Loreau, Mme H., xm. 550 Louise d Gonzague, queen of Poland,
Lorens, frere, i. 354 v. 201
Lorenz, Theodor, xrv. 532 Lounger, The, x. 55; XL 440, 449; xiv.
Lorenzo, in Keats's Isabella, xn. 86 591, 600
Lorenzo, in, May Dai/, m, 199 Lounsbury, Thomas R., xm. 477, 484;
Lorenzo, in The Bashful Lover, vr. 152 xiv. 611; Shakespeare and Voltaire, x.
Lorenzo, in The Decameron, xn. 82 81, 82; The first editors of Shakespeare,
Lorenzo, in The Merchant of Venice, v. 183 rs. 77, 78
Lorenzo, in The Spanish Tragedie, v. 240 Louth, Robert, xrv. 607
Lorenzo, in The Traytor, VL 199 Louth grammar school, xin. 23, 45
Loreto, litany of, rv. 129 Louth school, Lincolnshire, vn. 330
Loretto, vn/35, 63 Louvain, n. 245, 311; m. 67; iv. 402; v.
Lorica, or Cuirass, I. 68, 69 90; x. 200; xrv. 313
Lorimer, of Hoxton square academy, x. Louverture, Toussaint, XL 114
385 Louverture, Toussaint, in Martuieau's
Lorraine, Claude, vm. 217 The Hour and the Man, xm. 343
Lorraine, duke of, rs. 149 Lovat, lord. See Fraser, Simon
Lorrington, Mrs, in Marston's Favourite Lovato de' Lovati, v. 61

of Fortune, xm, 269 Love, in Complaint upon Love to Reason,

Lorrique, in The Tragedy of Hoffman, v. m. 187
327 Love, in Filostrato e Panfila, v. 62
Lorns, Guillaume de, n. 169, 219 Love, in Love Restored, vs.. 352
Lort, Michael (1725-1790), x. Add. Love, in Pathomachia, vi. 324
Los, Blake's, xi. 194 fi% 199 Love, in Piers the Plowman, n. 10, 27, 28
Loseley MSS., the, v. 408 Love, in The Shepheards Calender, m. 222
Losely, rv, 200 Love, in pnnce Arthur's marriage pageant,
Loserth, J., n. 54, 69, 440 VL 332
Losinga, Herbert de (1054?-1119), n. 497 Love, Prety parables and proverbs of, in.
Lot, F., r. 262 190
Lot, Parson (Charles Kingsley), xm. 358 Love, Sir Anthony, in Southerne's Sir
Loth, or Lot, in Arthurian legend, I. 259, Anthony Love, vm. 191
326 Love, the king of, in The Example of
Lothair, Disraeli's, xm. 352 Virtue, n. 227
Lothario, xirr. 378 Love Prevented, v. 330

Lothario, in Howe's Fair Penitent, vm. 'Lovechild, Mrs, XL 377, 379

196 Loveday, Robert (fl. 1655), vn. 439
Lothian, xi. 244 ix. 57
Lothians, the, n. 89, 90, 95, 259, 368, 371 Lovel, in Lamb's Elia, xn. 180
Loti, Pierre, ix. 248 Lovel, lord, in The New Inne, VL 25
Lotos Eaters, I. 373 Lovelace, in Richardson's Clarissa Har-
Lot's wife, in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Pro- lowe, vm. 196; x. 8, 17
gress, vrr. 173 Lovelace, Dudley, vn. 24
London, John Claudius (1783-1843), xrv. Lovelace, earl of. See Milbanke, Ralph
562; Magazine of Natural History, xiv. Lovelace, Richard (1618-1658), vn 4,
149 23ff.
(main entry), 178, 399
Loughborough, vn. 91 Altheafrom Prison, To, vn. 24, 25
Loughborough, Alexander Wedderburn, Mlinda's Glove, vn. 25
lord. See Wedderburn, Alexander Going to the Wars, vn. 25
Louis IX (St Louis), king of France, Grasshopper, The, vn. 25
I.336, 354; n. 284; in. 160; rv. 30 Loose Saraband, A, vn. 25
Louis XI, VL 90; xn. 21, 26 iMcasta: Epodes, Odes, Sonnets, Songs,
Louis XII, v. 93 etc., vn. 24, 25
Louis XIII, rv. 254, 257, 259; vn. 205 Lucasta going beyond the Seas, To, 25
Louis XIV, vrr. 24; vm. 14, 132, 195, 246, Lucasta Posthume Poems, vn. 24
248, 262, 263, 272, 276; ix. 148, 150, Lucasta Weeping, vn. 25
151, 153, 391; x, 105; XL 355; xiv. Lucasta? & Muff, vn. 25
110, 212 Pastoral : to Amarantha, vn. 25
Lonis XVI, x. 306, 507; XL 28, 189, 430; Poems, vn. 180
xrv. 66 Scholar, The, vn. 24
Louis XVII, xm. 343 Snail, The, vn. 25
Louis XVIII, x. 261 Soldier, The, vn. 24
Louis-Philippe, king of the Prench, TTTT T To Lucasta, xrv. 436
283; xiv. 60 Lovelace, Sir William, vn. 23

Loveless, in Vanbrugh's Relapse, vm. 161 ; Loyalty, in Assembly of Ladies, n. 217
XL 268 Loyalty, in Piers the Plowman, n. 10, 25,
Loveless, in Sheridan's Trip to Scar- 32
borough, XL 268 Loyalty, in Portuus of Ndblines, n. 284
Loveless, in The Scornful Ladie, vi. 133 Loyola, Ignatius de, vm. 86
Lovelich, Henry, i. 469 Loyola, Ignatius, in A Game at Chesse,
Lovell, Robert (1770?-1796), XL 161, 420 VL 150
Lovely Lass of Inverness, ix. 377 Luard, Henry Richards (1825-1891), i
Lover, Samuel (1797-1868), XL 440; xiv. 182, 204; xn. 324, 356, 491, 492
313 321, 569, 573; Gridiron, The,
ff., Lubbock, John, baron Avebury (1834r~
xrv. 314; Handy Andy, xiv. 314; 1913), xn. 348, 511; xiv. 476, 562
Paddy's Pastoral Rhapsody, xiv. 314 Lubbock, Percy, xm. 484
Lover, the, in ConfessioAmantis, n. 146 ff., Luby, T. Clarke (1821-1901), xiv. 321,
152 also see Add. 3
Lover Loved, the, in Heywood's Love, Lucan, L 76; n. 366; m. 20, 113; iv. 23,
v. 93 395, 438; vn. 206, 263, 267, 268, 270,
Lover not Loved, the, in Eeywood's Love, 503; vm. 61; rs. 44, 182, 256, 337, 338,
v. 93 525; xn. 67, 306, 402; Pharsalia, iv.
Lovere, ix. 245 138; vi. 37, 235; vm. 197, 440
Loves of the Triangles, The, XL 41, 175 Lucar, Cyprian (JL 1590), iv. 448
Love's Garland iv. 467 Lucas, Charles (1713-1771), x, 466; xiv.
Lovett, William (1800-1877), xiv. 414, 569
602 Lucas, Sir Charles Prestwood, xrv. 509
Lovibond, Edward (1724-1775), x. 455 Lucas, Edward Verrall. x. Add. ; XL 395,
Low, Frances, xm. 551 417, 459, 475, 483, 484, 488, 492; xn.
Low Countries, n. 311, 320, 329; v. 113, 414, 422, 433 ff., 437, 438; xiv. 521,
143, 344, 361; vn. 306, 345; vm. 267 also see Add. 3
Lowde, James (jL 1694-1696), vm. 474 Lucas, S., Life of Peter Borthwclc, xiv. 185
Lowe, John (1750-1798), x, 456; Mary's Lucas, Samuel (1811-1865), editor of The
Dream, XL 234 Morning Star, xiv. 196
Lowe, Peter (15507-1612?), xn. 521 Lucas, Samuel, editor of The Press, xiv.
Lowe, Robert, viscount Sherbrooke (1811- 196
1892), xiv. 133, 137, 420, 511, 512, 607 Lucas, Theophilus (JL 1714), ix. 500
Lowe, Robert W., x. 67; XL 447, 449, 452; Lucas, Thomas (d. 1740), x. 387
xn. 522; xiv. 518 'Lucasia,' K. Philips' s, vn. 88
Lowe, W. E., xm. 513 Lucasta, alias Lucy Sacheverell, vn. 24,
Lowell, James Russell, n. 250; x. Add.; 25
XI. 407, 410; xn. 179, 399; xm. 143, Lucca, xn. 62
371, 472; xrv. 349 Luce, Morton, xm. 477
Lower, Richard (1631-1691), vm. 363, 477 Luce, in The London Prodigall, v. 254,
Lower, Sir William (1600?-1662), vm. 255; vi. 97
119, 438; Eoratius (Corneille's), trans- Lucentio, in The Taming of the Shrew,
lated by, vm. 133, 180; Polyeucte (Cor- v. 181
translated by, vm. 133, 180
neille's), Luces, the two, in The Wise-woman of
Lowin, John (1576-1659), VL 139, 248, Hogsdon, VL 99
249, 276, 277 Luces de Gast, L 273
Lowman, Moses (1680-1752), x. 521 Lucia, in Addison's Cato, ix. 63
Lowndes, William (1652-1724), An Essay Lucian, m. 15, 20, 22; iv. 438, 516, 527;
for the amendment of the Silver Coins, V. 221; VI. 18, 21, 87; vn. 131, 263,
vm. 344, 474, 476 274, 316, 318, 489; ix. 106, 159, 257,
Lowndes, William Thomas (d. 1843), xn. 266, 267, 500, 528; x. 474; XL 332;
445, 522; The Bibliographer's Manual, xm. 351; Dialogues, vm, 36; Menippus,
x. 410; xn. 368; The British Librarian, iv. 354; Timon, vi. 137
xn. 368 Lucianic reverie, x. 205
Lowood, in Jane Eyre, TTTT. 404 Lucifer, n. 30; m. 17, 76; IV. 166, 167;
Lowry, J. M., xrv. 573 ix. 327
Lowth, Robert (1710-1787), n. 406; x. Lucifer, in Bailey's Festus, xm. 153
136; xn. 468; A Short Introduction to Lucifer, in Byron's Cain, xn. 48
English Grammar, xiv. 396 Lucifer, in Byron's Vision of Judgment,
Lowther, Sir James, x. 131; XL 95 xn. 53
Loyal Garland, The (1686), vn. 512 Lucifer, in FitzGerald's The Mighty
Loyal Observer, The, iv. 65 Magician, TTTT. 144
Loyal Songs, ix. 566 Lucifer, in religious plays, v. 15, 57
Loyal Subject's Litany, vm. 96 Lucifer, in The Black Book, vi. 60
Loyalist, The, ix. 566 Lucifer, in Thefoure P.P., V. 96
Loyaltie and Bewtie, History of, VL 286, 287 Lucilius, VUL 58

Lucilla, in The Anatomy of Wit, m. 345, Raymond, vn. 277
Lully, or Lulle,
346 Lumby, Joseph Rawson (1831-1895), I.

Lucina, in The Birth of Merlin, v. 249 146; n. 284; xn. 487

Lucina, in Valentinian, vi. 122 Lumen, in Lingua, vr. 315
Lucinda, in Don Quixote, IK. 269 Lumfanane, in Wyntoun's Cronykil, n.
Lucio, in Measure for Measure, v. 190 132
Lucius, in The Rival Friends, VI. 325 Lumley, Eliza, afterwards Sterne, x. 47
Lucius, king, m. 332 Lumley, Richard, 2nd earl of Scar-
Lucius Iberius, in Morte Arthure, I. 313; borough (d. 1721), x. 256
n. 115, 118 Lumond, sea of, in Layamon, I. 236
'Lucius' (Junius), x. 403, 410 Lumpkin, Tony, in Goldsmith's She Stoops
Luckin, M. W., xiv. Add. 8 to Conquer, x. 206, 214

Luckless, in Fielding's Pleasures of the Luna, in Hawes's A Joyful Meditation,

Town, x. 21 etc., n. 226
Lucky Spence's Last Advice, 366
ix. The Lords' Masque, vi. 353
Lunatics,' in
Lucrece, in Gonfessio Amantis, n. 152 Lund, Thomas William Moy, xra. 488
Lucrece, in Gismond of Salerne, v. 73, 75 Lunenburg, duke of, in The Tragedy of
Lucrece, The Play of, v. 100, 410 Hoffman, v. 327
Lucretia, xn. 68 Luntowski, A., xm. 465, 476
Lucretius, rv. 347; vn. 268, 451, 486; Lupset, Thomas (1498?-1530), m. 20,
Yin, 61, 277, 288, 449; ix. 55, 526; 105, 474
xn. 67, 326, 335, 488, 492, 495; xni. Lupton, Donald (d. 1676), YT. 494; London
25,40,45, 145; xiv. 276, 374 and Country Carbonadoed, TV. 351, 522
Lucullus, ix. 270 Lupton, Roger (d. 1540), vn. 329, 330
Lucy, in Charlotte Bronte's VilleUe, xm. Lupton, Thomas (fl. 1583), All for Money,
410 v. 57, 393
Lucy, in Congreve's Old Bachelor, Yin. Lurewell, lady, in Farquhar's The Con-
147, 152 stant Couple, vm. 176, 178
Lucy, in Meredith's Richard Feverel, xni. Luria, Browning's, xm. 67
444,446 Luslungton, Edmund Law (1811-1893),
Lucy, in Sheridan's Rivals, x. 89; XL 266 xn. 487; xm. 24; On the Study of Greek,
Lucy, in Wordsworth's poems, XL 113 xn. 330
Lucy, Sir Henry W., xiv. 534 Lushington, Sir Franklin, xiv. 494
Lucy, St, i. 74, 356 Lusitania, in The Masque of Blacknesse,
Lucy, William (1594-1677), vn. 474
vi. 342
Ludi or disgysynges,' YI. 294 Lutd Soth Sermun, L 226, 458
Ludlow, Edmund (1617?-1692), YH. 451; Luther, Martin, n. 69; m. 7, 53, 69, 127,
Diary, vn. 225 139, 151, 363, 365, 472, 492; rv. 215,
Ludlow, John Malcolm, xni. 355 ; xiv. 408 224, 301, 380, 445, 446, also see Add.;
Ludlow castle, vi. 363; vn. 113; vm. 60 v. 58, 103; vn. 103; vm. 291, 321 E.;
Ludlow school, vn. 330 xn. 273, 281; xm. 13, 20, 388, 428;
Ludolphus, J., History of Aethiopia, ix. xiv. 99; Table Talk, or Colloquies
268 (Colloquia Mensalia), vn. 391; vm. 321,
Ludovicus Vives, vr. 225 322
Ludus Accidiae, v. 52 Lutheran drama, vr. 374
Ludus Coventriae. See Coventry Plays Lutheranism, m. 31, 37, 140, 142
Ludwig, Lavaterus, OfGhostes and Spirits, Lutherans, vn, 124, 378
m. 495 Luton, ix. 169
Ludwig, Otto, v. 304 Lutonsky, Paula, xm. 489
Ludwig the Pious, Life of, by Thegan, i. 90 Lutterworth, n. 65, 66; x. 112
Luft, Hans, m. 472 LuttreU, Henry (1765?-1851), xn. 419;
Lufton, lord, TroUope's, xm. 422 xrv. 115
Lugwardine, Antony, in Robert Lander's LuttreU, Narcissus (1657-1732), Brief His-
fountain of Arethusa, xn. 230 torical Relation of State Affairs, vm.
Luick, K., n. 32, 436 241, 451
'Luitprandus,' x. 204 Lutwidge, in Miss Edgeworth's Belinda,
Luke, St, i. 74; n. 15 XI. 297
Luke, Sir Samuel (d. 1670), vn. 167; Luvah, in Blake's Jala, XL 195
vm. 60, 63, 64, 66 Luvaris Lament, The, n. 282
Luke is losse, My (poems signed), m. 189 Lux Mundi, xn. 299
LuMn, Henry, Practice of Godliness, XL 334 Luxborough,earl of. See Catherlough, R.K.
Lul, letter from, I. 79 Luxborough, lady. See Knight, Henrietta
Lulli, J.-B. de, musician to Charles I, Luxborough, lord. See Knight, Robert
and Quinault, Cadmus and Her-
P., Luxuria, ia.The Castle of Perseverance, v. 52
mione, vm. 134; Les Mies de f Amour et Luxury, in The Cradle of Security, v. 67
de Bacchus, vm. 134 Luynes, 0., due de, vn. 205

Lyall, Sir Alfred Comyn (1835-1911), Lydgate, John
xm. 194, 477, 505; xiv. 93, 493, 500, Prioress and her Three Sisters, TTie, n.
578 204
Asiatic Studies, xiv. 98, 340 Reason and Sensuality, n. 199, 202
Badminton, xm. 203 J3tAustin, n. 199
British Dominion in India, The, xiv. 340 St Giles, n. 199
Land of Regrets, The, xm. 203; xiv. 340 St Margaret, n. 199, 203
Old Pindaree, The, xm. 202 Saints' Loves, n. 203
Retrospection, xm. 203 Secrets of the Philosophers, The, n. 199,
Rise and, Expansion of the British 208
Dominion in India, xiv. 98 Serpent of Dissension, The, v. 66
Siva, xiv. 340 Stans Puer ad mensam, n. 313
Theology in Extremis, xm. 202 Temple of Glass, The, n. 199, 202, 225,
Verses written in India, xm. 202; xiv. 230, 231, 235, 308, 312
340 Testament, n. 199, 204
Lyall, Sir Charles James (1845-1920), xn. Thank God of att, n. 204
Add. 4^ Thebes, Story of, n. 164, 199 ft
Lyberte, in Magnyfycence, m. 77 Troy Booh n. 199, 202; v. 221
Lycanthropy, belief in, i. 316 Lydgate, in Middlemarch, xm. 399
Lyce, an elderly Lady, To, x. 168 Lydia, in Gissing's Thyrza, xm. 459
Lycia, xn. 339 Lydia, in Jago's Edge-Hill, x. 113
Lycidas (Herrick's), vn. 12 Lydia, in Pedantius, VL 306
Lycogenes, in Argems, iv. 258, 259 Lye, Edward (1694-1767), ix. 536; x. 225;
Lycophron, ix. 527 xn. 344, 504
Lycosthenes, Conrad, Prodi-giorum ac Lyell, Sir Charles (1797-1875), xiv. 292,
Ostentorum Chronicon, m. Ill 562
Lycurgus, x. 59 Antiquity of Man, The, xiv. 293
Lydd, v. 34 Elements of Geology, The, xiv. 293
Lydgate, John (1370?-1450?), I. 285; Principles of Geology, The, xiv. 293, 299
n. 104, 159, 161, 163, 164, 166, 175, Second Visit to the United States, A,
197-205 (main entry), 206 ft, 214, xrv. 293
218 ft, 224 ft, 231, 237, 239, 245, 246, Travels in North America, xiv. 293
252, 253, 258, 261, 266, 332, 467, 468, Lyle, Eustace, in Disraeli's Conings'by,
470; m. 68, 70, 168, 192 ft, 198, 199, xm. 350
227, 277, 282, 292, 301, 411 ft, 441 ft; Lykewakes, I. 124
rv. 441; x. 239; xm. 211 Lyly, John (15547-1606), m. 241, 300,
Aesop, n. 199, 204 340, 341, 344 ft, 349, 350, 354 ft, 358,
Albon and Amphabel, n. 199 364, 365, 370, 392, 395, 397, 534, 544;
Assembly of Gods, The, n. 199, 203 V. 120, 121-141 (main entry), 142, 149,
Balade of the Goos, A, n. 308 177, 414 ft; vi. 13, 18, 215, 288, 336,
Ballade of the Midsummer Rose, n. 204 387; vn. 154; vm. 127; XL 262; xiv.
Bochas, John, Tragedies of, n. 202 460
Churl and the Bird, The, n. 199, 204, Alexander and, Campaspe, iv. 115; v.
312; iv. 409 125, 126; VI. 287

Complaint of the Black Knight, The, Cupid and my Campaspe played at

n. 162, 164, 166, 204 cards for kisses,' iv. 115; v. 125
Court of Sapience, The, n. 199, 231 Endimion, v. 122, 124, 341
Danse Macabre, n. 199; v. 12 Euphues, n. 340; m. 344 ft, 365, 366;
De Duobus Mercatonbus, n. 199 IV. 344, 523; v. 114 122, 127, 193, 338;
December and July, n. 199 vi. 388, 389
Edmund and Fremund, n. 199, 203 Euphues and his Ephoebus, m. 346
Falls of Princes, The, n. 199, 200, 202, Galathea, rv. 77; vi. 365
204, 321; m. 192, 194, 195 Love's Metamorphosis, v. 122; vi. 287,
Flower of Courtesy, The, n. 199 365
Horse, tlie Sheep and the Goose, The, Midas, iv. 115; v. 122, 124, 345, 369
n. 199, 204, 312 Mother Bombie, iv. 394; v. 122; VL 14,
Jalc Hare, n. 505 99
Life of our Lady, n. 199, 203, 314 Pappe tviih a Hatchet, m. 394, 395, 397,
London Lickpenny, n. 200, 201, 204, 543
206, 470, 505 Sapho and Phaot v. 122, 124, 341; vi.
Lyfe and Passion of Saint Alban, iv. 409 287
Minor Poems, n. 199 Sing to Apollo,' iv. 115
Miracles of St Edmund, H. 199 Lyme Regis, vm. 30; x, 20, 387; xn. 241
Nightingale Poems, n. 199, 204 Lymington, x. 306
Pilgrimage of the Life of Man, The, n. Lymne, xn. 347
199, 200 Lynam, Robert (1796-1845), x. 459

Lynch, Hannah, xrn. 570 Lysons, Daniel (1762-1834), xn. 511;
Lynch, Thomas Toke (1818-1871), xra. Magna Britannia, xn. 345; Environs of
167, 174, 505 London, xn. 345
Lyndhurst, lord. See Copley, John Lysons, Samuel (1763-1819), xn. 511;
Singleton Reliquiae Britannico-Eomanae, xn. 345
Lyndon, lady, in Thackeray's Barry 'Lvster, Lynn,' xiv. Add. 5
Lyndon, XTTT. 282 Lyte, Henry (1529?-1607), m. 551; A
Lyndsay, Sir David (1490-1555), n. 91, Niewe herball, iv. 374, 542
94, 249, 250, 265, 279; m. 115-130 Lyte, Henry Francis (1793-1847), xn. 419
(main entry), 135, 138, 142, 153, 156, Lyttelton, Charles (1714-1768), x. 247,
159, 498; IV. 322, 412 fi., 527; v. 392, 251
394; EE. 359; xi. 203, 204, 215; xn. Lyttelton, George, 1st baron Lyttelton
10, 350, 508, 517 (1709-1773), ix. 220, 229, 230, 313; x.
Answer, An, m. 121 29, 34, 36, 39, 94, 95, 100, 102 ft, 110,
Deploratioun of ike Death of Queen 113 fi. (mam entry), 262, 263, 292, 448,
Magdalene, The, m. 130 450, 456, 502; xi. 347, 349, 474
Description of Pedder Coffeis, Ane, m. Dialogues of the Dead, ix. 159, 160;
121 X. 20, 114, 115; XI. 351
Dialog betwx Experience and Ane History of Henry II, ix. 160; x. 114,
Courteour, m. 130, 133 292, 311; xi. 345
Dreme, The, m. 116, 138 Monody, x. 113, 114
Epistle to the Kingis Grace, m. 116 Observations on the Conversion of Si
Exhortation to the. King, An (epilogue to Paul, x. 114
The Dreme}, m. 118 Persian Letters, x. 114
Exdamatioun to the Redar, n. 283 Progress of Love, x. 114
Sistorie of the Sguyer Meldrum, Thef Lyttelton, George William, 4th baron
L291;n.245;m. 130 (1817-1876), xn. 484
John the Commonweill, u. 280 Lyttelton, Lucy, born Forteseue, wife of
Justing betwx James Watson and Johne Lyttelton, George, 1st baron, x. 113
Barbour, The, m. 121, 135 Lyttelton, Sir Thomas (1647?-1710), x
Kitteis Confessioun, m. 121 113
Pleasant Satyre of the Thrie Estaitis, Lytteltons, the, x. 273
Ane, m. 122 f.; v. 59; DC. 365 Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton
Publict Confessioun of the Kingis auld Bulwer-Lytton, 1st baron (1803-1873),
Hound callit Baysche, Ane, m. 121 xi. 304, 387; xn. 131, 414, 428, 429,
Supplicatioun againis Syde Taillis, Ane, 432; xm. 307, 340, 386, 391, 392,
m. 121 417 ff. (main entry), 427, 431, 432, 434,
Testament and Complaynt ofourSoverane 516, 520, 563, 564; xiv. 174, 196, 238,
Lordis Papyngo, The, n. 266; rn. 118, 510
119, 131, 484 Asmodeus at Large, xm. 420
Tragedie of the Cardinal, The, m. 130 Caxtons, The, xm. 420
Lyndwood, William (13752-1446), n. 62, Coming Race, The, xm. 417, 420
498; vm. 466 Devereux, xm. 419
Lyne, Charles E., xiv. 587 Disowned, The, xm. 418
Lynedoch, lord. See Graham, Thomas Eugene Aram, xm. 418, 419
Lynn, Norfolk, n. 287; ix. 2; x. 244, 460 Falkland, xm. 417
Lynn, Elizabeth. See Linton, Elizabeth Glenallan, xm. 419
Lynn Godolphin, xm. 419
Lynne, Walter (fl. 1550), m. 81 Harold, xni. 419
Lynton, in Lorna Doone, xra. 434 Haunted and the, Haunters, The, xm
Lynton, Thomas de, vi. 280 420
Lyon, John (1514?-1592), vn. 336 Ishmael and other Poems, xm. 417
Lyon, John, 9th earl of Strathmore (1737- Kendm Chillingly, rrrr. 417, 420
1776), x. 131 Lady of Lyons, The, xm. 419
Lyonesse, i. 279 Last Days of Pompeii, The, xm. 419
Lyons, n. 316, 323 Last of the Barons, The, xm. 419
Lyra, n. 365 Lucretia, xm. 418, 420
Lyra Apostolica, xn. 257, 454, 456, 457; Money, xi. 82; xm. 419
xm. 171 Mortimer, xm. 417
Lyra Heroica, ym. 195 My Novel, xm. 420
Lyrical Ballads, x. 234 New^ Timon, The, xiv. 129
Lyrick, the poet, in Farquhar's Love and Parisians, The, xm. 417, 421
a Bottle, vm. 170 Paul Clifford, xm. 418, 419
Lyrics, Harleian (B.M. 2253), L 360 if., Pausanias the Spartan, xm. 419
370, 378 Pdham, x. 39; xm. 417 ff., 421, 436
Lysias, vn. 316; ix. 528 Pilgrims of the Rhine, The, xin. 417

Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Macaulay, Thomas Babington
"Bulwer-Lytton Essays: Gladstone on Church and State,
Richelieu, xin. 419 xm. 24
Rienzi, xm. 419 History (essay), xiv. 59
Sea-Captain, The, xni. 279 History of England, xin. 11; xiv. 60 ff.,
Strange Story, A, xm. 420 84
What will he do with it? xm. 420 Last Buccaneer, The, xm. 178, 239
Zanoni, xin. 419 Lays of Ancient Rome, xn. 30; xm. 148,
Zicci, xm. 419 149, 152, 153, 239; xrv. 61
Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer, 1st earl Miscellaneous Writings, xiv. 59
of Lytton (Owen Meredith) (1831- Prophecy of Capys, The, xm. 149
1891), xm. 194, 199, 204, 505 Virginia, xn. 261
After Paradise, xm. 200 Westminster Reviewer's Defence of Mill,
Astarte, xm. 200 The, xiv. 59
Chronicles and Characters, xm. 200 Macaulay, Zachary (1768-1838), xi. 259,
Fables in Song, xm. 200 475; xiv. 60
Fata Morgana, xm. 200 Macbean, Alexander (d. 1784), x. 470
Glenaveril, -mr. 200 Macbean, Lachlan, xiv. 541, also see
King Poppy, xm. 200 Add. 2
LoveLetter, A, xm. 200 Macbeth, in Boece, m. 156
Lucile, xin. 200 Macbeth, in Wyntoun, n. 132
Marah, xm. 200 Macbeth, Garrick as, xi. 284
Selemtes, XHI. 200 Macbeth, lady, in Shakespeare's play, xn.
Wanderer, The, xm. 200 68, 171; xiv. 157
Lytton, Bulwer, lady, xn. 441 Macbeth, Shakespeare's, n. 89; vm. 120;
Lytton, Victor Alexander George Robert, xm. 67
2nd earl of Lytton, xm. 564 Macbeth, W. H. W. Betty as, XL 283
MacCabe, W. Gordon, xm. 477
M.P., pseud., xi. 379,480 Maccallum, Mungo William, "gmr. 477
Maasdorp, A. F. S., xiv. Add. 8 McCalmont, Hugh. See Cairns, 1st earl
Mab, in The Satyr, vi. 340 MacCarthy, Denis Florence (1817-1882),
Mab, queen, in IZomeo and Juliet, vn. 8; xrv. 569; Pillar Towers of Ireland, The,
xiv. 307 xrv. 318; Shelley's Early Life, xrv. 318;
Mabbe, James (1572-1642?), iv. 395, 441, Waiting for the May, xrv. 318
443, 447 MacCarthy, Desmond, XTTT. 572
Mabbott, Gilbert, vn. 351; filer cunus McCarthy, Justin Huntley (1830-1912),
Britannicus, vn. 357; The Moderate, vn. xiv. 493, 511, 528, 532, 569
357 McCaul, John, xn. 511
Mabel, daughter of Robert Fitz-hamon, MacCaura clan, xrv. 318
i. 256 Macclesfield, earl of. See Parker, Thomas
Mabillon, Jean, rv. 419; xiv. 53 McClintock, Sir Francis Leopold (1819-
Mabinogion, I. 249, 252, 253, 255, 269, 1907), xrv. 245, 553
271, 276, 461. See, also, Lady C. Guest MacColl, Evan (1808-1898), xrv. 582;
Macalister, E. A. S., xn. 351, 352, 360 Poems and Songs, xiv. 357
Macartney, George, 1st earl Macartney MacColl, Malcolm (1831-1907), xrv. 513
(1737-1806), xi. 350 Maccoll, Norman (1843-1904), xiv. 534
Macaulay, Mrs Catharine, born Sawbridge McCombie, Thomas, xrv. 587
(1731-1791), x. 502; xi. 390; xiv. 600 McCormick, Charles (1755?-1807), XL 390
Macaulay, George Campbell (1852-1915), McCormick, Joseph (1733-1799), ix. 492;
X. 449; xn. 504 x. 503; State Papers and Letters, x. 295
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 1st baron McCosh, James (1811-1894), xiv. 467,
Macaulay (1800-1859), rv. 45, 480; 476
vn. 129, 177, 218, 220; vm. 107, 159, MacCowl, Finn, x. 231
167, 242, 273; IX. 31, 127, 182, 240, 263; M Coy,
Sir Frederick (1823-1899), xrv.
x. 66, 153, 242, 243, 298, 315, 320, 476, 563
480, 483; xi. 167, 286, 410, 423; xn. McCracken, Henry Noble, n. 468, 470
129, 141, 152, 153, 155, 163, 178, 221, McCrie, Thomas (1772-1835), xrv. 493,
262, 319, 396, 420, 426, 444, 447, 477, 507; Life of Andrew Melville, The, xiv.
480; xm. 8, 43, 147 ff. (main entry), 101; Life of John Knox, The, xrv. 101
189, 230, 238, 320, 328, 487, 505; xiv. McCrindle, John Watson, xrv. 338, 339,
55, 58, 59 ff. (main entry), 71, 77, 88, 579
89, 115, 125, 159, 170, 180, 336, 337, MacCullagh, James (1809-1847), xrv. 261,
365, 462, 493, 504, 506, 509, 510 556
Battle of the Lake Regillus, The, xm. 149 MacCullagh Torrens. See Torrens
Epitaph on a Jacobite, TCTTT. 148, 239 MacCulloch, John Ramsay (1789-1864),
Essays, xn. 326; xrv. 5, 61 ft xn. 522; xrv. 3, 476, 513

MacCunn, John, xra. 21, 472 Maclntyre, Hector, in The Antiquary, x.
M'Cutcheon, the name, n. 117 231
MaeDermott, Martin, XTV. 573 Maclvor, Eergus, in Waverley, xn. 26
MacDonagh, M., XTV. 541 Maclvor, Flora, in Waverley, xn. 22
Macdonald, Flora (1722-1790), ix. 563 Mackail, John William, xi. 416; xn. 407;
Macdonald, George (1824-1905), XL 387, xm. 493, 495
481; xn. Add. 5; xm. 189 ff., 431, 505, Mackaile, Matthew (jf. 1657-1696), IX. 559
564 Mackarness, Matilda Anne, born Planche
*&'&, xm. 183, 432 (1826-1881), xi. 489
Phantasies, xm. 183, 192, 432 Mackay, Angus M., XHL 558
Portent, The, xm. 183, 192 Mackay, Charles (1814-1889), xn. 380;
JSo&eri Falconer, xm. 432 TTTT, 505; xiv. 199; Cholera Chant, xm.
MacDonald, Ronald, xm. 564 189; Ye Tears! xm. 188
Macdonald, William, xn. 435 Mackay, Sir Donald, 1st baron Reay
Macdonell, James (1842-1879), xrv. 534 (1591-1649), vn. 231
McDow, in Susan terrier's Destiny, xn. Mackay, Robert William (1803-1882), xn.
245 468
Macduff, in Wyntoun, n. 132 Mackay, Thomas, xiv. 506
Macedon, xn. 309 Mackaye, Saunders, in Kongsley's Alton
Macedonia, iv. 59 Locke, xm. 361, 362
Macer (herbalist), n. 364; iv. 542 Mackeehnie, James, xm. 569
Macfarlan, James (1832-1862), xm. 505 Mackelvie, William (1800-1863), XL 442
Macfarlane, Alexander, xrv. 263 Mackenzie, Sir Alexander (1755-1820),
Maefarlane, Charles (d. 1858), xm. 564; xiv. 583; Voyages from Montreal, xiv.
xiv. 487, 494, 612 358
Macfie, Eonald F., xiv. 538 Mackenzie, George, 1st earl of Cromarty
M? Gibbon, Edinburgh musician, EE. 371, (1630-1714), IX. 215, 492, 551, 561
379 Mackenzie, Sir George (1636-1691), is.
M c
Gie, Thomas D'Arcy (1825-1868), xiv. 493, 551, 561; xiv. 491; A^na, or the
318, 322, 357, 569, 582 Senous Romance, vn, 391; vm. 372
Celts,The, xiv. 318 Mackenzie, George (1669-1725), ix. 553
Home Thoughts, xiv. 318 Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831), x. 46,
1 left two loves, xrv. 318 55 ff., 424, 436, 451, also see Add.;
My Irish Wife, xiv. 318 XT. 440, 442, 449, 457; xn, 245; xm.
Sea-divided Gaels, The, xiv. 318 326; xiv. 600
M c
Gill university, Montreal, xiv. 355 Julia de Roubigne", x. 57, 58
Macgillivray, Evan James, xrv. 536 Man of Feeling, x. 15, 55 ff.; XL 206
MacGregor, James Comyn, xrv. Add. 7 Man of the World, X. 57
Macgregor, John (1825-1892), xiv. 552, Prince of Tunis, x. 55
553 Mackenzie, Sir James Dixon, xn. 511;
Macgregor, Malcolm (William Mason), x. The G asfles of England, xn. 349
398, 525 Mackenzie, John, xiv. Add. 8
McHale, John (1791-1881), xiv. 328, 329, Mackenzie, Mrs, in The Newcomes, xm.
569 296, 297, 299
Machar (Mauricins), St, n. 127 Mackenzie, Robert James, xrv. 601
Machiavelli, in Momola, xm. 394 Mackenzie, Rosey, mThe Newcomes, xni
Machiavelli, Niccolo, m. 245, 315, 432; 296, 299
IV. 342, 347, 446; VI. 167; vm. 123; Mackenzie, William Mackay, xiv. 522
IX. 225; XL 32 McKerrow, Ronald Brunlees, iv. 171; XL
Arte of Warre, iv. 4, 7, 8 466
Florentine Historic, iv. 7, 8, 398 Mackery End, xn. 183, 194
Prince, The, IV. 7, 8, 297 Mackinder, Half ord John, xrv. 596
Relazioni, m. 432 Mackintosh, Sir James (1765-1832), vn.
Machin, Lewis (fl.1608), vi. 100; Dumbe 203; XL 75, 76, 396, 399; xn. 187, 303,
Knight, The, rv. 377, 539 310; xm. 418; xiv. 58, 110, 184, 186,
Machlinia, William de (fl. 1482-1490), 494
vm. 314 Dissertation on the Progress of Ethical
Books printed by, n. 318 f. : Monk of Philosophy, xiv. 5, 59
Eveshaw,, n. 318; iv. 353; Speculum History of England, xiv. 59
Christiani, n. 319; Treatise of the Pesti- History of the Revolution in England i%
lence, n. 319 1688, xrv. 59
Machyn or Machin, Henry (1498?-1563?), Memoir$, XL 53
m. 478; v. 70; vi. 461; x. 492 Mackintosh, Robert James, XL 53
Macilente, in Every Man out of His Macklin, Charles (1697W797), x. 85, 445;
Humour, VL 17 XL 258, 260, 262, 447, 449, 450, 454;
MacHwaine, William, xrv. 573 xiv. 569; Love a-la-mode, XL 257

Mackmght, Thomas, xm. 547; xiv. 508; Macpherson, James
Life of Bohngbroke, ix. 217, 226, 227, 230 ff. (main entry), 234, 237, 320,
230 487 fit., 503, 510; xi. 229
Mackshaue, in Smollett's Roderick Ran- Berrathon, x. 227
dom, x. 37 Carnc-thura, x. 228
Mackworth, Sir Humphry (1657-1727), Cath-Loda, x. 130
IX. 11, 420 Death of Oscar, The, x. 230
Macky, John (d. 1726), vm. 219; ix. 494; Fimgd, *. 137, 225, 231
Journey through England, xi. 332 Fragments of Ancient Poetry, x. 230
McLachlan, Alexander (1818-1896), xrv. Highlander, The, X. 230, 238
357, 582 History of Great Britain, x. 232, 295
Maclaren, Charles (1782-1866), xiv. 535 Hunter, The, x. 237
Maclaren, Elizabeth T., xrv. 517 Iliad (translation), x. 232
Maclaurin, Colin (1698-1746), xrv. 257, Introduction to the History of Great
556 Britain and Ireland, x. 295
Maclean, Neil N., xiv. 594 Original Papers, x. 295
M'Lean, T., xiv. 540 Ossian, xn. 40; xm. 52, 101, 226
Macleane, Arthur John (1812-1858), xn. Temora, x. 231
487 See, also, under Ossian
Maclehose, Mrs Agnes ('Clarinda,' 1759- Macray, William Dunn, VL 309
1841), xi. 222, 436, 437; Talk not of Macready, William Charles (1793-1873),
Love, xi. 232; To a, Blackbird, XL 232 v. 302; XL 447; m. 171; xin. 58, 59,
McLennan, John Ferguson (1827-1881), 61, 68, 69, 255, 261; xiv. 319
xrv. 476; Primitive Marriage, xn. 348 Macro-plays, the, v. 391, 392
M?Lennan, Murdoch, Race of Sheriffmuir, Macrobius, n. 366; x. 205, 481
ix. 373 Mac Roig, Fergus, xrv. 307
McLennan, William (1856-1904), xiv. 581 Macropedius, George, v. 412; Asotus, v.
In Old France and New, xxv. 360 Wl; SebeUes, v. 101, 110, 113
Songs of Old Canada, xrv. 360 MacSpadden, Joseph Walker, xm. 544
Span o' Life, The, xiv. 360 McWard, Robert (1633?-1687), ix. 546
Spanish John, xiv. 360 Madagascar, IV. 101, 102; ix. 23
Macleod, Fiona. Bee Sharp, William Madan, Falconer, XL 469; xn. 462
Macleod, Henry Dunning (1821-1902), Madan, Martin (1726-1790), XL 81
xiv. 476 Madden, D. D., xrv. 510
Macleod, Mary, The Shakespeare Story Madden, Sir Frederic (1801-1873), I. 269,
Book, XL 385 322, 326, 328; n. 45, 73, 431; xn. 356,
Macleod, Norman (1812-1872), XL 481; 517
xn.472 Madden, Richard Robert (1798-1886),
Maclis (a beast), m. 315 xm. 544; xiv. 532, 567, 569, 573
Maclise, Daniel (1806-1870), xn. 410, 428; Madden, Samuel (1686-1765), x. 468
xm. 474 Madden, Virginia (Gissing's), xm. 460
MacMechan, Archibald, xm. 465, 466 Maddison, Sir Ralph (1571?-1655?), vn.
MacmiUan, Daniel (1813-1857), xm. 553 515
Macmillan, Hugh (1833-1903), xn. 472 Maddox, Isaac (1697-1759), rx. 212, 494
Macmillan's Magazine, YTTT. 98; xrv. 324 Maddox, Thomas (1666-1727), ix. 537;
MacMorough, n. 301 Formulare Anglicanum, rx. 355; History
MacMurchy, Archibald, xiv. 581 of the Exchequer, rx. 355
Macnab, Henry Grey (1761-1823), xrv. Madeira, xrv. 244, 293
607, 608 Madeley, x. 365
MacnaUy, Leonard (1752-1820), XL 281, Madeley, Eve (Gissing's), xm. 459
458 Madeline, in Keats' s Eve of Saint Agnes,
MacNeil, Hector (174671818), XT. 444 xi. 131; xn. 86 fi.
Come Under my Plaidie, XL 234 Madeline, in Nicholas Nickleby, TTTT. 318
Dinna think Bonnie Lassie, XL 234 Mademoiselle, in Vanbrugh's Provoked
Donald and Flora, XL 234 Wife, vm. 162
Harp, The, XL 234 Madge, in Misogonus, v. Ill
Mary of Castle Gary, XL 234 Madido, in The Pilgrimage to Parnaasus,
My Boy Tammy, XL 234 vi. 310
Scotland's Scaith, XL 234 'Madonella' (Mary Astell), rx. 404
Woes of War, XL 234 Madras, xrv. 336
Macnicol, Donald (1735-1802), x. 475 Madras' system of education, xrv. 403,
Macnish, Eobert (1802-1837), xn. 450 404
Macpherson, David (1746-1816), xn. 517 Madrid, vr. 203; vn. 215; vm. 130, 141,
Macpherson, Geraldine, xiv. 521, 569 271
Macpherson, James (1736-1796), I. 275; Maecenas, vn. 164
IX. 185, 564; X, 55, 130, 222, 227 ff., Maecenas of Hill street,' XL. 350

CHEL 241 16
Maeldun, the voyage of, XIY. 306 Maidment, James (1795?-1879), xn. 358,
Maeidune. See Maldon, The Battle of 517
Maeterlinck, Maurice, si. 384 Maidment's Court of Session Garland, x.
Maevius, rv. 331 478
Maifei, Scipione, v. 289 Maidstone, xn. 165
Maidwell, Laurence, The Loving Enemies

Maga.' See Blackwood * Edinburgh Maga-

zine (1680), vm. 422
Magazine of Zoology and Botany, xrv. 565 Maidwell, Lewis (jZ. 1700), ix. 386, 387
Magdeburg, siege of, vn. 22 397, 398, 411, 413, 570
Magellan, Ferdinand, rv. 69, 75, 78, 86, 92 Maigron, L., xn. 380
Magellan, straits of, rn. 358; iv. 77, 99 Maimbourg, L., vm. 402, 456; History of
Maggie, in Bums's Auld Farmer's Saluta- the League, vm. 34, 44
tion, xi. 214 Main, Alexander, Wise, Witty, and Tender
Maggie, in Mrs GaskelTs The Moorland Sayings of George Eliot, xm. 388, 551
Cottage, xm. 377 Mainard, lady Margaret, vm. 307
Maggie Lauder, ix. 364, 365 Maine, Sir Henry James Sumner (1822-
Maggie's Tocher, ix. 360 1888), vm. 312; xiv. 194, 198, 494, 502;
Magi, the, xn. 275 Ancient Law, xn. 348; xrv. 36, 78;
Magic, illustrations of, m. 495 Early History of Institutions, The, xrv.
Magicians, The Twa, n. 409 78 ; VillageCommunities, xn. 348; xiv. 78
Maginn, William (1793-1842), xn. 123, Maintenon, Madame de, x. 135
157ff. f 425, 428; xm. 162, 163, 189, Mainwaring, Edward, xi. 250
292; xiv. 177, 236, 313 ff., 570; Daniel Mainwaring, Roger (1590-1653), vn. 160,
O'Rourke, xiv. 314; Irishman and the 425, 433
Lady, The, xiv. 313; St Patrick, xrv. 313 Mainz, n. 310
Magister Fabre, praelector linguae Gatti- Mais, Stuart Petre Brodie, xnL 573
canae, ix. 412 Maisey, Lady, n. 412
Magistrates, A Mirror for. See Mirror Maison Teliier, vi. 63
Magloeunus, king of Anglesey, I. 67 Maistre, Joseph de, xn. 254
Magna Britannia et Hibernia, ix. 353, 537 Maitland, Edward (1824-1897), xnr. 564
Magna Carta, I. 151, 154, 174; vm. 317, Maitland, Frederic William (1850-1906),
465; x. 464; xiv. 75 I. 363; vm. 313; xrv. 79, 481, 485, 494
Magna Charta, On the King's Breaking his Anglican Settlement and the Scottish
Confirmation of, I. 376 Reformation,' xiv. 81

'Magna Lilliputia,' x. 163, 464, 465 Anglo -French Law Language, The,'
Magnano, in Butler's Hudibras, vm. 68 xiv. 80
Magnin, Charles, v. 302 Bracton and Azo, xiv. 80
Magnus, L., TTTT. 486 Bractoris Notebook, xrv. 80
Magnus de la Gardie, virr. 20 Constitutional History of England, The,
Magnusson, Eirikr, xiu. 125, 127, 492 xiv. 81
Magomastix, H., vn. 507 Domesday Book and Beyond, i. 446;
Maguire, Trollope's, xin. 422 xrv. 80
Magyar versions of ballads, n. 405 English Law and the Renaissance, xiv. 81
Mahabharata, xn. 503 Ford Lectures, xiv. 81
Mahaffy, Sir John Pentland (1839-1919), History of the English Law (with Sir F.
v. 71; xn, 440, 485, 489, also see Add. 3 Pollock), xrv. 80
Mahan, Alfred Thayer, xrv. 486 Materials for English Legal History, The,
Mahomet, iv. 214, 215; vm. 291; ix. 54; xrv. 80
x. 281, 503; xi. 18; xm. 13 Roman Canon Law in the Church of
Mahon, viscount. See Stanhope, 5th earl England, xrv. 80
Mahony, Francis Sylvester (pseud. Father Tear Books of Edward II, xrv. 81
Prout, 1804-1866), xn, 123, 138, 428; Maitland, James, 8th earl of Lauderdale
xm. 162; xiv. 185, 194, 549, 570; Bells (1759-1839), XL 29, 389; xn. 420, 427
of Shandon, The, xrv. 316; Reliques of Maitland, Sir John, 1st baron Maitland
Father Prout, xrv. 316; Sabine Farmer's of Thirlstane (15457-1595), in. 149,
Serenade, The, xrv. 316 150, 504
Mahoun, in Gyre Carling, n. 276 Works attributed to : AganisSklanderous
'Mahownde, v. 49 Tungis, m. 150; Ane Admonition to my
Mahrattas, the, XL 17 Lord Regent's Grace, m. 150; Ane Schort
Maia, in Keats' s Ode to Maia, xn. 90 Invectyve, m. 150
Maia, in The Penates, vi. 341 Maitland, John, 2nd earl and 1st duke of
Maid Freed from the Gallows, The, n. 396, Lauderdale (1616-1682), vn. 219, 435;
405, 410 vm. 17, 250, 307; ix. 193, 194, 202
Maiden, Joseph Henry, xiv. 558 Maitland, Sir Richard, lord Lethington
Maidens' tower, in The Elegy on the Duke (1496-1586), m. 132 ff., 164, 499; ix.
of Richmond, m. 178 365

Maitland, Sir Richard Malcolm, in Macbeth, v. 213
Advyce to lesum Merynes, in. 134 Malcolm, in Wyntoun, n. 132
Agamis Discord among the Lordi$, m. 133 Malcolm, James Peller (1767-1815), xn.
Againis the Division of the Lordis, m. 507, 511
133 Malcolm, Sir John (1769-1833), xiv. 248,
Againis the Theives of Liddis-daill, m. 491, 495, 553, 573, 578; Central India,
133 xiv. 335; History of Persia, xiv. 335;
Assemblie of the Congregation, Of the, Political History of India, xiv, 335
m. 133 Malcolm of Scotland (Malcolm III), I. 140
Ballat of the Greatness of the World, m. Maiden, John, x. 387
133 Maiden, Surrey, n. 353; vn. 373
Chronicle and History of the House and Maldon, The Battle of, I. 48, 109, 125, 137,
Surname m. 133
of Seaton, A, 143, 144, 150, 278, 443
Folye ofAne auld man maryand ane Malebranche, Nicolas, vm. 347, 474, 476;
Young Woman, m. 133 rx. 282, 287, 521; Recherche de la Verite,
Oude Counseillis, m. 134 vm. 348, 373; rx. 314
Lament for the Disorders of the Cuntrie, Malecasta, in The Faerie Queene, nr. 231
m. 133 Maleforts, the, in The Unnaturall Combat,
Miseries of the Tyme, m. 133 vi. 153, 159
Na Kyndes without Siller > m. 134 Malelas, Joannes, ix. 330, 524
On the New Year, m. 133 Malespini, Ducento Novelle, vr. 202
Quhair in the Blytheness that has been, Malet, Sir Alexander (1800-1886), xrv. 598
nr. 133 Malet, Harold Esdaile, xiv. 544
Satire of the Aige, The, m. 133 'Malet, Lucas/ xni. 547
Satire of the Toun Ladies, The, m. 133 Malfato, in The Ladies TriaU, vi. 194
Solace of Aige, m. 134 Main*, duchess of, in Webster's drama,
Union among the Lordis, On, m. 133 xn. 68
Maitland, Samuel Rofiey (1792-1866), Malgo, iv. 67
xn. 367, 453, 522; xiv. 79, 495; The Malherbe, Francois de, vn. 2; vm. 376
Dark Ages, x. 288 Malim, William (1553-1594), Consueiu.
Maitland, Thomas, in. 165 dinary, v. 102
Maitland, William (1528?-1573), ra. 133; Malines, v. 89, 90
xn. 27 Malkin, Benjamin Heath (1769-1842),
Maitland, William (1693?-1757), ix. 537 A Father's Memoir of his Child, sx 181,
Maitlaud club, xn. 358, 359 182, 434
Maitland MSS., n. 478; m. 132 Malkin and Jankin, in Lutel Soth Sermun,
Maittaire, Michael (1668-1747), ix. 529, 1.226
538 Mall, in The Two Angry Women, v. 330
Major or Mair, John (1469-1550), n. 109, Mallard, in Gissing's The Emancipated,
244, 251, 260, 369, 371, 488; m. 151, xm. 460
152, 155, 157, 319, 504; Art of Making Malleson, George Bruce (1825-1898), xrv.
Puddings, The (in Pantagruel), m. 151; 338, 495, 511, 578, 579; History of the
Commentary on the Four Books of the French in India, xiv. 339
Sentences, m. 151; Historia Majons Mallet or MaUoch, David (1705?-1765),
Britanniae, m. 151, 155 rx. 181, 185-6 (main entry), 227, 295,
Mak, in Secunda Pastorum, v. 19, 47 443, 449, 486, 504, also see Add.; x. 94,
Makculloch MS., n. 478 107, 109, 301, 433, 437, 447, 449
Makers of Canada aeries, xiv. 359 Amyntor and Theodora, rx. 186
Makin, Mrs Bathsua (fi. 1673), ix. 403, 569 Birks of Endermay, rx. 186
Makluire, John (fl. 1630), ix. 558 Edwin and, Emma, ix, 186
Maknab, in Bruce, n. 105 Elvira, x. 191, 477
Makower, S. V., xiv. 208, 528 Excursion, The, rx. 186
Makyne (Malkin), in Robene and Makyne, William and Margaret, rx. 182, 185, 186
n. 249 MaUet, Sir Louis (1823-1890), xrv. 509,
Malabari, Bahramji, xiv. 341, 578; The 512
Indian Muse, xiv. 342 Mallet, Paul Henri (1730-1807), x. 489;
Malacca, rv. 85 Introduction a Phistoire du Dannemarc,
Malaprop, Mrs, in Sheridan's Rivals, x. 90, x. 225, 490; Mythology of the Celtes, x.
91; ax 266, 267, 277; xiv. 122, 387 202; Northern Antiquities, xn. 368
Malay archipelage, xrv. 250 Mallett, Mrs, vrn. 207
Malay language, xrv. 457, 459 Malleus Maleficarum, m. 112
Malbecco, in The Devil and his Dame, v. MaUoch, David. See Mallet
329 Maimesbury, vn. 268, 282; vm. 246
Malbeoco, in The Faerie Queene, v. 329 Malmesbury, earls of. See Harris, James;
Malbie, N., rv. 540 Harris, James Howard
Malohus, St, i. 74, 75, 191 Malnxesbury, monk of (chronicler), n. 301

Malmesbury, William of. See William Manchester
Malmesbury abbey, I. 78, 159 Chetham library, iv. 432; xn. 369, 514,
Malone, Edmund (1741-1812), 143, v. 522
146, 275 ft; VI. 1, 240; vni. 4, 56, 424; College of Arts and Science, xiv. 386
IX. 477; x. 181, 194, 201, 462, 463, 465, Cross street Unitarian chapel, xm. 372
473, 478, 480, 485, 494; XL 390; xn. John Bylands library, xn. 365, 523
365; Life of Dryden, vm* 3 Literary and Philosophical society, xiv.
Malory, Sir Thomas (fl. 1470), i. 243, 245, 386
268, 269, 273, 294, 295, 299; n. 315, Moss Side library, xn. 445
334 8., 340; m. 339; iv. 227; vn. 75, Newton's lane, m. 392
127; xm. 119, 128, 199; Morted* Arthur, Owens college, xn. 333; xm. 455; xrv.
n, 230, 314, 315, 332, 334 ft, 340, 486; 290, 432
iv. 397; v. 78; xm. 35 Plymouth grove, xm. 372
Malpighi, Marcello, vm. 362; xiv. 282 Victoria university, xn. 369; xiv. 432
Malta, xi. 121, 393 Manchester, duke of. See Montagu,
Maltby, Edward (1770-1859), xn. 327, Charles
487, 491 Manchester, earl of. See Montagu, Edward
Maltby, William (1763-1854), xn. 408 Manchester, Isabella, duchess of, XL 174
Malthus, Daniel (father of T. B. Malthus), Manchester Examiner and Times, The,
xi. 73 xrv. 189
Malthus, Thomas Bobert (1766-1834), x. Manchester Guardian, The, xm. 373; xiv.
276; XL 73 ft, 394, 399; xn. 431; 91, 203, 531, 535
Essay on the Principle of Population, Mancini, vn. 61
XL 74, 75; xiv. 298; Inquiry into the Mancinus, Dominions, m. 57, 187
Nature and Progress of Rent, XL 75; Mandeville, Bernard (1670?-1733), iv.
xiv. 3; Principles of Political Economy, 299; IX. 309, 507, 512, 571; Essay on
xi. 75 Charity, IX. 407; Fable, of the Bees, IX.
Malvera, iv. 190; x. 134 302, 311, 323, 474, 507, 510, 512, 548;
'Malvero, John, ra. 325 Grumbling Hive, The, ix. 302, 311
Malyeni, school of Benedictine monastery Mandeville, Sir John, xm. 124
at, n. 2 Mandevitte, Travels of Sir John, i. 307;
Malvern hills, n. 2, 4, 5, 15; xm. 49 n. 70 ft, 78 ft, 231, 286, 298, 321, 323,
Malvina, x. 227, 229 338, 429, 445, 446; IV. 68, 414
Malvolio, in Twelfth Night, iv. 78; V. 193, Manette, Lucie, in A Tale of Two Cities,
194; vn. 101 xm. 333
Maly Stewart, ix. 376 Manfred, in Byron's drama, xn. 45, 47
Malynes or Malines, Gerard (fi. 1586-1641), Mangan, James Clarence (1803-1849),
iv. 297, 309, 313, 512; vm. 469 xrv. 305, 318a, 3186, 570
Mambres, legend of, i. 135 Mangin, Edward (1772-1852), Essay on
Mambrun, Pierre, De Poemate Epico, vn. Light Heading, x. 195, 411, 483
270 Maniere de langage que Penseignera bien a
Mammon, Sir Epicure, in The Alchemist, droit parler et escrire doulz fran$ois, n.
v. 356, 377; VL 22, 23 421
Mammon, house of, in The Faerie Queene, Manifest detection of the most vyle and de-
m. 233, 237 testable use of dice play, A, m. 98
Man, in Mirour de VOmme, n. 140, 141, Manila, iv. 100; xrv. 242, 243
144 Manilius, m. 113; ix. 338, 525, 526
Man, isle of, rv. 190; x. 193; xn. 509, 512, Manilla, x. 403
519; xiv. 297 Maning, Frederick Edward (1812-1883),
Man in Black, in Goldsmith's Citizen of the xiv. 587
World, x. 198, 206 Manipulus curatorum, TL 325
Man in the Moon, frhe (1609), m. 487 Manitius, I. 83
Man in the Moon, The (1660), vn. 360 ManJcynd, v. 52, 392
Man of Law (Chaucer's), rv. 207 , Manley, Mrs Mary de la Riviere (1663-
Man of no Honour, The, vm. 92 1724), vm. 438; ix. 462, also see Add.;
'Man of Boss' (John Kyrle), x. 277 xrv. 197; New Atalantis, ix. 18; Royal
Man of the Hill, in Fielding's Tom Jones, Mischief. The, vm. 195
x. 30 Manley, Thomas (1628-1690), Temporis
Mananan's mantle, xiv. 320 Angustiae, vn. 392, 517
ManawySan, Son of Llyr, I. 252, 255 Manlius, M., iv. 13
Manchester, m. 428; V. 251; vm. 62; Manly, John M., v. Add. 2
IX. 325, 386; X. 510, 516; xn. 337, 366; Manly, in Wvcherley's Country Wife, vm.
xm. 351, 373, 374; xrv. 23, 152, 169, 143, 145, 165
179, 195, 204, 259, 275 Mann, Sir Horace (1701-1786), ix. 246;
Academy, x. 385, 386; xrv. 386 X. 245, 247, 249 ft, 253, 256, 495; XI.
Baron's halj, iv. 433 259, 260; xiv. 607

Mann, Dr R. J., xm. 478; xrv. Add. Mant, Alicia Catherine, xr. 488
6,8 Mant, Richard (1776-1848), x. 238, 240,
Mannering, Julia, in Scott's (hiy Manner- 473, 492, 493; xn. 420
ing, xn. 22 Mantalinis, the, in Nicholas Nickleby,
Manners, Catherine (d* 1711), wife of 2nd xm. 318
duke of Rutland, vm. 272 Mantoux, Paul, xiv. 591
Manners, Charles, 4th duke of Rutland Mantua, v. 369
(1754-1787), XL 143 Mantua, duchess of, in The Humorous
Manners, John, marquis of Granby (1721- Courtier, vi. 205
1770), x. 197, 403, 407 Mantua, duke of, in The Imposture, vr. 205
Manners, lord Robert (1758-1782), XL Mantuan or Mantuanus (Johannes Bap-
145 tista Spagnuoli), m. 62 ff., 185, 187,
Manners, Roger, 5th earl of Rutland 219, 221, 223 ff., also see Add.; iv. 121,
(1576-1612), v. 222 169, 171, 446; vr. 364; De Consuetudine
Manning, Anne (1807-1879), xn. 450; Divitum erga Poetas, m. 224; Religio,
M ary Powell, xm. 434 m. 223, 224
Manning, Henry Edward (1808-1892), Mantzius, Karl, XL 447
cardinal, xn. 275, 276, 458, also see Manuale ad usum Sarum, IV. 427
Add.; xiv. 513 Manuel, king of Granada, in Congreve's
Manning, Mr, vm. 411 Mourning Bride, vm. 152
Manning, Owen (1721-1801), xn. 344, 504, Manuel, Niclas, Krankheit der Messe, in.
511 80
Manning, Thomas (1772-1840), xn. 181, Manufacturer, The, IX. 14, 433
187 ft. Manutius, yn. 315
Manning, William (1630?-1711), x. 378 Manutius, in The Bugbears, v. 115
Manning, William Oke (1809-1878), xrv. Manwayring, Sir Henry, The Sea-man's
594 Dictionary, iv. 107, 459
Manningham, John (d. 1622), Diary, rv. Manwood, Elegy on, v. 14S
262; vi. 461; vn. 221, 451 Manwood, John (d. 1610), iv. 541; vm.
Mannington, G., Sorrowful Sonet made at 467
Cambridge Castle, m. 191 Manzoni, Alessandro, I promessi Sposi t
Manningtree, Essex, xn. 305 xn. 254
Manoyng, Robert, of Brunne (fl. 1288- Maoris, the, xrv. 368
1338), 204, 335, 340, 341, 344-352
Map or Mapes, Walter (fl. 1200), I. 157,
(main entry), 358, 399, 475; n. 133, 139, 160, 173, 176, 177, 188 ff., 264, 270,
150, 378, 420; m. 275; ix. 535; Chronicle 271, 272, 367, 450, 455; m. 485; vn.
of England, I. 350 E. ; m. 289 Handlyng
; 380; De Nugis Curialium, I. 177, 189,
Synne, I. 341, 344 350, 352; n. 139,
ff., 264, 450, 455; vn. 370, 505; Lancelot
143, 378; Medytacyuns of fie soper of du Lac, i. 190, 264, 270; Quest of the
oure lorde Jhesu, etc., I. 352 Holy Grail, I. 190, 270, 271, 272
Manorbier castle, Wales, I. 194 Mapheus Vegius, 13th book of Aeneid,
Mansbridge, Albert, University Tutorial n. 262, 263
Classes, xrv. 409, 591 Mapledurham, ix. 443, 448
Hansel, Henry Longueville (1820-1871), Maplet, John (d. 1592), IT. 543
xn. 289, 469; xiv. 29, 197, 474, 476 Mappa Mundi, rv. 421
Letters, Lectures and Reviews, xrv, 13 Maps' (John Nicholson), XL 338
Limits of Religious Thought, The f xiv. Mar, countess of, ix. 248
13 Maram, B., iv. 446
Metaphysics, xiv. 13 Marathas, the, xrv. 337, 338, 341
Philosophy of the Conditioned, xiv. 13 Marathon, i, 95
Phront^sterion, xiv, 13 Marbeck, Roger (1536-1605), VL 286
Prolegomena Logica, xrv. 13 Marble nil], EC. 250
Mansell of Ottery, in The Ship of Fools, Marbod of Rheims, I. 232
m. 60 Marburg, m. 43
Mansfeld, count E. von, vn. 453 Marcelia, in The Duke of Millaine, vi. 154,
Mansfield, Charles Blackford (1819-1855), 158, 159
xiv. 558 Marcelia, in Oorboduc, v. 67
Mansfield, earl of. See Murray, William Marcelhne, G., iv. 540
Mansfield, Sir James (1733-1821), xi. 58 Marcellinus, Ammianus, rv. 4, 438
Mansfield park, in Jane Austen's novel, Maroellinus Comes, I. 81
xn. 241 Marcello, in The White Divel, VL 175,
Mansfield Woodhouse, x. 257 176
Mansion, Colard, n. 311 'Marcellns allowance,' yrn. 219
Manso, Giovanni Baptista, marquis of March, earl of, letter to Henry IV of
Villa, vn. 99 England, n. 284, 503
Mansoul, in The Holy War, vn. 177 March, John (1612-1657), vn. 515

Marchant, John, History of the Present Maria, in Sheridan's School for Scandal,
Rebellion, 1746, rs. 564; Puenlia, 1751, xi. 270, 271
XL 372 Maria, in Twelfth Night, rv. 78; v. 194
Marchioness, the, in The Old Curiosity Maria Grey Training college, xiv. 430
Shop, xm. 320 Mariamne, VI. 154
Marchmont, earls of. See Hume, Hugh; Marian, in John a Kent and John a Cumber,
Hume, Patrick v. 317
Marchmont, Miss, in Kelly's False Deli- Marian, in The Sad Shepherd, vi. 370
cacy, xi. 263 Marian, maid, v. 32, 35, 318
Marcia, in Addison's Goto, ix. 64 Marian persecution, iv. 429
Marcia (i.e. Venice), in Euphormio, rv. 256 Marian system of dating, vi. 255
Marcius, in Addison's Cato, ix. 63 Mariana (Tennyson's), v. 190; xm. 29
Marcks, Erich, v. 339 Mariana, in Perimedes the Blacksmith, m
Marco Polo, n. 184; iv. 68, 446 356, 357
Marcolf, i. 63 Mariana, Juan de, vi. 494; Contra los
Marcolphus, n. 319 Juegos Publicos, vn. 377; De Eege et
Marconi, G., xrv. 453 Regis Institution^ vn. 377; History of
Marcus, in Owen's Epigrammata, rv. 265 Spam, IX. 278, 501
Marcus, The Vision of Tundale, xiv. 306 Marianus, Scotus (1028-1082?), I. 161
Marcus Aurelius, m. 199, 346; rv. 435; Marie, in Kingsley's Two Years Ago,
VH. 487; vm. 277; xn. 487 xm. 365
Marcus Aurelius, The Golden Boole of, Marie de France, i. 238, 239, 270, 274, 281,
n. 340 294, 295, 300, 462, 469; n. 183, 420;
Marcus Germinus, v. 70; vi. 299 xm. 140; Lai le Freine, I. 281, 300, 465;
Mardonius, in A King and no King, vi. 127 n. 410; Lanval, i. 274; Le Chevrefewtte,
Mardontius, in Digby's Memoirs, vn. 222 i. 274

Mare of Collington, The t ix. 366 Marie-Antoinette, queen of France, x

Marfisa, in Orlando Funoso, m. 231, 236 251; XL 24, 157
Margam, chronicle of the abbey of, I. 256 Maries, the three, at the tomb, v. 39
Margaret, in Faust, v. 20 Marillier, Harry Cttrrie, xiv. 539
Margaret, in Henry VI, v. 186 Marina, in Britannia's Pastorals, rv. 157
Margaret, in James IV, v. 138 Marine Biological association, xiv. 297
Margaret, in Mrs GaskelTs North and Marine!!, in The Faerie Queene, in. 240
South, 3m. 378 Marino, Giambattista, IV. 213; vn. 34, 83;
Margaret, in Mrs Oliphant's Kirsteen, Adone, vn. 268; vm. 374; Sirage degU
xm, 431 Innocenti, iv. 36
Margaret, in Much Ado about Nothing, Marino Faliero, in Byron's drama, xn. 49
v. 191 Marion (type name of French shepherdess),
Margaret, in Richard HI, v. 186 v. 34, 35
Margaret, in The Cloister and the Hearth, Manonnettes, v. 27
xm. 429 Marivaux, Pierre C. de 0. de, x. 68, 89,
Margaret (d. 1093), daughter of Edward also see Add.; Jeu de P Amour, x. 79;
Aetheling, 1. 140 Marianne, x. 3, 26; Paysan Parvenu,
Margaret, duchess of Burgundy (1446- X. 26
1503), n. 307, 309, 311, 312 Mark (March) ab Meirchion, king of Corn-
Margaret (Tudor), princess, queen of wall, i. 273, 274, 310; n. 337
Scots (1489-1541), n. 252, 253, 281; Market Bosworth, x. 159
m. 98; vi. 333 Markham, Sir Clements Robert, xiv. 486,
Margaret, queen, the 'riding against,' at 553, 554
Coventry, v. 10 Markham, Gervase (1568?-1637), nr. 308,
Margaret, St, Life of, I. 229, 459; n. 321 364 ft., 537 ff.; V. 351, 478; VI. 456;
Margaret Beaufort (lady Margaret). See xiv. 232
Beaufort Cavelarice, or the English Horseman,
Margaret of Anjou, queen of England iv. 365 E.
(1430-1482), n. 199, 209, 210, 303, 358, CJieap and Good Husbandry, iv. 372
500 Complete Farriar9 The, rv. 368
Margaret of Fressingfield, in Frier Bacon, Country Contentments, IV. 372, 373
v. 137
Country Housewifes Garden, rv. 375
of Valois, queen of Navarre, rv.
Margaret Country-mans Recreation, IV. 375
6, 169, 182, 259; Heptameron, vi. 99, Devoreux, or vertues tears, iv. 376, 377
199, 202 Discource of Eorsemanshippe, A, rv. 365
Margate, xm. 112 Dumbe Knight, The, iv. 377
Marguerite, in Godwin's St Leon, XL 293 English Arcadia, The, rv. 377
Marguerite, in Pearl, i. 321 English Husbandman, rv. 375
Marguerite d'Angouleme, in. 1 English Huswife, rv. 373
Maria, in Lillo's George BarnweU, x. 75, 79 Famous Whore, The, iv. 376

Markham, Gervase 84, 134ft, 142ft, 147,150,154,162,
Gentlemans Academie, TV. 375 163, 316; vi. 29, 250; vm
Grinvde, Kmght, The Most Honourable Maiiow-on-Thames, xn. 61, 62
Tragedie of Sir Richard, iv. 376 Marly, ix. 153
Herod and Ant^pater, iv. 377 Mannaduke, in Wordsworth's Borderers,
How tochuse, ride... both hunting horses xi. 99
and running horses, iv. 365 Marmion, lord, in Scott's poem, xrr. 10 ft
How to trayne and teach horses to amble, Marmion, Shakerley (1603-1639), vi. 456;
iv. 365 vn. 113, 413; vm. 227, 419; Antiquary,
Innchment of the Weald of Kent, The, The, vi. 239; Cupid and Psyche, vi. 239;
iv. 373 vn. 77, 78
Maister-peece, iv. 367 Marmontel, Jean-Francois, X. 264; xi.
Marie Magdalens lamentations, 376 rv. 296, 492; Contes Moraux, x. 57; Les
Markhams Faithfull Farrier, iv. 368 Incas, xi. 280; Moral Tales, xi. 385
Markhams Farewell to Husbandry, rv. Marneffe, Valerie, Balzac's, xm. 286, 287
373 Marney, Sir Henry, n. 325
Markhams Method : or Epitome, rv. 367 Marnock, Robert (1800-1889), xrv. 289
Poem of poems, iv. 376 'Marocco' (horse), rv. 366, 531, 540
Rodomonths Infemail, iv. 377, 443 Marot, Clement, in. 46, 65, 219, 221, 222,
Teares of the Beloved, iv. 376 224, 226, 249, 250; TV. 24; X. 105
Thyrsis and Daphne, rv. 365 Complaincte d'un Pastoureau Ghrestien,
Way to get Wealth, A, iv. 369, 372, 373 m. 219
Whole Art of Angling, The, iv. 373 Eglogue au %oi, m. 219, 222, 224
Markland, Jeremiah (1693-1776), ix. 341, Elegie sur Mme Louise de Savoye, m.
527; xn. 4=83 219, 224
Markolf legend, nr. 81, 94 Epigrammes, m. 249
Marlay, Richard, xi. 365 Visions de Petrarque, Les, m. 251
Marlborough, duchesses of. See Churchill, Marphoreus, m. 394, 395
Henrietta; Churchill, Sarah Marplot, in Centlivre's Busy-Body, x. 72
Marlborough, dukes of. See Churchill, Marprelate, Martin, m. 213, 374 ft, 412,
John; Spencer, George 537 ft, also see Add.; v. 140, 322;
Marlborough. college, xu. 332; xra. 118; vi. 296, 384, 391, 393, 396, 478; vn. 144,
xrv. 414 161, 517; x. 367
Marlowe, Christopher (1564-1593), m. Admonition to Parliament, An, m. 378,
241, 300, 517; iv. 23, 55, 88, 117, 248, 403, 404
330, 395, 438, 517, 519; v. 81, 85, 87, Admonition to the People of England, An.
103, 134,140, 142-164 (main entry), See under Cooper, Thomas
177, 179,182, 183, 188, 215, 224, 239, Advertisement touching the Controversies
240, 242,244, 309, 324, 327, 333, 347, of the Church of England. See under
366, 370,371, 373, 377, 420 ft, and see Cooper, Thomas
Add. 2; vi. 13, 14, 45, 167, 234, 272, Almond for a Parrot, An, m. 397, 544
295, 300, 301, 335; vn. 7 ft, 16, 49, 110, Answere to a certaine libel supplicatorie,
133, 273; vm. 223, 226; xn. 418; xm. An. See under Sutcliffe, Matthew
153, also see Add. 2 Answere unto a certaine^ calumnious
Dido Queene of Carthage, v. 140, 145, letter, An. See under Sutcliffe, Matthew
146; vi. 287, 288 Anti-Martinus, m. 393
Dr Faustus, iv. 321; v. 134, 143 ft, 147, Appelation of John Penri, TV. See under
154, 163, 252, 253, 333, 353, 377; vi. Penry, John
250; vm. 88 Character of a Puritan, m. 389
Edward II, v. 145, 152 ft, 163, 185, 186, Commission sente to the Pope, m. 376,
246; xrv. 443 388
Hero and Leander, TV. 180, 222, 395; Countercuffe given to Martin Junior, A,
v. 147, 148; vi. 112; vm. 227 m.394
*I walked along a stream, v. 148 Defence of the Government established
Jew of Malta, The, v. 145, 155, 156, 326; in the Church of England, A. See under
VI. 249 Bridges, John
Lucan, v. 147 Demonstration of Discipline, A. See
Lusts Dominion, v. 146; vi. 55, 183; under TJdall, John
vm. 125, 195 Dialogue concerning the strife of our
Massacre at Paris, The, v. 145, 344; Church, A. See under Uda-U, John
vi. 33 Dialogue wherein is plainly laide open
Ovid's Elegies, TV. 19, 328; v. 143, 147; the tyrannicall dealing of L. Bishopps
vn. 432 against Gods children, A, m, 381, 382,
Passionate Shepherd to his Love, The, 397
v. 148;vn. 8, 17, 251 Diotrephes, or, The State of the Church oj
Tamburlaine the Great, m. 178; v. 82, Englande. See under Udall John


Marprelate, Martin Marrow men,' is. 549

Epistle, The, m. 379, 384, 385, 389, 391, Marryat, Florence (1838-1899), xn. 451;
392 xm. 564
Epitome, The, m. 381, 385 fL Marryat, Frederick (1792-1848), xi. 387,
Exhortation, An. See under Penry, John 480, 481; xn, 451, also see Add.; xm.
Friendly Admonition to Martin Marpre- 307, 322, 329; xiv. 141
late, A. See under Wright, Leonard Jacob Faithful, xn. 250
Hay any workefor Cooper, m. 381, 387, Japhet in search of a Father, xn. 250
390, 397 Masterman Ready, xn. 251
Lives of the Saints, The, in. 394 Mr Midshipman Easy, xn. 251
M. Some laid open in his coulers, m. Peter Simple, xn. 250
381, 383 Settlers in Canada, xn. 251
Mar-Martine, m. 388, 393 Marryat, Zephaniah, x. 384
Marre Mar-Martin, m. 393 Mars, vm. 76
Martin Junior, The just censure and re- Mars, temple of (Chaucer's), n. 179
proofe of, m. 382, 387, 388, 393, 394 Mars' hill, iv. 29, 270
Martin Senior, or The just censure and Marsden, John Howard (1803-1891), xn.
reproofe, m. 388 497
Martins Months Minde, in. 394, 396, Marseilles, v. 49; VI. 378, 383; vm. 245
397, 544 Marsh, Adam (Adam de Marisco) (fl.
Minerall Conclusions, The, m. 381, 386 1257?), I. 205, 206, 455; n. 350
More workefor the Cooper, in. 382 Marsh, Anne. See Caldwell, Mrs Anne
Myrrour for Martinists, A. See under Marsh, George Perkins, iv. 37, 450
T.T. Marsh, Herbert (1757-1839), xn. 280,
Owles Almanack, The, in. 394 468; xiv. 403, 592
Papp-Hatchet, Advertisement to. See Marsh, Narcissus (1638-1713), is. 330
under Harvey, Gabriel Marsh or Marshe, Thomas, m. 194 ff. ; iv.
Pappe with Hatchet. See under Lyly, 384, 398
John Marshall, the, in The Royall King and the
Petition directed to Tier most excellent Loyall Subject, vi. 100
Majestie, A, in. 391, 392 Marshall, Anne, ym. 261
Platne Percevall the Peace-maker of Marshall, Arthur Milnes (1852-1893), xiv.
England. See under Harvey, Richard 562; Practical Zoology, xiv. 300
Protestation, The, m. 382, 383, 387 ff., Marshall, Emma (1830-1899), xm. 564
393, 394, 397 Marshall, Sir John Hubert (b. 1876), xn.
Returne of Pasquill, The, m. 394, 395 Add. 5
Sermon preached at Paules crosse, A. Marshall, Roger, iv. 423
See under Bancroft, Richard Marshall, Stephen (15947-1655), vn. 145,
Supplication to the Parliament, A. See 147, 416, 425
under Penry, John Marshall, William (d. 1219), 1st earl of
Theologicall Discourse of the Lamb of Pembroke and Striguil, regent of Eng-
God, A. See under Harvey, Richard land, n. 420
Theses Martinianae, or Martin Junior, Marsham,SirJohn(1602-1685),ix. 196,529
ra. 382, 387 ff., 394, 396 Marshman, John Clark (1794-1877), xiv.
Treatise, containing the Aequity of an 338, 339, 495, 579
humble supplication, A. See under Marsiglio of Padua, I. 212
Penry, John Marston, John (1575?-1634), m. 173, 191,
Whip for an Ape, m. 393 199, 207; iv. 6, 115, 185, 207, 266, 331 fE.,
Marprelate controversy, iv. 230, 321, 322, 363, 434, 533; v. 81, 311, 322, 327, 371;
332, 379, 382, 412, 547 29-57 (main entry),
vi. 2, 4, 17, 18, 28,
Marprelate tracts, vn. 432 59, 154, 166, 170 fL, 182, 186, 239, 290
Marquis, Thomas G. f xiv. 581 422, 423, 459, and see Add.; vn. 383 j
Marriage, The Fifteen Joys of, n. 325, 326 vm. 87
Marriage, The pain and sorrow of evil, n. Antonio and Mellida, vi. 15, 41, 45, 170
326, 502; m. 486 Antonio's Revenge, vr. 45, 167, 178
Marriage Feast, parable of, in Cleanness, Certaine Satyres, rv. 331
i. 323 Dutch Courtezan, The, vr. 46, 184
Marriage of Witte, The, v. 393 Eastward Hoe. See under Chapman
Married, The complaint of the too late, Entertainment for a visit of the countess
n. 326; m. 486 of Derby to her son-in-law, lord Hunt-
Married, The complaint of the too soon, ingdon, An, yi. 49
n. 326 ;m. 486 Histrio-Mastix (revision of), v. 321
Harriot, Richard (fl. 1653), xi. 318 Insatiate Countesse, The, v. 362; vi. 49
Marriott, Charles (1811-1858), xn. 261, Latin pageant for the visit of king
274, 454, 458 Christian of Denmark to England, a, vi. 49
Marriott, John Arthur Ransome, xm. 548 Love's Martyr, vi. 43

Marston, John Martin, Sir Theodore (1815-1909),
Malcontent, The, v. 259; vi. 15, 39, 43, 161, 499, 515; xiv. 504
46, 48, 169, 178 Helena Faucit (Lady Martin], xiv. 112
Metamorphosis of Pygmalion? s Image, Life of Lord Lyndhurst, xrv. Ill
The, iv. 331, 332; VL 38 Life o/ the Prince Consort, xiv. Ill
Mountebank's Masque, vi. 50 Memoir of W. E. Aytoun, xrv. Ill
Parasitaster, or The Fawne, vr. 48, 171 Martin, William (1801-1867), XL 481
Reactio, m. 199 Martin de Franc, m. 90
Revenge, or the Match in Newgate, The, Martin's office, ix. 132
vi. 47 Martineau, Harriet (1802-1876), xi. 387,
Scourge of Villanie, The, iv. 332, 333, 481; xn. 380, 433, 445; xm. 397, 553,
517, 519; vi. 38 ff. 554, 558; xiv. 190, 429, 476, 495, 607
What You Will, vi. 43 A History of England during the Thirty
Wonder of Women, Or the Tragedie of Years' Peace, xrv. 93
Sophonisba, The, vi. 49 Autobiographical Memoir, ynr. 343
Marston, John Westland (1819-1890), Crofton Boys, xm. 343
sin. 152, 267 ., 515, 516, 521, 541 Deerbrook, xm. 343, 399
Favourite of Fortune, The, xm. 269 Feats on the Fiord, xm. 343
Life for Life, xm. 263 Hour and the Man, The, xm. 343
Lifds Ransom, A, xm. 263 Illustrations of Political Economy, xm
Marie de M frame, xm. 263 343
Pairman's Daughter, The, ^TTT. 262 Illustrations of Taxation, TTTT. 343
Strathmore, xm. 263 Peasant and the Prince, The, xm. 343
Marston, Philip Bourke (1850-1887), xin. Playfellow, The, xm. 343
109, 140, 215, 489, 506 Settlers at Home, The, xm. 343
Marston moor, xn. 13 Trans, of Comte's Positive Philosophy,
Marston moor, battle of, vi. 197; vn. 198, xiv. 24
227, 229; vm. 130 Martineau, James (1805-1900), vm. 287;
Marsyas, xin. 90 xn. 465, 468; xiv. 26, 477, 607; Seat
Marteilhe, Jean, Memoirs, x. 203 of Authority in Religion, The, xiv. 27;
Marten, Anthony (d. 1597), iv. 459 Study of Religion, A, xn. 298; xrv. 27;
Marten, Henry (1602-1680), and his mis- Types of Ethical Theory, xn. 298; xrv.
tresses, in the Mercuries, vn. 356, 359, 27
513 Martineau, John, xiv. 510
Martha, in Le Fanu's story, xm. 416 Martinique, xrv. 165
Martial, I. 191; m. 429; iv. 23, 124, 206, Martinius, monk, i. 105
242, 250, 262, 266, 334, 438; VI. 221; Martinius, P., m. 552
vn. 13, 131; ix. 55, 264, 499; xi. 174; Martinus, in Loiola, vi. 324
xn. 489; Epigrammata, vn. 20; To 'Martinus Scrihlerus* (George Crabbe),
Bassus, on the Country-House of Faus- xi. 142
tinas, vn. 20 Martyn, Henry (1781-1812), xi. 381
Martianus Capella's de Nuptiis Philologiae Martyn, Joseph (fl. 1619), iv. 520
et Mercuni, n. 231, 359, 363 Martyn, J., one of the chief contributors
Martin, ID Kingsley's Hereward the Wake, to "The Grub Street Journal (1730-1737),
xm. 366 xi. 466
Martin, in Swift's Tale of a Tub, ix. 100 Martyr, Peter (Anglerius), rv. 69, 70-1, 74,
Martin, the (father Petre), in The Hind 75, 80-2, 441, 455, 459
and the Panther, vm. 48, 189 Martyr, Peter (Vermigli), m. 33-4, 35,
Martin, Arthur Patchett (1851-1902), 419
xiv, 368, 511, 584, 587 Martyria, v. 38
Martin, Benjamin (1704-1782), Biogra- Martyrology, Bede's, I. 80
phica Philosophica, vm. 458, 463 Martyrology, The, West Saxon, i. 105,
Martin, Frederick (1830-1883), xn. 415 106, 436, 438
Martin, George, xiv. 582 Marullo, in The Bond-Man, VL 154, 155
Martin, Humfrey (fl. 1575),
v. 30 Marullus, in Julius Caesar, v. 197
Martin, James, of Dunkeld (fl. 1577), nr. Marvell, Andrew, the elder (1586?-1641),
277 vn. 178
Martin, lady. See, Faucit, Helena Marvell, Andrew, the younger (1621-
Martin, Richard (1570-1618), iv. 161, 1678), IV. 214, 222; vi. 235; vn. 7, 102,
162 105 ff., 166, 178-185 (main entry),
Martin, Robert, in Jane Austen's Emma, 430 ff.; vm. 3, 40, 82, 89, 90, 91, 94,
xn. 240 213, 214, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412; ix.
Martin, St, i. 74, 118 416; xn. 02
Martin, Samuel, x. 396 Advice to a Painter, vm, 81
Martin, T., translator of Prior's Alma into Mack List of Government Pensioner*,
Latin, ix. 482 x. 213

Marvell, Andrew, the younger Mary de Valentia, n. 355
Britannia and Raleigh, vm. 81 Mary of Egypt, St, Life of, i. 131
Controversial Essays, vn. 179 Mary of France, queen of Louis XII 1496- (

Coronet, The, vn. 181 1533), iv. 182

Dialogue 'between the Resolved Soul and Mary of Lorraine, m. 121, 123, 144
Created Pleasure, vn. 182 Mary of Modena (1658-1718), queen of
Dialogue between- the Soul and the Body, James II, ix. 168
VIT. 181 Mary of Nemmegen, n. 329
Dialogue between two Horses, vm. 93 Mary Ambree, vm. 231, 232; xm. 234
Farther Instructions to a Painter, vm. 81 Mary Magdalen, The Lamentation of, n.
Fleckno, an English Priest at Home, 162, 164
vui. 40 Mary Magdalene, in Christus JRedivivus,
Garden, The, vn. 181; vm. 99 VI. 295
Greek poems, vn. 179 Mary Magdalene, St, r. 341
His Majesty's Most Gracious Speech to Mary Magdalene plays, v. 19, 42, 44, 49
Both Houses of Parliament, vm. 98 Maryland, xn. 350; xiv. 359
Historical Poem, An, vn. 183; vm. 81 Marys, 'the four,' xn. 27
Horatian Ode upon CromweWs Return Marzials, Sir Frank T., x. Add,; xi. 291,

from Ireland, vn. 180 459; xm. 485, 530, 532, 544
Last Instructions to a Painter, vn, 183; Mascall, Leonard (d. 1589), iv. 368 ff.,
vrn. 81 540 ff.

Latin poems, vn. 179, 181, 183 Book of Fishing, A, iv. 370
News-letters, vn. 179, 184 Government of Cattell, The, IV. 370
Poem on the Statue in Stocks-market, Husbandly e ordering... Poultrie, The, iv.
vm. 93 370
Poems, vn. 179, 183, 184 Of and manner how to plant.,.
the arte
Rehearsal Transpros'd, The, vn. 178, 370
trees, iv.
184, 185 Masefield, John, ix. Add.; xn. 406; xrv.
Satires, vn. 179, 182, 183 551
'Where the remote Bermudas ride,' Maseres, Francis (1731-1824), vn. 456
iv. 187 ;vn. 182 Masham, Abigail, lady Masham (d. 1734),
Marvin, F. S., xm. 487 >
ix. 124
Marwood,in Lessing's Miss Sara Sampson, Masham, Damaris, lady Masham (1658-
x. 76 1708), vm. 330
Marwood, Mrs, in Congreve's Way of the Masham, Sir Francis, 3rd baronet, vm.
World, vm. 154, 155 330
Mary, iu Monsieur Thomas, vi. 123 Masham, Samuel, 2nd baron Masham
Mary, the Blessed Virgin, I. 64, 74, 115, (1712-1776), ix. 130
146, 147, 220, 248, 297, 321, 342, 343, Maskell, William, m. 48
353, 356; n. 114, 264, 375, 376, 380 ff., Maskwell, in Congreve's Double-Dealer,
426, 507; m. 12, 59; rv. 217; v. 2, 17, vm. 148, 149
18, 40 ff., 49, 50, 53, 56, 59; vn. 33, Mason, Arthur James, xiv. 486
37, 63; xn. 291; xiv. 304 Mason, Edward Tuckerman, xiv. 528
Mary, princess of Orange (1631-1660), Mason, Francis (1566?-! 621), vn. 309;
vm. 206 Vindex Ecclesiae Anghcanae. vn. 329,
Mary I (1516-1558), queen of England, 485
m. 1, 6, 50, 51, 53,81, 96, 107, 145, Mason, George, iv. 464
179, 181, 183, 194 ff., 213, 316, 332, Mason, James, Anatomy of Sorcery, vn.
335, 386, 403, 420, 421, 424, 427, 432; 506
iv. 71, 127, 198, 225, 234, 379, 380, 382, Mason, John (1645?-1694), vn. 407
384; V. 56, 59, 60, 90, 104, 107, 356, Mason, John (1706-1763), XL 251 ff., 255
365; vn. 304, 306, 325, 326, 331, 337; Mason, John Monck (1726-1809), v. 277
vm. 267; ix. 210, 235; XTV. 55 Mason, Peter Hamnett (1827-1912), xn.
Mary II (1662-1694), queen of England, 341, 501
vm. 49, 306, 307, 380; ix. 169, 200, 208, Mason, Stuart, xiv. 528
233; x. 502 Mason, William, A Tiandfull of Essaies
Mary II, Memoirs of Queen, vm. 272, 452 (1621), iv. 524
Mary (1542-1587), queen of Scots, n. 414; Mason, William (1724-1797), vn. 164;
m. 1, 122, 144, 140 ft, 153 ft., 163, 164, IX. 574; x. 120, 122, 123, 126 ff. (main
234, 326, 327; IV. 136, 253, 303, 396; entry), 137, 244, 248 ff., 398, 450, 495,
Y. 77, 341, 344, 345; X. 288, 289, 465, 525; XI. 145, 458; xiv. 507
498, 500. 501, 504, 505, 510; XI. 443; Caractacus, x. 136; xi. 273
xn. 21, 27, 350, 416, 508, 513; xm. 130, Elfnda, x. 136; xi. 265
133; xiv. 55, 85, 94, 161 Isis, x. 136, 492
Mary de* Medici, vn. 222 Life of Gray, x. 190
Mary de St Paul, n. 355 Musaeus, a Monody on... Pope, x. 136

Mason, William Shaw (1774-1863), x,
Masson, Charles, Memoir on the Topes,'
483 xn. 352
Masque of Cupid, in The Faerie Queene, Masson, David (1822-1907), vn. 95, 117;
vi. 335 X. 122, 481; xi. 410, 466; xn. 206, 380,
Masquerade, in Love Restored, VE. 351, 403, 407, 444, 445; xm. 245, 472; xiv.
352 95, 467, 504; Life of Milton, xi. 312;
Masques, VI, 487 ff. xiv. 112, 113; Recent British Philo-
Massachusetts, xn. 165 sophy, xiv. 1
Massachusetts' Bay company, iv. 311 Masson, Emile, xm. 464, 470
Massaniello, in D'Urfey's Fall of Massa- Masson, Bora, xm. 558
niello, vm. 175 Massorah, the, xn. 341, 501
Masseck, C. J., xiv. 521 Master, John, of Sinclair, xn. 377
Massey, Sir Edward (1619?-! 674?), vn. Master of Game, The, n. 286, 479
356 Masterman, Charles Frederick Gurney,
Massey, Gerald (1828-1907), xm. 189, 506 xm. 478
Massey, William Nathaniel (1809-1881), Masters, Mrs Mary (d. 1759?), x. 468
xiv. 495; A History of England during Masters, Robert (1713-1798), is. 477,
the reign of George III, xrv. 90 531 ;x. 255, 505
Massie, Joseph (d. 1784), x. 523 Masterson, George, vn. 495
Massillon,Jean Baptiste, vm. 303 Matamoros, Alfonso Garcia, v. 214
Massinger, Arthur, father of P. Massinger, Matelant, Richard de, ancestor of Sir
vi. 141 Richard Maitland, m. 132
Massinger, Miss (d. 1762), vi. 144 Matey, in Meredith's Lord Ormont and his
Massinger, Philip (1583-1640), iv. 6, 115; Aminta, xm. 444
v. 195, 258, 344, 347, 366, 368, 370; Math, son of Mathonwy, I. 252
vi. 61, 114 ff., 118, 121, 124,
111, Matheo, in The Honest Whore, VI. 53
128 ff., 136, 137-140, 141-165
134, Matheolus, m. 90
(main entry), 196, 211, 427, 442 ff., 458; Mather, Cotton (1663-1728), vn. 507
vn. 387; vin. 132; x, 429; xn. 68, 415; Mather, Increase (1639-1723), vn. 507
xm. 144, 260, 289, also see Add. 2; Mathers, Edward P., xrv. Add. 8
xiv. 88 Mathesis, xn. 114
Bashful Lover, The, vi. 152, 155 Mathew, Mrs, XL 181, 184
Believe as you List, vi. 146, 147 Mathews, Charles James (1803-1878),
Bond-Man, The, vi. 143, 149, 155, 157, xm. 521
161, 164; vm. 121 Mathias, in The Picture, vi. 156, 158
City Madam, The, v. 357; vi. 152, 160 Mathias, Thomas James (1754?-1835),
Duke of Millaine, The, vi. 142, 153 fi., x. 450 ff., 486, 489; xx. 177, 427; The
159, 161, 162 Pursuits of Literature, xn. 364
Emperour of the East, The, vi. 165 Matilda, in Law's Serious Call, IX. 402
Fatall Dowry, The, vi. 146, 158, 165, Matilda, in Robert, Earle of Huntington,
223; vm. 129, 195, 441; xm. 259 v. 318, 319, 322 ff., 326
Great Duke of Florence, The, vi. 154, Matilda, in The Bashful Lover, VL 152,
156, 165 155
Guardian, The, yi. 157, 165; vm. 142 Matilda, in Walpole's Castle of Otranto,
King and the Subject, The, vi. 147 x. 61
Lover's Progress, The, v. 257 Matilda (1080-1118), queen of Henry I
Maid of Honour, The, IV. 299; VI. 149, I. 151, 157

152, 155, 156, 162 Matthew, in Every Man in His Humoui ,

New Way to Pay Old Debts t A, vi. 143, vi. 4

151, 152, 160, 165 Matthew, Gospel of pseudo-, v. 49
Parliament of Love, The, vr. 152, 154, Matthew, Patrick, xiv. 298, 562
155, 184 Matthew, St, I. 54
Picture, The, vi. 156, 164 Matthew, St, Gospel of, n. 14, 76, 431
Renegado, The, vi. 150, 154, 155; vm. Matthew, Thomas. See Rogers, John
129 Matthew, Tobias (1546-1628), rv. 421;
Roman Actor, The, vi. 152 ff., 161, 164 vn. 334
Unnaturall Combat, The, vi. 142, 153, Matthew, Sir Toby or Tobie (1577-1655),
160 iv. 441, 489; vi. 3; vn. 194
Very Woman, A, vi. 116, 132, 140, 146, Matthew of Westminster, I, 179
156, 157;vm. 129 Matthews, Charles James, xm. Add. 2
Virgin Martir, The, VI. 54, 142, 146, Matthews, J. Brander, xm. 515
150, 154 Matthews, John William, XL 410
See, also, under Beaumont and Jletcher Matthews, Josiah Wright, xrv. Add. 8
and Midclleton Matthews, Miss, in Fielding's Ameliay x.
Masson, Arthur, Collection of English 33,34
Prose and Verse, xi. 206 Matthieu, Histcnre de France, vi. 33

Matty, Miss, in Mrs GaskelTs Cranford, M
oxen Wledig, Dream of, I. 252
xm. 377 Maxentius, vn. 371, 395
Maturin, Charles Kobert (1782-1824), XL Maxima, abbess, I. 75
300, 304, 462; xm. 257, 259 ft, 521 Maximilian I, duke of Bavaria, vn. 200
Albigenses, The, XL 305 Maximilian I, emperor, L 53; m. 61, 112;
Bertram: or, The, Castle of St Aldobrond, vi. 333
XL 176, 304; xm. 259, 260 Maximilla, martyr, v. 15
Fatal Vengeance or The family of Mon- Maximin, in Tyrannick Love, vm. 22
torio, xi. 304 Maximus, in Valentinian, vi. 129
Fredolfo, xm. 259, 260 Maximus Tyrius, vn. 404
Manuel, xm. 259, 260 Maxse, Frederick Augustus (1833-1900),
Melmoth the Wanderer, XL 304, 305; xiv. 608
xm. 418 fL Maxton, *the new poete,' v. 311
Milesian Chief, XL 304 Maxwell, Sir H., xiv. 501
Wild Irish Boy, XL 304 Maxwell, James (1720-1800), XL 440
Women, or Pour et Centre, "XL 304; xn. Maxwell, James Clerk. See Clerk-Maxwell
146 Maxwell, John (1590?-! 647), ix. 544
Maty, Matthew (1718-1776), Journal Bri~ Maxwell, William Hamilton (1792-1850),
tannique, x. 173; Memoirs of Lord xm, 564; xiv. 570; Stories of Waterloo,
Chesterfield, x. 259, 494 Xiv. 313; Wild Sports of the West of
Maty, Paul Henry (1745-1787), X. 302 Ireland, xiv. 313
Matz, Bertram Waldrom, xm. 514, 532, May, Sir Humphrey (1573-1630), ix. 250
533 May, John (fl. 1613), iv. 309, 512
Matzner, Eduard, I. ix; xiv. 611 'May, Phil,' xiv. 549
Mauchline, xi. 213, 216, 219, 220 May, Thomas (1595-1650), IV. 438, 501;
Maucroix, F. de, is. 196 vi. 28, 144, 457; vn. 315, 446, 517
Maud, empress, I. 166 Antigone, the Theban Princess, VL 235
Maude, Cyril, xm. 515 Cleopatra, vi. 235
Maudlin, in The Compleat Angler, vn. 251, Heir, The, VI. 235
252 Historical Discourses, vn. 207
Maudlin, the witch of Paplewick, in The History of the Parliament of England,
Sad Shepherd, vi. 11 vn, 206, 226
Maugham, Reginald Charles Fulke, xiv. Julia Agrippina, VL 235
Add. 8 Julius Caesar, vn. 206
Maulette, GenevefVe Petau, iv. 376 Lucan, vn. 359
Maundeville, J., rector of Bumham Mirrour of Minds, The (Barclay), iv. 254
Thorpe, n. 301 Old Couple, The, VL 235
Maunsell, Andrew (d. 1595), Catalogue of Pharsalia (trans.), VL 235
English Printed Bookes, IV. 404, 548 May, Sir Thomas Erskiue (1815-1886),
Maupassant, Guy de, xn. 244; xm. 454, Xiv. 495; Constitutional History of
457 England, xiv. 58; Rules, Orders and
Maurer, Georg Ludwig von, xrv. 78 Proceedings of the House of Commons,
Mauretania, rv. 259 Xiv. 58
Maurice, Charles Edmund, n. 38 May-game, v. 34, 35
Maurice, Sir Frederick, xiv. 602 May poems, n. 374, 392, 393
Maurice, Frederick Beuison (1805-1872), Mayberrys, the, in North- Ward Hoe, VL
01. 328; XL 136; xn. 283, 288, 289 fL 172
(main entry), 295, 296, 465 ff., 471; Mayd Emlyn, The Boke of, m. 88, 486;
xm. 344, 345, 355, 357, 358, 368, 370, iv. 340; vn. 382
378, 547; xiv. 82, 136, 408, 429, 477, Maydes Metamorphosis, The, VL 365, 490
592, 596, 600, 602, 607 Maydman, Henry, iv. 102, 459
Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy, Mayer, John (1583-1664), vn. 481
xiv. 26 Mayer, Samuel Ralph Townshend, xm.
Prophets and Kings, xn. 284 483
Religions of the World, xn. 289 Mayerne, Sir Theodore Turquet de (1573-
Theological Essays, xn. 284, 290 1655), vm, 477; xiv. 283; Notes, vm.
Maurice, Thomas (1754-1824), XL 428 363
Maurice of Nassau. See Orange Mayfield, xn. 103
Mauritania, in The Masque of Blacknesse, Mayhew, Anthony Lawson, xiv. 611
vi.342 Mayhew, Henry (1812-1887), xiv. 236,
Mavor, Wm Fordyce (1758-1837), XL 544, 548
488; xiv. 553 Mayhew, Horace (1816-1872), xiv. 236
Mavrocordatos, prince Alexander, xn. Mayiola, or Mayok, in King Berdok, n.
38 276
Maw, game of, VL 98 Maynard, Constance L., xiv. 600
Max Miiller, F. See Muller, F. Mar Maynard, Edward (1654-1740), ix. 533
Maynard, Sir John (1602-1690), vm. 466; Medici, Piero and Giovanni de', m. 5
X 373 Medici, the, VL 175; vm. 358; x. 303;
Mayne, Jasper (1604-1672), vi. 240, 457; xiv. 99
Amorous Warre, The, vi. 237; City Medicine, books on, n. 365
Match, The, v. 367; vr. 237; Lucian Medicus, in A Dialogue... against the fever
(trans.), VI. 237 Pestilence, m. 108
Mayne, John (1759-1836), XL 444; xn. Medina (Arabia), xiv. 252
420; Halloween, XL 216, 235; Logan Medina, Pedro de, rv. 446
Water, XL 235; Siller Gun, The, XL 235 Mediocrity, in The Muses Looking -Glasse,
Maynial, Guillaume, n. 315 VL233
Maynooth, xiv. 315, 329 Mediolano, Johannes de, iv. 446
Maynwaring, Arthur (1668-1712), ix. 437 Mediterranean sea, n. 75; iv. 68, 69, 92;
Mayo, Charles (1792-1846), xiv. 608 vi. 203; xn. 32, 257
Mayo, Charles Herbert, xn. 520 Medley, in Etherege's Man of Mode, vm.
Mayor, John Eyton Bickersteth (1825- 138
1910), IX. 354; x. 356; xn. 326, 357, Medley, The, ix. 437, 461
481, 487, 488, 515, 523; First Greek Medmenham abbey, x. 391, 394, 524
Reader, xn. 336; Juvenal, xn. 336 Medows, Sir Philip, the elder (1676-1718),
Mayor, Joseph Bickersteth (1828-1910), iv. 459
xn. 403, 523; xm. 512; Chapters on Medraut, or Modred, or Mordred, I. 248
English Metre, xni. 248, 512; Handbook Medusa, in Fedele and Fortunio, v. 315
of Modern English Metre, xra. 243, 512 Medwall, Henry (fl. 1486), n. 328; v. 410;
Mayow, John (1640-1679), vm. 354, 363, Nature, v. 54, 392
478; xiv. 283 Medway, in The Faerie Queene, m. 238
Mazarin, cardinal, iv. 434; vn. 189 Medway, river, iv. 190; vn. 183; vnL 11,
Mazarin hlue, XL 364 252
Maze Pond school, x. 382 Medwin, Thomas (1788-1869), xn. 50, 54,
Mazzini, in George Meredith's Vittoria, 384, 385, 396, 403, 407; Journal of the
xm. 445, 447 Conversations of Lord Byron, xn. 36
Mazzini, Giuseppe, xm. 15, 132, 349, 465, Meed, lady, in Piers the Plowman, n.
472, 492 2 ff., 7 ft, 32
Mazzoni, Giacomo, vn. 265 Meehan, Charles Patrick (1812-1890), xrv.
Mead, Matthew (1630?-! 699), vn. 316 570, 573
Mead, Robert (1616-1653), vi. 475 Meeke, Mrs Mary (? 1816), XL 488
Mead, W. E., Outlines of the History of the Meekly, Mr, in Brooke's Fool of Quality,
Legend of Merlin, I. 268 ix. 327
Meade, Jacob (fl. 1613), VI. 261, 275 Meeting of Gallants at an Ordinarie, The,
Meadows, Joseph Kenny (1790-1874), xiv. v. 367, 479
201, 236 Megaera, in Gisntond of Salerne, v. 75, 76
Meagher, Thomas Francis (1823-1867), Megaera, in Thyestes, v. 75, 76
xiv. 570 Megha Duta, trans, of the, xn. 503
Meagles family, in Little Dorrit, xm. 331 Mehemet AH, pasha of Egypt, xrv. 252
Meander, in Tamburlame, V. 151 Meighen, John, vn. 337
Mease, Peter, vi. 475 Meiklejohn, John Mailer Dow, xrv. 601
Meath, county, xn. 351; xiv. 246 Meilan, Mark Anthony (ft. 1812), XL 491
Mecca, xiv. 252 Meilyr, story of, in Giraldus Cambrensis,
Mechanics' institutions, xiv. 407 ft. I. 171

Mechanics' Magazine, The, xiv. 408, 409 Meinecke, xrv. 484

Medalle, Mme (Lydia Smollett), x. 47, 422 Meimngen, v. 306
Medb, queen, xiv. 307 Meissner, v. 347
Mede or Mead, Joseph (1586-1638), iv. Meistersingers, the, v. 25
433; vn. 318, 345, 482, 490; vm. 458; Mela, Pomponius, m. 420
Works, vm. 286 Melancholico, in The Floating Islandt VL
Medea, VL 163 326
Medea, in Confessio Amantis, n. 151 Melanchthon, Philip, m. 36, 50, 113, 127,
Medea, in Euripides' s drama, xn. 68 143, 151, 290, 419, 421, 430; IV. 380,
Medea, in Morris's Jason, xm. 123, 134 446; VL 374; Inita Doctrinae physwae,
Medea, in Sandys's translation of Ovid's m. 113
Metamorphoses, vn. 51 Melanchthoniana, vn. 391
Medhurst, Walter Henry (1796-1857), xn. Melantha, in Marriage-a-la-Mode, vm. 17
342, 500 Melantho, in Ulysses Redux, VL 303
Media, xn. 477 Melantius, in The Maides Tragedy, VL
Medici, Cosmo de', xn. 418 126 ff.
Medici, Lorenzino de', m. 5; VL 199; vm. Melayne, Sege of, I. 469
358; xiv. 108 Melbancke, Brian (jL 1583), Philotimua,
Medici, Marie de', VL 175 m. 349, 536
Melbourne, International exhibition, xiv. Memnon, in The Mad Lover, vi. 122, 130,
369 152
Melbourne, viscount. See Lamb, William Memoires Littfraires de la Grande Bre-
Melchior, in William of Palerne, I. 316 tagne, x. 291, 292, 311
Melchisedech, in The Police of Honour, 11. Memoirs, Personal, in Jacobean times, vn.
260 449
MelcMzedek, i. 74; v. 48 Memoirs of a Parish Cleric, ix. 137
Melcombe, lord. See Dodington, George Memoirs of Martinus Scriblerus, ix. 103,
Bubb 131, 136, 137, 139, 308, 447, 463, 469,
'Meldrum, Squire,' vn. 254 470
Meleager, xn. 485 Memoirs of the Society of Grub-street, x. 162
Meleander, in Argenis, rv. 258, 259 Memorial of suche Princes as since the
Melebea, in Calisto and Melebea, v. 100 tyme of King Richard the Seconde have
MelesviUe (A. EL J. Duveyrier), Sullivan, been unfortunate in the Realme of
xm. 271 England, A, m. 194
Melford, Jerry, in Smollett's Humphrey Memorials of Coleorton, ix. 328
Clinker, x. 43 Memorie of the Somervilles, xn. 16
Melford, Lydia, in Smollett's Humphrey Menage, GiUes, vin. 321
Clinker, x. 43 Menai straits, x. 115
Melfort, earl. See Drummond, John Menander, v. 5; vm. 155; ix. 336, 525;
Melibaeus, in school plays, v. 103 xn. Add.
Meliboeus (Vergil's), m. 224 Mencke, Johann Burchard, v. 286
Meliboeus, in Barnabe Googe's Eclogues, Mendacium (= Satan), in Wyclifs Dia-
m. 186 logus, n. 65
Meliboeus, in ? Ralegh's Dialogue, iv. Mendax, in A
Dialogue. ..against the fever
109 Pestilence, 109 m.
Melicertus, in Menaphon, m. 357 Mendelssohn, Sidney, xiv. 588, also see
M elior et Idoine, I. 460
Add. 4, 7, 9
Meliora Speramus, Day's Islands,' vi. 216 Mendez, Moses (d. 1758), xi. 172, 428
Melisea (Yong's), iv. 122 Mendoza, in The Court Secret, vi. 206
Melissa, in Misogonus, v. 110 Mendoza, Antonio de, Fiestas de Aranjuez,
Melizius, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, vm. 130 ; Querer por solo guerer, vm. 130
n. 225, 228, 231, 233, 234 Mendoza, Bernardino de, iv. 446
Mellidus, in Jacke Drums Entertainment, Mendoza, Daniel ( 1764-1836), xiv. 229, 231
vi. 41
Mendoza, Diego Hurtado de, m. 341; rv.
Mellisant, in Frier Bacon, v. 137 446
Mellyagraunce, of Malory, I. 262 Mendozo, in The Makontent, vi. 46
Melmoth, Maturin's, 31. 305 Menenius, in Coriolanus, v. 198
Melmotte, Trollope's, xm. 422 Menger, A., The Right to the Whole Produce
Melnotte, Claud, in Lytton's The Lady of of Labour, xiv. 4
Lyons, xm. 419 Mennes or Mennis or Minnes, Sir John
Melros state papers, vn. 435 (1599-1671), vm. 260; Musarum Deh-
Melrose, chronicle of, I. 174, 449 ciae, vn. 512; vm. 231, 408
Melrose abbey, xn. 9, 46 Menologium, I. 145, 445
Melusine, I. 470; n. 483 Mensa philosophica, m. 95, 489
Melvill, Henry (1798-1871), xn. 472 Mentone, xiv. 78
Melvill, James, Diary, iv. 276 Mentz (Mainz), vn. 231
Melville, Andrew (3545-1622), m. 426; Meopham, Simon, archbishop of Cantei
iv. 276, 304; rs. 556; Anti-Tami-Cami- 353
bury (d. 1333), I.

Categoria, vn. 27 Mephistopheles, xn. 50, 54

Melville, Elizabeth. See Culrosa, lady Mephistopheles, in Faust, v. 20, 187; xm.
Melville, George John Whyte, See Whyte- 105
Melville Mercator (Defoe's), DC. 14, 15, 432
Melville, Helen, xm. Add. 2 Merchant, in Ane Pleasant Satyre, m. 128
MelviUe, Sir James (1535-1617), of Hal- Merchant Adventurers, rv. 71, 310; vn.
hm, Memoirs, m. 148, 505 305, 308
MelviUe or Melvill, James (1556-1614), Merchant Taylors' company, vi. 168
n. 370, 488; Diary, m. 148, 505
Mercia,!. 50, 125; n. 210
Melville, Lewis, x. 422, also see Add.; Mercia, laws of, i. 98; vm. 310, 311
xi. 290, 291, 393, 459; xm. Mercian annals (or Chronicle ofAethelflaed),
525, 530,
564, also see Add. 2 1. 109, 110. See, also, under Aethelfiaed,
Melville, Sir Robert (1527-1621), xn. 27 the lady of Mercia
MelviUe, viscount. See Dundas, Henry Mercier, SSbastien, v. 292, 298
Melwas, king of Somerset, i. 262 Merck, x. 488
Melyonek, John, vi. 282 Mercure Galant, Le, ix. 270; x. 163
Memling, Hans, xm. 112 Mercuriale, Girolamo, m. 436

Mercuries, vn. 385 Meredith, George
Mercurius Academicus, vn. 348 Dirge in Woods, TTTT. 444
Mercunus Aulicus, vn. 351, 361 Earth and a Wedded Woman, xm. 443
Mercurius Bifrons (1681), vm. 412 Earth and Man, xm. 443, 448
Mercurius Britannicus, vn. 344; rx. 433 Egoist, The, xm. 441, 445
Mercurius Civicus to Mercurius Rusticus, Emilia in England, xm. 441
A Letter from, vn. 502 Empty Purse, The, xm. 442
Mercurius Democntus, vn. 356 Essay on Comedy, An, xm. 445, 515
Mercurius Diabolicus or HeWs Intelli- Evan Harrington, xm. 441
gencer, vn. 381 Faith on Trial, A, ym. 440, 448
Mercurius Elencticus, vn. 355 Farina, xm. 441
Mercurius Gallobelgicus,' vn. 344 Gentleman of Fifty and the Damsel of
Mercurius Latinus, ix. 434 Nineteen, The, xm. 441
Mercurius Libranus, XL 339 House on the Beach, The, "KTTT, 441
Mercurius Melancholicus or Newes from Hymn to Colour, xm. 448
Westminster, vn. 352, 381 Lark Ascending, The, xm. 448
Mercurius Pohticus, ix. 21, 432 Last Poems, xm. 442
Mercurius Eusticans, vi. 484 Lord Ormont and his Aminta, xm. 441
*Mercurius Spur,' x. 471 Love in a Valley, xm. 440, 448
Mercurius Teutonicus, ix. 518 Lucifer in Starlight, xm. 448
Mercurius Trismegistus, m. 416
Maxims for Men,' XTTT. 447
Mercury, n. 276 Meditations under Stars, xm. 444
Mercury, in Amphitruo, v. 107 Modern Love, xm. 440, 441, 444, 448
Mercury, in Carew's Coelum Britannicum, Nuptials of Attila, The, xm. 448
vn. 19 Ode to the Spirit of Earth in Autumn,
TTTT T 444
Mercury, in Dialogues of the Dead, xi. 351,
352 Odes in Contribution to the Song of
Mercury, in Mercury Vindicated, vi. 357, French History, xm. 442, 445, 447
358 On the Idea of Comedy, xm. 441
Mercury, in Pleasure Reconciled, vr. 360 One of Our Conquerors, xm. 441, 446, 448
Mercury, m Shelley's Prometheus Unbound, Ordeal of Richard Fever el, The, VTTT. 441,
xn. 65 446, 454, 460
Mercury, in The Penates, vi. 341, 351 Phaethdn, xm. 448
Mercutio, in Romeo and Juliet, m. 268; Phoebu* with Admetus, xm. 449
v.182, 268; vn. 8 'Pilgrim's Scrip, The,' xm. 447
Mercy, in Anglo-Norman plays, v. 21 Poems (1851), xm. 440
Mercy, in Piers the Plowman, n. 13 Poems and Lyrics of the Joy of Earth
Mercy, in The Example of Virtue, n. 227, xm. 442
228 Reading of Earth, A, xm. 442
Mercy, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, n. Reading of Life, A, xm. 442
228 Rhoda Fleming, xm. 441, 447
Mercy, house of, in The Faerie Queene 9 Sage Enamoured and the Honest Lady,
vn. 173 xm. 444
Mercy, oil of, legend of, v. 15 Sandra Belloni, xm. 441
Merdle household, the, in Little Dorrit, Shaving of Shagpat, The, xm. 441
xm. 331 Tale of Chloe, The, xm. 441
Meredith, George (1828-1909), V. 127; Test of Manhood, The, xm. 443
vni. 154; xi. 447; xn. 24; xm. 413, Thrush in February, The, xm. 443, 448
426, 440 ff. (main entry), 451, 458, 489, Tragic Comedians, The, xm. 441
568 E. Vittoria, xm. 441, 447
Adventures of Harry Richmond, The, Woods of Westermain, The, xi. 85; xm.
xm. 441 443,448
Amazing Marriage, The, xm. 441 Meredith, Mary, born Vulliamy, xm. 440
Attila, xiv. 249 Meredith, Mary Ellen, born Peacock, xm.
Ballad of Fair Ladies in Revolt, A, xm. 440
444,448 Meredith, Owen. See Lytton, earl of
Ballads and Poems of Tragic Life, YTTT. Meredith, R,., Mr Steele Detected, ix. 440
442 Meredith, Sir Rowland, in Richardson's
Beauchamp's Career, xm. 441, 446 Sir Charles Grandison, x. 11
Case of General Ople and Lady Camper, Meredith, W. M., xm. 569
The, xm. 441, 445 Meres, Francis (1565-1647), m. 305, 359,
Celt and Saxon, xm. 441 526; iv. 444, 526; Palladia Tamia, iv.
Day of the Daughter of Hades, The, xm. 18, 139, 168, 183, 376, 394; v. 82, 166,
448 170, 172 ff., 181, 184, 187 ff., 194, 195
Diana of the Crossways, yrrr. 441, 443, 215, 219 ff., 223, 312, 323, 331; VL 3,
446; XIV. 309 30, 39, 302, 387

Meres, Sir J., ix. 440 Mersenne, Marin, vn. 284 ff.

Meriasek, Saint, Bishop and Confessor, Merton. See Walter de

The Life of, v. 16, 391 Mery demandes, rn. 489
M erie Tales of the Mad Men of Gotam, Mery Jests of the Widow Edith. See Smith,
The, m. 95, 488 Walter
Merione, in The Queen of Corinth, MI. 131 Mery Tales and QuicJce Answers, m. 93,
Merionethshire, x. 115 94, 487; rv. 334, 343, 523
Meritt, Paul (d. 1895), xnr. 521 Merygreeke, Matthewe, in R. Roister
Merivale, Charles (180S-1893), xn. 313, Doister, v. 106
406, 476, 477 Meryon, Charles Lewis (1783-1877), xiv.
Autobiography, xn. 307 506
Conversion of the Northern Nations, The, Merz, John Theodore, xiv. 467
xn. 306 Mesmer, Friedrich Anton, XL 293
Conversion of the Roman Empire, The, Mesnager, Nicolas, ix. 151
xn. 306 Mesnevi of Mevlana, The, xn. 504
Fall of the Roman Republic, The, xn, 305 Meso-Gothic language, vm. 307
General History of Rome, xn. 306 Mesolonghi, xn. 38, 314
History of the Romans under the Empire, Mesopotamia, iv. 90
The, xn. 305 Messahala, n. 185
Merivale, Herman (1806-1874), xn. 305; Messena, in Sicelides, vi. 323
xrv. 495; 'LyalTs Travels in North Messiah, the, in Cowley's Davideis, vn. 67
America,* xn. 153 Messina, v. 191; vn. 199
Merivale, Herman Charles (1839-1906), Mess-Katalog (of Frankfurt-a.-M.), iv. 403
xm. 506, 521, 530, 544; Thaisa's Dirge, Meston, William (1688?-1745), ix. 471,
xm. 194 500, 567
Merivale, John Herman (1779-1844), xn. Metamorphosis Anglorum, vn. 391
420 Metamorphosis of Tobacco, The, iv. 349,
Merlette, Germaine-Marie, ym. 485 530
Merlin (the prose), I. 269 Metastasio, Ketro, x, 161; XL 263, 359
Merlin, in legend and romance, I. 235, Metcalfe, Charles Theophilus, 1st lord
259, 263, 266, 268, 269, 271, 461, 462, Metcalfe (1785-1846), xrv. 491
469; m. 106, 234 Meteor, The, xiv. 223
Merlin, in The Rolliad, XL 34 Meteren, E. van, x. 291
Merlin, Ambrose, vn. 207 Meteyard, Eliza (1816-1879), xiv. 504
Merlin, prophecies of, I. 169, 170, 193, Metham, John, n. 498; Amoryus and
258, 356; iv. 363 Cleopes, u. 502
Merhn, The Birth of, n. 325 Methold, William (d. 1653), xrv. 579; Re-
Merlin, The Birth of (16th century ver- lations of the Kingdome of Oolconda,
249 fi.
sion), v. xrv. 333
Merlin de St Gelais, v. 62 Metre, Bede's tracts on, I. 80
Mermedonians, I. 53 Metrical romances, r, 277 ff., 464 ff.
Merrick, James (1720-1769), x. 456; Metz, rn. 163; v. 101
Cameleon, IX. 191 Metz, siege of, in Morte Arthur e, n. 119
Merrilies, Meg, in Scott's Guy Mannering, Meung, Jean de, L 99; n. 169; m. 90;
xn. 18, 25, 29 vn. 367
Memman, Henry Seton, pseud. See Mewe, William, vr. 475
Scott, Hugh Stowell Mexia, Pedro, rv. 446; Silva de varia lee-
Merry, J., of Pembroke College, x. 472 ci6n, vm. 126
Merry, Robert (1755-1798), XL 172, 176, Mexican language, xiv. 457
177, 428 Mexico, vm. 23; XL 72, 162
Merry, Thomas (fl. 1594), v. 325 Meyer, Paul, n. 420
Merry, William Walter (1835-1918), xn. Meyer-Franck, Helene, xm. 485
Add. 3 Meynell, Alice, xm. 475, 476, 503, 507;
Merry Beggars, The, XL 218 xrv. 524
Merry Conceits of Bottom the Weaver, vm. Meynell, Hugo, xiv. 233
116 Meynell, Wilfrid, xn. 461; xm. 510
Merry Demll of Edmonton, The, V. 237, Meyrick, Sir Samuel Eush (1783-1848),
238, 251 ft, 332, 442, 443 xn. 511
Merry Drollery, vn. 512 Mezeray, Francois Eudes de, History of
Merry Jeste of a Shretode and Curste Wyfe France, ix. 150, 153
lapped in Morelles skin, The, m. 84, 91, M^zieres, Alfred, v. 302
487 Miall, L. C.,The Early Naturalists, xrv.
Merry Muses, The, ix. 360, 363, 567; XL 283
229 Micah, n. 293
Merry Riddles, The Boolce of, m. 95, 488 Micawber, Mr, in David Copperfield, VL
Merry weather, John (fl. 1644), vn. 235 22; xm. 327

Michael, in Byron's Vision of Judgment, Middleton, Conyers (1683-1750), ix. 295,
xn. 53 497, 505, 525, 527; x. 123, 262, 308,
Michael, in The Example of Virtue, n. 227 509; xi. 347; Free Inquiry into the
Michael, in Wordsworth's poem, XL 113 Miraculous Powers, ix. 296, 340; Life
Michael, James Lionel (1824-1865), xiv. of Cicero, rs. 253, 340; x. 319; Miscel
364, 365, 587; John Cumberland, XIV. laneous Works, x. 319
363 Middleton, David (d. 1615), IV. 92, 99
Michael, St, 134, 227, 339
Middleton, John Henry (1846-1896), xn.
Michael of Kildare, n. 425 498
Michaelis, Johann David, Introduction to Middleton, Richard, xra. 219, 220, 506,
the NewTestament, xn, 280 564, also see Add. 3
Michaelis, Sebastian (fl. 1613), VL 183 Middleton, Thomas (15701-1627), iv. 515,
Michal, in Browning's Paracelsus, XTTT. 57 519; v. 184, 252, 254, 255, 311, 319,
Michal, in Cowley's Davideis, vn. 66, 67 362, 371; vr. 6, 26, 28, 55, 57, 58-60
Michel, Francisque, v. 302; Critical In- (main entry), 95, 115, 138, 145, 151,
quiry into the Scottish Language, with the 154, 168, 196, 211, 218, 219, 250, 329,
view of illustrating the Rise and Progress 426 ff.;
ym. 124, 127, 162; xm. 495
of Civilisation in Scotland (1882), n. Any Thing for a Quiet Life, VL 78
95,96 Slack Book, The, v. 252; vr. 60
Michel, Guillaume, Lasne Dore, rv. 3 Blurt Master-Constable, vr. 15, 61
Michel Angelo, x. 266 Caesar's Fall, vi. 61, 168
Michell, John (1724-1793), xiv. 257 Changeling, The, YL 67, 68, 76, 79, 80;
Michell, Sir Lewis, xiv. Add. 9 vm. 121; xn. 222
Mickle, William Juhus (1735-1788), x. Ghost Mayd in Cheapeside, A, YL 65, 74
456, 470; xm. 226; Cumnor Hall, ix. Chester Tragedy, The, VL 61
374 Defiance to Envy, YL 59
Mickleham, x. 261 Devereux, lord, dedication to, YL 59
Mickleton, x. 271 Faire Quarrett, A, YL 61, 67, 68, 73,
Microcosm, The, xi. 392; xiv. 387 75
Microcosm of LoTidon, The (Ackermann's), Famelie of Love, The, v. 365; VL 62, 67
xiv. 222 Father Eubberffs Tales, YL 59
Micro-cynicon, Sixe Snarling Satyres, iv. Game at Chesse, A, v. 344, 365; VL 58,
519; vi. 59 68, 79, 80, 147, 150, 248; vn. 433
Micrologia, m. 95 Inner-Temple Masque, The, YL 70, 75
Midas, m. 64; rv. 10, 327 Mad World, My Masters, A, v. 125;
Midas, in Loves Maistresse, VL 103 vm. 142
Middelburg, vi. 398 Mayor of Quinborough, The, v. 187, 250,
Middle- Age, in The Parlement of the Thre 251; YL 60, 61, 70
Ages, n. 37 Micro-cynicon, Sixe Snarling Satyres, rv.
Middle Ages, the, i.
99, 153, 161, 187, 278, 519; YL 59
294, 299, 300, 306, 363, 366, 371; n. 43, More Dissemblers besides Women, YL 78
51, 52, 61, 76, 120, 169, 172, 181, 183, Old Law, The, YL 15, 61, 67, 68, 145
197, 210, 231, 239, 240, 245, 301, 334, Phoenix, The, YL 63
335, 339, 350, 359, 366, 423, 506; m. 31, Roaring Girle, The, vr. 54, 62, 65
83, 89, 94, 100, 106, 108, 114, 138, 155, Spanish Gipsie, The (with W. Rowley),
200, 218, 418; iv. 70, 110, 269, 319, 353; vi. 68, 77; vm. 129
v. 5, 9, 16, 21, 38, 41 &., 50, 51, 53, Two Harpies 9 The, YL 61, 168
55, 56, 152, 369; vi. 328, 372, 373; Widdow, The, YL 26, 65, 140
vn. 102, 367, 376 ff., 384, 391; vm. Wisdom of Solomon Paraphrased9 The,
319, 351 ; x. 217 ff., 287, 288, 355, 484 ff. ; VL59
xi. 273, 372 Witch, The, YE. 75, 76; xn. 190
Middle Ages, the literary influence of the, Women beware Women, YL 68, 78, 176,
x. 217 ff., 484 ff. 180, 192
Middle English, x. 225; xiv. 435 ff., 442, World tost at Tennis, The, YL 62, 68, 75
444 ff. 7ourfive Gallants, vr. 63, 68
Middle English verse, xm. 241, 242, 249 See, also, under Beaumont and Fletcher,
Middle Temple revels, vm. 244 Dekker, Jonson and W. Rowley
Middleburg, rv. 64, 402 Middleton and William Rowley's A Faire
Middlesex, m. 330; YL 259, 292, 385; Quarrett, v. 349
vn. 4, 77, 113; vm. 37, 39, 166; x. 29, Midgley, Robert (1653-1733), ix. 500
360, 385, 391, 399, 404; XL 8, 183 Midianites, iv. 43
Middlesex, earl of. See Cranfield, Lionel Mido, Isaac's 'boy, in Jacob and Esau,
Middleton, Christopher (1560?-! 628), IV. v. 112
487 Miege, Guy (1644-1718?), The New State
Middleton, Clara (George Meredith's), xm. of England, ix. 353, 537; Present State
446 of Great Britain, XL 333

CHEL 257
Mielot, Jean, secretary of Philippe le Bon, MiU, William Hodge (1792-1853), xn. 341
n. 313 Millais, Sir John Everett (1829-1896), XL
Miggs, in Barnaby Budge, xm. 321 489; xm. 110, 474; xrv. 363
iMignault, Claude, vn. 406 Millamant, in Congreve's The Way of the
Migne, Patrologia, i. 186, 202, 250 World, vn. 20; vra. 155, 156
Mignet, Frangois A. M., xiv. 56, 57, 61 Millamant, Mrs, in Congreve's The Way of
Milan, v. 207, 306; VI. 17; vn. 47; xn. 220 the World, vm. 148, 154
Mian, Ambrosian library, iv. 429 Millar, Andrew (1707-1768), x. Add.;
Milbanke, Anne Isabella. See Byron, lady XL 315, 317, 323, 324, 326
Milbanke, Ralph (earl of Lovelace), As- Millar, John (1735-1801), IX. 553
tarte, xn. 396 Millar, John Hepburn, ix. Add. ; xm. 497,
Milbourne, Luke (1649-1720), vm, 54, 561; Xiv. 532; Scottish Prose of the
404; Aeneid, vm. 51 nth and ISth centuries, XL 445
Mildinay, friend of John Byrom, ix. 325 Millayn, The Duke of, and the Marques
Mildmay, Sir Walter ( 1520?-! 589 ),vn. 340 of Mantua, v. 116
Mildred, in Eastward Hoe, VL 48 Millefont, in Congreve's Double-Dealer,
Mildred, Browning's, xm. 65, 67 vm. 148 ff. f 156
Mileham, Dorothy, vn. 233 Millenary petition, m. 34
Miles, keeper of Turk's head coffee-house, Miller, lady Anna (1741-1781), x. 277, 456
vn. 362 Miller, Hugh (1802-1856), xn. 380; xiv.
Miles, Alfred Henry, xm. 497 160, 203, 515, 522; My Schools and
Stiles, Henry Downes, Pugilistica, xiv. Schoolmasters, xiv. 159; Old Red Sand-
231, 541 stone, The, xiv. 159
Miles, William Augustus (1753?-1817), Miller, James (1706-1744), x. 440; Ma-
xiv. 513 homet, x, 81, 433, 439
Milford, Humphrey Sumner, TTTT. 489 Miller, Philip (1691-1771), ix. 182
Milford Haven, vn. 353 Miller, Sanderson, x. 271, 272
Militia Bill, x. 466 Miller, T., The O.E. Version of Bede's
MiU, James (1773-1836), x. 342, 513; xi. Ecclesiastical History, I. 44, 96, 437
60, 61, 398; xn. 152, 301, 309, 430; Miller, Thomas (1807-1874), xm. 506
xiv. 2, 4ff., 13, 14, 23, 119, 187, 336, Miller, William (1810-1872), xm. 506
403, 407, 477, 495, 580, 608 Mill&r ofAbingdon, The Jest of the, n. 326,
Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human 499
Mind, xiv. 5 Miller's Daughter of Manchester, The, v.
Fragment on Mackintosh, A, xrv. 5, 59 252
Government (essay), xiv. 59 Milles, bookbinder, iv. 406
History of India, xrv. 97, 98, 337 Milles, Jeremiah (1714-1784), x. 255, 485,
Political Economy, xrv. 4 486, 505
Mill, John (1645-1707), ix. 330, 508, 524 Milles,Thomas (d. 1627), rv. 309, 512, 543;
Mill, John Stuart (1806-1873), XL 61, 70, Catalogue of Honor (1610), m. 528
136, 398, 410, 417; xn. 275, 285, 289, MilHcent, in The Merry Devill, v. 252
430, 438; xm. 11, 15, 54, 385, 465, 478; Milligan, William (1821-1893), xn. 469
xrv. 2, 5, 8, 13 ff. (main entry), 35 ff., Milliken, Richard Alfred (1767-1815), xiv.
43, 59, 103, 133, 187, 432, 469, 474, 570
477, 486, 608 Millington, Edward (fl. 1690), XL 336, 340
Augusts Comte and Positivism, xrv. 22 Millington, Thomas (fl. 1594), rv. 393
Autobiography, XL 64; xrv. 14, 22, 425 Millington, William (d. 1466?), n. 288, 303
Considerations on Representative Govern- Millwood, in Lillo's George Barnwdl, x. 75,
ment, xrv. 20 76
Dissertations and Discussions, xrv. 1 Milly, in Dickens' s The Haunted Man, xm.
Essays on some Unsettled Questions of 324
Political Economy, xrv. 20 Milly, inGeorge Eliot's Amos Barton, xm.
Examination of Sir William Hamilton's 388
Philosophy, xrv. 19 Milman, Henry Hart (1791-1868), x. 314,
Inaugural Address (St Andrews), xrv. 317, 506, 508; xn. 211, 317 ft, 322, 384,
424, 425 477; xm. 257, 261, 521; xrv. 103, 493
On Liberty, xrv. 20, 21 Annals of St PauCs, xn. 319
On the Subjection of Women, xrv. 20 Anne Boleyn, xm. 260
Political Economy, xm. 397 Belshazzar, xm. 260
Principles of Political Economy, xiv. Fall of Jerusalem, The, xm. 260
21, 153 Fazio, xm. 260
System of Logic, xrv. 16, 17, 21, 23 History of Christianity, The, xn. 318
Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform, xrv. History of Latin Christianity, The, xn.
20 317
Three Essays on Religion, xrv. 22 History of the Jews, The, xn. 318
Utilitarianism, XL 64,- xrv. 20 Martyr of Antioch, The, XTTT. 260

Milne, William (1785-1822), xn. 342, Milton, John
500 Areopagitica, vn. 124, 127, 129, 130,
Milner, Dr, of Peckham, x. 201 139, 359; ix. 307; x. 372, 446; XL 311,
Milner, Isaac (1750-1820), xn. 281, 472 312; xn. 504; xm. 49; xiv. 439
Milner, Jolin (1628-1702), vm. 474 At a Vacation Exercise, vn. 110, 123
Milner, John (1752-1826), xiv. 53 ff., Brief Notes upon a late Sermon... by
514 Matthew Griffith, vn. 141
Milner, Joseph (1744-1797), Gibbon's Ac- Cambridge list of poems, vn. 117, 121,
count of Christianity considered, x. 309, 141
507; History of the Church of Christ, Colasterion, vn. 140
XH. 281, 472; XIY. 79 Comus, v. 92, 239; vi. 126, 329, 337,
Milnes, Richard Monckton, 1st lord 349, 359 ff., 363, 366 f!.; vn. 98, 100,
Houghton (1809-1885), x. 478; ax 462; lllff., 116, 123, 127, 128, 133, 137,
xm. 184, 467, 506; xiv. 505, 606; 138, 141; vm. 117, 226, 230; x. 238,
Brookside, The, xm. 185; 'Political 429, 461, 465, 466; xn. 68; xm. 38, 177
State of Prussia, The,' xn. 153, 405, Cromwell sonnet, vn. 115, 123, 141
406, 441; Strangers Yet, xm. 185 Dagonalia, vn. 121
Milo, island of, vii. 222 De Doctrina Christiana, vn. 129, 141
Milsand, Joseph, xni. 71, 72, 75 Defensio Pro Populo Anglicano, m. 165;
Miltiades, xn. 363 vn. 105, 131, 140; vm. 312
Milton, Anne, Milton's eldest daughter, Defensio Secunda, vn. 105, 131, 140
vn. 107 Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, Tin .

Milton, Anne, Milton's sister, vn. 96, 108 vn, 139, 140
Milton, Christopher (1615-1693), vn. 96, Eikonoklastes, vn. 105, 127, 140, 141
99, 108 Epitaph on the Marchioness of Win-
Milton,Deborah (d. 1727), youngest step- cJiester, An, vn. Ill
daughter of Milton, vn. 107, 108 Epitaphium Damonis, vn. 100, 131;
Milton, John (1608-1674), i. 43, 164, 370; x. 122
n. 184, 195, 217, 220; m. 165, 168, 178, Fairfax sonnet, vn. 115, 123, 141
212, 224, 295, 438; iv. 23, 45 ff., 64, First poems, vn. 109
128, 136, 165, 167, 168, 186, 195, 201 ff., Greek works, vn. 132
238, 355, 359; v. 5, 92, 150, 151, 154, History of Britain, ix. 233
156, 213, 214, 217, 350, 394; vi. 36, History of England, vn. 124, 128, 141,
348, 356, 489, 491; vn. 36, 75, 76, 88, 206
91, 95-141 (main entry), 162 ff., 166, History of Moscovia, vn. 124, 128, 141,
171, 178, 185, 240, 244, 259, 269, 276, 206
300, 307, 309, 314 ff., 332, 393, 413- Hobson poems, vn. Ill
423, 434, 466, 474, also see Add.; vm. II Penseroso, iv. 251; vn. 98, 114, 133,
51, 98, 106, 219, 221, 222, 229 ff., 137; vm. 230; x. 97, 238; xm. 44
237 ff., 279, 351, 368, 384, 394, 410, In quintum Novembris, Anno aetatis 17,
447; ix. 1, 2, 28, 42, 64, 69, 73, 148, vn. 131
167, 182, 201, 233, 265, 267, 382, 390, Italian poems, vn. 115
410, 435, 437, 449, 473, 486, 505, 508, Judgement of Martin JBucer Concerning
525, 557, 569; x. 1, 96 ff., 101, 102, Divorce, The, vn. 140
105 ff., 109, 110, 113, 120, 127, 134, V Allegro, iv. 251; vi. 215; vn. 12, 98,
143, 145, 148, 149, 155, 224, 232, 235, 111, 114, 133; vm. 230; x. 97; xn. 89;
239, 240, 304, 378, 383, 432, 462, 475, xm. 44
476, 492; ax 13, 28, 77, 84, 90, 124, Latin poems, vn. 117
133, 140, 157, 159, 171, 179, 181, 182, Latin works, vn. 127, 129, 130, 131,
188, 193, 201, 206, 207, 224, 247, 250, 132, 135, 140, 141, 221
252, 254, 255, 290, 380, 394, 401 ff., Lawes, sonnet to, vn. 115
409, 415, 427, 432 ff., 466, also see Add. ; Lawrence, sonnet to, vn. 108, 115, 121,
xn. 85, 86, 94, 106, 133, 136, 137, 145, 141
168, 169, 177, 208, 210, 303, 407, 441; Letter to a Friend, A, vn. 106, 140
xm. 26, 27, 29, 35, 36, 50, 66, 92, 130, Likeliest Means to Remove Hirelings,
170, 173, 191, 230, 232, 237, 238, 242, vn. 140, 321
250, 253, 448; xiv. 62, 88, 112, 133, Lycidas, iv. 121, 171; vn. 97, 98, 112 ff.,
306, 397, 440, 446, 448, 453, 460 123, 131, 135, 137, 141; x. 114, 185,
Ad Joannem Rousium, vn. 122, 132, 186; xn. 74
135 Mansus, vn. 131
Ad Pairem, vn. 131 Methought I saw, xn. 91
Animadversions upon the Remonstrants Monck, a letter to, vn, 106
defence, vn. 127, 139, 141 Nativity Ode, xn. 90
Apology... Smectymnuus, An, vm. 127, Nightingale sonnet, vn. 141
139 Observations upon the Articles of Peace
Arcades, vn. Ill ff., 141; vm. 230 with the Irish Rebels, vn. 140

Milton, John Milward, Richard (1609-1680), vn. 392;
Of Education, TO. 100, 123, 124, 127, vm. 321, 322, 324
139, 265; ix. 384, 389 Mime, in The Muses Looking -Glasse, vi.
Of Prelatical Episcopacy, vn. 139 233
Of Reformation touching Church-Disci- Mimus, v. 24 ff.
pline in England, vn. 100, 125, 127, Minadoi, G. T., iv. 446
139, 246; vm. 78 Minalcas, in Codrus and Minalcas, m. 64
Of True Religion etc. against the growth Minced-Pie, in The Masque of Christmas,
of Popery, vn. 141 vi. 358
On the Death of a fair Infant, vn. 109, Minchin, Anne (d. 1711), ix. 166
123 Minchin, Thomas, ix. 166
On the late Massacher in Piemont, vn. Mind, xiv. 23, 24
115, 141 Mind of Man (Bi manna mode), i. 62
On the Morning of Christ's Nativity, vn. Mind, Will and Understand^ng, v. 52
110, 111, 132, 133 Mindelheim, ix. 174
On the new forcers of Conscience, vn. Minerva, n. 231; ix. 60; xm. 151
115 Minerva, in Ira seu Tumulus Fortunae
On the Religious Memory of Mrs Cathe- vi. 321
rine (Thomson, vn. 115 Minerva, in The Kingis Quair, n. 242
Paradise Lost, m. 178, 246, 295; vn. Minerva, in The Passetyme of Pleasure,
103, 107, 108, 112, 116 ff. (main entry), n. 225, 235
125, 127, 133, 136, 141, 180; vm. 27, Minim, Dick, in Johnson's Idler, x. 178
28, 79, 105, 226, 230, 238, 352, 422; Minns, Ellis Hovell, xn. Add. 5
IX. 59 ff., 140, 182, 269, 338 ff.; x. 112, Minorite convent, xm. 282
185, 266, 468; xi. 197, 212, 251, 315, Minos, in. 343, 433; x. 27
319, 327, 332; xn. 48, 84, 102, 476, 518; Minos, in Locrine, v. 240
xm. 30, 33, 238; xiv. 113 Minot, Laurence (1300?-1352?), I. 290,
Paradise Regained, vn. 107, 120, 121, 335, 352, 356, 476; n. 398, 422; m. 274;
123, 136; vm. 105; xn. 98 x. 490
Passion, The, vn. 110 MInsheu, John (fl. 1617), vn. 480; Ductor
Poems, vn. 104, 116 in Unguas, iv. 392
Poems (1645), xi. 318 Minshull, captain, xrv. 214
Poems etc., upon Several Occasions, Minshull, Elizabeth (3rd wife of John
2nd ed., vn. 123; x. 238 Milton, d. 1727), vn. 107

jPsafoi-paraphrases, vn. 109 Minstrel Burn,' ix. 364

Ready and Easy Way to Establish a Free Minstrels, n. 506; v. 3, 24, 26, 91, 385
Commonwealth, The, vn. 106, 140 Minto, ix. 373
Reason of Church-Government urg'd Minto, William (1845-1893), vi. 30; XL
against Prelaty, The, vn. 139 410, 440; xn. 373, 380, 445; xm. 508,
Reflections on the Civil War in England, 551; xiv. 146, 209, 522, 528
vn. 206 Minturno, Antonio Sebastiano, m. 301;
Samson Agonistes, v. 335; vn. 107, 111, ix. 59
120 132, 133, 135, 136, 265; vm.
ff., 'Mira' (Sarah Elmy), XL 140, 141
154, 231, 238; xn. 68; xm. 95 Mirabeau, Honore Gabriel de Riquetti,
Second Defence, xi. 312 count, x. 503, 505; XL, 59; xm. 12,
Skinner, Cyriak, sonnet to, vn. 115, 469
121, 123, 141 Mirabel, in Disraeli's Henrietta (Temple,
Smectymnuus, vn. 92, 96, 127, 139, 141 xm. 350
Sonnet IX, vn. 103 Mirabel, in The Wild-Goose Chase, vi. 123,
Sonnet on his blindness, vn. 115, 141 135
Sonnets, vn. 112, 115 Mirabell, in Congreve's The Way of the
Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, Tlie, World, vm. 154 ff., 158
vn. 140 Mirdbilis Annus, or the Year of Prodigies
Tetrachordon, vn. 140 and Wonders, vm. 10
Tetrachordon Sonnets, vn. 115 Miracle of Saint Thomas, vi. 283
Treatise of Ciwl Power in Ecclesiastical Miracle-plays, v. 36, 388 &., and see Add.
Causes, vm. 344 Miracle-plays, sermons against, n. 502
Vane, sonnet to, vn. 123, 141 Miracles of Our Lady, The, n. 323
Wife, poem to his dead, vn. 116 Miraclis pleyinge, Tretise of, v. 25; vi. 374
Milton, John, the elder (15637-1647), vn. Mirah, in Daniel Deronda, xm. 400
96,98 Miranda, in Law's Serious Call, ix. 323
Milton, Keynes, x. 351 Miranda, in The Knight of Malta, vi. 130
Milton, Mary (d. 1652), vn. 102, 104, 107 Miranda, in The Tempest, v. 169, 172, 194,
Milton, viscount. See iltzwilliam, William 207; vn. 71,- vm. 9, 28; xn. 54
Miltoun, Prancis, xm. 544 Mirandola, Giovanni Pico della, m. 8,
Milus, St, I. 106 214; vn. 264, 376

Mirk, John(fl. 1403?), n. 317; Liber Fes- Misericordia, in the Coventry Plays, V. 21
tivalis,n. 317, 498; Instructions for Misogonus, v. 110, 112, 113, 117, 119, 411
Parish Priests^ n. 427 Misrule, in The Masque of Christmas, vr.
Mirobolant, Alcide, in Pendennis, T*TT. 358, 359
292 Misrule, lord of, v. 8
Mirror, The, x. 55; xiv. 592 Misseldeu, Edward (fl. 1608-1654), IV.
Mirror /or Magistrates, A, n. 202; in. 182, 297, 512
183, 192 S., 207, 228, 282, 296, 298, Missolonghi, rv. 89
300, 495, 514 ff.; iv. 134, 176; v. 83, Mist, Nathaniel, rx. 16, 17; Weekly
152; vn. 271; xn. 516 Journal, ix. 19, 21, 448
Contributors to, and editors of (under Mister, Mary, xr. 488; The Adventures
whose names also refer): Baldwin, of a Doll, xi. 383
William; Blenerhassot, Thomas; Fer- Misyn, Richard (d. 1462?), n. 438
rers,George; Higgins, John; Niccols, Mitcham, iv. 202
Richard; and Sackville, Thomas Mtchel, John (1815-1875), xrv. 570; His-
Lives and Tragedies contained therein: tory of Ireland, xrv. 326; Jail Journal,
Albanact; Alfred; Alurede; Arthur; xiv. 325, 326; Life of Hugh O'Neill,
Blacksmith, the; Bladud; Buckingham; xrv. 325
Burdet, Sir Nicholas; Cade; Cadwal- Mitchell, Sir Arthur (1826-1909), xn. 511
lader; Caligula; Cambridge; Caracalla; Mitchell, C., xrv. 532
Carassus; Chirinnus; Clarence; Clau- Mitchell, Joseph (1684^1738), x. 434
dius; Clifford; Collingbourne; Cordila; Mitchell, Thomas (1783-1845), xn. 488;
Curthose, Robert; Ebbe, Lady; Edric; xm. 175, 506
Edward II; Edward IV; Edward V; Mitford, Algernon Bertram Freeman,
Egelrede; Eleanor, duchess; Elstride; baron Redesdale (1837-1916), xm. 495
Emerianus; England's Eliza (queen Mitford, Bertram, xrv. Add. 9
Elizabeth); Forrex; Fulgentius; Galba; Mitford, John (1781-1859), m. 298; x.
Geta; Glendower, Owen; Gloucester; 119, 451, 454, 458, 481; XL 401; xn.
Godwin; Guiderius; Hamo; Harold; 396, 420
Hastings; Helena; Henry, duke of Mitford, John (pseud. Alfred Burton,
Buckingham; Henry VI; Humber; 1782-1831), xrv. 221, 544; The Adven-
Humphrey, duke of Gloucester; lago; tures of Johnny Newcome, xrv. 220;
Irenglas; Ironside, Edmund; James I, The Poems of a British Sailor, xrv. 220
of Scotland; James IV; John; Julius Mitford, John Freeman, 1st baron Redes-
Caesar; Earnarus; Locrinus; Londricus; dale (1748-1830), x. 510
Madan; Malin; Mempricius; Morgan; Mitford, John Thomas Freeman, earl of
Morindus; Mortimer; Mowbray; Nen- Redesdale (1805-1886), xm. 241, 245,
nius; Nero; Northumberland; Otho; 512
Pendragon, Uther; Pinnar; Porrex; Mitford, Mary Russell (1787-1855), XL
Eichard I; Richard II; Richard III; 410, 458, 459, 461, 465; xn. 239, 242,
Rudacke; Sabrine; Salisbury; Severus; 433, 453; xm. 258, 377, 564; XIV. 200
Shore's Wife; Sigebert; Somerset; Atherton, xm. 429
Stater; Suffolk; Tiberius; Tresilian; Belford Regis, xm. 430
Varianus; Vitellius; Vor tiger; Werwick; Our Village, TTTTT. 429, 430
Wolsey, cardinal; Woodville; Worcester Recollections of a Literary Life, xm. 429
and York, m. 192-197 Rienzi, xm. 430
Mirror of Justices, The, vm. 313, 317; Mitford, William (1744-1827), XL 251 ff. f
xrv. 80 255; xn. 302, 313; History of Greece,
Mirror of St Edmund, The (RoUe), n. 47 x. 320, 510; xn. 310
Mirror of the Church, The, n. 324 Mithridates, vn. 317
Mirror of the periods of man 6 hfe, The, n.

Mivart, St George (1827-1900), xn. 469

502 Moab, king of, in Cowley's Davideis, vn.
Mirror of the World, The, n. 313 67
Mirrors, m. 198, 341 Moabite stone, the, xn. 501
Mirrour of Worldly Fame, The, IV. 524 Moallalcat, laws of, xn. 502
Mirza, in Lyttelton's Persian Letters, x. Moberly, George (1803-1885), xn. 454,
114 457; xm. 504
Mirza Abdullah, xw. 252 Moccum moccabitur, game of, v. 93
Masaubin, John, x. 22 Mock Testaments, vn. 513
Miscellanea Aulica, vm. 379, 480; ix. 496 Mooket, Richard, (?) God and the King,
Miscellanies (Pope and Swift), ix. 78, rv. 382
85, 131 Modder, river, xrv. 372
Miscellany of Popular Scottish Poems Model [army], the New, vn. 434
(1841), xi. 444 Moderate Intelligencer, The, vn. 355
Miser, the, in The Daunce and Song of Moderation, in Piers the Plowman, n. 20
Death, m. 87 Modern Theatre, The (1809), XL 456

Modish, lady Betty, in Gibber's Careless Moliere, J. B. P. de
Husband, vm. 176 L'tfcole des Maris, vm. 139, 144, 183
Modish, Mrs, in Dialogues of the Dead, XL Lfitourdi, vm. 17, 133, 398; x. 72
352 Le manage forc^, ix. 41; XL 265
Modus Componendi Brevia, vm. 465 Le ftUdecin MalgrtLui, x. 22, 427
Modus Tenendi Parliamentum, xn. 355 Le Misanthrope, vm. 145; x. 226; XL
Moe, J., xi. 491 269; xm. 446
Moetjen's fiecueil de p^eces curieuses et L&sFdckeux, vm. 174
nouvelles, XL 374 Les Prfoieuses Ridicules, vm. 131, 174
Moffat (Bannatyne MS.), n. 274 LeSicilien, ou V Amour Peintre, vm. 188
Moffat (Scotland), x. 230 Monsieur de Pourceaugnac, vm. 140,
Moffat, James, xm. 570 431
Moffat, Sir Joha (attributed to), Beware, Tartuffe, vm. 1S9; X. 425
I red you now, m, 131; The Wyf of Molina, Tirso de, vm. 130; El Casiigo
AucJitirmuchty, m. 132 del Penseque, VE. 204; vm. 129
Mofiat, Robert, xiv. Add. 9 Molineaux, pugilist, xrv, 231
Moffett or Moffat, Thomas (1553-1604), Molineux, Sir Richard, m. 265
IV. 519, 543; Insectomm sive mimmorum Molinists, the, xm. 435
animalium theatrum, iv. 374; Silke- Molitoris, U., Dialogus de Pythonicis
wormes, rv. 374 Mulienbus, vn. 370, 505
Mogridge, George (1787-1854), XL 482 Moll Cutpiirse, in The Roaring Girle, vi.
Mogul, the great, iv. 90, 91, 99; vn. 437; 54, 66, 223
x. 110 Molle, H., vi. 480
Mogul empire, the, xrv. 332 Mollineux, Mary (born Southworth) (d.
Mogul government, XL 16 1695), Fruits of Retirement, vm. 114,
Mohacz, battle of, vn. 79 416; Meditations in Trouble, vm. 114
Mohammadans (Hudibras), vm. 65 Molloy, Charles (1646-1690), iv. 459
Mohammed. See Mahomet Molloy, Charles (d. 1767), xiv. 570
Mohammedan law, a, n. 292 Molloy, Gerald, The Irish Difficulty, xiv.
Mohammedan learning, i. 153 447
Mohammedan religion, x. 313, 314 Molloy,
v Joseph Fitzgerald, xm. 515
Mohammedanism, XL 18, 194; xn. 191; Molly, in Mrs GaskelPs Wives and Daughters,
xm. 202, 362 xm. 377, 378, 3S1
Mohammedans, x. 377; XL 17 Moloch, xn. 36
Mohawks, the, XL 261 Molteno, Sir Charles, xiv. Add. 9
Mme, xm. 331 Molteno, Percy Alport, xiv. Add. 9
Mohock Magazine, the,' xn. 160, 161 Moluccas, the, rv. 99
Mohocks, the, ix. 126, 160 Molyneux, William (1656-1698), vm.
Mohun, Charles, 5th lord Mohun (1675?- 332, 339, 474; ix. 180, 181, 283; xn-.
1712), rx. 424 570
Mohun, Michael (1620?-! 684), vm. 186 MoLza, m. 178
Moir, David Macbeth (1798-1851), xn. Momerie, Alfred Williams (1848-1900),
380, 450, 451; xrn. 431; The Curate of xn. 469
Suverdiso, xn. 252; The Life of Mansie Momford, lord, in The Blind Beggar of
Wauch, xn. 251 Bednal Green, v. 361
Moira, earl. See Hastings, Francis Raw- Mommsen, Theodor, i. 65, 66, 68, 70;
don xn. 306, 322; xm. 469
Molesey, m. 381 Momure, in Huon of Bordeaux, n. 339
Molesworth, Robert, 1st viscount Moles- Momus, in Wisdom of Solomon Para-
worth (1656-1723), ix. 457, 463, 494 phrased, vi. 59
Molesworth, Sir William (1810-1855), xiv. *Monarcho, fantastical,' vm. 127
196 Monarchy or no Monarchy in England,
Molesworth, William Nassau (1816-1890), vn. 207
xxv. 495; The History of England from Monardes, Nicolas, iv. 446
1830, xiv. 93 Monboddo, lord. See Burnett, James
Moleynes, lord (Paston Letters), n. 304 Mon$ada, in Maturin's Melmoth, xm. 420
Moliere, J. B. Poquelin de, i. 371; v. 189, Monck, George, 1st duke of Albemarle
293; vi. 160, 214; vn. 366; vm. 14, (1608-1670), vn. 140, 219, 229, 230,
134, 137 ff., 157, 159, 162, 165, 373, 360, 361, 364; vm. 118, 121, 254
374, 376, 428; DL 29, 30; X. 88, 202, Monck, James Bury (1784-1856), xiv. 514
417; xi. 322; xm. 442, 445 Monok, Mrs, vn. 362
Don Game de Navarre, xn. 211 Monok, William Henry Stanley, xiv. 474
Fourberies de Scapin, vm. 181, 182 Monckton, Mary, countess of Cork and
L'Avare, vm. 174; x. 22; XL 277 Orrery (1746-1840), XL 364
Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, vm. 140, 169 Moncrieff, William Thomas (1794-1857),
L'jficole des Femmes, vm. 144 xm. 270, 418, 516, 521; xiv. 224;

Moncrieff, William Thomas Montagu, Edward, 2nd earl of Manchester
Cataract of the Ganges; or, The Rajah's (1602-1671), iv. 425; vn. 351, 434
Daughter, xm.
265; Dandy Family, The, Montagu, Edward, 1st earl of Sandwich
TTTT.265; Tom and Jerry, xm. 265 (1625-1672), vm. 202, 249, 253, 254;
Moneta, in Keats' s The Fall of Hyperion, ix. 244; x. 262; xi. 348
xn. 86 Montagu, Edward (d. 1775), x. 262; xi.
Money, in Worke for Armorours, VI. 56 347, 348, 350
Money- without-Learning, in All for Money, Montagu, Edward Wortley (d. 1761), ix.
v. 57 244, 246, 248
Monica, St, vn. 247, 248 Montagu, Edward Wortley (1713-1776),
Monier- Williams, Sir Monier (1819-1899), ix. 248; xiv. 553
xn. 343, 503 Montagu, Mrs Elizabeth (1720-1800), v.
Monimia, in Otway's Orphan, vm. 183, 293; vn. 176; ix. 246; x. 261, 264, 268,
184 494; xi. 272, 328, 343, 346 ff. (main
Monitor, The, ix. 432; x. 388 ff., 522 entry), 358, 360, 361, 364, 365, 474;
Monk, James Henry (1784-1856), xn. Dialogues of the Dead, XL 351, 352;
327 ff., 488, 491; xrv. 595; Life of Essay on Shakespeare, x. 262; XL 352 ff.
Bentley, xn. 329 Montagu, George. See Dunk
Monkhouse, Mrs, in Amory's Memoirs of Montagu or Mountague, James (1568?-
Several Ladies, xi. 287 1618), vn. 316; vm. 293
Monkhouse, William Cosmo (1840-1901), Montagu, John (1655?-1728), iv. 239
xn. 444; xm. 207, 506 Montagu, John, 4th earl of Sandwich
Monks, in Oliver Twist, xm. 317, 325 (1718-1792), x. 397, 401
Monkshaven, in Mrs GaskelTs Sylvia's Montagu, lady Mary Wortley (1689-1762),
Lovers, xm. 380 ix. 71, 191, 243 ff. (main entry), 250,
Monmouth. See Geoffrey of 251, 402 ff., 449, 497, 574; x. 273, 274;
Monmouth, duchess of, ix. 161 xi. 348; xm. 467
Monmouth, duke of. See Scott, James 'Basset-table, The,' ix. 247
Monmouth, earl of. See Carey, Robert Constantinople Letters, ix. 246 ff.
Monmouth, lord, in Disraeli's Coningsby, Court Poems by a Lady of Quality, ix. 247
xm. 288, 349 Drawing Room, The,' ix. 247
Monmouth, Humphrey (fl. 1523), m. 40 Letters and Works, ix. 248
Monmouth, Robert Carey, 1st earl of 'On a maxim of La Rochefoucauld,'
(1560?-1639), v. 479; xn. 376 ix. 249
Monmouthshire, xi. 430 'Toilet, The,' ix. 247
Monnet, Jean, xi. 258 Town Eclogues, ix. 247, 248
Monod, Adolphe, xn. 283; xiv. 490 Translation of the Enchiridion of
Monod, Gabriel, xrv. 490 Epictetus, ix. 246, 248
Monro, Alexander (d. 1715?), ix. 547 Turkish Letters, IX. 244
Monro, Charles Henry (1835-1908), xn. Montagu, Matthew, x. 261
488 Montagu, Ralph, 1st duke of Montagu
Monro, David Binning (1836-1905), xn. (1638?-1709), vm. 156
488, 492; Grammar of the Homeric dia- Montagu or Mountague, Richard (1577-
lect, xn. 334 1641), vn. 312, 426, 459, 483, 484, 485
Monro, Edward (1815-1866), xn. 472 A New Gag for an old Goose, vn. 158
Monro, H. A. J., xn. 482 Analecta Exercitationum Ecclesiasti-
Monro, Robert (d. 1633), Expedition with carum, vn. 311
the worthy Scots Regiment called M'Keyes Appetto Caesarem, vn. 158, 433
Regiment, vn. 231, 451 Immediate Address unto God alone, vn.
Monro, Robert (d. 1680?), vn. 452 158
Monro, Thomas (176^1815), x. 472 Montagu, Walter (1603?-1677), vn. 517
Monsey, R., Scarronides, ix. 257, 500 Montague, in Romeo and Juliet, v. 182
Monson, Sir Thomas (1564-1641), iv. 143 Montague, Mrs Basil, Tnrrr 469
Monson, Sir William (1569-1643), vn. Montague, Charles Edward, xrv. 533
446; Naval Tracts, TV. 103, 104 Montague, [Francis Charles, xrv. 493, 536
Mont Blanc, xiv. 236 Montague, Sir James (1666-1723), ix. 147
Mont Gems, ix. 245; X. 115 Montaigne, Michel Eyquem seigneur de,
Mont St Michel, n. 112 m. 160, 438, 453; iv. 10, 15, 16, 246,
Montagu, Andrew, 2iv. 185 248, 254, 343, 344, 347, 395, 447, 523;
Montagu, Anne Wortley, ix. 244 v. 207; vi. 21, 377; vn. 199, 366, 379,

Montagu, Basil (1770-1851), xrv. 514 389; vm, 28, 52, 56, 58, 374, 376 ff.,
Montagu, Charles, earl of Halifax, ix. 44, 385 ff., 389, 390, also see Add.; ix. 47,
45, 86, 150, 244; The Bind and the 159, 233, 237, 265, 399; x. 50; xn. 168,
Panther Transvers'd, ix. 147 , 174, 175; xm. 467; xrv. 160, 421, 428;
Montagu, Charles, 1st duke of Manchester Essays, ix. 276, 277, 499
(1660?-1722), vm. 274; ix. 149, 150 Montalembert, Charles Forbes de, xn. 276

Montalto, in the Dunciad, v. 271 Monthly Review, The (or Literary Journal),
Montalvan, J. P. de, TO. 83 xn. 428
Montalvo, Garcia Ordonez de, IV. 447; Monticelso, in The White Dwel, vi. 176
si. 422 Montluc, Blaise de, Commentaries, ix. 276
Montano, Beginaldo Gonzalez, iv, 447 Montoni, in Mrs Badcliffe's Mysteries of
Montanus (Lodge's), rv. 122 Udolpho, xi. 303
Montanus, Joannes Ferrarius, Latin trea- Montpellier, n. 364; m. 419; vn. 217, 233;
tise on Commonweal, vi. 377, 493 vm. 330, 389
Montausier, duchess of (Jtdia de Bam- Montpensier, Mile de, iv. 523
bouHlet), vm. 142 Montreal, xiv. 357, 358
Monte. Bobert de
ee Bishop's college, xiv. 355
Monte Gassino, I. 214 Shakespeare club, xrv. 355
Monteagle, lord. See Parker, William The Unnatural Combat, VL
Montreville, in
Mont^gut, Emile, v, 302; ix. 71, 72; xm. 159
551, 558 Montrose, duke of. See Graham, James,
Monteith, Bobert (fl. 1621-1660), ix. 550 1st duke
Montemayor, George, m. 341; ry. 447; Montrose, marquis of. See Graham,
Diana, m. 186, 219, 351, 352; iv. 9, 117; James, 1st marquis
V. 220; vi. 365 Monumenta Germaniae Eistorica, xiv. 53
Montesquieu, Charles Louis de Secondat, Monypenny, William Flavelle (1886-
baron de la Brede et de, iv. 295; v. 288; 1912), xiv. 504; The Life of Benjamin
vm. 292; x. 114, 135, 206, 334; si. 163; Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, TLTT. 345,
xm. 467; Considerations, x. 304; Esprit 346, 547
des Lois, x. 123, 296 Moodie, Donald, xiv. Add. 9
Montfort, in Disraeli's Endymion, XTTT. 349 Moodie, Duncan C. P., xiv. Add 5, 9
Montfort, Simon de, i. 180, 204, 205, 338, Moodie, Susanna (1803-1885), xiv. 360,
339, 368; xiv. 100 581, 583; Life in the Clearing, xiv. 358;
Montgomerie, Alexander (1556?-1610?), Roughing it in the Bush, xiv. 358
m. 134, 135, 188, 499, also see Add.; Moody, John (1727?-1812), xi. 257, 261
iv. 322, 517; ix. 359, 365; XL 203 Moody, John, in Vanbrugh's A Journey
Ane Answer to ane Helandmains In- to London, vm. 162
vective, in. 136 Moor, James (1712-1779), ix. 562
Barikis of Helicon, The, m. 136; XL 217 Moor, John (fl. 1688), x. 387
Cherrie and the Slae, The, m. 133, 136; Moor park, ix. 91 f., 126
ES. 366, 367; XL 217 Moore, Arthur (16667-1730), ix. 14
Flyting betwixt Polwart and Mont- Moore, Arthur William (1853-1909), xn.
gomerie, The, m. 136, 137, 491 512
Night is near Gone, The, m. 137 Moore, Dugald (1805-1841), xn. 420
Montgomery, vn. 27 Moore, Edward (1712-1757), x. 81, 92,
Montgomery, countess of, Urania, vi. 200 423, 437; XL 324; Foundling, The, x. 80;
Montgomery, H. B. f xn. 412; xiv, 572 Gamester, The, x. 80, 81; Gil Bias, x
Montgomery, James (1771-1854), xn. 420; 80
xiv. 203; Go to dark Gethsemane, xn. Moore, Edward, xiv. 596
135; Songs of praise the angels sang, Moore, Henry (1751-1844), x. 518
xn. 135 Moore, H. Kingsmill, xiv. 592
Montgomery, Jemima (1807-1893), after- Moore, James (1702-1734), ix. 86
wards baroness Tautphoeus, xm. Moore, John (1646-1714), ix. 330, 335, 356
565 Moore, John (fl. 1721), x. 387
Montgomery, Bobert (1807-1855), xn. Moore, John (1729-1802), XL 207, 462;
420; Satan, xn. 129; The Omnipresence xm. 467; Zeluco, x. 38
of the Deity, xn. 129 Moore, Sir John (1761-1809), xra. 467;
Monthly Catalogue, The, XL 339 xiv. 107, 294
Monthly Chronicle, The, XL 374 Moore, John Howard, xrv. 553
Monthly Magazine, The, xn. 428 Moore, J. Sheridan, xrv. 363, 587
Monthly Magazine of Politics, Literature, Moore, Louis, in Charlotte Bronte's
The, and the Bettes-Lettres, xn. 428 Shirley, xm. 408
Monthly Magazine: or, British Register of Moore, Peter (1753-1828), xm. 276
Literature, Sciences, The, and the Belles- Moore, Bobert, in Charlotte Bronte's
Litres, xn. 428 Shirley, xm. 408, 409
Monthly Repository, The, xn. 428; xm. Moore, Thomas (1779-1852), XL 396, 456;
53 f. xn. 34, 42, 44, 74, 95, 102 ff. (main
Monthly Repository of Theology and General entry), 110, 115, 120, 122, 126, 129,
Literature, The, xn. 428 130, 136, 138, 150, 163, 223, 303, 383 ff.,
Monthly Review, The, ix. 472; x. 40, 171, 410, 444; xm. 25, 154, 161, 166, 230,
176, 201 ff., 474, 483; XL 142, 339, 353, 234, 306; xiv. 180, 186, 198, 310, 314,
418fE.;xn.428 318a, 322, 365, 504

Moore, Thomas More, Edward (1537?-1620), The Defence
At the mid hour of night, xn. 105; xm. of Women, m. 90, 486
235 More, Elizabeth (afterwards Bastell), rv.
Corruption, xn. 104 198
Epicurean, The, xn. 104 More, George, rv. 535
Eveleen's Bower, xm. 235 More, Sir George (of Losely), iv. 200, 201,
Fables for the Hoi !/ Alliance, xn. 40
Fudge Family, The, xn. 104, 105 More, Hannah (1745-1833), x, 250, 251,
I saw from the leach, XTL 105 267 ff. (main entry), 494; XL 260, 300,
Intolerance, xn. 104 350, 359 ff. (main entry), 365, 458, 474;
Irish Melodies, xn. 41, 102, 105; xiv. xn. 124, 445; xiv. 60, 390, 600, 608
311, 316, 329 Bos Bleu, or Conversation, xr. 346, 348,
Latta RooJch, xn. 102, 105 362
Last Rose of Summer, The, xn. 105 Bishop Bonnets Ghost, XL 363
Life of Lord Byron, xn. 53, 103 Bleeding Rock, The, xr. 361
Life of Lord Edward Fitzgerald, xw. 107 Cheap Repository Tracts, xn. 281
Life of Sheridan, xiv. 107 Fatal Falsehood, The, xr. 274, 362
Loves of the Angels, The, xn. 48, 102 Inflexible Captive, The, XL 273
Minstrel Boy, The, xn. 105 Memoirs, x. 184
National Airs, xn. 105 Percy, xr. 272, 273, 362
Oft in the stilly night, xn. 105
Preface to Tragedies, xr. 259
Paradise and the Peri,' xn. 105 Repository Tracts, xr. 362
'Phelim Connor' letters, xn. 104 Sacred Dramas, XL 379
Poems, xn. 103> 104 Search after Happiness, The, XL 360
Poetical works of the late Thomas Little, Sensibility, x. 268; xr. 362
xn. 103 Sir Eldred of the Bower, x. 213; xr. 361
Tell me the witching tale again, xiv. 311 Thoughts on the importance of the Manners
Two-penny Post Bag, The, xn. 105 of the Great, XL 362
Moore, Zachary, XT. 174 Village Politics, xr. 362
Moore Smith, G. (X See Smith, G. 0. More, Henry (1614^-1687), vn. 84, 90,
Moore 279, 302, 407, 507, 510; vm. 110, 273,
Moorish wars in Spain, xx. 280 278 ff., 283, 290, 291, 347, 453 ff., 474;
Moors, the, xm. 258 rx. 184, 518; xr. 57
Mopsa, in Sidney's Arcadia, m. 353 Antidote against Atheism, vm. 285, 287
Mopus, in Wilson's The Cheats, vm. 122 Conjectura Cablalistica, vm. 285
Moral Ode. See Poema Morale Divine Dialogues, vm. 286
Moralities, v. 36, 391 ff. . Enchiridion Ethicum, vm. 282
Moralities, Latin, v. 58 Enchiridion Metaphysicum, vm. 286
Moran, Patrick Francis (1830-1911), xiv. Enthusiasmus Triumphatus, vm. 285;
570 ix.326
Morand, duke, in a religious play, v. 40, Qrand Mystery of Godliness, vm. 285
43 Immortality of the Soul, The, vm. 280,
Morant, Philip (1700-1770), DC. 537 285
Moravian school, Neuwied, xm. 440 Mystery of Iniquity, vm. 286
Moravians, the, ix. 324; x. 60, 350, 364 Philosophical Poems, vm. 282, 283
Moray, n. 115 Song of the Soul, vm. 282, 283, 285
Moray, earl of. See Stewart, James More, John (d. 1592), v. 133
Moray, Sir Robert (d. 1673), ix. 193 More, P. Elmer, xr. 420; The Shelburne
Moray shire, xm. 431 Essays, xn. 433
Morcelli, Stefano Antonio, xn. 326 More, Richard (d. 1643), vn. 482
Mordaunt, Charles, 3rd earl of Peter- More, Sarah, x. 268
borough (1685-1735), vm. 411; rx. 23, More, Sir Thomas (1478-1535), n. 62, 327;
249, 250 m. 2, 6, 7, 12, 13, 15-21 (main entry),
Mordent, in Holcroft's Deserted Daughter, 26, 40, 43, 47, 49, 52, 80, 187, 314, 332,
xi. 277 334, 363, 365, 469, 532; iv. 198, 228,
Mordred or Modred, in Arthurian legend, 261, 320, 512; v. 57; vn. 158, 278, 304,
I. 235, 248, 260 ff., 266 366, 392, 474; vm. 125; rx. 160, 197,
Mordred, in Morte Arthure, I. 313; n. 118, 489, 534; x. 184; xi. 422, 427; xiv. 494
120 Apology, The, m. 17
Mordred, in Malory's Morte d' Arthur, v. 78 Dialogue, The, n. 60; m. 17, 26
Mordred, in The Misfortunes of Arthur, Mery geste of a Sergeaunt and Frere,
v. 78, 79 The, n. 326
More, Anne (afterwards Anne Donne), Frith, A Letter against, m. 17
iv. 200 Luciani...compluria opuscula,..db Eras-
More, Cresacre (1572-1649), v. 247; xn. mo Rot&rodamoetThomaMoro...traductQ,
516 m. 16

More, Sir Thomas Morier, Sir Robert Burnett David (1826-
Picus, Life of John, m. 17 1893), xiv. 504
Progymnasmata, m. 13, 16 Morin, Lewis, x. 164, 464
Rueful Lamentation, A, m. 17 Moriomachia, vn. 390
Salem and Bizance, The Debellacyon of, Morison, James Augustus Cotter (1832-
m. 17 1888), xm. 467; xiv, 62, 493, 504;
Supper of the Lord, An Answere to the, Gibbon, x. 300, 304, 305, 314, 509; xiv.
m. 17 504
Supplication of Souk, The, m. 17, 26 Morison, Jeanie, xm. 485
Tindaltfs Answere, A Confutation of, Morison, Robert (1620-1683), vm. 478;
m. 17 xiv. 282, 562
Utopia, m. 16 ff., 109, 332, 334; iv. 67, Morisot, Claude, Alitophili Veritatis La-
300; v. 90; vn. 298, 299; xm. 452 chrymae, iv. 257
Works, iv. 397 Morland, Catherine, in Jane Austen's
More, Sir Thomas, V. 237, 238, 246 ., Northanger Abbey, XL 299, 300; xn.
332, 399, 442, 444 235 236
More, Sir William, VL 289 Morland, George (1763-1804), vm. 66
Morea, the, vn. 75 Morland, Sir Samuel (1625-1695), vm. 478
Morecroft, in The Scornful Ladie, vi. 133 Morley. See Daniel of
Morell, John Daniel (1816-1891), xrv. 478 Morley, George (1597-1684), bishop of
Morell, Thomas (1703-1784), Thesaurus, Winchester, rv. 422; vn. 151, 250, 420,
xii. 327 518; vm. 294, 295, 460
Moreri, Louis, Grand Dictionnaire his- Morley, Henry (1822-1894), I, viii, 47,
torique, v. 286; ix. 211, 492 218; n. 28, 35; XL 392, 407, 418; xn.
More to, A., No puede ser guardar una 427, 504; xm. 472, 515; xiv. 198, 504
mujer (No holding a Woman), vm. 131, Morley, John, viscount Morley of Black-
189 burn, IX. 153; XL 390, 406; xn. 396;
Moreton Pinckney, x. 271 xm, 495; xrv. 123, 195, 493, 509, 592;
Morfill, William Richard (1834-1909), xrv. Life of Gladstone, xiv. 135; Life of
495 Richard Cobden, xiv. 179
Morgana, chronicle of the abbey of, I, 256 Morley, Thomas (1557-1604?), IV. 113,
Morgan, in Smollett's Roderick Random, 121, 464, 465, 487
x. 37 Mormon, Book of, rv. 47
Morgan, earl of London, in The Devil and Mornay, Philippe de, iv. 447; Work con-
Us Dame, v. 329 cerning the trewnesse of the Christian
Morgan, Henry, iv. 76 Religion, Sidney* s trans., iv. 21
Morgan, Henry James, xiv. 581 Morning Advertiser, The, xxv. 177, 189
Morgan, J., Phoenix Britannicus, x. 166 Morning Chronicle, The, x. 467; xn. 171,
Morgan, James, in Pendennis, xm. 291 183, 187, 323, 432, 490; xiv. 170, 171,
Morgan, McNamara, m. 355 177, 178, 184 ff., 189, 190
Morgan, N., The Perfection of Horseman- Morning Herald, The, XL 34, 391; xrv.
ship, iv. 540 188, 189
Morgan, lady Sydney (born Owenson) Morning Post, The, xn. 187, 188, 434;
(1783-1859), xn. 451; xiv. 570 xm. 347, 440; xiv. 177, 179, 183 ff.,
Book mthout a Name, The, xiv, 322 529, 533
France, xiv. 322 Morning Star, The, xiv. 173, 188, 190
Italy, xiv. 322 Morocco, v. 183
Kate Kearney, xiv. 323 Morocco, Notes and Observations on the
St Olair, xiv. 322 Empress of, vm. 3
Wild Irish Girl, The, xiv. 322 Morose, in Jonson's The Silent Woman,
Morgan, Sylvanus (1620-1693), ix. 537 VI. 22, 227; x. 50
Morgan, Thomas (d. 1743), ix. 288, 508; Morpeth, xm, 129
X. 521; Moral Philosopher, The, ix. Morpeth, Ontario, xiv. 350
294 Morpeth school, vn. 330
Morgan, Thomas, F.S.A., xn. 512; Morrice, D., xrv. 598
Romano-British Mosaic Pavements, xn. Morris, Charles (1745-1838), xn. 420
347 Morris, Dinah, in Adam Bede, xm. 383,
Morgan, Sir Thomas (d. 1679?), vn. 452 390, 391
Morgan, Sir Thomas Charles (1783-1843), Morris, Jane (born Burden), xm. 119
xiv. 322 Morris, John Brande (1812-1880), xn. 454
Morgan le Fay, I. 265, 327 Morris, Sir Lewis (1833-1907), xm. 194,
Morgans, the, xr. 121 201 f., 221, 506
Morhof, Daniel Georg, v. 286 Epic of Hades, An, xm. 201
Morice, Sir William (1602-1676), vn. 364 Gwen, xm. 202
Morier, James Justinian (1780?~1849), Gycia, xm. 202
xn. 451 Ode of Life, The, xm. 202

Morris, Sir Lewis Mors, in A Dialogue... against the fever
Songs of Two Worlds, xm. 201 Pestilence, m. 109
Songs Unsung, xm. 202 Mors, Roderyck, The Complaint of, vn. 514
Morris, Marshall, Faulkner and Co., xm. Morsbach, L., n. 152
119 Morse or Mosse, M., iv. 512, 518
Morris, Miss May, xm. 493 Morte Arthur e (English rime and allitera-
Morris, Richard (1833-1894), I. 115, 218; tive versions), I. 235, 270, 281, 284, 290,
n. 166; xn. 504; xiv. 611; Specimens 313, 333, 470; n. 116, 118, 119, 122, 123,
of Early English, xn. 344 230, 314, 315, 332, 334 S., 340, 486;
Morris, William (1834r-1896), I. 420; vm. m. 233, 237; iv. 6, 397; v. 78; x. 218,
227; xn. 275; xm. 112, 118 ff. (main 228; xm. 35; also see Malory
entry), 134, 137, 139, 147, 178, 193, Mortgage, in The Staple of Newes, YL 25
205, 251, 442, 448, 451, 458, 491 flc. (main Mortimer, Mrs FaveU Lee (1802-1878),
entry); xiv. 537 xi. 481
Aeneids of Virgil, The (translation), Mortimer, Roger de, 8th baron Wigmore
xm. 125, 126 and 1st earl of March ( 1287 ?-l 330),
Bellerophon at Argos, xm. 125 iv. 181, 182
Bellerophon in Lycia, xm. 125 Mortlake, rv. 73
Beoiwlf (translation), xm. 127 Morton, Charles (1627-1698), IX. 6, 393,
Cupid and Psyche, The Story of, xm. 394; x. 386
124 Morton, earl, in John a Kent, etc., v.
Defence of Guenevere, The, x. 217, 220; 317
xm. 121, 122, 124, 125, 129 Morton, Henry, in Scott's Old Mortality,
Doom of King Acrisius, The, xm. 124 xn. 27
Dream of John Ball, A, xin. 127 Morton, John (1420?-! 500), archbishop
Earthly Paradise, The, xm. 120, 123, of Canterbury (bishop of Ely), m. 15,
125, 128, 252 66, 334, 335; v. 54
Hollow Land, The, xm. 121 Morton, John Maddison (1811-1891), xm.
House of the Wolfings, The, xm. 127 521; Box and Cox, xm. 270
*I know a little garden close,* xm. 125 Morton, Thomas (1564-1659), bishop of
King Arthur's Tomb, XTTT. 121 Durham, iv. 202, 203, 206; vn. 323,
Land East of the Sun and West of the 426, 515
Moon, The, xm. 124, 125 Morton, Thomas (17647-1838), xi. 270,
Life and Death of Jason, The, xm. 122, 276, 458; xin. 270
124, 125, 252 Columbus, xi. 280
Lindenborg Pool, xm. 121 Cure for the Heartache, xi. 281
Love is Enough, xm. 125, 126, 135, 252 School of Reform, xi. 23 1
Lovers of Gudrun, The, 125 xm. Speed the Plough, xi. 281
News from Nowhere, TTTTT. 127 Way to get Married, XL 280, 281
Odyssey (translation), xm. 125 fl. Moras or Moir, Alexander, vn. 105, 125,
'Outlanders, whence come ye last?' 130, 131
xin. 140 Morven, x. 222
Poems by the Way, xnr. 127 Morwenstow, xn. 134
Rapunzel, xm. 121 Morwent, Charles (d. 1675), vm. 84
Roots of the Mountains, The, xm. 127 Moryson, Fynes (1566-1617?), iv. 459;
Sailing of the Sword, The, xm. 121 466; vn. 446; History of Ireland,

Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the vn. 211; Itinerary, vn. 201, 211
Niblungs, The Story of, xin. 126, 127, Mosaic code, the, XL 194
252 Mosbie, in Arden of Feversham, v. 242
Sir Peter Harpoon's End, x. 217; xm. Moscheles, Felix, xm. 562
121 Moschus, m, 218, 222, 265; vn. 83, 489;
Song of the Gillyflower, The, xm. 121 ix. 526; x. 454; xi. 426; xn. 495
Story of the Glittering Plain, The, xin. Moseley, Henry Nottidge (1844-1891),
127 xiv. 297, 562
Story of the Unknown Church, The, Moseley, Humphrey (d. 1661), vi. 114;
xin. 120 vn. 116, 458; XL 318, 319
Sundering Flood, The, xm. 128 Mosellanus, Figurae, m. 429
Two Red Roses across the Moon, xm. 121 Moses, I. 134, 226; iv. 61, 170; vn. 296;
Water of the Wondrous Ides, The, xm. ix. 296; x. 130; xn. 299
128 Moses, in The Three Laws, V. 58
W ett at the World's End, The9 xm. 128 Moses, Belle, xm. 501
Welland River, xm. 121 Mosheim, J. L. von, vni. 453
Wood beyond the World, The, xm. 128 Moslems, xn. 45; xiv. 182, 252
Moms dancers, v. 32 Moss, Joseph William (1803-1862), xn.
Morrison, Robert (1782-1834), xn. 342, 523
500 Mossgiel, XL 220, 224, 440

Mossop, Henry (17297-1774?), XL 450, 454 Mozley, Thomas (1806-1893), xn. 453,
Most ivonderful wonder that ever appeared, 459, 460; xrv. 596, 599; Reminiscences,
ix. 132 xii. 273
Mothe Le Vayer, Sieur JP. de la, vnr. Mr Bailey, Grocer, in Gissing's New Grub
449 Street, xm. 460
M other Goose's Mdody, XL 375, 376, 488
Mr F.'s aunt,' in Little Dorrit, xm. 331
Mother Goose's Tales, XL 376 'Mtesa, king of Uganda, xiv. 254
Mother Redcap, v. 319 Mucedorus, v. 135, 237, 238, 251, 253, 442,
Mother Shipton, XL 334 443
Mother-well, William (1797-1835), n. 409; Mucius, consul, I. 95
XL 437, 443, 444; xn. 6 Muddiman, Henry, vn. 349, 362 ., 495;
Harp of Renfrewshire, xr. 237 ix. 2
Jeanie Morrison, xi. 237 Current Intelligence, The, vn. 364
Minstrelsy Ancient and Modern, XL 237 Gazette,London, vn. 365
Poems Narrative and Lyrical, XL 237 Mercurius PuUicus, vn. 362
Mottershead, Edward ( jZ. 1660), vn. 361 Parliamentary Intelligencer, The, after-
Motteux, Peter Anthony (1660-1718), wards The Kingdom's Intelligencer, vn.
vn. 256; vm. 171, 385, 438; rx. 256, 362
260, 263, 270 ff. (main entry); X. 163; Muddiman, H. and Thomas Henshaw,
Gentleman's Journal, rx. 270; Rabelais, Nouvelles Ordinaires de Londres, vn, 360
is. 270 Mudford, William (1782-1848), x. 476;
Mottley, John (1692-1750), ix. 500 XL 457; xiv. 188
Motto, in Drayton's Idea, rv. 172 Mudge, Zachariah (1694-1769), x. 467
Mottram, William, xm. 552 Muggins, Dick, x. 199
Mouldy, in Henry IV, v. 360 Muggleton, Ludowicke, x. 377
Moulton, James Hope (1863-1917), xn. Muir, William (1799-1860), xn. 498
Add. 4 Muir, Sir William (1819-1905), xrv. 339,
Moulton, Louise C., xni, 496 505, 579; The Life of Mahomet, xrv.
Moulton, Richard Green, xrv. 528 338
Moulton, William Fiddian (1835-1898), Muir, W. M., XL 432, 433
xn. 501 Muir Mackenzie, Georgina Mary, xrv. 553
Moultrie, John (1799-1874), xn. 420 Muirland Willie, rx. 360
Mounier, Jean Joseph, xn. 144 Mulberie trees and...silkeworms, rv. 543
Mountcastle, Clara H., xrv. 582 Mulcaster, Richard (1530?~1611), nr. 311,
Mountferrat, in The Knight of Malta, vr. 435, 436, 444, 446, 552, 556; rv. 238;
130 V. 102, 123; vr. 221; vn. 332, 492; xrv.
Mount* ort, Harriet, in Mrs Griffith's School 6Q8;Elementarie, nr. 311, 435; Positions,
for Hakes, XL 263 m. 311, 435
Mountfort, Mrs (Susanna Verhruggen) Mulciber, in Thersites, v. 108
(16&7M7Q3), vm. 191 Mule sans Frein, La, I. 296
Mountfort, William (c. 1664^-1692), VL 7; Mulgrave, John Sheffield, earl of. See
vra. 189 Buckingham and Normanby, duke of
Mounth, the, in Wyntoun, n. 132 Mulholland, Rosa, xrv. 329
Mountjoy, lord. See Blount, William Miiller, Friedrich Max (1823-1900), xn.
Mouse, the clown, in Mucedorus, v. 253 314, 502, 503; xm. 354, 368, 469, 470,
Mowbray, John, 3rd duke of Norfolk 548; xrv. 478; Lectures on the Science
(1415-1461), n. 304, 305, 503 of Language, xn. 343
Mowhray, John de, vm. 313 Muller, Johann, of Konigsberg, Eyheme*
Mowcher, Miss, in David Copperfield, xm. rides, rv. 74, 82
336 Miiller,Karl Ottfried, xn. 300, 483, 498;
Moxon, Edward (1801-1858), xn, 200, History of Greek Literature, xn. 331;
201, 222, 421, 435; xm. 61 The Doric Race, xn. 301, 312
Moxon, Mrs Emma (born Isola), xn. Mulligan, the (Thackeray's), xm. 283
200 ff. f 435 Mullinger, James Bass (1834-1918), n.
Moxon, Joseph (1627-1700), rv. 459 347, 367; vr. 3; vn. 316, 320; xrv. 489,
Moyle, John (d. 1714), v. 459 594
Moyle, Walter (1672-1721), rx, 267 Mullisheg of Fesse, king, in The Fair Maid
Moyra, xrv. 320 of the West, vr. 101
Moysie, David (fl. 1582-1603), vn. 455; Mulock, Dinah Maria (Mrs Craik) (1826-'
Memoirs of the Affairs of Scotland, nr. 1887), xr. 488; xm. 178, 506, 565;
149, 505 John Halifax, Gentleman, xm. 435
Mozart, rv. 162 Mulso, Hester. See Chapone, Mrs Hester
Mozley, Anne (1809-1891), xn. 459, 461 Mum, Sothsegger (i.e. Hush, Truthteller)
Mozley, James Bowling (1813-1878), xn. (Richard the Eedeless], n. 3, 36, 432, 434
256, 261, 273, 454, 456, 459, 464; xm. Mumby, Frank Arthur, xr. 466
466 Mumford, in King Leir, v. 84

Mumming, in The Masque of Christmas, Muralt, Beat de, v. 287
vi. 358, 359 Muratori, Ludovico Antonio, x. 220, 311,
Hun, Thomas (1571-1641), TV. 512; Dis- 312
course of Trade to the East Indies, iv. Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey (1792-
310; England's Treasure by Foreign 1871), xiv. 291, 293, 294, 562
Trade, iv. 310 Murcia, in The Doubtfull Heir, vi. 205
Munby, Arthur Joseph, xm. 189, 506 Murderous Mychaell, v. 117, 325
Munchausen, Baron, xi. 492; xin. 279 Murdoch, Patrick (d. 1774), x. 105, 446,
Munchausen romance, v. 95 447
Munchner Brut, i. 236 Murdoch, W. M., xm. 495
Munday, Anthony (1553-1633), m. 68, Murdstone and Grinby, in David Copper-
302, 341, 349, 359, also see Add.; field, xm. 327
IY. 117 S., 390, 439, 445, 447, 448, 471, Mure, William (1799-1860), Critical His-
487, 525, 532, 533, 536; v. 236, 310-322 tory of the Literature of Ancient Greece,
(main entry), 328, 329, 331 ff., 344, 370, xn. 339
371, 474; YL 4, 17, 41, 61, 329, 365, 391. Mure, Sir William, of Rowallan (1594-
395, 459 1657), ix. 542, 556
'A Caveat to the Reader,' v. 313 Murger, Henri, Scenes de la Vie de Boheme,
Amadis de Gaule (trans, of), v. 314 xm. 433
Ballad against Plays,A 9 rv. 323 Murillo, Bartolomeo Esteban, xm. 52
Banquet of Dainty Conceits, A, iv.
119 Murimuth, Adam (1275?-1347), n. 498
'Beauty sat bathing by a spring, iv. 119 Murner, m. 59
English Eomayne Life, The, v. 313 Murning Maiden, The, n. 281
'Fair nymphes sit ye here by me,' iv. Murphy, Anna.. See Jameson, Mrs Anna
119 Murphy, Arthur (1727-1805), ix. 435;
Fedele and Fortunio, v. 314 fi., 474; x. 20, 89, 163, 189, 264, 389, 390, 393,
VI. 304 413, 437, 439, 441, 459, 466, 472, 474,
Funeral of Richard Cceur de Lion, The, 522; XI. 453; xiv. 570
v. 319 Att in the Wrong, x. 88
John a Kent and John a Cumber, v. 311, Grecian Daughter, x. 88
315 ., 320; vi. 347 Know your ovm, Mind, xi. 269
Metropolis Coronata, v. 35 No One's Enemy but his Own, x. 86
Palladino of England, v. 314, 323 Orphan of x. 86
Palmenn of England (trans, of), v. 314 School for Guardians, x. 88
Primaleon (trans, of), iv. 119 Upholsterer, The, x. 88
Robert, Earle of Euntington, v. 35, 310, Way to keep him, x. 88
318 ff., 325, 326; vi. 236 Zenobia, x. 88
Set at Tennis, The, v. 319 Murphy, Denis Bro-wnell (d. 1842), xiv.
Third Blast of Retreat from Plays and 323
Theatres,The (? by Munday), v. 313 'Murphy,' pseud. See Maturin, Charles
View of Sundry Examples, A, v. 315 Robert
Woodman's Walk, The, rv. 119 Murray, Alexander Stuart (1841-1904),
Zelauto, m. 349, 536 xn. 498
See, also, under Chettleand Middleton Murray, Sir David, of Gorthy (1567-1629),
and Third Blast iv.487; ix. 556; Bibliography: its Scope
Munden, Joseph Shepherd (1758-1832), and Methods, xn. 363, 370, 520; David
si. 454; xn. 436 Laing, xn. 350, 358, 517, 520; R. and A.
Mundus, in Confessio Amantis, n. 151 Foulis, xn. 324, 520
Mundy, John (d. 1630), iv. 113, 465 Murray, David Christie (1847-1907), xm.
Munich, v. 306 544, 565
Munich, Fugger collection at, iv. 429 Murray, Mrs Elizabeth. See Grant, Mrs>
Munro, Hugh Andrew Johnstone (1819- Elizabeth
1885), x. 125; xn. 327, 337, 488; Criti- Murray, E. C. Grenville, xiv. 194
cisms and Elucidations of Catullus, xn. Murray, George, xrv. 582
335; Translations into Latin and Greek Murray, lord George (1700?-1760), ix. 565
Verse, xn. 335 Murray, Grace, x. 368
Munro, W. A., xm. 544 Murray, Henry, xrv. 534
Munro. See also Monro Murray, Sir James Augustus Henry (1837-
Minister, Ireland, m. 229, 244; iv. 433; 1915), xn. 505; xrv. 454, 611; Dialect
vn. 209, 211, 438; ix. 136; xiv. 314 of the Southern counties of Scotland, n.
Miinster, in The Unfortunate Traveller, 96,99
m. 363 Murray, John, 3rd duke of Atholl (1729-
Miinster, bishop of (C. Bernhard von 1774), X. 274
Galen), vm. 381 Murray, Sir John, of Broughton (1718-
Miinster, Sebastian, HL 109 ; Gosmographia, 1777), ix. 564
in. 141; iv. 70 Murray, John (1745-1793), XL 327

Murray, John (1778-1843), XL 327, 423, Musselburgh, IX. 370
468; xiv. 613 Musset, Alfred de, v. 302; xn. 392; xm.
Murray, John (1808-1892), xn. 34, 47, 272; Carmosine, xm. 401
52, 149 ff., 154, 155, 161, 387, 396, 430; Mustapha, in Solymannidae, vi. 301
xm. 346, 353; xiv. 613; Memoir of, Mustapha, Haji. See Raymond
xn. 150 Mutability, in The Faerie Queene, n. 234;
Murray, Sir John (1841-1914), xiv. 297, m. 238
562 Mutimers, the, in Gissing's Demos, xm. 459
Murray, Sir John Archibald, lord Murray Muto, in Marston's Scourge of Villame,
(1779-1859), xn. 144 iv. 332

Murray, Lindley (1745-1826), xn. 505; Muzzle for Cerberus, A, vn. 502
xm. 240; xiv. 608; English Grammar, My Hart is quhyt, in. 132
xiv. 397 My Jocky blyth, ix, 360
Murray, Patrick James, xiv. 567 My Laddie, ix. 375
Murray, Sir Robert (d. 1673), vn. 435 'My Uncle Toby,' x. 206
Murray, R. F., xiv. 209, 538; The Scarlet My Winifreda, ix. 188
Gown, xiv. 210 Mycene, in Horestes, v. 64, 65
Murray, Thomas (1792-1872), XI. 446 Mychell, John (fl. 1556), iv. 409
Murray, William, 1st earl of Mansfield Myddleton, Witti&m (1556?-1621), v. 92
(1705-1793), X. 285, 375, 399, 404, 405, Mydlerd, a mirror called (i.e. the World),
470, 527 in Piers the Plowman, n. 25
Murrell,John (fl. 1630), iv. 543 Myers, E., xiv. 522
Murry, John Middleton, xm. 573 Myers, Frederic (1811-1851), xn. 466, 469
Musa, in Ouida's In Maremma, xm. 436 Myers, Frederic William Henry (1843-
Musa Cantabrigiensis, vn. 180 1901), xi. 110, 410; xn. 404; xm. 43,
Musae Etonenses, xiv. 56 207, 478, 491, 506, 553; xiv. 473;
Musaeus, iv. 438; vn. 489; x. 454; xi. 426; St Paul, xm. 209
xm. 465 Myll, G. (1492), n. 285
Musaeus (i.e. John Daniel), iv. 180 Myllar, Andrew (fl. 1593-1508), vi. 412;
Musarum Anglicanarum Analecta, rx. 434 ix. 359; and see Chepman and Myllar
Musarum Deliciae, vn. 413 Mylne, Robert (1643-1747), ix. 559
Musaus, Johann Karl August, xm. 4, Mynshul, Gefiray (1594?-1668), vn. 387;
465; Grandison der Zweite, x. 19 Essayes and Characters of a Prison and
Muscovy voyages, iv. 67, 71, 75, 80, 84, Prisoners, m. 99; IV. 345, 350, 522, 530;
92,93 vn. 388
Muses Farwd to Popery and Slavery, The Myra (Fulke Greville's), m. 267
(1689), vm. 410 Myrania (Greene's), m. 357
Muses Merriment, The (1656), vn. 512 Myrgingas, the, in Wtdsith, i. 34, 35
Museum, The, xi. 324 Myrrha, in Byron's Sardanapalus, xn. 49
Museum Criticum, xn. 329 Myrrourfor Martinists, A, in. 397
Museum Minervae, vn. 78 Myschefe, in Magnyfycence, m. 77
Musgrave, Samuel (1732-1780), x. 270; Mysore war, the, xiv. 338
xn. 483 Mysteries, v. 388 fi., and see Chester plays,
Musgrave, Tom, in Jane Austen's TTie Coventry plays, etc.
Watsons, xn. 234 Mystery plays, Non-cycle, v. 391
Musgrave, Sir William, vm. 263 Mysticism in English literature, vn. Add.
Musgrove, Louisa, in Jane Austen's Per- Mytton, John (1796-1834), xiv. 233
suasion, xn. 241
Musgrove, Mr and Mrs Charles, in Jane
N , Miss,' x. 274
Austen's Persuasion, xn. 240 1ST. G. See Grimald, Nicholas
Music, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, n. Nabbes, Thomas (fl. 1638), vi. 28, 240,
225, 229, 230 457 ; xm
M also see Add. 2
Music, Elizabethan, v. 372 Bride, The, VI. 236
Music of the 17th century, the, vm. 424 Covent Garden, vi. 236
Music, Old English popular, vm. 411 Hannibal and Scipio, Yt, 236
Musical Miscellany, the, ix. 567 Microcosmus, VI. 236
Musical depository, rs. 567; XL 444 Totenham-Court, VL 236
Musicians of London, corporation of the, Naboth, n, 297
v. 28 Naboth's vineyard^ x. 150
Musidora, in Thomson's Summer, x. 104 Naden, Constance Caroline Woodhill
Musidorus, in Sidney's Arcadia, m. 352 (1858-1889), xm, 181, 506
Musidorus (a poem in memory of James Nairn, n. 100
Thomson), x. 450 Natrne, Caroline Oliphant, baroness ( 1766-
Musonius, in Club Law, VL 308, 309 1845), xi. 232, 233, 444
Musophilus (Daniel's), iv. 135 Auld Hoose, The, xi. 233
Mussatus (see Albertino), v. 62 Caller Benin, XL 233

Nairae, Caroline Oliphant Narborough, Sir John (1640-1688), rv.
Charlie is My Darling, XL. 233 459; vn. 364
Here's to them that are Gane, XL 233 Narcissa, in Colman's Inkle and Yarico,
He's O'er the Hills, XL 233 xi. 279, 280
Hundred Pipers, XL 233 'Narcissa' (Mrs Oldfield), in Pope's
Hunting Tower, XL 233 Epistles, ix. 81
John Tod, XL 233 Narcissus, n. 151
Laird ofCockpen, The, XL 233; xrv. 377 Narcissus, in Racine's Britannicus, x. 119
o/ the Leal, XL 233 Narcissus, Confessor, i. 74
o/ <?<wme, XL 233 Narcissus, school play, v. 123; VL 286,
Tree, The, XL 233 287
TFJb'W &e ^'wgr fatf Charlie, xi. 233 Narcissus, university play, VL 316, 484
Ft# Ae TIO come ooc& again? rx. 377; Nares, Robert (1753-1829), X. Add.;
xi. 233 XL 250; xn. 505
IVofo, tfAe tfoZe o/, xn. 490, 503 Naseby, battle of, vn. 35; xm. 143
Nalson, John (1638?-1686), vn. 434 Naseby, the ship, vm. 7, 254
'Namby-Pamby' Philips. See Philips, Nash, Richard (167^-1762), x. 481
Ambrose Nash, Thomas Arthur, xrv. 507
Nancarrow, Totty, in Gissing's Thyrza, Nashe, Thomas (1567-1601), n. 415; m.
xm. 459 114, 176, 183, 208, 256, 259, 293, 305,
Nancy, ix. 149 359, 362 ff., 367, 370, 371, 392, 395 ff. t
Nancy, in Oliver Twist, xm. 316 526, 535, 543 ff.; rv. 8, 17, 18, 21, 115,
Nannini, Remigio, iv. 447 133, 134, 142, 317, 321 ff., 332, 333,
Nanny 0, ix. 363 343, 345, 363, 514, 515, 516, 517, 523,
Nano, in James IV, v. 138 534; v. 80 ff., 129, 130, 134, 137, 138,
Nantes, edict of, v. 286; vm. 385; ix. 270; 144 ff., 148, 157 ff., 315, 322, 371, 420,
x. 203; xiv. 117 421; VL 218, 250, 288, 300, 310 ff., 384,
Nantwich, vn. 107 385, 409; IX. 32, 51, 262; xiv. 234
Naomi, rv. 43 Anatomie of Absurditie, The, m. 362;
Naphtali, ix. 547 rv. 318, 325; y. 140; vi. 394, 396, 494
Napier, Arthur Sampson, I. 53, 55, 125, Apologie of Pierce Pennylesse, rv. 322
129, 133 Christe Teares over Jerusalem, m. 362,
Napier, Sir Charles (1786-1860), xiv. 107, 546; rv. 323, 324, 357
496 Haue with you to Saffron Walden, m.
Napier or Neper, John, laird of Merchiston 546; v. 314; vr. 306, 480
(1550-1617), m. 426; iv. 290, 508; vm. Isle of Dogs, m. 362; v. 140; vi. 212
350, 478 Lenten Stuff, m. 363; rv. 319, 327, 328
Napier, Macvey (1776-1847), xn. 147, Pierce Pemlesse, his Supplication to the
153, 162, 426, 427; xiv. 5 Divell, m. 259, 362, 545; iv. 321, 322,
Napier, Mark (1798-1879), xrv. 495 328, 352; VL 60, 310, 311, 396, 461, 495
Napier, Sir William Francis Patrick(1785- Strange Newes, m. 546; vi. 306, 480
1860), xi. 167; xiv. 495, 496 Summer's Last Witt and Testament, v.
Conquest of Scinde, The, xrv. 107 140; yi. 287
History of Sir Charles Napier's Admi- Terminus et non terminus, VL 307, 310
nistration of Scinde, xrv. 107 Terrors of the Night, m. 363; rv. 325;
History of the War in the Peninsula, vn. 371, 395, 506
xrv. 107 *To the Gentlemen Students,' v. 121
Life of Sir Charles Napier, xrv. 107 Unfortunate Traveller, or the life of Jack
Naples, n. 276; rv. 163, 249; v. 207; vi. Wilton, The, m. 176, 363 ff.; v. 141
305; vn. 99, 131; vm. 141, 188, 364; See, also, under Marlowe
x. 254; xn. 36, 63; xm. 435; xrv. 247, Nasmith, James (1740-1808), rx. 540
293 'Naso Scarronomimus/ ix. 259, 502
Naples, in The Anatomy of Wit, m. 345 Nassau, count of, and the parrot, in
Napleton, John, xrv. 596 Temple's Memoirs, vm. 383
Napoleon I, emperor of the French, rv. Nasse, Erwin, xrv. 78
310; x. 27, 227; XL 27, 54, 103, 108, Nassyngton, William (fl. 1375?), n. 46,
115, 117; xn. 38, 39, 61, 164, 166, 178, 47, 439
192, 237, 300, 343, 378, 379, 395, 429, Nathan, Isaac (1791?-1864), xn. 384
431, 432, 438, 470; xm. 13, 255, 276, Nathan, Manfred, xiv. Add. 9
366, 435, 445, 447; xrv. 106, 148, 179, Nathaniel, Sir, in Love's Labour's Lost,
188, 213, 223, 327; Code Napoleon, XL 26 v. 178
Napoleon III, emperor of the French, Nation (Dublin), xrv. 317 ff., 321, 325, 327
xm. 73, 74, 81, 132, 133; xrv. 171, 182, Nation (New York), xiv. 318
185 Nation, The (London), xiv. 199
Napoleonic war, xrv. 89, 176 National Observer, The, xrv. 199
Napoleonisms, xin. 405 National Reformer, The, xm. 107, 108

National Review, The, xrv. 141 Nechtan, king of the Picts, i. 82
National society for promoting the Educa- Neckam, Alexander (1157-1217), i. 193,
tion of the Poor, xrv. 403, 404, 419 227, 238, 239, 367, 455; n. 144; De
National Standard, The, xm. 277 Natuns Berum, I. 193, 227, 239
National Union for improving the educa- Neckar river, xm. 372
tion of women, xiv. 430 Necker, Jacques, XL 28; xnr. 467
Nativity, carols of the, n. 373, 376, 378 Neeker, Suzanne, x. 264, 302, 307
Nativity plays, V. 389 Nectabanus, n. 75
Natland, near Kendal, x. 386 Nectabanus, in Confessio Amantis, n. 149
Natura naturata, in The Nature of the Four Necton, Humphrey (d. 1303), n. 350
Elements, v. 57 Nedham, Marchamont (1620-1678), vn.
Natural history, writers on, iv. 542, 543 353, 355, 362 ? 363, 495, 496, 513; ix. 1
Natural Intelligence (Kind- Wit), in Piers Interest will not lie, vn. 360
the Plowman, n. 21 Mercurius Bntanicus, vn. 351, 358, 360
Nature, in Cowley's The Muse, vn. 65 Mercurius Poeticus, vn. 360
Nature, in The Example of Virtue, n. 227 Mercurius Politicus, vn. 140, 358, 359,
Nature, in Horestes, v, 65 361
Nature, in Mercury Vindicated, vi. 358 Mercurius Pragmaticus, vn. 358, 360
Nature, in. Piers the Plowman, n. 26 The Observator, vn. 360
Nature, in Reason and Sensuality, 11, 202 The Publick Adviser, vn. 360, 361
Nature of the Four Elements, The, in. 96, The PublicJc Intelligencer, vn. 360, 361
105, 445 Need, in Piers the Plowman, n. 28
Naudens, Gabriel, vnr. 449 Needy Knife-Grinder, The, XL 40, 41
Naumachia or Hollands Sea-fight, rv. 487 Neele, Henry (1798-1828), The Romance
Naunton, Sir Robert (1563-1635), iv. 51; of History, xiv. 59
vn. 27, 452; xn. 376; Fragmenta Re- Neil, Robert Alexander (1852-1901), xn.
galia, v. 345, 479; vn. 221 489
Nausicaa, v. 172 Neil, Ross, pseud. See Harwood, Isabella
Navarre, v. 101 Neilson, George (b. 1858), n. 104, 117, 118,
Navarrenus, Francis Mildapettus, pseud. 120, 122; xn. 512
See Temple, Sir William (1555-1627) Neither Loved nor Loving, in Heywood's
Navern (Strathnaver), n. 276 Love, v. 93
Navestock, Essex, xiv. 74 Neither Lover nor Loved, in. Heywood's
Navigation, The Art of, iv. 399 Love, v. 93
Navy List (1689), iv. 459 Neither-Money-nor-Learning, in All for
Navy Records society, iv. 103; xn. 355 Money, v. 57
Nayler, James (1617?-1660), vm. 109, 416 Nell, in Henry IV, v. 187
Nazareth, vm. 78 xm. 319, 325
Nell, Little (Dickens's),
Neal, Daniel (1678-1743), is. 476, 494; Nelson, Abraham, yn. 513
X. 518; History of New England, or. 212; Nelson, Horatio, viscount Nelson (1758-
History of the Puritans, vn. 356; ix. 212 1805), xm. 435, 467; xiv. 201, 213
Neal, Samuel (1826-1901), xrv< Add. 3 Nelson, James (1710-1794), xiv. 608
Neal, W. G., xrv. Add. 7 Nelson, Robert (1665-1715), vm. 301,
Neale, John Mason (1818-1866), XL 488; 305, 459, 460, 463; DC. 514; x. 356;
xn. 277, 353, 459; xm. 167, 171, 506 Companion for the Festivals and Fasts,
Art thou weary, art thou languid, xnr.173 vm. 308
Jerusalem the Golden, xm. 172, 173 Nelson, Thomas (fl. 1580), IV. 390
The day is past and over, XTTT. 173 Nerrmivus, I. 70
Theodora Phranza, xn. 273 Nennius or Nynniaw (fl. 796), Historia
Neale, Sir Paul, vm. 61, 62 Brittonum, I. 31, 65, 66, 68, 70, 71, 81,
Neale, Thomas (fl. 1643), YL 475 169, 245 ff., 250, 257, 258, 268, 336,
Neander, in Dryden's Essay of Heroick 435, 461
Plays, vm. 24, 370 Neoplatonism, vn. 264, 273, 278, 367
Neander, in The Rival Friends, VL 325 370; ix. 287, 306
Neander, J. A. W., xn. 464 Neot, St, xrv. 83
Neapolitan government, the, xrv. 136 Neot, St, Lives of, i. 90, 131
Nearchus, prince of Argos, in The Broken Nepos Cornelius, ix. 198
Heart, YL 191 Neptune, yn. 370
Neate, Bill, prizefighter, xiv. 230 Neptune, in Troiane, v. 69
Neave, Richard, vn. 513 Neptune, planet, xrv. 264
Neaves, Charles Neaves, lord (1800-1876), Neptune to England, iv. 96
xn. 425; xm. 507; xiv. 210 Nereus, in Horace's Garmina, x. 130
Nebo, vn. 67 Nero, i. 226; iv. 30; vn. 371, 443; ix. 274;
Nebuchadnezzar, vn. 370 x. 119, 317
Necessary Doctrine and Erudition of a Nero, in Octavia, vi. 301
Christian man, m. 36 Nero, The Tragedy of, YC. 235, 459

Nessus, in Confessio Amantis, n. 148 New Institution for the Formation of
Nest, daughter of Rhys ap Tewdwr, 1. 194, Character, xiv. 404, 405
256 New Irish Library, The, xiv. 319
Nestor, x. 51 New Lanark, xiv. 404, 405
Nether Stowey, Somersetshire, si. 99, New lands found by the messengers of the
120, 126, 416; xn. 166, 203 King of Portugal named Emanuel, Of
Netherbury, vn. 244 the,n. 330, 486
Netherlands, the, n. 310; in. 244, 441; New Monthly Magazine, The, xn. 161,
v. 89, 139, 344; vi. 29, 42, 123; vn. 198, 200, 429, 431; xm. 279; xiv. 230, 319
453 ; vm. 265 ; x. 291 ; xrv. 72. See, also, New Monthly Magazine, and Humorist,
Low Countries The, xn. 429
Netherlands, United Provinces of the, New Monthly Magazine and Literary
xn. 316 Journal, The, xn. 429
Nethersole, Sir Francis (1587-1659), vn. New Monthly Magazine and Universal
27,28 Register, The, xn. 429
Netley abbey, x. 132 New Notbroune Mayd, n. 328; m. 491
Nettlebed academy, x. 385 New Presbyterian Ballad, A (1681), vm.
Nettleship, Archibald Lewis (1846-1892), 97
xn. 467; xrv. 473 New Quarterly Magazine, XL 463
Nettleship, Henry (1839-1893), xn. 469, New Review, x. 302
489; xrv. 505, 594; Contributions to New river, the, xn. 182, 198
Latin Lexicography, xn. 337; Essays, New Scots Spy, ix. 562
xn. 337 New South Wales, xn. 194; xiv. 362
Nettleship, John T., xm. 485 New Spalding club, xn. 359
Neuberg, A., xm. 466 New Sporting Magazine, The, xiv. 233
Neuberg, J., xm. 466 New Sydenham society, xn. 355
Neue Erweiterungen der Erlcenntnis wnd New Times, The, xn. 198
des Vergnugens, v. 295 New Tunbridge Wells, ix. 261
Neugise, in Robin Conscience, m. 97 New World, the, iv. 311
Neuha, in Byron's The Island, xn. 46 New Year's letter, n. 389
Neuhof, Switzerland, xiv. 383, 390 New York, xm. 10; xiv. 318, 325, 326,
Neuwied, Germany, xm. 440 358
Never out Tom, in Swift's Complete Col- New York, the Bowery, xrv. 285
lection of... Conversation, ix. 106, 107 New York Herald, The, xrv. 192
Nevile, Henry (1620-1694), vn. 514 New Zealand, xm. 186, 364, 449; xiv.
Nevill, in A Woman is a Weathercocke, 368, 434
vi. 221 New Zealander, ix. 263
NeviU or Neville, George (1433?-1476), Newark, vn. 91
n. 211 Newark, William, VL 281, 282
Neville, lady Mary, daughter of the 4th Newark castle, xn. 7
earl of Dorset, iv. 265 Newbery, Elizabeth, xi. 377
Neville, Richard Griffin, 3rd lord Bray- Newbery, Francis (d. 1780), x. 207, 209,
brooke (1783-1858), vm. 243, 263 210, 215, 482; xi. 377, 468
Neville, Thomas (d. 1615), iv. 264, 427 Newbery, Francis (1743-1818), xi. 377
Neville, William (fl. 1518), The, Castle of Newbery, John (1713-1767), x. 41, 205,
Pleasure, n. 327 207 P., 476, 484; xi. 367, 374 ff., 468,
Neville's Cross, battle of, i. 357 476, 490
Nevinson, Henry W., xm. 472, 570 Newbery, Ralph (fl. 1590), iv. 82, 398

Nevizanus, Johannes, Silva nuptialis, Newbold Revell, n. 315, 335

vm. 59 Newburgh. See William of
Nevyle, Alexander (1544r-1614), iv. 440; Newbury, m, 368; vn. 55, 74
v. 80, 395 Newcastle, duchess of. See Cavendish,
Nevynson, Stephen (d. 1581?), m. 202 Margaret
New Conger, the, XL 325 Newcastle, dukes of. See Cavendish,
New Custom, v. 60, 393 William; Clinton, H. P. F. Pelham-
New Edinburgh Review, The, xm. 4 Holles
New England, ix. 281; x. 386 Newcastle under Lyme, rv. 162
New England colonies, iv. 95; vn. 339 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in. 383; rv. 310;
New Englanders, xrv. 345, 346 V. 46, 391; vn. 435, 450; ix. 532, 563;
New English Art club, the, xiv, 208 x. 470; ax 338, 341, 445, 469, 470;
New English Dictionary,^ xn. 293 xn. 346, 508; xm. 372
New Fair, the, a game in Piers the Plow- Newcastle Chronicle, The, xrv. 529, 533
man, n. 16 Newcastle commission, xrv. 420 ff.
New Forest, TV. 190 Newcastle Courant, The, xiv. 169
New Hebrides, the, iv. 101 Newcastle Express, The, xrv. 193
New Holland, xiv. 241 Newce, Thomas, iv. 440

CHEL 273 18
Newcome, Barnes (Thackeray's), v. 213; Newman, John Henry
xm.296, 297 Scope and Nature of University Educa-
Newcome, Sir Brian (Thackeray's), ynr. tion, The, xn. 269
295, 297 Sermons for Mixed Congregations, xn.
Newcome, Olive (Thackeray's), xm. 295, 268
296, 299, 300 Thoughts on the Ministerial Commission,
Newcome, colonel (Thackeray's), xm. 292, xn. 258
296, 297 Tract XC, xn. 260, 294
Newcome, Ethel (Thackeray's), xn. 130; Verses on various occasions, xm. 170
xm. 296, 297, 299 Newman, Thomas (fl. 1578-1593), IV. 142
Newcome, Henry (1627-1695), x. 385 Newman, William, xiv. 236
Newcome, Hobson (Thackeray's), xm. Newmarket, vi. 480; vm. 208; x. 492
295, 297 Newnes, Sir George, xiv. 534
Neweome family (Thackeray's), xm. 295 Newport, Isle of Wight, vn. 177, 206, 447,
Newcomen, Matthew (1610?-1669), vn. 449
416 Newport, Mon. and Glos., n. 74
Newcomen, Thomas (1663-1729), vm. Newport, Rhode island, ix. 281
478; XIV. 258 Newport, Sir Richard, vn. 27
Newcourt, Richard (d. 1716), Repertorium Newport Pagnell, n. 61; vn. 167, 169
Ecclesiasticum, IX. 354, 537 News, The, xiv. 197
Newdigate prize poem, xrr. 138; xm. 87; News from Hell, or the Relation of a Vision,
xrv. 149 vn. 381
Newdigate-Newdegate, lady, TTTTT. 552; News of the World, The, xiv. 192
Gossip from a Muniment Room, vn. 196 Newsletters, vn. 436 ff.
Newes come from Hell, m, 492 Newspaper society, the, xrv. 176
N ewes from Home, iv. 534 Newspapers: C our ant, or Weekly Newes
New-fanglers, Address in verse to, m. 98 from Foreign Parts, iv. 394; A Currant
Newfoundland, IV. 70; xiv. 289 of Newes, iv. 394; Swedish I-ntelligencer,
Newgale Calendar, The, xiv. 228, 229, 544, iv. 398
545 Newspapers, classified lists of, xiv. 529 ff.
Newgate chronicle, xm. 418 News-sheets, iv. 535
Newhaven, Scotland, xi. 233 Newstead abbey, xn. 379
Newhaveu, in Reade's Christie Johnstone, Newstead fort, Melrose, xn. 509
xm. 425 Newstead priory, xn. 31, 39
Newhouse, Captain, The whole Art of Newton, Alfred, x. 269; xiv. 298
Navigation, iv. 459 Newton, Sir Charles Thomas (1816-1894),
Newington Green academy, x. 385, 386 xn. 340, 498; Essays in Art and Ar*
Newlands, John Alexander Reina, xrv. chaeology, xn. 339
558 Newton, Sir Isaac (1642-1727), vn. 314,
NewUn, Thomas (1688-1743), vm. 461 396; vm. 332, 350, 352, 359 ff., 364,
Newman, Francis William (1805-1897), 478; ix. 115, 229, 283, 295, 298, 308,
xn. 461, 469; xm. 175, 507; xiv. 593 476, 519, 524, 528; x. 134, 319, 373,
Newman, John Henry (1801-1890), car- 379, 384, 446, 447; xi. 194, 473; xiv.
dinal, iv. 45; x.
358, 369; xi. 81; 261, 270, 555; Letters to Bentley, x. 466;
xn. 178, 253 ff., 264, 265, 266 ff. (main Optics, IX. 297; x. 342; xiv. 283; Prin-
entry), 272 ff., 276, 285, 287, 292, 299, cipia, vm. 361; ix. 331, 335; xiv. 257
430, 453 ff., 459 ff., 468, also see Add. ; Newton, John (1725-1807), x. 365, 521 ;

xm. 87, 148, 167, 507; xiv. 83, 118, xi. 80, 81, 83, 259, 401 ff.

141, 417, 431, 462, 478, 507, 594 Newton, Richard (1676-1753), IX. 569,
Apologia mo wta suat xn. 266 ff., xm. 571, 574
369 Newton, Thomas (1542?-1607), rv. 5,
xn. 277
Callista, 435, 436, 440, 446, 504; v. 90, 395;
Development of Christian Doctrine, An Dyce-play and prophane Qamingf vi.
Essay on the, xn. 269 395, 495
Dream of Gerontius, The, xn. 257, 268; Newton, Thomas (1704-1782), bishop of
xm. 170, 171 Bristol, vn. 109
Grammar of Assent, A, xn. 269; xrv. Newton, Wilts., vm. 83
26 Newton St Bridget (on TJsk), Wales, vn.
Idea of a University, The, xrv. 418, 425 37, 38
'Lead, kindly Light,' xn. 269 Newtonian school of mathematics, ix.
Lectures on the Prophetical Office of the 412,413
Church, xn. 269 New- Year' s-Gift, in The Masque of Christ-
Loss and Gain, xn. 277 mas, vi. 358
Pillar of Cloud, The ('Lead, the, in Morris's
kindly Niblung kings, Sigurd the
Light'), xm. 170, 171, 176 Volsung, xm. 126
'Praise to the Holiest,' xn. 269 Nicaea, council of, xn. 278, 321

Nicaragua, xiv. 242 Nicodemus, The Gospel of, i. 133; n. 325,
Niccolini, G., xn. 397 326, 383; iv. 422; v. 15, 390
Niccols, Richard (1584-1616), editor of Nicolai, v. 295
A Mirror for Magistrates (q.v.), m. 193, Nicolas, Sir Nicholas Harris (1799-1848),
197, 198; Induction, m. 197 n. 166; x. 491; XI. 437; xn. 303, 430;
Nice, viz. 99; x. 41, 42; xm. 74 xiv. 52
Nice Wanton, v. 110, 393, 412 Nicoll, John (1590-1667 or 1668), vn. 452;
Nichol, John (1833-1894), xi. 439, 440; ix. 552
xn. 397, 505; xin. 472, 507; Hannibal, NicoU, Robert (1814-1837), XL 444; xm.
xm. 194 507
Nichol, John Pringle (1804-1859), xiv. 555 NicoU, Sir William Robertson, XL 419;
Nicholas I, tsar of Russia, xiv. 294 xn. 407, 418, 423, 424; xm. 478, 481,
Nicholas V, pope, n. 113, 114, 369; xiv. 485, 537, 555 fi% 570; xiv. 528, 534
100 Nicolls, Mary Ellen, xm. 440
Nicholas, A. N"., vn. 449 Nicolls, Thomas (fl. 1550), iv. 3, 4, 440
Nicholas, Sir Edward (1593-1669), vn. Nicolson, William (1655-1727), Historical
188, 363, 435, 436, 440 Libraries, ix. 356, 537
Nicholas, St, rr. 127, 318; v. 8, 37, 38 Nicopompus, in Argenis, rv. 258, 259
Nicholas, Sir, in The Weakest goeth to the Nicuesa, iv. 68, 70
Wall, v. 316 Nidd river, Yorks., vn. 180; xm. 275
Nicholas, Thomas (fl. 1560-1596), iv. 444, Niebuhr, Barthold Georg, xn. 280, 287,
448, 460 305 ff., 310, 321, 474, 477, 478; xiv.
Nicholas, Thomas (1820-1879), xn. 512 61, 119; Griechische Heroengeschtchten,
Nicholas of Cusa, m. 416 xn. 310; History of Rome, xn. 288,
Nicholas of Guildford (fl. 1250), i. 238 301 ff.

Nicholas de Lyra (1340), n. 62; Postilla, Meld, Jonathan, TTTT. 568

v. 42 Nierembergius, Jphan Euseb., vn. 405
Nicholas of Tusculum, n. 343-344 Nietzsche, JMedrich Wilhelm, xm. 21
Nicholaus, Antidotanum of, n. 365 Nieuport, battle of (1600), vn. 454
Nicholl, John (fl. 1607), iv. 460 Nieuwentyt, Bernhard, The Religious
NichoUs, Norton (1742?-1809), x. 133, Philosopher, x. 346
134 Niflheim, I. 63
Nichols, John (1745-1826), ix. 140, 439, Nigel, in Scott's Fortunes of Nigel, xn. 19
441, 442, 453, 478, 487, 532; x. 184, Niger, in The Masque of BlacJcnesse, VL
358, 454, 476, 486, 515, also see Add.; 342, 343
xn. 428, 512 Niger, Ralph (fl. 1170), I. 450
Bibliotheca Topographica, xn. 345 Night, in The Faene Queene, m. 234
History and Antiquities of Leicester, Night, in The Vision of the Twelve God-
vm. 462; xn. 345 desses, VL 337
Illustrations of the Literary History of Nightingale, in Fielding's Tom Jones, x. 32
the E^ghteenth Century, xn. 345 Nightingale, Florence, xm. 103, 365, 378;
Literary Anecdotes, x. 180, 244, 248, xiv. 182
473, 480, 483; xi. 321, 327, 332, 335, Nightingale, ship, x. 203
337, 459, 467; xn. 345 Nigra, C., n. 417
Literary Illustrations, X. 250 Nikolaer, P., xiv. 490
Progresses of Elizabeth, v. 82, 256, 482 Nile, river, x. 160; xrv. 191
Progresses of King James I, v. 482; vi. Nuneguen, x. 222
271 Nimrod, x. 110
Nichols, John Bowyer (1779-1863), xn. Nimrod, in Alfred's Boethius, i. 101
345, 512; xiv. 541 Nimrod, pseud. See Apperley, Charles
Nichols, John Gough (1806-1873), xn. James
345, 512 Nine Nobles, n. 280
Nicholson, George (1847-1908), xiv. 562 Nineteenth Century, The, xm. 465; xiv.
Nicholson, John ('Maps,' 1730-1796), XL 172, 190, 534
338 Nineveh, xn. 339, 413, 497, 499; xrv. 192
Nicholson, Joseph Shield, XTTT. 545 Ninewells, Berwickshire, x. 323
Nicholson, Reynold Alleyne, xrv. 537 Ninian, St, n. 103, 104, 127, 128
Nicholson, William (1782?-1849), XL 444; Ninus (who built Nineveh'), n. 103
xn. 421; Brownie of Blednock, XL 243 'Nipclose, Sir Nicholas,' The Theatres,
*Nick Frog' (Holland), xiv. 212 XL 282
'Nickie Ben,' XL 212 Niphles, the, in Club Law, VL 307 ff.
Nickleby, Kate (Dickens's), xm. 317 Nipper, Susan, in Dombey and Son, xm.
Nickleby, Mrs (Dickens's), xm. 314, 317 325
Nickleby, Nicholas (Dickens's), xm. 317 Nisard, D., xn. 397
Nickleby, Ralph (Dickens's), xm. 317, 322 Nisbet, Alexander (1657-1725), ix. 355,
Nicklebys, the (Dickens's), xm. 318 537

Nisbet, John, vm, 355 Norfolk, dukes of. See Howard, Charles;
Nisbet, Murdocli, n. 285, 479; m. 45 Howard, Thomas; Mowbray, John
Nithhad, in Dear, i. 36 Norfolk Drollery, vn. 512
Nithsdale, si. 243 Norfolk gent his will and Testament..., The,
Ntthsdak Minstrel, XL 444 iv. 393
Nivernais, due de, x. 250 Norgate, Kate, I. 446; Xiv. 490
Nix, Eichard (1447?-1535), bishop of Norham castle, in Scott's Harmion xn.
Norwich, m, 42, 68 10
Nixon, Anthony (jL 1602), rv. 460; The Norland, lord, in Mrs Inchbald's Every
Black Year, VL 46 one has his Fault, xi. 279
Nixon, John, xiv. Add. 9 Norman, Robert (fl. 1590), iv. 460, 508
Nizolius, Marios, m. 424 Norman n. 376
Noah, n. 20, 79, 86, 427; vi. 84 Norman conquest, n. 396, 419; v. Iff.,
Noah, in religious plays, m. 91, 318; 6, 9, 11, 26, 39, 40, 251; vm. 310, 384;
v. 19, 44, 45, 47, 48, 124, 391 ix. 355; xn. 261, 322; xiv. 52, 70, 72,
Noah's Ark (play), v. 391 73, 101
Nob, vn. 67 Norman era, XL 367
Noble, John, xiv. 532, also see Add. 4, 5, 9 Norman fabliaux, rv. 353
Noblenesse of the Asse, The, iv. 517 Norman kings of England, xiv. 72
No-Body, and Some-Body: With the true Norman law, vm. 310, 311
Chronicle Historie of Mydure, VL 92, Norman literature, I. 149 ff., 446
182, 432 Norman-French language, xiv. 434
Nobs, Dr Dove's horse, XL 168 Normandy, v. 3, 4; vn. 451; ix. 532; xn.
Nodier, Charles, v. 301; xn. 397 508; Xiv. 72
Noel, Baptist Wriothesley (1798-1873), Normans, the, xn. 26, 316; xiv. 76
xn.472 Normans in England, I. 136, 149, 151,
Noel, Sir Edward, 1st baron Noel of 156; n. 421, 428; v. 3, 5, 26, 27
Ridlington (1582-1643), iv. 265 Norris, Edwin (1795-1872), xn. 352, 512
Noel, Eric, xm. 204 Norris, John (1657-1711), vn. 407; vm.
Noel, Henry (d. 1597), v. 72 347, 474; IX. 287; An Essay towards
Noel, Roden Berkeley Wriothesley (1834- the Theory of the, Ideal or Intelligible
1894), XIL 397; xm. 194, 478, 485, 507 World, vm. 348
Boy, The, xirr. 203 Norris, John Pilkington, xn. 457
Little Child's Monument, A, xin. 183, Norris, Mrs, in Jane Austen's Mansfield
204 Park, xn. 239, 243
Livingstone in Africa, xm. 204 Norse language and literature, x. 129, 132,
Thalatta, xm. 204 451, 484, 489; xiv. 51, 434, also see
Vision of the Desert, A, xm. 204 Icelandic
Water Nymph, The, xm. 204 North, Christopher, pseud. See Wilson,
Noggs, Newman, in Nicholas Nickleby, John
xm. 318 North, Sir Dudley (1641-1691), vm. 475;
Nokes, James (d. 1692?), vm. 177 ix. 238, 240, 494; Discourses upon
Nolan, E., xiv. 209 Trade, vm. 342
Nollekens, Joseph (1737-1823), x. 473; North, Dudley (1748-1829), XL 141, 146
xiv. 226 North, Francis, 4th earl of Guildford
Nonconformist, The, xrv. 28 (1761-1817), ix. 198, 235, 238 ff., 494
Nonconformist s Memorial, The, x. 519 North, Frederick, 2nd earl of Guildford
Nonjurors, the, iv. 422 (1732-1792), x. 306, 403, 404, 464;
Noorden, C. Van, xm. 534 XL 6, 10, 142; xn. 475; xiv. 214, 385,
Nora, in Thackeray's Barry Lyndon, ynr. 607
282 North, George (fl. 1580), nL 553; rv. 444,
Norbury, Derbyshire, IT. 369 447
Norbury park, x. 260 North, John (1645-1683), ix. 240, 494
Norcyn, David, n. 424 North, Montagu, ix. 234
Nordeling, rv. 246 North, Roger (1653-1734), vn. 364; ix.
Norden, John (JZ. 1600), rv. 495 235, 238 ff., 494
Norden, John (1548-1625), m. 313, 330, Autobiography, rx. 238, 241
331, 531; VL 463; Speculum Bntanniae, Discourse of Fish and Fish Ponds, ix.
nL 330; The Surveyors Dialogue, m. 241
331; iv. 512 Examen, rx. 233, 234, 238, 242
Nordlingen, battle of, vn. 231 Life of Dr John North, ix. 238 ff.; XL
Nore, the, XL 39 329
Norfolk, n. 134, 287, 304, 305; m. 95; Life of Francis North, Lord Guilford,
VL 290; vn. 21, 233, 241, 321; ix. 2, ix. 198, 235, 238 ff.
241, 277, 353, 532; XL 43, 47; xn. 153, Life of Sir Dudley North, ix. 238 fL
323, 346, 508, 520; xiv. 221, 290 Lives of the Norths, XL 331

North, Boger Norton, Caroline Elizabeth Sarah (born
Reflections upon...Le Clerc's life of Mr Sheridan, afterwards lady Stirling-
John Locke, ix. 234 Maxwell) (1808-1877), xm. 507; xrv.
North, Sir Thomas (1535?-1601?), m. 309; The Lady of La Garaye, xm. 177
320, 341, 345, 348, 424, 448, 551; rv. Norton, Charles Eliot, xm. 143, 467, 469,
439, 443, 445, 523; v. 100, 123, 196, 470, 472, 551, 553; xiv. 152; Letters,
197, 199, 338; VI. 377, 495; Dial of xm.371, 386, 400
Princes, The (trans, of M
Relox de Norton, Fletcher (1716-1789), x. 525
Principes), n. 340; m. 341, 345, 348; Norton, John (d. 1612), rv. 400, 409, 411,
iv. 9; Plutarch, rv. 1, 3 ff., 7, 9 ff., 15; 413
ES. 265 Norton, Robert (d. 1635), iv. 460
North and Gray, lord, ix. 239 Norton, Thomas (fl. 1477), Ordinall of
North American Indians, xi. 5, 16, 31 Alchemy, n. 21 Iff.
North American Review, The, ^TTT. 91 Norton, Thomas (1532-1584), m. 46,
North Berwick law, n. 275 552; rv. 442; v. 66 &., 75 ff.; vn. 306.
North British Review, The, XL 463; xn. See, also, Gorboduc
429, 456; xm. 363; xiv. 118, 357 Norval, in Home's Douglas, x. 87
North Briton, The, x. 251, 390 fi., 522; Norway, vi. 200; x. 222
xi. 33 Norwegian language, xrv. 458
North End, x. 12; XL 356, 365 Norwich, n. 57, 304, 305, 307; m. 167,
North Foreland, battle of, vm. 11 183, 367; iv. 361, 408, 409; v. 34, 46,
North Petherton park, Somerset, n, 158 48, 132, 391; YL 400; vn. 233, 239, 258,
North Sea, the, I. 32 280, 329, 330, 412, 450; x. 385; XL 179,
North Star, The, xiv. 193 428; xn. 87
North Walsham, Norfolk, xn. 323 Norwich, Horsham St Faith, rv. 127
North- West company, xiv. 358 Norwich, St Peter Mancroft church, vn.
Northallerton, n. 45 234
Northampton, n. 345; m. 380, 381, 548; Norwood, Richard (15907-1675), rv. 460
x. 382, 384 Nostradamus, prognostication of, iv. 384
Northampton, earls of. See Compton, Nostrodamus, in The Bugbears, v. 115
Charles; Howard, Henry Notable, Miss, in Swift's Complete Col-
Northampton, The copy of a letter toritten lection of. ..Conversation, ix. 106, 107
from, vn. 349 Notary, Julian (fl. 1496-1520), n. 326, 327
Northampton Mercury, The, xiv. 169 Noibroiune mayd upon the passyon of
Northamptonshire, vm. 5, 288; ix. 6, 532; Cryste, The newe, n. 328; m. 491
x. 271, 365, 377, 505; xn. 507, 508 Notch, in The Masque of Augur es, YL 331
Northbrooke, John (fl. 1568-1579), v. 479; Notes and Memorandums of the six days
vi. 272, 378, 395; A Treatise wherein preceding the Death of a late Eight
Dicing, Daunting... are reproved... , YL Reverend, rx. 132
386 ff., 461, 495 Notes and Queries, rx. 92, 377, 387; xn.
Northcote, James (174&-1831), ix. 162, 354, 370, 426, 428; xm. 464
169; x. 473, 483; XL 88, 472; xn. 172, Notker of St GaU, i. 81, 99
432 Notre Dame des Rochers,' x. 248
Northcote, James Spencer (1821-1907), Nott, John (1751-1865), m. 170
xn. 512 Nottingham, n. 309; rv. 409; v. 35; vn.
Northcote, Sir Stafford (1818-1887), xiv. 226, 357, 439; x. 387; XL 431; xm.
491 449
Northern Echo, The, xrv. 193, 195 Nottingham, earls of. See Finch, Daniel;
Northern Lass, The, ix. 363 Howard, Charles
Northleigh, John (1657-1705), vm. 395 Nottingham castle, rv. 181
Northumberland, iv. 190; X. 490; XL 469; Nottinghamshire, n. 299; rv. 365; ix. 540;
xn. 507, 511; xrv. 100 xn. 497
Northumberland Household Book, x. 490 Nottola, vi. 484
Northumberland, countess oi See Sey- Nouronihar, in Beckford's Vathek, XL 290,
mour, Elizabeth 291
Northumberland, dukes of. See Dudley, Nouveau Dictionnaire historique, Le, V. 292
John; Percy, Sir Hugh Nova Britannia, rv. 511
Northumberland, earls of. See Percy, Nova Scotia, rv. 92; vn. 224; vm. 187;
Henry xrv. 346, 347, 357
Northumbria, i. 5, 14, 50, 62, 84, 89, 161, Nova Scotian, The, xrv. 346
305 Nova Solyma, rv. 260; vn. 129, 315, 421,
Northumbria, dialect of, i. 132 466, 476; rx. 385, 570
Northumbrian coast, xn. 10 Novae Narrationes (1515, 1561), vra. 465
Northumbrian dialect, xiv. 434 Noval, theologian, x. 377
Norton, near Daventry, m. 381 Novalis (Friedrich Ludwig von Harden-
Norton, B., m. 528 berg), xm. 7, 9, 108, 192, 432, 468

Novella, vn. 345 Oates, The Melancholy Complaint of Dr
Novdle, Italian, v. 127 Titus, vm. 94
Novello, Vincent (1781-1861), xn. 201 Obadiah, in Sterne's Tristram Shandy,
Novels, historical, n. 506 x. 50
Novelty Fashion, Sir, in Gibber's Love's Obadiah, the prophet, vn. 382
Last Shift, vra. 160, 170, 176 Oberammergau, v. 18
Noverre, Jean George, Lettres sur les Arts, Oberon, n. 338
xi. 258 Oberon, in A Midsummer Night's Dreaw,
Now the fight's done, vm. 96 v. 183
Now ye Tories that glory, vm. 96 Oberon, in James IV, v. 137
Novell, in Every Man in His Humour t
vr. Oberon, in Nimphidia, IV. 193
248 Oblivion, act of, vn. 106
Nowell, Alexander (1507?-1602), m. 552; O'Brien, Charlotte Grace (1845-1909),
Catechism, vn. 332 xrv. 570
Noyes, Alfred, xn. 373; xm. 493 O'Brien, William (d. 1815), XL 458; xm.
Ntsikana'ft Hymn, 3JV. 377 245; The Duel, xi. 265
Nuce, Thomas (d. 1617), v. 395 Observantines of the Franciscan Order,
Nugatores, v. 2 the, n. 251
Nugent, Robert, earl Nugent (1702-1788), Observator, The (L'Estrange's), vm. 412 ;

vn. Add.; x. 214,456, 482 ix. 3, 4

Numismatic society, xn. 347 Observator, The (Tutchin's), ix. 5
Nun Appleton, Yorks., vn. 180, 182, 183 Observator Observed, The (1681), vm. 412
Nun in her Smock, xi. 328 Observer, The, xrv. 201, 228, 235
Nuneham, ix. 162 O'Callaghan, John Cornelius (1805-1883),
Nuremberg Chronicon, 17. 427 xiv. 570
Niimberg, iv. 260; v. 25, 284; vn. 176 Occasional Conformity act, x. 373, 374
Nursery rhymes, xi. 475, 481 Occleve or Hoccleve, Thomas (1368?-
Nurture, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, 1450?), n. 94, 142, 154, 159, 160, 164,
n. 229 205ff., 239, 253, 258, 266, 469; m. 168,

Nussey, Ellen, xm. 403 ff., 408 277, 280,292, 311;iv. 158
Nut Brouyn Maid, The, n. 249, 320, 328, Ars Sciendi Mori, n. 207
407, 413, 429, 501; m. 280, 283, 491, Complaint and Dialogue, n. 206, 207
496; rv. 383; ix. 154 Complaint of the Virgin, n. 208
Nuo*", father of Gwynn, I. 255 De Regimine Principum, n. 206
Nutt, Alfred Trubner (1856-1910), I. 253, Emperor Jereslaus's Wife, The, n. 207
271, 272; xn. 518 Jonathas, n. 207
Nuttall, R., iv. 437 Letter of Cupid, The, n. 162, 164, 208
Nye, Nathaniel (/. 1648), rv. 460 Male Regie, n. 206, 207, 505
Nye, Philip (15967-1672), vm. 63, 66 Mother of God, The, n. 208
Nye, Stephen (1648?-1719), x. 377 Sir John Oldcastle, u. 208
Nym, in Henry IV, v. 187 Occultism, vn. 508 ff.
Nymegen, peace of, vm. 382 Occurrences, An abstract of some speciall
Nyren, John (1764-1837), xiv. 545 forreign, vn. 345
Oceaniae, in The Masque of Blacknesse,
0., S. G. See Osborne, lord Sidney Go- vi. 342
dolphin Oceanus, in The Masque of Blacknesse,
0. P. rioters, xrv. 440 vi. 342, 343
for a bowl of fat Canary,' v. 125 Ochiltree, Edie, in Scott's Antiquary, xn
Lusty May with Flora quene, n. 283 25, 350
Willy was so blyfhe a Lad, ix. 364 Ochino, Bernardino (1487-1564), iv. 447;
'Oak and Brier' measure, m. 286 v. 104
Oakeley, Frederick (1802-1880), xn. 259, Ockham, William of (d. 1349?), I. 200,
453, 460, 461 212, 455; n. 42, 52, 350, 355; m. 9;
Oakham grammar school, vn. 317, 340 iv. 269, 272, 273; Defensor, n. 308;
Oakly, Charles, in Colman's Jealous Wife, Summa, n. 363
x. 89, 90 Oekley, Simon (1678-1720), Conquest of
Oakly, Mr, in Colman's Jealous Wife, x. Syria (History of the Saracens), x. 280,
89,90 281, 503
Oakly, Mrs, in Colman's Jealous Wife, x. Ocland, Christopher (d. 1590), Anglorum
89 Praeha, m. 428, 552
Oakum, in Smollett's Roderick Random, O'Clery, M., xiv. 570
x. 37 O'Clery family, xrv. 309
Oaten, Edward Farley, xiv. 574 O'Connell, Daniel (1775-1847), xm. 353;
Oates, in Essex, vm. 330 ff. xiv. 126 ff., 318, 325, 328, 329, 417, 510
Oates, Titus (1649-1705), vm. 38, 82, O'Connor, T. P., xm. 546, 547; xrv. 573
95, 188, 266, 286; ix. 3, 265, 267, 493 Octavia, in The Civil Wars, rv. 137

Octavian, I. 290, 470 Ogilvy, David, lord Ogilvy (1725-1803),
Octavianus, m. 224 ix. 563
Octavio, marquis of Siena, in The Fancies, Ogir the Dane, n. 82
vi. 193 Ogle, Sir John (1569-1640), vn. 453
O'Curry, Eugene (1796-1862), xn. 518; Ogleby, lord, in Colman's Clandestine
xry. 570;
Manners and Customs of the Marriage, x. 90
Irish, xn. 360; Manuscript Materials Oglethorpe, Fanny, ix. 219
for Anc^ent Irish History, xn. 360 O'Grady, Standish Hayes (1846-1915),
0' Cutter, captain, in Colman's Jealous vn. 211; xn. Add. 5; xiv. 211, 305,
Wife, x. 90 also see Add. 3
Odcombe, rv. 89, 90 O'Hagan, John (1822-1890), xiv. 570
Odell, Jonathan, xm. 240, 512 O'Halloran, Sylvester (1728-1807), In-
0' Dennis, n. 301 troduction to the... history and antiquities
Odgers, Walter Blake, xiv. 536 of Ireland, x. 500, 503
'Odikle,' x. 130 O'Hanlon, John (1821-1905), xiv. 570
Odm, I. 8; x. 222; xm. 13, 126 O'Hara, Kane (1714?-1782), x. 440; xiv.
Odo, St, i. 153 570
Odo of Cheriton (d. 1247), I. 366, 478 Ohone, ohone, Fortune, my foe, vm. 96
Odofredus, n. 363 Ohthere (fl. 880), L 94
O'Doherty, in Noctes Ambrosianae, xn. Ohthere, in Beowulf, etc., i. 24, 25
160 O'Hussey, xiv. 3186
O'Doherty, Sir Morgan, Maginn's, xiv. 313 Oiseuse, dame, xm. 210
O'Donnell, John Francis (1837-1874), Ojeda, iv. 68
xiv. 570; Agents and Evictions, xiv. 326; O'Keeffe, Adelaide (1776-1855?), XL 383,
Spinning Song, A, xiv. 326 483, 488
O'Donoghue, David James (1866-1917), O'Keeffe, John (1747-1833), XL 224, 257,
xiv. 314, 567, 570 454, 458
O'Donovan, Edmund (1844^1883?), xrv. Okehampton, x. 114
570 Okely, Francis (1719?-1794), ix. 328, 513,
O'Donovan, John (1809-1861), xn. 518; 518, 519
xiv. 570; Grammar of the Iris h Language, Okes, John, vn. 347
xn. 360 Olaf, i. 287
Odoric of Pordenone (1330), n. 80, 81, 86, Olcon, in Drayton's Eglogs, rv. 173, 176
87 Olcott, Charles S., xm. 553
O'Dowds (Thackeray's), xm. 286 Old English, x. 184, 223
O'Dymsy, in Barbour's Bruce, n. 106 Old English Ballads, x. 233
I. 293; m. 293 Old English charters, xn. 356
Odyssey, the,
Oecolampadius, Joannes, m. 413 Old Enghsh Chronicle, rs. 355; xn. 349
Oedipus, v. 76; ix. 60 Old English gospels, x. 223
Oelsner, Hermann, XTTT. 497 Old English grammar, ix. 402
Oenone, in The Araygnement of Paris, v. Old English history, xrv. 75
131 Old English language, xn. 326, 355
Oenophilus, in Misogonus, v. 110 Old English literature, TV. 424; xiv. 52,
O'er the Moor amang the Heather, ix. 374 69, 440, 444, 449, 450, 453, 454
O'er the Water to Charlie, ix. 376 Old English poetry, x. 224; xm. 131, 241,
Of a'the Airts, xi. 234 242
Offa, in The Battle of Maldon, I. 145; Old English studies, ix. 355
legend of, I. 218 Old lady, Scott's, n. 409, 414
Offa, in Beowulf and Widsith, I. 26, 34 Old Man's Lament, The, ix. 377
Offa, laws of, I. 98 Old Smuggler, in Farquhar's Constant
Offa of Mercia (d. 796), vm. 310; xiv. 68 Couple, vm. 175
Offarum, Vitae Duorum, I. 34 Old Testament revision company, xn. 341
Offering, in The Masque of Christmas, VL Old Tom of Bedlam, x. 233
358 Old Wives' Tale, I. 294
OfficiaPastorum, v. 391 Oldbuck, Jonathan, in Scott's Antiquary,
Officina Arbuteana, x. 245 x. 231 ;xn. 25, 350
O'Flaherty, in Cumberland's West Indian, 'Oldcastle, Humphry' (viscount Boling-
xi. 257, 266 broke), ix. 221, 222
Og, in The Second Part of Absalom and Oldcastle, Sir John (lord Cobham) (d.
Achitophel, vm. 41, 42 1417), n. 47, 68, 208, 287; v. 187
Ogden, Rollo, xiv. 534 Oldcastle, Sir John, rv. 394; v. 236, 319,
Ogham Inscriptions, xn. 516 331 ff.

Ogilby, John (1600-1676), vi. 197; vn. Oldcraft, Credulous, in Wit At Severall
487; ix. 68, 75 Weapons, v. 364
Ogilvie, James (fl. 1735), ix. 550 Olde, John (fl. 1545-1555), iv. 443
Ogilvy, captain, ix. 376 Olde Tenures (1525), vm. 465

Oldenburg, Henry (16157-1677), vm. OKphant, Laurence (1829-1888), xiv. 164,
247, 478 199, 522, 553
Oldfield, Anne (1685-1730), vm. 176; Altiora Peto, xiv. 165
x. 21 Autobiography of a Joint-Stock Company,
Oldfield, Joshua (1656-1729), x. 385 xiv. 165
Oldfield, Laurel Cecil Francis, xiv. 536 Episodes in a Life of Adventure, xiv. 165
OldJiam, John (1653-1683), vm. 823. Piccadilly, xiv. 165
(main entry), 99, 100, 373, 395, 409, Russian Shores of the Black Sea, The,
412, oho see Add.; is. 473; x. 169 xrv. 165
Careless Good Idlow, The, vm. 88 Sympneumata, xiv. 165
Character of an Ugly Old Priest, The, Oliphant, Margaret Oliphant (1828-1897),
vm. 87 xi. 456; xn. 380, 425; xm. 557, 558,
Dithyrambic, a Drunkard's Speech in a 565; xiv. 496, 521, 522
Masque, vm. 84 Autobiography, xm. 431
Dream, The, vm. 84 Beleaguered Gity, A, xm. 431
Garnet's Ghost, vm. 85 Chronicles of Carkngford, xm. 430
Lamentation for Adonis, The, vm. 86 Cuckoo in the Nest, The. TCITT. 431
Loyola's Will, vm. 85 Kirsteen, xm. 431
Passion of Byblis, The, vm. 88 Literary History of England, xi. 307
Poems and Translations, vm. 86, 89 Little Pilgrim in the Unseen, A, "XTTT. 4.33.

Prologue, vm. 85 Margaret Maitland, XTTT. 431

St Ignatius his Image, vm. 85 Miss Marjoribanks, xm. 430
Satyr addressed to a Friend that is about Salem Chapel, xm. 430, 431
to leave the University, A, vnr. 88 Whiteladies, xm. 431
Satyr against Vertue, vm. 84 Oliver, in The London ProdigaU, v. 255
Satyr concerning Poetry, A, vm. 88 Oliver, D. E., xm. 515
Satyr upon a Woman, A, vm. 85 Oliver, Fielding's tutor, x. 20
Satyrs upon the Jesuits, vm. 85 Oliver, John Robert, xn. 512
Sunday-Thought in Sickness, A, vm, 88 Oliver, Pasfield, ix. 23
Thirteenth Satyr of Juvenal, The, vm. 88 Oliver, uncle, in The School for Scandal,
To the Memory of Mr Charles Morwent, y.
vm. 84 Olives, mount of, v. 45
Upon a Printer, vm. 82 Olivia, in Mrs Cowley's Bold Stroke for a
Upon the Works of Ben Jonson, vm. 84 Husband, XL 275
Oldisworth, William (1680-1734), rs. 183, Olivia, in Twelfth Night, v. 194; vi. 305
425 Olivier, Life and adventures of
Oldmixon, John (1673-1742), vn. 444; Signior RozelU, ix. 18
vm. 438; ix. 235, 237-238 (main Olivier or Oliver, in Sir Ferumbras (Iftera-
entry), 437, 476, 494;
x. 279 bras), I. 284, 302
British Empire in America, ix. 237 Ollard, S. L., xn. 463; xiv. 592
Clarendon and Whitelocke compared, Ollendorf series, xi. 373
vn. 229 Oilier, Charles (1788-1859), Literary Mis-
Critical History of England, ix. 204, cellany, xn. 74
237, 238 Oilier, Edmund (1827-1886), xn. 436, 442
Essay on Criticism, ix. 237 Oilier brothers, publishers, xn. 194
History, vm. 168 Ollyffe, John (1647-1717), x. 374
History of... the Royal House of Stuart, Olney, XL 80, 81, 404
ix. 238 Olney Hymns, XL 80, 402
Memoirs of the Press, ix. 238 Olofactus, in Lingua, vi. 315
Secret History of Europe, ix. 237 Olot, in Spain, xrv. 293
Oldrent, in A
Joviatt Crew, vi. 230 Olwen, daughter of Yspattaden Pen Kawr,
Oldwater (Oudewater), in Holland, vm. L254
291 Olwen. See Kulhwch and 0.
Oldys, William (1696-1761), vx. 51, 248; Olympus, vi. 329; x, 237; xn. 90
vm. 137; ix. 534, 537, 538; British Olyver of Castytte and the fayre Helayne,
Librarian, ix. 357; Dissertation on The History of, n. 324, 325
Pamphlets, x. 166 Omar Khayyam, x. 144; xm. 145, 146
Olearius, Adam, IV. 455 Omnia-probate, in Piers the Plowman, n.
O'Leary, Arthur (1729-1802), xiv. 570 21
O'Leary, Ellen (1831-1889), xrv. 321, 571 Omnium, duke of, Trollope's, TTTT. 422
O'Leary, John (1830-1907), xrv. 321, 571 Omnium, Jacob/ pseud. See Higgins,
Oley, Barnabas (1602-1686), vn. 27, 29, Matthew J.
156, 403; Life of George Herbert, vn. 154 Omond, Thomas Stewart, xn. 524: xm.
Olif and Landres, I. 283 249, 488, 512
Olinda, in Sicelides, vi. 323 Once a Week, xn. 398; xm. 428, 440
Oliphant, Dr Charles, ix. 560 O'Neil, Henry (1817-1881), xn. 512
O'Neill, Eliza, lady Becher (1791-1872), O'Reilly, John Boyle (1844-1890), xiv.
vm. 184; xn. 171; xm. 259; xiv. 319 571, 573; Amber Whale, The, xiv. 322;
O'Neill, Hugh, of Tyrone (1540?-
earl Songs from the Southern Seas, xiv. 322
1616), m. 244; xrv. 325 Oresme, N., rv. 512
Onela, in Beowulf, i. 24, 26 Orestes, x. 108, 249
Ongar, xn. 505 Orestes, in Kingsley's Hypatia, XTTT. 363
Ongentheow, in Beowulf and Widsith, Orestes and Pylades, i. 314
i. 24 ft, 34
Orfeo, King, n. 414
Onions, Charles Talbut, xrv. 611 Orfeo, Sir, I. 281, 288, 294, 295, 299, 300,
Onslow, Arthur (1691-1768), ix. 209; 310, 311, 471
x. 94, 244 Orford, countess of. See Walpole, Mar-
Onslow, George, 1st earl of Onslow (1731- garet
1814), x. 401 Orford, earls of. See Walpole, George;
Ontario, xiv. 350 Walpole, Horatio; Walpole, Sir Robert
Onwhyn, Thomas (d. 1886), xn. 448 Orgalus, in Misogonus, v. 110
Oothoon, in Blake's Visions of the Orgilio, in Johnson's London, x. 169
Daughters of Albion, XL 190 Orgilus, in The Broken Heart, VL 191
Opalinsky, L., Polonia Defensa contra Orgoglio, in The Faerie Queene, n. 234
Joan: JBarclaium, etc., rv. 254 Oriana, in Amadis of Gaul, vn. 75
Opdycke, J. B., xrv. 532 Oriana, in Farquhar's The Inconstant,
Ophelia, in Hamlet, v. 180, 200 &.; vn. 8; vm. 169
vm. 164 Oriana, in The Knight of Malta, VL 130
Opie, Amelia (1769-1853), XL 344, 462; Oriana, in The Satyr, vi. 340
xn. 447 Oriana, in The Wild-Goose Chase, VL 123
Opie, John (1761-1807), XL 37, 360 Oriental scholars, xn. 341 ft, 499 ff.
Opinion, in Time's Complaint, VI. 320 Oriental scholarship, 1600-1660, vn. 490
Oporinus, IV. 380 Orientius, xn. 337
Oppian, vn. 240 Origen, ra. 10; vn. 238, 505; vm. 277;
Oppression, in Respublica, v. 60 Hexapla, xn. 341, 501
Oracle, The, XIY. 179 Original Weekly Journal, The, ix. 433
Oracle of Avignon, The, ix. 564 Origo Mundi, v. 15
Orange, Frederick Henry, prince of, vn. Orinda, the Matchless. See Philips,
437 Katherine
Orange, house of, vm. 10 Orinoco, river, xrv. 249
Orange, Mary, princess of, ix. 199 Orissa, xiv. 333
Orange, Maurice of Nassau, prince of, Orkborne, Dr, in Barney's Camitta, x. 65
vn. 454 Orkney, n. 115; DC. 552, 560
Orange, river, xrv. 372 Orkney islands, xiv. 434
Orange Free State, xiv. 375 Orlando, m. 305
Oranges and lemons, game of, V. 30 Orlando (Ariosto's), m, 230
Orbilius, Pupillus, vm. 159 Orleans, XL 97
Orb6n, J. G., xm. 466 Orm or Ormin (fi. 1200?), L 224, 225, 375,
Ore, Blake's, XL 190, 194 376; n. 189; V. 6; Ormulum, i. 222 E.,
Orchard, The, iv. 542 340, 375, 386 ft, 394, 398, 399, 458,
Ord, John Walker (1811-1853), xm. 507 460; m. 440; rv. 37
Ord, Mrs, XL 346, 365 Orme, Robert (1728-1801), x. 503; xrv.
Ordella, in Fletcher's Thierry and Theo- 97, 496, 579; Historical Fragments of
doret, vi. 122, 129; xn. 190 the Mogul Empire, xrv. 334; History of
Order, in Hymenaei, VI. 346 the Military Transactions... in Indostan,
Order of the Hospitalls of K. Henry the x. 293; xiv. 333
VHIth and K. Edward the Vlth, The, Orme, William (1787-1830), xn. 523
1557, vm. 451 Ormerod, George (1785-1873), xn. 512
Ordericus Vitalis (1075-1143?), L 162, Ormerod, Oliver (1580?-1626), rv. 521
163, 170, 451 Ormond, duke of, in The Toiler, ix. 34
Orders, the enclosed, xrv. 305 Ormonde, duke of. See Butler, James
Orders and Fraternities, m. 484 Ormonde, earl of, in Secreta Secretorum,
Orders appointed...for setting roges and idle n. 301
persons to worke, VL 495 Ormont, lord (George Meredith' s),xm. 445
Orders of Cattettes, or Drabbys, The XX, Ornsby, Robert (1820-1889), xn. 454,
m. 87, 484 460; xiv. 505
Orders of Fooles, The XX
, m. 87, 484 O'Rorke, J., TTTT. 515
Orders of Fooles, Twenty-five, m. 484 Orosius, Paulus, L 66, 76, 81, 93 ff., 239,
Orders of Knaves, The XXV, ra. 87, 484; 436, 438, 440
IV. 521 O'Rourke, Edmund (Edmund Falconer,
Ordlaf, in Finnsburh, L 31 1814r-1879), xiv. 571
Ordovician rocks, xiv. 292 Orpheus, X. 114

Orpheus and Eurydice, I. 294, 311; n. 417 siander, Andreas, m. 32
Orpheus and Eurydice, in Alfred's Oslaf (Ordlaf ?), in Beowulf, I. 31
Boethius, 100
i. Osier,W., iv. 245
Orphic hymns, Carmina, m. 409, 416 Osney, abbey of, and annals of, I. 178,
Orr, Alexandra, xm. 485 182, 257
Orrery, earls of. See Boyle,
" Charles; Boyle, Ospak, in Morris's The Lovers of Gudrun,
John; Boyle, Roger xm. 125
Orsabrin, in The Goblins, vi, 239 Osric, in Hamlet, VI. 170
Orseolo, in The Humorous Courtier, vi. 205 Ossian, ix. 560; x. 55, 130, 137, 182, 222,
Orsin, in Hudibras, vm. 76 227 ff., 232, 234, 471, 472, 487 ff. ;

Orsini, the, VL 175 an. 179, 181, 184, 187, 188, 206, 245;
Orsini, Virginio, VL 175 xn. 12, 40; xm. 52, 151, 225 ff.
Orsino, in Twelfth Night, vi. 305; vn. 84 also, under Macpherson
Ortelius,Abraham, iv. 73, 74 Ossianic poems, the, i. 275
Orton, Job (1717-1783), x. 521 Ossianic society, xn. 361 ; xrv, 305
Osaka, iv. 100 Ossory, xi. 344; xiv. 246
Osbaldistone, Francis, in Scott's Hob Roy, Ossory, earl of. See Butler, Thomas
xn. 17, 18, 26 Ossory, lady. See Upper Ossory, countess
Osbern (fl. 1090), monk of Canterbury, of
L153 Osteler, Thomasin, vi. 276
Osbern of Gloucester (fl. 1148), n. 498 Ostend, 170; vn. 454
fall of, vt.
Osbert de Clare (fl. 1136), I. 449 Ostler, William (fl. 1601-1623), VI. 181,
Osborne, Charles E., xiv. 502 276
Osborne, Dorothy (lady Temple) (1627- O'Sullivan, Denis, xiv. 573
1695), vi. 452; vm. 371, 372, 380, 483; O'Sullivan-Beare, Philip (1590?-1660),
Letters, vm. 15, 279 xiv. Add. 3
Osborne, Francis (1593-1659), vn. 446, Oswald, in Wordsworth's Borderers, xi. 99
459 ; vm. 379, 481 XT. 481 A Miscellany
; ; Oswald, James (1715-1769), An Appeal
of Sundry Essay es Paradoxes and Prob- to Common
Sense, x. 348, 513, 514
lematical Discourses, Letters and Cha- Oswald, musician, x. 128
racters, vm. 377; Advice to a Son, vn. Oswald, St, king of Northumbria (605?-
193; vm. 377; is. 397, 569 642), I. 82, 106, 120, 121, 148
Osborne, George, in Thackeray's Vanity Oswald, St, archbishop of York (d. 992),
Fair, x. 34; xm. 287, 289 i. 113

Osborne, lady, xn. 285 Oswald, Scots Airs, ix. 361

Osborne, lord, in Jane Austen's The Wat- Oswestry academy, x. 386
sons, xn. 234 Oswin, Sir, in Mrs Inchbald's To Marry or
Osborne, Mr, in Thackeray's Vanity Fair, not to Marry, xi. 279
xm. 287, 288 Oswy, Oswin, king of Northumbria (612?-
Osborne, lord Sidney Godolphin (S. G. 0.) 670), i. 12, 380
(1808-1889), xrv. 181, 182 Otfried, Old High German poet, 1. 118, 288
Osborne, Thomas (d. 1767), ix. 357; x Othello (Shakespeare's), iv. 78; vm. 164,
166; xi. 332, 337 170; x. 73; xn. 171; xiv. 443
Osbornes, the (Thackeray's), XTTT. 286 Othere, iv. 74
Osbourne, Lloyd, xiv. 526 Otho, in Gray's Agrippina, x. 119
Oscar, x. 231 Otho, in The Tragedy of Hoffman, V. 327
Oseas, in A Looking Glasse for London, Otho IV, i. 192
v. 354 Otho, Constitutions of, n. 364
O'Shaughnessy, Arthur William Edgar Otho de Granson, n. 187
(1844^-1881), xm. 140, 147, 496 (main 0' Trigger, Sir Lucius, in Sheridan's Rivals,
entry) x. 90
Bisclavaret, yrrr. 141 (5ttarr, I. 26
Chaitivel, xm. 141 Ottawa, xiv. 351, 357
Disease of the Soul, The, xm. 141 Otter, William (1768-1840), XL 399; xiv.
Epic of Women, An, xm. 141 247
Fair Maid and the Sun, The, ^nnrr. 141 Otterbourne, Thomas (fl. 1400), n, 498;
Fountain of Tears, The, xm. 141 ix. 535
Lays of France, xm. 141 Otterburn, n. 398, 408, 415
Love's Eternity, xm. 141
Ottery academy, x. 384
Music and Moonlight, YTTT 141 T
Ottery St Mary, m. 57; xn. 191; xm. 276
are the music-makers,' xm. 141 Otto the Great, v. 6
O'Shaughnessy, Eleanor W., xm. 496 Ottobon, Constitutions of, n. 364
O'Shaunessy, in Egan's Life in London, Ottryngham, John, n. 366
xrv. 223 Otuel, Sir, i. 302, 470
O'Shea, John Augustus (1839-1905), xrv. Otway, Caesar (1780-1842), xrv. 312, 315,
571 317, 571

Otway, Thomas (1652-1685), v. 292; Ovid
TOE. 17, 21, 181 ff. (main entry), 189, m. 20, 86, 113, 181, 183, 187, 259, 347;
191, 197, 409, 412, 438, 445; X. 67, iv. 16, 17, 19 ff., 24, 250, 349, 438, 469;
73, 86, 87; xn. 49 V. 220, 221; vi. 18, 82, 87, 198, 300;
Alcibiades, vm.
181, 182, 184 vn. 51, 270, 370, 503; vra. 44, 51, 88,
Atheist, The, or The Second Part of the 372, 433, 444; ix. 46, 256, 258, 500, 502;
Souldier's Fortune, vm. 184 X. 197, 218, 415; XL 2, 425; xn. 337,
Beginning of a Pastoral on the Death of 489, 490, 492; xiv. 171
Ms late Majesty, The, vm. 44 Ad Macrum, v. 143
Cheats of Scapin, The, vm. 182 Ars Amandi, TV. 320; VL 213
Don Carlos, vm. 182 Metamorphoses, n. 486; rv. 19, 20, 318,
Friendship %n Fashion, vm. 182 414; vi. 207, 299, 313, 316; vn. 50;
History and Fall of Caius Marius, The, ix. 68, 160, 434, 435, 446, 478, 485, 559
vm. 182 Salmacis and Hermaphroditus, rv. 20
Orphan, The, yi. 219; vm. 184; x. 74 Tristia, m. 183; iv. 20
Poetfs Complaint to his Muse, The, vm. Ovid, in The Police of Honour, n. 260
94, 185 Ovid, in The Poetaster, vi. 44
Souldier's Fortune, The, vm. 183 Ovidius Exulans, ix. 259
Titus and Berenice, vm. 181, 182 Oviedo, John Gonsales de, rv. 70, 101;
Venice Preserved, or a Plot Discovered, Sumario de la natural y general Hystoria
vm. 94, 183 ff. de, las Indias
(History of the West Indies),
Windsor Castle, vm. 44, 185 m. 453; iv. 69
Otway society, the, vm. 184 Owayn, Sir, visit to Purgatory of, I. 339
Qua, i. 87 Owein, in Geraint, i. 274
Oudenarde, ix. 205 Owen, Hugh (d. 1618), rv. 262
Oughtred, William (1575-1660), iv. 460 Owen, James (1654-1706), ix. 571; x. 386
Ouida (Louise de la Ramee) (1839-1908), Owen, John (1580-1651), vn. 315, 324
xm. 562 Owen, John (1616-1683), iv. 242, 243,
Bimbi, xm. 437 261 ff., 502 ff.; vm. Ill, 344, 345, 475;
Dog of Flanders, A, xm. 437 X. 377; Epiyrammata, TV. 262
In Maremma, xm. 436 Owen, Sir Richard (1804-1892), xiv. 295,
Two Little Wooden Shoes, xm. 436 299, 561 ff.

Under Two Flags, xm. 436 Owen, Robert (1771-1858), xrv. 403 ff.,

Oulton, Wailey Chamberlain (1770?- 478, 514, 602, 608

1820?), x. 443; xi. 449 Owen, Robert Dale (1801-1877), xiv. 478,
Oulton, Yorkshire, ix. 330 505, 592, 602, 608
Oundle grammar school, vn. 331 vm. 2 ; Owen, Sir Roger (1573-1617), rv. 265
Ouse, river, Yorkshire, vn. 180 Owen, Thomas, of Plas du, rv. 262
Ouseley, Sir Gore (1770-1844), xn. 342, Owen's Weekly Chronicle, xiv. 201
502 Owenson, Sydney. See Morgan, lady
Ouseley, Sir William (1767-1842), xn. Owl and the Nightingale, The, i. 219, 222,

342, 502 223, 238 ff., 291, 361, 458, 460; n. 217;
Ousely valley, the, xm. 428 vn. 112
Outlaw's Song of Traillebaston, n. 503 Owles AlmanacJce, The, TV. 534
Outram, George (1805-1856), xn. 421 Owun, one of the scribes of the RushwortJi
Outram, Sir James (1803-1863), XEV. 496 Gospels, i. 132
Overbury, Sir Thomas (1581-1613), m. Oxenedes. See John de
84, 95, 114, 487; IV. 103, 143, 338 ff., Oxenford, clerk of, in The Canterbury
345, 360, 521, 525; v. 479; vn. 384, Tales, vn. 156
389, 437, 451, 453, 454; vm. 63, 357; Oxenford, John (1812-1877), xm. 263,
xiv. 83; A
Perfect Wife, TV. 265, 338, 521; xiv. 236
414; Characters, iv. 102, 327, 338, 340; Oxenham, John, in Westward Ho! xm.
vi. 401, 495 364
Overdo, in Bartholomew Fayre, vi. 23 Oxenstierna, count, x. 223
Overreach, Sir Giles, in Massinger's New A Oxenstjerna, chancellor of Sweden, vn.
Way to Pay Old Debts, v. 352; vi. 160; 230 231
xn. 171 Oxford, I. 89, 152, 180, 183 ff., 202, 222,
Overton, John (1763-1838), xn. 472 233, 337, 382; n. 49, 50, 52, 55, 57,
Overton, John Henry (1835-1903), xiv. 58, 60, 65 ff., 69, 74, 102, 130, 185, 198,
496; English Church in the Eighteenth 204, 208, 224, 288, 294, 303, 305, 307,
Century, The (-with C. J. Abbey), xiv. 308, 317, 331, 340 ff., 487, 488; m. 5 ff.,
101; William Law, Non-juror and 9 ff., 13, 15, 19, 20, 28, 29, 33, 34, 39,
Mystic, ix. 309, 313, 324 ff.; xiv. 101 46, 48, 50, 51, 53, 67, 82, 94, 113, 167 7
Ovey, John, vm. 105, 106 179, 185, 200, 321, 333, 344, 358,
Ovid, I. 76, 197, 221; n. 144, 150, 151, 418 ff., 427, 430, 436; IV. 9, 19, 51, 89,
176, 188, 259, 262, 316, 358, 360, 366; 120, 131, 136, 142, 190, 198, 200, 224,

Oxford Oxford
225, 228, 242 ff., 274, 297, 381, 398, 339, 341, 354, 517; xni. 93; xiv. 283.
406 ft, 416, 427 fit., 432 ft, 548; v. 103, See, also, Cardinal college
109, 115, 118, 121, 132, 255, 256, Christ Church library, in. 48
363 ft, 368; vi. 5, 29, 150, 198, 218, Christ Church meadows, xn. 158
285, 288, 293, 298, 312, 366, 387, 389, Clarendon laboratory, xiv. 270
397 ft, 404; vn. 35, 52, 87, 89, 97, 98, Clarendon press, XL 341; xn. 328, 337
101, 103, 104, 148, 151, 152, 157, 179, Corpus Christi college, m. 19, 406, 415;
190, 196, 200, 206, 207. 229, 246, 280, iv. 235, 408, 422, 428; v. 103; vi. 303,
288, 302, 303, 305, 308, 312, 316ft, 398, 399; vn. 16, 201, 310; vm. 125,
319, 321, 336, 340, 345, 348, 357, 365, 277; X. 139
412, 450, 454, 477, 517; vm. 4, 105, Divinity school, m. 320
108, 116, 118, 136, 189, 286, 304, 305, 'Drone Hall,' ix. 414
330 ff., 363 ft, 370, 400; ix. 88, 92, 130, Durham (Trinity) college, I. 215; n,
170, 177, 182, 184, 188, 282, 290, 313, 349, 362
324, 329, 330, 331, 334, 341, 342, Exeter coUege, n. 73, 355; iv. 157, 278;
344 ft, 349, 355, 382, 383, 386, 387, VI. 188; vn. 86, 307, 309; TOL 291;
394, 395, 406, 410ft, 533, 536, 538, xn. 260, 333, 334; xm. 118
540, 541, 573, 574; X. 112, 114, 136, Folly bridge (Grand Pont), L 209
159, 187, 198, 205, 238, 241, 268, 270, Ford lectures, xrv. 81
294, 301, 309, 335, 356, 357, 362 ft, Gloucester hall, n. 349, 354; vn. 24
378, 492; XL 35, 40, 61, 62, 109, 118, Hertford college, ix. 411, 571
119, 158, 335, 357; xn. 59, 115, 138, Indian institute, xn. 343
143, 157, 158, 187, 192, 256, 259 ft, Isis, VI. 93, 326, 327
271, 273, 274, 277, 278, 285, 286, 288, Jesus college, vn. 37, 198; vm. 331,
293ft, 299, 304, 317, 318, 320, 327, also seeAdd.
328, 333, 339 ft, 365; xm. 23, 88, 89, Jewry, I. 202
92, 93, 95, 96, 100, 102 ff., 120, 165 ft, Law school, xiv. 416
186, 196, 202, 203, 205, 209, 210, 228, Lincoln college, n. 358; vn. 245, 317;
240, 280, 297, 317, 346, 350, 427, 435; x. 364, 365, 378; xn. 333; xiv. 109
xiv. 7, 24, 43, 45, 56, 69 ff., 73, 74, 76, Magdalen college, n. 355, 358; m. 327,
81, 86, 88, 90, 98, 99, 129, 149, 152, 333, 420, 422, 425, 430; IV. 154, 429;
154 ff., 191, 193, 205 ft, 215, 225, 263, vi. 294; vm. 277, 461; ix. 43, 381, 411,
264, 295, 321, 383 ff., 409, 410, 414, 412, 414; x. 300, 472; xn. 158, 260,
416 417 430 ff 278, 327, 460
All Souls college, n. 358; m. 328, 423, Magdalen college school, m. 428, 432
424; iv. 428; TO. 160, 162, 358; vm. Magdalen hall (now Hertford college),
241, 348; ix. 294; X. 139, 275 IV. 132; VI. 282; xn. 343
Ashmolean museum, IX. 352; xrv. 285 Marian foundations at, m. 420
Ashmolean society, xiv. 566 Merton college, I. 213, 332; n. 163, 346,
Ashmole's elaboratory,* ix. 413 353 ff., 363; m. 426; iv. 427; vi. 294,
BaUiol college, n. 44, 49, 50, 355; iv. 295, 300, 318; vn. 328, 329, 335; vm.
103, 427; TOL
244; ix. 539; x. 335; 63; ix. 381, 411, 573; x. 241; xn. 234
XL 155; xn. 259, 260, 298, 333, 334; Modern history school at, xrv. 416
xm. 87, 103, 129, 480, 483; xiv. 45 Morisonian herbarium, xrv. 562
Bodleian library, ra. 201; rv. 56, 244, Natural Science school at, xrv. 416
248, 265, 430, 432, 433, 548; TO. 43, New college, n. 354, 356, 357; m. 5,
64, 309; DC. 330, 342, 345, 349, 353, 187, 421; iv. 161, 163, 407, 408, 427;
357, 443, 530; x. 167, 191, 193, 281; VL 294; vn. 233, 326, 329; x. 109, 139,
xn. 334, 369, 503, 523; xiv. 96, 247 270
Botanic garden, xrv. 286 Oriel college, n. 288, 355; m. 56, 325
Brasenose college, iv. 428; VL 38, 83, 422; iv. 427; xn. 107, 255 ff., 271, 274,
295; vn. 42 284 ff., 290, 292, 295, 334, 337, 458,
Broadgates hall (Pembroke college), 459, 464; xm. 87, 103; xrv. 196, 418
m. 327, 424; VL 111; vn. 143, 233 Peckwater quadrangle, XL 322
Canterbury kail, n. 354, 355 Pembroke college, ix. 412; x. 149, 158,
Cardinal college (Christ Church), IL 159, 268, 271, 276, 463, 472; xn. 520
358; nL 32 Queen's college, n. 73, 74, 326, 355,
Christ Church, in. 326, 327, 425, 434; 363; iv. 161, 428; vi. 303; vm. 142;
iv. 81, 244, 250, 265; V. 70, 128; VL ix. 170, 483; XL 58
237, 286, 295, 299, 302, 303, 316 ff., Badcliffe observatory, xrv, 385
320, 323, 325, 326, 398; vn. 82, 341, Romanes lecture, xrv. 34
444, 457; vm. 181, 328, 329, 344; ix. Buskin college, xiv. 409
139, 147, 182, 256, 258, 264, 329, 332, St Alban hall, VL 141
337, 345, 382, 391; X. 113, 117, 351 ff., St Ebbe's, I. 202
364; XL 155, 322; xn. 327, 328, 333, St Edmund's hall, vm. 83; DC. 397

Oxford Oxford Professorships:
St Edward's church, I. 202 Professorship of ecclesiastical history,
St Frideswide, i. 191, 193; rv. 428 xn. 321
St Frideswide, cloister school of, n. 34 Professorship of Latin, xn. 337
St John's college, nr. 420 if.; IV. 428; Professorship of poetry, xn. 260, 265
vi. 196, 316, 317, 318, 320, 326, and Professorship of Sanskrit, xn, 343
see Add. 2; vn.62, 334; xiv. 384 Eawlinson professorship of Anglo-
St Mary hall, vn. 49; ix. 139 Saxon, xn. 344; xrv. 385
St Mary's church, n. 348; rv. 430; xn. Begins professorship of Greek, xn. 328
257, 259, 266, 268 Savilian professorships, vn. 288; ix. 386
St Mary's college, m. 3 Slade professorship of fine art, xrv. 152,
Sheldonian press, ix. 330 154, 155
Sheldonian theatre, XL 341 Vinenan professorship of law, 33. 61
Short's coffee-house in Cat Street, vn. Oxford Sausage, The, x. 238
364 Oxford Spectator, The, xiv. 209, 537
Trinity college, m. 420 ff., v. 114, 138; Oxfordshire, vn. 96, 101, 150, 233; rx.
vn. 58, 150, 454; x. 238; xn. 133, 265 256, 258, 353; x. 385
Union, the, xm. 119
Oxonian Latin,' xrv. 410
University college, n. 355; iv. 292; vm. Oxus, river, xm. 92
353; ix. 129; x. 112 Oxyrhynchus Logia, xn. 502
University press, iv. 410, 411; x. 223, Ozell,John (d. 1743), ix. 418, 527; XL 322
225; xi. 341, 469; xm. 98. See, also, Ozoro, Esther, princess, xrv. 246
Clarendon press
Wadham college, vm. 206, 215, 277, Pacata Hibernia, vn. 211, 436, 448
364; ix. 386, 393; x. 478; xn. 330, 334 Pace, Richard (1482?-1590), m. 7, 49
Worcester college, n. 354; vn. 342, Pacific ocean, the, rv. 68, 78, 86, 87; xrv.
347, 435, 438; x. 460 241, 242, 244, 245, 358, 385
Oxford, countess of. See Harley Pack, Major Richardson (1682-1728),
Oxford, earl of, in Death of Robert, v. 324 vm. 428
Oxford, earl of, company of, v. 316 Packing ton, Warwickshire, x. 113
Oxford, earls of. See Harley, Edward; Packington's Pound, vm. 96
Harley, Robert; Vere, Aubrey de; Vere, Pacolet, in The Tatler, rx. 35
Edward de; Vere, John de Pacquet, A, of Advice from Home, vm. 412;
Oxford, Franciscans of, L 183 ff., 200 ff., rx.4
452 ff.; n. 349, 350; m. 48; iv. 419 Padua, i. 213; m. 431 ;
5, 7, 419, 423, 426,
Oxford, The Parliament dissolved at, vm. 94 vn. 233; vm. 354,
V. 62; vi. 24, 176;
Oxford, The University of (Ackermann's), 361; x. 200; xn. 63; xm. 61
xrv. 222 Page, Anne, in The Merry Wives of Wind-
Oxford and Cambridge Magazine, The, sor, v. 189
xm. 112, 120, 121, 297, 358; xiv. 537 Page, Gertrude, xrv. Add. 9
Oxford and Cambridge MisceUany Poems, Page, John, n. 505
ix. 485 Page, William, xm. 74
Oxford and Cambridge Monthly MisceUany. Page of Plymouth, v. 325
See Student, The Paget, Francis Edward (1806-1882), xn.
Oxford college magazines, xrv. 539 277, 458, 461
Oxford Critic and University Magazine, Paget, Henry, son of 1st baron Paget, m.
The, xiv. 209, 537 183
Oxford English Dictionary, The, xrv. 438, Paget, John (1811-1898), The New
454, 455 'Examen,' xrv. 65, 493
Oxford Essays, xn. 294 Paget, Nathan (1615-1679), vn. 107
Oxford Gazette, ix. 1 Paget, Thomas, 3rd baron Paget (d. 1590),
Oxford historical society, xn. 355 m. 183
Oxford historical society's CoUectanea, Paget, William, 1st baron Paget (1505-
ix. 413 1563), m. 183
Oxford liberals, the, xn. 290, 292 Pagitt, Ephraim (1575J-1647), Heresio-
Oxford Magazine, The, xrv. 208, 537 graphy, ix. 307
Oxford Magazine, Echoes from the, XIV. 208 Pagnon, J., X. 485
Oxford movement, the, xn. 253 ff., Pagula, William de (d. 1350?), Pupilla,
453 ff., also see Add.; xiv. 82 Oculi, n. 498
Oxford printers, rv. 547 Pailthorpe, F. W., xm. 540
Oxford Professorships: Pain, Barry, xrv. 537
Camden professorship of history, rx. Paine, Thomas (fl. 1642-1650), vn. 352
329; xn. 317, 328 Paine, Thomas (1737-1809), x. 59, 308
Professorship of Chinese, xn. 343 508; XL 46 ff., 189, 395, 400; xn. 279,
Professorship of comparative philology, 471; xrv. 121, 608
xn. 343 Age of Reason, The, XL 48
Paine,Thomas Palingenius, Marcellus, rv. 250, 447;
Common- Sense, 33. 47 Zodiacus Vitae* m. 185
Crisis, The, XI. 47 Palinode, in The Shepheards Calender,
Righto of Man, The, 30. 47, 48, 276; m. 226
xiv. 401 Pall Mall Gazette, in Pendennis, xm. 292
Painter, William (1540?-1594), Palace of Pall Mall Gazette, The, xiv. 189, 194, 195,
Pleasure, The, m. 343, 490, 536; iv. 530, 534
6, 7, 442, 447; v. 72, 73, 220, 221, 244; Palladian architecture, x. 110
71. 46, 49, 123, 137ft, 150, 180, 182; Palladia Palatium, rv. 526
Hhoemo and Julietta, rv. 7 Palladius of Rome, rv. 371
Paisley, ix. 566, 568; xi. 236, 237, 439, Palladius on Husbondrie, n. 363, 502
440, 442 fi., also see Add. Pallas, yn. 100; vm. 76; ix. 115
Paisley, Black Book of, n. 128 Pallas, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, n.
Paisley Advertiser, The, xi. 237 226, 231
Paita, xiv. 243 Pallas, Ireland, x. 195
Pakington, Dorothy, lady (d. 1679), vn. 427 Pallas, lady, in The Garlande of Laurell,
Palace Beautiful, in Banyan's Pilgrim's in. 70
Progress, vn. 173 'Pallas the favourite of Agrippina,' ix. 225
Palaeographical society, xn. 356 Pallasmore, Ireland, x. 195
Palaestrio, in Miles Gloriosus, V. 106 Plantagenet (Trollope>s),xni. 423
Palamon, in The Knight's Tale, n. 243 PaUmall, Mr, in Jerrold's Prisoner of War,
xm. 123 xm. 269
Palamon, in The Two Noble Kinsmen, Palmer, Arthur (1841-1897), xn. 338, 490,
v. 256 494
Palamon and Arcite story, v. 256 Palmer, Edward Henry (1840-1882), xn.
Palamon and Arsett, v. 256 342, 499
Palamon and Palaemon, r. 279, 286 Palmer, Edwin, xn. 337
Palaprat, vm. 139 Palmer, Frank, xiv. 536
Pale, the English, in Ireland, n. 301, 303; Palmer, George (1648), vn. 514
xrv. 308 Palmer, George Herbert (of Harvard),
Paleario, Aonio, TV. 447 vn. 29, 30
Palemon, in Thomson's Autumn, x. 104 Palmer, Henry Spencer (1838-1893), xn.
Palermo, xiv. 73 514
Palermo, Michael Scot at, I. 199 Palmer, Herbert (1601-1647), vn. 426
Palestine, n. 79, 80, 123; iv. 68, also see Palmer, John (1742-1798), xi. 452, 454
Add.; xn. 320, 417, 478; xrv. 251, 253 Palmer, John (1742-1818), xiv. 168
Paley, Frederick Apthorp (1815-1888), Palmer, John (fl. 1826), xn. 341
xn. 331, 489 Palmer, J. F., xiv. 561
Paley, William (1743-1805), x. 344, 513; Palmer, Mary (1716-1794), xi. 472
XI. 67, 73, 74; xn. 154, 279, 280, 419 Palmer, Miss, niece of Sir Joshua Rey-
Horae Paulinae, x. 346, 347 nolds, xn. 132
Natural Theology, x. 346, 347 Palmer, Roger, earl of Castlemaine (1634-
Principles of Moral and Political Philo- 1705), iv. 460
sophy, x. 346 Palmer, Sir Roundell, 1st earl of Selborne
View of the Evidences of Christianity, (1812-1895), xn, 261; xm. 507; xiv.
x. 346, 347 124, 511
Palgrave, Sir Francis (1788-1861), xiv. Palmer, Samuel (d. 1724), x. 386, 475;
52, 68, 71, 72, 496 Vindication, X. 374
Essay on the Original Authority of the Palmer, Samuel (d. 1732), ix. 538, 571,
King's Council, xiv. 67 572
History of England, xrv. 67 Palmer, William (1803-1885), xn. 258, 461
History of Normandy and of England, Palmer, William (1811-1879), xn. 453,
67 461
History of the Anglo-Saxons, xiv. 67 Palmer, William Scott (Dowson, M. E.),
Rise and Progress of the English Com- xiv. 515
monwealth, xiv. 67 Palmerin d' Olivia, iv. 9, 447
Truth and Fictions of the Middle Ages: Palmerin cycles, m. 359
the Merchant and the Friar, xiv. 67 Palmerin of England, xi. 422; xm. 35
Palgrave, Francis Turner (1824-1897), Palmers, the, in Jane Austen's Sense and
vn. 180; xn. 115, 132, 372, 406; xin. Sensibility, xn. 236
189, 192, 489, 507; Golden Treasury, Palmerston, viscount. See Temple, Henry
The, xm. 192; Visions of England, TTTT. John
193 Palotta, cardinal, vn. 35
Palgrave, William Gifford (1826-1888), Palsgrave, John (d. 1554), m. 469; v. 109;
Xiv. 553; Ayear's journey through Esclaircissement de la Langue, Irancoyse,
Central and Eastern Arabia, xiv. 253 m. 56, 555

Palsgrave's company, the, VL 250 Pardoner, in Ane Pleasant Satyr e, m. 124,
Paltock, Robert (1697-1767), x. 424 127
Pamela, in Richardson's novel, v. 245; Pardoner (Chaucer's), yr. 160
x. 2, 4, 14, 15, 24 Pardoner and Tapster, The, n. 162, 164,
Pamela, in Sidney's Arcadia, m. 352, 354 179
Pamela's Conduct in High Life, x. 6 Pardonneur, tfun triacleur et d*une ta-
Pammelia, Musicks Miscellanie, iv. 536 verniere, Farce nouvelle d'un, v. 98
Pampa, the, xiv. 249 Pare, Ambrose, vn. 368, 505
Pamphilus, in Arcadia, VL 192 Parganas, the, xm. 276
Pamphilus, in The Jealous Lovers, VL 325 Parian Chronicle, The, xn. 490
Pamphleteer, The, xi. 398; xiv. 121, 125, Paris, I. 152, 183 ff., 200; n. 71, 92, 96,
512 ff. 125, 126, 198, 245, 251, 310, 315, 320,
Pamplona, vm. 126 329, 341 ff., 350, 356, 360, 367, 370, 371,
Pan, n. 226; VL 368; vn. 370 395; m. 2 ff., 44, 97, 151, 153, 155, 157,
Pan, in The Penates, VL 341, 351 158, 167, 175, 208, 214, 418, 440; iv. 78,
Panama, xrv. 243 81, 82, 127, 255, 256, 270, 293, 366,
Panape, in Drayton's Eglogs, iv. 173, 174 368, 396, 402, 426, 429; v. 21, 25, 61,
Pancake bell, the, in The Shoemakers 101, 293, 301 ff.; vr. 146, 238, 269, 271,
Holiday, v. 357 390; vn. 22, 35, 45, 99, 183, 193, 205,
Panchy, doctor, in Crowne's City Poli- 215, 268, 284 ff., 288, 296, 308, 312,
tiques, vm. 188 438, 484; vm. Ill, 133, 136, 137, 198,
Pancks, in Little Dorrit, xin. 331 245, 246, 265, 282, 354, 371, 374, 379,
Pandarus, n. 173, 175 385; ix. 139, 149 ff., 213, 318; x. 38,
Pandolphus, in Perfidus Hetruscus, VL 302 91, 118, 119, 213, 248, 250, 284, 303,
Pandora, in Drayton's Idea, iv. 172 304, 307, 323, 324, 335, 395; xi. 1, 59,
Pandora, in The Rival Friends, VL 325 60, 353, 354; xn. 103, 198, 365; xm.
Pandulfus, cardinal, v. 65, 151 5, 58, 71, 82, 142, 277, 283, 381, 421;
Pangloss, in Colman's Heir at Law, xi. 280 xw. 66, 173, 183, 185, 190, 196, 217,
Panizzi, Sir Anthony (1797-1879), xn. 368 225, 235, 316, 328, 329, 342, 392
Pannartz, printer, n. 310 Abbey of St Victor, I. 183; library, m.
Panta river, or Blackwater, I. 41, 144 151
Pantagruel, n. 258; ix. 264, 267, 271 Academy of, xi. 274
Pantagrueline Prognostication, iv. 534 Bastille, the, vm. 160; x. 38, 251; XL
Panther, The, I. 428 97, 189
Pantisocracy, XL 118, 119 Bibliotheque Nationale, vn. 360
Pantomimes, etc., x. 440 British embassy, TTTT. 278
Pantomimus, v. 24 Cathedral school of Notre Dame, I. 183,
Panton, George A., n. 118, 450 200
Panurge, ix. 271, 272 Cemetery of the Innocents, in. 87
Panurge, in Pantagruel, vm. 66 College Montaigu, n. 370; m. 2
Paoli, Pascal (1725-1807), x. 190, 477, 479 College de Navarre, iv. 276
Paolo and Francesca, I. 270, 363 College Royal, m. 158
Papal Falsehood, in The Faerie Queenet Hill and church of Ste Genevieve, i.

m. 234 183, 184

Papal States, xn. 36 Hdtel de Carnavalet, x. 248
Paper office, the, vm. 158 IledelaCit4,i. 183, 185
Papilia, in Pope's Characters of Women, Louvre, the, vn. 70; vm. 9; xn. 166
ix. 82 Opera-Comique, XL 258
Papillon, F. W., Memoirs of Thomas Pa- Palais Royal, vm. 266
pillon, ix. 240 Passy, xm. 433
Papillon, Thomas (1623-1702), ix. 240 Place Maubert, m. 7
Papineau, Louis Joseph (1786-1871), xiv. Quartier Latin, i. 185
348 Rue St Jacques, XL 331
Parable of the Three Jackdaws, vm. 99 Rue Vaugirard, vm. 134
Paracelsus (T. B. von Hohenheim, 1493- Scottish college, x. 295
1541), in. 113; rv. 278; vn. 235, 378, Sorbonne, the, i. 215; n. 251; HL 151
396, 510; vm. 354; ix. 315; xm. 55 ff. Theatre de la Foire, XL 258
Paracelsus (Browning's), xm. 55 ff. Theatre Fran^ais, v. 302
Paradin, Claude, The Heroicall Devices of University of, iv. 276; vm. 59
(1591), vn. 405 Paris, in The Araygnement of Paris, v.
Paradise, n. 277 131
Paradyse of Daynty Devises, The, m. 179, Paris, in The Roman Actor, VL 153, 155,
512; iv. 113, 121 157, 159, 163
Parcae, the, in Alfred's Boethius, I. 100 Pans, count, in Romeo and Juliet, v. 182
Parcy Reed, i. 300 Paris, English scholars of, L 152, 177,
Pardoe, Julia S. H. (1806-1862), xm. 565 183 ff., 233, 452 ff.

Paris, Gaston, i. 269, 283, 286, 290, 326; Parkes, Sir Henry (1815-1896), xiv. 364,
n. 398, 399, 417, 419 587 ; Murmurs of the stream, xrv. 382
Paris, influence of, L 149, 222 Parkes, Joseph, Memoirs of Sir Philip
Paris, Matthew (d. 1259), I. 153, 160, 174, Francis, x. 400, 401 xiv. 495 ;

178 ff., 179, 182, 183, 204, 214, 364, Parkes, William (fl. 1612), v. 479
450; n. 342, 488; m. 314; iv. 424; v. 38; Parkin, Charles (1689-1765), ix. 532
xn. 515; Historia Minor, xn. 356, 517 Parkin, Sir George Robert, xiv. 602
Paris,Mrs, of Cambridge, xn. 200 Parkinson, Anthony (1667-1728), ix. 538
Paris,peace of, x. 391; xi. 7 Parkinson, John (1567-1650), iv. 542;
Paris,the judgment of, vi. 207 xm. 223; Paradisi in sole Paradisus
Paris, the judgment of, in Season and terrestns, iv. 375; Theatrum botamcum,
Sensuality, n. 202 rv. 375
Paris and Vienne, n, 314, 315, 319, 332, Parkyns, Sir William (1649?~1696), vm.
486 163
Parisian Greek press, xn. 522 Parlament of Byrdes, The, n. 501
Parisian salons, xi. 346, 351, 354, 364 Parlement of the Thre Ages, I. 333, 334;
Parisian scenery, xi. 258 n. 37, 432, 434
Parisian stage, x. 79 Parley, Peter, pseud., used by several
Parisian typography, xn. 522 writers, xi. 387, 481, 482
Park, Mnngo (1771-1806), xm, 467; Parliament, the Good, n. 54
xrv. 553 Parliament, use of English in, n. 70, 446
Park, Thomas (1759-1834), x. 452, 490 Parliament of Devik, The, n. 325, 502
Parke, Gilbert, ix. 216 Parliamentary Debates, xi. 49
Parker, Charles Stuart, xiv. 505, 510, 606 Parliaments Letanie, The, vn. 383
Parker, Eric, xrv. 597 Parma, xm. 60
Parker, Gilbert, Manifest Detection of Dice- Parma, duke of, in The Huvnorous Courtier,
PZai/, m. 491;IV. 318 vi. 205
Parker, Henry (d. 1470), Dives and Pauper, Parmegiano, II, x. 130
n. 321, 323 Parmeno, in Celestina, v, 99
Parker, Henry, 8th lord Morley (1476- Parmentier, F. J. A., xm. 544
1556), iv. 447 Parnaso Italiano, xm. 224
Parker, Henry (1604r-1652), ra, 114; iv. Parnassus, m. 260; vi. 36, 310, 388; vn.
310, 512 59; vm. 372; ix. 102, 257; xm. 210
Parker, Henry Meredith (17967-1868), Parnassus Biceps (1656), vn. 512
xiv. 579; Bole Ponjw, xiv. 337; Th* Parnassus trilogy, vi. 309 ft, 314, 315,
Draught of Immortality, xiv. 336 320, 327, 484; The Pilgrimage, vi. 310;
Parker, Irene, Dissenting Academies in The Returne, m. 270; IV. 139, 410, 533;
England, xiv. 51 V. 171, 221, 364; VI. 2, 39, 44, 309 ft,
Parker, John (jL 1387), n. 61 322; The Returne, Part II (Scourge of
Parker, John Henry (1806-1884), xn. 498 Simony], VL 313
Parker, Martin (d. 1656?), n. 416; VH. Parnell, Charles Stewart (1846-1891), ix.
497, 499 166; xiv. 183
Ballads, iv. 363 Parnell, Henry Brooke, 1st lord Congle-
Mercurius Melancholicus, vn. 356 ton (1776-1842), xiv. 513
Robin Conscience, m. 491 Parnell, James (1637?-1656), vm. 101,
When the King shall Enjoy his Oivn 416
Again, vn. 352 PameU, Thomas (1679-1718), vn. 198;
Parker, Matthew (1504^1575), archbishop IX. 75, 78, 131, 137, 166 ff. (main
of Canterbury, I. 89, 90; m. 45, 46, entry), 171, 444, 481, also see Add.;
55, 470, 531; iv. 55, 397, 406, 423, 424, x. 482
426, 432, 545; v. 362, 482; vi. 397, Megy to an old Beauty, ix. 167
475; vs. 331; IX. 355, 357, 496; xiv. Ikes, The, ix. 167
486; De Antiquitate Britannicae eccle- Hermit, The, ix. 167
siae, iv. 405 Homer's Battle of the Frogs and Mice,
Parker, Sir Peter (1785-1814), xn. 389 ix. 168
Parker, Richard (1572-1629), IX. 538 Hymn to Contentment, ix. 167
Parker, Samuel (1640-1688), TO. 179, *Life, Writings and Learnings of
184, 185, 303, 474; vm. 98, 460; Dis- Homer,' ix. 167, 168
course of Ecclesiastical Polity, vm. 305, Nightpiece on Death, ix 167
475 Poem on Queen Anne's Peace, ix. 166
Parker, Thomas, 1st earl of Macclesfield Poems on Several Occasions, ix. 77, 167
(1666?-1732), ix, 14, 16 ParoUes, in AW
8 Wett that Ends Well, V.
Parker, William, 4th baron Monteagle 180; vi. 103
(1575-1622), vn. 45 Parr, Samuel (1747-1825), ix. 526; x, 479;
Parker society, vn. 306; xn. 355 xi. 394; xn. 325 ff., 363, 490, 523;
Parkes, Bessie Rayner, xiv. 600 xiv, 602; Memoirs, xn, 325

Parrot or Perrot, Henry (fl. 1600-1626), Pasquin, x. Add,
m. 114; iv. 519, 522 'Pasquin Pillar,' a, rv. 123
Parrot, the, in Speke, Parrot, m. 76 Passarowitz, peace of, ix. 244
Parry, John (d. 1782), x. 130 Passe, C. de, rv. 542
Parry, William (d. 1585), v. 345; in If Passerat, Jean, iv. 264; Nihil, vm:. 213
you know not me, vi. 91 Passio Domini, v. 15, 16
Parry, William (fl. 1823-1825), xn. 384, Passion, Gonfrerie de la, V. 22
397 Passion of Christ, The. See Christ
Parry, Sir William Edward (1790-1855), Passion of the Fox, The, m. 482, 483
553 Passion of our Lord, The, I. 225, 226, 458
xiy. 245,
Parsimonia, in Psychomachia, v. 60 Passionate Morrice, The, iv. 526
Parson Hyberdyne? 3 Sermon in praise of Passionate Pilgrim, The, m. 266; iv. 119,
Thieves, m. 492 395
Parson Lot' (Charles Kingsley), xn. 291 Passions of Martyrs, I. 75
Parson of Kaleriborowe, The (Der Pfarr&r Pastime of People, The, n. 328
von Kalenberg], m. 82, 94, 488, 490 Paston, Agnes, n. 305, 306
Parsons, in Westward Ho! xm. 364 Paston, Anne, n. 308
Parsons, Philip (1594^1653), VL 475 Paston, Clement, n. 305
Parsons or Persons, Robert (1546-1610), Paston, Edmund, n. 306
iv. 127, 306, 411, 495, 512; Christian Paston, Elizabeth, n. 306
Directory, rv. 237; Christian Exercise, 'Paston, George' (i.e. Emily Morse Sy-
iv. 410; Conference about the Next Suc- monds), XL 429, 443, 457, 468; xn.
cession, attributed to, vn. 352 431, 451 ; xiv. 519, 520, 541 ; Lady Mary
Parsons, Robert (1647-1714), vm. 213, Wortley Montagu, ix. 244
446 Paston, John (1421-1466), n. 304 ft
Parsons, Samuel (fl. 1732-1735), x. 384 Paston, Sir John (1442-1479), n. 304 ff.
Partenay, Romans of, L, 470 Paston, J., xrv. 541
Parterick, Roberta, alias Robertas Lange- Paston, Margaret, n. 304 ff.
lye, n. 35 Paston, Walter, n. 308
Parthenia, vi. 317, 485 Paston, William (1378-1444), n. 304, 308,
Parthenopaeus, i. 286 359
Parthenopex de Blois, L 286 Paston family, the, n. 304
Parthia, xn. 478 Paston Letters, The, n. 286, 303, 429;
Particular Baptist fund, x. 387 v. 35;
yn. 196; xiv. 82
Partington, Charles Frederick (d. 1857?), Pastor Fidus, vi. 317, 485
The British Cyclopaedia, xrv. 174 Pastorals, vi. 487 ff.
Partition treaty, ix. 112, 215 Patenostre a V Userier, La, m. 90, 487
Partonope, t. 286, 470 Patent Rolls, the, vr. 280; xn. 355, 516
Partridge, in Fielding's Tom Jones, rx. Pater, Walter Horatio (1839-1894), vn.
405; x. 31, 39 260, also see Add. ; ax 410, 417 ; xn. 27 1,
Partridge, John(jZ. 1566-1573), iv. 449 277, 438; xm. 491; xiv. 462, 522, 523
Partridge, John (1644r-1715), ix, 94, 454, Appreciations, xrv. 158
461 Child in the House, The, xrv. 159
Partridge, The, I. 428 Imaginary Portraits, xrv. 158
Parzival, I. 269, 271, 280, 462. See, also, Marius the Epicurean, xrv. 158
Wolfram von Eschenbach Plato and Platonism, xrv. 158
Pascal, Blaise, m. 416; yn. 152; xn. 272; Studies in the History of the Renaissance,
xiv. 483; Lettres Provinciates, vra. 372; ix. 39; xrv. 158
The Mystene of Semitism, a translation Winckelmann, xrv. 158
of Pascal's Lettres Provincialea, vm. Paterculus, Gaius Velleius, xn. 337
372; Pensees, vm. 270, 373 Patericke, Simon (d. 1613), rv. 8, 444
Paschale, Lodovico, m. 262, 359 Paternoster, I. 220, 375, 376, 458
Paschasius Radbertus, I. 124 Paternoster, in The Exeter Book, I. 428
Pascoe, Charles Eyre, xm. 544 Paternoster, Kentish versions of the, i. 355
Pascolato, M, P., xm. 466 Pater Noster play, v. 51, 52
Pasiphae, vi. 163 'Paternoster Row numbers,' xr. 325
Pasor, Matthias (1599-1658), vn. 309 Paterson, Alexander, xrv. 532
Pasc[ualigo, Luigi, 11 Fedele, VL 304, Paterson, Alice, xrv. 601
472 Paterson, Daniel (1739-1825), xm. 223
Pasc^uier, Lea Rech&rchea de, la France, vi. Paterson, James (1805-1876), XL 441;
35 xiv. 536
Pasquill, m.
394, 395, 544 Paterson, Ninian (fl. 1688), rx. 556; Epi-
PascLuill,Pasquine of England, in. 394. grammaton libri octo, iv. 267
See, also, under Marprelate Paterson, Samuel (1728-1803), XL 336;
Pasquils Jests, rv. 532 xn. 363, 523
Pasquils Palmodia, rv. 634 Paterson, William (1755-1810), xiv. 553

Pathelm, M afore, n. 96; v. 19, 92, 101 Paul, St, 72, 74, 115, 227; n. 129, 201,

PatJiomachia or The Battell of Affections, 227, 231, 234; m. 6, 10, 127, 415; iv.
vi. 323, 485 224, 270; V. 50, 59; vr. 102; vn. 168;
Patience, i. 320 S., 333, 334, 472 vm. 291 ix. 28; xn. 285, 293, 477

Patience, in Piers the Plowman, n. 26 fi. Paul, St, tractate on the Epistles of, n. 365
Patience, in Tom Tyler, v. 117 Paul, St, Revelation or Vision of, I. 75, 86,
Patientia, in Psychomachia, v. 51 118, 227, 459, 460
Patin, Guy, vn. 235 Paulet, Sir Amyas (d. 1538), rv. 278
Patmore, Coventry Kersey Dighton (1823- Pauli, Reinhold, I. 91, 102
1896), XH. 275, 421; xm, 110, 189 n% Paulina, in Charlotte Bronte's Villette,
208, 507; xiv. 238 xm. 409
Angel in the House, The, xm. 190, 191, Paulina, in Confessio Amantis, n. 151
218, 247 Paulina, in Markham's famous Whore,
Odes, xm. 218 iv. 376
Unknown Eros, The, xm. 190, 191 Paulina, in The Renegade, vi. 155
Victories of Love, The, xin. 190, 191 Paulina, in The Winter's Tale, m. 356;
Patmore, Peter George (1786-1855), xn. v. 206
433; xiv. 523 Pauline (Browning's), xm. 53, 57
Paton, George (1721-1807), x. 490 Pauline epistles, the, xn. 298
Paton, Waller Hugh (1828-1895), XL 437 Paulinus, i. 75, 81
Paton, William Roger (1856-1921), xn. Paulinus of Pengueux, i. 76
Add. 4 Paulus Diaconus, i. 35; n. 364; vn. 503
Patras, gulf of, xn. 38 Paulus Quaestor, i. 76
Patrician, The, ix. 442 Pauper, in Ane Pleasant Satyre, m. 124,
Patricius (How ell's), vn. 458 126, 127, 128
Patrick, St (373-463), I. 65, 68, 70, 339, Pausanias, m. 328; xn. 491
435; xn. 519; Colloquy of St Patrick Pavia, iv. 429
with Oisin, The, xiv. 303 Pavier, Thomas (ft. 1600-1608), rv. 394
Patrick, Simon (1626-1707), vm. 288, PaviUard, Calvinist minister, x. 301
292, 298, 301, 456, 457, 461 Pavilion, Nicholas, bishop of Aleth, vm.
Patrick, Swift's servant, ix. 126 308
Patrick, Sir William Francis, xiv. 495, Pavy, duke of, in Loves Sacrifice, vi. 192
496 Pavy, Salathiel, vi. 9, 291
Patrizzi, Francesco, in. 434, 438; v. 234 'Pavyllyon un [on] the Plas Parlos, the,'
Patrum, Vitae Sanctorum, n. 323. See, vi. 283
also, Fathers Pawson (tutor of John Hall), vn. 85
Patten, Robert (fl, 1717), ix, 565 Pax, in the Coventry Plays, v. 21
Patten, William (fl, 1548-1580), m. 531 Payn, James (1830-1898), xn, 426, 445,
Patterne, Sir Willoughby (George Mere- 451; xm. 438, 565
dith's), xni. 444 f. Payne, Edward John (1844-1904), xi.
Pattison, Mark (1813-1884), vn. 101, 109, 388; Xiv. 496; A History of the New
114, 123, 127, 238, 310, 324; vm. 352; World called America, xiv. 98
xn. 254, 255, 292, 334, 460, 466, 469, Payne, G. A., xm. 551
also see Add. 1; xrv. 113, 432, 505, 594, Payne, Henry, brother of Thos. Payne
696, 602 (1719-1779), xi. 333
Essays, xrv. 109 Payne, John (d. 1787), x. 385, 469
Essays and Reviews, ix. 280 Payne, Joseph (1808-1876), xiv. 608
Isaac Casaubon, xn. 333; xrv. 109 Payne, Joseph Frank (1840-1910), xiv.
Memoirs, xiv. 109 563
Milton, xiv. 109 Payne, Roger (1739-1797), xi. 468
Scaltger, xn. 333 Payne, Thomas (fl. c. 1700), X. 385
Suggestions on academical organisation, Payne, Thomas (1719-1799), xi. 333 f.,

xiv. 431 337, 468

'The Tendencies of Religious Thought/ Paynell, Thomas (fl. 1528-1568), in. 341;
xn. 295 iv. 4, 439, 443, 445, 446, 447, 448
Paues, Anna C., n. 59, 65 Pazzarello, in The Young Admirall, vi. 204
Paul, in UdalTs Diotrephes, m. 378 Peace, in Anglo-Norman plays, v. 21
Paul, father. See Sarpi Peace, in The Castle of Perseverance, V. 52
Paul, Lanfranc's kinsman, I. 153 Peace, in The Example of Virtue, n. 228
Paul, Hamilton (1773-1854), xi. 436 Peace, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, n, 228
Paul, Harry Gilbert, John Dennis, IX. 142 Peace, in Piers the Plowman, II. 10
Paul, Herbert Woodfield, xm. 478, 488, Peace, Temple of, in The Vision of the
503, 558, 568; xiv. 484, 487, 488, 493, Twelve Goddesses, vi. 337
525; Life of Froude, xm 358
Peacham, Henry ( 1576 ?-l 643?), in. 114,
Paul, W. J,, xiv. 573 432; iv. 355, 520, 526, 533; v. 479;
Paul IV, m. 401 Compleat Gentteman, The, IV. 328, 543;

Peacham, Henry Pecksniff, Mercy, in Martin Chuzzlewt,
vii. 263; is. 396, 570; Garden of Elo- xni. 322
quence., in. 432, 553; Minerva Britannia, Pecksniffs, the, in Martin Chuzzlewit, xm.
vn. 406, 479, also see Add. 323
Peacham, Henry (the elder), rv. 355, 525 Pecksy, in Mrs Trimmer's Robins, xi. 379
Peachum, in Gay's Beggar's Opera, ix. 163 Pecock, Reginald (1395?-1460?), bishop
Peacock, George (1791-1858), vm. 361 of Chichester, i. 286 ., 296, 299, 301,
siv. 258, 555, 595 307, 471, 473, 480; iv. 226; xn. 134
Peacock, Nathaniel, in Smollett's History Abbreviatio R. Pecock, n. 288
of an Atom, x. 42 Book of Faith, The, n. 293
Peacock, Thomas Love ( 1785-1 S66), i. Donet, The, n. 294
275; IV. 137; ix. 183; XI. 285, 286, Filling of the Four Tables, The, n. 291
307 ff. (main entry), 402, 489, also see Poor Merfs Mirror, The, n. 294
Add.; xn. 60, 63, 255, 401, 404, 405, Represser of overmuch blaming of the
412; xm. 440, 442 clergy, n. 288, 289, 293, 294, 296; xn.
Crotchet Castle, xi. 308 480
Four Ages of Poetry, The, xn. 74 Pecunia, in The Staple of Newes, vi. 25
Gryll Grange, xr. 2&5, 307, 308, 310 Pedante, in Fedele and Fortumo, v. 315
Headlong Hall, XL 183, 308 Pedantius, iv. 326; vi. 306, 327, 480
M aid Marian, xi. 308 Pedantius, in Ascham's Scholcmaster,
Melincourt, XL 308, 309 m. 434
Misfortunes of Mphin, The, I. 252; xi. Peden, Alexander (16262-1686), ix. 549
308, 309 Pedersen, Christiem, n. 285
Nightmare Abbey, xi. 308, 310 Pedlar, in Wordsworth's Excursion, XL
Peak, Godwin, in Gissing's Born in Exile, 106
xin. 459 Pedrincano, in The Spanish Tragedie,
Peak, the, Derbyshire, m. 322; x. 131 V. 163
Peake, R., in. 553 Pedro, Don, king of Spain, in The King
Peaks, passes and glaciers, xiv. 254 and the Subject, vi. 147
Pearce, E. H., xiv. 597 Peebles, n. 277
Pearce, Zachary (1690-1774), ix. 527; Peebles, Peter, in Scott's Redgaunttet, xn.
x. 470 25
Pearch, George (fl. 1770-1775), ix. 190; Peeke or Pike, Richard (fl. 1620-1626),
x. 138, 465 vn. 453
Pearl, i. 148, 296, 320 fi., 326, 329, 332, Peel, Arthur W., xiv. 505
333, 378, 472; n. 18, 133 Peel, George, xiv. 505
Pearson, Charles Henry (1830-1894), n. Peel, Sir Robert (1788-1850), XL 154,
35; xi. 456; xiv. 496 415; xn. 154; xm. 16, 24, 347, 348,
Pearson, John (1613-1686), vn. 152, 481; 350, 353; xiv. 115, 127, 128 S. (main
Vin. 461; X. 357; Exposition of the entry), 134, 181, 186, 227, 412, 505, 510,
Creed, vn. 323, 485; vm. 297, 300; rx. 571
329; Vindiciae Epistolarum S. Ignatii, Peele, George (1558?-1597?), m. 300;
ix. 329 IV. 113 ff., 117, 121, 471, 473, 532;
Pearson, Karl, vn. 367; xrv. 470, 556, 560 v. 85, 121-141 (main entry), 147, 182,
Peasants' revolt, i. 371; n. 47, 53, 63, 239, 255, 322, 327, 370, 416 ff., also see
136, 143, 144; m. 18 Add; vi. 13, 249, 300, 303, 366; vn.
Peasenhall, x. 378 Ill; vm. 223
Peblis to the Play, II. 244, 250, 270, 274, Arraignment of Paris, The, zv. 118;
471, 473; m. 130; xi. 215 v. 128, 129; vi. 287, 337, 363, 365
Pebody, Charles, xiv. 532 Battell of Alcazar, The, v. 129, 239
Peck, Francis (1692-1743), ix. 538 Complaint of Oenone, XL 179
Peckard, G. P., vn. 154 Discursus Astraeae, v. 131
Pecke, Samuel (fl. 1641-1655), vn. 347, Edward I, v. 35 129, 152, 153

348, 497 'His golden locks time hath to silver

A Continuation of Certain Speciall and turned,' rv. 113
Remarkable Passages, vn. 347 Hunting of Cupid, Tlie, iv. 118; v. 129
Diurnall Occurrences, vn. 347 King David and Fair Betlisabe, v. 129,
Mercuriua Candidus, vn. 347 131
Perfect Diumall, A, vn. 347, 354, 360 Merrie Conceited Jests of George Peele,
Pecke, Thomas (fl. 1655-1664), m. 470; iv. 360; v. 132, 255
iv. 503; vn. 355, 360, 361 Old Wives Tale, The, v. 129 ff.; vn. 113
Peckham, x. 201, 203 Turkish Mahomet, The, v. 129; x. 161
Peckham, John, archbishop of Canterbury Whenas the rye did reach to the chin,'
(d. 1292), i. 210, 455 v. 131
Peckover, Clem, in Gissing's The Nether See, also, under Sir Clyomon
World, xm. 458 Peelites, xiv. 130, 187, 190, 198

291 19-2
Peers, Richard (1645-1690), ix. 345, 346 Penington, Mary, wife of Isaac Penington,
Peer&on, Martin (1590?-1651?), IV. 465 vm. 109, 416
Peet, W. Hubert, xi. 466; XIV. 531 Peninsular war, the, xiv. 107, 122, 250,
Peg, in Arbuthnot's History of John Bull, 459
ix, 135 Penitence, in The Example of Virtue, n.
Pegasus, xi. 166; xu. 101, 104 227
Pegge, Samuel (1704-1796), Life of Grosse- Penitent Traytor, The, vn. 386
204, 454
teste, I. Penitentials, I. 87
Peile, John (1838-1910), xrc. 490 Penlez, Bosavern, x. 33
Peile, Thomas Williamson (1806-1882), Penn or Pen, Sir William (1621-1670),
xn. 490 vm. 107, 218
Peirce, James (1674?-1726), x. 379 Penn, William (164^1718), vm. 105, 107,
Peiresc, Nicolas Claude Pabn de, iv. 253, 111 &., 268, 413, 414, 456; ix. 9, 406,
257 546; x. 377; xiv. 65, 509
Pekin, xiv. 248 Address to Protestants, vm. 108
Pelagius ( jl. 400-418), I. 65 Christian Quaker, The, vm. Ill
Pelerinage de Fhomme, Le, n. 327 Innocency with her Open Face, vm. Ill
P&erinaiges por aler en IherusaUm (o. More Fruits of Solitude, vm. 113
1231), n. 80 No Cross No Crown, vm. 107
Pelham, Henry (1695?~1754), rx. 230, Sandy Foundation Shaken, The, vm.
243, 250; x. 388 107, 111
Pelham, Henry (lord Lytton's), ym. 417, Some Fruits of Solitude, vm. 107, 112
418 Pennant, Thomas (1726-1798), x. 270;
Pelham, Henry Francis (1846-1907), xn. xn. Add. 5; xiv. 246, 553; British
477 History of the Roman Empire, xn.
; Zoology, x. 269; Tour in Scotland,
317; Outlines of Roman History, xii. 317 x. 182
Pelham-Holles, Thomas, 1st duke of New- Penne, George, xiv. 65
castle (1693-1768), iv. 369; ix. 166; Pennecuick, Dr Alexander (1652-1722),
x. 35, 256, 388, 390 Description of Tweeddale, ix. 370
PeU, John (1611-1685), vn. 314 Pennecuick, Alexander (d. 1730), ix. 370,
Pellegrini, M., Font* delT Ingegno, vn. 269 567
Pellew, George (1793-1866), xiv. 506 Britannia Triumphans, ix. 370
Pellico, Silvio, xn. 390 Elegy on Robert Forbes, ix. 370
Pember, Robert (d. 1560), m. 432 Flowers from Parnassus, ix. 370
Pemberton, Henry (1694^-1771), vm. 230; Merry Wives of Musselburgh, ix. 370
xi. 250 Presbyterian Pope, ix. 370
Pemberton, T. Edgar, xm. 515, 544 Some's Legacy, ix. 370
Pembroke, countess pi See Herbert, Mary Streams from Helicon, ix. 370
Pembroke, earl of, in John a Kent, etc., Truth's Travels, XL 217
v. 317 Pennell, Henry Cholmondeley (1837-
Pembroke, earls of. See Herbert, George 1915), xiv. 545
Robert Charles; Herbert, Henry; Her- Pennenden heath, xiv. 128
bert, Philip; Herbert, William Pennethorne, John (1808-1888), xn. 340
Pembroke family, the, vi. 6, 143 Penniless Parliament of Threadbare Poet8f
Pembrokeshire, xn. 509 The, iv. 345
Penaunce, in The Faerie Queene, YL 336 Penniman, Josiah Harmar, vi. 4, 17, 23
Pencrich, Richard, n. 70, 504 Pennington, Montagu (1762-1849), Me-
Pendarres, Mrs. See Delany, Mrs moirs of the Life of Mrs Elizabeth Carter,
Pendennis, Arthur (Thackeray's), xm. 276, X. 473; xi. 356, 473
290, 291, 293, 295, 297, 299 Pennington, Sarah, lady, xiv. 600
Pendennis, Helen (Thackeray's), xm. 290, Pennyworth of Wit, n. 501
291 Pennsylvania, iv. 95; vm. 107; XI. 47;
Pendennis, major (Thackeray's), ITTTI, 291 xiv. 263, 350
Pendleton, John, xiv. 532 Pennsylvania Magazine, xi. 47
Pendragon, ix. 502 Penny Cyclopaedia, The, xn. 487; xiv.
Penelope. See Rich, Penelope 259, 409
Penelope, in Confessio Amantis, n. 152 'Penny Godlinesses,' 33. 334
Penelope, in Gismond of Salerne, v. 73 Penny Illustrated Paper, The, XIV. 534
Penelope, in Orchestra, iv. 162 Penny Magazine, The, xiv. 409
Penelope, in Ulysses Redux, vi. 303 'Penny Merriments,' xi. 334
Penelope to Ulysses, letter of, m. 181 Pennyboy, in The Staple of Newes, vi. 25
Pengry, Moses, Cooper's Hill latina red- Penrith, n. 116; xi. 95, 414, 486; xn. 188
ditum (1676), vn. 487 Penroodocke, Maister, v. 77
Peniarth library, Welsh MS. in, I. 252 Penrose, Francis Cranmer (1817-1903),
Penington, Isaac (1616-1679), vm. 105, xn. 498; Principles of Athenian Archi*
106, 108, 109, 415, 416 tecture, xn. 340

Penry, John (1559-1593), m. 377 ff,, 385, Percy, Thomas (1729-1811), bishop of
390, 397 JDromore, n. 494; x. 155, 170, 195, 201,
Aeqmty of an humble supplication, The, 204, 215, 220, 273, 470, 480, 489, 496,
m. 377, 378, 538 Add. ; XL 333, 449
also see
An Exhortation, m. 378, also see, Add. Complaint of Harold, x. 224
A Supplication to the Parliament, m. Dying Ode of Ragnar Lodbrog, x. 223
381 Five pieces of Runic Poetry, x. 222, 223,
Defence of that which hath been written, 225, 229; xrv. 51
m. Add. Funeral Song of Hacon, x. 224
TW Appelation of John Penri, m, 381, Incantation of Hervor, x. 223, 224, 229
383 Ransome of Egill, x. 224
Penshurst, m. 351; vn. 54, 55; x. 500 Reliques of Ancient Poetry, n. 408, 410,
Penthea, in The Broken Heart, vi. 191 413, 494; ix. 188; x. 137, 202, 217, 225,
Penthesilea, in The Masque of Queens, 226, 232 ft; XL 360; xn. 4, 6, 133, 354;
VL 349 xm. 225, 226
Penton, Stephen (1639-1706), is. 405, Percy, Thomas (1768-1808), X. 472, 489
570; Guardian's Instruction, ix. 397; Percy, William (1575-1648), m. 256, 264,
New Instructions, ix, 397 266; Sonnets to the fairest Goelia, ni.
People, in Res publica, v. 60 256, 266, 523
People's Friend, The, xra. 359 Percy anecdotes, the, XL 472
People's Poet Laureate, The/ xm. 150

Percy ballad, n. 398

Pepeling (Calais), m. 328 Percy Folio MS., n. 40, 401, 408, 410, 414,
Pepwell, Henry (d. 1540), books printed 416, 428
by, n. 327 Percy Memoir, x. 209
Pepys, John, father of Samuel, vm. 253 Percy papers, n. 409
Pepys, Sir Lucas (1742-1830), XI. 365 Percy society, n. 199, 502; xn. 353, 355,
Pepys, Mrs, ym. 256, 260 368, 369
Pepys, Paulina, Samuel's sister, vm. Percyrelle, Sir (Perceval, Percevall, Per-
259 cival), i. 267, 269, 271, 272, 284, 289,
Pepys, Samuel (1633-1703), n. 207; m. 294, 462. See, also, Parzival
97; iv. 460; v. 222; vi. 262; vn. 141, Perdita, in The Winter's Tale, v. 34, 206,
214, 228, 362, 364; vm. 22, 81, 107, 217; xn. 87
120, 124, 131, 136, 199, 200, 206, 215, Peredur, son of Evrawc, i. 253, 271
216, 218, 241 ., 252 E. (main entry), Peregrin (HowelTs), yn. 458
262, 263, 301, 302, 320, 350, 355, 356, Peregrinatio Rdigionis ergo, m. 12
358, 369, 385, 398, 399, 422, 424, 450; 'Peregrine of Odcombe,' x. 200
ix. 129, 244, 274, 275; xi. 319, 334; Perenna (Herrick's), vn. 6
xrv. 283; Diary, vn. 184; vm. 15; Peres the Ploughmans Crede, n. 38, 39, 432,
Memoires of the Navy, vm. 258, 259 434
Pepys, Sir William Weller (1758-1825), Perfect, lady, in Amends for Ladies, vi. 223
xi. 363, 365, 473 Perfect Occurrences, vn. 354
Pepys Cockerell family, descendants of Perfidious Britain, ix. 375
Samuel Pepys, vm. 260 Perfidus Hetruscus, VL 302, 486
Pera, ix. 245 Penander, VL 474
Peraldus, William, i. 355 Periander, tyrant of Corinth, VL 321
Perceval, Arthur Philip (1799-1853), xn. Pericles, xn. 313
258, 453, 461 Pericles of Tyre, I. 135
Perceval le Gallois, I. 271, 462, 471 Perin, vn. 316
Percies, the, in Henry IV, V. 187 Perin, Ales, in Stew's Chronicle, m. 314
Percius and Anthomiris (Perseus and An- Perindus, in Sicelides, VL 323
dromeda], v. 102 Perkin, Sir William Henry, xiv. 558
Percival, Sir John, ix. Add. Perkins, Jane G-., ^TTT 507

Percival, Thomas (1740-1804), XL 489 Perkins, John (d. 1545), Profitable Book,
Percy, in Hannah More's play, XL 274 vm. 315, 467
Percy, lady Elizabeth, afterwards duchess Perkins, Peter, The Seaman's Tutor, rv,
of Somerset (1667-1722), vm. 380 460
Percy, Sir Henry, 1st earl of Northumber- Perkins, Richard (fl. 1612), VL 401
land (1342-1408), n. 55 Perkins, William (1558-1602), iv. 235, 433,
Percy, Sir Henry, 6th earl of Northumber- 494; vn. 373, 394, 395, 474; vm. 277
land (1502?-1537), m. 336, 337, 427; ArmiUa aurea, and translation A
iv. 2 Golden Chaine, vn. 280
Percy, Sir Henry, 9th earl of Northumber- Art of Prophesying, iv. 226, 491
land (1564-1632), vn. 435 Discovery of the damned Art of Witch-
Percy, Sir Hugh, 1st duke of Northumber- craft, IV, 535; vn. 372, 506
land, of the third creation (1716-1786), Whole Treatise of the Cases of Oonsciencet
x.457 vn. 280

Perkins folio of Shakespeare, v. 278 Peter, St, i. 118; n. 275; m. 400; iv. 264;
Perkyn, John (fi. 1574), vi. 246 v. 37, 50
Perl mewn adfyd, iv. 411 Peter, St, shrine of, n. 87
Perlin, fitienne, in. 478 Peter, St, in Lycidas, vn. 114, 137
Permo-Triassic strata, xrv. 292 Peter, St, in Piers the Plowman, n. 27
Perne, Andrew (1519?-1589), iv. 141, Peter, the wild boy (1712-1785), ix. 132
423, 432 Peter de Alvernia, n. 363
Pernel Proudheart, in Piers the Plowman, Peter de Bella Pertica (d. 1308), n. 363
n. 12, 16 Peter of Blois (fl. 1160-1204), i. 173, 176,
P&rnet qui va au vin, Farce de, v. 98 187, 188, 450, 455
Pe"rouse, J. F. G. de la (1741-1788), xiv. Peter de la Celle, i. 186
553 Peter Hispanus, Summa, n. 363
Perowne, Thomas Thomason, xiv. 486 Peter of Langtoft (d. 1307?), Chronicle of,
Perrault, Charles, vm. 163; ix. 390, 572; i. 344, 350 ff., 358, 478; n. 420; IX. 535

X. 220; XL 380, 477, 485, 492; Histoires Peter of Peckham, n. 507

OIL Contes du Terns Passe, xi. 374, 375; Peter Pratefast, n. 232
Le Siecle de Louis le Grand, is. 391; Peter de Riga, n. 144
ParalUle des Anciens et des Modernes, Peter the writer, i. 202
EX. 391 Peterborough, ix. 349, 534, 535; xn. 166,
Perrin, Pierre, vm. 135; Ariadne (with 329; xiv. 100, 101
Grabut), vni. 134 Peterborough. See Benedict of
Perronet, Vincent (1093-1785), vm, 347, Peterborough, abbey of, i. 49, 398; m. 95,
475 428; iv. 417, 418
Perrot, Thomas (fi. 1720-1733), x. 386 Peterborough, earl of. See Mordaunt,
Perry, James (1756-1821), xn. 323; xiv. Charles
170, 178, 184, 186, 187 Peterborough Chronicle, i. 109, 111 ff., 138,
Perry, John Tavenor, xn. 512 386, 387, 397
Perseus, xm. 354 Peterkin, Alexander (1780-1846), XL 441
Perseus, in Confessio Amantis, n. 147, 148 Peterloo aff air, the, xn. 69 ; xm. 14
Perseus, in The Masque of Queens, vi. Peters, Hugh (1598-1660), iv. 458; vn.
349 353, 355, 513; vm. 21, 319, 470; IX. 258
Perseverance, in The Example of Virtue, Peterson, Robert (ji 1576-1606), iv. 442,
n. 228 II Galateo (trans, of), ra. 341, 438, 550
Perseverance, in The Passetyme of Plea- Peterson, Sir William (1856-1921), xn.
sure, n. 225, 228 Add. 3
Perseveraunce, in Magnyfycence, m. 77 Petgoose, Dr, in Jerrold's The Catspaw,
Persia, n. 71; iv. 84; vi. 238; x. 281, 503; xm. 269
xn. 342, 477; xm. 55; xiv. 248 Petit de Julleville, n. 419
Persian language and literature, vn. 319; Petit-Dutaillis, C., Studies and Note*
xn. 327, 342, 362; xm. 145; xiv. 332, supplementary to StuWs Constitutional
334, 457, 458 History, xiv. 75, 499
Persians, in The Royatt Slave, vi. 326 Petition of Bight, vn. 440
Persrus, i. 76; m. 20, 173; rv. 17, 206, Petition to the King's most Excellent
207, 264, 329, 345; vn. 311, 335; vm. Majestie, A, vn. 388
58, 61, 85; ix. 264, 269; si. 393; xn. Petowe, Henry (JL 1598-1612), iv. 438
222, 337, 482, 487, 489 Petrarch, 216; n. 184, 188; in. 23, 62,

Pertelote, in Phyllyp Sparowe, m. 71 65, 68, 167 ff., 174, 176, 186, 188, 215,
Perth, ix. 565 ff.; xi. 470 218, 222, 226, 249 ff., 255, 257, 262,
Perth, the Charterhouse, xm. 115 263, 265, 268 ft, 272; iv. 124, 196, 197,
Perth, duke and duchess of, ix. 563 210, 213, 261, 322, 429, 447; V. 173,
Perthshire, x. 348; xiv. 436 230; vi. 364, 378; vn. 1, 2, 4, 7, 17, 18,
Pertrnax Surly, in The Alchemist, vi. 22 23; ix. 555; x. 158; xn. 217, 396, 410
Pertz, Georg Heinrich, xiv. 92 De Remediis utriusgue Fortunae, n. 367
Peru, IV. 86, 99; ix. 391 Epistles, n. 366
Perugia, chapter of, i. 212 Passa la nave mia colma d? obUio, m. 1 11

Perugini, Mrs Kate, xm. Add. 3 Pkilologia, v. 101

Peruvian speech, xiv. 457 Sonnets to Laura, m. 251
PeshaU, Sir John (1718-1778), ix. 346, 541 Trionfi, xn. 76
Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich, ix. 389; Una Candida cerva, m. 167
xiv. 383, 390, 393, 404, 600, 602, 608 Petrarch, in Jonson's Volpone, vn. 274
Pestilence, Treatise of the, n. 319 Petrarchian rime form, xn. 91, 81
Pet (seafarer), iv. 88 Petre, father (the Martin) in Dryden's
Peter, Gregory's deacon, i. 105 Fables, vm. 48, 189
Peter, in Mrs GaskelTs Cranford, xm. 378 Petre, lord, ix. 70
Peter, in Swift's Tale of a Tub, ix, 100 Petre, M. D., xn. 470
Peter, Revelation of, I. 86 Petrie, A., xrv. Add. 4

Petrie, George (1789-1866), xn. 512, 518; Phaedrus, m. 216; ix. 525, 561; x. 457
Siv. 317, 571 Phaedrus, Fables, xi. 479
Ancient Music of Ireland, xiv. 328 Phaer, Thomas (1510?-1560), n. 213; m.
Antiquities of Tara, xn. 351 295, 302, 303, 448; iv. 17 ff.; Of the
Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland, Nature of Writts, IV. 19; Vergil, rv. 19,
xn. 351 440
Essay on Tara Hill, xrv. 312 Phaethon, in Sandys' s Ovid, vn. 51
Irish Military Architecture, xn. 351 Phaeton, vi. 342
Origin and uses of the Hound Towers, Phalaris, IX. 332 ff., 338, 391, 527, 572;
xiv. 312 xn. 324; Epistles, vm. 385; ix. 93, 102,
Round Towers of Ireland, xn. 351 115, 329, 524, 525
Petrie, Henry (1768-1812), xn. 355, 356, 'Phalaris' (Junius), x. 409
516, 518 Phalaris controversy, x. 352
Petrie,William Matthew Minders, xn. 339 Phantasma Radulphi, I. 332
Petrograd, XI. 59; xn. 55; xm. 55 Phant'sie, in The Vision of Delight, vi.
Petronel Flush, Sir, in Eastward Hoe, YL 359
48 Pharamond, in Morris's Love is Enough,
Petronius, n. 178; rv. 256; vi. 32; vn. 164, xm. 125
261, 503; ix. 255, 264, 266, 499 Pharamond, in The Spectator, ix. 55
Petronius, in Cowper's Progress of Error, Pharaoh, vn. 370
xi. 82 Pharaoh, i. 428
Petruchio, in The Taming of the Shrew, Pharaoh, Sermon on the five wiles of, in
v. 181; x. 90 The Golden Legend, n. 335
Petruchio, in The Womans Prize, VI. 135 Pharetra, n. 366
Petrus Alphonsus, I. 479 Pharicles, in MamiUia, m. 350
Petnis Carmelianus, The epitaph of the Pharonnida (Chamberlayne's), vn. 75
Xing of Scotland, n. 330 Pharsalia, battle of, v. 171
Petrus Comeator, I. 154, 192, 226, 343 Phelps, Samuel (1804-1878), vm. 184,
Petryonylla, The Life of St, n. 321, 486 xin. 69
Pettie, George (1548-1589), m. 343, 348, Phelps, William (1776-1856), xn. 512
432, 446, 447, 536; iv. 445; The Petite Phelps, W. L., xm. 485
Pallace of Pettie. Us Pleasure, m. 343, Phemis, in The Masque of the Middle
348; v. 123 Temple, vi. 355
Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph (1791-1865), Phemx, The, x. 166
xn. 523; Life of Lord Nelson, xii. 367 Philadelphia, xi. 47, 49
Pettitt, Henry (1848-1893), xm. 267 Philadelpliian society (1697-1703), IX.
Pettman, Rev. Charles, xiv. Add. 9 308, 514, 515
Pettus, Sir John (1613-1690), Lovedaya Philador, in Greene's Mourning Garment
Letters Domestic and Forreine, vn. 390 in. 360
Petty, Sir William (1623-1687), vin. 342, Philalethes (Henry Portsmouth), vn. 414
473, 475, 478; Political Arithmetic, vm. Philalethes (Robert Fellowes), xn. 466;
343; The Advice of W. P., ix. 389, 569; Mrenaeus Philoponos, vn. 509
Treatise of Taxes, vm. 343, 367 Philalethes, in Collier's Essays, ix. 211
Petty, Sir William, 1st marquis of Lans- Philammon, in Kingsley's Hypatia, xm.
downe (1737-1805), xi. 59, 142; xiv. 214 363
Petty-Fitzmaurice, Sir Henry, 3rd mar- Philanagnostes Criticus, ix. 511

quis of Lansdowne (1780-1863), xn. Philander,' vn. 413

103; xm. 87 Philanglus (Howell's), vn. 458
Petulant, in Congreve's Way of the World, Philanthropist, Tlie, xn. 193
vm. 153 Philarete (Wither's), iv. 155
Petyt, William (1636-1707), ix. 196, 356, Philastrogus, Littles Ape Whipt(lQ52), vn.
538; Jus Parliamentarium, ix. 357 509
Peutinger Table, I. 71 Philatus, in The Glasse of Govemement, v.

Pevensey, m. 95 113
Peyton, Kate, in Reade's Griffith Gaunt, Philautus, in Lyly's Euphues, iv. 523
xm. 426 Philautus, in Riche's Don Simonides, m.
Peyton, Thomas (1595-1626), The Glasse of 349
Time, vn. 406 Philautus, in The Anatomy of Wit and
Pfaffe Amis, m. 81 Euphues and his England, m. 345
Pfannkuche, A., XTTT. 464 Phileleutherus Anglicanus, x. 400
Pfarrer vonKalenberg, Der, m. 82, 94, 490 'Phileleutherus Lipsiensis,' ix. 336, 337,
Pfeiffer, Emily Jane (1827-1890), xm. 525
179, 180, 508; xiv. 600 Philemon, ix. 336, 525
Phaedra, v. 74, 78; vi. 163 Philemon and Baucis, vn. 252
Phaedra, in Euripides' Hippotytw, vm. Philenius, in Club Law, vx. 308, 309
164 Phihbert, Vision of, n. 502

Philibert de Vienne, The Philosopher of the PUUida flouts me, vm. 96
Court, m. 553; rv. 447 Phillip, William, iv. 460
Philine, in Goethe's Wilhelm Meister, xm. Phillippes, Henry, IV. 460
346 Phillips, Augustine (d. 1605), V. 219;
Philip, in Mrs Gaskell's Sylvia's Lovers, VI. 248, 276
xm. 379 Phillips, Charles (1787-1859), xrv. 505
Philip, Alexander John, xm. 544 Phillips, Edward (1630-1696?), vn. 15,
Philip II, king of [France, I. 307, 308 96, 107, 117, 118, 120, 141, 265, 267;
Philip II, king of Spain, x. 291, 505; m. XI.394
24, 196, 401, 431; iv. 71; V. 344; TL 91; John, nephew of Milton (1631-
vn. 326; vm. 125 1706), vn. 96; ix. 264, 265, 267 ff., 272,
Philip H, in Otway's Don Carlos, vm. 182 500; xi. 394
Philip in (the Bold), king of France, 1. 354 Don Quixote, ix. 268 fc, 275
Philip III, king of Spain, x, 505 Maronides, ix. 258
Philip V, king of Spam, ix. 228 Present State of Europe, ix. 267
Philip VI (of Valois), king of France, 1. 357 Trans, of Pharamond and Almahide,
Philip, James (/. 1617), ix. 565 vm. 371
Philip or Phillip, JohnQ?. 1566), The Plaie Translations, IX. 268
of Patient Gnssell, V. 116, 117, 407 Phillips, John (fl. 1841), xiv. 236
Philip, Rev. John, xiv. Add, 9 Phillips, Le Boy, xm. 574
Phillips, Lionel, xrv. Add.
Philip of Macedon, in. 24
Philip of Spain, vrn. 125 Phillips, Mrs Lionel, xrv. Add. 9
Philippa of Hainault (13142-1369), queen Phillips, Samuel (1814-1854), xm. 565
of England, I. 358 Phillips, Stephen (1866-1915), xm. 508,
Philippe de Thaon, Bestiary, n, 419; Li 522
Cumpoz, n. 420 Phillips, Sir T., IV. 512
Philippe le Bon, n. 313 Phillips, Watts (1825-1874), xm. 522;
Philipps, Fabian (1601?-1690), vn. 513 Xiv. 238
Philippus (Horace, JEpist.}, ix. 39 Camilla's Husband, xm. 268
Philips, Ambrose (1675?-1749), vm. 373; Dead Heart, The, xm. 268
ix. 78, 86, 161, 165-166 (main entry), ^m. 268
Lost in London,
181, 182, 190, 446, 481 ; xi. 144; xm. 191 Woman in Mauve, The, xm. 268
Andromaque, adapted by, ym. 181 Phillips of Bankside, mother, vi. 99
Collection of Old Ballads, ix. 166, 182 Phillis, in Mrs Gaskell's Cousin Phillis,
Distressed Mother, The, vm. 181, 372; xm. 380
ix. 166, 183 ;x. 22, 69, 83, 86 Phillis, in Steele's Conscious Lovers, ix. 64
Epistle to the Earl of Dorset, ix. 165 Phillis, in The Fayre Mayde of the Ex-
Pastorals, ix. 69, 77, 165 change, vi. 100
Philips, Claudy, musician, x. 464 Phillpotts, Henry (1778-1869), bishop of
Philips, James, vn. 88 Exeter, xiv. 492, 514
Philips, John (1676-1709), ix. 181, 182, Philo, vn. 264
486, 487; x. 1092.; 'Bacchanalian Philobiblon society, the, XT. 416
song,' ix. 182; Cyder, rx. 182; x. 96; Philobiblon Soc. Miscellanies, xn. 406
The Splendid Shilling, ix. 169, 182, Philobone, in The Court of Love, n. 220,
256; x. Ill, 147 221
Philips, John (fl. 1716), ix. 565 Philoclea, in Sidney's Arcadia, m. 352
Philips, Katherine (b. Fowler, 'the Philocles, in Bryden's Secret Love, vm. 20
Matchless Orinda') (1631-16G4), iv. 260, Philocosmia, in De JSodem et Diverso, 1. 153
267; vn. 39, 413; vm. 380; ix. 168, Philocosmus, in Daniel's Musophilus, iv.
473; xn. 124 88
*As men that are with visions graced/ Philodemus, xn. 340
vn. 88 Philogenet of Cambridge, in The Court of
'Come, my Lucasia, let TLS see,' vn, 88 Love, n. 167, 218, 220, 221
'I did not love until this time,' vn. 88 Philogonus, in Misogonus, V. 110, 111
*I have examined and do find,' vn. 88 Philo- Junius,' x. 404
Trans, of Horabius (Corneille's), vm. 133 Philological Museum, The, xn. 308
Trans, of Pomp^e, vm. 180 Philological society, xn. 344
Philips, Miles (fl. 1568-1582), iv. 73 Philomathes, VL 320, 474
Philisides, m.352 Philomathes, in Fucus Histriomastix, VL
Philistine war, in Cowley's Davideis, vn. 324
67 Philomed4, in Pope's Characters of Women,
Philistines, the, ry. 31; xm. 88, 91, 99, 101 ix. 82
Philistines, the, in Samson Agonistes, vn. Philomela, yi. 319, 320, 474
136 Philomela, in Confessio Amantis, n. 151
Philistus, rv. 122 Philomela, in Orosius, L 95
Phillida, in Galathea, v. 126 Philomela, in Progne, vi. 300

Philomelus, in Thomson's Castle of Indo- Physicians, college of, vm. 361
lence, x. 107 Physicians, tracts from, m. 493; vn. 511
Philomusus, in The Glasse of Governement, Physiologus, Old English, I. 59, 60, 430.
v. 113 See, also, Bestiaries
Philomusus, in The Pilgrimage to Par- Physiologus of Thetbaldus, I. 227. See,
nassus, vi. 310 also, I. 60, 239
Philomusus, in The Eeturne from Per* Picardy, n. 251
nassus, vr. 311, 312 Picart, Bernard, xiy. 212
Philonices, in Time's Complaint, vr. 320 Piccaolilly, duke of, in Goldsmith's Citizen
Philosarchus, in The Glasse of Governe- of the World, x. 206
ment, v. 113 Piccolomini, Allesandxo, Allesandro, vi. 32
Philosophia, in De Modern et Diverso, I, Pichot, Amedee, XL 410; xn. 385, 397,
153 525

Philosophical or Invisible* college, vm. Picke, Samuel, Festum Voluptatis, 1639,

364 yn. 413
Philosophical Transactions. See Royal "Pickel, colonel,' in The Tatler, ix. 34
society Picken, Andrew (1788-1833), xm. 565
Philosophy, land of, in The Pilgrimage to Pickering, a Jesuit, vm. 266
Parnassus, vi. 310 Pickering, Edward (fl. 1662), vm, 358
Philosophy, the beginnings of English, Pickering, Sir Gilbert (1613-1668), vm.
iv. 268 ft, 504 ff. 2, 5
Philostratus, iv. 25; vi. 9; vm. 229; is. Pickering, Henry, grandfather of Dryden,
504 vm. 2
Philotas, in Daniel's Philotas, IV. 133, 135 Pickering or Pikering or Pickeryng,
Philotimus, in Collier's Essays, ix. 211 John, Horestes, v. 63 ff., 77, 396; vi
Philotimus, in The Glasse of Governement, 284
v. 113 Pickering, William (fl. 1556-1571), rv. 390,
Philotus,TEL. 122;
y. 394;
ix. 556 399, 546
Philoxenus, in Believe as you List, vi. 148 Pickerings, the (Dryden's relatives), vn.
Philpot, Thomas (fl. 1630-1660), vn. 361 105
Philpot, WiUiam Benjamin (1823-1889), Pickersgill, Joshua, The Three Brothers,
xm. 508 xn. 50
Phipps, Edmund (1808-1857), xn, 452; Pickle, Gamaliel, in Smollett's Peregrine
xm. 554 PicJcle, x. 38
PMston, William (fl. 1571-1609), iv. 447 Pickle, Mrs, in Smollett's Peregrine Pickle,
Phiz,' pseud. See Browne, Hablot Knight x. 38
Phobetor, xrcr. 330 Pickle, Peregrine, x. 38
Phoebades, or Virginian priests of the Picks, R., m. 191
Sun, in Chapman's masque, vi. 355 Pickwick, Samuel (Dickens' s), n. 177;
Phoebe, in As You Like It, vi. 304 xm. 311, 322, 324
Phoebe, in The Faerie Queene, m. 233 Picton, James Allanson (1832-1910), xn.
Phoebe, in The Faithfull Shepheardesse, 466; xiv. 478
vi. 368 Pictorial Times, The, xiv. 201
Phoebe, in Rosalynde, m, 358 Pictorius, G., vn, 509
Phoebus, iv. 122 Picts, n. 276
Phoebus, Mr, in Disraeli's Lothair, ynr. Picturesque Sketches of Rustic Scenery,
349 xrv. 222
Phoenicia, xn. 316, 317, 478 Piedmont, vn. 306; X. 119; xm. 88
Phoenix, I. 42, 52, 58, 59, 428, 430 Pierce, G. A., xm. 544
Phoenix, the, in Phyllyp Sparowe, m. 71 Pierce, Robert (1622-1710), vm. 358
Phoenix Bntannicus, x. 166 Pierce, Thomas, vn. 474
Phoenix Nest, The, m. 523; iv. 109, 113, Pierce Plouwnan. See Peres and Piers
116, 118, 159, 467 Piero, in Antonio and Mellida, vi. 45
Photiades, Constantin, xm. 570 Pierre, in Otway's Venice Preserved, vm.
Photius (codex Galeanus), xn. 325, 328, 183
491 Pierre d'Ailly, Imago Mundi f I. 209
Phraxanor, in Wells's Joseph and his Pierre de la Seppade of Marseilles, version
Brethren, xn. 117 of Paris and Vienne, n. 315
Phreas, John (d. 1465), n. 499 Pierrepont, Evelyn, 1st duke of Kingston
Phronesis (Theology) in Wyclif s Trio* (1665?-1726), ix. 243, 244
logus, n. 65 Pierrepont, William, 4th earl of Kingston,
*Phylida was a fayer mayde,' rv. 119 vm. 83
PhyUida, iv. 122 Piers, in The Shepfaards Calender, m,
Phyllis, xn. 133 225, 226
Phyllis, in Confessio Amantis, n. 151 Piers of Fullham, n. 501
Phyllis, in Owen's Epigravmato, rv. 265 Piers the Usurer, tale of, i. 341, 346

PiersPlowman, Vision of, I. 281, 291, 334, Pinkie, battle of, n. 109; in. 147, 152
348, 349, 352, 357, 360, 369, 371, 378; Pinkney,Miles(1599-1674),vn. 34, 35,400
n. 1-42 (mam entry), 72, 77, 192, 215, Pinner academy, x. 385
233, 295, 351, 399, 422, 428, 432, 433, Pinwell, George John (1842-1875), XL 489
435, 436; in. 181, 273, 274, 302, 303, Pinzon, Vincenzo, iv. 70
325, 448; iv. 37, 382, 414, 521; v. 4, Piot, Lazarus, iv. 438
6, 13, 22, 35, 51; x. 120, 233; xn. 344, Piozzi, Gabriel, x. 187
354 Piozzi, Hester Lynch (Mrs Thrale) (1741-
Pigafetta, Antonio, rv. 69, 80 1821), vn. 176; x. 63, 65, 66, 158, 168,
Pigeon, the, in Dry den's Fables, vm. 48 170, 181, 186, 187, 267, 463, 471 ff.,
Pigott, Mostyn T., xiv. 537 484; xi. 350, 354, 364, 365; Anecdotes
Pigott, Richard (1828?-18S9), xiv. 183 of the late Samuel Johnson, x. 189, 190
Pigwiggen, in Nimphidia, iv. 193 Pip, in Great Expectations, xm. 333, 334,
Pike, G. Holden, xiv. 533 339
Pilate, i. 272; vn. 169 Pipe, Hannah E., xiv. 600
Pilate, in the religious plays, v. 16, 17, 19, Piper o' Dundee, The, ix. 378
42, 44 fi. Piper of Hamelin, The, in 81
Pilgrim Fathers, the, iv. 311, also see Pipes, Tom, in Smollett's Peregrine P icicle,
Add.; vn. 308 x. 38
Pilgrimage of Grace, the, xm. 366 Pipkin, in How a man may chuse, etc.,
Pilgrimage of the Soul, The, u. 314. See, vi. 93
also, n. 327, and under Lydgate and Pippa, Browning's, XTTT. 59, 62, 81
Deguileville Piraeicus,vm. 66
Pilqnms* Sea-voyage, The, n. 503 Pirkheimer, Wilibald, m. 1, 22
Pilkington, Francis (1560?-1625?), IV. 113 Pisa, m. 49; v. 306; vn. 316; xn. 37, 70,
Pilkington, Gilbert (fl. 1350), I. 366 72, 75, 398
Pilkington, Letitia (1712-1750), xiv. 571 Pisa, palazzo Lanfranchi, xn. 36
Pilkington, Mrs Mary (1766-1839), XL Pisan, Christine de, vm. 59
384, 482,492 Pisano, in The Tray tor, vi. 199
Biography for Boys, xi. 385 Piscator of Strassburg, iv. 276
Biography for Girls, xi. 385 Pistill of Susane. See Swete Susane
Marvellous Adventures, xi. 385 Pistol, Ancient, iv. 78; vt. 194; vm. 127;
Moral Tales (trans.), XL 385 xiv. 125; in The Merry Wives of Windsor,
Pilkington, Matthew (fl. 1729-1733), ix. v. 187, 195, 203, 361
464 466 Pistorius, Hermann Andreas, x. 513
Pillans, James (1778-1864), xiv. 404, 608 Pitcairn, Robert (1793-1855), xn. 517;
Pills to Purge Melancholy, n. 414 xiv. 545
Pilon, Frederick (1750-1788), sx 451 Pitcairne, Archibald (1652-1713), vm.
Pilot,The, xiv. 202 409; ix. 559; De Jiiramento lUicito, vm.
Pimlyco, or, Eunne Red-cap, m. 482; rv. 97
362, 517, 532 Pithias, inDamon and Pithias, v. 119
Pinart, iv. 406 Pits,John (1560-1616), ix. 538
Pinch, Tom, in Martin Chuzzlewt, xm. 323 Pitseus, John (1560-1616), v. 89, 406
Pindar, m. 259; iv. 30; vn. 64, 65; ix. Pitt, Christopher (1699-1748), ix. 486;
189, 487; x. 114, 127, 128, 458, 493; X. 493; The Art of Preaching, x. 363;
xn. 330, 482, 485, 489, also see Add. trans, of The MnM,
ix. 188; trans, of
Nemean ode, vn. 64 Vida's Art of Poetry, ix. 188, 189
Olympian odes, vn. 64, 65 Pitt, Humphrey, of Shifnal, x. 233
Paeans, xn. 340 Pitt, Thomas (1653-1726), ix. 409, also
Partheneia, xn. 340 see Add.
Pindar, Sir Paul (1565?-1650), IV. 513 Pitt, Thomas,1st lord Camelford (1737-
Pindar, Peter, pseud. See Wolcot, John 1793), x. 250
Pindaric odes, vm. 44, 55, 84 fL, 94, 170, Pitt, William, 1st earl of Chatham (1708-
233; xn. 128 1778), vm. 295; ix. 250, 409, 561;
xm. 191, 198, 218,
'Pindarics,' xi. 248; x. 102, 164, 190, 250, 256, 263, 272,
227, 239 273, 388, 390 ff., 398, 399, 402, 403,
Pindarus, in Dryden's Troilus and Ores- 406, 408 ff., 476, 523, 526, 527; XI. 11,
sida, vm. 29 12, 16, 51, 165, 351, also see Add.;
Pine, John (1690-1756), xiv. 212 xm. 467; xiv. 63, 602
Pine, William, xi. 341 Pitt, William, the younger (1759-1806),
Pinero, Sir Arthur Wing, xm. 514 vm. 296; xi. 25, 29, 31, 33 ff., 39, 51,
Pinkerton, John (1758-1826), n. 113, 116, 52 (main entry), 74, 118, 157, 392,

269, 283; x. 312, 460, 490, 503, also see 396; xn. 260; xm. 467; xiv. 61, 91
Add.; xn. 518; xiv. 553; Walpoliana, 97, 119, 121, 122, 124, 128, 194, 214
x. 246, 496 Pitt-Rivers, Augustus Henry Lane F. St
Pinkerton, Miss, XL 379 (1827-1900), xn. 512

Pittas, Wm (1874-1724), vm. 405; ix. 15 Plato
Pitts, publisher, xiv. 227, 228 Republic, The, in. 18, 214; x. 134; xn,
Pity, in The Castle of Perseverance, v. 52 333
Pity, in The Court of Love, n. 220 Symposium, in. 2 14 ft; xn. 62, 73
Pius II, n. 369; iv. 334 Theaetetus, xn. 329
Pius IV, vin. 296 Timaeus, in. 214; xn. 333
Pius V, m. 401; iv. 302 Platonic love, v. 379
Pius IX, xiv. 417 Platonists, m. 9, 258
Pix, Mary, born Griffith (1666-1720?), Platt, E. A., xiv. 598
vin. 439 Plattes, Gabriel (fl. 1638-1640), vn. 509
Pixerecourt, Rene C. Guilbert de, xm. 264 Plautus, m. 24, 53, 92; iv. 245; v. 101,
Place, Francis (1771-1854), xiv. 408, 478, 105 ft; VI. 14 ft, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 303,
602, 608 304, 306, 320; vm. 17, 164, 165, 247;
Placebo, in Ane Pleasant Satyre, m. 124, ix. 338, 526; x. 417; XL 265; xii. 490,
126 492, 494
Plactdas, or St Eustace, v. 104 AmpJutruo, v. 107
Placids, the, in Mrs Jnchbald's Every one Aulularia, vi. 297; vm. 123; xi. 277
has his Fault, xi. 279 Menaechmi, rv. 4, 439; v. 102, 177, 220;
Plagiary, Sir Fretful, in Sheridan's Critic, vi. 300
xi. 272 Miles Glonosus, v. 102, 105, 162; vm.
Plague, the (1582), vi. 376, 383 127; xn. 338
Plague, the (1665), vn. 289, 512; vm. 9, Mostellana, vi. 102
253 Rudens, vi. 102
Plain Man's Pathway to Heaven, The, Playe of Play es and Pastimes, The, vi. 391
vii. 168; XI. 369
Players Petition to Parliament, The, VL
Plan for a Prize Novel, A, xm. 344 407, 495
Planche, James Robinson (1796-1880), Playfair, John (1748-1819), xn. 144, 427;
xii. 512; xni. 270, 271, 273, 522; xrv. 292, 406, 409, 561, 563; Illustra-
History of British Costume, xn. 348 tions of the Huttoman Theory of the
Planche, Matilda Anne. See Mackarness Earth, xiv. 291
Planet, in Jacke Drums Entertainment, Playford, John (1623-1686?), vn. 402;
vi. 44 Choice Ayres, ix. 364; Introduction to
Piano Carpini, Historia Mongolorum of, Musicke, iv. 144
the Skill of
n. 80 Pleasance, queen, in King Hart, n. 262
Plantagenet era, XL 367 Pleasand Ballatis, m. 142
Plantagenets, the, ix. 222 Pleasant Battle between two Lap-dogs of
Plantni, Christopher, in. 427; iv. 402, 403; the Utopian Court, A, vm. 99
ix. 167 Pleasure, in Carew's Coelum Britannicum,
Planudean anthology, the, vn. 14 vii. 19
Plarr, Victor Gustavus, xrn. 502 Plegmund (d. 914), I. 92
Plas Gwynant, Wales, xiv. 84 Plegwin, Bede's letter to, I. 80
Plassey, xiv. 338 Pleiade, The, m. 227, 250, 258, 265; IV.
Plat or Platt, Sir Hugh (1552?-1611?), 197; vn. 1; xm. 211
IV. 370, 513, 541 ft Pleshy, Essex, xn. 510
Divers new sorts of soyle, etc., TV. 371 Pleyel, Ignaz Joseph, xi. 226
Floraes Paradise, IV. 375 Pliant, Dame, in The Alchemist, vi. 22
Jewell House of Art and Nature, iv. 371 Pliny, the elder, I. 76, 80, 81, 191; n. 79
New and admirable arte of setting come, 80, 363; m. 5, 20, 71, 109, 347, 420
The, rv. 371 iv. 1, 14, 15, 249, 439; vi. 9; vn. 261,
Plate fleet, the, IV. 200 316; vm. 66, 77; DC. 38, 534; xn. 336,
Plato and Platonism, I. 99, 187, 213; n. 402, 487; Epistolae, IX. 349; Natural
231; m. 3, 6, 173, 187, 214 ft, 219, 221, History, in. 347; v. 123, 126
222, 225, 234, 243, 245, 263, 299, 416, Pliny, the younger, iv. 264, 439
420, 433, 434; IV. 73, 250, 270, 271, Plomer, Henry R., XI. 466, 467, 469
285, 430, 439, 526; v. 209; vi. 21; vn. 7, Plot, Robert (1640-1696), ix. 413, 538;
154, 277 ft, 302, 304; vm. 24, 132, 273, Natural History of Oxfordshire, IX. 352;
274, 276 ft, 282, 285, 287, 289, 291, Natural History of Staffordshire, ix. 352
334, 348; ix. 46, 282, 300; xi. 70, 100; Plotinus, vm. 273, 277, 278, 282, 287 ft;
xn. 60, 67, 93, 284, 293, 475, 479, 480, ix. 315, 323
482, 484 ft, 489, 491, 492, 494, 495; Plouffe, Gcdeon, xiv. 355
also see Add.; xm. 99; xiv. 23 Plough Monday, v. 32
Axiochus, v. 5 Ploughman's Tale, The, n. 36, 39, 162,
Euthydemus, xn. 327 164, 215, 432, 434
Gorgias,xn. 327, 330 Plow boys' performances, v. 32
Phaedo, xn. 333, 335 Plowden, Edmund (1518-1585), Law Re-
Phaedrus, m. 234; xn. 330 ports, vm. 316, 467

Pluck, in Nicholas Nickleby, xm. 317 Podesta, the, in Crowne's City Pohtiques,
Plume, captain, in Farquhar's Recruiting vm. 188
Officer, vin. 171 Podmore, Frank, xrv. 473, 478, 602
Plume, Thomas (1630-1704), vn. 342 Poe, Edgar Allan, xm. 121, 141, 438, 505;
Plumers, the, xn. 182 xrv. 318 b, 365; Murders in the Rue
Plumian professorship of astronomy, Morgue, The, xm. 437
Cambridge, vn. 342; ix. 412, 413 Poema Morale, i. 220, 227, 338, 376, 459,
Plummer, Charles, I. 79, 81, 83, 85, 93, 460; x. 225
104, 112 Poema on Affairs of State, vm. 91, 410,
Plummer, John (fl. 1444), YL 281 411, 445, 447
Plumporridge, in The Inner-Temple Poenitentia, in The Castle of Perseverance,
Masque, vi. 70, 75 V. 52
Plumpton Correspondence, n. 483, 500 Poeta, in Technogamia, vi. 323
Plunket, David, xrv. 126 Poetical Amusements at a Villa near Bath,
Plunket, William Conyngham, 1st baron x. 278
Plunket (1764-1854), rev. 128, 510; Poetical Calendar (Pawkes and Woty's),
Life, Letters and Speeches, xiv. 126 X. 183
Plunkett, Henry Grattan ('ITusbos'), xrv. Poetical Magazine, The, xrv. 217, 218
236 Poetical Register, The, XL 413
Plutarch, m. 68, 92, 313, 346, 347, 429, Poetry, land of, in The Pilgrimage to Par-
433; iv. 1, 3, 5, 10, 12, 15, 16, 23, 24, nassus, VL 310
342, 344, 439, 442, 527; v. 197, 221; Poet's laureate, n. 506
VL 19, 138, 406; vn. 392, 404; vm. 31, Poggio, in The Police of Honour, n. 260
401; ix. 28, 265, 267, 337, 500; XL 330, Poggio Bracciolini, Gr. F., in. 93, 489;
351, 352; xn. 332, 335, 485, 487, 490, rv. 322
497; xrv. 579 Poictiers, n. 336
jDe Educatione Puerorum, m. 346 Poins, in Henry IV, v. 189

Life ofAgis, vm. 191 Poiret, Pierre, rx. 307, 519 ff.
Lives, x. 206, 481 Poisson, Simeon Denis, xrv. 261
Moralia, rv. 6, 14, 249, 523; vn. 316 Poland, v. 308; VL 303; vn. 200; xrv. 172
Pluto, I. 295; rv. 349 Poland, The Last Will and Testament of
Pluto, in The Devil and his Dame, v. 329 Anthony JL. of, vm. 93
Pluto, in Friar Rush, vi. 53 Polar seas, the, xn. 248
Pluto, in The Merchant's Tale, n. 184 Pole, in Meredith's Sandra Belloni, xm.
Pluto, in Troiane, v. 69 445
Plutus, in Love Restored, vi. 351, 352, 355 Pole, David(d. 1568), rv. 428
Plutus, in The Masque of the Middle Pole, Reginald (1500-1558), cardinal,
Temple, VL 355 archbishop of Canterbury, m. 7, 105,
Plyant, lady, in Congreve's Double-Dealer, 420, 474; IV. 428
vm. 148 Pole, Thomas (1753-1829), xrv. 592
Plyant, Sir Paul, in Congreve's Double- Pole, William de la, 1st duke of Suffolk
Dealer, vm. 148, 149, 156 (1396-1450), n. 288, 304, 424; iv. 182
Plymouth, iv. 78, 200, 311, 350; vn. 449; Pole, William (1814-1890), xrv. 503
vm. 122; xi. 468; xiv. 122, 297 Polemia, in Arbuthnot's History of John
Plymouth, the Hoe, VL 101 Bull, ix. 134
Plymouth Sound, x. 115 Polemo-Middinia, x. 223
Plynlimmon, I. 250 Polesworth. See PowWorth
Pneustis (Unbelief), in Wyclif s Trialogus, Poliarchus, in Argemis, rv. 258 rL
n. 65 Policy, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, n. 220
Pocock, Isaac (1782-1835), xm. 270, 522 Polidori, G., xm. 490, 496
Magpie or the Maid? The, xm. 265 Polidori, John William, xn. 247, 397
Mitter and his Men, The, xm. 264, 265 Polimanteia, v. 368, 369, 479
Montrose; or, The Children of the Mist, Polisarda, in Palmerin of England, vn. 75
xm. 265 Polish language, xrv. 458
Rob Roy Macgregor; or, Auld Lang Syne, Politian, vn. 315; x. 159
xm. 265 Political and social aspects of the later
Robber's Wife, The, xm. 265 Elizabethan and earlier Stewart period,
Robinson Crusoe, ^TTT, 265 v. 476 ff.
Twenty Years Ago, xm. 265 Political Eclogues, XL 34, 36, 40
Pocock, Nicholas (1814-1897), ix. 196 Political Miscellanies, XL 35
Pococke, Edward, the elder (1604-1691), Political pamphlets, IV. 535
ix 183, 529 Political Register, x. 525
Pococke, Edward, the younger (1648-* Political Science Quarterly, The, xiv. 80
1727), vn, 308, 319; ix. 529 Political Songs of England, I. 370
Pococke, Richard (1704^1765), XIV. 246, Political treatises and pamphlets in Jaco-
553 bean times, vn. 455

Politick Would Be, Sir, in Volpone, VL Ponsonby, William (1546?-1603), rv. 395,
21 397, 398
Politicke perswasion, the Vice, in Patient Ponsonby deTomkyns, Mrs (Du Manner's),
Grissell, v. 117 xm. 433
Politics, in Gonfessio Amantis, n. 149 Pont-a-Mousson, rv. 253, 256
Politics and economics, early writings on, Pont-neuf, n. 395
iv. 295 ft, 509 ft. Ponthus, The History of King, n. 325
Politics for the People, xm. 358 Pontia, in Owen's Epigrammata, iv. 265
Poliziano, Angelo, m. 5, 6, 20; iv. 69 Pontif ex, in Butler's The Way of all Flesh,
Polla, in Ignoramus, VL 322 xm. 454
Pollard, Alfred William, iv. 394; v. 18, 20, Pontine marshes, in Thackeray's Ravens-
92, and see Add. 3; vn. 11; XL 467 wing, xm. 281
Pollen, John Hungerford (1820-1902), Pontis, L. de, ix. 499
TTT. 462; A Narrative of Five Years at Ponto family, in Thackeray's Book of
St Saviour's, Leeds, xn. 275 Sno'bs, xm. 285
Pollexfen, Sir Hargrave, in Richardson's Pontoux, Claude de, iv. 24; VIdde, rv. 178
Sir Charles Qrandison, x. 11 Pontresina, xm. 380
PoUitt, Charles, xiy. 532 Pontus de Tyard, m. 258, 263; Lea Erreurs
Pollock, Sir Frederick, vm. 313; xrv. 80, Amoureuses, m. 258
470, 494 Pool, John, County Astrology (1650), vn.
Pollock, Sir F. and Maitland, F. W., His- 509
tory of English Law, I. 174, 181 Poole, Austin Lane, x. Add.
Pollock, Walter Herries, XL 448; xn. 447 Poote, John (1786?-1872), xm. 522;
PoUok, Robert (1798-1827), XL 444; xn. Lodgings for Single Gentlemen, xm. 270;
421; The Course of Time, xi. 244; xn. Paul Pry, xm. 270; 'Twixt the Cup and
129 Lip, xm. 270
Polly, in Dickens' s Mugby Junction, XTTT. Poole, Joshua (fl. 1632-1646), vm. 238;
335 xi.249; The English Parnassus, vn.
Polly, in Gay's Beggar's Opera, rs. 163; 466; vm. 238, 447
xi. 260 Poole, Matthew (1624-1679), vn. 323,
Polly, in The Little Pretty Pocket Book, XL 477; Synopsis Cnticorum Bibhorum,
376 vn. 322, 481
'Polonaland,' v. Ill Poole, Reginald Lane, I. 420; xrv. 485, 500
Polonia, prince (Thackeray's), XTTT. 288 Poole, Reginald Stuart (1832-1895), xn.
Polonius, in Hamlet, n. 384; in. 349; rv. 498
120; v. 172, 200 ff., 272, 278; VI. 161, Poole, Stanley Lane, xx. 459; xiv. 252
200; vm. 221, 377 Poole, Thomas (1765-1837), XL 121, 405
Polter, R., iv. 460 Poor law, Elizabethan, v. 374, 375
Polwarth, ix. 364 Poor Man's Pittance, A, m. 198
Polwhele, Richard (1760-1838), x. 490; Poor priests (Wyclif s), n. 56,57,59,63, 66
xn. 376 Poor Tom. See Abraham man
Polyander (Howell's), vn. 458 Poore, Richard, bishop of Salisbury (d.
Polybius, m. 432; iv. 259, 439; vn. 311, 1237), I. 230
488; ix. 528; x. 466; xn. 493 Pop upon Pope, A, ix. 85
Polycarp, xn. 340 Pope (actor) (d. 1604), iv. 360; VL 248, 276
Polydore, in Otway's Orphan, vm. 183 Pope, Alexander (1688-1744), m. 78, 200,
Polynesian languages, xiv. 459 452; rv. 21, 208, 280, 335; v. 209, 249,
Polyphilus, in The Rambler, x. 172 268 ft, 274, 296; vi. 113; vn. 12, 20,
Pomfret, countess of. See Fermor, Hen- 73, 269; vm. 39, 50, 51, 62, 77, 89, 143,
rietta Louisa 160, 177, 193 ft, 203, 229, 234, 235,
Pomfret, John (1667-1702), vm. 444; 237, 284, 292, 370, 386, 427; ix. 17, 45,
ix. 167, 169, 170, 482; x. 183; Choice, 66 E. (main entry), 103, 123, 127, 129,
The,ix.. 170; Poems on Several Occasions, 131, 133, 137, 138, 141ft, 160, 161,
ix. 169 163 ft, 171, 174, 175, 177, 179 ft, 184,
Pompeii, xn. 417, 497 185, 187ft, 220, 228, 230, 247, 248,
Pompey, iv. 196 250 ft, 258, 260, 340, 357, 369, 437,
Pompey, in Measure for Measure, v. 190 442 ft, 452, 462, 466, 468 ft, 472, 474 ft,
Pompey the Little. See Coventry, Francis 480, 481, 483, 484, 497, 498, 509, also
Pompey' s Ghost, xr. 234 see Add.; x. 77, 80, 95, 102, 110, 113,
Pompifia, in Browning's The Ring and the 115, 119 ft, 126, 128, 138, 141, 145,
Book, xra. 50, 66, 79 153, 169, 172, 174, 180, 184, 202, 208,
Pomponius Laetus, m. 13 218, 219, 221, 227, 232, 238 ft, 242,
Pomponius Mela, rv. 439 273, 277, 297, 299, 301, 319, 398, 447,
Ponder, Nathanael, vn. 178 448, 457, 458, 461, 465 ft, 475, 493,
Ponet, John (1514?~1556), bishop of Win- also see Add.; 33. 36, 77, 79, 82, 86, 91,
chester, m. 473; rv. 447; v. 104 142, 150, 175, 178, 201, 206ft, 216,

Pope, Alexander Pope, Alexander
247, 254 if,, 320 330, 335, 356,
ff., 402, Shakespeare, edited by, ix. 77; xi. 320
410, 466, 467, 473; xn. 36, 40, 100, 145, Sober advice from Horace,' ix. 86
169, 177, 218, 363, 384, 397, 419, 438, a Person of Quality, xn. 101
Song^ by
444; xm. 27, 29, 43, 51, 70, 71, 239, Statius's Thebais, translation of, ix. 68
253, 512; xiv. 62, 108, 144, 200, 212, Temple of Fame, x. 219
249, 396, 399, 435, 436, 439, 447 Windsor Forest, IX. 69
Akander Prince of Rhodes, ix. 68 Works (1717), ix. 74
Art of Sinking in Poetry (Latkos}* See Works in Prose, ix. 84
Martinus Scriblerus below 1740, ix. 88
Augustus, To, xn. 42 Pope, Sir Thomas (1507?-1559), m. 51,
Correspondence, xi. 328 420, 424; x. 492
Dialogues, ix. 87, 88 Pope, Walter (d. 1714), ix. 500; The
Dunciad, The, iv. 332; v. 270, 276; vn. Catholic. Ballad, vm. 97, 411
89; vni. 40, 41; ix. 32, 77 if., 82, 85, 88, Popery, x. 301
89, 131, 143, 144, 165, 188, 237, 251, Popes, The History of the, x. 499
340, 409; x. 121, 163, 202; xi. 140, 212, Popham, Sir John (1531?-! 607), vi. 188
320, 328; xn. 41, 42 Popish Courant, The (1678-1683), vm. 412
Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Popish Plot, A Narrative of the, vm. 97
Lady, ix. 70 'Poplicola,' x. 403
Eloisa to Abelard, ix. 70, 71; x. 218 Poppaea, in Gray's Agrippina, x. 119
Epistle to a Young Lady, ix. 71 Popple, William (d. 1708), Locke's Epis-
Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot, ix. 78, 86, 88, tola de Tolerantia trans, by, vm. 331,
133, 147, 171, 251; xu. 42, 73 471
Epistle to Mr Jervas, ix. 71 Porcher, Edwin A., xn. 339, 498
Epistle to Robert Eail of Oxford,**. 74, 77 Porcupine, Peter, xi. 49
Epistles, ix. 81, 82, 86, 87 Porcupine, The, XL 49
Essay on Criticism, vn. 69; ix. 70, 73, Pordage, in Oldham's Thirteenth Satyr of
77,89 Juvenal, vm. 89
Essay on Man, ix. 73, 81 ., 85, 89, Pordage, John (1607-1681), vn, 303, 474;
169, 295, 296; X. 185; xi. 140 ix. 307, 519
Ethic Epistles, ix. 89 Pordage, Samuel (1633-1691?), vm. 91,
Fragment of a Saiire, ix. 78 403, 409; Azaria and Hushai, vm. 92;
Full and True Account... Edmund Curll, The Medal Reversed, vra. 92
ix.78 Porlock, in Lorna Doone, yrn. 434
Homer, v. 269; vm. 158; ix. 72, 74 ft, Pornic, xm, 77
164, 167, 171; xi. 89, 90, 246, 320 fi. Porphyro, in Keats' s Eve of St Agnes, xn.
Imitations of Horace, vn. 69; ix. 85 ., 86, 87;xm. 114
251 Porphyry, n. 363; vm. 288
Letter to a Nolle Lord, ix. 86, 251 Porphyry, Commentary on, by William of
Letter to H. Cromwell, XL 250 Ockham, I. 212
Martinus Scriblerus,,. or the Art of Porrex, in Gorboduc, v. 67
Sinking in Poetry (Bathos), ix. 78, 171, Porritt, Edward, xiv. 532
251 271 Porrus (Poms), i. 307
Messiah, DC. 69; x. 159, 168 Porson, Richard (1759-1808), iv. 263;
Moral Essays, ix. 81, 82 ix. 526; xn. 323 it (main entry), 329 &.,
Narrative of Dr Robert Norris, ix. 77 363, 481 ff., 486, 488, 490 ff.
Ode for Music on Saint Cecilia? s Day, Adversaria, xn. 329
ix. 72 Anstophanica, xn. 328
Ode on Solitude, ix. 68 Letters to Mr Archdeacon Travis, x. 309,
Of lake Taste, ix. 81 317, 508; xn. 323
Of Taste, ix. 81 Miscellaneous Works, xn. 324

Of the Characters of Women, ix. 82 Porson' type, xn. 324, 329

Of the Knowledge and Characters of Men, Porsoniana, xn. 408
ix. 81 Port, Sir John (d. 1557), vn. 331
Of the Use of Eiches, ix. 81 Port Glasgow, xm. 107
One Thousand Seven Hundred and Port Royal, m. 424
Thirty -Eight, x. 168 Porte, the, ix. 244
Ovid's Metamorphoses, translation of, Porten, Catharine, x. 300
ix. 68 Porteous mob, the, xn, 18
Pastorals, IX. 68, 69, 78 Porter, Anna Maria (1780-1832), xi. 305,
Prologue to the Satires, ix. 86 463
Rape of the Lock, The, ix. 70, 73, 241; Porter, Charlotte, xm. 479
X. 167; XIII. 263 Porter, Elizabeth, x. 160
Satires, vn. 89; ix. 86, 87 Porter, Endymion (1587-1649), VL 235;
Selecta Poemata Italorum, ix. 76; x. 159 vn. 5, 12

Porter, Henry (fl. 1596-1599), v. 311, 312, Potter, John (1674?-1747), ix. 527
331, 475; vi. 12, 219,* The two angry Potter, Robert (1721-1S04), x. 475, 476
Women of Abington, v. 330 xni. 145
Porter, James (1753-1798), XT. 395 Potter's bar, xn. 186
Porter, Jane (1776-1850), XL 305, 464; Potts, R. A., xn. 400
Scottish Chiefs, XL 306; Thaddeus of Potts, Thomas (fl. 1612), iv. 535; VL 104;
Warsaw, xi. 306 vn. 374, 506; Discoverie of Witches, vi.
Porter, John, xiv. 541 105
Porter, Joseph, x. 385 Poulton, Edward Bagnall, xiv. 560
Porter, P., Tachmas, Prince of Persia, Pounce, Peter, in Fielding's Joseph An-
VIIL 190 drews, x. 25
Porter, Sir Robert Ker (1777-1842), xiv. Pound, Ezra, xm. Add. 2
553 Poundtext, Peter, in Scott's Old Mor-
Porter and Jonson's Hot Anger Soon Cold, tality, xn. 27
v. 331; vi. 12 Pourceaupmac, M. de (Moliere's), vi. 160
Porteus, Beilby (1731-1808), x. 517 Poussin, Nicholas, x. 106; xn. 173; xm. 52
Portfolio of a Man of the World, ix. 191 Pouts, captain, in A Woman is a Weather-
Portia, in The Merchant of Venice, v. 169, cocke, vi. 222
183, 197, 262, 379 Poutsma, H., xiv. 611
Portiforiums, m. 19 Poverte, in Magnyfycence, m. 77, 78
Portjafe, n. 277 Poverty, in Worke for Armorours, vx, 56
Portland, vn. 61 Povey, Charles (1652?-1743), ix. 462;
Portland, duchess of. $eeHarley, Margaret x. 411
Portland, earls of. See Bentinck, Wiitiam Powell, Baden (1796-1860), xn. 295, 466,
Porto Bello, x. 36; xiv. 201 469; xiv. 479
Portraits, French, iv. 522, 523 Powell, David (1552?-1598), I. 262; m.
Portsmouth, xn. 243; xiv. 225 531
Portsmouth, duchess of. See Keroualle, Powell, Frederick York (1850-1904), L
Louise Renee de 369 ;n. 39; xiv. 497
Portsmouth academy, in O'Keeffe's Wild Powell, George (1658?-1714), vm. 177
Oats, xi. 281 Powell. Humphrey (fl. 1548-1556), iv. 414;
Portsmouth's Picture, On the duchess of, The Wyll of the Devyll, m. 86, 87
VIH. 94 Powell, Mary, 1st wife of John. Milton,
Portugal, n. 276; VI. 169; vm. 271 ; x. 408, vn. 101, 122
500; XL 72, 155; xn. 32, 488; xiv. 294 Powell, Mrs, actress (d. 1831), vm. 186
Portugal, prince of, in The Spanish Powell, Stephen, xi. 342
Tragedie, v. 240 Powell, Thomas (1572?-1635?), iv. 526;
Portugal History, The (1677), vm, 451 V. 479; vn. 39
Portuguese, the, xn. 13 Powell, William (fl. 1562-1563), iv. 384
Portuguese king, in Believe as You List, Powell family, vn. 103
vi. 147 Power, in Cooper's Hill, vn. 60
Portuguese language, xi. 355; xrv. 457, Power, Cecil, pseud. See Allen, Grant
458 Power, John, xn. 523
Portuguese navy, the, xiv. 187 Power, Lionel, xiv. 308
Portuguese songs, n. 405 Power, Marguerite. See Blessington,
Portuguese writers, vin. 126 countess of
Portuus of Nollmes, n. 284 Powers Key, in The Bowge ofCourte, m. 73
Pory, John (1570?-1635), iv. 445 Powis, 1st baron, vn. 45
Positive Atall, Sir, in ShadwelTs Sutten Powis, earl. See Herbert, Edward
Lovers, VHL 21 Powis, lord, in John a Kent, v. 317
Possum, Peter, pseud. See Howe, Richard Powis castle, x. 115
Post and Pair, in The Masque of Christmas, Powlsworth (now Polesworth), iv. 169,
vi. 358 174, 186
Post Boy, The, ix. 5; xi. 333 Powys, prince of, I. 196
Poste, Edward (1823-1902), xn. 492 Poynter, Sir Edward John, xm. 433
Postgate, John Percival, xn. 483 Poyntz, Sydnam (fl. 1645-1650), vn. 463
Posthast, in Histrio- astix, v. 322; VI. 43, Poyser, Mrs, in Adam Bede, ix. 323
86 Poysers, the, in Adam Bede, xm. 390, 392
Posthumus, in Cymbeline, v. 206 Praagh, L. V., xiv. Add. 9
Postman, The, xi. 333 Practice of Piety, The, vn. 168
Pote, Joseph (1703?-1787), xi. 341 Praed, Wmthrop Mackworth (1802-1839),
Potez, H., xn. 525 X. 152; xi. 160; xn. 107, 108, 111-112
Potion, in Smollett's Roderick Random, (main entry), 119 fi., 129, 130, 138, 421
x. 36 xm. 149, 161, 164, 230, 238, 253; xiv.
Potiphar, xii. 117 205, 206, 539
Potpan, in Romeo and Juliet, v. 182 Arminius, XIL 111

Praed, Winthrop Mackworth. Prester John, n. 79, 86, 87; iv. 70; x. 160
Gog, xn. Ill Prester John, The Letter of, n. 80
Goodnight to the Season, xn. 122 Preston, xi. 409
I enter thy garden of Roses, xn. 122 Preston, battle of, x. 358
Josephine, xn. Ill Preston, John (1587-1628), iv. 433
Letter from Teignmouth, xn. 122 Preston, Thomas (1537-1598), v. 396
Letter of Advice, xn. 122; xm. 239 *A geleflower gentle,' vi. 285
Molly Mog, xn. 122 *A Lamentation from Rome/ vi. 285
Red Fisherman, The, xn. 111, 112; xm. Cambises, V. 63 fi.;vi. 284, 285, 298
239 Syr Olyomon and Clamydes, v. 129; vi.
Tales, xn. Ill 284
Time's Song, xn. Ill, 112 Preston, pseud, of lord de Tabley, TTTT.
Twenty Eight and Twenty Nine, xn. 122 205
Vicar, The, xn. 122 Prestonpans, ix. 373
Prague, xn. 206; xm. 162, 163 Prestwich, Edmund, Hippolitus and Poems
Praise, in Mirour de I'Omme, n. 142 (1651), vn. 413
Praise of Women, A, EL 162 Preti, Girolamo, vn. 87
Prat, in The pardoner and the fr ere, v. 97 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,
Prat, D., ix. 511 xiv. 445
Pratt, Ambrose, xiv. 535 PreVost, abbe, v. 289; xi. 465
Pratt, Charles, 1st earl Camden (1714- Prevost, Antoine-Fran9ois, x. 16; UHis-
1794), x. 263 toire de M. Cleveland, X. 118; Manon
Pratt, Josiah (1768-1844), xn. 471 Lescaut, x. 58, 118
Pratt, Samuel Jackson (1749-1814), x. Prevost, Sir George (1804-1893), xn. 454,
265; 33. 395, 429 457, 463
Praxapostolos, I. 77 Priam, in Dido, v. 145
Praxaspes, in Cambises, v. 65 Priamus, Sir, in Morte Arthur e, n. 119
Praxinoe, in The Adomazusae, m. 226 Priapus, vn. 360
Prayer, in The Example of Virtue, n. 227 Price, Bonamy, xiv. 596
Prayer, A, in The Exeter Book, I. 428 Price, 0., xm. 504
Prayer, Book of Common, m. 25, 28, 29, Price, Fanny, in Jane Austen's Mansfield
31, 34, 445, 465, 475, 476; x. 362 Park, xn. 235, 238, 239, 243
Prayer Book, American, Scots and Irish, Price, John (1600-1676?), vn. 316, 489
m. 34 Price, Laurence (fl. 1625-1680?), vn. 509
Prayer-Book of 1552, vn. 325 Price, Miss, maid of honour, vm, 208
Prayer to Our Lady, A, I. 232, 458 Price, Rees, x. 387
Prayer to the Virgin, A, I. 232, 458 Price, Richard (1723-1791), x. 344, 345,
Prayse of All Women, The, m. 90, 486 380, 513; XL 20, 21, 71; xiv. 608
Preceptor, The, x. 170, 468 Additional Observations, x. 344
Preitfeu Annwvn, or The Harrounngs of Appeal to the Public, x. 344
ReUt i. 251 Discourse on the Love of our Country,
Premierfait, Laurent du, m. 192 X 344
Prendergast, John Patrick (1808-1893), General Introduction, x. 344
XT7. 497, 571 ; History of the Oromwellian Observations on Reversionary Payments,
Settlement, The, xiv. 96; Ireland from x. 344
the Restoration to the devolution, xiv. 96 Observations on the Nature of Civil
Prendergast, Paul, pseud. See Leigh, Liberty, x. 344
Percival Review of the Principal Questions in
Prentys, Richard (fl. 1403-1412), vi. 280 Morals, x. 344
Pre-Raphaelite school of painting, xn. 154 Price, Richard (1790-1833), X. 492
Pre-Raphaelites, the, xm. 8, 27, 110, 111, Price, Sir Uvedale (1747-1829), xi. 472
113 ff., 121, 122, 139, 155, 156, 189, Price, William, in Jane Austen s Mans-
196, 197, 207, 208, 211, 216, 218, 223; field Park, xn. 239
xiv. 139, 151, 363 Prichard, Iltudus Thomas, xiv. 579;
Presbyterian histories, X. 519 The Chronicles of Budgepore, xiv. 340
Presbyterians, x. 522 Prichard, James Cowles (1786-1848), xiv.
Presbyterians, Satire against the, vn. 85 563
Prescott, William Hickling, x. 504; xn. Pride, in Confessio Amantis, n. 147, 148
380, 524 Pride, in The Example of Virtue, n. 227,
Present State of Europe, ix. 267 234
Present State of the Republic of Letters, Pride, in The Faerie Queene, n. 236; m.
x. 176 230, 234
Present State of the War, ix, 44 Pride, in Mirour de VOmme, n. 140
Press, The, xm. 347, 353, 449; xiv. 181, Pride, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, n, 231
196, 198 Pride, in Pathomachia, vi. 324
Pressefull of Pamphlets, A, 1642, vn. 502 Pride, in Piers the Plowman, n. 27, 28

Pride, colonel Thomas (<L 1658), xiv. 313 Prince, John Critchley (1808-1866), xm
Pride, the swineherd in the Mercuries, 508
vn. 356 Pring, Martin (1580-1626?), TV. 94
Pride and Lowliness, A Debate between, Pringle, Thomas (1789-1834), xn. 421;
m. 361 xiv. 373 ff., also see Add. 5, 9
Pride of Life, The, v. 2, 52, 57, 391, 392 Afar in the Desert, xrv. 374
Prideaux, Edmund B. R, xiv. 592 Bechuana Boy, The, xrv. 375
Prideaux, Humphrey (1648-1724), rx. Captive of Camalu, The, xrv. 377
495; x. 503; LVIII Articles, ix. 414 Ghona Widow's Lullaby, The, xrv. 376
Prideaux, John (1578-1650), vn. 307 Koranna, The, xrv. 377
Prideaux, William Francis, XL 416, 417, Lion and Giraffe, The, xrv. 375
488; xm. 497; xrv. 526 Lion Hunt, The, xrv. 375
Priest (translator), iv. 374 Narrative of a Residence in South Africa,
Priestis of PeUis, Thrie, n. 279 xrv. 373
Priestley, Joseph (1733-1804), ix. 302; Songs of the Emigrants, xrv. 374
x. 346, 380, 384, 385, 513, 514; XL 63, Pringle-Pattison, Andrew Seth, XTTT. 465;
64, 70, 390, 393, 399; xn. 165, 174, xrv. 469
183, 279; xiv. 23, 51, 258, 272 ff., 284, Prinsep, James (1799-1840), xn. 512;
385, 394, 398, 399, 402, 556, 558, 602, Benares illustrated, xn. 352; Essays on
608 Indian Antiquities, xn. 352, 353
Disquisitions relating to Matter and Printers (1557-1625), rv. 546 ff.
Spirit, x. 345 Printing, Introduction of, into England,
Doctrine of Philosophical Necessity, x. n. 310 ff., 483 ff.
345 Prior, Arthur, kinsman of Matthew Prior,
Essay on the first principles of govern- ix. 146
ment, xiv. 400 Prior, George, father of Matthew Prior,
Examination, An, x. 345, 348 ix. 146
Free Discussion, x. 345 Prior, Sir James (17907-1869), x. 199 ff.,
History ...of Electricity, x. 345 480, 483; xi. 390; Life of Malone, X.
History of the Corruptions of Chris- 159, 473
tianity, x. 309, 507 Prior, Matthew (1664-1721), m, 184; vra.
Miscellaneous Observations, xrv. 386, 48, 217, 218, 232, 444, 445; rx, 96, 141,
395 146 ff.
(main entry), 162, 163, 165, 168,
Rudiments of English Grammar, xiv. 396 169, 176, 182, 216, 217, 270, 461, 482,
Priestley, Timothy (1734-1814), x. 385 also see Add.; X. 96, 139, 202, 205, 214,
Prillisk, county Tyrone, xiv. 314 216, 369, also see Add. ; xi. 88, 173, 174,
Prima Pastorum, v. 17 247, 248, 317, 327, 328; xn. 120, 223;
Primaudaye, Peter de la, French Academy , xm. 164; xiv. 205, 206, 211
m. 356, 437, 552 Account of Examination before the Com-
Primer or Office of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, mittee of Council, ix. 149
The, vm. 54 Advice to the Painter, rx. 148, 155
Primerose, the Hon. Miss, x. 479 Alma: or the Progress of the Mind, ix.
Primers, in. 28, 30, 31; iv. 384, 386, 495 152, 154
Bishop Hilsey's, m. 30 Answer to the Report of the Covnmittee of
Henry VUPs, m. 30 Secrecy, rx. 149
Marshall's, pi. 30 Better Answer to Cloe Jealous, ix. 156
Primitive Christianity Revived,, vm. Ill Carmen Seculare, ix. 149, 155
Primrose, Archibald Philip, 5th earl of Cloe Hunting, ix. 156, 159
Kosebery, x. Add.; xi. 390, 396, 438, Dialogues of the Dead, ix. 153, 159, 160
441; xrv. 507; Chatham, ix, 253 Doivn-Hall, rx. 152, 155
Primrose, David, vn. 308 English Battad on the Taking of Namur,
Primrose, Dr, in The Vicar of WakefieU, rx. 148, 155
X. 206, 209 English Padlock, rx. 155
Primrose, George, in The Vicar of Wake- Epistle to Fleetwood Shephard, rx. 148
field, x. 200, 201, 209 Epistle to Lord , rx. 155

Primrose, James, vn. 511 Erie Roberts Mice, rx. 151

Primrose, Moses, in The Vicar of Wake- Essay upon Learning, rx. 158, 159
field, x. 209 Essay upon Opinion, rx. 159
Primrose, Mrs, in The, Vicar of Wakefield, Essays, rx. 153
x. 209 Fable from Phaedrus, IX. 151
Primrose, Olivia, in The Vicar of Wake- First and Second HymnsofCalliomachus,
field, x. 209 ix. 157
Primrose, Sophia, in The Vicar of Wake- Georgics, The, rx. 157
field, x. 209 Hans Carvel, IX. 155
Prince (of WalesVs company, the, vi. Henry and Emma, rx. 153, 157
261 Hind and the Panther Transfers' d to the,
CHEL 305 flo
Prior, Matthew Processus Talentorum, 19 v.

Story of the Country Mouse and the City Proclus, vm. 289
Mouse (with Montagu), vm. 48, 404, Procne, m. 343
410, 411; IX. 147,159 Procopius, i. 26
History of His Own Time, ix. 147, 217 Procrustes, vm. 165
Hymn to the Sun, ix. 148 Procter, Adelaide Anne (1825-1864), xm.
Jinny the Just, ix. 156, 159 508, 542; The Message, xra. 178
Journal at the Court of France, ix. 149 Procter, Bryan Waller (pseud. Barry
Journey to Copt-Hall, ix. 156 Cornwall) (1787-1874), xi. Add.; xn.
Letter to... Miss Margaret-Cavendish - 115, 129-130 (main entry), 201, 407,
Holles-Harley, rx. 153, 156 421, 433, 437, 438; xm. 178, 469, 515;
Letter to Monsieur Boileau Desprtaux, xiv. 200; Sit down, sad soul, xn. 130;
ix. 155 Song for Twilight, xn. 130
Proctor, Ellen A., xm. 496
Noble lovely little Peggy,' xi. 347
Nut-brovm Maid, The, ix. 152 Proctor, John, m. 531
Ode, An, ix. 147 Proctor, Robert George Collier (1868-
Ode... to the Memory of... Colonel George 1903), xn. 523; Bibliographical Essays,
Villiers,is.. 150 xn. 369; Index of Early Printed Books,
Ode Humbly Subscribed to the Queen, is.. xn. 369; The Printing of Greek in the
151 Fifteenth Century, xn. 369
Ode presented to the King, ix. 148 Proctor, Thomas (fl. 1578-1584), m. 190;
Ode presented to the Queen, ix. 157 Pretie Pamphlets or Procter's Precepts,
Orange, ix. 148 m. 190
Picture of Seneca, ix. 147 Prodigal Son, story of the, m. 360
Prelude to a Tale from Boccace, ix. 157 Prodigal Son, The, v. 108, 412
Satire on the Modern Translators, ix. 147 Prodigal Son, the Butch Latin comedies
*Saunt'ring Jack and Idle Joan,* rx. 156 of, iv. 320
Secretary, The, IX. 148, 155 Prodigal Son plays, v. 101, 109 ft, 410, 412
Seeing the Duke of Ormontfs Picture, Prodromes, Theodore (Hilarion), iv. 249;
IX. 155 V. 5
Session of the Poets, ix. 147, 155 Prognostications, rv. 534
Solomon on theVanity of the World, Progress of Man, The, xi. 41
ix. 143, 152, 154, 157 Prologues and epilogues, collections of,
To a Child of Quality, ix. 156 x. 441
To Cloe Weeping, ix. 156 Prometheus, n. 79
To the Bishop of Rochester, rs. 148 Prometheus, in Mercury Vindicated,"?!. 358
To the Countess of Exeter, ix. 147, 149 Prometheus, in Shelley's poem, xn. 64 ff.
To the King, ix. 148 Prometheus, in The Lords' Masque, vt. 353
Translation of an Epitaph upon Glan- Promptorium Parvulorurn. See Geoffrey
ville, Bishop of Rochester, ix. 158 the Grammarian
Two Riddles, ix. 151 Promptorium Parvulorurn sive Clericorum,
Written in... Mezeray' s History of France, xn. 519
ix. 150, 156 Propertius, xn. 489, 490
Prior, Melton, xiv. 534 Proserpine, vi. 313; xn. 339; xm. 183
Prior, Samuel, ix. 146 Proserpine, in The Merchant's Tale, n. 184
Prior park, Bath, x. 29 Prosody of Old and Middle
Priscian, I. 114, 118, 185, 210; n. 360, before Chaucer, 372 fL, 480

363, 366 Prosody from Chaucer to Spenser, m. 273

Priscus, I. 20 ff., 525
Prison tracts, rv. 529; vn. 515 Prosody of the 17th century, vm. 222 ff.,
Prisoner, the, in The Daunce and Song of 447 ff.
Death, m. 87 Prosody of the 18th century, xi. 446
Pritchard, Andrew (1804-1882), xiv. 298, Prosody of the 19th century, xm. 225 ff.,
563 511 ff.
Pritchard, Hannah (1711-1768), xi. 261 Prosper, I. 75, 76
Prithevi Kaj, king of Delhi, xiv. 342 Prospero, in The Rambler, x. 172
Private Wealth, in Kynge Johan, v. 65 Prospero, in The Tempest, v. 206, 207, 214;
Privy Malice, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, vn. 71; vm. 9; xn. 220
n. 226, 234 Pross,Miss, in A TaleofTwoCities, xm. 332
Priwen or Pridwen, Arthur's ship, I. 248, Protagon (i.e. Henri IV), in Euphormio,
251 rv. 256
Proast, Jonas, vm. 475 Protasius, i. 75
Probationary Odes, x. 239; xi. 34, 36, 40 Protesilaus, I. 279, 470
Probert, William (1790-1870), xiv. 201 Protesilaus, in Wordsworth's Laodamia,
'Probus,' xiv. 514 xi. 107
Probyn, John Webb, xiv. 513 Protestant drama, VL 374
Protestant Post Boy, ix. 13, 432 Psalters, n. 318, 365
Protestantism, vn. 304 fi. Early English, I. 444
Proteus, in The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Hampole's, n. 46, 47
m. 268; VI. 157; vm. 126 Old French, n. 420, 508
Prothero, Sir George Walter, xn. 429, 520; Psellus, in Lyly's Euphues, iv. 523
xiv. 92, 497 Pseudo-Kalhsthenes, I. 135
Prothero, Rowland Edmund, v. 352; x. Pseudo-Melito, I. 75
299, 509; xn. 385, 386, 388, 397, 429, Psyche, xm. 206; xrv. 311
470, 478 Psyche, in Keats' s Ode to Psyche, xn. 90
Proud Beauty, in Robin Conscience,, in. 97 Psyche, in Lingua, vi. 314, 315
Proude Wyves Paternoster, The, m. 90, 97, Psyche, in Loves Maistresse, VL 103
487 Psyche et Filii ejus, vi. 486
Proudies, the (Trollope's), xin. 422, 424 Ptolemy and the Ptolemaic system, I. 213 ;

Prout, father. See Mahony, Francis Syl- n. 362, 366; m. 153, 156, 425; vm. 282,
vester 283, 350, 352; xiv. 579
Prout, Samuel (1783-1852), Sketches in Pubhc Advertiser, The, x. 305, 400 ff., 479,
Flanders and Germany, xrv. 149 525; xi. 402
Prout, William (1785-1850), xiv. 558 Pubhc Ledger, x. 205, 208
Proven9al legends, I. 115 Pubhc Register, The xi. 324 t

Provenal poetry, x, 219; xin. 211 Pubhc School Latin Pnmer, The, xiv. 413
Proven$al version of Boethius, I. 99 Public Schools, principal (prior to 1650),
Provence, v. 11, 49; x. 221 vn. 492
Proverbs, Old English, i. 363. See, also, Public Schools act (1868), xiv. 422
Hendyng and Alfred Public Schools commission, xiv. 421
Prowse, William Jeffery ('Nicholas,' Publick Oppression, in Ane Pleasant
1836-1870), xni. 163, 508; The City Satyre, m. 127, 128
of Prague, xni. 162 Publius Cornelius, in The Play of Lucrece,
Prudentia, in The Tatler, ix. 34 v. 100
Prudentius, I. 75, 76; Psychomachia, I. 75; Publius Syrus, ix. 525; x. 471
v. 51, 59 Puca, the Irish, xiv. 307
Prudentius, in The Floating Island, VI. 325 PuceU, La Bel, in The Passetyme of
Prue, in Congr eve's Love for Love, vin. Pleasure, n. 225, 226, 229, 232, 234
150, 152, 161 Puck, in A
Midsummer Night's Dream,
Prusias, king of Bithynia, in Believe as v. 160, 183; xiv. 307

you List, vi. 148 Puck-Hairy, in Love Restored, vi. 370

Prussia, x. 466; xin. 19; xiv. 382, 383, Puck-Hairy, in The Sad Shepherd, vi.
416, 419 371
Prussian army, the, xni. 282 Puckle, James (1667?-1724), ix. 479
Prussian order of merit, xin. 20 Pudicitia, in Psychomachia, v. 51
Prussian protestantism, xn. 260 Pueriles Confabulalunculae, vn. 315
Prussian Realgymnasium, xiv. 424 Puff, in Sheridan's Critic, xi. 272
Pryme, George (1781-1868), xiv. 602 Pug, in. The Divell is an Asse, vi. 24
Prynne, William (1600-1669), iv. 306, 513, Pugh, E. W., xm. 544
518; VI. 204, 326, 387, 391, 401, 403, Pughe, Wilham Owen (1759-1835), xn.
406, 409, 495, 496; vn. 160, 197, 208, 518
352, 441, 446, 459, 498, 515; vm. 67, Pugin, Augustus Charles (1762-1832),
319, 469; ix. 348 xn. 508; xrv. 222
Animadversions on the Fourth Part of Pugliauo, Giovanni Pietro, iv. 149
Coke's Institutes, vm. 320 Pui, the (afourteenth century association),
Histrio-Mastix, v. 343, 372; vi. 40, 262, n. 428
391, 392, 403 ff.; vn. 145, 207, 313, 433 Pulcheria, in The Emperor of the East, vi.
Mr Wilham Prynne, his defence of Stage- 163
Play es or a Retraction of his former book, Pulci, Luigi, xn. 51, 52, 56; Morgante
vi. 408 Maggiore, xn. 35
The Republican and others Spurious good Pullen, Robert (d. 1147?), I. 185, 456;
Old Cause briefly and truly anatomised, Sententiarum Libri Octo, n. 342
vn. 383 Pulling, F. S., xiv. 511
Pry or, Mrs, in Charlotte Bronte's Shirley, Pulpit, the English, from Fisher to Donne,
xm. 409 iv. 224 ff., 490 ff.

Pryor, William, vn. 515 Pulteney, David, ix. 220

^Salmanazar, George' (1679?~1763), ix. Pulteney, Miss, IX. 165
498 Pulteney, William, earl of Bath (1684-
Psalms, n. 14, 46, 318, 359, 502. See, also, 1764), ix. 88, 162, 219, 220, 223, 224,
under Bible 250 ff., 433, 491; X. 452; xi. 174, 248,
Psalms, Old English versions, i. 106, 147, 350, 352, 358; xm. 239; Seasonable
437, 438, 444; Northern Psalter, I. 341 Hints, x. 389, 522

Pulton, Andrew (1654-1710), vm. 305, Puttenham, George (d. 1590) or Richard
462 (1520?-1601?), Arte of English Poesie,
Pulton, Ferdinando (1536-1618), vm. 46 m. 180, 207, 269, 295, 302 ff., 450, 526;
Punch, x. 162; xm. 162, 279, 282, 284, iv. 21, 23, 24, 52, 113, 114, 123; vn.
294; xiv. 196, 235 ff., 548, 549 263, 271; XI. 248
Punch and Judy, n. 385 Puysieu, de, iv. 257
Punch in London, xiv. 236 Pwyll, prince of Dyved, I. 252
Punchinello, xiv. 236 Pye, Henry James (1745-1813), xn. 133
Pundler, The, in Lichtounis Dreme, n. 278 Aelfored, xn. 128, 422
Punic war, the second, xn. 303 Commentary illustrating the Poetics of
Punic wars, the, iv. 62, 64 Aristotle,xn. 128
Puntarvolo, in Jonson's Every Man out Comments on the commentators of Shake-
of his Humour, x. 50 speare, xn. 128
Punter, Mr, of St John's, Cambridge, vi. Summary of the duties of a J.P., xn.

397 128
PurceU, E. S., xn. 454, 458; Life of Am- Pyeboard, George, in The Puritan, iv. 360;
brose de Lisle, xn. 276 v. 255
Purcell, Francis, xm. 555 Pyke, in Nicholas Niclcleby, xm. 317
PurceU, Henry (1658?-1695), vm. 30, Pylades, I. 314; x. 249
395, 397, 428, 437; IX. 148; X. 433; Pym, in Browning's Sir afford, xm. 59,
Dido and Aeneas, vm. 135; Littiburlero, 67
vm. 96 Pym, Horace N., xiv. 502
Parcel!, John, TTTT. 142 Pym, John (1584-1643), V. 345; vn. 147,
Purchas, Samuel (1575?-1626), iv. 79, 85, 441; IX. 258; XIV. 91
90 ff., 101, 103, 107, 460; xiv. 332, 333 Pyne, William Henry (pseud. Ephraim
Hakluytus Posthumus, or Purchas his Hardcastle, 1769-1843), xiv. 545; Royal
Pilgrimes, IV. 91, 92, 99, 398, 408 Residences, xiv. 222; Wine and Walnuts,
Purchas his Pilgrim; Microcosms or the xiv. 222
Historie of Man, rv. 91 Pynson, Richard (d. 1530), n. 161, 210,
Purchas his Pilgrimage, IV. 91 319 ff., 326, 329 ff.; m. 56, 57, 59, also
Relation of a Voyage to Guiana... Per- see Add.; iv. 400
formed by Robert Harcourt, The, TV. 97 Pyramus, in A Midsummer Nightfs Dream,
Purfoote, Thomas, iv. 22, 384, 437 v. 285; VI. 207, 316
Purgatorio, The, x. 361 Pyramus and Thisbe, in Sandys' s Ovid,
Purgatory of St Patrick, i, 191, 474 vn. 50
Puritan, The, TV. 360 Pyrenees, the, xm. 369; xiv. 251
Puntane Or The Widdow of Watling- Pyrenees, peace of the, rx. 226, 228
The, iv. 360; v. 236, 238, 254,
streete, Pyrford, iv. 202
255, 442, 444; VL 62 Pyrgopolinices, v. 105
Puritane set forth in his lively Colours, A, Pyrocles, in Sidney's Arcadia, m. 352
vn.384 Pyrrhus, n. 106
Puritanism, vn. 158, 305, 370 Pyrrye, C., The prayse and disprayse of
Purley, xi. 400 m. 486
Purnell, Thomas (1834r-1889), xn. 435 Pythagoras, vm. 278, 282; ix. 515, 527
Purser, Louis Claude, xn, 338 Pythagoras, in Sandys's translation of
Pursuits of Literature, The, xn. 364 Ovid's Metamorphoses, vn. 5
Purvey, John (1353? -1428?), n. 61; jffe- Pythagorean, doctrines, x. 103
gimen Ecclesiae, n. 61 ; translation of the Pythagorean numbers, vm. 67
Bible, n. 61, 62, 285, 442; m. 45; IV. 38 Pythagorism, vn. 376
Purvis, David L., xiv. 553
Puschkin, xn. 395 'Q' pseud. See Jerrold, Douglas William
Pusey, Edward Bouverie (1800-1882), xn.
Quack Maurus' (Sir Rich. Blackmore),
253, 254, 261 (main entry), 271 ff.,
ff. in Dry den's Secular Masque, vm. 32
454, 457, 458, 462, also see Add.; xm. Quadragesms, vm. 313
168 Quadratus, in What You Witt, VI. 43
Commentary on the Minor Prophets, xn. Quadrio, Francisco, v. 289
341 Quadripartitus, vm. 310, 465
Entire Absolution of the Penitent: A Ser- Quadriwum, the, n. 229, 230, 359, 362,
mon, xn. 263 366; vn. 320
Lectures on the Prophet Daniel, xn. 341 Quaker Journals, vm. 103
Spiritual Letters, xn. 264 Quaker literature, xn. 53
Thoughts on the Benefits of the System of Quakers. See Society of Friends
Fasting, xn. 258 Qualmsick, in Pompey the Little, ix. 408
Puseyite, a, xiv. 198 Quantification of the Predicate, the,' xiv
Puteanus, vn. 113 9
Putney, ix. 290, 308, 324 ff.; x. 299 Quatr of lelusy, The, n. 91

Quaritch, Bernard (1819-1899), xn. 523; Quicksilver, Francis, in Eastward Hoe, vr.
General Catalogue, xn. 368 172
Quarles, Francis (1592-1644), iv. 434; Quiggin, Edmund Crosby, xiv. 306, 307;
vn. 30, 45 ff. (main entry), 83, 153, 169, Irish Influence on English Literature,'
176, 403, 513; vm. Add. xiv. 307
Argalus and Parthenia, m. 355 Quignon, cardinal, m. 31
Divine Fancies, vn. 46 Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur Thomas, xm.
Emblems vn. 47; xm. 52
486, 497; xiv. 526
Enchiridion, IV. 162 Quiller-Couch, Lillian Mary, ix. 574
False World, thou ly'st, vn. 47 Quillinan, Edward (1791-1851), xn. 422
least for Wormes, A, vn. 46 Quilp, Daniel, in The Old Curiosity Shop,
World's a Theater, The, vn. 47 xm. 319
Quarll, Philip, XL 373, 489 Quilter, Harry, xm. 568, 572, also see
Quarterly Journal of Education, The, xiv. Add.
409 Quin, Edwin R. W. Wyndham, 3rd earl
Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, of Dunraven (1812-1871), xn. 509;
xiv. 289, 566 xiv. 328, 568
Quarterly Review, The, x. 270; xi. 40, 157, Quin, James (1693-1766), x. 95, 96, 114,
162, 166, 393; xn. 141, 142, 149 ff. (main 264; xi. 258, 284, 454
entry), 162, 163, 193, 194, 199, 288, Quinault, P., vm. 17, 134
302, 364, 429; xm. 230, 415, 467; xiv. Quiney, Judith. See Shakespeare, Judith
65, 82, 107, 115, 118, 141, 233, 314, 322, Quiney, Thomas (fl. 1616), v. 219
403, 598, 600, 608 Quinlan, M. A., xm. 515
Quarterly reviewer (Keats's), vn. 75 Quinte Essence, Book of, n. 427
Quater Brailes, the, m. 190 Quintessence, queen, in Rabelais, ix. 106
Quatre dermers choses, n. 312, 313 Quintilian, n. 366; m. 23, 290, 294, 420,
Quatrefoil of Love, The, n. 441 434; iv. 348; vi. 9; vn. 261, 272; vm.
Quattuor novissimis, De, n. 313 58; xn. 220, 326, 487, also see Add.;
Quebec, xiv. 360 xiv. 453
Queen, The, xiv. 201 Quintus, in Owen's Epigrammata, rv. 265
Queen Eleanors Confession, n. 144 Quintus Calaber, xm. 478
Queen of Portugal, ship, x. 35 Quintus Fabius, v. 123
'Queen of the Blues,' xi. 346 Quintus Smyrnaeus, xn. 331
Queene, The, or the Excellency of her sex, Quinze joyes de manage, Les. See Sale,
vi.449 Antoine de la
Queene JShzabethe's Academy, xi. 368 Quiros, Pedro Fernandez de, iv. 101
Queen's company, the, v. 136; vi. 245 ff., Quisquilius, in The Rambler, x. 172
249, 262, 277 Quixote, Don, x. 41, 51, 52; xiv. 218
Queen's Crawley, in Thackeray's Vanity Quixote in petticoats,' ix. 30
Fair, xm. 286 Quiz (pseud.), xiv. 545
Queen's university, Ireland, xiv. 417 Quod-bonum-est-tenete, in Piers the Plow-
Queensberry, duchess of. See Douglas, man, ii. 21
Queensberry, duke of. See Douglas, Charles B. B. Richard Bower), Apius and Vir-

Queensland, xiv. 368, 369 ff., 396; vi. 284, 285

ginia, v. 63
'Quene of Evene,' iv. 462, 463 R. B. E M xm. 466
Quentin Durward, n. 96 R. C., The Times Whistle, iv. 333, 516,
Querelle des femmes, vm. 59 520
Querenghi, Antonio, iv. 259 R. C., Mercurius Civicus, vn. 349, 350;
Querolus, VI. 26 The Weekly Intelligencer of the Common-
Quesnay, Fra^ois, Maximes gdnfrales, wealth, vn. 350; The Ringdomes Weekly
x. 336; Tableau economique, x. 336 Intelligence^ vn. 349, 353, 354
Questions concerning Liberty, Necessity, R. L. See Linche
and Chance, The, vn. 288 *R. S., of the Inner Temple, Gentleman,*
Quevedo, ix. 277; Visions, ix. 3, 274, 418 iv. 116, 467
Quha hes gud malt, and makis ill drynk, R. S., Foure-fould Meditation, iv. 130
n. 279 R. T., The Opinion of Witchcraft Vindi
Quhen Flora had ourfret the firth, n. 283 cated, vn. 395, 507
Quhy sowld nocht Allane honorit M n. 279 R. W. See under Tancred and Gismund
Quia amore langueo, n. 426; m. 283 R. W. See Wilson, Robert
Quick, John (1748-1831), ax 262 R. W. (1643), vn. 385
Quick, Robert Herbert (1831-1891), xiv. Rab (Dr John Brown's), xiv. 160
602, 608 Rabanus of Mainz (Rabanus Maurus), i.
Quickly, Dame, xn. 438 81; IV. 418
Quickset, Sir Harry, in The Tatter, ix. 46, Rabbards, Ralph, n. 211
50 Rabbett, vn. 316

Rabelais, Francis, n. 94, 103, 257; m. Rae, Peter (1671-1748), IX. 565
94, 151, 328, 453, 485; TV. 14, 246, 248, Rae, W. Eraser, XL 266, 454, 456
321, 326, 533; vn. 256; vm. 67 ff., 72, Rae press at Kirkbride and Dumfries
77, 166, 372, 407; rx. 106, 263, 264, (1711-1720), XL 470
270 E.; x. 34, 50, 53; XL 288; xn. 123, Raeburn, Sir Henry (1756-1823), XI. 442
168; Gargantua, IV. 8, 414; vm. 59; Rafiaelle Sanzio. See Raphael
DC. 267; Pantagruel, IV. 8, 353, 527; Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford (1781-
vm. 59, 66, 385 1826), xrv. 288, 563
Rabshakeh, in Ezechias, VL 298 Rafflesia, xiv. 288
Raby, earl, in Hannah More's Percy, XL Ragau, in Jacob and Esau., v. 112
274 Raglan, lord. See Somerset, lord Fitzroy
Raby, J. T., Si-centenary of the Birth of James Henry
Johnson, x. 161, 180 Ragley, near Alcester, vm. 280; x. 271
Racedown, Dorsetshire, XL 99 Ragman Roll, n. 499, 501
Rachael, in Dickens*s Hard Times, xm. Ragnar Lodbrok, x. 221, 222, 224, 227
329 Ragnell, in Wedding of Sir Gawain, I. 312
Rachel, Elisa, xm. 410 Rahab, in Blake's Four Zoos, XL 196, 197
Racine, Jean, v. 202, 292, 293; vm. 14, Rahere, v. 26
27, 31, 133, 134, 376, 422, 435, 483; Raikes, Elizabeth, xiv. 599
x, 86, 444; xn. 47, 381 Raikes, Jack (George Meredith's), xm. 447
Achilles, vm. 181 Raikes, Robert (1735-1811), xrv. 389
Andromague, vm. 187, 373; ix. 166, Raikes, Thomas (1777-1848), xrv. 505
183; x. 69 Rainbow, the, in George Eliot's Silas
Athalie, vm. 165 Marntr, TTTT. 393
Bajazet, x. 221 Raine, James (1791-1858), xn. 354, 512
Berenice, vm. 181, 182 Raine, John, xn. 354, 512
Britannicus, x, 118 fi. Rainham, Essex, x. 393
Iphiggnie, X. 69, 221 Rainolde, Richard, Foundation of Rhe-
Mithridate, vm. 22 tonke, m. 432, 553
Phaedra and Hippolitus, vm. 181 Rainolds or Reynolds, John (1549-1607),
Phedre, rx. 103 IV. 235, 236, 494; VI. 303, 319, 324, 472;
Racine, Louis, v. 289 vn. 309, 310, 317, 484, 489; De Idolatria
Radcliff, Ralph (1519?-1559), v. 103 ecclesiae Romanae, iv. 408; Th* Over-
Radclifie, Alexander (/. 1669-1696), iv. throw of Stage-Playes, VL 398, 399, 496
18; vm. 403; ix. 272, 500; Ovid Tra- Rainolds, William (15447-1594), vn. 309,
vestie, ix. 259; The Ramble, ix. 259, 263 485
Radcliffe, Ann (1764-1822), I. 279; xi. Rainsford, lady Anne, See Goodere
286, 300 ft (main entry), 304, 306, 464; Rainsford, Sir Henry, rv. 174
xn. 58, 249 ;xm. 420 Rait, Robert Sangster, ix. Add.
Castles of AtUin and Duribayne, xi. 301 Rajputana, xrv. 335
Oaston de Blondeville, xi. 301 Ralegh, Sir Carew (1550?-! 625?), iv. 55
Hazel Tree, The, XL 301 Ralegh, Carew (1605-1666), vn. 447
Italian, The, XL 302, 303 Ralegh, Sir Walter (1552?-1618), m. 189,
Letters, XL 301 212, 229, 233, 234, 272, 303; IV. 45,
Mysteries of Udolpho, XL 300, 302, 303; 51-65 (main entry), 67, 75, 78, 81, 85,
XIL 235; xm. 264 86, 88, 94, 103, 114, 117, 160, 164, 299,
Poems, xi. 301 450 #.; v. 224, 338, 347; VL 5; vn. 75,
River Dove, The, XL 301 190, 222, 271, 305, 306, 366, 440, 454;
Romance of the Forest, XL 302 IX. 351, 537; x. 303; xn. 427
Si Albans Abbey, XL 301 Arts of Empire, The, iv. 55
{Sicilian Romance, XL 301 Breviary of the History of England,
Radcliffe, Elizabeth, daughter of the 3rd under William I (attributed to), iv. 55
earl of Sussex, VL 347 Cabind Council, The, rv. 55, 64
*RadcMe, Dr John,* in The Taller, ix. 34 Cynthia, rv. 53
Radcliffe, Nicholas (jL 1368-1396), n. 442 Discourse on War in General, iv. 65
Radcliffe, Richard, xiv. 595 Discovery of the large.. .Empire of
Radford, D., xm. 498 Guiana, 56
Radigund, in The Faerie Queene, m. 231, History of the World, The t iv. 54, 58 fE.;
236 vn. 433; rx. 146, 357
Radirobanes, in Argenis, iv. 258, 259 Lie, The, iv. 54, 124
Radley school, xrv. 414 Like Hermit Poor, iv. 54, 65
Radnors, the, in Meredith's One of Our Observation* concerning the Royal Navy
Conquerors, xm. 443 ff., 448 and Sea Service, IV. 58, 65
Radway, x. 272 Pilgrimage, The, iv. 54
Radwinter, Essex, m. 321; v. 357 Prerogative of Parliaments, The, IV. 64
Rae J., Life of Adam Smith, x. 335 Relation of the Cadiz Action, A, iv. 57

Ralegh, Sir Walter Ramsay, Sir John, viscount Haddington
Remains of Sir Walter Ralegh, The, IV. 65 (1580J-1626), vi. 346
Report... of the Fight about the Isles of Ramsay, Robert (fl. 1630), yn. 5
the Azores this last summer, iv. 56 Ramsay or Ramesey, William (fi. 1645-
'Shepherd, what's love I pray thee tell,' 1676), vn. 509
TV. 109, 124 Ramsay, William (1806-1865), xn. 492
Steel Glass, In commendation of the, iv. Ramsden, J., xm. 558
52 Ramsey, Edward Bannerman (1793-
To-day a man, To-morrow none, rv. 65 1872), xiv. 505
Trade and Commerce, iv. 65 Ramsey, dame Mary, vn. 338
Vision upon this conceit of the Faery Ramsey school, Hunts., vn. 342
Queene, in. 272 Ramus, Petrus, m. 416, 424; vn. 141,
War with Spain, A, iv. 65 276, 277; Dialectica, IV. 275, 276
Ualeigh, Sir Walter (1861-1922), x. 418, Ramusio, Giovanni Battista (Ramutius),
421; XI. 410, 433, 459, also see Add.; iv. 69, 101, 442
xn. 399, 405, 447; xnr. 491, 558; xiv. Rand, Benjamin, ix. Add.
526, 594; Johnson on Shakespeare, x. Rand, Theodore H., xiv. 582
181; Six Essays on Johnson, x. 184 Randal, in Lillo's Fatal Curiosity, x. 78
Ralph, earl of Norwich, i. 141 Randal, Lord, I. 300
Ralph, James (1705?-1762), x. 23; xi. Randall, Jack, pugilist, xiv. 227
467 ; The case of Authors by Profession, Randall (Randolph), Thomas (1605-
x. 204 1635), iv. 517, 520
Ralph, Julian, xiv. 532 Randolf, earl of Chester, rimes of, n. 399;
Ralph, in Rauf Coiljear, n. 125 if. v. 320
Ralph of Coggeshall (fi. 1207), I. 175, 449 Randolf'a Hall, in Awntyrs of Arthur e,
Ralph of Diceto (d. 1202?), I. 159, 160, n. 122
173, 175, 188, 449 Randolph, Robert, brother of Thomas
Ralpho, the squire, in Hudibras, vm. 67, Randolph (1605-1635), vi. 476
70 fif., 76 Randolph, Sir Thomas, 1st earl of Moray
Ram, William, Rams little. Dodeon, rv. 374, (d. 1332), in Bruce, 11. 105
542 Randolph, Thomas (1523-1590), ni. 187
Ramah, in Davideis, vn. 66 Randolph, Thomas (1605-1635), vi. 28,
Rdmdyan of Vdlmilci, The, xn. 502 212, 475, 476; vn. 4, 38, 317, 489
Eamayana, the, xn. 343, 502 Amyntas or the Impossible Doivry, vr.
Rambler, The, xiv. 118 234, 366, 371
Ratnbouillet, Hdtel de, vn. 391 Aristippus, or, The Joviatt Philosopher,
Rambouillet, Mme de, iv. 338; ix. 37 vi. 232, 233, 325, 372
Rameses II, xn. 487 Conceited Pedler, The, vr. 232, 325
Ramillies, ix. 151 Eglogue to Mr Johnson, An, vi. 232
Rampain, Zechariah, vn. 223 Jealous Lovers, The, vi. 232, 325
Ramsay, A., xiv. 613 Muses Looking-Glasse, The, vi. 233,
Ramsay, Allan (1686-1758), I. 290; n. 95, 234, 371
267, 269; ix. 361 ff., 366 fi. (main Randolph, Thomas (1701-1783), X. 307,
entry), 379, 438, 567; x. 110; XI. 144, 507; xiv. 593
205, 209, 211, 212, 215 ff.,.221, 228, 231, Random, Roderick, in Smollett's novel,
338 x. 37, 204
Evergreen, The, n. 479; ix. 369, 567; Rands, William Brighty (1823-1882), XT
x. 226; xi. 204,217 489; xiv. 164,523
Gentle Shepherd, The, ix. 161, 368; XI. Chaucer's England, xiv, 163
224, 237 Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful
Last Speech of a Wretched Miser, ix. 366, world,' xiv. 163
367 Henry Holbeach, xiv. 163
Lochaber no more, ix. 368 Lilliput Lectures, xrv. 163
Lucky Simpson* 8 Last Advice, ix. 367 Lilhput Legends, xiv. 163
Monk and the Miller's Wife, The, ix. 367 Lilliput Levee, xiv. 163
My Peggy is a young thing, IX. 368 LilUput Revels, xiv. 163
Scribblers lashed, ix. 369 Tangled Talk, xiv. 163
Tea-Table Miscellany, ix. 360, 364, 368, Ranger, in Hoadly's Suspicious Husband,
369, 371, 567; X. 233; xi. 206, 218 X. 87
Vision, The, IX. 367; xi. 217 Ranke, Frederick Heinrich, vn. 176
Ramsay, Andrew (1574-1659), ix. 556 Ranke, Leopold von, ix. 207, 208, 213;
Ramsay, Andrew Michael (1686-1743), xiv. 100; History of England, ix. 206;
Vie de Turenne, ix. 213 X. 295, 503; History of the Popes, xiv. 63
Ramsay, James Andrew Brown, marquis Rankins, William (fl. 1587-1601), iv. 323,
of Dalhousie (1812-1860), xiv. 575 516, 518, 519; v. 312; Mirrour of
Ramsay, John, scribe, n. 109, 110, 449 Monsters, YL 395, 496

Eansome, Arthur, xiv. 528 Ravaillac, Francis, rv. 363
Ransome, Cyril, xm. 466 Ravenna, n. 364; xn. 34, 35, 48 ff., 324
Ranulf de Glanville. See GlanvUle Ravenscroft, Edward (fl. 1671-1697), vm.
Ranulph, earl of Chester. Bee Randolf 168, 420
Raotil le Fevre, Recuyell of the Histories Careless Lovers, The, vm. 140
of Troy, n. 230, 311 . Italian Husband, The, vm. 194
Raper, Robert William, XIV. 208 King Edward and Alfreda, vm. 194
Raphael, in Kingsley's Hypatia, TTTT. 363 London Cuckolds, vm. 140
Raphael (Milton's), vn. 101 Mamamouchi, or the Citizen Turned
Raphael Sanzio, ix, 59; x. 130; xn. 172; Gentleman, vm. 140
xm. Ill; xiv. 99 Titus Andronicus, Ravenscroft's adapta-
Rapids, the, in Morton's Cure for the tion of, vm. 120, 140
Heartache, xi. 281 Ravenscroft, Thomas ( 1592 ?~1 635?), iv
Rapin, Rene de (1621-1687), vm. 374, 113, 465
375, 449; Reflexions sur la poitique Ravenswood, in Scott's Bride of Lammer*
tfAristote, vm. 374 moor, xn. 23
Rapin de Thoyras, Paul de (1661-1725), Ravis, Christian (1613-1677), vn. 309, 491
vn. 268; ix. 140, 495; x. 279; Histoire Ravis, Thomas (1560?-1609), vn. 316
tfAngleterre, ix. 235, 236; x. 280 Rawley, William (1588?-1667), iv. 278,
Rare Triumphs of Love and Fortune, v. 284
117, 162, 413 Rawlidge, Richard, vi. 496; A Monster
Rare Willie droumed in Yarrow, ix. 371 latelyfound out and discovered or the
Rashdall, Hastings, xiv. 469, 480; Uni- Scourging of Tipplers, vi. 400, 403
versities of Europe, i. 202 Rawlins, John (fl. 1622), vn. 449
Rashleigh, m Scott's Rob Roy, xn. 21, 26 Rawlins, Thomas (1620?-1670), vi. 458;
Rask, Rasmus Christian, Anglo-Saxon The Rebellion, vm. 129, 440
Grammar, xn. 344 Rawlins, T. J., xiv. 542
Rasor, in Vanbrugh's ProvoVd Wife, vm. Rawlinson, George (1812-1902), xn. 316,
162 334, 477, 478, 499; The History of
Raspe, Rudolf Eric (1737-1794), X. 424; Herodotus, xn. 317
Baron Munchausen, xi. 492 Rawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke (1810-
Rastall, William (1601), VI. 290 1895), xn. 316, 317, 342, 477, 499
Rastell, Elizabeth, sister of Sir T. More, Rawlinson, Richard (1690-1755), ix, 342,
wif e of John Rastell, lawyer and printer, 353, 355, 530, 531, 533, 535, 537, 538;
iv. 198; v. 90 x. 355; Natural History of Surrey, IX.
Rastell, Elizabeth (afterwards wife of 351
John Heywood), IV. 198; v. 90 Rawnsley, Hardwicke Drummond, xm.
Rastell, John (d. 1536), n. 327; iv. 70, 479, 558
198, 354, 546; v. 57, 99, 100, 103, 253; Rawnsley, Willingham Franklin, xm. 478
vm. 467; Interlude of the Nature of the Raworth, widow, vn. 361
Four Elements, v. 57 Ray, James (fl. 1745), IX. 563, 565
Rastell, William (1508?-1565), m. 40; V. Ray, John (1627-1705), vn. 479; vm.
90, 92, 95; vm. 467 478, 479; IX. 412; xiv. 282, 563, 565;
Ratcliffe, rv. 238 The Wisdom of God, x. 346, 514
Rate, David, n. 449 Rayleigh, lord. See Strutt, John William
Rathbone, Hannah Mary (1798-1878), Raymond, iv. 98
xm. 565; Diary of Lady Wtlloughby, Raymond (Haji Mustapha), xiv. 335, 579
xm. 434 Raymund of Pennaf orte, I. 355
Rathery, J. B., XH. 525 Kynge^ Johan, v. 66
Raymundus, in
Rathmell academy, x. 386 Rayne, in Aberdeenshire, n. 103
Rathmill, Yorkshire, ix. 393 Rayner, Edward, x. 387
Rathmore, D. R. P., lord, xiv. 510 Rayner, J., of the Inner Temple (1658),
Ratis Raving, n. 449, 498 IV. 511
Ratisbon, m. 155; vm. 137 Rayner, John, x. 387
Ratramnus, I. 75, 117, 120, 124 Reach, Angus Bethune (1821-1856), xiv.
Ratsey, Gamaliel, The Life and Death of, 545
iv. 530 Read, Charles Anderson, xrv. 573
'Rattlesnake/ ship, xiv. 296 Read, Meredith, Historic Studies, x. 301
Battlin, Jack, in Smollett's Roderick Reade, A. L., Johnsonian Gleanings, x.
Random, x. 37 157; The Reades of Blackwood Hill,
Rattray, Sylvester (# 1650-1666), xn. 521 x. 157
Rauf Coiljear, i. 291, 470; n. 112, 125, Reade, Charles (1814r-1884), xm. 267,
280, 451, 501 268, 425 ., 432, 458, 459, 516, 522, 565,
Raunce, John, vn. 509 566
Rausch, Danish tale of, m. 94 Autobiography of a Thief, The, ymr 427 T

Ravaillac, in Friar Rush, vi. 53 Christie Johnstone, ym. 425

Reade, Charles Red Cross Knight, in The, Faerie Queene,
Cloister and the Hearth, The, xm. 426, n. 234; m. 232; vn. 173
428; xrv. 255 Red Horse, vale of, x. 112
Drink, xm. 425 Red house, Bexley Heath, xm. 119
Foul Play, xm. 425, 427 Red Indians, the, xiv. 459
Gold, xm. 425 Bed Lion, the, in George Eliot's Janefs
Good Fight, A, xm. 428 Repentance, xm. 387
Gaunt, xm. 425, 426
Griffith Red Riding Hood, xi. 375
Hard Cash, xm. 426, 427 Red sea, iv. 30
Hero and a Martyr, A, xm. 427 Redcap, in LooJce about you, v. 321
mend, xm. 425, 427
It is never too late to Redding, Cyrus (1785-1870), XL 289, 459
Jack of all Trades, xm. 427 xn. 410; xrv. 534
Love me Little, Love me Long, xm. 426 Rede, Sir Robert (d, 1519), n. 360
Masks and Faces, xm. 425 Rede, William (d. 1385), rv. 427
Peg Woffington, xin. 425 Rede lecture, xiv. 81
Put Yourself in his Place, xm. 425, 427 Redesdale, lord. See Mitford, John Free-
Terrible Temptation, A, xm. 426, 427 man
Wandering Heir, The, xm. 426 Bedford, JohnO*. 1535), v. 57, 392
Woman Hater, A, xm. 427 Bedhouse, Sir James William (1811-
Reade, John, xrv. 582 1892), xn. 342, 504
Reade, William Wmwood (1838-1875), Bedi, Francesco, xn. 443
XIV. 479, 553; African Sketch- Boole, Redman, William, bishop of Norwich (d.
xiv. 254 1602), m. 432
Header, The, xiv. 200 Bedmond, in Britannia? s Pastorals, rv. 1 57
Reading, n. 342; v. 116; ix. 563; XL 376; Bedresse, in Magnyfycence* m. 77
xm. 427, 430 Beed, Arthur William, v. Add. 2
Reading, John (1588-1667), vn. 514 Beed, Isaac (1742-1807), v. 275, 277; vi.
Heal Ltfe in London, xiv. 225, 545 296; vm. 423; ix. 497; x. 442; XT. 453
Real Presence, doctrine of the, i. 154 Beed, Joseph (1723-1787), x. 40, 440
Real Presence and the Rule of Faith, A Beede, in Arden of Feversham, v. 241
Poem on the, ym. 47 Bees, A., xrv. 599
Reardon, in Gissmg's New Grub Street, Bees, Thomas Mardy, xm. 503
xm. 460 Bees's Cambro- British Saints, i. 262
Reason, in Complaint upon Love to Reason, Beeve, Anne (Bestoration actress), vm. 9
m. 187 Beeve,Clara(1729-1807),x.47,424;XT.464
Reason, in The Goldyn Targe, n. 253 Champion of Virtue, x. 61; xi. 300
Reason, in Hymenaei, vi. 346 Charoba, x. 300
Reason, in M^rour de rOmme, n. 140, 141 Old English Baron, x. 61 ff.; XL 300
Reason, in Nature, v. 54 Progress of Romance, XL 300
Reason, in Piers the Plowman, n. 10, 26, Beeve, Henry (1813-1895), xn. 153, 426,
27 427; xiv. 114, 171, 503
Reasons humbly offered by the Company... Beeve, John (1608-1658), x. 377
of Upholders, ix. 132 Beeve, L,, xiv. 560
Rebecca, in Jacob and Esau, v. 112 Beeve, Bichard (1642-1693), rx. 345
'Rebel, A' (Defoe's), ix. 19 Beeves, Mr, in Pepys's Diary, vm. 350
Recarede, king, i. 105 Beeves, William (1815-1892), xn. 518;
Recklessness, in Piers the Plowman, n. xrv. 328, 571 ; Ecclesiastical Antiquities
25,26 1
of Down and Connor, xn. 361
Reclus de Moiliens, the Charite of, n. 140; Refined Courtier, m. 438
the Miserere of, n. 140 Reflector, The, xn. 192, 193, 434, 437, 442
Record, The, xn. 258 Beform act, XL 50
Record commission, xn. 357; xiv. 52, 67 Befonn bill, XL 58; xm. 24, 262, 342, 347,
Record office, xrv. 67, 82 348, 357, 384, 397; xrv. 57, 125, 129,
Eecorde, Robert (1510?-1558), m. 107, 414, 427
425, 493, 494; iv. 460; The Oastel of Bef ormation, in Respublica, v. 60
Knowledge, in. 425, 553 Beformation, Scottish, and the stage, vi.
Recorder, the, in The Refarne from Per- 374
nassus, VL 313, 314 Beformation and Benascence in Scotland,
Recreation, in The Playe of Playes and in. 138 ff., 500 ff.
Pastimes, vi. 392 Beformation literature in England, m.
Rectitudines Singularum Persona/rum, vm. 25 fit., 471 ff., also see Add.
310, 465 Regales Aphorismi (1650), vm. 470
Recueil des Historians des Gaules, x. 282 Began, in King Lear, v. 169
Reculver, xn. 347 Began, Morice (fl. 1171), History of Ire-
Red Barn murder, the, xiv. 228 land, vn. 211, 448
Red Book of Hergest, i. 249, 252, 263, 461 Regelnfur Schauspieler, XL 284

Regensburg, xrv. 306 Renaud de Beaujeu, i. 284
Reggio, x. 119, 224 Renfrewshire, ix. 364, 370, 559, x. 500;
'Regina' (K. Philips's), vn, 88 xi. 237
Reginald of St Augustine's, Canterbury, Renfrewshire, Harp of, xi. 443
I. 191, 456 Rengifo, Spanish critic, vn. 265
Reginella, in The Goblins, VI. 239 Rennell, James (1742-1830), xiv. 334, 579
Regiomontanus. tfeeMiiller Rennie, John (1761-1821), xiv. 381
Registrum Omnium Breviutn (1531), vm. Renouard, A. A., iv. 263
467 Renouf, Sir Peter le Page (1822-1897),
Regnard, Jean-Francois, Le Retour Im- xn. 500
prevu, x. 22, 417 Renton, Richard, xni, 485, 544; xrv. 502
Regnault, Elias, xm. 465 Renuchio, in Gfismond ofSalerne, v. 75, 76
Regnault, Frangois, rv. 402, 421 'Repentance,' ship, IV. 77
Regrets, in The Court of Love, n. 221 Repentance, in The Faerie Queene, m. 239
Eegula placitandi (1691), vm. 469 Repentance, in Piers the Plowman, 11. 12,
Regains, xi. 273 23
Regulus, in Alfred's Boethius and Orosius, Repington, Philip (d. 1424), n. 442
i. 95, 100 Reply of Friar Daw Topias, n. 40, 432, 435
Rehearsed, The (Leslie's), ix. 5 Reports of cases, vm. 319
Reid, John (1808-1841?), xn. 523 Repository of Arts, Literature, etc., xiv. 216
Reid, Stuart Johnson, xiv. 509 Repository Tracts, 33. 362
Reid, Thomas (1710-1796), iv. 294; x. Representative, The, xm. 353
345, 347 ., 512, 514; xr. 76, 400; xiv. Reproch, in The Faerie Queene, m. 239
9, 10, 37, 49, 393, 474 Repton school, vn. 331, 493
Essays on the Active Powers of Man, Requests, master of, m. 16
x. 348 Reresby, Sir John (1634-1689), vm,
Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man, 264 ff., 451; Memoirs, vm. 264, 265;
x. 348 Travels, vm. 265
Inquiry into the Human Mind, x. 348 Resch, Wolfgang, dialogues, m. 81
Works, xiv. 7, 11 'Resolution,' ship, xi. 145
Reid, T. D. (d. 1624), iv. 550 Respubhca, iv. 513; v. 59, 124, 392
Reid, Sir Thomas Wemyss (1842-1905), Restless, Tom, in Johnson's Idler, x. 178
xm. 506, 558, 560; xrv. 199, 505, 509, Restoration, the, iv. 107 140, 228, 315,
534; Charlotte Bronte, xm. 379 421, 425
Reidpath MS., n. 475 Restoration comedy, vi. 214
Reitz, Francis W., xiv. Add. 8, 9; Afri- Restoration pamphlets, xi. 470
caanse Qedigte, xrv. 373; Ver in de Resurrection, v. 39
WiMernis, xiv. 375 Retines, Robert de. See Robert the
Relation... of the isle of England (an Englishman
Italian's), n. 500 Retinues of the Great People, A Song
Relation of the Ten grand, infamous Tray- against the, I. 370
tors, A, vn. 388 Retrospective Review, The, xn. 346, 430
Relations, vn. 344 ff., 348 'Retters,' Rethel or Retiers, near Reims,
Religion, in Carew's Coelum Britannicum, n. 156
vn. 19 Returne from Pernassus, The. See Par-
Religious Tract society, x. 203; xi. 362 nassus trilogy
Reliquiae Antiquae, Wright and HaUiwell, Return of the Knight of the Post from
I. 362, 365 Hell..., The, TV. 352
Remarks on the Academic, ix. 414 Retz, cardinal de, vn. 436
Rembrandt van Ryn, xi. 12; xn. 172, 173 Reuchlin, Johann, m. 113; vn. 264; De
Remedies against Discontentment..,from arte cabbalistica, iv. 275; De verbe miri-
the writings of auncient philosophers, iv. fico, vn. 370; Henno, V. 101
343, 524 Reunert, Theodore, xiv. Add. 9
Remedy of Love, The, n. 162 Revels, Documents relating to the Office
Remembrance, dame, in The Dreme, m. of the, v. 478
117, 118 Revels, Master of the, vm. 423
Remembrancia, vi. 381, 491 Revels Accounts, v. 122
Remonstrant clergy, vm. 330 Revenge, goddess of, in Locrine, v. 239
Remus, Uncle, xiv. 314 Revenge, in Jeronimo, v. 160
Renan, Ernest, I. 253, 274; xm. 99 n .,
'Revenge,' the, lord Sandwich's battle-
458; xiv. 502,* 'The Poetry of the Celtic ship, vm. 202
Races,' xm. 100 'Revenge,' the, Sir Richard Grenville's
Eenard, G., xn. 525 ship, rv. 56, 376
Renascence, Englishmen and the Classical, Reverdies, v. 34
m. 1 ff., 466 ff. Revesby in Lincolnshire, v. 32, 33
Eenauard the fox, I. 366 Revctt, Nicholas (1720-1804), xn. 499

Review, The (Defoe's), ix. 1, 4, 5, 10, 11, Rhode island (America), ix. 281, 282
13, 14, 34, 432 Rhodes, island of (Mediterranean), n. 1 11 ;

Reviews and magazines in the early years vni. 117; xn. 339
of the 19th century, xn. 425 ff. Rhodes (prompter at Blackfriars), VL 262
Revue des deux Mondes, La, ix. 71; XTTT. Rhodes, Cecil, xiv. Add. 8, 9
71,75 Rhodes, Hugh (fl. 1550-1555), Boke of
Rex Fabarum, VL 294 Nurture, m. 341; XL 368
Rex Humanitas, in Ane Pleasant Satyre, Rhodes, John (fl. 1660), vni. 118, 121
m. 124 Rhodes, William Barnes (1772-1826), xm.
Reyher, A., Les Masques Anglais, VL 334, 523
335, 487 Rhodes, W. E., xrv. 75
Reynard, the Fox, i. 366, 479; n. 245, 313, Rhonabwy, Dream of, I. 253
314, 332, 486; m. 494; XL 334 Rhone, the, n. 123
Reynolds, chancellor, x. 382 Rhuddlan, x. 115
Reynolds (clerk to Essex), vn. 343 Rhuys, life of Gildas by a monk of, I. 65
Reynolds, Edward (1599-1676), vn. 329 Rhyme of Sir Launcelot Bogle, The, in The
Reynolds, Edward, of Nottingham, x. 387 Bon Gaultier Ballads, xm. 161
Reynolds, Frederick (1764-1841), XL 428, Rhys, Ernest, xn. 399, 401 xm. 485 ;

458; xin. 522; The Dramatist, XL 281 Rhys, Sir John, I. 250 ,, 254, 255, 273,
Reynolds, G. F., VL 265, 266, 270 463
Reynolds, George William McArthur Rhys ap Tewdwr, i. 256
(1814-1879), xm. 566; xiv. 545; Pick- Riah, in Our Mutual Friend, xin. 336
wick Abroad, xm. 319 Ribemont, in Edward the Black Prince,
Reynolds, Henry (fl. 1627-1632), m. 305; xi. 450
iv. 138, 169; vi. 490; My thornystes, vn. Ricardo, in The Coxcombe, VL 120, 133
264, 273, 466 Ricardo, David (1772-1823), x. 335; XL
Reynolds, John (1621-1650), IV. 526; 75, 399; xiv. 2 ff., 21, 22, 186, 407, 479;
God's Revenge against Murder, VL 199 Principles of Political Economy and
Reynolds, John (1667-1727), x. 386 Taxation, xiv. 2
Reynolds, John Hamilton (1796-1852), Riccaltoun, Robert (1691-1769), Winter,
xn. 70, 82, 89, 418, 422 x. 94
Reynolds, Sir Joshua (1723-1792), x. 85, Riccoboni, Louis or Lewis, v. 289 ; x. 442
157, 181, 207, 213, 215, 262, 263, 265 ff. Rice, James (1843-1882), xm. 560
(main entry), 268, 348, 461, 462, 470, Rich, Anthony (1804-1891), xn. 412
472, 473, 483, 494, also see Add. xi. 32,
; Rich, Barnabe (1540?-! 620?), m. 536;
143, 326, 350, 353, 360, 364, 472; xn. iv. 4, 18, 436, 480, 526, 527, 528, 531,
132, 166, 172; Discourses, x. 265 ff.; 535, 540; v. 220, 358, 479; ix. 556
xi. 200, 432 Apolonius and Silla, VL 305
Reynolds, Myra, ix. 168 Dialogue, between Mercury and an Eng-
Reynolds' 8 Weekly Newspaper, xiv. 192 lish Souldier, etc., v. 360
Reysby, Nicholas, XL 480 Don S^moniaes m. 1
Rhadamanth, in Locnne, v. 240 Farewell to the Military Profession, v.
Rhadamanthus, xn. 136 316
Rhampsmitus's Treasure Chamber (Hero- Honesty of this Age, The, iv. 317, 526;
dotus), ix. 39 V. 349, 358, 360
Rh6, isle of, iv. 293; vn. 5 New Description of Ireland, VL 173
Rheged, Urien's lordship of, I. 249 Rich, Charles, 4th earl of Warwick, vni.
Rheims, VL 311; x. 119 268
Rheims, council of, L 185 Rich, St Edmund, of Abingdon or Pon-
Rheims, English college at, iv. 274 tigny (1170?-1240), i. 205, 339, 343,
Rhenanus, Beatus, m. 41 456
Rhetoric, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, Rich, Sir Henry, earl of Holland (1590-
n. 225, 231 1649), vn. 224
Rhetorique, land of, in The Pilgrimage to Rich, Jeremiah (d. 1660?), vm. 243
Parnassus, VL 310 Rich, John (1682?-1761), ix. 163; x. 39,
Rhind, Alexander Henry (1833-1863), 70, 71, 85, 211; XL 258, 282; xin. 264;
xn. 512; Thebes, its Tombs and their xiv. 213
Tenants, xn. 351 Rich, Mary, countess of Warwick (1625-
Rhind lectures in archaeology, xn. 351 1678), vm. 453
Rhine, the, v. 6; vn. 20; XL 302; xn. 33, Autobiography, vm. 268, 269
418; xm. 443; xiv. 221 Diary, vm. 269
Rhineland, the, xiv. 294 Occasional Meditations, vm. 269
Rhinwallon and his sons, xn. 514 Rules for a Holy Life, vm. 269
Rhodalind, in D'Avenant's Gondibert> vn. Rich, Penelope, lady Rich (1562?-1607),
71 m. 254; vn. 54
Rhode, in Solymannidae, VL 301 Rich, Richard (fl. 1609-1610), IV. 460

Rich, Sir Robert, 1st earl of Warwick, Richard of St Victor (d. 1173?); Benjamin,
m. 254 n. 327, 498
Rich, Sir Robert, 2nd earl of Warwick Richard the Englishman (Richard of
(1587-1658), vn. 454; ym. 269 Wendover, d. 1252), n. 365
Rick Cabnit furnished with a Varietie of Richard the Redeless, 11. 3, 36, 432 ff.
exquisite Discretions, The, vi. 401 Richard the Third, The True Tragedy of,
Rich Closet of Physical Secrets, A (1652), rv. 393; V. 153, 185, 398
vn. 512 Richardes, Thomas, v. 110
Richard, in Richard Casteler, m. 369 Richards, John Morgan, xm. 562
Richard I, in Histoire de la Guerre Sainte, Richards, Nathaniel (d. 1652), vn. 413;
n. 420 Messallina, vi. 266, 268, 458
Richard I, king of England, 1. 174 fi., 199, Richardson, of Stratford, v. 168
337; m. 325; vi. 97; rx. 535 Richardson, Sir Benjamin (1828-1896),
Richard I History of King, I, 175
ix. 138
Richard II, A Poem on the Deposition of, Richardson, David Lester (1801-1865),
ed. T. Wright, n. 35 XIV. 579; Literary Chit-Chat, xiv. 337;
Richard II, king of England, i. 322; n. 3, Literary Leaves, xrv. 337; Literary
35 ft, 55, 71, 134, 137, 144, 145, 153, Recreations, xiv. 337
154, 157, 158, 170, 346; m. 195, 196, Richardson, Fanny, in Le Fanu's story,
337; rv, 137, 169, 182; v. 44; vi. 280, xm. 415, 416
330; vn. 211; ix. 222, 233, 535; X. 284, Richardson, Frederika, xm. 555, 558
287 Richardson, John (1796-1852), xrv. 581,
Richard II, pre-Shakespearean, V, 83 583; Canadian Brothers, The, xrv. 360;
Richard III, king of England, nr. 196, Wacousta, xrv. 359; War of 1812, The,
282, 314, 334, 335; vn. 443; vm. 123; xrv. 359
X. 85, 131, 291, 505 Richardson, Jonathan (1665-1745), ix.
Richard III, in Shakespeare's play, xn. 70, 443, 448; xn. 172
171 Richardson, Joseph (1755-1803), XL 35,
Richard III, Garrick as, n. 257 36, 391
Richard III, History of, m. 17, 334, 335, Richardson, Mary (d. of Samuel R.), x.
531 12,61
Richard HI, W. H. W. Betty as, xi. 283 Richardson, Robert (1850-1901), xrv. 369,
Richard (Fitznigel), bishop of London, 587
Dialogue de Scaccario, iv. 309 Richardson, Samuel (fl. 1643-1658), x. 520
Richard, prior of Hexham (fl* 1138-1154), Richardson, Samuel (1689-1761), I. 319;
I. 161, 450; Acts of King Stephen and vi. 82; rx. 144, 248, 475; x. 1 fl (main
the Battle, of the. Standard, I. 161, 163, entry), 30, 31, 43, 46 ff., 58, 61, 63, 64,
167, 168, 449 171, 201, 411 ff., 458, also see Add.;
Richard, Sir, in Robin Hood legends, n. xi. 327, 358, 365, 468, 474; xn. 168,
416 231ff.;xm.340,421
Richard, 3rd duke of York (1411-1460), Clarissa Harlowe, vni. 196; IX. 245;
n. 302 X. 2, 7ff., 15 ff., 29, 48, 57, 252, 273;
Richard Coeur de Lion, I. 287, 307 fi., 317, xi. 265, 277, 356
318, 399, 470; n. 308, 325 Collection of the Moral and Instructive
Richard Coeur de Lion, in Looke about you, Sentiments, x. 11
v. 320 Meditations collected from the Sacred
Richard Coeur de Lion, in Robert, Earle Books, x. 12
of Huntington, v. 318, 319 Pamela, vi. 99; ix. 400; X. 3 ff., 14 ff.,
Richard Duke of Torke, The True Tragedie 17 ft, 24 ff., 48, 79, 84, 89, 273; xi. 325;
of, v. 135, 153, 184, 220, 237, 238, 260, xn. 235
398, 433 Sir Charles Grandison, x. 9, 10, 15 E.,
Richard of Almaigne, x. 233 252, 273; xn. 238
Richard of Armagh. See FitzRalph Richardson, Thomas (? 1584), m. 191
Richard of Bury (1281-1345), i. 183, 213, Richardson, Thomas (1828-1831), xm.
214, 456; n. 362; Philobiblon, iv. 411, 516
414, 415 Richardson, Sir Thomas (1569-1635), vm.
Richard of Cirencester (d. 1401?), rx. 540; 319
xn. 488 Richborough, xn. 347
Richard de Conyngton (d. 1330), I. 453 Richelieu, Annand-Jean Duplessis duo
Richard of Cornwall, brother of Henry HE, de, cardinal, iv. 258, 260; vn. 446; vm.
I. 368 371, 383; rx. 228
Richard of Devizes (fl. 1189-1192), i. 159, Riches, in Piers the Plowman, n. 20
163, 173, 176, 449; n. 342, 488 Richey, Alexander George (1830-1883),
Richard of Dover, i. 188 xiv. 497
Richard L'Bveque, 1. 184 Richmond, ix. 251; x. 95, 102, 395;
Richard of Middleton (d. 1308), vn. 505 xi. 259, 364; xm. 281

Richmond, duke of. See Lennox, Charles Ripley, George (d. 1490?), n. 469; The
Richmond, Legh (1772-1827), xn. 472; Compound of Alchemy or the Twelve
The Dairyman's Daughter, xn. 281 Gates, and Medulla Alchemiae, n. 21 Iff. ;
Richmond, Yorkshire, n. 49 Vision, n. 212; Scroll, n. 212
Richmond churchyard, xn. 419 Risdon, Tristram (1580?-1640), Survey of
Richmond Examiner, The, xrv. 326 Devon, ix. 353, 538
Richmond forest, vi. 239 Rishanger, William (1250?-1312?), L 181,
Richmond gardens, xiv. 286 450
Richmond hill, x. 101, 104 Ristori, Adelaide, v. 307; xm.
514, 515
Richmondshire, xn. 514 Ritchie, lady Anne Isabella (born Thacke-
Richter, Helene, xni. 553; xiv. 528 ray), XI. 491; xn. 447; xin. 478, 485,
Richter, Jean Paul Friedrich, x. 422; 502, 529, 530, 549, 551, 558; xiv. 524,
xn. 445; xra. 4, 7 fi., 447, 465, 468 605; A Discourse on Modern Sibyls, xm.
Rickets, J., Byrsa Basilica, vi. 300, 476 377 379
Rickett, A. Compton, xm. 493 Ritchie, David George (1853-1903), xiv.
Rickman, John, xi. 167, 169; xn. 188, 479
433 Ritchie, Leitch (1800?-1865), xn. 421,
Ridd, John, in Lorna Doone, xm. 434 451; xrv. Add. 5; Schinderhannes, xi.
Riddell, James (1823-1866), xn. 492 304
Riddell, Robert (d. 1794), ix. 368 Ritchie, William (1781-1831), xiv. 535
Riddell MS., n. 474 Ritson, Joseph (1752-1803), I. 361;n. 205,
Middles, Old English, i. 49, 51, 60, 61, 391; v. 277; vn. 443; ix. 567; x. 234,
428, 430; runes in, I. 12; Latin, I. 78 239, 490, 492; xn. 516, 523
Riddles, books of, in. 488 Bibliographia Poetica, n. 198; xn. 363
Rideal, Charles F., xm. 544 Collection of all the Songs etc. on Robin
Rider, John (1562-1632), m. 555; vn. Hood, xn. 364
486 Engleish Romance'es, x. 233
Riderhood, in Our Mutual Friend, xm. Northern Chorister, xi. 231
336 Observations on Warton's History of
Ridgeley, Thomas (1667?-1734), x. 384 English Poetry, xn. 363
'Ridings,' v. 34 Select Collection of English Songs, xn.
Ridley, Annie E., xiv. 599 364
Ridley, Glocester, x. 136 Ritwise, John (? 1532), m. 13; v. 102
Ridley, Nicholas (1500?-1555), bishop of Rivers, Alice, vn. 16
London, m. 38, 179, 213, 419, 432, 473; Rivers, earl of. See Woodville, Anthony
iv. 232, 234 Rivers, Sir John, lord mayor of London,
Ridolfi conspiracy, m. 401 vn. 16
Ridpath, George (d. 1726). ix. 15, 550; Rivers, Sir John (Charlotte Bronte's), xm.
The Flying Post, ix. 5, 434 409
Ridpath, George (1717?-1772), ix. 554 Riviere, Pierre, m. 59
Rievaulx. See Ailred of Riviere des Prairies, xiv. 355
Rievaulx abbey, iv. 421 Rivington, Charles (1688-1742), xi. 323
Rigaud, in Little Dorrit, xm. 317, 331 Rivington, Charles (1754-1831), xi. 327
Rigby, in Disraeli's Coningsby, xn. 155; Rivington, Francis (1745-1822), xi. 327
xm. 349, 350 Rivington, Septimus, xrv. 598
Rigby, Elizabeth. See Eastlake, lady Rivingtons, publishers, sx 468
Rigg, James Harrison, xm. 548 Rizzio, David, xm. 133
Right of Succession, Poem on the, vnr. 92 Roach, Richard (1662-1730), ix. 307, 515,
Righteousness, in Anglo-Norman plays, 575
v. 21 Rob Roy (Robert Macgregor), in Scott's
Riguelme, Don Francisco, xn. 439 novel, xn. 18, 26
Rigveda, the, xn. 343, 503 Robberds, J. W., xn. 380, 429
Riley, Thomas, vi. 476 Robbers and Shefters, A balleti, m. 492
Riming Poem, I. 62, 374, 428 Robene (Robin), in Robene and MaJcyne,
Rimini, Francesca, xn. 395 n. 249
Rimmer, A., xm. 544 Robert, duke, in Thomas of Readingt m.
Rinaldo (Tasso's), vm. 25 368
Ring of the Roy Robert, n. 280 Robert, earl of Gloucester (d. 1147), I.
Rtngsaeld, Suffolk, vn. 33 156, 166, 168, 169, 256, 258; v. 320
Rintoul, Robert Stephen (1787-1858), Robert, earl of Huntington, in Looke about
xiv. 198, 534 you, v. 320
Rio, A. F., xn. 440 Robert, prior of Winchester, I. 176
Riot act, xiv. 387 Robert II, king of Scotland, n. 102, 103,
Rip van Winkle, xm. 266 117
Ripert-Monclar, count Ame'de'e de, xm. Robert III, king of Scotland, n. 280, 369
55 Robert of Artois, n. 421

Robert of Avesbury (fl. 1350), n. 498; Robertson, Thomas William
ix. 535 Ours, xni. 272
Robert of Cicylye, Kynge, v. 13, 49, 50 Play, xm. 272
Robert of Crioklade (1157-1170),!. 191,456 School, xm. 272
Robert of Gloucester (fl. 1260-1300), I. Society, xm. 271, 272
336; II. 133; m. 440; DC. 535; Chronicle, Robertson, William (d. 1686?), vn. 490
I. 152, 170, 298, 335 ff., 347, 350, 377, Robertson, William (1721-1793), x. 132,
476; n. 194, 211; m. 279 281, 285, 287 ff. (main entry), 294, 297,
Robert de Gretham (fl. 13th cent.), n. 508 303, 307, 313, 315, 316, 324, 504, 505;
Robert of Jumieges, archbishop of Can- XI. 76, 400; xn. 142, 300, 426; xiv. 102
terbury (fl. 1037-1052), i. Ill Disquisition concerning the Knowledge
Robert of Melun (d. 1167), I. 184, 456 which the Ancients had of India, x. 288
Robert de Monte (1110?-1186), or Robert History of America, x. 288, 289
of Torigui,!. 168, 170, 172, 175, 256, 450 History of Charles V 9 X. 287 ff.; XI. 326
Robert of Sicily, I. 286, 465, 470 History of Scotland, x. 287 ff.; xiv. 50
Robert the Bruce. See Bruce Robertson, William Archibald Scott
Robert the Devil, I. 471; n. 501 (1836-1897), xn. 513
Robert the Englishman, or Robert de Robespierre, Maximihen Marie Isidore,
Retines (fl. 1141-1143), I. 153 XI. 413; xm. 12, 420
Robert the Robber, in Piers the Plowman, Robethon, Jean, ix. 236
n. 12, 33 Robethon, John (d. 1722), x. 295
Roberto, in Greene's Oroatsworih of Wit, Robin, in de la Halle's plays, v. 34
in. 360 Robin, in Mrs Trimmer's Robins, xi.
Roberts, Alexander, A
treatise of Witch- 379
craft, iv. 535; TO. 506 Robin Conscience, The Booke in Meeter of,
Roberts, C. T., xiv. Add. 9 ni. 81, 97, 491; IX. 51
Roberts, Daniel, The Memoir of John Robin Good-fellow, iv. 353, 532, 533; v.
Roberts, VHL 106, 416 320
Roberts, David (1757-1819), The Military Robin Goodfellow, in Love Restored, vi.
Adventures of Johnny Newcome, xiv. 351, 352, 357, 358, 370, 371
220, 545 Robin Goodfeilow, in The Devil and his
Roberts, James (fl. 1564-1606), iv. 384, Dame, v. 329
394 Robin Goodfellow, in The Sad Shepherd,
Roberts, James, publisher, ix. 247; 33. 323 vi. 11
Roberts, Lewes or Lewis (1596-1640), iv. Robin Hood, I. 218, 300, 369, 371; n. 110,

513 194, 309, 323, 399, 402, 411, 416, 417,

Roberts, Robert Davies, xiv. 595 428, 502, 507; in. 68, 358; IV. 529;
Roberts, William (1767-1849), XL 475; v. 32, 34, 35, 108, 317 ff., 324 ff.; vi.
xiv. 600 238, 365; X. 490; xn. 3, 516
Robertson, Charles, xiv. 608 Robin Hood, ix. 166
Robertson, Eben William (1815-1874), Robin Hood, m Looke about you, v. 320
xii. 512 Robin Hood, in Robert, Earle of Hunting-
Robertson, Eric S., xi. 410 ton, v. 319, 323
Robertson, Frederick William (1816- Robin Hood, in The Sad Shepherd, vi. 11,
1853), XL 411; xn. 290 ff. f 469; xni. 369 ff.
475; 'On the Glory of the Virgin Robin Hood, True Tale of, n. 416. See,
Mother, xn. 291 Robyn
Robertson, George Croom (1842-1892), Robin Hood and his Crew of Soldiers, v.
vn. 288; xn. 309, 476; xiv. 24, 473, 479 35
Robertson, James, x. 95 Robin Hood and Little John, The Pastoral
Robertson, James Logic, xn. 373, 409; Comedy of, v. 318
xm. 546 Robin Hood and the Monk, n. 402, 408, 416
Robertson, John G., ix. Robin Hood and the Potter, n. 408
Robertson, John Mackinnon, VL Add, ; xni. Robin Hood's Death, n. 416
472, 489 Robin's Courtship, ix. 364
Robertson, Joseph (1810-1866), xn. 513, Robins, Robert, Whip for the Marshal's
518; xiv. 497; Illustrations of the Topo- Court, A, iv. 530
graphy of Aberdeen and Banff, xn. 359 Robinson, Agnes Mary Francis, xm. 481,
Robertson, T. (fl. 1520-1561), Inventory 484
of the Riches of the Cathedral of Sarum, Robinson, Benjamin (1666-1724), x. 386
iv. 422 Robinson, Clement (fl. 1566-1584), m.
Robertson, Thomas William (1829-1871), 190, 191, 249, 524
xm. 271 523 ff., Robinson, Elizabeth. See Montagu, Mrs
Caste, xm. 272 Elizabeth
David Garnck, TTTT, 271 Robinson, Emma, TTTT. 566
M .P., xm. 272 Robinson, George (1737-1801), xi. 327

Robinson, Henry (1605?~1664?), iv. 310, RocJce, Life of St, in The Golden Legend,
513; x. 372 IL 333
Kobinson, Henry Crabb (1775-1867), xi. Rockingham, marquis of. See Watson-
122, 133, 192, 197 ft, 411, 417, 423, Wentworth, Charles
434; xii. 167, 201, 433, 441; xiv. 173, Rockingham ministry, the, x. 399
178, 505; Diary, xiv. 113 'Rod. Staf.,' v. 72
Robinson, J., The Birth of a Day (1654), Rodamant, in St Patrick for Ireland, vi.
vn. 517 206
Robinson, James (fl. 1600), vi. 289, 290 Roderick, Visigothic king, xn. 211
Robinson, John, Endoxa, vn. 239 Roderigo, in Othello, v. 203
Robinson, John (1650-1723), bishop of Rodes, Sir John, vn. Add.
London, IX. 249 Rodger, Alexander (1784^1846), xm. 508
Robinson, Sir John Richard, xiv. 532, Rodger, M., xiv. 525
535, also see Add. 9 Rodney, George Brydgea, 1st baron Rod-
Robinson, Matthew, x. 262 ney (1719-1792), xiv. 214, 245
Robinson, Matthew (1628-1694), xn. 488 Rodomont, in. 305
Robinson, Mrs, widow of Rich. Burbage, Roe, Sir John, iv. 206, 209, 216
VL 276 Roe, Richard B., xm. 240, 512
Robinson, Nicholas (d. 1585), vi. 298 Roe, Sir Thomas (1581?-1644), iv. 90,
Robinson, Philip Stewart (1847-1902), 216; vn. 434, 437; x. 412; xiv. 332,
xiv. 580; In my Indian Garden, xiv. 341 333, 580
Robinson, Richard (fl. 1576-1600), Eu- Roe Head, xm. 405
polemia,' iv. 391, 461, 545; Harmony Roebuck, in Farquhar's Love and a Bottle,
of King Davids Harp, iv. 391 vin. 70
Robinson, Robert (1735-1790), x. 522 Roebuck, John Arthur (1801-1879), xiv.
Robinson, Thomas, New Citharen Lessons, 419
iv. 465 Roet, Sir Payn, n. 157
Robinson, Thomas (D.D.), ix. 527 Roet or Rouet, Katharine (Swynford),
Robinson, Mrs William, x. 261 n. 157
Robinson des enfants, Le, XTTT. 201 Roet or Rouet, Philippa, wife of Chaucer,
Rob's Jok cam to woo our Jenny, ix. 361 n. 157
Robson, Mary, xi. 482 Roger, in A Dialogue... against the fever
Roby, Henry John (1830-1915), xn. 492; Pestilence, 109 m.
xiv. 609 Roger, in The English Traveller, vi. 94
Elementary Latin Grammar, xn. 336 Roger, count of Sicily, xn. 316
Essays on the Law of Cicero's Private Roger, Mons., dancing-master, x. 440
Orations, xn. 337 Roger of Hoveden or Howden (d. 1201?),
Introduction to Justinian's Digest, xn. I. 160, 161, 172 ff., 178, 450; m. 314;
337 IV. 68
Latin Grammar from Plautus to Sue- Roger of Wendover (d. 1236), I. 159, 178,
tonius, xn. 336 179, 451; Flores Historiarum, I. 178,
Roman Private Law, xn. 337 179, 451; ii. 318
Robyn and Gfandelyn, n. 408 Rogero, rv. 24
Robyn Hode, The Gest of, u. 329, 402, 408, Rogero, the new, a tune, m. 190
416, 428 Rogers, Arthur George Liddon, xiv. 497
Robynson, Ralph (fl. 1551), vn. 298 Rogers, A. W., xiv. Add. 9
Roca, Don Juan, in FitzGerald's Painter Rogers, Benjamin Biokley (1828-1919),
of his own Dishonour, xni. 144 xn. Add. 3
Rochdale, xn. 31, 519; xiv. 93 Rogers, Charles (1825-1890), x. 193, 478,
Roche, J., xm. 465 xi. 441, 444; xn. 515
Roche, James (1770-1853), xrv. 571 Rogers, Frederic, lord Blachford (1811-
Roche, Regina Maria (1764?-1845), xi. 1889), Letters, xn. 277, 454
464; Children of the Abbey, XL 299 Rogers, F., The Seven Deadly Sins in
Rochefort, xiv. 201 Literature, rv. 321, 516
Rochefort, expedition to, x. 466 Rogers, Henry (1806-1877), xn. 427, 472,
Rochefoucauld, xn. 432 473; 'The Religious Movement in Ger-
RocheUe, in. 381, 382 many,' xn. 153
Rochester, m. 95; iv. 421; vn. 82; vm. 5; Rogers, James Edwin Thorold (1823-
ix. 145, 538, 540; x. 352, 362; xm. 335; 1890), xiv. 479, 497, 508, 509; History
XIV. 238 of Agriculture and Prices, A, xrv. 68;
Rochester, in Jane Eyre, xm. 407, 408 Protests of the Lords, xiv. 78
Rochester, bishop of, in The merry jests of Rogers, John (1500?-1555), m. 44, 474;
the widow Edith, n. 327 IV. 446
Rochester, earls of. See Hyde, Lawrence; Rogers, John (1627-1665?), vn. 515; vm.
, Wilmot, Henry; Wilmot, John 319
Rochow, F. E. von, xrv. 382 Rogers, Mrs, X. 121, 126

Rogers, Samuel (1763-1855), ix. 170; Rollo, Norman duke, in The Rottiad, XL
XL 148, 149, 291; XH. 36, 95 ft (main 34
entry), 101, 102, 124, 133, 139, 148, Rollock, Robert (1555?-1599), m. 553
150, 381, 382, 384, 408, 491; xm. 230; Rolls series, the, xn. 336, 356; xiv. 74, 82
xiv. 139, 403, 438 Rolt, Richard (1725?-1770), x. 468
'Campagna of Rome, The,* xn. 98 Romagna, the, xn. 36
Italy,xn. 96, 98 Romaine, William (1714-1795), x, 365;
Jacqueline, xn. 96 xn. 473
Pleasures of Memory, The, xn. 41, 96, Roman alphabet in England, I. 426
97, 100 Roman antiquities, ix. 352, 355, 538 .,
Table Talk, Poraoniana, xn. 325 552; xi. 286; xn. 346, 347, 350, 476, 510
Rogers, solicitor, x. 117 Roman Breviary, i. 53; xn. 420
Rogers, Thomas (d. 1616), IT. 441, 495 Roman Britain, xn. 507
Rogers, William (1819-1896), xiv. 609 Roman Caesars, in The Roman Actor, VL
Rogers, Woodes (d. 1732), xiv. 242, 553 153
Rogges, a Ballette, m. 492 Roman catholic doctrine, xn. 261, 270
Rogue pamphlets, iv. 529 Roman Catholicism, ix. 245; x. 42; xi.
Rogue pamphlets and burlesques, TO. 515 167, 295; xm. 44, 260, 366; xiv. 53, 55
Rohan, house of, vm. 35 Roman catholics, ix. 3, 4, 100, 101, 110;
Rohault, Jacques, Traitd de physique, ix. xn. 259, 260, 267, 271, 273, 275, 276;
297 xiv. 212, 249, 314, 317, 329, 417
Rohilcand, xiv. 334 Roman catholics attacked, in Loiola, VL
Rohilla Afghans, xiv, 334 324
Roi tfAngleterre et le Jongleur My, Le, Roman conquest of Britain, xiv. 71
v. 25 Roman empire, vm. 286, 309, 378
Rojas, Fernando de, Celestina, rv. 9, 447; Roman history, x, 319, 320
v. 99, 100, 409; vm. 125 Roman history and life, Jonson's treat-
Rokayle or Rokesle, Stacy de, n. 35 ment of, VI. 19, 20
Roland, in Rauf Coiljear, n. 126 Roman jubilee of 1600, v. 161
Roland, tales and Song of, I. 281, 283, Roman law, vm. 309, 310, 312 ft, 317;
291, 302, 470 x. 314; xi. 16; xn. 335; xiv. 80
Roland and V&magu, L 302, 465, 470 Roman mythology, xm. 271
Rolfe, shoemaker, in the Mercuries, vn. Roman poets, ix. 68
356 Roman republic, the, ix. 561; x. 501
Rolland, John (fl. 1560), m. 499; The Roman ritual, in Hymenaei, VL 345
Court of Venus, m. 131; The Sewn Roman soldiers, in Christum Redivivus, vr.
Sages, m. 131 295
Rolle, Edward, x. 136 Roman stage, vi. 373, 376, 390, 399
Rolle, Henry (1589?-1656), Abridgment Roman studies, society for the promotion
des Clusters Oases et Resolutions del of, xn. 340
Commun Ley, vm. 320, 469 Roman tragedy, IX. 64; XL 273
Rolle, John (1750-1842), XL 34 Roman wall, the, xn. 346, 508
RoUe, Richard, of Hampole (1290?- 1349), Roman de Renart, Le, vm. 59
I. 364, 399; II. 43 ff., 49, 51, 58, 59, 62, Roman de la Rose. See Rose
89, 91, 189, 299, 424, 425, 437 S. ; in. 31, Romance qualities in English verse, vm.
274, 275 223
Works by, or attributed to, Rolle: Romances, i. 277 ., 465 ft ; n. 194, 506
Canticles, on the, n. 48 Romanello, m. 167
Ego dormio et cor meum vigilat, n. 47, Romanes, George John (1848-1894), xiv.
48 479, 563
EJ.O. poem, n. 439 Romanes lecture, xiv. 34
Lord's Prayer and Commandments, n. 48 Romanno, ix. 370
Mending of Life (or the Form of Living). Romans, the, x. 232; XL 273, 352, 362;
n. 46, 47 xn. 249, 316
Mirror of St Edmund, The, n. 47 Romans, the, in Believe as you List, VL 148
Pricke of Conscience, n. 48 Romans, the, in The Roman Actor, vi. 152
Psalter ( Rolle' s versions and commen- Romany novels, xiv. 145, 146
taries), n. 46, 47 Bombus, in The May Lady, VL 336
Jftolleston, George (1829-1881), xn. 513; Rome, i. 64, 71, 79, 149, 185, 196; n. 50,
xiv. 563; Forms of Animal Life, xiv. 300 55, 61, 66, 67, 71, 74, 75, 77, 79, 84,
Rolleston, Thomas William, xn. 401; 119, 131, 238, 287, 288, 310, 345, 350;
xiv. 310, 330, 573 m. 5, 29, 32, 99, 154, 316, 329, 340,
Rolliad, The, x. 239; XL 34 ft, 39, 40, 42, 365, 376, 400, 401; IV. 3, 127, 243, 254,
53,391; xn. 120; xm. 161 257, 264, 323, 424, 428, 429; v. 8, 16,
Rollington, Ralph, xiv. 532 38, 58, 198, 312; VI. 8, 18ft, 147 ff. f
Rollo, in The Bloody Brother, VL 129, 138 174, 311; vn. 10, 35, 99, 100, 180, 183,

Rome Bontgen raya, xrv. 270
206, 276, 297; vm. 23, 221, 267, 291, Bood, legend of, 1. 133, 341, 342. See, also,
310, 388; rx. 73, 112, 159, 256, 274; Dream of the Rood and Cross
x. 41, 104, 107, 169, 202, 231, 304, 313, Rood-Tree, Holy, v. 15, 389
318, 319; xi. 273; xn. 50, 63, 67, 76, Rookery, the, in. David Copper-field, xm.
92, 257, 273, 302, 340, 401; xm. 72, 74, 327
77, 79, 104, 393, 435; xiv. 100, 108, 230 Rooper, Thomas Godolphin (1847-1903),
Capitol, the, iv. 13; x. 298, 304 xrv. 609
English college, m. 422; iv. 127; v. 313 Roper, Abel (1665-1726), IX. 461; XI. 471;
Temple of Jupiter, 304 x. Post Boy, rx. 5, 434
Vatican library, 429 rv. Roper, Mary, daughter of viscount Bal-
Rome (state), xiv. 61, 68 ft, 79, 110, 175; tinglas, vn. 245
history of, xn. 280, 301 E., 322 Roper, William (1496-1578), m. 470;
Rome, church of, rv. 166, 262, 348, 352; v. 247; ix. 534
v. 2, 10, 36, 40,139, 209, 344, 366; Roper, William John Duff, xrv. 597
VI. 3, 149, 150, 197, 324, 387; vn. 10, Ros, Sir Richard, La Belle Dame Sans
142 ff., 208, 212, 217, 222, 223, 297, Merci, n. 161, 162, 164, 215, 216
304, 309 ff., 327, 378; vm. 45 ff., 82, Rosa, Salvator, x. 100, 106
86, 93, 111, 275, 294, 297, 302, 305, Rosabella, in Ignoramus, vi. 322
306, 309, 310, 345; ix. 147, 195, 197; Rosabelle, in Scott's Lay of the Last
x. 293, 301, 373; xn. 259, 261, 262, 264, Minstrel, xn. 9
269, 274, 276, 292, 299, 331; xm. 178, Rosalind, in As You Like It, r. 298; v. 169,
348, 361; xiv. 26, 54, 55, 110 192, 193; vi. 123, 304
Rome, court of, in Mirour de I'Omme, n. Rosalind, in Shelley's Rosalind and Helen,
141 xn. 62
Rome, St Paul at, xn. 477 Rosalind (Spenser's), m. 214, 215, 217,
Rome, street cries of, vi. 101 222, 224, 243
Rome and Keats, xn. 407 Rosaline, in Love's Labour's Lost, v. 178
Eome for Canterbury or a true relation of Rosamond, in The Civil Wars, iv. 137
the Birth and Life of William Laud, vn. Rosamond's Pond, ix. 36
145 Rosamund, Fair, in LooJce about you, v.
Romei of Ferrara, count Annibale, m. 320
437, 438; rv. 448; Discorsi, m. 438 Rosamund, the Fair (d. 1176?), rv. 182;
Romelio, in The Devils Law-case* vr. 183 vn. 206
Romeo, in Romeo and Juliet, rv. 79; vn. 8; BosceBinus, I.212
xn. 54 Boscius, vi. 250
Romeo, W. H. W. Betty as, XL 283 Roscius, the English, xi. 282
Romeus et lulietta, vi. 486 Roscius, the young, XL 452, 453. See,
Romford, Essex, vn. 46 also, Betty, W. H, W.
Romford, Facey (Surtees's), xrv. 234 Boscoe, Edward Stanley, xrv. 509
Romfrey, lord (George Meredith's), xni. Roscoe, Elizabeth M., xiv. 521
446 Roscoe, Sir Henry E., xiv. 597
Romillon, vr. 183 Roscoe, Robert, son of W. Roscoe, xi. 385
Romilly, John, 1st lord Bomilly (1802- Roscoe, William (1753-1831), ix. 451;
1874), xn. 356 XI. 482; XIV. 505, 514
Romilly, Sir Samuel (1757-1818), XI. 59; Butterfly's Ball, The, xi. 377, 385, 386,
xm. 418; xrv. 403, 479, 505, 511, 604 476
Romney, George (1734-1802), xi. 427 Life of Leo X, xrv. 108
Romney, earl of. See Sidney, Henry Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, xrv. 108
Romney, Kent, v. 90 Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini, xrv. 108
Romola (George Eliot's), xm. 383, 392, Roscoe, William Caldwell (1823-1859),
395, 396 xi. 420; xn. 408; xm. 189, 508, 559
Bomont, in The latall Dowry, VL 223 Boscommon, x, 196
Ronaldshay, n. 115 Roscommon, earl of. See Dillon, Went-
Bonoesvalles, n. 112 worth
Rondiel, in Turnament of Totenham, I. 366 Bose (George Meredith's), xm. 446
Ronksley, William, XL 482; The Child's Rose, poem by Hilariua, 191
Week's Work, XI. 371 Bose, F. Horace, xiv. Add. 9
Bonsard, Pierre de, m. 136, 250 ff., 257, Bose, George (1744-1818), xrv. 506
259, 262 ff., 266, 269, 296, 524; iv. 24, Bose, G. M., xrv, 581
196, 197, 210, 472; VI. 334; vni. 385 Bose, Henry John (1800-1873), xrv. 593
Abregt de I' art Poetigue, Fran&ais, m. 296 Bose, Hugh James (1795-1838), xn. 254,
Amours, m. 259 256, 272, 453, 454, 462
Odes, m. 259 Bose, John Holland, XT. 396; xm. 465
Sonnets, m. 259 Bose, the Red, in The Example of Virtue,
Sonnets pour Hel&ne, m* 259 n. 227

CHEL 321
Bogers, Samuel (1763-1855), ix. 170; Rollo, Norman duke, in The Rolliad, xi.
XL 148, 149, 291; xn. 36, 95 fi. (main 34
entry), 101, 102, 124, 133, 139, 148, Rollock, Bobert (1555?-1599), m. 553
150, 381, 382, 384, 408, 491; xm. 230; Rolls series, the, xn. 336, 356; xrv. 74, 82
xrv. 139, 403, 438 Rolt, Bichard (1725?-1770), X. 468
'Campagna of Borne, The,' xn. 98 Romagna, the, xn. 36
Italy, xn. 98
96, Romame, William (1714-1795), x. 365;
Jacqueline, xn. 96 xn. 473
Pleasures of Memory, The, xn. 41, 96, Roman alphabet in England, I. 426
97, 100 Roman antiquities, ix. 352, 355, 538 .,
Table Talk, Porsoniana, xn. 325 552; xi. 286; xn. 346, 347, 350, 476, 510
Rogers, solicitor, x. 117 Roman Breviary, I. 53; xn. 420
Bogers, Thomas (d. 1616), rv. 441, 495 Roman Britain, xn. 507
Bogers, William (1819-1896), xrv. 609 Roman Caesars, in The Roman Actor, vi.
Bogers, Woodes (d. 1732), xrv. 242, 553 153
Rogges, a Ballette, in. 492 Roman catholic doctrine, xn. 261, 270
Bogue pamphlets, iv. 529 Roman Catholicism, rx. 245; x. 42; xi.
Bogue pamphlets and burlesques, vn. 515 167, 295; xm. 44, 260, 366; xrv. 53, 55
Bohan, house of, vm. 35 Roman catholics, rx. 3, 4, 100, 101, 110;
Bohault, Jacques, Traitt de physique, ix. xn. 259, 260, 267, 271, 273, 275, 276;
297 xrv. 212, 249, 314, 317, 329, 417
Bohilcand, xrv. 334 Roman catholics attacked, in Loiola, vr.
Bohilla Afghans, xrv. 334 324
Hoi tfAngleterre et le Jongleur d'My, Le, Roman conquest of Britain, xrv. 71
v. 25 Roman empire, vm. 286, 309, 378
Bojas, Fernando de, Cdestina, rv. 9, 447; Roman history, x. 319, 320
v. 99, 100, 409; vm. 125 Roman history and life, Jonson's treat-
Bokayle or Bokesle, Stacy de, n. 35 ment of, vi. 19, 20
Boland, in Rauf Coiljear, n. 126 Roman jubilee of 1600, v. 161
Boland, tales and Song of, I. 281, 283, Roman law, vm. 309, 310, 312 ff., 317;
291, 302, 470 x. 314; xi. 16; xn. 335; xrv. 80
Roland and Vernagu, L 302, 465, 470 Roman mythology, xm. 271
Bolfe, shoemaker, in the Mercuries, vn. Roman poets, rx. 68
356 Roman republic, the, rx. 561; x. 501
Bolland, John (fl. 1560), m. 499; The Roman ritual, in Hymenaei, vi. 345
Court of Venus, m. 131; The Sevin Roman soldiers, in Christus Redivivus, VL
Sages, m. 131 295
Bolle, Edward, x. 136 Roman stage, vi. 373, 376, 390, 399
Bolle, Henry (1589?-1656), Abridgment Roman studies, society for the promotion
des plusiers Cases et Resolutions del of, xn. 340
Commun Ley, vm. 320, 469 Roman tragedy, rx. 64; XL 273
BoUe, John (1750-1842), XL 34 Roman wall, the, xn. 346, 508
Rolle, Richard, of Hampole (1290?- 1349), Roman de Renart, Le, vm. 59
i. 364, 399; n. 43 fi% 49, 51, 58, 59, 62, Roman de la Rose. See Rose
89, 91, 189, 299, 424, 425, 437 3. ; in. 31, Romance qualities in English verse, vm.
274, 275 223
Works by, or attributed to, BoUe: Romances, i. 277 ff., 465 ff.; n. 194, 506
Canticles, on the, n. 48 Romanello, m. 167
Ego dormio et cor meum vigilat, n. 47, Romanes, George John (1848-1894), xrv.
48 479, 563
EJ.O. poem, n. 439 Romanes lecture, xrv. 34
Lord's Prayer and Commandments, n. 48 Romanno, ix. 370
Mending of Life (or the Form of Living), Romans, the, x. 232; xi. 273, 352, 362;
n. 46, 47 xn. 249, 316
Mirror of St Edmund, The, n. 47 Romans, the, in Believe as you List, VL 148
Pricke of Conscience, n. 48 Romans, the, in The Roman Actor, "VI. 152
Psalter (Bolle' s versions and commen- Romany novels, xiv. 145, 146
taries), n. 46, 47 Rombus, in The May Lady, vr. 336
Bolleston, George (1829-1881), xn. 513; Rome, L 64, 71, 79, 149, 185, 196; n. 50,
xrv. 563; Forms of Animal Life, xrv. 300 55, 61, 66, 67, 71, 74, 75, 77, 79, 84,
Bolleston, Thomas William, xn. 401; 119, 131, 238, 287, 288, 310, 345, 350;
xiv. 310, 330, 573 m. 5, 29, 32, 99, 154, 316, 329, 340,
Rottiad, The, x. 239; an. 34 ff., 39, 40, 42, 365, 376, 400, 401; rv. 3, 127, 243, 254,
53, 391; xn. 120; xm. 161 257, 264, 323, 424, 428, 429; v. 8, 16,
Bollington, Balph, xrv. 532 38, 58, 198, 312; YL 8, 18 ff., 147 ff.,
BoUo, in The Bloody Brother, vi. 129, 138 174, 311; vn. 10, 35, 99, 100, 180, 183

Rome RSntgen rays, xiv. 270
206, 276, 297; vni. 23, 221, 267, 291, Rood, legend of, 1. 133, 341, 342. See, also,
310, 388; ix. 73, 112, 159, 256, 274; Dream of the Hood and Cross
x. 41, 104, 107, 169, 202, 231, 304, 313, Rood-Tree, Holy, 389
v. 15,
318, 319; XL 273; xn. 50, 63, 67, 76, Rookery, the, in David Copperfield, xm.
92, 257, 273, 302, 340, 401; xm. 72, 74, 327
77, 79, 104, 393, 435; xiv. 100, 108, 230 Rooper, Thomas Godolphin (1847-1903),
Capitol, the, iv. 13; x. 298, 304 xiv. 609
English college, m. 422; iv. 127; v. 313 Roper, Abel (1665-1726), ix. 461; XL 471;
Temple of Jupiter, x. 304 Post Boy, ix. 5, 434
Vatican library, 429
iv. Roper, Mary, daughter of viscount Bal-
Rome 68 ., 79, 110, 175;
(state), xrv. 61, tinglas, vn. 245
history of, xn. 280, 301 ft, 322 Roper, William (1496-1578), m. 470;
Borne, church of, rv. 166, 262, 348, 352; v. 247; ix. 534
v. 2, 10, 36, 40, 139, 209, 344, 366; Roper, William John Duff, xiv. 597
VI. 3, 149, 150, 197, 324, 387; vn. 10, Ros, Sir Richard, La Belle Dame Sans
142 ft, 208, 212, 217, 222, 223, 297, Merci, n. 161, 162, 164, 215, 216
304, 309 ff., 327, 378; vm. 45 ft, 82, Rosa, Salvator, x. 100, 106
86, 93, 111, 275, 294, 297, 302, 305, Rosabella, in Ignoramus, VL 322
306, 309, 310, 345; IX. 147, 195, 197; Rosabella, in Scott's Lay of the Last
x. 293, 301, 373; xn. 259, 261, 262, 264, Minstrel, xn. 9
269, 274, 276, 292, 299, 331; xm. 178, Rosalind, in As You Like It, I. 298 ; v. 169,

348, 361; XIV. 26, 54, 55, 110 192, 193; VL 123, 304
Rome, court of, in Mirour de VOmme, n. Rosalind, in Shelley's Rosalind and Helen,
141 xn. 62
Rome, St Paul at, xn. 477 Rosalind (Spenser's), m. 214, 215, 217,
Rome, street cries of, VL 101 222, 224, 243
Rome and Keats, xn. 407 Rosaline, in Love's Labour's Lost, v. 178
Rome for Canterbury or a true, relation of Rosamond, in The Civil Wars, iv. 137
the Birth and Life of William Laud. vii. Rosamond's Pond, ix. 36
145 Rosamund, Fair, in Looke about you, v.
Romei of Ferrara, count Annibale, in. 320
437, 438; iv. 448; Discorsi, m. 438 Rosamund, the Fair (d. 1176?), iv. 182;
Romelio, in The Devils Law-case, vi. 183 vn. 206
Romeo, in Romeo and Juliet, iv. 79; vn. 8; Roscellinus, i. 212
xn. 54 Roscius, vi. 250
Romeo, W. H. W. Betty as, XL 283 Roscius, the English, XL 282
Eomeus et lulietta, vi. 486 Boscius, the young, XL 452, 453. See,
Romford, Essex, vn. 46 also, Betty, W. H. W.
Romford, Facey (Surtees's), xrv. 234 Roscoe, Edward Stanley, xiv. 509
Romfrey, lord (George Meredith's), xin. Roscoe, Elizabeth M., xiv. 521
446 Roscoe, Sir Henry E., xiv. 597
Romillon, VL 183 Roscoe, Robert, son of W. Roscoe, XL 385
Romilly, John, 1st lord Romilly (1802- Roscoe, William (1753-1831), IX. 451;
1874), xn. 356 XL 482; xiv. 505, 514
Romilly, Sir Samuel (1757-1818), xi. 59; Butterfly's Ball, The, XL 377, 385, 386,
xm. 418; xiv. 403, 479, 505, 511, 604 476
Romney, George (1734-1802), XL 427 Life of Leo X, xiv. 108
Romney, earl of. See Sidney, Henry Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, xiv. 108
Romnoy, Kent, v. 90 Memoirs of Benvenuto Cellini, xiv. 108
Romola (George Eliot's), xm. 383, 392, Koscoe, William Caldwell (1823-1859),
395, 396 xi. 420; xn. 408; xm. 189, 508, 559
Romont, in The I'atoll Dowry, VL 223 Boscommon, x. 196
Ronaldshay, n. 115 Boscommon, earl of. See Dillon, Went-
Roncesvalles, II. 112 worth
Rondiel, in Turnament of Totenham, i. 366 Bose (George Meredith's), xm. 446
Ronksley, William, XL 482; The Child's Rose, poem by Hilarius, 191
Week's Work, XL 371 Bose, F. Horace, xrv. Add. 9
Ronsard, Pierre de, m. 136, 250 ft, 257, Bose, George (1744-1818), xiv. 506
259, 262 ff., 266, 269, 296, 624; iv. 24, Bose, G. M., xiv. 581
196, 197, 210, 472; VI. 334; vm. 385 Bose, Henry John (1800-1873), XIV. 593
Abrege de I' art Poetique Francois, m. 296 Bose, Hugh James (1795-1838), xn. 254,
Amours, ni. 259 256, 272, 453, 454, 462
Odes, m. 259 Bose, John Holland, XL 396; xm. 465
Sonnets, m. 259 Bose, the Red, in The Example of Virtue,
Sonnets pour H&fae, m. 259 n. 227

Rose, Eomaunt of ike, or Roman de la,i. 280, Rossetti, Christina Georgina
291, 321, 330; n. 150, 201, 202, 219, 222, Later Life, xin. 138
228, 230, 240, 244, 261, 280, 463; in. Martyr's Song, xm. 139
170; v. 22; vm. 59 Maude Clare, xm. 140
Rose, Samuel (1767-1804), x. 480 Monna Innominata, XTTT. 138
Rose, the White, in The Example 0} New Poems, xm. 138
Virtue, n. 227 Oh roses for the flush of youth, xm. 138
Rose, William Stewart (1775-1843), xn. Old and New Year Ditties, xm. 140
422, also see Add. 'Passing away,' xm. 140
Rose the Red and White Lily, n. 411 Pause of Thought, A, xm. 138
Rose-alley ambuscade, vm. 35 Prince's Progress, The, xm. 138
Rosebury, earl of. See Primrose, Archi- Sleep at Sea, xn. 128
bald Philip Testimony, A, xin. 138
RoseOli, in Loves Sacrifice, vi. 192 Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882), x.
Rosemund, in Confessw Amantis, 11. 151 220; XL 305, 416, 431; xn. 87, 92, 119,
Rosencrantz, in Hamlet, v. 201, 261 154, 275; xm, 52, 54, 72, 110 ff. (main
Roses, wars of the, I. 301; n. 22S, 335, entry), 119, 120, 122, 129, 132, 133,
358; m. 166, 211; iv. 137; vi. 90; vn. 137, 140, 147, 166, 185, 187, 205, 207,
194; XL 280 219, 221, 223, 252, 440, 442, 448, 474,
Rosetta stone, xn. 491 490 ff.
(main entry), 496, also see Add. 2;
Rosiall, in The Court of Love, n. 220, 221 xiv. 462
Rosicrucianism, vn. 378 Ave, xm. 112
Rosicrucians, the, rv. 278 Ballads and Sonnet-s, xm. 112
Rosier, James (1575-1635), iv. 461 Blessed Damozel, The, xm. Ill ff., 116,
Rosieres, R., xn. 535 138
Rosinmnda, in The Bugbears, v. 115 Bride's Prelude, The, xm. 114
Rosin, Will, in The Tatler, rs. 41 Burden of Nineveh, The, xm. 112, 138
Rosinante, in Don Quixote, vui. 67 ix. 268
; Card-Dealer, The, xm. 115
Rosiphelee, in Oonfessio Amantis, n. 151, Dante and his Circle, xm. 112
219 Dante at Verona, xm. 118
Roslyn, Guy, XCCL 552 Early Italian Poets, The, xm. 112
Ross, Alexander (1591-1654), vn. 238, 239, Eden Bower, TTTT, 115
407, 466, 474, 511, 512; vm. 408 Hand and Soul, xm. Ill
Ross, Alexander (1699-1784), ix. 374, 567 House of Life, The, xm. 112,
Bridal 0\ The, ix. 372 Jenny, xni. 116
Helenore, or the Fortunate Shepherdess, King's Tragedy, The, n. 472; xni. 112,
n. 110; ix. 372 114
Rock and the Wee Pickle Tow, The, ix. Last Confession, The, xm. 116
372 Love's Nocturn, xm. 116
Wooed and Married and a\ ix. 372 My Sister's Sleep, xm. Ill, 113, 138
Ross, Sir James Clark (1800-1862), xiv. Pax Vobis (World's Worth), xm. 112
245, 296, 553, 563 Poems (1870), xm. 112, 211
Ross, John. See Rous Rose Mary, xm. 112, 115
Ross, John, printer, rv. 413 Sister Helen, xm. 115
Ross, Sir John (1777-1856), xiv. 245, 554 Song of the Bower, The, xm. 117
Ross, J. H., xiv, 586 Staff and Scrip, The, xm. 112, 116
Ross, Robert E., xni. 524; xiv. 527, 528 Stream's Secret, The, xm. 116
Rossaline, in Antonio and Mellida, vi. 48 Troy Town, xm. 115
Rossall school, xiv, 414 White Ship, The, xm. 112, 114, 116
Rosset, Fra^ois de, vi. 33, 174, 176 Wood-spurge, xm. 179
Eosseter, Philip (15757-1623), iv. 113, World's Worth, xm. 112
142, 143, 465 Rossetti, Elizabeth Eleanor (born Siddal),
Rossetti, Christina Georgina (1830-1894), xm. 112
IX. 178; X. 369; XL 482; xn. 119, 276, Rossetti, Maria Francesca, xm. 118
277; xm. Ill, 137, 138 ff. (main entry), Rossetti, William Michael (1829-1919), an.
147, 148, 175, 178, 181, 252, 496 (main 406, 412, 431, 433, 441; xn. 381, 384,
entry) 397, 399 ff., 404, 405, 407, 409, 410,
Ballad of Boding, A, ^TTT. 140 418; xm. 72, 110, 138, 490, 491, 495,
Birthday, A, xm. 139 496, 499, 561, also see Add. 2
Brandons Both, xnr. 140 Rossi, v. 307
Christmas Carol, A, xm. 140 Rosslyn, earls of. See Erskine, Francis;
Dream Land, xm. 138 Wedderburn, Alexander
End, An, xm. 138 Ross-shire, xrv. 294
German-French Campaign, The. Rostand, Edmond, Chantecler, vm. 47
140 Rostgaard, Frederik, Deliciae Quorundam
Goblin Market, xin. 138, 139 Poetarum Danorum, iv. 267

Roswall and Lilian, 291, 470
I. Rowbotham, John Frederick, xiv. 598
Roswitha. See Hrotsvitha Rowcroft, Charles, xiv. 369, 587
Rot amongst the Bishops, vn. 145 Rowe, Nicholas (1674-1718), v. 166, 222,
Rota, The Censure of the, vn. 389 267 ff., 271; vi. 3, 248; vm. 193, 195 ff.,
Rota club, vn. 362, 389 440, 445; ix. 75, 144, 476; x. 69, 82, 86,
Rotha, river, xm. 94 also see Add.
Rotheram, Thomas (1423-1500), iv. 432 A mbitioiis Stepmother, The, vm. 195
Rotherham, Caleb (1694-1752), x. 386 Biter, The, vm.
Rotherham school, ni. 428; v. 80 Fair Penitent, The, YX. 165; vm. 195,
Rotherhithe, vn. 308, 318 197; x. 68, 73
Rothes, lady, wife of Benet Langton, n. Lucan, trans, of, vm. 197
365 Lutrin, trans, of Boileau's, vm. 197
Rothesay, duke of. See Stewart, David Rowley, Satyr on Old, vm. 97
RothweU, x. 371 Royal Convert, The, vm. 196
Rothwell, John, bookseller, xi. 338 Shakespeare, xi. 319, 320
Rotrou, Jean de, vrn. 13 Tamerlane, vm. 195
Rotterdam, vn. 308; vm. 282; ix. 246 Tragedy of Jane Shore, The, vi. 90;
Rotterdam, in The Unfortunate Traveller, vm. 196; x. 68, 74
m. 363 Tragedy of Lady Jane Grey, The, vm.
Rotuh de oblatis etfimbus, xn. 355 181, 196; xi. 322
Rotuh Normanmae, xn. 355 Ulysses, vm. 196
Rouen, n. 335, 352, 505; iv. 142, 402, Rowe, Richard, pseud. Peter Possum
427; vn. 22, 308; IX. 256, 270; xiv. 73 (1828-1879), xiv, 362, 587
Rouen academy, xi. 274 Rowe, Thomas (1657-1705), x. 385
Rougham, ix. 241 Rowland (i.e. Michael Drayton), iv. 172,
Rougon-Macquart family, Zola's, xm. 457 173, 175
'Round Robin,' in. 80 Rowland, David (fl. 1569-1586),
trans, of
Round Table, the, i. 235, 251, 255, 260, Lazanllo de Tormes, m. 536; IV. 9, 446;
264, 266, 267, 286, 327, 336; n. 116, vm. 127
122, 123; xii. 354 Rowland, William, vn. 509
Round way Down, battle of, vn. 350 Rowlands, alias Verstegen, Richard (fl.
Rous or Boss, John (1411?-1491), II. 498; 1565-1620), vn. 353; destitution of De-
Htstorta Regum Angliae, v. 31; ix. 349, cayed Intelligence, in. 81
534 Rowlands, Samuel (1570 2-1630?), ra. 114,
Rous, John (1584-1644), Diary of, vn. 482; iv. 323, 334, 357 ff., 363, 516, 517,
224, 225, 453 510, 526, 529, 530; v. 371, 479; vn.
Rous or Rouse, John, Bodley's librarian 395, 407; ix. 32, 51; xn. 376
(1574^-1652), iv. 251; vn. 132, 135, Betraying of Christ, The, iv. 357
453 God save the King, iv. 351
Rouse, William Henry Denham, xin. 486; Greenes Ghost haunting Coniecatchers,
xiv. 598 iv. 358
Rousseau, Jean- Jacques, iv. 260; v. 292; Letting of Humours Blood in the Head-
Yin. 141; ix. 399, 401; x. 18, 57 ff., 134, Vame, The, iv. 333, 357, 360
155, 190, 323, 324, 458; XI. 19, 27, 32, Looke to it for lie Stabbe ye, iv. 358
71, 73, 79, 87, 93, 2^2, 295, 296, 305, Melancholy Kmght, The, rv. 359
382; xn. 44, 76, 164, 168, 177, 178, 397, Terrible tiattell betweene the two con-
525; xni. 13, 341, 417; xiv. 248, 405 sumers of the whole world, A, iv. 358
Discourse, x. 57, 59 Tis merrie when Gossips meete, iv. 341,
timile, X. 59, 135; xiv. 382, 391 ff., 395, 357
421 Tis mery when Knaves mete, iv. 517
La Nouvette Htioise, x. 17, 19, 60; xiv. Rowlandaon, Thomas (1756-1827), x. 479;
382 xiv. 215 ff., 221 ff., 225, 232, 235, 540,
Le contrat social, XL 139 541, 543
Letter to Philopolis, X. 57 Rowley, in Sheridan's School for Scandal,
R&veries, x. 60 xi. 271
Routh, Edward John (1831-1907), xiv. Rowley, Alexander, vn. 490
265, 556 Rowley, Old,' vni. 207
Routh, Martin Joseph (1755-1854), ix. Rowley, Samuel (d. 1633?), v. 312, 475,
209; xn. 260, 327, 462; Reliquiae Sacrae, 476; vi. 215
xn. 278, 327 Bnstow Tragedy, The, VI. 96
Rover, in O'KeenVs Wild Oats, xi. 281 Joshua, v. 333
Rovers, The,XL 41 Noble Souldier, The, vi. 215
Row, Charles Adolphus, xiv. 417, 596 When you see me, You know me, v. 333,
Row, John (1568-1646), ix. 550; XIL 515 334, 344, 362
Row, John (1598?-1672?), ix. 558 Rowley, Thomas (pseud., see Chatterton),
Rowallane, the House of, ix. 556 x. 236; xi. 390

Rowley, William (1585?-! 642?), iv. 532, Royal society of Painters in Water
533; v. 236, 249 fi., 333, 349, 366, 370; Colours, xiv. 221
vi. 58-80 (main entry), 104, 116, 132, Roydon, Matthew (fl. 1580-1622), iv.
138 ff., 145, 184, 185, 190, 424, 427, 471
445, 455; vm. 132 Roydon, Owen, m. 190; iv. 471
Alls Lost by Lust t vr. 59, 68, 71; vm. Rubens, Peter Paul, v. 331; XL 12; xiv.
129 Add. 3
Birth of Merlin, The. See Birth Rubini, Giovanni Battista, x. 199
Match at Midnight, A, Yi. 68 Rudd, Anthony (1549?-1615), iv. 199
New Wonder, A Woman never vext, A, Rudd, Mrs, x. 190
VI. 68, 70,72 Rudd, Thomas (1584?-1656), iv. 456
Search for Money, A ; or, the Lamentable Ruddiman, Thomas (1674-1757), ix. 493,
Complaint for the Loss of the Wandering 561, 562, 566; x. 193, 498; xi. 342, 470;
Knight, Monsieur U
Argent, VL 59 xn. 350, 508
Shoo-maJcer a Gentleman, A, m. 371; Ruddiman, Walter, printer, ix. 567
vi. 68, 70 Ruddiman's Magazine, xi. 234, 235
Witch of Edmonton, (The, vi. 58, 69, 76, Ruddiman' s Weekly, ix. 562
96, 190 Rudge, Bamaby (Dickens's), xm. 317, 320
Rowley, William and J. Fletcher, (The Rudolf II, emperor, in Euphormio, iv. 256
Maid in the Mill, vm. 128, 129 Rudyerd or Ruddier, Sir Benjamin (1572-

Rowley, William and T. Middleton, The 1658), Le Prince d Amour, iv. 209; vn.
Spanish Gipsie, vm. 129 512
Rowley poems, the, x. 234, 236, 237, 241, Bueda, Lope de, Oomedia de los Enganos,
485, 486, 492 vm. 126
Rowllis Cursing, Sir John, n. 269, 280 Bufa, in Pope's Characters of Women, ix.
Rowntree, John Wilhelm, xiv. 592 82
Rowton heath, battle of, vn, 6, 39 Ruff, in Cambises, v. 64
Roxana, in Lee's Rival Queens, vnt. 261 BuShead, Owen (1723-1769), ix. 447;
Roxburgh, duke of. See Ker, John x. 390, 522
Roxburgh, earl of. See Ker, Robert Ruffians Rant, The, XL 232
Roxburghe Ballads, vm. 411; ix. 361, 378; Ruffio (Hall's), iv. 330
xn. 368 Rufina, St, I. 74
Roxburghe club, n. 503; xn. 357, 365, 393 Runnus, I. 117
66, 75,
Roxburghshire, x. 93; xn. 511 Rugbeian, The, xiv. 539
Roxolana, in D' Avenantfs Siege of Rhodes, Rugby school, vn. 326, 336, 493; ix. 408;
vm. 261 xn. 288, 302, 304, 328, 474; xm. 86,
Roy, J. A., xiv. 571 87, 102, 103, 370; xiv. 386, 413, 414,
Roy, Ram Mohan, xiv. 336, 341, 580 422
Roy, Richmond (Meredith's), xm. 441 Rugge, Thomas (d. 1672), Diurnall, the,
Roy, William (fi. 1527-1531), m. 40, 80, vm. 241
473; translation of Dialogue inter Ruggieri (Boccaccio's), vi. 304
patrem christianum et flium contu- Ruggiero, in Orlando ffurioso, m. 231, 236
macem, m. 80; Rede me and be not Ruggle, George (1575-1622), Ignoramus,
wrothe, in. 80, 105, 481 IV. 410, 518; vi. 314, 322, 323, 327, 476
Royal academy, x. 265, 266; XL 181; Ruhnken, David, xn. 325
xm. 449 Ruin, The, I. 1, 4, 39, 423, 428

Royal Archaeological institute, xn. 349 Rule, Britannia, ix. 186

Royal Asiatic society, xn. 352 Rule, Gilbert (1629?-1701), ix. 547
Royal Botanic society, xrv. 288 Rumelin, Gustav, v. 209, 305
Royal Dublin society, xrv. 288 Rumford, in Club Law, vi. 309
Royal Historical and Archaeological as- Bumford, count von. See Thompson, Sir
sociation of Ireland, xn. 351 Benjamin
Royal Horticultural society, xrv. 287 Rump ; or an exact collection of the choycest
Royal Irish academy, xn. 351, 352 Poems and Songs relating to the Late
Royal Lancasterian institute, xiv. 403 Times, vn. 1, 385, 512
Royal society, vn. 222, 234, 270, 302, 303, Bump parliament, vi. 408; VIL 161, 355 n 3

305, 478; vm. 8, 61, 62, 247, 248, 277, 360 fi., 383; vm. 74, 75, 79
291, 329, 354 ., 358, 359, 361, 364 ft, Buncie, John, xrv. Add. 5
368, 369; ix. 27, 32, 130, 213, 352, 358, Buncimam, James (1852-1891), xrv. 535
387, 389, 412, 413, 573; X. 466; xi. 334; Bunes, I. 7, 424. See, also, Add. to third
xn. 319; xiv. 266, 280, 283, 284, 286, impression
287, 460, 461; Philosophical Transac- Bunic monuments, xn. 513
tions, ix. 139, 358, 538; Proceedings, Bunic o'de, x. 224
xiv. 264 Runic Poem, I. 62
Royal society of Antiquaries of Ireland, Bunic poems, x. 489
xn. 352 Bunnymede, vn. 60
Rupert, prince (1619-1682), vn. 178, 227, Ruskin, John
383, 438, 512, 513; vm. 202, 358, 359; Stones of Venice, The, xrv. 150, 151,
xiv. 459 415
'Rupert of debate,' the, xiv. 129 Time and Tide, xrv. 154
Rusconi, Carlo, v. 306 TwoPaths, The, xrv. 152
Rushe, Anthony (1537-1577), v. 102 Unto this Last, xiv. 148, 152 ff.
Rushton, Northants., vin. 46 Ruskin, John, and Scott's MSS., xn. 372
Rushworth, John (1612?-1690), I. 132; Ruskin college, xrv. 409
vn. 351, 355 ft, 434, 435, 440; rx. 193; Rusport, lady, in Cumberland's West
Collections of Private Passages of State, Indian, XL 264
vn. 187, 350; London Poet, The, vn. Russel, Alexander (1814r-1876), xrv. 203,
187, 350; Perfect Diurnall of the Armies, 204, 535
vn. 355 Russell, Alexander (1715?-1768), x. 466
Rushworth, Mr, in Jane Austen's Mans- Russell, Arthur, of Killowen, xiv. 329
field Park, xn. 239, 241 Russell, Charles, 1st baron Russell (1832-
Rushworth Gospels, I. 132 1900), xrv. 329
Ruskin, John (1819-1900), I. 217; iv. 45; Russell, Sir Edward R., xm. 515; xrv.
vn. 25, 126; ix. 321; xi. 28, 386, 387, 535
482, 485, 491, also see Add.; xn. 173, Russell, E. S., xm. 573
177, 178, 372, 438, also see Add. 1; Russell, [Francis, 5th duke of Bedford
xm. 8, 110, 120, 128, 451, 458; xiv. 139, (1765-1805), x. 246; XL 29, 30, 389
148 ft. (main entry), 157, 158, 408, 416, Russell, George, xiv. Add. 9
462, 515, 523, 524, also see Add. 3 Russell, George William Erskine, Col-
Academy Notes, xiv. 151 lections and Recollections, xrv. 296, 537;
Aratra Pentelici, xrv. 155 Matthew Arnold, xm. 87, 88, 488;
Arrows of the Chace, xiv. 154 Sydney Smith, xrv. 203
Art of England, The, xiv. 156 Russell, John, 1st earl of Bedford (1486?-
Cestus of Aglaia, The, xiv. 154 1555), m. 167
Crown of Wild Olive, The, xiv. 154, 415, Russell, John, 4th duke of Bedford (1710-
416 1771), x. 29, 404
Elements of English Prosody, xm. 248, Russell, lord John, 1st earl Russell (1792-
512 1878), xi. 396; xn. 319, 412; xm. 350;
Enquiries on the causes of the Colour of xiv. 107, 116, 121, 126, 198, 417, 502,
the Water of the Mine, xiv. 150 506, 511, 604; 'Earls Grey and Spencer,'
Ethics of the Dust, The, xiv. 154 xn. 153; Life of William Lord Russell,
Facts and Considerations on the Strata rx. 199
of Mont Blanc, XXV. 150 Russell, Lucy, countess of Bedford (d.
Fors Clavigera, xrv. 148, 154, 155 1627), rv. 15, 175, 176, 197, 202, 203,
Joy for Ever, A, xrv. 152 205, 211, 216, 265; vi. 9,337
Lectures in Landscape, xiv. 155 Russell, Matthew (1834r-1912), xrv. 329,
Lectures on Architecture and Painting, 571
xrv. 152 Russell, R., contributor to The Grub Streei
Lectures on Art, xiv. 155 Journal, xi. 466
Modern Painters, xrv. 138, 148 ff., 155, Russell, Rachel, lady (1636-1723), vm.
157 272, 452; Letters, vm. 272, 452; IX. 201 ;
Mornings in Florence, xiv. 155 x. 500
Munera Pulveria, xrv. 138, 152 Russell, Robert, xrv. Add. 9
Note on the Peforration of a Leaden Pipe Russell, Robert C., xrv. 373
ly Bats, xiv. 150 Russell, Thomas (1762-1788), x. 456
Notes on the Construction of Sheepfolds, Russell, William, lord Russell (1639-
xiv. 151 1683), vm. 272, 452; rx. 199, 203, 239,
On the Old Road, xn. Add.; xrv. 149 490; x. 351, 500
Pleasures of England, The, xiv. 156 Russell, William (1741-1793), X. 504;
Poetry of Architecture, The, xrv. 149, 150 History of Modern Europe, x. 294
Political Economy of Art, The, xiv. 152, Russell, William Clark (1844-1911), xm.
153 566
Praeterita, xiv. 148, 150, 156, 157 Russell, Sir William Howard, xrv. 173,
Pre-JRaphaelitiam, xrv. 151 178, 182, 190, 535
Queen of the Air, The, xrv. 154 Russell, Wriothesley, 2nd duke of Bed-
Relation between Michael Angelo cmd ford (1680-1711), vm. 272
Tintoret, The, xiv. 155 Russell, house of, XL 30
8t Mark's Rest, xrv. 155 Russel? a Farewell, vm. 96
Salsette and Elephanta, xiv. 149 Russet, in Colman's Jealous Wife, x. 89
Sesame and Lilies, xiv. 154 Russia, v. 308; x. 466; XL 58, 72, 358;
Seven Lamps of Architecture, The, xrv. xn. 46, 55; xm. 55; xiv. 132, 137, 173,
150, 151, 153 294

Russia and Landor, xn. 440 Rymer, Thomas
Russian language, xiv. 434, 457, 458 Tragedies of the Last Age, The, vm. 195,
Russo-Turkish war, xiv. 179 375
Rust, George (d. 1676), vni. 290, 456 Tragedies of the Last Age considered.
Rusticus, in Horestes, v. 64 ix. 140
JRusticus ad Academicos, vm. Ill vm. 90; ix. 149, 205,
Ryswick, peace of,
Ruth, iv. 43; x. 104 214
Ruth, in Biblical comedies, v. 101 Ryves, Bruno (159&-1677), Mercurius
Ruth,inCrabbe'sTaZ6tfo/tfieHaZZ, xm. 380 Rusticus, vn. 351
Rutherford, Mark (William Hale White)
(d. 1914), xi. 412; xm. 438-439, 567; S., J. K. See Stephen, James Kenneth
Autobiography, xm. 431; The Revolu- S., Mr, vi. 296, 297
tion in Tanner's Lane, xm. 438 S. B., vn. 250
Rutherford, Samuel (1600-1661), vn. S. G. 0. See Osborne, lord Sidney Go-
483; ix. 544, 545 dolphin
Rutherford, William Gunion (1853-1907), S. R., The Noble Souldier, v. 333
xn. 492; The New Phrymchus, xn. 334 S. S., pseud., xi. 378, 430
Rutherforth, Thomas (1712-1771), vm. 'Sa Singularity' (duchess of Queensberry)
473 ix, 162
Ruthven, x. 230 Saadi, x. 144
Ruthven, William, 1st earl of Gowrie Sabellian heresy, I. 224
(15417-1584), xiv. 486 Sabellianism, x. 377
Ruthwell Cross, the, Dumfriesshire, i. 12, Sabie, Francis (fl. 1587-1596), rv. 471, 47 '2
56, 57, 425; n. 88 Sabina, in Kingsley's Two Tears Ago, xm.
Rutland, vn. 340; ix. 541 365
Rutland, duchess of. See Manners, Cathe- Sabine, Joseph (1770-1837), xiv. 287, 288,
rine 563
Rutland, duke of. See Manners, Charles Sabine women, vi. 392
Rutland, earl of. See Manners, Roger 'Sabinus,' in Pope's Epistles, ix. 81
Rutt, John Towill, xrv. 608 Sable, Mme de, xm. 552
Rutter, Joseph (fl. 1635), vm. 13; Shep- Sabren, in Locrine, v. 239
herd? s Holiday, The, vi. 366, 491; ver- Sabrina, in Geoffrey of 17 1
Monmouth, I.
sion of the Cid by, vm. 180 Sabnnae Corolla, xn. 329
Ruysbroek, Johannes, ix. 314, 318 Sacharissa (Dorothy, countess of Sunder-
Ruyter, admiral de, vm. 11 land), vm. 267, 380. See, also, Sunder-
Ryan, Richard (179&-1849), xiv. 571 land
Rycaut, Six Paul (1628-1700), ix. 247, 495 Sacharissa (Waller's), vn. 54 ff.
Rydal mount, XL 109, 409 SachevereU, Henry (1674?-1724), ix. 11,
Ryder, Dudley, 1st earl of Harrowby 13, 95, 130, 139, 234, 394, 473, 478,
(1762-1847), xiv. 115, 510 490, 571; x. 353, 374, 390; xiv. 212
Rye, Sussex, VL 110 Sachs, Hans, Goodly disputation, m. 80
Rye, Walter, xn. 520 Sachs, Julius von, xiv. 283
Rye house plot, vni. 44, 90; ix. 199, 202, Sack-full of News, The, m. 95, 488
239, 364 Sackville, Charles, 6th earl of Dorset
Ryland, John CoUett (1723-1792), x. 522 (lord Buckhurst) (1638-1706), vn. 180;
Ryland, Jonathan Edwards (1798-1866), vm. 49, 91, 133, 136, 198 fif., 203 ff.,
xiv. 518 212, 214 ft, 410, 411, 444, 445; ix. 146,
Ryland, William Wynne (1732-1783), 148, 169, 278; x. 226; To all you Ladies
xiv, 216 now at Land, vm. 217; To Mr
Rylands, Mrs John, xn. 365 Howard, vm. 217; version of Pomvee,
Ryle, John Charles (1816-1900), xn. 471, vm. 180
473 Sackville, Sir Edward, 4th earl of Dorset
Ryley, J. Horton, xrv. 576 (1591-1652), vn. 222, 235
Rymenhild, princess, in Horn, i. 304, 306 Sackville, lord George. See Germain,
Rymer, Thomas (1641-1713), v. 222; vi. George Sackville
21, 129, 441; vn. 268; vm. 164, 167, Sackville, Richard, 5th earl of Dorset,
194, 213, 374 ft, 410, 433, 441; ix. 122, (1622-1677), vm. 13
473; x. 219, 220; xi. 286 Sackville, Thomas, 1st earl of Dorset and
Edgar, or the English Monarch, vm. lord Buckhurst (1536-1608), n. 220;
195, 441; ix. 140 m. 192, 193, 197, 199 ff., 228, 283, 285,
Foedera, vm. 195; ix. 141, 356, 495; 287, 517; iv. 145, 193, 265; v. 66, 67, 69,
X 280; xn. 355, 516 78, 227; vm. 222; Induction, n. 228;
Reflections on Aristotle's Treatise of m. 192, 193, 200, 201, 228. See, also,
Poesie, EX. 140 Gorboduc
Short View of Tragedy, A, vn, 275;
Sacrament, songs based on the, n. 387
vm. 163, 195, 221, 375; IX. 140 Sacred Boohs of the East, xn. 343

Sacrifice ofAbraham, The, v. 390, 391 St David's, see of, xn. 308
Sacro Monte, at Varallo-Sesia, xm. 450 St Domingo, v. 361
Sad Circumspeccyon, in Magnyfycence, Saynt Dyryk, v. 97
m. 77 St Edmund's. See Bury St Edmunds
Sadducees, vn. 303, 370 St Edmundsbury. See Bury St Edmunds
Sadler, John (d. 1595?), iv. 440 Saint-^vremond, Charles de Marguetel de
Sadler, John (1615-1674), vi. 477; vn. 509 Saint-Denis de (1613?-1703), vi. 273;
Sadler, Sir M. E., xiv. 592, 596 vm. 30, 135, 174, 199, 212, 376, 377,
Sadler, Sir Ralph (1507-1587), xn. 376; 402, 424, 445, 481; ix. 499
L^fe, Letters and State Papers, xn. 16 St Gall or St Gallon, v. 36, 37; Bede's
Sadler, Thomas (1822-1891), xiv. 505 Death Song at, I. 61
Sadlier, Mary Ann, xiv. 581 St-Gelais, Mellin de, y. 62
Sadoleto, Jacopo, bishop of Carpentras, St Gelais, Ootavien, bishop of Angouleme,
m. 420 m. 153, 502
Saeferth (Sigeferth?), in Widsith, I. 34 St George, guild of, xiv. 153 fi.
Saemund, x. 487 St Germain, court of, vm. 267; x. 295
Saenger, S., xiv. 478 Saint-German, Christopher (1460?-1540),
Saewulf of Malmesbury, iv. 68 Doctor and Student, vm. 315, 467
Saffron Walden, m. 213; v. 372 St Gluvias, Cornwall, x. 193
Saffron Walden academy, x. 385 St Helena, xm. 276
Saga library, xm. 127 St Hubert's abbey in the Ardennes, I. 82
Sage, John, bishop (1652-1711), iv. 151; St Ives, vn. 54
ix. 547, 561 St James's Chronicle, x. 479; XL 402
Sagittarius, bishop of Embrun, i. 67 St James's Gazette, ix. 445; xiv. 189, 195
Sahara, the, xiv. 167 St Jean de Luz, mrr 456 T

St Albani^ GTironica Monastern, 449, 451

I. St John, Charles George William (1809-
St Albans, I. 153, 159, 174, 178, 179, 181, 1856), xiv. 545
182, 193, 214; n. 80, 81, 302, 317, 318; St John, Henrietta, ix. 217
iv. 409, 426; v. 7, 38; vi. 196; xi. 80; St John, Henry, 1st viscount Bolingbroke
xn. 182 (1678-1751), v. 288; vm. 410, 411;
St Albans, library at, m. 48 ix. 14, 15, 81, 83, 85, 89, 95 ff., 112, 124,
St Albans, duke of. See Beauclerk, Charles 131, 1505., 161, 166, 185, 192, 207,
St Albans, earl of. See Jermyn, Henry 216 (main entry), 252, 288, 433, 434,

St Albans, The Book of, n. 318, 323, 420; 444, 445, 467, 472, 478, 483, 487, 504,
iv. 364, 370, 375, 543 509, 547; x. 272, 279, 301, 386, 482,
St Albans' grammar school, vi. 197; vn. 521; xi. 2 ff., 9, 12, 26; xn. 426; xm.
330 346, 419
St Aldegonde, in Disraeli's Loihair, xm. Case of Dunkirk considered, IX. 224
350 Craftsman Extraordinary, ix. 221
St Andrews, n. 126, 129, 250, 259, 273, Dissertation upon Parties, ix. 224, 225
285, 367, 368 ff.; m. 122, 140, 142, 149, Final Answer, A, ix. 223
151, 157, 424, 426; vn. 448; ix. 129, First Vision of Camelick, IX. 221
359, 378, 542, 545, 566; x. 295; XI. 243; Idea of a Patriot King, ix. 230, 231
xn. 359; xiv. 40, 209, 210, 297, 424, 432 Letter on the Spirit of Patriotism, ix. 229,
St Leonard's college, n. 369, 370 230
St Mary's coUege, n. 369, 370 Letter on the True Use of Retirement,
St Salvator's college, n. 369; x. 291 ix. 228, 233
United college, xn. 259 Letter to Sir Wittiam Wyndham, ix. 218,
8t Andrews College Echoes, The, xiv. 209 219, 223
St Andrews University Magazine, The, Letters and Correspondence, ix. 216
xiv. 538 Letters on the Study... of History, ix-
St Angelo, x. 314 226 ff.

St Anne, v. 48, 56 Occasional Writer, The, ix. 223, 491

St Asaph, n. 288; ix. 196, 329, 350, 541; Of the State of Parties at the Accession
xi. 364, 399 of George I, ix. 231
St Barbe, in Disraeli's JSndymion, xm. 351 Philosophical Works, ix. 295
St Bartholomew, massacre of, m. 402; Plan of a General History of Europe,
rv. 276; v. 341; vn. 191, 304; vm. 87; ix. 228
xiv. 54, 118 Reflections on Exile, ix. 218
St Bertin's monastery in Flanders, i. 89 Remarks upon the History of England,
StBrice's day, massacre of, v, 31 ix. 221, 223
St Catharine s convent, mount Sinai, xn. Some Reflections on the Present State of
341 the Nation, ix. 231
Saint Chaumont, marchioness de, sister St John, Henry. See Oldcastle, Humphry
of Gramont, vm. 263 St John, knights of (Hospitallers), L 189;
St David's, i. 89, 194, 196 ; vm. 305 ; ix. 540 n. lll;m. 13; vn. 333

St John, Percy Bolingbroke (1821-1889), Saintsbury, George, n. 233; v. 20, 21;
xi. 387, 489 vm. 8, 30, 42, 54; ix. 158; x. 413, 418,
St John's day, vm. 54 421, also see Add.; xi. 183, 393, 419,
St Kilda, x. 102 423, 429, 434, 443, 446, 459, 463, 492,
St Leonards, lord. See Sugden, Edward also see Add.; xn. 376, 381, 410, 412,
Burtenshaw 413, 418, 421, 425, 426, 433, 441, 444 ff.,
St Lo, George (1682KL729), rv. 102, 449, 453, 524, also see Add. ; xm. 27,
461 472, 478, 485, 488, 495, 498, 509, 530
Saint-Martin, Louis Claude de (1743- 544, 553, 559, 567, 568, 570, also see
1803), ix. 328, 521 Add. 3; xiv. 493, 509, 516, 524, 528,
St Mary Charlcombe, x. 22 570; History of Criticism, xi. 353; His-
St Michael's mount, iv. 200 tory of English Prosody, A, I, 289, 338,
St Michael's mount, in Arthurian legend, 350; n. 424; ix. 157; xm. 32, 512
i. 256, 260
Safcuntala, xn. 502, 503
St Michel, Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Sala, George Augustus Henry (1828-
Pepys, vm. 253 1896), xn. 435; xm. 532, 541; xrv. 191,
'Saynt Modwin,' v* 97 192, 535
'Saynt Myghell,' in The Four P.P., v. 97 Saladin, I. 307; n. 87; vn. 159
St Neot, x. 510 Salamenes, in Byron's Sardanapalus, xn.
St Ogg's, in The Mill on the Floss, xm. 49
392 Salamis, xm. 135
St Omer, ix. 213; coUege at, m. 422; Salanio, in The Merchant of Venice, TV. 79
rv. 402; vn. 45; vm. 266 Saldar, countess de (Meredith's), "*-TTT 441

St Osyth, vn. 373 Sale, Antoine de la,Les Quinze Joyes de

St Patrick's Purgatory. See Staunton, W. Manage, m. 89, 90, 485; iv. 8, 526;
St Petersburg. See Petrograd vm. 59
St Pierre, Eustace de, in Colman's Siege of Sale, George (1697?-1736), ix. 529
Paris, ax 257 Sale of Authors, The, x. 131
Saint-Pierre, Jacques Henri Bernardin de, Salem, grand jury of, xi. 12
Paul et Virgime, XL 280 Salernitano, Masuccio, vi. 102
St Pierre, Martinique, xiv. 165 Salerno, Salernum, Salerne, in. 109; v. 76;
St Prassede, church of, xm. 69 vi. 304
St Praxed's, the bishop of (Browning's), Salesbury or Salisbury, William (1520?-
xm. 63 1600?), ADictionary of Englishe and
Saint-Preux, in Rousseau's La Nouvelle Welshe, m. 461, 555
H&otee, x. 17; xn. 60 Salisbury, iv. 190, 228, 274, 409, 421;
Saint-Real, Abbe* de, Don Carlos, vm. vi. 141; vn. 29, 244, 245, 277, 333;
182, 439; La Conjuration des Espagnols vm. 245, 319, 360; ix. 200, 221, 287,
contre la rtpubliqw fa Venise en 1618, 294, 538; x. 22, 207, 209, 346, 470;
vm. 183 xi. 424; xn. 192; xm. 424
St Scholastica's day, n. 345, 346
Salisbury. See John of
St Serf, in Wyntoun, n. 131 Salisbury, countess of (Drayton's), iv. 182
St Serfs priory, Lochleven, n. 129
Salisbury, countess of, in Edward IV,
St Serfe, Sir Thomas, Taruzo's Wiles, or v. 244, 245
the Coffee House, vm. 131, 189, 422
Salisbury, earl of. See Cecil, Sir Robert
Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, due de, Salisbury, marquis of. See Gascoyne-
ix. 250; x. 66; xm. 22, 442, 447; Me-
Cecil, Robert A. T.
moirs, m. 147 Salisbury breviary, iv. 427
St Stephen, Life of, in The Golden Legend, cathedral inventory, v. 37
n. 314
Salisbury plain, v. 251; is. 269
St Stephen and Herod, n. 408
* Salisbury Postman, The, xiv. 169
Saint Sunday,' v. 97
Salisbury theatre, xi. 451
St Thomas, play on, v. 56
Salle, Eusebe de, xn. 385
Saint Thomas del'Enfer, rue de, in Sartor
Sallust, L 76; n. 366; m. 20, 164, 290
Eesartus, xni. 6 291, 416, 429, 431; iv. 439; vi. 86;
St Ursula, Guiscard and Sigismund, The vn. 131; ix. 340, 528; xn. 306, 476;
Life of, n. 486 Catiline, iv. 4; Jugurtha, iv. 4
Sainte-Beuve, Charles Augustin, m. 147; Sally in our Alley, n. 272
IX. 61; x. 255, 317; XL 87, 404; xn. Salmacis and Hermaphroditua, in
211, 524, 525; xm. 99 trans, of Ovid, vn. 50
Sainte Maria Virgine, I. 220 Salmasius or Saumaise, Claude de, m.
Ste Marie, near Pornic, TTTT. 77
157; vn. 125, 131, 307, 422; Defensio
Saints, Legends of the, I. 298; m. 92
Regia, vn. 104; PUnianae Exercita-
Saints, Lives of the, I. 120 ft, 128, 151,
tiones, vn. 316
229, 286, 298; m, 19. See, also, under Salmon, David, xrv. 592, 602
Barbour, Bokenam, Lydgate Salmon, George (1819-1904), xiv. 263, 558

Salmon, Nathaniel (1675-1742), ix. 355, Sanazzaro, in The Great Duke of Florence,
538 vi. 156
Sal-Nitro, de, vm. 354 Sancho, in The Spanish Gipsie, vi. 77
Salomon and Marcolf, I. 218 Sancho Panza, in Don Quixote, vm. 70;
Salomon and Saturn, Dialogue of, I. 11, 62, x. 41, 51
76, 432 Bancroft, William (1617-1693), archbishop
Salonius, bishop of Gap, i. 67 of Canterbury, iv. 55, 426; vn. 159;
Salt, Henry (1780-1827), xiv. 247 vm. 99, 298, 461, 463; x. 355; Fur
Salt, Henry Stephens, xn. 445; xm. 478, Praedestinatus, vm. 306
489, 570 Sand, George (Mme Dudevant), xm. 71,
Salt, Samuel (d. 1792), xn. 180, 181, 183, 272, 283
189, 191 Sandars, Nicholas, De Origine ac Progressu
Salter, Samuel (d. 1778), vm. 457 Schismatis Anglicani, ix. 196, 198
Salter, Thomas (fl. 1580), iv. 518 SandeUs, of Stratford, v. 168
Salterne, George, Tomumbeius, vi. 301,477 Sanders, Lloyd C., xi. 456; xiv. 510
Saltire, lord, in Henry K.ingsley's Ravens- Sanderson, John (d. 1602), Institutionum
hoe, xm. 433 Dialecticarum libri quatuor, rv. 274, 508
Saltmarsh, John (d. 1647), vn. 246, 352, Sanderson, Robert (1587-1663), ix. 513;
426, 494, 499 vn. 149, 150, 157, 252, 426, 463, 474;
Sallonstall, Wye (fl. 1630-1640), m, 114, vm. 293; Dejuramenti promissorii o&-
487; iv. 461, 521, 522; vn. 485; Picturae ligatione, vn. 280; De oUigatione con-
loquentes or Pictures drawn forth in scientme, vm. 280
characters, rv. 341 Sanderson, Robert (1660-1741), ix. 495;
Saltrey. See Henry of x. 280
Salutati, Coluccio, v. 61 Sanderson, Sir T. H., xiv. 509
Salutation and Conception, The, v. 21 Sanderson, William, seaman, m. 327
Salutation tavern, in Arbuthnot's History Sanderson, Sir William (c. 1586-1676),
of John Bull, ix. 135 vn. 447, 454, 518
Salvian, De Gubernatione Dei, vr. 390 Sandford, Sir Francis (1824-1893), xm.
Salvin, Osbert (1835-1898), xiv. 297, 563 88
Salvini, Tommaso, v. 307; TTTTT 515 Sandford, Harry, in Sandford and Merton,
Salzmann, Auguste, xn. 339 XL 382
Salzmann, C. G., xi. 395 Sandford or Sanford, James (fl. 1567), rv
Samarah, xi. 289 436; vi. 377; vn. 517
Samaria, woman of, ni. 88 Sandham, Elizabeth, xi. 383, 489
Samaritan, in Piers the Plowman, n. 24, 27 Sandle bridge, Cheshire, xm. 372
Samaritan language, vn. 319 Sandon, Essex, n. 208
Samber, Robert, xi. 374, 492 Sandoval, Prudenoio de, History of
Sambourne, Edwin Linley (1844r-1910), Charles V, ix. 278, 501
xiv. 239 Sandown castle, vn. 227
Sampson, dominie, in Scott's Guy Man- Sandwich, earls of. See Montagu, Edward;
nering, xii, 25 Montagu, John
Sampson, Elizabeth. See Inohbald, Mra Sandwich islands, xiv. 245
Sampson, George, xn. 405; xrv. 528 Sandys, Edwin (1516?-1588), archbishop
Sampson, John, xi. 184, 431 ff. of York, m. 189; iv. 235, 299, 494,
Sampson, Thomas (1517?-1589), m. 45 513; vn. 49
Sampson, William ( 1590 ?-1636?), Thetrue Sandys, Sir Edwin (1561-1629), m. 406;
and Antipater, iv. 235; Europae Speculum, m. 548
tragedy of Herod rv. 377,
539; vi. 456 Sandys, George (1578-1644), iv. 439, 461;
Sampson Legend, Sir, in Love for Love, vr. 102; vn. 16, 49 ft (main entry),
vin. 151, 164 56 ff., 409; vm. 229; ix. 67
Samson, I. 74; vm. 164 Aeneid, trans, of 1st book, vn. 52
Samson, abbot, of Bury (1135-1211), i. Christ's Passion, vn. 52
176; n. 342; xm. 15, 16 Ovid, vn. 53, 67
Samson, in Samson Agonistes, vn. 121, Paraphrase of songs in Old and New
122, 136 Testaments, vn. 52
Samson de Nanteuil, n. 508 Paraphrase upon the Psalms of David,
Samuel, n. 106; xn. 321 vn. 52, 67
Samuel, son of Beulan, i. 70 Paraphrases, vn. 86
San Domingo, XL 114 Paraphrases of Job, Ecclesiastes, La-
San Francisco, vm. 112 mentations of Jeremiah, etc., vn. 52
San Juan de Ulloa, iv. 73 Relation of a Journey, IV. 89, 401
Sanazzaro or Sannazaro or Sannazarius, Song of Solomon, vn. 52
Jacopo, m. 219, 262, 300, 351, 352, also Sandys, Sir John Edwin (1844-1921), xn.
see Add.; rv. 261, IX. 69; Arcadia, m. 482, 485, 489; Classical Scholarship,
219, 351; YL 364 206

Sangster, Charles (1822-1893), xiv. 350, Satan, in Dryden's The State of Innocence,
357, 582 vin. 28
Sannie Beyers, xrv. 377 Satan, in Genesis B, I. 46, 47
Sanny Bnggs, IX. 365 Satan, in Mary Magdalene, v. 20
in The Faerie Queene, m. 234 Satan, in Milton's Paradise Lost, I. 47;
Sanskrit language and literature, xn. 318, vn. 118, 119, 136; ix. 60, 339; xn. 48,
327, 343, 352, 362; xiv. 97, 416 85, 398
Sanskrit scholars, xiv. 334, 335, 337 Satan, in The Devill is an Asse, vi. 24
Sansovino, E., iv. 448 Satan, Old English, I. 428
Santa Maria Maggiore, xm. 69 Satire, in The Muses Looking-Glasse, VL
Santander, vn. 53 233
Santon Downham, Suffolk, vn. 224 Satire, political and ecclesiastical, vm
Santorio, VL 175 408 ff.

Santos, Brazil, Jesuit college (library) at, Satire against Satirists, The, VL. 88
in. 359 Satyr e against Separatists, A, vn. 408
Sapience, in Ane Pleasant Satyre, m. 125 Satire Me"nippee, m. 388, 398; iv. 449
Sapience, in The Example of Virtue, n. Satires, Satyres, iv. 518, 519
228 Satires on political characters (Civil War)
Sapience, in The Police of Honour, n. 260 vn. 512
Sapience (Wisdom), in The Passetyme of Saturday papers, in The Spectator, ix.
Pleasure, n. 228 59
Sapientia Salomonis, play, vi. 486 Saturday Review, The, xn. 306, 471, 475;
Sapless, Miss, in Morton's Way to get Mar- xiv. 71, 76, 85, 110, 146, 180, 194, 198,
ried, xi. 281 199, 531, 533 ff.
Sappho, iv. 30; xi. 232,426; xn. 329 Saturn, n. 276
'Sappho,' in Pope's Imitations of Horace, Saturn, in Alfred's Boethius, I. 100
ix. 85, 251 Saturn, in Keats' s Hyperion, xn. 85
Saracen, princess, in The Golden Legend, Saturn, in The Four Ages, vi. 92, 93
n. 334 Saturn, in The Testament of Cresseid, n.
Saracenic wars, vn. 367 248
Saracens, in romance, I. 282, 293, 302, Saturnalia, v. 8; VL 319, 474; x. 226
304 fi., 317 Saturn's rings, vm. 350
Saracens, the, n. 350, 366; iv. 68; x. 281; Saul, n. 10, 151; vn. 67, 296, 395
XL 25 Saul, in Cowley's Davideis, vn. 66
Saravia, Adrian (1531-1613), m. 409; vn. Saumur (in Anjou), vm. 265
309, 317 Sauncepere, lady, in The Bowge of Courte,
Sarcastic, Mr, in Peacock's novel, xi. 309 m. 73
Sardanapalus, in Byron's drama, xn. 49 Saunders, Charles, Tamerlane the Great
Sardego, in The City Witt, vi. 225, 229 (1681), vm. 401
Sardinia, iv. 259 Saunders, Sir Edmund (d. 1683), vm. 469
Sardinian legation, x. 301 Saunders, Sir Edward (d. 1576), m. 189
Sardou, Victorien, xm. 266, 272, 525 Saunders, Julius, x. 385
Sargent, E., xn. 409 Saunders, Montagu, xm. 537
Sargent, John Young (1829-1915), xn. Saunders, 'Silenus,' ix. 240
493 Saurin, Bernard-Joseph, Btverlei, x. 68,
Sarmiento, rv. 78 81
Sarpedon, ix. 70, 74 Savage, Eliza Mary Ann, xm. 454
Sarpi, Paolo (father Paul), rv. 448; vn. Savage, Henry (1604?-1672), ix. 539
190, 308; x. 164, 460, 464; History of the Savage, John (1673-1747;, ix. 499
Council of Trent, ix. 197 Savage, Marmion W. (1803-1872), xiv.
Sarrazin, Gabriel, v. 161; xm, 485, 491, 323, 571; Bachelor of the Albany, The,
495 xiv. 324; Falcon Family, The, xiv. 324;
Sarsnet, Mrs, in Deserted
Holcroft's Reuben Medlicott, xiv. 324
Daughter, XL 277 Savage, Richard (d. 1743), ix. 449, 486,
Sarto, Andrea del, x. 119 also see Add. ; x. 95, 165, 274, 454, 460.
Sarurn, dean of. See Bridges, John 464, 465; XL 246; xn. 424
Sarum Missal, n. 315; in. also see Add.; Author to be Let, The, XL 330
iv. 421, 427 Bastard, The, ix. 186, 187
Sarum Ordinak, n. 315 Volunteer Laureat, ix. 187
Sarum play, v. 37 Wanderer, The, ix. 186
Sarum Use, the, n. 377 ; iv. 427 Savage, Samuel Morton (1721-1791), x
Sassanian or New Persian Empire, the, 384
xn. 478 Savage family, Warwickshire, xn. 441
Satan, iv. 167; vn. 370, 373, 375, 397, Savannah, x. 368
503, 509; XL 106, 193, 196, 197, 199, Savery, Thomas (1650?-1715), iv. 461,
305; xiv. 306 xiv. 258

Savigny, Friedrich Karl von, xiv. 79; Sayer, James (1748-1823), A
Geschichte des romischen Rechts im Hit- xiv. 214; 'Elijah's Mantle,' xiv. 214
telalter, xiv. 80 Sayers, Frank (1763-1817), xi. 160, 161,
Savile, in The Scornful Ladie, vi. 133 172, 177 ff., 428; xm. 227, 512
Savile, Sir George, marquis of Halifax Cyclops, xi. 179
(1633-1695), vm. 268, 370, 387 ff., 481, Dramatic Sketches, XL 179
also see Add.; ix. 190, 201, 490 Moina, XL 179
A Lady's Gift: Advice to a Daughter, Starno, XL 179
vm. 388; xi. 371 To Night, xi. 179
Anatomy of an Equivalent, vm. 388 Sayers, Tom (1826-1865), xiv. 183, 231
Character of a Trimmer, The, vm. 387, Sayes court, Deptford, vm. 245, 246, 354,
388 365
Character of King Charles the Second, Sayings of the Fathers, xn. 341
vm. 387, 388 Sayle, Charles Edward, xn. 518
Letter to a Dissenter, vm. 387; ix. 4, 418 Say -well, in Piers the Plowman, n. 19
Miscellanies, vm. 387 Scaccario, Dialogue de. See Fitz-Neale
Savile, Sir Henry (1549-1622), I. 213; Scales, lord. See Woodville, Antony
m. 421, 424 ff., 428; IV. 4, 265, 411, 440; Scaliger, Julius Caesar and Joseph Justus,
vn. 205, 312, 314, 316, 328, 329, 443, ni. 301, 305, 424, 426; iv. 22, 255,
483, 485, 487; vm. 360 259 rl, 322, 500, 519; vi. 9, 37, 225,
Savile, Henry (1642-1687), vm. 200, 210, vn. 261, 263, 268, 272, 307, 310, 320,
212, 452 477; vm. 321; ix. 170; xiv. 109
Savile family, vn. 87 Scaliger, Julius Caesar, Poetices libn
Savilian professor of astronomy, ix. 386 septem, ix. 60
Savilian professorships at Oxford, vn. 288 Scaliger, Joseph Justus, Censura Euphor-
Saville or Savile, captain Henry, iv. 461 mionis, iv. 260
Saviolo, Vincentio (fl. 1595), in. 553; v. 'Scallogrim,' x. 224
479 Scamperdale, lord (Surtees's), xiv. 234
Savonarola, Girolamo, 8, m. 17; vn. 376; Scandal, in Congreve's Love for Love,
xil. 440, 477 vm. 152
Savonarola, in Momola, xm, 394, 395 Scandaroon, vn. 449
Savonarola, Don Jeremy, pseud. See Scandinavia, v. 283, 307; xm. 123; xiv.
Mahony, Francis Sylvester, xrv. 316 293
Savory, Hester, xn. 194 Scandinavian gods, the, xrn. 271
Savoy, xm. 74 Scandinavian legend, x. 221, 490. See,
Savoy, Charles Emmanuel, duke of, vn. also, Norse and Icelandic
306 Scandinavian poetry, x. 132, 228, 487
Savoy, house of, m. 402 Scandinavian studies, x. 222, 484
Savoy alps, the, xm. 83 Scarborough, n. 424
Savoy and Shelley, xn. 403 Scarborough, Sir Charles (1616-1694), vn.
Savoy conference, ra. 34; vm. 7, 273, 320
285, 294; ix. 383 Scarborough, earl of. See Lumley, Richard
Saw ye my Father, IX. 374 Scardassale, Tomasso, xn. 55
Sawbridge, John (1732?-1795), x. 503 Scarron, Paul, vm. 67, 69, 183, 407; ix.
Sawle, Rose, lady Graves, xn. 441 256, 257, 259, 500, 502; x. 482
Sawles Warde, I. 227, 228, 355, 459 City Romance, vm. 170
Sawney will ne'er be my love again, vm. 96 Don Japhet $Arm6nie, vm. 372
Sawtrey, William (d. 1401), n. 422 Les trois Dorothe'es, vm. 372
Sawyer, Bob, in Pickwick Papers, X. 41 Nouvelles tragi-comiques, vm. 372
Sawyer, Edmund (d. 1759), x. 504 Roman Comique, vm. 372; x. 26
Sawyer, Elizabeth (d. 1621), VI. 190 Typhon, ix. 268
Sawyer, mother, in The Witch of Edmon- Virgile Travesti, vm. 65; ix. 256, 257
ton, vi. 54 Scarth, Harry Mengden (1814^1890), xu.
Saxe Coburg, house of, xn. 232 513
Saxo Grammatious, I. 8, 9, 25, 27, 28, Scattercash, lord, xiv. 232
34, 37; v. 159, 221 Sceldwea, in Beowulf, I. 28
Saxon, Old, paraphrase of Bible, i. 46 Scenici, v. 24
Saxon drummer, in The Rottiad, xi. 34 Schaarschmidt, C., Joh. Saresberiensis, I.

Saxon language, xm. 29 184

Saxon poems, x. 237 Scharf, Sir George (1820-1895), x. 254
Saxons, the, xn. 26; xiv. 68, 76 Schaub, lady, x. 126
Saxony, vn. 231, 453 Schaub, Sir Luke (d. 1758), x. 126
Saxonv, Eastphalian, v. 6 Schaw, Quintyne, n. 268; Advyce to a
Say, Samuel (1676-1743), xi. 250 Courtier, 11. 266
Say, Sir William, m. 3 Schedoni, in Mrs Radclrffe's Italian, XL
Sayce, Archibald Henry, xiv. 533 302, 304

Scheldt, Caspar, in. 82 School plays, v. 410
Schelling, Felix B., v. 129; vi. 4, 7, 8, 11, Schoole of Slovenrie, The (trans, of
17,23, 90, 305, 363; xm. 515 Dedekind's Grdbianus), m. 82; IV.

Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von 528

(1775-1854), ix. 328, 522; XL 137; Schooling, John Holt, xrv. 549
xrv. 9, 11, 16; System des transzenden- Schoolmen, vn. 482, 483
talen Idealismus, XL 136 Schools, public, to the time of Colet,
'Schembertlaufen,' v. 25 341 ff., 487 ff.
Scheppig, Richard, xiv. 481 Schopenhauer, Arthur, ix. 522; xm. 457
Schepss, Georg, i. 101 Schort Memonale of the Scottis corniUis
Scherer, Edmond, vn. 138; TOTT. also see for addicioun, The, n. 285, 479
Add. 3 Schott, Peter, of Strassburg, m. 14
Schevill, Rudolph, vm. 125, 126, 128 Schreiner, Olive, xrv. Add. 9
Schiavonetti, Luigi (1765-1810), x. 453 Schroder, F. L., v. 298, 299, 307
Schick, John, n. 237 Schroer, Arnold, I. 114; vi. 155
Schiedam, n. 327 Schiick, Henrik, v. 308
Schildburg, witticisms on, m. 95 Schulenburg, Countess Ehrengard IVIelu-
Schilders, Richard, m. Add.; iv. 402 sina von der, duchess of Kendal (1667-
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von, 1743), ix. 115
V. 300, 303, 465; vm. 182, 439; x. 504; Schulpforte, iv. 260
xi. 42, 138, 414; xn. 4, 7, 90, 168, 254, Schulze-Gavernitz, G. von, TTTT. 545
436, 526; xm. 4, 22, 277, 465, 468 Schwellenberg, Mrs, x. 260
Das Ideal und das Leben, XL 130 Schwenckfeld, Caspar von, ix. 315
Das Reich der Schatten, XL 130 Schwenter, Daniel, v. 285
Der Pilgrim, vn. 177 Sciarrha, in The Traytor, vi. 199
Die Rauber, XL 303, 414 Science, in Tudor moralities, v. 57
Die Sehnsucht, vn. 177 Scientific periodicals, xiv. 565, 566
Eoren, v. 299 Scilly isles, vn. 214; x. 466
Robbers, The, xm. 418 Scintilla, or a light broken into darfce ware-
Wallenstein, xm. 260 houses, iv. 407, 545
Schipper, Jakob, I. 96 Scioppius, Gaspar, iv. 260; vn. 311
Schism, the Great, I. 371 Scipio, i. 95; iv. 62
Schism act, ix. 394; x. 373, 374 Scipio, C. (pseud.), xn. 427
Schisme, A
Treatise of, TV. 381 Scipio Afncanus, v. 123
Schlegel, August Wilhelm and Johann Sclater, William Lutley, xiv. Add. 9
Elias, v. 209, 222, 290, 299, 300, 303, Scobell, Henry (d. 1660), vm. 469; Severall
304, 307 Proceedings in Parliament, vn. 354
Schlegel, August Wilhelm von, XL 135, Scoble, John, xrv. Add. 9
448; xn. 169, 527; xm. 3, 4, 8 Scogan, Henry (1361?-1407), n. 159, 161,
Schlegel, Caroline, v. 299 162, 164, 187, 498
Schlegel, Friedrich, v. 304 ; ix. 328 ; xn. 343 Scogan, John (fi. 1480?),
n. 498; m. 92,
Schlegel, Johann Heinrich, x. 448 94.See, also, Skoggan, Geystes of
Schlegel, Karl Wilhelm Friedrich von, Scogirts Jests, XL 334
IX. 522 Scolimorrhodia (i.e. England), in Eu-
Schleich, n. 320 phormio, iv. 256
Schleiermacher, Friedrich Daniel Ernst, Scoloker, Anthony (fl. 1548), IV. 448
A Critical Essay on the Gospel ofSt Luke, Scop, the, i. 3, 58; v. 26, 27
xn. 280, 288, 289, 308, 470 Scoresby, William (1789-1857), XIV. 554
Schlettstadt, m. 13 Scornfu' Nansie, ix. 360
Schlosser, F. C., ix. 226; x. 302 *Scorpion, The' (J. G. Lockhart), xn,
Schmidt, Alexander, v. 305; xm. 466 154, 158
Schmidt, Erich, x. 18 Scot, John (fl. 1552-1571), iv. 412
Schmidt, K., xm. 465 Scot, Michael (1175?~1234?), L 153, 199,
Schmitz, Leonhard, xn. 478 456
Schofield, W. H., Pref. x, I. 61 Soot, Reginald (1538?-1599), ni. 495;
Scholars and scholarship, 1600-1660, vn. 366, 370, 371, 374, 395, 396,
v. 479;
vn. 476 ff. 506; vm, 357; Discovene of Witchcraft,
Scholastica, I. 74 m. 112 ft; rv. 326, 530, 534; Perfite
Scholefield, James (1789-1853), xn. 329, platforme of a hoppe-garden, A, iv.
473, 482, 491 542
SMle-howse of Women, The, m. 486; Scot, Robert, XL 331
iv. 318, 340, 523 Scot, Thomas (fl. 1605), rv. 520
Schomberg, Frederick Hermann, duke of Scot or Scott, Thomas (d. 1660), vn. 361;
(1615-1690), vm. 202 vm. 470
Schomburgh, Sir Robert (1804-1865), iv. Scot of Scotstarvet, Sir John (1585-1670),
57 rv. 261; ix. 550

Scot the Minotaur, in the Mercuries, vn. Scott, Alexander John (1805-1866), xn.
356 466
Scota, Pharaoh's daughter, in The Scott, Charles W. H., 4th duke of Buc-
Orygynale Cronykil, n. 130 cleuch (1772-1819), xi. 239
Scotch Drink, n. 278 Scott, Clement, xm. 515, 525; xiv. 192, 535
Scotch jig, ix. 362 Scott, D. C., xiv. 350
Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence, is. 548 Scott, Henry, 3rd duke of Buccleuch
Scotch Wooing of Willy and Nanny, ix. 363 (1746-1812), x. 335
Scotia, dame, in The Complaynt of Scot- Scott, Hew (1791-1872), Fasti Ecclesiae
land, m. 153 Scoticanae, xn. 359, 518
Scotichronicon, n. 128, 451 Scott, Hugh Stowell (pseud. Henry Seton
Scotish Feilde, I. 292; n. 40, 432, 435 Merriman, 1862-1903), xm. 566
Scotists, theological school of, I. 211 Scott, H. Spencer, xiv. 537
Scotland, v. 35, 171, 262; vi. 5, 169, 238, Scott, James, duke of Monmouth (1649-
361, 371; vn. 206 ff., 253 ff., 358, 435, 1685), vn. 364; vm. 30, 36, 37, 90, 92,
438; vin. 47, 111, 356; ix. 4, 11 ff., 19, 99; ix. 6, 159, 160, 214; xin. 434
130, 192, 194, 202, 203, 214, 215, 259, Scott, James, of Heckmondwike academy,
301, 352, 359, 361 ff., 519; x. 42, 43, X. 385
55, 131, 132, 154, 182, 192, 226, 227, Scott, James (1733-1814), x. 401, 525
231, 281, 282, 291, 321, 324; XL 209, Scott, James R. A., xni. 485
211, 217, 232, 235, 240, 241, 315; xii. 1, Scott, John (/. 1654-1696), vm. 257
6, 12, 18, 30, 129, 142, 143, 156, 161, Scott, John (1730-1783), x. 474
167, 251, 337, 344, 349 ff., 357 ff., 370; Scott, John (1783-1821), xn. 161, 163
xin. 2, 115; xiv. 94, 95, 103, 159, 185, Scott, John, 1st earl of Eldon (1751-
204, 209, 255, 291, 327, 357, 374, 434, 1838), XL 158; xn. 62; xiv. 406, 509
437 Scott, Martha, x. 393
Church of, iv. 305; xi. 244; xn. 478 Scott, Michael (1175?-1234?), XL 131
Court of exchequer, xii. 350 Scott, Michael (1789-1835), xn. 451;
Free church, xn. 296 Tom Cringle's Log, xiv. 255
Scots, vn. 200, 214, 231, 308, 363, 458 Scott, Robert (1811-1887), xn. 333, 487
Scots, lowland, xn. 24 Scott, Robert Falcon (1868-1912), xiv.
Scots, The Tragedie of the King of, vi. 286 554; Journal of Last Expedition, xiv.
Scots Acts, The, xn. 357 246
Scots (Middle) anthologies, n. 267 f.. Scott, Sir Robert Forsyth, rv. 275; Ad-
478 ff. missions to the College of St John, x.
Scots dialect, xm. 233 393
Scott, Temple, xm. 491, 555
Scots Gentleman in the Swedish Service,'
i.e. Defoe, ix. 19 Scott, Thomas (1580?-1626), iv. 452
Scots Magazine, ix. 562; x. 191, 192, 477, Scott, Thomas (fl. 1695), vm. 441
479; xi. 232, 242, 243 Scott, Thomas (1747-1821), ix. 313; xn.
Scots Mtnstrelsie, ix. 567; xi. 444 281, 461, 473
Scots Nightingale, ix. 372 Scott, Walter (1614?-1694), ix. 552
Scots novels, xm. 431 Scott, Sir Walter (1771-1832), I. 199, 279,
Scots Observer, The, xiv. 199 283, 287; n. 87, 107, 186, 250, 409 ff.,
Scots papers, the (1646), vn. 347 414; in. 148, 366; iv. 45; vi. 58, 132,
Scots Spy, ix. 562 226; vn. 231; vm. 4, 5, 20, 42, 44, 54,
Scotsman, The, xiv. 176, 192, 203, 204, 167, 261, 441, 451; ix. 12, 150, 154, 453;
531 ff., 535 X. 26, 27, 41, 50, 55, 56, 58, 62, 93, 133,
Scotsmen, x. 148, 281, 282, 285, 289, 393, 137, 158, 190, 217, 232, 234, 236, 238 ff.,
396; xiv. 243, 345, 368 424, 451, 476, 489 ff.; XI. 27, 109, 117,
Scott, Alexander (1525?-1584?), n. 269, 131, 145, 149, 150, 154, 158, 162, 170,
281; m. 132, 134, 135, 136, 499, also see 219, 220, 231, 236, 240, 241, 285, 286,
Add.; ix. 361, 365; XI. 203 295 ff., 300 ff., 304, 305, 307, 309, 382,
Derisioun and Scorne of Wantoun 405, 410, 416, 423, 441, 442, 444, 459,
Wemen, m. 135 464, 465; xn. 1 ff. (main entry), 34, 45,
Justing and Debait, The, in. 135; XL 46, 51, 57, 62, 95, 101, 102, 112, 120,
215 122, 125, 126, 128, 131, 133, 138, 144,
Lament of the Master of Erskine, m. 147, 150, 155, 157, 161 ff., 168, 170,
134, 135 205, 212, 213, 223, 230, 237, 241, 245,
Lo Quhat it is to Lufe, in. 135 249 ff., 254, 255, 266, 300, 303, 357,
New Yeir Gift to Queen Mary, HL 134, 358, 367, 370, 372 ff. (main entry), 384,
135 385, 394, 397, 412, 422, 429, 430, 447,
Of May, m. 134 451, 513, 517, also see Add.; xm. 9, 15,
Oppressit Hairt Indure, in. 135 25, 63, 137, 160, 171, 226, 228, 230, 259,
Up HeLsum Sairt, in. 135 263, 292, 295, 303, 306, 307, 312, 320,
When Us Wife Left Him, rx. 360 338, 340, 379, 434, 457, 469; xiv. 50,

Scott, Sir Walter Scott, Sir Walter
94, 96, 156, 170, 223, 228, 278, 334, 341, Sun upon the Weirdlaw Hill ,The, xn. 14
346, 373, 375, 399, 450, 491 Swift's Works, xn. 372
Abbot, The, xn. 26, 29 Tales of a Grandfather, xn. 16
Albert Graeme, xn. 7, 9 Tales of my Landlord, xn. 151, 380
Allan a Dale, xn. 14 Talisman, The, x. 227
Anne of Geierstem, xiv. 106 Tragedy of Auchindrane, The, xn. 13
Antiquary, The, xn. 29, 151, 350; xin. Vision of Don Roderick, The, xn. 13
265 Waken Lords and Ladies Gay, xn. 14
Apology for Tales of Terror, xn. 5 Wandering Willie's Tale, xn. 22, 29
Black Dwarf, The, xn. 156 Waverley, vn. 86, 88; xi. 301; xn. 26,
Bonnie Dundee, xn. 14; xm. 234, 235 151, 372; xra. 239
Border Antiquities, xn. 16 Waverley novels, xi. 293; xn. 251; xiv.
Bridal of Tnermain, The, xn. 13 163
Bride of Lammermoor, The, xn. 22 Weary Lot, A, xn. 14
Brignal Banks, xn. 14 When Israel of the Lord Beloved, xn. 14
County Guy, xn. 14 Woodstock, xn. 372; xm. 265
Donald Gaird, xn. 14 Young Lochinvar, xn. 14; xm. 234, 235
Doom of Devorgoil, The, xn. 13 Works edited by, xn. 16
Eve of St John, The, xn. 7 Scott, Sir W., Sheriff Court at Selkirk,
Fortunes of Nigel, The, vm. 174; xn. xn. Add.
18, 372 Scott, Wm (1813-1872), xn. 454; xiv. 198
Gray Brother, The, xn. 7 Scott, Wm Bell (1811-1890), xn. 384, 399,
Guy Mannering, xn. 18, 21, 151; xrv. 405, 450; xm. 110, 156, 186, 187, 508;
255 Sphinx, The, xm. 187
Hail to the Chief, xn. 12 Scott of Amwell, vm. 230
Haitian Sill, xn. 13 Scottish antiquities, xn. 25, 351
Harold the Dauntless, xn. 13 Scottish ballads, xn. 125, 358
Heart of Midlothian, The, xn. 17, 18; Scottish bar, x. 191; xn. U3; xiv. 7, 112
XHI. 380 Scottish book-clubs, xn. 355, 357, 359
Ivankoe, x. 63, 220, 227; xn. 26, 378, Scottish booktrade, xi. 342
379; xiv. 107 Scottish Calvinism, xm. 18
Kenilworth, xn. 372 Scottish campaigns of 1639 and 1640, vn.
Kmmont Willie, n. 415, 417; xn. 6 22, 24, 194
Lady of the Lake, The, xn. 11, 12, 377 Scottish-Canadians, xiv. 345
Lay of the Last Minstrel, xi. 127, 131; Scottish Chaucerians, 1. 297; n. 239 ff., 471
xm. 7 ft, 14, 146, 381; xm. 233 ff.

Legend of Montrose, The, xn. 29, 372 Scottish church, x. 356

Life of (Locldiart's), xiv. 106 Scottish dialect, IX. 361; X. 174; XI. 204,
Life of Dryden, vm. 124 238; xn. 125; xiv. 209, 447, 457
Life of Napoleon, xn. 16, 372, 378, 379; Scottish dialect, in The Sad Shepherd, vi.
xrv. 106 371
Lord of the Isles, n. 108; xn. 13 Scottish divines, xn. 284
Love Wakes and Weeps, xn. 14 Scottish drama, x. 87
Macduffs Cross, xn. 13 Scottish education, xiv. 405 ff.
Macgregor's Gathering, xn. 14 Scottish historians, xiv. 94 if.
Marmion, xn. 9 ff., 42, 149, 365, 372 Scottish Historical Review, The, xn. 358
Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, ix. Scottish history, x. 295; xiv. 101
373, 375; XL 242; xn. 6, 7, 364, 372, Scottish humour, xiv. 209
378, 380 Scottish king, in Eastward Hoe, vi. 30
Old Mortality, xn. 18, 21, 22, 27; xm. Scottish language, the, n. 88 ff., 446; vn.
265 455
One Volume More, xn. 364 Scottish literature, the earliest, n. 100 ff.,
Otterbourne, xn. 6 447 ff.

Peveril of the Peak, xm. 265 Scottish literature from 1603-1786, is

Pibroch of Donald Dhu, The, xn. 14 Add.
Poetical Works, xn. 364 Scottish Minstrel, The, xi. 233
Prefatory Memoir to Sterne, xn. 366 Scottish moors, xm. 10
Proud Maisie, xn. 14; xm. 234 Scottish music, x. 232
Quentin Durward, x. 44; xn. 26; xm. Scottish novels, xn. 25 ff., 30
419 Scottish parliament, iv. 306; x. 36
Hymn, xn. 14 I'asquils, vm. 411
Rebecca's Scottish
Redgauntlet, xn. 18, 21, 26, 29 Scottish peasants, xi. 206; xn. 414;
Rest, Warrior, Rest, xn. 12, 14 2,16
Rob Roy, xn. 17, 29 Scottish people, vm. 69, 121, 298, 299
Rokeby, xn. 12, 13, 105 Scottish philosophers, x. 345, 347

Scottish philosophy, xiv. 6 ff., 41, 48, 209 'Scrub,' x. 201
Scottish poems, xiv. 377 Scruple, in Wilson's Cheats, vm. 122
Scottish poetry, x. 226, 233; xn. 14, 45, Scruton, William, xni. 559
358 Scudamore, James, Homer a la Mode, ix.
Scottish popular music, ix. 361 ff. 258, 500
Scottish popular poetry, ix. 359 if., 565 fi. Scudery, Georges de, ix. 500; Ibrahim,
Scottish press, rv. 412, 547 vm. 22, 193
Scottish prose literature, ix. 215 Scudery, Madeleine de, iv. 327; vi. 239;
Scottish pulpit, xiv. 119 vn. 222, 391; vm. 132, 186, 434
Scottish Registers, The, xiv. 95 AlmaTiide, vni. 22, 371; ix. 268
Scottish school of rhetoric, xiv. 398, 399, Cl&ie, iv. 523; vm. 22, 371, 372
428 Ibrahim, ou Uillustre Bassa, vm. 20,
Scottish schools commission, xiv. 421 193, 371
Scottish State Papers in Jacobean times, Le Grand Cyrus, iv. 523; vm. 15, 20,
vn. 435 22, 119, 194, 371 ; x. 14
Scottish Text society, xn. 344, 359 Scudmore, in A Woman is a Weathercocke,
Scottish theology, xn. 296 vi.221
Scottish universities, n. 487, 489; x. 182; Scully, William Charles, xiv. 589, also see
xm. 2; xiv. 410, 411, 424 Add. 5, 10
Scottish university periodicals, xiv. 239 Scyld, in Beowulf, i. 2, 22, 25, 28
Scottish verse, xi. 203 ff. Scylla, in. 343
Scottish writers, x. 285, 290 ft Scylla, in Keats's Endymion, xn. 82
Scotts of Eskdale, the, xn. 9 Scythia, n. 130
Scofcus or Erigena, Joannes (fl. 850), 1. 154, Sea and travel, the literature of the, iv.
434; m. 214; iv. 269 ff.; De Dwisione 66 fi., 453 fi.
Naturae, iv. 270; trans, of pseudo- Seafarer, L 1, 2, 38, 42, 54, 275, 423, 428
Dionysian writings, iv. 270 Seafaringe Men, in Hope of Good Fortune,
Scougal, Henry (1650-1678), ix. 547 In Prais of, iv. 97
Scourge, The, xiv. 221, 223 Seagrim, Molly, in Fielding's Tom Jones
Scourge of Simony, The. See Parnassus x. 31
trilogy Seagull, capt., in Eastward Hoe, vi. 47,
Scrag, Sir Gosling, in Smollett's Peregrine 48, 355
Pickle, x. 39 Seaman, Lazarus (d. 1675), xi. 336
Scrape, Ezekiel, vm. 122 Seaman, Owen, xm. 500; xiv. 548
Scratch, lord, in Reynolds' s Dramatist, ax Search, Edward. See Tucker, Abraham
281 'Searle, J.,' xn. 416
Scribes, I. 17 Searle, Laurence, iv. 141
Scriblerus, xm. 452 Sebastian, in The Tempest, v. 194, 206
Scriblerus, Martinus. See Memoirs of Sebastian story, the, vi. 149
Martinus Scriblerus Seccombe, Thomas (1866-1924), XL 448;
Scriblerus club, ix. 103, 131, 166, 167, 281 xm. 573; xiv. 537
'Scriblerus Secundus' (Henry Fielding), Sechnall, Hymn of St, I. 65
x. 21 Seeker, Thomas (1693-1768), x. 386, 517;
Scriptores Rerum Anglicanarum, x. 312 xi. 355 .
; Lectures on the Church Cate-
Scriptoria, I. 18, 153, 426 chism, x. 362; Memoirs, rx. 393, 394,
Scriptural chronology, ix. 227 574
Scripture, in Piers the Plowman, n. 20, 21, Second and Third Blast of retrait from
25 plaies and theatres, A, vi. 390, 392, 496.
Scripture paraphrases (metrical), xi. 244 See, also, Third Blast, The
Scriven, Yorks., vn. 224 Second collection of tracts proving... the only
Scrivener, Frederick Henry Ambrose true God, x. 378
(1813-1891), xn. 340, 501 Second Maiden's Tragedy, The, vi. 178
Scrocca, in Sicelides, vi. 323 Second Merchants Tale, The. See Beryn,
Scroggs, The Lord Chief Justice, his Speech The Tale of
in the King's Bench, vm. 90 Secreta Secretorum, n. 149, 301, 483
Scroop, Adrian (1601-1660), vui. 470 Secularist, The, xm. 108
Scroop, Sir Car or Carr (1649-1680), vin. Seounda, St, i. 74
213 Secunda Pastorum, v. 15, 18, 19
Soroope-Grosvenor suit, n. 156, 158 Secundus, Johannes, vn. 83, 489
Scrope, George Julius Poulett (1797- Security, bill of, ix. 215
1876), xiv. 292, 563 Sedaine, Michel- Jean, x. 79; Lephilosophe
Scrope, Richard le (1350?-1405), n. 422, sans le savoir, x. 68; xi. 265
423 Sedan, xm. 445
Scrope, William (1772-1852), xiv. 545 Sedbergh school, m. 427; vn, 329, 330,
Scroupe, Jane, in Phyllyp Sparowe, m. 493
71 Seddon, John (1725-1770), x. 385

Sedgefield, Durham, xi. 244 Selden, John
Sedgwick, Adam(1785-1873), srv. 289, Historia Placitorum Coronae, vm. 320
291, 292, 294, 295, 563, 593, 595; siv. History of the Common Law of England,
300 vm. 320
Sedgwick, Joseph, (fl. 1653), is. 571 vm. 322
History of Tithes, vn. 281 ;

Sedgwick, William (1610?-1669?), TO. 509 Jani Anglorum Fades Altera, vm. 318
Sedition, in Kynge Johan, v. 65 Mare Clausum, vn. 281, 307; vm. 318
Sedley, Amelia, in Vanity Fair, TTTT. Marmora Arundeliana, vn. 316, 489
286 ff., 290, 296 Table-Talk, vn. 392; vm. 60, 321 ff.; s.
Sedley, Catharine, countess of Dorchester 472
(1657-1717), vm. 216 Titles of Honour, iv. 408, 513
Sedley, Sir Charles (1639?-1701), vn. 180; Works, vm. 322
vm. 133, 136, 142, 143, 198 ff., 215, Selden society, sn. 355; xiv. 80, 81
217, 420, 423, 444, 446; is. 169, 174 'Select Society,' the, s. 281, 288, 290
Antony and Cleopatra, vm. 139, 216 Selena, in Drayton's Eglogs, iv. 173, 175,
Beauty the Conqueror, vm. 139 176
Bellamira, or the Mistress, vm. 139 Selim, in Lyttelton's Persian Letters, X.
Grumbler, The, vm. 139 114
Happy Pair, The, vm. 216 Selimus, v. 85 ff., 134, 238, 398, 418
Mulberry Garden, vm. 134, 137, 139, S&ineourt, Ernest de, si. 408, also see
143, 216 Add.;sn. 405 ff.
'Not Celia that I juster am,' vm. 216 Selioand Olimpio (Caelo and Olympol),
'Phyllis is my only Joy,' vm. 216 vi. 93
Tyrant King of Crete, vm. 139, 216 Selkirk, Alexander (1676-1721), is. 19;
Vergil's Eclogues, vm. 216
siv. 243, 554
Sedley, Jos, in Vanity Fair, sm. 286 Selkirkshire, sn. 5
Sedley family, in Vanity Fair, xm. 286, Sell, Henry, siv. 532
288 Sell's Dictionary of the World's Press, siv.
Sedulius, copy at Antwerp, 76 I. 72, 174
Seebohm, Frederic (1833-1912), sn. 513; Sellar, William Young (1825-1890), xn.
xiv. 78, 497; English Village Com- 493; Roman Poets of the Republic, xn.
munity, The, sn. 348; srv. 79; Oxford 337
Reformers of 1498, The, srv. 79; Tnbal Seller, John (fl. 1700), iv. 461
System of Wales, The, xn. 348 Selling. See Tilly, William
Seeley, Sir John Robert (1834-1895), sn. 'Selma,' s. 130, 227, 229
469, 493; xiv. 90 ff., 197, 426, 479, 497, Selvaggia, sm. 118
594, 606, 609 Selwyn, George Augustus (1719-1791),
Ecce Homo, sn, 154, 297; siv. 91 x. 88, 494; xm. 364
Essays on a liberal education, srv. 432 Selwyn, Thomas Kynaston, xiv. 597
Expansion of England, The, siv. 61 .
Selwyn, William, srv. 589, 595, also see
Growth of British Policy, The, siv. 93 Add. 5 ^

Lectures and Essays, siv. 91 Selymus, in Solymannidae, vi. 301

Life and Times of Stein, The, srv. 92 Semans sacred safety e..., The, iv. 399
Natural Religion, sm. 452 Semitic peoples, xn. 296
Seeley, Robert Benton (1789-1886), xn. Semitic religions, vn. 318
473 Semly academy, x. 387
See- well, in Piers the Plowman, n. 19 Sempill, IYancis(1616
Segar, Sir William (d. 1633), iv. 543; ment of Povertie, is. 365
Honor Military and Oimll, iv. 401 Sempill, Sir James (1566-1625), is. 545
Segismundo, in Calderon's La Vida es Sempill, Robert (1530?~1595), n. 280;
Sueno, sm. 144, 145 m. 122, 132, 149, 150, 505; iv. 412
Seine, river, srv. 185, 221 Ballat on Margret Fleming, n. 280
Selborne, s. 270, 271 Defence of Grissell Sandelandis, n. 280
Selbourne, earl of. See Palmer, SirRoundell Life of the Tulchene Bischope of St
Selden, Canaille, sm. 559 Andrews, m. 132
Selden, John (1584-1654), m. 97; iv, 49, Legend of a Lymaris Lyfe, m. 150
55, 190, 299, 425, 432, 434, 461; v. 371, Sege of the Gastel of Edinburgh, m. 150
479; vr. 6, 376; vn. 148, 315, 318 ff., Sempill, Robert (1595?-1665?), is. 364,
442, 475, 484, 485, 496; vm. 62, 309, 365, 372; Life... of Habbie 8imsont IX.
469; is. 355; siv. 309 365; xi. 211
De Dis Syns, vn. 281, 318 Sempills of Beltrees, the, ix. 556
De jure naturali et gentium juxta dis- Semple, John, is. 549
ciplinam Hebraeorum, vn. 281 Sempringham, I. 344. See, also, Gilbert of
Fleta, edition of, vm. 318, 465 Sempronio, in Celestina, v. 99
Fortescue's De Laudibus, edition of, Sempronius, in Addison's Oato t ix. 64
vm. 318 Semur, yrrr. 431

Se*nancour, ^tienne Hvert de, xm. 93, Sergeant, Emily Frances Adeline (1851-
94; Obermann, si. 288 1904), xm. 566
Sencer, in The Wise-woman Of Hogsdon, Sergeant, John (1622-1707), vm. 475;
vi. 83 Solid Philosophy, vm. 346
Sendall, Walter J., xiv. 537 Sergius I, n. 347
Seneca, L. Annaeus, I. 76, 99, 100, 213, Serlio, Sebastian, in. 553
355; II. 363, 366; m. 173, 189, 198, 430; Serre, de la, vn. 391
iv. 2, 4 ., 23, 333, 348, 349, 439, 440, Serres, Jean de, iv. 448; vr. 33, 138
523, 525; v. 61 fi., 66, 70 fE., 76, 78 ff., Serres, Olivier de, iv. 312
84, 88, 118, 149, 152, 157, 158, 162, Sertorius, in Robert Lander's Fawn of
163, 238 &., 248, 288, 324, 334, 394 ff.; Sertorius, xn. 230
296, 299 &., 311, 319, 327, 366;
vi. 9, 20, Servatius, Michael, prior, m. 3
vn. 261, 272, 304, 390; vm. 13, 133, Servetus, Michael, m. 400
188, 378, 447; ix. 28, 41, 55, 57, 233, Serving-man's Comfort, The, v. 351, 353,
265, 418; xn. 49 374
Agamemnon, v. 75, 78, 79; vi. 178 Servius, iv. 264
Consolatio ad Helviam, ix. 218 Servus, in Saturnalia, vi. 319
Hecuba, vi. 295 Sesostris, x. 301
Hercules Fur ens, iv. 249; v. 75, 78 Set at Maw, The, vi. 98
Hercules Oetaeus, v. 75, 78 Seth, i. 134; n. 20
Medea, v. 75, 78; vi. 295 Seth, James, xrv. 467
Morals, ix. 273, 275 Seth's wife, vn. 255
Octavia, v. 61, 63, 75, 79; vi. 301 Seton, George, 5th .baron Seton (1530?-
Oedipus, v. 75, 78, 80, 85; vi. 295 1585), xn. 27
Phaedra, v. 75 Seton, George, 5th earl of Winton (d.
Tenne Tragedies, v. 80, 162, and see 1749), ix. 247
Add. 2 Seton, Henry, in Scott's Abbot, xn. 27
Thebais, V. 68, 78, 80 Seton, Mary, in Scott's Abbot, xn. 27
Thy elites, m. 198; v. 75, 76, 78, 79; Setoun, Christopher, in Bruce, n. 105
VI. 46, 178, Setter, the pimp, in Congreve's Old
Troas ( = Troades), v. 80; vi. 295 Bachelor, vm. 147
Seneca, in Gray's Agrippina, x. 119 Settle, Elkanah (1648-1724), vm. 4, 21,
Senior, Nassau William (1790-1864), xiv. 271, 409, 441
480, 506 Absalom Senior, vm. 26, 41, 92
Conversations, xiv. 116 Cambyses, vm. 192
Correspondence and Conversations of City Rambler, The, xi. 322
A. de Tocqueville, xiv. 116 Empress of Morocco, The, vm. 192, 193,
'European and American State Con- 401, 403
federacies,* xn. 153 Female Prelate, The, vm. 193
Journals kept in France and Italy, xiv. Ibrahim, vm. 193
116 Love and Revenge, vm. 193
Journals... relating to Ireland, xrv. 116 Seven Champions of Christendom, v. 32.
Senlac, xiv. 72 34; x. 220
Sennacherib, iv. 30; xn. 499 Seven Dayes of the Weeke, The, vi. 319,
Sense, in Complaint upon Love to Reason, 320, 474
ni. 187 Seven deadly sins, v. 42, 52, 313
Sense of the House, The, vn. 385 Seven Deadly Sins, in Lydgate, n. 201.
Sensual Appetite, in The Nature of the See, also, Dunbar and Vices
Four Elements, v. 57 Seven Deadly Sins, in The Faerie Queene,
Sensualitie, in Ane Pleasant Satyre, m. m. 237; vi. 335
124 ff. Seven Sages of Rome, Romance of the, i.
Sensuality, in Nature, v. 54 286, 308, 309, 470; n. 150, 177, 308;
Sensuality, in TheExample of Virtue,n. 227 IV. 361
Sententiae Pueriles, xi. 367 Seven Sins (Byrhtferth's), I. 131
Sentry, captain, in The Spectator, ix. 51 Severall Proceedings, vn. 353
Sephestia, in Menaphon, m. 356, 357 Severn, Joseph (1793-1879), xn. 92, 407
Septem contra Christum, xn. 294 Severn, river, iv. 190; x. 112
Septennial act, rx. 224 Severn, river, Layamon and, I. 234, 265
Septuagint. See under Bible Severus, Alexander, vi. 299
Serafina, in FitzGerald's The Painter of SeMgne", Madame de, n. 395; ix. 245;
his own Dishonour, xin. 144 x. 248, 273; xm. 376
Serafino dell' Aquila, m. 187, 253 Seville, m. 422; iv. 69, 71
Serbia, xiv. 191 Seward, Albert Charles, an. 426; xrv. 559
Seward, Anna (1747-1809), x. 479, 491,
Serena,' x. 299
Seres, William (d. 1579?), rv. 384, 386, also see Add. ; ao. 459; xn. 124, 376, 422
397 Seward, Thomas (1708-1790), x. 136

Seward, William (1747-1799), x. 473 Snaen, Margaret Josephine, xiv. 600
Sewell, Anna (1820-1878), xi. 489 Shaftesbury, vn. 74; x. 20
Sewell, Eleanor L., xni. 566 Shaftesbury, earl of. See Cooper, Anthony
Seweli, Elizabeth Missing (1815-1906), Ashley
xn. 462; xm. 566; xiv. 600 Shaftesbury academy, x. 387
Sewell, G. A., ix. 436 Shaftesbury' s Farewell, vm. 92
Sewell, John, XL, 335 Shafton, Sir Piercie, n. 218
Sewell, William ( 1804r-1874), xn. 462; Shah, B, B., xiv. 575
xiv. 596, 598, 609 Shairp, John Campbell (1819-1885), xi.
Sexburga, n. 210 411, 417, 441; xn. 259, 381, 457, 466;
Sexby, Edward (d. 1658), vn. 460 xm. 473, 504; xiv. 525
Sexton, Alexander Humboldt, xiv. 592 Shakebag, in Arden of Feversham, v. 200,
Sextus Placidus, English version of Medi- 240
cina de quadruped^bus, i. 136 Shakerley, Jeremy (fi. 1651), vn. 509
Seymour, Edward, 1st earl of Hertford Shakespeare, Hamnet, v. 169, 175, 219
and duke of Somerset (1506?-1552), in. Shakespeare, John, v. 167, 172, 219
26, 152, 175, 418, 419, 431; vn. 325, 326 Shakespeare, Judith, v. 169, 172, 175, 219
Seymour, Elizabeth, countess of North- Shakespeare, Richard, v. 167
umberland, x. 209, 470, 482 Shakespeare, Susanna, v. 168, 219
Seymour, Laura, xm. 425 Shakespeare, William (1564-1616), I. 1, 7,
Seymour, Robert (1800?-1836), xm. 311; 152, 274, 276, 296, 298, 316; n. 104,
xiv. 232, 235 173, 176, 266, 391, 412, 415; m. 24, 54,
Seymour, Thomas, baron Seymour of 62, 107, 156, 188, 198, 200, 212, 244,
Sudeley (1508?-1549), iv. 230, 231 247, 252, 253, 259, 260, 263 ff., 268,
Seymour, William, 2nd duke of Somerset 271, 283, 284, 300, 302, 305, 320, 323,
(1588-1660), rx. 202 327, 335, 351, 356, 362, 371, 374, 385,
Seymour-Conway, Francis, earl and 1st 455, 460, 465, also see Add.; iv. 3, 6, 7,
marquis of Hertford (1719-1794), x. 10, 43 ff., 49, 50, 55, 77 ff,, 88, 115, 117,
118, 249, 274, 495 129, 132, 137, 168, 183, 193, 195 ff.,
Seymour-Conway, Francis Charles, 3rd 199, 243, 248, 266, 300, 349, 390, 392 ff.,
marquis of Hertford (1777-1842), xiv. 472, 473, 544, 545, also see Add.; v. 56,
115 63, 83, 91, 100, 119, 120, 126 ff., 131,
Seynt Albons, Bellum apud, n. 302 135 ff., 145 S., 153, 155 ff., 165-308
Seyssel, Claude de, rv. 3 (main entry), 309 ff., 314, 315, 319, 322,
Seyton, Catherine, in Scott's Abbot, xn. 323, 324, 326, 327, 328, 330 ff., 336,
22,27 346 ff., 370 ff., 380; vi. 1 rl, 13, 20,
Sforza, in The Duke of MUlaine, VI. 155, 28 ff., 39, 42, 43, 51, 52, 55, 57, 62,
158, 159, 163 69, 70, 77, 85, 95 ff., 106, 108 ff., 113,
Shackleton, Elizabeth, xiv. 323 118, 119, 123, 125 ff., 139, 140, 143,
Shackleton, Mary. See Leadbeater, Mary 151 ff., 157, 165, 167, 180, 185, 188, 193,
Shackleton, Richard (1728-1792), XL 1, 2; 195, 196, 206, 211, 218, 256, 276, 278,
XTV. 323 290, 291, 311 ff., 316, 330, 336, 359,
Shadow, in Henry IV, v. 360 365, 370, 373, 381, 394, 399, 405, 409,
Shadow of Night, The, vi. 30 437; vn. 3, 7, 8, 16, 73, 95, 101, 111
Shadwell, Charles (d. 1726), Fair Quaker 112, 116, 133 ff., 140, 146, 153, 161, 163,
of Deal, vm. 168 164, 176, 221, 259, 272, 275, 366, 387,
Shadwell, Lionel Lancelot, xiv. 602 also see Add.; vm. 13, 17, 27 ff., 119 ff.,
Shadwell, Thomas (1642?-1692), v. 291; 125, 127 ff., 150, 155, 157, 163, 164, 176,
vn. 183,- vm. 6, 21, 28, 40, 41, 49, 91, 181, 185, 191, 196, 197, 202, 205, 214,
92, 133, 168, 173, 193, 214, 215, 398, 219, 221 ff., 230, 231, 233, 237, 377, 411 ;

401, 403, 404, 409, 410, 430, 441; ix. 79 IX. 42, 77, 80, 118, 140, 142, 144, 145,
Bury Fair, vm. 174 188, 296, 351, 362, 363, 396, 447 ff.,
Epsom Wells, vm. 174 474 ff., 479, 509; x. 1, 13, 27, 31, 50,
Humorists, The, iv. 333 68, 69, 82, 85 ff., 120, 127, 143, 145,
Libertine, The, vm. 174 146, 148, 167, 177, 179, 180, 184, 186,
Medal of John Bayes, The, vm. 2, 3, 5, 202, 227, 234, 236, 445, 452, 454, 460,
40,92 462, 469, 474, 490, 505; XL 10, 13, 133 ff.,
Miser, The, vm. 134, 174 181 ff., 206, 255, 260, 282, 284, 290,
Scotorers, The, ix. 362 291, 319, 320, 322, 327, 354, 4l4ff.,
Squire of Alsatia, The, vm. 174 447, 450, 451, 453, 457, 472, 474, also
Sullen Lovers, vm. 134, 173, 174 see Add.; xn. 23, 24, 30, 40, 49, 68,
Tempest, The, vm. 120, 398 70, 83, 88, 91, 93, 98, 106, 108, 111,
Timon of Athens, adaptation of, vm. 120, 168, 169, 171, 177, 186, 189 ff.,
120, 174 196, 211, 218, 243, 268, 280, 331, 347,
Tory Poets, The, vm. 40 369, 394, 396, 398, 404, 407, 409, 422,
True Widow, A, vm. 40, 401 432, 434, 440, 476, 490, 524; xmr 33,

Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, William
39, 43, 63, 64, 82, 101, 117, 129, 136, Plays and poems :
144, 198, 210, 230, 231, 233, 242, 244, King Lear, 102, 355, 448, 517; iv.
253, 257, 261, 303, 304, 312, 317, 382, 394, 534; v. 179, 196, 199, 203, 204
390, 407, 411, 495, also see Add. 2 (main entry), 214, 221, 260 ff., 266, 272,
xiv. 106, 142, 147, 157, 307, 308, 339, 273, 279, 283, 294, 295, 298, 306, 310,
358, 434, 435, 442, 446 ff. 333; vi. 153, 158, 186, 190, 200, 209,
Bibliography, v. 397, 426 ff. 248; vn. 128; vra. 120, 443; x. 81, 91,
Boy dell's edition, xiv. 215 429; xi. 258, 283, 450; xn. 94, 170
Folios: Lover's Complaint, A, v. 223, 224, 233
First Folio, iv. 394, 395; vi. 6, 248 Love's Labour's Lost, iv. 119, 366, 394,
Perkins Folio, the, xii. 368 434; v, 126, 174, 175, 177 f. (main
Second Folio, iv. 394 entry), 182, 215, 220, 224, 233, 260,
Plays and poema: 264, 315, 356; vi. 214, 335; vra. 126, 425
All's Well that Ends Well, v. 174, 177, Love's Labour's Won. See All's Well that
180, 181, 190, 212, 220, 265; vi. 103 Ends Well
Antony and Cleopatra, v. 177, 196, 198- Lucrece, xi. 181
199 (main entry), 204, 217, 221, 291; Macbeth, iv. 206; v. 169, 179, 199, 201,
vm. 28, 216; x. 433 203 (main entry), 213, 221, 241, 265,
As You Like It, i. 298; m. 349, 385; 268, 288, 290, 294, 298, 300, 315, 333;
iv. 79; V. 126, 127, 139, 171, 177, 183, vi. 49, 76, 98, 158, 192, 217, 315, 318,
188, 191 ff. (main entry), 220, 300, 318, 349; x. 77, 81, 141, 460; XI. 261, 282,
369; vi. 28, 213, 305, 365, 367; vra. 283, 352, 450; xn. 94; xra. 30
224; xiv. 443 Measure for Measure, v. 119, 188, 190-
Comedy of Errors, The, TV. 4, 79; v. 174, 191 (main entry), 212, 220, 245, 265,
175, 177, 179, 180, 183, 188, 191, 215, 298, 397; vi. 99, 110, 236; vni. 120;
219, 220, 283, 320; vi. 14, 215 xiv. 443
Coriolanus, v. 196 ff. (main entry), 202, Merchant of Venice, The, iv. 79, 394;
221, 265, 266, 278, 374; vm. 443; XL 274 183 (main entry), 216,
v. 174, 175, 181,
Cymbelme, v. 138, 189, 195, 203 ff. 220, 260, 278, 283, 298, 300, 301; VL
(main entry), 215, 221, 265, 290, 298; 300; vm. 194; xiv. 441, 449
vi. 110, 121, 200, 236; vra. 226, 428; Merry Wives of Windsor, The, m. 181;
x 433 v. 169, 187, 189 (main entry), 220, 252,
Hamlet, i. 16; m. 179, 349, 456; iv. 260, 263, 284, 291, 298, 308, 348, 369;
44, 336, 394; v. 76, 79, 81, 145, 157 ff., vi. 95; vra. 116, 436
169, 177, 179, 193, 198 ff. (main entry) Midsummer Night's Dream, A, m. 349;
202, 203, 210, 214, 216, 221, 248, 260 ff., iv. 394, 533; v. 174, 181 ff. (main entry),
265, 267, 273, 274, 278, 283, 288, 290, 188, 192, 203, 216, 220, 260, 265, 272,
294, 295, 298 ff., 304, 307, 327, 333, 277, 283, 285, 298, 300, 317; vi. 207,
340, 349, 356; vi. 34, 45, 46, 49, 121, 213, 285, 367; vra. 120; x. 432, 433;
155, 162, 170, 177, 178, 186, 190, 200, xm. 30
209, 217, 220, 248, 266, 268, 272 ff., Much Ado about Nothing, iv. 393; v.
302, 312, 325, also see Add.; vni. 116 126, 127, 191 (main entry), 192, 207,
121, 152, 224; IX. 268; X. 77, 81, 83, 220, 260, 284, 285, 298, 358; vm. 224;
141; xi. 135, 258; xn. 170; xra. 66, 67; xra. 262; xiv. 440
xiv. 447 Othetto, m. 188; v. 177, 199, 202-203
Henry IV, iv. 393; v. 161, 174, 184, (main entry), 204, 206, 221, 260, 261,
260 ff,, 264, 298, 300,
187, 189, 194, 220, 264, 266, 277, 284, 288, 290, 294, 295,
356; vi. 49; vtn. 116, 120 298, 301, 302, 304; VL 186, 192, 248;
Henry V, II. 77; m. 349; IV. 188, 192, vra. 120, 375; x. 73, 81; XL 352; xn.
393; v. 152, 189, 194, 195, 220, 243, 170; xra. 30, 67, 412
249, 260, 261, 263, 300, 346; vi. 2, 222, Passionate Pilgrim, The, V. 148, 221,
253; ix. 187; x. 121 223, 224, 233
Henry VI, v. 129, 147, 153, 175, 184 ff. Pericles, n. 152; m. 456; v. 178, 188
(main entry), 220, 221, 237, 248, 260, (main entry), 190, 221, 236, 237, 260;
263, 275, 280, 290, 300; VI. 247; vn. vi. 2, 110; X. 78, 436
110;vm. 188 Phoenix and the Turtle, The, v. 221, 224,
Henry VIII, V. 195, 221, 261, 333, 344, 233
346; vi. 116, 128, 137, 231 Poems, v. 221, 260, 275
Julius Caesar, v. 196-197 (main entry), Itape of Lucrece, The, m. 198; iv. 394;
199, 221, 265, 268, 284, 287, 288, 290, v. 166, 170, 219, 221, 223, 227 (mam
294, 296, 300; VL 19, 49, 127; ix. 142; entry), 228, 233, 259; VI. 312
x. 81; xi. 353,413 Richard II, iv. 78, 393; v. 145, 153, 174,
King John, V. 147, 161, 174, 184, 185 175, 184 (main entry), 185, 220, 260,
(main entry), 220, 294, 300, 356; vra. 262, 298, 300, 324, 326, 346, 371, 374;
426 vi. 36, 49; vni. 443

Shakespeare, William Shakespeare, 'Chandos' portrait of, vm.
Plays and poems: 50
Richard, III, m. 88, 458; iv. 393; v. 79, Shakespeare and Fletcher, History of
174, 175, 184 fi. (main entry), 213, 220, Cardemo, The, vm. 127
260, 261, 269, 271, 279, 281, 290, 291, Shakespeare and the continent, v. 85, 209,
295, 297, 300; vi. 46, 129, 248, 301; 287 ff., 305, 306, 456 ff.
vn. 265; vin. 123, 426; xn. 150 Shakespeare festival at Stratford, x. 192
Roman plays, v, 100, 196, 197, 199, Shakespeare society, v. 247; xn. 355, 368,
221; vi. 182 369, 504
JRomeo and Juliet, n. 391; m. 268, 271, Shakespearean scholars, xn. 344
359; iv. 79, 393, 434; v. 77, 174, 175, Shaking of the Sheets, The, m. 87, 484
181, 182 (main entry), 185, 216, 221, Shallow, Justice (Shakespeare's), v. 187,
242, 244, 260 ff., 265, 268, 269, 279, 189, 350
283, 294, 296, 298, 299, 301, 322, 374; Shallow Mannerly, Sir, in Crowne's The
vi. 93, 221 ff., 248, 300, 311, 335; vm. Country Wit, vm. 188
120, 151, 182; x. 432; si. 133, 260 Shalott, Lady of (Tennyson's), xm. 37
Sonnets, TV. 392, 394, 407; v. 166, 170, Shame, in The Faerie Queene, m. 239
172, 174, 176, 219, 221, 223 ff., 228- Shan van Vocht, The, xrv. 311
233 (main entry); VL 30; XL 181; xm. Shandon, captain, in Thackeray's Pen-
450; xiv. 304 dennis, iv. 252; xn. 159; xin. 292;
Sonnets to Sundry Notes of Music, iv. xrv. 177, 194
119; v. 224 Shandy, Tristram, in Sterne's novel, xiv.
Taming of the Shrew, The, m. 454; v. 345
115, 147, 181 (main entry), 220, 283, Shandy, Walter, in Sterne's novel, x. 50
285; VT. 97, 138; vm. 126, 140; x. 433; Shandy family, in Sterne's novel, x. 49
xrv. 443. See, also, under Taming of a Shankes, John (d. 1636), VL 276, 277
Shrew Sharp, Amy, xm. 498
Tempest, The, m. 178; TV. 21, 78, 79; Sharp, Becky (Thackeray's), v. 213; xm.
v. 172, 178, 188, 192, 203 ff. f 206-207 276, 286 ff., 290, 296
(main entry), 215, 220, 285, 298, 299, Sharp, Elizabeth Amelia, xm. 476
300; vi. 23, 24, 110, 239; vm. 9, 120, Sharp, GranviUe (1735-1813), xn. 473
126, 135, 224, 226, 430; x. 433; xi. 274; Sharp, James (1613-1679), archbishop of
xn. 191, 516 St Andrews, vm. 91; xn. 22
Timon of Athens, v. 196 (main entry), Sharp, John (1645-1714), archbishop of
198, 221, 265, 291, 308; vm. 120, 174; York, ix. 394
XI. 265 Sharp, John (fl. 1756), x. 131
Titus Andronicus, TV. 393; v. 75, 139, Sharp, Robert Farquharson, XTTT. 515
147, 152, 163, 164, 174, 175, 177, 178- Sharp, William ('Fiona Macleod,' 1855-
179 (main entry), 182, 184, 185, 188, 1905), xn. 373, 404, 407; xni. 216, 485,
191, 194, 195, 204, 218, 221, 260, 283, 491, 498, 504, 508, 559, also see Add. 3
322; vi. 23; vm. 140,420 Sharpe, Charles Kirkpatrick (1781?-
Troilus and Cressida, TV. 298; v. 195- 1851), n. 409; XL 444; xn. 150, 430, 518
196 (main entry), 221, 260, 261, 263, Sharpe, Gregory (1713-1771), ix. 529
264; VI. 30, 44, 207; vm. 29; xi. 319 Sharpe, Lewis (fl. 1640), vi. 458
Twelfth Night, iv. 78; v. 138, 191, 192, Sharpe, Roger (fl. 1610), rv. 520
193-194 (main entry), 220, 300; VL Sharpe, William, engraver, xn. 323
204, 305; vn. 84; vm. 126 Sharper, in Congreve's Old Bachelor, vm.
Two Gentlemen of Verona, m. 268; v. 147
126, 174, 177, 180 (main entry), 182, Sharpham, Edward (fl. 1607), IV. 350,
220; vm. 126 529; vi. 458; Cupid's Whirligig, VL 218;
Two Noble Kinsmen, The, vm. 120 The Flewe, VL 218
Venetian Comedy, The, i.e. The Mer- Sharpham park, x. 20
chant of Venice, V. 175 Shaw, Cuthbert (1739-1771), x. 471
Venus and Adonis, TV. 128, 165, 180, Shaw, Stebbing (1762-1802), xn. 513
195, 222, 328, 394, 413; v. 166, 169, Shaw, William (1749-1831), x. 471, 472,
170, 219, 221, 223, 225 fit. (main entry), 489; xrv. 592, 609
233, 259; vi. 86, 198, 311, 312; XL 181 Shaw, William A., xrv. 484, 487, 489, 499,
Winter's Tale, The, m. 356; v. 138, 501
189, 194, 204 ff. (main entry), 215, 217, Shawcross, J., XL 415; xn. 527
220, 374; VL 23, 24, 110, 236, 350; vm. Shawe, Isabella. See Thackeray, Isabella
226; x. 85, 429, 433; XL 414 Shaylor, J., The Fascination of Books, XL
Songs by: 378
*Full fathom five,' xn. 191 Sheafe, Streatfield, and Evans, x. 375
'Hark, hark, the lark,' v. 126 Sheale, Richard, n. 415
*In me thou see'st,' xn. 92 Sheane, Hubert, xiv. Add. 7
T' On a day (alack the
day !),' iv. 119 Sheares, William, VL 38

Sheath and Knife, n. 412 Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Sheavyn, Miss Phoebe, v. 370, 371 174, 179, 180, 199, 205, 219, 222, 247,
Sheba, queen of, x. 160 248, 392 ft, 397, 399 ff. (main entry),
Shebbeare, John (1709-1788), x. 40, 41, 405, 407, 445, 521, 527, also see Add.;
523, 525 Letters to the people of England,
; xm. 23 ff., 27, 44, 52, 56, 57, 69, 108,
x. 389 109, 129, 130, 137, 138, 184, 204, 230,
Shebden hall, Upper, near Halifax, Yorks., 239, 250, 442, 481, 489; xiv. 198, 363,
TO. 233 373, 453
Sheehan, John (1812-1882), xiv. 571 Adonais, iv. 152; vn. 114; xn. 71,
Sheen, vm. 386; ix. 70 $ 73 ff. f 78, 87, 93; xm. 236
Sheeres, Sir Henry (d. 1710), vm. 402; Alastor, XL 202; xn. 58, 59, 70, 71;
ix. 267, 528 xm. 236, 237
Sheffield, vn. 353; x. 386; XL 340, 469; Apollo, Hymn of, xn. 72
xn. 136; xm. 156 Arethusa, xn. 72
See Holroyd, John Baker
Sheffield, earl of. Aziola, xn. 75
Sheffield, John, 3rd earl of Mulgrave, CastlereagJi Administration, Lines written
afterwards 1st duke of Buckingham and during the, xn. 40
Normanby (1648-1721), vm. 50, 202, Cenci, The, xn. 61, 68 ff., 213
204, 211, 219 ff., 396, 443, 444, 481; Certain Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley*
ix. 70, 152, also see Add. xm. 75
Essay on Poetry, vni. 205, 219, 375, Charles I9 xn. 75
409, 446 Christianity, On, xn. 60
Essay on Satire, vm. 35, 212, 219 Cloud, The, xn. 71, 72, 75
Ode on Love, vin. 219 Cosimo and Fiordispina, xn. 71
Temple of Death, vm. 219 Daemon of the World, The, xn, 59
Vision, The, vm. 219 Defence of Poetry, The, xn. 74, 75, 78
Sheffield Daily Telegraph, The, xrv. 531, Edward Williams, Lines to, xn. 75
532, 534 Epipsychidion, ix. 169; xn. 73, 74
Sheffield Ins, The, xiv. 203 Euganean Hitts, Lines written among the,
Sheffield place, Sussex, x. 312 xn. 63
Sheffield university, xrv. 432 Future State, On a, xn. 60
Sheil, Richard Lalor (1791-1851), xm. Hellas, xn. 75
257 ff., 261, 523; xiv. 127, 135, 316, Intellectual Beauty,Hymn to, xn. 59, 60
326, 511, 571 Julian and Maddalo, xn. 34, 62, 63
Adelaide; or The Emigrants, xin. 258 Loon and Cythna, xn. 61
Apostate, The, xm. 258; xiv. 319 Liberty, To, xn. 72
Bellamira; or, The Fall of Tunis, xm. Life, On, xn. 60
258, 259 Lord Chancellor, To the, xn. 62
Evadne; or, The Statue, xm. 259; xiv. 319 Love, On, xn. 60
Huguenot, The, xm. 259 Maria Oisborne, Letter to, xn. 62, 73
Montoni, xm. 259 Masque of Anarchy, The, xn. 69
Sketches of the Irish Bar, xiv. 319 Medusa, xn. 58
Shelburne, earl of. See Petty, William Mercury, Hymn to, xn. 71
Sheldon, Gilbert (1598-1677), archbishop Metaphysics, On, xn. 60
of Canterbury, vn. 117, 150, 151, 153, Mont Elanc, xn. 60
426; vm. 3, 298, 302, 305 Morals, On, xn. 60
Sheldon, Ralph (1623-1684), IX. 348 Naples, To, xn. 72
Shelford, Robert, Discourses, vn. 33, 153, Napoleon's death, Lines on, xn. 75
426 Orpheus, xn. 71
Shelley, lady Jane, xn. 404 Pan, Hymn of, xn. 72
Shelley, Mrs (Harriet Westbrook), xn. Peter Bell the Third, xn. 70
59,62 Prince Athanase, xn. 61
ShelJey, Mrs (Mary Wollstoneoraft God- Prometheus Unbound, XL 202; xn. 58,
win), xn. 35, 37, 59, 61, 62, 64, 71, 76, 65 ff., 70
399 ff., 403, 404, 451, 452 Queen Mob, XL 180; xn. 59, 60; xm.
Frankenstein, xn. 247, 248 53, 227, 236, 237
Last Man, The, xn. 248 Revolt of Islam, The, m. 246; XL 202;
Lodore, xn. 248 xn. 59, 61; ynr, 130, 236
Valperaa, xn. 248 Rosalind and Helen, xn. 62
Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792-1822), I. 370; St Irvyne, XL 299; xn. 59
iv. 153; vn. 76, 77, 109; vm. 237; XL Sensitive Plant, The, xn. 70, 71
44, 46, 102, 112, 117, 150, 158, 308, Stylark, To a, xn. 70, 72, 77
405, 410, 414, 416, 422, 463; xn. 33 ff., Stanzas mitten in dejection, near Naples,
37, 39, 44, 56, 57 ff. (main entry), 79, xn. 63
89, 91, 92, 94, 106, 107, 112, 113, 115, Swellfoot the Tyrant, xn. 70
119, 120, 126, 136, 138, 139, 157, 162, Tasso, xn. 64

Shelley, Percy Bysshe Sheppard, Samuel (fl. 1646-1652), vn. 274,
Translation of Plato's Symposium, xn. 347, 350, 351, 356 ff., 413, 466, 497,
73 498
Triumph of Life, The, xn. 58, 76 Mercurius Dogmaticus, vn. 357
Vision of the Sea, A, xn. 71 M ercurius Mastix, vn. 357
West Wind, Ode to the, vn. 181; xn. 72; Mercurius Pragmaticus, vn. 356, 357,
xiv. 351 360
When the lamp is shattered, xn. 75 Mercurius Pragmaticus Revived, vn. 357
William Shelley, To, xn. 62 Mercurius Scommaticus, vn. 357
Witch of Atlas, The, xn. 71 Phreneticus, \$i, 357
ZaMrozzi, XL 299; xn. 59 Royall DiurnaLl, The, vn. 357
Shelley society, xn. 400 ff. Socratic Session, The, vn. 274, 466
Shelton, Thomas (1601-1650?), Tachy- Weepers, The, vn. 357, 359
graphy, vm. 243 Sheppard, William (d. 1675?), vm. 409
Shelton, Thomas (fl. 1612-1620), iv. 395, Shepperton church, in George Eliot's
443; ix. 269; Don Quixote, vm. 127, Amos Barton, xm. 387
128; ix. 278 Sherborne, m. 167
Shenstone, William (1714r-1763), m. 184; Sherborne school, vn. 330
ix. 217, 412, 574; x. 112, 113, 135 ff., Sherbrooke, viscount. See Lowe, Robert
149 ff. (main entry), 153, 156, 271 ff., Sherburne, Sir Edward (1618-1702), vn.
369, 456, 496, 497; xi. 206, 248, 251, 87, 413; vm. 447; 'Chloris! on thine
252, 255; xn. 132; xm. 227, 232, eyes I gaze,' vn. 87; 'Love once love
239 ever,' vn. 87; The Vow, vn. 87
Dying Kid, The, x. 151 Sheridan, Alice, xiv. 309
Economy, x. 150 Sheridan, Caroline E. S. See Norton,
Elegies, x. 151 Caroline E. S.
Here in cool grot,' x. 151 Sheridan, Mrs Frances (1724-1766), x.
Jemmy Dawson, x. 151 438; xiv. 309; Journey to Bath, XL 454
Judgment of Hercules, x. 150 Sheridan, Helen Selina, countess of
Levites, x. 151 Dufferin (1807-1867), xm. 177, 499
Love and Honour, x. 150 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (1751-1816),
Miscellaneous Poems, x. 151 iv. 361; v. 127, 254; vm. 137, 139, 153;
Moral Pieces, x. 150 x. 88, 90, 92, 263, 265, 438; XL 51,
Ode to Memory, x. 151 54 ff., 251, 261, 262, 265, 266 ff. (mam
'Odes, Songs, Ballads, etc.,' x. 151 entry), 282, 396, 414, 452, 454, 457;
Pastoral, x. 151 xn. 49, 390, 411, 412, 443; xm. 269;
Progress of Taste, The, x. 150 xiv. 107, 120, 121, 186, 214, 309, 498
Ruined Abbey, The, x. 150 Critic, The, vm. 26, 402; x. 83, 87;
Rural Elegance, x. 274 xi. 271, 272
Schoolmistress, The, ix. 191, 405; x. 105, Duenna, The, x. 71; XL 267, 269
136, 151; xi. 247, 323 'Here's to the maiden,' VL 238
Song of Valentines Day, x. 151 Ode to Scandal, XL 271
Shepheard, Henry, xm. 559 Pizarro, xn. 526
Shepherd, Luke (fl. 1548), John Son and Rivals, The, x. 89; XL 266, 267, 269
Mast Parson, m. 81, 481 St Patrick's Day, XL 267
Shepherd, Miss, in David Copper-field, xm. School for Scandal, The, x. 91 ; XL 268 ff.,

327 273, 275, 276

Shepherd, Richard Herne (1842-1895), Trip to Scarborough, A, XL 268
vn. 251; XL 412, 414, 417, 433: xn. 35, Sheridan, Thomas (1719-1788), ix. 453.
399, 401, 412, 431, 435; xm. 464, 493, 464, 467; XL 250, 255; xiv. 309, 400.
503, 532, 541, 542 609; British Education, xrv. 391, 397 ff.
Shepherd of Hermas, I. 75
Sheridan, Tom (1775-1817), xiv. 309
Shepherd Tony,' m. 302; iv. 117 ff. See, Sheriff, Laurence (d. 1567), vn. 336
also, Munday, Anthony Sheriff Hales academy, x. 386
Shepherds, Play of the, v. 19. See, also, Sheriffmuir, ix. 373
under Stcunda Pastorum and Officia Sherlock, Thomas (1678-1761), ix. 293,
Pastorum 503, 508; x. 360, 517; Letter... on... the
Shepherds of the Scottish horder, n. 396 late Earthquake, x. 358; Remarks, x.
Shepherdson, William, xrv. 532 357; Trial of the Witnesses of the Be-
Sheppard, Sir Beetwood (1634r-1698), surrection, ix. 294; x. 358
vm. 215, 410, 411, 433, 444, 447; ix. Sherlock, William (16411-1707), vm. 347,
473; King James's Declaration, vm. 461, 462, 475; x. 358; Defence of Dr
94 Sherlock's notion of a Trinity in Unity,
Sheppard, Jack (1702-1724), ix. 23 x, 378; Practical Discourse concerning
Sheppard, John (1785-1879), xiv. 513 a Future Judgment, vm. 304; Vindica-
Sheppard, John George, xrv. 609 tion of the Trinity, x. 378, 379

Sherman, John (d. 1671), Commonplaces, Shirley, James
vm. 278, 279; A Greek in the Temple, Court Secret, The, VL 197, 206
vm. 278 Cupid and Death, vx. 207
Sherman, Stuart Pratt, vx. 190 fi., 194 Doubtfull Heir, The, vx. 197, 205
Sherrard, William, xiv. 286 Dukes Mistris, The, vi. 200
Sherry or Shirrye, Richard (fl. 1550), rv. Echo, or the Infortunate Lovers VL 198
442; Treatise of Schemes and Tropes, Example, The, vx. 202, 208
m. 432, 553 Gamester, The, v. 352; vr. 202; x. 86, 433
Sherwen, John (1749-1826), x. 486 Gentleman of Venice, The, vi. 197, 200,
Sherwood, Mrs Mary Martha (1775-1851), 205, 206
XL 369, 380, 479, 482; xiv. 335, 580 *
Glories of our blood and state, the/
Fairchild Family, XL 381 VL 198
Henry Milner xi. 381
Grateful Servant, The, vi. 144, 203
Infant's Progress, XL 381 Hide Parke, VL 202
Little Henry and his Bearer, XL 381; Honoria and Mammon, VL 206
xiv. 336 Humorous Courtier, The, VL 205, 208
Susan Grey, XL 381 Imposture, The, vx. 205
Sherwood forest, iv. 190; v. 318; vx. 11, Lady of Pleasure, The, vi. 202
365 Latin grammars, VL 198
Shetland, II. 413, 414, 417; IX. 552 Love Tricks, vr. 201
Shetland dance, v. 32 Loves Crueltie, vx. 199, 208
Shetland islands, xiv. 434 Maides Revenge, The, vr. 199
Sheva, in Cumberland's Jew, xx. 282 Narcissus, or The Self-lover, vi. 198
Shewell, head of Coventry academy, x. 385 Opportunitie, The, VL 204, 208; vm. 129
Shields, Alexander (1660?-1700), ix. 547 Polititian, The, VL 197, 200
Shiels, Robert (d. 1753), Lives of the Poets, Rosania, or Love's Victory, vt. 205
X. 184 Roy all Master, The, VL 197, 205, 208;
Shifnal, ix. 256; x. 233 xm. 401
ShiUeto, Richard (1809-1876), xn. 312, St Patrick for Ireland, VL 197, 206
330, 493 Sisters, The, vi. 206
Shiloh, oraole of, in Cowley's Davideis, Traytor, The, VL 199, 200, 208; xm. 259
67 Triumph of Beauty, The, vx. 207
Shimei, in Dryden's Absalom, vm. 39 Triumph of Peace, The, vi. 197, 207, 363
Ship money fleet, the, iv. 107 Wedding, The, VL 201, 208
Ship of Fools, The, prose version, n. 324, Wittie Faire One, The, vx. 201
325 Young Admirall, The, VL 204, 208; vm.
Shipley, Sir Arthur Everett, xn. 508 129
Shipley, Orley, Dryden as a Hymnodist, Shirley, John (1366?-1456), n. 161, 166,
vm. 54 170
Shippen, William, xn. 174 Shirley, John, Lord Jeffrey's Life, xi. 330
Sbipton-Moyne, near Tetbury, Gloucester- Shirley, William (fl. 1739-1780), Edward
shire, vm. 82 the Black Prince, xi. 449
Shipton-under-Wychwood, n. 35 Shirreff, Emily Anne Eliza (1814-1897),
Shipwrights' play, the, v. 391 xiv. 430, 600, 609
Shirley, pseud. See Skelton, Sir John Shirrye, Richard. See Sherry
Shirley (Charlotte Bronte's), xm. 409 Shirwood, William (fl. 1260), x. 456
Shirley, Henry (d. 1627), vm. 442; The Shore, Jane (d. 1527?), iv. 182
Martyred Souldier, vx. 458 Shore, Jane, in Edward IV, vi. 90, 91
Shirley, James (1596-1666), v. 344, 366; Shore, Jane, in The History of K. Richard
VI. 27, 132, 135, 140, 188-209 (main III, m. 335
entry), 211, 234, 421, 449 ., also see Shore, Jane, The tragedy of, vm. 196
Add.; vn. 3, 489; vm. 124; ix. 318; Shore, John, 1st baron Teignmouth (1751-
xn. 190; xm., also fee Add. 2 1834), xiv. 602
Arcadia, in. 355; vx. 205 Shore, Louisa (1824-1895), xm. 509
Ball, The, v. 350; vi. 32, 202 Shore, master, in chronicle play, VL 98
Beauties, The, VL 204 Shore, mistress, in Praed's Red Fisherman,
Bird in a Cage, The, VL 204 xn. 112
Brothers, The, vz 203 Shore, William Teignmouth, xm. 544
Oardinatt, The, vr. 200, 209; vm. 121 Short, Ames, x. 387
Changes : Love in a Maze, vi. 201
or, Short, John, x. 385
Constant Maid, The, vi. 197, 203 Short, Peter, printer, iv. 546
Contention for Honour and Riches, A, Short parliament, the, vn. 54, 224, 285
vx. 206 Short Treatise against Stage-Play es, A, vx.
Contention of Ajax and Ulysses for the 403, 497
Armor of Achilles, The, VI. 198, 207 Shorter, Clement King, xm. 464, 503, 555,
Coronation, The, VL 132, 140, 204, 205 556, 559, 569; xrv. 516

Shorter catechism, the, xiv. 405 Sidgwick, Frank, n. 408
Short-hand, x. 469 Sidgwick, Henry (1838-1900), xn. 469;
Shorthouse, Joseph Henry (1834-1903), xrv. 36 ff., 425, 426, 473, 480, 602, 606;
xi. 411; xm. 566, ako see Add. 3; Methods of Ethics, The, XL 66; xiv.
John Inglesant, xn. 277; xm. 434, 435 37,38
Shortreed, Robert, xn. 4 Sidley, Sir William, iv. 265
Shotover Papers, The, xrv. 207 Sidmonton, rx. 168
Shower, John (1657-1715), x. 385 Sidmouth, xm. 70
Shrapnel, doctor (George Meredith's), xm. Sidmouth, viscount, See Addington,
446 Henry
Shrewsbury, n. 2; m. 408; v. 39,
182; iv. Sidney, in Kelly's False Delicacy, XL 263
171, 391; VI. 252; vn. 326, 337; vra. 171 Sidney, Algernon (1622-1683), n. 163;
Shrewsbury, duchess of, ix. 125 vm. 267, 452; rx. 240; x. 290
Shrewsbury, duke of. See Talbot, Charles Sidney, Dorothy. See Spencer, Dorothy
Shrewsbury, earls of. See Talbot, George; Sidney, Sir Henry (1529-1586), m. 429;
Talbot, Sir John rv. 72, 391

Shrewsbury, lady, in Gramont's Memoirs, Sidney, Henry, earl of Romney (1641-

vm. 264 1704), vm. 167, 251, 268; ix. 495;
Shrewsbury academy, x. 386 Diary of, vm. 267, 453
Shrewsbury Chronicle, The, xn. 174 Sidney, lord Henry, in Disraeli' sConingsby,
Shrewsbury school, m. 424, 425, 428, 429; xm. 350
rv.159; v. 103; vn. 336, 493; ix. 165, Sidney, lady Mary, rv. 7
408; xn. 328, 329, 331, 333, 335, 336, Sidney, Sir Philip (1554-1586), m. 175,
339; xm. 449; xrv. 386, 413, 422 188 ff., 199, 212, 219, 220, 227, 236,
Shrimp, in John a Kent, v. 317 240 ff., 247, 253 ff., 257, 259, 261, 264,
Shropshire, iv. 120; vi. 37; vn. 27, 78, 265, 267, 285, 299 ff., 312, 340, 342,
330, 337; vm. 142, 274; 33. 120; xn. 349, 351 ff., 357, 364, 425, 429, 432,
166, 346, 509, 520; xm. 142; xiv. 233 437, 446, 524, 527, 535, 553, also see
Shuckburgh, Evelyn Shirley (1843-1906), Add.; rv. 10, 18, 81, 108, 113, 116 ff.,
xn. 493 121, 124, 125, 145, 149, 150, 152, 158 ff.,
Shute, bishop of Durham, xiv. 492 172, 179, 196, 210, 264 ff., 275, 391, 434,
Shuter, Edward (1728?-1776), x. 212 447; v. 66, 173, 222, 226, 341, 347, 349;
Shutte, R. N., xrv. 514 vi. 2, 14, 113, 196, 272, 302, 364 ff., 392,
Shuttlewood, John (1632-1689), x. 387 497; vn. 25, 26, 114, 140, 154, 259, 306,
Shylock, in Shakespeare's Merchant of 337, also see Add.; ix. 35, 69; x. 174,
Venice, v. 145, 181, 183, 366; vi. 69; 222; xn. 493; xrv. 460
xn. 171 Apologie for Poetrie (Defence of Poesie),
Shylock, Macklin as, x. 85; XI. 257 n, 154, 415; m.199, 219, 255, 259, 299;
Sibbald, James (1745-1803), XL 446 v. 63, 70, 117, 130, 337;VL 15, 267, 303,
Sibbald, Sir Robert (1641-1712), rx. 552; 388; vn. 261, 263, 271
x. 193 Arcadia, m. 188, 265, 351, 353, 354, 358;
Sibbes, Richard (1577-1635), vn. 426 rv. 265, 398, 401, 414; V. 254, 338;
Siberch, John (fl. 1521-1522), IV. 409, 547 vi. 137, 180, 191, 192, 205, 212, 213;
Sible Hedingham, n. 208 vn. 263, 265; x. 221; xi. 179
Sibly,Ebenezer (d. 1800), vn. 511 Astrophel and Stella, m. 253, 254, 256,
Sibthorp, Richard Waldo (1792-1879), 265; iv. 117, 133, 142, 177, 222
xn. 454 De Mornay, trans, of, rv. 21
Sic Perrell in Paramouris Iyis9 n. 280 Excellent sonnet of a nymph, An, iv. 118
Sichaeus, in Didone, v. 76 May Lady, or The Lady of the May, The,
Sichel, Edith, xrv. 515 rv. 117; VL 336, 369
Sichel, Walter, ix. 231; x. 422; Boling- Sonnets, TV. 392
broke and his Times, ix. 98, 132, 217, Sidney, Philip, 3rd earl of Leicester (lord
218, 220, 232; Life of Sheridan, XL 272, Lisle) (1619-1698), n. 163; vrn. 51, 267
456 Sidney, Robert, 2nd earl of Leicester
Sicily, rv. 258, 259; v. 206; VL 156; vn. (1595-1677), vn. 54
75, 99; ix. 280; xn. 316, 475; xrv. 73, Sidney, Sir Robert, rv. 154
292, 293 Sidney, Thomasine, vn. 86
Sicily, Athenian expedition to, rv. 62 Sidney or Sydney, house of, vn. 54; rx.
Siculus, Diodorus, rv. 408, 436 496
Sidanen, in John a Kent and John a Sidney Letters (Sydney Papers), vn. 436,
Cumber, v. 317, 475 vm. 267, 453; x. 500
Siddal, Elizabeth Eleanor. See Rossetti, Sidonia, in Disraeli's Coningsby, xm. 346,
Elizabeth Eleanor 349, 351, 360
Siddons, Mrs Sarah (1755-1831), vm, 184, Sidonius Apollinaris, r. 76; xrv. 303
191, 196; x. 88; XL 260, 261, 454, 461; Sidrophel, in Hudibras, vm. 61, 72, 73
Jtn. 171, 409
Siege of London, The, VL 90

Siegen, Ludwig von, vm. 359 Simmons, Samuel (fl. 1667), vn. 116, 117;
Siena, vm. 126 315
Sievers, Eduard, ix, I. 46, 55, 60, 101, 372 Simnel, Lambert (fl. 1487-1525), vn. 203
Sigebert, n. 341 Simon, abbot of St Albans, i. 178
Sigeferth, in Finnsburh, i. 31 Simon, H., xiv. 478
Sigemund, in Beowulf, i. 23, 26 Simon, Richard, Histoire Critique du
Sigeric, i.121 Vieux Testament, vm. 42
Sigeric, archbishop of Canterbury, i. 116 Simon Magus, vn. 370
Sigerson, George [Eironach], xiv. 303, 673 Simon de Meopham. See Meopham
Sigewulf, I. 121 Simon de Montf ort. See Montfort
Sigferth or Sigweard, I. 126, 127 Simon of Swynsett, v. 66
Sigmund, in Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, Simon of Tournay, i. 456
xm. 126 Simon and Jude, SS., i. 354
Signs of Death, i. 227, 458 Simond, L., xn. 525
Signy, in Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, xm. Simonides, ix. 54
126 Simon's Town, xiv. 254
Sigrdrifumdl, i. 62
Simony, in Negromansir, m. 77
Sigrim the wolf, i. 366 Simony, in Piers the Plowman, n. 7, 8
Sigurd, in Morris's Sigurd the Volsung, Simple, Sir Gervase, in Changes, vi. 202
xm. 126 Simplicity, in The World tost at Tennis,
Sikes, Bill, in Oliver Twist, xm. 316 vi. 75
Sites, George, vn. 447 Simpson, Harold, xm. 515
Sikes, Thomas, xn. 256 Simpson, Sir James Young (1811-1870),
Silburn, Percy Arthur Baxter, xiv. Add. xn. 513; Archaeological Essays, xn. 350
10 Simpson, John Palgrave (1807-1887), xm.
Silchester, xn. 513 521 ; A Scrap of Paper, TTTT, 525
Silence, in Henry IV, v. 189, 194 Simpson, Joseph, x. 464
Silenus, m. 389 Simpson, Mrs Mary Charlotte Muir, xrv.
Silexedra, in Euphues and his England, 506
m. 345, 350 Simpson, Richard (1820-1876), v. 247,
Silia, in Pope's Characters of Women, ix. 248, 344; xiv. 118, 506
82 Simpson, Selwyn George, "grny 499
Silius Italicus, IV. 249, 414; ix. 44, 182 Simpson, Thomas (1710-1761), xiv. 257
Sillery, rv. 259 Simrock, Karl, v. 305
Silurian system, xiv. 292, 294 Simson, Archibald. See Symson
Silva, Juan de, iv. 448 Simson, Habbie, ix. 364, 365
Silvanus, vr. 304, 486 Simson, Patrick (1556-1618), ix. 550
Silver, Henry, xiv. 238, 239 Sin, in Mirour de VOmme, n. 140, 141
Silvester, pope, v. 16 Sinai, mount, n. 13, 79; vn. 170; xn. 341,
Silvestre, J. B., Universal Palaeography, 478
xn. 356, 517 Sinclair, Catherine (1800-1864), XL 482;
Silvestre, P., vm. 481 Holiday House, XL 386
Silvia, inCongreve's Old Bachelor, vm. 147 Sinclair, George (d. 1696), ix. 560
Silvia, in Farquhar's Recruiting Officer, Sinclair, James (d. 1762), x. 323
vm. 169, 171 Sinclair, John (1683-1750), ix. 565
Silvius, in As You Like It, vi. 304 Sinclair, Sir John (1754-1835), x. 488;
Simancas, xiv. 85 xiv. 514
Simancas, archives of, X. 289 Sinclair, May, xm. 555 E., 573, also see
Simcox, Edith, xiv. 480 Add. 1
Simcox, George Augustus (1841-1905), Sinclair, William, bishop of Dunkeld
xn. 493; xm. 207, 509 (d. 1337),n. 110
Simcox, William Henry (1843-1889), xn. Sinfiotli, in Morris's Sigurd the Volsung,
493 xm. 126
Simeon, Charles (1759-1836), xn. 281, 473 Sing, Cheyte, XL 20
Simeon, Sir John (1756-1824), iv. 209 Singer, Samuel Weller (1783-1858), v.
Simeon, Joseph (1594-1671), vi. 477 277; VI. 95; vn. 74, 77; ix. 67
Simeon of Durham (fl. 1130), I. 90, 148, Singleton, Hugh (fl. 1579), iv. 398
160 ff., 174, 449 Singleton, Mrs Mary Montgomerie (after-
Simeon Stylites, St, xiv. 305 wards lady Currie, pseud. Violet Pane,
Simeon Stlyites (Tennyson's), xm. 29 1843-1905), xm. 180, 504
Simiane, Madame de, x. 248 Singleton, Thomas, ix. 392
Simmias of Rhodes, iv. 123 Sinker, Robert (1838-1913), xn. 370, 523
Simmons, Bartholomew (1804-1850), Sinners Beware, i. 226, 227, 458
Flight to Cyprus, The, xiv. 327; Na- Sinon, in The Police of Honour, n. 260, 261
poleon's last look, xiv. 327 Sion college, London, iv. 418
SimmoM, Nevill (fl. 1692), XL 340 Sion nunnery, Chudleigh, rv. 418

Sir Bevis, iv. 529 Skelton, John
Sir Clyomon...and Sir Clamydes, v. 414, Phyllyp Sparowe, in. 68, 71 ff., 75
417 Prince Arturis Creacyoun, m. 70
Sir Edmundbury Godfrey's Ghost, vm. 92 Iteplycacion agaynst certayne yong scolers
Sir Eglamore, vm. 96 abjured of late, m. 69
Sir Qawayne, xn. 517 Bobin Hood, a pageant of, m. 68
Sir Patrick Spens, x. 233 Speculum principis, in. 67
Sir Tristrem, xn. 7. See also Tristram, Sir Speke, Parrot, m. 67, 75, 76
Siriz, Dame, v. 25, 55 Three Fooles, The Boke of, m. 61
Sisamnes, in Cambises, v. 65 Tunnyng of Elynour Rummyng, The,
Sisley, Clement, iv. 141
m. 73, 88; iv. 362
Sisley, Thomas, rv. 141 Ware the Hauke, ni. 72
Sivagi, Maratha chieftain, xiv. 338 Why come ye nat to courte, m. 76, 77
Siward, abbot of Abingdon, i. 110 Skelton, Sir John (pseud. Shirley, 1831-
Six Articles, the, iv. 299 1897), xm. 559; XIV. 506, 525; John
Six Yeomen of the West, The, m. 371 Drydent In Defence, vm. 45; Ntijae
SixiUe, or Six Hills, priory of, near Market Cnticae, XIV. 161; Table Talk of Shirley,
Rasen, I. 344 The, xiv. 161
Sixtus IV, pope, n. 348 Skelton, John Henry, My Book, or, The
Sixtus V, pope, iv. 429; YL 174, 175 Anatomy of Conduct, xm. 278
Sixtus V, in The White Divel, VI. 176 Skelton, Matthew, x. 362
Skaldskaparmdl, I. 27 Skelton, Philip (1707-1787), ix. 465; xiv.
Skeat, Walter William (1835-1912), i. ix, 571
298; n. 1 fi%, 5, 8, 13, 22, 23, 26. 28, 30, Skene or Skeyne, Gilbert (1522?-1599),
34 ff. f 36, 38 ff., 166, 194, 216, 236, 241; m. 108, 494
vi. 339; xn. 505; xm. 249; xiv. 611; Skene, James (1775-1864), xn. 26, 381
Etymological Dictionary of the English Skene, William Forbes (1809-1892), xn.
Language, xn. 344 518; xiv. 497; Celtic Scotland, xiv. 95;
Skelton, John (1460?-1529), n. 154, 210, Four Ancient Books of Wales, i. 247, 249
221, 223, 250, 257, 258, 316, 321, 328, Skewton, Mrs, in Dombey and Son, xm.
330, 331; m. 27, 52, 60 ff., 67-79 (main 325
entry), 184, 185, 279, 302, 480, 481, Skiddaw, xn. 188
486, also see Add.; iv. 322, 361, 517, Skimpole, Harold, in Dickens' s Bleak
521; v. 319; vm. 65 House, ix. 81; xn. 205; xni. 328
Against the Scottes, m. 70 Skink, in Looke about you, v. 320
Against venomous tongues, in. 72 Skinner, Cyriack, vn.' 108
ApoUo that Whirrlyd up his chare, m. 72 Skinner, David, vn. 141
Bowge of Court, The, n. 323; in. 62, 73, Skinner, John (1721-1807), ix. 507; xi.
74, 78, 109; vn. 174 226
Colyn Clout, m. 69, 74 ff., 78 Ewie w? the Crookit Horn, ix. 372
De bono ordine, m. 77 Old Age, DC. 372
Edward the Forth, Of the death of, m. 70 Tullochgorum, ix. 372
Enterlude of Godly Queene Hester, m. 77 Tune your Fiddle, ix. 372
Eulogium pro suorum temporum con- Skinner, Vincent, iv. 447
ditione, m. 70 Skinnerswell, v. 44
Oarlande of LaureH, The, m. 67, 69, 70, SkiSldr and SUoldnnqa Saga, i. 25, 27, 32
77 Skipsey, Joseph (1832-1903), xrn. 509
Garnesche, poems against, m. 68, 72, 73 Skipton school, vn. 330
Hymns on the battle of the Spurs, con- Skirving, Adam (1719-1803), ix. 373
quest of Terouenne, and victory of Skoggan, iv. 360
Flodden, m. 70 Skoggan, The Oeystes of, in. 91, 93, 94,
In Bedel, m. 72 104, 487, 488
Lawde and Prayse made for our Sove- Skoloker, Anthony, m. 80
reigne Lord the Kyng, A, m. 70 Skot, John (or Scott, or Scot) (fl. 1530),
Magnyfycence, in. 62, 77, 78; v. 54, 57, n. 328
60, 392 Skrine, Huntley, xiv. 602
Mannes Lyfe the Peregrynacioun, Of, 'Skroddler' (William Mason), x. 136
m. 67 Skye, xn. 13; xra. 209
Merie Tales of Master Skelton, m. 93, Slade, Matthew (1569-1628?), vn. 308
94, 487; iv. 327 Slade professor of fine art at Oxford, xrv.
Nacyoun of Folys, m. 61 152, 154, 155
Negromansir, m. 77, 80 Sladen, Douglas Brooke Wheelton, xiv
New Gramer in Englysshe compylyd, 584, 586
The, m. 67 Slander, in The Faerie Queene, n. 234
Northumberlande, Upon the doulourus Slang, Jack, x. 199
dethe of the Erie of, m. 70 Slater, Francis Carey, xiv. Add. 5

Slater, John Herbert, xm. 532 Smelt, Jacob, in The Weakest goeth to the
Slater, Samuel (d. 1704), x. 522 Wall, v. 316
Slaughden quay, xi. 141 Smelt, Leonard (1719?-1800), XL 365
Slearys, the, in Dickens' s Hard Times, Smetham, James (1821-1889), xiv. 525
xm. 329 Smethwick, John (fl. 1623), iv. 394, 395
Sleeman, Sir William Henry (1788-1856), Smiglesius, Martin, x. 198
xiv. 338, 554 Smike, in Nicholas Nickleby, xm. 318, 320,
Sleidanus, Johannes, iv. 448 321
Sleigh, Dr, x. 201 Smiles, Samuel (1812-1904), xn. 430, 450;
Slender, in The Merry Wives of Windsor, xiv. 506, 613
m. 181; v. 189, 194 Smirdis, in Cambises, v. 65
Slick, Sam, pseud. See Haliburton, Thomas Smith, in Buckingham's Rehearsal, ix. 147
Chandler Smith, Adam (1723-1790), iv. 312; vm,
Slingsby, Sir Henry (1602-1658), vii. 453; 343; x. 158, 173, 285, 321, 324, 334,
xn. 376; Civil War Memoirs, xn. 16; 335 ff. (main entry), 511, 512; XL 76,
Diary, vn. 224 400; xn. 142, 426, 427; xiv. 2, 3, 21,
Slingsby, Jonathan Freke, pseud. See 22, 153, 387; Theory of Moral Senti-
Waller, John Francis ments, x. 335, 337; Wealth of Nations,
Slipslop, Mrs, in Fielding's Joseph An- The, vin. 367; x. 335 ff., 340; XL 71;
drews, x. 25; xi. 266 xiv. 381, 400, 401
Sloane, Sir Hans (1660-1753), ix. 139, Smith, Albert, xiv. 545
443; xiv. 285, 563, 566 Smith, Albert Richard (1816-1860), xiv.
Slop, Dr, in Tristram Shandy, x. 50 236, 546
Slope, Obadiah (Trollope's), xni. 422 Smith, Alexander (1830-1867), XL 437;
Sloperton, xn. 103 xm. 156 ff., 509; xiv. 525
Slosa, Duncan J., xi. 188 Barbara, xm. 159
Sloth, in Confessio Amantis, n. 147 City Poems, xm. 158
Sloth, in Dunbar's Sevin Deidlie Synnis, Dreamthorp, xm. 158; xiv. 160
n. 255 Edwin of Deira, xni. 158
Sloth, in Piers the Plowman, II. 12, 16, 23, Life Drama, A, xn. 114; xm. 158 ff.
28, 33 On the Writing of Essays, xiv. 160
Slough of Despond, in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Summer in Skye, A, xni. 158; xrv. 160
Progress, vn. 178 Smith, Alfred Charles (b. 1822), xn. 513
Slowboy, Tilly, in Diokens's The Cricket Smith, Arthur Lionel, Frederick William
on the Hearth, xm. 324 Maitland, xiv. 79, 494
Sludge, Mr (Browning's), xm. 63, 72, 73 Smith, Blanche. See Clough
Sluys, battle of, I. 357, 359 Smith, Charles, xiv. 555
Sly, in The Malcontent, vi. 170 Smith, Charles Eastlake, xiv. 523
Slye (actor), vi. 248, 276 Smith, *Charles Roach (1807-1890), xn.
Smaland, I. 94 513; Antiquarian Notes' (Gentleman's
Small, John (1828-1886), xn. 517 Mag.}, xn. 346; Retrospections, xn. 347
Small, Roscoe Addison, vi. 3, 4, 17 Smith, Charlotte (1749-1806), XL 465;
Small v. Attwood, xiv. 124 xm. 239; The Old Manor House, XL
Smalridge, George (1663-1719), ix. 153; 299
x. 352, 353, 517 Smith, Edmund (or 'Rag') (1672-1710),
Sraaragdua, I. 117 ix. 181 ff., 487; Phaedra and Hippo-
Smart, Christopher (1722-1771), X. 60, litus,vm. 181; ix. 183
123, 138, 153-154 (main entry), 156, Smith, Edward, vn. 444
177, 457; Hannah, x. 207; Song to Smith, Edward, xiv. 558
David, x. 153, 154 Smith, Miss Egerton, xm. 83
Smart, lady, in Swift's Complete Collection Smith, Francis (fl. 1661), vm. 10
of... Conversation, IX. 106 Smith, Gamaliel (see Bentham, Jeremy),
Smart, Thomas Burnett, xm. 486, 488 XT. 398
Smeaton, Oliphant, xm. 466 Smith, George (c. 1643), vn. 498; Scotish
Smeotymnuua, vm. 72 Dove, vn. 350
Smedley, Francis Edward (1818-1864), Smith, George, editor of Bede (1693-1756),
xiv. 216, 545; Frank Fairleiffh, xiv. x. 498
234; Harry Coverdale's Courtship, xrv. Smith, George (1824-1901), xiv. 194, 534
234; Lewis Arundet, xrv. 234 Smith, George (1840-1876), xn. 499; xiv.
Smedley, Jonathan (jt 1689-1729), ix. 448 192; Chaldaean Genesis, xn. 342
Smedley, Menella Bute, xm. 177, 509 Smith, George Charles Moore, iv. 350; VL
Smeeton, George (fl. 1800-1828), xiv. 231 295, 297, 307, 308, 324, 458; xm. 559
Smelfungus, in Sterne's Sentimental Smith, George Gregory, m. 304; XL Add.
Journey, X. 42 Smith, Goldwin (1823-1910), xn. 447;
Smellie, William (1740-1795), XI. 440, 470; xm. 350; XIV. 90 ff., 343, 344, 497, 506
Philosophy of Natural History, XL 327 Empire, The, xrv. 90

Smith, Goldwin Smith, Ralph, XL 332
Irish History and Irish Character, xiv. Smith, Reginald Bosworth (1839-1908),
90 xn. 316, 478
Lectures on Modern History, xiv. 90 Smith, Reginald J., xn. 426
On the Foundations of the American Smith, Richard, rv. 399
Colonies, xrv. 90 Smith, Robert, Strange Lamentable and
Three English Statesmen, xiv. 91 Tragical Histories, iv. 449
Smith, Harriet, in Jane Austen's Emma, Smith, Robert Archibald (1780-1829), XL
301.240 233, 236, 444, 445
Smith, Harry B., xm. 542 Smith, Robert Harvey, xrv. 538
Smith, Henry (1550?-1591), rv. 237, 494; Smith, Sir Robert Murdoch (1835-1900),
yn. 427 xn. 339, 498
Smith, Henry John Stephen (1826-1883), Smith, Robert Payne (1819-1895), xn.
xiv. 262, 264, 556 341, 503
Smith, Horatio ('Horace') (1779-1849), Smith, Samuel, XL 334
xn. 422; Rejected Addresses, XL 151; Smith, Sydney (1771-1845), XL 343, 461,
xn. 120; xiv. 238 483; xn. 143, 144, 146, 281, 426, 427,
Smith, James, Massinger's patron, VL 144 Add. 2; xw. 139, 203, 394,
also see 403,
Smith, James (1605-1667), vn. 413, 512; 405, 409, 410, 506
vm. 232, 408; Musarum Deliciae, vn. Smith, Thomas (1638-1710), ix. 349, 530
512 Smith, Sir Thomas (1513-1577), m. 331,
Smith, James (1775-1839), xn. 422; Re- 418, 419, 423, 425, 432, 433, 553, 556;
jected Addresses, XL 151; xn. 120; XIV. iv. 70, 513; vn. 191; vm. 467; ix. 496;
200, 238 Discourse on the Commonwealth of
Smith, James, of Hawthorn, Virginia, England, m. 331, 531; rv. 297
Junius Unveiled, x. 305 Smith, Sir Thomas (1558?-1625), iv. 461
Smith, James Cruickshank, xm. 559 Smith, Sir Thomas (d. 1644), vn. 454
Smith, Sir James Edward (1759-1828), Smith, Thomas, university librarian,
xiv. 287, 564 Cambridge, iv. 228
Smith, James Elimalet (1801-1857), xn. Smith, Walter (fl. 1525), The merry jests
473; xiv. 535 of the widow Edith, n. 327, 486; m. 88,
Smith, John (d. 1612), m. 422 89, 487
Smith, captain John (1580-1631), iv. 104, Smith, Walter Chalmers (1824-1908), xm.
311, 461, 513; General History of Vir- 509
ginia, iv. 95, 401 ; Map and description Smith, Wentworth (fl. 1601-1623), v. 312,
of Virginia, iv, 411; Sea Grammar, 319, 371; VL 89, 100, 168; The Hector
rv. 95, 105 of Oermanie, v. 331. See, also, Lady
Smith, John (1618-1652), vm. 288 ., 301, Jane
456, 457; Select Discourses, vm. 288 Smith, William (fl. 1596), m. 256, 264,
Smith, John, The Mysterie of Rhetorigue 266; iv. 117; Chloris, m. 256, 266, 524;
Unvatfd (1657), vn. 466 iv. 121, 472
Smith, John (fl. 1673-1680), x. 377; De- Smith, William (Rouge Dragon) (1550?-
signed End to the Socmian Controversy, 1618), m. 324
x. 379 Smith, William (1756-1835), XL 157, 421
Smith, John (1747-1807), xn, 518 Smith, William (1769-1839), xiv. 291, 564
Smith, John (fl. 1819), vm. 242, 243 Smith, Sir William (1813-1893), xn. 429,
Smith, John, M.D., xm. 487 478, 493
Smith, John Christopher (1712-1795), X. Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, xn.
426, 432, 433 335
Smith, John Pye (1774-1851), xn. 469 Dictionary of Christian Biography; xn.
Smith, John Russell (1810-1894), xn. 317, 335
523 Dictionary of Greek and Roman An-
Smith, John Thomas (1766-1833), x. 473; tiquities, xn. 335
XL 434; xn. 513; A Book for a Rainy Dictionary of Greek and Roman Bio-
Day, xiv. 226, 546 graphy, xn. 317, 335
Smith,Joseph, xn. 523 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geo-
Smith,Joseph T., xrv. 563 graphy, xn. 317, 335
Smith, Logan Pearsall, xiv. 611 Dictionary of the Bible, xn, 317, 335
Smith, Lucy Toulmin (1838-1911), xn. Latin Dictionary, xn. 335
518 Smith, William, History of Canada, xiv.
Smith, Miles (d. 1624), vn. 317, 482 358, 583
Smith, Miss M. Steele, Pref. ix. Smith, William Anderson, xiv. 535
Smith, Mr, in Burney's Evelina, x. 65 Smith, William Henry (1808-1872), xn.
Smith, Mrs, in Jane Austen's Persuasion, 469, 470; xiv. 480
xn. 240 Smith, William James, Orenville Papers,
Smith, Nowell C., xi. 408 x. 410

Smith, William Robertson (1846-1894), Snap, Miss Laetitia, in JUelding's Jonathan
xn. 342, 470; Old Testament in the Wild, x. 28
Jewish Ohurch The, xn. 296; Prophets
Snape, Andrew (1675-1742), ix. 510
of Israel, The, xn. 296 'Snark' (Lewis Carroll's), xm. 167
Smith and Dame, u. 501 'Snawdoun' (= Stirling), m. 120
Smith, and Elder, publishers, x. 204; xin. Sneakup, Pyannet, in The City Witt, YI.
415 229
Smith-Hill house, x. 196 Sneer, in Sheridan's Critic, xi. 272
Smollett, Elizabeth (d. 1763), x. 41 Sneerwell, lady, in Sheridan's School for
Smollett, Six James (1648-1731), x. 36 Scandal, xi. 270
Smollett, Lydia, x. 47 Snell, F. J., xm. 560
Smollett, Tobias George (1721-1771), vi. Snelling, Thomas,vi. 477
24, 28; vin. 162; ix. 236, 245; x. 20, Sneyd, Honora. See Edgeworth, Honora
21, 29, 35 ft (main entry), 50, 56, 65, Snitterfield, x. 112
204, 205, 395, 397, 418ft, 431, 504, Snob, Mr, pseud, of W. M. Thackeray,
522, also see Add.; xi. 264, 330; xn. xm. 278, 284, 285
2, 30, 231, 245, 246, 250, 251; xm. Snob, The, xm. 277; xiv. 207
305, 308, 309, 314; xrv. 215, 223, 225, Snodgrass, Augustus, in The Pickwick
554 Papers, xm. ^313
Advice, x. 36 Snowden, Jane, in Gissing's The Nether
Briton, The, x. 390 World, xm. 458
Burlesque Ode on the Loss of a Grand- Snowdon, x. 115
mother, x. 36 Snuff, in Cambises, v. 64
Don Quixote (trans.), x. 40 Soames, Sir William, trans, of Art Poe-
Ferdinand Count Fathom, x. 39, 40 tique, vm. 373; x. 169
*Habbakuk Hilding, Justice and Chap- Soane, George (1790-1860), XL 491
man,' x. 34, 39 Soaping Club,' x. 191
History of an Atom, x. 40, 42 Sober, Mr, in Johnson's Idler, x. 178
History of England, x. 40, 202, 293, 502; Sobieski, John III, king of Poland, vm. 94
xi. 449; xiv. 50 Sobry, Mile A., xm. 545
Humphrey Clinker, x. 36, 39, 42, 43; Social [and political] aspects of the later
xm. 279; xiv. 255 Elizabethan and earlier Stewart period,
Letters fromFrance and Italy, ix, 247 v. 476 3.
Memoirs of a Lady of Quality, x. 39 Social satire in Middle English, I. 360 ff.
Ode to Independence, x. 43 Social tracts of Elizabethan England, iv.
Peregrine Pickle, IX. 245, 405, 409, 410; 515
x. 34, 37 ft, 43; xi. 449 Socialism, xn. 290
Present State of the Nations, x. 41 Society for Promoting Christian Know-
Regicide, The, X. 36, 37, 39 ledge, ix. 407, 573
Reprisal, The, x. 40; XI. 449 Society for the Diffusion of Useful Know-
Reproof, The, x. 36 ledge, xn. 307
Roderick Random, ix. 245; x. 34, 36 ff., Society for the Encouragement of Learn-
43, 45, 48; XI. 262, 449 ing, XI. 325
Sir Launcelot Greaves, x 40, 41 Society for the Suppression of Vice, xi. 380
Tears of Scotland, x. 36 Society islands, xiv. 244
Travels through France and Italy, x. 42, Society of Antiquaries of London, xn. 345,
43; XIV. 213 347, 506, 510
Universal History, x. 41 Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, ix.
Smug, in The Merry Devill, v. 252 372; xn. 349
Smug of Lemnos, in Mercury Vindicated, Society of Friends, vn. 169; ix. 307; x. 519
VI. 357 Society of Friends, the early, vm. 412
Smyrna, xiv. 251 Socinian heresies, the, vn, 21
Smyth, Nicolas, iv. 436 Socinianism, x. 373, 377 ft; xn. 287
Smyth, Richard, A Confutation of the true Socinians, vm. 275, 291
and Catholic Doctrine, m. 33 Socinus, vn. 150
Smyth, William (1765-1849), xrv, 109, Socrates, n. 313; m. 216, 420; v. 93; ix.
498; Lectures on the French Revolution, 524, 529; xn. 309, 313, 442, 475
xiv. 110 Sodom and Gomorrah, in Cleanness, i. 323
Smythe, A. J., xm. 515 'Sodom of Italy,' in The Unfortunate
Smythe, George A. F. P. S., 7th viscount Traveller, m. 364
Strangford (1818-1857), XIV. 196; His- Sodomy, in The Three Laws, v. 58
toric Doubts, ix. 224, 231 Sodor and Man, bishopric of, x. 359
Smythe, James Moore, ix. 449 Sohrab, in Arnold's poem, xm. 92
Smythe, Sir John, iv. 461 Soire'es de Mddan, xm. 456
Smythe, Robert, xiv. 597 Sol, in Welsh tradition, i. 255
Smythe exhibition, x. 198 Solace, in Ane Pleasant Satyre, m. 124, 126

Solander, Daniel Charles (1736-1782), Somerset, Frances (Devereux), duchess of
xiv. 289 (d. 1674), iv. 421
Solebay, battle of, vu. 56; vm. 11, 24 Somerset, Henry, 1st marquis of Wor-
Solempne, Anthony de, iv. 409 cester, vm. 470, 471
Solihull, X. 112 Somerset, Henry Charles, 6th duke of
Solinus, Julius, I. 448
76, 81; rv. Beaufort (1766-1835), xiv. 232
Solitary, in Wordsworth's Excursion, xi. Somervile, William (1675-1742), x. 109 ff.,
106 271, 273, 449, 497
Solitary Plot, Sir, in The Example, VL 202 Chace, The, x. 109 ff.; xrv. 232
SoHeysel, iv. 369 Epistle to Mr Thomson, x. 110
Solomon, in New Atlantis, vn. 299, 303 Hobbinol, x. Ill
Solomon, in The Police of Honour, n. Occasional Poems, x. 109
260 Rural Sports, x. Ill
Solomon, king, I. 62, 63, 134, 205, 349; Somerville, Elizabeth, xi. 489
n. 21, 129/207, 319, 370; ix. 337; xi. Somerville, James (1632-1690), Memorie
235, 290 of the Somervilles, xn. 376
Solomon, The Wisdom of (15th century Somerville, Mary (1780-1872), xrv. 556
tract), H. 284 Somerville, Thomas (1741-1830), xiv. 498
Solomon and Marcolphus, Dialogue or Somme des Vices et des Virtus, or Li Livres
communing between the wise king, n. 319, roiaux des Vices et des Vertus, or Somme
486 le Hoi, i. 354
Solomon's house, in New Atlantis, IX. 388 Sommer or Somer, Sir Henry (fl. 1407-
Solomon's Song, n. 395 1413), n. 208
Solomons, Ikey, junior, pseud, of W. M. Sommers, Will, in When you see me, etc.,
Thackeray, xm. 279 v. 333
Solorzano, A. del Castillo, ix. 418 Somner, William (1598-1669), vn. 481;
Sol-way Moss, battle of, m. 147 IX. 539; Canterbury, ix. 353; Dictiona-
Solyman II, sultan, in Solymannidae, VL rium, ix. 355
301 Soinnus, in Lingua, vi. 315
Solyman the magnificent, in D'Avenant's Somnus, in The Vision of the Twelve God-
Siege of Rhodes, vm. 117 desses, VT. 337
Solymannidae, VI. 301, 486 'Son of the Marshes, A.' See Jordan,
Some, Robert (1542-1609), m. 390, also Denham
see Add. Sonare. m. 249
Some wiser than Some, vn. 386 Song to the Virgin, A, I. 232, 458
Somer and Wynter, Debate and Stryfe Be- Song-Books and Miscellanies, iv. 109 &.,
tweene, n. 50 1 462 If .

'Somer is com en with love to toune,' n. Song writers, rv. 468

501 Songer, Ralph, iv. 432
Somers, Sir George (1554-1610), iv. 78; Songes and Sonnettes. See under TotteVs
v. 220
Somers, John, lord Somers (1651-1716), Songs of Divers Noblemen and Gentlemen,
vm. 445; ix. 8, 94, 101, 112, 113, 150; iv. 142
x. 295, 373 'Songs of Selma,' x. 130
Somers' Tracts, vn. 456; vm. 10, 411; Sonnenthal, v. 306
ix. 217, 435, 539; x. 499; xn. 16, 376 Soothness, in Piers the Plowman, n. 8
Somersby, Lincolnshire, xn. 39; xm. 23 Soowthern. See Southern
Somerset, iv. 190; x. 393; xi. 99, 101, Sophia, in Cumberland's Brothers, xi. 264
155; xn. 509, 512 Sophia, Charlotte, queen of Prussia, ix.
Somerset, lord Charles, xiv. 373 290
Somerset, dukes of. See Seymour, Ed- Sophia, Dorothea, x. 499
ward; Seymour, William Sophia, electress of Hanover, IX. 200, 290,
Somerset, earl of. See Carr, Robert 490; xiv. Ill
Somerset, Edward (1557), The Pore estate Sophister, The, VL 481
to be holdenfor best, m. 179 Sophistici Elenchi, I. 206
Somerset, Edward, 4th earl of Worcester Sophocles, m. 430, 433; iv. 4; v. 289,
(1553-1628), iv. 143, 203, 259 295 ff.; vi. 295, 298; vn. 489; vm. 30,
Somerset, Edward, 2nd marquis of Wor- 149; ix. 477; xn. 68, 328, 332, 333, 338,
cester (1601-1667), vn. 392; vm. 479; 340, 403, 480, 482, 483, 485 ., 491,
Century of Inventions, vm. 359 494, 495; xm. 90, 257, 497
Somerset, Elizabeth, duchess of. See Ajax, Latin version of, vi. 300
Percy, lady Elizabeth Mectra, v. 75
Somerset, lord Fitzroy James Henry, Oedipus, v. 295; ix. 142; XL 283; xn.
1st baron (1788-1855), xiv. 94, 173 327, 329; xm. 145
Somerset, Frances, duchess of (lady Hert- Oedipus Coloneus, xn. 327
ford, d. 1754), x. 94, 271 ff. PMoctetes, x. 79

Sophonisba, in The Wonder of Women, Southampton, iv. 190; x. 132; xn. 232.
vi. 49 519 ;xm. 276
Sophomsba, or Hannibal's Overthrow, vm. Southampton, Arthur at, in Wace's Brut,
185 1.237
Sophora tree, xiv. 286 Southampton, earl of. See Wriothesley,
Sophron, xn. 329 Henry
Sop well nunnery, near St Albans, n. 318 Southampton, Minot's poem on the battle
Sorastanus, duke of Tuscany, in Perfidus of, i. 357, 359
Hetruscus, vi. 302 Southcott, Joanna (1750-1814), xi. 163;
Sorbiere, Samuel de, xi. 331 xni. 153
Sorby, Henry Clifton (1820-1908), xiv. Southdean, x. 93
293, 564 Southern, Henry (1799-1853), xn. 430
Sorcery, in Confessio Amantis, 11. 149 Southern or Soowthern, John (fl. 1584),
Sordido, in Every Man out of his Humour, iv. 24, 25; Pandora, iv. 472
IV. 358; v. 354; vi. 40 Southerne or Southern, Thomas (1660-
Sorel, Charles, Eemarques sur le Berger 1746), vm. 181, 195, 400, 401, 442
extravagant, iv. 260, 523; Le Berger Disappointment, The, vm. 189, 191
Extravagant, vin. 372 Fatal Marriage, The, vm. 191, 192
Sorley, Charles Hamilton (1895-1915), Fate of Capua, The, vm. 191
xm. 509, also see Add. 2 Isabella, x. 118, 433
Sorrel, Hetty, in Adam Bede, xni. 390, 391 Loyal Brother, The, vm. 34, 190
Sorrow, in Sackville's Induction, in. 200 Maids Last Prayer, The, vm. 191
Sorrow for another's joy, in Confessio Money the Mistress, vm. 191
Amantis, n. 147 Oroonoko, or the Royal Slave, vm. 191,
Sorrowes Joy, iv. 165 192; x. 118
Sosia, Amphitryon's servant, v. 107 Sir Anthony Love, vm. 191
Sotheby, Samuel (1771-1842), XL 336 Spartan Dame, The, vm. 190, 191;
Sotheby, William (1757-1833), xn. 128, xi. 317
422 Wives' Excuse, The, vm. 55, 191, 396
Sotherton, in Jane Austen's Mansfield Works, vm. 190
Park, xn. 241 Southesk, earl of (d. 1905), xrv. 584
Soties, v. 22, 91 Southey, Mrs Caroline Anne (born Bowles,
Soto, in The Spanish Gipsie, vi. 77 1786-1854), xi. 156, 421, 422; xn. 124,
Soto, Andrew de, iv. 94 127, 401, 414; The Mariner's Hymn,
Soudan, the, xiv. 191 xn. 128
Souhaits des hommes, et les souhaiz et Southey, Charles Cuthbert, xi. 422; xn.
beanie's des dames, Les, m. 89 219
Soul, the, in Mirour de POmme, II. 140 Southey, Mrs Edith (bornFricker),xi. 155,
Soul and Body Addresses, I. 61, 129, 227, 156
428, 458, 459 Southey, Herbert, xi. 156
Souldiers Catechism, The, vn. 382 Southey, Isabel, xi. 156
Soulsby, Lucy Helen Muriel, xiv. 599 Southey, Sir Richard, xiv. Add. 11
Sound, the, vm. 254 Southey, Robert (179^-1843), m. 78,
Sourton down, vn. 348 536; iv. 89, 252, 267; vin. 244; ix. 170,
Souter, Alexander, xn. 488 178; x. 217, 221, 364, 367, 368, 485,
Souter, Johnie, in Buras's Tarn o' Shanter, 486, 518; xi. 40, 118, 119, 122, 124, 126,
XL 219 149, 153 ff. (main entry), 172, 173,
South, Esquire, in Arbuthnot's History 176 ff., 201, 202, 250, 254, 294, 309,
of John Butt, ix. 134, 135 341, 393, 401, 411, 413, 415 ff., 420,
South, Robert (1634r-1716), vn. 246, 247; 468, 490, also see Add. ; xn. 42, 59, 95,
vm. 303, 370, 461, 462; ix. 32, 147, 387; 96, 98, 101, 107, 111, 113, 120, 122,
Animadversions upon Dr Sherlock's Vin- 124, 133, 135, 136, 138, 150, 154, 158,
dication, vm. 304; x. 378; Sermons, vm. 164, 167, 179, 182, 186, 205, 208, 210,
304 214 ff., 219, 268, 303, 364, 401, 415,
South Africa, xiv. 372 ff., 457 424, 429, 441, 527; xm. 52, 157, 225 ff.,
South African Magazine, The, xrv. 588 230, 233, 239, 244 ff., 306; xiv. 184,
South African Philosophical society, xiv. 312, 387, 403, 462, 506, 592, 601
Add. 4 All for Love, XL 166
South Cadbury, Somerset, x. 393 Amadis, xi. 162
South Eastern railway, xm. 334 Ballads, xi. 159, 160
South English Legendary, The, xiv. 306 Battle of Blenheim, xi. 160
South Sea, the, xrv. 242, 243 Bishop Hatto, XL 160
South Sea Bubble, rx. 21, 105, 162, 220; Book of the Church, The, xi. 167; xrv. 55
xiv. 212 Botany Bay Eclogues, xi. 159
South Sea company, x. 272, 299 Chronicle of the Cid, XL 162
South Sea islands, x. 228 Colloquies, XL 167; xn. 215, 230

Southey, Robert Southwell, Robert
Come, for ye know me !' XL 161 New Heaven, New Warre, iv. 130
Commonplace Books, XL 163 New Prince, New Pompe, rv. 130
Cross Roads, The, XL 160 Saint Peters Complaint, rv. 128 ff.
Curse of Kehama, The, XL 162, 164; Southwell, Sir Robert (d. 1599), ra. 183
xm. 232 SouthweU, Sir Robert (1635-1702), ix, 92;
Doctor, The, XL 163, 168, 169 x. 500
Essays Moral and Political, XL 167 Southwell's Notes and Illustrations on the
Expedition of Orsua, XL 163 Bible, xi. 326
Fall of Robespierre, XL 161 'Southwerke,' in Colin BlowboVs Testa-
History of Brazil, XL 162 ment, m. 86
History of Portugal, XL 162 Sovereign of the Seas, The, VI. 84
History of the Peninsular War, XL 167; Sowden, Mr, EC. 246
xrv. 107 Sowdone of Babylone, L 471
Holly-Tree, XL 159 Spa, rv. 202
Inchcape Rock, XL 160 Spademan, John, x. 385
Joan, o/^rc, XL 158, 159, 161, 413 Spagnoletto school, ix. 252
j&o# o/ <fo Laureate, XL 166 Spain, L 153; n. 310, 340; v. 99, 123, 132,
efter,s, XL 156, 159, 170 304, 306, 337, 341, 347, 356, 359, 365;
Letters from Spain and Portugal, XL VI. 79, 103, 147, 150, 248, 364, 396;
161, 163 vn. 53, 180, 191, 194, 197, 198, 200,
ZeWera of Espriella, XL 162 215, 219, 222, 274, 306, 367, 455; vin.
Li/e q/Vofoi TFesZey, ix. 328; XL 167 65, 271, 329; ix. 6, 7, 23, 221, 231, 256,
/e o/ ^eZsorc, XL 162 ff., 167 265, 268, 277; x. 182, 306, 391, 404;
J^vas o/ iAe Admirals, XL 167 XL 27, 72, 280; xn. 32, 42, 149, 488;
Jfocfoc, XL 159, 161, 162, 173 xm. 2, 40, 107, 258, 396; xiv. 102ff.,
Metrical Tales, XL 161 122, 180, 241, 250, 251, 293
Minor Poems, XL 161 Spain and Byron, xn. 393
.3/2/ ^ ^ 5 among the Dead are passed,
a Spalatro, vn. 309
xi. 159 Spalding, John (fl. 1650), History of Scot-
Ode to Horror, XL 158 land, ix. 550; xn. 359
OZd TPomcw o/ Berkeley, The, XL 160; Spalding, Robert (fl. 1592-1607), vn. 317
xir. Ill, 123 Spalding, William (1809-1859), v. 258;
Oliver Newman, XL 166 xrv. 480, 525
Omniana, XL 162, 163; xm. 164 Spalding club, xn. 359
Palmerin, XL 162 Spalding school, ix. 330
Poef 5 Pilgrimage to Waterloo, XL 166 Spaniards, the, vn. 64, 210; x. 288; xrv.
Qweero Orraca, XL 160 125, 242, 245, 250
Roderick, XL 159, 166 Spanish affairs, ix. 215; x. 291
Sappho, xi. 158 Spanish ambassador at the English court,
Specimens of Later English Poetry, xn. vi. 148
132 Spanish American colonies, xrv. 122
tftory o/ tffo T&ree JSears, XL 168 Spanish armada, the, vn. 282; xiv. 84, 97
^ToZe of Paraguay, xi. 166 Spanish Armada, The,' in Sheridan's
Thalaba, XL 160, 161, 164, 180; xn. 145; Critic, xi. 272
xm. 227, 232, 236 Spanish bull-fight, xn. 43
Vindiciae Ecclesiae Anglicanae, xi. 167 Spanish coast, the, xiv. 73
Fwww of Judgment, A, XL 166; xn. 36, Spanish drama and English, v. 1, 303
53, 54, 199; xm. 240, 244 Spanish fleets, vn. 446
Fa* ZtyZer, XL 157 ff., 161 Spanish influences, vn. 165, 260; vm. 14,
FeK q/ $ e^e XL 160 17, 23, 124 ft, 424, 425
Southland, T,, Xoue d Za Jfo<Ze (1663), vm. Spanish language and literature, vn. 142,
422 265; vm. 162, 308, 311, 353, 354; ix. 4,
Southover, vm. 244 277, 403, 413; x. 40, 72, 233; XL 359;
Southward, John, xrv. 536 xn. 13, 157, 272, 308; xm. 143, 144;
Southwark, n. 233 xrv. 251, 385, 434, 457 ff.
Southwark, priory of St Mary Overes, Spanish Main, the, xiv. 241
n. 135 Spanish mysticism, vn. 155
Southwark, St Saviour's church, n. 135. Spanish navy, the, xrv. 187, 201
137 Spanish plays, vi. 124
Southwell, m. 428, 478 Spanish politics, vm. 384
Southwell, Robert (1561?-1595), m. 177; Spanish prince, the, in Mucedorus, v. 253
iv. 127 fL, 139, 140, 218, 237, 477, 495,
Spanish romances, V. 254; vi. 239, 365
496 Spanish sources, VL 123, 132, 136, 204,
Burning Bale, The, IV. 130 205, 208; vm. 144
Maeoniae, rv. 130 Spanish succession, the, rx. 11, 228, 231

Spanish succession, war of the, xrv. 89 Spencer, in The Fair Maid of the West,
Spanish (Peninsular) war, the, XL 103 vi. 101
Spanish wines, v. 358 Spencer, Dorothy (born Sidney), countess
Spanus, in Robert Landor's Fawn of Ser~ of Sunderland (1617-1684), vn. 54;
torius, xn. 230 vm. 251, 267, 268, 453
Spare your good, m. 491 Spencer, Edm. (translator), iv. 439
Sparling, H. Ealliday, xiv. 573 Spencer, Gabriel (d. 1598), vi. 3
Sparrow, John (1615-1665?), ix. 515, 517 Spencer, George, 5th duke of Marlborough
Sparrowe, Thomas (fl. 1629-1633), vi. 478 (1766-1840), xn. 365
Sparsit, Mrs, in Dickens's Hard Times, Spencer, George John, 2nd earl Spencer
sni. 330 (1758-1834), xn. 365, 366
Sparta, youths of, m. 22 Spencer, Henry, 1st earl of Sunderland
Speaker, The, xiv. 199, 534 (1620-1643), vn. 55
Spectacle tie la Nature, XL 382 Spencer, Henry le. See Despenser, Henry
Spectacle of Lovers, n. 326 le
Spectacula, Roman, VL 373 Spencer, Herbert (1820-1903), ix. 401;
Spectacula theatralia, m
Rome, v. 38 xn. 275; xm. 385; xiv. 28 ft, 33, 38,
Spectakle of Luf or Delectatioun of Wemen, 43, 199, 393, 478, 480, 609
n. 284, 479 Autobiography, xiv. 28
Spectator (Mr Addison's), xm. 445 Classification of the Sciences, The, xrv.
Spectator, The, v. 286, 290; vm. 378; rx. 28
18, 32, 33, 35, 41, 48 ff. (main entry), 69, Data of Ethics, The, xrv. 30, 35
144, 165, 171, 181, 220, 412, 436, 438, Descriptive Sociology, xiv. 28
439, 441, 444, 448, 455, 474, 492; x. 26, 'Development Hypothesis, The,' xrv. 28
56, 69, 90, 171, 172; xi. 146, 280, 317; Education, xiv. 28, 395, 396, 421
xn. 140, 193, 223, 231; xm. 284; xiv. Factors of Organic Evolution, xiv. 28
213, 441, 442, 444, 446, 461 First Principles, xiv. 28
Spectator, The (founded 1828), xiv. 141, 'Genesis of Science, The,' xiv. 28
172, 194, 198, 199, 530, 534 Man versus The State, The, xiv. 28
Spectator, The (1862), XHI. 440 Principles of Biology, xiv. 28
Speculum Christiani, n. 319, 426, 503 Principles of Ethics, xiv. 28
Speculum Ecclesiae, I. 206 Principles of Psychology, xiv. 28, 30
Speculum Stultorum, n. 144 Principles of Sociology, xrv. 28, 30
Spedding, James (1808-1881), iv. 280; 'Programme of a System of Synthetic
v. 248; VH. 203; XI. 463; xm. 24, 142, Philosophy,' xiv. 28

246, 479; xiv. 506; Evenings with a Progress its law and cause,' xrv. 28

He/viewer, xiv. 63; Life and Letters of 'Proper Sphere of Government, The,'
Bacon, xiv. 63; Studies in English His- xiv. 28
tory (with J. Gairdner), xiv. 82, 83 Social Statics, xiv. 28, 31
Speech of a Fife Laird, ix. 366 Study of Sociology, The, xrv. 28
Speeches, in Jacobean times, vn. 439 &. Spencer, Sir John (fl. 1595), m. 213
Speed, John (1552?-1629?), in. 313, 323, Spencer or Spenser, John (1559-1614),
325, 335, 336, 532; iv. 159, 461; vn. vn. 316
203, 442; ix. 352; Historie of Great Spencer, John (1630-1693), vn, 490
Bntaine, m. 325; iv. 58 Spencer, John Charles, viscount Althorp
Speed, Miss, x. 126 and 3rd earl Spencer (1782-1845), xrv.
Speed, Samuel (1631-1682), Prison Pietie, 115, 125, 180
vn. 45 Spencer, Sir Robert (,/Z. 1603), VL 339, 340
Speght, Thomas (fl. 1598), n. 162, 217; Spencer, Robert, 2nd earl of Sunderland
m. 449; x. 236 (1640-1702), vni. 268; rx. 183, 213, 442,
Speke, John Hanning (1827-1864), xiv. 483
554; Journal of the discovery of the Spencer, William, vn. 483
source of the Nile, xiv. 253 Spencer, William Robert (1769-1834), vn.
Spelman, Sir Henry (1564?-1641), m. 323; 84; xn. 131, 422
vn. 442; vm. 318, 469; ix. 344, 355, Spencer family, of Althorp, m. 213
539, 540; Glossarium Archaiologicum, Syens, Sir Patrick, I. 300; n. 395, 413
IX. 356 Spense, Bellum grammaticale, rx. 551
Spelman, Sir John (1594-1643), IX. 534 Spenser, Edmund (1552?-1599), I. 170;
Spence, Catherine Helen, xiv. 587; Clara n. 163, 165, 184, 213, 220, 233 ff., 332,
Morison, xiv. 369 337; m. 66, 168, 185, 188, 199, 200,
Spence, !\, vm. 481 211-246 (main entry), 247, 250 ff., 254,
Spence, Joseph (1699-1768), vm. 370; 256 ff., 264, 271, 272, 273, 283 ff., 293,
ix. 67, 68, 73, 77, 131, 141, 188, 448, 294, 302, 303, 305, 320, 327, 409, 425,
451, 485; x. 119, 244; XI. 323, 467; 435, 448, 455, 519 ff., 524, 527, also see
Anecdotes, vm. 322; x. 174; Essay on Add.; rv. 17, 25, 47, 77, 88, 109, 117,

Pope's Odyssey, ix. 77 121, 124, 125, 131, 135, 138, 139, 149,

Spenser, Edmund Spielmann, Marion Harry, xm. 530, 555,
150, 158, 165, 167, 173, 180, 183, 208, 559; xiv. 236, 532, 549; The History
211, 248, 266, 330, 360, 390, 434, 513, of Punch, xiv. 236, 532, 549
516, 525; v. 18, 156, 171, 183, 225 ff., Spigott, in Times Complaint, vr. 320
234, 327, 368; VL 2, 11, 103, 113, 196, Spilman or Spelman, Thomas, iv. 124
311, 312, 329, 336, 366, 388; vn. 2, 10, Spinagros, Sir, in Golagros and Gawane,
26, 46, 49, 62, 70, 73, 76, 110, 135, 176, n. 123
210, 272, 274; vni. 40, 48, 51, 88, 219, Spingarn, Joel Elias, VL 9; ix. 60, 61
222, 228, 230, 233, 239, 284, 384; ix. Spmola, v. 361
68, 69, 143, 158, 165, 184, 188, 189, Spinoza, Barach (or Benedict), ix. 291,
338, 396, 477, 479, 483; x. 105 ff.. 132, 298; sx 100; xn. 60, 402; xm. 18, 98,
174, 184, 221, 224, 227, 238, 239, 397; 439; xiv. 8, 41, 47, 469, 477; Ethics,
XI. 157, 179, 182, 20(J, 247, 252, 255, TTTT. 383; Tractatus
425; xn. 3, 86, 93, 168, 177, 208, 221, xm. 383
272, 392, 440, 455; xm. 38, 233, 235, Spira, Vindelin de, iv. 421
238, 512; xiv. 113, 307, 487 Spirit of Men, The, i. 428
Amoretti, m. 215, 243, 256, 257 Spiritual Sangis, m. 142
Astrophel, m. 240; rv. 118 Spiritualitie, in Ane Pleasant Satyre, m
Colin Clout's Come Home Again, UL 125, 126, 127, 128
183, 213, 214, 242, 243; iv. 53, 134 Spithead, xrv. 243
Complaints, m. 241, 250; v. 85 ff., 136 Spliigen pass, the, xm. 83
Discourse of Civil Life, vn. 211, 448 Sponge (Mr Surtees's), xiv. 234
Dreames, m. 229 Sport, in The Tears of the Muses, m. 241
Dying Pelican, The, in. 229 Sporting Magazine, The, xiv. 232
Epithalamion, ni. 228, 243; vn. 209; Sporting periodicals, xiv. 547
xn. 79 Sportive Wit (1656), vn. 512
Faerie Qwene, The, I. 284; 11, 228, 233, 'Sporus,' in Pope's Epistle, ix. 251, 252
234; m. 199, 213, 218, 228 ff. (main Spottiswoode, John (1565-1637), in. 165;
entry), 242 ff., 271, 286, 409, 448; iv. 53, History of the Church and State of
54, 67, 76, 120, 222, 321, 398; v. 83, 87, Scotland, vn. 208, 448; xn. 359
239, 338; vi. 330, 335, 365; vn. 173, Spottiswoode society, xn. 358, 359
209, 253, 449; vm. 65, 279; x. 235, 240, Spoyle of Antwerp, The, v. 344
241, 492; xn. 44, 61, 79, 87; xiv. 308 Spragge, Sir Edward (d. 1673), vm. 202
Hymnes in honour of Love and Beautie, Spraggon, Jack (Surtees's), xiv. 234
m. 215 ff., 221, 243 Sprat, Thomas (1635-1713), vn. 257, 264;
Mutabilitie, vn. 209 vm. 5, 25, 26, 91, 365, 369, 378, 394,
Nine Comedies, m. 229 402, 410; ix. 32, 148, 158, 495; History
Prosopopoia or Mother Hubbertfs Tale, of the Royal Society, vm. 379, 480;
m. 241, 246, 286; vm. 36, 226 ix. 387, 412, 573; xiv. 460; Life of
Prothalamion, m
228, 243 Cowley, x. 184; True Account of that
Ruines of Time, The, m. 250; v. 85 Horrid Conspiracy, ix. 239
Ruins 0} Rome, The, m. 250; v. 86, 238 Spratt, Albert William (1842-1920), xn.
Shepheards Calender, The, n. 213; m. Add. 3
C6, 214, 218
(main entry), 225, 226,
Spratt, Thomas Abel Brimage (1811-
228, 230, 238, 242 ff., 284, 286, 300, 1888), xn. 339, 498
302 442, 448; rv. 118, 171, 196, 398;
ff., Sprenger, Jacob, vn. 368, 375, 377, 394,
v. 157, 225, 338; VL 305, 364, 365; vn. 505
13; ix. 161 Sprigg, Joshua (1618-1684), vn. 450
Tears of the Muses, The, m. 241, 396; Spring, Tom, xiv. 231
vn. 112 Springer, the, in Emily Bronte's Wuthering
Veue of the Present State of Ireland, vn. Heights, xm. 411
209 ff., 448 Springett, Mrs (born Mary Proude, after-
Visions of Bellay, The, m. 250, 251 wards wife of Isaac Penington), vm.
Visions of Petrarch, The, m. 250 109
Spenser society, the, iv. 156 Springlove, in A
Joviall Crew, VL 230
Spenserian stanza, x. 155; XI. 241, 247, Springly, Tom, in The Tatler, ix. 36
250; xn. 11, 44, 74, 100, 138; xm. Sprott, Thomas (fl. 1270?), ix. 535
229, 234 ff.; xiv. 311 Spur, Mercurius, x. 471
Spenserians, iv. 149 ff., 223 Spurcock, Sir Launcelot, in The London
Speranza, in The Faerie Queene, VL 335 Prodigall, V. 255
Spes (Hope), in Piers the Plowman, n. Spurgeon, Charles Haddon (1834-1892),
27 xn. 473
Spezia, bay of, xn. 37, 75, 76 Spurs, battle of, m. 70
Sphere, The, xiv. 201 Spurstow, William (1605?-1666), vn. 416
Spice islands, the, iv. 67, 72, 73, 76, 98 Spy, The (Hogg's), XL 239
Spickernell, Thomas (fl. 1594), iv. 362

Square-Cap' (Cleveland's), vn, 97

Squeerses, the, in Nicholas NicJcleby, xm. Stanhope, Charles, 3rd earl Stanhope
319, 321, 325 (1763-181b), xi. 390
Squeezum, justice, in Fielding's Coffee- Stanhope, Sir Edward ( 1546 ?-l 608), iv.
House Politician, s. 21, 29 427
Squire of Low Degree, I. 288, 315, 471 Stanhope, Eugenia, x. 258, 494
'Squirrel, the (ship), iv. 74 Stanhope, lady Hester Lucy (1776-1839),
Staal Delaunay, Madame de, x. 135 ix. 244; xiv. 506
Stabat Mater, n. 383 Stanhope, James, 1st earl of Stanhope
Stables, William Gordon (1840-1910), (1673-1721), ix. 17, 483, 486
XHI. 566 Stanhope, Leicester Fitzgerald Charles,
Stacions of Rome, The, n. 503 5th earl of Harrington (1784-1862), xn.
Stael, Madame de, v. 301; xn. 282; xm. 384
468; De VAllemagne, xni. 3, 4 Stanhope, Philip, x. 257, 258, 494
Stael, Peter, ix. 412 Stanhope, Philip Dormer, 4th earl of
Stafford, East Gate street, vn. 250 Chesterfield (1694-1773), iv. 103; vm.
Stafford, Edward, 3rd duke of Bucking- 388; ix. 152, 190, 246, 230, 2E2, 254,
ham (1478-1521), n. 358 485; x. 164, 167, 173, 176, 188, 207,
Stafford, Sir Edward, ambassador (d. 255 if. (mam entry), 369, 460, 463, 475,
11505), IV. 79 477, 494, also see Add. ; XI. 82, 173, 248,
Stafford, George, m. 27, 37 260, 323; xm. 321; xiv. 605
Stafford, Henry, 2nd duke of Buckingham Letters, vm. 389; ix. 133, 471, 498;
(14547-1483), m. 193 XI. 278, 371
Stafford, Henry, 1st lord Stafford (1501- Letters to his Godson, x. 257 fE.
1563), m. 194 Letters to his Son, x. 255, 257, 258;
Stafford, John, archbishop of Canterbury xiv. 390, 391
(d. 1453), ii. 288 A. C. Stanhope, xiv. 391
Letters to
Stafford, the Hon. John, The Spartan 'The Duty, Utility and Means of
Dame (1719), vni. 442 Pleasing,' x. 258
Stafford, Thomas, lieutenant, vn. 211 Stanhope, Philip, 5th earl of Chesterfield
Stafford, W., A
Briefe Conceipt of English (1755-1815), X. 257; xiv. 391
Policy, v. 355, 363, 479 Stanhope, Philip Henry, 5th earl Stan-
Stafford family, the, in. 188; iv. 132 hope (1805-1875), ix. 498; XL 396; xiv.
Staffordshire, vni. 146; ix. 533, 538; xi. 498
374; xii. 509, 513; xin. 390 History of England, xiv. 89
Staffordshire Advertiser, The, xiv. 529, History of the War of the Succession in
532 Spam, xiv. 89
Stage-Players Complaint, The, YL 406, Life of the Younger Pitt, xiv. 90
497 Miscellanies, xiv. 89
Stage-Playes, A Short Treatise against, vi. Reign of Queen Anne, The, xiv. 90
497 Stanley, Alice, countess dowager of
Stage~Playes, An
Ordinance...for The Derby, lady Strange (born Spencer),
Utter Suppression and abolishing of, vi. vn. 112 f 113
495 Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn (1815-1881),
Stagyrite, the. See Aristotle iv. 35; xn. 153, 264, 283, 288, 295, 319,
Stahlm, K., v. 341 320-321 (main entry), 464, 467, 468,
Staines, in Greene's Tu Quoque f vi. 219 470, 474, 477, 478, also see Add.; xm.
Stair, earls of. See Dalrymple, Sir John 96,473, 541; xiv. 506, 601
Stair, viscount. See Dalrymple, James Episttes of St Paul to the Corinthians,
Stallard, Dr, IV. 382 xn. 292
Stallybrass, J. S., I. 420, 424 Lectures on the Church of Scotland, xn.
Stamboul, xiv. 247 321
Stamford, n. 345; ix. 308 Lectures on the Jewish Church, xn. 294;
Stamford News, The, xiv. 202 xm. 98
Stamp act, xi. 5, 7, 10 Life of Arnold, xn. 320; xm. 370; xiv.
Stanbridge, John (1463-1510), n. 498 413
{Standard, colonel, in Farquhar's The Con- Memorials of Canterbury, xn. 321
stant Couple, vnc. 170 Memorials of Westminster Abbey, xn.
Standard, The, xiv. 180, 188, 189, 196 321
Standish, Arthur (fl. 1611), iv. 541 Oxford lectures, xn. 321
Stanford (Lincoln, Rutland and North- Sinai and Palestine, xn. 321
amptonshire), ix. 538 Stanley, Edward, 3rd earl of Derby (1508-
Stanford, Sir Charles Villiers (1852-1924), 1572), vn. 83
x. 130; xra. 474 Stanley, Edward G. G. S., 14th earl of
Stanford, Sir Wm (1509-1558), vm. 467 Derby (1799-1869), xn. 334; xm. 175,
Stanhope, Arthur Charles (d. 1770), x. 509; xiv. 74, 90, 125, 129, 182, 197
494; XIV. 391 Iliad (trans.), xiv. 130

355 23-2
Stanley, Edward H. S., 15th earl of Derby Starlight, captain, xiv. 370
(1826-1893), xiv. 509 State of Grace, the carvel of the, in The
Stanley, Ferdinando, lord Strange, 5th Police of Honour, n. 261
earl of Derby (d. 1594), Yi. 247, 249 State papers and other public documents
Stanley, Henry, 4th earl of Derby (1531- in Jacobean times, vn. 433
1593), in. 382; xn. 518 State papers of the Earl of Clarendon, x.
Stanley, Sir Henry Morton (1841-1904), 294
xiv. 192, 554 State papers for 1616, vi. 402
Stanley, Maria Josepha, lady (d. 1863), State Poems (1697), vm. 410
x. 299, 302 Stately, lord, in Crowne's The English
Stanley, Owen, xiv. 296, 564 Frier, vm. 188
Stanley, Thomas (1625-1678), iv. 125; Statham, E. Reginald, xiv. Add. 10
vi. 197; vn. 4, 85, 87, 88, 94, 413, 475, Statham, Nicholas (fl. 1467), vm. 314, 466
489; xn. 324, 328 Statilia, in The Bond-Man, vi. 155
Baaia, vn. 83 Stationers' company, m. 96, 375, 378,
Blush, The, vn. 84 445; IV. 59, 63, 378 ff., 431; V. 260, 371;
Celm, To, vn. 84 X. 12; xi, 312, 313, 467
'Chide, chide no more,' vn. 84 Stationers' m. 79, 81, 396;
Clarissa, To, vn. 84 iv. 9, 544 ff.; XL
314; xn. 357, 368, 515
Cupido Cruci Affixiw, vn. 83 Statius, I. 170; n. 150, 366; IV. 250; vn.
History of Philosophy, vn. 83, 281 487; ix. 44, 527; xn. 306; Silvae, IX.
Kiss, The, vn. 84 341; Thebais, iv. 253; ix. 68, 446
Pervigihum, vn. 83 Statuta JScclesiae Scoticanae, xn. 359
*Tell me no more,' vn. 83 Statutes of the Realm (1235-1713), vm. 466
Venus Vigils, trans, of, vn. 489 Staubach, the, xn. 47
Stanley, Venetia, rx. 351 Staunton, Howard (1810-1874), v. 279
Stanley, William, 9th earl of Derby (1656- Staunton, W., St Patrick's Purgatory, iv.
1702), x. 358 353, 527
Stanley family, the, n. 40 Stavordale, lord, xrv. 503
Stanley of Alderley, Henrietta Maria, Stead, J. J., xm. 559
lady (d. 1895), xrv. 430 Stead, William Thomas (1849-1912), xiv.
Stanley's remedy, or the way to reform 193, 195, 535
wandring beggars^ etc., iv.513 Stearne, John, A Confirmation and Dis-
Stanley's catalogue of Parker MSS. at covery of Witch-Craft, vn. 376, 507
Corpus, rv. 426 Stebbing, William, xiv. 496
Stanmore, Gordon Arthur Hamilton, lord Stedman, Edmund Clarence, xm. 485, 491
(1829-1912), xiv. 508, 510 Steele, Anne (1717-1778), x. 522
Stannard, Henrietta E. V. (pseud. John Steele, Joshua (1700-1791), XL 250, 251
Strange Winter, 1856-1911), xm. 566 (main entry), 256; xm. 240
Stans Puer ad Mensam, n. 502 Steele, Sir Richard (1672-1729), VI. 82;
Stansby, William, iv. 400 vn. 244; vm. 145, 175, 390; ix. 5,
Stanyhurst, Richard (1547-1618), n. 265; 26 ff. (main entry), 75, 94, 109, 114,
m. 295, 307, 318, 319, 448, 527; x. 293; 118, 124, 142, 144, 161, 165, 171, 172,
Description of Ireland, m. 319; xiv. 308; 248, 271, 436, 438 ff., 446, 456, 462,
trans, of Vergil, iv. 17 ff., 23, 399, 440 569; x. 26, 67 ff., 80, 92, 205, also see
Stapf er, Paul, x. 422 Add.; XL 261, 280, 320; xn. 177; xm.
Stapleton, Augustus Granville (1800- 312, 429; xrv. 169, 197, 441, 446, 448,
1880), xrv. 506, 508 461
Stapleton, Thomas (1535-1598), m. 415, Apology for Himself and his Writings,
470 IX. 29
Stapylton, Sir Robert (d. 1669), vn. 487, Christian Hero, The, ix. 28, 30, 33, 42
489; vm, 421; Hero and Leander, vm. Conscious Lovers, The, IX. 57, 64
123; The Slighted Maid, vm. 123; The Drummer, The, rx. 43
Stepmother, vm. 123 Fishpool, The, IX. 439
Star, The, xxv. 194 Funeral, or Gnef-d-la-mode, ix. 30
Star, The (1888), xrv. 195 Lover, The, ix. 437, 439, 441
Star Chamber, the, m. 76, 375, 378; nr. Lying Lover, The, vm, 131; is. 30;
279, 379, 380 ff., 386, 387, 411; v. 371, xi. 322
372; vi. 290, 404; vn. 343, 345, 346, Miscellanies, vm. 158
441, 456; vm. 315; x. 287; XL 311, 312 Miscellany, rx. 169
Staroatherus, i. 25 Old Whig, The, ix. 439, 442
Starkey, John (fl. 1671), vn. 120; xi. 339 Plebeian, The, ix. 439, 442
Starkey, Thomas (fl. 1499?-1538), m. Reader, The, ix. 439, 442
478, 496; Dialogue between Cardinal Spinster, The, rx. 439
Pole and Thomas Lupset, iv. 300, 573 Tea-Table, The, ix. 442
Starkie, Thomas, xrv. 536 Tender Husband, The, rx, 30, 33; x* 70

Steele, Sir Richard Stephen, Sir Leslie
Town Talk, The, rx. 439, 442 Agnostic's Apology, An, xrv. 144
See, also, Spectator, The, and Toiler, The English Utilitarians, The, xrv. 35, 144
Steele sisters, the, in Jane Austen's Sense Essays on Free Thinking and Plain
and Sensibility, xn. 237, 240, 243 Speaking, xiv. 143
Steere, W., ix. 435 History of English Thought in the 18th
Steerforth, James, in David Copperfield, century, ix. 310, 321, 324; x. 296; xrv.
xin. 327 35, 144
Steevens, George (1736-1800), m. 252; Hours in a Library, xn. 148; xm. 379;
V. 275 ff. ; IX. 477; x. 263, 462, 471, 490, xiv. 143
also see Add.; XL 333; xn. 365; Shake* Johnson, xrv. 144
speare, xi. 320 Life of Sir James Fitzjames Stephen,
Steevens, George Warrington (1869- xiv. 110
1900), xiv. 193, 208, 535 Playground of Europe, The, xiv. 143,
David, dean, n. 280; m. 132
Steill, 248, 254
Attributed to: The Ring of the Roy Science of Ethics, The, xrv. 35
Robert, n. 132; Absent, n, 132; The Sketches from Cambridge, xiv. 143
Lantern of Lufe, n. 132 Studies of a Biographer xiv. 144

Stein, in. 2 Stephen de Haselfield, n. 351

Stein, Sir Aurel (b. 1862), xn. Add. 5 Stephens, Alexander (1757-1821), x. 524
Stella (lady Rich), alluded to in lame's Stephens, Catherine, countess of Essex,
Memorial and The Broken Heart, v. xn. 171
347; vi. 191, 196 Stephens, Frederick George, xm. 110, 491
Stella (Sidney's), in. 254; iv. 196; vi. 113 Stephens, French family of, and
Stella (Swift's). See Johnson, Esther scholars, vn. 307, 477
Stella (Waller's), vrr. 54 Stephens, George (1813-1895), I. 425; xn.
Stella, To, x. 168 513
Stelliana (Venetia Stanley), in Digby's Stephens, James Brunton (1835-1902),
Memoirs, vn. 222 xrv. 369, 587; Convict Once, xrv. 368;
Stelvio pass, in George Meredith's novel, To a Black Gin, xiv. 368; Universally
xm. 447 Respected, xrv. 368
Stendhal (Marie Henri Beyle), v. 301; Stephens, Jeremiah (1591-1665), ix. 539
xm. 447; xiv. 138 Stephens, John (fl. 1615), m. 487; vi.
Stengesius, G., vn. 368, 505 497; vn. 379; Satyncal essay es, cha*
Stenhouse, William (1773?-1827), ix. 361; racters and others, iv. 340 ft, 345, 518,
xi. 444, 446 521, 524
Stennett, Joseph (1663-1713), x. 387, 522 Stephens, John (d. 1726), ix. 277, 343,
Stephano, in Damon and Pithias, v. 118 501, 539; Pablo de Segovia, rx. 278;
Stephano, in The Tempest, v. 206 Spanish Libertines, rx. 278
Stephen, in Dickens' a Hard Times, xm. Stephens, Robert (1665-1732), rx. 529
329 Stephens, Thomas, vn. 487
Stephen, king of England, i. Ill, 161, 166, Stephens, Thomas (15492-1619), xrv. 322
168, 171, 172, 364, 369; n. 350; xiv. 72 Stephens, William Richard Wood (1839-
Stephen, Caroline Emelia, xn. 427 1902), xn. 457; xrv. 488, 507; History
Stephen, Sir James (1789-1859), x. 300; of the English Church, vol. n, xrv. 101;
xn. 153, 282, 427, 471; xm. 471; Life and Letters of E. A. Freeman, xrv.
xrv. 507; Essays in Ecclesiastical Bio- 67,71
graphy, xiv. 109, 120; Lectures on the Stephens, Winifred, xm. 566
History of France, xrv. 109, 110 Stephenson, B. C. and Scott, Clement,
Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames (1829- Diplomacy, xm. 525
1894), xiv. 194, 198, 481, 498, 507; Stephenson, George (1781-1848), xrv. 381
Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, xiv. 21; Stepmothers ^Tragedy, The, v. 325
The Story of Nuncomar, xrv. 110 Stepney, George (1663-1707), vm. 410,
Stephen, James Kenneth (1859-1892), 411, 447; IX. 174, 176, 487; XIV. 180
Xin. 162, 509; xrv. 205 ff., 337, 537; Sterling, John (1806-1844), xi. 441; xn.
Lapsus Calami, xm. 166; xrv. 206, 208 288, 425, 467; xm. 18, 24, 473, 552;
Stephen, Sir Leslie (1832-1904), vm. 245; xrv. 180
rx. 253; x. 409, 411, 413, 422, 445, also Sterling, Joseph, x. 491
see Add.; xi. 394, 395, 397, 411, 417, Sterne, Laurence (1713-1768), iv. 248,
419, 423, 439; xn. 131, 381, 404, 426, 264; rx. 127, 128; x. 15, 39, 43, 46 ff.
431, 433, 441, 445, 464, 468, 486, 524; (main entry), 56 &., 352, 369, 421, also
xm. 97, 100, 180, 360, 407, 473, 478, seeAdd.; XL 174, 289, 296, 347, 429;
485, 488, 510, 553, 559, 567; xiv. 56, xn. 56, 124, 177, 250; xm. 7, 319, 326,
65, 81, 103, 111, 143-144 (main entry), 420, 421, 428; xrv. 142, 146, 217, 223,
467, 470, 472, 481, 486, 488, 493, 494, 654; Sentimental Journey, x. 42, 47;
498, 509, 515, 524 ff., 561, 595 xrv. 240, 246; Tristram Shandy, iv.

Sterne, Laurence Stevenson, Robert Louis
252; is. 136, 137; X. 44, 47 ft, 252; Thraum Janet, xiv. 162
XL 206, 260, 341; xm. 295; xrv. 216 Travels with a Donkey, xrv. 162
Sternhold, Thomas (d. 1549), m. 46; Treasure Island, xrv. 162, 255
Psalms, vm. 41 Virginibus Puerisque, xiv. 162
Stesichorus, xn. 329 Weir of Eermiston, xrv. 163
Stettin, duke of, vi. 291, 292 Stevenson, William (fl. 1546-1560), VI.
Steuart, Archibald Francis, x. 295 296, 297, 478
Steuart, Sir James (1712-1780), Inquiry Stevenson, William (1772-1829), xra. 372
into the Principles of Political Economy, Stevenson, William Henry, I. 90
x. 337, 338, 514 Steventon, Hampshire, xn. 231
Stevens, B., xiv. 584; The GoUen Treasury Steward, Augustine, rv. 141
of Australian Verse, xrv. 365 Steward, Richard (1593?-1651), vn. 147,
Stevens, George Alexander (1710-1784), 160, 426, 428
XL 472 Stewards, manor house, near Romford,
Stevens, John (d. 1726), ix. 533 vn, 46
Stevens, William Bagshaw (1756-1800), Stewart, in Blind Harry's Wallace, n. 112
x. 491 Stewart, Alexander (1493?-1513), n. 369
Stevenson, Elizabeth. See Gaskell, Eliza- Stewart, Arabella, iv. 265
beth Cleghorn Stewart, David, duke of Rothsay (1378?-
Stevenson, Francis Seymour, I. 204 1402), m. 120
Stevenson, John (1798-1827?), xm. 378 Stewart, Dugald (1753-1828), ix. 301; XL
Stevenson, Sir John Andrew (1760?- 75, 76, 221, 222, 400; xn. 4, 427, xiv. 16
1833), xn. 410, 411 Elements of the Philosophy of the Human
Stevenson, John Hall (1718-1785), x. 47; Mind, xi. 76
XL 172 ff., 428; xn. 120 Life of Adam Smith, x. 335, 504, 511,
Crazy Tales, XL 174, 175 512, 514
Fables for Grown Gentlemen, XL 174 Life of Robertson, x, 289
Makarony Tales, XL 174 Outlines of Moral Philosophy, XL 76
Pastoral Cordial, XL 174 Philosophical Essays., XL 76
Pastoral Puke, XL 174 Philosophy of the Active and Moral
Stevenson, Joseph (1806-1895), xn. 356; Powers, XL 76
xrv. 499 Progress of... Philosophy, XL 76
Stevenson, Matthew (ffl, 1654W685), Nor- Stewart, Esm6, 1st duke of Lennox
folk Drollery (1673), vn. 512 (1542?-1583), x. 288
Stevenson, Mrs Margaret Isabella, xiv. 526 Stewart, Henry, earl of Darnley (1545-
Stevenson, Robert Alan Mowbray (1847- 1567), m. 131, 164; xni. 133
1900), xiv. 525, also see Add. 3 Stewart, Henry B. M. C. (1725-1807),
Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894), i. cardinal of York, n. 77
367; vi. 230; vm. 112; XL 387, 441; Stewart, Hugh Fraser, xn. 488
xn. 30, 168, 176, 178, 179, 381, 433; Stewart, lord James, earl of Mar and
xm. 214, 441, 509, 523; xiv. 161 ft, Moray (1531 ?-1570), ITT. 159
211, 462, 525, 526, 538, 554 Stewart, Sir James (d. 1713), ix. 546, 547
A Chilffs Garden of Verses, xm. 215 Stewart, James, xrv. Add. 10
Across the Plains, xrv. 162 Stewart, John, duke of Albany (1481-
Amateur Emigrant, The, xiv. 162 1536), m. 70
Beach of Falesa, The, xiv. 162 Stewart, Matthew, 4th or 12th earl oi
Beau Austin (with W. E. Henley), xiv. Lennox (1516-1571), ni. 164
163 Stewart, prince James Francis Edward,
Black Arrow, The, xiv. 162, 443 the Old Pretender, vm. 44
Catnona, xiv. 162 Stewart, Robert, viscount Castlereagh
Christmas Sermon, A, xrv. 162 (1769-1822), xn. 69, 392; xiv. 121,
'College Magazine, A,' xiv. 210 122, 508
Familiar Studies, xrv. 162 Stewart, royal family of, rv. 104, 274, 304,
In the South Seas, xrv. 162 307, 311, 312, 315; vm. 2, 6, 8, 38, 258,
Inland Voyage, An, xrv. 162, 240 261, 301, 303, 309, 312, 321, 349 ff.,
Kidnapped, xrv. 162 358, 361; x. 351, 352, 355, 500
Markheim, xrv. 162 Stewart, T. B. Phillips (1864-1892), xiv.
Master of Ballantrae, The, xiv. 162 357, 582
Memories and Portraits, xrv. 162, 210 Stewart of Baldines, Ane Abbregement of
New Arabian Nights, The, xiv. 162 Roland Furious, m. 137
'Old Scotch Gardener, An,' xiv. 210 Stewart cause, the, xrv. 96
Ordered South, xiv. 161 Stewart dramatists, vm. 366; xn. 198
Pavilion on the Links, The, xiv. 162 Stewart period, x. 40, 286, 355, 397
St Ives. xiv. 163 xiv. 86, 114, 281, 284
Silverado Squatters, The, xrv. 162 Stewart princesses, xrv. Ill

Stewarte, in. 131; Flyting betwix the Stoics, the. vn. 376; ix. 55, 63
Sowtar and the Tally our, m. 131 ; For to Stoicus Vapulans, vi. 486
declare, the hie Magnificence of Ladies, Stoke Newington, vm. 199; ix. 6, 21, 24
in. 131 Stoke Newington academy, x. 386
Stewarte, W. or Stewarte of Lome?, This Stoke Pogis, x. 121, 123, 126
Hinder Nycht, m. 131; iv. 322 Stokes, Sir George Gabriel (1819-1903),
Stewarton, Ayrshire, n. 126 xiv. 265 ., 557
Steyne, lord (Thackeray's), xm. 286 S., 291 Stokes, Margaret McNair (1832-1900), xn.
Stiefel, A. L., vi. 32, 124, 140, 204, 205, 208 518; xrv. Add. 3; Early Christian Archi-
Stiggins (Dickens' s), vi. 28 tecture in Ireland, xiv. 328
Still, John, bishop of Bath and Wells Stokes, Whitley (1830-1909), v. 16; xn.
(d. 1608), vi. 296 518; xrv. 305, also see Add. 3; Thesaurus
Stilling, Johann Heinrich (Jung-Stilling), Palaeo-Hibernicus, xn. 361
vn. 177; ix. 328 Stokes, William (1804-1878), The Life of
Stillingfleet, Benjamin (1702-1771), x. George Petrie, xrv. 312, 328, also see
135; xi. 344, 345 Add. 3
Stillingfleet, Edward (1635-1699), bishop StoU, Elmer Edgar, vi. 169
of Worcester, vm. 46 ff., 292, 298, 302, Stone, Edmund (d. 1768), vm. 476
332, 346, 370, 402, 462, 471, 475; ix. Stone, William Johnson, ^TTT. 246, 247, 511
195, 196, 199, 330, 335; x. 373, 377; Stonehenge, in. 106, 322; vn. 443; ix. 354,
XI. 416; xri. 259 532, 536, 540; xn. 192
Iremcum, vin. 300 Stonehewer, Richard (1728KL809), x. 133
Origines Britanmcae, vm. 300 Stonor park, iv. 412
Ongines Sacrae, Yin. 300 Stonyhurst, xiv. 249
Vindication of the Doctrine of the Stopes, Mrs Charlotte Carmichael, vx 286
Trinity, vin. 46, 331 Storer, James Sargant (1771-1853), xi. 404
Stillingfleet,James, ix. 313, 330 Storer, Thomas (1571-1604), ix. 472
Stinstra, John, x. 19 Stork, Charles Wharton, vi. 170
Stipes, in The Rival Friends, vi. 324 Storm of wind, the great (15 January
Stirling, in. 120, 122; iv. 163; vn. 455; 1362), ii. 12
ix. 552; xi. 373, 440, 469 Storr, lYancis, xrv. 602
Stirling, Amelia Hutchison, xrv. 481 Storr, Vernon Faithful], Development of
Stirling, earl of. See Alexander, Sir English Theology, xm. 384
William Story, Robert Herbert (1835-1907), xn.
Stirling, James Hutchison (1820-1909), 423; xiv. 507
TTTT. 478; xiv. 474, 481; Secret of Hegel, Story, William Wetmore, xm. 74
The, xiv. 42; Sir W. Hamilton: being Story of the St ATb-rfs Ghost, ix. 130
the Philosophy of Perception, xrv. 7; Stothard, Thomas (1755-1834), XI. 377;
Text book to Kant, xiv. 42 xn. 408
Stirling-Maxwell, lady. See Norton, Caro- Stoughton, Dr, vm. 281
line E. S. Stoughton, John (1807-1897), xn. 464,
Stirry, Thos., vn. Add. 473
Stobaeus, Johannes, m. 416; xn. 328, 484 Stourbridge, x. 159
Stock, Thomas (fl. 1780), xiv. 389 Stourbridge and Bromsgrove academy, x.
Stockbridge, ix. 456
Stockdale, John (1749?-1814), x. 463; Stout, George Frederick, xrv. 469
xiv. 121 Stow, ix. 235
David (1793-1864), xrv. 602
Stockdale, Percival (1736-1811), x. 446, Stow,
463, 473; xiv. 609; Memoirs, x. 183 Stow, George William, xiv. Add. 10
Stockenstrom, Sir Andries, xiv. Add. 10 Stow, John (15257-1605), n. 162, 164,
Stocker, Thomas (fl. 1569-1592), Dio- 217; m.Ill, 314, 318, 321, 323 ff., 332,
dorua Siculus, iv. 4, 436, 439 335, 532, 553; IV. 389; v. 83, 371;
v. 283 VI. 254, 282, 463; vn. 203; ix. 352;
375 xn. 349
Stockport, xi.
Stockton, in. 95; XL 486 Annals, I. 336; m. 438; IV. 381
Stockwell, in Cumberland's West Indian, Brief Chronicle, iv. 389
xi. 264 Chronicles of England, m. 314 ff., 324;
v. 242
Stockwood, John (d. 1610), VL 386, 497
Stodart- Walker, A., xiv. 595 Summarie of Englyshe Chronicles, m.
Stoddard, Richard Henry, xm. 532 324
Stoddart, Anna M., xiv. 516, 600 Survey of the Cities of London and West-
Stoddart, Sir John (1773-1856), xiv. 178, minster, m. 330; iv. 389; v. 321, 479;
179 ix. 353; xn. 354

Stoddart, Sarah. See Hazlitt, Sarah Stowe, x. 101 ff., 126

Stoddart, Thomas Tod (1810-1880), xra. Stowe, Harriet Beecher, XL 492; xn. 393,
509 398; Uncle Tom's Cabin, xm. 427

Stowe, John (scribe of Jack Napes], n. 424 Strean, Annesley, x. 195, 483
Stowe, William Henry (1825-1855), xiv. Streater, John (fl. 1650-1670), vn. 358;
535 A Politick Commentary on the Ufe of
Stowey. See Nether Stowey Caius July Caesar, vn. 358; Observa-
Strabo, m. 109, 420; vn. 311 tions, Historical Political and Philo-
Strachan, John, xn. 519; Thesaurus sophical, vn. 358; Secret Reasons of
Palaeo-Hibernicus, xn. 361 State, vn. 358
Strachan, Lionel Eichard Mortimer, ym. Streatfeild, Richard Alexander, xm. 571,
499 572, also see Add. 1
Strachey, J, St Leo, xn. 426 Streatfield, Miss, x. 65
Strada, Prolusiones, vi, 190 Streatham, x. 186, 189; xr. 364
Stradling, Sir John (1563-1637), vn. 407, Streatham Letters, xi. 365
487; Epigrammata, TV. 360 Street, George Edmund (1824-1881), xni.
Strafford, earls of. See Wentworth, 119
Thomas Street, George Slythe, xn. 398
Stafford's and Despatches, The
Letters Street, Peter, a carpenter, vr. 258
Earl of, TO. 194, 435 Street, Sir Thomas (1626-1696), vn. 365
Strahan, George (1744-1824), x. 462, 472 Street ballads, iv. 535
Strahan, James Andrew, xiv. 536 Strength, in The Pride of Life, v. 52
Strahan, William (1715-1785), X. 294, Strensham, in Worcestershire, vm. 60
511; xi. 326 Streoneshalh. /SeeWhitby
Strange, in A Woman is a Weathercocke, Strickland, Agnes (1796-1874), xi. 482;
vi. 222 xrv. 507 ; Lives of the Queens of England,
Strange, Ferdinando. See Stanley, Fer- xrv. Ill ; Lives of the Queens of Scotland,
dinando xiv. Ill; The Moss House, xi. 384
Strange, lady. See Stanley, Alice Strickland, Elizabeth (1794-1875), xrr.
Strange Metamorphosis of Man, A, iv. 522 Ill, 507
Strange Predictions, vtt. 394 Strickland, Hugh Edwin (1811-1853), xiv.
Strangeness, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, 563
n. 234 Strickland, Mr (fl. 1572), m. 402
Strange' s men, lord, v. 161; vi. 254, 255 Stritch, A. K, xiv. 573
Strangford, 7th viscount. See Smythe, Strode, Ralph (fl. 1350-1400), I. 332, 333;
George A. F. P. S. n. 54, 135, 443
Strap, in Smollett's Roderick Random, Strode, William (15997-1645), vn. 160,
x. 37fi. 426; The Floating Island, vr. 325, 327,
Straparola, Gian Francesco, IV. 6 478
Strassburg, n. 329; m. 80, 333, 431, 434; Strong, Chevalier, in Pendennis, xm. 291
vn. 304; rx. 412 Strong, Dr, in David Copperfidd, xnr. 327
Strassburg. See Gottfried von Strong, Isobel, xiv. 526
Stratford, John de, archbishop of Canter- Strong, James, Joanereidos (1645), vn. 513
bury (d. 1348), n. 352 Strong, Sandford Arthur (1863-1904), xn.
Stratford-atte-Bowe, vm. 313 499
Stratford de Redcliffe, viscount. See Strowd, Tom, in The Blind Beggar, v. 373
Canning, Stratford Strozza, Ercole, m. 253
Stratford-on-Avon,rv. 394; v. 165 ff., 171, Struldbrugs, in Gulliver's Travels, ix. 105
222, 374; VL 141, 247; vn. 278; x, 112, Strumbo, in Locrine, v. 239
192, 271, 385; xi. 451; xn. 369 Struther, William (fl. 1633), IX. 545
Stratford-on-Avon, New Place, V. 166, Struthers, John (1776-1853), xn. 423
170, 219; VI. 278 Strutt, John William, 1st baron Rayleigh,
Strathclyde, n. 88, 99 xiv, 269
Strathmore, earl of. See Lyon, John Strutt, Joseph (1749-1802), xn. 376, 412,
Stratonice, in The Tatter, ix. 38 519; xrv. 499, 546; Sports and Pastimes,
Straunge Newes out of Affrick, vi. 388 xiv. 230
Straus, Ralph, XI, 468 'Strutt, Lord/ in Arbuthnot's History of
Strauss, David Friedrich, xn. 467; xin. John Butt, ix. 134
469, 553; Life of Jesus, xn. 292; xm.
Strutt, The Lord* (Charles of Spain),
383 xiv. 212
Straw, Jack, I. 369 Struwelpeter, the English, xi. 491
Straw, Sir John, in Barnabe Googe's Strype, John (1643-1737), V. 482; ix.
Eclogues, in. 186 210 (main entry), 212, 354, 496, 539
Strawberry hill, vn. 204; x. 244, 245, 495, Annals of the Reformation, ix. 210
496; xi. 341, 363 Ecclesiastical Memorials, IX. 210
Strawberry hill press, x. 127, 244, 245, Life of Edmund Grindal, ix. 210
253, 254, 496; xi. 469 Life of John Aylmer, ix. 210
Streamer, court jester, in Beware the Cat, Life of John Whitgift, ix, 210
m.494 Life of Matthew Parker, ix. 210

Strype, John Studious Desire, in The Nature of the Four
Life, of John CheJce, ix. 210
Sir Elements, v. 57
Thomas Smith, is. 210
Life of Sir Studley, John (1545?-! 590?), iv. 440; V.
Memorials of Thomas Cranmer, ix. 210 395
Stuart, lord Bernard (1623?~1646), vn. 6 Study, Wit's -wife, in Piers the Plonman,
Stuart, Daniel (1766-1846), XL 405, 416; n. 19, 20
xiv. 179, 183, 184, 187, 194 Study to be Quiet, vn. 515
Stuart, Elena, TTIT. 553 SluJceley, Captaine Thomas, v. 399
Stuart, Gilbert (1742-1786), x. 502, 505 Stukeley, William (1687-1765), ix. 352,
Stuart, James (1713-1788), xn. 499 358, 540; Itinerarium Curiosum, ix. 352;
Stuart, James (1775-1849), xiv. 188 Stonehenge, ix. 354
Stuart, James (1843-1913), xiv. 432, 602, Stukely, Thomas (1525?~1578), vn. 75
also see Add. 10 Stumps, Bill (Dickens's), xiv. 444
Stuart, James, of Dunearn, XL 236 Stupido, in The Pilgrimage to Parnassus,
Stuart, John, 3rd earl of Bute (1713- vi. 310
1792), vi. 7; ix. 245, 497, 498; x. 41, Sturgion, John (fl. 1657), x. 520
131, 390 ff., 394, 396, 399, 401, 523; Sturm, John, m. 429, 430, 432, 434, 554
xi. 174, 348; xiv. 213 Sturm und Drang, v. 297 &., 463 ff.
Stuart, John (1813-1877), xn. 513; The Sturmy, Samuel, iv. 462
Book of Deer, xn. 350; The Sculptured Sturt, Henry, xiv. 469
Stones of Scotland, xn. 350 Sturt, John (1658-1730), vn. 402
Stuart, J. A. Erskine, xin. 559 Stuttgart, vn. 309
Stuart, lady Louisa, ix. 246; xi. 348, 349 Stymmelius, Christopher, v. 101, 413
Stuart, Peter (fl. 1788-1805), xiv. 179, 184 Styria, xm. 432
Stuart, Robert (1812-1848), xn. 513; Styx, river, XL 352
Caledonia Romana, xn. 350 Suard, Jean Baptiste Antoine, x. 422;
Stuart- Wortley, John, 2nd baron Wharn- XL 354
(1801-1855), ix. 248
clitfe Subiaoo, printing press at, n. 310
Stub, Edmund (fl. 1611-1631), vi. 478 Subscription controversy, x. 377
Stubber, in Blurt Master-Constable, v. 362 Subtle, in The Alchemist, v. 369; YL 22
Stubbs, Charles William, xm. 548, also Successio, ix. 68
see Add. 2 Suckdry, in Wilson's Projectors, vm. 123
Stubbs, Stubbea or Stubbe, Henry, the Suckling, Alfred Inigo (1796-1856), xn.
younger (1632-1676), vn. 317, 475, 489, 513
also see Add.; The Plus Ultra reduced Suckling, Sir John (1609-1642), m. 172;
to a Non Plus, vin. 291 rv. 168, 187; v. 222; vi. 11, 212, 239,
Stubbs, John (1543?-1591), v. 341 458; vn. 2, 4, 7, 15, 20 ff. (main entry),
Stubbs, John William, History of the Uni- 25, 57, 273, 399, 466; x. 115; xi. 318
versity of Dublin, x. 198 ASession of the Poets, vn. 16, 22, 153,
Stubbs or Stubbes, Philip (fl. 1583-1591), 263, 274
vi. 387, 393 ff., 401, 409, 462, 497; The Aglaura, vi. 238; vn. 22; vm. 226
Anatomy of Abuses, in. 362; v. 352, An Account of Religion by Reason, vn.
357, 359, 371, 479; vi. 376, 386, 393, 394 21,22
Stubbs, Robert, in Thackeray's The Fatal Ballad of a Wedding, vn. 23
Boots, xm. 280, 282 Brennoralt, or The Discontented Colonell,
Stubbs, William (1825-1901), bishop of VI. 238; vn. 22
Oxford, I. 157, 160, 161, 172, 173, 175; Fragmenta Aurea, vn. 22
vin. 306; xn. 271, 273; xrv. 57, 69, Goblins, The, VL 238, 239; vn. 22
74 ff. (main
entry), 101, 143,
499 Letter to
Henry Jermyn, vn. 215
Appendices to the Report of the Com- 0, for some honest lover's ghost, vn.
mission on Ecclesiastical Courts, xiv. 75 23
Constitutional History of England, The, *0, that I were all soul, that I might
xiv. 75 prove/ vn. 21
Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents, Out upon it I have loved,' vn. 23

xiv. 75 The Sad One, vn. 22

Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum, xiv. 74 "Tis now since I sat down belore that
Rolls series, edited by, xiv, 74 foolish fort, a heart,' vn. 21
Select Charters, xrv. 75 *Why so pale and wan, fond lover?*
Stubs, John, vin. 414 Vi. 238; vn. 23

Student, The (1751), X. 175, 466 Suckling, Sir John, father of thepoet, vn. 21
Student, The (Edinburgh), xrv. 209, 210 Sudbury, Simon of, archbishop of Canter-
Studioso, in The ftetume from Pernassus, bury (d. 1381), n. 55, 56
v. 360; YL 311, 312 Sudbury, Suffolk, vn. 223; IX. 217
Studioso, in Time's Complaint, vi. 320 Suddard, S. J. Mary ( 1888-1909), vi. Add.;
Studiosus, in The Pilgrimage to Parnassus, ix. Add; xi. 411; xn. 404, 407; xm.
VL310 491, 566; xiv. 528

Suddene (Isle of Man), in Horn, i. 304 Sunday schools, xm. 51 ; xiv. 382, 389
Sue, Eugene, Mysteres de Paris, xm. 427 Sunday Schools' Union, xiv. 389
Sue, Marie J. E., xm. 559 Sunderland, countess of. See Spencer,
Suetonius, m. 10; iv. 4, 14, 15, 342, 417, Dorothy
440; vi. 154; vn. 370, 392, 503; vin. Sunderland, earls of. See Spencer, Henry;
378; xn. 206 Spencer, Robert
Suez canal, xiv. 195 Sundridge, Kent, vr. 112
Sufferance, in Piers the Plowman, n. 20 Sunninghill, near Windsor, vn. 16
Suffolk, n. 134, 156, 197, 214, 224; in. 'Sunshine,' the (ship), iv. 76
337; vn. 33, 223; x. 294; xi. 140; Superbia, in Psychomachia, v. 51
xn. 198, 256, 331, 508, 513, 520; xm. Superstition, in A
True Inventory, vn.
142; xiv. 221
Suffolk, countess of. See Howard, Hen- Supplantation, in Confessio Amantis, n.
rietta 148
Suffolk, dukes of. See Brandon, Charles; Supporters of the Bill of Rights, The, x. 401
Pole, William de la Surat, iv. 90, 99
Suffolk, earl of. See Howard, Thomas Surface, Charles, in Sheridan's School for
Sugden, Edward Burtenshaw. baron St Scandal, v. 254; x. 90; xi. 269 ff.
Leonards (1781-1875), xiv. 501, 514 Surface, Joseph, in Sheridan's School for
Suidas, ix. 336; xn. 328, 484, 490, 491, 494 Scandal, vm. 148; x. 75; xi. 270, 271
Sulby academy, x. 387 Richard, iv. 538, 541
Suliotes, xn. 39 Surinam, vm. 140
Sulky, in Holcroft's Road to Ruin, xi. 277 Surly, in Crowne's Sir Courtly Nice, vm.
Sullivan, Alexander Martin (1830-1884), 189
xiv. 571 Surmy's Mariner's Magazine, ix. 106
Sullivan, Sir Edward (1822-1885), xiv. Surrey, n. 353; m. 385; iv. 156, 190;
538 vi. 247, 282; vn. 277; vni. 242, 244;
Sullivan, Timothy Daniel (1827-1914), ix. 531, 539; xi. 183; xn. 507, 508, 511;
xiv. 571 xm. 275; xiv. 294
God Save Ireland, xiv. 321 'Surrey, Another Freeholder of,' x. 401
Madness of King Conchobar, The, xiv. Surrey, countess of, in The Garden of
321 Laurell, m. 70
Michael Dwyert xiv. 321 Surrey, earls of. See Howard, Henry;
Siege of Dunboy, The, xiv. 321 Howard, Thomas
Soldier's Wake, A, xiv. 321
Surrey archaeological collections, xn. 507
Song from the Backwoods, xiv. 321 Surtees, Robert (1779-1834), ix. 377; xn.
Story of Blanaid, The, Xiv. 321 6, 513; History of Durham, xii 354
Sullivan, William Francis (1756-1830), XI. Surtees, Robert Smith (1803-1864), xiv.
490 216, 546, 547
Stilly, Maximilien de Bethune, due de, Ask Mamma, xiv. 234
iv. 312; ix. 231; Mtmoires, x. 135, 467
Eandley Gross, x. Ill; xiv. 234
Sulpicius Severus, I. 75 HawbucTc Grange, xiv. 234
Sulpitius, ra. 13, 20 Jorrocks* Jaunts, xiv. 234
Sumatra, 33. 278 Mr Facey Romford's Hounds, xiv. 234
'Sumer is i-cumen in,' I. 360; n. 393; Mr Sponge's Sporting Tour, xiv. 234
iv. 462, 463; 29 Surtees society, xn. 354
Summa Ostiensis f n. 364 Susan, in Meredith's Earth and a Wedded
Summer, in folk-plays, v. 31 Woman, xm. 443
Summerly, Felix, pseud. See Cole, Sir Susan, in The Witch of Edmonton, vi. 54
Henry Susanna, in Biblical comedies, v. 101
Summers, Life and Death of Will, m. 488 Susanna, in Ralph Roister Doister, v. 106
Summerson, Esther, in Bleak House, xm. Susanna, The Story of, n. 120, 121
328 Susanna and the elders, m. 350
Sumner, Charles Richard (1790-1874),
' vn. Susannah, in Sterne's Tristram Shandy,
129, 141 x. 50
Sumner, John Bird (1780-1862), xn. 473 Susenbrotus, vi. 486
Sumner, Robert Carey (1729-1771), xiv. Susenbrotus, Epitome Troporum f in. 429
Suso, Heinrich, ix. 314
Sun, The, xiv. 194 Suspirius, in The Rambler, x. 172
Sun rises Bright in France, rx. 377
Sussex, iv. 190; v. 135; vi. 110; vn. 22,
Sunatorrek, i. 9 232; vm. 244, 298; x. 312, 378; xn. 507,
Sunchildism, in Butler's Erewhon Re- 511, 523; xiv. 221, 294
visited, xm. 453
Sussex, duke of. See Augustus Frederick
Sunday newspapers, xiv. 192, 201
Sussex, lord, in Glover's Boadicea, xi. 258
'Sunday observance, letter sent from Sussex archaeological collections, xn. 507
heaven on,' i. 134
Susy Pye, in Young Beichan, n. 411
Sutcliffe, Matthew (1550?-1629), m. 538; Swift, Jonathan
iv. 491; vn. 309, 310, 484; An Answere 78 ff., 84, 85, 87, 91 ff. (main entry),
to a certaine libel supplicatorie, m. 391; 129 ff,, 133, 136, 139, 144, 151, 152,
An Answere unto a certaine calumnious 157, 158, 160, 163 ff., 172, 184, 186,
letter, in. 390, 391 202, 208, 209, 217, 220, 250, 326, 327,
Sutherland, Alexander (1852-1902), xiv. 340, 390, 401 ff., 440 ff., 445 ff.,
584, 587; Victoria and its Metropolis, 452 ff., 469, 470, 472, 481, 569, 572,
xiv. 371 also see Add.; x. 14, 20, 27, 140, 185,
Sutherlandshire, vn. 231 198, 202, 214, 316, also see Add.; XL
Sutton, Christopher (1565?-1629), iv. 496 16, 18, 27, 30, 81, 173, 187, 247, 261,
Sutton, Henry Septimus (1825-1901), xrn. 286, 314, 320, 330, 332, 343, 449, 466;
509 xn. 20, 55, 56, 120, 164, 168, 175, 177,
Sutton, Ned, ix. 191 376, 444; xm. 295, 312, 453; xiv. 168,
Sutton, Oliver, bishop of Lincoln (d. 1299), 197, 212, 215, 309, 313, 398, 448, 451,
ii. 348 455, 461, 518, 572
Sutton, Thomas (1532-1611), vn. 332, 338 Advantages proposed by repealing the
Sutton, Thomas (1585-1623), VI. 224, 402 Sacramental Test, ix. 110
Sutton, Yorkshire, x. 47 Answer to The Story of the injured lady,
Sutton Vallamore, Kent, vn. 361 ix. 116
Svears, the, I. 25 Argument against abolishing Christi-
Svend Aagesen, I. 34 anity, ix. 108
Swabia, v. 305 Battle of the Books, ix. 93, 100, 102, 333,
Swadlin, Thomas (1600-1670), vn. 509 392
Swain, Charles (1801-1874), XIL 423 Baucis and Philemon, is.. 94, 119
Swainson, Charles Anthony (1820-1887), Beasts Confession to the Priest, ix. 122
xn. 478 Cadenus and Vanessa, ix. 97, 98, 120;
Swainson, William (1789-1855), xn. 523 xm. 254
Swalle, Abel, xi. 319 Character of Mrs Johnson, ix. 99
Swallow, Hereward's mare, in Deeds of Complete collection of... Conversation, ix.
Hereward, I. 364 99, 106
Swallow, in Timers Complaint, vi. 320 Conduct of the Allies, ix. 95, 115, 131
Swallow, tale of, in Henryson's Fables, Dennis's Invitation to Steele, ix. 121
n. 246 Description ofaCity Shower, ix. 119, 161
Swan, the, in Mum, Sothsegger, n. 36 Description of the Morning, ix. 119, 161
Swan, John, M.D., x. 467 Directions to Servants, ix. 99, 107
Swan, privateer, xiv. 242 Discourse on the Dissensions in Athens
Swarthmore MSS., vni. 412 and Home, ix. 94, 112
Swavesey, Cambridgeshire, x. 280 Drapier'* Letters, ix. 98, 115, 457, 459,
Sweden, v. 307, 308; vn. 200, 345; vra. 463 ff.
137, 267; x. 193, 500 Epistle to Mr Gay, ix. 121
Swedenborg, Emanuel, XL 432; Memorable Essay on Modern Education, ix. 398
Relations, xi. 188 Examination of certain Abuses in
Swedenborgiamsm, xi. 181; xm. 46, 47 Dublin, ix. 117
Swedes, the, in Beowulf, L 24, 25 Fable of Midias, ix. 121
Swedish government, the, xiv. 287 Grand Question debated, ix. 119
Swedish language, xiv. 458 Gulliver's Travels, ix. 98, 103 ff., 132,
Sweet, Henry (1845-1912), xn. 505; xm. 137, 458, 464, 466, 471 ;_x. 43, 84; XL
248; xrv. 611; New English Grammar, 373; xm. 452; xiv. 169, 255, 444
xiv. 444 Hints towards an Essay on Conversation,
Sweet Trinity, n. 414 IX. 106
Sweet William's Ghost, n. 414 Humours of the Age, ix. 465
'Sweete violets (Loves paradice) that Importance of the Guardian considered,
spred,' iv. 117 ix. 114
Swete Susane, Epistill of, n. 112, 116, 120, Inquiry into the behaviour of the Queen's
121, 272, 450; in. 278 last Ministry, ix. 113
Sweyn, king of England and Denmark Journal of a Modern Lady, The, ix. 121 ;
(d. 1014), i. 127
xm. 426
Sweynheym, printer, n. 310 Journal to Stella, IX. 42, 95, 124 ff., 130,
Swift, Deane (1707-1783), IX. 124, 467 236, 438
Swift, Godwin, ix. 91, 92 Lady's Dressing Room, ix. 121
Swift, Jonathan, the elder, ix. 91 Last Judgment, ix. 121
Swift, Jonathan, dean of St Patrick's Legion Club, ix. 99, 121
(1667?-1745), m. 82, 417; IV. 45, 49, Letter concerning the Sacramental Test,
251; vn. 167, 176; vin. 146, 158, 160, ix. 110
232, 234, 292, 302, 305, 380 ff., 386; Letter of Advice to a young Poet, ix. 118
ix. 17, 23, 25, 34, 35, 45, 46, 67, 75, Letter to a very young Lady, ix. 118

Swift, Jonathan Swift, Jonathan
Letter to a Young Gentleman, is.. Ill W-ds-r Prophecy, The, ix. 96, 121
Letter to Mr Harding the printer, ix. 115 Works, xn. 16, 372
Letter to the Athenian Society,' is. 92 See, also, Wagstaff, Simon
Letter to the Lord High Treasurer, A, Swift, Thomas, ix. 91
xiv. 396 Swift,W., xn. 440
Letter to the October Club, ix. 96 Swinburne, Algernon Charles (1837-1909),
Letter to the shopkeepers ...concerning the IV. 186, 209; v. 154; VI. 8, 9, 62, 71,
"brass half-pence, ix. 115 77, 79, 173, 367; vrr. 1, 144, 262, also
Letter to the whole people of Ireland,, rx. see AddL; x. 152; XI. 411, 412, 420, 434,
116 441; xn. 117, 130, 154, 208, 209, 218,
May the Cook-maid's Letter, ix. 107 219, 268, 275, 398, 400, 404, 407, 424,
Memoirs relating to... the Queen's Minis- 438, 441, 442, also see Add.; xrn. 82,
try, ix. 113 90, 105, 116, 117, 129 ff. (main entry),
Modest Proposal, ix. 99, 117 138, 147, 191, 193, 207, 209, 214, 219 if.,
Mr C-ns's Discourse on Free Thinking, 245, 252, 426, 432, 438, 440, 442, 448,
put into plain English, ix. Ill 478, 488, 490, 491, 493 ff. (mam entry),
On Mrs Biddy Floyd, IX. 119 506, 512, 544, 559, also see Add. 2, 3;
On Poetry, ix. 99, 122 xiv. 206, 365, 367, 453, 462
On the Death of Dr Swift, ix. 123 Adieux d Marie Stuart, xm, 135
On the Education of Ladies, ix. 398, 401, Anactoria, xm. 131
402 Artemis, hymn to, xm. 130
On the present miserable state of Ireland, Astrophel, xm. 135, 137
ix. 117 Atalantain Calydon, xin. 130, 131, 133,
Petition of Mrs Frances Harris, ix. 94, 205; xrv. 442, 444
107 Athens, an ode, xm, 135
Polite Conversation, vm. 176 Ave atque Vale, xm. 133
Predictions for the ensuing year.. .Isaac Birthday Ode, xin. 134
Bicberstaff, ix. 94, 454, 461 Bothwell, xm. 133, 135
Preface to the B
# of S-r-m's IntrO' By the North Sea, xm. 134
duction, rx. 110 Century of Roundels, A, xm. 135, 137
Progress of Beauty, ix. 121 Channel Passage, A, xm. 136
Progress of Marriage, IX. 121 Chastelard, xm. 130, 133, 135
Project for the advancement of Religion, Christmas Carol, A, xin. 132
ix. 109 Dark Month, A, xin. 135
Proposal for correcting... the English Dirae, xm. 133
Tongue, ix. 118; xrv. 462 Dolores, xm. 131, 132, 141, 253
Proposal for the universal use of Irish Erechtheus, vii. 122; xm. 133, 136
manufacture, ix. 98, 114 Essays and Studies, xm. 136
Public Spirit of the Whigs, IX. 114, 440 Faushne, xm. 131, 132
Reasons...for repealing the Sacramental Forsaken Garden, A, xm. 133
Test, ix. 110 Heptalogia, xm. 134
Sentiments of a Church of England Man, Hertha, xm. 132
rx. 108, 109 Ilicet, xm. 131, 132
Serious and useful Scheme, ix. 117 Itylus, xm. 132
Sermons, ix. 112 Jacobite's Lament, The, xm. 136
Short character of Thomas Earl of Laus Veneris, xin. 131, 132, 141, 146,
Wharton, DC. 113 253
Short view of the state of Ireland, rx. 116 Leper, The, xm. 131, 141
Someadvice.. .to the members of the Litany, A, xm. 132
October Club, rx, 113 Locnne, xin. 135
Some free thoughts upon the present state Marino Faliero, xm. 134, 135
of affairs, ix. 113 Mary Stuart, xin. 133, 135
Some Observations upon... the Report... Masque of Queen Bersabe, The, x. 217;
relating to Wootfs halfpence, ix. 116 xm. 132
Some Remarks on the Barrier Treaty, Match, A, xm. 132
rx. 95, 113 Midsummer Holiday, A, xm, 135
Story of an injured lady, rx. 116 Miscellanies, xm, 136
Strephon and Ghloe, ix. 121 Poems and Ballads, xm. 27, 130 ft., 13C,
Swearers Bank, The, rx. 116 137, 141, 211
Tale of a Tub, A, m. 398; rx. 94, 100, Proserpine, m. 184
101, 135, 308, 382, 392, 396; x. 353; Queen Mother and Rosamund, The, *TTT,
xm. 9 129
Traulus, ix. 121 Quia Multum Amavit, xm. 132
Virtues of Bid Hamet the Magician** Rosamund Qiwn of the Lombards, xm.
Rod, rx, 95, 121 136

Swinburne, Algernon Charles Sylvester, St, i. 74, 75
Sisters, The, xm. 136 Sylvia, in Dray ton's Eglogs, iv. 173
Song for the Centenary of Walter Savage Sylvius, Aeneas, m. 62, 65, 179; Tractatus
Lander, xin. 134 de curialium miseriis, m. 65
Song of Italy, A, xin. 132 Sylvius, lady, vm. 251
Songs before Sunrise, xni. 132 Sym and his Brudir, n. 273; XI. 215
Songs of the Springtides, TTTT. 134 n.
Sym Sadie-gander, 232
Studies in Song, xni. 134 Syme, David, xiy. 535
Study of Shakespeare, A, xin. 136 Symes, John Elliotson, v. 353
Super Flumina Babylonis, xni. 132
Symmachus, ix. 330
Three damsels in the queen's chamber, Symmes (Marprelate printer), m. 382
xin. 140 Symmons, Edward, vn. 513
Tristram of Lyonesse* I. 273; xm. 134, Symon, 'the Anker of London Wall'
135 137 253 (fl. 1512-1529), iv. 496
Triumph of Time, The, xm. 131, 132,253 Symon, James David, xiv. 532, 538
Swinburne, Henry (1560?-1623), vni. 467 Symonds, John Addington (1840-1893),
Swinburne, Sir John, xm. 129 v. 149; vi. 13; XL 411; xn. 404; xni.
Swineshead, Richard (fl. 1350), n. 498 207, 500, 504, 507, 509, xrv. 108, 527
Swinhoe, Gilbert, Unhappy Fair Irene, Blank Verse, xm. 248
x. 161 Le jeune homme caressant sa Chimere,
Swinnerton, Frank, xin. 573; xiv. 527 xm. 208
Swinnerton, Sir John, vi. 220 Renaissance in Italy, The, xin. 208;
Swiss confederation, the, xiv. 71, 73 xiv. 157
Swiss education, xiv. 419, 423 Shakespeare's Predecessors in the English
Swiss Family Robinson, The, XL 492 Drama, xiv. 158
Swiss liberty, x. 303 Symonds, William (1566-1616?), iv. 513
Swithun, St (d. 862), I. 116, 120, 121, 131 Symons, Arthur, XL 412, 415, 423, 434;
Switzerland, n. 310; vn. 306; x. 134, 200, xn. 132, 404, 406, 415, 442, 445, also
201, 205, 366; XII 33 ff., 41, 44, 59, 60, see Add.; xm. 485, 493, 496, 499, 500,
247, 311, 315, 420; xm. 88, 96; xiv. 502, 503, 508, 557, 570, also see Add. 2;
151, 294 xiv. 518, 521, 523, 527, 528
Switzerland and Byron, xii. 395 Symphosius, 5th cent, Latin poet, i. 60, 76
Switzerland and Shelley, xii. 403 Symposium, The, xiv. 208
Swiveller, Dick, in The Old Curiosity Symson, Archibald ( 1564 ?~1 628), vn. 485;
Shop, xni. 320 ix. 545
Swoboda, v. 97 Synge, Edward, bishop of Elphin, x. 199
Swynderby, William (the hermit preacher Synge, John Millington (1871-1909), xiv.
of Lincoln), n. 61 571
Sybant, A., v. 285 Aran Islands, The, xiv. 330
Sybilla, in The Lords' Masque, VL 354 Deirdre of the Sorrows, xiv. 330
Sybilla, in The Vision of the Twelve God- In Kerry, xiv. 330
desses, VL 338, 339 In Wicklow, West Kerry and Connemara,
Sydenham, xii. 102 xiv. 330
Sydenham, Thomas (1624-1689), vm. Playboy of the Western World, The, xiv.
363, 472, 479; x. 164, 465, 467; xn. 355 329, 330
Sydenham society, xn. 355 Riders to the Sea, The, xiv. 330
Sydney. See Sidney Tinker's Wedding, The, xiv. 330
Sydney, Australia, xn. 330; xiv. 361 E. W
ell of the Saints, The, xiv. 330

Sydney Gazette, The, xiv. 362 Synge, M. B., xiv. 551

Sydney Mail, The, xiv. 370 Syntax, Dr (William Combe's), xiv. 217 ?.,
Sydney Papers, See Sidney 221
Syke, Henry, ix. 335 Syon monastery, Isleworth, iv. 418
Sykes, Frank W., xrv. Add. 10 Syphax, in Addison's Goto, ix. 63
Sykes, Sir Mark Masterman (1771-1823), Syracusans, in The Bond-Kan, vi. 161, 163
xii. 365 Syracuse, v. 118, 119; VL 155, 225; vn.
Sylla's ghost, in Ben Jonson's OatiUne, 199; x. 135; xm. 81
vm. 85 Syria, x. 503; xiv. 246, 252
Sylli, inThe Maid of Honour, VL 152, 153 Syriac language and literature, vn. 318,
Sylvanus (Mantuan's), m. 225 319; vm. 364; ix. 393; xn. 341, 342
Sylvester, James Joseph (1814-1897),
xiv. 262, 263, 557; The Laws of Verse, T. C., Moratt Discoursesand Essayes, vn.
xm. 248 386
Sylvester, Joshua (1563-1618), iv. 23, T. D. (? Deloney), Canaan's Calamitie, vi.
124, 131, 185, 331, 434, 443, 475, 531; 51
vi. 9; TO. 407; trans, of Du
JBartas, vn. T. F., Newesfrom the North, VL 387, 495
118 T. T., pseud, of W. M. Thackeray, XHL 278

T. T. See Thorpe, Thomas Talma, Fra^ois Joseph, v. 294, 307; xn.
T. T., A
Myrrorfor MarUmsts, in. 397 198
Ta Fhairshon, in The Bon Gaultier Ballads, Talmud, the, vm. 291
xm. 161 Tarn, in Lichtounis Dreme, n. 278
TaaL See Cape-Dutch Tarn Lin, n. 413
Tabachetti, artist, xm. 450 Tarn o' Shanter, XL 219
Tabarin, ix. 257 Tamerlane, vn. 164
Tabernaemontanus, Eicones plantarum, Tamil language, xn. 362
iv. 375 Taming of a Shrew, The (ballad), m. 91,
Tablet, The, xiv. 326 487
Tacitus, Cornelius, I. 143, 187, 188; Hi. Taming of a Shrew, The (anon, play), iv.
20, 329, 338, 426, 429; iv. 30, 342, 345, 394; v. 115, 118, 147, 162, 181, 403,
421, 440; v. 33; vi. 225, 235; vn. 131, 438; vi. 170; vm. 126
263, 370, 487, 503; ix. 254, 274; x. 120, Tamlane, I. 295, 300
197; XL 2, 426; xn. 306, 475, 483, 493, Tarn worth, iv. 169
also see Add.; xiv. 59, 98; Agncola, Tamworth manifesto, the, xn. 154
IV. 4; XL 165; Annals, in. 426; IV. 5; Tamyra, countess of Montsorry, in Bussy
Description of Germany, rv. 5; Histories, d'Ambois, vi. 33
iv. 4 Tancred, in Gismond of Salerne, v. 75, 76
Tactus, in Lingua, vi. 314, 315 Tancred (Disraeli's), xm. 348
Tadpole, in Disraeli's Sybil, xm. 349 Tancred and Gismund* v. 87, 138, 397, 390
Taffy, in Du Maurier's Trilby, xm. 433 Tandler, Tobias, vn. 396. 505, 511
TaiUefer, v. 26 Tanfield, Elizabeth, vn. 150
Tailor, Robert (fl. 1614), The Bogge hath Tanganyika, lake, xiv. 192
losthisPearle, vi. 219, 220, 459 ; vni. 182 Tangent, in Morton's Way to get Married,
Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe, i. viii; n. 190; XL 281
iv. 247; vm, 19, 33; xm. 456, 473, 544; Tangier, vm. 202, 219, 257
Histoire de la Literature Anglaise, x. TannahiU, Robert (1774-1810), XI. 237,
316, 483 445
Tait, A. (c. 1796), XL 441 Bonnie Wood of Craigielea, XL 236
Tait, Archibald Campbell (1811-1882), Braes o' Balquither, XL 236
xn. 260 Gloomy Winter's noo Awa\ XL 236
Tait, Peter Guthrie (1831-1901), xiv. 263, Jessie the Flower of Dunblane, XL 236
267, 555, 557 Lass of Arnnteenie, XL 236
Taii's Edinburgh Magazine, xn. 430 London's bonnie Woods and Braes, XL
Talbot, Catherine (1721-1770), x. 171; 236
XL 352, 356 E., 473, 475 Poems and Songs, XL 236
Talbot, Charles, duke of Shrewsbury Rob Rorysorts Bonnet, XL 236
(1660-1718), IX. 87, 151, 216 Tanner, John (fl. 1744), ix. 350
Talbot, Sir Charles, baron (1685-1737), Tanner, Thomas (1674-1735), ix. 342, 350
x. 94, 95 (main entry), 351, 353, 354, 540, 541;
Talbot, George, 6th earl of Shrewsbury Bibliotheca Bntannico-Hibermca, ix.
(1528?-1590), m. 188 350, 356; Notitia Monastica, IX. 350,
Talbot, George (c. 1635), vn. 45 356, 358
Talbot, Sir John, 1st earl of Shrewsbury Tantalus, in Orosius, I. 95
(13387-1453), n. 303 Tantalus, in Thyestes, v. 76, 78
Talbot, William Talbot, 1st earl, XL 29 Taoist classics, xn. 343
Talbott, James, ix. 571 Taper, in Disraeli's Sybil, xm. 349
Tales, An Alphabet of, n. 503 Tapley, Mark, in Martin Chuzzlewit, xm.
Tales in Middle English, I. 360 323
Talfourd, Sir Thomas Noon (1795-1854), Tappertit, Sim, in Barnaby Budge, xm.
ix. 475; xn. 201, 211, 432, 434, 435, 321
438; xm. 483, 516, 523; xiv. 323; Ion, Tara hill, Ireland, xn. 512; xiv. 127
xn. 113; TITT. 58 Tarant, prince of, in A
Very Woman, VL
Talgol, the butcher, in Hudibras, vm. 68 156
Taliesin (fl. 550), i. 248, 249, 255, 268, 462 Tarlton, Kichard (d. 1588), m. 92, 201,
Tahesin, The Book of, i. 247, 251, 252 384, 387; iv. 353, 300, 527, 531, 533,
Talkative, in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Pro- 535; v. 313, 329; VI. 217, 232, 273, 397,
gress, vn. 173 467; vn. 383; Jigge of a horse loade of
Tallents, Francis (1619-1708), x. 386 Fooles, vi. 391; The Seven Deadly Sins,
Talleyrand-Perigord, Charles Maurice de, vi. 249
prince of Benevento, xiv. 115 Tarn Wadling, near Hesket, in Cumber-
Tailis, Thomas (1510?-1585), iv. 384 land, n. 116, 122
Tallwch (father of Tristram), i. 273 Tarpeia, vm. 5
Tallyho, Bob, in Real Life in London, Tarquin, in The Rape of Lucrece, vi. 101
xiv. 227 Tarquin and TuUia, vm. 92

Tarrarantantara, etc., vi. 307 Tawny-coat, in // you know not me, vi. 92
Tarrent, Dorset, i. 230 Taxarum oimuum beneficiorum Angliae,
Tars, King of, i. 471 Liber, n. 364
Tartaglia, N., iv. 448 Taxes, Song against the King's, n. 421
Tartars, the, XL 17 Tay, firth of, ix. 552
Tartarus, VL 329; xn. 217 Tay, river, x. 274
Tartary, n. 80; v. 144; xrv. 248 Tayis Bank, n. 281
Tartufe (Moliere's), xra. 446 Taylor, Abraham (fl. 1727-1740), x. 384
Tasker, William (1740-1800), XL 429 Taylor, Alfred E., xm. 567
Tasmania, xiv. 325 Taylor, Mrs Ann, of Ongar (1757-1830),
Tasso, Torquato, in. 230, 257, 261, 262, xi. 384, 482
432; iv. 23, 131, 448, 543; VI. 366, 371; Taylor, Ann, afterwards Mrs Gilbert
vii. 70, 74, 78, 83, 263, 265, 268; VIIL (1782-1866), XL 384, 483; Mother, My
25, 194, 219; ix. 185, 338; x. 234, 241; xi. 383
xi. 157; xn. 50, 64, 423, 442 Taylor, Ann and Jane, XL 483; Hymns for
Aminta, in. 261; iv. 131; vi. 137, 317, Infant Minds, XL 383; Original Poems,
318, 365, 490; vn. 264 XL 383; fihymesfor the Nursery, XL 383
Geiusalemme Liberata, in. 230; VL 98 Taylor, Charles (1840-1908), xn. 341, 501
Jerusalem Delivered, x. 127, 435 Taylor, E. J., ix. 519
Padre di Famigha, v. 157 Taylor, Francis (fl. 1654), vn. 322, 490
Tassoni, Alessandro, Secchia Eapita, ix. Taylor, Helen, xiv. 486
70 Taylor, Henry (1711-1785), Thoughts on..
Taste Vin, in Le Testament de Taste Vin, the Grand Apostacy, x. 309, 507
in. 85 Taylor, Sir Henry (1800-1886), XL 411.
Tate, Nahum (1652-1715), vni. 196, 394, xn. 107, 112-113 (main entry), 211,
401, 410, 411, 443 423; xm. 467; xiv. 507
Brutus of Alba, XL 319 Edwin the Fair, xn. 112, 113
Cuckold's Haven, or An Alderman No Isaac Comnenus, xn. 112
Conjuror, vi. 47, 48 Minor Poems, xn. 113
Island Princesse, The, vm. 120 Philip van Artevelde, xn. 112, 113;
King Lear, adaptation of, vm. 41, 120; xin. 177, 194
XL 258 Quoth tongue of neither maid noi
Psalms, vm. 41 wife,' xn. 113
Tatham, Frederick, xm. 197 St Clement's Eve, xn. 112
Tatham, John (fl. 1632-1664), vin. 421 Taylor, Isaac (1759-1829), XL 384, 483
Distracted State, The, vin. 121 Taylor, Isaac (1787-1865), xn. 470; xiv
Love Crowns the End, vm. 121 481, 609
Rump, The, vm. 121, 122, 142 Taylor, Isaac (1829-1901), xn. 505
Scotch Figgaries, The, vm. 121 Taylor, James W., xn. 513
Tatler, The, vm. 140, 158, 175, 390; ix. Taylor, Jane (1783-1824), XL 384, 483;
18, 32, 33 ft (main entry), 63, 94, 109, Tivinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, XL 383
118, 119, 125, 144, 161, 165, 404, 412, Taylor, Jefferys (1792-1853), XL 384, 483
437 ff., 441, 485, 569; xi. 317, 373; xn. Taylor, Jeremy (1613-1667), vn. 130, 144,
140, 193; xm. 318; xiv. 461, 462 146, 148, 150, 162 ff. (main entry), 213,
Tatler in Cambridge, The, xiv. 208, 537 426, 427, 475; vm. 250, 293, 294, 297,
Tatlock, J. S. P., n. 174, 464 303, 368 ff., 377, 386, 456; IX. 62; x.
Tattle, in Congreve's Love for Love, vm. 360, 364, 366; XL 2; xn. 169, 176, 193,
152, 156 253, 277, 283; xiv. 460
Tatton, R. G., xiv. 609 Ductor Dubitantium, VIL 163, 280
Tattycoram, in Little Dornt, xm. 331 Golden Grove, The, vn. 163
Tatwin (d. 734), I. 78, 435 Great Exemplar, The, vn. 165
Taubman, Matthew (d. 1690?), vm. 97, Holy Dying, vn. 163 f.
410 Holy Living, vn. 163, 165
Tauler, Johann, ix. 314, 315, 519 Liberty of Prophesying, The, vn. 165;
Taunton, iv. 132 vm. 344; x. 372
Taunton academy, x. 386 Marriage Ring, The, vn. 163
Taunton commission (Endowed schools), Sacred order and offices of Episcopacy ',

xiv. 421, 422, 429, 430 The, vn. 165

Tautphoeus, baroness von. See Mont- 'The House of Feasting,' rv. 247
gomery, Jemima Worthy Communicant, The, vn. 163, 165

Taverner, Richard (1505?-1575), iv. 444 Taylor, John, the water-poet' (1580-
Tavernier, Jean Baptiste, xiv. 333; 1653), m. 288; IV. 361, 517, 518, 520,
Voyages in the East, ix. 268 532, 533, 534, 545, 546; v. 144, 148;
VI. 261; vii. 387,494, 498, 499, 514, 515
Tavie, Welshman, in Club Law, VL 308,
309 All the Worlces ofJ. T., iv. 392
Tavistock, iv. 157, 194, 409 John Taylor's Wit and Mirth, TV. 360

Taylor, Johr> Teddington, vn. 42; xiv. 283
Kicksey Winsey, or A Lerry Gome- Tediousness, in Tudor moralities, v. 57
Twang, A, iv. 392 Tedman, Mr, in Fanny Burney's Wan-
Pennyles Pilgrimage, The, iv. 392 derer, x. 65
Taylor, John, LL.D. (1694-1761), x. 385, Tedworth, the drummer of, ix. 436
409, 463; Defence of the Common rights Tees, river, xm. 136, 149
of Christians, x. 380; Scripture doctrine Tegner, xn. 395
of Original Sin, x. 380 Teignmouth, lord, xiv. 577
Taylor, John (1704-1766), rx. 341, 528 Teixeira, Antony, ix. 501
Taylor, John (1757-1832), x. 480 Telegonus, in Confessio Amantis, n. 149
Taylor, John (1781-1864), x. 527; xn. Telemachus, v. 108; x. 134
195, 203 Telesius, m. 416
Taylor, John Edward (1791-1844), xiv. Telf er, Jamie, of the Pair Dodhead, xn. 3
535 Tellus, in Endimion, v. 341
Taylor, Joseph (1586?-1653?), VL 248, Telugu language, xn. 362
276, 277 Temperance, the house of, in The Faerie
Taylor, Joseph, XL 483 Queene, vi. 335
Taylor, Mary, xm. 404, 405 Temperley, Harold William Vazielle, xiv.
Taylor, Nathaniel, x. 385 508
Taylor, Philip Meadows (1808-1876), xm. Tempesti, VL 174, 176
566; xiy. 580 Templars, the, i. 189
Confessions of a Thug, xm. 432; xiv. Temple, the, in the Cross legend, i. 134
338 Temple, the (Palestine), v. 15, 49
Ralph Darnell, xiv. 338 Temple, Dorothy, lady, ix. 92, 93; x. 410.
Seeta, xiv.338 See Osborne, Dorothy
Tara, xiv. 338 Temple, earl. See G-renville, Richard
Tippoo Sultan, siv. 338 Temple
Taylor, Robert (1784-1844), xiv. 482 Temple, Frederick (1821-1902), arch-
Taylor, Robert, bookseller (c. 1763), xi. bishop of Canterbury, xiv. 602, 609,
315 610; 'The Education of the World,' xn.
Taylor, S. A., xiv. 541 295
Taylor, Thomas (c. 1704), vin. 476 Temple, Henry John, 3rd viscount Palmer-
Taylor, Thomas (1758-1835), xiv. 482 ston (1784-1865), xm. 422; xiv. 124,
Taylor, Tom (1817-1880), xn. 407; xin. 129, 132, 171, 172, 182, 184, 185, 187,
264, 268, 516, 522, 524; xiv. 196, 238, 420, 505, 508; Civis Eomanus speech,
519, 548 xrv. 126
Anne Boleyn, yen. 267 Temple, Sir Richard (1634r-1697), vm. 476
Arlcwrighfs Wife, xm. 267 Temple, Sir Richard, viscount Cobham
FooFs Revenge, The, xm, 267 (1669?-1749), vm. 428; ix. 445; X. 103
Jeanne Dare, xmr. 267 Temple, Sir William (1555-1627), iv.
Lady Clancarty, XTTT. 267 274 ff., 509; vn. 343; Admonitio, iv. 276
Plot and Passion, XTTT. 267 Temple, Sir William (1628-1699), vn.
Still Waters Run Deep, xm. 267 266 ff.; vm. 267, 268, 342, 379-386
Ticket-of-Leave Man, The, xm. 267 (main entry), 482; ix. 47, 91 f ., 102,
'Twxt Axe and Crown, xm. 267 103, 170, 332 ff., 390, 454 ff., 524, 572;
Taylor, William, of Norwich (1765-1836), x. 221, 224, 238, 484; xrv. 51, 63
x. 484; xi. 179, 423, 428; xn. 4, 97, An Essay upon the Advancement of Trade
380, 429; xm. 169, 244, 468 in Ireland, vm. 384
Taylor, William, publisher (d. 1724), ix. An Essay upon the present State and
19* XT 323 Settlement of Ireland, vm. 384
Taylor, William Cooke (1809-1849), xiv. An Introduction to the History of
571 England, vm. 384
Taylor, quack oculist, in Foote's drama, Essay on Ancient and Modern Learning,
x. 88 vm. 385; ix. 391, 392
Taylor family, the, XL 384, 483 Essay upon the Original and Nature of
Tayster. See John de Government, vm. 384
Tea, x. 467 Letters,vm. 380, 381
Teachum, Mrs, in Sarah Fielding's Memoirs, vm. 380 ff.
Governess, XL 380 Miscellanea, vm. 384
'Teachwell, Mrs,' XL 379 Observations upon the United Provinces
Teazle, lady, in Sheridan's School for of the Netherlands, vm. 383
Scandal, x. 90; xi. 269 E.; xn. 171 Of Heroic Virtue,*. 222
Teazle, Sir Peter, in Sheridan's School for Of Poetry, x. 222
Scandal, XL 269, 270 Survey of the Constitution and Interests
Techmessa, in The Jealous Lovers, vi. 325 of the Empire..., A, vm. 384
Techne, in The Queenes Arcadia, vr. 317 Upon Conversation, vm. 386
Temple, William
Tennyson, Alfred
Upon Health and Long Life, vni. 385, 'Calm is the morn without a sound/
386 xm. 33
Upon Poetry, v. 286; vin. 385, 386 Charge of the Heavy Brigade, The, xm.
Upon Popular Discontents, vm. 386 40,42
Upon the Cure of the Gout, vm. 385, Charge of the Light Brigade, The, xm.
386 186
Upon the different conditions of life and Claribel, xm. 26, 27, 44
fortune, vm. 386 Columbus, xm. 40
Upon the Gardens of Epicurus or Of Come into the garden, Maud,' xm. 35
Gardening, vin. 385, 386 Coming of Arthur, The, xm. 35
Temple, William Johnson (1739-1796), Crossing the Bar, xm. 44
X. 193, 478 Cup, The, xiv. 380
'Temple of the Muses,' XL 337 Daisy, The, xm. 42
Temple revels, Middle, vin. 244 'Dark house, by which once more I
Temple's Gallicisms, vm. 383 stand,' xm. 33
Templum Chrystallinum, n. 225 Death of (Enone, The, xm. 39
Temporalitie, in Ane Pleasant Satyr e, m. Defence of Lucknow, The, xm. 40
126, 127, 128 Demeter, xn. 332; xm. 41
Temptation, in Mirour de VOmme, n. 140 Demeter and other Poems, xni. 39
Ten Brink, Bernhard, i. viii, 102, 143, 420; Despair, xni. 40, 42
II. 28 ;m. 75; v. 20, 39 Dora, xm. 29, 39
Tendons, v. 27 Dream of Fair Women, A, xni. 25, 2G
Teneriffe, ix. 180 Dying Swan, The, xm. 26, 250
Tenison, Thomas (1636-1715), archbishop Elaine, xm. 35
of Canterbury, vin. 250, 305, 307, Enid and Nimue, xm. 35
431, 462; ix. 195; x. 353; Baconiana, Enoch Arden, XL 148; xm. 38, 39, 379
vm. 402; The Creed of Mr Robbes Ex- Flight, The, xm. 42
amined, vii. 301, 475 Four Idylls of the King, xni. 35
Tennant, William (1784r-1848), XL 445 Gardener's Daughter, The, xm. 34, 40
Anster Fair, XL 243 Oareth and Lynctte, xm. 35, 37
Cardinal Bethune, XL 243 Geraint and Emd, xm. 35
Dingin doon The Cathedral, XL 243 Grandmother, The, xni. 39, 40
John Bahol, XL 243 Guinevere, xm. 35
Tangier's Giant, XL 243 Harold, xm. 39
Thane of Fife, XL 243 Helen's Tower, xm. 177
Tennent, Sir James Emerson (1804r-1869), 'Hollyhock' song, the, xm. 244
xiv. 197, 554 Holy Grail, The, xm. 35, 37
Tenniel, Sir John (1820-1914), XI. 477, *I cannot see the features right,' xm. 33
491; xn. 411; xiv. 235, 239, 549 'I have led her home,' xm. 35

Tennyson, Alfred, 1st lord Tennyson Idylls of the King, xm. 27, 29, 31, 35 ff ,

(1800-1892), 247, 266, 269, 284,

I. 373; 41, 201, 448
II. 176, 182, 400; IV. 47, 112; vn. 137; In Memoriam, vn. 42, 52; vm. 229;
ix. 73; x. 143, 152, 220; XL 77, 111, xn. 116, 330; xm. 10, 27, 32 ff., 37, 183;
158, 159, 409; xn. 39, 63, 106, 113, 118, xiv. 380
126, 139, 154, 219, 271, 438, 483; xm. In the Children^ Hospital, xm. 40
23 ff. 69, 71, 72, 85, 120,
(main entry), Lady of Shalott, The, xm. 25, 26, 29;
131, 140, 143, 147, 148, 152, 153, 155, xrv. 442
157 ff., 176, 179, 184, 188, 192, 194, Last Tournament, The, xm. 35, 37
195, 200, 214, 216, 219, 221, 228, 230, Locfoley Hall, xm. 30, 34, 161 xiv. 374

231, 240, 241, 243, 244, 246, 250 ff., 277, Lo&ksley Hall, Sixty Years After, xm.
297, 421, 442, 463, 473 ff. (main entry), 39, 40, 42
also see Add. 3; xiv. 15, 148, 238, 255, Lotos Eaters, The, xm. 25 ff., 29
306, 321, 349, 378 ff., 443, 456, 493, Love and Duty, xm. 30
515, 517 'Love thou thy land,' XTTT. 30
A Dream of Fair Women, vr. 338 Lucretius, xm. 39 ff.
Akbar's Dream, and Other Poems, XHL Mariana, xni. 26
39 Maud, xi. 151; xm. 34, 72, 161
Aylmer's Field, xm, 40 Maud, and Other Poems, xm. 34, 42
Balin and Balan, xm. 35, 36 Miller's Daughter, The, xni. 25, 40, 190
Ballad of the Fleet, A, xni. 39 Morte $ Arthur, xni 29, 30, 35
Ballads and other Poems, xin. 39 Nimue (Vivien), xm. 35
Becket, xm. 39 Northern Farmer, The, xm. 39
Brook, The, xm. 34, 36 'Now sleeps the crimson petal,' xm.
*By night we linger' d on the lawn,' 31
xm. 33 *0 that 'twere possible,* xm. 35

CHKL 369
Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, Frederick (1807-1898), xm,
Ode on the Death of the Duke, of Welling- 23, 45 ff., 78, 473, 479
ton, xm. 34 Daphne, and other Poems, xm. 46
(Enone, xm. 25, 26, 28, 29, 41 Days and Hours, xm. 46
'Of old sat Freedom,' xin. 30 Isles of Greece, The, xm. 46
Poems of the Day and Year, xm. 46
Oh yet we trust that somehow good,'
xm. 33 Psyche, xm. 47
Old Yew, wMch graspest at the stones,'
River of Life, xin. 47
xrn. 33 Tennyson, Hallam, 2nd lord Tennyson,
Palace of Art, The, vn. 253; xni. 25, 26, xm. 473-474, 478, 479
28,30 'Tenth Muse,' the, xm. 175
Passing of Arthur, The, xm. 35 Tercer (America), v. 139
Pelleas and Ettarre, xm. 35 Terence, n. 331, 359, 360; m. 20, 24, 53,
Poems (1830), xiv. 139 429, 430; IV. 4, 235, 245, 320, 414, 417,
Poems, Chiefly Lyrical (1830), xm. 25 428, 440; v. 6, 104, 105, 116; vi. 14, 15,
Poems (1833), xm. 25 32, 297; vn. 487; vm. 155, 247, 442;
Poems, 2 vols. (1842), xn. 101; xm. 25 IX. 46, 58, 270, 274, 338, 418, 525, 526;
Poems, by Two Brothers, xm. 25 X. 91, 429; XI. 266, 426; xn. 494
Princess, The, xm. 30, 31, 251; xiv. Adelphi, vi. 48; x. 90; XI. 265
430 Andna, v. 101, 103, 104, 115, 411 ix. 64

Queen Mary, xm. 39 Eunuchus, v. 104, 105; vi. 300; vm. 139
Recollections of the Arabian Nights, Heautontimoroumenos, v. 102, 104
xin. 26 Hecyra, n. 321
Revenge, The, xm. 39, 40, 42; xiv. 84 Phormio, v. 102
Rivulet, The, xiv. 380 Terens in English, v. 103, 411
Rizpah, xm. 40 Terentia, ix. 218
*Sad Heaper o'er the buried sun,' xm. Terentian, I. 120
33 Teresa, St, vn. 34, 35, 37, 143; xm. 356,
St Simeon Stylites, xm. 41 398
St Telemachus, xm. 40, 41 Terens, in Confessio Amantis, n. 151
Sir John Oldcastle, xm, 40 Tereus, in Philomela, vi. 320
Sisters, The, xm. 42 Tereus, in Progne, vi. 299
Spinster's Sweet-Arts, The, xm. 40 Tereus and Procne, m. 343
'Spirit haunts the year's last hours, A,' Terilo, William, iv. 534; Satire on Brazen
xm. 26 Head, I. 210
falk, the,' xm. 31 Term Catalogues, The, IV. 404; vm. 182,
Sweet and low, xm. 31 188; xi. 339; xn. 357
Tears, idle tears,' xm. 31, 42 Ternate, xiv. 298
Tiresias, xm. 40, 41, 142 Terni, cataract of, xn. 44
Tiresias and Other Poems, xm. 39 Terouenne, siege of, 11. 338 ; m. 70
Tithonus, xm. 29, 41 Terra, m Lingua, vi. 315
To Virgil, xm. 42 Terriss, William (1847-1897), xm. 515
To-night the winds begin to rise,' xm. Terry, Charles Sanf ord, Catalogue of publi-
33 cations of Scottish Historical Societies,
True and the False, The, xm. 35 xn. 358, 519
Two Voices, The, xm. 30, 40 Terry, Edward (1590-1660), iv. 462; Re-
Ulysses, xm. 29, 30, 32; xiv. 241 lation of a Voyageto the Easterne India,
'Unwatch'd, the garden bough shall xrv. 333
sway,' xm. 33 Terry, Ellen, xm. 513, 515
Vastness, xin. 30, 41 Tertullian, m. 9, 416; vn. 34, 505, 510;
Village Wife, The, xm. 39, 40 xn. 488
Vision of Sin, The, vni. 237; xm. 26,
Tervey, tykes of, n. 275
27, 30, 32, 253 Tesauro, E., Cannocchiale Aristotelico, vn.
Voyage of Maeldune, The, xn. 361 ; VTTT. 269
42, 251; xiv. 328 Tessa, in Romola, xm. 395
We fell out,' xm. 31 Tessaranactus^.e. JamesI), mEuphormio,
When on my bed the moonlight falls,' IV. 256
xin. 33 Test, The, x. 389, 390, 522
'Witch-elms that counterchange the Test act, the, x. 374; xm. 24
xm. 33
floor,' Testament, New, n. 290, 292, 300, 430;
'With trembling fingers did we weave,' m. 7, 13, 27, 42 ff., 127, 233, 448;
xra. 33 iv. 27, 28, 34, 47; vn. 173, 304, 316,
Wreck, The, xm. 42
' 317, 326
You ask me, why,' xm. 30 Beza's Latin version, in. 45
Tennyson, Charles. See Turner, Charlea Genevan, of William Whittingham, m,
Tennyson 44

Testament, New Thackeray, William Makepeace
Greek text of, vni. 277 Denis Duval, x. 39; xm. 300
Irish version of, iv. 414
Diary of Fitz-Jeames de la Pluche, xiv.
Luther's preface to, m. 45 237
Purvey' s version, m. 45 Dr Birch and his Young Friends, xm.
Scots, of Murdoch Nisbet, m. 45 294
Tmdale's, n. 330; in. 42, 43; TO. 432 English Humourists of the Eighteenth
Wycliffite, n. 285, 430; in. 45 Century, The, x. 53, 418, 484; xm. 294
Testament, Old, n. 230, 292, 335; m. 43 ff p
, Esmond, Henry, The History of, xm.
234; IV. 27, 28, 30, 46, 49, 170; VII. 324; 277, 286, 292, 293, 297, 298, 300, 407
vin. 37 Fatal Boots, The, xm. 280, 282
Tmdale's, ni. 44 Fetes of July, The, xm. 283
Wychffite, n. 430 Fitz-Boodle, Confessions of, xm. 281
Testament de Taste Vin, Le, in. 85, 483 Flore et Zephyr, xm. 278
Testament of the Hawthorne, The, m. 86, Four Georges, The, xn. 431 xm. 295

483 George de Barnwell, xm. 280, 418

Testaments (English, Latin and French), Great Hoggarty Diamond, The, xm. 281,
m. 482 ff. 288
Testaments, mock, iv, 357, 521 Irish Sketch Book, The, xm. 282 ff., 414
Testimony, in Crowne's Sir Courtly Nice, Jeames's Diary, xm. 284, 526
vin. 189 Kickleburys on the Rhine, The, XIIT. 294
Tetbury, Gloucestershire, vm. 82, 83 Legend of the Rhine, A, xm. 284, 294
Tetterbys, the, in Dickens' s The Haunted Lords and Liveries, xn. 246
Man, xin. 324 Lovd the Widower, xm. 299
Teufelsdrockh (Carlyle's), xm. 3, 6, 9 Major Gahagan, xm. 279, 281
Teutonic languages, x. 223 Metis Wives, xm. 281
Teutonic law, vm. 310 Miss Tickletoby's Lectures on English
Teutonic tribes, x. 313 History, xm. 284; xiv. 237
Tewkesbury, re. 297; ix. 394 Mr Punch's Prize Novelists, xm. 284;
Tewkesbury academy, x. 386 xiv. 237
Texte, Joseph, x. 16, 413, 458; xn. 407, Mrs Perkins's Ball, xm. 292, 294
525, 527 Newcomes, The, iv. 113; v. 213; xm.
Textor, J, Bavisius, v. 107 ff., 407, 410; 120, 277, 278, 295 ff., 299, 300
vi. 87; Latin Dialogi, v. 101; Juvenis, Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to
Pater, Uxor, v. 108, 109; Thersites, v. Grand Cairo, xm. 284
108, 109 Novels by Eminent Hands, xn. 246
Thackeray, Amelia (born Webb), xm. 276 Our Street, xm. 292
Thackeray, Anne (born Becher), xm. 276 Paris Sketch Book, The, xm. 281, 282;
Thackeray, Isabella (born Shawe), xrn. xiv. 196
278, 280 Pendennis, iv. 252; x. 44; xn. 159;
Thackeray, Richmond, xm. 275, 276 xm. 276, 290 ff., 294, 391; xiv. 443
Thackeray, Thomas, xm. 275 Philip, The Adventures of, xin. 280,
Thackeray, William, bookseller, xi. 335 288, 299, 300
Thackeray, William Makepeace (1811- Professor, The, xm. 310
1863), I. 287; n. 176; v. 179, 212, 231; Ravenswing, The, xm. 281
vn. 199; IX. 40, 127, 133, 190; x. 45, Rebecca and Rowena, xm. 284, 294
120, 154, 422; xi. 306, 307, 385, 387, Rose and the Ring, xin. 294
423, 476, 483; xii. 21, 24, 109, 121 ff., Roundabout Papers, x. 204; XTTT. 299
125, 128, 131, 178, 250, 252, 426, 430, Scaramouch, xin. 351
431; xm. 142, 154, 162, 170, 177, 178, Second Funeral of Napoleon, The, xm.
189, 199, 275 ff. (main entry), 307, 344, 283
352, 386, 388, 406, 421, 422, 425, 433, Shabby Genteel Story, A, xin. 280, 299
442, 457, 525 ff., 554, also see Add. 2; Snobs of England, The, xm. 284; xiv.
XIV. 142, 148, 152, 171, 177, 187, 194, 237
205, 224, 235 ff., 539, 540, 549 Timbuctoo, xm. 277; xiv. 207
Amours of Mr Deuceace, The, xm. 279 Vanity Fair, v. 213; xm. 281, 284 ff.,
Ballads of Policeman JT, The, xm. 294 292, 294; xiv. 255
Barbazure, xm. 284 Virginians, The, xm. 297 ff.
Barry Lyndon, The Luck of, x. 44; xm. Tellowplush Papers, The, ix. 57; xn.
281, 284, 292, 300, 414 431; xm. 278, 281
Bedford Row Conspiracy, The, xn. 431 Thackeray, William Makepeace, grand-
Book of Snobs, The, XL 297; xm. 281, father of the novelist, xin. 275
284 Thaise, in Confessio Amantis, II. 152
Catherine, xm. 279, 280, 282, 418 Thalaba, xm. 357
Christmas Books, xm. 292, 294 Thalander, in Sicelides, vi. 323
Comic Tales and Sketches, xm. 281 Thalia, in The Tears of the Muses, m. 2

371 24-2
Thame, vn. 104 Theobald, archbishop of Canterbury (d.
Thames, river, ix. 187; x. 102; XL 362; 1161), I. 185 ;ii. 341
xn. 265; xm. 93, 120; xiv. 221 Theobald, Lewis (1688-1744), v. 270 ff.;
Thamesis (Thames), in The Masque of vm. 177; ix. 77 ff., 84, 86, 89, 143, 145,
Beauty, VL 344 168; x. 440; XL 322; Richard II, XL
Thanet, isle of, ix. 536 316; Shakespeare, XL 320; Shakespeare
Thaon, P. de (ft. 1120), I, 226, 227 Restored, ix. 79, 448, 449
Tharmas, in Blake's Veda, XL 195 Theobaldus Stampensis (d. 1161), 11. 341
Thaxted, Essex, IV. 91 Theocrine, in The Unnaturall Combat, VT.
Theagenes (Digby), in his Memoirs, vn. 159
222 Theocritus, m. 62, 218, 219, 221, 222,
Theal, G. McCall, xiv. Add. 10 224 ff., 300; iv. 121, 411, 440; VL 364;
Thealma and Clearchus, vn. 251 vn. 9, 83, 87; vm. 44; ix. 69, 372, 526;
Theatre, TJie, ix. 144, 439, 442 x. 492; XL 143, 426; xn. 330, 331, 486,
Theatre, the Elizabethan, vi. 241-278, 489, 495; xm. 34, 45; The Adomazusae,
459 ff. See, also, under specific names in. 226
below: Theodberht, I. 26
Blackfriars, VL 170, 243, 248, 255, Theodore, in Walpole's Castle of Otranto,
257 ff., 262, 270, 273, 276 ff., 289 ff., x. 61
312, 404 Theodore (602?-690), archbishop of Can-
Cockpit, vi. 262, 272 terbury, I. 5, 71 ff., 77, 82, 87
Curtain, vi. 247, 253 ff. f 378, 384 ff. Theodoric of Chartres, I. 185
Fortune, vi. 250, 253, 255, 256, 258, Theodoric the great, xn. 322, 476
259, 261, 268, 269, 272, 292, 398 Theodoras Prodromus, iv. 259
Globe, vi. 69, 247, 248, 253, 255 ff., 261, Theodosius, yn. 395; xn. 476
267, 269, 270, 272, 275 ff. Theodosius, in The Emperour of the East,
Goldmg (now Golden) lane, vi. 258 VL 158
Hope, VT. 260, 261, 264, 267. 275, 402 Theodotion, ix. 330
Newington Butts, vi. 247, 254, 255 Theodric I, i. 26
Phoenix, VL 262 Theodric, in Deor, I. 36, 37
Red Bull, vi. 262, 266, 272 Theodric, Ostrogothic king, I. 20, 21, 34,
Rose, Southwark, vi. 83, 247, 250, 254, 36, 37, 99
255, 257, 259, 261 Theognis, XL 392; xn. 484
Salisbury court, VL
232, 233, 262 Theological Falsehood, in The Faerie
Swan, vi. 259 ff.,ff., 267, 268, 273
263 Queene, m. 234
Theater, vi. 243, 246, 247, 249, 251 ff., Theological learning (1600-1660), vn. 484
257, 378, 384 ff., 391 Theologus, in A Dialogue... against the
Theatre Royal, Drury lane, VL 33, 261 fever Pestilence, m. 109
Whitefriars, vi. 140, 262 Theology, in Piers the Plowman, n. 8
TJieatrefor Worldlings, A, m. 213, 250 Theophanius, count, I. 105
Theatre Regulation act, xm. 257 Theophilus, De Unms, n. 365
Theatres, A Second and Third Blast of Theophilus, the legendary, vn. 503
retraitfrom plaies and, vi. 390, 392, 496 Theophrastians, m. 91, 487
Theatres, closing of the, VL 210, 229, 234, Theophrastus, m. 416; iv, 323, 335 ff., 339,
238 341 ff., 436, 521; vn. 379, 384, 386;
Theatres, war of the, VL 4, 39 IX. 46; Characters, vm. 63; xn. 332, 485
Theatrical histories, dictionaries and Theophrastus Such (George Eliot's), XTTT.
general records, x. 442 ff. 402
Theatrical pamphlets, Georgian era, XL There'll Never be Peace till Sarnie comes
449 ff. Hame, ix. 377
Thebes, subject of the wars of, I. 279, 285, There's nae luck dboot the Hoose, ix. 373
286, 307 Therry, Sir Roger (1800-1874), xi. 392
Thebes, The Siege of, n. 308 Thersites, m. 280; v. 410
Thebes, Cambridge university so called Thersites, in Dry den's Troilus and Cres-
by Dryden, vm. 4 sida, vm. 29
Thecla, I. 74 Thersites, in Shakespeare's Troilus and
Thegan's Life of Ludwig the Pious, i. 90 Cressida, VT. 44
Thel, in Blake's Book of Thel, xi. 186 Theseus, xm. 354
Theloall, S., Le Digest des Bnefes Ori- Theseus, in Alfred's Orosius, I. 95
ginals (1579), vra. 467 Theseus, in A Midsummer Nighfs Dream,
Thelwall, John (1764-1834), XL 119; v. 183; VL 213, 214
xra. 240, 512; xiv. 610 Theseus, in Palamon and Arcyte, vi. 299
Themech, iv. 215 Theseus, in The Two Nolle Kinsmen, v.
Themistocles, DC. 524; xn. 363 256
Thenot, in The Faithfull Shepheardease, Thespis, v. 176
VL368 Thetbaldus, i. 227

Thetford, Norfolk, vm. 257 Thomas of Woodstock, duke of Glou-
Thetford, St Mary's priory, VL 281 cester (1355-1397), n. 158
Thetis, in Iliad, VL 347 Thomas of Woodstock, v. 399
Thierry, J. N. A., xiv. 77; Norman Con- Thomas the Rimer, rv. 363
quest, xiv. 107 Thomas Rymer, n. 413
Tlnms. Gregory, vn. 498 Thomas Saga, i. 191
Third Blast, The, vi. 378, 391, 392, 395 Thomason, George (d 1666), iv. 425;
Third collection of Tracts, x. 378 xi. 468, 470; collection of tracts of the
Thirlestane keep, m. 132 times (1641-1660), vn. 346, 422, 491,
Thirlwall, Connop (1797-1875), xn. 280, 494, 499, 500, 502
288, 302, 303, 307 if. (main entry), 318, Thompson, in Cocke LoreWs bote, m. 84
470, 478; xiv. 593; History of Greece, Thompson, A. Hamilton, Military Archi-
XII. 308; Letters toa Friend, xn. 309; tecture during the Middle Ages, xn. 349
the Irony of Sophocles,' xn. 308 Thompson, Sir Benjamin, count von Rum-
Thirsk, the Three Tuns, xiv. 203 ford (1753-1814), xiv. 259, 556
Thirty years' war, vn. 50, 437, 453; xiv. Thompson, Benjamin (17767-1816), xi.
459 260
Thirty-Nine Articles, the, xiv. 383 Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth, xrv. 610
'This is the Time' (refrain), 96 Thompson, David (1796-1868), xiv. 359
Thisbe, in A Midsummer Night's Dream, Thompson, Edward (1738?-1786), vn.
v. 285; vi. 207, 316 184; x. 525
Thorn, M., in. 189 Thompson, Francis (1859-1907), xn. 404,
Thorn, William (1798?-1848), xi. 445 441 ; xin. 140, 216 fl., 223, 510, also see
Thomalin, in The Shepheards Calender, Add. 2
m. 222 Absence, xm. 219
Thomas (c. 1170), i. 273, 310, 316 Hound of Heaven, The, xm. 218
Thomas, in Piers the Plowman, n. 12 Inconstant, The, xm. 218
Thomas, Acts of, I. 75 Penelope, xm. 219
Thomas, C. H., xiv. Add. 10 Thompson, Henry (1797-1878), XL 475
Thomas, Edward (1813-1886), xn. 352, Thompson, Henry Yates, xiv. 195
512, 513; Ancient Indian Weights, xn. Thompson, Sir John, 1st baron Haversham
353 (1647-1710), ix. 12, 421, 422
Thomas, Edward, xm. 495; xiv. 516, 521, Thompson, John S., xiv. 536
523 Thompson, John Vaughan (1779-1847),
Thomas, Frederick Moy, xrv. 535 xiv. 296, 564
Thomas, Lord Cromwell, v. 236, 238, 246, Thompson, Joseph, xiv. 386, 592, 597
247, 332, 442, 444 Thompson, Nathaniel (fl. 1685), vm. 98,
Thomas, Mrs, ix. 84 410, 411
Thomas, St (apostle), I. 74, 75, 120, 232 Thompson, Thomas Perronet (1783-1869),
Thomas, St, English Song on, I. 117 xiv. 514
Thomas, St E. Hake, xiv. 527 Thompson, William (17127-1766?), xi.
Thomas, Samuel (1627-1693), x. 386 172, 429
Thomas, Thomas, Cambridge printer Thompson, William Hepworth (1810-
(1553-1588), m. 427; iv. 409, 410; vn. 1886), XIL 330, 331, 494; xm. 142; xiv.
486, 487 469
Thomas, W. Moy, ix. 244, 248 Thorns, William John (1803-1885), xi.
Thomas, William (d. 1554), HL 554; A 467; xn. 519; Anecdotes and Traditions,
History e of Italy e, in. 105 xn. 354
Thomas, William (1670-1738), ix. 533, 540 Thomson, Anstruther, xrv. 541
Thomas, William Luson (1830-1900), xiv. Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville (1830-
535 1882), xrv. 296, 297, 564
Thomas a Becket, Thomas of Canterbury. Thomson, Clara Linklater, x. 412, 413;
See Becket xm. 553
Thomas & Kempis. See Kempis Thomson, David (1817-1880), xn. 513
Thomas Aquinas, St See Aquinas Thomson, David Croal, xm. 541
Thomas de Bungay (fl. 1290), I. 210, 456; Thomson, George (1757-1851), XL 207,
n. 350 230, 232, 435, 439, 445; xii. 373; Irish
Thomas de Eccleston (fl. 1250), I. 203, 453 Airs, xi. 236; Scottish Airs, XL 226,
Thomas de Hales (fl. 1250), i. 233; Luve 227, 231, 236; xn. 372; Welsh Airs, xi.
Ron, 233 i. 235
Thomas of Accon, vn. 332
St, Thomson, I., Pyramids and Thisbie, m. 191
Thomas of Burton (fl. 1397), n. 498 Thomson, James (1700-1748), vi. 49;
Thomaa of Ely (fl. 1175), I. 449 vn. 137; IX. 69, 181, 186, 254, 486;
Thomas of Erceldoune (True Thomas) x. 73, 93 ff. (main entry), 112 ff., 147,
(fl. 12207-1297?), x, 316, 356, 471; 149, 152, 183, 230, 274, 369, 446 ff.,
n.100 454, 460; XL 86, 144, 206 ff., 216, 242,

Thomson, James Thorgerftr, daughter of Egill SkalJa-
244, 314; xn. 131, 132, 136, 177, 504; grimsson, I. 9
xin. 35, 235, also see Add. 2 Thorie or Thorius, John (fl. 1586-1503),
Agamemnon, x. 108 TV. 253, 448
Alfred, x. 107 ft, 433, 437 Thorius, Raphael 531
(d. 1625), IV.
Autumn, x. 94, 99 fi., 103, 104 Thorn, A. E., xiv. 521
Britannia, x. 94, 104 Thornberry, Job, in Colman's John Bull,
Castle of Indolence, The, m. 246; x. 95, xi. 280
98, 100, 103, 105 fi., 114, 148, 235; Thornborough, John (1551-1641), vn
xi.247 ;xn. 100 145
Conolanus, x. 96, 108, 114 Thornbury, George Walter (1828-1876),
Edward and Eleonora> x. 108 xm. 189, 510
Hymn, A, x. 103 Thorndike, Ashley Horace, vi. 121; vm.
Liberty, x. 94, 95, 104, 105, 128 181
Poem sacred to the Memory of Sir Isaac Thorndike, Herbert (1598-1672), vm.
.Newton, x. 94 462; Epilogue to the Tragedy of the
Return from the Fox-Chace, x. 101 Church of England, vm. 294; The Re-
Mule, Britannia, x. 109 formation of the Church of England,
Seasons, The, x. 93 fif., 109, 110, 112, vm. 294; trans, of Veni Creator, vm.
125, 145, 148; xi. 247, 315; xm. 372 295
Sophonisba, x. 94, 108 Thome, J., xrv. 613
Spring, x. 94, 96, 98 ff., 128, 273 Thome, Robert (d. 1527), iv. 87
Summer, x. 94, 96, 99 ff., 103, 104 Thome, William (fl. 1397), n. 498
Tancred and Sigismunda, x. 108 Thorneganus (or Byrhtferth), i. 131
Winter, x. 94, 96, 99 ff. ,

Thornes, the, in Trollope's novels, xm.

Thomson, James, 'B.V.' (1834-1882), XT. 422
434; xm. 106 ff., 147, 187, 193, 489 Thorney abbey, n. 289
(main entry), 570 Thornhill, squire, in The Vicar of Wake-
City of Dreadful Night, The, xm. 106 ff.
field, x. 209
Insomnia, xin. 109 Thomley, George, vn. 489
Sunday at JHampstead, xm. 109 Thornton, in Mrs Gaskell's North and
Sunday up the River, xin. 109 South, xm. 378, 381
To Our Ladies of Death, xm. 109 Thornton, in Lytton's Pelham, xm.
Vane's Story, and other Poems, xm. 109 418
Weddah and Om-el-JBonam, xm. 109 Thornton, Bonnell (1724-1763), X. 429,
Thomson, John, xn. 144 455, 461; xiv. 594; The Connoisseur,
Thomson, John Arthur, xiv. 481 xi. 448
Thomson, J. Charles, xn. 434; xm. 476, Thornton, Henry (1760-1815), xn. 281,
493, 532 473
Thomson, Sir Joseph John, xrv. 269 Thornton, Percy Melville, xiv. 597
Thomson, Richard (d. 1613), vn. 316 Thornton, Robert de (fl. 1440), iv. 422
Thomson, Thomas (1768-1852), xn. Thornton, Robert John (1768?-1837), xi.
357 ft, 518 432
Thomson, Thomas Napier (1798-1869), Thornton, William Thomas (1813-1880),
XL 443 xiv. 22, 482
Thomson, William (fl. 1725), Orpheus Thornton-le-Dale, near Pickering, n. 44
Caledonius, ix. 361, 567; x. 233 Thornton-le-Street, n. 44
Thomson, William (1746-1817), x. 291, Thoroton, Robert (1623-1678), Antiqui-
505 ties of Nottinghamshire, ix. 353, 540
Thomson, William (1819-1890), An Out- Thorowgood, in Lillo's George Barnwell,
line of the Laws of Thought, xrv. 9, x. 74, 75
482 Thorowgood, G., vn. 514
Thomson, Sir William, lord Kelvin (1824- Thorpe, Benjamin (1782-1870), I. 116,
1907), xiv. 265 ff., 556, 557 117; xn. 344, 505; xiv. 52, 69, 499;
Thomson, William Roger, xm. 544; xrv. Yule-tide Stories, xn. 368
Add. 5 Thorpe, Isabella, in Jane Austen's North-
Thopas, Sir (Chaucer's), iv. 359 anger Abbey, xi. 299, 300; xn. 236
Thopas, Sir, in Lyly's Endimion, vm. 127 Thorpe, John (1682-1750), ix. 540
Thor, x. 237 Thorpe, Thomas (1570?-1635?), IV. 394,
Thor, children of, m. 84 395; v. 223 ff. (T. T.), 225
Thor, myths of, I. 297 Thorpe, Thomas Edward, xrv. 557
Thorbiorga, in Taylor's Edwin the, Fair; Thorpe, William (d. 1407?), n. 69
xn. 113 Thorpe, Examination of Wittiam, n. 300
Thoreau, Henry David, xn. 166, 176 Thorpes, the, in Jane Austen's Northanger
Thoresby, Ralph (1658-1725), ix. 540; Abbey, xn. 236
XI. 340; xn. 514, 516: Leeds, ix. 353, 540
Thorstein, the Red, I. 287

Thou, Jacques Auguste de (Thuanus), in. Thynne, Thomas, 2nd marquis of Bath,
163, 326; Histonae sui tempons, vi. 33; xi. 148
IX. 204, 206 Thynne, William (d. 1546), n. 161, 162,
Though Fortune cannot favor, in. 190 164, 169, 217, 218; m. 291, 311
Thought, in Piers the Ploivman, n, 19 Thynnes, the, ix. 168
Thoyras, Rapm de, x. 502 Thyrsis, in Milton's Arcades, vn. 113
Thracian Wonder, in. 357 Thyrza, in Gissing's novel, xm. 459, 461
Thrale, Mrs. 8ee Piozzi, Hester Lynch Tibbe, daughter of Rondill the refe, in The
Thrales, the, x. 181, 182 Turnament of Totenham, I. 366
Thrasher, justice, in Fielding's Amelia, Tibbs, Mrs, in A Citizen of the World, v.
x. 21, 29 181
Three Children, the, I. 74 Tiberius, in Sejanus, vi. 20
Three Fates, the, in Filostrato e Panfila, Tiberius, emperor of Rome, is. 234; x.
v. 62 320; xn. 306
Three Kings' Sons, n. 483, 503 Tibet Talkapace, n. 232
Three Mile Cross, near Reading, TTTTT. 430 Tibullus, m. 113; vin. 215; xn. 492
Three Ravens, The, n. 412 Tichborne, Chidiock, iv. 129
Three Speeches, vn. 381 Tichmarsh, Northanta., vni. 2
Three Systers of Mantua, The, v. 116 Tickell, Richard (1751-1793), x. 438;
Taring, Edward (1821-1887), xiv. 425, xi 35 ' 391
602, 610; Theory and Practice of Teach- Tickell, Thomas (1686-1740), ix. 165,
ing, xiv.426 170 fi., 181, 435 ff., 440, 444, 483; x.
Throckmorton, Job (1545-1601), in. 380, 137, 458
381, 382, 383, 390, 391, 538, 539, 542 Colin and Lucy, ix. 173
Throsby, John (1740-1803), IX. 540 Epistle from a Lady in England, ix. 173
Thrum, Sir George, mThackeray's The Fragment of a Poem on Hunting, ix. 173
Ravenswing, xni. 281 Iliad, The, ix. 75, 171, 173
Thrush and the Nightingale, The, I. 362, Kensington Gardens, ix. 173
465 ;H. 500 On Queen Caroline's rebuilding of the.
Thrytho, in Beowulf, I. 23 Lodgings.. .at Queen's College, ix. 172
Thuanus, See Thou Oxford, IX. 173
Thucydides, ill. 429, 432; iv. 3, 4, 43, Part of the Fourth Boole of Lucan, ix.
440; VII. 218, 283; IX. 340, 528; x. 135; 173
xii. 303, 330, 333, 338, 474, 482, 483, Poem to... the Lord Privy Seal on tJie

485, 486, 492, 493, 4=95, also see Add.; Prospect of Peace, ix. 171, 172
xiv. 59, 85, 98 Royal Progress, The, ix. 172
Thule,i.26, 100, 216; II. 84 ToMr Addison, ix. 170, 173
Thumb, Tom, xi. 373, 375 ToSir Godfrey Kneller, ix. 173
Thunder, Harry, in O'Keeffe's Wild Oats, Tothe Earl of Warwick on the Death of
XI. 281 Mr Addison, IX. 171
Thunder and Lightning, in The Rehearsal, Tickler, Timothy, in Nodes Ambrosianae,
vni. 34 xn. 160 ,

'Thunderer, The' (The Times), xiv. 180 Tieck, Dorothea, v. 303

Thurgarton, Nottinghamshire, n. 299 Tieck, Johann Ludwig, v. 85, 222, 299,
Thurland, Sir Edward (1606-1683), vm. 303 ff.; xm. 4, 192,465
83 Tierney, George (1761-1830), xiv. 121, 511
Thurloe, John (1616-1668), vn. 188; Tierra del Fuego, xiv. 243
Collection of the State Papers of, vn. Tighe,Mary (born Blackford) (1772-1810),
187, 435, 452 xn. 423; xiv. 571; Psyche, xiv. 311
Thurloe Papers, x. 294 90
Tigris, river, iv.
Thurlow, Edward, 1st lord Thurlow (1731- Tilbury. See Gervase of
1806), x. 306; xi. 78, 142, 143, 254 Tilbury, ix. 7
Thurnall, Tom, in Kingsley's Two Years Tiler, Margaret, iv. 442
Ago, xm. 365 Tilghman, Richard, x. 409
Thurneysen, i. 246 Tillbrook, Samuel, xm. 241, 247, 512
Thurston, king, in Horn, I. 287 Tillemont, Louis S. le N. de, x. 292, 308,
Tlmrtell, John (1794r-1824), xm. 418; xiv. 499; Histoire des Empereurs, x. 314,
201, 228, 230 M'^moires Eccle'siastiques, x. 314
Thyer, Robert (1709-1781), vm. 60, 62 Tilley, Arthur Augustus, vm. 63
Thylde (a seaman), iv. 68 Tillotson, John ( 1630-1694), archbishop of
Thynne, Francis (1545?-1608), ra. 114; Canterbury, vn. 176; vm. 272, 292,
iv. 519 296, 297, 303, 304, 370, 389, 458, 459,
Thynne, lady Isabella, vn. 55 461, 462; ix. 195, 196, 289, 293; X. 353,
Thynne, Thomas, 3rd viscount Wey- 354, 359, 360, 379, 498; xn. 259; The
mouth and 1st marquis of Bath (1734- Wisdom of being religious, vm. 369
1796), X. 306 Tilly, count J. T. von, vn. 21

Tilly, William, of Selling or Celling (d. Tiresias, in Narcissus, vi. 316
1494), m. 5, 52 Tiriel, in Blake's poem, xi. 187
Tiliyard, Alfred Isaac, xiv. 594 Tirzah, in Blake's Four Zoos, xi. 196, 197
Tiiney, Edmund (d. 1610), in. 536; vi. Tisbury, Wiltshire, iv. 161
249, 384 Titania, XL 374
Tilney, Henry, in Jane Austen's North- Titania, in AMidsummer Nighfs Dream,
anger Abbey, xn. 234, 236 v. 183
Iimaeus, J. J. C., x. 446 Titania, in Nimphidia, iv. 193
Time, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, n, 226 Titania, in The Whore of Babylon, vi. 53
Time's Complaint, vi. 320, 474 Titanic,' ship, xiv. 195
Times, Song on the, I. 370 Titans, the, in Keats's Hyperion, xn. 85
Times, The, xi. 155, 467; xn. 171, 273, Titchburne, Robert, vn. 513
315; xm. 11, 20, 69, 278, 347, 467; Titere Tu, in Wilson's Cheats, vm. 122
xiv. 118, 151, 165, 170 ft, 177 E., Titian, xn. 172, 173: xiv. 171
187 ff., 198, 201, 410, 536 Titimllus. Sec Tutivillus
Times of India, The, xiv. 339 Titmarsh, Michael Angelo, pseud, of
Times Whistle, The. See R. 0. W. M. Thackeray, xin. 278, 281, 284,
Timme, Thomas, iv. 448, 518 294, 422
Timoclia at the sege of Thebes by Alexander, Titmarsh, Samuel, in Thackeray's Great
v. 102 Hoggarty Diamond, xm. 281
Timoleon of Corinth, in The Bond-Mant Tito, in Bomola, xm. 395, 396
vi. 163 Titus, in school plays, v. 103
Timon, play, vi. 487 Titus, emperor of Rome, x. 303; xii. 249
Timon (Shakespeare's), xm. 242 Titus, Silius (1623?-1704), vii. 460; vm.
Timon's villa, in Pope's Epistles, ix. 81 410
Timor mortis conturbat me, n. 257 Titus and Gesippus, n. 326
'Timotheus,' vra. 55 Titus and Vespasian, I. 333, 334, 471;
Timothy, in Sir Courtly Nice, vm. 189 v. 221

Timothy Thinbeard, in // you know not Tityrus (Vergil's), m. 223

me, vi. 84 Tiverton academy, x. 387
Timperley, Charles H. (1794-1846?), xi. Tivoli, xn. 419
467 Tixall, iv. 184
Timur (Tamerlane), xi. 18 Tixall Poetry, vn. 86
Tina, in George Eliot's Mr GilfiFs Love To pass the Place, m. 491
Story, xm. 387 Tobacco, in The Queenes Arcadia, vi. 318
Tinchebray, battle of, I. 157 Tobacco, king of Trinidado, in Lingua,
Tincker of Turney, The, iv. 362 vi. 315
Tindal, Matthew (1657-1733), DC 288, Tobacco in England, An Advice how to
293 ff., 302, 309, 508, 512; x. 521; plant, iv. 53 r
Christianity as Old as the Creation, ix. Tobacco pamphlets, iv. 530
293, 311 Tobacconist, The, vi. 28
Tindal, Nicholas (1688-1774), Continua- Tobin, John (1770-1804), xi. 458; The
tion of Mr Rapin de Thoyras's History, Honeymoon, xi. 454
IX. 235, 236, 495 Toby, Abel's Kinsman, ix. 442, 4G2
'Tindal, William/ x. 475 Toby, uncle, in Sterne's Tristram Shandy,
Tmdale or Tyndale, William (d. 1536), x. 25, 50 flf.
i. 211; n. 330; ni. 13, 26, 27, 39 ff. Tocqueville, Alexis 0. H. Cterel de, xi. 26;
(main entry), 441, 462, 472; iv. 38, XII. 475
39, 40 ff., 46, 380 Tod, James (1782-1835), xn. 513; xiv.
Articles whereof John Frith died, m. 41 580; Annals an d Antiquities of'Raj asthan,
New Testament, xn. 521 xiv. 335; Antiquities of Hajpootana, xii.
Obedience of a Christian Man, The, 352
m. 39 Todd, Alpheus (1821-1884), xiv. 359, 584
Parable of the Wicked Mammon, The, Todd, Henry John (1763-1845), x. 239,
ni. 39 461
Practice of Prelates, The, m. 41 Todd, James Henthorn (1805-1869), xn.
Revelation of Anti-Christ, The, in. 39 360, 519; xiv. 571; St Patrick, Apostle
of Scripture, The, m. 39 of Ireland, xn. 361; Life of St Patrick,
Tintagol or Tintagel, the castle of, I. 259, xiv. 328
, 273 'Todgers's,' in Martin Chuzzlewit, xm.
Tintern abbey, x. 134 323, 423
Tintoretto, xm. 397 Todhunter, Isaac (1820-1884), xiv. 555,
Tipperary, ix. 166; xiv. 321, 326 565, 610
Tiptoft, John, earl of Worcester (1427?- Todhunter, John (1839-1916), xn. 400,
1470), n. 286, 499 404; xm. 510; xiv. 211, also see Add. 3
Tiresias, in. 173 Todlen Butt and Todlen Ben, ix, 360

Toft Trees, Norfolk, vi. 290 Tompson, Charles, }un., xrv. 587; Wild
Tofte, Robert (d. 1620), in. 209, 256, 264, Notes, xiv. 362
266; iv. 442 Tomson, Rosamund. See Watson, Rosa-
A n 05/05 Satyr es, iv. 377, 520, 540 mund Marriott
Blazon of Jealousie, The, m. 209 Tomy Lin, xi. 231
Laura, m. 257, 266, 524 Tonbridge school, m. 428; vn. 330
Pastoralls of Julietta, iv. 377 Tone, Theobald Wolfe (1763-1798), xiv.
Tokens, The Fifteen, n. 329 514, 571
Toland, John (1670-1722), vm. 332, 410; Tong, William (1662-1727), X. 385
ix. 17, 282, 289 ff., 294, 295, 300, 427,
Tongue, Cornelius, xiv. 541
508 Tongue, Israel (1621-1680),* Apocalyptical
Amyntor, ix. 291, 297 Expositions,' vin. 286
Christianity not mysterious, vm. 331; Tonna, Charlotte Elizabeth, The Maiden
IX. 289 ff.
City, xrv. 321
Letters to Serena, ix. 290, 291 Tonnies, F., vn. 288
Life of Milton, ix. 291 Tonson, Jacob (d. 1735), XL 320
Nazarenus, IX. 291 Tonson, Jacob (1656?-1736), vn. 117,
Pantheisticon, ix. 292 141; vm. 44, 49, 213, 392, 394, o/jo
Toledo, xiii. 452 see Add.; ix. 68, 77, 162, 350; xi.
Toledo, scholars at, I. 153, 199; n. 365; 318 &., 327, 332, 334; Miscellany, ix.
iv. 69 68, 74, 119, 165, 446; xi. 319, 320
Toleration act, x. 373, 376, 378, 380, 382 Tonson, Jacob (d. 1767), x. 180; xi. 320,
Toller, Thomas Northcote, xiv. 611 323
Tolomei, vn. 265 Toogood, C. G., xrv. 490
Tolosa, ix. 269 Tooke, John Home (1736-1812), x. 402,
Tolous, Erl of, I. 471 524; xi. 400; xn. 494; D. -ersions of
Tolstoy, Leo, count, v. 208; xn. 250 Purley, The, x. 401, 405; xn. 326
Tom, in King Lear, v. 263 Tooke, Thomas (1774-1858), xiv. 482
Tom, in Steele's Conscious Lovers, ix. 64 Tooke, William (1777-1863), x. 524
Tom, Corinthian (Egan's), xiv. 223, 224, Toole, John L., xm. 515
226, 227, 230 Tooley or Toolie, Nicholas, vi. 139
Tom a Lincoln, xi. 334 Toomevara (Charlotte Eccles's), xiv. 325
Tom of all Trades, v. 364 Tooting, ix. 7
Tom of Bedlam, vi. 297 Toots, in Dombey and Son, xm. 325
Tom Drum, in Master Peachey and Ms Top Book of All, XL
375, 386, 490
men, in. 369, 372 Topcliffe, Richard (1532-1604), iv. 128
Tom Potts, ii. 411 Topham, captain, xiv. 214
Tom Tel-Troths Message and Ms pens Toplady, Augustus Montagu (1740-1778),
Complaint, iv. 352; v. 363 x. 365, 517; An old Fox tarred and
Tom Tell-Trothe's New-yeares Gift, iv. feathered, x. 367; Historic Proof, x. 367;
353, 526, 527; v. 355, 479 'Rock of Ages/ x. 367
Tom Thynne's Ghost, vni. 92 Topsell, Edward (d. 1638?), vin. 479;
Tom Tosspot, n. 232 Histone of Fourefooted Beastes, iv. 374;
Tom Tyler and his Wife, v. 117, 118, 410 The Histone of Serpents, IV. 374; Theater
Tomkin, the Tinker, in Piers the Plowman, of Insects, IV. 374
n. 16 Torchbearers' dance, the, in The Lords'
Tomkins, Thomas (d. 1656), iv. 465 Masque, VI. 354
Tomkis or Tomkys, Thomas (fl. 1604- Torcy, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, marquis de,
1615), vi. 315, 479; viii. 400; x. 433; ix. 152, 216
Albumazar, iv. 410; vi. 314, 322, 323; Torfaeus, Thermodus, x. 225
vin. 366; Lingua, VI. 314, 322, 323, Torfrida, in Kingsley's Hereward the Wake,
327 xm. 366
Tomkyn, in Turnament of Totenham, i. 366 Tories, xm. 14, 24
Tomkyns or Tomkins, Thomas (1637?- Tories Confession, vm. 97
1675), vn. 117, 120 Tories' Triumph, vm. 97
Tomline, Sir George Pretyman (1750- Torigni, Robert de. See Robert de Monte
1827), xiv. 507 Tor-lutha, x. 229
Tomlins, Frederick Guest (1804-1867), Toronto, xiv. 343, 349, 358
xiv. 236 Trinity college, xiv. 350
Tomlinson, in Lytton's Paul Clifford, xm. University of, xn. 351
418 Torquatus (i.e. Ben Jonson), VI. 39
Tomlyn (Marprelate printer), in. 382 Torquemada, Antonio de, iv. 448
Tommy, in The Little Pretty Pocket BooJc, Torquil, in Byron's The Island, xn. 46
XI. 376 Torrens, Henry Whitelock (1806-1852),
'Tommy Lucretius,' x. 122 xiv. 337, 580
Tommy Thumb's Pretty Song Book, xi. 375 Torrens, Robert (1780-1864), xiv. 194, 482

Torrens, William Torrens McCullagh Towneley plays, m. 91; v. 13, 15, 18, 20,
(1813-1894), xiv. 510, 511, 513, 571; 40, 47, 389, 390
Life of Melbourne, xiv. 326 Townley, in Sheridan's Trip to Scar-
Torrent of Portugal, I. 316, 472; n. 182 borough, xi, 268
Torrigiano, Pietro, iv. 227 Townley, James (1714-1778), x. 432, 438;
Toscar, x. 229 False Concord, x. 90; High Life below
Tosier, captain John, iv. 462 Stairs, x. 88
Total Rout, A, vn. 382 Townley Gallery, xn. 509
Totila, king of the Goths in Italy, sin. 461 Townsend, Joseph (1739-1816), xi. 400;
Totnes, x. 352 Dissertation on the Poor Laws, XT. 74
Totnes, earl of. See Carew, Sir George Townsend, Meredith White (1831-1911),
Tottel, Richard (d. 1594), n. 198; m. 166, xiv. 198, 535
180, 181, 194, 248; iv, 384, 396, 546 ; Townshend or Townsend, Aurelian (fl.
TotteVs Miscellany, m. 134 ft., 166, 170, 1601-1643), vn. 16, 20, 413, also see
173, 174, 179 ff., 185 ff., 248, 283, 509, Add.
524; iv. 110, 168, 170, 387, 397, 546; Townshend, Charles, 2nd viscount Towns-
vn. 1 hend (1674-1738), rx. 16, 17, 1G3, 219
Tottenham, xn. 417 Townshend, Charles (1725-1767), x. 399,
Touchstone, in As You Like It, v. 190, 523, xi. 10, 12
192, 193, 214; xm. 64 Townshend, Chauncey Hare (1798-1868),
Touchstone, in Eastward Hoe, vr. 48 xm. 542
Touchwood, lady, in Congreve's Double- Townshend, Hayward (/.-1601), vn. 440
Dealer, vm. 148, 149 Townshend, lord John. xi. 35
Touchwood, lord, in Congreve's Double- Towton, battle of, ri, 306
Dealer, vm. 148 Towton, battlefield of, v. 171
Toulmin, Joshua (1740-1815), ix. 494; Towwouse, Mrs, in^ Fielding's Joseph
x. 518, 520 Andrews, X. 26
Toulouse, x. 335; xni. 88 Tox, Miss, in Dombey and Son, xm. 325
Toulouse, Dominicans at, I. 200 Toynbee, Arnold (1852-1883), xiv. 592
Toup, Jonathan (1713-1785), xn. 494; Toynbee, Paget, xn. 415, 525
Emendations on Suidas, xn. 324, 490 Toynbee, Mrs Paget, x. 247, 248, 250, 251,
Tour of Dr Syntax through London, The, 284, 495, also see Add. ; XL 282
xiv. 219 Tozer, in Mrs Oliphant's Salem Chapd,
Touraine, ix. 226 xm. 431
Tourguenieff, Ivan S., xm. 195 Tozer, Henry Fanshawe (1829-1916), xn.
Touris, William, The Contemplacyon of 475, also see Add. 4
sinners, n. 323 Trabb's boy, in Great Expectations, xm.
Tournay, in The Unfortunate Traveller, 334
m. 363 Tracts, collections of, in Jacobean times,
Tournay, John, vn. 33 vn. 455
Tournay, siege of, Laurence Minot on, I. Tracts for the Times, xn. 256, 257, 270,
357, 359 455 ff. xm. 358

Tournehem, m. 3 Tracy, Antoine L. C. Destutt, comte de,

Tourneur, Cyril (1575?-1626), v. 327, 376; xiv. 6, 8
vi. 116, 128, 166-187, 444, 459, also see Trade books, xi. 325
Add.;xn. 116 Trade catalogues, early, iv. 548
Atheist's Tragedie, The, vi. 137, 166, Trade and Plantations commission, ix.
167, 179 406
Funeral Poem, A(on Sir Francis Vere), Tradescant, John (d. 1637?), xiv. 285
vi. 166 Tradescant, John (1608-1662), xiv. 285,
Griefe on the Death of Prince Henry, A, 564
vi. 166 Trafton, A.,xm. 559
Nobleman, The, vi. 166 Tragedus, in Lingua, vi. 315
Revengers Tragoedie, The, VL 166, 167, Tragedy, hi A Warning for Faire Women,
178, 179 v. 326
Transformed Metamorphosis, The,n. 166 Tragedy, in The Muses Looking -Glasse,
Tours, vm, 245 vi. 233
Tout, Thomas Frederick, xiv. 485, 497 Tragedy, early English, v. 394
Tovey, Duncan Crookes (1842-1912), x. Traherne, Philip (d. 1723), vn. 404
103, 451; xm. 488, 508; xiv. 507 Traherne, Thomas (1637?-1674), vn. 15,
Towgood, Matthew (JZ. 1710-1746), x. 42 ff. (main entry), 144, 153, 155, 157,
385 387 163, 403, 404, 427, also see Add. xi. 384

Towgood, Michaijah (1700-1792), x. 374, Centuries of Meditations^ vn. 43, 143

384, 387; The Dissenting Gentleman's Christian Ethics, vn. 43
Answer, x. 375 News, vn. 44
Towneley MSS., ix. 565 Poems, vn. 43

Traberne, Thomas Trelawny, Sir Jonathan (1650-1721),
Roman Forgeries, vn. 43 bishop of Winchester, ix. 151; x. 352
Serious and patheticall Contemplation of Tremebundus or Tremulus ( Charles Lamb ),
the Mercies of God, A, yn. 43 xn. 200
Silence, vn. 44 Tremellius, John Immamiel (1510-1580),
Thoughts, poems on, vn. 44 422
Ways of Wisdom, The, vn. 44 Tremor, Sir Luke, in Mrs Inchbald's Such
Wonder, vn. 44 Things Are, xi. 278
Traill, Catharine Parr (1802-1899), xiv. Trench, Miss Maria (1828?~1917), xii.
581; Lost in the Backwoods (The Cana- Add. 2
dian Crusoes), xiv. 360 Trench, Melesina (1768-1827), xn. 452
Traill, Henry Duff (1842-1900), I. ix a Trench, Richard Chenevix (1807-1886),
x 422; xi. 417; xni. 464, 473, 478, 510, vn. 41, XT. 407; xn. 271 ft., 452, 4153;
544, 545, 547, also see Add. 2; xiv. 511, xm. 24, 167, 173, 510; xiv. 611; Lord*
527 many times I am aweary quite, xm. 174;
Age of Despair, The, xin. 166 Saw ed Latin Poetry, xm. 172
Ballad of JBaloonatics Craniocracs, The, Trench, W. F., m. 193, 194
xin. 166 Trent, in Fielding's Amelia, x. 33
Enfant Terrible, An, xin. 166 Trent^ council of, m. 30, 400; vn. 190,
Laputa Outdone, xni. 166 x. 460; xn. 260; xiv. 100
New Fiction, The, xiv.- 146 Trent, Mr, in The Old Curiosity Shop,
New Lucian, The, xiv, 146 xni. 319
Number Twenty, xiv. 146 Trent, river, iv. 190
Recaptured Rhymes, xin. 166 Trentala of St Gregory, I. 312
Saturday Songs, xin. 166; xiv. 146 Tresham (Browning's), 67
Social England, editor of, i. 363 Trevecca, x. 3G6
Trajan, emperor ol Rome, n, 76; xn. 303 Trevelyan, George Macaulay, n. 38 ; xm.
Tranent Muir, IX. 373 568; The life of John Bright, xrv. 133,
Tranquillus, in The Toiler, ix. 39 508
Transit, Robert, pseud. See Cruikshank, Trevelyan, Sir George Otto, XL 396; xri.
Isaac Robert 427; xiv. 60,493,537
Transition English, I. 217 fL, 335 ff., Treveris, Peter (fl. 1527), rv. 374
458 fL, 474 ff. ^
Treves, v. 39; xrv. 303
Transition English song colleotiona, n. Treves, Sir Frederick, xin. 485
372 ff., 490 it. Treveth. See Trivet
Translators, rv. 1 ff., 435 ft Trevisa, John (1326-1412), n. 59, 70 if,
Transome, Harold, in Felix Holt, xm. 397 85, 188, 189, 287, 295, 300, 313, 323,
Transubstantiation, vm. 296 333, 444; m. 441
Trant, Olive, IX. 219 Trevithick, Richard (1771-1833), xiv. 258
Traperon, William, iv. 446 Trevor, Sir John (1637-1717), vm. 482
Trapezuntiua, m. 50 Trdvoux, Memoires de, v. 291
Trapp, Joseph (1679-1747), ix. 181, 1$4, Trial of Treasure, The, v. 60, 393
487, 510, 512, 519 Triamour, Sir, I. 316, 465, 471
Trappola, in The Bugbears, v. 115 Tribulation, in The Alchemist, vi. 22, 23
Trautmarm, M., I. 60, 118 Tribulation, The Twelve profits of, n. 323
Travailes of The three English Brothers, Tribune, The, xiv. 202
The, iv. 533 Trier, iv. 429
Traveller, The, xrv. 194 Trieste, xrv. 313
Travers, Walter (1548?-1635), m. 405, Trifler, The, xiv. 387
406, 413, 426; iv. 236 Trim, corporal, in Sterne* s Tristram
Travis, George (1741-1797), x. 310; xn. Shandy, x. 50, 51, 53, 55
490; Letters to Gibbon, x. 309, 508; Trim, Ireland, ix. 93
xn. 323 Trimmer, Mrs Sarah (1741-1810), xi. 372,
Treasury of South African Poetry and 374, 383, 476, 483; xiv. 592, 602 610

Verse, The, xiv. 377 Comparative view of the New Plan of

Treatise of a Gallant, ix. 51 Education, A f xiv. 402, 403
Trebizond, n. 79 Fabulous Histories (The History of the
Treble, H. B., xiv. 528 Robins), xi. 378 ff.
Xregarva, in Kingsley's Yeast, xm. 360, Familiar Introduction to the Knowledge
361 of Nature, xi. 382
Tregelles, Samuel Prideaux (1813-1875), Guardian of Education, xi. 380
xn. 340, 501 Oeconomy of Charity, The, xiv. 390
Trelawney, Edward John (1792-1881), Reflections upon... charity schools,
xn. 38, 76, 398, 404, 452; xiv. 527; 389
Recollections of... Shelley and Byron, xn. Trinealo, in Albumazar, vi. 323
37 Trinculo, in The Tempest, v. 206

Trinidad, iv. 61 Trollope, Thomas Adolphus (1810-1892),
Tnmtarianism, x. 379 xii. 245; xm. 567; xiv. 598
Trinity, the, xn. 283 Trombet, Anthony, m. 50
Trinity, the, in Thefoure P.P., v. 97 Tropes, v. 11
Trinity, Pageant of the Holy, v. 9 *Trot, John* (viscount Bolingbroke), ix.
Trinity in Unity, dogma of, in. 243 221
Trinket, lord, in Colman's Jealous Wife, Trot of Turriff, the, vn. 254
x. 89, 90 Trotte, Nicholas (fl. 1588), v. 77
Trinket, Mrs (Etherege's), vm, 138 Trotter, Mrs A. F., xiv. Add. 10
'Trip, Tommy,' XL 377 Trotter, John Bernard (1775-1818), xn.
Triple alliance of 1668, vm. 3S1; ix. 228 439
Tripoli, xi. 72 Trotton, Sussex, vm. 181
Tripolis, in Syria, iv. 84 Trotwood, Miss Betsey, in David Copper-
Trismegist, vm. 282 field, xm. 327
Trissino, m. 290, also see Add.; vn. 265; Troubadours, Provenal, v. 26
Sofonisba, v. 62 Trouveres, v. 3, 21, 26, 27
Tristram, Sir, in Arthurian legend, I. 236, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, xi. 148, 149
261, 267, 270, 272 ff., 282, 283, 290, Trowbridge academy, x. 387
297 ff., 309, 310, 313, 316, 462, 471; Trowle, in The Play of the Shepherds, v.
n. 100, 336, 337; m. 68 19
Tristram and Iseult, n. 174 Troy, v. 69, 227; vm. 23; xn. 338, 497
Tristrem, Sir, n. 272 Troy, in The Four Ages, VL 92
Trithemius, Johannes, m. 112; Anti- Troy, Oest Hystoriale of the Destruction of,

phonus Maleficiorum, m. 112 i. 306, 333, 472; n. 118, 202, 450

Trivet orTreveth, Nicholas (1258-1328?), Troy, legends of, i. 148, 195, 234, 258,
i. 181, 450; n. 150; v. 61 279, 285, 306, 342; n. 172, 301
Trivium, the, n. 229, 230, 359, 363, 366; Troy, plains of, xm. 353
vi. 310; vn. 320 Troy Book, I. 291, 333, 334
Troad, the, xrv. 252 Troy-books, v. 196, 221
Troilus, i. 306 Troye, vi. 93
Troilus, in Confessio Amantis, n. 148 Troylous and Pandor, vi. 283
Troilus, in Dryden's Troilus and Cressida, Trudge, in Colman's Inkle and Yarico,
vm. 29 xi. 279
Troilus, in Henryson's Testament of Ores- True and impartial Narrative of the Dis-
seid, n. 248 senters" New Plot, A, vm. 99
Troilus and Cressida, m. 181, 190 'True Blue Poet, the,' vm. 40
Trojan horse, the, vm. 73; xi. 252 True description of the Pot-Companion
Tro]an war, the, iv. 136 Poet, A, vn. 387
Trokelowe, John of (fl. 1330), 1. 181 True Inventory of the goods and chattels of
Trollope, Sir Andrew (d. 1461), n. 303 Superstition, A, vn. 382
Trollope, Anthony (1815-1882), XL 149; True Loyalist, ix. 376
xn. 245; xm. 386, 421 ff. (main entry), True Patriot, The, x. 28, 29, 417
427, 432, 530, 544, 566; xrv. 194, 554 True Presbyterian without Disguise, The
Autobiography, xm. 421, 424 (1680), vn. 409
Barchester novels, xm. 430 True Relation, in The Police of Honour,
Barchester Towers, xm. 422 n. 261
Doctor Thome, xm. 422 Trueman, in Lillo's George Barnwell, x. 74,
Duke's Children, The, xm. 423 75
Framley Parsonage, xm. 422 Trulla, in Hudibras, vm.68, 69
Kellys and the O'Kellys, The, xm. 421 Trulliber, parson, in Fielding's Joseph
Last Chronicles of Barset, The, xm. 422 Andrews, x. 20, 26
Macdermots of Battycloran t The, xm. Trumbull, Thomas, in Scott's Redgauntlet,
421 xn. 21
Orley Farm, xm. 423 Trumbull, Sir William (1639-1716), ix.
Phineas Finn, xm. 423 68, 74, 149
Small House at Allington, The, xm. Trumpet Club, in The Tatler, ix. 50
422, 423 Trunnion, commodore, in Smollett's Pere-
Three Clerks, The, xm. 421 grine Pickle, x. 38, 41, 43, 50
Vende'e,La, xm. 421 Trunnion, Grizzle, in Smollett's Peregrine
Vicar of Bullhampton, The, xm. 423 Pickle, x. 38
Warden, The, xm. 332, 422 Truscott, S. J., xiv. Add. 10
W ay We Live Now, The, xm. 423 Truso, in Ohthere's voyage, i. 94
Trollope, Frances (1780-1863), xn. 245, TrusseU, John (d. 1642), Touchstone of
452; xra. 322, 421; The Vicar of Tradition, vn. 444
Wrexhill, xn. 246; The Widow Barndby, Truth, xiv. 190, 200
xn. 246 Truth, in Anglo-Norman plays, v. 21

Truth, in Carew's Coelum Britannicum, TuUiver, Tom, in The Mill on the Floss,
vii. 19 xm. 382
Truth, in Horestes, v. 64, 65 Tulloch, John (1823-1886), xn. 286, 464;
Truth, in MedwalTs interlude, v. 54 xiv. 483
Truth, in Piers the Plowman, n. 2 ff., 12, Tulloch, William Weir, xrv. 516
13, 15 Tullus Aufidius, in Conolamis, v. 198
Truth, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, n. Tully, in The Palice of Honour, n. 261.
229, 235 See, also, Cicero
Truth, in Two Lamentable Tragedies, v. Tully's Offices, ix. 274
326 Tuman-bey, in Tomumbeius, VL 301
Truth, ffayihfulnesse and Mercye, v. 102 Tunbridge school, xiv. 388
Truth Flatters Not, vn. 381 Tunbridge Wells, vm. 159, 262; x. 207;
Tryall of Chevalry, The, vi. 459 xi. 347
Try an, in George Eliot's Janet's Repen- Tundale, The Vision of, xiv. 306
tance, xni. 388 Tungland, flying friar of, n. 255
Tryce, John, vi. 287 Tunis, ix. 245
Trvman, Mrs, in The City Witt, vi. 229 Tunstall, Cuthbert (1474r-1559), m. 7, 40,
Tryon, Thomas (1634-1703), is. 307, 515 42
Tschudi, ^Egidius, x. 304 Tupper, Martin Farquhar (1S10-1889),
Tuam, xiv. 329 xin. 147, 201, 510; Crock of Gold, The,
Tubbe, Henry, vn. Add. xin. 149; Proverbial Philosophy, xm.
Tubney academy, x. 387 148 ff.
Tucca, in Satiro-Mastix, vi. 42, 44, 272 Turbervil, Henry (d. 1678), Manual of
Tucca, in The Poetaster, v. 315; vin. 127 Controversies, vin. 47
Tuck, friar, v. 35, 318 Turbervile, George (1540?-1610), m. 177,
Tuck, friar, in Scott's Ivanhoe, xn. 18 186, 187, 190, 201, 204, 209, 283 ff.,
Tucker, Abraham (1705-1774), x. 346, 510; iv. 389, 446, 541; vin. 224, 225
514; xi. 250; xil. 431; xin. 244; Free- Booke of faulconne, iv. 373
will,Foreknowledge and Fate, x. 343; Epitaphs, Epigrams, and Sonets, m. 187,
Light of Nature pursued, x. 343; Man 524
in Quest of Ihmself, x. 343 Green that you wish me wear, The, m. 1 87

Tucker, Herbert, xiv. Add. 5 Heroical Epistles of.. .Ovid, trans., in.
Tucker, Josiah (1712-1799), XL 73; xiv. 187; iv. 19,439
55)3 Lover, The, m. 187
Tucker, Miss, in Jerrold's Time Works Noble arte of venerie or hunting, iv. 374
Wonders, xm. 269 Pretie epigram of a scholer, m. 187
Tucker, R., xiv. 556 Rayhng Rout of Sycophants, To the,
Tucker, Thomas (fl. 1607), vr. 319 ff. m. 187
Tuckney, Anthony (1599-1670), vm. Tragical Tales, iv. 7, 442
274 ff., 291, 457; Eight Letters, vm. 276 Translations of Mancinus's A Plaint
Tuckwell, William, xiv. 596 Path to
Perfect Vertue, Mantuan's
Tudor, Charley (Trollope's), xm. 423 Eclogues, in. 187
Tudor, Jasper, Duke of Bedford, The Epi- Turbulent, Mr,' X. 254
taph of, n. 321 Turenne, Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne,
Tudor, Owen 1461), iv. 182;
(d. vm. 22 vicomte de, vn. 452; vni. 202
Tudor period, x. 40, 283, 284; XL 367; Turgenev, Ivan, The Jew, ix. 39
xiv. 86 Turgesius, Norwegian conqueror of Ire-
Tudor princesses, xiv. Ill land, in Albion's England, iv. 136
Tudors, the, iv, 135; vin. 132, 312, 315, Turgis, or Clarges, Miss, wife of Giles
356; xiv. 75 Dury, vn. 363
Tuer, Andrew White (1838-1900), XL 476; Turgot(d. 1115), I. 451

xiv. 610 Turgot, Anne-R.-J., Reflexions, x. 336

Tuffley, Mary, wife of Defoe, ix. 6 Turin, iv. 277; x. 323
Tufnell, Henry (1805-1854), xn. 301 Turk, A
(Defoe), ix. 19
Tufthunt, Tom, in Thackeray's A Shabby Turk, Milton Haight, Legal Code of
Genteel Story, xin. 299 Alfred,!. 97
Tuftons, the, ix. 168 Turk, the Great, v. 97
Tuke, Sir Brian (d. 1545), n. 161 Turkestan, n. 79; ix. 248
Tuke, Sir Samuel (d. 1674), vn. 618; Turkey, iv. 89, 325; vii. 200, 201; vm.
Adventures of Five Hours, vin. 16, 130, 137, 308; IX. 247, 248; xn. 42; xiv. 135,
131, 421, 423 179, 182
Tulkinghorn, Mr, in Bleak House, xm. 329 Turkey company, the, iv. 98; ix. 240
Tulliver, Mr and Mrs, in The Mitt on the Turkish captain, in A Challenge for
Floss, xm. 392 Beautie, vi. 103
Tulliver, Maggie, in The Mitt on the Floss, Turkish knight, the, in the mummers'
XHL 382, 392, 393 play, v. 33

Turkish language and literature, ix. 245; Tutin, John Ramsden, xi. 406, 411
xii. 342 ; siv. 458 Tutivillus, the merry devil, v. 44, 47, 52,
Turkish Spy, ix. 19 56
Turks, in The Renegado, vi. 155 Tuvill, David, iv. 524; Essay es morall and
Turks, the, n. 330; TO. 442, 449, 453; theologicall, IV. 345; Essayes politickc.
vin. 286; ix. 6; xn. 38, 45 and morall, iv. 345
Tiirlin, H. von dem, I. 269 Twa Corbies, The, 11. 412
Turnament of Totenham, I. 366, 480; Twain, Mark, The Prince and the Pauper,
n. 501 in. 104
Turnbull, Arthur, XL 416 'Twos within a Furlong of Edinburgh
Turnbuil, William (d. 1454), n. 369 Town, ix. 363
Turnebus, Adrian, ni. 424; vii. 307 Tweddell, George Markham, xn. 415
Turner, C. L., Original Records, x. 384 Tweddell, John (1769-1799), xi. 429
Turner, Charles Tennyson (1808-1879), Tweed, river, II. 88, 90, 100; IV. 303, 304;
xii. 119; xm. 23, 45 fl., 473, 478, 479 vn. 208; x. 110; xn, 11
Buoy-Bell, The, xm. 46 Twelfth Day Gift, XL 376
Lattice at Sunrise, The, xm. 46 Twelfth Night feast, vn. 12
Letty's Globe, xm. 46 TweUs, Leonard (d. 1740), ix. 529
Ocean, The, xm. 46 Twelve Tables, the, m. 113
Sonnets, Old and New, xm. 46 Twemlow, in Our Mutual Friend, xm. 337
Turner, Daniel (1710-1798), x. 475; Twickenham, vn. 21; ix. 77, 78, 163, 246,
Cautionary Stories (The Daisy, The 250, 448; x. 360
Cowslip], XL 384, 476, 483 Twineall, in Mrs Inchbald's Such Things
Turner, Henry Gyles, xiv. 584 Are, xi. 278
Turner, Joseph Horsfall, xm. 557, 559 Twining, Thomas (1735-1804), xn. 494
Turner, Joseph Mallord William (1775- Twiss, Horace (1787-1849), xiv. 509
1851), II. 336; xn. 173, 346, 372, 382, Twisse, William (1578?-1646), vn. 482,
408, 409, 411; XIV. 150, 151, 154, 516, 484
523, 524 Twist, Oliver (Dickens's), xm. 316
Turner, Mr, and Hannah More, XL 360 'Twitcher, Jemmy,' x. 397
Turner, Robert (fl. 1640-1664), vn. 509 Two Noble Kinsmen, The, v. 236, 238,
Turner, Sharon (1768-1847), xiv. 51, 67, 255 ff., 442, 444
499; History of England, xrv. 52; His- Twrch Trwyth (Nennius's porcus Troit), I.
tory of the Anglo-Saxons, xn. 344 247, 254
Turner, Thomas, vn. 515 Twyford, in Mofcceux's Rabelais, rs. 272
Turner, W. (?), VI. 483 Twyn, John, ix. 2; xi. 313
Turner, Whitely, xm. 559 Twyne, Brian (1579?-1644), vn. 247; ix.
Turner, William, dean of Wells (d. 1568), 346, 347, 540
m. 81, 474; IV. 542; vm. 479 Twyne, Lawrence (fl. 1576), iv. 449
Endightment against Mother Messe, m. Twyne, Thomas (1543-1613), m. 448;
81 IV. 436, 440, 445, 447; Phisicke against
Examination of the Mass, m. 81 Fortune, vi. 378, 390, 498
Hunting of the Fox, The, m. 81 Twysden, Sir Roger (1597-1672), ix. 344,
Hunting of the Wolf, The, m. 81 540
New herball, iv. 374, 403 Twysdens, the, ix. 168
Turner, William (1761-1859), xm. 372 Tyb, in Johan Johan, v. 98
Turnop, in John a Kent, v. 317 Tydd St Giles, x. 377
Turnus (Vergil's), m. 305 Tyerman, Luke, x. 518
Turton, Thomas (1780-1864), bishop of Tyers, Thomas (1726-1787), ix. 438; x.
Ely, xn. 325, 478, 481, 491; xiv. 593, 471
599 Tyke, in Morton's School of Reform, XL 281
Tuscany, n. 119 Tyler, Josiah, xiv. Add. 10
Tusculum. See Nicholas of Tyler, Miss, XL 155
Tusser, Thomas (1524?~1580), m. 183 ff., Tyler, Wat, I. 369; n. 346
281, 285, 510; iv. 371, 407, 513; v. 480; Tyll Howleglas. See Howleglass
vm. 223, 231 ;xn. 416 Tymme, Thomas (d. 1620), iv. 442
Conditions of Husoandrie, The, in. 184 Tynan, Katharine. See Hinkson, Katha-
Five Hundreth pointes of good hus- rine Tynan
bandry, in. 183; iv. 370, 375 Tyndale, William. See Tindale
Hundreth good pointes of husbandrie, A, Tyndall, John (1820-1893), xiv. 261, 554,
m. 183; iv. 370 557
Hundrethgoodpoyntsofhusmfery9 m. 183 Tyndarus, in The Jealous Lovers, vi. 325
Ladder to Thrift, The, m. 184 Tyne, river, xn. 10
Things Thnftie, m. 184 Typhon, ix. 502
Tutchin, John (1661?-1707), vm. 411; Typographical Antiquities, n. 319
ix. 8; The Observator, ix. 6
T^r (Old Norse alphabet), L 10
Tyre, in King Alisaunder, i, 307 Ulloa, A. de, xiv. 552
Tyrol, xi. 27; xii. 369; xiv. 294 Ulrici, Hermann, v. 305
Tyrold, Sir Hugh, in Burney's Camilla, x. Ulster, vn. 211, 212; ix. 301
65 Ulstermen, xiv. 310
Tyrone, county, xiv. 314 Ulysses, m. 181, 293; IX. 60, 256, 259;
Tyrone, earl of. See O'Neill, Hugh xni. 450
Tyros Roving Megge, iv. 519 Ulysses, in Confessio Amantis, n. 149
Tyrrell, Elizabeth, lady, iv. 434 Ulysses, in The Four Ages, VL 92
Tyrrell, George (1861-1909), xn. 461, 470; Ulysses, in Ther-sites, V. 108
Nova et Vetera, xn. 299 Ulysses, in Troilus and Cressida, iv. 298
Tyrrell, James (1642-1718), vir. 475; IX. v. 167, 196
233, 506 Ulysses (Tennyson's), xm. 29
Tyrrell, Robert Yelverton (1844r-1914), Una, in The Faerie Queene, n. 234; m.
xii. 338, 494; xiv. 211, 538, 573 232, 234, 236, 237; xn. 87
Tyrrell family, n. 81 Underdowne, Thomas (fl. 1566-1587),
'Tvrtaeus of the United Irishmen,' xiv. Aelhiopian Histone, iv. 3, 19, 436;
310 Ovid, iv. 19, 438, 439
Tyrwhit, W., rv. 525 Underbill, Cave (1(534-1710?), vm. 151
Tyrwhitt, Thomas (1730-1786), n. 22, Underhill, George Frederick, ix. 164
160, 163 ff., 198, 207, 215, 217; v. 277; UnderhiU, Thomas (/. 1650-1665), xi.
x. 241, 485, 491; XL 250, 251, 255, 333; 316
xn. 494; Essay on the Language... of Underwood (actor), VL 277
Chaucer, x. 241 Introductory Discourse
; Underwood (pamphleteer), vn. 356
to the Canterbury Tales, x. 241 'Unicorn/ the (ship), iv. 107
Tysilio's Brut, i. 235, 263 Uniformity, Act o (1662), vn. 321
Tyssot de Patot, S., ix. 428 Uniformity, acts of, xiv. 402
Tytan, in The Golden Age, VL 93 Unitarian 'histories, x. 519
Tytler, Alexander Fraser, lord Wood- United Irishman, The, xiv. 325
houselee (1747-1813), x. 510; xiv. 94; United Provinces, or Dutch republic, vni.
Roman History, xn. 301 384
Tytler, James (17477-1805), xiv. 535; United States of America, XL 47 ff., 72;
Bonnie Brucket Lassie, xi. 235; / hoe xm. 88, 295; xiv. 49, 66, 72, 143, 293,
laid a Herring in Saut, XL 235 318, 321, 324, 344, 346, 434
Tytler, Patrick Fraser (1791-1849), xiv. United States of America, ballads in, n.
499; History of Scotland, xiv. 94, 95 396
Tytler, William (1711-1792), n. 241; xiv. United States Catalog, xn. 520
94; Inquiry as to the Evidence... against Unity (a house), in Piers the Plowman,
Mary Queen of Scots, x. 288, 465, 505 XL 27, 28
Tyton, Francis (fl. 1649-1669), XL 316 Universal Chronicle, or Weekly Gazette, x.
178, 461, 467
Uath Mao Denomain, giant in Fled Universal Laughter, ix. 567
JBricrend, I. 327 Universal Review, The, xm. 450, also see
TJbaldini, cardinal, iv. 259 Add. 1

Ubbe, in Havelok, I. 304 Universal Spectator, The, ix. 433

Udall or Uvedale, John (1560J-1592), ni. Universal Visiter, The, x. 177, 183, 466
183, 376 ff., 383 ff,, 389 ff., 397, 539, Universities, Act of Incorporation, m.
552; iv. 494; Demonstration of Disci- 421
pline, A, in. 380, 384; Dialogue con> Universities, Reports on, xiv. 602, 603
cerning the strife of our Church, A, m. Universities, schools and scholarship in
376; Diofrephes, m. 377, 378, 380, 381, the 16th century, English, m. 418 ff.,

389 549 ff .

Udall, Nicholas (1505-1556), iv. 440, 443, Universities and Public Schools to the
444; v. 102, 103 ff. (main entry), 111, time of Colet, n. 341 ff., 487 ff.
407; vn. 327, 328; Ezechias, v. 70; University dramas, v. 394; vi. 232, 293-
vi. 298, 479; Floures for Latine
Spek- 327, 468 ff.

ynge, V. 104; Ralph Roister Doister, University Maga, The (Edinburgh), xiv.
m. 448; IV. 115; V. 104 ff., 108, 111, 210
113, 117, 119; vi. 14 University tutorial classes, xiv. 40
Ueberweg, F., History of Philosophy, 1. 211 University wits, v. 121-141 (main entry),
Uffenbach, Z. Conrad von, ix. 574; XXL 181, 186, 414 ff.

488 Unnion and Valentine, in The Tatler, ix.

Uganda, xrv. 254 34

Ugolino, count (Dante's), v. 324; xn. 396 Unthrifts, Ballad against, m. 87, 474
Ugolino, Philogena, v. 101 Unwin, Mary (1724-1796), XL 80, 81, 83,
Ulfilas, bishop of the West Goths (b. 311 ?), 85, 88, 90, 404
1.7 Unwin, Morley (d. 1767), XL 80

Unwin, William Cawthorne (1745?-1786), Useful Knowledge, society for the Diffu-
xi. 91 sion of, xiv. 409
Upcott, William (1779-1845), vni. 242; Usener, H., n. 407
xn. 507 Ushant, iv. 79
'Upheaving of Alfred, The,' x. 219 Ushaw college, xiv. 53
Upper Ossory, Anne, countess of (d. 1804), Usher, House of, in Little Dorrit, xin. 331
X. 247 fi., 255, 495 Usk, Thomas (d. 1388), The Testament of
Uppingham school, vn. 340; xiv. 426 Love, i. 394; 11. 159, 162, 164, 166, 469
Upplond (Norway and Sweden), I. 26 Usk, river, vn. 37, 38
Upsala, x. 135 Ussher, James (1581-1656), archbishop
Upton, John (1707-1760), v. 273; ix. 479; of Armagh, iv. 239, 305, 433, 434, 513;
Critical Observations on Shakespeare, vn. 32, 33, 46, 105, 124, 139, 148, 153,
ix. 145; editions of Epictetus and 308, 312, 315 ff., 427, 477, 483, 485,
Spenser's Faerie Queene, ix. 145 489; vm. 268; ix. 233, 530; xiv. 308,
Upton, Nicholas (1400?-1457), n. 318; 572; A Body of Divimtie, vn. 149; An-
De officio mihtari, iv. 376 nales Vetens et Novi Testamenti, xiv.
Ural mountains, xiv. 294 309; Greek works, vn. 316
Urania, xn. 74, 114 Usuard, i. 81
Urania, in Cupid''s Revenge, vr. 128 Usuria, in Arbuthnot's History of John
Uranus, planet, xiv, 264 Bull, ix. 134
Urbain, Charles, iv. 500 Usurped Power, in Kynge Johan, v. 65
Urban IV, v. 12 Usury, tracts on, iv. 509 ff., 518
Urban V, n. 49 Uter Pendragon, v. 251
Urban VI, n. 56 Uther, in Arthurian legend, I. 259, 315
Urban, Erich, Owenus und die deutschen Uther Pendragon, in The Birth of Merlin,
Epigrammatiker des XVII Jahrhun- v. 250
derte, iv. 267 Utilitarian society (Mill's), xiv. 14
'Urban, Sylvanus,' x. 162; xn. 428 Utopia, iv. 73, 245; vil. 378; xin. 381
Urbino, vi. 48, 204 Utrecht, n. 310; vi. 260; ix. 331, 335,
Ureisun of ure Louerde, On, i. 233, 459 336; x. 191
Urfe, Honore d', X. 14; Astree, vin. 14 Utrecht, congress of, ix. 135
Uriah, I. 93 Utrecht, peace of, ix. 69, 171, 218, 226,
Unan, in Arthurian legend, i. 259 228
Urie, Robert, xi. 341 Utrecht Psalter, xn. 516
Urien, lord of Rheged, i. 249 Uttoxeter, xi. 340
Unzen (Blake's), XL 190, 193 ff.
Urquhart, Alexander (fl. 1660), vn. 254 V,' pseud. See Clive, Caroline Archer
Urquhart, David (1805-1877), xiv. 137, Vaal, river, xiv. 372
512, 514 Vacarius, n. 34, 350
Urquhart, John (1808-1827), xn. 523 Vafpruffmsmdl, I. 62
Urquhart, Sir Thomas (1611-1660), I. 69; Vagabond literature, ni. 492
n. 103; iv. 8; vn. 232, 237, 253 ff., 464; Vagatorum, Liber, m. 102, 104, 492
vin. 59, 372, 385; ix. 271 Vaillant, J., vm. 466
Ekskubalauron, vn. 255, 258 Vain Glory, in Mirour de VOmme, n. 140
Epigrams, vn. 255 Vain Glory, in The Example of Virtue,
Gargantua, vn. 256 n. 227
Logopandecteision, vn. 255, 258 Vala, in Blake's poems, xi. 196, 199
Paniagruel, vn. 256 Valckenaer, Lodewyk Kaspar, xn. 325
Pantochronocanon, vn. 255 Valdes, Francisco de, iv. 448
Rabelais, translation of, vn. 254, 255, Valdes, Juan de, A Hundred and Ten
258 Divine Considerations, vn. 155
Tnssotetras, vn. 255 Valence (Browning's), xm. 64, 67
Urquhart, Sir Thomas, senior, vn. 253 Valens, emperor of the eastern Roman
Urry, John (1666-1715), n. 162; Chaucer, empire, xn. 322
xi. 322 Valentine, in Wit without Money, vi. 123
Ursa Major, constellation of, vm. 68 Valentine, in Congreve's Love for Love,
Ursely, Mistress, in The Rival Friends, vi. vm. 151, 152, 158, 164, 168
324 Valentine and Orson, ix. 35
Urson, John, in The Masque of Augures, Valentine and Orson, translation, n. 324
vi. 362 Valentine and Orson, lost play, v. 319
Ursula, in Layamon, I. 237 Valentinian, emperor of Rome, xn. 322
Ursula, the pig woman, in Bartholomew Valerio, in The Dukes Mistris, vi. 200
Fayre, vi. 23 Valerius, in The Rape of Lucrece, vi. 101
Urthona, in Blake's Vala, xi. 195 Valerius, Epistle of, to Rufinus, I. 177, 189
Ury, vin. Ill Valerius Maximus, n. 129, 150, 366
'Usagers,' the, x. 356 Valhalla, x. 222

Valiant Welshman, The, vi. 138, 459 Varronian form ot satire, vm. 36
Valkyries, I. 40 Vasquez, Francisco, iv. 448
Valla, in The Police of Honour, n. 260 Vathek, in Beckford's novel, xi. 290, 291
Valla, JPUelfo, iv. 322 Vatican, the, xm. 74
Valla, Lauren tins, m. 6, 20, 179, 470; Vatican decrees, the, xiv. 118
iv. 3; Elegantiae, ni. 429 Vaughan, Charles Edwyn, xn. 404, 524;
Valladohd, m. 422; vi. 103 xni. 473, 490, 491, 493
Vallance, Aymer, sin. 491, 493 Vaughan, Henry (1622-1695), I. 232; vn.
Valians, William (fl. 1578-1590), m. 511 15, 26, 37 ff. (main entry), 45, 142, 404,
Valley of the Shadow of Death, in Bun- also see Add.; xi. 185; xm. 139, 174,
yan's Pilgnrrfs Progress, vn. 178 191, 195
Vallombrosa, vin. 23; xm. 352 Amoret, poems vn. 38, 40
Valpy, Abraham John, xiv. 512 Authons de se vn. 47
Valuation of gold and silver, n. 330 Burial of an Infant, The, vn. 41
Vanbrugh, Giles, father of Sir J. V., vm. Charnel House, vn. 38
160 Childhood, vn. 41
Vanbrugh, Sir John ( 1664-1726), vm. 133, Christ's Nativity, vn. 41
146, 157, 159 if. (main entry), 171, 175, Corruption, vn. 30, 41
176, 396, 423, 427, 431; x. 67, 92, 211; Dawning, The, vn. 41
XI. 257; XII. 443 Eagle, The, vn. 40
Confederacy, The, translation of d'An- Elizabeth, Epitaph on the little lady,
court's Les Bourgeoises d la Mode, vm. vii. 39
162, 168 *I saw Eternity the other night,' vn. 41
Journey to London, A, vm. 162 Mount of Ohves, The, vn. 39, 41
Pilgrim, The, vm. 120, 396 Olor Iscanus, vn. 38, 42
ProvoVd Wife, The, vm. 161, 162 Peace, vn. 41
Relapse or Virtue in Danger, The, vm. Pious Thoughts and Ejaculations, vn. 42
160, 163, 164, 166 Poems, with the tenth Satyre of Juvenal
Relapse, The, xi. 268, 455 Englished, vn. 38
Vancouver, George (1758-1798), xiv. 244, Rainbow, The, vn. 41
245, 554 Retirement, The, vn. 42
Vandals, the, xiv. 302 Retreat, The, vn. 41
Vandermast (Greene's), v. 136 Rhapsodis, on the Globe tavern, vn. 38
Van Doren, C., xi. 463 Silex Scintillans, vn. 37 fL, 47
Van Dyek, Sir Anthony, vn. 55 Thalia Rediviva, vn. 41
Van Dyke, Henry D., xm. 478 They are all gone into the world of light,
Vane, Anne (1705-1736), ix. 251 vn. 41
Vane, Sir Henry, the elder (1589-1655), To his retired friend, an Invitation to
vii. 219 Brecknock,' vn. 39
Vane, Sir Henry, the younger (1613- True Christmas, The, vn. 42
1662), vn. 115, 219, 359, 442, 447, 513 World, The, vn. 41
Vane, Sir Walter, vm. 329 Vaughan, Richard (1550?-1607), iv. 265
Vanessa. See Vanhomrigh, Hester Vaughan, Richard, 2nd earl of Carbery
Van Helmont, J. B., vn. 394, 396 (1600?- 1686), vm. 60
Vanhomrigh, Hester (Swift's Vanessa), Vaughan, Robert (1795-1868), xiv. 507
ix. 97, 98, 120, 126 Vaughan, Robert Alfred (1823-1857), xn,
Vanity Fair, xiv. 340 427, 470
Van Lier, XI. 403 Vaughan, Thomas (1622-1666), vm. 455,
Van Mildert, William (1765-1836), x. 359 *Eugenius Philalethes,' vn. 37, 42, 378,
Van Pape Jans landendes, n. 330 405, 511
Vansittart, Nicholas, 1st lord Bexley Vaughan, Thomas (fl. 1772-1820), xi. 281,

(1766-1821), xiv. 512 458

Van Wilder, Philip, vi. 282 Vaughan, Thomas (c. 1831), xiv. 596
Vapid, in Reynolds' s Dramatist, XL 281 Vaughan, William (1577-1641), m. 306;
xm. 450 iv. 462
Varchi, Benedetto, Lezzioni, ix. 61 Vautor, Thomas (fl. 1619), iv. 465
Vardens, the, in Barnaby Rudge, xin. 320 Vautrollier, Thomas (d. 1587?), iv. 400,
Varennes, xm. 12 413
Varian, Ralph (*.e.Duncathail), xiv, 573 Vaux, F. B., xi. 490
Varillas, Antoine, IX. 197, 478, 488; His- Vaux, Sir Nicholas, 1st baron Vaux of
toire de VHirisie, vm. 46 Harrowden (d. 1523), ill. 57
Varina (Miss Jane Waring), ix. 92 Vaux, Thomas, 2nd baron Vaux of Har-
Variorum Dunciad, The, IX. 132 rowden (1510-1556), m. 179, 189, 508;
Varnhagen von Ense, Karl August, xm. 7 iv. 466; Thassault of Cupid upon the

Varro, Marcus Terentius, n. 129; iv. 264, fort, m. 179; The aged Lover renounceth
371; vm. 11 love, m. 179; When 1 look back, m. 179

CHKL 385
Vaux, WiUiam Sandys Wright (181S- Venus, in Reason and Sensuality, n. 202
1885), xn. 513 Venus, in The Golden Targe, n. 253
Vavasour, in Disraeli's Tancred, xm. 350 Venus, in The Hue and Cry after Cupid,
Vavasour, Ekley, in Kingsley's Two Years VL 346, 347
Ago, xm. 160, 361, 365 Venus, in The Kingis Quair, n. 242
Veal, Edward (16327-1708), x. 385 Venus, in The Masque of Christmas, VL
Veale, captain, in Fielding's Voyage to 358, 359
Lisbon, x. 35 Venus, in The Police of Honour, n. 260,
Vedas, the, xn. 502 261
Vega, Lope de, vm. 128, 130, 144; Don Venus, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, n.
Lope de Cardona, vm. 129; Mayor Im- 225, 229
posibile, vnr. 189 Venus, in The Temple of Glass, ir. 203
Vega, Luis Gutierres de la, rv. 448 Venus, in The Testament ofCresseid, n. 248
Vegetius, Flavins, n. 366; iv. 440 Venus, in Troiane, v. 69
Veitch, John (1829-1894), XJ. 446; xiv. Venustulus, in The Rambler, x. 172
474, 483 Verard, Antoine, books published by, n.
Veitch, William (1640-1722), xiv. 493, 507 328, 329; m. 56
Veitch, William (1794-1885), xn. 494 Verbruggen, John (fl. 1688-1707?), vm.
Veitia Linage, Joseph de, The Spanish 191
Rule of Trade to the West Indies, ix. 278, Vercelli Book, The, 1. 12, 53, 54, 56, 61, 430
501 Verden, ix. 231
Veldener, John, of Louvain, n. 311 Vere, Aubrey de, 20th earl of Oxford
Veley, Margaret (1843-1887), xm. 510 (1626-1703), ix. 150
Japanese Fan, A, xm. 181 Vere, Edward de, 17th earl of Oxford
Marriage of Shadows and other Poems, (1550-1604), m. 351, 508; iv. 113, 117,
A, xm. 180 466; // women would be fair, m. 189;
Michaelmas Daisies, xm. 181 'What cunning can expresse,' iv. 116
Unknown Land, The, xm. 181 Vere, Sir Francis (1560-1609), VL 166; vn.
Velleius Paterculus, iv. 348 453
Velvet-Breeches, in A
Quip for an Upstart Vere, Sir Horace, baron Vere of Tilbury
Courtier, m. 361 (1565-1635), vn. 453
Venables, George Stovin (1810-1888), Vere, John de, 13th earl of Oxford (1443-
xm. 185, 316; xiv. 535 1513), in the Paston Letters, n. 305
Venantius Fortunatus, I. 8, 76 Verelst, Harry (d. 1785), xiv. 334, 580
Venedotian code of laws of Wales, I. 249 Verges, in Much Ado about Nothing, v. 191,
Veneering, in Our Mutual Friend, XTTT. 362
336, 337 Vergil, i. 68, 71 ff., 75, 76, 192, 209, 227,
Vener, lake, I. 26 258, 330; n. 97, 175, 231, 240, 258, 259,
Venene de Twety, n. 318 261 ff., 275, 308, 331, 339, 360, 486;
Venetian, in Hymenaeus, vi. 304 m. 19, 20, 24, 62, 65, 113, 119, 157,
Venetian, the, in The Fyrste BoTce of the 178, 200, 218, 219, 221, 223, 224, 226,
Introduction of Knowledge, m. 105 230, 234, 264, 300, 304, 305, 347, 416;
Venetian ambassador's chaplain's account iv. 16 ff., 21 ff., 121, 138, 169, 250, 252,
of Jonson's Pleasure Reconciled, VL 360 264, 329, 414, 440, 516, 527; vi. 197,
Venezuela, xi. 72 225; vn. 59, 68, 138, 263, 267, 268, 271,
Venice, n. 79; m. 5, 167; iv. 63, 68, 69, 334, 366, 503; vm. 10, 44, 65, 69, 372,
90, 163, 216, 250, 256, 322, 353; v. 71; 375, 446; ix. 43 ff., 59, 69, 256, 338,
vi. 148, 157, 174; vn. 16, 100, 192, 197, 359, 372, 434, 435, 473, 486, 487, 500,
198, 200, 208, 437, 442, 449; ix. 150, 602, 561; x. 102, 114, 117, 305, 475,
245; x. 119, 274, 496; xn. 33 ff., 49, 493, 509; XL 2, 426, 433; xn. 67, 76,
52, 63, 365, 396; xm. 61, 104, 135, 397, 326, 329, 337, 422, 476, 482, 484, 486,
402; xiv. 216, 368 489, 490, 493, 495, also see Add. ; xm.
Venice, republic of, xi. 114 45, 123, 173, 175, 312, 380; xiv. 135,
Venice, Rezzonico palace, xm. 84 303, 374
Venn, Henry (1725-1797), ix. 313; x. 365; Aeneid, I. 258, 284, 285; n. 175, 316;
xn. 473 m. 178, 185, 304; VL 298, 303; vn. 52,
Venn, John (1759-1813), xn. 281 61, 66, 86, 117, 133, 300, 451; vm. 9,
Venn, John (1834-1923), vn, 320; xn. 50, 67, 70, 77; ix. 188, 257, 258; X.
471 231; XL 34; xm. 125, 126
Venn, Thomas, captain, rv. 462 Bucolics, m. 62
Venning, Ralph (16217-1674), vn. 316 Eclogues, VL 364; vm. 216; the second,
Ventum, Harriet, xi. 490 m. 264; IV. 120
Venus, n. 219, 261,- 392, 393; m. 17; Georgics, VL 235, 364; vm. 50, 216;
iv. 196; vn. 370; vm. 70; ix. 153 X. 96, 104, 196
Venus, in Confessio Amantis, n. 135, 146, Ofortunatos nimium, X. Ill
148, 149, 150 Vergil, in The Police of Honour, n 260

Vergil, in The Poetaster , VL 18, 42, 44 Veterano, in The Antiquary, VL 239
Vergil, Polydore (1470?-1555?), m. 314, Vetusta Monum&ita, xn. 506
532; 203; History, n. 260
vil. Vholes, Mr, in Bleak House, xm. 329
Vennus, Michael, rv. 267 Vicars, John (15802-1652), rv. 266, 502;
Ventas, in the Coventry Plays, V. 21 vm. 67
Veritas, in Timers Complaint, vi. 320 Vicars, Thomas (fl. 1607-1641), The Mad-
Ventas (= Christ), in Wyclifs Dialogue, nesse of Astrologers, rv. 535; vn. 509
n. 65 Vicary, Thomas (d. 1561), m. 107, 494
Veritie, in Ane Pleasant Satyre, m. 125. Viccars, John (1604-1660), Against Wil-
126 liam Li-Lie, vn. 509
Vermigli. See Martyr, Peter Vice, the, in Horestes, v. 64, 65
Vernagu, I. 302 Vice, the, in Jacke Jugeler, v. 107
Verneuil, John (15837-1647), vn. 309 Vice, the, in Looke about you, v. 320
Verney , Sir Edmund ( 1590-1642), vn. 194, Vice, the, in stage plays, vi. 285, 297
195 Vice, the, Mery-reporte, in The Play of the
Verney, Sir Edmund, the younger (1616- Wether, v. 94
1649), vn. 196 Vice, the, of the moralities, v. 56, 106,
Verney, Edward, vn. 194 113
Verney, Francis, vi. 479 Vice Ambidexter, in Cambises, v. 64
Verney, Mary, vn. 194 Vicentine hills, xrv. 293
Verney, Sir Ralph (1613-1696), vn. 195, Vicenza, m. 6
196, 440 Vicenza, Olympic academy at, v. 62
Verney, Ralph, 2nd earl Verney (1712?- Vices, in Mirour de lOmme, n. 140 ff.
1791), xi. 5, 6 Vices, the, in Pathomachia, VL 324
Verney, Tom, vn. 196 Vices and Virtues, I. 228, 459
Verney Family, Letters, Papers and Me- Vices et des Vertus, Li Limes roiaux des,
moirs of the, vn. 194, 195, 439 i. 354
Vernon, Diana, in Scott's JRob Roy, xn. Vices des Vertus, Somme des, n. 139, 315
17, 22, 26 Viciis, Summa
seu Tractatus de, I. 355
Vernon, Edward, admiral (1684^1757), Vickers, Robert, xiv. 595
x. 36; xiv. 201, 243 Victor, Benjamin (d. 1778), x. 442, 443;
Vernon, lady Susan, in Jane Austen's xi. 449
Lady Susan, xii. 233 Victoria, Australia, xiv. 319
Vernon MS., I. 475 Victoria, in Fedele and Fortune o, v. 315
Vernon MS., poems of, m. 274 Victoria, a Latin comedy, iv. 477
Verona, vn. 9 Victoria, lake, xiv. 192
Verona, congress of, xn. 38 Victoria, queen of Great Britain, vm.
Verrall, Arthur Woolgar (1851-1912), xn. 358; XL 386; xn. 292, 311; xin. 342,
332, 333, 494; xiv. 208 487; xiv. Ill, 170
Verres, Gaius, XL 17 Victoria, St, I 75
Verrier, Paul, xin. 513 Victoria County Histories, xn. 346
Versailles, vra. 132; ix. 153; xi. 21, 189; Victorian age, the, x. 142; xm. 1, 22, 23,
xn. 185 85, 98, 137, 386, 451; xiv. 47, 65, 138,
Verses addressed to the Imitator of Horace, 159
IX. 85, 251 Victorian drama, xiv. 173
Verstegen, Richard. $eeRowlands, Richard Victorian humour, XL 281
Vertewis of the Mess, The, n. 284 Victorian liberals,xm. 16
Vcrtot, Aubert de, x. 319 Victorian literature,xm. 243, 244
Vortue, George (1684r-1756), x. 253; xiv. Victorian novels, xm. 384, 391, 408, 409,
214 423, 444, 456
Vertues, the, in The Muses Looking- Victorian writers, xn. 95, 106, 177
Olasse, VL 233 Victory, The, vm. 202
Verulam, in The Ruines of Time, m. 241 Vida, Marco Girolamo (c. 1489-1566),
Vesalius, Andreas, in. 421; vni. 349 m. 290, 292; iv. 201; ix. 70; Art oj
Vesey, Agmondesham, X. 261, 264; XL Poetry, ix. 188, 189, 486
344 ff. Vidtis Game of Chess, x. 480
Vesey, Mrs Elizabeth (1715-1791), x. 261, Vidocq, Eugene Francois, M^moires, xm.
264; xi. 344 ff., 348, 362 ff., 473 437
Vesey, Sir Thomas (1668?-1730), XL 344 Vie de Seint Auban, xn. 515
Vesey-Neroni, signora (Trollope's), xm. Vienna, iv. 163; v. 283, 298, 299, 306;
422 vn. 453; vm. 330; ix. 6, 244; x. 323;
XI. 274; Xiv. 247
Vespasian, emperor, rv. 14; xry. 309
Vespucci, Americo, rn. 18 Vienna, congress of, xn. 39
Vestiarian controversy, ni. 34 Vietor, I. 57
Vesuvius, xm. 460; xiv. 247 Views of Cottages and Farmhouse* in
England and Wales, xiv. 222
Veteran' (Junius), x. 405

387 25-2
Vigani, John Francis (1650?-1712), ix. Vint, Mercy, in Beade's Griffith Gaunt,
335, 412 xm. 425, 426
Vigfusson, Gtidbrandr (1828-1889), xiv. Vintners, The retailing, TV. 513
497 Viola, in The Coxcombe, VL 120, 123, 133
Vigny, Alfred de, v. 302; x. 486; xn. 398 Viola, in Twelfth Night, v. 126, 169, 193;
Vigo, x. 291 vi. 126, 305; vni. 145

Vigors, Nicholas Aylward (1785-1840), Violante, in The Gamester, vt. 202

xiv. 288 Violante, in The Spanish Curate, vi. 139
Viking club, xn. 355 Violante, in The Triumph of Love, vi. 120
Viljoen, Ben J., xiv. Add. 10 Violetta, in Cumberland's Brothers, XL 204
Vilkina Saga, I. 32, 35 Viret, P., iv. 448
Villafranca, xm. 73 Virgilius, The Lyfe of, n. 329, 486
Village, The (1783), x. 471 Virgilius Restauratus, ix. 138
Village festivals, v. 24 Virgin cult, I. 220, 223, 231, 232, 362.
Village Politics, XL 362 See, also, under Mary
Villanegas, Matilda de, in Lewis's The Virgin Mary. See Mary, the Blessed Virgin
Monk, 303
XI. Virgin Mary, in Mirour de VOmme, n. 141
Villanus, in Fucus Histnomastix,
vi. 324 Virgin Mary, Hymn to, in Speculum Chris-
Pope's Epistles, ix. 81
Villario,' in tiani, n. 319
Villemain, A F., xn. 398 Virginia, in Appius and Virginia, VL 182
Villeroy, in Southerners Fatal Marriage, Virginia, in Confessio Amantis, u. 152
vm. 191, 192 Virginia, colony and state of, n. 396; m.
VOliers, Barbara, countess of Castlemaine, 327; iv. 75, 81, 94 ff., 104, 513; v. 347;
duchess of Cleveland (1641-1709), vm. vi. 48, 355; vn. 50, 52, 70, 453; vm,
16, 143, 263, 264 142; x. 270; XL 12
Villiers, C. P., xiv. 513 Virginia company, the, iv. 311; vn. 153
Villiers, Edward, 1st earl of Jersey (1656- Virginian princes and priests, in Chap-
1711), ix. 149, 150 man's Masque, VL 355
Villiers, Frederick, xrv. 535 Virginius, in Appius and Virginia, vi. 182
Villiers, George, 1st duke of Buckingham Virginius, in Knpwles's drama, xm. 261
(1592-1628), n.
118, 279, 282, 293; Virgins Complaint for the Losse of their
v. 288, 289, 347; VL
149, 360; vn. 5, 17, sweethearts, The, vu. 386
187, 198, 205, 219, 222, 306, 381, 434, Virginus, in Hall's Virgidemiarum, iv. 331
438, 439, 440, 451 'Virro,' in Pope's Epistles, rx. 81
Villiers, George, 2nd duke of Buckingham Virtue, in The Example of Virtue, n. 227
(1628-1687), vn. 63; vm. Add.; ix. 203, Virtues, in Pathomachia, vr. 324
222, 476; vm. 91, 97, 175, 208, 215, Virtues, the seven, in Mirour de VOmme,
369, 373, 376, 380, 403, 410, 411 ; Advice n. 141
to a Painter, vm. 92 ; Poetical Reflections, Viry, comtesse de, x. 126
etc.ylya Person of Quality, vm. 39, 408; Vischer, cartographer (fl. 1610), View o/
The Rehearsal, vn. 63; vm. 17, 20, 21, London, vi. 260, 261
25, 26, 34, 48, 118, 402; ix. 147, 161; Vischer, Friedrich Theodor, v. 305
xi. 272 Visconti, Bernabo, n. 158
Villiers, George W.
4th earl of Claren-
F., Vishnu Purana, The, xn. 503
don (1800-1870), xiv. 131, 509 Visions of Tundale, The, n. 504
Villon, Francois, n. 205, 251, 257, 258, 'Visto,' in Pope's Epistles, ix. 81
401; xm. 133, 211; Ballade des Dames Vistula, in Ohthere, i. 94
du temps jadis, xm. 118; Le Grant et Vistula, the, in Widsith, I. 35
le petit Testament, m. 85, 483 Visus, in Lingua, vi. 315
Vilvain, Robert (1575?~1663), vn. 517 Vita de Do-best, in Piers the Plowman,
Vilvorde, in. 43 n. 40
Vincent, Mrs (fl. 1760), XL 260 Vitalian, pope, I. 380
Vincent, Mrs, in Mrs Oliphant's Salem Vitelli, in The Renegado, vr. 155, 157
Chapel, xm. 431 Vitelli, Cornelio, m. 5, 6
Vincent, Thomas (fl. 1627-1648), vi. 479 Vitelli us, iv. 14
Vincent, Thomas (1634-1678), x. 386 Vitruvius, iv. 416
Vincent, William (1739-1815), XL 157; Vitry, de, in Thierry and Theodoret, VL 138
xn. 495; xrv. 598 Vitry, Jacques de, in. 489
Vincent de Beauvais, Speculum of, n. 80 Vittona, in Webster's The White Divet,
Vincentio Saviolo his Practise, m. 344 vi. 175, 176, 185, 186; xn. 68
Vindication of Mr Weld, A, vn. 506 Vittoria (George Meredith's), xm. 445, 446
Vinegar family, in The Champion, x. 23 Vives, Johannes Ludovicus (1492-1540),
Vines, Sydney Howard, xiv. 562 m. 429, 436, 470; iv. 9, 448; vn. 482,
Vinet, Alexandre Rodolphe, xn. 283 486; De Institutione Christianae ffe~
Vinogradoff, Sir Paul, xiv. 494; Villainage minae, vm. 125
in England, xiv. 51, 68 Vivian, I. 238
Vivian, in Lytton's The Caxtons, xm. 43 Vosges, mountains, I. 33
Viviani, Emilia, xn. 73, 74 Voss, Johann Heinrich, v. 303
Vizetelly, Henry (1820-1894), xiv. 535 Vossius, Gerardus Johannes, vn. 307
Vogan, Thomas Stuart Lyle, xn. 473 Vossius, Isaac, vn. 307, 309
Vogler, Abt (Browning's), xin. 78 Votes of Parhammt, xi. 333
Voigt, Johan Carel, xiv. Add. 10 Vox and the Wolf, i. 366
Voiture, Vincent, vin. 376, 385; ix. 444, Vox Popuh, Vox Dei, in. 492
473; Letters of Affaires, Love and Court- Voyage of Domingo Gonsalez, by F. God-
ship, vii. 390, 391; vm. 372 win, ix. 106
Volksdrama, German, v. 295 Voyages, burlesque and wagering, rv. 533
Volney, xn. 403 Vnhat-Katha, m. 494
Volpone, in Ben Jonson's play, x. 50; Vril, in Lytton's The Coming Race, xm.
xn. 68 420
Volscians, in Coriolanus, v. 198 Vulcan, in The Hue and Cry after Cupid,
VoUunga Saga, I. 23, 35; xm. 125, 126 vi. 347
Voltaire, F. M. Arouet de, n. 191; v. 209, Vulcan, in Love's Maittresxe, vi. 84
288 ff., 296, 301, 302, 306, 307, 459 ff.; Vulcan, in Mercury Vindicated, VI. 357,
vn. 119; vin. 35, 159, 261, 428; ix. 49, 358
153, 226, 295, 529; x. 41, 68, 69, 71, Vulcan, in Thersites, v. 108
79, 83, 86 ff., 134, 135, 190, 202, 204, Vulcan (Herrick's), vn. 13
210, 279, 285, 287, 288, 303, 308, 420, Vulgar Errors in Practice Censured, IV. 251
431, 434, 439, 469, 481; xi. 263, 265, Vulgate, the. See und,er Bible
290, 291, 295, 296, 307, 309, 353, 474; Vulliamy, Mary. See Meredith, Mary
xn. 177, 206, 208; xm. 9, 52, 339, 453,
468 W. G., vm. 9
Almida, x. 86 W. H. William Hunnis), iv. 121
Alzira, x. 82 W* H. (of Shakespeare's sonnets), V. 172,
Appel a toutes les Nations de FEurope, 174, 225, 232
v. 292, 293 W. M., The Man in the Moon, iv. 337, 342,
Brutus, v. 82
288; x. 521
Candide, IV. 359; x. 49 W. R., iv. 2
jScossaise, L\ x. 86, 429 W. R. (possibly Ralegh), m. 189
flnphyle, v. 288 W. S., v. 238, 247, 255; vi. 62
Essai sur leaM&urs, xrv. 102 Wace (fl. 1170), i. 170, 232, 234, 235 ff.,
Sistoire de. Charles XII, X. 283 256, 263 ff., 336, 337, 343, 350, 447, 462;
Indixcret, L\ x. 86 n. 420
Irene, v. 292 Wace, Henry, xn. 317
La Hennade, an. 79 Waddell, Peter Hately (1817-1891), an.
La Loi Naturelle, ix. 83 437
Letter to the Academy, XT. 354 Wadding, Luke (1588-1657), xiv. 308, 572
Lettres Anglaises, x. 169 Waddmgton, Samuel, xm. 207, 489, 510
Lettres ph^losoph^ques, v. 287, 288, 294 Wade, i. 218
Mahomet, v. 288; x. 81; XI. 253 Wade, George (1673-1748), ix. 373
Merope, x. 82, 86 Wade, Miss, in Little Dorrit, xm. 331
Mort de Cesar, v. 288 ff. Wade, Thomas (1805-1875), xn. 107, 423;
Nanine, X. 17, 411 Jew of Arragon, The, xn. 1 19; Mundi et
Orestes, X. 86 Cordw... Poems and Sonnets, xn. 119
S fair amis,v, 288; x. 86; xi. 352 Wade, Sir Thomas Francis (1818-1895),
Tancred, xi. 352 xn. 343, 500
Zaire, v. 288; x. 81, 82, 118; an. 352 Wadeson, Anthony (fl. 1600), Humorous
Zobeide, x. 86 Earle ofGloster, vm. 126
Volumen Britanniae, or the Book of Britain, Wadf ord. See Wodeford, William of
i, 70 ff. Wadham, Edward, English Versification,
Volumnia, in Coriolanus, V. 198 xm. 247, 513
Volundarlcviffa, Old Norse poem, I. 36 Wadington. See William of
Volunteer movement, the, xiv. 239 Wadmore, F., xiv. 541
Volusene, Florence (15047-1547?), in. 470 Wadsworth, head of Atteroliffe academy,
Vondel, J. van den, vn. 433; Lucifer, x. 386
vn. 118 Woes of Scotland, The, ix. 377
Vopiscus, VL 139 Wafer, Lionel (1660?-1705?), iv. 462
Voragine, Jacobus a (1230-1298), I. 55, Wag, The, xiv. 235
134, 343; V. 15 Wag, Tom, in Pendennis, xiv. 440
V6r8smarty, Michael, v. 308 Wager, Lewis (JL 1566), v. 393; vi. 378,
Vorstius, Conrad, vn. 308 409; Life and Repentance of Mane
Vortigen, I. 71 Magdalene, vx. 378, 499
Vortipor of Pembrokeshire, i. 67 'Wager/ ship, xiv. 243, 244
Wager, William (fl. 1566), The longer thou Waldegrave, Robert
livest, the more fool thou art, v. 60, 393 iv. 363; VL 393; The Four Great Lyers,
Wagner, P. A., xiv. Add. 10 m. 110
Wagner, Wilhelm Richard, Lohengrin, Waldegrave, Samuel (1817-1869), xn. 473
x. 227; Tannhduser, x. 227 Waldegrave, Timothy, x. 385
Wagstaff, Simon, pseud, of Jonathan Waiden, Thomas de (Netter) (d. 1430),
Swift, ix. 106, 460 n. 443
Wagstaff, Theophile, pseud, of W. M. Waldens, the, of Edmonton, xn. 201
Thackeray, xm. 278 Waldenses, the, xiv. 79
Wagstaffe, John (1633-1677), vn. 396; Waldershare, in Disraeli's Endymion,
The Question of Witchcraft debated, vn. xm. 350
395, 507 Waldhere, I. 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 41, 277, 423
Wagstaffe, Thomas (1645-1712), x. 517; Wales, v. 27, 323, 361; vi. 310, 361; vn.
Vindication, x. 355; Defence of the Vin- 37, 42, 78, 113, 143, 197, 321; vm. 60,
dication, x. 355 106; ix. 350, 352; x. 115, 182, 277, 394;
Wagstaffe, Thomas (1692-1770), x. 355 XL 12; xn. 166, 344, 349; xm. 372,
Wagstaffe, William (1685-1725), ix. 443, xiv. 79, 84, 215, 292, 294, 307, 434
470 Wales, church of, xn. 266
Wahabees, the, xiv. 253 Wales, Joan of Kent, princess of, n. 56
Wainewright, Latham, xiv. 594 Wales, prince of, pa. 104
Wainewright, Thomas Griffiths (1794r- Wales, prince of, in Edward III, v. 244
1852), xm. 418 Wales, The Four Ancient Books of, I. 462;
Waitz, Georg, xiv. 68 xn. 518
Wake, Sir Isaac (1580?-1632), vi. 469 Wales, university of, xiv. 433
Wake, WiJJiam (1657-1737), ix. 407, 509; Walesby, F. P., x. 478
x. 353, 354 Walewski, count, xiv. 185
Wakefield, v. 373; xm. 455 Walford, Edward, xiv. 612
Wakefield, Edward Gibbon (1796-1862), Walford, L, B., xm. Add. 3
xiv, 483, 512, 514, 587, 588 Walgainus=Gawain, in Arthurian legend,
Wakefield, Gilbert (1756-1801), ix. 73, 75, 1.269
443, 447, 450; x. 385; xn. 470, 495; Walhalla, I. 63
xiv. 602; Diatribe,' xn. 326 Walker, Alexander, xiv, 533
Wakefield, Henry, bishop of Worcester Walker, Anthony, TZvpyKa. Efy?/ca, The
(fl. 1375-1395), n. 61 Virtuous Woman Found, vm. 269; A
Wakefield, Mrs Priscilla (1751-1832), XL true Account of the Author of a Book
378, 484; xrv. 600 called Bkwp Ba<ri\i/c^, vm. 269
Instinct Displayed, xi. 383 Walker, A. Stoddart, xrv. 516
Introduction to Botany, XL 383 Walker, Clement (d. 1651), vn. 450; vm,
Juvenile Anecdotes, xi. 383 407
Leisure Hours, XL 383 Walker, Sir Edward (1612-1677), vn. 206,
Mental Improvement, XL 383 447
Wakefield, Robert (d. 1537), in. 53 Walker, Ferdinand, iv. 448
Wakefield grammar school, ix, 330 Walker, George, Anglo-Tyrannus (1650),
Wakefield Plays, v. 18, 46 ff. vn. 514
Wakem, Philip, in The Mill on the Floss, Walker, Henry, vn. 351 ff. (main entry),
xm. 392 358, 360, 365, 494, 498 ff., 517
Wakeman, William F., xn. 513 Collection of passages... by one who was
Waking Vision, The, vm. 92 groom of his chamber, A, vn. 356
Walbrook, Herbert Mackinnon, xm. 515 Collections of Notes at the Kings Try all,
Walcheren expedition the, xrv. 115 vn. 355
Walcott, Mackenzie Edward Charles Declaration called out of the Journals of
(1821-1880), xn. 348, 513, 520; History both Houses of Parliament, A, VTL 355
of the Cathedrals... of Scotland, xn. 349; Heads of a Diarie, vn. 355
Traditions and Customs of Cathedrals, History of the Life Reigne and Death of
xn. 349 the late King Charles, vn. 353
Waldby, John, brother of R. Waldby, H. King's Last Farewell to the World, The,
443 vn. 353
Waldby, Robert, archbishop of York (d. M ad Designe, The, vn. 356
1398), n. 443 Mercurius Morbicus, vn. 355
Waldef, i.e. Waltheof, L 287, 472 Packets of Letters, vn. 355
Waldegrave, James, 2nd earl Waldegrave Perfect Occurrences of Every Dayes
(1715-1763), Memoirs, rx. 253, 254, 498 Journall, vn. 352, 353
Waldegrave, Maria, countess, afterwards Prelates Pride, The, vn. 352
duchess of Gloucester, vn. 204 Serious Observations lately made touching
Waldegrave, Robert(1554?~1604),m. 110, his Majesty, vn. 356
376, 378 ff., 385, 387 ff., also see Add.; Severall Proceedings, vn. 355

Walker, Henry Waller, Edmund (1606-1687), iv. 183;
Terrible outcry against the loytenng vi. 437 ; vn. 4, 48, 49, 53 ft (main entry),
exalted Prelats, A, vn. 352 64, 67 ft, 73, 180, 183, 268, 270, 409 ft;
The true manner of the crowning of vm. 5, 18, 81, 120, 133, 227, 228, 234 ft,
Charles the Second King of Scotland, 267, 369, 371, 376, 381, 394, 408, 410,
vn. 356 411, 444, 446; ix. 67ft, 73, 157, 158;
To your tents Israel, vn. 352 X. 226, 432, 475; XL 246; xn. 132; xiv.
'TpcryT^ara' Sweetmeats, vn. 355 436
Tnesdaies Journall, vn. 355 Aeneid, trans., vn. 86
Two letters from Liverpool, vn. 354 Battle of the Summer Islands, The, vn.
Wren and the Finch, The, vn. 352 55,56
Walker, captain Howard, in Thackeray's Behold the brand of beauty tossed, vn. 55,
The Ravenswing, xni. 281 58
Walker, Hugh, XL 221, 441; xn. 453; Divine Poems, vn. 55
xm. 485, 488, 544, 559, 568, also see, Go, lovely Rose! vrr. 55, 58
Add. 2; xiv. 528; The Literature of the Instructions to a Painter, vn. 56
Victorian Era, xm. 50 M 'aides Tragedy, The, version of, vnr
Walker, Mrs Hugh, xm. 498, 568; xiv. 528 120
Walker, John (1674-1747), vn. 478; vm. Of the Danger His Majesty [Being
407 Prince] Escaped in the Road at St An-
Walker, John (1692?-1741), ix. 528 dere, vn. 53
Walker, John (1732-1807), xm. 240 Of the Last Verses in the Book, vn. 56
Walker, Josiah, XL 436, 441 Of the Mvsreport of her being Painted,
Walker, Obadiah (1616-1699), vrn. 305; vn. 55
IX. 488, 569; Oxford Theses relating to On the Statue of King Charles I at
the Enghsh Reformation, ix. 197 Charing Cross, vn. 56
Walker, Patrick (d. 1745), ix. 549 Panegyric to my Lord Protector, vn. 56
Walker, Bichard (1679-1764), xiv. 286 Pompee, version of, by Waller and lord
Walker, Bobert (1798-1854), xiv. 596 Buckhurst, vm. 180
Walker, Sidney (1795-1846), xm. 245 Puerpenum, vn. 58
Walker, W., ix. 318 Saraband, vm. 231
Walker, William (brother of Henry To a Very Young Lady, vn. 55
Walker), vn. 353 To A morel, vn. 58
Walking Morte,* the, in A Caveat or
Upon a Late Storm, and of the Death of
Wareningfor Commen Corsetors, ni. 104 Uis Highness ensuing in the same, vn.
Walkington, Thomas (d. 1621), in. 91; 56; vm. 5
iv. 519 Waller, John Francis (1810-1894), xiv.
Walkley, Arthur Bingham, xm. 515 572; Kitty Neil, xrv. 326; Song of the
Wallace, Alfred Russel (1823-1913), xi. Glass, The, xiv. 326; Spinning Wheel
75; xiv. 35, 250, 298, 299, 554, 564 Song, The, xiv. 326
Wallace, Charles Wallace, vi. 256, 257, Waller, lady, wife of Sir Wm
Waller, vn.
270 ft, 275, 278 350
Wallace, James (d. 1688), ix. 560 Waller, B., Life of HooJce, xrv. 283
Wallace, Jamea (fl. 1684r-1724), ix. 554 Waller, Sir William (1597?-1668), vn. 349,
Wallace, Bobert (1697-1771), ix. 562; 350
Various prospects of Mankind, XL 74 Wallerston, vn. 453
Wallace, Sir William (1272 ?-1305), n. 101, Walley, Henry, vn. 346; Heads of Chiefe
103, 105, 108 ff., 280; vi. 453; xiv. 95 Passages in Parliament, vn. 350; The
Wallace, William, editor of Mackintosh's King domes Weekly Account of Heads,
History of the Revolution, xiv. 59 vn. 350; The True Informer, vn. 350
Wallace, William (1844-1897), xiv. 483; Walley, John (fl. 1557), iv. 397
Hegel's Philosophy of Mind, xiv. 45; Wallin, head of Bristol academy, x. 387
Lectures and Essay81 xiv. 45; Logic of Wallington, Nehemiah (1598-1658), His-
Hegel, The, xiv. 45 torical Notices, vn. 223, 454
Wallace, William, editor oi Burns, xx. 438, WaJlia, F., xiv. 521
439, 442 Wallis, G., xm. 545
Wallace. See Harry, Blind Wallis, John (1616-1703), vn. 288, 289,
Wallace Craigie, near Dundee, xn. 350 308, 475, 489; vm. 360, 479; ix. 380,
Wallas, Graham, xiv, 478, 602 411, 412; XIV. 281
Wallensis, John (fl. 1283), i. 456 Arithmetica Injinitorum, vm. 359
Wallensis, Thomas (d. 1255), n. 318 Doctrine of the Blessed Trinity, x. 378
Wallensis, Thomas (d. 1350?), I. 456 English Grammar, xm. 244
Waller, Alfred Bayney (1867-1922), ix. Truth tried, vn. 279
155; x. 44; xn. 167, 431; xnr. 515; Wallis, Samuel (1728-1795), xiv. 244
Xiv. 518, 519; The Writings of Matthew Waipole, George, 3rd earl of Orford (1730-
Prior, ix. 147, 148, 153, 155, 157, 158 1791), x. 245, 246

WaJpole, Horace, 1st baron Walpole Walsh, William
(1678-1757), ix. 223; x. 495 Jealousy, ix. 175
Walpole, Horatio (Horace), 4th earl of Walsh, archbishop William John, xiv. 592
Orford (1717-1797), iv. 89, 293; v. 276, Walsh, William Shepherd, xm. 568
292, 478; vn. 176, 204, 443; vm. 262, Walsingham, Edward (fl. 1643-1659), vn.
451 ; IX. 143, 190, 246, 248, 250 ff., 354; 454
x. 47, 60 ff., 87, 116, 118, 119, 123, 126, Walsingham, Sir Francis (1530?-1590),
127, 135, 136, 215, 237, 242 ff. (main iv. 80, 82, 382; v. 85, 345, 482; vi. -244,
entry), 256, 259, 260, 262, 268, 272, 249, 272, 383, 384, 392, 400; VTI. 191
285, 316, 362, 399, 400, 425, 450, Walsingham, John (d. 1340?), i. 436; The
484 ff., 505, 523, also see Add.; xi. 91, Reply of Friar Daw Thopas, n. 40
145, 154, 173 ff., 258 ff., 262, 273, 282, Walsingham, Mrs, xi. 348
341, 346, 350, 351, 356, 358, 364, 365, Walsingham, The Foundation of the Chapel
429, 449, 465, 469; xn. 345; xm. 52, of, n. 321, 486
321; xiv. 62,284 Walsingham, Thomas (d. 1422?), n. 38,
JEdes Walpolianae, X. 253 499; Historia Anghcana, n. 47
Anecdotes of Painting, x. 135, 253, 254 Walter, archdeacon of Oxford, t. 168, 257
Castle of Otranto, The, x. 60, 61, 227, Walter, friend of Henry of Huntingdon,
234, 254; xi. 300; xn. 3 I. 167

Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors, Walter, Hubert (d. 1205), I. 173, 181;
x. 184, 253 Tractatus de Leqibu* et Consuetudinibtts
Correspondence, x. 253 Regni Anghae, vrn. 311
Description of the Villa, x. 245 Walter, John (1739-1812). xiv. 177, 178
Essay on Gardening, x. 250 Walter, John (1776-1847), xiv. 174,
Historic Doubts on Richard III, IX. 131, 178 ff., 183
135, 250, 254, 291, 305 Walter, John (1818-1894), XTV. 183, 535
Last Journals, x. 295 Walter, Richard (17167-1785), xiv. 243,
Letters, x. 284, 291, 292; 3X 354, 363 554
Letters to George Montagu, x. 247 Walter, Sir, in A Chart Mayd in Cheape-
Letters to Mann, x. 251 side, vi. 74
Memoirs, rx. 253 Walter, the steward, grandson of Banquo,
Miscellaneous Antiquities, x. 131 n. 104
Miscellaneous Letters, x. 247 Walter, William (fl. 1520), books trans-
Mysterious Mother, The, X. 254, 255 lated by, n. 325, 326; The History oj
Private Correspondence, x. 247 Titus and Gesippus, n. 326; The History
Short Notes of My Life, x. 252, 291 of Guystarde arid Sygysrtiowfle, n. 325;
Works, x. 247 The Spectacle of Lovers, n. 326; in. 486
Walpole, Margaret, countess of Orford, Walter de Bardes, TV. 309, 509
wife of 2nd earl (d. 1781), x. 246 Walter de Bibelsworth (fl. 1270), n. 507
Walpole, Sir Robert, 1st earl of Orford Walter de Merton (d. 1277), n. 351 ff., 355
(1676-1745), ix. 81, 87, 115, 117, 121, Walter of Evesham (fl. 1320), i. 456
163, 165, 219 ff., 229, 230, 232, 243, Walter of Hemingburgh (fl. 1300), i. 181,
251, 252, 254, 281, 426, 433; x. 71, 84, 450
94, 114, 116, 243, 246, 249, 252, 256, Walter of Henley, n. 499; Book of Hus-
299, 358, 389, 428; XL 174; xiv. 63, bandry, iv. 307, 364, 369, 514, 541
128, 212 Walters, John C., xm. 537, 544
Walpole, Robert, 2nd earl of Orford (d. Waltham, rv. 238; xn. 186
1751), x. 246 Walthamstow, xm
Walpole, Sir Spencer (1839-1907), xiv. Waltharius, I. 32, 33
499, 506; History of England, XIV. 93 Waltheof (d. 1076), n. 399
Walpole, Hon. Thomas, 2nd son of the Walton (pirate), in Fortune by Land and
1st lord Walpole of Wolterton, x. 495 Sea, vi. 104
Walpurgis night, vn. 368 Walton, Anne, vn. 250
Walsh, Benjamin Dann, xrv. 595 Walton, Brian (1600?-1661), vn. 318, 319,
Walsh, Edward (1805-1850), xiv. 305, 478, 481; Polyglot Bible, vn. 481; vni.
321, 572 294; list of contributors to Polyglot
Walsh, John Henry, pseud. Stonehenge Bible, vn. 481
(1810-1888), xiv. 547 Walton, Christopher (1809-1877), ix.
Walsh, Shelford, xm. 519 309, 318, 328, 511, 513 ff.
Walsh, William (1663-1708), vm. 157, Walton, Sir Edgar H., xiv. Add. 10
402, 411, 445, 447; ix, 68, 69, 174 ff., Walton, Izaak (1593-1683), ni. 405, 406,
487; XI. 250 415; iv. 119, 124, 125, 163, 198, 199,
Antidote, The, ix. 176
201, 236, 246, 373, 374, 422; vn. 27 ff.,
Caelia, too late you would repent,' ix. 76, 77, 82, 149, 156, 232, 250 ff. (main
175 entry), 256 ff., 390, 402, 403, 463; vm.
Despairing Lover, The, ix* 175 293, 295; ix. 277

Walton, Izaafc Ward, Henry Snowden, xm. 544
Compleat Angler, The, vn. 81, 250, 251, Ward, Mrs Humphry (Mary Augusta),
253; xi. 318 xru. 556, also see Add. 3; xiv. 533
Life of Donne, vn. 250 Ward, James, of Nottingham, xm. 499
Life of Geo. Herbert, vn. 26, 29 Ward, Jem (1800-18S5), xiv. 231
Lives, vn. 250 ff.; x. 193 Ward, Johnfjfl. 1613), iv. 465
Reliquiae Wottonianae, vn. 250 Ward, John (16797-1758), ix. 530
Walton, James, father of Izaak Walton, Ward, John William, 1st earl of Dudley
vn. 250 (1781-1833), xiv. 126
Walton, John (fl. 1410), n. 499 Ward, Eichard (fl. 1710), vm. 279, 280,
Wanderer, in Wordsworth's Excursion, 456
xi. 106 Ward, Robert, Fucus Histriomastix, vi.
Wanderer, The, I. 4, 37, 38, 275, 372, 424, 324, 327, 472, 480
428 Ward, Robert Pluraer (1765-1846), xn.
Wandering Jew, The, iv. 342 452; xin 554; Tremaine, Xin. 350
Wanley, Humfrey (1672-1726), i. 45, 129, Ward, Roger (f. 1582), iv. 386, 408
428; ix. 356, 358, 541; xi. 336, 337, 467 Ward, Samuel, of Ratcliffe ( fl. 1570), IV.
Wanstead, iv. 132; vi. 336 238
Wantage, I. 107 Ward, Samuel (1577-1640), vn. 318
Wantonness, in Ant Pleasant Satyre, m. Ward, Seth (1617-16S9), bishop of Salis-
124 ff. bury, vii. 288, 475, 517; vra. 360, 364,
Wapull, George, The, Tide, tarries no man, 479; xiv. 281; VindiciaeAcademiarum,
v. 60, 393; vi. 284 TX. 386, 387, 500, 571
Warbeck, Perkin (1474-1499), vn. 203 Ward, Thomas Humphry, xm. 487, 488;
Warburton, Bartholomew Ehott George Knglifih Poets, xm100
(1810-1852), xiv. 527, 554; The Crescent Ward, Wilfrid Philip (1856-1916), xn.
and the Cross, xrv. 251 Add. 2; xin. 501; Xiv. 483, 507; Life
Warburton, John (1682-1759), v. 146; of Newman, xn. 257, 426, 453, 456, 460,
ix. 540 463
Warburton, Rowland Eyles Egerton Ward, William George (1812-1882), xn.
(1804-1891), x. 119; xm. 510 259, 271, 275, 463; xm. 104; xrv. 483,
Warburton, William (1608-1779), bishop 507, 513; Essays on the Philosophy of
of Gloucester, v. 271 ff.,278,296; vn. 89; Theism, xiv. 26 The Ideal of a Christian

vni. 295; TX. 82, 83, 86 ff., 145, 296, Church, xil. 261, 276
297, 327, 443, 444, 447, 449, 475, 476, Warden, Master, in Three Speeches, vn.
509, 510, 512; x. 167, 180, 276, 305, 381
396, 465, 524 Wardlaw, Elizabeth, lady (1677-1727),
Alliance between Church and State, ix. 231; Oilderoy, ix. 364; Hardyknute,
296; X, 375 417; ix. 364; X. 226
Aristarchus on the Hero of the Poem,' Wardlaw, Henry (d. 1440), n. 367 ff.
ix. 89 Wardlaw, Walter (d. 1390), n. 128
Divine Legation of Moses, ix. 296, 341 Wardour, Isabella, in Scott's Antiquary,
Remarks on Hume's Natural History xil. 22
of Religion, IX. 296 Wardour street work, xm. 187
Shakespeare, IX. 144; xi. 320 Ware, Christopher, the elder (1625?-
View of Lord Bolingbroke'a Philosophy, 1690), vn. 478, 489, 492; rx. 569
ix. 296 Ware, Hertfordshire, vi. 172; Xil. 182
Warburton's cook, vi. 36, 165, 195 Ware, Sir James (1594-1666), vn. 481;
Ward, Sir Adolphus William (1837-1924), x. 293; xn. 349; xxv. 308, also see
v. 82, 134, 254, 368; vi. 27, 283; vm. Add. 3; History of Ireland, iv. 414
124, 373; ix. 30, 326; x. 80, 350, 445; Ware, James Redding, xrv. 61 1
XIII. 532, 549, 551; xrv. 515; George, Warham, William (1450?-1532), arch-
Crabbe, XI. 140, 141, 418, 420 bishop of Canterbury, m. 9, 32, 49; vn.
Ward, Artemus (pseud.), xiv. 346 326
Ward, Edward (1667-1731), ix. 256, Waring (Browning's), xm. 186
258 ff., 268, 501, 502 Waring, Edward John, xil. 523
Hudibras Redivivus, ix. 260, 261 Waring, Jane (Swift's 'Varina'), ix. 92
London Spy, ix. 262, 263 Waring, Susan M., xm. 559
Republican Procession, ix. 261 Warm us, I. 170
Vulgus Britannicus, ix. 260, 261 Warkworth, John (d. 1500), n. 302, 482;
Wine and Wisdom, ix. 262 Chronicle, iv. 423
Ward, Harry Leigh Douglas (1825-1906), Warne, Charles (1802-1887), xn. 513
xn. 519; Catalogue of Romances, I. 191, Warner, Sir George Frederick, v. 248
270 Warner, George Townsend, xrv. 597
Ward, Harry Marshall (1854-1906), xiv. Warner, John (1736-1800), xm. 245;
564 Metronariston, xm. 240, 513

Warner, John, The Gaine of Losse (1645), Warwick, rv. 190; vm. 291
vn. 517 Warwick, countesses of. See Kich, Mary;
Warner, Mary Amelia (1804-1854), vm. Rich, Penelope
184 Warwick, earl of, in Henry V, V. 262
Warner, Kebecca, x. 463 Warwick, earls of. See Rich, Charles;
Warner, Richard, xn. 382 Rich, Robert
Warner, William (15587-1609), m. 349; Warwick castle, vm. 110
V. 83; Albion's England, m.
198, 199, Warwick school, iv. 266
357; iv. 88, 136, 477; Menaechmi, IV. 4, Warwick's company, earl of, VT. 249
439; Pan his Syrinx, m. 350, 536 Warwickshire, n. 315; iv. 200; v. 56, 187;
Warning for Faire Women, A, v. 81, 163, vn. 196; ix. 533; x. 112, 113, 271 S.,
325, 326, 398, 476; vi. 96 275, 276, 278, 385; xn. 326, 441, 442;
Warr, George Charles Winter (1845-1901), xm. 382; xiv. 231
xn. 495 Warwickshire Coterie, the, x. 496
Warrack, Grace, n. 300, 482 Washer of the Ford, the,' xiv. 320
Warre, Edmond, xrv. 597 Washington, George, xi. 190
Warren, Mrs Anne, xn. 452 Washington, George, in The Virginians,
Warren, George, Impartial Description of xm. 297
Surinam (1667), iv. 462 Waspe, in Bartholomew Fayre, vi. 23
Warren, Hardick, vn. 509 Wasse, Joseph (1672-1738), ix. 340, 528
Warren, John Byrne Leicester, 3rd lord Wassel, in The Masque of Christmas, vi
Be Tabley (1835-1895), xm. 194, 203, 358
205, 206, 501 ; xrv. 502; PMoctetes, xm. Wastell, Simon (d. 1632), vn. 83
205; Soldier's Fortune, The, xm. 205 Waster, in Piers the Plowman, n. 14
Warren, Matthew (1642-1706), x. 386 W astoure. See Wynnere
Warren, Mrs, in Holcroft's Road to Ruin, Wat, in Piers the Plowman, n. 12, 16
xi. 277 Wat, in shepherd carols, n. 378
Warren, Samuel (1807-1877), xn. 452 Waterfield, William, XIV. 339, 580
Warren, Sir Thomas Herbert, xm. 474, Waterf ord, x. 257
478 Waterhouse, Edward (1619-1670), vm.
Warrieombe, Sidwell (Gissing's), xm. 461 466, 469; ix. 571; An Humble Apologie
Warrington, xi. 469 for Learning, vn. 392, 509, 517
Warrington, George, in Pendennis, xm. Waterland, Daniel (1683-1740), IX. 509;
292 X. 354, 358, 359, 516, 517; Advice to a
Warrington academy, x. 385; xrv. 51, Young Student, ix. 411; Review of the
272, 385, 399 Doctrine of the Eucharist, x. 360; Vindi-
Warringtons, the, in The Virginians, xm. cation of Christ's Divinity, x. 359
297 298 Waterloo, battle of, xn. 43, 381; xiv. 66,
Wars of Cyrus King of Persia, v. 398; 227
VT. 288 Watermen, company of, VI. 259
Warsaw, v. 283 Watermeyer, Egidius Benedictus (1824-
Warschewiczki, Stanislaus, IV. 3 1867), xrv. Add. 10; After a Storm, xiv.
Warter, John Wood (1806-1878), XI. 422; 378
xn. 219 Waterson, Simon, iv. 398
Warton, George, almanack maker, vn. 509 Waterton, Charles (1782-1865), xiv. 554;
Warton, Joseph (1722-1800), ix. 443 ff., Wanderings in South America, xiv.
450; x. 125, 164, 224, 238, 239, 240-241 249
(main entry), 473, 492, 493; Essay on Watkin, William Thompson (1836-1888),
Pope, x. 240, 466 xn. 514; Roman Cheshire, xn. 347;
Warton, Thomas, the elder (1688?-1745), Roman Lancashire,, xn. 347
vn. 265; x. 223, 226 ff., 492; xi. 133 Watkins, John (fl. 1792-1831), xi. 456
Warton, Thomas, the younger (1728- Watkins, John, of Whitby, xn. 416
1790), I. viii, 361, 377; n. 203, 205, 211, Watkins, Richard, iv. 384
225, 319; m. 51, 77, 157, 174, 187, 192, Watling street, i. 178
193, 252; v. 71, 78, 143, 253; VI. 283, Watreman, W., translator of Boehme,
294, 295; vn. 265; ix. 69, 73, 82, 144, iv. 442
479, 574; x. 137, 184, 186, 224, 233, Wats, Edmond, iv. 409
238 ff. (main entry), 485, 486, 492; xi. Watson, Scots poet, n. 279
34, 133; xii. 133; xiv. 594, 595 Watson, Christopher (d. 1581), iv. 439
History of English Poetry, x. 239; xn.363 Watson, David (1710-1756), IX. 528
Pleasures of Melancholy, x. 125 Watson, Emma, in Jane Austen's The
Poems, x. 239 Watsons, xn. 234
Progress of Discontent, ix. 191 Watson, Henry, apprentice to Wynkyn
Triumph of I sis, x. 136 de Worde, books translated by:
Verses on Sir Joshua Reynolds''$ painted Church of Evil Men and Women, The,
window, x. 239 n. 324

Watson, Henry Watts, Isaac
History of Olyver of Castylle and the Horae Lyricae, ix. 178
fayre Helayne, The, n. 324 Humble attempt, x. 375
Ship of Fools, The, n. 324; m. 59
Hush my dear, lie still and slumber,

Valentine and Orson, n. 324 xi. 186

Watson, James (d. 1722), xi. 342, 470; Sapphics, xi. 179
Choice Collection of... Scots Poems, ix. Sluggard, The, XI. 375
366, 367, 556, 567; x. 226; XL 204, When the fierce north wind,' ix. 179
217 Watts, John (1818-1887), xiv. 610
Watson, James (1739?-1790), xiv. 216 Watts, William (1590?-! 649), vn. 345
Watson, John, xiv. 478 Watts Dunton, Walter Theodore (1832-
Watson, John (d. 1530), m. 61 1914), iv. 35; x. 236; xi. 476; xn. 406,
Watson, John Selby (1804-1884), xn. also see Add.; xm. 137, 194, 491, 495,
491, 492; Life of Porson, x. 317 510, 544, 555; xiv. 527; Aylwin, xni.
Watson, Joshua (1771-1855), xn. 256, 454 207; xiv. 145; Coming of Love, The,
Watson, Richard (1612-1685), vn. 188 Xiv. 145; Renascence of Wonder in
Watson, Richard (1737-1816), bishop of Poetry, The, xiv. 144
LlandaS, x. 508; XI. 98, 400; xn. Waugh, Arthur, xm. 478, 485, 486, 508,
279, 280; xiv. 602; Apology for Chris- 533, 573
tianity, x. 307, 308; Apology for the Waugh, Edwin (1817-1890), xm. 511
Bible, x. 308 Waurin, Chroniques et istoires, I. 236
Watson, Richard (1781-1833), XI. 483 Waverley, in Surrey, monastery and an-
Watson, Robert (17307-1781), x. 505; nals of, i. 178, 193, 337
History of Philip II, x. 291; History of Waverley, Edward, in Scott's novel, xn.
Philip III, x. 291 18, 22, 151
Watson, Robert Addison, xni. 488 Way, Albert (1805-1874), xn. 519
Watson, Rosamund Marriott (born Tom- Way, Arthur S., xm. 478
son) (d. 1911), xm. 510 Wayland, John, m. 194
Watson, Seth B., xi. 415 Waymouth, George (fl. 1605), iv. 99
Watson, Thomas (1513-1584), v. 394; Waynflete, William (1395?-1486), bishop
vi. 490; Absalom, VL 296, 480 of Winchester, n. 355, 357, 359, 489;
Watson, Thomas (1557?-1592), m. 252, vn. 327
253, 256, 257, 292, 294, 524; rv. 114, Waynour (Guinevere), in Morte Arthure f
117, 121, 171, 181, 465, 472; Amyntas, n. 118
IV. 131; EKATOMIIAeiA, or The Waynright, James, vn. 438
Passionate Centune of Love, m, 252; Wayte, William (1829-1898), xn. 495
iv. 118, 123, 196; Tears of Fancie, or Weakest goeth to the Wall, The, v. 316,
Love Disdained, The, m. 253 476
Watson, Sir William, xn. 408; xm. 570 Weale, John (1791-1862), xn. 523
Watson-Wentworth, Charles, 2nd mar- Weale, William Henry James, xn. 523
qais of Rockingham (1730-1782), xi. Wealhtheow, in Beowulf, i. 22, 23, 24
5, 7, 52; xiv. 214 Wealth and Health, v. 60, 393
Watt, James (1736-1819), xiv. 258, 381 Weare, William (d. 1823), xiv. 201, 228,
Watt, Lauchlan Maclean, ix. Add.; xiv. 230
525 Wearing of the Oreen, The, xiv. 311
Watt, Robert (1774-1819), xi. 467; xn. Wearmouth, monastery of, i. 5, 71, 72, 78,
521, 523; Bibliotheca Britannica, xn. 80, 83 ff., 89; iv. 418
370; Catalogue of Medical Books, xn. Weathercock, in The London Prodigall,
370 v. 255
Watt, William, Kate Dalrymple,
xi. 445; Weaver, John (1673-1760), x. 440; The
XI. 243; Tinkler'sWaddin, xi. 243 Loves of Mars and Venus, x. 70
Watt of Harden, xn. 3 Webb, Alfred John (1834-1908), xiv. 572
Watteau, Antoine, vm. 156; xm. 52 Webb, Daniel (1719?-1798), XL 250
Watton, John, n. 319, 503 Webb, John (1611-1672), ix. 540
Watts, Alario Alexander (1797-1864), xn. Webb, Philip, xni. 119
423; xm. 510; Lyrics of the Heart, Webb, Richmond, grandfather of W. M.
xni. 207 Thackeray, xm. 276
Watts, George Frederick, xm. 474 Webb, Thomas Ebenezer (1821-1903),
Watts, Isaac (1674-1748), ix. 177 ff., 393, xiv. 572
487; x. 156, 183, 274, 374, 381, 385, Webbe, George, vn. 487
475, 521, 522; xi. 373, 383, 477, 479; Webbe, Joseph (fl. 1612-1633), iv. 435
xni. 244 Webbe, William (fl. 1586-1591), m. 206,
Divine and Moral Songs, XL 184, 372 295, 301 ff., 527; iv. 19, 21; v. 131;
Divine Songs for Children, ix. 178 A Discourse of English Poetrie, m. 301;
Elegy on Mr Thomas Gouge, ix. 178 v. 72
Essay vn Civil Power, x. 375 Webber, Byron, xrv. 541

Weber, Henry William (1783-1818), 3O. Weekly Pacquet of Advice from Home
472 ;xn. 358,375, 517,519 (Care's), IX. 4
Weber, Immanuel, De Nigello Wirekero, Weekly Post, The, vn. 355
I. 192 Weekly Register, The, xn. 463
Weber, Wilhelm Eduard, xiv. 268 Weekly Times, The, xiv. 192
Webster, Augusta (1837-1894), xm. 180, Weelkes, Thomas (f. 1602), rv. 113, 465
511 Weever, John (1576-1632), iv. 334, 517,
Webster, Benjamin Nottingham (1797- 519; v. 253; vn. 407; ix. 350, 540
1882), xm. 268, 515, 516, 524 Wegener, R., vi. 266, 268
Webster, James (16587-1720), ix. 547 Wescs, Silas, in Our Mutual Friend, xm.
Webster, John (1580?- 1 625?), iv. 6; V. 336
163, 222, 311, 319, 327, 376; vi. 45, 46, Weier, Johann, m. 112; De Praestigiis
49, 55, 61, 69, 96, 166-187 (main entry), Demonum et Incantationibus ac Bene-
195, 200, 401, 423, 424, 444 ff. ; vn. 466; ficns, m. 112
vm. 436; xii. 68, 116; xin. 198, 411 Weierstrass, Karl, xiv. 264
Appius and Virginia, VI. 168, 182, 445, Weigel, Valentin, vn. 509; rx. 315
also see Add. Weimar, v. 300, 306; vn, 177; xi. 259;
Cure for a Cuckold, A, VL 69, 182, 184, xii. 38, 158, 302; xm. 277. 385
185, 445, 447 Weir, Arthur (18(54-1902), XTV. 357, 582
Devil's Law-case, The, v. 364; VI. 168, Weir, William (1802-1858), xiv. 535
182 ft, 445, 447 Weisse, Christian, v. 285, 297, 298
Dutchesse of Malfy, The, m. 355; v. 368; Weissel, Josefine, xm. 489
vi. 173, 175, 179 ff., 200, 445, 447, also W 'eland Saga, i. 12, 100, 218
see Add. W eland Saga, in Deor, I. 36
Guise, The, vi. 182 Welbwk Papers, ix. 99
Monumental Column, A, VT. 185, 446 Welby, Thomas Earle, xm. 495
Monuments of Honor, VI. 168, 185 Welcum to May. II. 282
Murther of the Sonne upon the Mother, Weldon, Walter Frank Raphael (1860-
A Late, vi. 182, 195 1906), xiv. 564
Thracian Wonder, The, vi. 69, 185, 445, Wellbred, in Every Man in His Humour,
447 vi. 43
White Divel, The ( Vittoria Cororribona}, Welldon, Sir Anthony (d. 1649?), vn. 454,
vi. 173 fi., 177, 179 E., 186, 445, 446; 518
vm. 443; xn. 191 Weller, Matilda, xm. 107
Webster, John (1610-1682), vn. 496, 510, Weller, Sam, in The Pickwick Papers, xm.
517; ix. 384, 571; Academiarum, Ex- 314, 322, 387
amen, vn. 392; ix. 386; Displaying of Wellerisms (Dickens's), xm. 319
supposed Witchcraft, The, vn. 396, 397, Wellesley, Sir Arthur. See Wellington,
507; ix. 62 duke of
Webster, Noah, xiv. 611 Wellesley, Richard Colley Wellesley, mar-
Webster, Richard, ra. 197 quis (1760-1842), XI. 392; xiv. 128,
Weckherlin, Georg Rudolph (1584-1653), 511
vn. 309 Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st duke of
Wedderburn, Alexander, 1st earl of (1769-1852), xi. 167; xn. 97, 154;
Rosslyn (1733-1805), xn. 142, 426 xiv. 115, 122, 127, 128, 136, 180, 187,
Wedderburn, Alexander Dundas 0., xiv. 294, 411, 459, 511; Despatches, xiv. 107
524 Wellington college, xn. 333
Wedderburn, David (1580-1646), ix. 558 Wells, Charles Jeremiah ( 1799 ?-1879), xn.
Wedderburn, James (1495?-1553), ra. 107, 424; xm. 495; Joseph and his
141, 153 Brethren, xn. 117
Wedderburn, John (1500?-1556), m. 141, Wells, dean of (William Graham), ix. 96
153 Wells, Herbert George, xm. 456, 573
Wedderburn, Robert (1510?-1557?), m. Wells, J. T., xm. 465
141, 153 Wells, Somerset, I. 213; rv. 422
Wedding of Sir Oawain. See Wells, William Charles (1757-1817), xiv.
Wedgwood, Hensleigh (1803-1891), xn. 298, 564
506 WeUsman, W., xiv. 532
Wedgwood, Josiah (1730-1795), xi. 121 Wellwood. See Welwood
Wedgwood, Julia, xm. 471 Welsh, Charles, ax 376, 468, 476, 478, 479,
Wednesday Journal, rx. 433 482, 483: A Bookseller of the Last
Weekes, John, vn. 9 Century, John Newbery, x. 210, 482,
Weekly Discoverer Stripped Naked, The 484; XI. 377
(1681), vm. 412 Welsh, Jane. See Carlyle, Jane Welsh
Weekly Dispatch, The, xrv. 192 Welsh, the, xiv. 303
Weekly Journal, ix. 433 Welsh, the, in Jonson*s For the Honour
Weekly Magazine, ix. 562 of Wales, TL 371

Welsh academy system, x. 387 Wesleyans, ix. 308, 328
Welsh bards, x. 487 Wesleys, the, xi. 259
Welsh character, xiv. 307 Wessels, J. W., xiv. Add. 10
Welsh education, xiv. 433 Wesses, xm. 320
Welsh language, xn. 308; xiv. 458 Wessex, West Saxons, law of, vm. 310,
Welsh literature, xni. 199; xiv. 304, 306, 311
307 Wessex under Alfred, i. 88, 89
Welsh mountains, x. 101 West, Sir Edward (1782-1828), xiv. 483;
Welsh question, the, n. 423 Essay on the Application of Capital to
Welsh Tudor court, xiv. 307 Land, xrv. 3
Welshpool, vni. 10G West, Gilbert (1703-1756), IX. 145, 479,
Welsted, Leonard (1688-1747), ix. 78, 86, 487; x. 114, 448; Abuse of Travelling,
188, 449, 487 IX. 189; Education, ix. 189; The Insti-
Welton, James, xiv. 592 tution of the Order of the Garter, x. 433
Wei wood or Well wood, James (1652- West, H. E., xm. 566
1727), vn. 447; vm. 440 West, John and West, Alice, The severaU
Welwood, John, ix. 549 notorious and lewd cousonages of, rv. 530
Welwood, William (jZ. 1577-1622), iv. 462 West, Rebecca, xm. Add. 3
Welwyn, x. 139 West, Richard (fl. 1606-1619), iv. 520
Wem, Shropshire, xii. 165, 166 West, Richard (1716-1742), ix. 189; x.
Wemmick, in Great Expectations, XTTT. 334 117, 118, 120 ff., 124, 132, 243, 251
Wemys, Schir Johne of, in Wyntoun, IL West, William (fl. 1568-1594), vm. 467
130 West Cowes, xm. 72
Wenck, F. A. W., x. 304, 507 West Hythe, Kent, n. 61
Wendland, I. 94 West Indian planter, xm. 70
Wendoll, in A Woman Kilde with Kind- West Indies, iv. 92; vn. 453; vm. 191;
nesse, vi. 83 ix. 260; x. 36, 392; XL 264; xn. 420;
Wendover, xi. 5 xin. 355, 369; xiv. 86, 251, 323, 434
Wendover. See Roger of West Saxon Gospels, I. 132, 133
Weniey, Robert Marks, xiv. 483 Westbrook, Harriet. See Shelley, Mrs
Wenlock, Sir John, baron Wenlock (d. Westbrooks, the, xn. 62
1471), n. 303 Westbury, near Bristol, XL 159, 161
Wentworl/h, captain, in Jane Austen's Westbury, lord. See Bethell, Richard
Persuasion, xii. 240, 242 Westbury, William, vn. 327
Wentworth, Charles (1789-1864), xiv. 531 Westbury-on-Trym, n. 49, 74
Wentworth, Sir Charles (1810-1869), xiv. Westcote, Thomas (fl. 1624-1636), Devon-
531 shire, iv. 308, 5 14
Wentworth, Peter (1592-1675), ix. 130 Westcott, Brooke Foss( 1825-1901), bishop
Wentworth, Thos. (1568?-1628), vm. 470 of Durham, iv. 41; xn. 298, 340, 467,
470; xm. 496
Wentworth, Sir Thomas, 1st earl of
Stratford (1593-1641), iv, 311; m140,
148, 187, 197, 206, 219, 223, 224, 435,
Westeraes, Sweden, n. 319
Western, A., xm. 513
439, 441, 512; vin. 220; xm. 58, 59; Western, Mrs, in Fielding's Tom Jones,
Letters and Despatches, vn. 194, 435 x. 22
Wentworth, Thomas, 3rd earl of Strafford Western, squire, in Fielding's Tom Jones,
(1672-1739), IX. 151, 216 vni. 161; X. 22, 89, 206; xiv. 231
Wentworth, William Charles (1793-1872), Western, Sophia, in Fielding's Tom Jones,
xiv. 588; Australasia, xiv. 362; De- x. 28, 33, 34, 89

scription of New South Wales, A,xxv. 371 Western isles of Scotland, x. 231, 462,
Werferth, I. 93, 105 475
Wermuellcr, Otto, iv. 411 Westeraesse (Wirral?), in Born, i. 304
Werner, Friedrich L. Z., x. 80; xm. 468 Westgarth, William (1815-1889), xiv. 588
Werther, x. 134, 227, 229 Australia Felix, xiv. 371
Wertherism, xm. 417 Half-a-century of Australian Progress,
Werwolf, the, in William of Palerne, I. 316 Xiv. 371
Wesel, ix. 235 Personal Recollections, xiv. 371
Wesley, Charles (1707-1788), ix. 313, Victoria and the Australian Goldmines,
324, 325; x. 364, 365, 369, 517, 518 xiv. 371
Wesley, John (1703-1791), iv. 229; IX. Victoria, late Australia Fdix, xiv. 371
313, 324 ff., 513; x. 1, 59, 350, 363 if., Westmacott, Charles Molloy (pseud, Ber-
423, 517, 518; XI. 79, 422; xii. 259, 278; nard Blackmantle), xiv. 547; English
xiv. 389; Journals, ix. 327, 571; x. 368, Spy, The, xiv. 225; Points of Misery,
369 xiv. 225
Wesley, Samuel, the elder (1662-1735), Westmeath, x. 196
DC. 393, 572; x. 374, 385, 386; Letter Westminster, in Piers the Plouman, n,
from a country divine, ix. 394 8,32

Westminster, m. 19, 69; rv. 128, 422, 544; Weymouth, 3rd viscount.See Thynne
v. 9, 350, 366; YL 3, 261, 327; vn. 62, Thomas
160, 207, 333; vm. 5, 255, 295, 301, 370. Wha wadna fecht for Charlie, IX. 378
See, also, under London Whachum, in Eudibras, vm. 72, 73
Westminster, King street, m. 244 Whale, The, I. 428
Westminster, St Margaret's church, m. 69 Whalley, Peter (1722-1791), ix. 532; x.
Westminster abbey, n. 158, 317; vi. 6, 505
113; vii. 250; vm. 21, 55, 61 Whalley, Thomas Sedgwick (1746-1828),
Cax ton's press at, n. 310 ff. xi. 429
Poet's corner, iv. 195 Wharfe river, vn. 180
St Benedict's chapel, n. 158 Wharncliffe, lord. See Stuart-Wortley,
Westminister Abbey (Ackermann's), xrv. John
222 Wharton, Anne (16327-1685), vm. 444
Westminster assembly, TV. 382, 434; vn. Wharton, duke of, in Pope's Epistles,
312, 319, 340; vin. 323; x. 373 ix. 81
Westminster Drolleries (1671, 1672, 1674), Wharton, Sir George (1617-1681), vn. 501;
vn. 512; vm. 116, 423 Mercurius Elencticus, vn. 357
Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Re- Wharton, Henry (1664-1695), n. 73; vn.
view, The, xn. 430 483; vm. 306, 463; IX. 489
Westminster gate-house, rv. 65 Wharton, Philip, 4th lord Wharton (1613-
Westminster Gazette, The, xrv. 195 1696), vm. 97
Westminster hall, m, 61; VL 332; TO Wharton, Thomas, 1st marquis of Whar-
62, 347; vm. 317 ton (1648-1715), vm.
90; ix. 45, 94,
Westminster Magazine, x. 92 95, 455, 487; x. 117, 122, 123, 127, 131,
Westminster Quibbles (1672), vn. 512 133, 135; xi. 30
Westminster Review, The, xi. 60, 61; xn. Wharton, William, A New Song of the
152, 307, 310, 318, 351, 430; xm. 384, Times, vm. 97
385, 465; xiv. 84, 158 Wharton, William James Lloyd, xiv. 551
Westminster school, m. 321, 327, 425, 'What bird so sings yet so dos wayl?'
427 fL; iv. 80, 164; v. 102, 104, 105, v. 125
122; VI. 3, 232, 237, 246, 288, 325; What is Love? xrv. 304
vn. 27, 62, 82, 317, 326, 328, 333, 334, Whateley, Anne. See Hathwey, Anne
338, 341, 361; vm. 2, 50, 185, 328, 344 Whateley, Thomas (d. 1772), x. 399, 523;
Westminster scrutiny, XL 53 xi. 389
Westmoreland (the Greyhound), in Mum, Whately, Richard (1787-1863), xi. 413;
Sothsegger, n. 36 xn. 242, 243, 285 ff., 292, 447, 470, 471;
Westmorland, rv. 190; vn. 440; vm. 101; xiv. 116, 483, 610
x. 386; xi. 103, 109, 111; xrv. 221 Elements of Logic, xrv. 16
Westmorland, earl of, in Henry V, v. 262 Historic Doubts relative to Napoleon
Westmorland, earl of. See Fane, Mildmay Buonaparte, xn. 285
Westmorland Gazette, The, xn. 445; xrv. Letters on the Church, xn. 285
203 Rhetoric, xrv. 428
Weston, Elizabeth Jane (1582-1612), vn. Whatley, Stephen (fl. 1725-1732), ix.
487 495
Weston, Jessie Laidlay, I. 270, 328, also Wheatley, Henry Benjamin, vi. 260; vm.
see Add. Add.; xi. 396, 467, 469; xiv. 508
Weston, Mrs, ix. 71 Wheatley, Oxon., vn. 104
Weston, Richard, 1st earl of Portland Wheatstone, Sir Charles (1802-1875), xiv.
(1577-1635), vi. 148, 149; vn. 219 261, 557
Weston, Rev. Stephen (1747-1830), xn. Wheeler, George, Journey into Greece
490, 491 (1682), iv. 462
Weston, Thomas (1737-1776), XL 257 Wheeler, Harold Felix Baker, xrv. 541
Weston Favell, x. 365 Wheeler, James Talboys (1824-1897), xiv.
Weston Underwood, xi. 88, 404 338, 339, 580
Westport, Wilts., vn. 282 Wheeler, John (fl. 1601-1608), iv. 310,
Westropp, Hodder M. (d. 1884), xn. 514 514
Westward for Smelts, iv. 361, 523, 531, 532 Wheeler, mistress Elizabeth, in Hernck'a
Westwood, John Obadiah (1805-1893), Hesperides, vn. 13
xn. 514 Wheeler, Stephen, xn. 206, 439
Westwood, Thomas (18147-1888), xn. Wheelock or Wheloc, Abraham (1593-
201; yrn. 511; Quest of the Sancgreall, 1653), I. 112; vii. 319, 320, 483, 485
The, xm. 188; Springlets, xm. 188 Whelpdale, m Gissing's New Grub Street,
Wetherald, Ethelwyn, xiv. 349 xm. 455
Wever, R., Lusty Juventus, v. 59, 392 Whetham, William Cecil Dampier, xiv.
Wexford, xiv. 315 555
Wey, William (1407?-1476), n. 499 Whethamstede, John (d. 1465), ix. 535

Whetstone, George (1544 7-1587?), m. Whitchurch school, vn. 330
189, 299, 343, 519, 536; iv. 443; v. 63, White, Blanco. See White, Joseph Blanco
120, 190, 220, 397, 403, 408, 409; vi. 499 White, Edward (fl. 159^1603), iv. 384,
Life of Sir Nicholas Bacon, xn, 357, 515 393
Mirourfor Magistrates, VL 395, 403, 499 White, Gertrude, in Black's Macleod of
Promos and Cassandra, m. 299, 527; Dare, xm. 432
V. 117, 119, 120 White, Gilbert (1720-1793), x. 269 ff.,
Rich his Farewell to the Militarie Pro- 496, also see Add.; xm. 429; xiv. 166;
fession, m. 343 Natural History of Selborne, x. 269;
Hock of Regard, The, m. 343 Naturalist's Calendar, x. 270
Touchstone for the Time, vi. 395 White, Gleeson, xi. 476
Whewell, William (1794-1866), vm. 351; White, Henry Kirke (1785-1806), xi. 172,
xrv. 207, 258, 483, 557, 565, 593, 594; 422; xn. 424; Oft in danger, oft in woe,
History of the Inductive Sciences, xiv. xn. 136; The Star of Bethlehem, xn.
17, 259, 289 On the principles of English
; 136
university education, xiv. 412; Thoughts White, James (1775-1820), xn. 438; The
on the Study of Mathematics, xiv. 412 Falstaff Letters, xn. 183, 185
Whibley, Charles, xi, 396; xn. 444; xra. White, John, Three Letters to a Gentleman,
489, 499, 530, 546, 547; xiv. 537 x. 375
'Which nobody can deny,' vm. 95, 97 White, Joseph (1745-1814), Bampton
Whichcote or Whitchcote, Benjamin lectures, x. 309, 508
(1609-1683), vn. 279; vra. 273 ., 280, White, Joseph Blanco (1775-1841), xn.
288, 290, 291, 297, 457; ix. 300; 471;xin. 46
Aphorisms, vni. 276, 277, 281 ; Sermons, White, R. (1645-1703), vn. 402
vm. 277 White, Richard Grant, v. 279
Whig Examiner, ix. 151, 437, 439 White, Robert, printer, vn. 361
Whigs of Fife, The, ix, 378 White, Robert (1802-1874), xi. 444
Whipping of the Satyre, The (1601), iv. 517 White, Sir Thomas (1492-1567), m. 420;
Whirler, Jack, in Johnson's Idler, x. 178 vn. 332, 334
Whistle Binkie, XI. 445 White, Thomas (1550?-1624), vi. 376,
'Whistlecraft,' vn. 79 386, 499
Whistlecraft, Mr (J. H. Frere), xn. 52 White, Thomas (1593-1676), vn. 475;
Whistler, Anthony (1714-1754), ix. 412; Sciri, sive sceptices et scepticorum a jure
x. 271 496; The Shuttlecock, x. 272
E., disputationis exclusio, vn. 302
Whistler, James McNeill, xm. 433, 495 White, Thomas (fl. 1700), xi. 484; A
Whiston, William (1667-1752), ix. 509; Little Book for Little Children, XL 369,
x. 377 370
Historical Preface, x. 379 White, Thomas Pilkington, xn. 514
Josephus, ix. 295 White, W. (fl. 1599), v. 158
Primitive Christianity, x. 379 White, Walter (1811-1893), xiv. 554
Primitive Christianity Revived, ix. 295 White, William Hale. See Rutherford,
Whitaker, Jeremiah (1599-1654), vn. 317 Mark
Whitaker, John (1735-1808), X. 510 White Book of Rhyfferch, The, I. 252
Course of Hannibal over the Alps, x. 320 White Canons, n. 349
Genuine History of the Britons, x. 320 White Cock and Hen, of St Domingo, m.
Gibbon's History. ..reviewed, x. 310, 508 106
History of Manchester, x. 310, 320 White Harts, the, in Mum, Sothsegger, n.
Whitaker, Joseph (1820-1895), xiv. 532 36
Whitaker, L., iv. 90 White sea, the, L 94
Whitaker, Thomas Dunham (1759-1821), Whitefield, George (1714-1770), iv. 229;
xii. 345, 514; History of Richmondshire, x. 88, 276, 363 ff., 518, 522; XL 79
xii. 346 Whitefoord, Caleb (1734-1810), x. 482
Whitaker, William (1548-1595), m. 422; Whitefoot, John, vn. 461
iv. 275; vn. 309, 316 Whitefriars, his eminence of, in Scott'p
Whitbourne, Sir Richard (fl. 1579-1627), Fortunes of Nigel, xn. 21
iv. 462 Whitehall, John, vn. 476
Whitbread, Samuel (1758-1815), xiv. 120, Whitehall Evening Post, ix. 21, 433
406, 511 Whitehaven, ix. 91
Whitbread' s brewery, xi. 38 Whitehead, Charles (1804-1862), xn. 107
Whitby, I. 42, 96; xi. 429; xn. 10; xm. 424; xm. 418
380 As yonder Lamp in my Vacated Room,
Whitchurch, x. 272, 387 xn. 119
Whitchurch, Edward (d. 1561), m. 194, Cavalier, The, xn. 119
195; iv. 396 Jack Ketch, xn. 119
Whitchurch, James Wadham, xiv. 610 Richard Savage, xn. 119
Whitchuroh, T., m. 44 Solitary, The, xn. 118

Whitehead, George (1636?-1723), vm. 416 Whole Duty of Man, The vn. 148, 427

Whitehead, John (1740?-1S04), x. 518 Whymper, Edward (1840-1911), xiv. 255,

Whitehead, Paul (1710-1774), x. 525; 554
xn. 118; xiv. 547; The Gymnasiad, xiv. Whyte, E. A. and S., x. 480
230 Whyte, Samuel (1733-1811), xiv. 572
WMtehead, William (1715-1785), x. 438; Whyte-Melville, George John (1821-
xi. 34; xn. 118; Creusa, Queen of 1878), xm. 434, 564; xiv. 366
Athens, x. 86; Roman Father, x. 86; Wibourne, Nathaniel, Machiavellus, vi.
School for Lovers, x. 86 305, 480

Whitehorne, Peter (ft. 1550-1563), IV. 3, Wickedshifts' (lord Brougham), xiv. 116
7, 446, 462 Wickens, William (d. 1699), x. 386
Whitelocke, Bulstrode (1605-1675), vi. Wicket, The, in. 25
408; vn. 447, 454, 460; vm. 117 Wicket-gate, the, in Bunyan's Pilgrims
Journal of his Swedish Embassy, vrr. 230 Progress, vn. 173
Memorials of the English Affairs, vn. Wickfields, the, in David Copperfield, "mar,
229, 230; vin. 323 327
Monarchy asserted to be the best, most Wickham, Edward Charles (1834-1910),
Ancient and legail form of Government, xn, 495
vn. 231 Wickhambrook, Suffolk, XL 140
Notes upon the King's Writt, vn. 230 Wickham Brook academy, x. 387
White's Chocolate house, ix. 33 Wickms, Nathan, vii. 515
Whiteway, Mrs, ix. 100 Wicklow, xiv. 329
WhitHeld, Henry, ix. 313 Wicksteed, Clara Mabel, xm. 545
Whitford or Whytford, Richard ( fl. 1495- Wichf. SeeWychf

1555?), in. 470; IV. 496 Wicquefort, A. de, 1} Ambassadeur et s&*

Whitford, Vernon (George Meredith's), Fonctions, vn. 191

xin. 447 Widdowes, Giles (1588?-1645), The Law-
Whitgift, John (1530-1 604), archbishop of less Kneeless Schismatical Puritan, vn.
Canterbury, m. 213, 375 ff., 380, 385,
160, 427
390, 392, 397, 406, 413, 422, 424, 548; Widford, Hertfordshire, xn. 182, 186
IV. 275, 382, 411, 494, 519, 545; V. 365, Widia (Wudga), in Waldhere, I. 33
482; vi. 384; IX. 496 Widsith, i. 1, 3, 19 fi., 31, 34, 36, 37, 42*,
Whithorn, Galloway, n. 127, 128 428, also see Add.; v. 26
Whithorne, Thomas (fl. 1590), IV. 112, 465 Wieland, Christopher Martin, v. 296 f.
Whiting, Lilian, xni. 485 301, 304, 307; vn. 177; x. 19, 422; xn.
Whiting, Nathaniel, Albino and Bellama, 422; Clementina della Poretta, x. 18
vn. 80, 413 Wier, Johann, yn. 366, 371, 396; vm. 357;
Whiting, Richard (d. 1539), m. 49 De Praestigiis demonum, vn. 370, 506
Whitley, William Thomas, x. 519 Wife of Auchtermychty, The, ix. 361
Whitlock, John (1625-1709), x. 387 Wife of Bath, vn. 382
Whitman, Walt, iv. 50, 246; x. 148, 368; Wife of Usher's Well, I. 300; II. 414
xi. 409; xn. 404; xm. 108, 151, 337, Wife's Complaint, The, I. 38, 39, 424,
489; xiv. 208 428
Whitney, Geoffrey (15487-1601), vn. 479 Wiggin, Kate D., xm. 544
Whitsun plays, v. 13, 34, 48 Wiggington, Giles (fl. 1569-1592), ra. 397
Whittaker, Edmund Taylor, xiv. 555 Wight, isle of, iv. 190; x. 252; xn. 188,
Whittaker, Thomas, xiv. 479; Catalogue 509 ;xm. 129
of Bentham's MSS., XI. 397 Wight, John (fl. 1585), iv. 410, 411
Whittaker, William Joseph, xiv. 80 Wight, John, editor of Morning Post, xir.
Whittemore, T., xm. Add. 2 188
Whitten, Wilfred, xiv. 546 Wight, 0. W., xn. 371
Whittier, John G., vm. 113 Wight, Willie, of Aikwood, xn. 3
Whittingham, William (1524?-1579), m. Wightman, Frances Lucy, wife of Matt,
44, 45, 46 Arnold, xm. 87
Whittington, Richard (d. 1423), n. 288 Wiglaf, in Beowulf, I. 1, 24, 25
Whittington, Robert (fl. 1520), m. 341, Wigstons, the, m. 382, 383
555; iv. 435, 436; TuUy's Offices, IV. 5; Wihenoe, the Breton, I. 257
The Forme and Rule, of Honest lyvinge, Wil BagnaVs Ghost, in. 99
IV. 5, 439; The Remedy es against all Wil and Wit, i. 228, 459
casuall Chances, iv. 5, 440 Wilberforce, Henry William (1807-1873),,
Whittlesea or Whittiesey or Whittlesay, xn. 274, 463
William, archbishop of Canterbury (d. Wilberforce, Robert Isaac (1802-1857),
1374), ii. 365 xn. 454, 455, 463, 473; xiv. 507; The
Whitty, Edward Michael (1827-1860), Doctrine of the Incarnation, xn. 274
xiv. 199 Wilberforce, Samuel (1805-1873), bishop
Who liveth so merry in all this land? m, 484 of Oxford, vni. 250; xi. 490; xn. 473

Wilberforce, William (1759-1833), x. 262, Wilkinson, J., Select Views in Cumberland,
269; XL 52, 259, 405; XH. 282, 473; an. 408
xiv. 120, 177, 373, 403, 507, 514; A Wilkinson, James John Garth (1812-
Practical View of Christianity, xn. 281 1899), xi. 433
Wilbye, John (fl. 1598-1614), IV. 113, Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner (1797-1875),
465 xn. 317, 477, 500; xiv. 554; Manners
Wiloock, WiUiam (fl. 1480), n. 318 and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians,
Wilcox, Thomas (1549?-1608), m. 403; xn. 342
iv. 518 Wilkinson, Tate (1739-1803), x. 430, 446;
Wild, Jonathan, in Fielding's Jonathan xi. 449, 454
Wild, x. 27, 39 Wilkinson, Thomas, a friend of Words-
Wild, Mrs Jonathan, in Fielding's Jona- worth, xi. 409
than Wild, x. 28 Wilkinson, William Clever, xm. 498
Wild, Robert (1609-1679), vm. 409, 411 Wilks, Mark (1760-1831), xiv. 580; His-
Wildair, Sir Harry (Farquhar's), vm. 170, torical Sketches of the South of India,
172 xiv. 335
Wilde, George (1610-1665), vi. 326, 480; Wilks, Robert (1665?-1732), vm. 170,
Love's Hospitals, vi, 326 172, 173; x. 21
Wilde, Jane Francisca, lady (pseud. Will (Anima), in Piers the Plowman, n.
'Speranza,' 1826-1896), xiv. 318, 572 27
Wilde, Oscar F. O'F. W. (1856-1900), Will, in Damon and Pithias, v. 119
xm. 524; xiv. 158, 211, 329, 527, 528, 'Will,' in Shakespeare's sonnets, v. 229
also see Add. 3; Ballad of Reading Gaol, Will Stewart and John, n. 410
The, xiv. 159; De Profundis, xrv. 159 'Will ye go to the coals in the morning?'
Wilde, Sir William Robert Wills (1815- ix. 373
1876), xn. 351, 514; xiv. 572 Willem, a Fleming, I. 366
Wilder, Theaker, x. 198 Willes or Willey, Richard (fl. 1558-1573),
Wilderspin, Samuel (17927-1866), xiv. iv. 75, 456
405, 610 Willet, Andrew (1562-1621), vn. 406
Wilier family, in Our Mutual Friend, xm. Willet, John, in Barnaby Budge* xm.
337 321
Wilford, John (fl. 1723-1742), Monthly Willett, B. W., xm. 555
Catalogue, xi. 339, 471 William, in Piers the Plowman, n. 12
Wilfrid, St, bishop of York (634^709), I. William, duke of Gloucester (1689-1700),
16, 82, 85 ix. 200, 236
Wilkes, John (1727-1797), vi. 7; x. 190, William I (the Conqueror), king of Eng-
296, 390 E. (main entry), 399, 401, 402, land, I. Ill, 141, 149, 150, 155, 256, 396;
404, 405, 452, 474, 522 ff., also see Add. ; n. 342; m. 338; v. 252; vm. 310, 384;
XI. 8; xn. 54; Essay on Woman, x. 397; ix. 343; x. 110, 467; xn. 31; xm. 366;
The North Briton, vn. 200; x. 251 xiv. 72
Wilkes, T,, vm. 429 William II, king of England, I. 162, 189;
Wilkes, WiUiam, vi, 38 xiv. Ill
Wilkie, Sir David (1785-1841), xn. 177; William III, king of Great Britain, vm.
xiv. 545 49, 92, 93, 99, 122, 195, 201, 215, 220,
Wilkie, William (1721-1772), ix. 557 264, 267, 268, 294, 300, 305, 306,
Wilkin, Simon (1790-1862), vn. 235 380, 382, 452; ix. 7, 8, 92, 148,
Wilkins, Augustus Samuel (1843-1905), 175, 180, 200, 202, 203, 208, 213,
xn. 337, 495 233, 235, 258, 271; x. 295, 356,
Wilkins, Sir Charles (1749?-1836), xn. 389, 502; xiv. 64, 65, 212
343, 503 William IV, king of Great Britain, xi.
Wilkins, David (1685-1745), vra. 322, 141
469; Concilia, ix. 350, 356, 540 WiUiam Augustus, duke of Cumberland
Wilkins, George (fl. 1607), iv. 527, 532; (1721-1765), IX. 162, 563
The Miseries of Inforst Manage, v. 242; William de Kilkenny, n. 352
VL 69, 97; vm. 142; The Travailes of William de Mandagoto, n. 364
The three English Brothers, vi. 69, 455 William de la Mare (fl. 1284), I. 210, 456
Wilkins, Henry Musgrave (c. 1822-1887), William de Monte Lauduns (c. 1346), n.
xn. 495 364
Wilkins, John (1614-1672), vn. 466, 517; William de ShareshuU (fl. 1360), n. 37
vm. 273, 277, 297, 364, 463, 476; ix. William of Auvergne, I. 207
386, 571; Ecdesiastes or the Gift of William of Boldensele (c. 1336), n. 80
Preaching, vm. 369 William of Champeaux, I. 183
Wilkins, William Glyde, xm. 532, 544 William of Drogheda (d. 1245?), n. 499
Wilkins, William Henry (1860-1905), xrv. William of Durham (d. 1249), n, 352
500 William of Heytesbury, Sophismata, n.
Wilkinson, Charles Allix, xiv. 697 363

CHEL 401
William of Malmesbury (d. 1143?), i. 5, Williams, Oliver
72, 90, 91, 96, 97, 101, 105, 106, 155, Occurrences from Foreign parts, vn. 361
157, 159, 162, 164, 168, 171, 172, 218, Pohticus, vn. 361
243, 250, 256, 257, 262, 269, 337, 450, Pubhck Intelligencer, vn. 361
451, 460; n. 396, 398, 399, 412; m. 368; Williams, Richard D' Alton (1822-1862),
xn. 355, 516 xiv. Add. 3; The Munster War Song,
Wmiam of Newburgh
(1136-1198), I. 68, xiv. 318
160, 161, 168, 169, 171 ff., 245, 257, Williams, Sir Roger (1540J-1595), iv. 462
450, 451; ix. 534 Williams, Rowland (1817-1870), xn. 295,
William of Ockham. See, Oekham 466, 471, 478; Psalms and Litanies, xn.
William of Palme, I. 281, 286, 292, 316, 296
357, 378, 472 Williams, R. A., xm. 513
William of Ramsey (fi. 1219), n. 499 Williams, Sarah or Sadie' (d. 1868), xm.
William of Shoreham, I. 353 ?., 476; in. 180, 511
274 Williams, T., The Excellency and Prae-
Wittiam of Tyre, The continuation of heminence of the Law of England (1680),
(1261), n. 80 vm. 470
William of Wadington, Manuel des Williams, William, Occult Physick (1660),
Pechiez, I. 204, 344 ff., 348, 349; n, 139, vn. 510
150, 420; v. 41 Williams, W. S., xrn. 407, 414
William of Worcester (1416-1482?), n. Williams, Zachariah (1673?-1755), X. 468;
308; iv. 68 Account of an Attempt to ascertain the
William of Wychwood, n. 35 Longitude at Sea, x. 176, 468
William of Wykeham. See Wykeham Williams murders, the, xn. 227
William Bufus, in Satiro-Mastix, vi. 44 Williams's library, Dr, rx. 307, 511, 514,
William the Clerk, n. 509 520; x. 520
William, the trouvere, n, 507 Williamson, Alexander William (1824r-
Williams, Alfred M., xrv. 573, 610 1904), xrv. 272, 277, 558
Williams, Anna (1706-1783), x. 187, 458, Williamson, Sir Joseph (1633-1701), vn.
470, 479; xi. 350; Miscellanies, x. 168 363, 364; ix. 212, 213, 496
Williams, Caleb, in Godwin's novel, xi. Williamson, Peter (1730-1799), ix. 562
46, 293 Williamson, Richard, xiv. 598
Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury (1708- Williamson, William Crawford (1816-
1759), XL 172 f., 429; xn. 120; Works, 1895), xrv. 290, 565
xi. 173 Willibald (700?-786), I. 435
Williams, Daniel (1643?-1716), ix. 503; Willie, in The Shepheards Calender, ra. 222
X. 387; Defence, x, 387; Gospel Truth, Willie and Earl Richard's daughter n. ,

X. 377; Peace with Truth, x. 377 411

Williams, David (1738-1816), xiv. 610 Willie's gane to Melville Castle, ix. 374
Williams, Edward (fl. 1560), Virgo Willie's Lyke-Wake, n. 411
Triumphant; or Virginia Really and Willikin, in Ane Pleasant Satyre, m. 127
truly valued, rv. 96, Willing, James, xm. 556
Williams, Edward EHerker (1793-1822), Wilhngham, lady Maria, in Mrs Gore's
xn. 76, 383, 398 Mothers and Daughters, xn. 246
Williams, Gardner F., xrv. Add. 10 Wilhngton, James (i.e. Oliver Goldsmith),
Williams, George (1814-1878), xrr. 514 x. 203
Williams, Helen Maria (1762-1827), xi. Willis, Browne (1682-1760), ix. 358, 540;
177, 430; xn, 124 History of the Mitred Abbies, ix. 354;
Williams, Isaac (1802-1865), xn. 258, Survey of the cathedrals, ix. 354
261, 265-266 (main entry), 424, 454, N. P., xn. 382
455, 463; xm. 167, 511; Autobiography, Willis, Richard (1664-1734), rx. 672
xn. 266; On reserve in communicating Willis, Robert (1800-1875), xn. 514;
religious knowledge, xn. 260; The Architectural History of Cambridge,
Cathedral, xn. 266; YTTT, 171 xn. 348
Williams, Jane, friend of Shelley, xn. Willis, Thomas (1621-1675), vm. 479;
73, 75, 76 xrv. 281
Williams, John (1582-1650), archbishop Willison,John (1680-1750), EC. 549
of York, iv. 265, 266, 306, 422, 426; Willmott, Robert Aris(1809-1863),(?)(?on-
vn. 62, 154, 219, 333, 491 versations at Cambridge (1836), xi. 417
Williams, John (1761-1818), xi. 472 Willobie his Avisa, rv. 472
Williams, John (Ab Ithel) (1811-1862), Willoughby, Francis, 5th baron of Par-
xn.514 ham (1613?-1666), vn. 453
Williams, J. B., xiv. 535 Willoughby, Sir Henry (fl. 1616-1621),
Williams, Mary, xm. 544 rv. 165
Williams, Oliver, vn. 362, 363, 496, 601; Willoughby, Sir Hugh (d. 1554), L 94;
An Extract Accomptf vn. 361 rv. 69, 71, 72, 84, 88

Will's coffee-house, rs. 33, 122, 256, 271, Wilson, Henry Bristow (1803-1888), xn.
348 466, 471; xiv. 598; The Communion of
Wills, James (1790-1868),xiv. 312, 572 Saints, xn. 284; 'The National Church/
Wills, William Gorman (1828-1891), xin. xn, 295
524, 556; xiv. 572; Charles I, xm. 268; Wilson, Horace Hayman (1786-1860),
Mane Stuart, xin. 268 xn. 343, 503; xiv. 97, 337, 495, 500,
Wills, William Henry (1810-1880), xm. 580; Ariana Antiqua, xn. 352, 353
542; xiv. 236 Wilson, James Maurice, xiv. 426, 597,
Wills, William John (1834-1861), xrv. 606
364 Wilson, John (1627?-1696), vm. 421
Wills, W. B., xiv. 588 ANew Anatomie, vn. 384
WiUughby, Francis (1635-1672), vm. 479; Andronicus Comnenus, vm. 124
Xiv. 565; History of Fishes, xiv. 282; JBelphegor, vm. 123
History of Insects, xiv. 282; Ornithology, Cheats, The, vm. 122
xiv. 282 Projectors, The, vm. 123
Wilmington, earl. See Compton, Spencer Trans, of The Praise of Folly, m. Add.
Wilmot, Hon. Alexander, xiv. 588, also Wilson, John (1720-1789), rx. 557
see Add. 4, 11 Wilson, John (1774-1855), xn. 173
Wilmot, Henry, 1st earl of Rochester Wilson, John, 'Christopher North' (1785-
(1612?-1658), vra. 206 1854), xi. 244, 411, 437, 440, 442; xn.
Wilmot, John, 2nd earl of Rochester 156 ft, 425, 445, also see Add.; xm.
(1647-1680), iv. 197, 214, 222, 224; 25, 26, 108, 148, 187, 479; xiv. 232;
vn. 180, 358; vm. 4, 25, 28, 35, 83, City of the Plague, The, xn. 158; Isle of
86, 91, 174, 188, 193, 199, 200 ff. f 206- Palms, The, xn. 158; Nodes Arribro-
215 (main entry), 219, 300, 373, 379, sianae, xi. 239; xn. 159, 160; xiv. 313
409 ff., 423, 444 ff., 459, 461, also see Wilson, John, of Kilmarnock, XL 342
Add.; ix. 18, 174, 198, 445, 489; x. Wilson, John Dover, iv. 320; v. 114;
169 Martin Marprelate and Shakespeare's
Commons* Petition to the King (1679), Fluellen, m. Add.
VIH. 94 Wilson, J. G., xm. Add. 2
Dispute, The, vm. 93 Wilson, John Mackay (1804-1835), xn.
Epistolary Essay, An, vm. 209 452, 453; Tales of the Borders, xiv. 203
History of Insipids, The, vm. 94 Wilson, John Matthias (1813-1881), xiv.
Maim'd Debauchee, The, vm. 215 472
Nothing, vm. 213 Wilson, Mr, in Fielding's Joseph Andrews,
On the Young Statesmen, vm. 94 ix. 408; x. 30
Satire against Mankind, A, vm. 214 Wilson, Robert, the elder (d. 1600), v. 312,
Session of the Poets, vm. 136 320, 370; VI. 15, 246; The Three Ladies
Valentiman, vm. 220 of London, v. 314, 366, 393; The Three
Wilmot, Robert (fl. 1568-1608), v. 72, 73, Lords and Three Ladies of London, v.
76 314; vi. 249
Wilmot, in Lillo's Fatal Curiosity, x. 77, Wilson, Robert, the younger (1579-1610),
78 v. 236, 312, 313, 319, 323, 331
Wilson, Alexander (1766-1813), xi. 237, Wilson, Robert Arthur (1820?-1875),
445; Watty and Meg, XL 236 xiv. 572
Wilson, Alexander (d. 1852), xm. 511 Wilson, Samuel, rv. 462
Wilson, Andrew (1831-1881), xiv. 554 Wilson, Rev. 481
T.,' xi.
Wilson, Arthur (1595-1652), iv. 64; vn. Wilson, Sir Thomas (1560?-1629), IV. 447
447, 454 Wilson, Thomas (1525?-1581), m. 21, 23,
Wilson, Arthur, History of King James I, 24, 290 ff., 431, 432, 446, 447, 470, 527,
IX. 233 554; iv. 1, 436, 438; vn. 476, 479
Wilson, Caroline (1787-1846), xn. 473 Arte of Rhetongue, n. 162; m. 23, 431,
Wilson, Charles, Memories of Oongreve 432
(1730), vm. 428 Discourse uppon usury e, rv. 313, 514,
Wilson, Charles Robert (1863-1904), xiv. 518
338, 339, 580 The Rule of Reason, conteining the arte
Wilson, Sir Charles William (1836-1905), oflogique, y. 105, 408; vn. 276
xn. 514 Three Orations of Demosthenes, m. 24
Wilson, Daniel (1778-1858), xn. 473 Wilson, Thomas (1663-1755), bishop of
Wilson, Sir Daniel (1816-1892), xn. 514; Sodor and Man, ix. 572; x. 351, 358,
Archaeology and Prehistoric Annals of 518; xn. 268; Maxims, x. 359; Paro-
Scotland, xn. 351; Prehistoric Man, chialia, x. 359; Sacra Privata, x. 359
xn. 351 Wilson, Walter (1781-1847), x. 519; xn.
Wilson, David Alec, xm. 471 201
Wilson, David Mackay, xiv. Add. 11 Wilson, William (1801-1860), xn. 424;
Wilson, Fred. J. F., xiv. 536 xrv. 592

403 a6-a
Wilton, m. 351; iv. 124, 132; vn. 61; Wingfield, Anthony (1550?~1615?), vi.
xn. 192 306, 327, 480
Wilton, Ralph de, in Scott's Marmion, Wingfield, Henry, m. 81; Contra Ex-
xn. 11 pugnatores Missae (six dialogues), m.
Wiltshire, rv. 314; vi. 281; vn. 29, 74, 81
282; IX. 187, 351, 531; xi. 148, 178; Wingfield, Lewis Strange (1842-1891),
xn. 345, 508, 510, 513 XIV. 554, 572; Lady Grizel, xiv. 328;
Wiltshire, earls of. See Boleyn, Sir My Lords of Strogue, xiv. 328; Slippery
Thomas; Butler, James Ground, xiv. 328
Wily Beguiled (1606), v. 129; vi. 300 Winkle, Nathaniel, in The Pickwick
Wimble, Will, in The Spectator, ix. 53; Papers, xm. 314
x. 199 Winkworth, Catherine (1827-1878), xra.
Wimborne, iv. 421 ix. 146
; 511; xiv. 600
Wimpole, ix. 152, 153; xi. 347 Winkworth, Susanna (1820-1884), xiv.
Winch, Sir Humphrey (1555?-1625), vm. 600
470 Winstanley, Gerrard (fl. 1648-1652), ix.
Winchcomb, John, in Jack of Newbury, 307
m. 368 Winstanley, Lilian, xn. 405
Winchelsea, sea fight off, n. 120 Winstanley, William (1628?-1698), vn.
Winchester, vn. 250, 444; ix. 151, 221, 15, 25, 91, 92
534; x. 109, 132, 139, 224, 238, 355, Winteney, nuns of, I. 230, 458, 459
492; xn. 231, 327, 348, 517; Xiv. 73, Winter, in folk-plays, v. 31
101 Winter, John Strange, pseud* See Stan-
Winchester, aimala of, I. 178 nard, Henrietta E. V.
Winchester, library of, rv. 422 Winter, E., v. 71
Winchester, monastery and school of, I. Winter Dreame, A, vn. 386
113, 114, 116, 118, 125 Winter Evening Entertainments, XI. 370
Winchester, Elhanan, xn. 471 Winterslow, Wiltshire, xn. 167, 192, 432
Winchester Chronicle, I. 104, 109, 112. See,
Winterton, Ralph (1600-1636), vn. 489
also, under Chronicle Winthrop, Dolly, in George Eliot's Silas
Winchester college, n. 355 ft, 359, 489; Marner, xm. 393
m. 187, 418, 427 ff.; rv. 161, 163, 242, Winthrop, John (1588-1649), vn. 353
261, 262, 265; v. 103; vn. 233, 241, 326, Winton, earl of. See Seton, George
328, 329, 331, 334, 493; vnc. 181 Winwood, Sir Ralph (1563?~1617), v. 480;
Winchester diocese, vn. 326, 327 vn. 438; x. 504
Winchester downs, x. 303 Winworth, lord, in Kelly's False Delicacy,
Winchester school, ix. 188, 300, 405, xi. 263 ,

408 ff., 573; xrv. 386, 387, 406, 422 Winzet, Mnian (1518-1592), m..505; iv.
Winchilsea, countess of. See Finch, Anne 412; Certain Tractatis for Reformation,
Winchilsea, earl of. See Finch, Heneage n. 285; m. 154
Wind Blaws Cauld, ix. 362 Wireker, Nigel (fl. 1190), I. 173, 176, 192,
Windele, John (1801-1865), xn, 519 455; m. 102
Windermere, lake, xn. 158 Wirgman, Augustus Theodore, xiv. Add,
Windham, Joseph (1739-1810), x. 260, 11
261 Wirksworth, xm. 389
Windham, William (1750-1810), x. 473; Wirral, I. 304
XI. 388, 389; xiv. 120, 507, 511 Wirtenberg, Journals of two dukes of,
Windisch, Wilhelm 0. E., xiv. 307 v. 479
Windsor, i. 369; n. 357; iv. 191, 420; Wisbech, x. 377
v. 116, 348; vi. 274; vn. 16, 59, 60, 98, Wisbech school, vn. 330
254, 307, 309, 327, 459; vm. 97, 321, Wisconsin, v. 85
358; ix. 193; x. Ill, 224, 238, 260, 360; Wisdom, in Carew's Coelum Britannicum,
XL 38; xn. 59 vn. 19
Windsor, Maidens' tower, m. 178 Wisdom, in The Example of Virtue, n. 227,
Windsor, Nova Scotia, xiv. 346 228, 230
Windsor, St George's chapel, n. 158; vi. Wisdom, in The Passetyme of Pleasure, n.
288 228
Windsor castle, xn. 345 Wisdom, in Piers the Plouman, n. 10
Windsor forest, ix. 67; xm.
355 Wisdom, who is Christ, v. 392
Wine-god, the, in Hawes's A Joyful Medi- Wisdome of Doctor Dodypoll, The, vi. 459
tation, etc., n. 226 Wise, Andrew, iv. 393
Winestead, in Holderness, vn. 178 Wise, Thomas J., xi. 412, 414, 419; xn.
Wing, Vincent (1619-1668), vn. 509 400, 401, 406, 407, 418, 423, 424, also
Wingate, David (1828-1892), xm. 511 see Add.; xm. 474, 476, 478, 481 ff.,
Wingate, Edmund (1596-1656), vm, 466, 485, 486, 493, 495, 555, 569, 570, also
470 see Add. 2; xiv. 628, aUo see Add. 3

Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick Stephen (1802 Wits Treasury (1655), vn. 512
-1865), xn. 259, 260, 264, 274-5 (mam Wittenberg, m. 418; vi. 374; vm. 29
entry), 352, 461, 463; xiv. 54; FaUola, Wittenberg, in The Unfortunate Traveller,
or the, Church of the, Catacombs, xn. 275, m. 363
277; 'High Church Claims,' xn. 275 Wittie, Robert, vn. 511
Wiseman, Sir Robert, The, Law of Laws Wittol, in Congreve's Old Bachelor, vm.
(1686), vm. 470 147
Wiseman of West Chester, The, v. 316 Witts Recreations, vn. 7, 401, 402, 411,
Wishart, George (1513-1546), in. 147 413
Wishart, George (1599-1671), bishop of Witwoud, in Congreve's Way of the. World 9
Edinburgh, ix. 550 vm. 153
Wishfort, lady, in Congreve's Way of the Wode, Thomas, m. 131
World, vm. 153 Wodeford or Wadford, William of (fl.
Wissembourg, battle of, xiv. 328 1381-1390), n. 54, 443
Wit, in Piers the Plowman, n. 10, 19, 20 Woden, i. 40, 218; v. 35
Wit, in Tudor moralities, v. 57 Wodrow, Robert (1679-1734), vn. 452;
Wit and Drollery (1656), vn. 512 ix. 369, 554; History of the Sufferings
Wit Restored (1658), vn. 413, 512 of the Church of Scotland, xn. 359
Witch being overtaken, A most certain true. Wodrow society, xn. 359
and strange discovery of a, vn. 375 Woeful Treaty, The, ix. 502
Witch controversy, iv. 534; v. 377; vn. Woerth, battle of, xiv. 328
366ft Woffington, Margaret, x. 87
Witch controversy, post-classical sources, Wohunge of ure Louerde, The, L 233, 459
503 ft Wokey, Somerset, m. 57*
Witch of Edmonton, The, iv. 535 Wolcot, John, Peter Pindar' (1738-
Witchcraft, v. 482 1819), vi. 102; x. 479; ax 391, 393, 439;
Witchcraft, illustrations of, in. 495 xn. 7, 120
Witchcraft literature of Scotland, xn. Bozzy and Piozzi, XL 38
519 Instructions to a celebrated Laureat, XI.
Witches, vi. 104 38
Withals, John (fl. 1556), m. 555 Ode upon Ode, xi. 37
Witham, Essex, m. 183 The Lousiad, xi. 37
Witham, Henry Thomas Moire, xiv. 290, Wolf, Friednch August, xn. 28, 300;
565 Prolegomena ad Homerum, xn. 301
Wither or Withers, George (1588-1667), Wolf, L., xm. 545
iv. 121, 150, 154 ft (main entry), 166, Wolfe, Charles (1791-1823), xn. 424;
333, 434, 479, 482 ft, 518, 520, 534; Remains, xn. 138; The Burial of Sir
V. 371; vn. 30, 72, 112, 180, 351, 406, John Moore, xn. 122, 138; To Mary,
466, 502; vm. 67, 227; xn. 434, 438 xn. 138
Abuses Stript and Whipt, or Satiricall Wolfe, Jer., iv. 437
Poems, iv. 155; vi. 401, 499; vn. 433 Wolfe, John (d. 1601), IV. 386; ix. 362
Faire Virtue, the Mistress of Phil' Arete, Wolfe, lieut.-gen., in The Virginians, xm.
iv. 155 297
Fidelia, rv. 155 Wolfe, Reyner or Reginald (d. 1573), m.
Great Assises holden in Parnassus, vn. 318, 319; iv. 400
274 Wolfenbiittel, rv. 429
Haleluiah, iv. 156 Wolfram, Beddoes'a Dirge for, xn, 116
Hymnes and Songs of the Church, iv. Wolfram von Eschenbach, I. 268, 269,
155, 395 271, 289, 294
Motto, iv. 155 Wollaston, Sir John (d. 1596), vn. 354
Nuptial Poems, iv. 154 Wollaston, William (1660-1724), ix. 294,
Hocking Hymn, A, iv. 156 505, 509; Religion of Nature Delineated,
Scholars Purgatory, The, IV. 156, 396, ix 299
546 Wollaston, William Hyde (1766-1828),
Shepherd's Hunting, The, rv. 155 xiv. 557, 558
Witherow, Thomas (1824r~1890), xiv. 572 Wollstonecraft, Mary. See Godwin, Mrs
Withers, Hartley, xiv. 515 Mary Wollstonecraft
Witherspoon, John (172&-1794), ix. 549 Wolseley, Sir Charles (1630?-1714), vm.
Withies, The, n. 408 210
Wititterlys, the, in Nicholas NicUcby, XTTT. Wolseley, Garnet Joseph Wolseley, vis-
count (1833-1913), xiv. 507; Life of
Witness, The, xrv. 160, 203 Marlborough, xrv. 89
W its, or Sport upon Sport, The (1672), vn. Wolseley, Robert (1649-1697), vm. 163
512; vm. 116 Wolsey, in Henry VIII, v. 195
Wits Commonwealth, IV. 348, 526 Wolsey, in When you see me, You know
Wits Theatre of the. Little World, iv. 526 me, v. 333

Wolsey, Thomas (14757-1530), cardinal, Woodfall, William (1746-1803), xrv. 186,
n. 358; m. 7, 26, 28, 37, 41, 52, 53, 535
57, 69, 75, 76 ff., 80, 197, 316, 317, 368, Woodford, Samuel (1636-1700), vn. 109;
429; iv. 227, 314, 428; v. 58, 102; VI. vm. 238, 447
256, 298; vn. 4; vm. 65; x. 169; xrv. Woodford Bridge, Essex, x. 386
100, 487 Woodhouae, Emma, in Jane Austen's
Wolston, near Coventry, m. 382 Emma, xn. 239, 243
Wolter, Charlotte, v. 306 Woodhouse, James (1735-1820), xn. 424
Wolverhampton, viscount. See Fowler, Woodhouse, John (fl. 1676), x. 386
Sir H. H. Woodhouse, Mr, in Jane Austen's Emma,
Wolzogen, E. L. von, xm. 561 xn. 240
Woman, A Song on, i. 362 Woodhouse, Peter (fl. 1605), iv. 519
Woman Loved not Loving, the, in Hey- Woodhouse, Robert (1773-1827), xiv. 258
wood's Love, v. 93 Woodhouselee, lord. See Tytler, A. F.
Woman of Samaria, I. 225, 226, 458 Woodlarke, Robert (d. 1479), n. 358
Women, controversy on, vn. 513 Woodroffe, Thomas (fl. 1678), vm. 269
Women, satires on, Medieval, English and Woods, Benjamin (d. 1596), iv. 98
French, m. 88 ff., 485 ff. Woods, Julian Edmund Tenison (1832-
Wonderful News from the North, vn. 375 1889), xiv. 588; A
History of the Dis-
Wonders of Creation, The, i. 428 covery and Exploration of Australia,
Wonders of the East, i. 135 xiv. 371
Wood, Adam, vn. 513 Woodside, David, xiv. 470
Woojl, Anthony a (1632-1695), i. 199; Woodstock, n. 159; vi. 299, 323
n. 224; m. 51, 176, 199, 318, 328, 330, Woodville or Wodville or Wydville,
419; iv. 19, 51, 198, 244, 247, 251, 427; Anthony, baron Scales and 2nd earl
V. 256; vi. 29, 38, 50, 196, 197, 294; Rivers (14427-1483), n. 303, 499
vn. 15, 16, 23, 24, 38, 42, 43, 84, 160, Books translated by: Cordyale, or the
317, 345, 359, 363 ff., also see Add.; Four last things, n. 313 Dictes and Say-

vm. 39, 292, 301, 360; ix. 267, 341, 342, ings of the Philosophers, n. 313, 427;
344 ff. (main entry), 381 ff., 391, 411, m. 289, 290; Moral Proverbs of Christine
413, 530, 535, 538, 541, 573 de Pisan, The, n. 313
Antiquities of the City of Oxford, ix. 346, Woodville, Elizabeth (14377-1492), n. 358
354 Woodward, Account of the sickness and
Athenae Oxonienses, ix. 345, 347, 350, death of Dr, ix. 132
351, 353, 356 Woodward, George Moutard (1760?-
Fasti, ix. 342, 344, 345 1809), xi. 453
Historia...Universitatis Oxoniensis, IX. Woodward, Henry (1714-1777), x. 212;
346 S.; xi. 341 xi. 257
Life and Times (Autobiography), ix. Woodward, Joan (married Edward Al-
341, 345, 348 leyn), vi. 250
Wood, Butler, xm. 554, also see Add. 3 Woodward, John (1665-1728), vm. 479;
Wood, Charles W., xm. 567 ix. 129, 132, 467, 470; xiv. 284, 291, 565
Wood, Mrs Henry (1814-1887), xm. 430, Woodward, Josiah, ix. 523
567 Woodward family, the, iv. 216
Wood, John Turtle (d. c. 1888), xn. Wooing of Robin and Joan, ix. 364
514 Wooler, Miss, xm. 405
Wood, Lucky, ix. 366 Wooley, Francis, IV. 202
Wood, Mary Anne Everett. See Green, Wooll, John, Memoirs of Warton, x. 164,
Mary Anne Everett 493
Wood, Robert (1717?-1771), xiv. 554 Woolman, John (1720-1772), vm. 14;
Wood, Robin a, v. 35 520
Wood, T. M., xm. 562 Woolner, Thomas (1825-1892), xm. 38,
Wood, William (1671-1730), ix. 98, 115, 110, 511; My Beautiful Lady, xm. Ill,
123, 457, 459, 463 189; Of my Lady in Death, -grnv HI
Woo' A and Married and a\ xi. 231 Woolnoth, The Coffee Scuffle, vn. 516
Woodberry, George Edward, xn. 399, Woolsey, Mr, in Thackeray's The Havens*
400, 405; xm. 495 wing, xm. 281
Woodbridge, Suffolk, an. 140; xn. 198; Woolston, Thomas (1670-1733), ix. 288,
xm. 142, 143 509; x, 358; Discourses, ix. 294
Woodcock, captain, vn. 105 Woolwich, n. 158; vn. 23; xiv. 415
Woodcock, Catherine (d. 1658), vn. 105 Wootton, ix. 243
Woodea, Nathaniel, v. 393 Wootton, John (1668?-1765), EC. 162
WoodfaU, George (1767-1844), xiv. 535 Worcester, n. 2, 49, 57; iv. 409, 418;
Woodfall, Henry Sampson (1739-1805), v. 168; vi. 241; vn. 45, 254, 255; vm.
X. 400, 401, 407, 408, 525, 526; xiv. 60; ix. 194, 196, 329, 330, 630, 540;
186, 535 xi. 344; xm. 430; xiv. 100

Worcester. See Florence of Wordsworth, William
Worcester, annals of, I. 178 Composed upon an Evening, xi. 108
Worcester, battle of, vn. 225, 250, 254; Convention of Cintra, XL 27, 103
vni. 206, 246 Descriptive Sketches, XL 97
Worcester, earls of. See Somerset, Ed- XL 108
Ecclesiastical Sonnets,
ward; Tiptoft, John Essay, x. 97
Worcester, marquises of. See Somerset, Evening Walk, An, XL 97
Edward; Somerset, Henry Excursion, The, m. 178; iv. 137, 191;
Worcester, or Botoner, William (1415- xi. 85, 99, 100, 102, 103, 105, 106, 113,
1482 ?),n. 499 116; xn. 59, 79, 146, 193; xiv. 382,
Worcester copy of Pastoral Care, I. 93 395, 403
Worcester or Evesham Chronicle, I. 109 ff. Extempore Effusion on the Death of
See, also, under Chronicle James Hogg, xn. 95
Worcester's company, earl of, vi. 97, 100, Fountain, The, XL 110
250, 254 Goody Blake, XL 101
Worcestershire, iv. 547; VI. 316; x. 113, Green Linnet, The, XL 110
149; xn. 350 Guilt or Sorrow, XL 98
Word to the Wise, play, x. 465 Incidents on Salisbury Plain, XL 98,
Worde, Wynkyn de (d. 1534?), n. 224, 100
300, 311, 312, 315, 319, 322 ff., 329, Laodamia, XL 107, 116; xm. 90
393, 428; m. 56, 95, 98, 482, 483, 486, Leech-Gatherer, XL 104
489, 491; iv. 226, 227, 369, 400, 427 Lucy, xi. 110, 113
Wordsworth, Anne (born Cookson), xi. 95 Lyrical Ballads, xi. 86, 101, 123, 150,
Wordsworth, Charles, xiv. 598 151; xn. 40,42
Wordsworth, Christopher (1774-1846), Michael, n. 105, 113, 116
xn. 329; xiv. 508, 593 Nutting, XL 112
Wordsworth, Christopher (1807-1885), Ode on Intimations of Immortality, m.
bishop of Lincoln, xi. 95, 411; xn. 340, 221; vn. 41; XL 102; xn. 84; xm.
495; Scholae Academicae, ix. 411, 573, 230
574 Ode to Duty, XL 104, 105
Wordsworth, Dorothy (1804-1847), xi. Peter Bell, x. 129; XL 132; xn. 70
95, 99, 102, 103, 409 E., 416, 442; xn. Prelude, The, xi. 85, 95 ff., 100, 102,
193, 194 104, 113, 116, 123; xn. 83; xiv. 351,
Wordsworth, John, brother of the poet, 394, 395, 403
xi. 95, 103, 105 Recluse, The, XL 100 ff.
Wordsworth, John (1843-1911), xn. 496 River Duddon, XL 108
Wordsworth, Mary, xi. 103 Ruined Cottage, The, XL 99, 105, 109,
Wordsworth, William (1770-1850), I. 170, 116
246, 358; n. 208; m. 221, 297; iv. 45, Simon Lee, xi. 101, 114
49, 132, 136, 195; vn. 42, 115, 137, 181, Skating -scene, XL 112
185, also see Add. ; ix. 69, 168, 169, 277, Story of Margaret, XL 99
450; x. 125, 133, 145, 186, 217, 234; There was a Boy, xi. Ill
xi. 26 ff., 31, 77, 83, 86, 93 ff. (main Thorn, The, XL 132
entry), 117, 120 ff., 126, 129, 131, 135, Tintern Abbey, X. 102; ax 85, 101, 113;
149, 150, 152, 162, 198, 201, 202, 248, xn. 80; xiv. 351
309, 341, 405, 413, 416, 417, 420, 432, Two April Mornings, xi. 110
442, also see Add.; xn. 39, 44, 57 ff., Venetian Republic, On the extinction of
61, 63, 77, 81, 93, 94, 100, 101, 106, 107, the,xn. 46
110, 112 ff., 118, 119, 126, 139, 147, White Doe of Rylstone, XL 106
158, 162, 166, 170, 174, 176, 177, 179, Yew-trees, 110XL
181, 188, 192, 200, 201, 205, 208, 213, Wordsworth, William, Jnr, XL 405
214, 218, 219, 255, 266, 392, 397, 402, Wordsworth society, XL 406
403, 407, 433, 524, 527; xm. 7, 9, Wordsworths, the, xn. 445
23 ff., 29, 34, 38, 43, 44, 46, 49, 50, 52, Work for Chimney-sweepers, iv. 530
57, 63, 69, 71, 91, 93, 94, 97, 136, 158, Workefor 487
Cutlers, vi.
168, 169, 171, 173, 186, 188, 191 ff., Workers' Educational association, xiv.
195, 196, 198, 200, 219, 228, 230, 232, 409
236, 250, 258, 429, 431, 442; XIV. 15, Working Men's association, xm. 357
184, 187, 255, 278, 327, 346, 350, 363, Working Men's college, xiv. 408, 409
373, 399, 404 Working Parson, A (Charles Kingsley),
Affliction of Margaret, xi. 110 xm. 358
Apology for the French Revolution, XL 24 Works of the Learned, ix. 83, 136
Borderers, The, xi. 98, 100; xm. 418 Work- well, in Piers the Plowman, n. 19
Cintra, tract on, xi. Add. World, The, x. 171, 173, 253; xi. 324;
Composed after a journey across the xiv. 200, 231
Hambleton hills, x. 102 World, the, in Mirour de VOmme, n. 140

World, the (Mydlerd, a mirror called), in Woty, William (1731?-1791), x. 183, 469;
Piers the Plowman, n. 25 xi. 172, 426, 431
World and the Child, The, n. 233; v. 54, Would Be, lady, in Volpone, vi. 9; vn. 274
392 Wowing ofJok and Jynny, The, n. 273, 274
World Displayed, The, xiv. 554 Wrage, E., xm. 570
World in Miniature, The, xiv. 221 Wragge, captain, in WilMe Collins' s No
'World is full of care..., The,' vn. 460 Name, xm. 437
Wrath, in Piers the Plouman, n. 12, 23
Worldly Shame, in Nice Wanton, v. 110
Worldly Wiseman, in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Wratislaw, Albert Henry, xiv. 598
Progress, vn. 173 Wratislaw, Theodore, xm. 495
Wormius, Olaus, x. 223, 238; Literatura Wraxall, Sir Frederick Charles Lascelles,
Runica, x. 224 3rd baronet (1828-1865), xm. 567
Worms, i. 33; n. 330; m. 7, 42 Wraxall, Sir Nathaniel William, 1st
Worrall, John, Bibliotheca Legum (1736), baronet (1751-1831), XI. 396; xiv. 508
vm. Add. Wrayburne, Eugene, in Our Mutual
Worseley, Ralph (fl. 1553), VI. 481 Friend, xm.
Worsf old, William Basil, xm. 488 Wreittoun, John, iv. 413
Worsley, Philip Stanhope (1835-1866), Wrekin, the, rv. 190; vm. 171
xn. 334, 482; xm. 175, 511 Wren, Sir Christopher (1632-1723), iv.
Worth, Eichard Nicholls (1837-1896), xn. 427; v. 481; vm. 250, 364; ix. 331;
514 xiv. 281
Worthies, the Nine, in The Parlement of Wren, Matthew (1629-1672), vn. 476
the Thre Ages, n. 37 Wrenn, Christopher, vi. 481

Worthington, John (1618-1671), vn. 310, Wrest, Beds., vm. 60

477, 478, 490; vm. 273, 281, 285, 286, Wretchedness of this World, Of the, m. 181
288, 455, 457, 458 Wright, Abraham (1611-1690), Five Ser-
Worthy, in Vanbrugh's Relapse, xi. 268 mons, vn. 160, 427
Wortley, Anne, ix. 248 Wright, Edward (1558?-1615), iv. 462
Wortley, lady Emmeline Stuart (1806- Wright, James (1643-1713), Historia His-
1855), xm. 511 trionica, VL 408, 499; vm. 115, 424;
Wortley, Sir Francis (1591-1652), vn. 495, History of Rutland, ix. 353, 533, 541
499; A Loyall Song, vn. 388 Wright, John (fl. 1609), rv. 394
Wotton, Surrey, vm. 242, 244, 245. 354 Wright, John (1805-1843?), xn. 424
Wotton, Sir Henry (1568-1639), m. 425, Wright, John Martin Frederick, xrv. 595
426, 428, 554; IV. 119, 124, 163, 198 ff., Wright, Joseph, Country Conversations
215, 216, 218, 265, 297, 484; v. 482; (1694), vm. 163, 434
vi. 219, 256, 269; vn. 99, 113, 188, 191, Wright, Leonard (fl. 1591), Friendly Ad-
205, 250, 252, 308, 343, 437, 442, 463; monition to Martin Marprelate, m. 397,
ix. 167, 170, 187; xiv. 178 539
Characters of Essex and Buckingham, Wright, Thomas (1810-1877), I. viii, 351,
vn. 192 361; n. 35 ff., 39, 40, 47, 166, 420 ff.,
Courtlie Oontroversie of Cupid's Gautels, 424, 426; m. 91; xn. 347, 353, 365, 514;
v. 161 xm. 366; xiv. 523, 541
History of Venice, vn. 192 Anecdota Literana^ xii. 354
*How happy is he born and taught,' Biographia Literaria of the Anglo-Saxon
iv. 126 period, xn. 354
Life and Death of Essex, vn. 192 Early English Poetry, xn. 354
Panegyrick of King Charles (in Latin), Original Letters, xn. 354
vn. 192, 513 The Glory of God? s Revenge against
Reliquiae Wottonianae, IV. 164; vn. Murther and Adultery, vm. 194
192 Wright, William ( 1830-1889), xn. 342, 499
Some Observations by Way of Parallel, Wright, William, D.D., xm. 559
vn. 192 Wright, William Aldis (1831-1914), I. 337;
State of Christendom, The, vn. 192 v. 280; xn. 331, 341, 493, 502; xm. 497
Tancredo, iv. 164 W
right'* Chaste Wife, The, n. 504
'You meaner beauties,' iv. 163 Wrington, Somerset, vm. 328
Wotton, Henry, Essay on the Education Wriothesley, Charles (1508?-1562), m.
of Children (1672), ix. 382, 569 478, 532
Wotton, John, iv. 117; Damaetas* Jig in Wriothesley, Henry, 3rd earl of South-
praise of his love, iv. 119; 'Jolly Shop- ampton (1573-1624), rv. 390; v. 169,
herd,' iv. 119 171, 174, 223, 225, 229, 346, 347, 370;
Wotton, Thomas, iv. 406 vi. 272; vn. 447
Wotton, William (1666-1727), EC. 93, 103, Wrong, in Piers the Plouman, n. 4, 32
332, 382, 465, 524, 530, 572; Reflections, Wroth, lady Mary (fl. 1621), Urania, m.
ix.391 355
Wotton-under-edge, vm. 83 Wroth, Sir Thomas (1584-1672), IT. 520

Wroxeter, xn. 347 Wycherley, William
Wudga, in Widsith, I. 35 Plain Dealer, The, vm. 134, 143, 145,
Wulff, Peter, v. 307 422; xi. 269
Wulfgeat, Aelfric's English, letter to, L 126 Wychwood, xm. 93
Wulfmaer, I. 144 Wyclif, John (1320?-1384), I. 204, 211,
Wulfsige, i. 124, 127 213, 332, 367, 371, 400; n. 41, 43 &
Wulfstan, archbishop of York (d. 1023), 73, 74, 77, 85, 285, 287, 299, 351, 355,
I. 5, 124, 125, 127, 128 fi., 134, 145 358, 439 ff.; m. 25, 39, 69, 105, 441,
Wulfstan, St (1012?-1095), bishop of 442; iv. 38, 39, 46, 273, 428; v. 51; vi.
Worcester, I. 164 374; xn. 517
Wulfstan, voyage of, I. 94 Cruciata, n. 56
Wulfstan of Winchester (fl. 1000), I. 125, De Benedicat Incarnacione, n. 53, 64, 66
441,442 De Civili Dominio, n. 49, 54
Wulker, R., I. is, 50, 102, 106 De Composicione Hominis, n. 53
Wiinn, A., xm. 546 De Ecdesia, n. 54
Wtirzburg, vn. 20 De Ente Predicamentali, n. 53
Wyatt, Alfred John, I. Add. , xm. 127, 492 De Logica, 11. 53
Wyatt, Sir Francis (1575?-1644), vn. 50 De Matena et Forma, n. 53
Wyatt, Sir Thomas (1503?-1542), n. 213, De Veritate Sacrae Scnpturae, n. 56, 58,
218, 389; in. 23, 24, 166 ff., 201, 210, 59
212, 227, 247 ff., 281 fi\, 285, 287, 297, Determinatio, n. 54
298, 302, 303, 447, 511, also see Add.; Dialogus, n. 65
iv. 24, 25, 108, 110, 116, 118, 196, 197, Opus Evangelicum, n. 61, 65
329; vn. 1; vni. 222; x. 131; xnr. 253 Tnakgus, n. 65, 66
Comparison of love to a streams, m. 172 Wyclif society, n. 49; xn. 355, 504
Complaint upon Love to Reason, m. 187 Wycliffe-on-Tees, n, 49
Courtiers life, Of the, in. 173 Wycliffite versions, Old Testament, n. 300,
Forget not yet the tried intent, m. 172 335, 430, 431, 440
Furious goone, The, m. 187 Wye, river, vm. 140; IX. 258; x. 134, 277;
Galley charged with forfjetfulnesse, My, xn. 414
m. 171 Wyer, Robert (fl. 1529-1556), iv. 546
How by a Jcisse he found both his life and Wyeth, Joseph (1663-1731), vm. 415
death,m. 172 WyfofA-uchtirmuchty, The, n. 273; xi. 243
How oft have I, ni. 169 Wygar, the smith, maker of Arthur's
How to use the court and him selfe therin, corslet, in Layamon, I. 236, 265
m. 173 Wykeham, William of (1324-1404), bishop
Love called Anna, Of his, m, 168 of Winchester, n. 355 fi., 506; vn.
Love, Fortune, and my mmde, ni. 170 326
Love to Skorn, My, in. 171 Wykehamist, The, xiv. 539
Lover compareth his hart to the over- Wykes, Thomas, of Osney (fl, 1258-1293),
charged gonne, The, in. 172 I. 182, 451
Lover professeth himself constant, The, W yl Bucke his testament, m. 482, 483
m. 173 Wyld, Henry Cecil, xiv. 611
Madame, wthouten many wordes, ni. 172 Wylie, James Hamilton (1844-1914), xiv.
Meane and sure estate, Of the, in. 173 500; History of the Reign of Henry V,
Psalm 37, m. 174 xiv. 83
Some Fowles there be, m. 169 Wylie, William Howie, xm. 473
Though I myself be bridled of my mind, Wylie Beguylie, VI. 300
m. 168 Wylie Wife of the Hie Toun Hie, The, n.
Unstable dream, m. 170 413
Was never file, in. 169 Wylkin, John, iv. 435
What should I say! m. 172 Wylkinson, John, iv. 5
Whoso list to hunt, in. 167 Wyll of the Devyll, The, ra. 86, 484; vn.
Wiat, being in prison, to Brian, m. 173 382
Yet was I never of your love agreved, Wyman, Charles William Henry, xiv. 535
m. 171 Wymond, in Rauf Coiftear, n. 125, 126
Wyche, Sir Peter (d. 1643), vm. 369 Wyndham, George, xm. Add. 2
Wycherley, William (1640?-1716), vm. Wyndham, Henry Penruddocke (1736-
133, 142 ff. (main entry), 165, 214, 215, 1819), ix. 254, 497
386, 421, 423, 427; ix. 68, 84, 443, 473; Wyndham, Henry Saxe, xm. 615
x. 67, 89, 425, 433; ax 319; xn. 443 Wyndham, Sir William, 3rd baronet (1687
Country Wife, The, vm. 134, 144, 145, -1740), ix. 252
168; xi. 268 Wynken, in Drayton's Idea, iv. 172
Gentleman Dancing-master, The, vm. Wynn, Charles Watkin Williams (1775-
131, 144 1850), xi. 154, 170; xra. 226, 227, 232
Love in a Wood, vm. 143, 144 Wynne, Arnold, xni. 515
Wynne, John (1667-1743), vm. 331, 476 Yedingham, n. 45, 48
Wynne, Luttrell, vm. 241 Yeldham, Walter (pseud. Aliph Cheem),
Wynne, Sir Richard (d. 1649), vn. 455 xiv. 580; Lays of Ind, xiv. 340
Wynnere and Wastoure, I. 333, 334; n. Yellowplush, Charles James, pseud, of
35 ff., 432, 434 W. M. Thackeray, xm. 278 ., 284
Wynnstay, x. 115 Yelverton, Sir Christopher (1535?-1612),
Wyntoun, Andrew of (1350?-1420?), n. v. 70, 77
103, 104, 117, 121, 122, 129-132 (mam Yeo, H., xiv. 532
entry), 452; Orygynale Cronykil, I. 333; Ylmandun (Ilmington), I. 126
II. 91, 115, 239, 280, 452; xn. 517 Yloop,M. (?Pooly),m. 189
Wyrd, i. 41 Ynghnga Saga, I. 3, 25, 94
Wyrley, William (1565-1618), iv. 376, Ynghngatal, i. 25, 26
543 Yong or Young, Bartholomew (fl. 1577-
Wyse, Henry T., xiv. 536 1598), iv. 7, 9, 117, 121, 122, 441, 445,
Wyse, Sir Thomas (1791-1862), xiv, 447, 472
610 Yonge, Charlotte Mary (1823-1901), xi.
Wyss, J D., The Swiss Family fiobinson, 387, 475, 476, 484, 491; xn. 451; xra.
xi. 492 567; Heir of Reddyffe, The, xn. 277;
Wytfiiet, iv. 101 xm. 120, 435; Lances of Lynwood, xm.
434; Little Duke, The, xn. 277
Xanthian marbles, xn. 339 Yonge, James (fl. 1423), n. 301
Xenophon, m. 426, 429; iv. 5, 259, 440, Yonge, Nicholas (d. 1619), Musica Trans-
441, 543; ix. 204, 529; xi. 358; xn. 313, alpina, iv. 113, 114
332, 339, 484, 485; Cyropaedia, in, 426; Yonge, Philip, bishop of Norwich, xi. 143
rv. 4; vn. 316 Yonge, Walter (15817-1649), vn. 455

Xylander Gulielmus, iv. 249 Yonge Harton'=Haughton, v. 328

Xystus, Betuleius, vi. 486 Yorick, xiv. 327
Yorick, in Hamlet, m. 456
Yagoube, xiv. 248 Yonck, in Sterne's Tristram Shandy, x.
Yahoos, in Gulliver's Travels, ix. 105 50
Yalden, Thomas
(1670-1737), ix. 174, York, I. 59, 79, 84, 86, 111, 127, 129;
176, 188, 487; X. 183; Hymn to Dark- n. 49, 72, 325, 399, 422, 423; in. 28;
ness, ix. 176 iv. 310, 408, 409; vn. 49, 197, 453;
Yarico, in Colman's Inkle and Yarico, xi. ix. 386, 532, 565; x. 47, 360, 362, 421,
280 425, 450; xi. 312, 341, 347, 351, 366,
Yarington, Robert (fi, 1601), v. 325, 476; 373, 469; xn. 510; xiv. 9, 288
vi. 96; Two Lamentable Tragedies, v. York, the Ainsty of, vn. 180
324 ff., 328,332; vi. 96 York, Anne Hyde, duchess of (1637-1671),
Yarmouth, in. 363; iv. 327; vi. 241; vn. vm. 46, 402
91; xii. 362 York, cardinal of. See Stewart, H. B.
Yarranton, Andrew (1616-1684?), iv. M. C.
462 York, duke of, company of players of,
Yarrow, n. 284; ix. 371; xi. 239, 445 vm.119, 182
Yarrow ballads, ix. 364 York, duke of, in Henry VI, v. 186
Yates, Edmund Hodgson (1831-1894), York, Edward, 2nd duke of (1373?-1415),
xm. 301, 567; xiv. 200, 535 The Master of Game, n. 286, 479; iv.
Yates, James (fl, 1582), iv. 472 541
Yates, James (1789-1871), xn. 515; xiv. York, house of, n. 297, 298
610; Textrinum Antiquum, xn. 348 York, James, duke of. See James II
Yates, Mary Ann (1728-1787), x. 264 York, school of, I. 5, 84, 87
Yates, Mr, in Jane Austen's Mansfield York Herald, The, xiv. 203
Park, xn. 239 York Manuale (1390), n. 325; (1509),
Yates, Richard (1706?-1796), xi. 257 nr. 442
Yates, William Walsh, xm. 557, 559 York Mercury, The, xiv. 169
Yaxley, John, vi. 307 York minster library, rv. 421
Ydgruuites, in Butler's Erewhon, THTT. 452 York Plays, v. 13, 15, 18, 20, 42, 45 ff., 51,
Te Jacobites by Name, ix. 376 52, 56, 389, 390, 391
Te Manners of England, n. 226 York press, xi. 468
Year Books, vm. 313, 314, 316, 317, 320, York printers, iv. 547
466 Yorke, Philip, 1st earl of Hardwicke
Year Books of Edward II, xiv. 81 (1690-1764), ix. 209 ;x. 295
Yeats, Jack Butler, xm. 573, and see Yorke, Philip, 2nd earl of Hardwicke
Add. 1
(1720-1790), x. 295, 502; Miscellaneous
Yeats, William Butler, XL 433, 434; xn. State Papers, x. 295
405; xiv. 329, 573 Yorkshire, I. 344, 357; n. 88, 396, 420;
Yeddo, IV. 100 IV. 190; v. 242, 243; vn. 178, 180,

Yorkshire Young Ireland party, xiv. 311, 317, 320,
227, 233, 246, 373; vm. 220, 271; IX. 321, 324, 357
91, 140, 330, 393; X. 47, 101, 131, 262, Young Lochinvar, n. 411
385, 386; xii. 12, 246, 281, 507, 516; Young Man's Calling, xi. 369
xm. 275; xiv. 185, 233, 249 Younge, Richard (fl. 1637-1671), vn. 514
Yorkshire dales, xi. 168 Younger, John (1785-1860), xn. 424
Yorkshire dialect, xn. 415 Younger, W., A brief View, etc., vn. 355
Yorkshire Library, the, xn. 519 Youth, in Confessio Amantis, n. 148
Yorkshire Tragedy, A, iv. 394; v. 236, 238, Youth, in Henryson, n. 249
242, 243, 332, 442, 444; VL 95; x. 73 Youth, in Lydgate's Pilgrimage, n. 201
Yorkshire United college, x. 385 Youth, in Piers the Plowman, n. 22
Youghal, n. 303; iv. 60; vra. 146 Youth (renamed Virtue), in The Example
Youll,Henry (fl. 1608), iv. 465 of Virtue, n. 227, 234
Young, Arthur (1741-1820), XL 400; xiv. Youth, in The Parlement of the Thre Ages,
554, 565 n. 37
Annals of Agriculture, XL 72, 397 Youth (interlude), v. 54, 393
Political Arithmetic, XL 73 Ypocras, daughter of, n. 79
Tour in Ireland, xi. 73 Ypotis, Meditations of Chylde, I. 286, 472;
Travels in France, XL 73 n. 308
War in North America, The, XI. 72 Ysopet, vra. 59
Young, A. B., xi. 462 Yspadtaden Pen Kawr, i. 254
Young, Bartholomew (fl. 1577-1598), vi. Ystorya JBrenhined y Brytanyeit, I. 263
365; Amorous Fiammetta (trans, from Yucatan, xiv. 241
Boccaccio), iv. 7 Yule, xiv, 574
Young, Edward (1683-1765), v. 297; Yule, Alfred, in Gissing'sNew Grub Street,
IX. 82, 188, 190, 250, 254, 439, 449, 460, xm.460
481; x. 1, 138 ff. (main entry), 156, 183, Yuletide carols, n. 379
458, also see Add.; xi. 140, 250, 251; Yuste, x. 289
xin. 552 Yver, Jacques, Le Printemps tflver, v.
Brothers, The, x. 140 161, 252
Busiris, x. 73, 83, 139 Ywain and Gawain, and Sir Ywain, i. 279,
Complaint (The}, or Night Thoughts. 280, 282, 284, 288, 312, 468
See Night Thoughts
Impenum Pelagi, x. 140, 141 Zabeta, m. 207
Job, x. 139, 142 Zacher, J., 425
Last Day, The, x. 142 Zadkiel, vn. 511
Letters to Tickdl, x. 139 Zama, xn. 303
Night Thoughts, VHL 380; x. 124, Zampini-Salazar, F., xin. 485
141 ff., 147; xi. 323 Zanga, in Young's The Revenge, x. 73
Ocean, x. 140, 141 Zanoni (lord Lytton's), xm. 419
Resignation, x. 140, 142 Zanzibar, iv. 85
Revenge, The, x. 73, 139 Zara, in Congreve's Mourning Bride, vra.
Universal Passion, The, x. 139, 140, 142 152
Young, Elizabeth, x. 95 Zarate, Augustin de, iv. 448
Young, George (1777-1848), xi. 429 Zarina, in Byron's Sardanapalus, xn. 49
Young, James (1811-1883), xn. 519 Zaripha, in The Travailes of The three
Young, John (1534?-1605), bishop of English Brothers, vi. 69
Rochester, rn. 214 Zeal, in The Playe of Playes and Pastimes,
Young, John (1750?-1820), x. 475; A vi. 391
Criticism on the Elegy written in a Zeal-of-the-land Busy, in Bartholomew
Country Churchyard, x. 188 Fayre, VL 23, 28; vra. 147
Young, Patrick (1584-1652), vn. 316, Zechariah, v. 48
482, 483, 485, 489; ix. 530 Zedlitz, K. A. von, xiv. 382
Young, Sir Peter (1544^1628), ix. 630 Zelauto (Munday's), ra. 349
Young, Richard, A short and sure way to Zelmane, in Sidney's Arcadia, ra. 352
Grace, xi. 334; The Seduced Soul re- Zelotypus, VL 487
duced, xi. 334 Zend language, xn. 343
Young, Robert (fl. 1663), ix. 547 Zenocia, in The Custome of the Countrey,
Young, Thomas (1587-1655), vn. 96, 98, vi. 131
416 Zenocratc, in Tamburlaine, V. 150
Young, Thomas (1773-1829), xiv. 259, 557 Zepheria, ra. 256, 266, 524
Young, William, x. 25 Zerbst, v. 48
Young, William Thomas, xn. Add. 2 Zermat, U., I. 443
Young Beichan, n. 411 Zetha, in Jacob and Esau, v. Ill
Young England' movement, ix. 231 Zeuner, R., i. 444
Young Hunting, n. 412 Zeuss, J. 0., L 34, 421

Ziegler, H., I, 429 Zoological Miscellany, The, xiv. 565
Zimmer, Heinrich, i. 65, 68, 70, 269, 464; Zoological society of London, xiv. 287
xiv. 302; Nennius Vindicates, I. 246, 464 Zoologist, The, xiv. 289, 566
Zimmermann, 0., i. 439 Zosinms, ix. 337
Zimri (Buckingham), in Dry den's Ab- Zouch, Henry (1725?~1795), x. 252, 495
salom, vra. 39, 41 Zouche, lord. 8ee Curzon, Robert
Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Lndwig, count von, Zouche, Richard (1590-1661), vi. 481;
x. 350, 364 vm. 317, 470
Zipangu, iv. 86 Zozimus, xiv. 327
Zittau, v. 285 Zulkais, in Beckford's Episodes, XL 292
Zoas, the, in Blake's Vala, XL 195 Zupitza, J,, i. ix, i. 426, 429, 432, 442,
Zoilus, ix. 481 445
Zoilus, in Wisdom of Solomon Paraphrased, Zurich, m. 402
44, 53; iv.
vi. 59 Zurich letters, the, in. 415
Zola, Smile, XL 152; xn. 55; xm. 427; Zutphen, battle of, m. 351
ISAssommour, xin. 425, 522; TUrese Zwingli, Huldreich (1484-1531), n. 69;
Raquin, xin. 456 m. 37, 39, 413; iv. 448; vn. 306
Zoological Journal, The, xiv. 565

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