Aiatsoymeo2016t06 Solution
Aiatsoymeo2016t06 Solution
Aiatsoymeo2016t06 Solution
Choose the correct answer :
1. A charge is moving in a circular path in uniform 5. The magnetic susceptibility of diamagnetic materials
magnetic field. The path of charge is defined as is
All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016 Test - 6 (Code A)
9. A circular conducting loop of radius R is placed in 14. In the circuit shown in figure, the average power lost
uniform magnetic field B with its plane perpendicular in one cycle is
to the field. If it is rotated about its axis through C
centre normal to its plane with angular frequency , R
then maximum value of induced emf is
BR 2
(1) BR 2 (2)
R 2
(3) (4) Zero
B E = E0 sin t
10. A non ideal inductor is connected to an AC source.
Then quantity which have zero average value in one E02R E02
(1) (2)
cycle is 1 2R
2 2 2 R2
(1) Heat (2) Charge C
(3) Emf (4) Both (2) & (3)
11. Light of intensity I is incident normally on area A. (3) (4) Zero
The momentum of the photons reaching over the
area per unit time is (c = speed of light) 15. In the transformer phase difference between input and
output is
(1) (2)
c c
(1) 0 (2)
2IA 2I 2
(3) (4)
c c
12. Refractive index of a medium is given as (symbols (3) (4)
have their usual meanings) 6
16. In the given circuit the maximum current can be
1 R
(1) 0 0 (2)
0 0
(3) r r (4)
r r
E = E0 sin t
13. Alternating current in a circuit is given as i = i1 + i2
cos t. The mean square value of this current is E0 E0
(1) (2)
i 22
(1) i12 + i22 (2) i12
2 E0
(3) E0C (4) 1/2
i2 i12 i 22 1
(3) i12 2 (4) L R
2 2 C
Test - 6 (Code A) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016
17. In the inductor shown in figure, current is increasing 23. In the given circuit the reading of ammeter at steady
at uniform rate, then correct option is state, when key is closed is
M I N R/2
All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016 Test - 6 (Code A)
27. In an AC generator, the magnetic flux linked with the 31. A charge of 2C is moving in a magnetic field of 1T
rotating coil has maximum value and frequency of with velocity 5 m/s. Force experienced by it may be
rotation of coil is f. Then amplitude of emf generated
(1) 10 N (2) 5 N
(3) Zero (4) All of these
(1) (2) 32. The magnetic field in the core of a toroid is
f f
2 (1) Constant in magnitude
(3) f (4) 2f (2) Constant in direction
28. Electromagnetic wave is produced due to (3) Non-uniform in direction
(1) Uniform moving charge (4) Both (1) & (3)
(2) Static charge 33. A charged particle is moving with uniform velocity vj
(3) Accelerated charge through a uniform magnetic field B( i) and a
(4) All of these uniform electric field E . Then E is
29. A thin long wire carrying current i is placed along (1) Bvk (2) Bvk
positive x-axis. The unit vector of magnetic field at a
point (0, a, a) v B
(3) k (4) k
B v
34. A ferromagnetic material is placed inside a solenoid
having n turns per unit length and current i, then net
magnetic field in the material is [I is the intensity of
i o (1) B = 0(ni + I) (2) B = 0
(3) B = ni + I (4) B = 0(ni I)
35. The susceptibility of a substance at 500 K is
j k j k 0.00004. Its susceptibility at 1000 K is
(1) (2)
2 2 2 2 (1) 0.00004 (2) 0.00002
j k j k (3) 0.00003 (4) 0.00001
(3) (4)
2 2 2 2 36. A magnetic substance of cross sectional area A and
30. A charge particle is released at rest in uniform length L is magnetised to develop an intensity of
magnetisation I. The pole strength of substance is
electric E and magnetic field B
if E B = 0
then path of charge will be (1) (2) ILA
(1) Straight line (2) Helix
(3) IA (4)
(3) Circle (4) Parabola L
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37. Ferromagnetism is generally found in 42. A square loop of wire of side l is placed at the centre
of a coplanar circular loop of radius R (R >> l). Their
(1) Liquid centre coincide. The mutual inductance of system is
(2) Solid proportional to
(1) R 2 (2) R
(3) Gas
(3) l 2 (4) l
(4) All of these
43. Two circular coils A and B are arranged co-axially
38. A proton enters a perpendicular uniform magnetic
and the steady currents are flowing in the same
field with kinetic energy K. After T = 2 s the kinetic
direction in both. Select correct statement.
energy of proton will be
(1) (2) K
(3) 2K (4) 4K
(3) Infinite (4) Both (1) & (2) (4) All of these
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46. The correct structure of trans-2-heptenal is 50. Which of the following conformers of a compound is
CHO (2) most stable?
(1) CHO
(3) CHO (4) CH3
(1) (2)
47. Which of the following pairs of compounds is/are H H H
enantiomers? H H H H
(1) Cl H
Cl H
H Cl Cl H H OH H H
(3) (4)
H Cl Cl H 51. Which of the following has maximum negative
(2) &
Cl H H Cl inductive effect?
(1) NO2 (2) COOH
H Cl Cl H (3) NR3 (4) F
(3) Cl H Cl H
52. In toluene, methyl group is ortho, para-directing
CH3 CH3 because of
(4) All of these
(1) Inductive effect
48. Maximum enol content is observed in which of the
following compounds? (2) Electromeric effect
CHBr (3) 7
(3) (4) All of these
(4) 9
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54. Which of the following is correct order of stability of 58. The degree of unsaturation in
(1) CH 2 CH > CH 3CH 2 CH is
All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016 Test - 6 (Code A)
62. In the reaction sequence 65. Which of the following reagents will be able to
distinguish between 1-pentyne and 2-pentyne?
HOCl (R) (1) Na (2) Tollens reagent
(3) NH4OH / Cu2Cl2 (4) All of these
66. Which of the following statements is/are incorrect?
the product (A) and reagent (R) respectively are (1) For the separation of two immicible liquids
fractional distillation is used
(1) CH3CH2Cl & KNO2
(2) Carbon and hydrogen present in an organic
(2) CH3CH2OH & AgNO2 compound are estimated by Carius method
(3) All alkynes show acidic property
(3) CH 2CH 2 & KCN
(4) All of these
67. In which of the given cases set of reactants is/are
(4) CH2ClCH2OH & KNO2 not correctly matched with their major product?
63. Which one of the following reactions is expected to F
readily give a hydrocarbon product in good yields? (1)
CH2COO K Electrolytic
(1) (2)
CH2COO K Oxidation
Br2 CH3
(2) RCOO Ag
(3) CH3 h
(3) CH 3CH 2CH 3
(4) Both (1) & (2)
(4) + Br2 68. Chlorination of CH4 involves following steps
(i) Cl Cl 2Cl
64. A hydrocarbon A on mono-chlorination gives B in
presence of h which on heating with alcoholic (ii) CH4 + Cl CH3 + HCl
potassium hydroxide changes into another (iii) CH 3 + Cl2 CH 3Cl + Cl
hydrocarbon C. The latter decolourises Baeyers Which of the following is rate determining step?
reagent and on ozonolysis forms carbonyl compound
(1) Step (ii) (2) Step (i)
which on reaction with red P/HI gives propane. The
hydrocarbon A is (3) Step (iii) (4) Both step (i) & (ii)
69. Which of the following has zero dipole moment?
(1) Cyclopentane (2) Cyclopropane
(1) Cis-2-butene (2) 2-Methyl-1-propene
(3) Propene (4) Methane (3) 1-Butene (4) Trans-2-butene
Test - 6 (Code A) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016
70. Which of the following statements is correct? 75. Arrange the following compounds in order of
(1) Addition of HBr in buta-1, 3-diene gives 3-bromo- decreasing reactivity towards nucleophilic aromatic
but-1-ene as major product at high temperature substitution
All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016 Test - 6 (Code A)
79. The most reactive compound towards formation of 82. For which of the following compound Kjeldahls
alkene when treated with alcoholic KOH is method is/are not applicable for the estimation of
Cl nitrogen?
(1) (2)
(1) N N (2) N
(3) (4)
Cl (3) (4) All of these
conc. H H
80. + H2 SO4 + H2 O NaI
83. C2H5 C Cl acetone
I C C2H5
Which of the following is incorrect statement for
above reaction?
(1) It is an electrophilic substitution reaction Which of the following statements is/are correct for
above reaction?
(2) The mechanism of above reaction is completed
in four steps (1) It is known as Finkelstien reaction
(3) The carbocation (-complex) intermediate forms (2) The above reactant and product have no chiral
in the reaction carbon
(4) The electrophile is SO3H (3) If reactant has s-configuration then product also
having s-configuration
81. C CCH3 (A) (B) (4) Both (1) & (3)
The major product (B) is CH3
Test - 6 (Code A) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016
Which of the following statements is correct about (4) CH 3CH2CN & CH3NH
above reaction? CH3
(1) Product (B) & (C) are same
89. Chloropicrin is obtained by the reaction of
(2) Product (B) & (C) are isomers
(1) Nitric acid on chloroform
(3) Product (B) is ether
(2) Nitrous acid on chlorobenzene
(4) Product (A) is alkyl halide but (C) is alkane
(3) Ammonia on chloromethane
87. In an SN2 reaction of the type
(4) Steam on tetrachloromethane
RBr + Cl RCl + Br 90. Chloral reacts with chlorobenzene in presence of
sulphuric acid produces
Which one of the following alkyl bromide has the
highest relative rate? (1) BHC
(1) CH3CH2CH2Br (2) DDT
All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016 Test - 6 (Code A)
91. Select incorrect statement w.r.t., human genome. 95. The formation of peptide bond between two amino
acids during translation in E.coli bacterium is
(1) Largest gene is autosomal with 2.4 million
catalysed by
(1) 18S rRNA (2) 23S rRNA
(2) Human genome contains 3164.7 million
nucleotide bases (3) 16S rRNA (4) 28S rRNA
(3) Less than 2 percent of genome codes for 96. Choose odd one w.r.t. regulation of gene expression
proteins in bacteria
(4) The last chromosome to be sequenced was (1) Repressor of lac-operon is synthesised
chromosome 1 in May 2006 constitutively by i gene
92. How many of the following statements is/are correct? (2) Regulation of lac-operon by repressor is referred
to as positive regulation
(a) Apo-repressor and co-repressor complex binds
(3) Lactose acts as inducer in lac-operon
to operator gene and blocks the function of RNA
polymerase in the trp operon (4) In lac-operon, a polycistronic gene is regulated
by a common promoter and regulatory genes
(b) Beadle and Tatum produced arginine auxotrophs
by giving UV-rays treatment to Neurospora 97. The sequence on mRNA which is required for
efficient translation process is
(c) In Chlamydomonas, the supercoils of DNA are
maintained by polyamines proteins (1) Pribnow box (2) UTRs
(d) Purine adenine is equimolor with pyrimidine (3) TATA box (4) CAAT box
thymine in phage 174 98. The sequence of amino acids in proteins does not
(1) Four (2) Three necessarily predict the sequence of nucleotides on
mRNA. This is due to
(3) One (4) Two
(1) Universality of genetic code
93. Number of genes associated with chromosome 1 in
human beings is (2) Commaless nature of genetic code
(3) Non-ambiguous nature of genetic code
(1) 14 (2) 2968
(4) Degeneracy of genetic code
(3) 3000 (4) 231
99. Tailing of hnRNA requires addition of _ (A)_ residues
94. Satellite DNA
with the help of _ (B)_.
(1) Is polymorphic DNA (1) (B) Poly A polymerase, (A) 200300 adenylate
(2) Is intronic sequences of DNA (2) (B) Guanyl transferase, (A) 100200 adenylate
(3) Forms the basis of DNA fingerprinting (3) (B) Guanyl transferase, (A) 200300 adenylate
(4) More than one option is correct (4) (B) Poly A polymerase, (A) 100200 adenylate
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100. Severo Ochoa enzyme is 105. The number of nucleotides present in repeating unit
of chromatin is
(1) Polynucleotide phosphorylase
(1) 200 (2) 500
(2) DNA independent RNA polymerase
(3) 300 (4) 400
(3) RNA dependent DNA polymerase
106. The unequivocal proof that DNA is the genetic
(4) More than one option is correct material came from the experiment
101. Transcription and translation are coupled in bacteria (1) Performed by Avery, MacLeod and McCarty
(2) Performed by Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase
(1) Processing of mRNA is required (3) That used heavy isotope of nitrogen
(2) There is no separation of cytosol and nucleus (4) Used radioactive thymidine
(3) Splicing of introns is a prerequisite 107. Which experiment proved semi-conservative mode of
(4) More than one option is correct DNA replication in eukaryotes?
All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016 Test - 6 (Code A)
111. Trp operon and lac operon 117. Select correct match.
(1) Show positive control Column I Column II
a. Lactic acid (i) Penicillium chrysogenum
(2) Are repressible systems
b. Swiss cheese (ii) Monascus purpureus
(3) Are gene regulation mechanism in prokaryotes c. Statins (iii) Lactobacillus
(4) Are inducible systems d. Gluconic acid (iv) Propionibacterium
112. The hallmark of Watson and Crick model is (1) a(iii), b(iv), c(ii), d(i) (2) a(i), b(ii), c(iii), d(iv)
(3) a(ii), b(iii), c(i), d(iv) (4) a(ii), b(iv), c(iii), d(i)
(1) Base complementarity rule
118. Heterotrophic bacteria those can fix atmospheric
(2) Presence of major and minor groove in double nitrogen in free living state in soil are
helix (1) Azotobacter, Beijerinckia
(3) Presence of H-bonds between the two (2) Rhizobium, Azotobacter
polynucleotide chains (3) Oscillatoria, Klebsiella
(4) Double helix nature of DNA (4) Rhizobium, Rhodospirillum
113. If the proportion of thymine in ds DNA is 43% then 119. Microbial degradation of organic matter in STP takes
what will be the proportion of bicyclic N-bases in this place during/in
DNA? (1) Primary treatment
(1) 43% (2) 7% (2) Tertiary treatment
(3) 14% (4) 50% (3) Filtration and sedimention
(4) Aeration tank
114. Which of the following is not used in organic farming?
120. Select incorrect match (w.r.t. biofertilisers)
(1) Nostoc (2) Boletus
(1) Aulosira Paddy field
(3) Escherichia coli (4) Anabaena
(2) Glomus Orchids
115. Bioactive molecule which is used as immunosuppressive (3) Boletus Pine
agent in organ-transplant patients is
(4) Frankia Cicer
(1) Streptokinase (2) Statins 121. Read the following statements and choose correct
(3) Cyclosporin A (4) Butyric acid option. (w.r.t. sewage treatment)
(i) Flocs are masses of anaerobic bacteria
116. Which of the following microbes is effective
associated with fungal filament
biocontrol agent of several plant pathogens?
(ii) Activated sludge is used for production of biogas
(1) Dragonflies
(1) Both (i) & (ii) are correct
(2) Gambusia fish (2) Only (i) is incorrect
(3) Trichoderma (3) Both (i) & (ii) are incorrect
(4) All of these (4) Only (ii) is incorrect
Test - 6 (Code A) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016
122. Agriculture by using biofertilizers is called 129. Which one of the following heterotrophic organisms
is used as alternate source of proteins for animal
(1) Biofortification (2) Inorganic farming
and human nutrition?
(3) Organic farming (4) Chemical farming
(1) Methylophilus methylotrophus
123. Ethanol is commercially produced by using a
(2) Chlorella
particular species of
(3) Spirulina
(1) Clostridium
(2) Saccharomyces (4) More than one option is correct
(3) Aspergillus 130. The entire collection of plants/seeds having all diverse
alleles of all gene collection of a crop is called
(4) Trichoderma
(1) Gene pool
124. Which of the following plant varieties is resistant to
yellow mosaic virus? (2) Hardening
125. Cereals are generally deficient in 131. Which of the following features of maize can result
to resistance to maize stem borer?
(1) Methionine and cysteine
(1) Low sugar and aspartic acid
(2) Tryptophan and lysine
(2) Low nitrogen and high aspartic acid
(3) Histidine
(3) High nitrogen and sugar content
(4) Cysteine and tryptophan
(4) Low aspartic acid
126. Which of the following technique is useful for
immediate expression of mutations and quick 132. Fusion of protoplasts in somatic hybridisation is done
formation of pure-lines? by using
(1) Pollen grain culture (2) Embryo culture (1) PEG
(3) Meristem culture (4) Ovary culture (2) Electric current
127. Mark the mismatched pair : (3) X-rays
(1) BiofortificationAtlas 66 variety of wheat (4) More than one option is correct
(2) HeterosisHybrid vigour 133. Cotton plants is resistant to jassids due to presence of
(3) MaizeRich in thiamine (1) Hairy leaves (2) High sugar
(4) P1542HYV of sweet pea (3) Smooth leaves (4) Low nitrogen
128. Somaclones are made by 134. The explant best suited for obtaining virus free plants is
(1) Hybridisation (2) Plant breeding (1) Anther (2) Ovule
(3) Tissue culture (4) Mutation breeding (3) Protoplast (4) Meristem
All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016 Test - 6 (Code A)
135. Select incorrect match (w.r.t. crop varieties bred by 140. Functionally, Bursa of Fabricius in birds can be
hybridisation and selection) considered similar to
(1) Wheat Himgiri (1) Bone marrow in mammals
(2) Cauliflower Pusa Shubhra (2) Kidney in mammals
(3) Cowpea Pusa Komal (3) Liver in mammals
(4) Chilli Pusa Swarnim
(4) Thyroid in mammals
136. Black water fever is caused by
141. Which of the following is not an antigen presenting
(1) Salmonella typhi cell (APC)?
(2) Giardia lamblia (a) Histiocytes (b) Clasmatocytes
(3) Plasmodium falciparum (c) B Cells (d) T helper cells
(4) Bacillus pestis
(e) T Killer cells
137. Select the correct set of viral diseases in humans.
(1) (a), (b), (c), (d) & (e) (2) (a), (b) & (c)
(1) Rabies, Common cold, Tetanus
(3) (d) & (e) (4) (a), (b), (d) & (e)
(2) Plague, Dengue, Chicken pox
142. Find out the incorrect match w.r.t disease and its
(3) Small pox, Measles, Diphtheria
diagnostic test.
(4) Mumps, Polio, Chikungunya
(1) Tuberculosis Mantoux test
138. Which of the following statements is incorrect w.r.t
interferons? (2) Plague Wassermann test
(1) Interferons are lipoproteins released by virus (3) Diphtheria Schick test
infected cells.
(4) Dengue Tourniquet test
(2) Interferons do not kill virus
143. The second most abundant antibody in human body is
(3) Interferons make unattacked cells less
susceptible from the attack of virus (1) IgA (2) IgG
(4) Interferons are included in cytokine barrier of (3) IgM (4) IgE
innate immunity.
144. Kochs postulates are not applicable to
139. Which of the following is a component of
physiological barrier of innate immunity? (a) Mycobacterium leprae
Test - 6 (Code A) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016
145. Match the following 150. Trophozoite or magna form of Entamoeba histolytica
Column I Column II (1) Degrades mucosa of small intestine
a. Killed vaccine (i) Tetanus (2) Feeds on RBC
b. Attenuated vaccine (ii) Tuberculosis (3) Monogenetic and polypodial
All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016 Test - 6 (Code A)
155. The cells which secrete antibodies 159. Which of the following ancestral horse was adapted
to browsing of soft lush vegetation and was called
(1) Secrete histamine which causes inflammation
dawn horse?
(2) Are major cells of cell mediated immunity
(1) Parahippus (2) Merychippus
(3) Mesohippus (4) Hyracotherium
(3) Are produced in thymus
160. The conclusion drawn by Charles Darwin during his
(4) Are a part of humoral mediated immunity five year expedition was
(1) Existing living forms share similarities to varying
156. Consider the following four statements A, B, C & D degrees not only among themselves but also
and select whether they are true (T) or false (F). with life forms that existed millions of years ago
(A) Big Bang theory explains origin of universe (2) Evolution of life forms had occurred but driven by
use and disuse of organs
(B) Spontaneous generation states that units of life
called spores were transferred to different planets (3) Mutations cause speciation
including earth (4) Life came out of decaying and rotting matter
(C) Primitive earth had reducing atmosphere and high 161. Which of the following is not an example of
temperature analogous organ?
(D) The first non-cellular forms of life could have (1) Eye of octopus and of mammals
originated 3 billion years back (2) Wings of butterfly and of birds
(1) AT, BT, CT, DF (3) Types of mouth parts of cockroach and mosquito
(2) AT, BF, CT, DT (4) Flippers of penguins and dolphins
(3) AT, BF, CT, DF 162. Find out the correct statement w.r.t industrial
(4) AF, BT, CT, DF
(1) Before industrialisation there were more dark-
157. Which of the following sets of amino acids was winged moths
formed in the Millers experiment?
(2) After industrialisation, the tree trunks got covered
(1) Alanine, Glycine, Glutamic acid by lichens making white-winged moths
(2) Aspartic acid, Valine, Alanine inconspicous
(3) Alanine, Asparagine, Leucine (3) Before industrial revolution white-winged moths
were more as predator (birds) were absent
(4) Glycine, Aspartic acid, Alanine
(4) Melanised moths were mutuant forms
158. Which of the following is not an avian characteristic
163. Which of the following discarded Lamarcks concept
of Archaeopteryx?
of inheritance of acquired characters?
(1) Intimate fusion of skull bones (1) Mendels law of inheritance
(2) Presence of free caudal vertebrae (2) Theory of continuity of germplasm
(3) Jaws are modified into beak (3) Theory of Pangenesis
(4) Presence of feathers on body (4) More than one option is correct
Test - 6 (Code A) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016
164. The type of reproductive isolation in which breeding 169. All of the following support Darwins concept of
period of mating individuals is different, is natural selection, except
(1) Psychological isolation(2) Hybrid breakdown (1) DDT resistant mosquitoes
(3) Temporal isolation (4) Mechanical isolation (2) Loss of limbs in snakes due to creeping in
165. Which of the following is an incorrect match w.r.t narrow burrows
ancestor of man, its cranial capacity and one of its (3) Streptomycin resistant bacteria
(4) Proboscis length in insects and position of
(1) Australopithecus 500 CC Hunted with stone
nectary in flower
weapons but essentially ate fruits
(2) Homo erectus 900 CC Knew use of fire for 170. Read the statements (i) to (iv) and choose the
hunting, defense and cooking correct option.
(3) Homo habilis 650800 CC Used chipped (i) The phrase Survival of Fittest was first used by
stone tools and probably did not ate meat Charles Darwin.
(4) Homo sapiens fossilis 1400 CC (ii) Genetic drift is more marked in stable large
Prognathous face and buried their dead ones population.
with flowers and tools
(iii) Women who are heterozygotes for sickle cell
166. Which of the following is an incorrect match w.r.t. anaemia have higher fertility in malaria prone
period of Paleozoic era? area.
(1) Permian Origin of mammal-like reptiles (iv) African lioness and Asian tigers easily breed in
(2) Carboniferous First vascular plants and age of natural conditions and produce fertile offsprings.
amphibians (1) Statement (i) & (iii) are correct; statement (ii) & (iv)
(3) Devonian Age of fishes are wrong
(4) Silurian Colonization of land by plants and (2) Statement (i) & (ii) are wrong; statement (iii) & (iv)
arthropods are correct
167. All of the following exhibit adaptive convergence (3) Statement (ii) & (iii) are wrong; statement (i) & (iv)
except are correct
(1) Placental wolf and Tasmanian tiger wolf (4) Statement (iii) is correct; statement (i), (ii) & (iv)
(2) Lemur and Numbat (ant eater) are wrong
(3) Bobcat and Tasmanian tiger cat 171. Which of the following methods of dating fossils has
(4) Flying squirrel and flying phalanger recently been used to determine the age of hominid
fossils in East Africa?
168. Darwins finches is an example of
(1) Electron spin resonance method
(A) Founder effect (B) Macroevolution
(C) Diversifying selection (D) Allopatric speciation (2) Potassium-Argon method
All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016 Test - 6 (Code A)
172. Find out the correct sequence of evolution of 177. Which of the following is not an embryological
mammals from early reptiles evidence of evolution?
(1) Early reptiles Sauropsids Therapsids (1) Presence of fish like tadpole in the development
Mammals of frog
(2) Early reptiles Synapsids Pelycosaurs
Therapsids Mammals (2) Presence of flagellated sperms in Cycas and
Ginkgo which need water for fertilization
(3) Early reptiles Synapsids Thecodonts
Mammals. (3) Tendrils of Passiflora are modified stem branches
(4) Early reptiles Sauropsids Pelycosaurs and that of Pisum sativum are modified leaves
Mammals (4) Larva of Herdmania show presence of notochord
173. Which of the following exhibits artificial selection? but adult do not
(1) Australian marsupials 178. Which of the following explains Hardy-Weinberg
(2) Banding pattern of human chromosome number principle?
3 and 6 compared with those of particular
(1) New species are formed by sudden appearance
autosomes in chimpanzee.
of variations and not by continuous variations
(3) Cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi are descendents of
a common ancestor, colewort (2) A small segment of original population becomes
isolated reproductively and forms a new species
(4) Isthmus of Panama between gulf of Mexico and
pacific ocean. (3) During the long course of evolution animals have
174. The term paraspecies has been used by Mayr for tendency to increase in size
(1) Morphologically grouped asexual species (4) Gene pool of a non-evolving population remains
(2) Species that are morphologically similar but constant
reproductively isolated 179. Magnolias, Tulips and Sassafras are plants that
(3) Morphologically distinct interbreeding groups grow naturally in eastern USA and China only. These
(4) New species formed as a result of geographical represent
isolation. (1) Discontinuous distribution
175. Find out the correct match w.r.t type of fossil and
its description. (2) Restricted distribution
(1) Coprolite Fossil of spores and pollen grains (3) Adaptive radiation
(2) Palynofossil Faecel pellets preserved (4) Parallelism
(3) Cast Mould along with petrified fossil 180. Donald Johanson found a fossil of skeleton of a
(4) Microfossils Fossil of bones, teeth etc. female human ancestor which he niknamed it Lucy.
176. Which of the following pairs of organs/structures The scientific name of Lucy is
represents vestigial organs in humans?
(1) Australopithecus africanus
(1) Plica semilunaris and upper eyelid
(2) Dryopithecus africanus
(2) Vermiform appendix and auricular muscles
(3) Wisdom tooth and cerebellum (3) Australopithecus afarensis
(4) Body hair and alveoli of lungs (4) Kenyapithecus wickeri
Space for Rough Work
Test - 6 (Code A) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016
TEST - 6 (Code-A)
Test Date : 31-01-2016 ANSWERS
1. (3) 37. (2) 73. (4) 109. (3) 145. (2)
2. (2) 38. (2) 74. (2) 110. (3) 146 (4)
3. (4) 39. (4) 75. (1) 111. (3) 147. (4)
4. (3) 40. (4) 76. (1) 112. (1) 148. (4)
5. (3) 41. (4) 77. (2) 113. (4) 149. (1)
6. (1) 42. (3) 78. (1) 114. (3) 150. (2)
7. (3) 43. (4) 79. (3) 115. (3) 151. (4)
8. (1) 44. (1) 80. (4) 116. (3) 152. (4)
9. (4) 45. (3) 81. (4) 117. (1) 153. (2)
10. (4) 46. (1) 82. (4) 118. (1) 154. (3)
11. (2) 47. (2) 83. (1) 119. (4) 155. (4)
12. (3) 48. (2) 84. (2) 120. (4) 156. (2)
13. (3) 49. (4) 85. (4) 121. (2) 157. (4)
14. (1) 50. (3) 86. (2) 122. (3) 158. (2)
15. (4) 51. (3) 87. (1) 123. (2) 159. (4)
16. (1) 52. (3) 88. (1) 124. (2) 160. (1)
17. (3) 53. (4) 89. (1) 125. (2) 161. (3)
18. (1) 54. (2) 90. (2) 126. (1) 162. (4)
19. (3) 55. (2) 91. (1) 127. (4) 163. (4)
20. (1) 56. (4) 92. (3) 128. (3) 164. (3)
21. (1) 57. (1) 93. (2) 129. (1) 165. (4)
22. (2) 58. (2) 94. (4) 130. (3) 166. (2)
23. (1) 59. (3) 95. (2) 131. (2) 167. (2)
24. (3) 60. (1) 96. (2) 132. (4) 168. (3)
25. (1) 61. (1) 97. (2) 133. (1) 169. (2)
26. (4) 62. (4) 98. (4) 134. (4) 170. (4)
27. (4) 63. (1) 99. (1) 135. (4) 171. (2)
28. (3) 64. (2) 100. (4) 136. (3) 172. (2)
29. (3) 65. (4) 101. (2) 137. (4) 173. (3)
30. (1) 66. (4) 102. (3) 138. (1) 174. (1)
31. (4) 67. (3) 103. (2) 139. (3) 175. (3)
32. (4) 68. (1) 104. (2) 140. (1) 176. (2)
33. (1) 69. (4) 105. (4) 141. (3) 177. (3)
34. (1) 70. (4) 106. (2) 142. (2) 178. (4)
35. (1) 71. (1) 107. (4) 143. (1) 179. (1)
36. (3) 72. (2) 108. (2) 144. (4) 180. (3)
All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016 Test - 6 (Code A) (Answers & Hints)
i2 B2 l 2v
ir ms = i12 2 & io = 2 irms Frequired = iBl =
2 R
14. Answer (1) 26. Answer (4)
Effective circuit is
v 0 i0
Paverage = cos
2 I 3H
v 02R
Paverage =
2z 2
15. Answer (4) VM VN = L
16. Answer (1) 27. Answer (4)
At resonance current becomes maximum e0 = NBA =
Test - 6 (Code A) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016
30. Answer (1) 40. Answer (4)
31. Answer (4) 41. Answer (4)
FMagnetic q 42. Answer (3)
32. Answer (4) 43. Answer (4)
33. Answer (1) 44. Answer (1)
0 iR 2 0IR 2
= E B Baxis = = 3/ 2
2[R 2 x 2 ]3/2 2 R 2 3R 2
34. Answer (1)
35. Answer (1) 0IR 2 0 I
36. Answer (3) 16R = B (given)
= 2 8R 3 =
46. Answer (1) 51. Answer (3)
When similar atoms are on opposite side around 52. Answer (3)
( C C ) bond of the compound is called trans-form
53. Answer (4)
C4H9 H (a) CH3CH2CHO
47. Answer (2) (b) CH 3CCH 3
Compounds which are mirror image of each other
and are not superimposable are termed as O
enantiomers. (c) CH2 CHCH2OH
48. Answer (2)
O O (e) CH2 CHOCH3
Hydrogen bond (g)
C C (h)
(i) CH2 CCH3
49. Answer (4)
50. Answer (3) OH
Due to hydrogen bonding between the two OH 54. Answer (2)
groups, gauche conformation of ethylene glycol is
most stable Due to resonance
All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016 Test - 6 (Code A) (Answers & Hints)
55. Answer (2)
Due to R and I-effect
Benzylic carbocation
56. Answer (4) (2-Carbocation)
It has no -hydrogen H
57. Answer (1) H2SO4 H
10-electron 62. Answer (4)
Non planar
(Non-Aromatic) KNO2
63. Answer (1)
Non-planar N
(Non-aromatic) CH2COOK Electrolytic CH2
6-electron + CO2 + KOH + H2
Heterocyclic CH2COOK CH2
Aromatic aromatic
6 6-electron compound Or
CH3(CH2)2C C Ag
CH3(CH2)2C CH CH3(CH2)2C C Cu
Fe3 3NaCNS
[Fe(CNS)3 ] 3Na
Ferric thiocyanate(blood red colour ) 66. Answer (4)
61. Answer (1) Separating funnel is used for the separation of two
H2O immiscible liquids.
Liebig's method is used for the estimation of carbon
OH and hydrogen present in an organic compound.
H2SO4 H + HSO4 Terminal alkynes can show acidic property.
Test - 6 (Code A) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016
67. Answer (3) 76. Answer (1)
F (E1CB mechanism ) H2O Cl
CH3 Cl Cl
CH3 C CCl Cl
> >
CH3 O Cl Cl
Anhy. Cl
p o m
CO Cl Cl
CH3 > >
C CH3 + C(CH3)3 Cl Cl
CH3 o p m
All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016 Test - 6 (Code A) (Answers & Hints)
86. Answer (2)
Step II O
+ S O CH3 C CH2 CH3
Test - 6 (Code A) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016
91. Answer (1) 110. Answer (3)
Largest gene is allosomal dystrophin gene located On E. coli.
on X-chromosome.
111. Answer (3)
92. Answer (3) Positive and negative control in lac operon
(b) X-rays 112. Answer (1)
(c) In bacteria 113. Answer (4)
(d) 174-ssDNA A & G are purines
A + G = T + C.
93. Answer (2)
114. Answer (3)
E.coli is not a biofertiliser.
94. Answer (4)
115. Answer (3)
95. Answer (2) 116. Answer (3)
23S rRNA has ribozyme activity. Trichoderma is a deuteromycetes fungus.
96. Answer (2) 117. Answer (1)
Negative regulation 118. Answer (1)
Rhizobium is symbiotic, nitrogen fixing bacteria.
97. Answer (2)
119. Answer (4)
Untranslated regions
Aeration tank is used for biological treatment.
98. Answer (4)
120. Answer (4)
One amino acid may be coded by more than one Frankia make root nodules in non-legumes.
121. Answer (2)
99. Answer (1)
Flocs are masses of aerobic bacteria and fungi.
100. Answer (4) 122. Answer (3)
101. Answer (2) Organic farming is biofertilizer.
102. Answer (3) 123. Answer (2)
103. Answer (2) Fermentation by yeast.
124. Answer (2)
Both have polymerising activity in 5 3 direction.
It is a variety of okra.
104. Answer (2)
125. Answer (2)
Thymine (5-methyl uracil) is found in DNA.
126. Answer (1)
105. Answer (4) 127. Answer (4)
Repeating unit is nucleosome which has 200 bp. Garden pea
106. Answer (2) 128. Answer (3)
Based on transduction principle 129. Answer (1)
All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016 Test - 6 (Code A) (Answers & Hints)
132. Answer (4) 150. Answer (2)
PEG and electrofusion. Entamoeba histolytica is parasite of large intestine
133. Answer (1) in humans, particularly in colon.
Test - 6 (Code A) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2016