Anne Frank Outline
Anne Frank Outline
Anne Frank Outline
Central Idea : The three historic points of Anne Frank are who is Anne Frank? The early
life of Anne Frank and the impact of Anne Frank to the world.
I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter: Once, there lived a guy who is very well-known to have a tiny
mustache. He used to have a regime who once rules the world.
Can you guess who he is? Yes, he was Adolf Hitler, who rules the
Nazis regime. Do you know that they were the main cause of
Holocaust which murdered over a million of innocent children?
I bet you dont.
B. Reveal topic: So today, I would not be talking about the Nazis, but about one of
the innocent life the Nazis have taken. She is known to be, Annelies
Marie Frank or widely known as Anne Frank.
Anne Frank is just a young little Jewish girl who had been living her
life happily. She was born on June 12th 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany.
She had a father, Otto Frank, mother, Edith Frank and a sister 3
years her senior, named Margot Frank.
Anne Frank is now one of the most influential person in the century
she explained the actual events during the World War II. Anne Frank
who is a well-acclaimed writer because of her style of writing,
explained in her diary about the horrible experience all of them had
gone through. Because of that, her name is very much well known
worldwide in the history of the world.
C. Credibility Statement:
II. Body
Her family was of Jewish origin and they were liberal in their outlook. They did not
follow the conservative customs and traditions of Judaism. She was raised in mixed
community of Jewish and non-Jewish people of various religions.
According to the History Channel, a dramatic change came to happened as they lived
during the rise of the Adolf Hitler and the rise of Anti-Semitism. This leads the Jews to
leave the country. As of the Franks, they bound for Amsterdam.
Anne Frank who had moved to Amsterdam only lived there peacefully for a short time.
Their peacefulness were disrupted when the Nazi had come to invade Netherland. It
took them only 5 days to take over Netherland. Then, an Anti-Jewish law was issued
where the Jewish people cannot mix with the Non-Jewish.
Later, Otto Frank thought that it was best for them to hide as the World War II has begun
and to keep them from going to concentration camp.
The hiding place was located on top of Otto Franks office. As they started hiding, Anne
Frank started writing in her diary about the events in the attic and many more.
The hiding life was hell for Anne as they suffered boredom, hunger and the fear of being
discovered and death.
Anne Frank and the other 8 family who went hiding for 2 years, were then caught. The
secret annex were stormed by the German troops.
They who were arrested were taken to concentration camps for punishment. Anne Frank
and her sister, Margot were separated from their parents.
Not long after that, the other died. Anne Frank and Margot, who was placed at Bergen
Belsen, slowly died because of a disease they caught since the hygiene of the camp was
awful. The only survivor among them was Otto Frank.
Otto, found her diary and published it to the public as one of the war diary.
A. Closure:
In conclusion, Anne Frank, has shown us the power of written words. Although she had
no idea of its impact, her diary was sold over 25 million copies in over 67 languages.
Through her diary, she had made us understand about the Holocaust and the suffering
that they suffered. Because of the power of written words by Anne Frank herself, her
diary remains to be one of the most read diary and an eye opener for the 20 th century.