Electronic Fundamentals: B) The Active Element
Electronic Fundamentals: B) The Active Element
Electronic Fundamentals: B) The Active Element
Sample Questions
Module 4
Electronic Fundamentals
7. AC power is supplied to
a) torque receiver only
b) torque transmitter only
c) both the torque receiver and torque transmitter
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
9. This is a diagram of
a) a TRIAC
b) an SCR
c) a Schottky diode
a) Common base
b) Common emitter
c) Common collector
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
15. What gate does the following Boolean expression represent
F = A.B.C
a) AND
b) OR
c) NOT
17. To decrease the voltage gain of a common emitter amplifier you would
decrease the resistance in the
a) base circuit
b) collector circuit
c) emitter circuit
19. The 'null' point on a control synchro is when the two rotors are
a) at 90o to each other
b) parallel to each other
c) wired in series
21. What type of diode would be used to stop voltage spikes across a coil
of a relay?
a) Gunn diode
b) Schottky diode
c) Double acting diode
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
24. A multi-layer PCB has
a) one layer on either side
b) two or more layers on one or both sides
c) two or more layers connected in series
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
32. Differential synchros have
a) a transmitter only
b) a receiver only
c) a transmitter and a receiver
a) a diode
b) a triac
c) a transistor
38. The phase difference between the supplies of a two phase induction
motor is
a) 180o
b) 90o
c) 0o
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
40. A synchro transformer is used to
a) derive an error voltage from a synchro transmitter signal and a shaft
b) obtain a 26 volt AC reference
c) add the output of two synchro transmitters
a) differentiator
b) integrator
c) adder
a) an LED
b) a laser diode
c) a photodiode
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
47. An amplifier current gain will be slightly less than 1, but its voltage gain
will be high, if it is connected in the
a) common base configuration
b) common emitter configuration
c) common collector configuration
52. If the rotor of the receiver in a torque synchro system was prevented
from aligning with the transmitter rotor, then
a) the transmitter rotor will turn to align with the receiver rotor
b) the receiver will overheat
c) a high current will flow in the stator windings
a) differentiator
b) integrator
c) adder
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
55. The common collector amplifier is sometimes called the emitter
follower circuit because
a) the emitter current follows the collector current
b) the emitter voltage follows the base voltage
c) the emitter voltage follows the collector voltage
57. When a servo has reached its null and stopped, the velocity feedback
a) zero
b) maximum and anti-phase
c) maximum and in phase
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
64. The result of cross connecting two of the transmission leads in a torque
synchro system and the turning the rotor of the transmitter 60 o clockwise
would be
a) the receiver would move 60o clockwise
b) the receiver would move 120o anti-clockwise
c) the receiver would move 60o anticlockwise
69. With the reversal of the connections to the rotor of the transmitter of a
torque synchro, the position of the receiver rotor will be
a) unchanged
b) changed by 120o
c) changed by 180o
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
72. An amplifier can provide both voltage gain and current gain when it is
connected in the
a) common base configuration
b) common emitter configuration
c) common collector configuration
75. A servo system may include a brake, an automatic trim system is one
example where a brake is used. The brake is
a) applied during trimming to prevent oscillations about the demand
b) applied when trimming is complete to prevent stabilizer creep
c) applied during trimming to prevent servo runaway
78. In a speed control servo system (rate control), the purpose of the
tachogenerator is
a) to make the velocity proportional to servo demand
b) to make the deflection proportional to servo demand
c) to make it run at constant speed
79. The result of reversing the rotor connections to the receiver of a torque
synchro system is that the rotor position
a) is unchanged
b) is changed by 120o
c) is changed by 180o
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
82. How are the pins numbered on an op-amp IC?
a) counter clockwise from the dot
b) clockwise from the dot
c) from left to right from the dot
84. Angular displacement of the control coils with respect to the reference
coils in a two phase induction motor are
a) 0o, 180o
b) 90o, 270o
c) 90o, 120o
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
91. A junction diode
a) has one p-n junction
b) is similar to a vacuum diode but cannot rectify
c) can handle only very small currents
94. With a constant input to a speed control servo, the servo motor
a) moves to a certain position
b) moves at a constant speed
c) oscillates, but otherwise does not move
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
101. The junction barrier offers opposition to only
a) holes in the p-region
b) free electrons in the n-region
c) majority carriers in both regions
108. The 'null' point in a control synchro is when the two rotors are
a) at 90o to each other
b) parallel to each other
c) wired in series
109. If two of the stator leads are cross connected in a control synchro
system, a 25o clockwise rotation of the input rotor would result in the output
a) moving 25o clockwise
b) moving 25o anticlockwise
c) moving 180o to rectify the defect
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Sample Questions
110. Damping in a servomechanism is easier to apply if
a) the mechanism is light and has low inertia
b) the mechanism is heavy and has high inertia
c) the mechanism is light and has high inertia
114. In a control synchro the stator current ceases to flow when the
a) CT rotor is at null
b) two rotors are aligned
c) power is removed
119. In a rate servo (speed control) the signal into the servo amplifier is
a) input voltage plus tachogenerator output
b) input voltage minus tachogenerator output
c) input voltage plus position feedback voltage
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
120. Loss of DC to a servo amplifier causes the motor to
a) run continuously
b) stop
c) reverse
123. Synchro indicator systems are used when the indication is required to
a) a fraction of the input distance
b) slower than the input rate
c) at the same rate as the input
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
128. In a transient velocity feedback circuit, the tachogenerator output is
summated with the demand voltage
a) only when the load is slowing down
b) at all times when the load is moving
c) only when the load is speeding up or slowing down
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
137. What is resistor R used for?
a) Amplification
b) Bias
c) Stabilisation
139. To check the forward resistance of a diode with a multimeter, the lead
connected to the positive terminal is put to the
a) anode
b) cathode
c) either anode or cathode
141. The input and output signals of a common emitter amplifier are
a) equal
b) out of phase
c) in phase
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
145. The rotor of a magnesyn transmitter is
a) a dc electromagnet
b) a permanent magnet
c) an ac electromagnet
149. The induced signal in the output coils of the magnesyn system
a) de-saturates the soft iron core
b) damps the pointer oscillations
c) is of a value of 800 Hz
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
154. Reversal of the power supply to either the transmitter or the receiver of
a torque synchro system would
a) cause a 180o displacement between the transmitter and the receiver
b) have no effect on the indication, but would cause a heavy current to
c) make the receiver rotor rotate in the opposite direction
161. In an operational amplifier, the two input waves are the same
amplitude, same frequency, but exactly anti-phase. What would the output
a) Double
b) Zero
c) Half
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
163. On an integrated circuit the hole in the top left corner is pin 1. The pins
are counted
a) clockwise
b) anticlockwise
c) from left to right
164. With reference to the circuit shown below, how is the transformer
a) Common emitter
b) Common collector
c) Common base
166. In a synchro system, if two stator lines are crossed the receiver will
a) not be affected
b) be 180o out
c) reverse direction
169. In a synchro resolver, the stator coils are at what angle in relation to
one another?
a) 45 degrees
b) 80 degrees
c) 90 degrees
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
170. In a synchrotel, the
a) rotor is fixed and the stator moves
b) rotor coil and stator coil is fixed
c) stator is fixed and the rotor moves
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
177. With a small amplitude voltage, what type of diode would you use to
produce the output waveform?
a) Schottky
b) Gunn
c) Zener
a) 0V
b) 3V
c) 5V
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
182. A single integrated circuit Op Amp has how many pins?
a) 4
b) 7
c) 8
190. Infinite gain, infinite input impedance & zero output impedance is
characteristic of a
a) Class A amp
b) Class B amp
c) Op amp
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
192. An advantage of a common emitter is
a) it is a voltage follower
b) it has high power gain
c) it has high voltage gain
196. What diode gives off light photons when forward biased
a) LED
b) Schottky diode
c) Gunn diode
197. A logic circuit with more than one gate will have
a) one of 2 states of logic output
b) 2 or more outputs
c) an analogue output
a) an SCR
b) a transistor
c) a photo diode
199. In a synchro, what is used to convert signals from one form to another?
a) Transmitter
b) Transducer
c) Transformer
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
200. Components on an integrated circuit are
a) in the solid
b) don't need them
c) on the surface
202. The anode of a diode is connected to a +4v DC supply and the cathode
is connected to a +2v DC supply. The diode is
a) forward biased not conducting
b) reverse biased not conducting
c) forward biased conducting
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
210. When a hole diffuses from the p region to the n region
a) it becomes a minority carrier in the n region
b) lowers the potential barrier
c) raises the potential barrier
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
220. When an SCR is switched on it has
a) high resistance
b) low resistance
c) no change in resistance
225. What type of diode when forward biased holes and electrons
recombine producing photons?
a) gunn
b) LED
c) photodiode
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
230. A JFET is
a) voltage sensitive
b) current sensitive
c) either of the above depending on resistance in the circuit
233. If a junction diode is reverse biased too far, the output current would
a) cease to flow
b) increase
c) reverse direction
237. When is maximum voltage induced into the rotor of a control synchro
a) 90 degrees (null position)
b) 0 degrees
c) When spinning fast
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
239. An a stable multivibrator is a
a) free running vibrator
b) one which requires an input to switch on and off
c) one which requires no input whatsoever
245. If, in a servo system, the amplitude from the feedback system is below
normal, the servo will
a) oscillate
b) be sluggish in operation
c) be overdamped
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
248. A control synchro system pointer is
a) actuated by a permanent magnet
b) displaced by the torque of the stator
c) motor driven
250. If velocity feedback in a servo system is above optimum, this will cause
a) sluggish operation
b) hunting
c) has no effect
251. A device which has a high input impedance, low output impedance and
high voltage gain is a
a) Class A amp
b) Class B amp
c) Op-Amp
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
257. In a PNP transistor, which way does conventional current flow?
a) Base to emitter
b) Collector to emitter
c) Emitter to Collector
a) more negative
b) more Positive
c) either positive or negative
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
265. Point X compared to point
a) Z is more positive
b) Y is more negative
c) Z is more negative
266. The typical bandwidth for an audio frequency amplifier is shown by line
a) X
b) Y
c) Z
269. A rate control servo system with a steady input voltage will give
a) constant speed
b) increasing speed
c) decreasing speed
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
271. What are the majority carriers for a forward biased PN junction device?
a) Electrons
b) Holes
c) Electrons and holes
272. The resistance measured using an AVO between the Collector and
Emitter of a transistor is
a) same both ways
b) smaller Collector to Emitter
c) higher Collector to Emitter
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
281. An integrated circuit is manufactured by
a) computer hardware, which use individual circuits on ribbon
b) doping impurities into layers of intrinsic material
c) etching copper tracks onto an insulating board
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290. A linear variometer is
a) a special synchro giving ac output proportional to shaft angle
b) a special auto transformer for synchro system power supplies
c) an alternative term for a desynn system
292. The receiver rotor in a torque synchro system oscillates over an arc of
approx 75 degrees. The probable cause is
a) short circuit between two stator lines
b) two stator lines reversed
c) one stator line open circuit
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
299. To increase capacitance of a varactor diode
a) reverse bias voltage is increased
b) forward bias voltage is decreased
c) reverse bias voltage is decreased
302. In the above diagram the phase of the input to the output is
a) in phase
b) 180 degrees out of phase
c) 90 degrees out of phase
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
Sample Questions
306. The above diagram shows a
a) voltage doubler
b) half wave rectifier
c) full wave rectifier
308. A junction diode if reverse biased too far, the output will
a) integrated
b) differentiated
c) logarithmic
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
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312. Under normal operating conditions X will be
314. In which direction does the current flow on a PNP transistor when
forward biased?
a) Emitter to collector
b) Collector to emitter
c) Emitter to base
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320. If the feedback is ideal damped, the signal will
a) overshoots once and return back
b) oscillate
c) not overshoot
325. A Zener diode is used across the output for a power supply circuit to
a) give a full wave rectification
b) provide a steady DC voltage output without falling
c) prevent thermal runway
326. If a diode has gone open circuit in a full wave bridge rectifier, the output
frequency ripple is
a) the same as the input frequency
b) twice the input frequency
c) half the input frequency
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Module 4 Electronic Fundamentals
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329. Which curve is from a Broadband amplifier?
a) A
b) B
c) C
330. To test a diode with a multimeter, the anode lead is placed on the
a) cathode and the positive lead to the anode
b) anode and the negative lead to the cathode
c) cathode and the negative lead to the anode
332. What type of gate has both inverted inputs and inverted outputs
a) AND gate
b) NAND gate
c) NOR gate
335. For a transistor in common emitter mode, the term Hfe indicates
a) the current gain Ic/Ib at Vce constant
b) the Voltage gain Vce/Vbe at Ib constant
c) the Power gain Pin/Pout
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Sample Questions
337. The letter "B" following the identification code on the case of a synchro
a) the modification status
b) that the stator is rotatable
c) that the synchro is second hand
341. The term Ice related to transistor in common emitter mode means
a) leakage current flowing between Collector and Emitter with Base open
b) forward current between Collector and Emitter with Base connected to
c) leakage current between Collector and Emitter with Base connected to
343. When checking a diode for resistance the positive lead goes to
a) anode and negative lead to cathode
b) cathode and negative lead to anode
c) anode and negative lead to earth
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346. The primary purpose of rate feedback in a positional servo system is to
a) ensure minimum response time
b) prevent excessive overshoot
c) ensure system linearity
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356. To function, i.e. conduct, a junction diode made of silicon requires a
forward bias of at least
a) 1V
b) 1.41V
c) 0.2V
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Sample Questions
365. In a transistor, the arrow always points in the direction of
a) conventional current
b) electron flow
c) emitter
366. The emitter, base and collector currents follow ohm's and Kirchhoff's
law which is
a) Ib = Ie + Ic
b) Ie = Ic - Ib
c) Ie = Ib + Ic
a) +15 V
b) 0 V
c) -15 V
371. What type of power supply is a Desynn indicator system connected to?
a) AC 50 Hz
b) AC 400 Hz
c) DC
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373. In an NPN transistor the
a) collector is more positive than the emitter
b) emitter is more positive than the collector
c) emitter is more positive than the base
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