Digital circuits can perform addition and subtraction using adders and subtractors. Full adders and subtractors are combinational logic circuits that perform arithmetic on three input bits. A full adder produces a sum and carry output from three inputs, while a full subtractor produces a difference and borrow output but complements one input. The full subtractor circuit can be derived from the full adder circuit by simply complementing one input before applying it to the gates.
Digital circuits can perform addition and subtraction using adders and subtractors. Full adders and subtractors are combinational logic circuits that perform arithmetic on three input bits. A full adder produces a sum and carry output from three inputs, while a full subtractor produces a difference and borrow output but complements one input. The full subtractor circuit can be derived from the full adder circuit by simply complementing one input before applying it to the gates.
Digital circuits can perform addition and subtraction using adders and subtractors. Full adders and subtractors are combinational logic circuits that perform arithmetic on three input bits. A full adder produces a sum and carry output from three inputs, while a full subtractor produces a difference and borrow output but complements one input. The full subtractor circuit can be derived from the full adder circuit by simply complementing one input before applying it to the gates.
Digital circuits can perform addition and subtraction using adders and subtractors. Full adders and subtractors are combinational logic circuits that perform arithmetic on three input bits. A full adder produces a sum and carry output from three inputs, while a full subtractor produces a difference and borrow output but complements one input. The full subtractor circuit can be derived from the full adder circuit by simply complementing one input before applying it to the gates.
Apparatus: Given ICs (IC 7402, IC 7404, IC 7486), Connecting Wires, Bread Board, LEDs A DC Voltage Supply, Three 1K Resistors. Theory: ADDER- Adder circuit is a combinational digital circuit that is used for adding two numbers. A typical adder circuit produces a sum bit (denoted by S) and a carry bit (denoted by C) as the output. Typically, adders are realized for adding binary numbers but they can be also realized for adding other formats like BCD. Adder circuits are of two types: Half adder ad Full adder. Full Adder- A binary full adder is a multiple output combinational logic network that performs the arithmetic sum of three input bits. It consists of three inputs, in which two are input variables represent the two significant bits to be added, labelled as A and B, whereas the third input terminal is the carry from the previous lower significant position and labelled as Cin. The two outputs are a sum and a carry outputs which are labelled as S and Cout respectively. Full adder can be formed by combining two half adders and an OR gate as shown in the circuit diagram. BLOCK DIAGRAMS- Full Adder BLOCK DIAGRAMS- Full Subtractor where output and carry-in of the first adder becomes the input to the second half adder that produce the total sum output. The total carries out is produced by OR-ing the two-half adder carry outs as shown in figure. The full adder block diagram and truth table is shown.
SUBTRACTOR- Subtractor circuit is a
combinational digital circuit that is used for subtracting two numbers. A subtractor circuit produces a difference bit (denoted by D) and a borrow bit (denoted by B) as the output. Likewise, in Adder circuits, subtractors are of two types: Half subtractors and Full subtractors.
FULL SUBTRACTOR- A half subtractor is a
multiple output combinational logic network that does the subtraction of two bits of binary data. It has input variables and two output variables. Two inputs are corresponding to two input bits and two output variables corresponds to the difference bit and borrow bit. The binary subtraction is also performed by the Ex-OR gate with additional circuitry to perform the borrow operation. Thus, a half subtractor is designed by an Ex-OR gate including AND gate with A input complemented before fed to the gate.
Full adder: Observations: Full subtractor:
1. By comparing the adder and subtractor
circuits or truth tables, one can observe that the output D in the full subtractor is exactly Conclusion: same as the output S of the full adder. And the only difference is that input variable A is complemented in the full subtractor. 2. Therefore, it is possible to convert the full adder circuit into full subtractor by simply complementing the input A before it is applied to the gates to produce the final borrow bit output Bo.